The Sevan Podcast - #651 - Rogue Invitational Event 1 Recap ft. Caity Henniger, Lazar Djukic, Barbell Spin

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

Recapping the first event of the Rogue Invitational with guests Caity Henniger (co-owner of Rogue Fitness), Lazar Djukic, and Brian from Barbell Spin. Talking through the placing with our friend Jays...on Hopper and Danielle Brandon coming in first in their respective divisions and also what's to come the rest of the weekend. Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live what are you laughing at what the fuck are you laughing at uh taylor self from smtp uh uh aspiring games athlete uh licking some wounds uh brian from the barbell spin back in action uh the place for all your immediate news where we plagiarize all of our shit for competitions and then present it like our own and matthew stew's executive producer of the seven podcast brian what's up dude good to meet you finally yeah man good thanks for having me on uh exciting uh weekend uh thursday started we didn't know a lot um it was it's kind of fun because it puts everyone i'm assuming bill
Starting point is 00:00:45 and katie don't mind but it puts all of us kind of in scramble mode to try to figure out what's going on and it's cool it gives us uh something to do and gives us the ability to leak stuff out um i was told that the athletes were told that if they leaked any information not only would they be disqualified well if they leaked any information, not only would they be disqualified, well, if they leaked any information regarding Event 1, that they would be disqualified from Rogue this year and for eternity. Did any of you ever see that? Didn't hear that, but apparently a bunch of athletes
Starting point is 00:01:15 leaked the leaderboard standings. Does that stand as leaking information? No, no, I think it was just in regards to where. I think basically what they didn't want is people to drive out to the ranch. Yeah, their fucking house. No shit. Yeah. So is that confirmed?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Do we know, Brian? Have you heard anything about it actually being the Henegar's ranch? I don't know. I mean, obviously what Hiller said and, you know, but I don't know exactly where they are. Okay. I know they're back at the hotel't know exactly where they are okay i know they're back at the at the hotel now so oh they are back at the hotel yes uh feel free to jump in um uh okay hold on we already have a question for brian uh are you single
Starting point is 00:01:58 welcome to the show uh john Young, the other Brian. Did someone say that Vindicate was giving away an L1 for a qualifying purchase? Yeah, if you go to their site, it may have closed already, but go over there and check it out. You go over to Vindicate, here it is,, and it's a shirt with a Greg Glassman quote on it, and he's using the proceeds to send someone to an O1. Change your life.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I heard that the name of the ranch was the Cypress Mill Ranch, and it's 37 miles out of Austin. They took buses there. It was a mass start for everyone, boys and girls at the same time. I do that just to upset some of you. I purposely choose boys and girls. Cypress Mill Ranch? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Okay. Does this sound, have you guys heard any, if you guys hear anything that you think might be inaccurate or if you just want to contest it, I'm open for that. 4.2 mile ruck, that's the backpack with the weights in the back. 30 pounds for men, 20 pounds for women. 1.2 miles. How far? 1.2. Oh, okay. 1.2. 4.2 total. Thank you. At one point mile ruck, 30 pound for men, 20 pound for women. Then I guess they ditched the ruck and they ran a mile. And then this seems a little peculiar to me.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It just says three sandbags that were tossed over a hay bale. You guys heard any reports about that? Is that what it says in the event description? No. Oh, is that what it says? Is there an event description we have now? No, I'm asking this. because it doesn't say that. So I know that's what you've heard from reporting. It says three sandbags up and over. Yeah. Where did you see that? Where do you where
Starting point is 00:03:56 are you seeing that, Brian, on the rogue site? It's on the individual events. Yeah, right there. Oh, OK. So they have it up. OK. I didn't even know that. Sandbags up and over. So you just have no idea what that means other than what people have kind of said they did. Okay. Which is toss a bunch of, a couple of sandbags over a hay bale. But that would seem a little peculiar, right? That to me seems very peculiar. When I first read it, I thought maybe that's like up and over a berm like a carry up a steep hill and back um kind of like the games event where they move sandbags from one end of the tennis arena up the stairs you know move three sandbags up and over the berm but apparently that's not what took place okay uh i think shortly we will have lazar uh jukic and katie henniger pop
Starting point is 00:04:42 in the show so we can get clarification from them. The bags were 100 pounds for the men, 70 pounds for the women, and then a two-mile sprint. Mr. Jukic! Hello! Hi! What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Oh, man, do we have questions for you? Can you tell us about the sandbags? You can't say anything, can you? us about the sandbags oh you can't say you can't say anything can you well like we they told us if we if something leaks from us yeah okay don't say it yeah how's your ankle it's actually good it's uh better than uh during the workout when it happened I kind of rolled inward and was on the downhill and I had 15-20 like hard
Starting point is 00:05:34 steps downhill and like every step kind of and I just stopped started walking, people started passing me, and at some point I was lost, and there was no point of doing more damage to myself,
Starting point is 00:05:52 so I walked like four kilometers. Lazar, did that happen to you while you had the ruck on? Yeah. Wow. And when they say you're not allowed to give out any information you're not allowed to give out that was that i assume that was just prior to the event now that the event's over they're still asking you to stay quiet well uh are you playing it safe i i i don't really know but i think it it was supposed we we didn't know anything about the event that we are supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So nothing could leak anyway. Yeah, but I think that was concerning the warm-up areas and briefings and stuff. So I think now that we are done with the with the workout we can talk about it but but you're still playing it safe you still don't want to talk about it well depend depends on the question okay can you tell me about the sandbags yeah tell me uh no you tell me like what was the up and over so what was what is what is it? Cause in the, in the, in the, um, event description, it says three sandbags up and over. What does that mean? What did you guys have to do with the sandbags?
