The Sevan Podcast - #667 - Christine Kolenbrander

Episode Date: November 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Five minutes early.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I've been trying to do this. Come on a few minutes early every morning. Why, Paul? I don't know. Oh, because there's stuff i want to show like before the uh or stuff i want to say that i kind of don't want to bother the uh guest with got you for example uh between now and uh december 23rd if you uh sign up over at california hormones use discount code seven you will be entered into a contest to win a free L one. I pretty sure I will
Starting point is 00:01:06 be drawing the winner on Christmas Eve morning. That's December 24. Jamie. Good morning, Graham. Good morning, Graham. Good morning, Jamie. Good morning, Nora. Good morning. That's my aunt's name, Nora. Um, there's two clips I wanted to show you before the show started today uh by the way thank you matt suza matt suza did uh load up all of the zello shows that we're planning to do he loaded up five on saturday five on sunday you should go over there subscribe to the show click the bell link and then put all um notifications and then if you hate that shit after zealous is over you can unsubscribe and do all that. But you should do it now if you want to be notified
Starting point is 00:01:47 during the weekend of all the times we go live with the Zealous Games. Kevin Smith, good morning. Alex, good morning. Brian, good morning. Michael, good morning. Johnny, good morning. Mr. Tyler Watkins.
Starting point is 00:01:59 He will be joining us on a few of the Zealous Games broadcasts. Good morning. Magnus Holmgren, keeping it straight as always. Good afternoon, Caleb, and good morning, Sevan. Thank you. Wow, very thoughtful. Pablo, knowing his audience, right, Caleb? Pablo.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Good afternoon from Europe. Look at that name. Pablo Aronja Montegudo. Gudo?egudo. And the duck is in the house, Miss Mallard. I want to show you guys two clips before Miss Christine Kolenbrander comes on, if I can. Do you see them at the top? The first one is, okay, here we go. This first one is increased deaths. I've been following this account for a while. I asked this guy if he would come on the show. He said that he doesn't see how he fits in with my audience, but he definitely does. He basically shows you where to invest based on where politicians are investing. And he seems like a very sophisticated computer
Starting point is 00:02:59 programmer. If you don't follow this account, you should. Quiver quantitative. Okay, action. Largest funeral home business in North America, Service Corp International, reported that so far in 2022, the company has made almost $500 million in profits. And its stock is up over 15% since the earnings report. Now, here's where it gets interesting. Listen to this clip of the CEO of Service Corp last week during the earnings call talking about the unexpected business. And you, so what we would have expected is why wouldn't we go back towards, let's say a 2019 level, maybe you get a percent or so growth off 2019. I would expect that. We're telling you is the third quarter of this year, we did 15% more calls than we did
Starting point is 00:03:41 in the third quarter of 2019. That is not what anybody would have anticipated. What the CEO is saying is that they had 15% more business than they did in the third quarter of 2019, far more than he and anyone else anticipated. Interestingly, Congressman Lowenthal bought up to $75,000 in SCI in the month leading up to the earnings. And lastly, when we look at the other end of the spectrum, we can see that Lincoln National, a major insurance company, took an unexpected $2.1 billion loss in their life insurance division, causing the stock to dive almost 40%. So the question is, what's the cause behind this unexpected uptick in deaths that are catching analysts and companies by surprise?
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'll leave that up to you to decide. So I'd like to tell you that when I was raised as a child, there was tons of talk about how there was going to be population explosion. And by the time 2000, 2030 came around, the country would be completely. Oh, wow. Sub on the paper street coffee link doesn't work on YouTube. OK, we will fix that. Thank you. So the talk was that we were going to have a population explosion, and now we are, for some reason, in population decline in many places around the world, warned us about for 20 years. But something is going on.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Don't take that guy's word for it. Just look up anything you want. Just Google around funeral homes, deaths, all that, and you'll see that something is happening. While Caleb is looking at that, I want to show you one more clip I saw this morning. This reminded me of Christine Kohlenbrander because when I was researching her, one of the questions I heard someone ask her is like, if you could be famous for anything, what would you want to be famous for? is but he's obviously some important oh he's a guy in the baltimore ravens his name is lamar jackson he's a quarterback okay he's the quarterback and i saw this and um i was like wow this is uh this is really cool and i and i think this is why i think this is like the best thing a football player or any famous person could do.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Am I doing this right? Okay, so this is Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens. You said he's a quarterback? Yep. Okay, here he is walking into a room, and the irony is this is a boy who has some severe heart condition. What's up? I got someone here severe heart condition. What's up? I got someone here to see you. What's up, bro? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:06:30 How you doing, man? How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? What's up, bro? How you doing? How you doing? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:06:44 What's up, bro? You somebody. How you doing, bro? How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? What's up, bro? He had no clue. He had no clue. How you doing, bro? You good? Yeah? You good, man?
Starting point is 00:06:58 You pretty cool or what? I like the jersey, too, dog. I like the team, man. I like the team. I like the jersey too, dog. I like the jersey, man. I like the jersey. I mean, I can't think of anything better to do with this fame than bring happiness and joy to children.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And I saw that this morning. I was like, that is dope. What a good dude Lamar Jackson is. He seems like a great guy. I guess that kid really envies him. He's got the Lamar Jackson jersey on. He's got some sort of heart condition. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And he took the time out of his day to visit that kid. Christine Young. Good morning. Jethro. There's a Jethro in the house. Good morning. Kevin wholesome. Yeah, it is wholesome, right?
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's cool. It's like that experience can't be purchased what Lamar just got right there. What he got, no one can buy that. He earned that. He earned that right to bring happiness into people's lives by throwing a ball around. I always appreciate it when people who are famous actually invest themselves in those Make-A-Wish Foundation things. Not to say just show up and I'm here. Who wants a signature kind of thing? When they actually show up and make an effort. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Christine. Hi. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Trying to get my laptop to work, but it keeps blocking the microphone and camera. Are you on Chrome? Nope. I'm on my friend's laptop. Does it need to be on Chrome uh it can be on any laptop but um by the way don't stress it's our show people are just happy to see you so no stress um but it has to be the chrome browser gotcha it can't be like is it is it a mac it is not a mac but it's not the Chrome browser. So let me get that really quick. I think it has to be the Chrome browser.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That's awesome. It'll be better if you're on a computer too. Yeah, then I won't have to hold my phone out the whole time. Oh, yeah, that would suck. That would make your arms so sore and affect your performance at the Zillows games. Yeah, for sure. You cannot have that. You have a very cool name, Christine colin brander thank you um i shortened it on my instagram for a while and kind of with crossfit because people kept messing it up am i messing it up no you got
Starting point is 00:09:38 it right it's just how like how it is spelled colin brander and how would they mess it up they try to say it all fancy i I think people just get like overwhelmed that it's a lot of letters and then they like freak out. Like they'll be like, I'm like, oh my gosh. So like over the announcement, like if I was like in the middle of an event at CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:10:00 like they would, I could hear them like just freaking out over my name. And I'm like, okay. What did you shorten it to? Just Cole. But I feel like now they know my last name is Cole and my nurse. So now it's like, some people think my last name is Cole and some people think it's Cole and my nurse.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then I'm married too. So some people think it's Steven. I like how she's angry and types her keyboard That's aggressive No she's not angry she's just too strong She's like Bam Bam from the Flintstones She just breaks everything she touches Okay that is actually
Starting point is 00:10:34 I get made fun of all the time Because I do everything so aggressively Are you going to change your last name to Stevens? I don't know I kind of like having like three different options. Yeah. It's cool. And like, you can tell people that your last name, like I could tell people that my last name is Stevens and the only time that it's really going to be an issue is like a government document. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Like your last name can be whatever you want yeah i don't think my wife my wife goes by hayley matosian but i think she went down to change her name and she like brought the wrong document like she brought the kid's birth certificate instead of her own or something so i don't think she ever changed it i should ask her that i think there's a lot of people in that boat okay is spiegel a boy or a girl is who oh sorry i was talking to caleb i'm trying to fill the air while you uh just do your thing. And do your thing. Don't worry. No one cares. Everyone's cool on this show. Mostly.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I feel like it's a dude. I thought it was a dude. I thought it was a dude also. I guess Heidi's pretty crass. So it could be a girl. I'm starting to think Trish might be a girl. And I always thought Trish was a guy. What made you think that Trish was a girl? That's something Trish said about going through menopause. Oh, Trish says boy. All right, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay, fine. Daniel Garrity, Sevan goes by Sevan Castro most of the time. Oh, you're so clever this morning. You're so, you're so clever. I have to apologize to my wife for having, for taking my last name. She said she wanted to, and I was like, okay. Yeah, as soon as we had kids, my wife wanted to take my last name too. But mine's not Beaver.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah. my wife wanted to take my last name too but mine's not beaver yeah she was old enough that she just like didn't really care what people if people were going to make comments about it but i grew up with it for ever how how often would people make fun of your last name caleb uh at least every day every day so every 24 you want a 24-hour cycle yeah pretty much there's always some sort of joke especially when we were like teenagers in high school yeah it was just and everybody figured out what beaver meant and they're like oh good last name's beaver and i'm like good one dude That's like me when I started CrossFit. Okay, do you guys have any tips? It's like it's saying camera and microphone allowed, but then when I refresh it, it says entering studio,
Starting point is 00:13:34 and then it all of a sudden says your mic and camera is blocked. Okay. Do you see there's a gear down there at the bottom, and it says settings? Are you in the studio? It's weird because I don't see you pop up in the studio. It's like this right now. Oh, okay. Oh, what does it, do you have to allow something in that right hand corner there? What's that blue? Yeah. So it says that's joined without Mike. It says you can go up to the camera and supposed to be able to click always allow but it says camera and microphone allowed and that's chrome yep and that's an that's a mac i don't think it's a mac let me see the keyboard
