The Sevan Podcast - #708 - Legends Championships Programming Show w/ JR Howell and Taylor Self

Episode Date: December 16, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Dave, this is the first time I've shaved in two weeks. Bam! We're live. Two minutes early. So we can talk about anything except what this show is about
Starting point is 00:00:39 until the show starts in two minutes. How you doing, JR? What's up, JR? You didn't pay your electricity bill? It's so bad in here, dude. It is so bad. What's up, buddy? What's up, buddy? Coming in hot. What, you were jealous because Taylor's picture always looks like ass and you wanted to compete with it?
Starting point is 00:00:54 You're like, I'll show him. Okay. Should I turn that light back there on? No, no. Definitely don't do that. Matthew Sousa straight from the gym. Taylor Self from Self Made Training Program the best I am now convinced the best training program
Starting point is 00:01:11 in the world because I've been reading the reviews and I've been talking to a lot of people and I've been asking are you guys blowing smoke can I send you a link to it so you can do it for free do you have a scale 50 year old version we're link to it so that you can do it for free? Do you have a scale 50-year-old version? We're going to talk about that tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Okay. Let's just start there right now. Does your program – what if I'm – I offer scales for everything. So, like, let me – for example, if you pull up – I'm terrified to get injured, but I want my heart rate high, and I want to just work on my guns a little. My goal is to injure you. Hey, my goal is to wear a tank top one day
Starting point is 00:01:47 when JR's on the show. Let my kids shave my back and my shoulders and come on with a tank top and everyone be like, This is really janky, but if you pull the app, it's 20 bucks a month. You pull the app up and this is a day. You have competitive, class, and then the notes for each. And if you pull the notes up,
Starting point is 00:02:02 I have basically equipment substitutes, movement scales, loading and volume scale. I'm on it. Yeah, do it. Me and my wife will do it. And my kids will do it. Dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 A hundred percent send to me. And I can call you if like, if there's a piece of equipment I don't have or something, I'll just call you and be like, yo. Yeah. Everyone. I mean, so many people DM me or message me or text me and ask, and I try to be like, you know, within minutes responsive about it. I think a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:29 people in the, maybe some people in the comments who do the program can speak to that, but I, you know, I try to give as much coaching as you can get. I mean, yeah, I try to give as much coaching as you can give via like an online platform. People send videos and stuff and I, you know, try to correct. I want people to start accusing me of doing uh being on california hormones natty or not i want to be accused of that natty here's what you got to do we've got a cold plunge i've been getting in it every morning for for four minutes and then going right into cardio how cold how cold how cold 40 degrees so it's not like the coldest in the world but oh fuck you dude you can't tell the difference between 40 degrees. So it's not like the coldest in the world. Oh, fuck you, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:05 You can't tell the difference between 40 and 35, dude. There's no difference. Your dick falls off. That's the way his wife treats him. His wife keeps the temperature around between 35 and 40. He's an expert. Wim Hof over here, dude. Yeah, well, my dick's getting bigger, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:21 It's already grown in four days. But what are the implications of doing that, ice bathing and going straight into a workout? There's a study in Japan in the 90s doing cold exposure right into low-resistance cardio, specifically on a bike. Thank you. Spiked testosterone levels and luteinizing hormone. And you know it's true. And that's all I could do or else I'd hurt myself. Sorry, go ahead, Susan. No, I was going to say, you know it's true
Starting point is 00:03:46 because when you think Japanese, you think really high cardio and testosterone level. Racist. Hey, is it bugging anyone that I'm not centered? This is the first time I've been in the studio in two weeks and I'm not- Somebody said I looked like a light bulb when I take my hat off.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So does this improve the lighting? No, he's a thumb. He's a thumb. Taylor, take my hat off. So does this improve the lighting? No, he's a thumb. He's a thumb. Taylor, do you know what LH does? Do you know what luteinizing hormone does? No, I don't know shit about that. I just saw it on Rogan and got a boner. That's a big word.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Scott Switzer, Clydesdale Media. Hi, good evening. Go ahead, Jared. It's a very important sex hormone in females. Cool. What is it called? What's it called? You peak savantages.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, what's it called? Let's Google that. Luteinizing hormone. Taylor was singing the praises. My wife got too much of that. Way too much of that. He was singing the praises of this study, saying it does all this great stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:36 like increase luteinizing hormone. Okay, I said testosterone first, you fucker. What does it do? What does luteinizing hormone do? Plays an important role in sexual development and function in women. No wonder your pussy's so sweet taylor holy shit hey it also triggers the release of egg from the ovary this is known as ovulation ovulation administration good dude what kind of guy doesn't want to ovulate in 2022
Starting point is 00:05:02 jr is a straight uh yeah well here's the thing jr he was he's speaking to the women in the audience and the men it'll cause you to fucking luteinize and fucking raise your fucking sperm count that's what he meant to say it gets bigger because he gets wetter start the cold plunge experience my goodness.R. was a nurse. So you still, oh, you keep your license active, huh, J.R.? It's still active, yeah. Yeah, okay. We didn't talk about that when you were on the show, but when I was doing the research, I was, I'm always impressed when people do that.
Starting point is 00:05:40 What is that, a safety net for you in case your shit goes sideways? Unfortunately, people will always get sick. There's a lot of job you in case your shit goes sideways unfortunately people will always get sick there's a lot of job security in that right right so uh what'd you say taylor that was susa i said it sounds like a plan b yeah plan b you know how we feel about that dude speaking of certifications the l4 registration opened up today. And I know someone very, very good at coaching, and they're on – they work for CrossFit, and they failed the beta. Wow. Yeah, so it scares the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I was going to register. I was like, you know, about to register. Then I hear about that. I'm like, ah, I got to study some more. I don't think I'm ready yet. Is it the same format, did they say? Is it like you go sit down and actually take a test or no are you like up and moving and coaching in front of it's only you essentially coach you go to an affiliate that you've never been to before you don't know anyone there um and there's
Starting point is 00:06:39 a flow master or an evaluator and you just teach two CrossFit classes, you teach an hour class. And then a little while later you teach another hour class. They don't say a word to you. You don't get any feedback. They just watch you teach for an hour. It's fucking. Wait, how do they do that? You go somewhere. Yeah. You go to another, you register. So like the one in March, late March is in Marietta, Georgia. It's at a CrossFit affiliate. They, I'm assuming they try to make sure that you go to an affiliate you've never been to before, you don't coach at, so you don't know the people. And essentially, they send you a workout or two workouts in advance. You get to create a class plan, whatever, study, prepare yourself, and then you show up, and you fucking coach your class, and you get fucking clapped.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Hey, you know when you take your driver's test? There's something you can do so you automatically fail i don't know what it is but it's like if you go over 25 near a park there's like certain things that's just a fail do you guys know what those are yeah if you like run off the curb in pleasanton here it used to be when you take the right turn out if you weren't smart enough to pull all the way out then make the turn and your back tire came off the curb, instant fail. You just put it in the parking lot. Yeah, I was going to say, when I was taking my driving test, it was if you went off the road at all, any tire on the three-point turn, if you hit the barrier at all on the parallel park, if you ran a stop sign or you ran a stop light. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And then there was also one, I think, that if you- Parallel park, if you hit the curb, that's automatic fail. I remember that, yep. And then I want to say there's something to do with yielding to traffic. Like if you yield incorrectly or you do not yield, that's automatic fail.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I heard for the L4, if you don't ask the class the pronouns before you start, you automatically fail. Just saying. I think what they're looking for more than anything are like the six criteria of effective coaching, teaching, seeing,
Starting point is 00:08:29 correcting group presence, uh, or sorry, presence and attitude group management and demo. But specifically like when you're teaching a movement or correcting a movement, um, can you see it like in a,
Starting point is 00:08:40 like it's, there are a lot of criteria that used to judge and it is really freaking hard and like i heard number six is don't hurt their feelings don't hurt anyone's feelings well i think it's a challenge you're never gonna pass that and you're never gonna pass that no here's the thing i'm really good at being relentless while also being empathetic to the athlete i think that's as the audience here knows that's hard yeah well yeah i wonder if like athletes they don't take my that's horseshit dude you never do you not listen to the feedback we give you after every podcast like stirred it you want me to be nice come pay 165 to join my affiliate and i'll be nice
Starting point is 00:09:14 all right all right fine yeah when he's when he's commentating for free you can take it you get what you pay for exactly i got yelled at for saying some kids burpees were slow during zelos perfect perfect yeah you were you were it was a little more than they were slow i think someone got called an idiot someone else had slow burpees there were a few there's someone else's week there were a few things don't let him off the hook here there was more than burpees i got a spanking i got a spanking for that no i was actually still thinking about that criteria and wondering like how they would score it like let's say that you um there's this this is this do you want to know the scoring yeah you can i mean yeah go ahead off the level there's two scores effective needs improvement
Starting point is 00:09:55 and if you get needs improvement means you failed it if you get effective you passed it and that's it and it's right well this is my question though is it is it the delivery of the verbal the visual and the tactile cue or is it how the athlete responds to it? A.k.a. better, worse, same. If it's always same or worse, do you just fail that part? Everything. If you're giving the same cue and they're responding to it in the same way. If you've made the choice to go in and correct a fault and you give the same cue and they're responding in the same way and you pull away without improving it at least to a degree or changing a cue or getting some sort of improvement yeah you're gonna get automatic fail you're gonna get needs of improvement because it wasn't effective so it just has to be effective like it has to work and and the the sorry the metrics like
Starting point is 00:10:40 what you know however many criteria there are and like subcategories that they score you on it's very detailed and a little you know it's it's you know and savant to your point i thought when you were doing automatic fail when you started if you start the class and you don't ask i thought you were gonna say if there's any injuries or anything i need to be aware of oh right like before you went in and then you went all the way up left field with it that's why that one got me so i wonder if you get time before class to like talk to people like if you show up you know 15 minutes early you're a coach you typically talk with your class before they show up a little bit and like get to know people i wonder if there's room for that hey there might be something like that there
Starting point is 00:11:15 might be something like that like if you don't ask what people's injuries are or something like that it's an automatic fail there might be something where it's just and then you the next 59 minutes don't matter hey what would be crazy is if they just stopped the class like 13 minutes in. They're like, dude, eat it. Yeah, that would suck. Well, that's an interesting thing now because then we have to ask, who are the people taking the class? Because if they're just the regular class for that day and they show up,
Starting point is 00:11:39 you can't necessarily kick them out. And then also, dude, that's interesting. I wonder who the participants are. Yeah, that is interesting because what if they go up to Susan before they're like, hey, what's your name? Hey, I'm Matt. Cool. How long have you been doing this? I don't know, a few years.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Not today, buddy. You're brand new. Get what I'm saying? You're new. And you're just like, what do you mean? He's like, no, you tell them this is your first class. No. And see what they do.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't think they would be trying to really teach people like that. Got some plants in there like that i'm sure they have like to be honest i have no idea how that works would i yeah uh if dave was running it you know there would be some people in there i think really uh flow masters so the one that i'm aware of chuck carswell was um the evaluator who's you know about as professional as it gets i i think i think they're probably not trying to trick anyone. And what they really want to see is, are you actually a master level effective coach? Like, are you effective in all the six criteria and that, and all of the sub criteria that
Starting point is 00:12:36 go with it? Um, are you effective with your cues? If you see something doesn't work, do you let it go? Or are you relentless and you do something until it works and move on? But can you do that efficiently, et cetera, all sorts of stuff. Can anyone take it or do you have to be a level three? You got to be a level three. Have to.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Get with the programming. If it's any – and Chase was a level one staff. If there's anything – if it's anything like interning for the level one, for those of you who don't know, when you go take your level one, let's say there's four level one instructors there, including the Flowmaster, there would always be one or not always, but often there would be one or two interns there. And those interns, the way it works with the level one is you show up and you do one internship and then you do another internship. And then basically they tell you, you made the team or you didn't make the team. And the fail rate for making it on the team is very, very high. it called attrition and so it's very difficult to make it on that team and occasionally someone will get a third like if someone's walking the line they'll give someone a third internship and what chase is
Starting point is 00:13:34 saying if it's anything like interning for the level one staff there are 100 automatic fail things you can do like slap someone on the ass or something that's not okay that's not a good it's not a good tactile cue for the kettlebell swing no no to taylor's a level five um coach hey you know what i'm curious about those level ones and savannah maybe you can speak to this in the early days how much of that criteria meant like did you just fit the culture and the dna of what you wanted disseminated throughout the crossfit community because like you've always said the l1 is like that's where that dna spreads and that's where that nugget stays tight we all well i've heard a lot i've heard chase is saying i cut interns just how they said hi to us in the first meeting oh yeah i heard a lot of like yeah i've heard a lot
Starting point is 00:14:17 of stuff like that where essentially just important is you being really good at crossfit and knowing crossfit was are they do they like you or not and do they want to work with you over the course of a weekend? And that is important. Like if you're a dick, no one wants to work with you for a weekend. Tell athletes to move poorly on purpose. Yeah, that would be, yeah, I get it. That's like someone hits the curb and you're like, good job. You know? Yeah. I remember hearing that too in meetings where they would say, hey, that that's completely unacceptable. They even tell you that in your l1 you as a coach it um when you go to your level one i mean you guys know how much i love it but that i don't guess i don't ever talk about this detail but that's the thing man those guys are hype men they are those people you go in there and i don't know
Starting point is 00:15:01 i don't know who i'm just going to use some old school people but you go in there and it's uh joe westerlin stefan roche and russell berger and those dudes are present no one's talking to you without looking right into your cranium they're like you're it's like i mean those guys would so so fucking fire to the devil i mean they are fucking present and they are they have their eyes on you and their undivided attention and it's um yeah it's a real deal oh that's pretty uh here we go from the crossfit training website by the way this is a programming show where we're supposed to be talking about the programming at the legends competition i assume we're going to get to it just like our sponsors i do look like that we've burned 15 minutes already uh the certified crossfit level 4 coach performance evaluation is a one-day assessment of a trainer's ability to effectively coach CrossFit movements and run a successful class.
