The Sevan Podcast - #674 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. What? Share. I could use it.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I attached a camera to the camera link. And I put a 50 millimeter 1.8 on it. Perfect. Looks great. Good morning. I'll try, I'll try some different lenses, but I started thinking I have, I have so much camera gear. You've been in this room, Sousa. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah, it is. It's like a, it's like a radio shack without a business and you just took everything it is like that right yeah yeah it's nuts and it used to be even crazier i keep i ever i try to get rid of so much shit i have so much shit in here like in so much nice stuff so many nice lenses and cameras and i just got to uh and cameras and I just got to holy shit now you know what I look like wait
Starting point is 00:01:27 Bruce Wayne changed his icon I like that one I feel like he's in Hawaii or something that's a vacation icon he's got yeah it's Florida oh yeah Florida that's right it's always a vacation down there what does it mean
Starting point is 00:01:44 to be free your uh your country your country and your government officials and your friends and family and all that stuff none of that stuff's ever going to give you uh any freedom there's only one kind of freedom and there's only one kind of true happiness. And that is when you are selfless. And that is always, always 100% of the time, always available for you. True freedom and true happiness are always available for you. Always 24 hours a day. It's available for people in the slums. It's available for people in the jails. It's available for people who are rich in their ivory towers. It's available for the people who
Starting point is 00:02:31 were, uh, on the, uh, in the gas chamber and in the electric chair, it is always available for you. It is the only place. If you guys want to start the morning with the truth where happiness exists, happiness does not exist anywhere else nowhere else except where selflessness lies selflessness is a practice of of taking your awareness and becoming having it become of awareness itself if you are a lot of people uh spend their entire life keeping their awareness focused on the noise and the voices and the pictures in their mind, and therefore they never experience freedom or happiness, true happiness, and they also never experience awareness of awareness. And so it's something that has to be cultivated.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And for those of you, for people who've never experienced freedom or awareness of awareness, I'll break it down a little more granular for you. You can make, you can shift your awareness from your thoughts to your body. And in that, when you shift your awareness from your thoughts to your body or from your thoughts to your breathing, in that shift, you will start to experience happiness and freedom. All of the misery comes from the story you're telling yourself and nothing else. and nothing else. You're sitting in your hotel room, you have a big meeting the next day, and a car alarm goes off underneath your window, and you get mad at the car alarm. You have been duped by believing that that car alarm is pissing you off, and therefore, you are giving up your freedom, and you are far from selfless because you are now the story that that car alarm is keeping you up and screwing up your meeting potentially for
Starting point is 00:04:30 tomorrow. It is not the car alarm that's bothering you. It's the story you're telling yourself about it and the fact that you think you are that story. When we talk about the people who are being professionally offended and they go out of their way to be offended and they take everything and they make it about themselves, it's because they don't want to give up that self. It's deeper than the fact that they want to be professionally offended. On the deeper level, it's because they're attached to that and they're bolstering their self, their identity. It's the irony of the whole identity discussion because in identity, there is absolutely zero happiness. There is zero happiness in being a gay man, an Armenian man, an American man. There is zero happiness in being a liberated woman, in being a mother, in being a professional female athlete. That is not where happiness exists. to those things that create your identity and having to defend them with more stories and more noise. You do not have the free will that you think you have. The only free will that a man has
Starting point is 00:05:55 is to shift his awareness. It's the only place there's freedom. It's the only place where there's happiness. And it's the only place to experience your free will. You are nothing but a fly that twitches from one pile of shit to another unless you shift your awareness. interesting about the CrossFit community is because we go to the pain cave, we do have, we have it built into our lifestyle that our awareness does shift. It's what I say about doing the a hundred burpees. I haven't said it in a while, but you guys have heard me say it before. If you think you have a lot of problems in your life, do a hundred burpees as fast as you can. Your awareness will shift out of your mind and it will shift your breathing and you will experience an awareness shift and all of your problems will go away. There are tons of tools out there where you can begin to pry into that. The mind does not want to die. And so whatever, whatever that, that, that, that, those, that
Starting point is 00:07:00 clump of thoughts, wherever they exist in this sphere of thousands of little stories that make up your identity you can examine any one of those when they pop up if you've cultivated enough awareness and you can ask yourself who would i be without that story and that story and that narrative will run it doesn't want to be examined none of them want to be examined because they'll experience the little death. And the more little deaths you have, the closer you get to freedom and happiness. There is not happiness anywhere else. There is no happiness with Sevan. Sevan will never experience happiness. Those people who haven't begun on that journey, I can't think of a better parallel other than that they're zombies. They have their hands in front of them and
Starting point is 00:08:04 they're being dictated by their thoughts and then they react to their thoughts. Is awareness not free will? Your ability to cultivate your awareness is part of your free will and your ability to shift your awareness is part of your free will, and your ability to shift your awareness is part of your free will. And that is it.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And if you don't believe me, you can test these things out. You can try to impose your free will on your body. It's nothing that has to be debated. I've talked about it endlessly on this show. Lie down, stay perfectly still, and don't react to a single thought. Don't react to a single bodily sensation. Impossible.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I think we've done over, I think we've done over i think we've done 700 shows is this number 700 i don't know well i saw that we have them numbered up to like 655 or 670 and i'm like yeah i'm pretty sure it's further than that like we're fast approaching 700 yeah 672 was a scott so 670 674 so so that means we must be well over 700 shows no we're up 688 including everything we've only by that i mean everything that we've put up on StreamYard or on YouTube, we're only at 688. I shouldn't say only. Hi, caller. Hi. Good morning, Stefan.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Good morning, brother. Appreciate all you do. Thank you. What do you mean by that? What do you appreciate? I appreciate everything. You give a lot to the community, to the wife. You cover a lot of good stuff. You cover a lot of good stuff you have a lot of good questions
Starting point is 00:10:07 really appreciate all that you do thank you for helping me build my identity I'll have to ditch that later today but I appreciate it you're aware of it he's got a self suit now what do you think about this close up shot this morning it's all right
Starting point is 00:10:27 it's only spent an hour all right we don't want to see the homeless man close up right so i was calling to um to talk about how inclusive the CrossFit community and the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community are to adaptive and special needs athletes. I've got a son that I'm sorry I get emotional who I went into our local
Starting point is 00:11:10 CrossFit affiliate a few years ago and said hey can y'all handle an adaptive athlete and they said sure and they have taken my son under their wing and he is a full member of those classes,
Starting point is 00:11:26 and they love him and they treat him wonderful. Got a great trainer, who, by the way, is a games athlete. I like to hear that. Yeah, she was on a team that competed last year. What state are you in? I'm in North Carolina. Wilmington, North Carolina. CrossFit Reignited.
Starting point is 00:11:53 CrossFit Reignited. What's the disability that your son has? So he has a doctor-induced TBI. He had seizures and they had to go in and remove the area that was causing seizures. And so he's got some small deficits in his left side. And mental or physical? So he's got some slight physical, but then, yeah, there's some developmental delays because of it. How old is he?
Starting point is 00:12:40 He's 23. he's 23. Yeah. Well, I'm sure you know this, but man, getting him moving more oxygen, more blood,
Starting point is 00:12:49 all that stuff is, it can do nothing but help it. Oh, definitely. Definitely. And, uh, yeah, he was cross that.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He loves it. Uh, you get through, uh, did the same thing with him when about a year ago, went in and said, Hey, can y'all handle an adaptive
Starting point is 00:13:05 and special needs athlete they said bring them on in and um you know they i don't know how your son's classes are set up but our our class is here you'll do half the class drilling which that's pretty low impact and it's not really concerned for injury but then the second half of the class is you know rolling or fighting and the professor will take and assign a higher belt for each round to go with him to make sure he's protected it's wonderful yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey and think about the gift he's giving those people who get to roll with them too oh definitely they have such they they come and say they love it and uh they'll let him submit them stuff it's kind of it's fun it's wonderful
Starting point is 00:13:59 yep i i don't know if you know this but i worked in this, but I worked in a home with mentally disabled adults for five years, probably 60 hours a week. I actually lived there in the driveway in a little motor home. And I started there at the lowest level. And when I left there, I was running the house with 20 employees. And there were six or seven of them. And over those five years, I obviously built a very intimate relationship with all the staff and with all the adults. And I made a movie about it and it's called our house. And it's on YouTube at one 30 film festival awards. It beat the film that won the Academy award that year spellbound at one of the largest film festivals in the world out here in San Jose, California. But it was a, um, a very influential part of my life. It was quite the, man, having brain injury, especially when, is he aware of his brain injury? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 They just took out a small portion of it. He remembers stuff from before everything. Yeah, but that was back when he was six. I mean, it's been quite a few years since he's had that. Can he hold down a job? We're working on that. You know, he just graduated a couple years ago from high school. We haven't gone that
Starting point is 00:15:30 route yet, but yeah, at some point, he'll be able to help out. Sure. Thank you. Can I mention something? The CrossFit community really does take under their wing.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And I wanted to mention, there is a video of Matt Frazier and his girlfriend going to James Foster's event with... Oh, my brain's not going to work this morning. Who's James Foster? Is it an adaptive? Yeah, no. You just had the CrossFit athlete that just went master. He's got vision impaired. Oh, Kim.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Oh. No, the really strong. her name was kim i can't say her last name not her no not her the strong one the big sam dancer yeah sam dancer so sam dancer's friend oh matt uh matt bickle? No, no, James Foster. No, James Foster. James Foster had an event that was a special needs event. The Able Games? It may be, but there's a video of Matt with all of that group helping them in that event right after he won the CrossFit game. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And not a lot of people know that, that I guess Sam and his wife invited Matt and his girlfriend down to help with that event. And it's been a couple of years ago because it's been a couple years ago since um matt won the games but yeah i love it that's awesome good that that's i love hearing stuff like that when we did the uh when i used to do the podcast with matt it was interesting because one time on this podcast i interviewed a bunch of guys who were spending life in prison. And I did the interview when they were in prison. And they said, oh, yeah, we know Matt Fraser.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And I'm like, how do these guys who are spending life in prison know Matt Fraser? And it's because Matt actually had done a bunch of calls with them to talk to them. Yeah, a lot of these guys, I mean, a lot of people in general do a lot of stuff that no one knows about. And it is important, I think think to highlight that it is hey it's probably the only reason why it's worth being a professional athlete is the fact is when you get to the top what you can give back right so right uh thanks yeah absolutely thanks for calling for sure ciao uh greg c small token of appreciation that's a nice token yeah man thanks bye thank you bye
Starting point is 00:18:31 hang on i didn't hear it come in that time do you have it silenced uh i don't know it yeah that is it has been um i can't remember the last time i heard it maybe i'm just quick on the trigger now dang look at you uh clive uh thank you for all you do buddy thank you for all you do so you so we've done 688 shows crazy crazy crazy crazy and i don't think do we count the competition coverage and all that as show numbers still i know we didn't through the and i don't think do we count the competition coverage and all that as show numbers still i know we didn't through the games i don't know if all that's included i think he just went to youtube and then clicked total videos right yeah i didn't i haven't um numbered the zillow games on but yeah i don't think we did in the past either i because i got something
Starting point is 00:19:23 the other day saying we were at 750 from Video IQ. But that might be from also uploading videos and shit like that. I think that's everything. Yeah. Jeff, I'm trying a new lens today. So before I was just using a camera that sat on top of my monitor. And now I hooked up a Sony camera to it. And I like the shallow depth of field.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's just a little tiny too much zoomed in yeah it's not the zoom it's a fixed lens but i hear you i i'll convert that to layman talk to camera talk oh thank you thank you maybe you'll get used to it heidi i like the new camera view savannah okay um there is a instagram clip at the very top. It says virtue signaling versus doing. And there's this thing with virtue signalers to a general theme to them that they don't ever say anything specific. Don't ever say anything specific, and that's also hard. If I were to – so let's say those colors right there, for instance. Everyone who sees that, that is supposed to start their narrative up of what that flag means to them. It's basically just propaganda propaganda let me give you an
