The Sevan Podcast - #655 - Rogue Invitational Day 4 Recap

Episode Date: October 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. So it starts and finishes with 18? Because the best part of that workout was the last 10 Cleveland jerks. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Bam, we're live. So 18, 18. I think maybe it would have to have been 15. It's ugly, but maybe nine. 15, 15, 30, 15, or 12 not 15, 15, 30, 15 or 12, 36, 12. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:48 15, 45. Something along those lines. Pat screwed the pooch. He fucked the pooch. Macro. Marco Calderon. Olivia is a beast.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Uh, should be proud. Absolutely. Heidi Kroom, terrible camera work. Oh, that's a beast. Should be proud, absolutely. Heidi Kroon, terrible camera work. Oh, you're being too nice. Didn't even get to see Cara finish or the race with Barnhart and Annie. I mean, people were crying.
Starting point is 00:01:11 When someone's crossing the finish line, you can't cut. You guys really underestimated Ellie in your prediction. She killed it. I don't think so. I literally picked her to win. Brandon Waddell, agree. Heidi, yes. Lousy all weekend.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I'm so bummed. Pat imploded. I will say this. I misspoke. I wrote in the text that Emma imploded. She actually never imploded. She paced herself great to her ability, and we actually didn't see her implode. She should be proud.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I mean, she's... I sat right – I was sitting with Kalipa. We were talking about it right before the event went out, and I said if Ellie Turner takes third to fifth in this workout, I think she can. I'm thinking Lawson's going to be like ninth to 13th, and it's going to be within five points,
Starting point is 00:01:59 and it sounds like it's within five points. Can you bring up the women's leaderboard, Sousa? Is it up? Elise Bone. Agree, Heidi. Richard Holden. Bam, we're live. I third that Heidi Krum.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And here is, oh, in real time. There it is. Fuck yeah. Okay. Wow. Time. Oh, my goodness. Time.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, my goodness. Points time. Points time. Oh, my goodness. He's Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Oh, my goodness. Points time. Points time. Oh, my goodness. That one's got his victory. Wow. She has two. Brian, will you explain to us what's going on here with third and fourth?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, yeah. So, we knew that it was really close, and there were some times from heat one that factored in. So, it looks like if we scroll all the way to the right, Emma Lawson ended up finishing, I was 13th which was like that was the worst I thought she would do um but Olivia Kirstetter's time from heat one which was second place overall was that was the five that's what I was talking about that's the type of workout where an athlete who is not relevant in terms of the podium race can affect the podium result these are the reasons why we in general don't like to see cuts late in the competition because Olivia Kirsten qualified for this, earned the right to be here.
Starting point is 00:03:08 She got to see the whole thing out and her performance there, which was very noteworthy, incredibly impressive, ended up making a difference here. Because Emma Lawson and Ellie Turner tied on points at 470, it goes to the traditional tiebreaker, which is best event finish. Just looking across the board, we can see that
Starting point is 00:03:24 Emma Lawson had two event wins, Ellie Turner had none so emma lawson is going to be standing on the podium at 17 years old at the rogue invitational and that is incredibly impressive very very cool almost impressive as victor brown's uh donation to the show thanks buddy that rope is high i hope you're using the crash pad crash pad phenomenal work by the whole crew this weekend savvy 100 pound dumbbell snatches let's go uh can we scroll down and see or can you organize that event by uh winners that uh donations head on over to and pick up a dumbbell yes hillar said it uh cara saunders first olivia kerstetter place. She won her heat and she took second place. Before we talk about how impressive Kerstetter is,
Starting point is 00:04:09 Kara Saunders is, for some reason, I thought that she was going to kind of just drift off into the sunset. Is she going to make another run at the games? Anyone know? I have a reason to believe that the upcoming season will be her last. Who? Who? Who? Kara Saunders. Okay. And what do you think? Does that mean she's going to give it her all?
Starting point is 00:04:33 This is my last season. I'm going to give it my all? I mean, I guess. What did she end up finishing overall in the competition? Good question. Seventh. Let me see if I have her. I have her phone number.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Wasn't she seventh at the Games? Seventh at Rogue? I mean, that's pretty good. She still can hang with some of the best women. Spiegel really shit the bed on that last workout. Spiegel really shit the bed on that last workout it was Spiegel's to lose you guys have to like pretend like you're running the show while I'm typing okay I invited
Starting point is 00:05:19 I was carrying with the Spiegel commentary thank you I can also fill in with I'm very let down that I was carrying it with the Spiegel commentary. Thank you. Thank you, Hiller. I can also fill in with I'm very let down that Cole Sager beat me by three seconds. That means you also lost to John Young because he texted me a while ago and said that he beat Cole Sager. When did he do it? Within the last month or two.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I bet he warmed up and everything. Percy, no warm up. I can see Don Young doing well on this workout. Susan, sorry, could you scroll over to 10th place? So the 10th event, I want to see. I want to see. Okay, so Kara Saunders first, Olivia Kirsten are second, Laura Horvath third, Ellie Turner fourth, Danny Spiegel fifth,
Starting point is 00:06:04 Amanda Barnhart sixth, Annie Thor's daughter seventh place. No knock on Annie. That is a tough, tough crew of women who are extremely strong from shoulder to overhead. I did see Danny Spiegel move to her last bar. They were showing her, and she never looked over to her left to see who was walking with her. She was looking down at the ground. I suspect she had no idea Kerstetter was there. Maybe, but with the last three reps, she knew.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And she actually went to do her last rep at the same time Olivia did after a really short break after rep 29. She failed the jerk. Olivia hit it. So there's the five points right there. I mean, that could have been. What did her fail look like, JR? I missed that.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Did it come all the way to the ground or just a re-rack? She missed the lockout and then just dropped it. Okay. So she, okay. Wow. So it was going to be a foot race. And what JR is saying is if Spiegel hits that jerk, if she does not know that jerk,
Starting point is 00:07:01 then Ellie Turner is on the podium. Is that what you're saying? Yes. Explain that to me. Scroll back up and put you're saying? Yes. Explain that to me. Scroll back up and put them in the, in the right order. Explain that. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I don't think it would have mattered. Well, she ended up, well, she ended up finishing. Go ahead. Go ahead. Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:17 you think she would have beaten Turner? Correct. That workout. Yes. The graphic there. She would have beaten Turner. Lawson's on the podium anyway, so it wouldn't have made a difference. Well, just in money.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It would have pushed her down a spot, right? No. No. Okay. I see. I see. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Turner would have been fourth. It just wouldn't have been a point start. She would have been five points behind her. Paul Richards, 1999, hardest working men in showbiz. Thanks, guys. I was just thinking about it. I've this in my office now for four days it's kind of crazy i really appreciate the cute dog jacqueline robertson from canada a generous uh person in canada thank you so much uh 20 canadian dollars tom garan again uh five dollars watching hillary do the workout live made me realize this is the 2022 version for the of the old for dot com dot it is dot com okay watching hillary do the workouts
Starting point is 00:08:12 live made me realize this is the 2022 version of the old dot com comment sections viva la puke thank you that's cool uh you guys should know as i've stated before pukey is dead the programmer for crossfit is now gone not not actually dead well he he wrote his pukey i really wish i could figure out how to send non-totalitarian canadian dollars thank you I appreciate that. AC, five UK pounds, Sterlings for the Pat Fund. Thank you. Oh, could we send Patrick Vellner a link also, Sousa, and see maybe if we can get him on.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I did send Katie Motter a link and Cara Saunders. Remember earlier how we were trying to figure out which event was the most correlative to the overall leaderboard? I think that this final might be it. It's pretty close. I mean, there's a whole bunch of single digits towards the top of the leaderboard when filtered that way. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I mean, I'm a loss in third. It's 13th in this workout. Well, which other workouts are closer? Maybe event two? Maybe. Event four is pretty close, it looks like. Event four.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Organize them by event four. Organize them by event four real quick for us, Sousa, as Hiller calls them out. Let's see. This is interesting. You just look at it, and you can see. So, like, right now, first through. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:42 First, eighth, fourth, fifth, second, sixth. Probably event four. We lose Emma Lawson somewhere. We lose her a lot. We also lost her on event 10. JR, can we organize them first through 10th in the ranking? JR, what do you see in the top five finishers at the 2022 Rogue Invitational? What can you tell us for the athletes who want to compete here and in competitions? Well, just
Starting point is 00:10:08 what we try to look for when we look at competitions that have at least seven to eight workouts. This one has ten. Who was able to finish top ten on all of them? And the only person that can do that was Annie. She finished in second, but Laura won four events. So, you know, Laura
Starting point is 00:10:23 had a 14th and a 19th, but she had four wins. And he got an 11th. Thank you. Sorry, I missed it at the end. But still, it's tied with the worst finish in the it's tied with
Starting point is 00:10:41 It's tied as the best worst finish? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Brian. It's tied as the best worst finish is that what you're saying yeah yeah thank you thank you it's tied for the best worst finish in the top five so she she pretty much uh fit into um jr's plan uh jr do you think does that say that something's wrong with the programming no i don't think that i don't think that that speaks to it i mean if you look just on the screen at the top nine it's a lot of the same people that we expected maybe the order is a little bit different but i will say that we can say that the last workout was probably the fourth strength test of 10 what i would say about this program is what i said earlier is man it was if if nothing else
Starting point is 00:11:27 this was such a fun competition when so many things can change workout to workout and it's happening in both the men's and women's division that's like and you talk about a showcase that is uh is really putting on a show and and this was super entertaining for the fans i think it was a lot of drama for the athletes because they saw these big swings happening. And it was, you know, some of it was predictable, but some of it was not predictable. Overall, I thought the entertainment value here was extremely high. Okay, Brian, so you bring up the question that's been going on forever that was very difficult to answer while Rich Froney, Matt Fraser and Tia Toomey have been around. Can you program someone
Starting point is 00:12:04 out of, let's specifically talk about the CrossFit games, out of the CrossFit games, or can you not? You're saying it was great programming, but maybe it's just because we didn't have Tia, Matt, or Rich here. I don't think he said that. It looks great because there's somebody. I don't want to say that it's. Because those guys can't be programmed out of an event.
