The Sevan Podcast - #701 - Let's Talk About Testosterone and Roids ft. Hunter McIntyre, Andrew Hiller, and Gary Robert

Episode Date: December 10, 2022

ROIDS!!! Let's check up with our favorite two testosterone injectors and our friend who produces the most natural testosterone. If you want to laugh, this is the episode for you. If you are annoyed by... guys having fun, TURN BACK NOW. Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:40 Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply and bam we're live that easy that quick thanks for doing this yeah thanks for having me i uh i watched the uh the video with the torque tank and the what dumbbell thrusters and back step ups yeah yeah yeah, yeah. Congratulations. How fun. I can't believe how nice that event looks.
Starting point is 00:01:26 It was a rough event. Yeah? Yeah. Jamie, pronounce your last name for me. Latimer. Latimer. Okay, so I am saying it right. Okay, so you are actually in Cookville now?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yep. And what hotel is that? I am at the Country Inn & Suites. That was actually a disaster. I had, um, all the hotels are disasters. You sounds like you're batting a thousand. I was, I had a room at the candlewood, like, um, one of the ones with a kitchenette and a fridge, everything. So we could cook and have our food here. And on Sunday that got canceled on us. Um, so we got moved to this room that doesn't even have carpet and it's a tiny mini fridge, whatever. It's whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Constantly, constantly vary. Yeah. It's the Masters. What's the name of the event? It's the Legends Championship, CrossFit Championship. And this is probably one of the bigger, if not the biggest Masters event. Yeah. Um, last year it was 40 per age bracket.
Starting point is 00:02:29 This year is 32 because with it being at Mayhem, it sounds like they could only do on like the main floor, they could only have eight lanes. So they're doing four heats of eight. So 32 is the limit. And you did day one yesterday. Yep. And how'd you do? a limit. And you did day one yesterday. Yep. And how'd you do? I got fourth on the endless ergs,
Starting point is 00:02:52 which was seven minutes of, um, row one minute rest, seven minute biker, one minute rest, seven minutes gear. Yeah. That's good. Right? Yeah. I'm thrilled with that. Like, luckily it was 21 minutes of work. If it had been like 12 or under, I, I would not even have been able to maintain with the powerhouses, but, um, I like longer events. So I was able to like maintain over the course of that. Um, so I was like 7,100 meters. Um, and then, and then the, I got fourth again in the second event also good. Cause I feel like the taller athletes were winning, obviously with the step ups makes it a little bit easier so congratulations and how many events how many events will you compete in this weekend um nine the event on
Starting point is 00:03:31 sunday is two parts it's like an event a one minute rest reset and another separate event so nine events hey that's awesome uh two fourths is fantastic yeah yeah you're in it to win it what what age group 35 to 39 and are you actually 35 yet i'm 39 you didn't see it holy cow i mean i know i'm old hey um uh what's funny is when i had this idea to have someone on in the mornings before i was gonna have jason grubb on and then somehow you slipped in. I don't know. I didn't. If you see Jason, tell him I said hi. I still want to have him on. Okay. So today you'll have two more events. Yep. And then today's Friday and then you'll have two more on Saturday. Is it, it's a four day event? Three on Saturday. It's a four day event. Three events on Saturday. Wow. Okay. Well, I'd love to check in with you tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Tomorrow we're doing a live calling show and, uh, we'll, we'll check in with you tomorrow and see how things are going. I'm totally available. I'd love to. Awesome. And say hi to Jason for him and let him know. I will say hi to Hunter for me. I will. I will. I will say hi to Hunter for you. Okay. All right. Bye. Thanks for coming on. Yeah. Yeah. Our very own, uh, Jamie, Jamie Latimer. Just like I,
Starting point is 00:04:49 just like I thought crazy, right? That's 39. That looks like 29 to me. My, my shit got all, you can't figure out how old anyone is anymore. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:01 She's not old. Seven is old. Yeah. She, uh, two fourths. Uh, she two-fourths. Did she say there were 32 people? Two-fourths with 32 people.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, at that pace, she's going to win the thing. She's going to win it. Who's supposed to win that? They're out there at Mayhem. This morning is going to be chaos. I was actually thinking about pouring myself two cups ofhem this morning is going to be chaos i was actually thinking about pouring myself two cups of coffee this morning um i i almost even felt like i overslept yesterday usually i go to bed around 11 and get 11 at night and get up at 6 a.m yesterday i went to bed at 8 30 it was weird
Starting point is 00:05:39 i never do that 8 30 uh no you're not Hunter you're Andrew Hiller oops wrong channel no just joking oops you're on the wrong channel huh no
Starting point is 00:05:53 am I on the wrong channel no you started five minutes ago well the reason why is I wanted to have I wanted to have Jamie or Jason Grubb on this morning
Starting point is 00:06:01 just to say hi to the legends athletes over there at Mayhem. So she came on for three minutes and 18 seconds. So she was here. Cool. Hey, two fourth place finishes in
Starting point is 00:06:13 an event that has nine events. She's kicking ass, right? Oh, yeah. Damn. Where was that at? Mayhem. It's not always? Mayhem. It's not always at Mayhem. I think this is the first year they've done it there.
Starting point is 00:06:29 It's where all the old people... I think she's the youngest group of people there. She's the 35 to 39. Although that Masters event might have a 30. Yeah. That place might actually have a 30 to 35. Someone will say, nice shirt, Hiller. He likes this shirt. I like this shirt it's cool they go sideways and across yeah is that new yeah relatively new have you seen your
Starting point is 00:06:53 wadapalooza shirts i did we're not allowed to call them wadapalooza shirts though we have to call them miami no oh i thought oh you're right yeah yeah, yeah. The super cool Miami Vice shirts. What's everyone talking about here in relation to myself and Hunter? What have I missed? Oh, I don't know. I actually haven't been. They're just hoping you were shirtless. I have a feeling Sheriff Hunter will have a differing opinion than Savannah Hiller and the Brian Johnson.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Oh. Gary Roberts. Holy shit. Hey, Gary Roberts. Holy shit. Hey, Gary, do you know Andrew? Andrew Hill or Gary Roberts? I don't think we officially met. How are you? Can I tell you something, Sevan?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah. I got to say that I'm really embarrassed because the last couple times I've been on your show I realized I was like after the fact I got off and I was like holy fuck I don't think I know anything about his co-host like oh that he's not my co-host this is my co-host there he is
Starting point is 00:07:59 no but you've had a couple guys on these same faces and I don't know anything about them, and I haven't asked, and I've been embarrassed to say it. What do you want to ask? Don't be embarrassed. I keep forgetting. I keep forgetting to do my reading.
Starting point is 00:08:15 This eye doesn't open all the way. I know you were wondering. What else you got? Is that true? From what I've been told, yeah. I think it's genetic my grandpa had something going on so um caleb is actually the co-host he's deployed overseas somewhere we can't say where because he won't tell us and andrew hiller is another youtube star that i leveraged
Starting point is 00:08:37 for to try to get more uh likes on my show any questions well i hi guys i was i was really i have this phobia of exposing that i do not watch your show as much as i should and i didn't want to expose a weakness that i'm behind on the times with what you've been doing and um when i come on your show i've been trying to prep like okay what is what am i going to say different this week? That's fresh from the last time. And anyways, Hey guys, I want to know more about all of you. Gary, you know, what's funny is probably two or three of the people that I speak to most on the phone. They always call during the show, which is just so self-evident to me that they never watched the show. Right. I did that one. one so so don't ever feel that way i don't don't ever feel that way i just love having you on thank you uh congratulations on your 632 mile
Starting point is 00:09:32 i am completely completely oh let's bye caleb i'll see you later i'm completely blown away that you ran a 632 mile is that i i didn't realize it fuck that's good to you i was surprised i was surprised that you were impressed i thought you would be like okay well you were getting there but we're not there i saw your four times you ran like a 10 tell me tell me about the first mile you ran that was like 10 something okay so here's the thing i feel like at any given time when i'm not crossfitting that i i have enough in my fat years and my like i've gotten lazy i feel like i i always have enough in me to get out there and give a 10 to 11 minute mile but like really suffering and like a 240 pounds a six foot one 240 pounds during that
Starting point is 00:10:28 period 10 10 to 11 minutes is there any walking no no it's just like it's just like a slow a slow jog and no just really no going out hard well anyways when i when i started my CrossFit days, I don't think – when I started back this summer, I don't think it was a MRF. It was a MRF in my first week. That's a terrible coach. Well – Like fucking Boba – who's the fucking bounty hunter in Star Wars? Hunter, meet Gary Roberts. Gary, meet Hunter.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You look like fucking a low-rent Boba Fett or whatever that guy is. What are you talking about, dude? You're talking about a dog-to-booty hunter. This is the top bounty hunter in the business right here. This is the one you don't know about. This is the one you don't want to know about. All right. Try not to be distracted by Hunter.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Okay, go on. So you ran a MRF. So it literally was like three days in, MRF was programmed. And, you know, MRF, the holiday that we celebrate MRF is a big deal. So I'm like, I should scale. I'm clearly going to scale and only do a half MRF. But I really want to know what my mile is. So I'm going to do a,
Starting point is 00:11:45 I'm going to do a full mile on the front and the back open up time style. Yeah. So I just was curious and I, I gotta look, there's a chance it was. So when you, were you juiced up when you ran that 10 something, had you started your California hormones? No juice, bitch. Clean. You ran a, you ran a free dude. You're off the juice. bitch. Clean. You ran a 10. You were J-Free, dude. You're off the juice. Original,
Starting point is 00:12:08 dude. And then how long were you on California Hormones before you ran that 632? I think we're going on four months now that I've been popping. Bitch, I've been crushing. That was good. were you sore after that
Starting point is 00:12:26 running that 632 I have I have a slight admission yeah you cheated it's only you only ran three laps no we're not testosterone but you're on EPO you're on
Starting point is 00:12:41 that's your admission no again it was Pio, you were on Chico Ramones. That's your admission? No. Again, it was programmed. There was more workout. So there was a mile buy-in, and then we had to do a 16-minute AMRAP of front squats and box jump overs and pull-ups and shit. And I normally wouldn't go out as hard so i could continue the workout but i told my coach i really want to know what my mile is so i'm i'm really not going to focus on the wad i'm gonna give it my all and when i came back i really didn't do much in the workout i was like i was
Starting point is 00:13:22 fucked i was oh from the run, from pushing. That's okay. What's the issue? I don't see an issue. You said there was something wrong with that. Well, because I barely do some front squats. 115, I was so hammered. So I just...
