The Sevan Podcast - #679 - Scott Panchik

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Where are you? Outside. You're outside?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah. Like if you look up, you stare into the heavens? No. There's a roof. Out to your left, is that just out to the open air? That's just... Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:57 It's already nighttime there? Yeah, it's a little dark. How come you're outside? dark um how come you're outside um oh i don't know is that room is your normal is your normal room taken uh yeah like the whole yeah there's something going on i'm not sure exactly you're not sure you can't or you can't tell us uh both it's it's nothing crazy it's just like they just needed that facility for something or like there was someone spotted mice and now they're like doing a fumigation or something like that yeah probably something like that have you seen any animals where you're at um any scorpions or crazy bugs or anything they got anything or
Starting point is 00:01:46 nothing lives out there there i've seen some snakes and some mice we've killed a mouse that was uh burrowing in our clinic and then how'd you kill him just kind of mousetrap just at your standard mousetrap mousetrap yeah high tech yeah super cool otherwise not really a lot of birds like this is like probably the only place where they're actually going to get food and stuff so birds oh we've got some cats too hey will we hear any how come i don't hear any birds um because i'm not near any trees they're and usually the like right at about seven o'clock no uh probably right before sunset all the birds will like flock to the trees and just like it'll just be a mass exodus to the trees and they'll just be chirping like
Starting point is 00:02:41 crazy and then they'll land they'll just chill for the night over by the trees. Are they like starlings? Are they those blackbirds you see in the Walmart parking lot and half of them have one mangled leg? How come all those birds have mangled legs? How come all those birds' feet are fucked up? I have no idea. But they're like little sparrows, like the tiny little brown speckled ones. How about that light you just
Starting point is 00:03:07 showed us will that thing have bats all around it in an hour no uh no bats no bats yeah no bats not that i've seen there could be any insect any insect issues mostly just flies we have a crazy fly issue it's gotten better since it's gotten colder but they're just they're incessant they'll like fly around your face and they'll land on you and they like don't care uh regular regular flies like our regular american house flies are like those smaller ones yeah like a regular american house fly it's crazy though because they don't bite like i've had like flies back home they're just like they'll land on you and they'll bite. They'll just like nip at your skin. But we don't have any biting flies really in California. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Look at me and you both on the trigger at the same time trying to put Scott up top. Two people try to put him on top and he ends on the bottom what's up dude hey how are you guys amazing i'm i'm amazing i'm trying to figure out what's going on with caleb i can't i can't tell when i see that backdrop i just think uh-oh it's a little terrifying what's that hanging on your wall, Scott? Right here? Yeah, like that mandala thing. I don't know. It's a decoration down in the mummy pod. This is my basement where my mother-in-law comes and watches Kinsley from time to time. And she hung that?
Starting point is 00:04:42 She decorated it herself? No. My wife Kristen did, but not the mummy pod it's the grammy pod i apologize grammy pod grammy pod is that thing handmade is that like that's probably like some air that's probably some heirloom from that side of the family scott you got to find out what that is i think that's probably made by someone's grandma or it could be from amazon or we drove by the thrift store my wife saw it and just grabbed you know and it just looked nice looked like it matched the walls and get the job done no he's not in a bunk he's outside he's underneath some awning
Starting point is 00:05:17 of what looks like some makeshift military base like boxes that's what i was thinking yeah he's definitely somewhere like that he's definitely somewhere like box. That's what I was thinking. Yeah. He's definitely somewhere like that. He's definitely somewhere like that. Usually he's inside. He's usually inside of like some hot, some room at the hospital, you know, where they treat people. Like you can see like the stethoscopes and the shit, the pictures on the walls of like an anus so that the doctor can be like, Hey, you have a Paul up there. And you know, like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Like the diagrams and he's gone. He's gone. We're seeing me buddy do you have do you have two kids i got one on the way any day now like any day any day like like 30th we're going in um for a c scheduled c-section but if it comes before that she is uh gonna uh, going to try to have a natural birth. Like, so she could literally come downstairs now and be like, okay, Scott, I'm having contractions. Has she, has she, those Braxton Hicks ones, have those started?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Oh yeah. Those are intense. I'll tell you what. So you've heard. Don't get enough credit because that is not something I would ever want to do. Don't you just want to know what one feels like? I'm just like the whole time. I've said that. Just one. What does it feel like? When you see it moving around in there, I'm just like, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's just such a crazy feeling and concept to wrap my head around. Is your wife enjoying the process? Do you think you'll have a third? Is she kind of like addicted to the process? I wouldn't say she's addicted to the process. I don't know. We'll see what happens. But we got a boy coming and we have a girl.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So kind of check both boxes, repopulated the world, you know, doing our part. It seems like just like the box that I keep you in all the prejudice and discrimination that I project onto you, um, from where you live and what state are you in? Ohio. Yeah. You seem like that's like a four, four kids state. Ohio. Yeah, you seem like that's like a four-kid state. Yeah. Four kids.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I mean, I came from a family of six kids, so I think you're probably under the assumption that I was going to try to match or beat that. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You know what? Just six is just a good number. It's just, you know, it's the even round. How old are you, Scott? Today's my 35th birthday, actually holy cow happy birthday thanks i appreciate it holy shit thanks for doing this is it cold downstairs where you're at a little bit yeah you need to dehumidify her down there will mold start growing on the walls
Starting point is 00:07:58 no we have we have one of those you do have one oh awesome everybody's got one of those in their basement you don't know what kind of weather you're gonna get we had a couple weeks ago it was like in the mid 60s almost 70 and then dropped the below 35 within like three days uh snow on the ground oh yeah wow i mean my wife is from buffalo and i don't know if you saw any pictures of the stadium but they had to move the game to Detroit and oh I saw a headline yeah yeah the Browns and uh the Bills played there and it was their stadium in Buffalo was just I'd never seen anything like that was it some sort of record too where the headlines like hey more oh look it we got a backup dude and the backup dudes here i saw caleb disappear from in front of the bunker figured i'd uh come help out what's up scott how you doing bro i'm good how are you scott matt suza have you
Starting point is 00:08:54 guys met before oh yeah on the show yeah we met at wadapalooza too briefly oh cool hey um was that were those record numbers in buffalo what happened there can? Can you pull that up, Susan, if you have a chance? Sorry, I know you just came on, but look at the stadium in Buffalo. What happened there? Was it that much? They just weren't prepared for it. Oh, it is just a crazy amount of snow. Like, I don't know what the total amount was, but it had to have been i think three four feet and and and it's not a dome so the inside of the stadium okay no well they they moved it to um detroit and that is a dome yeah hey when you played in college did you ever play in this now yeah all our all our playoff games were at mount union every year i was there because we went undefeated uh holy holy shit look at that one down on the bottom suza which one uh on the go down lower lower to the right one to the right one watching the game and
Starting point is 00:10:02 they were talking about how the fans were actually going to the players' houses and helping them get out of their house. Oh, like dig them out. They were like digging the players out of their house. Yeah, they didn't really practice much, and they still beat the Browns. Wow, that's insane. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Did you ever have a game? You played at Mountain Union and you were running back there. Yep. And a Division III school. You got it. And you were a starter? My senior year I started, yeah. And I played a little bit of slot receiver my junior year
Starting point is 00:10:46 and then i was like i went five years i was on that you know five year plan and i came back out for my fifth year but uh unfortunately i had some knee issues that uh prevented me from playing that year isn it, isn't it sort of trippy these three particular events that happened at peaks of your three or four particular events that happened at peaks of your career? Yeah, definitely gave me some flashbacks for sure. Yeah. But it also is like a transition.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Like, I don't know. I think, I think God kind of shifts your mindset and your life into different directions at different times. And it's crazy. I've told people this on a number of occasions. But if I would have gotten to play my fifth year as a starter and went and won a national championship, I don't know if I would have like been as interested in like really digging
Starting point is 00:11:48 into CrossFit the way I did early on, but it, you know, left something inside of me that was just like, man, I want to, I want to compete again. I want to find a way to like run onto a competition floor. And I couldn't believe that 10 years went by without having any issues with my body. And I think that really speaks volume to like what CrossFit does for you. Because I had three knee reconstructive surgeries from playing college football. So to go 10 years in the sport before having any issues with those, I was pretty happy.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I think a lot of people, I want to say most, even my guess is that most people would have used those injuries that you had playing college football as an excuse to not do CrossFit. I can't do CrossFit because I have a bad knee. I can't do CrossFit because I have a bad back. I can't do CrossFit. Yeah. Yeah. I laugh because I'm like, no, this would be really good for you. Because if we can get your quads and your hamstrings nice and strong, it takes a lot of tension off those knees. And you had all the things jacked up, right? Like the MCL, the patella, the ACL,
Starting point is 00:12:55 like anything with three letters you had kind of all jacked up. Yeah, I had ACL twice and PCL once in college. Oh, look, Caleb's back. He's alive. Let's see what he's doing. Undisclosed location number two. Now you're inside. You're under a bed.
