The Sevan Podcast - #669 - Live Call In Show ft. Jason Grubb

Episode Date: November 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Jason, Caleb. Hey, how are you guys?
Starting point is 00:00:37 Living the dream, buddy. Someone else's nightmare, but my little corner, it's definitely someone's dream. I saw a comment in here that Bruce Wayne made that that i need to address where is that brucey uh that turned out to be a great podcast that turned out when you saw my face you knew it was a good podcast uh one of the most stoked individuals i've ever met in my life caleb beaver continues to be on the show every morning smiles 3 000 times more than jr howell but still pretty stoic and jason grubb maybe the nicest man in crossfit hi what's up dude appreciate it how are you cool god you're cool. God, you're cool.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Every time I go to your Instagram, I'm like, he is so sweet. He is so positive. I try to keep it that way. I mean, you're a good dude. Yeah, why not? Yeah, it feels good to go to your account. When I hear you talk, I'm like, oh, this is going to make me feel better no matter what he says. You're not like me.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You're never complaining about the lack of compassion of humanity, you assholes. Wait. Shouldn't I have a little bit of compassion? CrossFit Games champion. Again, when I spoke to you before the games, I want to tell you that you sounded like uh you were like uh-oh there's a dude and there's a guy there's this guy yep i bet you did it i did it uh the guy made me nervous uh his name's vlad uh he's from belarus uh let me just throw something uh i don't think this is racist this is countryist but yeah with a name like vlad culturally i get a little shivers i see like some sort of like
Starting point is 00:02:31 jason bourne movie yes like he'd have like one fake eye or something and he's like criminalizing shit on the field right am i gonna get sniped out there right right right you know he's gonna un there's gonna be a wall ball He's going to unscrew his arms and put on his wall ball arms. And then you meet him. And the only thing that reveals anything is his his accent. Other than that, he's a gentle giant, just just great guy. But the the games I was nervous. You know, I I always have a target on my back now after a couple of wins. And so going into the third win, I'm a year older and I've got Vlad aging up into my division. And I just don't I don't know exactly what he's capable of in person.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And, you know, I train it. I follow CrossFit Mayhem programming or Mayhem athlete. I train it. I follow CrossFit Mayhem programming or Mayhem Athlete. I'm actually in Cookville right now in their conference room. Oh, how cool. Yeah, the team is on the poster behind me. And so I could see what Vlad was doing day in and day out in training and just killing it on the little leaderboard. And I just wasn't sure. So I got to the games and the first two events went like, okay. I got second place in the first event, which was running and rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It was an event I thought I would win, but I got second. So I was concerned. And then the next event was- So right off the bat, it was kind of going the way you thought. Who took first? Mike Kern won that event. Yeah. At least it wasn't Vlad.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It wasn't Vlad, but Vlad was third. He was right there. He was right on my tail. And then the second event was max effort work. And yeah, there he is. So that's me. Mike Kern got second. Vlad got third.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And that was predictable. I figured this is what it that's me. Mike Kern got second. Vlad got third. And that was predictable. I figured this is what it would look like. I just didn't know exactly who would be standing where on that podium right there. Second event, I got fourth place. Now, Mike Kern and Vlad are both shuffling that top position. Then then I won five events in a row. Yeah, I secured and secured the win before the final event. So the final event was a bit of a victory lap. I just had to not look silly out there, just get the work done. And yeah, I'm ready for next year.
Starting point is 00:05:01 So the Masters at the Games is eight events. Yeah, it was great hey is that dude is that dude caleb mike mike is it kern with a k it is is that the guy that hillar had the run-in with that name sounds familiar i think we were live and they had they chatted it out because my hillar i don't know if that's him. I shouldn't say it because I don't want anything to stick to Mike Hiller if it's not him. Sure. When I look at him again, I don't think it was him. That's a big dude.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yes. He's huge, right? Yeah. He's huge and strong and – He looks like a model. Yeah. He looks like a bodybuilding model. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. He's a monster. And he's not happy with second. Look at him. Yeah, he's a monster. And he's not happy with second. Look at him. He can't even put his arms down. No, he's angry. I've gotten in his way of first a couple of times. So this was first and second this year, first and second last year as well.
Starting point is 00:06:02 What's up with the tat on your arm? What is that? Is that a forest? It is a forest. Yep. Just wanted to sleeve five, six years ago and found a guy in Denver, Chunk Garcia. And he did this forest up my arm into mountains on my shoulder. And I get a lot of compliments i mean almost daily if i'm at a coffee shop or a grocery store or something uh someone will come up and and and like that and i it turned out great and it just came from uh a lot of a lot of time in the back country of colorado i like to backpack and and fly fish back there um just came it just made sense to get this sleep.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And when you're in CrossFit, you have to have like tattoos. It's just part of the, it's on the checklist of things that you, you have to do like roller ball tattoo electrolytes. Uh, Mike Kern is from New York, not the guy Hiller ran into. Okay. Thank you. And what's it say here on your arm? Uh, it says, uh, uh, I will love I will love you my whole life, you and no other, which is just a quote from Braveheart. That was like their marriage vows on Braveheart. And just thought it was beautiful. I like it. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I do have a bias against tattoos. I'm softening in my old age. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've, I've, I've, I've had some long rants in here that, uh, that, uh, tattoos are a sign of mental illness. Well, I'm not denying mental illness. You're a good dude. you're a good dude uh you know they're they just to address that and and not because you're on here it is i i think it is a um the human brain is fascinating and people have thoughts and they react to their thoughts and that's how the vast
Starting point is 00:08:08 majority of the world operates which isn't a problem but also within that vast majority of the world they don't realize they're reacting to their thoughts they think they are reacting to the outside world they do an analysis so when you ask someone why they got it marking your body with a permanent mark i would like to see someone sit with that for a while and ask themselves you know i had someone on the show the other day ask you you do the seven whys why do i want this tattoo well because i think it would be cool well why do you think it would be cool? And spend some time drilling down to find out what the initial seed was, as deep as you can, where that idea came from to put a permanent mark on the body. permanent mark on the body and so so and and and and i think that in in some ways you know like if you were in the olympics and you wanted the olympic rings or you were three times crossfit games
Starting point is 00:09:11 champion or you you finished buds you know and you're a seal or you know you did 20 years in jail and you and you want to get or you killed someone fuck it i'm all for the teardrop. Get that shit. Let us know. So that's my little shtick on tattoos. I think they're pretty profound in concept and idea. Well, and I feel like for me, I got lucky that I have. It is. It's a permanent piece of clothing. It's a permanent thing on my arm. And I really sat on it for a long time. I just wanted one. And if we dig down into the multiple whys, which I was kind of doing in my head when you said the seven whys, and it probably at some point in
Starting point is 00:09:58 its initial iteration, I wanted to be in some way accepted or I wanted to belong. I mean, there's probably something deep down in my core that has to do with an identity or some sense of belonging. And there isn't a wrong why. There isn't a wrong why. No. And it could have turned out that I get quite a few ideas. And then I end up getting an idea that made some sense. And it was almost like that. It wasn't like I spent 36 days in the back country. So I got this tattoo to remember it wasn't, it was just, I found a guy that could said he could do it and I did it. And that's,
Starting point is 00:10:37 that's going to be scary territory right there until it was finalized. And it was something that like, okay, yeah, I can live with this. Thank God. Thank God I can live with this. But I definitely have no idea if I would do it again or if I'll ever add anything else, you know? Oh, interesting. When, when I worked at CrossFit, there was a, I guess a famous tattoo artist who was a CrossFitter and he had tattooed a lot of people. I think he had done Spieler and Mattitter and he had tattooed a lot of people. I think he had done Spieler and Matt Chan and Jordan Gravatt, one of the filmmakers there, went out to film him. And I said, hey, when you go out there, ask him if he regrets getting his tattoos. And I think Jordan thought it was a crazy question, but he asked him, hey, you regret getting your tattoos? And the guy's covered in tattoos. And he said, yeah, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have a single tattoo.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And I was like, wow, fascinating. I'm looking at Tupac's tattoos because I always admired his tattoos. I always thought that that thug life on his stomach was just so dope. I thought it was just incredible. And he lived by the sword and died by the sword. Yes, he did. Yeah, which isn't cool, but it is. I mean, there's some, I don't know what the word is, continuity there.
Starting point is 00:11:57 How many competitions, this might be hard digging into your memory bank, but your first year you won the games, how many competitions did you do that season? I think I did two that season. There was in Colorado where I was at. Including the games it was two? Yeah, including the games. There was a, there's a, there's a big competition in Colorado called the Turkey Challenge and it's in
Starting point is 00:12:22 November sometime that might've, I'm pretty sure I did that, uh, the year prior to qualifying for the game. So, I mean, it really rolled into the, to the 2018 season. Um, and I competed with, uh, I didn't compete in the master's division, uh, there. I was, I was always in the, in between, like for a couple of years there, as in that, like I am a master's athlete, but it wasn't competitive for me in the in between like for a couple of years there as in that like I am a master's athlete but it wasn't competitive for me in the master's divisions of local competitions so I would bump up and then have my ass handed to me by you know 20 year olds um uh but I did that
Starting point is 00:12:57 16 year old kid that's been doing crosses he's four yeah these there's times i just can't believe how fast they are i felt like i was a fit human being and then uh yeah going into the 2018 open um it was a little it's by third attempt so i tried to get to the games at 40 and i thought i was fit i was really aiming for it as a 40 year old oh i was only two years into crossfit but i really thought i could i could i could maybe make it didn't and then 41 i tried and after the age group qualifier i was something in 70th place somewhere around there so i was just hoping at 42 this is my last shot in that age group that i could maybe sneak into the games. I could just eke my way into that top 20 and get there. What year was this?