Starting point is 00:13:39 You came in drunk, too? You did? Maybe the star of the show, you got a show pizzazz where you got it so you you spent it all where you could i'm just kind of i think i like that i'm just kind of embarrassed that i didn't have enough in the tank to uh to do well in the in the in the hey you you normally don't swear when you're on the show and um and you normally don't have a 632 mile. So you've been on California Hormones for four months, and I heard you say in shit already. Normally, you're pretty good about not swearing.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Do you think that the hormones have not only helped your mile time get better than Hunter McIntyre's High Rocks champion and giving you some potty mouth? I think I'm starting to become a fucking believer, bitch. My test is terrible. And I cussed all day long. I think it's a psychological issue for me. I don't, I do,
Starting point is 00:14:40 you know, your levels Hunter. Well, I did the same thing with your guys' testing company, and they handed me a shoebox full of needles and old syringes. And they're like, Hunter, this is the stuff. And I'm like, guys, I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I can't. But thank you. And then they gave me a bro deal. They're like, all right, fine, bro, whatever. Just go to a random supplement store and get yourself some boron zinc and magnesium and i've been taking that and if i wasn't wearing this jacket right now you'd be able to see how buff my chesticles are i was actually going to have a contest you on growth hormone versus just me on boron creatine like i'm on this is 15 what are we doing let's just see who can put on more mass between now and february 1st and allow myself
Starting point is 00:15:24 to get as big as possible. I'll whoop the shit out of you. Hey, can he really do that, Hiller? Can he take 15 grams of creatine in one morning? Yeah, dude. In the loading phase, you got to do like 20 grams. This picture is from like fucking 2012, man. This picture is not from two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:15:43 When did you pull this from? Oh, no, no, no. That was me. That was me just saying that I was going to get back to it. That's only July 10th. Gary, if you don't know, Hunter is the High Rocks world champion, by the way. Many, many, many, many times. That's before I got a parasite, everything.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So when I went to California Hormones and got tested, this was right after I had this parasite. My scores were just, just like tanked low dude look at this thing this is captain told me about the street meat the street meat dude look at this damn do you know how many people came after me do you know how many people came after me because of this they're like why don't you try to be humble for once you piece of shit serious that's a great video i know i thought it thought it was inspiring. I'm a trainer. I tell everybody, I'm like, listen, dude, it's a lifestyle. Go get your shit.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Go get after it. I mean, just like you, Gary, if you're feeling good, dude, you've flexed a couple times since you've been on the show. If you're feeling good, dude, live it. There's literally nothing going on in this world where you should not be able to stand up and feel proud
Starting point is 00:16:44 of yourself if you've been working hard on yourself everybody's surrounding in the audience if they don't want to clap when you're up on stage looking like a fucking star fuck them hey i didn't i didn't realize i i know i do know this guy yeah what's up grinder i uh i think i have the glasses you just didn't recognize him i didn didn't recognize with the shield, but I, I remember like your first, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:08 CrossFit games. One, one and done actually. One and done. Yes. Yes. You should, you should have said your only CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I didn't realize it was an only, but I remember the whole more than us. I remember the whole talk was that he came in. He wasn't technically officially a crossfitter he was cross cross coming over and he did well in the open and the whole story was how would he do in the games and i remember sorry go ahead i remember you had you definitely had some some strengths but i remember uh the like maybe early events some running but but the games did expose you. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:17:46 If I had spent more time walking on my hands like children do in gymnastic classes, I would have fucking killed the whole world. But I'm a real athlete, and I compete in contests where we move on our feet. I'm glad I actually know somebody on the show. My whole experience was more like
Starting point is 00:18:03 dancing with the stars. I kind of just showed up like i have a career elsewhere guys i have real things going on i'm not a dancer but i will show up and show you that i can dance and then i'll go back to my real life but all you guys are influencers you all have your own podcasts and they've never called me that again gary and we'll be just fine. Yeah, exactly, exactly. You are an influencer now. Hunter is an influencer. The other three of us, we're just regular guys. You don't call yourself an influencer? I would say Saban falls into the lane of traditional media.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I would say, I'm not going to lie, Hiller, you have definitely fallen into the influencer category. And I have to sell definitely fallen to the influencer category and i have to i have to sell my soul to the devil because my sport's so cheap that i can't afford to pay for my food and i have to post a lot of pictures of myself with my shirt off i think if hillar is op-ed he's editorial it is i mean it is but you i mean listen it is journalism pieces because you do go out and you do source good information and you do create a storyline, which influencers technically don't do. But I think in the modern vein of what media is.
Starting point is 00:19:12 He's the anti-influencer. He bashes the products. He does. But that I mean, I guess it's pretty good. I guess it's pretty good. I'm listening. I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong. I actually tune into your stuff often.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I kind of was heartbroken by what you did to hip and steel. I didn't watch enough to really get it. Here's the thing, man. When you're at that certain age bracket, you look good in the picture. Oh, wow. Yeah, you look great there, Gary. Hold on. I want to watch Hunter beat up on hillar a little bit save that handsome photo of you and your beautiful wife for a second somebody in the chat was asking for my wife that's why okay it's for chat people here's a picture of my wife okay go go ahead i like this hunter go beat up on him for
Starting point is 00:19:58 how how did he mistreat an old man how do you mistreat an old man i'm just not saying like listen dude that guy has literally been a flag bearer for this community especially for this age group for the better part of a decade and listen i i don't like you know he and i don't have some handshake deal behind the scenes here i think he's a superstar and i think at that level like when everybody's just like instead of like corners they're kind of cutting off a little bit of round edges on everything just to make the moves, especially in that category. He cut off more than a fucking round edge. But, dude, I mean, you know what I'm trying to say. I didn't do super deep research on this piece, but I'm just saying I vote for Hip and Steel.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I'm just saying the guy's a good dude. Why were you beating up on Hip and Steel? I actually know another name. Yes. Oh, yeah, because Gary's done some videos on Hip and Steel? I actually know another name. Yes! Because Gary's done some videos on Hip and Steel back in the day. Legend, bro. Hunter, the best thing that I can tell
Starting point is 00:20:53 is how old are you? 32? 33, baby. At a point in time, you're going to be unable. That's a dead giveaway. At a certain point in time, you're going to be 37, and you'll no longer have the mile times that you've got to be able to point in time you're going to be 37 and you'll no longer have the mile times that you've got to be able to run the races that you want to race are you going to just try to say well i'm going to not do five percent of the race to keep up with
Starting point is 00:21:16 everyone else who's doing a hundred percent of the race are you going to come after him did he skip reps or did he just kind of just like get a little range of motion? Range of motion. Bad. But it's really bad, Hunter. To the point where they shouldn't have even been done in the first place. And then he just says, I'm old. You don't know what it's like. My shoulders are beat up, but I'm the beacon of health and CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's like, maybe you were. But that's my point. That's my point. I mean, listen, listen. What's your point? I'm not saying that this dude, like when you were like at the, like when you're going for the Olympics and you're going for the gold medal in the, you know, the typical Olympic category, and then you're talking about masters and senior Olympics,
Starting point is 00:21:53 we're talking about the senior Olympics guys. And maybe their toe just went over the line where they were throwing the shot put a little bit. These guys are so gosh, darn old. And they're still out there getting it. I affect what they're doing is my point. Let me translate for you. Hunter's saying they're not real athletes.
Starting point is 00:22:09 They don't deserve your time. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Listen, you can put certain people. Gary, are you familiar with the situation? You can put certain people in the microscope. I just saw in the chat, it's David, right? David Hibbensteel?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Dave Hibbensteel, right. Did he enter a non-CrossFit event and just get whacked? I think someone's really good at summarizing this in about 30 seconds. We should let him, if you want to take a stab at it. This guy basically entered a competition, and he didn't do full range of motion on basically, let's just say, any of the reps. It was very poor.
Starting point is 00:22:39 But then he later on came out and said, hey, the reason why I did that is because I just was going to take the time penalty, and I didn't really care. But Hiller kept pointing it out to him, and instead out and said, hey, the reason why I did that is because I just was going to take the time penalty and I didn't really care. But Hiller kept pointing it out to him. And instead of the guy just admitting, yeah, I fucked up, he tried to defend himself. And then it just got worse and worse because every time he tried to defend himself, Hiller made another video. And so it was like watching – it didn't go good. Hibbenstiel should have just leaned into it and made fun of himself.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Instead, he took himself too seriously. Yeah. That, that does surprise me because he, he, I mean, he was the pinnacle, like as his age category,
Starting point is 00:23:13 I mean, he was walking legend. Hey dude, his, his ring muscles were locked out. His ring muscles were locked out like this. His overhead squat was locked out like this. It wasn't like closer.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And then, and then most recently in that thing with the morning chalk up he goes on to say that he has been avoiding surgery he's been doing stuff such as lodging things within his belt to keep his back from blowing up mid-workout and he's just falling apart it went from hillary using his falling apart along with him trying to say as if he's promoting the message of health and wellness for people of his age in the world and he's also trying to like parallel those two things into saying this is why i skipped all those reps you should be okay with it because of these things that i'm also standing up for
Starting point is 00:23:52 and it's like you're do you not realize what you're saying all in the 20 minute time span but he is he maybe we should maybe you should have just left him alone too because i do that's what i was saying so guys i always used to be a big fan of Sean Ramirez. Sean Ramirez, the guy who got popped with all the pads. He was like the master. Innocent, innocent, innocent. I don't know, man. I used to see him at a lot of events.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I remember one time he gave me grips at a contest where I didn't have grips. He's like, dude, just take them and you go. He's like, you're going to use them better. I was like, what a respectable guy. He was a good-ass dude. And then it all came out that he was all juice to the gills, and that crushed my heart. Like, I was a humongous fan of him.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And that's a piece that you go after, and you kind of put the guy on the pan and sizzle him up. But the hip and steel thing was my point. Hey, by the way, you know he sued the supplement company with detaining supplements and won. Ramirez did? Yeah, yeah. Well, MVP, dude, I think you're still, like, I'm still a fan, but it broke my heart. sued the supplement company with detaining supplements and won ramirez did yeah yeah well mbp dude i think you're still like i'm still a fan but it broke my heart i didn't do enough research to continue but he was always great to me and i always thought he was a great athlete
Starting point is 00:24:54 um but that sucked man that broke my heart when you saw that if you sign up for california if you sign up for california hormones between now and December 24th, we will do a free drawing to give away a level one. What's that mean? A crossfit level one. Meaning, if you basically go to the website,, sign up, submit your blood work, get the free doctor's consultation, you'll be, you have a good chance of getting the crossfit level one. the uh hey i'm now catching on what happened here and i would just like to say because i have been using california hormone that they do not send you product in a dirty shoebox hunter is lying thank you thank you gary gary that is why you're here talking to hunter they met me let me they met me in a parking lot they met me in a parking lot behind a dumpster and they took it out of like
Starting point is 00:25:43 they took it out of a trash bag that clearly had already been used before. And then gave me like a Puma shoe box full of all the stuff. And they took a semen sample from Hunter. They took blood from you, Gary. I don't give away semen. They're going to sell it to the Russians. They need this juice. The Russians are going to try to use it against us eventually. It's been very professional. Although I got to say just last night, California home home, I am on my last dose. eventually it's been very professional although i gotta say just last night uh california home
Starting point is 00:26:05 home i am on my last dose i just actually used it last night and please ship me my new package hey have you been doubling down gary are you running out quickly because you're giving yourself too many injections be honest no no no no what my last doctor's visit, he very emphasized that. So I'm supposed to take 0.5 mil a liter of the little syringe. And he emphasized that I do no, a couple times I snuck a 0.6, but he's like, it doesn't do you any good. Don't even, don't do that. Just. Well, it might do you some good. Hey, I want to see Gary go to, I want to see Gary go to somewhere else. I want to see Gary go to Hunter's High Rocks camp. Can we do that? Come out here.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I'll sponsor the whole thing. Can I ask you a quick question? Come out there and whoop some bitches. Dude, come out here, dude. This is man camp. I got literally like 20 pounds of wood right here that we got to chop. That's that's a green screen behind you. Hunter, it doesn't look real.
