The Sevan Podcast - #691 - Dubai Fitness Championship Programming

Episode Date: December 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Dude, I love kombucha. Bam, we're live. Right before we... Oh, nice. Right before... How much sugar's in there?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Zero grams. Fuck you. Just kidding. How much? Twelve. Right before we came on on you couldn't guess uh uh what jr told me he's like i'm gonna go get a lamp and i swear to you it's darker with his lamp than without his there was no lamp i think my wife sold it tough times i feel you i feel you yes daniel bam we are live with the amazing self-made training program taylor self and jr howell two of my absolute favorites i don't give a shit about steroid use and hillary now has me interested in it and i don't give a shit about programming and now taylor and jr i
Starting point is 00:01:21 just i think i just like these guys and i want to hang out with them programming and now taylor and jr i just i think i just like these guys and i want to hang out with them dude never mind i don't know if i can say this on the air let's open strong let's open hard say it dude what about liver king what do you think dude he's your boy uh i liked hiller's last video on him what was it i think it sums it up really well. He has 1.7 million followers. He stands by his nine tenants. All the emails that show that he did steroids show that he does stand by his nine tenants. Like when he tells his drug dealer or whoever he was getting the roids from, he's like, I take these pills. I do this. I never eat sugar.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I eat this many eggs. Like he standed. He standed? He stood by. He standed, he standed, he stood by, he standed by his pillows. He, he, he standed by his,
Starting point is 00:02:10 yeah, he standed by his pillars. And I personally have said from the beginning that I don't care whether he's on, uh, steroids or not. From the beginning, you go back and look at him. It's like,
Starting point is 00:02:19 yeah, like, like I, I give two shits. And what Hiller was pointing out is look at all the other people. Like Rock has 240 million followers. What's he stand for? That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Katrin, David's daughter has 1.7 million followers. What's she stand for? And I think it's really weak sauce, all the people in his space from the – and i think the guy derrick the no plates no dates guy i'm okay with what he did because that's what he does right and so it's like i was telling hillary one time i walked up on a on a on a murder scene a dude had just killed five people who jumped out of the car and said i'm the angel of death and i filmed it all and people thought that that was like i got criticism for it, dude, I literally carried a camera everywhere with me for three years. Like that's what I did. Samaritan law or something. That's what, that,
Starting point is 00:03:12 that's, that's what I did. And so I find the whole thing fascinating and showing people's true colors that it's, it's, it's a typical shit. Like just kick a man when he's down. It's, it's sad. I sent him a text and i said hey buddy i love you i stand by you i'm an ally i'm an ally so i mean can you tell me can you tell me what uh what any of the games athletes stand for who have all these i know they stand for whoop and monster energy drink and i don't mean to shift the subject either from from the fact that he lied but but i don't i don't i don't care if someone really like i don't have any trust the subject either from from the fact that he lied but but i don't i don't i don't care if someone really like i don't have any trust issues i've transcended trust no i mean i
Starting point is 00:03:50 i'm i love your response and i think the question about the games athletes is a fair one i know many games athletes who before they sign the big contracts and before they get in with the big groups have seemed like they stand for something and have a message that they carry that's unique to them and then it just seems to dissipate with the more success they get they with the big groups, have seen like they stand for something and have a message that they carry that's unique to them. And then it just seems to dissipate with the more success they get. They shut the fuck up about it, which is sad. I don't know if you follow UFC, but Brian Ortega, he's out of East L.A. When he first started fighting, he would always at the end of his fights that he'd win, he'd always talk about how it's all about the kids.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And then as he became more and more famous you never hear any of that shit whereas uh other athletes they bring that kid with cancer to every one of their fights and make sure that they drag their ass into the ring so i i everything's on a scale right and i see just a ton of good from what liver king did and just a tiny bit of bad. And I – Would you consider yourself a primal? No, but I'd like to be. But I'd like to be. It's also like – let's say I found out you and JR had been shooting each other in the butt with steroids.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Like what – butt with steroids. Like what? Like I would, I would love to have you guys on the show even more. Like, what am I gonna do? Those guys can't be on my show anymore. They got caught cheating. Like, fuck that. That's not, I don't do that. I did see Kayla Harrison lost the fight that broke my heart. That other chick was tough though, man. Liver King is an actor. It only matters matters if you care he said he didn't do juice yeah other than that yeah uh oh anyway i um i'd like to see people speak up more on subjects that really matter to me freedom of freedom speech, safety for kids. That's what I'd like to see.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Did you get my Balenciaga doll comment in the text thread? Yes. John Young didn't get it. I'm glad he didn't get it. I'm so disgusted that that's penetrated my brain. That is a train wreck. It's fucked. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's so conspiratory and deep that it's like, what the – it just is so – dude, all that shit is fucking true, bro. Hollywood is a bunch of pedos. Torrance, not East LA. It's Paul. Wait, what did I say about East LA? Oh, oh, oh. Oh, Ortega. Wow, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Sarah knows her UFC fighters. All right, fine, Sarah. Sarah knows her UFC fighters. All right, fine, whatever. God, I had to take a piss so bad, and I was driving down from San Francisco to Newport to the California Hormones Palace on the beach. And I was like, hey, find a McDonald's or a Starbucks. And we pulled off the road in East LA, and I just got right back on the freeway. Holy shit. I can't even believe humans live like that. Did you have that sweater on? I did.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I bet that only helped matters. Oh my goodness. I got that out of the gains box and I was going to throw it away and I wore it once and now I've worn it like 20 times from the last gains box. It's so nice. It's perfect for this time of year.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Thank you. Agree with you, Sevan, but can you believe him on all the other stuff? So that's the thing. If you watch Hiller's most recent video, he goes through all the emails line by line and shows you all the stuff. We're just highlighting it, right? and shows you all the stuff. That it's not, like, we're just highlighting it, right? We're just highlighting the fact that he said that he was trying to figure out what steroids to take
Starting point is 00:07:29 to get rid of his back fat. But Hiller goes through line by line, and you can see, well, you can choose for yourself. Check it out. It's his most recent video. That's actually the first thing I thought. Does he actually sleep on wood? So, good thing I'm from Northeast LA. Thank you. Thank you. It's awesome here. I'm glad to be back in the,
Starting point is 00:07:52 in my Southern California studio. It is a Starbucks cup. It is, um, it is not Starbucks in it. It is paper street coffee. I brought my own paper street coffee, but on the drive down, in it it is paper street coffee i brought my own paper street coffee but on the drive down i had a starbucks cup because i did stop at starbucks and so i apologize you bring your bag of beans inside and be like hey can you fucking make this coffee for me that would have been awesome uh how about lipson getting pancreas dude i'm so i'm so i'm really scared for him. I think that's some serious shit. He's a good guy, too. He's a really nice dude. Yeah, he is a great guy. I want to start with a question you guys probably aren't expecting. I think it's just a few hours away.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Are we just a few hours away from the Dubai Fitness Championship starting? Yeah, it's going to start here in a couple hours, I believe. I'm going to ask you a question. It's not a trick question at all, but I think it's a little bit out of left field. Why do you think people put on events? In short, maybe ego a little bit. Not necessarily in a bad way, but you think you can do something great and put on a good show. You think that you can do that, and if you have the resources and the athletes that want to do it, you do it. Jethro, I was feeling like shit i got out of the car i did 100 burpees
Starting point is 00:09:10 jumped in the shower kissed my wife and here i am that's why i look like this um but give me give me give me another word for ego what's another word because that does have like negative connotation connotation i'm trying to think of a word i mean you're inspired you're inspired by other events also right you think that you can do a good job and that is your ego but doesn't mean it's untrue right and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing i would say that probably all of us any of any person that's ever put on a exercise race competition or CrossFit competition has at one point just been inspired by the CrossFit Games. And then outside of that, it's all motivation. So it's all intrinsic. It all has to come from within.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I can speak for myself and just say that the reason why I started to do it was just because I wanted to see if I could. It was a challenge. And then after that that it was easily just to give athletes opportunities to compete confidence desire and purpose and and so there's these events out there we just covered the zealous games there's waterpalooza and those are more complex right like we all know Dylan he's an amazing guy but it's but but he's the big cog in the wheel, right? He's the vice president of sport at Loud Live the same way Matt O'Keefe was. We know that Justin Berg and Adrian are just cogs in that CrossFit Games wheel.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And then there's people like you and – and that's in no way negative. But they do it because they've probably found a job that pays that also that they love so they get to mix those passions but then there's people who like you put on the charlotte classic zealous games uh um uh the crash crucible where there's or or look even uh uh i think his name's wilson tang the guy who puts on the two semi-finals i mean just fucking crazy right puts his ass out on the line and there's like what's in it for him other than just love right of doing it and maybe like the the pride and the ego of accomplishing it yeah i think yeah i i definitely maybe maybe i don't know pride i don't i don't know that i felt much pride after my event it's not some huge event but
Starting point is 00:11:23 i feel happy and fulfilled that we did a good job. I think the reason I wanted to start it is because I was very frustrated with events that were happening that didn't play out or weren't executed the way I thought a good event should be. And I thought it was just underwhelming as an athlete to go to these competitions, whether they be local ones or really big ones that just, in my opinion, weren't that great, weren't run very well, workouts weren't great. You leave, you know, with more to be desired on how the volunteers treated you or how the volunteers were treated by the event staff. Anywhere from, okay, this person's judging 10 workouts straight in a day, or they get rest and
Starting point is 00:12:05 are getting paid and can tell that they're doing a good job and are sharp versus are they just getting their dicks run into the dirt? Correction, by the way, it's Wilson Pack, not Wilson Tang. Maybe Wilson Tang's the guy I used to work with at HQ, who's also an amazing guy. And then Liz says, and I think both of you definitely, this is it for both of you guys. I think there's at least a sprinkle of this. You get to put your own taste into it. You guys are eager to test your programming skills in a live event. Yeah, I definitely get off on that because I think I can do a really good job doing it.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And it's fulfilling to watch it play out and excite other people. The athletes won, but the spectators as well, because the sport's not going to grow without that. I think a lot of people miss that part of it. Are you creating something that's exciting for people to go and watch? A local competition has the potential to be so fucking exciting for people who might not even know what CrossFit is, a family member who's going to watch their kid or brother,
Starting point is 00:13:05 and you have this opportunity to make it so freaking cool or totally dumb. Vindicate Shark Classic was one of the most well-run comps I've ever been to. Kept the events moving. Most I've been to always run behind schedule. I take pride in that. I'm very punctual. Paper Street Coffee, Taylor, did an amazing job with this comp. behind schedule. I take pride in that. I'm very punctual. Uh, paper street coffee. Taylor did an amazing job with this comp. So Jr helped me a lot and he gave me the flu in the process.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Nice. He's a, he's a giver, not a taker. Let the Dubai coverage begin. Anyone on the team out there? Not sure if I missed that info. Uh no uh yes no yeah maybe um so here's the thing that inspired that loaded question wouldn't you want you wouldn't throw a competition in a vacuum like an important part of creating art is creating it for the spectator that's where the ego is right like we do i wouldn't do this podcast if I, if I knew no one would ever see it. I just would not. And I just am always surprised at the lack of collaboration with the event. And I'll throw you two in there too. I don't think you guys used me very well to promote your events. I'm just surprised at the lack of collaboration from these people who throw these events, you two included, Dubai, that don't reach out to try to get more publicity.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Is it because you guys are just run so thin? I would say in me and JR's case, to me, it's more of maybe not necessarily being run so thin, but nervous to ask you for that. Not in a negative way, but like, I don't want to waste your time with that. And maybe that's I think it's 100 percent pride and ego that we don't want to ask for help. Yeah, but not in like a way where like, oh, well, we don't need the help. That's not what I'm thinking. I'm not thinking I don't need the help. I'm just thinking I already asked you for so much and you've given
Starting point is 00:15:07 me so much it's tough for me to be like hey do this for me and maybe you're that's wrong with me and i should ask that in the future well it's funny you say pride and ego because i think that's why the crossfit well i'll leave the crossfit games, but I just can't believe – so there's an event starting in a couple hours where these guys are going to run up a staircase, right? Biggest one in the world. Biggest staircase in the world it is. And it looks like the staircase of a Best Western, let me tell you, if you watch the fucking videos. videos why why wouldn't these guys reach out and and and let us cover this for them this would be so easy to cover you just have 10 people on the stairwell with iphones every every 10 floors i i and i and i can't even find where to link to their shows if i go to their youtube channel here
Starting point is 00:16:04 uh i i don't even know where the live like i click this live tab and they don't even find where to link to their shows. If I go to their YouTube channel here, I don't even know where the live – like I click this live tab, and they don't even have the – and maybe the prince is a different category. Maybe the prince is in a whole different category. Maybe he actually just doesn't give a shit about people watching his event. But this is an amazing event with a lot of energy and time put into it. Why not do more uh promotion maybe it's i'm just full of myself but i would have loved to participate and help promote this on a grander level oh wow this according to brian morning chalk up to the official media partner so maybe they can't i don't know i think they were the official media partner for Zealous Games too,
Starting point is 00:16:45 weren't they, or something like that? They were somehow involved. We were told that they were going to stream our broadcast. Anyway, just a thought, like, hey. No, I think events like me and JR's need more publicity, and we shouldn't be such pussies about asking for it. Yeah. What's the worst I could say?
