The Sevan Podcast - #653 - Rogue Invitational Day 2 Recap

Episode Date: October 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. It's me. How dare you? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:00:37 Bam, we're live. Can somebody mute Gabriela Magawa? Wow. Wow. holding down first place huh is she in first right now is that updated yet um yeah i saw it right as i came to the show in first you're right I plugged in my heater. Yeah, I just turned mine up. Ooh. It got cold again. Day two done.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Taylor Self from SMTP Programming. J.R. Howell from CrossFit Crash and the host of the Crash Crucible. Hiller from HillerFit. Matt Souza in the back bringing up the pretty pictures Brian friend hopefully will be joining us shortly
Starting point is 00:01:33 and I have sent a link to miss Katie modder the owner of rogue and probably one of the most successful business women on planet Earth. And that, Jeff
Starting point is 00:01:51 Bako, is not an exaggeration. You douchebag. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What? Careful with Jeff. He's got delicate feelings. Alright, fine. Fine. Are we surprised to see... Can we go straight to the leaderboard?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Are we surprised? Look at this. Gabriela Magawa in first. Jeff Baker, wow, wow, wow. I was just summoning you, buddy. I just said douche. You made him cry. I always have a crush on Katie. What are you talking about? Does he still? He just came out.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I'll always have a crush on Katie. What are you talking about? Does he still? Gabrielle Magawa in first place. Laura Horvath in second place. Emma Lawson in third. Annie Thor's daughter in fourth. Amanda Barnhart in fifth.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Ellie Turner in sixth. In seventh place, Daniel Brandon, eighth place. Ariel Lohan, ninth place. Car Saunders in tenth place. Matilda Garns. If Brian were here, he would say it's no surprise who's at the top. Absolutely no surprise. Taylor, your thoughts. Can you hear me okay?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Oh, better than okay. I don't think there's any surprise. I'm not surprised that Gabby in the top spot. I'm a little surprised. Laura's in second with a 14th place. Um, I think more than anything, I'm interested to see where she's going to be at after snatch and press.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I think that's event eight or nine. Uh, and, and, and Emma Lawson, what happened? Shit got heavy. Uh,
Starting point is 00:03:25 no, I think we're four events into a 10 event weekend. And Emma Lawson, what happened? Shit got heavy? No. 11th and a 9th? I think we're four events into a 10-event weekend. Okay. Annie Thor's daughter taking a fifth on the DT. Do the old-time CrossFitters do better with bar cycling? Is grip strength in that type of kind of old school crossfit workout more did you say grip strength yeah yeah is it does grip strength is that something that takes time a long time to build and are these old school crossfit workouts more fitting for the
Starting point is 00:04:00 old school crossfitters, Mr. Howell? I would say grip strength alone is kind of one of those things you have or you don't. I mean, there are a lot of people that are just born with really, really good grip endurance and some people struggle with it from the first time they walk into a gym and it takes a long time for them to develop it at all. I think as far as barbell cycling goes,
Starting point is 00:04:22 especially workouts like DT, I think it's something that all these athletes have done tons of times. So I don't know if on this workout specifically, it really benefits the more old school athletes. Ellie's pacing, tremendous. Is that something she's learning from Justin Medeiros and Adam Neiffer over there at CrossFit Fort Vancouver? That was an incredible last-minute push. I don't think she wins the workout
Starting point is 00:04:50 if they call the no rep that she should have been called for. Taylor taking Andrew Hiller's spot. On that last hang power clean? Or that first hang power clean? Or the last one to the jerks? No, it was the first one first one yeah i just
Starting point is 00:05:08 she was a few seconds ahead of annie which that rep definitely didn't take a few seconds but i think if she gets no rep there she probably drops the bar uh or maybe she doesn't i mean who knows who knows maybe she drops the bar maybe she doesn't um either way she should have been no rep there i also saw electus raptus in the second heat do no hang cleans to standard wow i saw any throw his daughter's entire first round of deadlifts look like a garbage fire oh my goodness okay wait before we get to annie's deadlifts what was wrong with alexis raptus's uh hand cleans it was just the final round i noticed but her elbows didn't come through on any of them and show me show me what that means show me what you're talking about so like if you're on the front rack position here yeah and the bar is
Starting point is 00:05:56 on my shoulder for the rest to be finished your elbow has to be in front of the bar or at least in this position and she was like here so she was cleaning the bar to here just touching her collarbone and coming back down instead of getting the elbow all the way through so it's not the height of the bar that calls the rep it's your actually elbows have to like your your tricep has to break sort of some parallel line no your elbow has to be in front of the bar your elbow has to pass in front of the bar okay we're back down here yeah okay okay uh true is that true jr yeah that's true yeah i've never actually heard of a height on your front rack that you have to achieve before the rep counts you'll see some people have it below the collarbone you'll have some people catch
Starting point is 00:06:39 on the collarbone so yeah it's really more of hips and knees fully extended with elbows slightly in front of the bar. All righty. And what was wrong with Annie's deadlift? And are you sure it's not a camera angle, Hiller? I'm sure it's all... She is doing what a lot of people are doing, so everyone is all pissed off about everyone's
Starting point is 00:06:59 deadlift. So they're in this position where they round, and they kind of hold a slight rounded position, and the head is looking at the floor floor so it makes it look like they're not standing all the way up but it doesn't appear as if that was the issue with annie's that she was going really quick because the bar is really light it got her out ahead in the early rounds but once she slowed down a bit the reps cleaned up a little bit her technique wasn't quite there but i guess that doesn't really matter. I don't really give a shit about technique.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I give a shit about getting all the way up. I personally saw people calling her out on her reps, and I was staring at her, and I didn't see it. I missed the first round. Did anyone else see bad reps besides Hiller? Or Manny? She was riding the line a little bit. Andrew Hiller looks like a juiced up Walter From the Big Lebowski
Starting point is 00:07:51 I bet you Hiller hasn't even seen the Big Lebowski He doesn't watch good movies The stoner dude Yeah, he's John Candy's character, I think Oh, okay, I look like him Tommy Marquez, I would rather have hillers pecs would you rather have hillers pecs or specs yeah they're growing it's a fantastic question um you should start your own uh podcast uh travis from vindicate annie's first round looked bad but terrible
Starting point is 00:08:19 camera angle uh jamie latimer uh just like katrin uh annie always rides the line okay here we go are we talking about are we talking this is not this is not the first round this is not the first round yeah we're talking about annie's uh deadlift go ahead mr friend chime in no i would just say the deadlifts were very similar across the board from the athletes. I didn't think that there was anything too suspicious going on. And I actually thought the rest of Annie's reps were very clean. After the first round. Well, I'm talking about the cleans and the shoulder overhead. I don't think there's any room to scrutinize the deadlifts in this workout.
