The Sevan Podcast - #67 - Kory Yeshua

Episode Date: July 8, 2021

The Sevan Podcast EP 67 - Kory Yeshua @KORYYESHUA @SEVANMATOSSIAN The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram ...Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. It's weird seeing you in person like this because I've watched so many of your Instagram clips. I can't even imagine that you're real. I just want another one of your Instagram videos.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Yeah, man, I try to put out, you know, good stuff, man, as good as stuff as I can. You know, I just want to wake people up, man. That's my that's my heart in this. You know, there's a lot going on in America right now, man. And a lot of people have no clue what's going on. I still see people posting videos as if everything is just, you know, normal. You know what I mean? Like like we're in the past or something. And it's like, no, do you guys need to wake up like that? You know, they're trying to destroy America. I waking people up is an interesting thought.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I don't know if you are waking a single person up, but I do know this for 100%. There's a lot of people out there who are scared and think they're alone. And when they hear you speak, they're like, holy shit, I'm not alone. And that is a huge comfort. That's a huge comfort. As a matter of fact, i get dms like that every single day it sucks that i've been shadow banned so heavily now and my reach has been hugely diminished but um but those are the those are the that's a pretty much i get you know 20 dms an hour
Starting point is 00:01:57 basically and i'd say five or ten of them are like oh my god thank you i thought i was the only person who thought this i thought i was going crazy Yeah. You must get a lot of those too, right? Yeah. I get, um, I get a good amount of messages now from teachers. I mean, parents, you know, I've had professors, um, you know, a lot of people are like you said, man, a lot of people are, like you said, man, a lot of people are scared to speak up, you know what I mean? Especially if they're, they're white, you know, it's like white people are terrified right now feel. It's not like I'm speaking this. So white people can be like, oh, yeah, go like, no, I'm this is how I feel, you know. So it just so happens that their beliefs align with my beliefs and, you know, it works out that way. You know what I mean? If if I seen any group of people being attacked, man, like I'm going to come to their defense you know period point blank and it's not just white people being attacked it's it's america being attacked you know so yeah man that's just how i feel about it you just you just maybe realize an interesting metaphor let's say you go to prison
Starting point is 00:03:17 and you and you have to choose am i going to roll with the mexicans the blacks or the whites and you're like shit i don't want to roll with the whites the white supremacists in the prison yard but you have no choice because in the prison yard like you got to pick a team right right right these don't want you mexican dudes don't want you if you're a white dude so you got to go with the white dude the next thing you know you're with the white supremacist and the way the media is presenting things it feels like that it feels like we're almost like in a prison yard and they're making us try to choose a team based on the color of the skin and it's like yo i don't like i don't want to be affiliated with those white dudes over there right what if you want
Starting point is 00:03:56 to just choose america you know yeah what if you want to choose america and that's the team you want to ride with that's exactly yeah because i I have a white friend that's been to prison. I have one of my best friends in prison right now. He's black, right? And, you know, that is how it works. You know, I have family members who've been to prison. Yeah, they make you choose based on your skin color. And that's exactly what it is right now. You know, that's exactly how everything's like um being pushed on us it's like tribalism you know what i mean it's disgusting you know cory many years ago this is probably like 20 years ago i read this story in smithsonian magazine and it was about a professor and he was an entomologist he studied insects and they were talking about how minimalist his life is
Starting point is 00:04:44 and how tight he kept his life. There were three things he was interested in insects, drawing and running. He was a marathon runner. And so what he would do is he had this cabin in the woods, he would have a section where he would put like some rotten bananas in one section and then some rotten other kind of fruit in another section and something else rotten in another section. And as he would run to these areas, he would look at insects there, pull out his drawing book, draw the insects, study the insects, and then run to the next one. And he had this crazy tight life, right? That he was able to accomplish all of his goals in.
