The Sevan Podcast - #654 - Rogue Invitational Day 3 Recap

Episode Date: October 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. People who watch this podcast. Ah, bam, we're live. I'm going to Google it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Am I going to get some nasty shit? Oh, it's just like the fact that you even know a word like that just means you're a creep. A member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually there's these words there's these words out there that these people use like incel and simp and like i just or sis or whatever i just try to forget that i are non-binary all those words i just forget. Just the imaginary landscape world. Like, I don't live in fucking United Universe. I know simp.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, I don't use, it's just all words that tools use. Oh my goodness. Hey, it was a slow event, but like usual, it paid off. I'm going to give it, I mean, and I want to start off this this by saying at some point I said, dang, Adrian Conway and Sean Woodland did an amazing job today. I mean that is – they're doing Strongman too. Oh, that's a long day. I mean Adrian was just keeping the ball rolling. I mean him and Sean just passed back and forth to each other all day.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I really liked it. And you know what else is interesting is, oh, that guy just stared into your camera. Yeah, that's Carlos. What's up, Carlos? No, he's a good dude. Is that really Carlos? Yeah. That's the guy that had me on his
Starting point is 00:01:57 podcast and then asked me if I had questions for him? Yeah. Say hi to him. What's up, dude? How you doing, Carlos? What's up, dude Sammy what's up dude how you doing Carlos what's up dude what's up I saw you lurking back there is Taylor giving you any trouble that's Taylor the bald guy next to you is he giving you any trouble
Starting point is 00:02:16 he can't hear you he's been sitting next to me the whole time alright what are you doing there this weekend who are you covering I'm shooting for Tier Sport. Just doing some videos for them. Dang. Dang, you're a baller.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You got all the good contracts. Good to see you, man. Good to see you. Good to see you guys, too. Yeah. Oh, look, my friend. There he is. Hey, Susan.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Susan, I need to tell you something. Yeah. You look great tonight, bro. Oh, thank you. Kissy, kissy. It it's bone it's bone media i think you spelled it wrong i think it's b-o-n-e bone uh i i i really like the all the aerial shots of the venue too that was something else i wanted to say earlier today uh from the home i really like a good establishing shot the whoever's
Starting point is 00:03:04 flying the drone there today kudos to you it was cool seeing all that uh everything was uh pretty spot on in this last event i really liked it i like the drama i like pat velner's lift we'll get into that um it was a little disappointing to see what happened to justin madaris i'd be curious to get brian and taylor's uh take on that what actually was happening on the floor, who's responsible for that, is that his failure? What I did learn is someone asked, one of the hosts on the show with Adrian and Sean Woodland said, why don't the strong men jerk? And basically he said, because they can't.
Starting point is 00:03:41 They can't jerk? Yeah, they don't jerk because they're not proficient in that movement he didn't say like i kept saying to say well it's not it's not the best thing to use for the log or over 400 pounds you don't do that or but basically he just said hey they can't they're not proficient in that movement there have been a handful of strong men who have done it successfully but most of the guys just aren't athletic enough uh to do that which was interesting i don't know if athleticism is the word. I think they are so tight in their upper bodies.
Starting point is 00:04:07 They can't get the shoulder position to jerk. Well, okay. I think they're so fucking strong. They don't have to. Thank you for the clarification. They are. Yeah, but that's, that's kind of a silly, that's kind of a silly answer, right? Because if you can press push press 500 pounds, you do it too.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I would, but then i'd split jerk 750 i suppose you're correct there yeah 30 percent more thank you good job you're right uh mr tony andrews i jerk um the the best line of the chat uh the entire time on the tv it was when someone said to the strongman people i had no idea type 2 diabetics were so negative were there any comebacks or attempts at it no no no no no no because it went all it went over all their heads for sure right um let's go start the start of the event with the Jerry can, uh, races and everyone in line meeting. Don told him about seven podcasts.
Starting point is 00:05:10 No shit. Don's there. That's really cool to hear. Hear Jill Larson and all of you guys who are pumping up the seven podcasts in the chat. I cannot thank you enough. It's I actually blush. I'm watching the show in my living room by myself. And then a family friend
Starting point is 00:05:25 came over and was like what is going on everyone in the chat saying to go to your podcast and i was like oh that's cool so i i really appreciate it that's the only way this podcast is going to grow because people like it and um and if brian keeps coming on so those are the two things that's first time brian looked in the camera. Okay. Big picture thoughts. We'll start with J.R. Howell before we dig in, I guess. Big picture thoughts about the event, J.R.? Yeah, man, I thought it was awesome. Something I texted Brian and Taylor were it was amazing,
Starting point is 00:05:58 especially on the male side. You think of the guys who are traditionally really, really good at weightlifting events, like one rep max snatches and clean and jerks that require a lot of great positioning and technique that are also really strong you didn't see a lot of those guys in the top oh no but then outside of that, we have a ton of just brutally strong,
Starting point is 00:06:28 officially strong guys that can just get the thing over their head. And I think that's awesome as we progress the sport to test strength in different ways like that. Absolutely. Nirmal, also the strongest strongman like Thor, strict press in order to conserve energy
Starting point is 00:06:43 on other body parts to keep them fresh for other events. By the way, welcome to the show, buddy. Good to see you in order to conserve energy on other body parts to keep them fresh for other events. By the way, welcome to the show, buddy. Good to see you. Good to have you. Um, who did we lose? Oh, I lost Brian. Uh, big, big, big. Uh, Taylor be nice. It's his first time here. Taylor, uh, big picture thoughts about the event. What we'll uh, seeing CrossFitters do this log for the first time.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Is this the first time we've ever seen them do this in a, in a big competition? Yeah. Okay. Big picture thoughts about the event. Seeing CrossFitters do this log for the first time. Is this the first time we've ever seen them do this in a big competition? Yeah. Okay. Big picture thoughts. I liked the overall event. I was telling somebody that I liked it. I didn't love it. It wasn't my favorite.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I liked the sandbag, cleaned up the games a lot better. I think overall my biggest gripe were just kind of the discrepancies, um, and kind of what Justin and Pat went through. That was a little weird. Also just the timing. I mean, the timing of the day was thrown off from that sixth event. Um, and it kind of bled into this. It was just a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But it says so timing and, uh, your only complaints were timing, uh, Justin and Vellner situation, which will hopefully get some shed some light on. And, uh, you did like the sandbag event better at the games. Yeah, it was a good, I liked this event.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It was a good event. Um, it was good. You've just been, you've just been working all day and you're running out of energy. No, I wouldn't say that. It just was,
Starting point is 00:08:01 it was good. I mean, the energy here was also really cool when roman and chandler were lifting energy was huge when danny made that final log the crowd freaked out so i will give it that it had a lot of energy um i just thought the sandbag was a little more dramatic people were fighting it a little harder but was that the loudest the crowd was all day or the last two days when danny did the log what yeah when when Danny and when Chandler and Roman hit. When Chandler hit the Texas Oak and then when Danny hit it as well.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, for sure. How about when Ricky got his last log? He failed and then got that log. Did the crowd go crazy? Are they giving him love? Yeah, for sure. There was one lady sitting behind me that goes, that's what happens when you cheat. And I was like, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Shut the fuck up. Yeah. I know. I was like, shut the – I looked back. I was like – Disgusting. Brian, from the Black Square, for Blackout Tuesday, I appreciate you going so hard with that for the last two years. I'm up. I would you going so hard with that for the last two years. What would be...
Starting point is 00:09:09 What was your overall perspective of the event, this last event? Big picture. I mostly disagree with everything that Taylor said. I think this is a great rebound event from earlier
Starting point is 00:09:23 today. There were a few logistical things, but they ultimately got that call right with Justin and Pat, and that's fine. Sometimes there's a clock function. You have a backup option. They executed the backup plan to get the call right. I think that there was some drama. I think that the athletes were all cheering for each other by the end,
Starting point is 00:09:42 similar to the sandbag. I don't know if you ever replicate that sandbag event. The Coliseum is a very different environment. The game is a different feel. But I thought it was a good way to end the day. Andrew Hiller, what is your thought, big picture of this event? My biggest issue is when one person will finish in the top five at every event of a CrossFit competition
Starting point is 00:10:06 because it's the exact same thing every single time and I think it's very cool that Medeiros got 16th that Vellner got 17th that Jeff Adler got 15th uh BKG got 12th and that there's people like Chandler Smith who is strong and Krennikoff who is strong who finished first and second and I think it's a lot what Adrian Bosman was trying to do in the games this year with all the wacky shit he was up to. He was trying to progress the score forward and make it buried, which is missing. To clarify, though, it looked to me not like Pat missed the window to lift or that Justin missed the window to lift.
Starting point is 00:10:42 It looked like that the judge didn't give Pat the opportunity to lift again. And because Justin got the opportunity to lift again, they took it away from him. I'm speaking to Brian's point because that has nothing to do with what I said. Well, you said they were eliminated early, but they were eliminated early not because they couldn't hit the lift, because Justin went back and hit it. And then they just took it away from him.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I think they would have hit it all. Yeah, but he didn't have time. He hit it after the 45-second alarm. After the 45-second alarm. No, no, no. He lifted it off the pads after 45 seconds said it lapsed. All you had to do was get it off the pads within 45 seconds, then you could attempt the lift.
