The Sevan Podcast - #685 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: November 29, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions bam we're live I added stuff to the show notes before I or after I sent it to you
Starting point is 00:01:12 sorry not a lot just a couple things here in the beginning uh paper street coffee everything up until midnight tonight is 25% off with code SEVON. Everything is 25% off. And it looks like I never knew this, and I don't know if it's always like this, but it says free shipping with orders over $49.99.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And I know some people had been telling me that the shipping was expensive. I'd gotten two DMs like that over the last year. But now it's free with over $49.99. Anyway, that's a hell of a deal, 25% off. It only lasts till midnight tonight. So those of you who need coffee, head over there. Use the code SEVON. Get $50.01 worth of stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Get the free shipping. Have you had that canned coffee, the canned nitro cold brew yet? I did. I had it yesterday. Yeah, it's super good. I tell myself I'm trying not to drink coffee after the show, but yesterday I went roller skating with the boys. I saw that. And where did you see that?
Starting point is 00:02:21 I think on Haley's Instagram. Oh, no shit. Yeah. You looked good. You looked good out there i never said there's it i'm out there oh no oh no it's just a brief shot it's a brief shot no what's going on here oh is it in her story without Without your permission, yeah. Yeah, let me see. Oh, yeah, okay. Here, I'll show this. It was pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It was pretty fun. Let's see. Look at that. How sweet. There's Avi. He's skating. He thinks he's skateboarding. Yeah, he thinks he's skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's the first time I've been roller skating in, I don't know, since the seventh or eighth grade. That was awesome. I didn't notice how he was like skateboarding the first time I saw it. We went two days in a row. We went not yesterday, but the day before. And I didn't roller skate. I just stood there. And anytime anyone had to go to the bathroom, I took them off the rink and took them to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And then yesterday, we went with some friends and uh we actually went with allison and brendan and their kids and donovan and his daughter and and brendan's like hey are you gonna get out there don't don't make me go out there by myself so i went out there and it was dope i loved it i can't have to lap 25 with free shipping as a steal yeah it's pretty time to get like a year's worth of coffee. Just take advantage of that. Yeah, load up. I was thinking about this today in the shower, the whole Floyd 19 thing again. And I was thinking about the shit that Katrin posted about me.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And I was thinking about how many times in the last like starting with what Hiller did six months ago by actually showing the interview with stacy tovar basically showing how helpful it was to women everywhere to show that and then to see it come up again two weeks ago instead of like that chick um the bethy chick saying hey thank you seven for asking the hard questions it's i'm toxic as shit which is it's not even hard questions let me rephrase that thank you for asking the relevant questions It's not even hard questions. Let me rephrase that. Thank you for asking the relevant questions. It's not really that hard to be like, Hey, there's women everywhere. Girlfriends, moms, sisters, and daughters taking hormones to affect their menstrual cycles. And to ask a professional athlete about that, who is so in tune with their body. It's not hard. It's definitely the right thing to do. And to be, it reminded me similar of the racism thing. There's these women who think that they're supporting women,
Starting point is 00:04:48 but really they're just fucking sending them back to the stone ages. And then the people who, who have that fallacy of argument where they, they, they, what's up Caleb. They, they appeal to authority saying that i'm not a doctor so i
Starting point is 00:05:06 can't ask um a professional athlete how um taking um hormones is affecting their performance and i and i understand and i'm not stupid i understand why it makes them feel uncomfortable because when you talk to people about birth control you're swerving into their lane of their of their sex life with their mate and that's considered private uh you know i think for a lot of people and i think that that's appropriate too but at that point when you're a public figure and you have that kind of knowledge and stacy was kind enough to share like yeah the other girls uh other individual athletes told me that when they got off of and she said whatever the birth control was that it actually they realized the hormones that they were taking in order to be able to have unprotected sex and not get pregnant was affecting their performance.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And then and then furthermore, and I never went back and I've told you guys this before. I never went back and looked at that interview after Katrin made those stupid fucking idiotic posts. And the New York times wrote that stuff trying to make it sound like i did something bad because i i was actually in denial like i i were not denial i was afraid that maybe i did do something bad it's like when a cop gets behind you like you question every like you know you're completely fine and they get behind you you're like wait what what exactly it was exactly like that and so as all that stuff comes up i i i'm having fun with it and i'm actually want to grab that i'm gonna grab that clip here from uh crossfit's uh youtube
Starting point is 00:06:33 here soon and kind of just show show all that and it made me realize that all the athletes not just catch them but so not all the athletes but so many of the athletes that did post I'm out how much harm they did. And when I was in the shower this morning, I started, I asked myself this question, what do you think the largest, and I don't even know what this word means anymore, but I'm going to use it anyway. And I apologize. What do you think the largest minority owned chain business in the world is I bet you it's CrossFit oh interesting I bet you it's fucking CrossFit by far I bet you there's not even a
Starting point is 00:07:12 second place I mean every gym in South America is owned by a minority what do you think the largest chain owned by people with melanated skin is in the United States like chain under singular
Starting point is 00:07:27 brand i bet you i bet you it's crossfit and i've told this story before too my wife was greg glassman's executive assistant for 10 years very close to him maybe closer to him than anybody else and letters would come to greg from all over the world and often my wife would respond to him and letters would come from prison and this letter came from prison and and they would want and they would want something from greg like hey or they would just be thanking greg but there was this one particular letter that started coming from prison and this guy wanted i believe an L1 manual. And my, and if I remember the story, right, you couldn't just send the whole manual. You could only send like
Starting point is 00:08:09 one or two pages at a time. Yeah. And so over the years, my wife for months, she sent this guy the entire L1 manual, like in one or two pages at a time. And she didn't have to do that. No one told her, Hey, respond to these letters. She would just since she was involved in organizing Greg's life, she would just take the responsibility on her own and write back to these prisoners or whoever. And she sent this guy a shitload of pages from the L-1. He eventually got the L-1. And when she got it, when the guy got out of prison, my wife checked on him and asked him, would you like to or would you like to take the L-1 now for free? and asked him, would you like to take the L1 now for free? And he said, oh my God, of course. And then he said, hey, I'd like to open an affiliate. And she said, okay, I'll waive your affiliate fees for you.
Starting point is 00:08:54 First of all, I want to ask you this. Do you think any of that kind of stuff is going on now at CrossFit Inc.? No. And that's not a dig at them. No, that's just, it's not happening like that anymore. You think any of that is happening? This guy happened to have black skin. My wife had no idea. How could she?
Starting point is 00:09:10 It was letters. Well, I mean she should have asked, right? Excuse me. We have a quota. We only write back to black prisoners. Irrelevant, irrelevant. If you're a white privileged prisoner, you can absolutely – if you're privileged like jason tomlinson then you absolutely cannot get a free l1 manual so he goes to the l1 for free he gets his affiliate uh i think for free
Starting point is 00:09:31 and um he opens the affiliate and two weeks before greg writes floyd 19 um that guy's on the the crossfit podcast it was it was cory allen of bat caveFit. And he tells his story. Do you think in that time, any of those people like Katrin who said, I'm out, have done anything that's even close to just that one? And I'm going to tell you more stories. There's thousands of these stories. Do you think that she's done anything to even to match that, to help help minorities, to help help what she wanted to cancel Greg for. Definitely not in that magnitude, if at all.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Do you think that she's done anything for women at the magnitude of letting what Stacey Tovar did on the Sevan podcast, letting women know that the hormones are affecting your performance? Do you think she's done one thing like that? You go over to her Instagram account and you look at her pictures of her with her, her, her, all her pictures of her with her her all her fake ass pictures with her um stage pictures with her hockey playing uh boyfriend on the um in idaho i knew we had that dude in in cordelaine yeah he's been on this podcast too
Starting point is 00:10:37 i just texted him the other day to say what's up i've had one twice. Oh, we have? I had to reach my black quota. Minimum, every black guy gets on the show twice. It's really, the more and more I look back at it, it's so fucking insane when you think about how bad these people are and the damage that they did to not just this company but society. Let me go on further to share this with you. when greg sold the company there was a gym downstairs at crossfit hq that was free and over and it was only free it was it was a uh it was a prejudice gym because it was only free for old people and fat people you were not allowed to go there unless you were old or fat.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Didn't even matter if you were black. It was only for, and it had over a hundred clients that went there for free. And it had two full-time world-class trainers like Flow Masters that rotated in and out to arguably maybe the best gym in the world.
Starting point is 00:11:47 That gym is gone. That gym was shut down by Eric Rosa very quickly after he took over. Such a bummer. Do you think CrossFit is doing anything like that right now? I'm afraid to ask. Do they even have a gym for like staff at the headquarters? I want to be very clear. This is not a dig at them now
Starting point is 00:12:06 they're getting their bearings straight i really like dawn we we made a we made a video the other day about affiliates in an affiliate commercial so that i could go pee and i basically just sat in my garage and went off the cuff, and we made an L1 commercial. And that video has had over 1,200 shares already. We've received over 100 DMs from affiliates saying, holy shit. Mostly overseas affiliates. Isn't it weird that CrossFit hasn't reposted that? don't want them to repost it by the way i'm more than happy with them not reposting it we put it on youtube and it's already just getting crazy traction yeah i wonder if when the last piece of content that's been out
Starting point is 00:12:57 by any of crossfit's handles that has had that same amount of impact within the community amount of shares and stuff like that do they not see what we're doing over here there's like five things we're doing every time we post a video like that there's five things we're doing we're improving our brand we're taking air out of the room we're leveraging the community we're becoming the leaders do they do they not do they do you not do let me tell you what's going on over there there's people over there i bet who know how valuable that is. But then there's people over there who have giant egos, and they're not putting the – they're not prioritizing what's important. If you work at HQ, the most important thing to you has to be the affiliates.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It has to be, it has to be, it has to be. Even if you don't want it to be, it has to be. Yeah, it's your lifeblood. Without those. Would you like me to cut off your finger or take out your heart? No one chooses their heart. You have to pick one. I want to also go on to say that during the time at CrossFit, and I wish I could tell you this exact number, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:07 But while I was at CrossFit, I guarantee you Greg gave away over 500, but it might be 5,000. But he gave away over 500 one-year – not L1s. He did that too. L not L ones. He did that too, but he gave away over 500 one year memberships to affiliates at $2,000 a year. That's a million dollars. The reason why I know is because I was always with Greg and it would go like this. We would be at line at Starbucks. There'd be some lady who's obese behind us or in front of us. Greg would start talking to her and be like, Hey, do you want to get into one of our gyms, find a gym near you and then email Sevan. And then she would email me or she would call me and then I would call the affiliate and I would set the affiliate up with our accounting team and they would pay for the membership.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So that's that right there is a minimum of a million dollars of his own money that he pumped back in to give memberships to people at affiliates. I personally, I bet you I gave away 500 to be honest. And I bet you Greg gave away 5,000. I bet you I gave away 500 to be honest. And I bet you Greg gave away 5,000. I bet you Greg gave away $10 million of his own money in affiliate memberships. I bet you. Do you think any of that is going on now? Do you think any of that is going on now? Do you think there's anyone besides Don who can do that? It's just fascinating to me. Fascinating. Do you think Greg looked at these people and was like, hey, that guy's a black guy.
Starting point is 00:15:41 He gets a free membership. That guy's a Native American. No. Nope. No. See, they need American. No. Nope. No. See, they need it. They could benefit. Your skin color never, ever, ever mattered.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Your sex never mattered. All you idiots out there who are still using the word gender, conflating it with sex. God, you're just – you are just part of the problem. Stop doing that. Just use the right word it's sex i wonder i wonder if dave could give away affiliate memberships or l1s i used to get in trouble because i gave away so many l1s like you would make the promise and then you'd come back and be like hey so i was talking to this guy where they're like, damn it, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:16:25 You didn't give that away. And you're like, they could really benefit from it. They need it. I would always be accused of doing it like to show off how powerful I was. Yeah. You know that underserved. You're just doing that to show off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Whatever the reason is. Whatever the reason is. Dude, I tried to get into that underserved class multiple times. To teach it? Not to teach it, just to observe it, just to get close. I talked to Pat Sherwood. I messaged Katie Hogan. I think I messaged Wes Pyatt.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I can't remember who else I messaged. When Greg wanted to start the program, since I was in the office, unlike that caller who said I was never in the office, since I was one of the only executives in the office every day, I started the program under Greg's guidance. who ran our gym at the time and i said hey and we held a meeting downstairs and rory was involved and kudos to rory rory mccurnan who's over there at mayhem now he um i think he's probably i think he's rich's manager but they they got it up and going uh rory knew someone who had like a local news show on facebook in the scotts valley santa area. And he basically said, Hey, fatties and old fuckers, we got a free gym for you. Yeah. And, and, and, and the program started taking off. And then eventually, um, Jenny got fired for no reason, which was absolutely fucking nuts. Probably one of the best trainers I'd ever, ever seen in my fucking life. They she got fired and then they started rotating in L1 trainers.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And that's when they had Michelle Moots and Zach Pine down there. And what was the guy's name you said from CrossFit, Gilroy or whatever? Wes. Wes Pye. Yeah, he would be there a lot. My mom would go there and my mom was kind of like the token fit. She was old, but she was too fit to be in the class but they still let her go there my mom would go there and beat up on those fuckers yeah some of those people in that class that were like upwards of 100 125 pounds overweight and stuff their whole workout was listening to the whiteboard debrief walking out to the car for the warm-up and like
Starting point is 00:18:42 coming back in and like sitting on the high box. Yeah. There were several people in there who were 400 pounds or more. Yeah. I remember watching them do their burpees. What they did is they would stand like 12 inches away from the wall and then just fall against the wall and then push themselves back. Well, that was one of the reasons why I wanted to get in that class is you got to really see the creativity as far as like adjusting and scaling the workouts from those L1 trainers. And so it was that and
Starting point is 00:19:06 then just watching how they handled objections and stuff and because you know the whole deal especially for you guys and it looks like heidi's gonna go get her l1 next week and congrats she is yeah she put in the comments um you're gonna hear a theme which is like be relentless with the people you're coaching be relentless so i was just wanting to be around them as they were like still interjecting that but into a group that um you have to be dynamic in the way that you're being relentless and what you're being relentless with when you're giving them the material because it's such a slow roll start for them um i robert uh seven would you open ever open your own affiliate so i used to when i first started crossfit i would i would load up the back of my pickup truck every single day and i would go to
Starting point is 00:19:49 this track that was a uh you know a track like and it had pull-up bars there and it had grass in the middle and i would go there and train with my wife every single day and slowly over time after about a year i probably had 10 people that would come there and work out with me every single day, just random people that I had met at the track. And at that time, I thought it would be cool to open an affiliate. Since then, and I've been talking to Sousa about this a lot lately, we're actually going to do a show here very soon on what it takes to run an affiliate. And basically by what it takes, not about any of the emotional or ethical or commitment to excellence. We're going to talk about just the numbers.