Starting point is 00:05:24 one. And he had this crazy tight life, right? That he was able to accomplish all of his goals in like he could run, it's study insects and he could draw. And those were his three passions. And I was like, wow, that's that guy figured his shit out. And when I look at you, I see a man who's a father, an activist, an artist, and a businessman. And you're, and you're running all four and you got, you're, you're running the same loop this dude's doing. You're doing all four in this really tight, um, in this really tight orbit. Am I seeing that correctly? Uh, yeah, I never really looked at myself as an activist. I mean, I guess it just is kind of turning into that, you know, because of the things that I talk about. And, you know, I don't know, man, I never really wanted to be political. You know, I never was
Starting point is 00:06:13 into politics and things like that. You know, I would say that once Trump came along and, you know, just really started shaking things up, man. It made a lot of people like say, hold on, hold on. What's going on here? What's going on? What's that? What's that? You know, the media just completely attacking a person, you know, relentlessly, like no matter what they do. I mean, it's crazy. It's like he was the devil, you know, and no matter what he did, you know, he could never do right, you know, in their eyes, you know, and no matter what he did, you know, he could never do right, you know, in their eyes, you know, in the media's eyes and certain politicians. It's like, so that kind of made me, you know, look at things a little differently, you know, and also going to church and learning the Bible and different ways to navigate life.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You know, I spent my life trying to search, you know, for who I am after, you know, I came out of the music industry, you know, because I was in the music industry since I was about nine, you know, music was all I knew, you know. And that was the business that I spent a lot of time and a lot of years in i put a lot of effort in you know we ended up making it on tv and you know getting a deal and you know i was in the same rooms as uh jay-z and la reed and you know people that uh know about music would know who they are but yeah man and then you, politics came along and I actually was for Bernie Sanders. I used to watch people like the Young Turks and, you know, people like that. And yeah, so I just started researching things myself. I started looking into different things. saying, you know, or what, or what one particular, um, person was saying on a, on a certain subject. And, you know, I found out who Thomas Sowell was and, um, looking into Booker T. Washington and people like that. And then I found Larry Elder and, you know, and it just, it was like
Starting point is 00:08:17 a snowball, you know what I mean? And, uh, yeah, so that it was like an awakening, you know, Yeah, so that it was like an awakening, you know. Thomas Sowell had a huge was in a crazy neighborhood. And I moved in there, and me and my dad and my stepmom were the only white people in the neighborhood. It was on the Berkeley-Oakland border. It was all black. And so I started reading everything I could. I read Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, all the Black Panther stuff, Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Huey Newton, just crushing
Starting point is 00:09:07 books like that. And then I would walk the streets at night and just meet people. And it was all mostly older men. I was probably like 20 and they were like in their forties and they had just tons of stories, tons and tons of stories. And I always rocked the Malcolm X shirt. I had one and I had to wash it every night so I could keep wearing it every single day. And then, and then I, and that, that ran its course with me for a long, long time. And then like you said, Trump came along and I couldn't stand the man and I'd voted for Obama and for
Starting point is 00:09:37 Hillary. And then they started saying so much crazy shit about Trump that I started looking into it like this hatred towards Mexicans. And I'm like, where, how come I can't find him saying that? How come I can only find him saying, yeah, the, we don't want their criminals coming across the border. And it wasn't directed at Mexicans as a whole. It was just like, yeah, that would make Mexico wanted to get rid of. And of course I live in California. And so tons of my friends are Mexican, hardest working people, you know, in the biz. And, uh, and then the same thing happened with the Capitol riots. Just to use another example, I'm like, oh my god, I'm reading the transcripts on ABC News, and I'm seeing he said actually to make a peaceful march.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And then at that point, I realized, holy shit, something is not – something is – something is not right here. something is something's not right here um so so i had a similar similar journey to you and then and then someone introduced me to thomas so well and i started reading that and then one of the statistics just to use a quick example um they would say stuff like there's an example he gave they would say jews on the average make a hundred thousand dollars more a year than puerto ricans and this is a huge disparity but then thomas so well would point out the average make $100,000 more a year than Puerto Ricans, and this is a huge disparity. But then Thomas Sowell would point out the average age of a Puerto Rican in the United States is 25 years old, and the average age of a Jew in the United States is 50 years old. So how the fuck can you compare the two?
Starting point is 00:10:55 And I was like, holy shit, at 25 I was homeless, and at 49 I'm rich. Like, I totally get it. You know what I mean? Like, they left out, like, an enormous fact. Right. What city are you in? I don't really want to say the city I'm in, but I'm in California, too. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And why don't you want to say the city? Just because you feel like it could be a target on you? Right, right, man. I get death threats, man. You know what I mean? it's like i wasn't even getting giving out the state at first you know because it's like you know i'm getting dead and i don't want to have to you know hurt anybody you know like i have kids man like you know if somebody come you know what i mean i'm not i don't want to be in that right you know what I mean so
Starting point is 00:11:45 yeah I just rather not I'd rather not go there right the goal is to make a more peaceful place for your daughter to grow up in right exactly you know that's the goal for for everybody's children man and that's that's the sick thing about what's happening right now, because they are going after our children with such like, you know, it's scary, man. It's terrifying. Right. And what I try to put out and what I want to show people is that you have it's time to speak up. It's not time to be quiet any longer. Okay. If you care about the future of America, which is our children, you know, which they're trying to take away from us, then it's time to speak up. It's time to do research. It's time to look into these things. You know, I just found this, you know, I was looking online and I found this middle school teacher and, you know, she's
Starting point is 00:12:42 just all for this critical race theory, you know, and it's crazy because they can't see their their their blind spot, which is we're. After racism. Right. And no, they can't see that they're actually being racist. It is the craziest thing ever. Like they ignore white people because they're white. It is the craziest thing ever. Like they ignore white people because they're white. That is nuts. That is nuts. How do you ignore somebody based on the color of their skin? Like this guy was trying to give an argument, you know, in the comments section. And the guy actually brought me up. I was randomly on her page. And the guy said, Corey, as you said, somebody else, I think Dan Bongino or something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And she was like, I don't need to hear anything from white supremacists. Because basically, if you go against their way of thinking, you're a white supremacist, period. And that's why white people are so scared to speak up. Right. The scariest thing as an American liberal, I can't speak for as a conservative because I was raised as a liberal in the Bay Area,
Starting point is 00:13:42 is you were terrified to be called a racist. Terrified. Terrified to love your country and terrified to be a racist. Be accused of it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have, man, you know, I know I have liberal friends. Like I didn't, I would say we, we grew up conservative. Like we grew up Christian, but not really like like my grandfather was a pastor. Right. But we didn't live that lifestyle. Like my mom tried to take us to church when we were younger. My mom and dad did. But, you know, as we started to get older, you know, around 14, 15, it's like that wasn't happening anymore. You know, it was, you know, strictly music, you know, drugs and rock and roll once you got to a certain age. You know what I mean? So it's like we didn't grow up conservative.