Starting point is 00:17:03 I just start laughing. Yeah, that would be the worst all right uh i don't know exactly what time this show starts uh hopefully we'll get some of this information here but it says friday december 2nd on this post that you are about to see this is uh event one burj khalif challenge is that is that that's the name of the giant This is Event 1 Burj Khalif Challenge. That's the name of the giant building? Is that the world's tallest building? I'm calling it the Burj Run. The Burj Run.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Run up the Burj Khalif, 160 floors with a weight vest on, 7 kilograms for women, 10 kilograms for men. This sounds absolutely brutal. I love it in theory. Love it. Me too. Any thoughts on this? You want to start off jr yeah i think this is really classic dubai i think something that hwpo has kind of been given the reins on but still trying to hold true to is to use dubai and its landscape to do some sort of different, very unique offsite event away from the venue that most of the events are held at. So in a year they did, you know, a 8K desert run in a
Starting point is 00:18:15 vest. They've done just a traditional 4K. They've done hang kettlebell snatches and kettlebell thrusters into a 350 meter ocean swim with a rest and then an 800 meter air runner into another 350 meter ocean swim so they've went they've used open water they've used um an indoor ski center with a ski erg and a run up a ski slope you know which is really in the desert in the middle of the desert you had to run up a ski slope that was ice and snow on it. So this is really Dubai to its core to do something like this, something different? Question for you, JR.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Do you think this was HWPO's idea to run the Burj? Do you think that was something that the crown prince or maybe the event directors of Dubai took to HWPO and said, hey, make this an event i think it i think it would be too coincidental foolish and irresponsible to think that the guy that's been telling people for years that a stair master is an amazing workout gets to program the ultimate stair master workout uh i'm gonna i'm gonna check this uh really quick and see is this the tallest building in the world? What a cool thing for the athletes to be able to say that they did an event where they ran up the staircase of this building. Yeah. Brian spin did a Instagram live today where he had a competitive
Starting point is 00:19:41 stair climber on it and said that like, this would be a bucket list place for them just to come see if they could do it, that there's never been a competition. Tell me more. Is that on the barbell spin? It was on his Instagram live. It's probably on his YouTube now. If he's in the comments, I'm sure he can let us know where to find it. The Khalifa tower known as the Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration in 2010, is a skyscraper in Dubai. It's known for being the world's tallest building with a total height of 829.8 meters, 2,722 feet, just over a half a mile.
Starting point is 00:20:18 That's a half a mile up. That's fucked. Yeah. Wow. The distance is a lot. They're covering a lot of distance so you guys like this i i love the workout on paper i think some of the execution things i'm unsure about oh and what do you mean just how they're going to run it like if they're going to let the guys
Starting point is 00:20:37 go one at a time spaced out by 30 seconds with chips or if it's going to be a a start all man start all woman start or what are you talking about according according to sources it's going to be an all-man start, all-woman start? What are you talking about? According to sources, it's a two-minute delay start per athlete with chip timers. And I don't like that, to mince my words. I really don't like that. I feel like there's a lack of creativity there. And if I were doing the event, I would think about maybe running like a 10 story or a 15 story time trial or qualifier for athletes to run. And then you group them in sets of two to five or three to five athletes and release them in heats of three to five and let them let them let the fastest start at the next fastest group go next.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And if you sucked in the qualifier and you can pass people, then that'll show at the end of the race. So I think what they did is they actually use the qualifier for the competition to determine start times for later today. So whoever qualified for this competition in the last position starts, and then they go up the leaderboard that way, maybe the last. So the top qualifier going into the competition gets to start last, but that has, which it doesn't seem like it would have much of an advantage
Starting point is 00:21:53 because you have those two minutes in between what, what I would push back and maybe say is that you think about how mentally grueling a workout like this is going to be. What's more mentally grueling than starting by yourself, two minutes in front of someone else and two minutes behind someone else. You may go 15 minutes without seeing one person or you may get passed by one person. What does that do to you mentally? Does it create a game in your head where you're like, Hey, if I can see someone, I need to pass them. Or if I can feel someone coming up on me, I can't let them pass me. someone, I need to pass them. Or if I can feel someone coming up on me, I can't let them pass me. Right. I just think it's better for a spectacle or a potential spectacle to start them in clusters.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't think there's much danger involved. I think a hierarchy happens after the first couple of turns. And that's part of what makes racing fun. If you go watch Formula One, watching the fucking start is sick because you know some crashes are going to happen and you know the most passes are going to happen and once the athletes sort it out then the fastest move to the front and the slowest fall off and whether or not the slowest guy starts in pole position or not doesn't really matter at the end of the race the fastest guy is going to win so i i just think that running a 10 or 15 story qualifier like the the online qualifier has no bearing on whether you can run the burj khalifa fastest you might be fit but are you a good runner for you know 160 stories the the clean and jerk burpee workout doesn't uh translate directly to that so i think if they ran a 10 or a 15 story pre-race qualifier and the fastest three are going to be released at the same time together then the next
Starting point is 00:23:23 fastest three why not just release them all at the same time let them fight at the front i think that would that would probably be that would be exciting but it would be like fucking injuries everywhere people pulling hair fucking yanking people down the stairs it's i like stuff like that it's 2909 stairs it's a lot it'll sort itself eventually, but I just don't think the excitement is there with one guy starting in a two minute delay, one by one by one by one. And we are going to see people get past, right? For sure. Absolutely. It's probably going to be a 30 to 40 minute workout and people are going to get past. And everyone's going to be sore, right? We may see some, people are going to be broken. There's going to be passed. And everyone's going to be sore, right? We may, we may see some,
Starting point is 00:24:05 people are going to be broken. There's going to be wires on them, whatever those wires are that are behind your knee, those two things that you can just feel behind your knee. I don't know what those are. Those things are going to be tight. I, this is the thing you, you have someone who could potentially could start first and then someone who starts 15th and the 15th person could run the fastest time of anyone and never see the first place person. The first place person still finishes first. And I just don't like that. I like the people who have the potential to go fastest, start first, and then you're in a cluster with two other or three other guys or girls that you know can run fast too. And now you guys are pushing each other the whole race.
Starting point is 00:24:44 that you know can run fast too. And now you guys are pushing each other the whole race. The only thing I would say about a time trial is that unless you run the entirety of this, you can't get a feel for how much it's going to take its toll and how much you're going to potentially slow down or be able to maintain or even speed up at the end. Right. But this is where strategy for actual racing comes in hand. If you're going to be the slowest guy in the pack, do you really want to start with the fastest four guys and fuck yourself royally by trying to keep up with them for the first five flights? Is that really going to benefit you? So if you're a slow runner, and at the same time, if you're the slowest in the pack, are you really going to be able to run the 10 story time trial or
Starting point is 00:25:22 the 15 story time trial faster than the fastest guy in the pack? I mean, there, there is an element of, okay, nothing's going to be perfect, but I just think that that is better than starting one person at a time. Just my personal opinion. Yeah. There's a ton. There's a ton of factors that are going to come into play here. I think Brian wrote in his article, there is no air conditioning in that. So if it's just a bunch of dry heat, the higher you go, just breathing in general and being used to that kind of change in altitude. I mean, think about that 800 meters in the air from the bottom to the top, there's going to be a big change in, in ventilation. There's going to be, you know, the weight vest is really going to come into play, not just in your lower back, but probably in your breathing as well. Anyone who's done a lot of work in a vest knows it's just, it's harder to breathe the
Starting point is 00:26:06 longer the workout gets. Who is this guy? That's the crown prince. How many do they have? Is it just one? I don't know, but he's a pizzazz. Every picture has a story and every story has a moment that I'd love to share with you. Thanks and enjoy 15 million followers, 2,400 posts. I think this guy is the reason there is the event.'s the sponsor um i think he he's what brings uh crossfit to uh dubai i think that this workout the only thing that i can think is comparable to this that i've ever seen is the uh half marathon row at the games. I think this is going to be really, really bad. Like, what do you mean bad? Like hard on the athletes or boring?
