The Sevan Podcast - #661 - Live Call In Show w/ Gary Roberts

Episode Date: November 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Thank you. It reminds me of when that Vicky chick. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I can't remember us saying anything bad about them either. remember us saying anything bad about them either it's so weird because i'm i'm such a uh first of all i think if i had a body like this i would dress significantly closer to how she dresses than how i dress like if i had a nicer body like like look at these guys you just don't see me with my shirt off a lot because I just got like. But you know those tailpipes you put on really loud? I have a tailpipe on my motorcycle that's so fucking loud that no one, and it backfires. It's like a $1,200, $1,500 custom-made titanium pipe.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I forget the name of the company. But basically, when I go riding, no one wants to ride behind me. Especially on the front. Oh, you get destroyed. And my Harley is so fucking cool. It's really low to the ground it's all fucking black it's it's it's got the absurdly large engine in it uh over 2000 cc's and that's kind of what danny is and i was just trying to like think if she because she said in that post she doesn't want people to talk about her body i just that's her biggest selling point well i i just i just cannot fucking believe what are we
Starting point is 00:02:12 supposed to talk about here the lemons i mean that's the whole point of this photo the juxtaposition of these rocks and these yellow lemons and these waves and then her titties and then like the way this thing like the way her lies are uh lies the way her lies come out of her mouth the way her thighs are folded her direct look into the camera i i just don't um oh okay who likes calling oh this is a post about doctor's appointments about steady md i bet i thought i thought i thought it was about to show off all the hard work and dedication she's put into her body yeah she has to be lying i'd be willing to bet um i'd be willing to bet i don't know what's this one about my um uh some of my favorite messages
Starting point is 00:03:02 i get are from women who say i've given them confidence in their own bodies oh so she does want people to talk about her bodies i wear shorts to the gym now because i've learned to love my thick thighs well i've always loved them i no one had to teach me i'd never had to learn to love them i from a young age i like giraffes and i like cockroaches i i used to have cockroaches and i would have loved to have had a fucking giraffe this picture the first thing i look at is alec uh smith's pants to see if he has a big dick or not i cannot lie and i go to and i go to her second and then the next thing i notice is that she's not wearing makeup, and I think she's prettier. She looks more au naturel here.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I like that shit wild myself. I don't mind a dread in the back and a big old bush. This is about the shoes right here. Oh i would never have guessed um this i'm also so much less likely to read the captions this is about the gains box that she got or no wait what is that uh food this has to do with food i just i think she's either lying or she's playing a trick on us. For those of you who don't know what I'm referencing, I'm referencing this post she made about people talking. Someone said, do you get tired of people commenting? Oh, Gary's here.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Hi, Gary. Yo, yo, yo, yo. What's up? Bringing it. bringing it. What's up, bro? We'll get back to Miss Spiegel later. No, no, I want to hear what you're – Oh, just not me. Just not me.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Okay, what were you going to say, Gary? You said for those of you not sure what I'm referencing, you were about to explain. I was trying to get caught up what oh so this um this this uh uh successful crossfit athlete has this instagram account that's like um back in the 80s they would have called it like i don't know what they would have called it maybe it would have been pornography or soft porn but basically basically now it's just called instagram and it says someone asked her this she said do you get tired of people commenting on your body sebon podcast for example and then she wrote of course i do but it's not going to stop but what but did you see her instagram account what's her
Starting point is 00:05:41 it's like me not wanting people to comment on my motorcycle being loud but i have that tailpipe on it i live in an area where there's a lot of hell's angels and they ride around town especially in the summer and they um and they wear their jackets and you can stare at them all you want they know what the fuck's going on they're not like don't stare at me i'm a hell's angel what's her instagram i can't see uh danny uh d-a-n-i spiegel it'll come up quick she's got a shitload of followers over a million followers and then she says of course i do but it's not going to stop so i've learned to just deal with it i've long accepted that any man who has the audacity i think that means she's not used to guys who who can speak up for themselves i think
Starting point is 00:06:23 she might be against that. To get on a public platform. Okay, so she's okay with it done. What that says is that she's okay with people talking about her behind her back and speak ill of women, which is just blatantly sexist because you should – if you're going to speak ill of people, it should not be determined based on their genitalia especially if he's talking about her body i just maybe she was not referencing me i didn't even think of that maybe she maybe someone else on the show said something maybe she really likes me maybe i'm i'm reading into it too much are you saying she shouldn't be flaunting it no no i know she i'm she can do absolutely whatever she wants i have zero issues with it i just find some uh some two things i find i find it being lying because how can you have a whole instagram account of pictures of yourself that are so fucking crazy provocative provocative in
Starting point is 00:07:21 the sense that they are highlighting her body, knowing that there's millions of men out there, billions who like women and who are crazily attracted to women who are put on this earth to mate with women. But then she says she jumps to the conclusion that we spoke ill of her body, which makes me then think, oh, she I mean, her account already shows signs of a little bit of a mental illness, but I don't know her. So I can't know that for sure. But, but then on top of that, to jump to the conclusion that someone said something ill of her body, and then now she's responding to herself. So she's, she's talking to herself. That's the whole, that's the whole thing with going on with the woke crowd. Right. And it's not just the woke crowd. A lot of people do that.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They talk to themselves. They have a response to something like for instance someone cuts you off on the freeway and you have this response that you're offended and so you respond not to them that they cut you off but to the fact that you were offended and so then you flipped them off and now you're in an echo chamber so i i but it's so it's it's so fucking crazy to think that I would say anything bad about her body. I was in an REI one time shopping with my wife. says, I said, oh, those pants make your butt look small. And the lady said, yeah, those pants do make your butt look small. And so she's like, they look great on you. And my wife looked over at her and said, no, he doesn't want my butt to look small. I'm like, yeah, we're CrossFitters. She worked hard. The pants shouldn't make her butt look small. And I realized, oh shit, this woman thinks that, like she thought like I was saying that as a compliment you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:09:05 and i wasn't saying that as a negative thing but as an observation but she jumped to the conclusion same thing i was ironically i was at a tony budding's wedding in 2010 there were probably 500 people there probably the entire l1 training staff was there and there was a volleyball game budding's wedding yeah oh man and and and i and there was my wife sitting on my lap out on the grass and there's a volleyball game going on at the wedding and um uh i told i squeezed hayley's butt i felt it and i go man your butt's getting big and this lady next to me goes you think that's okay to say to a woman you think and she goes she just exploded on me. And my wife turns to me and goes, I've been trying to build up my glutes.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I've been doing hundreds of air squats and weighted squats for a couple years now. It's not an offense. And it was a trip. It's a trip when people do that. They just read into things. It's a trip when people do that. They just read into things. Little boys will continue to hate and inappropriate behavior to try and promote their own platform.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I definitely don't want to hate as a mechanism for promoting my own platform. So I think that's wrong. A little boy comment I can take. I have super high levels of immaturity. And it's on them if they want to be shitty. I've never been – well, I'm not being shitty to you now, but I'm being – okay, I'll take it. I'm being shitty. And it's on me to not let it affect my soul. I don't know what a soul is, but it is on you to not let it affect my soul i don't know what you're i don't know what a soul is but it is on you to not let it affect um something but you could just take it as a
Starting point is 00:10:52 compliment i i don't understand is it because you just want to play the victim i don't i don't get it i need to speak you brought me on as a guest let me have an opinion please yes go i apologize thank you take fucking control gary go yeah okay i'm on this girl's account i'm checking it out and it seems somewhat cleaner than you led me to believe oh okay like she's definitely using her body to market herself but i've seen far worse if you go down the rabbit hole of oh let's say worse you've seen far more explicit let's not say worse yeah i'll be judgmental gary what i'm saying is i've seen far more trying to exploit the the use of the body to get you to click on only fans or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:39 this is more like treating the body as art it's's a work of art. Great, great, great. I agree with you. I was comparing to what people might have thought in the 80s. I agree with you. I have no pushback there. Keep going. I was talking about in the 80s that this may have been the cover of some – this one right here may have been the cover of some porno box
Starting point is 00:12:03 when you used to walk into video stores. That's all I'm saying. Or this one right here, this could have been Halloween with your neighbor, and it could have been the cover of some porno. That's all I'm saying. But I agree. There was one over here we were just complimenting, Gary. Okay, sorry, Gary. I'm talking again.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Go ahead. I like watching her eat pizza. That's all I see. That's a great photo. I like watching her eat pizza. That's all I see. That's a great photo. This – you brought up an interesting point, and I'd just like to comment.
Starting point is 00:12:47 There is like this – I feel like as a man, we are – we're in this weird world where like we're not allowed to comment on the body, but yet they use the body to mark it but we're not allowed to say anything and it feels like unfair you recognize the play you recognize the playboy bunny here right yeah i thought that was a trifecta ad what do you mean playboy and you know playboy was a magazine that um in the 80s little boys jerked off to right they don't anymore and and right here she she addresses a possibility of y'all ever want to talk about is when i'm starting my only fans i mean she's provocative yeah i mean and clearly she worked hard for this body hey you think she pegs you think she pegged Heber and Marsden? Nah, they got friend-zoned for sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Hey, Savant, can I change the subject? Of course, of course. I hate looking at super hot chicks and controversial topics. Before we get into why I'm on the show, I just want to say that I clicked on your Rich Froning video. It says the champ returns. And I got to be honest, that really makes me happy. I've always been a fan of Rich Froning.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Ever since you introduced me to CrossFit, he was one of the very first videos I looked up. You, of course, taught me who Rich Froning ever since you introduced me to CrossFit. Here's one of the very first videos I looked up. You, of course, taught me who Rich Froning was. And I just want to comment on the Masters thing. When I worked for CrossFit, so many years, the individual athletes didn't think like, oh, I'll never compete Masters. But I personally believe that could be the greatest thing, movement of all time for like him to support Masters and to see more media supporting the Masters.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I mean, as we push the limits of what the body is capable of, it's just as impressive to watch people going know, people going at it, you know, in the upper age category. So I'm really excited to hear that he's considering the individual master category. Uh, yeah, that, that is awesome. One final thing. This is also posted on Danny Spiegel's and she's saying, uh, say their names, black Lives Matter. I highly recommend this man right here, Michael Brown. I highly recommend you go watch every single video you can about him. And I choose all the liberal media news outlets. She's supporting Michael Brown. It's the biggest name on here.