Starting point is 00:15:47 This evaluation is for experienced trainers who have been coaching CrossFit in group settings for several years. I think several, what is that? Three or more? Three or more. Uh, the credential is earned by trainers who have significant coaching experience, a comprehensive educational background and CrossFit's prerequisite certification, the certified CrossFit level three trainer credential. For more information,
Starting point is 00:16:10 call Nicole Carroll. Let me give you her home phone number. And I would be remiss to not mention that one of the juggernauts in the fitness industry, if not, mention that one of the juggernauts in the fitness industry if not i i can't sing nicole's praises enough just as a uh trainer and what she's done for planet earth period it's it's it's not even like we would need three shows to talk about how great she is i've invited her on the show a few times we've danced around a little bit um hopefully we'll get her on soon but she is a remarkable uh human being and for those of you who don't know i should plug this also her husband uh tosh is in a boat oh he's rowing to fucking fucking am or something yeah he's in a boat right now rowing across the pacific ocean and he's doing it with uh i thought it was the atlantic is it one of them he's rowing across one of the big oceans
Starting point is 00:17:12 and oh that's the little pussy one dude they're rowing to like fucking england dude and uh he's i don't know who the other guys are but one of the guys is another guy former navy seal chris smith who is also a trainer and maybe even a flow master he owns he owns a trident crossfit and oh look there's the race yeah wow watch out for that whirlpool guys so you can go to that app by the way that team shut up and row and you can um you can follow what place they're in. There's an app, and you can track them as they row across the Atlantic. Oh, yeah, there's their boat. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Look at Rogue. Look at Rogue. Rogue, yep. Look at Rogue. How do they wash themselves? Do you think they do that? In the ocean. Dude, Tosh hasn't taken a bath in five years.
Starting point is 00:18:01 What the fuck are you talking about? I think it's continuous rowing and shifts for the whole entire race. I don't even know if there would be an allowance of time. They can't even fab on the resting, dude. Holy shit. You told Jethro that we're having Nicole,
Starting point is 00:18:17 Greg, and Liver King back-to-back next week? Dude, he said that was... I'm sorry. It was a private DM. Sorry. Sorry. Oh, three Navy SEALs and a Marine. Okay. From Chasing Arm.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Okay. And I don't know what – I think Tosh won – I wish I knew my medals. I think he won the Navy Cross. Silver Star, I thought. Whatever the highest thing you can fucking get in the Navy, he got that. And there's a documentary about him, a two-hour documentary that is crazy. Is there a documentary about him? I've read the leafy is there a documentary about him i've read yes i bought the dvd and watched it when right after i met him it's crazy yeah didn't he he fucking yeah whatever he's walking around with like a cigarette
Starting point is 00:18:54 in his mouth like it's like out of a fucking john wayne movie that's awesome yeah it's so crazy this is all their food i think there are only 150 or something like that. Like 150 or less level fours in the world. That's crazy. Yeah. That is crazy. Are there any Jewish guys on the boat? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Why? Why? Just because. I just want to check their dei dei uh this past um what are we talking about this past weekend was an event uh we had um jason grubb and jamie latimer she has another last name too, Jamie. Jamie. I just know it's Jamie Latimer from this show and Jason Grubb from this show. And they both came on three or four days in a row in the morning to chat with us about the event. The event was called the Legends Competition.
Starting point is 00:20:00 It is for Masters athletes at 30 and above or 35 and above? 35. 35 and above 35, 35 and above. So the categories were similar to the games, 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:20:12 You know how it plays out. And a shitload of people showed up a ton of people who throws this event. Do we know? Is it man? But, but, but it's not a mayhem event. I think they were just using the mayhem of facility. the company is called legends right like let and it looks like hamilton road
Starting point is 00:20:32 uh production the same people who do the games charlie duby's company were the people who did the uh video for it they had sean woodland there uh annie sakamoto doing the commentary uh a real yeah look at that thing yeah this is legit and that's looking down into the gym that is crossfit mayhem and they competed and one of my questions the whole time was i was thinking about who does the programming for these events and and how they do programming for masters and how it differs. If it's just, Hey, you just lighten the weight and you, and you go.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah. That's what I say. So I've plus you guys can't do muscle ups. Sorry. So there you go. There's Jason grub, uh, took first place in the competition. Uh,
Starting point is 00:21:21 Jamie Latimer took a second place in her division. Crazy. Crazy impressive. The only thing that I saw that was weird, and I'm sure there were a lot of things that were weird. There's Jamie right in the middle there, right next to the chick in the pink. The only thing that I saw that was weird there, and I guess we could start here, was the fact that in one of the competitions in one of the age categories you could either do handstand walks or bear crawls whoa whoa you could do either or yeah and and it didn't count as scaled i don't mean to start with something negative but
Starting point is 00:21:58 i i mean i mean too but i don't mean love the throwback hey this isn't the throwback shirt i just got this what are you talking about dick this isn't the throwback shirt i just got this yeah yeah are you sure about that like like for certain can you can you pull that up yeah you're disturbed by that right because then it's not a competition right anymore it sounds like the fucking uh fuck what did that what did that fucker do i don't can't competition right anymore it sounds like the fucking uh what did that what did that fucker do i don't can't remember his name it sounds like the guy hiller destroyed the master's athlete who yeah but that but that but it also said that in the games notes too i know it said you could either do pistols or box step ups like if you go to sudden impact the
Starting point is 00:22:37 workout sudden impact i think that's the one you're talking about that's the only one with a handstand um movement other than strict handstand pushups in the final. But sudden impact is wall walks. And what's really cool about the way that these workouts, at least the differences in divisions, are presented is there's a chart underneath every flow and every workout explanation. So you've got the workout, the time cap, how it scored, the workout flow. And then beneath, if you scroll down, you'll see the differences in divisions. What's workout flow mean? So it's like saying that, um, at this call of three, two, one, go, the athlete will go to the
Starting point is 00:23:15 barbell and perform one deadlift after one deadlift, they'll return to the wall, perform one wall walk and then return to the barbell for two deadlifts and so on for six minutes. Okay. So, so kind of like a written out it written out verbally right and a lot of they don't do that in a lot of events huh they don't do that for the games do they they don't have a flow they do have a flow but it's usually briefed to the athletes and their coaches at the athlete briefing briefings right Right, right, and not to us. 50 Plus didn't do sudden impact. Harry Johnson is saying that Mayhem programmed this event. And when we had Rich on, the most recent show he did, we actually asked him that, and he said that they had some say, but they didn't have 100% control. So there were some parameters that had to work with him. All right. Um, J.R., um, what is the difference in programming for people who are older and when do they get older? What is older? Well, let me answer that with a question for you.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah. Athletes needs vary by what? Degree, not kind. Degree, not kind. Right. So here's my question. And Bill, I mean, I hope he's watching this, but he can chime in on a lot of stuff. There's something he's really passionate about being a master's athlete and having a lot of opinions about how they should do the program design.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Do you tell someone that of the 10 general physical skills, flexibility is important until you turn 60 and then that's no longer a skill that's important? No. You tell them that strength is important until they're a certain age and then they don't need to work on it? No. So a lot of people would argue that it shouldn't change. That yeah, sure. As we age, some things will deterior So a lot of people would argue that it shouldn't change that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:05 sure. As we age, some things will deteriorate a little, but telling people that when they turn 50 years old, they shouldn't have to squat with something over their head anymore. Doesn't make any sense from the foundation of CrossFit. Okay. Let me throw some other things out there. How about go upside down? Things, especially that are more so kinesthetic awareness that are more so skills that you can acquire, you can acquire into your as late a years as you want. So I think if anything,
Starting point is 00:25:32 gymnastics movements should be some thing that stays, should be something that we want to let people showcase that we allow people to showcase into those really later masters years. Look at the games this year. Every division did some form of pegboard climb. Even the oldest age division had a line, and they said, hey, take the two pegs, get them above this line, go back down. That's a rep.