Starting point is 00:27:05 It looks like a fake background. It doesn't look real. It looks like this is a fake background. The cabin is regal. There's a level in front of it and it doesn't look anywhere else. Where does Hunter call home? I don't know this. I'm kind of like one of those kind of animals that traverses
Starting point is 00:27:22 across mountain ranges and I summer in Malibu and i winter in the mountains of lake arrowhead uh i i live in southern california between those two places and what's your camp when is this hold on let me just say something really quick about hunter all kidding aside he is arguably one of the fittest people who's ever fucking walked the planet it's arguable that maybe he was the fittest man and that just because of the definition of what we have in crossfit he didn't get it i mean the fucking guy's fit he won this high do you know about high rocks this fucking event nutball event i don't know details i've heard that the average professional time is an hour and 29 minutes and
Starting point is 00:27:58 this guy has done it in 55 minutes it's some fucking hellacious run crossfit hybrid thing and so he has this cabin where crazy people will go and train with him for eight weeks at a time and he runs this camp up there and uh recently he's he's claiming he retired and so now he's saying he's going to give away all his secrets i don't think he's really retiring but we shall see so in a nutshell that's who he is but he is he's trying to make a pass the Olympics, Gary. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 In a boat. Yeah. Sorry. Tell Gary about that. He's trying some obscure sport in the Olympics. That's he says he doesn't handstand walk. This sport is as ridiculous as hands down. This is so much,
Starting point is 00:28:36 this is so much harder than handstand walking. So right now my wetsuit is in the dryer spinning because I have to paddle in lakes that it's only 35 degrees here. I paddled yesterday in 28 degrees and I still suck so bad that I fall in often. And trust me, it's a, it's an eye opener when you get in there. Um, basically I decided, I was like, I've competed in so many of these things and I've, I've competed at a very high level for now 10 years. But the one thing that I don't have going on for myself is I haven't earned, I haven't made it to the Olympics. Like if you, I don't know, if we all sat down and we were sitting at a table and everyone's like, oh, where'd you go to college?
Starting point is 00:29:13 And someone's like Northwestern. Another person's like, I went to, uh, uh, you know, UCLA. And then someone was like, I went to Harvard. The whole room will stop and look at the person that went to Harvard. As far as athletics, if you're all sitting down with a bunch of athletes and one person mentions that they were an Olympian, that's the pinnacle. Until they see that you're in that boat, until they see that's your sport. When you see the guys that are really good at this, you'd be very impressed by what they're doing. I mean, they're full-blown. Have you ever been on a skier and basically ripping into the ground?
Starting point is 00:29:42 That's the range of motion, but you're on this tiny ass boat. It's more narrow than your keyboard. And yes. Yeah. Even though he dresses like Boba Fett, the guy is serious as a heart attack. Yeah. And are you close to the Olympian regist qualifying? I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:59 this is a dream. I'm as far as I could possibly be, but at the same time, it's, this isn't a hobby. Like, if I didn't think it was possible, I wouldn't be doing it because you know what? Like, I'm already the top of the sport in another world and I could fly around the world and get my flights paid for and get big checks for competing. But at the same time, it doesn't fill up my cup anymore. I've just been doing it for too long.
Starting point is 00:30:20 So honestly, I'm just like I'm on my last two three years of competing and uh i'm gonna swing for the fences on this one try to go for the olympics i'm getting good but i'm not great but hey you didn't you didn't fall in in that video that's pretty impressive i know just even balancing in that thing is a feat of a lot of hours of practice yeah it's it's ridiculous and my back is so fucked up already from it um you really have to be careful with the thing careful hip and steel yeah hey i got a i got a question because i was watching one of your videos just recently do you really think that did they pay you to do that with those no bull shoes or did you just decide that you had a free day to just cook and boil shoes i haven't
Starting point is 00:31:02 worn those shoes since i decided they were terrible and then i was like this will be good what can i do to these things did you watch that i personally don't have anything against the company i just have like if you go into any of my homes i have about 30 pairs of shoes from different companies i got no sponsorship or affiliation i think nobles are just dog shit also did you ask me if they paid me to make that video dude i would that just sunk in i booked the shit out of almost anybody wearing nobles and these ugboos right here i have an instagram called ugly so wait why no one likes them except the people who are paid to wear them that's the weird part gary what do you wear uh i you're not gonna wear
Starting point is 00:31:42 nobles because i'll shoot come on you're not gonna believe wear nobles cause I'll shoot. Come on. You're not going to believe this, bro. I still have nano twos, nanos, nano twos of the shit. Because, because you personally, every CrossFit games would take me to the Reebok store and always get me shoes. Uh, I still have, I still have unworn years. Yeah. So I'm, I'm still wearing like like i think 2014 nanos at the moment i don't know those are the wide toe box ones i never was a fan of those ones but i have brand
Starting point is 00:32:13 new have brand new shoes from like 2016 i haven't worn yet i'm still they're in queue bro it's awesome they're in cheap them and never touch no bulls because no bulls are like a mixture between penny loafers and some other like soggy cardboard like you know you know like those boxes that are in like ross dress for less like the ones that should be all the way in the back that are just keep on never get out of that section that's a no bull shoe i can ask a question sandals that are decent but they're like not cheap and stupid because of it. Can I ask a question that's just going to expose that I've been out of the world? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Sebon, you're not affiliated officially with CrossFit HQ and Noble, correct? Like the Noble CrossFit? No, I'm officially not affiliated with them okay so i'm off because i was around the rebot crossfit games it's still so weird to me to not see that on there and is should i be buying into the the new like i still am like in the old days like rebot and nanos and no i think hunter summed up our all of our feelings about noble in one uh uh hyphenated word dog shit just so it's not good i i i i think that what they stand for is a joke and i think their shoes are a joke and i think that their
Starting point is 00:33:40 branding i think everything about them is i think they're bad i think they're a. I think everything about them is, I think they're bad. I think they're a bad company. I think sending them money supports things that you would not want to be supporting. I thought for like a hot second, a few years ago, because Nike was taking on all these athletes that there was a chance they would come in and scoop in and want to be the title sponsor. Why, why didn't that happen?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Another dog shit company. They're smart. Is Gary drunk? Gary doesn't drink. Why would I be? Why smart is Gary drunk? Gary doesn't drink why would I be drunk? oh when can we talk about me mofo? okay let's talk about you tell us
Starting point is 00:34:13 my babies will be waking up okay tell us get them on the show tell us about the journey well I would just like to sum up that since the last time we spoke I have turned 50 years old, bitch. Happy birthday. You're twice as old as I am.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Oh, another swear. So I am officially 50, and I had a birthday party. Guess what? I rented out my CrossFit gym, and I had an actual party. I got a band. She was awesome. Like a mariachi band? Like rock and roll, you know, living on a prayer shit, like 80s rock music.
Starting point is 00:34:50 It was awesome. I like this. And the thing is, I invited all my friends and family. The interesting thing about this party is that the only people still crushing it were the 10 people I've become friends with at the gym. So like 11 o'clock at night, the only people dancing were my CrossFit homies, all my new, all my new peeps. So it's been really cool in this journey, this little bonus community of people that I've met at Iron Valley CrossFit, Travis Meade's gym over here in Oregon city. So I just want to say it's been awesome. A pleasant surprise.
Starting point is 00:35:26 When you said, hey, come back to CrossFit and start working out, I didn't expect I'd be reintegrated and meeting people and making friends and all that cool shit. And turning 50 at the same time. It's an amazing community. Yeah. So I'm very excited about that. And how much are you weighing? Yeah, so I'm very excited about that.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And how much are you weighing? So here's the thing. 307, 307. Don't let them put you in a box like that, dude. The scale lies. Well, I thought you would be disappointed I haven't lost. I'm right around 234, which when I started, we were 257, 258. Nice. But I got it. You do the Olympic heavy, 258. Nice. But I got.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Olympic heavyweight in wrestling. I got to be honest. I've just been focused on performance in the gym. And I feel metabolically, physically shit is happening. Like if I feel my arm when I, when we first started my, my bicep was not filling out my grip it was like little puny wimply and now i i just feel i feel awesome and like i was talking earlier california homer i'm starting to i'm starting to you know maybe think this shit's working you ran a 10 something then an eight
Starting point is 00:36:43 something then a seven something and then a six something in four months you took five minutes off your mile time yeah yeah what's your lifetime best mile so that's what's really interesting is when i graduated from the united camp with their runners over there march of 1992 wow my yeah 30 years ago holy fuck it's been 30 years i got you i got you go keep going the pft three mile three mile test in the pft and the perfect score in the marine corps then was 18 minutes flat and i ran it in 18 minutes and six seconds wow okay how many miles a week were you running that what do you think your best marine have you ever heard of chesty puller i just bought this book yesterday chesty oh dude this is supposedly you got to get this book dude suppose this dude's like the best marine of all time is he still alive no he's dead as fuck no no when you
Starting point is 00:37:51 go to marine corps if you're not working out you're in the classroom and chesty's like mentioned on like day one like it's like you know hey chesty puller sounds like a porn name dude he was a porn star didn't he was just fucking up all the people he was fighting chesty so in the marine corps we ran i we i mean i don't think there wasn't a day that we didn't run a few miles in the morning afternoon and evening it was they did not in boot camp they did not call it burpees, but I tell you, I did more burpees and bootcamp than I, than I'd done in my entire CrossFit of 10 years. What do they call them? Up downs.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah. I can't remember. They just were fucking awful. And I did a lot of them and I bombed, they would have us drink, uh, drink as much water as possible. Then burpee, they put all of us group in together, like 20 people. And then they say,
Starting point is 00:38:48 they'd say the person who's doing the burpees, the fastest I'll excuse. So they'd have you go max effort. And they're like, I, nobody's working hard. You fucking people are slow. I need to see some working hard and you're starting to fade.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And they starting to mind. Fuck you. And then it'd be like, okay, Joe out, Joe out. I need to see some working hard and you're starting to fade and they starting to mind fuck you and then it'd be like okay Joe out Joe out and then I'm like one of the last people I'm vomiting water because then they pause and they drink more water and I was vomiting while burping how do you feel about how do you feel about the softened standards of the military these days like how you can have like an excuse card like if you're getting yelled at too hard, you can just lift up this card and they'll just let you out of there. How do you feel about how fat
Starting point is 00:39:29 most people are in the military these days? Caleb has opinions. They do not have an excuse card. I swear to God, that's all bullshit. I just made a $1,000 bet with my friend and he won. he lost 35 pounds he lost 35 pounds in three months he's an apache helicopter in south korea this fat
Starting point is 00:39:52 fuck could like had to remove the padding out of the helicopter because he was so fat and i was like dude i was like dude you need to fucking lose weight like he used to be my rugby buddy and the guy who taught me how to lift weights in college now he's just a fat tank and so i made a thousand dollar bet with him because now he can he could basically like make a bedroom in there because there's so much space he's not so chunky but man the fact that they allow somebody to fly around a 30 million dollar helicopter that's like cushioning is up against the surface of the of like the windows that's a risk okay i got this is really good dude our president our president is fucking has dementia i mean there is risks everywhere seven in 1992 it was just a real thing that they announced that our drill instructors could no longer swear to us
Starting point is 00:40:41 because of mom's writing to the Marine Corps. And the entire thing was like, we used to be able to swear. But now my entire memory of boot camp is freaking frack. You know, freaking frack. And Robert Spock freaking frack. And Robert Spock. Really? They cut out swearing in boot camp? They cut out swearing.
