The Sevan Podcast - #656 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. It was like, it was crazy. He handled it. He handled it so well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I thought it was going to be inappropriate that I said that. Bam, we're live. But did you see me like take a pause? I'm like, and some of us don't even have. And Taylor's like, say it, say it. He knew right where you were going with it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I don't know what it is, but people who have lost their dads or something always have that sense of humor. And they'll just take it. Well, I can tell you, Grace doesn't have all that sense of humor like she does. Grace lost her dad? Yeah. Five years ago. four years ago. Oh, that's interesting. And Haley lost her dad when she was one.
Starting point is 00:01:12 He died of cancer. Oh, shit. Yeah, Grace's dad passed away from pancreatic cancer. Colon. Dude, I've been – so basically, since we had the cancer guy on – uh-oh. You guys are going to love this. Since we've had the cancer guy on, I've made a new rule. I'm just going to try to – basically, I've cut my – now I'm mixing my coffee about 75% decaf and 25% the paper street beans.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So I've really cut back on my coffee, and I'm not drinking coffee afternoon anymore, and I'm sleeping at 12 o'clock. And I'm sleeping just so much better. Not that I was ever – yeah, I guess I was sleeping bad. It doesn't bother me. But I just know that I should be sleeping through the night more instead of tossing and turning. And I was always blaming it on my shoulder. But cutting back on the coffee, it's helped tremendously. I'm actually making whole nights through the night.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And the other thing is I'm not eating eating i stopped eating all deli meats i'm never gonna eat another deli slice ever again no salam and never ever i'm done wow you're getting ripped in the comments for that a little while ago it was kind of funny oh good and um rip away people i'm here i am here to be ripped on and i'm not eating any meat unless it's given to me. So like this morning, I told Haley, I said, Hey, could you steam a head of broccoli for me? So when I'm done with the show, I'm just gonna eat a head of broccoli. I think my prostate is great. I had someone stuck a finger in my ass. And then he sent me to a specialist because they said it wasn't perfectly round. And he stuck a finger in my ass, and it seems good.
Starting point is 00:02:46 They said it seems good. Wait, are you feeling full after the veggies? I feel like I would eat that and just would not feel satisfied. Yeah, I feel crazy full and not satisfied. You nailed it. I feel crazy full and not satisfied. Interesting. I never want to see another steamed vegetable again.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Why do you say that? that's all they have here so steamed vegetables they're not even like well steamed it's like they're still hard yeah i would and to be honest too that the i mostly just eat raw vegetables like over the weekend i ate three bags of beans while i watch huge bags of beans while i watch the um the what did we just do the rogue invitational man that was that was a fucking run we did were you able to caleb are you were you able to watch those and do the shows like only like saturday a little bit of saturday and sunday i think oh well that that was a good busy sunday was really saturday was the worst day like just because it's for whatever reason it's just it's just right in the middle but sunday morning when i woke up, I don't know if I was pumped because we were almost done. And then Hiller did that heavy grace, and that kind of just shot me out of a cannon.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I kind of fell in love with him when he did that. Yeah, that was cool. I can't believe he did that. I'm still beside myself. Austin Hartman, I see Sevan dressed up as an Armenian midget this year for Halloween. Kind of offensive. Austin, I saw you in the comments during the show. stevon dressed up as an armenian midget this year for halloween kind of offensive um austin i saw you in the comments during the show um someone said i was weird and you said you guys liked me
Starting point is 00:04:30 because i was weird offended i am very i am so fucking normal it's weird that's the only weird part about me is how normal i am i'm just normal i don't need to do i don't i'm just normal there's so many fucking weirdos out there that now normal has become weird what is normal normal is just like you wake up you eat i started eating oatmeal too i've never eaten oatmeal in my life normal i just wake up in the morning you know like i put in a load of wash then i do the podcast and i walk around the yard with my kids and I pick up dog poop. Then I take them to the skate park. I call my friends incessantly. I laugh. I tell, I tell dirty jokes. I, I, I, I, I try to, I wonder what my mom is doing and call my mom.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I come back home, do a little more work while the kids play in the yard. I go to the beach. I'm just normal. I just, I, if I see trash, I pick it up. I, I stop for old people. Um, I'm just normal. I'm not, I don't, I don't dye my hair. I don't, I fight with my wife about me wanting to use Tide soap versus she wants to use non-chemical. So, I mean, it's just, I just have such a mundane,
Starting point is 00:05:41 weird, look what Caleb does. Caleb, Caleb's a fucking american that lives out in the desert and a fucking and he can't tell us where he is that's weird abnormal yeah it's a little weird you you i i don't i i just i i stand under the shower with hot water and just rinse my hair with cold water you the rest of you guys fucking that you caleb the rest of you guys go to the store and buy shit with all these fancy chemicals and crazy names and are influenced by something you saw on tv and put that shit in your hair and suds it up and then use a straightener and use a blow dryer and then use this stick with these bristles on i mean you guys do all have all of these weird fucking habits i'm just normal i just go in the shower make the water hot make it cold
Starting point is 00:06:23 run my fingers through the hair. I wonder if Sousa thinks I'm going to be late to the show. I'm just normal. I never had anal sex. I don't think about doing weird shit to girls. I'm normal. Not even accidentally? No.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I can't. I mean, I don't think so. I don't think so. I'd hate to. I wouldn't bet my life on it, but I don't think so. I'm just normal. I used condoms in the 80s. No, I didn't have sex until I was 18. 90s, 2000, whenever.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But Austin, I just want you to know I'm normal. I don't wear high tops. I don't spend hours scouring the internet for a cool pair of shoes that match my outfit. I just put on shoes if I have to if it's cold outside. If you lived in LA, your normal might be different. Then you'd have to match your outfits and blow down my hair. Jeremy, you are as normal as Danny Spiegel is the beacon of morality in the world. All right. I guess that, I guess,
Starting point is 00:07:36 I guess I didn't convince anyone. Oh my goodness. I, uh, I, what's interesting is I'm starting to do a lot of, you know, I do this, uh, we have a lot of guests on the show and I do research on them and the black lives matter thing was always in, in, in all of that stuff, all the racism stuff, all the racism stuff, all the people who said that they were fighting racism or against fascism were acting in the most racist ways and fascist ways. And now we've seen the outcome of it in the last two years. If, for example, you've heard me say this a million times, you thought that in the last two years that you were opposing your black square and being against racism, we can see all the numbers now. square and being against racism we can we can see all the numbers now uh poverty has skyrocketed in your marginalized communities death and murder has skyrocketed in your marginal communities
Starting point is 00:08:13 businesses have never closed down at a faster rate in your marginalized communities uh death of uh black man being murdered in this country has risen 34 percent in the last two years because of your action and yet no one is still no one has out. The only thing I've seen anywhere in media where anyone apologizes, where we had that affiliate on who apologized to Greg, anywhere in all of media. It's fascinating to me. But now what's coming around is now it's very clear that all the people who were for the injection, now it's very clear the things that they were saying, hold no water because there were no studies on transmission. And now I'm doing research on all of these new guests I'm having and I'm starting, you know, and that's
Starting point is 00:08:54 another thing. It's so hard for me to have those guests on because I don't want to play gotcha with them and bring it up. But until the show starts, it's like in my head, like, Hey, you, you, you wanted people to wear masks. You wanted to keep kids out of school. And you did all of this because a talking head on CNN told you. It's mind boggling to me. When do they start apologizing? When do you start getting embarrassed? You were accomplices in people dying. I'm so normal like that i did i did not i did not participate in that well normal would have been following group think i mean i guess okay salem witch trials and keeping in hall on a halloween theme here think about the salem witch trials
Starting point is 00:09:35 and you're using that one and you're using these excuses well we didn't know we did know just because you don't know doesn't like if it's completely dark do you just start running off in one direction and say well i didn't know because it was dark at bare minimum you knew it was dark uh seven um steven pleiler seven isn't happy to have his instagram canceled he wants to be buried under the jail. I'm not happy that my Instagram was canceled, but I'm also not upset. And I think you could ask anyone around me. I don't think you'll ever you won't ever hear Caleb or Matt or my wife ever hear me be like, oh, I'm so sad.
Starting point is 00:10:22 What am I going to do? Oh, no. I didn't even mourn it but i'm definitely not happy i'm happy when the oatmeal is a perfect temperature and it doesn't burn my lips that's when i'm happy normal sorry go ahead kevin i'm surprised you i mean whatever i'm surprised you weren't more disappointed that you lost your instagram because of how much content was on it oh so that's very funny you say that because i posted a picture of obby skateboarding the other day and and it actually did i actually had that thought and that
Starting point is 00:10:52 did hurt me a little bit you're absolutely right i just didn't correct it like my my mom had she's a photographer too and she just had like thousands and thousands of pictures of like over decades of our lives like from growing up until now basically and she lost her facebook account and that was like devastating just because why did she lose somebody hacked it and like disabled it essentially oh bummer i i do have all of that stuff i do have all of that stuff it's just not it's just spread out all over the hard drives and shit. But yeah, that part is... Sebon, if you use the other two holes, what's abnormal about the third?
Starting point is 00:11:36 I don't know. Just that one poop comes out of. So I just feel like I'm just normal. I feel so... So I just feel like I'm just normal. I feel so – I guess I don't like roller coasters. I don't like piercings, tattoos. You're not going to haunted houses for Halloween? No.
Starting point is 00:12:00 No, I just want to go to my friend's yard. I am getting old though. Like I'm doing things that old people do i know i'm i'm uh when the kids go crazy in the house i have such low tolerance for it i feel like an old man going quiet oh my goodness um i want to i want to show you this uh number 19 uh you're gonna have to scroll down on that page a little bit caleb to see the video and started at 425 it's it's it's a it's a small video i couldn't find the youtube link um if you scroll keep scrolling down keep scrolling down and while you're finding this uh keep going keep going as far as it goes oh okay go back the other way
Starting point is 00:12:47 oh maybe they have it blocked go up a little bit maybe it's up a little bit no not that sorry keep going up higher oh click on that picture of Tucker Carlson and see if it no
Starting point is 00:13:02 anyway it sounds like we have a 25 day supply of diesel left in the United States. And in the White House press conference, they asked the guy – I don't know why they have a guy doing it. They didn't have that lady doing it. But they asked the guy basically, what are you going to do? We only have 25 days of diesel left. And his response was, I don't have an answer for you, but don't worry. We will keep sending oil to Europe.
