The Sevan Podcast - #692 - Dalton Rosta

Episode Date: December 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. I know it's a little self-serving. Bam, we're live. But I wish some of these companies would just work with us and we could do so much for their events if there was just like, it would be so easy to promote. This isn't exclusive to the CrossFit scene either. I look at the PFL. I bet you if they just worked with us, we could have sold them 10,000 more. The Step On Podcast alone could have sold them 10,000 more pay-per-views during the Kayla Harrison fight.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I didn't even know it was happening, honestly. If they would have just worked with us for the last year. And what does work with us mean? They don't have to pay us anything. Just keep us in the loop or tell us who you want us to interview of your fighters. We would have made you an extra $500,000 at 50 bucks a pop, 10,000 more, um,
Starting point is 00:01:25 more views trying to figure out my headphones here. Can you still hear me? Yeah. Like, like, like, let me tell you, like this thing just happened to me. Uh, Jedediah Snelson, Snelson, he just sent me the link to wheel wad so oh yeah that's not i didn't even know that was happening either so so check yeah check this out this shit is live right now like how how is someone not who who works there i mean i know people are busy it's like it's like the other day someone um this is live right now on the wheel wad games uh day one oh i better pause that i never know who hates me and is going to report me for promoting their shit but um the the other day we had someone on the show and before they
Starting point is 00:02:20 came on the show i think it was uh paul uh alcobee said, hey, do you want me to promote this on my channels? And I said, yeah. He said, do you have any content for me? And I understand. We don't have the resources. We barely have the resources to make this thing work like this. So we don't make promotional materials and send them out to people so that they can advertise for us that they're going to be on this podcast. But I'm just looking at this and I'm like oh yeah this is this is cool we definitely could
Starting point is 00:02:46 have gotten uh behind i mean we will get behind it but all there's so many things that we could help where it could be mutually beneficial i think kim is over there kim deco oh the the lady we had on who can't see yeah she's She's, I think she's competing this weekend. That's awesome. It's awesome. And it looks like a great venue. Yeah. It's a massive field house. It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It looks like this is just day one. Subscribe to this. Subscribes. Turn on all notifications. You know what I was tripping on the other day is we live in a weird society. You can follow someone on Instagram, but then make it so that you don't get any of their notifications.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I heard the ceo or president saying this like it was a good thing and then you can turn off the fact that you see any of their content so that they won't know that you unfollowed them you know just like mute them yeah i'm like what a fuck it's like promoting deceit like hey dude i've done it you want to unfollow someone just unfollow someone there are a couple pages that i've done it you want to unfollow someone just unfollow someone there are a couple pages that i've done that too like mean pages or something where i've like followed it but i've muted them because they just take up so much of my feed right and then but like if it's like a private page or something if somebody i know sends stuff from there to me
Starting point is 00:04:21 then i can still see it but that's the only reason i would do it yeah he actually couched it as if you don't want them to know that you unfollowed them it's such a i don't really care i'll go through my followers and unfollow like 300 people at a time just because they're no use to me no offense to those 300 people one time i unfollowed everyone on my on my page i was trying i thought maybe it would help me get unshadow banned and i got like a dozen people who hit me up asking if something's wrong with our our relationship like uh no i mean it's like dave doesn't follow anybody right those are high like you those are those are high maintenance friendships. The same thing – if you don't think that your friends lie to you or if you hold your friends to a standard that's so high, you're never going to have any good friends. I had a friend one time who owed me $4,000, never paid me.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Another friend I lent $3,000 to so they could finish their MBA at, what's the school in Malibu? At Pepperdine. My neighbors one time robbed me, and then the guy came over. He was paranoid. I think he was on meth and admitted it and gave us all our shit back. And my roommates at the time wanted me still to report him to the police. I'm not doing that. I would argue that my friendships that have gone through that shit are richer.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I've had roommates who are heroin addicts who stole my bike and sold it. I'm not telling you that it doesn't frustrate me, but those aren't things that make me hate someone. It's the same with the liver king thing. It's so interesting that Hiller made that entire video that to me clearly shows that what Hiller is saying is that, hey, this guy stood for something and walked the walk. And a lot of people saw him walking the walk.
Starting point is 00:06:28 But because he wasn't perfect, you hate him. Or you resent him or you think that some guy on the internet owed you something because of the expectations you put on him. And it's like, hey, you put those expectations on him. He never. Go ahead. I was watching that documentary that Jonah Hill put out. It's like Spuds or Stutz or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And it's like a interview with his therapist. So this therapist he's had for like five plus years, basically like changed Jonah Hill's life or whatever. But Jonah Hill started talking about that same thing where if you put your heroes on this pedestal or people you idolize on this pedestal of like perfection, and then they do something to, to wrong you or to put a like damper on your expectations. Like now you're offended and you're mad at them.
Starting point is 00:07:27 You did that. You're projecting your own expectations on somebody that you don't even know, but they're also just as human as you. It's so well said. And no one takes responsibility for the, this isn't a pity party either. No one – no, I'm not hungover. I had one white claw. My kids – you want to know something? My kids are absolutely the sickest they've been in the entire time I've owned them. Yeah, I said it.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Own them. And – You should return them. And it's been like two weeks. It's kind of crazy. They're coughing in a way that i've never heard any human being cough and uh and then yesterday i i don't know if i got it or what but i haven't been sleeping at all yeah i slept five hours because we did the podcast yeah the expectations the expectations we put on people are fucking nuts. Is that why you're in the guest house?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Oh, no, I'm in the guest house because I'm doing my – oh, look at that. Are you guys talking about the expectations of me being on time? No. But you know what that does bring me to? It's even like the fighters. Like look at Bellator in the UFC. We were just talking about just ways that people could promote shit better. If I'm a fighter, and I apologize for dragging you into this, Dalton. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Dalton Rosta, undefeated in seven amateur fights, undefeated in seven professional fights, seven professional fights, basically 14 and 0 fighting on December 9th on Showtime at Mohegan Sun. It's going to be an epic fight. One of the most beautiful human beings alive, a man that's as big as a 205 or in fights like a 155 or it's going to be a truly, it's a pleasure watching him perform. If I'm a fighter and i'm in your and i work at you you're at a um american top team right yes sir and and i have more followers than dalton i take a i would take a fucking picture with him and post it on my instagram like there should be this i noticed that like even with the crossfit athletes or with all these other athletes like everyone should be promoting everyone and there should be this, I noticed that like, even with the CrossFit athletes or with all these other athletes, like everyone should be promoting everyone. And there should be like this crazy synergy.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And I just don't see, I just don't see that as much as, um, like, look at Patty Pimlet and Molly Meatball. No one would fucking know who Molly Meatball is. Meatball Molly. But Patty just fucking drug her onto the train. And she's killing it yeah i mean you can't give all that credit to patty though she's done her no page yeah that's been an elbow too that kind of put her on the map yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not saying that but like here's the truth this is one of the greatest up-and-coming fighters ever. And no one's going to know who you are until – like it would be so much richer if you got on the Dalton Rasta train now.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And there's people at his gym who know that. And I don't know. I just think that there should be a synergy that people should be lifting each other up yeah it takes nothing from another fighter by promoting you it takes nothing from if uh if that dickhead lebron james were just to put his arm around the rookies and take pictures and put them on his instagram it would. It takes nothing from him. That's the thing people don't realize when you elevate, what is it? Rising tides, raise all ships. I hugely believe in that. MMA is an individual sport though, you know, and a lot of people, believe it or not, some
Starting point is 00:11:18 of these fighters are in it just to make a paycheck because they have no other way to, you know, right. Right. I respect it. They don't care about like getting famous. Some people do on the other hand and they have other ways of making paychecks. They're doing this for attention. But I say the good majority of people that do this were good at fighting or realize that they had potential to be good at fighting. And it was a pretty easy way for them to make a paycheck rather than you know going to college or um you know or seek out other opportunities that really weren't there in the first place crazy tough road to tow though right i mean becoming a fighter is
Starting point is 00:11:56 just it's like yeah it's not for everybody you don't play like every other sport where you play you know you don't play fighting and that's not like every other sport where you play. You don't play fighting. And that's the truest thing. People die in the cage. People die in the boxing ring. It's a very brutal sport. When you lose, it can be very humiliating.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Millions of people are watching. UFC, Bellator, PFL at all. Millions of people are watching. And you could be on top of the world and everybody's your fan and you're winning and winning and winning and then you see it all the time one person takes a loss everybody starts shitting on them you know sometimes it's a really bad loss somebody gets knocked out and they're humiliated in front of everybody in the world and that's a risk that they have to take going into the cage. And you hear a lot of fighters talk about it all the time where they're like, I can get knocked out. And it's humiliating.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And the whole world will get to see that. So that's the fear that a lot of these people have whenever they step in the cage. How many deaths is it? Is it nine? Seven. Excuse me. Seven recorded deaths resulting from mixed martial arts. Nine from unregulated fights.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah, and you have to understand this is the newer sport too. 1990s. And every fight changes your life. Every fight's your Super Bowl too, which is fucking nuts, right? Yeah. Especially a guy like you who has an uh an o in the uh loss column but there's i i always trip on that there must be so much fucking insane pressure on fighters because every fight is literally the super bowl you don't have any it's not like the the baseball
Starting point is 00:13:37 season or the basketball season where you have you know i don't know how many fucking hundred games those guys play god dude it's crazy you're undefeated. It's crazy. Yeah, I mean, every single fight you step into, if you lose, you know that. I mean, win or loss, regardless. It's not a race from your record where you look at football and other sports, they have seasons. A team might do bad this season.
Starting point is 00:14:02 The next season, they're doing well. Everybody hops back on the train. Everybody's excited. The whole fan base is going crazy. You know, they might finish undefeated like the freaking Patriots did or like the Dolphins did back in the 70s. And they ended up winning the Super Bowl. But, you know, those are the glorifying moments.
Starting point is 00:14:19 But sometimes, like this year with the Steelers, where we're a winning franchise year in and year out, we're not doing so well. But people are always like, there's always next season. With fighting, you go out there, you get knocked out, you get humiliated, you get a loss on your record. That doesn't get erased. You just keep fighting. And there's always going to be people talking about that loss. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Speaking of losses, did you watch the Israel-Alex Beheia fight? It's a great fight. As a fan, when I look at Alex Beheia, I can't even believe he's a real human being. He's huge. Huge. Biggest 85-pounder I've ever seen in my entire life. Dude, he's listed at 6'4", but izzy was like 6'3 and he made izzy look short in the cage it might have just been the camera angles and
Starting point is 00:15:10 like how he's in his stance but nonetheless he still looked massive and then on top of that you know izzy was kind of looked like a toothpick next to him too it's like how does this guy make 185 pounds yeah absolutely nuts absolutely nuts. Is it hard for you to make, um, I watched a bunch of your interviews yesterday and you're extremely passionate about, uh, the way you treat your body, what you eat and, and, and, and actually even who's involved in, in, um, in, in that process. Um, is it, it sounds like it's kind of easy for you to make 185 or i shouldn't say easy it sounds like you have it really dialed in i couldn't believe what i heard
Starting point is 00:15:49 you say yesterday you said that the day before weigh-ins you drink a gallon of water yeah i still do there's a lot of fighters that will cut their water out 24 hours a week if we weigh in at 9 a.m they'll have their last bit of water at 9 a.m. the day before on Wednesday. There's a lot of guys that don't eat or drink water. And I'm like, that's so bad for your body, not just because you're dehydrating. You're dehydrating yourself from the workout later at night and then going to sleep or whether you're doing it the morning of to get the last few pounds off. You're dehydrating yourself by forcing the water out. But not only that, you're not consuming water for 24 hours. Terrible for your body.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Same thing with the food, you know, your insulin levels, everything else that involves. out but not only that you're not consuming water for 24 hours right terrible for your body same thing with the food you know your insulin levels everything else that has to that that involves i mean you're you're in a fasted state there's obviously benefits to fasting but whenever you're dehydrated and you're losing weight and you're not taking in any carbs or any really any food at all you know you're destroying your hormones you're destroying your body and there's there's a lot of like i said nutritionists that I feel like are doing it wrong and I'm not going to be the guinea pig. You know, I, I haven't dialed in, like you said, um, I wouldn't call it easy.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It's easy for me. It's not going to be easy for 99% of human beings. You know what I mean? And then that's why at the top of each sport, you have less than 1%. I want to, I want to share this with you guys. This is from Dalton's Instagram page. I don't think I sent you this, Caleb. That's why I'm pulling it up.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Okay, here we go. Let me know if you guys can't hear this. I'm out of my normal studio, so my shit can get a little weird. I apologize. Hold on. Hold on. Where's that video? It's got Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Oh, here it is. Yeah, here it is. This is great. You've got to feel some way. So why not feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it? This is such a good message.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Is this a... When you heard him say all that, were you like, yeah, that's me? I'm going to embody that mindset when you heard Connor say that. If you're going to feel some way, why not just feel unbeatable? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So the person who made that video for me his name's jack glickstein uh jack who jack glickstein he's up and coming uh like videographer and media guy he's with like cage media and he does a lot of my stuff and uh i mean just going off the quotes that that's Conor McGregor, someone I looked up to since I first – yeah, he's young. He's still in college. He's about to graduate. That's the way you do it.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Yeah. That's the way you do it. Long story short, the Conor McGregor quotes, I mean, I've been looking up to him since I started MMA. He changed the sport. since I started MMA. He changed the sport. He's done so many inspirational and motivational things to plenty of fighters.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Regardless, all the other bullshit that he did aside when he was on his way up before he got rich, he's a super inspirational person, super good fighter, made it out the mud. I feel like that's kind of where I came from and I started from the bottom and I'm making it, making my way up every day, you know, every fight, one fight at a time. And, uh, there's a lot of his quotes and a lot of things that he said and have done that I can resonate with. said and have done that I can resonate with. Going back to the food thing, you talk about how you take tests to show yourself what foods you might be, I'm not sure what the exact word
Starting point is 00:19:54 is, but intolerant to. Yeah. So let me clear that up. I haven't done it in a while. The first time I did it again was just recently. Elite Living and Health, the company I'm sponsored by, just joined the team recently. They ordered one for me. I had them order one for me as well as other blood work, like your vitamin D level was vitamin B. The whole panel, your lipids, iron level was hemoglobin. lipids iron levels hemoglobin um so i did all that to see everything and i found out that i'm no longer intolerant or allergic to any foods really at all wow which is interesting because last time i got it done i was intolerant to almonds and um cashews and peanuts. There was a lot of nuts on there that I was intolerant to.
