The Sevan Podcast - #678 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Oh, look, when I zoom in like that, I kind of see like artifacts in my shit. You see that?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Artifacts? Like digital artifacts. Like it looks like it's like struggling to hold my shit together. Maybe because it's not bright enough. Interesting. Good morning, Corey Pulido. We'll have you, Corey Pulido, be coming on the show at
Starting point is 00:00:56 7.15 for five or ten minutes to talk to us about a program he's running at his university where he's been teaching for seven years. Good morning, Vindicate. Get all your CrossFit check. Get all your running at his university where he's been teaching for seven years uh good morning vindicate get all your crossfit check get all your uh sebon podcast ceo stuff over at vindicate uh chase brian good morning uh damn sebon is almost at hillar status he's got 19,900 subscribers uh kenneth the lap good morning uh chase brian kenneth jethro good morning damian
Starting point is 00:01:27 good morning melissa good morning jeffrey birchfield good morning heidi cream good morning miss christine young morning and, uh, Steve Whitney. Good morning, gents. Don't assume my sex. And finally, but most importantly,
Starting point is 00:01:56 get with the programming. Good morning. Hi, soccer mom. Good morning. Soccer mom. Okay. Ryan.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Okay. No, no more. No more. Alan. No, no more. No more. no no more no more ryan no more no no oh alan got engaged he did what did you see that yeah his icon photo oh yeah that's new yeah only crossfitter gets engaged wearing she's wearing booty shorts it's awesome my favorite okay uh i didn't share this one with you guys, but I just thought I would start this off with this interesting one. I had this somewhere and I couldn't find it, so I just quickly did it this morning. It's always good to put things in perspective.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Good morning, Caleb. Good morning. Nationwide drug spending grew 7.7% in 2021, will increase another 4% or 6% in 2022. Blah, blah, blah. It means nothing. It means nothing. We don't know what that means. The U.S. total drug spending grew 7% to $576.9 billion in 2021. $576 billion on pharmaceuticals. pharmaceuticals so to put that in perspective that means that those are all the people who have to go to cvs or longs or whatever your your store is i don't even know if they still have
Starting point is 00:03:29 longs and you have to wait those are the people that wait in line in the back of the store that we see while we're in there getting pencils for our kid or like paper or some shit like that or like hemorrhoid cream uh these are this is the money that that they are spending on drugs that have been prescribed to them by a doctor. So this is what doctors do. Imagine how much money that is. Can you do a quick calculation of that? Let's say that there's, we'll just use taxpayers. Let's say there's 140 million adults in the United States. There's, I think there's like 350 million people, but let's say there's 140 million adults in the United States. I think there's like 350 million people, but let's say there's 140 million adults. Can we divide 140 million into 576 billion?
Starting point is 00:04:24 how much money 576 billion is here in one second. So you understand how much crazy money that is. Point zero. I don't even know if I did the math right. I took little arts math. No, no. I think you, I think you forgot a zero of its point. It should be like a thousand dollars a or $7,000 or something. You said a million into a billion? Yeah. You said it.
Starting point is 00:04:52 $576 billion divided by $140 million. You might – the calculator on – You said it reversed. You said it reversed. Very possible. $576 billion. Please send me something in the private chat when I fuck up. Don't call me out in front private chat when i fuck up don't
Starting point is 00:05:05 call me out in front of oh sorry no problem 576 one two three that's 576 000 that's 576 million that's 576 billion divided by 140 one, three. Equals – that's $41,142. Yeah. How is that? Holy smokes. What? How – just so you know, the average white guy in the United States makes $60,000 a year. Average Indian dude makes $100,000 a year. But that's not the part I want to show you. This is the crazy part.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Okay, you ready let's look at the gdp of countries oh the gdp of belgium is the same amount the gdp basically of uh 2021 i mean you got these countries hovering. Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Thailand, Ireland, Austria, Nigeria, Israel, Argentina, Norway, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Denmark. Denmark? Egypt, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Finland? Dude, we spend more on drugs than the entire GDP times two. America. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Look at New Zealand. We're number one. We spend more on pharmaceuticals in this country than the GDP of New Zealand times two. It's a pandemic that's crazy if you have not seen the five buckets of death uh google that video it's a video that greg glassman made just prior to leaving um selling, and walking off into the sunset. And it will explain to you what's going on here. Heidi Krum, America.
Starting point is 00:07:14 We're the only country that allows pharmaceuticals to advertise on TV too, right? Or just in general? I think there's maybe one other country, but yeah. Yeah. And basically you think, well, what's the big deal about that? The problem is then they own the news stations because the news stations are dependent on that money. It's not so much the advertising that matters. It's the fact that once they start owning the – they basically own the payroll of our TV.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Not basically. They do. They do, yeah. Pharma owns the pay. They're subsidizing everything you're watching on TV. Brought to you by Pfizer. Yeah, and just so you know, it doesn't even matter if it's not the news shows. It's all the shows.
Starting point is 00:08:10 they're not going to let their comedy special make fun of pharma if their news show is sponsored by, if the payroll of their news show and their executives are getting money from pharma. It's so simple. This isn't conspiracy. This is like fact. This is just the way we work. This is why people don't speak up. Because you don't want to get fired i know i think i have a twitter account
Starting point is 00:08:28 i need someone to show me how to use twitter you do we have we have two it's streaming right now to twitter oh okay i don't really know how to use it i don't like every time i click on something like to go to comment or something it doesn't seem intuitive to me yeah it's like you click the picture then you can't actually see the comments. Or then I click the comments. When I want to comment, it takes me to other people's comments. And when I don't want to comment, when I want to read other comments, it takes me to where I comment. And I just have everything just backwards.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I really like what's going on over there, though. It's one of the few things I type in my URL, twitter and then hit the news on google it's hilarious i actually watched i watched three news pieces yesterday on twitter each of them was like three minutes long and you know it's like the lady standing in front of twitter headquarters from abc nbc and cbs and they all say nothing it's just bad mouthing twitter but they don't twitter could be on the verge of collapse okay tell me what's going on over there uh employees were told to work hard and instead of working hard they're leaving i'm like all right well where's the verge of collapse that sounds great to me that sounds great to me i would love it instead of firing people if all i had to do was say hey you have to work hard and
Starting point is 00:09:41 then all the people who didn't want to work hard just left they form a union they're gonna form a union i did see that uh i saw that andrew tate uh went got went on twitter and like in the first hour 24 hours he put on a million followers holy shit how people don't think it's concerning that the president of the United States was kicked off of a social media platform is bizarre. Someone will find a way to get canceled there. This I was thinking I was talking with Susie yesterday. Not a lot, like only five or six hours on the phone. And I was like, dude, we have – we tackle every subject that you've been told not to tackle. We tackle every fucking subject.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We're like flies to just like those subjects. Transgender. Definitions of words. Sex versus gender. Abortion. Abortion. The killing of babies. Race.
Starting point is 00:10:58 What's it mean? Like why do they keep calling it black people when it's just – skin color has nothing to do with anything other than your ability to survive further or closer to the equator. The vaccine. It's just – and then Sousa drops this line on me. He goes, dude. I go, what? and then and then suza drops this line on me he goes dude i go what he goes we're like salmon swimming upstream against the algorithm i fucking a tear came from my eye i was so i was laughing so hard it's the truth i just picture like in the matrix like a couple x's and o's just trying to fucking
Starting point is 00:11:43 swim up against the all the x's and o's just trying to fucking swim up against the all the x's and o's coming down dumpers yeah we talk about dumpers we talk about our appreciation for giant dumpers i've told this story uh many times but but i'll tell this story again just so for people yeah it's so good that's us look at oh i see bruce wayne there he is look at him he's not gonna make it bruce you can't be is look at him he's not gonna make it bruce you can't be jumping that far from the water you're gonna get eaten by a bear buddy oh yeah this word we talk about this word oh geez oh my goodness uh 70 percent of salmon have parasites. Savon probably snotted from laughing. I'm sure. I, when I first, when I first started doing CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:12:31 one of the things I noticed right away is from, from the squatting was my quads in my, my butt. And I just always remember tripping on that, like how, how they were developing my quads and my, and my hamstrings and my butt, just that whole area there. my wife was like in the first year i was doing crossfit she wasn't a big fan she thought it was uh excessive and then believe it or not she saw what she actually saw saw was a video i made about allison nyc doing pull-ups and that actually inspired her my wife's like oh there's that's just a regular chick doing pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And then that day she went to the park and she got a pull-up. She went to the park with me because I used to work out at the park. There was a 330-meter track that I thought was 400 meters. I thought I was running sub-400s for over – or sub-one-minute 400s for over a year. God, I'm such a jackass. And then one day some guy's like, hey it's a 330 meter track that meant my 400s were slow as shit actually and i would tell people i would brag about my 400s anyway um and so and that was one of the things my my wife was like oh this is cool my butt's getting bigger too this is cool i'm putting on uh muscle quickly is your butt your posterior chain your glutes part of it part of it
Starting point is 00:13:54 yeah so uh so i we went to we went to a uh rei i know most of you have heard this story, but I got to tell it again because it's so apropos at this point in our journey of the 7-on-podcast. And she was trying on pants, and I love going clothes shopping with my wife. I haven't done it in, I don't know, 10 years, but I used to love going. I would go like every couple months with her. And I just loved – like anywhere we went, I just liked sitting there and just having her try on clothes. Like, yeah, that's dope. No, that, no, yeah. And my wife didn't like it, which was funny because she just wasn't, you know, some people are like that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I'm kind of like that too. You don't want to go in the dressing room. It just seems, it's just so tedious. You're in a tight spot and you're changing clothes. But she would do it. And she put on these pants and she came out and the rei employee there and uh they said um i said oh your butt looks small in the in those pants and the rei employee goes oh yeah your butt looks good in those and then my wife looks she goes no no i don't want
Starting point is 00:15:01 my butt to look small and at that point i was was like, oh, that was, that was cool. You know what I mean? Like they don't get it. And then the other time was I was at Tony Budding's wedding and it was a, it was a sleepover wedding. I think in Guerneville, it was a two day sleepover in Guerneville, California on the river. Sleepover. Yeah, it was basically – they had these – they had these basically these huts, and you could sleep in them. I had a motorhome at the time. So there were like 300 people there who stayed overnight. You know who was there at the time was the CEO of Disney, Michael Eisner and Greg. Him and Greg sat – Bob Eisner? of disney was and he was sitting right next to actually maybe he had just stepped down maybe he just anyway he was sitting next to greg and it was a trip i kept waiting to eavesdrop on one of their conversations but i never heard it i wasn't really close with greg at that point anyway so um there was there was volleyball there one afternoon and that was where i saw nicole carroll split her pants and her shirt
Starting point is 00:16:05 oh yeah tell that story that's a great story yeah that was that was michael eisner okay soccer mom okay yeah soccer mom's got it i'm wrong okay and so um we're there everyone's playing soccer and my wife's sitting on my lap and i go man man, your butt's getting big. And next to me was a very, in our community, very famous female seminar staff member. And she was just sitting there. And about three minutes after I said it, you could tell it had pissed her off. She's like, do you think that that's okay to talk about women like that? And she fucking flipped out. She was ahead of her time and my wife who is very very uh shy is not the word
Starting point is 00:16:53 what is the word she's low-key as a mofo My wife is chill. She is so chill. Yeah. And my wife turns to her after she waits till the lady's done, just going off on me and goes, actually, and says to this flow master, I'm trying to make my butt big. I want it to be significantly like I'm working on, you know, you know, the same way like someone might be working on like their quads or their biceps or their traps she's like i'm actually i want that and i just remembered i was it was just fascinating to me the in that that's kind of part of that she wanted by say that lady was defend offended by it and so she was demanding that my wife be offended by it when for my wife it was a compliment i thought about this i mean obviously that's what we see going on everywhere in this
Starting point is 00:17:50 world it's um it's weird it's it's like that that video that hillar made about tia to me yesterday like if he made that video about me i would be so flattered i would think it was so funny i would repost that shit that shit is so funny and i'm and i don't know if she's gonna see it or well i think she's gonna see it but and maybe she wants to distance herself from him anyway because of the the other accusations he's made but yeah it's just interesting how people take things and my son was at the park yesterday and he came home and he goes there was a kid there being mean to me and i go what do you mean and he told me i go why and he goes he said my shoes were untied
Starting point is 00:18:33 and i looked down and they weren't untied and he started laughing and i'm like and i'm like yeah that's what it means to be a six-year-old. Like if Sousa did that to me, I would be like, huh. But when you're six, that shit offends you. When you have the emotional development of a six-year-old, those are the kind of things that offend you. People don't grow out of that. Don't have the emotional development of a six-year-old it's it's a it's it's such a hard life for them compared to us you don't you don't have to be it's it's funny it's i mean it's like yeah i got you your shoes you don't you know my kids shoes were probably velcro now that i think
Starting point is 00:19:18 about it so you don't you don't have to act like a six-year-old you can just be like yo that dude flipped me off yo what's up dude you don't have to act like a six-year-old. You can just be like, yo, that dude flipped me off. Yo, what's up, dude? You don't have to – you can have the emotional development of whatever age you really are. Like if you're – You mean you could choose your reaction? Yeah, that. Thank you, Susie. Yeah, you could choose your – yeah, she's stoic. Yeah, my wife is pretty stoic. But she's also – she's funny. She's – she'll let it hang. Oh, we got – we're on the point. We're doing the point. 69 Mega. Wow. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I don't even think that's a good name. I don't want to go to a site that's 69. Wait, why can't I? Oh, there's the little thingies. Why were they wearing shoes? That's a great question. You know what it was? They took all the sand out of this park and they put in tan bark. They took all the sand out of this kids' play area and they put in tan bark.
