The Sevan Podcast - #690 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: December 1, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Bam, we're live. Oh, shit. Not really. Not really. Not really. What's wrong? What happened? Can you hear me? Yes. Can you hear me? Shit. What?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Do I sound like shit? Not very good. A little different than normal. The power went out here. That's why the podcast, we had to move everything around. And now all the mics are down. Let me see. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Now I can give my wife some attention because he knew tonight was too good to be true. Is that what he said? That's funny. Is that better now? Yeah, it is better. What did you change? Hello. I was using some mic off a monitor, a computer here.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Hey, what's up? Thanks for doing this so late. I know we were scheduled to go at 6, then I pushed it to 7. Then I made up that story that my power went out. I knew it was made up. Right. What's up with that? California sucks, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:37 It does. I hear it's great until the power needs to stay on. I'm tripping on something you okay yeah i'm great it makes me realize how fucking amazing and great i am what i'm tripping on okay well i'm tripping on the fact that that all these um heavyweights out there there's like i don't know i don't and i want to leave out the plates and dates guy because except for that whole piece that he put on being a charlatan which i thought was over the top to call the liver king a charlatan i thought that was significantly over the top in my opinion the guy the guy different way charlatan oh okay i'll look it up for you here yeah i don't know what charlatan is uh a charlatan. Oh, okay. I'll look it up for you here. Yeah, I don't know what a charlatan is.
Starting point is 00:02:27 A charlatan is a person falsely claiming to have special knowledge or skill of fraud. So he is a charlatan. I don't think so. Well, if he is, he doesn't deserve a 10-minute piece on hammering that in. Tell me why you think he's a charlatan. Tell me why you think the liver king is a charlatan. I'll tell me why you think he's a charlatan tell me why you think liver king's a charlatan i'll tell you why i think he's not a charlatan oh you say the liver king is a charlatan okay maybe yeah i'm saying he's not a charlatan i'm saying the the i'm saying the plates and dates guy video was pretty damn good but i thought the piece the section where
Starting point is 00:02:59 he's like trying to cast him as a charlatan was over the top like hey i appreciate you you mean the last 10 minutes is that you you mean the last 10 minutes is that where it was the last 10 minutes there was a whole section in there where he just talks about the liver king he basically defines what a charlatan is he uses some other guy's video do you remember that oh that's like the the first 30 minutes is kind of him plugging in a whole different bunch of different podcasts and maybe that's what you're talking about i haven't broken up in my mind is like the first 30 minutes is him just laying the groundwork.
Starting point is 00:03:28 The next 20 minutes was him giving a perspective in all those emails. And then the last 10 is kind of what he grabbed from those emails and how he felt about it. So maybe it was the first 30 minutes you were in. Yeah, it was in the first 30 minutes. I see a guy that's selling pills that in those emails, he also says he takes those pills along with the steroids.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I see a guy who practices what he preaches as far as the nine tenants go. Maybe he doesn't. I mean, the first thing I actually thought when he got caught for when they outed him for doing steroids was, oh, fuck. I wonder if he really does sleep on those wooden planks with that thin, thin piece of cotton. And you know what? I didn't give a fuck about the steroids. Say that again. The More Plates, More Dates guy thought the same thing. He did?
Starting point is 00:04:14 At some point in that video, he brings up the, well, maybe you're only sleeping for a couple hours a night because you sleep on fucking wooden planks. Okay. So, and I got the impression from the Plates and Dates guy also believes that he, he wasn't dogging the guy's supplement line. No, not, not one bit. And so, I think I know where you're going with this. I don't know. It's going to take a pretty crazy turn here.
Starting point is 00:04:37 We all, where were these guys when fucking the George Floyd thing happened? Where were these guys? I didn't see that coming right and not the plates and dates guy where was the guy where was joe rogan two years ago i remember listening to clips of his podcast where he was dancing around about the trying to say that they're ready to jump aboard the liver king teardown but they were gonna jump they're such pussies so many of those guys are such pussies.
Starting point is 00:05:06 They won't tell you their true opinion about the vaccine. That dude apologized to the woke crowd. If we're being entirely fair to Derek. Yeah, I'm not talking about Derek. I'm giving Derek a pass. I thought his piece. So Rogan. Rogan, that Bio Lane guy.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Even my homeboy, Paul Saladino, or there's a guy – let me play this for you, the dad bods guy. Go ahead. What were you going to say? I don't know if I was going to say anything. I was noticing I had the cap on this water bottle trying to drink it. It's like – No, but why Saladino and BioLane? What do they have to do with George Floyd?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Just any of the subjects, any of the subjects. Paul Saladino and Biolane, what do they have to do with George Floyd? Just any of the subjects, any of the subjects. Paul Saladino is a doctor. I'd like to hear him chime in about how transgenderism is a mental illness, that basically what it is in general – people are going to hate me for this. But basically what it is, it's textbook psychology 101. Something bad happened to you as a kid, and you believe it happened to you because you were either male or female. So instead of dealing with that problem, that massive tragedy that happens to you, you try to run away from your sex. And instead of being around good mentors who tell you that, hey, chopping off your penis or chopping off your tits won't get you away from these bad people. What you have to do is you have to go inside and do some inner work.
Starting point is 00:06:21 They take you down that path. Why isn't Dr. Saldino talked about that? Why haven't they talked paul's been great because he's scared yeah yeah all of these people are attacking the liver king they think they're doing it for some benign reason and i give the nick the the people like you and the in the the plates and dates guy what's his name derrick derrick i want to give them a pass because that's you guys have been doing that before Liver King came. That was your stick. Like I was at I was at a murder scene one time and I filmed it. And a lot of people fucking got mad at me. I've told that story, right? Because it was a lot of people got mad at me.
Starting point is 00:06:55 But I carried a camera around with me and filmed everything in that town 24 hours a day for three years. Like, fuck you. That's what I do. I'm not an ambulance. Oh, OK. But but where were these guys to speak up against about the burning of Ferguson? Why, why, why is Joe Rogan apologizing to the woke crowd for something he knows he didn't do when he apologizes?
Starting point is 00:07:16 All he's doing is building more bars for black people. He, and he knows that he's not dumb. He's just demanding that all black people be offended by, by the words he said when those, when, when they shouldn't be offensive at all in the context, he used them,
Starting point is 00:07:28 especially when you ever flip, have you ever been able to flip somebody? So, so like, yes, trust me. I guess the stuff that you're throwing down.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yes. I'm wondering if you've ever like heard someone, you know, everything you're saying just makes so much sense that i need to change my perspective on many things so i'm gonna tell you a story and i told it a couple nights ago all right a lady text me the other day dm me the other day text me well what was it it was was a text. It matters. Well, it matters. About three months ago, we started texting.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It started off as a DM, so this came in as a text. Roger. I asked her if she'd come on the show. She is a, her words, not mine, a lesbian butch who's raising a son. Okay. butch who's raising a son okay and three days ago when we had xavier deroso on deruso on she texts me the next day a lot of shit some shit that i'm not comfortable sharing here but but eventually i would i've asked her to come on the show and she said yes but but i said yes, but I just don't know if she's really ready to come on the show, and I don't want to take advantage of her. But she said to me, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Basically, I've been listening to your podcast for fucking a year and a half and disagreed with everything you said, and fucking all of a sudden I couldn't disagree anymore. You had Xavier DeRusso – oh, and she's black. She's fucking black, lesbian, butch, raising a son. And she goes, I can't do it anymore you red pilled me that's it i'm done yeah i got it i understand i can't fucking believe you did it she gets it that's just the most recent one i've gotten i've gotten a lot of those but that one was amazing and you know what i wrote back to you please tell me you're jewish because wouldn't that be awesome she was jewish black lesbian but's like, sorry, I can't give you the triple crown.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Did she adopt her son? I haven't gotten into any of that with her. But I really like her. I love texting with her. What? Okay. She's like, she's half and half. She's like one of those red-headed black people.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Excuse me? I probably shouldn't say anymore i don't want to give it away i really because i i'm really enjoying my relationship with all right all right i don't don't ruin it but it's probably because but isn't that awesome that you're asking that has anyone ever flipped because i know you want to be like seven shut the fuck up people have to come to this at their own pace everyone blossoms absolutely not oh i kind of assume that you wouldn't keep doing it it may it would make you sound insane if you were to have said no never once dude what are you doing then just beating your head into a brick wall so some some people will say that in the comments hey why do you talk about
Starting point is 00:10:13 this stuff you're just beating your head into a wall but the thing is there's so many people out there who are alone and scared like so now she's isolated she's been red pilled and her entire fucking surroundings haven't her family look at even xavier i don't know if you saw that podcast like he's like half his family doesn't like him was that the one from last night it was the uh the black cat who who goes to uh um suza's gym which was it's so weird that he goes to do suza gym. Was that the four-hour podcast? Oh, there it is. Dad bod Steve. Is that it? Dad?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Say that again. Oh, no. Oh, no. Is it the four-hour episode? Oh, no. Okay. No. Man, that guy didn't even get into woke shit.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Is it this guy? Interesting. You talked four hours without getting into woke shit. Yeah. I know. Honestly, that might be the first time I've ever used that word. It kind of felt weird. Woke?
Starting point is 00:11:09 To say the word woke. Yeah, I've never used that word. You ever have words like that where it's like, oh, I said it? Yeah. All those words like sis and all those words. Yeah, like simp. Yeah. Sus is one of them.
Starting point is 00:11:23 People say sus. Incel. I try not to know what. People say suss. Incel. I try not to know what any of those words mean. Damn, where's that dad bod guy? Someone sent me a... Someone sent me a... Who sent me that? Was it...
