The Sevan Podcast - #710 - All Things CrossFit | Not ONE Negative Comment About Brian

Episode Date: December 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Good morning, David. Good morning, CrossFit Corey.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Good morning, Jessica. Good morning, Kenneth. Bam, that's right. Ha ha, forever waiting on Sevan. Oh, don't do that. I want to tell you a couple things. These shirts shirts are now available over at vindicate. These are the Miami shirts. We will be in Miami and we will be talking about Miami today with Brian friend. The event there is called water Palooza put on by loud and live, and we will be there in full force, uh, this year, giving you the behind the scenes live. Like we did we did last year it was probably at the time it was probably one of our crowning achievements it was pretty cool especially that day that they got um rained out and we were able to uh stay live via iphone and uh the crew over there has been awesome uh with us i believe the lady's name is Shana. Brian, do you know? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Sasha. Sasha. Sorry. Sorry. Sasha. Matt Sousa had the honor of meeting her over at the Zellos Games. He said she was a wonderful lady and I'm excited to work with her this year. I do believe she has replaced last year's media director. And so I'm excited. I know Sasha is going to absolutely murder it. That means you were the best media there last year? That's your media award for best media? All the... This means I whooped Scott Polanski's ass in games the other day.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, geez. You interrupted my story for that. Scott Polanski is Brian's... Disc golf friend. ultimate Frisbee partner Hans good morning Elise Carr-Ridau yesterday we had a show
Starting point is 00:02:16 yes Brian I first met Sasha in London at Strength and Depth during the Sanctionals I was in the sidelines working for the broadcast there and she sidled up next to me introduced herself in London at Strength in Depth during the Sanctionals. I was on the sidelines working for the broadcast there, and she sidled up next to me, introduced herself, and we've had a good working relationship, different competitions every year ever since then.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And Brian, you'll be happy to know, after his debut at the Zealous Games commentating and then after he fucking absolutely smashed it, uh, for the Dubai, um, event, he will also be the, uh, head commentator at,
Starting point is 00:02:51 uh, water Palooza this year. And that's going to be exciting. I want to say this about, Oh, that's not true. No. Oh,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I do want to say this. Um, but I will be involved with the broadcast. Yeah, he will be involved with it. That's what I meant. If you look at all the year, if you watch, when I watch the CrossFit Games or when I watch any of these events, I watch them on my huge 90-inch TV in my living room with my feet up. Remember when 60-inch used to be a big TV? I do.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I remember when fucking 40. 40 was crazy. I was hoping you would take it all the way back there so we could just get a perspective for how long you've been around. Even 32 inches was nuts. I used to watch a little black and white TV like this that I thought was cool. No shit. I'm not even joking. And when you see the comments scroll by, you will see a lot of really mean comments and unjust comments.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I did not see just when I watch these events because we watch them on YouTube. So on the screen, you can have the comments going by and they're just ripping on people. And I want to say that during Dubai, I did not see one negative comment about Brian. I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen that. Do you know what would happen if I commentated? Holy shit. Okay. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Congratulations. Yesterday, we had Garrett Glinton on CrossFitter out of Long Island. And this was one of the responses I got. I will be reading. I got so many responses. I can't wait to speak to Garrett to see all the responses that she got. But I just want to share this with you to start the show, just because it's important for everyone to hear. I'll be posting this on my Instagram if the person who sent it to me says I can post it. But I want to read you a line from what they wrote me. The biggest thing that I hope you share with your boys is that no adult has any reason to have a secret with you. If my parents had emphasized that to me from a young age, I don't think I would have been groomed by a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Because one of the questions I had asked garrett glinton was why didn't you tell anyone when you were molested from the age of 8 to 12 why didn't you tell anyone and her advice and this is great if my parents had emphasized to me from a young age i don't think anyone i'm sorry let me repeat that again if my parents had emphasized to me from a young age i don't think anyone would have been groomed by a pedophile. And that emphasis is no adult has any reason to have a secret with you. Tell your kids that. No adult has any reason.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Why does my exposure keep changing? No adult has any reason to have a secret with you. I'm going to tell my boys that today. None. No adult. Well, some might have a reason to, but it's not a good reason. Right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Your show has really changed my perspective on so many things as a 23-year-old. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're very welcome. Thank you for listening. Thank you. Want to know a secret? Please. There's an underground group of people who follow this show who have a running every show that um a certain person comes on they have a bet it's an over under bet of when he'll say that something for the first time
Starting point is 00:06:15 when he'll say what for the first time anything instead of just sitting there staring at the camera looking handsome oh yeah oh so if caleb talks they have to drink no they put a bet oh that's awesome minutes or 10 minutes or 15 minutes and then you take sides oh or they played it like the price is right where you pick a number and whoever has the number that's closest without going over wins i read in the youtube comments this did this fucking hurt me so bad i hate it when the YouTube comments hurt me. It said, God, Caleb's so funny. Fucking broke my heart. I'd die for one YouTube comment that says that.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Sevan, you're so funny. What the fuck did Caleb say? I don't know. I need to go back and watch that show. Thank you, Mark. Thank you. Thank you, Mark. I'm not a big color fan.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I struggle with the whole Miami scene, but these are the shirts. Yeah, it's cool. It's a cool shirt. Did you do something to make the background behind you darker today? No, I don't know what's happening. Maybe something got bumped on my camera or something because the exposure keeps shifting. Yeah, the exposure. Like I get darker and lighter.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It should be just set to manual and it shouldn't be like. I'm not squirting the shot either. Seven minutes. Thank you. That's driving me crazy too. That's just because I'm lazy and after the show I have to pee and run away instead of making the adjustments. Jessica Valenzuela. Sevan.
Starting point is 00:07:44 You are so funny that you make me pee my pants. Thank you. Dang. The lies just keep pouring out. Dang, Sevan, you are so funny and handsome. I want to bring up, we have a little public service announcement here that I wanted to share with you guys, just the first few seconds of this video.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Caleb will pull it up here before we get to the meat and potatoes of this show. It's only the first 15 or 20 seconds that matter. Here we go. Action. If you've got big titties, you already know that squishing your melons into an oblivion, trying to do things
Starting point is 00:08:28 like chest support Dumbo Rose, isn't it? One option would be to substitute in landmine barbell rows. With no landmine attachment, you can create one by popping your barbell into a corner or between two bumper plates. I used a handle from a cable machine, but you could even use a hoodie or a towel.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Unfortunately, this girl has pronouns in her Instagram. Guys, take that shit down. It just screams I'm an idiot. Okay, it just means you can't critically think, and you hate people, and you want to put people into – you want to force people into things. It's not nice. You think it's nice. It's not. Okay, and finally,
Starting point is 00:09:07 I want to ask Brian way off the CrossFit board. Brian, do you know what's about to happen in your city on January 1st in Chicago? Are you fucking aware of what's about to happen? And are you scared? I don't live in the city limits of Chicago
Starting point is 00:09:22 and I don't know. Feel free to tell me. Okay, here we go. Chicago. Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, first listen to this and then I'm going to read something to you. Rankin and Spaulding are shooting
Starting point is 00:09:38 their steam vavers versus game vavers. They're shooting across at each other. Let them do it. Call it. Let it be. Middle. We have two gangs shooting across the street from each other, and the dispatcher is saying let it be.
Starting point is 00:09:54 But if you go to, oh, the top one, Purge in Chicago. You guys have to see this. This is fucking nuts. But you know why he's saying let it be, right? So that they don't get shot. No, because they've been told not to intervene oh oh oh okay well that's fair they did that shit in um uh california also uh but go up to purge in chicago so there's this law that's passed in chicago that's going to take effect january 1st it's called the safety act and it's crazy because it's crazy
Starting point is 00:10:26 watching people try to defend this law. It's absolutely batshit crazy. I contacted Hocus, who went to jail for four years and then was found innocent, what he thinks about it. And he says it's the full-blown purge act. It's fucking nuts. This is fucking absolutely nuts. I want to read you two lines from this and then we'll
Starting point is 00:10:46 get brian's opinion um those that enacted this uh safety act believe it will reduce arrest and limit those put away based of on the crime well of course it's going to do that i'm going to tell you why in a second those that instated the act believe it will reduce arrest and those put away based on the crime well yeah if you get rid of laws you will absolutely reduce the number of arrests this is fucking nuts now scroll down a little bit more okay there are there are 12 non-detainable offenses where the law would end cash bail. The laws include second-degree murder, arson, drug-induced homicide, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated battery, burglary, intimidation, aggravated driving under the influence, fleeing and eluding drug offenses, and threatening a public official. and threatening a public official. As of January 1st, there's going to be an adjustment to those,
Starting point is 00:11:50 what it takes to arrest someone for those, and then those people would be released. You can't hold them with bail. Brian, are you scared? You're really expecting me to give my opinion on this? No, I'm not. But I just can't. I'm concerned for you, to be honest. But I'm also kind of excited.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I'm excited to watch just crimes. It's going to be crazy. I mean, Chicago is already so dangerous for people who don't know. It's not like my neighborhood where I can just walk around in my underwear. Some people would consider that quite dangerous, actually.
Starting point is 00:12:24 That's true that's true not for you for everyone that has to see it i haven't asked my neighbors but that's uh very possible uh tomorrow uh back to crossfit or crossfit for the first time here uh tomorrow i'm at the very top where it says fit wars uh tomorrow um welcome everyone to the All Things CrossFit Brian Friend Show with C. Beaver. Tomorrow, Fit Wars will launch its first inaugural event. Two fantastic athletes. I think we're going to have a blast watching them compete. The athletes are Colton Mertens and Scott Tetlow, both hardcore, serious.