Starting point is 00:07:12 Well, put it up on the Bay hail, push it over the Bay hail. It's like, I don't really think that was important in the whole workout. Yeah. It was only three reps? Just three reps, yeah. What was the point of that? I'm not sure I even understand it at all. I can understand if it was a 300-pound bag, but what's going on? What was that about?
Starting point is 00:07:34 I don't know. Maybe cool photos. Oh, okay. Okay. Is it accurate that there was a mass start the boys and girls started together yeah and how and how was that did people come out hot yeah very hot i was one of the guys that started too hot but uh it was okay like girls were behind us and we were kind in front so it was really no elbowing or anything sketchy.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Were you guys chipped? Yes. Wow. Okay. Was there any media there? No. Not even rogue camera guys? They were rogue guys.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Okay. So just some internal guys, but no one from the outside? Yeah. So you think eventually we will get to see some of this? Yeah. They were drones, like a lot of drones. Oh, cool. I love it. So probably you're going to see kind of highlights or something.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Who does the briefings? Who did the briefing? Oh, Rob Lowen. I would need to check on the last name, but head judge is Rob. He's a Scottish guy. Okay. And how did they have the trails marked? and there were like marks on the trees and there were like the lines on the trees like like they were tied for three one to another so we can like really follow the road but it was super super easy to follow did you see this is this from the ranch did you guys go underneath that in the bus but it was super super easy to follow did you see this is this from the ranch did you
Starting point is 00:09:26 guys go underneath that in the bus yeah that was uh the finish line actually oh awesome awesome awesome awesome it was um any other uh any other injuries uh besides you that you saw there well i hope this is not an injury i hope it's just a small step back okay okay we're gonna tomorrow we're gonna see tomorrow but uh right now it feels good i i can uh lean on it like it it hurts a bit but it's not uh very painful uh but no no other injuries as i i could see what place were you in when when it happened probably like fourth to four maybe fourth fifth and could you see the guy who was in first yeah jason was in first i i could still see him but jeffrey told us that he couldn't see him because he was second and jason was so much in
Starting point is 00:10:20 front that he couldn't see him at all wow did you expect that, Jason, to be the guy at the front? Well, I feel like it was easier for the bigger guys to run with the ruck, and Jason is not a bad runner, so it was kind of playing in his favor, but he took off with the ruck and he just kept his advantage on the on the running without rock okay so he started off in first and he kept it the whole way at one point we were on the uphill and he was behind me so we started ricky roman me and jason was behind me and at one point i started walking uphill and he was pushing me on the rack. What a good guy. What a good guy.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I have a history of running. Last time on the Capitol, I was behind him running and just drafting off. He tells me, now you're going front. I'm like, no. And he stops. He completely stops
Starting point is 00:11:19 so I can go in front. Oh, today he did that. No, no, that happened. At the Capitol. Yeah. Awesome the capital yeah awesome awesome awesome awesome um uh so did you take last because of that yeah behind all the women and everything behind all the um if you wouldn't have finished it um would you have been dq'd probably uh they offered me to lift me up in the car but i didn't want i didn't want like i would rather finish last last than be picked up in the truck and go like maybe not finish maybe get got disqualified because of that
Starting point is 00:12:01 it's the last place but there's like nine more events. Right. So we're going to see what happens. I know I'm going to send it really bad tomorrow on the Ski GSD Bar Maslap one, so we're going to see. You seem like you're in a good headspace. I don't sense any mourning from you. Well, shit happens. Like, you can't really do anything about it right now except uh
Starting point is 00:12:27 like try to fix it and be ready for tomorrow so it's okay it's okay i'm really not worried like i i told my girlfriend before i came here uh rogue is one competition that i feel like uh whatever i do do is fine because I don't want to feel pressure on every competition. Here, I came just to enjoy. And then Dubai, in a month, I'm going to win. So, yeah. Good. I like that.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Do you have a history of ankle rolls? No. No. This was the first one. Do you remember exactly what what happened like what you stepped on a rock like a steps uh from big rocks and i stepped wrong on one and just like rolled it all right i'm sorry to hear that that sucks i know you. I know you're a huge fan favorite. Did Daniel Brandon win for the women? Yeah, I heard she won from all the guys. Her and Hopper won, so yeah, she won for sure. Any other notable things that you saw out there? Well, Jeffrey took second, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:49 He was like, what the hell? Jeffrey Adler taking second on the run. Good job, man. Because you didn't expect that from him. He's the strong guy. Yeah, he's the strong guy. I expected Roman to win this workout. He and me, to be like second or third and like this happens.