The Sevan Podcast - #716 - Affiliate Owner Series | Lauren Conner of CrossFit ARX

Episode Date: December 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. You, when I look at you right away, I think I recognize you, but I'm wondering if it's because you kind of look like Jolie Gentry a little bit. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 00:00:39 I don't, but you and I have never spoken, but we've been next to each other. Oh, man, you look so familiar. Caleb, meet Laura. Laura Caleb. Lauren. Lauren. Yes, Lauren. Lauren. Lauren.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Very important. Lauren Connor. Lauren Connor. Lauren, just regular Lauren. Lauren, just regular Lauren. Not Lauren Connor. Lauren Connor. Formerly Laura Lewis. Lauren Lewis. connor lauren just regular lauren lauren just regular lauren not lauren connor formerly formerly laura lewis lauren lewis the lauren i'm saying it right i'm saying it wrong lauren just lauren lauren yeah lauren lauren her new names were so hard lauren where were we standing next to each other um regionals 2018 you are looking super sad oh man oh was i not filming you were not filming i thought that was so weird you're just kind of standing around in the back
Starting point is 00:01:34 in the warm-up area oh yeah that's a sad seven i you are so sad man i was probably pouting. I knew something was up. What regionals was it? Northeast. Is that Albany? Yeah. Oh, I was filming there. Were you? I didn't see you with the camera. I thought it was weird you didn't have a camera.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I think maybe that was my last year. Or maybe it wasn't. It was like months before they announced that basically the games were. Oh, yeah. Then I wasn't filming. Yeah, I was sad. Boy, that was a horrible time for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I mean, not horrible relative to, like, I don't live in the Ukraine. Could you pull up a picture of Jolie Gentry? Jolie Gentry won the crossfit games in 2007 and she is now a and and she was i think i want to say on the newark police department i did a ride along with her once yeah and now she is i think she's been a cop for 20 years she has some pretty senior position and she was on the SWAT team. She was cool. It's a, it's a, it's definitely a compliment. I used to be a police officer also. You did?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. Oh, I didn't even know that. Let me see. Yeah. Can you see a resemblance? I think it's your eyes. That one, that one doesn't really show it. You know who I've also gotten? Christy Atkins. Oh, I don't see that do you see that uh i don't know all right hi thanks for coming on hello uh crossfit arx arcs arcs that's what you guys what does arx stand for it's a it's like a stronghold it's supposed to be like if um a competing
Starting point is 00:03:26 town city village comes in and takes tries to take over the town it would be like the last thing standing like capture the flag oh yeah so the arcs is the last thing standing is it an old term from like it's latin lat. And it's from like medieval times? Yeah. Oh, that's cool. Who came up with that? I did. My husband and I were – we actually wanted to start with Vincere.
Starting point is 00:03:53 We applied for our licensing with CrossFit. We submitted Vincere because I used to – so I used to run track and cross country, and I hated cross country. It was like a necessary evil. So I used to write Vincere country, and I hated cross country. It was like a necessary evil. So I used to ride Vincere Ottamore on my cross country spike. So we took Vincere, which means conquer. And cross country is a necessary evil to keep you in shape during the off season for track? Yeah, I was an 800-meter runner. So it's like I needed the base.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But it's 3.1 miles i'm built a little bit differently than most distance runners so it was hard um does that ever go the other way so you were collegiate you were collegiate um track and field runner runner right and a good one i guess so 400 800 1200 and uh relay yeah and i did uh some of the mile too crazy and uh three colleges like you just just kept getting promoted right two well no not exactly so when i was first looking at schools like i said my body is just a very different body type so when i was first looking at school, like I said, my body is just a very different body type. So when I was first looking at school – What does that mean? You're a dwarf? No, I'm jacked.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You're a giant. Oh, you're jacked. Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah. Genetically. Yeah. Okay. So when I was looking at schools, I was looking at other 800-meter runners that were sort of built like me that have had success. So this girl named Ada at Iowa State that had
Starting point is 00:05:25 run and she had run pretty fast and she was also a beefier kind of girl. And I mean that like she had muscle on her. So we thought, well, the coach there hasn't gotten her hurt. So let's try that out. But it ended up not being intense enough for me. Oh, the training. Yeah. We had like, we played ultimate Frisbee on Wednesdays and we had off on the weekends. And that was so wild to me. Like I came from high school, getting up at three o'clock in the morning to drive to a pool, to swim, to get an extra training before going to school and then doing all my track work and then going home. So to go into a program where we had played ultimate Frisbee on Wednesdays and off on the weekends was just wild to me. Can you throw a Frisbee?
Starting point is 00:06:13 No. What did you say, Caleb? Hold on here. We got a nice dig at the U.S. military. Go ahead. It sounds like the Air Force. Can you throw a Frisbee um i guess um my husband loves ultimate frisbee so we played a lot of that yeah frisbee's fun well if you guys go to the beach golf oh frisbee you play frisbee golf or ultimate frisbee i have played both i've played ultimate frisbee in arkansas just they have really cool courses there yeah i'm not a huge frisbee golf fan. I don't really like the feel of those discs, but just playing catch on the beach is awesome. I think I was a Labrador in a previous life. So you went from Iowa State then to Arkansas? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And that was a really good team. Then you were surrounded by just savages. Yeah. The way I explain it is if you think of the best football legacy college team that is track and field um at the university of arkansas and tell me some of the accolades how good were they like what were some of the things you guys did they just want have won like 40 something it might even be into the 50s at this point national titles and track and field is um the running the throwing that the the javelin the pole vault the long jump the triple jump yeah and they're good at everything like they're
Starting point is 00:07:32 they're known for their pole vaulters too um boys and girls yeah boys and girls are both solid and how did that program impact you did that change your life over there were you like wow this is this is it um i guess it from a standpoint of like i gave it all i've got like i i went to the i still never i don't know if i'd ever accomplish anything where i'd be like happy with myself where i'd be like good job like i'd always want just something better so that part is hard what ethnicity are you um well if you ask my grandma we're french indian but everyone in our family laughs at that um you are very unique uh looking like very very unique looking i could see something like that french indian why do they laugh at that because they just think my grandma just makes that stuff up like they'll tell me that i got all my speed because my great grandfather
Starting point is 00:08:22 was a horse thief things like that that. You know, family stories. Yeah, I like it. But you don't know what ethnicity you are then? A lot of Irish. My father's last name is Pinzino, so you got some Italian in there too. Any reason why you would think you were so jacked? Why your physique is the way it is? Like, were you always like, you're just saying naturally at a young age, if you gave yourself
Starting point is 00:08:47 stimulus, your body responded. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. You can't give anyone credit. You're not Armenian. No, I'm sorry. My mom was always kind of jacked too.
Starting point is 00:08:58 She's actually working out in the gym right now. She's in 12 days of Christmas. That was the thing. Do you know who, you know who Brooke Ence is, right? Yes. And did you,, you know who Brooke ends is right? Yes. And did you, have you ever seen her mom? I think on like Instagram.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. Her mom is jacked. Yeah. Just like not like just naturally. And so I always tripped on the fact, you know, there would be accusations about her, like taking drugs and shit.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And I'm like, dude, like unless her mom's on drugs too, like I don't, I don't think so. Like they are, they look like genetic freaks. Yeah. And then, and then even people like, dude, like unless her mom's on drugs too, like I don't think so. Like they look like genetic freaks. Yeah. And then even people like Dan Bailey, like I saw pictures of him in high school.
Starting point is 00:09:32 He already had muscle on top of muscle. That's your mom? Oh, no, no. That's against his mom. Yeah. And dude, she's probably pushing 60 there. Yeah, it's crazy. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Is that an old post? That is so cool Brooke did that. Oh, and that's her sister. You can see the resemblance. That's cool. Do you own two gyms, Lauren? Yeah, we just opened our second gym last October. Why? I just felt like the area could use it. That's kind of where I'm from. It's right next to the high school I went to.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Like, like throw things at it. And how far apart are they? 30 minutes. And how many months did you say it's been open just over a year we just hit a year wow are you glad you did it yeah I am of course I like challenges and so a second gym is a challenge
Starting point is 00:10:38 yeah it's a challenge a lot of people have told me to close it a lot of people have told me if you don't want to be stressed out you don't want problems problems and just close the gym. But I find I would just create other problems probably. And I don't mean that in a bad way, but I'd find new things for my brain to solve and find solutions for. So do you have kids? Four. Holy cow. Yeah. How old are your kids? 10, six, three, and one will be 2. The youngest will be 2 in February. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And your 10-year-old, you had, and then four months later, you competed at regionals? Yes, yeah. Well, you really do like challenges. Yeah. Well, that kind of came as a surprise. I remember doing the first workout of that open and not believing how I finished. It was the snatches and the burpee to target. And the snatches got heavier.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And I only did it once because I had no expectations. And my mom had bought us for Christmas a dinner and a show in the city, New York City. So we were in New York. And we stopped by Reebok Fifth Ave. And one of the girls there was saying how she was redoing the workout. And my husband always brags and he's always so proud. And he was like, oh, she got, I don't even remember what my score was. And I remember her like looking me up and down. Cause I'm like, kind of like, I had just had a baby. I didn't like look like I might get that score.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And I didn't know that it was good or not. And she just, I remember her looking at me like, you got that? And I was just like, yeah, I don't know. And then we went out to dinner and I was like, oh, the score is holding. I kind of wish I redid it and just like did it even better. But I guess I didn't have to. Yeah, that's crazy. How did your body respond to that?
Starting point is 00:12:23 You know, when my wife had twins, she didn't leave the house for three months. She had the twins. I'm with no exaggeration. She didn't step outside once. Well, I kind of had to. I had to get back into the gym. There wasn't another coach. Right. Wow. And your body responded well to that. I guess. How old were you when you had that baby? 26, 27, something like that. Did you always know you were going to have a lot of kids? Did you want kids?
