The Sevan Podcast - #648 - Nick Mathew

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You talking this past year at Wadapalooza? Yeah, in January. It was crazy. Nick Matthew. Not Nick Matthews. Nick Matthew, people. Nick Matthew. No S, yep. It's spelled a little differently. Do you ever mess it up? I do not mess it up. Everybody else does on the entire planet, though, so. Everybody. Used to it now. even my license says something
Starting point is 00:00:25 different uh masters of coaching paper street coffee california hormones those are the people that pay me money that allows me to send my kids to uh tennis lessons jujitsu lessons they buy new skateboards for my kids uh all because i get to uh dm people like nick like Nick Matthew and have him on my show. Thank you for having me on. Do you have a wide foot? A what? A wide foot? Yeah. It's a loaded question. I do not think so.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Oh. What do you think? I want to try those shoes, the tier shoes. Did you wear those at the games? I did wear them at the games, yep. But I got a wide foot. I'm like, anything Nike makes is too feminine for me. Yeah, I would say they definitely lean more on the Nike side versus like Nanos because Nanos kind of have a wider toe box, I feel like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, I think they feel a little bit more like the Nikes. I'm getting a little mixed messaging because I think velner was saying that they were wider the martin's foot and colton wears them and colton's foot's got to be wider than it is long right i yeah i don't know about that about him but i don't know i feel like the trainers are narrow they have a wide toe box specific Olympic lifter. That's what Pat said too. He said the Olympic lifter is super wide. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Are you uncomfortable in a wide toe box? Like your toes are moving around too much? No, I don't think so. I feel pretty comfortable training in really any shoe that I've kind of thrown on. Yeah, you're that kind of dude, huh yeah you don't care if it's a rusted bar nope not too picky at all we have a few of those at the gym as well yeah um you give that vibe it's the um you're compensating for all the the the crop top is to compensate for all just all the other masculine shit falling off of you it's like you have some dudes are trying to like
Starting point is 00:02:23 masculine up you have to like masculine down gotta have that balance yeah i don't think people would uh describe me as masculine most days they don't no i wouldn't think so um where are you in your room at rogue uh yeah i literally just got here about 45 ish minutes ago uh do you have a roommate uh i'm staying with my coach and his wife, and then my girlfriend is coming as well. All in that same room? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I don't know if they're going to choose to use the bed, or I think the couch is a pull-out couch too. I don't know what they want to do. Wow. Who's your coach? Matt Burke. His wife is Nicole Burke. She's a semifinalist athlete as well
Starting point is 00:03:08 uh tell me about matt burke do i know him who else does he coach um so we're with the proven squad down in tennessee um and i think so it was like earlier this year i went over and just dropped in to go get a workout with them hold Hold on one second, Nick. There's some weird audio issue with you. Are you on your phone? Nope, I'm on my laptop. Okay. I don't think you have to talk quite so loud. Okay, should I back the laptop up maybe a little bit?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Let's see. Okay, take two. Tell me about, so you went to Pro matt burke yep kind of at the beginning of this year it's crazy to think about it's only been a year so far yep that's him a big old booger on my mustache in that photo oh that's nice wow nasty workout the minnesota wow oh yeah thank you caleb yep there you go he's a he's a medical professional nick he can do that he can touch your mucus yep it's good um but yeah so i went down earlier this year and uh just through training just kind of like a little mini training camp getting ready for
Starting point is 00:04:19 uh quarterfinals and left and um semifinals and things like that. And me and Matt just kind of hit it off right away. Like just, he was very helpful just in terms of all of us just working out in general. And I don't think he's like an official proven coach, but he works with Nicole and Nicole works with the team as well. And he just kind of helps coach everybody as best as he can all the time. And me and him just hit it off right away and kind of developed a really good relationship. And then from there, he's come with me to Granite Games. Me and him talk constantly just in text message.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And now he's coming to Rogue. He's coaching me at Wadapalooza as well. So it's been a good relationship that we've built. I'm tripping. So this is weird because you're with proven but you don't have an official proven coach you got a random dude whose wife works there but we'll get to that in one second i want to build this story up a little bit yeah it's like uh so um what what me why did you sign up with proven what made you you think that, I mean, I would see that program and I would see a Tia Claire to me and I would see
Starting point is 00:05:29 Brooke Wells and I would be like, okay, this is for top five finishers at the CrossFit games. Yep. And for some reason you thought that it was a fit for you a year ago in 2021. Um, actually I started, uh started uh 2020 2020 with the before i think it was just called tia to me programming okay and that so that picture was from a year ago okay this year granite games yep okay tell me about like the the week before you reached out and how you reached out how did you come to that decision how does someone choose to go with
Starting point is 00:06:04 arguably the the not arguably the fittest human being who's ever walked the planet um basically they had their uh proven compete track set up or tia toomey's compete track set up online and i just signed up for the programming i've done every other programming under the sun from mayhem to grid uh with jake heppner I mean, misfits back in the day and comp train. And I just was kind of in like a spot after the 2020 games. I think I saw they were on a, like a YouTube video and she, she had PRVN on her shirt and I was curious to what that said. And then, yeah, checked out her programming and I kind of, yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:44 I just liked how it was laid out and the format of it. And then just kind of rolled with it for the next couple of years. And then after about a year and a half of doing it and started to qualify for the granite games and stuff, I think some of the guys like Dwight, like took one of the other coaches down at proven kind of took notice and I got invited down to go train with them every now and again. Okay. So you'd done a bunch, you knew you were capable. You'd already trained,
Starting point is 00:07:10 done the training programs from the best teams on the planet. You saw Tia's pop up. You're like, what the hell? I might as well try another. She's amazing. And then you did it and you, and you, is this the longest you've been with any training program? Now? Yes, I would for sure say so. So you're happy. You're at home. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I really enjoy it. And then being able to have Matt as my coach throughout it too. We follow the compete track. The other coaches like Shane and Dwight put out programs for us leading up to Granite Games or leading up to Rogue or leading up to Wadapalooza and things like that too. So I've kind of picked up on a lot more of getting the coaching aspect too, which is what I feel I've needed for the last six years. And where's home for you?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Minnesota. And what was the name of your CrossFit gym? CrossFit Minnetonka. Minnetonka. Yep. And you guys like have an abbreviation for it, right? M-N-K-A? M-T-K-A. Yep? M-N-K-A?
Starting point is 00:08:07 M-T-K-A, yep. M-T-K-A. Manitanka CrossFit. So when you get invited, you get invited. They see your score somewhere on the proven website because you're, you're logging them in. Yep. And then they see how well you're doing competitions. And so then they invite you.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yep. That was kind of Tennessee and you show up there and that's where you meet Matt. Uh, yep, exactly. And he's there because his wife is a coach there, but, but his wife's an athlete,
Starting point is 00:08:44 an athlete there. And then he, and then you and him hit it off and you're like, Hey, this, but his wife's an athlete, an athlete there. And then he, and then you and him hit it off and you're like, Hey, this, I think this guy can help me. You guys stay in contact, exchange phone numbers. And it just builds like organically. Yep. Exactly. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I wonder if you're like an experiment for him and he's going to, and he's like, wink, wink, like to Shane, like time to hire me, buddy. Look what I did. Hey, I hope it's working then. What's he do? What's he do? Does he own a gym? He works.