Starting point is 00:11:39 Didn't you send me something about this? If it wasn't buried in that text thread, that's 10,000 words long. I'd be able to find it for you. Oh, it's in our Dubai championships thread. I would, I would have to say so.
Starting point is 00:11:55 You want me to help you? You're running a solo ship right now on there. The Photoshop in there today was amazing, wasn't it? Oh, I thought those were real uh the media director the former head media director of prospect i just thought those were real they're very well done andrew and matt is it in that thread
Starting point is 00:12:17 oh yeah here it is okay here it is look Look at this guy. These guys are just tools. Like, I want to... All of a sudden, they just come out of the woodwork to a... dadbod... underscore... Steve. Team Richie.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I just wanted to give you an update on me. Four days ago. He looks sad. It's got 73,000 views. What do you think it's about? That's a Craig Richie video. Yeah. It's on the YouTube front page.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I bet it's got nothing to do with him being sad. Okay. I bet you're right too. listen listen to this guy listen to this guy this is uh dad bod steve the liar king okay listen to this listen to this jerk i'm ready i'm ready being live he is a fraud people are pissed and here is Emails revealing the liver king. Echo, echo, echo. Steroid habit recently leaked. And if you haven't seen Derek for more plates, more dates, one hour expose on this. I do find it endearing that everyone keeps giving Derek credit.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I do like that. I was called out once for that. I'm not mad that he used steroids. A lot of my childhood heroes use steroids. Jose Canseco, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the ultimate warrior. They all juiced and they basically owe their careers to it. For the most part, they were honest about it. So that's not the problem. Not true. The problem is that Oliver King went the A-Rod, Lance Armstrong, Mike O'Hearn approach, juiced to the gills and denied it multiple times.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I hate that. You hate that. No, I hate that. And you hate that no i hate that and you hate that no i don't no i don't i'm not i'm not a bitch i don't hate that everyone's responsible for their own shit it's completely out of my control i don't hate that that's one of the things that makes me an adult that's one of the things that makes me a man i don't hate that that's that's on him that's on that's on the liver king. I don't hate that. I agree. What I hate are people doing... Actually, I have a 20-minute video
Starting point is 00:14:31 putting out tomorrow about why I don't hate it. I can't wait. Oh, God, your last couple of videos have been amazing. Everyone hates that, and it can take a really long time to forgive. Forgive? It can take a really long time to forgive? It can take a really long time to forgive it can take a really you
Starting point is 00:14:48 jackass steve buddy uh i have a consulting a capable child consulting i charge five hundred dollars an hour but i can also this page i'm sorry oh sure sorry but you can also keep going but but i can also like I will do you for free. Even if you don't have kids, I can help you with your inability to become a man and not need forgiveness from, not think that you need to forgive the liver king or that your matter is going to take some amount of time. You are the exact opposite of enlightenment. Scroll really quick. I just want to see what this guy's page looks like.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Hey dude. Hey dude. And, and, and I love Paul Saladino. So I kind of, is this who this is? This isn't Paul Saladino.
Starting point is 00:15:42 No, it's not. But I'm going to say something about him too. Like he's been friends with Brian for five years. So. Johnson. Liver King. Liver King.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah. And it's like. Outside of like fucking rape and pedophilia. Like I stand by my friends like through something like this. I just laugh at it. Top five performance enhancing movies i even i even heard i've even heard um joe rogan do the same thing to brendan schwab that jocko willick did to um um joe rogan when joe rogan apologized for that shit jocko's like he's really a good guy he didn't mean it but i am concerned about his psychedelic use in his drinking like fuck off dude why are you conflating issues
Starting point is 00:16:27 like you're not a real friend to say that and it's the same thing like it really bums me out that uh i'll heal joe rogan say i know brennan schwab's an idiot but he's my ride or die like oh cool thanks like like yeah fuck this dead bod steve guy oh it's just it's just such baby click on that click on that top oh fuck where were you where were these guys where were these guys when shit was like hitting the fan and like there was real shit to talk about why don't you just focus on why isn't anyone just focusing on all the amazing shit liver king has done dude you can find fucking hundreds probably thousands of people who've gotten rid of fucking 10 years of or lifelong eczema because they've adopted the liver king uh lifestyle and that's the thing man autoimmune diseases all that shit
Starting point is 00:17:18 like fuck off he's done so much good yeah the thing is the my entire video is under the umbrella that i think it's part of his master plan to get more people to know who the liver king is like the kardashians releasing uh the fuck exactly exactly yeah it's like who who on this on the face of this planet he mentioned a couple it was schwarzenegger mike O'Hearn, that wrestler you had never heard of. Everyone thought that they were on steroids, and they'd been around for how long? And how many people know these people, have access to these people? Way more than the Liver King. But coincidentally, Liver King, one year after he hits the freaking planet,
Starting point is 00:18:01 he has all these emails come out. That's not by chance. It was part of his master plan. It's just like a sex tape yes i was thinking about this and there's so many people talking about the liver king and now it's like oh they're hearing about the their nine ancestral tenets it's his master plan let's see how you're first let's see how his Instagram account is doing. His most recent post has like 6,000 comments on it. Last I checked. And that's 5,000 more than anything as of recent. So it's working.
Starting point is 00:18:33 1.7 million followers. So he hasn't lost any followers. He didn't gain any either. In that video, Derek, it says that he wants a million followers in a year and he did it. He's not stupid. I was thinking about the, I think I cracked the code on the, on the releasing the sex tapes,
Starting point is 00:18:54 not like it's intakes any major power, but the largest, the largest amount of content downloaded anywhere on the internet is from porn porn sites. Right. And yet those people aren't accepted into society so you have the most viewed shit ever but yet those people can't cross over like they'll never be in a movie with mark wolberg you can't be like sucking dick on porn hub and
Starting point is 00:19:15 then be on in in minority report with tom cruise wasn't he in what was the movie where he was marky mark right as in he's literally sucking dick for money or something. And so what you do is you release porn that you've done, but you say it was an accident. So that way you're not a pornographer, like Kim Kardashian's not a pornographer, but you say it was an accident
Starting point is 00:19:36 and then you can still be mainstream. And so they straddled this line. It's a brilliant marketing move. So now tell that to Emily Ratajajowski. What happened to her? I know she had that video where she rode around on the bicycle with her tits out. That was a cool video. She was in a Zac Efron movie. Really good. Was she also in porn? See, I don't know about that I watch every movie ever and not very much porn
Starting point is 00:20:07 yeah she's good looking she was in that Zac Efron movie only good looking people are in Zac Efron movies Hugh Jackman the greatest showman she's so hot Hugh Jackman's hot too he is
Starting point is 00:20:23 and he's going to be in a movie with the other dude oh shit uh oh hillary's the opposite hillar fit review show liver king hip and steel and noble oh my whoa that's a good title brandstetter whoa is it oh nice it's a good thumbnail yeah thank you i think is that the first time Brooke Wells Has been honored on this show Yeah what's she doing in there Oh I did Make a video on her recently didn't I How
Starting point is 00:20:52 Guys Reach out to your homie When they're hurt Why attack them Well are they friends with them or what Even if they're not They're close enough to them well are they friends with them or what even if they're not like they're close enough to him to talk shit about them samsung yes bruce and you know do i have seven do i have seven and five k on my screen bro your camera looks great thank you
Starting point is 00:21:18 24 bro that's a kid. A girl used bro. Kate's cool. Guess so. She's keeping me accountable on other YouTube channels. I was talking some shit over on Nate Everton's channel. Oh, wow. He had a seven-minute video just kind of shooting the shit, telling people who didn't ask why he was doing what he's doing,
Starting point is 00:21:47 who seemed like they do care. But then he also had to drop in there at least twice, if not three or four times. You know, I could make a video every day, but the quality of my videos would just get worse. Oh, you think that's a dig at you? Fucking, of course, it's a dig at me. Like, nobody asked you. No one wants to know why you're doing it. Just keep on doing it. If you don't want to take the time and energy to make a video a day, just say that, too.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Don't try to say it's making your videos worse. Also, don't say it's my videos are shit because I think every one of my videos beats the shit out of any single one of his videos. Well, I think that what's very clear about what's happening with you is that each one of your videos is getting better. You're getting reps in. You're getting a bigger and bigger library of movies. You're putting them in better. Your cuts are better. Like everything's better.
Starting point is 00:22:32 All your shit's better. Your audio is better. Like every time it gets better. I try. It was the $12 Amazon clip-on mic that did the audio. This made your videos $12 better. $12 better. $12 at clip on mic. That's in the audio. This made your videos $12 better. $12 better. $12 at a time.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Hiller Fit on your YouTube station. I was actually really proud of my Noble thumbnail. The best shoe in fitness thumbnail. Excellent. It was just kind of different. It's just a grilled shoe. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 You're right. Did that, did that, did that jack up your barbecue? No, it's fine. Oh, Alexis did throw out the pot that I boiled that shoe in though.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It was, she, she just made an Instagram story about that that about how i made the whole video throughout the day i kind of like did it different points of the day between people i was working with and i just plugged the video together later and then she came home at night and i was cooking dinner and she's like are you boiling potatoes in the same pot that you boiled that shoe and i'm like yeah i cleaned it it. Oh, shit. It didn't go over.
Starting point is 00:23:49 We didn't end up eating those potatoes. And then she threw the pot away. Well, you can't throw the grill away. I can fix it. I can clean it. What do you do? You just leave it on for like 30 or 40 minutes, get it hot as shit?
Starting point is 00:24:03 A grill? Yeah, just to burn off all the shoe stuff i mean i got a pressure washer and then yeah i'd burn the shit out of the rest of it and uh maybe take some acid to it the that that video uh can i play i'm gonna play the beginning of it it's it's it's hilarious jessica Valenzuela. I thought she was going to kill me. Yes. Uh,
Starting point is 00:24:27 Sylvester Stallone was both in porn and movies, Italian stallion. Is that how that, is that where that came from? I don't know. This is kind of crazy right here. So this was released yesterday. You would like the Archer cuts.
