The Sevan Podcast - #665 - Devyn Kim

Episode Date: November 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. The perfect answer. Bam, we're live. Jack, good morning. Why ain't nobody here?
Starting point is 00:00:36 I don't know. Good morning, Kev. Craig, good morning. Michelle, good morning. And finally, Paul, good morning and finally paul good morning uh exciting guest this morning devin kim yesterday uh yesterday when i started uh exciting for a bunch of reasons because i've known her forever her dad's been in the crossfit space forever uh working events but we'll get into that yesterday uh when i started talking
Starting point is 00:01:05 about my uh haircut story the whole reason why i was telling the story i forgot to tell i got stuck on the fact that the lady thought i was handsome which was overwhelming javier christian cory uh tank top todd jessica oh good morning um so she so i get in there and like i was saying it's just the one lady cutting my hair and then the receptionist and they right away are like no you can't shave your head they didn't even ask me they just like start telling me that my hair is too good and then this lady walks in and she kind of looks like a low rent version of one of the ladies from uh like one of those housewife shows you know she's got like the really long dyed black hair really straightened a big old
Starting point is 00:01:45 fake bolt-on hammers i kind of i kind of glance over a little lip yeah the crazy lips that she's like the version of her and she starts asking this lady for like a haircut and the lady's like no we're almost closed and i can't i have to pick my daughter up and she goes i don't even want a haircut and i'm talking to the receptionist she started getting snooty because she was talking to the receptionist about wanting a haircut but the lady who's the only one there cutting hair is like i'm so sorry i can't and she's like i only this is super cuts super cuts yes i know yeah and she's like i only want a hair wash and i'm listening to this so i i the lady's like playing with my hair and telling me, giving me ideas of how to cut it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And she goes, your hair is so thick. And I go, yeah. And she goes, no, it's like, your hair is unbelievably thick. I'm like, yeah. And I go, I haven't washed it in five months. And I said it kind of loud. Cause I was wanting to see how the Beverly Hills housewives of Beverly Hills lady. And I heard her give, I heard her from, I couldn't see her, give an audible gasp.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Because once I heard her say that she was in there just for a hair wash. And what's crazy is I said to the lady who was cutting my hair, I'm like, hey, does it matter? Do you care that I haven't washed my hair in five months? And she looked, and I can see her in the mirror and she looks at her hands and she goes, as long as I don't have any open sores. You're going to need a tetanus trial. I do like it thick.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That is 100%. True. Matt, good morning. Patrick Clark, good morning. Can't wait for all of you to get to know Devin. Yeah, she's a cool chick. I remember her as being a young girl. And then I saw her recently at the ranch and I couldn't believe her demeanor. She's a full-blown adult. Brandon, good morning. Jay Hartle, good morning. Jeff Bako, good morning. Devin Kim, good morning. Hi.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Good morning to everyone. Barbell Spin, good morning. Hey, thanks for doing this. Yeah, of course. Dude, you're at Invictus. Yeah, I've been there for like three years, four years, five years. I don't know. It's been a while. What an amazing pedigree and powerhouse gym. What a yeah just chugging along in in the early days it got a shitload of notoriety and now now not that it doesn't get notoriety but it's more just like a staple it's just there yeah no it's an amazing gym like i've been there i've been training with like invictus on their programming for about four or five years now. But I recently moved down about a year and a half ago to be full-time there, train there full-time.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And it's insane what that kind of community can do to not only your physical abilities, but mentally too. Excuse me. It's amazing. I've changed as an athlete in the last year and a half. Like, I don't know if it was also due to like moving out and being on my own. Like, obviously I'm only 20 years old, but like, that was like a big step for me. And like having everybody there at that gym, having that community really just like transform me into like a person, first off better person too, but like just a way better athlete as
Starting point is 00:05:06 well you're only 20 but in one of those photos i see in one of the photos when you're on the podium uh where you where you did podium in the 2022 crossfit games which is insane congratulations you're holding a bottle i don't think that's uh cider. I think you look at that. What is going on here? I was like, hey, I'll take it. Yeah, they were like passing down like who wants it. So I was like, I think Jorge or Josh like did the whole spray thing. But I was just like, hey, the 20 year old can take the champagne.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Is Jorge even is Jorge even 21? Yeah, Jorge is's like the second oldest one he's like 27 or 28 my god he looks like a baby I know he's just without a beard he's a complete baby face yeah baby would just stack with more muscle than anyone right um do you remember back in the day by the way when i when i recently ran into you at um at the ranch a few months ago i couldn't even place you but uh i remember thinking i'm 50 i have a lifetime of accolades i i'm fucking i have an ego the size of a fucking mount everest and you had such confidence around me and I was like fuck where can I buy some of this like I was like her parents would be so proud of her you walked right up to me you said hi you gave me a hug you chatted me up I was like who is this girl and then
Starting point is 00:06:37 I when I finally put it together I'm like oh my god this is the little girl I remember seeing around in the early days at regionals. Crazy. Right. I know. It's insane. Like I was actually just talking, um, I was talking to my parents cause obviously I told them I saw you and all that. And they were like, you haven't seen Siobhan in like, since you were a little baby, like baby as in like 10 years old, like 10, 11 years old. I do remember the last time I saw you and I, and someone had to be like, dude, that's Devin Kim. It was at the regionals. Uh, you were, um, someone told me you were 16 years old there and you were doing the
Starting point is 00:07:16 demo and a completely empty venue with all, all the best athletes in the world looking at you. Cause that regional was insane the dan baileys the josh bridges i mean everyone was there um the valerie vobrals and you were up there with adrian or down there they're all looking down on you and it's just the two of you you could have heard a pin drop and adrian's giving you orders to do movement demos and i and I remember Tyson uh Oldroyd bumped me he goes dude that's Devin Kim I'm like what
Starting point is 00:07:49 that was nuts how how did you get that gig um so obviously like um you know my parents worked for CrossFit and so my dad um I don't even remember how it came about. I don't know if it was Dave that like asked him or reached out to him or if it was Adrian. But like three years in a row, they like needed another person for the demo team. And obviously, like my dad was always like, yeah, like my daughter can do it. Devin will do it. And obviously, I was there at all like all the regionals. I wasn't competing. I was a little adolescent.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I was like 14 years old. But yeah, so I did that for like three years in a row and I can't remember exactly how it all came about, but it was, it was super cool to be able to do that. Were you nervous up there or down there with all the eyes on you and you're setting the standard for the movements and, and Adrian Bosmanrian bosman being like do this do this i'm gonna be honest i probably was but it's also like i don't know it was cool like i love i've been a part of this community for a really long time um so like obviously all those names to me were like kind of everyone i looked up to like dan ba Bailey back then, like Val Volbro. Brooke and I mean, Emily Abbott. I mean, that those those events stacked. Yeah. So it was nerve wracking.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But like, I don't know. It was just like, cool. Like I knew that wasn't the first time like I ever met Adrian either. So it's like I kind of knew him already or like had like a we mutually knew each other through people. So like it wasn't as nerve wracking, nervewracking as I thought it was going to be because it's fun. I love that stuff. This thing, I love it.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I love CrossFit. Yeah, you didn't look nervous. And even at 16, you completely looked like you belong. I don't think anyone who didn't know you was like, who this little girl i mean you were already you were performing like a a woman and adrian is um he he i don't want to say he's two different people but off the field he's so happy go lucky anything goes yeah but on game day um he's a bit of a monster he's serious as a heart attack very serious okay i found this on the web for set a heart attack check it out no no thank you siri wow siri's like okay wow did i say anything that sounded like siri or she just
Starting point is 00:10:22 paranoid about heart attacks and myocarditis these days? She's probably just paranoid. Yeah, I think she's paranoid these days. She's going to call 911 for you. She is. By the way, Caleb, Devin, Devin, Caleb. Nice to meet you. My most memorable things about Invictus were – and by the way, for those of you who never got to go to that venue, the Del Mar venue was so special.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It was second to the games only because of the crowd size. But besides that, it was the greatest venue for any regional breakaway, anything I'd ever been to. It felt like a county fair the crowds were massive vendor village was cool as shit there was tons of parking the weather was perfect the lighting inside the gym and the open air feel to it even though it was covered was just it was the best i could only imagine being a 14 year old kid running around there um it must've been so cool. But I remember Invictus had these massive crowds there and they all wore green. It's the sea of green.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah. Yeah. And they would do this tunnel for Josh Bridges. And maybe they did it for their other athletes too, where the 50 people or a hundred people that Invictus would bring, you can see them in the back there. Did you see? Yeah. Yeah. They would build a tunnel of, I think they call it the tunnel of love. Tunnel of love. Oh, I like that. And Josh would run through it. Yeah. Do you remember that? I can't remember. Oh no, I can't remember. But I always remember the sea of green was always on that back um
Starting point is 00:12:06 that back bleacher like you had the big two side ones that were like in the for the like event um and then the bleachers that they put back there just for the regionals I remember the sea of green was always back there before I was even like with Invictus um I like my first couple regionals obviously I wasn't with them um but i remember always seeing that and be like who is that who's sea of green who's invictus i was always super intrigued by them because like having that community there at like a regional is just insane like it was super cool to see that you started at a powerhouse gym crossfit overload powerhouse in the sense not for games athletes but it was like a super
Starting point is 00:12:45 community gym like everyone knew it it was like it was the the the perfect example of like a community gym and then you moved inland or sorry sorry and that was inland in california and then you moved to the coast um i don't know 50 miles to san diego to invictus which is downtown san diego right in just a few blocks from the ocean yeah just down right in downtown how how was that move and you just said you did that two years ago yeah like a year and a half last after it was after west coast classic last year after our first team uh it, we were like, okay, like, we didn't expect to make it to games, or we expected to make it to games, but, like, going into that season, we had, like, three, so there was, like, three new people from Invictus on that team, and then including me,
Starting point is 00:13:36 so we didn't really know what to expect, so once we made it, I was like, okay, like, this is game time, this was my first time making it back to games since I was a teenager, so I was like okay like this is game time um this was my first time making it back to game since I was a teenager so I was like um school was still online for me so I was like this is the time that I need to move down there like make that transition to really like um like up my training so it was it was honestly like easy like obviously it was hard leaving my parents i haven't i've lived with them obviously my whole life um the nice thing is i'm only an hour drive away which my mom loves um but it's been good i mean i love being out here on my own obviously it's downtown san diego you can't really complain you have the beach five minutes away from you amazing hikes down here so i love it you your mom is on the affiliate team um so yeah she was and then when um eric came in like when the whole new transition
Starting point is 00:14:36 came in uh she got laid off and then she's still me too tell her if she needs a shoulder i'm like as they all did um but she now – so she still works with CrossFit. Like Paula and them do stuff still for games, but she's not with like HQ anymore. Okay. Oh, so she did – her and Paula do work together. Yeah. They do – what do they do? They're like still – they still do all the flights and everything, like all the hotels and flights, kind of like what they did for games too but like
Starting point is 00:15:05 not the affiliate side anymore for those of you who don't know i i would i would nominate uh paula gravat is probably one of the greatest employees crossfit ever had and probably one of the biggest losses the affiliates have ever sustained without even knowing it. She basically knew more affiliates than probably anyone, her and Kathy Glassman. And now Paul is running a really successful business out of Nashville. And she's doing Greg Glassman's huge event in February, the Broken Science event. Oh, she is? Yeah. And when I heard that, I was so happy to hear that they were working together again. Yeah, me too. That's awesome to hear. I did not know that. Yeah, and Jordan Gravatt was one of the top filmmakers over there at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, what a great family. Oh, I know. So you go to Invictus, and they have a big stable of, I don't know if this is a word, games aspirants, people who aspire to go to the games. Yeah. No, we do. How big is that group? Ooh. Just of anyone who wants to go.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Do you think it's 20? You think there's 20 or 30 people there who want to go to the games? 30 is a little push. Okay. There are 30 people who probably definitely want to go to the games. I'll be honest. There are definitely 20, 30 people who want to. We got a big group of training people right now, though.
