The Sevan Podcast - #721 - Shedding Light on the world - Stephan Rochet & Daniel Chaffey - LIVE CALL IN

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Next is my brow furrow. Do I look chill? About as chill as typical. That smile is a little different.
Starting point is 00:00:37 What is this? Do you think of me as a chill guy? Extremely. Or wound up tight? No. No, no, no. I know wound up that ain't you all right uh sebon is turning his thumbnails into castro style open clues that's not a good thing do i need your advice tonight hillary what happened great question great question oh boy cool question this show andrew hillar will
Starting point is 00:01:11 be taking calls on relationship advice should i get alexis in here this is a big test for when i have danielle brandon on uh for a relationship show what if i do a relationship show with danielle and uh and no one calls in so you've had this number up on the bottom why why aren't people calling in they're all here sometimes it pours in careful what you ask for sometimes it pours in we won't bite hard i get asked about my meditating sebon sticker on my truck all the time i tell them i'm a buddhist do you think i'm a chill guy do you not see my sticker yeah hi chris say hi to him hillar chris yeah? Yeah. What you got? Okay. Hang loose, Chris.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Cameron got 359 on the 10 minutes of air squats. Jesus. And he's a big fucking dude with a huge dong. And you know this how? Because I just know. I can't tell you everything, but I'm not just saying. I saw a video and you could see it through his sweatpants no i've i've uh seen his resume excuse me uh you're a motosian i don't know what that means but
Starting point is 00:02:36 uh my legs are fucked from 10 minutes of air squats by the way thanks dude it's nuts. You get so sore. Why hasn't Hiller talked about Brian Johnson's past CrossFit Open scores? There are more important things at hand. I think people got sick and tired of me talking about them. I made three consecutive videos. Look at Heidi.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Wait, who is that now? Oh, you may know him as the liver king no she's talking about the guy with the giant dong that's got a 359 in 10 minutes big dude yeah big big he's a big dude you did get it costco yeah man chairs are expensive as hell like look yours is probably not cheap it looks real nice and it's like an x chair or something greg bought it for me yeah man those are like 1500 or more maybe but this thing was like 100 bucks at costco and it's fantastic um i'm into big dudes yeah this dude's big in every way not his gut he's just a massive man, Cameron. So is he over 200 pounds?
Starting point is 00:03:48 He's got to be when he's talking about it like this. I think so. He's huge. What happens if he's 220 or 250? What happens when you get that big? I don't know. He might be. I'd be curious.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Cameron, how much do you weigh? Am I totally wrong? Are you going to come on here and say 175? Be honest, too. You don't have to fluff it. If I weigh? Am I totally wrong? Are you going to come on here and say 175? Be honest, too. You don't have to fluff it. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Is he going to answer? That'd be nice.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Is Hiller going to? Oh, yeah. He's going to Wadapalooza. I'm going. I'm competing. So I did a show on December 24th. He's 206. He answered. Yeah. and he's lean he could easily
Starting point is 00:04:29 eat a cake and probably go up to 215 as in hopper lean or uh yeah he's all he's like yeah he looks he looks juiced good i don't think i don't think he is, but he looks juiced. I think it's Fergie. I don't think he is because he has lots of questions about it. Maybe he's trying to refine it. Depends on the questions, I guess. Yeah, there are questions you ask someone like me who doesn't know shit about it. He knows less than me. You know quite a bit now from what i understand well
Starting point is 00:05:09 you've indoctrinated me andrew hiller you made a video on february what on december 24th in the morning i did a podcast that was yesterday dude yes're right. You were talking about it like it was a distant past. Yes, I agree. And I got a note from YouTube saying it was pulled down because I broke the violent community guidelines. What did you say? It was the morning session? It better not be what I said. It was the morning session. So I went to the community guidelines, and it says,
Starting point is 00:05:48 violence or graphic content is inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals or a defined group of people, fighting involving minors, footage, audio, imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war, aftermath, terrorist attacks, aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, attacks aftermath street fights physical attacks immolation i don't know what that is uh torture corpses protests of riots robberies medical procedures or such scenarios with the intent to shock or discuss viewers didn't have anything like that footage or imagery showing bodily fluid such as blood or vomit with the intent of shock or disgust viewers didn't have that footage of corpses with massive injuries such as severed limbs didn't have that so i wrote back and said the video even starts it was a video from instagram and it was at the very end of my podcast it was a two hour and 40 minute podcast and it was at the very end of the podcast and what it was hillar is it was an old man who was standing on a street corner and something
Starting point is 00:06:43 you could barely see him it It was shot through like a window of a restaurant. So it was all grainy. And there was the light pole, a telephone pole, and like a bus stop. So you could barely see what was going on. You could never identify these guys if you wanted to, you know what I mean? If you saw them on the street and the young guy who, who, uh, walks up and punches the old guy in the face and the old guy goes like this and just takes the shot. I remind you this is the very end of the show. 2 hours and 46 minutes. This starts like at 2.41.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And it's a 5 minute bit and we watch it a couple times and in the Instagram clip says this is even educational for Gen Xers be careful who you fuck with or millennials or whatever. And the old man ends up beating up the other guy and uh then at the end
Starting point is 00:07:27 of the video um he stands up and they walk away from each other or something you know like no one gets like demolished and you can't see and you actually don't ever see any of the bows connect because it's it's it's so far away you have to kind of can you pull the clip up so i can see it uh i'm kidding so and i see more violent stuff than this all the time dude i put up a video of some shit getting crushed by a barbell and it got 250 000 views and it stayed up it's still up yeah that chick that chick died she's dead yeah uh all of them she uh i made a list all i'm gonna invite like 25 athletes i'm gonna start in tomorrow and we'll see who who who comes i invited danny spiegel yesterday on the show live live all right so in relation to this whole debacle so then i i was
Starting point is 00:08:24 tripping and my mind went to a dark place, Andrew. And it hurt. I want to tell you it hurt. I didn't get a strike, but I got a warning. And if you get two warnings, you get a strike. And I was like, how did they find this at the end of my video? And why this of all things? And I started thinking about some of the stuff I talked about in the video, and I was ripping on HQ a little bit and talking about people in places of authority and whatnot who are intimately familiar with how YouTube works and have very close connections with people at Instagram and YouTube that I used to work with.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And? connections with people at instagram and youtube that i used to work with and so then i googled how how does youtube find out um about uh community violations and this came up youtube relies on teams around the world to review flag videos and remove content that violates community guidelines restrict videos age restrict content that may not be appropriate for all audiences for example um oh shit i didn't copy the whole thing and paste it but basically oh maybe this is it basically it says it relies on reporting so when something oh here it is youtube relies on teams around the world to review flag videos meaning someone flagged it i think so my question to you is do you think that happened because i was possibly referencing some because i was aggressive
Starting point is 00:10:01 towards other people and it was it's so interesting that it's at the very end of the video like someone was just scrolling look through it looking for something to um so you guys think you chris you think i will say haters you think that do you guys remember that scene at the end i don't think it's moose boob moose burger what why would she do why would she do that what am i missing we we just had well she she missed someone that we had a little it was unsporty beth i don't know i don't think so i think what you might be on to would be about as close as it could get but that's bs oh so you think i'm open to just tell me i'm paranoid and i'll drop it i'm so sensitive to being paranoid i'd have to i but i can't because they brought it down right they didn't even cut it out they brought the whole thing down brought
Starting point is 00:10:49 the whole thing down so you know what i did i i you know what i did i wonder what you're going to think about this i cut out the video but left up the audio and reposted it just now oh let me see so it's on your channel do you see it? I don't know if it's up yet it is not up yet no let me see how long it it'll just be a regular video