Starting point is 00:14:13 okay um go ahead and just go in the studio and let's see what happens with it not allowed okay and then i'll uh we'll see you pop up okay device not give me one second okay browser is blocked okay it says device not connected must be some sort of security thing you want to just lean your phone on something oh i wonder hold on okay i've seen this happen before i wish i could remember what the solution is can you hear me right now i can hear you great but only but not oh you're coming on here we go let me leave this one okay okay can you hear me i can okay now i have to figure out the dang look at you jeff i was actually thinking about you last night as i was tossing and turning
Starting point is 00:15:14 in bed i didn't sleep so good last night because i drank a cup a cup of coffee on the seven o'clock show yeah i couldn't sleep last night either because you heard bombs dropping you heard shelling no i just couldn't sleep okay it's letting me do the audio but it won't let me do the camera um is do you see a gear down at the bottom and it says settings it's in between yeah click on that and it should open up a window and then you should see camera yep i was just me i was just making fun of someone on yesterday's show about how the first 15 minutes to an hour that they had you on the podcast was complete garbage so i think i jinxed
Starting point is 00:15:58 us oh no i think it's my fault no no it's my fault it's my fault i should keep my mouth shut okay so i'm on the settings but and then and then you should see a button that says camera I think I just... It's my fault. No, no, it's my fault. It's my fault. I should keep my mouth shut. Okay, so I'm on the settings, but... And then you should see a button that says camera. Yep. And then you'll see some drop-down menus and see if you can choose the camera for the computer. Yeah. It'd be kind of funny if your laptop didn't have a camera.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It does. I can see it. Oh, okay. Okay. Good question, though. Important. didn't have a camera it does i can see it okay okay good question though important uh suza is not on the show today he's probably uh teaching a class i hope you're enjoying this clydesdale i hope you're enjoying this Clydesdale. I hope you're enjoying this.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I wonder if this will happen when he comes on. I hope you're enjoying this. He's like this sucker. I wonder how much weight he's lost. I saw a picture on his Instagram the other day. It looks like he's doing it. It's crazy. I think he comes on Monday after Zillow's games.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Mr. Mr. Is it, is it Switzer or Switzer? I don't remember. She doesn't want to hold the iPhone the whole time is what I think it is in her hand. But she could probably lean it against something. I suspect they are burning Michigan down today after what happened last night. So maybe internet in Michigan is cut off. What happened last night in Michigan? Guessing the Democrats won the house maybe i've never been uh or vice versa i thought john fetterman won too. That was hilarious. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:47 He couldn't string two words together. I guess the alternative was Dr. Oz. Which I also found to be bizarre. The fact that... I... Like, how do we come to that? Oh. I, like, how do we come to that? Oh, Bruce, the red wave was not even a wave. Not even a drop in the bucket.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I think the Democrats will still hold like a majority of the seats or something by like one or two seats. Absolutely amazing. Yes, it is the idiocracy. It is fucking nuts. I love watching all the parallels from that movie to that in real life in the past couple of years. When will you realize that it's the institutions you should worry about, not the individuals? years. When would you realize that it's the institutions you should worry about, not the individuals? This morning, Health Magazine put out an article saying that there is a direct link between. Oh, I'm just going to get my phone. OK, sorry. It's OK. You could just lean it on something. We hear you well, too. Yeah. OK, perfect. This is like up here. Yeah. you well too yeah okay perfect there we go is that okay yeah okay who's your it gal who's your it mallory lawson she hello no come say hi mallory what's up girl she competed on crescent
Starting point is 00:19:21 foreign sevens games team in. 15 and not 16? No, I had a baby 16. And then she took my spot in 17 when I got hurt. Congratulations, Mama. Are you proud that Emma Lawson is keeping the flame alive? Yeah, we're not related, but it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Very cool. Okay, see ya. Bye. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Sorry about that. Since you're not on your computer, I won't show you this, but I'll just tell you about it because it's harder to see on the phone. But we started the show with a clip of the quarterback of the Baltimore Ravens.
Starting point is 00:19:57 His name is Lamar Jackson. And it shows him walking into a room to surprise a kid who has some heart condition and give him a hug. walking into a room to surprise a kid who has some heart condition and give him a hug. And I saw that this morning and it reminded me of an answer you gave on a podcast where you said, if they asked you, if you could be famous for any reason, what, what would it be? And, you know, a lot of people would say actor athlete. And you said, I would want to be famous just because I'm a good person. That's a good answer. Oh, it's a great, it's a great answer oh it's a great it's a great answer i think it may have been clydesdale the clydesdale podcast but it's a great answer yeah that's definitely what i would want to be famous for your instagram screams that that you want to be that you want to be a good
Starting point is 00:20:37 person thank you i hope it's not just that like i want to be like time will tell I am but yeah uh Johnny she is a goddess I think she's a just a regular human but but we we shall not rule out uh any anything saved by grace crossfit athlete enneagram three four I took my test yesterday just so you know I'd never even heard of that. I was a 3 and an 8. I think you're an 8. Jared's an 8. Yeah, I was a 3 and an 8. And so I learned a little bit about that. I took the 7-page test. They keep asking you the same questions over and over, just kind of changing the wording, I guess, to make sure that you're answering them consistently. There's a bunch of different tests too. Some are better than others.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I can send you some. Level 10 gymnast. Yeah. How'd you find that out? Probably your Instagram or podcast or something. That's nuts. Yeah, that was a big part of my life.
Starting point is 00:21:42 10. So it's like level 10 is the top of like the normal gymnastics that you can do. Anything above that is considered elite. And at that point, you're like homeschooled training for the Olympics, like that type of thing. Do you go back down to level one? Is it like a whole new? No, no. You're an elite gymnast.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. There's some clips, Caleb, some links. Can we look at those? How old were you when you started gymnastics? I was five. And your parents just put you in it or how does that work? Um, they put me in dance class and it was like at this mall and you had to walk past, Oh yeah. You had to walk past, um, a gymnastics facility to get to the dance class. And I just remember every day being like, mom, I want to go do that. And so eventually she took me and I really liked it.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So and what kind of dance was it? Oh, you know, like little kid dance, like ballet and tap and just a little bit of everything. So five year old, you start gymnastics. Tell me about that. You start with just one class a week and eventually it consumes your life and to be level 10, you're doing it five days a week? Yeah, so at first when you start,
Starting point is 00:22:54 everyone's just in like recreational gymnastics one time a week. And I don't really know how it works. I would assume like the coaches just kind of like if you're talented, they go talk to your parents and eventually ask like, Hey, do you want to compete? Um, and that was something I was interested in. So then I think it was after like a year or two of just doing it for fun. Um, they moved me up to competitive. These videos are hilarious because that actually was not like in the heat of me doing gymnastics. I went back into gymnastics when I was like 24, I think just because I missed competing.
Starting point is 00:23:40 So like these videos are not like me in the prime of my gymnastics. This is like me as an adult. So when you go back, do they have like an adult league, like an adult rec league? No, no. I was just crazy. Like, so I quit gymnastics when I was 15. I had a really bad injury, had to get knee surgery. My coach moved to California.
Starting point is 00:24:07 It's fun to watch these. Uh, and I wound up quitting at a track in high school. And then after high school, just like really struggled with, like, I w I wanted to compete again. I wanted to be an athlete, but I didn't know what I loved, what I wanted to do. Um, and I just kind of had this, like, I can't really explain it, but just something inside me that like, I was supposed to do gymnastics again. I don't, I don't know. So I went and talked to my old coach and just kind of like explain my heart about it. And she was like, yeah, let's do it. Like no hesitation. And I didn't really know the full purpose behind it. That's cute. But I went and did it for a year and I trained like four hours a day, five days a week.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I was so weak when I first started, like would try to do a handstand on the bar and my shoulders would literally give out. Um, but we just like kept working every day and built like a really good base and core. And I wound up getting back all of the skills that I'd had when I quit. They weren't as pretty as back then because I was bigger. Um, but after that, it just like got to a point where like the door was definitely closing. I, I hurt myself and I was just kind of like, what am I doing? Like, why am I, why am I doing gymnastics? Like I'm an adult, like this is strange. Um, it was just clear that that door was closing. And then I found CrossFit shortly after that. And I think doing that year of gymnastics, like skyrocketed me, skyrocketed me forward.
Starting point is 00:25:53 No doubt. You mean in CrossFit with CrossFit? Yeah. Like even just like getting body awareness back in, like, I feel like gymnastic strength is so much like strict movement and like, just like building your tendons and everything back up. And I did that for four hours a day for a full year before starting CrossFit. So that's music to Greg's ear. One of the things that, and this is my perspective, but one of the things that I gleaned off of Greg whenever we would go to the CrossFit Games is because he had a gymnastics background, he was never fully impressed by the CrossFit Games athletes. Yeah. I would hear him like almost whisper under his breath, or I probably heard him, gymnasts are way, way stronger than this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 He had a dedication and a loyalty to that gymnastics pedigree that he came from. Yeah. You know, he had a, he had a dedication and a loyalty to that gymnastics pedigree that he came from. Yeah. Um, I get asked a lot, like his CrossFit scary and I'm like, not anywhere close to gymnastics compared to the balance beam or the bars. Like, it's like, if you make one degree of mistake, like you could kill yourself, you know? I mean, even with a snatch, it's like, you can have a little bit of an error and still like, you're not going to kill yourself. You might miss the lift, but you're okay. Tell me about your injury, your knee injury. It was pretty crazy. Um, so this, I was warming up to compete at like the first, uh, meet of the season. I was in ninth grade and vault was my favorite. Is that 14? I think so.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yeah. 14. Um, we were warming up vaults and that was my favorite, like super confident on the vault. We were warming up vaults and that was my favorite, like super confident on the vault. And in one of my warmup vaults, I landed just like completely straight legged. Christine, sorry. The vault is, it's that spring thing. You run at it and you jump on the tip of it and then it shoots you into the air.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. You run full force. What a crazy contraption. Yeah. What a fucking crazy contraption. Yeah. It's like something that like you'd seen a cartoon. Mm-hmm. But I liked it because it was just like go as hard as you can one time and you're done.