Starting point is 00:13:16 No audio. All right, that's cool. Maybe he's like sitting top bunk right now and he can't talk. Oh, that's a great guess that there's someone sleeping in the room yeah i like that guess he's not shaking his head or nodding his head he might be frozen he just wants to listen he's here to listen he's here to watch do you remember that guy um on sesame street who used to just he would paint he never talked and he wore a trench coat and he would paint numbers on shit. Like he'd be in an elevator and he'd paint a number on it and then someone would lean up against. Do you remember that guy?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Sometimes Caleb reminds me of him because he's so stoic. Oh, and now his internet's gone again. I can kind of, I can see a box down here in the waiting room where Caleb hangs out, and he's flickering in and out. There was a fascinating story I heard on a podcast you did that I bet you a lot of people haven't heard where you – speaking of God – where you – no, not that guy. Did you do a voiceover? Not that guy. This was like a real care a real person and listen listen sesame street i know you guys have completely lost your way i mean i know i don't know why i'm even bothering giving you advice you're so you've turned into something that's good for kids to a brainwash epicenter of disgust but um no no more characters
Starting point is 00:14:47 with trench coats as a as a fashion expert the people in trench coats don't shouldn't be hanging with kids it's just fashionista yeah the fashionista um you after this uh i don't remember what injury it was maybe you can fill in some of the missing spots. But after one of your injuries, you were like, you were feeling distant. You were feeling a little empty inside. And you went out and you got a Bible. And you were thinking about opening the Bible. And you're like, shit's too complicated.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm not going to understand. Could you tell us that story? Are you still doing the Bible study to this day? We actually, um, we did it on, we had our last one Thursday and we're taking a little break between now and new year because we have the baby coming and then we'll pick back up. Um, but it actually was not, uh, an injury. It was, um, our first pregnancy. uh an injury it was um our first pregnancy we ended up losing our first uh child how many weeks how many weeks in um 11 11 weeks in yeah um we uh just for whatever it's worth um we lost our first one at 13 weeks. We never saw the baby because she had never gone to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So like for all we know, it was a it may have been, you know, sometimes women's bodies will say that they're pregnant when they're not like there won't be a fertilized egg or something. But but I remember she lost the first one and the third one. And then and then we had the twins. This is probably going to be a long story with all my questions. After you lost the first one, how traumatic was that for, did she lose a lot of blood physically? How traumatic was it for her?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Can you give me one second? Let me plug my iPad in. It's dying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for coming prepared. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 He's like, shit. I thought this was gonna be a 10 minute interview. Hey, to be honest with you, Scott, was gonna be i was like okay i told the boys i'm like we only need scott for like 30 minutes we'll fucking pry into whether he's gonna compete at the games and then we'll cut him loose but then i started researching you last night for like two hours on the assault bike i'm like fuck that we got shit to talk about yeah i was like oh it'll be 10 minutes and i was like i got 24 and we burned through that real quick. So if you have to go, just cut me loose. If you have to go, but my wife and I was like, Hey, can you bring me an exception?
Starting point is 00:17:15 She waddles down the stairs. Hey, here you go, asshole. She did. She did. But, um, but yeah, so that was where me, uh, wanting to dig into the Bible a little bit more had come from I really wanted to just get a better understanding of life and I had a few really great people in my life that had been directing me to read the Bible I had a guy from my gym he He actually, well, actually it's a pretty
Starting point is 00:17:48 awesome story. I'll give you the, I'll give you the cliff notes and try to keep it, keep it short. But I had joined a Bible study group and it was like right around COVID and we're on there. And Nathan Bramblitt, who was an old games athlete, was talking to me, and we were just, you know, I got on, and I'm just sitting there and listening, and I grew up Catholic, and, you know, I had Bibles in the house, and I went to church on Sundays, but it was always kind of just to, like, check a box, and, like, you did, it was just what you did, and I felt like I was, you know, a good person, and, you did it was just what you did and I felt like I was you know a good person and you know better than that guy and that guy and that guy but maybe not as good as that guy and you know I felt like I was doing things you didn't have as many notes
Starting point is 00:18:34 in your bible you had one but that guy had more notes so he was better than you I did I had a bible and it was sitting on a shelf and it was brand new, never really cracked open. And I grew up, like I said, I had a lot of knowledge and understanding of like who God was. I said, you know, my prayers. And like I said, I went to church, but I never really got into the Bible. And a lot of it was because of how intimidating it was. And the print's too small, dude. The print's too small.
Starting point is 00:19:05 The print says, don't read me. The print says too small, dude. The print's too small. The print says don't read me. The print says don't read me. I also knew there were some things in there that would make me be a little more responsible in this life, I think, too. I think there was a little intimidation there in those ways. I'm doing this, and the Bible's going to tell me not to? I wanted my God to be like me, you know, and that's that's not what it's about. But I was intimidated to open it for whatever reason. And it took a long time.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You know, I went to college and, you know, I went in and dropped into a couple of fellowship of Christian athletes. And I always felt like God kind of like was protecting me and like looking after me and, you know, just keeping me out of trouble. But I felt like it took this tragic event in my life to redirect me into deepening that relationship to really understand who God is and how he provides for me every day. So during COVID, we're on a Bible study, you know, virtual Zoom call, and I'm sitting there listening, and Nathan is talking, and he asked me, I was like, yeah, it's somewhere here in my house. Or, you know, honestly, I don't even know. I think my parents might still have the Bible I got when I was in CC. It's called CCD. It was like our catechism class. And he sent me one. So he sent it to me. I open it up, small print, super overwhelming. And I'm like, I'm not, I'm not ready for this. And at the same time,
Starting point is 00:20:42 I'm not ready for this. And at the same time. Chapter 7,000. But at the same time, I was creating this 400 meter loop on our property because the gym was shut down. And I was like, I want to be able to run from my home gym. And I just felt like it was really, really peaceful. And it's probably one of the first projects and things that I've done where I just felt like I didn't have music. It was just quiet time. So while this was all happening, I felt like I was just asking a lot of questions.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And this is all right after we lost our first child. And the day after I got this Bible from Nathan Bramblitt, and I'm walking, creating this loop in our woods, saying like, I wouldn't understand it. I don't know where to start. A guy from my gym, I kid you not, comes in and he says, I have something for you. And this is a guy that I haven't really talked to a whole lot. And it was really strange. He's not in your Bible. He wasn't in your Bible study class.
Starting point is 00:21:41 He was not in my Bible. He's just a member in my gym and he goes i have something for you and i was like oh cool like what is it he like goes out to his car he comes back in and he hands me a study bible and i'm like oh wow like two bibles in two days i'm not going to third day. I'm going to open this thing. And he goes, I want you to have this. Something on my heart told me I needed to give this to you. And it, and I opened it and it was really big, like big texts. And it had study notes at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And I was just like, oh, wow. And he's like explaining it to me. He told me where to start. And then he's like, and he's like, and I want to pray for you. I'm like, oh, wow. And he's like explaining it to me. He told me where to start. And then he's like, and he's like, I want to pray for you. I'm like, okay, thanks. And I thought he was going to leave and like pray for me later at home. Like, like, oh yeah, I'm going to pray for you. He like put his hand on me and prayed right in that moment. And like this, like, I just got so emotional and my body started shaking. And it was just like, I truly, truly believe that the Holy Spirit, he put it on my heart. And from that moment on, I was like, I have a responsibility to dig into this.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And it wasn't much longer where we got pregnant again with my daughter, Kinsley. And that just pushed me even more towards it because I was like, wow, things are coming together. I wanna be able to teach her all the things that are in here. I know she's going to have questions and I don't wanna rely on someone else to teach me those things.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And I think a lot of the times we rely on other people to teach us what we should be trying to learn on our, on our own. And the Bible is going to speak to you differently than it's going to speak to me. And it's going to meet us where we're at. And, um, I just, I truly believe something happened that day that really just changed my heart. And it just so happened it happened you know kind of leading into that last season of my career um you know my knee my knee ends up not making it through the year i'm probably the fittest that i've ever been in my entire life what year scott this is 2021 uh no this would this would have been 2020 so the year 2020 okay went to the games and um when you
Starting point is 00:24:06 were running and the crowd started running with you yeah so that all capital events scott did that shit first but a lot of stuff happened that year too and i'm just like man like what is like what's god trying to tell me and i think a lot of the we, we look into our life and we're like, man, why is God like, why, why is God doing this? Like,
Starting point is 00:24:30 why? Like, this is what I wanted. And this is what I got. And sometimes I believe that he's doing it for us. And it, and it could be for us to redirect in our life. It could be for us to dig more into the relationship we have with him so that there is
Starting point is 00:24:47 more substance there and there is something to grow and learn and, and develop. And it's, it's pushed me in a direction to be a better person. It's got me reading more. Um, and it also has me like being more patient and kind and loving. And, you know, at times, like whatever you're putting into you is going to spill out at some point when life gets hard. And if you're not putting good things into your into your heart, when things get hard, it doesn't get any better. And life's going to be hard. And that's what I've been leaning into over the last few years. And I felt more joyful than ever before in my life and it's been through some some pretty difficult times which you know is pretty incredible when I think of us as human beings one of the ways I think of us
Starting point is 00:25:41 one of the pictures that I see in my head is I see us as like radios. You know the old radios where you tune in the radio station? Yeah. And then you turn to the frequency and you turn that knob and you get it just so it's crystal clear. and what we put into our mind adjusts our, and who we hang out with adjusts our frequency to, to be more receptive to, to wherever these signals are coming. I picture us as just all human beings. It's kind of like antennas walking around on planet earth, getting our directive from whatever frequency we're tuned into. And when I hear your story, I think of it like that, like you read the Bible and it was just, it was adjusting your frequency to that message.