Starting point is 00:41:02 But they did. I personally, they also are not supposed to touch you, but I personally was tackled by my drill instructor and his hands around my neck because I couldn't keep a straight face
Starting point is 00:41:17 in lineup. So he came over, I was looking at the guy on the other side and i couldn't keep a straight face and he ran over just like freaking uh pile of what's the movie gomer pile gomer no my dad used to do the same thing to me and he ran over and he tackled me over my fucking footlocker and he's like what do you freaking think is funny roberts are you laughing at my mama anyway so he touched me and another crew but we did not no way would i have ever said anything to anyone i was like dude i'm getting
Starting point is 00:41:53 out of here i got 13 weeks i will not complain to anybody but somebody jumped off somebody committed suicide and jumped off of barracks they couldn't handle it and uh really really one of the dudes in your class jumped jumped jumped to his death not my platoon a different platoon build a a different a different company but shit like that moms wrote letters and they did they got him to soften up up and I don't know how soft it is wouldn't that happen if he was out of the military you mean the killing part killing yourself part
Starting point is 00:42:34 yeah can't blame that on the army the thing is hey he didn't like seeing he didn't like seeing Gary get choked and so he killed himself. That's not what that's what I heard. Here's the true story that the facts are. They really hammer a home.
Starting point is 00:42:50 How much you cost, how much it costs to train you. And if you're a little bitch, we don't just let you go home. Like they really they really mind. Fuck you. You can't just at least then you couldn't just walk in and say, I changed my mind. What's your wife saying about how much you swear now? I never seen i've never heard you swear you swear like me now you you've entered the club the swearing club uh i gotta be honest she's still not on board with california everything i do she's like it's because i test hospital you hear it every day
Starting point is 00:43:18 if there's any drama if i don't respond to my son whining because he wants to frigging iPad or something, she's like, you're a little hard on him. Is it the testosterone? Oh, man. Oh, my God, man. Come on, lady. You being hard on him. Boys need that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:41 No iPads. Yeah. It's tough, man. The iPad makes parenting a little easier, but damn, they get addicted. They get so addicted. In the long run, they'll end up looking like Hunter without the performance. My dad, we didn't have any of these opportunities. My parents were just like, if you spoke up at the dinner table in the wrong way, you were getting.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, me too. Anyways. Oh, me too. Anyways. Oh, sorry. I just, I forgot to follow up. Someone asked why this is at the 50 birthday party. Me and the missus looking like a power. Damn focus. Yeah, you look good.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It's focused. You look good. I can't believe how skinny your face has gotten. Yeah, I do. I'm crushing it, dude. I am crushing it. I cannot believe how great i feel i thank you again you do a pull-up yet can you do a pull-up yeah yeah i can do a pull-up okay what are you dead lifting what are you dead lifting can you deadlift 300 pounds i got three third 335 the other day. Damn.
Starting point is 00:44:49 My biggest weakness coming back was dips. I just was so hard getting in that range of motion again, and I just went bandless on my dips. So I was using bands. So, dude, everything is going good, man. And even more importantly, I've dropped families like, hey, we need you to do shit. I was like, hey, dude, I got to be back. I got to go to the gym. You can't F up.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Like I am really prioritizing getting to the gym five days a week. In the past. And you take your kid and you take your kid to the gym too, right? I was. But then suddenly something happened in the beginning of october the temperatures dropped here in oregon oh my god it got so cold bro you have more testosterone than all the men put in oregon put together i bet she's not saying much it's oregon but still still. Let me tell you, my gym, I love Iron Valley, but damn, it gets cold in there, and I haven't brought my babies as much
Starting point is 00:45:51 since this temperature's gotten so down. And are you liking your coach more? In the beginning, he said basically he was too rough. Now that you're at California Hormones, is he just right? I like we're building a rapport. I really, I kind of bust his balls a little bit because he really tries to keep, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:12 what is it with CrossFit coaches and trying to keep pushing the programming? It's like, fuck dude. What do you mean? Like, he's like, Oh, I think I'm going to start programming Lester's. And I was like, what's the Lester? He's like, oh, I think I'm going to start programming lusters. And I was like, what's a luster? He's like, you know, putting through lunges in with the thruster. And I was like, come what the thrusters are bad enough.
Starting point is 00:46:34 You don't need to do lunges. You don't need to. I've seen that movement. I'm not, I'm not a big fan of that. And then like the other day we did lunge balls, like not just wall balls, but I had to, I had to do a lunge, throw the ball up, catch it, reverse lunge, throw the ball up. And I was like, Oh my God. It sounds like not drunk. This is, this is him guys. This has always been him. This is Robert.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Why do you think I'm drunk? It's the second time you've accused me of being drunk. I'm not going to lie. There's some, um, I cannot wear there's smoke. There's fire. I want to know what he's accused me of being drunk. I'm not going to lie. There's some, um, I cannot wear there's smoke. There's fire. I want to know what he's accused me of being drunk. I look like I'm the person who should be dealing drugs here. It accused you being on mushrooms. Matt,
Starting point is 00:47:13 that's what you wear to bed. You just roll. I do like how you, when you turn your head, I actually do feel like you're looking around at the cosmos. Like, like spaceship. Like,
Starting point is 00:47:21 yeah. Like when you do this one, Honda, seven, Matt says burpee contest with seven. How with Savan How's your fitness right now? It's good I feel like you don't work out Savan I feel like you just move
Starting point is 00:47:35 Master of the assault bike right there No I work out I work out every day 100 burpees for time No probably not I'm the least fit out of the three of you But I'm still more fit than everyone can you go pick up a pillow on that bed really quick just to prove that it's a real background all right all right thank you that's all sorry i don't think that you actually live in a garage with an srt jeep i feel like that's your mom's
Starting point is 00:48:01 living room and you've got backgrounds that's the subtle i'd have to get a wide i'd have to get a widescreen lens to show off all like the palatial mansion that i have in all my cars but uh you know me i'm humble put yourself like out in the range ah dude i hate the fucking word humble do you know how many people attack me on my social media they're like hey man why don't you try being more humble? I'm like, why don't you shut the fuck up and lose those thumbs and that iPhone while you're at it? How about when someone wins the Academy Award and they go, I'm so humbled by this. None of that ever makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You're humbled? You're humbled by the paycheck that you got for that massive movie and all the shit that you bought in that massive mansion yeah winning an award doesn't make you modest i actually i would go up there and be like i'm so prideful fuck i'm better than all of you i saw a video which is interviewing uh josh bridges and they're like hey man how'd you become so fucking humble i'm like that's not an interesting question shut the fuck up. Right. Humble is something that should be deleted from the language because honestly, dude, I think you should take action and excitement and enthusiasm to whatever you do. And if your exuberance is a little bit higher than other people in the room, then let their vibrations leave your fucking space.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Gary over here, he's exuberant. He clearly not humble about his situation what's the point of being i messed up great when i was coming on the show i had this big plan that i would say good morning and i forgot i was gonna get my my good morning vietnam in there robin williams you got to get a notepad dude let's keep track of these things hey i got something i gotta talk about before i go okay good so i've been using california home run for like four months now and i gotta be honest when i talk to people out in the world i'm starting to feel this overall pressure. Like, Ooh, that sounds, that's dangerous. That's dangerous. And it feels like, why, why does so many? And then I saw a little clip that says you cannot, you cannot, uh, patent testosterone. And I was wondering, is this like a big business hates? Like, I don't want to be conspiratorial here, but, you know, basically, you know, commerce makes big money off sick people, right?
Starting point is 00:50:36 And you get old, they drug you, and they want to just medicate, blah, blah, blah. And is there like this social messaging from big brother to push you mean pharmaceutical companies that are constantly trying to keep you on medicine that's going to keep your blood pressure lower and help you with your why why would you inject hormones into yourself which is already naturally created instead inject this insulin because you're a fat piece of shit and you can't control yourself everybody in my family has type type two type two diabetes because they cannot control themselves i don't even bother to explain the narrative of how they got into this position because they're too stupid to understand it i guess it's a very smart family and listen i don't even bother to explain
Starting point is 00:51:22 to people yet they're the people that try and i'm not an anti explain to people yet. They're the people that try it. And I'm not an anti-COVID person, but they're the people that you need to go and get your 17th vaccination, Hunter. Don't you understand how the body works? I'm like, I understand better than any of you guys, because I go to the gym. I can see my penis from a straight line from my nipple down. You have to look at the curvature of the earth of your belly to get down to see what's going on between your legs. Like these are people that do not understand what human health is all about and of course gigantic you sound like
Starting point is 00:51:51 the liver king no but i mean listen the liver king is a piece of shit and i won't talk about him hey hey listen dude you were the first person to promote this dude's narrative so you should wise up but um i mean the liver king hey yeah man dude you should oh yeah i But I'm the liver King. Hey, yeah, man, dude, you should. I wanted to put this. I sent this when we were talking about having more testosterone than all of Oregon over there with Gary.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I sent this, I saw this the other day, Jim's camera says that it's a toxin. You must terminate from your system. And I'm like, imagine saying that and believing it. You must be a really cool guy to hang out with. Gary,
Starting point is 00:52:24 I love your wife. Must be so proud. That really disappoints me to see one of my idols say that. That's crazy. I love James Cameron too. Titanic. Oh my god. Han Solo is the definition of testosterone. He created that
Starting point is 00:52:39 character. No, that's not the Han Solo guy. You're thinking the wrong director. I don't think... Didn't James Cameron create Star Wars? That's George Lucas. George Lucas, homie. It's fair. He did Terminator.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Indiana Jones. No, he didn't do Indiana Jones either. Didn't they do the Indiana Jones? Spielberg. Spielberg, bro. Wait a second. Oh, there you go. Spielberg, bro. Wait a second. There you go. Terminator. Avatar. I bet he didn't feel like he had to get rid of testosterone when he was making the Terminator.
Starting point is 00:53:11 True lies. Or true lies. I had that on VHS. The guy that made Star Wars is shaped like a circle. He did not make Rambo. This guy did not direct Rambo, did he? Point brave. He's the most testosterone film movies. Last action hero?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Alright. Someone's paying him. That's crazy. So just to follow back up what I was saying, the pushback I'm getting out in society, it feels like there is work to be done there because I really get it. Would you beat these guys?