Starting point is 00:09:08 He's a general manager, head coach at CrossFit Trivium down in Tennessee as well. Okay. And how old are you, Nick? I am 28. I'll be 29 next month. And you have two kids? kids yep how old are your kids one's 13 and the other is five uh 28 minus 13 is 25 minus 10 is i didn I didn't have Jordan. Ah, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:46 All right, all right. Just checking. Just checking. Yeah, but Corey is mine. And you did wrestling in, where were you? Are you born and raised in Minnesota? Yep, born and raised. Been in basically the same spot my entire life.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And you were a wrestler, five years of, of high school wrestling. Yep. Until I blew my knee out senior year. And so eighth grade, ninth grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade blew your knee out. Yep. Doing the sport you love. Were you doing wrestling? Uh, actually football is where I tore my knee out, uh, blown MCL, PCL, aminescus all at once. And then that basically took me out of my senior year of football and wrestling. Did you have surgery on it? No, I didn't. So just did my own kind of PT and rehab. And I mean, working out like outside of sports, working out is something that I've always done since I was 11, 12 years old. I always just enjoyed being in the gym.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I enjoyed lifting weights. I just enjoyed doing that stuff. Sports just came natural to me. And then, yeah, basically I took every health class and strength and conditioning class and everything like that throughout high school and basically rehabbed my knee to the point of where it was at and then just continued on with my weightlifting career with other sports after high school dang i love that story uh at 11 years old who introduced you to weightlifting um my basically my dad just had a weight set downstairs he did not use it very much but it was just kind of sitting there collecting dust.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And basically as soon as I got into middle school, I was like, all right, I don't want to be the little kid in the school anymore. I don't want to be the weakling and basically started working out and kept with it more dedicated that than anything from my entire life. With the bar that doesn't spin and metal plates and and kind of a bench that kind of if you're not it wobbles a little yep for sure i can totally picture it and the pins are just that are greasy they aren't greased up so it's like squeaking as you're doing lat pull downs oh he had that down there too yeah just like a old school full body cable machine and some dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:12:05 God, do you know where he got it from? Oh, I don't even know. That must have been, that was a long time ago. Hey, so was that thing sitting down there for as far back as you can remember? Like you don't have memories of that thing not being down there? Pretty much. I mean. Because it seems like something your dad picked up from the garage sale to get fit. And then just was like, nah, too much work.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That was exactly it. And I guess I lived with my mom beforehand. And then my dad, I started living with my dad when I was in sixth grade. So basically went to his house and then it was there. And that's just kind of when it all kicked off. No shit. You switched in the sixth grade. That's hardcore. That's hard yeah i remember being like 12 or 13 and thinking and i would see my dad on the weekends and like proposing that idea to him like hey what if i moved in with you my dad's like sure but then i was like fuck that i'm not leaving mom yeah that was just that was
Starting point is 00:12:58 i mean basically it and i lived with my mom until then and then at one point i think just being a dumb little kid like i had a fight with my mom i was like i then at one point, I think just being a dumb little kid, like I had a fight with my mom. I was like, I'm going to go to move to dad's house. And then, I mean, I'll show you. Yeah, pretty much. And then I lived with him until I was probably midway through high school, 16, 17. And then moved out entirely after that and started my life. Siblings?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Three brothers, two sisters wow yep so there's six of you yep and and where do you um i appreciate the time you're taking to do the math accurately and and uh where are you in the in the hierarchy hierarchy? I am the second oldest. Okay. I have an older sister that I've met twice in my life. Okay. And then I got two brothers and a sister that are just, uh, that are like 16, 13. I have twins that are 16 or 18. And then another brother that lives in Colorado with my dad.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Oh, so your dad moved out of Minnesota? Yep. So you're kind of a survivor. Early on, you knew like, hey, I'm going to have to take care of myself. Yeah, I would say so. And I kind of picked that up like kind of towards the ending of high school, like, like end of, uh, junior end of junior year into the senior year. I kind of just, I moved out and lived with some friends and kind of finished out my senior year that way. Wow. No shit. Um, it's crazy. It's doing that. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:14:38 You got some experience doing that. Yeah. I, uh, I kind of, I, when I was a sophomore in high school depending on who you ask um i would say i got kicked out probably my mom says i left but i left my sophomore year and i moved in with my dad okay and he had an apartment building that was like in in the crazy hood crazy crazy hood he bought a fourplex for fifty thousand dollars on the berkeley oakland border and uh when he bought it it was on a foreclosure from the bank and the rent there was like in each unit was like 25 a month and like people hadn't paid in two years geez you know what i mean yeah crazy needles everywhere but fuck i love those two years my my or three years my sophomore end of my sophomore year junior senior year i got crazy yeah teach you a lot yeah except i was still a taken care of man i didn't have to do shit my my my parents spoiled the shit out of me yeah in a good way though i'm i'm not talking down on you
Starting point is 00:15:36 mom and dad it's fine um so um so you so um the fact that you didn't get into some squirrely shits, it could have happened. What do you mean squirrely shit? Like you could have gotten into drugs and alcohol. You could have gotten someone pregnant too early. You could have gone to – oh, you did. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I got into drugs quite heavily for a while there. How old were you?
Starting point is 00:16:03 First time I got drunk was probably like 15, 16 years old. And then started touching drugs like just outside of high school. Marijuana? Marijuana. Yeah. Other things too. Powders? Yep. Pills? Powders. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Did you ever switch to? Smoke two. Nope. Never did any needles, no heroin, no meth, no nothing like that. Dodged a bullet. No meth? Nope, none of that stuff. Oh, I dabbled in a little bit. Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, yeah. Nicotine's crazy, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:38 That was the hardest thing to quit. Yeah. For sure. Nicotine's a savage. What a savage. What a savage. And during that whole time as you're growing up, though, you're saying the one constant was the weights. When you started at 11, you never stopped. Even through all the hard times, you'd be drunk on Saturday night, but on Sunday morning, you'd still ride your bike to Gold's and fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 That was exactly it. That was the one thing I always hung on to. And then I kind of just had a breaking point at one point and i was just like i need to change my life and i started working with a nutrition coach got my nutrition under check and then started focusing on my career a lot more and then yeah just kind of good repetition good good choices there on out just kind of changed my life um what do you what was the breaking point Did you go to jail or almost die? Or, um, I think I just, I think it was something small. Like I went out on the patio and had a coffee and a cigarette, like I did every morning and just start hacking up my lungs. And then like, I just flicked the cigarette, walked back inside and
Starting point is 00:17:38 I was just like, looked around and I was like, what the hell am I doing? How old were you? I can't remember exactly. Maybe like 21, 20. I got drinking and all that partying and all that stuff out of my system before I even turned 21. So after I turned 21, I don't think I even really drank in a bar until even my late 20s. Yeah. Why not just when I used to smoke cloves, do you know what those are? Dijarms? Yeah. They don't have that kind of stuff in Minnesota. But they're just silly cigarettes from Indonesia or something. Anyway. And when I coughed up blood, I just
Starting point is 00:18:21 switched brands. You didn't just stop it entirely? No. Take that as a sign? These things. You were a little more aggressive. So you had one morning, you're like, hey, I'm killing myself. Yep, pretty much. And I was just like, I'm done with this life. I need to do something.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And so you went to a nutritionist. You were out of high school what job did you have then what were you working i was a cook at old country buffet if you know what that is or like i don't but i like it corral like yeah some kind of like home style buffet kind of thing yeah pretty much so i'd work out and then just go eat as much as i could and that was my that was my nutrition at that point did they give you a discount Yeah, pretty much. So I'd work out and then just go eat as much as I could. And that was my, that was my nutrition at that point. Did they give you a discount?