Starting point is 00:20:49 What does that mean? They just cause excess inflammation? Yeah. So when you eat these foods, they cause inflammation in the gut, which causes inflammation throughout your body, your joints, your muscles. It raises your cortisol levels, lowers your HRV levels. There's several different things that happen in your body. It's a chain reaction of events whenever you eat these foods that you're intolerant to.
Starting point is 00:21:19 That's why I said whenever these nutritionists are creating these plans and these templates for these fighters, not just fighters, just regular everyday people, there's still a possibility for you to lose weight just because calories in, calories out. But metabolically, you might not be doing the healthiest thing. General wellness, you might not be doing the healthiest thing. You can see your HRV tank and you can see your rest and heart rate rising,
Starting point is 00:21:36 your respiratory rate rising, your sleep going to crap, just chronically inflamed, always hurt or sore or tired or whatever. And a lot of this comes down to they really don't know what they're – I don't want to say they don't know what they're doing, but they don't know each person individually. So every single person is different.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Every person is intolerant or allergic to different things, and you're giving the same exact plan to every single person is different every person is intolerant or allergic to different things and you're giving the same exact plan to every single person and at the end of the day you need to get that tested you need their food allergies their food intolerances you need to see what carbs or what macros they burn what are they burning their their fats they burning their carbs so you can adjust their macros based on that. You should be using something, an Oura Ring, a Whoop. You watch my interviews, you heard me talk about all this. Something to track all your data, your statistics, and your metrics to make sure what you're doing is actually working and improving their general wellness and their health, not just the scale. Why did you, why did you switch from, we, we,
Starting point is 00:22:46 we dog the whoop a lot on this show just because they've had some issues with their 4.0 and they've had some misleading advertisements, but the way you're talking about it is it doesn't actually matter what the metrics are. It's just relative to each other. And I, like if they did have your heartbeat wrong, all that matters is that it's consistent but yeah if it's consistently wrong let's say it's off by two beats per minute all the time it's still you still see what direction it's going right right you know you see an upward
Starting point is 00:23:15 trend or a downward trend um so i why did you switch to the to the ring from the whoop yeah i was just getting to that i uh the only reason i switched to the ring from the whoop? Yeah, I was just getting to that. The only reason I switched to the ring, I mean, there was a few. I shouldn't say the only reason. There's a few reasons. The whoop, you wear it on your wrist, but they have the bicep band. You can wear it on your waist, everything. Whenever I wear it on my bicep, I always fly out of it.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I got the tightest fucking bicep band you can get. I got one that fit me perfectly, and I got a big one. Tried them all. Kept flying out during practice. I wore on around my wrist, under my glove would always flip upside down, never track my workouts. On top of all that, it would always break. I went through seven different, seven different whoops. If I went into my nightstand drawer right now, a lot of them are 3.0, but I had two 4.0s before I finally just gave up. I have a crap ton of whoops just sitting in there because they have to send me new ones all the time and then I have to wait for a week and a half, two weeks before I get it. Sometimes it was right before the fight. So I wasn't able to track my
Starting point is 00:24:14 calories and my recovery for the last couple of weeks of my fight, which bothered me. So I got frustrated with a lot. I actually canceled my membership like twice and then I went back to it because I tried like the Halo by Amazon and it wasn't as good. So then I went back to it. And then after I stopped using it the last time, I got an eight sleep and that tracks your HRV and your rest and heart rate. But I don't feel like it's as accurate, at least the HRV part of it. So I got the Oura Ring. On top of that, the Whoop, $30 a month.
Starting point is 00:24:43 There's packages you can do 12 months at a time 18 months at a time which make it cheaper but this three hundred dollars for the ring and then you get the first six months free and after that it's like five or six dollars a month which it sounds like i'm promoting this shit which i'm not i'm not sponsored by them i care less who uses which but for me this made more sense um i think it's able to take more damage handle a lot more it's a little bit more durable you'll wear that under your gloves during training yes i do and the only thing i wouldn't advise doing is lifting with it on because i lifted with it on and i wasn't thinking at all i didn't take ahead i was kind of being stupid but
Starting point is 00:25:23 i got scratches and scuffs and everything all over the bottom from when i was doing pull-ups and shit with it on and it got all jacked up on the bottom which nobody could see you don't see the top but it still bothers me you know what i mean um so yeah so between the functionality of it um the fact that the kept breaking all the time and then this is cheaper over time the first year you end up spending 30 bucks a month if you break it down the ring plus the membership and then every year after that it's like five or six dollars a month compared to 30 or 24 whatever based on what deal you do with whoop so it's saving me a lot of money as well but i will say one thing uh before you take back over this is not not as accurate with my workouts by far.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Like it won't be able to track my heart rate over a certain amount. Like whenever I reach, my heart rate reaches so high, it'll just stop tracking. It'll be like dots and it'll say no data. And then like sometimes like my workouts where I know for sure I reached max heart rate just because I'm not able to just because of the way I'm not able to breathe. You know, I'm not able to talk. You know, I'm gasping for air.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Bend over. And I mean, I'm a fit athlete. You know, I'm in really good shape. Whenever I get to that point, I'm like, okay, I'm at max heart rate. I'm definitely in the anaerobic threshold. It'll say my heart rate was like 130. So I'm like, okay, where I had problems with that with the whoop a little bit, but at least the whoop would say it was like 175 and not 130.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, uh, listen, listen, last night I had a white claw. I do not drink white claws. You, you watch your mouth, girl. Let me tell you something. I'm in Newport Beach at the California Hormones House, and there was one in the fridge, and I drank it. Don't get it twisted. I haven't had a White Claw in forever. This is what I drink. Lit. Is that caffeine? Yeah. Are you training soon here, right after the podcast? are you training soon here right after the podcast? Yeah. I train at 11 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Um, I usually drink at 30 minutes before, but I've only been doing like one energy drink a day now instead of like two or three, like I usually do. Yeah. I drink it whenever I feel like in the morning and then I don't touch anything for the rest of the day.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And where are you right now? What state are you in? Uh, Florida. Okay. And when, when do you head up to, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:42 Mohegan sun? Uh, Monday night. I'll'll be i arrived at like 11 p.m i was supposed to they had me leaving at like 7 a.m but all my teammates were leaving at two and they got to train in the morning and i didn't and my coach isn't gonna be there till wednesday so i was like i'm gonna be fucked on the weight cut so i asked them to switch it they did so you go up on monday but you don't fight until friday yeah but i mean i'm now i actually like this better i'm glad they switched it because i don't get there till monday night i get like pretty much the whole day back here i get to cook my meals still and then i don't get there till
Starting point is 00:28:15 late monday night as soon as i get there i'm probably gonna go to sleep i wake up in the morning i got tuesday and wednesday you know to work out. There's only two days. And then I weigh in Thursday morning, you know, so I'm only there for two days. And I only got to worry about killing time for two days because besides working out, it's also going to make my Tuesday busier since I'm not there on Monday. So I'll be doing more media shit on Tuesday. So it'll go by fast. I won't be thinking about the weight cut as much. And I think it'll be a lot easier.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Will you go with your girl? Will she go with you? She'll, she comes up on Friday. I think the day of the fight, just because of the WWE stuff. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Right. Oh, how is that going for her? Going good. She's getting her name pretty soon. Oh shit. I don't know exactly which one it it is she had a couple ideas but holy shit she's doing it yeah i don't want to be you know putting her announcements out there
Starting point is 00:29:12 before she's ready to either oh that is so awesome that's big time that's awesome is there a lot of synergy between you two in terms of aspirations pushing hard hard, just, um, your paths in life. Like, is there, is there a lot of like, do you guys work? Like, is it, is it great? Have it sounds like she's an inspirational person in your life. Like she's just not just sitting around on her ass. She's a go getter. She's definitely a motivated person and she wants to constantly do more. It's nice having those people around. That's how my friends are.
Starting point is 00:29:53 That's the type of people I surround myself with regardless. She's doing great for herself and she's going to continue to. She was the same way with CrossFit. She was always training two, three times a day, you know, working towards her goals. And she didn't get them before she switched over to the WWE. But you could tell she was working hard to get there. Dalton, are people afraid to fight you? 100%, bro.
Starting point is 00:30:18 100%. That's why Romero caught and ducked me like three times before he actually fought me. And then the result is, is i mean you could tell why he didn't want to fight me is that is that cool or is it frustrating it's frustrating i'm not the guy that wants to go around puffing my chest saying everybody's scared to fight me i'm the best fighter in the world that's my goal you know but my goal isn't out here to be the scariest guy or that people are afraid of. It causes problems for matchmaking, for one.