Starting point is 00:26:26 To what did you call it? The spirit, the Holy Ghost. What did you call it? Holy Spirit. Yeah. Holy Spirit. Who was the, is this guy still at your gym? The guy who gave you that?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, he's at the gym. Another, then I, you know, then it got me exploring a church. I wanted to find a church and. Other people on the frequency. Yeah. I want it. Well, I wanted to just continue to dig into that because like I said, at some point my daughter's going to have questions. And if I am not there to answer those questions, who is,
Starting point is 00:27:00 and I want to be, I want to control that narrative. That's my job. That's my role and responsibility as a father. And I want to do that to the best of my ability. And part of that is me continuing to grow that relationship myself. So I ended up getting baptized again at the church that I'm a part of now. I was baptized as a child. So like infant baptism is a part of now. I was baptized as a child. So like infant baptism is a part of Catholicism. But I wanted to declare that relationship as an adult. And I ended up
Starting point is 00:27:35 getting baptized again with my wife. And now we're part of a church. And one of our studies is at the gym that we do. It's a small group. And we do like a 45-minute CrossFit workout. And then we go into like a 45-minute study on a specific chapter in the Bible where we just kind of hang out and talk. And we have people from all walks of life coming in. And you don't have to be a Christian. My dad actually comes, which is amazing. He's Catholic and we just,
Starting point is 00:28:08 we dig into that thing together as a group. It's interesting. I've been acutely aware since I've been very young, like at five years old, I had this kindergarten teacher who I had a crush on, but I didn't know it was a crush at the time. I just knew I really liked her, and I really liked her. And I see my boys now having feelings towards girls and then processing those feelings because they don't know anything, but they obviously feel something physical, right?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Like it's not sexual, but they feel – I just remember those feelings. They're not sexual, but you know, okay, that's a girl. And there's something stirring in you. But the other thing that they're also quite curious about is where they came from and what happens when they die. life running from those two things, right? Dealing with those sensations that maybe drive you to, to want to be with a girl. And then the other is this deep quest for the curiosity of where do we go when we die and where did we come from before we were born, you know, sort of thinking in time. And yet we kind of push all that shit away. We don't address those sensations. We end up trying to make money to get a girl or we don't address those thoughts of where we go when we die. We run from them, you know? Like I still remember like my teenage years, like one of my friends is like, hey, man, like my dad's got these videos and he's like trying to show me porn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And like I had no idea what that was. And I was like, OK, you know, and. Could you imagine being a kid now, dude? I heard the average age that a kid sees porn. You can go on your phone and you can in a matter of seconds you can be in a really really dark and scary place and that changes your perception of everything i'm not even condemning porn i'm just saying like why would you want that to be your first impression of what the union of a man and a woman is. It's nuts. That'll mess you up. Mess you up.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It'll mess you up. Hey, it'll mess up millions, I bet. Because, yeah, it does. Because you're going to look at women in that way. You're not looking at it as love. And there's opportunity when your kids are young to really speak to their hearts. I look at my daughter.
Starting point is 00:30:43 She's like the innocence that she has. I just like, I want to preserve that as long as I can. And I want to teach her through my relationship with my wife, like what I want her to have someday in a man and how I treat her and the things that I, I do on a daily basis. You know, if I'm getting angry and upset and I'm mistreating my wife for yelling and screaming and not patient and kind, then that's just expected out of a man. So, you know, one of my good friends, he's always encouraged me. He's like, you got to date your children and you got to take them out one at a time. your children and you got to take them out one at a time. And if you don't build a relationship with them early on where they feel comfortable to talk to you, it's not going to just magically happen during their teenage and high school years when things are really, really hard.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And, you know, your teenage years are your most impressionable years. Like that's when you're making really, really hard decisions. I don't care how popular you are or how good you are at sports. Every one of those kids that comes into school in their teenage years is making difficult decisions every day. And if we don't take time to pour into our kids, yeah, if we don't take time to pour into our kids, then other teenagers are going to pour into them. Older kids are going to pour into them and what they're putting into them isn't good. You know, that's are going to pour into them. Older kids are going to pour into them. And what they're putting into them isn't good. That's not going to lead them down a road of how to treat women or what kind of relationship they want to be in
Starting point is 00:32:15 or just what they want to pursue in this life. I don't know. Hey, you know what's kind of funny? I hear this from all the parents why I'd be like hey why did you get your kid a cell phone oh for safety reasons oh for safety reasons now you can contact your kid but your kid and his friends can still now can now look up porn and let me tell you the the best the nicest best healthiest kids in the world are going to do that they're just just kids. They're just fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I remember being a kid and wondering those things. What does that look like? And it's the same thing that you were saying. You're like, why is that making me feel that way? If nobody talks to you about those things, you don't know. And then the people, like I said, that are teaching you, oh, like hooking up with girls is cool. Okay, cool. I'm going to go hook up with girls is cool okay cool i'm gonna go hook up with as many girls as i can right and right and now all of a sudden like foods you could compare
Starting point is 00:33:13 to food scott people um i used to go to every time i went to the movies i would always buy a pound of m&ms no one ever told me what the consequences of that would be peanut m&ms a pound to myself every time no one's no one's telling you the consequences of that would be peanut m&ms a pound to myself every time no one's no one's telling you the consequences of going out and hook i know it's crazy yeah no one tells you the consequences of that why would they tell you the consequences of uh of hooking up with as many girls as you can why do you feel why do you feel empty inside the next morning yeah it's not meant like that is not the way that we were intended to live and you know it's taken me a long time to get to this point to learn all these
Starting point is 00:33:51 things and i don't know 35 seems pretty quick to me i don't know but it's never too late to ask for forgiveness and start over man and just start building your heart back up. But you know, they talk about it's like hardening your heart when you start making decisions like that. And you're doing things that you're not proud of. They're behind locked doors and looking at things that you're not supposed to. It's, it's difficult to pour into your relationship. It's difficult to pour into the people that you love and care about because you're addicted to something. You're addicted to – and then it makes you feel like garbage afterwards, and that's because we weren't built to do that.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I don't know. That's personally what I believe now. Whatever that metric is, the greatest raised child in the world still doesn't have the experience needed for happiness than maybe the person who had the worst upbringing and who had the worst habits who actually took the effort to tear themselves apart. In that process of tearing yourself apart and rebuilding yourself I think is where the true gift is. I was actually asking my wife and I were talking about it other day, do you think our kids are wise? But the truth is, as I kind of set her up, it was a loaded question because I don't think anyone is wise until they've gone through that one cycle. You kind of ran your whole life, you're 25 or whatever, and then you either keep going down that path or you break all, no matter what, how perfect everything might be greatest Bible reader of all time, whatever, practicing the scripture. But there's something in, if you've, if you've never done deep self-reflection and
Starting point is 00:35:34 kind of torn yourself up, I don't think, I don't think you're even a complete human being. You think you, you think you're going to always wonder what that life, it's kind of like when people say like, Oh, that that's what college is about you go to college and enough i just think people have to hit rock bottom i don't think i don't think if you hit rock bottom then then you're not like you have to build this character in your life and we have to help our kids build it knowing someday they're going to have to dismantle it to find what you call the holy spirit no matter what i don't think i think we're all gonna hit i think we're gonna we're all in that we're all in this road of like riding waves where you ride a wave and then boom you crash and if you don't have something to get back up on that board and start
Starting point is 00:36:18 swimming and paddling out you're done yeah you're And so, and so you teach your child about God and the Bible so that they have the tools during these hard times. Yeah. You give them the tools that they need, but like there's, you got to know we're all flawed human beings. We're all sinners. We're all going to mess up like every day, every day I mess up. But, and, and I think that's one of the things that I learned over the last three to five years is like, a lot of it was like, I would let people like church people. All right. Dictate what my beliefs were on God. Oh, like if that person can let me down and they have that relationship with God, then like, like off, you know what I mean? Like, but it's like, no, we are all flawed human beings. I don't care who you are. We're flawed human beings. It is what it is. you have to lean into something bigger than that.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And that's what I believe the Bible is. Like, that's what I believe that relationship with God is because we are all going to hit that point of rock bottom at some point in our life. And we're going to think every time we hit a low point, we're like, oh man, this is rock bottom. And I look back to like my knee injury and I'm like, oh, I hit rock bottom. Then I look back to losing a child.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I'm like, oh, that was way worse. Not even close. Do you know what I mean? And our life is going to continue to move in that way. But it's like, if you're not rooted to something, then nothing flourishes after that. I do this story a lot. Let's say say uh scott i i robbed your house and i took your favorite tv set and i and i stole your family albums and let's say i did all this bad shit to you you're like this guy's a piece of shit he needs to go to jail blah blah blah blah blah and then someday someone was hurting your daughter and i was there and i helped you uh protect your daughter you'd be like dude let's go for a beer. I mean, it's all relative. Whenever I put all the people in my life that I don't like,
Starting point is 00:38:32 I actually love them compared to how I would feel if someone did something bad to my kids. I would actually lend them a thousand bucks. Like right now. They're not even my enemies when I hold up to how much I treasure my family. Well, I mean, I think it's it's such a good perspective because the things that you're talking about are materials and like you can replace all of those things. But like you can't take that. Like if there's a moment I help your children. Oh, man. Like're in like Prince. You know what you want.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I can't pay for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't pay for that. Literally, you can't pay for that. We've had family friends who I just kind of can't stand. And since I've had kids, I just love them because of how they treat my kids. I just fucking – I can't have them over enough. That's fucking hilarious even
Starting point is 00:39:26 though they swipe five bucks off your counter every time they're over what what is catechism class children generally generally are required to take catechism classes which are catholic religious education classes which generally start around the time the child is in the first grade and conclude around eighth grade at which time the child is confirmed will you put your um your your daughter in one of those um so actually i went from being catholic to being a christian so um it's not considered like ccd but there are uh classes from kindergarten all the way up to i believe eighth grade that you can put your child in during service on sundays where they're getting in it to experience a relationship with god and learning in a more appropriate fashion i guess you could say. Sorry, I'm going to take a little short. Kelly,
Starting point is 00:40:26 the way he's talking, though, it seems being gay isn't allowed. However, I'm not sure who you're talking about. But I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and I partied many, many a night with many thousands of gay people at the Erotic exotic ball all the gay pride parades i have absolutely no issues with anyone being gay what i do have a problem with is that the in being gay is a is a uh is a reference to which genitalia you like it means that you want to be intimate with people with the same genitalia and that flag has no place in front of my kid's school that's why my kid doesn't go to school because they put that flag up in front of my school and my school shouldn't be have a sex flag in front of the kid's school. That's why my kid doesn't go to school because they put that flag up in front of my school. And my school shouldn't be, have a sex flag in front of the school or a genitalia flag. And people are like, no, that flag's about freedom and acceptance.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And I know the American flag is the mindset and the idea of freedom and acceptance. So please don't get those two things conflated. I have no issues with any, anyone can pretty much do anything that they want with themselves. If you want to put a gay flag on your garage door, more power to you. I'll honk when I go by, and I know that's the place to party that really wants to emphasize what they do with their genitalia. I get it. But that is not the place. Just like I don't want the fucking NRA flag at my fucking school. I don't want that. Sorry. I don't want the BLM flag at my school. I don't want my kids being taught't want the blm flag at my school i don't want my
Starting point is 00:41:45 kids being taught about color at my school unless it's a biological term that scott does better in finland and jeff evans does better closer to the equator because of the biology of their skin color other than that sorry i digress i don't like it when people conflate that stuff. Jeremy E. World, I'm digging everything Cole Sager is saying. Oh, shit. Why is – why was – for me, why was losing the child so hard? For me, I was – for me, I don't think it was hard other than the fact that what I saw my wife go through both times. And the second time, she was sure she would never have kids again. I'm so glad we did.