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So yeah, good job for Jason and Jeffrey. Did you see how Emma Lawson did? No. No. And did they give you any idea of when the leaderboard would be updated or when the information would start going out to the public? No, no. Okay. And there were no agents there? You were there by yourself? Yeah, only athletes, which was okay.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah. Did they feed you out there? uh no but uh the guys like when i rolled an ankle uh and i started walking and i was last the car was behind me the head judge and the volunteers and the guys who were the trail were super helpful like they were encouraging me like let's go and rob was at one point he wanted to run and walk with me so i I'm like, no, man, it's okay. Really, you don't need to do that. So very, very good job on their part there. Like, I was very, very thankful to have them there. Because at some point I was like, how you say when you walk on one leg?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Limping, limping. Yeah, I was limping and there was like nobody around me and i and they told us there was a wild wildlife around and i was like mountain lion will kill me if you see me like limping so it was like scary at one point but they uh they caught up to me and they were just following me with the truck so they've never eaten a serbian man it would be their first i would fight for my life yeah it would be nasty did you see any wildlife out there did you see turkey vultures circling or snakes or coyotes or anything no no no it was that there was a giraffe on the ranch
Starting point is 00:15:59 um what about the uh facilities there did you see i've seen pictures on bill's uh instagram before of the um gym there and of the kitchen did you get to see any of that stuff did you guys go inside well we were uh we're uh at the ranch at the ranch yeah no no no we were just uh in the open we had some like bathroom toilets and that's it you didn't see any facilities you didn't see any buildings on the property we saw like some houses but uh some houses but we didn't like go inside or something awesome and and proper huge like you need to drive like 10 minutes when you go inside the gate i i think i saw that the ranch is 715 acres. I don't know how much is it, but it's like very big property. How many people were there altogether? Do you have an idea?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Were there 100 people there? Were there as many staff there as there were athletes? There were 40 guys on the trail. So 40 volunteers. so 40 volunteers and probably 20-30 more on the finish line
Starting point is 00:17:10 Lazaro do you know which ranch you were at? a lot of people are saying you guys were at the Go Rock Ranch it's I'm going to tell you I hope you don't lose me but Cypress Mill I'm going to tell you. I hope you don't lose me. But Cypress Mill, I'm going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Cypress Mill. Yeah, that one. Okay. That one. And regarding your ankle, what makes you think that you're going to be able to go tomorrow? It's feeling better as time goes on? Well, after like 10 minutes of walking, it started feeling better as time goes on uh well after like 10 minutes of walking it started feeling good
Starting point is 00:17:46 just like it it was hurting when i step on it but it's like not bearable so and it's still not very uh like swollen just a small small part on the inner side so i think it's going to be good if I go ice it now, floss it, and put kinesi tape on it. I feel it's going to be good. I'm just scared about the box jumps. I hope step down is allowed. There was a story that came out that Tetlo's son
Starting point is 00:18:18 was hospitalized and that he might not make it. Did you see him at the event? Yeah, Scott was there and I asked him yesterday about his son. His son is good now and not make it. Did you see him at the event? Yeah, Scott was there and I asked him yesterday about his son. His son is good now and he made it to the briefing and for the check-in. So yeah, he's there.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Information that I stole from the barbell spin, by the way. All right. All right. Thank you, Lazar. I really appreciate you taking time. I know it's in the middle of the events and it's awesome to see you and uh we'll be bugging you throughout the week you demand thanks for coming on thank you see you guys bye cheers bye-bye
Starting point is 00:18:52 so i i think we have the puzzle pretty much put together we just need to see the standings now is there a rogue leaderboard suza I don't think anything's up yet. No, nothing yet. I keep refreshing it to keep an eye on it. They just put it up. Oh, right now? I'm moving my computer around because I'm right next to a door. On the rogue site, right? Yeah. There it is. It literally just came up.