Starting point is 00:19:12 I did. It was like free meal or something like that. Yeah. Hell yeah. I had a boss there that I started personal training and she let me eat for free whenever I wanted. So that helped out a lot. What's it like being a cook at like, give me an example of what you'd cook and how much you'd cook i mean anything from i mean they had meatloaf to macaroni to spaghetti to i mean just meats that are out there and yeah although they're all going out of business so they are all going out of business oh yeah for sure i think old country buffet shut down completely i think
Starting point is 00:19:45 golden kraus really the only thing that's similar to it now hey um did you put sugar did you put sugar and everything sugar on everything yeah like when you made meatloaf would you put a cup of sugar in it oh and like this in the ketchup that would be basically on top of it yeah yeah yep and are you a good cook um i'd say i'm a good cook but i don't have not cooked i'm gonna give ashley credit here i have not cooked in a very long time ashley's your wife wife girlfriend baby mama yeah i've said a lot of different things in podcasts i i appreciate that no i appreciate that i consider my wife my girlfriend still too yeah yeah i would totally refer to her as my girlfriend, and people would be like, but you're married. You don't get rid of it. You just add it onto the resume.
Starting point is 00:20:33 There we go. Perfect. Yeah. Pets? Yep. Two cats. Oh, you have a complicated life. Yep. Two cats. One of them is 25 pounds pounds and the other one is just a little annoying barn cat. So it's obese.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I wouldn't say it's got, I think it's got like traces of like Maine Coon in it. That's why it's so big. He's not, I wouldn't call him obese. He's just, I would just a big cat. Caleb,
Starting point is 00:20:58 Google 25 pound cat. Let's just, just see, see, let's, let's see. Uh, I agree. 20 stopping at 21 is rare. Wow. Let's just see. Let's see. I agree.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Stopping at 21 is rare. Wow. That can't be real. Yeah, those are full Maine Coons. Ours is not that big by any means, but he's pretty big. He's hefty. Wow, that's an incredible animal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Ashley actually wants to get one. I'm like, no, there's no way. way uh like how much how much are one of those oh it's like three grand probably yeah not not worth that easy easy money after this weekend yep um did you did you think you were going to go to the games last year? I mean, I started CrossFit originally because the goal was the games. That was from day one. Which was what year? 2016. Probably borderline into 2014, 2015 is when I kind of first saw froning.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I was like, I can do that. I want to do that. 2015 is when I kind of first saw phoning. I was like, I can do that. I want to do that. And then 2016 is when I finally, like, officially signed up at an affiliate and then went from there. And did you enter the Open in 2016? I did.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yep, I did it after the one month of doing, like, official CrossFit. And what was your day job then? At this time, I was a personal trainer. So about 20, 20 years old, I got a job at 19 years old, I got a job at the gym is just kind of like a sales rep sitting at the front desk, selling membership, selling personal training, getting people in the gym. And then 20, when I was 20 20 years old I kind of transitioned started transitioning to personal training and this was still kind of the time where I was like eating bad food and doing drugs and stuff like that and then I kind of fizzled out of doing the drugs and used that as
Starting point is 00:22:54 my kind of way to get out of it and start leading by example with personal training and eating healthy and kind of that aspect of life and then um yep did personal training at a normal global gym for six six wow wow what was it was it a gold gym uh fitness 19 is what it was called um kind of like in any time fitness just not as big crazy well there was a good uh there was a good quote here oh what do you uh spiegel wants to know oh what do you think about the noble shoes noble shoes oh man well um that bad huh you don't you're you're you got i'm not i'm not a huge fan of flat shoes just in general.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I really dislike the Nanos, Nobles. There's one pair that felt okay, but then I like the Noble Runners and the Noble Lifters if I was to pick any of those, but not their trainers. Are those ones they give you at the games? Yeah, they gave you like 11 pairs of shoes at the games. Like I said before, everything works for me. Like if I need to wear it, I'll just do it. So the guy who everything works for him doesn't like Noble shoes? I wouldn't say I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Okay, we'll keep sponsorship opportunities open for you. Rogue just announced the workouts. Check Instagram. Oh, really? Nice. Can we look at them together? We'll have Kayla pull it up so you don't have to get your hands, fatigue your hands. I know I got baby hands.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I need to toughen them up a little bit. Bruce Wayne, they're so bad, he's speechless. No, no, he's fine with every shoe. He's gritty. He's gritty. Yeah. And I'm working with Tyr for the weekend, so Tyr is the shoe to go with right now.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Of course. Just for the weekend, you're working with him? No, I've been working with him. I worked at them at the games, but yeah, we're just in an event basis as of right now. There's nothing official set up other than for Rogue or for the games. Gotcha. So you work at a global...
Starting point is 00:25:15 Oh, here we go. God, I like that. Will, that backdrop is dope, dude. Branstetter did that, Caleb? Yeah, that's pretty. Yeah, he just pretty. Yeah. He just tossed it up today. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:28 I thought it starts on Thursday. It does. It looks like it. They just haven't put it up yet. I think that's what that Friday, October 28 to be a TBA is for. Okay. So we don't know what happens Thursday.
Starting point is 00:25:44 We don't know what happens Fridayursday we don't know what happens friday this is right here oh so event so event one on friday we don't know what that is we don't know thursday we don't know event one on on friday then event two starts at uh 1 10 p.m central standard time 20 bar muscle ups 40 cows on the skier 80 ghd's 40 cows on the skier 20 bar muscle ups let's see event three like it you do like it i do uh number three is back attack uh and it's a back squat from rack 405 yes oh look at look at that mr matthews is because of your history and power lifting and bodybuilding yeah and then 25 20 15 10 5 box jump over a 24 inch box. And I'm guessing you're pretty darn athletic too from the medley.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So box jumps should be fun for you. Yeah. Box jumps are a fun movement for sure. Congratulations on the win at the games. Thank you. Appreciate that. Straight savage. Can we come back to this in one second, Caleb event five? When, when, after you won the medley did adrian bosman come and talk to you and offer you 10 of his paycheck for saving his uh
Starting point is 00:27:15 saving him his life he did not but he did come into the back while i was on the bike yes did he did he hug you did he have a tear in his eye did you have him and fist bumped me and said that uh it was just really cool to see me complete the workout and yeah that was that was epic on understate so he understated it he didn't really let you know how you know he was fucking beside himself right have you seen the footage of him as you're doing it like clapping yeah and i've heard him say that like like, I saved the workout for him. But yeah, it's more than he's clapping like no one else in the place is clapping. He's kind of like it's some sort of weird, like, like nervous tick even.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Like, yeah, incredible. And do you know anything about rope gate? Incredible. And do you know anything about RopeGate? No, I've heard you talk about it with like, was it Hiller the other day or something like that? I think it was Patrick Vellner. Okay. That there was, what rope did you have? And to find out, let's see if you were one of the participants in RopeGate. Did you have a beaded rope? Nope. I had a elite SRS, just normal speed rope. rope yeah and was that hard to do the crossovers with that uh no there are more efficient jump ropes for that but it wasn't hard to do it with that um because patrick was saying he's been to the games eight