Starting point is 00:16:33 We just added a few new, like a few new people are starting to come down and train with us. So it's super cool to like kind of see that community grow. At Invictus, we do have this class called like a competition class, aside from our normal like group classes, and then we have our training. But there are a lot of athletes in that competition class who are phenomenal. And like, they'll go to like Waterpalooza and all this stuff to try to like, just gain more experience. And I think there are definitely like a handful of people from that class just there that will eventually become games athletes which i think is super cool and then you have
Starting point is 00:17:10 our whole training aspect like see all those people right there um it's an awesome like community that we have down there and we it just is going to keep growing and i love it who's the guy on the far right with the, the, the yeah, right there where the arrows on them. Who's that? Lalo. Oh, he looks so familiar.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I don't recognize that. You've probably, have you, no, he wasn't there that weekend. I'm not sure. You've might've seen him on like somebody's story or something. He,
Starting point is 00:17:41 he was on the team, the B team last year for Invictus at granite games okay to italy too so he's been he's done a few competitions tell me um going back your parents started crossfit first right yes and they pulled you into it can you go back to that how old you were and what that was like? You were eight years old. I was eight years old. It was the summer right after I just turned eight. My parents started, I think, like either the beginning of that year, like of 2011 or like the end of 2010. I can't remember exactly. But me and my brother started in the summer of 2011.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I was eight years old. And so we started off just doing like the kids classes and stuff like that. And we just fell in love with it. Like we obviously got super close with everybody at the gym, Paula, Jordan, all of them. So it was just like kind of a big family to us. And me and my brother just like started growing. We started doing like the teens class and then because it was super cool that gym had like a kid's class and then after that you had like a teenage class so like you weren't like a little baby anymore but you could like do like heavier movements so then we started doing that and then obviously we just went to like the big group
Starting point is 00:18:58 classes and stuff like that um so yeah we've just been i've been doing it for a while and it's just, I love it. How does a, I wonder this about my own kids. I don't think my kids have ever been in my kids train a lot all day, every day. It feels like, but I don't think that they've my oldest son that just turned eight. I don't think he's ever been to the pain cave i think the closest thing he's been to is when they have to run um sprints and tennis it's their line sprints they're like back and forth you touch a line and it's a short distance away then you come back then it's a little further you come back and sometimes and they they do those with the whole class so it's a race and it's probably
Starting point is 00:19:43 it takes 20 seconds to run one of those. And the most they've ever run in a row is three. Do you remember the first time you went to like a place where, and you know, little kids get pretty dramatic. They'll be like, I can't breathe. I can't breathe or shit like that. Do you remember the first time you started flirting with the pain cave? Yeah. I, yeah. I think so. The first time I can remember it was.
Starting point is 00:20:14 By the way, this has never been talked about in the history of the world, ladies and gentlemen. No one's ever talked about the first time kids have gone to a pain cave. That's why you listen to this podcast. We're here with Devin Kim. Okay. It was the open. I want to say it was my very first open that I qualified for the games. Because I remember.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Okay, so that's good for me to hear. So years went by before you really go there. Oh, no. No, no, no. That was the one time I remember. Okay. That was the first time I remember. Okay. That was the first time I remember. I remember when I was like a kid, like doing it when I was like eight or nine. I can't remember any of
Starting point is 00:20:52 that. Like that's been a long time, Siobhan. But I definitely know that when I was like 10 or 11, I went there because that was the very first time I ever threw up. Oh, in a workout. Yeah, it was a Saturday. I remember it was a Saturday morning because it was like I never do morning classes. Like back then, I never did morning classes unless it was a Saturday 9 a.m. So I remember it was a Saturday 9 a.m. class and I've never thrown up in a workout before. This was before like any games or anything. So I knew I was young. I was probably like 10, 11, 12.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And I remember it was after the workout. It was like running, wall balls, pull-ups and something else. And it ended on a run. And I went outside and vomited after. And I was like young. I've never thrown up in a workout before. So that was the first time that I can like, remember like throwing up and like going to that place. But mentally, there's still this one
Starting point is 00:21:51 workout that like screwed me up. And I remember exactly which one it was. It was the open workout where it was dumbbell snatches and burpee box jump overs. And I think it was just that it was one of the opens um i can't remember which event it was and you were young you were young when you did that also okay yeah it was my it was my first open that qualified me for the crossfit games so you were 14 yeah that was the year you took seventh yes okay yeah so the year i took seventh that um games i remember doing that workout in aft like i went on broken because my dad told me, he's like, Devin, you're going to go on broken on all these dumbbell snatches. And I was like, I think our weight was only 20.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It wasn't 30. But like for me, I was like 50 dumbbell snatches at the end of a workout to like go on broken. Okay. So I remember doing that and I was just like I shut my brain off I think that last 40 15 50 15 like my eyes were shut the entire time I did not know where I was but my dad just kept telling me to go go go and I just shut my mind off and just went and at the end of that workout I jumped over my last box jump and I tumbled, I tumbled on the ground. My head almost hit, um, the rig that was right behind me. It was,
Starting point is 00:23:13 it was a fun thing to see. Your dad must've been so proud when you threw up. He was like, at least you wouldn't have broken. And I was like, that's all that mattered. I actually, it's not, um actually it's not um it's not thank you kat thank you thank you thank you thank you seven brilliant to you thank you i appreciate it i stroke the ego um i do remember one time actually it's not that's not fair uh about a year ago i had a bunch of my he was seven at the time had a bunch of friends over and i had them do 100 burpees for time and avi did did it in four 40 and he didn't look, he didn't look so good. Yeah. A hundred burpees will definitely get somebody the open workout where it was the burpee to a touch. That was also,
Starting point is 00:23:57 that's not fun. So why did your parents go into a CrossFit gym? By the way, I love your parents. They've always been so nice to me. They always greet me with a smile. They always have greeted me with a big hug. You come from a great lineage. Why did your parents walk into CrossFit Overload? When did they? No, why did they?
Starting point is 00:24:21 That's a good question. I've never asked them that. I think they just saw it one day and was like super intrigued by it my parents have like my dad has been in sports his whole life so is my mom so I think they just wanted to find something else to do like rather than just like normal like globo gym stuff like now that in their adulthood so I think they found crossfit and then fell in love with it like the rest of us did um that's overloads in temecula california yeah and that's sort of a a motorcycle like mecca right temecula
Starting point is 00:24:53 yeah all kinds of motorcycles everything off-road off-roading yeah lots of running were your parents into that the off-roading we we all are uh we go to the desert every year like i my parents were actually in the desert last year uh or not last year last week um we have like my brother has or he's gone through like three or four dirt bikes let me tell you but um he's had dirt bikes we have like those can--Am four wheelers. We have a bunch of those. So, I mean, we've done it our entire lives. Like I grew up going to the desert. So like my brother actually used to race motocross. So we've kind of just always grown up in that, too. So it's kind of cool that like that area kind of goes with us. And there's the there's deserts only like two, three hours from here.
Starting point is 00:25:44 So it's super convenient being able to go there that's why we go as much as we do i i wonder the reason why i asked that is i wonder i would bet if i had to bet that it was someone in that community who told them hey you should try crossfit yeah you know probably honestly yeah i can't i honest i can't remember i would that's something i should ask them because I do want to know why they started getting into it. Because I mean, that's the reason that I did. But I can't remember. I just know that they started going. My mom was like, Oh, yeah, me and your dad are trying this new thing called CrossFit. And I was like, I was like, eight years old. I was like, I don't know what that is. Or I was I was actually seven at the time they started because Cause I didn't start till like a couple months later and I seven year old me and you know, I probably don't care what my parents are doing. I'm just like, okay, bye. Does that mean I have the house to myself? Yes. Did you push back at all? I wanted to like, okay, sign me up. Yeah. Well, so at that time too, I was also in gymnastics, like tumbling. Um, so I did,
Starting point is 00:26:47 I was doing tumbling for about like a couple months before, or like a couple months. I was doing it for like a year and then a couple months into it, I was doing CrossFit as well. And my parents got to a point where they were like, all right, you need to choose. You need to choose between CrossFit or gymnastics. Like, which one do you want to do? And I was like, CrossFit all the way. So then I stopped doing that and then just was like, all right, you need to choose, you need to choose between CrossFit or gymnastics, like, which one do you want to do? And I was like, CrossFit all the way. So then I stopped doing that. And then just was like, all right, I'm doing CrossFit now. And I didn't think anything of it back then. Like, I didn't think that I was gonna, like compete or become like good or anything like that. I just loved it. And I was like, yeah, I want to do CrossFit over sports. I didn't really know
Starting point is 00:27:21 that sports could take you as far as they did back then. Like I was just like, whatever sounded like fun to me, whatever I wanted to do, I was going to do it. I didn't think of a future of any, I didn't think I would have a future in it at all. So I just started doing it because it was fun and I liked it. Uh, you took a seventh, a second, a fourth, and a fourth. You went to four CrossFit games as a kid. Let's start at the first one. Was there any pressure for you to make it that first year you competed? Like when you did the Open at 14, were you like, hey, I want to go to the games? Or did you just stumble into it?
