The Sevan Podcast - #688 - Hocus 45th

Episode Date: November 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:04 What is this? That's a good question, Bruce Lane. Bruce, you going to Waterpalooza this year? Part of the team this year? He lives at Waterpalooza. I'm really trying just to do one show a day, but this is East Coast coast cat he has an 11 p.m he has a show that goes on at 11 p.m eastern time is it 11 p.m eastern time or 12 11 p.m eastern time uh so how long does that mean we have him we can go two hours if we had to yeah uh less than that he probably needs to jump off and like prepare for his show but okay uh he has a show at 11 p.m and so he he sleeps in the morning and uh gotta get him while we can oh yeah it said this is gonna be a trippy show
Starting point is 00:01:56 i'm i'm actually um so excited i'm a little nervous about this show. This guy is, this guy has quite the life. I'll wait until he comes on before I give my. Give the spiel? Yeah, give my thoughts on what it is. That way he can course correct me and be like, no, that's not true, or that is true. Or damn you nailed it, which is what I expect. So Susie, you found your hoodie. Are you wearing a rogue hoodie? I am, but this isn't the one. It was the gray zip up a rogue hoodie. I wish. Oh yeah. I need a, I need a CEO zip up. I would love a,
Starting point is 00:02:41 I would love a CEO zip up Hocus what's up dude what's going on hey thank you just thank you um what a weird world that some dude some 50 year old man sitting behind his
Starting point is 00:03:02 desk in Santa Cruz California can reach out to some dude who's lives in, uh, New York, New York, New York. I live in Georgia though. Georgia. Okay. Living in Georgia and, uh, can just reach out to him and just strike up a conversation. Just two random guys. Well guys well and the guy down below producer suza what's going on i i appreciate you doing this you have your own you have your own live show that you do uh that starts at 11 p.m eastern time every night at 11 p.m eastern time on clubhouse though on clubhouse oh it's called Hocus Four-Fifth Rabbit Hole.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I got a couple years. Hocus Four-Fifth Rabbit Hole. Yes. Oh, we're going to get into some of that. That's going to be fun. And Clubhouse, I remember a couple years ago that supposedly it was, like, blowing up. It was huge. Everyone's like, hey, you got to go get on Clubhouse.
Starting point is 00:04:03 You got to go get on Clubhouse. And then I haven't heard about it in like two years or a year it's still going off yes well you know what some people like clubhouse has its own community right um you got people that love the platform and be on every day but some people feel like it's a dying platform i guess they feel like that because a lot of celebrities left and but my platform is still jumping actually my platform is growing day by day on there. So it's not a dying platform for me. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Well, why can't, can you stream to, do you go, they can, can they see you on, on clubhouse or just hear you? No,
Starting point is 00:04:36 they can only hear you. It's only, it's audio only. You know, you could do both. Yeah. I could, I could connect it to YouTube and go live there too yeah i know i can't i just i don't
Starting point is 00:04:47 know why i just don't do it okay um you know sometimes i'm like laying in my bed and then like you know not having to shave or you know make sure i look good sure sure sure but people are gonna love you either way you are a charismatic uh. Thank you. Some people are like basketball players. Some people like actors. Some people like scientists. I am a huge rap fan. I grew up in that era, UTFO, Run DMC, going to NWA, then Digital Underground and Tupac. I took the West Coast too short.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I was born and raised in Oakland in the Bay Area, E40. And I just took that route. And now that I have my own podcast, I'll have whoever the fuck on I want and I get to meet whoever I want. I wish I would have met you when I was 12 know 12 but fuck it 50 i'll take it not not much has changed since since i've been 12 really my mind if you'd have met me you was 12 i'd have been one you're uh you're 38 you're 39 yeah i want to i want to show you this first video um from your instagram page i want to start here and uh you got it you're gonna share it yeah i got it and i got it all queued up because
Starting point is 00:06:12 this is definitely where our paths cross uh the most right fucking here this is uh hocus uh four fifths uh 15 year old daughter uh playing Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Right. Crazy. You must be the proudest dad ever. I can't wait till my boys can do something like this. This is amazing. And you're there. Are you filming this? Yeah, I'm the one filming, yep. Are you holding back tears? I was smiling.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And where is that? Is that church? It's in a church, yes. brother congratulations i i have three kids and when i saw this uh amongst your post i was like oh this is where this dude and i connect on on the there's there's nothing better than that huh oh man i mean she's such an artistic person like let me say like the um the drawers that i have this is my home studio right um show you them right she drew everything in here all this is her this and this is when she was 13 years old like she's such an artistic person look at her it's just like she's so unique with her own style like i don't know if you can i don't know if y'all can see it good but yeah yep we see it good yeah yeah she's so unique with her own style like i don't know if you guys i don't know if y'all can
Starting point is 00:08:05 see it good but yeah yep we see it good yeah yeah she's just like an autistic person and just she amazed me every time like when she want to do something she just do it and she master it and everybody was telling me because you know i'm i wasn't i heard the tune before george gershwin but um everybody was like yo that's really hard to play i was like for real they're like yeah that's really hard like she did a thing i was like wow so yeah she amazed me all the time and you have four kids yeah i got four and how old are your kids um 20 she's 15 7 and 3 wow are they all in georgia no no my oldest son he's in new york he don't want to come to georgia he doesn't no does he have a good life in new york um yeah he got you know it's probably because
Starting point is 00:08:54 his girlfriend you know you know he's at that point like nah i'm not leaving my girl so yeah he got a good life he you know he's like a tiktoker uh you know youtuber he's like a TikToker, uh, you know, YouTuber. So you make his little money doing a little thing. Uh, if you guys go to YouTube and you type in, uh, Hocus, uh, four or five T, you will see a huge library of really awesome, uh, music videos. I watched them today for about 90 minutes while I was working out. Incredible stuff. We'll get to that. Um, Hocus, could we go back to just your childhood where you were
Starting point is 00:09:25 born yeah i was born in um i was born in harlem um up until the age like eight to where um me and my brothers uh and sisters wound up going to foster care then he moved to the bronx and then that's why i'm from the bronx i've been living there ever since i was like nine years old well i grew up there castle hill projects would be exact in the Bronx. And there's five of you, siblings total? No, no, no, no, no. I got seven brothers, three sisters. There's 11 of you?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yes. And where are you in the pack? I'm the fourth child. Wow. And when you go to foster care, how many of you go, do you guys all go to the same house? No. So the second half wasn't born yet. So it was just like me and me and three of my brothers or four of us. We went to we went to foster care in Brooklyn. My sister got lucky.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Right. And she wound up going to stay with a family member but you know still considered foster care but we went to like one of the harsh foster care houses in Brooklyn was it a facility or was it like a man and a woman there it was a woman she was like a grandmother type woman
Starting point is 00:10:38 older woman who really treated us like shit her name was Mrs. Bingley and were there other kids there other kids in foster care kids in foster care? Yes. No, not foster care. She had grandkids. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And why did you go to foster care? Yeah, we had to fight every day. With those kids? No, well, her oldest grandson, his name was Calvin. And I kind of respect it now, right? Even though I was a kid. I was eight years old, right? So it was like, what?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Seven, eight, nine, ten, right? Even though I was a kid. I was eight years old, right? So it was like, what? Seven, eight, nine, ten, right? So that's how old we were. So Calvin was like, yo, y'all got to come downstairs. Like our first, second day there. So we're like, all right. So we go downstairs. Calvin got the whole building down there ready to fight us.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I guess he wanted to test us. So we all had to fight. And you know, we all fought. But the Fawza people, they fell in love with us. It just the grandmother she treated us like shit how old was calvin he had i don't know for sure but he was older than all of us so he had to be anywhere from 13 to 17 maybe because he was taller he was older he was a he was already a teenager he was older and so you guys had to fight him one at a time he just fought you guys one at a time not him he had other little kids out there from the building oh shit yeah so he had them lined up like ain't nobody jump us but we've all fought one-on-one just for no reason
Starting point is 00:11:54 change his name to don is calvin did calvin have a big old afro and he changed his name to don king fight promoter holy shit yeah crazy wow i wonder how many foster kids he did that with right it's probably probably all of them yeah it was it was it was really bad another quick story is i remember we had got it into it with um uh it was like this this um family in the building they we called them the grease monkeys because they all were jerry curls remember the jerry curls back in the day so we called them grease Grease Monkeys because they all wore Jerry Curls. Remember the Jerry Curls back in the day? So we called them Grease Monkeys. They was mad black with Jerry Curls. It was funny, right? So I think people was playing with their door or whatever
Starting point is 00:12:32 and they try to basically front on this guy named Charles we used to be with. Charles was older too. He was like Calvin age. So we went with Charles to his brother's house and his brother actually gave us a gun. You got to remember I'm eight years old. Like it was really I think about it now. Like, wow, we didn't do nothing. But it's just the fact that we had access to a gun at eight years old.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It was crazy. And why did you go to foster care? Well, we went to foster care because my mother was in the streets, you know, using drugs. My father was selling drugs. We wound up going with my grandmother. And, you know, it just didn't work out. You know, what they call it is ACS now. It's BCW then. BCW. Yeah, they came and, you know, they took us.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I think in California they call it Child Protective Services. Yeah, it's ACS out there. It's ACS now. It used to be called BCW. So BCW came in New York and they took us and took us to foster care. And my mother and father,
Starting point is 00:13:32 they got their shit together. I got cursed, right? I'm good. Yeah, yeah. They got their shit together. He quit the streets. She got off drugs. They got back together
Starting point is 00:13:41 and they became our superheroes, man. They came and got us out of foster care. I always appreciate them for that. You no shit that's incredible are your parents still alive today my father died in 1996 he came and got us out of foster care in 91 he died five years later my mother's still alive wow holy shit how long were you in foster care only a year he's only there for a year. And when they come check on you, are you like, Hey, by the way,
Starting point is 00:14:08 I'm in this foster care and someone gave me a gun? No, we don't, you know, like we don't tell them that. I beat up all the kids. You know, my mother, unless she seen the interview, I never told her that story. Cause I done said it before. And as a matter of fact, she watched the documentary. So she probably know now I got a documentary out, but I never told her that story. Like, you know before and the fact that she watched the documentary so she probably know now i got a documentary out but i never told her that story like you know i just i don't know i grew up in the streets man we just you know certain things you just don't come back
Starting point is 00:14:33 home and tell your parents you know and then and then so you get out of foster care and you and you go back home and uh and and it's like a new life again. And do you go to school? Yeah. I was nine years old, yeah. Got out of foster care. And did you stay in school all the way through high school? Yeah, I stayed in school all the way to, see, my father died when I was like in seventh grade,
Starting point is 00:15:02 and that's when my, because I was always an honor roll student, all of us, we was honor roll students, you know what I mean? But that's when my own because I was always an honor roll student all of us was honor roll students you know I mean but uh that's when my grades started to fail I passed junior high school but high school was too much freedom like you mean to tell me I could just walk out this door nobody gonna say anything I could just go home it was like in New York it was like it was too much I was able to do what I want so I didn't really finish high school but I did get my GED and I did go to college. And that's another story. And when did you start getting in? And then you ended up joining the gang there at your home.
Starting point is 00:15:35 What was it called? The Castle Rock? Castle Hill. Castle Hill Project. Castle Hill Project. And in the Castle Hill Project, there was a gang. Yes. And they basically ran the building.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. It was a gang. Yes. And they basically ran the building. Yeah. It was a gang called Sex, Money, Murder. It was a street gang before it became a part of the Blood set. Later on, which became part of the Blood set. Meaning the Bloods are an international. By the way, that's why I wore my red shirt today. I started putting on my black one. I was like, no, no, I've watched enough.
Starting point is 00:16:03 the way that's why i wore my red shirt today i started putting on my black one i was like no no i've watched enough um uh and um and basically so the buds are an international group or at least a national group and then this gang somehow affiliated with them yeah you know it's you know a subset of the blood you know the bloods got bloods is the overall gang but they got subsets you know which which we call hoods which would be different neighborhoods you know i'm saying no i don't. And tell me, how old are you when that happens, when you start seeing those guys around? Do you remember your earliest memories of seeing a blood and someone explaining to you, like, hey, or the sex money murder guys?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Do you remember your earliest memories of someone being like, hey, don't fuck with those guys, or like, those are the guys we got to get with? So my earliest memories of sex money like, hey, don't fuck with those guys. Or like, those are the guys we got to get with. So my earliest memories of Sex, Money, Murder was really, like I said, it was like a crew. So that was probably early, early 90s, mid 90s. And then you started to see the Bloods come along, you know, in 93, the Bloods hit New York. But you started to see them a lot more in like 95, 96, 97. It was like heavy, heavy. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So I started seeing them a lot, lot. And so you live in the building. So these guys are hanging out front. And every day you walk home or you walk by them, you walk by them. And everyone knows who they are. Well, it's like it's a a project so it's not one building it's uh my projects actually have 14 buildings right so um it's really big it's a big projects in each building it's 320 story buildings and then the rest is a 12 story building so it's a
Starting point is 00:17:38 big project a lot of people so i mean yes it's a corner store castle hill randall where where the drug dealers where the gangsters hung out. Of course, you know, we the young kids in the neighborhood. We used to go up there, play with them, joke with them. They'll give us money, beat us up, you know, shit like that. So, you know, we grew up idolizing them, seeing them have money cars, girls, you know what I'm saying, jewelry. What's what was the what's the history of building projects like that? Why build? Do you know what the history of building projects like that? Why build?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Do you know what the history of the project is? Why build a 14 building, 14 buildings and three that are 20 stories and just start trying to pile people into them? Why did they do that? Do you know what the history of that is? I mean, I guess it's a project is a project, I guess, to see, you know, how people would will live under those conditions and not only to see how they will live to actually manipulate them. And so, oh, look at the look at the hood actually manipulate them into certain things. It's a drug. It's a liquor store on every corner. You know what I'm saying? They push drugs and guns in the neighborhood. And, you know, it's a project, you know. So from day one, is there a wiki page on that project, Sousa? So from day one, a project is a fucked up situation. It's not something like really nice and then slowly goes downhill.