Starting point is 00:28:39 times and he's never seen uh beaded ropes but then all of a sudden there were people there, a third of the participants had beaded ropes. And he's like, hey, what the fuck's going on here? Yeah, they all kind of, I guess I didn't pay too much attention, but. They did magically appear. Yeah, people did all of a sudden have them. Again, I'm like, doesn't matter the rope, I'll still do it. God, you're gritty. Doesn't matter the rope i'll still do it god you're greedy bar or the dumbbell or the brain or the shirt you'll wear it doesn't matter yep yep have you always been like this or is this ever since your awakening in your 20s you're like
Starting point is 00:29:18 you know what life's too short no i mean i would think. I'm not too picky about anything. And if it gets the job done, then who cares if you have the most perfect setup or the perfect outlook or whatever. And then when you pressed to the handstand, you actually knew you had a – what was your thought when you pressed to the handstand? As I was walking to the bar, I was like, like okay if i get it first try i win this event i win like the cost you actually had that thought yep as soon as i finished the pistols i was walking to it i was like do it first try take a breath win the event and then as soon as i kicked up i knew i wasn't gonna fall and i was like there it is so i was like on the parallettes walking over upside down i was like oh my god i just won my first event at the CrossFit Games. That was just crazy. And as soon as I saw that yellow line cross my eyes,
Starting point is 00:30:08 I just freaked out. Clydesdale Media, I think this is Scott Switzer, RX Smart Gear started selling an interchangeable rope that included a beaded version two months before
Starting point is 00:30:24 the games. Oh, interchangeable rope. Interesting. Yeah, I wonder what that looks like. And then you won. You did something. So, yeah, and then you won, and you're completely beside yourself. Yep. And you're the strong dude.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Apparently. You're the strong guy that won the – The little guy workout. Is that a little guy workout, the medley? I mean, I don't know. Maybe less body weight on pegboards, moving fast. I don't know. Handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I mean, you just got to be efficient with the with the skills is it true that before the event you said to matt burke i'm gonna win this i did i kind of like just chuckled with him i was like i think i can win this one because people were like sitting in the back and i heard conversations and people were like talking about the crossovers and they were talking about the press handstand. And the only thing I was really worried about was getting out of the first round. I was like, if I get out of the first round, because everybody can do all those movements in the first round,
Starting point is 00:31:32 then I can go on and do everything else. It was just a matter of like, literally those first three pegboards were the only thing I was really nervous about. Did you say that about any other events at the games? I said about the same big clean wow yeah fuck you know yourself gotta manifest yeah uh that that back squat event can you win that that that box jump uh back squat event i think so yeah boy i think so okay let's go back to event number five it's a um i don't know why it's taking me so long but it's really uh amazing how confident all the athletes are that i'm just
Starting point is 00:32:14 realizing this yeah maybe it's because i've been interviewing so many confident people lately uh it's just you no you have to be oh uh event five axle bar 155 pounds oh lunge okay so is that will that be enough do you assume that means front rack um i would assume it means front rack more than likely if not we can backtrack it and that's gonna be even more obscure monkey bar traverse that's just monkey bars i wonder if it's going to be like straight across or up and down like some of the rigs have and i'm trying to think where else we've that's just that's what the killer cage was at the games that one year right way back in the day and And then Hill Run Bag Pull. Whoa, interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I'm assuming it's going to be the same hill as last year. And Monkey Bar Traverse and then Axle Bar Lunch, 155 pounds. Wow, that Hill Run Bag Pull. I wonder if that's the new machine, if the bag pull is the new machine. Or if you actually pull a bag. Like the roller coaster thing you're talking about yeah probably not that's a one-man machine right that seems like a one one-time thing they don't have 15 of those out there okay this is possible event six oh that one's presented by Mayhem Athlete. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Event six to be determined, to be announced. Event seven. Wow. Here we go. What do you think, Nick? I like it. I just don't like anything heavy lifting. And the more obscure, the better for me.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Do you train with one of those? Do you have a log? I have. I've trained in the past with it. And then one of the gyms that I used to be at has one. So I went and practiced a little bit there and tested it out. And that's basically it's off the ground to overhead, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Awesome. Okay. Event eight. Man, I'm glad these came out. This is going to be great for tomorrow's show. Snatches. Snatch and press. Three rounds, dumbbell snatch.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Nine. Parallel handstand push-ups. Ah, thank you. Parallel handstand push-ups, four-inch deficit. God, you could win this thing. Can you believe 14 of the 15 best guys in the world are going to be here? Like you can't get a break the girls. It's like, they're falling off like flies, but you got to go with your games buddies. It's going to be crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Goblet. Sorry, Caleb. I sorry i tricked you yeah let's see goblet squats uh the goblet seven rounds seven muscle ups hill sprint goblet squats oh that's good for you again i mean just a different a new movement what is the goblet squat you just hold the dumbbell the kettlebell here uh yeah or do you hold it here or you hold it here definitely hold it up by your face more resting on your body the better and uh that that doesn't seem i guess it's seven rounds so that's basically just a burner. Yeah, that's going to burn the legs up. And then event 10 to be announced. I think we missed event four.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Sorry, I skipped over it. That's okay. DT with a spin. That's the bar cycling workout, DT, right? Five rounds, 15 cal, echo bike, deadlift 155 for 12 reps nine hang power cleans at 155 six push jerk 155 so the echo bike is the added piece to that yep yep wow i can't wait to hear what the boys say about the program uh immediate thoughts nick i like it yeah it takes time i'm talked to i see my coach just sent me all the pictures of all of them, so we'll be talking about them when he gets here shortly. Everyone's on it.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Mm-hmm. Oh, what happens to your kids when you go to Rogue, like when you're here right now? Where are they? They stay with Grandma and Grandpa. My mom lives in the area, too, and has been a huge help with the kids. Yeah, she lives literally three minutes from our house. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Makes it so easy sometimes. Any thoughts about taking Rogue off?
Starting point is 00:36:53 Like just training instead of coming to Rogue? And any point in like taking Rogue, Waterpalooza, Dubai off? No, definitely not. I wouldn't go to this event. And why is that? Well, first year being number one, um, I feel like a lot of times people in the off season take a big emphasis on like putting on strength and improving their strength gains and things like that. Um,
Starting point is 00:37:21 I feel like I don't have to take the time off of other things to work on my strength as much. So, I mean, I don't think doing off-season competitions is going to be much of a hindrance for me. I mean, I love working out. Like, it's just part of my daily routine anyway. Like, after the games, I went back to training after three days because it was just doing something. I have to move. I have to get in in i have to do a class with my members or something of that nature and um it's just part of the day every day and and did you keep just the regular training you would have done or did you switch it up because of rogue um it was a little less at first and then i think as soon as sept hit, it was starting everything, just kicked everything back off.