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's supposed to be safer or something? I don't know. And then they spread the sand all over the grass at the park and killed the grass remember when they put the sand in the skate park down south to stop people during the um so-called pandemic yeah can't skateboard that's crazy he was he was nice though uh spiegel i i think killer was pretty nice i mean he he it was poignant but i don't think um i don't think he was mean i i didn't watch the fights last i did watch the fights last night but i watched them after they had already been shown i
Starting point is 00:21:01 did watch jack uh the only fight i watched live and I watched it from my phone because I was at one of my kids' birthday party at the park. I did watch the Jack de la Magdalena fight. I did try to get him on before the fight. He might be getting too big time. I think he'll come on after. He murdered that dude. Man, he murdered that dude.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Anyway, so that's the deal, man. We are surrounded by drug addicts it's a it's a it's a massive we're uh that's that's where we're at we're just 576 billion and twice the amount amount of we'd spend twice the amount of money on drugs than the entire GDP of Finland. That's where Mika is from. That's nuts.
Starting point is 00:21:50 6.6 million people have died from COVID. That's 0.08% of the population. 0.08% of the global population. The average age of death, 83 years old. population the average age of death 83 years old 21 million people have either been injured or killed from the vaccine under the age of 50 according to VAERS 21 million 21 million now think about that for a second VAERS is probably underreported by by uh uh times 10 so it could be as high as 210 million which sounds like a much more plausible number to me there's 3.5 times the amount of injuries and death from the vaccine than there
Starting point is 00:22:35 are deaths from covid when the average age is 83 process that shit that's crazy wow nuts and on that note hi cory what's up brother how are you thanks for coming on yeah man what i jump into just a giant love fest we were just just loving on each other casual how great caleb is and how great suze is yeah total yes absolutely we can't wait to get together and all pee in the same toilet and high five each other. Cross streams. Cross streams, all that fun stuff. All that stuff Caleb has to do every day where he works. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Can't wait to show us these social experiments that they do over there. Wasn't Dan talking yesterday about the poop trough? Oh, yeah, Dale. Dale, yeah. Dale, Dale. Poop trough oh yeah dale dale yeah yeah gosh gross here at this camp you will crash a helicopter and you will shit in a bucket next to another man and touch knees with him that's life as adversity touch knees it's part for the course of the military what's greater those are his two stories from that like those are the side-by-side stories from that camp.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Or the things that you remember in detail. Corey, you're a professor? Yeah. I know I don't look like one, but I am. And I know you look like you're a boy band. Maybe you just aged out from being a boy band. You look like a 19-year-old, like they're looking for a replacement for you. You've crossed over the threshold. What university? East Carolina University. It's in North Carolina. I'm about two hours away, I think, from C. Beaver. Oh. How long have you been teaching there?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Uh, seven years. So I'm, I don't know how much of a background you need me to give, but I'm what's a non-traditional student. So I came, I didn't start my real graduate or my real education until about 25, um, graduated with my master's. And then I started teaching immediately after I was unemployed for about a year, they, they called me back and I started teaching entrepreneurship. Oh, wow. That's cool. What does that mean? Um, non, I don't understand non-traditional. Why isn't that traditional what you did? So a traditional student graduates high school and then immediately gets put into some college for the next, you know, three, four or five years. And seven, seven for me, by the way, but go on. You do you.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Well, I was going to say, I didn't know what college was. And so my mom paid for one class at a time. Obviously, I followed a girl to go to college, got kicked out. Then I dropped out. And then at about 25, I realized that I didn't want to work for the man. And I needed to take life into my own hands. And education just the, I wanted to educate myself so I could kind of take advantage of my own opportunities. And school was just the route for me. And I love teaching. I love talking and presenting in front of people. And so I just found my niche.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I've got a bunch of different businesses, but this is just what I do from nine to five, essentially. And when you went back to school, did you move back in with your parents at 25? For about six months. At 18, I moved out. My mom and dad live in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and I did not want to deal with I-95 traffic. And so I lived with them for about six months. And I said, screw this, and came back to North Carolina, got my own place. When I came back to start my education, I lived with my father-in-law for about six months until I could buy my own place. At 18, I became an entrepreneur and started rental property. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah, I did live with him for a little while but essentially i've been kind of on my own look as soon as you said you started a business with rental property suze is like yeah did you see the podcast you do with tommy g i'm actually watching that one right now yeah because i i think a couple podcasts ago you were talking about um he does he does the videos for kensington in philly and like i go down spirals on youtube they keep sending me those on youtube for some reason yeah and and so um i didn't know that he does those type of videos so i backtracked and i'm actually about 30 minutes into the one with tamaji so at the end we get into he has a him and one of the guys from his jiu-jitsu gym have like i want to say like 23 rental properties in milwaukee yeah and i and i
Starting point is 00:27:13 still text with them and he was talking to me about the two percent rule and i had heard about the one percent rule and i thought it was bullshit and he does the two percent rule meaning you buy a place for uh a hundred thousand dollars only it can get $2,000 a month rent. And they got 23 properties like that. I'm like, kid, you are killing it. You're a beast. Yeah, I don't have that many yet. I'm actually getting my real estate license in a couple months because I've got one foot out the door from teaching.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I want to start my own thing, build my own property management company. from teaching. I want to start my own thing, build my own property management company. But we just got into Airbnbs and that's kind of like the 4% rule. We're making a whole bunch of money with Airbnbs. Wow. You'll be hearing from Susan. I'm not joking. Go on. No, I was just going to say, I do have a very non-traditional path to to where i am right now you know drugs alcohol partying getting kicked out just learning lessons the freaking hard way all along and that's also why i like uh teaching you know showing them that you can make all these mistakes but you can still be super and uber successful and have multiple businesses and define your own path of success. And then you just basically it's a reallocation of energy, right?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah. The energy you put into drinking and drugs and partying or whatever, you're like, ah, somehow something clicks and you don't see the long game for that's not as good as entrepreneurship. Yeah. I mean, if you were to see me, I actually had a friend from high school pass away a little while ago. And if they were to see me now, a complete 180 degree of the person that I was in high school. It's just none of those things add value. I messaged you or DMG one time and I was telling you for about two years now, I've been sober. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I just am constantly looking for things that I need to remove out of my life that just don't add value. That is the secret to remove shit. So many people want to add shit.
Starting point is 00:29:26 The secret is to remove shit. Good morning, Allison. Good morning, DJ Reed. Good morning, Bruce Wayne. You weren't in the military, were you? My dad was in the military for 30 years. Oh, wow. That's why we felt inclined. I'm always looking for ways to support. That's why we felt inclined and I'm always looking for ways to support. And so, you know, we put together a package for CB. We're in the, my parents obviously put together. That was you. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:29:56 It's gone a long way. Everybody's everything. All those protein chips were eaten within a week. I figured I figured I'll try to do something again next semester all good you've done enough already thank you very much god i hope i hope caleb's not there next semester he's done his time in the equity experiment okay so so so you go to the school and is the school you're going to now the school you teach at now, is that where you attended? Is that where you were a student?
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah. I didn't know of any other colleges. I didn't know any others were out there. My father-in-law actually teaches at the same college that I teach at now. And so him being a very smart individual, he was like, why don't you come apply at ECU and see if you can get in? And so they take the lowest and I got accepted to ECU. But again, I got kicked out, then I dropped out. But eventually after I got my master's and completed my degree, I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew small business something.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I had worked at Lowe's for 13 years, putting my way through school, and I actually had an internship for a small company. The hardware store. It's like Home Depot, that Lowe's. Yes. What did you do there? Everything. Yeah. I started –
Starting point is 00:31:16 Nighttime stocking, cash register, all of it. All of it. Yeah. I started with a pine straw and outside lawn and garden. And after the 90 days. That's the best department anyway. The outside, the nursery is the only good part. I shouldn't say it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Those stores are so fun. After 90 days, they let everybody go but me. And I immediately got brought into. Is that because you worked your ass off and never said no? Yeah. Yeah. I just. We got a shift to fill.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Can you fill it? Yeah. We'll be there in 10 minutes. Give me 10 minutes. Yeah, but I had nothing. I think you talked about it before. Just what else am I going to do with this energy? And I had just graduated high school early.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I tell this story to my students all the time. I graduated high school early. Came to the realization that, holy shit, I'm 17, about to be 18. I guess I need a job, but I can't pass a drug test. So I locked myself. At that time, I was dabbling in a bunch of different drugs. And so I had enough self-awareness to lock myself in my bedroom, told my parents, don't let me out because I'm a danger to myself. And after two weeks, I walked into Lowe's, passed a drug test, and they called me that day for a job. And so, of course, I'm freaking out, hoping that I actually passed this drug test.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And thankfully, I did. And it was almost like somebody believed in me, and I'm going to work my ass off for this company. Like I walked around and I would scrape gum off the floors. I would look for light bulbs that were out. I would run to customers, see if they needed help. Whereas sometimes people run the opposite way. Yeah, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:32:58 That drives me crazy. Hey, two weeks in the bedroom, huh? Yeah. Yeah, I was. Hey, two weeks in the bedroom, huh? Yeah. Yeah, I was. And after I got the job two weeks later, one of my best friends died from a drug overdose.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And so it was like a whole like within four weeks, passed a drug test, got a job, boom. And then a guy who was doing the same exact things that I were doing, I think he died from a methadone overdose, if I'm not mistaken. Methadone drug that's supposed to get you off heroin right that's the drug that's supposed to save you it was combined with something else and the story was he was already on stuff and somebody dropped off a pill and that kind of sent him over the edge and uh never came back dude do you know how many people will never experience what you did locking yourself in a room for two weeks? And it's not – I mean it shouldn't be a big deal. Australia. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:53 All right. Before the pandemic when people were locked in hotel rooms, I mean it's good on you. And then your father-in-law must be so stoked because I'm assuming you met your wife when you were a mess. Just after. Yeah, I was 19. She was 16. I had just gotten my life in order, and I impressed her with my car at that time. Are you still married?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah, we've been together for 17 going on 18 years. Holy shit. Congratulations, dude. That is so good. What was the car? A Honda Holy shit. Congratulations, dude. That is so good. What was the car? A Honda Civic Si. Oh, nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah. Nice. Is that what you have, Sousa? Yeah. Not an Si, but a Honda Civic. Ford Honda Civic. Property, Honda Civics. Oh, seven, baby.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That's right. Oh, yeah. 06 07 baby oh yeah so then you uh so then so you you go to school and you get out and then how do you get the job at the university so it's all about who you know yeah um you know and i was at that point i was 25 surrounded by a bunch of 21 20 19 year. So in my eyes, they had no idea what they were missing. You're paying for college and you want to skip class and not show up. And I had a brand new outlook. I was taking full advantage. When I came back at 25, I never missed a day of class all the way through my MBA program. And I signed up for stuff. I did internships. I got on boards within the university. And when I graduated, I applied for about 80 jobs and only one place called me back. And it was a collections agency. And I'm the same size as Seve. So it's not going to make sense. Me knocking on people's doors, asking for money. There's a huge guy in the car. Don't fuck with me. Don't make me go get Caleb.