Starting point is 00:53:48 I don't understand what you're trying to say. They're pushing back. It's dangerous. I tried to understand. I didn't get it. Like... Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Okay, it's not the same vein as like when you're out there and you're like, oh, I do CrossFit. And they're like, oh, I hear CrossFit's dangerous. Like, are you sure that's safe for you? So people are understanding why you're doing testosterone. They're not saying it's dangerous no they're into it they are no they're saying it's dangerous and they're concerned for my health and are really pushing like oh i really
Starting point is 00:54:34 like my i love one of my uncles he's like my favorite family member and the minute he found out he's like that really concerns me i think that is not like uh is he on medications himself gary he's actually battling like some really bad medical issues like so let me let me just tell you a couple of something 80 of america is on supplements 80 but probably it's probably 90 are fucking on medications the the amount spent i was i just looked this up the other day the amount people in the united states spend on pharmaceuticals is equivalent to the entire gdp of countries like finland new zealand and there's another 150 countries that go down the list we spend so much fucking money on pharmaceuticals and the these people it's like what hunter was saying these people are okay with type 2 diabetes medication when they could fix the
Starting point is 00:55:30 problem themselves but they have an issue with you taking a little bit of testosterone it seems uh i'm not saying two wrongs make a right and i know i'm appealing to uh you know it's not a it's not a logical argument i'm making but it does put some perspective and context around what you're doing versus what other people are doing. To Hiller's one more point. I just, I don't feel like when I took on this journey, I didn't realize it was like going to have to explain why I'm taking testosterone and be able to defend it. And I just don't feel I'm as well equipped with the messaging.
Starting point is 00:56:06 But what you've just said and Hunter has said, it helps me a little bit. I'm going to give you an easy button. Someone's going to approach you with something they're saying. Click this button. It'll give them a response. Then they'll say something and then there'll be another button that you can click.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Isn't it crazy that the vast majority of medications out there are so that you can eat a Snickers bar, but your medication is button that you can click. Isn't it crazy that the vast majority of medications out there so that you can eat a Snickers bar, but your medication is so that you can work out. Yeah. And I just, I think like, I'm like, so I say, I feel amazing. And they're like, well, you, you got frustrated with me last week about some marital thing.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And they're like, the test us. You know, they think there's, I'm like, bro, this has always been me. I've always gotten frustrated. Oh, my, my father, my stepdad put it the best. He goes, the thing we love about Gary is he's highly emotional. But the, the upsides is that when he's really happy is, know whoo having fun and then when he's really angry i got it i got it i got it tell anybody this anytime anyone ever says anything to you you are gary roberts what testosterone does is it makes you the biggest version of yourself in
Starting point is 00:57:18 every aspect and you just said that yeah you give it to hunter you see him what he's wearing right now we don't even want to know what he'd be wearing if he had 1,100 testosterone. Hunter, do you know that his sport, it's legal to be on testosterone, the sport Gary plays? What is that, the sport of life? Arm wrestling? You compete in arm wrestling? Dude, I'd snap the shit out of your arm.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I would bitch slap you, bro. I guarantee you. I wouldn't even hesitate. I will pie a flight up there, and if I whoop the shit out of you, bro. I guarantee you. I wouldn't even hesitate. I will pie a flight up there and if I whoop the shit out of you, dude, you take me to any restaurant I want, I would literally torque your shoulder so bad you'd never wipe your ass again.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I would bitch slap your fingers. Dude, there's no amount of test. You could take a bath in testosterone before we hang out and I would break the shit out of you, dude. Undisputed. Hunter have to practice ready it's not a question dude i would bitch slap you flop your bitchy hand open like this dude the beef on the bone right here dude it's unstoppable it's like a piston dude all i do when i go to bars i just get drunk and i sit back and then i just start to find the biggest man in the room and I snap down on that man.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Do you train your pinky, Hunter? If you don't, I will crush your shit. Nah, dude. I do the twist and ram. Dude. I do the twist and ram, too. Over the top, dude. Dude, ram jam right here, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:40 I would top roll that. Oh, my God. Let her get out of it. Hey, Gary, have you entered a tournament in the last four months? Dude, there's a tournament at Washington State in three days. Oh, are you going? I have a family reunion on the same day. I'm so pissed.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Dude, anybody who's got a python for an arm would ditch their family in a second. That's how I know you'd lose. My family would respect me ten times more for going to some truck stop in Washington and breaking some dudes off than hanging out with them. Listen, I've broken... Hey, Hunter! A 13-year-old kid challenged me to an arm wrestling match
Starting point is 00:59:15 and I broke his arm. Dang right, dude. Let that child know what's up. You broke a 13-year-old kid's arm? Did you really break a 13-year-old kid's arm? I did. You have to, dude. There's a kid's arm i did you have to dude there's a hierarchy in this world you have to i didn't know bro i barely went and his arm just snapped oh my god were his parents pissed dude jonathan vasquez is the one is the dude who challenged me he said i think i want to see him i want to see you arm wrestle my son and right before the finals of the tournament he was he was in the finals he was in the finals he had to take
Starting point is 00:59:50 his son to the hospital so he didn't get a chance to compete wrecked his weekend bro children stay away from gary roberts not the reason why you stay not for the reason you should stay away from most adults but uh stay away from gary. I thought you were naming the child. His name. And I broke his arm. No, his father. Hunter, stick to your sport. Stick to your sport.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You are not an arm wrestler. You are not. I can tell just by dude, your arm looks like a tube of toothpaste. Mine looks like a mountain range. It's the hand, bro. Speed, speed, hand. I will pop that hand open Bam! This is going to be a hard day for you
Starting point is 01:00:30 Savon I've been quiet, but I can smoke both of you We used to have some good armors You can't come to the party late on this You would kill me You would kill me now Guys, I gotta go Well, thank you It was a pleasure meeting you gary
Starting point is 01:00:46 hey dude i'd love to come see your ranch man come down here dude fort fitness is where we get the business done i come with a wife and two babies we got room yeah there's bunk yeah there's bunk houses and stuff here i can't no no no what he said is he said he came in his wife and now has two babies. That's what he said. Misunderstood, Hunter. I was rude. Hey, Sebon, thanks for having me on. Love you, brother. Thanks for coming. Thanks for checking in. Congratulations on that 632. That really is crazy impressive, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I still don't have my muscle-ups back. They're coming. I'm working on that. Do it strict, dude. Don't waste your time with that kipping nonsense Get yourself hurt Yeah I agree That's why you got knocked out of the CrossFit Games Hunter Because of my handstand walks
Starting point is 01:01:31 Because of my bad vision I couldn't read any of this chat But thank you for joining in I will see you guys later Nice to meet all of you I'm going to continue crushing it bro Thanks California Home Run. Talk to you in a couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Send me my shit. Send me my shit. That guy's good. Hunter. I can breathe now. Okay, I can take a deep breath. He's wild. That was good wild.
Starting point is 01:02:03 All right. You ran an Ironman hunter oh go ahead yeah finish up with gary and then we'll go to your iron man that fucked my neck up bad i don't want to ever do a conversation or the iron man both i can't believe you did an iron man when i saw that video i was like what is he doing i didn't train for it at all and that was the biggest mistake ever and you know what it is? It's not the distance. It's the positioning. I will tell anybody right now who's like a large bodied man that the biggest mistake
Starting point is 01:02:33 that you can make, dude, is not getting on one of those triathlon bikes. So I'll tell you guys exactly how it feels. I want you to sit like this. I want you to look straight up in the sky. Then I want you to bring your chest down to your hamstrings and keep on looking up vertically. And you are in this position for five plus hours. I'm going to send my back out. Why don't you just get a regular bike?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Why do you have to use that bike? I mean, dude, it does make a very noticeable difference. Yeah. What did you swim? You swam, and that's the furthest you've ever swam? Yeah. Two miles? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:14 What were the distances? It's 2.4 miles, 112 miles, and then 26 miles. Some guy said, uh, I didn't train for this. I have posted videos training for this thing. Yeah. We made content around it. It was,
Starting point is 01:03:32 it was influencer content to be totally honest. Um, we spent most of our time chopping wood. Uh, the thing is about doing triathlons is like, yeah, it's totally attainable for almost pretty much anyone who's on this call. It's like to accelerate yourself through it all is when you really need the blocks of training
Starting point is 01:03:48 what does this mean hillary's clueless about what i know i got no fucking clue about how much better that bike is apparently the three things hillary knows nothing about triathlete bikes chugging cock, and etiquette around old CrossFitters. Those are three things. You gotta understand, these guys are hype. I would come out there with a mountain bike with the big ass tires and be like, hey, at least my neck don't hurt. Supposedly it's 18%
Starting point is 01:04:16 difference. If you get like the most aerodynamic positioning you can possibly get, including that helmet and everything, there's an 18% difference in cost of work done. I mean, that looks like a lot of stuff. Hey, did you see anyone bigger than you finish before you? I don't think so, but I'm sure there's people out there.
Starting point is 01:04:36 You look like those guys on the side of the road that you look over at thinking this is what you do all the time. That looks expensive. I will admit, though, dude, there were some dudes out there that basically they're out there and they get in these bikes and they just rip these fucking huge dudes. And they're on these bikes and they have these thunder thighs and they're just pistons and it makes them so fast.
Starting point is 01:05:01 And the bike, I'm not trying to be dismissive, but a lot of it is the equipment that you have. If you picked up an old rusty barbell in someone's backyard and tried to do a snatch with it versus an Aliko barbell, it's just a totally different piece of machinery.
Starting point is 01:05:17 And I did it, and I liked it, and I'll never do it again. Do you want to stay at Homewife? Do I want to stay at home wife do i want to stay at home wife yeah yeah he's thinking about it all right all right yeah uh hunter look at my username you don't want to pull me this is gary roberts has a youtube station called arm tv he's saying you don't want that sounds like i'm not gonna lie that's a sexual comment you don't want that. That sounds like it. I'm not going to lie. That's a sexual comment. You don't want to pull me. Yeah, man. Listen, I'll meet up with any
Starting point is 01:05:47 arm wrestler anywhere and I'll fucking go to war with them. I'm not the best arm wrestler, but when it comes to just getting drunk at bars and just going toe to toe, I fuck dudes up. What's your record? What does that mean? How many have you lost? How many have you won?