Starting point is 00:13:37 That was the fucking White House's response. I don't give a shit about sending oil to Europe. I know. It was bathit crazy we're running we have a 25 day supply left of diesel he said what are we concerned about that and he said i don't have an answer for you about that now but i do know that we will make sure that our european partners keep getting um uh fuel and it was just like wow why are we sending it to europe fake news maybe it is fake news but but but it wasn't fake news that they asked him that in the in the in the in the uh press conference at the white house i watched it with my own eyes he could have easily
Starting point is 00:14:18 have said no we're not running out or anything uh jeff bako we won't run out of diesel that's literally nonsense cool good cool great awesome let's hope that thanks jeff awesome uh okay uh number 20 caller hi hello hi how's it going on is this a live call-in number this is oh yeah i was trying to trying to call in okay you've achieved your goal for the day do you have any other goals well i think i think i'm behind on the fucking uh the damn podcast i was calling about the dang oil of the yeah that's a great
Starting point is 00:15:05 goal to get in you know i'm gonna tell jr howell that i got in on it i wish he was on the show today just to mess with him a little bit okay anyways i was calling about the uh dang the sending oil over to europe yeah you like that and i was yeah i liked it it. I was too far behind to have no idea what we're talking now. We're there. We're there. We're there. We're still there. We're there. You called at a perfect time. The only thing that's ruining the show is that is you, but other than that, you did everything else. Perfect. So keep going. I'm glad. Okay. I'm happy for that. Yeah. Yeah. Who cares? Why, why are we sending it to Europe? I've, I've completely,
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm completely boggled on that the whole time, but they're never going to give a straight answer. It's just a bunch of bullshit. So the article went on to say the reason why we're sending it to Europe is to mitigate the oil reduction that's arriving in Europe because of whatever pipelines have been destroyed or whatever's going on in the Ukraine and with Russia. destroyed or whatever's going on in the ukraine and with russia that basically we told those people over there hey don't worry we'll start sending you our oil so that's supposedly uh the reason why we're sending it over there well how nice about yeah great yeah so so that's that that was the logic but jeff bako says not to worry um so uh and that there's three guys on the podcast with um instead of staying on subject that was the logic, but Jeff Bako says not to worry. Um, so, uh, and that there's three guys on the podcast with, um,
Starting point is 00:16:27 instead of staying on subject, he's decided to attack the messenger. This, this is, uh, this is some great, uh, where is that?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Oh, did he erase it? I see. Uh, Oh, three guys on a podcast with no sense of geopolitical or history. Brother. In the time that you could have written that,
Starting point is 00:16:45 you could have explained something else that would have added to the show. No, he could have called in. He just continues to shit on us. Yeah, yeah. And yet won't explain anything. I know. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It's amazing. You're a really cool guy. It's like arguing. I'm not going to say it. Okay, anyway, yeah, it's bizarre. It's bizarre, but so much. I mean, I don't know if you saw this the so much – I mean I don't know if you saw this the other day. Jeff, I don't know if you saw this. Maybe you can enlighten us. They are going – Joe Biden is trying to pass, and maybe I have a clip of it here coming up.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Joe Biden is trying to make it so that if you bounce a check that you will not – that banks – it will be illegal for banks to charge you a fee for a bounced check. And it's because it disproportionately affects people with melanated skin and marginalized people. Whatever the fuck that means. Who writes checks anymore? But also, that's just straight fucking – People who don't have money. That's just – what that is is it's this massive push by the Democrats – and you could say Republicans too. I don't care, but in this instance, the Democrats – to absolve everyone of all personal responsibility and accountability.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Why don't we just give the government all of our land so we can absolve ourselves of picking up our trash, mowing our lawns, paying our mortgage? We could be just like North Korea. Just like them. It's just complete fucking idiocy. Okay. Thank you, caller. Yeah, no problem. Thank you. You were a great addition to the show. I got some good one-liners off you.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Number 21. This is amazing. We'll probably start and stop this, uh, as this, um, goes on. I just wanted you to know that as a kid, and I know it's not fair. You shouldn't just always talk from where you stand, but, but I do it a lot and I'm guilty of it. I'll take the blame. But basically when I was a kid, I would get a job and I would start just being crazy competitive. So I got a job at a store where I was a cashier. It was like a little mini, it was like a Costco, but tiny. And they sold all stuff in bulk and they sold less. Like they sold a lot of cool stuff. It was like a drug store, but they sold
Starting point is 00:18:57 everything in bulk. And I always wanted to work the most amount of hours. I wanted to be the fastest checker. I wanted to be the guy that every single person who came through my line, like if people were rude to me, I would just, I would, I lived to, um, bring down the aggression. I w I, I want, I wanted to be them to, to, to, to just at a young age, I just wanted to do that. I didn't think of it consciously, but I wanted everyone who passed through that line to be like, holy, like to be impressed by me, to be like, wow. And they would, people would come through there at 16 years old, man. Uh, they, people would offer me jobs while I was working there. And I wanted to say that again. That was my dream. Like whenever I was a kid and I was like
Starting point is 00:19:42 bagging my mom's groceries, I just wanted somebody to offer me a job on the spot because of how good my grocery bagging was. packaging it very nicely, asking him, do you want heavy bags or light bags? I want, and I wanted it all to be efficient. I wasn't one of those checkers that checked and then made small talk and then bag. I was doing everything simultaneously. I would even look at the items as they came down the conveyor, the big ones first, the heavy ones first, the shapes of them. It was just, I live for it. It was like fucking Tetris. It was the whole thing and I lived for it and I wanted to have the biggest paychecks, not because I wanted the most money. I just wanted to be the hardest worker.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I wanted to be good. I appreciated the challenge. I loved it when my line was so fucking long. I loved the pressure. I love talking to people at the end of the line. Thank you for your patience. I like the eye contact. All of it. I like the eye contact.
Starting point is 00:20:47 All of it. I loved all of it. By the way, it's not easy working with me. Like these guys, like Caleb, Sousa, Will Branstetter, Jen McDonald, they get Taylor, JR, Brian. I send texts all hours of the day, 24 hours a day, seven days a a week i don't respect anyone's sleeping hours i don't work like that i don't i don't do oh by the way can we guys i'm just like hey why the fuck don't we have subclips boundaries boundaries 138 texts the other day yeah i i don't i don't yeah i believe it i don't, we're a machine that moves forward. I don't have,
Starting point is 00:21:26 we have a, we have a, uh, a goal and I'm not interested if anyone's worried about me hurting their feelings that there that's never my intention to make anyone look bad or hurt anyone's feelings. But on the other hand, it's never my intention. I'm not, we're moving forward at all times. You did a great, I don't make shit sandwiches for them. Like I do my guests. It's just, I just fucking throw shit.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Kazal Vion joiner. Believe us. We know. All right, fine. Hey, that guy, that guy did that.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I was impressed. That guy put up his heavy grace time the other day did you see that in the show i forget what it was but i was yeah i can't i've never done heavy grace that's fucking batshit crazy i've never even clean and jerk 225 do you clean have you cleaned your 225 caleb yeah have you suza yeah damn damn damn damn uh if you know you know uncle joe 54 54 wow wow that's like that's a hidden message right there like the 54 54 what's happening google's uh uh google's caleb's gonna uh get on it yeah caleb's gonna break that code quick uh tom gearan i managed
Starting point is 00:22:45 a mcdonald for 9 25 an hour and came to work to make every day a competition to be better than yesterday yeah yeah fuck yeah you want you want to make the person who comes in there completely fucking miserable fucking leave with a smile you know you know who kills the competition amongst the team members? Yes, yes, yes. A boss that holds nobody accountable. Oh, oh, oh. No, I didn't know that. What were you going to say? I thought you were going to say Chick-fil-A. No, I always tell the story like we had this one boss when I was a bartender, and everybody hated him because he was a hard ass.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He would come in, why isn't this done? Why isn't this? Do it to spec, follow the book. And he was kind of like straight down the line on everything. And everybody was, oh, I hate him. I hate John Lynn. He's such an asshole, blah, blah, blah. And then we got a new guy in there, this guy named Mark. And he wanted to be friends with everybody. It didn't matter. That was fine. Oh, somebody else could figure it out. And quickly, the whole place just ascended into chaos. Things weren't being done. Things weren't prepped the night before. And it just bogged down everybody. And then since people weren't being held accountable for not doing it, the people that did do it or created the competition to work harder said, why the hell would I do this when I'm just going to get either screwed with more work or the guy behind me ain't
Starting point is 00:23:57 going to do it? And so that's why people always think, oh, it's going to be better if we get a nicer boss or somebody that just makes it comfortable for everybody rather than just driving the line and making sure everything's being done. Yeah. A hundred percent. The grass is always greener. All the people, when we worked at CrossFit, stand by. Yes, I do remember that B-sewer. Thank you. That was a good conversation and I appreciate it. Caller, hi. Hey you doing i'm great i'm excited i i look forward to these mornings because like there's just i'm just going to get to hang with matt and uh caleb well first off i want to thank you for all the coverage of rogue you guys did an awesome job and the team that you have is amazing thank you i know it's crazy right it is and i
Starting point is 00:24:43 don't even know how it happened. I was trying to, Oh, they're all like the fact that you have like Taylor and like everyone that's actually like competed in Hiller who tried to be competitive. I feel like it adds so much to the show. And they're such geeks, right? Like they, like him, Brian Taylor and, uh, um, uh, J.R. Howell. They're such geeks. John Young, John Young texted me throughout the weekend after every event and said, hey, I'm ready if you need me. I couldn't fucking thank him enough. Brian from Barbell Spin came on with
Starting point is 00:25:12 three minutes notice. Everyone's great. Tyler Watkins said he was up at bat the whole time, ready to go. It's cool. It's really cool. My question is what your thoughts are about the online L1. I would never do that.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I would never do that. So I took it. Okay. Because of COVID. Okay. And my old gym, my coach wanted me to, or we had an owner of the gym asked if I could start helping coach and I was like yeah that'd be great like thing would be fun to do so I took the online L1 and I just don't like I think I personally I don't think it offered me like other than the classes which was I mean the online
Starting point is 00:25:58 format of all their all the information is perfectly put together but then like my class was just a five-hour zoom call and you're like watching people squat you know and other parts of the country which is cool but you know they're on like a two by two zoom you know thing so i just be like so it's live i'm missing an opportunity let me ask you this so it's live yes it's live that that part is actually pretty cool when i think of the excuse me the l1 level one uh the crossfit seminar uh level one i always when i picture it being online i always think um that it's not live that you just watch videos at your own pace the fact that it's not live, that you just watch videos at your own pace. The fact that it's live does make me like, so you take a test, but you go through all the information it takes about, I mean, it takes a couple of days to go through because there's so much
Starting point is 00:26:52 information. So you're actually facing, you can see the other people in the class and you can actually see Chuck Carswell going, okay, everyone stand up and let's start squatting. And it's real time. Yes. You can be like, Hey Chuck, your shirt looks nice today. And he'll be like, thank you. It's a real person. Yes. can do that okay i just feel like i feel like after like what you talk about like the l1 and stuff i just feel like i missed out on an opportunity to like actually
Starting point is 00:27:15 be in person and go through the class i think you did here's why because i don't think the culture about it yeah go ahead sorry but well how you talk about it like you just make it like you feel inspired and so excited to go back and improve and crossfit and like i have started taking crossfit like competitively lies like we just like me and my friends do a bunch of local comps and stuff and we love it super fun but i just feel like i missed like the coming back to a gym and being super motivated and excited that I took my L1. I feel like that's the part that I missed.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And I just feel like because CrossFit's offering it, like I think it's great that you can do online an L1. I just feel like you're missing so much without, I just feel like I missed that motivation and energy to like spread the L1 to people because it was online. I didn't get that like experience in person. What I noticed about the level ones, all the level ones I've taken and all the level ones I filmed is this is the part I can't ever imagine being transferred online is the culture. So I go in there with all my judgments. I see all the wallflowers. I see all the douchebags. And by the end, I like everyone there. I appreciate the
Starting point is 00:28:30 douchebags. The wallflowers are no longer wallflowers. The old lady and the fittest guy are now friends. They're talking. And those trainers there in that place, they facilitate that. They put you in a situation where all of you kind of become a team to get better. And that's what goes back to the affiliates. That's, I really do think that's why the affiliates are like that because the owners of the affiliates got that culture. And now they're like, holy shit, I want to spread that culture with this nutrition and with this movement. And that's where the whole cult thing comes. And so you, you, I, I'm, I have to guess that the shared suffering component, all the chit chat fun the talk meeting the strangers like if you go to an l1