Starting point is 00:11:17 If you went too long, they would hold the next seat, which they did. I think the clock had stopped, and so they didn't know for sure. But the judge in Vellner's lane knew that it was past the time, so he told them not to lift. Everyone else got, like, too intense. You got to think about it. I think, Taylor, where you're frustrated is you got to think about it like the NFL. When there's a fumble and then there's a recovery and they blow the play dead,
Starting point is 00:11:41 you never have the opportunity to see what would have happened. Just let the play happen. Then you can go back and get it right. So I think Medeiros' judge, I was fine with him letting him do the lift. And I think that the head judges handled it appropriately by going to review the video, same as we asked Halpin to do from home, and then say he picked it up after the time was over so the lift doesn't count and it's black and white.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Can I push back on that, Brian, for a second? Let me push back on that. If the clock stopped working and he couldn't see it how was he he might not have been able to see it anyway it's not no justin did nothing he got three he was going on a third attempt no one else got a third attempt and made one from what i saw what you're telling me is that there's a clock going and that when there's 45 seconds remaining it's over but if you pick it up before there's 45 seconds remaining, it's over. But if you pick it up before there's 45 seconds remaining, you can go for the clean and the press, as long as it's off the pads.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But I'm also hearing that there was no way for him to see that clock because it stopped working. That's right. So there was nothing wrong with what he did. But why was he punished for that? And how did they know that Vellner couldn't go again if the clock stopped? The judges also have stopwatches. I mean, what do you guys understand?
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's the time frame. They reviewed the time frame and both of them were outside of the time frame. I think they both should have got a pass. Well, they didn't even let them even let Vellner attempt. His judge was like, oh, don't touch it. Right. Brian. Hey, Brian, no, no, no, don't touch it. Right. Brian, how do we get it through their heads?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Brian, Brian, what is interesting, though, is that the people standing behind Vellner knew that they knew that when Vellner was picking it up that he shouldn't be because you could see the athletes protesting. So someone knew. I mean, I also had that. All right, I'm wrong. You you're right let's fucking move on hold on i want to hear what brian said hold on no i mean i didn't have a clock running in my hand but i was also just you know you have a perception of what's the allowable time to pick this up because it's like it's happened
Starting point is 00:13:39 the entire women's division however many hits it in the men so far and it just felt like it was outside that time period so when that when when i saw the athletes reacting i was like oh they recognized the same thing then i saw the head judge immediately come onto the floor he immediately started consulting with people and the verdict was was determined after looking you know they just watched the video back like we did yeah and so if you guys want to check this video out right here if you watch yanakoski you're going to see Chandler Smith enter on the screen on the right. And watch the reactions after Justin lifts this here.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Oh, I saw they were pissed live. So look, look at him here. Watch Chandler come in, pointing, yelling what's going on, all of them. Look disappointed, and Justin doesn't seem to be too happy with it either as he walks off. Okay, so those guys are kind of keeping to the rules. They're like, hey, why are these guys getting to go? This is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And then so at some point they must have had access to some sort of clock that everybody could see because otherwise if it just went completely dead, how in the world would they know that it was off or anything like that? Yeah. I like that they took it away from him. I disagree with this. I disagree too. You disagree with them taking it away from him. I disagree with this. I disagree too. You disagree with them taking it away from him?
Starting point is 00:14:48 If he doesn't know... No, no, no. I disagree with Jen McDonald. Oh, what did Jen McDonald say? I disagree with them taking... So all of you guys agree, I disagree. I think that if there's no way for him to follow the rules, then it's on the event. Yeah, but you can't just keep it...
Starting point is 00:15:01 No, fuck that. He doesn't get a pass. Savan, that's insane. We'll give you a pass on this one but please reconsider that point of view there's a comment in here about the dill bill and katie games that's the only reason seven's saying all this stuff the dill bill and katie the deer deer bill and katie no bill and katie oh my goodness okay okay listen i think it's okay that the clock's malfunctioned listen ty goes to the runner i don't know what that means but um that's that's my uh that's my sports that's my sport in there jr here's a tiebreaker what do you think you haven't said shit jar if you can't see the clock does he get to go again is it his fault that he missed the timing
Starting point is 00:15:43 no it's not his fault but it's no different than, like, in a sport, and you play through a whistle because the crowd is so loud that you couldn't hear the play blown dead. So the ref blows the play dead, and then something happens after the fact, and you get mad. Well, the play was dead. You just didn't hear the whistle. And then they review it, and they just say what had to be done,
Starting point is 00:16:04 which is the lift didn't count. Hold on, let me pick some random... I also think it's very presumptuous to think that either one of them just would have continued to do really great on the event when they were on their third attempt at that load. Good fucking
Starting point is 00:16:20 point. 16th and 17th, that's what I was talking about. I'm not making the presumption that they would do well but to answer that question let's go to the leaderboard and see how close the points are because they might have not needed to do well they may justin may just needed 10 points yeah well and then the one thing and roman needed three overhead squats but he didn't get that shit either and then how much did the tiebreakers come into play like how much did the tiebreak help or hurt them also?
Starting point is 00:16:46 That's good to know because there were so many people that missed that weight. What we're talking about here is going to make the difference between Justin Medeiros winning or not winning the CrossFit Games, possibly, and Patrick Vellner making it on the podium or not. That's what we're talking about. First of all, he's not the CrossFit not. That's what we're talking about. First of all,
Starting point is 00:17:05 that's a lot of Benjamins. Go ahead, Brian. These are, these are not the CrossFit games. This is a rogue invitational. And second of all, to JR's point,
Starting point is 00:17:15 I would actually have liked, have liked to see from just a personal interest perspective, Justin continued to lift because we saw a similar thing with him in the sandbag at the games where he didn't appear that comfortable in the early rounds, but he was finding a way to get through. And then he was almost refining and perfecting that technique as the rounds wore on. And it's possibly could have done the same thing here. Um, you guys, I'm, I like that. It's a great observation. I'm going to just pick a random post to make the tie break to see which one of us is right. Oh, I agree with Sevan for the first time.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Totally random. And Dick Butters got the fair statement, which is that they both got fucked, so it's even. Okay. And you know what? When Roman got fucked, he got 15th. When Justin got fucked, he got 15th. When Justin got fucked, he got 16th. So, move on. We have seven events done.
Starting point is 00:18:10 There can still be a ton of movement on the leaderboard. Let's talk about some of the other details before we get into the leaderboards here, though. It started with the Jerry Can race for the tiebreaker. Danielle Brandon took that risk. She was clearly going to win that. And then something happened. I couldn't tell exactly what happened. Did you guys see what happened?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Did her bag hit the ground? What happened? I think her foot grazed the side of the bag or kind of the bag ran into her calf. And she just, you know, bit it a little bit. So the technique was not only to lift them up, but you had to hold them kind of out a little bit. Flex your lats and get them out of the way while you're running i saw some of the men doing that it looked hilarious like jason did that he had him kind of out here and was just like picking his knees up like high stepping and i think he was third or fourth overall in that carry
Starting point is 00:18:56 uh and i i didn't see any problem with that i actually liked that for the tie break i thought it was clean do you guys do you guys agree i was it was exciting to watch it was very short i like the tie break and i like it done before the event too uh jr uh wish the distance was a little bit longer uh sure but i mean just just in terms of the concept is that the first time we've seen that concept where they do the tie break ahead of time is that something you might we might see at the crash crucible um possibly i i try i try not to make it to where logistics come into play so much with like uh elimination style events but it was some it would definitely be something i would consider moving forward i thought it was a really cool idea to do it before. Okay. First time we agree that something was perfect. I love it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Jill Larson, thank you. You said something nice earlier in the beginning of the show. I can't remember what it was. Now I like you even more. I like money. Alisa Carr... Oh, I didn't mean to click that. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Danny Spiegel puts on a show does the uh oak at 215 i i realize she's pretty far down on the leaderboard but uh foolish somewhere matt fraser's saying that's why i'll never coach you yeah is that foolish i i can't ever remember anyone doing that um did did he do that one year? Something like that? Well, Rich went for, what, a 400? Was that the overhead squad that he tried to go for and he missed the year that they did the one rep max overhead squad? Yes. Just a little bit more, or tied Fraser or whatever. Then he'd go for a 400 and he said it was kind of just for the crowd.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Taylor, what do you think what was that foolish that she did that uh i don't think it was stupid she knew she had in the bag it was a really clean lift and the crowd loved it uh andrew i think it was uh, but fuck it. Good for her. But on behalf of Matt Fraser. She's going to have pictures for three months because of it, because she's the only woman to lift the wooden log. So that's why she did it. Great point.