Starting point is 00:18:54 From day one, it's sketchy. Well, honestly, I seen the old picture someone sent me of my neighborhood. And it was a bunch of um it was actually a bunch of white people there was like a castle hill in the 1960s right i guess it's around the time the projects was made or whatever um and it was a bunch of white people i believe that there was jewish people so i believe that the coming through ellis islands okay so that's where they put the jew immigrants yeah exactly that's where they put the jew immigrants right so i think that that's what it was like that's what that's where the ghettos right that's where they put the Jew immigrants. Yeah, exactly. That's where they put the Jew immigrants, right? So I think that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Like, that's where the ghettos, right? That's where the ghettos come from. Yeah. Jews, yeah, exactly. Because they were running from ghettos. Right. Okay, they were running from ghettos. They built them this housing.
Starting point is 00:19:39 They went in there. The way I know this story is that they started getting into uh clothing and seamstress shit and cleaning and basically that's when textiles and all that shit took off and they happened to be in the right place at the right time and killed it and they were in basically crazy hard work ethic right wow nuts nuts nuts nuts and then and when you when you in your whole memory of you being there is every single resident black. No, no. Black and Hispanic, mostly. And Hispanic, meaning just anything South America, anything south of San Diego. The Bronx is the Bronx is full of Puerto Ricans.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Everybody knows that. Yeah. The Bronx has a lot of I'm talking about mostly puerto rican plaques and puerto rican you get a sprinkle of i don't even remember no mexicans living in there um yeah we kept them all in california we weren't going to let you have any we kept them all in texas and all that right yeah yeah yeah but you'll find a sprinkle of mexicans all sprinkle honduras i'm talking about a few people but it's mostly blacks and puerto rican and any any irish cats there any dominicans irish like an irish family like what the fuck look on the 17th floor in building three there's some white people yeah like like um rest in peace so you know my homegirl cat i believe she was irish she's in the hood you know shout out to her whole family you know i'm saying um she's you know that was in the hood. You know, shout out to her whole family. You know what I'm saying? She's, you know, that was people too.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Man, we all loved her. The whole hood loved her. She was in one of your videos. No, Kat wasn't in it. No. No? Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Oh, yeah. But, yeah, so it wasn't really, wasn't really no white people. Like, I'll be real with you, what it was. Not me. And what happened to kat um uh she uh passed away from an illness um i can't remember exactly what it is cancer i believe one something i don't want to freestyle but um yeah she definitely yeah got
Starting point is 00:21:41 sick and passed away and then so so these guys are hanging out the sex money murder guys um you doing normal kid shit with them trying to get them to buy you candy fucking with them you know seeing what you can get away with building relationships with them and then at some point they must indoctrinate you right they're they're like hey hocus you want to do this you want to even before i became blood you, and joined the gang, I was already outside. So meaning that I was in the streets. So I started selling crack cocaine when I was like 13, 14 years old. And, you know, I was outside.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Like I said, I was out there. You know, I wasn't Blood then. And you know what it was? It was when all my bloods, like I said, bloods hit the streets hard. A lot of people started coming home, which come home, not in the sense from jail, come home mean a lot of people started turning blood. And I didn't turn blood. A lot of people was other sets first. So there's a set called Non Trey, Five Non Brim, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, so these my own my pairs they was those other sets and they wanted me to turn blood then and i was just like nah the only way i would turn blood is
Starting point is 00:22:50 if it's sex money murder because that crew started in our neighborhood so eventually all of us would you know the ogs from the hood would bring all of us home meaning they would turn all of us sex money money and and when you went from the And when you started selling crack, by the way, did you know the guy who made it? Did you get it from the source? Yeah, did you get it from the source? When you say that, what you mean? The actual guy who made crack? Yeah, the cook.
Starting point is 00:23:17 No, no, no, no. Not the very first guy of all time. But did you know the cook? Would you go to the cook's house and get your supply? Oh, yes. Yes. I had a partner, and we would buy our own cocaine. And then I would later learn how to cook it up myself.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Damn. 600 episodes. Never had anyone on the show who cooked crack. And now in the last two weeks, we had two dudes who – and this dude cooked crack at 14. That was his first gig. What city was that? Was he milwaukee what city was he uh tomlinson do you remember suza uh no i don't like it doesn't it doesn't come to mind we've had so many of them i'm like so so so then you start doing that and so was there was there ever an official affiliation
Starting point is 00:24:05 process or because of your vocation being a cook and a businessman do you just get absorbed into it or is there an actual is there an actual ceremony of some sorts well i i guess for different strokes with different folks when it comes to gangs some people get jumped in some people got to put in work meaning they got to um commit a violent act to get in. For me, I did have to fight dudes. That's because dudes try to G-check me, like try to see me, G-check me. And then they come and make sure you write everything, you know your stuff and all that. But other than that, I was already involved and I was already a part of, you know, that kind of crew.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So, you know, I just became it was like second nature, kind of like, you know, you got sex money, we sex money. And then and then so when when do you start seeing when you start feeling your artistic talents coming? What how old are you when you start feeling like you might be a lyricist or you might want to rap or you might have musical inclinations or whatever your creativity how old are you when that happens that that that goes back to my father he he introduced me to hip-hop and um the first artist that i fell in love with was tupac and it was a song called trapped and it's funny because you know now that i think about it's like i was eight nine years old loving trapped and he's he's rapping about being trapped in this prison of illusion, like, you know what I mean? Being a police brutality and all that type of stuff. And I'm
Starting point is 00:25:29 really too young to understand it, but I love the flow. I love the beat and I love the lyrics. And I actually wrote down those lyrics just to learn them. That's how much I was in love with them. And my father used to always talk about music and rapping. And I was like, I want to be a rapper. So one day, we used to have the radios and you press play and record and you could record on the tape. So he was like, all right, rap something for me. And so I said, well, I don't want you to be here. So he went to the back, I rapped in the radio, he came back, he listened to it. I ran to the room. I didn't want to see his response. And he was like, yo, come here. And then I came, he was like, yo, I like it, it's nice. And I think that if he had told, like, ah, I don't think I would have never
Starting point is 00:26:07 became a rapper because his word really meant a lot to me. Like, he, one quick story is, one day he was at the window and he was smoking a cigarette. And he was like, come here. And I went over there and he gave me the box of cigarettes. And he was like, read it. And I read it and it said something, like, along the lines, like, may cause lung cancer or something like that. It had a warning sign. And he was like, don't ever smoke these. And I was like, but you smoking along the lines of may cause lung cancer or something like that. It had a warning signal.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And he was like, don't ever smoke these. And I was like, but you smoking it right now. As a kid, I'm like, you smoking it though. He was like, yeah, but these will kill you. Don't ever smoke them. Do what I say. Don't do what I do. So I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And to this day, I never smoked a cigarette in my life, right? So that man, he had that much influence over me. So my influence from Rapville came from back then. And he really, that right there, that event that that that sparked. I never rap for anyone. Only time I never I never broke past the phase of just rapping to myself or rapping to my kids, like especially when they were babies. I would rap to my kids all the time, all the fucking time. I'd love to hear what are your rap.
Starting point is 00:27:03 No, you can't. But but it is interesting. that's a great story i'm glad you told like that because you didn't i wonder if every rapper starts off that way i always i always wonder i saw i saw this thing on lil wayne one time that he basically takes a recorder with him everywhere he goes and a pole mic and he's just fucking obsessive it's just basically he's just rapping all the fucking time and he's just obsessed with it that's the first thing he sets up when he goes to his hotel room um right so you did that and someone believed in you just a little spark your dad believed in you yes and you were off to the races do you remember the next time you rapped and do you remember the first time you rapped like like with like five
Starting point is 00:27:41 year five year friends around or something yeah actually um as we got older and i'm as like early teens i would say as early as 14 15 i started to really write raps now you know i won't say take it serious but as far as just rapping taking it serious and i would rap to my friends they will rap and um i was always the one to orchestrate things. So remember I told you about the radio, right? So what I did now is we went and got two radios. One where I could play an instrumental from and one where I could record. So this is before we had studio, right? So I would play an instrumental from. You had a two-track.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You had a homemade two-track. A homemade two-track. I would play the instrumental from one radio and we would rap into the other one. And that's how we would make our tracks. And we would let people hear it around the neighborhood and they actually liked it i was like oh shit all right you know people really like us rapping and does that vulnerability ever go away like the fact that like you're you're rapping you're making yourself vulnerable right you're rapping and then all like i like you have a two minute i right before the show i listened to a
Starting point is 00:28:43 two minute freestyle you did live on the air on youtube i'm like that's fucking i mean that's and when i've seen other rappers do it i'm like that's got to be fucking wild to do that that's got to be terrifying i guess you get used to it i mean i haven't done it in a while but i guess you get you know you get you if this is what you do and this is what you love doing, it becomes second nature. It's like it's not really scary. It's not exactly what you want to do. It's like. I always think that you might just wrap yourself into a corner. Like all of a sudden you're like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I ran out of words. Yeah, I ran out of words. Nah, man. Most of the time you got it right here. So, you know, it's all good. And do you get in the zone when you're freestyling? Like you can't, like almost like you're having an out-of-body experience, like you can't even believe the shit's coming out of your mouth?
Starting point is 00:29:34 No. I mean, I get in the zone. I get in the zone, but I just, it just flows. It is kind of like, it is kind of like that in the zone, like how they say sometimes basketball players be in the zone, right? It is kind of that in the zone sense. Yeah, you do get in the zone, though. And so you have these basically you have these.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Are they competing with each other, your job and sex, money, murder and this desire to rap? Are those the two big things in your life from a young age? Well, I'll tell you this much every time i pursue my music every time i got a positive result every time i will revert back to the streets i will get a negative result meaning i will i would you know be faced with some problems issues in the streets or i will go to jail every single time but every time i pursue my passion of music it was always like i told you a story about my father it was like oh good later on with my friends oh good then we the neighborhood like oh we really like this it was and it just you know kept growing but always got a positive result so yeah it's kind of it definitely is and i think it
Starting point is 00:30:40 is it's like that for for all rappers who come from the street it's always going to conflict oh and what are the problems with um obviously the problems with the crack business is you're dealing with um people who fucking have will fucking steal your shit right you're dealing you're dealing with the cops uh you're dealing with uh uh competitors on the streets are those the three main things that can go fucking sideways people stealing from you your competitors on the streets are those the three main things that can go fucking sideways people stealing from you your competitors and the cops yeah you could get you could get robbed you could get shot you could you know i'm saying it's the streets there's there is no rules people act like there's rules in the streets but there really ain't it's like a no-holds-barred jungle like anything goes until people act like it don't goes like you know at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:31:25 everybody's gonna get you somebody's gonna snitch on you one million percent if you're out there right so people act like it don't go until it goes oh you're not supposed to be doing that but it happens every time so why we keep saying that you know right so yeah in one of your songs you call out a guy paulie for being a snitch and i heard that and i'm like oh shit is that did he really just call out someone for being a snitch like is that really the guy's name who being a snitch. And I heard that and I'm like, oh, shit, is that did he really just call out someone for being a snitch? Like, is that really the guy's name who is a snitch? Yeah, he was actually like a little brother, more like a nephew. And he actually grew up in my not only my neighborhood, in my building on the same floor.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Like his uncles was my right hand man, you know, And Paulie will later on come outside, be in the streets. I never gave him no drugs. My brother's never given no drugs, but this is what he told the DA. And Paulie got into some trouble because Paulie shot somebody over a girl and he got caught for it. So he started working with them. They let him go. We didn't notice. Then he winds up robbing the old lady and cutting her. They gave him a second plea deal. Let him go again to come out and work, you know, and, you know, try to set us up. And that's exactly what he did. He didn't he didn't set us up. He just went on. It took on a grand jury and lied and a whole bunch of stories. He told he sold drugs for us.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I was done for Sahar. He made he told he sold drugs for us i was done for sahara he made he put their story together for them did he wear a wire on you guys no he didn't wear a wire he just gave them information and just put a story he corroborated their story because i believe they made it up right i believe he just went on the stand and say whatever i gotta do to get out of trouble that's what i think happened hey does he Hey, does he have to leave New York after that? No. No. I mean, even after we found out, he was still in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And, you know, people, you know, I don't know if it was because of this. I got to be careful what I say here because this guy is an informant. People beat him up. I didn't tell nobody to beat him up. I heard people beat him up while I was still in jail fighting my case. And then he wound up moving and his family wanted to move. And so I don't know where he's at now, but I, you know, from what I heard, he wound up working with them more,
Starting point is 00:33:32 getting other people locked up, you know what I'm saying? So yeah, he's probably still working with them right now. And is that the case that he testified? That's the case you did four years on Rikers Island for? Oh, fuck. I didn't put that together. Damn. the case that he testified, that's the case you, you did four years on Rikers Island for? Yeah. Oh, fuck. I didn't put that together.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Damn. Yeah. He actually went on the grand jury and told a whole bunch of bullshit. And then he came, you know, and the day I see when I went to trial and I sink them up there, my heart turned like, yo, he really about to come do this.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Like, you know, when people was, um, I don't know, man, when people cowards and they, they feel like they survived was on the line is fuck you. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:34:08 At the end of the day, he lied though. It wasn't even like you're, you're a liar. Right. It's just sad. Like for real. Um, tell me, tell me about that. What year was that? What, what happened that started that whole case?