Starting point is 00:15:19 This is fucking batshit crazy. This guy went into a fucking liquor store and beat up a fucking immigrant and robbed the store in fucking broad daylight. And when the cops pulled – and he's 6'5", 300 pounds. And when the cops asked him to come over to the car, he reached in the car and tried to grab the cop's gun. Don't say the cop. Your brother's, your dad's, your nephew's gun. Dad's, your nephew's gun. Tried to reach into the cop car, and she, this is, she's fucking mentally ill as a motherfucker. I think it's just the populace.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I honestly don't think any of them are actually that educated on it. I think they're just like social media people. So like the river's flowing this way, and we all hop on and jump on our tubes and flow down it unconsciously you think the same reason she's compelled to post this photo is the same reason she's compelled to support a cop killer yeah 100% it's like all right i mean cop killers your words they may have a different agenda but yeah my words my words 100% yeah but that's what i think i think a lot of of people don't put too much thought into it. They just want to kind of go with the flow and not rock the boat
Starting point is 00:16:29 and make sure that their following continues to grow and get likes. I hope she does nothing to change her account, but keep wearing smaller and smaller clothes. I love her fucking body. It's fucking amazing. It's an outlier for sure. And she obviously has worked hard and i hope she's
Starting point is 00:16:46 an inspiration to other people um being strong and healthy and i hope she comes on the show that would be cool too but i also for her own for her own sake i hope she gets out of the fucking echo chamber because the world is so much fucking cool oh shit yesterday i looked she had 1.1 million followers now she has 1.2 savage gary you're back in your is it freezing where you're at gary what's up man hi my children are still sleeping so i'm again in the garage although the last time i was out here my family said that they heard me because i was speaking so loud because i'm so into what is going hey who is jeff biocho um he's on your he's like on your comments a lot the last video i was on
Starting point is 00:17:35 he's on your comments now he's like a mega fan the dude's he's a bot he's a bot well here he here he is putting us down like this is a round table of phds he he only likes to listen to the indoctrinated he doesn't like free thinkers i can't tell so he's a hater uh no but he comes up with some creatives look at this is seven you should do a poll um uh you should where is it uh it's crazy you should do a poll on who of us has pleasured ourselves to danny spiegel pics okay can we do that fine caleb's fine i approve of that i approve of that i've never gone to her web i've never gone to her instagram account and had a one fucking negative thought based on what i saw on the Instagram account ever.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I've never looked at her and had one negative thought. There's nothing she does that brings any negativity out of me, except for when something comes out of her mouth. Bro, the entire model of Instagram is to talk about drama. It doesn't matter what you said. If you said anything, they'll comment on it, create a social media post on it, content on it. That's how the machine works, man. Oh, my tits are sore.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Seve, can I ask you something before we get into – Please. What is your end goal with the Sevan podcast? Are you wanting to be like the Joe Rogan of fitness? Is that the you are you wanting to be like the joe rogan of fitness not wanting to not not wanting to be rb and is done boxes like no i don't want to do that i don't want to i don't want to be stuck in this fucking category forever although i'm enjoying it more and more i'm enjoying it more and more like if at first i enjoy uh have you pleasured yourself to the beacon of morality too early too early we only got 16 votes get that we got to get like 50 votes on there okay we'll check it we can check
Starting point is 00:19:35 it throughout the show we can check it throughout the show i haven't voted yet how much how much streaming do you do a week like how much are you every every day it's it's a daily show daily daily some yesterday was two shows holy shit man and the the what i'm doing is i mean basically all i know is crossfit because i've been doing it for 15 years right and i and i in every position from fucking the guy who cleaned the bathrooms to basically being the right hand man to the ce forever and largest content producer in the history of the journal was there from in charge of everything that was forward facing to the outside world was there from 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms on all seven continents.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And so basically in, in some fucking silo, I'm an expert in the – I don't know exactly what silo, but in the realm of CrossFit. And I'm so proud of the fact that it pushes the cure for the world's most vexing problem so I can rest my head at night every night going to sleep saying, okay, I'm saving lives. This is something my kids would be proud of. This will be something when I go to heaven and God says, what did you do? I saw right here, you threw a rock through a window. I could be like, yeah, but over here I, I, I shared the CrossFit protocol with some people. You know what I mean? And yeah, it cancels itself out. And then I get through the pearly gates where me and Danny are naked.
Starting point is 00:21:04 The last time she carries me around the last time I was on your show, you told me I was going to get a whole caboodle of CEO shirts and I have yet to receive them. They're in the mail. They're in the mail. You're not the only one. Hey, will you text me your address after the show?
Starting point is 00:21:24 And I will make sure I'll make sure uh you get them your dress and your size and your wife's size she probably doesn't want to wear one is your wife mad at me still no i think i think i think we've moved on from that she did message you again one time very nice very very nice dm i was like dude you gotta stop message savannah every time you're annoyed with me she thinks that we get into some sort of debate but it's the testosterone speaking she's like the testosterone is giving you an anger problem oh i'm like listen no i'm just frustrated because certain things have rose and these issues have existed. Previous TRT, you can't go blame the testosterone.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm just like, we just can't seem to get along with, we're going to parenting therapy. We cannot agree on how to raise children. Oh, my wife and I didn't fight for, so my wife and I have been together over 20 years. We fought for the first 10 years. The next five years we lived in absolute fucking bliss. And then we had kids and the fights came back because we can't agree. I mean, it's, it's, they're not, it's not even big. It's not even big issues.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Wait till they get older. And like the, and she sees you have a boy and a girl, Gary, a boy and a girl. Yeah. She'll try to protect the boy. She'll try to protect the boy. Like they try to protect the boys. Like it's their, but it's their job. I just fucking be like, I'll get you later, boy. I'll get you later.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yeah. We've had two issues, the sex and the children. And I think the sex issue we've, we've come to some, an agreement, but the children we're going to therapy every Wednesday night to discuss is it fun? I don't know if it's working I think I would like therapy
Starting point is 00:23:15 except the whole time I'd be in there I'd be like oh fuck I should be fucking paying this money to Caleb I would have fucking given him a cent I should I should really i should really i would just it would eat away at my fucking jew soul i'm an armenian man with the jew soul you could talk about it way at it you could talk about it there maybe you'd feel better about it after you
Starting point is 00:23:38 my prime my my prime problem is that like if the kid cries i I'm like, hey, you don't get that right now. Tough. And she just will cater to any tear. And she says I'm mean. How old is your baby? She's eight months. Hey, dude, I don't think – I think that they're – I think they're hardwired to – I don't think you can fix that. I don't mean to argue her limitations or anyone's limitations, but I think when the baby cries, the mom has a physiological response.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I know. So this one time, he was throwing a tantrum. He was hitting his sister, and I was like, hey, no hitting your sister. How old is he? He's two and a half. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That has to be squashed. And I gave him a little time out.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And then when he was perfectly smiling when it was over. And then when he came around the corner, he saw his mom through the glass door. He just immediately broke down and had like this fake tantrum. I was like, he's totally manipulating you. He was smiling 10 seconds earlier. And she's like, he wouldn't open the door. And I was like, open the door. Let him open the door. He's opened the door a thousand times. I'm not opening the glass door for him. And she goes, you're so mean. You're so mean. He's got to have a parent that's nice to him. And I was like, I just told him, I said, Hey bro, I don't care how much you're tantruming. You open your own door. And so we had this whole therapy session on whether I was
Starting point is 00:25:10 invalidating his feelings because I called his tantrum fake news. Hey, so do you know what I hear there? So here's the, here's why, here's why my wife and I never fought for five years, because whenever we would have a disagreement, we could stay focused on the disagreement. So if it was like, Hey, don't open the window in the morning, I'm just making that up. And she'd be like, no, open the window and, and, and, or whatever. And I'd be like, she might be like, it's going to let in flies. And I said, that's okay. It's more important.
Starting point is 00:25:41 We have fresh air and we would go back and forth and stay focused on the issue. But the second she says, you're mean, you're no longer talking. And that's the whole problem with all debate. She is no longer having the discussion. And with you, she's now attacking you. And you can't do that. You'll never, there's no end to that. Well, that's the whole point of the therapy is i was like listen man you can disagree
Starting point is 00:26:06 all you want but every time you tell in front of my son that i'm being terrible to him you're bad you're yes you're setting this thing that when he's 10 he's gonna be like oh i have a terrible father well he's gonna learn to manipulate the world based on what the two of you are interacting he won't even he won't even do it thinking whether it's good or bad. He'll just start doing it to – they just want to get what they want. They're just trying to get protection and food, right? As a baby, you just want protection and food. Anyways, we get in these big discussions.
Starting point is 00:26:39 She's like, oh, you're getting angry. The TRT, man. I'm going message sub on. I'm like, I'm like, the sisters existed before the TRT, but I'm just,
Starting point is 00:26:56 I'm finally, what's the, what's the, I guess maybe you guys have to figure out what the end goal with the baby is. Is it to make them independent, capable and loving uh contributor to society here's the thing here's the thing seven she she grew up with no role rules no like only child no just her parents were very soft on her. And yet she still did her homework.
Starting point is 00:27:26 She was the girl who did excelled and achieved without ever anyone having to be like, you know, she just did what was right most of her life. And I'm like, well, not everyone is going to be like you. You know, if you don't wake a kid up to go to school, they're not going to always get up on their own. And if they say no, you've got to be like, tough, going to school. And she thinks because she automatically just did what you should do as a child and never gotten in trouble that others will do that. And I was like, I think you're a rare species. Most people need to be driven a little bit. And I'm a little harder, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:13 So we both want the end goal. It's just how do you get there is the issue. But I digress. Let's talk about. Crossfit. Hey, let's, let's start with the,
Starting point is 00:28:31 has the TRT made you more aggressive? Is there any validity to what she's saying? I would say there, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Seven. So.ary is extremely intense i agree jeffrey yeah yeah that came up when we had when we got together we had deal breakers and her deal breakers was like hey i want babies and i deal breakers i need the hot lovins from the missus you know what i mean right and part of the reason i because i slipped on my oh i promised to stay fit season two i promised to stay fit and when i started slipping on my fitness i stopped being as like pushing for that lovins because i was like i'm not really holding up my end
Starting point is 00:29:27 so i kind of backed off but i started doing crossfit in may and once i started getting fit again and rocking crushing life i started being like hey where's my lovins yeah yeah yeah i started being a little i started being a little more aggressive because I'm like I'm now holding up my end I'm getting back into shape now you gotta hold up your end and so I've been more pushy and she's thinking it's it's the TRT but it's really just I'm now doing what I said I'm getting fit again and anyway so the timing of it is being confusing and you've even said that on the show I've said hey how's the TRT working you're like I don't know and I said how can you not know and you said because these are the same physiological responses I got last time I started CrossFit
Starting point is 00:30:30 i got last time i started crossfit right exactly but i i would say i feel amazing dude i'm oh i gotta push record on this other camera hold on is this andrew hiller we're talking to isn't it weird that they both feel amazing where's my puss? These comments have just been cracking me up. Hey, is this – if I can meet – I would really like to meet Trish. That account is doing like what I would have just – I would love to be just – Is that the real picture? Because the profile picture versus what's being said throws me off. It's like the LinkedIn profile picture. No, that's just – it's just a troll account, but it's just a fucking brilliant account. It is just so.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Trish is a troll? Yeah, Trish is. They're almost all. The only person on here is not a troll. I'll show you who's not a troll. This dude. That's it. The rest are just fucking trolls.
Starting point is 00:31:18 On the last video, Trish said Gary. I should call this the troll podcast. Say that again, Gary. By the way, they're not trolls. This is like a family here. I'm being completely fucking facetious. Almost everyone here I feel like is my friend. It's a bizarre world.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I feel like I'm a 16-year-old boy that got sucked into the internet. Go ahead, Gary. The best comment on – I just refreshed last podcast we were on so I could make sure I wasn't overlapping on my discussion. And Trish – I copied this. Trish said, Gary is basically a dairy cow at this point. Keep him milked or he gets sassy. Or he gets sassy. And I would say it's pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Hey, we should have played Jeopardy, Gary. And you should have told us one of the commenters said that. And then we tried to guess who. I would have guessed bako for sure okay how can i how often how often is there a cadence you like to have sex to like every other day or every once a week or i thought you meant during the act like we are sure we are trying to i kind of would prefer every other day and she's really pushing for every other, other day. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I'm not, it's like every other day is fair to me. Three times a week, I would be plenty. What about like three on one off and just go CrossFit style? Hey, do you require her to part? Do you care if she participates it's it's not necessarily the participation it's the negativity i don't want to see right because i don't care if my wife participates like you could be indifferent i just yeah indifferent you could be indifferent i'm cool like you know it's three in the morning and you don't want to
Starting point is 00:33:05 wake up i'm cool just give me the angle i need that's all yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean i really think i'm pretty fair about it like i just say here's that is that is a lot for a married couple i think like there was every other day i think is a lot for a married couple at your age i think it's a lot like there's oh this is this is a good time i don't think it's too much i'm not saying it's too much listen listen we went to the crossfit games we went to the crossfit games in 2018 and she bought some games booty shorts yeah and man they've been in the drawer and we were finally unpacking i pulled these booty shorts out. And I was like, oh, my gosh, you got to put these on.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And she goes, I'm not putting those on. I said, you got to put them on so I can just tear them off because I want to see your butt in these booty shorts again. And so the subject got put aside. Well, anyways, she goes, she forgot about them. And the one, like a week later, when we're about to get some lovins i pulled out the booty shorts i said put these on first so i can just slide them to the side and she's like oh god and i was like is that a good thing if your wife says like if my wife said
Starting point is 00:34:19 oh god i'd be like yeah no that's not a good thing. Okay. I said, God damn it. I said, forget about it. And I threw the booty shorts at her and I left the room. She goes, why are you getting all fired up? It's the TRT. And I said, cause I just throw the booty shorts overhand or underhand sleeve shot as a matter of overhands. TRT for sure. TRT for sure. I said, God, why didn't you just put on the booty shorts It'd be four extra seconds
Starting point is 00:34:47 Jesus Don't complain about it Anyways long story short We got the booty shorts on the next session And my god they were hot Oh that's awesome You did That had a happy ending that story
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah but like just three nights ago I said would you prefer like a set schedule or would you? She goes, whatever, whatever. I would prefer whatever it is where we don't fight about sex. I said, well, then just. Oh, I like her. I like her. That's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Just be awesome. Stop complaining about it. Jesus, Gary. And you wonder why she's not interested. Yes. What do you mean? Wait, what? I know. I don you wonder why she's not interested yes i have what do you mean wait what i no i don't get why she's not interested he overran through the booty shorts so we got in a fight we got i talked her into starting crossfit with me so she's been going for the last two weeks and uh i used to say when she wasn't going to the gym, I used to say,
Starting point is 00:35:49 you know, cross like sex is like working out, you know, let's get some, just so people know, uh, Gary's Gary's wife is a, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:57 overachiever, uh, extremely intelligent, fucking, uh, high income generator and a fucking, I think she was a collegiate athlete a rower right yeah right yeah she's no fucking joke she's she's like uh don't she she would be perfect if uh she
Starting point is 00:36:14 is she still is she still believing in indoctrination camps and shit like that like sending kids to school or is she slowly starting to realize that she's going to let your boy wear dresses. I mean, we both have kind of evolved to like a China raise a family as hard work on its own. Avoid the noise. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Focus on our, but let me finish the story. So I take it or CrossFit. I take it or CrossFit. Oh, so you choose to not like my analogy that like, hey, since you're not going to the gym, let's bang. And it's a good workout. She's like, nah, nah, nah, nah. So then last week on a Thursday, we go to CrossFit class. And then like two hours
Starting point is 00:36:58 later, I'm trying to get some lovins. And she, again, she goes, goes ah i already worked out tonight i went to the gym with you and i was like what i said you never told me i said then two in one two days so anyway she didn't want to have lovins because she went to crossfit and i said i would have never if i knew that you were going to cut me off because you were going to CrossFit, I would have never taken you back to the gym. Hey, congratulations on getting her to go to CrossFit with you. I know deep down inside you must be fucking absolutely ecstatic about that. Well, not if I'm getting cut off in the bed. Hey, what about getting her blood – what about we have California Hormones check her blood levels and give her a small little dose of the TRT, just a little smidgey?