Starting point is 00:21:18 She's got the content now. Everyone else has these black logs, and she's got the cool wooden log. Yeah, she lifted the fucking oak joint, and she smashed it too. So you're saying this was... And I bet somewhere, very similar how Adrian owes Nick Matthew a steak dinner for finishing the skill workout of the games. Someone's like, oh, thank God,
Starting point is 00:21:35 someone hit the wooden log because we tested this and we thought it was possible. Yeah, I mean, that's kind of kudos to Katie too. Because remember she said last night, we think that we got the loading right you know we think that we got them right we're we're we're confident we did and they did i mean one person got there and hit it that's all you need yeah on both logs right right okay i'm throwing that in there when she comes on here
Starting point is 00:22:00 as a compliment great job on logs you nailed it right that'll be the bun in my shit sandwich okay dustin hearth uh fraser and froning tied at 377 instead of just beating fraser by a pound he went for 400 there you go yeah spiegel to hillar are you not entertained uh but but you know what hillar all kidding aside that was a great move on her part now that you mention it like that. She knows her place in the community. She's an incredible, successful PR campaign around the creature that is Danny Spiegel. And that does give her three more months of photos and tons of more. Now, imagine if she was wearing a shirt about something in relation to a sponsor and not eating i don't remember what it said it
Starting point is 00:22:49 was something eating what do you know what her shirt said i eat food but i like to eat food i eat food maybe that's gonna be our new clothing line and it's gonna sell like fucking crazy um uh i do like the way when you when you when you said that you're like looking up to the left Maybe that's going to be her new clothing line, and it's going to sound like fucking crazy. I do like the way when you said that, you're looking up to the left. You're like, imagine her. You're looking up to a bubble of her wearing a no-bush shirt. I was like, what is Hiller looking at? And I go, I think like this. As Chandler Smith and Roman got there – well, well first of all let's talk about ricky ricky's lift i was
Starting point is 00:23:25 so so so impressed that he went as far as he did i picked him to take last place on the event uh your guys's thoughts on ricky jr that was impressive i i would not have expected him to make it as far as he did at all uh and and kotler said hey he's not made to do well on that event right but you never know with ricky and and i guess he's kind of you do never know with ricky yeah like you said he's just one of those guys that just kind of figures stuff out like he's very adaptable he's he's able to just kind of figure things out on the fly and make things happen which is why he said he enjoys coaching him too. Taylor, is he a special athlete, Ricky Garrard, when you see him go out there and do that?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Especially when you see someone like Adler who's supposed to do so well and doesn't and kind of shows you, wow, this is different than just Olympic lifting? I think he's pretty on par with all the other athletes out on the floor. No, not the answer I'm looking for. What place is he in overall? I think you could be a special athlete and not be at the top, top, top, top. No?
Starting point is 00:24:33 I think they're all special. Okay, you're a good dude. Andrew Hiller. Yeah. Ricky Garrard. I got something. It's magical, right? He put up a picture at one point,
Starting point is 00:24:45 and I thought this before, but he reminds me of the ape from Planet of the Apes, and his name is Caesar. And there's a scene in that movie where the monkey will just beat the shit out of something, and that's what I think about when I see Ricky go into town on these strength events, and then he steps off and he beats his chest.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I'm like, he just reminds me of fucking Caesar. It's a badass thing. All right. Thank you, JR, for at least. I know you said I won't get that, but someone's going to appreciate that. Go with me down the road while Hiller and Taylor derail the show. Luis Lemos. God, I hope I get to meet you someday.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You're a good dude. You are a good dude. If you're in Southern California, I'm going to be going down there for two weeks soon. If you're in Arizona, I are a good dude if you're in southern california i'm going to be going down there for two weeks soon if you're in arizona i'll be going down there for two weeks soon oh are you going to zellos no i am not i'll be manned up in my my little hole here for the zellos games uh a spectator dm me and said the event was absolutely amazing. The energy there was amazing. And that you got to mingle in the crowd with people like Tia, Sammy, Rich, and Annie. And they got to meet them all.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I was actually thinking when I was watching it. I bet you that's the kind of event where there's like more influencers. You won't hear me use that word very often. In the crowd than anywhere else. It's kind of like an influencer event, right? Does it feel like that? It does feel like that. Like it's a of like an influencer event right does it feel like that it does feel like that like it's a 20 000 minimum instagram like some people got in with tickets and other people just showed that they had 20 000 more plus instagram followers that'd be fucked up
Starting point is 00:26:16 jr let's ask katie that question dude every time you look around there's some fucking famous person no it's the manner they're true i mean i guess because of the games there's so many more people that comparatively like the ratio between spectators and someone that's like a who's who in the community that you might see is so much higher i mean you can just be you can stand still and within five or ten minutes see someone that you recognize as being like famous in this space right like like they have a video on like how to stretch or like they're 65 and everyone knows that who they got their first pull up. Oh yeah. And I mean like Sam Briggs was sitting in the stands,
Starting point is 00:26:54 I don't know, maybe like four or five rows down from my wife and she was like, oh yeah, there's Sam Briggs. And she was just there watching, just chilling. No one was, no one was crowding around,
Starting point is 00:27:03 but there's people like that all over the place. Small world. I want to give a shout out to the Jew judge wearing his yarmulke at the log competition. Shalom, my brother. I looked over at my wife and said, yarmulke.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Did you just call him a Jew judge? Yeah, Jew judge. The judge Jew. You're a judge Jew. Yeah, a Jew judge. The judge of Jew. You're a judge of Jew? Yeah, judge of Jew. Judge of Jew. If you married a Jew, you could say Jew. You got three Jew boys, you could say Jew.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Anyone can say it. It's not even a bad word. But I just wanted to say shalom to him. It was cool seeing him out there. And he had red hair and a crazy beard. Did you see him? Did you see him, Taylor? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:27:50 All right. The biggest shock, I think, of that event was that Adler was out early. What happened to him, Hiller? He's a barbell man. He's not a log man. It's really probably. He's a barbell man. He's not a log man. You know, I remember him saying at one point that he's so strong that he doesn't need to train his strength ever, and it usually pays off for him because he keeps up on the endurance stuff
Starting point is 00:28:15 really well, and here it just didn't pay off. He probably looked at it and he goes, oh, I'll be okay. I'm pulling that out of my butt. I have nothing to back that up. But he goes, okay, a log. I'll keep up pulling that out of my butt. I have nothing to back that up. But he goes, okay, I'll keep up. So it's possible he overestimated his abilities on that. Brian, what happened to Adler? What happened to Adler?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Oh, shit, he's on ayahuasca. I have a friend who took that. Okay, bye. Taylor, what happened to Jeffrey Adler out there? High hopes. We had picked him to win it. Many of us had picked him to win it. His coach was talking about him being an athlete that is really strong
Starting point is 00:28:58 but uncomfortable in, like, odd situations. I think this was in reference to the overhead squat event. And she talked about athletes being comfortable getting a little wobbly and going really fast. And she said, Jeff, isn't that? Um, so when she said that, I thought, Hmm, the log may give him trouble because none of them are going to have such great technique that they hit it perfectly. You're going to have to be an athlete that can adapt on the fly and be okay with things not being perfect. I think he's often maybe too methodical, too technical, that if it doesn't feel just right
Starting point is 00:29:27 or if he doesn't think he's going to hit the lift just perfectly, he's bailing. That was better than Hiller's answer. Hiller, your answer was good, but if I were judging him that way. It was similar. His was better. Christian Fazon, JR is driving the bank bus. How did you know?
Starting point is 00:29:46 JR, what happened to Adler? Did Taylor hit it out of the park? Yeah, that was an awesome answer. And if we would have never saw Caroline as another person just kind of sitting in the stands and kind of got to talking to her about Jeff and the whole competition, we would have never known that. But it was a really cool thing that she gave us about, you know, some of these guys
Starting point is 00:30:05 are used to just lifting that way all the time they're always have a foot that's pointed a little bit more to the left than the right or one foot's behind the other one two inches when they're squatting so they're like always used to lifting in an unstable environment jeff's not that uh it sounds like hillary wants to take a second shot he didn't like getting a punk by taylor no i can wait if we're still on adler i can wait this jr no no i'm actually i'm gonna move from dollars go ahead all right all right all right i've seen a handful of comments in here they're like hillary's get hillary zero bergeron one and then there's one by steven piler here that says bergeron is a credit for chandler's win and let's not forget that he also has the athlete who took dead fucking last in that event. He has first and last.