Starting point is 00:29:10 you'll meet every single person in your l1 you'll know them all by the end oh yeah and and i just can't imagine getting that online it's like it's like summer camp but you never went to the camp and spent the night and got to sneak out in the middle of the night it's like what the fuck exactly that's 80 of summer camp so i guess my point is do you think they should even offer it as an online no me neither kill it right after covid it was no i don't and i but i also know it's hugely successful for them but no i do not think they should oh it is that was my whole point is i just thought that they as a company especially with like new management and stuff, I mean, I get it during COVID, but I feel like now that COVID's over,
Starting point is 00:29:47 there's, I mean, yeah, if it was ever over or ever started, you know what I mean? I feel you. But now that like all that regulations and stuff are off, I just feel like there's no need to even offer it. Because if you go on there, if you go to the website right now and you look at it,
Starting point is 00:30:03 all the online ones are sold out. Yeah. And I just feel like they're missing so much by offering it online instead of having everyone come in person because i just i mean i feel that i missed out and i'm like when mine runs out in three years or whatever i want to take it again but i want to go in person yeah it's a i i have not taken the online. I cannot imagine. I mean, you could go to an L1 and if you met someone there and they became a lifelong friend, does not surprise me. It's got to be happening all the time. If you met someone there, a girl there or a boy there and you married them, it would not surprise me because you're in a room with these like-minded people, with these things that are so deep and foundational that you can run your whole life with them
Starting point is 00:30:47 that i can't see that happening at an online one i just can't imagine making a friend there that because oh no that's where it was a four-hour zoom call and i i can't even tell you the names of everyone that i was on. Yeah. I guess my point was, I just feel like they're missing the mark by having the online L1. And I just wish that, I don't know, that it's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:12 if it's making them money, good for them. But also I just feel like they're missing a huge opportunity to get people like way more invested. It's diluting the brand. A hundred percent. It's diluting the brand
Starting point is 00:31:22 because now there'll be people out there who, when I say the L1 is so great, people like you who took it, who can't think and be like, well, that's because I took it online. They're going to be like, ah, it wasn't as good as Sevan said. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, thank you. All right, awesome. Well, thanks for the time.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That's a great question. Yep, for sure. Thanks, brother. No problem. I'll tell you. I guess I'll see you guys later. Okay, bye. No problem. I'll tell you. I guess I'll see you guys later. Okay, bye. Adios. This Rambler, is there such a thing as a level four coach? I don't know, but welcome back to the party. Out of YouTube jail.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I saw that Wad Zombie was nice enough. He said he would personally take responsibility for you and whack you if you needed whacking. would personally take responsible for you and whack you if you needed whacking. And if that caller is still listening, I highly recommend if you're coaching, take the L2, don't retake your L1. I hope people said that in the comments. And you're going to get a ton of value out of the L2. That'll be really applicable to your coaching
Starting point is 00:32:18 when you get back to the gym. Caller, you're on. Hi, my name's Christina. Hi,ina hi christina never called before hi i'm actually sitting here breastfeeding oh nice welcome thanks how was the baby uh eight weeks uh first or second third fourth fifth first first dude congratulations fucking amazing thank you amazing and thank you thank you for doing your part in making a healthy baby and feeding your baby appropriately i'm trying i'm trying do you like it um are you enjoying it the breastfeeding no actually what what don't you like about it um mostly i'm a really like well half the reason i'm calling
Starting point is 00:33:06 my question is about like i love all the data and the numbers and like uh brian friend and all that um but anyways i like to know exactly like how much she's getting i have a little girl um so to me we do both you know so that I can go work out and go to the store and do things. My husband will, you know, bottle feed her and stuff like that. Um, so I think it's just, I don't know exactly how much she's getting. Right. And it takes a lot of time on my hands and I'm just a busy body.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So I, um, so I want to sound to say this without sounding preachy, but, but I do want to share this with you. Do you remember that someday this will be over? Oh, a hundred percent. And so this is your chance to do something. That's one of the most amazing things on planet earth. And one of the amazing things, most amazing and selfless things you can do for another human being and you're doing it and it will be over. So try to, maybe you can create your own story. You can fake it till you make it. But also just to give you some insight in what my wife did for the,
Starting point is 00:34:19 for our first baby, she just fed him until he fucking overflowed. So she would just keep feeding him, keep feeding him. And then you'd burp them and just like you know two cups of fucking milk would come out of him off onto your back and and that's my son avi and uh he turned out great but but i appreciate you know i don't have any experience breastfeeding so i can't speak to that but but i still really think you're doing the uh 100 the, you're doing the right thing. When you say you feed through a bottle, is it milk you've pumped? Both.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I don't have, like, she's huge. She was 9'7", 9 pounds 7 ounces when she was born. And so she still just like wants more after she empties me out. So we just kind of, like you said, keep feeding her until she. Yeah, my wife fed on demand. The other thing is, is you there, you want to be careful what you're, what kind of formula
Starting point is 00:35:10 you're feeding. You do not want high fructose corn syrup in your formula. You do not want that. And if you high fructose corn syrup is really, really, really bad. It's basically sugar your body can't use. It's fucked up. Okay. Sorry. Go on. I'm sorry. I apologize for you just coming on and getting lectured. I really do. Okay. I kind of figured, I kind of figured if I said that, uh, no, my question is, do you guys have any women that are similar to like John Young or Brian or anyone like
Starting point is 00:35:44 reaching out to you for wanting to be on and talk statistics and wanting to talk about, you know, yes. I don't know. I watch you guys all the time and I'm sitting here like I don't have time in my life right now. I'm going back to work full time. I'm a manager of a lab. So like, and I have an eight week old and a dog and a house, you know, all this shit trying to get back to the gym. So I would love to like, so like, and I have an eight week old and a dog and a house, you know, all this shit trying to get back to the gym. So I would love to like, you know, chomp at the bit at all this stuff, but that's all just like, yeah, I would love to see more girl faces on there. Like, you know, chatting down with you guys.
Starting point is 00:36:17 In the past, I can remember there's three women, uh, um, there's three, there's three women that have expressed a serious interest in doing it. And maybe I have an unconscious bias. I want to say that I do not, but, but I'm open to the fact that someone says I do, but like I said, I do not know how the team was formed. And so it's the same reason, like I wanted to have John Young on all weekend. I just knew we couldn't fit more than four or five people on the screen. And so when opportunity, this whole team just has kind of just comes together at the last minute.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And, and I do have my go-to guys that I am very, very loyal to. I was crazy impressed with Lauren Khalil's work ethic. And I did try to bring her over to the seven on podcast, but you know, uh, the, the morning chalk up is a, um, it's, it's a job for people. It's, it's a, it's a more established, they're, they're more organized. They, um, she like runs her show over there. Yeah. She runs her show over there, but I did,
Starting point is 00:37:22 um, to the best of my ability, try to bring her over. What I really wanted to do with her, to be completely honest, is I wanted to give her her own show on my channel um but uh I I like the way she just keeps move everything she moves everything forward the way I feel like I do but but we weren't able to uh do that and for and for no reason no other reasons that she's she seems to be happy at the morning chaka but I really like her and I I I, yeah, I'm, I'm in no way am I opposed consciously and I hope unconsciously to having someone with a vagina be on the show. I like vaginas a lot. Okay. And I appreciate it. It is a shitload of work. It is. That's why I was like, I can't obviously like, it's, it might just be, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Like the point people are in life and stuff like that. But I mean, I could tell you guys are on all week. Like I said, I've been sitting here. I'm home. I'm a trainee. So I've been watching. And I have zero tolerance for wishy-washy. Like I'm not looking for someone who's like 40% committed.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And these guys will all tell you that. Like the second you fucking burn me once i'm like because i i want to i want to run with the i'm running in the front and i want everyone i want the people that i'm working with to be competing against me i want them to trying to be like on the show before me want to do more shows um than me i like that that and to be honest with you that's my biggest that's why i would consider uh sus Caleb like my – I consider them my competitors. Like who can do – we're in like a little bit of an unspoken who can do the most shows. And then also Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He never fucking says no. I called him the other day and he said – I didn't even ask him to do a show. He goes, I have softball tonight, but I'll cancel it to come on. It's like – I was like, well, fuck you. Then I'll do a show with you. You know what I mean? Like, and I, and I just like that. He was crazy with the, I can't believe he just did, uh, your double grace or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yes. Nuts. That heavy grace was nuts. He's a sap. I called him afterwards. I go, what is wrong with you? He goes, dude, I was scared shitless. And I just love them saying that, that he just, he, he just faced his fear.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. All right. I'll let you guys go, but I just have one, uh, more thing about when I was watching, um, Laura failing all the, you know, the handstand pushups or whatever, maybe you talked about it and I apologize, but it was driving me nuts that the camera was just sitting on her and like not going to the people that were winning. They were just like watching her fail over and over instead of, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah. I agree. Cause I was like, who the heck is in the lead? And you know, you're trying, I think it was Alexis Rappaport maybe, but,
Starting point is 00:40:14 um, yeah, I agree. God, Alexis is cool. I want to get her back on. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:40:21 thanks for listening and let me chime in. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Uh, uh, Kat says let me chime in. Okay. Thank you. All right. Bye. Bye. Kat says something here. Laura's a great personality, but not an analyst. You know what's interesting? I'll tell you. Well, maybe I won't tell you. Caller, hi. Hey, Kevin. What's up, man? Hey, what's up, dude? I'm Jimmy from Texas. How's it going? What's up dude uh i'm jimmy from texas how's it going what's up jimmy
Starting point is 00:40:46 thanks for calling dude you bet thanks for y'all's coverage uh for the rogue imitation it's always fun to watch i appreciate it yeah thank you for uh listening it makes the show so exciting when i see the numbers get big i'm not gonna lie it fucking titillates me and sends me through the roof and the fact that uh bill and katie were so generous in giving us the kind of access they did. And the fact that Katie Henninger came on the show, absolutely nuts. So between you guys listening and calling and participating and me seeing the big numbers and the access those guys gave us,
Starting point is 00:41:16 uh, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Yeah. Well, we appreciate it,
Starting point is 00:41:21 man. Well, Hey, I just had a quick question for you. Cause I think I got a lot of callers calling in. i'm a current fireman in texas and i actually competed in the swiss occupational game and i was curious because i wanted to get your thoughts i know it's a topic that's not widely talked about i've always been curious why the occupational games has not been a bigger kind of thing and across the community especially when castro
Starting point is 00:41:46 was at the helm of the games and programming the games i was always curious why the military police officers firemen you know were given an opportunity to compete in person and i want to get y'all started because i think an online competition is cool but i think that just so much more can be utilized from that considering that we have hero workouts and CrossFit's really a, you know, a style of training that's utilized by a lot of first responders. The base of this community, contrary to what everyone thinks, is 100% first responders. And if they are not the largest, and mill guys,
Starting point is 00:42:24 and if they are not the largest representative mill guys and if they are not the largest representative if something were to happen and people were to stop doing crossfit those would be the last people to stop doing it i couldn't agree with you more i don't have an answer it maybe it's just a brain fart but you're absolutely right what a cool thing to do in the stadium to bring the two fittest cops on the planet out to compete against each other in the stadium during the break then bring out the two fittest guys in the air force the two fittest cops on the planet out to compete against each other in the stadium during the break, then bring out the two fittest guys in the air force, the two fittest guys in the coast guard, the two fittest guys who are police officers,
Starting point is 00:42:50 and at least do something like that. I think the crowd would absolutely love it. I think it's a, I think it's a brilliant idea. The weird thing is, is this, even if you kept it really small, shit would get weird fast, right? Because let's say
Starting point is 00:43:06 you brought out the two fittest cops, then you got to do boys and girls. Let's say you bring out the two fittest air force guys, then you got to bring out boys and girls. Then you do the two fittest, uh, you know, uh, and you know what the truth is too, is I'd like to see the two fittest doctors. And I'd like to see the two fittest school teachers, people like in the reason why school teachers, because those are people who are role models for our kids but uh something has to be done you're right that that's that's a that's a no-brainer i think the community would go ape shit and uh love that stuff um i am nursing my baby too so many nursing moms watching this so i've been hanging out with allison a lot for the last two weeks and i see her breastfeeding more than i don't see her breastfeeding, which is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I actually had one more follow-up, so I'm going to let you go. Yeah. I know y'all are big numbers guys on y'all's podcast, which honestly, it makes it more exciting. And so the, I'll do your research.