Starting point is 00:28:12 So I'm warming up for that. I land completely straight-legged on accident. And my legs hyperextended. So like I went backwards. Meaning the knee bent the wrong way. Yeah. Like, yeah, it went the wrong way. So I like try to stand up my knees buckle underneath me because I think like the tendons are super loose at that point. Um, long story short, I went in to get an x-ray on or an MRI on my knee that because one of them was worse than the other
Starting point is 00:28:48 and they were like let's just take imaging of both of them just like compare the good one to the bad one and we're like okay and they came back with the imaging and they were like, Hey, your knee that you hurt is going to be fine. Like it just needs rest. Your good knee. We found, um, something called avascular necrosis. I don't know if you ever heard of that, but it's not getting blood and something's dying. Yes. So it was like a quarter size, um, just dead in my knee bone. And they were like, you need surgery pretty much immediately. Um, they were like, if you don't get surgery, it's just going to keep spreading. And eventually you'll need a knee replacement. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Like that knee didn't hurt at all. Like had no signs or symptoms. Um, so if I wouldn't have hurt the other knee, they wouldn't have found it and it would have kept spreading and my knee could have wound up useless. So got the surgery, but it was like six weeks on crutches. Couldn't run or jump for six months. Can I ask you a question here real quick? When you say they fixed it, do they bring a blood vessel to it to feed it? No, they drilled two holes into the knee bone or the patella. And the hope is just that blood will go into those holes and start revitalizing it.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Wow. Stimulate some sort of healing factor. Yeah. And they were kind of like, it work it might not work but it did work so yeah and how do you know how do you know it works six months later they do another uh mri on it and they're like yep it's back to life yeah but i mean think about that like as a 14 15 year old like being told like you can't run or jump for six months like I was so miserable it was terrible I mean for most 14 year olds it wouldn't be miserable they would just double down on their uh time in front of
Starting point is 00:30:52 the computer yeah yeah that's true but you were spending 10 15 20 hours a week running and jumping yeah yeah so it was like what was your peak training for gymnastics? What would like a peak week look like in your highest level? And, but by the way, was that the end of your gymnastics career right there? Yeah. So it was like, I tried to come back after the six months. Um, and we got a new coach during that time and I did, I didn't click with her very well. Um, like she didn't know me as an athlete. So I feel like, and then nothing against her, but it's just like, she didn't toss me to the side, but I was just kind of like off to the side and she didn't put priority on me. And then during that time kind
Starting point is 00:31:36 of realized like there was a social life outside of gymnastics. I got my first boyfriend, like I started realizing like, Oh, there's some things outside of this one thing that I know. And that felt good. And I wound up quitting, but I kind of always regretted that. And that's part of the reason that I went back and did gymnastics for a year. And tell me about the most at your peak of training, what it looked like. Yeah. So I think the most was five days a week, five hours in one session and like two hours in a different session. So that's eight plus five.
Starting point is 00:32:19 That's 13 hours a week. No, it was more than that. Five hours a day and one session and two hours so like seven oh it's like 35 hours wow yeah oh I was thinking it was one day with five hours and the other days were just two hours no yeah I seriously like sometimes I look back and I'm like, I'm not saying I'm like, was I tougher and more dedicated as a child? But you don't know any better. So you just do what I loved it. And that's just what we did.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Your parents just keep dropping you off and you just keep going to practice. Yeah, we had like a carpool group and it was like i would go to school get in the car drive a half hour to gymnastics practice during school year it was four hours so it was 4 30 to 8 30 um and then only 20 hours a week get back in the car do homework on the way home eat when i get home go to bed same thing the next day like it was so regimented um and at which point did you start track and field started track i think i did it one year in middle school just for fun like i did gymnastics and track just because i thought it would be cool to do something with the school. Um, but fully started it sophomore year of high school. So after you were done with gymnastics and you started up
Starting point is 00:33:54 track and you just walked, you just knew that they had track at the high school and you just walked in and joined. Yeah. I was trying to, cause I knew that I wanted to still do athletics. So I was still like, I was just trying to figure out what my thing would be. I did competitive cheer for one season, but that wasn't really, I didn't really click with that. Why didn't you click with that? That seems cool. That seems like you could be like a superstar there. Parlay your gymnastic skills. Yeah. I don't know. Like, so the team we were on, I was a, did I do it my freshman year?
Starting point is 00:34:32 No, I must've been a sophomore. I think I was a sophomore when I did it. Um, so the seniors, when I did it, we're really good. And it gave me a respect for the sport like it was hard like it was really hard um but the seniors were graduating who were really good on the team and it was kind of just like we weren't going to be good the next year and I just I didn't like it enough to keep doing it and then it was like okay well most competitive cheers cheerleaders do like the sideline cheer. And it just wasn't my... I don't know why it wasn't my thing. But I think it was a little too catty. There's a lot of drama, a lot of crying. And I think coming from gymnastics, you're not allowed to be like that.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Sexist, sexist. No, no, no. No, no, I i know i know it's not i'm just being i just like the culture i was used to with gymnastics was so opposite of cheer um and i just disciplined yeah my kids have been doing jujitsu for many years with the same coach right and they still one of them two of them started when they were three and one started with four. And after three years, the other day, um, finally I heard my favorite coach that they go to. One of my boys hurt himself and he hadn't started crying yet. And the coach went over and rewarded him for not crying. He goes, yeah, he goes, you, you, you're at that age now where
Starting point is 00:36:01 you got to start toughing up just because you get need in the head and practice doesn't mean you resort to crying. And I was like, wow, he's giving them the talk. So my first competitive gymnastics practice, I was probably seven, maybe six. And at that point, like gymnastics is just fun to me. This is kind of sad, but we were stretching for our warm-up and that's good for ratings if you try a little bit that would be awesome I was like stretching we were doing our splits and I'm kind of like laughing talking to a girl and the coach comes
Starting point is 00:36:36 over and was like stop laughing and just like shoved my hips down to the ground and it hurt so bad and I just remember like a tear came down my cheek and I was just like shoved my hips down to the ground and it hurt so bad. And I just remember like a tear came down my cheek and I was just like, this is what competitive gymnastics is like. It's just such a shift. But I'll never forget that. I used to take my kid to gymnastics before they started requiring masks and I pulled them out immediately. But I would see the fucking coaches there with the teenage girls and they were so it it looked it looked
Starting point is 00:37:13 inappropriate to me like the way they would physically push them around in stretches and in movements and in positions I was like how could that be good for anybody? Yeah, it's an interesting culture. And talking through a lot of the things that I think I had good coaches, but I think just the overall culture of gymnastics and like how you're taught to coach is very toxic and borderline abusive and like psychologically abusive. and like psychologically abusive. Um, and I did not realize that until I started sharing like some of my stories with Jared and he's like, Christine, these things are not normal. And I'm like, huh? Like it's really made me like this sport. And I think a lot of it is happening up at the top, like push for change with like USA gymnastics and all that. But, um, I kind of get it. I get it in the military. I get it in the military and, and, and I, and I do appreciate some level of hazing. Um, I don't want to sound sexist, but definitely amongst boys, I appreciate some sort of hazing. I think things should be earned, but there's a difference between toughening people up yeah and and abusing
Starting point is 00:38:26 them i don't know exactly where that i think the main thing with gymnastics is like you're you're with your coach so much that they become almost like a mother to you and you're you're seeking validation from them and especially at such a young age and they very much play the like if you do good i love you and i'll give you a hug if you fall i'm not going to give you a hug that type of right right but then it's like like what that does to like a young girl's mind is the single most important variable is your performance not yeah that you show up on time or that you lend the other kids some of your lunch or none of that other shit matters no it's like good score love you bad score hate you yeah make room for another kid who's better than you yeah yep yeah um in track what you, what did you do? Um, I ran the 200 a little bit,
Starting point is 00:39:27 really liked the 200, but my main thing was pole vault. Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, wow. How do you decide you're going to do pole vault? That seems like such a weird thing. Yeah. I didn't decide it. Um, they decided for me. So basically like the first day of practice, they had us all go do strict pull-ups in the weight room and the people that could do like a good amount of strict pull-ups were on the pull vault squad. By the way, Christine, um, my name's Sevan and that's Caleb down there. Hi. And for those of you who don't know, Christine, uh, was at the crossfit games last year i think most of you know that um and uh this upcoming weekend she is going to be competing at the um zelos games uh really a uh phenomenal athlete and uh deep individual as as you can see by going to her instagram but as we're also going to find out okay so pole vaulting you could do some pull-ups do you remember how many you did
Starting point is 00:40:28 no at least 10 wow okay and they were probably all beautiful and straight and your body was in like the hollow rock position toes pointed and you're like yeah i remember though they were like okay you're gonna pull vault and i was like i do not want to do that and they were like, okay, you're going to pole vault. And I was like, I do not want to do that. And they're like, nope, you're doing it. Okay. And how long did you do that? what that felt like to love a sport so much and i didn't have that with pole vault and i was just like it didn't sit right with me to i feel like if you're going to be a college athlete you have to love your sport you know you you know what's weird is in uh youtube has been pushed. So I have, I have, I started this other account.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It's called, um, capable child consulting. And it's just an outlet for me to make one minute videos every single day where I just talk about things I do with my kids to make them capable. And anyway, so I've been put, and that's the only account I have on my phone,
Starting point is 00:41:39 my YouTube account. And I just post, but every time I go to post, I treat YouTube like Instagram. Now I just do these like little short one minute posts on there. Yeah. And every time I open the YouTube app now, it shows me a girl's track and field event. And the screenshot is that their suit pulled up into their ass.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. They're like pool vaulters. It's like become this huge. And I do my darndest not to click on them. Yeah. I'm like, don't click on that you're gonna watch fucking 15 minutes waiting for that one shot where the suit's in her button it's not even gonna be there yeah i think that pole vaulting has become like a big um thing on social media like hottie mchotties it's like it's like can we find the hottest pole vaulters and yeah it's in Yeah. And the girls who do the triple jump. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah. Trek is really cool, though. It is really cool. Annie Thor's daughter and Danielle Brandon. I didn't know Annie did. I knew Danielle did. Any others in your cohort there at the CrossFit Games? Do you know who Kelly Nicholas is?