Starting point is 00:42:33 We had the twins. But why was it so hard on you? I think it was just because I felt like there was nothing I could do. You know, it just felt, I just felt so helpless in those circumstances. And there's nothing I can say or do or know. There's no, like, usually the things in life, you can put effort into something. And, you know, something good can start to happen. You know, the only effort that I could put in was into our relationship and just being
Starting point is 00:43:08 there and listening and, um, encouraging her as much as I could. So that, that was really difficult. And I don't think men will ever truly understand what it's like. And I try not to pretend like I i do right right right um yeah i agree oh and um was she hesitant to have to try to have a child again because it was so traumatic because i know the second one was so physically traumatic on my wife that she was like in her skin basically turned yellow for six months she's like fuck that get the condoms out we're not doing that again yeah um i think that was just there was definitely some anxiety that like what if this happens again and i remember going in for like ultrasounds and
Starting point is 00:43:58 just every step of the way through that second pregnancy, you're just kind of walking on, on eggshells. And that's, that's difficult. But that was also right around the time that I had started reading the Bible. And again, like was rooted to something that was good, good for my heart. And I had trust and I believed that we were meant to have a baby and we just kept trying and eventually we got Kinsley. So along this same line of family, when you open CrossFit mentality, your, your dad, your mom and dad left the city they lived in and bought a home in the city you're in and helped you. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yes. Yes. So my whole family relocated. Isn't that just crazy? Now, I know part of you wants to be like, oh, my God, that's so great. But doesn't that put a crazy amount of pressure on you? I was definitely a little nervous. You're like, wait, wait, what? Thank you. But wait, what? I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:09 you can't fail then at that point. I mean, yeah. I'll never forget our first day. We did our opening day. I had like 75 people come in. I had just finished the 2012 games and I took fourth and all these people came out to like help support the opening of the gym. And I went up to my mom after everything was done. I was like, how many people signed up? She's like one. I was like, oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Better than zero. Yeah, better than zero. So I coached the hell out of that one guy and turned into two and two turned into four. And it just kind of took off from there, but it was a slow growth. And honestly, I wouldn't change it for the world because that, because we had such a slow growth, we were really able to lay a strong foundation to who, who we wanted to be at CrossFit mentality and really speaking life into those individuals and what the community and the culture was going to be at CrossFit Mentality and really speaking life into those individuals and what the community and the culture was going to be.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And I think now it's difficult because I think if you open up a gym, you're likely going to get some people that are unhappy at the gyms that they're in. And your core members when they come into the gym are, you know, these people that are very unhappy in some of the other areas. And that doesn't necessarily build a strong foundation in some way. So you got to really work your tail off to make sure that you're preserving, uh, what, uh, or who you want to be. Are you still in the same location that you opened at in 2012?
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah. And your parents still are part of the gym? Yeah, they still pop in. And my dad actually stepped away to help my brothers, Saxon and Spencer, open up a gym. So he kind of goes back and forth between the two and is retired now. So he's got a lot of a lot of free time but the part of the move too was I think because my two twin brothers wanted to compete in CrossFit they went to the 2012 games and they were like this is something I want to do and they
Starting point is 00:47:17 gave up their senior year of high school to move to Mentor to be part of us opening a gym and to train with me as much of the day as they could they were seniors at the time and they only had a modified schedule because of the core group of classes that they had left so 12 30 they'd come and train with me and i don't think a lot of people realize how much time those two guys put in to get to the games where they are. They started at 12 years old, and this was their sport growing up. They played basketball and were involved in other sports, but this is what they always wanted to do. My parents brought them out here, and they knew that was the best place for them to be and for all of us to be together. here and they knew that was the best place for them to be and for all of us to be together. And it gave us the opportunity to really have a season of life where we got really close.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And I didn't get that, you know, because I was in five, five years of college. So they were still at an age where we just didn't connect. And now they move out here as seniors and they're becoming, you know, turning from boys to men. And it was just really great to be able to spend time with them and introduce them to the sport and give them the opportunity to, to coach and, um, to interact with a lot of really, really amazing people. I, I still to this day believe we live in a little bit of a little bit of a bubble though, with, um, you know, our members over at CrossFit mentality and we don't really have to go outside of that. And there's just something to be said about people
Starting point is 00:48:51 that want to work hard that just tend to be really good people. And you're, you're attributing that to the people who attend CrossFit affiliates, that it's a certain kind of, I do. I believe the people that are sticking around are good people. And I believe it, there's a direct correlation between them being good people and their work ethic. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's, um, I was exploring that idea recently, uh, with Sousa quite a bit in the last few months that what a great thing to be a part of because every part of it, you know, you're doing the right thing. So you're going there and you're working out for your own health. You're meeting other people who are working out for their own health, which means that you're working out with people who care about life. And then on top of
Starting point is 00:49:39 that, you're spending your dollars, you're voting with your dollars to keep something open that's so positive for the community. That's so crazy positive for the community. Yeah. Well, we're reading right now. We're reading. We're in Romans. And one of the things it talks about, I think it was in Romans 12, was talking about just like God given gifts.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And I believe that one of my gifts is being a leader and then also having knowledge and understanding of what it takes to be healthy and fit. And this is my way of serving our world and serving our community. And I think every person in this world has a gift to give. It just takes some time for us to chip away and figure out what that is. And then I think there's something really rewarding about figuring out how to serve others with those, with those gifts. And that's why CrossFit mentality has always been a part of my, my career as an athlete. And I always say that I'm a gym owner first and an athlete second because the gym is my career. That's something that I will do for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Being an athlete is very short term and something that can come and go. And I knew at any point during my career that it could be taken from me. And that's a scary thing. And I don't know if as many athletes are thinking in that mindset of like, Hey, like what, like, what is your exit strategy of the sport? What are you going to do when you're all done? And if they're looking at and comparing themselves to Matt, like Matt went and won the games so many times, And now he has a lot of opportunities and doors that have opened. But I wouldn't say that there were a ton of doors open for a lot of the other athletes that were there for two years,
Starting point is 00:51:34 there for three years. And he was smart. Not only were they opened, they've been open for a lot of people, but you have to know how to take advantage of it. I'm not blaming those people for not knowing how to take advantage of it. No, you need to know how to take advantage of it. I'm not blaming those people for not knowing how to take advantage of it, but you have to. When to take the opportunity. Like, I look at someone like Jacob Heppner is a good example of someone who came into the sport, accomplished a lot, and then, you know, stepped out and is excelling in the tactical games and,
Starting point is 00:52:00 you know, and investing into businesses. And I think it's important for our next generation to be thinking about what they plan to do next. Like what comes after this? And to continue to find ways to chip away at that while you're being an athlete. I mean, I do think there is downtime to when you're an athlete. And I hear a lot of this like,
Starting point is 00:52:24 oh, there's no balance no like there is balance if you want there to be balance and there should be other things that are going on in your life because if you take that one thing if you take CrossFit out of your life who are you and if and if you can't you know talk about who you are and you just define yourself as a CrossFit athlete and that gets taken from you, you're going to think that's rock bottom. I mean that was me as a football player. I'm like I'm at rock bottom and I started drinking and going out and doing things that I'm not proud of at all. And that's where it can leave you if you aren't pursuing something alongside of that. You kind of had a little bit of an accent in those days too that you've lost.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You stay in Ohio. You start to just speak. I was watching one of your interviews when you were at Mountain Union and I'm like, it looks like Scott, but it doesn't sound like Scott. It looks like Scott. Have you ever seen the Pittsburgh dad on YouTube? Maybe. You'll have to check it out.