Starting point is 00:11:16 yeah so it's not up yet let me see how close it is to to going up hold on one second oh it says visibility pending uh the standard definition version of your video needs to finish processing it's a long video two hours it's gonna take a while if it's that long yeah probably upwards of an hour to check and the thumbnail i made is um the let's see let's see if i go to the what'd you talk about what was the rest of that
Starting point is 00:11:45 show what would it make people at crossfit possibly angry well i was talking i was i was talking about how there was people there that have what a disaster so many of the departments are and i was talking about someone people the thing that came up to my mind was someone who had sucked cock um from intern to uh caught that part i was sitting at a car dealership getting an oil change and i remember thinking oh shit uh and had had risen i've never i've never heard of a guy who has done that i want to know about one but i don't think i've ever heard of that that'd be cool risen risen ranks yes um to get to their position and other stuff a lot of the podcasts those guys have an air pod in i'm in public so when things and topics come up i'll be like i remember
Starting point is 00:12:33 right where i was when i heard that and i remember like what i thought i looked around like what god wish everyone around me just heard that um so do you have do you have any thoughts for me on that well where did your mind go i mean apparently you're paranoid but like were you also then thinking i need to now avoid stuff like that to cover my ass or i'm gonna well yeah definitely that i was thinking about like we did a whole segment on a guy falling down the stairs. Yeah, you probably thought it was that, actually, didn't you? Yeah, well, I had no idea because I don't feel like I'm not big into violence. I don't really like violence at all.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I'm even sensitive to, like, violent movies. Like, I could never watch Django. That's a great movie. I'm sure it is. I just can't watch it. Why? It's not that violent. I'm soft. There's just a scene in there just a scene of their reason to like cut his guts off and he's hanging upside down but you might like that no we've been sucking nate edwardson off a little bit lately yeah
Starting point is 00:13:34 we don't think it's channel and see how well his golf videos are doing we should watch a pair golf video with only three minutes long the lot the lawyer for Fire Festival did that. Fire Festival. Fire. Well, I can't speak from experience on this. Okay, Corey, don't fuck up my story, okay? I only watched Game of Thrones from beginning to end every episode twice. And Sons of anarchy. That's one of those boring shows that ever created game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Oh, you're fucking killing me. I liked it, but it was just like, I was just waiting. I was waiting. It's all storytelling and plot laying. And then one of the worst episodes,
Starting point is 00:14:19 they're going to this huge battle. It might've been the season three or four. And then they don't even show the battle. They just like cut. They're like, it's over. i don't remember what it was or what was happening i just remember like wait a minute where are they fighting the budget must have not been there yet greg told me that he he stopped watching there's a scene there's a wedding scene where they kill off like the majority of the main characters like yep that was great that was a good episode he stopped greg said he stopped watching it after that greg glassman he said fuck that they killed the only the only likable people on the show
Starting point is 00:14:48 damn what a weird what a what a crazy thing you always think about people like him and wonder why he did that sort of stuff right like what is it about him the way he sees things that made him stop liking it there where people like me are like wow that was awesome I know I well it hurt me but I kept going you're so you're so many podcast in is the guy with the giant cock you're so many podcast in have talked about so much and shit talk CF a lot I think this one
Starting point is 00:15:15 this is this was a one-off how many strikes do you have on your channel zero right zero I had one strike and then i for something crossfit had for something that crossfit had reported and i um and i took the class i got a strike because i put up that colton merton's video I put up his entire event three of the games.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Maybe it was four. Whichever one is Elizabeth elevated at this year's games. I thought he was going to win, so I recorded him doing the whole thing. And I just put it up on my YouTube channel. And I got a strike for that. And I actually wasn't going to put it up, but I spoke to somebody near and dear to the podcast, and they said that it would be okay.
Starting point is 00:16:11 As long as you're not taking it from the stream then you might as well be Colton Merton's dad and he can put it on YouTube so why can't you and I'm like did you did you take the um did you take the uh the the copyright class where you can get your strike removed that's what I did no but I still can I just haven't done it yet if i got two strikes i'd be on it but i don't intend on getting any more i know how to play the game i don't put up people fighting each other from a thousand yards away although um can i ask you again what do you do that uh do what do you think as far as who do i think did it or like why oh yeah do you do you do first of all let me ask you this let me do you think that there's a bot that does it no okay so you so you do think it was a person 100 you reported because the only way that a bot would catch something like that would be if it were something – it's too obscure for it to have even been in the system to catch that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Okay, then let me ask you this. Do you think that because it was at the end of the show that that gives any clues to that it was a person also? Like they were scrolling through it looking for something? Or they were at the end of the show they watched the whole thing and they were pissed and they're like fuck it i'm reporting this oh jethro i i i i bombed them man it it must it must really hurt them that this is the biggest podcast in the space by 10x uh and um it must fucking it it must be brutal the shit that comes out of my mouth listen let me tell you how brutal it is that affiliate video that i made and that l1 video i made are so fucking awesome and they know that i could sell them fucking 20 l1s a day with with the with the content that i could create
Starting point is 00:18:05 and no one over there has contacted me and but they know and i know they know but the ego and and the feelings that i've heard from people over there that they're that they're they must be divided i'll get into that in a second when i talk about i can't wait for that daniel chafee and stefan roche they must be really uh it's got it's got to be it's got to be weird it's got to be weird i would love for someone um on the uh on the board or one of the owners got it um that's that's probably one of the best ways to think about it i don't even get notified you play my whole video i got no idea yeah but this wasn't footage that i took from crossfit is what i'm saying dude what i'm saying well what he's saying here is that the if you played my whole video i'm never made aware of it right and it's like so like in order for that to have been
Starting point is 00:18:57 like brought higher up at youtube the only way it would happen is if somebody who was watching or watched your show reported it can we go report somebody how the hell do we go about doing this i'm gonna go on i reported i reported sporty beth to see how it would work for the footage she used in that toxic one here i can report this one right now look i can flag it which one we're on there's a button right here no don't flag me don't i'm not flagging you but i could if i wanted to no one flagged this show or I'll fucking make a video out of you
Starting point is 00:19:28 why doesn't Hobart come on anymore just when I think it just got really heated and he wanted to distance himself just so he didn't jeopardize his job and then I bet I should ask him back on hmm I miss Hobart then i i bet i should ask him back on so you think yeah he's a good dude so you think
Starting point is 00:19:54 watch is i should call this show hillar explores his chair i was like holy so you think that it was reported? It has to have been. What do you think the chances are that someone was really offended by it, and it wasn't just malicious towards the podcast? Offended towards that? Slim. Yeah, me too. You couldn't see shit. You couldn't see shit.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, the fat dude falling down the stairs was crazy compared to this. Yeah, Justin, I, yeah. Slim. down the stairs was crazy compared to this yeah justin i yeah slim you're doubling down though you're putting it right back up there what oh yeah don't you think it's okay if i took the video out should have no reason i took the video out i just scooted all of us over to the right so you can see us talking about it and then i wrote on the on the screen, this did not break any community guidelines. What's crazy is it even said in the beginning that this was for educational purposes of that video to show you like, hey, don't attack old people. But you couldn't see shit. I wonder if it's because of that that someone flagged it.
