The Sevan Podcast - #693 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Maybe I need a sweatshirt. Bam, we're live. Chili? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm in that back kitchen. Yeah, it's nice. Hold on one second. I'll leave you on with everybody. Oh, you're going to leave, leave? No, no, just like take my headset off. You know how that makes me feel. Sweat it up here.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Is that a crew neck? I had this um i had this ex-girlfriend who told me i should never comment on the internet it was when the internet was like mostly message boards and i think she was right and I think she was right. Cause yesterday I made more comments on the, on Instagram and YouTube than I think I've made in, I don't know my whole life combined.
Starting point is 00:01:41 We just feel an argumentative or something. I did learn some shit. I just feel dirty every time I do it. It's not – I'm so much nicer in person than I am on the internet. I mean, not that I'm not blunt in person. Yeah, but there's a different nuance when you're in person. Yeah, it's – This guy wrote me a comment this morning very thoughtful comment four four pages long like on instagram so like you know it took me like minutes to read
Starting point is 00:02:12 and uh hey good morning phil philip good morning jessica good morning christine good morning brian good morning mr butter good, Fight for the Fittest. This is just a temporary room. I'm at the California Hormones Pleasure Palace in Newport Beach, the place of ultimate R&R, rest and recreation. So this guy writes me – it got a lot of self-reflecting. This guy writes me this thing, and he says, hey, I love your show, but I'm taking a break from it. I'm paraphrasing, by the way. I asked him if I could read it, but he hasn't had time to respond to me because I just got it this morning. It's basically just tearing into me. It basically says that he agrees with everything I say, but he can't stand my presentation because I behave like a 14 year old boy fair fair enough okay
Starting point is 00:03:07 there's no i'm the first to say that um you know i i like andrew dice clay and rodney dangerfield and um i like your mom jokes and i come from this era i don't know if a lot of people did it but i come from this era where we would just sit around, me and my guy friends, and just rip on each other. You know what I mean? It'd be 11 o'clock at night. Someone's parents would be asleep. We'd be in their living room just ripping on each other. He also said that he thought it was – oh, you know, Spotify sends out all those things right
Starting point is 00:03:46 now where it says these are the podcasts. So I'm getting tons of those where people are sending me their favorite podcast list. What do you listen to the most? And every single one of them has had Joe Rogan in their group. Oh, really? Yeah. Which makes sense. Cause he's one of the biggest podcasts in the world, right?
Starting point is 00:04:02 It's like, yeah, they sent them to me because they listen to this one the most, so mine's at the top. Good afternoon from the UK. You're a bunch of legends, Sevan. Thank you for your unashamedly speaking the truth about events in the world, sending so much love your way, Newt. Thanks, Newt.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Cool eye makeup. That's my favorite kind of makeup or maybe my only makeup that I kind of like i like i like uh eyeliner yeah it's cool do you ever wear eyeliner i haven't but i but if i wasn't so i mean i don't even wash my hair i wash my feet and my cock and balls my ass and my underarms necessities yeah um and i shower a lot i probably shower two three times a day change my i'm obsessive about changing my underwear too but i i get distracted okay uh so um i yeah so so, I own that. Then he, then he said, he went on to say, it's lame that I, I talk shit about Jocko and, um, Joe Rogan's relationship. When, when, when there was all that heat on Joe for a minute, one of the things that Jocko said is he came on to basically defend Joe and talk about what a great guy Joe is, but then talked about his concerns about Joe's drinking and taking of hallucinogenics. And I just basically said, hey, with friends like that, who needs enemies?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Like, please don't ever defend me and then also talk about my shortcomings. Yeah, threw you under the bus at the same time. And he said, you have no idea. You know nothing about Joe and J jaco's relationship and that's true i don't know anything about it zero that's not true i know i know if i were to give it a percentage i know point zero zero zero one percent of their relationship so i'd like to come clear on that is my assessment that's still being said i don't, even if I knew everything about it, I think it would get worse if I found that this guy was saying that they're really close
Starting point is 00:06:11 and that they can do that to each other. It's not about being really close. If Sousa called me on the side and was like, and we have had some of these discussions, you know, about, we've talked about the implications of other people being on the show and the way I behave and what the fallout could be for those people. I mean he runs a business, and we talk about things that are – can be extremely intense for people. And I have the humor of a 14-year-old boy. That's why I stick around.
Starting point is 00:06:45 But either way, I could sense this guy's passion, right? And he said some other stuff that didn't really affect me, but I understand speaking about – a lot of his arguments maybe were like 14-year-old arguments. That is the one thing. I think I have the arguments of a 3,000-year-old wise man, but it comes out of the mouth of a 14-year-old arguments, that is the one thing. I think I have the arguments of a 3,000-year-old wise man, but it comes out of the mouth of a 14-year-old boy. But when your arguments are
Starting point is 00:07:11 you would never say that to Jocko's face, that's like the 14-year-old boy argument. Maybe you're right, but I'm saying it on the internet. Is that supposed to tell me that it's not true what I'm saying? But either way,
Starting point is 00:07:26 I, I really appreciated this guy's DM. Then he said that it was inappropriate the way I was, I was expressing my disappointment in Joe on his take on some subjects. And I haven't been really clear about it, but the really one that I was really disappointed on is the one that, that his takes around the injection. I also do want to be very clear that his apology, the way he apologized about that reel that was put together, it is 100% true that when you say sorry for something, that you were admitting what you did was wrong. And when you admit that you do is wrong,
Starting point is 00:08:05 you're, you're supporting not implicitly, but explicitly that the other side was true. And it wasn't true. A hundred percent unequivocally. I don't know if that's the right word. It was not true. And if I apologize to someone, and if i apologize to someone i'm also enforcing them to feel to to to basically he apologized for some racial slurs he used he
Starting point is 00:08:34 didn't direct them at anyone he was using them in a context that what he wasn't like screaming at someone you fucking spic he was not saying that and so that when you apologize for it what you're saying is that all mexicans should be offended by that word and so you're demanding a group be offended and as you guys know i'm not i can't do that i don't see that as being healthy at all to demand that anyone be offended about anything other than hurting children and i don't even know if that's right but it's where i stand unequivocally also i have zero tolerance for that but the rest of the stuff someone cuts you off you it's okay to experience the offense but you should watch that. That's for you to see. When you flip someone off, what you're doing is you're reacting. And when you apologize, stand by.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Oh, we didn't have the number up. Call it high. Sweet. I wasn't sure if you guys would have this uh during your uh hiatus in the uh palace there yeah um everything but my shallow depth uh camera i'm pretty stoked well hey that new shot is fantastic by the way i bring it in a little bring it a little tighter that's nice hey so excuse me you're uh when you're talking about this, you know, you've got this kind of one standard of don't hurt kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I'm curious, like, where that standard comes from for you. I'm assuming it's because I had kids. It's kind of like, if all, if the world, if I was a 20 year, if I was a 22 year old Sevan and I was watching what was happening to the world right now, I would be kind of excited. Because I basically just lived – I was a barefoot guy who walked around with his dog. I had no possessions. If the world fell into complete anarchy and chaos, what did I care? What did I care? And so now I have kids and I want stability in the world and I want safety in the world to a much greater extent than I ever wanted. And I don't want kids to be indoctrinated.
Starting point is 00:10:56 There's a guy named – shit, he's dead. He had a center in Ohio – sorry, Ohio, California, trying to – Krishnamurti that I studied at quite length, and he was friends with everyone, Khalil Gibran, Bruce Lee. Who was the guy? All the famous people around in the 30s and 40s and 50s everyone came to him and he and he and one of the things that he preached is you don't teach kids um what to learn you just make sure that they don't lose the ability of how to learn and he had a center that did that and i don't that i the indoctrination thing just really resonates with me that you don't want to indoctrinate kids. So I guess, go ahead. Well, so I love, I love where you've landed on so many of these positions, but the thing that is still lacking in, so your worldview to really combat all of this stuff is ultimately it still comes down to your personal feelings, your personal belief on the thing.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I asked what your standard was. Right, right. I don't think kids should be sexually indoctrinated or molested. Those are my feelings, correct? Correct. Right. Right. And so when when the ultimate standard is just a person, individual beliefs, individual feelings on something, we're going to get all kinds of crap going on all over the place. Right. Can I take it? Let me take it. OK, I'll take a second shot at it, but go ahead. So ultimately, my plea would be, so I'm a Christian, okay? And one of the things that I feel like you've got a lot of cool conversations in for some odd reason. There's tons of Christians in the CrossFit space in these high-level positions and whatnot. But one thing that really goes untouched with a lot of them is we appeal to a standard outside of ourselves, right? We appeal to a standard that says God created this world and he created it with a specific order.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And when we step outside of that order, things don't go well, right? And so I have a belief, things don't go well. Right. And so I have a belief. I share so many of the same beliefs as you, but I'm coming to them from a different position. I'm coming to them because I believe in a different standard. That's not just based on my feelings. Cause I believe my feelings are very fleeting. Right. Right. Right. Right. I'm with you. Yep. I'm with you. You're making complete sense. So that's, that's, that's one.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Isn't it interesting that I came to these? Well, I shouldn't, I was going to say, isn't it interesting? I came to these by myself, but I really didn't. That's a, that's misleading. I did. I listened to the complete Bible twice on audio book. I've listened to all sorts of different scriptures from all different faiths on audio book. How about I, how about I say this? It's very clear to me from watching my own mind and how I grew up and, and my, and how, how the,
Starting point is 00:14:19 for lack of a better word, how it came to me that men and women are supposed to come in union with intercourse and bring the penis and the vagina together and have sex. I remember, I remember, I remember having those feelings and not knowing what they were. And, and, and I, and I appreciate that naivety. I remember wanting my kindergarten teacher to come home and tuck me in. And because of that, I think I grew up, my perspective on things is healthy. I didn't have anyone explain to me about sex. For me, it like grew in increments, like small, small increments. Even when I was 60, I had the same girlfriend all through sophomore, junior, senior year.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And I know she was even wondering, like she had told me we could have sex and we still didn't have sex for like two and a half, three years. And it was because I was just going at my own pace. I didn't feel, for whatever reason, any pressure. Like it didn't, like if someone called me a virgin, like it didn't, it just bounced off. Yeah, you're right. So, I think you can really, I don't think, I know you can – I stand firmly that if you sexualize someone at a young age, because it's such a powerful energy-feeling thought inside of us, you'll screw them up. letting their kid drink Coke, a one-year-old baby drink Coke. And what I think that does to the human brain is, um, is, is completely not understood, but insanely powerful and changes
Starting point is 00:15:52 the trajectory of a child's life for the rest of its life by introducing senses to them at that young of an age. Sorry, go ahead. No, I totally agree. And so this is another interesting one. So with all of the health stuff, right? So I believe as the father of my family, I have four kids, by the way. Oh, wow. Congratulations. You sound so young. Yeah, we did have them young. So I believe that I am leading them now.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And one of the responsibilities I have is over their health, right? And over, you know, training them in the way that they should go to be able to thrive in the created order that I believe God has given us, right? And so I think it's true that something like abundant amounts of sugar is not good for them, right? So that's something that's true that I have a responsibility to teach them. Especially at a young age, right? So if you're 25 and you got stoned with some friends and you guys eat three pallets of fucking brownies in college,
Starting point is 00:17:00 I give you a pass. And if you're 25 and you go through a year of watching porn, I give you a pass. But if you're an 11-year-old kid who's been given an iPhone and you're watching porn and that's your introduction to sex, or if your parents are feeding you sugar at the age of one, you failed. You failed those kids. Yeah, absolutely. Their brains were too poor at that time and malleable to handle that. Yeah, and so I guess the difference between how I believe that plays itself out is I have a responsibility to teach them truth, right? Right, OK. Rather rather than kind of just like leaving them open to, you know, freely discover things.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And maybe maybe you feel like there's an extra element of protection from certain things. I want to I want to go on the offense with them. I want to teach them what is true and build them up and train them up so that when they are 18 or 25 or whatever it is, they can go out and they can be, what we like to say is a dragon slayer, right? Because I want them to be dangerous in a culture that really is quite a danger. How about this? This is where I agree with you. I think it's super important that kids form an identity. And I think there's two ways
Starting point is 00:18:27 they form an identity. They earn one. And that means, you know, you teach them the piano. And by the time they're 10, part of their identity is I am a human being who can play the piano. And you teach them that they're christians and they build that identity that i'm a christian i i agree with you on so many fronts like that the thing is this and this is and i don't see this talked about anywhere and this is this is the hard part at some point if you're lucky enough you will learn the skill of watching thoughts. If you're lucky enough. And if you're extremely lucky, something will happen to you that is so powerful and so, for lack of a better word, hurtful,
Starting point is 00:19:26 for lack of a better word, hurtful, that you will have a chance to cross a path into enlightenment where you can give up yourself and see your entire self and realize that that entire identity that you built is not true, that it's built. It's a fallacy. And I speak about it often saying I was given the name, the impossible task, and we were all given the impossible task of being given a name, you know, Matt Souza. And then from the second he's born to the second he dies, he has to try to keep that thing together in some sort of sane container, even though it's all fake. Yeah. So here's, this is great. Here's the beautiful thing about what I believe is that, so, so ultimately you're talking about kind of this, this it's, it's self-awareness, right? It's, it's truly understanding the reality of yourself. Right. So I believe, or I don't know if I ever
Starting point is 00:20:15 fully understand the reality of myself, but I under, I can see glimmers of the, of the, of the illusion. Yeah. So, so I think that's true for you. And what I'm saying is I think, I think there is clarity, right? So I, I believe that, that man is, is fallen, right? We, we are sinful by nature. And so what you're describing is that when we get this true glimpse of ourselves, we realize that any effort that we have to try to clean ourselves up, to try to produce something, to try to prove something about ourselves, ultimately is in vain, right? It's all this stuff just trying to keep up this appearance. But the beautiful thing is the redemptive story of Christ, right? So I believe that somebody has has bridged that gap. What I can't do is is accomplished in the person of Christ.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And then on the backside of that, when I can do what he did, is that what you're saying? Absolutely. Right. I cannot live. I cannot live the perfect life that he lived, but he did it for me. Right. That's that's that's the beauty of we call the gospel. He did it for me, right? That's the beauty of what we call the gospel, the good news, is that I am separated from God as perfection. God is, and Jesus is the personified perfection. And so in my broken and sinful state, I'm separated from that, and I cannot attain that. Why accept that, though? Are you supposed to try even though you know you can't?