Starting point is 00:30:47 But two, I want to continually test my skills. I want to fight people that are really good. I want to fight people that are going to push me to places where I haven't been. You know, I haven't fought that person yet. I thought maybe Romero Cotton could have. You know, as much as shit as I talked on him, he was a really good wrestler, three-time NCAA champ. I know how good my wrestling was, but I was like, all right, this is a true test of how good my wrestling is. I believe I'm a three-time national champ level wrestler, but let's find out.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I thought maybe he was going to push me to some situations where he had me on my butt, and he was going to have me fighting to get up really hard, and I was going to push me to some situations where he had me on my butt and he was going to have me like fighting to get up really hard. And I was going to have to pull something out of me. Maybe I would have got tired from grappling a lot or having him wear on me or whatever. But he he wasn't that person. He couldn't take me to that place. And I was I was excited to potentially go there, you know, to see exactly how great I am whenever my back's against the wall. And he wasn't the person to do that. So.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You knocked him out. You knocked him out in the third round. Yes, sir. I was, I was looking at this guy. Is this guy, what's his name? I think it's John Salter. I have his name, right? Yeah. John Salter he's avoiding you
Starting point is 00:32:07 he doesn't want none I don't know honestly Romero Cotton we got the contracts out and shit before and then he just pulled out this guy we never got a contract he never actually agreed I don't know what the reason is he could be hurt he could have some
Starting point is 00:32:23 personal issues going on I don't i don't want i don't want to put any labels or anything on that but uh we were i was offered the fight twice back in july before romero caught him he was the original opponent he said no or it didn't come to fruition i don't know what the reasoning is like i said and then again it was supposed to be november 18th uh in chicago and then he said no and then they offered me a guy named imam shafi aliyev who's nine and oh dagestani dude wrestler uh i thought for sure this dude would say yes you know they have pride in their wrestling but he's also romero cotton's teammate so he saw what i just did that guy ranked is that guy ranked no he's not he made his
Starting point is 00:33:05 debut with the promotion but uh it got to the point where they're trying to find guys outside of the rankings to fight me because it's hard to get people to take the fight it's a risk versus reward thing you know john salter doesn't want to fight me he's ranked number three i'm ranked number five now before i was ranked number five i was ranked number three. I'm ranked number five. Now, before I was ranked number five, I was ranked number eight. Probably didn't make sense for him. The risk-reward because he doesn't gain much, but at the same time, it's a tough fight. And then Fabian Edwards was fighting October 29th in Milan, so that was out of the question. And then Tokov, number four, is fighting for the title next against Johnny, my teammate.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Austin Vanderford is number seven, so I obviously don't want to fight him. Then I already fought Romero Cotton, who's ranked nine. Number eight was Lorenz Larkin, who moved down to 70. It's like the whole entire top ten was just all over the place. You see what I'm saying? I went through. Who else? I missed Aaron Jeffrey. Aaron Jeffrey, he just debuted in the top ten. He beat Austin. That's why Austin got bumped down. place you see what i'm saying i went through who else i missed aaron jeffrey aaron jeffrey uh he
Starting point is 00:34:05 just debuted in the top top 10 he beat austin that's why austin got bumped down but uh and and now oh he froze did he freeze for you caleb yeah he did he froze for me too he got too close to his phone maybe you got a phone call did you uh did you uh lose me i did we lost you like for five seconds yeah i said uh aaron jeffrey he's one person i missed uh he beat austin that's when he debuted in the top 10 and i said he'll probably be an opponent in the future i i believe delator probably plans on having us fight. I don't know when, but he's a good fighter.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Well-rounded. And now you're fighting this guy, Anthony Davis, who's ranked 10th, and you didn't have to fight him. Sorry, Anthony Adams. You didn't have to fight him. No, I mean, I wanted to fight him. I actually asked for him.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I'm looking at the rest of the top 10, and I'm like, like I said, I went through everybody. And I'm like, all right, what about – I just was asking for people after people because I was like, I want to fight. So what about this guy? What about this guy? What about this guy? I got to Anthony Adams, and they said yes.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So they're like, I like that matchup. And then – Damn, we lost him again. His mom's calling. Is that your mom? No, that was, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:31 one of the guys with Bellator, but I'll call him right back. He's got a business proposal already. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He called again. Uh, don't be surprised if he does i'll call him back after he he's power calling he wants to take you to breakfast yeah um
Starting point is 00:35:53 but hey so so if we were to ask the people of bellator hey is it easy working with dalton ross that they'd be like let me let me put this and do not hey do you want to answer it answer it and then come back and tell us what he said how about that uh i'll just wait until after who knows how long that call is going to be all right um uh and um and so there's a little bit of a risk for you fighting this but let me go back to that other question if we were to ask the people of bellator is it cool working with dalton ross they'd be like dude the easiest We just put someone in front of him and he'll beat their ass. Yeah. How much weight do you cut? So right now I weigh, I woke up this morning at 199. So I'm 13 pounds over. I'll probably lose. I'll probably go in the fight week at 198 on monday i'll probably wake up 198 tuesday 197
Starting point is 00:36:46 wednesday 196 and then i'll probably cut 10 pounds that day and so and what's the what's your favorite not in terms of what you like what do you think is the most potent regiment for building your metabolic capacity in the ring your ability to go sparring it is sparring yeah sparring wrestling uh i wouldn't say jiu-jitsu jiu-jitsu is pretty easy but um yeah wrestling wrestling is probably the hardest thing in my opinion on this planet just because you're using every energy source in your body at the same time you have another person the same way because you're using every energy source in your body. At the same time, you have another person the same way that you weighing on you and pushing back against you. You know, it's not like you're just pushing a barbell that weighs X amount of weight and that's it. You got, if I'm bench pressing 200 pounds, let's use 200 pounds because let's say I'm going against 200
Starting point is 00:37:39 pound person. I'm just pushing the weight. You can keep going until your muscles are exhausted, then you can't push the weight anymore. That's it. It's muscle failure. When your muscles can't go anymore and you're going against a guy that's 200 pounds and he's pushing back against you, so you're pushing 200 pounds, you're trying to take him down, you're getting in on his legs, you're lifting him, it's not working, you're fighting against him, you're using your cardio, your aerobic threshold, you're using your anaerobic threshold whenever you're doing the sprints every time you shoot it's like a split sprint simulation then you chain wrestle then you have somebody's weight on top of you he's pushing back against you um at the end of the day it's like i said it's going back to the barbell it's not you're just pushing 200 pounds you're pushing 200 pounds it's pushing back plus on top of that you're using every energy system that you can possibly think of and whenever
Starting point is 00:38:31 your muscles start to give out and your lungs start to give out that person's still in your face still coming so it's it's it's different you know fighting's hard i believe it's one of the hardest things on this planet too but if we're talking about one single discipline, wrestling is the hardest. So I think for the grappling aspect and most aspects of the fight, wrestling is what's going to get your cardio through the roof and then sparring next. So, so you love that shark tank shit. You love having five fresh dudes just come in and just push you into the
Starting point is 00:39:00 pain cave. Yeah. It's, it's, it's good. It's a good feeling after. And, but during, you know, once you get to that third person, you really get pushed to dark places. You know what I mean? It's bad. Is there, like, if you were, if you didn't have guys to play with, is there something else, like sprints mixed with the rower or ground to overhead, you know, 75-pound barbell, you know, for as many times as you can in a minute with the 30-second rest? Like, is there anything that you do that's outside of that? Like, if you were just training and you didn't have any dudes to train with what would you do to build your capacity aerobic capacity so the sprints i would do
Starting point is 00:39:52 everything plays a part so i'll do a little bit of sprints which i do now i still do it it's supplemental to my training i do it on top of it um i do sprints like once a week right now i jog distance like twice a week you know not just building my road capacity. It's already there from training, but building my endurance and my legs to continue moving my feet and bouncing my feet and moving around when I get tired, because my legs are going to get heavy during the fight. I still need to be able to move out of the punch, the way it punches kicks still need to have my footwork.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Um, on top of that, to really get my lungs and my muscles and everything built up the lactic acid, you know, work through that and work through like the anaerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold all at the same time, I do a circuit. have them help grapple with me like through spurts throughout the round. Or I've done this too back home where I'll have somebody drive my car where they just steer the steering wheel and we have it in neutral and I'm pushing it. I started off with like a minute push. We're on a timer and I push it and we'll push it around the parking lot and we do a turn because it's harder to get it through the turn. When it's turning, you start getting resistance and uh i'll push it push it around the turn do a full loop
Starting point is 00:41:11 it usually takes a minute a minute and a half at least that's what i try to do do because i try to make it close to five minutes a little bit over and then as camp goes along i try to improve my times to make it at five minutes or under and that's how shit car pushing sled push it's crazy how hard these guys like a torque tank so on right after that i'll go to something else i'll have a circuit set up where maybe i'll go to a ladder drill where like i was just talking about having my feet heavy uh so my my legs will be exhausted and right away i'll jump on the ladder do like two or three ladder drills as fast as i can back and forth right after that maybe i go straight into a sprint right after the sprint
Starting point is 00:41:53 maybe at the end of the sprint i have a heavy bag set on the ground a hundred pound heavy bag 150 whatever it is and i pick it up i do like 10 returns each side so 20 total right after i return it the last time as if we're in a fight i get on top you know ground and pound with elbows as hard and as fast as i can then maybe i have if there's a heavy bag hanging somewhere near if we're doing this outside obviously this isn't realistic i'll have somebody holding pads for me the same person then we'll hit pads as hard as we can for like a minute right after that same thing either either like another sprint we'll go back to ground and pound or uh we'll have like bands resistant bands set up wrapped around something I'll just punch as hard as I can and then finishing a sprint
Starting point is 00:42:42 right after the sprint do some medicine talk ball tosses right behind my head sprint to it boom sprint to it and just mix stuff up like that that's just one example I do it different several different ways if I do it in the gym I'll start on the bursa climber and do a 30 second pre-exhaust yeah 30 second pre-exhaust as hard and as fast as I can right after that go immediately to the bag and I'll do 30 seconds on the back. So this is the only thing about when I do it this way, you're setting the time. So you can only improve your time so much. There's parts where you can improve the time, but there's set times on certain things.
Starting point is 00:43:16 So I'll go 30 seconds on the back. Then right after that, then I'll go to the 10 bag returns on each side. So 20 total. Then I'll go to the ground and pound which is 15 to 30 seconds as well then right after that i'll set a certain amount amount of calories or uh distance on the airdyne bike and i'll do that so that's where my time can improve as well that the bag returns and that and then i'll go to medicine ball slam with a sprawl i'll do 10 to 15 to 20 whatever i come up with for the whole circuit and i can improve my time there and
Starting point is 00:43:47 then i'll do a 360 machine which is it has two bars that are hydraulically controlled coming out of the platform you punch you grab the uh the handles you punch as fast you can i'll do like 50 punches on there you can improve your time a little bit on there then i'll go back to the bag and i'll have a certain amount of or certain combos that i'm going to throw during the fight set up on the bag and i'll say all right i'm doing this combos 10 times as fast and as hard as i can then do that and then maybe i'll go back to the uh ground and pound and like for my last fight with america and i had like i had a uh was holding a medicine ball and i was starting on the ground on my back and then getting up and I kept getting up like 10 times and then I would finish in like a sprint or something again
Starting point is 00:44:28 so that's that's examples of that and then if I got a grappling partner sometimes I'll hit pads with my coach I'll have a boxing coach there I'll have a kickboxing coach and I'll hit normal mmh shit with my kickboxing coach and then I'll go straight to my grappling partner where they're fresh i was just hitting pads and we'll go to a grappling position situational like double leg against the wall or maybe they take me down and i have to work up or i'm in a bad position i gotta work out of and then work up and then as soon as i work up boom back on the pads maybe this time i'm with my boxing coach and then back to grappling and then they'll have a bag set up where i get a ground and pound i'll start ground and pound and then back to my kickboxing coach and back to grappling you do that for five minutes and they'll do three to four or five minute rounds of doing that as
Starting point is 00:45:12 well so there's there's plenty of things you can do to simulate it and plenty of things you can do to like push your body to absolute max via two max and really not have much rest in between try to because with this sport, you want to go to absolute exhaustion because in the fight, there's going to be points where somebody's throwing punches at you and kicks at you and you're absolutely exhausted. You still need to be able to move and push through it. You're when,
Starting point is 00:45:44 when, when I, I kind of have these, uh, I'm, I'm always, I always feel like I'm, I'm checking my emotional state as I go through the day. Like, you know, like if someone opens their car door and hits my car door and it upsets me, I know that I'm not like, I'm not at my best emotionally or mentally. Right. Or if, you know, I kind of see, or like, you know, if I order a drink somewhere and it should only take him 30 seconds and it takes five minutes and I start getting frustrated, I look at myself. I'm like, what, what in you,
Starting point is 00:46:13 why, why can't you handle that? You know? And I'm con I always want to just be like accepting reality so that the things I do care about, I can be a hundred percent focused on, right? Like all I should be caring about is my kids in this podcast. That's it. My wife, nothing else. Everything else should just be just like, it's just my life. I'm guessing it kind of, uh, um, that I, there's, there's ways that they've said it only, only worry about the things that you have control over.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Do you have, um, do you have certain things that you see in your life that show that you're mentally ready for fights? Like, Hey, that shouldn't be bothering me. I should be just so chill. Who gives a fuck about anything? All I should be worried about is getting in the ring with Anthony and fucking knocking them out. Yeah. I mean, most of the time I, it really takes a lot to get under my skin or get me irritated uh one of the things that irritate me if i'm if i am cutting weight you know and this is obviously a central factor or if i'm dieting or i don't have my caffeine for the day or i'm tired i had a bad night of sleep i'm run down from training there's times where i can get irritable that's simple stuff like somebody if i say something
Starting point is 00:47:20 and somebody makes me repeat myself like three times you know and i'm like i just said it three times you know and then i get a little irritated and just stuff like that but besides that i don't i'm not the type of person that uh where you see some people throughout the day like you said about about the water that they can just get irritated about stuff left and right and yeah you always see them mad it seems like they're just an angry person. Just a waste of energy. Yeah. I think 95% of the time I, you can't get under my skin. Another 5%. Yeah. But there's usually external factors, whether it be, I didn't have my caffeine, I'm cutting weight, I'm dieting.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Maybe I had a bad practice, stuff like that. I saw a video where it was titled Dana White wants Dalton Rasta in the UFC. Are there rumblings of that? You saw what? I saw a video titled yesterday, Dana White. I think it was published like eight months ago. It said Dana White wants Dalton Rasta in the UFC. I've never seen that. You haven't seen that?