Starting point is 00:24:41 What? Oh yes. I like the Archer. What are we playing? Um, you like Archer? Yeah. I mean, I, I liked the Archer cuts. What are we playing? Do you like Archer? Yeah. I mean, I like, I don't, I haven't watched any of them. Like maybe I've watched one like a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's dry. I love that movie or that TV show. It's so funny. Okay. We'll watch the first few seconds of this. This is so good. I am noble. Their shoes suck.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Noble contracts are no joke. Their shoes are though. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I you just like it because you were in it that's why you like it probably probably i like it because daniel brandon and rich froning are in it some guy in the comments did you see this some guy in the comments look at this doesn't know who didn't like rich froning is that the one yeah david l silva i'm not a froning fan but i agree 100 with his assessment how the fuck does that have 20 thumbs ups tried nobles twice and the only thing worse than their shoes is their customer service earbud writes it must be a boston thing andrew hiller writes i didn't know froning had non-fans me neither cool to see you can agree on things though the customer service is garbage it almost took six weeks to do an exchange for a
Starting point is 00:26:04 different size nick peters i complained about two separate pairs of running shoes and they started falling apart a few months after i got them and both times they gave me the same amount in store credit and let me keep the shoes customer service is great what what what oh i responded to that it's not in it's not in there how the fuck is that a you had to return two pairs of shoes and that's a compliment is that all under the froning one yeah i see stuff from you on there but i but i replied to nick peters oh oh yeah okay nick peters i had a girlfriend that kept yeah i had a girlfriend that kept bringing home venereal diseases but always paid for the medical visits i mean that's basically what he's saying that's my metaphor you had to return two pairs of shoes and they're a great
Starting point is 00:26:49 company because they returned what i said not being a fan of rich froning is like not being a fan of sunny days it sounds like a fundamental issue with your operating system leo aguilar ruined your grill pot blender and saw and for? Not to mention what was spent on those crap shoes What was the point? Oh shit, this guy's talking mad poopy I gotta fight him Should I do it right now? Leo?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, Leo Thank you for watching Ruined your grill That's a great word, grill. I should grill him. I did not ruin my grill. It's fine. He's an idiot. How did you decide to pin that comment?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Because I didn't believe that somebody didn't like Rich Froning. I couldn't believe it. It was like a unicorn in my comment section trent calendar froning is god in crossfit that that that is usually what you hear so i pinned it there's no rhyme or reason dude i just i'm like oh there's something to this one i'm gonna pin it someone sent me a dm today since i'm just jerking myself off that so far 27 minutes into the show and it said what makes you so amazing is that you're still able to extract amazing content from rich froning when he's already been interviewed a thousand times i was like oh that's cool that's true well because no one else fucking asks if anything we're listening to that that's the case for just about every podcast anywhere,
Starting point is 00:28:26 which is also what you tend to get in trouble for. Froning is Jesus. Uh, yeah, we spoke with a couple of sponsors today that really liked the show, but they're a little, little. Did they want it?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Oh, did you try to be creative? What kind? Like, what are they doing? What are they looking to sponsor? Just give you money. Yeah. Hopefully. Who who cares as long as they're really quick yeah how much trouble do we want to get in do you want to get in any trouble uh can you give me a hint can
Starting point is 00:28:56 you can i get a little bit more can we just go peruse uh an instagram profile. Yeah. Whose is it? The, uh, seven time champ, six time champ. Oh, Tia. Yes. You want to humor me on this one? Sure. It's not bad.
Starting point is 00:29:12 It's not bad. I mean, why, why, why stop now is the, why stop now? I wonder if all this steroid talk is freaking people out, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:22 athletes out. Just the ones using them what do you want me to click here just pull up her profile and then we'll go from there oh great it's like going on a blind date good point bill francis yes i'm just kind of an idiot uh go to the top god her sister is is nice uh up to okay top. God, her sister is nice. Up to, okay. Alright, so what we see is Proven, Noble, Rogue, Goalie,
Starting point is 00:29:51 First Form, Monster, LMNT. Those little story highlights. Yeti, Aura, Romwad, and then some other stuff. Can you pull up just the pictures? Go to the first one with her face on it uh left it's a video top left yeah click on that what we got and then just kind of click
Starting point is 00:30:13 okay so the other day i did this and all you see is pliability drink lmnt and then what this is another one of our sponsors and there's an arrow there that you click on just to filter through them quicker oh i'm good yeah i'm feeling all right baby all right that's a hair. So she probably got her hair done for free for going there and posting it to the internet. God, look at that. That's a cool shot. That is cool. I wonder how they got that one.
Starting point is 00:30:56 First form. Proven. Hey, I want to say something. Here. All these people. All these dudes that look like they're doing steroids have fucking pretty crazy forearms i don't see those crazy forms on tia just saying i don't see the meat hooks on her okay anyway just just saying i want to make sure that i've reached my full potential. No, no products there.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I don't know. Let's hold on. Be patient. When I die, I want to make sure that I have reached my full potential. That's a cool video. I like that video. God,
Starting point is 00:31:39 it's such a cool video. Playability. I'm the next one with sound on it. Click on the bottom, right? There's a little, uh, little sound thing so we can kill the music Sisters Cool family Down Under and I speculated that they
Starting point is 00:31:54 Were just helping pump up the Down Under championship I made a video on that Which is cool right It's cool yeah but I also think that So when I was getting it I mean you went to Zello's Games to help pump up Zello's Games. I mean, you were the biggest thing there.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I also judged. I understand. She signed autographs and hugged people, hugged babies. She did. She did. Noble. Who shot that?
Starting point is 00:32:22 Who shot that? Is that Wiki? Go to the bottom left and click on the person icon no um god that's the first time i've ever clicked on an icon down here i don't do any that's so i didn't never even would have seen that i got you dude i know i know you're a fitty oh strong coffee i'm ready i'm refill. Will, hook me up. Thank you. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I would just notice that every single post that she was putting up, I guess it's not all that bad. Well, it's just sponsor, sponsor, sponsor, sponsor, sponsor. Is this the dick of the kangaroo? How is the dick behind the balls? because it's probably not the dick is the dick behind the balls on a kangaroo that is fucking weird and yeah everyone's saying that that was wiki who shot that uh uh kangaroo kangaroo and top guns is right i'm a hater because i didn't make the games very very upset.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Kangaroo genitalia. Eastern great kangaroos, like many of their fellow marsupial pouches, have a penis that is located below and behind the fucking scrotum. Jessica Valenzuela. That's what you're focusing on. It was. It was the dick. And fuck anyone who says I have ADHD.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Like, eat a fucking dick. Just because I'm 10,000 times more observant than you Doesn't mean I have ADHD Why is the dick below the balls on the kangaroo? I can't believe it They were in a great session of tearing Tia Toomey apart And he shifted to the genitalia of kangaroos I said that about you somewhere at some point It's like walking around with you in the street.
Starting point is 00:34:05 It's just your attention is drawn to everything and anything. Let me ask you a question, Jeffrey. I want you to fucking be honest. Did you or do you think anybody who's going to watch this show, the 10,000 people that will watch this show and the 10,000 will watch it on Spotify, knew that the penis of a kangaroo is behind the strogan no fucking way even my mom who hates this shit is probably like oh that's fascinating
Starting point is 00:34:38 kangaroo where's the penis of the kangaroo i googled it i did it kangaroo where's the penis of the kangaroo i googled it i did it god that is amazing yeah i think it's safe if you if you want to google that i think it's safe here i'll send it to you in the in the private chat if you want to just pull it up quick uh kangaroo genitals are weirder than you ever thought kind of like this show animal lovers listen up critters are cute and everything but you should know that nature is fucking weird and nothing fucks weirder than a kangaroo. Science blogger to the stars Ed Young watched a documentary about roo junk, so you don't have to, and here's what you need to know. Kangaroo testicles are above the penis and highly mobile.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Kangaroos have three vaginas. The outside two are for sperm and lead to the uterus the middle one is for giving birth the urinary tract goes through the middle of the three vaginas which may be why joey's are so small 40 000 times smaller than an adult kangaroo there's no room for a bigger birth canal than the urinary tract they're pissed out to go with the two sperm vaginas male kangaroos often have two pronged penises often because they have two uteruses plus you hammer both holes at the same time if you're a kangaroo that must be nice also possibly important to marsupial sex lives kangaroos can unhinge the unhinge their lower jaw really how is that important to kangaroo sex it sounds like it but didn't you say something about prongs
Starting point is 00:36:15 oh no it's prong not spite what's the animal that does that sounds terrifying oh that shit happens to dogs where they get stuck together oh oh oh i don't believe it i it's fucking on climate justice what's funny is it's on a climate justin solutions it's on this crazy woke uh website so probably isn't true yeah never mind it's probably none of that's true. You'll like this. Tell me. But it also detracts from kangaroo dick talk.
Starting point is 00:36:50 That's fine. I think we exhausted it. CrossFit put up a video that is the strict muscle up foundation. That's your jam. They put up four hours ago on their YouTube channel. Actually, I didn't even know CrossFit still had a YouTube channel. I thought it was just a game channel. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:37:11 I swear to God, I thought it was just CrossFit games. There's a podcast on there that Chase Ingram does. Chase Ingram does a CrossFit podcast, CrossFit games podcast. I dare anyone to try to find it. I saw it today. You did? You had mentioned that it was out there somewhere, so I was looking for it. How did you find it?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Did you go to their YouTube channel? No, it popped up on my homepage. Yeah. Okay. Let's play a game here. CrossFit Games. Go to their YouTube channel. It's so sad that their picture even says the word.