Starting point is 01:06:03 I really only, if I can remember can remember as an adult lost two arm wrestling matches and one of them was after we after world championships at spartan race we do what's called the case race world championships so you just run over like basically like a three-hour championship up at altitude and you're just lit you're so dehydrated and fucked up and then what we do is we take cases of beer 20 cases of beer and you and a partner split them up and you drink as fast as you possibly can and like that's another big like you know behind the scenes tournament that we do and then afterwards it always breaks out into arm wrestling and one night i arm wrestled for three hours straight wow and i lost
Starting point is 01:06:40 my last match i had a nosebleed going on during it. And I got tendonitis for two months afterwards. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. You should be careful. That was one of the only memorable losses I had. I was pretty disappointed in that. How much weight did you lose during the Ironman from when you got on the started to finish? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I don't know. I drank a lot. I drank a lot. I ate a lot. I'll admit, that's another piece is you probably, anybody who's listening to this is, um, you should have a really good nutrition protocol. And I, I came in there with like a bro protocol. Like I just, um, and I also lost some of my nutrition while I was on the bike and like, you know, my best way of putting it, it's like, imagine playing a game of golf and you had like
Starting point is 01:07:24 a driver, a putter, and a mid-club. Losing one of those things in the middle of the game, you're very, very much fucked. Your whole strategy has changed. A couple of my pieces of nutrition fell off on the bike, specifically the sodium, which fucked me over. I started to really fall apart near the end. It's just the kind of thing where it's like once the gas tank's on e and you can't really fill it back up um so it was gnarly any desire to do it again like as a journeyman when i'm older but as like an athlete no no it wasn't like high rocks you did it once you're like oh i can get into this this is cool like you did this you're like
Starting point is 01:08:01 fuck this is some fucked up shit it's fucked up in the way that's like it's catabolic and like the highest sense of the the word meaning like what does that mean you eat yourself your body is just going to eat away more and more and more and more and more to the point where it's just like your rib cage uh that's it like that's you should see these guys when they're competing they're just as lean as you possibly could be because you just have to have like an x amount of wattage and x amount of weight and it hits the spot and like if you can sustain that you'll be really good but the biggest factor isn't necessarily your power it's more to do with your weight what's your marathon time uh i only ran it once i ran a 254 um but like that was a non-trained thing but i was trying to set the world record for the fastest marathon ever run over 200 pounds
Starting point is 01:08:45 and i started to drop down to the 240s and i wanted to get down uh to like 235 236 is the record for 200 pounds plus wow and uh i ripped i ripped my hamstring somehow and it's never really been the same since oh shit like ripped wow i don't know man it's like still here to this day and it's some kind of um i don't know whether it's like some kind of tendon irritation or some kind of microscopic tear it sucks but now that i'm in the boat no big deal what was that video we saw the other day caleb where we showed that the skinny lady running and she basically looks like she's anorexic? Do you know where that is? What event is that?
Starting point is 01:09:28 Some of those athletes don't even look like athletes. They're so damn skinny. This was something at the Olympics. And I want to see probably power walking. 204. Am I bigger than you, baby? You're keeping weight out while trying to run for a marathon record and keeping yourself over 200 pounds. Mass gainer,
Starting point is 01:09:47 baby. Like 5,000 plus calories a day. Mass gainer is the easiest way to go. Just go, go, go, go, go. What is your heaviest in the past 10 years? What's the heaviest I've been? 217? Yeah. I figure you're like a 230-er. You think that you can weigh more than me?
Starting point is 01:10:04 Dude, I'll out-thick the shit out of you. How much do you weigh, Hiller? How much do you weigh? Yeah, what's going on, Hiller? I was 202 this morning. I've been 202 for a couple days. I'm beating you right now. I'm up from 187, man.
Starting point is 01:10:18 It's because you have feminine bone structure. I do have the bitchiest ass wrists ever. They're so tiny. Pussy. Hey, you're taller than Andrew, though, right? How tall are you? Yeah, you're like five inches taller than me. That's all my cock.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yeah. You have to hold your weight somewhere. You have to hold it somewhere. You have to hold it somewhere. It's the way I can balance on the boat. I would say I used to be 6'2 and a quarter, and I would say from all the weightlifting, I'm probably down to like 6'1 and a half now.
Starting point is 01:10:50 No shit. If you hang a ton, yeah, man, if you hang a ton, I'll put my buddy on the show, Bobby Williams. He's the guy who's been my guru for all things training and lifestyle. Crazy Bobby. Crazy Bobby is the smartest person I've ever met. And he's one of these kinds of people where like, he doesn't have degrees and he doesn't have all these fancy things and gigantic businesses that he can lean on that makes him seem like, you know, kind of more
Starting point is 01:11:15 verified than somebody else. But he just seems to know everything before the science even comes out on it. And he was the guy who was like, Hunter,'re gonna keep in this game like you just you need to need to need you hang more and i did it for a long time and then i got out of it but i'm getting back to it what do you mean hang so after like all of your weightlifting sessions you should hang from your arms and then i also have boots that you should hang from and then you should take like a 45 pound plate and hang it they look like this yeah it's good to get so like i think it's the term it's like the look like this? Yeah. It's as good as it gets. So like, I think it's good. The term is like the synovial fluid.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I don't know if I did that properly. That sits between the discs of your spine. Like you're just compressing it. And it over the day, like you'll wake up and you'll be taller in the morning. And throughout the day, you'll get shorter, especially after you do heavy weightlifting sessions. And like another big factor of this thing is, is like I went into
Starting point is 01:12:05 this place called the body garage. They tried to rip me off, but I'll give you some good data on them. Um, you like go into this place and they put you in front of this whole structured board and they do that Da Vinci thing where they put a line through you and all these lines and they show you how crooked you are. And I had like angles out in my neck, my spine, my shoulders, like it's crazy when they put the lines through how much you can show how crooked your body is. And like if you can just hang more, it will start to stretch these things out and bring you back into alignment. So basically using your own gravity to just pull everything out in the right direction.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I suggest it for everybody. It healed me when I got really fucked up during CrossFit. I don't blame CrossFit. I fucked myself up while training for crossfit you're that hip and steel yeah basically i think that's that's the move i used to have those boots that um you have to be uh have a a basic level of better than a basic level of fitness just to be able to get upside down in those boots by the way don't any jackass think you're just gonna yeah you're just gonna do that i'll warn people about the deuce bigelow scene where he pulls the fish tank over because he can't get out of the boots hey yeah dude the first time i ever did it for a long period of time i could not get up like like the separation had got like it made me like almost like my muscles had disconnected.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And I was like, oh, my God. So I mean, you couldn't get up for some reason. Like I didn't not have the strength. You were that fucked up. Yeah, because I just had been hanging for too long. I was like, OK, I just got some nerves from the muscles from hanging upside down too long. No, no. Sometime last week, I i was like i wonder if i
Starting point is 01:13:45 could fall asleep like this and what would happen if i like woke up after like what would happen you'd probably die i've almost fallen asleep because i used to after all my sessions i would put my headphones on these big like you know beats headphones and i'd sock myself into it i'd listen to like these really like intense uh meditative musics uh and i would get like really into my thought process from championships and you'd get into this almost like lucid dreaming type thing yeah i would have 100 died yeah what would happen if you just stayed upside down i mean they they do in movies right that's my's my thing. They probably fuck your head up pretty good. I could probably do it for six hours, no problem. Do you do it every day, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:14:28 Those boots? Yeah. Yeah. Like five minutes at a time. How long would you do it for, Hunter? I don't even know. I haven't looked at it for a quarter of an hour. So I get myself into these things.
Starting point is 01:14:38 You guys can probably see my heels. I'll disconnect this one, and it opens up your hip girdle really crazy. Oh, you just hang by one leg? Yeah, hang by one leg. Get your hands up here and allow that to sink down. Boom, snap this one in. Do the next one. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Okay, so I do that. Don't do that shit. It's going to tear off one of your legs. Then if you've got the squat rack, dude, start to take yourself. Remember, you're talking to the guy who couldn't even get in there in the first place. Okay, all right, all right. Whoa. What about the squat rack?
Starting point is 01:15:05 Once you get into the squat rack, brace your arms against the side and start to open up your rib cage and everything and all your lats. You can do all these crazy things. While you're upside down or just in general? Oh, yeah. Upside down. While you're upside down. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:15 That extra weight is just creating a forced stretch. I'm trying to help you guys out, dude. I'm a Pilates instructor. What can I say? Hey, you're telling me that Hiller can hang. You're telling me that Hiller can hang. You're telling me that Hiller can hang. You walked away and you were showing like your arm flexibility. Like just walk.
Starting point is 01:15:31 If you were looking out the window with your arms behind your back, Caleb, you remember this? You were around me. Or he's just like stretching his arms, looking out the window. It's just something that I sat on when he was walking away. He put his arms behind his back and he would just like stretch. He looked like an old man just staring out the window.
Starting point is 01:15:47 It was one of the most flexible things I've seen. A guy your age, you should show everybody right now how flexible your shoulders are. I would have, except Caleb said I look like one of those old... Caleb said something that fucked me up. I can't do it. You're going to have to just see it. I talked to his shadow.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Hey, you're telling me you you think you can hang from one of those boots from one leg upside down you said he does yeah he says he does that god well i think he said he's good he leaves his hands on the bar and then he lets one leg so it's like one leg is in unhooked up and then both so it's like he's got three points of contact and the other leg is hanging free. Oh, okay. And 15 minutes seems crazy long to be hanging upside down. Everyone is saying go hang, but I just don't know if it's the time and place to do that.
Starting point is 01:16:34 I mean, we already lost Hunter. Gary's off. I'll hang. I don't care. Damn, boys. That was good. That's like the least terrifying thing. You peed? I want pee-pee. Hey, Hunter, where did you get the protocol to hang? Bobby. thing. You peed? You peed? I want pee-pee. Hey, do you get the protocol to hang? Bobby.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Bobby, okay. Crazy Bobby. I like it. Do you brush your teeth and pee at the same time in the morning? Or do you do them separately? Excuse me? Separately. I swear, I just saw a dude do it yesterday. I try to focus on... He was standing in a urinal. Standing in a urinal. And he had one hand on his toothbrush
Starting point is 01:17:08 and another hand on his doctor balls and was just brushing his teeth. And then at one point, he switched hands and then brushed the other side of his teeth and then peed with the other hand. I'm the kind of man who likes to focus on my trade. I'm good at brushing my teeth. I focus on that.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'm good at going pee. That may be your greatest contribution to the show yet caleb that is fucking nuts that you actually got you got to be around a lot of men to witness that kind of shit wow you're just like so many people in the bathroom dude it was fucking disgusting i almost wanted to just be like dude you can't do that it's not like you guys don't have enough free time over there to break those down. Literally. Dude, just pee first. Just take care of it. Take care of your business. Do you think that Allison NYC person right here is just like a guy covering up trying to catfish people?
Starting point is 01:18:00 No, she's provocative. That's a provocative profile pic like that's a catfishing picture right there no no that girl lives by me i know her i see her regularly like me and my fan but this is a catfishing tactic right here she says she lives in nyc no that's her right there look at maybe that's where she started no no i actually know her. I see her and her husband a couple times a week. Are you being catfished right now? No. You just can't believe what you're seeing, but believe it. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I'm telling you, believe it. She's been around since 2008. I met her in 2008 at Kettlebell, sir. I took my Kettlebell, sir. I have a quick question. This is about CrossFit because this is a CrossFit show. Can you still claim to have all these- This is not This is about CrossFit because this is a CrossFit show. Can you still claim to have all the – This is not a CrossFit show.