Starting point is 00:21:46 So here's the good news is that in his accomplished work, I'm united with him. I have debt to pay to God, the creator. I've broken his law, but Jesus has fulfilled it. And on his back, he has wiped all debt. And so on the other side of that, now I have true liberty. I don't have to perform for what has already been earned for me. So now you better believe, yeah, I've got work to do. That's the part I don't see.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You see that, right? The part I see is that I should be striving to do that also. Say that again. That's the part that I don't accept. I don't accept that Jesus did it and that no one else can do it. I don't accept the fact – I can't argue my own limitations like that. I can't argue those limits. I think everyone should be trying to be that that that sure okay great which is which is which is which is this is a horrible word but perfect yeah no no totally agree i totally agree because that is the standard right right this is back to where we started by by what standard right And so I'm saying you've already failed that standard.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Right. Right. But, but, but I don't think you should quit. Even if you fail every single day, you should still quit. You should still pursue it. Absolutely. So the difference is I believe that ultimately I, I with because it makes the world a better place and because it makes me more happy. I'm happier when I walk in that code, I'm more fulfilled because it is good and true and beautiful by a specific standard. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:43 So I love, I love listening to you. you you're real close you're real close hey maybe i'm maybe i'm just maybe he's just wait maybe he's i'm like a rake and i'm just trying to wake and god's using me like a rake just to rake up a bunch of leaves get get pulling some people at that same time he'll at some point at the last minute he'll wake me up completely and and I get to go. Yeah, man. You're close. You're real close. Keep rooting for me. Caller, just out of curiosity, real quick, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:24:12 30. Thank you. All right, brother. Thank you for the call. Thoughtful call. Yeah, man. So this guy went on to say that some of the things I said about Joe wasn't nice. He's probably right it i i probably have been um overly aggressive go ahead go ahead so i just gotta ask what do you like does the person who you're the commenter was somebody who messaged you right yeah do they have knowledge of joe and draco's relationship well more than me because they probably they listened to those podcasts it was the was the implication they didn't say that
Starting point is 00:25:10 but okay and he went on to say that how basic and then and then he went on to this fallacy i know this is trying to appeal to the emotional piece but he says who are you joe has 200 times the audience you do which i think is more like 200 000 times the audience i do and who are you? Joe has 200 times the audience you do, which I think is more like 200,000 times the audience I do. And who are you? He stands up in front of crowds of 20,000 people. And he was trying to contextualize Joe's position, but kind of beating me with a stick at the same time. But I get it. Sure. I definitely don't have the pressures he has. He doesn't have the pressures I have. So I get it. I thought it was fair. And then the last thing was that he said is – and I'm paraphrasing again that it was below me ever even to get into it with Danny and and uh the whole spiegel thing and the woolly
Starting point is 00:26:07 thing and the nicki brazier thing the thing is this and i see it so someone sent me a dm last night and they go oh are you going to keep making fun of matt fraser for owning a stair master um even though it probably paid off for anyone who had a Stairmaster since there was that event at Dubai that was climbing 160 floors. And I wrote back to him, I never made fun of Matt for having a Stairmaster. I did quite the opposite. I embraced it and have been begging dear Bill and Katie. Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Ever since. Yeah. And the Danny thing kind of went the same way in the fact that like I said a hundred thousand nice things about her. Yeah, but people are only going to point out the Danny thing kind of went the same way in the fact that like I said a hundred thousand nice things about her. Yeah, but people are only going to point out the one thing that kind of feels their argument. I saw a video and I'll show it to you today. And it's a guy in a garbage truck. He works on the back of a garbage truck and he drives by people's houses.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And for a living, this guy picks up your garbage and throws it in the back of a truck. This guy picks up your garbage and throws it in the back of a truck. And he's driving by a house and there's a very attractive girl in the garage doing overhead squats and basically her underwear and bra like CrossFitters workout. I saw this. And he stops and looks at her. And he claps. There's some people who are going to be like, who the fuck is that creep?
Starting point is 00:27:30 And it's nuts to me. That guy drives by your house one day a week for the last 20 years picking up your garbage. And now you're in your underwear in the garage doing overhead squats. And he stopped and clapped at you. So he may be right on that front too. He, that it may have been below me to that because of my platform, um, even though I'm a, I'm a fly in the metrics compared to hers. I do realize that this, I have seen also the metrics on how you guys convert and there's no one in the space. You guys are extremely loyal to me.
Starting point is 00:28:05 guys convert and there's no one in the space you guys are extremely loyal to me you're extremely loud uh you're extremely um uh as patrick velner called me absolutist like me and so so i get it but those but those were four four points he brought up and i think he said he has to take a break from the show and then he used a line from an eminem song stan i'm your biggest fan or something like that anyway i i just thought i would give that the time of day because it was it was so thoughtful yeah and i could tell that he likes jocko and he he he likes he likes the opinions that i express on this in the facts that i express on this show but he doesn't like the crassness of it and he thinks it was below me to even engage uh the beacon of moral authority um my point on that too that was kind of lost is i've
Starting point is 00:28:53 said so many like i i wouldn't even call them nice things about her i've made observations about her many around her physical skills and not just the fact that maybe she should put on a small instead of an extra small but i don't i you could i don't think i'm open to it but i don't see how that's sexist at all like i don't get it. If someone were doing a clean in a shirt that was too big and it kept getting caught on their shirt and I would say, hey, that shirt is too big. Anyway. You know how many people have commented on my hair since it's gotten longer? I know.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I keep wanting to comment on it, Ronald. Ronald? Ronald McDonald. Oh, I love that. longer i know i keep wanting to comment on it ronald ronald ronald mcdonald speaking of conversion uh at the top of the comments there we saw right as we logged in another one is taking their l1 heidi's getting their l1 this weekend oh that's awesome i mean how many of those have you gotten your dm i get them quite a bit so i know you must get them at i get i get them 10 times the magnitude i do yeah i get them every day yeah so just wanted to humble brag there for a moment as you call my hair ronald mcdonald so yeah even with ronald mcdonald hair you can still do good
Starting point is 00:30:17 in the world uh yeah and yeah exactly is nicks matths going to post about the comments? Yeah. So anyway, that's that. Now back to the normal program show of crassness. I wanted to start with this. I didn't send you this. I added this after. Mine only go to 196 too, just a quick.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Are you kidding me? Early heads up. Okay, I'm going to have to resend you. This is, California releases 7,000 child molesters in jail in less than a year. Sorry, California releases 7,000 child molesters in jail in less than a year.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I think it should say from jail. California's reform efforts are making the state more dangerous. There are 12% more listed sex offenders in California since 2019. So when I read that, just so you guys know, that means nothing to me. We don't know population, how many are normally in other states. And I don't trust that title, sex offender. Were they peeing on the fence outside? I don't trust that. I don't trust that title, sex offender. Were they peeing on the fence outside? I don't trust that.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I don't trust any of that. So I'm still like, yeah, all right, whatever. I don't see anything wrong yet. Because big tech censorship, 75% of our content doesn't make it to Instagram. Signing up. Okay. So, okay. But as I read on, it says the state is attempting to hide online data despite the law requiring it to be public. Now, I have looked into that quite a bit, and there is a lot of that going on, so that kind of gets my antenna.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Over 7,000 convicted pedophiles – now we're talking. Now we know pedophiles are those are people who touch little kids adults have and and let's say let's say even half of those are an 18 year old boy who was sleeping with his 16 year old girlfriend and it was consensual so we're still at 3500 let's say over 7 000 convicted pedo or vice versa 18 year old girlfriend sleeping with her 16 year old boyfriend over seven or or boyfriend and boyfriend or girlfriend and girlfriend. Good. You covered all the bases. Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Over 7,000 convicted pedophiles have served less than a year in California prisons in violation of sentencing guidelines. So that means that this article is suggesting that letting them out even violated their sentencing guidelines. suggesting that letting them out even violated their sentencing guidelines according to crime data analyzed by the daily mail the report found that the average sentence is two years and 10 months so now we know that the 7 000 that were released in less than a year some must be spending a significant more amount of time in jail and then it goes on to say prosecutors blame gavin new i don't know who prosecutors are, but prosecutors blame Gavin Newsom's policies that allow the shortening of sentences as well as the lack of prosecution from George Soros-funded Los Angeles District Attorney George Gaskin. Now, that shit I believe because I've looked into that, and George Soros is a very scary man. The Democratic leaders' actions are part of the broader progressive movement to reform the criminal justice system by reducing the prison population.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Can you imagine making that a goal to reduce the prison population? That doesn't even make sense. Why would that be your goal? That's a very odd goal. If your goal were to – let's say your goal were to keep young men, have more opportunities for young men because the vast majority of these criminals are young men, and the byproduct would be less sex offenders, then I get it. But just to reduce the prison population? That makes no fucking sense. This is complete idiocy yeah who who it's so easy to reduce the prison population close all the prisons that doesn't even mean like i can do that overnight you could do it right now yeah right now there you go and this is and so so right here i stop and i think what could the republicans do because i don't want to like them either but what what is so bad about the republicans that it allows you to excuse this after you see this we talked about this with the with the first caller what could republicans possibly do that would make it so that it's worse than this. I can't think of I couldn't think of anything this morning was dropping a deuce. I couldn't think of I couldn't think of anything.
Starting point is 00:34:52 What did Donald Trump do? Was it the three point shots? Was it kind of like the district like the kind of like flippancy of him when he was handing out shit for Hurricane Katrina? he was handing out shit for Hurricane Katrina? Was it said when he said he wanted something about grabbing some girl's pussy? Is that... The media is very powerful. I don't... I can't think of any... I couldn't think of all the bad
Starting point is 00:35:20 things about him combined. Sebon, are you the type to drop a deuce and then jump in the shower? Yeah. I am. Covered that. Yeah, Bruce. That is my protocol. I mean, not every time I drop a deuce
Starting point is 00:35:40 I don't jump in, but that's like my morning routine. Some of the worst cases, there were 365 people convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child. I don't know what that means.'s like my morning routine. Some of the worst cases, there were 365 people convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child. I don't know what that means. I think that means just like you were molesting the same child for years. 39 who sodomized children. I don't know exactly what that means,
Starting point is 00:35:55 but I think that means like putting objects into their anus. It's penetration, correct. And three who kidnapped children with intent to molest them who serve less than a year in prison. One who continuously abuses a child served a mere two days plus probation. Now, I see that, and I want to think, please tell me that was an 18-year-old and a 16-year-old. And that they had been dating for five years, and both parents testified that they have a relationship. I hope it's something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Big picture, California's reform efforts are making the state more dangerous. Well, if you live here, you know how dangerous it's gotten. Basically, what happened is after george floyd the police stopped engaging and there's been a massive campaign in the united states to hate on cops which is just a tragedy just a tragedy i encourage everyone no matter what your financial situation is that when you're in the coffee shop and the cop is behind you, buy the $10 gift card. And as you walk out, hand it to the cop and say, thank you for your service.
Starting point is 00:37:13 So easy. $5 pay for his coffee. Show them that you appreciate them. When I was a kid at Christmas time, people would leave 12 pack or six pack of beer on top of their garbage cans for the garbage collector. It's nuts. There are 12% more listed sex offenders in California since 2019. That number is massive. Double digit? Double digit?
