The Sevan Podcast - #682 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Like, yeah, more storage than you need. Bam, we're live. Yeah, I'm, it's so weird, though, that I'm struggling to delete my,
Starting point is 00:00:38 now that I'm 93% full, I just want to, like, there's nothing in here I want to save. Yeah, exactly. There's ways that you could clean it out, too. percent full i just wanted like there's nothing in here i want to save like yeah exactly there's ways that you could clean it out too it also might be because of the files going back and forth like the larger video files oh right oh and i've been sending some huge file you've seen those big files i'm sending lately yeah exactly that's probably why i boosted yourself because that's what i looked into mine that's what it was and it was so funny because it was workout footage from like 2014 completely meaningless but i got all nostalgic about it i was like well i can't delete me doing wall balls i don't know so i'll pay the 99 cents or whatever it is okay i'm gonna do that and then
Starting point is 00:01:18 interesting interesting and then I go to my trash and I empty trash now bye yeah then you should be good but I just think it's because of those larger files this number here
Starting point is 00:01:42 next to my inbox it says 2320 is that stuff that I don't have open – that I haven't opened? Probably. Good morning, everyone. Turkey day. Turkey day. Now that the show is live, if you head over to paper street coffee everything is 24 everything at paper street coffee is 25 off everything including uh the brewing tools
Starting point is 00:02:18 the code is black friday that that's not racist, is it? Not tomorrow. Because we don't do anything racist on this show. Black Friday. B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y. Black Friday. 20% off over at Paper Street Coffee. Speaking of which, I'm having my 50-50 blend this morning. Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Jim Rohn. I love this community. Corey, it was cool meeting you, dude. Very cool. Yeah, it was. I got a shitload of DMs saying I should have you on for a full show. Find out about all the crazy shit you did. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:03:00 That's 25% off. 25% off. It's going crazy. And thanks for the loot, Corey. Boom. There we go. Do you think... I had a while ago. Who sent...
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, Corey did? Yeah. Tell me, what's that again? He had some... It's a... It's the hound dog farm. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:24 He rescues dogs with huge ears. The droopy... Yeah. It's the hound dog farm. Right, okay. He rescues dogs with huge ears. The droopy ear dogs. That's right. Sevan, did you see Died Suddenly? No, but I started doing a bunch of research on it last night. I mean, you guys know how I feel feel but it sounds like the movies uh unfortunately i mean obviously i i used i used mainstream media but it sounds like the movie's pretty stupid in regards to and i say that in regards to i saw a list of like 15 people on there that they claim
Starting point is 00:03:59 that they said died that didn't die and it's you don't, they don't have to do that. Um, but I also know that the people who did get the injection, who see the movie must be terrified, must be absolutely terrified. So maybe that's what we're seeing too. I don't have an opinion on it yet. I haven't seen it yet. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I don't know if I will watch it. Cause like, I don't know if I need, I don't need any more help in my research but um what do you think what did you guys think oh thanks mike the sauce no mike the sour that's different than mike the sauce right yeah i think they're two different people kevin i also watched our house the other day. It was awesome and so real. Thanks. Yeah. Glad they took the recommendation. I'm not. All these people have all these ideas for me. I'm not doing it. Thank you, Allison. I appreciate it. But I'm just chilling, just doing this podcast. I encourage all of you to get tunnel vision, to just really focus in on something you're good at and charge it. I was just thinking about that the other day.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I really – no, sorry. You don't have to be good at it. No. Scratch that. Find something you like doing. Like I love doing this podcast. I love doing the research at night. I told my wife last night.
Starting point is 00:05:22 This hardly ever comes out of my mouth. It was like 8 o'clock and I go, God, I just feel like sitting on the couch and doing nothing. She's like, Oh yeah. And I go, but I'm not going to, because I have too much fun shit I want to do. I want to prepare for this podcast. I'm like a kid who just got a brand new coloring book and a brand new set of crayons every night. Like as, as my kids go to bed, I'm so excited, crazy tunnel focused. I don't have goals and I don't really have desires like that. I just have stuff that I, there's some things that I just really, really, really want to do.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And I just focus on them. And I keep hearing this stat that kids, if you ask kids what they want to do, they want to be influencers or they want to have successful YouTube channels. That seems like just such garbage goals to me. That's like saying you want to be a professional athlete. Why not just be like so into racquetball that like that's what just happens? Why not just get on the journey? Why have the – I mean I hear someone say I want to be an influencer or I want to be on YouTube or I even see these idiots that you've seen me tangle with over the course of this podcast. And I think, God, what – I would love to hold my resume of life experience to what theirs is.
Starting point is 00:06:45 like if you haven't if you haven't been to 50 countries if you've never experienced uh just walking across the country just with a backpack on you if you've never hitch hitchhiked across siberia like what the fuck do i care about anything that you have if you if you're not if you're not mike mcdonald over there with five fucking kids and while trying to train to go to the games, I don't – sorry. If you're influenced by people who have just no life experiences – I'm going to use a town where I don't know anyone. I saw this video yesterday of a guy who went to a town in Alaska called Whittier. And it's a town in Alaska where you have to drive two miles through a tunnel to get to it under a glacier. And then in this town, the entire town lives in one apartment building.
Starting point is 00:07:45 glacier and then in this town the entire town lives in one apartment building like if you haven't if if you're not the kind of person who's like and i'm like man i really want to go there i want to meet those people if you're not that kind of person like i think that's so much worthier than just like just like being 14 years old and wanting to go to the crossfit games and like and like making it and you just have no life experiences, your big thing is that you've trained at six boxes. So what? Even better is people that sell masterclasses and haven't actually achieved anything all that all that business master class never ever has owned a business step on i'm getting
Starting point is 00:08:32 into barefoot shoes since you had the balance guy on is wearing socks still considered barefoot it's too cold uh in our house not to wear them stupid well you know what's interesting as i've gotten older at night in the winter i wear socks In my house, I have hardwood floors because if my feet get cold, it takes forever. Like around 10 o'clock at night, my floors start to get cold. And if so, if I'm walking around my house or just hanging out from 10 to midnight, being on my computer, walking back and forth to the refrigerator, eating hazelnuts, which I shouldn't be eating or whatever nuts I keep eating from the cabinet i um my feet will start to get cold and it'll take me an hour before they get warm in bed so i've started wearing socks um like that's another thing like the thought of like barefoot walking or being barefoot is being something like then if you think that then you're so far i'm just gonna say behind and this isn't directed at you at all, Salo. Like everyone should do it. But like if you think like not washing your hair or being homeless is a bad thing, like you're so far out of fucking touch with fucking reality.
Starting point is 00:09:37 My two years being homeless were the greatest two years of my fucking life. The freedom would terrify most people. life the freedom would terrify most people the fact that you put on shoes every day without thinking tarded and and then to point at other people and be like why
Starting point is 00:09:53 are you barefoot dude you are the one that put on shoes you've been on this planet for 50 years and you've never spent 24 hours not talking your life is a shallow mess i wonder if my life is a shallow mess you should you should not be in well you're young you have time you're my friend it's okay
Starting point is 00:10:19 um like experiment man experiment so i'm gonna let you interview me okay thank you and i promise you to have fun you can call it your normal person series i'll take you on a trip so i so just want to hang out with just normal people i so just want to hang out with just normal people i so just want to hang out with just normal people the lady the other day when she was cutting my hair i go does it bother you that i haven't washed my hair in six months she goes well i don't have any open i don't have any open cuts
Starting point is 00:10:58 i should be fine the fuck up you don't even know you don't even know you're a hair expert and you don't even know that sounds like she was just rousing you back she was she was okay okay okay like what if you found out after two weeks your hair just self-cleaned i mean some i heard that one time my hair is the farthest thing from dirty it doesn't smell at all i never wear deodorant ever yeah but you work out and sweat a lot i think that really helps because i don't i don't oh keep your smell oh really you think that helps keep your smells away like i don't know i have nothing really to base this off of other than the fact i know that if i'm just working out every day and like getting a heavy sweat every day yeah i feel like i twice a
Starting point is 00:11:40 day i work out twice a day i yeah i feel like i could twice a day of course you do retail we do twice actually no not twice a day but i move around a ton but um i feel like i don't have to really wear deodorant then if i don't if you don't work out like three days and then you sweat like you could smell yourself instantly yeah i just think there's i think there's something to just just a heavy sweat induced workout daily that helps with that. Since I've started eating more plants lately, I have noticed my smell has changed and not for the better. If you're, if you're,
Starting point is 00:12:12 if your wife doesn't like the way you smell or you don't like the way your wife smells, you're probably with, you know, should consider like maybe you're not with the right person or something's wrong with you. My wife loves the way I smell. Oh, seven posted call in number. Okay, fine. Yeah wrong with you. My wife loves the way I smell. Oh, Sevan, post a call-in number.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Okay, fine. Yeah. Thank you, Chris. I always feel like that's your cue. It's like whenever you want to open the phone lines, you know? All right. Sevan, Mike DeSauce and I want to know, did you pick up saying buh-bye from Tim in our house? Such a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Oh. That's funny. Buh-bye i think and i i i got it from my wife 20 years ago but my wife worked at that house too i'll ask her buh-bye you know who else says that who patrick pet david buh-bye yeah he does at the like at the end of all the podcasts and i i didn't even know i did that you say it and i was like interesting i didn't even know i did that buh-bye i feel like i should start doing it i was in good company so so do that guys just find the one thing you start culling the herd um my t i don't watch tv i don't i i i guess maybe that's like people talk about that like i don't watch tv i i watch the ufc and that's it i don't have cable yeah say you don't have cable i don't have no i I watch the UFC and that's it. I don't have cable.