Starting point is 00:37:44 You take Noble circling the bull hiller circling the bull to find what i'll give you the exact i'm going to give you the exact definition hang on circling the bull all right i found it by the way. On its way out, in trouble, doomed, finished. You're asking if I think Noble is on the way out? Yeah, like, do you think they're circling the bowl? Do you think they're hemorrhaging cash? You could say they're going to follow the Whoop way and say that because they're in bigger and better sports,
Starting point is 00:38:21 why are they wasting their time on CrossFit? That's apparently why Whoop left. I mean, all that happens is CrossFit is CrossFitters trash the brand. Kind of like Whoop. Everyone was getting over Whoop. Except for the people who were getting paid by Whoop to say Whoop's awesome, which it isn't. Is Fitbit gone? No.
Starting point is 00:38:44 People who don't know what they're talking about will wear them. I thought it was. They got like however many steps in one day, which is worth knowing, I suppose. I thought it went out of business. No, not Fitbit.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Did Nike have one of those watches? A Nike watch? The Nike, wasn't it the Nike Fitbit? No, Nike kind of had a bunch of straps that went onto the apple watch i sent you that podcast if you were curious to okay uh which podcast the one from the crossfit podcast oh did you text it to me it's in the private chat
Starting point is 00:39:21 oh good even better yeah i'm trying to make your life easy. Your feet. Oh, okay. Okay. It's not doing it poorly as I would have assumed it was. Okay. So,
Starting point is 00:39:38 so here it is. Oh, why is CrossFit open? So special with CEO. Oh, okay. 529 views. It's been up for 17 hours.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Get the CEO of CrossFit a mic, yo. Fair enough. Okay, now watch. I'm going to go to this. Look, they don't even have a picture. That's how, this is a fucking, someone, like nobody gives a fuck about this. Hey, that's like YouTube 101. That's like when you sign up for a fucking no, someone like nobody gives a fuck about this. Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:06 that's like YouTube one Oh one. That's like when you sign up for a YouTube channel, they're like, make sure you have a picture, a profile pic. Oh my God. They don't have a fucking picture. Like no one gives a fuck about,
Starting point is 00:40:16 I'm gonna subscribe to this. And okay. Now, now watch this. You go here and it's CrossFit Podcast. I was just doing this. Now watch. Watch what I'm going to do here. I'm going to go to CrossFit Games. It is the CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Oh, it's just the CrossFit Podcast. Okay. Yeah, type in CrossFit Podcast. You just type in CrossFit. Well, I bet you if I type in CrossFit Podcast, it'll be all my old ones. You want to bet? Do it. Yes, I bet it will be. It'll be good. There it is.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Well, the first one's got Graciano. He was on there a couple episodes ago. One, two, three, four, five. Oh, and then there's a couple from them. A couple. Yeah, then they get in there pat and rory this is where me and rory's a relationship took a fucking dismal turn after this podcast because on this podcast i facetimed him while he was sitting across from me and we said his phone number out loud and the show wasn't live and we didn't edit it out and i said and he and he basically he fucked me up he checkmated me i was like hey
Starting point is 00:41:33 dude it's no big deal he goes yeah it is a big deal i don't want my fucking phone number out there and i'm like okay i get it and he's like and you did that shit on purpose i'm like no i didn't and we got into it then he goes if that was d Dave or Greg's phone number, would you let it get out? I'm like, no, never. Fuck me up. Checkmate. That's what you meant. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. I was like, all right, you went. Okay. Did he give you a new phone? What happened? I can't. Honestly, I can't remember. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So look, this one with Rickyicky gerard is at crossfit games oh so maybe they've peeled off well i don't see the crossfit podcast as a station let's go to crossfit where would i go videos um it's under it's a different channel dude it's crossfit crossfit games and crossfit podcast they're two they're three separate It's a different channel, dude. It's CrossFit, CrossFit Games, and CrossFit Podcast. They're three separate stations, channels. So you have to go. It's not even in there. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:42:33 You can't, like, someone hates Chase. Chase is the one who mans these? He's the one who does all the interviews. the chase is the one who mans these he's the one who does all the interviews i mean if i if if i hated chase and i was being passive aggressive this is exactly how i would treat him this is what you would have him do this time yeah jesus fucking crazy what a man i gotta have dawn on again and just and just and just be like hey dude these are the five things you need to do to turn your fucking company around there's this show on hulu right now
Starting point is 00:43:14 called handmade tale and this is what they do with the handmaids that they don't like they have them go work in like this random area that no one gives a shit about as a punishment i watched about 15 minutes i watched about 15 minutes of that show and i fucking started hyperventilating because i can't live in a world oh i just can't live in a world like that i just can't even imagine that shit what what do you remember about it because it was pretty decent and it's still pretty good it's it's basically like there's just certain girls who can have sex and they're they're moved from house to house just getting railed to have babies is that what it is there's there's like an infertility issue and there's a couple of them
Starting point is 00:43:54 who are still fertile and yeah yeah they're moving from house to house just taken yeah i just didn't like it it was fucking it haunted me season, they go through this entire mask thing too, to keep them from talking. It's pretty nuts. Yeah. And that was like, I think it was a year or two before the pandemic happened. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:15 This is called the Hiller Fit Review Show for a reason. Yeah, we've gotten into it. Hiller Fit. The last training think tank podcast what was it so so uh you did this this episode on dave lipson yes uh he was on my podcast was it when it was a little weird he um he was driving and camille was in the car and i it did it it seemed like they may have been fighting or something something was weird there was some weird something weird in the air i don't know what it was um so you made this so this is what hip and steel should should have done i really like dave's response here this is what
Starting point is 00:44:57 hip and steel should have done and this is what um liver king should do if he's going to do anything he they he leans into it you're am i understanding this video correctly you're basically saying hey dude there's two things one you started doing supplements before performance enhancing drugs of some sort before you said you did and two you're not being honest about what you're taking no i'm not saying he started taking them before he did i i guess the best way I could summarize this in about three sentences is I assumed or could tell through a series of photos that what he was saying was true. He started in about 2015. that I could find throughout every single Instagram post and comment section, I was able to pull that he was telling some people that he had only been on the HRT since that point in time,
Starting point is 00:45:52 the age of 35 through the age of 40. And then he had said in other comment sections that he had used compounds in preparation for a couple of bodybuilding shows. And compound is a little ambiguous and you're like, yeah, you use something. Like we can tell you. You use something. Yes. Yes. I think you were on TRT maybe 2015 to 2017 or 18.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And then you use something big. So I know I've hung out with Dave, let's say a dozen times. I can honestly say he's one of the fucking most. He's really fun to hang out with. He's really happy. He is how he is in his videos. He's very quirky. He seems like a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:46:30 He does. Yeah, he's super quirky. But doesn't that – so, okay. So there's no – what's your issue with that, that he just didn't say exactly what the compounds are? that he just didn't say exactly what the compounds are? The issue was, and I went through it one-to-one in person with people at my affiliate, was people were doing the program insisting that they could get the results that he had gotten doing his program because he looked that way and because he never said that it was aided at that point in time,
Starting point is 00:47:03 which is different than this point in time. Now we're saying that he has used stuff since this period, but for that like 2015 through 2018 period, nobody knew to my knowledge. Do you think something's happening in the steroid scene? Like first Joe Rogan says he's on stuff and, and just people are just like, I don't know if he was the first,
Starting point is 00:47:23 but he's obviously the, the most high profile person who says he's on testosterone replacement therapy. The plates and dates guy clearly is on something, right? He doesn't even look human. His shoulders. He used to use a bunch of crap back in the day. And now he's just doing, I know exactly what he's doing, but because he's been very transparent with it. And then that Craigig ladouche guy george ladouche douché greg doucette yeah greg doucette he he's he's he's open too right
Starting point is 00:47:54 i mean he doesn't he doesn't look human either yeah he's like he looks like he goes between doing steroids by the way cosmetic surgery he's onT as well. But he looks the way he looks, not because he did TRT to get there, but because he was on freaky amount of crap to get to the point in which he's at now. It's like a roller coaster ride, right? So TRT gets you here, and then you take some stuff, it gets you up here. You can come down, but you don't come down as far as you did because you're still getting some assistance to keep yourself at a higher high
Starting point is 00:48:28 and his skin and his face doesn't even look normal like he's had plastic surgery or he has those lasers run over his face and something happened to his skin alexis points that stuff out she goes he has no wrinkles in his forehead he's got botox i'm like oh you're right he does something by the way for anyone who's interested shameless plug here that's that that's why i think if you're interested in doing this taking this journey on testosterone replacement therapy whether it be for physical or mental by the way the mental is like the unspoken true benefit of it from everything that I've been told by everyone. Hey, Andrew, you want to do a podcast?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Oh, yeah. I'm good. Anytime. What do you want? Yeah. Ten minutes before this is on, I'm like, Andrew, my power is on. Let's go. He's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:17 The cool thing about if you go sign up with California Hormones is you're going to have – you already have Andrew. You have Gary Roberts. We have two more people. Um, one of them is a woman who you guys all know, who listened to this show, who's going to start. Is this the first time you're saying that here? Uh, no, but I've never given out her name. I just figured I'll wait until she comes on the show and you'll have, you're going to have like five or six people always to talk to. So no matter what I can say, you can call and be like, is that true what Sevan said? And he'll be like, no, it actually takes eight weeks instead of four weeks. No, it's actually better than what Sevan says. The needles come in a box.