Starting point is 00:42:43 She competed on Crossfit 417 team 2015 16 17 she was a pole vaulter i don't but brian does yeah my buddy brian does he knows that's all i know and uh is there is there is there a sweet spot like is there are there pole vaults where you're like oh my god i nailed God, I nailed it. Like this is silky smooth. Yeah, I think if you don't knock over the bar, you're like, that was amazing. Because it's so technical that if you're off by a tiny bit, you're not going to make the jump. So, yeah. It's timing.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Timing's just massive. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then what's the other piece? Do you have to be crazy strong like your upper body yeah and fast like you have to be going into your vault with a lot of speed to be able to generate enough bend to propel you up um how many what's the learning curve on that how many times do you have to run at the yeah how many times do you have to run at the, at the, yeah. How many times do you have to run at that thing
Starting point is 00:43:47 before you actually vault? Um, they have drills. I mean, this was so long ago, but they have drills, like you run with it just like on your shoulder and then kind of like plant it in, but you don't jump yet. And then you like kind of jump a little bit. If you move your hands down on the pole, it's not going to bend as much. So like, you can start with that and just get it into the hole and like, kind of just jump up onto the mat. And like, you kind of just keep building confidence from there. God, that point where you have to just like, have faith in the pole is nuts. But kind of the same thing, like coming from gymnastics, like I've done very, very scary things.
Starting point is 00:44:26 So it's like not that much different. Right. Like backflip on the balance beam. Like, yeah, you have to have faith it's going to be there when you land. Backflip is way easier than a front flip on the balance beam. Because backflip, for some reason, it's like you can kind of see it as you're landing. Front flip, it's like, I hope it's there when I land. Like, right. Oh, cause your head goes first.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Okay. So the, so the back flip, you get to see it on the landing. Yeah. So you can kind of like say goodbye to it as you, as you rotate past it. It sounds crazy, but as you are coming down, if you can see the beam, you can kind of maneuver yourself a little bit in the air. You know, like if you see something's a little off, you know, like at that point, you know that you're going to make it or you're not going to make it, but being able to see it, you can make
Starting point is 00:45:14 tiny little adjustments, but a front flip, like you can't see anything. There's a nasty bruise on your Instagram account of you missing on your leg from missing the balance being one time. Yeah. Nasty. That hurts so bad. I actually still have like scar tissue right there from that bruise. So you, um, so what, what state did all this happen in this, this gymnastic Michigan? Yeah. Born and born there and raised there yeah are you still there no I moved to Missouri in 2017 to try to be on the games team and um I noticed I went through your Instagram and I saw that in 2016 was the first time Jared that that's your husband, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 That's the first time he pops up on your Instagram. 2016? Oh, HOA. Yeah. I think this was the first time. Yeah. So I got asked. So this is the story behind that.
Starting point is 00:46:21 They needed a girl on their team for the following year. Cause they had had a couple girls move and Jared was friends with the owner of the gym. I went to in Michigan and I was wanting to like get into competing in war and they had a conversation like, well, if she wants to move down and try to be on the team, she could do that. So I was kind of like yeah I would like to um I've never been to Missouri so they asked me Jared Sam Dancer and Jen Dancer if I wanted to come be part of their HOA team which is what this picture is I was so nervous like because they should be like you should be look at them they're monsters gosh so scared and like i was so new at crossfit there were so many movements that like i had never rode an assault
Starting point is 00:47:10 bike before i had never pushed a sled before and they had all these movements at this competition but it wound up being really good and that was kind of like such a great experience that it was like okay i'm I'm going to move down. Okay. Let me go back a little bit here. Okay. So you have a track, gymnastics, great pedigree to come from. You went balls to the wall and it fully committed track and field. So, I mean, that makes sense. What to not, I can't think of two better things now to parlay into a CrossFit career.
Starting point is 00:47:44 And then you graduate from high school and you still haven't found CrossFit? No. And I kick myself for that because I don't know if you experience this, but like when people tell you certain things over and over and you learn like it's almost God or the universe telling you that you should do that thing. People kept telling me about CrossFit when I was younger. And I just, I feel like I didn't listen to the signs. Maybe I wasn't ready for it yet. I don't know. Maybe I needed to go back and do the gymnastics thing first, but, um, I did not really do any, uh, that's not, that's not true. I did like have a spout where I tried
Starting point is 00:48:22 to be a runner. Like I tried to like train for, I did like a 25 K and like stuff like that. Um, but other than that, I didn't really do much athletically until I started getting those feelings of like missing being an athlete and going back and doing gymnastics. So there's a good chunk of time where like, I wasn't really doing anything. And tell me, tell me about that, that your first experience with CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So a girl that I grew up doing gymnastics with had just graduated college and transitioned to doing CrossFit. And I started seeing her stuff on social media and I was like, okay, that looks like a lot of fun. So what are you doing with your time then? Are you working? This is in Michigan. Yeah, I was working. I knew I loved like health and wellness and nutrition. Like I, I knew that my life was going to be something with like health and wellness. So I was just kind of exploring different things to do with health and wellness. Like I had so many different jobs during that time. Like I worked in a kitchen and like learned how to cook. I worked at the YMCA.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I coached gymnastics for a little bit of time. Like I just was trying like everything I could think of like in different facets of health and wellness everything I could think of. Like in different facets of health and wellness, I worked at a retirement at one point, like just trying to see everything. All things, by the way, where you're helping people, all those jobs are also help. You're giving something to someone. Yeah. Yeah. I never thought about that. But then my friends are doing CrossFit and I was like, OK, that looks fun do I do this and she's like come try a class came and tried a class it was super fun it was like high skilled gymnastics stuff that first day so I was like oh my gosh I can do this um I just kind of
Starting point is 00:50:19 I feel like when that door closed of doing gymnastics as an adult for a year, I had this feeling of like, I know there's something more. I know there's purpose to why I just did this, but I don't know what that is. There was a couple of months of like trying to figure that out and just kind of sitting with it and then found CrossFit. And I was like, oh, I think this was it. Is that how you treat your life a lot? When did you start doing that? Or are you just doing it now just in hindsight? Or do you often reflect?
Starting point is 00:50:53 Like purpose everything? Yeah, just sort of connecting these dots. Oh, that's why I met Jared. Oh, that's why we got a flat tire. Oh, that's why I did gymnastics. Yeah, I don't know when that started I do remember when I hyperextended my knee there was a coach that I didn't really know that came up to me so I was like 14 and he was like you may not see it now but there is a huge purpose behind this and I was
Starting point is 00:51:19 just like devastated and I was like you don't know what you're talking about you know yeah yeah yeah I'm 14 jackass yeah but then when we got the x-ray or the MRI and saw that the other knee had the disease in it I was like okay this could have been part of the reason that I got hurt and so maybe it started back then I don't know a great quote from your Instagram never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light. Do you remember making this post? This is seven, eight, eight years ago. Yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's so crazy that that's almost 10 years ago. I can't believe I've almost been doing. So I've been doing CrossFit now since 2016. So like I always in gymnastics, I'm like'm like okay i did gymnastics for 11 years and that just seems like so long to me but it's like it won't be that long until i've hit that point with crossfit which is just crazy so you go back and you sort of um you know when i hear you say you went back to gymnastics you didn't just go back for the physical but you can in my mind i'm like oh she went back to tap into those memories too to tap
Starting point is 00:52:30 into that feeling right those movements were going to elicit something you liked about that bigger than just the movements and then you take a two-month break of just kind of just floating in the ether and then you strike at the opportunity when your friend tells you to go to CrossFit gym do you remember the affiliate you went to CrossFit Holland and what was that that's in Michigan super great gym um owned by Eli Kaufman he's just like a super happy guy that just wants to help everyone. Um, so super positive experience. And from the beginning, like I wasn't really sure just cause like the door, the door closed with gymnastics. And I was just a little bit like, am I supposed to compete? Am I supposed to be doing this just to be healthy?