Starting point is 00:08:59 There were a lot of athletes that you could have. It was really close for. Bailey, Demena, brian the five minute friend every girl wish she had oh that's nice okay uh i am hop talk about no reps the strongman dumbo press that some brew the strongman was crazy oh the strongman was crazy. Thank you. I am hopped. Um, if we go back to the female leaderboard for a second, please. One thing to keep an eye on. If you look at the top, I think even the top seven. And then after that, if you look, there's one thing in common that everyone has except for Annie so far through four events, and that's no event outside of the top 10 for Annie only. So just to keep an eye on
Starting point is 00:09:47 that as Annie may continue to climb, I think she was in like eighth or ninth, maybe before this one or when we went into today. So that's just something to keep an eye on. I think you're way more likely to see finishers on the podium that all have maybe one finish outside the top 10 versus the males. I think you said that backwards, JR. What you're saying is that all have maybe one finish outside the top 10 versus the males. I think you said that backwards, JR. What you're saying is they all have finishes outside the top 10, except for Annie. Okay. Yeah. Fantastic. Okay. And you're saying that the good money is on the person who's consistent, not the person who's all over the board. In this field for the podium, absolutely. But I think maybe even for the winner. Okay, fantastic.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Especially notable given the conversation we had at the end of the last show, which is that three of these workouts have not been, you know, the traditional couple of triple chipper style crossfit workouts. They've been like specific tests of running, of lifting, of gymnastics, and she's still able to hang in the top half of all those things. Well said. Brian, Gabriella Magawa and Laura Horvat in the top half of all those things. Well said, uh, Brian, uh, Gabriella Magawa and Laura Horvath at the top. Uh, you are an expert in all things CrossFit, but you are maybe like level 15 out of 10
Starting point is 00:10:54 when it comes to Gabriella and Laura Horvath. Uh, what are you thinking right now when you see them up there? You mean in this workout particularly? No, just in general, after four four workouts they're one and two there oh i mean you know i think most people have had them in podium spots and the pre-competition predictions for the end of the weekend uh so nothing most yeah but the but the pre-competition shows have been horrible oh i'm sorry. Wouldn't you guys fall into one of those?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Wouldn't you guys the pre-competition shows? I'm sorry. We definitely fall into that one. That was the exception. Tim Paulson sprinted the end on the bike. Sean called it, he called him Tim Paulsend. Get it? Tim Paul Send Once again I fucking loved it
Starting point is 00:11:49 I fucking loved it, brilliant You think he came up with that beforehand? No, no, I think that's on the fly Have you guys not seen the shirts that they made about that? Oh, really? Yeah, this has been around for a while There's full Paul Send shirts That were being available for sale like three weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Oh, okay. Okay. Do you guys even pay attention to the CrossFit media space? We try not to. We try not to. Brian, you look like you belong in an episode of Dexter. Yonikoski got his start, his career began under the tutelage of one Miko Salo. Is that what we saw today?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Did we see a Janikowski who's an OG CrossFitter, shitloads of roots, spent a ton of time under the barbell? Did you guys expect him to do so well? JR? Yeah, I actually remember seeing a video is some of the guys probably have seen it what's this overall finish on the workout third yeah third third i hillar saying third i don't know can you organize them by uh by um uh event Event 4. Thank you, Sousa. Third place, Janikowski.
Starting point is 00:13:07 One second ahead of Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson. Okay, JR. Oh, standby. Standby. Katie. What's up? Thanks for your time. I don't have much time tonight, so we've got to be quick.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Were you out in the sun all day? Yes. No, there was no sun here. There was no sun? No, it rained all day. That's just temperature change, or you've been eating a lot of carrots? Temperature change. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Good to have you on the show. Katie, let's start with the hardest question first. Why no live media, or why not take me to the ranch so I can Instagram live from there? There's a lot of reasons to that, but we knew we wanted to do a post edit. So at least we were able to capture that and get it out today. OK. And was any of it to maintain your privacy since it's your own personal facility? Absolutely. OK. Fair enough. own uh personal facility absolutely okay fair fair enough uh the programming um how collaborative
Starting point is 00:14:08 was it between you and uh spieler and josh uh i think it's always very collaborative i mean we have a great time we do it we come up with crazy ideas and i think what you're seeing this weekend is uh some of the best stuff that that we've been able to come up with. But these athletes are just knocking it out of the park. There's a lot of speculation about the bag weight during event one, that it was 100 pounds. What was the point of that? To make it annoying. We really just wanted to take them out of the flow of the run.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So just get it up and over, and then they can get out of there. So there's no truth that it was somehow determined by the ruck guys and they're not as strong as CrossFitters. Absolutely not. Okay. Uh, have there been any last minute changes to any of the, uh, workouts? No, we're all settled. Alrighty. Um, the, the log event, uh, that we haven't seen yet. Can you tell us who tested that on the men and the women's side? Uh, we had a couple of people tested, uh, Christy Aramont tested the female weight and then, uh, Dan, Dan Bailey tested for the men, uh, for us. Um, but we think we settled, uh, where settled where we want to be and hopefully it's going to be better tomorrow night under the lights. Can you tell us the format of that?
Starting point is 00:15:31 No. Understood. The back squat from the rack, when you and Spieler and Josh, was that debated how that was going to start? Would they be able to get it back up there? Did you guys debate what the rules were going to like how that was going to start?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Would they be able to get it back up there? Did you guys debate what the rules were going to be about that? Meaning if they dropped it? Yeah. We didn't really debate it. I mean, it just had to work that way throughout for the flow of the competition. But I can say that they, the up were just – they just crushed it. I mean, that was awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I mean, the only debate we had was on the weight. The rep scheme was pretty settled, and the weights were heavy. But they killed it. Nick Matthew knocked it out of the park. Absolutely. Did anyone want to go heavier? That's what I was going to ask. No. No, we didn't want to go heavier.
Starting point is 00:16:21 We were wondering if that was too heavy, but it obviously was not. For the muscle-up event, do you wish in hindsight that you would have made the time cap a little longer so we could have got a finisher? I could probably go either way on that, but I'm happy with where we settled. I think it being a new event, it's something that, uh, we could bring back in a different way. Oh, we, we heard a rumor that it was Tia Toomey who tested it. And that's why it was so short. It was not Tia.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Okay. Um, will there be a minimum work requirement on any of the workouts this year? TBD. Okay. For you, not for the athletes. Right. Okay. And so this is what, this is, this is how we came up with this question. Um, uh, in, in, in a previous year, Laura Horvat was disqualified for not being able to do a handstand pushup. And yet we had someone who wasn't able to do one back squat, and they were allowed to continue. Yes, correct. There, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Do we know what's going on with Bailey Rogers? She looked great in DT. Do we know why she didn't do any back squats? I do not. I haven't had a chance to catch up with the athletes tonight. Okay. The warm-up area, what's the warm-up area look like for the athletes? Because we saw Matilda Barnes go out there and take some weights off and do a couple warm-up reps actually during the workout.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I mean, the warm-up, are you asking if the warm-up area had squat stands in it and barbells? Yes, the answer is yes. And how long before they before they finished warming up to them going out there um less than 10 minutes i think it was it was enough time to be able to stay warm before they ran down there i'm not sure why she did it okay that was gonna be my next question what the fuck is wrong with matilda barn. Okay. Let's not go that far. Come on now. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Mr. Taylor self, I present to you the owner, the co-owner of rogue fitness, Katie modern, please. Your question. I was just going to ask about the programming when you guys are coming up
Starting point is 00:18:39 with that stuff with Josh and Chris, you mentioned it being collaborative. Is there a lot of negative feedback? Like, do you throw an idea out there that gets shot down frequently or vice versa from them? I think everyone gets ideas shot down and that's why we, you know, it ends up being the best of what's being out, you know, what's grouped together. Typically Bill will have some off the wall idea that sometimes sticks and sometimes doesn't. But I think, you know, Chris and Chris and Josh do a great job of really being pointed
Starting point is 00:19:08 with, with the direction they want to go. And, and, you know, we nitpick it a bit, but we're really happy with where we ended up this year. Me too. I love it. And I think that was kind of where I was going. I appreciate that you guys have that kind of feedback loop. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Mr. Andrew Hiller. One more. Okay. Okay. Mr. Andrew Hiller. One more. I got one more. Okay, Mr. Hiller. When will the Bar Muscle Up blogs be available for sale on the Rope Fitness website? I don't know. We wanted to do this one for a few years,
Starting point is 00:19:36 multiple years actually, and just couldn't pull it off. But I think the feedback was good on it. So we'll see. Maybe they'll make the website. Katie, thank you for everything. You're fucking amazing. I can't believe you're doing this for us. We love you to death. it. So we'll see. Maybe they'll make the website. Katie, thank you for everything. You're fucking amazing. I can't believe you're doing this for us.