Starting point is 00:20:32 We're going to pull up a spreadsheet and we are going to look at all the numbers of what it takes to run an affiliate. And to be completely frank with you, that shit scares the shit out of me. And that's why I don't think I would ever run an affiliate because I've run the numbers on paper before. And if you have 200 affiliates who pay $200 a month and you have $16,000 a month in overhead, that means it was, I think,
Starting point is 00:20:56 roughly, I think the numbers were is that you would have to run every single class yourself with no coaches and you'd only make $48,000 a year. Yeah. The numbers don't, don't look great. And that scares the shit out of me. Yeah. That really, uh, those and, and, and recently, say that again, Kayla. So you'd make as much about as much as I do. There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:22 There you go. I'd rather go on your own business or 200 gyms yeah but you get to be part of an equity experiment you're you're doing god's work okay i think i got it pretty good um i i was going to do my l1 on the third of next month but cannot going to look for the next one you guys please send me dms um telling me about your L1 experience. I love hearing that. It would be such a shame if Big and Flexy went and somebody from HQ didn't chat with them at that L1. Yeah, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Corey, good morning. What's up? Corey Polito from North Carolina. My genders are… What are your pronouns, please? I don't want to miss you get canceled. Yeah. That's true. Do you? Okay. Yeah. I don't want to, I don't want to interrupt the L one talk,
Starting point is 00:22:17 but I got to get something off my chest, please. What's up with your hate on tattoos lately? Oh, it's been something i probably because i'm just too scared to get one myself it's probably i figured that's what it was i'm probably overcompensating for not yeah i'm probably overcompensating because i want one yeah i i know that i semi agree with you i semi agree with you. I semi agree with you. Cause I've got some jacked up tattoos. Every, everyone who has a tattoo as like a multiple tattoos has a jacked up tattoo
Starting point is 00:22:54 story. Yeah. Like I, what I have now, but it took close to 15 years and some shitty tattoos to get to where I am right now. I've got like 30, someone was saying 200 hours under the needle. I think I've got like close to 30 hours under the needle.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You can't really see any of them except for a little bit on my chest. But I mean, I've got like the wrong dates tattooed on me that I had to fix. My dad and I, our first tattoo at 18, my dad said, let's get matching tattoos. And I got like a true fucking Mexican. I got my name blasted across the back of my name like a soccer jersey. Hey, see, I approve of that. I approve of that. The way you said that, like a true Mexican, like I approve of that.
Starting point is 00:23:41 You got it in that gangster goth writing. The old English. Yeah. Yeah, old English. Yeah. I'm cool of that. You got it in that gangster goth writing. The old English. Yeah. Yeah, old English. Yeah. I'm cool with that. My dad comes out of the room and he didn't get it. We were supposed to get matching tattoos and he was like, oh, I decided not to get it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I got something on my arm instead. And I'm like, what the fuck? This is a. Yeah. And so I waited another six years and then I got my nephew's birthday tattooed on my ribs and i showed it to my sister and her first response was is this a fucking joke i was like what and she said that's that's not his birthday wow wow yeah and so so i shot another six years without getting tattoos until i finally got them all. I know which ones I'll get.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I know which ones I'll get if I get them. I've already decided. I would get my wife naked on my forearm in black and white, like with her hands behind her head, like with her legs crossed. Like a pinup girl? Yeah, like a pinup girl with just big old titties. And then I would do that in black and white. I would get, you know popeye when he would eat the spinach and flex his muscle he would have the tank there and then another tank came out of
Starting point is 00:24:50 the turret and another tank came out i would do that on the bicep and then on my chest i would do the a huge pirate ship shooting cannons with skeletons on the deck with swords like the old sinbad claymation movies from the uh 60s profile view of the ship huge huge front view of the ship or profile front view front view just the cannons shooting at you with uh yeah that i'd get that yeah he's not big enough to get the profile those are my um those are my – and maybe on my penis your mom was here. Maybe. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Right on the shaft. Yeah, right down the shaft. Or like on TransSant that says exit only. No, no, not that. But I appreciate the thought of that. I appreciate the – Exit only. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:44 This is a little... This is getting a little close. Don't lie, Sebon. You'd get shirtless Rich Froning. There's... I don't know. Not opposed. Not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Not opposed. Just had to speak much to get the calls rolling in. Okay. Thank you, Corey. Thanks, Corey. Thanks for unfucking me. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Sebon, you should get a tat of a rainbow flag. I don't know. Sometimes color doesn't look that great on tattoos. You were talking about people who never did CrossFit before they're level one without doing CrossFit. That was me. I love the course, but definitely missed absorbing some stuff because I was worried about the test. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah. The test really is not important. The test really is not important. The test is really not important. But that's amazing, Mike, that you took it without doing CrossFit. I don't recommend doing it that way, but all the gyms were closed when I got mine. I recommend doing it that way. No, I don't like the butthole stuff not not so much not so much anyway that was my whole thing it's just it's so it's so it's so weird to reflect back
Starting point is 00:26:56 on how much the millions of dollars worth of money he gave for so people but basically it would work like this too he would he would see someone he'd be like you can sign up for a gym for three months for free and i'll pay for it and then he would tell hayley my wife or he would tell me hey if after three months they like it extended another nine months and they always did of course they always did they ended up and and just imagine how many of those he gave away thousands i bet and none of those people did any research what made me also think about this is we're having a guy named uh xavier de rosa on tomorrow and was he a member
Starting point is 00:27:43 at your gym susan yeah yeah he's explained man he's a go-getter that that dude can fucking talk i watched a bunch of his videos last night his fucking shit is tight he knows what he's talking about he is he's real sharp but actually that's why he said was a member because he got so much opportunity through like prager you and stuff now that he's just trying i don't know if you how closely you fall but sometimes he'll post up like his travel schedule and stuff it's crazy yeah i mean in that that was his goal like as he was working through it i still remember i told him when he got like his first like 5 000 followers or something i was like hey don't forget who your number one fan was i would always talk to him about his content stuff at the gym and things like that and he yeah he blew up rightfully so i mean
Starting point is 00:28:24 he talks really well he's articulate he's sharp and he's dynamic in his background of how he got to where he's at it's a main interesting story i this is going to be a really bold statement but i was thinking as i was watching his videos last night that it's never been more relevant to be melanated than any point in time since slavery. Because, and the irony here is this goes against everything I was saying, but this is actually the time to actually judge people by the color of their skin based on the ones who have black skin who
Starting point is 00:29:06 are now speaking up because what they are doing is they're they're they're basically set they are making the attempt at setting the white man free from the cage of insisting that racism exists or that they're racist they're it's it's so fucking brave what they're fucking doing it was the same thing that i would have loved someone uh in the you know in the type 2 diabetes or obese community to speak up during covet or someone from the elderly to speak up during covet and by the parallel i'm drawing there is is they can they can say things that white people are just terrified to say. And I'm not justifying that they should be terrified. They should speak up. I just did a post last
Starting point is 00:29:48 night. Like, I wonder, I think half my friends are racists who parade around is not racist. And the other half are cowards. That's like, those are the two categories I could put like the vast majority of my friends into. So it's, it's's such a trip it's so weird when to have people come on my show and i've had a private i've had 100 private conversations about them about their opinions about covid and racism and then on this show they're pointing they can't even they stay away from it like the plague because they're so scared not everybody's a salmon and then the other people like my friend beth bethany she's she's parading around as someone who wants to protect women but really just build bars for them stay in your cage attention seeking populist
Starting point is 00:30:38 yeah yeah that that's a great phrase anyway some voices are more powerful and influential and impactful over over others in certain times yeah so it's so good to hear this guy it's like it's so good to hear this guy uh xavier derosa speak and the way his age group and stuff like that too he's at a time where like it doesn't it doesn't make him popular i'll tell you that they're racist in this sense they're racist in this sense he just calls friends racist yeah i i did they're racist in this sense they're the one and i've used this this analogy a thousand times but they're the ones who are out riding with the uh the the posse the 50 guys on horses looking for the killer but they are the killer and so no one's looking inside the posse that the 50 guys on horses looking for the killer, but they are the killer.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And so no one's looking inside the posse. That's what the woke crowd is. They're the racist, sexist, homophobes. They're the transphobic, but yet they ride with the posse that's supposed to be hunting them. Day 63, almost done. Almost done with what? I think they're saying they're doing hard. Yeah. Oh, awesome. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I almost said 73 hard. I'm glad you jumped in there, Caleb. I was 73 hard. I think it's like a 16 hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Yeah, they're such ding-dongs. Lane Norton and Steffi Cohen. What it is is they lack – they're probably – I don't know this for sure, but they're probably insane narcissists and can't put what they're saying in perspective. A little bit of heroin is okay that they say to the crowd that's just addicted to heroin that's not what you tell the crowd that's addicted to heroin yeah but if you know your audience then you're liked you're liked you don't you don't decide right you don't you know you could like you could still lead the pack but you could do it in a way that's so soft you don't actually have a a true opinion andrew hiller
Starting point is 00:32:42 was talking about um i think he got it from lucas parker but about be careful from getting your programming from someone who's juiced up because their programming will be all skewed and it won't work for someone who's not juiced up interesting and don't worry hiller's programming works have you been doing it no i've just seen a lot of people get out of here he was paid to say that um but uh the the same thing is true with like i'm not basing my sugar intake on um on how much sugar scott panchik eats like my body people do yeah i'm not that's not a dig at scott he's just on that's a compliment to scott he's on a whole nother I'm not basing my
Starting point is 00:33:25 sugar intake based on uh what Matt Matt Fraser does speaking of which Matt Fraser I think Matt Fraser was one of the few athletes who never posted anything stupid I don't ever remember him posting any of that I'm out shit because he just posts a picture of himself working out and doesn't add a caption just like all the rest of his athletes he he said something in the um uh one of the documentaries that came out about the games and i think he was on the bus like driving back to the ranch or something when they were busting him around for the 2020 games and he goes yeah and he said something to no. And he goes, yeah. And he said
Starting point is 00:34:06 something to Noah, I think. And he goes, oh yeah, aren't you protesting this? And he goes, these people think they're protesting. He goes, if you really wanted to protest, you wouldn't have said anything. But at the 3-2-1 go, everybody just would have stood there. And then refused to compete.
Starting point is 00:34:22 He goes, that's how you protest. You don't just post something online. And he was kind of like giving a dig at it, know about it. You'll have to watch. I'm sure somebody knows it better than I do. But essentially, that was it. And I remember thinking, like, I kind of like Frazier a little more now. Yeah, the World Cup has been the same exact thing.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Those guys are tools. Yeah, and he also called them out on the fact of the virtue singling he was like you're just posting it online that's not doing shit because if you really want to stage a protest you would have done this and it was like wow yeah you're right that would have made an impact what they're doing isn't making a single impact you're not going to say i'm out to 300k oh you mean the fact that he won he won i but i honestly i honestly think that – I suspect that Matt thinks more like I do than – I suspect that Matt is very logical, that he understands that those people, that woke crew is demanding to see things in the world that not one are not only – not there, but also by continuously saying talking about them you're you're creating the reality yeah i wonder if that was the craziest thing that xavier rosa said he said that he was so because he was a liberal he was so swept away by the media that he actually thought that cops
Starting point is 00:35:37 were a danger to him even though he had no all the metrics said that cops weren't a danger to him and it wasn't until he looked at the numbers that he was like wait a second this is all a lie yeah wait i'm sure uh as you comb through and as you're doing this you're probably already seen it but he was straight up like inside the blm riots yeah yeah yeah he was like like leading it with the sign and stuff yeah yeah it's real he'll tell his story but it's definitely really interesting how the whole thing unfolded. Hey, you think during that time when those athletes were saying, I'm out, Matt was like, every time someone said it, he's like,
Starting point is 00:36:14 oh, cool, I don't got to compete against this person. Oh, this person's out. Just got a little bit easier. We were making a joke. I hope he was. We were making a joke here that if so many people drop out, they'll eventually go down the list of the open, and they'll be like, okay, Matt Sousa, number 13,536.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You're up. Everybody else dropped. Since you're not doing the 100-pound dumbbell, I am doing the 100-pound dumbbell. Matter of fact, I just got my 70-pound dumbbell, and I did 30 reps with it the other day, and now I got something wrong with my arm right in here it's all fucked up golfers no yeah something got something yeah what I do pull it just hold
Starting point is 00:36:54 something something here uh something here is not good and when I pick my kids up it hurt like that hurts to close my arm like that now something in here got but i'm probably overused injury but i don't even i only do dumbbell snatches once a week i'm pretty sure now but i just want to work up to it i think that the hardest part is going to be that overhead position and holding it for a second but so i'm just ordering the dumbbells i'm probably i hope i'm six months away from getting the 100 pound but that 70 pound one fucking took me for a ride i think it was when i was lowering it because on the lower i was i was trying to get the eccentric movement to get stronger and i think something happened in there it didn't hurt while i was doing it but ever since that day i did it something in in there is not good. I'm old, too.