Starting point is 00:12:24 When there's a field where there is the potential for multiple people to win because those guys can't be programmed out of an event. When there's a field where there is the potential for multiple people to win and multiple people to podium, and it's not, you know, even at the games this year on the men's side, yes, it was tight one, two, three, but like those three guys were pretty well clear of the field. Here we saw dramatic changes in the lead overall. We saw a lot of athletes with an opportunity to make podium runs, even coming into the last workout. There was a, you know, and it's drama.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yes, there's someone that's as dominant as those athletes you listed are. It's really, the programming doesn't matter much. They're just so good and so far ahead. But right now, there's a shift happening. And even though Justin did win today, you know, there's belief amongst these guys that it can be done. And I think that's important for the, for the sport going into this next season.
Starting point is 00:13:08 You're saying that Justin left some blood in the water. Yeah. These guys, I mean, dude, Pat's sitting right down here on the field and his head is still in his hands. Like he knows that it was right there. He went too hard on the middle 10 reps and you got to look at Roman and wonder what happened in event nine. Absent that event, he might be sitting on top of this podium. Hey, Brian.
Starting point is 00:13:28 We actually talked to Snorri before this last workout, and we asked him about Roman in the workout prior. And he said, simple as that, he just dumped. He had a carb dump. He hadn't fueled properly, and he had no juice on that workout, none. He was just underfed. Wow. Wow. Who's his, does he have a coach? Like a nutrition coach?
Starting point is 00:13:51 Or just a coach out there, like someone who's carrying a bag of food. Nick Fowler is here with us. Okay. That's interesting. One of the most experienced coaches that there is. Yeah. He was just saying that Roman severely undercounted his macros going into that workout and he just had no juice. Wow. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay. Um, great coverage all weekend. Thanks gents. John G $15. Thank you, John. Uh,
Starting point is 00:14:15 great profile pick, uh, Teresa Harvey. Uh, looks like she's competed herself. Not so bad. 20 bucks. Awesome coverage all weekend.
Starting point is 00:14:22 We love you guys. Thank you. It means a lot. Uh, we are trying our hardest Dallas Canyon, 999. Always happy to support my friends that I've never met. Thanks for the coverage, guys. Thanks for considering us friends. Martin, Martine. That's freaking me. 1999. Always the best coverage and analysis. What a great crew you've put together, Savant. You all are the best. To be honest, I don't know how this happens.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I wish I could take credit for it, but I don't know how it happens. Allison Hogg, five... Hogg? Allison Hogg. Five pounds from the United
Starting point is 00:15:04 Kingdom. Love you all. Thanks for the greatest weekend coverage from the London, UK. You're very welcome, and thank you for your special silver money. Going back to the leaderboard, one more very interesting thing about this. It's way more fun than watching without Matt and Tia. I was answering get with the programming. Sorry, Sevan. Say that again, Hiller. There's a get with the programming and a comment in here,
Starting point is 00:15:24 whether or not it's more fun to watch this with or without Matt and Tia. It's way more fun without, in my opinion. Interesting. Do you have an opinion on that? Only because I constantly want the person who always wins to get beaten. And I think it's always possible. And Bedero's came out on top.
Starting point is 00:15:40 But Fraser was always so far ahead, it was never possible. I think it's good for everyone to see. And it's also cool to see him win. Don't get me wrong. It's cool to see him win in the last second because he paced it so well. What do you think, Taylor? More or less fun with Tia and Matt not in the picture?
Starting point is 00:15:59 More fun. Brian? More or less fun with Matt and Tia not in the picture? fun. Brian? More or less fun with Matt and Tia not in the picture? I don't think it's so bad to have a dominant athlete from time to time, but because we've had so much
Starting point is 00:16:11 dominance in the last decade, this I think is needed for this sport. So, important time to have parity like this and competitions that come down to the line. J.R. Howell? Fun? More fun with Matt and Tia gone? Not in the mix? Yeah, more exciting fun more fun with matt and tiagon not in the mix yeah more exciting more fun to watch for sure i think if you're a new fan i think it's good for the sport that there are
Starting point is 00:16:34 dynasties i think it draws a lot of attention to it people start to pay attention but for those of us who are in it we like to see uh the races hiller, go ahead. How about Froning's final year? That was one of his most exciting years because he was being pushed up until that last day. It's kind of like what Justin's always doing. I'd say what Justin is doing is great. Everyone's thinking they can beat him. What was it, Brian, that said there's blood in the water?
Starting point is 00:17:01 I mean, Pat was right there. Everyone was kind of right there. They just fucked up, and he didn't. That's something we were also talking about all week. If he just doesn't mess up all that often. Uh, I am hop, uh, $20. Thanks guys. Thank you, dude. Um, I want to go back to the women's leaderboard and I want to point something out that we talked about earlier in the weekend and you guys correct me if I'm wrong. And I said this before, but what you are looking at and Laura Horvat is the greatest CrossFitter who ever lived with the largest hole. There's no one else even comes to mind. It is, it is, it is a bizarre phenomenon. But she fixed it, right? She fixed it quickly.
Starting point is 00:17:40 She did. Um, and I, and I do, I think Sam Briggs' strength, which was also her shortcoming, was also not as big of a hole as this. Brian, do you have an opinion on that? No, I think you're on the money. I mean, Laura Horvat is quickly ascending the ranks of all-time females in the
Starting point is 00:17:59 space, and she does, you know, if you put it just on paper against those other top five or six women of all time, none of them women of all time none of them have something like that yeah uh seven seven yes catrin and strict upper body pulling won the games twice but still had had and still does have that hole i'd like to i'd like to there would be a good study to have a comparison. We can just say take a movement like a ring muscle-up or a pegboard. Look at Katrin's finishes on those workouts relative to Laura's finishes on a stick-on-sand push-up workout. But that is a good – I mean, if you're trying to find someone that's comparable, Katrin is a potential candidate.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Anyone in the men's field? candidate uh anyone in the men's field i mean well i mean you're you're starting like you're basically asking about fraser froning ben smith velner scott panchik kg panchik and none of those guys comes to mind as having something that's that bad for them i mean maybe how about josh bridges how about josh bridges oh swimming actually that might be one very interesting I mean, maybe. How about Josh Bridges? How about Josh Bridges? Maybe Pat Valdon in swimming, actually. That might be one. Very interesting. Okay, yeah. Kate says Pat can't swim.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Maybe that should be a shirt. And Pat's overhead has now exposed him in two competitions. Yeah, throwing a rope line at one point. Shoulder overhead. The shoulder overhead in the games was a lot more concerning to me than this. I mean, this is like you got to keep in mind, you know, comes into the sport and he is
Starting point is 00:19:31 one of the five best that we've ever seen I think. But he had to go against Fraser and it's just, you know, losing after losing after losing. He did win the Rogue Invitation one year, but it was an online competition. He has not won a live competition outside of Guadalupe Luz of this prestige. And coming into this workout, he knows if I beat
Starting point is 00:19:51 Justin, like the chances are high that I win this workout. And if you watched closely him, and I don't know what was able to be seen at home through the first 10 reps, he was pacing well. In the second 10 reps, he accelerated and took a lead over Justin. Everyone was getting excited. You could feel it. As soon as I think it was three or four in the set of 10, I was like, oh no, he doesn't have it for the last five. You have to have it for the last five.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Justin outpaced him and outgamed him again. Honestly, it was devastating because I would have loved to see this guy win a big competition like this. You would have busted a nut anthony tpa five dollars great show gentlemen killed it like always thank you for having brian on instead of john young geez louise i'm gonna bring john young on just for that uh brian they should be ashamed uh europa chronicles uh i think the judging really left some stuff to be desired and negatively
Starting point is 00:20:45 affected the overall results event should use fewer but better judges not one per movement we and jr talked about this go ahead andrew go first no no no no no dailer you got something uh well i pointed out in this last event to jr i was like dude there are 30 judges on the floor and he was like yeah i think that's a little excessive. Um, think about this. Uh, you have one athlete who's to JR was making this point, locking out rep number 19 of 20. It's a soft lockout and the judge has given it to him. They hit that rep, hit the 20th rep.
Starting point is 00:21:20 They move on to the next platform, the next judge. And then the judge all of a sudden just stops giving it to them. Or at any other point in any other of the workouts. You know, the judging is inconsistent across judge to judge within the same event. That's just tough, and I think it's unnecessary. Did you see that actual example, or is that just hypothetical? That was hypothetical.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I didn't see that actual example. Did you talk about one athlete from round to round or athlete to athlete? No, one athlete from round to round. As they moved it? Yeah. Oh, you did? Yeah. Well, so the difference in this last workout is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:58 what you had said, Taylor, was they have one judge per movement. But in this workout, there were three judges on the same movement. And so usually when you take the floor, I mean, you know, it's, it is human judgment at the end of the day. And when you go on the floor as an athlete, usually what you're trying to do is establish some kind of familiarity with your judge. So you understand I can move like this and I can get the rep, but if I do this, I won't get the rep. Depending on the workout, you'll learn that faster or slower. In this workout, you could be establishing a movement pattern that's getting you credit for the reps and then advance to the next platform and move the same way and not get the credit for the reps. So that's where this particular workout at the end, I'm not sure that having 30 judges on
Starting point is 00:22:38 the floor made much sense. Let's look at it this way. Let's look at it this way. In the parallette handstand pushup workout, you get a new judge every round. You get a new judge every time you go to the wall for the strict handstand pushups. Think about that. So if you have someone that's giving you, um, a foot width position, that's questionable. And then the next round, you have a new judge step in and they're a little bit more strict on that when you had just given it on the round previous that's a huge difference it's a different set of eyes looking at the same movement this bring that comment you're about to bring up seven when you're ready i'll let brian go real quick and then i will now the one like counter argument to what i said earlier is if you
Starting point is 00:23:19 do have a judge who's giving soft reps in round one? Reps one through ten? They're not going to be giving, you know, they won't have the opportunity to give the reps to us. Okay, I'll shut up. Let me bring up my Katie Henniger notes. Katie, hi. Hey, guys. Thanks for doing this.
Starting point is 00:23:40 You're welcome. Is the awards ceremony going on? It just ended. How relieved are you? I'll tell you tomorrow. Because you're not relieved until cleanup's done? What's up? No, the event is ending, so I haven't really had a chance to process anything. Is this the last thing on your list?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Like you got this whole list of things to do and you're like, oh, fuck, Sevan podcast. Okay, last thing. No, we still have to clean up, like you mentioned. So I still have a few days of work. Is that how long it will take, a couple days to haul all that stuff back? Yeah, I think we won't get out of here until Thursday or Friday. What happens to the 17,000-pound piece of equipment that is the Rogue Roller Coaster? What do you guys do with that?