Starting point is 00:49:52 It's even better. Or you can – you'll have – we have a built-in quality control that between Andrew Hiller and I, we'll be able to talk all the shit and all the praise we want about California hormones. And the worst thing about your typical doctor is I have a guy who I was trying to flip over to California hormones, and he was trying to get it through his doctor that he's known his entire life and his family. And he goes, oh, no, just start taking Clomid instead,
Starting point is 00:50:21 which is what that master's athlete got popped for recently because it does help you. Is that the lotion? Clomid instead, which is what that Masters athlete got popped for recently, because it does help you. Is that the lotion? Clomid? Yeah. Clomid's a fertility drug, but it also has been, it will increase your testosterone to some extent. Some people use it as a post-cycle therapy, which is just something you do if you're trying to get yourself back to normal after having used a bunch of any sort of drug, testosterone, or anything that's going to ruin your hormone balance.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Most of them do. Anything anabolics is going to ruin your hormones. Dave Lipson writes, after seeing this video that Andrew made about him, I thank you for the video. It's an honor to be the subject of a meaningful discussion. Unfortunately, I've been shadow banned too many times to post in detail about the subject of anabolics on Instagram. I think that's true. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I do think that's true. Well, I mean, you would know better than me, right? I don't. I just talk about forcing kids to take. Are you asking if I think it's true? And maybe that's why there isn't information on Instagram about it. On his particular Instagram. Do you think he's avoided it because you think that's accurate i mean i believe him but i just i haven't i haven't i haven't heard i didn't
Starting point is 00:51:29 know i would have to i would have to lean away from no because i don't think like i said people i worked with who followed this guy religiously swore on their freaking mother's grave that he wasn't using stuff. And I'm like, all right. However, let's do a podcast. And I'm happy to tell all, do you do podcasts? Yeah, we're doing one right now. I know, but he wants to do one with you. I've done three or four or five.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Okay. There's live ones like this where I just kind of have them on. One of my pet peeves is the idea that people should evaluate a program that i write based on my personal results and choices okay okay okay uh so so now we're kind of in the liver king territory like okay he did steroids let's not like just throw him out with the bath water because he lied about that okay i'm gonna i'm with you much better measure measure it's a look at the experience of our athletes meaning and not just me and our breadth and depth of impact by the way if you're really interested in breadth of depth of impact look at crossfit it's nuts obviously i love the training and the methodology and i often use myself in as an example of how to do it but
Starting point is 00:52:41 never take the word of the salesman as truth the athlete athletes and the result actually really well constructed when you break it up the way you do but he kind of avoided the question he's avoiding like the topic he's conflict he shifted he shifted away from it right so him and i'll have a podcast and the first thing will be okay so when did you start using trend and i'll go wait wait we're not thing will be, okay, so when did you start using Trent? And I'll go, wait, wait, we're not going to have any formalities. No, I want to know when you started using Trent. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Okay. But when did you start? Because that's how convinced you are. Very convinced. And I guess it would just be, I would just be hoping to hear him say that. Yeah. Oh, I would just be hoping to hear him say that. Yeah. Oh, I mean, he,
Starting point is 00:53:26 he says it, he said it, that he has in preparation for certain competitions, use something. I'd be like, all right, when was the competition? Why didn't you post on your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Well, and the thing that actually none of this just happens by chance. It's not like I'm going to go attack Dave Lipson. Right. I had somebody in my garage the other day, whose family member, I believe, was following the program and they were having a conversation on Thanksgiving about how they'd been following this program for a bit now. And only recently did they find out that the
Starting point is 00:53:58 person who writes the program is using whatever they're using, that being Lipson using hormones. is using whatever they're using that being lips and using hormones what what um does this picture does this show you any trend stuff the shoulders are a pretty big giveaway there he's very lean he's dieting down um the thing what are all those bumps under his skin what are all why does his skin look like that it's just really thin people would say it's growth hormone but it's he's just the the skin the skin is he's incredibly lean that's probably like so he's hungry right there eight under eight percent body fat he says five points i was talking to him 5.9. Maybe. I don't know where he got that number, but he's definitely under eight.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Remember when you start seeing the shoulders? Harper said he was 6% body fat at one point, and that's what he's comparing himself to, by the way. So when you see the shoulders start separating from the traps like that, you think that's some sort of anabolic use? How many people do you know that look like that? I don't want to talk about that. All right. Well, we won't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I know some. I've seen some. I've seen some. It's never like a dead giveaway, but it's just something that happens. Go look at pictures of him, man. He's got them right there. Like, if you go up a couple of rows, there's a picture of him standing there with Henshaw and Camille, and he's 31, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That doesn't happen as you age. But he's admitting that he does HRT, and you're saying that's not enough to get that. I am never turning into that. I don't care what I put into it. that he does hrt and you're saying that's not enough to get that we're not i'm never i'm i am never turning into that i don't care like what i put into it that's not good well he's also up 30 pounds and he's down 15 pounds of body fat so it also go up a little bit the guy on the left next to is that one in the middle and there's one on the left yeah that one that i would have to say is probably hrt libsyn that is not and you can you can see the difference between the two pictures right yeah yeah yeah but maybe
Starting point is 00:56:18 it's just that he he but okay so this one he's not as lean because his skin's not doing that shit but these shoulders are just absolutely nuts and the tricep. And everybody's got things that are going to respond differently. So, for example, since I've started, my lats are just exploding. And I actually noticed the same thing on the liver king. And I've said I feel more rectangular, and it's because I feel like I'm getting more muscle in my midsection. You look at the liver king, and he's got a really wide midsection in his back.
Starting point is 00:56:51 But liver king does not have those shoulders. He doesn't have the taper look. And it's just everyone responds differently. Men respond differently than the women in each sex. There you go. You like that? I was going to say gender. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Each sex have things within them that will be like, oh, these receptors are more potent in this individual than that individual. So basically someone told you, hey, can you sniff out Dave Lipson for me? And you're like, yeah, that'd be cool. No, I didn't need to sniff him out. I just had already been, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:23 kind of breadcrumbs along the since 2017 do you how many people do you do you have um a one of us a notebook or a file on people that you might do screenshots episodes on or like yeah do you have are you like okay um i can possibly like after you did the tia to me um natty or not do you have like 10 other people that you in the in the space that you're like that like if i was like hey do a natty or not tomorrow could you could you well not tomorrow in two days you could yes yes and yes tomorrow and the next day uh i could probably make them for a month wow you've done that the thing is they take a little while because it's not just what i've got but i need i go and i grab more stuff from wherever i
Starting point is 00:58:18 can grab it from yeah like people see the way that i go about doing it. Um, this one, Brooke Wells is natural. Bruce Wayne. You do the straight up. Say that one. Yeah. I think she's natural.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I think Brian is, uh, using the little something. He's a, he's a little taller than most. I can't even, that beard grows a little bit too quick. I can't even. That beard grows a little bit too quick. I can't even consistently do creatine.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Seven. Are you going to get the liver King back on? I sent him a love note, tell him, keep his head up, love him. You know, we're made,
Starting point is 00:58:57 we're made. You're strong. You'll get through this. Bruce and Kenneth, what are you trying to do to me? I'm going to snatch a hundred pounds without getting juiced up. You're going to see. How's that going, by the way?
Starting point is 00:59:08 How far along are you? I did 30 reps with the 70 for the first time last week and something happened in here. Oh, mother. Oh, is it your bicep or is it your forearm? No, it's right in between the bicep and the forearm. It's your freaking elbow, but what was it? No, not my elbow. I think it's probably your forearm.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I think something just stretched out here, but it feels good right now, but what was it no not my elbow your forearm i think something just stretched out here but it feels good right now but it hurts when i like pick my kids up it didn't break or anything look at this unsporty beth come on hey oh your people are fucking wild dude someone had to go out of their way to make like that took some effort right it's like yes i mean it's not an insane amount of effort but it's not easy i i wouldn't do it because it's it would just be annoying it's like oh i gotta go sign into my other youtube channel unless it's their only one and then it's cool i just like it do it on me
Starting point is 01:00:05 uh jeff so so did you did jeff ever respond to the kangaroo penis uh gary's intense maybe not the best dude i sent you a whole bunch of pictures to pull up on the kangaroo i think it's pretty safe too it's okay you can just pull them up private chat first link okay google searches okay there's nothing wrong with them i'm on it hold on oh yeah oh okay there's a great okay we'll go back to the kangaroo they're safe right yeah yeah yeah this is totally safe so So here it is. That's it. That's what we saw. That's nuts. There's no way anyone knew that. There's no way. Dude, I would not like my balls hanging on my dick like that. Right?
Starting point is 01:00:57 I know. I mean, it's so bizarre. And so the anus is back he shits out it must be from under his tail I'm guessing that's the same careful with the scrolling by the way you don't know what you're gonna scroll your way into you know you're safe at this point I told you it was safe to pull up but I don't know how much of it
Starting point is 01:01:19 is all of your tabs are showing by the way it's fine thank you though alright fine okay where were we uh and uh Hiller Fit we're doing a Hiller Fit show yeah
Starting point is 01:01:35 we've talked about it a couple we talked about the Lipson one um I always like I always kind of forget what I do videos on and then I always wonder what we're going to talk about it comes back to me immediately when we start talking about it but is this was this i liked your thing on the liver king that was so i made that one right away the one i did have ready for tomorrow is more about how i actually felt about the whole thing but i
Starting point is 01:02:03 watched the derrick one it's an hour and it's awesome. Mine was five minutes made right away. Cause I knew it would gain some traction. I knew people wouldn't watch the full hour. So I was like, Hey, this is what it's about. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And you're not a dickhead. You think Derek was a dickhead? No, actually I don't think he was a dickhead. The only, not at all. Uh, 69 tired of being alone. What will help you? Anyone who doesn't like to show your, actually, I don't think he's a dickhead. Not at all., tired of being alone?