Starting point is 00:35:52 He's the driver. And, and I was at this point, 28. So a part of me was like at 28, I don't want to ride around knocking on people's doors. to ride around knocking on people's doors. And so I sat unemployed for six to eight months and I got a phone call from somebody I did an internship with. Not from me putting in an application, but from the opportunity I did an internship, they gave me a call and said, I heard you were unemployed. Would you like to come work for us? I was like, hell yeah. You're like, fuck you, bitch. I'm at Goldman Sachs, but what you got? And so I did that for four months and shit you not in four months, they downsized and I was going to be let go. And so word on the street got around and the Dean from the college
Starting point is 00:36:43 at that point called me, heard what was going on. Cause it was still in the university system and said, Hey, look, we're starting up something with entrepreneurship. We'd love for you to build it for us. If you're interested, put in an application. And I said, hell yeah, I'm interested. I'm about to be out of another job, but it was kind of weird because it was that scary. Were you like, shit, what do I know about entrepreneurship? It was until when I filled out the application, my father-in-law was helping me and I was like, how do I qualify to teach and do entrepreneurship? And he said, you know, you've had a rental property since you've been 18 years old. And I was like, oh, yeah. And so like
Starting point is 00:37:23 with that eye-opening experience, I try to give that to the students as well. It's like maybe you're doing something now and you don't realize you're in the middle of being entrepreneurial. And so just having a different lens, having a different outlook and all the failure stories, sharing all of that stuff with them and showing them there's a way you can still be successful. sharing all of that stuff with them and showing them there's a way you can still be successful and the map of what looks successful is entirely different for you than for somebody else you know like Clyde's media is doing something similar to you are and I'm sure he's living a fantastic life and he's super happy but he may not have the same exact views it gives a shit you're still successful right so i um it took me literally two years after being fired from crossfit inc to realize holy shit i'm the greatest chief marketing officer the planet has ever fucking seen two fucking years i'm like that thing was fucking built on fucking so much of my
Starting point is 00:38:30 fucking vision and so much of my fucking hard work and so much of my leadership i couldn't even fuck and when i realized that i was like holy shit and suza i think had actually tried to tell me many times and i think other people had tried to tell me, but I just, I just didn't see myself like that. I just saw myself as a dude who works, just has my head down and working. Right. Yeah. It's crazy when you realize you're like, Oh shit, I've been doing this. I did a, I did a podcast, uh, quickly like 15, 20 minutes with, uh, Rob Dyrdek. Um, he had me on, I don't think he advertises it, but wow. That, that was one of the things that got me in trouble. How did you meet him? Shot my shot. He started his mindset thing. I don't know if you're following along, but he's-
Starting point is 00:39:16 No. I think at one point, about a year or two ago, he was trying to launch 40 businesses in the next year or something crazy. I think I did see something like that. Yeah. And I think he shifted from that. And now he's just trying to, you know, partner or collaborate with businesses and get them to the next step and bring them into his portfolio. And he sent out an email and said, if you'd like to join the podcast and I'm trying to help out entrepreneurs. And so I sent a link and they responded back like the next day and said, would you like to come speak to Rob Dyrdek? And I was like, sure. I see it. Um, I see the
Starting point is 00:39:50 episode you're on where, um, is it on YouTube? I just see the, yeah, it is. Wow, dude, you're a beast. But I, but I, I talked to him and going back to what you were saying was that was one of the things that I find I still find myself in is. Constantly doing something like trying to figure out like a lane that I need to be in. And when I interviewed with him, I was telling him, like, I want to start this podcast. I want to start more properties. I want to do a property management company. I've got we have a nonprofit where we rescue hound, hound dogs. We have, we have 21 dogs. Um, he asked me, he was like Bassett hounds or all the hounds, any hound. Yeah. Any hound. But he asked me,
Starting point is 00:40:37 what are you doing? Like you have 50 different things going on. Yeah, that's it. You have 50 different things going on. You need to pick one. You need to be able to specialize in one. And with that specialization and one thing, it's going to allow you or give you the freedom to leverage these other things in your life, except for doing 90% of 50 different things. So that was kind of an eye-opening experience. I stepped down from a lot of things. I cut a bunch of stuff out of my life. But yeah, I stayed pretty busy. it's kind of an eyeopening experience. I stepped down from a lot of things. I cut a bunch of stuff out of my life. Um, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:06 we stay, I stayed pretty busy. Yeah. Getting rid of shit's huge. Getting rid of shit's huge. Oh, I see episode 40. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:41:15 For those of you want to listen to the episode with Corey, it's episode 39. Uh, Rob Deardek, D Y R D E K. Apostrophe S. Rob Deardeks. And, and then it's something like that. Crazy. Yeah, there I am. And then so you got this job at the university, helped building the entrepreneur program, and now you teach there, and then this is where our paths cross. You said that. Tell me. Tell me why you're on here. So every semester I hear about your Honda Civic.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yeah. Every semester we partner with businesses in the community and basically give them free labor. business planning, marketing help, strategic advice for moving forward, succession plans if they're going to try to give their business to someone in the family. And I've done it every semester for the last seven years. And we're starting at the point, new semester is coming up in January. I think I told you January 14th would be the deadline. And I thought I'd like for businesses who are listening in the community, maybe it's a way that they can get some free labor. Let's say Gabe at Paper Street was interested or California Hormones was interested. What would they do? They would reach out to you? Yeah, they could reach out to me. If I was them, I'd be like, I don't want some little kids fucking up my business. Yeah. And I understand that completely.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Primarily the classes that I teach. So I teach intro level for freshmen up to senior. Anybody who's curious about entrepreneurship, learning the mindset, I teach that. And then this class that I would be working with the businesses are all senior level students. So they're getting ready to actually go out there in the real world. Hopefully they've got a little bit of experience already by doing internships. But if not, this gives them real tangible hands-on experience by collaborating with real businesses with real problems, a lot of high stakes on the line. I don't do it in the entire class.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I pick one team in each class. So I bring the heavy hitters. I pair one team specifically who I know have already been through the program. They have what it takes. And so I pick the top students in that class to partner and collaborate with these businesses. Could this podcast apply? Yeah, absolutely. Perfect. Wow. Wow. And how do people get in contact with you? How do you apply? How do you enter your business into the?
Starting point is 00:43:52 Well, I put my because I guess I was supposed to, but I put my Instagram down there. So if they want to reach out, they can connect with me on there. But obviously, I have a legitimate ECU email address. We can get you connected in there. And then once the semester starts, my GA and I will collaborate with the owners. And then once the team is actually formulated, the team and the business owner would be working together collaboratively. And usually on average, when you finish up the semester, depending on what you need, there's a 40 to 50 to 60 page document that you can now
Starting point is 00:44:26 carry along with you, whether it's marketing advice, a business plan. I've had my businesses go through it. So it just depends and varies. Sevan is all about free labor. And maybe I need to hear from people who aren't, you know, the younger the people, the better uh for those of you who are listening it's at cory c-o-r-e-y-p-u-l-i-d-o cory pulido just like it sounds am i pronouncing your last name right yes yeah uh what what a fan what a fantastic uh program uh maybe uh if someone in the community does, Corey, I'll be in touch. Oh, shit. That didn't take long. Okay, brother. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Please stay in touch. This could be a fun story just to follow, have some of the students on and follow along. I love narratives, and this sounds like it could be a cool ass narrative. Absolutely. I will. Hey, thanks for, thanks for being, uh, adding value to planet earth, dude. You're doing it. Yeah. Thanks for it. Thanks for interviewing me. I didn't expect, uh, yeah, I never expected either. I'm like, Oh shit,
Starting point is 00:45:38 where am I going? Yeah. All right, dude. Uh, take care. Be in touch. thank you for always being a great supporter of the podcast i really appreciate it yeah thank you cory thank you thank you all right brother have a good one bye he sent me some coffee a while back that could be a whole show oh yeah he sent us some coffee too yeah that's good dude and also too if you're not willing to scrape gum or clean bathrooms, entrepreneurship is not for you. Oh, right, right. You got to do it all.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Hey, if you're not willing to scrape gum off the floor, life isn't for you. Yeah. That reminds me of like one of my wife's friends, and she was like, oh, I'm working at this small boutique. She wanted to own her own boutique. And she's making me sweep the front patio and put away the chairs. I went to college. I'm like, so the fuck what? Get out there and sweep the patio and put away chairs.
Starting point is 00:46:37 That's where it starts. If you think you're above that. That's amazing, isn't it? Yeah. What do you think you're going to be doing? Amazing, isn't it? Yeah. Like, what do you think you're going to be doing?
Starting point is 00:46:56 What if you found out that having a clean bathroom was the key to the success of your coffee shop, but when you opened the coffee shop, you were disgusted by that and you weren't willing to clean the bathrooms? People are nuts, man. Yeah. People are truly nuts. It's like entitlement. A lot of people think it's going to be different than what it is. And I just actually spoke with somebody who's considering purchasing an existing affiliate. First thing I said too is if you're not willing to dedicate 24 months to doing everything and working potentially every single shift, then it's not for you.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Because there will be a grind period. And it's roughly between two to three years. In some cases, five, where you just have to do everything. And if you're not willing to buckle down and just commit to it and do it, owning your own business isn't for you. Yeah, the, hey, it's Christmas or it's my birthday, that shit don't fly. No, it don't matter. Yeah. You got to show up.
Starting point is 00:47:44 No one takes the trash out uh for me i went to college too damn it chase brian wear all the hats yeah um number uh on that note let's go to number 247 i saw this uh this guy was a guest on the podcast it's crossfit uh tyl and i just thought this was an interesting post he made uh it's a post of a picture of a shitload of kids and then the next post is a shitload of family families together and i just want to read this to you um did you know that over one-third of our members come in with at least one family member, spouses, siblings, parent, child, grandparent, children. We have them all. Having that intentional hour together multiple times a week, not in front of a screen, but pushing each other and celebrating reaching goals, not only strengthens health, but relationships.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Hey, that's no joke, dude. Every single business, the first thing they'll tell you is when they open a CrossFit gym in their businesses, they can't believe how it's changed the relationships between all the employees. They cannot believe it. For the next 30 days, not only will you receive half off on fundamental classes, how we get you ready with beginner friendly workouts and teaching basic lift movements, you'll each receive $100 gift card when you sign up for a three month membership with a family member or friend. I thought this guy was going out of business. After we had him on, I spoke to him and i thought he got evicted from that spot yeah i thought that's what there's obviously more to the
Starting point is 00:49:09 story when when when they fired me at crossfit uh those i i mean i wouldn't say it was the hardest two weeks i've ever worked at crossfit because I always worked hard. But they gave me two-week notice, and I still just grinded. Were you nervous before you got fired, like when you started to see all the changes happen? Did you feel something was going to happen? Oh, dude, I asked them. Imagine this. Imagine being the executive director. Well, first of all, it was two years of just disaster prior to being sold because of just
Starting point is 00:49:45 the mass firings and just there was so much idiocy being done i mean we shut down facebook and instagram with no with no yeah no other ability to communicate then they fired the entire meeting it was it was it was the idiot factory it was so bad and then we not only that we did made too many changes too fast then we pivoted to i'm showinged to showing Rich Froning doing heavy grace on the front end to a guy picking up water bottles just overnight. I mean there was no pacing. There was no – Sequencing. Yeah, sequencing.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Thank you. You taught me that. And it was so bad. But I was the most senior member there by far on the media team when they came in. I knew more about the business than anyone who probably worked there. Anyone who probably worked there. Probably more than Dave and Nicole just because of my proximity to Greg. And they never – in all these meetings I would be in, I would just – I was just completely ignored, which was okay.
Starting point is 00:50:46 But that's what – so I started calling – that was Andrew Weinstein at the time, the guy who was kind of holding these meetings. And he would let people talk and say shit that in other meetings I'd never heard talk in like years and started empowering people that I'm like, this person has no credentials. And then I started seeing it go downhill quickly. And the conversations were all fluff. Like we would be in two hour meetings and nothing would be done where I would hold meetings that were 15 minutes long. We would accomplish thousands of times more. Yeah. And so I would ask him and David Woods, the guy who helped negotiate the sale with CrossFit, I would ask them probably weekly, am I going to get fired?