Starting point is 00:12:51 No, actually. So our son was a surprise. We were engaged. We had just gotten engaged. I had just gone and gotten my L1. I had just picked out my wedding dress. And in Dallas, I think Zach Forrest was there. Cherie Chan. It was awesome. Yeah, that is cool. Those are good people.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And we found out we were pregnant in February. And it was a big surprise. And the open was coming. And I remember I'm crying because I didn't expect this. I I remember like, I'm crying. Cause like, I, like, I didn't expect this. I remember talking about like, um, I think I have to throw away my red high heels. Like that was the thing. Like, I don't think moms have red high heels. I think I have to throw them away. Uh, my husband's getting ready to go to the open. I'm like, you're going without me. Doesn't the whole world stuff, like what is supposed to happen? And happen and then um i met my son and it's just been absolutely amazing yeah isn't it isn't it crazy um when you say it was a surprise meaning you guys hadn't talked about having kids you thought you were being safe or yeah we thought
Starting point is 00:13:58 we were being safe um we were our plan our plan, we were both police officers at the time. We wanted to move back to New Jersey. We were in Arkansas. We thought that, um, we'd open a gym in New Jersey. I would be around my family. We'd have like a two year long engagement. That's the perfect time to find a house to live in. Um, he would have to find a department to get picked up by, you know, all these plans. And then there were other plans. You were both police officers. Yes. Is that how you met? Yes,
Starting point is 00:14:32 but not how probably you would expect. Can I hear the story? Oh, absolutely. We met on a traffic stop. Was one of you pulling someone else over? One of us was pulling someone else over. So he was pulling somebody else over. And actually it was right outside the city I worked in. So my city was inside his county. And that's in New Jersey? In Arkansas. Oh, okay. Okay. something dangerous about it. And I was, my apartment building was nearby and I normally always bring my lunch and the guys had talked me into going out to lunch that day. And I would purposely leave my wallet at home. So I ate what I packed and I was like, all right, I'll go home and grab my wallet. We'll all go out to eat. So I'm at my apartment complex grabbing my wallet
Starting point is 00:15:18 and the call goes out and I know that I'm closer than the guy that got assigned to it so I just pipe up I'll go take it and um I pulled up and I remember like it's so cheesy but I remember like seeing the back of his head and knowing I was going to marry him and that's like a very weird thing for me and then he like he turned around he was finishing up with everything and like just a look on his face he was just like we joke around like he expected like this overweight like male to get out of the car and he turned around and he saw me he was acting like so silly and he couldn't hide his his his how pleased he was that it was you and not right the the guy with the donut right right no matter how much he likes donuts he was still happy it was me um that's a trip um were you were you dating anyone at the time no and is um what is it weird being an
Starting point is 00:16:13 attractive uh of female in a what i'm guessing is that there's mostly dudes uh in your department no i don't i mean i guess but i think it's such the stereotype that like oh you're the one female that i think that it was just so like an obvious thing and you stayed away from it yeah um it's a trip maybe i'm projecting but i don't think i'm not anytime you're in a situation like that where there's let's say two females and 10 guys the i think the vast majority of guys are trying to ignore the female yeah for no other reason but they don't want to make her feel awkward they don't want to be that guy um it really is just like that because everything in them as a man is there's a female there right like and so it's like um it would be impossible for any man to turn that off
Starting point is 00:17:05 that's why we put these crazy expectations on society to go against our natural um inclinations and so when they're like if i was somewhere like that like if i was let's say i was standing around with 10 camera guys and there was a girl there and she was a pretty girl and she was a fit girl i would do everything in my power not to um i would have i have to would have to consciously make sure that i didn't recognize her as a woman do you know what i mean by that yeah it's a trip and yet it's not it's um it's just kind of uh it's just kind of maybe it's the way i was raised it's kind of just the appropriate thing to do. I don't know. That could be a whole fucking show.
Starting point is 00:17:49 But it was obviously like that. They try to maybe treat – they just try to treat you like one of the guys you're saying, the vast majority of the guys. Yeah, I think so. And then I think I went out of my way to be treated like a guy too. What does that mean? Like what would – I don't know. I think it's just like just always presenting as like tough maybe and i remember like doing ride-alongs with because obviously there's a
Starting point is 00:18:10 training period i get after you get out of the academy i'm riding with men married men and i just remember like make they were like on the phone with their wives and like and i felt bad i didn't want their wives to feel like any kind of way but i like what am i going to call them and tell them like right right hey don't worry about it right that would be weird um yeah but but when you when you say you'd put on maybe a tough veneer but you are tough already right i mean you already growing up obviously you didn't uh avoid. Yeah, I think so. Also, I'm from your favorite state. Yeah. New Jersey. New Jersey. It's where my wife was born. So I think when you're raised here, it's just different. I think especially as a female. In Jersey? Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean
Starting point is 00:18:59 by that? I don't know because I think I'm still learning what it means, but I just know like, even when I was in Iowa, when I was in Arkansas, it would always be, oh, she's from Jersey. And there was just kind of like this attitude that would go with it and this expectation of how I was. I definitely think I filled that out a little bit too. There's this – you know how when you think of California, you might think of like valley girls or like they have this, they, people talk like this and there's just that, like that stereotype and the way people are the stereotype for Jersey. For me, when I think of women from Jersey, I think of women from Jersey is the kind of women who try to get their, their husbands in fights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Do you know what I mean? Like if some guy were to look at them wrong, she'd be like, he looked at me wrong. Go fuck him up. I think I was trying to get in the fights oh okay i mean you clearly don't fit that uh that stereotype and i know i know i i use it just playfully i'm not saying that i think it's like carp you know just everyone like that but when i think of like i never saw that show jersey shores but when i would even see the previews for it i'm like yep that's, that's, that's kinda, that's where our gym is too. Oh, it is. Yeah. Yeah. Are there some like, or were Laverne and Shirley from New Jersey?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Oh, I don't know. Oh, okay. That's before. How old are you now? You're 30, 37. Oh yeah. That's way before your time. All right. Um, so born and raised in Arkansas. Are you country girl? No. Born and raised in Newansas are you country girl no born and raised in new jersey oh ended up transferring i went to i went to iowa state got recruited out there transferred to arkansas okay met my husband he's born and raised there so when you finished school there you didn't leave no i didn't i thought i wanted to go into the f. So I thought I would continue my education. I had a roommate whose father was with the FBI. And so I thought I needed to continue my education. I got a job as a police
Starting point is 00:20:53 officer thinking that that would also help down that path. I was very interested in motivations, especially like abnormal motivations. So it seemed interesting to me, and I started down that path. And then I met my husband, and the second I met my husband, I didn't want to be traveling and being put in this place or that place anymore. I had done an interview with Border Patrol before I met him also. So I was checking out a few different things, but then once I met him also. So I had like, was checking out a few different things, but then once I met him,
Starting point is 00:21:27 um, my goals sort of changed. And then we are actually home. Well, we were in New Jersey. We took him home for a visit and we were dropping in gyms and I could not find a gym that like just did the job, like explaining CrossFit and teaching CrossFit and the message
Starting point is 00:21:47 of CrossFit, like where I learned it. I learned CrossFit at CrossFit and NWA, Northwest Arkansas with Lee Kelly. He was like one of the first 50 or 60 CrossFits that opened. And it's so old school. And I thought that would be everywhere. everywhere you just like everyone teaches it like this everyone believes in these things and then we started dropping in gyms um in this area and i just couldn't find that so i just decided to make it um and uh is your husband still a police officer he is yeah so he was a police officer in uh arkansas where in arkansas what city he was a washington county police officer and i was a springdale police officer that's right outside of fayetteville going back to um when you saw him for the first time so you weren't you didn't have a boyfriend at the time
Starting point is 00:22:38 and you weren't looking for a boyfriend no before you just saw the back of his head? Yeah, the back of his head was ridiculous. Yeah, yeah. It's weird. I consider myself sort of like a body connoisseur. I just love bodies, and I've been neglecting the back of the head. I feel like I'm not even an expert. I've completely been neglecting the back of the head. I never make any comments about the back of someone's head.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Every other body part. It's disappointing. Your name's not Yvonne. So then he turns around. And how do you guys stay in contact? Did you ask him for his phone number? He starts to pull away. And then he turns around and pulls back.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And he gives me his card. Yeah. Why did she? Oh, he saw the back of her head in that skit. Yeah. Your boy. Where your boyfriend at? Is he getting you refreshments?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Is he tall? Is he getting you Mike and Ike's? Are you like Mike and Ike's? Is he? Good job, Caleb. I don't know if that was successful, but. It wasn't. I'm I. Good job, Caleb. I don't know if that was successful, but. It wasn't. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's good. It's good. It's valid. You get an A for effort. So, okay. So he turns around. Right. And he gives me his card.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And you kind of do the cop thing where you guys are like this. Yes. Yeah. With the windows down. One's facing one way. One's the other way. And he gives me his card but it was really confusing because it was his like work number so i was like i'm reading
Starting point is 00:24:11 this all wrong and i guess he says i friend requested him right away i think i waited a few days but okay and he said he was so intimidated because of how many friends i had on facebook he was like oh this girl's too cool for me is what he says. And, um, he didn't contact me at all on there. And I had his work phone number. So I actually went back to the PD and I was just like asking the guys, I was like, does, did I read this wrong? Like, does he even like girls? Like what i like fair question fair question and um he he ended up i put up like a new year's new year's eve uh picture from when i was back home and he wrote like in the middle of the day he wrote something cheesy like is that picture from right
Starting point is 00:25:00 now and i was like no it's from tomorrow and then it was just on from there wow and you're not a police officer anymore i am not okay so um you're going back so you're born in jersey and do you have siblings i have a brother yeah and uh did he get into sports he is still playing volleyball he's 11 years younger than me so he's a half brother i have a another older half brother and an older no a younger half sister i don't know my sister that much so four of you all together but but you so you're the only baby your mom had my mom had um a boy as well he's the one that's 11 years younger than me. So you're the only baby your dad had. He had,
Starting point is 00:25:47 I don't even know. I think he had three. But with a different mom. With three different. Wow. Yeah. Now the Jersey story is filling in nicely. Right. Now the George.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And then who put you in sports? My mom. She did. Yeah. She was a single mom. And why did you, why did you embrace sports? mom she did yeah she was a single mom and and why did you why did you embrace sports i have a theory um i don't my mom just put me in them i know swimming was like one of the first things i did i don't think i was very good at it although my family made me feel like i was good at it and then i started playing soccer and I was very aggressive in soccer. So I was getting a lot of praise, I think playing soccer. And was there a thing there that
Starting point is 00:26:31 there was mom working so many kids, so many mates that you felt like maybe sports was a way to get attention to get out of that life or no? I don't know my mom was working a lot but like uh the only person i really remember she dated a few people but then my stepdad came into the picture in like third grade so from like third grade on it was just him but um i don't know i think my mom grew up with sports too my grandmother still teaches swimming lessons to this day. The French Indian lady. The French Indian lady. Yes. No shit.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yes. So she, they're all swimmers, divers, gymnasts. My mom went to school and she swam, dove and did gymnastics. Okay. So you're into sports and somewhere in high school, you pick up track and field and cross country? Yeah. I started running just to keep in shape for soccer and then and then you were good enough at it that you started applying to colleges to try to go uh as a track athlete yeah yeah did you get a scholarship oh yeah
Starting point is 00:27:35 and had you started going oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah uh and did you did you had you started going to the gym at that point? Well, actually, when I was at Arkansas – so when I was at Iowa State, I learned a little bit about hang cleaning. Looking back, I was doing it completely wrong. We did a lot of like – we did GHDs, but we did back extension on the GHD machine. But then once I was in Arkansas, I was told that when I smell a weight room, I gain weight. So they had me doing more like pull-ups, sit-ups, just stuff like that. And could you do a pull-up the first time you tried to do a pull-up?