Starting point is 00:24:29 We have a full warehouse for all our event gear. So it'll just go back and sit there until we need it again. Wow. And when you build something like that, do you think you guys think about that ahead of time? Like, okay, this thing is something that's going to be around. Yeah, I think you'd like to see many variations of that. I think it was a great event, especially the coaster. So you're going to see many variations of that. I think it was a great event, especially the coaster. So you're going to see it again for Strongman for sure. Do other people reach out to you, other Strongman events, and they're like, Oh, Katie, Bill, can you bring that to XYZ event? Yeah, some of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:57 But we try to reserve it, obviously, for the Invitational here and then supporting the Arnold Strongman show as well. Those are the two big shows? Yeah. That white material that was on the boxes, I had never seen that before. Is that a different material than the rest of the box? Yeah, we put that on after we had some moisture
Starting point is 00:25:17 from the rain in the morning. So it's got some texture to it so they wouldn't slip. Is it like felt? No, it's almost like sandpaper okay uh there's a guy here in our comments named dick butter and he's been banned on your youtube comments could you unban him uh no no okay sorry i tried mr butter um the secrecy around the events that was bold right guys thank you a little clap for seven thank you uh the secrecy around the events that was bold right guys thank you a little clap for seven thank you uh the secrecy around the events as we're trying to um find out where it's going to be what the events are
Starting point is 00:25:51 do you guys find that endearing or do you find that annoying um i don't it's not annoying but we we want it to be about the athletes so uh getting leaked and then having multiple people dissected before the athletes even get it we just want it to be about the athletes so uh getting leaked and then having multiple people dissected before the athletes even get it we just want it to be a fair event and we are really going to keep in line on that okay well yeah so so it doesn't bother you that we're also though trying to figure it out and speculate and sneak photos etc it's part of the game away speculate away speculate away okay um did you pick the last event? Did anybody get it right? No.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I got it right about two months ago. We weren't very close at all on that one. A matter of fact, the group was saying that they hope they don't see a barbell. And then as soon as they saw the event, all four of them were like, this is the greatest event ever. We love this. I'm like, wait, what happened to our stance on the barbell and then as soon as they saw the event all four of them were like this is the greatest event ever we love this i'm like wait what what happened to our stance on the barbell i think for as much uh work as they did and to watch uh those guys like 313 is crazy for as much volume as they have this weekend they uh some of the programmers talk about like having marquee
Starting point is 00:27:00 events and then slotting things in around it was the final, one of the first last or middle events that you guys slotted in this time around? It was probably in the middle, but it didn't become the final event until we started to figure out the schedule. But with the way the scoring worked out, I mean, you couldn't have asked for a more epic ending on the, on the men's race. I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Two of the events that were time-capped, no women finished and men finished. Why the discrepancy in the men's testing and the women's testing? I think testing with the hill is hard because we don't obviously have this hill anywhere we test. And then the volume of which which we had the athletes when we had it tested they were doing a single workout in a single day not at the end of a long weekend that being said the logs could not have been any more perfect the logs worked out like uh to the t how exciting was that i'm really excited we were we were definitely it's an event we wanted to do, but we wanted to keep them safe as well. And that's why we released it a couple weeks early so that they could practice. And so when they came out here, they weren't nervous
Starting point is 00:28:14 and trying to figure it out on the first lift. And I thought they did an amazing job adjusting. We had a couple of the strongmen call the event and hearing them talk about how quickly these athletes pick up things and get better rep by rep that's pretty cool to watch does does Danny Spiegel win that log I don't know but that was you know she wasn't gonna go and I had a break go out and ask her if she wanted to go and she looked at the metal log and said no I'm good and good. And he goes, well, you can do 10 more pounds and do the wood log. And she didn't even hesitate.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And that was just, I mean, what a freaking way to end that thing. Yeah, that was insane. Brian, were you going to ask another question? Well, you mentioned the drama of the men's final. We noticed throughout the weekend that there were just these massive changes. You know, 60 points Medeiros would make up on Rome and he'd give 70 away. Laura would give 80 points away here. Is that something that surprised you as you watched the leaderboard over, you know, event to event?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah, I think as many changes as we had, I didn't expect that throughout the weekend. But for the spectators here and everybody watching, that's the race you want to see, right? And even for the athletes, while they don't like it and they're nervous they they performed you know it raises the bar for sure uh when you when you started the programming and laying the landscape for the event did you know right away okay 10 events we were at nine and then we added the trail ah okay i know there's no way that you can see the comment section on the YouTube page, but something we've heard all weekend is how the CrossFitters and the Strongman are going back and forth. And Rogue is a company that came up with CrossFit and kind of is now like this giant entity.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And I've kind of seen this as something that you're doing to support both the CrossFit and the Strongman communities. And I'm curious if there's any sort of thought on your end that you're trying to like intermingle and then maybe bring in powerlifting as well, like rising five regional ships. You know, I think the Invitational the last two years has been about CrossFit and Strongman, but for us, it's really about the entire iron game. You know, you're going to bring in power lifting, you're going to bring in Olympic weightlifting and anybody that touches a barbell, that's what we want to promote. And we want to help grow those sports. And if we get more people doing that,
Starting point is 00:30:32 you're going to see amazing events that pop out of this. It won't just be the invitational. Bodybuilding. What'd you say? Bodybuilding. You'll see bodybuilding at the Arnold. Got it. Thank you. um you you won the 2008 crossfit games you competed in 2009 crossfit games you've been you've seen it all from the
Starting point is 00:30:53 very beginning um is justin madaris uh the beginning of another dynasty are we seeing another tia tumi matt fraser rich froning type character here i think i think until he's beat you have to say it. I mean, he moves really well. He's got a great mindset. His approach to training, he's yes. So my short answer is yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:16 We see eye to eye almost on everything. You and I see eye to eye on everything. Someone said in the comments, it quote i quote this exactly katie treats seven the same way dave does what do they mean by that katie i don't know i hold you accountable okay that's fair enough uh mr howell do you have a question do you have a question for miss uh mater yeah i do actually sorry Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, Ms. Henniger. Yeah, so actually you said that there are some implements like the Rogo Coaster, maybe the Hill in general as being things that you just want to reserve for the Rogue Invitational. You don't want to let it be used for other competitions. Are there also some implements
Starting point is 00:31:57 that have only been showcased at the games that you don't want to use at the Rogue Invitational, like maybe the Pig or the Snail or something like that. Yeah, I think that's across the board, stuff that you see at the games. We try to keep as a unique implement there. That doesn't mean that we wouldn't do it, but for now, we like to have unique things in different areas. It's just like for Strongman at the Arnold, you see some different implements that we probably wouldn't use here, just to keep the two events separate and to make a better show so that you're not seeing the same events over and over.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Along those lines, did you consider coming up with a new style or version or build of the monkey bars for this competition? We didn't consider it for this competition, but it could definitely be in the playbook for sure. Do you have uh drawings of of interesting monkey bar sets that yeah we have we have a lot of drawings we haven't used yet uh taylor uh self uh would you like to address miss modder in this uh damn it miss henniger in
Starting point is 00:32:59 this rare um this rare opportunity to interact with her just a question about the overall programming from the event. Obviously, a ton of weightlifting. Is that something that you just want unique to Rogue being the barbell company? Is that something you guys looked at overall? We didn't look at that at all. We talked about earlier in the weekend
Starting point is 00:33:19 the collaboration between Chris, Josh, Bill, and I in putting on the best event, it's not, it's not about what you're going to sell. It's about the event. How dare you? I apologize. Which event was your favorite? Did you have a favorite event this weekend to watch? Program beforehand?