Starting point is 00:51:29 And they kept reassuring me, no. Yeah, of course. No, no. I'm this powerhouse. I can do anything. I can take the trash out better than anyone, and I can run this department better than anyone. I'll do either. Tell me what you want me to do.
Starting point is 00:51:42 And I couldn't get any response. So I just started working my ass off doing what I thought should be done, which is creating content. And still to this day, I don't think that there's any there's, there's no chain of command. There's no organization. I don't, I don't think, I suspect there's none of that going on at a CrossFit Inc or else we would see just tons of content coming. Yeah. They're still trying to like find their own identity and game plan.
Starting point is 00:52:03 There's like, if you're just just kind of floundering out there, there's no way that there's exact milestones or things that the company's going after internally either. Sevan, stop crying. You stop crying, Magnus. Sevan's camera angle looking funky. I just put a camera over my monitor does it look funky like what do you mean no it's good now the first one was a little tight now you're good all right he's just not used to it he'll get used to seven probably because you're too expensive no no but i appreciate that i am too expensive hey does weinstein even work
Starting point is 00:52:43 for the company anymore do you have disdain for for Eric Rosa? If you saw him on the street, how would you react? Oh, I've seen him on the street. I've seen him on the street. What's disdain mean? Do I hate him? Yeah. I mean... Like harbor feelings towards him? No. I don't even think he was in charge.
Starting point is 00:53:01 I don't harbor feelings towards him. Um... But I have opinions on I don't even think he was in charge. I don't, I don't, I don't harbor feeling feelings towards him. Um, but I have opinions on his character and his leadership ability and shit. The feeling that someone in something is unworthy of one's consideration. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I've just, yeah, sorry. You're right. I do have disdain for him. Disdain is the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration for, I have zero respect for him.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I don't really play the respect game. I don't really disrespect people or respect people. I don't actually kind of see the world like that. It's not a metric. Because I got so far on planet Earth by people disrespecting me or what other people would consider disrespecting me. And I fucking just plowed through it. So I see sort of as disrespect as an avenue of getting everything i want so i don't um but i worked with a lot of military guys where that shit is really important to them and it in the end it
Starting point is 00:53:57 becomes their achilles uh heel achilles heel achilles tendon achilles because they're achilles Achilles heel, Achilles tendon, Achilles, because they're Achilles. It's a scary – I think it's a scary metric to work with, to demand from other people because you have no control over it. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Yeah, you have no control. And so – You disrespect me? Yeah, you're so vulnerable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:22 You're so vulnerable. How many people think you got shot over disrespect? One just now probably somewhere, as we said. Yeah, it's like crazy. Hey, does Weinstein still work for CrossFit? I haven't really heard much about that guy or from him. The story I heard was this, and I don't know if this is true but this is the story i heard and this is a he comes from a lobbying background and this is basically how all of big pharma works the fda
Starting point is 00:54:50 works is all these people work i heard that he brought in a lobbying pr firm for crossfit inc had crossfitting sign a big fat contract with him. And now he works over there. Ah, okay. And CrossFit still has the contract with. I know. It's so weird. CrossFit is so authentic and real. The fact that as soon as I heard it needed a PR firm, I was just tripping.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I was like, God. It's so weird. It's, it's the, it's the opposite of all the business lessons that Greg taught us. Hey, do you think people inside CrossFit know that just by simply existing in the fitness and like health space that they are controversial by nature, just like based off the methodology and the, in the, in the, you know, product that it sells, it's controversial. It's swimming upstream. I don't know. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:55:48 I don't know. I don't think they are because I just think that they want to play this dance of like, well, we want to be PC and liked by everybody. But at the same time, like by nature of what CrossFit is, like you're not. Yeah, it's hard for me. crossfit is like you're you're not yeah it's hard for me it's it's it's hard for me to even even um understand that because it's it's just seems so normal to us yeah eat right stay healthy but you're right i mean greg used to always say this hey don't forget there's this pile of money that pharma takes from and we'll take from that same pile yeah so they don't want us there like don't forget we're like dogs eating from the same trough well no one wants us at the no one wants us eating yeah if you think about it if
Starting point is 00:56:29 crossfit really like pushed pushed its methodology at like out of the loudspeaker like we always suggest it's gonna take a percentage of that 576 billion dollars and there's a lot of people pharma's methodology what is their lifestyle lifestyle? I wonder what their lifestyle prescription is. Take two and call me in the morning. What do you think about, going back to that post, what do you think about having your members bring in family members? I love it. It's like if somebody, when I have a member that shows up,
Starting point is 00:57:03 and let's say they're new to CrossFit, and they first start doing it, they get so much value out of it that they're like, holy crap, I want to bring my kids here. I want to bring my parents here. I take that as the biggest compliment you could receive because they're saying that they're getting so much value out of it that they want to share it to the person closest next to them. That's also going to receive some sort of value or lifestyle change that is going to make them happier. Magnus Holmgren, think about it. If you still work there, would you not you would not have time for you? Oh, homeboy, you don't. I think you mistook it as I was crying.
Starting point is 00:57:35 That being said, some people thought that I was that I was crying because of the Hiller video about being homeless. Don't don't get it twisted, dude. My homeless years were the greatest years of my life. You know, the vast majority of people will never experience the freedom i experienced day in and day out it was fucking crazy i had figured i had figured so much shit out i lived on a fucking cloud i'd figured out how to let the world take care of me it was two years of absolute bliss unfortunately the rest of the homeless people aren't homeless. They're drug addicts. But the community in Isla Vista, California, when I was there, I cracked the code on so much shit. Never ask anyone for anything.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I had the craziest support group. I just stayed in this really tight loop of practices, drinking coffee every morning, taught myself how to draw, then play Frisbee, maybe slip into the rec center and get a workout in. And everywhere there were people who wanted to be a part of what I was doing, young college kids. By young, I mean, I was probably like 25 and they were 20. So I seemed like an old man. had the most crazy every fucking day someone was asking me can you stay at my house tonight can you stay at my house there would be these huge massive parties i would be at like it seemed like five days a week and i would just be on the floor drawing until two in the morning until only the people left were like the meth heads
Starting point is 00:58:57 or the people trying to get laid and i would just talk to them all night and then and start my day over again and when they all went to sleep i cleaned their dishes and all that shit i had the coolest fucking great day and that went everywhere with me that everyone in the town knew i couldn't go into any restaurant without anyone being like oh it's on pizzas on me i was just i was i was like a king without a wallet it was absolutely nuts and granted it was in isla vista california you know average temperature it's always 70 degrees yeah it's nice there there's an abundance of just every dumpster's full of shit but like you'd be surprised some college kid needs a lamp and i have a lamp i know where there's a lamp i just saw in a dumpster somewhere and i bring it over to his house
Starting point is 00:59:40 next thing you know his girlfriend's trying to bang me instead of him it was a wonderful life i'm telling you you can't even you can't even imagine you know it's crazy too it's like with uh you know being homeless and in an iphone especially in a place like that you could have a phone though there were no cell phones then but no i know i know but the point i'm making now is like you you could have a phone now right and like and live that lifestyle and you would have more access and the richest person in the world like 50 years that lifestyle and you would have more access than the richest person in the world like 50 years oh yeah yeah you know it's like crazy to think about it's crazy and then eventually when i was there for those of you who don't know the story i ended up buying i ended up getting a home at a home for development and this i got a job at a home for developmentally
Starting point is 01:00:23 disabled adults and I could work endlessly because I didn't have a home. So I could work 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 hours a week. They had a night shift. So you could work 24 hours. You could work for, I worked 48 hours before and I, I, after like six months I had saved like $7,000. I was making like 675 or 725 an hour, whatever minimum wage was back then. And I bought a video camera from a place called Circuit City, and I started filming. And within three years or four years, I had the most popular show in television history in Santa Barbara. Our ratings were higher than like – through public access were higher than the Super Bowl, the Academy Awards, all that shit. It was fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And I'll never remember the – and it was a crazy wild show and the chancellor of the university said to me or said to the newspaper there because that was the largest party school in the nation and the chancellor there henry yang was trying to change that image playboy had ranked at the number one party school in the nation and said in 30 minutes this uh ivy tv has uh unwound everything that took me four years to fix. Meaning like he had gotten rid of that party school image and through our TV show, we completely unraveled his shit. You know, it's crazy too. You think that if you were, if you ever weren't homeless, like if that portion of your life ever,
Starting point is 01:01:34 you know, didn't take place for any reason, you think you would have even found film and all that? Because it's such a staple. Right. And I wonder how much, like, if you, I wonder if people, I needed that time to. I needed that time to learn the software too. So basically I had – I just basically had that job and then this little Toyota Chinook, and I needed that time. I'm literally – it's no joke. It took me two weeks just to load the 10 DVDs into this computer successfully. Two weeks.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And I was in a sheer panic i spent all 7 000 of my dollars and i think i borrowed like 3 000 from one of my girlfriends at the time oh it's fucking crazy if you're an avid listener of this show and you have not spent the 90 minutes or whatever it is watching that our house on youtube please do so you will not regret it i've that was the first yeah that was the first movie I ever made. Yeah. I watched that twice and it's, it's really good. There's some, there's some great,
Starting point is 01:02:28 like it's funny too. It's like true to who you are. There's some good, like it's, it's at times it's really real and you're kind of watching what these people go through and you're like, wow. And then other times there's just this hilarious moments that you've cut in there. So it's,
Starting point is 01:02:41 it's really chaos. Yeah. It's a great balance. You guys should check that out. I made this home about developmentally disabled adults i worked at the place and this isn't going to surprise you guys the state saw the movie because it went to 30 film festivals and won them all and the state saw the movie the state meaning the state of california what is what is what there's a department there that takes care of uh disabled people
Starting point is 01:03:07 um you know like there's child protective services there's uh cps i can't remember what it is but the the head of that saw the movie and they came to try to shut the house down they said the movie was so inappropriate and a bad representation of disabled adults. And they tried to come and shut the house down. And the parents of those adults who lived there came to my defense and were like, whether it's positive or a negative representation doesn't mean anything. It's so truthful. This is exactly what it's like. Yeah, I was pretty – our house, yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:43 God, my first – Is this still on YouTube? Yeah. Yeah, I think that's-House, yep. Yeah. God, my first. Is this still on YouTube? Yeah. Yeah, I think that's the only place it is. If you type in R-House and Seval Matosian, it'll pop up. You can't just put in R-House. You got to throw his full name in there too, and it usually works. Yeah, it was good.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I don't even know how it stumbled upon. It popped up in my algorithm like years back, and I was like, oh, I was like oh i'm gonna check this out just kind of like tongue-in-cheek wanting to see it i was sucked into it i was sitting there like like an hour later i was like yeah i'm watching this whole entire thing right now i'm not leaving the screen i was at a film festival and i and i was trying to get some guy to come see it and i was handing out cards and uh i um i handed the card and he uh he looked at the description of the movie. He goes, I'd rather blow my brains out than see this. He's missing out.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He's missing out. Crazy. That's so funny. Movie is now canceled. Movie's canceled. Okay, I think we can go through these fast now. We're an hour and five minutes in. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I took you down a – 248, pharma. I just love the old stories. Well, thank you. Do you have a lot of – do you think that that's – what do you think the statistic is at your gym? What percentage of your gym members also have family members there? It's pretty big. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:00 It is. Yeah. And if it's not a family member,'s like a friend that you know shared it and brought brought another person in and stuff and you were what you said in the commercial is so true when you were like if there's a teacher because we have a couple teachers we have a couple nurses and they are they're the people that want to like excel they'll look they're at like they're they're in the day-to-day grind but they also are able to like zoom out and see from the 30,000 foot view so they're active in making things better at their school. They're critically looking at why are we teaching these kids this and that? And why don't we have this
Starting point is 01:05:29 and P and why aren't we talking about nutrition? Why do we serve these kids this crap food? And how does that affect their mental state? And yeah, we're going to try to balance this out with drugs, but we've never addressed the nutrition in the schools. And so you really get those people that are like, you know, looking at it from all different angles and wanting some sort of progress there. And so you're absolutely true. If you've got a teacher in your CrossFit gym, they're probably the best teacher at the school. I can't think of a single metric that would be more important to me right off the top of my head of something I'd want someone to do than being a CrossFitter. So, okay, we have a hundred candidates here to join the Air Force force but i can only ask
Starting point is 01:06:05 you guys which one question which of you does crossfit 10 guys raise their hand you 10 and the rest of you yeah get the fuck out of here uh okay i need to send my kid to a skateboarding instructor which one of you crossfits oh you okay you're in uh i need i need someone to uh um a doctor to uh check out my eczema. Which one of you cross – I mean it's – I mean I'm not saying it's perfect by no means. But if I could only ask one question for – I can't think of any. I'm looking for a plumber. Which one of you crossfits?