Starting point is 00:43:54 It makes it even more exciting to listen to. And there were over a hundred thousand people who competed in the occupational games, which I think constituted almost a third of the entire amount of athletes that signed up, which is just why when you look at something like the team division, I think they maybe had a third of that number or less. So when you talk about numbers and possible viewership, I think that CrossFit's really not utilizing that to their advantage
Starting point is 00:44:21 as far as a business perspective. 100,000 people entered the occupation. What, do they have a website? I think they just tagged themselves. So if you just go to register for the open. Yeah. If you go to, so if you just go to the CrossFit. Oh, okay. So you're saying through the open, you're saying a hundred thousand of the,
Starting point is 00:44:43 of the 200,000 people or 300,000 people that entered the open, 100,000 of them were also in the occupational category. Yes, sir. Wow. Nurses, teachers, doctors, firemen, cops. Wow. That's why I just think that it's something that needs to be looked into more. Okay. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Okay. And that proves your point, Sevan, for the methodology being for that group, for that community, and that shows it right there. Yeah, that's amazing. That's amazing. I didn't know that stat. Thank you. Yeah. Good info, Collin. You're welcome. Thanks, guys. As CEO next year at the CrossFit Games, we will feature in the main—I'll even tell you where. Oh, shit. In the fucking stadium.
Starting point is 00:45:36 We will feature at least one of the occupations, the two best guys competing against each other. I guarantee you that. And women. And women. And women. So bare minimum, we'll have the two fittest male cops and two fittest female cops, or two fittest teachers and two fittest men and women. We'll pick something.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And I promise you it won't be some woke category. We should do the fittest man and woman from each occupation and do like a heat of 10 and just have them all go. Be like, the doctor was the fittest of all of them. The firefighter was the fittest of and woman from each occupation and do like a heat of 10 and just have them all go. Be like, the doctor was the fittest of all of them. The firefighter was the fittest of all of them and just line them all up and I'm going one heat.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Okay. I will put together a small council. We'll get this going for the 2023 CrossFit Games. We got a couple of like donation tips here. Do we need to read? Alex Mallard.
Starting point is 00:46:23 She looks like the girl from Legally Blonde, right? Yeah, especially with that dog. What's the girl's name the famous actress uh reese witherspoon reese witherspoon is that is that right yeah yeah damn look at me oh you're good this caller reminded me i need to send thank you money for the rogue coverage and constant podcast i have a seven week old and spent a lot of time feeding my baby. I was so happy to have the Sevan and co entertainment. Thank you. Um, you're very welcome. And thank you. That's crazy. Generous donation, a cat. So, you know, what's interesting. I don't consider myself an analyst at all, but, um, but I participate and I hit some home runs this weekend, like crazy home runs. And in regards to calling stuff and unlike the other guys,
Starting point is 00:47:10 I don't brag about it. I keep it to myself. But I think if Lauren had the space, she could do that too very easily. She has way, just she has so much fucking information in that head that isn't being used. Lindsay Mercado, finally caught a live show. thank you for all the content of course dang dang dang dang uh jonathan ortega
Starting point is 00:47:33 i don't care what you said i just like seeing you in the comments you're a good dude uh jeffrey birchfield i hope you got my apology yesterday uh i did. You called in just as Cara called in and I had to hang up on you. I am so sorry. I consider you a friend. That's for sure. questions there's like i i even when even when i ask the questions i think so i'll give you an example uh so so even when i ask the questions i'm throwing up alley oops that require analysis so i said hey do you think we're going to see pat we saw pat velner struggle on the run to overhead are we going to see him struggle on the um uh on the log and and and and there's fodder there and i have to do some quick analysis in my head in order to even come up with that question the setup question i should have worn my crossfit media director shirt today okay uh so this this um i think this is a girl
Starting point is 00:48:40 but i'm not sure but i think this is a girl and she works at starbucks and uh this is this yeah she does okay so we're gonna we'll start and stop this a few times uh ready and action i need a union at starbucks and i am literally about to quit. Like, I, I don't know if I'm going to do it, but like, I really want to, I almost walked out today and I'm crying in the back room right now and I almost cut on the floor. It's just, if anyone on my team went live saying, I'm going to quit the seven on podcast. We need a union. I'm literally going to quit the Sevan podcast. We need a union. I'm literally going to quit.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I would just fire you. I wouldn't even fire you. I wouldn't even fire you. I would just stop talking to you. I would block you from everything. I would change all the passwords. Scrap our meeting. I cannot fucking wait.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Oh, my God. This is in the data. You just stored that in the data bank, dude. I cannot fucking wait to do this next year. This is absolutely – this is nuts. This is not okay. This is not a behavior that someone who has personal accountability – you need to have an ego that you can leverage to stop you from doing things like this i mean this is this is uh this is really bad okay go go they're threatening to quit and they're posting it to social media if you're on a team if you're on a team either you're on a team, either you're on that team to push it forward and present it well or get off the team. But to use the public to some sort of facilitate making your team better, another component of woke.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Clock Cutter says it's a female. Okay, so it is a female. Okay, let's continue. I was going to say it was a guy. I'm like a full-time student. I get scheduled for 25 hours a female. Okay, so it is a female. Okay, let's continue. I was going to say it was a guy. I'm a full-time student. I get scheduled for 25 hours a week, and then on weekends, they schedule me the entire day, open to close. I'm on the schedule for eight and a half hours. Okay, pause. Both Saturdays. So you're a full-time student. You work 24 hours a week. I'm guessing 25 hours a week.'m guessing i would be thankful i'd be thankful for
Starting point is 00:51:05 the hours i'd be like oh this is fucking awesome i'm getting shit ton of hours or take take less classes or work less but to come on to social media and cry i i don't get it solve your own problems yeah um have you guys ever worked at star? I've worked at Starbucks. You have? I understand the struggle. You have worked at Starbucks, Sousa? Yeah, we've talked about it before. Well, I forget, but when I see them back there crushing it, I always think, God, I wonder if I could do that.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I'm so up for the challenge. I see the girl. She's 100 pounds overweight with the blue hair, and she's crushing it. She got three masks on, and she's fucking just doing it all and i'm like and her customer service is so good yeah like what can i get you today they're like yeah they're so nice to you and they're like what would you like do you want a pub cup for your pub yeah yes yeah i can take the shit out of that pub cup just because it is slipping though in my area i will say it's not what it was five years ago but But it's nuts. It is. And they're shaking stuff and they wipe that steamer thing off with the rag.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I always want to do that. Give it that courtesy fucking tug. Yeah, go ahead and clip that for something. I'm always like, damn, I wonder if I can do that. Yeah, yeah. That's it. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Stealing company time to throw a temper tantrum maybe they're on a break i just had an idea we should start a small coffee shop that's actually a podcast studio and then we'll studio live from there at the same time and then go over and make coffee dear sarah cox dear sarah cox could you buy us a building somewhere in Newport on the beach, a small hole, just a small, just a small, like three or $4 million, uh, 400 square foot hole where we could do a podcast. And you know what, we know it's interesting is last time I was down there, she is trying to buy a place for their down there on the beach, one of the businesses, and it turned it into a bar. Thank you, Caleb, dear California hormones. And, uh, she said that if she buys she turns it into a bar she'd build a podcast studio in there for me yeah she showed me uh the spot in her office where
Starting point is 00:53:10 she goes she was pitching it to me she goes see you guys could have this room you can podcast right in here make it your studio oh my god it was nice she's too shit i'll do it it'll be the paper street coffee booth it's all we serve yes yes yeah let's go yes coming together yes selling coffee i don't know how any of this shit happens great conversations heidi will work there promise not to cry can you imagine the shit heidi would talk and i lose i like i do like a i do like a hipster stoic barista, like the kind that's like really good, but like never cracks like J.R. Just got like hello tattoos.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Is everything OK? And it's like makes a joke, but you're unsure of it with a joke. You're kind of like, should I laugh? I'm pretty sure you said heavy cream and I put half and half. Hand me that back, please. Thank you. Fuck. And and then and then and then Heidiidi there just talking shit to the the the guy hey i can
Starting point is 00:54:08 see your penis through your pants buddy like you know what i mean just like totally inappropriate shit to people buying coffee perfect oh i just heard someone in the back of caleb say do you have the mental health number well yeah yeah and hey you're gonna need it after this call you're gonna need it after this fucking video oh yeah yeah we'd have sam we'd have sam dancer week there where he's in a fucking yes oh yes awesome see this is what i'm talking about guys great brainstorming putting it together great brainstorming oh yeah heidi just asked every fucking person who walks up that's awesome are you single it'll actually be her name tag so then when they ask her they go are you single she goes i am are
Starting point is 00:54:49 you some abbott and costello shit yeah okay caleb's checking on a mental health patient that seems to have escaped the room right now oh we got in trouble we're getting in trouble oh we're getting in trouble let's see let's see how this is or do we remove them i don't know what to do i don't know oh he's talking to somebody yeah i wonder if someone's lost their shit um tom garan i know i'm behind the timeline but the hundred thousand people in the occupational games are not trying to hear about the guy in 45th place in his strengths and weaknesses nobody cares i'm not sure what that means i haven't confused you okay we're both uh jonathan ortega will come to the coffee shop for b-roll content oh oh um remind me to tell you about the sevan sub clips
Starting point is 00:55:42 station so basically i've decided that every night after every show, I'm going to cut clips and I'm going to start uploading them to the Internet. And we have a Sevan sub clip station. And over there now, I put up Andrew Hiller doing Heavy Grace from yesterday. So if you want to see that, just that clip, it's over there. Maybe we can put a link into it after this bit. OK. Yeah. Or maybe you could do that
Starting point is 00:56:05 suzo well well i thought uh analyze this this poor soul okay let's go on i'm gonna make a video and cry now okay today and sunday i'm like three and a half hours into my shift there's so many customers and we have four people on the floor all day only five people were put on the schedule and somebody had to call out and there were four people running the floor all day only five people were put on the schedule and somebody had to call out and there were four people running the whole store pause pause can you imagine if caleb was like i can't do this there's three you told me there would never be a more than a hundred live viewers and now there's three three three three hundred and twenty and i'm not making fun of this person i'm not making fun could you imagine if there was like if i just had like 20 patients like injured people like out that i needed to fucking move
Starting point is 00:56:56 or like assess or do anything like and i fucking pulled out my phone and started crying about it wow all those people would be fucking dead are you shitting me like you gotta be kidding me if i had four people on a mass cal of like 20 of like 20 patients i'd be golden you'd take care of everybody that's fucking crazy dude and what evan evan should be thankful that there's 20 people. Evan needs to be thankful that there's 20 people. Dears, this is what this video should be. Oh my god, you guys. I'm so flattered that you keep coming into the Starbucks. I take a little bit of responsibility for that because I'm so nice to you guys and I have such great pride in my work.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And I love it that you come in. And I'm sorry that the average wait time has gone up from two, 2.3 minutes to 4.5 minutes. But I, but I want to tell you, I'm working my hardest and I'm totally up for the challenge. This is so awesome. And, and, and the more of you guys that come in, the harder I work, I promise you guys inspire me. And what you're doing is you're giving me job security. It's flip the script, kid. Flip the script, kid. Flip the script, Evan. Okay, let's play on. There's possibly scheduled five people. We only have 13 people employed at this store.
Starting point is 00:58:17 And there's so many customers. Everything is good. We don't have fair scheduling. Managers don't care about us. Our manager was supposed to come in this weekend and he took himself off the, so he wouldn't be able to be held accountable for calling out. Oh, pause. I don't think that person, Evan, is allowed to use the word accountable. Evan, you've already told us that you have no idea what that word means, accountable.