Starting point is 00:34:23 What happened that made it? So you ended up doing four years at Rikers and then eventually got off which is crazy by the way that you got off so crazy yeah so um like i said he was the um hub of it because he wound up doing that so but we was they you know we was popular i'm i'm popular where i'm from right um so you know the police knew who we were and um they knew that we was getting money but you know they just couldn't figure it out you know i mean so they needed to they needed a story they needed to put a case together a conspiracy together in order to lock us up you know mind you i never got caught with no drugs you know i got caught with money i got caught with twenty two thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:34:58 two separate times and that's what that number i don't like them but anyway um both times you had twenty two thousand dollars was that oh yeah part and was that was that were those just deals that were twenty two thousand dollar deals or that just happened to be how much money you had that just happened to be how much money i had on me each time how do you carry twenty two thousand dollars on you where do you put that all in hundreds in your pocket wow It's like a stack in each. Yeah. And it's crazy. The same number the following year. The first time I got it back, the second time they held it for the investigation.
Starting point is 00:35:35 That's what I was going to ask. So they was putting together this. They was investigating us. You know what I'm saying? But at the time they was investigating us, that's when I started the rap group Bang Bang Boogie with my man P.O. So we started that rap group. That was me, my song, Lord Tariq, Cuban Link from Terror Squad, and my brother S1, who actually Blue Trial.
Starting point is 00:35:53 He's still doing time right now. So we was doing that while they investigating us. So these guys got our phone tapped while we doing the music. And we put out a song together. A week later, we got 50 Cent on the phone. Like, yo, I'm messing with y'all. Y'all want to help y'all. 50 Cent started promoting us.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Even came out in the video with us, you know, wearing our shirt, Bang Bang Boogie. He was supporting us. You know, we was in a Billboard magazine. A week later, I get indicted facing life in prison, you know? What was the name of the song the name of the song was high blood pressure it's the first song that we did the name of the song that 50 cent wears the shirt on you can pull it up on youtube it's called bang out bang out um and and four people got shot right that's what you ended up being charged with
Starting point is 00:36:42 none of them died before people got shot yeah that was that was one of my charges as well as conspiracy and what's conspiracy well i had conspiracy in the first second third and fourth degree they were all drug conspiracies right but conspiracy in the first degree is the reason why i was held so long on ricketts island without bail because it's an a1 felony the only thing that's an a1 felony is murder you know i'm saying like that's the type of so you know you don't get bail for murder. Right. So so conspiracy in the first degree is when they took they took this out now because it's so crazy that they couldn't keep that statue in there. But it was with someone someone who is 18 or over commits a felony with someone who's a b felony over with someone who's under the age of 16 now let me say that one more time if someone who's 18 or older commits a b
Starting point is 00:37:34 felony or over with someone under the age of 16 okay okay that's conspiracy first degree and you could end up doing life in prison for that um so Paulie was the 15-year-old. Basically, it's hurting kids. It falls under some sort of hurting kids to protect kids. Exactly. But Paulie, he was the 15-year-old who gave them the story that had us locked up for that A1. Yeah, the A1 felony. The definition of conspiracy is the secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. So he supposedly was talking about your unlawful harmful plans
Starting point is 00:38:05 and it went to jury yeah i went to a jury trial and my trial lasted two months two like two and a half months oh and did you have a public defender or did you hire a lawyer no i hired the lord paul brenner shout out to paul brenner salute holy shit uh jew Paul Brenner what was he yeah he was a Jew yeah good shout to my Jewish lawyer Paul Brenner yeah man you're the man um how do what was it what was the circumstance that four people got shot how do four all at the same incident four people got shot yeah four people got shot at the same incident and they were trying to say i did it because they found they found my hat on a scene with they found a hat on the scene with my dna mind you they find a do-rag on the scene someone else's dna
Starting point is 00:38:58 they find a shirt they find some glasses but they find my hat on the scene because my hat is Hocus's hat. Hocus shot these four people and all the witnesses said the shooter had a mask. Nope. None of them said he had a hat on. They all said he had a mask on. You know, trying to picture you wearing a mask and a hat. I don't think I've ever seen that. OK, so so so they put you in jail. And are you how old are you when you go to rikers island at this time for that case i was uh 25 and the stories are that it's just a complete fucking shithole nightmare yeah man rikers island is a shithole nightmare it's um you know the worst part of it for me is the disrespect from the correction officers. It's the way they, you know, they treat us.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's the searching yourself, tossing it up every day, every time they can, when they want to, how they want to. It's the strip searches, having to squat, you know, show your ass to grown ass men. You know what I mean? It's, you know, just the dehumanization of it all. Like, you know, that's the most stressful part to me than anything was was there any time in the in when you were on the streets when you were young where you had to have a talk with yourself where you're like okay like you had to give yourself like this life pep talk like okay i'm just never gonna show fear or this is like this is a fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:40:23 situation that my life is in and i just have to always fucking face everything head on or I'm just going to run from everything. Was there ever a time in your life at some young age where you put a plan into play that was going to be your go to a plan every time? That's a good question. I think there was a time I could call remembering just telling myself like I'm, you know, another thing that my father always told me when I was a kid, he said, you know, I didn't really understand it then because he died when I was 12, right? He said, don't ever be a snitch and always look a man in his eyes when you talk to him, right? So when it came time for me being put in these situations, of course, they tried to put me in a room and wanted to get me to snitch and shit like that. You know what I mean? I'm going to be honorable for myself, and I promise Pops this too, but I'm going to just do it for myself because nah, this ain't the right thing to do. I'm going to face my accuser, and that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:41:16 But it was a time where I used to feel like, I just felt like in this world, can't play with nobody, and I'm not not gonna let nobody play with me and i don't mean play in a real literal playful sense meaning like you know i gotta um i'm gonna have to you know i'm five foot six and sure i gotta poke my chest out right so yeah i did i could say i had an ego that was like that like nah you know i'm not gonna let nobody play with me out here and were you always like that or did you have to turn into that person? Do you remember there was an incident at 10 years old and you're like, okay, from this day on, I'm fucking putting my foot down? It probably was, yeah, like I told you, when we went to foster care, I was eight years old. You know what I'm saying? I was eight.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I had to fight the day I got there. It's crazy. You know what i'm saying so it was like early on i was taught like yo you can't play in this world like you always gotta be ready you know and there are kids all over the united states who wanted to play rapper you know that right what do you mean what do you mean wanted to play rapper they wanted to play rapper they drove around with a gun in their car they wanted to play rapper they drove around with a gun in their car they wanted to act tough but at the end of the day they went home and ate spaghetti with their family and like you know they had the fucking dog and and you know and
Starting point is 00:42:35 they were gonna they were gonna go to they were gonna go to college and you know but but there there's a whole world of kids out there who wanted it it's kind of like this. In college, I was a hippie, and I was a homeless hippie. And so when my hair got all matted and shit, it was because I didn't shower. When my clothes had holes in them, it's because I got them out of the free box. I walked around barefoot because I didn't know what happened to my shoes. into my shoes but there was a whole the vast majority hippies would go home buy their 200 pair of corduroy pants and cut a hole in them and then sew a patch in them yeah and so there's this whole there's this there's this perception That this hip hop rap culture is just fucking hard. Right. And that's and that's kind of the the I don't know if it's the selling strategy, but some of the dudes really are fucking hard.
Starting point is 00:43:37 They grew up with in a gang called Sex, Money, Murder. And then and then there's and then there's just high school kids everywhere who just listen to that music and they're hard when that music's on and maybe they got their daddy's gun under the seat and but they're not they're gonna go to college they're gonna become mbas you know what i mean they're not smoking crack they're doing lines of coke and they're using their dad's amex to cut it up you know what i mean and they're not like robbing prostitutes and you know what i mean their moms are have never sold their pussy for drugs. And you know what I mean? It's just like it's just it's a but do you have any appreciation for that as you do have any appreciation for that now?
Starting point is 00:44:16 Like, do you understand that that's like the what's going on? Well, I'd say this much rap was rap was coming up, they used to look up to the street dudes. Now, street dudes kind of look up to rappers. I mean, nowadays, I think it's much worse. These little young dudes, they actually living what they rap. A lot of rappers in the 90s, 80s, 90s, even some early 2000s, they wasn't really living the rap style they was rapping about. They wasn't really living the rap style they was rapping about. But nowadays, it's much, much worse. Like now, these kids actually shooting you, going to rap about it in a song, telling the whole world about it, putting it on Instagram, IG, and it's being played on the radio. But yeah, I understand what you mean. People look at rappers like they tough, they live this hard lifestyle. And I don't know, man. I just, you know, it's crazy that now that I'm at this age,
Starting point is 00:45:10 a lot of people want to hear my story and it intrigues them. I'm actually doing a movie. We're going to shoot it. We're going to start shooting it next year. We're into writing it right now. You know, my life story. I got the documentary out. That's going to be touching a major platform.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I'm not going to say it yet. Where's the documentary? It's crazy. going to be touching um a major platform i'm not going to say it yet um soon and where's the documentary it's crazy i fucking spent hours digging around i didn't see any documentary you know what i believe i believe that i put it unlisted because i'll send it to you to watch but i can't because i just signed a contract for this platform they picked it up you know but i um i'll definitely send it to you to watch. Let me guess. Is it Gravitas Films? No. Oh. There's the largest documentary distributor in the world. They did probably five of my movies.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Oh, nice. I got five movies in the top 100 all time on Apple documentaries. Nice. Oh, and look at those guns. Yeah. Yeah. And I work out a little bit. I never fronted on Apple documentaries. Nice. Oh, and look at those guns. Yeah, yeah, and I work out a little bit. Okay. I never fronted on a rapper. Okay, so that happens, and you go to Rikers, and you have to do four years there while you're trying to figure out how you're going to work with um uh paul the super jew lawyer to get you out and you have a kid and you have a kid on the outside at the same time at that time
Starting point is 00:46:34 i had two i had my oldest son and my daughter that you just seen um playing the piano she was she was 18 months when i went in and did you have anyone on the outside at that point who loved you, who cared about you? Yeah, my family. I had friends. You know, my brother was my oldest brother. He was still out there. He was holding us down. You know, I can say I had a big support system, you know, as far as like mentally and even financially.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I was okay. I ain't gonna lie. I was okay. And did you have people in there? Did you have people inside? Yeah. I mean, I went in there with 25 people, right? Co-defendants.
Starting point is 00:47:12 But they split us up, of course. But sometimes some would be in the same building. But then you got to remember, I went in there as a gang member. You know what I'm saying? 25 of you went into the same prison at the same time? Yeah. But they got, Priceless yeah but they got rikers island they got different buildings so it's like some of us each of us in different buildings you know
Starting point is 00:47:31 what i'm saying so it'd be like that but um you know the bloods um run rikers island so i was a blood member i was okay you know i mean i was cool i would show what if you weren't a blood you'll be all right too you'll be all right too if you're not a blood? You'll be all right, too. You'll be all right, too, if you're not a blood. You know what I mean? It's just, you know, it's how you carry yourself. Like, I think everybody, you know, I didn't really, I didn't get into not one fight. I had to smack one dude, but he didn't fight back. But in four years, right?
Starting point is 00:47:57 But I didn't get into not one fight. It was just the way I carried myself. You know what I mean? People respect me. I respect them. And I was more, I was more going through, like, a spiritual journey anyway. I was on some whole other type of time. You were? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:08 That's when I became a vegan. That's when I started reading David Icke books. I started learning about the reptilians. I started learning about who controls this world, the government, and Illuminati, and all that type. I started to really dive deep within myself. And you read The Secret. Oh, yes. I read The Secret.
Starting point is 00:48:28 That's a fact. And you read The Alchemist. The Alchemist. Yep. And Celestine Prophecy. Those books right there changed my life. Yeah. Those two books changed my life too, especially The Alchemist.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That book fucking rocked me. Yeah. I love it. Love it. I always recommend that book to people. Do you have faith? Faith? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 I would say I have knowing. Knowing. Yeah, like, you know. I hear you. Go, go, go. I don't just believe just to believe. I believe more in, like, a knowing. Like, I know this is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:49:03 You know, it's more like that. So, it's like, yeah, it's like faith in knowing, though I know this is going to happen. You know, it's more like that. So it's like, yeah, it's like faith and knowing, though. It's not like blind faith. Like I hope it's not like a hopeful faith. No, it's more like I have a knowing. It's interesting because I have this discussion quite a bit, especially with the people in the comments here on the podcast. There's this they they a lot of people believe in God. And I'm like, man, that seems like you're missing out.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Like why wouldn't you just know something or just wait, wait, wait? It's interesting. Faith is a term that's come up on this show kind of quite a bit. I think I – I don't think I have knowing faith, but I think I have blind faith. I think I got to it because it's a way I learned that it's a waste of time. In simple terms, it's a waste of time to argue with reality, because when you argue with reality, you just go into your head. And it's I think it's the beginning of just fucking insanity. I mean, that's what most people around us do. They're just arguing with reality.
Starting point is 00:50:00 You know what I mean? Like your windshield cracks. You're supposed to get upset. Right. But it's like, what can you're supposed to get upset right but it's like all right what can you do yeah it's fucking cracked yeah like i have faith i'm gonna it's gonna get fixed like it's gonna or it's gonna get cracked again you know it's like so you're in rikers and do you in in there um uh we'll get to the people. God, I was talking to someone before the show. I'm like, I don't know if I can talk about the reptile people. They're like, why? I'm like, what if I start believing that shit? Because I'm like a sponge. I'm like a like I said, I'm like a 12 year old. I'm susceptible to believe in anything. OK, so. So you're in there and can you tell me about so was there a case and you were found guilty and then there was another and then you had the case brought up again and you were found innocent?
Starting point is 00:50:48 No, I was out. I went to trial. Why did it take four years? So, you know, they have 180 days to get ready, right? 180 days. But time stops on one end if this person ain't ready. And then time will go back again if this person ain't ready. And then time, the judge can make the time stop. It's just weird, right?
Starting point is 00:51:19 I got no bail. So they're like, okay, next court date. I might go to court in January. Next court date, September. It's like, I got to wait six months to go to my next court date. Next thing you know, four years pass, and the judge is like, we got to go to trial now. We've been here too long. And I went to trial. I was acquitted on everything.