Starting point is 00:30:48 The guy who took last is his longest tenured athlete, to my knowledge. The guy who took first has the genetics of a fucking god. I'm not going to say that. He'll probably be more proud of Cole. Good stuff. You're good. You're good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I had to get that out of the way at some point here um try really hard and chandler's like yes sir i got it yes and he did yes sir military uh bkg dropped the log behind him bk i didn't see a single other athlete do that. I'd be curious, do strong men do that? Did you guys notice that? He dropped the log behind him like it was a failed snatch. I did not see that miss.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I didn't see it. I didn't see it, but a lot of people when they're lifting, especially when they're snatching, they say a miss behind is the best kind of lift you can have. So was that a second attempt at that weight? Did he did he try it again? No, that was his first attempt.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I don't remember what happened if he. I don't remember. I don't remember if he got a second lift. I'm going to say he didn't. I'm texting Vellner to see if he wants to come on. Oh, I thought you were pissed off that none of us saw you like what good or any of you didn't see that I'm going Vellner to see if he wants to come on. Oh, I thought you were pissed off that none of us saw it. You're like, well, good, or any of you, if you didn't see the thing I'm going to bring up.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Julie Slowinski. Great coverage. Haven't been able to catch on all the events this weekend, so I've kept up by listening to you all. Texas. Thanks for being so dedicated to the game. Thank you. Chris Schiller, that's true.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Chandler learned from Rob. I mean it. I really do that's true. Chandler learned from Rob. I mean it. I really do appreciate the loop. Chandler said he did. He did say that. I wonder if Wait, I missed it. What did he say? Chandler said that he learned from Rob Kearney. Who's HWPO strongman guy. I wonder if Matt
Starting point is 00:32:40 allowed that or if Rob just likes Chandler. It went from one Bergeron, zero Hiller to zero bergeron zero hiller so uh that's the world's strongest gay that guy yeah i believe so all right giving credit where credit is due um going to the uh well between the men and the, were there any big shocks there? Is Adler the biggest shock? Were there any other big shocks? You thought Danielle Brandon was going to finish top three,
Starting point is 00:33:12 and I told you she wouldn't. Is that a shock to you? You know everything. No. Whenever I'm wrong, it's never a shock to me. There were two male athletes who didn't make a single lift. Was Lazard the other one yeah who is the lazar um it was lazar and cole cole sager cole just didn't even roll it cole has some weird like weird events
Starting point is 00:33:37 where he just does so poorly on a strength event the wadapalooza mia bar complex is one of them where typically i I mean, he's not the strongest athlete in the field, but he's so powerful. It's just weird. That was a surprise. Um, well,
Starting point is 00:33:53 as Cole, I wonder if this is Cole's last year. Hmm. Because if it is, I think, I think he should get some blood work done and he could go to CA and get his blood work done and check out his testosterone levels. Use the code SEVON and get free doctor's consultation.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Or use your coach's arch nemesis, this code. Does that make your dick bigger? It makes your balls smaller. Does it really? It makes your dick bigger when it's hard? Yeah, I definitely don't need my balls any smaller. I'll pass. I just love you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Best crew around. Thank you, miss Radao comparison though. So when your balls are smaller, your dick looks bigger. That's true. In all seriousness, this show would not be around if it wasn't for a CA
Starting point is 00:34:44 And I greatly appreciate it. Brian, what is going on over there? seriousness this show would not be around if it wasn't for uh and i greatly appreciate it brian what is going on over there you're just throwing clothes around he's unpacking are you folding your laundry what did i miss should we be taking notes uh brian um are you surprised that chandler Roman? Not really. I was watching this event for the men with the HWPO guys, and they were like, man, I can't really think of a better lifting event for Chandler Smith than this. That was, I think, Amy Everett or someone. Yeah, who said that?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Why? Well, because of the things that I think, because of the things you were talking about the strongman earlier where they can't you know they can't do the push jerk because this is a like a raw strength more than a technique there obviously is some technique involved but to get that overhead it's just like uh you gotta just find a way and he's basically found a way to be very good at lifting a barbell without having great technique relative to the field. So when you take something that's a little bit different and apply someone who is a little bit scrappier with that movement pattern, it just makes sense that he'd be good at it. Yeah. So basically what Ian Adams is saying, luckily Chandler is used to compensating for bad form with just being strong.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Is he the strongest guy out there? No, I think that's Nick Matthew. You do? I do. Anyone else care to chime in on that? He's the strongest with the Texas Oak. That's for sure. Well, what, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:17 What is it? What metric are we using to measure strength? His total, his CrossFit total, the other total. Ambiguity. We're using ambiguity. Yeah, ambiguity. I don't know. Chandler Smith is also the only competitor I've ever seen compete with glasses on. Like, seeing glasses.
Starting point is 00:36:33 You need some fucking rec specs, dude. Have you ever seen that before? Anyone compete with their glasses on that they're not sponsored by? Yeah. Patrick Bellner, earlier today in the first event, was wearing sunglasses. Yeah, he said, but you're not sponsored by yeah um patrick bellner earlier today in the first event was wearing sunglasses yeah he said but now you're not sponsored by yeah he probably got those from the buttery bros the buttery but i also started talking too early i bet chandler's specs are puma
Starting point is 00:36:56 just like he used to wear nike because he's sponsored by puma and he used to brian did you see bG drop the log behind him? He's the only competitor I saw do that. I saw a couple of them. I was afraid that they were going to do that. I did see that. And it was making me, I mean, there were a few things today that were making me nervous for the athletes.
Starting point is 00:37:18 But again, I think that we kind of escaped with relatively little injury. Have you spoken to Vellner, Brian? No. Have you heard about his back at all? No. Oh, Alexis Johnson? Is that who German's talking about? Mayhem girl with the glasses?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yes, she is the one who competes with glasses on. Good call. Let's see a picture. let's see a picture let's see a picture let's see a picture oh here it is wait wait before we leave let's see this so this is velner's lift wow holy shit pat shit, Pat. Now look, look. I saw that one. Keep playing a little bit more, Susan. Will we get in trouble?
Starting point is 00:38:13 No, if you pause the video, we'll be back in six seconds. He looked at the camera like, I don't know. He immediately, you can tell immediately something's wrong. Look at that. Look at that, how he puts his arm. Like, something's wrong. And he goes out to the field.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Something's tweaked. He's not okay. I don't agree. I do. You see his knee and leg kind of get caught up against the mat during that lift as well, too. As he came up, his knee got stuck, or his leg got stuck against the pad, and it could have shifted his hips a little bit. So maybe not a foot or knee thing but
Starting point is 00:38:45 that might have been what he was feeling through his low back i don't think he's i don't think he's hurt he didn't look hurt to me he's definitely hurt and and i saw so i saw someone i saw someone come over to him uh at the uh right when he was done i couldn't tell if it was a judge or medical or one of his uh you know one of the people he's competing against but something was definitely wrong hey brian i can't click this brian matt i can't click this um i can't click any of the comments my powers have been taken away can you click that one with karina rain yeah that's good yeah uh i was sad to see kara uh saunders make her second lift you were sad to see her make it oh i was was sad to see Cara Saunders make her second lift.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You were sad to see her make it? Oh, I was sad not to see Cara Saunders make her second lift. Torn but desi. What happened to those guys? They're gone. Uh-oh. I think every key. I think Savan just lost the power with his computer there or something.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh, here we go. Here we go. So it's just us. Here we go. Okay. Here we just us here we go okay here we go okay my shit just crashed the dual 2 may have taken a lot out of her i work out with my glasses every damn day by the way 499 karina rain remember there was an earthquake the other day at your place karina have you met kanye can you tell me that have you met him kanye or kanye kanye yay just yay yay what jeff what would you like fucking jeff he wants me to stop making fun of cole which i don't think i've been doing just as coach let's let's go to the um uh back to the boys leaderboard and then we'll go to the
Starting point is 00:40:24 women's leaderboard uh Jacqueline Robinson, thank you again. You've been crazy generous today. Crazy. Appreciate it. PayPal finding stuff on $2,500 and taking his power. No shit. I believe it. Roman Krennikoff, who's going to win this? Brian,
Starting point is 00:40:39 who is going to win this? Who's going home with the 250? Who's taking home with the 250? Who's taking dear Bill and Katie's money? We got another final. I still think Justin is the guy to beat. I do think that there's a good chance that Roman can do it, but until he does it, I'm not going to believe it until I see it.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Andrew Hiller, who's going to win this chandler smith okay wow wow come on he uh how did he do in the straight handstand push-up workout in 2019 i think he did pretty well if i recall he he did do pretty well i think justin's way better at it i don't know about roman i think roman will probably be better than the three of them. And Muscle loves in a hill run. I mean, Medeiros would do well on that too, but that's what I'm looking at. I think Justin. He'll do better than Krennikov and Vellner
Starting point is 00:41:33 for sure, so I just didn't want to pick Medeiros. I don't like the guy who pays. What makes you think he's going to do better than Krennikov? Oh, wow. Barbell spin. Breaking news. Pat Vellner tweaked his back on that jerk. You were right, Sevan. Yeah, something's wrong. Hey, Patrick Clark. Oh, it. Barbell spin. Breaking news. Pat Vellner tweaked his back on that jerk. You were right, Sevan. Yeah, something's wrong. Hey, Patrick Clark.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, it's okay now. I don't think it is okay now. Upper body vertical pressing, Brian. Krennikoff versus Smith. You take Krennikoff? How'd Krennikoff do on echo press? Good question. We don't know how it compares to Chandler because he wasn't there. Doesn't matter. He was top three on that workout. I have no reason to think that he's going to struggle with this one. All right, you win.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Taylor, who's going to win this tomorrow? Win this event? No, win the whole thing, the shebang. Krennikoff took third. You're right. Man. It's hard to say without the final i think krennikoff maybe can beat justin and and snatch press but i think justin's beating him in the muscle-up workout i don't know by how much so brian you say that but how do you say that maderos is going to overcome krennikoff then