Starting point is 00:13:48 2018. And you did? I did. I qualified in 17th after the AGOQ. After video reviews, I bumped up to 13th. And when I went to the games that year, I was so nervous. It was the most nervous thing i've ever done of course arriving was it was great wait a second wait a second in 2018 you went to the crossfit
Starting point is 00:14:11 games as an individual uh-huh no no no no masters oh okay okay okay okay sorry sorry sorry okay yeah masters and uh i mean i was it was it was so nervous being on that floor and I would say that up until that point I'd only competed in two or three local competitions so this was a scale larger than anything I'd ever been experienced and I'd gone to the games in 2017 to watch but I was so mad that I didn't qualify in 2017 that I didn't even go watch the Masters. I was just so salty about it. So I had an idea of what the Games was like. And walking into that, it was overwhelming. And the first event, the amount of adrenaline jamming through my system had me just almost shaking on the starting line.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It was a run into the obstacle course. Remember the obstacle course? I do. They had us do that in 2018. We had to do a 500-meter run into the obstacle course. Is that the one where you had to jump on the rope and swing across? Yeah. And at the very end, you climb up into that tower?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yep. Yes. We did not finish with the tower. Okay. We finished. I can't even remember how we finished. You probably walked on those logs. Yeah yeah we did walk on the logs and then and then crossed the finish line or something it was it was wild hey was it freezing out there when you did it because no i cannot
Starting point is 00:15:35 tell people okay because it was below 30 degrees on the field when the individuals went i think it was fucking bizarre i was there i was there watching that year, the first year in Madison, right? I had three jackets on when I was on the field filming. I'm not joking. It was everything. It was so cold. My fingers were having trouble finessing the buttons on the camera.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It was, it was crazy. Don't look at me like I'm a pussy, Caleb. I say, I know what you're doing. It's terrible. Jay Hartle.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I get my ass beat by a teenage girl at a local gym that I coached her when she was six. Yeah, that's going to be the story for a lot of people. These kids are nuts. And then in 2019, your second time at the games, how many events did you do in the offseason? Do you remember? None. Okay, none. Yeah, none.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And then in 2020, do you do you remember right so the games were canceled uh for us we had no games because of covid but there was a legend correction because of covid restrictions sorry no i'm on board okay okay thank you just got to be the dick okay thank you then so the legends championship which is the largest Masters, I think one of the largest Masters competitions, was scheduled that year and I registered for it. It's huge. It's a huge Masters only competition. And they still held it in Phoenix. They had people standing in circles. And I heard COVID killed 20% of the athletes at the event.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It was great. It was a great event um it was so that i did that since we're moving forward from there yes you know what i did in 2019 i did actually uh at the beginning of 2020 i competed in wadapalooza for my first time. Wow. Yeah. In 2020. Yes. So they didn't cancel that. It was like two weeks before the world shut down. Florida. Okay. We were flying back on the plane from Guadalupalooza and people had masks on. And I just remember thinking like, hey, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Come on. This is this thing. This is an overreaction. But yeah, we, we flew back. And, I mean, the world shut down. Wadapalooza was two or three weeks before lockdowns. It went that fast. It was insane.
Starting point is 00:17:56 2020, no games. I did Legends. 2021 was Legends and then the games again. was Legends and then the games again. Going into 2022 was Guadalupalooza and then the games again. And I won all of those. Oh. And this year, 2020.
Starting point is 00:18:28 The games this year will be, we're in 2022. Wait, so 2023, it'll be the 2023 game season is what we're in. Yes. And this year, you finished the games you won, and now you're heading into your first competition for the 2023 season, even though it's still 2022. Yeah, yeah, I guess that's how we would put it. Legends, the Legends Championship is at Mayhem in just a month.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So I'll actually be here in Cookville all the way through that competition. Oh, wow. And it's going to be great. It's going to be really great. Where do you stay? At a local RV, like, campground. Where do you, where do you stay at a, at a local RV, like campground? And are you solo? No, uh, no, uh, wife and kids and dogs. And you guys come for a month.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yep. We've been here for a month already, actually. Uh, so, uh, we live full-time in an RV. So we, from the games, we traveled to, uh, to D.C., then to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a couple of weeks. Charlotte went down to Augusta, Georgia, for a half Ironman triathlon, which is a whole other story. Then to Cookville, because I just wanted to see mayhem and train here for a couple of weeks. So it started out at three weeks. And then we just kind of, I convinced everyone that we could change our plans and actually stay from whenever we got here, the middle of October, all the way through the middle of December. And that's, it's amazing to train here.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I mean, it is, for me, I've always been in a training environment where I am solo. I mean, one, I'm either solo or I'm training with others that can't push me, but we can sort of gamify an event or work out and I can get a push, but training here with everywhere, everywhere I look, and I don't know everyone here, but everywhere I look here is a, everyone's a games athlete. So I just have a conversation with someone and, you know, they'll say, ah, you want a tip on your snatch? I was like, yeah, give me a tip. And I'll look up on Instagram. Oh, that guy's been to the games three times. I just didn't know. So everyone here is pushing me. It's, it's, it's pretty enjoyable here, but I can't stay here forever. I've got, it's getting cold. And, and, and what about your day job? Do you sell programming? Are you coaching? What is,
Starting point is 00:20:55 yeah. So you can do it from the road. Yeah, totally from the road. Oh, you figured out your life. This makes me so happy. I can work three, four hours a day. I can train four hours a day. What do your kids do when you're there? So they are homeschooled. And recently. How old are they? Nine and five.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Okay. So they, I mean, the RV is parked in a forest. I mean, this campground is in a forest and it's beautiful so they will they have lots of toys they do have ipads and an xbox but they have been significantly restricted from all of that they did basically a sober october uh wow sober november no wait yeah sober october with no screen time whatsoever. Impressive. It was aggressive. And impressive. They became alive.
Starting point is 00:21:49 They went from heads down in their device all the time to carving spears in the forest and chopping down trees with an ax. We bought them things to go, get dirty, get messy. And man, they thrived with that. So they, they play around and it here at mayhem, they'll come twice a week for a couple of kids classes, which is really fun. Really, really fun for them.
Starting point is 00:22:16 That's the, that's it. That's. Oh my God, dude, you're doing it. You're living the dream. Does that campground have a shower? No, the RV has a shower. And you're hooked up to water and poop. And so you don't even have to deal with any of that.
Starting point is 00:22:29 None of it. None of it. Oh my goodness. That's full electric. I mean, it has, we have a Starlink on the RV so I can have wherever on the planet I am, I have internet. No shit. How much is the Starlink monthly?
Starting point is 00:22:43 130. And that's Elon's gig. gig yeah that's like a regular does it find it does it find the satellites for you or do you every time you park you have to like you set it up and you face it north and then it finds it adjusts constantly to make sure it's on satellites and satellites they move fast the starlink satellites um they move really fast so i think about every 45 seconds it's changing to a new satellite that's passing overhead. And the reason this morning that I'm in the Mayhem conference room instead of the RV is that we're in a forest and you have to have a line of sight. So about every 45 seconds, I have a glitch in my internet, which is fine. If I'm uploading a YouTube video, it just doesn't work with this. I would have looked like I was on
Starting point is 00:23:31 dialogue. Um, but I can watch, uh, you know, the last, over the last week I've been plowing through the final season of better call Saul and it's in full, you know, 4k in the middle of a forest, um, with no cell reception. Like I i can't even i can't make a phone call unless i'm connected through wi-fi with the starlink yeah yeah what a cool setup you're doing it man that is really and the kids are meeting friends in the campground they do and it it's a win lose for them so they So they've gotten really good at making instant friends and just playing with them. Because they're gone every five days.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Every five days, it's a new set of friends. Yeah, a new weekend comes, and there's new kids. And that sucks for them, for sure. So this is maybe not sustainable forever, potentially. Interestingly, they do have friends that they do connect with in Fortnite. So Fortnite is a social community for them. They play with a friend in Fortnite on the Xbox. But trying to limit that, it makes for socialization to be a little bit trickier.
Starting point is 00:24:40 But they're nine and five. So we're still young. At some point, we'll have to settle down and just move to Cookville and train here forever. It's fine. I didn't know this. One of our listeners is Jamie Latimer. I had no idea she was this high level of an athlete.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I just – 22nd ranking worldwide, 21st. Wow. Good job, Jamieie she's doing it she's the one that won the master fitness collective too i think i watched some of that that was great crazy uh so so this event will happen is there an event is there a master's event that's bigger than the master's games event uh i think legends is legends is bigger that's the one that's coming up that's the one that's coming up okay yeah it is so master's fitness collective is it more prestigious than the games i don't think so okay i don't think anything could be more prestigious than the games. The games is its own.