Starting point is 00:25:57 All the age divisions did ring muscle-ups at the games this year. And I know this event isn't at CrossFit Games, but I think we can let that lead by example and let us kind of see what's important as far as aging and what's still possible as we age. What about, what about danger and injuries? I think that if you sign up for a competition like this and for the CrossFit games, you're playing a sport more so than you're just performing for health and wellness. Are there any movements that are, go ahead, go ahead. No, I was going to say, I'm glad you answered in that fashion because I get frustrated when you, again, you see like age divisions are like, Oh, I can't do that. You know, my mobility. I'm like, well then,
Starting point is 00:26:37 well, it's a sport. If you're competing, then it's a sport. So if you can't do it, then fuck off. Right. Fair, fair. And are there any exceptions to this rule? Are there any movements that you see? Let's pick the oldest age division just to make it easy on ourselves. Is there any 65 and up? That division goes infinitely, right? You could be 90 years old.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It doesn't go 65 to 69, right? Right six oh it's 60 plus are there any movements in that that division that wouldn't be okay for that division that you might see at the crossfit games i don't think there are movements that necessarily need to be omitted completely i think there are movements that in particular volumes can be irresponsible yeah for instance if For instance, if you have a workout for 35 to 39 that has 500 double unders, maybe not a great thing to program for 60 plus just because of the number of Achilles tendons, just calf injuries, soleus, whatever. But what I do think is important is that this doesn't mean that they can't do double unders. They can, but maybe instead of doing five sets of a hundred, they do five sets of 25.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Were you going to say something, Taylor? I was going to say, wow, lost my train. Okay. I was going to say, I, I think what we are seeing here in terms of, okay, what are we programming for masters versus what can masters athletes actually do versus what is safe or correct to program for masters, I think is just the evolution of what human beings are capable of. And I think it's going to take a longer time to see that play out for older athletes than it has for the individual, you know, 10 years ago in CrossFit or in 2007 or prior to 2007, where are we asking 65 plus year olds to handstand walk and do things like that in a competitive
Starting point is 00:28:34 setting? Was the world demanding that or asking that of any athletes that age, or to be able to, to be capable of what now a 65 plus CrossFit athlete is capable of. No, at least for the most part, no. So then when we introduced that, it's like, oh, we're not really sure what these people are capable of. Maybe we're going to be a little nervous or cautious with what we program for them. And then maybe in 20 or 30 years, when Matt Fraser is a 65 plus athlete, he can probably do quite a bit more than a lot of the 65 plus athletes of today's he can probably do quite a bit more than a lot of the 65 plus athletes of today's, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:05 environment or, but, but you still have, you still have workouts that even show up in the individual, like the skills medley, for example, that only two or three people finish. And so conceivably that still could happen in the masters also in the 60,
Starting point is 00:29:18 in the 60 plus. And I even remember, I don't know what year it was at the CrossFit games, but they had them do handstand walks and a lot of the masters couldn't even do them. I remember James Fitzgerald, the 2007 individual champ, couldn't do the handstand walk in the Masters Comp. So it happens. But I guess what you're saying is that goes back to degree. You're saying it's the exact – you should program – you can program anything as long as it fits.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You can program any movement. I think in theory you can program any movement. In practice, it's really hard to do. What I'm saying is what Masters athletes are going to be capable of in 10 or 15 or 20 years, it's going to be way more than what they're capable of now. And in the same respect, I think we have a competition like this that used in-person qualifiers to get people there. Now, each of those qualifiers, if they weren't told to do the same programming, we don't know that, you know, often like when we talk about the semifinals having different program design, we don't know that they're being screened for the games because they all have different programming. But what did the 65 plus year olds do this year in the semifinals to get
Starting point is 00:30:31 to the CrossFit games? They had legless rope climbs program. There's that famous video of that lady doing the legless rope climb and crushing it. Well, why was that done? Boz was screening them for the pegboard in some form or fashion, previous, previous stages, I think should be used to screen more so than anything else. You're screening from the open to quarters, you're screening from quarters to semis, you're screening athletes to make sure that when they get to the games, the challenges presented to them are within the realm of possibility based on what you've already seen them do. are within the realm of possibility based on what you've already seen them do. And, and then there's always that, I don't remember the exact words, but basically it's that, you know, that really cool interview that Dave did the year he put in the a hundred pound dumbbell and the regionals. And he said, one of the things I enjoy doing is giving the athletes something that I know they can do, but they're not sure they can do and them impressing themselves out on the floor. And so the masters probably get that a lot.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Right. I think it goes back to that quote that Dave was famous for saying all the time, you know, that the games is not for showcasing the athlete. The games is for testing the athletes and that should go for all divisions. But should it go for all competitions? Yeah. I mean, you saw, I think Brian put up a graphic where he compared the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 00:31:46 winners, the Masters Fitness Collective winners, and the Legends winners, and kind of said, hey, look at the crossover. Look at the athletes that place on the podium in all three, or in two of the three, or just in one. So they're being compared in some respects in the same way that I think a lot of people would say who won Rogue, who won Wadapalooza, who won Dubai? Was there any carryover? And I think it's great that they're bringing more attention to all these masters age divisions. It's providing them with more opportunities to showcase what they can do. Because if you look at the games and you say, well, why didn't they make them do this? And why didn't they make them do this? But we're all agreeing that until we see what they're capable of, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Well, having competitions like this is a way to show, yeah, they can do this. Okay, cool. We'll take note of that for next season. Do you know what I think the most interesting class is? If I were going to watch any Masters, it would be the oldest division. If I, if I had the time, that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:32:47 But yeah, something other than the individual, the next, the next, I wouldn't go to, I wouldn't go to a 30 to 35 or 35 to 39. I would go do at the games. Do they have a 65 plus?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. Yes. Yeah. So at the games, yeah, that's the division you want to see. That's where you're going to see some weird shit. That's where you're going to see people as a 20 year old man.
Starting point is 00:33:05 There's going to be some 68 year old woman doing something that you're like, what? And, and even if you're not impressed by it, I promise you by the time you're 50, you will be impressed by it. You know what I mean? Like now that I'm,
Starting point is 00:33:19 when I was 34, I wasn't impressed by it. Now that I'm 50, I'm like, Oh shit, I get it. I get it. I get it. Can we pull up the first workout, Mr. Souza? Yeah, so nine scored total events for the Youngest Days divisions,
Starting point is 00:33:39 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And what about the oldest division? How many – were there also nine workouts? I think there were only seven. Someone in the comments can tell me I'm not a hundred percent on that. Okay. So that would, that would sponsor the master's. They should. Hey, so there you go right there, right? That's something to be, that's something to be wary of right there. So the older division might get fewer workouts. That might be one way that you manage the programming, fewer workouts for older people. Okay. So the first workout max distance row, uh, for,
Starting point is 00:34:14 for seven minutes. Yep. So the score is total meters accumulated and they do seven minutes on each concept two machine with one minute rest in between and they add the meters up and whoever has the most wins uh taylor just as a workout do you like this uh i just prefer things where you can race more realistically if you're going to test like a long time domain it's i mean to test fitness it's great to showcase on a competition floor or to stream it or to create some sort of spectacle it's terrible um but i don't necessarily think that that's what they cared the most about i think they wanted a long workout probably a long workout that was pretty easy because they had a billion divisions um and this is you know it's probably about as easy of a long workout as you can create uh jr thoughts the same same question do you like this workout as the first workout for a test for the age divisions for
Starting point is 00:35:12 no no just for as a workout yeah sure i mean i think for for the race aspect of it's probably not the most exciting thing for the spectators or the athletes unless they could look up at pace boats and pace bikes the whole time they were going. But something that it does do is it checks the box of something longer, something over 20 minutes, which I think a competition of this magnitude, you got to have something over 20. Other than that, it is kind of cool because like rinse and repeat, it's a way to compare all divisions doing the same thing. So you could stack everyone up and say, Hey, there's a dude that's 51 that would have finished third overall on this workout, which is always fun to do. Okay. Let me, let me throw this out there. Why not do, um,
Starting point is 00:35:56 a five minutes distance row, five minute biker, five minute, uh, Mac max distance skier. And then, and then a final event that's five minutes where we can actually see them racing i guess at that point it doesn't matter because we would need to we would already need to know their scores from the first three so so i think it's too complicated because of how many divisions and people that had i don't think they could possibly do that. Okay. Okay. Would you, would you, would you program this at an event for any reason?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Taylor? Can we, JR, would you, you go first. Instead of making it AMRAP style, I would make it priority of distance or calories. And I would make them get off,
Starting point is 00:36:42 get off and go to the next machine. so you could at least see who was winning task priority rather than time uh taylor do you agree with that yeah i'd do the same way if i had to do a row into a biker and do a ski i would just make it like i don't know it looks to me like it's like a four or three k four yeah less than that i don, I don't know. All right. And would that change people's approach to the workout if you did that? Yeah. Well, if you change it from meters to calories, you do change the way you approach it, right? Because you're rewarded for higher power output when you're rowing,
Starting point is 00:37:20 skiing, biking for calories versus for distance. So there is strategically some things that you do differently. Okay. Workout number, anything else on this? Let's look at workout number two. Oh, so that one, just to reiterate what you were saying, that workout number one was the same for everybody, all the age divisions. Right. And so you could compare. i wonder who did the best at that i wonder if it was the the youngest group or if there was someone in one of the older groups that that did the best at that maybe someone will say in the um in the comments um workout number two
Starting point is 00:37:56 let me ask you this before is there someone in the crossfit space who is the master of masters programming is there someone that's known like hey that guy does incredible masters programming is there a coach like like we know like for instance we know bruce a great camp you know for coaching games athletes we're going to assume that mayhem is a good camp for uh coaching games athlete is there someone who's like yeah this if you're a master's this is where you go these are the guys you want to be with and and someone maybe in the same category for programming actual events why don't chase programmed one of the in-person qualifiers for this competition and just looking over the programming for that it's it's about as good as you can get what do you
Starting point is 00:38:37 mean one of these workouts chase programmed no so no so the way it worked is there were there were five in-person qualifiers, and they were awarded spots to legends based on the amount of participants in each age division, and then they used an online format to fill in the rest of the spots. Okay, so you're throwing Chase's name in the bucket. Yeah. As a nomination. Taylor, do you got anybody? I like these three in the comments neil maddox bill grunler and jr but also chase all right uh workout number two uh and do we do we know well uh susan if you end up
Starting point is 00:39:18 finding out which two which if which two workouts the oldest division dropped? So you can see it. If you just scroll down and you look in that chart, if there's an N-A by that division, it means they didn't do it. Oh, okay. So let's just do that real quick and see. So everyone did this. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I thought that stood for a nice ass. Me too. Me too. Workout number. Oh, okay. He's going through all of them right now okay so workout five oh that's nice they left it for the last until the last two workouts and then we get to workout number okay and so this is workout number is this eight no i think that's seven seven okay
Starting point is 00:39:59 okay the last ones are back to back So 59 and over got six events. Okay. Over how many days do you know? Well, no, it looks like they did the last two. So go to the last workout, old school, one and two. Oh, wow. It looks like they did those. Okay, so it's only one workout.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It looks like one less unless we just missed one earlier in the week, one of the Thursday or Friday workouts. Okay. This was a three-day competition. Oh, no, four-day. Four-day, the week on one of the thursday or friday workouts okay this was a three-day uh competition oh no four-day four-day yeah for most of the divisions four-day that's interesting right you would think for max participation they would have made it a two-day competition they made it a four-day competition and they still killed it it was it was four days for all athletes is yeah the the one we just looked at endless ergs and then workout two was thursday ended on sunday
Starting point is 00:40:51 so i had those guys on four days yeah four days jamie four days jason at the beginning of my shows. You're welcome. Workout number two. 15-12-9 dumbbell thrusters, dumbbell box step-ups. 100-something. Is that the torque tank? It is. Torque tank push after each round in 25-foot increments.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Okay, I like that. See, alpaca. Alpaca. And nine- uh time cap uh mr taylor right away what do you see the box step ups uh that's because it's master's event what do you mean versus a step over oh no no, because they're carrying the weights. So everyone, even if that was individual, they'd be doing box step ups too. Yeah. Okay. Uh, what do you think about this workout?