Starting point is 00:21:04 You know what I mean? Yeah. I bet you it is. I bet you it's someone who's been to my house. It's Dan Bailey. No, I don't think it's him. Yeah, it is. No.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Dan Bailey flagged it. No, I don't think it was Katrin either. I don't think they can be bothered. No, no, no. A Katrin simp. Very different. Oh, oh, oh. That's like oh okay somebody who white knights for catrin how dare you talk bad about her i'm gonna flag all your videos how could sometimes people call me a simp how could you call me a fucking simp
Starting point is 00:21:38 i'm like old and don't even like i i don't i don't i only chase one. It's like a figure of speech over whomever. People call me a liver king simp. Chelsea has the same media manager that the CrossFit podcast does. They have the same profile picture. That always goes right over my head for about half a second. Heber and Mars would never do that. I good with them i'm i'm good with them you're you heard greg dave simp says heidi i would say that's fairly accurate that's that okay fine that's fine i'll take it take that one we pulled that word up on urban dictionaryictionary before. You should know what that means. Yeah, it means like you act like a beta male to try to get vag.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Fairly accurate, yeah. Fine, I'll look it up. Simp. I wish Caleb was here. I do love me Urban Dictionary. Someone who does way too much for a person they like. Other definitions on the crowdsource online dictionary include a man who puts the hose before the bros that's fair yeah a guy who is
Starting point is 00:22:51 overly desperate for women especially if she's a bad person shirt idea simp what is a simp oh you can call a girl a simp too simping is just one of the dating trends they exist with someone obsesses over someone else who does not return their affection everyone's been a simp at some point I don't think I I don't think I get a lot of affection from Dave and Greg
Starting point is 00:23:15 what was I going to say fuck I had something good okay do I seem noticed Fuck, I had something good. Okay. Do I seem noticed? Did you ever look up the word upper decker on Urban Dictionary? Oh, no. Remember, you should. Upper decker.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Because I know you brought it up on a show recently, and I don't think you went to Urban Dictionary to look what it meant, but you need to read that. I didn't even want to. I was afraid. It's not scary. It's just funny. I've done it it you've done an upper decker hell yeah the one word in high school i think it's two uh make sure no one's around step one step two quietly open the lid of the upper
Starting point is 00:24:01 section of the victim's toilet quietly place the lid down on the floor, then take a nice shit in the uppers. Oh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember this now.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Okay. I think you did look this up. Yeah. It's when you shit in the, in the, in the reserve water and the water tank, the water you're supposed to drink. If there's an earthquake,
Starting point is 00:24:20 you then went on to say you're ruining someone's life source water. And then, and then I thought of like, oh fuck. What if there was an earthquake you then went on to say you're ruining someone's life source water and then i thought of like oh fuck what if there was an earthquake in illinois i would have ruined my buddy's parents houses survival water have you heard of dry docking is that when you shit when there's no water in the bowl? Yeah, you turn the water off. And then you flush it and it's empty. And then you... And then you shit in it. He's right here, guys. He's right here. Settle down. He's right here. No need for bats.
Starting point is 00:25:00 He's here. I liked seeing that one bat in that Danny Spiegel post that we saw yesterday. That was good to see. I can't wait for the Open to come around. There was a video I put up recently, and it was like I went to bed thinking, God, I got to make a no rep video, just a random one. I'm going to go to the year 2017 and just pull a bunch of stuff from the Open,
Starting point is 00:25:19 make one. And then I woke up to seeing the no reps, the saxon panchic muscle of no reps oh so oh yeah yeah that's cool i i was like wow it was just given to me instagram read my mind uh cameron dude dry docking in my industry is way different oh i'm putting two and two together here he's the one of the big dick yeah yeah and um it sounds painful cameron i gave him my i gave him my phone number so we could text i found out he had a huge cock and i gave him my phone number that's all it takes guys okay uh i had to make about 90 videos because my my dick isn't big enough okay hillar want hillar wants to want to know rep my air squat video of course
Starting point is 00:26:19 359 coming up we'll see how many of those we can take off. Hey, he doesn't go below parallel just when his helmet touches the ground. He counts that as a... That's how he counts his reps. Hey, that's fair. It's the OnlyFans version. Yeah, I simp for a huge dong. There we go, Mooney.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Oh, okay. All right, you see him down. Is it this whole flag video? Yeah, I just don't like, I just don't, I just, it's so fucking cowardice. You should get angry, not upset. You should be pissed. Let's burn him down.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah, I'm inside. Let's go directly into that podcast. I've contracted. I'm'm inside do you know what i mean like when someone says something you go i don't go inside too often can i read something else to you of course seven cents for huge cocks is that it still up okay let's take that down thank you i appreciate that uh okay um god how proud are you when you take a when you sit down on a toilet and your helmet hits the water what a great i'm always like toilets got to be overflowing a little bit but pretty proud hey isn't there another thing where you take saran wrap and put it over the toilet
Starting point is 00:27:38 and then when someone sits to drop seduce on it i had an ex-girlfriend who would do that to her parents and i was like what the fuck's wrong with you wow it would be saran wrap everywhere like in doorways too so you'd be like walking around in the middle of the night you just run into it oh man i thought that one was funny but like you you know when you go to the bathroom you stand up and you're peeing like you pee and it hits the saran wrap and it goes everywhere. That's not cool. Why is Hiller wearing a shirt? What are we paying for? Because I got a hard time initially from my audio being shitty and I'm not holding this thing up for two hours.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Imagine you told Hiller a year ago he'd be on the Sevan podcast for Christmas night. TSP. I hadn't seen that and I don't think I've ever seen that. I'm thankful I live in the world today imagine you told me that dude i thought about that earlier today i was looking i went to pull up uh you know the 12 days of christmas workout yeah i watched your video i thought it's a good video thank you did you see the part on there on the the wall ball version of it yeah i like that too i actually was kind of like damn loosely killed it
Starting point is 00:28:45 isn't that funny yeah it was so funny and here's my version of 12 days of christmas good luck walking up the fucking stairs i thought it was so funny but i went back and i tried to grab it because i know i posted on a story a year ago and i was like damn this is what i was doing then it's crazy you've come a long way, Skywalker. Thanks, Yoda. Okay. Oh, Grubb was wearing a no-rep shirt? Oh, when he was in that Froning interview? He was?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Which one? He's done a couple of them. I haven't seen that one. Fuck. He's a cool dude. Okay. Okay. This is a DMm i got today hi seban my name is blank and i follow your show every day i don't have a personal account due to immigration issues but i just