Starting point is 00:25:47 But what's nice about Legends is that I think there's a lot more athletes. There is maybe 20 or 30 in each age group of athletes. I think last year there might have even been 40 in each age group. So it's got a big field. And with a big field, there's a lot of unknowns. There's no idea who's just going to get in here and start to mess things up. But it's big. It's a four-day competition compared to three days with the games. And Bob and Joe, who run Legends, it is smooth. It's a games-like. I mean, it's, it's not like
Starting point is 00:26:27 walking into the noble locker room. Like that was, that's through the roof as an experience to get all geared out. But last year, I mean, they, they had all the, all the outfits for us, which were beautiful. They took our pictures. It felt like a really cool games experience in a huge Masters competition. Now, what's also pretty cool, last year they had Sean Woodland, Annie Sakamoto, and I can't remember Grundler. But they had a live stream, and they were commentating 10 hours a day for four days. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. is this a mayhem event it is now it's not a mayhem event but now it's now it's sponsored by and held by mayhem it's the first time it's been at mayhem so they so i think they developed a bit
Starting point is 00:27:20 of a partnership in the last year moved it from the west coast okay tennessee okay oh and you're stoked dude yeah yeah i'm stoked and like oh you're gonna move this to my to disneyland for me literally yeah it i happen to be able to play around at disneyland for a few weeks a couple months beforehand uh and it's you know there's not an. And it's, you know, there's not an advantage. And it's, they know the workouts, like Rich and Jake here, they know the workouts and they're not gonna give anything up, which is right, which is appropriate.
Starting point is 00:27:57 But I do get to, so there's a couple of- Tell me the dates one more time. Tell me the dates. I believe it's December 6th through the 11th. I'm just going to look at a calendar really quick and see. It's a Thursday through a Sunday. December 8th is when it starts. 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I knew this was a good idea. When you told me – when we were talking and we were texting each other and you're like, oh, yeah, the Masters Fitness Collective is coming up. I was like faking. Oh, do you want to come on and talk about it? And you're like, yeah, I'm like, fuck. But I'm so glad I'm having you on. This is so enlightening. It is cool.
Starting point is 00:28:38 It's really it's a it's a great event. It will be an exceptional experience for all the Masters athletes that do come out here. So they have a lot of people bring their kids. Do a lot of people bring their kids? I know. No, not that I know of. I don't remember seeing a lot of kids last year. But it's kid friendly. They should. Oh, yeah, it's kid friendly. Now, the thing that they struggle with this year versus last year is that there will be less spectator space here at mayhem than there was last year in this big they built a huge tent in a parking lot at a marriott or i think it's a marriott in um in san diego last year just massive massive tent and uh here although mayhem is massive
Starting point is 00:29:19 as a venue it'll be a little bit harder for spectators. So they actually have limited ticket supplies. You had to buy tickets for your family to, to watch if you wanted them to watch, unless they're under 12, where tickets are free. So I'm not worried about that. Thank God my kids are young. But yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be a really, really, it's going to be an amazing event here. And also what I think, I feel like Mayhem is really investing in this. I did a they've done some interviews with me and they're going to put a little bio piece together for like the Mayhem YouTube channel. But they're also I know they're planning on doing some featured things for this particular event and have that go out to the Mayhem channel. And that's that's that createshem, you know, channel. And that's, that's, that creates a bigger audience for masters athletes. You know,
Starting point is 00:30:08 we don't have, we don't have a lot of, uh, ways to do things like this, to, to, to be on a podcast with you or to get featured. We're still a smaller audience where we attract a smaller audience, but I think the audience gets bigger. The more things like mayhem takes us and promotes that out there. And we may have a smaller audience. I think our audience is we're fanatics. Masters. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Total dickhead fanatics. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah. Crazy. Why are we getting paid more? Why don't we get to go in the arena? How come our blah blah? They're always raising their hand in the back yelling something i remember traveling the world with greg and there's always one masters lady who's like hey we want more attention and the you've heard the have you heard the bill burr uh bit about women's nba oh uh yes yes so great right yes yes it's because you're not going to the games that's why it's not successful because people don't go there because people don't and i mean here's why people should bring their kids though one of the most profound memories i have as a kid not any specific memory but just memories in general is you see someone who's who's old who's 60 years old yeah and you
Starting point is 00:31:24 see that they're already in decrepitude. And so you assume that's the path you're on. You set your target for that. Okay, that guy's 60 and he has a walker. And I can't think of a better place to bring your kids than to a master's competition because what it will do is it will reset the baseline for them. You're programming them to be like, okay, this is what it looks like to be 50, 60, 70, 80 years old. Brian said he was, there was whatever the last master's event was, Brian Friend went there and he said that there was a dude like 82 or 83 years old in the 65 and
Starting point is 00:31:59 over class. That's incredible. Oh, it was, it was Jacinto. By the way, I'm trying to get him on the podcast. You know who that is? The black box in – you know who it is. The guy out of New York. He's probably the most famous old guy in all of CrossFit. You know who he is. You don't know who that is? I don't. Jacinto.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah. Alyssa Carver Dow, 83. Yeah. 83? Yeah. He's a beast. Dude, he's so old that I remember when I got into CrossFit 20 years ago and he was 63, he was like, holy shit, he's old. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Right. But he's jacked. Yeah. I think, yeah, I think Allison NYC used to train with him. Yeah, this is the cat right here. Wow. Yeah. Good job, Caleb. to train with him quite a bit yeah this is the cat right here wow wow yeah good job caleb i mean that's i love stuff like that even even for me i'm 47 and i want to know that my long my runway is is lengthy right um will you win this event yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And will Vlad be there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:06 This is a straight up rematch. Same guys. All the guys. Kern will be there. Mike Kern will be there. Yep. You know what else they can do? And I'm assuming they're going to stream this to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Yes. When you stream to YouTube, you can stream to as many channels as you want. Oh, wow. And so it was kind of like we're covering the zealous games this weekend. And it was one of the suggestions that I made is like, hey, partner up with someone like Mayhem. Yeah. And if they stream it, Mayhem gets all the eyeballs and they get all the money. But who cares? Right. It's your event. That's interesting. It won't take away from your it won't take away from your stream. Not at all. Wow. It just spreads the stream. That's that's really interesting. Yeah. So, I mean, they could stream to 20 stations. I mean, yeah. I mean, I have a channel.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I have. Yes. I've got 20,000 subscribers. Yes. And they're all Masters athletes. Yes. That's interesting. That is. Yeah. You have to see. I know they're live streaming this. I'm doing the Zealous Games this weekend, too, virtually. But yeah, that's a good idea. I didn't even look at it. I didn't even notice it until just a week ago. I just took a look at the leaderboard of the guys that qualified and accepted the invitation. They're all coming. They're all coming. Where's home for Vlad?
Starting point is 00:34:35 Home is California. Okay. Yeah. Well. Tell you what, Airbnbs aren't easy to come by in Cookville. This is not a huge Airbnb town. Right. Doesn't Hillary have a bunch of Airbnbs aren't easy to come by in Cookville. This is not a huge Airbnb town. Right. Doesn't Hillary have a bunch of Airbnbs?
Starting point is 00:34:49 I don't know. I remember my wife and I stayed in one a while back. It was really nice. Oh, really? Yeah. Wow. I also know it's a stretch to call the hotels in Cookville hotels. Yeah. I originally had a hotel booked for it. I, we were going to be traveling down to the
Starting point is 00:35:07 Florida and I was going to fly back solo to Cookville to compete in the event and then fly back. Uh, and that just made more sense to stay here. Cause it's just nice, man. It's nice to sleep in my bed. It's nice to have my kitchen. Um, and I got to spend an extra month training with these guys. Jason, I had, um, I had Matt DeLugos on the other day. Great guy. God, he was so good. It was such a, I mean, he was great the first time I interviewed him, but it was such an evolution. You know, like the second time we meet and he was just at home and we just got into it.
Starting point is 00:35:37 But he said something that I want, didn't quite sit well with me. And we didn't dig into it. Maybe I should have given him a chance to explain himself, but that basically these events, he was quite, I think he was questioning. Um, and I apologize, Matt, if I'm, if I'm misrepresenting you, but he was questioning the fact that athletes should be asked to promote events. And I was thinking to myself, of course, they should be asked to promote events. They should be making – if you're going to an event, wouldn't you want to promote the shit out of it? Like no one asked you to come on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You're doing this out of your own – I mean besides me. Like no one from that is like, hey, Jason, will you reach out to your podcast hookups or TV interviews? You're just doing this. Yeah. As part of your sort of obligation of being involved. Yeah. Yeah. Common sense obligation.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yes. Yeah, and I want, I mean, I have multiple motivations. One, one, it's, it's, it's no bother. That's, I mean, that's my basic answer. This is not a bother. Uh, but I want, I want as many eyeballs and as much attention in the masters community as, as possible. And when there's events like this, you might as well do it. Um, the zealous games, uh, they reached out to me and invited me to participate in that online competition. And they've got a really nice breakdown for all of the Masters athletes. Okay, like, let's do this. I don't mind pushing it out there on Instagram a couple of
Starting point is 00:37:18 times to get some some people involved in that. Same thing with Legends, the championship, this is a qualifier event there's guys had to go to live events to qualify for this thing or compete in a aggressive online competition this is not a this is not playing patty cake in the masters community like right qualifiers were brutal absolutely devastating um i did all of them. I wanted to see how they would go. I did all of them. God, you're a savage. They were a couple of weeks after the games, and that's all the CrossFit I did. I only did those qualifiers as CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:37:56 You said, I would like to just push back on one thing you said. You said that it's no bother coming on this podcast. I would even suggest it coming on this podcast as healing properties, deep, deep spiritual healing properties. Why? Just because. I don't know. No, I was going to dig into this, Evan. Why? It's because Caleb and I are here, and we are men of the cloth.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I appreciate you coming on. I appreciate you coming on what about can I talk to you during the week of the event oh yeah yeah let's do that let's do that I'm going to send Matt a text now it would be because you know where I'll be I'm going to be on I mean I'm going to be on I'm always on vacation but let's have Grub on every day December 6th to the 11th. And we'll just bring you on and talk to you about the competition throughout the week, just even –
Starting point is 00:39:00 That sounds great. A recap. Really fun. Really fun. And I'll dig in and get to know what, what everybody's thinking and feeling about it being at mayhem, all that, get all the details. All right, dude. Well, thank you for coming on. You're a wonderful human. I love seeing you. You're so easy. Appreciate it, man. I appreciate you. Love your show. I love all that you're doing
Starting point is 00:39:19 all the people you're getting on here is super fun. It really interesting. Cool. Just keep it going. Just, you know, you do you. I'm going to try to do as many shows as you do workouts. Good luck. All right, brother. Have a good day. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Slap Rich on the ass for me, please. Will do. Right away. Okay. Bye. You're going to Jamie. She's going to that. She sounded like my, she sounded like my wife in there.