Starting point is 00:41:52 I like the workout alone. It's, it's disgusting. I mean, it's a little, it's a lot of legs. It's redundant. A lot of legs redundant, but a lot of events program redundant movements. I personally can sometimes be partial to redundancy. Um, I mean, I love it. It's just a classic 15,
Starting point is 00:42:09 12, nine. Um, did they finish the workout with the tank push? Does that say, it looks like it, if it was, it looks,
Starting point is 00:42:18 it looks like it. Cause they do the tank push four times. I think that's the only thing I'm, you know, not as big of a fan with is that they finished the workout with the tank push and the tank pushes down and back twice like you know four times 25 no 25 down 25 back 25 down 25 back so down and back twice i i think it's just meh i'm not a huge fan of finishing a workout like that because then once you get like three or four athletes that are all in the sled push you're not sure who's on their last 25 increment and who just started.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It's hard to follow. But you do like the numbers. I know you're a numbers guy. You're happy with these numbers, 15, 12, 9? Yeah, the numbers jive. I do like the numbers. Yeah, those speak to you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:59 JR, 15, 12, 9. Yeah, a couple things I noticed here. The box step up is actually sneaky, harder movement than overs. I think overs are a lot faster. You don't have to open the hip at the top and just that little extra range of motion is going to make that already grinder type movement take a little bit longer to Taylor's point. I think it's, you know, it's simple. You, you start the workout with the tank. So it's a tank push before each round and not at the end. And then you end on the nine, nine. So that's, you know, when I look at it, that's the only thing I see. Um, anyone who's done any form of pressing, whether it's like a
Starting point is 00:43:34 handstand movement, and then also anything with the dumbbells in that hang position, whether it's dumbbell cleans, dumbbell deadlifts, dumbbell lunges, that, that antagonizing movement pattern is nasty on the shoulders. One of my favorite couplets for like a training stimulus is a dumbbell box step up or over, but particularly a dumbbell box step up and handstand pushups, like a strict handstand pushup. It's a disgusting combination. I love it. So when you look at it, you do think legs, legs, legs, but there's a lot of shoulders here too. I wonder if they could rest there.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I wonder if they had to push, like keep their arms extended when they push the torque tank or keep their shoulders off of it, or if they could just push with the shoulders and relax the arms because that would play a part as well. I've been using the torque tank a ton. I use it today. And yet you would never program it in a comp unless they gave you a lot of money, right? Yeah, and there's no telling what I would do for like $2,000 or $3,000. I'm pretty cheap. You'd show your Cheerio on OnlyFans. Cheerio.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Okay, I really like this workout. I just think that it should have been 36 24 36 okay total jesus uh any anything um anything else about this one number two yeah i think it's always good if you scroll down to the chart just to look and see where the delineation was made between using the 50 pounders versus going to the 35s and the lighter ones. So here we see all the age groups up to 50 use the heavier dumbbells. The tank looks like it's the same for everyone. And then going from 50 up, they're 35 and 20. So just something to take note of because as we see, every workout didn't follow
Starting point is 00:45:26 this pattern. So in some of the, you know, in some of the events you saw a change in the workout structure or the workout rep scheme earlier. And on some workouts, we saw everyone do the same thing like on the first one. Those weights right there. This is an interesting way to think of it. weights right there this is an interesting way to think of it in crossfit we we we have a men's weight and we have a women's weight and usually there's some sort of percentage that a relationship that they have to each other that stays consistent right what is that percentage like women lift like 30 percent less or something that's some people will 70%, but that's a, that's a pretty hot topic right now about how we should be. We should be approaching that.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Like, should there be a standardization of that? Should we redo it? Should we, should we not base workouts on the female side off of the male weights or should we do it in reverse? Should we write the workouts for the females and then adjust it for the males? So that's a, when you're writing a workout, how do you write Jr? Do you write for the men that adjust for the women or do you switch it up? No, I think I, I think more times than not, I look at a workout and if it's anything that's loaded, I think about the female loading first. What about gymnastics? I usually will
Starting point is 00:46:46 think about the male load, the, the, the male work and then think, why is that? Why is that? Is there a reason for that? Oh, that was just a genuine, that was like a, huh? That's interesting. I, you know, I think a lot about programming, but I have not thought too deeply on who I should think of first when programming. Do you think that's interesting? Yeah. Training Think Tank did a podcast recently, and I think the title of it is just, is CrossFit a sport that's programmed for men? And it's a good thumbnail because it gets you to click on it. The conversation is awesome with Max and Mia and Brandon. I just wish they went into it a little bit more deeply. It's talking basically about, you know, if you, if you have a barbell movement, typically you'll see something like 135, 95 or 225, 155.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And almost all, always the females will perform better. We'll have faster times. We'll get more reps. But then sometimes when you look at certain gymnastics movements, it's the opposite, but then for other gymnastics movements, it's not. So should we be even having them do the exact same workouts? Should we be, um, should we standardize this and say, okay, for upper body pressing, the scale is nine to six and you just go up from there. But for upper body pulling, it's two to one. You know what I'm saying? Should we, should that be something that the sport releases is this is the way it's going to be so that when you're programming workouts,
Starting point is 00:48:11 you don't have a workout that's three 15, two Oh five one day, and then three 15, two 25 the next day. But does it change based on movement pattern for loading? If you look at something like, um, if you look at what, what was that, what was what was the event called uh 2007 reload where they had the right 235 men's bar and a 140 or 145 women's bar so it was like the classic 205 145 loading for women but then an increased mate weight for men because they were going overhead is and then throughout the rest of the competition it seemed like pretty standard loading across but just that one event was different. It was interesting. Well, it kind of has been standardized, right? By standardized, I mean, it's all relatively close.
Starting point is 00:48:54 70, 75%, 65%. Well, it goes into a lot of things. And I'm going to take this somewhere when we're done. This isn't the main question yet. I haven't even asked the main question. Go ahead. If you're doing a box step up, how is that any different than doing a wall ball if you are already getting a lighter ball why are you going to a shorter target so if you're already getting light if you're already getting lighter dumbbells why do you go to a shorter box
Starting point is 00:49:17 should should everyone they didn't go to a shorter box here right they did not go to a shorter box well not they did well they went to 20 inches oh right right okay well okay i i don't know i don't i don't know that i agree with that well you just you don't only think about like bones intensity and muscle mass in terms of how much loading can they move but also average size of a female versus average size of a male or height or weight, whatever. I don't know. I mean, I mean, I think the argument is for sure. It, it depends. It depends on the workout. And if you know what you're doing from a programming standpoint, you can say, Hey, in this workout, the tank is really going to crush the women. So using 35 pound dumbbells to a 20 inch box is going to get everyone closer to what we want stimulus wise time wise all that kind of stuff but did they flip it down to the second setting rather than
Starting point is 00:50:10 the third setting in terms of magnetic resistance on the torque tank for women who knows they may have done that it says three two on the chart oh it does i'm guessing the three two stands for the resistance wow interesting um i don know, thinking more deeply about that. I feel like typically when I program rather than program, I feel like more than anything, what I'm looking for is a time domain and a feel of the workout. And I make sure the weights and the rep schemes for men and women are, are, uh, adjusted accordingly so that they get the right time and the right feel or the right amount of reps to the volume, whatever. Like, that's what I think about first is how do I want this workout to feel for everyone doing it? What do I want them to get out of the workout? And then I adjust the loading and the
Starting point is 00:50:51 repetitions and the movements accordingly. Yeah. Like here's an example. Here's an easy example. And this is going kind of deep, but if you take the workout 21, 15, nine thrusters and chest to bar, everyone pretty much agrees that there is not going to be much separation in the capacity of males between females to do everything unbroken. So usually you'll see one 35, 95, and the times would probably work out pretty close. But if you have a workout that is, um, that is 21, 15, nine thrusters, three, two, one legless rope climbs, and everyone's doing the same amount one legless rope climbs, and everyone's doing the same amount of legless rope climbs. You would hear some people say, why not make the barbell
Starting point is 00:51:31 85? The women are not going to be as good at strict pulling, or if you think they are going to be, cause it's only six reps, then add around a four, do 27 down to nine, do four, three, four, three, two, one, whatever. People are going to come back and say, Hey, if you want the times to be more even, then you need to decrease the load of the barbell. And in that situation, I would agree. And I think that's where you really need to be knowledgeable and you need to know what you want. Do you just want everyone to have to do 10 legless and deal with the weight? Do you want the stimulus to be different for the males than it is for the females? Because if you're not careful with that, that's what you get. And I think that's, I will tip to just real quick. I think to go beyond that,
Starting point is 00:52:08 I think that's why we don't have the level of standardization that we're talking about is because CrossFit is so varied and so different and so creative and one workout and what you want out of it complete can be wildly different from another workout. And the standardization that would work for one workout could be wildly different for a workout with the same movements. Um, I, I love a workout where you program the same amount of calories for men and women, because it's just life has given you this amount of work and everyone has to do it. It's not all the time. And that's not how I program for most training, but there are workouts where I think that's appropriate. Just like a 2k row is the same for women as it is for men or a one mile run is the same for women as it is for men. So here's my question. Do we have a standardization for
Starting point is 00:52:51 the elderly, for the masters people? Do we have a standardization that is, hey, it's, um, if, if 30 is doing this 30 to 30, if 30 to 34 is doing this, then 35 to 39 is doing this 30 to 30 if 30 to 34 is doing this then 35 to 39 is doing this and you can just do those percentages or have we not seen enough masters competitions yet to have some sort of rough standardization for that if there's a clear standardization i'm not fully aware of it and i also think it the capabilities of masters are so volatile like meaning that they're evolving so quickly and so so we're not there yet. That might come someday, but we're just not there yet. I think maybe, but I think in a lot of ways, this is speaking from an affiliate owner. I'm sure a lot of them would agree with me when
Starting point is 00:53:34 the open came out in 2017 and said, Hey, here's your warning. You need these dumbbells. Most people have just stuck with that. They're like, okay, I need a bunch of fifties. I need a bunch of 35s. I need a bunch of twenties or 25s. So what if we're doing competitions and all of a sudden we're like, oh, you know what? 35 and 20 just doesn't work. Like the, the masters females are just, they're doing, they're doing a hundred unbroken snatches. This needs to be 35 and 25. Well then what, what happens? You say, Hey, well, I'm going to be the first event that's going to program a heavier dumbbell. I'm going to program forties and thirties for this age group. And then what happens after that? Everyone's like, well, do I need to go out and
Starting point is 00:54:14 buy a bunch of those instead? Like, you know, what do I need? And I think most people will base it around what they need for the open and for quarterfinals first. So if I'm hearing you right, if I mean, basically we're not there yet, we don't have enough data. We haven't done enough masters competitions. We don't know. And we don't know if we'll ever get there to where it's like, yeah, the people who are 60 to 65 do 50% of what individuals men's do. Well, if human performance is always advancing, what we're always going to have is fitter and fitter people aging up and up and up exactly so the 17 year olds now by the time they're 35 are probably going to be able to do
Starting point is 00:54:51 what the individuals are doing now i mean it's you know it's it's that kind of thing and my my question is if the premise or the methodology of crossfit is programmed for the best or in the you know whatever the level one lecture program for the best scale for the rest is standardizing a master's loading. Even I don't want to say appropriate or, you know, in line with the CrossFit methodology, but it's, it's hard because if you're programmed for the best and scaling for someone who's not the best, so you're scaling for someone who's not 18 to 34 and, and working out of the CrossFit games, then you're really scaling the workout so that they get the correct stimulus. And if you're scaling the workout so that someone gets the intended stimulus, I don't, it's hard to
Starting point is 00:55:33 standardize that, especially through the age groups. I don't know. I. Yeah. And it's really tough. I mean, if you, if you don't have different levels of fitness from the 40 to 50 year olds in your affiliate, how can you expect to program correctly for them? If you don't see them every day and see what they're, they are able, able to do. And if you are seeing them every day, are these 40 and 50 year olds even relevant in terms of programming for something like a legends master event? I, I wouldn't personally, I'm not familiar enough with, you know, 45 and over of what the capabilities are and what those athletes need to feel confident programming to answer that other guy's question. I typically program in two week blocks. Like, like I always am a week ahead. I have a week out. And then I write both weeks up on my whiteboard
Starting point is 00:56:22 and look at the movements and make sure that I have everything needed for the following week. So I'm always two weeks out. I like this guy. This guy's definitely a master. This is how old people write on the internet. His name's Robert Jennings. His name's right there, but this is something my dad would do. This is Bob. This is Bob.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You're over 50 for sure this is bob there is not a standard too much variability in injury i know i know but but but this eventually there has to be some sort of leveling like we're getting leveling the increments of of how people are getting better or growing up less and less and less and less in the individual and eventually it's got to happen to masters that's all i'm saying okay well one final question this shows i thought i was going to be done in an hour instead of be back with my family we're not even close how are you guys in time you guys good ready to party i need to get my ice cream
Starting point is 00:57:14 okay here we go this is totally off this off off way off subject have you ever seen a max rope climb event for uh seven minutes max rope climbs you seem to seven minutes max burpees you say uh hillar did that 10 minute max air squats i did that the other day that was a fucking great workout you ever seen a max rope climbs like maybe something like um uh 10 minutes of max rope climbs five strict and then then your score is whatever you get after that i've seen i've seen that a shitty workout i've seen 30 rope climbs for time come up on main site. You have at least once, maybe twice, not an AMRAP. And then famously what Brooke ants, Dave and Dan Bailey did seven minutes of ring muscle ups one year as almost like a joke before the open started. So, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I, when Andy, damn, damn Bob to go along with how he, okay. You live in the country then, then you're from one of the Southern states where you just got the internet. When he addressed himself, it reminded me of Andy. When Andy picks up the phone, he goes, Andy. And that's all he says. Oh, that's Bob who runs the Masters event. Bob, you da man.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Thank you for doing the event so that we can piggyback and be like parasites in the ecosystem and make a little cash. $17 that we'll make on this episode. I appreciate it. You make cash? Jay Hart will send me a message on Instagram and I'll talk to you all about programming. Stop promoting. Jeez. I just told him to send me a message. Fuck off. Hey, promote away. Listen,
Starting point is 00:58:38 it's great programming. The world needs to see it. We will get to workout three. Look at Sousa telling us to fucking run along. Get your ass going. So that's not a bad idea. Max rope climbs. Like at the games, max rope climbs in 10 minutes and then a 400-meter run so we get to see them race to the finish. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:59 AMRAP, four-minute AMRAP, max rope climbs right into a 400-meter run I think would be pretty cool. Yeah, okay. Yeah, but I mean it's not the most important thing, but at the games, you do have to think about the presentation to the fans, to the presentation of the fans online. And unless you have a way to move pylons, to have tickers above every rope, that's going to be really hard to watch.