Starting point is 00:37:41 double digit it just I just it's what a jacked world we live in I saw I saw we had a guest on the show named James Krause who I
Starting point is 00:38:03 really really liked. I'm sending you the – because I think we are going to maybe start from the bottom, Sousa. Okay. So I'm sending you another email. I wonder why it does that. I wonder if it has a list, like a certain length, and then it cuts it off. What – Caleb got them yesterday, live call-in show all of them yeah he got all of them isn't that trip yeah maybe you need a new computer i'm joking no
Starting point is 00:38:33 i was like i don't know this one's pretty you have limited you have limited bandwidth um robust so so yesterday uh i i saw an article that kind of broke my heart a little bit. So there's a guy named James Krause. He's over at glory MMA. He was on the show. I really, really, really liked him. And, and a couple of weeks ago, there was, uh, some talk that he was sleeping with one of the UFC commentators, uh, Laura Sanko, which I don't know why that I, I guess that's news or i guess it's fun there are people in the public eye if i was sleeping with laura sanko i i don't know if it'd get reported it should um but um so so there was that and then he has a fighter named derrick minor
Starting point is 00:39:22 and basically what happened is is a handful of weeks ago Derek fought and lost the fight in the first round even though I think he was supposed to win the fight and it looked like he went into the fight with an injury a knee injury and then two of the provinces in Canada put a halt to betting on UFC fights and that started the rumors that there was information that Derek Miner threw the fight. Now, I've never heard of this in the UFC, of someone throwing a fight.
Starting point is 00:39:51 You've heard about it in the Don King era in boxing, about how corrupt it is. But I'd never, ever heard of it in the UFC. And then recently, I think just within the last 24 hours, the UFC basically said that they let go of Derek Miner. They said he's no longer a UFC fighter. And this is the crazy part. They suspended all fighters who train under James Krause.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So if you train at Glory MMA or with James Krause, you are no longer allowed to fight in the UFC. Whoa. That's pretty stiff. They better have a lot of evidence as to his involvement with with that right yeah otherwise you screwed over everybody who has nothing to do with it at all uh 301 there is a 83 year old woman who is part of the royal family i forget her name maybe it's who is part of the royal family.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I forget her name. Maybe it's Prince Sarah? Prince Susan? I forget her name. He's going to pull up the article. Susan Hussey? Now look at this article. It's another chapter of racism and the royal family it's so crazy and then you
Starting point is 00:41:08 read the article and there's absolutely no racism and if you guys think there is racism please tell me please let let me know where it uh where where it becomes racist um um i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna read it to you oh oh shoot i think i there was an instagram page oh so here's here's the discussion go to that instagram page so this is an 83 year old lady and she was at some event that was recognizing, I think, immigrants or something. What was the Instagram page? It's on that link. It's on that link. You can see the Instagram post. At the reception held Tuesday for organizations working against violence against women and girls, Hussein, that's the lady who's making the complaint.
Starting point is 00:42:04 No, no, sorry. That's the lady who's making the complaint no no sorry that's that's the prince lady who say encountered negozi fulani who works for sister space an organization that helps women out of africa and caribbean descents who have been victims of domestic violence so this lady from the royal family i think she was the right hand woman woman for the queen, by the way. She's at an event working against violence. So she's at an event that's supposed to be a positive event. And she
Starting point is 00:42:34 says to this lady who she meets there, and she's making small talk with there, what part of Africa are you from? Despite Fulani's insistence that she was born and raised in england if someone were to say to me what part of armenia are you from and i'd be like well i'm not from armenia and they go yeah but what part are you from i'd be like oh my i would know exactly right
Starting point is 00:43:01 away what they meant and i would would say, oh, my descendants. Well, there was a town called Musa in Turkey. And that's as far back as I know my history on my dad's side. And on my mom's side, it was shit. I can't believe I can't remember. But it was also in Turkey. And then I would say and then my my my my family's fled from there through on my mom's side through Ellis Island to the United States during the genocide, and on my dad's side, they fled. The British Navy saved them, and they were placed in Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:43:38 But for some reason for this lady, it was racist to ask that. I think it's important to ask every i love knowing what ethnicity my guests are i fucking absolutely love it i love knowing where people came from on the planet recently i've been digging into the fact that native americans are basically chinese people they're basically Chinese people. This article is painting this lady as racist. So you know what I did? I went back and I looked at where Britons are from, where the original people from Britain are from, how they got to England.
Starting point is 00:44:19 You're never going to fucking believe this. I had no idea. Most Britons descend from Iraqi and Syrian men from 10,000 years ago who were farmers. Were they planted like seeds? Yes, they were planted like seeds. Corey, hi. Dear people of England, I'm now going to refer to you as Iraqis and Syrians. I mean, it's so crazy that this article is referencing as racism, just stoking the fucking fire. Are we all the same anyway?
Starting point is 00:45:00 I think so. We're all just people. Yeah, we are just all people. Yeah, who cares? What's up? How are you? By the way, that thing you made was awesome, and I tried to upload it last night, and I couldn't because of that. Corey stitched together a bunch of stuff so that we could run it as a trailer while people are waiting for the show but it was five minutes long and so uh i think i'm trying yeah i think the longest i'm
Starting point is 00:45:32 trying to cut it down now probably i was just checking to see if you're checking to see if you actually even like it if not then no i do like it i'll use it i'll use anything i'll use any okay i'll i'll use um i'm game let's let's let's play with it okay yeah all right yeah i'll i'll tweak it then and then i'll i'll resend it in just a little while but i'm i'm running errands and in between stuff i have to pick up some stuff and i figured i would check in and see if you actually like it then i'll actually spend my time working on it all right thank. Thank you. Yeah, man. All right. Well, I just wanted to make sure I figured I would be able to get you and ask that
Starting point is 00:46:08 question while you were live on the air right now. I'm catching up on your show. I'm watching it in 1.5 speed, so I'm getting as fast as I can to get to live. Oh shit. I didn't even know you could do that. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I'm smart. Okay. All right, Joe. Well, enjoy your show. I just wanted to call. Bye.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Thanks, Corey. Hey, what do you. Okay. All right, Joe. Well, enjoy your show. I just wanted to call. Bye. Thanks, Corey. Later. Hey, what do you think about the whole entire, and this goes back to like the article that you just had, I think just so much of this is like a distraction from other things, like this whole Balenciaga thing, right? Oh, my goodness. When the George Floyd thing happened,
Starting point is 00:46:41 how many celebrities did we come out with these scripted productions of them crying about their part that they played in some systemic invisible racism that seems to be occurring? And then how many of them went on this big cancel thing for anybody who they associated because they were like the witch
Starting point is 00:47:00 hunters now, so they're going to go out and find the anti-racist. You couldn't turn your head without seeing it. There even a whole entire like square that was posted on instagram for a full day that everybody was like participated in otherwise you were gonna be deemed like you know a racist but when it comes to this balenciaga thing how come we haven't seen the same outrage from all these hollywood types it's almost like they just throw but they would rather throw this like hey check out the craziest thing kanye said let's push this in the forefront let's talk about this and meanwhile we'll just
Starting point is 00:47:30 hope that this balenciaga thing just runs through the news cycle and nobody really starts to question it's same it's like the jeffrey epstein same with the glenn will maxi like it's like the second the media or the politicians or the finance like anytime you get the three of them and there's some sort of scandal, all of them want to turn and say, oh yeah, but look over there. And then they'll hit these key buzzwords so people get outraged, right? Susan, maybe I'm naive, but I don't go to it's a conspiracy that they're all pedophiles. I go to that the subject is so fucking gross and hard to talk about. see that they're all pedophiles i go to that the subject is so fucking gross and hard to talk about i mean i don't disagree with you there but that doesn't need that that doesn't say that we should push it to the way so we should bring it to everybody's conscious so we could we could
Starting point is 00:48:15 shut this type of shit down it's so deep i when those i i mean i've chosen to try to not talk about it just because it's so, man, it really goes down a scary, the dots that people are connecting on Instagram of who's involved in that Balenciaga thing is very unsettling. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. We burned down cities and everything else off this perpetuated like systemic you know racism and this this earn for equality but what happens for the kids equality what about the kids that are being trafficked what about the kids that are being abused what about all this stuff that's happening at the highest level with our people in finance politics and media and yet just kind of let it pass i don't know it just seems weird and i get that it's a hard subject to talk about i totally understand that it's absolutely terrible all right but are you following the twitter shit that's going on right now with the the release of
Starting point is 00:49:16 about uh hunter biden's laptop and what twitter did to hide that story i'm understanding that they played a large role in that yeah but i'm not following it that closely i'll give you some of the points on it hi caller hi oh sorry hold on one second caller hi hello hello hi hi how's it going? I'm pretty good. I'm kind of in a weird space today. Why? I don't know, but I'm enjoying it. It's just I feel different. Different how?
Starting point is 00:49:53 I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm in Newport and I'm more relaxed. Just different environment. Yeah. I feel more chill today. That's good. Yeah. I feel more chill today.
Starting point is 00:50:03 That's good. Yeah. I just thought I would call and give a story to share perspective on the topic you guys were talking about, about that racist comment. Okay. I don't think it's a racist comment, but I, as an African American female, a long time ago, I traveled to Canada. And I was hanging out with a group of guys, and they were asking me where I was from. So, you know, like, from America, get more specific, I'm from Arizona, more specific, I'm from Phoenix. They're like, No, like, where are you from? And they were like, trying to say, like, are you from like, Jamaica, like from Africa? And,
Starting point is 00:50:44 and to be honest, like, I don't know. So I was just like,amaica like from africa and and to be honest like i don't know so i was just like i'm just from america like i'm just black american like i can't go any more further than that like and they kept pressing and so it's like i get how somebody might perceive that as being racist it's not it's just a lack of information like i wish i could tell you like oh my my family's from ghana or nigeria or wherever but i just i honestly just don't know like the three generations i can trace back it's like mississippi is like as far as i can go you know so it's like it's not that the question is racist it's just some people literally don't know like that person could probably only say like like she's from england
Starting point is 00:51:25 you know right right right i i i agree with you a hundred percent when when you looked when you look different than other people that and or you have some sort of fucking weird name like savon that's just it's going that's going to be just par for the course for you that people are going to be curious. Yeah. And you just have to like not take a sense when people ask questions out of curiosity. If someone wants, if you're, if you are, um, uh, if you have an Afro and you go up to fucking wherever the Eskimos are, I don't even know if they're still Eskimos. And you go up to fucking wherever the Eskimos are. I don't even know if they're still Eskimos. And you think – I'll even use this.
Starting point is 00:52:15 If you're a guy with one leg and you get upset when little kids come up to you and just stare – so my son – I'll even – sorry, switch stories again. Take three. Yesterday we walked by Dory's Deli, and I didn't see them, but my son said, hey, did you see those two people in there? And I said, no, I didn't look in look in there and he goes they were smaller than me and i go were they adults and he goes yeah and he goes why are they like that i'm like i don't know i go but dude people come in all shapes and sizes and it's like if you're if you're a midget, and that is just going to be something you're going to have to tackle to lean into that and embrace that, that everyone's going to stare. No one is being rude. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:52:58 No, I went to India, and I was wearing this Warriors jersey. And I just started CrossFit, and I was all buff and shit. I was not on steroids. And people everywhere I went in Varanasi, someone wanted to touch me. Boys came over to touch me. I think that's very common when it comes to the question of people asking
Starting point is 00:53:22 to touch your hair. Some people will take offense to that. It's like crazy. You want to ask this person to touch their hair. And like, I grew up in like people have asked, I'd be like, yeah, sure. You know? But it's like, it's also funny because there's like different, like obviously all people are different.
Starting point is 00:53:38 So I might be like, yeah, that's fine. You can touch my hair where somebody else might be like, no, you can't touch my hair. So then. And that's your prerogative too. I'm not against someone saying, no, you can't touch my hair. Yeah, no, I totally get it. But I, like what I'm saying is sometimes like as, as being different, like you kind of have to represent that well and, and understand that the people that you encounter might have never encountered someone like you. And so it's like your opportunity to, to treat them with kindness, quite frankly, and just like not take a sense to that.
Starting point is 00:54:24 encounter black people in this country and yet they they don't have any friends or they don't ever feel confident enough or they they they have some fucked up victim mindset that they've never been around someone with black skin who they feel comfortable enough just to ask some fucking really naive fucking questions that they have the right and someone has to take the time to answer those questions for them it's perfect it's it's perfectly if you're a woman in this country Yeah. That's who we had thought to think of. And that's the nature of being a woman on a planet with men and so and i'm not saying that men consciously think that i don't consciously think every day i'd like to touch that woman but it's hardwired in death yeah it's like um it i mean it starts back.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Do you remember, let me ask you this, caller. Do you remember being in the second grade and they do a seating chart? And you're like, God, I hope I can sit next to that person. Do you remember that? I know you're trying to say that. In second grade, that was the last thing I was caring about. Well, for me as a boy, like I like I remember that. And I and I remember the teacher saying, don't worry, everyone will get a chance to sit next to everyone.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And then the whole year passed and I never got to sit next to Carrie Henry, the prettiest girl in the class. And I was like, fuck. Don't remember. Fuck me. Did you tell the teacher you lied to me? No, I was just like, fuck. You were wrong. I mean, he's racist.
Starting point is 00:56:03 It's because I'm Armenian. Held down by the system yeah i remember when they would change seats i would always get so upset because like i would like where i sat like i always like sitting in the front and so then they'd be like oh we're changing seats this month and i would be like so frustrated because they like put me like somewhere i didn't want to sit so i'm I've never really been a fan of change. You're a good, you were a good student, huh? Oh yeah. I love school. Like I, like you know when you find something that you're good at and you just like want to do that forever.