Starting point is 00:19:48 We love you to death. Welcome. See you guys tomorrow. Peace. Katie Hanegar, everyone. Co-owner of probably one of the best companies in the United States. That was great. Sorry, JR.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Sorry, Brian. Yeah, JR. Sorry, Susan. Yeah, what if you would have done that? Sorry, Brian. Yeah. I should have met JR. Yeah. What if you would have done that? I have a great question, but I know it's not as good as JR. I know it's not going to stack. JR, what was your question?
Starting point is 00:20:13 So my question was, you know, as the years have evolved in CrossFit, you know, back in the day of 315 was programmed for a workout. You know, there was a time where a 315 deadlift was really heavy. for a workout. You know, there was a time where a 315 deadlift was really heavy. And then we got to the point on the Cinco's one and on the regionals workout with the GHDs true form run and the deadlifts that 405 was just that number. It was like, Oh my gosh, they're deadlifting 405. Did that come into play at all when deciding, Hey, back in the day, that used to be a heavy deadlift. Now we're going to show you guys that people can back squat back, wait for reps. Great question. Are you going to save that for tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Well, please, please have it in the lineup. Who big time? You killed it, by the way. Good job. Thank you. I just stole the questions from you guys during the last show. Who big time?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Sevan Moore, KD or TDC? You could throw Brian Friend in there, too. You could TDC. You could throw Brian friend in there too. You could throw Brian. You could throw Brian. Uh, Tim Paulson's, uh, sprint at the end. Um,
Starting point is 00:21:15 was that smart? Brian, where do you end up finishing on the workout? There's a lot of close times I think that he passed people on the last round of the workout And I think that in general That was the play It was to try to pick people off in rounds four and five
Starting point is 00:21:33 So he was But in his heat He was kind of out of the mix through three rounds And he finished towards the top of his seat I think it paid off Ninth place overall I agree Anyone disagree with that?
Starting point is 00:21:43 That that was a good strategy on his part it's his only strategy uh jack farlow um although he finished i think last in his heat he looked really good when the camera went over to him and i never realized how long he is uh jr is that going is that going to be a uh for Emma? I mean, a problem for his future in CrossFit? I don't think so. I mean, we've always seen some outliers in the sport, people like Brent. I mean, Jason's a longer guy with longer limbs. Pat's got really long arms. It's just something that he's going to have to work around. I think it comes into play a lot more on workouts like this with cycle rate just having the longer limbs just that extra inch it takes to get from right above your knee to the front rack every time from the front rack to locking out overhead it really really adds up like in that workout from what i saw jason was
Starting point is 00:22:39 the only athlete the only athlete that went unbroken on every single round of dt and yet he still finished sixth or seventh and we know i think i think i think roman did also i think roman broke the deadlifts on at least one round really okay maybe not i don't think so but we're talking about the two best bikers probably in the game and those are the two are the taller guys so clearly those guys have found a way to work around that, that limb length that Jack has to kind of work his way around. Brian will Jack, will that keep Jack Farlow from ever making it to the podium?
Starting point is 00:23:16 His body type. I don't think that in isolation, I mean, it's very, very difficult to make the podium regardless. His body type honestly is, is somewhat similar to Belner's. I don't know if his arms are quite as long as it's very, very difficult to make the podium regardless. His body type, honestly, is somewhat similar to Belner's. I don't know if his arms are quite as long as Pat's are. He's more hair on his chest. He's 20 years old, and if you get a chance to see him up close, it's a pretty impressive body type for a 20-year-old.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I think he's got some potential in this sport. Okay. No flag for Roman, and I mean potential in the sport. Okay. No flag for Roman. And I mean this in all sincerity. Does anyone know what, what the point is, what that's supposed to prove? Does anyone want to take that question?
Starting point is 00:23:54 I'll take it and ask Katie tomorrow. Okay. If he was going to, he was going to probably have, I mean, I mean, what is, what is,
Starting point is 00:24:02 what is, what is that proving? It's supposed to be an inclusive event. What is that proving? We all know where he's from. He spoke Russian. We all see him. What is that supposed to prove? I don't get it. Do you hate Russia? Okay, you hate what they're doing? Okay, but what's that supposed to prove? I really want to know. I'm open to being slapped around. What's the first – what's the – A rogue flag. What's the prize money for first place for the strongman? Do we know?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like 120. It's like a – I thought it was like 120. It's over 100,000 for sure. I think it's 119,000 base. Okay. Okay. So it's less than the first place for either the men or the women, which is equal for the,
Starting point is 00:24:47 for the CrossFit competition. Correct. I want to tell the people in the chat and the strong man chat that the reason why you're watching CrossFit is because it's fucking subsidizing. It's subsidizing your ability to see your dudes. And as Sousa said in the comments, so you don't have to watch your dudes and as suza said in the comments so you don't have to watch your dudes at 3 a.m on espn 17 thank you matt suza this guy competition is in texas there he's russian no way they're gonna throw a russian flag up um velner passes uh roman on the bike on on one of the rounds and then i don't know if you
Starting point is 00:25:28 guys saw this i don't i i'm pretty sure i saw pat velner was was neck and neck with roman and in the fourth round uh velner got a no rep on his sixth shoulder to overhead did you guys see that and that's where roman took off anyone else see that it's either a no rep or he put the bar down after five which i find completely unbelievable i i don't he probably got a no rep but i think more than anything he tried to pull a move a little too early i just don't think he had it in the tank to go as fast as roman for as long as he went i think he just tried to make a move too early or tried to make a move in a workout where he wasn't going to make a pass, even if he did make the move. Brian, any thoughts? Did you see the no rep? Well, I'll tell you this. Over the four heats of the workout, with the exception of Noah Olsen going hot in round one, which barely counts in this conversation,
Starting point is 00:26:22 the only athlete who was able to pass the leader of their heat at all was ellie turner every other person that tried to make a move it was uh chandler smith cole sager tim paulson pat velner bkg justin maderos at one point sam quant uh ellie turner was the only person who was able to make a pass in round four or five against the heat leader from the from the onset so it was uh it was kind it was kind of strange to see that there were other people that were able to make passes further on but the heat leader for the most part for after round two ended up holding on no matter you know who made a move and Ellie made that pass in the fifth round on the hand cleans when uh annie broke
Starting point is 00:27:07 which was why i thought that maybe that no rep that she didn't get for doing the full clean instead of the hand clean potentially gave her the workout especially since it was within a couple of seconds of each other uh jr did you see uh ellie turner's transition from hang cleans to the shoulder to overhead? Yeah. Like split second fast. It's so fast that it almost looks like a hang snatch. It is so fast. What she was doing an unbelievable job was, was like, if you were to look and see how far the bar actually moved from a flex knee position in the front rack to when she was locking it overhead, it seemed like it was three inches.