Starting point is 00:53:18 And he was like, really pushed me to compete. Like, he's like, you can be really good at this. Like within a couple of weeks, he was telling me that. Wow. Yeah. And so he, he was like, you need to sign up for this partner competition. It was like a few months after I started a CrossFit and it was just so much fun. And I was hooked. What year was that? 2016. No, sorry. It was 2015. My first open was 2016. So it was like the fall of 2015. There's this powerful post you make in 2015.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It's a wake-up call to you about food and health. And in a way, it reminds me about myself. about food and health and in a way it reminds me about uh myself uh you you basically would eat just um you thought that the way to lose to look better and feel better was to put take a rice cake and to this day i do i do shit like this like if i'm gonna spend the day at the beach but in the morning i'll just eat some maybe a rice cake or something i do dumb shit like this uh i you take the photo on your left is you trying to a caloric restricted diet yes okay let's just say it starving yourself um to look good and the photo on the right is you 20 pounds heavier eating for healthy. Can you tell me about this whole? Yeah. My food journey has been pretty nuts. Um, so looking back, I can see that I definitely had
Starting point is 00:54:57 food allergies growing up, but I just didn't know. Um, how would it manifest mucus? but I just didn't know. How would it manifest? Mucus? Mucus, I'd get sick. I had so much acne as a child. I had like rashes all over. And then I feel like as I got older,
Starting point is 00:55:16 the symptoms just got worse, like bloating. I would get full so quickly. I would get hurt all the time in gymnastics. I don't think my body was absorbing nutrients. The acne was really, really bad, but I, I figured out in, I think I was 20. Isn't that crazy? Look at your skin. Now you're like a fucking porcelain doll. That is so nice. Thank you. But you can even see on that left side. I feel like I look aged. Um, what's crazy is that is nine years ago and you, and you don't look older now. That's for sure. I don't know if you look age, but you, you look the same
Starting point is 00:55:51 age. Yeah. I guess for a 21 year old, I think that looks aged, but, um, so I figured out when I was 20 that it was gluten. Like gluten was my main thing that was giving me trouble. I had like gone out to eat at Olive Garden with my friend and could like, it was hard to breathe on the way home. Like I was like, something is wrong. Like it shouldn't be hard to breathe after you eat a couple breadsticks and a salad and some spaghetti or whatever um you mean 200 breadsticks yes those are so good oh my gosh they're really good terrible for you but that's on my list of things when i get home sorry is it is that really caleb dude i can like dude that's i have such a long list
Starting point is 00:56:45 to do i was just there's so much food i want to eat i'm fucking starving over here oh man um okay so i kind of and i was working at this is another side piece but i went to hair school at one point in my life and i worked at a salon how old were you for that i I was 19, I think. And why did you want to do that? Well, okay. So out of high school. I'll get you back on track with gluten. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Okay. After high school, I thought I wanted to be an art teacher. I love art and creating and drawing and whatever. Also obvious from Instagram that you're art not yet school. So I get accepted into an art school and I start the program and it was so different than what I thought it was going to be it was like the I don't want to put people down but the strangest people I've ever been around and I could not understand what they were saying or like asking of me. Like I would be in an abstract art class and they'd be like, this is good. This is bad.
Starting point is 00:57:57 And I'm like, they're both just like lines all over the paper. Like this does not make any sense. Like I'm artistic, but I'm also logical. So it's like, I just, I couldn't do it. And I'm like, I know I could go teach an art class right now, like an elementary art teacher. I could go do that. But like, this is not that. And I can't do this for four years. So I went home and I was just like, dad, I can't, I can't do this. How long did it take before you knew that that wasn't for you? How long? Oh, like a few days. Like, yeah, I think I stuck with it for two weeks or something, but it was like,
Starting point is 00:58:35 what state was that in Michigan? Um, grand Valley state university. I would love to see the picture of that graduating class. I'm going to go out on a limb here, like judgmental asshole and say that that was 11, 12 years ago that most of those people are on diabetes medication now. my art classes and got in with like a couple of my gen eds um for the semester but I just kind of was like I don't know what I want to do and like I'm not going to spend money to just be undecided like I'm not going to do that so I'd always like doing hair and I think I did my sister's hair for homecoming that year and my dad was right there and And I'm like, this is just really fun. And he's like, go to school for it.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And so I was like, all right. So went to school for that. Worked at a salon for a little bit. You did that for a year? You got your beautician's license? Yeah. Fuck. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Yeah. That's kind of hard. Yeah. I've heard that school's pretty difficult. It is. Yeah. It was a very interesting time of life too like being in a school with all girls and it was fun but uh yeah I worked at a salon and that was the time where the gluten I
Starting point is 00:59:55 was starting to have like major adverse reactions and there was sorry one question do you get to keep that license your whole life like could you just go anywhere now and just cut, cut? Could you go to super cuts and get a job? J-O-B? I didn't renew it. And that's a long story too, but it just wasn't, it wasn't my calling. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I don't like sitting or not sitting. I was too, I would say I'm like an extroverted introvert and like, I could not handle like the amount of just like stimulation and talking all day, every day. Like I would go home and just like sit in my car in the garage for like an hour because I was like, just dying inside too much social interaction. Yeah. So I was just like like i can't do this so i actually let the license expire so that i wouldn't keep trying to go back to a salon and try it again because i kept i did that a couple times but um gluten there was a client that came into the salon who had a kid that had like all of these allergies and she was just like fascinating to listen to because she like.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I don't know if you've seen this, but like a lot of parents that have kids that have food allergies, like. A lot of parents don't change their lifestyle for their child, like they just let their kids suffer. their lifestyle for their child. Like they just let their kids suffer. And this mom- Oh yes, I've seen that once or two, twice or three million times. This mom like changed everything. And it's like, you could tell that she just loved her kids so much. But she came in that week after I started kind of thinking like maybe I have food allergies and I just kind of talked to her about what I was experiencing. And she's like, that really sounds like gluten. You should try to give it up for like a month and just see what happens.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I was like, okay, I can commit to a month. Um, so I did it. And within, I would say within a week, I was like, oh my gosh, like my brain works better. Like just so many things. My skin started clearing up. My knees didn't hurt as bad. I wasn't bloated. Like so many positive signs that I was just like, okay, I'm never eating this again. Um, I've never gotten tested for celiac disease, but I've like tried it a couple of times since then. And I get, I have such bad reactions to it. Like, I think I definitely do have celiac disease. And what is that? What's celiac disease just means that you don't, you don't process gluten so good. Yeah. It's basically where like, it's your body's it's an autoimmune disease. So it's like your body is attacking your body celiac disease sometimes called celiac sprue or gluten sensitivity enterpathy enter enteropathy enteropathy
Starting point is 01:02:57 thank you caleb is an immune reaction to eating gluten a protein found in wheat barley and rye if you have celiac disease eating gluten triggers an immune response. Oh, in your small intestine. Okay. So you have an immune response to it. That's no good. That's no good. Your body's just in a constant war.
Starting point is 01:03:13 You're just eating something your body doesn't want. Yep. Yeah. Rod M. Well, she's cool as fuck. Yeah, dude, but she can't process gluten. It seriously sucks. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? She's not that cool but she can't process gluten you can it seriously sucks what are you talking about what are you talking about she's not that cool she can't process gluten uh yeah but i forget why we were talking about this with that picture because
Starting point is 01:03:33 you had stopped you were you were you were you were trying to control the aesthetic of your body by caloric by starving yourself yeah so after i up gluten, I felt good for a little bit. And then I started kind of having like fear of other foods. It was, I almost feel like I developed an eating disorder. Me too. There is an eating disorder called like orthorexia. Have you ever heard of that? I just heard of it the other day where you don't want to eat spiders. No. It's like where you're scared of unhealthy food. God, I wish I had that.
Starting point is 01:04:17 We did just talk about that the other day. I think orthorexia is an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. Eating nutritious food is good, but if you have orthorexia, you obsess about it to a degree that can damage your overall well-being. I start, oh, I got to cut out dairy. Oh, I need to cut out nuts. Oh, I need to cut out eggs to the point where all of a sudden all I had left was like rice cakes and salsa. And then I'm falling over because I'm not getting any nutrients. Like it was so stupid. But part of the journey, I guess. Did you ever do any vomiting or anything like that?
Starting point is 01:05:01 No, no. Just, yeah, I got super obsessive and then i like diet pills did you ever do like many things no no cocaine meth heroin yeah no there's no gluten cocaine sebon you need to read grain brain great do you eat oatmeal now? I do. So I went through a period of time and I, looking back, I think what happened is I got gluten out, but my gut was so messed up that I think my body was like, Hey, there's more work to be done here. So it didn't feel good. You know, like my, I just overall just didn't feel great. I had brain fog all the time and just like, couldn't figure out why. And looking back on it, I think cutting out the gluten like started, like it allowed my gut to be like, okay, you're doing something for me. Let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Um, but after I kind of stopped like starving myself, obsessing, I started adding in, like, like starving myself obsessing I started adding in like I did a lot of like paleo primal type stuff and I think that was really good for like healing my gut and now I'm able to do like oatmeal and rice and things like that and I don't have any problems with it can you share with us some of the things that you did to heal it beyond cutting out gluten? exhausted and I had a couple years where like I just lived a very very simple life and didn't I didn't work full-time because I was like I don't have the I did not have the mental energy to be able to do that like I feel like my body was so tired and like needed to heal that I needed to allow like it to have time to rest, if that makes sense. And it was like, I knew my whole life, I had always been a super high energy motivated person. So I did struggle internally of like, am I just becoming a lazy person? But I honestly think that most of the laziness that we see in today's society is
Starting point is 01:07:25 because people don't feel good. You know what I mean? But I feel like during that time, I wasn't just being lazy. Like I was like trying to, whether it was working another part-time job at the YMCA or whatever, like trying to like learn about different facets of health to be able to heal. And then just like surrounding myself with healthy people and just like learning everything that I could. Is all of that done now? It's kind of ongoing. Your diet, your food, the way you eat, you feel like you have it all under control now.