Starting point is 00:33:40 I actually, I, you know, we talked about the, the women didn't finish the, the way that the flow of the goblet was. I really enjoyed the flow of that workout and how that, that went at least on the men's side. I'm not sure you can beat Spiegel or Adler on this, this last event just in terms of being a spectator with it. Did you ever consider at all in the flow of the goblet was it ever a possibility to think about letting them run up the hill to the to the goblet do their squats leave it there and then run
Starting point is 00:34:13 back down the hill no just for some safety purposes we wouldn't do anything besides a pole or a run uh can you guys see i'm actually sitting on it yeah it's cool it is it is crazy steep how did you determine the steepness of it uh we just we wanted to have a nice grade to it uh saw a few drawings and just uh we picked the one that we thought would be best honestly when we got here last year we were like oh a little bit steeper than we thought when we saw it in person but uh it seemed to work out well you know the athletes obviously on that uh that workout today said it was a grind you saw some of them walking up using their hands trying to to trudge up this thing but you know i think it if it stays in this venue you know you got to have something out here maybe it'll be higher next year maybe it'll be different
Starting point is 00:34:58 but uh we really enjoyed it that thing packs up into a box and you just take that home with you that hill no this isn't ours but i think i keep getting eyeballs because i think they want to really enjoyed it. That thing packs up into a box and you just take that home with you, that Hill. No, this isn't ours, but I think I keep getting eyeballs cause I think they want to tear it down. So it'll be down. It'll be down tonight. Does anyone else have any more questions before I let Matt Suze ask a
Starting point is 00:35:16 question? I got one. I got one more. Obviously Katie, you've been around the top end of the sport for a long time and we still have athletes like Annie and car out here doing incredible things, but we have Emma Lawson Olivia Kerstetter you know did you get a chance to hang out with them at all how impressed are you by what they can do at 16 and 17 years old I you know I had a couple moments this weekend where I was watching Annie and Cara and I just
Starting point is 00:35:40 thought to myself like the time that they put in and the elite level that they've been in for so long is so cool I'm actually getting goosebumps right now talking about it but then on this last workout watching Olivia just crush it at 16 you know there's obviously a lot of foundational and base that she needs to work on and that's just going to come with time she's not going to have it right now but there's glimpses of what you're going to see that that she's going to be an amazing athlete and if you you look at Emma, I, you know, I think Emma, Emma is, is setting herself out there as, as someone that really wants it. And, um, she's got everything in the toolkit. She just, she's just got to go. Uh, Katie, Katie, I'd like to introduce you to Matt Sousa, the executive producer of the Sevan podcast. He has a question for you.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Hi, Katie. Congratulations on an awesome weekend. Quick question. When, uh, when can we get you scheduled for a full, uh, interview here? I'd love to hear an in late. Brilliant question, Matt. Brilliant question. I'm sorry to put you on the spot like that.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He had no idea he was going to do that. He was going to fire me, but he'd do it. Sevan, I know you put him up to that. So, you know, you're not you put him up to that so you know you're not you're not innocent in this so that's a tbd that's a tbd reach reach out to me in a week or so when i have had some time to recover all right you have my phone number if you and bill would like to go out for a drink sometime um let's say he said he said more words today so you can be happy about that awesome would you give him a big hug for me maybe slap him on the ass
Starting point is 00:37:04 i'll give him a hug for you. All right. Thank you. I got to run though. Thanks, guys. Yep. Ladies and gentlemen, Katie Henniger, the owner of Rogue and maybe one of the most, not maybe, one of the most successful businessmen, businesswomen,
Starting point is 00:37:19 businesspeople in North America, maybe the world. Matt Souza thank you well done buddy um europa thank you boys for that thank you uh europa chronicles i think the judging really left some stuff to be uh okay we talked about that give me one second here do some house cleaning guys uh it's too damn easy just leaving blood in the water has potentially made for an interesting upcoming season people going to be training hard thanks for the coverage uh jacqueline robertson again from canada i forgot
Starting point is 00:37:56 to say as well brian if you see facundo again please tell him i'm trying to contact him uh interning with mayhem oh that's awesome should uh, should have told me on the last show, I spent the entire final event watching it with them. Sorry, Jack. Uh, FR JD, Matherne $10.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Thanks for the content guys. Really enjoyed checking in all weekend event. Seems solid in the opinion of Catholic priest and novice CrossFitter. Wow. Thank you, father. Uh, and I,
Starting point is 00:38:22 and I'll be calling you later. I have some things I must confess Mal Malik Williams with the beautiful young lady by his side. Thoughts on if Mal was in the field competing? to ask Matt O'Keefe about that. And there was nothing about the programming or whatever that was discouraging. They're just really interested over there in setting up her for a long run in this sport. And they want to get a couple of really, really intentional training cycles in this season
Starting point is 00:38:56 going into 2023. They spoke with Bill and Katie and they said, we will be back in Rogue at some point, but they're just taking this one off. As far as competition goes, I still would say what I said before. It's too bad she wasn't here. I mean, given what we saw from the rest of these athletes, I think she would have been right in the mix for the podium at the very least
Starting point is 00:39:17 and possibly contending to win. And, you know, it's cool because she wasn't here. We did get to see some others excel. Obviously I'm a lost in Ellie Turner. I did very, very well, but I think, yeah, of course we would have loved to have her here. She would have been just an another component of the parody, the competition, the excitement, the thrills that I think the women's field is set up for for several years to come.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Hiller, what did you say? I don't think that she would have beat Laura. I agree. I agree. And I just want to clarify. With those four event wins, I mean, even if Mal comes in and takes one or two of them and Laura still gets her basically dead last, I don't think Mal can beat that point spread. I do think Mal would have had a couple event wins of her own, but I'm not sure that she beats Laura. I will say I did not intend for that question to come off as,
Starting point is 00:40:06 are you trying to sell more barbells? My intent was simply, are you guys biased towards weightlifting? That's the way I took it, too. I didn't think you meant it like that either. I didn't hear it that way either. You are just a target. You're just a scapegoat, Taylor, unfortunately, for misplaced aggression in this world.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It is your destiny. Fire away. for misplaced aggression in this world. It is your destiny. Fire away. J.R., but it worked out for, what's the bald guy who played basketball? It worked for Charles Barkley.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I'm starting to see you as the Charles Barkley of CrossFit. J.R. Howell, does Mal O'Brien beat Laura Horvath? I don't think you can say. So many things would have happened if she was here. There would have been people in between them on certain workouts, not in between them. There would have been one and two. I don't think that Mal has a finish higher than 10th, though, if she's here.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I don't think she's even – I don't know. I mean, I have a hard time believing – We should go through an event by now. Here's what I think. I think right now she's trying to beat Tia in several months. I would agree. 100%. I'll say I have tremendous respect for what O'Keefe told me there. It's something that's so difficult.
Starting point is 00:41:16 The sport right now, if you're trying to make it and you haven't already made it especially, it's so tempting to compete and compete and compete all year long. We know that is not the recipe for long-term success. You have to be selective. And I think at every point of the journey and the fact that she's in a situation where she's willing to listen to people who've come before her and are giving that advice and putting in the work,
Starting point is 00:41:37 I think does give her the potential to have the best possible career that she can have. I also spoke to Matt Fraser about this subject. I said, why isn't Mal competing? He didn't say that we're trying to beat Tia, but he says we're doing what's best for her training. And I said, well, then why is Jason Hopper competing? And he said, because competing for him is what's best for his training. So he did answer that question. Taylor,
Starting point is 00:41:58 I want to get back to you in one second about that question about comparing this to regional events in just one second. Mike Needleman. Holy shit, Mike. Venmo me. You're the man, Mike. You're the man. Appreciate the time and effort spent this weekend and year-round dancing man emoji. Mike, incredibly generous. Means the world to me. Can you paraphrase what that comment was?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Because I won't be able to find it, Taylor, but it was comparing just regional programming. It said, it said, essentially, how can Chandler play second at Rogue and miss out on the games? Does that indicate the semifinal programming is flawed? And my first thought was,
Starting point is 00:42:43 well, I think it's a combination of this programming, semifinal programming and Chandler's performance at semifinals versus performance here. So I think one thing, yes, we know the semifinal programming was flawed. We talked about it. It was so flawed. But you look at this event and you can say the same thing. You know, I, they had weightlifting. If you include the sandbags and the trail run. Maybe you don't have to, but they were carrying a go-ruck. They were moving an external load
Starting point is 00:43:09 in nine out of 10 events. Nine out of 10 events had weightlifting. Clearly very, very, very biased. And that's okay. I think overall the workouts were cool. They were fun. The final was definitely fucking exciting, but you also had four sandbags in events.
Starting point is 00:43:24 You had three clean and jerk variations. So, no, I don't think it was due to the semifinal programming that Chandler missed out. I think it was due to his own fitness. But I do think programming bias plays a role. I think it was due. And I actually think in Chandler's case, the semifinal, it was not fitness related. It was health related. He was basically having an asthma attack the whole weekend.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Ryan? Yeah, if you're trying to evaluate Chandler Smith's career, I would not consider the 2022 regionals a valid data point in his sample set. That was an unfortunate circumstance based on asthma and allergies that was happening to him. I've watched him compete in person a lot, and I've never seen him look like he looked at Granite Games, and I'm with JR. I don't think it had anything to do with his fitness. He is really fit, but I will say if the continuum of sickness, fitness, wellness, health is on there. So I mean, it's irrelevant. Let me ask you guys this. What if we took these exact workouts and we made them?
Starting point is 00:44:27 No, it's not irrelevant. No, it is not irrelevant at all. Yonikoski was also sick during the semifinals and failed to make the games. He won the last chance qualifier. He did well at the games, and he looked even better here. Illness is a real thing. And don't forget, don't mistake this. We've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:44:43 What the athletes are training for here is not optimal health. They're training for optimal performance, and it does put them more susceptible to something like illness than a regular person who is looking for low trajectory and distant horizon. What I'm saying is your health is a part of your fitness, though. That is a component of being fit and being ready to compete. So what I meant was my statement was irrelevant to your argument. Your argument is correct. That's what I meant by irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Let me ask you guys this. If you took this program from the, uh, 2022 rogue invitational and you were to make it the programming across the board at all the semifinals that are coming up around the world, would you guys be okay with this programming? No. To pick the guys who go to the CrossFit Games? Taylor? No. No. I'd be more okay
Starting point is 00:45:34 than for fucking some of the programs. Wow. Is that true, Hiller? Yeah, of course. It was better than some of the semifinals. The programming was god-awful. And I know we're comparing apples and oranges because the point of this isn't to send someone to the games, but I was just curious what you guys would think about that.
Starting point is 00:45:50 JR? I would say that this would not be a great semifinals program. You've got to think about this. You've got to think about what's the point of the competition. The semifinals is a qualifier for the games. The games is a qualifier for this.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So even if you were to line up the performances of these athletes at the games relative to rope, it's not a good comparison. This would not be suitable as a qualifier to the CrossFit Games, in my opinion. Wow, you should be. And this hasn't even really been done before. This test, I guess you could say some of the Dubai events in the earlier years, but this is almost like a pseudo-game. This is somewhere in between the two. This is somewhere in between a semifinal and a games.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Because of the volume and the number of events and the... The difficulty, the skill, the off-terrain, all of it. in the number of events and the... Why do you say that? The difficulty, the skill, the off-terrain, all of it. The new implements, things like the hill. I mean, that is a really steep hill. There's a lot of stuff here that's extremely high skill, extremely high load, extremely high volume, demanding, and nuanced and different.