Starting point is 00:27:52 It was crazy. She would just let the bar make contact with her and just push down instead of driving up at all. It was nuts just how fast she would get under and then stand up. Is that a natural athletic gift or is that something you can tell that, man, she's put in the time? I'm sure that's hundreds and hundreds of reps. Who are you talking about, JR? Ellie Turner. Ellie.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Just how fast she is. Yeah, no, think back to the wall balls from Hattrick at the games. That fast twitch muscle fiber that she has is almost unparalleled amongst both men and women in the sport right now. She is real quick at that stuff. And going back to athlete you talked about earlier, that's where Yona Kosey was making his money in this workout too. His hand cleans the shoulder to overhead.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Those 15 reps were like 17 seconds every round. Um, Derek Brinkman. Uh, can we talk about the fact that Velner has managed to be one of the best of all time managing a chiro practice and parenthood though no but thank you sorry sorry that's uh that's me that guy Derek is actually me on a different computer awesome yeah I mean Derek Derek it's it's it's a it's a uh it's a great point okay here we go watch
Starting point is 00:29:01 watch Ellie Turner transition here but why don't you scroll back a little bit? I want to see that first rep. Is that asking too much? I don't know. Damn, that answers that. Fuck your question no more. God damn it. You know what would be really cool to see if someone could do this
Starting point is 00:29:22 is to see a side-by-side of Yonikoski, Roman Krennikoff, Annie Thorisdottir, or maybe Ellie Turner, and Laura Horvath doing the hang cleans in the shoulder overhead and watch the different cycle rates. That would be a really cool 4x4 side-by-side. That will be on Brian's Instagram first thing in the morning. Jeff Baco. I don't know if this is truth, but fucking brilliant edition um like most of his editions world anti-doping code rule to not display the flag of russian athletes competing in sanctions events i wonder what that means it's their code like they won't do i wonder what that means oh here he goes is this is this event sanctioned by water that it's all all good all good points jeff thank you clock cutter cock cutter says wada has no such rule and if it did it wouldn't bind robe or crossfit
Starting point is 00:30:10 cuck cocker i can't remember whoa whoa that looked worse than it did in real time something's going on here what looked worse it looked like she did a straight out power clean and this one she did she did there there was the ever so slightest no no dude it didn't look it doesn't look that bad in real time hey would that be wrong would that be wrong yes it was it wasn't no yeah i come to a complete stop and do a hang but so yeah that's the that's on the judge why does it look like taylor shaved his eyebrows off uh because i'm gonna do it again the same thing no no she stopped she didn't she stopped she didn't fucking stop dude i was
Starting point is 00:31:00 watching she stopped uh jr howell for the record break. Did she stop or not? I did not see a pause. Does a hitch count as the bar stopping? Negative. Well, exactly. If she hitches or cleans, then she totally didn't stop.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Well, if you say that the hitch has the bar stop and then you use your low back to lift it, technically it stopped and then she hitched up and did it. I've sent Vellner a link, and he said he's on his way home. But can anyone confirm or deny that he got no rep when he was tied with Roman in that fourth round as he did his final rep, shoulder overhead? Cannot. Okay. Medeiros did, though, right around there, though, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:31:50 Say that again. Medeiros what what was catching up there too it looks like it looks like he got a no rep either on the last hang clean or one of those jerks okay and and about the fourth round okay uh roman said in his post-fight interview, my recovery pace is many athletes' working pace. Is that just him having fun or is there some truth to that? Taylor? I think there's some truth to that for Roman. Wow. Brian?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Love that he said that. It was amazing and I 100% believe him. Wow. JR, you've worked with the other guy who's the best in the game at the bike, Mr. Hopper. Do you see that kind of stuff with Jason also? Yeah, I mean, I think he was just being matter-of-fact about it. Right, okay. And he said it with a smile.
Starting point is 00:32:41 The amazing thing about that is, you you know obviously there's a language barrier there and we don't get a lot of insight into his psyche or his psychological approach to this sport so for like the fact that he has that awareness not just for himself but also relative to the field is like a rare glimpse into what he's thinking about when he's out there i thought that was great uh hugh janice off the screen yeah Yeah, yeah. Damn it, Hiller. Hugh Janus says, no way you guys can judge that in real time and call that out. Chill already. What do you mean chill?
Starting point is 00:33:13 No one wants to watch us chill, but I appreciate it, and I appreciate your name a lot. Taylor, if you hold 75 cals for every set of 15 right there on the Echo bike, how does it feel? What do you mean hold 75 for every set of 15? 75 on the on the echo bike how does it feel what do you mean hold 75 for every set of 15 75 uh cadence rpm rpm oh um is that about 450 watts i would have probably tried to be in around 500 watts which i think is probably recovering because i wonder if he was pushing it he could be at like 650 maybe i'm full of shit i'm probably around 450 400 to 450 he was probably at 500 well they were doing it about 45 seconds which is about what 72 75 uh jennifer mcdonald jennifer mcdonald yeah pat had to go back yeah i did seem you're right that's
Starting point is 00:33:59 what i was going to confirm so i have it pulled up here it's a little hard to see if to time it but it looked like there was a miscommunication he thought that he was done so he dropped the bar and the judge leans in and says one more rep and he has to pick it back up and do one more shoulder overhead so it did slow him down quite a bit god that sucks because at that point he had he caught up with roman on the bike and he was making his move and that's a horrible place it's interesting is it a no rep or was it a miscount because that's kind of huge too well yeah like in the long run what ends up happening is he loses he and hopper both lost madaris on this workout by like a one in two seconds respectively if that doesn't happen
Starting point is 00:34:35 presumably velner beats madaris on the workout and again that's like just three or five extra points or whatever ends up being in madaris pocket, which is only adding up and making it harder and harder if someone's going to beat him this weekend. Good point. I don't get this, Matt. He's saying that 71 to 72 RPMs equals 450 watts. Oh, I thought it was
Starting point is 00:34:57 71 minus 72 equals 400. What the fuck is this? Susan, what are we looking at here? We got it here. It's going to go quick. The camera angle is going to cut and change, and you guys are going to pay attention to Vellner in your top right-hand corner of your screen. But you'll see that it looks like he miscounted it. I counted the reps a couple of times, and it was five,
Starting point is 00:35:16 and then he drops it. So here we go. Okay. So we watch him here. Roman's done. Vellner goes one more, more drops it realizes he has one more gets it back oh shit okay and that wasn't a no rep he was locked out and his hips were open what'd you say taylor right i think that was a mental error damn okay well at least that makes
Starting point is 00:35:39 it better for velner because there's his mental error of the competition is is he known for that uh yeah right he always does some shit at one he has one or two how dare you what's scary to say something bad about velner or katie modder okay it's not bad it's a fact is that plates rolling around he's falling off of cargo nets fact is that plates rolling around he's falling off of cargo nets uh daniel brandon reps daniel brandon's deadlifts in the beginning of that workout looked so incredibly slow did you guys notice that i think i i was thinking about this i think if you took all the athletes split times by round individually, she probably had the greatest ascension. She was the slowest in round one relative to her round four and five pace. I think she paced the workout relative to her own capacity very well, and it was probably intentional to go relatively slow in the first round or two.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Okay, well, I'm glad you noticed that that whenever anyone confirms something in one of my observations it gives me a little chub uh uh jr i had to mute your ass because wherever you are what are you at a bar okay something like that uh yeah pat just said he no, I fully did five by accident. Brain fart. Oh, damn. Okay. Danielle is immature, though. Huge anus. I don't think the though is required.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I think just, I don't see anything. She looks plenty mature to me, but whatever you say. What's up with the Daniel Brandon hate? Where did this come from? I can't wait to see mature Daniel Brandon brandon seven that was pretty rude huge anus is clearly not making a super superficial remark then you had to bring it into that realm i apologize i apologize um uh oh and huge anus also has another oh shit good point uh jr who's that in the window behind you there's always somebody in the window behind me can we see uh susan can we see the um uh boys uh leaderboard please
Starting point is 00:37:55 though though it's okay i'm not i'm not i'm not a stickler for spelling. First place, the champ is in the house. Justin Medeiros, Roman Krennikoff, Björgvin Karl Gudmundsson in third, Patrick Vellner in fourth, Jeffrey Adler in fifth, Samuel Quant in sixth, Chandler Smith tied for sixth. In seventh place...