Starting point is 00:37:54 That's a battle for another. Okay, I got to get into the topic. I want to talk a little bit about the CrossFit community, Iron Valley CrossFit, where I've been going. So something strange happened, man. One day I go into the gym, Travis Mead of Iron Valley CrossFit, he tells me this is the toughest gym in the area. I really program hard. And it turned out to be true. He really does have like tough programming, but for like a month, I was like the new guy. And I looked around and there wasn't a lot of conversating going on.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And I was like, Oh, when is that? Like something in the last few months, I looked around and suddenly there's newer people and I'm the guy like, Oh, like I'm starting to know people starting to communicate. It's really been a change in like feeling like I'm connecting to the community and the people making a couple of friends. And it's like, Oh wow, this is kind of cool. I feel in fact, I'm kind of, I feel like i'm the guy who's like calling people out even though i know i'm not the fittest i don't like one of the least fit i still joke around like there's this guy
Starting point is 00:39:14 came out of the onboarding young guy and uh i was like he should be fitter than me but i said this is your first workout i'll beat your ass trt that's the trt trt talking i like yes yeah so now like in the last month and a half we've been like competing like going at each other and he'll beat me like seven reps and i'll beat him like seven reps last night he beat me by like one round but it's like i think i'm getting this guy fitter because i'm driving miguel miguel shout out to miguel i'm getting you fitted bro because i'm pushing you but at the same time i'm like at the last show we were on you told me to put a little asterisk by my name i'm like driving to like i tell people i beat your ass today like i'm a cheater right trt is cheating
Starting point is 00:40:09 no no competition you're good that's what that's oh that's why just do it just put an asterisk by your name then yeah i'm scared i'm becoming friends with all these people but i have not i have so i told travis like in the very beginning i'm gonna take like but he didn't know me when i dropped in this gym i was like oh we're doing this project and trt but i at trt like slipped up like went over like he didn't catch it but it's like now we're becoming tighter the people but i have not i have not said anything i don't know what people are gonna think but did miguel say that though let me get back in the story did miguel say to you hey dude you gotta put an asterisk by your name no he doesn't know oh you're good you're good you're good yeah
Starting point is 00:40:57 but he's gonna find out and he's gonna say when you beat me by seven reps, it doesn't count. 37% of the listeners of this show pleasure themselves to Danny Spiegel's Instagram. 60 votes is legit. That's legit now. Let's keep going. Let's keep going. If you haven't voted, please vote. Please vote, guys. I want this to be extremely scientific.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And this is going to make me decide whether I take the vaccine or not. Every vote matters here. Yes. No, it's definitely not cheating. That's completely insane. Completely insane. It's all good. Half the people in your gym are on medication probably.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I feel like it's my dark secret and I'm not ready. I come on here and I'm talking to you freely about it, but I'm at the gym. I'm just developing relationships friend like i just got two phone numbers we're texting we just started a nutrition challenge and uh i don't know it's just weird like i i guess i gotta start saying it outside of your podcast but it's what are what are you noticing what are you noticing from the trt so i feel like you know you said like a high performance car if you hit a you were talking
Starting point is 00:42:17 on rich froning you said a high performance car if it hits a speed bump it will still jack it up right like an indie car can go 200 miles an hour but if it hits a speed bump it will still jack it up right like an indie car can go 200 miles an hour but if it hits a pothole it's toast whereas your volkswagen beetle can hit it yes so like with the combination of the crossfit and the trt and eat and clean i eat poorly it's like the car crashes so it's like as long as i if i eat like shit it just derails the whole system like you think that's because you're older you're more sensitive to that you think you'd have been sensitive to that 15 years ago i i don't i don't know but i do know that the minute I get back on track, I say, oh, my God. I seem to bounce back quicker.
Starting point is 00:43:10 It's like the car comes back together. Get back on the rope. It's like, oh, that was scary. I thought we were jacked up. It really does make a difference, this whole nutrition business in your performance but you're still you're still in denial that the trt is having any uh any uh effect on on i didn't say i didn't say denial i just i think i'm recovering okay i just had a update and i found out that when i first started the trt my testosterone levels two 280 276 do you know what that means i i just know it's a number it's it's between 275 and 277
Starting point is 00:43:55 yeah if you're under 300 i was told that that's low testosterone Standby. And now I've been doing it for four, five months, and the last blood count was 1168. So my testosterone has risen 800 points. 900 points. Caller, hi. Hey, what's going on, guys? Hi. Gary, what type of testosterone are you on dude it's like a combination of like cocaine and like meth dude your energy is through your fucking roof my guy
Starting point is 00:44:33 he was always like this he's always been a very high energy present person dude i bet his boner is like a fucking piece of kombu-y wood from the Philippines because that's why his wife's like no loving. It's probably just a hardcore sledgehammer, Gary. Oh, Gary, you got a little V going on in your back. Yeah. Did you ever see Killing the Fat Man, that series? Never. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Well, it's the most popular series in the history of CrossFit that's non-games related. If you type in Killing the Fat Man, there's two seasons. And you'll see, you can see Gary's journey from when he was, you know, nearing 300 pounds to when he first got into CrossFit. And he's always been extremely transparent and high energy. But what I do notice is different is he's extremely positive. He's always been pretty positive, but now he's like, I can tell like he's got a zest for life back. Yeah. Hell yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:45:33 That's fucking awesome, man. That's fucking cool as shit, though. What I want to tell you, Gary, is I would not feel bad about taking TRT at all or consider it cheating. I mean, yeah, maybe in like the sport aspect if you're doing it for that, but if you're doing it for overall health because you want to still have sex with your wife and be a good dad and keep the overall health of your life good, who gives a fuck what people think about it? People are going to go around and chop their cocks off and put their
Starting point is 00:46:05 kids on hormone blockers and act like it's a normal day in society but if a guy wants to take some crt to make himself look better and feel better by god he's a fucking cheater that's fucking crazy the hypocrisy well you missed the point it's not i'm the one like calling people out at the gym now so that's why I was saying like, Oh, maybe you can't call someone a pussy. If you fucking getting, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:30 if you're all used to the gills, I would have no problem in the back. Quiet. I didn't catch that doing my own thing, but I'm the one like going, I'm a beat all their asses today. Hey Gary, how old are you, though?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Dude, November 21st. I will be 50. And looking good. I am having a 50 birthday party. I'm going out, man. Going all out. In fact, I'm renting the space. I'm going out, man. Going all out. In fact, I'm renting the space. I'm renting
Starting point is 00:47:07 the CrossFit gym. Iron Valley CrossFit. I'm having the live bands and we're going to crush it, man. Seriously? No shit? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That sounds like a blast.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Caller, thank you very much for your call no problem y'all have a good one guys cheers yeah it's interesting people who don't know you um yeah you you have to this isn't uh gary is uh he has always been he he's unique. He beats to his own drummer. He's, he's lucky. He's not, he's not a sleeping drone. That is for sure. In fact, I, there's this girl Dorsey in our gym. She's like, she's been making comments like, Hey, can you not grunt so much? You're a grunter. So noisy. Like I could You're a grunter. So noisy. Like I could do without the grunting.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And so for the last three weeks, I've been trying to say a little less. It doesn't sound like a safe space. Your gym doesn't sound like a safe space. I mean, she just doesn't like the grunting. And I was like, now I'm self-conscious about it.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I can't. How many square feet is the gym? Can you guys work out on opposite sides? I still am pretty loud. Do you think your wife likes the grunting? No, she's always thought I'm – she's, we're the exact opposites. That's why we paired so nicely together. She was so excited about somebody so excited.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It was the same thing. Then after a couple of years, they're like, why do you got to be so excited? It's like, dude, that's what got you hard, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Like, why do we all forget this? Like, speak your mind. Is that Tommy Marquez? The Tommy Marquez? Yes. Why do we all forget this? Speak your mind. Is that Tommy Marquez? The Tommy Marquez? Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yes, I grunt during sex. Devon, do you think there's a metric for the number of years you're married in relation to how much sex per week you actually get? Yes. What's the predictive value there? I don't know what the formula is, but I saw someone post in the comments something. They said someone posted, I've been with my husband for 15 years and I've never said no. And I've been with my wife for 20 years and she's never said no either. I've been with my wife for 20 years and she's never said no either. And I just can't imagine her. I just can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I just can't even, maybe I'm just a fucking asshole, but I just can't imagine her ever saying no. I don't know, but we have, we, I mean, we used to have,
Starting point is 00:50:00 when I met her, I mean, it took five years. Oh, there it's Alison NYC's. That picture is crazy. Read the second part of that. 15 years in and I've never said no, but if my husband started saying any of this, I'd never have sex with him again.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Make him stop talking. Wait, what? My wife has never said no either good my biggest my biggest complaint is like the negative comments like when i'm trying to get a little something it's like yeah we just do it like right you really want it like we just did it or trying to change positions and you hear they're like oh right right come on yeah that would kill me come on come on i just think that other things happen i basically i mean you meet a girl and you have sex with her five times a day right and then there's a waning period but i will say this
Starting point is 00:51:01 too i think having having once you have kids, everything kind of changes. At least in my house now there's three other dudes competing for attention from my wife. But I notice as they get older, the – there's no way I could say it's just in a steady decline because – but I also think this too. I think that if – I don't think it's good to stop having sex i think like if you sex breeds sex and our relationship is always way better the more sex we have okay kevin hart said that he's got a good comedy special talking about how at least twice a week if you don't uh just like gary said you get backed up you need to have that cup of milk at least twice a week otherwise it goes crazy well also i think you lose a connection
Starting point is 00:51:50 like like like if someone's having sex with you you don't care the small things that might they do to annoy you you probably you stop giving a fuck about and uh it's um yeah i, I don't think there is some formula, but unfortunately there's these standard bits of wisdom are kind of sad. Like just when people get married and they're just going to a steady decline of sex. It sounds miserable. So I was reading the comments and people are saying oh how did these people end up together like okay so when i met my wife i was so upfront i couldn't have been more upfront about who i am so i like on the second date i was like, listen, everything seems perfect, but you have to know I like the lovins. Like I will like lovins.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I will be the oldest living person to still be banging. I will outlive all of you in that regard. I just know it. That's just who I am as a person. And I said, if we're to be together, you need to like accept that about me. And she said, when we met, I wasn't a mom, becoming a mom kind of changed things. And I had no idea what that, and so that's kind of like the balance of busy life, trying to be a mom, trying to blah blah blah all that and then still trying to please husband it's this balance which i get it life is tough but i'm just of the opinion that no matter
Starting point is 00:53:33 how stressful life is like you said you always i've just feel you want the happiest marriage of all time you have to have an active love life for all eternity. Like it's just got it. Like it's the key to happiness in my mind for longevity of relationships. I think it's a huge component. Thank you. Caller. Caller.