Starting point is 00:51:34 On eight counts, four counts of conspiracy and four shootings. I was acquitted on all eight counts. And on 12-12-12. Crazy, right? December 12, 2012. That day. A day that would never happen again. That's the day I was let go
Starting point is 00:51:47 and I was acquitted. Wow. And so, and basically there was no bail because, and we talked about that already because Pauly was 15. The guy may spend...
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, it was an A1 felony. And then judge, like we don't give bails for A felonies. You know what I'm saying? So you go in there. So during the trial and you said the trial was two and a half months did you feel like it was going your way
Starting point is 00:52:10 um yeah and no you know you got them times where you're like oh my lawyer killed him but you don't know what the jury thinking you know what i'm saying you know yeah they could be like i don't care about that like you know what i'm saying but was, you know, I got my signs that it was going good. You know, I never, I never really got a sign that it was going, oh, only one sign that it was going bad. Okay. So I had caught a case in 2005 where I was in a shootout and they got me on camera with the gun like this shooting. Right. And the project.
Starting point is 00:52:41 That sounds bad. That sounds bad, Hocus. Yeah. But let me say, right. I copped out. I did a year for that. That sounds bad, Hocus. Yeah, well, let me say, right? I copped out. I did a year for that. I did my time for that. The judge allowed them to bring that up.
Starting point is 00:52:51 They presented that whole case. Even though I did my time for it, I wasn't even charged with it now, but he allowed them to bring it, to present it as if I was. Like, they presented, they brought the forensic for it. They brought the cops for it and everything.
Starting point is 00:53:08 So I wasn't charged for it, though. So when the jury is deliberating, so, you know, the jury, they send out notes and they ask for stuff. They ask for evidence. So when they sent out a note, they said they wanted to see that picture. I said, I looked at my lawyer like, why do you want to see that picture? He said, I don't know. I'm like, yo,
Starting point is 00:53:26 that's when I thought, I was like, that was looking bad. That's the only time I was like, damn, they're going to convict me of these shootings and I did time for that shit already.
Starting point is 00:53:32 They're going to judge me based off of that. But they didn't. They didn't judge me based off of that, you know? And I got, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:37 for real. How long, what were you looking at? How long, how much time? 25 to life. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, so if I had a blue to any one of the yeah so if i had a blue to any one of the shootings if i had a blue to just one of the shootings that's 25 flat maximum um and the the a1 felony which is the conspiracy held 15 to life but not not you know you can get 15 years no if you blow to that you automatically get the life so you know at the end what did the jury look like white guys black guys girls that's a good question right because there's a story behind that so in the bronx you know they say if you want to go to trial anywhere in the world you want to go try out in the bronx you know it's 60 40 on
Starting point is 00:54:16 out and on the defense and who wins right um no for real because because there's a lot of it's a lot of um blacks and puerto ricans i mean i you all that. So when we was picking a jury, you get 20 strikes and the prosecutor get 20 strikes. That means that you can strike 20 people that you don't want to be a juror without any questions. You don't even have to give a reason. You see a guy, you're like, fuck that guy. Every white guy. I was like, every white guy. I'm like, tell lawyer strike him strike him strike
Starting point is 00:54:47 so the da said your honor your honor i want to put in a backs application i don't know what that means he's i want to put in a backs application he's striking every white person i was like damn he got me so look though so it's funny right so it was one chinese guy left and um and the judge was like calm down calm down, calm down. He didn't want to, because if we put the bass application, we got to start the whole process over. He was like, so he asked my lawyer, like, see if your client would at least let the Chinese guy go. Would you be okay with that? The DA said, yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So I said, oh, yeah, let the Chinese guy go. Because the Chinese guy, he wasn't even a main jury. He was a, what do you call it, an alternate. So, you know, you get 15 jurors. He was a, what do you call it, an alternate. Yeah. So, you know, you get 15 jurors. There's only 12, right, that actually choose. But you got three alternate just in case one of them fall out. So he was an alternate anyway.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I was like, okay, we can get the Chinese guy. You had 15 black people and a Chinese alternate. It was 14 black and Spanish and a Chinese alternate. That's awesome. Hey, can you give me, we're going to run a quick commercial while I pee. I just got to pee. I made these commercials so I could pee. I just got to pee for a minute.
Starting point is 00:55:52 You got to pee? Just text me. Here's the thing. I'm going to go get me a glass of water. Okay, we'll be back in 66 seconds. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a coach you don't have to want to be a trainer if you just want the operating manual to your body it's not just
Starting point is 00:56:10 forging elite fitness it's the operating manual to the human genome you'll take this crossfit level one seminar and you will walk away inspired from the second you leave your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive. For some people, it'll be a little bit.
Starting point is 00:56:41 No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about crossfit but bam nailed it yeah i can't believe they paid me a hundred thousand dollars for that money well spent yeah uh so so the, so the jury, so the jury, you get the jury, they want to see a picture of you shooting. Hey, you want to go, you want to get crazy for a second? What's that? Do you know, did you follow the George Floyd case very closely? Um, pretty close.
Starting point is 00:57:44 You know that there were he had two previous chart. Well, he had three previous charges, but there were two previous charges where they had video footage of him in the back of a cop car saying I can't breathe. Right. And him eating fentanyl. And they didn't let him. They didn't they did not let that footage get submitted to the in that case. Right. I think I actually think that and I'm also seeing Candace Owens documentary. I liked it, too. Yeah, I haven't seen that yet. But what a fucking crazy situation, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:58:09 What a fucking crazy situation. We don't have time for George Floyd right now. Maybe that'll be if you and I, it seems like we're getting along good, right? Yep. Yeah, maybe we're doing another show. Maybe we're doing another show sometime. You know, you could, do you know who Alex Stein is? No.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Okay. Sometimes I have him on the show, and he'll stream it to his YouTube station while it's on mine, just hijack my shit. And at first I was like, what's this fucker doing? But it's actually a cool thing. I didn't even know you could do that. I don't know how to work. Because then it blends the two communities. You need a guy.
Starting point is 00:58:42 You need a Matt Souza. You need one of these. Right, I know, right? you need one of these right i know right you need one of these okay so um and how long is the jury so did you ever go on the stand no i don't know yeah okay and um so the jury says they get all the information and then it's like in the movies right they just kind of, shuttle off into a room. Yeah. So they keep, they, they always, they keep going back and forth to the room and then until they got the verdict.
Starting point is 00:59:12 What do you mean they keep going back? You're sitting in the courtroom and then they come out and they're like, Hey, we need this picture. No, no, no. Oh yeah. When, while they, while you're deliberating, right. They have to bring them back out and then they, they send a note, right. And then they send a note, right? I'll be out there with my lawyer and with the DA, and we'll talk about it, and then they bring the jury out, and then
Starting point is 00:59:31 they'll let the jury know what they're going to do, then they send them back in the room. So they always come back and forth. And then do they do it in one day? No, deliberations could take days, weeks maybe. How long did yours take?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Like three days, four days, something like that. So that means there was someone in there who wanted your ass. So, yeah. I think so. Because if it was like 10 of us and we're like, fuck that. He didn't do it. Let him go. They don't even have have what do they need?
Starting point is 01:00:06 They need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Is that the order? Yeah. They need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I think there was someone who was there was someone or maybe a few who was questioning whether I did it or not. Oh, like I said, was probably judging me based off the picture and just based off what they hearing. Like, you know, some people think, oh think yo all of this he can't be innocent if he you know but they didn't prove i did anything that's what you got to worry about did they prove i did this you can't just go off now he's being charged all this he has the he had to do something maybe he did something but maybe he didn't do none of this right you know i mean of course we've all done something we've all done something
Starting point is 01:00:43 right not most of us haven't done as much as you though h course, we've all done something. We've all done something. Right. Not most of us haven't done as much as you, though, Hocus, but we've all done something. And you're a totally different person on the day of this trial than the guy who went in. You believe in reptilian politicians and you get a knowing mindset. You're starting to get some deep inner peace. Do you do any drugs when you're in prison? No, I'm not a drug user. I don't smoke weed.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I don't, yeah. Me neither. I used to, though. Did you used to? I smoked weed in my life, but i've never been a weed smoker like i've never been somebody who just i don't really nah you never had your own pipe or your own bong or your own rolling papers and all that i don't smoke me like yeah i never really like i did it before but i don't know i never was a avid weed user like i had to probably be around friends and just like oh get one pull like i'm one of those people. But that had to be
Starting point is 01:01:45 once in a blue. I'm not really a weed social. And did you hate it? Well, it's a funny story because the first time I ever did it, I was 15 years old, right? And there was some Reggie, some regular bullshit Yachty weed. But I'm smoking it and I'm like and
Starting point is 01:02:01 I hated it. Yeah, to answer your question. I actually went to the hospital. I went home. Yeah, to answer your question. I actually went to the hospital. I went home. I told my mother I hit my head. I lied because I was so scared. I was like, what the fuck? Like, how come I feel so like,
Starting point is 01:02:15 it felt crazy. You know what I mean? I was like, I went to the hospital and then I had some McDonald's in the hospital and then it started to come down. Yeah. Right? I told my mother, I said, Ma, let's leave. She said, no, you hit your head. said my i was smoking weed she said boy it was gonna keep us here all night
Starting point is 01:02:31 what the hell why you ain't tell me i said man i was scared i didn't know what the fuck so i think i had a bad first experience with it so it was like i just never you know i'm saying yeah don't ever eat that shit dude that. That shit will really fuck you up. That shit will make you feel crazy. You know, I did that before, too. And you're right. It fucked me up. Like, it really did.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I'm like, damn, why I eat this shit? Like, it's one of those. Yeah. When's this going to end? For real. That's, yeah. So that's just not my choice of drug. And, you know, if I did have a choice, I wouldn't call it a drug.
Starting point is 01:03:05 I'd call them plant medicine. It's mushrooms and shit like that. Yeah. Have you played with that stuff? Yeah. Yeah. Now, as a grown-ass man, right? But, like, not, like, in the past.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Like, you know what I mean? I did it more on a spiritual journey, not, like, recreation-wise. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. more look more on a spiritual journey not like recreation wise you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i don't think mushrooms is what you want to do at um with your homies at sex money murder in the bronx uh in castle fucking rock castle hill maybe you want to be around some trees and a little less concrete yeah like sedona i saw you went to sedona oh yeah i went to sedona yeah i'm actually doing another a retreat out there next year. Next May, we're going to do a rabbit hole retreat.
Starting point is 01:03:50 You're running them. They're your retreats. Yeah. God, you're a fucking go-getter. Were you always a go-getter? Like, were you the best? At 14, were you the best crack dealer? Honestly, I was a good one i always
Starting point is 01:04:06 yeah i always made money i always make sure i got money yeah is there any pride in that business like my shit always is gonna weigh the right it's gonna be cut with the least or hey um i'm never gonna be late or was there pride in in the of course all that it's really like a business you gotta you know my shit's gonna be the biggest it's gonna be the best it's gonna be like you said the less cut you know it's fastest interaction i'm not gonna fuck with you you know the best i'll give the best plays best deals you want to keep the customers happy like any business um i had this policy that i would front people a lot of weed i used to sell a shit ton of weed a shit ton and i would front weed well when i say shit ton like in 2400 blocks you know like like like like you know ounces and i would front it to you until you didn't until you
Starting point is 01:04:54 did me wrong but then i didn't get mad at you you didn't have to pay me but then you always had to pay up front right so when the you know the guy says hey uh comes back he's like hey can i get more weed i'm like where's 2400 bucks he goes cops are following me i had to throw it out the sunroof mike cool i'll eat that with you like what can i get fronted no you're not you're not on the front plan anymore um did you have did you have a policy and was it more severe were you as gentle of a businessman as i was um i i say yeah i yeah. I help people too. I try to help people get on their feet. I was definitely
Starting point is 01:05:29 hot to help people. The first time, shame on you, but you're not going to fucking pull that one again. In that business, you get swindled. It happens. It's going to happen. You take a chance.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I didn't have any swindlers insurance did you nah it ain't no such thing you're gonna swindle that's it you just dead on your shit like damn all right i'll get it back though so they're deliberating for three days and you basically come to the courtroom every day yeah you got to come every day bring you from Rikers Island every day. They wake you up 4 o'clock in the morning, you know, every day, bring you on a bus. You don't make it back to your fucking house on Rikers Island until like 9, 10, 11 o'clock at night.
Starting point is 01:06:19 You barely get any sleep. And this is every day, you know what I'm saying? Well, you know, every weekday and when you come back are the guys excited to hear your story of course yeah because not everybody go to trial trial is a scary thing you know i'm saying especially when you're facing the amount of time i was like yo what's going on i was just like i was just like how i am now like you know i think it's looking good man but um you never know like it's looking good it's looking good and when you're in the courtroom do you when the jury finally comes out do you feel like you want to throw up like
Starting point is 01:06:47 you see them and they're about to read the shit do you feel like some shit that's like a unique experience that's like that's another crazy story yeah because um when so when they bring me upstairs right for the verdict they don't tell you they just bring me upstairs so when i enter the courtroom it's like 60 officers there. So when you was sitting there on trial, regular day to day, it's only about three, four, five officers at the most. It's about 60 because they're about to read your verdict, right? And your family could...
Starting point is 01:07:15 Because I had a packed courtroom, so your family could while out. So when I come out, I see all these officers. I'm like, what's going on? My lawyer said, they got a verdict. Good luck. But the way he said it scared the shit out of me. So I'm like, why you say it like My lawyer said, they got a verdict. Good luck. But the way he said it scared the shit out of me. So I'm like, why you say it like that? Fucking Paul.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Yeah, Paul. So I sit down. And when I sit down, they bring the jury out. So I'm looking at them now. Do I have to hold trial? I would not try to look them in the eye. Because I didn't want them to think I'm trying to scare them or nothing, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Now, y'all got the verdict. I need to see y'all face. So now I'm looking at them. think I'm trying to scare them or nothing right yeah now yeah yeah I got the verdict I need to see your face so now I'm looking at them they coming out some of them not looking at me like two of them it was like an older guy and it was a young lady she was really pretty she um they both were smiling at me I didn't know how to take it because I'm thinking like yeah we got you nigga it could have been one of those right it could have been one of those but it could have been one of those. It turned out to be, but the girl, she kept, she wouldn't stop smiling at me. She wouldn't stop, I swear.