Starting point is 00:13:25 You don't have cable. I don't have cable. No, I just have a – I only watch YouTube to find stuff to bring to the show. Like I don't watch TV. I don't watch any series. I don't have a Netflix account. That's interesting. that's interesting i wonder if all those things that you just mentioned like the the tv the phones and all that are are what's also stopping the lack of experience you know
Starting point is 00:13:53 before it was like you graduate high school before we go to college we're gonna backpack europe or like we're gonna road trip across the u.s or like do something like that as you would say gain some gain life life experience grace keeps commenting on here from the other room. Oh, my gosh. And I wonder because there's so much distraction and stuff like that, that that is what's stopping people from doing it. It's all right in front of them. There's no need to go get that. They're just too distracted by the technologies and the mass amount of entertainment in front of them.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Well, that's for, I them well that's for i mean that's for sure so it'll be 10 o'clock at night and i'll be working on the podcast and one of basically one of the things i do is i just go through my dms and the stuff you guys send me is the stuff that i call cole cole cole c-u-l cole and uh and next thing i know it's 11 15 the technology is like totally keeping me from going to bed and it keeps you up to that blue light will like block melatonin levels and stuff i don't know about that stuff i don't know about that stuff matt it's your birthday two dollars is it your birthday yeah how old are you 35 happy birthday thank you you're two years away what 37 is when you start having to really warm up you need to that's when you start doing two workouts a day you really have to warm up
Starting point is 00:15:12 i already felt it yesterday we're doing squat snatches in the workout my shoulders were just like tight but there was no like local source of tightness it just like anytime i tried to like when i got below parallel with the bar in the back of my shoulders, just got super tight. Like your whole body turned into an old piece of plastic. Yeah. I started yelling and cussing too. I was trying to snatch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah. Sometimes whenever I like, I don't, I don't do it in front of members or anything. Like I learned the hard way back in the day when I was much younger, but sometimes I'll just do that as a release. Like I'll miss a lift that I normally would get and like just yell just just let it out i approve happy birthday matt grace hates it happy birthday man wow now we gotta not now she's probably in the other room gloating about her work she got uh everyone don't forget to like the podcast well said yeah i like this new picture of bruce wayne it looks like he's having fun in life happy birthday susan from jessica happy birthday happy birthday it's not your age it's just cold
Starting point is 00:16:11 outside you'd never say that you'd never say that if you weren't old hey um like one of the things that i that i keep telling myself that i wish i was doing i really want to start ice bathing i know i reached out to a couple companies to get something sent to your house and i so wanted a massive like plunge tank like the super nice one to show up and you'd be all like what is this doing why is this here and then i could be like yes it worked suza did it i'm thinking i'm gonna go to home depot and just buy a plastic container the only thing that sucks is you have to get so much ice to get it like significantly cold you know a plate plate is that true yeah plate 260 maybe i won't get a plastic container mike the sauce mike the sour just for matt $1.99 thank you i do ice bath every day, game changer. I know. I think that you're probably right. 260?
Starting point is 00:17:06 I don't have... You don't have 260? No. My notes end up 152. Why does that keep happening? That happened to Caleb last week, too. Here. I'm sending you a new one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I was double checking because sometimes the numbers go larger than... Okay. I told myself I wasn't going to talk and just tear into the notes today. I feel responsible. Half the time I start asking you questions because I know I personally love your like old stories. And if I could start digging them out, I always take the opportunity. And I think the people will let that listen and join too. They want to hear the things that have made me a potent influencer.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I do. I enjoy them. What They want to hear the things that have made me a potent influencer. I do. I enjoy them. What are the benefits of an ice bath? You get cold as shit. It's the fastest way to meditation. I'll tell you that. The guys at Station 8 had me go into one.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah. And it was like low 30 degrees. And they're like, you have to go into your neck and stay for like 90 seconds. And I was like, well, I'll show you guys. And just slid right in and hung out in there for three minutes. But the first 45 seconds, it's like doing 100 burpees. You're thinking about nothing else besides just your breath and trying to stay as still as possible because you think that that's going to help with the cold.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Like it's going to not make you as cold. Do you think it would hurt my back that I would tense it up so much that I could just throw my back out? Oh, I don't think so not for you no sometimes i think about that i'm like god what if i just tighten up like i don't think you will though because i think you could get yourself into that place ahead of time okay you're not gonna you're not gonna just like it's not gonna it's not like i come behind you and surprise you with a cold bucket of water and you ah and like you react to it that way like when you're ready you'll couple of breaths, you'll take a breath to get yourself
Starting point is 00:18:47 into it and then you'll just get right into the tub. And I feel like you do fine. Basically you need, if you want to have like a good cold plunge and a good, um, I got a sauna. You need, you need 10 grand. Did you get the notes? Yeah, I got them, but they're the same ones as you first said. How come two 60s not on there?
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's so weird okay i'll try one more time caller hi hey how's it going gentlemen awesome just for it's just want to call it oh sorry no my bad no my bad no my bad you. Well, I just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving. You guys are the goats without any and all question. Sousa
Starting point is 00:19:33 looked way bigger and more impressive in real life when I saw him at the game compared to on the computer screen in which he looked kind of like a little gamer boy. I see it. I see it. I see it. I see it. I see the gamer boy.
Starting point is 00:19:46 You should have never said that. He needs a little microphone coming off his headset. Oh, man. Don't do it, Susan. Don't do it, Susan. Anyways, you guys rock. That Zello's game coverage was sweet. Happy Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I'm very thankful for you gentlemen. And have a great day. Lots of love. Thank you. Thank you. That was easy. How about now check now uh stevan start with a water hose 55 degrees good place start then gradually make it cold over two weeks i can't you keep it's just the same ones there's no two there's no 260 how
Starting point is 00:20:23 do you what do you have that is it aren't you just running right off the email you sent me i just hit command all and then copy and then send it over to you like i always do yeah is it not what what if i try this what if i try um i'll select down to 260 copy. You're going to have to erase all these or you're going to have to pay for them from Google. How about that? Take a look at that. Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Your storage is almost full, 93%. Maybe I can't send it because my storage is almost full. Oh, you know what's crazy is it saves all my sent emails too huh uh-huh what a mess uh do your balls go inside your body when you jump in ice water david allison yes here we go i don't know if they go inside but they go somewhere you guys should switch to notion for sharing i everyone thinks i should be switching to something for sharing notes okay do you see it okay 260 now we got it now the show begins 21 minutes in hey that's pretty good for us where's caleb every time he's not here i always worry yeah me too like what he's
Starting point is 00:21:49 like yeah i'll be there that he's not i'm always like fuck what happened okay ready rocket uh action i invited this guy to come on the show we'll see what happens action about raising their testosterone levels back in the 40s middle-aged men had double the testosterone levels they have today women's levels are lower too. What is going on? Some of the most shocking reasons are right under our noses, but hardly anybody's talking about them. They're called estrogenics or hormone disruptors. They fit on the same receptors, but do none of the real work that hormones do.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So they're really hormone blockers, and that's a problem because they're everywhere and you can't avoid them. Estrogenics run a masterful interference operation. You're probably not even aware they're there. And you're drinking water, fragrances, food, weed killers, soaps, sunscreens, the plastics that you put everything in. And the list goes on. Why do you care? Because they're making us fat, sick, disinterested in sex, and infertile.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Find out who these great pretenders are in the next segment you need to drop them like a deadbeat boyfriend touch subscribe to get the next video and get smart everybody's talking okay oh jeffrey birchville i sent that to you this morning well thank you so basically everything lowers our testosterone i guess i i've switched i i bought all i got i'm getting rid of like i don't let my kids drink out of plastic i don't store any food in plastic everything i just everything i can i just move to uh glass 259 his eyes scare me yeah his eyes he's intense he's like a grandpa he's got a grandpa vibe oh damn this one's crazy yeah this is the i we talked about the iphone factory yesterday there's
Starting point is 00:23:26 a place called iphone city where foxconn in china has 200 000 employees at one facility and i guess the people flipped out there um they they they actually live in dormitories there i guess but this is uh this is pretty cool it looks like they've had enough looks like they've had enough here Looks like they've had enough. Here we go. In Zhengzhou, China. Looks like a KKK rally. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So iPhone 15 might be delayed dude those guys in the white suits i'm assuming that's like the security pushing them back are incredibly outnumbered like iphone factory at some point they drop their sticks and run, huh? iPhone factory or prison camp? You decide. We lived. I would much, much respect if people stood up for that over racism or transgenderism.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You know what that immediately reminded me of? They're enslaving people to make our iphones basically not enslaving encouraging them to stay at the compound those people are locked in there to make our iphones nuts and meanwhile there's a fucking whole million there's 50 million fucking influencers in the united states who are using their iphone to complain about the way they're treated the virtue signal yeah isn't that ironic there's games athletes were upset that we didn't get our payout at the european national championship hashtag i'm out yeah fucking clown not out of the iphone factory look at oh my goodness oh conor mcgregor's looking so juicy so juicy you know that he he pulled himself off the uh you saw the uh their water whatever they use the the drug pool he pulled himself off got juiced to the gills
Starting point is 00:25:45 he's like no yeah i'm healing okay 258 perspective i can't i really want to get to this ice cube uh clip uh oh there's there's no sorry 258 perspective sorry i'm on i'm on a race you are i like it 258 seven did you see elon found a bunch of woke t-shirts uh at the office in a closet no but i we're gonna stop and do elon now that you reminded me we have to go to elon's twitter okay this is perspective this is a woman uh flexing her uh bicep while touching her neck with her hand. That's what I see. You guys tell me what you see, but I'm normal.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But I'm normal. Now what do you see? I think the injection is safe. Not me. I see it like this. I don't think it's so safe maybe you need to turn the picture upside down i think that was it that a um a sugar packet and the it depends on which way you load them is what you see i've seen that before yeah no it looks like somebody painted that and then
Starting point is 00:27:00 did the perspective change on it i haven't seen this have you seen the video of elon and aoc flirting no but i i like it okay uh just to cut one it's not real but it's pretty funny you know what i i started i i was thinking about this morning in the shower that culture is just i'll look up the definition of culture real quick culture i think culture might just be a uh an excuse to be prejudiced racist racist and discriminated the the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded regarded collectivity the customs art social institutions and achievements of a particular nation people or other social group so what would what would black culture be i was thinking about that this morning careful don't get us canceled what would white culture be what would black culture be