Starting point is 01:08:14 So my biggest thing is my blood sugar gets super messed up, super easy. I just have to like, and I've been like that my whole life. Um, I have to make sure that I'm eating every couple hours. Part of that's being an athlete too, I think. Um, but I am just, I'm super sensitive to crappy food. So like, I just have to have very high quality food or I just, I turn into a crappy person if I eat crappy food. But you kind of have that to leverage against yourself, right? If you do want to eat something crappy, you're, you're like, there's going to be consequences to this. Yeah. Um, I go to a holistic doctor too. And she, she always says like, eat that other stuff. Like if you want to go get ice cream, make sure you're happy when you go do that. Because like when you're happy, your body, it literally releases different hormones
Starting point is 01:08:57 and helps you digest food better than if you're like, just hating yourself while you're eating ice cream. Yeah, for sure. Awesome. Like we went and got ice cream last night and I'm fine. What about this podcast? Are you hating this? And it's, you can, I don't care. I mean, I do care, but are you hating this? Like, is this like, we've been on for, that was a fast 68 minutes, by the way.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I can't believe we're an hour and eight minutes in. Are you hating this? Or do you start to feel drained just from this no um and i should say i get drained from pointless conversation like just like surface level like hey how are you doing like do you know what i mean like someone that you're never gonna see again but you're acting like you care but you don't really care that kind of thing i Like someone that you're never going to see again, but you're acting like you care, but you don't really care. That kind of thing. I know exactly what you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Unfortunately, I had to do a lot of that last night while researching you. I had a temper tantrum on my podcast last night about some of the podcasts that you had previously been on. I'm a bad person for even bringing it up um tell me about this so you meet jared in 2016 and are there sparks between you guys right away absolutely not i was so scared of him like so scared of him um like you'd never seen a man with so much facial hair and shit. You're like, what's wrong with this guy?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Our first interaction, I was on the whole 30. You know what that is? I know. I know who she is. She's a wackadoodle of the highest order, but yeah, complete nut job. I wonder what I'd love to have her on the show now and ask her about how she treated her kids in the last two years, but sorry, I nut job. I wonder, I'd love to have her on the show now and ask her about how she treated her kids in the last two years, but sorry, I digress. Anyways, I was doing the Whole30
Starting point is 01:10:50 and I was at Granite Games and I was just in like proximity of Jared and he was like, do you want to kill Cliff? And I couldn't because I was on the Whole30 and it has sugar in it. I was like, thank you and he was like that's so stupid why would someone say no to a kill zone that was our first interaction I was just like what in the world and I remember telling him to something about because he was in
Starting point is 01:11:18 like adrenal fatigue that's why he didn't compete at granite games i remember telling him something because he was like drinking coffee as he was telling me he was in adrenal fatigue and i was like i know you're not supposed to be doing that oh did you tell him that yeah what'd he say like really like he was kind of receptive but i don't he loves coffee so much there's no way he gave it up but uh by the way paper street coffee go there type in the code seven between now and thanksgiving get 20 off yeah so 2017 jared back to the courtship yeah still he had kind of like a, how would you say it? The way he led our team in 2017 was definitely like, it was almost like we were in the military. Like, we were the subordinates and he was the leader.
Starting point is 01:12:21 So we didn't really like socialize with him that much. You made a post of him, happy birthday to our fearless leader. So we didn't really like socialize with them that much. Um, you made a post of him happy birthday to our fearless leader. And it shows them like running with a weight vest. Yeah. I would say that's a good, like accurate description of kind of how I felt about Jared. Like he was a great leader, great coach, but I didn't really have like a personal relationship with him. great coach but I didn't really have like a personal relationship with him um it really so you were on a team for a year together and you still didn't have a personal relationship with him I mean like would you text him something funny you saw on Instagram no no okay wow okay like we would talk at the gym you know but it was CrossFit related i think the most that we talked like outside of crossfit is he knew that i cut hair and so he would ask me to trim his beard so like
Starting point is 01:13:13 what that was his way of hitting on her caleb a hundred percent dude oh yes oh can you turn up this thing a little bit i have your face right in front of my face i actually had never trimmed a beard and i was so nervous that i was gonna mess it up but he had like been so generous with me moving down and like helping me like find a place to live and just like all this stuff that i was like i can't say no to him asking me to trim his beard so i was just like hopefully this turns out okay and then what happened where did where did where did the courtship like where did you start this guy might like me he was married um and he went through a divorce at the end of 2018 oh so that's respectable he was married and and he had firm boundaries with the girls. I respect you. Yeah. So he went through a divorce in 2018. We had become closer friends. Our whole
Starting point is 01:14:13 team was a lot closer in 2018. I would say like our team in 2017 was, at least for me, I felt like it was motivated by fear. And then in 2018, it was like motivated by like love, if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. And so we all became closer friends. And then he kind of he let you guys come in closer. Yeah. Which.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah. I'm not going to get into his personal life, but I think that there is a lot of reasons that he wasn't getting personal with people you know um did that make the team tighter what did that make the team tighter when he was like more intimate with you guys and we were way better you know like i think that the average person or all people will go far further for someone that they love than some of the that they fear you know the military leaders that i've ever worked with who like treat everybody like they're in the military are the worst ones yeah but people that i've worked with that are very personable that build relationships with people um they like invite you out to go to have a barbecue or
Starting point is 01:15:25 whatever those are the best ones that i've ever worked for yeah 100 yep yeah it seems like it would be hard to keep distance from people that you're just sweating with every single day too yeah i mean it's it's a it's a it's an intimate process day in and day out for sure um so so so basically that time together and in his period of healing you guys came closer and closer together until you both realized that there was there was a spark there yep was that fun was that exciting i mean yeah having a crush on someone or starting a new relationship is so it's like getting a new car, but better. Yeah. Or a dog.
Starting point is 01:16:06 For real. Definitely. Yeah, it was super exciting. And I think like, I think our relationship is a very special dynamic just because like we were teammates and then friends and then started dating. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like that's a really hard, like they always say, oh, you should be best friends with the person that you're with. But like, if you're attracted to somebody like it's pretty hard to just be friends before you're romantically together. But we had that. So it was like we built this like respect for each other over years before we were romantically
Starting point is 01:16:47 together i couldn't agree with you more it's like the wisest thing to do in a relationship if you can yeah show some discipline yeah i totally because we're made to be intimate but but if you can have firm boundaries and respect the game and let the tension just really build. Yeah. Like just really let it fucking build. Yeah. I don't want to speak for all men, and I don't want to make it to seem like it has anything to do with morality. But men will be very patient.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Yeah, I think so too it but and i and i don't mean to put the the the responsibility on the women but a good man will be very very very very very very patient yeah for the right woman like yeah no that that's the person they're supposed to be with or like that they really like, I fear that. And if you fuck with him, you'll do damage to the relationship. But if you're honest with him, you will build a foundation to that relationship that can really get you through some shit, man. Yeah. Like if I was having problems with my wife, you know who I'd want to talk to?
Starting point is 01:18:04 My wife. Yeah. Yeah. Like fuck. can you not be my wife for a second? I need some advice on how to deal with my wife. Right. Like, yeah. I mean, and you can build that before you, you go into it. Yeah. Yeah. And I think too, like being on a team together is like a whole nother. like being on a team together is a like a whole nother fashion yeah because it's like we're able because we're business partners too like we own a gym so it's like what's the name of your gym your is your gym crossfit 417 is an affiliate oh it is a crossfit warm okay okay sorry go on your business owners you're married and your teammates yeah so it's like best friends we're able to like tap into teammate mode when we need to you know like or even he's my coach too so it's like there there was a little period of time where when we first got together like i have to kind of like turn off my brain now of like or switch it to like okay he's coach now because otherwise I'll get like emotionally charged if he's telling me like hey you need to do this on your snatch
Starting point is 01:19:12 I hear like you're terrible you know what I mean but when I switch it to coach mode I'm like oh yeah of course but yeah I can't tell my wife like anything she's done wrong in the gym just like I just we separate let's go walk to the gym she does her thing and i do mine thing because i we get a little heated yeah when i think of jen and sam dancer i think um of uh like being around them and i'm just making fun of them i really like them but I think of it as prayer camp. Prayer camp. Yeah. Prayer camp. Prayer camp.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Have you ever hung out with them? No, I, no, not at all. I just, I mean, I just judge from afar. I just think of them. They are, I saw this Instagram account the other day. It's called the conservative hippie. Like I, I, I. conservative hippie. Like I, I, I admire Sam so much because I would love to live a life just in, um, uh, Speedo. I, the, the perfect life for me is living somewhere where it's so hot. I wake up in the morning. I hardly put on any clothes and I just start sweating cause it's so fucking humid and hot. And I, but I also see this side of him. That's I think of him just as a very – a man of the Bible.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Like I don't even know if that's true, but I just – like a man who is – has strong moral character. Yeah, I would say that's true. I would say that's true. Did you, did you have, when you assimilate with those two, did you already have that also? Or when you get on a team with them, what was that like?