Starting point is 00:13:07 What I know of them, these guys are going to go. These are both guys who always leave it on the floor, impressive athletes. It's going to be fantastic. Has Scott been to the games, Brian? Yep, but only the online version okay so uh both games athletes uh colton merton's uh obviously a um hometown uh favorite uh patrick clark can't believe seven got brian on while croatia morocco game is on i can't believe it either by the way let's not bring that up again it's a heated start, by the way. 1-1.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Oh, already? Ten minutes in. Wow. That's pretty common in the third-place game, for there to be a lot of goals and just a little bit more open flow than many of the other games. Kind of like an all-star game, like they're just going? Yeah. I mean, you want to win the third place,
Starting point is 00:14:00 but you were so close to the ultimate glory of making the World Cup final, and you didn't. Does the winner get more money brian probably do they have to share with the girls team okay uh christine young i saw a giant blow-up christmas beaver in my bedroom last night i saw a giant blow-up christmas beaver inflatable and thought of Caleb yesterday. How sweet of you. That's good. Real Brian and the crew did a hell of a job breaking down Fit Wars yesterday. Yes, if you would like to watch something that's part Three Stooges and part SportsCenter,
Starting point is 00:14:44 watch something that's part Three Stooges and part SportsCenter. You can go over to Barbell Spin and watch the video of Brian Spin, Mike Halpin, and Tyler Watkins talk about the event. They've already started breaking it down. You can also go over to Jason CF Media. He also has a video breaking down the event. It just shows you how slow things are in the CrossFit space right now that everyone's giving this so much attention um the event is timing to uh by by nick to plan it for now fabulous i agree uh wad zombie this this event is being um hosted
Starting point is 00:15:19 by wad zombie uh it starts tomorrow at 10 a.m pacific standard time it will be streamed on um hillar fitz channel it's complete bullshit uh and there will be a pre-show that will be better than the actual show and that will start over here on this channel at 7 a.m yep all of the completely insensitive americans are going on that show that have no respect for the World Cup final. Exactly. Please, please. You can. Oh, I want to show you one more thing, too, in case you've never seen it before.
Starting point is 00:15:54 If you click on that Jason CF Media YouTube channel, for those of you who have never seen Jason and you want to see. They used to have these commercials when I was a kid. What a difference a day makes you can see jason cf media in his regular street clothes at the beginning well no there he is afterwards so there he is all cleaned up in a suit and there he is not in a suit let's look at him in a suit again And then there he is in a suit. There you go. You never thought you'd see it, but there he is, Jason CF Media, wearing a suit. I think that just means he sold out.
Starting point is 00:16:33 He probably got a sponsor or something. Also, Lawn Chair Leaderboarding, the app and website that's run by Tyler Watkins will have some ways for you and your friends to bet legally. Just cookies, not money. On this event, you can partake in the event, get a bunch of friends together, go to Lawn Chair Leaderboarding. And you guys can play a game around the event, make it more interesting, have more on the line. There you go. That's the barbell spin guy, right? On the launch air leaderboarding?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah, I remember that he was promoting that LSKD, I think, giveaway for the person who was able to win during Dubai, I think they did this. Oh, he was working with them. How come no one's working with me? He's just been supporting Tyler's initiative on the app and trying to drive his audience over there. Are they working with that brand LSKD? I mean, they obviously had some collaboration for this, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And I think we talked about it before. You know, he's a guy in the media tyler's got this app thing that's going on they've been working together in a lot of different regards they were able to bring in a sponsor all in the you know interest of supporting the event i would like to get a sponsor more sponsors i wish i wish betting and crossfit was a thing i would make it would make it even more fun to watch. I just looked for an app. No,
Starting point is 00:18:08 no, that I just made that part up to make it sound like they were big time. There's actually no app. You have to go to the website. Don't ruin my story, please. There is an app. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:17 there is an app. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, fine. There you go. Where is it? Elise Carr-Rodow,
Starting point is 00:18:24 please stop calling it an app before you give cory a heart attack look what there is an app but there is an app brian just said it uh what sponsors do you want for the show ones with money pc on the prowl he's gonna find you somewhere online gambling three percent three percent Online gambling, 3%. 3%, Patrick, 3%. Always 3%. Okay. Fabian's Feet. No, we won't start there. Brian, what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:19:00 You released this article. I was actually surprised at the article not that you uh yes i get three percent um yeah coca-cola totally let's do it coke and a smile um there is an article that you wrote in i didn't give you a link sorry caleb there's an article that you wrote in um bar bend okay your new home uh where you talk about the winners of dubai and rogue by the way you also you also say that those were uh did you compare those to the crossfit games thinking that you i think you may have said they were as exciting as the crossfit games i thought that was really going out on a limb for you you're not a man of heart herbally i don't know exactly the sentence or
Starting point is 00:19:46 whatever you're talking about, but in terms of the closeness of the competition in the men's side of things, we've had as exciting a year as ever, really between the CrossFit Games, Rogue and Dubai, the margins have been very small and there's been several people involved in those races right to the very end. If you go to Google and you type in bar bend and then Brian Friend, that's the only way. You have to use Google. If you just go straight to bar bend, you'll never find Brian.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You'll think he's lying about working there. Basically, if you find my author's page, then you'll find everything I've written there. And in the article, you do more than allude to the fact that the races were so close and that maybe the correct winners were not chosen. And specifically, what's interesting, what you speak about at Dubai is that the use of the stopwatches, I guess, as opposed to chips. And that there were some races that were, I think, three-tenths or three-one-hundredths of a second different. And that could have been the time that it took to push the stopwatch. Does that bother you? Or is it like, hey, it's a balanced field because at least it's consistent throughout the event?
Starting point is 00:21:03 I mean, yes to both, I suppose. It's just when you see the podium, the distribution of cash on the podium, it's 50K, 30K, 20K, I think. That's $100,000 that's available for three people. And when you look at the final points, it's 625, 625, 620. So immediately I have to just ask certain questions like, damn, that's an incredibly close competition, which like we said, very exciting right up to the last thing. A lot of people think that Fikowski's one step might have
Starting point is 00:21:38 cost him, you know, $30,000 in this case. I don't think he would have won anyway, based on the math. I think that he would have tied Moritz and Moritz would have had him on the tiebreaker. So it actually, that step cost Moritz $20,000 and only cost Brent $10,000. But that's just one little thing out of the course of the weekend that can make a difference there. So the first thing is, is that really the best scoring system that we should be using? Because five points per place across everything for the whole weekend, when it comes down to it, 625, 625, 620, it's like, damn, I'm... And I know that if you just add up their places, that it ends up being very similar.
Starting point is 00:22:16 But if you look at some of the discrepancies in terms of how well someone did on something compared to someone else, the margins are really small in some cases and really big in another, but the points gap is similar. This is where, you know, this is what Tyler's been saying for years is the type of thing that a different scoring system can account for. Obviously it's still good, probably going to be a close race, but you may have a better approximation of fitness, assuming that fitness was tested fairly and even, you know, in the same manner for the athletes and all the events. The close scores are what we want to see as the viewer, right? We want to go into the final event and either watch Fikowski win it or watch
Starting point is 00:22:55 him lose it by just, you know, seconds. That's where the tension is. That's where the excitement is. And, and not only that, the women's field,
Starting point is 00:23:03 Karen Frey had a 90 point lead. Two women had already withdrawn from the competition. She's getting 10 points either way. She's already won three workouts. She's unbeatable. All she has to do is – I don't even know if there's a minimum workout requirement. She may not even have to do the finals. That's not that exciting.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And it's an easy scoring system to follow as the viewer. But what you're suggesting is if that there is a fairness component that could have been, if there were three levels, what makes it exciting? What makes it easy to follow? And then the third one being what's the most fair to pick the fittest person you're suggesting, maybe another scoring system and no stopwatches. And are you suggesting the Z score? As an option? I mean, if you look, look at the leaderboard for Rogue, same scoring system, 735, 720, 715, 705, 690. Then there was a 70-point gap. So that's the top five guys, Madero, Smith, Adler, Velnir, Krennikov, all within 45 points of each other. 45 points over the course of, what did they do, eight or nine scored events?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Maybe 10 scored events is like nine total places between five guys over in 10 events. It's really small margins for error without a lot of, like, you can only earn five points per space. So you, you know, it just limits the way that you can test fitness in terms of the reward of the points. So I think it's worth exploring. I'm not saying it's bad. This is a bad scoring system. And as long as the scoring system is known, it's fine. But sometimes we're left with situations like this. Let me ask you this. Do you think Rogue picked the fittest man and fittest woman? Let me rephrase that. Do you think, let me rephrase that. Do you think that the winner was accurately chosen?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Do you think the winner of Rogue for the men was Justin Medeiros, and for the women it was Laura Horvat? I'm proud of you. Damn. I was going to say Annie for a second. I do think those were the fittest there. And do you think that they should have won? Probably.
