The Sevan Podcast - #681 - Luke Parker

Episode Date: November 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I'm reading this article this morning about, it's funny, it says,
Starting point is 00:00:41 cultural differences between host country caterer and Western visitors have resulted in a series of issues. Two days before the opening match, they're talking about World Cup soccer. Officials announced there would be no alcohol sales in any venues associated with the tournament. The move came as a surprise to Anheuser-Busch, who paid 75 million to be the beer supplier for the games. Then there's also this one love armband, this rainbow armband. Good morning, everyone. There's this one love armband that I guess seven of the European teams wanted to wear.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And the FIFA is saying you can't wear that. You have to stick with the official uniform. And it's fucking crazy that they want to wear this armband. armband i i i have an inbox full of people who are gay who cannot stand the lgbtq i plus a thing they don't want to be affiliated with that shit at all they just they want to go back to the lgb they don't they don't want to be associated with the support of mental illness. I mean, if you just want to be just completely honest. And it's crazy that they're pushing this as a – they're calling it one love, but it has nothing to do with one love. They're asking these soccer players – there's these European countries that want the soccer teams to wear an armband that supports a kind of sexual intimacy
Starting point is 00:02:06 same genitalia intimacy it's fucking nuts like how about how about this the soccer game not have any uh opinion at all on uh sex but what's even crazier is is you you i think you would be hard pressed to find a lesbian who's uh for for the support of men in women's sports. I mean, show me one. Absolutely nuts. And it's so funny how they're complaining. Shame on those who did not allow armbands, one-love armbands, to support the LGBTQI. I'm proud to wear that armband.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I need to get some of these lesbians and gay dudes on the show to talk about this. They want nothing to do with this shit. and then what's so funny is all of a sudden these teams they're they're bowing down to fifa and they're like okay we won't wear them oh you you really stand strong with your opinions huh you really care the whole thing gets painted as as uh qatar is somehow the bad guy or FIFA is somehow the bad guy. Okay, the compromise is that they can wear an armband that says no discrimination. Okay, I don't know why you have to do that, but okay, fine. The no discrimination armband fine but but why why does a soccer game have to be supporting uh it in colluding and um being a
Starting point is 00:03:56 codependent to people with mental illness it's fucking insanity hi good morning luke good morning good morning what's up brother i'm just looking at the news nice i'm just drinking caffeine yeah i'll do some of that too hey dude i i'm also i'm looking at this article right now yeah they had a protest at the world's largest iphone factory in china about what line in here that just was tripping me out. It says, hundreds of workers were seen storming out of their dormitories from iPhone City. So they have 200,000 employees at one factory, and I guess they have dormitories there, and it's called iPhone City. Oh, my God. That sounds wild.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That's like Google's headquarters on Roids. Can you imagine living at the iphone factory iphone city yeah that's wild hey it's not it's not even um it's not even uh gay conservatives just gay people in general don't want to be lumped up women don't want dudes in their lesbians don't want dudes in their sports no no one wants dudes in in sports unless it's dude sports it's not it's not cool it's abusive i think i agree but that being said i wish that would come to the crossfit games and crossfit would have to deal with that and i'd love to see i'd love to see transition matt fraser and the go against Tia.
Starting point is 00:05:26 The ratings would be off the chart. We were actually just talking about this the other day in the gym. I have to bring it up just because you brought that up. Please blame me. I can't believe, Sevan, you're making me say this. Put your arm behind your back. Angelo put this on the whiteboard. It's pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So first, without giving any background information, he puts a bunch of stats on the board um he'll have to tell you the details but long story short the stats are like someone they're the same age and then it's one person that's zero fighting let's just say ufc fighting um zero fighting experience but they're an athlete they do crossfit they're fit and the other person has a ton of experience and then it's like well the one that doesn't have a whole lot of experience is taller and weighs more about 20 to 30 pounds on them four to five inch longer reach as far as height goes which one wins for sure the one that has experience right the ufc fighter yeah i would think well what if what if the ufc fighters are female
Starting point is 00:06:31 yeah this i mean i wouldn't have to get into it too much but we can if you want to uproar in the gym about it it's hilarious we we can and then at the end of it we're all like all right well we need to start dming some uh some female ufc fighters and get a fight on youtube oh that would be awesome angelo versus son i i saw a stat the other day that um it was like 500 of the fastest high school sprinters um can beat male sprinters can beat the woman's world record in the 400 meter high school boys yeah can beat the woman the fastest woman in the world in the 400 like four or five hundred of them i was like holy shit yeah and you know what women can do all women uh one thousand percent of women a hundred uh can can have babies better than dudes.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I'm into that. All of them. You can't do it. All of them. And they can all breastfeed the babies. And they can have an attachment to their boys and their daughters that us husbands will never have. Well said. My kids tell me all the time, you know we love mom more i'm like good you should go eat your food fucking crack you
Starting point is 00:07:50 hey man i gotta i gotta applaud you real quick i uh i hadn't talked to you in a while but um i watched a little bit of those zelos games oh Oh. And, man, you guys did a really good job. I thought it was really professional, not just how it was run, but it was really neat. I don't think I've ever seen that before as far as the broadcast goes. Having you guys, it was almost like, you know, you guys were on like an open conversation as far as like almost a podcast, but it was live.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You guys were talking about it right then they're live multiple different people and opinions and highly decorated cross-the-career opinions coaches um just people who are fans of the sport it was it was good thanks dude that means a lot to me i i i saw it as a milestone and and and not only in the sport but in technology if we would have had better bandwidth so you could see the picture better and you know a few thousand more dollars for microphones it would have been absolutely nuts it would have i'm i'm so excited um to try it again it was it was it was really cool and and basically you could go into the judges i mean that guy jared
Starting point is 00:09:01 gave us full access so you could listen to the judges you could listen to the challenges you could go to the warm-up area it was just completely open yeah and i think the athletes benefit don't you like it the athletes benefit yeah i mean for sure more i mean for sure right more eyeballs more people watching more exposure and it's better, like you said, for the athlete as far as actually being able to see the athlete. And it's something that we joke around about. Like, for example, the CrossFit Games, right? And I'm not hating on their broadcast, but I'm also going to hate on their broadcast.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Sure, sure. I do it all the time. Go ahead. You know, like, obviously, like obviously rich you know and his team the fans want to see that right yeah but there's some events where someone will be in second place and you don't even get to see him the entire time until the end until the the sprint finish to the finish line um because they'll highlight other teams and stuff and again like to pull away from that going back to zelos it was neat how like even the people what whether it was pacing strategies or maybe they weren't as fit even the people that weren't hanging on to that top time in their heat i still got to see them um where their maybe faults were in pacing or maybe um just how they
Starting point is 00:10:24 attacked the workout, you know? So I thought that was pretty cool. And the angle still showed the winner in the back. That's what I like. You could still see the guy in the back. It's like, hey, it's totally doable. Yeah. They really, did you watch Rogue?
Starting point is 00:10:37 A little bit. I didn't watch as much as I would have liked. There was this one event where they started with a rope climb. It was one rope climb yeah i watched that event okay and then so every time they said start they had a drone in the air that was shooting the rig from the side yeah so by the time the drone came around to show the front of the rig they were all off the rope climb so for eight eight or heats or 10 heats or whatever that one ended up being um you never got to see the rope climb maybe like
Starting point is 00:11:06 once or twice it was like dude what who the fuck is is the person calling the camera i mean it's cool because it's a drone shot yeah they're gonna go above and beyond the shot but yeah missing it missing the mark um i did notice that a little bit rogue there was a few times there's a few lanes because of my friends right people i want to see how they do or people that i think will probably win and there's a few times they kind of lacked a few angles or didn't get a lane or two to like the last few inches of the sprint finish you know i don't know if it was last year's games but or the one before but i think it was two games ago there was an event where it was a like a seven and a half minute event and scott panchik and travis mayor were
Starting point is 00:11:44 within one second of each other the entire time. And they never showed it until the last three seconds. And I was like, this is a sport and a competition. We have to see them neck and like, that would have been just seven minutes of tension for us. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Madaris and Scott. Yeah. The old legend in the new fucking bad or uh uh Mayer and Scott two two legends just tearing it up yeah that's that's rough you think that's mean calling them legends like I'm saying they're washed up no it's not me at all they would appreciate that that's funny I actually grew up my first year of CrossFit um like before I moved to Cookville and joined the Mayhem Empire right like I was at training think tank and joined the Mayhem Empire, right? Like I was at training Think Tank and Travis Mayer
Starting point is 00:12:28 and like all the coaches at Think Tank used to joke around about that because Travis was such a stud and day – not day in, day out, excuse me, year in and year out, continuing to show up to the games and put up top scores and freaky stats and stuff and be there for such a long time. Like even compete against rich when he was an individual and like no one knows him because the broadcast just kind of screws him so they used to always mess with them and kind of poke and prod because it was ridiculous i mean
Starting point is 00:12:57 honestly like and we all right right exposure's been rough i mean and then this year what was kind of funny is that he was winning the capital event for the entire, like, you know, first half. And so he got, he got like seven minutes of running, you know what I mean? The camera was just on Travis. It was dope. That was cool. And people were complaining. I'm like, no, no, this is good. This is payback. Hey, what happened to that door back there? hey what happened to that door back there so it's actually a sliding closet door and i was moving some stuff around in my closet and when i was yanking on it a little like i guess you can see this like it came off the track metal
Starting point is 00:13:38 yeah the metal thing kind of got twisted up so i tried putting it back on the track and it wouldn't do it so i'm just kind of leaning up against the wall and now it's like a nice little decorative piece yeah it is so i fix it you you started over there at um at training think tank and you walked in the office one day and there was travis mayor and you said i want to be as good as you when i'm your age 100 that was that's my day one story well like probably two months in the crossfit i was i had a local box and then all the guys were like dude the baddest dude in the southeast where we live is travis mayor you gotta visit think tank that's where all the the competitive dudes throw down and then yeah i walked in and i came in uh how do i be like you help me out here was he receptive
Starting point is 00:14:23 yeah he was cool i'm sure he was laughing like well got another one of these in the building and then he like looks over and was like there's max el haj uh there's the competitive side you need to go talk to them it was pretty cool that was a neat experience i was with my brother and we were like kind of amazed because we didn't know what to expect and we walked down this hallway and we see a shrine all this like different metals and stuff like granite games gold and like all these different metals and jerseys and we're just like dang i feel like we're in like riches compound or something like this is this is really neat but it was cool he was always a big brother to me and tucked me under his wing for that solid is he guarded is travis guarded uh
Starting point is 00:15:06 touch more on that like what do you mean um i get this impression from the times i've talked to him that he's guarded meaning um he has a very he's compartmentalized his life there's travis the family man who's at home and there is uh Travis the athlete and he keeps them separate as opposed to maybe rich it's just just like you show up there at the at the house and it's just just a pile of rich yeah like you see like you see the chaos just wide open yeah I guess that's a good way to put language to it and describe it. I think there's definitely, like anybody, even myself, right? I mean, once you get to know me truly on a deeper level, like you might be able to get to know a different side of me, or I might allow you into different parts of my life. I definitely think there's part of that too, right? Did you ever go to Travis's house for dinner? No, no but i mean you've been to rich's house for dinner yeah maybe you've even gone over there and just opened the cabinet and helped yourself to something a few times maybe but uh
Starting point is 00:16:18 yeah i mean travis was uh yeah i guess you put it in a good way as far as um having like all right my family life and then i'm going to work i'm clocking in but travis is still really cool about growing out especially like on like trips whether we're like out traveling and we're all staying in a hotel and going out to eat together i remember uh like the uh at think tank they had a big thing like their games prep camp and sometimes we just all pile in a car and go eat somewhere and but it was yeah i think you'd have to get to know him for those like walls to break down but travis is such a good dude um yeah i think he definitely does what you said as far as it's a different almost like i'm clocking into work and that's