Starting point is 00:26:51 I think it's going to be not, I don't know about boring, but specifically on their bodies, I think they're going to feel some stuff that's so unique, some tightness that's so unique that they've never felt before. I think this will crush people more than the half marathon row without a doubt i think it'll take a bigger toll on the body i mean can you think of anything else i mean this this is going to be horrible right well i mean can you think of any any event at any semi-final games anything that's that's like this i don't know
Starting point is 00:27:21 pendleton one and two seem to leave a pretty big. And apparently the first event of Rogue, the trail run. I don't know. That's not something that athletes aren't used to. I think this does have the potential to just catch a lot of people off guard. Any injuries on this? No, I bet you get some savage doms doms though from people who are not used to running bleachers yes savage calves and ankles and their soleus the back of their legs is going to be really messed up beat up hips too your hips are flexed the whole time any thoughts when you saw
Starting point is 00:28:01 this where you're like oh so-and-so is going to crush this or is it is it like the row you just you just can't know. You don't know what's going to happen after the 50th floor. Yeah, I think the uncertainty, the unknown element of this, because this isn't something that people have trained for. Most people don't say, hey, I'm going to go climb a bunch of steps and learn how to cadence my hands on the rails with my cadence of my steps. No one does that. And I also don't even think that Chad a thousand times is even close to this either. You just get so much of a rest on the eccentric. There's no eccentric here. It's all concentric motion.
Starting point is 00:28:37 There's no eccentric motion. It is 160 floors and 800 meters straight up of concentric contraction. There's just no downward. There's no, there's just no downward. There's no negative. Let's talk about your feeling. Let's talk about the weight vest and, and the rules. Are there any rules? Can you not grab the railing? I'm assuming that there's no rules in there once you're in there because to make it easy to judge, there are some rules. Yeah. So apparently this place is almost like, um, like a sacred monument and there has to be a certain level of respect when you're in it. So because of that, you can't bring water. You have to let people pass. So if someone's coming up on you, you have to lead to them. No water. Fuck you. Can I tell a story? I got to tell a story real quick.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Please, please. tell a story i gotta tell a story real quick please please this kid joined our gym um and we were doing murph like a couple weeks after he joined our gym he'd been doing cross for like fucking six years uh he was my old roommate and we're doing murph and it's hot as fuck outside and andy and like all the other guys who just finished like sitting on the bleacher um like watching the next group go and this kid is doing his push-ups and he looks up at me with his face he's like hey could you give me some water and i'm like i'm coaching the class and i look at andy and he's like you better not give me fucking water i ended up going and getting water but that's funny it reminded me of that no fucking water bitches if they would have allowed water do you think people would have taken water with them for sure i don't think it matters that much. It's 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You're not going to dehydrate. Don't be a pussy. And passing, really. So you have to – I wonder what that looks like. You have to let someone pass. Basically, you can't push someone back. Well, you just have to be the fastest guy. If you're – yeah, you can't –
Starting point is 00:30:19 Well, you think like if your wingspan is wide enough to grab both rails. You could just, you could just keep walking slowly and not let them, not let them around. Well, it's like form. It's like, I mean, it's like racing and formula one, you have rules. If you are the faster driver and it's clear on the, on the track that you're the faster driver, there's an element of etiquette where you have to let that driver pass. Um, and if you don't, it's not really racing. So I mean, that's why I think starting in clusters would have also been fine is the faster guy is going to pass. You're not going to be able to hold that guy back if you can't hold the pace that he can hold. Liz, it's like pushing a heavy sled.
Starting point is 00:30:57 That is what it feels like on your quads after 20 floors. And it also feels like you're breathing through a straw. Oh, yeah. I wonder what the air is going to be like in there well that's what i was saying earlier there is no air conditioning for sure there is none is that what you said correct i love it and do we know what the temperature is on the ground there right now i can look yeah but thinking about like a like a memory some of these athletes can take with them forever. Like how cool is this going to be that they can say that they did this? Very cool.
Starting point is 00:31:27 86 degrees will be the high tomorrow, or I guess it's tomorrow there now, and 70 will be the low. So there won't be any lows. Any other rules, JR? And then let's move on to the weight vest. I just heard no water, no earbuds. You have to let people pass. AirPods and music. Yeah, fucking no music.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. Do we know anything about the judging? Are there judges on every floor? Will there be any judges on the course? Yeah, I don't know that. I think there was something in Brian's article that at one point, maybe you have to exit to the outside, like to the open air, and then enter again into like a second building to continue to climb. So I don't know if maybe there'll be people there. There's no phones, no photography allowed, and there's going to be marshals on every floor, meaning someone directing the athletes.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Oh, interesting. On every floor. Yeah. And a lot of security as well, allegedly. It sounds like on the 124th floor, there is some sort of shift. I just remember when we were just looking at the wiki page, there is something that happens on the 124th floor. That's where the observation deck is. So I'm guessing that is where, at that point, they come out of the stairwell.
Starting point is 00:32:39 They have to run around to grab another stairwell to keep going. going to grab another stairwell to keep going. Yeah. And one point too, I just want to kind of make to Liz's comment, cause it was a pretty good, uh, you know, pretty good comparison to just pushing a sled forever. One thing, if you do a lot of sled pushing and it is all concentric, it's not going to make you as sore as you feel immediately when you're done, because there is no eccentric loading on the body. It's like pushing a sled. You're just going to push it to your legs. Say, yeah, we can't push it anymore. You got to stop and you rest for 30 seconds. Then you push it a little bit more. It's going to be similar to that on the stairs. I actually think if they went up and down someone who's ran a lot of stairs, you know, in their life, I'm sure Taylor has to the way down is a break, but just
Starting point is 00:33:23 like doing a long trail run on the way down sometimes is what blows up your quads even more. Uh, I don't know. I think that, you know, whether or not athletes have tested this prior to, or not as relevant, but you're never going to get game day intensity out of someone testing a workout prior to, and the intensity that these guys hit this at, I think will leave some pretty bad muscle soreness. I also don't necessarily, you know, when you're running, there's not necessarily a ton of eccentric load either. It's a lot of concentric. And if you run sprints and aren't used to it or run an 800 for time and aren't used
Starting point is 00:33:59 to it, that can blow your legs up and leave you sore the next day. This is a fantastic comment. Okay. There's no windows. Now let's cover up the floor numbers. So they have no idea how much further it is. That'd be awesome. Apparently there's six indoor transitions from stairwell to stairwell.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Oh, interesting. Okay. A good tidbit. So much hotter in the enclosed space too, if no ventilation. Bruce Wayne, it blows up your knees. Do you guys know of any CrossFit athletes? Taylor, did you or JR, did you guys ever run bleachers when you trained for the games? No, not when I trained for the games.
Starting point is 00:34:35 When I just trained for basketball, I used to go to Clemson's football stadium and run the stadium stairs a lot. I've run hours of bleachers and hours and hours and hours. Not for CrossFit, but prior to starting CrossFit. Do you think that that's something people should be doing? Um, I don't know that athletes would find the time to run the amount of bleachers that probably me and JR have run within the context of training for sport CrossFit. I definitely think they should
Starting point is 00:34:58 do it. Um, but I think it also has to do with your background. If you have a, if you have a deep background in it, you're going to be really good. And if you don't have a deep background in it, it's probably not worth your time to go spend the hours and hours and hours that it's going to take to, to win the event. I think the loading of the joints is probably not worth spending that amount of time. I think you're a lot better suited spending, spending the time on some other kind of machine or apparatus that has a lot more offloading um i think you could if it's like a bike or something like that at this point for competitive
Starting point is 00:35:30 crossfitters going and pounding on a bunch of concrete stadium stairs is probably not down and up down and up bleachers are definitely took a toll but if you could find a building like the version run it straight up and take a fucking elevator down i don't think that would be i don't think that's as much of a toll on the joints going up god i'd love to see him get turned around and have to run back down that would be awesome uh and the weight vest um oh i know we're on that thread and there were some people suggesting that the weight vest wasn't necessary and that it would be a better event without the weight vest do you guys have any thoughts on that i love the weight vest wasn't necessary and that it would be a better event without the weight vest. Do you guys have any thoughts on that? I love the weight vest. I think they probably had an idea of a time domain. If they wanted a certain time domain,
Starting point is 00:36:11 maybe they had someone run it without a vest and someone run it with a vest and they said, okay, we need to throw a vest on them to slow them down a little bit more. Get With It Chase says, stairwells are narrow enough. You can grab both rails to pull yourself up if you're tall enough. And then I think we all definitely agree with Kenneth DeLapp. CrossFit athletes are elite, but I don't see them easily recovering from this. I think every single person is going to be destroyed from this. This can't even be gamed, right? Even if you were to walk up, this is going to fuck you.
Starting point is 00:36:41 This can't even be gamed, right? Even if you were to walk up, this is going to fuck you. But you know, to Taylor's point too, when you talk about knowing you're in a race and being in a race and what that does to your intensity, if you're two minutes apart, yeah, the chances of you getting past or passing are still pretty high, but not to the point where if you had a mass start or if you're starting in a cluster, whereas you don't really know if you need to push the pace or not which is part of the beauty of the workout that's up to you to continue to push the pace but it's not like having someone right next to you the whole time uh time cap none so so you do you think we'll see some people go over an hour
Starting point is 00:37:22 no no uh i don't know you get surprised from time to time So do you think we'll see some people go over an hour? No. No. I don't know. You get surprised from time to time. Is the fastest person a man or a woman in this, you think? A man. Is this a kind of event where if it were at the CrossFit Games, you couldn't say that? If you had the most elite women and the most men, this one of those events that like yeah the the playing field levels out no i think probably the fastest men are hard to beat here just like in olympic running yeah and i would say even i mean we don't know
Starting point is 00:37:59 if the degree of incline of these steps is such to where you can't skip steps but you would just think limb length alone if you're if you're taller and you're able to skip steps the entire time over the course of 160 flights you're probably going to be able to make up significant time there uh savvy easy buddy uh you can see the stairs online. We had an event in Dubai a few years ago, climbed 100 floors. I typed in stairs at college. I type in fire exit. The stairs I i see let me see images here the stairs i see that cannot be the stairs it's like some fancy um let's see let's see fire stairs is that what you'd call them fire escape stairs fire just look up the stairwell to a best western and that's basically what they're running it's concrete
Starting point is 00:39:05 concrete and painted beige hand railings i'm no caleb i can't figure this shit out sorry but that is a big ass building uh okay so uh in in summation uh taylor give me the cliff notes for this event. I like the workout. Running the Burj 160 flights with a vest I think is awesome. I don't like the way they're starting athletes. I think that a time trial and then clusters is better for spectators, even if it makes it harder on the athlete.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Who cares? It's better for spectators. That being said, I don't think there's going to be any sort of coverage on it to begin with. I don't think they're allowed to. So maybe spectator coverage doesn't necessarily matter. I don't know. I think through my perspective as an athlete, I'd rather run it in clusters than one at a time. That's my only gripe.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Let's see. We might be, let me see real quick here. JR thoughts on this event i think it's a really cool opening event um i think it's good that they're doing something long to start it out that's kind of become customary at some of these bigger higher level competitions um to kind of set the tone for the weekend to give them something they're going to feel on the rest of the events coming. So in that respect, I think it's really well done. I hope that we'll hear about some back and forths between certain athletes,
Starting point is 00:40:35 maybe that start in positions within one or two spots of one another and that there's actually some good races. I find the likelihood of that rare because they have it seated based on the qualifier. Oh, overall though, you guys love the event, right?