Starting point is 00:27:58 No, honestly, I stumbled into it. Everyone always says, oh, were you training? I didn't start training for that CrossFit Games until I made it like I didn't even realize I was gonna make it um I think this was the first year that I realized I could qualify because my parents were like okay like you can now qualify for this like let's let's do the open like let's sign up um like let's record your videos everything and I was like, let's do it. And obviously, there was like a little more pressure to like, kind of want to make it. But at that point,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I didn't really know like where I was standing with like all the other girls, like I had no idea. So I was like, let's do the open. Let's see what happens. And I did it. And I made it. And I was like, all right, like, this is time, like, let's start training. Because I didn't know, like, there's a big difference between just like day-to-day training and CrossFit games training, training, whether you're 14, whether you're 24, like there's still that same, like you still have to have that same mentality, that same determination. So once I made it, I was like, okay, like this is time, like let's start training for this because this isn't gonna, this isn't gonna be easy if I keep training group classes. Like I was, you know, like it's a lot more than just group classes. So once I made it, I was like, okay, this is time.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Let's do it. Um, for those of you who don't know, Devin will be at the, uh, zealous games this weekend, Saturday and Sunday. That's why I was so eager to get her on so quickly. weekend, Saturday and Sunday. That's why I was so eager to get her on so quickly. And she is going to for sure put on a show there. The second year, you know, the open is coming and you know, you've had that experience at the CrossFit Games. Yeah. Then is there any pressure? Are you like, oh, I want to go back? Yeah, that was definitely a little more pressure. Luckily, I was like the upper age of my age bracket, like the 14 to 15. I was 15. So I was like, I didn't feel a little more secure, but I was like, okay, I'm 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Like a year can make a difference in such a young age. There was a big difference between 14-year-old me and 15-year-old me. Like 15-year-old me, that was the year I almost won the game so it's like that training really like after games of 27 2016 my very first games I like was like okay I'm all in like at this point I'm starting from the very beginning like I took a little bit of an off season obviously like as one does um so and then come like the end of the year of that year I was like let's go like I started training for games that minute um my coach at the time we were like we need to start this process early we're not gonna wait till the open again to like start training um because this was my year
Starting point is 00:30:39 like that was my year to do really good like I was in the upper half so I wanted to like really podium if not win so we started that process and there was a pressure, like, you know, you make it the year before you're expected to make it again, or you want to make it again. So there, you do have that pressure to kind of perform well. And obviously as a 15 year old, you have a lot of pressure from like other people. And it's hard to really kind of, you know, digest that all when you have, like, I love my parents and I never felt any pressure from them, but it's like, you know, as a kid, you want to impress your parents. You want to impress your family. Like you want to do good. It'll be like that when you're an adult too. Yeah. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Still at this point, like I feel that, but it's a little bit more from like me now. But back then I was like, you did have that pressure from kind of everybody you wanted to really, and, and still like, I was still young in the sport. Like I might've already been doing it for like five years at that point, but it's like, you're still, you're still new to it. I was new to competing. So it's like seven years at 15, you'd been doing it seven years. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:44 That's every time someone says it i'm like i feel like it's weird but it's also like not that weird but i was actually just talking to one of my co-workers recently because none of my co-workers really know like what i do you know um so i was saying something the other day and they're just like oh so how long have you been doing crossfit and i was like 12 years and they're like aren't you only? And I was like 12 years. And they're like, aren't you only 20? And I was like, yeah, that's all I know. And I'm like, so what did I do as a kid? And I'm like, CrossFit. All I've ever done is CrossFit. All I know is CrossFit. Where do you work? Texas Roadhouse. I'm a server at Texas Roadhouse.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Oh, that's awesome. Do you love that job? I love it. It's honestly, it's so fun. Like if I were to have any serving job, it would be at Texas Roadhouse. That's just my personality. And do you make a lot of tips? Yeah. Yeah. You're so charming. Yeah. Yeah. I only work, I only work on the weekends. So like Friday, Saturday, Sunday, just cause I go to school Monday through Thursday. So I don't really have time during the week to work. So I only work on the weekends, but I make enough money. I mean, obviously I make tips too. So yeah, you're, you're, you're super charming. It's a great job to have because it forces you to interact with a shitload of people. Yeah, I get, I see some
Starting point is 00:33:01 crazy people at roadhouse and it's amazing. It's fun to me. It's so bad to kind of say this, and hopefully my Texas Roadhouse people don't see this, but it's kind of like my escape from my own world. Outside of training, outside of school, outside of life stuff, I kind of can get away at Roadhouse and not be an athlete, not be a student, just working at Texas roadhouse. So it's kind of fun. It's a different performance. It's right. It's a different, you're exercising a different part of your, your being and it's a totally different performance. Probably,
Starting point is 00:33:36 probably a little more free, right? There's less pressure. For sure. You got to sing happy birthday to the people. Yes. You know, I love it. Do you sing good? They made me do that when I turned like 22. It was hilarious. I love that.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No, I don't sing good. But luckily, we don't have to sing. It's just a big yeehaw. Perfect. So you go there and you get second place who is your coach at the time at overload um aaron hunter okay he was my coach the first two years and then jordan was my coach after that jordan gravat okay for for the for the last two for the fourth and the fourth yeah uh for the for the fourth and then i switched over to invictus my last year jordan was
Starting point is 00:34:27 still like my coach though wow yeah and and and um jordan's sister was a um high level athlete and danielle hale was at the gym and she was a high level athlete who were there was it just the three of you were there any other other games athletes there? Games caliber athletes? Pretty much just me and Danielle. I mean, I don't know if you remember Gary Marshman. I don't. He was a master's athlete. So, I mean, he kind of did it too.
Starting point is 00:34:56 He did master's for games. So, I mean, he was there as well. But for the most part, it was just me and Danielle back in the day training together. And Jordan's sister didn't train out of there? No. Do her jordan's sister she went to the games oh um yes yes yes yes she trained there occasionally i can't remember her name that's so bad i can't remember her name either but i remember she kind of just climbed up the ranks every year i would see her name higher and higher and then she fucking she broke in i'm pretty sure she went to the games yes i can't remember her name but she yeah she was there every once in a while i don't think she lived in like marietta temecula area though okay from what i recall i don't think i remember her
Starting point is 00:35:35 living there uh jeff she's from uh temecula california are you born and born and raised there? Um, no, I was actually born in Massachusetts, Springfield, Massachusetts. And then, um, I lived in Marietta, which I mean, Marietta and Temecula are like right next to each other. Like the gym was right on the brink of like Marietta Temecula. If you were on one side of the gym, you were in Marietta. If you're on the other side of the gym, you were in Temecula. That would have been a different upbringing for you. If you would have stayed in Massachusetts. Good job job your parents getting out of there yeah what well yeah then you would be at comp train that was right I'd probably be at comp train if I was still in Massachusetts that's not so bad um Jeff congratulations on the 500 pound deadlift
Starting point is 00:36:20 the other day uh you made that look so freaking easy that was pretty dope yeah it was pretty it was it was pretty amazing so you started a um we talked about you knew you started feeling the struggles and pushing hard uh right away and then in when you take a fourth in your third CrossFit games, you must, that's what, at that point you decide to make the move to Invictus. How old were you then? 16, 17. And you would commute. Yeah. So I was even, so I would go before I was like Invictus programming, like an Invictus athlete. I remember I would drive up on the weekends. I wasn't old enough to drive. I didn't have my license.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I had to have been 15. My parents would drive me up on the weekends every couple of Saturdays. I would go up there and train with them for the day. Then once I turned 16 and I was able to drive myself, the summer after I turned 16, I was commuting to Invictus every single day during the summer because. Wow. I couldn't like and I couldn't in high school. Obviously, I was in class till super late. But the summer that I turned 16, I was there every day.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Like I made that drive every day. So when the other kids. So you're in school. You weren't homeschooled you're in a regular school yeah so you basically from a young age just did school and then back to the crossfit gym school home crossfit gym those were your occasional trip to the desert yeah wow and so you start making those trips to invictus. How long is that commute each way? Like an hour, hour and a half. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:07 It's not too bad unless there's a lot of traffic. Then like on the way, there's never, there was never any traffic going to San Diego really. Like maybe you'd hit like 10, 15 minutes of it. But the way back, coming back into Temecula, that's the worst. You'll sit in that traffic for like two hours. to Temecula, that's the worst. You'll sit in that traffic for like two hours. And was it hard for your parents to let you go even to do that commute? Do you remember them? No, they trusted you. It was good. They trusted me and like my driving. Obviously, it's hard for them. They do know that their 16 year old daughter is an hour away and there's nothing that they can
Starting point is 00:38:42 do. But from the very beginning, like me and CJ Martin and Karen Martin, like we've had a really strong connection with like me and my family. So my parents always had like trust in them and comfort in them that they would kind of like watch over me and take care of me when I was there. Cause I still was young. So my parents still had worries about that. But I mean, CJ and Karen are like a
Starting point is 00:39:05 second family to me. They've been there for me. I even lived at Karen's house for like, three months before I found my own place in San Diego. So you can tell that she's like, a mama to me. You did. You did CrossFit through becoming a woman. Yeah. So you were a little girl and then you became a woman. You did CrossFit. Do you remember how that affected your performance as you started going into womanhood? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I mean, I think – And how old you were? Yeah. I think back to when we were talking about pushing pushing yourself to that kind of like pain cave so early on. I honestly think that that kind of made me into who I am today. Like starting like something so hard and so difficult and wanting to like put myself in that place. Like growing up within CrossFit, I think it really made me who I am today. Like it's made me hardworking, persistent, like made me want to do hard things. And I think that's really difficult for a lot of like 20 year olds to kind of understand nowadays.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Like no one wants to do anything that they're uncomfortable with. No one wants to do anything that's outside of their little bubble. And like, I think I pack a lot on myself, like within my daily life, like all the things that I kind of need to accomplish, because I'm like, I need to do this, I need to do this, I need to do this, like, I always need to be doing something, which is a good and bad thing. Like, it's good to have that, like aspect of myself, but obviously, it puts a lot of pressure on me. But I mean, I think just growing up in this sport, it's made me, like, I don't want to say more responsible, but it's like, it's definitely showed me different perspectives that I would have never seen until I was probably like 25, 30.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Like I just didn't, I would never get those experiences as so young as I am. If I hadn't started the sport as early and like being around adults all my life, like learning things. Do you remember a window where, um, window where all your numbers just started shifting? Like you're 14, 15 years old and it's like, oh shit. Like I would have never, I could never even thought about picking up this bar and now I'm cleaning it. Yeah. Does that happen?