Starting point is 00:20:46 example in the inverse of it if i told you i didn't like matt suza that he was mean um that he uh wasn't nice to me that i didn't like the way he treated dogs um that um uh you know and i just came stayed with these these vague comments that um he was rude in the comments, that no one in the gym likes him. I haven't told you anything. I've basically just done a smear campaign. And then as I tell you those things, you start building a narrative around him. But yeah, no one likes him in the gym because he doesn't put his weights away. And you start building. But if I were to tell you, I don't like Matt because he hit me one time and because he's rude to my wife and because every time I see him, he goes out of a way whenever we're somewhere, he goes out of his way to step on spiders.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I put myself on the line. I put myself on the line now. Now you can be like, hey, I hate spiders, and I agree with Matt. But I keep it vague on purpose because, one, it's not – it doesn't matter to me because all I want to do is be offended and keep my identity going. And, two, I don't want to make myself vulnerable and say anything specific. Just pick any of these people who are recently in the news, Kyrie, Kanye, Trump, these characters. 99% of the stuff you hear is just these vagaries so and so was right the comments are like that all over the place all over youtube and instagram people will write this huge paragraph telling you how wrong you are but they could have used that time to actually specifically say what was wrong seven plus seven is is 18 seven and then the comment will be like seven you fucking idiot did you never go to school
Starting point is 00:22:45 how come you can't do math blah blah blah when all that they could have been like hey dude here's a picture of seven apples and here's another picture of seven apples now look what when i bring them together it's 14 apple people don't do that because it's not about it's not it's not about discussion It's about bolstering their identity and relinquishing their freedom to their identity. They're being duped. They're slaves to their mind. They're slaves to their identity because their identity isn't about telling you what the number is. I'm a do-gooder, and I'm going going to tell you their identity is about being right and about putting other people down uh yeah andrew hiller is strong because we saw him do a hundred clean and jerks was it jerks too With 225. Andrew Hiller is brave because we saw him do heavy grace with no warmup with over a thousand people watching on the live stream. See how the specifics? See, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And then Thor, that guy from Iceland, can be like, that's not strong. That's not brave. I did that yesterday on my way to the refrigerator in the middle of the night to get something to eat. I did 225 a hundred times. And then the discussion can begin. Snatch. Was it snatch? Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Thank you. Thank you. No. It was clean and jerk. Oh, it was clean and jerk? Yeah. Well, he did a hundred snatches for time, and then he did heavy glutes. He's done both of them.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Oh, that 225 was 100 snatches? I think it was, wasn't it? Was it? He did 100 snatches at one point. Damn. Caller, hi. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Loving the topic. Loving the topic and what you just said. Thank you. I like the little shorts on the children and parenting and that kind of stuff. Oh, thank you. I'm in HR. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'm in human resources. So, you know, one of the things that I see, I see a common theme is, uh, you know, I call, I, you know, you put out this challenge about writing a book, you know, do something. So I started writing about maybe four or five pages a day, just little, little thoughts that pop up. And, you know, I, I come up, coming up with this theme about, you know, drug addicts in the workplace. And we're not talking about drugs. We're talking about, you know, people that like to go and gossip and, you know know be reassured that the way they feel is right so what they do
Starting point is 00:25:30 is they go and find people that are like-minded because they don't want to get something contrary to how they're they're feeling you know yeah you know what you just said right now kind of resonated to me yeah you know so one thing go to go ahead. But no, you got it. Well, so one of the things that I that I that I was thinking about is, you know, we all fall in that that at some point. Right. And the people that I'm attracted to are the ones that make me feel validated. But they always have a creative way of changing my perspective just a little bit. Right. So, you know, because I think it's important to recognize where somebody's at, but how do you get them just a little bit more open-minded for that next conversation, you know? Because if I have trouble with Matt Zuzic, because the first time I called in, he yelled at me or told me to stop yelling, and that's all I talked about after that, right? You know, I think what happens is then I want to go and I, I find somebody that feels the same way. And then they, they make me feel validated. I go back to my office.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And after about three minutes, I start feeling empty again and I got to go search that out again to get my fix. And that empty, that emptiness is what I was calling. And I'm okay with you calling emptiness. We can call it whatever we want, but that emptiness is what I'm saying is their identity needs to be fed. And so you say something that offends me that is not inherently offensive and and and when i when it's not enough
Starting point is 00:26:52 for me i go speak to the outside world and demand they be offended too it that is a really vile human trait right i'm demanding i'm demanding that others be offended, not because of what they said was offensive, but because I need to validate my own story. Yes. Yes, Victor. Yes. I don't know if it's full blown narcissism, but it is all ego driven. If you feel, so if I came up to you and I was upset, right. And I said something and you, so what I find works for me is I'll find a similar experience where I felt that way. And then I try to put in how I got through it. And I think that that's the difference between gossip or, you know, that validation versus like a forward thinking conversation. You know what I mean like right right yeah hey i here you go jeff bako if you're not there i was i was in san francisco one time uh across the street from like it was across the street from like the the big sony metreon there and the jewish museum and the saint regis and there's a big park there well it's big for sam it's not that big two two or three square blocks there's a bunch of water features there and i was just sitting there with my there with Greg Glassman and my girlfriend and myself. And this lady on this beautifully manicured lawn walks out there and her dog shits on the lawn. And I start my narrative up.
Starting point is 00:28:17 You dumb bitch. Fuck you. Do you know what Greg does? My wife had a poop bag because we had our dog there. He goes, can I have one of those poop bags? And she gets it and he walks over. He goes, ma'am, your dog pooped over there. And he just hands it to her really gently. And she's like, oh, thank you. And she goes, oh, thank you. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So awesome. So awesome. Somebody had introduced like, you know, the victim mindset and how powerful your mind is, right? Like, if you held your finger up, if you didn't tell it to move or think about it moving, it doesn't move, right? So it's like your emotions are exactly the same way. So if you're driving, and somebody cuts you off, you've already made your assumptions of what it is, right? Like, you know, and in those moments, you really should be backing up. But most of us, you know, romp on the gas and try to get on their bumper. So, you know, he said those moments, you really should be backing up. But most of us, you know, romp on the gas and try to get on their bumper.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So, you know, he said, but what if I told you when you pulled up next to the car, there was a mom in there with a baby in the with a blanket and there was a little bit of blood on it. You know, all of a sudden you have a little bit more information and your story changes because your thoughts create your emotions, you know. And you're a piece of shit. Then all of a sudden the story changes and you're a piece of shit. But the action itself was still the same. You got cut off, right? So, you know, that's kind of the different thought processes about it. Hey, and the mind is so tricky too. So I'm at a gas station.
Starting point is 00:29:41 A guy is in the pump next to me and he pulls out his ashtray and dumps all his cigarette butts on the ground. Right. And then I go and tell 20 people that story because I'm trying to I'm trying to get validation for my identity that that upsets me that someone dumped their cigarettes out on the ground. Yeah, it's it's just and that's the problem with fighting with these people because the problem with the topic doesn't matter to them they're what matters is that they maintain their identity which which like and i think you nailed it i i hadn't brought up the point I think you just brought up, which is that it's such an easy way to secure some identity. Being offended is so much easier than building a different identity, one that you've built yourself. You know what I mean? Let's say you put together the Millennium Falcon with Legos.
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's 300,000 pieces and took a month. That takes more work than just me talking shit about a guy who littered at the gas station. Yeah, no, absolutely. But you know, the one thing that I would say, and maybe I'm a little too philosophical when it comes to this is, you know, I like to figure out how can I help somebody just get one level above where they're at? You know what I mean? Like, how do you get one, one person? What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that one level of where they're at? Have you, have you ever, have you mean by that one level of where they're at? Have you ever heard of the theory of tribal leadership? Right. So there's like five levels that people live in. And I'm going to I'm going to completely screw this up. So I think it's like life sucks. So that would be like the cultures of like a prison. Right. Like, you know, where
Starting point is 00:31:20 people are systematically looking at ways to make other people suffer or whatever it might be. There's my life sucks, which is, you know, if I had my own podcast, like Siobhan, my life would be great, but I don't. So it sucks, right? So where you're kind of in that, that victim mindset a little bit. And then there's, I'm great, and you're not, right? So he gives an example of two doctors walk on a, get in an elevator and the one doctor says, oh, I just, you know, figured out how to create a new cast
Starting point is 00:31:50 or something, right? And the other doctor's like, oh, that's great. While you're messing around with that, I just figured out how to cure cancer, right? So, you know, you never really, you're always one upping, right? And then there's, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:04 there's my life's great, right? Like you're happy with where you're at in life're always one, one upping. Right. And then, and then there's, you know, there's, there's my life's great. Right. Like you're happy with where you're at in life. And then there's like, no, no, no, no. Sorry. Sorry. Four is we're great. I'm cheating because Kayla pulled it up on the screen. Four is we're great. Again, I knew it. Yeah. Right. We're great. You know, so there's a little bit more of a forward thinking. I would say that's maybe the culture of most, you know, CrossFit gyms, right? Like where that camaraderie, everybody's working for a common purpose, you know? Or even me and you right now, me and you
Starting point is 00:32:28 were like, me and the caller are so great. We know so much. We're so wise. We're so great. Right. Exactly. And then life's great. Right. And I think, I think they use Nelson Mandela as a example on that one, right? Where even though he was, had all that happened to him in his life, when he got out, it was, how do we move forward? You know, so, um, you know, there's that thing. So when you meet somebody, if I'm at life's great and you're at life sucks, we're never going to hear each other. Right. So you can only hear one level below or where you're at or one level below or above where you're at. So, you know, great communication. That's awesome. That's the other thing too. see people taking things so sometimes i don't even want to engage with the people like
Starting point is 00:33:09 with the people who are so angry because to me it's not serious it's not to me it's not serious at all and um because i i saw my kids i woke up this morning and i looked at my kids are healthy in bed and and just with that life is great like i'm like oh life is great and so all the other things relative to that like uh i mean i i don't know i i just can't be bought i and i feel like i shouldn't engage them because they have their whole identity wrapped up in this thing about the fact that the NFL football isn't black. And so therefore it's racist tending to the white man. And, and I'm just, and I, to me, that's just fucking like,
Starting point is 00:33:53 to me it sounds like a standup routine, but they're being serious because their life sucks. You had a friend, you had a friend that you had a call in our life with her. And she was kind of coaching and counseling you a little bit after your journey to the beach and you know she and she kind of called you out for quote-unquote fat shaming right oh Athena Athena yeah and and if you go back and watch that show again it's exactly what I'm she's telling she was telling you exactly what I'm trying to explain to you right now is if you get so caught
Starting point is 00:34:25 up on their identity and where they're at, you're never, you're, you're almost putting yourself in that same position with them, right? You're never, you're never open, being open enough to be able to move them into that next level. If you're stuck where you're at, does that make sense? Kind of, kind of, kind of, kind of, because I think one of the things, and, you know, when I, when I called him, you know, shared my accidental dick pic story before, right? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a great story. So it's, it's, it's, it's one of those, it's one of those things again, like we learned
Starting point is 00:34:57 the bad lessons really well, right? When bad things happen to good people, this caller accidentally sent a dick pic. By the way, he didn't send a dick pic he took a picture of something and he was naked and the reflection of it showed his dick and his friend saw yeah that's exactly right yeah so well i always enjoy i always enjoy talking with you guys you guys have a good one i just wanted to kind of you know jump in i really do appreciate love the glide calling shows my favorite shows for sure if you see me stuck make sure you call in and call in and unstuck me i will unstuck you okay thank you brother you guys have a good one i think it's ironic that it was accidental dick pic by the hr
Starting point is 00:35:35 guy yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that's awesome oh come on chase oh come on buddy come on chase don't tell me you've never snapped a photo and then in the background you saw yourself naked in the refrigerator just say black dildo in the back uh tyler watkins this dude laughed like the mean blonde blonde kid from hocus pocus oh we need hillar here i mean oh fucking movie references hr is hr is a mistake uh okay um are you guys are you guys fall okay let's watch this virtue signaling uh video and i wrote here virtue signaling versus doing oh so so so here we go. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Off again. We haven't even got to one yet. Hi. Hi. What's up? Hi. It's Jamie Latimer. Hey, Jamie. What's up? I got your text.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Did I text you back? I know you, what? I got your text. Did I text you back? Oh no, you did not. Oh, sounds like me. That's okay. And you got the right number. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be on the Clydesdale podcast tomorrow at two. Awesome. I'll be watching. And if you're any good, I'll invite you onto this podcast. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:37:00 No pressure. Oh, my goodness. It's an audition. I'm already nervous. Hey, that was really cool. That was really cool of Scott to come on the show. I really appreciated it. He was awesome. Yes. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah. That was great. I'm excited to speak with him. Okay. Tomorrow at 2 p.m. That is, is tomorrow Saturday? 2 p.m. Pacific time? Tomorrow's Thursday. Tomorrow's Thursday, 2 p.m. Eastern time. Tomorrow's Thursday. Tomorrow's Thursday. 2 p.m. Eastern time.