Starting point is 01:08:12 I was like, because they talking, they sit them down, so the jury is reading some shit to them. I mean, the judge is telling them, yo, whatever, doing the regular law shit. Then like, I got your verdict. The foreman stands up and said, yeah, this girl's still smiling at me. So he hands
Starting point is 01:08:28 it to the judge. The judge look at the verdict. Looks at me. Straight face. Like, you know, he's been doing this, like, I couldn't read him. I'm like, damn, I don't know what, I'm trying to read him. He looks at me, looks back at the paper, give it back to the court officer. He give it to the
Starting point is 01:08:44 foreman and the foreman reads it off. the court officer. He give it to the foreman in the foreman regional. He said, how do you find Mr. Harris guilty of experiencing a first degree? Not guilty. Experiencing a second degree? Not guilty. Experiencing a third degree? Not guilty. Fourth degree? Not guilty. The shootings, all of them.
Starting point is 01:08:59 One, two, three, four. Not guilty. Not guilty. Not guilty. That last one, I was just like, not guilty. I said, ooh. Ooh, that's the best feeling ever. You don't understand, man. My lawyer grabbed me. He said, you better tell the whole entire city that ain't nobody ever beat a case with DNA on the scene.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I'm like, yeah, but get out of here. Yeah, man. Paul was like, you better tell the whole city I beat a case with DNA on the scene. Nobody did that. I said, all right, Paul. I hear you, man. Thank you, man. I beat a case with DNA on the scene. Nobody did that. I said, all right, Paul. I hear you, man. Thank you, man. And yeah, so they took me back downstairs.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Make sure you ain't got no warrants. They should have knew that anyway. And once they clear you, go right back out the same courtroom that you were just in. And I was like, so I went upstairs. I'm like, I could just leave now? They said, yeah, go. I'm like, okay. You don't go back to Rikers to tell the homies?
Starting point is 01:09:46 Nah, you don't go back to Rikers. You'll go back to Rikers. Let's say you got another case open or stuff like that, you'll go back to Rikers, right? You can go back, but I ain't go back to Rikers. I went straight out the courtroom. Crazy. You have any shit in your cell there?
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah, so while I was on trial, what I started doing was sending the important things home just in case that i've been i've written the things that i really wanted right yeah but like i still have shit there clothes and all i'm like yo if i go home every day because you never know you're going home right i'm like yo if i go home make sure y'all can have this i already told the homie they all called me that night though they called me like once i was because they you know because the the court officer tell them because they let them know yo you this how you know someone be trapped because they'll call me like yo clean out such and such sale once they say that you're like oh he went home you know what i'm saying so did you have in the four years you were there did you
Starting point is 01:10:37 ever see and did any of your friends not get out but get acquitted the way you did you ever hear that oh you did yeah oh so there's a little hope yeah i see i see i've seen plenty of people get you know be trying i've seen people blow trial too wow uh and so those jurors have you ever been in contact with them afterwards um i i one right i don't even know if I should say this because I don't sure the case is over I'm going to just say this
Starting point is 01:11:11 she's following me on Facebook now and we were and it was a young girl I said that was smiling it's crazy right yeah she's married though if she wasn't i probably would have married i'm like i'm not gonna lie to you because just for that right but anyway
Starting point is 01:11:29 she was like she she was just like yo i'm proud of what you're doing like i feel like you made the right choice stuff like that like it was yeah more motivational you know what i'm saying yeah it was this one girl that's the only girl i ever you know um got a message from or heard from god wouldn't it be cool to tell them all hey thank you and i just want you to know that i That's the only joke I ever got a message from or heard from. God, wouldn't it be cool to tell them all, hey, thank you, and I just want you to know that I didn't waste that chance? I would love to, man. If y'all watching this, please reach out to me, HocusPoPo on Instagram. Please, I do want to thank y'all.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yo, I want y'all to see what I'm doing, and I want y'all to appreciate what I'm doing now, and this is all because of you. Did you get a chance to, did they say anything? It's interesting that you didn't testify, so you couldn't tell them, hey, I'm a different man. It's your choice to testify or not. And you can't, you can get up there and say that, like your lawyer asks you that, but that's kind of like irrelevant
Starting point is 01:12:22 to the case. You know, they'll object to that, yeah, they'll object to it to it anyway so it's like it's like the burden of proof on them like what am i getting like what am i getting up there to tell i didn't do nothing right that's what i'm saying i'm not guilty so what like you know in certain cases it's very rare a lawyer puts someone on the stand to talk to. Because you would go up there and fuck it up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, yo, be the burden proof on them. Like, let them prove it. Like, you might go up there
Starting point is 01:12:52 and just say, like, you know what I'm saying? What did you think of the prosecutor? Shitbag? Oh, my God. The biggest douchebag ever. I knew it. I fucking knew it. Oh, my. Is he? Damn, what the? I got brain fog right now. What the fuck is his name?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Adam. All my co-defendants are going to get mad at me because we can't stand him right now. And I'm not saying his name. You know what? Brain fog because you got the vaccine. I ain't get no. You know damn well I ain't get no vaccine. Yo.
Starting point is 01:13:21 You know damn well I ain't get no vaccine. You know. We can talk about that too but we will those fucking nut jobs man i'm gonna say his name when i remember but he is the biggest douchebag ever like this guy this guy didn't want to give us no cop outs nothing like yo you think i man i'm facing all that time you think i would have took a cop out this guy was like no i didn't get no i didn't get no offer oh no shit so if they would have been like hey five years you'd have been like okay i'll take it and then you
Starting point is 01:13:49 would have done one more year yeah nine maybe ten i would have took like you could have got you could have got a conviction out of me dummy because i really didn't want to rip i seen people like i told you i seen people blow trap like before i before i went to trial um my brother and two of my brothers and my other friend that's my co-defendants they went to trial, two of my brothers and my other friend, that's my co-defendants, they went to trial first. I went to trial by myself because I was the last one left. But they went to trial together. My brother beat it. One of my brothers, my other brother blew and my friend blew.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So you think I really wanted to, you know what I'm saying? Blue means you fucked it up. Blow trial means you lost. Blow trial. You blew the trial. I don't see the quote in here. I don't remember where it up. Blow trial means you lost. Blow trial. You blew the trial. I don't see the quote in here. I don't remember where it is, but you do talk about maybe it was in Phony Homies.
Starting point is 01:14:36 In one of the songs, you talk about one of your friends who did a year for doing someone he didn't do. Or he's in jail for killing someone he didn't kill. I wish I could find the exact quote. Is that Phony Homies think the second verse and phony homies i think so i think that's that's the second verse my man rello he he wound up they offered him 10 years you know i mean he didn't take it and then he wound up going to trap and he blew got 25 to life it was for murder and he didn't do it no rello didn't do it fuck and he went in in the song
Starting point is 01:15:08 you talk about how he wouldn't snitch the guy wouldn't snitch yeah i think that's phony hunger i'm talking i'm talking about relo now yeah you know relo didn't do it he from brooklyn shout out to relo free relo man um in that podcast you did with the 10 Ties Down podcast? 10 Toes, yeah. 10 Toes. Who is that guy? 10 Toes is a guy from Harlem. You know, he got a podcast.
Starting point is 01:15:32 I think 10 Toes did a lot of time, too. You know, he was an ex-gang member back in the days. And, you know, turned his life, came home after doing a lot of time, turned his life around, you know. That was a trippy podcast. He spent the first 20 minutes just like poking at you yeah you know like you were just chilling and then finally you told him like you're like okay buddy i had enough settle down and then he did back up he backed and then but then you would push him back one or two steps and then he would be like oh it's cool it's cool chill and
Starting point is 01:15:59 then he would come back up at you again and it was like two hours and 45 minutes of that i'm like man this is a fucking you live in a different world than me yeah because ten toes he like to hold people accountable like you know that's his whole thing he think he holding somebody accountable he's trying to trip me up i'm like yo bro you know it's not gonna work on me that stuff that you do with these other people is not gonna work for me oh that's him you found it i couldn't find i don't think that's him that's not ten toes host of ten toes down podcast yeah you can't yeah i couldn't find the guy's fucking instagram that's definitely not him oh interesting ten toes down tv is his joint see if you could find that ten toes down tv he's like he's he's brolic he wrote brolic and um on black guy brolic
Starting point is 01:16:43 he'd be having glasses what's that mean brolic that means diesel Brolic and Black Guy Brolic. He be having glasses. What's that mean, Brolic? That means diesel. Brolic? Is that a real word or is that a hood word? I think it's a real word. Look it up. Brolic. Yeah, that means diesel. That means, you know... I know diesel. I know diesel.
Starting point is 01:16:59 I don't even know how to spell fucking Brolic. I got a bunch of bras. You know how to spell bra? Oh, here it is. Oh, yeah, gonna spell bra oh here it is oh yeah yeah just like okay brawlic oh urban dictionary uh that's a large large object large object diesel brawlic Large object. Large object. Diesel brolic. To vigor... Oh, or you know what else it could mean?
Starting point is 01:17:30 Holy shit, Hocus. What's that? Oh, you're going to fucking love this definition. It means you're going to fucking love this. It does mean what you said, but the second definition, to vigorously finger someone under the table. No, it don't.
Starting point is 01:17:44 I swear to fucking god you gotta take out the k take out the k it's probably gonna see man well up here up here they got that they got the other definition it means big a large object no take all right put it put it without the without the k okay okay okay he's that big right under the table oh that's great oh yeah yeah you're right you're right two l's brawling extremely big and muscular all right told you all right i like that other definition better uh uh settle down people stevan's just amazed at words i know i'm always amazed at words i suck at words but my mom was so great at words so i just have this uh uh yeah brolic with a cunt yeah you fingered vigorously a cunt brolica with a cunt yeah excuse me one uh i really love how the show really expands the
Starting point is 01:18:38 viewer's vocabulary yeah yes thank you yeah he's a pure blood he's a pure blood pure blood yeah that semen's gonna go go high on ebay soon uh no i'm not using my dude this is a fucking i i'm a fucking world class photographer i just this is just some camera i've laying around with a 1.8 lens on it what are you talking about iphone even though i love dude how much are you an and you're an android guy for me yeah well i i used to be an android guy now this is an iphone i'm on now oh i got both i got this is my android right here my android here and i became an iphone guy later i only became an iphone guy for clubhouse believe it or not oh did you love it which one the android's better just the rest of us are just dumb right that's what i hear no um well when i used to
Starting point is 01:19:23 be an android guy i would say that but the app they both they both good like i like the android because it does things i phone like i download videos and stuff like that like iphone you can't do that so i do that a lot and android i could do that with no problem you mean just like straight off of youtube you can just download them yeah stuff like that yeah it's like it's like a lot of stuff you can do when it comes to down but you can't share videos and stuff like that the way you could do on iphones it's weird like iphones technically iphones is better what a miracle what a miracle the phone is huh what it's become just this miracle that we can fucking talk to each other right now in different parts of the planet
Starting point is 01:19:58 and see each other this is amazing like it's just this is magic right here did you paint your garage did you paint your studio yourself i actually did man i and i will never ever ever paint anything again in my life never because it's just why it's it's messy like ruins clothes and shit or no actually the garage was empty when i did it right this is my garage by the way i turned it to the studio but it's just strenuous. It's like, yo, that took a lot of work. I was sore. It looks great by myself. I'm like, nah, I will never paint again in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:34 It looks great. You can pay me to paint. Thank you. Yeah. Um, uh, I, I, my favorite, not my favorite, but one of my favorite, I did like phony homies, but that, that Bronx anthem was really really cool who organized that song and was it an honor to be in it oh yeah well definitely that's um i meant abs that's that's actually his song and you know he um he uh you know called me about the feature i said oh yeah you know me fred the godson oomp and abs yes on that yep and and to call it the bronx anthem is going pretty hard it's like it's you're putting your fucking stake in the ground like this is us right and do they rest in peace freddy garson oh he's gone yeah he allegedly died from covid um during the pandemic oh was that the chubby guy the guy who went like third or something yes oh that's so trippy because i was actually wondering
Starting point is 01:21:26 about that guy's health when he was singing because he was like a he was like a a like a like he looked like he could be related to biggie yeah keep going he it's a it's a unique looking guy he looks no keep going that guy's good too that guy man his his rap style was so unique. Amazing, man. Amazing. What is he? You talking about nationality? Yeah, or his ethnicity. Yeah, what's his makeup? I don't know if he have any Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:21:54 I know he's black. I just don't know if he have any Caribbean or anything. I don't know. I'm not sure. Oh, yeah. He almost looks like Asian or Indian, kind of. Nah, I don't think Fred's Indian. or Indian, kind of.
Starting point is 01:22:03 No, I don't think Fred's Indian. So, when you do a song like this, I always wondered this. You know what song I really wondered about is that song that... There's a crazy song that Chris Brown did with Lil Wayne, a crazy song that uh chris brown did with lil wayne and and they got all the nazi propaganda type shit in it you know what song i'm talking about it's little wayne chris brown uh now it's not eminem is it what the fuck song it's a it's a nasty song it's the nasty of the nasty. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Who's the... It's a... Fucking what's the girl's name? Hold on. Chris Brown. Is it one of these songs? I got them up here. No, I was going to say it's Rihanna.