Starting point is 00:53:33 The accent from the Pittsburgh dad is pretty funny. Is it your classic Ohio accent? Oh, I don't know if it's Ohio or Pittsburgh. Maybe it's a combination of both. I've been out here since 2012 so um another thing about jacob heppner is um i really appreciate his role in olivia kerstetter's life at least looking from the outside just from what i see on instagram and just a little bit when i've had jacob show, I find that as a very compelling trait of his that I'm attracted to. That's him serving.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. Fulfilling like something here. Like that's like, I believe that probably brings him more joy than anything. That's how I feel. But whenever I watch my brothers compete, like watching my brother Spencer qualify for his first CrossFit games this year and knowing how long it took him to get there, that was so special.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And just to be part of that journey in some shape or form and knowing everything that he put into it, I mean, that is like joy. Like I just remember standing at the finish line in tears because I was so happy for him when spencer and scott um uh would fight who would your parents root for sorry sorry sorry when saxon and spencer would fight i would probably it wouldn't be a fight when spencer and saxon would fight um who would your parents root for When Spencer and Saxon would fight, who would your parents root for?
Starting point is 00:55:07 Because I struggle. Last night, my kids were in the jiu-jitsu room at our house, and they fought for an hour. There's times I'm rooting for one guy, and I'm like, I'm getting a little heavy-handed on the root for this guy. Imagine them being at the CrossFit Games. Oh, shit. Yeah. I don't know who to root for. And then Avi's like, let me get in there and mess them up. I'm like, easy, easy, shit. Yeah. I like don't know who to refer. And then Avi's like, let me get in there and mess them up.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I'm like, easy, easy, buddy. So imagine watching two kids on the floor and one is like getting like is going to win the workout. And one is like struggling and something's going wrong. And like you want to celebrate, but at the same time, you're like, oh, come on, buddy. That's a difficult thing i don't i don't think anyone's prepared for that and i wish i could give you better advice uh i need to talk to your mom and dad yeah because they do a lot they compete a lot against each other and i never know who to root for and it's like and i catch myself screaming at one of them to win and i'm like wait that other dude's your kid you know hears that shit yeah and i don't want to mess the other kid up
Starting point is 00:56:10 um they both went to the games this year obviously you had the incident uh with the rope um which we've talked about and and you, everyone talked about it was, it was a big incident. Um, are you healed up from that incident? Yeah, I'm back to doing just about everything. Um, trying to just keep chipping away, getting stronger and getting back into running and bounding and all the things that come from that. But I'll get there. You, um, you you you ran your first mile after your surgery and you ran an 826 mile yeah and and how did that feel did your did your knee uh swell up after that no it didn't swell up it's just uncomfortable um is this familiar territory for you a lot of people don't know my my my ACL is still torn.
Starting point is 00:57:08 I decided not to get that fixed, which is what allowed me to come back a little bit faster. And I just, it was a medial and lateral meniscus that I had cleaned up and I'm just rehabbing and trying to see if, see if I can just work through that and keep, keep my quads and hamstrings very strong. We'll kind of see what happens. There is a chance that I might have to get that fixed again at some point, but I was not in any rush to do that.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I try to minimize the amount of times that I need to have surgery. It's just, I don't want anybody touching anything in there because the more they're in there messing around, the more likely they are to mess it up. And God forbid you get an infection in there. Have you ever had an infection in there after a surgery? No, my dad did though. He was cleaning our swimming pool and, um, got an infection in his, I think it was his ankle and it was like ankle or shoulder but after a surgery he was he was in there like cleaning the pool and doing dad things and he was not supposed to be and ended up getting a really nasty infection yeah my my my wife my wife was hit by a car she had to have a surgery. She had a cadaver meniscus put in, and it went wrong.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And four surgeries later, they're telling her like, hey, man, we don't know what this infection is, and we might have to amputate your leg. And I'm like, oh, God. Oh, wow. I have a one-legged wife. I didn't sign up for that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's about you there yeah i i had cadavers put in during my knee surgeries and looking back i wish i wouldn't have but it's like you have two choices oh we can take a piece of your you know your hamstring or
Starting point is 00:59:00 your patellar tendon and put it in. And then you're rehabbing two injuries or we can give you the cadaver. And I think there's like a shelf life on those things because that obviously did not do the trick. They really screwed up my wife. While she was in surgery one time, when she came out, obviously the doctor wasn't there
Starting point is 00:59:23 because he was off to the next one but we called him the next day he's like okay he was just supposed to go in there and take a look and he's like i cleaned up your meniscus and then later on when she went to have her meniscus replaced um and they never told her she was they were going to do that and later on when she went to have her meniscus replaced there's a guy in san francisco dr stone who's actually developed an artificial meniscus and he's like hey i can't do this surgery on you. And she's like, why? And she's like, because someone cleaned up your meniscus and I needed those pieces to attach the artificial one too. And it's just, it's just a complete shit show. I think, I mean, I don't know what
Starting point is 00:59:55 I'm talking about, but I think you did the right thing by not getting the surgery. Yeah. I mean, if I need it at a certain point, if I get hurt again, whatever. It is what it is. But until then, right now I'm back to doing almost everything. So I'm pretty happy with that. And the rehab from an ACL is a full year minimum. And there's still no saying that you'll get your full range of motion back and everything that you want to be able to do after that. So I was like, take as little of my meniscus as you can. Don't touch anything else. Like I gave specific instructions and I went through four different doctors before
Starting point is 01:00:38 I found one that I believed could do the job and understood what i wanted to get back to being able to do and believed in what i wanted to do what did he look like superficially uh he looked like an athlete he did yeah and i and i and anytime i'm getting advice from someone medical advice they need to look like an athlete they need to look like they take care of themselves and i ask them if they exercise and if they don't exercise i'm no you're not my doctor it is what it is you're worried you're a volkswagen mechanic not a fucking lamborghini mechanic big difference put the wrong tires on my lamborghini and i got in an accident and i want somebody to treat me like an athlete not like the rest of the world because the rest of the world is very unhealthy there's slightly below well why would I want to be treated that way?
Starting point is 01:01:26 So I have to find a doctor that's on the opposite side that takes care of himself. And if he takes care of himself, he's likely going to treat me how he would want to be treated. Yeah. Yeah. Most people like to hear from their doctor. Hey, don't do anything. Sit on the couch and sit there. He's like, Oh, perfect. Now I have a great excuse i i can't do it i was told by my doctor and i get a refill on those vicodins the first doctor i went and saw told me that i wouldn't like he goes i'll fix it i'm gonna stitch it and you can't squat below parallel and i i looked at him and I said, well, how do you, how do you expect me to take a dump in the morning? I was like, that's a fair question. And he like, he didn't know what to say.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I said, you're sitting at parallel right now in that chair. And he just like, he, he was so like, and I was like, that's important for me. And I'm not going to stop squatting below parallel. And he's like, well, I know I had my sister-in-law or something that was a bonehead crossfitter, and she went back in and got hurt. And I was like, well, we'll see you later. Like my wife had her first surgery and they put one of those braces on her where you just you just turn how much you can bend it every like, you know, three days you move the thing. And after eight weeks, she had lost so much range of motion. So the next surgery she had, they told her to do the same thing. And all I did, I said, I said, hey, soon as the wound heals, you're taking this thing off. i did i said i said hey soon as the wound heals
Starting point is 01:03:05 you're taking this thing off and so she took that thing off soon as the wound fully healed and every day i worked with her a little bit on a range of motion and then we went into the doctor and i put it back on and set it to where it was supposed to be and i'll never forget the doctor saying i've never seen a surgery where someone didn't lose uh range of motion i don't understand why you didn't lose range of motion yeah yeah because it yeah because it's i think one of the things that a lot of people don't understand is that it's cookie cutter so they're treating their common sense just lowest common denominator just to the dumbest person ever is made so what is the what is like think of the oldest person to get that surgery okay we got to make sure that it matches that person this dumbest fattest
Starting point is 01:03:45 that's what it's made for but it's cookie cutter and if it's cookie cutter like i don't want it and i think that the longer you sit and the longer something is not moving just like what you did the more it starts to die and that's us if we lay on the couch too long we you don't get you don't take care of your body it will stop working for you um every morning for the last three mornings my kids have woken up with the worst cough horrible they they're snoring all night they just sound like shit you know what i mean they have like steroidal covid 15 minutes after they wake up and or they do their school work they get dressed i take them outside to the skate park from the second they're outside to the second i bring them home at night
Starting point is 01:04:35 not one single cough no wheezing nothing it's like yeah put a sweater on them and get them fucking moving i remember glassman said that at my first level one. He said no animal was made to heal. As animals, we were all made to heal on the move. No animal gets injured and stays still. And obviously there's exceptions to that. You broke your neck, you know. But, yeah, we're made to heal on the move.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Absolutely. Every knee surgery I've had, I'd sit and like, I remember pumping my calf. I remember like squeezing my quad as soon as I could. And just like trying to like curl my toes or whatever I could do to just like anything that didn't hurt. My rule of thumb is if it doesn't hurt and you're not in excruciating pain, move that thing. Because if you're not in pain, pain is what tells us like, hey, don't do that. And if you listen to that, you'll be all right. And I talk to people in the gym about it. Hey, it's okay for a workout to be uncomfortable, but you shouldn't be in pain. If you're in pain, let's figure out how to change
Starting point is 01:05:42 that movement slightly, whether it's the height of your squad or using dumbbells instead of a barbell whatever it might be we just got to get you out of pain but we're you're gonna keep moving that's the goal um uh in in in uh 2000 i watched an old interview from a year ago uh with and Tommy Marquez here actually in Santa Cruz, California on the beach. And he was talking to you about in 2017, you had an open score in one of the events that you repeated in 2022 and you beat it. You had an 80 or sorry in 2021 and you had an 80, 80 second improvement. 82 seconds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:28 80 second improvement 82 seconds yeah so how could you be fourth in the crossfit games in 2012 then age five years and then five years later beat that score by 80 seconds that's nuts which shows you how the field is improving and just or or getting worse no you're or maybe well no oh i see what you're saying yeah yeah because it's time it's not based on other people yeah it's nuts yeah how do you think you keep getting fitter i do shouldn't there be shouldn't you crest it over your functional movements perform at high intensity do you think that um really i stick to i i really really believe in CrossFit. And over the last two years, I've done probably like – there was a period of time where I was doing tons of interval and breaking things up more and more. And then I got back into kind of like CrossFit intervals. crossfit intervals but like i've kept a lot of fitness especially right now because of like really focusing on quality over quantity and crossfit style workouts and i think sometimes