Starting point is 00:29:37 wanted to say thank you for all you're doing your show is like the news for me. I never watch the real news channels. Actually, I'm not even connected to cable and being an immigrant English is not my first language. So your metaphorical explanations are awesome. Very helpful. I went to California hormones. They are amazing. So friendly, inviting and the most important, very honest and real. Straightforward. It's very rare to find this these days. I wish you and your family a happy Merry Christmas and an amazing new year. Keep giving us real news. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Oh, that's cool. That is cool. That's kind of what I want for this show. We should do more Kanye. Okay. Dude, the Kanye stuff, I don't get that that's like so far outside of my scope and i think it's cool that you do it because you get it i just i don't understand it one bit it's out of my i have another buddy who talks about kanye and i'm like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:30:38 okay i'm going to do a little kanye i'm here for it I'll try to figure it out I can't shave my chest I don't have enough hair I mean I just googled CrossFit YouTube and then it comes up so you guys know I take a lot of fucking digs at the beloved
Starting point is 00:31:00 CrossFit mothership and today I saw this video pop up the beloved CrossFit mothership. And today I saw this video pop up. Alexis says, I don't know about Kanye because I'm not a Satanist. Thanks, Alexis. Glad to know you're here. Just tell me why I don't know about Kanye. And this video, I think it's old, but it just got published. I think it was filmed.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Oh, it's old. I texted you the reason that it is very old. Because they speak about Gary Gaines? Yes. Yes, they do. And he talks about how great he thinks the 2022 season is going to be. But here's the video. going to be but here's the video and this video uh rocked me because i forget how many amazing people are still at crossfit hq and i seem to focus on the d bags these guys are in that pantheon. If I, if I were to make,
Starting point is 00:32:06 if I had more time to make a thumbnail, I would make like Zeus's Mount Olympus for CrossFit. And I would put these guys up there with Chuck Carswell, Nicole Carroll, and Dave Castro on your left. You're looking at Daniel Chafee. And on the right, you're looking at Stefan Roche.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I don't know either of them. I, I, like, I like i like i really know dave and i know nicole uh less and then i know daniel and stefan even less and chuck's probably somewhere in between nicole and daniel and stefan i don't know these guys well. I've seen each of them, I don't know, 20 times going back forever. And this is, Stefan's interviewing Daniel Chafee here. These guys are like legends. And I forgot, I forget that people like this work there. This guy on the right, the bald guy, Stefan Roche, was a strength and conditioning coach over at university of san diego at ucla he's a former police officer he was a flow master and he was dave's right hand
Starting point is 00:33:13 man for two years this is a a a very very special human being you will be hard pressed to find anyone at crossfit who does i don't think you can find a single person who would say anything bad about them. Him. Daniel Chafee has, I think, I thought he had two gyms after listening to this podcast. Sounds like he has three gyms. He has three crazy successful gyms and he has 47 employees, 13 of them, which are level three CrossFit. employees 13 of them which are level three crossfit he has a gym in paris called crossfit louvre and he has one in the city i think it's called bordeaux down on the beach and i don't know where his third gym is i've heard of louvre i'm not sure how i know the name well it's the famous museum no that's not how i know that i know that it's crossfit affiliate too when daniel first opened his crossfit gym, he was one of the first six. I don't know if he was the first or the sixth, but he's one of the first six in the country of France.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And the first time I went over there to France, France, uh, um, he, uh, there, there, there was no CrossFit there. Now today there's over 700 gyms there. there was no CrossFit there. Now, today, there's over 700 gyms there. This video has... This video is not going to get more than 300 views, probably, which is just crazy. It was at, like, 200 when I saw it.
Starting point is 00:34:36 It's done. That's it. Fuck. These guys... Okay, here, hold on. Lucky camera straps. You get all your comments read. I met Daniel Chafee when he came to Australia for the affiliate gathering. He seemed like a great guy.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Very real dude. These guys are so real. I remember when Daniel first came on the scene to just Dave, um, giving them the treatment. Both of these guys have had the treatment for Dave. They had to pass the Dave sniff test when Daniel Chafee was applying for this position as international director of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Basically, he's the top dog in Europe for CrossFit. I remember they were they were looking to hire Stanford MBAs and Harvard MBAs and they were interviewing people. And Dave's like, what the fuck? Hire someone from within. What are you fucking doing? And I'll tell you how important that was for CrossFit. I want to tell you some things I saw on this podcast. I cannot tell you how amazing these two guys are.
Starting point is 00:35:38 These guys could both be CEO of CrossFit. Both these guys could either run the games, the training department, the media department, the affiliate department. These are very, very special humans. You won't notice that from watching this about Stéphane Rocher because he's the interviewer and he stays very quiet in this. But you will know it when you hear Daniel Chafee present. You will know it. Yes, the Dave Lick test. It's a hard fucking test to pass.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I don't know that test. He also swears a lot and makes offensive but hilarious jokes in front of his new boss don yes he's very um he's uh he's he's sharp man he is sharp he has probably he probably has 2 000 members between his gyms and if you meet him you know why uh zachary cadets oh zachary played a clip from uh your instagram the other day uh crossfit in 100 words i met chafee last month he spoke to us as a group and did he uh get to talk to him holy shit yeah he's on another level i'm intimidated by both of these men these are um uh very uh special human beings i will also say this and they are not um per se friends of mine i would be willing to put my reputation on the line for anyone who wants to also ask them about me i think game recognized game and uh uh snoopop Dogg. I know that guy. I know him.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And if these guys say I'm a shitbag or that I shouldn't be working at CrossFit Inc., I'll take it. I will fucking take it. And that will be the end. I will never say it again. Merry Christmas, Sarah. Hey. Love that post. Love you. Merry Christmas, Sarah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Merry Christmas, Sarah. Sarah Cox. California Hormones. Great sponsor. Oh, you love that post. Yeah merry christmas sarah merry christmas sarah sarah cox california hormones great sponsor oh you love that post yeah it's great right kudos to you i love i love hearing how great i am and how great my sponsors are did you just get a text i just got a text message standby. Is it important? Must be. Well, it's from, it's from a baller. It's from a Stefan Ruscha. So take it easy. Take it easy.