Starting point is 00:37:45 You have to remember. I didn't fall roller skating. Roller skated for over an hour and a half. Yeah, you were cruising. Yeah, I was chilling. Yeah, you were good. Fucking athlete. Don't you do that thing like this, and it will help with the… This?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. Take a towel and twist it no they make a they make like a rubber thing that's like it's supposed to be for like tennis elbow and golfer's elbow you rotate it and just helps you you could also do really lightweight like uh eccentric movement with it like pinched up against a bench and like slowly lower it super lightweight and then just hold it out extended then pick your weight up and pick it back and just do the eccentric movement help it get like more blood flow especially as you warm up if you're going to lift with it again and then stay away from any of your like rope climbs or like free hanging stuff for a little bit yeah i don't just take a bunch of rubber bands go ahead
Starting point is 00:38:39 just take a bunch of rubber bands and then just doing like these oh yeah like put them on your finger i literally when i get the same issue on my elbows, I'll just sit at my desk and just do these for fucking hours. I think I do do 22 push-ups a day. Tell me what that does to bring awareness to their insuicide, Victor. I think I do do. Don't spoil it, Caleb. It's such a fucking crock of shit i can't stand it um yeah 70 pounds is heavy well that's the weird part too it's so fucking heavy
Starting point is 00:39:15 that when i grab it to bruce i don't think it's going to go overhead ever but it does but i don't ever think it and i haven't in those 30 that i did the other day i didn't catch any of them in a full snatch like all of my caught like here and then i had to push it out by the end i was getting closer oh that thing okay there it is oh yes someone gave that to my wife my buddy donovan gave one of those to my wife i'm like hey dude don't give one of those to my wife we're gonna we're gonna have to have a talk here don't just be bringing that shit at the house but yeah that's it you just go through different like warm-ups and stuff with it and help with it tendinitis jessica pearson i'm free
Starting point is 00:39:56 of sugar today thankfully awesome great job jessica today's my fasting day it's all downhill from here um okay uh shall we start in um trying to think uh we just can let's start at um let's start at 124 the irony is that uh psychiatry is also not a hard science. Psychiatry. What number? Sorry. Uh, one 24. Did you get the whole list?
Starting point is 00:40:29 Did the whole list comment should go all the way to, to a two 71. Yeah. For whatever reason, I think because the list is so long. Yeah. It stops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:41 It just cuts it off in the email. So I have to open up a second, um, window, but mine, it off in the email, so I have to open up a second window. Mine stopped at 152.5. Today? Today, yeah. 0.5. 124.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Okay. Action. I don't even know what this is. Transgenderism from a psychiatric standpoint. First, let's define the terms sex and gender. Yes, please. Sex is biology. Sex is unchanging. It's based on chromosomes. 99.999% of the cells in the body are marked either male or female. Gender on the other hand is a perception. It's a feeling, it's a way of identifying.
Starting point is 00:41:31 It's an experience. That's subjective. It sounds like what you're saying is that if a man is male, but thinks of himself as a woman, he's- That also means it's imaginary. So people know. That's your imagination. That's tantamount to your imagination.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Your gender is your imagination. I know I'm preaching to the choir. Okay. Not actually a woman? That's correct. What is transgenderism? So if I think it's the same as thinking that you're a dragon, but you're not actually a dragon. Because it's just your imagination. You don't have any dragon chromosomes.
Starting point is 00:42:17 That's what gender is. Stop fucking using that word. People, people, normal people don't even have genders no one's sitting i think a healthy person isn't sitting around i never sit around and think what am i going to do today to let the world know that i'm a man it's fucking what it's nuts um until someone points that out and then and then and then maybe you start and you start doing it but um okay now 127 doctors don't know shit about nutrition remember they are the pawns of the pharmaceutical companies i wonder if this has been pulled down what do you know you're not a doctor here we go here we go the freaking gas station in the cafeteria at university of arizona medical school look at
Starting point is 00:43:12 this soda what is this 7-eleven all this junk food over here more skittles seed oils pause i think in some countries skittles are out. Yeah, definitely some colors of them for sure. Yeah, I think Skittles are outlawed in some countries because whatever they have in them is not a food product. Red five or something like that. I think that's it. It's not considered food. Fucking nuts. So this is Dr. Palladino.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I'm saying Saladino. Saladino. He's been on the show a couple times he this is in the university of arizona um medical schools a cafeteria it's crazy that's crazy that's like every university i guarantee it yeah every state school is gonna look exactly like that yeah dude even inside the hospitals look like that oh chicken fingers french fries yeah the hospitals i work at it looks exactly like that yeah not nuts we don't get shit in here you just get frozen green beans that's cool chicken tenders reheated from a week ago isn't that crazy though to actually stop and think
Starting point is 00:44:23 about that and then go to the the question I always bring up. It's like, who benefits from that? I mean, obviously those companies. And pharma. Yeah. And the health industries, the health insurance companies. Anybody who has you in the rotation of being in the hospital, taking your meds, regular checkups, and that revolving door benefits from this. The people who do not are the people, the people seeking, you know, some sort of solution to their ailments. All right, let's keep going.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Let's hear more from Dr. Saladino. Fingers, French fries, but they're cooked in tallow. No, those are all cooked in seed oils. What the heck heck this is how we feed our doctors and patients are you kidding me look at this over here look everyone has masks on tortillas what hospital cafeteria would be complete without donuts yogurt covered pretzels more seed oils seed oil laden grains oh but it's cool we got some gummy worms monster energy dr pepper diet coke coke? More seed oils in case you missed them on the way in. The University of Arizona Hospital cafeteria. This looks like a gas station convenience store. Maybe a gas station convenience store would even be better than this. This is how we feed patients and doctors. Does anybody think about food here at all?
Starting point is 00:45:43 Drives me crazy. It should drive you crazy. He looks crazy. Yeah, it is. It is zombie land. It is straight zombie land. It is straight zombie land. We are in it. We are surrounded by zombies.
Starting point is 00:46:01 128, fathers are amazing. What if I could get through 30 today? We better go. 30? What? I just won't say anything. We'll just hammer him out. No, say stuff. Say stuff. 128. Oh, shit. oh shit damn that was good.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Crazy, right? Yeah. Oh, shit. Just saved a kid's life. Saved another kid's life. That would have been fun. That was a bad idea to begin with right there. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Oh, my goodness. Holy shit. was a bad idea to begin with right there oh for sure oh my goodness oh holy shit that was a stranger at tsa did you see that yeah oh my god kid falling off a balcony. What a snag. Hey, dude, that's like world-class coaching, some of that, too. The way the dads grab the kids. They know exactly where to grab them, how to grab them. Mm-hmm. the dads grab the kids. They know exactly where to grab them, how to grab them.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Dope. I'm sure there's one like that for mothers, too. No one get all weird. Mothers are great, too. Their video's three times as long. We don't have enough time to show how great mothers are on the show. No one get all fucking weird on me. And no, guys, it's my computer here it's not the shelves okay shelves are fucking straight they're really loose yeah i know i saw because this desk is like a little off i noticed that too and i was like how many people are gonna comment on that they're
Starting point is 00:48:19 straight uh 129 satan talk is tard talk ohoh. This one could get me in trouble with the listeners. I don't even know what this is, but this seems like it's against the popular belief here. Oh, I watched Hiller's videos. Candace Owen rips into Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner over sex tape drama. Kim Kardashian is a prostitute and her mother is a pimp. She's a corpse, a body without a soul. Ouch. Saying that about my fellow Armenian. Not nice. Let's hear. Not nice. There are really no words that can adequately describe how positively disgusted I am by this story. And what this signifies in terms of the world that we are in today. in terms of the world that we are in today, what this really means that a mother sat down and decided to sell her daughter's body for fame and money. And she was successful, right?
Starting point is 00:49:14 But there are two things here that we need to remember. Not only did she do it, not only should we be completely disgusted by the idea that a mother, I just had a daughter, that a mother would sit down and watch various tapes of her daughter having sex with a boyfriend out of wedlock and then say, let's sell this tape. This is the best one. You look the best in this tape. This will make you the most famous. Not only is that disgusting, but then that her plan worked. Kim Kardashian is a billionaire today. And she's, by the way, still selling sex. I now hold the opinion that Kim Kardashian is a prostitute.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And I'm not going to edit this opinion. Kim Kardashian is a prostitute. Her mother is a pimp. God, why are you so mad, Candace? Why so mad i know i don't agree i don't agree with that that's show business baby i don't agree with that i i i don't know i don't agree with that i don't agree with that but but but it's a pretty strong it's a pretty strong opinion. I think she might be conflating pornographer with prostitute. With opportunity. Yeah. Yeah, they're Armenian. The Kardashians are Armenian. Martha's Vineyard. Oh, God. These are so old. I'm so sorry. I think this is going to be the when DeSantis dropped off the border crossers.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Back in like September. Here we go. Oh, Martha Vineyard's response to 50 illegals being sent to them was to declare a humanitarian emergency, activate 125 National Guard soldiers – sorry, Caleb, and shipping them out of their town in less than 24 hours. You literally can't make this up. I know. Meanwhile, on Martha's Vineyard. That wasn't at Martha's Vineyard, right? That was just during the riots and people had guns? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:30 We respect women. we value black lives we stand with our lgbtq community members we stand with immigrants with refugees and indigenous people and with people of all faiths we stand with our community no you don't all are welcome here it's so fucking hilarious yeah all are welcome hate has no business here why didn't you give them all jobs then? That was quick. Bustas arrive at Martha's Vineyard and deport illegals off the island. At least the bustas have a nice day. Caleb is an airman, not a soldier. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yes, if we're gonna get technical yeah candace does go hard in the paint yeah cool icon sky um okay uh cory uh candace sounds like sebon with tattoos she's jealous there's probably is a tinge tinge of that um a tinge of that okay mark has been here uh 131 uh scientists from from the ever corrupt and completely destroyed national public radio so sad scientists debate how lethal covet is some say it's now less risky than the flu Stopped and completely destroyed national public radio. So sad. Scientists debate how lethal COVID is. Some say it's now less risky than the flu.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Scientists. Let me scroll down. I don't even remember this. This is from, this is, so. COVID-19 became no more dangerous than the flu for most people. That's a question scientists are debating as the country heads into a third pandemic winter. in the pandemic covid was estimated to be 10 times more lethal than the flu fueling many people's fears how would we know since since flu deaths just vanished during the covid years how would we even know yeah gandhi and other researchers argue that most people today have
Starting point is 00:53:19 enough immunity gain from vaccination infection or both to protect them against serious ill from covid so you see what an idiot is people from the vaccine don't have any immunity from from covid you did not you did not get immunity what a joke you got something what a joke i'm sorry i just disagree with dr anthony fauci the white house medical advisor and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. The severity of one compared to the other is really quite stark, and the potential to kill of one virus versus the other is really quite stark. Which side do you jump on? i when i heard xavier say in that video that i watched yesterday xavier xavier derosa i realized that like he was convinced he was taught by the media that cops were bad and he feared for his
Starting point is 00:54:15 life and that and covid is the exact same way they just trick so many people hey you know you talked about don't feel bad if you're black because it happens to white people too don't feel bad if you're black because it happens to white people too. Don't feel bad if you're white. Cause it happens to black people too. You know, you say we're antennas. Yeah. And we're over those frequencies. I wonder if it's just one of those like self-fulfilling prophecies. So like you see it on the media, you believe it, you perpetuate it. And then when there is an interaction with the, with law enforcement officer, you already have it in your head. So you have like your guard up or this like attitude about it. You're on this defensive. And then it just fulfills its own prophecy.
Starting point is 00:54:51 All because it started by you having your antenna up towards feeling that way. Like cops are corruptive or they're going to target you or something else. So then you like it comes into it. It comes in. Ninety nine percent of the videos i've seen where cops are doing something um bad i put that in quotes i would have never treated a cop or anyone that way and that and that i expect that if i did treat someone that way that they would that it would start escalating the situation i don't go to the toyota dealership and they tell me my car is going
Starting point is 00:55:21 to be ready at three and i get there at three and it's not ready and be like, what the fuck? I don't do that. I don't argue with reality. There's nothing there for anyone if I do that. I'm just showing how retarded I am. At most, I might say, oh, okay. And I might think out loud, I need to be at my kid's tennis game at 3.30. Do you guys have a driver or a rental car I could get? Do you guys comp rental cars or anything? And yet people pull – cops pull people over. They're there to protect you. You don't have that mindset, and they pull you over, and you immediately just start fucking laying into them.