Starting point is 00:38:07 But with the goal for Rogue or with the goal for the Open and the games? Or it doesn't matter? It's an irrelevant question. To me, it doesn't matter. I mean, I know people choose their peaking cycles and things like that, and I kind of went through my own strength cycle to peak my strength out for the games, which I accomplished all the numbers that I was trying to hit with that and
Starting point is 00:38:31 kind of even excelled and hit some PRs in the process. So as long as my fitness is going up, I don't care. Why do you think you like this? Why do you think you like CrossFit? Why do you think you like this sport? Why do you think you like this sport? Why do you think this is for you? The sport itself or just CrossFit in general? Both. I feel like CrossFit in general,
Starting point is 00:38:55 the community is probably the biggest aspect of that for me. I mean, I've been doing, I've been building relationships and training people and coaching people and bringing people, trying to bring them together in groups. And I did free workouts on the weekends for people for six years. So I always liked that community aspect and people getting together and cheering each other on and all that. I've only been an L1 coach in a CrossFit gym since two years now at CrossFit Minnetonka. Before that, I had my own place and just kind of did personal training and ran group classes at my global gyms and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:47 But I just feel like in terms of CrossFit itself, just having the community around it, the people in the affiliate, making the friendships and all that makes it way more fun. And when you when you stepped into CrossFit Minnetonka, was it already there? And then you sort of just started taking over. Yep. The old owner kind of. He was just kind of getting, I'd say, maybe a little burnt out, a little tired of coaching as many classes as he was. And he wanted to take on another career. He had kids on the way. Things like that kind of started happening. And then the co-owner that he had found me at a competition and asked me if I wanted to come in and be a head coach GM.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I was like, yeah, 100%. Let's go. And had you ever trained in a CrossFit gym before? Like a personal training stuff? Yeah. No, no. Just worked out myself. And then, uh, it was right when COVID hit, like two months before COVID, uh, I got offered this job and I had my own personal training studio and smoothie bar at the time. Uh, inside the Globo gym? Uh, no, I, after
Starting point is 00:40:46 the Globo gym, I opened my own place for three years. Okay. And what was it called? The healthy way. The health. Okay. Yeah. And at that point, had you found a CrossFit? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Tell, tell me about that. Wow. There's so many, so many gyms I'm trying to keep track of. Tell me, Tell me about that. Wow. There's so many, so many gyms I'm trying to keep track of. Tell me, tell me when you first found CrossFit, how that happened. Uh, 2016 I found it was, so I did a, so 2016 is when I officially started CrossFit. Uh, I did powerlifting and bodybuilding and all that stuff before that. And I ended up doing a bodybuilding show and I was not very good at following a nutrition plan back then,
Starting point is 00:41:28 at least to the extent of some of these bodybuilders do in terms of like drying out and things like that. And I got kind of sick of that because I was like, oh, this is all opinion based. Like I'm just working out in the gym just to look good, to make my shoulders a little bit bigger, to make my arms a little bit bigger. And then I just got bored at some point. And then I got introduced to a powerlifting meet. I was like, okay, this is a fun competition where you either can pick it up or you can't. And that's how the winners decided. So I did that.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And then afterwards, I think basically the story that I have is I went out for a three-mile run, and I couldn't run it without stopping. And that was kind of what woke me up to be like, okay, I'm in shape. I look good. I'm fit. I'm strong, but I can't run three miles without stopping. So then I found CrossFit and found out there was a way to compete in it too. So kind of charged in full head of steam. Had you heard of it when you were doing the bodybuilding and powerlifting, you would hear rumblings of it.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. I saw, I just saw like rich phoning do it. I looked up CrossFit workouts on Google and it gave me like seven hero Watts to try, um, or seven benchmark workouts to try. And I did Sydney at one point was like kind of the first introduction to it. Yeah. Yeah. And I did that in a global gym and on the website it said body weight squats like air squats and i was like there's no way these guys are just doing air squats or body weight squats i'm gonna put on my body weight on the bar and do that for the workout good idea good idea and i learned real quick like i remember going through gyms and looking at the roll machine and be like i will never get on that thing and then yeah i i love i love those stories it's like meathead ego story yeah my story was is i didn't know the workouts were timed
Starting point is 00:43:19 so like i would do fran and i would just like do 11 thrusters and then go get a drink of water, talk to some people. You know what I mean? Just like cruise back over. Just, I just did it like, and it took me forever to figure out, oh shit, you're supposed to do this. And I always liked the workouts. Yeah. But two minute break between sets of thrusters. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Talk to someone that take turns. I mean, you do friend, you do your 11. I do my 11. I do my 10. You do your 10. We go over to the pull-up bar. You know what I mean? Hang out.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Shoot the shit. And they were still great workouts. So then you go into – so you dabble by yourself at first. And then why – it seems awfully humble of you to go to a CrossFit gym. Why not just – you have a bodybuilding background. You have a wrestling background background you have a wrestling background you have a uh power lifting background why not just keep doing crossfit in the gym and in the global gym or in your own studio why do you start messing around with the actual facility
Starting point is 00:44:15 because i knew that if i needed to get if i wanted to get better at it i needed to get to a place where they had the equipment the rubber plates instead of doing cleans with metal weights and learning how to do strict ring muscle ups and like the whole point behind a Metcon or a WOD or figure out how much I should be doing in a day and how to set up the structure to a workout. And which gym was that? The first one I went to? Yeah. Allegiance Fitness? Is it affiliated? It closed down six months after I signed up, but it was... You put them out of business. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It was like a 30,000 square foot facility that just... They threw every aspect of fitness in from bodybuilding to sports training to American Ninja Warrior. They just put it all in a gym. Uh-huh. And it ended up failing. Oh, it sounds dope. Yeah. The only other place that they have that
Starting point is 00:45:10 is in military installations. They just throw everything into a gym and they're like, here it is. Yep. That was literally their whole philosophy too was it doesn't matter what you're trying to train for, you can come here and train for any of it. I trip when I see these beautiful
Starting point is 00:45:25 i've never seen one in california but i see them in the south maybe texas i see these beautiful ninja warrior training gyms i'm like god how the i mean they're dope but how do those people make a living yeah they look really expensive to maintain and it's not like 50 people can be going at the same time or at least it doesn't look like it. Like the actual courses? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just look. But the facilities are nuts and all the equipment you need and all the shit that's built on the walls.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Yep. Okay. So, and then you get in there and you realize you like it, but you're also good at it. Yep. There was like a leaderboard of the people that were the athletes there and my goal right away was to make it to the top of the leaderboard and then the open that first year was the perfect opportunity to try and did you have any of the skills that that are in crossfit that maybe powerlifters don't have like double unders walking on your hand did you already have all that yeah i
Starting point is 00:46:21 can do all that flips and handstand walks up hills and is that from wrestling or just being a kid just yeah partly wrestling partly just growing up being a kid i was a skateboarder for a long time so i was always outside when i was growing up i just like you'd see i'd see somebody do something like a backflip off a picnic bench i'm like i want to learn how to do that or i can do that that just kind of try to pick it up boys will be boys that's basically it are you still skateboarding i keep playing with the idea that i go every like any now and again but i haven't made it a chance to yet uh how about the how about the muscle-up was that pretty easy for you to get yeah i could do muscle-ups right away the only thing that was the only thing i couldn't do right away that took me maybe like a week or two to get
Starting point is 00:47:09 was strict ring muscle-ups crazy so so basically you came into this as like a a block a a rock that could be sculpted. You knew you from your, your history of being an athlete, like a lot of these people, I mean, you're not alone, brought you pretty close. And then it's just a shitload of work to start refining the stuff to be at the elite level. Exactly. Like it was, I had no engine. Um, even some of the movements like kettlebell swings, I was swinging them only up to eye level, whereas you're supposed to bring them up overhead. Yeah, it was just kind of refining skills
Starting point is 00:47:52 and just learning how to do CrossFit, learning how to structure the day. It's crazy, too. I can't remember who it was, but someone just told me, or I read or saw somewhere, heard someone say that it took them six years to get a muscle up. I mean, that's,
Starting point is 00:48:10 that's putting in some work. Yeah. Maybe it was Don. Was it done? Did Don say that in a podcast? Basically, I think he said he'd been doing CrossFit. Well,
Starting point is 00:48:18 in his defense, Don's the new CEO. I think I heard him say he'd been doing CrossFit for six years and he didn't have a muscle up. And so then just one summer, he's like, okay, enough of this shit. I'm getting it. I think that heard him say he'd been doing CrossFit for six years and he didn't have a muscle up and so then just one summer he's like okay enough of this shit I'm getting it I think that's what it was yeah it's a lot of body awareness and I mean I even tell the members at my gym too like coming into CrossFit I already had the prerequisite strength to be able to do stuff like that so they weren't like pretty muscle ups by any means at first.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Like they were very muscled and very unflexible like doing them, but I had the strength to pull myself into positions. And then I just had to learn the technique and the efficiency and everything. That thing where you jump over the, uh, the, the chasm between the two handstand walk obstacles. Did that ever go bad? Has that ever gone bad? Uh, actually that was the first day that I tried it. God, that could be hairball.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yeah. One of the members at my gym, he just sent me a video of some Olympian gymnastics guy did it, and it was like a three-foot gap. And he was like, you should try it. I was like, maybe I will. And it was just kind of sarcastic and i was like you know let's see what i can do god that looks so hairball when you push off and the whole box goes like this like if for some reason it would have teetered up very sketchy oh yeah fitness um stairs are a lot lighter than the ones they have used at the games they are okay um so when you when you train at proving so you so when you get invited down there to proven and you train is it is it you know is it tia and scott
Starting point is 00:49:51 and brooke and yep it was the whole deal yep it was very nerve-wracking at first yeah and how many days would you how many days would you stay down there I went down for just like a long weekend, get there on a Thursday, train Friday, Saturday, Sunday, come home Monday. And that's been a majority of the trips that I take down just kind of as a tune up before the next event that I have. So like we went down before Granite Games as a little tune up. And then we also had a full board. Anybody who's doing the proven track, they had a semi-finals camp for us as well and then a tune-up before the games i went there on their peak week of training just to get my ass kicked one more time before the game started and yeah did it before rogue so you were
Starting point is 00:50:38 just down there prior to this yeah about three weeks ago. Wow. Yeah. And obviously you find them beneficial if you keep going. Yeah, definitely. It's not a distraction or a burnout or. Not at all. And it's, it's honestly been really great. Like Shane's great. Tia's great. All the other athletes are great.