Starting point is 00:48:25 Okay. If you just type in your name, it's like the fourth or fifth video on YouTube that, that comes up. How many, how many more fights do you have with Bellator? I have three more on this contract. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:39 there, oh, there it is. Okay. Yeah. Dana White wants to see him in the UFC Dalton Rasta highlights. So I couldn't, I couldn't tell if that was clickbait
Starting point is 00:48:46 or if that was real. I went through the video. Okay. I've never seen that. Who made it? SOG MMA. I don't know. Hey, does Bellator set you up with to-do
Starting point is 00:49:04 interviews or is all your promotion on you? Bellator now, Mike Fidel, he calls me or texts me and sets up some interviews and stuff. I just did a bunch on Tuesday or maybe it was Wednesday. I did a bunch back-to-back. He tries to set them up for me. So they're in a row. So I can just do it all in one portion. But there's other people that reach out to me outside of that, that I set up. You're one of them.
Starting point is 00:49:33 But we've been doing this for a while. Sometimes I get new guys popping in and asking to do an interview here and there. And I try to make it work with their schedule. On my schedule, they're always asking me what works with me. And a lot of the time, what works for me doesn't really work with them. So I kind of try to work it work with their schedule. On my schedule, they're always asking me what works with me, and a lot of the time what works with me doesn't really work with them, so I try to work around them a little bit, but sometimes we're not able to make it happen. Are you a – I don't even like this word, but are you a forgiving person?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, I'm a forgiving person. Why? Yeah. I'm just wondering, is it easy to – I'm just looking – because I'm thinking about all the liver king that's going down. I don't know if you follow that drama. Yeah, yeah. I saw the video you just posted last night about he's as sorry as a man can be and everything. I mean everybody that knows anything about – there's a lot of people that sit there and point the finger saying people are on steroids that aren't on steroids just because they look good and they do everything right. But when somebody is on steroids, like the people that know when someone is on steroids know they're on steroids just because they look good and they do everything right but when somebody's on steroids like the people that know when someone's on steroids know they're on steroids so i didn't need most people that follow him follow him for the entertainment or follow him
Starting point is 00:50:35 because they still do believe in a lot of the stuff that he says but a lot of those people aren't going to be offended because they knew he was on steroids anyways most people aren't going to want to admit that. But I think – More like me. I just didn't care. I just liked the guy. He's got a podcast. He's great.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And I like his message. What do I – like he's not perfect. None of my friends are perfect. I'm not perfect. Yeah. I mean I don't care. And I don't know why it gets such a bad stigma. I mean when I say stuff like this, people immediately think like, oh, he's on steroids.
Starting point is 00:51:04 But I have no problem with steroids like people use drugs every day of their life people go out and do coke you know they get plastered drunk every night they smoke weed until they they can't move uh there's several other drugs ecstasy that all the party drugs all the recreational drugs that people do yeah and all those people it's crazy they do all this shit and then as soon as they see somebody that that's ripped they they say oh he's on steroids like it's supposed to be an insult whether they are or not but like it's a problem it's like look in the mirror look who you're criticizing look what you're criticizing them for and then look what you do day in and day out.
Starting point is 00:51:51 If liver King wants to do steroids and that's all he's doing, you know, that's, that's up to him. You know, if he thinks it's making him better physically and it's, it's making him more confident, it's making him healthier, you know, as long as he's not abusing the shit. Cause if you don't abuse, abuse steroids, they're good for you. How many people in the United States men are on TRT? Because it's my best sponsor my best sponsor please everyone contact me now california hormones i get you free doctors consultation thank you okay go ahead sorry doctor but i mean that's my point people there's so many people in this in the united states are on trt. It's a therapy that a lot of men in the United States need.
Starting point is 00:52:28 If he's taking it and he's adding a couple other anabolics in there just to improve his health, improve his wellbeing, improve his strength, improve just his quality of life, that's what they do. If people actually did research into drugs that they do, whether it's the drugs that they do recreationally or the drugs that they despise, like steroids, because a lot of people despise steroids whenever they're the ones smoking weed and doing all those drugs I told you about already, which I don't understand because nine times out of 10, if you're not abusing them, they make you a better version of yourself. I just think if people looked in the mirror and stopped criticizing people for what they're for doing the same thing they're doing but under a different name of a drug or whatever saying that
Starting point is 00:53:10 their drug is better than their other persons then i think we live in a better world because there's too many critical people and uh they're just they're hypocrites at the end of the day. I would, all my best relationships are the people in my life who have given me the most second chances. I mean, how many times have I, you know, fucked over my mom and dad, or my now wife and girlfriend of 20 years? These relationships don't last unless we, we give, I don't know what the word is. Grace, patience. Um, every, you know, uh, I, like I was saying earlier in the show, I had a friend I played Frisbee with, you know, every day for five years, I lent him 4,000 bucks and he didn't pay me back. I'm not throwing that relationship away. I'm just not going to lend him 4,000 bucks again. The relationship means too much to me.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah. $4,000 a lot. And maybe you could pay that back. I hear you. $50 at a time over time or something like that. Well, in all fairness, I gave him a shitload of weed to sell for me. He got the, he's like, Hey, you got to come by. I got the 4,000 bucks. I didn't go over there until two months later to get the money. This is like 20 years ago. I'm like, Hey, you got my money? He's like, nah, dude, I used it to pay rent. And I'm like, God, I should have never left that 4,000 bucks with you for two months. So I, I, I kind of, but, um, yeah, like what Allison says here, just allow people to be human. They're not hurting you.
Starting point is 00:54:40 You know, like, like no one's, you know, it's, it's, it's, um, it's like, I love those stories where someone gets into a car accident with someone and it's the other person's fault, but the person who it's not their fault gets out of the car and walks over and checks on the other person. You okay? Don't worry. Chill. It's cool. Justin Unley had that happen to him. Yeah, we got, yeah, exactly. We got, we got insurance.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Don't worry. It's going to work out. You can add peace to this world. You don't got to, as I say, the Dalton who's going to knock some guy out on Friday. You want to get that – I heard you say that you really want to finish fights. And this guy you're going to fight, he's had 10 fights go to decisions. What does that mean? Does that mean he's going to be go to decisions um does that what does that does that mean he's gonna be running from you he's a cautious fighter like i said in other interviews i don't
Starting point is 00:55:32 doubt he has knockout power we're in the 185 pound division and we're wearing four ounce gloves i don't doubt it but he doesn't utilize it very much because he's so worried about getting knocked out himself. He wants to play it safe. He wants to fight cautious. He'd rather fight to a decision and win. And like I said, I'm not doubting that he doesn't have it, so I'm expecting both. I'm expecting him to come out and try and knock me out. I'm expecting him to come out and try and point me.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I'm ready for both versions. Any concern about fighting a guy that's ranked below you that you have to put your shit at risk, your undefeated record at risk, and your number five ranking? No. Every single fight for me is a risk. I've risked shit my entire life. I'm not afraid of risk. Awesome. Hey, dude, I appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I kept, I was, I was to tip Tom, kept telling myself, Hey, he has a fight in a week. Only keep him on 30 minutes, but the selfish kind of guy I am. I kept you on for it's all good. I enjoy being on. I'll be watching closely. Please tell your lady congratulations on, on, on having such a great boyfriend and also for just all the killer shit she's doing. I follow her on Instagram and I'm watching.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm stoked for her. I will, but she watches the show, so you pretty much just owe her. Awesome. Congratulations yourself. Awesome. All right, brother. I will be watching Friday night.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I really appreciate you coming on the show. If people like you didn't come on the show, I wouldn't have shit to do. You didn't even notice I was wearing your shirt, bro. Oh, I noticed. When you first came on, if people like you didn't come on the show i would just i wouldn't have shit to do so you didn't even notice i was wearing your shirt bro oh i noticed when you first came on i was like fuck yeah you're wearing it too i figured i was like i need to put a shirt on i don't need to be a douchebag going in here with my shirt off so i was like come always come everyone loves looking at it at you shirtless always i went in my closet i was like which shirt shall wear and i was like i got two two of his shirts i was like see you're wearing the ceo one at the bottom you're wearing no i was like all right let me he's the ceo so let me keep this one hey do you drink coffee
Starting point is 00:57:34 i drink decaf in the afternoon just for like the benefits with all the antioxidants and stuff in it like theobromine and all does your lady drink lady drink coffee? Yes. Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to have one of our sponsors, Paper Street Coffee. He's a great guy, Gabe. Send you some coffee. I'll bug you for your address here in the next couple hours. Okay. Awesome, dude. Thanks for coming on. And I look forward to talking to you again, dude. All right. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me on. Yep. Cheers, man. Thanks, Don. I'll see you guys. All right. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me on. Yep. Cheers. Thanks. I'll see you guys.
Starting point is 00:58:07 God, what a good dude. I sense, um, I was watching, I was watching all his interviews last night and he seems a little more tense than usual. You think so? Just maybe a little bit, a little bit. Do you think he's already, do you think it's just a little bit more season? Uh, maybe I just thought that, Oh, Just maybe a little bit. A little bit. Or do you think it's just a little bit more season? Maybe. I just thought that, oh, he's doing all these interviews and he's just like a few days out now from fighting.
Starting point is 00:58:31 So he's getting a little wound up. How about when I said, what about that ring? And he goes, yeah, I was just about to answer that. I was like, all right, all right. Just a little. Gonna jump through the screen and beat your ass. Just all right. Just a little. Gonna jump through the screen and beat your ass. Just a little. Did you see that I sent you live calling notes also?