Starting point is 00:19:22 As far as bad news goes, that's probably the worst news that that Lazaro rolled his ankle. But also Olivia Kerstetter took last place. I guess someone has to take last place. But that's also a tough start for her. This is her coming out party for professional competitions. Okay. The male leaderboard, Jason Hopper first, Jeffrey Adler second, Ricky Garrard third.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I had been reported earlier that it was roman who took third uh roman takes fourth justin madaris the champ the fittest man in the world takes fifth chandler smith bjorgvin uh carl gudmundson seventh eighth saxon pancheck nine wow that's surprising 10th patrick velner what and why is that taylor why is that surprising i just would have expected him a little bit higher on something like that uh he's not been running though since the games for whatever reason taking break so uh scott uh 11th cole sager 12th scott tetlow 13th um the former uh youth competitor to crossfit games jorge hernandez 14th, Nick Matthews, 15th, Henrik Hapalainen, 16th, Samuel Quant, 17th, Tim Paulson, 18th, Yonah Koski.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Is that a surprise, Yonah Koski? I think of him as an endurance guy. I think the last couple times were a little surprising considering Lazar sprained his ankle and they're only 10 minutes faster on a four mile run yeah that is that is trippy right so jack farlow's in 19th with the time of 40 minutes and 29 seconds and 10 minutes and 20 seconds later 10 minutes and 13 seconds later is lazar jukic so he was about one month yeah look at the discrepancy between... Let's look at the speed of first place while Taylor does some crowd control. The time for Jason Hopper was 31 minutes and 27 seconds,
Starting point is 00:21:15 and Jack Farlow came in 40 minutes and 29 seconds. So what was that? Was that 10 minutes? Nine and a half minutes? Nine and a half minutes? Nine and a half minutes after him. So that's basically a mile, right? A 10 minute is... Yeah, they're basically doing 10 minute miles
Starting point is 00:21:34 if you just scratch the sandbag. How long do you think that sandbag piece took? One minute? No. Three sandbag up and overs? seconds okay 10 seconds okay so we can't scratch it uh taylor is going to punch someone in the dick i don't know why there but whatever needs to happen needs to happen who uh jeff bako i bet any takes one thousand dollars that madaris does not win 2023 CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:22:06 He's already back on the hopper train. Brian, what do you think? When you see this, are you getting good hopper vibes? Are you like, oh, shit, he really is the real deal. We're getting some – what was it, the Granite Games that he swept that one year? Or the MAC? Yeah, I mean, I expect him to be up here uh maybe not win it um i still like adler though um with the rest of the workouts that are in place so i mean he did well on the
Starting point is 00:22:35 capital i believe so how did he do on the capital uh taylor is the um is the jayben jason hopper hype real we just expected too much too soon? It's a long weekend. Okay. Good friend of Jason Hopper still can't get behind him. Hopper is drinking the HWOP juice. I think maybe that's a typo. The HWOP.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Going to Jeffrey Adler, why the surprise on Adler? Is it just because he's a strong guy, or he's been notorious not to finish in the top in running events? I mean, he got sixth on the capital right behind Hopper, I guess. You just don't think of him as his strong suit. You just think of him as a strength athlete. That's going to, you know, when events like the shuttle, the overhead B,
Starting point is 00:23:29 but I think he has a bigger engine than what we made. Just kind of put them into that category. And, and, and 14 of these guys are from the top 15 at the CrossFit games, right? Correct. And so it is kind of weird because you
Starting point is 00:23:46 think hadler would have done better at the capital event than this event since it was a little more mixed modality he got to do the run and then show off some of his strength yeah yeah uh so training so training works taylor you think that's just that's just training uh? Taylor's in a noisy place. He's muted himself. Oh, my goodness. Jeff Baco. Wow. Medeiros has lost the eye of the tiger.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Harsh. It's been one event. Yeah. One, I agree with Susan. Two, I think different athletes work on different things at different points in the season. And Jeff is a notoriously strong guy. So I'm sure he's potentially been doing a little bit of running. But just to reiterate, it's been one event.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I mean, I think the biggest surprise is Quant, honestly. Surprise. If you look at the capital, Ricky, Roman, then Samuel was in fourth. I'll skip Travis because he's not in this. Followed by Hopper, Adler, Medeiros in eighth. And then Kwanzaa all the way down in 16th in this event. I guess the reason that doesn't surprise me is because he's been so inconsistent. It would be interesting to see a leaderboard for who finished the run first at the capitol to see where sam well you said he took fourth
Starting point is 00:25:12 there brian yes yeah that's amazing i wonder how many people he passed on the farmer carry and then up the stairs i i don't know i mean it's i mean i can't imagine he passed hopper adler on that i mean vigno was seventh maderos was eighth so i gotta imagine he was pretty similar uh jeff bacon ellie is draining his power i think that's uh that's not true yeah that's not true. Yeah, that's not. Well, maybe a little true. Who is the fake Brian? The fake Brian is Brian from Barbell Spin. And he's now the real Brian. OK, let's look at the women's leaderboard. Thank you, Spiegel, only because you give me $19.99 every show. The 2020 30 toes to bar and 1.5 mile is a better thing to take from.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Oh, in terms of comparing the two? Hey, Brian, do you know where Bailey Rogers is from? She's from Australia. Yeah. Yeah, wow. She just missed out on the semifinal. So impressive. First place,
Starting point is 00:26:29 Danielle Brandon. I want to say, did I pick her last night or did I pick Laura? I picked Laura. You picked, you picked Olivia Christetter. Oh, did I?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Oh, Daniel Brandon. First place, Bailey Rogers. Second place, Gabriella Magawa. She was the favorite going into this. A lot of people had picked her to be in first.