Starting point is 00:25:18 But, you know, when I, like, some of the examples I gave in the article, for Justin Medeiros in particular, you know, the big question was that rep on the last lunge of the first lunge, the first section of lunging, the last step that he took on the turtle workout, he ends up taking 12th on that workout. I believe it was his worst event by four spots. Oh no, he had 16th on Texas. So 12th place, second worst event of the weekend. And his time was 258.81. There was a lot of tight times in there. Um, so he, you know, if he doesn't have to go back, do that extra step and come, there's a chance that that workout plays out differently for him in his favor. He's not going to get less points. Was it a bad call? I'm not saying it was
Starting point is 00:25:56 a bad call. I'm saying it was a questionable call that was made that cost him some points relative to the field. In the case of, did he, should he have won the competition? I think that the thing that bothers me the most was that was the way that the Texas Oak event was administered for the men in particular, you know, they were briefed that they would have a certain setup and not all the athletes got the certain setup that they were brief. They would have. And because of the way that the rules were written, which is a way that I do not like for competition, which is all you have to do is lift the log off the mat within the 45 seconds and then you can continue the whole lift however long that takes you have to have if you're going to
Starting point is 00:26:33 have that rule you have to account for the fact that it's going to throw off the timing and so there's a better way than having the mc be responsible for keeping track of the timing in his head as the crowd's going crazy and people are lifting big weights and there's four lifters at a time and the logs are rolling all over the place. And some people have to stop now, but others can go then. And it's supposed to be 15 seconds, but if they lift, then it's so confusing. So that's why I like Dubai's format where you have 20 seconds to finish your lift and it's done. And if you can't pick it up at 19 and then stand there for 10 seconds, maybe doing it, maybe not. It throws off the pattern for everyone else.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But if you want to do it that way, then record three, two, one, lift, three, two, one, rest. So you can stop and start it when you want to. Not when the emce MC thinks he should, but the judge is saying no. And there's a miscommunication and suddenly Jeff Handler only gets 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds. That really did happen. That really happened. The log was all the way at the front of his pads, flipped up upside down. They were told the log would be replaced in the middle of their pads with the handles facing up because of that workout. And I think obviously a cool workout, but the, the, the design of it was poor because you didn't foresee the potential for massive ties. And even if you say, no, no, they did, they had a tiebreaker.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Well, the tiebreaker had nothing to do with the, what was being tested in the workout. And it was too, those were margins of error that were ridiculously small so would adler have lifted the log i don't know what i do know is if he had lifted that log that he didn't have the appropriate amount of time for based on the written rules that he would have been the champion of rogue invitation of this year and that's a lot of money on the line two hundred thousand dollars well he's you know he still got third so he won something so we maybe but yeah at least a hundred thousand difference and there's more going on the fact that if you have 30 seconds you get 10 seconds less and that whether you you
Starting point is 00:28:31 made or didn't make this but it adds to anxiety and for for all we know it may have rushed him sure there's a lot of different pieces event it's something new we know that these athletes are good at picking up on new things yes some of them have done the log before. Yes, they announced it ahead of time. But how many athletes between the men and the women picked up the log at some point, missed a lift, and then recomposed themselves and picked up the log very close to the end of their interval and hit it the second time? A lot. What do you think the tiebreaker should have been? breakers should have been a lighter log a lighter log shouldered overhead max reps in 10 seconds or something um i think that you think should have involved the log yeah probably or maybe they should have had smaller jumps or they should have something or you or just say something like this
Starting point is 00:29:23 if five people go out on the 270 log they're going to be ranked based on who lifted it first within the time interval if you did it in 10 seconds Caleb did 25 and I did 55 then your first Caleb second I'm third like I like that I like that hey that's not the jerrycan race once across the field yeah that's actually really cool I just watched uh gordon ryan and um nikki rod go at it yesterday uh at jujitsu and after it was it was one 20 minute round and it was a tie and then basically the tiebreaker is uh is is based on how long it takes you to either submit someone in short two minute rounds or to get out of a, like a rear naked choke.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It was cool. I liked that time piece. And then, and then, and then if they both lifted it at 19 seconds, then, then it actually would be a tie. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And that's okay. Two people to tie is fine. What you do, what they wanted to avoid and what they did avoid with the Jerry can break tie break is seven people tying at the same lift. But you should probably try to design. I mean, I would think that you would try to design an event where that's
Starting point is 00:30:32 not going to happen anyway, where you're going to have a huge percentage of the field going out at the same log. Good morning, Wad Zombie. Wad Zombie is the host of the hold on, Fit Wars tomorrow at 10 a.m. on Andrew Hiller's YouTube station. Just go to HillerFit. You can start watching at 10 a.m.
Starting point is 00:30:55 If you actually want to give two shits about the event, you will start watching the show at 7 a.m. over on my channel. We will have Chase Ingram, myself, JR. I'm guessing caleb there's someone else we invited we invited some people to talk about it and colton and tetlow will both be on the show so it's going to be cool um when you write an article like that what is the is this just something that's going like you see that happen at Rogue and you make some notes, and then you see some similar stuff happen at Dubai. And is that when you're just like, you know, this needs an article? Like how does that form in your head? This needs an article because I'm a little concerned that maybe there was a better way to pick the winner?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Or are you like, fuck, they pay me this amount of dollars every week to produce so many articles. I better make some shit up. I try not to let the second thing dictate my workflow. Okay, good. I want to write about the things that I think are interesting, compelling, maybe unique. Maybe they offer a perspective that would be hard for most people to have if they aren't in a position that I'm in to see certain things. Or, you know, some, you know, because the sport is the following of the sport is just like always evolving. And we've talked about this before, how there's not often, you know, there's a lot of people that are
Starting point is 00:32:19 following the sport now that just picked it up within the last two to four years of paying attention. And maybe they've increased their interest because of shows like this that have provided them more opportunity to learn more about athletes. But like the other article I wrote after Dubai is about Karen Frey. And I, and like, that is a historical piece where I'm putting in context what she's done there compared to other athletes who've done well in Dubai and showing that because of her success there, it's not out of the realm of possibility that she could have a pretty good season next year. And so I'm not just saying,
Starting point is 00:32:50 which some other people like to do this, Karen Frey did great in Dubai. I think she's going to do great in the games next year. Yeah, that sounds like something I'd say. And I would say, well, yes, Fabian benito also did great in dubai you to also think he's going to do great in the games next year he hasn't ever made the games no so that on its own is not a good reason to say someone's going to do great at the games okay karen fray has a fourth and a second and a first in dubai and when you look at the list of women who've won in dubai besides her and then
Starting point is 00:33:24 you look at what those women have done in the games, and it's Annie Thor's daughter and Jamie Simmons and Laura Horvath and Sarah Sigmund's daughter and Sam Briggs, suddenly you realize, oh, that's a pretty prestigious caliber. And on the women's side of things, success in Dubai has translated to success in the games. And you might come back and say, well, this is Karen Frey's third games and she really hasn't done that well yet. But 2019, she got five events. So did Laura Horvath, so did Annie Thorzar, so did Brooke Wells. You can't really count that year as a full games experience. 2020 was online. It's completely different. She just did her first games, the full games. And guess what? Three of her best workouts were the last four workouts. So what she's proven to me is the volume is not a problem. And as the weekend wears on, she knows how to manage that thing. Obviously she has certain things she's better at than others. And maybe unlike Laura Horvath,
Starting point is 00:34:12 those just showed up later in the weekend. So she was able to do better on those later in the weekend. But if she wasn't prepared for the games or the volume of it, then she wouldn't have excelled on those anyway. So I'm not worried about that. And how many athletes, and in this article, there's actually a cool, if we scroll down a little bit, there's a cool graph that I made that shows several high-level games athletes who have not done great at the games in their first year and then have the following year that they competed at the games, sometimes it wasn't the exact next year, this one, did a lot better. Katrin Davidsdottir, next year. Yeah, this one did a lot better. Katrin Davidsdottir, 24th to 1st. BKG, 26th to 3rd.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yonakoski, 36th to 9th. Now, those are drastic improvements. These other three are the ones that I'm more interested with regards to Karen Frey because she finished 20th this year. Sam Brink's first game, 19th, followed it up with a 4th, eventually won the games. Hopper's first year, 19th, followed up with a 7th. That's something that I think is more realistic that we could see from Karen Frey. Are there any similarities or parallels to Karen Frey and Laura Horvath? I would say yes, in certain regards. I think that they have some similar skill sets for sure, just generally being some of the stronger women in CrossFit. But they still have enough aerobic and, um, and gymnastics skills. There's like, they both take a hit on certain gymnastics things relative to the field, but
Starting point is 00:35:33 they're also decent on the other ones. Um, and I also just think from a mindset, you know, and like a mental approach, they're not necessarily the most outgoing athletes or people, but they're really good. I call like really good soldiers. Like they just put the head down and get to work, whether it's training or competing or recovery. Like when they know it's time to do something, they just do it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You think she's making it to the games this year for sure? Karen? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, barring injury or, you know, Making it to the games this year, for sure. Karen? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, barring injury or, you know, something really weird with the worldwide ranking format and the qualifying spots that I don't expect that will happen. Then, yeah, I think she's probably, you know, I would say she's a good bet for a top five finish in the European women's semifinal speaking speaking of different countries and national champs what's the deal with um uh choosing national champions how is crossfit doing that
Starting point is 00:36:31 in 2000 i thought it was the the winner of the open was the national champ so i mean if you're from armenia the six people who enter from armenia if you're the best guy in armenia you're in the open you become the national champ and you know we would see some weird things you would always have to explain to me look i um there was an example in canada maybe you can bring up i keep forgetting what it is but but whoever won the open in canada was the national champ but that wasn't the person who ranked highest at the games and it was always a little confusing right um so have they modified that for this last year how did they pick the national champs last year with only three open workouts? I'll preface this by saying if anyone
Starting point is 00:37:10 has actually seen an announcement from CrossFit explaining the process for picking the national champions, I'd love to know that when it was announced and what it is. By the way, that's a really important thing. By the way, I'm not i'm not a big fan on this whole in word inclusive as you know it's a trigger word for me but if you want to be inclusive you that would be where you start get the national champions thing very clear and correct because obviously as like you can see around world cup a national champs bring a lot of pride and attention to uh would bring a lot of pride national attention locally to the sport then all the local news stations in romania can be like yeah this guy is the national champ so this and the confusion here like goes back to i think it
Starting point is 00:37:57 was 2020 maybe where jeff oh sorry sorry i probably phil m McCracken. Canada and confusing in the same sentence. Duh. Oh, you're a good point. Okay. That was very important. Thank you. Yes. Go back to, I think it was 2020, maybe 2019, something like that. But I think it was either Adler won the Open. Remember this? Adler won the Open worldwide, but he got second in Canada and Vellner was the other guy. I think maybe Vellner won the open worldwide, but Adler won in Canada was what it was. And so Adler was declared the national champion. And so the national champion in Canada was Adler, but the worldwide champion of the open was a Canadian guy that wasn't Jeff Adler. Right. It was weird. And of course we understand how that works because they're scored on two different leaderboards,
Starting point is 00:38:44 but it just, it was, it was like, nah, it doesn't feel right. Something doesn't feel right about that. No, it's asinine.