Starting point is 00:56:34 No, but I can imagine. I'll imagine, but no, never, never experienced that. I just, yeah. I wish I could be a student forever. Cause I, I, I feel that. Well, thank you for calling in. Yeah, of course. It was fun chatting with you guys. Okay. Have a good day. Bye.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Bye. What's creepy? Just the fact knowing that dudes want to just smell you? I'm just telling you. It's just, it is. You judge the fact of how nice she sounded that she's good at school huh no when she said she didn't like to change seats oh okay okay yeah yeah because like i that's the last thing i gave a fuck about like all at school i either want to sit next to my friends or pretty
Starting point is 00:57:17 girls that's it and i'm like for me school was a giant i love school too but it was a place to be with my friends for me it was always just about the the off days like they brought in the t well you remember this they're like will on the tv so you can watch the vhs or like they're like oh there's a fire drill today oh so we all get to go outside out of context and see other kids in their other classes with their teachers and we have an assembly today those are the days that i really oh yeah Yeah, that was great. I like the way they were. I don't know if they when I was in school, they would roll in projectors. Yeah, the overhead projector. No, the two wheels. And then what was cool is the teacher would have to rewind the film before she returned it. But sometimes she would let us watch the movies in reverse.
Starting point is 00:58:06 it but sometimes she would let us watch the movies in reverse so instead of pulling the film out from inside the mechanism of the of the camp the projector she would just and letting it reverse really fast rewind really fast she would let it stay in there and uh and we would get to watch the movie in reverse that's when i knew i had a lazy teacher but i because it would take burn another 20 minutes but we loved it we. We loved watching it in reverse. I think the blockbuster things would say, be kind and rewind. Yes, yes, yes. So, okay. So now we know where – so anyone who is offended by that 83-year-old woman trying to figure out where that lady was. I want you to know that I did look up where people of England are from
Starting point is 00:58:47 and they are really Iraqis and Syrians. Now you know. Doesn't take much to be offended these days, huh? No. And the reason why you don't want to be offended is because
Starting point is 00:59:03 it's a never... It's made up. You made that up. You chose that. Like I've chosen to not like pedophiles. Someone wrote in the comments – I put up a video yesterday, the truth about the psychology of masks. And someone wrote a psychological analysis by a non-psychologist. Appeal to authority argument.
Starting point is 00:59:34 And here's the thing. How ridiculous. If you can't watch your thoughts, you are not a psychologist. And I would argue the vast majority of people who are psychologists cannot watch their thoughts. I would argue that the vast majority don't even know what I'm saying. But you can actually watch your thoughts and you never need a psychologist. You need someone who hopefully can teach you that skill of how to watch thoughts, how to cultivate awareness, and then point that awareness inwards at yourself. And then you can watch thoughts and you can know all sorts of crazy shit. And then you don't have to read it out of a textbook and take someone else's word for it. You can actually, and the mechanism of all of our brains basically works the same. There's this great line this lady says, this self-help lady says, she says,
Starting point is 01:00:27 who would you be without that thought? So you have a thought, you want a tattoo, and then with that thought, you hone in, you see that thought, you don't react to it, you hold it, and you look at it. And then you interject another thought, who would I be without that thought? And then it's like a cockfight. You're putting two chickens in the room and you watch them fight each other. And that one, who would you be without that thought? That one's a fucking beast.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And that will smash the other thought. I look so fat in this bathing suit. Who would I be without that thought? Your thoughts don't want light shed on them. Your thoughts are like rodents, and you turn on the light and they run. They just run. Yeah, it's the difference between reacting and responding. But you – right. You can be that. I don't know if you got – I live in – there's a lot of marshlands where Susan and I live.
Starting point is 01:01:30 California, this western seaboard is just full of marshlands. And one of the most common sites you'll see every single day if you move around is you'll see these giant snowy egrets and these giant herons sitting in fields. Herons are the largest consumer of rodents in a marsh environment and they're these huge birds they look like little tiny pterodactyls but they're massive they stand like three or four feet tall and they have these long and they just stand perfectly still and they're just out there and even when they move they look like they're still they move so slow and what are they doing they're waiting for thoughts
Starting point is 01:02:07 no no they're waiting for rats and gophers and anything in the marshland mice any rodents and as soon as those things show their head they grab it they kind of toss it in the air a few inches from the beak and then catch it like they always are showing off like the shit I do for my kids throw a grape in the air and catch it
Starting point is 01:02:23 and so you have to do that with your thoughts hey go ahead i was gonna ask if you were gonna if you were gonna do a small hike right just like back whatever across the beach or something you would probably be safe to do that on your own. You can just walk out there and walk back. You're going to do something. Very safe. Very safe.
Starting point is 01:02:49 California is not like that, that danger. Yeah. When I say it's dangerous, I mean, if you leave your car park somewhere, some drug addicts going to break into it and steal your shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:55 I'm going to, I'm going to connect the dot here. So you go up to Yosemite. Yeah. You want to do half down. Yeah. Going to be even harder, right?
Starting point is 01:03:04 It's very hard. I think at some point when you're going to be even harder, right? It's very hard, I think. At some point, when you're going to go on the longest hike or your furthest feet, you might need a guide. Yes, yes. Wouldn't the therapist or the psychologist potentially be that guide to allow you to observe your thoughts, to walk you through that? Of course, of course. If you find a good one, of course, of course. Absolutely. Of course, of course. If you find a good one, of course, of course. Absolutely. A yoga practice, a meditation teacher, a psychologist, someone who can help you walk you through, giving you the skills to watch your own thoughts.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And you already said it, if you have a good one, and I would say that a good one means they're going to continue to question and give you space to allow the observance of what you're talking about or where it stems from in your thoughts. And I would say one that might not be as is if they try to interject into that and plug a meaning in there for you, as opposed to allowing you to further understanding the observance. So it should never be a, you know, this is connects to this. It should always be like, we'll go deeper into that understand that well why is that and so i think that yes there is a lot of value in you know the mental health professionals especially if they could really help you walk down that path and then you take a little bit of that home with you and you're able to do it on your own a little bit more each time my my wife is the one who taught me 99 of this if it wasn't for her i
Starting point is 01:04:27 wouldn't know jack good guide yeah because she's a great guy she's a great guy and you know what anyway i'm not gonna say that but but yes it's gonna take a dig at my wife no no definitely no definitely i take enough digs at. You could just plug me in if you need. Thank you. And sometimes even though Sousa taught me how to hike, I've turned into a better hiker than him. That's right. You never know who's going to take off. Become a guide themselves.
Starting point is 01:05:07 uh become a guide themselves and basically that is that is that that i do believe i'm open to being wrong about this but that is the only way to make change is to see the thoughts and to watch them and it takes a lot of practice but eventually those thoughts will go away because what happens is only when you create stillness and space in between your thoughts you know like that space between heartbeats that space between breaths that space between heartbeats, that space between breaths, that space between waves, as you open that up more and more, um, new thoughts will come in. Perhaps better ones too. More processed ones, more calmer ones, less reactive ones. Yes. Uh, okay. uh okay uh i'd like to know seven pre-haley i i was i was a crazy searcher i was a crazy searcher
Starting point is 01:05:53 you probably would have ran into him wouldn't have even known it because he would have been the homeless dude without the shoes that you would avoid it and made judgment about right when you saw him word yeah my wife met me when i was homeless she's special though love it first sight uh so what appears to be happening over at twitter and um feel free to chime in anyone who wants to uh correct me but what appears to be happening at twitter is uh right before the election uh trump and biden last a couple years ago um there was a hundred biden's laptop surface for those of you who don't know the story he took a handful a stack of laptops to a repair shop and never returned to pick them up and that and that uh store had a
Starting point is 01:06:36 policy that if you left your laptops there for more than 90 days the store then owned the laptop pretty common um i've had to sign that shit when i take my computer and to get it fixed and so this guy and one of the problems with hunter biden's laptop was file transfer was broken so this guy had to basically get into his hard drive and start transferring files manually one by one and in there he started seeing some shit that was tripping him out i've heard two different stories on this i heard heard one. He turned the laptops into the FBI himself, and then I also heard that the FBI subpoenaed them. I don't believe the FBI subpoenaed them first if they did. I believe what he did is he made a copy of all the laptops and then turned them in. After finding what was on those laptops, and it was tons of stuff about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's dealings and's dealings and other politicians dealings with the ukraine the supreme ukraine war in china and and i read hunter the
Starting point is 01:07:30 laptop from nightmare and it's when i say business dealings i'm talking about some nefarious shit like shit that like if you're an american citizen you would never want i can't remember the exact details right now but you would never want anyone in the government doing so uh so basically so then the fb so then the story broke and everyone started saying including joe biden there's a quote from joe biden somewhere that these are not really hunters laptops these are basically laptops that were made by russia and planted to affect the election because for some reason because for some reason they because for some reason they wanted uh trump to win so um and i support the new thing so basically what twitter was doing is they were taking direction from these these tweets that these correspondents and emails that are being released
Starting point is 01:08:20 is that they were the twitter was taking direction from the white house to suppress this story and there's all sorts of pornography and shit on there like homemade sex movies with hunter and you know videos of him smoking crack and just all that shit that has has leaked and uh and why why some of the stuff why that matters hunter biden has had a fucking hard life like his shit has not been Hunter Biden has had a fucking hard life. Like his shit has not been easy. Like he's had a lot of fucked up shit happen to him. And obviously he's turned into a product of that.
Starting point is 01:09:00 But why that's important is once again, you never want the leaders of your country to for anyone to be able to leverage anything against them to hurt the general public. That's why it's so important we forgive people. And so so all this was coming out. Biden was denying it hunter was not denying it by the way hunter was saying these laptops actually might be mine he's high on track he doesn't know what the hell's going on uh sean sullivan adds to this um remember 60x intelligence officers wrote and signed a letter saying the laptop was russian disinformation crazy so basically um uh elon elon is releasing the emails of the people who worked at twitter who were hiding this and not only that twitter had a very special policy that was supposed to only be enacted when people were passing child pornography.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And that act was to stop people from sending personal DMs back and forth. So they started interfering in people's personal DMs to each other. I didn't even know you could do that in Twitter. And not only stopping posts and pulling down posts and banning people from Twitter, but they also started interfering in direct messaging. And the fact that they were pulling down posts is Twitter had a policy that said people are not allowed to hack information from one person and then post it online. So that was part of their censorship policy. So I couldn't – if I hacked into Sousa's email and released all – showed all the pink tutus he buys from Amazon, Twitter would pull it down because I hacked it supposedly. So that was the reason they were using it, but they were all lies. It wasn't hacked. It wasn't hacked. it wasn't hacked in march cnn legal analyst analyst ellie honig said the federal investigation into hunter biden are both very real and very substantial and there's a realistic chance he
Starting point is 01:10:53 could face federal charges when i hear something like that coming out of cnn i just think oh this is um now the entire left is just trying to figure out how to get rid of biden they're just eating their own because that's what they do right they just eat their own so i i started the show talking about how i i made so many posts yesterday all over the internet basically just just i don't know if attacking people but fuck you people and it was all around the liver king issue and and i want to tell you uh basically after doing mass uh seeing so many people popular people health professionals it's people in the health professional space so there's two people that i saw that i give a huge pass to there's this guy that hillar likes or that talks about a lot, Greg Duche.
Starting point is 01:11:46 I'm not familiar with that. He has like 1.6 million subscribers on Instagram. He's a shirtless guy. He's been around forever. And then Nick, the more plates and dates guy. And basically they, what they've done is they've made a career out of talking about this subjects. They're steroids, they're steroid experts. They're natty or not experts. They've they're open about their own drug use. And so they have kind of laid out the, the liver King issue. And, and because of that, it's kind of like, um,
Starting point is 01:12:15 it's kind of, I, I, I give them a pass. I won't go into why, but I think it's obvious, but later on we could go into why I give them a pass. It's what they do, right? It's what they do. It's like I give cockroaches a pass. Like it's what they do. I don't hate cockroaches. It's what they do. They're cockroaches, hyenas.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I give them a pass. When people behave like hyenas or cockroaches, it's a little weird because they're not. But cockroaches, hyenas, vultures, that's what they do. It's their way of living. Kenneth DeLapp, Coach Greg gets – oh, Doucette. Thank you, Kenneth Doucette. I can't watch him really because he gets too animated for me and I get overstimulated, but the post he did on the Liver King is pretty sober. It's the soberest I've ever seen him.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I haven't watched a lot of his content. Is this his? Yeah, that's the guy. But you know what I saw, my 50-cent pop psychology analysis of what's going on here with the liver king? All of these people who are being critical of him. These are people who were hurt by their dads. Something happened in their life that hurt them. Their dad betrayed them.
Starting point is 01:13:29 They were part of a divorce. Their dad molested them. Something happened where they were betrayed by the male figure in their life. And they started thinking the liver king was their daddy. I mean this with all sincerity. And so they're going to continue their whole life. That's why it's stupid to play the trust game or the respect game or the disrespect game.