Starting point is 01:18:48 This is not a CrossFit show. Well, you guys talk way too much about CrossFit then. Can you still claim that you have a certification in CrossFit if it's not, like, recently retaken? It has to be within five years. I think you can – I think can i think that like in order to like teach at it oh look at there he is so you're saying he should unhook one of those feet yeah i'll hook one of your feet and bring your hands up towards hold on to the bar and grab up there and let go one be careful be careful i don't want you to hurt yourself and then let that thing hang
Starting point is 01:19:19 down you're gonna open up your hip girdle ton oh sick. Oh, so he doesn't let go with his hands. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I was telling you, man. Yeah, dude. If you can get into that, dude, that opens up your hamstring and booty so much. This left hamstring feels great right now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:34 No big deal. What was the other one you were saying where you grab onto the side of the pull-up free? So put your feet back in both, and now grab with your left hand low, right hand high. Left hand low? On the bar. Yeah, right there on the inside. On the left hand low, right hand high. Left hand low. Yeah, right there on the inside. On the inside. Now go right hand high. There you go.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Kind of like almost like you're pulling on a bow. Now push out with your left hand and pull with your right hand. Open up your lats and everything. Yeah, I see. Yeah, this is awesome. This is a stretch class by Hunter. Everybody got it in there? Yep. Hunter's new's new training program i'm gonna even myself out real quick there you go yeah open that out dude open that up baby feels good it does open the booty dude
Starting point is 01:20:18 open up that beef and while we're at it i gotta hit that hit that other leg too. Yeah. I do this. When I'm in good training cycles, I do this all day. This is shit, dude. 20 minutes at a time. Yeah. That's not as easy as people think. That's what he's doing, just so you know. Be careful.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Have someone there if you put those boots on. You shouldn't be fucking around with boots like this if you're by yourself. You get stuck upside down in your garage. You can climb up on the rack. I don't want anybody to think that they'll die. If you don't even have the strength to climb back up on the rack, you're in trouble. These boots have an option to buy them with a bar that you install. It's like a two-tiered
Starting point is 01:20:58 bar. So that one is higher and one is lower because the lower bar is easier to grab than that higher bar. If that makes any sense. I don't't know where do you get yours hunter amazon amazon too yeah like monkey hanging boots um well boys i gotta bounce out of here in two minutes because your boys gotta go to the paddling yeah man oh awesome i'm uh i'm speaking uh to a boys school today can you believe that no way that's cool yeah yeah one of the did they see your did they see your youtube channel uh i just had the guy who who a guy from the acting academy who's been on the show a handful
Starting point is 01:21:37 of times owns a bunch of schools and he invited me to come speak to the boys i'm pretty excited what are you going to speak to him about i I guess I didn't have to prepare anything. I guess they just asked you a bunch of questions. My goal is I'm just going to try not to swear the entire time. That's my only. I like that. Yeah. I got the opportunity to do that last year.
Starting point is 01:21:55 And I thought I was like, man, these kids are not going to give a shit. And they I spoke for like 30 minutes and then they asked questions. Not not like like, you know, prompted. They asked questions for like 30 minutes afterwards. I asked questions, not, not like, like, you know, prompted. They asked questions for like 30 minutes afterwards. I was like, this is the greatest thing. I am so pumped that these kids are like really engaged with this. Was it through the acting Academy? You did it.
Starting point is 01:22:14 No, no, no, no. No. Okay. Just like another organization that set it up and it was a blast. Kids were awesome. No, not the same school. James O'Keefe tried to bust. He didn't try to bust them.
Starting point is 01:22:24 He did bust them have you seen that video what is that the video where the kid guy is talking about in chicago with all the dildos and stuff yeah crazy yeah there's a lot of weird stuff going on in the world right now dude did you hear that uh one of the guys from like nsync or backstreet boys is now getting press charges i read that this morning, like 5.15 in the morning. Supposedly, he's accused of having sex with a girl with cerebral palsy and autism and raping her. I was like, God dang, the world is getting crazy. I can't tell if that's just like hype media or if the world is just full of monsters.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Do you by chance know the name of the NSYNC member? I did. Nick Carter? I did see Matt O'Keefe's post. I was quite proud of Matt O'Keefe. I was incredibly proud of him. Yeah. Damn, that was intense.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Was that the school of the dildos? No, it was in relation to Brittany Griner. What a joke that is. You don't know about that? I don't know about that i don't i don't know everything but it doesn't look good from what i've seen i mean it looks weird at the very who tried to smuggle she had like a vape pen or something in her baggage with marijuana in it and the russian authorities at the airport detained her saying
Starting point is 01:23:46 that she was trying to smuggle drugs for distribution into russia they put her in jail she'd been there for like six months or something like that and uh then talking about the swine yes and the united states brokered a deal for this arms dealer arms dealer to be released to them and for us to get Brittany Greiner but there's like other people that have been over there for longer that are American and they haven't done shit about it meanwhile meanwhile before she went she's yeah but can they dunk basketballs and by the way they gotta stop saying she's a superstar no one knows who she is she's more famous for beating her wife and her domestic violence charges than she is for her basketball she's got domestic violence charges yeah you know in california used to be the three strike
Starting point is 01:24:41 rule dude this girl is one strike away from the death sentence, or at least life in prison. She's more famous for getting caught for smoking weed in Russia than her basketball. More famous for beating her wife than fucking playing basketball. She's more famous for hating on the United States. She was a fucking... She's a fucking complete joke.
Starting point is 01:25:03 I just... And I'm not suggesting that she should be left there, but by no means should the merchant of death be traded. Do you know about the guy they traded her for, the merchant of death? Have you heard this? What, he's an arms dealer? Yeah. That's a business.
Starting point is 01:25:17 That's not a crime. That's just a business. That's a fair trade, basketball player for the merchant of death. You can't get upset with a guy for selling things to people that use it in different ways. You know, haven't you ever seen them as a God of war with Nick cage? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:31 That's Hey, that movie's based on that character. Oh, dude. Nick cage did a great job. I, I, I'm not upset with him.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Uh, they gave him a reeves. Oh, you're not wanting a different movie. Okay. Different Lord of war. Yeah. That's, that's good, dude. I don't know. The thing is
Starting point is 01:25:48 if you do the crime, you gotta do the time. This guy looks cool. Oh my god. That looks like the same... What? Looks like Hunter. That looks like the same guy that they busted in front of that school in Chicago who was handing out the butt plugs and the dildos to his kids.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Yeah. Merchant of death. And that teacher at that school are the same guy. I don't know, man. That sucks though. I remember it was one o'clock at one point and I wanted to get a flight home and I was super,
Starting point is 01:26:20 super high, like unbelievably. All right. This isn't stuff I usually say, but I also remember that I booked this flight. I got all my stuff and I got on the plane. super, super high, like unbelievably. All right. This isn't stuff I usually say, but I also remember that I booked this flight. I got all my stuff and I got on the plane and in transit to the airport, I thought I'm going to get on a plane. I can't have this substance with me. So I threw out the window and it was just like a thought that I had. And I'm like, if I get caught in an airport with this stuff on me, then who knows what's going to happen?
Starting point is 01:26:46 And she's in Russia getting on an airplane. How did she think that that was a good idea? That's all I can think is that being one of the worst states of mind you could be in had the wherewithal to think, I can't bring this on a plane. Yeah, if you do illegal stuff, you're going to get in trouble. She just sounds like an idiot. Yeah. I mean, listen, she fucked up. And I'm not saying that it's like, I don't know, spend 10 years in prison,
Starting point is 01:27:10 but that's what I said. It was really dumb on her end. Should our national security be threatened? Should anyone be threatened by the fact that so that she can come home? I don't think so. Like, pay some sort of fine, do something else, but letting go of the merchant of death. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Thank you, Hunter, for coming on the show. Congratulations on your new camp, by the way, out there. I'm pumped for you. It's going to be awesome. And yeah, you're the man. I've always thought you were the man. Thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Boys, I miss you. See ya. Yeah, you're no liver king, but you're cool. That dude's soft. See ya. Bye. Whoa, whoa, whoa. All right, now we can finally talk about the liver king. you're cool that dude's soft see ya bye whoa whoa whoa all right now we
Starting point is 01:27:46 can finally talk about the liver king here we go this is what i've been waiting for i have to go in four minutes what do you want to say about him it's fun this is good this is a good this is a good journey right this is a good journey that we're all having with the liver king the haters the lovers the people who are trying to understand it all what did you think did you watch andrew schultz's video on him i'm halfway through it it's really good i think the first 20 minutes were terrible you were terrible god that was so hard to watch can you type in andrew schultz and and blah blah blah rah rah rah rah holy shit dude what is this a fucking frat house to come yeah why were they behaving like that with him for the first 20 minutes i thought the liver and you could tell he was just
Starting point is 01:28:30 like uh okay um what have i gotten myself into here guys come back why did they do that to him for the first 20 minutes kind of like they just didn't think he was going to be real with him i haven't seen very much of their stuff but they were trying to make him eat a donut and they were they like wouldn't let it go and stuff like that it was yeah it was it was not flagrant yeah the first 20 minutes are not watchable those guys that are on the show with andrew kind of bring them down that was the first time i had watched that but i thought andrew got better um yeah they got better it did but but the liver king killed it man if you're a hater of the liver king and you want to
Starting point is 01:29:11 and you want to get your fucking dial turned a little bit to the love side go watch that oh pb uh yeah i think i should see that too patrick bad david podcast is better okay i'll check it out don't get me wrong andrew schultz did a great job at the end. It gets really good. It does get better. Yeah. I'm halfway through and it's gotten better already. I mean, he tells some incredible stories in there and,
Starting point is 01:29:35 uh, and you can see that it moves these guys. And what the irony is, is that guy on the end in the, in the, the, the Pakistani cat. No,
Starting point is 01:29:44 on that side in the, in the white shirt. Um, that guy at the end in the in the the pakistani cat no on that side in the white shirt um that guy at the end says some some shit that is like like you can see he's really starting to get it he's starting to wake up a little bit hey how about the black guy on the left there in the black how they got him in the shadows that's probably racist like hey light him up a little more he's black i didn't thought i didn't think that one time why oh i mostly because i listened to it i watched it on my phone i could never i couldn't even tell he was black it was so dark over there on my phone i do like the trees in the background i i love that he just sits there not wearing a shirt yeah they're all dressed nice to an extent nice background
Starting point is 01:30:25 shirtless dude big beard he didn't say shit who didn't who didn't say shit i think the black guy in the end didn't talk at all like maybe like two minutes one minute uh primetime i've been inviting him primetime is getting big time he's getting hard to get a hold of oh no yes i agree alan it sucks to sit on podcasts the parents didn't really get out there because everything on the seven podcast that was yes i agree 100 that all the shit that now people are finally like digging into yeah we dug into that right away i appreciate you saying that thank you some people know if you know you know yeah which is kind of what i'll keep on shouting at people in my comment section if If you know, you know.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Everyone else just wants to think he's making money, which he probably did, but so did Greg Glassman, which I also tried to drive across. Oh, yeah, great video. Good job. Glad you're on a roll. I tried. Thank you, Liver King, for putting me on a roll. Three Liver King videos in a row.