Starting point is 00:59:22 You could have someone flipping those signs. Yeah. And then you get to see them run at the end all right i'm gonna talk to adrian okay i think 30 rope climbs for time would be an awesome workout games okay uh workout number three susan you got to go somewhere oh good good he just he's like fuck we're at an hour we're only workout three workout three five rounds uh 18 toes to bar nine shoulder to overhead 54 double unders uh 11 minute uh time cap uh let's start with something simple taylor uh do you like these numbers 18 954 um they're all kind of interesting multiples. Uh, no, I wouldn't have, they are, they look at you. You want it to say it's a pretty girl. You just can't. Well, they make it. Yeah. It's like, uh, it's a girl.
Starting point is 01:00:16 What about 36, 24, 36 right there? I like that. I really like, you know, you said 36, 24, 36 before. And I like that. I don't know that I've ever written a workout in that rep scheme, but I do like, like, I like 45, 15, 45 a lot or 15, 45, 15. I don't know. I, I wouldn't have written it. It's they're good movement combinations. Total bar shoulder overhead and double under are fantastic triplet.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's a nasty workout. That's disgusting. So tell me just off top of your head what would you make these numbers if we have to stick with five rounds you can even change the rounds i don't care change you want to change around i think i don't know i think 90 45 and 270 is pretty appropriate here look at the totals add up the totals and the chunks are big enough especially on the toes to bar to separate you assume people are cannot drop the bar at this level which is fair assumption if you mess up on the double unders you're already behind
Starting point is 01:01:09 yeah i i mean i like it i think it probably just looks a little cleaner if it's four rounds of 20 10 and 40 and make it maybe make it a heavy rope or a heavier rope like a rogue pro rope not a drag rope or not 10 shoulder overhead, 20 toes to bar and 30 drag rope, double unders for four rounds. I don't know. I mean, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:01:31 it's, that's just opinion. That's all opinion. The workout, but both of you guys like to work out. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:36 I still think it looks kind of clean. You have multiples of whatever nine. So you have nine, 18, the nine times six is 54. Yeah. You, you could,
Starting point is 01:01:44 I think just to the eye, if you start the workout with shoulder to overhead and have it nine, 18, 54, maybe it looks a little cleaner, but that's just like semantics. This is the first time though, if you scroll down where we do see some of the things that we've been talking about into consideration, which I think is really cool. Look at the double under number as the ages go up. So the loading goes down, the toes to bar total volume comes down a little bit and the double unders come down a little bit. This kind of shows that they're very aware later in the weekend, they have everyone doing GHD sit-ups. So the toes to bar number,
Starting point is 01:02:20 they just don't want to crush everyone with, with toast bar. And then to get the athletes probably all around the same time domain, I would think, and just looking out for the high volume plyometric movement, we see the double unders come down. And then the argument is, well, should it come down by 10 when they get to 50 years old? Like why, why when they turn 50, why not when they turn 55, you know, people will always say things like that. Oh, it is 135 95 uh significant weight for uh mr grubb jason grubb he he won that category is that pushing the outer limits of those guys no taylor might disagree but i mean when i look at the workout the only
Starting point is 01:02:59 thing i see is grip fatigue and when you're going overhead even with a barbell you're still holding something whether it's not it's not as grippy as like something in a deadlift position or maybe a snatch something pulling from the floor you're still going to get a lot of localized upper body fatigue and grip fatigue there and how i i think to a degree uh i mean yeah to degree. I think it is predominantly grip. David Johnson, I'm assuming he competed in that age category. Not at all. I want it to be heavier. Was this a race?
Starting point is 01:03:35 David's a super cool guy. I met him at the games in 2021. Was this a race? Is this programmed so that you can pace it and never stop? Is this programmed so, like, can pace it and never stop is this program so like hey you're just moving for i think some of the age groups yeah or at least i guess i hope all of them would be to that case how i wonder how many finish this and so so amy morton that won this workout she did it in 828 i'd be curious i'd be curious to know in the comments if anyone
Starting point is 01:04:03 was able to go unbroken on everything. I imagine that after round three, the toes to bar were probably broken up, be it on purpose or not. I think Brooke Ence just came out with a – she had a movie come out. I don't know how much she was involved in it. Sometimes they just put you down as the producer of a movie so that you can promote it. But I know she just of a movie so that they you can promote it but um but i know she just had a movie come out i dm'd her a few times but i don't have that blue check mark anymore and so i don't i think my dm's just vanish in people's dms i wasn't gonna try to get her on the
Starting point is 01:04:34 show uh robert jennings bob sorry bob bob uh was working on breaking down the core for the weekend and grip fatigue the shoulder to overhead was mostly noise what uh what what does he mean by that mostly noise just it's just annoying it's in the way there's 45 reps so they do affect the other two movements but like he's saying he's trying to get after the grip fatigue and the midline fatigue all righty uh workout number four cuatro as they say south of the border. I guess they say it everywhere in the United States now. Cuatro. Three, two, workout four.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Three, two, two. You guys are going to have to explain to me what that means. 200-meter run buy-in. 75 dumbbell hang snatches. Okay. Rest one minute after each round. Nine-minute time cap uh i'm probably someone explain this to me it's an interval workout so three two one go they have three minutes to complete the run buy-in and then accumulate as many hang dumbbell snatches as
Starting point is 01:05:38 possible until they get 75 reps um and at first glance i just so you don't have to do the run by and taylor uh the second and third round you do every round you do the run you start okay with the run and you pick up where you left off on the dumbbell i i like i i don't like interval workouts start that's weird i've never seen an interval workout start out with the bigger number to start and i think the reason for that is because you want to give them the extra time to complete the work once they're fatigued not when they're fresh unless you want them to come close to finishing in the first round i mean depends on what the programmer wants that's the other thing about this is you have to know what the you know we don't know what the programmer wanted out of this but it would seem that in three minutes
Starting point is 01:06:17 athletes could get really far into the dumbbell hang snatch yeah you spot on because i talked to allison stall today she's a local athlete. She competed here. She finished third. And she said that, um, she got, I think into the sixties on the dumbbell snatches on the first three minute interval. So at that point it was, Hey, we both have to sprint this run. And then we only have, you know, 10 to 15 reps to go. And then our workouts over, well, you've got two minutes and 20 seconds to do dumbbell hang snatches which is right and if we scroll down to and look at the chart it looks like maybe that run number was was adjusted up a little bit it was 250 200 then it went 200 175 then as you can see down so so theoretically if you finished um if you finished it all in the first three minutes, you're done?
Starting point is 01:07:06 Yes. Okay, and so let's look at David. Is it 75 or 70? 75. So let's look at David's score. So David got 59. So what that means for David is he ran 200 meters. 250, it looks like.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Let's say he ran 250, and then he did uh let's say he did 20 his first round and then the next round he did another 20 and then the last round he did 19 no no no no no i think he's i think he's saying he got 59 on the first interval he got 59 okay which is to me seems like they missed a little bit on the distribution of working time in the intervals. Okay. Okay. So, okay. Yeah. That would be interesting. That would be interesting to know why Bob did that. Have you ever seen that before?
Starting point is 01:07:53 I've never seen that before either, where they give you more time in the first round instead of the last two rounds. JR? Taylor? No, that's the first time I've ever seen that. The only thing I can think is that it was almost done purposefully for you to think that you could do it,
Starting point is 01:08:08 and then when you realized that you weren't going to be able to, who can regroup and say, okay, I've got to sell out on this second run because I've got to be first to the dumbbell. If I'm not first to the dumbbell, I can't win. That's the only thing I can think of. Okay. And I like that.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I like that too. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. If you think you're getting close and you're like, oh, I can finish it. And then you get fucking smacked. You're like, damn. I mean, you see it in interval workouts often. People get so close. And usually it's not the first, but they get so close to finishing.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And they're like a rep or two or three shy. And when they fucking hit the cap and they have to rest and they're like, fuck, I got to do the buy-in again. I'm fucked. Jethro Cardona, tear is taking over. I have the trainers light years more comfy than the noble. I think a fucking Skechers fucking Velcro shoe is more comfortable than the noble trainer. The one with the butt. My fucking grandma's orthotics are more comfortable than the noble trainer, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:03 I think grandma's orthotics are more comfortable than the mobile trainer, dude. Bob from the Legends competition, it was his program, says, if I had to do this again, I would have raised the dumbbell weight. So by Bob saying that, meaning that way it would have forced more people to get into the later rounds. Yeah, which is cool. And sometimes you program something and you just even have it tested. And especially with something like this with so many age groups and so many variables um it's hard to get it right and you look back and you learn you program and you learn a legends championship this is bob's wife uh it was purposely and a bait move okay so so uh so you guys were you oh wait can you put that back up
Starting point is 01:09:42 sorry uh we were limited to dumbbell weights so had to make an adjustment to only use 70 50 35 20s oh joe this is joe i don't think bob's wife is named joe you're close-minded as fuck it might okay i have an aunt joe fuck you dude i'm just saying i think this is something really important too for for maybe more so maybe people that don't know all the workouts yet as we're going through them or for novice programmers that can look at this and say, okay, well here's what you do.
Starting point is 01:10:11 You just make the snatches from the floor. It increases the range of motion. It increases time per rep. Boom. How much more? You didn't have heavy enough. You mean if you didn't have heavy enough dumbbells, you're saying you could take adjusted to the,
Starting point is 01:10:23 from the some, some would say that they would be incorrect though, because I do think that Bob and Joe are mindful of hinging movement pattern. We will see deadlifts. We will see sandbag cleans and we will see a power clean. And I think that over the course of nine workouts, having more pulling from the floor would be irresponsible. So I think just saying, Oh yeah, we'll just make him go from the floor again and do 75 fast dumbbell snatches that's not that's not the answer look at jr shutting down the critics in the comments it won't even matter they'll still say it jr are there people try though they'll still they'll still not looking no no not in
Starting point is 01:10:57 these comments i mean in the in the youtube comments someone will still say they should have just taken it from the floor and you're like motherfucker didn't you hear jr didn't you hear him They should have just taken it from the floor. And you're like, motherfucker, didn't you hear JR? Didn't you hear him? My Aunt Jo is not hot. Okay. But she has hair.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Okay. Workout number five. 21-15-9. I know that. That's nice. That makes us feel like we're at home. Power cleans, bar-facing burpees, six-minute time cap.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Nasty. I actually think when I first started CrossFit, I blew my back out so bad on a workout like this. Not to say that this is a dangerous workout. This just gave me a little bit of a flashback. I love the workout. JR, we're at the fifth workout. So is this the last workout of day number two?
Starting point is 01:11:56 No. No, okay. But we are on day number two? Saturday is day three, yeah. Okay, so we're on day three. This is the first workout of the day, 21-15-9. Power cleans, 115-80. Bar-facing burpees.