Starting point is 00:38:51 So all of a sudden last week or so, these national champion announcements start rolling out with, and I don't know why if you're CrossFit, you wouldn't just say in 2022, we picked, we awarded the national champions based on this criteria. And here's a list of all the national champions on the men's and women's side.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And just publish that. You can definitely still put out as many Instagram posts as you want, highlighting specific ones or groups of athletes. You can send the certificates out. Athletes will repost it. But I would love to, as someone who's passionate about this sport, have an article out from CrossFit that says, here's our criteria and here's our list of national champions from 2022.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Congratulations to all of them. And you could even add a little thing where we'll show next to that the number of times that athlete has won the national champion in their country. And then suddenly you got a pretty cool list with plenty of stuff for people like us to talk about organized in one area. Instead, as is so often the case, there's no,
Starting point is 00:39:51 no information that I know of about how they pick these and you can't go to one place and just see the whole list. I mean, I guess we could try, we could ask Mike to make the list. it's funny you say that. So this is from five days ago. This is December 12th.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Oh, good. Okay. In the end, 286 CrossFit athletes stood apart. They were the fittest athletes in their countries and were crowned the 2022 champions. You can represent your country in the 2023 Noble CrossFit Games. How it works.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Okay, maybe they do say it here. Let's see. Every athlete who signed up for the Open was ranked against all other athletes within their country. And the man and women who made it the furthest in the CrossFit game seasons were crowned their country's national champions. Okay. So this is what we were looking for,
Starting point is 00:40:32 right? This is exactly what we're looking for. Yeah. If multiple athletes finished in the same stage, the athletes who ranked higher on the leaderboard in that stage were awarded the title. Yeah. So I would be curious.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I don't know if it was the case or not, but if, uh, let's say there were two women from Sweden that both both finished eighth place one at lowlands one at strength and depth and neither of them decided to do the last chance qualifier who would win so stuff like that and they do have the list here so this is great what so why does it take till december 12th when did the games finish why does it take take till December 12th to come out with this? Another question that I've had is like, are the games results from 2022 final? Have we gotten confirmation that all of the people that were podium athletes and all the
Starting point is 00:41:13 divisions have passed their drug tests and are actually the winners of those divisions? And I'm not sure if that's been announced or not either, because it's not like this article is exactly what we're wanting for, but I didn't know it was out there. Why didn't I know it was out there? I get every email that CrossFit sends up. Maybe it was in there and I missed one of them. Maybe they did put it on their Instagram and I missed it. I don't know. Hey, here's a suggestion that CrossFit keep a list of all the people who are in the media space and anytime they have major announcements like this to help amplify this and their athletes, they send that email out to those people
Starting point is 00:41:47 who are reporting on it daily. Right, because I would, I mean, if that was the case and they send me this, I would, like you said, I would make it very aware. Hey, CrossFit's announced all the national champions from 2022, check it out here. But instead, I just see a random Instagram post announcing a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And I had, and I didn't, I didn't know this was out and I didn't, and I had a question of how is, how are they determining this? And is it different than it's been in the past? And I might even have added in that article. This is a criteria we use this year and it's different than we've used in
Starting point is 00:42:19 previous years. We feel this is the best representation of who the fittest in each country is. Guys. This is the best representation of who the fittest in each country is. Guys, the UFC holds the record for most seats ever sold at Madison Square Garden. Ever. For any fucking event ever. You know why? Do you know how much outside?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Why? Ring girls. We are. That's 42 minutes into the show, girls. We are. That's 42 minutes into the show, people. 42 minutes. No, no. He said something at seven minutes. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:50 All right. The money's already been. I wasn't listening to Caleb again. Why? Why, Brian? Why? Small footprint. The ring.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Oh, the ring. There's more areas for seats. do you know how much outside media they have and they accommodate if you are running an event and you are not support if you're not you don't even here's the thing you don't have to even support or like the outside media but if you cock block them for ego reasons you are hurting you're absolutely hurting your uh your um your event what what's best for you i've never it's so obvious of the ego conflicts going on over there at hq media it's fucking crazy you're you're only heard and in the end you're only hurting the affiliates remember that in the end you're only hurting the affiliates when you do that
Starting point is 00:43:44 so obviously i should walk back what i said like it's nice that they have that article december 12th i'm going to give you a pass december 12th the best thing would be that they have i know you've been preparing for this show for 30 days so that they have that article and that everyone it's impossible to miss it you know uh yeah i mean, yeah, I agree. I agree. Okay. So we know who the national champs are. If you want to go over and look at that,
Starting point is 00:44:11 you're a, you're people in this that follow the show regularly. They're very plugged in and tuned in as we were talking. If I was talking about that, did it, did someone send you that link? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I did announce it. No, no. So none of these people that follow the CrossFit sport really well knew that that existed. No, that's it Googled it. So none of these people that follow the CrossFit sport really well knew that that existed. No. That's what I'm saying. It's free media too.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Like this is – like you really want to – there's a country – let me look at the names of some of these fucked up countries on here. Third world shitholes as they say in the political – there's a country called Ecuador. Why not set this up for success for them to promote crossfit in ecuador there's another country called senegal hook them up hook them up this is this is free easy if you were to push something out to each of these countries and let people know here's another fucking country lebanon botswana the local news agencies will pick up on it they're desperate to promote successful people in their country belize albania i mean it's an extensive list and this is what a great way to strut your shit if you're crossfit look at all this uh
Starting point is 00:45:18 nicaragua the syrian arab republic i don't've never even heard of that one. It's called Syria. There's a few of those in Syria. New ones popping up every day? There's just new Syrians popping up every day. It's like Congo. There used to be Congo. It was a big country in the middle of Africa, and now they're split into four Congos. I think maybe Sudan is like that, too.
Starting point is 00:45:45 but into four congress i think maybe sudan is like that too did you see that did you see that video brian on the live calling show where the president of sudan was getting south sudan was getting inaugurated and he pees his pants while he's being inaugurated no it was crazy if you're if you if you have no i mean he's just old and incompetent but he no he forgot to put on his diaper. Listen, if you wet your pants in public, wear black pants. Don't wear blue, light blue. Look, here's a guy named P-Roy Mao who's the national champion of a country called Nauru. N-A-U-R-U.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I don't think there's any I. That's a country? It's in the Oceanic Islands. N-A-U-R-U. I don't think there's any I. That's a country? It's in the Oceanic Islands. N-A-U-R-U? Did I say I? If I did, I'm sorry. Where is it, Brian? Like by Fiji over in the, in Oceania, off the northwest of, sorry, northeast of New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I wonder how many participants they had. God, I should just enter for Armeniamenia i have an armenian passport there it is hold that's a country yeah there's a bunch of them like that in oceania a pull out i want to see where that is wow holy cow that's like easter island shit did somebody have to like take a boat over there and teach him about CrossFit? Did they like, well, Sean, that's actually a brilliant question.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Also, why wouldn't they post alphabetically by country? Cause that, cause they don't have the manpower to do that or the IQ, the cumulative IQ of the team over there is okay. I'm going to be nice. Brian, Brian's going to be announcing the games this year and I don't want to make it weird for him so people are walking up to me like
Starting point is 00:47:27 why do you work with someone you've never heard that have you brian what are you laughing at caleb i i own a globe listen i own a globe i've been everywhere i've been to i've been to that's a snow globe oh that's the one with santa isn't santa in it isn't the one he's talking about i know yeah i do have to be able to snatch a hundred pound dumbbell to be the armenian champion um brian let me just throw you a curveball here let me just ask a random question here um uh and we've got to get her on the show here soon what's going on with hayley adams and her in her new coaching situation the last we heard for the story went like this um uh hayley
Starting point is 00:48:13 adams one of the greatest crossfitters in the world has a significant hole in her games it's been talked about for several years at the end of this season there were rumblings that she was going to go to hwpo those rumblings were uh put in those rumblings i think were basically just based on just watching her and mal eating donuts as they walked around manhattan and uh then uh we had rich froning on the show and he mentioned that they were putting a team around hayley uh of, I think, uh, the great Chad Vaughn, uh, to, to work on what she needs to do. She also didn't show up at rogue this year, which, uh, was gave us the, um, allowed us to make the implication that she was more serious about her training and probably
Starting point is 00:48:58 focused on her strength and didn't want to derail her training by focused on a competition. And now here we are in silence for a couple months what what do we know about her what's going on that's not that's it that's it i just did the whole thing you're out of a job you could have gone taking a pee break i should have done that actually okay uh nothing no i mean i think that can we see your ig caleb sorry brian good yeah i think the um may you her and Amal have a friendship. They also have the same agent right now. And so he's probably trying to create opportunities for both of them.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And yeah, as far as I can tell, it's been pretty obvious. She wants to get stronger. And she's sick of finishing fourth through ninth or whatever her range of finishes has been at the games over the last several years. She wants to improve her opportunity to push for a podium position. And she doesn't think she'll be able to do that if she doesn't take the time to put in the work consistently without interruption to try to get as strong as possible before next year's games. I mean, her fitness is good enough that she's not, she's not so worried about the semifinal. She has to get to the games and be stronger.
Starting point is 00:50:09 She doesn't want to be standing in the middle of the Coliseum, unable to move the first barbell while all the other ladies are racing past her anymore. So I think that this is a good decision for her. She's still very young. It's not like she's short on opportunities to make money in this sport through sponsorships or competition over the next 10 years. And so I think it's a smart choice.
Starting point is 00:50:31 And, you know, the question is how much will it pay off? And we'll have to wait to see. How many followers does she have? How is she not the most popular female CrossFitter? How old is she? She's young, rightfitter how old is she she's young right she's 21 22 yeah god what a fucking crazy specimen of a human being it is interesting brian would you agree with this statement that what we've seen happen to her and laura horvat where you see them get stuck on the field um are the two most they're the two highest profile athletes we've ever seen that happen to and cross it catching david sutter had similar experience
Starting point is 00:51:12 with the barbell but not not while she was winning necessarily more recently uh i thought you were gonna say i thought you were gonna say pegboard i i which what are you talking about oh that's right pegboard in 2015. But that was a lot of women. You know, it wasn't, I don't think that that was necessarily like specific to catcher. And there's still women now that struggle with the pegboard that are high, you know, high caliber athletes. Like Amanda Barnhart has had some struggles with pegboard. But a couple of years ago, also on the clean run event the second clean run event catchin was
Starting point is 00:51:46 stopped in her tracks i think by the second barbell and that work on her and hayley were just kind of standing there while everyone else was running and lifting weights i wonder if that feels better when someone's out there with you stuck i don't think at that point i don't think you care about it what anyone else is doing you're just fucking pissed can you be out there and be happy what's the mindset you should have when you're out there if that shit happens to you i mean it happened daniel brandon with the back attack workout at rogue like it happens and i actually think that in some capacities it's a good it's a good uh experience for athletes you know you have to deal with something like that now he'd already done a lot of the workout but yeah he's clearly frustrated matt fraser with
Starting point is 00:52:22 the rope climbs in 2015 rich with rope climbs uh catching with rope climbs at regionals like this happens to some of the best athletes sometimes but yes you know laura and hayley are very obvious examples recently and she's sick of it basically yeah i was thinking that ryan too unfortunately sex sells and hayley's brand is uh innocence not sexy there wasn't in that scroll that you went through there wasn't one um picture just like completely focused on her ass so maybe yeah and and i want to tell you i give her fucking props for that like crazy props for that not that not that the people who are doing that have any issues with it
Starting point is 00:53:03 but uh taking the road less traveled is uh is pretty cool i admire that Not that the people who are doing that have any issues with it. But taking the road less traveled is pretty cool. I admire that. Hence this podcast. Okay. While we're on Hayley Adams, are there any big significant camp changes? I know I'm hearing rumblings that Roman is over at Mayhem and has a new coach over there, but can you tell us about that and then any other camp changes?