Starting point is 01:20:51 That experience being with Jen and Sam who have this very strong, benevolent character. I mean it. And I hope it's coming across like a compliment. I mean, it is a compliment. No, they're definitely like,
Starting point is 01:21:03 they have a lot of personality you know um sam we actually laugh about this whole competition because like i'll tell them how i told them recently like kind of through my eyes how i viewed them and they were like what mostly jen because it was just scary you know like but um Sam I think had just he had competed at the games that year individually and he I think had like a broken foot or broken ankle it's broken something um when I showed up in Missouri he was just like super quiet like didn't really talk to me much and I was I think he was just maybe a little nervous about his foot I don't know he got more talkative as the weekend went on but my first impression of him was just like he's a lot quieter than he is on social media but I think he was just tired or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Um, and then Jen, we were laughing about this the other day. The first event was a one mile run for time. And then you came in and you maxed your clean and jerk. Um, and I PR my clean and jerk and I was just like super pumped, you know, and she was just like, okay, that's great. But like, stay humble, stay humble. And I was just like super pumped, you know, and she was just like, okay, that's great. But like, stay humble, stay humble. And I was just, I wasn't doing anything that was like, like crazy, you know, I was just happy. You didn't look over at the other girls and be like, fuck you bitches. No, not at all. But I told her that the other day she's like oh my gosh I said that I was like yeah and she was like calling me McKenzie all weekend like it was really strange but um oh
Starting point is 01:22:52 like she thought that was your name yeah yep we still laugh about that but yeah I don't know they were just like super stud athletes and I just like I viewed I viewed them as like you know like gods like they were just like oh my gosh um is it a hard is it a pretty hard uh core um like you guys prayer before you go and there's a lot of bible talk or what amongst you guys you go go to church. We've been struggling with church a little bit lately. So you did go, but you don't go. Yeah. We're trying to find, we're trying to find a church where we vibe with a little bit better. But it's an important part of your life. I could tell from your Instagram.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yeah. I love God and I love Jesus for sure. And how, and how did that happen? I grew up in a Christian home, but didn't really like. I would say, OK, when I was 19, I feel like, OK, so I was like a pretty good kid growing up. Like I just knew how to be a good kid, I guess. And so like church was. Your parents instilled morals in you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yep. And it was pretty easy for me to be a good child and like to get good grades and to do good in sports. And it was just praised, you know, and then you get out of high school. I didn't know what I wanted to do when you're an athletic artistic child you're super praised and then in the real world those are kind of useless skills to most people so it's like you're used to being this like super praised child and then you get out of high school and you're kind of useless um and so I really struggled with that. I went through a breakup with a boyfriend, um, just kind of like was lost, I guess. And just wasn't heading down like an awesome path,
Starting point is 01:24:57 like was partying and just not that I was like a bad person, but just wasn't like, I wasn't making good decisions with my life. Let's put it that way. And then. Did you get a DUI? Nope. Never got a DUI. But just like different, like bad relationships and just, just wasn't making smart decisions.
Starting point is 01:25:18 And just kind of really had like a coming to Jesus moment, literally. Like I have always been able to kind of do this on my own and like figure life out on my own. And it was like, I knew that I needed help and I knew that I needed guidance. And I knew I wanted to be connected to something bigger than myself because myself wasn't enough, if that makes sense um and I feel like it just kind of like the story of grace and the story of the gospel like finally clicked for what it actually meant um like it's not just following this list of rules and trying to be a good person. It's like, you're gonna,
Starting point is 01:26:07 you're gonna fall down on your face and like, but you can get back up and keep going and you can offer that grace to other people as well. Um, there's a very interesting sentence you said in there, I wasn't making good decisions. This shows the correct mindset to optimize one's happiness. You get to keep all your power and you get to fix yourself because you take responsibility for your situation. Yeah. I wasn't making good decisions. It wasn't I was around bad people. It wasn't like, um, people were treating me bad. There's no, there's no victim there. There's someone said something very interesting here to, uh, uh, uh, case in D very handsome,
Starting point is 01:27:00 redheaded man. It's always weird meeting the coolest people because they're so unlike everyone else i assume you're talking about me thank you um this that you call it a come to jesus moment is it something that takes place over weeks or months or it was like uh like i called up my it was my youth pastor that I had growing up, his wife, and she was somebody that I felt safe around and someone that loved Jesus, but wasn't judgmental. And we went to Steak and Shake and split a basket of fries. and split a basket of fries. And I just told her like where I'm at, because I think that something with my personality, if you read about Enneagram, a three is the achiever. And, um, I'm really good at making it look like I have my life put together and that comes easy to me. And, um, so during that time, nobody knew how much I was struggling that like, I couldn't be alone. I was too uncomfortable to be alone with myself because I hated myself.
Starting point is 01:28:17 And, um, it like having that conversation with her and just like sharing my deepest darkest like secrets and fears and all these things like just broke something inside of me in a good way like it was like I can show who I really am and this person still loves me and explained like what forgiveness is and what grace is and that like that's not who I am that's something that I did and um that you have the choice to for the rest of your life of who you're gonna be you know and we actually like drove back to my parents house because I was still living there at the time and we just just like, it was almost like symbolic. Like we went over to this huge rock and just like knelt down.
Starting point is 01:29:10 And I was bawling like, and it was one of those, I don't know if you've ever like cried like that, but like where you can't, you can't control it. Like, it's just like some things, it was like something was on this show one time on the show really yeah be careful where you take me i'm concerned my tear ducts are going to turn on right now go on yeah and we just like knelt down by this rock and i just like put my hands on the rock and she put her like one hand on the rock and one hand on me and just like prayed over me and just explained that God is our rock and just spoke of His forgiveness and grace and how much He loves us. And I felt His love that night, and it changed me.
Starting point is 01:29:56 It was like I felt like I feel like a lot of people talk about God and how condemning and judgmental he is. But like, I experienced just pure love. Yeah, that's the God Sam dancer experiences. Yeah. And it was like, man, I can't like, somebody could tell me the most horrific thing ever that they did. And it's like, I might have an opinion about it. But like, who am i like you
Starting point is 01:30:26 know what i mean like we're all we're all scumbags in certain ways you know what i mean and especially the boy versions of us but it was like an immediate like it wasn't like uh over a couple weeks it was like something happened to me for sure i saw this um the other day if if if you don't um we're all cracked yeah and if you don't let the light what was it if you don't let the light do you know what i'm saying kayla if you don't let the light if you don't let the light in, the light will kill you, basically. But they had the word crack, and we're all cracked. And if you don't let the light in, you're cracked. The light will kill you. But it was basically like that's what you were feeling.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Basically, like if you were an egg, you were feeling something. And if you wouldn't have cracked, you would have have died and so you cracked and let the light in yeah and i think that i was like i was getting so good at pretending that i was good and like creating this version of myself and it's like that cracking it's like so hard for me to fake things now like it, it's like, I am who I am. And it's like, as I'm getting older, too, especially is just like, this is this is, you know, like, this is what you get. And like, or I'm having a hard day today or whatever, where I used to be like, just put on this face and everything's fine. But it like it's not that's not a true human experience how long it had been since you had talked to that lady uh she went to my parents church i can't remember i don't think i was going to their church but i would see her every once in a while but it had been a while since we had like talked like talk talked but we're still like she's one of the most awesome people that i know victor brown we're all oh here we go uh we're all broken that's how the light gets in
Starting point is 01:32:33 we crack to let the light in uh and then yeah we're all broken that's how the light gets in hemingway oh that was hemingway and then there was another and then someone added a second line to it that just blew me away that basically if you don't let the light in it will kill you your time will be up interesting um and how did she know how to do that she told me she was like i have no idea what he wanted to talk to you or talk about um like after the fact like after we were done with the conversation she was like i was just really hoping you didn't kill somebody that's what she told me she's like because i don't know what i would have done i was like no i didn't kill anybody how old were you at this point uh you said i think i was 20 at that point. 20 or 21. 20.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I think. Do you ever get concerned that that thing that you opened up to might have closed and you might not be aware that it closed? What do you mean? Like, do you ever get a you know, there's the saying, people will lose their keys and they'll go
Starting point is 01:33:43 fucking batshit crazy looking for them they lose themselves and they don't even know it like what i experienced losing that yeah not losing it but um so i bear with me for this visualization you were this being that was closed and you were trapped in your own little world and it cracked and now the light came in and in your experience but that maybe that you will fake that you're open you'll fake the experience oh and that that thing will close and the light won't be coming in anymore but you won't know it like do you kind of do you see what i'm saying if not it's okay we can move on a little bit i think the closest thing that i fear is especially like getting higher up in the crossfit world as a competitor and an athlete like just because i used to put so much pressure and weight on
Starting point is 01:34:39 my achievements and that was part of who i was and just like all this stuff. I love being a competitor, but sometimes like, I worry that I'm going to like revert back. If that makes sense. Yeah. I hear what you mean. I don't, um, I don't know how the Enneagram thing works, but I don't brace, I don't avoid emotional pain at all. Yeah. That's an eight yeah zero i'm i'm all i'm all about it i want to see i'm all i'm all about it i'm like i'm let break my heart oh maybe that isn't an eight let me see let me see what's gonna i don't
Starting point is 01:35:21 want it don't get me wrong but it never up. I don't think before I jump. I'm all Forrest Gump. I'm all Forrest Gump. Have you always been that way? Yeah. Kind of. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:32 But now it's like. Now it's. Once I got. Once I tasted a little bit of getting canceled. I was like. Fuck this. I'm going. I'm all in.
Starting point is 01:35:39 I'm jumping in the fire. Yeah. Canceling. Canceling. You'll go. Why do the uh zealous games by the way thank you for sharing that story oh let me go sorry sorry before the zealous games so she how did go back to answer how did she know to do that like how does someone know to take you to a rock and put a hand on you and a hand on the rock she doesn't even know how she knows just came from yeah i think that that's like she prayed for wisdom before
Starting point is 01:36:07 and i think that's something divine helping her god what a cool experience congratulations yeah i mean that's like probably one of the crowning achievements of her life yeah and she probably like she's such an awesome person that like she probably has experiences like that with people all the time because she's just someone like that you can trust you know like i think that's huge you don't think she went home and opened up like a 12 pack of coors light and was like saved another one for you god ding ding ding motherfucker no all right um if you ever if you ever if you ever talked to her about have you ever talked to her about it since that happened yeah yeah yeah yeah that's cool this reminds me of of ariel lowenstein she had a very similar story with her when she was pregnant.