Starting point is 00:28:15 No, no, no. It's really wild. Like I wonder if I knew everything I knew now about strengthening different parts of my body, my midline, really eating though. If I knew like paleo, just something simple like paleo, I just wonder how different my career would have been. Meaning if you would have started strength training, something like CrossFit in high school and someone told you about nutrition, how much that would have changed your trajectory? Right. Yeah. In the positive way. In the positive way. Because I remember we're not allowed to talk about weight. The coach is not
Starting point is 00:28:55 allowed to talk about weight with us. So he would say things to me like, what do you think your fighting weight is? And I think it's actually hurtful that we can't talk about weight because I don't know what he meant by that. I would just have to interpret it however I did, which is going to be, oh, I'm overweight. And so I would do crazy things like not eat on a Sunday because I didn't run on a Sunday. So I just thought like, oh, I guess I just take in less calories than I put out. That's how you lose weight. And I wish that I knew how much damage I was doing because I was also not sleeping and not,
Starting point is 00:29:30 I'm running. Like I got to the point where I could fall asleep on a run, like running six something mile pace for 11 miles. Like I'd be in a pack. So I would just follow that rhythm and I would be like asleep running. For real? Yes. For real. You used to do that in music training? Yeah. follow that rhythm and i would be like asleep running for real yes for real yeah that would happen to you too caleb yeah when i was in basic training you're just like snoring and then and when do you wake up um i don't know it wasn't like that
Starting point is 00:30:02 it wasn't like a half hour like, but I would fall asleep running. Wow. And going back to this eating thing, recently I heard someone say, I can't remember where I heard it, but I thought it was really an interesting thing. really an interesting thing. And I think I agree with it. When you compete at a CrossFit event, you ideally want to be as absolutely as light as you can be without hurting your performance. Like basically that's the time to get down as lean as you could be. Do you agree with that? Yeah, I do. But when you do it the wrong way, like I was at 23% body fat. I will have like when I've had a baby and just a few weeks later eating paleo and working out, I will be at 13% body fat just. So when I was starving myself and working out too much, then I ended up holding onto more fat and not being as in shape. Because you were eating the wrong foods.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I just, I wasn't eating. You weren't eating. Right. So explain that to me how you would have 23% body fat not eating and with the crazy vigorous training, collegiate level track training, but eating and competing at the highest levels in CrossFit and being 13%. Well, from what I understand, the way that I understand it is that my body was holding on to the wrong things because it was starving and didn't know when it would eat again. And I was burning the wrong things. But when I say I wasn't eating, like I don't know,
Starting point is 00:31:47 like I never had an eating disorder. Like I couldn't clinically be diagnosed as having eating disorder, but I was hungry all the time. And I was always thinking about what I was eating. And I was making sure, like I said, like it is weird to not eat on a Sunday just because you're not running.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Or like, oh, I'm hungry. Let me, I put like frozen yogurt. Like I would take yogurt, not frozen yogurt, but take yogurt that like that low calorie. Like there's like 60 calories of like space juice in this. Like I don't even know what it's made of. And I'd put it in the freezer because then I would eat it slower. Like those things are weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Yeah. Yeah. And how did, who taught you that that wasn't the way to go? How'd you learn that? Just from being in the community, CrossFit community? Yeah. Just from CrossFit. Little bits here, little bits there. Yep. And so, so you.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And they had nutritionists for us. They did. Yeah. But they didn't know? No. What did you weigh in college when you graduated your senior year? 120 something, 130 something, something like that. And how tall are you?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Five, seven. And what do you weigh now? 160. Wow. Wow. And do you feel better now? Oh, yeah. Yeah. i always were to compete how much would you weigh this you would you wouldn't you wouldn't like start like you wouldn't lose five
Starting point is 00:33:13 pounds before you went into competition i don't think so because i would just i might be a different five pounds like i don't right now i've been so busy um that i don't get to work out as much as i would like to especially with the open coming up because I know I'm going to end up doing it. I'm going to be upset because I'll always be competitive. But I think that it would just be a different 160. Gotcha. So basically, if you knew you were going to compete, you might change your diet and over the next four months start putting on a little bit of muscle. So I'm eating.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I would eat the same right now. I'm like, so having four kids, having two gyms, trying to keep my house in order, trying to be a good wife. Like it's like I have these dials and I have to like dial one thing at a time. So over the last, my youngest is about to turn two. So it took like a year, a year and a half for me to like sleep right. Then the next thing was starting to eat right. So now I'm like getting like my macros and everything in order. I did have to eat. I believe in paleo so much, but I wasn't able to, I wasn't feeling like I had energy. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Tell me what paleo is. So that is meats, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Okay. And, but I found that I've been having to add some like oatmeal, um, things like that and to have energy. So I'm still playing with that. But then I like, I noticed I got sick once I started adding those things into my diet and I don't like that. So anyway, everything's like a dial. Then the next thing is like, I've been trying to get my workouts in. Okay. So now I'm working out like two times a week and three times a week. And then something will happen. I'm back to once a week. Like my kids will get sick or something will pop up with one of the gyms or a coach is sick, something like that. So it's like this like constant like tuning of everything.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I find it so hard to believe that you've ever worked out just once in a week. Well, I've gotten my husband tries to help me out a lot because I have to do everything perfectly. So if I have a training program, I want to do all of it or I want to do none of it. So he tries to help me out. Like the other night, I spent a few days since I worked out just because of things happening. And he was like, when I get home from work, just go into the garage. And that is so hard for me. It sounds so stupid. But I can't do like a full prescribed workout. So it's actually like a little bit freeing because I went in there and I just like sat on the rower and I'm looking around at what we have. I just made something up in my head and, and I went for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You do have a, you sounds like you have a great husband. That's how me and my wife do it too. Hey, I got this. If you want to go work out like you gotta like you gotta serve that up as much as you can right yeah but then it's hard because i told him when i was done he was like why don't you go do more and i'm like i don't really want to take advantage of you you just got home from work we have four kids yeah four is crazy it's bedtime they're screaming like i don't like i'm good he got it don. Don't worry. He got it. Austin Hartman, I'm convinced that 100% of collegiate athletes have eating disorders. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:33 These athletic programs have more than enough resources to prevent that. I don't think they know how to prevent it. They just don't hire like nutritionists. They're just like here's a bunch of food. Eat it. Yeah. What do you think about that? What do you think about that comment lauren well i think first we'd have to nutrition is hard because no one can agree on it right right
Starting point is 00:36:52 so who do you who do you bring in there's just something that has been that's a great point there's just something that's been done it's just a common story i don't want to say go as strong as to say eating disorders but it's just a common story. I don't want to say go as strong as to say eating disorders, but it's just a common story. Whenever we have collegiate athletes on here and you dig into like the eating thing in college, it's just a fucking mess. But maybe it's also supposed to be like that. Maybe it's like, Hey, you're going, all those people, boys and girls are going through puberty. Their bodies are changing. They're trying to figure out what their fuel is. And yet they're demanding more from their body than they ever have or will in their life. What if it's part of the game though? what if it's like the people who figure it out and feel their bodies right they win and the people
Starting point is 00:37:30 who have the talent but can't figure out that piece they lose right so keep it a secret well i don't know about keep it a secret but what if it's like what if it's just part of it dude i i it's not lost on me that the nicest bodies win the crossfit games it's not lost on me that the nicest bodies win the CrossFit games. I mean, I hate to judge a book by its cover, but it's like, you can't, you can't look at a Tesla and a Ferrari and be like, well, the Ferrari is prettier and it's going to win because we all know Tesla's are fast as shit, but it, but it does work like that in humans. Right. You're kind of right.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And it always looks at those people who have those nice bodies are eating. Right. Yeah. With the exception of Matt Fraser. Not nice, Sebi. No, he has a beautiful body. It's just – he has a beautiful body. It's just a Tesla. It's got a lot of – it's smooth.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's not a Ferrari. You didn't even crack a smile at that, Caleb? You're not even listening? You didn't hear my answer? I was listening. Sorry. So then you – I wish Matt was here.'d love that suza um so then okay so you so you get out of college and when do you and you've you've done some you did some training olympic lifting at iowa state yeah as you as
Starting point is 00:38:38 you look back you weren't doing it necessarily correctly um then in arkansas you start you still continue to do some you saw the ghd but you did back extensions on it and when does crossfit come into your uh world um so oh man at the police academy was the first time i ever had a corn dog and i guess that's like eating like shit like you wouldn't do that it was so disgusting please tell me you dipped it in mustard. I don't know. I know it came in like a styrofoam cup. Like it was just so classy. And we live there. We live there during the week. So that was all my options were to eat. And I gained so much weight there. And I like, I have a picture cause I got ended up getting inducted into our high school hall of fame
Starting point is 00:39:21 during when I was there. And the pictures from that, like, I'm so like chubby in it. So interesting. Wow. I don't believe it. Yeah. So, um, I just needed something. I needed some sort of outlet. I was like going on runs.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I didn't really know what to do with myself. And, um, my high school track coach was like, I think you'd really like this thing. Um, I like how our CrossFit story is starting with the corn dog. Yeah. It's a, it's a first. It's very unique. Um, I found CrossFit basically because of a corn dog and missing competition. And who, and who brought you to it? What was the, um, how did it pop on your radar? So CrossFit NWA, there was a few CrossFits around and they had like, you know, the free trial. And so I popped up there. I took one class and I was like, sign me up. And he was like, no, you get like a free week.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And I was like, no, just sign me up. I'm doing this. And you couldn't do a pull up at that time? No. And that didn't bother you that there were movements in there that you couldn't do? Yeah. No, it bothered me. It bothered me that i could like look at other people and that they're doing it and i'm like what is the difference between you and i like i have been doing this
Starting point is 00:40:32 for a long time working out well i'm a real athlete and you're not why can't i do it why can't i do it uh double unders right do you find it ridiculous that people lose their single unders i've never been great at double unders but single unders i find it bizarre that people could lose their single under or no no i agree yeah it's weird okay so so you start doing it and when do you know that you want to compete at it immediately no shit immediately but it was like, I did so terrible the first open. So, so when you met your husband. He actually told me that he loved me at a competition. So.