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah. I think it's really cool. What about its placement as the first event? What about the last event? No, I like it as the first event for sure. You do. Mr.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Friend. Hi. Coming from a hotel room in dubai with a fresh haircut hey no air buds that's right uh brian will you be at this event and when is the kickoff uh bus is leaving from the hotel in 50 minutes uh yes, I'll be there. And they are starting an hour after we leave the hotel, which is 8.30 a.m. local time. And were you able to listen?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Is our information correct? Narrow staircase, start every two minutes. No water, must let people pass. Stairwells narrow enough to grab both sides. Six in and outs through uh, through the, uh, traverse up. Are those all accurate?
Starting point is 00:41:50 Uh, I don't know if it's exactly six, but something like that. Yeah. There are multiple of them. Everything else is accurate. Yes. And have you had a chance to go into the stairwell?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Not yet. I thought, I thought that I may have a chance to do this one with the HWPO guys in testing, but they did it the day before I arrived. Sorry to hear that. How did they do? Have you seen them? Are they broken? No, I actually was talking to all of them last night and they were surprised how not destroyed they were by it one day after, but you guys know that sometimes it takes two days for that stuff to sit in kind of interesting element of that is, uh, you know, there's nothing else that
Starting point is 00:42:25 day. And it's like about 30 hours later that they'll start the next workout. So maybe it might, maybe, I don't know, maybe it won't affect them the next day, but possibly for Sunday. And obviously they have a lot of other stuff to do as well. Uh, time cap, no time cap. Everyone has to finish. I think it's extremely unlikely that anyone finishes under 30 minutes and also pretty unlikely that someone takes over an hour. And do we know what the world record is for this? Well, I have heard of people doing it in the low 30 minutes, but I'm not sure if they were wearing a weight vest or not. Ah, very, very good point. And what's the feel you get from the athletes are they excited
Starting point is 00:43:06 about this extremely i think they've uh the general sentiment last night was this is you can get into the building potentially but there's places in the building that you can't get to um and especially the top i think like if if you paid whatever fee to be able to go up there you still wouldn't be able to get to the top 10 or 15 floors. And these athletes will have the opportunity to do that. So they recognize that this is something that they wouldn't, you know, you wouldn't be able to do it in this capacity on your own. The wiki page says the observation deck is on the 124th floor, which, and they're going to go up an additional 36 floors. So they're going to see from places that.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Exactly. Yeah. It's pretty small area up there. So they'll have, I think every 10 athletes that come in, they're going to have to take them out of there. I do think that they'll have, so they have to leave their phones on the bus. I think they have to label them. I think they're going to bring them to the top. I think at the top, they'll have a chance to take a picture with their phone and then they have to turn their phone back in and they'll take it back down to the bus for them. So there's a lot of elements of this workout that are very,
Starting point is 00:44:11 it's a very much a promotion of Dubai and, and, but it's also very private and sanctified area. So they have to follow certain protocols to be able to do this. That's like, that's like my place in Newport. It's, it's sanctified too.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It's, it's crazy sanctified. I don it's it's sanctified too it's it's crazy sanctified i don't know what that means but i feel very much on on par those two yes you only know that word because it's a rick ross song right is it is it pretty sure oh i love rick ross that sucks i didn't know that reference uh brian where where will you where will you be during the event and will there be any streaming of it anywhere can't stream anything from there um there we will have i think an opportunity to to have some photographers in the building at specific spaces so you might see some you know pictures of athletes on the back end but nothing live streamed from what i understand we will be there.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And our intention is to do some kind of a, you know, a recap video after the event ends and hopefully release that. So. Any thoughts on who's going to win the event for the men, Brian? I think the Jukic brothers and Brent Fikowski are going to probably do very well on this. But I was talking with some of the women from Norway, and they said that this is like a dream workout for them from the cross-country skiing and hiking through mountains perspective of their whole life.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And this, like Lena Richter and Matilda Garnes, I think Matilda Garnes is going to smash this. Wow. And the men? You said Luke, the Jukic brothers. brothers sorry i was looking at rick ross yeah those guys sanctified yeah i think the jukage brothers do well but but you know like like these as i've talked about this is a workout we've never seen anyone do a workout like this and it's a field where that has you know about half the field that we haven't seen to really do any workouts at this high of a level competition so certainly there's room for some surprises yeah it's gonna be interesting yes that's a good call to emily i like that pick
Starting point is 00:46:09 that's good uh uh mr taylor self uh any picks from on the men and women's uh individual events here i like raw for the women and then i was initially it said lazar djokic for the men and uh mr jr howell i like rolf and fikowski wow he's not too big jr i think his length i think his length is going to help him a lot maybe not only in just stride maybe he's one that alternates flights like one flight he skips a stair and then one flight he goes singles and then one flight he skips a stair and then one flight he goes singles and then one flight he skips one flight he goes singles but also too maybe being able to literally pull himself up on the rails because his wingspan is so wide might actually be advantageous also and and we know uh koski's uh yana koski's got a great engine um obviously much different
Starting point is 00:47:02 than being in the water but do you think it'll translate well on the stairs you think he's top five in this yeah he should do well i mean from that same perspective of the norwegian woman you know this guy does a lot of cross-country skiing as his active recovery is something he just loves to do and just the kind of that repetitive motion where you know in cross-country skiing you're also having the pulling with the stepping that you can take advantage of on the handrails here. So he should be set up well for this one. Yes. Uh, Brian, I know that your time is limited. So I want to ask you about this. I'm on the Dubai fitness championships, YouTube page, and I don't see where we can start like clicking the notifications. Do they not have their live events published yet? Do you have any,
Starting point is 00:47:44 any thoughts on that or ideas on how we can make sure we get to see all these events? I've been watching the show since the beginning. I saw you ask that earlier and I made a mental note to check in and see if I can find out more about that today. You demand. Okay, cool. Because it'd be great. It'd be great to know. They are streaming the events though, right? Not this one, but the rest of them. Yes. They are streaming the events though, right? Not this one, but the rest of them, yes. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And we'll hear you and Derek Forrest as the commentators on that. Yeah. The live stream here nationally is a very important element of this competition and to represent Dubai and all the things that, like know, like you said, the investors and the organizers wants to represent. And so they take a high premium on doing a good job with that. So it'd be on Dubai sport here in the UAE and then internationally on their YouTube channel. Will it be your voice on those also? Yeah. Well, they'll have it. They have a Arabic and english stream so we won't we won't we won't be doing the arabic okay you could you could probably learn arabic in a year maybe next year
Starting point is 00:48:51 uh and then these next workouts that i'm going to show you are these how many events total for this um for the dubai uh fitness championships uh These guys know that stuff. I spoke with JR a little while ago, so he can answer those. I actually do have to get going. We're going to go have some breakfast before getting on the bus. Peace and love. Good to see you guys. Remember, don't get your hands chopped off.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Keep them to yourself. Okay. I guess somewhere around eight events. So there are eight confirmed, eight total scored. So there's 800 points over grabs. That was, that was communicated to the athletes at the briefing.
Starting point is 00:49:33 So whether that means that as customary with divide, they have some back to back workouts where they do a workout, have a short rest and then do another one. Or there's a workout that has two scored 100 point events within that workout. You know, in the past they've done a workout with a biker and a swim where they use the total time of completion to be one score. And then the time of your slowest biker to be another score. And they've done the same thing similarly to a row workout. So we could see something like that or just like a back-to-back workout.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I think it's probably a back-to-back. So we've got eight scores, and five of them have been released. Okay, and is this the second? Do we know if it's five in a row? So we have this get a grip. We don't know the order. We don't know the order. Okay, so these workouts that are announced right
Starting point is 00:50:26 so we only know five workouts now five events the burrs run and then we know that two of them are saturday and two of them are sunday but which ones i'm not sure okay so this is this is presumably the next workout we can just operate on that it's it's going to be an incorrect assumption but we might just for the purpose of the show. Fair enough. So there will be three additional workouts. We'd have to guess that there'll be split over Saturday and Sunday, like maybe one more on set three on Saturday total and four total on Sunday. Well, something that we do know that Brian had talked about was there's, um, about was there's um on saturday there's a mandatory there's a mandatory prayer time that they have to observe regardless of what's going on and i think that's like an hour long so it may be that we get more workouts or more points up for grabs on sunday
Starting point is 00:51:21 which would also add to some assignments so if we we have a hundred points on Friday and then maybe we have 300 points up for grabs on Saturday, because they only have a five hour window to complete all their workouts with that mandatory, um, respite. And then on Sunday, there's maybe 400 points. So we have four scored events on Sunday. Has anyone asked to, um, have, has anyone been fitted for bathing suits, goggles, any clues that we have that they'll be going in the water? Or I haven't even looked at these workouts. Or do any of these workouts they've announced already put them in the water? No, no water yet, but I don't think it's far-fetched to think that they will swim at some point.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Taylor, are they going in the water? I don't think so. No. Have they gone in the water every other year since going back to whatever, 2014? They didn't go last year. Okay, so it's time that they go in. I don't know. I don't see them
Starting point is 00:52:15 going in the water with the Burj run, but I could be wrong. With the Burj run? You mean with the Burj Khalif? Yeah. I think that's their single. I mean, I think that's their long event. I just don't see them doing a water workout. It could be incorrect, but I would be concerned if the five scores that we have are what they are
Starting point is 00:52:36 and one of the unannounced three includes swimming. I would be hesitant. You don't like that? I wouldn't see that playing out well with what we have now i don't think there's room for swimming in the in the last three events personally jr tell him he's crazy uh no he's he's not crazy if he's going from a traditional spread of of end of mwg and what we do know is that there's two MWG workouts announced. So one has rowing, one has shuttle runs. And then we have a long monostructural on Friday.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And then we know now that they've been sized for drag ropes. So if you add that as another monostructural, Taylor's Point does hold some weight. They're rowing in this one. Then they have shuttle runs in another one. They're doing the stair run in the first workout. And then we know that they're going to be doing double unders at some point too uh the mwg that uh um mr howell's referencing is uh monostructural workouts weightlifting workouts and gymnastics workouts i need to write that down i i forget and we already have two of those that have been announced which is which is cool because we we have two triplets um essentially both very different formats but that have a