Starting point is 00:26:49 She did quite well. Third place. Matilda Garns, fourth. Emma Lawson, fifth place. Let's keep going. Sixth place, Jacqueline Dahlstrom. Seventh place, Annie Thor's daughter. Eighth place, Emma McQuaid.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Ninth place, Laura Horvat. Tenth place, Andrea Solberg. Eleventh place, Ariel Lowen. Twelfth place, Ellie Turner. Thirteenth place, Alexis Raptus. Fourteenth place, Amanda Barnhart. Fifteenth place, Manon Anganese. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Katie, hi. What's up? Can you hear me? Oh, perfect. It started. It started. go katie hi what's up can you hear me oh perfect it started it started uh how did you sleep last night i didn't sleep much i was so excited is it because you're excited or nervous a little bit of both but i think that's a good mix yeah totally uh were you out at the venue this morning at the run yep and um was that at your guys's ranch or was it the GORUCK Ranch? It was at our ranch. Don't believe everything you read.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Okay. Good. I won't. I won't. I don't believe anything I read. How long did you guys know you were going to do that event at your ranch? We've wanted to do it for the last two years and just couldn't pull it off last year. So this year made sense. So we've been planning on it all year. Started working the trail about three months ago. And everything goes planned? Absolutely. The athletes did their job and they made it perfect. Are you surprised by the times? No, we thought 32, so he beat our time.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Oh, and Lazar Djokic. Uh, what do you think? Does he look good for tomorrow? We had him on here and he's hoping he can come to me, come in tomorrow. Is that what he said? Um, that's what he, that's what he said to me. Uh, when he left, I'll give it to him. He finished the course. Uh, we gave him the option to not, um, but he wanted to finish. And I always appreciate when an athlete wants to, to finish and, uh, finish the event. Um, he said that a, uh, you know, a carriage came up behind
Starting point is 00:28:52 him and offered him a ride. And he said, no way, if he would have got in that carriage, would that have been it for him? No, he could have gone on. Yes. Awesome. And he, he also commended your team. He said that they were there cheering him on. They did warn him of a possibility of being eaten by some mountain lions because he was limping. So he said he quickly stopped limping. Oh, yeah. He finished strong. Katie, there's this talk that the CrossFit Games are supposed to find the fittest person and that Rogue has its own nuance.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Dubai has its own nuance. Guadalupe has its own nuance. And do you have any thoughts on that? Are you guys trying to pick the fittest? When you guys do the programming, what's on your mind? You know, the Games is trying to find the fittest. And this is an invitational for a reason. We want to showcase the athletes. We obviously want to have a good, well-rounded weekend of programming, which we are, we're really excited about the workout for
Starting point is 00:29:49 this, this event. Um, but that's really our goal. It's all about the athletes. We want them to, we want to put them in a place to, to put on a show for the crowd and those watching on the live stream and, and take care of them because they're amazing. Do you see this event just going on forever? Do you guys see this as just like a, this, this is a staple of, of what Rogue is? I hope so. And it's, you know, for our, our brand, it's what it is. We want to promote the Iron Game. So that's why you see the strong man here. That's why you see the record breakers.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And I think the combination of the both, the show that you're able to watch is so cool because you're watching just athleticism and feats of strength. And, you know, if you're into lifting at all, this is kind of where you come to watch. Who are cooler, the strong men or the CrossFitters? Who are cooler people? Oh, they're all cool. I don't believe you. Wait till you see some of these strongmen we have some new guys in and they're very very large yeah and and i think i'm gonna suspect that they're cooler that they have
Starting point is 00:30:53 a that they're wound or i'm guessing the crossfitters are wound a little more tight yeah absolutely the strongmen are a little bit more loose but you know when they dial in you know as they go to their event what i would say is they don't dial in until right before the event where as the athletes get here for the event and crossfit they're all dialed in um does any part of you um when when you see this um does any part of you miss competing absolutely yeah are you are you doing are you doing anything are you doing any like you know intramurals or do you do any leagues yourself? No leagues. I still CrossFit. I still try to keep myself in shape and enjoy it. And I still like picking up a barbell.