Starting point is 01:02:25 We'll help you. Anyone who doesn't like the show, you're... You ever pull up one of those websites? No. Fuck no. I'm afraid. I'll do it. Put user in timeout?
Starting point is 01:02:36 Oh, block user. Wait. I need that website. An error occurred. Try refreshing the page. Fuck you. I ain't refreshing the page. I did it this site contains private
Starting point is 01:02:48 photos of beautiful women warning you will see private photos please be discreet alright I'm not going any further than that so you made this and you were nice and he was nice like I said the only part I didn't like about Derek's is like calling him a charlatan I just don't think that's I just don't think that's
Starting point is 01:03:04 accurate I never the only part I didn't like about Derek's is like calling him a charlatan. I just don't think that's, I just don't think that's accurate. I never, I never, I never took those pills. I never took that stuff thinking I was going to look like him. And some people did. I know some people personally who thought that it would. And it's for those sorts of people where it's like,
Starting point is 01:03:22 but is it still good for them? Yeah. It's still good for them. Yeah, still good for them. The liver king takes them. And that was what I tried to point out in the video tomorrow is that in the emails he has before any of the liver king things start, he's taking the pills. And it's just some 40-something-year-old dude who's like, I want to be shredded. I want to get rid of my back fat. Why doesn't my growth hormone work?
Starting point is 01:03:45 What the fuck is going on? Why don't you think his growth hormone was working? It was probably mixing it wrong if I had to guess. Oh. So when you have a, it's very fragile. Liver King is how I started doing carnivore. I didn't get abs until I switched to a carnivore diet. Have you ever been to this guy's instagram page i have not no way he's a monster he's fucking huge and i think he lost like 100 pounds or something
Starting point is 01:04:16 i checked out his page the other day and now he's got abs that's cool that's sweet yeah he's definitely putting the work um are we how do you think hip and steel's done do you think you you he like could he do something that could still cause you to make more videos on him but what what do we need what needs god i hope so does any that video was so sad uh i watched about half of the video i did with lauren khalil and my my heart was just broken for him i was just like what what for what reason because he's just he's lost and he's confused and he and and this whole experience i i read into it i'm completely admitting that i read into it but basically this experience that he had not not so much your video, but the response the community had to your video made him feel like he was betrayed, made him feel like he was betrayed and kind of took the love.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Betrayed by the community? Yeah. I mean, these are my words. This is just what I got from the feel the feelings i got from him if i was to surmise he feels like he was betrayed by the community because so many people were like yep andrew nailed it that like you're you fucked up and he was just hoping for some unwavering loyalty regardless of what he did and that's why i feel like he's lost like he didn't do what dave lipson did he could he should have been like hey hillary let's come on your show and laugh about my video. And instead he got super defensive.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Everything I said, I made three videos on that, right? It was actually one super video. Well, you made three this time. You've made three before too, right? I've probably made like seven on the guy at this point. He deserves his own playlist. He does. That's a good idea the hip and steel saga it's like the lord of the rings trilogy or any of that like the harry potter box set here it is dave hip and steel right but he's 66 man and and i i don't really like doing this
Starting point is 01:06:23 for some things and i do for others which i know makes it kind of hypocritical, but in other sports, every other sport, injuries take people out all the time. And if the injuries are what's keeping you from doing things, you don't use it as an excuse just because you're Dave Hippensteel in this category, you retire. Or you take some time off and you fix it, like people do every year with Tommy John in baseball. It's like, Oh, this is broken. Get the surgery that you're refusing to get. It's something that I have against people in general is when they try to
Starting point is 01:06:54 avoid surgery, everyone's got their reasons. And some people think it's smart and sometimes it might be smart. So that's why I said they can make their own minds up. But in like the first 15 minutes of the interview, oh, I didn't need shoulder surgery. I'm just going to go about it my way. But then he still says that you can't fucking put his arms over his head and get the shoulder surgery, man. Let me give a summation of the David Hip and Steel saga, and then you tell me if this is close. Hardcore CrossFitter. been around a long time, super dedicated, super fit, and started building a bit of a legacy. Not a bit.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Was building a legacy and a bit of a dynasty within the Masters ranks. I don't know how many he won but how many how many games has he won two or three okay so he's a badass and basically what ends up happening is he submits a video last year and it is um the vast majority of the reps are no good not not like hey did he squat below parallel just a complete fucking disaster and Andrew made a video about it, telling CrossFit, not David Hippenstiel. It wasn't, as I recall, it wasn't attacking David Hippenstiel.
Starting point is 01:08:13 It was like, hey, CrossFit, what the fuck are you doing? Are you going to let this guy go to the fucking games? This video is not valid. This is a fucking complete joke. David Hippenstiel obviously gets his feelings hurt. And all of a sudden he pulls out of, of the going to the games.
Starting point is 01:08:32 It dies down. It goes away. Oh no. Then Andrew has a run in with him at the games. It dies down. And then he runs into him at the kids. They run into each other at the games. It's a bit of,
Starting point is 01:08:43 he should have like, as the 66 year old man, in my opinion, he should have walked up, given Hiller a hug, slapped him on the ass, and then like, you know, just like embraced Hiller. Like, all right. Like, it is what it is. But he doesn't. And he sort of demands some other kind of, he thinks he deserves some respect that maybe he doesn't really deserve.
Starting point is 01:09:06 It would be my honest opinion. And so then it gets a little weird, little Keystone cops, Abbott and Costello between Hiller and Hip and Steel. You can tell that Hip and Steel, though, has this feeling hurt. And then it dies down. And then this video is perfect. What? He grabs my stick.
Starting point is 01:09:22 You forgot that. Yeah, yeah. He grabbed you. Yeah, yeah. He gets aggressive yeah kind of kind yeah it's very inappropriate what he does but anyway and but there but david and david's defense there was a there was a misunderstanding uh hiller said he wasn't filming which he wasn't filming and then david did something hoarding oh there was no sound on
Starting point is 01:09:43 is what i told him yeah like this is muted hey what's up dave andrew hillary i know who you are i'm just so you know this is muted but i'm live on the sub hot podcast and then and then when david started acting up then andrew said hey i'm unmuting this if you're going to act like this and he unmutes it so then right the fuck off so then um flash forward to about a couple of weeks ago or a week ago. And Lauren Khalil makes this video. And in the video, my understanding of the video was David basically says,
Starting point is 01:10:11 and I'm cool with this. I knew I was, I knew the reps were all bad and I was willing. And I was cool with this. And I'm willing to take, I was willing to take the time deductions on those reps. And, but, and that would have been cool, I think. Like, yeah, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Game it any way you want. Hinshaw even says it. Like, even if he would have got a zero on that workout, he still would have went to the games. But for some reason, he doesn't drop it there and then starts making up excuses. That's the biggest excuse in the book, though. It's the excuse that we keep on using, which is if I tell you to do 100 air squats and all of them are two inches high, they give you a major penalty, which is from what I recall, a 20% deduction on your score.
Starting point is 01:10:56 It's 80. Let's say it takes you two minutes and 20% of two minutes is something like 24 seconds. Now it's 240. It's 224. 224 224 i believe is your new time but because you have it doesn't compare because you didn't do a single fucking squat but the only thing they're going to do is ding it for that percentage right you still beat everyone else who did them the right way at 230 in the first but if that's the rule i'm okay with him gaming it within that rule
Starting point is 01:11:25 at that point it's not his problem it's crossfit's problem right yes yes i mean i'm not saying it's good i'm not saying it's good but hip and steel could just be like hey that's the rules on cross maybe that was that might have been make wads great again who said that in a comment section somewhere and i'm like i agree with that it's crossfit game's fault for like putting this dude in this position. If he thinks he's going to get away with it, it's like— But then he starts whining. It's like the parents who keep on letting their kids do shit. The kids are going to keep on doing shit.