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah, I did. You want me to start pulling those up? I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Where am I? Did they all come through or is it just from the from the top starting at number one i got all the way down to 292 oh shit it's weird how oh okay okay okay let's look at 292 uh recently i saw this uh uh i don't know if they're making a bigger bigger deal of this than
Starting point is 00:59:26 it really is and you know i just like picking on lebron i i and the main reason is the fact that this guy peddles sprite this guy acts like he cares and he's a social justice warrior and he peddles what is arguably the worst thing to society, soda pop. And I saw some statistic. I've shared this with you guys before. Countries like Mexico, 55% of their calories consumed on average of a citizen in Mexico is from soda pop, which is absolutely just fucking nuts. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:03 It's pretty high in the United States too. It's crazy high. And you can look around everywhere you go and you can see how sick and jacked people are. I wonder if my phones work here, by the way. I set my phone up too here. Open the phone, see if the phone works. So Jerry Jones is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys. And there's a photo, I guess, of him where it shows a bunch of high school students in 1957, white high school students not allowing some black kids in, some people with melanated skin into the high school. Jones, when asked about the 65-year-old photograph, told reporters last week he was merely present as a curious onlooker. So do they have a do they show the photo no i tried to click on that link and it just sent me to another article
Starting point is 01:00:51 so lebron james in present time in the present moment december 2nd 7 25 a.m pacific standard time 2022 petals poison to little kids and i don't want to conflate the issues but but i am but he's concerned but he's concerned about the owner of the dallas cowboys being in a photo where there's some racial tension, where there's some bad shit happening. This is, I really don't know how any of you guys watch the NBA. I don't know how you participate in that. Oh, is that it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yep. God, doesn't that look staged? That doesn't even look real. With how many cameras are around? Yeah. Yeah, it kind of does. So is everyone who's white in that picture guilty? According to them, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Imagine how much good LeBron could do in this world. Although it says that Jerry Jones is in the back of the crowd. Imagine how much good he could do in the world. And yet, this is the kind of shit he does. It's so disappointing. It's so disappointing. Jethro Cardona, I haven't watched the NBA in years.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Yeah, it's a complete these. That's the part I don't understand either. These are like openly racist organizations that he works for. NBA, the NFL. Now hockey's hockey's about to go. What do you mean by openly racist? Meaning they have fucking quotas. You have to interview and hire people based on their skin color.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, here's another one. Yet they're okay with Biden. I bet you LeBron voted for Biden. It's, it's, uh, I don't understand. I don't understand how these people put their head down on pillows at night. Jeremy Eat World, same Mr. Cardona, it's a joke. Hey, I want to tell you this, I promise you.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Hey, I want to tell you this. I promise you. 99 out of 100 people who stop watching the NBA or the NFL, their lives get better. I'm telling you. I definitely stopped watching it. It was so boring. It's the same commentary. Same people.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Same bullshit. There's... That being said, I can't wait to get tyson bajan on the show it's the only one of the only people yeah if you don't understand that biden is an old racist bastard i know it's nuts the whole entire democratic party maybe it's cool maybe people are cool with them because they're openly racist That's the whole entire Democratic Party. Maybe it's cool. Maybe people are cool with him because they're openly racist. And that's why. It makes it easier for them to be racist when they know that he's racist.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Anyway, as they say on the Internet, we expect better from you, LeBron, as they say on the internet. I'm going to distance myself from LeBron now. Could you – I saw like a week ago that – it's just crazy what's happening in the city of San Francisco. I'm looking at number 291. Some of the crazy things that are happening is they have a universal income payment plan there in San Francisco. So basically all that means is that certain residents get money every single month from the city of San Francisco, but you have to fall into a certain demographic. You have to, I think, be a black woman with a child, a Pacific Islander woman with a child, which to me is the same as black it's just melanated skin obviously they won't give it to indians even though they have melanated skin too but they're the highest paid demographic in the united states at a hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 01:05:15 a year so they won't get it even though they have darker skin than probably the islanders and most african americans uh and then um so that's one of the crazy things that's going on. Oh, and transgender. There's a program for transgender people now to get universal income. So if you, I don't even know what the definition of transgender is. I don't know if you have to cut your cock off or cut your tits off, or you could just say you're the opposite sex. cut your tits off but or you could just say you're the opposite sex but they also get just money for being who they are based on some prejudice or racist or discriminatory uh class uh and by the
Starting point is 01:05:57 way that only weakens people to do that and then i saw um joe roan posted a couple weeks ago that they were trying to pass a law allowing robots, experimental robots, to kill people on the streets of San Francisco. And it sounds like that law passed. Yeah, I saw that too. And so they're going to experiment with, I guess, armed robots on the streets of San Francisco. But this is also crazy. robots on the streets of san francisco uh but this is also crazy and please share this with one of your fucking liberal friends and i know that their comeback's gonna come back's gonna be well it's the same on the on the conservative side well then just be like just show us then that's fine i'm okay with uh being on the corruption being on both sides 300 health department employees with secret side gigs come
Starting point is 01:06:48 forward after scandal basically there's 300 people and it's important that people don't have side gigs who are working in your city's health department is it pretty obvious why because you don't want someone being the czar of fucking covid in your health department who also is taking money from pfizer you get that right it's the same reason why you don't want a president of the united states cheating on their wife because then if someone figures that out in another country they can leverage that to manipulate your government because the guy they can basically what's that called extort manipulate blackmail blackmail blackmail your president by the way that's another reason why forgiveness is so important would you rather would you rather have your president of your country who cheated on his wife come out and say i did it or would
Starting point is 01:07:43 you rather have him keep it as this and we all forgive him? Which is stupid. You shouldn't even hold it against him anyway. Maybe question his, some of his tactics, I guess. But, or would you rather have him be scared and intimidated by the mob that it's going to get out and that his wife's going to leave him
Starting point is 01:07:59 and then fucking Moscow is fucking leveraging that because they have footage of him banging a bunch of whores. Let's see it for a second. You lean into it. Is Hiller in the comments? Oh, Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Let's see. I wanted to, I wanted to ask Andrew something. Let me see if I can get Andrew on here. Andrew Hiller. He says he went to bed early last night. I don't believe it because I called him like at 830, but I don't think he really did. I think that like, I have this theory and totally wrong, complete speculation, but I think that his wife was like, Hey, you're spending too much time with your YouTube and with Sevan because I call him a lot. I bug this shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I mean, I feel like he's pretty busy too. Kind of a mutual. So it wouldn't be the first time. Pure speculation. I think Alexis likes me, but I'm speculating that she's a little jealous. Andrew, hi. Hey. Andrew, is Alexis jealous of me at all?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Echo, echo, echo, echo, echo. Okay, I fixed it. What's up? I doubt Alexis did that. We'll see. We'll get to the bottom of this. This is just pure speculation. I have no data points.
Starting point is 01:09:18 She's always been great to me. Is Alexis trying to come between me and you? Wait a minute. Wouldn't the question be, aren't you trying to come between me and you? Wait a minute. Wouldn't the question be, aren't you trying to come between Alexis and I? You say tomato. I say tomato. Whatever. Why?
Starting point is 01:09:33 I don't think so. No. I only have one data point. Usually I can call you 24 hours a day and get you. Oh, it's because you called me last night and didn't pick up. I woke up this morning at four o'clock so that I could work out. So I needed to go to bed a little earlier than normal. I thought you were on last night. I didn't pick up. I woke up this morning at four o'clock so that I could work out. So I needed to go to bed a little earlier than normal. I thought you were on date night.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I was like, Oh my God, Alexis is coming in between me and Hillary. No, we did go out to dinner last night. We got sushi, but we were home at nine 30, I believe.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And then we went right to bed. Do you have any plans on moving to San Francisco? Not San Francisco. I told her I want to go to Newport, though, because it's so near there right now. I am. It's cold. This isn't the Newport that we were at last time. It's cold.
Starting point is 01:10:18 It's not as cold as it is here. It's probably 68 degrees outside right now. 60 what? 68. Dude. Oh, my God. Dude. Oh my God. You better throw on your fucking market, dude. It is 40 degrees here right now and it was 22 yesterday.
Starting point is 01:10:35 It's 40 degrees here. Can you say where you're at? Is it legal? All right. It's cold. Now we know. We have an idea. What's the temp there, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:10:51 It's like 45, 40, shit wow you were seven got drunk last night and called hiller is any of that true i had one calling part is true i had one white claw my first white claw probably i don't know a year six months. I went live just completely randomly. I'm like, I'm going to do this fucking live. When? Just now. Oh, shit. And then I was like, uh-oh. Asshole, I was live.
Starting point is 01:11:13 No, I was like, uh-oh. Everyone in the comments section was like, wait a minute, what do we do? I was like, oh, no. What have I done? Like, shit, he's going to be pissed. I wanted to – I know this isn't the Hiller Fit review show, but it was kind of getting under my skin a bit. Could you pull up his most recent video with Katrin and – I'm going to try to stay calm while I do this. Hiller's most recent video with Katrin.
Starting point is 01:11:44 By the way, you're getting so good. You're getting deep. You're getting deep. stay calm while i while i do this uh his uh hillar's most recent video with katrin and by the way you're getting so good they're getting deep you're getting deep yeah when i did the whole intro into that katrin video i didn't even know where it came from i really try to pull from my affiliate experience which is what i did with that which is just conversations i've had with members but i think that the pre i that the premise of this video isn't, I think the premise of this entire video is the liver king stood for something. So I'm going to use Noble as an example.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I heard, and I don't know if this is true, but I heard Noble had the name Noble, but they didn't know what they were going to sell. I think that's part of their origin story. They're like, oh, we came up with this really cool name for a company, Noble. What should we sell? That's not – or like the slogan that you point up in the Toys R Us slogan is we want to be the greatest children's brand. Like these aren't mission statements.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Like it's more profound to say if you were a prostitute, I want to be the greatest person who gives blowjobs in the world. At least then you have some goal and then the rest. It's like what Greg used to always say. Even with that, how do you put that into context? What are you comparing them to? How do you – is that what you're saying? If you say – No, I'm saying that –
Starting point is 01:13:03 Toy company, how do you know that you're that? Yeah, like I want to be the greatest football player who ever lived, and then the money comes. I want to chase excellence in my profession, and then – so Hiller King. Liver King – that's not bad. Hey, that is my dad you're talking about. Careful. That's not bad. Hey, that is my dad you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Careful. The premise of this video is that he stood for something, and then from there, he built stuff around to show that he stood for it. Anyone who knows his origin story is he had two kids with severe autoimmune diseases. One of them almost died. They say that on your show. Yes. And, and, and people who've known him historically have talked about this. And basically he changed his entire lifestyle so that he, um, his, his, his whole regimen lifestyle so that he could save his child. And then from there, he was able to make a living from it. He made the supplements he wanted to take. He made the supplements he wanted his kids to take.
Starting point is 01:14:06 He started living the lifestyle and he turned his kids' autoimmune disease around. This is good. I got something to build off of with this. Keep going. And so you show that he has 1.7 million followers and they follow him because of whatever reason. But for him, it's because he has something he believes in meanwhile you have
Starting point is 01:14:28 katrin who chased excellence of being the best crossfitter in the world and she got her followers we know what each of them stands for but the crazy part is is that you can go to these people's websites or links and you see that they have these long paragraphs talking about women's empowerment. Or they have these commercials that talk about how great the Whoop is or that they love Monster Energy Drink. This isn't standing for anything. Dude, you nailed it. Noble had the name before the company. What do we want to do with it?
Starting point is 01:15:01 Catra had their accolades. What do I want to do with it? Liver King has the message. how do i purvey it so if toys r us had a real good mission statement it would be like we want to sell toys that break quickly so that people will keep buying them there that there's a mission we want to sell toys that will allow parents to have sex and keep their kids busy. Like that. Now you have an actual, but you want to make the greatest brand.
Starting point is 01:15:31 It's like hearing a 14 year old say, I want to be an influencer. Is that why they went bankrupt? Toys R Us? I don't know. No, I put Amazon. You're doing a good enough job making the parents fuck.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Yeah, right. The toys are breaking so quick that happened in the middle of it. And it pissed off many parents they didn't go back no already it's broken you have to guess toy sales are going to plummet since we're in a kind of a population collapse also do kids even need toys anymore do they have ipads ipads i had this giant like trunk full of power rangers and then i gave them to my cousin when I got to be like 12 years old and he loved them it was huge all plastic all expensive all breaking so yeah you could probably sell them on ebay now and could have been rich yeah I don't know
Starting point is 01:16:17 yeah ebay's around okay can you pull up that that again and go to the comments and what's crazy to me is how many people missed that point of your video. Like that's the entire premise of the video. I pinned this one because I liked it because it's very similar. John Salazar, I think it boils down to similar things as Chris Hemsworth's fitness app. Deceptive marketing is unethical. I don't feel bad for this guy. His whole marketing plan is based on selling the idea. If you work out hard, follow his tenants, you can look like him.
Starting point is 01:16:49 By the way, I don't think it's a stretch that you thought that, but I didn't think that. And I never heard him say that. So I, you also need to know where he's coming from, which you would only pick up if you watch the podcast you had done with him, which is where he brings up his kids, autoimmune issues and the fact that his lifestyle helped save his child. Right. Well, and then so why are these people commenting on YouTube from just like from that one? Anyway, he will get noticed. Dude, I just made a video on the noble stuff today about how there was literally a thumbnail on an Instagram thing that said we're going to cover your open registration.
Starting point is 01:17:23 They had to take it down, change the thumbnail saying, we met $25 voucher. All you had to do is read one more line. And it's because that's what people do. They don't look into it at all. And I feed off of it. It's awesome. And they were stupid for messing up. You would figure that somebody over there would have thought about that being however many million dollar company they are but that's the world we live in yeah man they're they're they're a mess uh he will get no sympathy from me especially when there's a whole generation of young men like so i kind of like this like okay fine then don't give him sympathy but for all these people just to openly hate on him i i find it um by the way my analogy was going to be along with yours imagine you had the cure for cancer but nobody would listen to you yeah and the only way that
Starting point is 01:18:13 you were going to be able to talk about it is like a fucking brick shithouse right he's a billboard yes yes um i don't like i don't like lies either, but I forgive. But let me tell you, I can't hold any human being to that standard. There's no way. I would have no friends that you can never lie. Oh. I can't hold. I don't think my wife does lie to me, but if my wife lied to me, like I've had tons of friends lie to me.
Starting point is 01:18:45 I don't think any less of lie to me, but if my wife lied to me, like I've had tons of friends lie to me. I don't I don't I don't think any less of them. It's on them. I don't think any fucking less of them. Is there a spectrum? Like there's lies that are like definitely not OK in your book, but some are OK. How about this? Someone tells you they're on the pill and they're not, and you get them pregnant.