Starting point is 00:27:51 i don't know what doesn't it would probably change per region because you could do it by like doing it by race doesn't make sense to me i think it's by by not even race let's just go stick with color skin. I'm not even sure I know what race means anymore. Jiggy Josh got me all fucked up with race. He's like, we are just one race. I was like, oh yeah, right. I'll stop using that word.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah, even colored skin, whatever. I don't think that that matters when it comes to culture. I think you're mostly going to be influenced by where you live and like social economic status. So like region and then like social status. Unless it has to do with your well yeah for sure and um skin color is horrible too because in this country the united states the blacks are the richest uh demographic if you use if you use skin color because indians make forty thousand dollars a year on average more a year than white people i see what you do
Starting point is 00:28:41 i see what you're doing fucking i seen a lot of indian people a lot darker than black people yeah that's why it's such a it's a such a terrible indicator of anything and people that like use it are just it's such a shortcut label and it doesn't mean anything it just it's it's ambiguous like we always talk about so that way you start spinning stories in your head or if you're a quarter black you're black how come you're not if you if if the whole thing is just a complete fucking manipulative shit show yeah that's why i was saying like skin color doesn't have anything to do with culture or behavior or anything i mean i think that it changes versus where you live and socioeconomic status yeah i i think you're probably right i wonder if culture is more attached to geography than anything else you could think about most cultures and you could
Starting point is 00:29:32 basically think about a person of any skin color race inside that culture and you'd most likely be true discussing it worldwide especially in the u.s because it's a big melting pot so then therefore that kind of voids the argument on skin color altogether just just go with what what would what do you use how do i label people then if i don't use skin color what do i use i don't think we should i think we should i know neither do i but i need a substitute for the tards as humans we like to make those quick shortcuts so i'd rather just like label so my brain could just place you into a bucket and then everything has been shortcut it's easier for me not the best way to look at it but there's a there's a black guy fighting a white guy and you're watching the boxing match
Starting point is 00:30:17 and they're both in but you're like oh it's the guy in the blue shorts versus the guy in the red shorts like somehow it's wrong to like point out their skin color are our latin like to admit that you that you have eyes are latinos the most mixed yeah latin that whole thing is just a joke down there mexicans please give me a fucking break 300 years ago there were no fucking mexicans that that though those people those people should be pissed they got fucking duped imagine getting just raped by a fucking other country and then all the offspring we just change your name and call you mexican i mean if you go back far enough in history isn't that where all of us at some point originated not armenians we were the original but uh but of course yes but everyone else you guys originals
Starting point is 00:31:06 everyone else is but yeah i mean think about it everything in history through different time periods all have some sort of like dark past like that where there's somebody was conquered a land was taken god it's a creative wealth wealth was taken wealth was transferred wouldn't you like to just go into a time machine there has to be a way there has to be a way to like to sit through some sort of deep meditation and and trap like god i would love to go back 50 000 years 100 000 years i just want to see yeah me too i've always been fascinated by that like if you could just kind of be a fly on the wall and go to different landmark times in history and just see the way people operated and treated each other.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I just want to see that first creature crawl out of the ocean. I just want to see what did we look like 200,000 years ago. I've recommended this for you before. I don't know how many books you have on cue because we have some guests coming up i think too many but tell me yeah sapiens by uravo harari oh yeah yeah i have it yes yes a brief history of uh humankind it's great yeah i mean there's a way more detailed version of it called uh guns germs and steel by jared diamond and that's like well that's going to be a little bit more dense and like a textbook read because uh sapiens is just really good he's got like great humor and he's such a good writer but that basically gives you kind of like a breakdown of it of human society at least and kind of the evolution of it sapiens but then i gotta believe his shit
Starting point is 00:32:41 no you don't you just have to read it and take it in perspective versus your own experiences and compare the two and then decide what's best for you. All right. Fine. Thank you. Yeah. But I think you'll really like it. And then it'll probably, it'll go by quick too. That's not the guy's name that hangs out with Charles Schwab.
Starting point is 00:32:57 That's not the guy that hangs out with the Schwab guy, is it? He's got another Yuval. He hangs out with another Jew. You know what I'm talking about? Klaus Schwab. The crazyval he hangs out with another jew you know i'm talking klaus schwab the crazy guy that i know you're talking about like talks about transhumanism and shit yeah scary as shit i don't know if that author hangs out with him i don't think so okay i probably hope i hope not okay 257 culture versus race sapiens is great guns germ steel was tough to uh okay this is fantastic i love this i love this this lady uh this lady has i don't know what she's done she's she's mentally ill but but yet she's paraded around on news stations like it's...
Starting point is 00:33:46 Okay, go ahead, play. We don't need to play this whole thing. It's just fucking crazy. The reason why I'm going to be in January, I want to go to Africa to learn more about the cultures, to avoid misunderstandings. But you... To learn more about the cultures and the person's self. about the cultures and the person's self. But you understand that race and colour is much more than skin deep.
Starting point is 00:34:16 It's heritage and pedigree and tradition and history and struggle. It's all of those things that you can't hope to get anywhere near with three tanning injections. No, but all these steps also having okay wait a second this is the same guy who thinks it's okay to chop the dicks off of little boys and start them on their experience on the level of uh not accepting yourself and being lost in mental illness. I say this lady, uh, relative to the community that wants to mutilate kids, genitalia,
Starting point is 00:34:50 this lady's is fucking sober as they get electors president. Um, that's a spray tan. No, I think she got some sort of injection. She's going to die. That chick's going to die of cancer. I've seen people try to do this before.
Starting point is 00:35:04 There's a book. There's a book. there's a book out there called black like me about a journalist in the 60s who does this to himself because he wants to assimilate and see what it's like see how he wants to see how the world treats him as a black man and it's a pretty cool book but he ends up dying he gives himself cancer and dies oh geez anyway there's your we'll have more mental illness on this show later today but i just think in the ranks uh that's not even like i don't even think she's that mentally ill versus the shit that we're seeing trying to be pushed off as uh okay okay 256 ice cube look at this guy i think sitting next to him on the table is too short by the way
Starting point is 00:35:44 i need to i would like to watch this whole show i wish we could get ice cube on this show yeah i wish we get too short on this show that would be awesome we we can let's talk in absolutes when when we get them on the show it's gonna be awesome i've never tried to dm too short maybe i should do that yeah yeah okay yeah here we go ice cube uh i want to tell you a quick story real quick in um i was 22 years old and i uh got tickets to the ice cube concert it was he was playing in isla vista it was a ice cube and the lynch mob that was when his big song was uh fuck you ice cube and he came there with with the Lynch mob and it was a small venue. It was a pool hall.
Starting point is 00:36:29 They cleaned out all the, they moved all the tables away and it probably held like 300 people. And I went there early with my girlfriend. Her name was Gilda banks. And I got there early and, uh, we got up in the, and five minutes before Ice Cube came out, this was in Isla Vista. I couldn't believe Ice Cube was there. It's such a small little town. event uh five dudes walked up to me and told me that they better not fucking see me at the front ever again and that i need to stay at the back of the wall the whole time and if they see me
Starting point is 00:37:09 holding my girlfriend's hand they're gonna beat the fuck out of me i can't hear you you're muted why i can but funny you should ask. I can only assume. I can't only assume. But I probably – because my girlfriend was as black as night, and these gentlemen were black, and they didn't appreciate me being there with her. That's the way I took it. I mean I read into it. I take full responsibility. I read into it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 You probably – because you said there was five guys? Yeah. Probably weren't worried about asking for clarification. no i went to the back and i did not hold her hand and uh wise decision there yeah and hey and my girlfriend was cool as shit too she didn't like she didn't get all fucking crazy on him oh you know what i mean like she wasn't like she didn't like she was cool ladies please never do that because you know that's always good yeah i could have my fucking face rearranged yeah i'm never gonna end well for the boyfriend of that situation it didn't even it didn't even upset me yeah naz is cool shit you okay we're headed to the back and yeah i just went to the back i still had the girl like i was still i still went home with her like she was awesome
Starting point is 00:38:32 she was fucking cool as shit do you guys talk about it afterwards or anything i maybe maybe i don't even remember. I just remember thinking like, fuck, I really don't want to get fucked and mashed by these dudes. That was it. That fear trumped everything else that you would have worried about at that time. I don't remember this, but knowing myself probably like five minutes before the concert was,
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh no, I didn't leave early because I remember he came out when it was over. The crowd started chanting, fuck you ice cube. And then he came out when it was over. The crowd started chanting, fuck you, Ice Cube. And then he came out and did an encore. Oh, cool. Yeah. It was still horrible. It was still a shitty concert.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Okay. But I do like Ice Cube. Okay. Ice Cube. Here we go. I turned down a movie because I didn't want to get the motherfucking jab. You know, I turned down nine minutes. Oh, pause.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So I think that's E40 on the left, I think, and then too short in the middle. That is E40, huh? Wow. Yeah. Yeah, 40 water. He used to come into Black Angus that I served. Where'd you work? At Black Angus.
Starting point is 00:39:38 What city? Dublin. No shit. Yeah, he lived or had a house in Ruby Hill, like a big, you know, rich people's gate. No shit. Claiming Vallejo roots, but living in Dublin. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, he was all over. That was one of the many of them. But he used to come in and there is a big booth, table eight. And it was really it was in the corner. Right. And the booths are really big and high back. And this one kind of came. So I had a small opening, but it sat, you know, it would see eight people or so. And he would come in with like him, maybe one other guy and like two or three girls. And he would always just roll in and then roll right to the back.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It was cool. Very generous tipper if you were able to get him as a server. But there was always a fight over who was going to serve him. If you don't know this song he sings a song called choices e40 has a song called choices it's so good yeah it's so good he's been relevant for a very long time in the bay area him in too short and they continue to especially e40 he continues to reinvent himself with i think he's got like uh multiple different product lines out and stuff like that he doesn't seem to be able to break into the mainstream though no but um he's got like a multiple different product lines out and stuff like that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:40:45 seem to be able to break into the mainstream though no but um he's right on like the cusp of like doing to where he probably still has a ton of like freedom and what he gets to do but still makes enough money to where he's very content you know yeah right in the balance okay play it okay do you want me to restart it? No, it's okay. It's okay. I didn't want to get the jab. Fuck that jab. And fuck y'all for trying to make me get it. So, you know, I don't know how Hollywood
Starting point is 00:41:17 feel about me right now. You know what I'm saying? But you know what? It ain't just Hollywood no more. You can go through the streaming. Streaming ain't got nothing to do with it. That's Hollywood, bro. Is it really? You think so? It is. It is. They on some shit, but you know what I mean? Me too.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I'm on some shit too. Cute vision. I'm working on it. I got a few dollars. Let's put something together like the weather, man. You dig? I'm worried about nothing. Got a lot of things up my sleeve. put something together like the weather, man. You dig? What about nothing? It's going to happen. Got a lot of things up my sleeve.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yes. Turned down nine million. I didn't turn it down. Them motherfuckers didn't give it to me because I wouldn't get the shot. Exactly. I didn't turn it down. Oh, okay. They just didn't give it to me. Oh, because you wouldn't get the COVID shot. Yeah, the COVID shot.