Starting point is 00:17:04 crossfit for me. And then, okay, I'm going back home to my family kind of thing. How am I clocking in? It's, um, dang. Dude, he's strong. He is strong, right? I think people overlook his strength because he's been strong for a long time and he just keeps slowly getting stronger. I, um, it's interesting. and he just keeps slowly getting stronger.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It's interesting. Let's say me and you – he's got a house cleaner, definitely underage house cleaner. Yeah. It's interesting when you have kids. So like if me and five of my friends went out and I didn't have kids and we were, let's say, just like at some outdoor sandwich shop drinking beers, I would be fully present there yeah but but when you have four kids at home or three kids at home whatever he's got or five or
Starting point is 00:17:51 twelve whatever travis is doing these days you can't a part of you has to be mindful you know what i mean like am i gonna how many beers should i drink should i bring half this sandwich back home to my family my kid has a game at four i can't you know what i mean it got you it's kind of weird you can't be um you're not all in well yeah yeah you can't you can't just think about yourself like you're saying right you gotta pick family first as far as your thoughts and stuff i think i think at the end of the day rich is just different like he's more of a social person he He loves thriving about around being with family, close family and friends, you know, like I, I kind of, I'm somewhere in the middle. Like we, you brought up Travis Mary as an example. So like, I think he might be more someone that's like, um, yeah, don't get me wrong. Like Travis can be social and he'll go, whether it's a friend,
Starting point is 00:18:40 I mean, Thanksgiving's small, right? Let's use friends giving as an example. I've seen him go to different friends givings and do different things. But when it comes to the majority of his time, he'd rather be at home alone with his family. I'm like that too, but I'm somewhere in the middle. I kind of like being social, but not all the time. I feel like Rich is more of a guy that thrives, like love having a ton of family and friends around and like, it just kind of helps him with his flow. Sometimes I'm like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:19:06 ADD. I'm like, I don't, I get distracted if I have too many people around me too, too often, you know, I need some alone time to focus and kind of clear my head or do my thing or get my own things done. You know what I mean? Did Travis, did Travis ask Luke how to get more followers on Instagram? That was a, that was a running joke for a long time whenever I would see Travis hey 12,000
Starting point is 00:19:31 12,000 followers I think he's up over 100,000 is he up over 100,000 no he's not Sousa how can that be dude he's grown a lot 8 times CrossFit Games athlete and a beautiful man too it's not like there's
Starting point is 00:19:46 any shortcoming he doesn't have any shortcomings he's kind he's polite he's outgoing he's good looking and he's of one of the best in the game who has more him or scott panchik suza scott does scott how how was it how was it over there at training think tank did you just did you just do a transition from there to mayhem was it just like one day you're there and one day you're at mayhem or did the reality show come in between those i can't remember how much i told you about this transition because i thought i shared this with you on my first podcast, but it's all good.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I mean, I think you may have, maybe not. Excuse me. Well, well, you did some CrossFit before the reality show, right?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah. For a few months. And then I was at think tank first started and then I go on the show and then I come back for a little bit of time and think tank was really cool travis actually had my back a lot in that time because i was getting a lot of backlash obviously right you're always going to have supporters and you're always going to have haters right and then when the platform that's cool by the way that kind of filters out the d-bags from your life did you actually lose friends that you like friends from that show like when you say friends you mean people like yeah i
Starting point is 00:21:13 mean no i didn't lose friends because ah i see i see what you're doing yes they weren't your friends but did you lose people who you thought you were friends who like they saw you the show and they're like now i'm not gonna be a friend anymore no no okay that makes me happy if there was there was a few that were like had questions like they're skeptical they're like huh uh yo what's up with this and that but it was cool like i think for the majority as as in like 99% of my friends were like super supportive, uh, without like any questions. So, you know, that would have broken most people. Like 99, 99% of the people would have gone. Has anyone from that show ever killed themselves?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Um, well, you look that up, but have, oh, Susan's nodding. Yes. Bachelorette or bachelor you see if anyone's ever committed suicide i think i think the question or the answer would be yes but i don't know necessarily that it's intentional um it was actually kind of rough i had a guy on my season that had some rough stuff happen and then some like outside of the show allegations and they had to pull him from the season early while that we were filming wow we were talking on the phone and i was trying to keep in touch with him for a while we were talking actually like thriving our conversations were thriving on crossfit functional fitness because i just started crossfit and i was like
Starting point is 00:22:43 doing body weight workouts at the mansion with the guys. And it was interesting for a few weeks of us consistently communicating. I text him a few times and he didn't text me back. And then I got an email saying that he had passed away. I don't know necessarily that it was intentional. He had a pill problem and ended up going bad but wow yeah the pressure's nuts yeah the pressure's absolutely nuts okay sorry so i interrupted your story so you're at train think tank you do the reality show
Starting point is 00:23:21 and then um and then when you're done with that where does your where do you start doing crossfit let's say the day after you fly home how soon before you get into a gym and where do you go uh as soon as i got home i started doing crossfit um i was at think tank okay so you went back there yeah at the time i was kind of like for a few months i was at a box um it was called crossfit no edge now it's called like north forsyth training and fitness in coming georgia and i would my buddy i used to help him coach a little bit when i first started because i was trying to learn the sport didn't know much about it and i was like um kind of bouncing it out of his gym doing think tank programming. And then I would go hang out with Travis up there at the boys
Starting point is 00:24:11 and train at think tank. And then – When you mean the boys, you're saying Noah also. Yeah, yeah, like Noah Chandler and them. And like they actually literally a week after I got home from the show, maybe not, maybe, maybe not, maybe a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:24:27 We did the games prep camp and I was hanging out. It was kind of interesting. It was like Lucas Parker with the red beard, the Canadian, like aunt Haynes from Hong Kong who qualified for the games that year is a bunch of different games athletes, but the ones that are the most well-known and they're like Travis's friends are Chandler Smith and Olsen.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Did you bond with Lucas Parker at all? Did you talk to him much? Yeah, he was an interesting character, but we got to be pretty tight for sure. He was, man, he's like an OG. For sure. That beard is crazy. For sure. That beard is crazy. For sure.
Starting point is 00:25:05 His content is crazy, but it's so funny. Yeah, for sure. He reminds me of the, what's the guy, the Liver King guy's content. Oh. He's like an OG Liver King type of content. Yeah. I think I saw him the other day call out Liver King in one of Liver King's barbarian workouts. I saw, I think I saw him the other day, like call out liver King and one of liver King's barbarian workouts.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Oh, I would like to see both of them in a, um, in a shot side by side. That would be interesting. Cause I think the liver King is smaller in person than maybe he looks in his pictures. You know what I mean? I've heard he's a, yeah. A little shorter than what he looks like. Yeah. Like when I, I think when I saw him standing next to Logan Paul, he came up to Logan's shoulder.
Starting point is 00:25:46 But I recognize that Logan Paul is a pretty tall dude. Yeah. Okay, so you're over there and you're doing that camp. All good dudes, right? Chandler, Noah, Travis. Seems like just easy. Easy, yeah. Such good dudes.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Just, yeah, young, hungry athletes. Except for Travis. You want to be like him when you get older. That's right. How old are you? He's the grandpa. He's only a few years older than me. I think Travis is what, 30, 31 now maybe? I'm 28. So I'm actually on the grand scheme of things. I'm older,
Starting point is 00:26:21 but I feel really young because I've only been I played sports college baseball and then found CrossFit after like six months of triathlon training for fun with my brother and then yeah I'm only like four full complete years in the CrossFit so my knees and my body feel pretty fresh and new and young because most of my friends who are games athletes have been doing it for anywhere from 8 to 12 years and I feel like their bodies are just tore up like even like I love Angelo he's I mean he's my best friend right so like I gotta mess with him um he's he jokes around he's like I mean know, he's got a couple of gold medals as a teenager and just did the games with me on the team. And like, he's now, I don't know exactly
Starting point is 00:27:10 how many years he's been doing it, but I think it's north of 10 and he's just like, yeah. Uh, he always jokes around about retiring soon because of how long he's been doing it. But it's a, it's a real thing. Like it's a lot of not just stressing your body, but mental stress. And I'm already experiencing that as far as the day in, day out. And I'm like starting my official fifth year on this season. So yeah, I mean, I still got ways to go. I've heard you talk about how the first six months were just, you didn't, they weren't your words, but now that you're saying mental stress, it sounds like the way I heard you describe the first six months that it was an absolutely insane amount of mental stress because there was so much work to do. There was nowhere to hide, and you were kind of like – and you weren't all in yet. You were still like, hey, I'm just taking this thing out for a test ride.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And I think I even heard you say every day or every workout you would think, okay, this is my last one. I'm quitting. And then after six months, you say every day or every workout, you would think, okay, this is my last one. I'm quitting. And then after six months, you got over some sort of hump. Is that accurate? Similarly. So part of me was like, I make the leap of faith to go to Cookville, knowing that training there in the barn, I was going to make a decision quickly if this is even worth it in my life. Do you have hard feelings from think tank when you did that? No, I was really cool with all of them. It was, it was rough on me though, too. Like,
Starting point is 00:28:32 I mean, you're talking about a mentality of a guy who does team, a team with training think tank. And I told everybody there, like, I'm never leaving think tank. Like I'm committed to you guys. You can trust me because when you do team instead of individual, there has to be a trust, right? Because there's teams all the time that happen. And all of a sudden one person just bails out and they're like, yeah, sorry, work came up or family stuff. And I'm not committed.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And that's kind of scary, right? When you put your trust in other people's hands, as far as like, are they even going to show up? Much less are they actually training hard and trying to be their fittest version themselves but anyway long story short i'm like a think tank i confirmed being on their team i'm like hyping them up trying to rally up the troops and training with my team they're telling them like hey i'm gonna lead us to like to qualify for the games as a first team through think tank to qualify for the games and i want to eventually be an individual athlete but i want to take the team to the games a few years and get some experience and then that was when i'm the
Starting point is 00:29:30 2019 games was my first time spectating i was supporting travis chandler and noah because those were my boys at the time being at think tank and then that was when i met rich met the cfo brian and that goes in my story that you know met Hillary and all them and met some mayhem people and then that was when I went to visit for non-profit mayhem mission stuff and got to connect on the whole all the things right faith family fitness service all that and then yeah I got kind of like a unofficial official invite and then I was just kind of like hold up this is for real let me know I'll pack my bags tonight and then I was just kind of like, hold up. This is for real. Let me know. I'll pack my bags tonight.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And then I packed at U-Haul literally that night and marched my way up to Cookville. And I've been there ever since. But it was cool. I got to pull all of the coaches and Travis in the offices at Think Tank. And they were all very supportive. Like, hey, you need to do what's best for you. Like, we've appreciated having you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So that was long-winded, but I didn't burn any bridges. I had good relationships with all of them. If I see them at events, I give them all a hug, Travis, especially in all the other coaches and stuff there at think tank. And then, and then you show up at mayhem and then those six next six months, you know, even when you you go there it's about four months of like i wanted to quit every day i'm i'm so much pain my body i'm literally like serve served up the most humble pie like that happens maybe a handful of times of once or twice a month now every day every session for four months like and your body's sort of the touch everywhere oh my gosh like i don't know how i survived and then i made up my mind after about
Starting point is 00:31:13 four like you said four to six months that was when i was like okay i'm all in and i can tell anybody i know that i'm all in then i I'm going to make this thing happen. Because like I said, like when I moved there, I was kind of on the fence of like, I'm, I am all in, but like, now I know very clearly meeting the world's fittest man and like learning what it's like to be him or be as close as I can to him. Uh, I'll know within four to six months of if I, if I should just hang it up and maybe CrossFit's not for me. Is there anyone who trains with you guys who doesn't have those – do you have to have those goals? Are there any just casual, ridiculously fit people who train with you?