Starting point is 01:06:37 You. The rest of you get the fuck out of here. I mean it's just – oh, sorry, Kenneth. The Air Force doesn't care about fitness. The PT test is happening. But in honesty, I'm glad you said that because it's not even the fitness component. Like I don't care if you're a fat CrossFitter. I don't care if you're not a good CrossFitter. It's the fact that I know that you're spending an hour trying to make yourself better every day.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I don't think most people – like I just know that. I know that that's a quality that you want in every position. Oh, this person is trying to work on themselves. Yeah, I remember. I mean look at Corey. He worked at Lowe's, and he's a – and look at his description of working at Lowe's. And he's also – obviously he's – obviously it's the guy who's not afraid. The truth is is CrossFitters are probably looking for the hardest piece of gum to scrape off yeah it's like a workout you're turning it like for time
Starting point is 01:07:28 they're in they're in the metrics he's got a little he probably had a pad of paper 756 piece of gum i've scraped off in my two years here i mean we're fucking obsessed yeah yeah yeah i have a i have a piece of paper on my desk of how many flies i've killed no shit no shit and what's the number when were you gonna tell us this I have a piece of paper on my desk of how many flies I've killed. No shit. No shit. And what's the number? When were you going to tell us this? Serial killer status, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Well, I wanted to build it up and I'm like enough to like make it mean something, I guess. So I think right now I'm at like 30 something. I've killed like 30 something flies. Either like with my hands or like with, we have like a little salt gun that we kill them with. You do have the salt gun. Yeah. Not the high powered one,
Starting point is 01:08:17 but the other one, like the cheap one. Hey, you can't even get the high powered one in California. You know that? Of course you can. No, you cannot because um a friend of mine was going to buy it for me and he's like hey i can't i'm gonna have to send
Starting point is 01:08:29 it to my house here in arizona and then and then when you come over you oh my gosh caller good morning good morning how you guys doing today we're having fun just uh quits wanted a quick question i watched the broken science um seminar that glassman put out are you guys going to discuss that at any point on this podcast or channel uh i i he greg called me a couple days ago and said he's coming on very soon now he said that to me before but he has another podcast he's about to do and he said i want to go on yours first and i told him just so you guys know i'm like hey it doesn't like i'm it's nice of you but do whatever you want like i won't be a butthurt if you don't come on to mine i will be but he's like no he said i'll be butthurt he said i really want to come on first so i'm like
Starting point is 01:09:13 okay so he should be on any day uh that's not true not any day he should be on sometime in december um so i'd like to wait until then but do do you have, is there, what are your thoughts on it? Do you want to talk about it? I listened to it. I probably need to listen to it again. I know he put out a couple videos. I think I listened to the first one, but I know a couple months ago or maybe last year, you had talked about the idea of science
Starting point is 01:09:41 and you have to sort of replicate it and all those sorts of things. And so I remember that listening to it, I was like, okay, you must've been hanging out with glass and hearing him talk about it. Only every day, only every day,
Starting point is 01:09:52 only hours every day. It makes total sense. And, uh, I'm just really excited because whether you like Greg or don't like Greg, you have to appreciate, um, for what his contributions are.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Uh, I'm a huge, like history person. And, um, at the end of the day, you don't have to agree with someone on every aspect to, um, to appreciate their contributions to society. And then also it's ignorant when someone will talk down to Greg or about Greg and his, you know, whatever. Um, but then also use his methodology to make their life better or to make other their communities better and things like that. So it's like, you're, you know, you're, you're stepping, I forget the phrase, there's something about the ladder you're cutting down the branch that you're
Starting point is 01:10:35 sitting on. And so I think that. I like that. I approve of that. Thank you. You're talking, you're talking my language. Good visual. Yeah. So, so I just wanted to, you know, call and say about that because i know that that's something that's super fascinating and i'm just curious i i don't know if glassman will ever go on rogan but i think that would be that would be fascinating as well
Starting point is 01:10:55 hey uh well i don't know if it would be fascinating but i agree that it would be he deserves that platform what's crazy is i challenge anyone to actually find anything he did it's always it's it's so if you i was looking at the these comments of these videos that um uh scott switzer from the clydesdale media made and andrew hiller and some of the videos we've put up and everyone who says something bad about me or says something bad about greg or says something bad about um just name whoever they never tell you what they'll write out a paragraph about how i'm a misogynist homophobic transphobic they write off but i'm like hey can you just give me one example can you just like tell me like what i did so that so that so that you can be a little vulnerable and I can see your analysis of what you think my – so that maybe I could change it.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Can you not call me – can you be like, hey, Sevan, you're mean to ants? And I'd be like, well, what do you mean? Well, it's how you drive. You drive so close to the center line and ants live on the center line. Oh, shit, I didn't know that. Okay, I'll avoid the center line. Why do they walk on the center line? ants live on the center line oh shit i didn't know that okay i'll avoid the center line why do they walk on the center line because it's yellow there and it's not as hot on the ground
Starting point is 01:12:08 so the ants and insects live on the center line i'd be like oh shit thank you instead it's just i'm a fucking insect killer non-stop i just need a little fucking help or or you're a fucking complete idiot and you're projecting onto me something that's not true. I agree. And I think that idea – I've been wrestling with how to say it lately, but I think most people don't actually have ideas. They just have emotion. And I think that – I think when you are so emotionally – you know, like I know whenever you talk about abortion, like, you know, most people, it's just an emotional issue. So once you can get past that emotion and actually like dive into the facts about certain things, but to get to that point,
Starting point is 01:12:55 that's why protest social media, it's just all meant to inflame passions and emotions, not get to ideas. Um, so I i think when you can separate the two parties too dude do you think that's what separates the two parties and that's that the republicans are like but wait a second it's actually not a clump of cells and at the 15th week mark in the in the in it becomes so emotional for people on the left that they refuse to even acknowledge that they're like fuck you my body like you think that's what i do i do i do think that some to some degree what separates it i do think that i heard the other day on somewhere they said like seven percent on each side of jonathan hyatt if you haven't read the book it's called the coddling of the american mind uh he had a rogan podcast incredible book
Starting point is 01:13:40 he's a college professor basically all about how this past generation 20 2011 on you know that generation has been coddled so that they have safe spaces and this and that um and i think he talks about that idea that like seven percent on each side the left the far far far left and the far right like they're they're so vocal and they're so emotional that they're just causing damage to the rest of the, whatever, 80%. So,
Starting point is 01:14:06 so on both sides that, okay, I'll buy that. Like it's the same. It's, it's, you know, the wellness,
Starting point is 01:14:12 I guess, is it the wellness, um, fitness continuum? Like, yeah, like you don't want to be on either of them. So,
Starting point is 01:14:19 uh, I don't know. I mean, I think that too, I think, I think conservatives in general, you know, it's,
Starting point is 01:14:24 it's exact opposite of like a, I guess, a considered whatever the liberal ideology is today. When, like, as a conservative, I go, like, you should have the right to think that you can kill a baby. Whether or not it's legal is a different thing. But I believe that you have the right to think that you have the right to live your life however you think you want to live. believe that you have the right to think that you have the right to live your life however you think you want to live but the but the left ideology at least the far right progressive like they don't believe that i should have that right and so it's like it's almost a battle of ideologies where whereas the one the conservatives are more like you you're allowed to have that versus the other one says you're not allowed to have it so the left is always going to kind of win in that sense where
Starting point is 01:15:03 does that make sense yeah you know the way i think like i'm open i'm open to be tolerant but you're not open for me to be tolerant right i i and i like that seven percent on each end because when i think of the far right the most radical on the far right are the ones who have their imaginary friend god and and so they have to defend this imagination this imaginary character like to the fucking gills and on the far left this radical fucking super violent fascist seven percent on the left they want to they want to defend their imaginary fucking world of like gender and being offended and and conflating reality with their thoughts like they're just a complete fucking mess well when you when you say that seven percent on the left you know a guy i guess can you can conflating reality with their thoughts. Like they're just a complete fucking mess. Well,
Starting point is 01:15:45 when you, when you say that 7% of the left, you know, a guy, I guess, can you, can you expound on that? What you call the progressive left.
Starting point is 01:15:52 But what I'm, what I'm, the main point of what I'm saying is on those, those are people who are, who are most vigorously defending their imagination, which is the crazy part, something they're so violent and vigorous about defending that that they're willing to hurt other people for it even though there's there's no there's nothing there
Starting point is 01:16:09 it's just their imagination it's their imaginary friend god and their imaginary friend non-binary the they him with all that shit and so for some reason people feel the most passionate and willing to put their life on the line the most and hurt other people to defend something that's not even real. I wouldn't put the – I mean there's obviously religious folks on the right that are in that. I would consider whatever that 7% to 10%, but I would consider that more of the white supremacist. Well, yeah, that's imaginary shit too right to think that someone yeah but i mean like it's the same ideology it's just flipped right it's like you should you should use it except everyone is on the right on the left excuse me whether it's child molesters or not and then on the right it's like you only can have it this way
Starting point is 01:17:02 and both are wrong and i want to be super clear. I love people who believe in fucking God, and I fucking – fantastic. I'm glad you do. I hope you're right. And I love transgender people. Fucking keep it going. Do whatever you got to do to make yourself happy. Choose the path you want to choose.
Starting point is 01:17:19 It's the part of like fucking forcing us to believe your shit. No, totally. It's the part of like fucking forcing us to believe your shit. No, and totally. And I think at the end of the day that for speech, you know, the free speech, this whole idea. And this is my last fucking hop off. You know, I think that. I'll tell you when you can go.
Starting point is 01:17:34 You're on my show. If you're trying to control someone's speech, it's only a matter of time before someone controls your speech. And like, just like the current changes. And I'm 32 years old um and i think a lot of folks in my generation and younger just don't understand like the precious gift of free speech that you have and that like it has to be it has to be protected at all costs because because if it's not, then everything else goes out the window and then all the other rules of society go away. And like, for as much as the founders of the colonies and of the United States, like as much as they might have had issues in some, you know, they talk about freedom, but then half the population is enslaved. but then half the population is in place, it's self-correcting. Like they created a system where things could self-correct like no other else on planet Earth. And no, it's not a perfect system, and there never will be a perfect system, but it is the most perfect system that we have.
Starting point is 01:18:43 And if you use it in a moral and upright, you know, I forget who said it, but it said the Constitution only works if you have a moral and upright. You know, if you have, I forget who said it, but it said the constitution only works for if you have a moral and upright population. And so in America, though, if you have folks that follow the rules and do what the constitution says and abide by the, like some sense of morality. And I know that's a vague word too,
Starting point is 01:18:57 but in the general American sense, like it works. Are you, are you Justin Medeiros? I'm not. No, I'm not okay uh what's up i am a crossfitter though i am a crossfitter though so that i'm trying to be the best person myself we can tell by your logic thinking thank you for calling wads on me the only abortion perspective thank you the only abortion perspective i need is bill burrs it's the best bit ever i feel like when i heard that i'm like that motherfucker stole that from me.
Starting point is 01:19:26 That's what I thought. Yeah. Are you single? From my friend Heidi. Heidi's engaged, I think. What? No. She just got divorced.
Starting point is 01:19:38 No, no, no. She's engaged now. To Austin in the comments. Sevan, what would it take for you to believe in God? The second I stop knowing God, I'll start believing God. Sevan thinks he is God. Oh, shit. Am I shadow banned? I'm too much of a coward to be shadow banned, as Sevan would say.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Mike the Sauce. He does sound like him. Yeah, I wouldn't have ever even noticed that unless someone said it. If I thought I was God, I would have noticed that. There, take that. Heidi definitely engaged. Yeah, I think she's got something.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Okay, 248 Pharma. No one call in. No one call in. Hour and 20. We're going to get our first one. Okay, here we go kevin's gonna be out of a job if you guys keep calling in big pharma made a whopping 1.7 trillion dollar profit last year not a penny went towards making anybody understand how to live a healthier life. There is not a single pharmaceutical drug out there without a side effect, which is treated with another pharmaceutical. When we collectively understand that they don't create cures, they keep customers, the agenda dies.