Starting point is 01:12:10 David Johnson says this one hurt. JR, this one hurts. Jamie Latimer, so gross. Icky, really icky. And I have a sneaking suspicion this probably plays into just as much as the deadlifts, why they didn't go through a full dumbbell snatch. When you're hinging like that in a work out for speed it's just so destructive you get like so nice are you gonna tear any of these workouts up today i mean you are being dude i said i hated the fucking
Starting point is 01:12:34 machine interval throw the machine workout to start okay that's as much as you're gonna get out of me these were pretty good this one is interesting too and since we since we have bob and joe um in the comments it'd be cool to hear their take if you go down and look at the chart not so much the the weights but the burpee number and why the burpee number decreased each round to 15 12 6 was it to keep everybody around that three minute sprint and away from the six minute time cap. And for these people who are competing, this is just a go. Like if you rest, you're not, you're not winning this one, right? It's a, yeah, it's full dummy, full dumb, dumb. And in bar facing burpees, you do a burpee and then you jump over the bar
Starting point is 01:13:19 and then, and then, and then you land and you do another burpee. What does that mean? Bar facing, you can't jump sideways? Yeah, it's not lateral. You have to be facing the barbell when you hit the ground for your burpee. Why does that even matter? Why not just let that – doesn't that take away from the athleticism? Why not just let them jump? As long as you're jumping over, why not let them do the side jump and then the turn and let people start working on what allows you
Starting point is 01:13:40 to do the most athletic movement? You can side jump and turn. You just – when your chest and thighs are on the ground, you have to be perpendicular to the bar. Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 01:13:50 So you, so you can, as you jump over the bar, do a one 80 land, go down. Okay. Is there anyone, is there,
Starting point is 01:13:57 is there room for innovation in this move? Is there anyone, this is going to just sound crazy, but I did see, I did see John Wellborn do this at the 2008 CrossFit Games, which was just bizarre. When he would clap at the top—or maybe it was—yeah, I think he did this. He would clap at the top of the burpee and literally just come back down to his stomach. It was fucking bizarre.
Starting point is 01:14:19 You know what I mean? Instead of land on his feet and then go. There was sometimes where he literally would clap and then just, just fall down forward. Like his feet wouldn't land on the ground until he was on the ground. Yeah. Basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah. Yeah. Like, like he, like he would just smack on the ground, like a belly flop. I think, is there anyone who can do that? And is there anyone who can do that?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Could you innovate the bar facing Burby? So when you jump over, you land on your stomach. Sometimes you see Superman over. Sometimes you see people do taylor's probably seen it you'll see it a lot at local comps you'll see people do lateral burpees and you'll see them like plyometric push-up like where they'll push up off the ground and their feet and hands come off the ground and they like they they push themselves up over the bar so they
Starting point is 01:15:01 don't bring their feet up and jump. They just, they almost try to, they almost try to explode off the ground with both hands and feet. It's odd. Yeah. I mean, it would, it would be taxing, but if you were within a rep range where you thought you could manage it, you could probably do, there's probably room for innovation in the, in the bar facing burpee that just hasn't been done yet. Yeah. I think the more we try to put standardization on that movement other than just chest and thighs must clearly touch the ground and get over the object it's it's a it's a mess yeah let's watch so what i'm saying is is like see how she jumps over yeah that's smooth that's nice there are a lot of cross athletes that can move like that that do
Starting point is 01:15:41 but what i'm saying is is as she plays that we'll play that one more time susa why not when she jumps over just goes to see how her feet hit the ground why not let your hands hit the same ground at the same time as your feet it's just too it's just too much athleticism like to just belly flop yeah probably because she doesn't want to knock the breath out of herself right who is that i'm not sure. That's a Florida grid league, I believe. The Orlando Cobras. That was a burpee specialist. Okay. Anything else we want to say on workout number five?
Starting point is 01:16:18 All right. Let's go to workout number six, the second workout for Saturday, third day of competition. And can you scroll down real quick is that are we still is everyone still doing this workout okay so everyone's still in the game here uh the workout is workout 690 ghd sit-ups wow that's no joke uh 12 rope climbs wow 150 wall balls i'm gonna guess there were some dnfs here uh 12 minute time cap yeah and this is like this is the first workout that i read and said oh that's an amrap and i was like wait a minute let me go back and look at it again so i look at it again i'm like okay if they do them unbroken at a smooth pace that's three minutes let's say they do four rope climbs a
Starting point is 01:17:00 minute which is still pretty impressive that That's three more minutes. And then they do a five minute Karen. Okay. We're at 11 minutes. What's the cap? 12. Okay, cool. It's an AMRAP for 99% of people. There we go. Oh, nobody finished. Nobody finished. Wow. Okay. But no one, I don't think anyone at that competition did the 90 GHG sit-ups in three minutes. Okay. Listen to this though. This one, this one, this one has rich written all over it, whether he programmed it or not. So let's just assume, let's just assume, let's just assume that he let's, let's, let's assume that he tested this. He finished it. So one thing we do have now in the 35 to 39 year old division is the fittest 35 to 39 year old, maybe ever, which is cool.
Starting point is 01:17:42 And who knows if he tested some of these workouts, but I could see him seeing this about, yeah, that looks fun. I'll do that one. So what I'm thinking about also too, is sometimes you, sometimes you program time caps that are so aggressive that all you want to do is push the pace as much as possible. There's something about getting time capped and failing versus seeing amrap 12 minutes that forces you to put out more effort that makes you attack the workout a little more aggressively because because you want to because you want to finish it oh cool so rich did in 11 minutes damn you're good jr okay that great point on the amrap versus the time cap um what what's the most consecutive rope climbs you've ever seen programmed an event is this it have you ever seen this
Starting point is 01:18:31 you ever seen 12 rope climbs at an event in a row i can't remember ever seeing that no there's a regionals workout with overhead dumbbell walking lunge and 30-pound wall balls that had 10 rope climbs in the middle of that chipper at a regionals. Wow. I don't remember anything. Jamie, how many wall balls did you get? 10 leg lifts this year. So did you see that? Jamie did the GHDs in under three minutes, and she mentioned one other lady had also did it, Allison.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Okay. She also took second place. Right. I want to know. I'm curious to see how many how many looks like uh amy was 24 wall balls short and she got second on the event the girl who won jr's done his homework uh 24 wall balls short meaning she did 126 okay right okay we can also see too if we scroll down and look at the chart. Has Tommy V ever been programmed? Has Tommy V ever been programmed in an event?
Starting point is 01:19:29 I was thinking that workout, but I don't think it's ever been programmed. It has. It has. Great job. Tommy V was after Randy that same day. But there's not 12 in a row. There is. There is?
Starting point is 01:19:40 It's 12-9-6, I believe. Oh, 15-9 thrusters at 115. 12-9-6. It's 27 rope climbs it's tough brute coach mike uh mackleroy mick mick elroy mackler mick mick mack mick mick coach mike mick elroy 2015 regionals okay uh what do you guys see here it looks like for the rope climb it's a it's reduced but not by much nine is still crazy right for 60 to 64 oh they did have a 65 plus this is the first time i'm noticing this okay so uh any thoughts on the adjustments made for the age groups uh taylor i'm not experienced enough with 60 to 65 plus athletes who are that fit to give
Starting point is 01:20:28 you an answer on that i mean we have a 65 plus athlete who's a games athlete at our gym and you know his games training is doing the class workout every day as close to rx as he can do it uh jr thoughts on this it's my favorite workout of the weekend for sure and i think it still is cool that they have the 65 pluses open up with a set of 60 is there i you know i had somebody reach out to me and communicate you know a high degree of frustration about the event because not a single athlete finished and why would you have a workout that no one can possibly finish at an event that's supposedly to showcase masters athletes um i have a thought on that yeah what's your thought and a piggyback here's the thing if you
Starting point is 01:21:13 have an event we're like if you have an event there's nine events and only half the people are finishing on all the events yeah i'm not i'm not too down with that from the spectator's point of view but if you have one event like this and they're thinking like jr said hey the whole point is is to just push people as hard as they can not make it an amrap and just set a time cap it it does also test a mental piece too right because because when you get time capped you got to you got to regroup right there's a mental piece everyone failed right so everyone kind of gets that even if you even if you uh win the event you still got a little failure component so if it was the only one that was like this i don't have an issue with it what do you i mean
Starting point is 01:21:53 taylor what did you think about the criticism um i i don't necessarily play into that thought process i don't care if somebody you know if everybody finishes a workout or doesn't i i guess i care less about that i mean i had two events or one event at my competition where really no one had a chance to finish one girl finished out of everyone out of every single division. So I don't same thing. I'm not, that's, that's not my primary concern. And they still get to showcase their, uh, they still get to showcase their, um, talents, uh, legends championships. Uh, championships, Joe says, a mental test, who's going to drop the ball? JR. Let's say at the highest level, let's say the top three
Starting point is 01:22:33 from each division, get off the GHDs five apart, get off the rope climbs one to two reps apart, and you're watching them, you can just say, hey, it doesn't matter who's on what number when they get to the wall ball. Whoever drops it between the three of them is probably not going to win.
Starting point is 01:22:50 And just watching and saying, will they drop? Oh, there's a minute left. Are they going to drop? Are they going to drop? And then someone does drop. It's exciting in that respect. And when you're warming up and see that no one is finishing, it messes with you a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:04 David Johnston. Johnston. Johnston. Okay. Workout number seven. Now we are into, are we into Sunday? No, the only ones that were Sunday were the back-to-back. That was it. Okay, Saturday, workout number seven. This is the third workout they did. no the only the only ones that were sunday were the back-to-back that was it okay saturday uh
Starting point is 01:23:26 workout number seven this is the third workout they did uh it's an amrap one two three four five six etc wall walks deadlifts 315 and 225 wow uh six minutes and I think this is almost like an homage to one of their, I think, online qualifiers. They had dumbbell snatches and wall walks and an ascending ladder in the same kind of fashion. So they kind of go back to that same movement pattern. And we see deadlifts and handstand movements coupled together since the beginning of CrossFit. Too heavy, Taylor? 315? Can we scroll down and see what the weights are? Too heavy for the old guys? No, definitely not.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And I agree with Taylor. If anything, I think the deadlifts, for the most part, maybe for the highest level people, are more irrelevant, that it's a wall walk workout, because time per repetition is almost, I don't know, you could probably do four to five touch and go at 315 in the amount of time it takes to do a fast wall walk. 54 year old women, 205, not too heavy? No. And this is a really good
Starting point is 01:24:37 example too. A lot of times you'll see 275, 185, almost always. And a lot of times you'll see 315, 205. And I think it's great that they're using heavier loads for the females wow okay god this is i think this is the nicest programming show we've ever done uh anthony tpa five dollars i was at this event and it was well run this workout and the d ball workout had too much volume would have been nice to see them finish okay he's talking about the uh the previous one, so this is the first event that the 55 to 59, 60 to 64, and 65 plus did not do. What's the thought on leave this out for them? Is it the deadlifts?
Starting point is 01:25:17 You don't want to break old person's back? Well, I think you just think about the movement patterns they've already done. So they already had hang snatches. Oh, okay. And sorry, real quick. And Bob says the 50 to 54 didn't do it either typo. Thank you, Bob. I'd be more concerned with shoulders before midline for most of these athletes.
Starting point is 01:25:36 So they got handstand pushups in the final. And maybe that's to Taylor's point, that having them go inverted more than once is too much. What do you mean? They're not going inverted here. maybe that's the Taylor's point that having them go inverted more than once is too much. Uh, what do you mean? They're not going inverted here. I'm missing your reference. Uh,
Starting point is 01:25:52 it's a handstand. Oh, wall walks. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Wall walks.
Starting point is 01:25:55 So on, have you watched the Abercrombie doc, uh, uh, docket? No, I need to, where is it at?