Starting point is 00:41:15 For the first time? Yes. Wow. Yeah. Okay. Hold on. Let's get to that. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That means you overwhelmed him with like just your performance and your movement. And was just he started swooning he started swooning what's that word mean exactly caleb he was like looking at her and just getting like right like and the l word fell out of his mouth yep wow that's awesome that's magical uh so so when you met him you were doing crossfit and was he doing crossfit a swoon uh uh he's uh faint from extreme emotion yeah be emotionally affected by someone or something that one admires become ecstatic yeah he probably wanted to eat you just like jump on you with like a fork and knife and eat you at that point i I know that feeling. I get like that watching my wife work out sometimes too. Okay. So you do CrossFit and you're also a police officer at the time.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You make it through the academy. So these two kind of are running parallel with each other. And then you meet your husband. Yeah. And does he do CrossFit at that time? He did not do CrossFit. He worked out at an apartment gym and he was like, I am never paying for that. I am never. I've got this perfectly good gym and that's what I'm going to do until we went to that competition. And that really changed his mind. No kidding.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And how long had you been dating when you took him to that competition? Oh my goodness. It was brand new. We actually joke about it because um we were supposed to meet people to follow them and he like texted me and was like oh i haven't even worked out yet i'm still watching tv and i was like oh don't worry we'll just not follow them we'll just go but i didn't mean it oh right he was supposed to say, no, no, no. I'll hurry up and get ready.
Starting point is 00:43:06 He was supposed to say, no, no, no. And he didn't. And then I was like annoyed on the drive. And he was like, I should have known then. I will do the same thing now. And so you get there. And at that point, maybe he's never seen you work out before. No, he has not.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And so you do the competition. Where was the competition at? Oh, man. It's at this pretty big gym. They have really big competitions in – no, this is Missouri. Actually, they did an open announcement there. I wonder if he's like me. If my wife asked me to do that, like she's like, hey, will you come to my affiliate's like Like Christmas party, we're doing a Christmas workout. And I'm like, Oh yeah, I'd love to. But inside I you work out so fuck no i don't and but then i go
Starting point is 00:44:06 there and i watch a workout and i'm pumped i'm just so pumped i wonder if that's kind of where he was at maybe he can answer yeah is that him jake oh yeah jacob connor yeah were you annoyed as shit like oh yeah honey i'd love to go watch you sweat and do squats with a bunch of other people sounds fun just put turn my tv off put my drink down uh he was oh so that's someone else writing from his account he was annoyed look and then the porn piles in oh they're getting rid of the porn caleb that's really good to you he was oh like he's talking about stuff in the third person he was annoyed yeah okay so you go there and you work out and when when does the I love you come? At the hotel.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I think we're eating pizza. Afterwards. Yeah, like pizza up on the bed, kneeling on the ground, like sharing a hotel room with another couple. Yeah, he's a man of few words. I like this. CrossFit TNT. He was super impressed.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Very concise. He must be a Twitter rock star. He actually doesn't have social media they're perfect even better wow crazy and how and did you know that you that that it was because he saw you work out like were you like did you connect the dots or like no he loves me no i still think it's me okay good fine i won't burst your bubble. And how long after that before you asked him or he asked you to get married? So the engagement story is good, too. Okay, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:45:34 We were getting ready to come home for Christmas. And it's not that long later. I think it's like a year after that moment. And he arranged it. It's our last shift before we fly home to new jersey and he had arranged everything with my lieutenant so at the end of the night there was a traffic stop and i got dispatched to go back up the traffic stop and he messages me because it's the end of the night so normally you don't like to get into too much before vacation at the end
Starting point is 00:46:04 of the night you don't want to be five hours of overtime dealing when you've still got the pack and everything he's like don't worry it's going to be quick i'm really sorry so i head out there and on my way to the traffic stop i'm like this would be the most perfect proposal and then i'm like don't tell anybody you thought that because like you're gonna be embarrassed and then I pulled up and in my head the perfect proposal would be like he would just like be there but there's a car there and I was like okay so definitely don't tell anybody like you were like thinking that and then so I'm like doing my thing going around the passenger side of the car and he stops me right in front of the car and it's actually his sergeant in the car in like their regular car and their whole family's in the car.
Starting point is 00:46:45 And it's all like on dash cam. We've actually never watched it because we can't find anything that is compatible with to watch. Did you know when you looked in the car? Did you recognize all the people? No, it's dark. It's the end of the shift and it's dark. So I'm walking up to the car to like go do this thing. And he like pulls me aside and stops me.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And I had no idea what was going on at the time. And then he asks you, did you say yes? Or did you have to think about it? I said, yes. That's awesome. And then you got to go home and pack. Yes. And how did you get him to move to New Jersey after that? Why didn't you guys decide to stay in Arkansas? Well, I had told him on one of the first dates that I always wanted to end up at home. And that was that. He knew. Yeah. Although, if I knew more about New Jersey now, like as an adult instead of as a child,
Starting point is 00:47:38 then I don't know if I'd make the same decision. Where you were in Arkansas, was it small town? It was so cool. And it's even cooler now it's getting a little weird so that so then i'm like okay so maybe like we're fine where we are but it's like really blowing up it is but uh it's right near bentonville arkansas and i don't know if that if you know anything about bentonville arkansas, but this is where Walmart is from. That's where Walmart headquarters is. And if you want to do business in Walmart,
Starting point is 00:48:08 as far as I know, you have to have like your brand, your whatever has to have like a headquarters there. Oh, really? So tons of money coming in there. Wow. To help the town. Oh man, it's barely Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Yeah. Oh, so is that Podunk out there? Is that like dirt roads? And I think the outskirts were, it's become, that's becoming less and less. Like his family is still out there and they kind of like tell us about how they're even buying their property because it's like getting further and further out. God, man, that looks like it's in the middle of nowhere to me. I mean, I don't know if I've ever driven through Bentonville, but I've been to Tulsa and it's like barely a city.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, Tulsa's small. And even Oklahoma City's barely a city. At least when I was there 10 years ago, it was a ghost town. Yeah, that's probably the last time I was there. Interesting. And his family's probably the last time I was there. Interesting. And his family's still back in Arkansas? Yeah, his mom is in Arkansas and his brother is in Arkansas. His grandparents recently passed, but they were also there.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Man, you took their son from them. I know. We won't go there. We won't go there. I know. That's immediately where I went. Yeah. I have three little boys do you want
Starting point is 00:49:26 do you want to stay with your kids your whole life yeah like have them like live like within a stone's throw yeah our son talks about buying our house oh awesome awesome you're like no problem and we're like buddy we might not like um you know we might not always live here because once you guys go off to college uh we don't have a need for the size house and he's like well i'm gonna find whoever owns it and i'm gonna buy it from them yeah good good you think you'll retire there in new jersey hi are you already retired what's retired getting to have fun yeah yeah owning two crosshairs yeah right um so you move out to jersey and do you become a cop out there too? No, I was pregnant when I moved.
Starting point is 00:50:09 With number one. With number one. I moved first. He was actually still in Arkansas. So I'm trying to open the gym. I'm living at my mom's house. We're making no money. And I remember trying to pretend I wasn't pregnant.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I didn't want anyone to find out because who's going to join the gym that just opened that doesn't have their mats down yet with the head coaches is pregnant. Is that the current gym you're still in that space? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. And how many years has that gym been open? It'll be 11 years in March.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Wow. Congratulations. That's that is a hell of an accomplishment. Thank you. So basically, like you said, you took your L1. You took it with Cherie Chan and Zach Forrest, you said? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:53 In Texas somewhere. And what year was that? Or how – what was that in terms of how many years did you take that before you opened your gym? What was that in terms of how many years did you take that before you opened your gym? Well, everything got expedited because we got pregnant so quick into our engagement. It was like right before we got engaged. We got engaged in, actually, it was just like the anniversary the other day. In December, I think January, I got my L1, bought my wedding dress, same weekend.
Starting point is 00:51:27 And then February, we found out we were pregnant. So you got engaged, pregnant, moved away from your husband, and opened a gym all in the same period. Yeah, we actually got married. We got married in a courthouse, too, right before I left. That's all cops should do that i like just in a random day and then we had our wedding too crazy and so and so um he must have not liked that not not like from the sense of like i'm sure like a husband doesn't want to be away from his pregnant wife right like he need like you need to be around her like to like protect her from like just shit.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I don't, I don't know. Not that she needs protecting, but you know what I mean? Like she's nesting and you're just, you're trying to like accommodate her like a bird. You're like, so she can make the nest. If he was already a father, but I think he also felt responsible to make money. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Very good point. and then how how long are you guys separated for oh man the whole pregnancy holy shit he how often would you see him during that he would fly in to test for different places every every now and then but he would be like it would be like a long weekend or something like that and he'd be gone again because they're also saving his sick time because they were so nice his department and let him use his um fmla so he was able to take a family leave so we were saving all that holy cow so he didn't so he would just come see you and all of a sudden you'd be like five sizes bigger right you were just turning into a house and he didn't, he's like, whoa, where's my wife? Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Right. That is, that's incredible. And then by the time the baby comes, has he found it? Well, let me go back a second. How do you make that decision? Why at that point, aren't you just like, okay, he hasn't transferred yet. Why not just hunker down, sit at home, home watch tv let the baby grow inside of you and um while he while he looks for a place in jersey to work what do you mean like why not you just why not stay
Starting point is 00:53:34 together in arkansas and then once he finds a job you both go why did you go first and then i think to start the gym to get it started because you just knew you were going to start a gym yeah yeah god you are ambitious i mean it's definitely a theme okay so you go out there you start the gym any pushback from him he's like honey come on um we're doing enough no i don't think't think so. No, he was pretty, he's pretty supportive. Okay. And so you open the gym and you have this in an area where you really don't even know anyone, right? Cause you haven't lived there in years. I haven't lived there in years. And that was part of the reason, like, and it's, it's a little bit North of where I grew up. So I felt like,
Starting point is 00:54:20 like in my town, um, when you drive into my town, it says like, welcome to where town, or maybe it says Ocean Township. I don't know. And it says home of Lauren Lewis. And it has like one of the years that I was a state champion. Wow. So like, but where we opened, I don't think anybody really cares. They probably don't care there either.