Starting point is 00:53:32 We'll start with Roman. What's going on with Roman? Is he here now in the United States? This is him. This is his home? Yeah. I mean, I know that last year was stressful for him in many ways. It was obviously massive to be able to compete in the games, to get to the U.S. and do that.
Starting point is 00:53:50 But I think of Roman as a very simple guy. And I know that his wife and kids and dogs and their well-being is very important to him. And I think that that was a stress for him last year. And this year he's been able to bring them over and yeah, they've moved to Cookville and he's training down there in Cookville. And I, I don't know that they've made any kind of official announcement about who his coaches are, what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:54:17 but it seems to me that it's highly likely that he has a new coach, which is a big deal actually, because if that's the case, because he's had the same coach for a long time. I went over to the Clydesdale media podcast. I listened to two of them yesterday on the YouTube station. The second one I listened to was Scott and Kat Shear, Scott Schweitzer and Kat Shear. No, Scott Schweitzer and Kat Sheier interviewing Logan Ewing.
Starting point is 00:54:48 How old is Logan? Twelve? Early 20s. Logan said that working out with Roman is insane. I'm paraphrasing, by the way. I'm paraphrasing. Completely paraphrasing. My analysis.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's off by five degrees. Logan said that working out with roman is completely insane he said that roman has changed the scene at mayhem and he said and the implication wasn't in a positive way but it's added like some crazy fire over there um he said that facundo is training him i'm also trying to get facundo on on december 27th with brian and i um it sounds like the big thing with roman is his recovery is insane in between workouts, that he will flop to go as hard as he can flop to the ground, be doing the fish and three, two, one, go.
Starting point is 00:55:34 He gets up and goes. Does that comport with what you're hearing? Yes and yes and no. Like I said, when in situations like these, you hear certain things, you see certain things, maybe you think that, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:50 certain things, but I always like to be a little bit patient in that regard. Like if Facundo is coaching Roman and, and I, and I think it's Snorri's definitely involved works with Roman. Like they'll, they'll make that known when they're ready to make it known. And we can speculate all we want,
Starting point is 00:56:08 and maybe he's doing some mayhem programming while he's there, but I'll wait to hear from them for certain in that regard. I do think that that is the case. And like I said, if that is the case, it's of pretty big interest to me because he'd previously been being coached by Nick Fowler. And from what I can tell by Nick Fowler. And from what I can tell that he, Nick, Nick Fowler, who's one of the legends. Brute strength.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah. I mean, look, Nick is one of the, uh, coaches get a lot more attention now than they did five and 10 and 15 years ago in CrossFit. And they're a lot more well-known. They're a lot more public facing. A lot of times they're working with more athletes. And obviously the media, the way the media has evolved
Starting point is 00:56:50 has had a big thing to do with that. Yeah, there's Nick. Nick's been around forever. He kind of, in some many ways, he is brute strength. Oh, he got old like me. Like everyone does. Oh, okay. I got actually to spend some time with him at Rogue this year
Starting point is 00:57:04 and get to know him a little bit outside of the coaching realm. Oh, okay. being very, very experienced in the coaching scene. So I think he was a really great fit for Roman and they worked together for, like I said, as far as I know, at least from 2017 through Rogue this year, they were working together and they, I mean, it got him to second place at the games in his first live experience there. I already talked about with Karen Frey, how even if you've competed at the games before or been good enough to qualify for a couple of years in Roman's case and how has it made it there, you're going to learn something in that first year. I mean, it's really rare that someone comes in their first year and wins, wins the games, but we have seen people come in their first year and take second at the games. And some of the people who've done that, like Rich went on to win a bunch of times, like Tia went on to win a bunch of times, like Fraser
Starting point is 00:58:01 went on. So like he's in a pretty rare company of showing up to your first live games and taking second place. A few, a few little mistakes here and there that I don't think necessarily had to do with fitness, but just experience maybe cost him from winning it this year. So he has the potential to win the games and he's made a big change in, in his coaching environment.
Starting point is 00:58:21 So I haven't, that is to me as something very significant. Who else does Patrick Clark is saying for is saying facundo coaches gi and spencer who else does facundo coach i don't think spencer but i think he coaches a gi and lazar of men of oh wow lazar too which is another reason why it's somewhat, you know, critical. Like when people were talking about Haley potentially going to HWPO, the obvious point of conflict would be like, well, Haley wants the podium at the games. HWPO's premier athlete, female athlete at least, is Mal O'Brien. She's defending a podium position at the games.
Starting point is 00:59:00 How is that going to work if they're going to both be coaching the same training program? the games, how's that going to work? If they're going to be both be coaching the same training program, you know, they should be, your team's going to be interested in getting mail from second to first and also getting Haley from seventh or eighth to third. Um, what's that dynamic going to be like? Well, if you're talking about, you know, one guy coaching three athletes who are all in the top 10, the last year, similar questions can be asked. I also, Logan said something very interesting about Roman's banana habit. He said at the quarterfinals, in one day, Roman Krennikoff ate, ate, ate, A-T-E-E-I-G-H-T, ate, ate bananas. roman krennikoff eight eight eight a t e e i g h t eight eight bananas consumed i'll go with
Starting point is 00:59:51 consumed uh uh take two uh there is a story that roman krennikoff consumed eight bananas uh during the corner finals in one day do you have any as a coach do you have any. As a coach. Do you have any thoughts on that type of banana consumption. During high level competition. Better than eight Snickers bars. Okay. Fine. I don't know. I heard Seban has a banana habit.
Starting point is 01:00:19 That's a banana hammock. I got a banana hammock. Yeah. And I also heard Roman's English is coming along. Any proof of that? I mean, I'm sure it is. I spent some time living in a country that I didn't speak the language of originally. And when you're constantly surrounded by people who don't speak the same language as you, it comes along.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You also took French for 12 years. I did. You speak a defense. I don't really speak it very well, but I still understand it a bit. Do they still have that event, the French Throwdown? Yeah. I think it's one of the best run events in the world and i have for a variety of different reasons been unable to get to it so far so i'm
Starting point is 01:01:09 hopeful to get there eventually is that daniel chaffee's event yeah yeah uh daniel there's a come on brian out there no no he has tried we've spoken many times and i've been able to help him a little bit from remotely but i haven't been able to be there for it yet. And I think that as Daniel is definitely still involved, but as he's gotten more and more responsibilities within the affiliates and international side of CrossFit, that there are some other people, particularly Julian and Miriam, who have elevated to take a lot of the responsibility for that competition. elevated to take a lot of the responsibility for that competition. I, um, I want to continue along this path of, uh, camp changes and I have some more questions.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I do also want to save some time. I watched also on Claud's Dale media, uh, Scott Switzer, he has a live riff show. I think it's probably one of the best shows that they do there. And he speaks about his departure from Morning Chalk Up also. And I did a show, 40 minutes of a show, talking about Patrick Clark, Tommy Marquez, and Brian's departure and what's going on over there and the ascent of Lauren Khalil. I think you will find that show interesting. But I also do have the Cliff Notes for it, and we'll get Brian's response on that here in a minute.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah, that show. It's a great show. It moves very quickly. Okay, before we get to that, any other camp changes that you want to give up or do you want to make me keep digging? Anything else? Okay, I'll keep digging. Fine. Be that way.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Gabby Magawa. Several months ago, you reported that she was leaving morocco or malawi or majorca she's still in majorca okay that's john singleton's camp right the program is his camp majorca is not his camp there's other places to train in majorca besides where the program trains and i believe that gabby and Christophe like it in Mallorca. They did travel around Europe a little bit and have done some other things. I know she was up in Iceland for a little while doing some training.
Starting point is 01:03:12 No shit. Gabby went to Iceland? That's a couple months ago. To get it with Katrin and Annie? Yeah, they were doing some training together, yeah. But also, maybe she's doing some stuff with Snorri there. I'm not sure. I think that Kristoff was just in London with the Hustle Made crew doing a promotion there. I'm not sure if Gabby went with him.
Starting point is 01:03:34 So they're traveling around a little bit in Europe. It's not that difficult to travel around. But they're still in Majorca. I think they're training at a different gym. Why not Dubai for Gabby? It's close enough. I think they're really happy in the Mediterranean island there. 50K.
Starting point is 01:03:54 50K. Wouldn't she have won that? Oh, why didn't she go compete in Dubai? Yeah. You had to do the qualifier, and maybe she didn't want to do the qualifier this year. I think that some of the athletes maybe were used to getting an invite to that she you know she did very well there last year and maybe she just didn't want to do the qualifier what rumors have you heard about what camp she could be going to whose programming is she doing these are very simple straightforward
Starting point is 01:04:21 questions i guess they are. This goes back to what you were saying earlier about you don't want to speculate or you don't want to – first, we need to hear it from the horse's mouth before you move forward on it. About Gabby? Yeah. Yeah, publicly. If she tells me what's going on but she doesn't want to make it well-known, then I will respect that. What if you had a conversation with her and she told you and she didn't say whether you could make it public or not? Would you just assume you could?
Starting point is 01:04:57 I would ask her. Okay, you're a good dude. What is going on with Patrick Vellner? How is he doing? I know Rogue was – was it Rogue? Was Rogue the one where they did the clean and jerks and he could have won it and he had kind of the last two reps, the shoulder overhead issue? Yes. Have you talked to him and how is he doing since then?