Starting point is 00:42:04 The jab. The jab. The jab. Yeah. During the pandemic. During the pandemic, man. The pandemic. At all.
Starting point is 00:42:12 You didn't need? Nothing. Fuck him. I didn't catch it at all. Yeah, I didn't need that shit. But he called it about four or five times. Yeah. Well, you know, circumstances.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I got lucky. Yeah, me too. Ain't going to take no shit I don't need. Yeah, I feel you. I turned down a movie. Nine million dollars. Wow. Who is this
Starting point is 00:42:38 right winger contesting the jab? Very, very good point. Thank you. Just another crazy right winger. Contesting the jab. Very, very good point. Thank you, House of Spiegel. Just another crazy right winger. Ice motherfucking cube. All those bottles in front of E40 is his alcohol lines. His tequila.
Starting point is 00:42:56 All that stuff. E40. Okay. Ice cube. Pierce Morgan, 255. I'm not a huge fan of pierce morgan i think of him as kind of a jackass but uh i'm gonna um i'm gonna have to cut him some slack here gonna have to say thank you pierce uh for coming correct I got another warning on Instagram. I would not be surprised if my account gets turned off very, very soon here. I got a strong one yesterday. Basically, I went to a photographer's, someone sent me a photographer who was taking pictures and documenting a woman
Starting point is 00:43:39 having a baby. And this woman who was having a baby had had her boobs removed and it was like trying to be a man right i think they call them term is transgender i don't even know anymore but basically he was saying this is the first transgender birth um that he's been to which really is means that he was at a birth where a woman who had gone through surgery to try to change her into a man was having a baby but it was still a woman it's a woman who has her tits chopped off and facial hair and they call that transgender i call that a fucking woman with fucking mental illness yeah and i'm not transphobic at all i just think that cutting off your body parts is is a mental illness that's it that's fine no one should hate me for that no one should be upset at that
Starting point is 00:44:39 and i'm open to being i'm open to being uh wrong very very open but i'm not open to that not still being a woman who had the baby in the bathtub but but none of that stuff fazed me what fazed me is that then this photographer goes to write this is the first transgender birth i've ever been a photographer at and i'm so open and I'm so appreciative of the opportunity and I'm open and accepting of all ideas all thoughts all and it goes on about how accepting they are and I wrote you fucking idiot you sound like you'd make a good photographer at Auschwitz no one is all open and no prejudice and no discriminating. Nobody. Don't write that shit down. No, you're not. No, you're not. chambers and being killed you're into women and children being raped are you are you open to everything as a photographer you have no prejudice you're completely open to all subjects and matters
Starting point is 00:45:50 so i wrote that on there and i and i got a fucking i got a ding like a pretty strict one like saying hey your account is close to being suspended or something i wonder if this, what we're seeing happen with people like doing body modification surgeries, do you think that's just the start of like what the future holds as far as genetic modification, genetic choice, being able to alter DNAs before people are born, choosing your own gender as the baby's born, like before it's born and stuff like that due to the advancements in like medical you know procedures and signs maybe but you know what i think it's all really tied to i think all of this
Starting point is 00:46:31 the vast majority of this is tied to diet nutrition and like that i don't know if it's plastics but i think basically what's happening is that people have fucking completely destroyed their hormonal balance. I mean, you're hard-pressed to find baby formula in the United States that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it. You don't think that that forever destroys your baby. I mean, there's thousands of kids out there now. I don't know how it affects girls, but I've done the research on boys. There's thousands of boys out there who got obese so quick
Starting point is 00:47:03 that their testicles and penis will never fully develop. Their parents fucking overfed them, fed them too much sugar and they're fucked. They'll be hormonally fucked their whole life. Damn. So, so what I think has happened is, is I think we're in some sort of crazy hormonal fucking disaster.
Starting point is 00:47:18 It's related to obesity and whatever, all the other fucking chemicals floating around are. And I think that's at the root of what what's going on and it's caused just all sorts of fucked up thinking interesting and and the word fuckery like stop using the word fucking start calling things what they are that is a woman who had her boobs chopped off to try to look like a man not for halloween but forever is now having a baby but it's still a woman no one's ever had a baby that's not a woman and is the issue that actor is the issue the perpetuating of it by corporate media yeah just
Starting point is 00:48:01 the lies around it like it's normal there's happiness there that that none of those people will ever be happy and and don't take offense to that most people will never be happy they're not willing to do the work to go inside themselves and be happy to find peace and stillness so you'll never find happiness by tweaking shit on the in the out in the outside world i mean it's okay to, it can lead to it. It can be motivators for it. I don't think, I don't think Caitlyn Jenner ever wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and is like, yeah, I accept myself.
Starting point is 00:48:36 This is exactly how I wanted it to turn out. Yeah. So like you were saying, pre-transition, if she was at, you know, five points for quality of life, post-transition, she's still five points for quality of life post-transition she's still five points at quality of life at best at best yes at best thank you well said yeah at best olson do olson dudes wishing you happy thanksgiving with your family and friends gentlemen thank you now don't get me wrong maybe there's one just like maybe there's one person who is saved by the vaccine don't get me
Starting point is 00:49:06 wrong but the cure cannot be doing more harm than the disease and the disease is just shitty thinking and bad diet yeah well the interesting thing is is like it's one thing to be say we need to like tolerance needs to be high we need to be open to these certain things and like nobody should be shamed or whatever for, for their actions. And I agree with that, but at the same time, I agree with that too.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'm not shaming. I'm not saying you are, I'm not saying you are at all, but I think what ends up happening is as it's being forced in front of everybody all the time by corporate media. And then, you know, in front of,
Starting point is 00:49:42 and then perpetuated in front of the schools and stuff like that is when, and when it starts to create friction. And I wonder sometimes if people are like, hey, this is me and this is what I'm doing and you need to accept it. Everybody's like, yeah, cool, we accept it. And then it's like, well, that didn't get the action we wanted. Let's push it further. Okay, now we're going to do it in front of the schools. And then you're like, well, wait a minute, hold on. We're not cool with that. And we're like, yeah, see, you guys weren't accepting. And then it's like perpetuating it to create the conflict because it wasn't there on its own now we have to
Starting point is 00:50:09 now we have to force it we have to perpetuate it to create it my wife told me before we had kids she said you know i would have kids with you i said that's awesome but she goes i want you to do a 10-day silent meditation first if you if you that's intense if you're gonna cut off your penis or remove your breasts and you and you haven't been a fucking practice a practitioner of the most hardcore meditation you're a fucking ass clown i i feel that way about tattoos too you didn't sit for 24 hours in a dark room and just listen to your breath before you fucking let some guy in a fucking tattoo shop with rubber gloves put a needle on you and draw a picture on you. You couldn't give that 24 hours of stillness to think about the impact, what you're doing? And now you're going to cut off your penis and you haven't – I just want to know.
Starting point is 00:51:01 What is that? You have to sit in a room for 10 days and breathe and really see if that's really what you want to do? Nope, you just got to go see the shrink over here who's going to give you a bunch of drugs and start the process. I mean, it's just nuts. I would even be like, hey, Jake Marconi will walk across the country with you first.
Starting point is 00:51:20 You know what I mean? Like, what have you done? Did you climb Everest first? Like, what did you do to really test that oh wow i don't know if they've ever been pushed to and i would argue and i know them personally there are there are quite a few people that are terrified to spend 10 days alone or meditate even oh dude there's people the vast majority afraid to spend fucking five hours alone if you don't like to be alone if you're one of those people we have guests all the time they say that oh i'm just a really social majority are afraid to spend fucking five hours alone. If you don't like to be alone, if you're one of those people, we have guests all the time that say that, oh, I'm just a really social person. I like to spend time with people like that.