Starting point is 00:14:31 You know, I can't say that. You know what I mean? Because we didn't grow up living a Christian lifestyle. So it's like, yeah, man, I believe you because I talk to my friends that are that are liberals. I actually have a friend up north right now, man. And I'm showing him all this stuff because he was super into the Black Lives Matter stuff. And he's like, Black Lives Matter for black lives. I'm like, bro. I'm black and I'm telling you, they are not for black lives. Are you hearing me? You know what I mean? And it really took for me to break certain things down him and show them the video of saying uh the founder saying she was a marxist and he was like he had no idea like people are clueless they have no idea you know they're just a part of this movement because they think it's for black lives you know they think critical race theory is for black people no it is the opposite it is for the destruction of us do you think they mean well do you like i i believe that they that they
Starting point is 00:15:30 that they actually as they as they propagate and promote racism they actually are clueless that the vast vast majority actually think that while they hold their foot on the neck of humanity and black skinned people, they actually think they're helping. Yeah. It's like, hey, I feel sorry for you. Like they don't realize that they're projecting that and like psychologically holding people down. A lot of it is like projecting their own racism, like like Ibram X. Kendi and Robin D'Angelo. You know, it's like it's Ibram X. Kendi is an admitted racist, like he's an admitted racist. Robin D'Angelo said she, you know, is in a room full of black people and feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Like they're projecting their racism onto everyone else. And our our our children are being indoctrinated with this so they have they have kids books um with Ibram X. Kendi right and people are learning stuff they have they have uh kids notebooks with with black fists the communist fists on the front the black lives matter and it's like you know they're just trying to indoctrinate people man and and they don't understand a lot of the teachers don't even understand what they're teaching. You're not helping black people. You are not. What are they doing? They are pushing. They are pushing the coming. Destruction of America, that's what they're pushing. They're pushing Marxism. They're pushing communism. We've seen how that's turned out
Starting point is 00:17:04 in other countries, man, in other places. Like we've seen what has happened. Why can't like like people don't want to do the research and things. They just want to feel comfortable. You know, they feel comfortable saying I'm fighting for a cause and I'm fighting for black people. But and that's what my main thing is, just, you know, showing people the truth, man, is showing people the truth. just, you know, showing people the truth, man. It's showing people the truth. My grandfather was, you know, kicked out of his country for speaking the truth, you know, because he preached what he believed. Which country was that? Barbados, you know? So it's like, yeah, man, I, you know, I come from that, you know, I come from, you know, speaking your mind and what you believe in no matter who's coming against you. So you're saying they're leveraging racism like a Trojan horse to – they're leveraging racism to push Marxist agenda. And the sad part is, is most people and probably I fall into this category,
Starting point is 00:18:05 don't even fully understand what that means. Right. Most people don't even know what Marxism is means. Right. They just think, OK, whatever, I'm just going to go about my business. I just I just want to keep my head low. And I would have kept my head low if I didn't have kids. I'm Armenian. My family's here because they escaped the genocide. And my wife is Jewish. And, you know, we all know what happened over there. And now I have three little boys, three little Jew boys. And like, I can't I can't I can't have any. It's a slippery slope. Right. You fight racism with racism. And the winner is guess what? Nobody left. It's a racist. No matter who wins that war war it's a racist if you fight racism with races
Starting point is 00:18:47 right how many kids do you have uh three so i have a baby i have a one uh no she just turned two months i have a three-year-old she just turned three and then royalty the one that you know people have seen in my videos um she just she's turning seven so i have three girls oh wow congratulations thank you and how old are you um i'm 32 i just turned 32 damn you are at 32 what was i doing i think i was living at home i was back at home at my mom's house She was probably trying to kick me out for like the third or fourth time. Wow. How did you how did you so? So I'm getting the impression that even though you were brought up in a Christian house and you said your dad was a pastor.
Starting point is 00:19:39 No, no. My grandfather was a pastor. My dad took a different route. You know, he's he's on the right path now, but he took a different route. Is he in your life now? Yeah. Yeah. My dad's been in my life. You know, he was out of my life for a few years, but, you know, that was because of certain things he did. But I was younger. Is he proud of you now? Are your mom and dad proud of you? Absolutely. You know, actually, you know, they're super proud of me. You know, I can say my dad wasn't really on the Trump thing at first, you know, because my dad was like really militant black. You know, like you were saying with the, you know, the MLK and the Black Panthers.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And, you know, my dad was in it. I actually posted a picture of him from back in the day, you know, on Father's Day. And, you know, he was in the public enemy and, you know, all these different types of things. So, you know, he definitely taught us some of that, you know. Oh. You vanished. And you're back. you vanished and you're back. Okay. All right. Yeah. So my dad taught us, um, some of that stuff growing up, you know, black power and things like that.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Um, so yeah, man, I, and that's the funny thing to me when people, you know, get on my page and they have no idea, like what I come from, you know, they have no idea what I know. They have no idea like what I come from. You know, they have no idea what I know. You know, they just assume that I that I'm doing this because white people want me to do it. No, I have. Found. The truth, right, I found the truth and and they say, no, the Bible says the truth will set you free. Right. So in my mind, I am setting people free from the prison of seeing racism and everything and everywhere. Right. And believing that all white people, no matter what, are racist and black people are oppressed no matter what. Like, come on, man. No, we have black billionaires. Like, like, like I just put out a post of the black Congresswoman who, you know, tweeted out that black people aren't free in America. You're a black Congresswoman living your best life in America,
Starting point is 00:22:00 saying black people aren't free. That is so crazy. I can just imagine her with her feet kicked up, you know, eating ice cream and her, you know what I mean? Like it's living in luxury and, you know, sitting here saying that black people aren't free in America. It's crazy. You know, like I come from the inner city. You know what I mean? I grew up in the inner city. You know, I know, I know, uh, my, I have brothers that were in and out of prison constantly. Actually, I have a brother in prison right now. My other brother, you know, passed away and I have another brother who was murdered. But, yeah, man, I know about all of that stuff, man. And I know that what Black Lives Matter is pushing and what Antifa is pushing and these different groups and what
Starting point is 00:22:45 they're pushing with critical race theory in the schools i know that it is not for the betterment of black people and they're using us they are using us to push their agenda and what they want to go through you know i'm not going to say that everybody in black lives matter movement don't know what uh marxism is and communism is and aren't pushing that because they believe that's a better system than what we have now there are people in the movement you know the the founder came out and you know said it so yeah man i just it can get you know overwhelming at times, but, but I just keep pushing.