Starting point is 01:11:52 The parents always let them get away with it. Right. But then he starts whining, and he buries himself. And he starts conflating issues on whether he's a good guy or a bad guy, and it just goes into his character, and the whole fucking thing turns— it turns bad for both henshaw and uh hip and steel hypothetical if hillar was on trt before the hip and steel incident would he have gotten into a fight with him no hillar wasn't aggressive like that at all i don't do i don't think i'm any more aggressive how did i ever tell you the chipotle story? No. Oh, maybe. Tell me again.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Tell me again. This is stuff that I've done somehow. I did this stuff more when I was a teenager, but I parked my car at Chipotle. This is the parking spot, so you pull the car in this way, right? You come on up, you pull in. The building's right here, so there's not much room in between the two i go in i pick up my food i come on out and there's a car parked between where you back up in the building and i can't get out i gotta make like eight different turns to get out of the parking spot
Starting point is 01:12:57 because this car is there and they park there because they're picking up food and they don't want to take the extra time to put your car in right so they're just gonna run in run out so i get out after eight different directions to turn and i'm like you know what and i put the car in park i go into the building and i'm like who drives the goddamn nissan morano and everyone in the chipotle is just looking at me and i'm, someone drives that car and you can't park there. And so lady peeks her head around and goes, did you mean the Ultima? And I'm like, yeah, the Nissan Ultima. And she's like, that's mine. I'm like, you can't park there.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And she goes, okay, I won't park there anymore. And I'm like, everyone is stuck in the parking spots because you decided to take a shortcut. And she's like, okay, I get it. i won't part there anymore and i'm like all right thanks and i left she was cool like that she was cool like that and probably shitting herself and everyone else is like holy hell this guy's losing his mind uh philip weir i filled out the info for california hormones but never heard back uh dm me philip and i will make sure uh you get uh a call tomorrow dm me tonight i'll make sure you get a call tomorrow and thank you anyone else anyone anyone
Starting point is 01:14:17 how often do you have those outrages andrew and would you like to talk about them and was was your girlfriend with you at the time no i don't do that in front of her i don't like embarrassing her however there was a time same chipotle we're we're standing in line they close it i don't know 10 o'clock and it was eight 30 and she wanted queso on her burrito or whatever she was getting. And our, we're in line and we're going through the whole thing and you get to the point of the queso and she asks for it. And the lady says, Oh, that's for online orders only. And I was like, we're standing right here. Like, can we just have some, she goes, no, it's for online orders only. And I go, all right. So I
Starting point is 01:15:04 step back and I go, I'm just going to order this stuff online. I'm just going to stand right here instead. And she goes, you can't do that. And I go, but you said it's for online orders only. Why not? And she goes, you can't. And I'm like, then put it on there and I won't do it. The guy behind me goes, Hey, if I Venmo you three bucks, will you put queso on there for two orders? And she's like, and I go you gotta chill out right now I'm like Alexis we're leaving like we're not eating here ever again god that chipotle just kind of drives me nuts I think isn't it weird when idiots are just stuck in process isn't it just weird why is it okay for it to be online but not in person I don't get it
Starting point is 01:15:44 like I'm right here and also if I'm going to be online but not in person i don't get it like i'm right here and also if i'm going to order online like you just said it's like it maybe i was the idiot i thought about that too i'm like am i wrong like what the fuck the guy behind me like really made it funny though he goes hey man can you put some on there for me too because i want queso you weren't wrong it's just i see that shit too where people are just stuck in their process yeah cory i hate being that guy but sometimes i think it's funny i've told that story a couple of times every time i think it's funny and then everyone else just thinks i'm nuts no it's good it's a good story uh justin madaris and brooke wells are lying to you but justin's not lying to you correct and i made that in the next one innocent see yeah you did a video on a
Starting point is 01:16:28 european guy that was weird how'd you feel about that was it weird i thought it was kind of weird but i kind of liked it i liked it i enjoyed it it went fast it moved quickly i was just surprised it was the first time like you would you had gone over the pond i think i i have there been any comments on that one that are like worth looking at like they know who that guy is or i don't go to the comments on the ones where i don't think anyone's talking about me or rich from someone says that it's not like the bachelor it's a reality show about rich people in london uh renata novantina are you the guy who's catching liars on internet now well good for you you have material forever because almost everyone lies or lied at some point in their life love you heller but you're better than this the one kate foster didn't like who said that
Starting point is 01:17:20 that's what uh that's always a weird comment when people say you're better than this oh law hollander said that okay i don't really understand that comment like it it's so pretentious laugh out loud maiden chelsea isn't like the bachelor it's basically a show about rich people in london it's not massively a dating show also just to confirm we don't all speak like that in the uk yeah he was like straight up deep deep british accent just picked up some c4 after you talked about it the other day oh my god you're such a bad influence i love c4 oh crap a lot of negative comments i've got a lot of negative comments mr hiller what you've said just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i've ever heard at no point your ramblings indigo
Starting point is 01:18:10 uh andrew please try something positive to talk about in the next few videos the last couple have really sent i really yes i i do listen to the feedback from my comment section, so I hope that they all enjoyed what was next. I didn't see it as negative. The liver king. I didn't see it as negative. That's weird. Well, wait a minute. Some people probably didn't like the Justin Madera's Brookwell's liar video, and I get it.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I get it. Yeah, that kind of hurt because I love Justin so much. Well, and yeah, I kind of fucked that one up because he was never sponsored by Whoop and I made an assumption based upon him wearing a Whoop once in a picture, which was a long reach.
Starting point is 01:18:57 I tried to do what I could to unfuck that. Post to Instagram, pin in a comment, next video, right away, first thing. I really don't have any other avenues of speaking to anybody. No, it's been confirmed. Justin has never been sponsored by Whoop.
Starting point is 01:19:14 I think Whoop might be circling the bowl too. What do you mean? I just think that they, I think that, I don't think that those, I don't think any of those. They're gone. They're so gone.
Starting point is 01:19:24 What do you mean? Whoop? Yeah. yeah like where are they anywhere in crossfit anymore no but i mean i think i don't think any of the wearables outside of the apple watch are gonna make it where uh whoop news let's see whoop review also the josh patterson one i sat on that one for a while i've had that one kind of just stewing waiting for an opportunity to make it and i'm like oh this will tie together with the justin madaris apology so that's where that one came from for anyone who cares which one say that again i was I got stuck on the whoop. The Josh Patterson one was just kind of sitting in the back of my head. Oh, look at this. What this whoop 4.0 review. Only cardio enthusiasts need apply this.
Starting point is 01:20:17 The whoop 4.0 is unobtrusive, provides interesting fitness data after, after about a month of use, but, but it doesn't give enough guidance to justify the expensive subscription plan that's what people are saying that it's expensive but what about the fact that it just doesn't work yeah well people dude dude people don't know people don't know like i that that. It's for reasons like that. When I first started making YouTube videos, the idea was to get as many people to listen as possible, to say stuff like that. Here are the things that need to be said.
Starting point is 01:20:55 And certain people do it to a good extent. Like Derek has 1.5 million YouTube subscribers. He makes a video on the liver king and everyone knows about it right away. I always think it's so cool. But he's not going to make a video on the liver king and everyone knows about it right away right i always think it's so cool but he's not going to make a video on the whoop i will say so why won't he wait why won't he because he probably doesn't even know that's not what he's into he's into um basically performance enhancers bodybuilding that sort of stuff but it's basically all he ever talks about amongst a couple, he used to do,
Starting point is 01:21:26 the more date side of it is he used to do dating stuff, like body sense and hair growth. And that was also pretty cool stuff that he used to talk about. But who else knows how shitty the whoop is now, other than people in comment sections who clearly people miss. Everyone misses that stuff. Big tech layoffs. In October, internet company
Starting point is 01:21:51 Star Inc. laid off 170 workers across three of its Massachusetts offices. Whoops, a fitness laid off. Oh, they laid off 15% of their employees. Wow. Didn't we see something else today? We're not going to look at that. What was that?
Starting point is 01:22:12 Tell me. Oh. You know what I'm talking about? Was it the other layoffs I was telling you about? I believe so. No, no, no, no. Yeah, I'm not ready to talk about that yet, I don't think. It had to do with a product.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Tell me which one. I'll just say no. Should I private chat it to you? Sure. I bet people hate when this happens. They're like, what do we want to know? Tell us. We don't do this very often, do we? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Oh, yeah, I'm okay talking about that yeah yeah yeah i'm okay i'm okay talking about that i you want to give me a little bit more on that because i i know very little and i had to look up words as well to know what they meant i'll bring this i'll show you this uh what was the name of the company is it stacks daughter uh stacks daughter doter what's the name of the um i'll pull it up actually i have it around here somewhere there was just plugged it what's the name of the company basically the company the company that makes the the um the daughter headphones has discontinued them but i can't but i want to pull up the i don't know if i have that pdf anymore someone sent me a
Starting point is 01:23:27 pdf basically showing that that company dropped and that those headphones have been discontinued and and from just a brief uh look at the document i can't tell exactly if that they're done done or if that this company just isn't going to carry them and they're going to have to find another maker for the headphones but but my my first assessment is is they're they're done done that those are that those are toast well it was probably going to be so hard for them to make it anyway with stuff like beats by dre being as cheap as they are and as good as they are it never really made much sense to me i would have never gotten a pair what kind of headphones do you wear when you work out those no i i wear these i wear these um i i wear these when i'm on the bike bike i wear these giant giant ones that like attached to my
Starting point is 01:24:20 tv set through through i don't know what the fuck it is, Bluetooth or something. It's gotta be Bluetooth. And then I take them off when I do anything else. I don't know, I don't even, oh, they don't get sweaty and gross. Oh, yeah, yeah. You're one of the people who wears giant headphones when you work out, you crazy bastard. Just when I'm on the, yeah, so
Starting point is 01:24:40 basically these, these got discontinued from what I saw, from what someone sent me today. Yeah. You know, it's crazy. I don't know. I don't, I don't really want to hammer them. There's just this whole list of things that, that Catrin and Annie stand for.
Starting point is 01:24:56 And it's like all this women empowerment shit. And I just, I don't. You're throwing down the entire thing of my video tomorrow which is cool okay fine no i'll wait for your video to come out it's not so much i mean maybe maybe it'll give some context keep going no don't wait for it to come out keep going because because i didn't get into that part of it but what what what what have you done for women empowerment besides just being a fucking amazing just role model? Like why do you have to say any of that? It just – everything that they have written about equality and women's empowerment just cheapens everything that they do.