Starting point is 00:39:50 She said, I tried to tell you seven. That's like when I'm like, Oh shit, the kids have a class today. She's like, yeah, I told you five times.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Told you. Newest member of the seven on media team. Since you don't have enough ladies, don't be sexist. All right. I'll work on it. I'm working on it. Jamie, if you could, could you DM me your phone number at Sevan Rinsta and then I will text you and we stress about having new guests on that. I need to research too much.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I always say that. And then I get stressed out anyway. All right. And then you write two pages of notes. Yeah. Today, today I told myself, don't bring notes to the Jason Grubb show.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Don't bring notes. And then ended up like, I got up 30 minutes early and I'm like, okay, you better have some notes. I was wondering why I hadn't gotten any he he will not text me d pics i don't know he has a tattoo anything's possible all righty uh so you know we're gonna uh go through some of my life calling notes now and i also want to tell you uh that um you're more than welcome to call in and
Starting point is 00:41:05 chat and this evening uh i think we're shooting for 4 30 p.m uh pacific standard time we will have a jr howell and taylor self and brian friend on to uh discuss the programming at the cellos games he is such a smiley guy do you keep all your notes i do you don't shred them when you're done um i mean i have a stack here of paper and then i throw that away but i email my notes every morning to caleb and will oh that's right you haven't yeah so even even even if i don't know if they're gonna like will hasn't been on in over a year but i still just i still email him to him he's the man of all uh allison who is the big bald old oly guy from cf las vegas he might have been there before you though no she's been everywhere I'm always on vacation. Yeah. I am. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Me too. You are. You're on an extended vacation. If anyone wants to know what it's like to live with 100% equity, ask Caleb. He lives in complete equity with his peers. Ask him how things are going, if that's a good lifestyle. This fucking dude has a list of shit he wants to eat when he gets out of equity listen i'm i'm joking not joking that's what equity is like he has a list he lives in complete equity and now he has a list of shit that he wants to eat can you imagine the other list of shit he wants to do? Like the list of shit he wants to do to his wife?
Starting point is 00:42:48 I mean, it's crazy. It's crazy. Equity. But it is the truth. He is living in equity. The military lives in equity. Men of cloth live in equity. What are those places called?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Like where you go away and like you're up in the mountains with 400 other dudes for two years. Monasteries. Monasteries. Monasteries live in equity. Prisons live in equity. Those are places where the equity experiment is thriving. And honestly, it doesn't get better.
Starting point is 00:43:20 It's super simple. You don't have to worry about anything. Let's make a commercial. Living in equity with Caleb. I may never have fresh strawberries again the rest of my life, but that's okay. These waterlogged steamed green beans are amazing. I just tell myself these are strawberries. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Want to lose weight? Live in equity. Live in equity. Start eating crickets crickets you know it's all good um maybe we'll start uh i don't know where we should start okay maybe we'll start at the um at the bottom oh there, there's one. Oh, okay. That one's old. Okay. You want to start at 221 and work our way up? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Did Carrie Lake win Arizona? Do we know? I have no idea. Miss Jody Lynn, good morning. Good morning. How are you guys? Amazing. How are you? Good. I just want to tell you that show last night was so good.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Oh, thank you. Wasn't he fun? Well, I have a skater boy, and I can connect with him when I give him your links to these shows. With the rappers and the skaters and I just really enjoyed that yeah and he was very transparent wasn't he like he talked about smoking and the industry and all that stuff I was like wow he's he's going he's getting at it I know I just want to tell you great shows you're doing a great job and keep it up oh thank you i always appreciate that by the way i i live for compliments i mean we all know you're great but you you really your audience is just expanding which is great for you yeah isn't the crew in the comments crazy too like
Starting point is 00:45:19 how cool they are i love the comment i love i know we do have to meet up you said last night wouldn't be crazy if we all met up. That'd be fun. Hey, do you think, I was thinking last night, when I went to bed last night, I was laying down and I was thinking, do you think Jeffrey Birchfield knew I was joking? When I was busting his balls? Oh, yeah. No, I'm sure he knew you were busting his balls. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I normally don't question myself for how hard I go. But then afterwards I was like, oh, I hope he knows I'm joking. I'm sure he knew. Okay, good. All right. That makes me feel bad. I'm sure he knew.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And we all, we all thought his deadlift, but we knew it was real. So it's not like you were busting our balls. Right. Okay, good. And I was flattered that everyone came to his defense.
Starting point is 00:45:59 That's what, when I get mad at my kids, even if they're wrong, if they start standing up for each other, I back off because I want to reward that behavior. Yeah. But anyway, tell Matt Sousa if he wants those Thrasher magazines, I still have them. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:17 He would love to have them. I'm sorry I didn't get that question in. I'm so sorry I didn't get that question in. I'm sure you just had 700 questions you didn't even get to. When he brought up Thrasher Magazine, I actually thought I should stuff this in there. I was thinking about that. That was
Starting point is 00:46:34 funny. But anyway, my son loves the skate scene and I kept the magazine, so they're here. Okay, cool. I'll let him know. All right. Hey, have a great show. I'm on the road so i'm gonna let you go thank you drive safe okay bye-bye oh thanks caleb bye-bye daddy caleb caleb's gonna have some kids that's a sign uh for caleb's first batch of olive garden breadsticks thanks
Starting point is 00:47:01 i don't even know if we i i wonder where the closest olive garden is to me i've i've never see those unless i traveled do they have those in california oh for sure i think i i think all garden would be similar to like well okay for reference mcdonald, the farthest you can get from a McDonald's is like 100-something miles. So I'd imagine an Olive Garden, the farthest you can get from an Olive Garden is maybe like 200 miles. But if you're in the middle of California, you're definitely not far from an Olive Garden. How many Olive Gardens in USA? 866 as of 2019. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Oh, I can get that one. Go ahead. There's another one close to you. Okay. Let's see. Yeah. Let me just type that into olive gardens in california oh yeah shit oh shit oh this one's not like this one's called olive garden italy
Starting point is 00:48:19 oh there's one in my town. It's not just Olive Garden. I think it's like a Olive Garden Italian restaurant. Yeah. Olive Garden. This is crazy. I can't believe you've never seen that. Hey, dude, I went into Costco for the first time in 20 years the other day. I am a sheltered.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, I'm a sheltered man. Dude, I'm surprised you don't go to Costco more. I should. I couldn't believe how cheap everything was. But, dude, it's the walking dead. 100%. I've gotten it. Caleb self-soothing by rubbing his shoulders is doing things to me.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Okay, Trish. Were you doing this? I was just doing this. I just do this sometimes. So, in the autism community. I used to work with mentally disabled adults for many, many, many years. And we call that self-stimming. Like if you see him like just start rubbing his eye or touching his hair.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Never been, never been formally diagnosed with autism. Self-stimming. Yeah. So I go to Costco for, I usually go there for meat and then vegetables and then their fruit. This is from Tennessee. Rich Froning, you're live. Not Rich Froning. Damn. Caroline.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Okay, well, it's a woman. That's good enough. Close. That's nice. Yeah. Hi, Caroline. Sorry, Well, it's a woman. That's good enough. Close. That's nice. Yeah. Hi, Caroline. Sorry. I had to pause the show.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I'm just calling. I've done street parking for two years and I love it. So that's my plug to them. But just watching y'all show and the affiliate series and just all of the above, I had to try out a CrossFit gym. So I joined just to see what it's like and it's pretty awesome so i just wanted to say thanks for sharing the love and and getting me to join a gym so hey you know what's interesting my mom belongs to street parking
Starting point is 00:50:18 and she also really yeah and she goes to a crossfit gym the double dip i don't want to say i don't want to say who it is, but the former owner, the original founder and former owner of, of CrossFit Inc, his wife is a member of street parking and also belongs to a CrossFit gym. Street parking is so awesome. I can't,
Starting point is 00:50:37 I mean, I probably will continue to keep it cause I just, I feel pretty loyal to them, but I have loved, I've gone to four classes so far at the CrossFit gym here in Nashville and it's been awesome. What's the name of the gym?
Starting point is 00:50:53 It is CrossFit Solid Orange. And what do you like about it? Can you tell me about your first day walking in the door? We're about to release like five affiliate commercials. I'm so excited. Oh. Yeah, I'm so excited. Hopefully i'm so excited hopefully we'll have games uh i mean i did go in just to like meet with the coach for the first time so i can tell you about that or i could tell you about my first class yeah give it to me whatever the whatever you think the highlights are how was it meeting the coach when you went in there? Arrogant, dickhead, talked down to you?