Starting point is 01:22:59 It's not Rihanna. It's the chick with the huge fucking hammers. Oh, Nicki Minaj. There it is. Yeah, yeah. And Drake. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. How the fuck did... She had a huge minaj there it is yeah yeah and drake yes yes yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah how did 511 million yeah that's not which one is that what's up what's let me see which one is that what's the name of that oh only you told me oh that's only no drake you said
Starting point is 01:23:20 you said chris brown that's drake on that yeah and chris brown chris brown is on that. I'm bugging you. He's on the hook. You're right. Yeah, and hey, have you seen the one where they got the Nazi propaganda, the animation? Mm-mm. Anyway, so when they put a song together like that, there's two versions of this. See if you can find the other one. I just want to show them the Nazi propaganda, all the red shit. It's kind of cool cool but it's weird um oh or maybe it's red army shit but um does someone tell you what what your lyrics are supposed to be or they're like hey you're gonna have fucking 72 seconds here get your shit tight and it's got to be about the bronx like how are you giving direction to
Starting point is 01:24:03 create for that you write your own lyrics you know I'm saying you put what you want well I write my own lyrics and most most of the time people write their own lyrics um now when it comes to visuals there's a difference between like me me being an independent artist doing my visuals and these record companies um these record companies they put a lot of symbolism in in these major artists videos i don't think they even have a choice you know when it comes to them like you know the record company i hire who they want to shoot the video and put whatever they want the propaganda that they want so i don't think they have a choice they just they just go do their job and they go home so that the premise of that video
Starting point is 01:24:39 is that drake and uh as i recall i haven't heard it in maybe a year or two but drake and lil wayne are basically talking about how they want to fuck Nicki Minaj. And so they go back and forth and rap about – and Lil Wayne goes at the end. And his shit's crazy. His shit, like even when you're reading the lyrics, you're like, what the fuck is he saying? Did he just come up with that himself, you think? So he just – like, hey, this is the theme. You got to talk about wanting to bang nikki go um i don't know that's a good question um that's a good question
Starting point is 01:25:12 it's it's you know maybe nikki came up with her verse first and then they said oh we're gonna follow along i don't know you know it could have been like that it sounded like it probably flowed like that like oh that's all right we're gonna feed off of that you know um did you did you how were all of you in the same room when you made that song the bronx anthem no so everyone just does their part and then some other dude goes back and assembles it like a jigsaw puzzle yeah that's cool yeah we did our part and um we send it off and somebody makes it. You don't even record in the same studio. You do it in your own studio, wherever your dudes are.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Right. Sometimes we're going to do the same studio. Like, my last song I did with Fred before he passed, we was in the same studio. It was me, him, and Corey Guns. We did a song together. Hey, do you remember the first guy you knew who had, who had some shit set up in his bedroom or in his closet? You went there and you're like, holy fuck, this is dope. He had a computer
Starting point is 01:26:11 and a fucking keyboard. He's got clothes hanging everywhere around the mic. You're not going to believe me when I say this. Guess what his name was. What do you think? I have no idea seven who his name is seven seven i swear to you that's a great name seven that's a great name and now you're on the greatest podcast in the world the seven podcast i fucking love it first studio i ever went to
Starting point is 01:26:43 was my man jay black cousin shout out to my man j I fucking love it. The first studio I ever went to was my man, Jay Black's cousin. Shout out to my man, Jay Black. He took us there. First time I ever recorded outside of a karaoke or a tape. Remember the two tape recorders? Yeah. It was in my man's 7. And he was a producer.
Starting point is 01:26:55 He made beats. 7. I recorded on his beats in his studio. And it was basically just in his bedroom. It was in his living room, actually. God, that's so fun that those are those the best days the best the most classic moments of your life like the best like someone's busting ass in the room you're fucking getting hard foods there it's just fucking nuts it's just
Starting point is 01:27:20 so much it's just like when you think back it's's just so raw. It's like, yo, we did it to have fun. It wasn't a business yet. It was just like, it's like trying something that you never really tried before and then watch it turns into something. Because after it turns into something, it becomes a business, it becomes work, right? Even though you love doing it, it's still kind of like organized. Like, I got to put a song out now. I got to do it. I got to do it.
Starting point is 01:27:42 But those days, man, the first days, don't me rhyming on a karaoke or on a radio, putting one tape. Those memories, man, I wish I had those recorded. Like, you know? Wish we had phones, camera phones back then and we could actually see that. Is there an age when you're too old to be a rapper? No, I don't believe that. And I will never agree with that.
Starting point is 01:28:03 You got rock stars still singing and doing tours at fucking 70 70 years old i don't want to hear that shit you can rap until you fucking die you know i'm saying yo shout out to dmx that's my big brother man dmx was a mentor to me was a friend and he always told me yo we don't never stop this is what we do we're gonna die doing this and you know that's what he died doing rest in peace to my big bro dmx i actually got songs with him you know so make sure y'all check it out. He got twisted up and just fucked up drugs. He died, OD'd or something. Well, you know, that's what the cover stories say.
Starting point is 01:28:34 You know, I don't really like to play conspiracy theory on his death because that's my bro. You know what I mean? So I'm just saying I don't believe. I don't never believe these people. I'm going to be honest with you. You know how that go. Yeah. Yeah. Did you lose your instagram account and get it back yes i did i but but but it was during the time where um everybody you know instagram went down but they was giving everybody
Starting point is 01:28:56 ideas back and it wasn't giving me mine i was like oh okay i see what it is you know it took them a while when when was this because i lost i had a blue check mark account and they took that shit from me they're like nah you're a bad boy this is um that day right there whatever day that is that's when i got it back does it say tell me this story because i would love to get mine back well think of how much faster i would get a response from people like hocus uh four-fifths if i had a hundred thousand followers in a blue check mark right so what what I did was I just kept filling out this application that you... I filled it out a hundred
Starting point is 01:29:30 times. What did you say on it? No, what did you... And you know what? For a long time, I could still see the account. But no one else could see it. A glimmer of hope. That's how it was for me at first too, and then I couldn't see nothing. When I would try to sign in, they they say, this account doesn't exist. I said, oh, they got me.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yes. Yes. They gave it back, though. I don't know why. You know what it was? I was talking to my friend about it, right? I'm like, yeah, man. They took my account.
Starting point is 01:29:56 So I don't know what it was that day. I said, let me put another receipt and have a ticket in. I wasn't even going to do it no more. I did it. And next thing you know, 20, 30 minutes later my people calling me yo i can tag you yo yo your account back i said oh we lit yeah okay i'm not telling you the whole story so i got my account back oh you got it back i got it back i had it back for like three weeks and i told the team well they told me hey dude give us your login to your account you're not gonna allow to
Starting point is 01:30:23 post on your account anymore start your own account i was like all right cool because i i post you know stuff right about covid and stuff and they don't like that so i was like okay cool and i didn't want to lose my blue check mark account because it's how i troll rappers right that's how i get rappers on the show you gotta have the blue check mark and then three weeks i didn't post on it for three weeks nothing the team had it. They were being good with it. You know what I mean? Just good shit. Like go get your vaccine shit. No, they didn't say that, but you know, good shit. And, uh, and then I lost it again. They just took it away. But you're saying keep the dream alive and just keep sending in requests,
Starting point is 01:30:58 even though it's been six months. I would, I would, you know what I would do too? Even though what just happened. Tell them I'm black, tell them I'm black and gay and Jewish. All three at work these days, right? But look, what I would do is I'd be like, yo, um, there was on a ticket. This is what I would put. There was just a problem with Instagram where a lot of accounts was taken. Mine was taken too. Can you please reinstall me? I have a blue check. Um, I use it for business. I said, that's what I said. I said stuff like that. Like that's, this is not word for word, but you can put in your own words, but make sure you rather put it in your words. I'd rather put it in your words. I use my account for business. I have a blue check verified account. Um, I love the,
Starting point is 01:31:39 the, um, Instagram experience. I do say that. I always say that God, I love the Instagram experience. This breaks my heart. I always say that. God, I love the Instagram experience. This breaks my heart. I always say that. Yes. And tell them that it was just an issue where a lot of accounts was erased from Instagram because that just happened. So try to see if that way worked. They might be like, oh yeah, it was an issue and they might give it right back to you because it was an issue where a lot of
Starting point is 01:31:58 accounts was taken down. I think a lot of those people over there would appreciate it if I told them I'd suck their dick too. But I got boundaries Fuck Boundaries I keep thinking about your prosecutor Speaking of sucking dick It's so unnecessary to be a douchebag
Starting point is 01:32:17 Like he's got nothing to lose That fucking guy gets to go home everyday And open a fucking bottle of wine You gotta see how red he turned When I was acquitted He was like what he looked at the jury he said what like what i'm like you lost except defeat man i know it is it's so crazy it's it's so it's lacked such integrity to not even he should almost be happy no happy he was i'm talking about he turned pink like he turned purple like he i'm he was that man i was like yo this guy's really angry he really wanted to see
Starting point is 01:32:53 me do life like look at him like god you really don't know me guy like come on he wasn't jewish right that guy uh i don't think so yo i swear to you my co-defendants if they see this podcast they're gonna be so mad at me how are you going to forget this nigga name what the fuck is his name um Outstatcher there we go Adam Outstatcher
Starting point is 01:33:16 that's okay to say his name on here yeah you can say his name ADA Outstatcher it's public information Outstatcher what's the origin of that i i don't know stupid might be a nazi oh shit oh shit i found him i found him i found him are you what is the site for the the legal site all right well i'm just gonna bring up i'm gonna just gonna uh i'm just gonna bring up the uh entire google page all right let me see that's the same photo i had to al stature
Starting point is 01:33:53 prosecuted serial killers infatis infanticides infanticides that's people who kill babies infanticide can you make that picture bigger i want to make sure that's them because you know they have people with the same name. Find some more pictures. Oh, here. Let's just click the image. Yeah, that's his fucking bitch ass. That's him. This guy?
Starting point is 01:34:14 Yeah, that's his name. Cotsucker. That's why I beat you. Accept defeat. You got a CrossFit gym in the Bronx? You ever do CrossFit? There's CrossFit in the Bronx. But remember i told you i'm in georgia i i do um i do i do a boot camp every every day out here that's what i do that's why i work out do you run it or you attend it i attend it it's um it's like
Starting point is 01:34:37 it's like a crossfit it's boot camp yeah so i would call it crossfit because we do weights and cardio all that shit someone running across the gym but doesn't want to pay the affiliate fee. Clark withheld consent for ex-bride. Wow. That's Outstature. Outstature. I wonder what the... Yeah, I wonder what origin name.
Starting point is 01:34:59 He might be a Nazi, man. Peace and love. Peace and love to everyone. Outstature, origin. My show is supposed to bring people together. man peace and love peace and love to everyone outstretched origin my show is supposed to bring people together I mean I don't
Starting point is 01:35:09 want to get together with that guy he tried to he tried to give me life in prison he should have offered me five years I would have took it
Starting point is 01:35:18 outstretched Irish Irish oh he's Irish yeah don't fuck with the Jews I like Irish people man Irish people they cool man
Starting point is 01:35:29 Um Tell me about the reptilian people Gently break me in slowly Just real slow Don't fuck my whole scramble my shit all up Well um Like real reptiles Like people like in the cold and like like alligators and snakes yeah okay but they're humanoid they're that's why they call reptilians
Starting point is 01:35:54 allegedly there's a race of reptilian humanoids who can shapeshift who is actually pulling the strings who is the real puppeteers of the world elite. So at the top of the pyramid, people think the Rothschilds, the Bowers, the Brofmans, and these families, these 13 families, right? But even above them, you got... So they got the families,
Starting point is 01:36:19 then you got the houses, the House of Francini, House of Borgiori, and I can't pronounce these names. I got it in my phone, right? So they're the houses, the house of Francini, house of Borgiori, and I can't pronounce these names. I got it in my phone, right? So they're the houses, right? And then you got the popes, Pepe Olseni, the black pope, the white pope, and the gray pope. But at the top of the pyramid, I don't believe that they're human. It's a theory, but it's a calculated one. And it's one that got a lot of history to it when you think about how the Chinese praised the dragon and these reptiles. And we see a lot of history to it when you think about how the Chinese praised the dragon and these
Starting point is 01:36:45 reptiles. We see a lot of reptilian symbolism in this culture. We see the statues, we see them written on the walls, even in ancient Kemet. So allegedly there's a race of reptilians who are from the draconian star system. And I don't really believe in outer space the way they teach us there's a whole nother rabbit hole but yeah i saw i saw i saw your flat earthing we had it we had a dude on here who yeah really really explained he did i don't know if i would say he was a flat earther but he's really into the idea of it and he explained a lot of it to us
Starting point is 01:37:24 right so um that's fucking yaoming how come the giant dude has a tiny cock yeah i don't know man but yeah allegedly that they're pulling the strings man and they can shape shift they can um you know allegedly, this is where the idea of vampires come from, where they really can't be in the sun like that. They drink blood. And we know that adrenochrome is a real thing and there is people really doing that, whether you want to believe it or not. That's a whole other rabbit hole.
Starting point is 01:37:59 But yeah, the reptilians, this is, yeah. I believe, not like a belief system, but I believe in a possibility that they are here, they do exist. You know, and they are pulling the strings. You know, it's just out of the scope of my reality. Oh, it's just some quacky shit? No. We got to pay attention to everything nowadays and what's going on. We don't understand everything about this realm like we think we do. Do you ever scare yourself with some of the shit that might be true like
Starting point is 01:38:28 like i had this friend uh raw of earth come over and start showing me all this proof that there's aliens like bodies have been found in south america and shit and started in on my own computer and i was i started feeling like oh like my feet were coming off the ground like i was losing touch with reality for a second like he was scaring me nah i don't i'm not scared like honestly i would rather meet them like i want to meet them like but but of course the benevolent ones right i want to ask but you know that they're probably on a level to where so somebody said this quote right and it really stuck out to me the aliens coming to try to explain this realm this world this existence this reality to us is like us taking a fish out of the water and trying to explain this realm, this world, this existence, this reality to us is like us taking a fish out
Starting point is 01:39:06 of the water and trying to explain this world to it, right? It's kind of like, and it makes a lot of sense. If they have that much more technology events, it's like, they're not going to come talk to us if they don't think we ready. But I would love to meet them. Like, I really want to meet them. You know what I'm saying? So I'm not afraid at all.