Starting point is 00:53:59 What do you think? Do you have any thoughts on the decline? Uh, been together 16 years married for over 10. I'm almost 40. Yeah, I mean, I think it does go to a decline. And I've had to find out that it is a two-way street as much as I want it. You know, she might not want as much, kind of like what Gary said.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Or, you know, she's going through different things, you body image being a mother you know i think uh the worst what i can tell is is not to engage when it feels like if she doesn't want to as much as that like kills my uh my masculinity and it kills like all the things that i'm trying to achieve um at the same time that sex is no good when there's that like negative energy and the fucking groaning and the i don't want to do this like something something changes as me as a man to say i'm just doing this because because i want to you know and and then all of a sudden it's like so the formula for me has been a decrease in gain uh there's definitely not been an increase from from the first year uh It's a decrease,
Starting point is 00:55:05 but hopefully I think it's more, you know, hopefully it's better because, you know, we, we know who each other are and we didn't, we didn't when we first were. So.
Starting point is 00:55:16 My wife and I will be completely fucking exhausted and neither one of us have sex and no, we need it just to medicate ourselves. Yeah. And we'll have sex. It'll be it just to medicate ourselves. Yeah. And we'll have sex. It'll be the, we're both like,
Starting point is 00:55:27 they'll be like, Oh, we're like, we're so fucking happy. We did that. Like, like we, like,
Starting point is 00:55:33 we're glad we didn't just fall asleep. I mean, it has to be done. Yeah. It just brings us closer together. Everything's better. I just noticed a whole chain. There's a whole change in the relationship, like a,
Starting point is 00:55:44 a substantial change in 24 to 48 hours of just goodness. Yeah. But you bond. You sacrifice, you sacrifice for the relationship, but it would be a bummer. I would not. If I sensed my wife didn't want to have sex with me,
Starting point is 00:55:58 I couldn't do it. Like half the part, half the part. I reason I do it is because I think she likes it. It's gotta be, it's gotta, it's gotta be 50 percent of the fucking reason you might be you might be off but it's you know then she needs to keep lying to me then that's right thank you savannah thank you all have a good day bye thank you lord hamilton once said as advice for couples learn how to have sex when you are mad i don't know know who, Oh, Laird Hamilton. Really? That guy taught.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I didn't know that guy talked seven. Yeah. I don't have much longer. I have two more points. I, I, please. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Yes. I have to kick you off the show. I mean, uh, so I appreciate you coming on here prepared it's like i don't ever remember a guest doing this yeah well you know i have a little back back against i was told i have a genetically possibly thick blood and it's can be an issue with trt and then I always need to be consistently donating like every three months or you're, you're at risk with the thick blood. So it's important that you, you said you were not aware of this last time. You told me, no, yeah, I'm just aware of it because you told me last time.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah. So my numbers, the doc, I spoke to a new doctor, Dr. Molina at California hormone. And he said he would have probably had me donate blood before I ever even started TRT just because my hemoglobin was a little high. And so he just said, for me, I need to be very mindful while I'm doing TRT to manage that. And so it will be a lifetime thing. My father, he was on blood thinners when he started having health complications. So I don't know if thick blood is like something that's like been in my family. But I just want to know this. That is a thing that I have to be
Starting point is 00:58:05 concerned of. And my, I, the thing that I've kind of been bad at, I've been very good at taking my TRT injections, but I have not taken, I've been very sloppy on taking my estrogen blocker. on taking my estrogen blocker. And so he said my estradiol is like twice the number that it should be. And he said that is concerning. You need to take your estrogen blocker because men aren't supposed to have high estrogen and it could be. Why have you been sloppy taking it? Because it's a daily pill and I'm just not very good at it's like i'll skip days oh but one time it didn't show up the dim didn't show up in my package and so i didn't have it for a minute and
Starting point is 00:58:57 then i just kind of got out of habit of taking it so hey we had this guy on the other day named Chris Wark. He cured himself of stage three colon cancer. And one of the things that he said is that, and I can't remember. Oh, one of the things he said, something you can do for your health that is donate blood. He said one of the things that why a woman's rate of cancer goes up significantly after they go through menopause is because they stop bleeding. But those monthly bleedings that they do actually reduces their iron levels. And iron, you do not want a lot of iron in your blood. So one of the things he actually suggested was donating blood regularly and it reduces your risk of cancer. So I put a little positive spin on that. Yeah, I never, No one ever told me that throughout my life.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Like, hey, donating could be a good thing. But I have no problem. It was painless. I went and donated blood. Also, the last time you said, are you going to become an addict? Because I was considering adding the HGH or peptides or doing something else. But the doctor yesterday, he encouraged me to just stay on the path that I'm on. You're doing good.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You're seeing results. And just keep rocking. So I'm not taking anything extra at the moment. Are you sleeping less? Are you sleeping better and sleeping less? Are you sleeping better and sleeping less? Are you sleeping better? I've never had a problem with sleep. I think I sleep awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Okay. You said you had two points. What's your next one? Well, I wanted to tell you about the thick blood, the Estradiol, the estrogen high and the uh i'm not going to take hgh here's the thing i want i want i want a little more size but he the doctor was like hey just eat more protein and you look like you've lost weight your face is more chiseled yeah dude i'm questioning it yeah is it when people in the comments when i do that do they think that's like a sign of aggression no i think they're into it they're into it i'm just everyone loves you like anyone who doesn't
Starting point is 01:01:17 love you is a jackass like seven said i've always been the loudest guy in the room high energy it's it's just uh it's not the trt that's like making me loud and crazy he's actually getting old he used to have more energy he's actually turning 50 he used to actually be uh more uh charismatic he's he's he's on the decline the thing i the thing here's the the biggest change in the last month is I have not felt sore at all. Like no matter how. Oh, that's what Hiller was saying too. No matter how hard I've gone, I've, the next day I feel pretty good. So that's, that's really positive because the first couple of months I was like every day, it didn't matter what
Starting point is 01:02:06 you threw at me. I was hitting it hard, but I was just, Hey, do this, do this, Gary. I want you to do this. I did this yesterday and my tits are so sore. I put only 75 pounds on the bar, only 75 pounds on the bar. And I did bench press 12 on the minute for 10 minutes 75 yeah 70 just light 75 on the bar it's almost so light it's kind of hard to like you and you can i don't care what grips you use i switch through all sorts of different grips put 75 pounds on the bar and do 12 reps every minute for 10 minutes and tell me if your chest gets sore because i've been doing a lot of bench press and my chest hasn't been getting sore so i'm like i'm just gonna just do closer uh frequency and see what happens and i am sore and normally i start with 135 on the bar and i just did 75 can you
Starting point is 01:02:54 still do strict muscle ups like nothing from your motorcycle uh i don't know i don't know well i'll try i'll try you had the rings in your garage right above your motorcycle. And I remember you were sitting on it. That was at HQ. That was at HQ. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know how.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I don't know how my muscle ups are these days. I'll fuck with them. Well, I want to see you used to just crush those, man. I know. I know. I'm a special human. Strict. Just it's very impressive.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Thank you for coming on. Yeah. Thank you for having me. You're a good dude. We love Gear Bear. So you don't you would encourage or discourage me ever messing with HGH? I have no opinion on it. I'm just enjoying watching your journey. I think this is fantastic. I definitely see it different in the way you look and you're so optimistic and I'm happy. I'm like, wow, this is
Starting point is 01:03:49 awesome. To tell you the truth, I'm most happy the fact that your wife has started going to the CrossFit gym with you because I think in the end, that's going to pay massive dividends. Thank you, Savant. Peace and love. All right. I'll talk to you soon. Take it easy see you man
Starting point is 01:04:05 just a ball of energy last time it was the four of us i was in spain i just remembered that when i got on here and i was like oh it's cold and wet and rainy in livermore spain was better i don't know if i should address this comment don't he just he just pokes the bear i don't know if I should address this comment. Don't. He just pokes the bear. I don't know if I should address that comment. I'm disappointed that Trisha's profile icon isn't her. I always imagined that actually being her saying this.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Go with it. Don't let me ruin it for you. Go with it. No, I mean, you're right. It was obvious, but I chose to ignore it. Just go with it. Oh, man. My garden is so crazy. I know. I've been, I've been neglecting putting up videos of it. I, I need to, my garden's just nuts. We, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:54 they sell a passion fruit at whole foods for 20 to 20 bucks a pound. And I have fucking no, no Spiegel. Don't get excited. We're not getting off the air yet. She put that in there like 10, like when we were in 10 minutes, she just wanted, don't get excited. We're not getting off the air yet. She put that in there like when we were in 10 minutes. Shut up. She just wanted it to be over 10 minutes. You think Spiegel's a girl? No, Spiegel's a dude for sure.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I think it's all dudes. It's just like Trish. Trish is a dude for sure. There's only a handful of confirm chicks. Sevan's bush is so crazy. You don't even know i like it that allison says that trish's profile picture is crazy hilarious i don't know how crazy okay uh okay so everything seems to be going well
Starting point is 01:05:43 caleb you think everything that's everything seems normal for Gary, right? Like better than normal. Yeah, it seems better. Honestly, it sounded better than the last time we talked to him. Okay, good. That's what I think, too. He sounds extremely optimistic. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Vindicate, Allison wins the profile pic, yeah. That's not really her, though. Allison's really profile pick. Yeah. That's not really her though. Allison's really a dude. What do you think, Susan? It seems, he seems good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:11 He seems fired up. I hope it all works out. His stories are fucking hilarious. Every time he comes in here, he brings some great energy to the show. The booty short story is just, that was a bit much. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Yeah. I love those stories. i enjoy him though always um okay i would love to get can we start at the bottom and just work our way up i'd love if we could get through 10 of these i would be so happy i'm gonna try not to talk number one will go in freaking 20 minutes will go by okay uh can we start at just number 264 we're all dudes we're all dudes yes heidi's definitely a dude for sure dude i'm used to badusi oh darn oh you said that 20 shows i have a lot of gay friends loving is uh loving is horrendous well Well, that's one of them, Tom. Oh, that's happened to us a couple of times now. Okay. That one, the title was The Democrats Hate Black People.
Starting point is 01:07:13 262, don't forget. What? The racist party. Yeah. It is the racist party. 262, don't forget. this is what tyranny looks like. This is bullying. This is top of the pyramid, top of the spear, bad guy propaganda and fear mongering. He could have used this time to present data instead of present threats. This this is the way we were talked to. Don't forget. OK, here we go.
Starting point is 01:07:38 This guy was a guest on the show, Tyler Fish, by the way. You can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine. You can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine? You don't should. Can't go to the ballgame. Don't have the vaccine? Can't go to work. Don't have the vaccine? Can't go to the movies. Don't have the vaccine? You can't do your laundry. Don't have the vaccine? You can't eat food. Don't have the vaccine?