Starting point is 00:53:52 monostructural element a weightlifting element and gymnastics element i think taylor died uh okay so we're going to go to the second workout what we think is the second workout we don't know the order oh another thing to point out another thing to point out. Another thing to point out. This programming has been done by HWPO by Matt Fraser. This is Matt Fraser's program. I'm just noticing right here. It says HW. I don't even know how I take that off. I push this. No, it says HWPO training and Matt Matt Fraser. So we know that, that right they are the programmers for the dubai fitness championships yeah i think that team i think matt and jake marconi probably also played a huge role in it okay the comments are crazy who's the best female swimmer in the field leah thomas oh shit did it say that yeah god i love this show uh okay uh you broke down jr did you break down the mwg a little bit no i just said that we have two workouts so far that are released out of the five that have an mwg component yeah and the other three are single modality to point out which
Starting point is 00:55:01 is to this point to me slightly concerning that three of the five announced workouts are just one implement or one modality. The Burrs run being just a stair run, the one rep max hang clean, just being hang clean. And then barbell furious, just being 30 reps on a hundred kilo bar for men and a macho man complex. Yeah. And I think before we actually dive into the details of these release workouts, something I said at the very beginning is something that I'm already seeing with these five released workouts and something that we need to leave up for, um, I guess for discussion, how much freedom they had to do whatever they wanted, how much the person that
Starting point is 00:55:46 puts on the event said, no, I want, I want to see this. I want to see this. And I want to see this or just how much they were told, Hey, I want you to stay true to Dubai. I want you to have some things that we normally have in the recent years. We've seen a barbell sprint. We saw a seven, seven, seven workout. We saw last year, 15 snatches into 15 clean and jerks at a moderately heavy load we usually see that we see that i hear you jr but wow did they really do that i remember that last year because the strong classic and the year and the year before and the year before jr jr i totally hear you but that being said it's still it's still it's um it's like if i go to my seamstress uh and i say hey make me a pair of shorts and all he's ever made his pants like he still made the
Starting point is 00:56:31 shorts and and his name is still on it exactly so so i have to for sure for sure i just i think i think there's still i think it's always wise yeah with three of the eight not known that you can't you can't comment too favoratively or otherwise when you don't have the complete test yeah okay fair you can you can already see some things that you don't care for like three single modality tests out of eight some people just don't like that whether or not dubai usually does it or not for sure. You may see three, um, barbell centric workouts, right? Where the last set of snatches in this workout may end up being the whole workout. And then you have a barbell only workout and then you have a max. So all three of those you may be able to argue, are all barbell-centric workouts. And you may just not like that. I don't necessarily care for, to a degree, saying whether or not I like it.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I think out of eight workouts, it's a little bit redundant to have two workouts that are only a barbell. Two of the eight are just a barbell, and they're very short, potentially. Eight reps on the max. Let's get into them. Let's get into them before's get in let's get into them before we run out of time let's get started sorry catch up but we don't know how you watch this we we're trying to figure it out we went to their youtube page we know they're not streaming the first event we had brian on we know he's commentating the events he told us that they have great pride in the um uh you know sharing of the event but we still don't have uh times of how to watch it in the u.s
Starting point is 00:58:06 or where we're assuming it's youtube but you go to their youtube station and you don't um you don't say anything don't question jr yeah i and i and i don't want to question jr i just um question jr prepare to be wrong i understand no question me me and taylor question each other all the time i get it i think i think theyFans. That's where you can watch it. Can we talk about this workout? Okay, yes. Workout, get a grip. It's a 22-minute time cap, 40 cow on the row.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I'm 30 for women, 40 toes to bar, 40 snatch, 75, 55. Then back to the rower for another 40, 30 cows. Then another 40 toes to bar. Then 20 snatches at 115 and 75. Then back to the rower, 40 and 30 cows, then 40 toes to bar. My goodness. Then 10 snatch, 185, 135. I'm going to just go out on a limb here and say that maybe not. You guys think this is too busy?
Starting point is 00:58:57 Maybe not. Maybe it's just the way it's written. I think the way it's written is too busy. And me and JR talked about this in the group text, that the way it reads is a chipper. It's in fact a rounds for time triplet and it's three rounds for time they should have written it three rounds for time 40 30 calorie row 40 toast a bar then 40 20 10 snatches increasing okay okay so if you write it that way it's a lot cleaner um that was one thing i wanted to mention is i wasn't a huge fan of the event release graphics that they used. It just seems very rudimentary and like, I don't know, kind of like, like, yeah, I had some, a bunch of
Starting point is 00:59:32 college students that are practicing like social media marketing and you'll allow them to create the workout post instead of someone, you know, I don't know. I don't know how else better to say that. I just didn't like the post they look like shit uh it's good that's consistent with how a lot of the marketing is done uh in the crossfit space um do you like this workout jr yeah i do i really do like to work i have some i have some questions about the loading progression um i think 75 55 at 40 reps comparatively to 185, 135 at 10 reps is perfect. Plus, I think going from the 40, 40 to start the workout into the 40 snatches, you're going to go ahead and just set the tone for a grip limitation, which is awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And progressing the load. I'm curious in testing how it worked and why it wasn't 135, 95 so that the jumps were a little bit more uniform just on paper looking at it you go two minutes per movement that's an 18 minute 22 minute cap seems appropriate but i don't think a lot of these athletes need two minutes three times to do 40 toes to bar so i think it's going to go a little bit faster um they're on the snatches either again but otherwise i think it's awesome i think 120 little bit faster. Um, yeah, again, but otherwise I think it's awesome. I think 120 toes of ours are really, really appropriate dose. I think that you'll see some separation probably on the last set of those 40, but I think it's going to kind of come down to
Starting point is 01:00:55 what does that first snatch feel like at one 85, one 35. And those that aren't blown up when they get there are just going to be able to separate themselves on those. And I agree. I think I love, this is the workout that I like the most. And my only, same thing with JR, my only concern about it is the jump from 115 to 185 or 75 to 135. But I would also disagree. I think that 40 snatches at 75 pounds is harder than 10 snatches at 185. I think it takes longer personally. So I think the distribution is fair. I just am unsure about the loading. Like you said, the jump from 115 to 185 seems a little questionable to me. Uh, Dennis O'Leary morning chalk up has a link for day two live stream. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:42 when you, when you see this, when I see this see this i just think right away i see matt fraser's signature on it because this is a pacer's workout right like if justin madaris was here we would see him maybe uh somewhere in there when we get to those 20 snatches at 115 start to start to move right this is going to be a the winner of this is going to be the guy who paces this perfectly right this can just be finished by a pacer i think this is a other than the row i think this is a classic it's not the size of the sets that you're doing it's how little or how much rest you're taking in between them so there's a lot of bait here and that's 75 for 40 reps and 55 for 40 reps. Everyone, everyone can, can hammer those 40 if they want unbroken and get right back on the rower. But should you, a lot of those athletes can do the one 15, 75 for
Starting point is 01:02:32 20 unbroken. Do they, or do they do quick singles to save it for the last round? So I think there's a lot of, there's a lot of strategy involved in this. Uh, Taylor. Yeah, I think there's a lot of strategy too. I, I, I mean, I, I hate to be like, oh, this is a signature Matt Frazier. It's a longer workout. Anytime you've got a longer workout, strategy becomes a lot more important. All right. Any stabs in the dark at who might win this? I know I haven't given you lists of the athletes.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I think Rep Fikowski is a great option to win this workout. I like Janikowski in in this and for the ladies don't know enough about the women's field for me to comment on that chair i still like matilda garns on this i know that was one that brian said he thought would do really well on the stair workout, but I think she'll crush this too. Going in, so we're guessing this is the third workout. We don't know for sure. The workouts aren't numbered.
Starting point is 01:03:33 We're just going in the order that they were released. We have five workouts, but we know in totality there's 800 points. So we're making the conclusion that there's three more workouts. We don't know. We don't know where they're at. And so here we go. Work workout fast like an oryx that's one of those what is an oryx it's one of those uh that like you pay money to hunt in texas like they've imported them in dude ranch that's funny i think my uh i think my sister uh works on a ranch where you can blast one of
Starting point is 01:04:06 these let's see let's go blast an oryx let's see uh some sort of exotic animal here it's this thing oh wow that doesn't look that fast they look a bit they look fucking huge but it's not like it wouldn't i wouldn't think it's like as fast as a gazelle so maybe wrong i could be maybe maybe it's a slow event okay uh we don't see the time cap right off the back uh okay it's interval four sets intervals 230 on one minute off 10 shuttle runs, 10 burpee box clear overs, max rep thrusters, weight one, 70 pounds and 50, weight two, 50 and 35. Athletes will advance the dumbbells. Okay, so these are dumbbells. Every eight reps until they reach 40 total rep with weight one. Oh, I'm fucking lost already.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Once the athlete reaches 40 reps, they will switch to 50, 30. Oh, okay. 50, 35 dumbbells, dumbbell, and continue to advance every five steps. This is, that's the theme of this workout is that you're lost already. Is that a, you don't like it? I like, I like the idea behind it. I love interval workouts. I like the burpee box clear. I love the dumbbell thruster. I love, I don't love the shuttle run, but I'm okay with it. How far is the shuttle run? Do we know? No idea. I would imagine it's 30 down 30 back. I think it's going to be about 25 down 25 back.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Brian said it should be about like a standard shuttle run. Okay. So I don't like that's, that's busy in a competitive setting, watching people do that 10 times. I just am not a huge fan of that. Like put them on a runner and make them run a 200 meter personally. I think that's just, yeah, I don't know. I don't, I don't like the visual of the shuttle, but that's not my main gripe with the workout. I'm okay with the shuttle. My main gripe with the workout is that it is, you know, kind of like you said about the other one, it reads so busy. And it seems like they're trying just a little too hard. I'm not a fan of the, you know, split-minute interval.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Like I don't like the fact that it's 2.30 on, 1 off. I would have rather seen them try to make two minutes on one minute on work or two minutes on one minute off work or three minutes on one minute off work. I think 230 on one off, one right off the bat, it just reads confusing. The athletes are going to be confused on the floor. Odds are the announcers are going to mess it up at some point on the floor for the athletes. They messed our intervals up at Wadapalooza and that was two minutes on one minute off and couldn't have been any easier. Um, so you just make it a little more complicated. Um, and, and for what, like, what is that extra 30 seconds of work doing? You can make the dose similar with two minutes of work, one of rest, or make the dose similar
Starting point is 01:07:00 with three minutes on one minute off. Um, so I just, I personally don't like that. And then finally, is it for total reps? Is it an AMRAP with the fifties? Like there's no, there's no clarity there. Like, okay, this workout is an AMRAP. It is for max reps, dumbbell thrusters, 40 reps buy-in with the sevents and the 50s, and then max repetitions with the 50s, 35s, which is going to be the intent of the workout. Or is there an amount of reps that they get with the 50s and it's for time? It's unclear. Let me ask you this, JR, if I'm understanding this workout right. understanding this workout right it's basically a 250 meter run then you got to jump over a box 10 times and then you do as many thrusters as you can and once you hit 40 you switch to a lighter
Starting point is 01:07:53 weight yes and then at two and then at 230 everyone has to stop yeah and no one's going to hit 40 in the first interval so you're going to 250 meter run, 10 burpee box jump all the way overs. So they're not going to be able to touch the top of the box and then they'll advance their 75 dumbbells. They'll probably, I think most athletes will get maybe 20 to 25 reps in that first interval, maybe 30. So why do they have a weight too if you don't think anyone's going to get to it?