Starting point is 00:38:24 Sorry, in eighthth place we have Ricky who? BKG he looks thick to me Ricky Garrard that's Hiller's talking point Ricky Garrard 8th place 9th place Mr. Jason Hopper
Starting point is 00:38:41 if you could scroll back up to the top J.R. Howell what do you see when you look at the finishes for these top five guys? Well, you see everyone in the top ten, but like I said earlier, I think that's going to be a lot more common. I think you may even see four guys have all top tens and not win. Right. And then look at Adler, the outlier, right? Second, 12th, 2nd, 11th. Is he the big shock here, Brian,
Starting point is 00:39:18 that we're not seeing a better performance from Jeffrey Adler? Is he the big shock so far? I think he's in a fine position. I mean, he is a good runner. I think he outperformed him, at least my expectations for him on the run. He was, you know, it would have been, like I said, great to see him go against Nick Matthew head to head in the back squat workout. Maybe you could add him up, but two second places is great.
Starting point is 00:39:38 That, you know, I'm not really sure what to say about the log bar muscle up workout. You know, is that not, I don't know yet really why that would be a problem for him compared to some of the other guys. And the cycling barbell DT on the bike, the men's field is fairly big, and he's not the biggest guy out there. And it was clearly, just look at the guys who were doing well in that workout. I feel like the size and weight mattered in that workout quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So 11th is an okay finish. I think tomorrow will be a very telling day for Adler, but if he's able to lurk in the top five, uh, at the end of tomorrow, he's, he can still make a podium run. Uh, Hiller, you got, uh, Medeiros, uh, Roman Krenikoff, Bjorgvin, uh, Patrick, Jeffrey Adler, Samuel Quant, all games athletes, and then Chandler Smith. Do you think he's sleeping well tonight thinking, oh, shit, I'm playing with the big boys. I didn't get to go to the games, and yet here I am. I think Bergeron's giving him a pep talk that's going to ruin his weekend. Why did I ask you?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Don't forget. Don't forget. Chandler Smith finishes at Rogue in the last three years, our fourth, fifth, and eighth. Hey, don't get me wrong. I love Chandler Smith finishes at Rogue in the last three years, our fourth, fifth, and eighth. Hey, don't get me wrong. I love Chandler Smith. I know. I just think he's in danger with his positioning.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Ben loves him so much, he's going to help him. Can we see who's in eighth place again, Ricky Garrard? Is Berger on there? Can you guys confirm? I haven't seen him around. I haven't seen him either, but I would be surprised if he's not here. What was the second workout? He's not sleeping. He's just sitting and throwing at him.
Starting point is 00:41:20 The log muscle. What happened to Jason Hopper here uh taylor what happened to jason hopper on that workout 19th i think it was predominantly ghds they got him jr do you have an opinion on what happened there yeah that set of 80 ghds in the middle is is a really big chunk and that's something that he works hard on but just not something something that is a strength yet. So that set of 80 time per rep and just having to break it up there on the last 20 I think really cost him.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I'm pretty sure he was lasting his heat off of the log muscle up in the first round. He wasn't. He wasn't? No, I think he was ahead of scott tetlow yeah that's saying scott tetlow is not in his seat yeah he was they tied no no scott no scott and tim were in heat one jason was in heat two what i specifically remember he was not the last off the bar okay then my fault um uh michael uh olivis olivis olivis first round of busy reading how i manage by michael scott he's busy reading how to tell
Starting point is 00:42:37 all my athletes to sit really low on the echo bike because that's a good strategy uh sand at them daniel brandon in event three is an example of her immature she quit she could have uh hustled and got a few points her attitude got i i don't think so well are you out of your fucking mind yeah i don't think she could do that try harder she's one of the worst comments that's ever been pulled up on the screen easy i like tony easy um but she was stopped right you can still i can still like him too Try harder. That's one of the worst comments that's ever been pulled up on the screen. Easy. I like Tony. Easy. But she was stopped, right?
Starting point is 00:43:08 I can still like him, too. Brian, she was stopped, right? That weight stopped her in her tracks, right? Well, I mean, this is what I think about. The workout's nine minutes long. She was able to squat that weight twice, and then she failed it twice. If you know that the weight is that hard for you, do one and rack it and rest a minute. And do one and rack it and rest a minute.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And then do another one and move on. But she didn't do that. She did two and then she failed. And then she stood there for five minutes and tried again. It's like the strategy didn't add up. She got two back squats completed. She would have had to have done three more. And then another round worth of back squats to have would have had to have done three more and then another round with a
Starting point is 00:43:45 back squat to have caught 17th place which would have done nothing for her no but i think that you know if you if if this guy's point is that she didn't maximize her strategy and therefore it was an immature performance as an athlete then you know knowing how heavy that weight is for her do one at a time and just get through it that way. Isn't the story about Pat Barber at the CrossFit Games completely not doing an event and then winning the following event and it propelled him into a podium position or something like that? Yeah. Katrin did the same thing. That's how Katrin won the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'd argue if she's not going to get kicked out of the event, it'd be better for her to not even do the back squats. out of the event, it'd be better for her to not even do the back squats. Katrin did that at a game under Ben Bergeron's tutelage and advice. Great move. And she won the CrossFit Games. Point Bergeron.
Starting point is 00:44:36 One point Bergeron. One point. Well, the difference between that workout and this workout was if you do no reps in this workout, you get zero points. But if you do no reps in that workout, you still earn 54 points. 54. How long is it going to take Jason Hopper to – we always talk about the weaknesses, handstand push-ups, whatever, double-unders, muscle-ups. We've seen these things that hinder athletes.
Starting point is 00:45:00 uh, muscle ups. Um, we've seen these things that, that hinder athletes. I've never, this is the first time I've heard someone, uh, speak of GHDs like this to punch such a massive hole in someone's game.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Who's who, who won the Mac, uh, convincingly, how long does it take to fix a GHD weakness? That's a, that's that big of a hole. Uh,
Starting point is 00:45:21 uh, Taylor. I think it depends on the athlete. Um, is it fixable or is it like handstand push-ups you're fucked no i think it's fixable i don't think he's fucked okay uh do you want to give me a time frame like basically what i'm insinuating is why wasn't that fixed between why isn't that fixed by now uh i think he's focused on potentially some other things a lot harder um basing you know like you look at an event like that 48 muscle-up workout from the 2021 games um and he took near last on that and he worked really really hard on that and I don't think he's had an event where GHDs have
Starting point is 00:45:58 stomped him like this has and now that he's been stomped he's probably going to make a big adjustment on it. I mean, you know, when you go into a workout and you do not as well as other athletes in a set of 40 or a set of 30 or a set of 50 GHDs, that's one thing to work on them. And then to be the last person on the GHDs and pausing every three reps when you've only got five to go, that's, yeah, I just think he just, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:23 took some medicine tonight and is probably going to go back to the drawing board and i would imagine next time we see jc's and work out with him he doesn't struggle with him as much andrew hiller we have an addition to the chat named old man strength who has been in the rogue chat every single time i've seen him there and he wants to know if he he wants to know if he can ask questions in this chat. No. Yeah, fuck off. Old man straight, no questions. Mr. J, how long does it take to fix that hole?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Is that a big hole? Is that one of those things that's like insurmountable that weighs heavy, like I'm guessing other people's weaknesses? We got Haley Adams with the strength. We got Laura Horvat with the handstand pushups. Is this? Well, maybe this is a better question.? Well, maybe this is a better question. Oh, I mean, maybe this is a better question. Is it worth it to spend the time it's going to take
Starting point is 00:47:10 fixing it when you could be doing other things? I disagree. I don't think that, that, that, that, well, I didn't say that's what he should do. I'm just proposing the question. If, if you know, you're never going to be a strength athlete, or, you know, you're never going to be a strength athlete or you know you're never going to be a great runner, does it make sense to spend all of your time trying to move the needle a little bit to go from 15th to 13th? Or is it better to get some things that maybe you're 7th and 8th on up to the top five? It just seems like such a fundamental movement it's going to be in in every single competition yeah for sure for sure and he does he does hundreds a week so it's it's not for it's not for not training them but again he gets better at them you assume other people do them every week too and they get a little bit better at them also.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Okay. Fair enough. Okay. Let's take a, let's take a look back at the men's leaderboard. J. R. Oh, look at this person's name is J.