Starting point is 00:31:35 The events that have not been announced, is there going to be... You're not going to get me to announce them. The two events that have not been announced, will there be any equipment in there that we have never seen before i hope so so that's the plan and um which event will have the rope climbs in it all of them that's good i like that thank you uh when what why why this venue why aren't you doing it back in columbus you know we loved having it in columbus at our hq uh we've really outgrown that space because we put an arena you know in our warehouse and it was only able to fit about a thousand inside and and five thousand outside and you, with everything that happened over the last two years,
Starting point is 00:32:26 Texas was a bit more wide open last year. So we hedged there and really liked having an outdoor venue and obviously Texas in October. Well, we'll see what the weather tomorrow, but it's generally a little bit warmer and less rain. But really having it here at the Diamond, it's a really cool setting. Cause you're kind of, the athletes are set down in for the arena. Um, so for spectators, it's cool. And then the athletes are finishing, you know, we've moved the field forward a bit this year. So they're finishing right at the seats, um, past home plate. So beautiful venue outgrew your venue and, uh, a city that's, that's welcoming with its, its rules and regulations. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Pain in the ass? Like just to move all your shit down there? Sometimes having an event in your home city is harder because you have everything at your disposal, so nothing can be a no. You have to be creative here if we forget something. Okay. And of the three that you've had, this men's competition looks like it's the most fierce competition, the greatest group of male competitors ever combined.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Would you agree with that? I would agree with that, yeah. And do you have picks of who you think is going to win? No. But do you have picks that you just won't share them? Yes. Yes, all right. Has Bill talked today yet?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Have any words come out of Bill's mouth? A few words today at breakfast. All right. I really appreciate you coming on. We'll continue to bug you throughout the weekend. All right. Thanks, guys. You've always had a special place in my heart, Katie. See you tomorrow, Salon. All right. Thanks, guys. You've always had a special place in my heart, Katie.
Starting point is 00:34:06 See you tomorrow, Salon. All right. Bye. Dear Bill and Katie. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I can't. I'm having a podcast right now. That's for me. Oh, I'm so glad I got that first one out of the way fuck i was nervous how'd i do brian good okay good thank you taylor i texted you you did good uh suza how'd i do how'd i do you did fucking awesome and you guys gotta react she was saying some hilarious stuff and you're all stoic over there. Give her some love. Give her a reaction, people.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Come on. It's a little loud here, so I was trying to keep myself muted. But I also had a couple key questions. Oh, I'm so sorry. Sorry. Were you waiting for me to cue you? I don't know. I was waiting for a pause.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I didn't want to interrupt you. Sorry. Always, always interrupt. Rogue Invitational is huge for our sport. Thank you, Katie and company. I mean't know. I was waiting for a pause. I didn't want to interrupt you. Sorry. Always, always interrupt. Rogue Invitational is huge for our sport. Thank you, Katie and company. I mean, yeah, that's an understatement, right? And thank you, William Riz Tomas. Yeah, no way. We'll get her tomorrow, though. Yeah, she's coming back on? Yeah, we'll get her tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Let's go back over to the uh yes i was terrified i'm sweating i was afraid that we were gonna like push her on time and i'm like every time you ask a question like okay last one and then you go to get like oh okay last one don't don't don't use it up uh be like seven and interrupt the shit out of them uh thank you spiegel okay let's let's look at the uh women's um comp Too hot for a wristband. I'm surprised at Ellie beating Alexis, but I also want to note that anytime you put – well, I wonder how many hills the ranch had.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Texas is kind of flat notoriously, so I'm intrigued about the course. But potentially when you think trail running, you think ruck, you think a lot of hills, and that's just a different kind of running. It'll get better,eremy i swear it'll get better that's that that was that's uh five years or ten years in the making that conversation so it'll get better uh you're suggesting that um i think people underestimate Ellie Turner's running. No, I think the more powerful your legs are when you have a hill run like that, assuming there were hills or a lot of hills on it. I'm making that assumption based off no information, but that would make sense with Jason winning. He's a powerful runner.