Starting point is 00:51:51 That's not a or we're social creatures by nature. That's not a you should hide that. Push that down. I forget where I heard. Who would you be without that story? Somebody said, well, I enjoy being alone, but nobody enjoys being lonely. And I think differentiating the two, because sometimes people associate that with like,
Starting point is 00:52:10 well, now I'm lonely and I'm by myself. And it's like, no, you could be alone. You don't have to be lonely. And you could also work on yourself during it. There's a production.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. Yeah. If you're lonely when you're by yourself, then, um, that's not, that needs to be examined also. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Uh, I have 200 hours of tattoos on my body and i fucking love them there you go uh those vag line tattoos age well okay i don't even know what that means what does that mean oh oh and to the comments earlier about the tape line it it will be a shelf in like by the end of the day i wanted to ask about in the beginning and i'm like i have two of them you guys can't really see the other one but they'll go up and not just measure it about susan really takes this show seriously sorry i was hoping to oh damn now my camera's screwed up even more of a even better now you look like a real gamer real gamer i'm gonna get some blue colored blue and pink fluorescent lights behind me that'll change as we go through it how many things like that can i do
Starting point is 00:53:10 before you just like get that shit off the screen no i would never really no i love it all oh 250 i had ice cube on there twice okay 255 pierce morgan here we go i think this might be a dude right here by the way floyd mayweather who is for pound, the most successful boxer in male history. You would let him in a year's time compete at the same weight against women. Yeah, if there's a weight category. This is nonsense. I'm sorry. It's absolute garbage. How could you possibly countenance putting Floyd Mayweather, the most dangerous boxer, pound for pound.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Pause, pause, pause. Floyd Mayweather, the most dangerous boxer, pound for pound. Pause, pause, pause. Well, that makes more sense to me than giving, than, that makes more sense to me than introducing this ideology to children. It makes way more sense to me than introducing this ideology to children. Introduce. Johnny, hi. ideology to children. Introduce. Johnny, hi.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Welcome to preschool. Come. Meet the other three-year-old kids. Oh, today's going to be a fascinating talk. We're going to talk about how you get to choose your gender. Huh? Sketchy. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Okay, keep playing. Sorry. This is fucking. I can't't believe this is the news i would love to go back and and be like in the uh a seven-year-old boy and just come on the news and watch my mom's face when this comes on you know 30 years ago 50 years ago this people can you see walter cronkite reading this shit people we grew up on leave it to beaver okay action be in the history of boxing into a ring with women born to female bodies this is where the argument becomes utterly ridiculous and it's not transphobic to say so it's common sense you would let floyd mayweather
Starting point is 00:55:05 yeah do you guys that's the part too stops all the people out there i know it's none of the listeners unfortunately stop saying it's transphobic no one cares i would love if i didn't have kids to take care of i'd love to go to san francisco tonight to a fucking gay bar and hang out with transgenders and just the fucking whole mishmash and fucking juiced up black guys and just fucking – and just throw down whiskey shots. I'd love the fucking rage. I'd love the freedom, the escape. It has nothing to do with transphobic. It's acknowledging it as something like like productive where happiness exists or something
Starting point is 00:55:46 or making it something that you want to lead children to it's not ask any of those people look the way they behave i also just stop dragging gay people into this shit too fuck off they don't want to be they don't want to be involved with you too fuck off they don't want to be they don't want to be involved with you lgbq tcy leave them alone dude the um transphobic transphobic thing is a way to throw you on your heels and then end the discussion and to silence you right right because now we can't have a discussion about it yeah exactly because now i've labeled you we've all done it now no one wants to be associated with that because that's no one wants to be associated with that
Starting point is 00:56:25 because that's the worst thing to be associated with, so people are afraid to have the conversation, and it ends. You're silenced. Right. It's the easiest way to do it. Are you impressed by Piers Morgan? Are you surprised he did that?
Starting point is 00:56:34 I am surprised he did that. How about that chick called it garbage? That clip is heck old. Oh, it is? Yeah, you can see at the bottom, they're talking about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and stuff. Oh. But I even think that's more...
Starting point is 00:56:50 I'm more surprised at it that far back. Because then you know how things have moved quite a bit, right? The pendulum started to swing the other way as it went crazy into the Wokeville towards the end of 2020, like summer of 2020, and then slowly it kind of came out of it a little bit. towards the end of 2020 like summer of 2020 and then slowly kind of came out of it a little bit so i'm actually more surprised that he was uh arguing that point back then than i i would be now you think that he wouldn't argue it as much now you think he's he's no i think he would i'm just surprised he argued it that much back then too oh okay okay sorry sorry i see what you're saying sorry sorry uh basically basically star wars continue. I'd like to see any of these fucking people, by the way,
Starting point is 00:57:27 these enablers, these fucking lefty enablers, do fucking the five years I did at the Home for Mentally Disabled Adults where I worked and I lived in the driveway. I'd like to see any of these do-gooders try that. They'd fucking spit you out in six months. You don't have the depth in your character or the fucking mental fortitude yeah i mean you basically just have to have a massive spot for stillness there's this thing that they tell you um one of the one of the tools it was so funny because we
Starting point is 00:57:58 had so many professional like psychologists or people with degrees like a bachelor's degrees in psychology or sociology or whatever they could never hang at the house but me the homeless guy like they would last a month and fucking lose their shit but me the homeless guy lasted there for fucking five years and one of the things was my boss taught me back then who was just a raging alcoholic she taught me but she was she's pretty awesome she's a pretty good person uh she taught me um address the person not the behavior and so you hear me maybe talk like this you hear me talk like this maybe on the show about just things that are logical or abstract but i would never treat anyone and i don't treat any well i
Starting point is 00:58:39 try not to treat anyone based on the behavior same with my kids just a person sarah cox hi happy thanksgiving thank you thank you oh we have our first uh female who is embarking on the uh um she she got her blood work done and she's embarking on the california hormones uh journey i'm pumped uh you guys all know who she is but i will introduce you to her here in the next month. You guys, it'll be fun. It's one of, one of our own in the chat. And, uh, you can go to, uh, and you can use the code SEVON and you can get a free doctor's consultation. And if you live in California, you can even get free blood work. If you don't do it that way, your insurance can pay for your blood work and you can get a free doctor's consult. Just type in SEVON. And if you want to learn more about it, go over to Andrew Hiller and look for his post on Tuesdays. He has a post that's called
Starting point is 00:59:41 Testosterone Tuesdays, and he'll show you all the stuff. He's, he's, he's going to build a massive library about the, um, the journey. You know, it was funny, you know, how I go on there and, um, uh, onto like Jerry news or Bloomberg news. And if I catch it within the first minute, I'll leave a comment and then see how many likes or what people say. I'd still do that. And, put on there that didn't follow me and I didn't recognize underneath one of my comments, there was a bunch of people like commenting. And then he wrote, go to CA and like wrote, but like wrote it out, like C-A and like put verbatim what is always said into the reply to the, that comment there. And I thought that was pretty funny for two reasons. I didn't recognize who they were, which was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And the second one was, it was verbatim what you always say on the show when you, uh, when we do like call to action for it. So I thought it was pretty funny. Uh, we, we also, um, have our, uh, we're, we're going to go to waterpalooza this year. Thanks to California hormones. Um, and while we just found out about that yesterday, I'm really pumped. Those were some of our biggest shows of all time. They had the rain there last year. First of all, you got to thank Matt O'Keefe for giving us the access he did, which was kind of unprecedented at the time. We're always kind of on shaky ground with the community and that was really fucking
Starting point is 01:01:02 cool. And he came on every night uh similar to what dave castro did for us that's kind of what started that trend which was awesome that dave did that at the games um but uh o'keefe gave us great access came on the show every night and then recently after we did the broadcast for the zello games um my paths crossed with the new head of vp of sports for loud and live i think think it's Dylan. Dylan is his first name for sure. Great guy.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I've known him forever. And his last name I think is Walensky. But anyway, we spoke and he said, he'll give us complete access to what a blues again this year. And we plan to bring you some great shit. Last year was massive, but none of that would happen without California hormones.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And I mean that there's no fucking way we have the budget to send people to over there. Um, so thank you, uh, California hormones again. I seriously didn't think we're going to go this year. I think last year liver King paid for it. Yep. And yeah, he basically just, I just called him and he said, yeah, dude, I trust you. Hey, which was cool because he like that, that was our first catalyst into doing it and realizing what we could actually do at those events uh bruce thank you uh we will for sure uh be milking you like a cow with giant titties we would love to have you participate again this year. Thank you, brother. Of course. And earlier too, Bruce said that the bookshelf behind the podcast, it was like a played out thing.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I actually agreed with that. Bruce said that? Yeah. He was like, go do the bookshelf. It's played out. Every podcast does it. He probably has to. It's probably the only place he can have a bookshelf.
Starting point is 01:02:40 That's right. Yeah. So if I give you guys, maybe I'll do it on Instagram. And once I have Matt, there's just tons of books that are on the floor here until i get them up but it's it's pretty much the only place that i could store them so but i'm not but with that being said there probably will be paper street coffee displayed on there watch all these cars on there like i will definitely play into it so you're right but whatever dylan malitzky, it's not Willinsky. Okay. Dylan Malinsky. I, I have these shelves in my house. I haven't shown them in a long time,
Starting point is 01:03:11 but I had this idea for shelves and basically I couldn't find a way I couldn't, I couldn't fulfill this idea. And so I shared it with Bill Henninger and bill and katie have you have i shown you those now they made me these the craziest thin steel beams then that have l brackets come out and they sent me these things are so fucking custom and trick and i've put them all over my house and i and then i just put just cheap wood on top of them so my kids can climb on any shelf any human being could a 400 pound human being could climb on my shelf it's crazy it's the craziest thing that it's i can't even believe
Starting point is 01:03:57 bill and katie made that for me it's so fucking nuts it's so weird that when something like that comes to like a truck has to drop off these long, huge pieces of steel at your house because Bill Henninger made you something. Bill and Katie made you something. That's so cool. Oh my God. That was a great day. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Thank you. Okay. Go ahead. Uh, two 54, my wife, my mouth's got on it. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. This one's titled my wife. I? I'm nervous.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I'm nervous that this one's titled My Wife. I'm a little nervous. Just the opening thing, I'm like, I don't know where to go with this here. I'm a little nervous. I've never been to an Ice Cube concert with my wife. Okay, here we go. Oh, yeah, yeah, this is my wife. I'm reporting that one of the most reliable predictors of a child's emotional security and cognitive success is not the mother-child attachment, but the husband-wife attachment. There is something about the demonstrable love relationship of mom and dad's relationship that profoundly shapes the neural wiring of a child's developing brain. There may be no actual relational stress
Starting point is 01:05:06 in the marriage, but in the child's developing world, even perceived stress can alter the blood chemistry, thereby triggering neurological coping responses that in turn negatively affect brain development. Researchers. I don't know if any of this is true i don't understand a word she said but i know that there's nothing that makes my kids more happy than seeing me and my wife be in love with each other are we deep-throating trump this morning no that's just clickbait i don't know yeah i know i saw that i don't know who made that someone on the team made that maybe it was will branstetter i but
Starting point is 01:05:51 i'm okay with it but we haven't even mentioned trump i don't know i don't know is he in the notes at all right before we end we could talk about it you could give your thoughts about him being back on twitter um yeah i i i i'm okay i will uh or we need to go to eat we need to go to elon's we need to go to elon's twitter and just read some shit surprise bill and katie would do that for the most problematic man in crossfit um they actually made that for me before i was the most problematic uh man and talk in in crossfit but they've always they've always been very generous with me. If you guys need a good CrossFit gym to work at, hit up Downtown Strength and Fitness just three blocks from Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Okay. Fair. Okay. Alan Kesterbaum, you on the Graham Allison. Okay. Okay, so what a great gift to give your kids today. Pretend like you love your wife in front of them. Pretend like you love your husband in front of them.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Kids love that shit. Kids love that shit. Even if they act like they don't love it, they love it. It gives them so much stability. I, I, I all, I have like these rules that I do. I never leave the house without telling my boys to kiss their mom.