Starting point is 00:31:57 Or do you have to be in that group? Is that part of the recipe for success that every person there has to be all in with the goal of winning the games? I don't think by any means there's never a mentality you have to have in Cookville. And it's like the faith piece, right? Like the foundation of mayhem and what Rich has established here has been rooted in faith. And like, that's not a must have here. A ton of people move here and they don't
Starting point is 00:32:29 like know god or have a relationship with him and it's the same thing with a champion mindset right like you don't have to have a champion mindset of i don't care about anything but winning kind of thing but it's kind of interesting that some of these qualities we're talking about in mentality and mindsets the people that come here and thrive here and want to stay here are the ones that are trying to be the best and they're hungry for that it's just interesting because you ask that question when you say what if faith it means that um um when you uh you know that when you die um um, you go to heaven. Is that what faith means? What's faith mean? I think for, for us here, it's for sure what you just explained, but it's a little deeper than that. It's like, it's a personal relationship with God.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So, so not only, you know, not only, you know, when you, when the body ceases to exist, that you go to heaven, but second to second moment to moment you're with yeah you're under the watch of the of of the boss upstairs the creator right like talking to him all the time hanging out with him he's what gets you through he's your source of strength and like you said when it's all said and done you ever talking to God and you realize you're talking to yourself and not God? By that, I mean your ego interfered. If you mean by that, for sure. I mess with myself all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I joke around in prayers all the time. Sorry, God. I got ADD. I don't know why. I was just praying to you and talking to you. And all of a sudden, I'm talking about something else that has nothing to do with you and all about me and other things in life that don't matter for sure. I'm human. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Lucas, Luke Parker is human. When you trained with Lucas, did they have distinction? He was Lucas and you were Luke? Yeah. It was funny because when we were hanging out and training side by side, it was like some people call call me lucas someone called him luke and it was just all screwed up met luke when burns and i dropped into mayhem about a month ago seriously one of the nicest guys caitlin thank you there's no clue who you are stop lying appreciate the love uh how how is it that someone can drop into mayhem and see you aren't you like sequestered in the barn no um i think since the games i've actually only been in the barn um well i can't say a few times it's been a lot more than a few times but um we have this new
Starting point is 00:34:59 athlete facility let me just back up okay rich yeah take your time by the way you can we have tons of time take your time rich does a lot of things i think that people at mayhem don't even realize like for example like obviously mayhem is very successful you know praise god for that but like he does he puts a lot of that money back in the business and it's obvious um his care and his uh his heart um even though he won't talk about certain things but like we have like a barn 2.0 now and it's we call it the athlete facility and it's literally the size of any extremely nice box and it's now if you go to mayhem the mayhem logo and the kind of famous in where everyone likes to take a picture in front of right behind that wall it's literally a barn 2.0
Starting point is 00:35:42 and it's made for the athletes um mainly so like not just open gym hours but whenever there's people training in there as far as sharing equipment with the class the affiliate because obviously they have their first priority right like they're the they're the community their first priority they're what matters most in the gym so now there's all that equipment kind of duplicated behind the gym so it's almost like a second gym and it'll be for semi-final and games athletes I think Rich is still figuring out kind of like who's supposed to be back there and like win and timeline and all that stuff but um yeah I mean something as simple as that is just like huge for the community and i think just a testament of like um rich's passion and heart and just like selflessness but as far as
Starting point is 00:36:33 like actually reeling back to your question um man it's interesting like rich is still a competitor and he still plans on competing he's kind of in this like off season, figure it out. Spend a lot of time with family right now. I mean, he just won his 10th and I don't know. He even knows what he's going to do this next season. And a lot of people are trying to figure out what they're doing this next season. And we've just all been training at mayhem, like a big family,
Starting point is 00:36:58 like hanging out with class members and stuff between classes and doing like different workouts, like at mayhemhem like we haven't been putting a whole lot of time in the barn um and putting some time in the athlete facility so to answer your question can people can can the when the members are there um can they look into that 2.0 barn and watch you guys work out yeah absolutely i can see in there well there's not like peephole windows like you know but like if people want to walk in there and there's not like an issue there is like garage door windows if you go outside the back door so technically there is windows but um where was i going with that oh yeah you brought up people walking in the coffee shop.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So like, how can someone visit mayhem and run into me? I'm there all the time. Like people visit all the time and I run into them all the time. Just like rich does. Like, it's funny. They don't expect it, but like people that maybe like, it happens very frequently that maybe their dream would be to meet rich and they walk in and like, he's hanging out with his buddies and sipping on coffee and Buffalo brew coffee house, which is like the front of CrossFit mayhem. And they're like, can I have a picture? And then it's super cool. Cause like, we're all just super,
Starting point is 00:38:17 like just chilling, being ourselves authentic, which is like, yeah, nice to meet you. Welcome. Like there's stores over here, like check it out. Good coffee, protein shakes right here. Um, I mean, if you have any questions and he's just cutting up with his boys and it's just it's just cool atmosphere um and you go there every day basically seven days a week yeah i mean i do a lot of my work there like i'll go back in the offices um my girlfriend uh works girlfriend or wife uh soon to be wife hopefully what didn't i thought i saw on your instagram that you're married i'm not married oh i saw put did you give her a ring no what is this oh okay maybe maybe i was wrong looking at the wrong luke parker okay yeah this oh that's that's mayhem media look at that ring beautiful wedding ring and then i saw
Starting point is 00:39:14 it i'm like oh shit he's married beautiful wedding um yeah talking about scott and uh so the mayhem media director got married and that that was his wedding. Ah, okay. That's him right there. That's Scott. I didn't put a lot of details in that caption. That was – Did anyone else think you got married besides me? Anyone else say congratulations? Well, at least they didn't message me.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Oh, look. Matt Souza liked it. Look at it. Liked by Matt Souza. Yeah, it was a good wedding. So you have – and that's your girlfriend in the picture yes and and how long have you guys been together uh we've met each other right before i moved to cookville she she had just moved to cookville
Starting point is 00:39:58 and worked there so now i've known her for two years we've been dating for a year congratulations that's awesome thank you yeah she is awesome she she she works there at in mayhem i mean yes oh shit that takes a special uh it takes a special i mean i worked with my wife for 10 years but that takes a special relationship did you guys work out together ever yeah i mean different like non-profit events and stuff we'd mix in together do like active recovery workouts together Like she loves to get a pump on, which I love. So like, we'll do like, um, some bodybuilding stuff together. She used to flirt a little bit with competing and that kind of thing, like women's physique back in the day, she's done all sorts of coaching as far as like spin classes hit classes
Starting point is 00:40:45 and she's just loves fitness so that runs uh parallel with me so do they have spin at mayhem no but they got different style classes i mean we got spin with the c2 bikes certain metcons that's the gym that's what mayhem that's the affiliate yeah it's actually bigger than that because where the camera is is like on a balcony and then there's a huge left corner that has another rig or two and tons of other stuff can you imagine cleaning that every night someone has to clean that every night yeah we usually have a a squad that consistently helps it day in and day out that god that's nuts and that and wow yeah and you probably don't see it empty that often ever either
Starting point is 00:41:38 sometimes certain may mayhem spin god i would think mayhem spin could take over that uh that soul cycle thing that would be actually really cool tell me about this i never heard of this guy until until i recently um what's his name brian nelson tell me about him he he's the guy he's the cfo of uh yeah he's he's actually the reason i the main reason i'm here um is he behind the scenes has he ever in any photos has he ever like yeah he used to be heavily more involved i mean he's still heavily involved he just used to be on site a lot more i guess is the best way to put it so when i actually moved here he was my roommate he was um gracious enough to let
Starting point is 00:42:25 me live with him so he and i are like best friends i love him to death but yeah how i met him i was on a plane back from the 2019 games after i met rich and hillary and some of the mayhem people and we just started talking he was in the seat next to you he was the seat right across from me and we just started talking about like two big guys and you guys are in the ilc yeah we just started talking about all things faith family fitness and then talk about rich and i thought he was just some guy that was like yeah i know rich but little did i know he's been doing like helping rich with his finances for like 10 years and was like boys with him and then yeah connected with him he actually is the one that like started and created mayhem mission with
Starting point is 00:43:08 rich mayhem mission is the yearly event it's a charity so technically mayhem mission is just a non-profit okay and we have we have many events and non-profit organizations we partner with and yeah it's actually pretty cool uh brian just got married this past year it was actually a really neat story so i've been on this trip twice he's been on it like five or six times but where we go to the amazon jungle and we go to akitos peru and connect with other crossfit gyms there and like right do like some fitness stuff there and then we go in the jungle and kind of like evangelize and bring our doctor and supplies and stuff. And when we were there, uh, not this past year, but the year before on my first trip, we met her, his wife's name is Sonia. And we met her
Starting point is 00:43:58 at a restaurant where we were taking this gym and some of the people with us. And she just like comped our entire meal and we literally brought like 20 people and we were going to pay for them and she bought all of our lunch and was like gave us her card peruvian lady peruvian lady peruvian lady yeah her dad owned the restaurant they were eating and we didn't know it and she's like running the restaurant so we like uh she doesn't even really talk to brian a whole lot she like gives me her card, me and the translator talking to her. And what do they speak? Are they, do they speak Spanish or Portuguese in Peru?