Starting point is 00:37:28 So I guess that'd be, what, 11? Okay, so 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. So that's after this show. And you know what? I didn't know. How long have they been going live? I just realized that this morning, or last night, that they had started going live. I think they did. Yeah, I caught like two weeks of them. It's so much had started going live. I think they did. Yeah, I caught the last two weeks of them.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's so much better to go live. It's a little nerve-wracking in the beginning, but once you get used to it, it's great. But when you're done with the show, you're done with the show. You can start working on your next show. True. Yeah, I'm nervous that my – I've never, like, joined, so I don't know if my computer is going to connect.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I don't know. I was, like, hoping he'd send me a test. Are you on your computer right now? No, on my phone oh okay so i'm gonna tell you how to do it do you have chrome on your computer yes okay so what in google chrome you're just going to go up to the url bar and you're just going to type in i think you'll remember this you're just going to type in, I think you'll remember this. You're just going to type in the word speed test and, uh, and then a Google window will pop up and it'll say internet speed test. And then write that there'll be a blue button that says run speed test. And so just run that and then you can send the numbers upload and download to
Starting point is 00:38:40 Scott and he'll know exactly whether you're good or not. Okay, perfect. I will do that today. Yeah. I'm nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine. Where do you live? I don't need a choppy connection. Where do you live? In Michigan. Oh, maybe not the blue States. Blue areas don't usually have such good internet.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Oh, don't rub it in. It is. It is pretty funny. i hate to couch it like that but like berkeley california uh it's like has like archaic internet in most of its area and yet it's just it's where all the tech people go to die it's pretty it's it's weird yeah i'm a kind of rural area too so it isn't great uh cat sheer uh jamie we can do a test later well you know what's interesting is the rural areas and the places that got internet later usually have the faster internet connections because they got the good shit and the places yeah and the places that jumped out ahead got the ass stuff yeah i could do that um okay well thank you jamie for calling in and uh talk to you soon
Starting point is 00:39:46 see you tomorrow bye love you love you too bye oh that was nice patrick clark clogsdale was doing live podcasts with athletes during the semi-finals well damn look at it for a little while good uh thank you patrick clark patrick clark coming on the show tomorrow. First time I've never met Patrick. Never talked to him. I'm pretty excited. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah. Hey, is he big? Is he tall? No. I think he's taller than me. Well, everybody's not tall to you, Caleb. Yeah. You don't... No.
Starting point is 00:40:19 No, he's fine. I saw it because at the... When I saw him in the video from Zealous Games, I was like, oh shit. He's a fucking man. I feel like he's taller than me, maybe like six foot. In my mind, everyone's little.
Starting point is 00:40:36 He's like 5'10", 5'9". It's going to be so weird to meet you, Caleb. You're going to be so big to me. I can't wait to meet you so long. I always forget that you guys have never met met i want you to pick me up and carry me in your arms yeah uh you know um hopefully soon i need to do that i am working on a little – I was inspired by Hiller's Batman workout. So I've created a little challenge for myself that I'm trying to get here in the next few months.
Starting point is 00:41:13 But I need to do something before then. I'm dusting off my muscle-ups and my one-arm snatches. Say that again. You should do those? Yeah, I got nothing better to do. If you start doing workout challenges, I'll just film myself doing them too i mine aren't my i don't think mine were challenges jim just makes it a challenge yeah baby yeah baby yeah victor if you don't time it it's not crossfit yeah i'll time it okay i'll time it uh beave could have put seve on his back and done chad that's true i know i just started following this guy the other day
Starting point is 00:41:47 uh cavion joiner cavion uh definitely worth seeing the transformation he went through holy smokes go check it out it's awesome holy smokes okay where are we okay back to uh virtue signaling versus doing men's national team have made a huge statement at the world cup of qatar by redesigning their crest to incorporate the rainbow flag in a bid to show solidarity with the lgbtq plus community now you may point out that if U.S. soccer is actually concerned about Qatar's record on, quote, LGBT rights, they could make a much greater statement by refusing to participate in the World Cup in the first place.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I mean, by simply showing up. So what was making me trip on this is that I know you guys know that there's a video out there. A girl, a young lady named Beth has made this video out there hating on me. And I thought it was fascinating. I went through her whole like video stream and, and I thought it was fascinating that she has all this content just about herself. And yet I've done 700 shows, 500 over at crossfit i showcase endless women endless women issues endless obese people transformational stories endless old stories and yet i i don't do any i don't think i do any uh virtue signaling i just do shit
Starting point is 00:43:22 i'm just doing shit I'm just fucking pumping shit out me and the team I'm doing an affiliate series I'm doing all this stuff that has nothing to do with me and yet
Starting point is 00:43:43 someone spent 40 hours putting together a video about how bad i am that's just like all not even true and out of context made by someone who opens the she opened the video by announcing she was she was mentally ill me me me me me me me me me me that it's uh it seems so glaring you don't like the words that i you don't like the fact that i um talk about uh uh caleb's butt and i call it an ass or i called suze's chest titties i get it i'm i'm i'm i'm i get it somebody thought I'd have an ass, I'd be pretty stoked, honestly. I'm not upset at you for that. My mom doesn't like it either. My mom told me the other day in the Dawn Fall interview, I said,
Starting point is 00:44:33 Dawn, you're the son my mom always wanted. My mom called me the other day. She goes, bingo. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. But dude, while someone, while a vast majority of people in their twenties or in thirties are obsessing on their weight and their Tik TOK, I filmed documentaries in a fucking 40 countries. Just in my twenties, I filmed documentaries in a hundred countries, almost on all about malnourished children on all seven continents.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Getting paid $1,000 a month. It's just fascinating to me. We had Scott Schweitzer on the other day. I have people on my show regularly who've said profoundly negative shit about me that's not even remotely true. I'm a father with three kids and a fucking wife. I live in a little tiny OODA loop. I call my mom every day.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I don't have anal. Oh, that's the part you don't like when I say that. I get it. But it's just who I am. I don't spit. I hold doors open for people. I like dirty jokes that have ejaculation in them. I know it's a weird – it's what I've been dealt.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's hard life. It's the cross you bear. Yeah. it's hard life it's the crossy bear yeah okay uh i would okay i you know what i would like i would like all of these people to thank you jr don't ever change i won't i mean i'll i think i'll'll, I think I'll mellow. I think I'll mellow. When people write in the comments, seven, will you please not sweat? My mom's going to hate this. She's like, you should have never been talking about yourself. You just let your actions speak louder. I know I'm in trouble already when we go to the skate park today,
Starting point is 00:46:35 but when people write in the comments, seven, my kids watching, please don't swear. I, I, I completely take that to heart. I don't, the world doesn't revolve around your kids you know what you're getting into but I still I know I hear you my kids are here I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong but like I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong like yeah like you know
Starting point is 00:47:01 but my response isn't fuck off and your kids shouldn't be watching the show. I take being a role model, not me particularly, but just the way the world is set up that we're all mirrors of each other very seriously. I did shit in the backseat of the van. Can we know that story? You don't know that story? I've heard of it, but I don't think you backseat of a van. Can we know that story? You don't know that story? I've heard of it, but I don't think you've ever told the story. I have not told the story on this show.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I told it on the Matt and Josh show. He knew it. Yeah, you're right. We've cliff-noted it on this show, but it is hilarious. Is that a clip somewhere, too? That should definitely be a clip. Somebody said in the comments that they just clicked it. It's a clip on the,
Starting point is 00:47:50 do you want to just play it off of there? It might even be the opening. It might even be the opening story. Okay. Virtue, back to Virtue Signet. Here we go. It's a great story.