Starting point is 01:37:05 The woman came up to her and was like, there's somebody within you. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. So, Zealous Games, you're going to go to the Zealous Games. Are you putting shit tons of pressure on you to go? No. No, I obviously want to do well,
Starting point is 01:37:28 but I just, I don't know. It just, when I got the invitation and it was like, he is giving us a stipend for travel and hotel. It was kind of like, why not? Why not?
Starting point is 01:37:43 Why not? Fuck it. Why? I was excited about it. So I was like, if I'm excited about it, I Why not? Fuck it. I was excited about it. So I was like, if I'm excited about it, I'm going to do it. Is Jared going with you? Yeah. So we're in Austin right now. He competed at the Tactical Games this past week.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Oh. And then we're flying from here to Vegas, and then we'll fly back to Austin and then drive to Missouri. That's cool. I had the owner of that company on my show. His name's Jared. That's a cool dude. Yeah, Jared Helbert. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Wow, that's a cool dude. He's really awesome. He has some crazy stories. I don't know if you got into that, but. I don't remember. Everyone's telling me crazy stories, but I had him on and I just have the feeling that I really liked him and enjoyed him.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I really liked him. This is gonna sound weird, but there's these guests on where I'm like, I wonder where they live. And then afterwards, don't tell anyone this, I'll look on Trulia to see if I could make, maybe I should move near them. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Yeah. Like maybe I should buy a house. Like I, and the reason why is I think my kids would benefit greatly from being around a man like that. Yeah. The Tactical Games community is pretty cool like i the crossfit community is really cool too but it's a little different um just very manly men yeah i like that uh i feel safe around those guys yeah i mean you're walking around and you hear like all this gunfire but
Starting point is 01:39:07 you're also like i feel so safe right now it's really strange yeah like that dude from halloween ain't fucking coming to the tactical games no get fucked up um uh it must be uh it must be quite the scene when you and jared go out I used to have three Great Danes. And I smoked weed back then, and I fucking hated it. I wanted to be alone with them. But whenever I walked with them, like, someone's going to say something to you. It's just an absurd. It's kind of an absurd scene.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Is it kind of like that when you and Jared go out? Like, if you're at a hotel, and you guys go to the pool, and everyone everyone's like what the fuck is going on here i'm sure um i kind of have learned to just like i i feel like i kind of put my blinders on jared notices it a lot more than i do but yeah because he has to be alert because he's doing man shit he has to be like he has to be alert you have to be be. He's probably carrying too, so. This is actually a funny story. We were at Target and we were like
Starting point is 01:40:12 in the grocery section and I look over, Jared had like, do you know what Stilkies are? Like those short, short. Yes. Like the army.
Starting point is 01:40:22 I noticed his short shorts. I noticed his, he's, I noticed them. So he had those on i have like a tank top on whatever i look over and this family is like a mom a dad and maybe like two kids are just like pointing i think they were pointing at jared and like laughing saying things like just straight up like making fun of him and i for some reason like sometimes what state is this what state is this missouri i love this shit this is awesome and i'm like i'm just watching it to make sure that that's what they're actually doing.
Starting point is 01:41:09 And for some reason, I was just in a certain mood. And I look over and I go, what's so funny? And they got this look and just kind of looked down. And Jared's like, what's happening right now i'm like they're making they're making fun of you for your short shorts and he's like i don't care what are you doing and i'm like i don't like that they're making fun of you and then i'm like they probably they're probably like this guy in short shorts this girl with huge arms like what is what is this? But I just got so mad. I was like, you should have gone over there and heckled him too. You should have been, you seriously should
Starting point is 01:41:52 have gone over and stood with the family and been like, yeah, don't you have anything longer than that to wear? You should have totally heckled them too. Hey, if I saw you guys, I don't go to target, but if I saw you guys in a target and I walk by the aisle, I would turn around and walk down the aisle to get a closer look. 100 fucking percent. I live my life to fucking look at human being anything like my kids. And I saw a mouse the other day and followed it down the street for 30 minutes. Fucking tortured his ass. Poor guy was exhausted.
Starting point is 01:42:23 I mean, we weren't doing we weren't throwing rocks at him or anything but might we just followed him and like he just wanted there was nowhere he could hide he just wanted to be alone yeah like fuck you we don't get to see a mouse every day we don't get to see jared stevens and christine colin brander every day in target i'm gonna come stare that that takes some balls though to make fun of jared that seems like a fucking like i know you better get your insurance papers you need to calm down just in a mood uh i appreciate you for your time i appreciate you for working with your cell phone i appreciate you for uh sharing your story of uh of appreciate you for, uh, sharing your story of, uh, of some,
Starting point is 01:43:06 some of the, the, the deepest and most loving moments you've had in your life, whether it be with Jared, uh, gymnastics and, and with God, it's, you were, you were very generous with your stories and, um, and we'll be seeing you in Vegas. I won't be there, but I'll, I'll probably be bugging you. Um, some, our camera guys will be there and they'll be interviewing people as they cross the finish line gasping for air and um i'll see you there cool thanks for having me all right uh i don't know your husband but uh please say hi to him and uh tell him thank you i appreciate him okay i will awesome okay bye bye bye Bye. Bye. Give myself a 9.2. I give you a 9.3, Caleb. Caleb, you and I are starting to get into a groove together.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I think so. Yeah. I'm starting to figure it out a little bit. Yeah, we're putting in the time together. That's why I sent you that text the other night. I was just, I'm like, fuck. I'm like, it makes me nervous how much I'm liking having you on the show because then I, like, that's why – I don't know if you noticed, but every once in a while now I'm texting you more often. Are you going to be on the show?
Starting point is 01:44:10 Are you going to be on the show? I'm starting to get a lot of anxiety. Yeah, I try to give you a heads up, but I'm not able to. Trish, I really want to know her take on steroids. Will we do another interview? Ask her about that. I thought you were moving up here to madison oh did you see heidi this is on my next live calling show this is like i'm going to try to move away from transgender covid abortion racism talk one of the articles i have is did you see that the university of wisconsin madison
Starting point is 01:44:41 girls volleyball team did like a photo shoot with each other and there it's like a naked photo shoot and then one of the girls phones got hacked and all the pictures are out i'm telling you do not buy your kids cell phones i feel so bad for these girls i have no issue with them doing that they're bonding they're in the fucking locker room taking naked pictures of each other. And somehow they got out. And it's like – it's so unfair. They're just fucking kids having fun. But that's why – can you imagine what there would be out there of me if I had a cell phone at 16? Oh, man. That's shitty.
Starting point is 01:45:22 That really sucks. Not voted, Taylor. Taylor. oh man that's shitty that really sucks not voted taylor tyler are you on the are you on the um zealous thread caleb did i put you on yeah yeah i'm rotated not voted damn it i accidentally that's too much to get into uh ufc preview show god i i need to i'm just i had so much trouble organizing darian and justin every week that i kind of got like sour to it but i guess i should can just go back and do it myself it's my it's like say that again it is kind of it's difficult getting those two together it is the um least watched
Starting point is 01:46:00 show that we do although it does quite well on Spotify and iTunes. Are you voting for it, Patrick? Is that an upvote? Man, this weekend's fights are going to be nuts. Oh, I'm stoked. I'm going to have to stay up to watch it. What time will the main card start where you're at
Starting point is 01:46:25 probably like 2am 3am will other people stay up with you to watch it yeah I think one of my buddies is gonna watch it with me dude the main event's gonna be nuts alright I'm fucking stoked although I started doing research on it more in depth
Starting point is 01:46:43 and the first fight that Israel fought Alex Pereira Pereira? Pereira? The first fight went to a judge's decision and most people do think that Israel won it. Ooh, really? Yeah. Interesting. I mean, Alex he seems pretty confident that he's just
Starting point is 01:47:02 going to wreck him again. Make it three for three. Yeah. That'll be crazy. I wonder if Heidi watches UFC. I feel like she would have to, right? Caleb gets to watch for free.
Starting point is 01:47:16 He ain't doing nothing for free. Signed his life away. Right. Only thing he does for free. Signed his life away. Right. Only thing he does for free is this show. All right, guys. Thank you for tuning in. I will see you tonight. We have an amazing guest tonight.
Starting point is 01:47:35 An amazing guest tonight. And I want to say that the last post he made on his Instagram really blew me away. I did not expect him. He is a man who's made it his life goal to make skateboarding the biggest sport in the world. He is on his way to achieving, whether he achieves his goal or not, he has achieved, I guarantee you, a momentum that brings happiness and value to his life. But recently, a Scientologist? But recently he made a post that really,
Starting point is 01:48:09 his most recent post really blew me away. He kind of stepped out of this. He's always been neutral like Switzerland, but he made a post yesterday that I'm like, holy shit, this show is going to be more interesting than I thought. His name is Aaron Cairo. I always get his last name wrong.
Starting point is 01:48:26 And he started Braille Skating. He basically owns skateboarding on YouTube, skateboarding videos. And they're not the clickbaity stuff. A lot of it's great instructional content for kids. And he does a lot of fun, funny stuff also. Jeff, thank you. Bye. Jeff, I also have – um yes you can download the app
Starting point is 01:48:47 uh you can also uh jeff i also have your 500 pound deadlift queued up for the next live colin show so all right uh love you guys see you guys most you not all you i want to love all of you um i'll see uh you guys this evening 7 p.m pacific standard time bye

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