Starting point is 01:07:16 I never leave the house without kissing my wife. When I come home, the first thing I do is I go over and kiss my wife. These are all things that I put in to play. They're kind of like my Zen tea party. When I leave, when I go out to the kitchen, when I'm done with the podcast,
Starting point is 01:07:34 my wife will be in the kitchen and I'll put my hand up the back so she can feel my cold hand and I'll squeeze her. And my three boys will see that as they're doing their schoolwork or eating their breakfast. And I get to hug my wife and watch her squeal as I put my cold hand on her back. Sure. She loves that part. Are they protective over it too? Very, very. We went to a kid's birthday party for one of our, one of our good friends. And he has two young
Starting point is 01:08:01 boys. And I think his oldest, who the birthday party was for is turning three and um we're trying to get him to take a photo with like the family and then like us and stuff and the kids like weren't having it so i was like well fine i'm gonna come and sit down and i sat down on his mom's uh lap in the group photo like she was like holding me as one of the kids and he the whole his whole like demeter and temperature just stopped and he was like get off her get and he like runs over when he wanted nothing to just stopped. And he was like, get off her. And he like runs over when he wanted nothing to do with us before. And was like very adamant, like get off my mom.
Starting point is 01:08:31 I was like, Whoa, even at, you know, two and a half, three years old. He's like, he's all,
Starting point is 01:08:36 everything went away and he's ready to attack. Dude. If the kid's jujitsu instructor just like messes with me or something, or just like to just like gently put his arm around my throat or something, my kids will just fucking flip out they are by any means necessary protect their parents but yeah especially the moms especially the moms like if if i they walk in the room and i'm kissing my wife i'm holding my wife or something yeah yeah they'll protest hey hey stop that don't you touch her she Yeah, yeah. It's never don't touch dad.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah, yeah. We don't give a shit about what happens to dad. Only if you get hurt. Same. Kiss goodnight, kiss goodbye with intention. Yeah, always. When I go to bed, if my wife's already asleep, I kiss her on the cheek or I rub her back for a few minutes before I fucking go to sleep. It's important.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It's important. It's important. It's so important. So important. And you know what? It's cool because even if you don't want to do it, it's like, it's not, it's not just for them. It makes me, it makes me a better person. I'm never like, Oh, that took like, I'm always happy. Every interaction I have with my wife that I go out of my way to have, let's say, let's say I'm in the car. I'm about to drive away. And I forgot to say goodbye to her, kiss her. I don't go inside and I'm like, fuck that I go out of my way to have, let's say I'm in the car and I'm about to drive away and I forgot to say goodbye to her or kiss her, I don't go inside and I'm like, fuck, I wish I wouldn't have done that. Every time I'm like, yeah, I'm glad I did that.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Glad I got to see her neck or put my hand on her forehead or pull her hair, squeeze her tits or something. Okay, okay, okay. 253. 253. We're jamming through these today, huh? Uh, two 53, two 53. We're driving through these today, huh? I haven't derailed you too far.
Starting point is 01:10:12 It's good. I got to get to number two 52, um, because two 52 will be worthless, uh, tomorrow. Okay. Fair enough. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:10:22 How can cancer be cured? And surely doctors must be looking at your work and think well how is this taking my classes really yes and they're including it in their own practice well you're not supposed to ever be sick never the body is a miraculous machine that has been created to take care of itself and heal itself if we don't interfere. You make yourself sick. And if the mind is powerful enough to make yourself sick, it's also powerful enough to heal you. My boys for the last five days have been the sickest they've ever been as far back as I
Starting point is 01:11:00 can remember. The coughing I hear coming from them at night is crazy the last three nights i've rotated them in my bed sleeping next to me and they their mouth breathing and i can't even get a good night's sleep i when i drove them to the escape park yesterday, and they were laughing, and I turn around, and my son Joseph has blown snot rockets bigger than my goatee, and all my kids think it's fucking hilarious. My wife and I, they've been sleeping in our beds. We don't change anything. The only thing that we changed is when they start blowing snot rockets, I try to keep them like – I don't take them to jiu-jitsu if they're blowing snot rockets. I just think it would – I just wouldn't want to roll with someone who had snot rockets i try to keep them like i don't take them to jujitsu if they're blowing snot rockets i just think it would i just wouldn't want to roll with someone
Starting point is 01:11:48 who had snot rockets but all the other shit the tennises the skate parks oh one other thing i didn't take them to the pool i i don't know if this is true but i just thought putting them in cold water and lowering their core body temp might not be a good idea because i think the immune system works i think the body tries to set the temperature its internal temperature its temperature at a place that the immune system is most effective but everything else we still do maybe i changed their diet a little bit i started we went out and got a bunch of vitamin c i don't avoid them they can still cough on me i still wipe their like nothing and my wife and i have been in the bed with them for every day for the last five nights because we bring them to our
Starting point is 01:12:30 bed when they're sick like that and and nothing i don't get sick my wife doesn't get sick we all get sick no matter how well we take care of it yeah but but sick isn't like it's true if you've ever been really sick like i had the flu one i had i had something like happened one time where all my bone for 24 hours i thought i was gonna die i was vomiting i was shitting i felt like my bones were gonna explode i don't even know what it was i didn't even i couldn't even make it to my bed one night i just i laid on the floor and i just told my wife to put a thousand blankets on me. So my temp could go up so fucking high and sweat it out. But like, I don't think there's ever been a sickness that I've had where sitting still helped it. Yeah, there's times when you have to because you're, you don't have another choice.
Starting point is 01:13:21 But once you start to feel good, if you always get up, even if you walk on the block or like a good example is like you get a little head cold when you first wake up in the morning it's like miserable you get up and you get so sick when they wake up in the morning 20 minutes later after playing and it doesn't come back until eight at night yeah yeah until they're winding back down yeah i agree with that just keep yourself try to keep yourself moving for like a month on this show i don't know if I had COVID or what, but I was like really sick. Just like sounding sick. And there were times when my head would get really foggy and I was like, fuck, I don't even know if I should be
Starting point is 01:13:52 driving. But I still worked out every single day and every time when I was done working out, I felt a thousand times better for a couple hours. This whole thing of panicking and these stories that people tell themselves about getting sick it's fucking build a hedge against it it is super weird that we don't value more of like what uh is being put in our bodies as a like you know what i mean it's like you'll you'll eat a
Starting point is 01:14:21 bunch of shit all the time stuff that you know isn't real food, a bunch of processed carbohydrate. And then people wonder like, oh, why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel like shit when I get up in the mornings? Why is my mood low? Why don't I have the energy I need to perform stuff throughout the day? Why am I just not excited about life? And it's like, well, if you look at the fuel you're putting into your body, it's amazing that you're not already sick and just in bed the whole entire time anyways. And then it's funny that doctors wouldn't address that as the first, very, very first thing. Like, hey, especially when it comes to mental health, it's like, you should talk about
Starting point is 01:14:57 some of the issues that were happening. And the first thing I said, okay, I hear you. The first thing we're going to recommend is you're going to get outside and you're going to move. Start with a walk. If you're somebody who is capable and able to exercise, we're going to recommend is you're going to get outside and you're going to move. Start with a walk. If you're somebody who is capable and able to exercise, we're going to get you out there and start exercising. And then the second thing that we're going to address is making sure that you're eating real whole foods into your diet. After we do that for two months, we'll re-examine where you are and then go from there.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Yeah. But it's never even talked about. It's funny you say that too, because that's another thing. So when my kids are sick, I just fill the house with berries too. Blueberries and raspberries. Antioxidants or something. Just, I just, something tells me it's right. Same thing.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Something tells me like, don't have a microwave in my house and don't, don't use plastic utensils and their silicone utensils in the stove to cook with. It just, it just all seems like, I hope I'm wrong, but it just doesn't make any sense. Yeah. It just all seems like – I hope I'm wrong, but it just doesn't make any sense. If something looks like it could be affected by heat, I shouldn't be using it to cook anything. Plastic. I never trusted plastic. I remember being a little kid when plastic water bottles first started coming out. I was like, I do not trust that. 252, the world's largest turkey.