Starting point is 01:26:01 White hot Netflix, white, hot, white, hot. And what's it about? Wait, I had this guest on who used to work at abercrombie oh that was you
Starting point is 01:26:09 was yeah and i'm gonna watch the doc and then he worked there three years is that like working at a game stop like one of the shittiest retail jobs in america no it's like too close too true too too too too true um what's in it white hot i think that's the name of the documentary and what thank you general premise of it hey justin i might watch that tonight it's like the rise and fall of abercrombie and fitch it's it's which i've been told in the past few days has been rejuvenated now that they're selling black and doing things that they didn't do back when I worked for them. That they've kind of come back a little bit. I can still see some Abercrombie in your style. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Oh, shit. You mean because he's always clean shaved? No, he wears a big red puff jacket and pulls his pants down to where his pubes show like these guys. I wasn't born with that little hair on my body. Holy shit. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. Hey, tomorrow's guest is going to be the best.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Tomorrow's show could be the best show we ever did, by the way. Tomorrow morning's show is going to be fucking nuts. I am so freaking nervous about it because I take tomorrow's show so freaking serious. This is the most nervous I've ever been for any show. I am. Who's coming on? Garrett Glinton. It's a friend I made through Instagram.
Starting point is 01:27:38 She has an amazing story. But basically, she was. We'll find out if this is true. but this show basically red pilled her and i feel like it's like one of my crowning achievements and she is i've talked about her a lot on the show without referring to her by name and i think you guys will piece it together but it is going to be an amazing story this show blue pilled me i think you she went and got the vaccine seven times after this show blue-pilled me i think you she went and got the vaccine seven times is this the guest that you said you think will come on when they're ready yes yes yes and and now well i didn't i i befriended her and i didn't want it and i didn't want to like i wanted to make
Starting point is 01:28:22 sure that she knew that i wasn't befriending her just to get her on the show. But did she basically text me like, shut the fuck up. I'll come on anytime you want. And I was like, wow. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Uh, but, but maybe I was just making that shit up. Cause I'm scared. Cause I don't want to fuck this show up. I probably will cry tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be fucking nuts. Uh,
Starting point is 01:28:39 Kenneth, I'm so excited to meet her. Uh, 7am Pacific standard time. 10am. And there'll probably no talk about programming. I love listening to a good, like, freaking, you know. JR, I was a store manager at Abercrombie, and my name is actually Jethro.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Wow. Wow. Did you guys know each other? Did you guys ever go to, like, you know, employee improvement functions? No, but I can tell you right now, there you go. You got two, what I'm guessing are Latinos that are hired in management positions. That's what the whole Netflix documentary is about. Does the J stand for Jethro? seek out minorities for their, for all their positions because they wanted, they wanted, they were ahead of their time. They wanted as much diversity as possible in the workforce. And as you'll see in the documentary, it was their way of being able to say that person,
Starting point is 01:29:39 is it attractive enough? So they were not going to hire them. Dude, I will say this. Like i grew up in a really i went to probably a middle school that was probably 80 percent hispanic 10 white 10 black and like some change of asian whatever and the hispanic kids always wore the fucking abracadabra and fridge fish i can't even pronounce it like the stonewashed jeans with like the holes in it and like the destroyed destroyed denim yeah and the frayed belt and like the little freaking you know i had no idea i thought it was like beverly hills white kid brand no it was so hispanic for sure and yet like yeah echo unlimited the abercrombie and fitch like all that crazy it's interesting i never thought of that just when i think abercrombie i think of mall food i think
Starting point is 01:30:22 of it's the clothing i think of it just like mall food i I think of mall food. I think of it as the clothing. I think of it as just like mall food. I just think of it as mall clothing. I think of like Axe body spray. Yeah. And puberty. Look at those fucking jeans, bro. Yeah, so this is actually a crazy story looking at jeans. So I showed up my first day at Abercrombie. at Abercrombie and um when I was playing basketball I wore oversized polos with tall tees underneath them um all white air force one
Starting point is 01:30:54 that's hard more than more than relaxed more than relaxed fitting that's flashy jeans and so I showed up in like, um, baggy jeans and like the biggest t-shirt I could find. Um, because they said, Hey, you have to dress kind of like, you know, just think California, whatever. And I think I wore flip-flops and they were like, yeah, dude, you got to take those jeans off. And I was like, well, they're not our jeans. I was like, well, I don't have any money to buy Hollister jeans yet. And so they were like, well, here, just go put these on. What size is your waist? And I was like, I can't wear these.
Starting point is 01:31:26 They're the tightest things I've ever put on my entire life. Dude, I will say, but they were like, you're not, you're not promoting the brand in those, those clothes. Like what we want to portray for the people coming in to buy the clothes.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Isn't the right, right work outfit. I owned a pair of chocolate suede air force ones in the eighth grade. Like, like, like they were the off different colors of brown like milk chocolate leather and then dark chocolate suede holy shit i tried on a pair of those jeans once and my testicles just came out of the hole that's the only thing hillar wears if you can't see the outline of hillar's penis you don't even he won't even put on he digs him off it's truth it's not even a joke okay uh what what uh workout eight eight and nine are back to back so the sunday morning guys we are going to do a show we're
Starting point is 01:32:26 going to have scott tetlow on and colton merton's on uh prior to um them banging it out uh on um the fittest of the the fightest fight that work that thing that's happening on hillar's youtube channel that wad zombie created it's not midget porn and it could be uh does scott tetlow a very impressive uh guy uh colton merton's very impressive it is going to be a really cool show prior to the show we'll have each of them on basically the way we're going to run the show is it's going to be as of now i think we have a jr and chase coming on they'll give their predictions then we'll bring colton on and talk to colton a little bit and then we'll bring, Tetlow on for a little bit and talk to him. And then we'll follow up and see if their predictions still stand after we talked to them. Uh, we may
Starting point is 01:33:12 have a third person on, uh, we invited Brian on, but he will be watching world cup, the final event. And if you don't know, Brian used to coach a women's soccer or something like that. And he is a diehard soccer fan. And he wants to used to coach women's soccer or something like that, and he is a diehard soccer fan. He looks like he acts like a women's soccer coach. And he wanted me to extend his apology for not being here. This is going to be awesome. But he has indigestion. This is going to be awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:38 This is going to be nuts. Scott Tetlow came on the show briefly earlier this year, I don't know if you guys remember. I don't remember who it was, but I think. Scott Tetlow and a guy raced to the finish line. I do. Hal Fisher. Hal Fisher. OK.
Starting point is 01:33:56 And who who who won the event? Was it Tetlow won it? Tetlow and Hal Fisher. Scott won. Hal. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think Scott won and Tetlow went over to him and like tried to high five
Starting point is 01:34:07 him. And how told him, uh, you could see, he said, get the fuck away from me. He's like, you motherfucker or something like that.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Yeah. That's the man. Scott's one of the nicest guys. I told him, Hey dude, that better not come out of your mouth again. They ended up hugging and kissing and, and making up,
Starting point is 01:34:24 but it was a, it was a it was a pretty funny story uh just some some intensity at the finish line do you know the workout we don't they release the equipment um so we will be able to talk about um oh that's right what we speculate 45 what it is and then so shortly after the show's over you'll be able to switch over to andrew hiller's youtube account and actually watch it um all go down okay workout number eight jr makes the games this year he should dress up like his abercrombie days for a preview show
Starting point is 01:34:55 fair enough fair enough uh workout gets released on the live stream yep uh just prior um we will we will learn the workout at the same time um they did they do they did they do workout number eight sunday's first workout oh my god that means the show's almost over workouts eight and nine oh shit this is it uh two-part workout one minute rest between workouts 12 9 6 bar muscle-ups, front squats, four-minute time cap. I guess you get to rest more than one minute if you, depending on when you finish. Correct. And then you go into, JR says correct, and then you go into a 6, 9, 12 strict handstand push-up,bag cleans at 150 pounds three minute cap yeah i think this is a this is a really cool way to have two scored events i think to have something
Starting point is 01:35:57 to test recoverability and in this case pretty quick i think the fastest time was just under three minutes uh for the 35 to 39 year old ladies for this i think the fastest time was just under three minutes for the 35 to 39 year old ladies for this i think amy was right around three minutes so she had a two minute rest before going to the second one and if you look at the time caps less aggressive time cap on the first workout versus the second we can assume that's to push the pace but i think this is what someone was talking about earlier about no one finishing this workout. Taylor, nine sandbag cleans to the shoulder EMOM for three minutes. Not the easiest thing in the world, right? So 27 reps. So essentially they're doing 27 sandbag and then they have to also do 27 strict with the transitions in three minutes which is really
Starting point is 01:36:46 really aggressive i was really yeah i was looking at the strict handstand push-up like rep distribution in comparison to the bar muscle balls like there's just no way that's equal like the bar muscle up rep is not equivalent to one strict handstand push-up but when you look at it in that context um with how short the time domain is i don't know i i think i like a four minute cap with maybe a you know 15 12 9 strict handstand push-ups hey this is beautiful 12 9 6 6 9 12 you gotta love the numbers uh you got the bar muscle ups and front squats and then you have completely different movements right with strict handstand push-ups you get inverted and then now you're picking something off the ground and and for those of you who are slow like me what jr was saying is jr added up that six nine twelve and he gets the number 27
Starting point is 01:37:30 and he's saying even to do 27 sandbag cleans without the strict handstand push-ups with 150 pound bag is insane in three minutes and so to do with the strict handstand push-ups is uh i love the choice of movements i don't normally stick my nose in this, but this is what an awesome four movements and the way they're paired, correct? Yeah, I mean, I think what they've done so far this week, this weekend, a lot of divisions did 90 toes-to-bar, 90 GHD sit-ups, some bar-facing burpees,
Starting point is 01:38:02 some wall walks. So going into this, we're still waiting on some more gymnastics. And I think it's cool that on these last two workouts, they picked some higher level skill gymnastics movements. The only thing I can think about with the strict handstand pushups are typically in the older age divisions, especially in my gym, when you've got people who can do them at all strict, it's a huge separator. And you see a lot of people being able to do bar muscle ups and not as many seeing being able to do straight handstand pushups, be it a body position issue or just the strength issue. So maybe that's why they left it the same rep scheme, just the opposite direction
Starting point is 01:38:43 to one, push the pace and see if anyone could finish under the three minute cap but also because they understood in some of those divisions just getting through a set of six or getting through the nine was going to be enough to really separate yourself i think i think six nine twelve strict and sandbag cleans is without a doubt doable even for a lot of the athletes in the field in three minutes but i don't think so after that first part. If you scroll down, you can see how they made the distinct,
Starting point is 01:39:09 how they separated like, you know, the, the, the deficit and that kind of thing. So Taylor, this is, this is what I was going to ask you.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Actually. It's funny. You say that if they would have reversed those workouts, if they would have opened with that first workout, do you think anyone would have still finished? Yeah, I think fresh. I think fresh. fresh i without a doubt could finish that i think plenty of the 35 to 39 and even some of the 40 to 44 could finish um then then let me ask you this then
Starting point is 01:39:35 would they have finished the bar muscle ups and front squats after that in four minutes i think some still could have okay but but i think i saw in the comments that no one finished no one finished part two as written, correct. Okay, so do you think that, let me then ask this. Yeah, I can do strict hands. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm five foot five. You see these fucking shoulders?
Starting point is 01:39:54 I wear a size large. You wear them small, dude. I'm sending you a shirt. They're fucking large. Can I do handstand push-ups? I do handstand push-ups on your mom every night. So why not reverse it so everyone can finish why not reverse it what if you would have started with the strict handstand push-ups and sandbag cleans hey and you know it's not even fair the first time
Starting point is 01:40:15 i ever did uh strict handstand push-ups i just did 10 in a row and i and i'd never done one in my life so there take that and i was a fat kid i also think and this is just again personal opinion but i see like across all of the workouts a lot of multiples of six in several workouts or 15 12 9 12 9 6 18 9 54 i also and jr's written a couple workouts like this and i think he's one of the first people i saw do it and i love it but I like multiples of seven a lot as well. Just a thought for Bob and future program. Like seven. What would that look like?