Starting point is 01:08:18 No, they will. They have four intervals to get to it. Oh, you don't start over at the beginning every time? No, you start over at the beginning every time you know you start over at the beginning but you pick up where you left off on the dumbbells ah okay okay all right so this is the flow of the workout okay yeah the workout yeah yeah you'll have the athletes you have the athletes starting well in this scenario starting probably right in front of their box they'll go down and back down down and back, down and back 10 times.
Starting point is 01:08:47 When they get back on the 10th shuttle run, they'll drop down and immediately go into their burpees. After their 10th burpee, they'll have to walk around the box. They'll go pick up their dumbbells. They'll start. They'll do eight. There's 45 seconds left. They'll move forward. They'll do eight more.
Starting point is 01:09:00 They're at 16. They'll move forward. They'll do four more. And then they'll say time. And they're at 20. They'll move forward. They'll do four more. And then they'll say time. And they're at 20. They'll put their time. And everyone stops. Correct.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And you'll look around and some will be at 20 and some will be at 22 and some will be at 16 and some will be at whatever. They'll reset. They'll go again. What's probably going to happen is that someone's going to barely finish the 40 in the second interval or most likely not finish in the second interval and have to finish them up on the third interval. But then at that point, they get to the lighter dumbbells and you already have a huge separation right there because whoever can get their hands on the lighter dumbbells first are going to be able to accumulate a lot more reps way faster. The only thing that I see when I look at the workout flow wise is that you make the numbers
Starting point is 01:09:47 odd. The shuttle run doesn't matter. It's a down and back. But when you get to the box on the last rep, they need to jump over the box and run to their dumbbells and immediately start. There doesn't need to be a jump over the box and then walk around the box to go to their dumbbells. So a nine or 11,
Starting point is 01:10:06 just an odd number. Sure. But the way it reads on paper here, the 10, if you go six ish seconds per shuttle run, which is about what it is when you're keeping a good pace, probably a little faster in this scenario, you have a minute there.
Starting point is 01:10:18 You have about 30 seconds ish for the burpee box clear with transitions. You're looking at 45 seconds to a minute on the dumbbells every interval. So I think a really, really good score is going to be in the 60s. I don't think anyone's going to hit 70. I put in my notes that I would imagine most people are going to be between 55 and 75 thrusters. I don't know if anyone will get to the get into 70s i imagine the person that wins it might get into 70 uh the reason i say that is i think you can get 40 dumbbell thrusters done in two intervals and then can you get 35 reps with
Starting point is 01:10:58 the 50s in the next two intervals i don't know i think so down and back is one chase come on so i have barry uh sorry taylor uh barry cock cockiner barry cockiner i'm only responding to this because your name we've already looked at this is an oryx already looked yeah barry you sit on its antlers every night yeah yeah it what's that balenciaga it's a balenciaga doll. Okay. That was a fucked up joke I made earlier. Okay. Hey, this is going to look beautiful. This is going to be fun to watch. This one is going to be fun to watch. It's just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah, I mean, it's these interval style workouts ever since the 2-2-3 intervals has been something that I know I started doing in my competitions. I know Taylor does them in his competitions. I think they're awesome way to test fitness, but your bias will come into play. Do you like this style of workout with a four time element? So they're going until they hit 50 thrusters and then they're done.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Or do you like it in this way where you're like, no, everyone's going to do 10 minutes of work. It's an AMRAP. How many reps can you get? And what I do like about it is when they switch to the lighter dumbbells, they're going to advance every five instead of advancing every eight. So you'll get to see a little bit more closely who's in the lead. I like for time. I know JR likes for time too. I personally think that the AMRAP's okay. Again, I just look at the workout and I think it just took me and JR 20 minutes to describe it to Sevan.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And Sevan knows a lot about CrossFit. And so when somebody who has no fucking idea what they're looking at looks at this, they're just, meh, next channel. Like they just have no fucking idea what's going on. And you can make it easier to read. You can make it simpler by being for to read you can make it simpler by being for time you can make it cleaner by it not being 230 on one off but instead it's two on one
Starting point is 01:12:50 off um you can eliminate that fucking paragraph description of the workout like it just i don't know it's it's really busy and confusing and i'm not a huge fan i like i like the movements i like interval style workouts. I just don't think this was executed well. So what we have seen in these first three workouts is these are mental toughness workouts. There's really nothing stopping anyone on the field. All these athletes can do all of this stuff. It's just going to come down to metabolic conditioning and mental toughness, right?
Starting point is 01:13:22 That's where we're at here. Correct. I would, I would, I would say the workout we went over previously is probably more so muscular endurance and not capacity limiting to a, to a degree, to a degree. I think the best in the field, it's not that muscular capacity limiting. Where do you see that? You don't talk about the last 120. Oh, okay. No, just general grip fatigue. Yeah. I mean, even if the barbell feels light to you, if your grip shot and you go to pull it and you don't have your pull, then you just got to stand there. It doesn't matter if you're out of breath or not. But I don't think that grip limits you at a one 85 bar.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I think grip limits you at a 75 and a one 15 bar. And I don't think that the best in the field will hit that fatigue that early on. I think if it went 40, 20, then 40 again at 75 pounds, then you would really fucking smash some people grip wise, but let's move on. And what we, what we're, what we're guessing is the fourth workout. Uh, it's called barbell
Starting point is 01:14:18 furious. It's a three minute time cap. And so this continues along that theme, theme right where we haven't seen anything that's going to stop anyone yet these are all go workouts right for time 10 cleans 100 pounds for the men 70 for the no no kilograms oh so it's a 220 bar and like a 150 55 so these are these are that's that's pounds This was another thing I put in my notes. It's super confusing in the graphics where they go from pounds, but this first one is pounds. How do you know? It's intuitive.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Someone asked in the comments. Someone asked in the comments, are they supposed to be kgs on the barbell? This is the only workout that is listed in kilograms. There you go, right right there but it's just confusing so that's another confusing element but the weight is appropriate um okay so it's 10 cleans we're not sure whether it's a mandatory squat or not we can imagine
Starting point is 01:15:18 so it's yeah yeah so it's not it's it's uh it's a clean anyhow and in this workout i mean it's it's not, it's, it's a, it's a clean anyhow. And in this workout, I mean, it's, it's, we know some things. They have to advance every 10, but they have to advance with the barbell on the ground. So they do their 10th clean. They cannot walk forward in the front rack and then begin to squat. They have to drop the bar and roll it. And I think that was just a safety concern. So then they'll, so then they'll, they'll do another clean to start their set of front squats. And after the 10th front squat, they'll advance again, but they cannot advance in the front
Starting point is 01:15:50 rack and immediately go into the shoulder to overhead. They have to drop the bar and roll it forward. And then they'll have to clean again to the front rack to go into their shoulder to overhead. But I mean, to me, Taylor will probably not agree. The workout's going to come down to those last 10 reps and the people that think they can hold onto it for all 10 are may take a risk and do it. But you've seen in these kinds of workouts before failing one rep overhead is not a three second break. You fail a rep, you're going to stand there for at least 10 seconds. And the separation in this workout is going to be, there's going to be five spots in 10 seconds. I agree for sure.
Starting point is 01:16:26 I'm not a big fan of the workout. I think I like single modality barbell workouts. I programmed one last year at my event. So it's not a format that I dislike. I just think that it lacks creativity. It's bland. 10, 10, 10, blah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I just choose a different number, make it a descending rep scheme. The clean is easier scheme the clean is easier than the squat is easier than the shoulder to overhead make the difficulty uh make the reps decreases the difficulty increases i don't know um and then on top of that it's the second workout that's just a barbell only a barbell to this point i mean we've only got five announced workouts and two of them are just a barbell i'm point i mean we've only got five announced workouts and two of them are just a barbell i'm just not a huge fan of that i love this workout i think it's gonna be cool it'll be a fun race it'll be it'll be really exciting to watch there'll be very very very
Starting point is 01:17:18 tight margins you'll see people like i said go for it and they'll fail a rep and then someone next to them will drop it and plan one break on the shoulder overhead and end up passing three people at the end. I mean, you'll see that. But would you like this as a final workout, Taylor? Yeah. What if this is the final of that? It depends on all of the other workouts with it. We only have eight workouts.
Starting point is 01:17:39 But I mean, just think, but just let's say they're all great. Let's say all the workouts are great. Wouldn't this be a fantastic race? This workout alone, I like the workout alone. I would like a different rep scheme. Like maybe 13 cleans, 11 front squats, 9 shoulder to overhead. Just make it look cooler. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:55 10, 10, 10. I just don't like 10, 10, 10. I think it's too much. I hear you. I hear you. I am a creative, very creative mind. And I know JR is creative with numbers too. And I know that he would not
Starting point is 01:18:05 be satisfied with just 10, 10, 10. All right. So, you know, I mentioned them staying true to Dubai and that doesn't just mean, okay, in the past couple of years, they've done like a barbell sprint type workout where last year they did 15 snatches at a weight and then 15 cleaning jerks at a little heavier weight. The year before they did for time, seven power snatches, seven hang snatches, seven squat snatches, right? So this is very in line with that. What seems to be like they really did their homework on was in 2016, the strength test was 10 minutes to find a one rep max clean plus front squat plus jerk.
Starting point is 01:18:41 So they're bringing back that movement, that pattern six years later to use as a barbell cycling workout. And I have to believe that was done purposefully. And if it was, and it's kind of an homage to the old Dubai workouts of the past, that's cool. I think the workout is really cool on its own. When we start to break down though, the similar movement patterns, dumbbells in the front rack, one rep max hang clean in the front rack, clean in the front rack, front squat in the front rack, shoulder to overhead. We see a lot of similarities in movement patterns in three of the released workouts so far. And I think that's where Taylor is at more so than anything else.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Do you like the rep scheme 10,, 10, 10. Are you, would you be satisfied? That doesn't, that doesn't bother me as much. Like I don't really care about what, what the numbers are. It's more about what the movements are. You liar. Dude,
Starting point is 01:19:33 you mean you argued about your overhead squat pegboard numbers for an hour. 10, 10 is still clean though. Easy with the name calling easy with the name. Okay. Uh, who wins this keep scrolling keep scrolling there's got to be some big oh reggie fossa i think sam reggie fossa i like sam corner yeah oh he's not there he's not there he pulled out sam's not going he pulled out why pulled out i think just finances but i don't know for sure mayhem's not
Starting point is 01:20:06 paying him to go that's fucked you know they were only gonna pay they were only gonna pay him five hundred thousand dollars you're below the cut line man oh i oh yeah right thank you okay these are all the schmucks i say reggie fossa yeah i don't know enough about the men's field i don't think ricky garard's going either really oh wow i think the big names there are uh lazar jukic uh anal i think that guy ain't a little bit fikowski who's the other con porter and yanikoski yanikoski those are the four big names. Roll back up. A little bit. Anal.