Starting point is 00:48:03 There's thousands of people out there who are doing stuff for other people that's what that's all they do all day that's all i do all day that's all that will crossfit affiliate owners do all day they're just doing stuff for other people they don't they're not not sitting around spending endless hours editing stuff or talking shit about other people in order to bolster, in order to get validation for things that the narrative in their head, the lies that their imagination, it's all imagination. Remember, we started the show saying there's only one true happiness and it's selflessness. And you can only have selflessness when awareness becomes
Starting point is 00:48:45 of awareness, when it's not stuck in the mind, the little stories you tell yourself. Okay, let's go. Thank you, Caleb. Participating, they are financially supporting the country that they claim to be protesting against, which is a bit like protesting JK Rowling by buying a Harry Potter book and then burning it. I mean, you've already bought the book. But then, of course, this is the whole point of virtue signal. That's why we call it virtue signaling, not virtue doing. We don't call it virtue doing because there is no virtue involved here in the first place, and also because nothing is being done. The corporate gay pride stuff is all just sheep's blood on the door signaling that they are the chosen people so that the angel of cancellation passes them over. The United States –
Starting point is 00:49:26 So how many – let's say a scientist had the cure for cancer. So you know there was that football player or football coach, not Sandusky but the other guy, and he was diddling kids. Wasn't it Sandusky? but the other guy and he was diddling kids. And so what, anyway, there were, there were these football coaches and they were diddling little kids, Pennsylvania, right?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Penn state. And, and so what happened was, is they, there was a statue on campus and they took that statue down and then they took off some of his wins. Like three, he was the most winningest coach in college football history.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And they took off a bunch of his wins like 300 he was the most winningest coach in college football history and they took off a bunch of his wins yep i i am i am i cannot tell you how fucking gross it is that someone preys on little kids and uh i don't it can make me turn dark very fast, but I have no tolerance for it. Like zero. That being said, it is insanity. Let's say someone had the cure for cancer. Well, besides us. Because we all know what the cure for cancer is. But how many kids would they have to molest before we threw the cure away?
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm saying, I'm saying if we found out they molested 3 million kids, it doesn't matter. We don't throw the cure for cancer away. And so that's another problem with this cancel culture is they're going after people in this way. That's throwing them away and throwing their contribution away. And in the end, the cure is worse than the disease. So you're saying they shouldn't have taken his wins away. Absolutely fucking not.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah. But his wins didn't do anything for humanity. It just props him up as a coach, as opposed to the cure to the cancer did something good for humanity. Right. But it's still a lie. It's like this. The other day,
Starting point is 00:51:23 one of my sons got really angry at my mom, at my wife and he, and he hit her, but not hard, just like maybe this hard, you know, just tapped her. And I go, don't ever do that. And he goes, how about this? And he just raises his hand and touched her. And I go, no, I don't even want you to have that thought. You're not even allowed to have that thought to be aggressive towards your mom. It has nothing to do with the action. I don't want you to have that thought you're not even allowed to have that thought to be aggressive towards your mom it has nothing to do with the action i don't want you to have that thought and so the thing is this there's let's see if i can connect those two you're lying to yourself when you erase those wins they're not they're not connected at all we're lying to ourselves and it doesn't help the
Starting point is 00:52:05 victims in any way no it's like tearing down statues of really bad people in the past changing the name of military bases from all that generals to all that shit all that shit they're basically erasing history what about the the counter argument that, hey, you should keep that so we can remember what those douchebags did? Right. So we can learn from it, be aware of it. That Trish icon just gets me every time. Trish is masturbating to me right now. It's interesting because history is almost seeming to be, it doesn't hold its value anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:47 It's all about like experience and looking back in history is like oppressive and like racist and there's nothing to gain or like learn from it. So it's all about like progress forward in my experiences right now and how the past experience may possibly affect somebody right now today negatively rather than learning from it. And I think that's one thing that we've gone really astray especially in our schools and stuff like that uh this is um yeah it's it's it's history should be learned from so we don't repeat the same mistakes not thrown out as opp Oh, that's a good idea. Someone should look up Trish's icon pic.
Starting point is 00:53:28 You mean to see where he got it from? There's an app on Google. You can do that. Just take a picture of it. I could do that now. The reverse. That's a great idea. Let me see what that is.
Starting point is 00:53:39 It's going to be like some exec or something. I hope that. A LinkedIn profile picture. What if it's actually Trish? That would be amazing. Trish is freaking out right now. Okay, hold on right now. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I'm getting focused in on it. Oh, my camera doesn't want to focus on it. Let's see. Oh, it came up with nothing. Oh, interesting. The mystery deepens. I wonder if I could blow it up. Let's see if I do that.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Hashtag who is Trish. And I do. Probably real estate. Yeah, that's a good guess. Was it Trish I was supposed to call in or was it Jeff Baker? Jeff Baker. It's his 55th birthday in I don't know how many days. That's a good guess. Was it Trish I was supposed to call her or was it Jeff Faker? Jeff Faker. It's his 55th birthday in I don't know how many days. I forget when it was, but he said he was going to call her.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Oh, shit. You know who it pulled up? It's not her, but isn't that Joe Biden's wife? Yep. Dr. Jill Biden. Call her, hi. I'm an attorney. Oh, Trish.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Hello. Okay. Sorry, it's been in a story about that caller. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Number, oh, here we go. Caller, hi. Shavon, what's up, dude? What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Hey, it's Jim. It's who? I was just calling to say, it's Jim. Oh, hi, Jim. Merc guy. Oh, hey, what's up, dude? Hey, how do you say your last name? I'd rather not say it on the air.
Starting point is 00:55:27 It's fine. We'll just look you up later. Yeah. It's still like, um, I don't really want that out to the public right now. I, um,
Starting point is 00:55:35 well, I'll text you. Okay. Um, so me and my wife, man, we've been having this conversation now for, I would say about,
Starting point is 00:55:43 Ooh, the better part of like three months. And it's something I would have never considered doing prior to listening to your show um but yeah we're we've decided that we're definitely going to go the homeschool route with our kids when we do that and i thought it was pretty awesome listening to the show yesterday that i just would have thought like 10 15 years ago like that was the weirdest shit in the world and now it's just it's just like it's probably i would think the best idea to really um control what's inside of your house because it's everything i watch on the news and everything and hearing people talk just infuriates you and i just go back to the thing is like don't worry about controlling things outside of your house
Starting point is 00:56:22 just control what you have inside your house and kind of like what you're doing with your boys, raising them to be three, you know, extremely respectful, strong men. It's like the only thing you really have left to control. So yeah, we've just been having that conversation. I thought it was pretty dope. The idea came from your show. Hey, I'm sure they have it in your area, but recently we met some parents at the park and they said that if you sign up for a homeschool program that's in our area um you can actually get resources you can get money from the school for your homeschool program so i can't remember what we get but i think it's like thirty nine hundred dollars every six months or something from the, which is crazy, right? Yeah. I can buy a new assault runner. There you go. And, and, and, and then you get a, um, and then every, the only thing is,
Starting point is 00:57:13 is every 20 days a lady comes, uh, or a dude comes to your house to check up on your kids and make sure that they're, you know, up to speed. But it's, if you're, if you just do the reading and math with your kids every single day, dude, it's so easy. And actually, Our Lady is so cool. Our Lady's son is like a skateboarder, and it's awesome. It really is awesome. Yes, Ocean Grove. Yes, Allison, that.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yes, that. That's kind of what got me into the idea was like, you know, I've had some time recently with more time than usual with my kids. And I've been able to bring her to the CrossFit gym with me. And she's just like, you know, fully engaging everybody. She wants to do everything here. And I'm like, dude, how much time do kids waste in school? After talking to teachers, they just talk about so much fluff in the school schedule. And I'm like, dude, if I could knock this out in three or four hours, I could have,
Starting point is 00:58:02 you know, five, six to eight hours to go do shit with my kids. It's going to make them a better human. Dude, you'll knock it out in an or four hours i could have you know five six to eight hours to go do shit with my kids it's gonna make them a better human dude you'll knock it out in an hour dude and you can train more hey so this is this is seriously it's seriously it's like this it's like um so the lady will come to the house and she'll be like well so what are you doing for biology and my or whatever science and my wife will be like uh. And my wife will be like, uh, and then my son will be like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:58:28 you want to see my garden in the backyard? And then they go in the backyard and the lady's head like explodes, you know, it's like, Oh shit. And then my son's like, me and my grandmother planted peas over here. This is the cover crop that we plant in the winter.
Starting point is 00:58:40 So that way it re nourishes the soil. And it's just like, dude, it's like, it's like, you don't even have to, all the only things that you really have to go out of your way to do is you have to do the reading and the math all the other shit as long as you don't put your kid in front of tvs they'll get all day they'll get all i mean your kid's gonna be in a class i tell this
Starting point is 00:58:58 story my kid's tennis uh instructor said one time um uh no one comes out of the uterus playing tennis, being a good tennis player. And so on the ride home, my son's like, what's a uterus? Good question. Biology. You know, it's like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that that's the only thing that I ever had a question about was like the social aspect of it. Like, you know, obviously it's in the back of your mind. Like you knew homeschool kids growing up, they were kind of weird. And, um, now, but I think they still are. They still are. They still are. That's so funny. That's right. I think there's so much opportunity for, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:34 what you're doing with your kids where it's like the social aspect of the best, the best lessons that I learned in life socially, or how to interact with people and stuff all came from sports. And we can still do that in the other time that we're not spending sleeping at a desk or at least what I did in school, chasing tail or sleeping at a desk. That's all I did. I slept in chase girls too. Yeah. I mean, that was the only reason I went to school. So I just feel like it would be better, you know, better use of our time. And I'm pretty excited about it, man.
Starting point is 01:00:00 And I just want to say thanks for bringing that, you know, eyeopening moment to me because I would have never considered it. You know why my kids are weird? It's because when they're in conversations with other kids, they don't know what the Nintendo Switch is and they've never played and they don't know what Fortnite is. And they haven't looked through naked. When they look at my iPad, they don't start looking for parents' naked pictures. That's why they're weird. They just, they're not sophisticated and I'm okay with that. There'll be plenty of time to like when I'm dead, they can search through my iPhone for naked pictures of me.
Starting point is 01:00:29 They won't, they won't be happy with what they accidental dick pics. Yeah. Accidental dick pics. And dude, one last, one last thing. So yesterday when I was listening to the podcast and I don't know why I've
Starting point is 01:00:39 never heard you say this before, but when you were talking about boys in general and like, they're not meant to be inside, dude, my son was a fucking terrorist yesterday when I had him and i was like you know we're gonna take him outside we take him outside dude he was so calm after that done i was like holy shit this is what we're doing i don't care anymore i'm just putting his ass outside i don't care it's freezing cold whatever we're taking him outside and there was like a flip a switch just flipped and he was just not a terrorist anymore it's great and hey how about this so there's this there's this coffee shop uh by the beach where my mom and i go and i take my boys a lot and i go with my wife quite a
Starting point is 01:01:15 bit too and we take our boys there and it's right by the beach and there's all these fallen trees there and and uh soon as we get to the coffee shop every single time i order them some food and they have this thing, Hey, do you want to go work on the tree? And they go over and it's a fallen tree and all they're trying to do is fucking destroy this tree the whole time. But it's such all that they're peeling the bark off. They're trying to just, they're just trying to tear up, like help the, uh, disintegration of it. And in that environment, it looks like the most peaceful fucking thing ever they're just boys just pulling bark off a tree and like in like looking at they're trying to pull off the biggest piece and break branches and it's all gentle and they're talking and
Starting point is 01:01:56 they're laughing but if that shit was happening in my home hey let's see who can fuck the couch up the fastest it's just it's just it's just not you just can't do it they're just boys they just want to pull shit apart dude exactly boys they just need that outlet to just destroy shit and uh that's the best way to do it i mean i feel better after i slam some shit around so and by the way that ends up being a science lesson because then they're like oh what are these lines in the bark oh those are bark beetles and then i go over and we talk about bark beetles and boom there you go all right brother i'll let you guys go um hopefully chat this weekend i'll be with oh one quick question uh jim uh jeremy says that you're considering doing chad not considering he did he did you did burpee chad box jump yeah yeah so so i did a burpee a burpee box step up with the 45 pound ruck on a thousand times
Starting point is 01:02:45 dude that might be is that the craziest thing you've ever done is that crazier than two murphs no no no the craziest thing i think the the murph um the bear crawl murph where i bear crawled a mile and then did the 123 that was definitely harder oh definitely harder but um it was awesome dude because that video itself got a shit ton of views and i knew if i did something fucking ridiculous like i don't know people like to watch me do shit that hurts myself it would 70 000 people now know who chad is and knew knew his story now and i was like, fuck yeah, dude, I'll run myself in a suit if it means that many people get to learn about true heroes instead of people like fucking LeBron
Starting point is 01:03:30 James and all the people the media glorifies. That's the whole point of what I'm doing. I want to glorify those people that are actually heroes in our community. Hey, did you get chafed from that rucksack doing that? Yeah, dude. It kept going up and slamming me in the back of the head every time I did a burpee. So I was just, just find it.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Oh, if you would have put a helmet on, that would have been dope. You could see it. Yeah, for sure. Look at this. What is this girl doing with the mop behind you? Yeah. That's almost sweaty. He was.