Starting point is 00:58:44 You're saying that your manager doesn't want to be held accountable? You're sitting here, and your whole shtick is that you don't want to be held accountable for the job you applied for. It's fucking coffee. How stressful could it be? No shit. No shit. Allison NYC, I waited 30 minutes in line at Starbucks
Starting point is 00:59:04 the other day and I thought the server would be so, but she told me my smile made her so happy. You do have a great smile. It's funny because I haven't watched it. That girl, if you guys haven't met her, follow her on Instagram. You should. Everyone likes her. I wonder why. I want to tell you something my mom said about her but i don't want to get in
Starting point is 00:59:25 trouble but it's so funny it's so funny i told allison already it's so funny it's so fucking funny and sometimes my mom tells me hey you better not share that on your show but she didn't tell me that about this when uh we hung out with her at the beach for a little bit it felt like oh yeah you got to meet her yeah it felt like somebody i just already knew for a long period of time you know like it was one of those type people that you can come you just start having a conversation about whatever and you're just like oh this is easy like so easy already friends yeah no judgment just no yeah no judgment yeah it's free it's cool you can just be yourself you don't have to put on a show those are my kind of people okay let's continue with uh evan here help evan counsel evan a little bit
Starting point is 01:00:10 scheduled on and put up a new schedule where he wasn't on the schedule also he couldn't have even seen that he was scheduled in the first place because he didn't want to be held accountable for not wanting to come in they don't want to help us we need a union because this can't happen this can't happen we need fair scheduling we need managers to hold themselves accountable for helping their workers they refuse to turn mobile orders off we need the liberty to be able to do that because there's so many mobile orders and i need to get pause you have an employee who wants to turn who who's saying they want fair scheduling and to be able to turn off mobile orders. You're telling me, you're telling me you want to get rid of one of the lines that people can send money to the place you work? Do you understand that's the whole point of what you're doing? Is to provide a service and make money for the mothership so that they can pay for your health insurance? Yeah. Yeah, don't they get health insurance? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Starbucks? Yes. Even if you're part-time, you get a bunch of benefits. If you're somebody who's going through school and stuff, you can apply through scholarships and they help out with it. And then if you choose to continue with that that career there's a clear line of advancement all the way up to where they like to hire within so if you're really into it and you want to continue to work your way up the corporate ladder you can become like a regional manager and you'd make great money as a teacher i can tell you that strike that a striking number of kids are
Starting point is 01:01:37 stunted emotionally like this uh kid uh such a bummer yeah a bummer okay yeah it is a bummer uh imagine he just opened up a position for somebody else who actually wants it congratulations seven oh dear why are we watching this yeah my local starbucks turns off mobile orders all the time too yep all right let's continue people are yelling at me because they don't have their orders ready All the time, too. Yep. All right, let's continue. People are yelling at me because I don't have their orders ready. I don't know what to do. And a customer was misgendering me today, like, really badly.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I didn't have their order ready. And so they were just, like, totally talking to each other. And they're like, she's clearly incompetent. I have a full mustache and beard. the fuck right there i'm starting to think it's fake is this fake is this fake i think it's you know what they say in commercials like dramatization yeah like that's what this is and like i was we were talking about it earlier it's a race to the bottom to who could be the most victim because that's the new like hero of this day and this person seems to fall within that age
Starting point is 01:02:45 category of like if you're if you're a victim if you're overwhelmed or you're doing this like you know you need to be uplifted and you need the attention and that's why i think this is going here yeah miss that that's the part i was misgendered something's not right here yeah maybe the joke's on us maybe this is just a joke i don't know i'm just loving caleb's reaction because of like his job if i see this person like that's why i just find it so funny there's really needs to be a hundred of you who got sick or injured today imagine doctor coming out in the waiting room saying that to be fair it's not that i don't complain about it it's just like i still fucking take care of them yeah the complaining is fine by coming on here and victimizing yourself and crying online and and saying you need a union
Starting point is 01:03:30 this what does that even mean the military needs a union there's an unfair scheduling magnus holmgren that would be sebon if he was born in the 90s. Unfortunately, you could be fucking on to something. I really hate to say it. The fact he says the full beard just cracks me up. I've seen straight up women with facial hair like that. I think that misgender thing was part of the, like now people could really get behind them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:04 Like now you've captured that whole crowd. They're like, yeah, look at that. You're being treated so unfairly, and look at the people you have to deal with. How dare they misgender you. Right. Can you – 99% of the people who see my kids call them girls. I'd say my kids used to never correct them, and now they correct them, and they don't misgender them. They missex them. I heard my boys talking in the back of the car the other day. I wonder how old we're going to be when people know we're boys. It's because our voices get deeper, probably. Okay, action. Accommod accommodations for being neurodivergent i don't what is that what's that okay that i need to look up three seconds neuro neuro
Starting point is 01:04:55 uh divergent is that another word for handicapped neurodivergent. Is that another word for handicapped? Neurodivergent. What is considered – the term neurodivergent describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works. So like autism? That means they have different strengths and challenges from people whose brains don't have those differences. Oh, so it's just another meaningless word. What the fuck does that even mean? What are examples of being neurodivergent? It refers to individuals who have less typical cognitive variation as autism, ADHD. I probably have neurodivergence.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Dude, we all do. Actually, I'm normal. But I have it worse, guys. I have it worse. Oh, the most common form of neurodivergence is dyslexia. Then ADHD. Oh, yeah. Chad F. got it here.lexia. Then ADHD. Oh, yeah. Chad F. got it here.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Anxiety, ADHD, autism. Okay. Action. People get out of me. It's my sick time. I don't even know what to do anymore. I only got my wits out with this job. You are. You are.
Starting point is 01:06:05 You are. I really am. Yes, you know. I just don't know what to do. Okay, Evan. That's all. Thank you, Evan. And Caleb, do you have any parting words or advice for Evan?
Starting point is 01:06:21 Just stop. Stop posting about it. Just fucking do your job. It's not that hard nothing is that difficult just nothing is ever that difficult take your sick time for crying out loud fuck nobody cares oh a practical solution take your sick time matt susan do you have any words for evan yeah evan should um walk across the country i don don't think Evan has enough. With Jake Marconi. With Jake Marconi. I think Evan doesn't have enough life experience. So if this is considered a hard time, fortunately for that person, they have never experienced a hard time. Because if
Starting point is 01:06:58 you have, you would compare it to what's happening at your job. And also too, I would like to note that when I was 18, 19 years old working at Starbucks and I worked with all my friends, like 80% of the time we were stoned or drunk at that job and we still crushed it. Absolutely crushed it. It was like, we used to like to Savan's point, there was a group of us and it was all about who could man the whole entire bar. Now, granted we didn't have mobile orders so maybe that would change stuff but it was about who could man the whole entire bar and the espresso bar and not have to have anybody else jump in and it was always me and my buddy eddie and we would always like compete and we would just zone in and just boom boom boom banging out drinks and then you would lose points for every time an order came back and you screwed it up oh that's awesome you would try
Starting point is 01:07:43 to get it perfect awesome yeah. In the first month working there because they had all, all my buddies had started before me. I got super competitive and I was partner of the month, the first full month that I, that I, uh, worked there. God, that's awesome. That's a healthy work environment. Yeah. It was, it was my absolute, like most most favorite job and i liked it more than bartending the regular bar because especially once i found crossfit and was like super into being healthy it just changed it like i started like you know you're feeding all these same people drinks all the time and you start to look at them and you're like oh am i kind of like
Starting point is 01:08:18 i'm contributing to your demise right now we had an affiliate owner from the ukraine come on here one time and he in a very gentle way he said he's so disgusted with the fact that um they that in the ukraine you can't just go out and get a job just there there aren't jobs and he's disgusted by the fact that anywhere in the united states anyone can just go out and get a job yep and they don't and he says it's it's fucking. He says he can't even fucking believe it. Yeah. This was seven years ago he told me this. And especially in the U.S., like one of the things that we do is when we have old clothing that's still good and stuff, we have a lot of affluent friends. And so we get a lot of like, Grace, we get like a lot of hammered down stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:02 And we have this little wooden board and we put it up and we take pictures of it. Then we label it like tops, bottoms, whatever the size is. And we resell it all on poshmark oh and get like a little bit of gas money or some grocery money each month right off it so one of one of my friends who worked at crossfit i don't want to say his position he had a high level position he's making 150 000 a year at crossfit and while we worked there because homes are so expensive in santa cruz this is in an office with 100 people everyone who worked there knows who this are so expensive in Santa Cruz, this is in an office with 100 people. Everyone who worked there knows who this guy is. From Greg Glassman to Tommy Marquez to we all know who he is.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I'm not going to say his name. He would go around and collect cans in the office because we used so many fucking cans because we were sparkling water fucking nut jobs over there. LaCroix, I remember. Yeah, yeah. I drank thousands of those. This guy would collect cans cans and that's how he subsidized his mortgage to buy a home and from just collecting cans at the office at fucking hq do you know what this guy did the other day um he uh he was driving somewhere from his house to do
Starting point is 01:09:58 a shoot for crossfit and he drove by a house and they had a table in the front yard and it said free he put the table in his pickup truck took took some pictures of it, put it on, I guess. Facebook marketplace. Yes. Yep. Yes. That's what we do too. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:12 He put it for $200. He went while he was doing the shoot, he got a call saying I'll buy it. And when he made 200 bucks. Yep. Yep. We do that all the time. And the gym's often for, because it's open. So we just give them the gym address and people come by and they're like in the CrossFit gym. Like I'm here to pick up the
Starting point is 01:10:28 table. And we're like, yeah, right this way. Have you ever tried CrossFit? It's a great way to get them through the door. Yeah, it was, it was not Dave, but, uh, but I appreciate the guessing. Okay. Number 22. I saw this meme the other day. It's called Fight Like Hell. And I just loved it. It takes a lot for a meme to move me. But I really like this. And it's a picture of two boys fighting. And it says, never fight until you have to. But when it's time to fight, you fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to noah's ark
Starting point is 01:11:06 and brother it's starting to rain savage right yeah savage yeah that's pretty dope my dad used to say well because my brother and i are four years apart i have a younger brother and so we just kind of missed each other through schools like elementary school like as i was leaving he was coming in well that one we were at together but middle school and high school but i used to walk by and like pick him up and walk him from home and stuff and my dad just had one rule he would say if your brother comes home beat up and you're not beat up too i'm beating your ass when you get home oh i like that yes basically the golden rule it was like something goes down you gotta you gotta have your brother's back day so i i my my kids uh
Starting point is 01:11:52 have watched a bunch of voltron and that's the thing where the five robots come together and make the big dude with the sword from it's old it's like from the 90s and the other day they were fighting and there were some people around and i said hey i've told you never to fight each other in front of guests i've told you no bickering we never bicker or share dirty laundry in front of anyone what are you guys doing and they start coming up with all excuses and i'm like you don't get to make excuses that's the definitive rule that that like you don't drink clorox bleach you don't fight in front of fucking guests. And, and they, and they were having trouble like understanding it. And I said, did you ever see the robots on the Voltron team fight?
Starting point is 01:12:33 Did those five guys ever fight with each other? You guys are Voltron. The three of you guys are unstoppable together. You make the robot. And that, that, that fucking got them. They were like, they're like looking around at each other. I'm like, yeah, yeah. Okay, this is a really trippy story that's breaking out here in San Francisco about Nancy Pelosi's husband again.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Caller, hi. Hey, what's going on, Stefan? What's up, brother? again. Uh, call her. Hi. Hey, what's going on? What's up brother? So I had a, I was watching the video about the, the, uh, the Stonebush guy. So I had a story. I was a manager at a Derrick. And, uh, I love this already. I love this already. Thank you. I'm already like, it's so stimulated. Thank you. Uh, so we hire a bunch of part-timers,
Starting point is 01:13:24 which are usually like high school students or stuff like that. You know, they only work like 20 hours. Like this guy, they go to school and they only work like afternoons. So 20 hours, most five, five hours a week.
Starting point is 01:13:36 So we had a girl, she was a, a new hire. It was the end of the shift. It was the end of the day. So we were all cleaning. We were doing our stuff I asked her if she can go clean the restroom
Starting point is 01:13:47 and so her answer was I didn't sign up for this and in my head I was like what are you talking about like it's a fast food restaurant we all take turns doing everything and so whatever I asked I just asked her like can you please go
Starting point is 01:14:03 clean the restrooms and she was like no I didn't sign up for that and so whatever I asked, I just asked her like, can you please go clean the restrooms? And she was like, no, I didn't sign up for that. And so long story short, I had somebody else go, ask them to go clean the restrooms, and she did something else. And so the next day, her mom called complaining about why we had her daughter cleaning restrooms. Oh, shit. I would slap the shit out of my kid if he came home and complained about that.