Starting point is 00:41:18 I always wonder what it's like. It's maybe the only regret I have in life. I wish I would have trained my ass off from when I was like 13 to 18 to see what puberty – what that would have been like to go through puberty, redlining the body. Because the body is trying to adapt, right, to all the struggles as you see. It must have – I'm just guessing your body must have just responded just amazingly. It must have been like – Really well. Like every morning you wake up and you're like, I got a new car.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I got a new car. What's new today. Right. I mean, it must be just mind boggling. Yeah. I think the year that I started really seeing like a transformation and like, not only my body, but like my numbers was my third, like coming off my second games, going into like my third year of games i always remember like obviously i've always that's 15 16 yeah that was like the first transition i saw that like i was like oh i can snatch like 100 i think um that open i snatched like it was either 150 or 160 i can't remember crazy it was the very end of one of the ladders and I hit that last number, that last bar. And that was a one rep for me. And I never thought I was going to hit that.
Starting point is 00:42:29 So that year I was kind of like, okay, I'm like starting to hit numbers. I thought I would never hit. I've always been a stronger girl. So like those were kind of benchmarks for me. I was never a girl to be like, oh, let's go run a five minute mile. See how fast I can run. Um, but I did start seeing numbers there that year also as well. I ran like a six 30 mile. Yes. That's not 155. That was a number I thought I would never hit. Um, so that year I kind of started seeing like that main transition of like, okay, I'm not just like, I was still a little kid, but I wasn't like a little kid just trying to make her way in the sport anymore. Like I was like, I was still a little kid, but I wasn't like a little kid just trying to make her way in the sport anymore. Like I was like, okay, this, this is happening. Like numbers are getting,
Starting point is 00:43:09 Hey, like I'm seeing, um, I'm seeing improvement in areas like in my gymnastics and, um, conditioning and stuff like that. So that was like the first transition where I really like saw myself changing. I wonder, I wonder whenever I talk to people like you, how critical that is and how much you've built in those three or four years that can just never be taken from you, but even more so that other people can't get because they miss that window when your body, I think of puberty is kind of like your body telling yourself, okay, this is, I'm going to, I'm going to make some major home improvements here to your body hormonally. And, uh, these are going to be the ones that stick with you your whole life. Yeah. And you demanded a lot from
Starting point is 00:43:54 your home improvements. Yeah. I like, I can't even imagine what I would be like if I didn't do CrossFit. Like I, it's really interesting to me. Like I love the body and the way body, the way the body works. Um, my major is kinesiology in school. So like I have a fascination for all that stuff. Um, so it's super cool to like, think like, I wonder how it did affect me going through puberty. Like I want to know what I would be like if I didn't do CrossFit like through puberty, you know, like it really interests me. Like how much change did you demand on your body and what did your body do to accommodate those demands?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah, exactly. We obviously know what it's done to people who didn't put those demands or any demands on their body. Unfortunately, we have examples everywhere around us these days. Have you ever let yourself go to shit like um i can remember in my 20s or you know just like or 18 every weekend going out getting drunk with my friends eating as much taco bell as we can have you ever done any have you ever just been like abandoned abandoned you have oh i'm not abandoned ship 100 but like i've been in the sport long enough to know that you can't
Starting point is 00:45:06 at least for me I like I can't train or I can't like be in that mindset 30 like 365 days a year like it's too much especially on me like I have a lot going on um but like during off season like I'll go and hang out with my friends more I'll kind of like eat whatever I want at night. And I still follow like the same, like I'll lunch, breakfast, second breakfast, second lunch, you know, all those meals I have to eat. But if I do want to like have a cheat meal or something like it'll be my dinner or I'll go out with friends. Like obviously during season, I don't really hang out with my friends as much just because, you know, like I have priorities. Um, so it's like kind of cool. Like during off season, I have a little bit of time to like be more flexible with my schedule, do things that I know I normally wouldn't be able to do during season. Um, because you have to allow
Starting point is 00:45:59 yourself that time to kind of reset your mind, reset your body. Because I mean, I've been worn out before my last year at the CrossFit games. I was like, after this, I was like, I'm done. Like, I don't want to do it anymore. 2022. Yeah. No, not 22. Not last year. My teenager. Okay. Okay. No, I'm so fired up for next season. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. But no, my last year, 2019. After that, I remember talking to my dad and i was like i don't know like i don't know if i want to do this like it's been and back then i did feel a lot of pressure from like was he like shut your mouth girl go to your room yeah pretty much he was like no he's like we'll have this conversation tomorrow um obviously my dad sees
Starting point is 00:46:40 sees a lot of potential in me so he's like i'm not'm not going to let you not do it. But he was like, I'm not going to pressure you into anything. Like if you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. Like this is totally up to you. And I think once he kind of said like, it's my responsibility, what I want to do, I kind of sat with that for a few months and I was like, okay, well, like I'm just doing group classes. I didn't, cause this was also during COVID. Like it was like the start of COVID. So I remember like, I was just doing group classes. I was't, cause this was also during COVID. Like it was like the start of COVID. Um, so I remember like I was just doing group classes. I was like, Danielle, I think at that point was already moving to Tennessee or was like in the process of that. So she wasn't really at the gym too much.
Starting point is 00:47:16 So I felt like I was just there by myself. I was like, I don't want to do training by myself. Um, I was like, I've been doing this by myself for too long. Like I didn't want to do it by myself. I was kind of just getting worn out. So that's when I started going into like group classes again, I started doing that. Like I made a lot of new friends within overload because I made, cause this was COVID. So I wasn't at Invictus. I was still doing Invictus programming, but I was at overload. So I was like, I'm just going to go back and group, like, find that love for it again, because I know it's still there. I just didn't really have that, like, passion and fire to compete anymore. Which I knew I wanted to, like, I was like, I want it, my goal has always been individual across the games, like win the games, make it to the games, all of that. So I was like, I know deep down that I have that goal.
Starting point is 00:48:04 But like, where's that fire? Like, I need that fire back I was like, I know deep down that I have that goal, but like, where's that fire? Like, I need that fire back. And what, what can I do to kind of get it back? So once my dad told me, like, he kind of reassured me, like, this is all on you. What do you want to do? I was like, I finally took a few months to kind of digest all that and was like, okay, like I got my head straight. I started taking group classes and then kind of just went back into it from there. You go ahead. I was gonna say that was like the only time I can really be like, I didn't really kind of fell off the wagon.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Didn't really want to do anything. Mark Moss, seven on his best behavior today. Of course, of course, of course. Always special, special best behavior today. Very astute observation. What was your last year you competed as a teen? 2019. So in 2019, you make it to the games at the highest level for your demographic, for your age.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Then 2020 and 2021, you don't go to the games are you does that hurt are you chomping at the bit do you feel like you're missing out so 2020 i did and i didn't like 2020 was like okay like i'm gonna try i want to try to make the regionals or semifinals or whatever it was at that year and then covid happened so they only took like the top five to the games um and then so you kind of have a built-in excuse there you have a kind of a built-in okay I kind of have a built-in excuse misery loves company it's everyone's fucked okay it's not my fault like there's nothing I could have done obviously I'm not a top five I'm no Haley Adams so it's like um I knew that wasn't gonna happen but in 2021 um we that was the the year that my team qualified for the games.
Starting point is 00:49:47 So I was super excited about that. And then obviously, unfortunately, we couldn't go due to a drug test. But 2021, it was like... Someone on your team popped? Yeah, you didn't know that? I mean, I probably did, but that's crazy. Yeah, on our 2021 team team do you guys all cry when that happens does everyone cry yeah like real tears emotional time for sure i cried real tears
Starting point is 00:50:13 i cried real tears i know um and it was hard like it was upsetting for sure um the nice thing for me is like once it happened that was like i made the commute to Invictus already. Like I was already living down there. The hard part, I want to say, would be like just that waiting period because I knew I was going back to the games. Like I was like, no matter what, like this year we made it. I don't care who's on my team next year. like this year we made it i don't care who's on my team next year we are making it back like um and luckily i got an amazing team this year and my team unconquerable was an amazing team as well um but after that year i was like this is my time like i it's like i'm settled in because coming into that unconquerable year 2021 um we didn't really name for a team great right great it was a cool it was a cool name i was like can my team now have that name i'm like we're just invictus
Starting point is 00:51:12 but invictus and conquerable sounds cool oh savage yeah but so going into that year i didn't really know again back was like i didn't really know what to expect we didn't know if we were going to make it or not make it and that was the the year. It was my first year back into competing. I'm like, okay, this is it. Like, I want to make it. And then we made it, but we didn't get to go. So after that, the games of last year or 2021, that was the year that I was like, this is it. I'm going to start competing or I'm not going to start competing. I'm going to like start getting back into it, whatever it takes to get back to the games because I made it this year like we made it but we didn't get to go so I'm making it back next year like no matter what um so it was like hard but it also like lit
Starting point is 00:51:54 this fire in me that I was like this is my year this 2022 like we are gonna go to the games we are gonna freaking crush it um and luckily I got blessed with an amazing team. Obviously Jorge, Josh, and Brittany are just as determined as me. If not, I don't want to say more, but, um, we're all like super determined and it's an amazing four people, three people to be around. Um, when that happens, when the guy, when the guy or gal who popped, um – I guess there's two things. I mean from the outside, and I've always felt this way, I feel such sympathy for them. I feel so bad for them. And people are like, how can you feel bad for them?