Starting point is 00:37:50 It's from a very wealthy person. I always, when I see, I let wealthy people interrupt my show. Let me see if I got any wealthy people texting me right now. Just to be sure. Dear Sarah. No, no, I don't. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Cameron. Yeah. Cameron, I will, I would like to introduce you to sarah not because you have a giant dong but just because of some of the other conversations uh we've had god there's a good chance i'm going to launch a new instagram handle you guys won't know it's mine well maybe you'll figure it out i think i think it's going to rival the liver king it's so good i had this idea and i tried to give it to this person and this person's like, Hey, I want to do it with you. And I'm like, Hey, I'm not going to drive to you to do it. You find someone else.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I'm telling you they'll kill it. And they said, Nope, I'm going to drive to you and we'll start it. I can't. Have I told you about it, Hiller? No, it's the reaction videos. Okay. Does that, does that, Hey, you talked, you talked to me about it, like not recently,
Starting point is 00:38:49 but a while ago. Yeah. Just maybe like in the last month. Hmm. I don't think so. I need to consult with you, pay you a small consulting fee. I'll do it for free.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Seven. You are the wealthiest person I know. Well, thank you. Oh my God. By the way, thank you oh my god by the way thank you for all the donations a couple days ago that was that was really cool merry christmas right uh i didn't see that but thanks for posting that video i loved making that one yeah we ran it in the show maybe we ran it this morning maybe we ran it this morning the dick king that's going to be the thing that rivals the liver king no not the dick king but but you're you're it's a cousin it's a cousin of the
Starting point is 00:39:31 dick king the vagina king queen so i want to tell you some things about this guy daniel chafee um that i learned from this podcast uh especially and and from Stefan Roche when he's interviewing him. We went over the fact that I think it's an old interview, probably over a year old. Andrew, that you say something. 100 years old. No, one, maybe one year old. Oh, I don't know why I heard you say 100.
Starting point is 00:40:04 No, one. I told you that I think these guys are at the level of chuck carswell nicole carroll i'd put these guys on the fucking mountaintop of crossfit they're eminently capable of any position at crossfit anything did i tell you i watched this video just so you know i watched it oh what and what did you think you know what i actually asked alexis i go what did you think? You know what? I actually asked Alexis. I go, what do you think of this? And she goes, I don't see anyone wearing CrossFit shirts anymore. I see people wearing Noble shirts. And I was like, ah.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Wow. I asked her a lot, and I'm like, damn, that was good. Yeah, that is good. It's a great insight. And then you also hear about all the stuff that they're saying. And what I was hearing was they brought up Greg a lot. They brought up Gary Gaines, who's no great insight. And then you also hear about all the stuff that they're saying. And what I was hearing was they brought up Greg a lot. They brought up Gary Gaines, who's no longer there.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah. And I also, everything they were saying, it was like with some power behind it. It wasn't like wishy-washy Justin Berg bullshit. Yep. Yep. The fact that Daniel,
Starting point is 00:41:00 Daniel Chaffee doesn't live play by the rules, by the way. And neither does Stefan. Well, I don't know. I don't think Stefan does either. But Daniel Chaffee will just fucking quickly fucking drop a knee for Greg. And acknowledge him as the guy. They actually even said it in there at some point.
Starting point is 00:41:18 They go, yes, that is not CrossFit. That is Greg Glassman. Yeah. I was like, hell yeah, that's good i like it it was very humbling for me to see this video because i do throw such heavy rocks at the at the mothership and when i see that these guys on it i i didn't it made me rethink some of the things how harsh i am not recognizing that there's good people on the ship that it is one ship not just good people fucking great people um he's an international director for gym operations meaning if you are in europe
Starting point is 00:41:53 he's the guy you can you could think of him as the ceo for europe for crossfit uh my words uh i told you he's one of the first six affiliates in France. I think he has two or three gyms. He talked about how in 2013, if I understood this correctly, was the first time a level – we're in 2022 now. In 2013, a level one was given for the first time in French in France. That was cool to hear. And the process to which it had to happen. france that was cool to hear and uh it had to happen i i you know what's crazy i did talk to dave tonight and you know what he said he offered to bring a turkey dinner to my family i said and i said don't treat me like a homeless man and then we talked about we talked about his shooting is we talked about shooting even though i don't shoot i like to hear his stories uh he said that there are fourth this is in 2022 when the video was done.
Starting point is 00:42:47 He said there were 4,000 affiliates in Europe, and there's 22 social media channels in Europe, CrossFit social media handles, which I think means like 22 of Instagram, 22 of Facebook, 22 of whatever. It means like 22 of Instagram, 22 of Facebook, 22 of whatever. But you know what was weird when I heard that was they don't seem to be taking advantage of any of their social media handles. It looks like they have no budget for anything, like zero. So – but I haven't checked out those handles, but i'm talking about the ones in the united states um i'm i'm paraphrasing this but i got the impression that daniel chafee um says that the affiliate country managers or whatever they're called in europe can be called to audit your gym and give you tough love and unfuck you meaning if you're a gym in europe if you're one of those 4 000 gyms in europe and you're an affiliate there you have access to someone who will basically tell you what's wrong with your gym and and you can take it or leave it but i thought wow i've never heard heard it quite like that i didn't i
Starting point is 00:43:55 didn't know that that was a resource um that's what you're paying 3 000 a month or a year for well shit dude if you can talk to daniel chafee about how to run your gym i mean uh that was a cool bit in that episode too i like hearing that as well he's he's murdering you did you heard that part something about a glass ceiling and gym owners having a five year 10 class limit per hour and then realizing that hey you haven't gotten any better in the past five years you don't think you could operate with 12 per class it's like that's why the fuck haven't you thought about and they're like oh even if like that tidbit from someone like chafee is something that's worth knowing it's something that's cool to hear that you can do for them they just don't even know what you don't know you don't know right that's what i heard um uh
Starting point is 00:44:46 all the budget is going to diversity inclusion i have to guess that if that i don't even know if that department's still around but that will be going soon by the wayside quietly bye-bye you sure no yeah i'm 90 i i i'd bet an inch of cameron's on it. Damn. I hear that doesn't mean much. Um, uh, he said this, he said the best part of Daniel Chafee went on to say, and I'm paraphrasing and I apologize. He says the best part about the job is knowing you're in the business of saving lives. Dude, that's, that's who you want in that position. They, they believe so concretely in the original message.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And this is something that I brought up recently in relation to the media is that there's no guiding light. You had Greg Glassman at the top, and now you don't know who's up there. You don't know what everyone's going for. But these two guys, through their conversation, you very much hear that they're still going for that. At least those two are. And it's unfortunate that that podcast likely, like you said, won't reach 300 views because they should have that everywhere. At least turn it into maybe a fucking TikTok.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Right, right, right. And I urge you to listen to it. I urge you to listen to it yourself and assess if you think he's being sincere. I think he's being crazy sincere. That shit's not easy to come out of your mouth and mean it. And here's the thing. Think of all the other jobs out there. I bet you you'd be lucky if at one hospital, at a hospital, there's one person as passionate about saving lives as Daniel Chafee or Stefan Roche, giving the tools. I mean, they are 100% dedicated to that. I was listening to 1.5 time. And so I don't know if I heard this right. Daniel Chafee translated 18 level ones from French to English. Sorry, from English to French, but he's, he, I think he speaks like four languages, by the way. Uh, he's, he's an, he's a English guy living in France and maybe he said 80, but just imagine how good his knowledge is. If he stands up in front of a class and while the, while, um, uh, you know, Eric O'Connell, the, the most seasoned l1 trainer on the on in the world i mean he's
Starting point is 00:47:06 taught more l1s than anyone in the world he's talking in english and daniel chafee's translating to french the entire fucking l1 for two days he's done that at least 18 times and i apologize if it was 80 i wish i could give you a second down that I missed that part. I told you he has 13 level three trainers out of his 47 employees employees that is, that is two or gyms, maybe three gyms. He said he never misses a day of training.