Starting point is 01:07:36 people need to go on and do a little bit more on than some of the other things that they might be doing. I think a lot of people could benefit from doing a main site workout once a week. And that's just me. I've always looked at the main site and used that as a reference to what is coming next, what are we going to come back and revisit and if you're not looking at like some crossfit journals and researching and doing those things like you're missing out because there is a lot of information and that is core to who we are that's how you got as good as you are and it's like don't forget to come back and refine those the basics and being exposed to
Starting point is 01:08:28 different movements and modalities and ways of doing things i mean i thought this year's games was more crossfit than it's ever been period it was as the it was just it was really awesome to see heavy-weighted implements with long-distance running. And then you saw a high power output. And then you saw the strict deficit handstand push-ups. And long biking endurance with super high-skilled movements. And it was just really, really fun to watch the games this year. Because I think it had a lot of athletes coming back and saying like, Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Like back to the, back to the basics. Would you, would you have killed this workout, Scott? The crossover. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Crossovers are, I'm still trying to figure that thing. I can do single, single unders. I'm good at yeah, crossovers are – I'm still trying to figure that thing out. I can do single – single-unders I'm good at. Single-under crossover is not bad, but, like, I can't figure out the double-unders, and I haven't been able to jump high enough and coordinated enough to, like, not have that impacting my knee. So I haven't really played around with that much. impacting my knee. So I haven't really played around with that much.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Uh, do you, have you, when you, when you watch the games, have you thought about how you would have placed? Um, yes and no. It's, I, I, it's like watching a football game. Everybody's like, why'd that running back cut that way? Well, that running back had a split second to decide, not even. And I know that being a running back. So I didn't want to be somebody who's sitting there like, oh, this would have been my jam.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Because it's just, that's not a good idea. This is peculiar. You did the capital workout. I did. I set that as a goal after leaving the games. I wanted to. Very interesting. I did. I set that as a goal after leaving the games. I wanted to, I knew that, that, that, uh, pig was, uh, it was really heavy and I needed to get stronger and I wanted to be able to run three miles, three and a half miles without stopping. And, and I think it was just when I watched that
Starting point is 01:10:40 event at the games, I was like, this is just a really really cool workout and i just put it on my list of things that i wanted to accomplish before november ended did you do stairs i didn't have any stairs so i just walked a little bit further but it was still a very challenging workout uh let me show you another interesting tip bring it up i have it here tidbit where he picks the guy up his chiropractor yeah this is a weird thing to see you do this is this is a bit obsessive yeah i was just practicing for next year you know you never know well why don't you tell us since we don't know? We've done enough foreplay. We're 70 minutes in.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Have you thought about if Rich goes Masters to go over there and hand it to him, get the L on Rich? I have no idea what's going to happen next. I'm just, like I said, it was the same thing last year. I was just like, I want to get as fit as I can. I'll sign up for the Open, and we'll see what happens. Are you just telling yourself that to keep the pressure off, or do you know? A little bit, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I truly don't know for sure, but we'll see. I don't know what life's going to be like here in another month, and I'm just excited to meet just excited for, to meet my, my, my son Camden. Yeah. Um, we've given that plenty of time. Let's get back to the games. Um, what is, I don't know. What is your, uh, what are some of the people close to you when you have conversations about competing again? What, what are your your wife and and your mom and dad and and your uh do you have a coach uh no okay um and maybe maybe your brothers spencer and saxon what's the conventional what's the chatter with them like if we were listening to your phone calls
Starting point is 01:12:38 um my wife is very supportive if i want to come back and go for it, she would be completely on board and would help me do it. My parents believe that I could do this for the rest of my life. Forever. My dad said, you still got it. You still got it. You know,
Starting point is 01:12:59 he pumps me up. Saxon and Spencer. I like to talk smack too sometimes and just tell them oh you better get you better get it together i'll send them like a little video or try this one would you do masters yeah i would do masters i also think it would be cool to show up to semi-finals if i qualified and see how i stack there. And maybe that's my games or I don't know. It's just really comes down to like how, how my body's feeling around that,
Starting point is 01:13:32 that season of life and just where that focus needs to be. And I don't know, am I still excited and energized by it? I mean, I'm training, I train hard. I will say that. Like,
Starting point is 01:13:44 I still really enjoy training hard this month. I've been getting on the echo bike every training day just because I'm tired of that thing hurting my feelings. So I was just, I'm putting that thing in every day just to man up and be tough. I just, I just, I believe that, um, working, I'm not training as hard as I did in 2020. I can tell you that. I don't spend as much time in there. Actually, I wouldn't say I'm not training hard. I'm not training with as much volume as I have in 2020.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I train just as hard. It's just a little bit less. I've been spending a lot of time rehab. I spend almost like an hour every day doing some form of rehab and agility and i'm working hard to just like get athletic again like like cutting left and right and jumping on boxes and you know getting back to some like old school kind of football training to be honest after um have you ever had any thoughts between um that semi-final where the rope incident occurred and now to where you're done have you have you ever been like like i'm done i'm in the done
Starting point is 01:14:56 category okay i'm retired um yeah right after it happened yeah i was like that's it i i mean i when they gave me the diagnosis and they're like yeah your acl is torn and you know you have a tear in your medial lateral meniscus and you're gonna need to get surgery on it and i'm talking to different doctors they're like you're not gonna squat i'm like oh man like All I want to do is I just want to be able to squat snatch and exercise and train the way that I want to train, even if I'm not competing. That's really, really important to me. I felt like I had to make the decision is like, Hey, do you want to go and try to compete? Or do you want to be able to squat snatch for another 10, 15 years? Oh, meaning, meaning if you continue to push this hard, you may have some other things taken away from you. Let's just say I come down
Starting point is 01:16:00 off of a box or I come down a ramp or I, you know, it could be anything. You just, you just come down off of a box or I come down a ramp or I, you know, it could be anything. You just, you just come down on it wrong. And that ACL completely goes and you got to go get surgery. And there's no saying you're going to get everything back that you did. You know, the facts are that right now I can control my environment and the things that I'm doing are very functional movements. And it's not a lot of lateral unexpected movement, you know, like a football game would be. I know where my squat depth is. I know where my extension is. And, you know, it's very, very functional. And you can do a lot there.
Starting point is 01:16:40 But, like, when you start tying in some of the like like i watch those guys at the rogue invitational coming down from the legless rope climbs onto the mat jumping off the mat going forward throwing themselves under a bar jumping over a bar carrying and you know you start to see some of those like elements where you're like oh man if i just step off that mat wrong how about when they come down the hill that transition scared the shit out of me yeah so like little things like that definitely come into my mind where i'm like and i don't know i just but at the same time i'm like you can't let fear dictate maybe you're almost even attracted to that a little bit
Starting point is 01:17:22 i don't know the last time my life either and just in wonder I mean that was part of the reason why I signed up for semi-finals last year I was like well I was like if you weren't fit enough to go then you wouldn't have qualified and I was in good standing going in I was like this is kind of cool like I'm doing a lot less. I'm still performing really well. Let's go see what happens. Are you swimming? Yeah. Yeah, I swim once a week. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And are you biking? I bike every training day. I mean a bicycle, two-wheel bike. No, I'm not right now. I'm just trying to take data points. I figure, okay, he's swimming, and that means he's still. That's a plus for the games, yeah. Yes, yes, he still has to buy the prize a little bit.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I am still swimming. I am still swimming. Yeah, that's a very – I like that data point. Doing last year's workouts from the games, that's a plus. I check in. Let's put it that way. I definitely check in with some workouts every now and again and like to see if i can still do some some work um you are you dabbled uh over at mayhem a bit right there was a point in your life where you started doing mayhem programming yeah and what years were those
Starting point is 01:18:45 you remember 2019 and was that the first time you had done any programming different than your own were you were you yeah yeah i just what was that i handed it off rich wrote it and he told me what to do and i did it and how and how was that I got really fit I believe I got really fit it is what it is I mean Rich is a smart guy there's no secret there and he's been super successful in the sport and he's someone that I do trust to to hand it over to they're not a ton of people because in my career there haven't been a ton of people that I do trust to, to hand it over to. They're not a ton of people because in my career, there haven't been a ton of people that I, that have beat me consistent consistently. And if you beat me consistently, then I want to know what you're doing and I'd love to be,
Starting point is 01:19:34 I'd be doing it too. Are you, are you guys friends? Rich? Yeah. Yeah. We talk occasionally. I wouldn't say like we're checking in weekly or anything like that but we chat and check in on one another and we definitely became better friends after uh 2019 and you you were on the team with him yeah that was the year that they were at the ranch with five people and they we qualified for the games as a team but we didn't get to go and then they went back then they went back to the um old way of no more super teams and then this year they're back to super teams again oh my have you talked have you have you talked to anyone about going on a team is that is that something you've explored at all no i think a lot of people are probably like oh man that guy's like
Starting point is 01:20:25 they're like that guy can go tick tick boom i might get a call like one week before the open and with somebody saying like hey do you want to come down and do the open workouts at my gym you know they're desperate at that point uh i am hop. Whoever decided there was no way those ropes shouldn't have been cut. I should have been ashamed. It's a miracle. More folks weren't hurt. It literally would have taken them 10 minutes to cut them. Best of luck to you next year. How did that end up? Uh, I know we had talked about it before and you said, Hey, you know, I've been advised to not, you know, uh, talk about that. So that's fine. If you don't
Starting point is 01:21:03 want to talk about it, obviously. But is there anything you can say about it, how that ended up? Yeah. I mean, my manager, Ralph, just was like, hey, now's not the time to be diving into all this. My brothers were getting ready to compete the next week, and I just needed some time to not be emotional. And I think, I needed some time to like, not be emotional. And I think that, I think that's good.