Starting point is 01:13:57 They live their whole life waiting for someone to betray their trust again so that they can relive that pain i see no one i see no one posting on the internet hey it's my fault i put expectations on the liver king i was i've always been looking for a role model ever since fucking uncle Buck touched me or since my dad fucking slapped my mom or since my dad ran away or since my dad lied to me and told me he's going to buy me a Camaro and bought me a Volkswagen bug. And so they are, they see,
Starting point is 01:14:37 and you look at the profiles of these guys and it's all guys who are like big and fucking tatted up with the monster trucks and the Harley Davidsons where they're in their business suits and they're all smug. And I'm just like, holy shit, I fucking cracked the code on this. These guys are all upset because instead of just letting it pass, because they're invested emotionally into some trauma that happened to them. And they're just waiting to relive it over and over and over you they set themselves up and they set the liver king up to fail because of their expectations on a really deep level it's just more victim stuff every person you know is hiding something like i got harmed by the liver
Starting point is 01:15:28 king heidi is especially hiding something i know i'm gonna forgive him why is heidi especially something right no just because heidi is hiding i just liked her name because i kept hearing it's like what she's not hiding anything she just wants a boyfriend yeah i think it's weird like when you were when we were talking about it earlier it's like what she's not hiding anything she just wants a boyfriend yeah i think it's weird like when you were when we were talking about it earlier it was like you know people were saying i forgive him or i don't forgive him or something like that is this weird behavior imagine having that much even like uh uh saladino who was like buddies with them and helped the whole thing out. Like imagine going on there and being like – how do you just not disassociate with it?
Starting point is 01:16:13 Like, oh, yeah, he came out that he's on steroids, claimed he wasn't. We assumed maybe he was, and now he is, and like whatever. Like how do you even – like how are you wronged by that? How is that going to like change? I feel like people think that they are doing that to appease the crowd or to show their support for you guys. They're suggesting that he scammed you. How? So they're giving away their power.
Starting point is 01:16:37 They're basically saying he did that to me. Yeah, but he's also never, ever claimed taking any of his stuff would ever make you look like – Well, he did claim – I did see a's well he did claim i did see a clip though finally i did see a clip he didn't claim his supplements would he did claim that this lifestyle would have you jacked made him look like this so he did he did he did claim that but okay but but but for me that's neither here nor there well then he's oprah for fucking weight watchers that's what he is well that's significantly that's significantly you know even worse yes like we all we all idolize the rock great rock is fucking juice cup yes you know what he's selling it's like okay now you're the next supermodel cindy crawford on hydroxy cut yeah i think it's a disappointment in the health and fitness industry because supermodel Cindy Crawford on hydroxycut.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I think it's a disappointment in the health and fitness industry because, and I said this earlier in one of the posts that I made, that this is the importance of CrossFit and the CrossFit community is to have that fucking buck stop with us in terms of health and fitness. But at the end of the day, you're always going to have these over the top figures that are going to be selling and promoting a certain product. We've seen celebrity endorsement. And sometimes you have to birth or create the celebrity to then have the endorsement. That's kind of what Liver King there did. He made this persona,
Starting point is 01:17:53 he made this person. And then that in turn helped with the businesses there. Just like Oprah's celebrity and her ability to, hey, if you guys do what I did on Jenny Craig Weight Watchers, you're going to look like me. Well, fuck off. You got, you know, two full-time chefs. Who's going to look like you? You could have made, I could make more of the argument that liver King has a more of an advantage because of chef Lionel than he does anything else. Right? Because if you're able to have that luxury of being able to have that process set up for you, kind of like how Oprah did, then you're not really buying onto the true product anyways. process set up for you kind of like how oprah did then you're not really buying onto the true product anyways so you know whatever how what how do you think about this when people say
Starting point is 01:18:31 he only is being honest because he was caught i okay i don't see – so you don't have room for – but they say it like they're angry. Because he came out because he was caught and didn't do it on his own before he was caught, it's not sincere or it's not – I don't understand. What's your ax to grind with him that fucking hard? I actually thought – because I watched the video in its entirety when it first came out. One of the coaches at my gym said to play like – The plate states guy? Yeah. So I just had it running in the background as I was kind of going
Starting point is 01:19:25 through my stuff and I was listening to it. And the one thing that I thought actually gave him more credibility was the fact that he truly lives that lifestyle. Yes, he might've been taking some extracurriculars that were omitted from that lifestyle. But at the same time, like when he talks about getting grounded and going on his walks and the intensity of his workouts and the way that he eats and his diet and the way that he lives his life was all consistent with the stuff that he puts out online. And to me, that's probably more valuable than just knowing if he was juicing or not. And how about these people who, and there's tons of them, and this is what got me riled up yesterday. There's these people, they have a million followers or 100,000 followers,
Starting point is 01:20:04 and they have in their profile health professional. And now you're attacking someone. And I'm thinking, oh, I've seen now the limits of your desire to help people and to keep them healthy. Yeah. You know what I put in my bio? What? Just recently. What?
Starting point is 01:20:21 Crypto millionaire since 99 and 5.6 mil on TikTok. Did you really write that? really wrote that yeah and i just thought it was funny because in regard of like a lot of the stuff that we see so you're lying you're lying just like the liver gang i don't have a tiktok and crypto wasn't in in the market until like 09 so both of those things are literally impossible, but you throw them in your bio, and here we go. Expertise. Yeah, so Lane Norton's an interesting one. So he's giving a lot of good information, and yet it's also angry. It sounded like he had a body disorder from talking about his back fat was his biggest – of course.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Yeah, I mean I need two beers to take my shirt off at the beach like like i fully get it i i don't by the way i don't think yeah i don't stephi i yeah i don't think um i don't see the anyway i just wanted to say that that as i looked at all these characters who were judging him, it started just clicking for me. Oh, these are guys all who have – they have issues. They want – their whole life they're going to be looking for someone to betray them. Yeah, I like Katie's comment a lot there. Everking is not a politician who works for us. He does not owe us anything.
Starting point is 01:21:43 He's a businessman selling his ideas and products. You can choose not to follow him. And then the people who we do that are supposed to be working for us that should be held accountable at the highest possible level in terms of the decisions they're making and how much they affect society and your local communities. Get away with fucking whatever they want. Touching kids, hopping on private air private jets to islands and nobody you know hey don't question that you know this uh tech billionaire that's going to come around and save the world with his philanthropy no nobody questioned that but if you have a discussion we need to see your medical degree but bill gates could do whatever the
Starting point is 01:22:18 fuck he wants and no one questions his medical medical degree you know these politicians feed us all these lies and create all these policies and stuff that affect us, our daily lives. But yet when those policies go awry and stuff, there's zero accountability. In fact, 50% of the population hops on their side and their team and defends the craziness. Right, right, right. But Liver King does it and Liver King takes steroids and all of a sudden we're all going to be up in arms and everybody's going to post about it. And we're going to tell you how we feel and how we need an apology and what he should do. That was the only, that was the only fun post I made yesterday.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Matt Walsh brought up a subject that was like really serious on his Instagram. And I wrote in the comments, sorry, I can't worry about this too busy stressing over liver King. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. You've just been a mess savon i i'm surprised we're doing the show today yes we've had to talk you off the ledge three times now that you know i want to tell you about my relationship with uh the liver king too um basically i had this podcast it was called meet the parents and i had heard about this guy who had who had this is long before he was the liver king and i wanted to have mom because I had heard he had changed his whole lifestyle in order to save his kid's life with an autoimmune disease. And so I tried to get him on and I tried to get him on
Starting point is 01:23:31 and I knew he was a wealthy, successful businessman. And I contacted his people and they said, Hey, Brian does not do podcasts. He's not. And liver King is actually, Brian's actually admitted that he was never thought of himself as a public speaker and he was really shy and insecure about his speaking abilities. So I said, okay, but I kept bugging him every few months. I'd be like, Hey dude, you got a great story. I'd love to hear it and blah, blah, blah. So then, uh, eventually I had Paul Saladino on, um, who I really like. And, um, I started fooling around with Kenneth. I'm going to talk to you about your smells too here in a second. I'm going to tie that in. And I started talking to Paul Saladino and I started doing the carnivore diet. And when I did the carnivore diet, I did it for me, pretty strict, but still not, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:12 super strict. Uh, I would say like 99% strict. And I did that for a couple months and I started getting, my hands started getting cold and my feet started getting cold. And I started feeling like something, like I started becoming too quickly aware of my heartbeat. So I knew something wasn't right. So I started and he, Paul, and I would text Paul and Paul would say, are you eating organ meat? And I'm like, no. And I, and so he said, Hey, you should consider taking these pills. And I started taking the pills and within hours that shit went away for me. Within hours, I bought the pills. So then I continued that relationship. I really liked Paul. I continued down that path and that was that. I had somehow gotten Brian's phone number, Liver King's phone number, and so we would text.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Just like, how are you? Hey, I like that post. I like that post. Oh my God, I can't believe how you're killing it. Or even in the past, he had sent me some content and he's like, hey, could you give me your thoughts on what you think about this content? And I would give him my thoughts. Hey, I would do this or I would change this.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Which I don't think he ever took any of that advice to heart, but I was flattered and understood why he would ask me cause I'm such a stud. And, um, then at one point we were covering, we were doing Wadapalooza and I just reached out to him and I said, Hey, you know, I take your product. Do you want to sponsor Wadapalooza? And he said, send me your PayPal. And he just sent $20,000. Just landed in my PayPal account. That was it.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It was a done deal. So I fucking text him back. And I'm like, hey, dude, I need to be put in touch with someone at your company. And pick your guys' brain because I want to represent you guys right. And he's like, he tried to blow it off. Like, hey, dude, I just like you and you've always been cool. And he's like, ah, he tried to like blow it off. Like, hey dude, I just like you and you've always been cool. And I'm like, no, no, dude. Like, can you just put me in touch with a couple of guys there just so I can make sure like the colors or the branding or stuff you don't want me to say.
Starting point is 01:26:15 It's like, it's your money. I mean, we're going to kill it anyway for you, but, but can you, so we got on the phone with a couple of his people and they were really, really great. And basically what they told us is like, hey, really all, it was kind of the greg glassman school he's like you don't need to talk anything up you don't like just be yourself just speak honestly authentically and uh about your experience with the product and we'll be happy enough with that i was like that's really cool you guys thank you and i'm trying to think if I'm leaving anything out. That was the extent of our, of our relationship. I continue to text them over the years. And then when this all shit went down, I just, there's another guy over there who I've become friends with who's on his team. And I just told them like, Hey, uh, love you guys. A tough time. Tough. This might be a tough time for you. I'm here for you. And please come on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:27:08 That's it. That was, that's my relationship with them. I would hope I would treat anyone the same, even if I didn't know him. Even if I hadn't exchanged a hundred texts with them in the past, but so there's that. I saw someone in the comments said Lucauka won event three which is pretty cool luka jukic i want to be a huge i want to be a huge luka jukic fan i also heard yesterday that
Starting point is 01:27:36 lazar was in really really really really bad shape and that i it was accurate in in the assessment when he came up the stairs on all four i said hey something looks like it's wrong neurologically with him and i am getting uh some confirmation that he was that no one was home when he got to the top and uh didn't he have an issue with his nutrition one like at a couple of the events too. Yes. I wonder if that's like playing a factor here as well. Okay. Okay. Number 298.
Starting point is 01:28:13 My favorite subject, racism. 298 racism. I think this is comedy actually. Yeah, this is good hashtag end racism so i'm coming back from a walk and uh i walked past like a middle-aged white woman she's like 40 45 and um she clutched her purse and started walking faster. And I'm not the type to bring up the race card, but it made me uncomfortable. Because I literally can't think how in the year 2022 that she thought she was stronger than me.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Like, I'm a pro fighter. I lift weights bitch so good uh seven what what were the pills um you want to know it's funny philip did you ask that oh so let me say this too so kenneth you said that you that you have bo and you don't wear deodorant either you know it's crazy as soon as i started eating vegetables again i i my scent has grown crazy i never smelled when i was on as soon as i start swaying it off the the the meat the meat and uh diet i start getting crazy scent crazy scents so i don't know i need to keep playing with it but the fewer the fewer things i eat the better my smell is although my wife says my bo smells good so fuck i don't know like she'll come by and sniff me she also lived in india for six months i mean you know and like i don't know but it's definitely
Starting point is 01:30:09 it's definitely what you eat but i'm not i'm no matter what i'm not rubbing any stick under my arm it's just as soon as i start thinking about it logically it makes no sense i mean i own deodorant i would i would wear it like once a year like Like if I would have gone to Sousa's wedding, I would have worn Dior. But I didn't, so I don't. Fancy. I don't remember. Basically, and I still take them. I'll have to look for you. Basically, I take the ones that are the liver and the beef and the tallow,
Starting point is 01:30:42 and I mix them all into a giant jar like a glass jar and then every day i just randomly pull six out take them no i don't do cologne either i don't i don't even i don't even if my wife's wearing like suntan lotion or makeup or anything like i i'm i'm pretty sensitive to all that stuff like i just don't like i especially don't like if i kiss her skin and i were to get anything like on my tongue or my uh yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not a big fan of lots of makeup or anything either. I'm like, no. Natural, baby. 297.