Starting point is 01:20:47 He's going to take this event. From Spain? Yeah. How about this kid from Greece? This guy's strong as shit, isn't he? Alex Koutoulis? No, he's a less of a strength athlete. How about the other guy, Gergos Karavis?
Starting point is 01:21:01 Gergos Karavis? I don't know. I don't know what his strength is like. I really don't know shit about the field. All right. Let's look at the women. The ladies, Taylor Howell. Oh, that's a good pick.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Man on Anganese. From the United Kingdom. Oh, Man on Anganese. Yes. Man on Anganese. Yes. I agree. I agree. Okay. Fair enough. Back to the show. Okay. And finally, the last workout we know, five of what we're speculating of eight, a little maybe more than speculating. Taylor's already giving it a thumbs up. Is there anything you like about this so far, Taylor?
Starting point is 01:21:44 About this workout? No, about just the totality of this uh yeah i love the i love the 40 cal row 40 total bar snatch workout i love super's run i just don't like that they can't run it against athletes in clusters i like most of the movements in the interval workout i just don't like how messy it is okay so you do like some shit yeah there's a lot of stuff i like i'm just i'm highly critical but i'm highly critical of myself too so it's you know people watching me and think i'm a fucking dick but i'm critical of my best friends i'm just i am a dick i'm just addicted myself too exactly i'm with that and i'm in this way to everybody uh max lift one rep max hang clean don't like it have we ever seen that before no it's
Starting point is 01:22:30 never been done in a major competition they've done hang snatch where did they do hang snatch was that at the games hang snatch was done at regionals okay yeah that's right three bars uh when there's one competitor left move to one bar center stage okay so so it is it's a max hang snatch you have 20 second lifting window 10 second transition you only get one attempt and the weights are already made for the men it starts at 305 it moves up in 10 pound increments until it gets to 345 and for the women it starts at 200 and goes up to 250 in 10 and five pound increments. Oh, wow. Go ahead. I think there's actually a lot to talk about here. I mean, sure. On paper, it's a one rep max hand clean. Okay, cool. Well, normally when we see lifting
Starting point is 01:23:19 windows, you can do multiple attempts in that window. We know here there's only one attempt. you can do multiple attempts in that window. We know here there's only one attempt. So you miss it, you're out, period. So you catch a little far forward or you dump the bar a little bit early and you don't stand up all the way, you're out. You're automatically going to the tiebreak platform. Also too, those starting weights for this field, I don't think are super accessible. I don't think are super accessible. I don't think it's really far-fetched to see people go out early. And we saw at Rogue 2, there were some issues, I think, with the warm-up time, but we saw people not really be able to groove their log technique. And people went out maybe a little bit earlier than they thought they would. And I'm not saying that these are the two, you know, these two things are the same ones and not ones and not object one, something these athletes do every week, but starting at three Oh five, 200, I think you're going to see some people go out pretty early.
Starting point is 01:24:18 You know, the thing too, let me just, let me just throw this in here too. I just looked at world record hang snatch and it just automatically reverts to snatch. That's how rare this is in Google. Like on the first page, there's not a single hang break, it's five reps for time at 225, 155-ish. And those have to be squat clean. Oh, they have to be by the rules or they have to be because they're so heavy? No, for the tie break, that's going to be a really light load. So if like three athletes go out at 315, they're going to move on to the tie break and they're going to do that for time.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Like they did the games with the light sandbags like they did, you know, at a lot of recent competitions. Those have to be squat clean, five hang squat clean for time. But when they're working their way up on the ladder, it can be power or squat. Let me contextualize this really quick. If you go to Google and you type in hang snatch, it's all every single one on the first page. It's a CrossFit video. I bet if you put in hang clean,
Starting point is 01:25:32 the same thing would happen. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. Taylor, do you, do you think that JR is right? That these weights are so heavy
Starting point is 01:25:46 that we're going to just see people just getting wiped out in the first round? Can you pull the workout up? I was, to be honest, when I looked at it initially, I thought that the weights, that there would be a few guys who cleared the whole ladder. I think so, too. I just think that the starting loads are going to be heavy for some of the people in this field.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Can Yonikoski do a 305-pound hang snatch? Does it have to be a squat? Clean. Oh, sorry. It is a – oh, that's why. I was typing in hang snatch. It doesn't have to be a squat either. I don't – I mean –
Starting point is 01:26:13 It doesn't. No, it doesn't have to be a squat. I think that there will be athletes that struggle with the starting weights for sure, but I also think there will be a couple athletes that finish the whole ladder. So I think it's going to go both ways i think we have outliers i don't think we have necessarily i think the workout uh it's it's interesting in some regards it's appropriate because there's going to be athletes that get knocked out at 315 or 210 for sure it's inappropriate in the fact that there are going to be several
Starting point is 01:26:46 athletes that finish it i think at the games you would probably see the loading continue to go or something like the sandbag happens where if people keep going they just keep adding fucking weight and we don't know what the tie break weight is dude i don't i don't know that more than maybe one person in each field finishes it. Yeah, maybe I'm wrong. Okay, well, that makes me feel better about only one attempt. I was looking at it wrong. I apologize. It's not a hang snatch.
Starting point is 01:27:17 So with only one attempt with the hang snatch, I was getting a little worried. But with the hang clean, it seems a little more doable. All right. And that's it. That's all that's been announced. Okay. And this is, this is a straight up strength event. And why don't you, Taylor, do you not like the movement hand clean?
Starting point is 01:27:37 Do you not like it as a strength event? Oh, I just don't like to fuck three single modality workouts out of eight. I mean, it's CrossFit. You don't train CrossFit to go to an eight-event competition and do an hour run, a one-rep max lift, and then 30 reps on a barbell, personally. I think out of 15
Starting point is 01:27:55 workouts of the games, that's fine. But out of eight tests? I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. I only see two single modality. The Barbell Furious is just 30 reps on the barbell. The modality is weightlifting, so it's just one implement.
Starting point is 01:28:13 It's a different movement. Is that right, JR, what he's saying? That's correct. It would be like you're calling triple three single modality. It is. It's a 3K row, 300 double unders, three mile run. It's all monostructural but i don't know i'm and i'm okay with barbell furious as actually one of the workouts i would prefer
Starting point is 01:28:31 that's one of the workouts over the one rep max make it heavier and make it 963 i think is cool um they've done something similar at waterpalooza which i like that i'm just not a fan of that three times out of the eight. Where can I find this liver King video? To bring him up. I just, someone in the comments asked if I think it's lazy programming. I don't know that. I don't,
Starting point is 01:28:58 I think it's unfair to call it lazy. But there are people who are really creative and look at that and and play with things until they feel like they they look like something that other people would be pleased to read or elegant on paper and still simple i think greg did an amazing job of cultivating that himself but also like kind of teaching that art of programming. Dave also as well, really beautiful programming. JR does a really good job of it. And I've, you know, I'm, I'm not an expert by any means, but I feel like I've learned a lot from people like that and have watched a lot from people like that. And I've seen a lot of people that, that are kind of like, you know, a bull in a China shop with their programming where it's just not elegant at all and i prefer that elegant simplicity and i don't see a lot of that here it looks more like
Starting point is 01:29:53 a bull in a china shop god i hate to say that i agree with you it seems so it seems it almost seems pretentious but but i but i do agree I do agree with you. I do agree with you. The workout, and a lot, and you're right. I saw a lot of time being spent on not only what workouts did to people, but what they looked like. Yeah. And I do know that Greg comes from a family of mathematicians and that basically the fewer steps that you could solve a problem in, that was considered the elegant solution.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Yep. Yeah. And I love that. Interesting. But I still think it's a little pretentious of us, but I'm okay. I'm okay with it. Okay. Let me just make one trip over here to…
Starting point is 01:30:42 Liver King and Sailor's Dad. In the comments let me go over here to just to uh to morning chalk up and see what's going on on their youtube page maybe that is where we have to watch it um oh let me share the screen with you guys. Give me one second here. Okay. Dude, could you imagine if Liver King programmed the event? Someone said Liver King should have programmed the event. Kettlebell carries sled drag one mile for time.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Primals. Okay, so we have uh one day ago athletes watch beyond the podium dubai fitness dubai fitness championship women's podium pick uh guess who said i don't want to just win i want to make yeah who did say that a statement matt fraser oh wow who's this guy oh it's it's a it's a collage of interviews so you'd have to watch it to actually find out did they all say that that's my guess let me see live okay so they it is over at the morning chalk up oh lazar said it apparently lazar said it i like that i like lazar so no it's not on the morning chat, but I don't see it, guys. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Big whiff. I don't see it. I mean, help me out here. I went to the live streams. I don't see anywhere where you can click it and get the notifications. Shit. Hiller's in the comments. Can we send him a link?
Starting point is 01:32:25 Sure. Where do you see him? He said, sup, Bruce. Scroll up. Andrew Hiller. Do I have Hiller's phone number? Yes, dude. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:32:36 I know. I call him every time. Get your text messages out of here, dude. Oh, mine? They're on the screen. Oh, shit. Well, thank you. Hey, check the, I was going to say hey check the i was gonna say check the group
Starting point is 01:32:45 will brandstetter just sent a link okay cool thank you for thank you for notifying me about my text messages what a fucking mess that is dude liver king kind of looks like he has jaundice he's just so like fucking discolored like is that from sun or is he tanning? If I got that much sun, I'd be a fucking melanoma. Hold on. I'm checking to see if anything was revealed in my text messages. No, nothing. No, you're good. Sack of dildos.