Starting point is 01:14:31 I'd make him go over to your house. And clean your bathroom. First of all, and clean the bathrooms at the Dairy Queen. And then you know what else I would do? I would have them come over to your house and clean your lowered Honda Civic with the 415s in the back, Mr. Ruiz. Racist. Racist.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Yeah, so she called and she started complaining about, like, her child was supposed to be cleaning restrooms. She wasn't a maid. All this kind of crazy stuff. And so when I was watching that video, I was like, man, that's not even, like, the kid's fault. You know, like, the kid was literally brought up thinking that way. Like she's entitled to like, I don't have to clean the restrooms. Like I'm better than that. So it's kind of like I think sometimes it's like the parents' fault, not even the kid's fault. You're right.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I mean, she was brought up that way. You're right. I don't think I've ever I don't think i ever got home from work when i was a kid and was like had enough energy to complain about work to my parents like i would work my ass off all day and i'd get home and i'd just flop on the couch and tell my parents to wake me up when dinner was ready i can't believe someone's mom would call you work at the fucking dairy queen like get let your kid get the experience. Did that kid get fired?
Starting point is 01:15:50 No, she didn't get fired. She just stopped coming because she was not going to clean the restroom. She was not going to do any type of work like that. So she just stopped coming. They self-eliminate so fast. Yeah, I would just leave them off the schedule. Yeah. That's crazy because most... Sorry, Papa them off the schedule yeah no go ahead go ahead uh yeah that's that's crazy because i i remember like my dad is a contractor and i remember when i was like young like middle school stuff and i wanted to earn
Starting point is 01:16:18 money he wouldn't just give me money he would be like all right wake up at five in the morning go to work with me and he would drop me off at a location and i'll be just helping like the workers i'll be handing off tools and shit like that like all fucking day in the in the sun and that's how i would earn my money and there was like no thinking about like oh i don't want to i don't want to do it hey uh i'm gonna tell you the story uh yesterday my sister my sister my uh wife took my son Avi to his first official big tennis tournament, like a sanctioned tennis tournament. And so they go there, and it's in Lafayette, California, one of the whitest fucking towns in America, super duper affluent, wealthy as fuck, and amazing place to live. And just beautiful, just basically unbelievably nice lots of acreage fantastic
Starting point is 01:17:08 homes good people no crime and so she takes him there to this tennis club and uh ironically all the competitors he was my son was the only white kid there all the competitors were black asian and indian which in tennis people kind of young tennis kids uh the tennis environment just has a ton of fucking really great players that are Asian and Indian. They love tennis. And my wife walks in with my son, who's eight years old, to sign him up. And the guy at the front desk says, sorry, parents aren't allowed to sign their kids up and register their kids. Kids have to do it by themselves. And right in front of my kid, there's a six-year-old doing it.
Starting point is 01:17:42 And that's the kind of shit we've bab baby my son and my kids with the whole time. So my wife, my wife could have complained. She could have been like, well, no, he's too shy or this, that she just took five steps back.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Fucking is that okay. And my son and my son stepped up to the plate and did it. And then I called the place and I yelled at them for not from, for, uh, making my son do it by himself. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Can I, can I ask you a question? What kind of car do you drive? Tacoma. Oh, okay. All right. Wasn't even close. I was so hoping you were going to say lower Honda Civic
Starting point is 01:18:16 with the 415s in the back. I wasn't even close. No. Were you in the military? Oh, yeah. No. Oh. No, I was not. All right. Are you still working at the Dairy Queen? No. Were you in the military? No. No, I was not.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Are you still working at the Dairy Queen? No, but thankfully not. You made it to manager there? No, I just switched companies. I went on to work for another company. Oh, but you were telling that lady that you were telling that... It's just fucking stressful working with kids like that. Yeah, I bet. But, yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Oh, Chad F. says the word Tacoma has taco in it. We have a winner. Okay. All right. All right. Fuck it. It is what it is. I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Oh, my goodness. Tacos. No one's safe on this show. Thank you for calling. I appreciate it. No thanks all right later brother yeah that is interesting you see this thing by a barbell spin not only with crossfit news but with social media news as well seeing reports that many users have had their accounts disabled today on instagram and follower accounts have dropped significantly. I clicked mine. No, I clicked mine and mine was down.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Mine was down by almost like 30 people. Oh, they do a calling. They do a calling of accounts every once in a while. It keeps dropping. If I bring it up to like have it sit there and I go to click like the likes or something like that, my Instagram just falls off. So they're obviously having some kind of issue.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I had to delete Instagram and reinstall it and then it started working again so oh mine too about a week ago i had every time i used instagram during a single day i had to re-log in every time i went to it yeah my account's still up mine actually just started climbing again that's strange oh and it just dropped off again interesting i hope you're seeing your number your followers number fluctuate yeah it was down by 30 now it's back up by another 18 from when i just like refreshed it talking to you guys from when that caller came on uh just hired my first full-time employee right out of college. This show isn't helping.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Jason, Tyler T. Watkins, laugh outlet. Musk cut all the fake accounts Twitter was running, and there was spillover to Insta. New York Times article is talking about it. Oh, interesting. Oh, Jeffrey Birchfield said his account got suspended. I've never seen him post anything even remotely controversial. Oh, interesting. My friend said you can't even find my account.
Starting point is 01:20:59 All the pics my husband was tagged in are even gone. Wow. Okay, so something is going on. Yeah. Yes, mine was down by 15, and now up by 3. I have a backup account because I'm like Sevan. I hardly post on mine. In all honesty, when I post stuff, I never think, oh, I shouldn't be posting this.
Starting point is 01:21:19 This is going to get me. I have no filter for it in my head. I never think, oh, this is wrong, or this is edgy, or this is controversial. Okay controversial okay let's look at um holy shit this hour and a half went by fast oh well let's look at um number 23 this is a trippy story uh nancy pelosi's husband um was in his house um and the police arrived and someone let the police in we don't We still don't know who let the police in. And Nancy Pelosi was in the room with another man named David Pape, or Pepe, Pape, Pepe. And they were both holding a hammer.
Starting point is 01:21:55 And the police watched as this guy pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and hit him with it in the head. Did you see the hammer? No. No. Have you seen it yeah hold on that's not true that's not true i know are you going with i think i know where you're going with this is that true i don't know man i saw it on the internet so it's a dildo it's a dildo yes it's not a hammer well it's a hammer and the other side is a dick. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:28 I saw that, but I don't know if that was true. So what's your take on it? So what are you saying, that it wasn't a home invasion and he wasn't being mercilessly beaten with a hammer? So here's what I'm tripping on. The police walked in with body cameras on. It's a law in San Francisco. First of all, you have to understand San Francisco is crazy. Like San Francisco is batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I want to say it's like seven or 19 or some crazy number of CVSs have closed down in San Francisco County because of the crime and shitloads of Starbucks. Everything's closing there in the last two years because of the crazy crime. Once again, because of the Black Lives Matter movement. Basically what they've done is they've villainized police, and they've made it so that stealing is okay up to like $950. And so police have basically been told in a lot of areas, don't engage people. And in fact, in some cases, if you tackle the person robbing the stuff or whatever, you could get in trouble for assault even though they were stealing from your store. So Nancy Pelosi lives there.
Starting point is 01:23:31 She's fucking filthy rich. She lives there with her husband. She lives in one of the sections – I mean the whole town is pretty gay, but she lives in one of the sections that's notorious for like this is where the gay community feels safe. This is where they purchase a lot of their real estate the house had security cameras all over it on all four corners so you could cover the entire outside and the glass was broken outward not inward and um when the caller called uh the police um they knew he knew the uh the guy's name with the hammer. He said, David's in here with a hammer. He knew who it was. Yeah, he knew who it was.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Let it slip. Maybe the assaulter announced himself. Hey, my name's... This is David. My name's David, and I'm going to beat the shit out of you. Just be careful. It's... Oh, wow, look at this.
Starting point is 01:24:24 My friend lives in L.A la and fast food places uh now accept food stamps amazing yeah of course yeah heard de pape has a history of male prostitution of course yeah and by the way a caleb showed a picture of this guy's house and i lived in berkeley you know i grew up in berkeley and this is the total typical house the every single person had berkeley stands united against hate every single uh black lives matter every single house has like a ukrainian flag a black lives matter but there's no black people there but it except from when they come from the city of oakland or richmond on either side it it's, it's absolutely, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:06 the most despicable fascist place you've ever been. You can't even fucking believe Berkeley. And it's in full bloom right now. It's in full bloom. Okay. Um, can we click on some of these click? Let's start at the bottom of that,
Starting point is 01:25:22 that bottom Twitter one. Let's click on a couple of these. The whole thing is so bizarre. It's bizarre that we just aren't getting the facts. And the chief of police for San Francisco is speaking and addressing this. Paul Pelosi. Okay, here we go. Paul Pelosi, who's notorious for going to gay bars alone in the gayest town in America,
Starting point is 01:25:44 said San Francisco was always spotted by neighbors bringing in men half his age at various hours of the night. David Wayne DePape was seen entering Pelosi's mansion various different times before yesterday's altercation. Why won't mainstream media cover this vital fact? They're making it seem like it was a random act. It wasn't. This was a domestic violence case in a consensual sexual relationship i do not know if that's true but it it it pieces together more than the other story the other stories is that uh someone broke into his house and was looking for nancy pelosi thing too i want to share this real quick this is
Starting point is 01:26:31 interesting for some of you guys that are into stocks you could actually go to house stock and you can choose your representative and you can click on wow in particular nancy pelosi um and i would suggest following nancy pelosi because her and you can click on Nancy Pelosi. I would suggest following Nancy Pelosi because her husband seems to be a better investor than Warren Buffett and has beaten the S&P 500 index every single time. Anyhow, you can check out the trade volume. Wait a second.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Wait a second. Go back up to that. You're telling me in the last, what, what's, what, what's the date on this in the last, Oh my,
Starting point is 01:27:11 in the last two months, he's traded 80 million. Yeah. And then it's gives you a breakdown and then you could even do it. Breakdown by like the stock and the value in which they have in, they hold in it. I think quiver quant is the same thing too. And there's other ones like this too, that you follow so if you want to you know don't get mad don't don't don't uh
Starting point is 01:27:31 hate the play i hate the game and you could come on here and you could essentially follow their give me an example of that well give me an example let's look at something most the most recent thing he's done give me an example of what's going on at disney sale fool what does that mean it means they sold his positions in disney and it was between one why is it between one and fifteen thousand why don't they tell us the exact amount well i mean you could probably go through and do a little dig a little deeper to find the exact amount but that's just the trade volume that was happening through disney and then you have google here which they purchased a bunch of stuff in google this one's unlisted for us for whatever
Starting point is 01:28:05 reason sold like that google one click view on google let me see uh details of the purchase they bought uh alphabet they exercised 200 call options um 20 000 shares 100 strike amount range between 1 and 5 million it's a pretty big range I wish I knew what all that meant you could see all their positions and what they're holding and how they're investing and they seem to be right
Starting point is 01:28:37 but oh yeah barbell spin is correct here the reporting is delayed so you're kind of looking in the rear view mirror which you got to be careful with because if they moved a bunch of money into something and then they moved it out because they knew that that was going to go bust then you might be behind too far to actually catch up on that you might lose uh rosie from rosie photography try milking cows at the age of seven baling hay in the summer picking picking stones, etc. Farmed raise is the best life.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Teaches hard work, that's right. Bet you she got crazy strong hands. Crazy. The greatest female arm wrestler who ever lived milked cows. Wish I could remember her name. Wish I could remember her name. Number 22. So before we play this number 22, let me read that one time. Pelosi traded semiconductor stocks right before her visit to Asia a few months ago.