Starting point is 00:50:57 They took me in and I mean, we all chat and have fun while we train. And yeah, it's been a great time going down there with all of them. Uh, will you do Dubai. Will you do Dubai? Will I do Dubai? Yeah. This year? No. Yeah. Is it closed already?
Starting point is 00:51:14 I think so. Okay, but you will do Wadapalooza? Yep, I'm going to Wadapalooza. Anything else besides Wadapalooza? Nope. I'm doing the individual, but looking for a team so if any other athletes are out there that want to do the team of three as well oh because they're on separate days yeah and i don't want to go to water palooza just to compete for two days i want to
Starting point is 00:51:34 like i'm taking time off work we're making it a vacation i don't really like spectating so Expectating. In the games, in the time domains, do you have a preference of longer events or shorter events that are made for you? I know that's pretty broad. I feel like it used to be more. I used to think about that more. I used to favor the the short anaerobic just sprint because there was no strategy to it it's just go and don't think and just just do it and
Starting point is 00:52:11 then where like the workouts that were 15 to 18 minutes 12 to 18 minutes where there's a little bit more strategy in there that one's what i would struggle a little bit more with and those days are ones like more for triple three i feel like i come back to i can be very gritty for a long time in workouts so you're getting you you really are getting well-rounded trying i watched a video uh it said it was three months old so it's it's it's before the games and you were out in a field and i want to say you were with Sidney Wells and some gentleman I didn't recognize and Dwight okay and was that other guy um uh coach Matt Burke was he that went out there um there was a sandbag on the back of a pickup truck and you carried it out to a field yep I don't remember if I don't remember if Matt was there but I know Dwight was Dwight Upshaw he
Starting point is 00:53:02 used to coach at Rosa's gym. Eric Rosa. Correct. Just dropping Rosa's name. I like that, Nick. Yeah. Very good. Whose idea was it to bring that sandbag there? I was like, holy shit. So Nick had been messing with this thing. I mean, that was the exact same dimensions, right?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Basically is the one you had at the games? So that sandbag, that was before granite games that we went down there okay yep and that was just because granite games is outside they're on turf so we were trying to get used to just moving sandbags outside and in the turf and i mean over we did something with like shuttle runs sandbags overhead squats just to get a feeling of being out there in the heat by the way that that's not the bag I'm talking about, Caleb, by the way. But go on. Yeah, go on, Nick.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Yeah. So we just did, it was just kind of a Granite Games prep workout for Granite Games style stuff. And whose idea was it to bring the sandbag? Shane or Dwight or somebody. I'm just along for the ride when I'm down there. I mean, it's kind of brilliant, right? I'm guessing that was the, I'm guessing, is that the only sandbag you touch that one in
Starting point is 00:54:07 the one at the game for 2022? No, we train with sandbags quite a bit. Oh, you do? The heaviest sandbag I've ever lifted was a 250. And I usually use that mostly for, I've done like a few workouts where I do some cleans with it, but most of the time it's just carries or squats with it. So those ones that are shaped like a pill like that the long ones yeah yeah i won't lose a back in like 2018 wow that was the
Starting point is 00:54:34 heaviest one i've touched before the games and then the games was just like well we'll see what happens okay so shit like that's not a total surprise. No. You started the games and you weren't freaking out. No. Like I said, I told my coach that I was going to win that one. Crazy. And what is the most memorable part of that workout when you're out there? Do you have, does anything just stand out? Like someone, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Like, like you pooped, like you pooped your pants a little bit or he farted next to you or is there anything that's like, oh shit, that was the most memorable. You saw someone naked run through the stadium. No. Did you really hear that though? No. Did you? My pants?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah. No. Did you really? Yeah. Wow. See, I've been around. I've been around. And that was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Uh, yeah. My butt felt like it blew out on the 330 cleans. I don't care who hears this or how I talk about it. I mean, that's max effort. Yeah, it was there. That was the only reason I didn't give the 350 bag a second shot was because my ass hurt. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Wow. Okay, let's walk through this. It's memorable if we're going back to that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course okay let's walk through the most memorable if we run back to that yeah yeah of course let's walk let's walk through would you say it was a shart my kids are always like a shart yeah and and so you were expecting a fart but it was in san bay clean so you didn't even have time to think about it no it just happened hey here i am yeah but you made the clean yep oh god i would love to see is there any way we could get that is there any way
Starting point is 00:56:13 you could show the video of the 330 and nick could point out to us right when he dropped the rabbit pellet and okay so you have those leggings on there so nothing came out no it's not like it dropped out on the floor it's in there it wasn't that much that it would fall out that's incredible i you can't be alone oh this is definitely happening i mean we were i mean that's some heavy bags um that happens when you lift heavy weights um. I wonder which girls pooped their pants. There seemed to be like some crazy psychological, like the guys, in all honesty, every lift that you guys started making over 300, it looked like it was every guy's last lift, basically. Not most of the guys.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Like Danny Spiegel, like when she lifted, you're like, fuck, there seems to be no end. But the guys look like they were like going high on cocaine down and they'd come back up there and you'd see him get off, especially Ricky and Justin. You'd see them get so fucking like they had some ability to turn, turn something on, but they look after they were done. They always look worked.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah. All eyes, bloodshot. And yeah, it was good. That was, that was a crazy event. That was so fun.
Starting point is 00:57:24 And I think the coolest part too, was like when it got down to the last two or three bags from 330 to 350, we all were sitting down there bullshitting. The stress kind of went away. Here, the thought of us all competing against each other and keeping our cards close to our chest kind of went away, and it was just kind of a bunch of bros just out there lifting some weight. What do you think that is that brought you guys together? Was it because the weights were starting to get absurd? I think so. It was like the last five of us.