Starting point is 00:23:27 There is a thing, there is a thing by the nature of human beings that we're all going to be prejudiced. And it's, and it's not a, it's not a bad, it's not a bad thing. For example, you are, let's say you're in San Diego. I used to live in San Diego. And if you see a snake and it's got a wide mandible, like you stay the fuck away from it, that means it's a rattlesnake, right? You know it has teeth. You see a guy driving down the street with a truck and he's got a lawnmower in the back, you assume that he's a gardener. came from the middle east and he opened up a wine and cheese and liquor store well like it's okay it's okay it's okay um you go to uc riverside where 90 and i don't know if it's riverside or irvine where like 80 or 90 of the students there are asian if someone asks you to close your eyes and i'll give you a million dollars if you bump into someone and guess their ethnicity and you guess asian that's not it's not, that's not – there is a pressure we're putting on ourselves that's unrealistic.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Like, hey, we are still just people. It's okay to use your judgment. You see three guys walking towards you. Their pants are hanging down. They keep watching you, and you can see their underwear, and they're're 17 years old and you're walking by a park in your neighborhood like yeah cross the street i don't care if they're white black mexican whatever yeah it's like that's the thing it's okay it's okay it's okay and and it's like you gotta be aware man you gotta be aware yeah like i but what i think it is is that they feel that
Starting point is 00:25:05 they can eradicate these things. They feel like they can completely eradicate poverty. They feel like they can completely eradicate racism. But I also posted a video with Denzel saying like, why don't we just teach our children better? Why don't we all just teach our children better? Everybody that wants to, you know, or feels like they can completely eradicate these bad things. Why don't we teach our children better? Because it starts in the home. It starts in the home. It starts with us coming together, you know, mother and father and staying together. It's not easy. It's hard. It can be extremely hard, but it can be extremely beautiful and lovely you know so i i've seen you know i've seen my mom and dad go through it throughout the years you know what i
Starting point is 00:25:51 mean everything wasn't you know peaches and tree like they've been through a lot of you know are they still together yeah they're together they've been together for years man you know so it's like you know it's like. You know, it's just that's where it starts, man, and I think they don't want to like acknowledge that they don't want to acknowledge that it starts in the home, but it really does, man. It's like then you go on the Black Lives Matter, you know, website and they took it down now. But, you know, the destruction of the nuclear family and things, why did they have that up there? OK, why did you guys have the destruction of the, you know, Americanized nuclear family or whatever? Like, you know, mom and dad and emotional appeal to people who don't have a dad at home. Right. To say it's OK.
Starting point is 00:26:39 That's OK. Right. It's not OK. It's not OK at all. One of my good friends right now, if he had his mother and father and he was raised with his mother and father, I don't believe that he'd be doing the time he's doing right now. He's doing 15 years. So, you know, it's like. I don't believe he'd be going through that right now if he had his mom and his dad, he had his mom, but his mom was in the hood, too, and his mom was with Street, you know, she was a lovely lady. You know, I, I really, um, I love her. I have love for her. You know what I mean? But yeah, if he had his father, you know, his father actually, uh, died when he was younger, you know what I mean? He didn't have any, but you know, it's like the choices we make, you know, in life, man can have a, a serious impact on our children. You what i mean that's another thing you know um we have to make better choices man we have to make better choices it's it's um the the stat
Starting point is 00:27:34 that transcends skin color every time and i don't know why they talk about skin color ever again once you know this and this is once again to thomas so well is 85 of the people in prison didn't have a mother and father at home. They were. Yeah, I've seen that. And it's crazy. You can it goes everywhere. It's even to cancer rates and obesity and all of these things. Like in the same thing was with the covid response. They keep saying this thing is more dangerous for blacks or Mexicans. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're blacks or mexicans has to do with the fact that what they're eating health yeah yeah it has nothing to do right and so or and so they give these correlates to manipulate
Starting point is 00:28:14 the masses when it's like hey it we can give you data that transcends skin color have both your parents at home and all of a sudden your chances for everything go up your average earning your ability to stay out of jail your chances of getting killed being killed but for some reason we're fixated on skin color i i saw today just now as i was walking over here to do the podcast with you it said um i saw on a screen on a, it said Spike Lee becomes the first black man to become the head of the Cannes Film Festival jury or something. He got some prominent role there. And I'm thinking to myself. Even that, like, what do I like?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Why doesn't it just say Spike? Spike Lee becomes head of famous director Spike Lee of Malcolm X and whatever his name riddled off a few of his movies becomes the head of the film festival. Why do they have to say he's a black man? It's 2021. What do you think about that? You think it's important to celebrate that or is that even that is like suddenly it's like who gives a shit? Or no? Black people do. Black black people care you know what i mean i i can't say that i care you know what i mean but i know and i also can't speak for every black person you know what i mean but i know what i grew up i grew up around you
Starting point is 00:29:39 know what i mean what i see you know uh i would say that they want to see that you know what i've seen you know uh i would say that they want to see that you know what i mean they want to see that i don't really care listen man i i really i want to see it too i want to see it too i was so excited when obama became president especially for two terms i was like fuck thank god we made it look what he did and look what he did he was supposed to be this you know savior you know what i mean uh change and this and it like he look man he did he was supposed to be this you know savior you know what i mean uh change and this and it like he look man he brought change but it wasn't for the black community everybody vote look black people voted for him because he was black okay but what did he do for black people at the end of the day we still in the same situation look at chicago chicago look at