Starting point is 01:29:44 She visited the plant where they were built to or something like that. Some of you are going to have trouble listening to this. You're going to immediately go on the defensive. I ask you not to go on the defensive and hear this guy out. Really here. Hold on. He's calling me. I can't talk right now.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I'll call back in a couple minutes. Yeah, some of you are really going to go on the defensive. Hear this guy out. If you believe in God, if there is a God, that God would have responsibility for everything that happens on this planet, in the universe, in the cosmos. And all existence falls under the dominion and responsibility of God. were a i don't know a wavelength a a um what's the word i'm looking for here if you wanted to tune into a radio station you have to get it dialed perfectly on the dial you turn it to the dial 97.7. And then when you get it perfectly frequency, thank you. You get, thank you. You get into that frequency. And when you have the
Starting point is 01:31:09 perfect frequency, you get the highest fidelity that comes out of that radio to your ears. And if you think that God is dialed into the frequency, and I know there's a lot of presuppositions and a lot, you have to suspend your imagination, but if God is on a frequency and in that frequency, we called it the ultimate personal responsibility, the ultimate personal accountability, it seems to all make sense. It's God. It's this omniscient being. So if you wanted to be close to God, where would you dial your frequency into? into. You would dial into becoming ultimately responsible and ultimately personally accountable for your being, for everything. Stub your toe, get robbed, lose a finger, win a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:31:56 You're just always, you are in a flow state of understanding that this is all stuff that you are personally responsible and accountable for. Okay. Action. And I teach this to everyone. You are God appearing as you. And in the one God, every man is God of his own experience. I'm not anybody else's God and nobody else is your God. But in the one God, which is really consciousness or self-awareness, every man is God of his own experience. But you see, this is another thing. People do not like to accept self-responsibility. People like to have a convenient devil that they
Starting point is 01:32:34 can blame when they are lazy and don't do what they could do for themselves. People like to have a devil that they can blame when they don't live up to the best that they could live up to. And when they do things that they shouldn't do so that they can say, as Flip Wilson says, the devil made me do it. And it is said also that the devil was seen sitting outside of the church crying his heart out one day down on the curbstone and just weeping and wailing. And so finally somebody went out and said, devil, why are you crying like that? He said, those people in that church, he said, everything that goes wrong, they put it on me. And it only goes to show you that human nature says that, well, I got to have a scapegoat.
Starting point is 01:33:10 But in this philosophy, there is no scapegoat. If you're not being, doing, and having the good you desire, it's not the white folks or the black folks. It's not the system. It's you. I am God. Number 23, Dream Rare. We had this guy on the show. Also, Matt Susan and I got to go down to Newport and hang with this dude. No, I didn't get to go. I didn't see him. I had to leave the day before.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. What a gift to humanity this dude is. I was bummed. What a gift to humanity. Okay, Clock Cutter, I see what you did there. I see what you did there. I see what you did there. I got you.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Breaking. A new center report concludes that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, likely resulted from a research-related incident. The report includes evidence of alarming biosecurity issues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Oh, now you're saying it came from a lab. What's weird, when we were all locked down and being treated like prisoners, Facebook and other big tech websites weren't allowing you to say that it might be a lab leak or have come from a lab. What's weird, when we were all locked down and being treated like prisoners, Facebook and other big tech websites weren't allowing you to say that it might be a lab leak or have come from a lab. Facebook ended a ban after a long time, asserting that COVID was man-made, and it took them quite a long time to stop censoring, covering up, and deleting videos, including 100% accurate videos like mine that they deleted with millions of views, for doing real journalism on the possibility that the lab was involved and it wasn't just the goofy bat story they were trying
Starting point is 01:34:49 to brainwash everybody into believing without questioning anything. I'm not saying these social media companies are in on it, but it certainly doesn't feel like they're not in on it. Covering up one of the main theories and kicking off groups of people who are trying to protest the lockdown. And let's remember what the word conspiracy actually means. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Not every conspiracy is just a theory. A group trying to do something unlawful or harmful in secret. Is that the Republicans or is that the Democrats? Maybe the Republicans are doing it, but who's been doing it for the last two years? Globalist.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Fine. Pick who you want. Label them how you want. I don't care. But be honest with yourself. Just be honest. There's a thousand things like this going on now. So many of you participated and were accomplices in this.
Starting point is 01:35:46 It's okay to say sorry. And normally, like I've said before, we don't require apologies. Who cares? People make mistakes. But the reason why the apology is important now for all of these things is so that it sets other people free to know that they can change their mind too. It's less of a sorry but an act of humility to come forward and set those around you free, that they made a mistake, that actually it was horribly wrong to cover anyone's face with a mask because all it did was hurt millions of kids and their ability to learn how to talk.
Starting point is 01:36:28 ability to learn how to talk. There were 12 studies out before we even put masks on adults around kids that showed that kids learn how to talk by reading lips. And yet you covered up everyone's face around them and you only hurt kids. And dude, that's a drop in the bucket. And you only hurt kids. And, dude, that's a drop in the bucket. It's fucking – it's so sad. It's so sad. Okay. Number 24, honesty.
Starting point is 01:36:54 Honesty, honesty, honesty. This one's interesting. Right? right it's like honesty is really easy just tell the truth but honesty doesn't have to happen in the moment so i went to see a friend of mine's play and it was easily the worst thing i've ever seen in my entire life walked out it was walked out. It would be awful. And at the end of the performance, I hung around with close friends and family in the foyer, and she eventually came out, still in costume, still in makeup. After the thanks for coming,
Starting point is 01:37:35 the first question was, what did you think? Now, I'm an honest person, but she's all jacked up on adrenaline. She's all jacked up on emotion. Now is not the time. But the problem is I can't lie. You know, we do it all. We lie all the time to protect other people's feelings. You know, you get given a gift. It's the ugliest sweater you've ever seen in your life. And they go, what do you think? You go, oh my God, I love it. Thank you. You don't love it.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Right? So say you love it to protect them. Right? But you don't have to be honest in the moment. So what I said was, oh my God, I'm so proud of you. It was so amazing to be here and watch you do your thing. I've never sat in the audience and seen you do your thing before. And it was so much joy to see you on stage. All of that was true. And that was it done. The next day when all the adrenaline had come down and there was no more emotion, I called her up and say, can I tell you what I thought of the play? She goes, yeah. And then I told her point by point why it sucked, but we had a, we had a rational conversation the next day. And I think we make this mistake all the time in our relationships, which is we think we have to be honest in the moment, but we don't read the room and understand that there's too much emotion involved.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Honesty always has to be honest. If you are not honest, it will eventually catch you. And by that, I mean, you don't need to be, it's not what people, I think most people think about honesty. It's not because it's bad or it's immoral or it's not nice to do to other people or that lines wrong. What will happen is, is when you lie, you start to keep a data bank of your lies. And every time you lie, imagine standing around you and every lie you tell puts up a bar, a bar of a cell. And once you've told enough lies, you have built a complete fucking cell around you. And you will be locked in. And even the lies you tell where you think you're being nice, you've locked yourself in.
Starting point is 01:39:26 There is no benign lie. There's no, I grew up around people who thought that they lied to be nice to people. It's just an excuse. Every time you lie, you lose a little piece of your integrity. It is so freeing when someone calls you and invites you over to their house just to tell them the truth. Not tonight. I'm just watching the fights. I don't want to know. Can I come over? Nah, I'm just by myself. And I use that as a real example. I'll even tell you this. It would be like I've invited Dave Castro to my house a thousand times to watch the fights. And he's always like,
Starting point is 01:40:02 no, fuck you, dude. I like to watch it in bed by myself. myself i don't want to i don't want anyone talking to me when i watch the fights don't ever fucking invite me again you know what i mean and it's like just be honest you will be surprised at the little lies that you tell every day if you stop doing that how free you will get every single one is a detriment to your own health. I'm understating the harm you do to yourself when you lie. And it also is the person who you're telling it to is usually appreciative of the honesty, even though it seems like you're going to let them down or disappoint them. Usually they're like, hey, get it. And then in retrospect, like, Hey, really, I appreciate the call that you let me know you weren't coming. Or I appreciate that you were
Starting point is 01:40:52 just like, Hey, no, I'm hanging at home today, but I really do appreciate the offer to invite me over because then they know that they're going to, you're going to be honest with them regardless. And so it actually deepens, it deepens the trust between you and that other person quite a bit too. They're either going to stop being your friend, who gives a fuck, or over time, the relationship is going to get really, really effective and proficient. I got this from Ben Bergeron, and it's so true, and he said, everything grows at the speed of trust. Everything. You want to be pegged by your wife make sure you tell her that before you fucking marry her don't be embarrassed hi uh i'm mr put david i'm mr pelosi i'm nancy i like to be pegged. She was cool with it, and look what's happened to their relationship. The rich is fucking powerful.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Corrupt, too. You will be so happy. Independent. You'll be so much happier. But most people, when integrity and trust grows in a relationship, it's a powerful relationship. Yeah. Go ahead, Susan. Well, I was going to say a lot of the times we lie, I know that like in terms of like the white lies or try to protect a lot of the times it's actually about protecting your feelings and the way you feel and not so much the other person. Give me an example.
Starting point is 01:42:12 So you just don't want to make it uncomfortable. Like if you're like, hey, you know, you're going to come out and go to the beach or something like that. And I'm like, you know, I just don't want to have that uncomfortable conversation. So I might say, yeah, I'm going to try to get out there a little later. I'll shoot you a text and let you know. And you're kind of just kicking the can down the road even though you may not have any intention of going down there so part of it is like you know you're like hey you're not gonna let me down necessarily we're just hanging at the beach doing my thing but i
Starting point is 01:42:35 want to make my self feel comfortable in this conversation so rather than just being honest i'm just gonna kind of tell that little white liar. 5% chance I'm coming to the beach. 5%. Yeah. I like the percentages too. I do that too. Maybe 5%, 5% chance I'm coming. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:51 About 15% chance we're hanging out tonight. And he, and those of you who ask people questions and you already know the answer you want, fuck you too. Like you're setting those people up to lie. The Kanye's thing is so good, but we don't have time for that. Number 31, it's back to the Donald Trump thing again.
Starting point is 01:43:17 People are saying he's racist and he didn't say anything racist. Hey, listen, it's not racist to say that the vast majority of engineers at Google are Indian. It's not racist to say that the vast majority of engineers at Google are Indian. It's not racist to say that black people appear to be better at basketball due to how many of them play in the NBA. It's not racist to say that Armenians eat baklava. It's not racist to say that Japanese people love their fucking rice. It's not racist to say that Jews run Hollywood. There's nothing racist about that.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Nothing. Nothing. These are just organizations of people based on their religion or their skin color and then doing the math. It's math. It's math after categorizing stuff by demographics. Nothing he said. The Jews run Hollywood. Correct. Blacks dominate the NBA. Yes. Mexicans work in the field in Salinas. True.
Starting point is 01:44:27 If the only thing racist about any of those is categorizing them outside of anything other than calling them people and if we want to do that fuck i'm game i'm in let's do it but it's it's fucking nuts it's nuts what's going on with conge and people saying he's making anti-semitic uh saying anti-seemitic things when he's just like everything I've heard is just stating facts. Mexicans love tacos. Yeah, fair, fair. I love tacos too. Yeah. I love Mexican girl.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Armenians love Mexican girls. Facts. Okay, but we'll have fun with that that that deserves its own show because there's so many fucking fun uh clips let's look at number 31 it says worst job in the world god we haven't done anything funny are you going to lecture me after the show no no no no i don't we haven't the topics haven't been incredibly like heavy or anything either so I think we're good. Oh yeah, this is... Oh yeah, so sorry, you had it up. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:35 That guy's job is to feed cobras. Are you fucking kidding me? He needs a union. He dropped a fucking cobra on the hey and you think it's just a one-off wait till he gets this in there wait to see the next thing he does watch this close that one you think he's done another one oh no
Starting point is 01:46:05 I am this is rough what the fuck is going on worst job in the world imagine knocking that thing over and having all those bins fall out um number 30 number 35 uh it was fucking brilliant elon musk walked into twitter the other day carrying a kitchen sink i'm guessing that was so good i've seen most of you have seen it but oh it's so crazy look at him uh for those of you who don't understand what he's
Starting point is 01:46:50 doing he's basically saying i'm getting rid of everything i'm getting rid of everything at twitter except the kitchen sink yeah and then i also like how he started it with let that sink in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like a dual. Oh, my goodness. Number 40, is this real? How important is somebody like Elon Musk right now? Oh, my goodness. You know, like how necessary is like him and Russell Brand and all these type of people that –
Starting point is 01:47:28 Oh, did we already look at this? Look at this guy. Is this real? Cyclist uses his knowledge of physics and aerodynamics to adopt a plank position and increase speed. I think I've seen that before, but not on here. This is nuts. It seems legit. What are the other riders thinking?