Starting point is 00:42:40 just because you never want to choose anyone over Medeiros until you're proven otherwise right well I'm looking at Justin's uh just looking at his pedigree and his history you know his consistency is remarkable what I'm excited about and I was able to talk to Daniel Robbins after the um 12th place finish today I said I'm looking forward to see how he bounces back to us. You know, he has had extremely impressive, but also really clean runs at the games the last two years. You know, his closest competitors were the ones that were having unfortunate things happen to them for whatever reason, and they had to try to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Now he's had to do it once. He bounced back with a win. He has to do it again after certainly less than what he was expecting tonight. But I think this is good for him overall to have some, you know, some, some things pops pop up roadblocks, whatever that aren't going well. Uh, I think he'll be just fine on both those workouts. And I'm, you know, it's hard for me to think about what could come up in a final. That's going to be detrimental to him. So I'm expecting, you know, like a, like a seventh, a second and a third, something like that tomorrow from him. And I think that, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:50 Roman's going to have to work if he wants to match that. If there's a tie and they pick the guy to lose, who has the worst score, it's Justin. If they pick the guy who has the most first places, it's going to be Justin. So is that how they normally do it? They're going to pick Justin to, if it's a tie, Justin, I'll get it. Cause he has two first places it's going to be justin so is that how they normally do it they're going to pick justin to if it's a tie justin i'll get it because he has two first places yes point very assuming assuming that roman doesn't win any of the workouts tomorrow yes okay so let's say roman does win one tomorrow and they do tie then it would go then roman would be the winner because
Starting point is 00:44:19 he's got a second place and justin does not no it's because no not if justin gets a second tomorrow there's but yes you're on the right track in terms of your thinking and then justin would be the and Justin does not. No, not if Justin gets a second tomorrow. But yes, you're on the right track in terms of your thinking. And then Justin would be the winner because he has a third and Roman doesn't. Correct. We made it to the end of that tale. I don't think you hurt your back
Starting point is 00:44:37 and it gets better the next day. I think it gets worse the next day. You know what I mean? It's not like you rolled your ankle and it starts healing. Wow. It's loud. Okay. Um, but before we go to the girls, can we look at the next three workouts for tomorrow? I would agree with what you just said, by the way, your back is worse, not better. Josh Holton, nine 99. Love this coverage. Love this podcast. Making competitive CrossFit fun again.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Cheers, boys. Thank you all. Don't get used to it. I'm going to be big time and leave this fucking fitness nutball shit. Josh Holton, thank you. Good luck. Thanks, Taylor. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Did you know where that was from? No. That was taken. The movie Taken? Yeah, good luck. Is that one of the Lehman... Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Liam Neeson. You had it, you had it, you had it. So the three events are the Snatch and Press, The Goblet. Can I see number 10? Match and press the goblet. Can I see number 10? And we don't know what event 10 is.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Do we have any idea what event 10 is? I would hope it's some sort of... Yeah, never mind. Where's JR when you need him? JR, do we have any idea what do you think event 10 is going to be? What is funny? I hope it has a burpee in it. I actually think that because of the abundance of hanging gymnastics and pulling movements,
Starting point is 00:46:20 it seems like tomorrow is almost going to be a balancing out of that with 49 press outs on the muscle up and the parallette handstand push up and the lock on the dumbbell snatch. I think we could see something with overhead stability so that that could come into play. I don't think that it's going to be anything long, though. Tomorrow, we'll have a workout in there that's probably in that low teens to mid teen time domain. They've already had something 30 plus. I think it's probably in that low teens to mid-teen time domain they've already had something 30 plus i think it's probably going to be another fast one uh there also is um slightly off subject but going back to uh how this thing could play out the minimum work requirement could play out
Starting point is 00:47:00 as something tomorrow too does laura have one handstand push-up or or what what what is the uh what what if she doesn't make the negative uh the minimum work requirement on that workout and she there hasn't been one to this point that is a question that only one person can answer and she's not on the show at the moment yeah that's true good point We did ask her yesterday, right? And she said to be announced. She said TBD and fuck off, Sevan. All right. That second part was interpretation. Speaking with her eyes.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Taylor, it sounds like you're like at a Clint Eastwood movie. It does. They're playing some crazy music. I'm right inside the media room, which is adjacent to the field of play. That's very unprofessional for there to be sound in there while you're doing this high-level
Starting point is 00:47:53 media. I think there's still a Strongman event going on. There is. It's the finals. That's why she's not here. That's why Katie didn't make it. Yet. Yet. Clean and jerk and burpees. I hope there's a fucking burpee.
Starting point is 00:48:11 If they don't have one of the CrossFit games and they don't have one here, I'm going to be butthurt. All right, Brian, sorry. If you're looking at the history of rogues programming, there are a few things missing from this competition this year. Burpee pull-ups and rowing specifically that quite regularly show up. But, like JR said, there's already been
Starting point is 00:48:35 quite a bit of pulling or hanging gymnastic stuff. I think a bench press would be so cool if they found a way to put that in. A dumbbell bench press. I don't think they need another barbell or another sandbag. They've had sandbags in four events. The other clue that we did get today was from Chris Spieler,
Starting point is 00:48:54 who said that the things he was most excited were for the duel, something else. And then also he said there was some cool stuff in the finale. So I think that there's quite you know, quite a good possibility that there's something new or different in this, uh, whatever this workout is than we've seen before. Uh, can we go to the women's leaderboard? Uh, Steven Plyler, burpees are such a leveler. If you got mass congrats, you get to move your heavy ass off the floor over and over it's oh here we go and and this is something to keg toss i think this is something that uh we've talked about the jr is brought up to more weight lifting though
Starting point is 00:49:35 there there's so there is twice as much i, in terms of pure implementation, historically a rogue, it's like they'll have 15 weightlifting implements and seven gymnastics. We expect that. Marathon row. You thought the other event was long. They want to tie for the worst day of CrossFit ever in history. They want to have a marathon. With themselves.
Starting point is 00:50:03 They want to tie with themselves. Laura Horvath, Laura Horvath, 590 points in first place. Gabriella Magawa with 515. Annie Thor's daughter with 505. Ellie Turner for 90 and fourth. Emma Lawson and fifth with 460.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Daniel Brandon, 455. Amanda Barnhart, 450. You would think, oh, it's over. But as we all know,
Starting point is 00:50:22 Laura is going to give up probably anywhere from 70 to 100 points, which is going to make it very interesting if Emma Lawson, Ellie Turner, Annie Thor's daughter, or Gabriela Magawa can get a first, second, third, and fourth in that. If any one of them can dominate or if they can all do that, we are going to have a serious, serious, serious day tomorrow. I mean, it's more or less what just happened between Justin and Roman twice in the last two workouts where, you know, Roman took a big hit relative to him. Justin surged to a lead.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Justin took a big hit relative to Roman. Roman has a small lead. And I think that what you said is exactly what's going to happen. And there'll be a tightening of the leaderboard towards the top of the women's field after event eight. So it's event. So, so that's the first event tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yep. Okay. So they're going to come out there and shit's going to hit the fan for Laura. I wonder how that's going to affect her mentally. Any thoughts on that Taylor to go out there and have the first event, just be the, just horrible for.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Uh, well, we're going to actually get to see if she has actually gotten better at handstand push-ups i mean she's been saying she has people have been saying that she has this was the event that kind of started that or potentially i can't remember it was dubai or here um brian it doesn't matter if she's gotten better she's not going to get better enough to i mean she's going to get better relative to the pack right and yeah do you think that there's any way in hell she can finish top 15 in that event no i don't see how it would be possible for her to go from completing zero
Starting point is 00:51:55 handstand push-ups to completing or to being top 15 unless the other five women DNF or withdraw. Right. Brian, do you have any thoughts on that? Same as Taylor. Taylor. She's not going to finish. Wow. She's not going to finish the first nine handstand pushups. Yeah. Which is nuts.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Which is nuts. How can she, I mean, honestly, that's okay. If you go back and look, you know, this is what happened to her at Echo Press at the games. It's not going to rattle her mentally. She's, you know, she is what happened to her at Echo Press at the games. It's not going to rattle her mentally. She's, you know, she knows about this. She knows that it's been coming.
Starting point is 00:52:29 If she, as long as she does not get DQ'd, she is still in the running to win this thing. Correct. God, what if they did DQ her? Would there be a riot? Can she win? Are you okay with her winning and she can't complete a single one of those handstand pushups?
Starting point is 00:52:54 Yeah. You are. that's a great question i wish i would ask um oh god we're going that we always talk about this i mean no i did i don't think so dude i don't know man if you can do that wait hold on the black square is talking. Go ahead. If you can finish, if you can finish dead last and not complete, if you can finish dead last on a workout period in a competition with 20 athletes and have enough event wins to win, you still deserve to win. I'm on board with that. I mean, that sounds good that sounds good but you want to be crowned the the the winner of uh one of the most uh prestigious fitness events in the world and you can't do a handstand
Starting point is 00:53:32 push-up it's kind of a foundational movement she can would you be saying this if she wasn't able to complete a backflip i wouldn't be i wouldn't say if she was in the room with me either wouldn't say what just any would you he said would he said would you say if she was in the room with me either wouldn't say what just any he said would you say if she couldn't do a single back squat I said I wouldn't say if she was in the room with me either but it's a body weight movement versus
Starting point is 00:53:58 you know versus 275 in the bar I don't know maybe I'm just grasping at straws here. What if she couldn't do an air squat? Well, then she'd be in the adaptive division. What if when Hunter McIntyre got the invite to the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:54:18 he won, but he couldn't snatch 205? God, I can't believe we invited... I can't believe Ben Smith and Hunter McIntyre were allowed to come to the fucking CrossFit Games without qualifying. I spoke to Ben Smith today, so Adam Clink, they both said hello. Oh, what's up to both of them? Love both those guys.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Let's get Adam on the show. I would love to get Adam on the show. I think he's done one of the most impressive things in the CrossFit space. I think it's just fucking mind-blowing what he did. Yeah, I think that you'd have a blast talking to him. I got about five minutes with him today. I told him I'd suggest it to you.