Starting point is 00:56:03 You don't have that mindset, and they pull you over, and you immediately just start fucking laying into them. I told that story the other day about my friend who got pulled over, and the cop said, hey, you ran that stop sign. And he said to the cop, with all due respect, sir, that stop sign identifies as a yield sign. The cop said, all right, make sure you stop in the future. Well, the thing is, too, is even if you get an asshole cop, I mean, you've probably had enough run-ins with the police have on to where you you definitely know that exists and there's certain people that are out there that they don't give a shit they're the authority you know they got they got picked on in high school and now they're fucking you up right yeah but even with that being said acting i've talked my way out of a dozen duis by being nice and
Starting point is 00:56:44 being act being uh being respectful and decent and just not making their life easy even if you get that asshole cop that's like looking for trouble you kind of stop them in the tracks to a certain point you may end up getting booked in that night or whatever the case may be but even if you still just act civil and respectful that process is going to be so much smoother. And then people forget that you don't fight these things out in the street. You do it in a court, in a courtroom. And so too many people are trying to defend themselves or take action or think that they're, and it's like, that's not how this works. You got to go through the process and then you'll have your day in
Starting point is 00:57:16 court. If you are respectful. Yeah. Yeah. They might not even show up. They might go, you know what? I remember seven on that day. I was having a bad day and I was just going to fuck that dude up. And then I don't really want to have to deal with the open container on the street ticket now i'm just not going to show up to court and then your case gets dismissed i've had over 100 tickets i've had the dumbest shit happen to me don't get me wrong i've had cops give me tickets for the dumb absolute dumbest shit i've been to jail four times none of none of them were warranted yeah i never heard another human being i never like the only one was warranted i was doing 65 and a 25 and i jumped over an
Starting point is 00:57:52 intersection that was the only time that like i i because you know how intersections they have those dips like right before they go over i let a lot of people go because they're nice to me yeah yeah like being respectful and stuff like that i had a buddy of mine that that got a dui and we were like drive we were all in the car and we get pulled over and it wasn't it wasn't a case where well every dui is dangerous but it was one of those just like you know he was driving and we got pulled over because it was a car full of you know young kids young kids driving down residentials. And, uh, and the copy book comes over and he's like, he's like, Hey guys, okay. Your buddy is going in here, but you know what? You guys were super respectful. He was really nice. We're going to have you park this car up the street. So we
Starting point is 00:58:38 don't have to tow it. It'll sit on a public street. We do have to book them in, but he'll be out within a certain amount of hours so if any of you guys you know could let somebody know you could get him out within a few hours and still got the diy still got processed through and everything but the whole entire process of it was so much smoother and so much smoother for him because he didn't have to pay to get his car out and pounded and all that other stuff simply because he was so much better respectful yeah so much better you saved him a thousand bucks he was like fuck dude you guys got me okay yeah i probably shouldn't have been drinking they're
Starting point is 00:59:09 like okay well now you're off the jail but at least it was a smooth experience oh this is just a lot wow this is a good line i wrote this i don't know um uh fake tits make guys horny fake masks scare people so if you don't understand if you don't understand how masks work that's fucking what a great illustration there's women out there who have had um some sort of synthetic material i don't know what it is pumped into their chests that makes their shirt stick out further. And when men – It's a pocket.
Starting point is 00:59:51 A pocket? You tell me. It's a pocket of fluid, and then it just gets inserted underneath the muscle with an incision. Anyway. But, okay, I'm happy to – know it's they're not real boobs but it still arouses us right like when i see the girl at the roller skate ring and her shirt's pushed out i noticed her or i try not or i or i pretend not to i try to act like like a healthy like dad and i try not to or like those shirts those shirts like where it's like a girl it's like a girl's half shirt and it's and she's got boobs and it's like hanging down and there's like six
Starting point is 01:00:30 it's six inches away from her tummy and you're like fuck if i was two two feet tall i could just look up there yeah those so so those those arouse you and yet all men all men there's the i'm and i hate to say this all my wife hates it when i do this but it's all men are aroused by that even if you just put socks under their shirt i guarantee you if you took a room if you stood a woman up in a room in front of 50 men and you saw that she didn't have, she was like an a cup. And then you were to put water balloons underneath there and you had little metrics hooked up to the guy's penises, the whole,
Starting point is 01:01:11 even though they all, they saw you do it. There'll be movement in all these guys' pants, especially if she went like this a little bit, I guarantee it. It's just, it's what's the way we're wired. We don't,
Starting point is 01:01:24 we don't even, do you guys want to push back on that at all? I can't, no. I want to. Caleb, would you like to push back on that at all? I think it's beautiful whatever you want to do with your body. I think it's beautiful whatever you want to do with your body, too. My point is
Starting point is 01:01:39 masks work the exact same way. Every time you see someone with a mask, even a genius, enlightened soul like myself, I'm being programmed that there's something to be afraid of. They work exactly the same way. It's in the reptilian brain deep down. Damn. You don't even have to be – but you don't have to even be a a boob guy i mean i i i like all the boobs i've never liked like the ones that go off to the side and the ones
Starting point is 01:02:11 that go down and i like the droopy ones and i like the big ones and i like the fake i like them all too i just the droopy ones just like just can't no i love the droopy ones someone's gonna clip that caleb here for the firing squad now droopy or the better oh no droopy ones. Someone's going to clip that, Caleb, here for the firing squad now. Droopier the better. Oh, no. Droopier the better. He likes to put them over his shoulder. Every angle. Plastic or nah?
Starting point is 01:02:42 So far, only the women have voted. Okay. so far only the women have voted okay and you and you and you and you have and you have to know you have to know that um you have to know masks work exactly the same way i'm 1000 a boob guy they all have boobs all girls have boobs that's why if you're a boob when you're a boob guy doesn't mean you like big boobs. It means you like all boobs. Does it? I think this means particular big boobs. You can be a boob guy and like specific boobs. Savon likes the ones that he can tie in a knot.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Jeez, you guys are the best. Let's not be crass. Oh, shit. Okay. But it perfectly illustrates how masks, how they affect people. That's why I think that that's why I see all those people who wear them as just accomplices. All that stuff. Just accomplices everywhere. Yeah, it's triggering the same thing, which is the reptilian brain.
Starting point is 01:03:41 So there's something to be afraid of here. Be afraid. Or in the case that you made these boobs got larger now you're into them yeah like even though you notice them you notice them yeah even though the whole thing could be put in front of you as like hey this is all this is all fake this is make-believe and we're like oh okay but i still have the feeling. Yeah, all boobs matter. Get your fake boobs out as a new trend. Be afraid.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I'm at the mask. 132, the Dems hate melanated people. I need to start posting more on Twitter. I just don't know what to post. Yeah, right? I like a good hip too. I just don't know what to post. Yeah, right? Like the little... I like a good hip too.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I like a good hip too. I'm a hip guy. I love a good hip. Any contrast in the body looks good on men and women. Oh, geez. This is fucking nuts. I remember this. This is absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 01:04:42 This is how... They're basically saying that if you say donuts are bad that you're racist this is what this is how democrats think this is this is our president of the united states party you're trying to help someone so that they don't die of type 2 diabetes but you're racist because you're not being sympathetic to their culture that needs to eat donuts good versus bad by the way cucumbers are an amazing snack for kids persian cucumbers given to my kids all the time since they've been babies since before they had teeth let them let used to teeth on a persian cucumber okay go ahead i got us donuts those are so bad for you oh no no, are they moldy?
Starting point is 01:05:26 I mean, are they poisoned? Are you allergic? No, I'm just saying. You're judging my food choices based on a false standard of health again, aren't you? Guilty. False. Diet culture, fat phobia, and systems of oppression have created false hierarchies of food and it shows up everywhere. For instance, harmful thought patterns like earning food through exercising or that dessert is the reward for the punishment of eating vegetables. Pause, pause, pause.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Let's say that was true. Let's say that was true, that it's a bad habit to exercise and then earn food. It's a thousand percent better than not exercising and eating that food. It's a thousand percent better than not exercising and eating that food. At least then you acknowledge that that food is bad for you. She said, is it poisonous? Yeah, it's fucking poisonous. Donuts are poisonous. Okay, action.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Remember that you do not need to earn food we are all incorrectly taught from a young age that our size and therefore the foods that we eat are markers of our self-worth okay what the fuck cory how do you feel about nose rings what do you think about those put it punching a fucking hole in your fucking oxygen intake it's a clip on That is fucking nuts. Did you not think about that before you punched a hole in your fucking oxygen intake? Call her high. That's the video I sent you a little while ago with the black nutritionist. And if you follow what she does, she's the food scientist for a company that is basically a snack company.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Their umbrella is Oreo, Lay's Chips, all these little snack companies. Thank you for calling. Yes. You don't say. Yes, you're right. Thank you. I would have forgot to say that. I don't have that in my notes.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I remember after you said that, I looked her up. I Googled her name. That lady fucking works for Oreo cookies. Telling black people and white people that if you say that eating Oreos is bad, you're fucking racist. Exactly. Speaking of boobs, those are some incredible boobs right there. No. Yes. Those are amazing those are some nice uh national geographic uh boobies those are i'd love those boobs and i love that color of her top
Starting point is 01:07:55 i like everything about that girl except that nose ring just screams mental illness okay among other things too. Thank you for calling. That's a great point. That scientist works for Oreo. I'm going to go throw down. But, dude, he's a... I'm going to go throw down now. Okay, one more thing.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But listen, she's a scientist, right? So we must acknowledge her as a scientist. An authority. Right. And Ronald McDonald is a clown. Right. Thank you. Well said.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Thank you. Man, you would get along great. And the Burger King is a king. Yes. Yes. Wow. You're on a roll. All right. Thank you. Bye. A third one. Chick-fil-A is a cow. We need to harmful relationships with food and assorted eating. Instead of focusing on good and bad choices, try to approach food with neutrality in mind. The only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens, poisons and contaminants or food that is spoiled or is otherwise inedible. Eat without guilt, regardless of what society says. What the fuck was that so going back to
Starting point is 01:09:08 originally what i was saying so there it is right there those are people parading around with a message that's supposed to be against racism and they're that that is that right there is systemic racism right there that they're basically brainwashing people but right to their face they're saying you shouldn't eat things that are poisonous and yet they're basically brainwashing people but right to their face they're saying you shouldn't eat things that are poisonous and yet they're peddling things that are poisonous donuts are poisonous potato chips are poisonous and none of their stuff that they were saying was actually backed by anything other than their word yeah and they're leveraging this thing called racism to get you to eat bad shit it's fucking a tragedy those are the fucking people those are the bad people right
Starting point is 01:09:45 there with that message and then they hide behind their skin color how come there were no white people saying that meanwhile that chick's making three hundred thousand dollars a year from oreo fucking nuts so sad okay i really didn't think her she had nice boobs caleb no because she's fucking overweight i think i watched her this thing that was like fantastic like like you can't if you're overweight you by default have boobs, just like abs don't count on a skinny guy. Literally. Someone actually told that to me once. Like, yeah, you have abs, but it doesn't count. No, it counts.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Boobs on a fat girl count. I refuse. I refuse. It's like, fair enough. Okay. 137, Navy SEAL vaccine. Oh, we got to do 141, the panty deal website. U.S. Navy quietly cancels vaccine requirement order for SEALs.
Starting point is 01:10:57 U.S. Navy quietly rolled back Trident Order No. 12, an order denying religious exemption for COVID vaccinations a few months after an injunction was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in early 2022 as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by First Liberty Institute. The suit was initiated on behalf of 35 active duty SEALs and three reservists seeking exemptions to the mandate due to the possibility of COVID vaccines being developed using cells and tissues from aborted fetuses. So they got religious exemptions. Yeah. And then they just canceled the requirement. I just saw that this company called pure later per later per later. They have 13,000 employees in Canada and they I, I think that they're like our UPS. They basically deliver packages in Canada. They just started firing all the employees that aren't up to date on their vaccines.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I saw that this morning. Gosh. Nuts. How many boosters are there? Like, I'm not saying that tongue in cheek. Like, I legitimately want to know. So there's two boosters, but now there's a bivalent vaccine which basically takes the place of all of the vaccines previously given so if you received
Starting point is 01:12:13 all four of you all of your four originals then you wanted there's there's another one now that you can get that will replace all of them for this season essentially but technically there's there's another one now that you can get that will replace all of them for this season essentially but technically there's five shots depending on which brand you go with because there's one you can just get the one shot and be like covered but then there's the other ones that are like two shots and then you're fully vaccinated i i did see that somewhere that in los angeles that there was a third booster maybe i misunderstood notes what caleb was talking about but that they're concerned because only seven percent of the population has taken it yeah because nobody gives a shit yeah yeah people i think people are realizing in the military too that like it's very similar to how the anthrax vaccine was rolled out. Like what Dale was talking about.
Starting point is 01:13:09 They're basically experimenting on us. Just saying, hey, this is not cool. And they don't want to take it. But then you have the older population of people in the military who want to take it because they're old and they think that they're more susceptible to getting covid and having harmful side effects from it uh navy stops covid 19 vaccine uh separation for the sea service has approved nine religious waivers for members of the individual ready service on the condition that they be oh this is interesting maybe that they have to be vaccinated later
Starting point is 01:13:49 due to their religious oh here it says um judge reed o'connor monday granted the class action in the case of 26 navy seals and other members of the special warfare community who are using secretary of defense lloyd austin and other department of defense officials to prevent being separated over the refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19 due to their religious beliefs. O'Connor also granted the preliminary injunction for the class action extending the Navy's inability to separate any sailors who were denied religious exemption to the vaccine mandates. This now means 4,095 sailors who submitted religious exemptions requests and part of the class cannot be separated under the preliminary injunction. Sailors who do not submit to religious exemptions requests and part of the class cannot be separated under the preliminary injunction sailors who do not submit to religious exemptions can
Starting point is 01:14:29 still be separated the court oh it's a fucking mess maybe you're right i don't understand i know the air force is having a lot of problems with their pilots because they don't want to take they don't want to be vaccinated and so what's funny is they're starting to experiment with using like singularly manned aircraft that are supposed to be manned by like two pilots a pilot and co-pilot they're trying to see if they can fly with just one and then the rest of the crew and see if it works. For something that doesn't even kill, for a disease that doesn't even kill Air Force age pilots. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Tyler Watkins, the super vast. They just refuse to. Clock cutter, pure blood. That's crazy. It already is an annual. Yeah, Allison NYC will just be an annual dose like the flu shot eventually, which we all know doesn't work. Which is essentially what the bivalent shot is for.