Starting point is 01:16:10 86 pounds it sold at auction for seven thousand dollars yeah that's the only good part of the article world's largest turkey i wish i could find a better picture i wanted to find it like like with a dog standing next to it or something to put it in context yeah i don't even know if that is the actual world's largest turkey or if they just took a fucking generic picture of a turkey and put it in there. But 86 pounds. I don't know much about turkeys, but that sounds big to me. Wasn't there going to be some sort of like a shortage with the turkeys? I was seeing some stuff on like mainstream news type things
Starting point is 01:16:39 that pop up in like Twitter feed and stuff that was saying people are going to have a real hard time finding your turkey this year. Only for the underserved and those who are disproportionately affected by turkeys. Okay. I don't think turkey is delicious either. I agree. You're not a turkey
Starting point is 01:16:58 fan? I mean, I'm not against it, but I don't think it's delicious. I've never had a turkey that wasn't completely seasoned. It always needs something. against it but i don't think it's i've never had like a turkey that wasn't like completely like seasoned like it always needs something do you ever do you have staple uh thanksgiving like traditional foods on thanksgiving you guys don't do like a mashed potato i mean okay that's a that's a an american tradition but you don't do like the turkey
Starting point is 01:17:22 dinner the mashed potatoes the stuffing as a kid my mom as a kid my mom did all that shit for us you guys aren't going anywhere today for it yeah i'm going to a friend's house oh okay okay we used to have white rice with ours but you know what so my friend's house thing starts at one and they're gonna eat at three but i was thinking about afterwards having a maybe a party at my house like – I don't know if I want to get into this story. Oh, that only makes me more curious. I just see the holidays as a time when – don't forget this is coming from a guy who is homeless, but I see this as a time to just be open to everybody. I mean I see every day as a time to be open to everybody yeah but especially on that day like i want to spend that time yes with my family but i would love to have a party with just like all the people who are in my kids
Starting point is 01:18:17 lives oh my god i had this most amazing talk with travis bajan yesterday so for those of you who don't know and he's going to come on the show soon, shortly this weekend, Tyson Bajent will is he's, he's three touchdowns away from throw. And he was a former guest on the show. He's three touchdowns away from breaking the all-time college football touchdown passing record. And he's going to be a number one draft pick. And it may be, may be the number one draft pick in the first round and i just heard yesterday espn saying that um i forget who the mvp was last year or the year before but i just heard i just i just heard espn saying that he may be the greatest college quarterback prospect ever to come out of a college that he's just it's just fascinating what he's done and and i i knew this kid when i knew that tyson when he was just
Starting point is 01:19:04 a little boy. I remember being at his house and like playing basketball with him. And his brother Ezra is probably one of the best, if not the best, high school quarterback in the nation right now also. And he and Travis told me, fuck buying your kid a new pair of shoes. Invest money in the people who are around your kids. And I was like so happy to hear him say that because i even think that like fuck whatever sports your kids are going to play just find good people good instructors yeah this kid's so awesome he reminds me so much of rich froning like just a good like he's got like crazy hardcore christian values i used to say about rich froning
Starting point is 01:19:46 if you saw rich froning walk out of a brothel you would think he was there saving someone like he was there to pick somebody up who's making a bad yeah like to save a woman you wouldn't be like oh i saw rich fucking hoes you wouldn't say that no that's how clean he is that's how shit that can't stick to the guy that's how fucking wholesome and good he is that's good stuff hey i know the guy in that picture are you friends with tyson what a great what a what a great god this picture oh you will hear of him you will hear of him he is something special he is something special Travis by the way I did a documentary that Travis is featured in it's called Pooling John
Starting point is 01:20:31 Travis as a young boy lived in a motor home with his mom and his mom's boyfriend didn't even have a shower he told me he got in the documentary he talks about how he got into sports just so other parents would like him and invite him over to their house so that he could shower damn uh this next one is completely mind-boggling when i see stuff like this this is once again i don't understand how i have so many
Starting point is 01:21:02 loved ones and friends and family members who are still Democrats. I just don't fucking get it. Are they complete idiots? Are they ignorant or are they all fucking evil fucking people? And I don't use that word evil on the show very often. What the fuck is wrong with people? This is this guy, Klaus Schwab,
Starting point is 01:21:28 two 51. I, this shit is like out of a fucking Hollywood movie. You're not even going to believe what's about to come out of this fucking maniac's mind. Mouth. He's complimenting China on their fucking way that they run their country. Been to China a couple times.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Not a place you'd want to live. Action. The base has been formed, but we have to go one step further. Pause, pause. This is all tied to everything. It's not a jump to be like, this is all tied to the vaccine, to COVID, to
Starting point is 01:22:13 obesity, to claiming that January 6th was an insurrection. This is all the crazy talk wrapped into one. We watched $760 million worth of damage done to ferguson with fires we had fucking dudes just fucking walk into the capitol building with no fucking no no ill intention anytime there's that many fucking people together there's fucking bad shit's gonna happen how about at the puerto rican fucking parade in fucking New York City?
Starting point is 01:22:47 Every year that thing has more fucking violence than the insurrection has times a thousand. Chicks getting raped just right out in the open. Oh. No offense to Puerto Ricans. Someone dies every year running the New York City Marathon. Calling January 6th an insurrection. You're fucking out of your mind. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I want to look up the definition of that word, insurrection. Oh, is our country so weak that if a bunch of people walk into a building, our country falls? Insurrection. you fucking idiots the whole thing is a violent uprising against an authority or government please yeah that's a stretch for that one not not saying that that people should have i'll show you what's an insurrection the kind of fucking party susan i used to go to when 20 of our guy friends would be out in the street waiting for the keg to show up you want to see fucking an insurrection people throwing rocks at cars teeping houses oh my goodness fucking shooting bb guns insurrection you fucking nut jobs
Starting point is 01:23:59 okay this guy is so fucking nuts. We have to have a strategic mood. We have to construct the world of tomorrow. It's a systemic transformation of the world. So we have to define how the world should look like, which we want to come out of this transformation. But how to bring everybody on board? There is now the opinion globalization has failed and we are entering into an era of deglobalization.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I think that's wrong. I hope you're wrong. respect China's achievements, which are tremendous over the last, over 40 years since the opening up and policy and reform. He's pleased with China's
Starting point is 01:24:55 work in the last 40 years. There's a documentary on Netflix I highly recommend you watch. I forget what it's about, but it's about all the fucking babies they killed in China during their population control. Fucking nuts. There were people, they're interviewing these women who did thousands of abortions on women. They interview people who would just walk through the streets in the mornings.
Starting point is 01:25:22 They would get up early and collect all the babies that were left out on doorsteps. And then sell them on the black market. That country has a fucking factory that makes iPhones for us. Yeah, China's in massive lockdowns. Yes, Sarah. They're having massive lockdowns yes sarah math they're having massive lockdowns thank god australia's waking up thank fucking god have you heard the theory of that the reason uh you know the reason that all the testosterone loss and then took they use terms like toxic uh masculinity and like they're trying to push away from the alpha male image and all that.
Starting point is 01:26:09 And so that way that the beta kind of soft image becomes the popularized thing. And then basically, you know, if you were going to take over a country, who would be the people that would defend it? You know, 18 to 35 year old males, right, are going to go to war. And how is this a conspiracy theory? Here's a guy who you can find pictures of him in fucking a thousand of your favorite movie stars and world leaders. You can find this guy standing next to them. And how can you think that this is a conspiracy theory, what Sousa just said? It doesn't even mean whether it's it's true or not it's like
Starting point is 01:26:46 what well it's um it fits it fits perfect yeah it fits and whether it's being pushed or whether it's just naturally happening by the cultural changes we're starting to see here in the u.s it still advocates for what they're pushing for hey brother i'm the first to uh seven stop getting three camera iphone then i'm the first one to admit it i i'm the first to uh seven stop getting three camera iphone then i'm the first one to admit it i i'm the don't don't get it twisted don't read into what i'm saying don't get it twisted i'm the first one i'm the first one to admit i do lots of wrong things i do lots of wrong i love my iphone Sevan, do you ever desire objects in my DMs the other day? I said, iPhones.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I fucking, this thing is dope. Don't get it twisted. And it only exists because of the way that China operates its ideology and its economy. Well, I think it would still exist. I don't want to go there. I just meant the fact that, like, if all of a sudden the incentives got dropped off, they had to treat employees fairly.
Starting point is 01:27:48 They had to pay employees fairly in China. There would be no incentive to push all the manufacturing overseas because you would just bring it back into here. Or how about just not treat them unfairly? I don't even – how about just let free markets decide? Well, right. That would be capitalism. Yeah. How about just let free markets decide?
Starting point is 01:28:04 I don't even need you to stop treating them unfairly how about i don't need you i don't need you to start treating them fairly how about you just stop treating them like slaves and let them go elsewhere if they want to well that's fucking have them in their cage they don't have an option it's china dude like they're not right you know what i mean and here's the deal if if there was more media on that and it was perpetuated like some of these other things the media perpetuates all the time, they would be forced to change because enough people would start to feel guilty about knowing where their iPhones are manufactured. And that would force some companies like Apple to change those operations in order to keep their sales, in order to keep everything else, right? Exactly. And Ice Cube didn't take the nine million dollars yeah kairi stood up that other dude stood up and wrote all that shit on his nike shoes i forget that guy's name who's standing up more people more more
Starting point is 01:28:57 people are but very few and a lot of people don't have the position i mean they might and hopefully those individuals you just named have like a decent nest egg and savings and investing to where financially they could afford to do that what we're seeing is a lot of the people due to debts and mortgages and and things like that aren't able to refuse to do any of this stuff because they'll lose their job and then they'll have economic suicide essentially by not following marching orders but they still have a choice yeah that's tough though right it's like if i push you to the edge of the cliff and say hey you could either get shot or you jump off the cliff i've given you a choice i think both choices are a shit sandwich right well so i don't disagree that they that you're still given a choice i don't I don't think the other way it's either get shot.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I don't think the other the other one is step into the unknown. So like, OK, I agree with that. I agree with that because it's not it's not certain death. Right. Right. But it is scary as fuck. Right. Like think of all the fucking people that lost their jobs, like all these guys in the military who are standing up and refusing to get the shot. And yet you've been trained for the last 10 years to be an f-18 fighter pilot right what's going on with what's going on with with hillar over here what do you mean what's going on over here i'm looking
Starting point is 01:30:12 but what do you say i don't like you want to know oh i don't like any of the david hip and steel stuff because i feel bad for him not bad for him like sorry for him i just wouldn't want to be yeah like so for those of you don't know the story he's a master's competitor super duper successful super duper fit he turned in a video last year there were all sorts of issues with the video hillar used him as an example of why the fucking system at the CrossFit Games is such shit and garbage. And David Hibbensteel didn't like it. And part of me wishes
Starting point is 01:30:53 that David Hibbensteel would have leaned into it and been like, oh yeah, you're right, I fucked up. But I don't think he did. I think he pushed back and he thinks that Hiller
Starting point is 01:31:01 is a little shit. And I fucking love Hiller. Like, I really like Andrew Hiller. Like, a fucking lot. And so, but I feel bad for David Hippenstiel. And I don't know. I just, like, I see these and I'm just, like, I'm even nervous to, like, click them. Because I don't want to, I don't want, I don't want, I don't like to see,
Starting point is 01:31:26 um, like I love Andrew. It's like when I see what my boys being mean to each other, like it hurts me a little bit. Like I have a little, I have a little death inside. And so like, I just,
Starting point is 01:31:39 I don't know, whatever. It's fun. I guess it's all fun. Hey, you know what, uh, goes along with you were saying
Starting point is 01:31:45 stepping into the unknown yes yeah was it yesterday when you asked luke parker what is faith yeah perhaps we have really um you know really people that are really i don't know what the right term to use in doubt upon their religion yeah um you're what you're talking about i, is a great definition of having faith, which is like if you do step out into the unknown and you know, hey, I'm going to be a good person defined by the morals that I believe. I'm going to work hard. I'm going to stay disciplined like you did when you were homeless. You were like, well, I'm going to work on my penmanship and I'm going to go do this. So you're constantly trying to improve yourself. I think that that is kind of the definition of faith in terms of that. If you just do nothing
Starting point is 01:32:22 but self-improvement and really try to stay true and have a lot of integrity, doing the right thing for the right people for the right reasons, that you have the faith that the universe will conspire for you and keep giving you and delivering what you're needed at certain times. And so I think that kind of ties back into almost the religious question that you asked Luke about his faith. He would have blown you away if he goes, it's about stepping into the unknown. You would have been like, oh, now we got some meat on the bone here, right? Because you could still walk that path. God, you know me well, Sousa. You know me well.