Starting point is 00:30:23 chicago i just put it out yesterday 104 over the weekend 104 shootings over the weekend man like come on man baby's getting murdered baby's getting murdered okay so it's like and then we keep voting these same people in and it's like and then buffalo i think it was buffalo new york York. They just voted in a socialist or something like that, and it's like – we're voting for the same people, man. It's the same – actually, it's worse. It's getting – it's digressing. It's like it's getting worse. We're voting for worse candidates.
Starting point is 00:31:12 If you had like – let's say instead of what the trillions of dollars they spent on COVID response, they peeled off a trillion dollars and they said, hey, Corey, we're going to give you a trillion dollars. And with that, you could build a $100 million Boys and Girls Club in every county in the country. Or, Corey, you could offer counseling to every single married couple in the, in the United States for free. Or if you could be like, Hey, Corey, you could give food, um, steak and broccoli to every family to eat for the next five years. Like how, do you have any idea what, what would be the most impactful thing to, to get change? Do you have any thoughts on that? to get change do you have any thoughts on that that's okay so I think we just need opportunities man I really do I think we need opportunity you know I think we need we need better leaders we need better leaders man like the people we have right now just want to focus on white supremacy, you know, and telling us that the white man is holding us back. The white man, the white man, the white man is not the white man. It is Democrat policy that has destroyed us.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Right. It's welfare that has destroyed us. You know, it's single parent kids being raised by single parents that has destroyed us, man. Not having a father that's destroyed us. So my thing would be, man, if somebody gave me a trillion dollars, that's hard to think. I never thought about that before. Actually, somebody gave me a trillion dollars, man. It would just be. You're going to be president of the United States, Corey. You never thought about that before actually somebody gave me a trillion dollars man it would just be you're gonna be president of the united states core you better think about this i i man i wouldn't want to be president honestly i wouldn't want to be president but i would want to back candidates like you know robbie starbucks somebody that i actually uh posted man i think he really has america's you know best interests at you know, and I would want to get people in there that actually know what they're doing. You know what I mean? Like, I wouldn't want to be president because I need to learn and I have a lot to learn. You know, I'm I'm not trying to throw myself into into office without knowing everything I need to know first. You know, let's say let's say that there let's say that they're right.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Let's say that this country is filled with white supremacists holding holding the black man down then still what they're doing is horrible if still what they're doing is horrible right like like like because all they're all they would be doing is switching it around. You see what I'm saying? Then you would become the oppressors, which they are becoming the oppressors. You see what I'm saying? That's all they're doing is turning it around. So it would go from, if they're right that the white man is holding the black man down,
Starting point is 00:33:56 it would go from the black man holding the white man down in that case. You see what I'm saying? So that's okay with you, though. That's fine. You know what I mean? That would be fine and why aren't you giving the tools instead instead of instead of beating down god i hate even talking like this but instead of beating the white man down why not give the the black man tools to excel a friend of mine told me this you want to see a
Starting point is 00:34:21 society that's in complete shit and chaos? And I go, yeah. He goes, the marker is when you see 16 to 35-year-old men with nothing to do. And I think you touched on that. People need opportunity. Right. And so if you have all of these young men who are 16 to 35 who don't have opportunity, then they're going to come up with their own opportunity. Right. I mean, I don't know if you did it, but I sold a lot of fucking weed. When I, my dad wasn't at home and my mom worked, my mom was a workaholic and my dad was a workaholic
Starting point is 00:34:55 and I only saw my dad on the weekends. And so I did, I did all sorts of bad shit. I didn't, I didn't normally, wasn't involved normally in hurting people, but I was breaking the law constantly. Right. And why? Because I didn't have direction. I wasn't involved normally in hurting people but i was breaking the law constantly right and why because i didn't have direction i wasn't involved in sports i wasn't engaged in school i wasn't like i was either chasing girls or selling weed so that i could buy girls something right i'm worried about worried about girls yeah yeah so you've got to figure out a way to give people, like you said, opportunity. That's what it is, man. And I posted this one guy that I like what he's doing. It's a few people, but this young guy, man, he's like 21 or 22 now. He has this group called the X for Boys,
Starting point is 00:35:41 you know, new emerging king, I believe is his Instagram, you know, King Randall. And I love what he's doing, man. He's taking the youth, you know, and he's, he's teaching them skills. You know what I mean? He's giving them life skills. He's giving them, um, and he's just showing them a different way, you know, showing them a way outside of what they seen, because look, I'll give you an example. So my friend that's in a prison right now, right. He grew up in like one of, you know, a really bad hood, you know? And, um, so he, he ended up linking up with us. Right. And all he knew was the streets, you know what I mean? You know, shooting and robbing and, you know, killing and this and that. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:24 he came around us and he, and he came on tour with us and, you know, killing and this and that. And, you know, he came around us and he, and he came on tour with us and, you know, he got to see a different side of life. You know what I mean? He got to see that there's life outside of your hood. You know what I mean? There's opportunity outside of your hood. A lot of people, you know, feel stuck. It's like they're in prison mentally. They're enslaved mentally. You see what I'm saying? And that's why when somebody comes along like Black Lives Matter, they say we for black people, we for liberating black people. They like all for it because, you know, who else is who else has went there and showed them a way and gave them opportunity to see something different. You see what I'm saying? And see a way out of where they're