Starting point is 01:19:06 That's on the bad end of the spectrum. Yeah. That's, that's, that's tough. And then if your wife asks, if she looked fat in a dress and you say, no,
Starting point is 01:19:14 you're doing both of you a favor, but you're really not doing your wife a favor because then she's going to be upset all night. Or if she finds out you're lying, then you're really fucked. Then you go over and you accidentally spill grape juice on it and be like oh shit so we just covered both ends of the spectrum uh keep scrolling down a little bit for me caleb there's some in here that people are just so missing the point um uh let me let's let's hear the problem with the liver king is he tells everyone he's natty
Starting point is 01:19:43 and tells teenagers you can get like that naturally. I don't know if he says that, but, Billy, I understand how people might have thought that. You just need to keep following his nine tenets for 30 years. I saw a pic of him from 2018. His wife was bigger than him. That's not true. So something I brought up in this little live stream I just did, and I guess I can do it here, is he didn't go go and i think you know this too on any podcast really until yours correct yeah you were the first dinos and then he did mine and i want to say
Starting point is 01:20:11 along that line that was out of loyalty to me because i had known him before and you know he gave us twenty thousand dollars to cover wadapalooza no questions asked i'll give you 20 more to go this year yeah i'd like that i'm trying to be cool maybe he'll give me like 10 bucks to go because i made a video for him helping him out with whatever um until your podcast or maybe the paul saladino one that you brought up he didn't go on anyone's podcast but then all of a sudden you did all these collabs with all these people who really could give three shits about the liver king and what he's trying to say but because he's making a mockery of them they're making yeah i mean he to be fair he's making a mockery of himself
Starting point is 01:20:49 he's walking around shirtless in new york but and it's part of his thing but he goes on like logan paul and he goes on whatever podcast they ask him if he's on steroids he wouldn't have been in that position had he had not done that he could have been doing his thing still like kind of rocketing up the way that he was and he would have never been faced with any of this stuff yeah those people wanted him on his podcast to utilize him to get more views it's kind of like the joker you know that scene where he's on the show at the end of the movie you just had me on to make fun of me and then he shoots the dude in the head. Hey, why do you think that none of those podcasts have nobodies on them? Because they're not going to get views and they really only do it to go up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Right? They use them. How come none of the big podcasts, they basically – yeah. I mean it's so blatant that what they're doing and don't get me wrong i'm not i'm not judging it or against it but it's like um when's the last time you just saw some regular joe schmo on um uh paul uh paul logan logan logan paul logan paul's podcast that'd be cool though wouldn't it the question is how would you even find them like who would you how would you i feel like we have regular joe schmoes on all the time yeah i guess there's there's avenues to take and they don't have to be regular joe schmoes i don't
Starting point is 01:22:17 want a regular joe schmoe on here it's just people it's a difficult game at that point no like i'm sure you've had people ask to be on the show and you go, why? Yeah, for sure. Do you want to talk? And it's like, if you want to go on Logan Paul,
Starting point is 01:22:30 it's that same thing, but they're looking to literally be a famous person from having been on Logan Paul. And that's like, uh, it's hard to find the right person. Let me give Joe Rogan some props. It's kind of like when he has like,
Starting point is 01:22:42 um, no name comics on his show, which he's had. And that's good, right? Yeah. It's kind of like when he has no-name comics on his show, which he's had. And that's good, right? Yeah, that's awesome. People who are open for him. Yeah, exactly. I'm not saying you have shitty comics on or shitty people.
Starting point is 01:23:01 But why not have people on all the biggest podcasts have someone on who cured themselves of type 2 diabetes? Christine's got a point. You've got a couple of no-names on your show right now i mean you have caleb and hillar heck someone even had me on i'm a bad example because because it would be easy to argue that like the reason why i have the people on who i have on is they're the only people i could get so i i i recognize i i recognize that i'm that. I don't think... Okay, here we go, Trish. I don't think that the liver king is a net positive, but I don't care if someone else is stupid. You don't? Don't think that...
Starting point is 01:23:35 He's a net positive? How can you say that? I don't think... He's not harming anybody by... I literally know a person who would get liver and would eat it and would give it to their dog as a result of the liver king. Dude, there's tens of thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands. Well, I know one very, very close who did it.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I was like, what are you doing this for? It was unfortunately thought it would help him look like the liver king. And I'm like, no. And so there's definitely people out there. But that's not, but that's not, but don't you think that's a net positive? In here, there's still like, did the liver do what he said it would do? And it's always going to like sit in there for the rest of this guy's life. It's not beneficial to create a lie to tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:24:21 I don't think he did that. That's my point, Trish i don't think he did that that that's my that's my point trish i think i think what he did was create a lie i mean part of that are you sitting on i i believe that he did it with the goal in mind that he was so passionate about the the lifestyle that he found that saved his kid's life and that he just ran with it and that it turned into what it is. By the way, did you hear what he said at the end of that clip last night? Have you watched that clip where he says – Yeah, I have a reaction to it.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Okay. And he says basically, hey, I talk about all the time that 85% of men have low self-esteem and I'm one of them. The whole reason I wanted to do it. The whole reason because when i read those emails initially i picked up on that when he was talking about his love handles and how his growth hormone at ten thousand dollars a month wasn't working and that he works out like a maniac and he by the end of the day can't even stand up straight because he's so beat up and he does all of these things do a tmi that sounds like somebody who's got body dysmorphia mental issues and then he goes he was bullied when he was a kid that's where all of this stems from is because he was bullied as a kid uh bruce so i i have
Starting point is 01:25:32 heard about little boys right like he wants to help out younger dudes is this thing with the same people is this thing with this not even true so i i know two other people who know him and knew him one 10 years ago and one five years ago, and they've said it's 100% true. So would I be willing to bet my kid's life on it? Fuck no. But as a data point, you've got multiple sources. Yeah. And these are people who know him, who've been to his house who hung out with him uh melissa odier uh do you think the entire liver king story was planned from the leak email to his confession i thought so until he released that one from yesterday unless he's
Starting point is 01:26:14 the world's greatest actor he seemed genuinely like fucked up about it i spoke to someone over there who is a senior member of the team. And from the, from the correspondence I had with them, it does not sound like it was fabricated. It sounds like they are dealing with, it's something they have to deal with, but, but at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:26:40 they know that their core tenants are the nine ancestral tenants. And that's what they need to just keep talking about and focusing on i hope i get them on soon too i hope i get them on soon too and do you know why i want to get them on are you asking or the rhetorical both can it be both uh because you're the only one who i mean i think you had the best podcast of the ones I've heard most real conversation yeah I swear to fucking god it's because I want to everyone who comes on your show looks better by the time
Starting point is 01:27:16 they've gotten off yeah exactly and I want to like I want to be a part of his I want to contribute to his healing process if i can his rebirth oh yeah you think it'll get a lot of views i never even thought about it it might it might way dude the video put up last night it's almost at a million already the one oh that's wow.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Hey, I will say Scott Perkins is Dalton. Dalton was on for the first hour. What a gentleman. Love that guy. What a class act. No, that's me. I am really surprised at how many people are being nice to him. There are a lot of compassionate comments in there. Are you surprised at how many people are being nice to him
Starting point is 01:28:05 um i think for every two bad there's one good and that seems about right no i mean trash him yeah and yeah why do you think that people miss your message that you're sending in that video that they keep focusing on the fact that they feel lied to, that they personally watch something and they feel lied to. Why do you think that wasn't even the message of your video, but yet that's what people are stuck on. I think it's because of expectations. They set themselves up for a couple of ways that I could think about that. Do you have the time to be all that invested in somebody like the liver king, or do you just see what it is for what it is? And you're like, Oh, okay, I got you. And then you move on with your life. Like sometimes I think that there's, there's too
Starting point is 01:28:59 much invested into something for whatever reason, but I just saw what he was doing i've always known that he was using steroids and i at the end of the day i think that what it came across as is he was trying to make people work out exercise sleep better eat better remove themselves from technology and i was cool with that but i've always known that i don't know why and i never ate liver because of him thinking it would make me look like him and i don't know if i'm an expert but i'm informed yeah okay you're informed i think you're an expert compared to me you're a fucking expert so uh gg strong um people feel like he was actually talking to them personally hey i got i got a way i can put this about six or eight months ago you said something would improve the quality of
Starting point is 01:29:50 my videos vastly do you remember what it was microphone and uh more more sure oh depth of field oh right i need a camera that would have aperture with it and you remember how how i was able to talk about that or no i was talking to alexis about this like two days ago no tell me and then how great i am and then maybe it was yeah yesterday i told you i was looking into getting a camera yeah and i don't know if you noticed this but i was like dude i can actually talk with him about cameras now like the freaking old head of media of crossfit who has every camera ever and can speak on cameras six to eight months ago i couldn't do it oh right you were you were you actually blew me away how knowledgeable
Starting point is 01:30:29 you were i was like all right what sort of lens do i need is a 35 and it'd be better than a 20 should i get a 24 to a 70 like which one should i get and that's like which camera should i get you get the fx3 i'm like well what about the sony a74s and it's like all right right and we just kept on going but the only reason that i got to that point was because I got obsessed with not wasting my resources on something that was wrong. And I don't think many people wanted to look into the liver King that deep or everything that he was talking about to that extent. But there are people who do that sort of stuff and you guys are part of them.
Starting point is 01:31:01 And there's a lot of people in the comment section who do that same thing. They're like really look into it and then you can find what's true and what isn't true that way so you can just go pick up some piece of shit camera but then you're gonna be frustrated when you find out that it's on steroids right it's just like how you want to do your research and i'm not an expert i'm just more informed now i think you not an expert. I'm just more informed now. I think you're an expert, but okay. So Melissa says this whole thing to get 1 million followers after all, so it was to get marketing sales, get richer. Here's the thing. I don't think that – I see what you're saying, but I think you're looking at the second, third, or fourth it. He, he stumbled across this to, he stumbled across this to, uh, to save his sons.
Starting point is 01:31:55 And it would be so easy to argue and retort to that, that he wanted the 1 million followers. Sure. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make more money. I would love, I love doing this podcast. I love it. I would not do it if i didn't love doing it and it sure as fuck no caleb wouldn't be doing it if he wasn't fucking in part of an equity uh camp but um it it's not let me tell you i'm the first person to tell you i can't wait till i make 100 million dollars a year off this podcast oh that'd be cool me too thank you i knew i knew i like you for a reason so just because he wanted to get a million followers so that he could spread his message more and make more money and get his supplements to people.
Starting point is 01:32:28 I don't see that as undermining his. Well, here's somebody's had a good time. Let me let me let me pitch this one to you. I've been very vocal about how I dislike the whoop and I read my comments. People think I know I try to read as much as I can. and I read my comments people think Andrew just talks shit but no I try to read as much as I can um once it comes out that the whoop sucks which it does and it's very comparative to how the liver came out about how he's on steroids does it not are they comparable in the way where you can say well at least it's making people work out the same way where at least the liver can promote it yeah because sure that was a that was my kickback was sure in every video even like when i push the buttery bros a little bit like it's cool they've got the community and if the community is what
Starting point is 01:33:14 makes them work out harder and they want to get at the top of the leaderboard then that's all well and good if you want to spend your money to get there and it helps you hell yeah but if you're somebody who really wants to know about the metrics, then push it away. How much does a whoop cost? I believe it's $30 a month. How much does just the watch thing cost? I believe you sign up for the subscription at this point. When I first got mine, it was $100.
Starting point is 01:33:39 And you get it free if you sign up for the subscription? They send it to you? I believe so. But it's basically a dud if you don't have the subscription and what's the uh minimum subscription you can buy 30 bucks a month oh so you you can just sign up for one month and you get that you can sign up for a longer period it gets down to 20 or 22 a month okay the longer you the longer you get a subscription the cheaper it is hey man if you buy the whoop and the Whoop for $30 and it helps you do 30 workouts harder than you've ever gone before, that was the best $30 you ever spent. Easily.