Starting point is 01:15:29 That's going to be like the annual shot. Arjun Martins, I live in the Netherlands. I always thought that we don't have a lot of obese people. Presently, I went to a tropical swimming pool, and oh boy, 85% of men and women are chubby. If you don't have Costco, if you have Costco, go there we'll change your whole yeah great question allison were they american tourists totally fair question none of these other countries by the way that these people these people are from this isn't to dig at them that's another thing that's just always missed these countries that chime in about racism or whatever that's going on in the united
Starting point is 01:16:08 states like i don't want to hear shit from china you have 1.7 billion people and 1.6 point 999 of them are all chinese like you live in like just stop quiet you don't even know you don't even know what you don't even know what you're talking about. 141. I found this site the other day. A friend of mine sells his underwear on OnlyFans. And this is a website called And you can sell your underwear.
Starting point is 01:16:51 There's 1,343,883 people selling their underwear on this website 1,700,003 107 1,703,443 people have bought underwear so look at that demand is up guys supply is low hey will you i want to see some of the media they have on there will you go back a second some of the media it's it look at look click on that media button i want to see like oh no up there uh media files 800 834 it's just a ticker it's not clickable oh let's see oh they had a warning so worn panty. So used panties. Go to buy. Buy some panties. Go up there to buy panties. Oh, you're at buy panties? This website makes me uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Buy used panties. Look at that dude. That's not the dude buying them. That's racist. Oh my god. Why's it gotta be some creepy white dude i don't understand hey the last thing i want from someone no matter how much i like them is their underwear it's the last thing i want if my wife were to die today the first thing i do is throw away her underwear this is fucked up panty understands oh we uh we understand the appeal you do like scroll down a little bit scroll back up a little bit we understand your appeal of used panties you do what could be more tempting than the intimate scent of a gorgeous woman?
Starting point is 01:18:26 What could be better than holding the panties of a sexy lady in your hands? I don't know. Holding her boobs? Holding a sandwich? I don't know. Holding the Bible? This is ridiculous. I've sold bras.
Starting point is 01:18:40 They're bigger market than you'd expect. Oh, God. they're bigger market than you'd expect oh god yeah this dude this guy i know sells fucking his underwear all the time people be like hey what dude the dude yeah the dude i know dude who sells his underwear oh my god hey and the stuff they ask him to do with the underwear before is crazy oh no oh yeah yeah yeah it's nuts i like wipe your butt with the underwear and send it to me and i'll give you 250 bucks oh geez okay there was another line of that that was pretty funny too but on the website yeah it's like right underneath the one that you're reading it was just ridiculous sniff out sniff out that panty deal on our site you can browse through hundreds of women who are excited to sell their used panties
Starting point is 01:19:37 they're excited to sell them no they're excited to get the money they're actually creeped the fuck out by you then lie back and enjoy that very special fragrance don't wait around wondering joint panty deal now hey you know someone who's listening just went over there and bought a pair to lie back yeah we just pointed like 10 fucking weirdos to their website it's time to dive into your desires nose first and don't forget to use code seven at checkout yeah get 10 off all your panties bogo buy one get one free they're actually just mine and caleb's that's probably true uh 142 142 this one's good speaking of the Netherlands, Arjun, you'll like this. Netherlands reparations. God, this is fucking crazy. I like it when Xavier talks about reparations too. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 01:20:48 200 million euros fund for slavery reparations while the Dutch people can't even afford to keep their houses warm this winter as a result of his policies. Get this man out and his insane WEF agenda out of office now. Let's go ahead and hit play on this psychopath. Oh, my God, guys, I genuinely think I'm losing my mind. So I've just read that the Dutch prime minister, our Dutch prime minister Margrethe, is setting aside 200 million euros for slavery reparations because Black Lives Matter made him think differently about the topic. And at the same time, Dutch people who never owned slaves are now going to pay a ton of money to people who never were slaves, even though the Dutch population is barely able to afford their energy bills because of the policies of whom? Yes, Mark Rutte. Get this man out of office now. you think that helps uh um people get along better in a society knowing that people are getting money based on the color of their skin while other people can't afford heat for their
Starting point is 01:21:52 house you think that that's like a um hell no you think that's healthy for the community more division it's creating more division that's ridiculous and then where does that end like where do you end the reparations like with what generation of slaves how is that distributed is it how far back do you go in the timeline of slavery because at some point everybody was slaves by the way the netherlands is one of those countries i think where you take you double their gross their gdp and we spend more than double their GDP in the United States on pharmaceutical drugs. Yeah, easy. I think that's one of those countries. I thought you were going to say panties, but yeah, pharmaceuticals.
Starting point is 01:22:34 No, they probably buy more panties there. Those people are wild. Okay, where was that? Okay, I already erased that. Okay, well, 116, intelligence. Are we going through? Are these pretty good? I don't know how many we've done.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Okay, 116, intelligence. It feels like we're on a roll. Uh-oh. I think Caleb's frozen. Oh, shit. I thought he was just unamused. Oh, shit. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I'll break it up. What was the number again? 121? 116. 116. We did a lot of slave trading in the past. You guys did a lot of... Everyone did a lot of shit in the past.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Back in action. Okay, here we go one sec oh i don't even know what this is i titled it intelligence one of my favorite stories and might change the way you think during the second world war planes would return home with numerous bullet holes logically the u.s military thought that the best way to protect their planes was to reinforce the areas that had been hit, but this logic was flawed. Abraham Wald, a mathematician, pointed out that these planes had sustained enemy fire but still returned home. Therefore, these areas of direct damage were survivable. But the parts of the plane that hadn't been hit likely represented where other planes had been hit but didn't survive and didn't make it home.
Starting point is 01:24:08 It's these areas that should be reinforced, not the damaged areas. This is an example of survivorship bias, a cognitive bias where we tend to focus on successful outcomes yet overlook the failures, where actually the most important lessons might lie. Dude, isn't that amazing? I'm going to try to explain that to you for those of you who couldn't follow it. Basically, planes would come back from missions in World War II, and the planes would be shot to shit, right? They'd be all shot up. So they would look at all the places that the planes were shot up, and they would think, okay, we need to reinforce those areas. Those are the places that the plane was shot.
Starting point is 01:24:46 plane was shot but no the places that should be enforced are the places that weren't shot because that's probably where the planes were shot that didn't return home it's the exact same idiocy around covid that's why so many fucking smart people doctors and scientists and all these people can't fucking understand what the fuck is going on because they have fucking they have the cognitive skills they have the critical thinking skills of a fucking cockroach and they're such know-it-alls savannah just dm'd you a story from my past feel free to share it has to do with cops can you text it to me do you have my phone number So, Sevan, I just DM'd you a story from my past. Feel free to share it. It has to do with cops. Can you text it to me? Do you have my phone number?
Starting point is 01:25:31 Can you text it to me? Okay, here we go, you guys. Here we go. Here's a story for you. Oh, sorry. Not yet. Call her. Hi. Hey, this is a, is this a podcast? It is.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Oh, cool. Oh my God. I'm on. Oh my God. Anyway, sorry. There's lag. So I have a question. Please. So, so I've been doing Crossfit for a while now um and i always try to get my friends into it but the thing they always say is it's too expensive and i've always heard the rebuttal to that is well how much is your health worth and all that and i you know i i always notice when i go into a box that it's mostly older people
Starting point is 01:26:27 and i always think about how um i always think about how the saying that you want to be the swim coach you're not the lifeguard so i kind of walk into boxes and i see mostly older folks and i and i kind of wonder well, where's the younger people? Like, that's not very swim coachy. You know what I mean? So I kind of wonder what your answer is to people who say, um, you know, I'd like cost it too expensive. I can't do that right now. Like, what's your, what's your opinion? What's your, what's your what's your opinion what's your what's your answer so so that that's always a great answer right you're going to pay for it now or you're going to pay for it later but lately i've been i've been rethinking it when people say it's too expensive it's not
Starting point is 01:27:15 that it's too expensive it's that you don't make enough money i think that's just i think that's just the victim mindset it's not that it's not that, um, because there's, and then on top of that, I think if you spend $2,000 a month to go to an affiliate, I have to also guess that that's going to either make, that's going to make your life $2,000 richer, whether you're going to get a raise at work. Cause you look healthier because you look more accountable because you act better because you stand more straight because you think clear but i have to guess i have to guess and i was comparing it to wedding rings the other day i was thinking if you you bought your wife a wedding ring for ten thousand dollars instead of five-year membership at a crossfit box
Starting point is 01:27:53 to me makes no fucking sense i didn't buy my wife a wedding ring i knew that if i put ten thousand dollars in the in a mutual fund in uh 50 years it'd be 11.2 million. When I'm 75, I'll give my wife that $1.2 million. It's complete. And then the other thing is it's all free on the website. That's how I started. I bet you, I'm guessing that's how Sousa started. You mean the workouts or? Everything, the movements, the videos.
Starting point is 01:28:22 The education. I had to learn in 2006, we had to like, just the workouts were free on the learn in 2006 we had to like just the workouts were free on the website and then everyone had to dig around that's how the u.s military does it that's all the tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of military members that do it that's how they do it they they have to go online and figure it out but you know all the shit for free while they're deployed and then on on top of that, that's the crazy thing. If you do the math and we're going to do a show on it here very soon, I'm so excited about the show, but we're going to use a bunch of analytics.
Starting point is 01:28:55 I think also that Chris Cooper just sent something out. That's called like state of the union and it's all state of the industry. Do you have that right there? This thing is crazy. This thing from Two Brain Business, if you're an affiliate owner and you don't own this, you are fucking nuts. You got to get your hand on this thing. Two Brain is so gnarly.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I mean, it's so beautifully put together too with like the information and the, yeah, this is. It's every data point you could ever want about a crossfit gym in the world how much the average person makes who goes to the gym how much the average gym costs how long the average person stays what programs are the just everything it's this crazy survey but but do you have any friend caller do you have any friends who like ask like they try to get a deal on everything like they have a friend who's a carpenter like hey can you give me a break and come fix my cabinets and like frugal friends not really
Starting point is 01:29:50 okay well there are these douchebags out there like that and there's a lot of them right instead of like supporting their friend shit they try to fucking get over on their friends because they know their friend has a certain skill yeah and i just think that you want once you belong i mean you, you, do you belong, how long have you belonged to a certain gym for? So, um, man, I, you know what, I just moved to a different town. So, uh, last time I was at a box down in San Diego for about a year. And did you love that community? Would you have been disappointed if that gym closed? San Diego for about a year.
Starting point is 01:30:22 And did you love that community? Would you have been disappointed if that gym closed? Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's how I feel about all the, like if my kids tennis class got canceled, um,
Starting point is 01:30:31 like they got rid of that program, I would be devastated. So when I, when I don't, when my kids don't show up to class, I still don't mind if they would, if they charged me because I want to contribute to that. I want that trainer to have a good life.
Starting point is 01:30:45 And I, and I don't think that, I don't think most box owners make very much money. I want to say something crazy. I probably shouldn't say this, but I think the average CrossFit gym coach makes $26,000 a year. That couldn't give you, that won't pay for your rent
Starting point is 01:31:02 where I live in Santa Cruz. Or neither where I live in Santa Cruz. Neither where I live. Yeah. So I just think that those people just haven't come around to it yet. I don't know what to say to them. I think it just sounds like an excuse, right? I mean, yeah, because I've been a member at a few boxes. And I'm, you know, I just exited my 20s as well.
Starting point is 01:31:28 But somehow I kind of made it work. And I mean, it was worth it. But again, it's like, shit, man, I was like budgeting, budgeting. You know what I mean? Did you meet any mates there, girlfriends? No, I met my wife before crossfit i just say it because because that that's also like i mean if you just need if you're a young man and you just need to fucking the ultimate excuse to go what a great place to meet fucking quality uh girls or if
Starting point is 01:31:59 you're a girl what a great place to meet quality men. Or if you're a man in San Diego, it's a good place to meet other quality men or in San Francisco. It's like, it's just, it's just, the benefits are just numerous. I just don't think that, I think that probably people just think, oh, it's what's going to be difference between that and 24 hour fitness that charges, you know, $7 a month. So I think that's where we're at. What do you think? Um, well, what is the question again? I don't know. The question is, is the
Starting point is 01:32:34 question, let me, I'll reframe the question. Do you think that people are missing out who use that as an excuse? Uh, well, totally. Yeah. I mean, like, okay. So, um um i'm a firefighter and i've you know i've done i've done a lot of physical tests you know to get into firefighting and all that stuff and i've done a few academies and i'll tell you what i'm not i'm not the fittest crossfitter um but i i you know of all the people who I've seen, I'm just gonna say this, whenever I go somewhere and there's another CrossFitter, it's usually the CrossFitters who are doing the best in the physical, in the physical events and are, and I'm not saying like doing the best, like edging people.