Starting point is 00:48:19 R. Long road for Hopper, but he's capable for sure to win. To win, to win capable for sure to win. To win what? Just to win. Just to win. Just picture him at the top of every podium. Justin Medeiros, anything coming up?
Starting point is 00:48:40 Anything going to stop him? I know some of you are closet Roman Krennikoff fans. Some of you aren't closet Roman Krennikoff fans. But in all honesty, is there any stopping Justin Medeiros, Brian? If you're talking about Justin Medeiros' skill set, we have not seen anything since the 2021 games that he's not capable of remaining relevant in a workout yet. The only things that tripped him up at the games were things that are not really fitness related.
Starting point is 00:49:14 And even then, he was fairly good workouts or results for him. So these things that we keep talking about, not only is he incredibly fit, but he keeps on stealing points against the field in these workouts. And you have to look at guys like Vellner, like Adler that we're talking about, and it's like it's already not good enough. They've already made mistakes or given away points on workouts that's no. Roman is the only guy that's within range of taking this guy down right now. The workout I was talking about earlier,
Starting point is 00:49:45 someone sent it to me and I was wrong, but it is no surprise. I think it was Mr. Joshua. It's a 400 meter run, 30 GHDs, to your point, Brian. 250 pound deadlift for 15 reps, five rounds. I apologize. It was 315? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:03 No, no, it was 250 deadlift and it was three 15. Yes. No, no. It was two, two 50 deadlift. And it was only 30 glute ham sit-ups. He was 15 for that many reps was like, whoa, he was having some dyslexia. So he thought that the 250 pound deadlift was actually 250 GHG sit-ups. Uh, well,
Starting point is 00:50:18 well, my, um, when my, when my mom told me I looked old, I said, I don't look old. And she said,
Starting point is 00:50:23 well, you've always had a healthy self image of yourself. So me, so, you know, here we go. Oh, is this it? Mr looked old, I said, I don't look old. And she said, well, you've always had a healthy self-image of yourself. So, you know, here we go. Oh, is this it, Mr. Joshua? I apologize. I stand corrected. Okay. Back to the leader.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, can we look at the first event for tomorrow? I heard Justin Medeiros can't press with a neutral grip, so Roman will pass him on the log. Right. All right. You heard it here first. Yeah. I heard a rumor. That is absurd.
Starting point is 00:50:55 You know, unless rogue comes out with something atypical, like they do some kind of agility obstacle course on the baseball field or they do a true sprint where they do like um you know like a 200 meter shuttle for time i mean look at his finishes at the games he's not a fast guy he's good he's in good endurance runner but he is what you would maybe consider on the slower side as far as sprinting. So unless they do something like that, like I don't think there's any reason to think he's not going to finish out of the top five on anything.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I got a quick question. This is off subject a little bit. Has anyone ever seen a strong man do Fran? No. Yeah. There's a video. Oh, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Oh no, that's grace. Yeah. Didn't anyone do grace? I bring that up because that was another thing. I had a chance to film with the strongman one time, and I asked him if he could do Grace, and he laughed, and he did the first, he said, so easy,
Starting point is 00:51:53 and he did the first 121 thrusters unbroken. He did it actually to be, in all fairness, he did it with 135 because he said it was too easy at 95, and that's it. It stopped him. He tapped. He went over to the pull-up bar, got a couple a couple and tapped i think he thought his heart was going to explode i believe it i want to see the strong man do fran i'd like to see that like my favorite comments were the ones how the strong men would destroy the back squat box jump workout and i'm
Starting point is 00:52:20 like dude they wouldn't make it to the box jumps. Yeah. Something would blow. Something would blow. Right. And what's interesting, you say that is that, well, okay, I won't go there. I don't want to give Jeff Baco anything. Okay. Event number five, the turtle, um, uh, axle, axle bar lunge is, by the way, I have this tomorrow. God, please tell me this isn't true.
Starting point is 00:52:42 It's 7 a.m. Pacific standard time. Sousa. Yeah. tomorrow god please tell me this isn't true at 7 a.m pacific standard time suza yeah because an hour on before if we go on an hour before it'd be 9 a.m central time therefore 7 a.m our time so 7 a.m pacific standard time the rogue invitational starts tomorrow we start an hour before the rogue invitational oh so so the rogue invitational if we choose to go on before it. We don't. I don't know if that's...
Starting point is 00:53:08 J.R.'s Windows? I don't know if that's true. So, sorry, tell me what time Event 5 starts tomorrow. 10.03 Central. Yeah, 10.05 AM Central, 8 Pacific. Okay, this is like me trying to figure out alpaca.
Starting point is 00:53:26 And then if we go on an hour before the event starts, that would make it 7 a.m. for our time. Okay. Okay. Gotcha. Event number five, the turtle axle bar lunge, 155. We don't have a distance on that, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Monkey bar. We don't have a distance on that, right? Right. Monkey bar. We don't have a distance or a position of the axle. Yeah, there's way more unknowns in this workout than notes. How many positions are there with the lunge? What do you mean? We don't know the position. Front, overhead, back. Oh. Okay. I guess you could zurcher lunge. That'd be wicked. Hey, have we ever seen that? No. No, but it'd be wildurcher lunge. That'd be wicked. Yeah. Hey, have we ever seen that?
Starting point is 00:54:06 No. No, but it'd be wild. It would be. It'd be cool. They've shown us they're capable of anything, right, JR? Is that completely out of call, a Zurcher axle lunge? I wouldn't put it past them, no. I think there's a higher likelihood of the monkey bars like we talked about earlier being different sizes, being one high, one low, like being up and down, something like that.
Starting point is 00:54:32 But I think Brian said, and we said on Wednesday when we did the programming show, I just have a feeling that whatever the turtle, a.k.a. the bag, pull is probably going to be the deciding factor of the workout. I hope it's not, but I think it probably will be. The thing that I hope is that I hope that it is some kind of, I mean, I have to assume that the turtle, like the slug, like the snail, like the worm, like the pig is an implement that they've created. And I, in my mind, I'm envisioning something that has handles on it that are like a turtle's appendages that are short and stubby. And you have to hold those and pull it that will make the reverse trip down the monkey bars. And probably a front rack lunge would make sense in
Starting point is 00:55:14 this regard that much more difficult. And if that's the case, then it doesn't have to be necessarily deciding factor, but it's a, it has an effect on the way back. And I would like that. You guys are going to hate me for this. Sorry to do this to you, but it's a, it has an effect on the way back. And I would like that. You guys are going to hate me for this. Sorry to do this to you, but is that, God, I can't believe I'm going to say this. I'm going to get tore up. Why not have Hill run? And then on the next line bag pool, because I think you're going to have to drag the bag up the Hill. Like it's a simultaneous movement. because I think you're going to have to drag the bag up the hill. Like it's a simultaneous movement.