Starting point is 00:46:59 JR's right. Dubai has had a couple of years that look something like this. But even from your question about the semifinals, I would say we've talked about how six shortcuts at semifinals is probably not enough to qualify to the games. We'd like to see maybe eight, but I don't think we want to see ten. Ten's too many.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I think seven to eight is perfect. Brian should be doing marketing for Rogue. That was brilliant. Semifinals are the qualifications for the games, and the games are the qualifications for the Rogue Invitational. That's a true and powerful statement. For Brian's beer, excellent work all around, guys. Nero.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Nero. Nero DeSuvius. DeSuvius, probably. Anyway, I did want to also say this about the qualifier for this you know we had a conversation coming into this competition about would you have rather seen spots 16 through 20 from the games specifically in the men's field or the five qualifiers and what we ended up getting was Chandler Smith
Starting point is 00:47:58 and even though I do think that 16 through 20 at the games this year are fitter than the five guys that came through the queue the nice thing about having something like the queue is that it does account for something like happened to Chandler this year, which was an unfortunate situation at semifinals, precluding him from the main qualifier, the CrossFit games to this competition still gave him a backdoor inning to take second place overall.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I would not be upset if this was the format that they ran back last year with 15 from the games and five from the qualifier. I agree 100%. I think it, I think it's better to let people qualify, leave some qualifying spots. The father would like to speak again from the pulpit. Justin is a better BKG. Lucky camera straps. Thank you for the mouse pad.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I still have Brian friends. I have not given it to him yet. 50 bucks thank you uh with an a australian still catching up on all the events and recap shows in order so just popping to show some love don't tell me who won okay fine we won't we'll try not to um for 50 bucks we won't tell you spiegel won much of anything anything. Anthony, TPA, $2. Brian, did you ask Rich about JR beating him at the CrossFit Games? Does anyone know what he's talking about? We talked about possibly JR going to compete in Masters.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Oh, in the Masters. They're in the same division next year. I'm also in that division, and I'm offended that I wasn't included in the conversation. Asshole. Eric Wise, $19.99. Thanks, brother. I wasn't included in the conversation. Asshole. Eric wise, 1999. Thanks brother. I love seeing you in the comments.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Always great weekend guys. Appreciate all the coverage. Are you kidding me? Luis Lemos. He's back. Are you writing down every time? Are you adding up how much people donate Taylor? Every time someone puts in money,
Starting point is 00:49:42 you see that you son of a you're muted thumb I said I'm sending them I'm taking down all their names so I can send them my Venmo on Instagram Luis Lemos uh brother thank you I I'm uh I'm blushing thank you uh so very much um can we pull up the we looked at women, can we pull up the men's leaderboard? Seven. I got to leave the area. I mean, I might lose connection for a minute. Okay. We'll dock your pay. Justin Madera, 735 Chandler Smith, 720 Jeffrey Adler, 715. Let's talk about Chandler Smith. Are you. Are you guys suggesting that maybe we haven't seen the best of Chandler Smith in his CrossFit career?
Starting point is 00:50:31 We definitely haven't seen his best. Oh, what's up, Lazar? Lazar Jukic. I want to ask him about the programming. Lazar, okay. Let's see if we can get brian to uh to uh here we go uh ladies and gentlemen lazar jukic from serbia the home of novak jokovic is coming on the nope he's not coming on the show okay where were we?
Starting point is 00:51:05 What was the last question? Chandler Smith. Have we not seen the best Chandler Smith ever? Is he still coming? I think there's the potential for that, but also, yeah. Yeah, I think there's a potential for that. JR? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure years ago,
Starting point is 00:51:24 like maybe four or five years ago, like maybe four or five years ago, he had this hashtag that was Games 2022 maybe or Games 2023. That was like when he was planning on making his debut at the Games and anything prior to that was kind of premature as far as his plans went. But he's had some other setbacks. You know, we talked about last year at semifinals, but he also had the incident with his finger when he was at work and that set him back almost, you know, six to nine months. So no, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that we haven't seen the best of him yet. Uh, and Brian, have you peeped, uh, Chandler's Brian, Brian, Brian, have you peeped a Chandler Smith's finger? Have you, Oh, Patty to jump on. We sent him a link.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Ask him, ask him if he liked the workouts and just let's hear his general thought. Thanks, Brian. Have you peeped Chandler Smith's finger, Brian? Have you seen it? How much? Can we get a confirmation? I'm talking to Pat. Hold on. Is that really how much is missing? I think it's his pinky.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I could be wrong. You're muted, JR. I thought it was one of his ring fingers, like that. How did he lose his finger? He dropped a piece of a tank on it. No shit. He was moving a piece of armor from the tank, and it slipped and smashed his finger.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Did it just sever it right off no i think it was a crush injury and then they can't recover it so then they just amputated it wow fascinating yeah by the barbell spin i didn't even know they were around back then. Holy shit. Why did they blur out the picture? Were there boobs on that? It was actually his dick. They didn't want to show it. There was a helmet on the end there.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Dan DeLuyo. Thanks for solid coverage this weekend. gents uh susan that was an incredible or uh whoever caleb whoever brought that up that was incredibly uh fast you guys oh there we go there's his nub okay hey that's an important finger that's a that's a really important finger though uh he's still got enough enough knuckle for a ring if that's what you're insinuating no that is an important thing well i i know with uh in arm wrestling that's an important finger to help control people's wrists uh let's talk about oil checks i don't think you can talk about arm wrestling fingers um uh olsen dennis you're live yeah that one it's uh chris but i i
Starting point is 00:54:02 i'm curious what you guys think about um these competitions where the athletes get to kind of wear whatever they want in terms of how it brings out their own personality, allows them to create their own brand, and then also maybe even if it impacts performance. I was really surprised that people weren't wearing stuff that was branded better. Even Patrick Vellner's tear shirt. You can barely read the word tear. I was surprised people weren't out there just flashing the seven. Everyone should have just been wearing CEO shirts. Thoughts on that. Thoughts on that.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Thoughts on wearing a CEO shirt. No, just on why people weren't branded better or people being allowed to wear their own stuff. Both. I just threw my question on top of of it i don't think that's going through these athletes heads and maybe it should be i don't think enough of them or most of them think on it to that degree or as calculated those 15 those 15 men have managers shouldn't they be saying hey make sure you wear this shirt this shirt this shirt like shouldn't no Olsen be out there wearing a shirt or having a – Yeah, their managers should be selling the shirts as space to their advertisement. That's what I would say, especially as their rankings change.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I would up the dollar amount, and then I would say, hey, our guy is going to wear this shirt on day three for X amount, and that should be a job of an agent there. I agree with that. I do think Noahah's probably wearing uh his brand quite well but i agree but what about a henna tattoo on his back selling the dog food that he pedals that could be cool yeah i used to do that um i think it's cool i don't think people are taking advantage of it caller thank you i think that if an athlete's thinking about that they're going to
Starting point is 00:55:46 get dead last i'm going to get a climber henna tattoo and compete with that across my chest next i i want to i want to say something about what jeff bako is saying based on the viewership on youtube it's not worth much here's why it is worth much the people who watch CrossFit, they are easy to convert. These people who are people who spend money, who buy the stuff that they see. So a regular conversion might be like 0.025%, but in the CrossFit space, it's like 2.5%. It's like 100 or 1,000 times more. So these guys have an incredible conversion rate, the people who are converting. So these guys have an incredible conversion rate, the people who are converting. That's why it's just not the sheer number of people you have, but the kind of people you have following you.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Like, let me tell you, Daniel Brandon sold a shitload of toe spacers. Alrighty. Because people want to be like her. People want to do what she's doing, and they want to get the edge that they think she has. Mike Halpin, Sevan knows. He used to track the eyeballs and put out videos and see the masses move. You could say that. Okay, let's go back to the boys' leaderboard. Please.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I got second on the freaking lawn chair leaderboarding. Brian destroyed us. let's destroyed you guys i didn't play can you organize everyone by um 10th uh by the 10th event i want to see where jack farlow fell we had uh olivia kerstetter the 16 year old oh no sorry can you organize him by the 10th event sorry susan can you organize them by the 10th event? Sorry, Sousa. Can you organize them by the 10th event? We had Olivia Kerstetter, the 16-year-old, take
Starting point is 00:57:30 second place. We had Jack Farlow, the new kid on the block, take fourth place. What does that say about young people's strength events and their place in CrossFit? Are they getting stronger, or have these guys maxed out and now it's time to work elsewhere on their skills you know it's interesting when you're when you're young strength does come faster and easier and as you get older
Starting point is 00:57:53 it takes more and more time but in their in their case it's probably the smartest way to do it because developing an aerobic base usually doesn't take that long. Taylor. I would say, I would say genetics probably play a larger role than a lot of people count towards and how fast you can get strong and how fast you can put on muscle mass. I would also say, generally speaking, aerobic fitness comes faster than strength.
Starting point is 00:58:24 But also genetics play a role and also your mindset and your mentality play a role some people can't hurt as good as other people are jack farlow and olivia kerstetter gonna be the strongest people crossfit's ever seen who knows potentially but is that gonna matter because crossfit's about a whole lot of things beyond just strength well i'm just i'm just wondering if that's something that reaches a certain level and then that's it like like it's super easy to plateau there and then that's it and then and then or if you get strength when you're young you're going to keep building it it's like a six if you're 15 years old you're stronger than all the other 15
Starting point is 00:58:59 years old 15 year olds are you and you continue to train are you gonna be stronger than everyone when you're 25 i think it's safe to go ahead go go i think it's safe to assume that there is a point there is a margin of diminishing returns where you can only get so strong without taking away from other areas to be good enough to qualify for the games that being said every year the margins of what we think the athletes are capable of gets moved up how much we think they should be able to lift and how fast we think they should be able to run at the same time or how up, how much we think they should be able to lift and how fast we think they should be able to run at the same time or how many muscle ups we think they should be able to do and how heavy that guy's same deadlift should be.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And it just continues to be pushed forward. So. JR. Yeah. I think for every guy that you see or every Jack Farlow or Olivia Kirsten that you see, and it remains to be seen with them. You see someone who beat their body down by the time they were 20 or 21. Hillers talked about George Stern or several times he was,
Starting point is 00:59:53 he was super, super strong. Like in 2018, I think the 18.2 and two a, I mean, workouts like that at his age but then he had to end up taking some time off to kind of kind of rehab his whole body uh also in that group was nick paladino he went from being one of the strongest snatches uh in the game to being a uh twitch guy gamer yeah and what happens is is george sterner coming back that's. That's an interesting name. I haven't heard that name in a while. He's in school for engineering, I believe. He's not coming back.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Mr. Collar, you're on. Hey, can you guys talk about what you think Olivia's training should be for the next year? Because while she did a good job, definitely a lot more holes than I think a lot of us realize. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you. Great question. She's more athletic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I think that that's something that Froning used to always talk about, is if you were coming up in the space, get out of the CrossFit gym, and while you should still be in there to do the linear progression, whatnot, but you should still be playing every sport because athleticism is something she's clearly lacking. I think Olivia – You know who else talks a lot about that exact point, Hillary? I'm not going to – you can't – no, don't say his fucking name, Brian.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Just a question, just a question. It's Bergeron, isn't it? Okay. It is. It's Bergeron. I think Olivia is a good example of genetics and being extremely strong. And I would imagine with the coach or being around Hefner, who is pretty athletic and is pretty good with his aerobic engine and general CrossFit. I don't think she's doing any,
Starting point is 01:01:39 I don't think she's missing out on that stuff. I think she's simply 16 and it's going to take time. I don't think she's missing out on that stuff. I think she's simply 16 and it's going to take time. Chair. It's almost like in order to do some of those things that you're saying, you have to stop doing this and do, and do other things and then come back to it. Like people talk about needing to be more athletic and what do you need to do
Starting point is 01:02:03 to do that? You need to do a bunch of different things to develop that. trying to backpedal on that i think is a lot easier said than done at this point and what does that look like take her out to the track having her start working on the ladder track and field events lateral movements uh ball throwing like what would you do if you could do one day a week of some variants for her, what would you give her? Put her in a team sport, soccer. What would you do? Footwork?