Starting point is 01:05:22 And is he getting his shit together and are we going to see him do another year? Yes. I think he's been very clear about that. I also think that he's competing. I believe he's been announced to compete at Guadalupalooza for maybe both the individual and the team competition. Wow, and his hair is short. Look how short his hair is.
Starting point is 01:05:43 He's on vacation. Heavy on the bug competition. Wow, and his hair is short. Look how short his hair is. He's on vacation. But still getting on my holiday. Heavy on the bug bites and humidity, but still getting it on in my holiday. And it's, you know, this is going to be interesting. Waddle Palooza is going to be very interesting to see. He's a three-time defending champion on the individual side. He's also doing a team there this year. Obviously, their team is very formidable with Vellner and Adler and Fikowski.
Starting point is 01:06:06 That's the team? Vellner, Ad adler and fukowski and uh so that's the team velner adler and fukowski uh-huh holy shit he's gonna do he's gonna do team for two days and then go individual other way around individual is first the team is the premier this year the teams of three and the announced, that's a fuck up. Uh, maybe, maybe I'm actually not sure that the, and now I'm impressed at the attempt. I'm impressed at the attempt.
Starting point is 01:06:33 These are the teams that have been announced for men's team of three by Wadapalooza. Actually. And I want to take that back because if it was, if it was team first, he might not do both. Right. But it's individual and there's less at stake. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I just, I strike that Dylan Walensky over there knows exactly what he's doing. Walensky. Well, what Malinsky Walensky. Okay. Ma Malinsky. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Do you want to hear some of these teams? Yeah, but first, so, so, so we have, we have high hopes for Valner before we close that door. I'm working on,
Starting point is 01:07:00 as you have asked me to do my power rankings, which we will do before the open. Okay. And yeah, I've seen nothing from Valner to, to make me want to change, as you've asked me to do my uh power rankings which we'll do before the open okay and yeah i've seen nothing from velner to to make me want to uh change where i have him on the power rankings which is you know or at least remove him from the top five okay all right yeah let me hear some of these teams at wadapalooza what what are the dates for wadapalooza my mom keeps asking i think it's, we'll just get it right. It's the Thursday, Friday is the 12th and 13th. Okay. And so 12 and 13 are the individuals. 14 and 15 are the teams for elite.
Starting point is 01:07:39 And have the doors closed on participation? No. Okay. A lot of Palooza keeps the doors, and there's a lot of invites, and things can change up to the last minute. So when I say these are the announced teams on Wadapalooza's Instagram, obviously they're not the only teams. Some of these teams could still potentially change,
Starting point is 01:07:58 and there are other teams that Wadapalooza knows are coming that they have not announced yet. And how do you know that great yeah well i i mean oh colton just uh colton and tetlow both just um confirmed for tomorrow's show it's gonna be wild that's great since you already promised the people there yeah good point good point i do it like some of the news outlets i promise and then i make announcements and then backfill we'll just do this chandler smith noah olsen travis mayor wow okay uh last that's that's old team from last year defending champs okay oh wow okay uh scott saxon and spencer panchuk
Starting point is 01:08:36 wow you know that about scott they announced it on the – look, it's right there. Wow. Wow. Rich Froning, Sam Cornway, Tyler Christoffel. Holy shit. Fikowski, Vellner, Adler. Ricky Gerrard, Tim Paulson, Matt DeLugos. There's never been a team competition like this. Joshua Alchama, Jorge Fernandez, Sam Dancer.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Don't know who they are. Joshua Alchama and Jorge Fernandez were the Invictus males last year that took third place at the games and you know sam dancer oh yeah and jorge i hugged jorge that's the guy that's like hugging a stack of wood okay i know him okay alex smith dane smith wow what really cole sager jason hopper james sprague those are the eight men's teams that have been announced wait tell me that hopper, Sprague, and who? Down Pepper? Cole Sager. Oh, no Down Pepper.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Down Pepper hasn't been announced on any team yet. How come they're all dudes? They're just dudes teams? It's male teams of three and female teams of three. Separate events. Separate events. Wow. Crazy. teams of three and female teams of three separate events separate events wow crazy so they you know they've been announcing athletes and teams for weeks and weeks maybe months even look at what was the date of this november something so they're just rolling them out there's more that will be
Starting point is 01:10:01 announced and then they also had the qualifier. The top 20 individual men, women, teams of three men, teams of three women through the qualifier are also eligible to be in the field. And so if you look at, we're talking about the men just as an example, Aniola Kai, Alexander Onagoski, and Pablo Casales were the top qualifying team. That's a Spanish team, the two guys from the training culture plus Aniola Kai. There's a team with uh dennis samsonov and philip messer muscarella on it their team took like fourth or fifth last year they won't do well well that's what that's what you would have thought last year too but they actually did do well they won't do top 10 this year okay they were fourth last year they
Starting point is 01:10:39 beat rich froning's team oh well that's interesting they beat who was on who was on rich's team last year angelo and luke parker wow i obviously sam cornway and tyler christopher are better than those two guys they're in theory they're better but i'm gonna blame angelo i'm gonna blame angelo i'm just saying there are teams that that came through the qualifier that can also be relevant in these competitions crazy hey so if you're a big name in the sport you don't even need to do the qualifier at wadapalooza just send over there's rules about it i think your team has to have two games athletes from the previous year or something like that okay invite like if you've podiumed at wadapalooza in a certain number of years or if you've won wadapalooza ever there's like a bunch
Starting point is 01:11:21 of different things but there are a lot of ways to pre-qualify and there's always open spots for the qualifier. Uh, coffee pods and wads, Pedro going two days, really open the door for people who don't want the intensity of a full four day event. And for those who want to do Indy and team, by the way, did you know he's been doing a podcast for three years now? I did know I sell. I helped celebrate. It seemed like a lot of people were surprised by that. Yeah. Celebrated.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I was surprised at the name of the show. I thought it was Coffee, Wads, and Pods. I thought his name was Pedro. His name is Pedro. Lisa Carr-Rodow. Sydney announces that on Clydesdale podcast two days ago, Mike. Oh, what was the announcement? Is Sydney McElishan being there?
Starting point is 01:12:03 Is she there also? Yeah. How come you only focused on the boys? How can you haven't given us any great girls teams? I don't think Tia, Annie and Katrin are going. I heard that on a team. I don't think that the caliber of the women's teams of three is, is worth the show is noteworthy for this show, for this massage. There are some good, good teams for sure. I think what they're referring to is that one of the teams that was announced
Starting point is 01:12:29 for Guadalupe has changed since the announcement. And like you said, and like we talked about, the door is open. The rosters are fluid all the way up until the first event starts at Guadalupe. Everything's fluid in the great country of the United States. Trigger word. Most of the. Sam Stewart was on the podcast. Mickey Smith and Jamie Hedon.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Well, if that's a team that's competing there, that's a great example of a team that I don't know how they got in. Because I, unless they're in the qualifier and I just didn't see that. What about, what about my boy, a future games champ um uh jay crouch is he gonna be there not that i've seen jesus says the guy with the cowboy hat you son of a bitch seven looking like a legit terrorist ever tell you about the time when i flew into uh miami and i got taken
Starting point is 01:13:25 into secondary oh yeah the lads they did qualify that irish team i have them on the list here they were 17th in the qualifier i got taken into secondary at miami international airport and the guy says uh how long were you in the syrian army like excuse me how long were you in the syrian army i was never in the syrian army now how long were you in the sy army? Like, excuse me, how long were you in the Syrian army? I was never in the Syrian army. Now, how long were you in the Syrian army? Answer us. Then, then he brings over a lady who starts yelling at me.
Starting point is 01:13:50 We know you were in the Syrian army. I'm like, listen, assholes, I'm a fucking libtard from San Francisco. I fucking hate guns. And international soccer. I don't hate international soccer,
Starting point is 01:14:04 but it's close. It's not quite to hate it's a good game soccer dude you'll caleb you would fucking love anything from your equity experiment that's the whole thing that's part of one of the that's one of the uh that's one of the um uh effects of being an equity experiment you're just happy to get sheets. You don't even need to be clean. All the Netflix specials? Watch those for sure.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah, everything. You've seen it all. Hey, is there anything that's banned there that you're not allowed to watch? That they don't let the military guys watch? Like some black mirror or something? Something that might scare you? Yeah, we just use a VPN and get around get around it oh all right it doesn't matter the great advancements of the u.s military uh yes okay let's talk about that real quick how
Starting point is 01:14:55 about the 40 tier comp shirts i think i learned that from uh lauren khalil show over on the morning chalk up um you want to talk about that oh shit i think that this i'm not entirely sure of the details but i think that you could opt into this like if you're competing in the elite division as an individual or a team you could choose to be a part of this um don't worry don't worry brian i got this i watched the lauren clue show on the morning checkup i got this one thank you you're welcome uh tears pain athletes 50 of jersey sales the jerseys are 39.99 they're on sale now you must pre-order 130 athletes as brian said have opted in to be participating um what uh the the the sort of the buzz around it is is that noble was charging 6060 and giving the athletes $20, 33%.
Starting point is 01:15:45 And tear has stepped up. If you listen to that, um, what, uh, the Lauren Khalil show, I forget the guy's name that she was talking with. He looks like he's from a cowboy movie,
Starting point is 01:15:55 but, um, basically what they were saying is his tear is here and they're just fucking taking over. And it's funny cause I do just see them everywhere. I just see them everywhere. Uh, former Hugh, uh, they're, they're just fucking taking over. And it's funny because I do just see them everywhere. I just see them everywhere. They're a huge player, I guess, in the swimming space. If you watch the Olympics, I guess they got their shit all over it
Starting point is 01:16:12 with the goggles and the fancy stuff. I noticed their shoes because Colton was wearing them and I thought they were beautiful. I still don't own a pair. But you can order a shirt now, and it'll get your house. I don't think they will be available on site. I don't know that for a fact, but that was the implication from the show. But you could tell that Lauren and the gentleman she was doing the show with at the Morning Chocolate were excited about it.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Not excited about it, too. It's cool. Even though with 130 athletes, I think some athletes will only sell three shirts, but it's okay. even though with 130 athletes, I think some athletes will only sell three shirts, but it's okay. But they have the technology to do this, um, ahead of time,
Starting point is 01:16:51 which is really cool. Okay. So Brian's refusing to give us any news about Gabby Magawa. Uh, we know about Velner, anything else besides Fikowski, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:00 doing a water blues, any news on the great Brent Fikowski front that you'd like to share and any explanation of his performance in dubai was he happy with it i think uh actually nico rono is making a documentary documenting brent's trip there and we'll be able to learn a lot more about him and his experience through that uh i think overall he wasn't too – I mean, I think he was satisfied with his performance and effort. Like I said, the margins were quite small. A couple of things go a little differently that had nothing to do with him, and he may have won that competition. I think he was certainly intent on winning it.