Starting point is 01:03:59 But she's trying to dry the floor. Wow. That is a cool friend. That's a cool chick. Dude, she's awesome. Yeah. She's like a person I train with every day. She's the best. Wow, that is a cool friend. That's a cool chick. Dude, she's awesome, yeah. She's like a person I train with every day. She's the best. How long did that take?
Starting point is 01:04:11 It took me two hours, so an hour and 54 minutes. And no one else in the world on planet Earth will do this, right? I don't, I mean, I hope somebody does. That'd be cool as shit. You fucking high, are you kidding me? Caleb, you're up. I'm out. I'm not doing this, you're up. I'm out. I'm not doing this workout challenge thing anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I'm good. Yeah. I want to say something, by the way, about this Chad workout. This workout would not be known by anybody if Dave Castro wouldn't have fucking promoted it. Dude, isn't that sick? Yeah. If Dave Castro, James Hobart, and believe uh boz were the first people to do it yeah if jane if dave wouldn't have put this on his instagram account with 750 000 i think he's
Starting point is 01:04:53 done a lot of posts about it and it kind of trips me out when uh yeah i don't want to go there okay because all in all it's a it's a it's a but I just, I, it trips me out when I see people tagging these other fucking Instagram warriors when they do it. And then it's like, Hey dude, Dave's the dude that fucking made that thing fucking pop. Yup. Yup. It's pretty wild that Dave put that out. Well it's only been three years and now it's like universally adopted as like the workout for across the gyms on veterans day. That's really bad-ass. Yeah, it is. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. But all right, fellas, I'm about to go train. Like I said, I'll be at, um,
Starting point is 01:05:32 I'll be with paper street and Gabe this weekend down at Taylor's comp. So let's touch base. Oh, that's Charlotte. Yeah. Okay. Are you entering the comp? No, I'm just going to help Gabe out. Okay. By the way, there was a comment here from Chase Ingram from Get With The Programming who said he'd like to see you every day for 365 days. So Chase had come up with this idea of, so I did Merck every day for a year and I did the open. So we have the metrics.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I've been doing Hero every day for 365 and we're going to have the metrics because I'm going to do the open. And then Chase is saying I should for 365 days, including rest, and do the open. And then we'll have the metrics to see how much fitter I've become by listening, running myself in the ground. I love that idea. I love that idea.
Starting point is 01:06:18 That would be cool. Yeah. I like it too. I think it'd be pretty cool. Yeah, what are you going to do? Could you actually do that? I don't think you can. You'd have to go on a long walk or something. Like I feel like you couldn't take a rest day.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Well, now that my daughter's getting more into CrossFit and she's getting older, like I just feel like I would be able to devote something to like, okay, this is my rest day. I'm going to devote my two hours of training to doing stuff to training her doing whatever she wants to do oh that's awesome that's awesome yeah all right guys talk to you guys later later uh thank you i don't know if you guys are following this ftx story uh this is a pretty fucking crazy story if it's true nice i found it you were at midwestern university oh wow wow caleb you are awesome wow
Starting point is 01:07:13 oh my goodness beautiful beautiful woman trace wow yeah that's nice wait what school is it let's narrow this down. Scroll up real quick again. Midwestern university. Okay. So I think we're narrowing it in on where Trish is. So Maryland can't thank you for being a part of the show, miss Maryland.
Starting point is 01:07:34 That's cool. I would. Yeah. I that's, and that's brave of you to use your real picture catfished, especially since you are in a, in a, what I'm assuming is a woke university.
Starting point is 01:07:46 She's the president and chief executive officer, Baller. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, oh. She's part of the board of trustees now. Oh, okay, okay. So the way this FTX story goes, it sounds exactly like BLM. I do not know what the facts are here. Someone needs to call in and tell me the story but basically what happened
Starting point is 01:08:05 was that the money that was going to the ukraine was then being funneled into this cryptocurrency and then that cryptocurrency was funneling it back into the democratic party you mean it was a scam? Have you heard that? Have you heard this story? No. Hey, I put a link to it. Susan, will you pull it up?
Starting point is 01:08:35 It's in your text. Here's what's crazy. The story's on fucking Bloomberg. It doesn't get any more left than that. I sent it to you this morning in your text, I think. Let me see. Let me see. A bunch of people have been sending me this story. But when you see a story about the left in the left, didn't I send it to you? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Okay. So here, check this out. This is just a little piece of it, but it is a crazy story uh audrey duh everyone knew ukraine was a money laundering scam 10 for the big guy okay let's see whoa holy shit did you know that ftx balance sheets had a line called trump lose the architect of the largest crypto bank current bankruptcy in history was without exaggeration and out in the open money laundering democrat operative and not one regulator caught it they still aren't going to catch it they're not going to do anything do we want to play the video geez louise yeah yeah go ahead play the video good it's not the video that blows me away here it's the fact that it's on bloomberg i just can't even
Starting point is 01:09:45 i can't fucking believe it it's just out in the open about you know on the balance sheet of fpx line called trump lose and sam was the second biggest donor to democratic candidates i'm gonna leave it to everybody else to draw their own conclusions about what you're saying here of course you are those are really really ugly facts when you look how uncomfortable the host is and you find he's so scared we're there to prevent it he's so scared that's a really really tough story we could talk for quite a while about ftx you sure could we don't have it so i have to finish your own money all of us are worried about you know uh bruce i bought uh 1600 worth of crypto like a year ago and it's now down to 300 don't tell my mom
Starting point is 01:10:41 so fucking embarrassed i sent it wasn't the race office show. I sent it to my friend who got me into crypto, and he's like, oh, growth opportunities are huge. Put another 16 in. It's on sale. Audrey, so many crimes against humanity in the last two years, my friend. Ladies and gentlemen, let's go down to this one's nuts. Look at 239. You cannot make this shit up.
Starting point is 01:11:10 This is the country of Australia, which had the three or four months ago or maybe five months ago now was having the biggest outbreak of COVID in the history of all COVID outbreaks. Two years after it was supposedly gone. And we told you that that was going to happen on this show because they did quarantines. And there's two things that you never, ever, ever, ever done and have never been done in the history of mankind. You never quarantine the healthy and you never launch a vaccine during the middle of a pandemic.
Starting point is 01:11:43 None of the other pandemics in the history of mankind ever launched a vaccine during the middle of a pandemic. None of the other pandemics in the history of mankind ever launched a vaccine during the pandemic. Everyone knows you don't do it. There's a scientific reason for that. I don't know if scientific is the right word. There's a practical reason for that. When you start inoculating, and by the way, I know someone's gonna be like, no, no no they did launch that vaccine only for the elderly if it had ever been done before uh is that the instagram account no there is no 239 this is oh it's got you it stops at 151 on my email that you sent me son of a bitch you must have been so happy you're like wait what
Starting point is 01:12:28 i was like well 139 talks about it a little bit so that's how much that's how much covid should i have the reason why you don't deploy a vaccine during the middle of an a pandemic is because you need you can never get herd immunity through the vaccine. And be like, no, Stevan, that's the point of it. No, actually, that's not. And you can look it up. You can go to the CDC website. You can go to WHO.
Starting point is 01:12:58 You can look wherever you want. When you deploy the vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, you will never get herd immunity. It's not on this one. I don't know what's going on with your notes. Some classic examples where you can dig in are the measles outbreak they had a couple years ago at Disneyland. Look at the ratio of the people who had the vaccine who got measles versus those who didn't. Start looking there. Start looking at when they deployed the polio vaccine relative to the number of sick people there were in the United States with polio. Same with measles. You do not deploy the vaccine during the outbreak. They've realized what everyone on this show has realized for a long time, that the cure was doing more harm than the disease.
Starting point is 01:13:50 And here we go. Australian government says the risk of myocarditis from a COVID booster might be great. Might be. This is even flawed thinking, which is crazy. The Australian government says the risk of myocarditis from a COVID booster might be greater than COVID itself. Who cares if it might be greater? If even one healthy person died from this, how do you justify it? To say when the average age of death was 80 years old?
Starting point is 01:14:25 Okay, COVID might be greater than COVID itself, so it won't allow people under 30 to get a fourth vaccine. They're going to not allow people in Australia under 30 to get the booster. That's how bad they know it is. Not that it's your choice. They're not going to allow it. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, California, they've deployed the fifth shot already, which I believe is the third booster. If you go to the next article, want to read something uh very scary this is from um and you can find this in any news outlet in australia you can just type in whatever you want to google australia stopping booster i just can't believe it's australia who's doing this i thought that they would just like prick their citizens to
Starting point is 01:14:59 their death meanwhile in the united states you can't even come into this country unless you have the unless you have the death jab okay scroll down a little bit keep uh okay here hold on uh a 30 year old who gets covet is probably not going to get into any trouble with with it as opposed to a 60 to 70 year old professor chang said shit correlate if it has been a long time since an older person got their last dose then we start to worry he added vaccinations are beneficial and protective even for younger people but the more doses you get the less benefit
Starting point is 01:15:38 you derive from them and then we start to worry about causing side effects how the fuck is that a sentence vaccinations are beneficial i'm reading into it and assuming he's talking about the covet 19 vaccination and protective even for young people but but the more doses you get the less benefit you derive from them no and then you start to worry about i mean that's not that that is a fucking nightmare that needs to be opened up and be like what the fuck did you just say because you know how many so many people are going to read into that and be like oh two doses is the perfect amount then well yeah it's written that way so you could they could kind of tell you the truth but not the whole truth you You know, you could soften it.
Starting point is 01:16:28 It's nuts. The primary goal of the vaccination program is to minimize the risk of severe disease, including hospitalization and death. If you think that that's true, you are fucking crazy. The primary goal of the vaccination program is to make money. And I'm okay with that. i'm not okay with the lying by the way some of the comments i've seen and fucking on on youtube these fucking idiots they write stuff like someone thinks that the uh the covid's a hoax no i actually i i think it's perfectly real i think a lot of people are getting really rich off it i think it's perfectly real i think there's no hoax uh at all i think the whole thing is uh people will spend 40 hours compiling out of
Starting point is 01:17:17 context clips rather than spend one hour listening to a whole show to realize that their whole shit is unraveled right even if they did listen to a whole show they wouldn't take in any of it uh two uh thank you mr butter uh 238 um yeah how like today i'm probably going to pick up some trash when I go to the skate park. But I also love the fact that there's a guy on our show named Dick Butter. These are the mysteries of my mind. These are the mysteries of my mind. Okay, 238.