Starting point is 01:07:58 Can't pet a cat. Don't have the vaccine? Can't smell a flower. Don't have the vaccine? You can't look at a rainbow. Don't have the vaccine? You can't DM your ex. Don't have the vaccine? You can't smell a flower. Don't have the vaccine? You can't look at a rainbow. Don't have the vaccine? You can't DM your ex. Don't have the vaccine? You can't make a TikTok. Don't have the vaccine? You can't sit alone in a field with a mask on. Don't have the vaccine? You can't take a shower.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Don't have the vaccine? You can't trim your toenails. Don't have the vaccine? You can't take a poop. Don't have the vaccine? You can't play ping pong. Don't have the vaccine? You can't have cheesecake. Don't have the vaccine you can't play ping pong don't have vaccine you can't have cheesecake don't have vaccine you can't have babies don't have the vaccine you can't breathe air don't have the vaccine you can't be alive anymore don't have the vaccine you're not allowed to be buried in a grave don't have the vaccine you can't smell it uh don't get a lot of them oh they just kept going what's crazy is is like it was it was it was headed that way yeah i mean in some place it was that way new york la where did i just see
Starting point is 01:08:54 where did i just see somewhere where i saw a post from someone it's in a different country and they have the mandates in full fucking swing right now somewhere on earth no it wasn't china but i think china is pretty bad after we had the strength and conditioning coach on from the ufc it sounds like china is fucked when i flew to spain they made me wear a mask on that airplane it was the weirdest thing going from munich to spain they're like here's your mask and then we put it on the plane and then you take it off when you get out of the airport onto the airport is weird uh 261 it is kind of i don't when i think of spanish people i don't think of them as being well it wasn't even in the country anywhere it was literally just on the plane and then they handed it to you and then grace and i were like
Starting point is 01:09:40 okay thank you and kind of walked to our seat with it. And that was it. They never followed back up or, like, enforced it. It was odd. 261, this is the truth. Someone says something that you hate that does not make them hateful. The people who offend you with truth don't hate you. The people who comfort you with lies hate you. And if you prefer a lie to truth you hate yourself if someone says something that so i'm going to give you a perfect example of that what's
Starting point is 01:10:12 happening to kairi irving right now and to kanye and about how they're saying that they did anti-semitic uh they've made anti-semitic posts it's it's complete bullshit they did not they did not say anything anti-semitic they did they did nothing anti-semitic those are people who hate themselves who are demanding to see that in this world it's it's it's the exact same thing we went through a couple years ago with um uh with with blm and just the left and like you know danny spiegel posting that support for a fucking guy that reached into a fucking cop's car and grabbed his fucking gun. It's just this demand. She's clear when people think that that's racist and they're doing it based on the color of skin.
Starting point is 01:10:55 So you're saying that it wouldn't have been racist if it would have been a white guy who reached into the car. It would have had the exact same outcome. it would have had the exact same outcome. Did you see the original tweet that got him in trouble with the anti-Kanya I'm referring to here, that got him in trouble with the anti-Semitic comments? Well, that's the funny thing, too. It's so hard to trace back to what originally happened, because no one will ever say what he said.
Starting point is 01:11:19 That's exactly what they did to Trump, too. That's one of the main reasons you know they're lying. Is that the tweet where he said Jews run Hollywood? No. So I've listened to a majority of the podcast podcast he's on at least bits and pieces of it to to narrow down but the main one the main tweet that everybody refers to as where it kind of kicked off was he tweeted i'm exhausted right now but tomorrow when i wake up i'm going defcon 3 on all jews fine i'm just saying that fine right fine fine and then yeah uh defcon 3 means he's going to go aggro on them he's going to war with them
Starting point is 01:11:55 yeah he's gonna go he's gonna go to war with him yeah you know i don't know. First of all, it's fine. It's completely fine. Well, I think the theory there is – He went DEFCON 3 on black people too. He's going DEFCON – What? DEFCON 3 is not even that high. It's like –
Starting point is 01:12:18 Good, thank you. 5 is the lowest. 4, 3, 2, 1. It's in the middle. It's kind of what we do normally. We're in DEFCON 3. lowest four three two one like it's in the middle it's like kind of what we do normally the argument there is that other than other groups of people that would feel that way it gives them permission to start to act and then i think that there was a bunch of like uh people on the 405 freeway dressed in nazi attire like whatever you know having people honk and putting up a sign or something like that.
Starting point is 01:12:47 And so I think that's their argument as far as like, if somebody of that influence influential of a position, put stuff like that, it gives permission for other people to act out in those same manners, but perhaps more aggressively or not under the same context that Kanye is playing a devil's advocate here. Right, right, right. perhaps more aggressively or not under the same context that Kanye is. Play the devil's advocate here. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And I appreciate that. The reason why that can be said about anything. Like if you're like, I hate carrots. Yes. Don't eat carrots. And then everybody on here is like, we're falling seven. We're not eating carrots. The sugar industry giving $50,000 to Harvard in the 60s to say that sugar um uh doesn't cause obesity well that's fine they paid for it right yeah there's money behind it it's okay i'm trying to think i'm trying to think what he would have to say that would make
Starting point is 01:13:36 me think he was racist i would have to have someone i'd have to see him walking down the street with the fucking swastika on his arm saying, I'm going to kill a Jew. What if he said Jewish people were greedy and someone responded back to him and said blacks are dumb? And then he said Jewish people don't value life. And then – I mean am I'm not canceling him over that. I don't, I don't, I don't. There's elements of discrimination, prejudice, analysis, truth to all of it. It's fucking nuts but what's crazy is how quickly how quickly that if you basically the big picture this is what's happening the left is demanding that people get offended right no one wants to
Starting point is 01:14:35 talk about the deepest element there are words here for little jewish boys and girls and little black boys and girls that we demand that the second that they come out of their mom's vagina and they're born onto planet Earth, that they be offended by their whole fucking life. Well, not just that. The left demands it. What's even crazier is the Jews demand it and the blacks demand it. They've built their own cage. They've built their own cage. If you're offended by racial slurs, you are playing right into the slave master's game.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It is completely absurd that a baby would be born on this planet and there would be a word here that not only that they have to be offended by, but they will defend with their whole being to be offended by a word it's fucking batshit crazy and what's crazy is you see black people doing it and jews doing it jews calling kanye anti-semitic it's do you think he suffers from any um like diet like a diagnosed like mental like issue like bipolar or i don't know how anybody exists i know everyone says that but i haven't seen him do anything just the only crazy thing i ever saw him do that i thought was and that is when he went on stage at the fucking grammys yeah i feel like he has like asperger's or something well if you watch a lot of his old stuff like i was a fan of kanye like way back when when he was just the dude with the louis vuitton backpack at the end of the chapelle show uh videos right and
Starting point is 01:16:16 he was still producing and was doing the jay-z stuff and he was always somebody who said does this like controversial stuff but he seems really jaded by the industry like he seems always somebody who said those is like controversial stuff, but he seems really jaded by the industry. Like he seems like somebody who would like be good with a handshake deal and like your word. And then like, he just like that has just kind of screwed him over time and time again. And now if you listen to a lot of his stuff, he just seems kind of alone.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And so I wonder how much that's going into his anger and what he's saying. I mean, sometimes we put these people up on different pedestals because they might be saying something that we're like, yeah, I agree with that. So then therefore we're all going to jump on the bandwagon of this person and we don't really know them outside of just the stuff that they're on the podcast with. And ultimately he just is a human being struggling with issues. He doesn't have his family anymore. He lost $2 billion in a day. I wouldn't take advice from anybody that that is
Starting point is 01:17:07 that emotional. The CEO of the company was going through mental health issues. You even said on here, we would remove that individual to let them work on their stuff before so we could all carry on and move forward with the business. So is that just what we're seeing happening with Kanye? And a lot of these companies are just using that as a scapegoat, the anti-Semitic comments or the ones they're claiming are just to create some distance to get away because he's too much of a loose cannon. Businesses thrive and grow on consistency. I mean, it all sounds logical. I just think that there's such a demand for racism right now. It's like there's a demand for drinking water.
Starting point is 01:17:44 People just want to find it everywhere. You know, I was almost completely gone. Yes. And now that it's not like industries and especially, especially, especially politicians and the establishment, the establishment thrives off of it because they need it to divide the people. Because if that shit goes away and people really understand that there is no word waiting for me that I need to be offended by, away and people really understand that there is no word waiting for me that I need to be offended by that I could choose to react to this or not react to this, then those things don't benefit the establishment. They don't benefit. The division of the people always is going to benefit the establishment in the system that's in place. So that's why it still exists.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I agree with you 100%. And people play right into it. 100%. And it's mostly in social media. You've been all over the world, Sevan. All over, right? Yeah, Jeff. And you've touched and experienced lots of different people and interactions and traditions and cultures and all this stuff. And by and large, you would probably say that 95%, if not more, 98, 99% of the people are just good people that all have the same goals. They want safety for
Starting point is 01:18:52 their family and for themselves. And they want to be able to pursue a life that makes them happy. All of us, by and large, want that. And so chances are the only people that are going around that are really spewing hate that would actually physically harm a person in action with their thoughts are just really hurt people in general and majority of them are aren't around doing that and if they are all of us good people get to get together and say hey this person belongs in jail or whatever but we're separating with all this superficial bullshit how many stories do you see with manufactured racism all you good great question oh so many of them. All of them.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah. And it's easy for us to play into it because we're bringing other projections of frustration of our life. I can't pay my bills. There's inflation. Well, now I'm upset and the media is pointing that aggression towards certain groups of people or toward different ideologies. And we're just unconsciously jumping on the bandwagon, never taking a step back and saying, hey, what the fuck is really going on here? And how do we actually create a better life for ourselves and not just continue this ideological struggle that either side doesn't really benefit? And the establishment keeps marching on, baby. And another thing is I've been in the vast majority of countries that
Starting point is 01:20:01 I visited in. I stand out like a sore thumb i go to kenya i don't see any other white people i go to france i well france is actually quite the melting fucking despicable place uh france is actually quite the melting pot where can i go i go to uh um uh where's miko live finland it's all finnish people their golden retrievers even look different than ours i go to japan it's all japanese people there's there retrievers even look different than ours. I go to Japan, it's all Japanese people. There's so few places like this. God, France is a trip. That and Canada, man.
Starting point is 01:20:35 What a trip. 259, will a woman become President Gerald Ford? If Michelle Obama runs, she wins. You think? Fuck yeah. United States. Well, I hope we do have a young lady at some point become President of the United States. of the United States. I can tell you how I think it will happen, because it won't happen in the normal course of events. Either the Republican or Democrat political party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice president.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And the woman and man will win. So you'll end up with a president, a male, and a vice president, a female. And in that term of office of the president, the president will die. And the woman will become president under the law. Would you give a young lady wanting to become president? What a crazy answer to tell to a room full of kids. Yeah, that's that's a bit wild, huh? Sevan, you must have been a giant in Japan. Actually, no, I they're they're actually much taller than you think it's just um for years
Starting point is 01:22:07 i think that they were malnourished over there is what was happening they read some study on it they're whole new generations that are eating differently they're fucking like just normal sized people you have to go to some poor asian country like in like when i was in indonesia i'm a giant even in armenia i thought i'd be like the same size as everyone. Nope. Fucking midget. Still a midget. Uh, two 58. Uh,
Starting point is 01:22:29 how, how to, uh, how to talk to kids. I was getting, I was getting like Biden vibes from Gerald Ford, except it's interesting. How to talk to kids.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Two 58. Don't eat on the couch. We're supposed to eat at the table. Pilots know this. It is well known in the pilot community that when you tell a pilot, don't hit on the couch we're supposed to say eat at the table pilots know this it is well known in the pilot community that when you tell a pilot don't hit the obstacle they'll hit the obstacle because what they're doing is focusing on the obstacle it's the same thing for you if you focus on the obstacles all you will see is obstacles it's your choice how you choose to perceive your own career it's literally perspective. Instead of saying to
Starting point is 01:23:05 children, don't eat on the couch, we're supposed to say, eat at the table. Pilots know this. So your child's climbing a fence. It's 15 feet high. You don't say don't fall. You say, man, you have strong hands. Use those strong hands, boy. The power of words once again huh yeah and and yeah and there's always the chance that don't fall could be heard as fall we've all said something to someone don't do something and they do it wrong yeah so for a variety of reasons yeah you don't um uh jay hardell i'm armenian and i'm five nine yeah all the women in armenia were five nine I'm Armenian and I'm 5'9". Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:42 All the women in Armenia were 5'9". God, if you want to see some beautiful women go to Armenia, it's crazy. 256, prostitution. It is a – it is a – it is a – I cannot believe that I'm from the same gene pool as those women when I go there. It's nuts. A new California law will end arrests for loitering and for prostitution california california governor gavin newsom signed a controversial bill to decriminalize decriminalize loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution oh god i've met this guy before, Scott Wiener.