Starting point is 00:54:40 But I didn't have that. So then I was like also just self-conscious also being pregnant and or and or even worse i just thinking like um then it was like what what if they don't know that i'm pregnant they just think that i can't take care of myself what gym do you go to the one with the fat lady no she's pregnant uh and and so you open the gym and do you have any help um so like my mom asked some guy that worked with her to help me paint like our tall wall with our wall ball line across it stuff like that um some people like equipment would arrive at the
Starting point is 00:55:21 end of a class and a kid that i went to high school that with, that ended up being a realtor helped me like roll out mats. And I'm like trying to like, like, you know, those are heavy, those mat rolls that come and we're like trying to like scoot them. So, but no, no, you didn't have like a partner in crime. You didn't have a business partner. There wasn't someone, your, your husband was just over there making money and getting bad guys and you're opening a gym and growing a baby right and where did you live at that time did you have a place to live with my mom yeah smart yeah smart was that fun getting going back to live with your mom again no not really oh i'm like yeah we rekindled it was great no she is tough she's tough and that's probably um i mean i i think i'm grateful for how
Starting point is 00:56:06 tough she is because i think that it's definitely helped me but there was like no like if i left dishes out yeah like she let me know about it like there is no oh i don't care if you were teaching at a gym from 7 a.m to 7 p.m and you're eight months pregnant by yourself like those dishes they need to get done dang Dang. Did you have morning sickness? Not so much with my first. Oh, okay. Well, that's lucky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:32 But I would get really, really hot and my mom gets really cold. So the house was hot. And I remember I'd have to like get up in the middle of night and take a cold shower just to cool off. How about you and your husband's temperatures? You guys like the house at the same temperature? Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. Yeah. God, it's the little things, right? Yeah. I have to turn the heat off at night. If I get hot in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:56:54 my sleep is ruined. No, the thing that we argue about is he loves a fan on. He needs a fan for the noise. I can't do that. And I'm so paranoid that I'm not going to hear a kid do something or say something or need something. Right. Is your husband over 300 pounds? No. I heard that's the rule. I heard if you're all juiced up on roids and over 300 pounds, you have to have moving air on you at all times.
Starting point is 00:57:16 My buddy Travis told me that. And once you're under 300 pounds, you don't need a fan. Does he have it oscillating too so you hear it on each side click? No, it's just the noise. Just the noise. He just wants the noise. He doesn't want the air blowing on him. No.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Oh man. I mean, when it's hot, obviously, but we actually got that, uh, eight sleep. Have you heard of that? Is that the thing you put on your mattress? It keeps you cool. Yeah. Hey, when you go to a hotel, does he bring a fan with him? He doesn't.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Oh, good. Okay. Well, yeah. Well, we've gotten smart because actually our son i just he was like crying and crying and crying he was huge by the way he was 10 5 and 24 inches long wow longest i ended up like with an emergency c-section it was a mess but he was like he was huge and he ate all the time and he would cry and cry and i couldn't figure it out in the first few weeks and i was like screw it i'm going to blow dry my hair i just have to shower and blow dry my hair
Starting point is 00:58:13 and all those things we turn the blow dryer on and the second we did he stopped crying and at the time you weren't smart enough to think of like pulling up a youtube video or something when we were so desperate to sleep. We like had him in a swing because he loved the movement, probably because of working out the entire time. And we taped a hairdryer on, on the cool mode. And it worked. It worked. Don't tell anybody I did that. You'll do anything as a parent when you just want to get some sleep. Yeah. The sleep things.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Do you think you ever learned how to sleep a normal again? I think my wife, my, my, I think my wife after five years is just starting to like figure out sleep again. It's kind of crazy. You can forget how to sleep. It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's something I've had to really think about and do intentionally. But the other thing is from nursing. So yeah, that was it with her. She was always nursing so she forgot how to sleep well my shoulder is like messed up because i would fall asleep always like this like my left side was my preferred nursing side and i would just like fall asleep and now i can't even sleep on that side from because of all the rolling forward and
Starting point is 00:59:20 pushing forward did you enjoy breastfeeding? I loved it. I love it. Isn't it a trip? How much some women just absolutely love it. And some women don't like it. Yeah. Why do you think some women don't like it? I don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I've heard some crazy things. I've heard some women say like their husband has said that that's theirs. Well, that's fucking, then I know the problem. Then you're just bat shit. Crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah, dude, there's crazy shit out there, but, but's fucking, then I know the problem. Then you're just batshit crazy. Yeah. What? Yeah, dude, there's crazy shit out there. But I mean, but, but you, yeah, I want, I wonder, I just feel like my wife would just be at peace when she was breastfeeding. Yeah. I have this other friend who's just always breastfeeding her kid now. Like, like just all the kids two years old and she's just always breastfeeding. I'm like, yeah, that lady just loves breastfeeding. Some women basically like just all the kids two years old and she's just always breastfeeding i'm like yeah that lady just loves breastfeeding some women basically just want to have kids to breastfeed that is why my wife had a kid now that i think about it our first kid
Starting point is 01:00:11 she saw greg glassman's wife breastfeeding and she goes i want to do that it's like it's i don't know it's like nothing else i i i'm sad for you guys that you don't get to experience it yeah i'm cool with it i'm cool. We enjoy watching it. I fucking love watching it. Those are the videos. Like those are the reels that get me is I'll see like something popped up last night on a reel. It was like an infant, like right near their mother's chest. And she had a shirt on and the baby was just like mouthing.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. Looking for it. And it's just like that. I don't know. Something wired. You breastfed all four of your kids yes so when you competed at the regionals that year you were breastfeeding yeah yeah between between each event um yeah isn't that crazy i was tripping on that too i saw my
Starting point is 01:00:57 wife one time do murph and i was holding the baby and then she came back and while she she doesn't even have her breath yet she sits on like a box jump and lifts up her shirt and the kids it starts breeding like oh milk and salt yeah crazy yeah crazy you guys are crazy there was that chick on tommy hackenbrook's team do you remember that girl and she she went to shoot wait so you were breastfeeding at regionals in between events yeah yeah there was i saw that one time and that team won that regional i want to say it was in colorado it was a black girl and she was a savage and then she between events she would breastfeed and i was
Starting point is 01:01:34 just like fuck mama power yeah that's awesome yeah were people blown away by that i don't know i was like turn my back and throw a sweatshirt or a blanket over us but they still know you're feeding two human beings while demanding maximum uh exertion from your body yeah that's the part that blows me away you grow a human from stuff that comes out of your boobs isn't it cool it's fucking nuts would you feed your baby so much that they would always throw up i don't know about that no our first baby that's the way we did my wife did like overfill until it's like pouring out shut up he's done it was crazy burp i always say burping swaddling feed those were like the first three go-tos,
Starting point is 01:02:26 not in that order. It was always like feed, burp, swaddle. And that took, I feel like that took care of, and now we can add tie blow dryer to, uh,
Starting point is 01:02:34 yes, but make sure the cold feature is taped in the position. Yeah. Here you go. Alison NYC. Uh, it's like magic instant baby relaxer. Yeah. I've, I,
Starting point is 01:02:48 I've never been with Allison when she's not feeding her baby. Never. Not once. I said, true story. Um, okay. So you opened the gym and, um, and, and, and, uh, so you go through all this stuff, you pick the name, you go through the process and, um, why did you want to open a gym? Did you want to help people? Did you want to make money? Did you, what was the. Yeah, I wanted to help people. And I just felt like CrossFit wasn't done right in the area. And that sounds funny to say, like, but it's just like the message wasn't being delivered. Tell me more. So I just, you know, you, I listened to one of your podcasts a few weeks ago and you're talking about how like you have to care, like no one is ever going to care more about you than you. And I feel so opposite sometimes with our members. Like I care so much
Starting point is 01:03:40 about their fitness and their health that I care more than them a lot of the times. And that leaves me really frustrated because I can only help you so much. But it's like, when you tell me a goal, I am not going to stop until I've helped you reach that goal. But like, there's a lot of some things that maybe you didn't realize you asked for that comes along with that. Like if you tell me you want to lose 20 pounds and you're, and I see that you're sleeping is off or going out doing crazy things or anything that you do that goes against that goal, I'm going to let you know about. And, um, I don't know if people realize that's what they're signing up for, but it's, I just go ahead. Do you think you were like that? Um, and do you think that probably got exacerbated once you had kids that, that part you even became more because it is such a selfless stage of your life?
Starting point is 01:04:31 Like you had a kid and then you doubled down on that too? I think that definitely has to do with it. And then I think that track. Track is so whatever you put into it, you're going to get out of it. You want to run fast, then do exactly what the coach says, run the exact times, no matter how much it hurts. And you will get out of it exactly what you put into it. So I think that I have that experience of knowing that I will do, if I do X, then Y
Starting point is 01:04:57 will happen. And it's like, I don't understand. You say that you want to do this. Let's just do X. And then Y will happen. Like why, what do you get about it so sometimes you want more for your clients than they want from themselves i think so you know an affiliate owner called me the other day and he said and i thought this was so good he said my my clients care more about the gym than my staff. And it's so frustrating to me.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And I was like, I totally got that because the vast majority of programs you put your kids in, you'll care more about the program than the coaches do. And when you finally can't find a coach that cares more about the program, when you find it, it's usually an owner, but when they care more about the program, um, then, then you do, then you're kind of in a competition with that coach. And that's what you want as a parent, you want to be losing. Do you know what I mean? So there's these, so it's like this, like, like there's a hundred clients at your gym would be devastated if you
Starting point is 01:06:00 closed, right? Cause it's not just a gym to them. Yeah. It's where they go. It's theirs. They have ownership. And it's weird because on the other hand, they're paying to be there. And then you have coaches who are getting paid to be there. But does that resonate with you at all? Like, do you understand why that's so important? Yeah. I mean, and at that becomes almost impossible to find a good coach and I'm not digging on anyone. It's just, that's a hard place to sit, to care more about the place than the clients. Yeah. I'm lucky in the coaches that we have that they get it and they care a lot and they beyond just caring, they care that we get there correctly, like in the right way that we don't take shortcuts that we, caring. They care that we get there correctly, like in the right way that we don't take shortcuts that we, that we do the hard thing instead of the quick thing. And that's important, but that's why
Starting point is 01:06:50 we've been kind of slow to grow, especially in our second location is the coach is so important. Give me an example. What do you mean to do the hard thing to do it the right way? Can you think of any examples? Sure. We can think of like, we'll take a squat. Like we're going to take the time instead of like, everybody comes in. They just want to jump into the workout, to the movement. But we'll take the time and talk about where do your feet go? What action is happening? What muscles are we supposed to be tightening when we go down, when we come up? What should we be feeling? Like we're going to talk about all of those things before we just jump into the fun, sexy thing, which is the workout. Can't every – can't you just even take a – let's say the workout is Nate. Is that – what is Nate? That's handstand push-ups, kettlebell, and muscle-up or something? Can't you take even the most proficient 10 CrossFit Games athletes and warm them up and teach them those movements at the same time so that they're challenged in the warm-up and they don't feel like it's boring and they're being talked down to, but they're also getting to work on the movements but yet also warm up properly?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Why is it so hard to do that? It's not, right? I don't think so. Yeah, I don't think so either. And same with the air squat. mean you can challenge um games athletes and work on their air squad at the same time before you do murph yeah yeah man i guess that's just good coaching yeah and uh and i just saw i went to an affiliate meetup not too long ago and denise was coaching and she said like the
Starting point is 01:08:25 simplest little thing that I hadn't even heard in so long. And like, she told me to put my big toe down. Oh, I was like, cool. Like I appreciated that so much. Yeah. Such a little, such a little thing. And you've been, and you've been doing this for 10 or 11, 12 years. Yeah. Yeah. 13 years. And I'm sure I've heard it along the way, but just in that moment, that was what I needed, and I appreciated it so much. Yeah. So you have this gym for 10 years, and you haven't opened the second gym yet. In those 10 years, did you ever think about closing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Oh, yeah. And why does that creep in? You just exhaustion for kids? Yeah. Yeah. I think that. And then, um, I'm bad at hearing compliments and I'm good at focusing on negatives or anyone that I've like made upset or unhappy. So someone might criticize you and you're like like i'm taking my toys out of the sandbox and leaving i'll burn it all down i'll do it i knew you were so perfect until now i knew an hour and nine minutes in and i found i found the flaw fuck you i'm burning it all down. And when you open, do you use any business help at your gym? Do you use anyone, any North Stars, any books you've read?