Starting point is 00:54:53 He said he was open to it. Yeah, I need to do that. He's giving me his phone number. I need to do that. I need to get off my... That blames Sousa. Tell him I've asked and Sousa's dragging his feet. What? Sousa.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Can we look at event number eight? We're going to tell you who's going to win this tomorrow. This is going to be our best breakdown of any event ever. Miss Pugface. What have I told you? I told you to change your name. The Black Square is talking for all the laugh out loud while listening to you guys. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:55:23 It's very generous. Very generous amount of money. Event number eight tomorrow when we wake up in the morning. What time does this go down? 10 a.m. Central, so 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Three rounds.
Starting point is 00:55:38 20 dumbbell snatches at 70 pounds. We don't know if it's alternating hand or anything, right? Of course. It's alternating. It's alternating. We don't know if it's alternating hand or anything right of course it's alternating it's alternating we don't know shit about fuck uh and then nine parallette handstand push-ups to a negative of two inches for the women four inches for the men 70 pound dumbbell for the women 100 pound i mean god shouldn't she be able to do 27 handstand push-ups she should just be able to do fucking 10 maybe but she's not should just be able to do fucking 10 maybe,
Starting point is 00:56:05 but she's not going to be able to. There's a lot of people that aren't doing 27. A lot of women. There's no men. This is why Z-score is so cool too. Because the more you can do, the more you're rewarded. She just can't do this at all. So she's punished.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah, if it were Z-score, she wouldn't win. Go ahead, JR. No, no, no. You guys are totally misunderstanding. Relative to the field. No, it's relative to the field. I know that. She might actually get more points with Z-score than she will in this version. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:56:40 She just won four out of five events. She would have been gaining more than five points against the field in some of those workouts. Yes. That's why it's so cool. Yeah, but Brian says that. But on the elimination workout, she finished the 10th of a second before. There wouldn't have been hardly any difference in points between her and Danielle on that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Between her and Danielle. But then there she already got it. No, no, no. Between her and Danielle. But then there would have been a jump at some point. And the workout was such a small time frame that margins like one second or one tenth of a second are weighted a lot more heavily, almost equivalently to a minute in the first workout, for example. I'm still waiting for them to finish that workout. I want to address what Nirmal is saying. So it's apparent that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. That's not what we're talking about here. And I just want to address what Nirmal is saying. So it's apparent that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. That's not what we're talking about here.
Starting point is 00:57:26 But, and I just want to be clear, what we're talking about is the greatest athlete in the sport of CrossFit with the biggest hole. The ratio of her capability everywhere else in the hole she has, she has no peer. It's bigger than Hayley Adams. I mean, she has no peer. It's a complete, it makes it just something fun to talk about nonstop.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Am I correct on this, boys? Or is there someone else who's as good as she is? No, no, no. I completely agree. If there was not a strict deficit handstand pushup, and specifically on the parallettes, I mean, this is the worst combination of handstand pushup or variation of handstand push-up she could ask for and if that wasn't in this competition i would have picked her to win i probably would have picked her win by a hundred points but it's here and therefore she you know she has to navigate that and and she doesn't know what the
Starting point is 00:58:18 rule well maybe they know what the rules are but we don't know what the rules are the last time they had that it it did eliminate her from even the possibility of winning she could have won every other workout in 2019 she still would have finished 19th in the competition based on the rules and this is you know in general it's it is a good topic but jr said makes a lot of sense but the question that you asked is great too if you can should you be able to win the competition if you can't do a single thing and it goes all the way back to 2010 and we had the conversation yesterday where rich you know dave was on rich's ass about if you can't do this rope climb but we saw other athletes in the female side podium without being to do ring handstand or handstand push-ups that year so it's a very relevant uh topic uh andrew hiller the guy wearing the shirt that um fires
Starting point is 00:59:00 employees for not taking uh drugs. Go ahead. Experimental drugs. In this competition, there was an athlete or two that couldn't do the log. Now, what if they were winning the competition? It's very much what Brian just said, actually, because he said in relation to Rich and the Rope, they're athletes that couldn't do the ring handstand pushup. But Cole Sager and Lazar Dukic couldn't do the log clean and press. They couldn't do one of the opening weight.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Now, what if they were in first place? They're not. But what if they fucking were? Here's the thing that will really be interesting. Because Katie said last night that there was no minimum requirement for the back squat. And one of the women didn't do any weight on the back squat. There's obviously no minimum work requirement for the log. and one of the women didn't do any weight on the back squat.
Starting point is 00:59:44 There's obviously no minimum work requirement for the log. And this is a competition that heavily weights weightlifting relative to gymnastics. And yet the strictest rule that they've ever had has been on a gymnastics workout. Hold on one second, guys. My IT director is calling. What's up, buddy? All right. Think about it this way.
Starting point is 01:00:06 What if Tia is on the last event, and she's already won by over 100 points and she says no i'm not gonna work out does she still win no there's a minimum work requirement at the games not every year that's the same it's the same conversation uh how i don't understand how that's the same conversation because she's choosing not to complete a minimum work requirement and if they tell her she has to then she completes it versus Laura not being able to complete it physically physiologically
Starting point is 01:00:32 incapable of doing it how is that the same well we just don't know if there's a minimum work requirement or not that is the problem that's it Mike the sauce thank you uh who is gonna
Starting point is 01:00:52 who is gonna win this workout do we have a Carrie Pierce do we have Laura Horvath is this just Alexis Raptus just runs away with this she's strong she's strong upper body strong snatching and amazing at handstand uh push-ups just slam dunk for her i'd be surprised if anyone wins it but
Starting point is 01:01:12 you know danny spiegel was third in 2019 on this workout in a field with tia and and others she lost she lost she lost to tia and carrie that year so you know those are obviously very very proficient athletes in this movement. Dani should do well. There's some other athletes who could do well, but I'm with JR. I'd be shocked if Alexis doesn't take an event win here. And then Dani second? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I think Ariel Lohan can do well in this workout. We'll see. I'm actually excited to see if Dani can replicate another really impressive event here. Obviously, she was incredibly – I mean, it looks so easy for her moving that log today. So we have to think of her body pressing is just fine. And I mean, the dumbbell is going to feel lighter to her than anyone. So I think she's definitely in line for a top five and possibly, yeah, second place is within reach. Who will Laura beat?
Starting point is 01:02:03 Nobody. In this workout? No one. Olivia Kerst beat? Nobody. In this workout? No one. Olivia Kerstetter? No. Someone that I'm curious and excited to see in this workout is Annika Greer for the women. She did very well on the Celebrate 10 workout at the Guadalupalooza that had some handstand pushups in it. The dumbbells, I don't think is going to be too big of a factor for her.
Starting point is 01:02:24 You saw her cycle rate and overhead squats, which was another movement that was in that workout. So I'm kind of... It does seem like a workout where it's possible that someone in heat one could have a time that becomes relevant in heat two. And
Starting point is 01:02:39 on the men's side, do we have an outlier who's just going to crush this? Scott Tetlow. I would say Tetlow, yeah. Yeah, he's a savage. And he's just going to bury Tyler Watkins even more on the fantasy launcher lead reporting game. Is Tetlow a slam dunk? It's like that? No, not in this field.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It should be his best workout of the weekend. And if you're talking about an outlier or someone from Heat 1 that could put up a time that challenges the guys in Heat 2, he's my pick. I would say – but I would say guys like Saxon, Justin, Noah all do well too. Noah did this. I don't think he did too hot last time, surprisingly. Can you pull up the men's leaderboard? Is there anyone at the top that's going to take a massive hit? Because if Tesla wins this, kudos to him.
Starting point is 01:03:27 It's great. What a great thing to say that he beat 14 of the best fittest men in the world who came from the CrossFit Games and he got to compete against them here. And he put it to him. But it doesn't make any difference in the leaderboard. Doesn't make a single fucking change in the leaderboard. Who at the top can shit the... Go ahead. go fucking change in the leaderboard who at the top no that's shit go ahead is no if someone like that is able to have a workout let's just say that justin does really well on this and and
Starting point is 01:03:51 krennikoff you know finishes three four spots behind him in his heat and that extra five points is going to matter they're only 10 points apart that you know that's the reason why we don't like competitions that have cuts generally we want to see the field of athletes complete all the workouts so that guys like that can make an impact later in the weekend as well even though it might obviously first of all it's going to move him up the leaderboard if he gets you know 100 points 90 points whatever but it can also make an impact on those top guys will we see do you think that there's any place that a judge could play a huge role in the handstand push-ups um the same way they played a huge role
Starting point is 01:04:25 today in the overhead squad have you ever seen that before it happened in that event that year matt fraser got several no reps that i think a few of the other judges weren't necessarily calling as hard for his feet being wider than his arms or his shoulders or his hands um i could for sure see issues being had with what happened today. Yeah, I'm really curious to see if they amended that standard a little bit that Taylor's talking about, about the width of the parallettes and the rule about the feet. How is Roman on his handstand pushups? Is there any chance he could shit the bed?