Starting point is 00:51:27 No, immediately when I walked in the door, the coach shouted my name, which is nice. And then we just started talking about kind of where I was coming from. Like he knew you were going to come in and he saw the time and he's like, Caroline, what's up, girl? Yes. He was getting, I think he was getting off um a ghb kind of showed off with sweaty um and then shouted my name and then we just started talking about fitness so that's
Starting point is 00:51:55 basically what happened so like a friend like an old friend like you saw oh hey what's yeah yeah and then we um went over i think i'm getting two of my sessions confused, but. That's okay. The spirit of it. We're looking for the spirit of it. Yeah. It's all, it's all melding together. But it was, yeah, we went over a lot of movement and something through just like a small workout to see kind of where I was at. And, but yeah, I've gone back three or four times now and it's been awesome there really is something too so with street parking I'm
Starting point is 00:52:28 lucky enough most street parkers work out by themselves like the vast majority of them and you kind of post your stuff online and people like cheer you on but I am lucky enough to have some friends with a garage gym who I go work out with
Starting point is 00:52:44 but I will say that there is I am lucky enough to have some friends with a garage gym who I go work out with. But I will say that there is something to a CrossFit gym because like today, this morning, I used the weight I'm not typically used to using. And I would have never chosen to do that. If this was the same workout and a street parking workout, I would have definitely used the lighter weight and i made it through so there's something to like being able to push yourself a little bit harder and across it again so i'm trying that out for this season we'll see where it goes my wife steals the street parking uh programming from people she knows who has street parking and then and then ladies come over to our house and ladies and gentlemen come over to my yeah i didn't know y'all were that involved that's awesome and my wife uses it in in her crossfit coaching that's amazing and you know what's crazy my wife has probably she i've never heard her use
Starting point is 00:53:38 this word clients but my wife my wife has crossfit client like my wife has people who just stop her at these events. We take our kids to all these events, and people will ask her, what do you do to work out? And she's like, I do CrossFit. You're always welcome to join me. And now she has this group of five people that rotate, and they'll be in our garage, and they come a couple times a week,
Starting point is 00:53:56 and they work out with her. And they always leave $10 on the Milwaukee workbench. It's so fucking cool. But I know my wife loves to plagiarize the street parking shit. She loves to. The garage gym that I go to kind of does the same thing. We're constantly talking about it and like, hey, you can come join
Starting point is 00:54:14 anytime you want. Come try out a street parking workout. So we kind of function that way as well. Seve, I'm going to work out. Okay, bye. Later, Bruce. Have a good one. Get at it, brother. Thanks for checking in. Anyways, that's all I had to say, but I probably wouldn't have tried out CrossFit
Starting point is 00:54:30 unless I had not watched a lot of your podcasts and just had to know what it was like to be in a gym. So being a box, I guess, is what I'm supposed to say. Clip it. That's going to be our first short. Right there. That is going to be our first short. Right there. That is going to be our first short. I hear it every day and I'm so proud of it. Like I'm more than proud of it. It's like an evil pride.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You should be. But it's like, it goes straight to my head. Like I feel like I'm like five, five and a half right now. Thank you for sharing that with me. It means a lot. Yeah, no problem. Thanks guys. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:55:07 All right. Bye. God, I love that. That's awesome. Take that CrossFit for firing me. I'm giving you more money. You want to fire me again? I'm gonna send more people to your gyms.
Starting point is 00:55:21 The fuck is wrong with me? I have some sort of disorder disorder i will say i haven't been an affiliate like actually like an affiliate member a really long time just because we always move yeah we're always going somewhere and uh every time i drop into one it just like it just reminds me of how awesome it is like i just just, I miss having that community all the time. Just having people to train with and just, I don't know, having friends and- I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It's one of those things you go in there, you never regret it. You're always like, oh, I'm glad I did that. You like, you're like, oh, I don't want to drive down there. I don't want to do it. And then you like to do it and you're like, yeah, that was dope. Yeah, I always get the anxiety of like,
Starting point is 00:55:59 oh shit, I have to go into a new gym. Like, I don't know these people. Like, how does it work when I walk in there? It's always kind of stressful. But whenever I'm done working out, it just makes me feel better. Patrick Poirier is going to – it's so sad. Chandler came to the UFC and just became a punching bag. I really like the guy, but he's going to get smoked again.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Again. What do you think, Dustin Po's going to get smoked again. Again. What do you think? Dustin Poirier. He's savage. I think he's still in his game. I don't think Chandler's still able to fight like he did. Is Bruce going to put his vest on and run into the middle of a hurricane?
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh, is it like that? Is it hurricane season? Is Bruce going to put his vest on and run into the middle of a hurricane? Is it like that? Is it hurricane season? You're trying to put a vest on and run into the middle of a hurricane. Hello? Hi. Is it like that? Who's this? Your mom.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Okay. What can I do for you? Did you make your bed this morning? No, I did not. Okay, well, go make your bed and I'll cook some oatmeal for you. I'm sorry about my voice being so deep, son. I'm three weeks into transition. Oh, I thought cook some oatmeal for you. I'm sorry about my voice being so deep, son. I'm three weeks into transition. Oh, I thought you were live right now.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I'm watching it. I am live. We're having fun. We're doing a skit. You called me, and I'm pretending to be your mom who's gone through transition. We're doing a skit. Good play. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I can't. Maybe, is there a delay? I don't know. The whole internet, my whole life is on delay. But how can I help you? Good to hear your voice. But are we live or we're not? Oh, we are.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Oh, okay. What are you? Are you Australian? Did that, like, been in America too long? What happened to you? What's up with your voice? Listen, I'm back again, okay? And I would like to drop some knowledge, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Okay, go ahead. I need to have my finger on the hang-up button, or can I lean back? You can hang up on me anytime you want. Okay, go ahead. Listen, after our last call, last time, I don't think things were structured in a fair and justified manner. Oh, shit. Oh, this is Michael McCoy. This is the guy who thinks that
Starting point is 00:58:10 I didn't do any work at CrossFit. Lazy as fuck. God, you're fucking a peanut. Go ahead. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. But here's what I'm going to drop this time, right? Ladies and gentlemen, this is my co-worker. You have to know this, that this guy worked as a savage on the media team.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Massive contributor to the CrossFit Journal, the CrossFit Space. Thank you. Everything, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. And this is being recorded, right? I'm sorry? This is being recorded?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Dude, this is going live to the world right now. Yeah, you know what I fucking hate? What? Is that yourself, Dave, and Greg are actual fucking geniuses. Well, thank you. And when the athletes turned on you guys, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:56 When they turned on you guys, they fucked up. Yeah, I agree. They don't understand that Dave Castro, yourself, and Greg, even though he made a mistake, are fucking geniuses. All right? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And they turned on y'all, and they didn't stand up for y'all, but they took money. They took all that money for years. Yes. From sponsorship, from, like, the games. none of them returned it, and
Starting point is 00:59:27 they acted like bitches, like I said. Yeah. I agree, Patrick. He is an amazing drone pilot. I'll always, when he did that piece on that affiliate that was also, like, a homestead, it was a married couple. That drone shot over that homestead that McCoy did, I'll never
Starting point is 00:59:43 forget. Amazing drone shot. Okay, sorry. Go on, McCoy did. I'll never forget. Amazing, amazing drone shot. Okay. Sorry. Go on. Well, I mean, look, Dave is back,
Starting point is 00:59:48 you know, he's back, back again. Yeah. As the song goes, but I'm just saying, I don't, I don't like the fact that like all those athletes turned on y'all and
Starting point is 00:59:59 didn't stand up for you guys, but still took money. All right. Yeah. So anyway, that's, that's, that's my, that's my two cents right now. Thank you. It's so, it's so early. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:00:11 What are you doing up? I'm listening to you. That's sweet. Yeah. What are you doing today, Michael? What are you doing? What am I doing today? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Doing things. Yeah. You going on a date? You going on a date? You going on a date? You got a job? You, you gonna work out? What are you doing today?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Um, I'm doing Pilates today and I have a date later today and then I'm going to- Is your body still really nice? No. Horrible. Serious?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah, because I took the fucking vaccine Which was stupid of me You think it fucked with your body? You had such a nice body, you had nice skin You were a good proportion, you were like a model No, it fucked with my lymph nodes So that's why I have to do trampoline every day
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yeah So, it fucked with me But all I wanted to get across today on this call, I'm going to leave this short. Okay. That the athletes did not stand up for you guys. Um, and I didn't respect y'all.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And now look what we got. That's all. And by the way, Haynes is a fucking bitch. Okay. Fucking bitch. Right. They, Haynes is a fucking bitch Okay Justin Durk is a fucking bitch Right They should never come near me
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah They wanna get their asses knocked out Come near me And Emily Only got a job because she fucked Haynes There we go Alright Have a good hot Pilates class I love you brother love you my man love you
Starting point is 01:01:47 my man okay bye all right bye uh our australian correspondent uh chimes in with some very important uh details regarding the uh injection gabe from paper streets. Um, I think Gabe is working on a blend. Matt, I'm gonna call you right after the show. Uh, I think Gabe might be working on a blend because he knows that I'm, I'm mixing my beans now with decaf and paper street.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Um, so because I like to drink coffee throughout the day and I was getting just too fucking wired. Uh, so I'm excited to see what that is. By the I like to drink coffee throughout the day and I was getting just too fucking wired. So I'm excited to see what that is. By the way, Paper Street Coffee, 20% off between now and the day the turkeys die. Use code SEVON. Hi, caller. And they just lowered their shipping costs.