Starting point is 01:24:27 I don't use these words very often. Super beta. I don't use those terms, alpha and beta. This guy looks like an experiment. They bred a human and a weasel. He's probably the one soliciting prostitution to begin with. He says, These loitering laws are used by police to discriminate discriminate against people of color and lgbtq community so so listen what he's saying is is that all the whores are black
Starting point is 01:24:53 people or lesbians or homosexuals or transgenders that's what he's saying right that's crazy it's it's like they always package all this stuff that they're trying to change by with like a packaging of like racism or you're going to marginalize communities because then you can't actually say anything against it yeah if there's no truth to it it's a hedge so that you'll be afraid to speak up against it a hundred percent um anytime anyone says disproportionately affects you they're just they're a fucking liar just know because just everything disproportionately affects everything it's it's a meaningless vapid statement go ahead suza well i was gonna say i wonder what unattended unintended consequences
Starting point is 01:25:35 will have too right because like if you get rid of all loitering does that mean that now you're just gonna have a bunch of people hanging out in front of a 7-eleven and if the owner's like hey people are afraid to come and shop here because I got all these people just drinking in front of my place and hanging out all day. They got nowhere to go. Like we need them to move out of here. And like, well, sorry, there's no law against loitering anymore. So you technically, we can't make them leave. And then you have another thing that's just going to harm small business there. And when the business goes, the people go, the corporation goes, the money goes and you have Detroit. Well, and here's the thing. I i don't know i don't have an opinion on uh prostitution being
Starting point is 01:26:09 legal or not and i'm not sure about how i feel about loitering but the city that this guy this guy scott wiener is in the bay area and at least that's where i met him i met him in san francisco and that city is completely turning into a it is a complete shithole and it is not a place for kids anymore it is so fucking sad and now is not the time no
Starting point is 01:26:35 now is not the time 254 lady with knife and department store god some of these are so old I always love your subtitles for these. Oh, shit. Drop the knife now. Oh. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:26:59 Drop the knife. It's a beautiful day. Hey. Drop the knife now. Wow. Wow. That's what Gary needs. He needs a taser. Why is it called a tase her and not a tase him oh my god wow wow that's one of those jokes all right so if you carry i think that was a we should we should we gotta have blade back on uh that would be a great video um all right uh yeah okay uh number 249 uh what is abortion and we're cruising we're cruising
Starting point is 01:27:57 that looked like that hurt huh getting tased yeah that would suck caleb have you ever been tased is Is that something you do in the military? No, I've never been tased. I asked you just because you're in the military, not that I thought you were out there doing stuff to be tased. That's racist, but it's okay. I think we're going to go work with the canines in a couple days, and I'm going to see if I can get bit by one.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Hey, if you tase a pregnant woman, does it fuck the baby up? Probably. That's a very good point. Interesting question. Because I've had women friends come to me in tears after having an abortion and they say the same thing. They always say, I didn't know it was going to be like that. I didn't know that I was going to pass my baby in the toilet and see my child in the toilet. They didn't know that it was going to be that painful. They
Starting point is 01:28:51 didn't know it was going to be that horrendous because the doctors don't tell them what abortion actually is, which is why I'm so supportive of Lila Rose and Live Action. I think they're doing the most important work right now when it comes to abortion and educating women on what abortion actually is. And then even down to the surgical abortion, what is a surgical abortion? What happens? The baby just doesn't disappear. The doctor goes in with forceps. And it's important to say this, guys, even though it's graphic, and rips out the baby's limbs first, arm, arm, leg, leg. And then the forceps go in and crush the skull and then continually pulls out the remaining body parts it is the most depraved heinous thing that we have ever adopted in society and i think that if more women knew what abortion actually was they wouldn't support it. And I really like Lila Rose's messaging because she says this all
Starting point is 01:29:46 the time. Wow. It's just gnarly. You know what? I'm under the belief that I kind of have a lot of libertarian viewpoints. I think people should just be able to do whatever they want. They can make their own decisions. But just like with the smoking, when they tried to curve cigarette smoking, all they did was just graphically educate you on the health problems that occur from it. Right. We got a lot of that in school.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Like if you go to that was another thing over in Europe, they just have people with like their teeth missing on the front of the pack of the cigarettes. And it says like, if you smoke these, you will die. And your chance of this goes up. So it's just blatantly on the pack. So you have to like, you know, reach for the guy without his teeth because he has, you know, mouth cancer and grab it and then go purchase it. And I think that if we just let everybody be in, quit wrapping these things in like,
Starting point is 01:30:36 you know, women's healthcare and start conflating these issues and make them all crazy. You were just like, Hey, here's what happens. This is what we're educating you guys on. We're not going to put laws on your bodies. You do whatever you want, but just know that this is what happens. Here's a group of people that have gone through it. This is their experience. Listen and become educated from them by it, and then make the best decision possible for you and your family. What about this? I love all that, uh, Susie, uh, just honest talk about it and leave people alone after that but what about this what about rewarding people who stay as couples as opposed to rewarding people who um get uh divorce
Starting point is 01:31:12 sounds like you're on your way to a strong middle class and nobody likes that what do you mean reward people like how would you do that i i um uh for the tax rate you have two kids they go to school you're contributing you get a larger tax break you have if you want to own a home and you're together and you're married and you have been for a long period of time your property tax on that home goes down significantly your homeowner's insurance can go down significantly tax break if you live together and you're married so that you can use that money that you save to go to therapy like gary and his fucking wife something i don't know i don't know what it looks like but but but right now it's backwards you're rewarded for divorce and
Starting point is 01:31:58 separation yeah and then you could decentivize opposite way. And it would have to be looked into in depth to understand the mechanisms of it, but continue to incentivize women as they're better off being single. And if you have multiple kids by multiple different people, you get more money in the system and things like that. And there's a separation of helping somebody out who's truly struggling and understanding that and then helping them out of that situation. And then just giving money into certain situations that breed for the things that are terrible for society because they're incentivizing that. And education is always going to be the way. If somebody has poor spending habits and they're broke, you have to change their habits. You can't give them more money. Somebody who's broke and has it, if you just give them-
Starting point is 01:32:42 I know. Isn't that fucking crazy? And that's what we're doing as a society. We're saying, hey, you've already made decisions that are harmful for the people, the humans that you're bringing onto this earth, your children. We know that's not going to give them the best possible start. But instead of educating, teaching, and finding viable solutions, we're just going to give you money and hope the issue goes away. And then again, you just got to ask. They really think that, too. They really think, oh, poverty is the issue.
Starting point is 01:33:06 We can print more money. It's like a fucking Lucille Ball episode of idiocy. Yeah. And it doesn't benefit the people they're giving the money to either. It's just harmful all around. Please don't punish people for getting divorced. I was in an abusive marriage and divorce was a huge gift. They're not being punished.
Starting point is 01:33:23 No, that's, yeah. You're looking at it wrong. They're not being punished. They're wrong in, yeah. You're looking at it on the wrong end there. We didn't say anything about punish. We said incentivizing the behavior we want to see. And there's always going to be a lot of circumstances, you know, that'll change that. 246, racism rears its ugly head. 246.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Rears its ugly head. 246. There's some kids in the pool. Oh, okay. Wait, hold on. Let me guess. The kids in the pool are black. Yes, yes, they're black. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Shut the fuck up. Kids that are black in your pool are not bothering you, lady. What are they doing? They're drowning. No! Black babies! Okay, what's going on? There's some kids in the pool.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Is that like from Reno 911 or something? I don't know. I just like it. Yes, yes, they're black. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Kids that are black in your pool are not bothering you, lady. What are they doing? They're drowning.
Starting point is 01:34:24 I love her anal beads around her neck. are not bothering you, lady. What are they doing? They're drowning. Oh! I love her anal beads around her neck. No, no! Uh, 242. Man, we're on a roll. What did we start at? 267? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:38 I think we skipped, like, probably 10 digits there, so. Oh, someone says, Jess Hartle says, Yes, Reno 911. I thought that was from the it's a funny show los angeles yesterday children were around to witness this behavior action kids in masks so you know the parents are idiots oh walking by dudes with their dicks out guys on bikes girl yeah you know what's funny is i kind of not that young but growing up in the bay area you kind of that's kind of the norm well i don't i don't know it's interesting because you grew up in the in the same
Starting point is 01:35:20 similar area as i did someone but like you would see it and it wasn't normalized it might be normal that you would see a naked person in the street especially in san francisco like ride a bike but it wasn't it wasn't like normalized in the sense of like now there's massive groups of people doing it now there's a bunch of kids here as well you give it never any naked women if there was they definitely weren't the ones you wanted to see it was always fucking naked dudes i saw in the bay area yeah fuck always and they and they and they never had good bodies or giant cocks or nothing like nothing cool like it was like some guy with a fucking nub and he was 80 pounds overweight and hairy yeah you can even see it caleb have you ever been to san francisco yes i'm i'm i regret it
Starting point is 01:36:08 hey you know when a good time to go is is during um the uh air show the air show there is fucking awesome week yeah fleet week so good from now until like the end of december it's open season baby you go out there and you're gonna get your shit took real quick yeah don't drive there take an uber there it is um it was always bad in years past now it's gonna be crazy yeah you'll get your shit broken into hey you park your car and a dude will just walk right up to you who's give me 20 bucks and i'll watch your car and basically what he's saying is you don't give me 20 bucks i'm fucking busting your window yeah you'll see signs of people like stick a sign in
Starting point is 01:36:51 the reverse that says like the car is completely empty please don't break my windows or they'll just fucking leave their windows down so go ahead go ahead go ahead killer when i when i went there there we were like talking to the u Uber drivers and just people who live there. And they were talking about how, uh, they'll have a friend who owns the house or something, and he'll be paying. It's like a two bedroom,
Starting point is 01:37:14 one bathroom house. And he'll be paying like two grand, two to three grand a month for rent. And he has a friend who lives in the car outside of the house, like sleeps in it. And then uses the, just uses the house as like a bathroom and shower. Everywhere. Yeah, yeah. It's fucking crazy to me. Yeah, I don't really ever want to go back there. It's kind of terrible. so yesterday i'm driving uh my three kids and a family friend a young girl uh to jujitsu and then afterwards i'm going to take them swimming um and we're at a stoplight and i live in a pretty
Starting point is 01:37:52 small town you know for the bay area it's a small town santa cruz california and it's pretty isolated and this guy starts crossing the street in the middle of traffic and it's clear he's high on some drugs probably fentanyl or heroin and he's walking straight towards our car and we're at a stoplight so i immediately and he's not now he's like five feet away i mean literally if if we weren't inside the car he could have touched my kids right so you have this illusion of space because I'm in a car, but there is no space. So I immediately start devising plans on how I'm going to kill this guy just immediately if he makes any moves because I have to protect the children. Because I feel like my kids' lives are in danger because I see a guy doing a behavior that I don't recognize, walking oncoming traffic, um, uh, walking straight towards my car and I, everything in my life is about saving, protecting these kids.
Starting point is 01:38:51 And he's definitely not home. And I just feel like all of a sudden my kid's safety was a threat. Yeah. And it's good that you went there immediately because I like when violence happens like that or when shit gets crazy, it happens like one of my kids, my kids are so protected. You don't like to a point that's not healthy. And my kid Joseph goes, is he going to hurt us?
Starting point is 01:39:12 He was aware that I started laughing. I go, not when I'm here, not today. Motherfuckers. Yeah. I was just devising ways. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:20 This is how I'm going to, I'm going to pull forward backward. I'm going to fucking hit him. I'm going to jump out and stomp his face. Like I, just just felt like a like i'm sure that's like how a bear feels when it's like walking with its cubs you gotta go there boy you're in the car you just start driving i couldn't we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic at a red light 50 cars in front of me 50 cars behind me yep because we have such Because we have such poor, we have such poor, Santa Cruz is stuck between the ocean and these mountains. And so we have, we have like our road network is fucked.