Starting point is 00:52:35 They did it themselves. It's because I just don't like to see anyone hurt. Yeah. No, it's definitely – it's heartbreaking. How do – what do they say? Do they ever sit down with the other three team members and like start crying and drop to one knee and like, I'm so sorry. Like, how do you, how does that play out?
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah. I mean, Deshaun was all obviously very like upset about the situation. Whether it was like intentional or not intentional, we'll never know. But I mean, he was very sincere about it. Okay. So he said it was unintentional. Okay. And the drug test did come back and it was a very low percentage. Um, so, you know, you never know. And when you're on a team or even if you were an individual in that gym, you kind of don't want that shit around, like associated with your name either. Right. it's hard because
Starting point is 00:53:25 it's like if you're on that team and you're like oh why didn't you make it and you're like well because of the drug test and you don't really want to get like pushed into that bubble so it's like it's frustrating but it's also like uh-oh i'm sorry i was just reading that i didn't i guess i didn't tell my dad this is her dad in the comments wayne says she didn't even tell me she was on this morning she's on restriction now it was before it was before he even woke up he doesn't get to know it's before i even woke up honestly uh. Haley haters, I still love her. Not all interviews were bad.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Hey, listen, listen, listen. First of all, it's all my fault. It is not on Haley Adams at all. I was fucking just, I was struggling that morning. Sometimes I get weird. I am weird. So just lay off of Haley. If I start panicking in an interview, I start reflecting on the interview instead of doing the interview.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And that's what I did to Haley. And she didn't, that wasn't her fault. Right. Caleb. Tell him I'm a jackass. Tell him. That one's a jackass. There you go. There you go. Okay. So that team doesn't, doesn't get to go and it's kind of everything comes to a stop. Is it the same team, but just that one guy has been replaced for 2022? Yeah. So the 2021 team, everyone completely kind of dissembled from it, and not because of what happened.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I mean, Deshaun and his wife, they were already planning on moving up north. The other two on the team were in the military. So they ended up getting deployed that August. So right after games. There it is, guys. They're in the military. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Know the base. Know the base of the community you're in. Respect the base. Okay, go on. So then 2022, so that was kind of like, I don't want to say the B team of 2021. Like I like, but that was, let's talk a little shit about them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:31 So that was considered the B team and I was on it. So, I mean, I can't say anything. I would, that was the team I was on. Um, and then the other team in 2021 that made it to the games, Brittany, Jen, Eric, and Jorge, that was the team in 2021. And then 2022. How did they do? How did they do? At the games? Yeah. I think they got like 19th or something. 19th or 21. I think it was. So you were the missing ingredient. I'll let you say that. Thank you. Okay. Okay. Here we go. So 2022, it was then me,
Starting point is 00:56:08 Brittany, Jorge, and then Josh. Allison, everyone loves Haley. She just came on the show. She's been on the show a couple of times. And one of the last time she was on,
Starting point is 00:56:19 I started, I came on, I got frazzled and I started acting like a weirdo. Like I just couldn't, I couldn't pull the interview together. So you shit the bed. Yeah, I shit the bed. It only happens, I think, two times in 600 shows.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I'm okay with it. You got to have a mess-up every once in a while. Yeah, it's not on her. It can't be perfect. Yeah, I was texting with her the other day. She said she'll come back on, so that means I didn't. I just shit my bed. I didn't get any shit on her.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So sorry. This team now, 2022, who – tell me once again. They're compromised of – comprised of what teams from 2021? Part of the D team? Any of those? Sorry, what? Go ahead. Did the girl from the 2021 team is she on your team
Starting point is 00:57:06 no oh yes so britney who was on the a team she it was me and her on that team okay and then jorge from 2021 he was on that team as well the team he no he was on the a team i was okay i was the only one that came from the b team everyone okay i like disperse okay so the only person from like the quote-unquote b team was me um we got brought up to then the team that had already consisted of jorge and britney and then we added in josh alshama the girl was what happened to the other girl who was on the A-team that year in 2021? Did she deploy? No, she just didn't. So her ex-husband had deployed. And so she just didn't really want to compete anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:55 He was kind of her reasoning for competing. She would only really do it if he was on the team. Okay. And so she kind of just didn't really want to compete. Okay, so there wasn't tension there you didn't boot her out not at all no it was like it was her decision to kind of be like i didn't really want to compete anymore she contemplated a little bit was like she is a phenomenal athlete taylor balik um she doesn't really compete anymore but she's a phenomenal athlete um she was going
Starting point is 00:58:21 back between like individual and team but she was just like you know i have a lot going on in my life right now i'm just not in the mindset to compete which totally is fine um so it was me and britney do tensions run high uh as as the team's getting put together like oh shit there's eight of us who want to be on this four man team yeah i'll be honest yeah there's some tension sometimes especially when like people are like fighting for those two spots you know we have a lot of girls um a lot more girls than guys at invictus so there's always girls kind of fighting for that team spot so it can be definitely kind of nerve-wracking and stressful and um is it is it is it um cut and dry like is it like okay there's six of you going for this one spot um here's all your numbers on the board it's obvious this girl's the best and she goes
Starting point is 00:59:19 or no it's not even that transparent is it so you don't know until cj or uh who's holding holding and holding rathwell and then hold um hunter brit those are our three main coaches so you don't know until holding and hunter and cj make the announcement pretty much i mean if i'm being honest don't want to ruffle any feathers but we didn't even know our team until after the open last year. Like we had, we had like the six people who were like, okay, this could be the team, but we didn't really know up until we had to for quarterfinals. last call, like this is who it's going to be. Um, cause it's not like cut and dry. Like you said, it's not like, okay, she's a better athlete. Let's go with her. You also, especially with team, you have to factor in like their schedules, how well, like the whole team dynamic is how well you guys move together. I mean, if you have a lot of height differences that can cause some issues in, um, like the worm stuff, especially if you have two girls who are very similar.
Starting point is 01:00:25 So if DeLugos came down there and wanted to be on a team and he was great, it's like, sorry, dude, you're too tall. Get the fuck out of here. Kind of. No, honestly, no. We got so many tall guys. It is what it is. Wow. Yeah. So you put the team together and the team is announced for 2022 and so some people are heartbroken yeah for sure and and that year in the open you took 98th in the world is any part of you like i'm going i'm going individual um yes 100 i mean 98 i don't think really like represents kind of who i am as an athlete last year.
Starting point is 01:01:05 It was like, um, I kind of did way too much of a school load the fall of 2021. So I feel like my training really took a back burner. So you're better than 98 fittest. You're better than that. I would like to hope so. I would like to hope.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Holy shit. What? 98 is not good. There's hundreds of thousands of people in this fucking competition it's definitely good it's definitely good but i feel like my performance in the open doesn't really like dictate the kind of athlete i want to be um because 50th in north america 41st in the united states of America. But she could have done better. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I believe you, too. I believe you, too. I'm grateful for that. I love it. But, I mean, my goal is to go individual again. Like, I want to be an individual games athlete. I love team. I definitely will go team for a little bit more. But, like, individual is where I want.
Starting point is 01:02:03 So, it's like i want to be in that top 50 like my goal is like top 50 um top 100 obviously i can't like i have i don't have the time to commit to be a full-time individual athlete like that is a whole job in my life just doesn't allow me to do that right now um but i would love to be an individual games athlete, like top 50. At the 2022 CrossFit games, your team took third place, third, third place of all the teams in the world. Those four people that you trained with, uh, you guys took fourth, sorry, third place. You guys got up on the podium. You had to stay a
Starting point is 01:02:45 little extra longer. You had to do the drug test and you had to collect some loot and you had to go up there and smile and hold a bottle of champagne. And the article that I read in the morning chalk up, it said that at night when the other athletes were, were doing ice baths and recovery treatments, you were working on assignments for your school that basically you had a class that ended the Tuesday after the games. And so you still had to work on homework at the games every night. Is that true? Yes. Are you batshit crazy? Just quit this school shit.
Starting point is 01:03:22 What have your parents done to you? You've done enough. They've done a great job apparently. apparently i'm crazy enough to do that right um it was like kind of by accident but also kind of on purpose because so since i was in summer and like i um was like all i'm doing is training and working like i'm not going to school anymore so like let's take a summer class you know to try to just why not why not take a summer class um because it was an easy class of sociology like i'm a i'm a why not do what normal kids do and get a boyfriend or two or something like that why does it have to be a summer class you have a boyfriend yeah i do you have a boyfriend games aspirations a job and school.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah. Did you meet your boyfriend at the roadhouse? Funny story. Actually, I did. I knew it. When I saw this guy on your Instagram, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:04:18 where did she fucking go to Wyoming and pluck this guy out? Look at this fucking guy. He looks like he just fell off a fucking bull. He's from the South. Yeah. He looks like he rides bulls for a living. He's a fucking, you got like a man man he's actually uh he's in the military he doesn't work at roadhouse but i just met him at roadhouse okay let's hear this i can't wait to hear this yeah i mean that that's weird right because every tom dick and harry is hitting on you at the roadhouse
Starting point is 01:04:39 yeah no for sure um so i like never give my phone number out to guys. I was like, I don't want to date anybody like I'm not. No. And about a year ago, I gave my number to this boy at Roadhouse and it just escalated from there. What do you think you saw in him that was different than the other boys that had asked for your phone number? So the one thing that I will say like to this very day um he is such a gentleman he the very first time like i gave him my phone number right after i gave my phone number to him i left like i went on break for my job so i was like okay i'm out of here i have like 30 minutes he'll get up and leave because like i was shy i was like this i knew he um like thought i was cute and like I thought he was cute.
Starting point is 01:05:28 So, you know, it was like childish, but I like ran away. I was like, I'm going to break. Right. And they're already done eating. And I come back from break and he's still sitting there. And his reasoning was because he wanted to talk to me. He was like, I want to talk to you. Like, I'm not just going to like you gave me your phone number. I'm not going to like not talk to you.
Starting point is 01:05:43 So I was like, and most people like give their phone number and like run, like they'll leave at that point. They'll like write it on the check or whatnot. So the fact that like, he stayed like just to talk to me, I was like, okay, this man's a gentleman. This man is a gentleman. And then we just like, we didn't really talk for like a couple of weeks. And then we just, I don't know, started talking and then hit it off. I found my best friend. Wow. That is awesome. It's dangerous dating a military man. Oh, let me tell you.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Well, I know. What branch is he in? He's in the Navy. And where does he, where's home for him? Do you know where he is right now? Yeah. So right now he's up in Lemoore, California. So it's only like five hours for me. And so this is this kind of works for you, too, because you. Your life is in full throttle. Yeah. No, it's it's like you can't have some guy who wants to keep you up from like fucking watch movies.