Starting point is 00:37:04 at. So, yeah. So I showed we showed him a different side of life. And then he's like, bro, like, I love you guys. You guys showed me something different, something different than what I knew my whole life. You know, my mom is a gangbanger. You know what I mean? All my family's gang, his whole family, uncles, everybody like notorious, you know, gangbangers, you know what I mean? Like that's what he comes from, you know, that's in his blood, you know, so we showed him a different side of life, and then, you know, he was like, man, bro, I'm so glad you guys showed me a different way, bro, like, you guys showed me a different way, you know, but he ended up straying back that, you know, down that path once we kind of let the music go, you know, we weren't really into the music anymore,
Starting point is 00:37:46 let the music go. You know, we weren't really into the music anymore. So, um, yeah, man, but you just got to show people something different, man. I really believe that, you know, and we got to show people that, you know, that it's, it's, it's cool to be in a household with your mom and your dad, you know, it's, it's, it's, you know, single mothers, you know, God bless them, you know, God bless them, but it, but it shouldn't be that way, you know, and it doesn't, it doesn't have to be that way. How, how come, I hate to pick on LeBron, but how come people like LeBron, who I'm sure was, is probably one of the hardest working men alive, doesn't realize that, that if he would have made excuses or believed his rhetoric as a young man that he would have never gotten to where he was. Why can't he – do you see what I'm saying? He's part – there's these really uber successful black people in all facets of life. And instead of like sharing the recipe
Starting point is 00:38:46 to their success. Right. Yeah. I posted about that. Yeah. Why is that? Why can't they see that? Or do they see that? And they're scared of the mob too. Right. I think it's more, I think, you know, with, with, with people like LeBron, you know, I do believe it's things like that. Maybe he's scared to lose his endorsements. You know, he's scared to lose his portion of his fan base, but he's not scared to lose the other portion of his fan base. You know, to where he says, you know, white people this and white people that. He don't care about that. So it's like, you know, to me, man, these people want us to stay ignorant, period, point blank. They want us to stay ignorant. They want us to stay in a poverty mentality.
Starting point is 00:39:29 You know, they want us to feel like. Because because if they if they wanted different, then they would show us different. Show me how you became a billionaire. Show me. OK, you are a black man. You became a billionaire. Show me as a black man how to become a billionaire. Other than sitting around complaining, saying that we are free free we aren't free we this we that like dude if if you're not just going to play basketball and not get into politics then please don't don't you know if you're if you're going to speak man show us the way right don't sit here and make excuses for us. Yes. Don't make excuses for us, man. Show us a way out. Because then people will start making excuses for themselves. Right. Right. People want to mimic LeBron. Right. Successful. He's handsome. The world is his oyster. And so. Oh, so if I do like LeBron and complain, then maybe I can get to where he's at. and complain, then maybe I can get to where he's at. Right. When, when I guarantee you,
Starting point is 00:40:29 he wasn't complaining though. He was working hard to get where he, where he got right. Oprah, all these people, man, like they, it's just, it's disgusting. All these, these Congress women, you know what I mean? It's like that made it to where they are. It's like, you know, and then they get there and now you hate America. You know, now you hate America. Now America is the worst place ever. But. Come on, man. Do you ever get concerned that your identity will become wrapped up with fighting these people? Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like the Republicans, their part of their identity is like not to like the Democrats. And part the Democrats' identity is not to like the Republicans when really it shouldn't be like that. Their identity should be able to be pushing forward for what's the best. Do you ever get confused?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Right. Like, oh, shit, I'm making – I've made a life of fighting these people. And so now I'm kind of – I kind of need these people. Not really, man. I don't even think of things like that. For me, it's just like look man i want america to thrive i want the people in it to thrive you know um i love america it wasn't always like that you know i used to hate america i used to hate cops you know all
Starting point is 00:41:37 that ignorant stuff you know me too so you know yeah it's like, man, look, if it's Democrat, if it's Republican and they come, you know, they're trying to push this stuff on kids and they push in Marxism and communism. That's who I'm, you know, aiming my sights at, period, point blank. It does not that does not matter to me. Like I say, Trump's the one that got me. You know what I mean? And he just so happened to, you know, run on that ticket, you know, the Republican. So it's like, you know, and, and another, Oh, for me, why I could, but this is one thing for me, why I could never vote for a Democrat. Let me tell you why this is one of the biggest reasons for me. There's many reasons, but this is one of the biggest reasons because they're for abortion. I'm against abortion. I will never be for abortion, like period. So that I can't even
Starting point is 00:42:30 see down that way. But but my thing is, even fighting this critical race theory stuff, like I said, if there's Republicans getting on board with this stuff, they getting it to period point blank. You're getting it, too, because I see the agenda you're pushing. I know what's behind it. I know what's woven into the curriculum. You know what I mean? So I don't care about that, you know, the party stuff and this, and you know what I mean? It just so happens that's who's pushing it on us right now. The Democrats are the one pushing this stuff, right? So if I see some Republicans coming on board and people showing, you know, sending me stuff, Republicans getting on board with this stuff right so if i see some republicans coming on board and people showing you know sending me several republicans getting on board with this stuff hey you know you can get it