Starting point is 01:02:29 Basketball. Basketball. Yeah, I mean, I would probably do some things just like some – just a lot of agility ladder drills just to work on foot speed, coordination, all that kind of stuff. I think that's great. Basketball would be great. I thought I was going to get tore up for that, bringing up the agility ladder i really appreciate that i love the basketball idea what's this what is this guy alex rodriguez saying you see that comment yeah uh mr rodriguez alex rodriguez uh to your point
Starting point is 01:02:54 crossfit athletes don't convert sales based on what they are wearing consuming we sign athletes for credibility not conversion speaking from experience work uh d to c uh what is credit what does he mean by credibility i think he means b to b to c uh direct to consumer what matt that d to c direct to consumer so what is what is what does he mean by credibility i think he's talking about the authenticity of the athlete, kind of what they stand for and what they represent is what might drive brands to them more in terms of who they would choose for their athletes
Starting point is 01:03:34 and then also how they're converting sales. We obviously have a big opposite view of that a little bit. I don't know what credibility means. I do have a question what do you mean by that like whether they're woke or not like what they're what they're what they stand for what they're willing to talk about how much they stay in their shell how much they play it safe like or how they look in a picture on a app called instagram yeah i'm not sure but yeah um also to add an athlete's primary focus is to train so expect them to be salesmen
Starting point is 01:04:04 it's unrealistic well that's that that's our point exactly that's why they should have a manager who's looking out for them uh in that way i mean what does that mean it's so vague credibility to the brand what does that mean are they actually using it on their own are they consuming the brand would they have purchased it if they weren't sponsored by them how well do they match with the brand which that actually makes a lot more sense alex thank you for the clarification now i'm on the same page but that's that's not different that also if you're not if you can't convert if there's an athlete with uh who has 100 instagram followers it doesn't matter how much their credibility is if we're understanding what you mean by credibility you're not signing them uh the manager should be putting the
Starting point is 01:04:42 sponsorship together yes athletes should be training but but but but it's a it's a great point alex i appreciate it get adam clink on the show another great point another great point i know i agree why do you manage him what's he selling no i think adam clink is the brand and athlete uh liaison for bpn Is that what that is? Well, I think you were saying get Adam on because... The ankle was broken. The knee was broken.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Oh, because he can speak on the subject because he does that? Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's a great point. Let's get Adam on. Thank you, Alex.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I appreciate it. Mary, and I appreciate the donation you demand. Mary Pittman. Hi. Hey, I was just wondering. Whoa, whoa, whoa. How much testosterone are you on, Mary?
Starting point is 01:05:33 More than you'd like to know, Siobhan. All right. I was wondering who you think the most surprising performance in both fields was this weekend. Chandler. Oh, sorry. I muted you. Sorry. Sorry, Taylor. That was my fault. I think Chandler Smith is the most surprising to me to take second place.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Brian, do you have thoughts on that? On the men's side, that's a hands-down pick. I picked him eighth, and I thought that was a good bit of an ambitious pick. Second's incredible. For the women, I'd them eighth, and I thought that was like a good, like a bit of an ambitious pick. So second's incredible. For the women, I'd probably say Ellie Turner.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I'm embarrassed to say my pick would be Emma Lawson. I always have trouble believing that people are as good as they are, and I knew she was great, but for some reason, I'm still just like flabbergasted. I'm still just like, what? I'm thinking about it i guess selfishly like i think i picked her sixth i think they picked ellie outside the top 10 so for me it's got to be ellie and chandler uh jr yeah i mean i definitely think it's chandler and
Starting point is 01:06:37 i'm actually with you on this with emma not because i didn't think she was crazy fit because she showed that at the games but because even going into this event, we knew what rogue usually was like. We knew usually how it was programmed without even knowing two of the workouts were really three of the workouts. And yet she's still finished on the podium and I would have not picked her third. Uh,
Starting point is 01:06:58 Andrew Hiller, standby color. Most surprising. Yeah. I think Daniel Brandon's kind of low on the list oh so you're okay so you're going the op you're going the opposite way you're surprised that she how poorly she did yeah i mean other than chandler smith that's probably the most surprising thing i would be low but i would have thought you would have fourth or fifth not closer to the middle i
Starting point is 01:07:24 would be curious to ask uh Alex Rodriguez thinks about this. There was a comment on the TV that basically said Danny Spiegel just takes it easy because she's not chasing the money because she makes so much money on elsewhere, like on whatever her OnlyFans or whatever. I don't know. I can't tell if that's a joke or not or if she really has that. Andrew Soloway, thank you for the money. Caller, the floor is yours. Hi, guys all right guys how you doing quick question for you i noticed obviously hayley adams was not there this weekend and the barbells were heavy all the weights were heavy in 10 years does it just make it impossible for someone like with her body type or her size to compete in the sport across it is everyone going to look like a roman krennikoff
Starting point is 01:08:03 or a danny Spiegel or something like that? I just felt like it's the heavier and heavier and you're just eliminating some more of the folks that are maybe more of the traditional CrossFit body type. Before you answer that question, is the collar, you can go first, Taylor. I'd like to add this to what the caller asked. Is the collar making a presupposition that it's her body type and giving her
Starting point is 01:08:24 an excuse? Taylor? I don't care to comment on whether or not he's making a presupposition on her body type. What I do think is important to note is look at the programming from the CrossFit Games. What did we just have introduced? We didn't get really any new weightlifting elements introduced aside from maybe you could count the one rep max sandbag clean, but you did have the seated legless that didn't get to go through you did have the strict pegboard you did have the crossover double unders you did have the bar dips and the bar traverse none of those lend really any
Starting point is 01:08:54 advantage to athletes who are bigger and heavier such as Roman Krennikov so no I don't think the sport is going to be continually advanced in the weightlifting direction i think boz pretty clearly uh stated you know if not vaguely but we understand that he stated the sport needs the most advancement in gymnastic strength and gymnastic skill um so no i don't think that's where the sport is going i think the sport is going more towards crossfit and uh go ahead go ahead caller the future of crossfit who is side em Lawson, that body type. Caller? I wasn't making a presupposition.
Starting point is 01:09:29 I was just saying, you know, you look at someone like Josh Bridges or Chris Spieler, you know, 10 years ago they were able to compete in the sport, but you don't get those. You've got Scott Tetlow, he's an outlier. Colt Burns, he's an outlier. Who are just giant versions of those guys is what you're saying. I see your point. It's Spieler and josh but giant yeah i mean i mean a lot you know whatever whenever they
Starting point is 01:09:51 competed they were they were right up there in the podium but now you know colin murren could could uh you know have the the games of his life but he's just not going to finish in the top 10 just because of you know anatomical reasons not um not that. Brian, thoughts on the evolution of the – is Haley Adams – is the sport going the opposite direction of her skill set and her body type? Is it moving away from her? No, not necessarily. I think what we're seeing here is Taylor's points about the games are excellent, and the fact that we have a competition that is high profile that is high paying and it is highest emphasis on the ability to move
Starting point is 01:10:30 external loads like Rogue means that there's opportunities within the total calendar year of the sport for people who excel at different things to potentially have a chance to showcase showcase that. Caller, thank you. Thank you. Andrew Hiller. I love seeing the fact that Kerstetter, I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but that Kerstetter and Jack Farlow can shine with a workout that
Starting point is 01:10:57 is, bye Jer, that is as old as time in terms of CrossFit. That really you can still just be really great and exceptional at a um at a a bedrock uh crossfit workout and it shows that we're still grounded to our roots do you have any thoughts on that that they did that heavy grace uh that's a wheelhouse workout for them i do think that like i said it shows what they've got going for them from like their most like basic level bottom of the pyramid. They've got the conditioning, they can handle the weightlifting, and then it's just going to be working on the things that they're not so great at, which at this point is relative to this field, a lot of things. And they're young. So as long as they put their efforts into the right spots, they're going to move the right way. But like we've seen with Haley Adams, it doesn't
Starting point is 01:11:49 appear as if she's been doing that as much as she should. And that's an assumption with nothing to back it up. She hasn't gotten that much stronger. Hey, I would have liked to have seen that workouts with a 135 for the men and 95 for the women is workout one and then workout 10 heavy, heavy grace. And 95 for the women is workout one and then workout 10 heavy, heavy grace. Haley Adams is like Laura Horvath in relation to the things she's not so great at. But Laura Horvath is way better at the things she's good at when compared to the things that Haley's bad at. There's just like she's more towards the middle. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:22 I would say I would say this is a similar conversation we had earlier. No, the things that Laura is good at. She's able to capitalize in more events. The things she's bad at are emphasized or highlighted. Correct. Well said Brian, Scott Beatty, $10 from Canada. Great podcast all weekend. Great podcast for the last year.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Great job on the heavy grace. Hiller. Yeah. Hiller. That was a truly amazing. What? That grace you did did you're now legendary status
Starting point is 01:12:50 I was still thinking about the Hayley Adams comment I'm like wait how is that amazing she's basically Laura Horvath but different we just spent four days watching the 2022 Rogue Invitational Laura Horvvat takes first place
Starting point is 01:13:06 on the women's side. Justin Medeiros continues his dynasty in the CrossFit competition space. I think that we're looking at the present and the future. I think we're going to continue to see Justin
Starting point is 01:13:24 win the CrossFit Games this year. I don't think there's anyone close to him. I think we're going to continue to see Justin win the CrossFit Games this year. I don't think there's anyone close to him. I think everyone else who's close to him is waning and he is ascending. Taylor, are you going to make a run for the CrossFit Games this year? No.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Because this is so fun or because your injury is going to take longer to recover from. Yes. I'll probably be, uh, I'll probably be healthy enough to,
Starting point is 01:13:55 but it's just not worth it. Kind of like, uh, what Brian was talking about picking and choosing your battles and playing your cards. Right. In terms of when it makes most sense to compete. This year is not make this year doesn't make most sense.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Dick Butter, I just want to let you know that I did try to get you unbanned from the YouTube over at Rogue. And they said no. Joshua, you got to lower your YouTube, buddy. Oh, my bad. Okay. The things Haley is bad at show up multiple times during an event. The things Laura is bad at maybe show up once. Caller, you're live.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Taylor, just a quick question. What's up? Is that chest hair or did you have cupping done? Cupping. My tight ass chest is the reason for my busted elbow. Wanted someone to fix. Oh, yeah. Thank you, caller.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Awesome. Appreciate it. You guys are great. With the deep question you demand. Bye-bye. Jeffrey, I got to put you on hold, buddy. Oh, my goodness. Bye-bye. Jeffrey, I got to put you on hold, buddy. Oh, my goodness. Hi.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Hi. Oh, Jeff, I got to call you back. I'm sorry. Nora, hi. Hey, how are you? Good. How are you? I'm good, thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:17 You're back in the hotel room? Yeah, back in the hotel room. You got the family with you, the husband and the baby? Yeah. Maddie's putting Scotty in the shower right now and she's screaming about it and having a meltdown trying to get ready for dinner. So it's great times right now. Nicer than when. What was that, sorry? I said nicer than when. Oh, thank you. Nice way to end. Yeah, incredible. Before we get to that, I want to know
Starting point is 01:15:43 a little bit, when did you get to the states uh the 18th so we had roughly like nine or yeah i think it was like nine days before the first day of competition oh were you dreading coming you're like oh man i gotta fly around the world again uh kind of i was like it was hard to like i didn't get a break I've never done like a competition that close together before like in my whole career so that was hard especially now because I'm old and we're so far away so um yeah it was it was a bit tricky but it was also kind of good because we'd just done it so it was super familiar like we kind of you know like if you've just done it we know like what worked and what didn't work and how we felt and all that kind of stuff. So, um, even packing was easier, like, but yeah, it's a big trip. It always is such a
Starting point is 01:16:32 big trip. Like, yeah, it's hectic. Yeah. Uh, and that's, that's a good point. You'd just been to the States and you went home and you're saying that these competitions were close for you that you did have to do. How old are you? 33. I just turned 33 this week. Happy birthday. Thank you. You had to take that into consideration.