Starting point is 01:06:43 You need Ben and Jerry's from nine to midnight every night and then stay up all night and then wake up too early and walk on the beach like you don't you're not there no exactly and like multiple things like luckily blake like isn't like that at all um he's very like in the same mindset as me like he loves he trains crossfit as well but like he understands my lifestyle and has the same kind of lifestyle so that has never really been an issue but like for games training he was gone as well he was in Florida so like it's hard obviously doing long distance but having um like as crazy of a schedule I do have like it's kind of it's made it easier like I'm always busy I'm always doing something um and whether he's here whether he's not here like I know I always have that support so it's made it easier. Like I'm always busy. I'm always doing something. Um, and whether he's here,
Starting point is 01:07:25 whether he's not here, like, I know I always have that support. So it's super nice. Like when he's not here, being able to like go on with training and not have to like worry, like, Oh, is he missing me? Am I not talking to him enough? Kind of thing, you know, like classic long distance. Um, how kind of goes, well, kind of classic ever since text messaging came around, right. The pressure I've talked about this endlessly on the show, the pressure that young Well, kind of classic ever since text messaging came around. Right. The pressure. I've talked about this endlessly on the show. The pressure that young people put on each other to respond to text is fucking insane.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Yeah. It's overwhelming. Wow. So you are you really are an anomaly. You met your 20 and you met your boyfriend in real life. You didn't meet him online. Yeah. And it's super cool.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Cause like he's from Texas or not from Texas. He's from Florida. So it's just like, that's crazy how we met. And he's like from all the way across the country. And like, we didn't meet online through text messages or whatnot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:18 What was he doing there? What was he, was he doing military work? What was he doing? Yeah. In San Diego. Yeah. Lots of Navy dudes, lots? Yeah, in San Diego. Yeah. Lots of Navy dudes.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Lots of Navy dudes in San Diego. You turn your head, there's like three Navy dudes standing right there. Yeah, it's definitely a military city for sure. Has he met Wayne? Yep. My parents love him. Awesome. God.
Starting point is 01:08:45 So you're at the games. Has he met Wayne? Yep. My parents love him. Awesome. God. Yeah. So you're at the games. Why not just be like, hey, we're doing so well. These homework assignments don't have to be done. It seems like it would creep like that could easily creep in and be like, you know what? I'm writing an email to my teacher telling them like I deserve a break. Because I didn't want to get a zero. teacher telling them and like I deserve a break because I didn't want to get a zero no like honestly I did I do tell all my teachers like ahead of time um kind of like this I just give them like a rundown granted I don't think they really care or even read like oh she's a
Starting point is 01:09:17 CrossFit Games athlete like what is that supposed to mean to them right but I do forewarn them like I travel a lot for CrossFit and then especially with that class that I took during the summer, when I found out that I was having to take my final. Luckily, since it was like a sociology class, it was like a written final. So I had it wasn't like the exact day I had to take it. It was like a final project and essay and all that. But I emailed her and I was like, hey, just so you know, like the week before I was in Indiana as well. So I kind of just like, Hey, just so you know, like, I'm going to be traveling for the next two weeks for the CrossFit Games. Like, I got an extension on one of my assignments that I had to complete in Indiana, because in Indiana, we were just having so much fun. Like I didn't even worry about homework at all. It was kind of like that training camp that we do right before games so luckily she was kind of accommodating with that but like as to the final
Starting point is 01:10:10 it was due Tuesday like no matter what and I thought I was gonna get ahead my whole goal actually since it wasn't like the day of final my goal was to get everything done before I even left for Indiana and the games but you see I'm kind of a procrastinator and that doesn't really happen i find that hard to believe i find that so hard to believe that you're procrastinating so i didn't especially when i like only had one class i'll just push it off and then indiana comes and i'm like still haven't done my final what was indiana sorry what was indiana um we were just in Fort Wayne, Indiana the week before games. Oh, okay. That's like a little training camp. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:48 So then when games came, I was like, okay, I really need to do this assignment or it's not going to get done. So yeah, every night I would be on my computer. What would be different if you didn't work and didn't go to school? I would be a full-time games athlete. Can you tell me specifically how that – would that be better? Yeah, 100%. I love my life, and I'm very grateful for the things that I get to do, that I get to go to school and get to, you know, have that job, um, outside of training.
Starting point is 01:11:28 But I mean, it is difficult at times. Like the, my training aspects sometimes like training times sometimes do have to get a little affected, but my main issue is more like outside of that, like the recovery aspect, the sleep, the eating, like that kind of takes a toll. Um, just because I'm like constantly running around and like in classes, you know, I can't really eat or drink water. So I'm sitting there for five hours doing labs and stuff. I can't really, you know, stretch or lay down and recover and relax. Like I would want to. Um, and then on the weekend, as with work, I work till midnight every night
Starting point is 01:12:08 1am. So that kind of takes a toll on my body. Um, so it's would definitely be a lot easier if I wasn't in school and training or like school and work. Um, just because I would have a lot more time to kind of, you know, recover and do all the things that I would like to for training. But it's my life and I love it. Yeah. I wonder if you would fill your time with something else. Yeah. Or if you really would do that. I would get a dog. I would definitely get a dog.
Starting point is 01:12:37 If I didn't have school or work, I would definitely get a dog. What kind of dog? Oh, Kayla, please. What kind? A good dog. What kind of dog? Oh, Kayla, please. What kind? A good dog. A long-haired German shepherd. Yeah, it is a great dog. Or just a normal German shepherd.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Do not get a dog. Listen. I want to get a dog. Listen. I'd definitely get a dog. Do not get a dog. Here, listen. Dogs just complicate shit.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Every time you leave the house, you'll be stressed about it. You'll be worried about it. And if you do get a dog, get one this big so that you can just leave it with your parents. Yeah, but that's – I got a big dog at my parents' house. I need a big dog to match that big dog. Yes, and then the big dogs are so chill. They're just super – they just do whatever, man. As soon as they get old enough, they're past the puppy phase.
Starting point is 01:13:20 They just chill out, and it's all good. They just go lay down. Little dogs are annoying they bark i understand but when all the stuff that you do you'll be so happy when you forget to come home because you have to train late and your big dog takes a piss in the shit in the house you'll be like oh i wish i had a small dog yeah but luckily if you got a big dog and you had to travel would you could you just drop it off at your parents' house? Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 01:13:46 They can't say no to you? Yeah, no, not at all. We already have a dog there. What can they do? What can they say? They'll be friends. Yeah. It's hard for us to say no.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And how do your parents, are your parents proud of you? I would like to hope so. How do they express that um they help me a lot you know um they're always there for me they've always has been from the very beginning um anytime i need them whatever it is whether it's like you know just talking through or like even like financially issues because you know i am like not able to work full-time because i go to school monday through thursday i work friday through saturday or friday through sunday so it's like i am only working those three days um and so like that's where sponsors kind of come
Starting point is 01:14:36 into you try to make money from them um so it's like, no, no. You try to make money with them, with them, with them. Yes. With them. So it's like, they'll, they've just always been there for me no matter what. And I can't thank them enough for like their endless support. Even from the very beginning, I really would not be there or wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I mean, they allowed me to move down here.
Starting point is 01:15:02 They've allowed me to kind of like change my life with CrossFit because they see that potential in me. And like right off the bat, I've always wanted to go to college, but they kind of were like, like take the community college route, like take a route that's going to benefit you the most. Like we are here to support you no matter what you do have a future in CrossFit. So let's like, let's jump on that. And we are here to support you. So it's been really let's jump on that. And we are here to support you. So it's been really helpful. Do you think you'd ever want to be in front of the camera with CrossFit, like commentating or like down the road, 10 years down the road, 15 years down the road? Yeah, I thought about it. I'm always going to be in the sport no matter what,
Starting point is 01:15:41 whether I'm competing or not. Like I, as you know, grew up in the sport no matter what um whether i'm competing or not like i as you know grew up in this sport i couldn't see my life without it so i think kind of like you see now jamie haigia i mean she was a top competitor she's great at it yeah she's great at it so it's like i could see myself doing that down the road and kind of just seeing where it takes you because you never know i've never asked that to someone before but you'd be great at it oh thank you yeah you have great you have great presence she's great too yeah um yeah parents are a weird thing uh and obviously you have amazing parents because they're like your personal assistants and you don't even know it like so our lives are like, and your parents, it sound like they fully embodied it. Our lives become being there for your life.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Yeah. And don't get me wrong. Like, I mean, it's obvious you're super thankful, but it's awesome as a parent too, because there's nothing better than not worrying about yourself and worrying about other, like helping other people, because then all of a sudden all your shit kind of goes away. You know what I mean? You're like, ah, here we are, Devin. Do you have siblings? I have one older brother. What's he think about what you're doing? He better love it. He actually, no, he's a stud. He did CrossFit too.
Starting point is 01:17:05 And he's always been like a smaller kid, but he freaking crushed it. He, do you remember? I don't know if you would have really known this. The gauntlet? The name of that workout sounds familiar. No, it wasn't the name of the workout. It was like a kid's competition,
Starting point is 01:17:23 like CrossFit X CrossFit, X Fit. Oh, at Brand X. no it wasn't the name of the workout it was like a it was like a kid's competition like crossfit um x x crossfit x fit oh at brand x brand x yes yes yes um so me and my brother did that all growing up and like mostly him um but like he we both did that he back before like crossfit games teenagers like was a thing brand x had an appearance at the CrossFit games, like for their teenagers. And so my brother did that. So he's kind of like the start of the whole, the whole thing. Those kids were amazing. The Martin's kids. Yes. They're phenomenal. They were, they were, they were amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:01 For those of you who don't know brand x is uh in i guess it's it's a how far is brand x from um what town was that that's south of temecula ramona no yeah how far is that from temecula like probably like four to five minutes it's around here it's only like half an hour from san diego i pass it you pass it when you're driving between the two that used to be for those you don't know the world headquarters for crossfit kids there were there was a couple there um uh mickey and the mark i just referred what was what was the damn i that's horrible they were such nice people mickey and they are such nice people mickey and i called them the martins i can't remember and they had three or four boys and they were is it jeff jeff i'm so sorry jeff jeff martin yeah man those kids were
Starting point is 01:18:51 studs yeah so that was super cool we did that growing up as well like before i even made it to like my first games like that was the competitions we kind of did so it was cool my brother's been in it just as long as i have yeah that's awesome uh so now you know what caleb does allison he does stuff like that uh allison they were pioneers for the kids absolutely absolutely yeah um so you you have two more years of school left um kind of i mean no not really because my kinesiology or I'm a kinesiology major. Um, so I want to be a physical therapist. So I kind of have to get like my doctorate and all that.