Starting point is 01:21:27 I think if I would have came on and talked and the things that I would have said would have probably not been as, um, who I am, I would have been speaking out of emotion and I don't want to do that. Right. Smart. God, that's so smart. Yeah, I was angry. I was really angry. I was disappointed.
Starting point is 01:21:55 But it took some time and then you redirect and you get back on course. It definitely softened the blow watching my brother Spencer qualify the following week, which was nice it was just a bummer because it would have been really cool to to show up and can compete with both those guys so um uh he's swimming he still romanticizes uh being at the games with his brothers his dad thinks he still has it his wife is very supportive uh he he's he's he did he's doing events from last year's games and uh and and he doesn't want to um ask uh what if uh when he's older like i put that last one in there like that you like that way you framed it i feel like that was your encouragement right there whatever i can whatever i can do oh matt let's not get carried away let's not let's not get carried away uh scott uh thanks for coming on i know this went uh
Starting point is 01:23:03 we're supposed to be 22 minutes and it's an hour and 22 minutes I'll send you my bill thank you I appreciate you sharing the parts of deep parts of your soul and the superficial parts of your injury and the whole gambit everything in between
Starting point is 01:23:21 it's always great seeing you dude you got it good seeing you guys I'll talk to you soon ciao yeah and congratulations on the baby yes yeah that's a lucky kid to have you as a dad and and the grandparents very lucky kid i appreciate that thank you guys we'll see you soon okay ciao brother bye damn i always like to kick him off he left before i could kick him off i always like like to push that kick. It's not like, it actually says kick guest. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like kick guest.
Starting point is 01:23:53 And kick. I didn't even think of that about him going onto a team and then maybe someone not wanting to dance with him because of the potential for something. The thing is, is that, I mean, the guy has no quit in him. I mean, at the games that year, he was limping around, and he still sent it. Yeah. I also think, too, I think he's being completely honest
Starting point is 01:24:19 when he says, like, I don't know. He's just going to play it by ear. Because I just think he trains hard. He's one of those guys that just trains hard regardless. Like, even if they're like, hey, the CrossFit games are done. We no longer do that. Like, I don't think much would change in his workout routine at all. He'd just be like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Well, he's not going to sleep here for the next three months with the baby coming. Right. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure he knows that from some of the posts he's made. He knows he's about to enter the – and the no sleep zone is a really weird spot to go i've seen it happen many times at the gym with some of the members but i've not experienced it myself the no sleep zone he was he was telling a story that basically when he had his first baby and it was in like one third they sell these little things where the baby sleeps next to your bed like in a bed and he was saying that he would like, you know, I don't know how many times a night wondering if he rolled over his baby.
Starting point is 01:25:09 And that shit's real. Like when you your first baby, especially like you think that they're so fragile before you find out they're bomb proof. You're everything you do. You think you might be hurting your kid. Excuse me. We don't have a topic. We have Brian coming on tomorrow, but we don't have a topic we have brian coming on tomorrow but we don't have a topic well um we we got uh plenty of things we could we could source from so i'll chat with them
Starting point is 01:25:31 we'll chat with them after this and get something squared away okay yeah i want to call them and have it so i can start yeah getting research on it yeah figuring out and then i'm uh i'm looking at my calendar here yep oh and we have uh so have, so then we have Luke Parker on Wednesday. Yep. And then, and Luke's been on the show before. Then we have a live calling show on Thursday. And then Friday we have Jason Tomlinson.
Starting point is 01:25:56 That's an affiliate owner. Yeah. We're going back to back with him tomorrow. I mean this week. Oh, two days in a row, two affiliate shows in a row, two in a row. Two affiliate shows in a row. Two in a row.
Starting point is 01:26:06 So much for me not wanting to do CrossFit stuff. We switch it up. Sunday's still open right now, so we have some room there. And then a good week of almost no CrossFit stuff the following week. Yeah. On Monday, we have Xavier DeRosa. Am I saying his name right? Mm-hmm name right you don't know who that is that's a great instagram account to follow then uh we have hocus the rapper on on uh tuesday another great instagram account to follow then on wednesday we
Starting point is 01:26:37 have paul uh alchemy he uh i think he was here in the States helping organize the evacuation of the troops from Afghanistan during that kind of debacle. That should be – I'm very curious. I don't know shit about that except what the pundits were saying. Then on Thursday, we have a trainer coming on named Tanner Shunk. He's not a CrossFit trainer, but he's just a trainer and he says some pretty uh straightforward shit on instagram that i found compelling and then on friday we have coming back to us a bellator fighter uh dalton rosta who's been on the show twice before uh undefeated 185 pounds a beautiful man uh mentally physically emotionally did i say physically double down on physically okay cool so we have we have a bunch of cool stuff coming up
Starting point is 01:27:26 yeah and we got a couple people on deck too that will be uh laid down in the calendar within the next day or so as well um it would be cool to get scott britts from battle cancer on oh uh send me hit oh elon okay we'll try to get elon on uh uh he's a bit busy right now but we'll get him soon john uh john i always want to call him yawn because it's the way it's spelled john uh send me that guy's instagram in my um dms and i'll poke around i'm gonna try something i've never tried before um we're not covering I guess there's this event going on for Masters athletes that's like I think
Starting point is 01:28:09 35 and over the Legends one isn't that at Mayhem yeah it's in Cookville yeah and so on December 6th 7th 8th and 9th I'm gonna try to have Jason Grubb on. Oh, we have Matt
Starting point is 01:28:26 Boudreaux back on? That's the thing that you're doing with the students. Oh. Yeah. Oh, so we're not Are we going live with that? We need to talk about it, yeah. Oh, I got to
Starting point is 01:28:42 make sure I don't swear in that episode. Probably, yes. Okay. Because you're going to be with the kids, right? I'm going to have to stick something on my computer, no swearing. I'll just be with a soundboard with a beep and get you a couple seconds lag. I think that's it. Tanner Shuck.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Tanner Shuck. Yeah. That's right. Thank you, Chase. Did I say Shunk? I just type whatever I want.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I just put an end there. But we're going to have Jason Grubb on come on for like 15 minutes every day. And I'm going to do – I'll be in Newport. And so I'm going to try – I usually do a lot of live call-in shows from there because it's easier for me. And hopefully I can have him on for like 15 minutes every day. And he can talk to us about the competition. I don't know. If. That would have been a cool one to go to just because I want to hang out
Starting point is 01:29:33 with rich in the gang. Yeah, that's true. I don't know if Ramirez is going to be at that competition, but if he is, that will be the first time that Jason grub, the champ and Ramirez meet the former champ. And that that's kind of exciting uh i do i soon in december soon i mean i always say that but
Starting point is 01:29:52 i but i believe it yeah greg's coming on in december also this time we really mean it though um thank you thank you jeffrey i appreciate that i need that i have full confidence someone Someone cannot curse me, too. Oh, you went to film school with them. OK, where at what school? Yeah. From the 1st to the 15th of December, I'll be with California Hormones down there. I'm so excited. I always have a blast down there with that crew. It's going to be awesome. I think even hillary will be down there for a few days suze will be down there for a few days is he coming down kids yeah well i don't know for sure i saw uh i sent him an invite so i think he i think from the 9th to the 11th i might have to visit you on a weekday too because when do you come back that following week are you out there for a while i'm gonna come for i'm gonna stay out there for two weeks oh then'm going to come for, I'm going to stay out there for two weeks. Oh, then I'm going to come back on the 15th. You are come back on the 15th. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Hey, you know, it's great. So my wife has, is talking about doing three days in Lake Tahoe this year. And I'm tripping. Cause the accommodation she's showing me has no place to do a podcast. So the podcast would be down for three days.