Starting point is 00:47:36 He's a morning guy. Here we go. You ready for this? And he trained the gym opens at 6am and he trains with his employees every morning at 5am. Ooh. And then, and then, but except for the days of the., and he trains with his employees every morning at 5 a.m. Ooh. But except for the days of the week when he trains with his son. He said CrossFit changed his life.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Check the box. You should not be working there unless you can say that. You should not be working at CrossFit Inc. unless you can say that. Do they let people who don't believe in God work at the church? Not as far as I know. I mean, that is a sincere question. Anyone? I know we got a bunch of fucking Christians in here. Well, no, I mean, I can't name one that I can think of.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I went to Catholic school growing up, man. They all believed in god over there social studies teacher believed in god yeah sure did as far as i was as a fucking third grader sure did uh this this that sounds like this podcast sebon never goes on sebon never goes this sounds like this podcast se Sevan never goes on alone. What does that mean? I don't know. I'm looking. You're always with God, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Okay, I'll take it that way. No atheist going to be preaching on Sunday. Catholic school was fun. Got into a lot of trouble. God, when I think of Catholic girls, I just think of one. In Catholic girls school girls i just think of one in catholic girls school i only think of one thing angry no
Starting point is 00:49:11 uh going back to daniel chafee he said his kid is the fittest 13 year old at his school he says his kid is the fittest kid at the school and he's 13 years old that is exactly yeah thank you wad zombie elaborate please i know you know that's a good story you know uh you know that that's a crossfitter when they say that shit he's an internal hire we talked about that he beat out stanford and harvard mbas you'll listen to the podcast and you'll know why in two seconds i talked about how I had to earn his stripes to get Dave's respect. That took him several years. He says, I'm loyal to CrossFit first, and I'm an affiliate owner first. And Gary Gaines is the man, that's
Starting point is 00:49:57 the guy who just left, because he can take obscene amounts of feedback. He said the affiliate team that he was on was very, very open and the dialogue was very open. Oh, shit. I like how – yeah, I did say it was. Many churches have gone woke, so yes, you will find nonbelievers working at church. How can a church go woke? Um. How can a church go woke? I went to Catholic school as well. Cameron speaks up.
Starting point is 00:50:31 And now I show my butthole for cash. Cool. This show. That's like one of those stories in one sentence that's a great story i love it you know you ever see there there was a entire book i like you you'd be sitting on the back of a toilet it's like a story is in one sentence and you flip through it i imagine that would be in that book oh the camera that's like that's that's a story beginning story yep it's like the's the end. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Corey. Oh, no. A mortal. Wow, Cameron, what do you charge? He wants the menu. Okay. What's the menu? He knows that the level one is at the root of crossfit and it's one of the primary engines this is so important this is so important crazy crazy crazy important you think it's just
Starting point is 00:51:38 so easy you have to remember these things too you can't just like know them for a second forget them you have to know them you have to be like singularly focused on them like you have to be singularly focused on not eating added sugar like it can't just be something that you just comes out of your mouth oh all the butthole you want for ten dollars a month easy it's a whole movement of woke churches have on deconstructionists the liberal church, the Christian left. What? You don't get to touch it or nothing. You don't get to touch his butthole. It's a picture of you.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Actually, I don't know that for sure. Where's the picture of me? Christine Young. Oh, yeah. That's cool. She's shorter than me. Damn. young oh yeah that's cool she's shorter than me damn you said it i would have rather you responded with so what's your point damn not damn uh he says there are 1412 mcdonald's in france and he plans for crossFit to beat that number.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I loved hearing that. He said he wants every single person to at least have tried CrossFit. He doesn't care if they stick with it or not, and I love that too. I'm paraphrasing. You can smell my underwear for $250. That's cool. During COVID, our church showed more support for george floyd than law enforcement what we left the church immediately and had been there for 10 years prior
Starting point is 00:53:11 strong statement unreal he said uh one-third of the population in france is old people my words not his so you better be serving them. And the affiliates are beginning to realize this. I love that too. He said he misses Greg Glassman a lot. And that no social media mob can touch him. That his words will live on.
Starting point is 00:53:45 They're very honest upfront guys. You even saw the guy in the comment who just met him once for Australia said, yeah, that guy's straight as an arrow. He did say in the podcast that he believes that CrossFit is in a stronger place than it's ever been in the last couple of years. I couldn't disagree with him more on that. Yeah, where's that coming from? What do you think? Why is he saying that? Well, one, that was... So far, everything's been good,
Starting point is 00:54:09 but there were points in there I was like, huh? One, that was a year ago. Or what? That was a year ago. So maybe... What are they doing releasing it fucking now? Here's what I think.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I think that was actually... I think that interview was done at the 2022 CrossFit Games in the affiliate think. I think that interview was done at the 2022 CrossFit Games in the affiliate lounge. I think. Okay. Okay. Hiller should let Sebon administer a couple of TRT shots
Starting point is 00:54:39 for his Christmas gift. You mean like to myself or like I get to put it in Hiller's ass? That'd be neat. You want to? I'd do that. I'd to put it in Hiller's ass? That'd be neat. You want to? I'd do that. I'd let you. You ever give an injection? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:50 My sister had a stroke once, and I had to inject blood thinner into her stomach, I don't know, like 30 times. And I would pinch like her stomach and then smush and then put the needle in there. That's how you do the semirelin. Elon Musk says we'll sell more adult diapers than baby diapers we have an under pot yeah isn't that a great line i saw that line too not we will we do the u.s sells more adult diapers than baby diapers how about that i don't get it but i mean i get it but it's weird chris can you put up a profile pic i don't get it, but I mean, I get it, but it's weird. Chris, can you put up a profile pic? I don't care what it is. Like, make it Cameron's dong. Like, just put up a pro, please.