Starting point is 01:31:30 This is what the haters sound like to me. Yeah, that's my deodorant. That's my smell. Ode to Allah Armenian. Yes. My natural scent attracts smart Jewish women. I can't help it. This is great.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Here we go. Oh, this follows along with the liver king. Here we go. This is so good. This is for the liver king. Fuck you. You almost had me. I've been watching your videos for over a year now,
Starting point is 01:32:10 eating liver, eating testicles, not showering, not wiping when you shit. And I finally had a breakthrough. Over Thanksgiving dinner, right after I had my seventh deviled egg, I thought, what am I doing? My ancestors were not doing this. My grandfather may have had three or four tops, but they weren't eating this many. And I told my family, I said, 2023, I'm going ancestral. I'm doing it. And for the first time in my life, my dad was proud of me.
Starting point is 01:32:44 My dad. And I know that because he put down his Kentucky Gentleman and said, son, for the first time in my life, I'm proud of you. And not a fucking week later, it comes out that you're not natty. Fucking week later, it comes out that you're not natty. I can't even look at a diet plan or a gym membership without feeling absolute betrayal. You are no king. You're the liver bitch. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:33:21 This message is for the. It's all there. This guy killed it. That's genius, right? Yeah, there this guy killed it that's genius right yeah that was perfect that guy's genius that's hilarious whole thing the psychology of the whole thing is right there oh he let you down did he
Starting point is 01:33:36 yeah that's funny That's funny. I remember being let down as a kid. Not very often. Not by my parents. But I can think of like, I can think of like, I can think of, I remember being at the airport one time after being away from home for three weeks like making a movie that's probably i don't remember how it was and no one came to the airport to pick me up
Starting point is 01:34:14 everyone had forgotten and i was about as sad as that guy you just saw what were you expecting someone to pick you up? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you have a conversation with them before? And it was like, yeah, I mean, it was pre-cell phone, but I just remember like feeling sorry for myself. Like walking out there and you're just, how long do you stay out there before you're like, fuck, no one's coming?
Starting point is 01:34:39 An hour, I think. I had to go to a pay phone and call someone. Were they like, oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I'm coming right away call someone were they like oh my gosh i'm sorry i'm coming right away where they're like pay phone maybe i even had a blackberry then oh did you ever want a blackberry no god they were cool you wanted one of course i had the nokia brick phone oh did it have the the raised keys on it yeah i mean it's just that little you know what i mean like the nokia nokia brick phone if you never had a blackberry with a full set of raised keys you have no idea what you're missing the iphone 20 years later or 10 years later has still not
Starting point is 01:35:18 caught up with that it was you had a keyboard on your phone man it was nice oh yeah yeah that has this one yeah i had that for a minute too those oh my god i'd play like snake on it and stuff do you remember just all the men especially middle eastern men like you'd be in la and every middle eastern man had one of those at least one like everyone's talking like this because the phone was so small it's like half the size of an iphone you remember that shit yeah can you see like a guy looking like me i also remember you'd hit the internet button on accident you'd be like oh shit you can't pull it out spent three dollars yeah exactly like oh man mom's gonna kill me if i go on the internet on that thing okay uh i don't know uh the 296 doesn't have a um
Starting point is 01:36:16 i don't even know what it is i didn't write anything underneath it let's let's let's let's let's see what's behind door number three susan oh yeah this is yeah this is great this is great here we go and here this goes back to that thing the democrat and republican thing like how are you not how are you not making the connection what is so bad over there that you continue to defend this this realm okay actually this guy's great interesting fact in the state of california it is illegal to produce goose pate why in order to get goose pate you have to force feed geese sugars and grains until they have fatty liver disease. That same state will feed your kids a breakfast and lunch at school that contain nothing but sugars and grains.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Let that set in for a moment. Stay motivated. And I guess I guess in defense, you can go to every in defense you can go to every republican you can go to every red state and say this see the same thing so strike that from the record you can see that everywhere you mean as far as public schools go yeah just every the all these people are feeding your kid poisons are worried about the liver king juicing it's like wait what the largest Wait, what? The largest state-run organization. Unified School District. Is it? Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:51 It actually takes in, like, I don't know the exact figure, but I want to say almost a trillion more dollars than our defense budget does. And you guys know how big that is. What a failure. But how do teachers still get paid less and have to buy their own supplies and it keeps deteriorating with the our education keeps deteriorating so then where does the money go uh if if we're home homeschooling our kids and granted they're still young but it's going swimmingly well should get a tax rebate for that we they we sign up for a program where we get
Starting point is 01:38:24 money yeah you should we do i don't know if it's a tax rebate for that. We, they, we, we signed up for a program where we get money. Yeah, you should. We do. I don't know if it's a tax rebate, but we signed up for a program through the state through. So basically someone checks on our kids every 20 days. It's awesome. I mean, it's not awesome, but, but I'm okay with it. Basically. She's just like, and I just love when my kids sitting there with my kids answer the questions. And it's not private, right? That's state. State, yeah. Isn't that crazy? So you're still controlled by the state? Well. Not in terms of curriculum, not in terms of day by day, but you still have to meet their standards because they're coming to check up on you. What happens if those standards aren't met? Then what happens? Is there a punishment for that? Do they say, hey, your kids weren't met
Starting point is 01:39:01 the standard. If we come back and they're still not up to standard, we're going to take your kids away? I don't know. I'm asking. I don't know. Yeah, I should ask my wife that. So what's the deal? So then does the state still have a level of control when it comes to homeschooling because of the – The standards are so –
Starting point is 01:39:16 Yeah. I guess I don't mind the accountability, but everything – I'm not disagreeing with anything you're saying. I should probably look into it more. My wife does all that. It's interesting because the property taxes is what goes to fund most of the schools. A lot of the funding comes from that. But then they'll at the same time say a lot of the schools that are inside these less privileged neighborhoods, the ghettos, the porters or whatever, then they're the ones that are lacking the most in education. And you're like, well, yeah, because the way you designed it. So of course, the property tax there is going to be much lower because there's not as much money in those areas. Therefore, it doesn't go back into the school. Therefore, education takes a hit. And therefore, the cycle just keeps repeating itself. But with all the money pouring
Starting point is 01:40:01 into it, it just becomes more and more layered of bureaucracy and less and less money that the money travels to the actual teachers, therefore affecting the education. Totally. 100%. And I forget what it is, but it's some crazy thing like they spend $30,000 on every kid who goes to the school, but we only get $4,000. Right. Which is just nuts. They won't keep giving them money if the standards aren't met oh okay so then they take you off they are monitoring you savvy yeah they are they are they are monitoring me we're all controlled by something uh number 300 poisoning your child this is just just all i have to say this is do not give your child sugar for as long as you can it It is not hard making it two years. You do not need a birthday cake at your one-year-old's birthday, and you don't need a birthday cake at your two-year-old's birthday.
Starting point is 01:40:52 They don't know. They don't care. Here's the thing. I'm going to tell you what to give them. You get frozen berries, and you pour a little heavy cream on it, and it hardens on there like magic shell, and they can eat it. Do not give your kids sugar. You are changing their whole life. You're changing their entire brain chemistry.
Starting point is 01:41:11 These people think it's funny that they're giving, look how this baby reacts when they give it soda. Check this out. Also, if you've already done it, be compassionate with yourself. I'm not hating on you. Just stop. David. If stop. David.
Starting point is 01:41:26 If you can't. Take a drink. And by the way, another thing. When you let your baby pull stuff away from you like that, like you are, you're already. You're already creating a monster so now pause so now this baby's being rewarded with love and attention for drinking soda like there's no homeostasis with kids it's so powerful every second to second to second there's no homeostasis you're always teaching them something that dad is so happy and so i i get like or whoever's filming that like i get that joy because as a parent you basically you get
Starting point is 01:42:22 joy from watching your kids behaviors regardless of what they are you just can't believe that this creature is doing this but this creature right here is now hearing the happiest that their parents will ever be and it's around drinking soda pop and if you don't think that goes into the kid and the kid obviously doesn't want to get rid of it because it's like cocaine they just watch their kid do cocaine as that sugar and soda and syrup and all that shit runs over their their tongue there's shit happening that we can't even imagine just imagine the first time i don't know the first time you kissed a girl or a boy and magnify it times a million it's crazy and if you really want to start looking up crazy shit start looking up something
Starting point is 01:43:06 called mountain dew mouth look at the look at these kids who are given mountain dew from a young age you shouldn't do that suza you do not want to see it no don't look it up hey remember a while back is a couple years back and i think the kid might have been like between the age of three and five and it was with um a bunch of people inside a living room and it took like a hit of a blunt but like knew how to like inhale a cigarette thing and then like handed it back and all the adults that are in the room thought it was like hilarious and were laughing and like grabbed it back and stuff like that do you think that something like this with the soda is equivocal to that or do you think it's a lesser i i i don't know i don't know they both just sound like
Starting point is 01:43:54 it just seems weird because i grew up in a car with people so i didn't know how to smoke but i grew up in a car i remember thousands of of car rides with my dad and my uncles and my friend's dads where people were smoking in the car with the windows rolled up. I remember all that shit. It's just – No seatbelts. Yeah. It's interesting because if the whole – if that Coca-Cola or whatever she's drinking is messing up her brain chemistry and just you know, just introducing a ton of sugar into her body that young. And then not to mention the societal rewards that are happening. I mean,
Starting point is 01:44:28 you could almost make the argument that that's just as dangerous for a kid at that age as, as any other drug would be for them getting a hand on it. Right. Like, should you treat that Coca-Cola and that soda the same way you would your prescription pills? Like you're not going to leave them around your kids because there could be dire consequences for that system. Right. So is it, you know, should we look at it in a similar way? And back in the day, you were saying the thing with the seatbelts and the cigarettes. Well, as we got more and more information, we realized how bad it was. The education kind of removed that from happening a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Now that would be seen as ridiculous. If you saw somebody pull up to the grocery store and they had two kids in the back and they had just hot box the car with a cigarette on the way there you'd be like holy what is wrong with you but you go back about 30 years and it was like kind of the norm you know you go to a restaurant smoking section or non-smoking section we're all in the same fucking building what are you talking about remember sitting back to back with someone at denny's and you're not smoking in there yeah airplanes that shit was crazy and the just the point being is like you you know, at some point, will we look at this? Well, as we look back and things change and norms change and as we get more and more education on what sugar does, especially to the young people and our kids and stuff like I wonder if there will ever be a big change. And you'll look back at that young baby drinking the soda and think of them in the same light as you did the person that was taking a hit of the cigarette.
Starting point is 01:45:43 The young kid taking a cigarette. Right. Fair. Fair comparison. and think of them in the same light as you did the person that was, you know, taking a hit of the cigarette, the young kid taking a hit of the cigarette. Right. Fair. Fair comparison. Allison NYC, none of us are perfect. Changing is so admirable. Most people see there's a problem and ignore it because it's hard. Word. I agree. Change. Yep.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Make the constant effort to, what did the caller say, to be like Jesusesus that's my take on it yeah uh poisoning your child give it uh 295 how are you on time i'm fine okay i'm hanging out today uh 295 uh the pathetic doctor uh-oh oh i hope we get to 293 someone sent me this uh inside of their new crossfit gym it's so crazy nice uh okay so i'll skip over this i've done enough liver king you guys know where i stand hey okay i'll say this one thing the liver king talks about a lot about loyalty and a lot of people sent me dms me and hey, that's really cool how loyal you are to him. I really don't see it that way. Gandhi said that no one should have, I'm paraphrasing, that no one should have friends.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Because what friends will do is eventually your loyalty to them will come in conflict with your own morality. And there's this Taoist saying that if your friends lied for you, they'll lie to you. To me, it's just, I get about it in another way. It just doesn't make sense to me logically. As I've explained many times to times, to hate on them. If the byproduct of that is it makes me a good friend or someone can project onto me that I'm loyal, okay. But I'm not like, I don't know. I just don't think that that's the best word to describe. I think people should be careful about loyalty.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Although there are some very loyal traits about me that I see have compromised my own personal desire for things. Like just even my kids. I have a loyalty to my kids that makes it like if i'm sleeping and i hear my kid say from the other room can you get me some water and they're i'll jump up out of bed and get them water and i guess that's maybe a kind i don't know i don't know what i'm talking about but i just that word loyalty maybe needs to be explored further on this show someday uh 294 oops oops oops I think this is the czar of the COVID czar on the great island of England the United Kingdom which is really just Iraqis
Starting point is 01:48:32 and Syrians the island of Iraqis and Syrians people of descent that Britain didn't need booster says top COVID czar Sir John Bell as he claims top top up doses only prevent infection for 70 days i'm like inundated with them look how many fucking ads there are this
Starting point is 01:48:55 article britain didn't need to roll out covid booster jabs to the entire population one of the country's top virus experts said today sir john bell Bell, who served as Boris Johnson's testing czar and an early member. Oh, anyway, you get it. I was reading. Sorry. Here you go. OK. Oxford University, Sir John Bell said he's not entirely sure UK needed booster.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Health chief said doses were that that's even worse. This this I would rather have someone be sure or not sure than after it. Not entirely sure. What does that mean? That means you have no fucking idea. That means you're not sure. That means you're not – that means it wasn't. Hell, we're talking about injecting kids with drugs.