Starting point is 01:39:22 I'm excited about that because I think that right. I think right now with the world waking up, I think there's a possibility that this might be real disclosure in his lifetime and not the government. I'm talking about interaction, us and them. I will tell you this, this thought that I have that's out there a little bit. I don't think we create anything. that I have that's out there a little bit. I don't think we create anything. So there's a story of Prometheus in Greek mythology that he goes up to the heavens and steals fire from the gods. And I don't believe that we have, I don't believe we have true creative ability. I believe that
Starting point is 01:39:56 Stephen King talks about it, by the way, I highly recommend this book. I think you would love it. It's Stephen King's only nonfiction book. It's called Stephen King on writing the audio book. I don't know if you listen to audio books, the audio books, amazing. He fucking reads it. But basically he talks about how when creatives, they don't even know where the shit's coming from.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Like he doesn't know where any of his fucking books come from. Right. And it's just when, when, when you see the idea of fucking pull that shit down, start downloading that shit. And I feel like all those things like you talk about like the ideas of a dracula or an iron man or of a superman or of the greek heroes or i feel like
Starting point is 01:40:33 everything is a is no one came up with it just at a from some baseless idea right and and even today you know there was like that 10-year period i don't know if it's over yet but there was like this 10-year of just zombie movies and zombie shit on tv yeah well dude i feel like i fucking live with zombies like i went to whole foods today and i'm like holy shit hey same here they don't look like the ones on tv but but I'm like, these motherfuckers are all zombies. It's just me and my boy in zombie land. I feel the same way. Did you see the New York Post what they put up yesterday?
Starting point is 01:41:12 No. They said that they found the zombie virus frozen. And I think in Antarctica somewhere. Yeah, I heard that they unfroze. I did hear that they unfroze like eight viruses or something in Antarctica. Bro, but they specifically said a zombie virus. That's a public threat to humanity. You mean to tell me all of a sudden in 2022, after three years of vaccine people, now y'all find a zombie virus? Nah, because when people start turning into zombies, y'all going to blame it on.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Remember we told you we found a zombie virus. But I think they're already. We know why they really turned into the zombies. We know. My point is that I think some of that shit's just already here. We just don't realize it because we have an expectation of zombies to wear ragged clothes and walk like this. I agree. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:42:03 But that concept of people who are asleep and walking around on autopilot is everywhere and sometimes you see them wake up for a second you know what i mean like you see them like they wake up from their slumber i mean i remember when i used to be a zombie and it would be weird when i would wake up from my slumber and then quickly go back to sleep and if you're not careful you know you know you've heard that thing someone will lose their keys and fucking tear their whole house apart looking for going mad but they lose themselves and they don't even know it oh i got a rapper to say that was good right that was no but that
Starting point is 01:42:38 that was but i was a ball right there that was a ball right there. That was a ball. That's true. Hocus, you think what's going on with Kanye? Do you have any thoughts on that? Let's talk about – I want to start here and then kind of go into this, and I'm kind of setting you up here, so I apologize. But there's something that you were saying about do you have time you got you got to go in 20 minutes you gotta go in 10 minutes you gotta start getting ready open up at 11 i say yeah like another 10 minutes is good so i can start getting ready okay okay let's just go let's just go heavy on the race thing you see people like i i come i come from the school thought that
Starting point is 01:43:22 they're like black skin is i grew up in oakland grew up in Oakland, and I did the whole Martin Luther King. I was way into Martin Luther King for a while. I only wore Malcolm X t-shirts. I read all this shit about the Black Panthers. There was two years of my life where I was the only white kid in my neighborhood from when I was 16 to when I was 18, and I dove deep into it. and I dove deep into it. And then as I started being able to ask that, what, what are definitions of words? You start to realize that real black is nothing but a biological attribute that makes it. So you're either more akin to living close to the equator or more close to the North pole. And that's the color of our skin. And I truly believe that it's just a biological fact that
Starting point is 01:44:02 allows you how and how you receive the sun. And that's why it would have been fucking great during COVID instead of saying black people are disproportionately affected by COVID. Every time they said that, they should have said, hey, motherfuckers, take vitamin D if your skin's black. It's like that because that's the only thing like you guys, because you guys are at the equator, you don't need as much vitamin D because you had so much of it. So your skin is adapted to like to push away that that much vitamin. It's like, that's what I think is going on here. And so there's this, and I believe in this book, and I'm going to send you this book. This book is the, I think the greatest book ever written. It's a book called the doubted Ching. I'm going to send you the Steven Mitchell, uh, rendition. And he says that naming a doubted allowed to said naming is the origin of all
Starting point is 01:44:42 Doubted Lao Tzu said naming Is the origin Of all particular things Meaning I was not Sevan until someone Named me Sevan and then I have the Fucking insane task of keeping this Character together Even though it's always fucking changing
Starting point is 01:44:57 This made up dude Sevan You fucking change your name a few times your shit's all twisted All you rappers So They're really it's it's a misnomer to say black people it would be more accurate to say black culture wouldn't it and there's go ahead no we definitely not black the color black is you know black according to the constitution right even in the constitution black person is three-fifths of a man. And we don't jack that, right?
Starting point is 01:45:26 So I think we use it because we've been using it for so long. But it is a misnomer. I don't like the term black. I'll say it because for context, so people can understand what I'm talking about in conversation. But, you know, a lot of us, especially on Clubhouse, like I said, I talk every night, right? So we're trying to get in the habit of breaking that. I like to use melanated people. That's what I love.
Starting point is 01:45:47 I love that too. Melanated, melanated people. Yes, I love that. We can go. It's the same thing. People use the word gender and sex interchangeably. There are two different things. Gender is something that exists in your imagination.
Starting point is 01:46:00 That's why I don't have a gender because no one. Why would I need a fucking gender? I have a sex. You know, I know what my sex is because when I ran off to took a piss i just did it right outside my door pull out my big ass cock and just took a piss that's it i don't need it i don't need any other proof that that i i one million percent agree with that like yeah we i don't do anything to try to pretend to be a man i just do the normal shit that comes naturally to me to be a man pee against the fence squeeze my butt's wife carry my kids on their shoulders throat break have fun guilty pleasure
Starting point is 01:46:31 of breaking beer bottles just normal shit that i think dudes like to do right i'm definitely a naturalist i'm definitely with you with that so somehow we have to figure that out i i think it's i think it's our language that's fucking keeping us apart. It's our fucking language. It's not just you know what we were talking yesterday. Right. In the rabbit hole in Clubhouse. And we were talking about languages and we were talking about how an other language. This language is a language. Somebody says something like this. Like we the English language is just a language to pass information. You ever you ever spoke to someone who speaks it?
Starting point is 01:47:07 I don't know if y'all speak different languages, but you ever spoke to someone who speaks a different language, and they're trying to say something to you, but they'll say it in English, but they're like, it means so much more in my language, though. And I can't comprehend it because I only speak this language, but they feel it. They know it. So this language is limited, and it's just a pass information. It's not really, there's no feeling in this language. limited and it's just the past information it's not really there's no feeling in this language this is a dull language it's kind of like it has no it has no emotion no meaning it's
Starting point is 01:47:32 just the past information that's the best way i can put it i agree with you and then and i i said i've said this on my show a thousand times it's funny because i just said it yesterday but so i so i'm armenian and my wife's jewish and i have three little jew boys right fucking badasses and to play the piano too and not as good as your daughter um not yet uh and there's a word kike that's waiting for them when they're born that they're supposed to pretend to be offended by their whole fucking life how about fuck you wow boys are never going to be offended by that word i like how you just said that the way you just said it there's a word that's waiting for them already here that they're supposed to be offended for the rest of their life well they have to do
Starting point is 01:48:23 is be like i don't even care about that. What does that mean? And your people got that word too. Right. And so I'm asking you the day you're born, my seven, three little Jew boys, Ari, Joseph, and Avi, I'm asking, by the way, I've told this to fucking 10 guests and no guest has ever replied. They're like, fuck, I don't
Starting point is 01:48:39 want to go there. You're the first fucking one who's like, I like that. Thank you. I don't want my boys to be born with a word that they have to defend i want them to defend other shit like their girlfriend or like i want them to be focused on their rap skills or on their piano or like figuring out if the earth's really flat or not you're right right for real though but um you know i you know just unfortunately racism does exist and it exists on all levels to all cultures and it just you know it's gonna happen it's just how you like you said how you teach them or how they learn to emotionally deal with it um and i was
Starting point is 01:49:17 younger i used to get triggered by it by the n word now it's like i laugh when i if someone tried to say that to me like disrespectful man if they, if they was to, I would laugh at them. Like, you sound stupid. But you know what? Like, you know what I mean? If I do get a chance to cancel you, I am because you shouldn't have said it. Now I'm going to use that against you, stupid. But it's just like, it don't bother me.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Like, you know, and I go with New York. Oh, that's God. We need more time. I got to have you back on. I got to try to talk you out of this idea of canceling, too. I just feel like we're stupid to their fucking level, dude. I don't want to cancel them. I want to embrace these fuckers somehow.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Balenciaga needs to be canceled. I'm sorry. Balenciaga canceled. I'm sorry. I hear you. Anything I do with children, I'm with you on the cancel. I don't like it. I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:49:59 I don't like cancel culture. I hate it. But that's why I said it the way I said it just now. Like, oh, yeah, I'm going to cancel you because i really don't like to do that right right but valencia anything to do with children nah you nah yeah that that for me too children are non-negotiable non-negotiable children and and and probably raping women is or two non-negotiable things non-negotiable the two that's non-negotiable yeah other than that i'm pretty i'm pretty i believe in freedom of speech bro freedom of
Starting point is 01:50:25 thought freedom of speech yeah freedom of expression i'm yeah hey everybody say what you want like what happened to stix's storm may break your bones and words and that what happened to that yeah yeah uh hogus four fifths didn't even get to fucking how you got your name i i really enjoyed this thank you i really really enjoyed this, thank you I really, really enjoyed this I feel like it's one of the best interviews I ever had Though, literally Oh, now you really go You're never gonna hear the end of this
Starting point is 01:50:54 I really do, it's one of the best interviews I've ever done And I've done a lot Oh, Allison, you don't know what happened? What, do you live on the beach? That's my girl, she lives on the beach Her and her husband This girl and her husband moved to town You don't know what happened? What, do you live on the beach? That's my girl. She lives on the beach. Yeah. Her and her husband, this girl and her husband moved to town.
Starting point is 01:51:11 She told me, hey, we're moving to Santa Cruz. They got two kids. She's like, I want my kids to grow up with your kids. It's like one of the greatest compliments I've ever gotten from someone. Pretty cool. Hey, you have my phone number. Anything I can ever do for you, you ever to do Talk more about any of the stuff You want us to figure out how we can stream On your YouTube channel my YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:51:31 At the same time Whatever I'm so game to do anything with you You're cool as shit Let's do it Let's do it Have a good night I hope you kill it on Clubhouse tonight I know you will, obviously.
Starting point is 01:51:46 There's a whole lot to talk about. You already know. All right, brother. All right. Peace. Later. Later, Hocus. He was awesome.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Ha ha! You know what you did there? That was genius. Usually I tell you this stuff um when we talk on the phone afterward but when you brought up his uh daughter playing piano that was like the ultimate icebreaker like that was it he was yours the interview was off and running and it was it was solid tickle the balls and you can do what you want his story is crazy i was just like just like fly on the wall
Starting point is 01:52:25 over here just like listening to it like have him like oh wait no i'm supposed to do something not just listen to his story i'm really i'm really bummed i couldn't say anything uh did i say anything misogynistic homophobic transphobic or racist on the show today i'm really sorry i couldn't uh jonathan ortega oh shit someone has a mad heart on now i really enjoyed that conversation i can't tell you guys how nervous i was i was a little bit short of breath um i crushed a 70 pound dumbbell eat a dick magnus i was crushing that shit i told you i did 30 i mean i hurt myself it was weird because you you told me that you're like i'm kind of feeling a little nervous about this one and then i all of a sudden i was like oh well shit if you're nervous we're fucked
Starting point is 01:53:12 because the second you get nervous i like double down on it like i don't know he um he's good he was great i was nervous like i was nervous with uh with patrick bed david like that first 10 minute it was it was long it was like 10 minutes of nervousness yeah and then once you guys get going and you kind of click then you settle in you're good to go oh my god i fucking loved him he's so cool yeah he was really good tomorrow we got this dude on um paul alchemy yeah is that how would you pronounce it oh shit you're gonna make me i have you ever noticed that i just avoid ever trying to pronounce anybody's name on the show but yeah alchemy that's or alchemy you must be good at names because you got to know everyone's name at the gym oh yeah but i what i do with that is is once i hear somebody's name if especially
Starting point is 01:54:07 like if they have a unique name or the pronunciation stuff i'll say it like seven or eight times in a very short time span to them just to like get it and that's how i could do it but i'll usually ask him like five or six times did i pronounce that right was that correct and then i'll say it back to him a bunch people must love that i tried to use his name as much as i could how about the i liked it when he remembered my name seven seven yeah yeah it's everybody's favorite word in the english dictionary oh their own name their own name yeah god i've i've it's been a while since i've had some good gossip for you guys, but I'm on the scent with a couple good – I just don't know how long it's going to take for them to unfold. I've reached this point – what do you guys want to talk about?
Starting point is 01:54:56 I was going to say Lizard King, Liver King. I've reached this point – God, I wonder if I'm getting a little soft. Before, I would just come hard with this information. But I'm trying to navigate some political waters. If you guys see me selling out, tell me. Just throw it in the comments. They'll let us know, I'm sure. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 01:55:23 It's good. There's just a couple fun stories. Some of them you guys could easily sniff out now. If you're pointed in the right direction. Yeah. But they could get me really... No, not any sporty... Oh, wait, what's this?