Starting point is 00:44:31 So I didn't know this either, but just quick education piece. Every single country in South America speaks Spanish. The only country that speaks anything different is Brazil. And they speak Portuguese. Okay. They also speak spanish there fair thank you i didn't know that so i will i'll remember that forever yeah that's that's the i don't know someone told me that recently so that's the easiest way to does he speak spanish
Starting point is 00:44:55 he does now como estas wow he speaks that kind of spanish he's a good old country boy from alabama you know what i'm saying he's he's learning he's learning what a trip and so she courted him and snagged him yeah I mean uh yeah we get back from the trip they started connecting about like future man mission stuff and then she was told him like hey I'm into you and he was like whoa whoa whoa I might have to come visit and see what this is about and then long story short they just got married last year so oh what a great story yeah it's pretty pretty sweet yeah that's awesome how was the food at a restaurant so good you didn't have to come on be honest you shit yourself for three days after no no no this this part of the ketos like the food's really
Starting point is 00:45:45 good um when i was when i was in the amazon jungle and i'm like a five-hour boat ride deep in the jungle and we show up to a village and they're like hey we killed this animal in the in the jungle for you guys and we're gonna we're gonna cook it and make a soupy meat dish with water from the amazon river that's completely contaminated but here you go that is when i crap my pants for you know two weeks straight hey they can't boil that whatever it's contaminated out oh they boil it but i didn't know this either and we got screwed my first trip in the amazon jungle dude i we were like dropping like flies i'm talking the worst squirts ever like having to just go get the toilet and just like bad dude not to get into details but we were boiling water and we didn't know it has to reach boiling point and be boiling for 10 minutes or more to be completely clean and we're
Starting point is 00:46:38 put we're like boiling it for like 30 seconds i saw a bubble drink up yeah and we're like putting our little like instant coffee in it and just cranking coffee because you know we wanted caffeine in the jungle we're trying to you know you know be in the moment stuff but yeah we're done after that it was bad we all had parasites oh you did you took some medicine when you got home yeah we took parasite medicine it's actually kind of funny did you ever see any worms i have parasite medicine just sitting over here actually it's hilarious have you ever seen any worms in your deuces no it's not like that but it'll i mean it just gives you diarrhea
Starting point is 00:47:17 yeah i think too like these people a lot of these people um in the jungle not just peru right like they drink clean water and have access to clean water but uh in the jungle the amazon river is totally contaminated so yeah i mean they live off that they're they live consuming parasites it's kind of like in africa right when they have dirty water you see these pictures how can these skinny little boys or girls um not have food but they have these like blo bellies, and it's from the parasite. I've seen so many. That's what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I used to travel all over the world with this company that was the largest distributor of free vitamins in the world, and they would give vitamin A everywhere. And I saw so many kids with bloated stomachs. I saw some crazy parasite shit like flies being born out of people's faces live and just that's gnarly luke they the the the plan has always been to go individual right yes sir and now it's um do you feel some apprehension i mean the days is the day coming is this the year this is the year you can't be tempted to go on a team no no unless i mean i say this every year unless rich was like him i want to go one more which i think he's announced multiple times and made it very clear he's not. So I'm committed.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I think I thought I was ready last year, but now I know I'm ready this year, and this is what I want to do. So I love team, and I come from playing baseball. I'm a team sport guy, but CrossFit's different as far as being an individual. And I still feel like I'm a part of a team being a part of mayhem and representing mayhem. And, you know, I'm happy to go do my part and represent them and kick some butt as an individual. I'm definitely ready. I'm excited and fired up.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Did you just say that you thought maybe you were ready last year? Yeah, I thought I was ready to be an individual last year. And I actually planned on being an individual. And then Rich was actually the one that was like, hey, man, I think you should go team. And I honestly at first was like, you're crazy. He was like, no, dude no dude trust me you need that games experience like especially if you're gonna be close to that cut line and I was like all right
Starting point is 00:49:54 and then it took me a while to like later than where we're at this time of the year right now last year to find out and confirm that I have three other people that would commit to the thing with me. So like you were saying before, there's guys who've been in for 10 years and they could spend time learning everything, double unders, walking on your hands, swimming, all the different kinds of running, the the technical lifts the pegboards the ropes and you've had to crash this into how many years this is your third year of crossfit fourth i've completed four complete years and to keep it simple two at think tank and i've just completed
Starting point is 00:50:42 two full years now at mayhem so i'm starting going to my fifth official season so walk me through this have you signed up for the open already i'm laughing at you man i love you bro but no no i'll, most athletes do sign up for the Open probably the. 30 seconds before. After the first workouts announced. So you'll sign up for the Open. I will sign up for the Open probably sometime in January. You'll do the Open.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Or February, I mean. Yeah. And then the quarterfinals, you do those. Those are at home, right? You don't go anywhere for those. Correct. It's pretty much the Open, but it's just a little more professional as far as I think it was a top 5% make it. And you have to have an official judge and an official video.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I think the Open, there's a little discrepancy there. And then if you make it past the – the last year would you have made it past the qualifier to the semi-final if i went individual yeah absolutely and so now you're gonna have that this will be your first time ever competing in a semi-final as an individual no so technically my first year moving here i was an individual because i planned on being on a team but there was no team i actually wanted to be on mayhem independence with like in the back of my mind the dream of being on rich's team right everyone's dream um so technically i was but i was not like angelo and i were technically
Starting point is 00:52:26 rich was kind of like juggling us as who are who's going to be my alternate because we're the guys available at the gym that wouldn't just completely blow this for me um just being honest um and i i thought i was fit moving to man but like i said that four to six months of committing to being a an athlete rich beat the crap out said, that four to six months of committing to being a, an athlete rich beat the crap out of me for four or six months. And I became a pretty dang good athlete. They took a hot, a top 120 to qualify for semifinals that year. And I was literally one 18th. So I was two spots inside the cut line. Barely made it. Was super stoked. Went to the MAC.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And my goal at the MAC was to come top 10. And I think I came in 21st. Don't quote me on that. But it was somewhere around 20th place. So yeah, I didn't reach my goal. And that was actually the same year that Angelo had missed in multiple workouts by like three seconds qualifying for the games and
Starting point is 00:53:25 made last chance qualifier and then um i actually kept training as if i did qualify for the games did all games training and kept destroying myself to try and qualify for the next year planning to go individual again and punch the ticket right and then went into it or excuse me went team with angelo and he was the same thing when i asked him to go team angela was like nah man i'm i was so close i'm gonna actually go indie again and i want to make it and then out of nowhere he was like let's do this and let's get on the podium and stay next to rich and then i was like let's go baby wow wow so hey has angelo has angelo ever been to the games as an individual uh adult in the adult division the official division i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:54:16 think he has i don't think he has which is crazy because last year he'll he'll tell you no i don't think i'm good enough this past year i think for sure he was yeah he's got a couple little small holes compared obviously like we're comparing him to the top 40 in the world right of like you know peak shape and strength fitness but he's just such a good athlete and competitor and it's because of his experience with rich like not taking anything away from him but like he's got i mess with him i say did you got rich froning brain cell because yeah i get that vibe from him too when they're together in the same room i can tell oh shit these angelo's a special
Starting point is 00:54:56 cat i mean he's a big star next to his fucking giant star but angelo's definitely got he's he's straight star power and workhorse yeah i agree yeah like i noticed that the mac because we won the mac this past year on our team and like there was a few workouts where i was even like kind of not really in tune with what was going on the clock uh where the other teams were where my my, my teammates were. And he would, he would kind of like lead and guide me on the floor. And like his floor awareness is just ridiculous. Yeah. I love that. Oh shit. Wow. But yeah, like his awareness, which is something it's so like, not really talked about, but like learning to be a competitor, have confidence, but have good floor awareness
Starting point is 00:55:43 is something that like, not a lot of people talk about, like I said. Angelo is the fittest firefighter in the world. Yeah. Go look at his Instagram bio. He'll tell you all about it. You like that, Sousa? I was going to say that because when he was going into that uh occupational games thing yeah he was like bro i think i might have a chance to be the fist firefighter and i was like bro you gotta do this i'm that guy that's like dude you gotta put
Starting point is 00:56:14 in your instagram bio i'll hype you up about it like we were fired up he he should but you he should put it in his bio we're just busting his balls hell yeah he's stupid and he's he he like okay so he hasn't been to the games i mean he's got two gold medals at the games well as an adult as a past puberty past puberty i mean as an individual he did team which is around about that all the time they're like uh about how he peaked in high school because so he probably is he going to go individual too you think teenage medals uh he might um i'm i'm encouraging him to go individual if he can't find people that he wants to go team with um i've been trying to help him recruit a
Starting point is 00:57:07 little bit um part of me feels bad and wants to go team with him again but he understands and he wants me to go individual um and i feel like that's like where my heart is at as well so but yeah i think he's and i try to encourage him too like dude we this time last year we didn't know who our team was going to be i was like i just got your commitment and we had to find two females like you got plenty of time to figure this thing out and we're all here at mayhem like here to help him and it'd be it'd be crazy right like we make history in the sport of taking three um teams from one affiliate gym to the game that had never been done before never it's unheard of like two is a lot but three is just stupid insane and that's 12 people qualifying for the games from one gym for teams it's just crazy anyway um
Starting point is 00:57:58 and one that wins the whole thing right well for sure right rich but i guess what i was trying to say is like that'd be kind of kind of crazy if there was three and then the next year there was none you know what i mean like part of me wants to just go team what about you and angelo and taylor and nistler i would love that i think andrea would be like, nah, bro. And Taylor would be like, I think Taylor's too busy with her schedule. Andrea's going to go again. So Andrea's going to go again. She just hasn't found her team.
Starting point is 00:58:36 I think they both, I mean, we're all supportive here at Mayhem, whatever they do. But we know Taylor's really busy with school and doing the whole medical field thing. And I know Andrea's super hungry and competitive. And she said she'd continue to compete like water blues and this other stuff. She had opportunities to do and make money. But she's kind of in a space where she's having fun.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I don't think she wants to compete again for the actual CrossFit season. Just a lot of pressure and commitment. The thing is, is everyone's getting older. Yeah. And those windows will close. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'd said that she was committed to being done. She just had some fun. But she had fun at Zalos.
Starting point is 00:59:20 It looked like it. Yeah, for sure. She is such a savage. I'll watch her on this that's entertainment hey so so when you work out it's like that it's like to your left is hayley and then down the way is rich and then to your right is miss nissler yeah that was i think that was one of the coolest experiences for me um and i'll never trade that for the world was this past year being on a team training like my independence team with angelo neck and neck with rich even if it wasn't like four on four kind of thing like even if it was like i don't know rich and sam corny or rich and
Starting point is 01:00:00 andrew andrew and easler like paired up in a one-to-one like rest one-to-one interval style workout and then it's like me and Sasha or me and Alexis or me and Angelo or whoever it was sometimes it might even be me and Sam um or even Taylor like we might mix members but like that competitive atmosphere and having everyone in there even in individuals like you said like having Haley Adams in there and everyone else is just like i wouldn't change that for the world those workouts those painful days like the camaraderie being together the community it was just amazing it was special what will sasha and alexis do what do you what do you mean like what are their plans for next year do you know oh what will they do uh Sasha's fully committed to individual awesome and I love Alexis she's
Starting point is 01:00:52 been playing this like free agency role I'm a baseball background guy so I gotta use that as examples for those of you don't know uh well i guess free agents are in all sports but anyway she's kind of like looking for another team i think she said something like this might be her last year uh last year she was telling us that um but i don't think she'll do a team with mayhem i think she's got a team figured out already i don't honestly know even who's on it um but yeah she's she's great I respect people that are like where she's at in the sport. Cause she's been doing it for 10 plus years as well. And she's, um, having fun with it. She's got a big girl job. She's lining up her future and she just wants to keep having fun and keep competing. I don't know necessarily that she's like as serious as others in it,
Starting point is 01:01:43 but she's having fun and she's competing. She's doing what she loves. I'm going to say that it must be weird leaving Mayhem to train somewhere else because it's all downhill from there. You know what I mean? It's like by that, I mean, it's like having a job at like 7-Eleven where you could drink all the Slurpees you want all day to then all of a sudden getting an office job, like living in a broom closet. It's just, I mean, I'm just guessing that most people who train at mayhem, they look forward to it. You know what I mean? Like the same way you look forward to going to school, to hang out with your friends when you're in the third grade,
Starting point is 01:02:15 I'm guessing it's just like, uh, the environment's good. The food's good. The rest is good. The driving's good. The traffic's good. Like everything is just good for the most except for the workouts and uh yeah it's interesting i wonder what it's like for people to switch yeah i i'm guessing it's not fun i don't know i've never done it i don't plan on it. I would agree though. I mean, that's just hilarious. Do you think of a, like what if you don't make it? There is no what if.