Starting point is 01:31:23 What did O'Keefe say? Well well it was the whole thing about how he wouldn't want his daughter to be pretty or he wouldn't be in support of it if it were his daughter right essentially does that wrap it up do i'm gonna do i'm gonna read it i'll read it to you it's it's uh here's the thing it's good you have to know i really like matt o'keefe first of all but some of the people that he associates with that I see on Instagram, it just shocked me that he would take this stance, being that he hangs around and he has a wide variety of friends.
Starting point is 01:31:52 But I have a certain level of tolerance when it comes to hurting children that some of the people over there at Whoop and some of the things they push, I think, are very, very, very, very, very, very bad for society. And I know O'Keefe keeps friends with those guys and is close with them and same with some of these other dipshits sorry not whoop the noble guys sorry sorry strike that noble guys are just
Starting point is 01:32:14 anyway this is the this was this was o'keefe's post i don't know if you can see it but it shows a picture of brit Griner released from Russian detention. And it says and I'm assuming he wrote this because it looks like he wrote it. It says, as an American, I'm embarrassed today. We just released a horrible killer back into the world because Brittany Griner has status and her family is demanding an exchange. Where is the accountability here? Know the rules. Follow them. If you if you don't, there are consequences. None for Brittany Griner, though.
Starting point is 01:32:47 She'll write a book, do a tour about her ordeal, and will be celebrated for breaking the rules and causing absolute chaos. Oh, and releasing chaos back into the world. If this was my daughter or yours, you bet your ass there's no exchange happening. And I just, I was like, wow. I mean, I'm glad he wrote that i love it i agree with it's good i agree with it too i'm just surprised i'm surprised i want i want to hear the argument from someone else about why it's a good thing i haven't heard it yet i want to no
Starting point is 01:33:20 i want someone to come back and say that was a good thing. She's entirely useless to the political scheme of the United States. It does absolutely nothing for us. You would be blown away if you saw what she did. Tell me why it's a good idea. Tell me why you think it's a good idea. Don't tell me. I like to hear it. Hey, you want to see the craziest thing ever in the crazy comments?
Starting point is 01:33:43 Go to the Instagram account breaking 911 breaking 911 this is absolutely batshit crazy and the comments the comments are absolutely amazing this lady by the way is uh and then go to the one where it shows yes this lady is is oh has been openly anti-american by the way this lady britney griner like openly and we'll show you some of that maybe on the next live con show i got but listen to this bullshit this is gonna cnn is such a joke listen to this i think i would be remiss if we did not mention also the importance this plays for the lgbtq community as we've been talking about black women this is big so this is for the LGBTQ community. As we've been talking about Black women, this is big. So this is for the LGBTQ community. Glad releasing a statement. Obviously, just I'm summarizing here that they're happy and that shows the struggles and the danger that
Starting point is 01:34:33 members of the LGBT community face around the world. But when you look at what is happening with the LGBT community, specifically here in the United States, What does this say? Does this bring attention to that? And it shows us, hey, look, we're all Americans. Brittany Griner represents everything in this country. She's female, she's LGBTQ, she's Black, and she's extraordinary. She's excellent she's overcome she's she's an icon she's done everything you can do in her sport and more and yet she still wasn't safe she was snatched off of a plane and treated like like trash and we didn't let it stand americans came together and i think that biden uh and kamala harris uh this is one of the things that they're
Starting point is 01:35:23 going to be i think the most proud of. I think Americans can stand together on this one. But where we say that right now, when she comes off that plane, when she walks off that plane, when her wife hugs her, when that moment happens, that is going to be decade defining. People will remember that. And it should show us what we can do when we and it should show us what we can do when we stand together can show us what we can do when we don't give up on people we gather if i would be i think i would be hey i have friends and family who believe this like they watch this and they think that that what he said is true absolutely not i mean there's not yeah there's not one thing he said in there that's true how many times did fucking don lemon say lgbt do you think what he thinks
Starting point is 01:36:05 he's saying is true or is he just saying it i mean no he can't think it's true how how can how he said that that's country he said country defining they read on a tell i don't play basketball none of those things he said are true about me. What? I don't play basketball. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not black. I'm not a woman. Oh, God. Like he said she's country defined.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Like no one – what is her genitalia and the genitalia of who she likes to rub her genitalia on have anything to do with the situation? And the fact that they keep lying blatantly that she was snatched off a plane dude she broke the law for something you would have been snatched off a plane anywhere in the world 10 years ago they're just caught or even in the united states like i was afraid of not even two years ago yeah i wonder how many people watch this i wonder i bet you half the country doesn't even know what the wnba is what is it thirds yeah exactly new nba um i don't even want to look it up it's just it's so bad i was in front of a tv the other day when this came on and there were some liberals in the room and they're like oh yay they were all excited i go what about the merchant of death they're like who's that i don't really know much about him either decade defining i don't know much about him either but
Starting point is 01:37:37 i don't want a guy i i would like to be as centered as possible when i hear merchant of death over and over and over again i'm like right, this is the other side trying to say why it's a bad idea. I want to know who he really is. And the only thing that I won't ever like, there's that Marine there. Who's been there for a while. Okay. How come this didn't happen before that?
Starting point is 01:37:56 It's like step one, step two, get her out after him. All right, we got him. Now we're going to get her. Let me, let me,
Starting point is 01:38:03 let me read this to you. I want to know why. This is from CNN, too. The Biden administration conducted a security assessment in the lead up to the Biden giving the final green light to accept the deal to trade Greiner for Bout. Bout's the merchant of death. Ultimately, the assessment conclusion was that Bout was not a security threat to the U S in one reality. The assessment took into account. The official said is the fact that bout has been in prison for over a decade
Starting point is 01:38:30 and has not been actively engaged in any recent criminal activity, their justification for trading this guy for Brittany Griner is that he hasn't been involved in any criminal activity for 10 years. Yeah. Motherfucker has been in jail for 10 activity for 10 years. Yeah, motherfucker, he's been in jail for 10 years. Of course. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:38:54 He's 100% going to be doing shit for America. Oh, for America or to America? Probably both. He's an arms dealer. He'll sell to whoever wants to buy it. Yeah. Maybe he's got a severance package and he's an arms dealer he'll sell to whoever wants to buy yeah maybe he's got a severance package and he's gonna retire he's not dealing arms anymore yeah maybe maybe uh seven with a million seven on they are right this is decade defining for the wrong reason well good point
Starting point is 01:39:21 meanwhile meanwhile if you don't follow project veritas, you have to go follow Project Veritas. It is hilarious what's going on over there. They basically got footage of the dean of students at a Chicago high school who it cost $40,000 a year to go there. You can look that up on their website. It cost them a range of $36,000 to $44,000 or something. And they got him on film saying he passes out dildos and butt plugs to his students and teaches them how to use them. The 14-year-old kid. Why does he do that?
Starting point is 01:39:58 Because it's part of the curriculum at this school. You get the full Monty for 40 grand and here he is walking up to the guy here he is um james o'keefe with project veritas you're on camera here talking about giving anal sex toys and butt plugs to little children they're just like passing around dildos, butt plugs. The kids are just playing with them. Sir, why are you running? Why are you running away?
Starting point is 01:40:31 Why are you running? Sir, anal butt plugs and toys? Excuse me? Bruno, just excuse me. This guy, this teacher is talking about giving sex toys to your children. This is the stage where we're discussing children. Can you actually evacuate the patio? Right, but he was giving sex toys to the children.
Starting point is 01:40:50 I have children here. We're leaving. But he was talking about giving sex toys to children. Thank you, we're leaving. We understand. A reporter is asking someone a question. We are leaving, you bet. As you can see, he ran into the building as quickly as possible.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Are we allowed to stand on the sidewalk, sir? Thank you. We're going to stand on the sidewalk right here. Do you know a Joseph Bruno? Bruno? Hey, dude. sidewalk right here. Do you know a Joseph Bruno? Bruno? He even brags about telling the kids the difference between lube and spin.
Starting point is 01:41:32 You're filming me. We're filming you too. Joe Bruno, your dean of students, talking about giving sex toys to children. Okay. Why does he do it? Is that that where it kind of ends the story or is there more no there's so much dude there's so you get you can click in and there's just they actually have the original video um it's good that whole project veritas account is just stuff like this
Starting point is 01:42:00 just people just getting just... This is going to be a weird one, but I don't think I've even seen a sex toy. Let alone being given one by a teacher
Starting point is 01:42:13 or a dean. I've seen them in videos. I use it. But you haven't seen one either. Haven't you seen the videos where like a guy sticks a dildo? I know what they freaking do.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Yeah, of course. I've seen the most rancid videos on the internet involving them. But like sitting in front of me it's like oh there it is i've never seen one i don't know if i've ever seen it i'm trying to think this is why hillary doesn't want kids yeah i don't i don't need people giving my kids things i've never even seen as a 30 something year old man they'll come home like look what i got i'm like holy shit this is the first time i'm seeing it i'm gonna i'm gonna going to look over here really quick.
Starting point is 01:42:46 I'm going to type in a butt plug. I don't even know what a butt plug looks like. Careful with the pull. I am. I'm not going to share it. I'm not going to share it. It's going to be being mid-usage. I just want to see.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Oh, wow. Oh, they're made of steel. They're metal. Why? I guess. Wow. Wow. Caleb's being quiet.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Caleb loves sex toys. Wow. Hey, they're like earrings. Obviously, they're steel. They're like earrings. You put in the plug, and then on the end, there's like an emerald or something. So it's like a belly button ring. God, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:28 You guys never went into one of those shops in high school with your buddies? No. I've driven by them. The Adam and Eve stores, I've driven by them. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's what popped up, Adam and Eve. Butt plugs at Adam and Eve. Is that a chain?
Starting point is 01:43:48 I just really like it as it is. I don't need no more. There's a wiki page on butt plugs. Ask Alexis. She's like, yeah, he doesn't need any more. I should ask her. We're going to do a sex talk. We're going to play that clip first and be like, hey, do you know what a sex toy is?
Starting point is 01:44:06 She goes, no, that's not fucking pointless. What do we do that for? That'd be good, right? It would be like what you were trying to do with Daniel Brandon. It'd be like the love line. I have to go. I have to clear my mind for the next 24 minutes before I speak to these. Convenient. Before you go talk to them. Yeah. have to clear my mind for the next uh 24 minutes before i speak to these to the convenience yeah um tomorrow uh what are we doing tomorrow tomorrow uh sooner i think one of the things
Starting point is 01:44:34 that i wanted to do with andrew if he's up for it is to go through the comments and some of these liver king videos because i think they're pretty funny um or do that tomorrow i don't know if we are um i'll give you let me do this thing with these boys With this school And then I will give you a call Later in the afternoon But either way I'm doing something tomorrow at 7am Done I bet Gary's wife has a piece
Starting point is 01:44:56 Has his piece in a cage Damn Oh no She's ready Yon Clark stepping in for Spiegel Thank you

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