Starting point is 01:49:38 It's either yes or no. It's not like I'm not sure. Let's just try a few million. Health chief said doses were vital to boost protection amid the Omicron wave. Sir John said the jabs only offer short-term protection against catching the virus. Maybe it's just a ploy to get people to take more. Anyway, there's just endless stuff like this on the internet now. You can find all these people flip-flopping all over the place
Starting point is 01:50:07 okay 293 this is a crossfit gym i forget which crossfit gym it is but uh it's an instagram account and it looks like they just opened like some sort of restaurant adjacent to the gym i think the gym owner actually owns this, both the restaurant and the gym. Oh, my God. And basically, you can be sitting down eating a bowl of, I don't know, meat and fruit. Oh. Wait. Oh, yeah, look it.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Here it is. Yeah, it'll replay itself. So it says, this is Jed at CFA. I don't know what gym that is, but look at that spread. Crazy, right? cfa i don't know what gym that is but look at that spread crazy right oh that was a wall of like those uh crossover symmetry for shoulder health yeah what's the name of that gym look at the write-up see see if you can jet at cfa fidelis training systems i wonder if that's even enough. Is that a CrossFit affiliate? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:51:07 It says Jed CFA. Fidelis Training Systems, strength and conditioning facility dedicated to optimizing the health and performance of its members. Oh, so it's not even a CrossFit gym. Man, that's a nice gym. Oh, go to that rope cutting, that ribbon cutting. What is that? See if we can.
Starting point is 01:51:27 Great day for our official grand opening. Can we see the stripes? Say it again. No, they just opened. That post was done 46 minutes ago. Oh. Well, congratulations, dude. How do you and Caleb zoom in?
Starting point is 01:51:39 I can't do that. I try to use the plus and minus, and it doesn't do shit. I actually do it with my mouth. You just scroll the wheel up and no just it's a it's one of these and i just like double click or like slide it has functionality across it it's kind of weird that's why sometimes too i can't control it and zooms in crazy tight all right our mission to optimize health wellness and performance to our members via quality nutrition sustainable training methods and encouraging oh christian atmosphere that not only makes them healthy human but a better one oh wow interesting i don't mind i don't mind the christian atmosphere i probably wouldn't i don't know if i was established in 2013 and then it looks like this is a new facility so i wonder if they were i bet
Starting point is 01:52:20 you they were an acrossfit affiliate yeah i mean look I mean, look at his name. The guy's name has CF in it. I prefer the smaller gyms way more fun. Fair. Oh, that's totally fair. I'm actually – I really like the merging of some sort of restaurant or some sort of like to-go meal prep style food place that exists with Inside the Gym. I think that that's a really cool thing i wish i wanted to pursue that more to have the ability to do that because look here here's some more pictures of it this is inside of it here let me open this up that was probably
Starting point is 01:52:55 like some grand opening spread i mean look at that you come in there and they got kill cliff you know they got uh sugary drinks good job yeah plastic bottles that'll reduce your testosterone no i'm just being the duck i was focusing on the good there but yeah i mean and the gym looks super nice i like the way they laid that out and separated the floor by the machines there i didn't see any weights in there in the back okay uh 290 let's see what this is i i i don't know i there's a chance we're going to do another show today and cover Dubai. There is a chance.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Oh, this is so fucking creepy. So here's the thing I want to tell you with this. This is a guy. This, for those of you who say that people creep people out, I don't know if you guys can see this, but I think this is Nelly, who I like as a rapper. I think he sings the air force one songs singing to a girl who is clearly not um does not seem happy and he's touching her hair and i think she's too i personally find her far too young i find her half
Starting point is 01:54:18 the age of any girl who should be brought up on stage at a by Nelly. That's just my, my personal boundaries. Can you hit play on that and pause the, uh, and, and, and get rid of the audio for all, for all the people who want to speak on subjects of empowering women and standing up for women. Here's something for you. leave me alone leave me alone I have a strong powerful wife mom sister who's taught me a ton of shit who I admire who I never thought of as a difference as a man or woman
Starting point is 01:54:54 look at this girl that girl look at that body language and there's a bunch. Yeah. She's brought on stage. I guarantee you the parents of that girl are like, fuck, we should have just grabbed her and pulled her down.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Nellie should have recognized it. Yeah. And been like, I mean, was he singing to her? I couldn't, obviously the audio is not playing but someone wrote in the comments like bro what are you doing touching her hair yeah there's just boundaries there's just just common sense boundaries is that like i don't want any strange man talking to my wife or my sister like that why would i want them doing that to my nine-year-old, 12-year-old daughter?
Starting point is 01:55:50 Yeah, that's weird. She's crazy. But crickets from all the virtue signalers, once again. Of course, yeah. Okay, 289. This one's fantastic. This is fucking, this takes the cake. I'm sure everyone's fantastic this this is fucking this takes the cake i'm sure everyone's seen this already this is the most bizarre
Starting point is 01:56:10 i don't know how to this is bizarre brace yourself people hold on tight for this one this one is fucking batshit crazy. Here we go. Controversial opinion, but if you have a token white and you're hanging out with your friend group of color, you need to ask permission from everybody in the group to bring your white friend. Like, don't just bring them. Ask for explicit permission from everyone. Because just because you're comfortable with them doesn't mean that everybody's comfortable with them. I might not be in the mood to deal with white shenanigans that day. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:56:50 And another thing, it feeds into their ego. Like, don't let them think they're a good white person. Don't give them that card to use against other people. Please don't do that. Controversial. Yikes. Yikes. It's all just one mind.
Starting point is 01:57:21 You see that like like everywhere she says white, you can put the word black or Samoan or Asian or Jew. Like it's all just one mind. You see that. Everywhere she says white, you can put the word black or Samoan or Asian or Jew. It's all just one mind. Nothing has changed. That's crazy. Except it's just – it is just okay now in 2022 to just be openly racist. Under the guise – God, i would love to go back during the era of slavery and hear how some of those fucking people justified it god i'd love to just be a fucking flea on a wall listening to that shit and hear those oh like try to explain the logic behind like how that that's like okay she's justifying somehow she's justifying racism. Like, just make her a white man. Say that about any other race. Talking about black people in 1940 or 1930 or 1920 or 1850.
Starting point is 01:58:13 You picked a fucking year. It's just nuts. I wonder – I mean, how shallow and surface is her thinking it's just very in fact i would say there is no surface thinking yeah i don't even think there's any thinking really happening there i think it's just like reacting and thinking like oh this is okay because it's the popular thing so i'm going to put this up right there i haven't i haven't heard this word before that's amazing race blaming race blaming hey if you haven't seen the movie no safe spaces you can actually see that in you you will actually see that thinking they will show you a college campus where they ban white people for going for a day
Starting point is 01:59:05 and you will actually see this and it is you will actually see modern day open don't bring your white friends unless you ask that's amazing that is amazing don't bring your white friends unless you ask. That's amazing. That is amazing. Uh, two, two 88.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Oh, I can't wait to show you two 87. I can't wait to show you guys two 87 too. I think this one's pretty good too. Why did the transgender man only eat salad? Because he was a her before. Why did the transgender man only eat salad?
Starting point is 02:00:08 Because he was a her before. Herbivore? Herbivore? Okay, I get it. That one went off my head. I was lost there a little bit on that one. Thanks for saving me. You're welcome.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Okay, 287. is this a world champion or is this someone with an eating disorder look at this fucking athleticism but with this body i am tripping look at it look at the girl in would think like she needs to eat a sandwich but maybe i don't um yeah i think she looks i think she looks exactly like all the other ones except for she's just taller so it's the like very lean runner body type seems way more predominant. That's lean. That's very lean. Yeah. Maybe not as much as the girl,
Starting point is 02:01:11 but the one right behind her was too. I mean, her face isn't sunk in. So it looks like she's adapted to it, but doesn't don't don't. Aren't you concerned that those legs can look at her elbow, dude? Her. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:21 And bicep and tricep are narrower than her elbow. Do you know that phenomenon? That's like you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like she doesn't even carry her groceries in from the car because she's just working so hard not to have any muscle mass. That's what it looks like. Like one of those people that never goes in the sun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:41 That's a runner's bot. So, okay. So it's not an eating disorder. That's just that's that uh i mean i don't know that dialed in i mean she's amazing right she's like the best in the world at what she does yeah yeah and she's yeah she's obviously knows her knows her sport there but i i don't know i just think that it had like you know how those runners have super especially like the ultra runners and stuff like that just like crazy lean but i don't know man i don't know her specific situation but i would assume that she might benefit by
Starting point is 02:02:16 potentially having some more consumption have a snack well you've seen like the ultra runners and stuff too right or like the iron man or like um you know their their suit like they look like they're gonna blow away in the wind half the time and you're like dude if we just put you underneath a 45 pound barbell and had you back squat i would be afraid that your legs and everything would just like fall off like it just can't even support any external load at all. I don't think it's uncommon also for those people to get just fractures from just doing their sport. Yeah. And I think like anything, when you take it to too much of an extreme, it's, it's going to become unhealthy, right? Like you could even make the argument that almost majority of the MMA fighters have some sort
Starting point is 02:03:00 of eating disorder. I mean, bulking up up like that then cutting the weight and then putting the weight back on like that shit's crazy and that's really unhealthy and you think about i bet you if you were to take the weigh-in number right like whatever those guys weighed in at at the time that they had to make weight for the fight and then we're like okay here's you know the number 100 pounds and then you weighed them as they were like you know walking into the ring like there was a scale there so at the top top step, it just deplayed it. You would see massive fluctuations. Alex Bahia said that he, he weighed in at 185 and 24 hours later, he entered the ring at 222. That's a 38 in 24 hours. I,
Starting point is 02:03:36 that's an eating disorder. I would say, because you're doing, that's six gallons of water. That's insane. That's five gallons of water. I think that's five gallons of water i think a gallon of water weighs like seven pounds uh jeffrey birchfield says you can't say it's eating disorder okay yeah i mean i i honestly didn't i didn't know i was just like uh yeah look at alex yeah i mean freak but that i i and maybe you know've been, I've been wondering this myself. Do you remember when you were a kid and you look at bodybuilder Susan and you're like, and you just knew right away that something was wrong. Yeah. Like you're just like, yeah. And then the first time maybe you go to the Arnold or Mr. Universe, you're like, oh fuck, this is a
Starting point is 02:04:19 giant crowd of people with some sort of mental disorder. It's just a crew of people with some sort of mental disorder it's it's just a crew of people with mental illness that it's um it's a bizarre bizarre shaped crowd who are overcompensating or become it's fallen down an alley even that tanning shit and then they always justify well it's the it's the bright lights no no and he looks so weird no you look horrible even up there yeah and so i started thinking they probably don't know that they've that how bizarre they are because it's it's like it's like mike tyson buying a lion like you don't know how stupid your richness has made you until you buy a lion but then you're so rich like you don't know but everyone around knows you're a fucking idiot like no one buys no one should buy a lion and walk it around on a chain like like what a fucking pain to have a lion how stupid just donate money to the reserve and let
Starting point is 02:05:15 them and go see one but um so so that that community grew but because they lived in an echo chamber they don't realize how fucking that they're that they're just screaming their mental illness, right? I was thinking the other day maybe CrossFit's like that. Like we've been in it so long that we don't know how weird we look to the rest of the world. Maybe conflating CrossFit the sport with CrossFit inside the affiliate in that particular comment because i could i could see what you're saying as far as like us being really into like our sport of it not realizing how like crazy that looks to everybody else but i think crossfit the methodology as it stands is is not i think it's the only well sound thing that we have in the health and fitness industry okay fair but but i used to go to the
Starting point is 02:06:05 gym for years and i did all the same movements the bodybuilders did you know i mean i love the lap i didn't do the any of the leg press shit i didn't do any of those leg machines but i did like you know the seated press the lap pull down a lot pull down you know i ran i ran on the treadmill yeah god i love a lot pull down dear bill that i don't even think they make one never mind scratch that dear bill they do they do they do yeah dear bill and katie please just send it to my gym God, I love a lap pulldown. Dear Bill. I don't even think they make one. Never mind. Scratch that, Dear Bill. They do. They do make one. They do?
Starting point is 02:06:26 Yeah. Dear Bill and Katie, please just send it to my gym. Thank you. A lap pulldown machine and a stairmaster. Sunil Matwani, Trump or DeSantis? I haven't even – I don't know. Here's the thing. I think Trump's kind of pigeonholed it, right?
Starting point is 02:06:43 Because he has enough to where, like, so what happens if they don't want him as a Republican primary? I need to see who the Democrats are running first before I decide. Well, do you think he still just runs? Yeah. Who, DeSantis? No, Trump. Oh, I don't know. I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:07:01 I actually, I just, I'll tell you, I saw him like openly attacking DeSantis, and I didn't like – I just – Well, of course he has to. I put my blinders up. I was like, no, no, don't talk to me. I don't want to hear that kind of shit. Yeah, I mean I forget where I heard this listening to it, but they were talking about essentially like if the argument was that if Trump doesn't make the Republican primary, he'll just run as an independent. So there's essentially kind of – he's almost pigeonholed them a little bit to like you've either got to embrace it or you're going to have one hell of a fight on your hands because now you're going to have this person who could self-fund, already has a massive following, and is now going to run as an independent. Referencing DeSantis. Referencing Trump. Oh, Trump has – right, right.