Starting point is 01:02:37 They just lowered their shipping costs. Hi, caller. Who the fuck was that guy? Oh, my goodness. Former CrossFit employee. Oh, good. Fantastic. How are we doing, guy? Oh my goodness. Former CrossFit employee. Oh, good. Fantastic. How we doing, boys?
Starting point is 01:02:49 It's Will. Oh, Plummer. What's up, dude? I'm great. I'm great. How are you? I'm pretty good. Just figured I'd call and say hello.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I haven't called in for a while. Yeah. How's your finger? What do you, you're still in school? Yeah, one year left. And, um, and you're, and you're doing the, and you've got a gig with a strong coffee with Sam dancer and, and, and the guy Vonder Vonderhausen.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Uh, yeah, that's, I'm doing an internship with them right now. Handling, uh, like CrossFit athlete partnership. Yeah. So, um, working in that kind of just like a part-time gig and then after school i'm just trying to figure out what i'm going to do with my life and then and then what events are you what's your next event you're attending uh i'll be at water palooza oh cool are you are you working there or are you going to be available for us to to do stuff um right now both both it's up in the air i'm trying to i'm trying to get uh a backdoor into the competition to compete um in one of the the scaled division uh-huh but um so i'm working on a way in to do that i'm on the waiting list
Starting point is 01:04:01 but otherwise i'll be uh to help you guys, and then I might do a little strong coffee. But I kind of want to watch Waterpalooza rather than just watch it. Don't use my name on the resume. Okay. Just some fucking professional advice.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Okay. Well, good to hear from you. How's your fitness? Fitness is good. Cle cleared with the finger so i'm back to using my hand awesome what happened to your finger i don't know if i remember he fucking threw it into a rig with an overhead snap over its water oh that's right that's right good memory caleb yeah i volunteer as a lot of blue, of course. Thank you, Heidi. We shall be in touch. All right. Well, nice talking to you, brother. Yeah. Okay. Bye. What is the greatest gift a parent can give their child? Number two 21. This, I, when I saw this post, I was so happy. This is Dave Driscoll, a guy that at some point I will for sure get on the show if he'll come, which I think he will.
Starting point is 01:05:14 My mom surprised me. She started CrossFit. Action. Oh, it doesn't play. Maybe it doesn't play. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go. Everyone, this is my mom, Michelle. I just got home a few days ago.
Starting point is 01:05:30 She surprised me and told me she is now doing CrossFit. And she started. I'm about to cry. So I just watched her do her, I think, fifth or sixth session. It was amazing. I thought it was welling up. But I'm super proud of you, Mom. and it's amazing. Like, I literally was welling up. But I'm super proud of you, Mom. Oh, she also did her diet when I was gone and she's lost eight kilos of weight
Starting point is 01:05:49 and she's been doing mostly higher protein, eating fruits, cutting out all the seed oils and processed foods. So I'm very proud of you, Mom. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 01:05:58 This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Probably one of the best days of my life to see my mom trying some CrossFit and learning some new things. Yeah, it's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Yeah, I love you. I love you. It's so good. Can you just mute it and let it keep playing? And then, I'm not crying, you're crying. Today was an amazing day. I got to watch my mother do her sixth CrossFit class, and I couldn't be more proud. I was literally tearing up the entire session.
Starting point is 01:06:38 My mom, Driscoll789, started driving little Logan to class three times a week after I brought him to CrossFit Brit. When I was back here in Julyuly she watched she listened and then my little sister gianna also joined after having her baby a few months ago then my mom without telling me joined about three weeks ago and waited till i was back to surprise me i was blown away with joy so i is that in bali does your mom live in bali too or does this guy have multiple gyms anyway this guy's such a stud and he's and he puts out such fun content and he seems like such a free-spirited fun guy and uh his mom lost 16 pounds already is that what eight kilos is 17 pounds yeah that's about 17 pounds god you must be stoked yeah i in when my dad started doing crossfit that was like
Starting point is 01:07:27 probably one of the most exciting exciting things because one we could just like work out together we like now we had that in common so we could enjoy our time together you know whenever we're busier whenever you're not in the equity experiment yeah whenever i'm not in the equity experiment. Yeah. Whenever I'm not in the equity experiment, we got to enjoy that. And I mean, he's like healthier than he ever was. And I just, it's helps me trust that he's going to be around a lot longer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:55 This is so cool. Well, congratulations, Dave. You are. You're awesome. What a great day for you. Just finished a moc worldwide moc
Starting point is 01:08:06 that's why it's so hard to talk to these dudes halpin and tyler watkins and i just finished an moc worldwide rankings just finished a worldwide ring oh mock okay okay okay it's okay a mock okay okay okay thank you it's okay so i am semi-retarded that's fine uh just finished a mock-up of the worldwide rankings for crossfit based on cf's hint so far i don't even understand we need to go i need to have you on and we need to read that letter you guys keep calling it the worldwide rankings but it's not a worldwide rankings it's it's it's the criteria at least from my understanding it's the criteria in which the hoops you have to jump through to get to the crossfit games but why do they call it the worldwide rankings the only worldwide rankings are the
Starting point is 01:09:05 ones we do here on the seven podcast they're the only ones that matter so i think they're the only ones that are done yes period all right uh i'm gonna keep so so uh tyler schedule's crazy um but i'm gonna keep pushing i'm on that thread with you, and I'll keep pushing that. I want to watch those two podcasts. Is that Talking Elite podcast they did with Eubanks? I want to watch the video. I don't want to just listen to it. I need to watch the video.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Is that going to come out as a video? I'm going to listen to their show. Okay. Okay. Okay, great. Number 220, Carrie Lake. Did she win? Does anyone know if Carrie Lake won as Arizona governor? I heard her say something scathing to the press.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Oh, maybe this is it. Oh, here we go. Yeah, this is it. here we go yeah this is this is it this is so awesome right here you're likely to be talked about as a vp candidate will you do you plan to serve your entire term in arizona are you open to being the vp are you new covering this race because we've talked about this before we've talked about this i've asked you this questions i am going to not only be the governor of Arizona for four years. I'm going to do two terms. I'm going to be your worst freaking nightmare for eight years.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And we will reform the media as well. We're going to make you guys into journalists again. So get ready. It's going to be a fun eight years. I can't win the governorship of Arizona. You're like, it's too too close there's how does it right here i'll show you what results are right now there's there's all these armenians who are like celebrating the victory of fetterman because dr oz is a turk and it's like i mean can't string two words together and that's the fucking problem that that that's the problem with like remembering genocides
Starting point is 01:11:10 and holocaust at their essence it has nothing to do with forgiveness or any of that shit they're still gonna hold it against everybody who is associated with it this lady katie hobbs is a fucking retard i don't mean i you have to go look at any of the stuff
Starting point is 01:11:27 project veritas did on her you're so dedicated to your party that you that you're willing to sacrifice um children yeah dead people tend to cast weird votes and you know what i know you're talking about real dead people on voter fraud but those people are actually dead even the living ones are dead thank you jay i mean put put aside your shit for a second for the better of humanity i see all of these armenian instagram accounts celebrating the fact that fetterman won it's fucking embarrassing it's embarrassing he needs to shave his goatee. He's for printing money and giving it away. Do you know what that does?
Starting point is 01:12:23 That destroys the fucking economy and that fucking promotes all the things that you don't want if you're trying to have a have a civilized safe society it promotes violence it promotes drug use it promotes hanging out on street corners people need money so you just print out more and give to them yeah that you know that that is the actual logic that they're using the problem is is that there's poor people so we're going to print more money. Don't be poor. Bitch. It's too close. Dems control the process in Arizona. They are slow walking it to deny Laker celebration on a grand scale. She has won.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Oh, she has. Well, how, how come that thing that, um, uh, Beaver showed that she's losing, man.
Starting point is 01:13:05 It was crazy. The project Veritas videos of, of, of, of Carrie Hobbs or when they approach her are amazing. What did you see the one where she locked herself in a bathroom to hide? Now I know what you're talking about. Um,
Starting point is 01:13:16 I don't think I saw that one, but I saw her just like running away. Like just, it was just hilarious. It would try to just approach her. And she's like, no, I can't do it she
Starting point is 01:13:26 locked herself in one bathroom i think and then her aid came to like see what was going on and project and then he locked himself in another bathroom maybe if i just stay here it'll go away it's like ostrich mentality just shove your face in the sand and wait until somebody leaves you alone uh people are really stupid it is um do you know why because the left actually believes the narrative that the right hates gay people or hates black people or hates transgender they think they're standing up for those people. They really believe that. It's so sad. Okay, 219, you couldn't have waited or gone around.
Starting point is 01:14:18 By the way, you can still live an amazing life amongst the zombies. I'm living proof of it i live this the most amazing life and i live amongst zombies so this is something that probably 50 of you have sent me in my dms by the way i'm so behind in my dms and i'm sorry i plan to get to him and this is amazing but what's more amazing than this is the guy who walks past these two on the stairs in this is the guy who walks past these two on the stairs so someone should give spank this guy look at watch this here we go this is on joe rogan's instagram it's two gentlemen one gentleman's holding the other gentleman well it's two guys that are balanced on how do you describe that one guy is walking look at this guy coming down the stairs right there. What?