Starting point is 01:19:31 So I'm going to be in school for quite some time. What does that mean? Four more years? Probably. It just depends. Like, especially going into this next season, I'm contemplating like maybe cutting down the workload of my classes only taking like two to three classes leading up to like games because last year I overworked my
Starting point is 01:19:51 schedule too much in both semesters leading up to games I knew that like I was just taking way too much of a class load um because I was like really struggling with in class and in training so I was like this season and I don't think it really like I'm not sure how much it really hindered my performance but like mentally I was like this isn't where I want to be um and it's hard to kind of like want to push and be there for my team when I'm so stressed about my classes um so I think this coming season I'm going to like for the fall, it's not too bad. I can like load up on my work schedule and school schedule just because, um, it's like
Starting point is 01:20:31 off season really. And I'm still training, but it's not like team training every single day. Um, so leading up to games, I think I'm going to kind of like cut down that workload. So that's going to take a few more, probably a couple extra semesters to kind of make up those classes I'm not gonna really be taking so it just depends like I'm in no rush like I am in a rush to get through school but it's also like I'm not gonna over work myself right now while I'm still trying to compete just so I can get done with school faster like if I just continuously grow as an
Starting point is 01:21:01 athlete and continuously just taking classes I know that I'll get to both goals one day, like with training, but also like school. I know that I transfer, I do transfer to San Diego state next fall. So that's kind of nice. Like knowing that I'm like kind of working towards something. So we'll see, I'm not sure how long it'll take, but I'm kind of in no rush. I do have a lot of connections with the career I want to do. So I still get to like work hand in hand with like PTs and like massage therapists and all that. So I'm getting that experience, which is also super cool because I don't get to really, you know, load up my school workload much. at my school workload much um did i i think i heard this and i could be wrong but i don't think i am that you're you're gonna be at the zealous games and that andrea nistler is now signed up
Starting point is 01:21:52 did you know that i did not know that i will be i did not know that um adrian that's pretty sad it's gonna be pretty savage having both of you there yeah she's She's a, she's a powerhouse. She's a great girl. Have you met her? Yeah. Um, games. Oh yeah. I just assumed that they don't talk to anyone. No, they're actually super friendly. Uh, that whole team, obviously rich, such a great guy. He's a great guy. Um, but no, the girls are super friendly. I talked to them. Why do you say that? Cause every, I agree with you, but, but I see him just on the podcast or back in the day when i would film with him but why do you say that you compete against him what do you see that makes him a great guy um i mean i don't i don't think i've ever met him outside of games this year i mean like kind of like through mutual stuff i don't think i've ever met him and um this was my
Starting point is 01:22:43 first time really like talking to him and he's's just super great. Like, obviously, he's a great athlete, they have a great team, like they go in there and get their work done. But I mean, he's just like, nice. He'll talk to anybody he always has, like, other than like game day, but like, he'll have a smile on his face. I just think that he's people if people don't really know him, I don't really know how you would perceive him, um, whether he's nice or mean, but he is a great guy. Like he's super nice. He's warm as shit, right? Like when you're around him, it's like almost like he's his own little son. Yeah. He's very, very welcoming to anybody who will talk to him. Um, so last year you guys took third. Do you guys really do, can you, can you take first this year? That's the goal. Yeah, that is the goal. I mean, um, after last year we knew that we were a top
Starting point is 01:23:33 tender, like to podium, a top tender. I like that. That's a great word. Yeah. Um, to podium. So when we did, we were like, and we knew that going in, like that was our goal. But now it's like, we can, we see the potential that we have together and like, just imagine what a whole nother year of training together will look like and growing. So I think that we have a good shot. We, we hope that we have a good shot. And you think this team will stay together yeah we're staying together yeah that's that's that's really cool and that kind of gives you something extra motivation you don't have to worry about the team you don't have to like now you know the first year there's all these other things yeah you might have to worry about but now you don't like this is the team this is us and
Starting point is 01:24:22 have you guys already started training uh yeah i mean we're already back into training obviously we have not touched a worm i'm not touching a worm till after the open um but yeah we're all back to training i mean everyone's kind of been like traveling doing their own thing right now um so we're all still there but just not really like team training i guess i would say mean, we still train every day. When I saw you at the ranch, what were you and Jorge doing there? We were just coming to hang out. Did Dave invite you guys up there?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Yeah. So honestly, I don't really know the whole story behind that. I just know that one day Jorge texted me. It was like, hey, me me and Brittany because Brittany was supposed to go as well um it was supposed to be actually the whole team it was supposed to be me Josh Jorge and Britt we're gonna kind of like take a trip out there um and then Brittany and Josh couldn't go so me and Jorge were like we'll still go um but from what I think from what I remember they were saying that like they were talking to Dave and he invited us to come out to the ranch.
Starting point is 01:25:26 And I've known Dave for ever now since, you know, I started CrossFit. So I was like, yeah, of course, like I'll come up. I personally have never been to the ranch. So I was like, this would be something really cool to see and kind of just go out there. We didn't really know what to expect. I didn't expect to be doing what we did, but it was so cool. It was definitely an experience that I cannot even we did, but it was so cool. It was definitely an experience that I cannot even put into words. It was so awesome. So if I recall the scene,
Starting point is 01:25:51 just so you guys know how crazy it was, they were, they were there, Jorge and Devin, and they're not normal looking people. It's hard to tell like just from videos or just from pictures, but like when you're standing next to these people, they're not normal people at all. going on simultaneously at the ranch was a promotional party for a gun store in town and so there were tents set up everywhere and there were all these dudes who were like who were who were hunters and and the sports shooters and there were like another 150 dudes there so there were kind of these two events going on i mean that wasn't planned right that just coincided and so so you guys all these guys are standing around in fucking camo and shit yeah it was cool we actually got to shoot too so it was like you did yeah we got to shoot so it was it was such a weird scene and i showed up there with greg and greg and i
Starting point is 01:27:06 were like what the fuck is going on and you just see you see jorge and fucking devon working out and these dudes standing around watching them it was just fucking bizarre it was like the clash of these two worlds it was really cool it was it was so cool and then when uh you and greg came too i was like this is iconic i love this this is crazy i was so surprised to see to, I was like, this is iconic. I love this. This is crazy. I was so surprised to see all that. I was like, wow, Dave just will do anything. Right. That man handles so many things. He also had another competition going on one of the days that we were there that weekend that he had to go leave and do something for us.
Starting point is 01:27:38 So I was like, he has a packed schedule. Yeah. He's really, really, really, really happy to be back and he's busy as shit i used to talk to him a lot now he's gotten so busy it's just i whenever i call him i get these texts can't talk now yeah can't talk gotta go how many workouts did you guys do there i think we did four four or five oh it rained on you guys oh yeah it was pouring his the very last workout that he made us do we like ran all the way through the back you know his whole back branch area um i can't remember exactly how much it ended up being but it was like pouring down rain we had
Starting point is 01:28:20 rocks sandbags it was so fun we were running through like the whole forest it was really cool did he run with you um no he had his golf cart oh ran with us his dog but i think he got out of it like two times, pointed at this like straight uphill. He was like, all right, you're going there. And then got back in his car and drove. He was like, I'll meet you at the top. When you go to the Zillow game, when will you head out to Vegas?
Starting point is 01:28:58 Saying that it's only like a five-hour drive from here, probably Friday. I'll probably train Friday morning and then head out after that and then go to you'll drive yeah probably it's only like a five hour drive and i have to be back monday like i probably like monday afternoon because i have school so i'll probably leave like sunday night or monday early morning It's just easier to drive at that point. Like I hate going to airports as much as I do travel. Like I hate going to airports. I'd rather just drive at that point. And will you go by yourself? No. Um, Sola who's also competing and Brittany, we're all going to drive together. Okay. Awesome. Um, that'll make Wayne happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:48 When you won, when you won, when you took, when you got on the podium this year at the CrossFit Games, does anything change? Do sponsors change? Do any opportunities open up or is it you have to win? Yeah, no, definitely a lot more opportunities come. I mean, like you have people reaching out. You're kind of riding that high after podiuming. So yeah, people kind of like come in. There's like people who want to talk to you, people who want to meet you.