Starting point is 01:17:42 He was in the lead for a majority of it. I was – the thing that I – and I talked about this on the broadcast, the thing that I was most impressed with by Brent at that competition. I mean, look, there were a lot of young guys in that competition and I, you know, they can learn a lot from this guy, not just about how to compete, how to prepare to compete, but how to handle adversity. Obviously he was incredibly disappointed with the, you know, he knew exactly what he was doing at the end of that workout. He knew he had to go. If he wanted to win, he tried, he didn't make it. He went back, he finished it. And he looked almost lifeless sitting there on the floor. Like, so, I mean, I can't even imagine how he's feeling like just really bummed about the way that that played out, knowing that he had come so close and not done enough. And he stayed down there for like 30 seconds to a minute,
Starting point is 01:18:29 maybe. And then he got up and the very first thing that he did was find Fabian Benito and give him a hug and whisper was something in his ear. I heard he stomped on Fabian's foot to fuck with that barnacle that's growing on the side of Fabian's foot. And I think that that's something that I haven't always seen from athletes in a lot of sports. In fact, like I even, I know you make fun of me for this or whatever, but there was a really, really epic battle in the European Championships for disc golf this year
Starting point is 01:18:58 between two guys. They like set all these records for being better than the field. They shot some of the best rated rounds ever. And at the end of the competition, the guy who won, which was a younger guy, didn't go and congratulate the other guy on a great battle.
Starting point is 01:19:11 And I thought that was really kind of unfortunate. Like, you know, they were just raising each other's level and yeah, he got the better of you today. Say great job. Congratulations. And then go deal with it on your own instead of just like forgetting about
Starting point is 01:19:23 the other guy. So I thought that was really good of Brent. How many people show up by the way what you're looking at i want to have a question for brian um hold this shot for a second caleb how many is um is frisbee golf um bigger than crossfit uh i know that's hard. More fans? More participants? I'm not sure. It's a great question. Because none of those dipshits I've reached out to will come on the show. And it just makes me think that they're morons. But that's obviously self-serving, me saying that.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Patrick's right. Moritz Fiebig also was a great show of sportsmanship for Fabian. They tied, they tied on points. They announced Fabian as the winner, and Moritz didn't look defeated or disappointed at all, even though I'm sure he was because he was so close, and he just held up that guy's hand, and it was cool. Does Moritz speak English? Yeah, really well. You should definitely invite him on. I know.
Starting point is 01:20:17 I guess getting some hate mail for not having him on the show. Yeah, I think he'd be great to have on. Slevin, cold bra, wood chopping accident would take care of that. You are looking at what I think is Fabian Benito's foot. Uh, someone sent me this. Uh, you need some nano twos,
Starting point is 01:20:35 buddy. How does he compete with that thing? What causes that? Uh, Caleb? Uh, it's like a onion. I think it's just like you said, if you're wearing shoes that are super cramped,
Starting point is 01:20:47 it'll fuck with your foot. Is that a bone? Is that a bone? Yeah, it's basically like a bone spur that just grows out of the side of your foot. God, I want to feel that thing. You can pull up Toe Spacer's most recent post, and they'll show you a foot that looks like this, and they'll show you what a foot was meant to look like. And, yeah, this is definitely, you know, almost definitely a product of cramming your foot into a space it's not supposed to be in for too long over a long period of time. That's what happens if you wear no bulls.
Starting point is 01:21:20 I'm just speculating. Oh, Nike, yeah, I agree, too. God, who fits in those met cons who fits in those met cons that's what i think about most condoms i see though too so whatever just maybe i'm just different i'm just different okay so so so you know i'm hearing this thing in your voice brian that fikowski is sort of like going off is going to become like a Miyagi. I was going to say Travis Mayer, but I don't want to be mean. But like he's just going to be showing up to events and accepting fifth place.
Starting point is 01:21:53 But but but imparting wisdom. Maybe. I mean, he very easily could have won Dubai. And that's a big, big competition. Obviously, it's not just beA competition, but he won in Egypt the month before. And I think Fikowski, from what I know, at least, he has the intent of coming back another year. And I expect him to do better at the games next year. Maybe not podium, maybe not top five, but better than last year. I don't think that that was necessarily the best representation of where his fitness actually is relative to the field.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Not to take anything away from any of the guys that beat him. I just think it was one of those competitions where kind of everything that could have gone the wrong way for him did, which happens sometimes. What about Lazar Jukic? Is he going to have his fucking medical shit, whatever, his chemical imbalance figured out by the time he gets to the CrossFit Games? What's going on with him? Have you talked to him? Lazar? Yeah. Lazar. Allison NYC
Starting point is 01:22:54 has spoken. Toe spacers can't fix that. I know. He needs the wood chopping accident, I think. Toe spacers to fix that. I love it. Hey, give it a a shot don't be so negative allison yeah i mean lazarus had a tough off season you know obviously things didn't go the way he was expecting at rogue not nor did they go the way he was expecting at dubai but i mean his car is breaking down something's wrong with this car it's not it's not him he's capable something okay
Starting point is 01:23:22 well the thing that happened at rogue would be like your car is working great and you're driving on a road and you go around a bend and there's a pothole there and you have no chance to react when you blow out a tire okay so you say he's jinx he needs an exorcism it's just everything i'm not sure i mean there's the games the bike goes in too early at rogue fucking rolls an ankle and and uh at dubai he has a fucking electrolyte malfunction uh well I'm not sure what happened to him in the stairwell of the I just told you I'm a doctor Caleb tell
Starting point is 01:23:54 him it was electrolyte it was neurologic he didn't take his LMNT or whatever that shit is yep I agree concur on the diagnosis thank you be friendly I am being friendly. Brian's getting updates on the topics in real time from his spies. I mean, his sources. Sorry, this is Lazar right now.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Is it? No. But I have spoken to Lazar. I think he's, I mean, yeah, he's,'s like you is aware of the fact that things haven't necessarily gone great and he's trying to figure out why because you know that thing that happened to him in the capital and the thing that happened to him in burj khalifa stair run are those are things he doesn't want to happen again what happened what happened to the oh the capital he also at the end okay right right yeah and in that case he had to turn around and do a workout two hours later. And he figured it out.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Maybe he wasn't great the rest of the day, but he still managed a great finish at the games. In the case of the Burj Khalifa, he never recovered from that. I mean, you could just go watch him. Yeah, he had one event win, but watch him compete in any other event and line it up with previous versions of Lazar that we've seen in Dubai and at the games the last two years at semifinals when he beat BKG. And you just see that it's not the same guy. And so he's taking some time to try to figure that out with nutritionists or doctors or his training team or whatever. And I hope for Lazar is basically
Starting point is 01:25:18 that maybe it takes a couple of weeks to get things back organized. Gets into a good training rhythm. Hopefully doesn't do any more competing until he needs to. Open and quarterfinals, he should have the same approach as he did last year, which is just get through those unless they have a dramatic effect on the worldwide ranking system and distribution of game spots. And then show up to semifinals. He doesn't have to win semifinals. And then prepare for the gamesifinals. He doesn't have to win semifinals. Okay. And then prepare for the games. Because I think that for him, you know, he improved by one spot between 2021 and 2022.
Starting point is 01:25:52 And I think that he would want to improve by at least one spot this year also. All right. But it's going to be hard to do. The men's field is going to continue to get more difficult. Okay. And maybe a little easier also just because the older guys are just weighing a little bit.
Starting point is 01:26:11 There'll be some shuffling. There'll be shuffling, but I still think, like I said, as I'm looking through these top 100s and trying to come into the season with a list, it's pretty tough.'s like, it's, it's pretty tough. There's, there are a lot of guys.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Before I go into the, this show that I saw Scott Switzer do on the Clydesdale podcast. One last question. Did CrossFit get the podium, right? At the games? At the games. Yeah. Can we see first, second and third at the CrossFit games? At the games, yeah. Can we see first, second, and third at the CrossFit Games? Who took Justin, Roman, and... Ricky. Ricky, Justin, Roman, Ricky. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:26:52 Where was Vellner? Sixth. Justin, Roman. Quant, Adler, Vellner. Ricky. Wow, Quant, Samuel Quant. Wow, fourth place. We're going to be talking about him this year huh yeah for sure uh you you're happy with that justin roman ricky do you have any
Starting point is 01:27:12 heavy-handed criticism no um okay and i think at the games next year if you you were male who wants to podium, that's the lineup you're looking at. Like it's not, it's, it's not a lock that those three guys will, will podium again. But if you want to make it on the podium,
Starting point is 01:27:33 those are the athletes and the caliber of athletes and the consistent performance across the weekend that I'm looking at and saying, if that's what I want, that's what I have to be better than. Should we have an events ranking show like uh games dubai rogue wadapalooza yeah and if we did do that how would semi-finals work in there because the semi-finals in themselves are pretty impressive events right i think that this would be a really good it could actually be really fun and what we would do is have like some different criteria. So you might say caliber of field, hot dogs, available beer and food selections on site, access to athletes,
Starting point is 01:28:13 the caliber of programming, cost of tickets. Did they include seven in the production? Like, you know, and you might rank these in different tiers. So you might be first in product in being included for Wadapalza, last in being included for the games. But the games might be first in programming and last in whatever else. And then we could have a composite ranking after that. I think the categories we came up with are perfect. So we'll just use those. Hot dogs for sure.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Okay. I like it. Okay. So you do like the idea? I think it could be fun and i think it could be cool um to include you know a couple different people in that uh as well uh jessica jessica rivera jessica rivera sevan didn't you come up with the crossfit wars why are they taking idea not they're including me i'm just being i'm just being, I'm just being a baby. I just want all the viewers and money on my station. They're including me. And, um, not,
Starting point is 01:29:08 not only that, but it really wasn't my idea. It was someone's done this before. I remember there was something before where athletes would go and compete against each other. And I don't remember what it was. Maybe it was in 2014 or 15. Someone attempted to do this this and then i was just joking around there was this um athlete named jason hopper who's fallen off the map and gone into obscurity but he was on the show once and i was i was falling off the map in terms of he hasn't come on your show in a while he has not well listen he's not yeah he's fallen off into obscurity what yeah no Yeah. No. We don't even talk about him. We don't talk about him. No one talks about him.