Starting point is 01:15:09 So this is such a weird position that these two men are in that it's hard to even describe. It's basically one man standing and then another man upside down, and they're bounced on the other man's head. So it's two heads. Like doing a headstand on another guy's head. Yeah, thank you, Caleb. One man is doing – yeah, you've never seen anything like this before. While he tries to set the world record jogging up some stairs i mean it looks completely impossible and meanwhile this nincompoop look there's stairs on the other side right there i turn around and run back up right yes or i just stay at the top yeah what the hell what are you doing oh but sebon it's not illegal it reminds me, but Sevan, it's not illegal.
Starting point is 01:15:45 It reminds me of that cop video yesterday. It's not illegal. Those guys are walking in the middle. They should. This isn't about right or wrong. This is just about being civilized. If Evel Knievel is going to jump the Grand Canyon, you don't step out in front of the ramp as he's going across the field. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Just because you can't. Well, I paid my ticket to see here at the Grand Canyon. Oh, my God. Now, give this guy a pass if he's just a... Yeah, the guy had to move his hand. I can't believe he stayed on there. Honestly, that was so surprising to me. Look at all these people over here.
Starting point is 01:16:19 They're just watching like normal people do. Yeah, just be cool. Step off to the side. Be be cool as if one flight of stairs isn't enough and this dude has to do another insane yeah i honestly thought he was gonna stop hey and i don't know how big these dudes are but they look big i mean for all i know they could over 200 pounds for sure yeah this is amazing. Oh, shit. There's another one that was in there. A third flight?
Starting point is 01:16:49 What country do you think this is? Honestly, I thought maybe France. That's exactly what I thought. I kind of considered France or South Africa, but I don't really know what that looks like. No, no. South Africa, people aren't out walking around like this. This definitely... Dude, South Africa is crazy. Yeah, that looks like France.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Because France kind of looks like San Francisco. So it's either like San Francisco or France. And he just freaking holds it. And everybody's like, what do I do? Fucking clap, idiot. Dude, that was nuts that was incredible all righty okay uh 218 snake oh maybe we have we shown this oh no oh no i don't remember seeing this one.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Oh, good. Oh, yeah, this is fascinating. So this is a giant python that they've caught. And I don't know why they had to cut it open, but they did. Probably because it was dead. And this is what they found in it. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:18:11 It ate an alligator or a crocodile. Oh, my God. Thomas Paine, most Americans can't walk upstairs with nobody on their head. Good point. That's amazing, right? Holy shit. How did it not get eaten he just he death wrapped the the crocodile and held him underwater or something and then swallowed probably just fucking eviscerated his insides that's insane yeah i love grub yeah who doesn't love grub
Starting point is 01:18:42 he's a nice guy i forgot we've had him on before we had him on a show with daniel brandon a while back oh really yeah i was like split the show but he's so easy super chill he probably should know he didn't choke on the gator. He just snakes don't choke. Can snakes choke on things? No. Oh, we're getting to a good one. We're getting to a good one. 217.
Starting point is 01:19:10 I have three or four of these. I don't know what this is. Motorcycles? Girlfriends? Kids? What is this? Oh, yes. This is great.
Starting point is 01:19:21 So this guy's going to tell you signs of high testosterone. And this is great so this is this is gonna this guy's gonna tell you of signs of high testosterone and this is the test and and i i have three or four of these i'm off the charts one of them that doesn't exist at all but i'm pretty happy with naturally first one of course is that you put on muscle easily when you start hitting the weights for a couple months you see that increase in strength and muscle very easily second you wake up every morning with your soldier saluting you that is a very strong sign of having healthy high levels of testosterone i swear to god last night i couldn't even sleep the fucking guy was staying like just just just pitched up all night i told my wife this morning i'm like what the fuck is going on she's like what i'm like i was tossing and turning because i couldn't sleep because it's fucking hard all night yeah it's i have i it's fucking 11 out of 10 there okay go on
Starting point is 01:20:09 trying to take a piss in the morning is impossible yeah you got you like you're doing acrobatics just laying especially you in equity land in equity land semen retention that's what i'm practicing yes number three third you have a high level of confidence naturally you like taking risks you like pushing yourself these are all signs of having higher levels of testosterone and one bonus men with higher testosterone levels they have more of a palate for spicy food so if you hate spicy food sauce levels might be low clear yes i fucking throw hot sauce on everything out here but that's just because everything is super shitty would you like some whipped cream with your ice cream no do you have
Starting point is 01:20:51 any cayenne pepper i mean are you used to like tahini touching i don't know it's like red pepper flakes kind of yes put it on fruit and stuff yes so fucking good so good okay this one is very interesting uh 2016 the university of wisconsin i don't i i have to tell you something before i show you this i did um go to not reddit but some other site that felt like it was as gross as red Reddit to actually look at the pictures of these girls to see if it was true. I had to fact check this. Okay, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:21:31 This is so crazy. Nude photo leak of Wisconsin women's volleyball team has police puzzled. So what it sounds like is these girls. I'm so glad it's this story and not like someone peeping them in the locker room what it sounds like is that these girls were just hanging out taking like for fun or a bond you know just bonding they were taking naked pictures of each other and naked pictures of the group right and it was just like a bonding session for this fucking elite volleyball team you have to imagine that these girls are really close to each other. They train their ass off.
Starting point is 01:22:07 And somehow they get information for sure. They are. Yeah. And somehow these photos got out. And so you can now for the end of time, if you type in any of these girls names and put the word nude, they'll have photos up on the internet. And that's why kids
Starting point is 01:22:25 shouldn't have cell phones badge pics yeah i didn't see any vaginas but but tons of amazing nude photos they all i didn't see one bad body in the bunch uh hold on let me see uh scroll down uh this uh no i was gonna read something yeah well yeah yeah okay so they are the wisconsin badgers celebrate after defeating Nebraska Cornhuskers during Division I Women's Vol- Okay, they're the best. It's illegal to- Oh, let me see.
Starting point is 01:22:52 It's illegal to share explicit. Scroll down a little bit more. Okay. We're looking into what happened and who may have shared these photos. None of the players are being investigated, and we are looking at the possibility that one of their phones was hacked oh please under wisconsin law it's illegal to share explicit photos without permission like how about how shouldn't this say all of the players are being investigated
Starting point is 01:23:15 the police statement yeah i'm sorry that's okay uh the police statement came after university of wisconsin said in a separate statement last week that authorities are investigating multiple crimes after private photos and videos of members of the women's volleyball team were shared on the internet i i i don't i don't know if they're like i could so see me and my friends like doing something like that i can see like my freshman sophomore junior senior year even through college me and my guy friends doing funny shit like this if we if we would have had cell phones and photos like like sitting on a rooftop 30 of us naked or and waving to people as they
Starting point is 01:23:57 go by with their dongs i mean it's just kids with cell phones i imagine one of them was like they have like a boyfriend or something and they just wanted to send nudes or something and they sent them the whole link maybe it was on like a google drive or something and they sent the whole link to their boyfriend and then they're like shit i've got nudes of everybody now i don't know none of them have anything to be ashamed of if i if i if i may weigh in and that uh the photos are very tasteful well you're a division one athlete you have fucking incredible bodies yeah incredible it's crazy and it's basically the same photo it's just them around the locker room like waving at the camera
Starting point is 01:24:38 and shit are all the ones that i saw and and to be fair in respect of their privacy i didn't look at their faces i just stared at their bodies so oh my goodness i i mean i hope my boys don't do anything why why is it legitimately a sad story is i don't know if sad's the right word i don't know why who cares dude it's 40 girls in a locker room taking their hate their dude there's hazing shit that goes on crazier that's going on right now at a college somewhere that's a thousand times crazier than anything like that for sure let's look at it people are ashamed of the of the of the they weren't ashamed of their bodies in their cohort they were doing it to bond i'm assuming none of the girls are like they're they're let me be very clear it's all the girls voluntarily taking their clothes off there's no one it's not like this isn't spy cam footage these are like pictures taken with an iphone and people posing i mean not like posing anything grotesque
Starting point is 01:25:40 but or or not grotesque, a pornographic. She shouldn't have admitted I looked at those. Don't you blow me. OK, 215. We always knew. Oh, I might be. Oh. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Oh, this is a great article. Scroll down a little bit more. Okay. Let's keep going. I should have highlighted this better. let's keep going i should have highlighted this better uh we approached the third year and people have forgotten that all the harms of lockdowns were strongly warned about by many voices in many venues in addition the virus virus was much better understood back then and openly discussed we knew for certain that the panic and fear were being widely overblown uh uh we live in it we certainly live in an age of short attention span but many of
Starting point is 01:26:46 these signs and warnings came weeks or months before the world lockdown and they chronicled the damage as it was happening why all this came to be completely ignored remains the burning question and then this article goes starting back at 2019 who global influenza program recommends against lockdowns and masks and gives you shows you just keeps keep scrolling. Go for it. And just article after article after article that came out of the. Oh, my God. That shittery. That we watched our world go through being like, yo, what are you doing? Guardian outlines rise in in harm to children in lockdowns. I mean, any one of these uh domestic
Starting point is 01:27:25 violence surges study in china finds i mean it's like your biologist suggests the cure is worse than the disease i mean oh my god yeah potential for 60 000 oh did you see this newest one um they're saying that one of the reasons why they think there's a mass increase in cancer is not only because of the vaccine but because of all all of the hand sanitizer that was used. Because there's benzene in hand sanitizer. Yeah, that's right. I'll tell you what country never closed down. Idaho.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Idaho never closed down. Someone that's not its own country. Well, if it's the only place that didn't close down I'm giving it its own country yeah I think even Montana did for a little bit too if you can't choose who's seen your naked body it's intimidating