Starting point is 01:39:52 So even though we don't have a lot of people, the traffic is nuts. Yeah. Yeah. I always make sure there's enough room between myself and the car. Yes. That I can. Caleb knows. Go up on the curb or something.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Yeah. Caleb knows. That's right. I'm a mess with that. Always give yourself a good curb or something. Caleb knows. That's right. I don't miss that. Always give yourself a good exit strategy. 241, a mask saved her life. Yon Clark, thank you. You're always awesome.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Losing weight makes your piece bigger fact. Yeah, I've noticed that. I noticed that. Most ever weighed is 182, but when I get down to like 150 that thing is huge uh okay oh is that how gary grunts? Probably. Yep, there it is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Wow. Oh, this is gonna hurt. This part's gonna hurt. Now she can just sit herself up. Dude, she's in a fucking panic right now she's having a panic attack yeah oh god girl that was unnecessary very necessary oh you've never spotted somebody before obviously dude that was on her neck dude and please use this as a reason to never bench press with collars on the bar ever also couldn't she just stood up right there and just like yeah that's what i yeah that's what i was thinking i think the bars caught on something on the other side or else she would
Starting point is 01:41:48 have just tipped it up oh you're right you're right it's caught on the safety bars because she has them too low yeah there's safety bars there she didn't prop them up high enough she deserves this honestly wow good thing she was wearing that mask oh my yes protect her from that man came to spot her why does bruce think this is fake why interesting why do you think that that was fake this is the start of a porno problem uh because it's so light i think because it looks so light i don't i think i don't think that's fake. I think that was real panic.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yeah, and I think that girl was probably weak as a bird, and that was way too much weight for her. She looked very defeated when she got it down to her stomach. Like, well, this is it. Oh, and Heidi, in your defense, maybe I did say that. Maybe I did say that. I misunderstood when you said de-incentivize divorce. I changed the word in my brain to mean punish. Maybe. It's fair. What you said is fair. I ain say that. I misunderstood when you said de-incentivize divorce. I changed the word in my brain to mean punish.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Maybe. It's fair. What you said is fair. I ain't hating. Yeah, because there's no punishment for it. We're just saying placing incentives in the right specific. Heidi, I saw my parents fight like crazy. I was so relieved when they separated.
Starting point is 01:42:58 You probably did the right thing if only for your daughter's mental health. Word him up. That's for sure. Can you guys hear that? Yeah. Paper Street Coffee, I like how the dude isn't wearing a mask and the girl is.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Fucking absurd. I wish a man would come and spot me. Fair enough. Pregnant 240. Let's listen from a pregnant woman. What she has to say. 240. Let's listen from a pregnant woman, what she has to say.
Starting point is 01:43:33 I started from the bottom today. Now we're here. In case you want a glimpse at the demonic, not one of my favorite words, means nothing to me. In case you want a glimpse at the demonic mindset on display at the Supreme Court today. This is fucking batshit crazy. Hey, Mom, do you have any pictures of me when I was younger? Yeah, sure. This is a pregnant woman that has written on her stomach, not a human yet. It's just fucking unreal why
Starting point is 01:44:11 why not just stay home and leave your and like do something like and ride the assault bike and watch some TV like why are you doing that hey the best was the best there's a crazy one with Charlie Kirk fighting with these people about abortion. God, I wonder if I if I have it. That's so stupid. Probably in lipstick.
Starting point is 01:44:41 It's fucking nuts. Hey, I'm going to tell you, this is how fanatical you should be if you're a mom. You shouldn't even want to put marker on your stomach because of maybe the trace chemicals that would get through to your baby. You should stop washing your clothes with fucking anything that might poison your kids or change its hormone levels or do anything to your skin. You have a fucking human in there. Act like a complete fucking maniac and protect yourself from fucking everything. Au naturel. Just let it, just go au naturel.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Yeah, this was the book I actually referenced last time about nutrition while you were pregnant and that's actually giving the best start to your baby. It's called deep deep nutrition even i even even if like even if let's say she was going to a cause that i completely agreed in why are you going somewhere with all these fucking negative people chanting negative shit and be doing negative stuff why can't you just wait nine months can't you just like take your baby sit in the woods and listen to some bach and fucking eat fucking cucumbers and fucking cow hearts like just chill some liver whatever just yeah some meat yeah
Starting point is 01:45:54 some liver uh 237 democrats running for office as republicans god this is old. I apologize for some of you. This is just like, so last week, 237. I like how quickly everybody took the title of that book into something else. Did it get crass? Deep. Like we need them to run as the other side, even though they for our side, we need people to run as Republicans in these local elections. And this is the only way you're going to change the dynamics in South Carolina. We can battle them in public all day. As long as we know we working for the same goal,
Starting point is 01:46:31 when we get enough of us in there, we can wreak havoc for real from the inside out. Then we can flip some from the inside out. We got to take back some of these seats, especially in these local elections. I still got to struggle to raise money for my campaign. Where the f*** is my black people with money? I don't care about no dope money. Give me that dope boy money.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Where the f*** is dope? Where the duffel bag boys? Get you fighting with somebody from your family that don't even know you donating to my campaign and put that s*** under their name. We need some folks that can wear all black at night and take their f***ing yard signs down when they sleeping. We ain't got to make a f***ing noise about it. We ain't got to go live about black at night and take their f***ing yard signs down when they sleep.
Starting point is 01:47:05 We ain't got to make a f***ing noise about it. We ain't got to go live about it. Just don't say s***. Just like when somebody dropped money, you pick it up. South Carolina state rep and U.S. Senate candidate, Crystal Matthews. I think that guy she was talking to is in prison, as I recall the details when they came out. And she's asking him for help from gang members who are outside. Something crazy like that. Damn, some mafia style shit.
Starting point is 01:47:28 How cool is Project Veritas? Fucking wild. Yeah, definitely need it at this time. I can't believe they exist. I can't believe they exist either. That guy James O'Keefe is a fucking national treasure. I fucking mean that. I agree.
Starting point is 01:47:44 He is something else. He's the only person in the media space really holding all these people accountable at the highest level you know i'm starting to do it he is in certain ways kind of joking but oh okay uh 235 uh sugar addict disguised as a great dad. If this is what I think it is, this is fucking nuts. The Disneyland show, yeah. Okay, so this is Disney Dad. This is a website called Disney Planner Babe. So here's the thing, what I realized when I went to Disneyland,
Starting point is 01:48:19 and I'm not saying this jokingly. You have to know this is, what I'm telling you, I really think that there's i'm on to something here disneyland is not an amusement park it is not even a good amusement park the the rides are tired it's clean but it's overcrowded the rides are washed up it's a small world is so like did you ever go to epcot? It looks like, yeah, I did go to Epcot back in the day. I haven't been a long time. But what it really is, the one thing I noticed there,
Starting point is 01:48:56 and I know I have a bias, but it's a place where you go eat sugar. And I really, I'm not saying that in jest or joking all these people, there's these people there who buy season passes so that they can go there and sit on the wall and put on the bunny ears and pretend that they're there for disneyland but they're there for the sugar it's the same thing with raves when i went to raves oh Oh, no one or the Grateful Dead. No one really likes this music. People came here to do the drugs and to get laid. Like that's what this scene is. That scene at Disneyland, I'm telling you, it is not an amusement park in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:49:40 And I really mean this. It is a place to go eat sugar and safety with your cohort. That is the total norm there. Okay, let's play. Let's hit play on this. Right now, there is nothing sexier than a Disney dad. They love going to Disney with you. They love spending money on Disney. they love taking their kids to disney that is the sexiest thing i'm going to tell you right that was kind of creepy dude it's it's pure it's just drug addict talk but what's which i'm okay with except for the kids i appreciate the thought but do better oh and it's so absurd there's nothing sexy about him at all listen that's like there's nothing
Starting point is 01:50:32 there's absolutely nothing sexy about me and i'm a thousand times sexier than that guy that sexy means you want to mate with something in order to have kids he probably yeah yeah he probably the shelf life on fat people being attractive is really small that's the problem with being fat it's like um and there's a limit to it but once you're over like 25 fat's no longer attractive yeah the whole dad bod thing really threw me for a loop i couldn't stand it doesn't make sense well i'll tell you all about it offline disaster enlighten me but i'm not going for it i'm
Starting point is 01:51:15 trust me i'm not trying to normalize that shit and it's okay to be comfortable with your body i'm happy that that i don't want anyone to be uncomfortable with their body like go to the go to the beach and take your shirt off and have fun and don't live in the fucking nightmare that i live in but but but it's so absurd to say that that's sexy it's um that that guy's on so many fucking drugs i'm sure let alone the sugar he's eating let alone all the fucking medications you don't want that guy ejaculating semen into you and procreating sorry go ahead I'm sure let alone the sugar he's eating, let alone all the fucking medications. You don't want that guy ejaculating semen into you and procreating. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Go ahead. Yeah. You can't even enjoy that place when you're that big. Like, well, yeah, because you can do it. It's literally, it's literally walls and they have carts for you.
Starting point is 01:52:02 There's millions of hearts, not millions, thousands and thousands of carts. They're everywhere. If I was that big, I don't think I could enjoy it. Being able to walk everywhere is half of it. It's an important element of a happy life. Yeah, sure. Okay. yeah sure okay uh 230 232 india workforce of 1 billion people somebody told me so i don't know where this is going but somebody told me the other day that there was a tyson packing plant in the
Starting point is 01:52:40 midwest that hired 3 000 micronesians to work there from like two-year contracts and there are only like a hundred thousand people who live in micronesia i found that insane basin plant like a chunk of their population yeah seriously like almost the entirety of micronesia works oh yeah it's here it's in the well the new york times has an article they cross an ocean to butcher Almost the entirety of Micronesia works. Oh yeah. It's here. It's in the, well,
Starting point is 01:53:06 the New York times has an article. They crossed an ocean to butcher pigs. It was no American dream. Of course the, the, they get fucking jobs and they're out of their fucking shit. Whole life. And they have opportunity.
Starting point is 01:53:19 New York times has to show you in Micronesia. It doesn't sound that bad, but you know, living in America gives you far more opportunities. I was 200. Micronesians made the sound that bad, but living in America gives you far more opportunities. I was 200 Micronesians made the 7,000-mile journey. I found that so – I was like, what is the population of Micronesia that we're taking 3,000 of them? This article says it's only 200, but maybe they've taken more.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Oh, for sure. Hey, it could be worse. They could go to Dubai and be slaves. They could go to go to uae and be slaves indentured servitude for the rest of your life yes yeah it's crazy myself but the other people that the people that come from other countries that come in here like can't like fathom like how much like opportunity there is with jobs and even if you and then everybody like you know all the people coming out of college like poo-poo the minimum wage and they say this or that or the other thing i'm like look it's not going to be easy if you're making a minimum wage job. But you have the opportunity in America to start at a minimum wage job, live with whatever you got to do your parents or grind with six other roommates, right?
Starting point is 01:54:15 Like live in there, work a ton, save every penny you have dumped 50% of in the S&P 500. Do that in your early 20s. And within 10 years of just grinding like that, you could find yourself in a pretty good position. Hey, that's what I did. That's what I did with my college buddies. That's what we did. We all fucking worked our asses off to fucking try to scrape money together
Starting point is 01:54:36 and get money from our parents to pay our rent and smoke dope. That sounds way better. And imagine if you put that money into some sort of investment or investing in your own education for seminars or different things that you could learn to acquire new skills and then take that money and invest further into those skills and just slowly work your way out of it. But everybody else would rather just sit around, be entitled, complain, cry online like that Starbucks worker we had on the last time, even though the opportunities there there are crazy abundant they're getting a higher education and then blame it on the system it's like come on you get opportunity and then blame someone yeah that's it yeah opportunity to have
Starting point is 01:55:17 all these benefits at a part-time job continue on with my higher education they work around my schedule so i could still go to school, but we need a union. What's this? Beaver Arts. Is this your second hand now? Caleb, is this you? Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. Let's see this. Let's see this. I have a feeling this is going to be great. Oh, you can turn the volume off hey this is real this is how they do shit in india
Starting point is 01:55:52 this is real so you got the foreman in all white wow one two three four five guys fucking brilliant hey look at the teeter-totter looks like it's i mean it is fucking janky yeah oh my god so i went through a toll booth there in india and there was like fucking 16 lanes on a highway and there were three guys working the toll booth you give the money to one guy i don't know what he does with it like he checks it then he gives it to another guy and he checks it and then they give it to the guy and he puts in the register and then when they pass the change back they do the same thing and i asked someone there i'm like hey why why is it like this and they go dude we have so many people who need jobs i was like bureaucracy
Starting point is 01:56:35 yeah yeah that's how it is out here too yeah it is jobs for nothing jobs for nothing for sure yeah like they don't do anything. They just stand there and watch people go by. At least it could be a blunt roller for Snoop Dogg. Yeah. He pays that guy like 40 grand. He does? Yeah, it was on a podcast I was listening to, and they're like, hey, wait,
Starting point is 01:56:58 we heard that there's a job that you give out that it's just a blunt roller. And he's like, yeah. So this person's job is just to roll blunts and he's like yeah that's right he goes how much do we pay he goes i pay him good i pay him like it was like 40 or 45k here wow hey let's see if we can get that guy on oh fuck that's a great idea okay i'll do some research. 2-12. The Rock is a bitch.