Starting point is 01:20:58 People get healthy. The whole time I just wanted to see what that girl was wearing in the back i i love yellow i wish yellow looked good on me anyway 1.7 trillion that would that must be the number for um that must be the number for globally because we just saw it's we just saw it's 576 billion for the u.s so it's 1.7 trillion it's just crazy okay two uh 246 246 and they regulate themselves too that's the that's the nutty part so i this i'm gonna have to read a little bit of this to you because this part's in italian but i had a friend over the other day and they said their kid was tested at school and they said this your kid is um falling behind what the school
Starting point is 01:21:42 wants and um so they have to put your kid in special ed or something like that. And I was explaining this to me. She said the school tests your kid. And if your kid doesn't jump through their hoops, it's your kid's fault. The school never reflects on the fact that the school may be bad. And I was just like, Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Why didn't I ever think of that? Yeah. That I went through so many tests for ADHD when I was younger, and then they quasi-tried to diagnose me to it. My dad was like, you're only trying to diagnose him so we could now get him on a prescription. He's not going to take a prescription whether the diagnosis comes out positive for ADHD or not.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Why is it the fucking kid's fault if you're failing as a school, as a place for kids to succeed and flourish like at least meet us 50 of the way dude i was in every single like remedial class you could do like i used to like people would be like what's your schedule like for your classes and i would just like make shit up because i didn't want to know that i was like basic math again for like the third time holy shit math for little words hey did you have to ride the little bus suza no because i had a skateboard worse worse uh there's the big bus there's yellow bus yeah there's the kids on skate hey and guess and guess what i got i got all money i got more money than them teaches now hey uh you know what's
Starting point is 01:23:04 cool about that too? There's this lady who comes from the state to check on my kids every 20 days to make sure they're up just because they're homeschooled. Gustavo. Yeah, the Gustavo. And her kid is like a hardcore skateboarder, and she said her kid has crazy ADHD. And I was just talking to myself about that the other day. They're like, what do you think the profile is for kids who skateboard? I go kids who are, um, uh, if you skateboarding to keep them so focused because it's life or death, always on a skateboard, it's always the concrete's coming straight fucking up
Starting point is 01:23:35 at you. And they're all super crazy smart. It's basically where, um, really smart kids who can, who use skateboarding to facilitate focus. It's not the stoner, violent, bad kids. That's just like – That's a – yeah. Yeah. Do you think that the kids skateboarding that you hung out with were pretty fucking smart kids?
Starting point is 01:23:57 It was like 50-50. One of them has this pilot's license and was just crazy motivated, And there was a few of them that were just kind of like, you know, burnouts, but they didn't skate. Like you could always tell by the, the level in which they progressed in skateboarding. So there was a few of the skateboarders that were like,
Starting point is 01:24:15 they were like hardcore. They were super focused on just continuously progressing. They skated in competitions, they had sponsors and stuff like that. And there was the ones that just kind of like put it around on the skateboard because it gave them an identity because that shit is hard yeah and it's hard and it's like hard on your body it's hard mentally like yeah it's just so much failure it's so much failure i wish i had one of my old skate videos to show you guys i think people would get a kick out of that you know okay was it niger hall Houston? Yeah, the guy. He's like the Nike kid.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Yeah. He's been – since he's been rehabbing from his knee surgery, he's been just posting videos of his – of just attempts of tricks that he's been doing. And I think probably the last 20 posts with like probably five videos per post are just him. Just hitting the concrete every time. Like it's fucking hard to like, I don't know how people do it. And they're just getting slammed every time he tries to jump over some
Starting point is 01:25:17 stairs. Kids always have the biggest, deepest bruises on them. Like the kinds that like you put your finger over when I'm bathing them. And it's like, Oh God, it's like, Oh God, it's like tender just to like wiping something over it. And,
Starting point is 01:25:30 and we play this game. I'm like, what happened? They're like, and they, and they tell me they, they all know about each other's bruises. You got that one on your butt.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Oh, that one on your shin. Yeah. Oh, it's crazy. They're like, Oh, that's the weirdest thing about having,
Starting point is 01:25:43 that's one of the weird things about having kids is they're they've just always have bruises all over them and like if you're as an adult you're like if i had one of those this year i'd be like holy shit i can't do that again they're completely covered in bruises um so okay so this is the italian um i don't know what i think about this but i but i think it's a fascinating idea. This is the Italian prime minister who everyone hated and said was like a fascist and all this shit, but she sounds pretty dope. Italian prime minister – I don't know how you pronounce her name. Giorgia Maloney? Giorgia? The solution is not to –
Starting point is 01:26:22 The solution is not to take Africans and bring them to Europe. The solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it. I'm like, wow, that's what made me think of the school thing. Stop blaming the fucking kids. How about you look at the school a little bit? And she's saying, like, why are we bringing all these people here? How about help them unfuck their own country? I don't know if I agree with it, but it's important to think out of the box okay here we go
Starting point is 01:26:56 this is a child who works in a gold mine in one of the poorest countries in the world burkina faso and she's holding up this picture of this little black kid in return they demand that 50 of everything that burkina Faso. And she's holding up this picture of this little black kid. In return, they demand that 50% of everything that Burkina Faso exports ends up in the coffers of the French treasury. The gold mine that this child goes down a tunnel to extract, the gold that this child goes down a tunnel, mostly ends up in the coffers of the French state.
Starting point is 01:27:23 So the solution is not to take the africans and bring them to europe oh she's getting passionate and allow these people to live off of what they have she's basically saying steal from burkina faso so so basically she's saying france goes over there props up a mine, I guess builds the infrastructure to dig out gold, pays 50% of the payment goes to the people who work there, and 50% comes to France. I bet you it's more like 90-10.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Probably the same for Apple products in China. Right. So, God, can you believe Fox, that company that builds the iPhone has a million employees? Get your head wrapped around that a million what's their hr department i bet you they don't have an hr department yeah it's the net it's the net bars outside the windows of the factories that's the hr department a million employees i think crossfit inc probably has 200 that's probably too many uh 245 this woman has a size 16 foot and she's six feet nine inches tall this is the largest foot on a woman on planet earth that's uh that we know about oh really i can't okay sorry sorry regarding your cookie maybe you don't need to see her foot.
Starting point is 01:28:45 I just thought she's three inches shorter than the tallest woman alive. Tallest woman alive is seven feet tall. She was in some country like that I couldn't even say the name of it. Yeah, look at these feet. Size 16. Oh, no. I think she's size 16 in men. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:29:08 She's size 16 in men and size 18 in uh women wait we can't see her feet ah there's those beautiful things what the hell hey and that like that's just bad media they should have put like a coke can or something next to it yeah i need a reference i need something yeah or like have me stand next to her feet or like my feet next to her feet i'm a size eight a fucking eight oh yeah go go oh what good that's like a picture of her in school yes what are they lighting multiple candles let's see a picture of her in school. Yes, as a kid. What are they, lighting multiple candles? Let's see. Can you see her feet in that picture? Looks like her Christmas order.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Oh, that's her all the way on the right as a little kid. Yeah. Anyway, let me see if I can read the name of the country where the seven-foot woman is from. I wonder if these toe spacers fit her, too. Oh, you got toe spacers. Wow. Yeah. Venezuela. if these toe spacers fit her too. Oh, you got toe spacers. Wow. Yeah. Easy, easy, easy. Okay, forget it.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Anyway, that's size 16 in men and a size 18 in... Okay, this one is... This one, I... I don't know what to say. I don't know how this is real. 244.
Starting point is 01:30:30 They're suggesting that the people in Canada who refuse the vaccine need a psych evaluation and should get on psych meds. The government is suggesting that. Who's in charge here? here okay listen closely to this this how is this true i mean there is a definite assault against the unvaccinated and you've talked about how uh even they recommend you know perhaps psychiatric medication or something for people that don't want to take a vaccine. So this has come out recently out of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Pause. College of Physicians and Surgeons out of Ontario. Action. Letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario suggesting to them now so far they're not
Starting point is 01:31:25 mandating it they're just suggesting it that any of their unvaccinated patients that they should consider that they have a mental problem and that they should be put on psychiatric medication. So far it's just a suggestion. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario should not be making these kinds of suggestions. This is extremely unethical. And this is a very, very slippery slope. If they're suggesting that people who wish to have bodily autonomy and don't want an experimental vaccine, that there may be something mentally wrong with them, that is a very, very dangerous, slippery slope that we're on. Oh, man. Okay, I want to just read this to you again so you guys understand.
Starting point is 01:32:01 slippery slope that we're on. I want to just read this to you again so you guys understand. The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario, Canada has sent a letter to all doctors in Ontario recommending that they consider
Starting point is 01:32:17 putting all of their unvaccinated clients on psychiatric meds. Oh my god. You will comply. Okay. I don't, it's so bad. It's so bad.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I, I don't want to be mean, but every time I see this stuff, I just think of Patrick Vellner. I just think, what would Patrick's response be to this? Dude, there's people that will defend that.
Starting point is 01:32:50 That'll be like, well, some of them some of them do need to be on psychiatric meds you know they they're the same ones that wouldn't take their bipolar medication too you know they should probably take some sort of meds to help them out uh 243 jeffrey epstein it sounds like there's going to be i know okay good good Allison good okay yeah maybe it is a joke okay let's just say it's a joke let's put it yeah I agree it's a joke it's not that story can't be real okay let's move on the Epstein shit is crazy dude so
Starting point is 01:33:15 I love this shit yeah we should do some deep dives on this it sounds like uh this lady Giselle uh Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Jelaine Maxwell Jelaine It sounds like this lady, Giselle Maxwell. Ghislaine Maxwell. Ghislaine Maxwell. Ghislaine?
Starting point is 01:33:28 Ghislaine. Ghislaine. Ghislaine Maxwell. It sounds like there's a chance she's going to talk. What they're saying is she has been moved to a better prison now, and that she's serving a 20-year sentence there, but that they would consider reducing her sentence if she gave up some names. By the way, I want you to – Judge Preska overrode objections from Tom Pritzer, the billionaire executive chairman of the Hyatt Hotels. That name right there is not a name you hear very often, Tom Pritzer, but the Pritzer family might be the richest family in the United States. There's like
Starting point is 01:34:10 10 kids or something, and they all are worth over a billion dollars. And one of those kids has gone through a transition. One of the men in the Pritzer family has gone from man to woman. And you have to understand if you go down that rabbit hole, you will see that as a very powerful and influential family in ways that those of us who have kids probably not like you, like you so much, much. But this guy, Tom Pritzer, there's all sorts of people who are trying. And this guy is one of them, Tom Pritzer, this billionaire who is trying to stop anything coming out from Maxwell. There's a whole list of people. They won't even tell you who it is. Look, there were 16 non-party doers that objected to the
Starting point is 01:34:50 information being released, but the judge said that the majority of the sensitive information had been made known during Maxwell's trial and ordered dozens of documents to be unsealed. But the judge did make some concessions to the people that objected to the material being made known. So there's a fight uh bill clinton should be sweating pullets uh bill clinton should be sweating bullets reporter carrie donovan said uh but somewhere down here is uh okay and i haven't seen this documentary the shocking warning came out of a new documentary that investigated the role of britain's prince andrew and his close ties as a client of Epstein's. When the comments were made
Starting point is 01:35:26 that there could be further revelations about other clients of Epstein's because his madam, Gislaine Maxwell, Giz, Giz is her first part of her name, Giz? No, it's just G, like Ghislaine. I'm going with Giz. Gislaine, Gislaine Maxwell, who had recently convicted for crimes associated with Epstein, has until June 2023 to cooperate with prosecutors in possibly overturning more names.
Starting point is 01:35:53 That list is long. I can't wait for all this to come out. You think it will? Hey. I hope so. Wad zombie. No, no, no. Lane.
Starting point is 01:36:08 I'm with Dick Butter on this one. Suicide in three, two, one. Wow. She gone. But they put her in a max security prison. Yeah, yeah. The same one Epstein was in, right? Suicide watch.