Starting point is 00:43:10 to me um the numbers around um blacks who have abortions are staggering i just saw them a couple months ago uh it was for every thousand black skin babies born, 500 are aborted. Right. That's a really hard thing to process. And then there's been over 20 million babies aborted, black babies aborted since 1973, I think it is. aborted since uh what 1973 i think it is someone told me the other day they were um they were uh they're democrat and they are they were pro-choice and they said hey i'm now pro-life and i go oh what happened what what's what's the switch that flipped in you and he goes well the argument always was is that it's a woman's body and she it's her right and i was like okay and he goes
Starting point is 00:44:05 but then i just realized something once they it's their right to have sex or not have sex as soon as they have unprotected sex and they get pregnant that that right now goes away now they're responsible for the baby that's inside of them right and i'd never heard that explained to me like that and i was like wow that's some and he's still a democrat but but he he's not rolling he's now he's now against abortion and i thought right it's a really sensitive topic with people it is it really i understand why it is you know i get it like you are like, okay, is it murder at this month? Is it murder at that month? Where is it murder at? You know? And my thing is like, why are we discussing what month is murder at, man? But with that, uh, they, they keep saying fetus, you know what I mean? Fetus
Starting point is 00:44:59 means baby. So it's like, you know, it doesn't matter what, what you want to call it, man. It's like life is life, man. You're taking it like you got here through that way. OK, you wouldn't be here if somebody would have aborted you. OK, you wouldn't be here. You know, you got here growing in your mom's womb. It took your mother and your father to come together, you know, and then you came. OK, so it's like I'm just, you know, when you when you. Yeah, man, that's how I feel about it. You know, I'll never be for abortion. You know, in the past I was like, you know. You know, whatever about it, but now you have kids.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Right. I got kids now. And that's the thing. And that's what I want to show people to the beauty of actually having having children, man. That's what I want to show people, too, the beauty of actually having children. It is amazing. You see little yous. It is beautiful. It is so amazing. I cried on camera one time when I was watching a video about to go on the news.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I was doing an interview, and they played the video of me and my daughter, the TikTok video. I cried. I started crying because I'm like, this is so beautiful. For some reason, I was able to take myself out of it and just look at, you know, the pure moment, you know, a father and daughter, you know, and I literally cried, man. I'm so glad that tape didn't get used. But I'm so happy about that. But yeah, man, it's a beautiful thing, you know, but we also got to look at, you know, and this is something that we got to look at the other side, too. Right. And that is once the baby gets here, because a lot of people fight for, you know, the baby getting here. But what about when a baby get here, man? We got to make sure that we're doing things that is helping the babies once they're here.
Starting point is 00:46:38 You know, and that's that's one thing a lot of Republicans and, you know, things not really talking about. They more so on the pro-life and stopping abortion. But what about once the baby get here? You know, what if the mother don't want the child? You know, yeah, we got to fight more for that, too, you know. How did you stumble upon God? What was the what did you have? Well, like I said, my grandfather was,
Starting point is 00:47:07 you know, he was a pastor, you know, he was a preacher. And, you know, growing up when I was, you know, since I remember we was going to church on, you know, Sunday and things like that, like every Sunday, my mom and dad would try to take us to church or whatever. So yeah, it was always there, you know, even on, even on the other side, on my mom's it was always there, you know, even on even on the other side, on my mom's side of the family, you know, that that was more of the crazy side of my family, you know, the gangs and, you know, starting of gangs and things like that. But even on that side, you know, they eventually came around to the Bible and Christianity. And, you know, so it had always been around. It's like, you know, but you run from it, you know, you run from it when you're when you're younger.
Starting point is 00:47:49 And, you know, that's what we did. You know, we were more interested in, you know, you know, girls and things like that, you know. So you didn't have a moment. Your kid wasn't born. You weren't in handcuffs. Yeah, it was it wasn't like there was dark moments. But yeah, no, this shit. I'm so sorry. Yeah, absolutely. There was some extremely dark moments. And, you know, the more people learn about me, the more I'll put out, you know, here and there. You know what I mean? I don't want to give my whole life story on here right now but yeah there was there was some really dark moments that led up um that led up to me getting back around to God you know and getting back into the Bible and and you know learning church history and early church and things like that do you work out uh no what no I was honestly man my my working out growing up was just you know on the stage
Starting point is 00:48:47 man that's you know um what do you don't do any exercise cory no i do walking and then yeah do a little like hold a six pound kid for time right then that you know i got that's what keep me you know super busy man honestly like i said i got a one month old i got a three year old and i got a six year old you know what i mean so that's all the exercise you know you right there you know but i see you man i see is that your that's that's your kid that you post like on the skateboard and yeah you know doing all that so that's awesome man that's that's like i was in the skate when i was younger man. We skated for like maybe eight years, you know, something like eight, nine years. We used to love skateboarding, man.