Starting point is 00:36:41 14th, Amanda Barnhart. 15th, Manon Angonese. 16th, Kara Saunders. She's another good long-distance runner. She's middle of the pack. Middle of the pack, okay. 17th Carolyn Prevo, 18th Annika Greer, 19th Danny Spiegel. Are we surprised to see Danny down there?
Starting point is 00:37:00 No. Not a good runner? No. And 20th, Olivia Kerstetter. Breaks my heart. Is this because she's not a good runner, or is this because it's the first time with the big girls? I mean, I'm a little surprised that she's not a little bit higher up, just having Heppner as her coach,
Starting point is 00:37:29 I mean, I'm a little surprised that she's not a little bit higher up just having Heppner as her coach, but she's definitely more of a power athlete than endurance. Anything else we want to say about this before we look at day number two? I mean, the only thing I'll say is, you know, talking with a few, it the ruck took out took it out of a lot of them before they even got to the run um especially if they were not strong runners um so i don't think you can look at it as just as a run event um i think the ruck kind of separated everybody and then it separated everybody, and then the running took over from there. You're speculating. Do you have information on that, or you're speculating? Just talking to a few athletes after, in between when they finished and now. Brandon's time is 34-11, so she finished 36
Starting point is 00:38:23 seconds ahead of Bailey Rogers, and 50 seconds ahead of Gabriella Magawa, and more than a minute Matilda Garns. Okay, I wonder, and then Jason Hopper finished at
Starting point is 00:38:42 what, 30 minutes? 30 minutes and some change? 31. Okay, so no one Jason Hopper finished at what? 30 minutes? 30 minutes and some change? 31. Okay. So no one saw Hopper finish the finish line. Can I just... I want to see where Danielle finished amongst the men. Can we go back?
Starting point is 00:38:56 She said 34-11. Can we go back and see where she would have finished amongst them if she would have run with them? 13th. Oh, wow. That was quick. Okay. So it seems like the girls maybe ran in a closer pack
Starting point is 00:39:09 than the boys. I'd have to look at those numbers a little more closely. Oh, Jeffrey Adler could see. Jeffrey Adler was close. He was only 13 seconds behind Jason. He saw Jason cross the finish line. Right?
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yep. Okay. I thought Lazar said different. all right uh mr suza can you bring up event number two where are you taylor i'm sitting in the corner in a chair but where at the hotel no at uh dell diamond oh so you're actually at the venue have you checked in your hotel no i haven't yet. I'm doing that later. Have you seen Jr? He is getting here tomorrow morning. Have you seen Brian?
Starting point is 00:39:50 He is getting here in about an hour. Have you seen John young? Negative. Okay. You don't know when he's getting there. No. Uh, Tyler Watkins, uh, Jason Hopper was seventh top pick for fans jason way underestimated including
Starting point is 00:40:10 by myself i think that's true i think that's true i think he had that super breakout year then we went under the radar for a year and uh and now we're excited again. John Young is headed to Austin. That is correct. Why couldn't we see the event? That would have been a fucking great question if I had any balls. I'll ask her that next time. Why couldn't we see the event? Hey, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Do you think there's any truth to that or she's pulling my leg? You think there's going to be rope climbs in those two events that haven't been mentioned? When you asked, no, I think you missed the joke. It went over your head. When you asked which event is going to have the rope climbs, she said all of them. Meaning like all of the events have rope climbs. Meaning like shut up. No, I didn't take it that way.
Starting point is 00:41:03 No, that's how I took it. How'd you take it brian knowing that bridges was involved there's got to be a rope climb yeah but did you but in terms of what katie was saying do you think that she was she doesn't want to tip her hat i think she was insinuating that those last two events have rope climb in them no i don't think both have them i think event six has them chime in the comments please who's right me or taylor uh read your comments, Devon. I asked that question like four times while she was on.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Oh, I'm sorry. I was paying attention to her. My bad. I texted him too and he ignored me. I took it as stop asking, Mark Phillips. All right. Point for Taylor. She had great answers.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Taylor self could have great side hustle as a carnival barker taylor well so everyone thinks you're right the thumb oh bailey walker thank you holy shit yeah there's your one name thank you a thousand i knew i was right always taylor never seven uh she was telling you to shut up amazing i didn't get that at all now you guys know my special power my superhuman power i'm not trapped in my head like you guys all right event two yeah let's go uh 20 bar muscle ups so so did so i don't think that event's going to take anything off that first event of these guys what do you mean they'll be fully recovered, ready to go for tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:42:26 They won't feel shit when they hit it too. I disagree. I think there'll be athletes that aren't crushed by it, but then they're going to be athletes who are feeling it pretty bad. And where would it affect them in, in the skier? No, just heavy legs.