Starting point is 01:09:54 I read Two Brain. I think it was called Two Brain. Yeah, Chris Cooper's thing. Yeah, I read that when we first started. I got his other book recently. and then I finally did their program. Did I know that? I don't think so. Oh.
Starting point is 01:10:11 No, I didn't tell you that. You know that's the largest gym consulting company in the world? I mean, I would have guessed that. I didn't know it. So tell me about that. So you read that first book, and did you like it? I did. Or were you like, fuck you, I know this shit?
Starting point is 01:10:24 No, I didn't know it? I did. Or were you like, fuck you, I know this shit? No, I didn't know it. You didn't? No. And you read it. Anything that stood out in that first book that was a takeaway? Do you remember? Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I don't remember. Okay. So you read the book, and you like it, and you don't remember, but you think it helped you? Yeah. Yeah. And then why did you sign up? How many years later did you sign up for the actual, what, what is that called? Like apprentice program or what's that called? Mentorship. Mentorship. Why did you sign up for that? And was that hard to do? Yeah, it was. Well, it was hard because like,
Starting point is 01:10:58 it's, you're always thinking about how you should spend your money. What is the best way to spend your money? It's expensive program. Right. So I think that was the hardest part. I'm always open to help. I'm always open to learning that part's not hard, but it's the, where should, where should we put money? Yeah. And then, and then why did you finally bite the bullet and do it? And did it help? I, I did it. Did it, I don't, it helped in that, like somebody was telling me, like, I never have anyone to check in with. I have no idea if I'm doing it right or wrong. So that's why I like the affiliate meetups. And I like even to, like, we just started following Mayhem programming. And even to see, like,
Starting point is 01:11:38 oh, I have been programming correctly all this time. Oh, I have been making the appropriate scales. And I do still get this. It's nice to check in and know because I, I don't, I don't have a checkpoint. So that part was good. Okay. Go on. Was there more? Um, well, if you had to do it again, would you do it again? Would you sign up with Chris Cooper and two brain? I don't know. I'm not sure maybe um it didn't make you rich over it didn't make you rich overnight they did encourage me to raise our prices that's like their big thing is that how we're you know undervaluing ourselves but then there's things like you should close your second location. I'm like, but I don't want to be, I get how hard that is, but I want, I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Why can't you just take what that, yeah, I like that. Why can't you just take what they tell you from the first location and parlay that into your second? That's a great question. I don't. Okay, we'll have Chris on and ask him. I mean, they have a, they have a solid model, ma'am. That obviously seems to have helped a lot of people. And one of the other things they do is they have that 150 thing, right? Or like 150 members is the. Yeah. I think about that actually a lot. And that was even, I think maybe in his first book, but I do start to, you know, now that we've got the two gyms and we're over that number, I'm like, oh man, I think there's something to it. Who is this person again? And I don't like that. I know everybody's like, I know everybody's goal. I know everybody's everything. So we've started a new system where we're like really going into detail with people and keeping like files on them. So that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Do people like that? I think so. I think that they feel like heard and cared about. I noticed on your Instagram, there's these, there's a lot of them and there are these posts and they say like, I'll look at this most recent one with this young lady. It says, welcome Allie.
Starting point is 01:13:41 And then she's under the CrossFit ARX arx south sign yes so does everyone who signs up gets one of those yes and do they like that um sometimes we like put cones over their hands because they don't want pictures or like turn them around or if it was your husband you do it from the back because the back of his head is so ridiculous i don't want anyone else to see that though ridiculous right and so and so um tell me tell me about the um tell me about this uh the second location what was so the first is was the first location going swimmingly well when you decided to open the second one we're like fuck i'm killing this shit no okay explain that would make too much sense. Right. It's like kids, man, you must've really killed the first one. That's why you had three more. Ah, maybe not. No, no. Um, no,
Starting point is 01:14:30 it just seemed like, um, just seemed to like a good idea at the time. A building had opened a building that had opened that we were looking at a few years before, but the timing just didn't work out and it was open. Um, we just go for things. We we're like get this idea in our head we um we farmed for a little bit we had like cows pigs chickens and actually the second gym is what made us chill on that in jersey in jersey we actually moved out to like we moved to farm we moved to farm. We moved to 10 acres because we wanted to raise our own food. Yeah, that's cool. I admire that. And then my husband would be working, and then he'd be working at the second gym after work,
Starting point is 01:15:14 and then I would get home with babies at the time, and our bull would be out of the pen. Wow. And I was like, this isn't the same anymore. Wow. How many cows did you have? We had three cows. One was born on our property't the same anymore. Wow. How many cows did you have? We had three cows. One was born on our property. So we started with two.
Starting point is 01:15:30 We bought a cow with a calf at the side. And then she was pregnant. That's awesome. Was that a super cool experience? It was cool. We had an alpaca born on our old property. And I was there for that. And I was pregnant.
Starting point is 01:15:43 There's pictures of me with like, I'm holding the baby over my belly. It's really cool. That's crazy. Impressive that you did that. What happened? Did you actually own the land? Yeah. Do you guys still have the farm? We have the spot because we know we're going to come back. We're going to come back around to it, but like homesteading appeals to you yes i think um personal responsibility appeals to us yeah yeah did you know that about your husband or did you guys grow into that together at the same time no we grew into it you weren't always in that mindset maybe um i'm not i don't think i'm maybe that mindset directly with animals i
Starting point is 01:16:27 don't think so but i think that mindset yes when when did you have to close your gym down for during the i don't know what you want to call it during the crisis yes we did you did And did that upset you? Yeah. Did that, where were you on the personal accountability, personal responsibility meter at that point? Like, did that make you think about it more? Because for me, that really started making me really think about it more. Well, so it was a hard situation because I guess what do you mean by that? Meaning I'm seeing the sickness that's coming in and I'm seeing the people who die are not taking responsibility for their health. Yeah. And yet the rest of us are being lumped into this bunch with them when we're not them. We've already been on the path of personal
Starting point is 01:17:26 responsibility and personal accountability for our health we already knew like we're the type that don't none of them like people think like when we go into a you know when if i for some reason go to kaiser i don't look like any of those fucking people who are there not one i don't look like any of them i don't look like the doctors don't look like anyone i almost look like a different creature right they look like you go to someone's house and they have four dogs and they're all fat. And you're like, those aren't even fucking dogs. That's what it's like if I walk into a Starbucks in my area. And I'm not like some paragon of health either.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And so that's what I mean by that. And then I saw, but it was no big deal. I'm like, hey, it's just a bunch of unhealthy people. But when that happened, I'm like, holy shit, those people haven't been personal. They haven't been taking responsibility and no one's telling them to take responsibility. They're telling them, Hey, go to that place and they'll give you medicine to fix your shit. And I'm like, and that's what I mean. That that's why it's supercharged my thing. Like, Holy shit, they're being lied to on how to fix this fucking problem. Yeah. i guess that has
Starting point is 01:18:25 always been my thought though so this like you already knew okay yeah this wasn't a surprise to me yeah to me it was a fucking crazy surprise like i haven't had soda since eighth grade like that was these are all the thoughts that we've always had or i've always had and then and then did you ever think you'd see it come to a head in your lifetime the way it did no no yeah me neither do you think that's fair to say it came to a head we basically saw the have and the have-nots meaning people who were taking care of themselves and who weren't and the ones who weren't just fell off off to one side they fell off into a bucket that would mean that there's nothing worse coming right If it already came to the head now? Came to the head?
Starting point is 01:19:11 Thank you, Caleb. Thank you. Yeah. Hey, I don't think it can come. Here's the reason why. If something worse comes, then those people who aren't taking care of themselves are in real big trouble. I had this guy. Is there a drug problem in your town, in Jersey?
Starting point is 01:19:32 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Bad? Yeah. And then where I used to work was meth, and then here is heroin. Wow. Because I had this guy on yesterday who talked about fentanyl use. That fucking.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Yeah, that rocked me. Did you watch those movies? I want to. Yeah, you need to watch them with your husband and just look at him the whole time. Well, he has to go in and use a Narcan all the time. Oh, yeah, he's a cop. Yeah, man, there's some shit in there. It's just.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Do all the cops have to carry Narcan? Like all the time did you have to do that in arkansas too or no it was meth that was really out there i don't know what it's like now what really what i got out of that interview was what he was everything he was saying about his phone and how dangerous that is that was so good to hear and that's part of why i like this podcast so much is sometimes i do feel really alienated and in this thinking and feeling and so it's good for people to hear to hear people come together and kind of discuss the same things or even you'll be in the chat and you'll just see everybody that kind of like thinks the same and you're like okay all right sometimes i think that's not so much now but when shit was really crazy like a year ago I remember thinking well if no other thing this podcast at least because I was getting dms every day thank
Starting point is 01:20:52 you for speaking up I'm all alone there's no one I can talk to I'm surrounded by people who are like all thinking like this and I start to feel like I'm crazy but you've gathered a group of people who think similar similarly about their personal responsibility and personal accountability. And it gives me sanity. And that used to make me, that used to be enough to get me like, okay, keep doing it. That sucks to feel alienated like that, especially when you're the one that's not crazy and the crazies are making you feel crazy. That's some scary shit. Yeah. Like our son does not have a cell phone and he's not going to have a cell phone anytime soon and just like hearing his story and how it like it did change him yeah did you hear so you play you play what what are those first shooter games called
Starting point is 01:21:35 caleb what was the one he called doom or call of duty call of duty so he plays call of duty like a typical 12 year old's life play call of Duty and you shoot a guy and kill him in the game. And so and he's some guy, you know, wherever in fucking Finland. And he's calling your mom a whore because you killed him. Then when you're done, you take your phone and you go jack off in the bathroom. And then after that, you listen to some rap music, open a box of Twizzlers and repeat. No, thank you. I do not.