Starting point is 01:02:58 What, okay, fair. I'm not thinking like that. Right. So I like to have a phrase or a word going into every year. And it was really interesting. Like last Sunday, I was Sunday morning. I was like going through my journal.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And I didn't journal as much as I wanted to this past year. But I get really motivated leading up to the new year. And I get super motivated around New Year's like most people. Right. And I remember last year I was like doing some journaling and writing some things down and I like wrote in all caps, like all these like things I wanted to accomplish and things I wanted to live out as far as like mentality and mindset. And I, I saw this thing, it was said, use this hashtag, like this needs to be your phrase for the new year.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Talking about this past year. And it was all in. And I thought it was really neat. I won't get into details too much, but there's this huge clash of these different things that happened to me this past Sunday. And I just got done studying with my small group, these guys I do Bible study with, the Book of Acts and the Bible, which long story short, it's about these dudes who are all in. Like they give everything into like preaching the gospel. And then I love this. No plan B. And then I go to church and the pastor gives like an all in message about burn burn the ships and i want to share with you because
Starting point is 01:04:27 i know you've probably heard share it i love it share it dude so like he starts talking about this spanish conquistador right i can't remember his name off my head anyway who like this is way back when like christopher columbus days sailing across finding finding new land and stuff anyway the Spanish conquistador comes across the pond to Mexico where the Aztecs are and they don't really know that the Aztecs are these I mean let's keep it real these badass Indians who are like are all about warfare they're way ahead of the um schedule as far as like they're not as primitive as far as like, they're not as primitive as these other tribes and they're warriors really. And like savages and these Spanish dudes are like, all right, well, we want the money here to the
Starting point is 01:05:13 land. Like there's all this potential, right? The stuff we want, but it's the main captain. That's all eager for this. And he sees the land, the potential and all this stuff. And he's like, trying to get his boys on board and his boys are like dude these dudes this tribe looks like savages we don't have that many troops we're outnumbered like we're on these big ships let's go home and he's like no i'm all in and you guys need to be on board with me and he orders everybody to burn the ships as in like your shirt you just showed i love that no plan b we're not going home we're not going home like there is no way home if we go home
Starting point is 01:05:51 we took them over and we're using their ships to get back home and like i just got super like deep and lost into like journaling this past few days and like talk thinking because i like doing a lot of thinking and reflecting on the past year and thinking about what I want in my future as far as my life and dude that's where I'm at like you ask like what if to me there is no what if like I've burned the ships there's no turning around I moved to Cookville two years ago I'm all in this is why I'm here and I'm going individual and like there, there's just no, there's no other option in my mind. Like for sure. That's it. And you're not afraid of emotional pain at all. At all. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I suffered probably more than most will ever in a lifetime on TV. I love to hear that. lifetime on i love i love to hear that um emotional suffering is uh it if you can make it out to the other side the benefits are like just massive what it does to your fucking uh yeah mental horsepower makes you tough for sure so tough and so friendly and so like almost unoffendable yeah it's like you just have this huge and you can feel so much more but you got to come out the other side you can't let it like scar you you just have to be like oh wow yeah i made it yeah i think it's part of that's just maturity of experience and being able to relate to other people right that's the beauty of having i think people in your life
Starting point is 01:07:23 friends right brothers and sisters if will, to relate to them. Like you're going through that hard time. Well, yeah, well, check this out. Look what I went through. Let's talk about how they run parallel. I wonder if that year, didn't when you're rich, not win the games, his team didn't win the games. They took second. Yeah, I believe it was his first year.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Don't. I wonder if he cried. I've heard stories wonder if he cried um i've heard stories that he cried from no okay okay first of all let me talk about this real quick rich doesn't cry someone texted me the other day he goes i'm i'm passing cookville and i can smell rich's masculinity someone said that that. That's hilarious. He really is one of the most manliest men I've ever met. Anyway, even Hillary will poke and prod him because he doesn't cry. I'll admit.
Starting point is 01:08:14 He only sweats. He saves all his moisture for sweating. Yeah. His body cries, but not his eyes. I've never met, honestly, I've never met a man that is so so, I've only like met a few that are similar to this where their emotions, like he can control them on levels that I've never seen before. Like, for example, granted, he'd been once before, but when I went with the Golden Knights on this army trip where, I mean, some of the most professional dudes, I get it, who are able to skydive as their skydiving army official team i had the opportunity to skydive with rich and i'm my i'm like thinking i'm i'm like one of the dudes it's like emotionally stable and my heart's still adrenaline beating
Starting point is 01:08:55 out of my chest i'm about to go in and i still am like trying to amp myself up trying to be like you know confident you know positive thoughts and he's like this like if he held his hand out he'd be like this if i held my hand out i'd be like this like adrenaline right i'm shaking right i mean he's icy like stone cold killer like it doesn't matter what the scenario is it could be the most high stress it's just crazy but even emotional like if there's something that might gross someone out or make someone cry like he won't cry he'll just be like all right what's next and it's just it's an interesting thing i feel like i've learned a lot just from seeing how he handles certain situations but i think that's one cool thing and hillary hates
Starting point is 01:09:40 he feels it though i think because when he was on here sure yeah he's a i think he's a deep feeler yeah which is the irony of it he's not he's not um i don't want to misrepresent him as this uh yeah he's a deep feeler i don't think he's the type to push that shit down he said last time he was on here so i don't do emotions so good yeah he'll say that himself he's hilarious about it he's yeah, I'm emotionally illiterate. And it's honestly, I have some people in my family that are like that. Like my brother, for example, he's the last person that's going to like give you a hug and touchy feeling and be like, hey man, I love you, bro. But like he loves so deep. He won't tell you, but his loyalty and his passion, his love for you might be deeper than you can imagine anyone you've ever met, but like, he's just going to be like this, you know? And I feel like that's
Starting point is 01:10:29 kind of like how rich is, you know, he feels for sure. And he loves deep and he's loyal, but like, it's not all about showing it. And it's something that I want to get better at. It's something as simple as being a CrossFit workout. If I'm on an echo bike and I feel all this pain, I want to be like this. He was emotional in that video that i saw where he um almost suspended you for a week oh my god bring that up man he was emotional then hey is that kind of flattering when he does that like if rich yelled at me i'd be kind of flattered i was like oh i didn't know he cared oh man your humor gets me man that's hilarious it is kind of flattering isn't it i mean yeah like it shows he cares but like yeah also it's like disheartening i'm like no man
Starting point is 01:11:19 i don't want to make you bad dad's yelling at me sorry dad come on big bro don't be mad at me hey if there's something you're gonna get in trouble for for rich froning you want to be that like you you weren't pacing the workout right like it like great that's fucking great that's a good way yeah well said you don't want him to be mad because you've messed with his kids or anything then you die i mispaced the workout i got yelled at yeah yeah i left the tractor on in the yard um well i i crazy appreciate you coming on i'm excited uh congratulations on making the commitment to go individual i think you're gonna um thank you very much i think it's gonna add a lot of uh intrigue and interest for the fans um i think it it it makes the entire narrative better in the crossfit
Starting point is 01:12:11 space to see you doing that uh you're with i appreciate that man i man goes it speaks volumes your support and saying that i appreciate oh it's gonna be fun it's so fun to add characters into the mix and i and i and we all know those of us who watch it know that it's like the craziest endeavor it's just so filled with pain and hardship so well said all right brother well thanks for coming on tell tell all the boys i said hi is is samuel uh training there he's not he actually just completed his own barn gym in Canada. Oh, wow. Yeah. So he's got quite projects and he's living the dad life crushing up there. He will be here actually in a few weeks though, uh, for the train with rich in December.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Okay. So he's still mayhem athlete. Yeah. Yeah. He's actually, yeah. He'll be staying in my house here in a couple of weeks. So I'm excited to see him. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:02 All right, brother. Thank you, Luke. See you, brother. Yeah. Have a, have. Thank you, Luke. See you, brother. Yeah. Have a good day. Stay healthy. You too, bro. Stay sore.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Bye. Bye. Oh. I know. I need to have Sam on. I forgot about this blue tape. I never even looked at my notes. I know. There was a couple things I had pulled up here, like the baptism thing and stuff that didn't come up.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah, he baptized the guy. I also was watching a video last night in that video where Rich is going off on him. And that one, Rich is on an air runner walking backwards. I actually saw that on Andrew Hiller's YouTube channel. He did a whole thing on Luke getting yelled at. But he's walking backwards. Do you ever do that? I do that quite a bit. No, I shouldn't say quite a bit, but three minutes a day.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Like I'll just get on the air runner and walk backwards. You ever mess with that? all the time i usually drag a sled backwards as like a warm-up especially my legs are feeling pretty toasted or my knees are a little bit sore now that i'm getting to my older age here i've been pedaling the bike backwards too oh that's a new one i should try that so chill though i would do that so chill there's some weird angles going on i do that so chill. There are some weird angles going on. I do that so chill. That's my name. Don't wear it out. This thing that's going on at the iPhone factory is just cracking me up. I haven't seen it. I heard you talking about it when I was on my way home from the gym to get here.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And I'm super curious as to what's going on with that. It sounds like Apple um lifting ship and moving to india that there's some instability in china that they're not stoked on interesting they have a fox foxconn that company has a million employees that work on the iphone they have this one particular plant which is their largest plant which has uh 200 000 employees at one plant. 200,000? They call it iPhone City, dude. The people live there. That's two Livermores.
Starting point is 01:15:13 That's two. That's double the population that's here. We're like just under 100,000. That's crazy. My hair is frowing right now. It's out of control, but I don't want to wear the beanie on like the millionth time in a row. I think I'm going to cut it tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I looked at Alaska. I looked up Alaska the other day. I looked, um, I, uh, last night I asked Siri, how many acres is Alaska? And it's 458 million acres. And I was thinking that's probably enough land for every person in the United States to have an acre of land and to have a road network and shopping malls and all that. Yeah. Gives you another a hundred million,
Starting point is 01:15:55 but, but every person doesn't need an acre because there's families, right? Like, yeah. So you could, you could put 200 million facilities on, and it's just interesting how big this planet is
Starting point is 01:16:06 like if you drive from here to new york majority of the time you're just like i mean even when like when you and i drove down to la to go to newport yeah like you're in the we're in the major city then as soon as we get out of it it just feels like there's nothing around us and then you get over the grapevine and we're like oh here we are we're back in the jungle concrete again but just seems like there's a lot of space. DJ Reed, Brian Nelson from Mayhem would be a great guest. He shares very similar views to you, Seven. Oh, and that's why he wrote Seven.