Starting point is 01:47:51 That he's going to fall. Yeah, that he's going to fall. That's crazy. Hey, watch at the end when he has to try to get back on the bike. That cannot be comfortable. Because those are, I think those are fixed pedals. That bike doesn't have freewheel. Oh, yeah, you're right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Look at the pedals spinning quick, too. Yeah, it does look like it. I think he passes the dude on the motorcycle. That's funny. How much did he practice that? That's fucking stupid. What the fuck? He fuck he's like well i'll catch you oh almost hit that oh oh oh he's slowing it down with his did you see that?
Starting point is 01:48:45 He'd be back back legs to slow down the back tire or use his back legs. He uses his legs to slide on the back tire so he could get the timing of the pedals. Right. Yeah. Totally living life on the edge. Yeah. Totally living life on the edge. I don't know if you're talking about that, but he isn't even wearing arm protectors.
Starting point is 01:49:03 What the hell is he thinking? I know the whole thing is nuts. Yeah. It's like those dudes that fly down those steep hills on the long boards yeah absolutely that stuff is insane who wears arm protectors when they're riding a bike she's a mom. Safety first. Elbow pack. Number 37, Poor Canada. Number 37. And then we'll probably go to... How are you guys on time? You guys good?
Starting point is 01:49:41 I'm fine. I kind of got to pee again. Okay, me too. Again, you already went once during the show? Yeah, when I jumped out real quick, but I made it seem like something else was happening. So you didn't say that we just started. And I just came from coaching, so I didn't have much transition time. Action. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Starting point is 01:49:59 And I listened to my colleague's speech. I had a constituent that wanted me to ask a question about outside interference to our democracy. Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, and he bragged how his subversive WWF, World Economic Forum, has quoted infiltrated governments around the world. He said that his organization had penetrated more than half of Canada's cabinet. I was wondering, in the interest of transparency, could the member please… I want to tell you that that's not hearsay. I saw Klaus Schwab say that too.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Yeah, there's a clip of it. You could look that up. That Trudeau and others in the Canadian cabinet are part of the World Economic Forum. So what this guy is saying is true. Maybe it's got a slight bend to it, sinister bend to it, because he said penetrated. But let us go on. Or not. Question and comment. 36 seconds, Caleb. 36. Please name which cabinet ministers are on board with the WEF's agenda?
Starting point is 01:51:06 My concern is the deputy. Order, order, order. I know the member was in a really good question there, but the audio is really, really bad, and the video is really, really bad as well. And I apologize. I don't know if the member. Okay. Let's try again. The honorable member for Timmons James Bay. And I apologize. I don't know if if the member. OK, let's let's let's try again.
Starting point is 01:51:28 The honourable member for Tim is James Bay. Mr. Speaker, that member is promoting open disinformation. That's not debate. We have to call it disinformation. We're going to get into debate again. The honourable member. Questions and comments. The honourable member for Lambton, Ken Middlesex. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I'm just thank you to my honorable colleague for her speech i'd like to ask her specifically because you talked about how this this uh piece of legislation does not it's crazy they cut that fucking guy off and said they couldn't hear him we could hear him fine yeah and then and then immediately follow it up with disinformation yeah quick yeah good point yeah that is true klaus schwab did use the word infiltrate that is actually true
Starting point is 01:52:12 okay so penetrated isn't sinister and have a right wing quack bent on it like so that's the thing it's not even conspiracy theory i do remember klaus schwab using that word infiltrated dude no one wants to hear the word infiltrated in their government being used in the same sentence. Like no one's sleeping better. Oh, the Smurfs have infiltrated the White House. I don't want fucking the Eminem guys infiltrating the White House. I don't want God infiltrating the White House. I don't want anyone infiltrating.
Starting point is 01:52:43 Don't you infiltrate yeah that's funny though that's such the playbook and it's weird that more people don't like wake up to it because every it's it's so obvious the first thing you do is label and then you discredit right oh you have a differing opinion oh you're bringing up speculation well label here you're a conspiracy theorist you're a racist you're a, label here, you're a conspiracy theorist, you're a racist, you're a misogynist, you're a whatever, fill in the blank. And then immediately followed by, well, now you're spewing out disinformation that's harmful to other groups. So now we've labeled you, said label, we've told you that the information you're spreading isn't true. And then we've also now determined that you are somehow harmful because
Starting point is 01:53:23 of your speculations. Yep. Welcome to 2022. Thought police. Well said. And it's our neighbors doing it. That's the craziest part. You don't even really need that much of a central authority anymore.
Starting point is 01:53:35 They just planted the seed over the last two years as society descended into chaos. And now they just let it all go. And then they continue the division between the people. God, Canada is so fucked. God i hope they they need a savior um uh they need someone who they they need to wake up to on their own number 43 uh do you know who would talk to this guy number 43 guy. Number 43. Okay, pause. His sign says, I have anxiety and depression and need someone to talk to. That's what his sign says. And he's a tall,
Starting point is 01:54:17 handsome man. Looks like Norway or something. Looks like some Finnish Nordic country. You better close the music, buddy. Sorry. Now he's holding a sign that says free money. And people stop. Oh, now he's got a whole crowd of people around him.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Yeah. Look at that. Okay, but now I think he's talking. Sorry. That's okay. Let's hear it. Let's hear it out. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:55:04 If we get a little copyright ding we'll just pull it down rarely anyone wants to speak to you you give out free money everyone wants to take and no one wants to talk to you uh you know who would talk to that guy? Savon Matosian. No, and a CrossFit affiliate owner. God damn it. Close, though. Always curious of people like that.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Number 45, Boys Will Be Boys. I'm going to try and wipe this up before you hit me with that. Okay? Ready? Yeah. I'm going to try and wipe this up before you hit me with that. Okay? Ready? Ready?
Starting point is 01:55:58 Ready? Don't hit my dad. What the fuck okay ready I'm gonna try and wipe this up before you hit me with that okay ready ready
Starting point is 01:56:18 she uses her ass to wipe it up wow dads are such dickheads too oh dads are dickheads oh my god dads are dickheads that's when usually the mom comes in and is like super pissed about the situation yes yes i did that i would do shit like that and just get yeah and the moms are right but it's still just bad thinking we're just boys we don't know how to think sometimes yeah uh number 50 would be funny uh number 51 i love uh i love this community 51 oh this is fucking hilarious these are people trying to roll a bar over themselves
Starting point is 01:57:09 this is fucking just absurd hey oh oh good job baby good lord I thought you were supposed to do it laying the other way this is the snicker challenge
Starting point is 01:57:34 not the peach challenge oh thank you oh god thank you for the much needed clarification yeah I didn't get that either I didn't get that either thank you for the much needed clarification there yeah i didn't get that either i didn't get that either thank you kayla yeah but yeah that makes sense oh that's funny all right sorry let me zoom in a little bit what what what gym is this anyone go to this gym i don't know can you scroll down and see oh good i liked it scroll up sorry other way other way crossfit calundra
Starting point is 01:58:08 crossfit calundra kudos to you guys for having fun that's funny that's fantastic uh monkey pox being elite anal beads did we already do anal beads i think oh yeah yeah oh no we didn't do this this is number 61 we did talk about number 61 we talked about this story a couple weeks ago yeah about the guy who was supposedly cheating in chess tournaments um using anal beads that somehow with like morris code they would shake and um and uh and tell him when to make the next move so i guess it is next uh event they actually did check his anus if you scroll down a little bit you'll see they're like look at he's got a mask on to do it scroll scroll down a little bit more i want to read what it says here uh just days
Starting point is 01:59:02 uh just days removed from being accused of cheating more than 100 times uh chess grand man master hans neiman was subjected to quite a thorough security scan the 19 year old has been embroiled in a chess cheating controversy for the past month with some fans believing he even used anal beads to give him an advantage i don't what how is that an advantage? I think somehow they were like, they were connected to someone. It's like a remote vibrator or something? A remote vibrator that would send him a Morse code
Starting point is 01:59:35 that would tell him where to move. That's dedication. Yeah. Good on him. Whatever it takes. He ain't cheating. He ain't trying. What a crazy thing to accuse someone of.
Starting point is 01:59:49 And it was over like a Skype call. He had no reference to accuse him of that. But he's like, yeah, definitely using anal beads for sure. That's funny. All right. That's funny. All right. That's it. Porn star fighting, old men, Democrats, CDC admits zero transmission protection from vaccine. We know all that.
Starting point is 02:00:18 You fucking liar. Oh, so much, so much to go through. Vaccine killed a guy. White people don't have freedom of speech at the end of the day okay number 108 at the end of the day i still have a big a big doc i think it's supposed to be cock this will be the last one brace yourself at the end of the day i still have a big doc is the d and the c key right next to each other they are i probably meant to cock. Let's see what this thing is.
Starting point is 02:00:46 108. Mate, I don't know what this is. Is there another slide? Oh, here we go. Okay, here we go. Hey, the call was broke down. Mm-hmm. The call was broke down. The car was broke down.
Starting point is 02:01:09 I'm going to say this. Please don't believe me. The later car was broke down. And I told her, listen, I could start your battery for you. She said, we need jumper cables. I said, no, you don't. I put my hands on the battery. I got this little thing that I do.
Starting point is 02:01:24 I told her, give me the keys. I jumped in there and cranked the car. She said, you my angel. I said, speak on a battery. I got this little thing that I do. I told her, give me the keys. I jumped in there and cranked the car. She said, you my angel. I said, speak nothing of this. This lady, this lady, car was broken. You did not start no car battery with your very hands. If I didn't, may God murder my children. I don't even, I hate that I even spoke about this.
Starting point is 02:01:41 If I didn't, may God murder my children. No, don't say that. Please, kill them today. Right now, today. You did not start that. Man, my heart go out to everybody in Louisiana that lost something.
Starting point is 02:01:55 Some people make you mad if you even pray for them. I'm on the phone talking to my sister. You hear me? Babe, do you need anything? Her family in the background hooping and hollering time out he could at least be down here and he'll do something okay okay okay i don't even know why
Starting point is 02:02:13 i picked that what no i what was what's going on there i think basically this guy is a famous rapper and he thinks he started he thinks he can start cars just by putting his hands on the car battery like he thinks he's jesus who is the rapper let me see kevin gates kevin gates people are saying in the comments i don't know live call there's no such thing as a quick question or a quick answer tony andrews uh caleb presley from barstool sports had a funny interview with kevin gates yesterday Andrews. Caleb Presley from Barstool Sports had a funny interview with Kevin Gates yesterday. Interesting. So I guess that is some sort of famous rapper who thinks he can start cars
Starting point is 02:02:56 with his bare hands. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Tomorrow we have on the strength and conditioning coach from the UFC Performance Institute in Las Vegas and I am so fucking pumped to speak
Starting point is 02:03:14 to him what is tomorrow tomorrow is the first it's Tuesday yeah oh no we don't no we don't yeah yeah we we have him just not until Wednesday oh shit Gavin Pratt do we really do we have Brian? Is Brian coming on tomorrow? What would the show even be about?
Starting point is 02:03:28 Aren't we done talking about CrossFit? There's a bunch of topics that Brian had sent to me in an email, so I was going to chat with him today and kind of see what we wanted to put together. Okay. Maybe we'll do an affiliate interview tomorrow. I'm not sure. Thank you, everyone, for checking in. Spiegel, I appreciate the $19.99, not sure. Thank you everyone for checking in. Spiegel.
Starting point is 02:03:45 I appreciate the 1999. Like always love you guys. And Caleb, thank you, Susan. Thank you. Talk to you guys later. Bye.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Bye. How do you.

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