Starting point is 01:57:29 Oh, I got to leave in three minutes. So, do you always aspire to roll seat dogs once? This local affiliate owner who knew Greg back in like the 90s reached out to me yesterday. He's a friend of mine, Kevin Johns. Logan Paul says The Rock abandoned him when he was his lowest, so he left him on red when The Rock reached out recently. Oh, God, this is sold. Okay, let's play this. Let's hear this.
Starting point is 01:57:51 In real life. Sweetheart. Gave me the time of day. Had a nice conversation. It was awesome. Made like three or four videos on separate occasions that all went like crazy viral. I would consider him like definitely like an acquaintance, like very friendly with each other. Like me and Dwayne, what's up? After Japan happened, found myself in a hole, rightfully so, extremely low mentally. And I got a call from my publicist. She's like, Hey, Dwayne has asked that
Starting point is 01:58:17 you remove every picture and video that you've, you've done with him. He basically wants nothing to do with you. You know, I made a grotesotesque error but i just wish i would have gotten like a call or a text or something i thought we had a like a healthy relationship an open line of communication and i and i was so sad my hero wanted nothing to do with me i vowed to get better i vowed to change whatever time passed i start doing well did you reach out again i did not reach out he did three months ago like nothing ever happened and he didn't acknowledge that there was ever any and what did you do did you reply you're basically saying if i wasn't good enough in my dark times am i good enough now for you okay well no thank you Yeah. Cause everyone wants you on the come up. It's interesting how that works.
Starting point is 01:59:05 The rock Johnson. I was, I, I, I saw something that Jake Paul posted a couple of days ago. I played it on a show a couple of days ago. It fucking like, I, I just, now I'm in love with Jake Paul. I'm the biggest Jake Paul fan of all time. Now this is going to sound weird, but I actually wouldn't be surprised if the rock didn't even know his publishers reached out and had that happen with uh oh fair because if you look back at that time like he was still up and coming like the rock may have not even known that that took place and the publicist was just doing the job they went oh shit we have a few things with this person they're going down we
Starting point is 01:59:37 need to immediately disassociate so what you're saying is logan paul needs a matt zuza logan baby what's up let's get jake on here and then i'll help you out a little bit what were you saying caleb i'm just saying the rock's been big enough for like at least over 10 years so it's easily that that could have happened yeah that's the way i see it and then i think it's a huge mistake on logan paul's part not to if that really is true not to reach back out because i'd reach back out and then i would i would like leverage that as like a talking point and some sort of drama or attention gatherer between the two of us uh i forgot to say i'm doing my l1 tomorrow at cf glasgow scotland no shit congrats john yeah please tell me about it
Starting point is 02:00:17 dm me or or come back here and tell me i can't wait to hear congratulations that is awesome who cares about the test? Don't worry. Don't let Caleb stress you out. If you take some photos with the coaches, tag us in it on Instagram and stuff like that. I always love getting those too. Please. Please. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:34 We will repost those. Tag us on any L1 photos. We'll repost them. When the temperature is more than 110 degrees in the UAE, the government says it's less, so they keep them working on roads under the sun. Well, yeah. You don't want to take their jobs away because of a little heat uh that's that that's a was really good that you said that um mr suza that's a really good point okay number 21 since we're on the paul brothers uh i i really
Starting point is 02:01:00 i i'm i'm just so stoked to see this. Number 21, Jake Paul. What a boss. And some of you might think that this is not a big deal. I wouldn't think this is a big deal five years ago, but we are in the era of being canceled. I wouldn't be surprised tomorrow if they say Jake Paul fucking hates black people. I mean, people... Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:01:30 I mean, people basically sell billions, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of medication to people. If the medication actually worked, then they wouldn't have any more clients. So they're just trying to get these people more sick. And this type of corruption happens with hundred billion dollar organizations, because, like I said, it's hundreds of billions of dollars on the line. And greediness never stops, man. You know, these people always want more and more and more. The big pharma companies who... Letting it hang out there, talking smart talk to his generation. How old was that clip? That's pretty recent, right?
Starting point is 02:02:04 I think it's very recent. Has there been any backlash from it or anything that's happened because of that? There will be. I'd be surprised because a lot of times it's not the first or second time that something's said. It's like if you decide to hop on that and kind of make that your agenda as you push it forward when you go on public things like that, then it becomes a real issue issue so i'm curious to see if he continues with that i hope he does but we'll see i heard a kid at the store the other day say um uh or we were outside i can't remember where i was but he was telling one of his friends i'm so lucky i got an eighth of weed and there was more like one and a half eighths in it
Starting point is 02:02:42 and there was more like one and a half eighths in it. The little things, the little things. And I was like thinking to myself, no, you'd actually, you'd be lucky if you quit smoking weed. If you called and he wasn't available to drop it off. Yeah, that would be lucky. Actually, you got unlucky. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:03:04 2.11. Oh, this is a trip. trip this is there was a guy i don't know if i don't hear about this guy anymore there was a guy on instagram that was huge for a while named dan blazerian he was always like in jets and with hot girls and um he wore a million dollar watch well let's let's hear we got the clip here we go uh calculated plans to you know rob rich people of their belongings these days oh yeah i mean i got a million dollar watch stolen off my wrist at the canelo fight you know i didn't even feel it it was the weirdest thing man i was walking and taking some photos whatever and look down my watch is gone these guys that could take your watch right off your wrist, look in you in the fucking eye, like, you and me,
Starting point is 02:03:47 and you would not feel, it's the craziest fucking thing ever. And I should have known that, I knew it, because I'm, like, friends with, like, some of these magicians or whatever, like, seen it done before. You know, it's probably, like, stupid to fucking wear a million-dollar watch and, you know, a big crowd, like, especially if you're going to be stopping to take photos, but it happens, you know?
Starting point is 02:04:03 Whatever. I wasn't happy about it, but... about it but a million dollar watch taken off his wrist at the canelo fight it's a richard melee this shit's super expensive they just made the thinnest watch ever it's like a millimeter thick and it's even more expensive than that. Oh, can we see that? That's crazy. The finished watch is everything. Yeah. Is someone sanding something in the room? Yes. No, they're actually renovating my old apartment, which is now below me
Starting point is 02:04:34 as I'm sitting in the new apartment. Sounds like they have a sander out. Yeah, they're like, they're demoing the whole thing out. So I think they're cutting out the cabinets. I'll mute the mic. No, it's okay. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:04:45 Those are sounds of masculinity you hear coming from upstairs. Construction. Wow. Oh. Oh, my goodness. That is thin. It's insane. Hey, dude. dude so basically you could
Starting point is 02:05:05 just bend that and ruin the watch I don't think you can because I think they want to say they made it from like titanium or something that's crazy go up so thanks to a case which was developed over 2000
Starting point is 02:05:21 for over 2000 hours made of grade 5 titanium and capable of withstanding 5,000 Gs. It only weighs 30 grams. Wow. Including the strap, it only weighs 30. By the way, I think an ounce is 28.5 grams, if I remember correct from my weed days. More than 6,000 hours were spent on development and laboratory testing with Richard Mille utilizing laboratories of Audemars, Peugeot, and Le Brassus, Switzerland on the project. The resulting technical accomplishment has a 45-hour power reserve and is water-resistant up to 10 meters.
Starting point is 02:05:58 So that watch only lasts for 45 hours? You got to do something to it? Well, it's probably like an automatic one. So when you wear it, it's probably like an automatic one so when you wear it it'll just automatically charge itself oh wind itself crazy that's caleb's greatest contribution to the show is now this watch i'm a big watch guy okay let's finish go ahead go ahead no i just got you into watches you collect them do you have anything yeah right now so this one i found out here this is the one i wear normally oh damn that
Starting point is 02:06:33 looks expensive wow no that's not expensive you got that for six dollars yeah but the numbers the numbers are written in inalla, Isla. Yeah. It's like twice as expensive online as where I found it here. So got to get some good deals while we're out here. Let's finish with number 115. Oh, so you're not – I thought you were in Sweden. It doesn't look like you're in Sweden with those numbers.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Next to Sweden. He's like close. Pretty close. Pretty close. Close. 115, Canada, give your kids drugs, and then I'm going to the skate park. That's Valley. If you want to go, Allison, we'll be there. No, I'm going to go to San Francisco
Starting point is 02:07:19 with my friends. No, honey, there's still something going around. Okay. Oh, shit. She can't go out and play in Canada with the other Indian kids. Can I go outside and play with my friends? No, honey. They still have things going around. Okay. COVID vaccines available now for children 6 months to 12 years old. So your daughter can go outside and play. That's fucking insane.
Starting point is 02:08:01 With the other kids from Pakistan. Fucking nuts. Thank you for thinking of the kids. was it just me or did something change wasn't it uh under 18 years old you were there was like zero percent affected by this like zero percent oh dude i got some crazy stats on that that i want i don't get it i got some crazy stats on that like it's fine that they're pushing it but like is anybody going down that route like does anybody not look it up and be like oh well they could not have it and they'll be unaffected why would you get it okay so this is the fatality rate for people with COVID between the ages of 0 and 19.
Starting point is 02:08:47 This is according to John Iannotti from Stanford, the most published and revered scientist alive today. He will not even speak at engagements unless they are at nonprofits. He will not speak for money. And he did this study with Jay Bhattacharya. These are double phds one of them has a phd i think in uh biology and economics and the other ones like in neuroscience and uh it's it's in math it's like fucking crazy they just did this they've fucking crunched all the numbers. Between the age of 0 and 19,
Starting point is 02:09:27 your survival rate is 99.9997%. Wow. Because it can't be 100%. Yes. Listen to what Caleb just said. That's the smartest thing said on the show. Damn, Caleb, you're killing it today. Contributions left and right.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Did you fucking hear that? Not because it's not 100%, but because it can't be. Right. That's such a great point. It's your fucking peanut wrapped around that. Thank you, Caleb. That was fucking amazing. I'm going to put that in the top three things ever said on the show.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Really good point. For all of us and all of our reasoning, it is 100%, but it can never be 100% when it's – Statistically, it'll never be 100. Wow. Okay. You ready for this? For 20 to 29-year-olds, 99.997%. Still better than birth control.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Caleb, what's your line? Because it can't be 100%. Yes. But what about grandma? Okay. For 60 to 69-year-olds, the death rate, 69 year olds the death rate 99.499%
Starting point is 02:10:50 holy shit .3% more likely.03% more likely and this article goes on to say how they fucked with all the numbers and how they did it and uh
Starting point is 02:11:04 I want to do a whole show on it i i have all my notes ready i just know that once i dig into this it's going to be fucking i'm a little intimidated by it why what do you mean because it's just so much to fucking present like it's going to be like 30 minutes of just fucking me trying to explain to you what these two fucking brilliant scientists have put together do you just meditate on it a little bit and do what you do best and create an analogy that simplifies it down for everybody to contextualize it and understand oh thank you susa genius second best thing said on the show yeah but no in seriousness i think if you just meditate on it go through a few of them you'll you'll find one
Starting point is 02:11:43 that'll fit uh what's what's the poll at how many people jerk off to danny spiegel who watched this show gosh you guys bye bruce wayne love you too brother thank you for tuning in brother later bruce okay that sounds about so what's interesting is i think that's our ratio of men listening to the show versus women 77 percent um of our show i think is men 23 as women and so we got the inverse of that so it's just the women who are masturbating to danny speedway what yeah science science yeah it's been peer-reviewed by us and now it is truth uh danny you're always welcome on the show if i ever said anything um that was uh negative about your body um uh i i apologize if i ever said anything negative about your body that you misconstrued uh you can go fuck yourself and um but you're still welcome on the show uh
Starting point is 02:12:41 amongst amongst men uh go fuck yourself as a term of endearment we'll see all of you guys maybe tonight for sure tomorrow morning for sure soon bye

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