Starting point is 00:42:40 No, I don't think it'll affect them in this event. I think it would affect them more than anything in that back squat box jump over event. Uh, any picks, picks um you'd like to share for event two uh taylor for the men i still feel like justin and ricky probably have a pretty good shot at this one potentially chandler as well justin ricky and what about j about Jason Hopper I don't know are you guys still friends we talk
Starting point is 00:43:09 okay wow interesting someone put that in the breaking news on some was that is that newsworthy Brian I asked Taylor if they're still friends and he says we talk breaking I think he's doing the same thing that Katie yeah let me i was gonna say
Starting point is 00:43:25 if we're gonna read into something let's read into that uh uh brian uh who are your picks for um event two i'd throw in saxon in the mix uh as well as uh ricky uh so justin ricky Ricky Chandler and Saxon are the boys to watch. They're all the best at GHDs. And I think that chunk of 80 right in the center probably plays the biggest role in this workout. Looking at it for an extended period of time. Initially you look at the bar muscle ups, but I think like Jr said last night, the chunk of 20 to start is kind of irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:44:02 They're all going to do really well there. Most people are probably going to be holding between 13 and 1,500 on the ski, 15 being at the top end, someone maybe like Roman, but then someone like Justin versus maybe a slower athlete like Tim Paulson on the GHD, probably making up 15, maybe even 20 reps in that chunk of 80. How about Patrick Vellner here? Lucky straps. Pump for tomorrow's coverage, Vellner event two.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Andreas Sandstrom, Vellner here? Lucky straps pump for tomorrow's coverage. Vellner event to Andrea Sandstrom, Vellner event to here's my initial pick, but I'm a little worried about him after that first event. 10th is not a good placing for him in an endurance workout. No, Pat told me that he had not been running very much over the last couple of months. So just may have been out of condition on that side of running. There's the fact that it's a trail run and not on a track or on a perfectly flat
Starting point is 00:44:49 surface have play play into it at all? I think it does for sure. Especially athletes that are used to running on a trail. Like I personally have done a lot of trail running and when someone isn't used to that, it's a game changer. I think one in your legs, being able to tolerate the Hills and the ruck, but to just having confidence in going fast and like an uneven in a sketchy terrain some athletes are going to be a little more nervous and haphazard others are going to just
Starting point is 00:45:13 pull the pin and go uh velner doesn't seem to have the ghd cycle speed I disagree he's great at ghd's uh 80 ghd isn't needed here reps could be slimmed down and stimulus remains the same no i disagree with that too that's the chunk of the workout we can't test core anymore with sets of 15 and 20 ghd's at this level uh let's go over to the uh women's uh or let's pick let's pick women I guess we have the workout up already. Hold on, there's one more here. Taylor, will Jason be at Charlotte Classic? I want to get him a Sevan shirt to remind him we all still exist.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't think he knows that I still exist. Ah, here we go. Now the drama's unfolding. Women, for event number two, 20 bar muscle-ups, 32 cows on the ski, or 80 GHD, 32 cows on the ski, or 20 bar muscle-ups, 32 cows on the ski erg, 80 GHD, 32 cows on the ski erg, 20 bar muscle-ups. Brian, who are your women for this? I'm going to call Daniel Brandon to get them back-to-back.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Wow. I love it. She's doing the GHD, too. She's very good on GHD. She did well at up and over. She took fifth, but Haley was in head of her, Mal, and Tia. None of them are here. And none of them are here.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So the only person that finished above her was Emma. She might be a sleeper pick to take some big swings this weekend. I didn't listen to the podcast with her talking about Brute and some of the changes they've made. But an event win in event one is a pretty – I definitely was not expecting her. So Daniel, Brandon and and who else who who else you got in there how about emma lawson top three emma lawson and i like an aerial yep those are your top three both you i i don't know a third i i don't have a third but i think and Daniel Brandon. Alrighty.
Starting point is 00:47:09 No, I don't think Jason's big dicking everyone. I think he's busy. He's busy. He's just busy. Just busy doing stuff. Anything else you want to add to the show, gentlemen? Are we going back on tomorrow morning? Yeah, or maybe even tonight,
Starting point is 00:47:28 depending on what news breaks. If they release any of the workouts ahead of time, we'll jump back on this evening, review the new workouts that they release. Anything like that. Brian, thanks for coming on. Taylor, thanks for coming on. Matt Souza, thanks for running the show.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And we will see you guys very shortly. Daniel Brandon would beat Taylor up. There's no one to dispute that. He goes to my gym. Oh, fuck you.

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