Starting point is 01:33:18 I mean like smashing, just absolutely smashing. So, I mean, I always say like crossfit just really turns people into just like machines you know like they stand out dude i'm 50 years old i haven't roller skated since the seventh grade i went to the roller rink yesterday i was i was i was right i'm i think i'm being humble and saying this the 50 of the there, let's say there were 200 people there, a hundred were worse than me and a hundred were better than me. But, but to be honest, I bet you I was better than 150 of them. And not because I was actually, cause I can roller skate, but because I didn't fall. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:56 And you're in, and I have to attribute all of that just to what CrossFit has given me. Yeah. It makes you a little bit of a better athlete. Day in and day out. And I'm confident. I'm not stuck in my head. I'm not tripping'm just like okay i can do this but you can pick things yeah sorry what yeah i can pick things up and you know what else really helped is the day before i just watched so i saw that that roller skating is basically like waddling you just shift from
Starting point is 01:34:22 left to right and i just was like okay i'll just shift my balance from left to right and and lo and behold yeah i i priorities they don't make enough money they should stop with the victim mindset they should go on and get it for free they should look at you but by the way some vindicate um just said hey this is a great what have you just sold those people should sell their underwear so like you do fran and then like this is what my underwear smells like after fran and then you do linda and this is what my underwear smells like after then you could sell it based on the workout you do yeah i mean i'd buy a few like murph is like a thousand dollars if you want my underwear that i did murph in If you want my underwear that I did Murfin.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Prime prime. Fran is only like 25 bucks. Short workout, short workout. And the beavers back. There he is. There he is. That's good shit. All right,
Starting point is 01:35:18 caller. Thank you. And thanks for, thanks for being a firefighter who can actually save people. I appreciate it. Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you for your service. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Bye. Bye. So, you know what's funny about that conversation? I think that that's also the fundamental question that CrossFit itself has to answer. Because I was reading through a couple of this like uh it's called club club industry and um they just do news on like the fitness industry as a total and they just talked about uh la fitness and their indianapolis clubs they just invested 3.5 million dollars in upgrading those clubs and um the 3.5 million million that went to renovating the clubs, it was renovated just to put in a space for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:36:07 So it's all – there's like an AstroTurf spot. There's rig space there. There's platforms for weightlifting. And as they put it, like functional fitness space. And that is the unfortunate downfall that we're dealing with. So it shows two things. Number one, there's still a continued rise in popularity of CrossFit methodology because they would not have invested that much money into these clubs if they didn't think that that was going to
Starting point is 01:36:33 be the trajectory of the future, right? So that's a good point. Bad point is, is now just like Parker who made a comment earlier, hey, why would I pay X dollars when I could pay $20 and I could just do mayhems programming in a facility like this? And so those are the fundamental questions that not only affiliates have to tackle and answer and provide value for, but CrossFit itself as a company. The good news for them, we're chock full of ideas. So go ahead and give us a call, and we'll help you solve those problems. This book that we were talking about that Chris Cooper put out, I think he puts it out every year. This is the third one he's done, yeah. And I don't know even who gets those.
Starting point is 01:37:24 I think you have to be a member. Me either, but I'm stoked I got it. But we'll be doing a whole show talking about that soon. I need to send Chris a text or an email and ask him if it's okay, what the rules are about talking about that. I don't want to do anything. Yeah, because this first portion, too, which is just— It's so much hard work. Oh, this is incredible. But right away, it says we collected data from 10,657 gyms worldwide, over a majority of them being CrossFit gyms.
Starting point is 01:37:54 How about – did you see the stat in there that people who use Two Brain make $1,000 more a month on average? Yeah, yeah. It's crazy too that somebody like Chris and Two Brain Business is putting something like this out there because as an affiliate owner, this information is really valuable. And it can also give you some highlights as to like what's working in the industry, different places and what's not. And it's nuts to me that we don't have one of these, that's a CrossFit HQ. We don't have all the stats of everything combined that CrossFit has provided to affiliate owners because that would be extremely valuable.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Call her one minute. Um, do you think it's, do you think it's weird that he gives all that away? Like, do you think that like, I can't believe that that's like the, I hate to use this word. That's like the most transparent thing I've ever seen about anything in regards to CrossFit. I can't believe for some reason, I feel like that should be kept secret. I don't know why. I feel like it just goes to like one of the things
Starting point is 01:38:48 that Chris Cooper and the people at Two Brain and Body, which is like, they give you the tools to succeed. They also offer products, but you could do what I did, which is download all of the books that he's ever written and recorded like in a closet at his house for like seven bucks. And you could just go through all those books, go through those books with your staff or your coaches, or even just yourself. And the amount of value that you would get out of it that you could apply is literally the same
Starting point is 01:39:11 framework in the model that two brain business mentors apply to the gyms. The only difference is, is like, you're just doing it out on your own versus having somebody accountability there to walk you through each step, which is obviously huge in value. That company, Two Brain, I believe is the largest gym consulting business on the planet. And you know what else is going to happen? You know how many other gym consulting companies are going to steal that information and not give Chris credit? Oh, all of them. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, CrossFit probably even will. They'll reference a bunch of stuff out of this. And well, they should. They definitely should. They should. They should call should call and say hey however you set this up we have data that we're going to add to it and we'll pay you for the ip for this to change it and to convert it into something
Starting point is 01:39:53 that crossfit delivers to its affiliates yeah every affiliation yeah every affiliate should have one um go ahead caller hi oh shit sorry caller what's up gentlemen hi that's all good do you uh do you taste the coffee i sent you oh gabe what's up dude um i know i haven't tasted it yet it's still it's still in the because i i have a grinder that's like pretty full right now and and then it makes the coffee and then you know the beans just sit in the grinder for i don't know a week or two and then but when it's empty, I'll throw it in there. I can't wait. So that's a decaf blend.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah. Do not mix both of them. So one is a very specific way of making decaf. The other is a way that I'm sure you're not going to like, but it is what it is. Okay. What do you mean? One of them is like made with horse shit? One of them is like made with horse shit? One of them, so to extract caffeine out of a bean, you have to use a lot of chemicals.
Starting point is 01:41:00 So they basically take the green bean, the green like seed that you normally get, and they have to like dump it in this chemical. Everyone says it's totally okay, but again, it's an extra step. It's chemical. Everyone says it's totally okay, but again, it's an extra step. While the other one that I sent you, the MTW, that one literally uses steam to try to get as much caffeine out of the beans. And I do want some caffeine. Does that take out less caffeine, Gabe, the steam way? Because I do want some caffeine. I just don't want to be drinking as much as I am because I just drink coffee.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I'll drink coffee all day. No, no, no. They're both fine. They're both totally fine. It's just like the process of extracting caffeine from the actual green bean. One's a little bit more expensive because you are taking a little bit more care and going the extra step. While the other one is just like, and there's nothing wrong with it. Again, from what I've seen, all the research that I've done, everyone that I've talked to, they're both fine, but just one is using chemicals, while one is using less chemicals and a lot more steam.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Okay, I love it. So you got to get to play around with that. But kind of piggybacking on what you guys are talking about. Like I'd love to like do the, uh, that show that you guys do have about operating an affiliate, I think would be so like, so important and so cool, um, to kind of have that feedback from you. But, uh, I was at a gym yesterday, not, not across the gym. Um, just a friend opened like one of those group training facilities, almost like an
Starting point is 01:42:24 orange theory, like a berries. Uh, I was doing a little coffee there and uh it was pretty cool really nice not a pull-up bar in sight but skiers rowers uh bikes felt bikes uh dumbbells etc etc really cool and you know i've had a gym i've had twoms. I've been a level one trainer, a CrossFit coach for, you know, over 10 years. I let it go back in 2020 to pursue coffee. And something came up and it was, like, horrible in my eyes, in my opinion. It was two brand-new members came in, people, like, looking at the class, trying it out. They came in.
Starting point is 01:43:04 It's an hour hit class basically right uh let them through a warm-up let them through through a through the workout and like 15 minutes before the class is over these ladies were a little bit overweight they weren't you know super overweight but they weren't the fittest people so this was an opportunity right they were going out of their comfort zone going to to do something right so this was like a step in the right direction uh you know for them to start working out so they leave they get out of class 15 minutes early because they were destroyed they came out red they were sweating they pushed themselves a little bit too hard one of their partners that i was talking to this place has
Starting point is 01:43:40 like 20 partners so i don't know what the hell's happening it looks beautiful yeah so so she comes up and she's also not necessarily the we were talking about getting my coffee in there um my can and she's like all right excuse me so my cool at least she's you know worried about them so hey how'd it go this and that like two minutes of talking to both of them about uh you know how it was and and how they liked the class, their experience of the class, not like necessarily getting to the bottom of like, hey, why'd you guys leave class
Starting point is 01:44:14 15 minutes early, didn't even do a cool down, which in my opinion again, if this is something that you're doing for the first time and you exert yourself that hard, you can't just stop when your heart rate's like over 170 and then just leave but anyway she talked to them for about two minutes and then right into oh our monthly memberships are etc etc etc didn't step in didn't say anything just kind of remove
Starting point is 01:44:36 myself from that conversation because as a as a as a coach as a crossfit coach as someone who's been doing crossfit for who's been teaching people for over 10 years I was like damn man this conversation like it could have gone so differently and even the fact that other partners were doing the class there like if I was a coach and I was doing a class with someone and I see someone struggling I would stop and I'd be like all right cool look you know what I wanted to work out with class the other coach is a little bit busy with everyone else. Like, let me give them, these two individuals, a little bit more attention to make sure
Starting point is 01:45:09 that they get the full experience and not just that dump of like, oh man, I'm dying. I have to leave. So afterwards, I go up to her as I'm leaving and I'm like, hey, by the way, I've owned two gyms. I have over 10 years of coaching experience. You know, I know a lot about the industry. Do you guys like, you know, whatever, any questions that you guys have,
Starting point is 01:45:31 please let me know. She goes, do you know any male trainers? I was like, oh, yeah, I know a lot. She asked because she needs more male trainers there. She needs more male clientele. All her trainers are female. And I told her, well, you're doing really good with what you have. Focus on building your community. I must have spent 15 minutes talking to her about building the
Starting point is 01:45:55 community, establishing and really pouring everything that she can into the people that are there right then and there because a month from now, that community is going to grow from the word of mouth, especially if she does things the right way. I have interest in it because one of my very, very good friends is a partner. I'm telling her she's like the main
Starting point is 01:46:15 partner. I'm telling her for 15 fucking minutes. I'm trying to drill it into her head. It's about fucking building the community and making sure that you guys have this established group of people who are the ride or die. At the end of me fucking talking for 15 minutes, she goes,
Starting point is 01:46:33 all right, cool. Do you know any male trainer? So like, that's the question that I would have to you. Like, what would you, as a business owner,
Starting point is 01:46:43 right? Cause you are like being across the coast and being a business owner are very, very different. Right you as a business owner right because you are like being a CrossFit coach and being a business owner are very very different right as a business owner and as a CrossFit coach and as a as someone who cares about his members there you know whatever what would you how would you approach that situation if you were you know if you just saw that happening and then this this other person's like yeah I really don't care about what you said about building a community. I don't even care about those two people that almost died.
Starting point is 01:47:08 I just care about like the bottom line. Yeah. Well, first I would start by just asking her like, what exactly the ultimate goal for her in the business is? Because that's going to be the most important piece, right? Like, Hey, what are you trying to get out of this as a business owner? And then like, um, you know, where are you hoping this, this business is in five years? That's where I would, that's where I would start by asking her because then as she maybe talks about that a little bit,
Starting point is 01:47:33 you could find ways in there to make what you're saying a little bit more impactful to her specifically, because she obviously thinks like, Hey, no, you're not getting my question. I need more male trainers. And you're trying to kind of give her this big 30,000 foot view of, uh, what the gym, how the gym should be, should be run, like in terms of like how it's going to be successful for her. And for whatever reason, she doesn't seem to be receptive of that information now. So, you know, that's tough, but that's where I would start with that. And then as far as her going to those members afterwards and saying like, yeah, so here's our monthly membership. Again, I would start by saying, Hey, like, what'd you guys come in here for?
Starting point is 01:48:06 What are you hoping to accomplish by showing up at this gym? You know, and you could say it as like, what are your goals or something like that. But I would start by just saying like, Hey, what are you hoping to get out of this? What does success look like for you? And then you could start to talk about how your facility could help them or how the community there would help them and be beneficial to what they want.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Awesome. Yeah. That's all. You guys should definitely have that show. We're going to 25% off at paper street coffee, P A P E R S T C O F F E E. Don't spell out street paper, S T 25% off until midnight tonight. And, uh, anything. Ask me what happens after midnight. What happens after midnight? Cyber Monday sale.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Oh. 30% off. Three bags of coffee or more, you get 30% off. Damn. I wish you wouldn't have said that. You fucked up the whole thing. I know. That's only for you guys.
Starting point is 01:49:02 That's only for you guys. If no one else knows about it, at 12.01 tonight, you get 30% off. Is shipping still free tomorrow? Shipping anything over 50 bucks is going to be free. My shipping
Starting point is 01:49:18 costs went down. Also, don't complain about shipping people who are out there in the world when you guys use a 20% off coupon code and still reach out to me while shipping. Yeah. Like you guys use the 20% off. I love you guys. Help out a small business.