Starting point is 01:16:35 That's fine. Got to write the first wrong the first time, write the second time. Yeah, I was thinking that same thing, that he would be interesting. I have one of those fucked up names I just realized that I never have to deal with, but probably everyone's iPhone, when they type in Seven auto corrects it to seven it does god yeah mine does it all the time you can make it learn though so it knows if i capitalize this it'll give me
Starting point is 01:16:55 your name i um yeah i think foxconn is the one with the nets around the building to catch the jumpers yeah hey they even have video footage they even have video footage of like people like climbing over a fence like trying to get away yeah like escape like i mean who knows who know wrong button who knows if it's real i just think it's so ironic when you see stuff like that and then you'll have apple that'll be like you know doing some virtue signaling and then there yeah people that are building the phones are like escaping and there's some sniper like snapping them off the thing like back to work by the way we support whatever the popular cause is you're you're you're worried about uh making sure that every child has
Starting point is 01:17:39 the ability to chop off their penis or remove their breasts. And yet, and yet you keep 200,000 people locked up in a facility pumping out iPhones. Yeah, yet the mothers there just have the kid on the assembly line. And like, have you seen that? I think it's like an American dad or family guy thing where there's like a pregnant woman putting together the iPhone
Starting point is 01:17:58 and then she just has the kid. And then someone just comes and picks up the kid and puts it in the seat next to her. And then the kid just starts building the iPhone immediately. It's like, I'm laughing, but it's actually really quite sad. Some people were walking among wheat fields with their luggage, blanket, and quilts,
Starting point is 01:18:15 wrote a user of WeChat in the post. I couldn't help but feel sad. I couldn't help. I couldn't help. I wonder if Rich would feel sad. Well, Foxconn has not disclosed how many workers at the Zen Zhao site has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Starting point is 01:18:28 The company... That's the biggest issue? Not the borderline slavery, but the fact that if they have COVID or not. iPhone production could slump 30%. Could. Shut up. Foxconn. Foxconn. Foxconn.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Foxconn is Apple's biggest iPhone maker, producing 70% of iPhone shipments globally. Which in turn makes up 45% of the Taiwanese firm's revenue. Oh, interesting. So it's a Taiwanese firm. Oh, do we have a call at nine yeah we do 45 minutes you know what else is crazy about the those like major tech companies and all that doing all like the virtue singling and like the woke stuff if you ever sit inside one of their like board meetings or an internal like executive
Starting point is 01:19:25 meeting, like how like cutthroat and hardcore they are. And like, it doesn't like your feelings don't matter. Like I heard a story because I'm family friends with somebody who works at pretty high up at an Apple in the story basically goes like somebody was saying, Hey, we're having these issues at the factory, not this type of issues, like other issues in this and that. And then they all just stopped and turned and they said, then why you here and right there in the meeting guy just stood up got on the plane to go to china wow to fix it to fix it it's like hey you're sitting here telling us that there's this problem or this or that like why are you here then why are you at this meeting why aren't you in china solving the problems and if you brought that same kind of mentality to some
Starting point is 01:20:03 of the like issues rather than just this virtual signaling and woke, like think of how much stuff we've accomplished. I need to be super hardcore and not have feelings, but just like focusing on the real issues that solve real problems, not virtue signaling and wearing wristbands that are going to do nothing. Do nothing. That's another thing that's going on at World Cup. I heard you talk about that at the start that's why i mentioned that they're so stupid a lot of those countries too like you're running directly in the face of their like religion and like you've seen what's happening over in iran and stuff like that and i don't i'm not saying that i agree with any of it but when
Starting point is 01:20:39 you push against people that are very um deep-rooted in tradition and their religion or sharia law or whatever it is like that like they like if you think they're gonna bend over because the twitter mob is coming like you're awakening you know twitter mob yeah it's like everybody here your biggest threat is to have something chopped up out of context of you on the internet so you lose your sponsor deal right and it's like there's no morality say that out loud it comes out of context of you on the internet so you lose your sponsor deal right and it's like there's no morality say that out loud it comes out of their mouth what that they're worried about their sponsors exactly i mean that's the biggest fear but in some of these other laws if you try to if you you know do that or something like that they'll fucking kill you or your family for it
Starting point is 01:21:19 like go to north korea and you can't even have an opinion on what clothes you like a kid just lost his uh i just saw a kid just lost his scholarship in Florida, a college football player, because someone took – or he made a video of himself singing a rap song that had words that he wasn't supposed to say. It's such – DJ Reed, it's such hypocrisy. Yeah. It's so – that is sad to me. It's crazy. Yeah, that is sad to me yeah that is sad to me dj reed ten dollars for typing your name wrong it's okay hey that's that's cool though if you got 10 bucks every time someone spelt a tell you you'd be living large i'd be crazy crazy wealthy
Starting point is 01:21:57 oh budweiser gave up the beer yeah because i because I think Budweiser had some really expensive, like, multimillion-dollar deer to have just their beer sold there. 75 million. 75, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fisherman lands whopping 67-pound goldfish. May break world record. It was sheer luck. Well, isn't that what all fishing is?
Starting point is 01:22:23 He's going to need a bigger bull. UK fisherman became the envy of anglers everywhere after reeling in a nearly 70 pound monster goldfish potentially the world's largest uh the guy's 42 years old andy hackett look at that thing this particular specimen which is reportedly 20 years old was apparently introduced in the lake 15 years ago as something different for the anglers to try to catch. Angling, that must be a kind of fishing. Yeah, I assume.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I don't know anything about fishing, though. She is very elusive and does not come out very often. He threw this fish back. I guess you throw this back as a carp. You don't eat carp. It took him 25 minutes to reel that monster in. I look at this guy's fingers more than I do the fish. I can't stop looking at his forearm and his fingers.
Starting point is 01:23:12 That guy's weathered. Oh, yeah. That guy's 42? Come on, man. As our president would say, come on, man. Come on, man. As our president would say, come on, man. Come on, man. Congratulations, Andy, to a great catch. In a similar miraculous catch in 2019, a Kentucky fisherman nabbed a 20-pound koi fish while using a biscuit.
Starting point is 01:23:39 You're comparing a 20-pound koi to a 70-pound... That ruined the article for me. Anyway, 70-pound goldfish, that's kind of cool. Hey, are you more active on Twitter now? Are you doing stuff on Twitter? Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Everybody that's on Twitter that's new on should go there, go follow you.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yes. Are you dropping words of wisdom? I'm just totally... I don't know. I'm just Twittering away or i'm just totally i don't know i'm just twittering away i'm just like i'm waiting for that to become some sort of uh new like disciplined obsession like same with the uh capable consulting the child yeah the child by the way if any of you guys are listening to this that don't follow that already you definitely should but one day you were
Starting point is 01:24:21 just like yeah i'm gonna do one every single day and you hammered one every i've missed it i've missed a few days but most days i do more than one so damn because i even saw like after the rogue stuff and i was just spent like trying to move and we were in front of the computers all day and then i click and you're out in the garage doing your assault bike doing a cable and i was like yeah god i was such a piece of shit i should clean up more stuff in my house he's out there working out and doing that. This is in honor of your mention of Family Guy. Here we go. So what are you kids doing in school? I got in trouble for saying something insensitive
Starting point is 01:24:52 to trans kids. What'd you say? Well, a few of them started this acapella group, and they're all kind of chubby. So I said, you guys should call yourselves the Trans Fats. Meg, you'll sit next to me this evening. But, Dad!
Starting point is 01:25:06 I'm sorry, Chris. You've fallen out of favor. Perhaps forever. What a great show. I heard that they've gone... I don't really watch much of it anymore. I used to watch a lot of it, but I heard that they got softer. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:25:20 Eric and Dad got softer. Yeah. Oy. I don't know. It was like in a meme I saw. Like South Park is just keeping on, keeping on. But they've kind of. I hope not.
Starting point is 01:25:30 I hope not. You can get away with so much more in animation than you can in like, you know what I mean? Like even. Yes. Yes. Like they could go to some dark places with those animated stuff. It's funny. I love it. i watch i i don't remember i can't even believe family guy's still on but i at one point like i bought the first 13 seasons on itunes and me and my and i me and my wife just crushed them
Starting point is 01:25:56 yeah soft yeah please tell me it's not true it's not true right trish wait trish change the profile i know uh uh caleb says that's Angela Merkel. If I don't think that looks like Angela Merkel to me, is that Angela Merkel? I don't know. Merkel's like way more like Madeline Albright looking. That's funny though. Uh,
Starting point is 01:26:21 if you weren't certain that the vast majority of people you know are just complete morons of the highest level, let me show you this to just remind you how absolutely smarter you are than everyone you know. Is it Angela Merkel? No. Now we got to type it up. Now I got to see. Okay, here we go. Oh, shit. Hold on. Screwed that up. you are than everyone you know is it angela merkel okay now we gotta type it up now i gotta see okay here we go oh shit hold on screwed that up here we go brand new study came out just a few days ago peer-reviewed published in one of the biggest journals called nature sure the vitamin d supplementation not only reduced the risk of
Starting point is 01:27:05 COVID, but also reduced the risk of death from COVID by as much as 33%. As a reminder, the only long-term placebo-controlled randomized trial on the vaccine, which was a trial done by Pfizer themselves, showed it reduced death by 0%. But the bigger point is that vitamin D is safe, almost free, and available to everyone. So why was that dismissed as some hippy-dippy, tree-hugging, BS snake oil idea when it had no downside? In the priority of solutions, you do the things that are virtually free, safe to virtually everyone, and available to everyone before you do anything else. So before we ask why are everyday people who have plenty of historical reasons to distrust a certain industry, why are they vaccine hesitant? Maybe we should be asking… Talking about black people.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Just say ding dong. The irony here is, is that vitamin D, the darker your skin is, the more important it is that you take vitamin D supplementation and it would be more effective for you. I mean, don't doesn't everyone see the writing on the wall? Why are these are the same people that support BLM that support transgender athletes coming into women's sports. These are the same people that overtly have policy everywhere that crushes people the darker your skin is. And yet just because they yell we're concerned about people with darker skin, people believe that shit. It's – like how many times do I have to punch you in the face before? If I'm saying I love you, I love you.
Starting point is 01:28:49 I love you. When do you be like, this doesn't feel like love? Most of them don't. They never leave the house. It's crazy. Our doctors, political leaders and public health officials. So vitamin D and nutrition hesitant. Brand new stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Hey, so this doesn't this. This doesn't affect me or Sousa at all. This is like, so what? Who it affects is poor people, obese people, people whose skin pigment doesn't absorb as much vitamin D. It doesn't absorb as much vitamin d as people with a whiter pigment it affects all those people mexicans black people indians isn't it weird that anything that has so fucking weird that no one never no one sees that well there's a lot of stuff that has like a zero side effect too like if you take it like let's say you're like hey to get off processed carbohydrates take more vitamin d if you take it, like, let's say you're like, Hey, get off processed carbohydrates, take more vitamin D. If you're not feeling good, take vitamin C. And people would be
Starting point is 01:29:48 like, Oh, see, you're doing with your hippie shit. You know, none of that. This is, this guy probably listens to Joe Rogan. It's like everything you prescribed, even if it, even if it doesn't work at all, doesn't have a side effect, right? Like as long as you're doing everything in a moderate dose and you're, you're not overdoing the vitamin D or something crazy, it doesn't even have a side effect. So you could only have a positive upside, but with zero to limited downside. You know what I mean? There's going to be no negative effect from it. But yet people will jump on you and all over you and be like, oh, get your tinfoil hat on.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Here we go. And you're like, what the fuck? Yeah, but believe the people that are selling you this shit, that have extreme conflict of interest, that have shown us complete distrust over the last couple of years, in that you could draw the line from the money going to one of the execs to an exec that retired from Pfizer, that's now on the board of the FDA, that now donated to this political party. And you could see it, and it's all in front of our face.
Starting point is 01:30:42 But then you say, hey, stop eating so much carbs. Like, oh, look at that hippie where's my drugs we're gonna we're gonna kneel in the nfl but all the other people with black skin we're gonna keep vitamin d from them the truth about vitamin d from them uh jiggy josh nah we just have to be outside for three hours which most places in the u. S not warm enough. Yeah. Thank you. Basically people, I know I'm preaching to the choir, but skin color is just based on where you natively were supposed to fucking grow on the fucking, on the planet,
Starting point is 01:31:15 the darker, the skin, the more that you were more likely closer to the equator where you got more sun, where you didn't need to absorb as much vitamin D. And if you're fucking an Eskimo, I put a flashlight on you and you get enough vitamin d that's it that's it that's that's that simple and if i'm wrong it doesn't matter the spirit of what i'm saying is so close to being right just run with it that's fucking crazy and it's just the irony that they that
Starting point is 01:31:43 these same jackasses act like they care and you know it's weird it's it's just the irony that these same jackasses act like they care. And you know what's weird? It's almost like we're talking to a bunch of obese drug addicts addicted to porn. It's like we're talking to a bunch of drunk. No, no, no. Obese drug addicts. Drug addicts. Addicted to porn.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Oh, yeah, we are. You're right. It's like the United States in a general there, right? How many people are on prescriptive drugs? Whether or not they're positively affecting your quality of life or the ailment it's supposed to be treating, that's up in the air. But how many people are on prescription drugs for the rest of their life? How many people are overweight? And now with this new phenomenon of, oh, I don't really feel that great or whatever, I could just pit a couple of butts on my phone and now I'm looking at porn.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Crazy. Caitlin, I'm going to send you an article. You have to be careful with vitamin D supplementation because it's a hormone and a poorly sourced can have negative effects better to get it from natural sources. Word. I hear you. Yeah. Everything's better from a natural source. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:40 I don't I personally don't take vitamin D, but I'm outside all day. Yeah. Someone in here said, Sevan, you're living poor in California or something. Whatever you said, it was right. Eric Weiss, I may get back on Twitter for Sevan. I've never been on it. I'm just getting excited. I'm like, oh, I can go over here and just say whatever I want.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I can just tell the truth over here you hear about the church who had a threesome at the heard about the priest that had a threesome at the church no but it sounds right up my alley for a story i'd like to hear bruce wayne just addicted to the podcast and crossfit i want to get on peptides. I got a really great compliment the other day. Andrew Hiller, we were talking on the phone. I was going to say he called me, but he never calls me. I just call him. And he said that putting in context how much drugs people take in the United States, pharmaceutical prescriptions, was really like that hit them.