Starting point is 01:28:15 good statement but yes stupid to take the pictures in the first place I'm not happy it happened. And I'm glad if there was any way that nude pictures were going to come out of me, I would want it to be in that sense. It would be more embarrassing if it was like I didn't know and I was showering or someone did like release my video of my first homosexual experience to you guys. video of my first homosexual experience to you guys i mean it's like there's you know i um uh getting my anus tattooed and someone's now it's on the internet you know like whatever i'm bleaching my anus for my boy there's things like i just wouldn't want out there right but if i if i had to have um uh if i had to have nude photos of me released i would want it with me and caleb and suza out
Starting point is 01:29:08 hunting holding our guns and we did it for fun and we each of us are holding a bottle of whiskey and we have a fucking ar and we're naked next in front of a deer and be like we go we raw dog yeah you know and it's like that it was just these girls celebrating none of it's like that. It was just these girls celebrating. None of it's like. There's nothing creepy in the photos. It's just you can tell it's just these girls just like like they're just they're just high or whatever from from winning a championship or some shit. It's like like. But don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing that that I'm glad that they got out. But if your shit was to get out, that's how you want it to get out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:48 No, not the centipede. Oh, I want to vomit. Who's in the middle. Oh, fine. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:29:59 let's listen. If everyone is uptight, naked, athletic bodies are so beautiful. Listen, if, if, if the CrossFit games, and I've used this metaphor a lot,
Starting point is 01:30:11 if you went to the zoo and you got there and the giraffe was wearing a turtleneck, you'd ask for your fucking money back. You went there to see his fucking neck. It'd be kind of cool if the giraffe was in a turtleneck, though. If you went to the CrossFit Games and Danny Spiegel was wearing a burka, you'd want your shit back, your money back. You back you'd be like yo i didn't pay for this like one of those long parkas that goes down to her ankles yeah yeah yeah that whatever the is the burka just the top part yeah i think the burka is just the headpiece whatever that whole outfit is
Starting point is 01:30:38 agreed okay Agreed. politician uh hudson valley residents are feeling the pain at the pump and at grocery stores what have you done and what do you plan to do to help solve in the inflation problem i'm on 214 and the politician responds yeah well i grew up in a family where you know if the gas prices went up the food budget went down so by this time of the week we'd be eating Chef Boyardee if that budget wasn't going to change. So that's what families have to do. This fucking guy, Senator Patrick Maloney, Maloney,
Starting point is 01:31:33 said this about his constituents. Yeah. This is a pathetic bid. His answer began, yeah, well, he's saying that you go ahead and eat chef boy rd if shit gets tight what are the ingredients in chef boy rd chef boy rd i don't even know how to start just making
Starting point is 01:31:56 top ramen and turkey sandwiches chef way rd uh ingredients Chef Boyardee ingredients. I realized we didn't have a ton of money when we were working. We were eating top ramen just about every day for like every meal. Or we had like meatloaf. Meatloaf was another one. Like hamburger helper. I loved meatloaf. I love it. There's a question.
Starting point is 01:32:27 What is Chef Boyardee meat made of? Seems like they put it in hot dogs, probably. Pureed tomatoes, water, enriched wheat flour. That's got to be horrible for you. Rich wheat flour. That's got to be horrible for you. Supplemented with B1, B2, folic acid, beef, cracker meal, bleach flour. What the fuck that is?
Starting point is 01:32:53 High fructose corn syrup. Okay, like stop right there. You're suggesting your constituents eat high fructose corn syrup in a pinch? Because you're their leader? Whatever you got to do to put gas in the car. God. Is that guy – let me see. Do you want to bet 50 bucks that that guy's a Democrat?
Starting point is 01:33:30 What's his name? Yeah. Mal baloney baloney patrick what's his middle name patrick uh it's sean oh yeah yes he is a democrat of course he fucking is not so here's the confusion people think that republicans want to keep the poor people poor and the rich people rich no the republicans want to keep that um the poor people poor and the rich people rich no the republicans want everyone to be rich and and so they would they would give you a solution that helps you get money the democrats want to help give you a solution to keep you poor the democrats are basically the doctors who are the docents of death instead of instead of telling you how to cure type 2 diabetes uh walk you to the uh pharmacy and get you on the medication yeah how to manage it until you're dead yeah thank you kevin managers fucking hilarious
Starting point is 01:34:12 i i just i i keep talking to them i can't believe this world is real i can't believe we live with fucking such sorry go ahead what are you gonna say i have these like i don't know i guess i'll call them constructive conversations with my friend who's a doctor and uh they're still in school like they're not in school but like they're in residency or whatever and i think they've just gotten so stuck in like clinical medicine where they're just like using clinical solutions to problems essentially that she just forgot that there are other solutions to the problem i'm like and so when everybody's saying like oh hey i'd be like discuss their nutrition with them or you discuss their lifestyle
Starting point is 01:34:57 or anything like that and she's like no i just we look at their lab results and we start giving them medications i'm like dude you have any more like it's it's not enough i mean obviously you can't get it i get it 24 hours a day but we're all capable of being brainwashed yeah like she they just forgot like the necessity of diet and exercise in the old equation new y York's super liberal, but actually flipped a bunch of seats. Yeah, that's the thing. I feel like I'm a super, I feel like no matter how liberal you are, you have to have seen some things where you're like,
Starting point is 01:35:34 okay, we can't do this anymore. We cannot do this anymore. There's a handful of things. I'm surprised we didn't do that in California. I am surprised actually that the Republican who ran for governor got more than 40% of the votes. It shows some hope. Number 213, I told this story yesterday about basically how I was let go of CrossFit. I forgot to tell you this.
Starting point is 01:36:06 2008 or 2009, 2008, 2007, 2008, 2009. In the early 2010, when they let me go and made me as a contractor, I was only making $4,000 a month. So imagine that the head of media at that time, yeah, the head of media at that time, let me go. And I was making $4,000 a month and put me on contract. So that's $48,000 a year and put me on contract to only pay me per piece. And that was the irony. I went from making $48,000 to $320,000 in one year because they put me on contract. When the whole point of putting me on contract was because they were punishing me
Starting point is 01:36:41 because they knew I was going away to film these movies around the world in those two-week increments. Oh, you weren't on the show last night. Did you hear the story, Caleb? No. Basically, when I went to go film Desert Runners, I approached Tony Budding and said, hey, can I take two weeks off each quarter of the year to go film these movies in China, Africa, Chile, and Antarctica? And their response was, sure. And then a month later, they called me to press get and let me go fired me and so then and they told me they were going to pay me per
Starting point is 01:37:10 video so then the next year i'm like okay i'll show you motherfuckers and the next year i turned in so many videos i made 320 000 and that's and then i went and visited greg to talk to him about like my lack of payments and greg's like of course we'll pay you he paid me and then i said then I said, Hey, can I stay with you for 30 days? Cause him and his wife had just gone through a divorce and she was living in a different house. So I just, I just flew there and stayed with him for 30 days straight. And that's the video I made on that clip. If you bring that back up, this is the documentary I made about Greg. Anyway, March 14th, 2011, it was published. It's a 40-minute documentary. That might even be – look at those.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Those are the Kinnick brothers in the background there. That might be the dude who started Beyond the Whiteboard and the guy I've had on the podcast. I don't know this for sure, but I think that that other Kinnick brother maybe turned on Greg during Floyd 19. Wow. I think maybe the Bond Beyond the White – I think – I should find out if that's true. Does anyone know if Beyond the Whiteboard people turned on Gregreg i don't know i'll have to watch this yeah cool video so someone brought up the i haven't i haven't seen it since i made it but someone said in there that even in 2011 greg was talking about uh woke people that's awesome he's always ahead of his time yes it uh it is a hellscape
Starting point is 01:38:26 new york has turned into escape from new york complete fucking shithole peace and love rest in peace new york all right time to eat the boys to the skate park love you guys uh great show i'm trying to do a show today at 4 30 p.m with seven i know i know i know you love new york i love new york too but i just i don't know what to say um i uh today i'm trying to organize a show today with jr howell from crash crossfit taylor sell from smtp programming and Crash CrossFit, Taylor Sell from SMTP Programming, and Brian Friend from... Bar Bend? Bar Bend. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:39:13 And we are going to go over the programming for the Zealous Games. I think we're doing that at 4.30 Pacific Standard Time today. Thank you, Matt. It means a lot. Thank you. Thanks, Caleb. I'll try to call... Oh, sorry, Corey. I know. Sorry. I saw you called and there was just someone else calling you to man. Sorry. Oh, that I think that's the guy. He sent me out a shitload of coffee. He was like, yeah, yeah. Like he put a whole care package together and sent it out to me. Thank you, Corey. That really meant a lot. I appreciate that. And I hung up on him when he called. really meant a lot i appreciate that and i hung up on him when he called and his parents sent me stuff too it was fucking crazy i just i really appreciate that his parents
Starting point is 01:39:51 sent you stuff yes dude it was crazy i was like the only reason i recognized it because it said palito on it i was like holy shit that's must be cory's parents fucking fantastic thank you know what's so cool about that too is because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree 100 yeah i was like you guys a great family so thank you so much gory and um how do the how do people get you info if they want to send stuff out there to you and the boys and girls um just dm me and i'll give you an address you can send stuff to uh and his, uh, it's at C beaver, just like beaver C B E A V E R underscore. Okay, guys, uh, send, uh, Caleb weird shit that gets him in trouble. And, uh, Please no sex toys.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Boom.

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