Starting point is 01:34:15 And I can agree with that. And I think I've said that a handful of times. It frustrates me when I maybe say something and it doesn't come across the right way. Also, someone goes, you said you'd sell your soul for $250,000 to Noble. And I go, no, I believe what I said was I would wear their stuff as long as I could still say what I wanted to say about their products. If I liked it, I liked it. If I hate their shoes, at least I would like, I would like you, dear Noble, dear racist, homophobic, child-hating, women-hating company Noble. I think I would love to see you guys offer Andrew Hiller – let's start at $5,000. Let's fuck with Hiller to wear Nobles for a year.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I think for $5,000, he'll wear them for a year, and he won't say anything bad about him whoa whoa whoa he might not say anything good about him but let's just offer him i want to see if he can say no and if he says no offer 10 000 i'll tell you right now i might say no to five and i'll also god the word might it's gonna hold me up so bad i'll say no to five that's all i hung on to is mike that's all i hung on to i said it like god people only hear one thing he said might uh jeremy world every single one i'd be like still wearing metcons or these are the reebok ones that i got for being the judge of zellos they were free they're on my feet they don't beat me up i hear you guys but he straight up lied correct sure he he he lied uh can you what's
Starting point is 01:35:47 the definition of lied okay let's just get it sure he has done a lot to help improve people's lives but why not just say my subs will improve your lives but you won't look like me unless you juice i can't i'm not even one who would freaking listen to him then. That's the whole thing. No one will. Oh, God. But he didn't say it wrong. I like this comment. He's the biggest guy. Say that again, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:36:13 Name someone who has done everything to a T the right way, at least from what we can believe in, and has made as big of an impact as fast as it has been made the way he did. Like Paul Saladino has got, what or 500,000 followers and he promotes a very similar message, but very often it's gotta be something wacky that brings you to where you want to be as quick as it got there. Yeah. True.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Rich Froning. That's good. Very good. Nice job, Jeremy. Unfucked. Jeremy, I agree with you. I, Rich Froning. That's good. Very good. Nice job, Jeremy. Unfucked. Jeremy, I agree with you. I like Hiller's response too, but you're right.
Starting point is 01:36:58 It would be interesting to see if we could go back in time and he would have just said, yeah, I'm doing steroids. An intentional false statement. Okay. So he was lying. He was making intentional false statement. Okay. And so he was lying. He was making intentional false statements. Jiggy Josh, I don't agree that no one would listen to him if he would have just had to do something people respected like Murph for 365 and people – I don't know. That guy, Jim Broski, has done some of the craziest shit ever. Well, maybe that guy should come out with a supplement line what do you have a million followers done hey where do you rank tiktok i think jim where do you rank jim in terms of just crazy feats of just shit people have done he's up there with i mean i wouldn't know if he's up there with the ross you know who ross edgley is no but like oh shit did I feel an earthquake?
Starting point is 01:37:49 Oh no. Yeah, not again. Oh, David, I mean, it's David Goggins shit what Jim does. Correct. It really is, dude. Chad with the vest. Chad with the vest and burpees. Like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Jim is awesome. Yeah, I mean, it's. Jim is awesome. Yeah. I mean, it's batshit crazy what he does. I'd have liked to seen him. You know what I would do? They should let him come to the games and just do every workout just to see what would Jim do. And the crowd just cheers him on. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Ross Edgley. Why? What's he do? He's the dude who swam around the UK. Oh, yeah. That's him. Oh, oh yeah i think i reached out to that guy three days he's cool and he he did the triathlon he put a tree on his back and ran a marathon just shit like that reminds me of jim i didn't every day just this dude's also juicing by the way oh. Oh, he is? I mean, he hasn't said it anywhere, I don't believe. I haven't kept up with him.
Starting point is 01:38:47 But, yeah. There's his buddy, Chris Hemsworth. So beautiful. Chris Trensworth. Yeah, he's good looking. I watched Limitless and dude swam around the UK. What? When you think, he didn't just do murph 365
Starting point is 01:39:07 days he did his other workouts but the murphs he did were fucking crazy he did he did so many iterations that would just hey i think no no no no imagine imagine he has a supplement line and imagine he looks like uh i don't know arnold schwarzenegger does he get more traction does he get more traction if he's also like eating random crap as he's doing it or i don't even know what he would have to do it's not enough that he looks like brad pitt he does look like brad pitt um maybe that's why he's where he's at but i don't know how to bread pick it to where he was. Luck. I'm making the greatest movie of all time. Which one?
Starting point is 01:39:52 They're all good. He just came out with a movie at bullet train. That's awesome. Brad Pitt. What's the movie that everyone feels? Oh, Troy, Troy, Troy movie. That's 10 times better than gladiator. Troy. Oh, it's 10 times better than gladiator. Troy. Uh, Oh, it's 10 times better. It's twice as good. Thank you. Gladiator. It's good, but you're going to get a lot of shit for that.
Starting point is 01:40:14 That's an unpopular opinion. I'm sorry. I had to drag you into my mud again. I love Troy. Jim's got 85,000 followers on Tik TOK. Wow. Yeah. So he's doing, he's doing well.
Starting point is 01:40:24 He's got a video with 30, 370,000 views on Tik TOK and He's doing well. He's got a video with 370,000 views on TikTok and 1.6 million. Where does he have 1.6 million followers? On this TikTok video. Oh, shit. Which has 170,000 likes. Melissa,
Starting point is 01:40:41 you are biased. I understand you're defending a friend we love you for your loyalty unlike paul lack of integrity here i i don't know i i think that there's there's definitely a piece to it that he's my friend and i know him but i think i i think i have a dislike for kicking anyone when they're down. I don't, I think, I think that those, I think maggots eat dead shit. Um, vultures, uh, hyenas, I think of, you know, spray cats and dogs.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Yeah. Just that, that behavior of kicking someone when they're down, I find unhealthy and I, and I, when people are hurting, I think I – It's much more fun to kick people when they're up there, right? I mean, like, how am I – what would be a better role model for people out there to show him compassion and love and forgiveness? for people out there to show him compassion and love and forgiveness or and i hate that word forgiveness because it insinuates that like i held something against him there's no better gift that you can give another man than setting them free that's why i've always said like if i can if all my neighbors would be gay men i would love it i would love to just because i just feel free around gay men i would love to be able to walk out all the time yeah all that shit yeah good for yourself great huge confidence boost it's like uh
Starting point is 01:42:10 and that's what the worst thing about being around social justice warriors no no one wants to be around someone who's not letting you be free we want to be free i want to be comfortable just walking to my mailbox just naked all right you know that's a mission statement i want to be free walking to my mailbox and naked yeah no you're not doing a shirt i'm not doing any i'm in i'm in newport dude i woke up this morning and i saw that you had been live for dubai and i was like what the fuck and i saw a link i was like no i missed it bill grunler's a fucking stud dude i clicked on a 430 and he wrote a bill i was like no no no no no god bill grunler's a stud he came on was it good uh i thought we were good i thought we were great i can't believe how much fun i had with
Starting point is 01:42:58 grunler yeah they had a guy and and they had a guy at the bottom of the stairs for a while and the guy at the top. But I just had fun hanging out with Bill. And we had, I don't know, a thousand people come through and watch the show. We held about 250 steady. It was cool. And with no notifications. Why aren't these people – why wouldn't someone at Dubai just be like, hey, Sevan, here's our schedule. We're going to give you two fucking slaves that we have here in Dubai,
Starting point is 01:43:27 and they'll hold iPhones for you and film shit for you, and you can cover the event. I don't think they have slaves in Dubai. Whatever. I'm just being hostile towards my Middle Eastern brethren. Taylor, is it 40 degrees where you're at in Dubai right now? So you're saying why Dubai right now. Uh, so what are you saying?
Starting point is 01:43:48 Why wouldn't they give you a schedule and someone to record for you? Like, dude, we can jerk, like even, even the, we could jerk anyone off. We can blow anyone up.
Starting point is 01:43:56 We can love on any event. Like what we, if you're throwing, like even the PFL, they just had Kayla Harrison fight. If they would have just like once a week, sent me people to interview for the last year they would have made an extra half million dollars this year if if dubai was like hey sebon um we're gonna give you two guys with iphones here and we're gonna give you the schedule and we're gonna let you we're not gonna give you
Starting point is 01:44:18 our stream but we're gonna just let you like what we do for wadapalooza i mean we only bring good shit to events and it's free for them where they would detract from are they doing a stream yeah well they are they were that it would detract from their stream or no at the end of the day i think all they should care about is promoting their event and their sponsors because they're not making shit off their stream but but i mean look at what we we don't i think we only enhance everything we do. Yes, Sevan. Yeah, Bruce Wayne.
Starting point is 01:44:48 I would have given Bruce Wayne a t-shirt and an airline ticket in the luggage compartment, and he would have gone and done it. He says we can jerk off anyone and blow them. Yeah. Thank you, Heidi. Yes. Yeah, we totally can. That's why we have Heidi. That's why we have access to Wadapalooza
Starting point is 01:45:05 no I didn't ask about this specific event but I've contacted those guys before and it quickly I've contacted those
Starting point is 01:45:14 guys before on Instagram and it's not I don't have the bandwidth to jump whatever I don't recall what the exact details
Starting point is 01:45:21 were but I didn't have the bandwidth to jump through the hoops they want it's not like I mean like we're going to cover Wadapaloo to cover a lot of those hoops i don't know them i don't know them either i can't think but let me tell you we're going to cover what i didn't read the email let me tell you how wadapalooza works we're covering the zealous games and i get a text
Starting point is 01:45:37 from the vice president of loud and live uh the vice president of sport over at loud and live hey great and i got a text from a lot of people uh great job on what you're doing you guys are doing some game changer shit a few days later i text them back hey dude i'd love to uh do anything i can with wadapalooza okay cool let's jump on the call we jumped on a call we talked to him for five minutes he's like hey really you need to be i love all this can you talk to our media director shana now next week we're going to talk to shana it'll be done that's it all they ask is like they said they i think the only thing they said is they asked me not to hate
Starting point is 01:46:10 on and they gave me like someone i shouldn't hate on i'm like yeah no problem i don't have to hate on that person for a price that entity and that's it and so now we're going to go to water and we're only going to add value to their event i'm sure will brandsteader is going to make some cool water palooza shit we're going to have fucking our regulars on we're going to go to water blues and we're only going to add value to their event. I'm sure we'll brand center is going to make some cool water Palooza shit. We're going to have fucking our regulars on. We're going to get to see John young and make fun of him and Tyler Watkins and spin. And,
Starting point is 01:46:33 and Matt Sousa has already bought his ticket there. And Caleb will be fucking like falling asleep online. Cause he has to be on for six days straight doing a lot of Palooza. We get to watch Andrew Hiller the just out of his mind and cheating i mean it's gonna be it's gonna be dope and it's just it's just we don't take anything we only bring an ad value we're talking about it now so you're welcome are you talking about dubai or wadapalooza or both i guess both everything anything we anything we talk about except the whoop and noble we add value to i don't think
Starting point is 01:47:11 we're helping whoop or noble sales you don't think so i don't you would have to be fucking crazy to buy a pair of nobles after uh watching either of us speak about it or looking at the comments of what people think about their stuff. I've heard that TYR shoes are nice. Also, I've heard that they're called tier, which is also something everyone should know, I guess, at this point, but I swam growing up and as a swimmer, it was always TYR. And that was a CrossFitter. I've been told it's tier by people who should know, which is interesting for anyone who's curious. I don't know if I'm saying words wrong. I've been dropping that.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I want a pair of those shoes. Me too. Those tier shoes that Colton was wearing were dope. Jeffrey Birchfield, by the way, if anyone is interested, pay him Camp 3. That's Josh Bridges' camp. It's up and going if you want to participate and work out with Josh in California.
Starting point is 01:48:05 What's the dates on that? I know. You know what's so crazy? What's cool about Josh's camp? I heard a mom and her son went to one of his camps. Josh is cool as shit. Hey, Josh is a real one. If you meet Josh, he's actually going to be cooler than you actually think.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Like if you think he's a 10, you're going to meet him and you're going to think he's a 12. He's cool. Sevan, you have to kiss some ass. Don't wait till they come to you. I did. I did. I DM'd him and we started some conversations. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Two guys from fucking Dubai came out to the CrossFit Games games one year i think it might be the two guys who still run it and i could not have been any fucking nicer to them i got them into i think the suite into greg's private suite and and sat with them uh and got them good time with greg i think as i recall hillar let's get some fitness in i'll drive down Jeremy pay you two dollars to come work out with me uh January 20th where are you from Jeremy January 20th at Fort uh to January 22nd um and La Mesa California will be uh the pay him camp okay maybe I'll text Josh and have him come on and talk to him about that. So that's another thing like a company like tier, I would love to work with them too. And just interview like, like that. I would love it if those people were like, Hey, we got this athlete.