Starting point is 02:07:50 But referencing DeSantis as the one who would have to run as an independent? No, Trump would run as independent. Like if the Republican Party said we want DeSantis instead of Trump, we're not going to make him the primary candidate. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. Then Trump just says, okay, now I'm going to run as an independent and just expose both sides.
Starting point is 02:08:09 You know what I mean? Yeah. So I'm going to – like I said, I'm just more or less just – Can't we all get along? Kumbaya. Call her. Hi. What's up, Siobhan?
Starting point is 02:08:20 It's Philip Kelly. Oh, Philip. What's up, brother? I was just going to comment about the... I'm in the middle of working out, but I was just going to comment about the way you were... I know, I know. I'm listening. But I was going to comment about the way you were describing looking at the people at the Arnold when you were younger. And the reason why I just commented in the chat about the CrossFit Games athletes,
Starting point is 02:08:47 I think that it's very easy for us, people who do CrossFit, to get used to seeing people look the way that they do, not just at the CrossFit Games, but even just in our affiliates, that we almost become numb to it. And for the general population who doesn't do crossfit they are numb to the way most americans look overweight unhealthy oh yes everyone recalibrates to their environment i see
Starting point is 02:09:13 what you're saying there yeah that's a good point right right exactly so it's like when somebody says that's weird i always think well what's weird i mean everybody's definition of weird is their own and what is normal. So to us, the way CrossFitters look, to us, it's normal. To the outsiders, I mean, I'm going to use the way women in particular can look if they're doing CrossFit. And they may get ridiculed from other people. Let's say the girl is particularly ripped maybe they're have more muscle like maybe their muscles are showing more in their arms all that sort of thing um to the outsiders and maybe even to some of their i've had friends who they've gotten criticized from other people outside of crossfit and accused of doing steroids
Starting point is 02:10:00 for example just because the girl can do pull-ups. Yeah. For sure. Well, my wife is jacked, and when we go out, it can be a scene sometimes. And when I first started CrossFit, I thought, holy shit, how are these chicks so muscular? I didn't think they were on steroids, but I just thought it was weird. And I fully don't think it's weird at all. Now I go the opposite. I'm looking at these runners' bodies, and I'm like, so you're right. I adapted.
Starting point is 02:10:27 You're right. Yeah. No, I think it's just, it's probably just human nature too. Right. But, uh, but yeah, like the way, the way to cross the games app, we're, we're used to seeing these people look like this. Right. And, uh, um, outsiders, of course they see what happens at the games and they, they apply
Starting point is 02:10:42 that and think that it's what happens in the affiliates and that's not necessarily the case most of us are normal people who are just trying to be healthy um hey the same things with boobs the same things with boobs yeah true nice healthy boobs that have a good dangle to them on a 50 year old woman that no these idiots have lost their ability to appreciate all boobs because if they don't look like fucking water balloons cut in half they they they've ruined it for themselves you know it's like it's like when i was a kid i used to think a hairless cat was disgusting now i'm like fuck i wish i owned a hairless cat i broadened my ability to enjoy more things i was wrong before yeah it's yeah yeah everyone recalibrated to
Starting point is 02:11:27 liking fucking cyborgs instead of just well it's just like not not to take it further but it's just like with i'm gonna i'm gonna take it way off into another realm but just like with the pushing of boundaries of things and agendas and you know uh jordan peterson has described this where they just do it slowly then they back up a little bit and then they push a little bit more than they back up a little bit and they keep pushing and pushing yeah and so until you know people go wait how the how did we get here how did this happen and it's like well you let it happen right so we get used to like the environment that we're in, I guess, you know, then, then nothing becomes shocking anymore.
Starting point is 02:12:09 Not even Balenciaga ads with kids in them. Yeah. We, we, we, we let our school, we sent our kids to schools because it was supposed to help them. That's and then, and then now they've turned into indoctrination camps. Yeah. We gave the entire world a forced injection to thinking it would help the world and now it's like everyone's like oh shit have you seen have you ever seen this video of dr fauci talking about how they can't give out um uh even if they did come up with a vaccine for aids it would take 12 years because that the long-lasting effects of vaccines what it could
Starting point is 02:12:42 have on the general population, could be devastating. Have you ever seen that video? Yeah. It's fucking scary. It is scary. I stood up because I have to pee, so I'm doing it, and I'm stretching a little bit because it's cold. All right. I'll let you get back to it.
Starting point is 02:13:02 I'm listening while I work out. Okay, cool. You get back to working out. Thank you. Bye. All right. Take care I'll let you get back to it. I'm listening while I work out. Okay, cool. You get back to working out. Thank you. Bye. All right. Take care.
Starting point is 02:13:09 That's funny. Yeah, now you're restricted by the cord. What are you doing? I got my foot and I'm holding my big toe. Don't try this at home people nice i love those born primitive pants they are yeah i got that same color those are nice huh oh my god they're so nice so it was in my whole entire life i've never just spent a day in sweats i never even wore sweats i yesterday, I had my morning Bloody Mary in these. I never changed them. I just took them off at one point, but long johns underneath them.
Starting point is 02:13:52 Awesome. That parking lot right behind that window right there is where I sat with my car when it wouldn't start. It was parked on that side, and I just chilled out there for a while. I just chilled out there for a while alright let's finish on this one I don't know what it says but it's 283 and it's called Honor Women oh I just saw it that's so funny this popped up in my
Starting point is 02:14:17 in my thing too and I just watched this not that long ago oh yeah this is good I think too. And I just watched this not that long ago. Oh yeah, this is good. Before you start, it's perfectly okay. It's perfectly okay to honor women. It's not sexist. I can see how you could twist it that way if you wanted to, but it's perfectly okay to honor women. It's perfectly okay to treat women differently than you might treat a 40-year-old woman differently than you might treat an 18-year-old man.
Starting point is 02:14:56 It's perfectly okay if a woman gets on the bus, a pregnant woman gets on the bus and you stand up and give her your spot. You're not going to be able to talk me out of that. You're not going to be able to talk me out of that. You're not going to be able to call me a sexist for that. If I have to own it at that point, then so be it. I am. I was raised that way. I'm happy to be that way.
Starting point is 02:15:15 I would stand for an older man. I would stand for a mom with a young kid. There's things that I will do for women that I won't do for an 18-year-old boy. Not bad things. I don't let my wife walk on the outside of the street where the cars are. When I crossed the street and I'm with my wife, I never just worry about myself. I worry about her always. I'm never, I, God, I hope not. You know, maybe I slip up once in a while, but I'm always concerned about, even before I had kids, I don't look for threats for myself when I'm, when I'm by myself, like I do when I'm with my wife,
Starting point is 02:15:50 I make sure that, you know, things are safe for her. I might pop two Advil for myself or four Advil for myself and never think twice. If my wife gets Advil, I'll make sure that the seal was on already and I'll read the back. And like, like I, I just do those things for my woman. And I'm perfectly okay with it. Call me sexist. I don't give a fuck. Okay. Excuse me. I see two sisters standing. Why are the sisters standing and the brothers sitting? We want to sit. We can ask.
Starting point is 02:16:20 Well, you ladies got to speak up for yourselves. Same 40 years ago. There's no statute of limitations on chivalry. As gendered and sexist. And polite. And patronizing. And polite. What kind of law do you practice?
Starting point is 02:16:38 I'm a criminal defense attorney. You ever represent domestic violence defendants? Many times. Knowing that they're guilty? Meaning what? Meaning you have a choice. Watch it. Someday you may need the Sixth Amendment. Oh, that's lawyer talk.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Oh, I see. So we got a Sarah Lawrence-Soul sister in the band. Ha ha. I'm not your sister, asshole. I'm not an asshole. I'm sorry. God, Denzel's so good. Denzel's the one in real life, too. If you ever haven't watched that guy in a sit-down interview, it's so interesting.
Starting point is 02:17:12 I saw this interview of him one time, and he uses a body doubler. He doesn't do movies where he has to kiss another woman or do sex scenes with another woman because of his wife. woman because of his uh because of his wife and a younger seven may have been like that stupid but an older seven i'd fucking i respect the game i respect the game brother that's like yeah and he has the ability to do that you could just pick and choose because he's such a stud so any movie he's gonna touch or take a part in it's gold like yeah look at trish that's what i would have said that's what i would have said that's what i would have said too yeah i didn't i'm just an actor i didn't enjoy fondling or titties that that's the thing at some point at some point you realize we're all just actors oh trish comment about this
Starting point is 02:17:54 right now damn trish is on it i saw that and then one thought i had at the beginning too is like um when they're like no it's sexist or it's patronizing or something like that i was like i thought it was just acknowledgement like when we were in there we were kids and like my grandpa was sitting at the table or whatever and like your mom or your aunt or somebody walks in it was like what are you boys doing get up acknowledge your aunt being here there's not enough seat move over that's her seat now grab your plate go stand in the fucking corner give your aunt the seat so it was like it was like an acknowledgement acknowledgement of respect and then that way the whole entire room kind of knows and if you like she said we'll take it back 40 years of course there are a lot of you know things that
Starting point is 02:18:32 were different but if you take it back that far or anything else anytime a woman entered the room usually all the men would stand out of respect for her entering the room and then somebody would open a chair she would sit down everybody would sit you know what i mean then it would be set down i just always thought that that was like respect and uh an acknowledgement not so much of like a a sexist or anything beyond that just polite just respectful acknowledgement polite just like if you see uh my mom would carry in the groceries and if my brother and i were sitting on in the living room and my dad came home and my mom was carrying the groceries you get crushed what
Starting point is 02:19:05 in the world like you're letting your mom carrying those groceries she worked all day then she went and bought those and you little assholes are just gonna sit there on the couch and then it would be like you got up into the groceries and then it would be done you come back in the room and be like what are you doing in here this isn't sit down tv time get the fuck go outside and that was it then sometimes you'd play with the garage open and if it was uh we were too loud he just shut the garage and then he stuck out on the street get outside i'd say that um more than 50 of the opportunities i've had in my life opportunities is the right word i'd say 50 of the things that happened to me that i'm happy
Starting point is 02:19:42 with in my life out of the 100 of things things I'm happy with are because of the manners my mom and dad taught me. It's so easy. You can just train a kid to be polite. Yeah. Hey, you were hanging out at a park when the boys had a new friend? When? Recently. I just saw it posted up on Hley's thing in the story where somebody posted
Starting point is 02:20:05 you the boys and her all hanging out at a park oh we so what's dude it's crazy newport's crazy i know because i saw who posted it and i was like holy shit this is like she's like some catcher who had some signature glove and everything else dude she's so last time i was here i met this dude yeah that's when i was with you yeah yeah this man is a uh i don't know how old he is let's say he's a little older than me 60 years old and he and he was a cop and he was and he's also invested a lot in real estate and so he sat down and i was just picking his brain on real estate investing and then i made his daughter maybe i met his daughter first i can't remember that oh i thought you're talking about the ex uh professional hockey player oh him too oh this is way better
Starting point is 02:20:48 yeah that's how i was like that was the other time this one's crazy this is this one's crazy so so so basically anyway i mean she she's a um a correspondent for espn she fucking knows everyone yeah yeah and so we made i made friends with her and her dad and she has three sisters who all played i think softball in ucl at ucla there's four of them i think all his daughters got scholarships to ucla playing so just a crazy overachiever family raised by a cop just great fucking people and i got their phone numbers last time i left and this time when we were coming into town my wife called the lady and she's hey, do you want to hang out? And they came, and yesterday we all went to the park together. And just – I don't want to share too many stories yet, but the number of opportunity when you live somewhere like this and you have a podcast is nuts.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Like – Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I'm going to move down here. I didn't believe all that bullshit, like when they'd be like, you got to be here it's gonna change it you're gonna make the networking and relation i was always like ah yeah not really but then even in just the short amount of time we've spent there it's always i like instantly i was like oh okay it's like we're just having a conversation with that guy he had his daughter you're like oh you let the daughter play in the
Starting point is 02:22:01 bouncy house like what are you doing he's like oh i was a pro hockey player now i have this podcast and we're like oh and you get chat you get looking each other up online you're like holy shit you know it really is true there are people to network down there especially in the media space that's for sure yeah a lot this is where rich people come to die for sure not florida uh there too there too all right guys uh yeah i'm doing pdns uh thank you very much for uh tuning in uh we will see you guys tomorrow uh i suspect we're going to do something later on today i've reached out to the boys uh and um sorry the gentlemen and uh um on our dubai championships thread and i think we are going to do a show later on today recapping uh what
Starting point is 02:22:41 happened so stay tuned if you want to hang out and talk shit look my note that's the first time maybe not the first time okay my nose bumped the mic all right bye guys i will uh see you guys later suza matthew suza thank you caleb of course we miss you to death today bye-bye adios

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