Starting point is 00:49:27 My brother actually just got me a skateboard. I'm trying to get back on it. But, yeah, man, that was fun growing up too. Are you going to homeschool your kids? Man, it looks like it's heading toward that way, man. If we can't find schools that's not going to be pushing this stuff, and it looks like they are pushing really hard. I'm actually trying to get up out of California right now, though,
Starting point is 00:49:51 but just because it looks like this place is going downhill, man. I don't know. You know, it's looking really bad, you know, in California, in my opinion, man. It really is. You know, I'm, yeah, I wish, you know, I could say I grew up in there, I love it, I love it, man, this is all I know, I don't know nothing else, I've been to other states, like I said, I've been, you know, touring, and I've been all around, you know what I mean, but, and I always would be like, man, I want to get back
Starting point is 00:50:20 home, like, it's nothing like California, like, the weather is nothing like here, you know what I mean, I don't really want to be anywhere else, now it's like now i got a family man i gotta think about them it's like do i want to raise them in around these different types of things that's happening and you know uh yeah man i i'm i think we we're part of the exodus you know i i have some friends they have uh two kids two sons um one's a little bit older than my son by a few months one's a little younger and uh my three sons and in these two boys were looking at a book on my kid's bed and it's a big old picture book and uh they had the picture book open and it's like these two kids all over this playground playing, and there's this one kid going down.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And so my kids aren't in school. I don't let them in for that same reason. Like anything, they were, first they were in a homeschool program that was kind of closed down because of the COVID response, and they would send home some books on race relations and LGBTQ stuff, and I would filter all that stuff out like i'm not indoctrinating my kids right right his penis will tell him whether he wants boys or girls all right his his judgment will tell him what you know color he wants his friends to be but anyway they're looking at this book and there's a boy going down a sling but these other
Starting point is 00:51:41 kids do go to school and they go to school in a very very liberal area where they're taught all that stuff every single day everything's based on that so there's this boy going down a slide and my son goes and my kids love this game because they'll be like i'm that kid i'm that kid i'm that kid and my son points to the kid going down the slide and one of the other kids who's been indoctrinated goes you can't be that kid. My son goes, why? And he goes, because he's black. My son's like, what? You know what I mean? And I'm sitting there watching because he's been taught there's black kids and there's white kids to stop racism. I'm just like, I'm standing at the doorway. I keep my mouth completely shut. My kids never bring it up again. I don't bring it up again to them again. Like, like, and I'm just like, wow, I just saw a living example of how teaching them like he's he's six. He could be whatever the fuck he wants. Right. That's that's so be the kid going down the slide.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, man, that's so destructive, you know, but that's what they want to do. You know, they want us to see each other through those lenses. They want us to feel like like I can only be like growing up, you know, the Power Rangers. Right. I wanted to be the Red Power Ranger. You know what I mean? I didn't look at him as being, you know, white or, you know, whatever. You know, also, Jason, I think he was white. The White Power Ranger, too. I want to be the white and the red one. You know what I mean? But then they had the black Power Ranger, too, and my brother wanted to be that one.
Starting point is 00:53:11 You know what I mean? We didn't look at it like, oh, it's because he's black and it's because he's white. But that's how they want us to see it, man. You wanted their powers, right? Right. You just wanted to be them. They were awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You know, they were awesome, man. So, you know, but that's the lenses they want us to see everything through they want us to see everything through the lens of race you know and that is that is what margaret the king was fighting against man judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin you know and it's like that that's what i want to raise my children that's what we should be raising our children up, man. Keep getting these calls, but, um, yeah, you don't want your child, you don't want your child to be held back by, you know, uh, believing that they're, they're oppressed, man, or that they're oppressors. Like it's just, it's so destructive, man. It is so destructive and disgusting.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And, uh, yeah, man yeah man it's it's terrible i got another example a friend of mine came uh came over my house he goes hey i was just at whole foods i go yeah he goes i had a black checker i'm like and and he goes i would have fucking never known i had a black checker a year ago this shit's getting into my fucking head and i'm like wow i hear I hear you. Wow. That's why the fuck do I care? And he goes, and the whole time they're checking me out, I'm asking myself, does this guy think I'm a white supremacist? Does this guy think I'm a white supremacist?
Starting point is 00:54:33 I'm like, man. Yeah, I've had people. Yeah, the minds. And I'm like, this is fucking nuts because I just wanted to just fucking be like, yo, what's up, dude? How was your day? And get the fuck out of there and instead i'm having this huge psychological trip while i'm at the cashiers at whole foods and i'm like yeah that's crazy can you still see you can still see me and hear me i see your perfect skin but okay it's saying recording failed there was an
Starting point is 00:54:58 issue and then it says restart so i don't know like it's telling yeah yeah okay okay um i so mine's still recording so look what i'm well it's up on my screen right now like that's what it's showing me and that's it it's just saying like there was an issue with

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