Starting point is 01:16:54 You're like, wow, can my body handle this CrossFit Games and then Rogue? Oh, dude, I have so many miles on me right now. I like over a decade of CrossFit and like, you know, a decade of individual competition had a kid in there i'm like i have a lot of miles on this body so i i honestly at some point i never thought that i would even still be here so um even like after having a baby i was like one two or whatever yeah it's been a long ride uh we interviewed katieninger about 30 minutes ago, and she said that when she thinks about you and Annie and then she stopped and she goes, I'm getting goosebumps. The longevity that you guys have had in your career, it's just kind of mind blowing. And it seems like you're even blowing yourself away.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah, I had no idea. I mean, I became a CrossFit athlete by accident. You know, back in our day, we were doing other things and started training CrossFit and then we just, like, fell into competition and kind of just rolled with it and then all of a sudden it's 10 years later and you're like, wow, like, how did that even happen? But, yeah, it's kind of crazy too. Like, Maddie and I were talking about it today, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:59 it was sort of like the end of that era, like that first era, like of that first sort of, like, generation of CrossFitters that have been around, like, in the old CrossFit and, like that first era, like of that first sort of like generation of CrossFitters that have been around like in the old CrossFit and like the old CrossFit Games. We're kind of like the last ones hanging on. And we were saying it's funny that it's women because we're like the women will never like will never be as like reckless and crazy and stupid in workouts.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Like the boys are like, I don't even care about it. I'll just go. And so they're like years are so much like more intense and they you know maybe break a little bit more or whatever and we're kind of like a little bit more careful are you happy that it's in um Austin I mean if you were coming to the United States and you were going to Columbus I don't mean to take a dig at Columbus but Austin is such a more robust city it's fun there's a lot of stuff to do are you happy to be there yeah like the biggest thing for me and the reason why I, like I've always wanted to do
Starting point is 01:18:49 the rogue invitation. I just haven't been able to accept my invite since it started, but is that we can fly direct from Australia to Texas. So that's a huge one for me is like, we do one little domestic flight into Sydney from where I'm from and then we just fly straight in and we just land and we stay there and not having to do those extra like internal flights makes the biggest difference um so yeah I and I thoroughly enjoy being in Texas it's pretty cool um I mean I've been able to see a little bit but not everything um we spend a bit of time in Fort Fort Worth and then here in Austin and yeah, it's been, it's been super cool. Like people are really friendly from every encounter that I've had, you know, there's like a little bit more kind of stuff to do and yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:19:34 You see event 10 pop up, uh, just a few minutes before you do it. And what is your immediate reaction when you see heavy grace? I was relieved because we were like going through our head going, oh man, we haven't done burpees and rowing. And, like, we're coming up with this, like, disgusting, like, steel of bridges combination, you know, with, like, all those, like, feral CrossFit things that just hurt 21-59. And then they're like, oh, we're doing Grace. And we're like, yeah, I was sitting with Amanda Barnhart
Starting point is 01:20:01 and Danny Spiegel, and we're all, like, sick. And we hear that, and it's Heavy Grace. And we heavy grace and we're like yeah we're like just so stoked we're like oh finally like this is so good and then yeah after the event I was like I said to Maddie is so crazy because I had to pull out of the games in 2014 you know I was like winning for like the whole games for so long and the final was grace and I remember hearing that announcement and I burst into, I was like winning for like the whole games for so long. And the final was grace. And I remember hearing that announcement and I burst into tears. I was trying to like support the girls who were like left standing. And I was just so heartbroken that it was that workout. And I was like, I got like to finish this competition and like, you know, the last competition in my 10
Starting point is 01:20:41 years. And it was that workout. So I was like, Oh, super stoked. Did you say that this is, do you think this is your last competition? This is my last competition in my 10 years and it was that workout so i was like i was super stoked did you say that this is do you think this is your last competition this is my last competition this year um i don't know what that next step looks like at the moment i'm just taking it one moment at a time do you think that this victory that you had here in this final workout and the performance you had here affects your decision? No, my decision, I mean, I guess I can't say no because you take into consideration all factors. I'm just very realistic about like the stage of life I'm at and then like where my priorities lie and how much space I have to give certain things.
Starting point is 01:21:20 And, you know, at the moment, like I've got a three-year-old and that's wild. And I care about my marriage and my home and like all of those kinds of normal things. And, um, there's a lot of time, a lot of hours, a lot of money, like everything just still dedicated to this sport. Like, um, so yeah, I, like those things are definitely more important and more, yeah. Contribute more to to my decision each time. When you see the workout and you take the floor, is your mindset to win it? Man, I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Over the years and being a little bit older, I've definitely softened. I know that, especially since I've had my daughter. I'm just a lot more content in life. So I'm just like, I used to be like really fiery and hot headed and I didn't really like, I don't know, being in the world, like in the normal world like that. It kind of works for competition, but I didn't really like, yeah, I didn't really like how that was getting me through other parts of life. through other parts of life. Um, so these days I don't really have that, that crazy fire, like that really wild, you know, just like what's my husband in a towel. That'll get some viewers fired up.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Oh yeah. Um, uh, yeah, I don't, I don't quite have it or like I have to force it. Um, don't quite have it or like I have to force it um I'm just like yeah it's different it's really different um yeah I still kind of like enjoy myself but that like wild you know when you're young and just reckless and you just like you cut through it and you go after it like I kind of I don't have that as much um and I think like for me competition early days was like filling some sort of void for me and I don't really have that void anymore. So, um, yeah, I guess I've just kind of grown up and so, so you didn't go in there thinking you didn't plan to win that. Look, I don't plan not to win it, but I'm also without being like without trying to come across like negative I'm just a realist and I know what I have to offer and what I don't have to offer I know the hours that other girls
Starting point is 01:23:34 are able to put in and and headspace and energy and what they're able to dedicate and I just don't have that I choose not to have that anymore right it's not it hasn't been taken from me I choose to put a lot of time and headspace and everything, like, into my daughter, into my family, you know, into growing my business and all of those kind of things. So I'm just realistic. I know that the sport has evolved so much, and what's required of athletes is just so much bigger.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And so, yeah, I kind of was like, look, I, I just don't think I can, I don't get me wrong. I work really hard and like when I'm working, I put everything into it. I do the best I can, but you know, in a session that should take three hours, I'm busting it out in an hour and a half. And then I'm racing my daughter to some sport or something, you know, like, so, um, and that's just, that just makes it a little bit trickier. I don't get to like mobilize as much and like do all those kinds of things anymore. So, um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:24:30 I just mainly wanted to show up as corny as it sounds. I was trying to just show up and make sure that I kind of gave everything that I had to offer, whatever that looked like, even if it looks a little different than last year or the year before or whatever just put forward whatever i had um and that's all i could do andrew go ahead on the event finale you said you did not see yourself winning you didn't want to make that seem negative how about the events that you didn't do so well on so you had a couple of 16s and a couple of 15s you go into those and you said you want to be a realist How do you go into those viewing what you think you're going to be capable of and the potential outcomes? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Like I think there's such a transition at the moment. This is what's been a little bit tricky for me this year in particular is there's such a transition in the CrossFit world at the moment, like in the way that these competitions are and the programming and the athletes. Like, you know, we've got 16-year old girls girls in the open category for the first time and so I'm kind of just feeling it out and like I I don't know what to expect I don't know what they're capable of I'm kind of like in uncharted territory a little bit um whereas so many years I feel like I
Starting point is 01:25:41 you know we knew the field it was the same kind field. We knew what each other was good at and we knew how the workouts were going to play out and it's just so different. So, look, I know things that maybe I haven't been able to work on as much or, you know, things that just aren't a strength of mine as it is or whatever. That last one, though, I did go out to win that I'm not gonna lie um the reason being is well there's a couple of reasons is I'm like I am in this like weird transition and I'm trying to adjust to it and it's tricky um and back in the day every year that there was an open announcement and there was like a barbell cycling workout you know like snatches on repeat or cleans whatever I would win it and I was like
Starting point is 01:26:28 I was the girl I was the barbell cycling girl and I just I felt like it was like what I was born to do like it came so natural to me and I loved it and my daughter kept saying after every workout like did you win mom did you win I'm like no babe I haven't won yet I'm sorry like I'm working really hard and that workout came out and I was like I need this and she needs this I'm like I'm going to try for her and I really wanted to see if I can still do that and still be that person this this far down the track so I definitely I definitely did go out deliberately to win that I guess making a calculated guess that I had the potential to, whereas some others, yeah, some others I underestimate myself. Some I overestimate myself and I'm disappointed, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:27:10 I'm in this weird like uncharted area right now. You and Spiegel stepped up to the final bar together and she did not look over to her left. I have not spoken with her, but the camera was on her and her eyes were at the ground and she was walking forward. Did you know that? But did you look at her? Did you know the two of you were? She was in a different heat. She was in the first heat.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And you're talking about Olivia Kerstetter. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Taylor. OK, OK. Did you have anyone? Did you have anyone close to you in your heat? Yeah, I think Laura. Laura was pretty close.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Like she was going for it, right? She wanted to win the whole event. So I could hear I could hear that they were saying like where she was and I could kind of sense that I was transitioning to the next barbell a little bit quicker so I tried to just get my hands on a barbell before anyone else did I thought if I'm always one step ahead on this weight I can kind of just like keep moving like we'd watched the boys and Maddie was like you can see the ones who are doing well are right there with their barbell. They're not like waiting for it to settle too much or whatever. They're right there ready to like get back on it and chase it around.