Starting point is 00:55:46 So you don't think that there's a run that's distinct from the bag pool, not the way that it's written. Yeah. But the way that it's written here is not the way that it's written on the room. There was a slash wasn't right. There's a backslash. So,
Starting point is 00:56:02 you know, we were talking about that the other day. Is it you run the hill then you pull the bag down the field back to the monkey bars or is it you drag and if they run up the hill and then pull it on a rope up the hill wow down the hill wow wow that's a guess i like brian's guess though where's that little weird handles on it oh i don't understand this comment by Jeremy Garcia. Thank you, Jeremy, for the loot and the handful of ice cream.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Rogue invite picking the niche of giving – oh, you're saying that's one of the nuances of this event is that they purposely want to keep some things in the dark? Is that what he's saying? I mean this is pretty much standard operating procedure for Rogue, where they release certain information, they do the briefing for all the rest of the information for the athletes, but they don't really announce that to the public. Joshua Woods,
Starting point is 00:56:55 I've seen the turtle. Brian is close. How have you seen it? What is it, Joshua? Well, you can't say that uh uh mike helpin says the man who saw all the workouts three weeks ago mike helpin uh contributor to the show uh they they push the sled pick up a kettlebell and then stop stop stop i can't believe i read pick that stop okay uh okay monkey bar and then axle lunge at the end and uh and and hopefully we'll see a good race there
Starting point is 00:57:30 with the little bit of if this is a well-designed workout then i think that there's a chance to see different athletes in the same heat make a move on each of the three implements but you may have someone you know who's not the best of the lunge but then blitz the monkey bars maybe struggles with the bag but kids the monkey bars on the way back and then gets passed on the lunge down the field that would be really cool if it plays out that way monkey bars are going to be greased i like it um i don't see it being that way it just looks like a standard up and back chipper where you have one part of the workout that's a linchpin and it's directly in the center. Fill my anus. The funky bars are going to be greased.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I think that would be too dangerous. But I appreciate the guess. Taylor Self, who do you got on the men for this and why? It's really hard to make a pick because you just don't know shit about it. Taylor self, uh, who do you got on the men for this and why? Uh, how it's, it's really hard to make a pick because you just don't know shit about it. Uh, I mean, Justin's a safe pick.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I will say Ricky, you're really reaching there, man. I think I'm going to go, I'm going to go hopper. Uh, Brian, let's change it up. I see Cole Sager doing well on this ah and uh mr jr howard
Starting point is 00:58:49 taylor try again i'm gonna go bkg wow i think rick will do well and and and for the for uh lauren knowles uh nick matthew is this gonna be the event where he says, yeah, I win shit? Oh, he already won shit, right? He already won an event. Sorry. Sorry, Lauren. He met his quota for the show. The women.
Starting point is 00:59:16 How about the women for this event, Mr. Taylor? Man, it's initially you look at the workout and you think maybe daniel brandon but after today maybe not i think probably laura horvath she's an amazing puller climber so the monkey bar traverse strikes me as something she'll probably be pretty good at she's really good at moving heavy objects like carries so i don't think the the turtle pool will give much of an issue for her. But, again, it's hard to know. Hard to know the workout, but I like Laura. Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Well, for the men, I picked Patrick Vellner because I was skipped. Oh, sorry. It's okay. Don't worry. And for the women, I'm going to go with Ariel Lowen. Oh. You guys keep picking her. She keeps doing not.
Starting point is 01:00:08 She's been amazing. How dare you shit on Ariel. I didn't even finish my sentence before Brian fucking hung me, dude. Kick Taylor off here. Ariel Lowen's getting incredible. She's in 11th. Let's take a pause. Pull up the women's leaderboard.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Let's have this out. While you pull up the women's leaderboard. Let's have this out. While you pull up the women's leaderboard, uh, are one of our best sponsors, if not the best sponsor is California hormones, Sarah Cox. Thank you for the 50 bucks. You're always the best. The Andrew Hiller released a video, uh, on Tuesday, it's called a TRT Tuesday. They'll be released once a week. If you'd like to know more about the testosterone replacement therapy, start following Andrew Hiller's account now and start watching. It could be arguably the first time a CrossFitter has openly taken TRT, and Andrew goes into detail about everything about it,
Starting point is 01:01:01 and it's going to be a great thing to watch over the next 65 years. Arguably. And use code SEVON to get jacked. That's right. about everything about it, and it's going to be a great thing to watch over the next 65 years. Arguably. And use code SEVON to get jacked. That's right. When you log into California Hormones, use code SEVON. Okay, can we see the leaderboard? The discussion here is that Ariel Loewen is shit in the bed or— I didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Or she's living up to a reputation. Taylor? I said they've picked her in several workouts to win, including myself. And she did really well in that second workout, but then she's got an 11th, a 12th, and 11th, which is worse than the top half in this field. So it's not – those aren't event wins. Mr. Friend?
Starting point is 01:01:43 He's upset. I've been super impressed with her. I thought there were a couple things that would be pretty challenging for her today, and she did very well. But are we talking about a winner for this event still? We could be, but you think Ariel Lowen's doing great. She's in eighth place. Exactly where John Young projected her, eighth place.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And all the athletes above Ariel Lowen are games athletes. The only one who didn't go to the games is Annie Thor's daughter. She won his team. Yeah, but she's gone 11 times. Yeah, she's won the prospect games. So Ariel is in great company. How dare you, Taylor Self? Okay, I'll shut it.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Olsen Dudes, thanks, brother. Love the show. Keep crushing it, gents. Always great support of the show. You da man. Thank you. May you live a long and happy, prosperous life and continue to donate money. Where were we?
Starting point is 01:02:40 We're women. Where were we with the women? Who picked Ariel Lowen? Brian? That was me. I did. Okay. Brian, event number five tomorrow. we were we were women uh where were we with the women who who picked ariel lowen brian that was me i did okay uh brian uh event number five tomorrow with the monkey bars the hill run the pull up uh pull the material around brian picks horvath who do you got well in a vacuum with if no one else would make any picks i would pick velner and horvath to win this workout but i'm
Starting point is 01:03:02 trying to pick some outside the box to focus on, so I'm going to say Cole Sager has a good finish here relative to the rest of the weekend, and I think that Emma Lawson will once again do well on this workout. Top three finish. Oh, I got a follow-up question with Emma Lawson. Remind me to come back to you. J.R. Howell, who do you got with the women tomorrow? Well, I was going to pick
Starting point is 01:03:20 Lohan, and then Hiller picked her, and I was going to say Emma Lawson. And Brian said so let's go um let's go with laura because i do think that's who's gonna win it for the men um actually no just do it i actually think noah's gonna do well on this really uh the uh lazar what's up brother thanks for tuning in um j i actually spoke to noah jr he is planning to be in the lead after the lunges pick me is this bag going to be too heavy for some of the women is this bag going to play a factor for the lighter women it says it's 105 pounds right and you're dragging it on the ground i don't i don't see how it could
Starting point is 01:04:05 possibly be too heavy anyone i'm actually it's really just as it's a sandbag but they just put a five pound appendage on it so it's 155 105 that was the biggest wow what is the appendage so so four so so basically five five uh onepound appendages, basically. The head and the two arms and the two legs. I've got a one-pound appendage. It's just bones. I'm going to go with Daniel Brandon on this and Ricky Garrard. I think that this workout is grit.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I think this workout is grit, and I think they have the grit. Did you say Daniel Brandon's got grit? I heard she quits on workouts. She didn't quit. She didn't quit. She didn't quit shit. I heard she quits on this. Dude, you sound like a local.