Starting point is 00:57:56 We were all surprised that we were hitting the numbers, I would say. And so you lift 330, you make the lift, you make a little deposit in your shorts, and then you go back and you sit down and you have to do a 340. Yep. And what number would, do you remember if any of the, who went up to do 340 before you? I don't remember who, what order it was, but I said, if somebody gets it in front of me, I'm i'm gonna for sure get it and did someone get it in front of you i think i was like second or third and it was all five of us hit the 340 and then we all missed the 350 crazy and and and when the 340 was done and all the bags were done you just did you just assume it was a tie i assumed we were all going to do the tiebreaker anyway what but but they hadn't brought the bag i mean before before they brought the bag out
Starting point is 00:58:52 yeah before the 340 which was the best no the after the 340 you guys were out of bags right and then they rolled out the 350 yes so when you guys were done with the all oh i see you thought you guys would all go over to where the light bags are and you would do the tiebreaker i'm sorry i misunderstood yeah and then they would have put us one through five on that that's what i thought which ended up basically happening anyway because we all missed the 350 what bag is this is this the three in seven seconds? Caleb? Don't fucking don't fuck us. This is three 40. And that's Nick on the left.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yep. So you got a little deuce in your pants. You don't care. Nope. You don't care. Intestines feel like they're going to fall out. Oh my God. So savage.
Starting point is 00:59:47 So as you approach the 340 do you know you're going to get it? I mean I was pretty confident it was just like kind of you got to turn off thinking at that point and just know that well it's just going to be a fight and if you got it you got it if you don't you don't but just turn it off throw out a little yell and. And if you got it, you got it. If you don't, you don't. But just turn it off, throw out a little yell,
Starting point is 01:00:06 and slap yourself up a little bit and just lift it. Man, did you see Cole Sager fight with his bag for a minute that one time? Yeah, literally like a whole minute he had it on him. Yeah, what did you think about that? Were you just like, oh, you're fucked, buddy? I think that's the stuff that made the event were some of those fights because then the crowd got behind it. And when Cole was sitting there fighting and he'd come down for a break real quick and then go back up again, I think that's the stuff that made the event so exciting.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Because there were some that fought through like that for 30 seconds with the bag on there and then they ended up making it. Cole's was crazy. Yeah. I don't remember if he made that one or not he did not he did not yeah um when in one of the interviews i saw you did you said that um after you won the medley you received a lot of praise text messages from from your circle of support people you hadn't heard from in a long time it's kind of cool to hear you say that yeah because because as from the audience you kind of just see that these people are just like kind of stone cold killers and that they wouldn't admit that like the compliments from the outside help at all
Starting point is 01:01:21 yeah and i i don't know if that's just i mean i come from like big community like i'm coach at my gym i'm the general manager of my gym when i leave the floor like we got hard and something members that like i see on a daily basis and we talk and bullshit with and laugh and joke and work out together and And that's just at my gym now. But even over the time of me being in CrossFit or in working out or all the way back to during my beginnings of personal training days, like I have built relationships up with a ton of these people. And I've supported them in their times. And it's great to have them support me as well. So literally, were there people you hadn't heard from in years
Starting point is 01:02:05 who were even surprised or even watching? Yeah. And a text message rolls in and you're the man, Nick. Yeah. Even my grandma messaged me and she has no idea with anything to do with working out or fitness or anything. She's very disconnected. She was like, oh, I heard you're doing really good
Starting point is 01:02:21 at games or something like that. Like at your game or yeah. She sent a long message or something like that. Literally no idea what's happening, but she heard something. That's such a grandma thing to say. Hey, I heard you're really doing good at the game. Good job. Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Meanwhile, you got a deuce in your pants and you're lifting 340 pounds over your head in a stadium full of people screaming at you. Yeah, bloodshot eyes, sore back. Let's talk about that in the morning. How did you feel that one? No, I didn't feel too sore. I think the biggest things I just had like a tweak in my shoulder, like my biceps from the stupid chest bars on day one lit me up a little bit. But in terms of the sandbag, that didn't make me any sore. There were people, a lot of people I would see after that workout would be doing this.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And it looked just, I mean, it's kind of crazy. I don't think people realize it, but to have something that weighs 300 pounds pushed against your neck is just fucked yeah it's just it's just it's horrible for sure especially just like this and it's just all sitting on your spine yeah uh and and that's a that was a pr for you by 90 pounds pretty much yeah yeah nuts um i wonder if any of the camps got 300-pound bags now. Yeah, I'm not sure if they have one down at Tennessee. I don't have one at my place. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I was thinking, herniated discs.
Starting point is 01:04:02 What were you going to say? Sorry. I just was going to say i assume people have bought heavier bags i assume that there's some 300s going around out there i mean it's the kind of thing that if you're not going to use ends up becoming just a fucking disaster in your gym right it's just this pile of shit sitting there taking up floor space yeah collecting dust and do you have any equipment like that that you would just wish you wouldn't have bought not necessarily that i wish i wouldn't have bought just wish it was not as messy like my 250 bag because i don't use it as often like it does collect dust or every day we do rope climbs like all those shreds get stuck underneath it and the jerk blocks also take up
Starting point is 01:04:43 a lot of space yeah jerk blocks the for garage gyms jerk blocks reverse hyper ghd like you think it's going to be cool to get that and you put a ghd in your garage and you're like shit where am i going to work out 100 sit-ups a day yeah it's the only way you can make it worth it do you do 100 ghd's every day no oh well what do you think about that machine do you like ghd sit-ups they're okay not they're not something i hate anymore i used to hate them like when i did the mayhem classic the workout that had 100 ghds and it just destroyed my soul um but now i've i've filled that hole a little bit uh you said you cut your own shirts you don't even you don't even roll with your own scissors
Starting point is 01:05:27 nope i actually have to go down to the lobby and get some scissors here and um and uh lauren khalil was saying that how cut how straight you cut it and i was really impressed with that too it is it is it is a pretty straight cut so if it's a straight cut i didn't do it that's ashley okay yeah and what about are there any rules on a tire i don't even recognize you there by the way you look like a redhead um are there any rules on a tire regarding cutting the shirt like has anyone said to you hey you can't do that nick no after the so i did it for the first event the bike and the bike toes the bar workout nobody said anything and then it was after the skill medley that one of somebody from athlete control came up and asked me if i cut all my shirts that way i was like no just the
Starting point is 01:06:16 one she just said okay and like kind of walked away and then the next day i came in because i thought that was like my my red light like okay don't do it anymore and then the next day I came in because I thought that was like my red light. Like, okay, don't do it anymore. And then the next day I came in and it was the same athlete relations people. They were like, oh, no crop top today. And then I was like, oh, well, I'm cutting the rest of them out. So you thought maybe it was a passive aggressive the first one. Yeah. Like just don't do it again.
Starting point is 01:06:42 But yeah, nobody said anything to me after that. But Nick, but you read into it and now you've had your lesson learned. Don't ever read into anything anyone says. Yep. Definitely not. Cut away. Sorry, Tyr, I'm cutting all the clothes this weekend. And, and if you, have you released the Nick Matthew crop top yet? I got my test shirt should have came into the gym today.
Starting point is 01:07:08 So I'm just testing it. And then if it's good on Monday or Tuesday, when I get back, then it'll be live next week. Congratulations. And that one's been professionally cut. There's actually a dotted line where to cut. So I put a dotted line on the shirt so people can
Starting point is 01:07:26 just follow that and cut it seriously yeah dude and then it says cut here for big nick energy so they can either cut it or it's still like part of the style of the shirt wow i want to cut it wow whose idea is that um that one was mine but there was a couple other people that kind of all had the same idea that floated into their head right away. I'm going to give it to you. It's fucking genius. Yeah, it was cool. Genius. Caleb, can you type in male crop top?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Let's see who the competitors are for men's crop tops out there. Cut your own. Hey. And, and for, if it's $30 for that shirt for 59 95, you get a pair of scissors sent to you to scissors in a box, make it a presentation.