Starting point is 01:28:12 So, um, but yeah, I heard, I, I didn't know like what the time was. I just knew kind of that sort of strategy and I could hear where Laura was, but I was pretty certain that I could maintain. And that last rep, were you coming close to failure? That number 30, as you went to go jerk it, were you like, okay, here we go? No, I actually got a bit wobbly, like somewhere in the, I think it was like, somewhere in the middle,
Starting point is 01:28:41 or maybe at the start of the last barbell. And I did a couple of like just weird catches and I paused for a second and so then the jerk was hard and I was like no no no that's not happening that's gonna be too slow so I started just not driving the jerk up I just catch it and then pretty much just fall underneath it I was like there's just I just gotta like rip like rip rip this thing and just get it done so um I was yeah i was shaky and i had to get the timing just right because i was like i can't lose a rep right now um but yeah because you have to have that element of control to not fail at the end it wasn't quite at failure i will tell you this
Starting point is 01:29:18 seeing you uh win that event and perform there i, oh shit, she's definitely going to try to go to the games in 2023. Go ahead, Andrew. 165 versus 155. Good or not so good? Or needed or not needed? Yeah, I think it's time. Like, I mean, I've been saying for a long time, like, let's step it up.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Everything else is stepped up. So the gymnastic skills get wild. The, the you know the other random whatever random stuff gets thrown at us has gone like has really like elevated and the expectations are wild so I feel like weight got lost at the CrossFit Games for a long time and uh like yeah the the female barbells just always seemed a little bit light to me and it was like oh some people, some people can't do it. I'm like, yeah, well, some people can't do the other stuff too. Like it was always a little bit, I think a little bit out of whack. I had high expectations that Rogue would get a little bit closer to that. I did think, I was like, look, I think just based
Starting point is 01:30:18 off like watching from the outside in and from like the past, the online version that I did, I was like, I think they're going to step it up and do it right and I think 165 was definitely appropriate I mean everyone moved it right they all moved it fine they proved that they could and now it's like okay well it's the same as like the back squat weight it was like look it's heavy but you just that's a foundation that's a part of this sport if you can't squat heavy like that's a massive deficiency. So yeah, I mean, Danny Spiegel said that in their gym, if the boys do 225, the girls do 175. So yeah, I think it was good.
Starting point is 01:30:58 My daughter's now a huge Kara fan because she has cartoons on in the background. Final question. And then see if Taylor has a question here uh did you get a chance to speak with uh olivia kerstetter i did at the end uh jacob hefner was like oh mate you couldn't like and he said mate that's an australian thing he i don't know what he said but he was like oh you couldn't just let her have one and i'm like hey i'm old she's got plenty she's got plenty to go i'm like i did feel a little bit bad, though, because she crushed it. And I was like watching from down like we were waiting to go out.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And I was like, damn. I'm like, she's literally like I heard her talking in the warm up area about something in her school bag. And I'm like, she goes to school tomorrow. She's just doing rogue imitations. I'm like, that is wild. Does she look like a little girl to you? Like when you look at her face and her skin and her eyes, are you like, I'm competing, that is wild. Does she look like a little girl to you? Like when you look at her face and her skin and her eyes, are you like, I'm competing against a girl? Yeah, she's a baby.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Like a little baby, you know, like she's so sweet and innocent. I'm like, and then I was like thinking back to me at 16. I'm like, oh, I was feral. And I'm like, like just doing what they're doing. And it's crazy. But yeah, I did actually feel bad because I was like, oh's crazy. But, um, yeah, I did actually feel bad cause I was like, Oh man, but I don't think it took away from her at all.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Like what she's able to do at her age and show up and do that. That's just the start. So, um, but yeah, she was like, she was good. She was still stoked. I think she knows she crushed it. Uh, Taylor, do you have anything for, uh, Ms. Saunders? No questions. Great performance. Remarkable. Uh, Cara, I know you don't do, uh, Taylor, do you have anything for Ms. Saunders? No questions. Great performance. Thanks. Remarkable. Cara, I know you don't do a ton of interviews, so I really appreciate you doing that.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I know your schedule is crazy, and that's really sweet of you. One final thing. Are you still – what businesses are you doing right now? Is your sunglass company still running that? Yes. Look, I'm not running it. Everyone's running it for me right now. right now but um yes i'm gonna go and sink my teeth back into that so we're kind of having a little bit of a rebrand glow up because we've gone into like from sunglasses into apparel and we're trying to do all of that and we're in the we're in the trenches with it so
Starting point is 01:32:59 um yeah exciting things to come but a lot of work to do when I get home. Okay. You're always welcome on the show. What's the website for the, uh, sunglasses and apparel? Uh, active eyewear. I wear. Yep.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Say it one more to active eyewear. So, yeah. So the E is shared. So if you manage, so it's just one E A C T I V and then I Okay. You're the best.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Thank you so much. Uh, tell Maddie, I said, hi, and thanks for sharing you. We'll do somewhere. Thank you. Okay. You're the best. Thank you so much. Tell Maddie I said hi and thanks for sharing you. Will do. See you somewhere. Thank you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:33:33 As a mother who CrossFits, you are a true inspiration. Miss Radao. I'm going to head out. Bye. Thank you, guys. I had a monster question lined up for her oh sorry what was it no it's okay i figured we didn't want to like uh what is it called take too much of our
Starting point is 01:33:53 time there's a she can be really hard to get on a podcast the fact that i sent her my number and she came on i'm i'm uh yeah what's it called when you take too much when you're given a little bit there's a word for it i don't want to do that. Greedy? Yeah, I suppose. No, it wouldn't have been greedy. Your question was great, about 155 and 165. I think it was very enlightening.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I think it was the best question. Someone in the comments asked it. Oh, okay. And I think – well, so that – I wonder if Taylor had a similar thought too. It's something that I would always think of. How do these elite athletes enter competitions looking at workouts? Do we have insight into a possible good workout for her?
Starting point is 01:34:30 And I was curious what she thinks of for a possible bad workout. And maybe that gives a little bit of insight as to what Laura would have been thinking during that handstand push-up. Oh, right. Oh, guys. For the elite athletes who might be watching your show, what are they thinking one second i just
Starting point is 01:34:46 want to close the loop on this because we talked about it earlier and uh becky from instagram sent this over so cole sager actually was born without three muscles in his right leg wow 27 important facts i was named cole trickle from the movie days of Thunder. Wow. I was born with three muscles in my right leg. Therefore, one can't. Wow. Okay. So there we go. Sure.
Starting point is 01:35:09 That's the mystery salt. That's off Cole Sager's website. Where did you find that? That's on Yeah. His third was I have a goal to speak in front of 100,000 people. God, I have a goal to have something that's important enough to say. Impactful enough.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Yeah, impactful enough to say in front of 100,000 people. We don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, right? Might do a live call-in show. Might do a Hiller Fit review. Yeah, we got a live call and uh tentatively scheduled so we'll we'll see how it rolls but i think that'd be that'd be good uh i would like to leave you guys with one uh nice i'd like to leave you guys with one uh final um look um andrew hillar uh in all the on all these shows that i've always done oh it's funny i always put in hiller fit review instead of just filler fit instead of just hiller fit um you can go to andrew hiller's uh youtube channel uh which has uh more subscribers than mine
Starting point is 01:36:20 i almost punched my computer on accident just got so fucking excited you're bringing it up we got it uh uh puppies aren't they adorable it's a oh wow you got another one don't watch this oh that's awesome uh this is uh andrew hiller's uh most you already know uh youtube page uh he publishes every single day it's always thoughtful. You can tell that every video he puts a shit ton of work into. He's very open to comments and very open-minded. He's always sharing. My new favorite series that he started is this Testosterone Tuesdays. I think – was that your first episode or second episode?
Starting point is 01:36:57 Second. Second. And it's going to be a fun journey to watch him. And I appreciate also for participating, not participating, spearheading the experiment. I appreciate Andrew letting me be a part of it. I appreciate you coming on every single show. These are, excuse me, really, really long four-day weekends.
Starting point is 01:37:22 We basically have to be sitting in front of screens from the second we wake up to be sitting in front of screens from the second we wake up to the second we go to bed i will see you guys we should we should thank my fiance alexis and suze's wife grace and hayley for uh putting up with us sitting in these rooms this whole time right that's right that a boy someone's getting some tonight uh thank you and i will see all of you guys tomorrow. By the way, a second thing, all the donations are not taken for granted.
Starting point is 01:37:50 They are, I'll call Sousa after this and almost be in tears and be like, what the fuck? I cannot believe how appreciative the community is. So thank you. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual to your body,
Starting point is 01:38:08 it's not just Forging Elite Fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar, and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet.
Starting point is 01:38:30 You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive. For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more
Starting point is 01:38:55 thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but...

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