Starting point is 00:55:31 This is a nice thing to just have on the screen. In Hiller's ass. Hiller, don't you take it in the thigh? No. No. No way, Jose. I'd have it only, fans. No problem.
Starting point is 00:55:48 It's just you. What would you do? Would it just be just you taking TRT? That'd be nuts. But I don't really know why. No, no. Butthole pictures. Baby diapers span a much shorter time than adult diapers.
Starting point is 00:56:01 What do you mean? Like we even go through baby diapers faster than adult diapers, which is even crazier that adult diapers sell more is that what you mean birchfield's right jesus yeah i don't think i don't think uh i don't think um here's the thing here what do you think about this hillar um jan January is the most important month in fitness if you're a business owner. Fair. Okay. It kind of always has been, right?
Starting point is 00:56:34 Isn't it? It's not just like a CrossFit thing for sure. That's what you're pulling it from, right? I mean, I learned that while working there, that January is the most important month. And January was always our best month of media meaning we would fucking be stockpiling it's the dark times we would be stockpiling
Starting point is 00:56:53 to fucking draw you in the entire month of January I mean we would be so ready from January 1st to January 30th to bombard you with our best shit what do you think we're going to see from HQ January 1st to 30th do. To bombard you with our best shit. What do you think we're going to see from HQ? January 1st to 30th. Do you think they have a plan in place?
Starting point is 00:57:09 Hell no. Right. And if they don't. That will let you know. So if you want to get. If you want to get a test on where CrossFit is. And who's running it. And what they know.
Starting point is 00:57:18 The greatest thing you can do for affiliates right now. Is fucking Jan 1 to Jan 30. Just fucking go hard with your media sorry your marketing from jan 1 jan 30th here's the thing too the greatest consumption of media in the history of fucking mankind is behind us it was during the two years of lockdowns and i know they got a new leader and I do have a lot of faith in them in dawn
Starting point is 00:57:47 fall but what a fucking enormously missed opportunity they had enormous and and and now they have to play catch up so this is it January 1 let's go what do you got or it's what I said they've only got three years left because they
Starting point is 00:58:05 just don't know what the fuck they're up to they they don't they don't because if you don't have an if you only have a marketing team and you don't have an internal media team you can't compete with people like me or hill or plates and more dates or joe rogan or um not that i have to put myself in those classes but i'm just letting you know that that the simple man can make just way more media and marketing teams don't do that marketing teams don't have simple men you need they have borders they got boundaries yeah you need 20 18 year old kids out there making videos for you that you pay a thousand dollars a pop who are dying to get their shit And you tell them,
Starting point is 00:58:52 you just tell an 18 year old kid with this fucking camera or 16 or 25, Hey, go find a CrossFit gym with an old person and make me a video. She's talking about their transformation, pay him a thousand bucks. He'll be ecstatic. You need a ton of those. You have a marketing team.
Starting point is 00:59:02 You won't do that. You need a fucking, you need internal media or you need an amazing set of contractors. And yeah, they will do nothing. As the great Conor McGregor said, they will do fucking nothing. Yeah, transformational videos. So let me just add this real quick, Hiller. So that's the thing right there.
Starting point is 00:59:25 You said it so you only need 20 000 views on a transformational video for it to be worth more to crossfit inc than six million videos on dan bailey doing a grace for world record time why do you say that views because those videos are so fucking impactful they move the needle it's like it's it's just um it's like uh i'm gonna say this i don't know this for sure but i would have to assume this it's like we only have 20 000 subscribers but we're a fucking real needle mover because of our fucking crowd because the people who come here come here because of something unique that's found on this as opposed to look at dot com has 1.7 million subscribers and they're not a needle mover and so there's some the wolf of wall street the warriors you guys are warriors telephone pickup killers
Starting point is 01:00:11 like we had jorge ventura on here and he's like he's been on he's been on tucker fucking 10 times and he's every time after the show he's like holy shit your fucking crowd is awesome because you guys all bomb him in his DMs and love on him. Yeah, it's needle movers. It's just needle movers. People here are here for, you know, for. You buy or you fucking die. Yeah, we say buy or die.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah. You need more media to go rogue. Don't be afraid of the truth. Just got here. Merry Christmas. Okay, let's get it. It's a viscous 20,000. Viscous.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Hey, we're about to drop below 20,000 again. You son of a bitch. We're at 20,006. I'm going to buy you some subscribers. Send them over. Give me a buffer of 100 subscribers. I'm going to buy you... No, don't because
Starting point is 01:01:03 here's the thing. I see the metrics. Some people have access to the metrics and how they convert and we're good. We're good. Tell me more. Meaning if you look at like minutes watched based on minutes published based on your number of people who watch your show based on the number of subscribers you have, there are some really good metrics that we have that make this show very very valuable like like i like do you who do you think is selling more product daniel brandon or danny spiegel hmm and daniel brandon has one-third the the followers it. It depends because I would say, what's Daniel Brandon selling shoes and Danny Spiegel selling those shirts. And those shirts are probably really hot. So I'd say it's probably a tie, but it shouldn't be right. I bet you it's not even close.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I bet you it's a brilliant idea. I think Danny Spiegel is just a fucking crazy needle mover. Yeah. You think she's killing it compared to Daniel Brandon? No, I think, sorry. I think Daniel Brandon is a crazy needle mover. I think she's killing it compared to daniel brandon no i think sorry i think daniel brandon is a crazy needle mover i don't know what i just said point like that then fuck it up yeah sorry thank you daniel brandon beats daniel brandon the toe spacer girl like i like i think every night how come i haven't bought a pair of toe spacers yet i just think daniel brandon's a needle. The only sponsor I want to see for.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That's the only one I want. Is it will be a legitimate sponsor? I crush it every three days. Damn. Or Brookhead's. Damn. Holy hell. Hey, don't say anything mean. Don't say anything mean about Cameron.