Starting point is 01:08:15 We're already thinking about it. Don't worry. Oh, good. Good. I love it. Seriously. Are you thinking scissors?
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah. Oh God. I love it. I mean, how do all these other companies get you to buy their stuff? They make it a nice presentation. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:31 I'm going to say Nick is winning the... Hey, it's all the same guy modeling all the crop top shirts on Amazon. That's funny. Keep going. Go to Google. Keep going. Fam famous crop top wearers let's see what's that movie flash dance john travolta hey dude it is the same guy selling every single fucking crop top this guy has cornered the fucking market on crop tops on
Starting point is 01:08:59 on amazon i don't know how i feel about that polo one, though. Wow, I need to have that guy in the podcast. How did you corner the market on crop tops? That's amazing. Okay, will you go to Google Images? Let's see if we can see someone outside of that. I got my Google image
Starting point is 01:09:19 rights revoked. After that one time when I put in big dick on accident, don't ever google that live on the air now we know i i bet froning has four 300 pound bags in his garage okay so i don't even see that guy now yeah it's a um you're you're going to be bringing the crop top to a whole new demographic i think this is a totally demographic different demographic hey it serves a functional purpose too yeah told you that indicate one is unisex it is it's for everybody
Starting point is 01:09:58 right everything's for everybody everything Everything is for everybody. Nick, how is it functional? Because you get the protection on your shoulders, but you got a little air coming in the bottom? For sure. Yeah, like a workout, for example, if it has like thrusters or something, you don't want the bar to slide off your shoulders. But it's hot sometimes. Have you ever cut one above the nipple? Not cut it above the nipple.
Starting point is 01:10:27 When I raise my arms, it might go above my nipple. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Then the crowd is just excited for you to go overhead. God, I hope this is an overhead workout. Why? Because Nick Matthews' shirt will go up and show us some nipple. Do you have anyone you train with in your gym?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Or are you a solo guy? I'm solo, but I got friends that jump in and work out with me. For the most part, I work out by myself, but I'll always rope them into some nasty wads that I do or I program the stuff that I do for classes as well.
Starting point is 01:11:07 So I get to jump into class with the group too. Oh, that's nice. You actually write a workout that's part of your training, give it to the class, but then everyone just scales around. That's exactly like, that's the thing with like programming is the workouts don't matter. You can take it at whatever speed you're taking it at. You can always scale and modify things back anywhere. Even if it's a game's
Starting point is 01:11:31 individual workout, we can always modify things if it's too hard or whatever. Isn't that the point of the CrossFit workouts? Is that anybody can do them? Anybody. Yeah. And you go to the pain kit kit you go to dark places every day bad places that are like
Starting point is 01:11:48 fuck really every day pretty much something that sucks every single day for sure because I would hear Matt say that Matt Fraser say that every morning he would get on the assault bike
Starting point is 01:12:03 and just go to an absolutely horrible place. I think he said he would sell his soul. And I just can't imagine doing that first thing in the morning. I can't imagine doing that every day. But you do. Yeah. It's not just in the form of one area, though.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Sure. Yeah. Do you think that there's something that you do that you that other people don't do you think there's something no i mean people have a pretty good grasp on how to get fit nowadays i mean like i said i'm not the fittest one out there either so there's probably things that i'm doing that other people are doing other things too. So, I mean, get your typical strength programming in, multiple Metcons a day. I mean, the biggest part, I think, is consistency and then just what you give to each section of what you do.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Like my strength background, for example, if I do like a strength workout, like I love lifting heavy i love accessories i love doing things like that but if i slack off during my metcon it's going to show whereas vice versa somebody who does like an all-star in their metcon but then they just kind of skimp through their accessories or don't finish all their sets of squats or because it hurts or like things like that like everybody kind of has their thing that yeah i don't know the these 14 guys who are going to show up here um do you do you even consider them at all or do you just go in and do your best um i think one of the biggest things that helped me at the games was
Starting point is 01:13:39 after getting that spot i just didn't really have any expectations set on me and i mean even if there is some now I'm just going to go into it with, yeah, just do the best that I can. Like, take each workout one at a time and see what I can pull off by the end of the weekend. Do you have a – is your computer a PC? A Dell? Uh-huh. Why? Is that the issue? Uh-huh. Is your computer a PC? A Dell? Aha. Why? Is that the issue? Aha.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Aha. Matt Burns. Wait, this isn't your coach, Matt Burns. Matt Burns, no. Burke is my coach. Burke, sorry, Burke. Yeah, Burke. Is Nick on the moon?
Starting point is 01:14:23 His mic is terrible. Maybe. Probably just using a phone. But look at, look at, I went straight to, Nick's mic is better than Don Falls. Really? I went straight to, it's a PC and I am right. You're a fucking Dell guy. God, you're weird.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I am a whatever works kind of guy. Yeah, right, right, right. Is that even your computer nope my boss gave it to me my boss gave me this computer too nice uh mr matthew thank you for coming on the show appreciate it thank you so much yeah it's been great you brought a lot of energy to the uh space uh it's a tough group of guys to break into, and you have deservedly broken into them. And I know a ton of people love you and are enjoying watching you show up and make it clear that you can win workouts. So I'm pumped to see you this weekend.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I have your phone number. I'll probably bug you throughout the weekend. I never, ever am offended by being ghosted because I know you guys are busy. So super low stress. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on. All right, brother. Good luck. Cheers.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Bye. Bye. Sevan Burns is driving again. Do not use his comments. It's encouraging this bad habit of commenting while driving. I think those two are married or something. They're always driving together. I wonder if he uses a stick shift.
Starting point is 01:15:55 I want to tell you something really bad I do while I drive, but I shouldn't. I'm trying to be... I always want to try to be a good role model. Looking forward to seeing you compete, Spiegel. David Weed. I don't even know what he's saying, but at least it doesn't sound, oh, it's not me. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Okay, yeah, good dude. Yeah. Wow, David. Look at you, turning over a new leaf. No sex yet. No, no, it's not sex. Oh, okay. So not that intimate. No, no, I don't have sex uh oh okay so not that intimate okay no no i i don't i don't have
Starting point is 01:16:27 sex on driving that's crazy uh don't shit your don't shit your pants okay i won't thanks christine the the plan is in three hours to come on with ricky ger, uh, three hours and 15 minutes, 13 minutes. He missed, I think that would be, uh, or is it four hours, three hours,
Starting point is 01:16:51 three hours and 15 minutes. He missed his flight going to rogue. Um, but he says he can still make the podcast. What a dude. Um, I will let you know what I find out. I am.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Uh, thank you. I wasn't really happy with the show for some reason. I don't feel like myself today. I don't know if I was overwhelmed with how many people we were having on, but, um, but thank you for saying that Magnus. And I, I do feel like a sense of accomplishment because, um, do you know why Caleb, why, why I like this podcast so much? Tell me why. Because we get so many, so many guests on all the time and we just kind of go with it but what information did he give me that i'm like yeah i'm the greatest journalist
Starting point is 01:17:29 who ever lived oh the fact that hayley stayed there or the fact that he's not retiring no no no with nick with nick oh the fact they poop his pants yes caleb hasn't slept in 36 hours he thought we just finished talking to rich he's still playing he's still counting he wants to sleep so bad he's counting rich froning jumping over a fence one rich froning two rich froning uh all right guys so uh if all goes according to plan um we will not have any more earthquakes on the show and we will see you soon with ricky garrett thank you bye We will not have any more earthquakes on the show, and we will see you soon with Ricky Garrid. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Bye-bye.

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