Starting point is 01:18:00 So this is fascinating. This is Angela Jolie's daughter. And her daughter's name used to be John. But not anymore. Here we go. Action. So this is floating around in the news. I just want to say how awesome it is that Shiloh went by John for years and now she's Shiloh again. No one chopped off her body parts. No one took out her uterus. No one gave her puberty blockers and no one is saying anything now that she's changed her mind and decided to be feminine again. Thank God no one
Starting point is 01:18:35 chopped off her parts. So my favorite part is that I hear a kid in the background in this video and that I'm so glad that there's, that, that there's women like this. I mean, that have kids like, thank you. Fuck. Thank you. That's a,
Starting point is 01:18:52 from a site that's called the redheaded libertarian. Interesting. I think Angela, Angelina Jolie cut off her breasts as a preemptive because of her fear of breast cancer. Is that true? I don't think so. I know you want to think it's not true. Don't make me look it up.
Starting point is 01:19:17 You've offended Caleb with that comment. You just ruined Laura Croft for me. What's it called, Angelina Jolie? No, no, not. What's it ruined laura croft for me what's it what's it called uh angel mastectomy joely no no not what's it called a mastectomy oh yeah oh melissa says it is true yeah she had angelina jolie did a prophylactic uh i love the way they call it a prophylactic angelina jolie was so scared that she was going to get breast cancer because of something she saw on a DNA test that she cut her titties off. That's the way I say it. This is the way they say it.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Angelina Jolie's prophylactic mastectomy, a difficult decision. Oh, well, that's nice that it's a difficult decision. Well, maybe she had a history of it in her family or something like that. Dude. But if you don't have any symptoms, you don't need to do anything about it what what do you think is more dangerous the trauma puts your body to cut your titties off or anyway i'm not gonna be suza whatever you're a good dude suza i'm getting you guys going yeah you're good just never gonna do anything just because just because like hey hey when my car is on a quarter
Starting point is 01:20:27 take of gas i fill it up didn't need to preemptively did it because if i'm driving down the road and i get a run out of gas i'm not gonna run out of gas when i'm having a when i'm having a good day i go under my car and punch a hole in my gas tank with a screwdriver to preemptively fuck my day up yeah when i'm having a good day i go find a mirror and i throw it shattered all across the road so you guys seem to be harboring some anger and i'm going to encourage you to draw more awareness rather than rather than i just stare at this fucking close-up shot of myself all day that's why i'm pissed i've already gotten used to it i like it great thank you uh okay uh um here we go uh spin eight minutes what's this i i like to see everything jr says
Starting point is 01:21:13 jr types more than he talks when he's on the show yeah this is weird okay uh look at this is 237 this is called tard talk tard talk i want you – these are two clips. And these are adults doing this, and this is why kids shouldn't have cell phones because they're going to do much worse stuff than this. This is an adult saying this. Listen to this. Here we go. A most common year is caused just by periods, women with heavy periods.
Starting point is 01:21:41 But if you're a man or a woman whose periods have stopped, it can be most commonly is caused just by periods when they're in heavy periods but if you're a man so what this lady is saying if you're a man or a woman who's had periods she's basically talking about something about when when you're when your menses stop and she doesn't she can't just say when your menses stop and we all know that she's talking about women she has to make sure she includes if you're a man or a woman whose menses have stopped okay so that's what she that's what this woman is saying and and and it was like i saw this comment the other day from this lady wrote on uh social media somewhere she said i'm a nurse and i haven't been trained on how to get um to to birth a baby from a man. Where do I take those classes?
Starting point is 01:22:27 And she's being facetious, right? She's like, it's such bullshit. Like, why haven't they started teaching that in medical school? Because it's not true. They don't teach veterinarians how to take care of Bigfoot or dragons either. Do you know why? Because we haven't caught them yet. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Maybe they should just in case. It's just batshit crazy. But play the next clip. This is the same lady. This is the same lady you're about to see now. Excellent. And it's a statistic that I think should be shouted from the rooftops is that after 12 days from the first vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are 100% effective against hospitalization and death. So, you know, those are the statistics we need to be hearing. Why haven't we heard that before? Well, here I am. Well, here I am.
Starting point is 01:23:24 For those of you who don't understand that, it is by far from 100% effective from hospitalization and death. Nowhere near. That means if I get vaccinated for anthrax, then anthrax is ineffective for me? Unless you're having a heavy flowing period there, Caleb. Hey, just so you know, there is no 100% in that also. If they deploy millions of vaccines, people are just going to die no matter what.
Starting point is 01:23:50 You just have to know that. It doesn't matter. Someone's going to have an allergic reaction, a needle's going to break off, and someone's going to get sepsis. It's guaranteed. You cannot deploy millions of vaccines and there not be deaths. That's just – and do you know who's gonna die their favorite tagline the most vulnerable and marginalized
Starting point is 01:24:10 populations and d d and what are the other words the irony of it all and with those clips on instagram do they get like a fact checker on the um oh no they don't get if those don get like a fact checker on the – Oh, no. They don't get – those don't get a fact checker.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Oh, it's not. So it must be true, right? That's a great question. It's not misinformation. I thought we got in trouble for misinformation because it's harmful to some communities. Did you guys see that there's a handful of companies that left Twitter as Elon Musk purchased it? a handful of companies that left uh twitter as elon musk purchased it it was like it was like volkswagen like uh pfizer uh and there was some like fashion company and they're all like we're we we're off twitter because elon owns it i'm like a fucking course you are of course you are
Starting point is 01:24:57 exposed massively and you have of course you are not daddy tech overlords they're helping you out why don't we all of a, everybody has a blue checkmark. Who does? Everybody's got a fucking blue checkmark in Twitter now because you have to pay like $8. $8. $8. $8.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Pay it. So anyone can get it if you pay? You don't have to be valid? Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's Elon's way of trying to put more money back into the company or something. Or destroy Twitter.
Starting point is 01:25:25 No, I don't think, I think. I don't think he wants that. No, I bet. Yeah. I think Twitter will be more valuable later than not. Uh, so it's, I saw this thing on Patrick Bed David's podcast and it was completely true with me. Um, basically when, when I was a Democrat, uh, Republicans were always nice to me.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And always, always, always, none of them hated me. All of them were nice to me. Libertarians were nice to me. But if you're a Republican or a Libertarian, Democrats fucking hate you. There's no peace in that party. 236. 236. You're not allowed to have a differing opinion
Starting point is 01:26:15 or thought. Otherwise, you become very quickly the enemy. But love is love. Love is love. It's just attack. So, this is fascinating. JFK's words are prophetic, and he absolutely 100% nails it. Here we go. Action. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret society, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed. No secret is revealed. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Sola decreed a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
Starting point is 01:27:52 But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent. Hey, that sounds like the most – that came from the king of Democrats, and it's the most conspiracy-sounding shit I've ever fucking heard on the fucking internet. That's up there with the fucking earth is fucking flat and the Illuminatis and Jews shooting lasers out of their eyes. And do you know what's fascinating that fucking guy was killed and the line in there is dissenters are punished and silenced and yet you still vote democrat but step on the republicans aren't any better it doesn't right now it does not matter right now it is crazy isn't that nuts that jfk gave that speech
Starting point is 01:28:52 you think that's real is there any party that's like wait a second that was just uh ai i always try to think that first especially if it confirms something that i believe it's intense right that's some intense shit he just said that's like the kind of shit if i said to like my democrat friends they'd be like you're fucking crazy i didn't say kennedy said it i mean that's all that's like all fucking secret he said secret societies Societies. Dead. You see that comedian that was like, he was like, I hate people that say none of the conspiracy theories are true.
Starting point is 01:29:33 And he's like, none of them out of all of them are true. And then he goes, once I became a dad, you know how many conspiracy theories I spin around my kids as we're trying to like get away or like, you know, do stuff. And he's like, so you mean to tell me that the government's out there and there's not one that's true i find that hard to believe plus they all end up being true that's what's freaking everyone out well it goes back to what you said earlier if you say something that might um uh you know be counter to what i believe
Starting point is 01:30:00 then it's so much easier for me to just go, oh, get your tinfoil hat on. Hey, it is. I know. Now I just labeled you and everybody. Yes, we could just not pay attention to what you said because I've labeled you rather than actually take your argument and then have a discussion about it. Just label you and move on. It was scary for me to make the switch. Like to let go of some of the thoughts that I had and to not only scary, but like, like really scary, like almost nauseating. It didn't last long, you know, like 10 minutes a pop, but, but, but there'd be moments where I'd be like,
Starting point is 01:30:36 I feel like I was losing my feet from underneath me as I realized that as the veil kind of came up, maybe that's not even a good, maybe that's the one. Maybe it's more like just ideas that I had were just so wrong. The guy who tweeted that we had him on the podcast. Say that again. The guy who tweeted that he was on the podcast. Like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:57 who was it? Oh, Oh yeah. Yeah. We're trying to get him back on. Yeah. He was just mugged. Did you see that? He get him back on. He was just mugged. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:31:06 He tweeted you. Yeah, he was just mugged. Where is he at right now? Is he in the UK still? Or is he in the US? I don't know. We ought to ask. But I told him in California that's not a crime as long as you had less than $950 in your wallet.
Starting point is 01:31:19 How convenient. Weird, but true. What number was that, Caleb, that we just played? I want to erase it uh 236 oh and so you have to wonder why are these organizations silencing people god i saw this someone sent me a clip of this dumb fuck on rogan the other day i wish rogan would have put the smack down on him he's talking about building a truth council and who would be on that council that's true or not yeah it's like dude do you you realize there is no truth in consensus you
Starting point is 01:31:50 fucking council ding dong we have he's like we have to have a place where truth is stored ah shut the fuck up it's called fucking logic math i just saw i think it's a recent one i'm just it's it's all these clips are popping up the guy looks like burns from the simpsons like a young burns how you could tell that you haven't really like deeply thought about something because that's like a surface level like oh yeah that'd be good we have a truth council and then they sort it out for us and now i don't need to think for myself i could just refer to the truth council and then nobody goes well who makes up the truth council and then what happens if things change? It's kind of like the teacher's union.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Ministry of Truth, 1984, Jack Buchanan. That's why they all don't change, Hal. Why were you scared? Because it goes back to what I was saying before. It's a part of your identity. you feel like the ground comes out from underneath you when you realize your husband's a fucking pedophile and so and so you'd rather keep letting kids get fucking molested instead of facing the fact that your husband's a pedophile and that's how the vast majority of people on this planet live imagine this now i don't want to go there because someone will it gets too far weird out there but but but that's all around us that's all around us people refusing to see shit because they would they because it's so scary changing your perspective maybe that was a rhetorical question too how i don't mean to be lecturing you maybe it was a rhetorical question
Starting point is 01:33:22 why uh um truth cancel council sponsored by pfizer yeah how'd he get to it uh yeah i was born i was born in the united states i think i think magnus referred to me as a female co-host earlier in the show he doesn't care call him what you want i i think that's the guy who my wife doesn't come home late from work i call susan you can play my wife no problem buddy executive producer i do it all whatever you need buddy all right let me talk got you i got you yeah go ahead sorry caleb i think that's the guy that was he ordered some of our shirts to his hotel room because he lives in europe somewhere and so when he was coming to the states for some
Starting point is 01:34:05 event he ordered some of our shirts to be sent to his hotel to be ready for him when he got there no good dude that's awesome magnus trust the science um okay uh by the way uh i think the broken science website is up so if anyone who's interested in seeing what Greg Glassman is up to these days, you should go over to that website, bro, the Broken Science website. Let's see, 241 American, speaking of identity. And this I really liked. This I really liked. Christine Young, kettlebells and cocktails were super nice to Sousa and not so much to Sebon.