Starting point is 01:55:42 Sprotty Betty is in your head. Get rid of her. No, no, no. Nothing. None of enjoyed that you guys actually made that fun i actually just went back and read the comments and i was just like holy shit it just made me so happy how many people got it i i received probably my greatest message from a listener ever today. This is the one that you were talking about earlier. Yeah. That I sent you. It was a,
Starting point is 01:56:11 it's a, it's a, it was a message from a lady who told me when she started watching the show, she had some issues with basically everything I said. And I didn't, I didn't tell you about her her next text i really got to get her on the show but basically she had issues with everything i was saying and yesterday when we had xavier xavier deruso yep on that was the final straw for her like that that completely pushed her over the edge. She was like, oh, fuck, I get it.
Starting point is 01:56:53 And this girl's, this lady's backstory is fucking nuts. The path that she had to traverse to being a blue pill to a red pill is as hard as it could get. It's the hardest path ever. And when she sent me that this morning, I was wow i read it to my mom she sent me some other fucking insane shit later today too i she said she'd come on the show but i i don't want to feel like i'm taking advantage of her i want to like like build a friendship up i want to like have a relationship with her like she's someone i want as a friend it's such it's like you know like you know like there was there was this dude i've talked about him before there was this dude jimmy letchford who worked at crossfit inc and he was um
Starting point is 01:57:37 uh went to the naval academy as a wrestler and he was a very charming man very handsome very cool but he was tough as shit and just being around him you like you were i was impressed just with like how manly he is well you know what i'm saying like if someone's like like you had a friend who's really tall and it's just cool being around them or like you have a friend who's rich as fuck and it's just cool being around just like some superficial shit but but that's cool you know i mean um like like you go out with all your friends and you all have motorcycles in school this chick's journey it's like being with someone who climbed everest you're like yep that's my friend who climbed as everest and uh yeah so manly right yeah jimmy's manly as shit yeah like greg yeah yeah for like i was so proud to have greg as a friend
Starting point is 01:58:22 yeah and handsome yeah jimmy's got it all yeah he's handsome and and handsome and manly yeah like greg i was always so proud to be around greg totally uh trina's in australia this this account here is so fucking good i'm just gonna put let me pull it up it, uh, it's that girl who does it, right? Yeah. Going rogue with seven. Obviously I like it. It's fucking my,
Starting point is 01:58:52 it's my, it's my favorite word in the dictionary. Are you bringing it up or you want me? You got it. Yeah. Yeah. And, and,
Starting point is 01:58:59 and so, uh, going rogue with seven, she, she just crushes the reels. Dude, we tackle every subject that you've been told not to tackle. We tackle every fucking subject. We're like flies to just like those subjects.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Transgender. Definitions of words. Sex versus gender. Abortion. Abortion. Abortion. The killing of babies. Race. What means – why do they point at black people when it's just – skin color has nothing to do with anything other than your ability to survive further or closer to the equator.
Starting point is 01:59:51 The vaccine. further or closer um to the equator the vaccine got them all in there it's just and then and then susan drops this line on me he goes dude i go what he goes we're like salmon swimming upstream against the algorithm i started crying when you said to me this is a really this is so here it is if you want to see oh shit she's already got one of this dude yeah yeah yeah she's already cut an xavier reel he reposted it too well that's the exact opposite of what they want they want black people and people of color to have this victim mentality so that we continue to be dependent on these systems that they've established for us. Because if you said something that was actually logical, then that would make't exist because then you don't have to do any actual work like they continue to say that we need to fight this police brutality epidemic when that's not an epidemic that's barely happening you know how rare it is for an unarmed black person to
Starting point is 02:00:54 be shot by a police officer and more often than not yeah thanks for doing this trina this is so fucking cool hey that story where um yeah everybody's gonna follow that page that story that story i need to make is a youtube clip where jeremy i want you know how like they'll usually be like uh they'll it'll say like uh black man shot by i fucked up i should have asked jeremy this question too it'll say black man shot by white police officer i should, I want to make a clip from that story where Jeremy got the hand job in the back of the cop car. I, I,
Starting point is 02:01:28 I should have asked him if he, if he dropped a load in there, if he shot, if he dropped one out of the chamber, because it needs to, I want to make that clip for my YouTube channel. It says black man gets or shoots load in back of white police officers. I want to have something that like
Starting point is 02:01:46 that like plays off of that remember there was like two years of that like we we knew whenever um whenever anyone who was injured was black god that was fucking crazy do they still do that are we taking it feels like we've taken a break from that no i think uh mainstream has moved away from that a little bit. Oh, I have a note here for a Dear Bill and Katie shirt. You do think that they've moved away from that? That's good. Yeah, it feels like it.
Starting point is 02:02:13 I mean, not in totality. They never will because anything that pushes a narrative, but at least in the recent, it seems to be less forward-facing. Okay, going. Less pushed. Here it is. Let's see. Going Rogue with Sevan seven it has 640 followers i'll refresh it oh two follow two two two new followers from we killed it for you trina
Starting point is 02:02:34 there we go that thing better have a thousand by the next time we bring it up uh tomorrow we have paul alkyby on this is be – I've got to still prepare for this for a couple hours. This is going to be a wild podcast. This guy was personally involved in getting people out of Afghanistan during that shit show. And I don't even know that story, so he's going to have to explain. I just remember seeing the pictures of jets on the tarmac covered with fucking Afghanis. So he'll have to kind of tell us the back story, give us what happened, and then we'll hear his role in saving people from there and i have a feeling it's going to be a blast and he looks like a stud too yeah that should be a good one i can't believe hey we're getting so
Starting point is 02:03:16 jacked in the algorithm it's so funny watching what's happening to us and it's funny is not the right word maybe sad even but but watching what spotify and apple is doing to us is pretty wild it's all right let's keep on soldiering on we're gonna watch it watch everything take a weird turn and we're gonna have our biggest following on twitter because all these are live on twitter like right now it's live on twitter like we just why i i clicked on it today because i just wanted to check it out and see what the platform is up 400 our viewership is up 400 on twitter i shit you not that That's actually true. And I clicked on it and I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 02:03:46 there's an audience here. Okay. Wow. Cause the other times before it, you know, there was, we would be at like two or three views on Twitter, but now as it's increased and everything else,
Starting point is 02:03:56 Oh, we had, we had, we, we averaged about two viewers on Twitter per show. And today we had eight. Yeah. I saw it for myself,
Starting point is 02:04:03 people. Oh, there you go, Mooney. I think I'm your only follower on people oh there you go mooney i think i'm your only follower on twitter fuck you mooney there's seven others oh my goodness i bet you if we brought back some sort of news thing i think that like if we talked like uh let's just say we have like three and i think we should just keep it to three or four but you have like three or four recent news articles that you just kind of like went through or had an opinion about.
Starting point is 02:04:26 And we just chatted about them on once a week, like similar to how we did back in the day with Kate and James. Yeah, I bet you that would that would do well. I think people really like to hear your take on some of the recent stuff in the news. Kind of like Tim Pohl, Pohl's show. That's what I try to make our live call and show, but I'm just stuck. I'm just stuck i'm just stuck on the same topics um what happened what why did what happened with um hobart and katie hogan what was the girl katie hogan no no no it was uh kate gordon kate gordon
Starting point is 02:04:57 remember the recording so sexy that was what happened i got too squirrely that was like during the day firing i got too squirrely? That was like during the day firing? I got too squirrely? Yeah, we like blasted everybody. They were like, right after that show, like, so we on for this Sunday? They're like, no, dude. And then that was it. We haven't gone back to like true news articles. Two great stories coming for you guys it's been a while since we've had some good juicy like I'm really looking
Starting point is 02:05:30 forward to the three affiliate show oh my goodness like where we oh my goodness you guys thank you for bringing that up Sousa I really want this to be the definitive video that everyone needs to watch before they open an affiliate.
Starting point is 02:05:48 And I think we're going to fucking do it. I think we're going to have this video. We have three guests besides myself, Matt Souza, current affiliate owner, Andrew Hiller, ex-affiliate owner, and then a fucking rock star in the affiliate data space. It is going to be so awesome. And basically what we're going to show you is we're going to show you a handful of spreadsheets, ledgers. What would you call them? Just metrics, just data points. Basically, we're going to lay out a sheet of paper and it's going to be like, what it costs to run an affiliate for one month. And we're going to show you. I'm just making this up.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Paris, Miami, Los Angeles, Hong Kong. We're going to show you these places. We're going to show you a handful of places in Europe because CrossFit is exploding there right now relatively. And you're going to see what kind of stimulated this is I was getting sick and tired of people saying it's too expensive to go to an affiliate. Like, hey, go fuck yourself. And then I thought, holy shit, we should just lay out the monthly expense report for an affiliate. This is the rent. This is the cost to keep the bathroom running.
Starting point is 02:06:53 This is an expenditure for how much new equipment we have to buy. This is what I pay my employees. This is what I have to pay to the government for the septic tank I use in the back. Just all of that stuff. And then you're going to be like, Holy fuck. I think a lot of you're going to be like, how the fuck does an affiliate ever stay in business? And you're going to be like,
Starting point is 02:07:12 it's going to just change your entire perception of what you're being offered there. And, and, and, and basically I, and I do not like this word, but the sacrifice affiliate owners are going to. Is JR doing a standalone podcast? Yeah. Yeah. That'll be cool, too.
Starting point is 02:07:30 I just want to talk to JR a little bit. Yeah, get to know him. Get to know JR a little bit. The man behind the stoic mask. Yeah, or make money. Yeah. How the fuck do they stay in business or make any money? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:41 And I would argue, well, we'll get into the show, but I would argue like a lot of the times the affiliate is like the vehicle to something else. Owning an affiliate. Owning an affiliate. Like when you own an affiliate, like if you're, you know, if your sole goal and you're not, you don't have another nine to five or anything like that and you're owning it. I would say a lot of the affiliate owners that have been there for a really long time in the space that I've seen, like a lot of success has have used also that affiliate for a vehicle for like other things as well, too. Give me an example.
Starting point is 02:08:11 So for me, for instance, I use the affiliate. That was like the vehicle to get the contracts with the fire departments. Okay. I was thinking tax Haven and heroin laundering scheme, but okay. Got you.
Starting point is 02:08:22 Okay. As you were saying, yeah, you could also use it for some tax advantage stuff, but that's gonna be like uh you know it's still stuck in the lane of fitness yeah of course and or it could could be a different direction i mean how many people have we seen open up there and it is in the lane of fitness bar and also nutrition but how many people have we seen then open like a online service where they're like ryan fisher is a good example where he's like my gym breaks even or i lose his money but i make 250 you know thousand a month off my online programs i sell big ebooks
Starting point is 02:08:51 correct right yeah so or look at street parking has an affiliate they do so that's another example like how they dear miranda and hooligan i should have a dear miranda and hooligan segment too we are opening uh open to sponsors of the podcast street parking put your little logo up there be great yeah my goodness what a fucking successful enterprise and yet they still have a crossFit, a street CrossFit affiliate. Yeah, that's a real cool one. But I think also too, like you'll find it even in JR's story too, like the Crash Crucible
Starting point is 02:09:31 and then how that's helped him with like a lot of athletes and then his gym has sponsors and stuff like that. So you find these other like avenues, even some of the corporate fitness stuff I was doing like early on with the gym ends up helping quite a bit because you're just taking what you're doing and applying it to something else. Do you ever wonder how people who don't have that other avenue make it? They don't. Not long term. Right. I got a story for you guys. And then I, and then I got to pee. I got a story for you guys.
Starting point is 02:10:03 And then I got to pee. My sister called me today. And my sister lives in Texas. And she went into a store. I think she said she was shopping for a dress. And she sees a dress. And she says, oh, this is really nice. And my sister's little. My sister's like five feet tall, 100 pounds.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Pretty lady. pounds pretty lady really pretty lady and so she she says uh hey do you have this in an extra small she said this this older lady who's like rail thin shakes her head no i was just like okay well you got it in a size that you in a size that's too big, but it's not a cute dress when it's on me when it's too big. It looks sloppy. Lady goes, yeah, I know. And then the lady, as she walks away, mutters something under her breath that she's so sick of the fact that plus sizes are being pushed as beautiful.
Starting point is 02:11:05 Citra's like, wow, okay. So, you know, the lady is obviously, is not happy with the fact that they don't have a dress that fits my sister. You're never going to believe where this story is going. So my sister's in the store for 15 minutes and she says they have tons of cool shit. And the store owner's there. And she says to the store owner, she finds like a minutes and she says they have tons of cool shit and the store owner's there
Starting point is 02:11:25 and she says to the store owner she finds like a sweater and she says hey do you have this in extra small the lady said no we really don't have anything in extra small my sister's like okay well thank you and she goes would you like some blue bell ice cream and i'm like what did i just hear that right my sister's like yeah she offered after she told me that they didn't have my size she offered me ice cream i go what the fuck is bluebell ice cream she goes it's some super trendy ice cream in texas and i go the closing store sells that she goes no they give it away free they had like some sort of machine that dispenses ice cream how else are they gonna give her that plus size inventory yeah and i said
Starting point is 02:12:05 to my sister i'm like they're trying to fatten you up so you fit into the clothes she goes i have no idea what just happened she thought i was i thought i was in a twilight zone episode i'm like what'd you do she just told her no thank you and she walked out of the store what a fucking genius thing to do we don't take care of your size but if you come by for a few of these yeah come by for free ice cream every day and this sweater will fit you in a week it's your perfect yeah i could go up fucking nuts i'm like is this story really true my sister doesn't really my sister's like hardcore jesus lover she don't fucking lie But I had to double check Fucking nuts I'm sure that's not what the lady meant
Starting point is 02:12:49 But it sure is weird right Yeah Oh well fat you have no time Definitely not a good look that's for sure Okay guys We'll see you tomorrow morning at 7am Afghanistan will be the topic And I appreciate all you guys for checking in.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Matt, Susie, you're the man. Always good to see you. Love doing night shows and seeing you. And we'll talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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