Starting point is 01:04:55 You sound like fucking NBC saying grit, dude, grit every 30 seconds. Grit. She's got grit. She's got grit. I think this is a grit workout. I think this is a push through uncomfortable workout. And I think it's going to be come down to just like it did at the games. Who can hang on to the bar, the lunge in the final push?
Starting point is 01:05:16 I think Ricky seems pretty gritty. I don't see Danielle as pretty. She's edgy. Chase Pittman figured it out. It's a 105-year-old endangered sea turtle. It's a 105-pound badussy. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. All right, now, wait. We haven't done this in a while. Who's going to get last on this event? Oh, fuck yeah. Let's go. Okay, let's start with the women.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Who's going to get last place? We will start with J.R. Howell. Can we get the women's list back up one more time? Sorry, Sousa. Daniel Brandon's going to block Hiller like she blocked his wife. German Nino. I've been defending that girl the whole show.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Come on. Taylor, who's getting last? Am I up first no no no no JR's first JR's first I would say let's just go with who struggled the most with the grip on the log workout and assume that the monkey
Starting point is 01:06:15 bars are going to cause a lot of problems with the grip and go with Annika Greer okay good guess Mr. Be Friendly Sherpa Works Be Friend BeFriendly. Andreas Solberg. Oh, fuck you. Mr. Hiller.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Kerstetter. God, dude. Damn, you guys are just picking. You know what they did? They did 20, 19th, and 18th in that fucking muscle-up event is what they did. So before Taylor gives his pick, we're looking at Danny Spiegel here in 16th place. What place did she take at the games? Well, just to be clear, by the way, Anika Greer and Andrea Solberg are very good at muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:07:03 They're not good at a log muscle-up. Fair. What place did Danny Spiegel take at the games? Brian, do you know? 17th. And that was in a heat of 40 of the 40 best women in the world. What's going on with her? Why is she in 16th place after four events?
Starting point is 01:07:21 Jeff, what do you think? That's for you, Taylor, before you pick, before you pick who's going to take last, what's going on with Danny Spiegel? I don't know. I don't,
Starting point is 01:07:33 she probably is, you know, here to have fun. Not, not too much riding on the line for her. You're guaranteed to make a little money, have some fun in Austin. I just don't think she probably cares that much.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I bet Brian would say, Hey, it's only been four events. Chill out. We're pretty best about finishes are still to come. Okay. Fair enough. Uh, Taylor, what woman is going to take last place in this, in this, uh, turtle event? Danny Spiegel. Wow. Okay. Wow. Wow. Let's hop over to the men let taylor go first so he can't complain please okay yeah yeah and uh who who taylor is going to take last place in the turtle event be careful lazar is watching let me scroll all the way down to the bottom and oh sorry lazar not you jack farley that was tough that was a tough dig
Starting point is 01:08:30 uh i i do have a question do you think uh um lazar jukic's ankle is still bothering him i think yes yeah watch on the box jumps he stepped down from every single one of them except for one i think it's without a doubt and he always stepped down with the same foot okay without a doubt bothering him and when you're in a competition like this you have 20 of the best guys in the world whatever you got something fucked up you're holding back it's just not you know it's it's hard it's fucking hard how can you perform against 19 other people who are at their best competing at their best presumably um you got something going on like that is you know he's having fun which is good so everyone else has their foot on the gas pedal and uh he he does not you're saying that he he
Starting point is 01:09:16 can't put he can't put the pedal to the metal as they say in some things yeah i'm sure and and i hope he does hold back in areas where he should so he doesn't you know thing. I'm sure he's got that in the back of his mind. He's not going to make that thing any worse. He's going to have fun throughout the weekend and enjoy his time. So you're picking Jack Farlow? Yeah, Jack Farlow. Mr. Andrew Dahmer-Hiller, who do you pick for last place in the Men in the Turtle event? Lazer. Damn. No, no i'm kidding i just know
Starting point is 01:09:49 he's in there uh i pick uh tatla wow this is uh uh brian who do you pick um paulson and no way bad pick bad pick george fernandez is a good pick jr No way. Bad pick. Bad pick. George Fernandez is a good pick, JR. Half a line. You uncultured bastard. It's Jorge. Hey, so in all honesty, is Jorge Fernandez up and coming or we're looking at? Is he going to be 5% better at the CrossFit Games this year? Is he going to make it to the CrossFit Games this year?
Starting point is 01:10:30 Is he going individual this year? No, their team is running it back next year and trying to improve on the third place finish. They're just having some fun doing some individual competitions this offseason. Okay. Fair enough. Any stones unturned before before we wrote wrap this show up yeah who's yolo to the moon is that person back no they keep there's a bunch of comments there's somebody who came back and was saying unblock yolo to the moon oh there used to be a guy in the comments yolo to the moon who There used to be a guy in the comments, YOLO to the moon, who commented every other comment.
Starting point is 01:11:06 That went on for about three months. I think one of the wrenches banned him. It wasn't creative stuff like Jeff Baco. 69 Fun is back. Yeah. I just want to take some pictures of you. Roman dissed all the athletes
Starting point is 01:11:24 on the last workout. Uh, I don't dist. It seems a little hard. That was playful. That was playful. He's talking to one of these. We're just like,
Starting point is 01:11:33 I, that's what Roman did. You know, I think that's probably one of the bigger things missed from the athletes or missed in this sport on the athlete side is some healthy shit talk. I agree. I'll just say I absolutely loved watching that workout. I thought it was the most, even though a lot of the other workouts
Starting point is 01:11:52 had some little nuances and differences in them, that is a simple, classic workout that was really fun to watch. Everyone had an opportunity to kind of make their play. There were changes happening. Mistakes mattered. That was a really, really fun workout to watch. to make their play. There were changes happening. Mistakes mattered. Uh, you know, it was, that was a really, really fun workout to watch. I think that seven rounder with the muscle ups and squats is going to be equally as fun to watch. Oh, someone's by a train. That's like back at Brian's
Starting point is 01:12:16 house. I think, uh, it will be a fun workout to watch this one. Like the margins were close. I don't know that we'll have so many people within so few seconds on that workout, being a little bit longer, a little bit more high skill. Three events tomorrow, 5, 6, and 7. The first event starts at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. When the show is over, I will powwow with the boys here to see if we're going to do a pre-show. I was thinking not, but I actually think we should do a pre-show because I think tomorrow morning, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:48 when the equipment lands out on the field, uh, we'll have some, uh, deeper insights into what's going on. Uh, there'll probably be some posts on the rogue invitational Instagram, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:58 in the next, uh, 12 hours. So we'll also probably show some of the equipment. So we will see you guys tomorrow at, is that right, is this 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time? Yeah, tentatively, that's correct. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Great powwow, guys. I'm glad we had that conversation. Yes. Okay. Action. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer.
Starting point is 01:13:23 If you just want the operating manual to your body, it's not just Forging Elite Fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift.
Starting point is 01:13:56 For some people, it'll be massive. For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but...

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