Starting point is 01:34:55 That's the mean guys thing? Citizen. Go ahead. She'll never be Japanese. When you become an American, you're an American. Because it's not an ethnicity. It's an idea. You can live your whole life in Japan.
Starting point is 01:35:15 You can become a Japanese citizen, which will never be Japanese. When you become an American, you're an American. a it's not an ethnicity it's an idea i wish someone would tell i'm going to share that with someone today i want to never forget that being an american is an idea patrick david talked about that a little bit. Say that again?
Starting point is 01:35:47 Patrick Bet-David talked about it a little bit. He said something about how there's no such thing as the Iranian dream or the German dream or the British dream. It's the American dream. And that's the one that everybody strives for is for the American dream. You're not striving for the Russian dream or the Chinese dream. The American dream is the only one people want. But now it's crazy because the American dream is being spun as oppressive and racist. And just so you know, for people who don't live here, it's so doable here.
Starting point is 01:36:16 I don't know how it is. There's so much wealth here. If you're a 17-year-old boy and you have any skills you can play the flute you can draw you can just go out and buy a fucking car and go from corner to corner and play music draw and sell your pictures perform juggling acts you can raise money and you can live this dream of a fucking life and search this whole entire continent and people will leave you alone as long as you stay out of the fucking major cities and which is 99 of this fucking country and you can find a girlfriend to do it with you and then eventually 10 years of practice of that you'll become the best flutist in the world
Starting point is 01:36:54 or the best drawer you'll have a little website you'll save up enough money you'll buy a house the dream is here and alive you can make it a goal today i want to work at 100 mcdonald's in the next 300 days and you can make a documentary about it while living in your fucking car there's a documentary called um craigslist joe that was made like 10 years ago and this guy just for goes on craigslist and basically asks people if he can stay with them and live with them and he travels around like that. The dream here is strong and so accessible. There's so much money.
Starting point is 01:37:32 There's so much sharing. There's so many good people. It's such a great place. It's such a good place to experience freedom as a young man or a young woman, to get out there and do your thing, especially if you stay away from the – I don't know if debauchery is the right word. But the path of the – the path less walked is still the dominant path in the United States. The path most chosen, there's only like five. There's thousands of options if you want to go the path less walked here. Millions. There's endless possibility for someone who has a little bit of creativity
Starting point is 01:38:17 and their youth and some freedom. And actually, you don't even need your youth. You just need the mindset of being free and taking a little risk, and it's here. You don't have to worry. There's a culture now that's trying to tear that down, right? Yeah. Where do you think that originates from? Well, I think it's always been here.
Starting point is 01:38:37 I think people just want to choose the path. I mean, here's the most obvious one, right? It's the one our parents grew up with, and it's the one that they pushed onto us so fucking hard that they almost broke us and maybe they did uh go to school uh graduate go to college get married get a 30-year mortgage and um and lock it down yeah lock it down here's the here's the thing i would go places like i went to all these fucking really poor countries and i would meet people and they would talk about how great it is in america and i would think to myself great it is in America. And I would think to myself, and it would be hard to tell them this because the thing they don't have the abundance we have.
Starting point is 01:39:12 So like you never have to go hungry in the United States. You never have to go without clothes as long as you're not addicted to fucking heroin and you're stuck in New York City just in the drag. Even then you have a better life than some of the people on the planet. Even then you have a better life than some of the people on the planet. Like even then. But the vast – what they don't understand is that the vast majority of the people in the United States have given away their freedoms for a 30-year mortgage. Well, that was the – And I'm not saying it's bad, but it's what they've done. Yeah. And – oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Yeah, this is a good one. Was that – I saw this yesterday. I saw this yesterday. This is great. This is a dude wearing a UPS shirt, and it says, my first paycheck in America. This man is elated as he receives his first paycheck in America. On the page, he and his wife manage Mimi Cuba. They write, there are no words to describe how proud I am of your courage to enter a country and a culture that is not yours. This content is a mini documentary, not only for us, but for dedicated to the many immigrants who sacrifice everything to film what we just filmed. My dad did this. My dad came to this country at 18 years old. My dad was born and raised
Starting point is 01:40:16 in a 10 by 10 concrete cubicle with his nine or 10 brothers and sisters and his mom and dad. 10 by 10 concrete cinder block cubicle. No bathroom. No running water. Everything was outside. And he came to this country at 18, 19 years old.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Did all the fucked up jobs. Forklift operator, you know, those deck, all that kind of stuff. Security guard at my mom got money from my mom's parents to start a small business. Go figure.
Starting point is 01:40:56 My dad's Middle Eastern. He opened a wine and cheese and liquor store. That's weird. Worked his ass off can you imagine how scary that would be that sounds scary as shit are we playing this Caleb do you want me to
Starting point is 01:41:20 sure play a little bit yeah You want me to? Sure, play a little bit. Yeah. Okay. Oh my God! Mancina! Look at the taxes I prefer this than Fidel and then you lose your job in 2021 because you won't take the vax
Starting point is 01:41:58 and have two years left on your mortgage and have to refinance it back to 20 years you were a slave to mortgages holy shit on your mortgage and have to refinance it back to 20 years you were a slave to mortgages. Holy shit. Yeah, complete loss of gratitude. Yeah, that's really what it is. I can't say I was super stoked
Starting point is 01:42:17 when I started working for the moving company and got my first paycheck, but it was cool. I was just like, this fucking job sucks yeah that's hard work that's hard to live in a communist country yeah see and then it all puts it in perspective and i feel like a piece of shit yeah yeah yeah yeah being an american's a? Idea. Idea. It's an idea. Live the idea. 240, if you got the injection, you are the study. That is what was being said. That was part of the conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Now we all know it was true. If you got the injection, you were part of the study. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's 100% secure. Pfizer acknowledges it today or last week. Pfizer and Moderna launched trials to track whether the health issues arise years after getting their COVID vaccines. You are the trial. The firms will track people who suffered adverse effects from the shots.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Hey, dude, they've hired the the fox are now taking care of the hens it's so crazy i like this comment by uh mark moss here uh expect nothing appreciate everything god i expect so much from this podcast i expect expectations is just setting up for failure yeah no expectations it's hard work just hard work i am not afraid of emotional pain manage the expectations uh 235 it's funny last week i told suzo i was gonna stay completely away from covid and i'm already back 23 35. I wasn't going to say anything. And Sean M says, and you can't sue them. Well, kinda, you kind of can,
Starting point is 01:44:14 but if you win the taxpayers pay the money, it's really bizarre. Do you know that that's how it is. So the taxpayers put all this money into a fund so that when you do sue them, we pay it out. It's God, it's just, it's like the worst worst kind of – people are worried about the stuff that I say on the internet. You're paying – just – okay. This is a nurse speaking out. Action. and if being a nurse means that I have to just sit back and be quiet and watch other babies get jabbed with different substances, and I have to be quiet when I find out that 22 of them died in the month of August at one hospital,
Starting point is 01:45:00 and that it's very likely that all of those mothers were vaccinated because that's been the pattern over the last year and a half. All these babies that are dying, all these babies that have these new health problems that no one's really seen before. All the echoes that are done on these babies because something's up with their heart, breathing issues, NICU, all this stuff. These have all been increased. So it's not right so if being a nurse means that i don't get to save my own mother i don't get to save babies and i have to sit back and be quiet while people are doing things that are evil then i don't want to work there
Starting point is 01:45:41 no amount of money can make me inject poison into a baby. And if as a mother, if you don't get that disgusting feeling when someone tells you I have to inject this toxic substance into your baby and you don't shout at the top of your lungs to stop you really need a wake-up call and so just so you know uh i i thought my wife was absolutely nuts when she told me that we weren't going to get our kids vaccinated and i it took me a long time to get the wake-up call and so i i do have empathy for people who, part of me is proud to say I made the journey and part of me, it's quite embarrassing. But if you do decide to have kids, there's a book called Dissolving Illusions. There's lots of materials out there. You can even go straight to the CDC website and do the research yourself. You can go on there. And so some of the places I started is like, you know, they say they talk, go look up how many people died from measles
Starting point is 01:46:49 in the 10 years prior to the measles vaccine. Look up how many kids died from polio prior to the year or two prior to the vaccine coming out. Start just doing research on why the numbers declined so quickly, even before the vaccine come out, came out. Look about, You can look at how people are getting measles and polio today. I think it is now the majority of people who do get polio, I believe it now has left on planet earth. It's being induced by vaccines, not from the wild. So there's stuff out there you can see. And it's a very creative narrative that they've spun, and it's been going on for years, and it's hard to break out of. And that's why they call people – they call them things like anti-vaxxers or crazy or negligent or not doing their part for society. But as you dig into it, keep asking questions, keep doing the math, and you will get there.
Starting point is 01:47:44 You will get there. You will get there. Jessica Rivera, did anyone see that video that Lady Beth made about Sevan? He needs our support. I talked with Sousa about this video. I'll give you my two cents on it now that we're – I think we're oh we're sorry shit we're at the end of the show it went by so fast yeah so it's a it's a really well put together video she spent a lot of work in it i thought about um cutting out all of her commentary and putting in my own commentary just because I was like, wow, she took a lot of effort to choose all of these clips. It is 100 percent.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Everything was taken out of context. She opens the video by saying she is mentally ill. She later on says that she insinuates things. And then she also said in the comments comments i've read all the comments five times and she said that um uh and i'm quite tickled by it actually um and she also says in there that she she admits she took things out of context it is pretty it is pretty weird thing it is a weird thing that someone writes on using it is a weird thing that someone writes on a video the most toxic man in crossfit uh you know the day after i have scott switzer on or something like that or
Starting point is 01:49:12 kim or just whatever um there every single thing is taken out of context i just i can just give you um uh one in particular i i can give, I can give you all of them that, and that's what I thought it would be funny to take all the clips and just go through and explain them all. But I'll tell you why we've decided not to do it or talk about it in a second. But for example, it says she brings up the Stacey Tovar thing about me asking Stacey about birth control. And we all know that that ended up being a huge help to women everywhere. And Stacey went on to say, yeah, she wished she would have never taken the birth control and that, uh, the women who got off of birth control had a significantly better performance who were CrossFit games athletes. So while she is demanding that you guys and the
Starting point is 01:49:59 world hate me and she demands like people don't, you know, come on my show or whatever, because I asked creepy, gross questions. Uh, the only people that have benefited from it are, are women. So it's, and she doesn't say that. Right. Um, she says that there was a, uh, when I had Brooke on the show, I took a tagline from a Drake song where he says he likes his women so thick that it makes everyone uncomfortable when they walk in the room. And I chose that line because I believe that line, once women realize that they're, they get liberated, that it, that, that it's not you, that's the problem. It's that other people are uncomfortable. And Brooke ends actually took that six months after I asked her that. And she told me she really liked it, that I brought that up
Starting point is 01:50:42 in the podcast. And six months after, uh, uh uh she was on the podcast she took that clip and she posted it on her instagram somewhere and uh she said um she really appreciated that that that set her free that that like gave her perspective or something but but it was it was it was clearly like as a compliment and fuck everyone else um and and it just goes on and on of taking things out of context and and basically so this whole show basically in the in the theme of a lot of my live calling shows is that why do people do these types of things what are they demanding why why are why are they demanding that people get angry at me? To validate something that I said that hurt them or something where they want to play the victim, where they want to have it supported by the community. I said something that upset her, and instead of examining herself, she's demanding that the world be upset maybe with me too under this guise of supporting women.