Starting point is 01:49:33 I'm not Amazon. That's funny. All right. Thank you so much. Thanks Gabe. Appreciate it. Bruce Wade asked a question earlier here. He said,
Starting point is 01:49:45 should the coach work out with the class? You are no longer a coach if you are working out. You are a person working out. You cannot coach a class and work out at the same time. That's like, who should be driving the car while I'm in the backseat? No, no, no. You either have a driver or you're a passenger. You cannot be both. Either someone's steering the ship and guiding the class, or you're just in the backseat along for the ride. And if you have people that are working out... Now, there is one exception. If it's just you and maybe one other person, and that member is like, I would get way more value out of this class after you warm me up and everything, we hit it together. That's a great area that you can maybe talk about it then.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And that's only if the person who you're coaching thinks that that actually gives them more value as opposed to what we try to do is turn it into a really good personal training session if it's just one person that shows up especially if you're a new affiliate but yeah you can't you can't imagine working out with a class of 10 people what value are you providing those individuals you're not you're providing value for yourself by getting your workout in so yeah don't work out with your class you can work out with them that's when you do fucking um the turkey trot on on thanksgiving or on on um you know maybe maybe murph or there's like three or four times a year where there's like some community event then you get in it with them but yeah not not murph i don't
Starting point is 01:51:01 do the murph thing no if it's inside the walls of the gym like we did so we did a yesterday. Like I didn't sit at the bottom of the hill and wait for them to come back for the hike. I walked with them and we did the hike. If you were doing the turkey trot or whatever, like they do at Diablo, the purpose of that is actually you leading that. So you're going to run with your group. You're going to get to the top of the hill and take some photos. top of the hill and take some photos i'm talking about when you got squat snatch and rope climbs in the class right and now you're loading up your barbell next to the people it's like next to your members there's no way you're they're getting any value out of that they didn't pay they paid for a coach they didn't pay for a workout partner um it's like when people call into this show and talk for more than two minutes straight it's not your show okay uh one of 145 how leaders behave how are you guys on time I'm okay
Starting point is 01:51:52 I gotta leave a little after 9 how are you Caleb 10 or so the servant must clear my desk for me I can't be expected to move things. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:52:05 This is fucking Prince Charles or King Charles now. Look at this crazy shit. He's sitting down at the desk. And he's frustrated that there's like, he doesn't like the inkwell there. And instead of sliding it over himself, he asks someone else to slide it over for him now look at here's president trump that guy's hat blows off trump goes and gets the hat for him puts it back on his head and fucking gives him a hug that man needs to secure his cover get a tighter hat oh there's some awesome moments with the knowledge you have there that's funny it's funny that they put those two clips together like that too
Starting point is 01:52:54 but that's appropriate what trump did right oh for sure yeah yeah no that's i mean for in his defense he did a really good job of keeping his bearing and not chasing after his cover. You're not supposed to. You're not even supposed to react. You're just like, well, that happened. Move on. Hey, do those have chin straps or anything? Those ones do not.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Some of them do, but I think it's a different. I think the Army has the chin strap. Hey, you think he got did he get in trouble for that no probably not but he probably will figure out how to tighten down his cover next time though awesome okay this is talking about a nick diaz fight he doesn't even fight anymore. I got rid of that. So you could tell the notes are old. Yeah. 147. We'll just let this play for itself.
Starting point is 01:54:03 See what comes to mind. Oh, okay. Oh, we did this one already, right? We did this one. Okay. This is about setting boundaries. Okay. We did, yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:17 If I would have set boundaries every time someone told me to set boundaries when I worked at my 15 years at CrossFit Inc., I would have had one twentieth the success that I had but you would have boundaries yeah I I setting boundaries it's uh I feel like it's been still it's been stolen by uh the the victim mentality. Caller, hi. Siobhan, what's up? What's up, Jeremy? Hey, what's up, man? What's up, Jeremy? Hey, what's up, man? How's it going? Are we going to get you?
Starting point is 01:54:51 How are you doing? Are you going to give us your rendition of this story so I don't have to read it? No, it's the other story that I DM'd you. Yeah, that's what I mean. Are you going to tell us the story?
Starting point is 01:55:01 Yeah. I'll try to keep it under two minutes. Okay. But it has to do us the story yeah uh i'll try to keep it under two minutes okay but it has to do with the uh so i'm a black dude right and i live in milwaukee um right down the road from heidi but she doesn't want to hang out with me but that's a whole nother story i'm just kidding but um so so anyway long time ago've had, I've had so many lucky, I guess, lucky interactions with cops. I'm a black guy in a very segregated city, but I gotten really lucky.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Anyways, long time ago, my buddy's 21st birthday. He wants to go out. He comes and picks me up. We go to a bar. He brought this girl along with him um we're having a good time we're getting we're getting pretty drunk me and this girl end up hitting it off we're like making out at the bar whatever go back to his place now he lives very like in milwaukee i'm way on the south side he's way on the north side um and we're drinking we're having fun we get to his place he's like hey i gotta go meet somebody real quick so it's just me and her so of course we were you know one thing leads to
Starting point is 01:56:12 another we're hooking up he comes back and he's like all pissed off that we're hooking up and so i'm like well i asked her like you want to get out of here? And I'm like, oh, shit, I didn't drive here. He drove me here. So, like, I had to, like, dude, I was not the most stand-up guy back in the day. I'm like, hey, dude, I got to get something from your car. Can I get your keys? Oh, it was terrible, dude. I was so bad.
Starting point is 01:56:40 So I take his keys, take the girl. We're driving, right? It's dead of winter in Wisconsin. It's cold as hell outside. We get on an off-ramp, and the car breaks down. I'm like, oh, shit. Now I'm sitting with this girl. I barely know her.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I'm just trying to hook up, you know, finish the deal. I'm in my buddy's car. It's, like I said, cold as hell. That you stole. That you stole. That I basically stole from. And so there's this parking lot. I'm like, well, I guess I'll just push the car there.
Starting point is 01:57:12 You know, it's like two in the morning too. Like I can't really call anybody. I'm like, what the hell am I about to do? You know? So I'm pushing this car with her in it. I'm pushing it. I get halfway through. All of a sudden, beep, cop comes.
Starting point is 01:57:25 I'm like, oh, fuck. I get halfway through, all of a sudden, boom, cop comes. I'm like, oh, fuck. Hey, you could have sold those underwear. The time I pushed a car underwear. Anyway, just another side business.
Starting point is 01:57:34 What a crazy story. That's hilarious, the underwear shit. So, yeah, cop comes. I'm like, all right,
Starting point is 01:57:42 now I'm in the part of town where it's like predominantly white people. I'm this black guy, two o''m in the part of town where it's like predominantly white people. I'm this black guy, two o'clock in the morning, pushing a car across a busy street. Uh, he's like, Hey, what's going on? He's like, really cool. Like this happens all the time. And I'm like, Oh yeah. Um, I, what, I don't know exactly. I don't want to borrow my buddy's car. I'm pushing it. It broke down. I'm pushing it into this parking lot. I was going to call and get somebody to pick us up to take me to my car. He's like, no problem. He gets out, starts pushing
Starting point is 01:58:19 the car with me, shooting the shit, get it in the parking lot. He's like, how far is your car from here? I'm like, eh, it's like 10 minutes. You want a ride? Uh, sure. At no point did he ask for my license or anything. He's like, alright, you and the girl, hop in the back of the car.
Starting point is 01:58:38 The cruiser. I'm like, alright. So we get in the back of the cruiser. Him and I start talking. This girl was very corny i'll say that she reaches down my pants and is like doing stuff to me while i'm in well i'm like still kind of drunk talking to this police officer i'm like what the fuck is going on this is crazy get to my car still no question about license nothing did he ever ask the girl did he ever ask the girl any questions either like hey do you feel safe nothing nothing
Starting point is 01:59:14 at all no she felt safe yeah i'm like this is crazy you know you got a handy in the back of a cop car. I did. I'm not even kidding. Like it actually happened. I'm like, holy shit. So long story short, gets me to my car again, doesn't ask,
Starting point is 01:59:33 just drive. Hey, have a good day. And I get in my car, take her to take her to my place and, you know, seal the deal. But like point is there's all these narratives out there about white cops getting at, you know, seal the deal. But like, point is, there's all these narratives out there about white cops getting
Starting point is 01:59:47 at, you know, getting at, and that's just one story. I have other scenarios where I should have been locked up for sure for, you know, doing dumb shit, but like... You chose the story where you got a handy. I appreciate that, by the way. I would have fucking hung up on you
Starting point is 02:00:03 a long time ago if you didn't have a hand he knows his audience that's yeah yeah i really you guys would appreciate it but like this narrative that white cops are out to get black people and blah blah blah again i live in the most segregated one of the most segregated cities i i i'm a black guy i freaking you know i'm some people have said oh you look intimidating blah blah blah like i have had so many run-ins with cops where i should have been in trouble and i i don't know i get lucky and i i get off so how's your how many years ago is this i'm 37 i think it's 21 so like 16 A long time ago. Are you still friends with that dude? He's dead.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Oh, shit. We kind of like, no, it's fine. Like, we broke connection for a while. The last I heard is like he went to Mexico and died. I was like, oh, well. Oh, shit. Drugs or violence? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:04 I don't know. I know. I have no idea. That's all I hear. I haven't know. I don't know. I know. I have no idea. That's all I hear. I haven't talked to his family or anything. I just, that's what I heard from, he went to this church nearby and like my parents knew his family and they
Starting point is 02:01:17 said that he went to Mexico. He was gay. So he went to Mexico to follow some dude. Wait a second. You took a girl from a gay dude. I did. I would see. So God,
Starting point is 02:01:32 I wonder if he, that's why he's gay. I wonder if you fucking pushed him over the edge. It could be. I've also pushed women the other way too, by like denying them. And then they'd come out as gay, like not too long after i don't know
Starting point is 02:01:45 maybe i had that effect on people hey um did you did you see the podcast we did with uh tommy g from milwaukee hell yeah i did i reached out to him afterwards we're gonna he said come through and and we'll do some jiu-jitsu so what a cool guy he's incredible my god what he's doing is absolutely incredible that um i don't know if you've watched any of his documentaries but did you see that he has that one documentary and there's like these 20 black kids and one white kid all standing in the middle of the street and they all have gucci bags and they all have one machine gun and one handgun so so a day after he did that or the day after he was on the podcast, he texted me and said that that white kid had killed someone and went to jail.
Starting point is 02:02:27 Oh, no shit. Yeah. And it was like, yeah, what do you think is going to fucking happen? It's a bunch of fucking boys, 16 years old, 13 to 16 years old, standing in the streets, each of them armed with two or three guns. It's like, yeah, someone's going to get shot. It's just a matter of time. Exactly. God, Milwaukee is just a trip.
Starting point is 02:02:45 I've been looking at real estate there, too. I cannot fucking believe how inexpensive it is to live there. It's super cheap, especially if you're in those parts of town that Tommy G goes to. I mean, like, when I bought a house, I lived way on the south side in the suburbs. And, you know, it's still cheap, you know, compared to especially where you guys are at. and you know it's still cheap you know compared to especially where you guys are at uh but i mean house out four bedroom house up where he goes i mean it'd be like 60,000 70 is just super cheap because it is so you don't want to be there you don't want to you don't want to be walking through it let alone live in those areas of town it's terrible terrible. It's constant crime. It's just nuts, man.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Damn. All right. Well, thank you for a great story. Yeah, that was good. I'm glad I finally called in. I mean, I listen every day and, you know, comments, but I figured, you know what? How about a good handjob in the house?
Starting point is 02:03:42 Didn't disappoint. Yeah, thank you. That was a beautiful story yeah thanks all right later brother bye i think that's i think that's a um a kind of a milestone for this show i think that's like we've turned a corner a handjob at a cop car story i mean i did just it mean, those are the kind of stories I want to hear. That's crazy. It's like appropriate to the context of the social milieu that we talk about and the seriousness of it.
Starting point is 02:04:14 And yet the nuance of 18-year-old boy sexual gratification this this mix of i just liked it i thought i think it's um i think it's good it also shows the power maylou i don't know what it means a person's social environment yeah yeah like the the social the the you know the maylou of just the the the all the stuff we talk about like covid and racism and trannies and abortion, killing babies. And just, it's just like, those are all like the big social topics. And, uh, that's the social environment we live in. Did I use the word wrong? Someone tell me I'm open. No, I didn't know that word. Thank you for using, thank you for enlightening me. So yeah, expanding our vocabulary. It also also it was a good story because earlier where
Starting point is 02:05:06 you're talking about even if a chick puts water balloons underneath her bra we could and we know that that's just just happened in front of us you still but think about being driven to action so much with the chick that you're gonna like take your buddy's car you're gonna break down you're gonna push it across the thing you're gonna risk a dui you a DUI. You will do unreasonable things. Try about jumping through hoops of fire there to make that happen. I'm going to see. That's impressive. I want to show you the video that I've seen of that.
Starting point is 02:05:43 I don't know if I... What you what you know about no that's not it the same 30 songs on instagram real yeah yeah yeah fuck we are so lame we are lame and then it's funny too because all those people online that do all those trends call themselves creatives you're not fucking creative you're just waiting for the next tiktok trend to come out And it's funny too, because all those people online that do all those trends call themselves creatives. You're not fucking creative. You're just waiting for the next TikTok trend to come out. Creative. You're just doing some shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:12 I'm so creative. I did this thing before only a hundred other people had done it when I did it. Now thousands of other people did it. So, you know, now they're copying me. Dude, he wasn't wrong about those lots of land in milwaukee oh dude it's so cheap i was looking at like five bedroom homes 3 500 square feet that are 100 grand three stories wraparound decks i know it's nuts look at this uh chase brian our first house was three bedroom one bath, $25,000. What?