Starting point is 01:25:35 It just brings – it's like what the CrossFit Games posted the other day. It's so fucking 2008. You're just bringing women down when you do this. Like no one – one doing what doing what pushing the women's and uh i'll show you i'll show you let me show you crossfit games uh instagram no no one thinks that no one thinks that sarah no one in their fucking right mind anymore thinks that uh sarah sigman's daughter's too buff where the fuck is that post oh here no no one in the crossfit community is like oh my god i can't believe
Starting point is 01:26:11 that those girls are stronger than the boys or that oh my god i can't believe women's doing it like we're so beyond that this is like fucking 2008 what you're doing is you're dragging women down. You're bringing up an issue that's like so – we've so transcended. From day one, women and men and fucking CrossFit have been paid equal. day one the documentaries well except for every second counts the one i made have embraced the women we're over you don't see any comments around crossing where those girls are too buff or whatever everyone's just like holy shit i can't believe how well you can't even say how hot they are anymore without some jackass getting offended it's it's um uh and this isn't to dig at sarah at all but but literally they have fucking two pages of what they stand for and like if you really want to stand up for women's equality and women's rights fly over to fucking iran and adopt a fucking family where the girl's in jeopardy of being fucking killed for going to school
Starting point is 01:27:22 we're back to where we were in the beginning with the fucking liver king these people of being fucking killed for going to school. We're back to where we were in the beginning with the fucking liver king. These people, this is just sellout. That's what the entire video I made yesterday is about. This is all just sellout shit. Like, you really want to attack someone? Attack Dr. Fucking Fauci. Thanks, Kenneth.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Attack someone who's trying to hurt kids. You really want to show fucking women empowerment like come on man it's like it's like you're you're beating a dead horse and not letting us get past it we're so fucking past it why do you think they do it by the way today when my when my wife said that the power went out my wife's like fuck and i'm like what she goes i have so many dishes to do like god i love you god i love you like you're so fucking empowered and dedicated wait can you not use water when the power is out we we can't because we're on a well but that was really just a dig to make me seem so all that so i didn't let down all the people wait, can you not use water when the power's out? We can't because we're on a well.
Starting point is 01:28:27 But that was really just a dig to make me seem, so I didn't let down all the people who say I'm misogynistic or whatever. How dare you paint women into the corner doing dishes? Shut the fuck up. Women can do dishes if they want to do dishes. Well, wait a minute. I want to know why you think that they do the whole women empowerment thing. I,
Starting point is 01:28:44 because, because it's the cool thing to do because they're fucking you just said it wasn't though well it's a cool thing to do for them and for that's how they think they're selling watches it's exactly the same thing that disney did for the last two years but it's why they changed their uh ceo last week they know what's fucking happening they went down the wrong path you go woke you go broke no one wants to hear any of that shit anymore we're so far past that they're doing it to fucking virtue signal it's like if if if if you think that women need to be empowered it's because you're fucking stuck in your head if you just lift your head up and open your eyes you'll be like oh shit
Starting point is 01:29:18 it's fucking annie thor's daughter one of the most amazing women who has ever walked on the fucking planet. What more do you need to say? You don't need to say anything about that. Do some other shit. Like you're, you're diminishing your light by trying to shine it. Look what Allison NYC just said. What?
Starting point is 01:29:40 No women want to do dishes. They suck, but she would rather do them than watch her husband do them. Good. Well, whatever. That's usually how I feel about things, too. Yeah. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah. I would never. Yeah. Like, oh, so that's like I can't stay. I have to take the trash out. Because you don't want to watch your wife do it. I just don't feel like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I don't want her to like, yeah, there's shit like or like if we pull up to the gate in the remote, if we pull up to the gate in front of our house and the remote's not working and she's like i'll jump out and she's right by it i'm like no no i'll jump out or like today she's like hey i would like to make some chicken soup i'm gonna run to the store i'm like no you're not i mean unless she wanted to like if she said no i want to go to the house and be cool but if not like i'm i need to do like i want to do shit for so maybe allison's right yeah i get that by the way i wasn't suggesting that women want to do dishes maybe you're responding to something in the um comment i was just suggesting that it was nice that my wife or even if she was my husband like like even if she was a dude that
Starting point is 01:30:39 would be a great trait that they were concerned that the power was out and they couldn't do the dishes i just love that last time the power went out and they couldn't do the dishes. I just love that. Last time the power went out. Why am I not cleaning my own dishes? The fuck kind of question is that? The dishes are always done differently in different households. It's always kind of been something I thought was interesting. It's like people who think the toilet paper should be under versus over the top when you unroll it.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Some people had their dishes done every single night. Some people do them over the course of the day some people do them every three days and leave them in the fucking sink our kitchen's always spotless here here i'll tell you i'll tell you why my wife does the dishes you want to know why because if it was fucking up to me we would only use one pot and one cutting board and everyone would eat with their hands like when i make when my wife's not around i fucking make dinner and i dump it out on one plate and we me and my three boys sit around and eat off of it paper plates man even that whatever but like i like i have no problem like dinner rotisserie chicken with chopped cucumber sitting on a board. Seriously. We threw, we threw the pot away, Liz. Oh God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Alexis threw it away. She was pissed. My wife doesn't like it that when my wife wants everyone to have their, probably to have their own cup around the dinner table. Cause like, if it was up to me, we all drink out of the same cup. I can honestly say I've never once put a roll of toilet paper on the roll and even remembered which direction I put the toilet paper. Same here. Same here. Don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:32:11 People who make that an argument. You know what else I think is something incredible? Like bathroom talk. How do you wipe your butt? I do two or three wipes from what angle do you attack it from, from front to back. And then I, and then I do it.
Starting point is 01:32:31 You move, you move your balls out of the way. No, I don't have to, I don't think I have to move my balls out. You may like hold up my balls with my left hand and wipe from the back. You're taking balls. You wait from front to back.
Starting point is 01:32:43 I go, I go from, I reach from the back. You know, there i reach from the back you know there's people do you know there's people who stand up and go side to side right it blows my mind i had this conversation a lot always with dudes so i guess this might be the first time it's with the dude but there's probably chicks watching they stand stand up and then go side to side. Like, what the fuck? Paper, sebon, and then.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Paper what? I have heard some shit in the bathrooms next to me. In the stalls that I fucking don't understand. Like, it sounds like they're cleaning shoes, but it's a dude wiping his butt. I had this friend and I always wanted to ask him, what the fuck is that sound? How are you wiping your ass? What does a cleaning shoe sound? Make it real quick.
Starting point is 01:33:31 I hear this. God damn it. When I wipe my ass, it makes no sound. I would like to get to that. I would like to get to that. I would like to get to that bidet level. The thing is, my poops are so fucking clean. It's because of your new awesome diet where all you do is eat those tomato-looking things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Which, by the way, what is that called? Arloom? Arlob? Persimmon. They have them at Costco by me, and I'd never seen it before until today. I actually started making a video showing how to eat the different kinds of persimmons but um but I didn't post it okay you ever have you used a bidet before do you like them yeah I do like them I do like them fans I only it at fancy hotels or my super rich friends' houses. But they're kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I remember growing up, my parents had one in their bathroom. And I thought it was the weirdest fucking thing. And I'd never used it. Yeah, we had one growing up too. I never used it. What the hell is that thing? Yeah, I never used it either. The ones at the hotels are much better. Why?
Starting point is 01:34:46 The one we had in our house was just this the one we had in our house was just this it's basically a toilet bowl with just a fucking nozzle that just fired water straight at your ass like the ones in the hotels like you push a button and it like it like works on you like you hear it's like and it's like moving around in the area do you need to use toilet paper at that point or no? Yeah, I use toilet paper. You got to dry it off. There's no fan? There probably is.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Those new fancy toilets have fucking everything. Seat heaters, everything. Oh, shit. I have a toilet with a seat heater. You do? Yeah, it's nice. Oh, shit. I got to get one of those lights in there though so i have to pack oh shit i have to pack oh yeah you're going to newport soon yeah okay do we do we do all these videos we do no we did no we didn't even talk about the
Starting point is 01:35:42 daniel spiegel netty or not we didn't talk about the trt tuesday oh listen we didn't even talk about the daniel spiegel netty or not we didn't talk about the trt tuesday oh listen we didn't talk about tea eating breakfast uh oh yeah that was great too oh shit okay i'm gonna be in newport for two weeks i'll have plenty of time we got to get back to i do want to say this though um to to to danny spiegel first of all we hardly ever talk about you on the show but when we do it's not the beacon of moral truth it's the beacon of moral authority don't you're you are the beacon of moral authority do not fuck the lineup it's so fucking good the beacon of moral authority moral truth make me sound like a fucking knucklehead may look homeless but not a knucklehead
Starting point is 01:36:28 all right um hillary any final words to the constituents oh i got nothing so you're doing a video tomorrow on, on, on, on Catrin. If yes, featuring Catrin. What time? On the, on the liver King featuring Catrin. Uh, I should have it out.
Starting point is 01:36:54 On the liver King featuring Catherine, Catherine. This sounds like 20,000 views. Uh, I actually told Alexis it's probably going to be good for 18,000. I've been pretty, I haven't, have I mentioned to you that?
Starting point is 01:37:08 I'm getting pretty spot on with my guesses. I could have told you that the Joshua Patterson one would have been dog shit for views. Noble video was your best one, Hiller. Thank you. Wow. I really felt like I was turning a new leaf on that. I left the garage and shit for that one i ruined that appliance or two my eyeballs hurt this kept me up past my bed oh did you throw the did you throw the blender away the blender is fine alexis threw the pot away i would never
Starting point is 01:37:39 use that but you should not use that blender why just wash it You should not use that blender. Why? Just wash it. It was, yeah, it's time for a new one. That's why I kept, I said it twice. It's like six years old. By the way, my kids, I want to tell you this, finish on this note.
Starting point is 01:37:59 My kids have been playing Monopoly. We got a new Monopoly set. I fucking love Monopoly. And they love it too. And it's interesting. They've, it's called, they've changed the name of monopoly it's called wokeopoly and and when you cross go if you're white you get a hundred bucks and if you're black you get four hundred dollars you're kidding no it's wokeopoly it's really cool all right uh that's the only thing they changed huh no no there's There's other stuff too. If you're gay,
Starting point is 01:38:26 you get like $300. They've changed something. Oh, if you're gay, you get out of jail free. There's just some shit like that. There's just some new, new, new,
Starting point is 01:38:32 new. Your boys did not make this up. You influenced them. When the power was out today, I was trying to think of funny stuff to say for the show. All right. Thanks for entertaining me guys. Bye.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Bye.

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