Starting point is 01:51:49 upset maybe with me too under this guise of supporting women maybe i'm way off base but i i feel like and you all know this here i know i'm preaching to the choir but i was raised basically predominantly by my mom and my sister i saw my dad on the weekends and i never saw the world through the lens of woman or man like i didn't look at the world like that. And these women are preoccupied or these men are preoccupied with looking at the world entirely through women. So they get on a bus and they see the bus driver and they right away know whether it's a man or a woman, you know? And I just don't do that. I just see as kind of all as equals and I get it. They're preoccupied with looking for things to bolster their insecurities. I get it. It's their identity. The reason why I don't want to do it is not because I don't want to give them attention. It's not because I don't want to give them views or clicks. I don't care my mom would like me – my mom doesn't like me to be mean to people. And so I'm not going to – it will come across mean, and I will have fun doing it too.
Starting point is 01:53:03 That was another thing I told Susan. The problem is that these people take this shit so seriously and to me it's a fucking utter like it's like an Andrew Dice Clay skit I just want to go up there and just fucking go wild and rip my shirt off and like like I want to lean into it even more you know what I mean i want to say and and i just shouldn't do that i have my i can i can be funny without um without hurting those people so that's that's kind of where i'm at do you have anything you want to and you know and by the way i i really appreciate all the comments over there that everyone wrote dude i mean it you guys were all civil um you were i mean god it was like because i appreciate you guys getting me
Starting point is 01:53:49 i appreciate i i so appreciate you guys getting me and getting what i'm doing and the fun i'm having um there was the thing in there is like uh yeah anyway uh do you have any thoughts on it, Sousa, you'd like to say? No, not really. I mean, not really. I think that I just thought it was awesome, all the comments that everybody said, because it really shows that like everybody clearly gets what you're doing, what we're doing here with the podcast and everybody also knows too which is funny is that we make this platform open for all opinions and discussion and it's um i don't i don't want to say it's funny for a third time but i just think that it's uh if they really had strong opinions about it i wanted to discuss it with you the platform is open for them to come on the show but those type people won't because they just want to be justified in their thoughts and the narrative that they're spinning in their head but they don't actually want to sit down and solve any issues. They just want to demand everybody's offended. They want to demand that everybody thinks like them. They want to take small
Starting point is 01:54:49 clippets of stuff to just be ambiguous in their speech. And I think that it's really cool that our audience here is enough of a logical thinker to where they could really think and process stuff rather than just living in this subconscious undertone of just follow the narrative, listen to what they're saying, be offended at the drop of a hat and not really understand the total context first. So, uh, Caleb, any thoughts on the subject? And I asked Caleb Matt, because they're forward facing on this show too. And so when you attack me, you're basically saying that everyone who listens to the show
Starting point is 01:55:20 and all the people on the show are pieces of shit. And I get how council council culture culture works. And there are some athletes who've, who felt it already. Like I get it. You're sponsored by Nike and you, you, you're scared to death of me. I get it. One other thing I would like to add real quick is earlier, you started the show with talking about selflessness. And one thing that I really enjoy by working on this is the, the platform that we use to really talk about and drive stories home and add value to the space. People are over there demanding that they be offended, demanding and calling out audience members that we've had. And all we've really done is added a ton of value to the space
Starting point is 01:55:55 by talking about transformational weight loss stories, encouraging people to take self-responsibility, giving a platform to affiliates to talk and to talk about their stories, giving the athletes the space and the platform to go deep so we talk and to talk about their stories, giving the athletes the space in the platform to go deep so we could really understand them, their stories, how they came to be, rather than saying, well, it's your favorite ice cream, right? And it frustrates me that they would do that and then they would put pressure on other athletes or guests that may be coming on the show
Starting point is 01:56:21 or may have been on the show in the past to take away that platform because I don't see any of these other platforms adding value to the crossfit space in the way that we are no they're taking they're taking from the process they're taking they want it to be smaller and you need to think like them uh caleb any thoughts you're afraid that the mps are going to come and drag you away no uh they even have mps do i even know what i'm saying did i sound that sound like i know military shit okay yeah same same all the same it sounds like they just they consider
Starting point is 01:56:50 themselves taking the high road and I think taking the high road would be having that conversation with people that you disagree with instead of just shutting them off and saying hey you guys I don't agree with you I think everything you're saying is ridiculous from your point of view over on the hill over there. Um, instead it would be coming together
Starting point is 01:57:10 between the two hills and having the discussion and saying, Hey, why do you, why do you think that way? Maybe I'm missing something, things like that. I just, it's, it's easy to just throw stones when you're a mile away and you don't even consider having the conversation with somebody that you disagree with. Yep. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder if that, um,
Starting point is 01:57:31 I mean, I'm asking the question that I already know the answer to, but that, that kind of behavior can't be good for your health either. No. Spending 40 hours, spending 40 hours, um,
Starting point is 01:57:49 just hating on someone. Even though it was – to be honest, I didn't even see it as hate. I was like, man, those are great clips. I've done some great shows. And it's funny too that a lot of the commentators on the show and stuff will say, well, I don't really watch much of his stuff. Oh, I've never seen all of it, but I got a really strong opinion and I'm righteous and now I'm angry. But I haven't taken the time to actually understand what I'm righteous or angry about. So anybody watching that should know that it's a half-baked idea. And do not follow those people into the battlefield because you will be the first to die.
Starting point is 01:58:24 And do not follow those people into the battlefield because you will be the first to die. Some of the stuff that she was saying too, like, oh, well, he's taken down some of his shows probably because of the backlash. I found those shows within 10 seconds on my own YouTube channel. When she said that, yeah, I don't ever – seriously, for me, I would never take down a show unless someone asked me to. There's only been one show. Yep. never take down a show unless someone asked me to. Yep. And,
Starting point is 01:58:46 and then the other thing was, is I don't block people ever from anything unless like you, you just are just, uh, you come at me hard and, uh, you're like, you basically just start name calling. And then I go,
Starting point is 01:58:57 and then I go to your account and your private. And especially if you have zero posts, then it's like, Hey, now you're just a troll but i don't just but there was just all this shit in there it was it was it was all lies i couldn't find one thing that was true i wanted to uh you're basically become the only podcast i listen to you provide so much value to the cross community into the world in general thank you thanks lauren and and we've had we've had so many guests on the show we've talked about it in private and you said it on here that we do not want to bring guests on the show for gotcha questions.
Starting point is 01:59:31 We have no intention of bringing people onto the show to make them look bad or any of that. We're giving you an open platform to discuss your side, your experiences, and to lay out your ideas. That's it. I've said this before. I think every single person who's come on this show, except for OPT, and that shit went sideways at the very end. Just, I think every single person left looking better than when they came on the show.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Everyone, like every single fucking person. I'm never here to play got you. I'm never, I'm never like the questions I'm asking, you know what someone wrote in the comments I saw too, that our entire show is scripted and planned out. Someone else wrote, oh yeah,
Starting point is 02:00:13 someone has to deal with the athletes handlers. We don't do it. None of that's true. We don't deal with any handlers or script anything or. And the thing is too, that also frustrates me is sometimes people will start, and I used to use this phrase a lot until I thought through it a little bit more.
Starting point is 02:00:28 It's like, well, you know, I don't necessarily agree with everything they say, but, and then kind of fill in the blank, dude, who the fuck in the world do you agree with everything they say? Like, I don't, you know, you're not even gonna agree with your wife on everything she says, right?
Starting point is 02:00:42 There's always gonna be an, oh, well, these communities might be harmed or offended. Of course, everybody's going to have some sort of confrontation when we're having a discussion. If Siobhan asks, hey, should we do X, Y, Z? And I say, no, I don't think we should. And these are opinions. And he goes, well, I think we should. Now there's a confrontation. That's a discussion. That's just the natural flow of exchanging ideas. And if you're going to hold up a big idea, you need to be able to expose it to rigorous discussion and debate to make sure that that idea actually holds its weight. And if you're not willing to put your idea out there to see if it holds its
Starting point is 02:01:15 weight, to allow it to be attacked rigorously from multiple different angles, just to find out that if it is true, then it's not your, it's not really, it's not truth. It's not really a fully thought out idea then then we go back to the fact that they're just doing it to to secure their own idea anyway um if you agree with everything your circle says you're in an echo chamber and just want to hear your beliefs back to feel right and smart yep that's exactly that yep nailed it peter uh i'd love audrey i'd love to see Sevan stick to his script. We can't even get through these notes in two hours, let alone a script.
Starting point is 02:01:52 I want to finish the show with this. Dear Bill and Katie, it is number 234. Dear Bill and Katie, I was wondering if you could build this in my backyard. I think my boys would really like this. Someone built that. Go back. Go back. I would.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Oh, dude, that's straight athletic. That would have killed me. I'd have thrown up right there. Oh, my God. That's amazing. She took that like a champ. Yeah, she stayed in the race. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:02:42 That's a fucking Nebraska cornfield shit. Oh, it is huh they definitely put they get that's got to be somewhere in the midwest too much acreage too much free time on their hand they just sold a tractor and had an extra thousand bucks and they built that thing and those are like extra drainage pipes they stole from like just they were left on the side of the road for 10 years they put them they drug yeah 100 fucking brilliant america it's an idea american dream right there on the side of the road for 10 years. They put them, they drug. Yeah. A hundred percent. Fucking brilliant. America. It's an idea. American dream right there.
Starting point is 02:03:11 All right, guys. Love you guys. Uh, Patrick Clark tomorrow morning, 7am. We're going to have a blast. Never met Patrick. I'm really excited actually to meet him.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Uh, Brandon Waddell. Love you too, brother. Uh, Gravitron does your podcast treat his guests and viewers with respect. If yes, then all is good.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And truly, I think, um, yeah, I mean, we're, we're we're nice we're deep that's another thing i'm proud of the show i just will finish this the show has depth to it it has more depth to it than most any show i've ever seen on the internet i can truly say that and i'm so proud of the depth that this show brings and that it's not a surface show all right love you guys oh travis is

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