Starting point is 01:49:38 And they're amazing. Do you want to interview them? Fuck. Yeah. Oh, that actually seems too easy. No. Yeah. They have, they have a too easy. No. Yeah. They had, they have a whole horde of athletes now. And, um, I always liked their stuff as a swimmer. You don't think Daniel Brandon looks good when she comes on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Is that what you mean? D uh, yeah. Mr. OPEX didn't have, that didn't work out so good, but I do like, what,
Starting point is 01:50:01 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:02 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:02 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:02 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:02 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:03 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,
Starting point is 01:50:04 what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, But I do like James. What went wrong with her? I thought it was fine. Yeah. Unless they're talking about the noble shoes suck part, but I thought that it was fine too. Okay, this is a great question. Adam Blakeslee. Can we pull up Colton Merton's Instagram account, Caleb? Have you seen this shit? Are you talking about the burpees and the muscle up? My God.
Starting point is 01:50:21 Go ahead. You can talk shit about Colton. You think he sucks? Hell no. Colton's the man. Yeah, this this is nuts i don't think anyone i don't think anyone's gonna beat him to answer your question how many does he get does it play the whole thing how many bar muscle-ups can you do in 30 seconds three four oh man that lock is just five.
Starting point is 01:50:46 He's almost hit his head on the ceiling. Six. Hiller will keep count. Seven. Eight. I did this for an ungodly amount of time not too long ago. Ten. Eleven.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Oh, that one's questionable. Twelve. They're all like right there. 13, 30 seconds? Yeah. That's pretty good. What did you get in 30 seconds? We'll talk about it after this. Is that three? six, seven, it's fast, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Nice shoes. 18, yeah, 19, 20, 1, 2, 3, 24, 5. Is he slowing down at all? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:51:51 A little bit. 7, 8, 9, 30, 1, 32. Wow. 33, 34. Oh, my God. 35, 36. Okay, it's got to be 36 then huh holy damn yeah no one's beaten us i don't think so i didn't i wonder where he did that i didn't know any of his look look at dude he's on concrete i just that just registered whole concrete and look at like anywhere i picture
Starting point is 01:52:26 where colton is isn't that nice like look at those that those are like real garage doors like from home depot and shit i just figured like i think it's on a farm i just picture like pigs running around what is this competition go to the world leaderboard can we can we look at this can we see like what the scores are in there Can we pull the leaderboard up? That'd be cool. Oh, shit. They have an Instagram at world leaderboard. Yeah, but there's probably also a leaderboard.
Starting point is 01:52:53 His poor balls. 36 and 30. Look at Bruce wants some. Look at Bruce. I did look at this, and they've picked up at least 20 followers since I last looked. So Colton's got some power. He pumped them. Scroll down a little bit let's see uh if you if you click on the b leader board does it bring you somewhere if you can beat this oh yeah okay you mean that that link up top the dot com link can you beat street horner in looking the best in this crossfit space
Starting point is 01:53:28 no you can't pull up some 90 seconds oh yeah nick matthews did something with them also what's he got can you can we see sure uh does it bring you to a video i just want to know the number that'd be sick matthew you're going to be doing a 90 second. Get on the board. What does that button do? I think you just, you can do it. Try it yourself. I'm going to freaking count 90 seconds with the pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:53:56 I don't think that's the best idea. It's also glitchy. You can probably go to his Instagram too. Faga. What? Faga. What? Faga. I don't know what that means. I've always liked the lights.
Starting point is 01:54:12 He's gotten his affiliate. The lights. Yeah. I bet. I bet I can get close to him in that. Pull ups. Pull ups in 90 seconds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:23 I've done a 90 chest of bars in uh one set i think it took a minute 20 no shit that's like my that's like the tippy top of my did your hands tear uh yeah they did uh okay so uh nicholas oberholzer has can't be right 78 okay i can do that right now wow 78 90 seconds one minute wow all right how badly do i want my hands to tear One minute. Wow. All right. How badly do I want my hands to tear? But it needs to stop those crop tops.
Starting point is 01:55:08 Don't get us canceled, please. We can't talk about people's clothes, please. But I agree with you. Off the record, I agree with you. I think they're hideous. Oh, I love his crop tops. All right, fine. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Shit. All right. All right. All right, guys. I got to do this. Can I go do this 90 second pull-up thing fuck yeah holy shit you're crazy wait have you worked out today yet oh god don't hurt yourself like pull a lat or something on my show no i'll be fine i'll be fine. I'll be fine. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Are you kidding me? You are nuts, dude. You are nuts. It's only 78 pull-ups. Wow. I weighed 202 this morning. Holy cow. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Heidi Kroon, do it. He's going to hurt himself. He's too big. That's rude. Ifroon, do it. Are you kidding? You can't. He's going to hurt himself. This is, he's too big. That's, that's rude. If he dies, he dies. If he dies, he dies. What movie? What movie, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:56:17 Hiller, can you take your shirt off? Thank you. Do it for the gram. Thank you. Thank you. My God. Shred City. Hey, okay. Yeah it for the gram. Thank you. Thank you. My God. Shred City. Hey, okay.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Yeah, we see it. Hey, I guarantee you none of the other dudes weighed over. Nick Matthews is probably the heaviest. What's he weigh? Like 161? Oh, I think you're muted, Caleb. Oh, my goodness. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Nuts. oh my goodness here we go nuts uh andrew hiller doing max pull-ups in 90 seconds man he set that timer quick cold cold yes and you know it's freezing in that garage too literally yeah we can't hear you can't hear you don't worry about don't worry about turning on the mic for us don't forget the chalk oh yeah yeah yeah yeah turn on your mic thank you all right now you can hear me right yeah yeah boy yeah boy i was gonna say something but i don't remember this is like this challenge is made for me by the way this is this is like my jam unlike grace that one scared the shit out of me this one should be fine don't listen to when This challenge is made for me, by the way. This is like my jam. Unlike Grace, that one scared the shit out of me. This one should be fine.
Starting point is 01:57:29 Don't listen to him, people. He's 202 pounds. This is nuts that he's doing this. He's a thick old boy. Yeah. No one over 180 will enter this comp. I wonder what Nick Matthews weighs. 174. Here we go. Andrew Hilliard.
Starting point is 01:59:09 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 three more 76 two more two more 77 oh i don't know about that one 76 oh you got 70 not you oh that's your guess. I think you got 76. Holy shit. Maybe 77 at the buzzer. Wow. Oh, nice chair. Oh, shit. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:59:38 Hey, Hiller, let me see your lats. Flex your lats for me. Yeah, crazy. Fucking nuts, dude. i'm pretty pissed off what was what was the record there it was 77 78 oh my goodness oh my goodness all right i'm calling california hormones chase brian 918 damn it if uh on that note, um, uh, you said chase, not me. Uh, CA hormones is located in California. They serve all 50 States. Uh, I believe in the United States. Is that true, Andrew? Yeah, true. Someone the other day said they don't, uh, serve service. One of the Carolinas. I don't think that's true. Uh, if you use the code Hiller or the code seven, you will get a free doctor's
Starting point is 02:00:24 consultation. If you live in California, you can get your blood work for free. If not, your insurance will pay for your blood work and you can still get the free doctor's consultation with them. And I am sitting in the in Newport Beach in the California hormones state. Yeah. Palace. What a stud. Hiller's the man. I know, Eric, that was nuts. I'm upset that I couldn't do it but whatever you're I'll try again later why did you why did you see the second guy huh I didn't even wait a minute I did meet Nick though yes consolation prize right hey um I should have come. I didn't even think of that. I could have broken it up.
Starting point is 02:01:05 Why did you stop? Were you losing your grip? Yeah. I thought, cause you look strong. I felt that go. Oh, so yeah,
Starting point is 02:01:17 I felt my grip going and I should have just come down. I thought I had to be unbroken. Which was stupid. Hey, if let's say you were to do that and you and you and you had time to warm up what what's the temp in the garage by the way i have a heater in here it's nice it's okay oh how would how would you like for seven how yes freezing how would you have liked to warm up for that they're all cramped up how would you have liked to warm up for that what would you have done to warm up rowing skiing uh probably mixed
Starting point is 02:01:56 in some pull-ups in between those bbc by pass throughs ring rows probably would have taken uh upwards of 15 minutes to get ready for that yeah do not try that at home that's good right oh nice yeah yeah whatever look at you know it's good when david likes it oh yeah thanks david that guy's a hard dude. Harden man. Crud. Jesus. I do want to – speaking of hardened men, I'm reading this book that you guys really have to read. The author of this book is coming on. The audio book is so incredibly good. It's called The Longest Kill.
Starting point is 02:02:43 I really – I cannot believe the story this guy is telling. The guy who wrote it is – it's Craig Harrison's life, Sergeant Craig Harrison. It's his journey from basically being a kid to, I have two hours and 43 minutes left in it. It is a long listen. I never want to stop it. You know one of those audio books? I just cannot believe. Sometimes I have to cover my face.
Starting point is 02:03:04 Like Lord of the Rings. I haven't read Lord of the Rings like in the seventh grade, I think. No way. Have you read this, Caleb? I wonder if you could handle this. I wonder if this would be like too close to home for you. I'll give it a listen. I started listening to Fire Pilot with Robin Olds recently, so it's in the same vein the stuff that this guy has been through in his life oh my goodness i i don't think he'll he can never be normal all right not even close but he was really fucking good at his job though really good he's so good at his job it's so crazy how good he is he has so much fucking integrity uh sebi do you do you drive when yeah i drove here yeah like seven hours with
Starting point is 02:03:56 the kids in the car yep i drove i don't i don't know if i'll ever fly again at least in a car on a commercial flight. I just... I really am a... Anyway. You are a what? I don't know. I went into Whole Foods the other day. I couldn't even stand it. I hadn't been in there in a couple of years.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Let me see those again. Can you make him big and we can look at those? How about that one that's black and blue? Is that one going to, what's going to happen there? The one under your ring? I usually leave that there for a couple of days. That's a giant blood blister underneath the skin? Yeah, if you pop it now, it'll just look like that.
Starting point is 02:04:38 But if you keep that on, it's like a band-aid. That doesn't hurt at all. These hurt like motherfuckers. Oh, man. It's like a bandaid that doesn't hurt at all. These hurt like motherfuckers. Oh man. It's all good. Are you working out again today? No. After this,
Starting point is 02:04:53 I have a client and then I'll make a video. Is that fun? Just being able to do that. What do you mean? Like, like, like if you pull a bar bar in here like i could probably like put this camera on me i could probably do i don't know i want to say 20.
Starting point is 02:05:12 well to be honest i really thought i'd be able to do like 100 so wow the number it's just a lack of conditioning and volume in the training so it's cool to be able to do it yeah and as far as people ask about the elbow, it's, uh, it's better. It's way better than it was. Hey, well then let me see you do this thing. Oh, right now. Wow. This is kind of where it is.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Wow. Uh, seven. What did you think of the latest video on noble Hiller? Uh, Which one? I'm sure I loved it. Which one? Let me see. Oh, Caleb, you're muted.
Starting point is 02:06:07 There is a caller yeah oh thanks Tyler how did you know there was a caller I can hear it oh I can't even hear it my shit's all over the place caller hi
Starting point is 02:06:21 now they're gone oh so I'm not going to be able to hear the callers I don't think I guess not because my I brought the now she's Angela Merkel I know
Starting point is 02:06:42 crazy pump going right now I was trying to worry about my arms or my head I know. I have a crazy pump going right now. I was trying to worry about my arms over my head. Oh, the whole world. Oh, wow. The whole world. So, okay. I got to figure out my shit.
Starting point is 02:06:57 There's a plug I didn't bring. I'm going to have to order one on Amazon. My arms match my eyes. Oh, my God. That's good um all right you guys are a lucky group of people to have gotten to see so much great stuff today started the show with dalton rasta then chatted about lebron and the liver king and then uh after all that play, we climaxed with Andrew Hiller doing 76 pull-ups in 90 minutes. 90 seconds. Good for third place. Oh, great.
Starting point is 02:07:37 Yes. Now put your legs over your head. Yeah, that would be awesome. I can do that. You can't do that? Both of them at the same time? Yeah. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:07:50 Thank you, everyone, for checking in. Andrew Hiller, thanks for jumping on with us. Alexis, thank you for sharing your fiancée. Oh, she's working right now. Oh, okay. Fuck you, Alexis. Told you. She's out there making all the money.
Starting point is 02:08:03 Making that cheddar. Caleb Beaver, thank you for participating in the equity experiment and sneaking away to do the show. Pleasure. Oh, who do we have tomorrow? We have no one. We have no one scheduled tomorrow. Okay, cool. All right. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Bye-bye.

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