Starting point is 01:36:20 With those sleepy security guards. Jizz Lane. what a mess have you i wish i wish we could i would so much rather just keep i would so much rather have just kept him alive like why couldn't they i'd put him in a nice house with some guards and just let him talk just let him i just want to hear the stories i just yeah you but there's lots of powerful people who do not just like like hey he's a bad guy but let him just sing be like hey no matter for five years you can live in this house with this pool um you're on three acres the taxpayers will pay for it and i just tell us everything that happened i just want to know but the rest of you motherfuckers yeah i just want to know just let it just let us i – yeah, I just want to know. Just let us –
Starting point is 01:37:05 I want to know. I want to know too. I want to know how deep it goes. Here's the problem with that, by the way. Deep. If you think molesting kids is bad, just imagine how terrified those people are that that's going to come out and what they would do to protect it from coming out. So the second a politician is involved in something like that oh man you own him yeah well you seen you you have uh seen the picture that he had a bill clinton on his like mega million mansion in new york i think it was was it yeah yeah yeah yeah when he walked in and he was like bill clinton was like on that thing and the monica lowensky dress holding a cocktail and it was like larger than life commissioned painting of that
Starting point is 01:37:49 right when you walked into his house really it was the monica lowensky dress yes bill clinton wearing the monica lowensky blue dress sitting in a armchair you could google it and then and apparently that was one of like many like bizarre uh commissioned artworks he had of powerful people where is it yes hey i would have loved to have drawn that if i was an artist though and that's and it was like big and right when you walked into the house and to me that's just a pat that's a power move that's like hey hey motherfucker i own you yeah yeah yeah you know hey there's is there a picture of bill clinton in front of that painting oh that would be epic imagine you come over to my house and i'm
Starting point is 01:38:30 like hey yeah yeah bring the fam bring the kids there's a picture of you and a fucking that i had painting in a dress or how about just with like a tape measure pulled out measuring danny crazy and he had so much money notice how i said guys by the way there's no women doing this shit so few yeah it's just all dudes it's all just dudes yeah we are different same same different same same dudes dudes are so god dudes it's just dudes it's dudes that break windows it's dudes that fucking do weird sex shit it's dudes that drive cars too fast it's dudes it's dudes i ain't hating but but it's dudes but it is what it is it's dudes it's penises it's the penis it's the penis it's that thing that dangles below the penis it's a that that right there there's some concoction in there that's just fucking just makes you want to throw break a beer bottle for no reason
Starting point is 01:39:40 just menaces of society where is jeff bako he's been mia it's what do girls do that my kids can't seem to understand that you can't walk around the house eating crackers no matter how many burpees i make them do no matter how what i do to them why not can you just get dude you're eating that it's spilling on the ground oh sorry who's gonna clean that up i don't know well you're gonna clean up now but why wouldn't you eat it over the counter and then you don't have to spend five minutes cleaning it up it's like it's a fucking dude but i just know it's dudes because i'm the same way i'd be exactly the same way or i'm like hey can you come just come sit down before you take a bite of that cracker
Starting point is 01:40:21 he starts eating it while he's walking over to the table. Fucking knucklehead. I have three dudes I live with who just like, hey, there's nothing better. Any group of men on the planet would love to have a BB gun and a row of bottles. At any time, 24 hours a day. You could just wake us up and we'd be more than happy to just do that for an hour. Or just rocks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Whatever. Just, just a line of bottles and some shit to, to, to target prep. I mean, we're, we'd be happy as a clam.
Starting point is 01:40:53 That's true. Oh, but that glass is breaking on a kid's playground. Add, don't worry about it. Yeah. It's fine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:02 A two 42 lifestyle choice. Oh my God. We're an hour and 40. My goodness. 242 lifestyle choices. This is in 1993. The New England Journal of Medicine came out with a very well-researched report stating that 70% of our diseases are lifestyle related and that eight of the nine leading causes of death here in America are
Starting point is 01:41:34 lifestyle related. That's 89%. Now, I find it interesting in a way that when these people die of any one of these eight out of nine leading cause of death, they don't say cause of death, lifestyle related, do they? Keep in mind this is 27 years ago, folks. If they knew 27 years ago that most of us are dying from lifestyle related choices, why aren't they teaching that to our so-called experts? And then why do they say cause of death, cancer, cause of death, heart disease? Why don't they say cause of death, eating the wrong food? In America, the standard American diet. Very sad indeed. In 1993, COVID killed nobody. They've always known.
Starting point is 01:42:30 That was an article he was reading from from 1993 from the New England Journal of Medicine. Lifestyle choices, eight out of nine deaths. Then we heard Greg Glassmanman say for 20 years and yet they still are calling it covid and heart disease and type 2 diabetes and they're still calling it all this shit and the reason why they're calling it all that shit is so that they can make drugs to fix that shit yeah that's what i would say institutions are built off it yeah Yeah. And yet we – God, we're in just Tardville. 241, sugar is a drug and drug addicts don't say no. Okay, this one – I don't mean to upset anyone about this. I really don't. I know this thing is going to ruffle someone's feathers but my point is this my point is is that drug addicts cannot say no to drugs like cory had to lock himself in a fucking room for two weeks drug addicts cannot say no to drugs
Starting point is 01:43:32 just the way it is and you can spot a drug addict they're very easy to spot action excuse me do you guys want one shake or pass it on to the next person and double it um double do you want two shakes or we'll pass it on to the next person and double it? Double. Do you want two shakes or we'll pass it on to the next person and double it? What you put in them? Bro, this is M&M and this is matcha. That one looks good, but I think you should double it.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Run to the next person. Alright. Try to slim her down, bud. Take four shakes or pass it on to the next person and double it? Take four. shakes or pass it on to the next person and double it uh take four excuse me so oh shit the third the third young lady's a drug addict and just like you see a homeless person sitting in the corner fucking like just like just like convulsing and shit super skinny you know they're addicted to heroin you see their needles around them you see the obese lady walk up and you know she's a drug addict you just know they're they're a drug addict but once again no one wants to call
Starting point is 01:44:34 what it is and man sugar is so powerful and you see if you really want to see the power of it to watch kids around it it is it is absolutely once you hone in and start watching that, it's amazing. Crazy video, right? I don't think I could even drink one whole. How do you get to the point where you're able to eat or drink four of those? I had a, when I was younger, I used to drink probably once a week, a venti caramel frappuccino, and I would tell them extra syrup. And then I went a couple years without eating one, and then I ate one, and something was not right. It was like I OD'd.
Starting point is 01:45:15 I actually think I OD'd on sugar or something. I was not okay for a few minutes or like 30 minutes. Yeah, I did that when I worked there. I used to get them and ask for the extra caramel. And then when I worked there, I was like, I could put all the caramel I want. And I just went downtown. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:45:30 And I got so sick. There are no rules. Yes, yes. I was like, I don't have to be embarrassed by putting how much I really want in there. And I was, yeah, I got such a stomachache for that. It was terrible. Okay, this video is so good.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I probably shouldn't enjoy this one. It's called Trudeau is a Tool. It's 237. It is so good. It is really unbelievable. Canada, please. Please, Canada. What are you guys thinking?
Starting point is 01:46:04 I think he's Canada. I i mean how is this guy your leader this is incredible he's meeting with the this is he's he's with the title this is chinese dictator caught dressing down trudeau i'm like what does that mean dressing down well i sure as fuck learned what it meant here trudeau gets so schooled here. It's so embarrassing. And that's not all the way the conversation was conducted. If there is sincerity on your part, free and open and frank dialogue, and that is what we will continue to have, we will continue to work constructively together, but there will be things we will disagree on. You will have to we will disagree on.
Starting point is 01:47:09 That's great in the conditions first. Oh. He fucking spanked Trudeau. He disciplined him like a little boy, and then Trudeau couldn't even respond to what he said wow he basically said for those of you couldn't hear the the the xi jinping is basically saying hey dude we had a private conversation now it's leaked everywhere and that's not fucking cool and trudeau's like i hope in the future we will continue like a robot doesn't even hear doesn't even hear what he says and interrupts the translator and he, I hope in the future we will continue like a robot doesn't even hear doesn't even hear what he says and interrupts the translator.
Starting point is 01:47:48 And he goes, I hope in the future we can continue to talk and have an open dialogue. And then the president of China is like, yeah, we'll have to set the conditions first, meaning, hey, you're a fucking duplicitous piece of shit. Yeah. OK, sorry, Kylie. Sorry. I just it's just it's so bizarre. I know. I know. We got we got Biden. I'll take one. I'll take a lump. Hey, you think he speaks English, too, and just has that translator there for like space? Oh, for sure. Yeah, that's what I would do, too. Yeah. Well, that's interesting. You said that, too, because he did respond very quickly to the last before the translator could have translated it. Mm hmm. Where like it would let him like
Starting point is 01:48:25 it leak out that he's like frustrated so then he just like pushes past he needs an anger translator like the pmp episode he's got the anger translator uh 235 i thought this was rather poignant it's a called costco pants this is this is ridiculous but so I think it might be true. Costco pants. 235 Costco pants. The very first time, this is the nature of growing up. But sometimes you do things you thought you would never, ever do. Like I recently bought pants from Costco. That's a big deal. That's a new chapter in your life, right? Because when you buy pants from Costco, that's when you don't care anymore.
Starting point is 01:49:09 That's when we let go of our egos and we begin our spiritual journey. Because you hear people say stuff like, oh, I'm not concerned about other people's opinions. I don't care about what they think. That is just talk until you back it up with the Costco pants purchase. That's how you let them know. He for real.
Starting point is 01:49:28 He don't give a damn for real. He wearing Kirkland pants. Don't mess with him. Don't mess with him. When you see somebody wearing Kirkland pants, you know two things. Number one, they do what it takes to live. Number two, but they're not afraid to die anymore
Starting point is 01:49:45 oh that's awesome it really is like that as you get old as i get older like i thought i would never wear one of those sun hats and like now i don't leave the house without one. I know my nose is hat spent too much time in the sun. I take that rogue sun hat everywhere. Like, all right. Do you only have one? No,
Starting point is 01:50:12 I have three. Okay. I thought so. Rotate them. Bill and Katie would give me one every year, which is pretty cool. I'd go in there. There was a lady there who was,
Starting point is 01:50:22 um, I think her and her husband ran rogue Europe and she would run the store there. Her name was Anu. I was almost going to name one of my kids after her. Oh, that's cool. She would always hook me up with a rogue hat. Hey, you want to hear something else cool? I did that Dear Bill and Katie bought my sweatshirt.
Starting point is 01:50:38 I didn't get a sweatshirt. Spoiler alert. But I did have somebody who was a listener of the show that his wife worked at the rome airport and he was like he was like hey let her know she's on maternity leave right now but she's gonna make a phone call and if it popped up in lost and found we'll ship it back to you holy shit really yeah and just the fact that like somebody like took the time to like even think about that and like you know what i mean like made a call the airport is
Starting point is 01:51:03 fucking amazing like yes it felt like i had it back i still don't have it back but keep the dream alive i'm gonna keep it alive yeah that sucker might show back up who knows uh oh oh 221 brandon waddell let's get this shit out of here 221 Brandon Waddell so I tell you guys that I'm working on snatching a 100 pound dumbbell Brandon sends this well I'm just like dickhead look at this
Starting point is 01:51:35 I can't stand it thank you Kayla so this is 135 pounds and it's not even a dumbbell it's a bar Thank you, Kayla. So this is 135 pounds. And it's not even a dumbbell. It's a bar. It's got to be 10 times harder than what I'm trying to do. Look at him.
Starting point is 01:51:52 He's a gorilla. Look at his forearms. It's part gorilla. Oh, he's not going to snap. Oh, fuck off. Oh. And he had control of it, too. It wasn't like a sketchy i know down like he he like he made the rep count hey with no fear either look where he just he just i wonder how many times he had to figure out exactly where to put his hand i mean look how just look at that look at that uh take
Starting point is 01:52:18 that and oh my goodness god that dude could throw me over a fence he tosses it down with authority too he lets you know he's like i'm still i'm still gonna do it brandon okay i invited this girl to 17 i invited this girl onto the podcast to do a bit with me she never responded to me i asked her in the dms if she would come on the podcast and play a certain character now caleb what you have to do is you have to try to pause this clip every this is going to be uh let me see if i can open it in my window real quick and tell you where you have to pause it um okay so okay about, she's, when you play this clip, this person in this video is going to look over their shoulder and then rotate their hips to look at the camera. And right when they rotate their hips, I want you to pause it. Okay. If you can. Okay. So look at this clip. Okay. Yeah. Play Stop. Oh, too much. See if you can reboost it. See if you can reboost it. So I asked, I asked this girl, I said, Hey, in her DMs, I said, Hey, can you come on the show and pretend like right there?