Starting point is 01:31:06 What? I know. Can you do that? I don't know. Will you be okay? Giz Lane. I would love to have Giz Lane Maxwell on. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 01:31:19 I was – hi, Jessica. I was tripping also this morning. I was thinking about all the Jeffrey Epstein stuff, and I was thinking that I should have said, I hope it's all not true. How cool would it be if none of it was true? I was just thinking, what if it's just all bullshit? What if it's just shit conspiracy? Let's say Jeffrey Epstein knew something else. Like I hope that – I was just thinking – even though I think it probably is true, all that shit, like I hope it really was like what if Bill Clinton was just there trying to talk him out of being a pedophile? Like what if Jesus had been at Epstein Island? Would we believe him that like, hey, he was just over there trying to help people, save souls? like hey uh he was just over there trying to help people save souls like is wasn't there one good person over there who's like hey like we shouldn't be doing this i'm sure there was probably lots of good people that came in contact and was like something's up with this guy and didn't but i don't know i feel like if you if you were on that plane and you flew to that island i i hear i hear
Starting point is 01:32:22 you i hear you victor but and I'm not saying I believe this even one bit I'm not saying I believe this even one bit but we have thousands of instances all around us where people can be paid to say stuff or where people lie so I haven't looked into it to see how many victims there are I started watching the series on
Starting point is 01:32:38 Netflix or something like that and I saw the first episode and I couldn't push further it was so fucking disgusting so uh don't get me don't get me wrong but i just wish i was just thinking i don't i don't i don't wish for these things to be true i don't want these things to be true except i do wish her name was jizz lane god that would be awesome i do wish that the real person is looking to her dad but but what if what if bill clinton was over there just like hey dude this is wrong i i know because i i was with monica
Starting point is 01:33:12 lewinsky and it was inappropriate maybe he was just trying to talk talk her out of it ask yourself about the clinton foundation in haiti i know more disgusting fucking robbery talking about the whole cell phone thing they did over there and on to lighter new operation overwatch need more operators to go in and just lay down lay hate on them that's exactly what i was trying to avoid oh my goodness jizzling. Oh, today is my, um, oh, so today, so, oh, I wanted to tell you something about my fasting. So I've been fasting now for over two years. I think in April and May will be three years where I don't eat every Sunday. So I stopped eating Saturday night. I started eating again, Monday morning. So it's, it's usually between 30 and 40 hours. And the first six months I did that, and I do drink black coffee.
Starting point is 01:34:25 The first six months I did that, every morning when I would drop a deuce after the fast, it would be a toxic deuce. It was so weird. It would smell like almost like burning plastic. Have you ever smelled one of those? And it almost would come. It's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 01:34:33 it's like no other poop you've ever seen. It's kind of like, would be like, like a, like, like almost like it's a baby in an embryo or like I shit out the placenta. Yeah. Yeah. It would be like in like a,
Starting point is 01:34:42 I want to say like almost like in a gelatinous sack. It was the weirdest poop, and they would be small. They would be – I don't know. Were you changing anything you ate prior to the fast, or was it just your normal stuff? No, no. It was just – and now for the last year and a half, it's not like that. There's no – I never have a toxic poop ever anymore. I could probably feed my shit to the homeless.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I mean it's like it's so clean yeah like an oily poop yes yes yes and yes johnny exactly and it would be and it would be um and it would smell like it didn't even smell like poop but it was horrible smell why do you think that is do you have any speculation well yeah i think i'm just clean i think i after six months of that like my shit's just like well i'm guessing this is that maybe i'm just totally making this up that in those 36 hours for the first six months i was it was some sort of autophagy i was going through which is basically the body starts consuming itself and it starts with like bad shit that's in you like skin tags or bad cells or cancer cells and that i've done it so many times that most of that shit's gone at least that's what i like to think interesting and that i'm a paragon of uh
Starting point is 01:35:51 health and fitness and beauty uh my dog has a raw diet poop always rock hard never smells well yeah that yeah uh soon as i stopped feeding my dog uh kibble and switched him to years ago to dehydrated, just meat. The poops are tiny and they're rock hard. Yeah. I haven't eaten a shitload of vegetables and my poop is not nearly as good as it was when I was just eating meat. Not really. Not not not really not not not really um not i don't normally john's asking do you do intermittent fasting during the week seven or just sunday fast i just do pretty much uh sunday fast yeah and i don't eat on any schedule i'm horrible like i just walk by the kitchen and just eat stuff banana handful of nuts well just whatever you think you've adapted
Starting point is 01:36:46 to the sunday thing like you maybe switched it there'd be any bad my wife wanted to switch to wednesday and i tried it once and then i ended up fasting twice in one week i don't know i like sunday i went back to sunday she's doing wednesdays now it's so easy for me like i told my wife yesterday this is so fucking hard but like I'm not even hungry I just get tired like around four o'clock because I get up at six around 4 p.m I'm white but then usually by 6 p.m I I have another a second win but there's a two-hour window in there where I'm just exhausted but I never get hungry on those days not never but I don't know never I don't ever like yesterday I was like I'm so tired but I'm not hungry
Starting point is 01:37:25 no I don't take vitamins oh I did take um yesterday I did take some sort of uh right before I went to bed I took some sort of um I just worked out and I took some sort of like electrolyte powder thing I don't normally do that at all but I just did it put it in some water and it was fucking awesome maybe it was even that LMNT stuff that we got in the gains box. I prefer intermittent fasting. I find eating in the morning makes me tired later in the day. Oh yeah. I tell, I have all these pills and I just take it. Not all week. I'm not ready. Three times a week.
Starting point is 01:38:01 I take a handful of those pills that I just have them all mixed up in one giant glass jar. Like nothing. Do you still take liver pills? So that. Yes. So fresh and so clean. You want to talk about your poop at all?
Starting point is 01:38:15 Susan? Not particularly. I don't think people would find it as interesting. You have a real way to captivate the audience, regardless of the subject. And I don't, I can't follow that up. Thank you. Seven. How do you break your fast you don't want to know any anything goes there's no like
Starting point is 01:38:34 right now if i walk into the kitchen and there are eggs on the stove or oatmeal on the stove i'll just sit there and eat it and talk to my wife she'll be like how was the show be like great i fucking killed it man i'm a boss i'll just be like stuffing oatmeal into my face and then i'll put my oh you know what i did suza i dropped one of my airpods in the ocean yesterday and watched it go off well at least you know where one of yours is i opened up my case and there was only one in there i had no recollection of ever just using one. It was just gone. One of us.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Which one do you have, the right or the left? I have the right one. I have the left one. Oh, snap. Together, we make a set of AirPods. Is it the newest AirPods? Is it the newest ones? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Mine are like the first generation older ones. Oh, it hasn't. It hasn't. Yeah. It really hurt. It really stung. No matter like the first generation older. Yeah. Yeah. I, it really hurt. It really stung. I,
Starting point is 01:39:28 I just, I saw it roll away and it was like, I just saw $300 just roll away. Just float off. Uh, it never happens to me. That's like the first time it's ever happened in my life. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:39:38 What? No, I was going to say, Julie said, Susan, can't you find it on your iPhone? It says that they're together, but it would be interesting if you checked it on yours and you could just see it way out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Oh. Like you click it, it's still just sending a signal. What's crazy is I dropped it and I put my foot on it on the beach as the water was coming up and then I lifted my foot up to get it and it just rolled away as the tide was going back out to the water. I was like, wait, what? And then it was gone such a bummer such a bummer savvy is inside a sea turtle now i know probably oh hillard just dropped it no oh nelly Shit. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 01:40:30 My mom gave me a little talk last night not to fight with people, not to make sure I'm not being mean to people. That's good. She's good. Yeah, I see it here too. Oh, Nelly. It's trending pretty fast. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Who's that guy on there? I don't know. 1,300 views in an hour? Yeah, that's going to be a big one for him. And it's 30 minutes long. I want to just hear the beginning of it. Look at that guy's mic set up. I don't know that I'm going to do it myself.
Starting point is 01:41:07 I like my hypertrophy. How do I get this thing to go? Okay, here we go. I'm going to get a little more into CrossFit. I'm going to check it out. I don't know that I'm going to do it myself. I like my hypertrophy and my lack of injuries that I've experienced for the last seven or eight years. But.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Oh, hell, Mr. Andrew. the last seven or eight years but oh hell or mr andrew okay hold on let's let's let's see just a little bit more let's watch a little bit more a little yo august 16th 2022 put out a video titled tia to me netty or not it is one of my highest if not i didn't like that video. I just want you to know. I don't like the Natty or Not stuff. I don't like it. Not the most highly interacted with videos that I've ever put out. And that should tell you in itself. Then, Sevan, why do you keep watching it? Because I'm a scumbag.
Starting point is 01:41:57 That's why I'm putting out this one, which will be titled Danny Spiegel, Natty or Not. I'm going to go a little bit further on this one rather than just giving you what my opinion is about Danny Spiegel nadia or not i'm gonna go a little bit further on this one rather than just giving you what my opinion opinion is about danny spiegel his opinion but the first thing that i want to address in the entire reason i'm doing this in the first place and this is just the way things roll along is that there has been quite a bit of interaction on the internet in relation to danny spiegel as of late to to which YouTube, my algorithm, kicked something to the top, which said Danny Spiegel and Eddie are not. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:42:34 I'm going to watch this when I'm on the assault bike. I'm not wasting this with you guys. I'm going to get some fitness out of this. Holy shit. Wow. Killer's crazy. All right. I'm probably going to gonna call i might not call you first i might call andrew first yeah it's a good idea oh my goodness okay i love you guys see you tomorrow morning um 7 a.m uh with uh oh brian friend will be here
Starting point is 01:43:03 tomorrow that's always fun that's easy brian's uh i'd love doing shows with brian um you should do a live reaction um i'm gonna maybe i'll let him i should i should have him get like his first 20 000 views 50 000 i don't know what's gonna happen to that video uh bye jeffrey you. I'll be waiting. All right. Love you guys. Everyone take care. See you guys tomorrow. Thanks again for all your support to the great Scott Panchik.
Starting point is 01:43:34 That guy is really busy and he can be very difficult to get on and he always responds very quickly to us whether it's a yes or a no and I love having him on. That was just a random shot in the dark and I'm glad we had him on. What a great guy. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:43:48 See you tomorrow. Bye.

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