Starting point is 01:33:15 I ordered on. Sack of dildos. I had two friends that had this bisexual roommate. And when he was moving out, there was an actual bag of dildos in his room. It's pretty funny story. And he'll like admit to it to the guy good dude it's a good dude uh okay there's too many fucking text messages coming in now um oh it's unlisted on their youtube oh is that what you're saying how do you know no go to the the text he sent right before that has a website link right i just see that well will brandstetter just sent this and it says unlisted on their youtube
Starting point is 01:33:51 how the fuck would he have it if it's unlisted what a fucking savage yeah but for all the people out there that are still thinking about these five events and what could possibly come. Dubai almost always has ring muscle-ups in their workout. They almost always have rope climbs. They almost always have parallette handstand push-ups. They almost always have handstand walk. They also usually require something to be unbroken. In years past, they've had unbroken mandates on ring muscle-ups from one up to 10. They've had unbroken handstand walks. They've had a lot of skills that we haven't seen come out yet. And if you just look at this programming so far,
Starting point is 01:34:31 there's a lot of barbell cycling. There's a lot of grunt work capacity type stuff. There's 120 toes to bar and some burpees. That's really the only gymnastics that we have. So I think we're going to get a lot of gymnastics that'll come out. If you're an athlete, that's a week in the front rack. There are three workouts that you see with front rack limitations. You see the barbell complex workout. You see the hang clean, which is just catching a heavy load. And then you see the heavy dumbbell thrusters, which just makes you be strong in a front rack position. So we may get overhead walking lunges. We may get a lot more midline stability, but I definitely think we're going to get a lot more upper body push and pull. And that to me personally concerns me a little bit
Starting point is 01:35:17 because you see something like, okay, we don't have ring muscle-ups yet. We don't have rope climbs yet. We don't have parallel handstand push-ups yet. We don't have handstand walk yet. Do you think three workouts is a broad enough spectrum to express that many missing elements to this point? Well, in the past, we've had workouts that were like 9-6-3 rope climb with 30-meter handstand walk after each. So a couplet of only gymnastics. We've seen 1-2- three, four, five, up to 10 of unbroken ring muscle ups with handstand walk preceding. So another gymnastics, gymnastics couplet. So if we get that again, if we get some GG and some really dense, if we get some really dense gymnastics, then I think it will balance it. Okay. And you, I just think it's a little
Starting point is 01:36:04 precarious. Like it's there, they're treading on thin ice with that many leftover movements. And so if you work outs to do it when they had five events to do a little bit more with, in my opinion, well, I don't, we don't have a chipper yet. So if they have a long chipper, which Dubai typically does, sometimes they have a kitchen sink type chipper where they'll have three rounds of these three movements and then two rounds of these three movements and then two rounds of these two movements. So if we have a workout like that, there's a lot of ground that can still be covered as far as movement patterns go. I just want to tell you that I'm going to put it in the chat one more time here.
Starting point is 01:36:39 This is the link. If you want to go to and get the unlisted url you can click notify me and you'll get a notification when uh day two starts i don't know why they haven't um uh i don't know why they haven't put that up themselves yet uh maybe the link will change too maybe the time will change but either the way they can do all that stuff on the fly uh will you will you cover the legends next week at crossfit mayhem we haven't been asked to participate in that in any way except that uh jason grubb uh that's who that is right that's the master's champ jason grubb yeah uh he he's he's competing there and i've asked him to come on the show for like 10 or 15 minutes every day and just give us an update of how it's going what's going on and actually he's he reached out to me and was like and anyway i just loved it it's a
Starting point is 01:37:25 little bit of a collaboration so every day that we're on the air i'm going to try to give him 10 or 15 minutes and ask him a bunch of questions and see if we know what's going on there but i don't know anything about it other than the little bit that he's uh reached out uh to me so you guys are saying that this thing can still so far so good but these next three they could blow it or or it could be an amazing amazing eight events yeah there's a lot of questions for sure a lot that remain unanswered my one of my questions for taylor though because i know how he feels about one workout having a high volume squat is that the thruster workout and if you see another workout with squatting are you automatically going to say too many squatting workouts because right now we have three i don't think this volume right now is such that there can't be more squatting personally yeah
Starting point is 01:38:10 i think there's going to be i think there's going to be another squatting workout and i think that'll be four out of the eight that have squatting yeah and i'm okay with that i mean again i'll go back to one of my favorite programmed years is the 2017 games and that was like fucking squatting almost in every workout. What don't you want to see then? What, what is it not what you don't want to see then it's what you want to see. It's what I want to see.
Starting point is 01:38:36 I want to see a rope climb swim event. I think that would actually be really cool. I don't know how to possibly do it. And I know you're being facetious, but... 40-foot nylon ropes. You're a fucking dick. Those slippery ones. I mean... With a fucking 30-foot dildo you have to climb?
Starting point is 01:38:53 No, there'd be no dildos in it. Go ahead, JR. There's always... I mean, Dubai has kind of always prided itself on doing things before anyone else. They programmed Devil Press, which they called a dumbbell burpee ground to overhead in 2015 they were the first competition to ever do it and they've kind of been a staple ever since so we have dumbbell thrusters well we still have devil press that's a question um we they had deck squats one year i like i hate they had A squats one year. I like to see more than.
Starting point is 01:39:25 There's a lot of, they had supinated grip, kipping chest to bar pull-ups one year. So will they, will they still kind of get funky and do some things that maybe other, other people won't program? I like to see more than just 40 burpees in an event. Personally, I think that in human movement and in kind of functional movement, getting down on the ground and up off the ground is as basic of a movement as a squat is. Equally, you know, potentially equally as important to a functional human being to be able to get off the ground and get on the ground. I like burpees a lot.
Starting point is 01:40:00 So I like to see more than just 40 reps in this workout. I just, I don't know. But remember. Right. Yeah. If they have devil's press, I like to see more than just 40 reps in this workout. I just, I don't know. But remember, right? Yeah. If they have devil's press, I like that. But remember in the open workout that was repeated, right? The 21, 21, 18, 15 workout with thrusters and burpees over the bar.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Look at, look at what that did to people's triceps. So you have this heavy dumbbell thruster into the light dumbbell thruster with all the pressing off the ground on the burpee at a high speed. I think if you start to add in those 80 plus repetitions of pressing, you still want ring muscle up or bar muscle up. You still probably get some sort of handstand pushup or handstand walk. You already have 10 shoulder to overhead at that point or is it just way overkill on the right at this point at this point more pressing is just kind of like yeah i don't know i i agree but i just i would come in my pants if they had burpee bar muscle-ups that's one of my favorite movements i just love the way they look it's like a squat
Starting point is 01:40:58 snatching competition it's between me and you we're never going to get any sponsors or invited to cover any of that. You see ring muscle-up and bar muscle-up a lot at Dubai, programmed in the same competition. Which I'm okay with. Don't they see that? I like that. When will we know the last three workouts? No torque tank yet. I think they'll just come out daily.
Starting point is 01:41:24 I think they'll release them the daily like i think they'll release them the day of for the rest of them okay are we doing maybe are we doing any more shows us three um t we haven't talked about it so so that so there's a five five hour window so when will that end our time like How are we going to watch these? Who's going to be awake? Oh, I guess for you it starts at 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. For me, it starts at 4 a.m.
Starting point is 01:41:55 I bet they're going to bring the climber in an event. What's the climber? That thing Matt is doing is the versa climber. No, not the Versaclimber. His Jillian Michaels ad. Oh, shit. Okay, so probably Saturday or Sunday we'll get back together and we'll – I have nothing on the schedule for Saturday and Sunday. I'm potentially down for another event.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I got to do some work on my car and then hang out with my girlfriend Saturday, but Sunday I'm pretty wide open. God, you're such a redneck. Work on my car and hang out with my girlfriend. Pet my blue healer. We have two of them. All righty. Sack of dildos and coming in his pants welcome to the sebon podcast and then people like rich richard margarine great uh okay guys um we will i i will uh
Starting point is 01:42:57 circle the wagons i will circle back with these two i'll have suza bug them we will uh we will for sure do a recap of this of the programming taylor's very animated and fired up about it as usual he just needs a little more caffeine next time it is funny when jr has more energy than taylor it's it's uh he did not have more energy than me oh yes he did 10x 10 have more energy than him in general just in life no you don't i'm just a little bit more reserved here i can i do a live reaction on the liver king video how do i how do i oh on ig okay i'm i actually i'm gonna watch it right now maybe can we pull it up yeah we can pull it up um but we can't guys i do steroids he talks like
Starting point is 01:43:39 ed orgeron oh you gotta show some respect i had the flu for a fucking week will i was literally down in the bed dude i had a fever for two days jr basically fucked me raw with the flu wow it clapped me dude i've never been that sick in my life it's been 10 days and i still sound like i'm hitting puberty uh shit what happened man man flew fuck you kayla i was really sick i want to see if i can find the liver king video real quick river king it's in our group text do you want me to resend it oh it's okay i'm just gonna type in liver king youtube and just find his station. What up, Pramos? I'll send you the link. I'm going to go to his Instagram. You got it?
Starting point is 01:44:28 Oh, videos. Okay, I got it. God, he is huge. He looks like the fucking you know, the link to like, you know, a Christmas card that you get from your buddy and you click on it's that big dude with his dick hanging out just sitting there that's what he looks like in this video
Starting point is 01:44:50 okay is it playing yeah play it okay because i can't see our screen anymore oh maybe i could switch this you have to click play yeah okay here we go i'm making this video got it apologize i think that's a good opening right yeah Yeah, okay, here we go. I'm making this video to apologize. That's a good opening, right? Yeah. Because I fucked up. Because I'm embarrassed and ashamed. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Any criticism so far? No, he's nailing it. Okay. Because I lied. Oh, shit. I misled a lot of people. You didn't mislead me. I've stated that this is a complicated as fuck topic.
Starting point is 01:45:37 At least to me it is. I don't know if it's complicated. Before social media, I was rich and anonymous. Oh, this is going to be good. I can't wait. Hey, what did he do before he decided to grow his own brand? How was he rich before? He had supplement companies.
Starting point is 01:45:56 He's a businessman. You know he's a CrossFitter, too. Like, he's done, like, three CrossFit, four. He's done a bunch of CrossFit competitions. I believe it. He's got a CrossFit body type. He doesn't have a bodybuilding body type. believe it. He's got a CrossFit body type. He doesn't have a bodybuilding body type. He's got a CrossFit body type.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Oh, it's great. Oh, good. I love him. I love him. Oh, if he does do that, that would be awesome. To apologize if at the end he goes like, pulls a Conor McGregor. Oh, my goodness holy shit what if he what if he's like i can't apologize i'm too juiced up i can't i love him anyway okay
Starting point is 01:46:38 i'm gonna go watch my liver king content now uh thanks guys for tuning in uh jr howell taylor self from self-made training program uh jr crossfit crash jr and i are doing a show just Now, thanks guys for tuning in. JR Howell, Taylor Self from Self Made Training Program. JR of CrossFit Crash. JR and I are doing a show, just the two of us. Ooh, intimate. When is that? Yeah, I wonder if he's been able to find anything because there's nothing out there. Oh my God, there's so much.
Starting point is 01:46:55 What are you guys doing a fucking video on? To find out who had a worse childhood, you or him. I knew my wife was being sketchy the other night. She was talking to you. December 8th. I'm at a worse childhood. Okay, guys. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:47:13 John Young couldn't make it today. He was sick. He was in the bath. We saw proof of that. Dude, I take baths. Fuck that. It's awesome. He was Googling that doll in the bath. That's disgusting. He was Googling Balenciaga doll
Starting point is 01:47:30 in the bath. Okay, JR's gonna hurt his reputation. I'm hanging up. Bye-bye.

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