Starting point is 01:40:49 You're saying like 14, seven 21, it would be not particularly in this workout, but other workouts, seven, 14, 21, um,
Starting point is 01:40:58 et cetera. I like that. Like seven minute AM rap, 14 reps of this 21 reps of this, or 14 minute AM rap, seven reps of this 21 reps of this. 14 minute a.m. wrap seven reps of this 21 reps of this i like multiples of seven are pretty as well if you don't understand the importance of numbers then i recommend uh binging on meth for like six months of your life and getting some deep paranoia
Starting point is 01:41:16 and that will that will allow you to start appreciating numbers and shit um and that's what gives you that appreciation for weird numbers and shit you start thinking about your birthday and like on 12 12 12 you trip and shit like that just beg for money behind fudruckers yeah so anyone who doesn't understand the numbers thing uh jr would you be okay reversing these is there some reason why it has to be like this do you give a shit? Joe had an O. Oh, I like the reversal idea, Bob. I think Bob went home, by the way. Oh, no, there he is.
Starting point is 01:41:51 He's still there. This is, yeah. That's also one of my favorite rep schemes is 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. I love that. Ascending. Mr. Howell. Yeah, I think for a lot of of people they're just going to look at it and say well why not just add on another minute to the second part that way you have two four
Starting point is 01:42:10 minute time caps but again if the point of the workout was just to see who can do strict hand stand push-ups then i'm sure they they succeeded in that i think reversing it probably allows for more people to finish there you go race on the sandbags cool there you go there's the intent okay let's go down and uh legends championship oh let me read what joe wrote too here uh because i so appreciate you guys being in the comments by the way uh simple quick exciting to watch had to go unbroken on workout eight and fight on the sandbag in the 12s god i wonder if there's some good fails there i should go back and watch that i love the sandbag in the 12s. God, I wonder if there's some good fails there. I should go back and watch that. I love a sandbag fail. Like when they get spit
Starting point is 01:42:47 out from underneath it. That shit's awesome. Did they go to the shoulder or did they go over the shoulder so they could go touch and go if they wanted? Good question. Kenneth DeLapp, is this Taylor and Jair's tryout for Programming Legends 2023? I'm sure Bob
Starting point is 01:43:03 would do a much better job than me. I do not know enough about masters. Uh, Bob and Joe told me, um, this whole show was their idea. And they said, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:10 they wanted me to interview them, uh, uh, David Johnson and Bruce Wayne to the shoulder. Okay. What was the other option to throw it over the shoulder? Yes. If you go over the shoulder,
Starting point is 01:43:20 you, you, you cannot cycle any faster. You can just turn around faster and pick it back up. But if you're able to go to the shoulder, release a hand and then come back any faster you can just turn around faster and pick it back up but if you're able to go to the shoulder release a hand and then come back then you can you can touch and go that jr would you ever program heavier medicine ball cleans in a workout in a competition uh like foundational movement med ball clean yeah ground to the front rack why curious uh like a light squat clean would you be able to just get the ball off of the floor pull yourself
Starting point is 01:43:53 under it into a squat and then just reach full extension would that be the movement because at that point i don't think it's a med ball clean you can bastardize it but i think if you make it something like 70 or 50 pounds or even 60 40 pounds it's really hard to do that efficiently with a high number of reps. Well, then at that point, why don't you just do squat cleans with, with a 100 and a 70? Oh, you just want it. You just want it to be the shoulder, but in the front rack and the goblets just, right. You just, you want it to be like a goblet. Yeah. I don't know. Would you, if you saw that, would you think it was stupid? I really want to see it in competition. Cause I love medicine bulk cleans. One of my favorite and they're savage in a workout i did a workout one time i think it was a i don't think it was dot com but it was it was 50 medicine ball cleans 25 shoulder to overhead 50 medicine ball
Starting point is 01:44:35 cleans and with a 30 pound ball and 155 and it was one of the most painful workouts i do i do d ball um squat cleans with those 70 pound d ball and, but squat cleans to the shoulder or like – No, no, no, to the front, to the front. Wow, and how does that feel? Well, once you get going, it's really smooth because you find the pattern and you're just basically – I don't do it the way they teach in the L-Rum where you just rotate your hands. I roll the ball up, and I get into a smooth pattern. So you're performing a fall. You wouldn't pass the level four.
Starting point is 01:45:04 No. Just kidding. But do you – when you do do it do you reach full hip extension opening up like do you open all the way up then oh i think i do yeah yeah yeah because you know what i really don't do a squat clean i i really to be honest i do a clean and then a front squat maybe on the last set i do a squat clean but i'm so fucking old and rickety that I have to start with doing. Anytime I'm doing squat cleans, I really just do a clean and then squat just to get the stimulus. I don't get the athletic component until the end. I have to be dripping sweat. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:37 I want to go down to the bottom. I saw something about hand release, which makes me think that the older people were doing pushups. Is that? No, that's a standard on the sandbag. So you get it to the shoulder. You one of your hands oh okay get the good call to show control and then you can touch and go or drop it jess uh kres kresmian that's almost an armenian name if it was ian we had to stop at the shoulder and release okay so that the 50 and above class was allowed to kip the handstand push-ups and they that's what this is saying it's saying that sorry taylor it's
Starting point is 01:46:15 saying that the men did bar muscle-ups did strict handstand push-ups to a one-inch riser and then the females did chest-to-bar pull-ups and kipping handstand push-ups oh oh okay wow grumbling about that was there any wow i don't know if i like that can we be critical of that why why don't the girls have to do uh bar muscle-ups i don't like that as much as well i don't know i mean it depends on how do the athletes view it look at this the 65 women only had to do chin over bar. Hey, have we seen bar muscle-ups in a 65 over comp? Bueller? If I can do a bar muscle-up when I'm 65.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Yeah, that's savage. All the age groups at the CrossFit Games last year did ring muscle-ups. Wow. I will say this. We started the show, and I think it was Taylor who said, if there was a movement that you would be concerned about as people got older it would be over uh too much work uh on the shoulders right is it your jr basically you want to limit the stimulus on the shoulders not not take it out but be cognizant of it i said that like five minutes ago when they were okay i thought it was a good show all right well fuck i've been in the car for eight hours today uh bob bob no one grumbles to you you fucking run the event they're
Starting point is 01:47:30 scared to death you no one's gonna talk shit to you they're scared to death you bob we'll we'll tell you we'll bob we'll let you know what's good and bad about your bank because people are honest with us was the rep scheme the same bob was the rep scheme still 1296 on that uh i i see what you're saying uh you would think it is right uh no i would actually think it might be like 18 15 12 even though it's chest to bar and just chin over bar even though they get it down to that? Yeah, just because a bar muscle-up is quite a bit more difficult than one chest bar, I would say. See, I want to see this. I want to see 65-year-old women do 85-pound front squats,
Starting point is 01:48:14 racing in 60-pound sandbags. That's crazy, dude. I did see some links when I went to the website to watch some of the live streams, so I think you can still go on and watch some of it. Ah, there we go. See,
Starting point is 01:48:27 I knew it. Joe, Joe. All in all a fantastic workout, right? I think you were saying that the, the rope climb one was your favorite GHD rope climb. What was the final movement?
Starting point is 01:48:44 A wall ball. And I'm going to say that this one is my favorite GHD rope climb. What was the final movement? Uh, wall ball. And, and I'm going to say that this one is my favorite. This is, this is great. I'd love to watch this in the crowd. Uh, just talking to some of the athletes, I think one of the, depending on what type of athlete you are, it's always, does it fit your, your prowess or not? But if you noticed over nine scored events, what did we not see? We did not see a traditional strength event. So a lot of people maybe that need that in a competition to make, make moves or to expose that someone isn't one of the strongest athletes. They're left with their hands in the air saying, Hey, where's the, where's the one rep max?
Starting point is 01:49:19 Where's the three rep max? Where's the whatever. And you can, yeah, you, you could argue in some ways that, that this front squad is going to get heavy for 27 reps or that the three 15 to 25 deadlift slowed a lot of people down or that, you know, that there were heavy elements to it that still created some separation and it still showed who the strong people were and who were not. And then other people like David commented, I wanted the dumbbell to be heavier. And that's probably an argument for if there's not a strength test, then the elements within the workouts that you do have need to be heavy enough to show who
Starting point is 01:49:56 the strong people are. But none of you, but neither of you sound like you're being critical about that. And if not, why not? No, I, no, I like, like i like that i've always been a proponent for non-traditional um strength tests in a competition that's not the crossfit games wow interesting taylor do you have a problem with their uh joe says from the legend championship we did a strength event for five years straight want to change it up do you have a problem with there not being a uh i like a strength event i prefer they're not being a traditional like one rep max strength event when the workouts are like six to eight events total across the weekend i have you been doing ecstasy or some shit what the fuck is wrong with you my voice no you're just fucking happy as a clam i've never seen you so just like what are you doing ecstasy yeah molly that's what i'm doing
Starting point is 01:50:40 molly molly molly um oh uh so so someone was saying that that these all these workouts had tv show names scroll up what's this tv show old school's a movie okay maybe okay maybe they were movie names okay i want them to name a workout hotel erotic okay sudden impact that was a clint eastwood movie grant torino another clean clean movie, I didn't even pick up on that. Benjamin Button. Okay, that one can be changed. No one's perfect. Endless Ergs is the only one.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Saved by the Bell. My goodness. They should have named Endless Ergs Hotel Erotica. That was my favorite show growing up movie. The old Cinemax Late Night. Cinemax? What's CJ? What's CJ?
Starting point is 01:51:26 Is that a movie? Cinemax. Cinemax late night. Skinemax? What's CJ? What's CJ? Is that a movie? Skinemax. Skinemax. You never heard that? I have not. That's funny. Yeah, Taylor is straight edge as fuck. That is correct. That is correct. No joke.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Okay, overall Taylor, summation of this event and the programming of the event. I mean, I'm very impressed because according to all accounts, it was run very well. And there were so many divisions, like so many divisions. You got so much going on, not only just the depth of athlete, like how many people are there, but think about all the weight changes and scorecard changes and judges briefings to get all of that right from division to division. Really impressed with that. Love the programming for the most part.
Starting point is 01:52:11 You know, my biggest gripe was just the machine workout to start the AMRAPs. It's just not my flavor. But at the same time, it's a good test. So overall, loved it. Bob, CJ was changed to honor an athlete's son who passed. Good job. Nice work, guys. Community.
Starting point is 01:52:29 Thank you. So, Taylor, thumbs up. Wow, hat off even. Jeez, Luis, thumbs up and hat off. Mr. Howell, JR Howell, overall, the programming. I thought it was good. I thought there was a really good mixture of workout formats. You know, you had the, I guess, two interval style workouts, one, seven minutes on one minute off seven minutes on a machine. And then you had the three to two intervals. You also had a recoverability type test where you had to work out for time, rest and reset, and then go again, both for two 100 point workouts. and reset, and then go again, both for two 100 point workouts. You had triplet, you had some couplets, you had a chipper, even though it was only three movements, still a chipper,
Starting point is 01:53:12 just like Jackie. Jackie's not a triplet, it's a chipper. So you had a lot of good variation there. The only thing that I'm curious of is other than 21 minute workout, everything else was, uh, 11 minutes or under or 12 minutes and under, I think the wall ball workout was 12 minutes. So maybe that's the master's piece. Maybe that's the master's piece. Maybe that's the volumes piece. Yeah. Maybe seeing something in the teens, um, still to like getting one that's a little bit longer, um, would be cool. It's winter time. I have to pee so bad that my bladder is going to explode. Does anyone have anything final to say?
Starting point is 01:53:53 Workouts look fun. Look cool. Great show. Masters Legends comp. Thank you very much, Bob and Joe. Seriously. Great.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Appreciated that you jumped in the comments today. Honor to have you guys there. So awesome. Yeah, very cool that you, uh, jumped in the comments today. Uh, honored to have you guys there. Uh, awesome. Yeah. Very cool. Uh, guys,
Starting point is 01:54:09 tomorrow morning, seven, eight Pacific standard time, the best show where scary show, funnest show, most excited show. Uh, I've really,
Starting point is 01:54:16 uh, this is cool. And to meet someone that I've been texting with for a long time and, get to hear their story. And I think you guys are going to be profoundly moved and it will bring a lot of understanding and compassion to people who are, um, have strong opinions on many issues.
Starting point is 01:54:29 All right. See you guys tomorrow. Jr. Taylor. Thank you very much. Matt Sousa. Love you. I'll be right back.

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