Starting point is 01:22:03 When he said that, I'm like, dude, I don't want that for my kids. I don't want that for my kids. Yeah, but it's all around. So like our, you know, our son's weird. He's weird because he doesn't have a phone. Do you homeschool? No, but we live in a really small town. 10 years old is already weird for not having a cell phone.
Starting point is 01:22:24 You know, 10 year olds who have cell phones yeah yeah and we live in there are 10 kids in his grade where we live um why not just pull them out and just stick them just make them work start working in the gym i mean that's where they are on holidays. Yeah. Like, just basically, I mean, fuck, just, I guess the two-year-old, it would be hard. Yeah. Three-year-old's probably ready to clean the bathroom or something. You know, that guy I've had on before, Matt Boudreaux, those acting academies, those schools, going to school there, I think one of the main premises is that you run the school. You hire the teachers.
Starting point is 01:23:07 You fire the teachers. You clean the bathrooms. You choose the lunch menu. Like that's what going to school there is, is running the school, which is so cool. What a cool idea. So that when you leave there, yeah, you know how to run a business. You know how to like – Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Our son wants to go to West Point. That's his whole thing. Already? Since he was like two. He just wants to go to West Point. That's his whole thing. Already? Since he was like two. He just wants to go to West Point. Air Force Academy. Tell him to go to the Air Force Academy. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:34 He does not want to go to West Point. And I'll tell him, when I was being recruited for track, they used to call me. And I used to not know what to tell the U.S government so i would just i would just not answer their phone calls and i joke with them and i'm like well you know i would have never met your dad and then you couldn't have gone that's smart don't answer the phone calls didn't answer their phone calls when west point was calling bobby dotson i teach sixth grade and the kids who don't have phones may be seven out of the class of 160. I'm going to tell you this to everyone out there
Starting point is 01:24:11 who has a parent, who has a parent. Take two. I'm gonna tell this to you guys, all of you that have kids. I'm gonna tell you this about all boys. What I'm saying is 99.9 to infinity true. If you give a boy a cell phone at any age between the age of three and 104 i don't know what happens after 104 they will um they will
Starting point is 01:24:35 look at porn and they will have naked pictures sent to them by people that you don't want them like everything imaginable even even the fucking dalai lama if you gave him a fucking phone he will look up porn i promise you you have to know that and so if you give your child a phone you're giving them a device to download porn they will just do it we just do it we're just do it. We're maniacs. We don't know why we do anything. Pass a seven-year-old boy a joint and he will hit it. He doesn't – he's not like – we're boys. I don't know what it's like to be a girl.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I'm just telling you, all of them. Why would you give your kids something to look at porn with? I don't understand. I'm not even against porn. I'm just like protecting kids. Why the fuck would you give your kids something to look at porn with i don't understand i'm not even against porn i'm just like for protecting kids why the fuck would you give your kid a do they do people not know that about boys thank you michael yeah we're just boys we will throw you leave us alone with a pile of rocks and something's going to get broken you know those videos where they have the kid in front
Starting point is 01:25:43 of a cookie and they're like don't eat the cookie and then they leave the camera on them and leave like you can't you can't and you can't even if they don't have a cell phone do you want to tell you what boys do who are left alone by themselves no i don't we throw rocks at things yeah you don't even have to give us rocks we'll figure out what to do we are very good at taking care of our needs based on what's being driven out from inside of us keep fucking boys very fucking busy and don't give them a fucking device that they can search around on we're very creative it's nuts it is nuts god i hope i don't eat these words i told i hope i don't eat these words there's no I don't eat these words. There's no way I can give my kids a cell phone.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I would give them a cigarette first. I'm not even joking. I'm not even joking. What a fucking mess. So then what's going to happen? So do you see a third gym? I don't put anything past me yeah what what about are both gyms affiliated yeah yeah i um we you know we kind of like talked about like affiliating non-affiliating but i just i don't know how you run a CrossFit gym and not run a CrossFit gym. Explain that to me.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Why can't you just kind of parlay the mojo from the first affiliate and just kind of like call the other one just like, so you pay the affiliate fee at one and you call it CrossFit ARX and then just call the other one ARX South and just get away with paying just one affiliate fee. I mean, I think that we could do that. Yeah. But I just wouldn't do that. I'm. I mean, I think that we could do that. Yeah. But I just wouldn't. I'm advising you that as your financial advisor. I appreciate that. I just wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 01:27:32 No. And why is that? It's just, it's not, I don't know. It's not right. It doesn't seem right. Yeah. It probably, Allison says, stay affiliated, easy decision. So you like the word CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:27:51 You like what it stands for? Yeah. And what's it stand for? I think it stands for personal accountability. I think that's what we're really doing. It seems like a workout, but it bleeds into everything else. doing. It's it seems like a workout, but it bleeds into everything else. And what do you think CrossFit HQ, the people you send the money to that you affiliate with,
Starting point is 01:28:17 what do you think their responsibility is to maintaining that? That I think the brand also stands for that personal accountability, personal responsibility, a community that supports each other through that with like-minded people there's there's kind of a um it's kind of an oxymoron right because there's people there to support you through taking care of yourself um what do you think their role is in in protecting that brand what should they do with your money you know i was i was i know you you don't mind their monster partnership yeah you know as long as they're honest was, I know you, you don't mind their monster partnership, you know, as long as they're honest about it, but I don't, I don't get that. I mean, I guess they have to make money. I understand that, but it seems like mixed messaging. Well, it's very consistent with what you're saying. You want the brand to be about personal accountability and
Starting point is 01:29:01 personal responsibility, and you want to keep it pure that way. And if you, if you do get with monster, then you have something you have to explain, or you're also mislead. I mean, I totally see your point of view or you're misleading people. There's a little bit of a liver King component there, right? Like the implication by taking money from them is that you can drink this and, and, and be at the, at the tip of the spear. Right. You almost made it without the liver king. I made it a whole show without that. I mean, it's right. That's why people are upset at him.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Because, hey, there's the implication there that you got this way from eating your shit. I'm not upset. I never believed him anyway. Where's my bag of? I must have opened my last bag of protein and liver King proteins toward eating it. Um, and, uh, yeah. So, so you want to keep the brand as pure as possible. So, so let me go back to that question. Ask that question again. What do you expect from them to maintain the brand value for you? I mean, cause you're paying into it $6,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:30:00 I think that I'm paying for what they've already created. What's already been created. I'm not sure how much I expect out of them at this point, maybe to not mess it up. Right. And Monster does kind of stuff, something like that does kind of mess it up. You want it to be clean, easy. Yeah, but really it just comes down to us, though. They're so far removed. The gym owners.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Yeah. so far removed the gym owners yeah do you miss anything from um five years ago um do you miss hearing from um would you like it if if don or dave or nicole or someone from or gary someone from one of these teams um you know how greg would just you would see videos of greg pop up would you like to hear i miss the journal i miss those things um i miss the media yeah is that everyone does everyone miss the media i miss greg you do miss greg yeah yeah and what about him do you miss just the message message? Yeah. Also, it was his thing. How is anyone else going to represent his creation? Well, Jacob Conner, to cut to the chase, we are Greg CrossFit. It is a crazy task. It is a crazy task, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:30 task right yeah it's what do you think about this line it's not about one person it's it's a community and greg used to even say that it's not about me it's not about me and i used to fucking whisper in the back of my head yeah it fucking is well he was doing so much behind the scenes he was just he was he was taking on so much of stuff that really matters. And I was, I was talking a little bit with Sousa and I explained to him, like when he, in 2018 said that there wasn't going to be CrossFit games as we know it anymore, I was upset. That was like, that's my outlet. I joke and say, that's, you know, my washed up athlete outlet to go do things. But I get it. It did, you know, take away from his message. It did steer the ship in a different direction.
Starting point is 01:32:10 And I did think it was his to make the decision. Yeah, it pissed me off, too, because there were those of us who were like, hey, we can do both. Right. We can do both. And it's not that he was going to. I always felt like even if we neglected the games um it would still keep growing like it was like that you know like that there's the plant in your yard no matter how many times you pull it out you're like oh there you are again yeah
Starting point is 01:32:36 because which is fine yeah because people want it it just needed to be, I don't know. It needed to be integrated. The reason why I like the games is you do the games when you're 12 to when you're 35. But because you're so close to CrossFit, you start hearing the message. And then by the time you're 35 and you have kids and a couple of your relatives have type 2 diabetes, you're like, oh, shit. I think this shit I'm doing cures type 2 diabetes. I think I've heard Greg talk about that before. And then, and then, and then, you know what I mean? I mean, you, you said you're, you're 37. Yeah. Yeah. You're I remember turning 37. I was when I first started needing to really warm up. I'm like, Oh shit, I have to be sweating before I work out now. You can't just jump into a workout. Has it gotten there for you?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Mine is jumping. Like, I can't, like, I won't be able to do a double under right away. I've got to, like, I got to jump a little bit. Yeah, like, loosen, like, it turned, like, some of the tendons and wires and shit, and you were getting stiff, and then they got to get loosened up. Yeah, like, I can't get off the floor enough. Good. That makes me feel so happy.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Misery loves company. I don't have to do that yet, Simon company how old are you caleb 27 oh yeah yeah you're good you're good you're good god one that's why it's so important to stay fit as you get older because it takes so long to fucking warm up yeah forever god bless the assault bike so so you you two affiliates and youates and you're happy to pay the affiliate fee and you kind of have the Craig Howard stance that I heard him say about a year ago. Hey, just don't mess it up HQ. I love him. I met him when I was doing grid the first year. I was on the brawlers and we went out there. He's great.
Starting point is 01:34:26 You're a great athlete also. What, and how many kids did you have when you were a great athlete? I had one. My goodness. Do you guys have, do you do vacations? Is your life compartmentalized at all? Um, we, my kids aren't watching, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:43 We are taking them skiing and snowboarding for the first time. Oh my God. What is your, are you guys selling a car to pay for that? Four kids skiing is nuts. Two kids are going to be skiing and two are going to be staying with my mother who's coming along with us to play in the snow. I hope there's snow. And then the next day we'll all be snow tubing wow that's awesome that's that's that's i'm so
Starting point is 01:35:14 impressed like i can't talk now i mean your dear friends call you while the podcast is going uh did he say 27? He did. He's 27. I know. That's ridiculous. Any more kids? No.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Are you sure? Yes. My husband can no longer have children. Oh, wow. Was that a demand? Did you put that demand on him? No. What?