Starting point is 01:05:01 Well, we just talked about it. He got third place on Echo Press at the Games. Obviously, he's a monster on the Echo Bike, so is Hopper, but they both had to do the 30 strict handstand pushups while facing to a deficit.
Starting point is 01:05:12 There's no reason to think that they're not going to do well on this. Yeah, Jason's really good at all kinds of strict handstand pushups. And these are strict? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And so, for some people, nine's going to be nothing. They're just going to blitz through them. It's just going to be... For some people, nine is going to be nothing. They're just going to blitz through them. It's just going to be some people. This is going to be like Tetlo. This might be a sprint. 60. What was the fastest time last year?
Starting point is 01:05:34 Five minutes? 60 snatches is a lot at that load, too. At 100? Yeah. Yeah, it's a good point. Did you snatch anything at 700 a hundred no i have not not since yesterday when someone asked me i don't even own the hundred yet i need to buy one i need to buy that that'll be my three dollars on rogue how much go on you can pick it
Starting point is 01:05:59 up for 80 bucks no way yeah true grit true grit products on best buy are like 50 off it's nuts and you can and you can pick up in store yeah like best buy the electronics place correct sir what the fuck i'm going there now i'm going there by one of those stairairmasters that Fraser was climbing on the other day for $2,000 off. Oh, Mr. Waddell. Oh, Mr. Waddell. Oh, Mr. Waddell. You should go to the website. It'll blow everyone's mind.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I'm going to do it. I want to get a 70, 80, 90. I want to become proficient in them all and kind of treat myself to getting them as I go up. Okay, let's get your picks tomorrow since we have the men open right here for first, second, and third place. We'll start with JR since he can't see shit. Tutlo.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Roman Justice. Fair. Mr. Hiller. Burtons. He's not here. Good guess. He's not here at this time. Yeah, but he got second last time.
Starting point is 01:07:19 I'm going to Matt Fraser, so I had to bring him up. Yeah, Tetlau. I like Krennikoff and Medeiros. Oh, same picks. Taylor. I think... Why can't Chandler Smith just run through this workout? I think Justin...
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's at the same issue that Noah's got. I think Justin, Jason, and Roman. Chandler's too jacked, just like Noah is, and they seem to have an issue on the handstand push-up for whatever reason. So you think he gets through two rounds, blows up, and get the parking brakes get put on? They slow down. That's what happened last time, too.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Takes a lot of blood. Same exact thing. Brian, who are your picks? Top three. Just for reference, of the men who are still competing from 2019, the top three finishers that are in this field were Cole Sager, who was sixth in that event,
Starting point is 01:08:17 Chandler Smith, who was eighth, and Noah Olsen, who was ninth. The three guys that I will pick are going to be Roman Kronikoff, Saxon Pancic, and Cole S ninth. The three guys that I will pick are going to be Roman Kronikov, Saxon Panczyk and Cole Sager. Wow. And last place. Can you scroll
Starting point is 01:08:33 down to the bottom of the dudes? How's Sam Welquant's handstand pushups? That's a great question. I can't remember actually how i did on echo press well what about what about henrik henrik looks great to look great overhead also and he's a little man right no henrik apple happen he's not how many people do you call little men you're a little man i don't know any anyone who's under 5'8 oh okay hapa lineman was 21st on echo press of the game sam quant was 23rd nick matthew is 22nd okay ricky gerrard was
Starting point is 01:09:16 28th i guess we probably remember that's going to be tough for this one's going to be tough for ricky huh he didn't do so good at the handstand workout. I mean, look, facing the wall and not facing the wall are a little bit different. There's certainly a lot more practice doing it with that, with their back to the wall. So I, I wouldn't put it past some of those guys to do a lot better on this
Starting point is 01:09:35 than they did at that. Brandon Waddell did his homework. He did. Good job. For 160 bucks. So pick, pick, go ahead and go first,rian who's gonna lose this
Starting point is 01:09:46 event take last place and you cannot pick lazar jukic everyone no one can pick him um i'm not really sure uh what about jorge fernandez how good are his handstand push-ups well i'm running through the list i actually think that this field of men in general is pretty good at handstand push-ups let's see 14th place let's go down a little bit suza jorge fernandez saxon panjik panjik henrik hapalappin. Nick Matthews. Nick Matthew. This actually is kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:10:31 I'm looking through the field and I feel pretty good about most of these guys in this workout. Last place, I don't know. I'll just take every single person. I think Lazar is actually the worst in actuality aside from his injury. Hey, you know what's interesting is when we interviewed kotler he he told us you know like hey ricky's probably not going to be so good at the log event but you never know with ricky and
Starting point is 01:10:55 he ended up taking third i say ricky gets last ricky got third on the log event yeah okay so the best tie break which we never did we ever at any point anywhere see the splits for the tie break for that they were on the jumbotron right after like right after the event happened you could see the order of finishers and then it went away and you didn't see it i don't ever remember seeing all 20 guys uh i don't remember seeing anything on the live feed except for right when they did it. I would love to see that. Was that on the live feed or was that only on the Jumbotron on the stadium? I didn't see anything on the live feed except right after they do it,
Starting point is 01:11:32 they showed you the order and the times for the 10 people that went in the heat. And I got no clue what's finishing last. So I'll just pick Tim Paulson. Taylor. Pick Tim Paulson. Taylor. My pick for last is... I'm hawking the leaderboard right now. I'm thinking...
Starting point is 01:11:52 Andrew, start looking now so we don't have to have you look. I already told you, it's Ricky Gerrard. He's getting last. Okay, okay, okay. My gut's going to go with... Man, this is a tough one. JR? Dude,
Starting point is 01:12:09 it would just be like picking a name. I will say Jack Farlow just because sometimes that strict upper body pressing for guys with really long arms just takes a while to develop. I have no clue. Heinrich Kappelainen. I don't know. Okay, let's go over to the girls.
Starting point is 01:12:26 That one's easy. And pick our winners. Did we already pick our winners for the girls? We did not. I think we're all taking Alexis Raptus to win. But top three, maybe we have some variants. Danielle, Brandon. Second?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Second. And who's your third, Mr. Hiller? Spiegel. Oh. JR. Hopefully. We'll see. I say Ariel Lowen second.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Brandon third. How can you not pick Danny Spiegel? You said she took third in 2019 yeah but maybe she's got a 225 straight press only lost to tia and carrie pierce the two greatest in the game at those movements yeah but you never know how how much better these other girls that weren't at that competition are than her at that movement either good point uh mr self i think for second and third let's go with danny spiegel and brian how good is ellie turner at handstand push-ups because i think she'll smack the
Starting point is 01:13:41 dumbbell snatch not good she was she was i think in the 30s at the Echo Press at the Games. Echo Press. Okay. 33rd. Maybe. What about Emma Lawson? I think Annie. Say Annie.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Annie's a good pick. I was considering picking her with one of mine. Brian, top three for tomorrow for the women? I think that some of the women that we haven't mentioned yet that could do well on this are both of them, actually. Emma Lawson and Emma McQuaid, so I'll take them along with Alexis Raptus. Good dude. And our favorite part of the show, who's going to just shit the bed last place? I'm ready to go on this one.
Starting point is 01:14:21 We're not going to talk about Laura, I presume. I'm ready to go on this one. We're not going to talk about Laura, I presume. So I'll take the other woman that didn't do a single rep of this at the games, which is Matilda Garns. Oh, wow. Taylor? God, it must be horrible for them tonight,
Starting point is 01:14:40 knowing that's the first workout tomorrow, knowing you can't even play. I got All Ellie Turner then. I'm going to go with Kerstetter. Have you ever seen her do handstand push-ups, Brian? Olivia Kerstetter? I haven't watched very much of her
Starting point is 01:15:03 competition stuff. I only see her results on leaderboards. Did we just watch Medeiros turn into the supervillain? No. He is going to go back and watch the replay and start counting up enemies. Oh, you mean the people standing behind them, Jordan? Who are like tattletailing on them? Quite possibly. And thank you very much for the donation.
Starting point is 01:15:24 But he is far from a supervillain. He is more like, uh, Ronald McDonald than, um, the Joker. Uh, did you,
Starting point is 01:15:34 who did you pick? Uh, uh, Hiller, uh, Jr. Who'd you pick? I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:15:40 uh, Ellie Turner, but Taylor picked her. So you'll pick uh jr jackman dollstrom and gabby mcgallow also struggled well i was gonna say dollstrom so there you go you also thought she was gonna win the log didn't you or do well i just wanted her too because she did so well nah you fucked up I hate to sound like an asshole
Starting point is 01:16:09 says Austin Hartman but how is it that some of the athletes can't do strict handstand pushups deficit or not if they're at this level they should be able to knock out at least a couple well we talked about that for an hour I'll be on with JR on the car.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah, this grip, too, is a lot different than hands flat on a plate or on blocks or whatever. This is a lot more tricep intensive. Bruce Wayne, I hope Laura surprises all of you. You know what? I think all of us hope she surprises us, too. I mean, I think that would be 100%. Yeah, it would be incredible but i don't i don't see how it's gonna happen uh get with the programming looking forward to analyzing
Starting point is 01:16:51 the rogue show oh by the way uh tonight after this show is over i'm gonna go jump on the assault bike and i'm gonna go over to morning chalk up and i'm gonna watch all of lauren khalil's videos so you guys don't have to and then i'm'm going to report back to you on them tomorrow. Or you can go over and watch them tonight. It's up to you. But I will be going over there and stealing, plagiarizing, studying her great content. But always giving credit to her. Of course.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Of course. Every 10 seconds. Every 10 seconds. I am looking forward to tomorrow. It's been a long weekend. Is there anything you guys would like to finish up with, uh, in regards to,
Starting point is 01:17:29 uh, things that the audience is audience should know about for tomorrow, uh, going into the final three events. Uh, yeah, nothing. I don't think
Starting point is 01:17:38 say that again. Oh, you're excited to know what it is? Yeah. When will they tell us? When will they tell us? It seems like they're going to be released tomorrow morning. That's kind of what they've done the past two days.