Starting point is 01:32:56 You could still walk that path without having to identify it as a certain religion too. You walked that path. You're walking it now. identify it as a certain religion too you want yeah you're watching it now i i was gonna say i think of myself as a um a great man of faith yeah not a great man of faith i'm saying that wrong i think of myself as having enormous faith that that's the way to put it yep and i feel like i live my life every day with a very close connection to faith like you said believing i i feel every day at some point i'm not shocked but i'm in awe of like holy shit this unfolded in my life i keep getting just so much good shit but i walk a very fine line because of it like not not it's a um but you're also giving some walk a very fine line because of it say it again you're giving
Starting point is 01:33:53 something in exchange you're always giving something because you're always trying to right now you to those around you to the show to our listeners to your community to i never think what's in it for me i never think that well what's in it for you when you pull up to the skate park and pick up all the trash around it? Like, yeah, it's for my kids. For that it's for like, what's in it for my kids. Yeah. But at the same time you're, you're doing that because you're wanting to make it better for your kids. Sure. Might be the initial motivation, but you're also bettering everybody for the community. Cause now everybody that shows up at the skate park for us today gets to enjoy it the same way your kids did right it's almost the inversion of what i think i think about stuff that i shouldn't anyway i don't i'm not ready to go down that hole but anyway i thought just
Starting point is 01:34:34 popped my head i just wanted yeah and i liked it so klaus schwab this guy klaus schwab basically he owns canada and he owns trudeau and he brags about it all the time and there's so many of our fucking politicians that are fucking in bed with this guy and here he's saying that he he's he's complimenting what china's done in the last 40 years and uh this is basically all of the things that are on the Democrats' agenda. That's why it's like who cares if you like or don't like Trump? Who cares if you like Winston Churchill or not? That's not what's going on here.
Starting point is 01:35:18 That's because you're selfish that you think like that. Hitler has to be fucking stopped if churchill's the guy churchill's the guy i'm like fuck stop stop you just stop putting yourself first uh um this is uh 249 equity oh shit we gotta go to go, huh? Are you teaching a class now? Yeah. Uh, at nine, uh, $8 a month for the blue wrench.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Uh, Damien, $8, $7 99. Well played. We didn't even, we didn't even get to, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:57 I I'm loving Elon right now. We could do a whole show on that. Yeah. Yeah. We could just go through and review his, uh, tweets and, and what's going on there. Okay, 249. Under-reported video.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Oh, here, perfect. Under-reported video we've obtained out of China shows large COVID quarantine camps. By the way, when I see this, I just think this can't be true. But I did see some pretty crazy shit in China. Mr. Travis, hi.vis from vindicate how are you brother to get all your cool um by the way i get compliments on all my sweatshirts uh that that and and shirts and all the shit that you've made every day by the way i need that the way. I need that camo one. I need that camo one. Sweatshirt?
Starting point is 01:36:48 No, the shirt. I'll get you hooked up. I might know a guy. You're a good dude. Hey, I heard you guys were getting ready to sign off. After you sign off, so I wanted to call while you were still on. So last weekend, I was at charlotte for charlotte classic went out to dinner with taylor the thumb and liz his girlfriend after the after the event we were engaged with them we were all sitting around who paid who paid
Starting point is 01:37:20 Who paid? I did. You the man. I did. You the man. I'm the man. Boss move. Hell yeah, I bought them dinner. No, we were just talking about
Starting point is 01:37:31 this Thanksgiving. I got to tell you how fucking thankful we are for this show and everyone in the community. I mean, all three of us were sitting around and I don't say this lightly whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:37:44 The amount of lives that have changed because of this show. And I wish Hillary and Gabe were on because for myself, because of those two also, the hopes and dreams of doing shit that we love doing has changed immensely in the last couple of years. And I'm not kidding. It's because of this show. Oh, thanks Travis. So many fucking people together. You guys have all been so generous to me. All of you,
Starting point is 01:38:15 you Taylor and Gabe have been exceedingly generous to me. And when I just heard that you guys are going to Miami, I was like, Oh, cause I decided yesterday, uh, Gabe's been in my ear for the last couple of weeks, but you gotta go, you gotta go. I'm like, dude, that's an expensive ticket. And he's like, doesn't matter if you gotta go. And then when I heard you guys are going, I was like, all right, let's not get it twisted. Suze is going, I'll be sitting right here. let's not get it twisted suze is going i'll be sitting right here we were we were trying to like plot ways to get you out of your house you couldn't come up with
Starting point is 01:38:52 anything because none of us own a private jet soon soon a few years away from that at least they know at least they know how to do it we know the way we need a house and a private jet that's right yep but just uh have a good thanksgiving enjoy your family i'm on my way to see mine so it wasn't all before i possibly lose any connection all right awesome thanks travis i appreciate it brother very kind words we appreciate you that was the handsome and fit according to Hiller that was his feedback he said Travis was handsome and fit and tall
Starting point is 01:39:33 and has a great clothing company where you can get all your Sevan gear you can also go to life is rx okay so those are that, that's what I wanted to show you guys. That's what equity looks like by the way. So when people say that they want equity, that's what it eventually ends up looking like. That's
Starting point is 01:39:56 what they're doing. That's why they use racism and sexism and homophobia and transphobia. They use all of those things. They want to level the playing field, and that's what it ends up looking like, like a quarantine camp. And I'm not joking or exaggerating at all. At all. That is exactly, you can go ahead and push play. That's exactly what it looks like.
Starting point is 01:40:18 And if you go to China, you will see rows of apartment buildings, the biggest apartment buildings you've ever seen as far as the eye can see they've they already have that these are just single floor ones they have ones they have ones that are like 50 floors click to the next uh video but what's next what do they show next these are quarantine camps look at this shit holy fuck can you imagine treating your people like this this is what that guy klaus schwab this is what the democrats want this whether they know it or not i mean it's just one step over from what australia was doing really with the hotels and the fences they put around the
Starting point is 01:40:56 parking lots and all that i mean they tried to use the existing infrastructure to do it yeah they just put they just put lipstick on the pig there china just was like fuck it we're putting bars on your windows you got a bed you got a hole in the ground for a toilet and it's as far as the eye could see oh look at that yeah fucking dude you know what's crazy too is like look how that guy's dressed and everybody's like they separated everybody off for fucking what these are humans dude being treated like this other humans treating other humans like this dude go to the next one and the guys are the fact that this is like this is somehow better for these people than just fucking getting COVID.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I know. It's fucking insane. You're right, Damien. How in the world? It's insane. This isn't like just a few people. No. There are more people being treated like this than there are people in the United States.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Dude. Next one. I mean. Those people are going to be in trouble leaving their door open. Next one. Yeah, they are stormtroopers. It's fucking crazy. And they're dressed like that, and that's how they drop out the food,
Starting point is 01:42:21 as if the boogeyman's going to jump out of one of those things and attack them. I wonder if they dress him up like that, because then it's a that's a black guy in china was that a black guy no i i think he was just the angle the lighting and like i don't know i don't know i'm gonna watch it again that was weird make me question the whole video right here look at his hair look at his hair wait it didn't bro bro oh shit what the fuck hey is this video fake i don't know hey see those stairs right there that they have those steel things imagine how there was a pile bigger than most of the cities you guys live in of those just to that had to be hauled over
Starting point is 01:43:11 there in trucks and trains just to construct that fucking camp just those stairs imagine how big that pile of those stairs was dude anyway uh we we don't you don't you don't want to ever vote democrat and you have it's like that's what that's that's all their ideology all their Anyway, you don't want to ever vote Democrat. And it's like that's all their ideology. All their thinking just leads to that. That's what equity is right there. No, that's nuts. I don't know who Brittany Griner is.
Starting point is 01:43:41 She's the one who got arrested in Russia for in russia for bringing like the weed pen like the vape pen with her who played for the in the uh wnba i got nothing nice to say about her i probably shouldn't talk about her okay i got nothing nice to say about her and the idiots like i'm not i'm because here's the thing why it's it's so difficult it sucks that she got fucking arrested in russia i don't i don't wish that on anyone right but the story that the left tells around her it's like fuck off like she's no one special i got nothing nice to say what about all the fucking people that are still doing time here in u.s prisons for the same exact thing like just the people that stood up for just all clowns the way it was yeah of course i was researching i was researching last night the
Starting point is 01:44:26 guy who shot up the the transgender bar and now he's saying he's transgender and they're saying he can't say he's transgender it's the whole thing is just a fucking joke yeah that security guard that jumped into action though is pretty cool yeah yeah for sure uh how about um we have time for one more yeah well we got to get in quick though because i need time to drive to the gym okay um um that's it. I got nothing else. We'll fade them. Tomorrow, we have a very fascinating guest on. Is Tomlinson an owner?
Starting point is 01:45:11 Is he the owner of CrossFit Uprise? It says it's affiliate series. Yeah, I think so. This is a fucking crazy story. This guy is a real-life Bonnie and Clyde. This guy went on a fucking terror uh he was being chased by the police and he was on the run for like 40 days just fucking robbing people for 40 days all over the country it's a fascinating story a reformed crossfitter
Starting point is 01:45:39 uh tomorrow's show is going to be absolutely awesome uh he's a great guy i think he's also a games athlete um and and i think you guys are going to love tomorrow's show so i will see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m susan thanks for coming on uh don't forget ca hormones thank you for sending us to wadapalooza uh vindicate thank you for all the great support obviously paper street coffee and let's never forget dear bill and katie see you guys tomorrow

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