Starting point is 01:35:41 Go ahead, Caleb. I was going to say, does it change the viscosity of the load wow thank you caleb i think if anybody should know well we'll have to ask jacob jacob in the comments please uh so so so no more kids did you mean to have um the the last three The last three? Number four was a surprise. Wow. Did you cry?
Starting point is 01:36:11 Probably. Yeah. I have this. So I have the, I am phobic of needles. I am scared of needles. I cry like a baby. Sometimes I pass out. It's called vasovagosyncope. and it sounds so stupid because it is so stupid,
Starting point is 01:36:25 but I will pass out. I'll wake up. I won't know where I am, throw up everywhere. And I really panicked. So I ended up with four C-sections because my first son was so big and it ended up being an emergency that we just went C-section for the rest of the time. It wasn't really my choice but i really panicked on the last one because i didn't know because of covid i would be back in the back getting an iv by myself and i just absolutely like just i panicked the nurses were coming in like what do you take for anxiety and i was like i don't have anxiety bring an assault bike in here that's what i take no tattoos i do have a tattoo holy shit here we go good question mark okay explain this did we just vomiting on the guy while he's tattooing you no it's like um so i don't think needles hurt
Starting point is 01:37:19 i just like my body has this reaction. If you stick a needle into my vein, I don't know. I just panic. It's like a fight or flight thing. I, my heart like goes to like nothing. Like it doesn't beat my drawing on you. It's fine. Yeah. It was like in my mind it was, it's totally mental.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Are you doing the open this year? I am. Yeah. And, and, and do you think there's a chance you'll compete in the Masters? I wish. I mean, I am very unrealistic with myself, so I will have that expectation. And what would you have to do to make you think that you were going to? Work out consistently.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Yeah. And you said you signed up for the Mayhem programming for your affiliate? Yeah. Are you doing it yourself also? Yeah. Oh, so there's something going on there. Yeah. Do you tell yourself that you're not doing it to take the pressure off of yourself?
Starting point is 01:38:15 No, you know what? I would rather make it to semis than do masters. Like I, and even if like I would, like I would rather that be my goal. I will say this. You are consistent. You are consistent. They weren't training you hard enough at your collegiate track program. and one gym wasn't enough for you, and one kid wasn't enough for you, and are you one husband? You have one husband? One husband.
Starting point is 01:38:56 One husband. Wow. Well, I'd love to check back in in a year and find out how this has gone. I'm very curious how the two gym thing is going to go for you. I have no doubt you're going to kill it. You are a man. You're such an overachiever. Is there anything that I didn't that you wanted to express while you were on here that maybe I left out that you left out? I'll blame you that you left out. left out that you left out i'll blame you that you left out i don't i don't think so we do have a really cool athlete that i think that you would get a kick out of tell me we have um a woman named marcy who is almost 74 years old and she came to us to learn how to climb a rope um because she wanted to do like a spartan type of race and she's never left since. And she just got back from competing at worlds for Olympic lifting. How old is she? How old is she when she came in her mid sixties, late sixties, something like that.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Did she ever learn to climb the road? She did. She did. And she like does it every year on her birthday just to like, like I still got it. Does that give you panic attack? No, no,
Starting point is 01:40:04 no. like I still got it. Does that give you panic attack? No. No? No. 74 year old lady at the top of a 15 foot rope. Crazy. Well, thank you for coming on. Tell Jacob thank you. Please stay in touch. Will do. Yeah, you're a wonderful human being. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Yeah. Keep up the good fight. Keep spreading the message. Personal accountability. Thanks for listening. Send me any suggestions for guests you think I should have on besides Marcy. Will you send me? Is Marcy on Instagram? Marcy is on Instagram. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Will you send me her Instagram account? I will. All righty. Very nice to meet you. All right. You too. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Bye. Text him anytime. I don't always say it. I don't always say it. I feel like we barely scratched the surface. I could have talked to another hour, but I have to get ready for a 9am podcast. Back to back. You think that the podcast should go longer? back to back you think that the podcast should go longer i think the way that it works out sometimes is best yeah she is a badass yeah i agree i agree
Starting point is 01:41:15 that's the thing too right my friend uh travis bajan told me that he said there's only there's um a vacation that goes too long ends up being a bad vacation. The only good vacation is a vacation that's too short. So that way you want to come back to it. There's no such thing as the perfect vacation. There's some people I think we talked to for two and a half hours. I think it's perfect too. Right. Like yesterday's could have been longer.
Starting point is 01:41:44 First female affiliate owner. She's the first female to ever own an affiliate no i think it's the first one we've oh fuck we fucked up our record of only doing dudes hey she owns two affiliates we should get double credit for that diversity We should get double credit for that. Diversity. Man. Every story is she's an overachiever. She's like an all-American track athlete. I should have asked her more about being a cop. And a cop.
Starting point is 01:42:23 I'm sure she's got some wild stories too maybe we should have jacob on to hear the wild stories i can't believe you asked her about the viscosity of the load it's brave very brave really just throw it out there just just don't write in i'm glad it was you and not me i immediately regretted it. That makes me so happy. That makes me so happy that you immediately regretted it. Sevan finally listened to the DEI council and got her on. Yes, I did not want to have her on.
Starting point is 01:42:58 I was forced to. Paper Streak, Gabe told me that if I did not have a female affiliate owner on, he was going to drop the sponsorship. She then planted the seed for me to go to the games. I don't know who you're talking about, but okay. Tomorrow or Christmas, I don't know, one of these days we are going to give away a free L1 based on people who have signed up with California Hormones. So you can go over there, use the code SEVON and sign up
Starting point is 01:43:26 for a doctor's consultation. If you live near them in the California area, you can get your blood work done for free. If not, use your insurance to get your blood work done and then send it over to them and get the free doctor's consultation. Use the code word SEVON. Regardless, if we will be doing a, I don't know if I used the word regardless right there. But we will be doing a free giveaway for a level one. I'm going to guess we're going to do it on Christmas morning. Are you around Christmas morning? Probably.
Starting point is 01:43:57 What happens with your equity program on Christmas? Nothing? We all gather together. And under the makeshift tree that we've created all stretchers yeah oh kumbaya and then we go to work do you have a fake tree made of uh stretchers yeah i put i made it myself we literally took like stretchers and we tied them all together and then we strung lights around it and then found some star how did you get the lights um somebody just had them like they were mailed or we can get mail so somebody had them from previous rotations we just like use
Starting point is 01:44:33 them uh oh that's cool they leave that kind of shit from previous rotations christmas lights and uh you're a better cop if you do crossfit for sure for sure um yeah caleb put me on the spot i'm sorry i'm sorry oh did we she tackled a gangbanger with a gun well fuck we fucked that story up how we really missed this some good stories um i like how he he writes in here like it's tweets just like just she tackled a gangbanger with a gun. Then let's say the second tweet. I ran him down and tackled him. Russell's gun away.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Can you imagine? You're like, oh, I'm going to outrun this cop. You're like, no, actually, that's a Division I, all SEC, all American, 800-meter track athlete. You're fucked. Yeah, wouldn't have that been a brilliant question if I would have said, did you ever have to use your track skills as a cop?
Starting point is 01:45:29 God, I see. That would have been a good question. Damn. Phillip Kelly said, can you do a call-in show where we discuss Greg Dave and CrossFit Games and the Monster sponsorship? No. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Maybe, yeah. It's so, it's so, I feel like it's so 2021. I did see a very interesting video that I'm going to talk about with Brian about the day posted recently. post on his uh the dave castro youtube channel he was talking about going to uh where did he go he went to meet uh general donahue at fort bragg oh boy of the 18th airborne i won't get you in trouble i'll be good it was a good it was a good visit the guy's a three-star general um get myself in trouble and and he's a good guy and he's brought crossfit to uh the third i third id is that is that something what why did they we'll get into oh okay thank you at fort stewart and so it looks like they're going to be doing a one-day class there crossfit is um but not just one one-day class but a shitload of them and start introducing shitloads of soldiers
Starting point is 01:46:45 to the crossfit methodology which is everyone should be happy about that that's like the first time i've heard the military spending their money wisely if there's anything to experiment on the military it should be fitness not anthrax or covid vaccines right wow you heard it here first from the equity program i'm surprised someone just didn't kick down that door and just grab you out hey well the covid vaccine is no longer mandated to the military so that's it's not yeah they just cut that out like a week ago or something wow congratulations thanks i survived the the interesting part about this story is that so Congratulations. Thanks. I survived. The, the interesting part about this story is that,
Starting point is 01:47:28 so, and we'll pull up some pictures in the next show, but the interesting part about this story, and I'm sure I'm just going to repeat myself in the beginning of the next show, because I want to show this as Brian is it looked like Dave was going to do the contract without CrossFit when he was fired, that he was somehow going to,
Starting point is 01:47:42 the implications from the video is that he was going to figure out a way to do the training and get this contract straight to the dave castro to train these people and it probably is a massive massive contract um and instead when he got hired back he gave the contract to crossfit inc now i'm speculating a little bit but that if you watch the video i think it's a safe speculation, which makes me think that either maybe he was brought back for that contact or Don has to be really happy that they did bring him back because he's already earned his keep, which is pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:48:16 But there are some pictures that will show you a picture of Dave being deployed with General Donahue. I guess Dave was over there with Delta Force in 2005. Even though Dave was a SEAL Team 6 guy, that sounds like he did a program with Delta Force, and Donahue was part of the Delta Force, and there's a picture that we found. So we'll show you that.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Anyway, it's just an interesting story. The show is All Things CrossFit. So, okay, I'm going to go scrub another cup of coffee, drop a deuce um i don't think it was with street parking i think dave was just gonna do his own thing with the uh u.s military so but but now it's crossfit which makes me very happy which should make all the affiliates very happy you you introduce uh crossfit to 10 000 soldiers and what you get is a shitload of affiliates opening and a shitload of guys going into affiliates when they're home from deployment.
Starting point is 01:49:10 And you get a shitload of their wives doing it and their families doing it. And what's really important here is that this is CrossFit talking to the base again. I'm telling you, if CrossFit loses its way with the U.S. military and first responders, it's toast. It's like taking out the foundation of the building. Got to have it. Okay. Caleb, will you be here in 11 minutes? No.
Starting point is 01:49:32 In 14 minutes? Okay. Yeah. Caleb and I will be back with Brian Friend in 14 minutes. Thanks, guys. Not on this channel. There'll be a new link. See you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Thank you, Mark. Thank you, Bruce. Thank you, Kenneth. Thank jessica valenzuela i want you guys all to know jesus came to me in my sleep last night and said he won't be saving me anytime soon but hang tight i know a lot of you were curious

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