Starting point is 01:17:56 But maybe there's going to be an announcement after the second-to-last workout, and then that's when they'll find out. Maybe someone will demo it on the field, kind of like they do at the games, which would be cool to see also. Ryan, any final words? Nope, you're killing it.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Appreciate it. I'm a big fan of the goblet squat. Do you guys want to just pretend like we logged off and then let them hear what we talk about when the show's over? We're just like, oh, it's over. You think that there's any chance that the goblet squat is an actual
Starting point is 01:18:27 object that looks like a goblet? Yes, it's like golden challenge. The show is officially over, by the way. Everything else that's said now from here on out, I'm not responsible for. I'm not responsible for carrying the conversation. I'm not responsible for anything.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Just a little flex there. Susan. What do you mean? So, Brian, I could see something like that, like a bell that you put two hands in or something. No. I mean, I wrote about this, and I thought that there was a chance that because the workout was called the turtle, that the turtle would be the critical component of the workout was called the turtle, that the turtle would be the critical component of the workout. And I thought that because it was called the goblet, that there was a chance that the goblet would be something new or different.
Starting point is 01:19:14 And it might be something that would tax the grip more and therefore would have a bigger, you know, have a bigger impact on the potential for athletes to hang on the rings for bigger sets in the later rounds. After seeing what the turtle ends up being today, which I was disappointed with a little bit, I'm not very confident that there's going to be anything but just a rogue kettlebell out there. Have they in the years past always released some new implement that then goes for sale on the rogue website? I mean, no, I'm not saying that negatively. I think it's a genius marketing strategy, right?
Starting point is 01:19:42 We see it every single year at the games, but are they going to do it in a smaller version here, meaning like something like the Goblet? They should always release tons of new shit so we can buy it. Everyone loves that crap. For sure. I love it. I love it. Yeah, just keep releasing new stuff, fun stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Just ordered $3,000 worth of the TrueGrip for $9.50. Thanks, Hiller. Shit, Hiller, you should get a cut of that. You should. I thought we were going to pull up grip for nine 50. Thanks. Hiller shit. Hiller. You should get a cut of that. You should. I thought we were pulled the best by a website. It's totally worth it. I already started looking through it for the dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Well, yeah, click it on here. There's 600 people looking at this. They're, they're all going to get a killer deal. Like just don't buy it in my area, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I gotta, I gotta buy it here. So I think you're shipping around. You're saying here, just go here yeah on the bottom right of all those icons there's a fitness equipment yep a treadmill this is literally what we do when the show's over guys from best buy yes yeah scroll scroll god damn brother
Starting point is 01:20:45 where are the dumbbells he'd be like maybe go to the top just search it just search in the put in true grit just put in true grit yeah put in true grit everybody's got everybody's backseat driving here fuck me dude that is so. That's the type of shit that I like. That's what I need over here, man. Oh, shit. They got a bench. They got a bench. Legit. Yeah, that thing's really cheap. $250 off. $350 off.
Starting point is 01:21:17 How much is it? $53 for a 35-pound barbell. Female barbell. Yeah. Yeah, $ barbell? Yeah. Yeah, 53 bucks, 55 bucks. Oh, here we go. Holy cow, 80-pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:21:33 How does a dumbbell get a three-and-a-half star? You never see dumbbells for less than a dollar a pound anywhere. Played against sports anywhere much less brand new it's crazy my friday deal oh is it some sort of uh should i take the survey no never uh so if you scroll down a little bit, it shows all of them. So they're never this cheap? Never.
Starting point is 01:22:07 They're right there. No, they're super cheap. The 35-pound dumbbells were – there you go. $30 for a 35-pound dumbbell. Where's the 100-pound? I want to say it might only go up to 95, unfortunately. Yeah, that's what I saw. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:22:24 We'll tape two two and a half on the edge there when it's time let me see that out see what it said and got they don't got a 70 either maybe a 75 they just had a run on their dumbbells i know scroll left on that little tab does anyone actually buy this shit where you can change the weights like you drop them in and they're like just like in slips like this does anyone actually buy this those suck power blockers people buy them down and sit in the corner of their house for a long time ryan do you own a pair of those?
Starting point is 01:23:05 Be honest. You know what's crazy? They do have the split times from the Jerry Can carries on here. And there's Justin Maderos and Jason Hopper tied to the 100th of a second. I saw that, yeah. And then Hapalainen was 1 100th of a second behind them. I mean, you're talking about, I mean, that's crazy. You're talking about 100ths of a second behind him. I mean, you're talking about I mean, that's crazy. You're talking about
Starting point is 01:23:28 hundredths of a second there. That's right. They have Matt Fraser's climber. They do? Maybe yours is looking different because you're in a different area, but on website you can see it for a thousand bucks and typically
Starting point is 01:23:44 it's $2,800. Oh, for the one that he's selling? Yes. Oh, what's it called? Climber. CL without the vowels. Oh. MBR. It's so crazy. God, it got slammed in the reviews.
Starting point is 01:23:59 How much is it? I think it's $999. Oh, wow. Are we done? We are. We're just hanging out now. We've been done for like two minutes. I'm going to go right. Go right.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I'll go wrong. See you tomorrow, guys. Do you like the climber or the flip sled? Dude, flip sled without a question. But you're not going to be able to find a flip sled for that amount. I know. You think they have a flip sled on here? Did you hear Taylor say he bought the tour tank?
Starting point is 01:24:33 Dude, I bought the tour tank. Let me tell you, I fucking love it. Okay, tell me. I mean, it's retarded for competition, but... Whoa, whoa, careful. You're going to get canceled. Dude, for my gym, it's amazing. It competition, but... Whoa, whoa, careful. You're going to get canceled. Dude, for my gym, it's amazing. It's the most convenient fucking sled ever.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I don't have to go... We have to chain our fucking prowlers up out back because, one, they don't fit in the gym. Like, we just have so much shit now. And we have a huge gym. We have so much equipment. They just... They're not inside. And then you got to go fucking unlock it, take all your fucking weights down the ramp
Starting point is 01:25:06 outside fuck all that dude I just flip the all the way to zero on this thing and roll it out I'm good to go I like having you on you make me look like I don't swear I like having you around you're a good dude you know what someone said to me today listen to this
Starting point is 01:25:24 you know what someone said to me someone says to this you know what someone said to me you're gonna like this someone says to me you're not very nice on that podcast are you wow i was like what do you mean they're like you swear a lot you say the f word i was like is the f word mean it kind of stumped them mike this mike the sauce Taylor thinks we're not live We're not live We're just hanging out Dick Butter When I was drunk I bought the torque tank too That's what Dick Butter said
Starting point is 01:25:53 Hey was Dick Butter allowed back on the Road chat I have a client Who I've had to use the torque tank so much That the tires have gone bare We've used it so much that the tires have gone bare oh we've used it so much there's no tread left on them hey so so so if you don't have room for a sled in your gym what's the difference with the torque tank you still know you have to park that in the gym
Starting point is 01:26:13 no we have like 10 prowlers but they just you can't push them on a rubber floor they just they stick to the floor they're fucking terrible this thing you can push it you don't have to you don't need any attachments you just grab thing, you can push it. You don't need any attachments. You just grab the handles. You can pull it backwards. It's just amazing. It's so convenient. Hey, imagine how stupid CrossFitters are. We buy a go-kart where the wheels have seized up. It was like my first car.
Starting point is 01:26:40 And we push it around the gym and call it workout equipment. We are just knuckleheads. Yeah. Alright, we gotta eat. Alright guys, bye. And we push it around the gym and call it workout equipment. We are just knuckleheads. Yeah. All right. We got to eat. All right, guys. Bye. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:26:52 We will see you guys bright and early tomorrow morning. It looks like the first event. What time did I write? It was at 10 a.m., so 8 a.m. our time. 7 a.m. will probably be the first show. Okay. So we will be here at 7 a.m pacific standard time uh to i don't know what to do oh i'm gonna be telling you about what i saw uh lauren khalil
Starting point is 01:27:10 report on today andrew hiller will be here from hiller fit uh taylor self jr howell bren brian friend and of course go buy heidi's books i order both your books heidi but the second one hasn't come yet uh first one came i think she says she's working on a third one already too go to amazon type in heidi h-e-i-d-i croome that's her last name c-r-u-m-e and get at it uh normal uh great having you here today brother have a good one uh peace and love to everyone buh-bye You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual to your body,
Starting point is 01:27:53 it's not just Forging Elite Fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar, and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive.
Starting point is 01:28:23 For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but...

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