Starting point is 01:34:01 And basically what it was is like you take the gross domestic product of Finland or New Zealand and you times it by two and you still aren't at the amount of money that the U.S. spends on pharmaceutical drug consumption. Isn't that fascinating? Absolutely crazy. drug consumption. Isn't that fascinating? And this isn't a dig from people in New Zealand, but that's why when I hear about people like in New Zealand talking about what's going on here, it's like, dude, we know what's going on there. You don't know what's going on here. You're like just a city. I think New Zealand's like 14 million acres. Didn't I just tell you Alaska's 458 million? That's just one of our states. Sevan, you're poor in California. Yes, I'm very poor in California.
Starting point is 01:34:33 I understand. I'm still, yeah, I understand. Trust me, I understand. I fucking crashed my car yesterday. Wait, what? I know. I think it's the only second time i've ever been in an accident in my life oh shit i didn't know about that we talked a couple times when no it
Starting point is 01:34:51 happened last night happened last night bad is it like wrecked wrecked or is it just like no no i drove it home it's just it rattled me because it's like i i fancy myself as like being able to drive with my thumb and my ass and my eyes closed weaving traffic and i was just in a parking spot and i loaded up my kids in the car and it was late at night we were leaving a restaurant it was my twin's birthday and i just and i and i and i it's this parking lot that has the whole parking lot's open it's behind this restaurant except i had parked under this one spot where there's two spots under an awning and there was a thin fucking pole holding
Starting point is 01:35:30 up the corner of the awning and as i turned the wheel i scraped the fender into it ah not the not and the fender on my sienna is actually the whole bumper and i just looked at it and i'm like oh it's gonna be so expensive to fix and i have to get it fixed today that's why i'm still talking on the podcast i'm scared to go out there because then you have to like face the reality of what you have to do hey can i just go to toyota and be like change my bumper i mean just in my car dude i hit the side of the thing and i didn't do shit about it i know i but i'm about to drive i'm about i drive so much and it's in my kids yeah car yeah my kid said something that broke my heart too what did he say
Starting point is 01:36:09 you put us in harm's way dad no I wish it was something like that but but I mean I was only going I was going like you know two miles an hour and it looks like I was hit by a semi. Oh really? Yeah. I'll send you a picture. Oh damn. A guy in my department has only fans and made 400,000 last year. Yeah. I got this. I got this.
Starting point is 01:36:36 I got a bunch of friends on only fans are killing it. But there's one guy I text with all the time. He only gets paid like $7 and fifty cents for like doing the splits like naked yeah he called in once too or chatting yeah i and i think he sells his underwear for 250 but he has to do stuff to his underwear like wipe his butt with it or something that's so weird that's so weird hold on was this is this Hold on. Was this, is this a Angela Merkel here? Is this the new, is that her?
Starting point is 01:37:08 Is that? Okay, hold on. Let me pull up. I'll find a right here. Trish is to find a body. So, Oh,
Starting point is 01:37:12 sorry. Go ahead. God. Hey, that, that picture of Trish is, um, I know.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Should I find a body shop? Why can't I just take it? It's just the bumper. Why can't I just take it in there and they just – don't they have extra bumpers sitting around at Toyota? But this Trish picture looks like a plast – like at a wax museum version of Angela Merkel, like just off a little. Yeah, I know. I know, Mark. I know. Aren't you supposed to wipe your butt with your undies? No. I always wonder, like, Trish, like, what Dick Butter looks like. And then the Dick Butter Instagram account posted, like, a bunch of pictures from the games.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Like, these far-off, like, zoomed-in, like zoomed in like hiding behind something photos and i was like wait dick butter was at the games and we didn't even was he was yeah yeah well the pictures on the instagram showed that he was have you noticed spiegel's new profile pic oh no oh spiegel's like our spiegel or these? Yeah, this this house. Oh, my light. What the fuck? I got some weird shit going on over here. My – I don't really watch anything on YouTube except when I'm on the assault bike and I'm researching the podcast. Like I don't watch YouTube on my computer. On my accounts where I post to YouTube, I just post to YouTube and leave. Like I don't hang out on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:39:05 But for some reason, especially with my Capable Parenting YouTube channel, every time I go to post on my phone, they have a bunch of videos that they want you to click that pop up right away and one of them always is a girl in a like at some track and field event bent over and then and then it immediately starts and she shows her like pool vaulting you know what i mean the video just starts yeah yeah it's the it's the photo that you see in the little uh yes And it's always them pulling their shit out of their butt. And I'm like, I don't watch any of this. I'm not into track and field. I don't click on any of the girls dancing shit. I don't do any of that.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I don't have time for that. I just want to post my stuff and get back to what I want to do. But for some reason, they fucking cracked the code on me. And it's like so much, I don't know. But I saw this pop up in twitter the other day and i watched this and it says um she knows how to play the game and this i mean i can't stop uh but but keep thinking about um daniel brandon every time i see this but but look at this uh video here this i don't know is Is that Texas A&M? Yeah, it seems so.
Starting point is 01:40:07 Okay, here we go. I don't know. Probably someone knows who she is, if she's selling famous or not. They cracked the code on me. Maybe I feel better watching it with you guys that way it's not me just staring at girls on the track i'm gonna get my boys in the track and field and she's good too yeah and she's good too yeah is yours like that is your tube your youtube full of this now look at her look at her
Starting point is 01:40:51 straight to the camera oh damn crazy right yeah i i always wonder she's like messing with it now a little bit i always wonder too like is she just like doing that because she knows she's like messing with it now a little bit i always wonder too like is she just like doing that because she knows she's gonna cut it she's trying to take this opportunity to build like a personal brand on a social platform so then she could take that career and kind of like you know spin it off into something more long term or it takes what luke parker said to a whole new level that basically she has he was saying that um angelo and rich have great field awareness this girl has camera awareness. Crazy camera awareness.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Yeah, she knows where all the cameras are. That's funny. This article, I can't wait to show you guys on the next live calling show. It talks about the first transgender clinic. Which is tomorrow, right? Oh, is it? Yep. thanks for scheduling that that's awesome i love those our thanksgiving i think we've done that both this is our second thanksgiving with the podcast but check this out this couple had a had twins and one of the boys that they circumcised
Starting point is 01:42:02 it was a botched circumcision which means they fucked his cock up they ruined his cock and so to deal with it oh fuck they turned him into a girl i mean how how bad was it how bad was it botched though did they have a choice at that point dude you don't turn you don't i would rather have no penis than be turned into a girl how young was the kid like you you talk talk me through it i want to hear you talk i want to hear you convince me i want to hear you convince stevon would you rather be a girl we can turn your penis we can turn your penis into a vagina or we can cut off half your penis back go ahead cut a half of it off i'll keep the half i just keep half then yeah i don't know i mean i'm just this thrown out of there like how young was the kid did they just i mean baby baby baby yeah fuck that's just a shitty hand to be dealt but i feel like hey okay would that be the equivalent of like hey and it was in canada
Starting point is 01:43:02 and it was in canada if that doesn't like help you understand hey would that be the equivalent of like hey and it was in canada and it was in canada if that doesn't like help you understand hey would that be the equivalent of like you you got your car like the bumper fender like the fender bender because the thing and you're like all right fuck it let's just drive this thing off a cliff now strip it down turn into a motorcycle is that where i went with it as opposed to just like oh let's just deal with the you know the incident and make it the best we can dude what if they went the other way and they're like, hey, as soon as this kid turns 15, bring it back in. We're going to just put a monster cock on it for our screw up. Yeah, why not try to – instead of turn it into a girl, why not give it just like, hey, we're going to make the world's first prosthetic cock. Just enhance it.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Why, yeah. The babysitter goes to change the diaper at three and it's like whoa researchers then gave opposite sex hormones to 55 children in the study what the fuck is wrong with people but if you uh suggest that they take some more vitamin d you're the conspiracy theorist wow i didn't even put it in context like that. That's some scary shit. It's also just strange that there's a lot of,
Starting point is 01:44:11 I mean, kids are changing their mind all the time. And by kids, it's like, you know, from the age of like five into the age of like 18, you're constantly changing your mind. I know I was, especially through high school, like I was doing just a lot of stuff for like social acceptance. And so we know this as kids are developing, especially trying to find their
Starting point is 01:44:29 identity and trying to find their place in the social thing. Like even as a boy, you do some dumb shit. Hey, that guy said something. You can let him say that you should go over there and pick a fight with them. You're scared to death. You hate violence. You don't want anything to do with it. Be like, Oh fuck. Everybody thinks I should. Well, I better do it. I mean, you know that these pressures exist across a broad spectrum of things. It's like, why in the world would we just interject, purposefully interject another thing into that that has unreversible changes being done, right? It's even like with tattoos. There's a reason why they're like, hey, you got to be 18 to get the tattoo. We don't want you to make a decision at this younger age to where you're going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Just give it time. And even if that's the path you want to take, we're all for it. We're just saying just hold off a little bit longer on it. And, I mean, even in terms of sex, right? Like you go back and, you know, you hear fathers of the daughters. Oh, mine's nothing. Kid isn't dating until they're in their 20s. And, like, all this type of stuff to try to keep away.
Starting point is 01:45:24 I mean, my parents basically the deal was my dad would always say girls will fuck your life up if you get too crazy involved in it and then my mom would always just basically say there's plenty of time for that when you get older just focus on these things now there's going to be plenty of time for that right and so now all of a sudden you take those type of those that instruction or that advice and now it's like, figure out your sexuality at this. And if they choose this, don't, don't just support it and give them space, but just totally lean into it. Now, make them go all the way to the other end of the spectrum. Not just say, you know, Hey, we're supporting you. We love you for permanent life-changing
Starting point is 01:45:58 actions because of impermanent thoughts. Yeah. It's, it's nuts. I stole that from someone made that. Someone wrote that on the YouTube channel about tattoos. They're permanent markings around impermanent thoughts. Yeah. And then to Bruce Wayne questions, who's what book are you currently reading? I'm actually still absorbing that first book that I talked to you guys about.