Starting point is 02:06:48 Bird it for $50,000. $950,000 a month. I don't know what that means. Bird it. What does it even mean? I don't know. It's like a technique in real estate. Is it?
Starting point is 02:06:55 Yeah. I just saw this thing that Andrew Tate tweeted. This would be right up your alley, Sevan. They told you the BLM protests don't spread COVID because the cause was noble and you still got the vaccine it's tardville we live in tardville nonsense like that hey but but what's crazy is you can lump that up with all one political party it's just the democrats yeah how is anyone still voting that way uh your neighbors don't say that again but ask your neighbors i know i know that no one wants to talk to me no one wants to talk to me no one to me uh i hear i hear family members in my house
Starting point is 02:07:47 whispering right now no oh just saying like they'll be like like i'll hear them be like oh my god like that like just in trump and desantis panic i'll hear i've heard family members like just pant like like i've heard i've heard my dem family members like in whispering to each other because they're they're scared i'm gonna come over there and fucking drop a dose of reality on them you guys want to see you want to see katrin's doppelganger oh what's this what's 2000 what's 218 a poo strap oh my god poo strap oh boy is that a gun that's made of poo oh no this is brilliant this is fucking brilliant the poo strap i wonder if you have one i wonder the u.s military would probably buy fucking 100 million dollars worth of these do you know what
Starting point is 02:08:43 it is caleb the poo strap do you have it on right what it is, Caleb? The poo strap? Do you have it on right now, Caleb? Do you have the poo strap on? It's 218. No, he doesn't. He doesn't have it on. Instagram just kicked me out of our account. But I would do an entire show wearing the poo strap. Just tie it to my desk.
Starting point is 02:09:02 Yeah, you know the poo strap, Kenneth? Did you send it to me? This thing is crazy drop a deuce of reality on them yes i can't pull it up can you pull it up yeah what i let oh 218 the poo strap thank you oh wait no mine only goes to 52.5 you're gonna have to do it okay i'm on i'm on deck my notes will end okay here we go here's the poo strap enjoy people this is uh and it's real so oh that's fucking genius it's basically a weight belt with long straps that you put around a tree and you can just lean back or around your toe hitch and look the guy's even holding toilet paper yeah it's got a little pocket right there for it you see oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i need one of those. Yeah, right? It's probably cleaner than the bathrooms you use.
Starting point is 02:10:06 Dude. And look at this duck they got on here. The poo strap. You know, you want to know how they clean our bathrooms? Yeah, tell me. They take the shower heads and they, like, turn it to, like, so it's like a jet. Yeah. And they just spray down the walls. And then they put it back on and then walk
Starting point is 02:10:26 out. Is, is that a, is that a government job? Is that a government job? Is that an enlisted man's job? Or is that a contractor? Contractor.
Starting point is 02:10:36 Oh, fuck. That even pisses me off even more. Government dollars at work. Can you look up in the urban dictionary upper decker ever done an upper decker you don't know what it is no do you know what it is yeah oh yeah an upper decker have i done one probably not you would have done it takes a little bit of ingenuity to do it um upper decker step one make sure nobody's around
Starting point is 02:11:08 to quietly open the lid of the upper section of the victim's toilet three quietly place the lid down on the floor then take a nice shit in the upper section of the toilet without letting anyone hear you wipe your ass step six place the soil soil toilet paper in the upper so i'm i'm shitting on the lid inside yeah so it's like the water tank you know when your toilet's messed up and you lift the lid so you can see what's going on oh it's doing it in there and then putting the lid back on it oh my god yeah place the soil toilet paper in the upper section of the toilet it's not called the upper section that it's what that's called like the water basin slowly lift the lid off the floor with your fingers under it and carefully bring it over to the toilet here's the hard part
Starting point is 02:11:55 with your fingers under the lid slowly place the lid on the toilet no false moves or you're screwed leave and don't let anyone see you why not just hang your ass in that thing and take a shit in there hey isn't that the water you're supposed to drink? If there's like an earthquake, what? Like, you know, like if your water gets turned off,
Starting point is 02:12:11 aren't you supposed to drink the water that's in that basin? That's kind of water, right? That's emergency water. Oh my God. I think we were talking. So if you take a shit in there, you ruin someone's emergency water supply.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Yeah. I like, I like, I like i like i like i've never done this but i like the thought of dry docking like if i would have known about that in high school do you know about that you turn the water off and then you flush the toilet so it's empty and then you drop a deuce in there oh that is not the act of placing two penises head to head where at least one penis has not been circumcised and roll the foreskin from one penis onto and over the other. Wow. Oh, my goodness. The algorithm is going to love this show. God, I would have just liked to have stopped a Jeremy story. That was good to handy in the cop car. Wow was our peak that was the climax it's all downhill now uh okay um
Starting point is 02:13:13 uh does let's see if we can leave with something funny is there anything funny oh here's a good quote from a guy, Theodore Vail, I saw the other day. Real difficulties can be overcome. It's only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. Real difficulties can be overcome. It's only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. Put your fucking peanut on that. Democrats, all of their fucking issues are fucking imaginary. Oh, man, 241.
Starting point is 02:13:52 I can't wait to do that one someday. Someday. It's just too long. Yeah. Kanye. Poor Kanye. Poor Kanye. So you guys don't have any of these ones down here on the bottom
Starting point is 02:14:06 I do oh how come you got them and I didn't hey I guess Johnny Depp's gonna do another Pirates of the Caribbean yes make 300 million on that you like those movies Caleb I just missed out
Starting point is 02:14:21 cats out of the bag now Caleb cats out of the bag it's too late I've tried to watch I've tried late. I've tried to watch those. I can't watch them. They filmed one right where I used to live, and I thought that was super cool when I was a kid. Savant can't dispend your belief? Yeah, the suspension of disbelief. Suspend your belief? I can't do it. it's like the muppet show gone bad so i feel about all romantic comedies too
Starting point is 02:14:55 you know yeah because there's times and then like the whole they're in the middle of the baseball thing and he's like and i love you and then there's like a big pan out and everybody in the stadium is applauding for him like get out on the field somehow and he'd be fucking tackled by security there'd be no you know moment and they all have the same plot like happy-go-lucky couple gets into some sort of issue usually evolving their family it seems like it's too far gone a deep misunderstanding a deep misunderstanding the boyfriend or girlfriend travels far away they have a shitty part of life they can't stop thinking about him and somehow they reconnect every hallmark movie epic magical moment every hallmark movie is the same god just tough okay let's do two more um two two you guys don't have who do you have 269? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 02:15:47 We'll do that one and then 267. 269 is this guy, Andrew Tate. This one is, I think I've said this on the show probably 50 times, but let's hear it from Andrew Tate. He says it pretty good, maybe better than me. I like romantic comedies. What's wrong with me? I mean, you could like them, but just. What's wrong with me? Really got to suspend your belief then.
Starting point is 02:16:09 Okay, here we go. So they're literally barely sentient individuals. If I was the kind of person, if I was walking around with a mask on and screaming at my fellow man in supermarket, and I've now realized I was wrong because COVID is still here and I'm not wearing a mask anymore. Neither is anyone else. I would feel deep shame. I would be apologetic. I would literally be saying to the world, I can't believe they fooled me like that. I don't know who you were, who I was yelling at in the supermarket. You were smarter than me. I made a mistake. I'm sorry. They fooled me. They tricked me. These people don't even feel shame. They don't even feel sorry. They don't even sit and go, wow, they made a fool out of me. It doesn't even cross their minds.
Starting point is 02:16:56 They're on to the next thing now. Slava Ukraine, next thing. They don't give a shit. And it's just truly amazing that it can destroy someone's life for three years and then recruit these people to go out there and push the agenda for them. And all the people who were tools of an agenda, now the agenda is over, are not sentient enough to sit and go, wow, they fooled me. I need to think more carefully next time they try and fool me. No, they just continue with the programming. These people are completely and utterly slave-minded genuinely slaves they live inside of a system and the system they're going to purport and fight to defend is going to destroy them they're not fighting for a system which is going to give them anything other than absolute slavery and tyranny it's truly incredible to watch and realize slave-minded it is true they're slaves
Starting point is 02:17:41 it's kind of funny actually unfortunately maybe something's wrong with me but if you don't feel shame if you if you wore a mask and you don't feel shame unconscious maybe maybe you still believe the narrative but if you woke up and you didn't you don't feel shame for what you did to your fellow man. If you haven't like thought, holy fuck, I spread fear and lies that hurt little kids, millions of little kids. You're, you're something that's fucking wrong with you. You are of the craziest slave mindset.
Starting point is 02:18:17 You are, you're actually just a, it's so nuts. He says it so well. You participated in that. It's okay. I'm ashamed that I ever fucking voted for Hillary Clinton. I'm fucking so ashamed.
Starting point is 02:18:36 It's not a bad thing. I feel alive when I feel ashamed that I did that. I'm ashamed that I fucking voted for Barack Obama I'm ashamed that I voted for people who insisted to keep fucking black people down under the guise of trying to uplift them I'm ashamed I'm ashamed that I ever voted for anyone who thinks
Starting point is 02:18:55 that general mutilation is okay sucks especially of kids I'm over it don't get me wrong I'm not like oh my god i have trouble sleeping at night i think i'm i'm a healthy human being for being ashamed of it and ashamed is good it's it's a test if you don't feel some sort of shame then you should be proud that's like your radar people like if the hair stands on the back of your head you should trust your judgment well same shame just think of shame is like that it's okay it's different than the kind of shame you
Starting point is 02:19:32 feel let's say if like you're five years old and you accidentally poop your pants and you feel ashamed you shouldn't feel ashamed for that you're five you got to figure that one out as you get older everyone's got a story where they poop their pants this little kid and it traumatized them that's not i'm not talking about that kind of shame. I'm talking about like an adult. Yeah, recently. Recently. Have you deuced your pants since you've been over there, overseas, Caleb?
Starting point is 02:19:55 Dude, it's been dangerously close. You know how far it is? It's been passing around here. Is it far? Dude, it's like a hundred yards. Oh, dude. It's never like a, oh, gradual. Like, you know what?
Starting point is 02:20:07 Maybe I do have to go poop. Let's go fucking walk out. It's like immediate. You're going to shit your pants right now. If you don't sprint over there. And if you do sprint over there, you're going to shit your pants anyway, because you're jostling everything around. Yes.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Yes. I would be screwed. Cause I'm the kind of person who waits till i'm prairie dogging i every time i take a shit i'm like i wonder if that touched my underwear i'm a total yes oh my goodness uh what was the other one we were going to show that one was good too 267 oh yeah tattoo this is good well this is this this this kind of wraps the whole thing up with tattoos and everything
Starting point is 02:20:50 frapped your fucking peanut around this fucking quote here my 14 year old nephew wanted to get a tattoo so we brought him in they denied him one because they said he wasn't old enough to make an informed consent on something so permanent. So we took him to a gender reassignment surgery instead. Oh, my goodness. That is the logic. When tattoo parlors are more responsible than medical doctors, it might be a problem. Wow. Well said, Caleb. Yeah. tattoo parlors are more responsible and medical doctors it might be a problem wow well said caleb yeah i remember i remember asking my dad for a motorcycle when i was 12 he said when you're 14
Starting point is 02:21:32 when i was 14 he said when you're 16 i remember asking my mom wanting a nose job my sophomore year in high school my mom's saying sure when you're 24 when your nose stops growing little did i know your nose never stops growing these are the things responsible adults tell kids what if my mom would have been like yeah your nose really is huge let's get it fixed i understand your mom might be a kardashian fucking ass what if my dad now i'm not saying that that i'm not saying that no kid 14 years old should get a motorcycle but it was clearly most 14 year olds shouldn't 99 especially latchkey kid like myself all right right, guys. Tomorrow morning we have Xavier DeRosa on the show. You can't see my text messages in my glasses, can you?
Starting point is 02:22:31 I kind of can. A little reflection, but I can't see anything to read it. My text messages are my text messages. I'm not transparent with them. Thank you to Gabe. Make sure you go out and order from Paper Street Coffee today before midnight. There's some sort of other deal that happens tomorrow, but I would go with today with 25% off and the free shipping with over $50. Thank you always to California Hormones,, code SEVON to get your free doctor's consultation.
Starting point is 02:23:01 If you live in California, you can also get free blood work. doctors consultation if you live in california you can also get free blood work and also uh you should know that california hormones has got behind us this year uh to help us cover uh wadapalooza which i'm so pumped about i'm so pumped about it's going to be good it's going to be really fun that was fun last year sending suzo over there and he roams around with the camera and will plumber and heidi uh croon and am i missing anyone? Caleb was here last year. Will you be there this year? Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 02:23:32 And Dick Butterby. Tomorrow we have Xavier DeRosa on. A guy who's had a similar journey to myself in the sense that he has I guess what they call it red pilling is that what they call it what's happened to us we got red pilled yep and then uh and then and then monday or tuesday i think i'm traveling one of the days i'm traveling there's
Starting point is 02:23:58 not a show scheduled that's tuesday suze is trying to give me the day off i refuse and i will figure out a way yeah stand by for the late night live calling yeah yeah you get set up in newport i would like to do like probably on thursday next thursday like at 10 p.m um what time is that for you 10 p.m our time um 10 p.m it's like 5 a.m or something uh yeah 10 p.m do you what do you what's your fridays do you teach classes on friday morning yes yeah fuck hola you're all morning on on fridays and uh all right that's it i'll see you guys tomorrow morning bye-bye adios

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