Starting point is 01:53:38 Who does that look like? Katrin. Yeah. Go ahead and play this clip. Look at how much this girl looks like Katrin in some shots. It's absolutely fucking amazing. This is Katrin David's daughter's like doppelganger. Oh my goodness. There, there, there. That's Katrin. You see that when she turns to the side? Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:00 There it is. Oh my goodness. For sure. And I'd send her a DM. Im i'm like hey could you come on my show and just pretend to be david catron's daughter and we just talk for a little bit did you send that for real yeah did you see it i don't know how would i know how many followers does she have i don't have my phone with me to check. 42,000. Not like that many. She can see the DMs on the hundreds of thousands.
Starting point is 01:54:32 That would be fucking awesome. Marco is saying I sent him this. It's just that one particular video where she turns her head to the side. Marco, I guess Marco sent this to me. I cannot believe how much she looks like her.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Yeah, that's incredible. It's pretty wild. I should check to see if she did. Well, you don't follow her, so she won't. No, I'm sure I follow. Before I send anyone a DM, I follow them. Oh, no, that's Caleb's account. Caleb doesn't follow her, so she won't. No, I'm sure I follow. Before I send anyone a DM, I follow them. Oh, no, that's Caleb's account. Caleb doesn't follow.
Starting point is 01:55:08 It's a podcast account. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. It's a podcast, yeah. Oh, I know. I follow everybody in a podcast account. If only you had your blue checkmark. He's not wrong. Hey, wouldn't it be fun to see what would happen to all these people
Starting point is 01:55:22 if they lost their Instagram account? wouldn't it be fun to see what would happen to all these people if they lost their instagram account for like are they just yeah remember when instagram had that like issue for like whatever it was six hours and it was like yeah that was but i want people i want people to kind of like i was wondering what these we were since we've been exploring all this stuff with these people and who they're what their identity is i was like i just want to see what would happen to these people if they just what if they just lost their account. That shows you how owned these people are. They will do whatever it takes to not lose their account, I bet. They would sell out no matter what.
Starting point is 01:55:54 What if we found out that the CEO of Instagram was on Jeffrey Epstein's island? Would Katrin post, I'm out zuckerberg yeah would you turn off her account no none of them would none of them would none of them would because they're they're you know do you know what it is when you take money to do tricks do you know what that's called there's a word for that and that's what it is patrick hart says for some it's their livelihood it would be like losing your job yeah it's completely out of control like a job too yeah and it would be like losing your job you're right yeah source of income hey and for some of them it's not even their livelihood it's their identity that thing that imagined those those those ones and o's that make up that software
Starting point is 01:56:49 is their identity just ones and o's not weird it's such a pull on like everybody wanting status you know like you get the blue check mark why don't they just be like Spiegel and just put a wrench in their name as an emoji? Hey, I'm not going to erase that from the list. I'm leaving that doppelganger on there. We have to revisit that. Oh, shit. Fucking Sousa looked like Trudeau to me for a minute. The meanest thing I've ever said to anyone.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Okay, 214. I take that back. I'm sorry. I should have kept that. It should have been my inside voice. I was like got victor putting in two letters yeah yeah see spiegel's got the wrench okay this will be the last one then 214 devin lorette been on the show i don't know six or seven times um i just i mean these guys everyone loves a little bit of arm wrestling devin lorette on the left second best maybe arm wrestler alive on the planet today, both right and left-handed.
Starting point is 01:57:48 And here we go. The comeback from that is insane. And watch how he pronates his hand now. Watch how he pronates. Watch this. Now he knows. Now he knows. Now he knows. You're done.
Starting point is 01:58:27 You're done. Wow. So for those of you who don't know, I'll give you a quick basic lesson in arm wrestling, the most generic lesson you'll ever have. You keep your elbow basically touching your body the entire time. You keep your arm here and you turn. Arm wrestling is not this. But what devin also does here at this point is he does this he's doing he's actually he's in this position and he turns like this
Starting point is 01:58:57 and that it arm wrestling looks so simple but it really is fucking there's so many little pieces to it but right there he turns he's in this position and he turns and to do that to another man's hand when he's hanging on it you have to be so fucking strong yeah did you ever arm wrestle him just for like yeah yeah yeah a hundred times yeah feel the power you can't feel anything you can't it's like it's like um uh going up you know like if you just grab like tele, put your hand on a telephone pole and tried to go like this, it's like, it's like that. You can't,
Starting point is 01:59:28 you can't even measure him because it's so, you know, like if you have a big stack on the lat thing and you have the whole stack and you can't pull it down, but you can jump and like, be like, okay, I kind of get it.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Or you can put your head there and like lift your feet up and like put a weight vest or something around and you could pull it down and let it up slow. You can't do any of that with him. Brian Shaw is doing arm wrestling now. Wow. Yeah. Devin's a freak of nature. All those guys are even shitty arm wrestlers who are pro arm wrestlers.
Starting point is 01:59:58 You can't, you can't even, you can't tell how strong they are. Cause it's like pulling on something that doesn't want to uh move i haven't seen slap fighting yet is that one is that's coming soon right yeah it's not even slap fighting they hit they hit each other with the palm yeah it's i kind of okay where was that okay erase that okay human beings drug overdoses where does caffeine come from death of pro athletes i want this stair master
Starting point is 02:00:37 the n-word covid vaccine and abortions pharmaceutical industry this guy stole my joke hating america COVID vaccine and abortions. Pharmaceutical industry. This guy stole my joke. Hating America. Robber gets shot and dies. Jeez. Are you just reading all the titles off these or what? Abortion for black babies. Smartest men in the world. New York City.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Oh, okay. Here's one. Okay, I'll finish on this. This is it. You guys are going to like this. I started talking about myself. I'll end by talking about myself. Number one 50. I used to carry a camera around with me everywhere. I mean like literally everywhere, a video camera, like everywhere. And I filmed and I made the show Ivy TV that I told you about
Starting point is 02:01:19 most popular show in Santa Barbara cable history. And it was just a public access show I did for free. And I just edited it in my car. And I had a couple of friends who helped me kind of like this show. And one night I was out filming and we had heard that Fox might pick up our show. And this is before like girls gone wild or any of that shit. This was like 2002 or three or four. And I don't think anyone, there was anyone even doing what anything that I was doing because the day that editing software Final Cut Pro came out and the day the computer came out
Starting point is 02:01:48 I got it and I started making shit or trying to learn how to make shit so one day I tell myself I'm not going to film but I have my camera with me anyway and me and my buddy went and got a 12 pack the guy I did the show with Greg Shields went and got a 12 pack of what's the brown ale from england
Starting point is 02:02:06 guinness no no um fuck brown ale from england i can't remember now someone will know but it's a brown ale from england it was like expensive like it was probably like twice as expensive as Natty Ice. But we reached out. Newcastle. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:28 Thank you. Bunch of alcoholics. Newcastle. Newcastle. Newcastle. Thank you. Okay. So that was like just going out on a limb.
Starting point is 02:02:41 90% for you, 10% for the team. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, Corey. out on a limb 90 for you 10 for the team thank you thank you thanks so um so i had my camera with me and we walked out of liquor store and it's this college town and everyone there walks and it's just a small little half square mile on the pacific ocean and it's kind of like by itself all alone with the university it's it's an incredible place to send your kids if you want to see them spin out of control and so there's
Starting point is 02:03:05 there's there's always at night there's always so many people on the streets walking around like thousands and so we walk out as the destroyer we're walking through a park and as i'm walking through the park i see um fire and smoke and i and i run up to the street and i just assumed it was a couch on fire i'm like okay i'll film a burning couch because people always do funny stuff around a burning couch like try to jump over it it was a couch on fire. I'm like, okay, I'll film a burning couch. Cause people always do funny stuff around a burning couch. Like try to jump over it or throw another couch on top. And I'm like, I'll get some B roll here. And I notice that there's a fucking car right in front of me and it's all dented up. And a guy jumps out of the car and says, I killed all of you on purpose. I'm the angel of death. And then I look around and there's
Starting point is 02:03:42 dead people all around on the ground five dead people and like two or three injured people and there's fucking like maybe in this particular there's probably like 300 people so i'm filming this and it's a whole story maybe someday i'll tell you the whole story but it was fucking nuts and then i had and then so the police used the video footage in the case and i had to go testify in this case, this murder case. It was the guy – the kid's name who jumped out of the car was – his name was David Adias. And super wealthy, famous parents. His dad was like – directed all the TV shows that everyone knew back then, Ally McBeal, The Sopranos.
Starting point is 02:04:22 I think he's directed all that shit. knew back then ali mcbeal the sopranos i think he's directed all that shit and uh so basically if you scroll down a little bit someone sent me this the other day oh it's all the way back in february that shows you how long my list has been building santa barbara california today marked the 21st anniversary of a quadruple vehicular oh i guess four people died i thought it was five quadruple vehicular homicide not a visa it happened it happened just after 11 PM on February 23rd, 2001. I don't know if that's true. I don't think it was that late.
Starting point is 02:04:51 I don't remember it being that late, but, but late it was dark outside. Coincidentally, David Addis, the man convicted of the crime in a Santa Barbara superior court petitioning for news or new lease on life. Judge Thomas Adams is presiding over the case.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Basically he was 18 at the time. Oh, I don't know if he's going 65 miles an hour either. Cause I don't know if you could get up to that speed, Judge Thomas Adams is presiding over the case. Basically, he was 18 at the time. Oh, I don't know if he's going 65 miles an hour either, because I don't know if you could get up to that speed. But he was in a nice Audi, too. And he plowed into a crowd of students, a massive crowd. Ruth Levy, Eli Israel, Chris Davis, Nick Bordakis died at the scene. A fifth person, Albert Levy, Ruth's brother, suffered life-threatening injuries.
Starting point is 02:05:30 Yeah, I think that person is still fucked up. He died in 2016 oh he died after suffered a seizure oh okay well shit so five did die yeah uh so i testified in this murder trial crazy shit dude so much crazy shit like my my relationship with that whole community changed half the community hated me because i filmed it the other half were loved me that it was what a fucking that was the beginning of the end of that chapter of my life it was it was nuts but anyway it was i testified in a murder trial it's kind of in hindsight it's like yeah put that in the feather i cried on the stand it was fucked up i was like really close to david adias he was sitting in the front that's crazy yeah yeah jay just just another day in my life i just live on the edge buddy what the fuck uh slacker rich kids
Starting point is 02:06:14 go to uc santa barbara so they're in their parents so they and their parents can pretend they got a decent education not anymore now it's all hard-working asian kids racist the facts are the facts okay guys thank you very much um i will uh see all of you guys tomorrow i think we have dale saran back on no i don't even know who do we have on tomorrow you just pulled that out of nowhere who do we have on tomorrow i know we have someone on tomorrow yeah we do we have on tomorrow? I know we have someone on tomorrow. Yeah, we do. We have Scott Pancheck. We got Scott Pancheck on tomorrow. Tomorrow I ask Scott Pancheck the hard questions. Oh, really? What kind of birth control do you use? Like in none.
Starting point is 02:06:57 They're about they're expecting. And then that's just that's just a decoy question. Then I say, are you going to compete this year at the games or what? That shirt doesn't fit you right. Yeah, I know. I love Scott too. He's cool as shit. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Allison NYC, let's leave with a compliment. Dear Sevan Podcast, I'm amazed that you guys can pump out a two-hour show that's entertaining and informative start to finish. Most TV shows are 30 to 60 minutes and have a full production team, and they're not as fun to watch. Well, thank you. Thank you. Allison, if you want to go take the kids to the skate park or go surfing or whatever, call me. Let's do it. I got nothing on the calendar today.
Starting point is 02:07:42 It's my fasting day, so I might be poop on a log, but I'll do it. I got nothing on the calendar today. It's my fasting day. So I might be poop poop on a log, but I'll do anything. I'm going to go play with my kids a little bit and then I'll text you and Brendan. All right, guys. Yeah. Kiss ass. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:07:52 Look, isn't that? I'd like the kiss ass. Yeah, that's good. All right. Bye.

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