Starting point is 01:46:22 I'm completely blanking on the title now. The Battle for the American mind um i'm just finishing that one up in this next book that i'm uh getting into is actually on how interest rates and interest on loans was created and where it's gotten us now and how that's evolved over the years so i'm sure that one's going to take me a while too because the denser the book or the more the material the more time i spend like thinking about it like looking stuff up so it takes me a little bit longer to get through but um yeah those are the two hey what happened to that guy he um we keep talking about him he has like he only had like 800 followers but someone recommended i get him on the show i think he was a jujitsu guy he
Starting point is 01:47:03 had a crazy story did he fall through the cracks no we got him on the guy who was a black belt in jiu-jitsu and like wrestled down all the people stealing no no no this is new god we i feel like i'm panicking i'm in a bad spot i just started panicking that guest fell through the cracks probably not i'm always wrong whenever i think that yeah usually uh if they come through i put them on a list and it's even if it's not right away we always make our way around too if i reach out to you and ask you to be on a podcast i didn't follow through with it please remind me basically i thought you were gonna say please blame matt no that too you're welcome to
Starting point is 01:47:41 do that but basically what happens is is there's just so many people I'm courting at once to keep the show rolling along. Yeah. And I mean, all through the cracks and having a show, a live show every single day, it's like, we got to be out ahead of it and things kind of change and people's
Starting point is 01:47:56 schedules change. So it's, it's always a work in progress. It's, I always vision this podcast as like a, a sculpture that we're constantly molding. You know what I mean? And then it takes a different direction. We go, okay, let's mold it this way now. And sculpture that we're constantly molding. You know what I mean? And then it takes a different direction.
Starting point is 01:48:07 We go, okay, let's mold it this way now. Because you're always working on it. It's always evolving. It's always building. Always stuff being added to it. We're always pushing the boundaries. More things that you're supposed to be offended by. More things.
Starting point is 01:48:21 Blackface, but not one. So you can turn your, if you're a dude, you can turn your if you're a dude you can turn your face into a woman's face but you can't paint your face black god we live with we live in such morons we live with the the moron police why is that if i start thinking if i said you guys want to see katrin's doppelganger, I can't stop shouting. Yeah, this is good. I showed it yesterday.
Starting point is 01:48:48 I think because things are just, it's really convenient. It's really comfortable. And there's a lot, there's a, there's like a fire hose of information that's always coming at us, whether it's entertainment or whether it's news or whether it's propaganda and stuff. And so it's so, there's not enough space for people to really have like um deep thought unless you create it and you have to create that space in today's world and a lot of people just don't so i just really think it dumbs down our ability to logically think something through that's the excuse i'm given or we don't even know how to they don't even know how to obese
Starting point is 01:49:19 uh drug addicts addicted to porn we could say hey when when i'm when i'm with um people who i i unfortunately hang out off not often occasionally i hang out with people just that they're subjects that are just you just are off off the table that just they refuse to talk about interesting why do you think that is it pushes up against their own like beliefs i think they have i think two reasons they're afraid i'm gonna unfuck them and two they don't have the emotional stability for some reason to handle these conversations yeah i love do you know what i mean like yeah like i know i've met people in my life you can't say the word snake around them i remember one time i was at this
Starting point is 01:50:00 mission in like honduras in the middle nowhere. And one of the girls there, um, you couldn't say the word snake. She would go into a fucking panic attack. Yeah. Well, that was, I was, I have no problem with that one word that my mom doesn't want me to stay on the show. Here it is this. I have no problem with, I don't have any, like, I don't have any, I don't have any, like anything like that. I mean, i mean i i if someone vomits next to me i'll get like i've cleaned up vomit before and felt myself kind of like my body start like yeah yeah yeah yeah but other than that uh i got a funny story about that yeah go ahead well i'm just gonna say thinking speaking of that is like i remember we were out
Starting point is 01:50:43 taking these dogs for a walk and back in the day grace used to house sit a lot of dogs um just because a lot of people traveled and stuff around us and trusted her so we were walking these dogs and every time we walk the dogs i carried the poop bags i'd pick up the poop right and uh one time the dog the dog went to the bathroom and i was like okay i'll get it and i was like like always or just made some just you know tongue-in-cheek comment to grace and she goes no i'll do it'll do it. And I go, no, you don't know how I got it. She goes, no, give me the back, because she gets real stubborn when you tell her she can't do something right. I don't let my wife pick up dog poop.
Starting point is 01:51:11 She gets it. Either did I. I don't let my wife pick it up. It never gets after this will she do it, but she goes down to pick it up right when she does. I go, eh. Oh, just to fuck with her? So I make this sound twice, and then she goes into this whole gagging episode and she can't stop
Starting point is 01:51:26 herself from doing it but she's doing it seriously that's amazing going back to what you were saying before there's certain like things that especially smells and i use this term loosely here that will like trigger certain things right so you get a smell that'll like trigger a certain memory or you'll have a certain reflex or reaction to something and and all i have to do is make that sound and then she gets close to it she smells it and then it's like it's taken over now she can't like stop it on her own so maybe i'm maybe i'm not fun to talk hang out with because like like those are the topics that interest me like like just heavy just i don't even know it's heavy but i just i'm not interested in just surface talk i'm not interested in like oh heavy but i just i'm not interested in just surface talk
Starting point is 01:52:05 i'm not interested in like oh that's a beautiful bird i'm interested in like that bird has the uh is the only black-billed bird that uh lives in the pacific ocean and is able to fish out 12 fish a minute uh and but it's also uh been on the extinct endangered species list and come off of it like i'm not i'm not interested in just i'm not interested in just superficial talk i want to i just i want to know what i want to know like like what faith means like i keep hearing that word faith every time or anytime i hear fucking more i just and i start lumping these people up unfortunately i start judging them as morons um the word transparency i keep hearing that and i just want to just punch people in the
Starting point is 01:52:46 face like you didn't even say anything you didn't even say anything you every time you use words that are vagaries like that you're pushing everyone around you into their head so that they can like spin up a whole little uh narrative about it yeah same thing like i want to lean over to the mom next to me in jiu-jitsu class and be like so what do you think about abortion and like what the fuck or like you could just say trump in a cafe in santa cruz and people lose their shit oh we should do a whole bit of that and just put me in a maga hat and i'll just like go into businesses in santa cruz and see how long it takes for somebody to like enforce their opinion upon me they will well you know what's funny is occasionally i will see someone doing that in santa cruz i always give them a thumbs up it's like it shouldn't like what do you hey brother
Starting point is 01:53:28 imagine being so oh yeah yeah you were gonna pull up the doppelganger trick no i'm not i i didn't i need to give it some breathing i will bring it up again though the catch and doppelganger is amazing yeah i i enjoy talking to deep issues with you as well too because you're also open to the other information i don't like talking about it when someone is so drugging on their opinion that like they're not they're not um listening to what you're saying but they're more so just like forming their uh opinion you know what i mean so it's like they're not even receptive to the information as opposed to like you'll go, I hear you, but have you considered X, Y, Z? Or I don't disagree with that, but have you factored in this?
Starting point is 01:54:10 And then that's like a nice back and forth discussion where both of us could kind of take something away from it. Yeah, so few people are willing to do that. So I saw this. This is old. Stephen Bartlett wrote this. Set clear boundaries and protect them. Sounds like something you've said. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:54:26 That triggers me. Why? You do that with your kid. I do that with my kids, but not with other people. Right. You don't lose real friends. I've had my closest friends have done some of the worst shit to me. Real opportunities are real relationships when you start standing up for yourself and setting clear boundaries.
Starting point is 01:54:50 You lose abusers, manipulators, narcissists, attention seekers, and mental health-destroying leeches. I don't know, man. I see this kind of stuff. Bad people need good people. I'm not saying if your boyfriend beats you, you should stay with him. I'm not saying if your girlfriend is, it fucks one of your friends. Every time she comes over,
Starting point is 01:55:20 you have to come over to the house. You stay with her. I'm not saying that, but, but there's these people that I think, If you ever come over to the house, you stay with her. I'm not saying that. But there's these people that I think we live with such weak people that they just use things like this to escape hardship, meaning like at work. Like if someone – if your boss is giving you trouble at work and you don't like him. Let go of whatever story you're telling yourself about that person. Remember, you're also holding them in a cage by having those thoughts about them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:59 And this is perfect for the context of like people saying a bunch of stuff that now we all have different stories and we're spinning in our head about this because there's nothing very specific here. Right. You were like set clear boundaries and protect them. And then he gave a list of like,'s the boundaries that I protect, right? Like I don't answer my phone on Sundays, whatever the case may be with that individual. Then you could go into it and say, and here is the type of friends that didn't agree with this that I ended up creating distance with. I hate these type of – there's just no substance to it. I've built a life for myself where it's just in this flow and i don't even have to worry about most shit like this yeah it sorts itself out and there's this saying that says if you don't talk
Starting point is 01:56:31 to strangers you don't talk to angels and that for me that's like one of the cornerstones of my life i've thought about that since you've said it when you said most people that'll like be too much on their like high they're like a moral high ground to like ever sit there and talk we'll pass a you know somebody up on the street that doesn't necessarily that they're judging and it could be jesus right there and you just weren't open enough and present enough to be able to to to recognize it because you were too busy in your you know high moral lane there how about that dude that dude at scott's gym that touched him and put the holy ghost in him that's a crazy story and and and and like scott's i don't think scott maybe gives himself enough
Starting point is 01:57:13 credit but you got to be open to that shit yeah haven't we we've now talked to quite a few people that have like similar framework in terms of i was like thinking about this it kept like it was in my mind a lot then i show up and then now somebody at the gym is like, here, I want you to have this. Cause it wasn't Ariel Lohan. Didn't she have something, uh, real close that too, where she was dropping it at a CrossFit gym and somebody came over and that said that. I think so. Yes. Yeah. It's like framework. Yes. That's right. That's right. Yeah. I think we've had a couple more people on the show that have very, very similar things. And so my life, I'm in this loop where that shit can happen to me, and I don't – and I have enough space in my life where I don't need to just walk by everyone that I'm afraid of.
Starting point is 01:57:58 I can face my fears. I haven't been in a fistfight in – I think the last fist fight I was in was my sophomore year and I got fucking high school college I got jumped and knocked the fuck out oh yeah I have been in if I was in a fight I was in a couple fights in college actually that's not that's I forgot about that I've been a handful of fights in college too yeah nothing really nothing really good nothing i think i've only started like i think i've only thrown the first punch and maybe like two i can only think of two two fights one was in the seventh or eighth grade bigger kid i just kicked i just opened with a kick it was awesome and then another time at high school i can remember taking
Starting point is 01:58:46 a swing at a guy i'm missing and he put me in a headlock and started just punching me in the face i had that same thing happen to me once too i wound up in this what is this is it i'm taking you out it just it just got pummeled luckily for me it was inside of a classroom so i was saved very quickly and then of course once i was like saved i was just like puff chest yeah let me back out i've been really oh yeah that me too my friend this guy and then i was and then i started talking shit it was so stupid i had no business taking a swing at this guy it was complete idiocy yeah yeah i was never a fan a fan of like the uh peer pressured like fights like someone would call you out after school like i would have like second hand like you don't really want to do that do you i could
Starting point is 01:59:29 tell you're super nervous and then the other kid would kind of like be into it for whatever reason i always hated that unless they wanted to fight the after school fight like an mma match where both people agreed to it then i was like all about it all right i'm done yeah we got a call in four minutes oh oh that's what the guy who's the expert on uh uh is hillar on this call oh okay he's gonna call you though because he'll add your phone number so he'll call you at nine that guy calls me okay okay let's go okay guys thank you very much we'll see you guys tomorrow morning 7 a.m bye thanks for hanging out uh jay hardell house spiegel jiggy josh kenneth the lab look at spiegel already booting us off dj reed vindicate uh see you guys uh Oh, new Vindicate gear is coming out. It's our Miami gear for that one event. Miami Vice gear.
Starting point is 02:00:30 Miami Vice gear. For that event. That's an awesome event that's going on in Miami. I am looking for a sponsor so we can send some people there to try to cover that event. So far, not so good. Okay, bye.

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