Starting point is 01:30:14 So it's super cool. Like coming off of games, having those opportunities. Because I mean, before, like, not that no one really cares about teens, but like no one really cares about the teenagers. Right, right. Right. So I never really got like, you know, those big names or like anything like that being a teenager. So like now coming off of like my first year, second year back into games, like podiuming, it's like, cool. Cause it's like, I'm not a teenager anymore. Like I'm, so it's like, I'm with, I don't want to say like the big dogs, but like, I am like rich Ronin.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I grew up knowing him and like this year I was competing up or not knowing him, but I'm like looking up to him and this year I got to compete against him. So it's like kind of cool. And stand in the podium in the finals on the podium with them. And stand on the podium with him. So it's like super cool to like kind of see that transition. And yeah, there's definitely a lot of opportunities that kind of open up once you make it. I wonder if it makes you more viable that you're so vocal also about your aspirations is going
Starting point is 01:31:15 individual. Like if I would think if I, if I, if I saw you and I like, wow, this, this is some good pedigree. Look at her history. Look at how well she's doing as a team. Good chance they can win the games this year. And then she keeps talking about how she is going to go individual. I'm guessing that also makes someone to think, okay, I'm going to get in early with her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I'd like to hope so. I mean, I love team. Like I said, team is something that it's like you really can't describe being on a team unless you are like, luckily, I've had that individual experience. So I understand that side. But like being on a team, there's just something about it that makes you want to push so hard. And you just have that love for all those people who are out there on the competition floor with you and like, pushing you and just wanting you to be the best that you can. floor with you and like pushing you and just wanting you to be the best that you can. So that part of team I really, really love. But it's also like, sometimes you want to just be selfish and you like you want to go out there and you just want to be you and do you. And it's like harder. Obviously, individual is a lot more work. But like, it is it is more work. Why do you say, why do you say that? To me, to me, to like, I think that in order to be an individual athlete, I kind of have to like devote my whole life.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Like right now, the, with like my school and work, I know that I'm not at my like best abilities, I would say. Cause if I was at my best, I wouldn't be working. I would spend two, three hours every day, um, recovering and stretching and doing all the things that I know that I need to do to keep my body healthy. And I do do those things. Um, don't get me wrong. I do, but it's like, it's at a different degree because I am working. I train like on the weekends, I'll train all day and then immediately go to work and work till midnight. Like there's no really time to do, you know, some stretching or stuff like that. And then like with school, I'm up late doing homework. And so it's like kind of other things
Starting point is 01:33:14 take priority over that. So like when I'm in the gym, I have to use that time wisely to then recover and train and all that. So like with individual, I know that I couldn't put my best foot forward if I was still doing all this. And I kind of, not that I wouldn't want to go individual, if those like pieces align. I mean, obviously I don't, there are things in life where not everything is going to be like by the book. But for me, it's like, I want to go individual and I want to know, say that I did everything I possibly could to get where I am and like the placement that I could. And if I was still in school, I mean, I am still going to be in school for a while, but like mostly like my job,
Starting point is 01:33:52 if I was still working there, it's kind of really hard to do that. You know, what about kick the boyfriend to the curb? What about kicking the boyfriends in Lamar. He doesn't even matter. Okay. All right. All right. All right. So it's just school and work. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Boyfriend to the curb. He slides in under the radar. Yeah. You know, you can just throw a boyfriend in there with like mental health and stretching and like just all that stuff. Yeah. He's part of the recovery team. What he needs to do, and he does do this sometimes like i'll be sitting there doing homework he'll like rub my feet or like scrape something like my back's hurting he'll
Starting point is 01:34:30 like scrape my back so it's like i'm actually recovering while i'm doing homework so it's perfect what did you do last night oh my boyfriend scraped me he scraped me yeah i'll like come up with like the cupping or like the bruises people People are like, what's going on with you? Or like my collarbones get really bad too. From catching? Yeah, like barbells and stuff. I'm excited to talk to you this weekend. Thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 01:34:56 You are wonderful. You saved the show. You're so easy. I would have you on anytime. Thank you so much. Please say hi to your mom and dad. I will. You're going to be there as zealous this weekend. I'm just going to be sitting here watching. Oh, awesome. And we're going to try a new kind of broadcasting that I don't think is ever. Well, actually, it has been done, but I haven't seen it done in the
Starting point is 01:35:19 CrossFit space. We're going to use a bunch of iPhones. We're going to try to we got some high speed Internet there. We're going to try to film it there, broadcast it there, kind of do like film the event, do behind the scenes, do post all, uh, all usually, you know, we just piggyback off of other people's events like Wadapalooza or the games or rogue, but this is actually going to be something Jared's like, okay guys, let's see if you can do the whole thing. So we're going to give it a shot. That's really cool. Actually, now that you do mention that, I remember talking to Jared and he mentioned something kind of about that. So that's really awesome. That's cool. I'm excited to kind of like see how that pans out. Me too. It is going to be a shit show, but I think the people will really appreciate it because
Starting point is 01:35:55 you'll get to see the, it'll be completely transparent. It's going to be fun. It's going to be a wild ride.'m excited all right thank you yeah of course thanks so much for having me savann and yeah you're the best nice to meet you nice to meet you too devon wow a lot of people don't say that that's good wow oh thank you wow not not not be not because that they're they're bad people they just weren't raised right by their parents props to wayne and carrie props to wayne and carrie thanks wayne and carrie awesome it was great talking to you guys thank you hi get devon on for updates during the weekend oh let me write that down hold Hold on. Get. Oh, great idea. Sam didn't even think of that one.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Very late because of work. Fuck your job. Austin. Great interview. Thank you. Big props. Yeah. What a class act she is.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Right. What a class act. She was easy. She's super cool. Oh, my God. She was so easy. Great job, Stefan. You didn't blow it i thank you i appreciate that it's all it's always here i have three boxes kill it blow it no i only have two boxes so i'll check the kill thank you killed it didn't blow it. Great. Yeah, she is dope. She's fun.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I can't believe she works at Texas Roadhouse. That's so awesome. I don't know the place. Do they have an Instagram account? Can you bring it up? I want to see what the inside of this place looks like. It's a chain? Oh, for sure. They're everywhere. And they're massive? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Do they serve drinks in really tall, weird cups and shit like that? No. It's like a country um like you i'm not sure if you would understand but like it's like going to a like a steakhouse in the midwest yeah but it's like 10 times bigger i think i've driven by i think that place i think that might be a new port where i kind of where i'm gonna go for two weeks where i go to stay with the California Hormones lady. I think I drive by that. Probably. They have like these fantastic fucking rolls.
Starting point is 01:38:13 There's like so much butter with them. Dude, my kids would suck down that bucket. Oh my God. Click on that thing with the steak and the. Dude, these people need to sponsor me. I would devour that dude it's actually it's pretty good food honestly they uh but then if you like if it's your birthday they put they bring out a saddle and you sit on it and they like give you a big little yeehaw thing like this is probably a
Starting point is 01:38:39 place i go when i come home i i really am serious when when i met her and jorge um at at the ranch when i saw them a month ago i think i gave both of them a hug or i think actually they gave me a hug and it kind of overwhelmed me both of them like i'm a little just like a carrot they just like she's like hi they're probably just hugging themselves with you and yes yes i disappear when she hugs me or when jorge hugged me i swear to god when i fucking hugged that dude jorge fernandez it seriously felt like i was hugging just like a a stack of two by fours it was weird he looks massive he's a thick dude fucking thick and they were so polite i don't think i was that polite when i was their age i mean i was polite but they were so polite they were so and laid back not cheese dicks
Starting point is 01:39:25 at all it's got it's the amount of structure that they that devin's probably had from being raised and across the gym and just being around those people is it's got to be impressive like i remember day to day or like hour by hour probably her dad would be like one of the hardest working dudes all i think he has a i think he was responsible for signs at the games oh signage and dude well you know you've seen it at the games at regionals it is a fucking there's so many athletes and so many signs need to be changed and there's so many ladders and so many people been involved yeah before i even touched it yeah before i'd even like started working in crossfit events i didn't even realize
Starting point is 01:40:11 how important it was but then i showed up to like the mac or something and that was like the pivotal thing out of every other signage was it and it's like if you didn't have enough lanes and tape yeah tape and you're just like and i think he's the dude for that i and it's like if you didn't have enough tones and lanes and tape yeah tape and you're just like and i think he's the dude for that i think he's like the guy that's wild yeah god she must have had a fun uh youth is it can you imagine being a teenager and just getting to go to regionals with your dads and just run around and play with other kids and shit yeah that's crazy i imagine it like oh like with professional hockey players or whatever they like get to bring their kids to the the rink for their
Starting point is 01:40:51 big games and stuff it's like the same thing they just kind of like dick around for the two three hours that they have before the game and although at regionals like if you like i'm sure like you could get a pass for your kid and they could go everywhere. Probably hockey's a little more structured. Yeah, probably. But I imagine, like, the kids just kind of get to do it. They can run through the locker room and put on their dance pads and shit, you know. Not more structured, just more uptight. Because CrossFit's very structured, the events.
Starting point is 01:41:21 It's Diabetes HQ, Sevan. Roadhouse. Well, thanks for fucking up the sponsorship unless you just get states there then it's all good all right those but they probably sprinkle sugar on those too you get to hand pick up that's another thing about texas roadhouse is you walk in and they there's like a the the basic like a devon standing there waiting to see you or whatever. And they walk you by like this refrigerator of like fresh ribeyes and steaks or whatever. And they're like, would you like to pick a steak?
Starting point is 01:41:53 No shit. Yeah, no kidding. Oh, I like that. Yeah, it's kind of cool. No, I want to choose my cook. What if you said that? I don't care what steak you give me. Let me look at the cook.
Starting point is 01:42:04 You can see the kitchen behind it, too. So you could probably be like, hey, can I get that guy? Yeah. Can I get Juan and Julian to cook my steak for me? Ten. A hundred percent. Racist. Racist.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Okay. Thank you, everyone. Who do we have? have oh is today's tuesday i think so oh i might have a show tonight i do have a show tonight i have a show with andrew hiller and brian friend this evening caleb will be sawing logs no or maybe he'll be tossing a bed. Maybe I'll get up. And then tomorrow morning, we have Christine Kolenbrander. Always actually wanted to meet her, talk to her. And then in the evening, we have Aaron Cairo.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Actually, I always wanted to talk to him. Both of them are going to be great podcasts, I suspect. I think the Aaron Cairo one is going to be completely off the hook. If you know anyone who's ever skateboarded in their life, if kids I'll try to keep it super clean. That is going to be a fun show. I'm going to call in. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Do it. John Clark just took his level one. Oh, that's right. You better make it quick, buddy. I got to pee like a racehorse. Here. Here's the phone number. Maybe he's going to call in tomorrow. Oh, you're going it quick, buddy. I got to pee like a racehorse. Here, here's the phone number. Maybe he's going to call in tomorrow. Oh, you're going to call in tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:43:29 Or like tonight's show. Oh, you're going to, okay, tonight's show. Even better, good, good. Will you be awake? No, you're in the UK. For tonight's show, it'll be 3 a.m. for you. Look at that math. I can't even do that math.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Okay, nice of you to remember I started for you. Look at that math. I can't even do that math. Okay. Nice of you to remember. I started following you. So excited to hear about it. Okay. I'm going to need to pee. No Taylor or JR on tonight? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Brian sent me a text this morning saying we need to have a talk. He's always so calm. I know. I can't wait. Someone to call him right now. Maybe, maybe. Maybe we're not covering zealous games all right guys uh thank you caleb uh any final uh words uh caleb um i'm doing the crash crucible like hero workout week i just did i'm a day behind but um if anybody wants to join me
Starting point is 01:44:26 that'd be really cool just let me know it's really exciting it was a really shitty first day so and you can follow him at c fever isn't that easy to see

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