Starting point is 01:29:47 We just listed the top six guys. If he was seven, okay, fine. We don't even talk about him anymore. There's nothing to talk about. You're going to talk about him when we see my power rankings in 2023. We're not even allowed to talk about him. I got a text from Matt Fraser the other day. Don't talk about Hopper unless you ask me.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I haven't gotten that text. That's because you don't text it. Matt Fraser. Okay, here we go. Uh, just knock on. Justin.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Okay. He answers the door. We say, Hey dude, tomorrow at noon, we go there at noon. That's 24 hours from now, you fucking mullet-wearing motherfucker. We're going to meet here in the front yard. There's going to be a truck, and we're going to film this, and it's going to be three fucking workouts, me against you. And then you'll look at the camera and be like, and if you want to watch this shit, pony up $10.
Starting point is 01:30:44 You have 24 hours. This will be tomorrow. Dude. Holy shit. Brian, would you pay to watch that? Jason and Justin? Yeah. 10 bucks.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Just have Jason just go over and call fucking Justin out in his front yard. Probably not. Oh, you're a dickhead. You ruined my idea. You wouldn't pay for that, Brian? I'd pay for that shit. Brian is not a good wingman. Make that noted. What would Caleb have said?
Starting point is 01:31:10 He'd have been like, fuck yeah. Oh, yeah, dude. For sure, dude. Yeah. Totally, brah. Yeah, Brian does have a hard beard in that clip. That's crazy. Bringing it back for a lot of Palooza.
Starting point is 01:31:24 No shaving between now and then okay uh i swear too much um scott switzer i did a show the other day where i was talking about basically the changes going on over at the morning chalk up and a lot of information came in nothing that i can validate as of yet um and. And there's some incredible hard workers over there. That institution has been around for quite some time. Started off as a newsletter by Justin LaFranco and has turned into – then it turned into a pawn of Andrew Wiseman. Fuck, I forget his name. Basically became a tool, became the mouthpiece for CrossFit, owned by CrossFit, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:32:08 It was just parody, whatever CrossFit wanted them to say, basically damage control. And then, since then, I have heard rumors that their ties with CrossFit have been severely damaged and or severed. That there's been some sales of parts of ownership of the company and now brian patrick and tommy marquez aren't there but lauren is still killing it over there and so scott switzer came on and did a show have you seen this brian no but i i've been warned that not and then maybe not everything is accurate that he's talking about here so i don't know what clips are going to play and i don't know if that's what's being referred to but i would well well he's just giving he's So I don't know what clips are going to play. And I don't know if that's what's being referred to, but I would. Well, well, he's just giving, he's giving
Starting point is 01:32:48 his perspective. There's no clips to play, but he's giving his perspective on, he basically said that he used to, uh, um, he, the, the show is about why him and, uh, Clydesdale media and him parted ways. He does take ownership for it at the end. He basically says, Hey, I'm the kind of guy who wants to like create my own vision and pursue my own vision. And that's basically what I learned when I was over there. He gives great accolades to, he says the most support he got over there was from Tommy and Brian and continues to be from Tommy and Brian. He said, well, I take it back. Everything he said was accurate. He said that when he was there, Tommy and Brian helped him navigate the waters.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And then when he said he left, he felt like it got a little – my words, not his – a little cold between him and the morning chalk up, but that Tommy and Brian continued to support him with his new endeavors. was there um him and cat sheer it sounds like um picked up and picked up and dusted off an old morning chalk up show called the bottom line that i think lauren still does and it had been dormant for like 18 months or so and so uh scott and cat picked that show up and they ran with it for five months uh he also said that brian came on the show a lot uh to to help push that show forward he said it was a complete pleasure to work with brian i wouldn't say a complete uh pleasure to work with brian but if there were like 10 criteria eight of them he would score really high hot dogs low and two of them uh extremely low um um he said he said they were a great asset to the project uh let's see uh he did give he did say that justin he said he he said communication was tough there my words not his that was basically
Starting point is 01:34:33 in summation all the issues he had was communication he felt like he didn't get a lot of direction over there not a lot of support and it was basically a little bit uh chaotic and uh that was where a lot of things fell through the cracks. And he felt a lot of frustration when he was there. He did say that Justin did help them understand how to make more potent Instagram posts. And he's just riffing, which is what's cool.
Starting point is 01:34:59 He's just kind of like talking off the top of his head and he's just kind of painting this picture for you. It's an extremely authentic show. picture for you it's an extremely authentic show it's it's um he eventually left because the content they were making these are this is my interpretation of it these aren't quotes i'm not a real journalist eventually uh scott and the clydesdale media team left the morning chalk up because they weren't getting the the media that they made published the when and where and how they wanted it to. So what it sounded like is Scott would make 10 pieces and only after asking 20 times for them to get published on the morning chalk up two or three or five of them would get
Starting point is 01:35:32 published and the other five would fall through the cracks and he wouldn't get the feedback he wanted or direction. He said that the communication between teams was bad, meaning there. So when you're in a media team, there's writers, there's publishers, there's distributors, there's content makers. And that is a huge problem, by the way, that, that is exactly what's going on over at CrossFit Inc. Now too. They have a massive ego communication problem. And that can happen if you really don't have, uh, um, you really need strong leadership. Creatives are assholes. Media people in general, assholes, creatives are assholes media people in general assholes 51 for sure yeah um insecure little fucking twats uh communication um once again he and he reiterated tommy and
Starting point is 01:36:16 brian were super supportive um he said that when he left the morning chalk up um though it sounds like the only thing that really was everything worked positive. You know, nine out of ten things have been better. It sounds like he's a little disappointed because since he left morning chalk up, his relationship with Lauren Khalil has gotten a little cold and dark. And it sounds like he misses that friendship he had with her. And so, oh, there we go. Cool. and so oh there we go cool so i guess they lit a fire and they warmed the relationship back up but it's but it's a really good it's cool that riff show is really cool uh don't take my word for it it moves very fast it's an amazing companion for the uh assault bike um brian
Starting point is 01:37:03 did did you leave the morning chalk up strictly because of the reason, because Barbend offered you more money? No. Did you, why did you leave the morning chalk up? You were there for so long, you were a staple there. Let me start with something easier. Hold on, watch this.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Watch this mastery in questioning. Watch me massage Brian's taint here people watch this brian was it a difficult decision to leave morning chocolate how do you know i like taint massages i'm very smart uh yes and and what were some of the factors for your switching publishing outlets? That's a tough question. Are you happy? I know you're a guy who likes high-level communication. I'll say this. The biggest challenge for me in leaving the Morning Chalk was giving up what I was doing with Lauren on the Bottom Line episodes.
Starting point is 01:38:04 No shit. Yeah. I felt like that had, um, a late August, September, October that we had fallen into a really good rhythm where I hated the fact of how often you're on that show. I lied to you. I used to be like, Oh, that's great that you work with them. Uh, you know, that we had just fallen into a good rhythm of when something popped up, newsworthy, controversial, um, uh, that we could have a conversation about it that I thought was doing a decent job of putting things in perspective. Most of the time, something happens, people want to have a, the first blush reaction to it. And then that thing gets blown out of proportion. I thought that she did a good job of, of setting up situations where I could talk about the fact that, yes, this happened to this person. But keep in mind that this isn't that out of the usual.
Starting point is 01:38:52 And a lot of times there's things going on behind the scenes that we don't necessarily see publicly that we should keep in mind instead of being super critical of this or that other person. So I don't have as clear of a platform to do that anymore. that other person. So I don't have as clear of a platform to do that anymore. And I don't know that she has as a consistent or reliable person that she can produce those shows with regularly. And so that was difficult for me to give up. And when I was coming over, I did ask what the likelihood of having something like that at Bar Bend was.
Starting point is 01:39:21 And I knew that at least in the short term, it wouldn't be happening. So that was tough uh and not only that that you guys could go on quickly because i would if something came up you and lauren could uh circle the wagons and get something produced very quickly yeah uh and someone asked why i don't do it on my own i guess i could and like how scott kind of does that but the main the main two reasons are i don't i don't um really want to do any of the back end work i'm not very good at it it's frustrating for me and i think that patrick will do all that for you he would i know and i and i also think i just am better in an environment with someone like you or like her who steers the conversation. And,
Starting point is 01:40:07 and was there a straw that broke the camel's back over there on why you left? By the way, you guys, we didn't talk about this ahead of time. Brian has no idea. I'm not sure how much trouble I'm going to get in. He has no idea that I was going to, uh,
Starting point is 01:40:18 I'm saving this for the end of the show. You notice smart, right? Uh, what was it? Uh, what was the question? Was it difficult to leave
Starting point is 01:40:25 oh shit oh shit hold on oh time's up now oh shit i gotta take the kids to tennis time's up shit tennis is that is that is that what's going on tennis nine o'clock fuck okay guys listen i gotta go son of a bitch forgot to kids have tennis at 9 00 a.m too much time on gabby magawa i will have brian back on very shortly i promise you within the next seven days probably in exactly seven days and we will get to the bottom of this don't forget tomorrow 7 a.m pacific standard time we'll be doing fit wars and uh and then at 10 a.m hill or fit review and then maybe after that i'll go live oh yes we don't
Starting point is 01:41:19 have a post show scheduled review at 10 a.m or hill or fit whatever the fit wars competition not hill or fit review don't don't thank you for the clarification uh brian has never been more thankful for tennis yes okay love you guys caleb thanks for being here um uh they are ready to go okay here i come tell my wife here i come that's exactly what i said to her when i went to bed last night see you guys later buh-bye

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