Starting point is 01:02:42 If you don't have proof. Don't say anything mean about Cameron. If you don't have proof. Don't say anything mean about Cameron. What does that have to do with Cameron? Butthole asshole pictures? It's a good thing, man. What do you mean? I saw that and I framed it in a positive light. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay. Good. All right. Sorry. I'm so biased. I showed my bias. I'm trapped in my head. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:05 He went to Catholic school, dude. What's wrong with you? I need to collab with Danny. I can introduce you guys. Jethro, what do you mean I sold C4 to you? He sees you drink it and he drank it. Hell yeah. That's cool. I had someone send me some C4, a case of it. That was cool. For Christmas. Jeremiah Clarkson send me some c4 a case of it that was cool for christmas jeremiah clarson sent me some c4 i got it looking at amazon or like this is fucking awesome i think i'm cool with brook ends i i think i am i've invited i've i've bugged her in her dms i i'm sure
Starting point is 01:03:40 we have mutual friends and i could ask someone for a phone number and bugger, but. Yeah, buttery bros. Tomorrow, I don't think I would do that. Ask your ex-husband for. Yeah, it was a joke. Oh. Tomorrow, I have an amazing guest on. Who? It's a guy named Rod Richards.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Rod Richards II. It's a strong-ass name, but tell me more. Rod Richards. Yeah. A fourth-fit father. Instagram. Brookhead says a YouTube channel. Shit, maybe I should just go how's it do decent
Starting point is 01:04:27 so she puts up a video once every month or so it seems like it's like 70 000 views it's okay i don't see her on pop on my uh anywhere in my in my work in my world In my world. Rod Richards, the second digital creator, life and leadership coach, specializing with new and expecting fathers, fit fatherhood formula, faith, family, finance, and fitness. Oh, shit. Oh, this is where I got that video. Okay. I remember this video.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I played it from this morning. Let's play his most recent one. Let's see. And I wanted a saxophone. In the mid-80s, my dad put $1,200. We didn't have no money like that. That's a lot of money back then. $1,200. Still a lot.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Still a lot, right. For something just to throw it away. $1,200 and they came to the little concert we had and I was last check I was the worst one and you could see black parents you could see them sitting in the crowd so soon as it was over
Starting point is 01:05:41 they said my dad said look man I put this money look if you ain't gonna play it if you're not gonna practice I need to try to figure out a way to get So soon as it was over, my dad said, look, man, I put this money. Look, if you ain't going to play it, if you're not going to practice, I need to try to figure out a way to get my money back. I didn't want to do it no way. I flipped off. And my dad, for the first time, he ain't whooped me or anything.
Starting point is 01:05:59 He looked at me first and did just like this. Same mannerisms my dad got, I got. And he was looking at me and talking to my mom. He said, Doris, don't worry about it. I'm going to take it back. And we won't buy him another thing. Next thing my dad did for me, he co-signed for my car at 23. I was 12 years old.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Oh, wow. This is real talk. This ain't no exaggeration. Outside of the normal, I'm going to beat you. Right. I'm going to clothe you. But this is what we got for clothes we got 30 budget for shoes if you want something that's over 30 you wait a second wait a second i can't even follow
Starting point is 01:06:32 that story i thought he was gonna say he ended up playing the saxophone and became the greatest saxophone player of all time so did i and then he started talking about shoes okay here we go this one has sex in it here we go my dad cared more about trying to have sex with my mom than he cared about meeting me and i'm his son so i had to grow up with those types of things and then like seeing her being in relationships where like it was abusive relationships and when i would try to see you see see where it's going to go. You see, I got it. See a father show. He has a father podcast.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I feel like he, I think you might know a guy. Yeah. Should have invited. I wonder if white, I wonder if white guys are allowed on his podcast. You're not white. what's wrong with you what i'm like the only reason i'm on this podcast you're not white i'm middle eastern yeah what do you think i'm doing here oh right here you're holding down yeah danny spiegel needs to work for playboy period crossfit is for all ages i don't like kids
Starting point is 01:07:45 watching her garbage instagram she's in the wrong place she's destroying crossfit with her ass showing damn summer god god you're prude yeah don't don't say that in her comment section you're gonna get in trouble uh you will not come out alive so we have the winner but i just need to get clearance to say the winner's name afterwards like i afterwards i was like yeah i better not say the person because like what if they don't want anyone to know that they're taking trt right interesting good point seven did you film the rap crossing video with Miranda? No. I'm sure I approved it.
Starting point is 01:08:33 That was Heber and Mars. That was interesting. That took them a lot of time. That was a fucking incredible video. And that really stretched us thin that year at the games. I remember that. That was a cool video. I remember that video. Yeah. that year at the games. I remember that. That was a cool video. I remember that video. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:48 That girl can rap. Okie dokie. I can tell you it's not a white guy from his last name. How about that? Do you know who it is? Based off of that amount of info um i'll tell you in the i'm gonna write it to you in the chat and then i'll tell you if i would have been able to have ever guessed it this is my favorite game to play because i like to be very honest about this oh do you know who that is yes oh shit yeah i do i don't know if i can say because it might
Starting point is 01:09:28 give it away oh through social media no oh real life homie oh my god the three plane brothers i wouldn't have ever guessed it but i do know that person well that's a trip that's cool holy shit is that a listener of this show uh-huh how come i don't like how come i don't recognize the name you put the name on the screen a handful of times too because every time i go oh i know this person i'm going through the the chat now to see if i not not here now oh i guess that narrows it down but people can speculate okay i'm not giving you any more i'm not giving you any more clues but no not street horner good guess wow i try to do a pretty good job of playing this game give give some without giving anything yeah that was good
Starting point is 01:10:18 it's a dave cash for announcement but i give way more than he did uh the christ Christmas was good. Christmas was great. When I came out of the podcast this morning at 840, the kids completely lost their shit because they were waiting for me. So they went crazy. You made them wait to open presents. Were they losing it?
Starting point is 01:10:36 They were losing it. I mean, they did Hanukkah too. So they already had just a bunch of silly gifts already. You have all those candles and stuff, like the candle house and everything? Yeah, yeah, shalom. They do the, they light the candles and they say all the funny words.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Are they going to have a, what's it called, a bar mitzvah? Sarah, woohoo, I will ask him tomorrow if we can announce. Thank you. No, I don't know if they're going to do a bar mitzvah. If my wife wants them to, that's a lot of work you got to like remember a bunch of shit and or is it bat mitzvah i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 01:11:10 either are are they doing kwanzaa it depends i don't know when is that what's kwanzaa what is kwanzaa are they allowed to eat non-kosher meats yeah the 300 pound bag hans i can't lift that fucking thing i'm so upset i was telling stuff the other day we got off we were talking about it i got this from a place of mine or around here was going out of business and i go you have a 300 pound bag so i bought it off of him got it out of the car can't pick the fucking thing up so now that's become a hey do you remember that workout you had written on your board yeah very similar one of these days it's coming up the sandbag will come up off the ground so do you have a new workout on the board i don't no i guess that's a
Starting point is 01:11:58 good i should maybe that is the bag i use like hey what if you had to lift that bag up and put it over that pull-up bar in the back look to your right which one see that one with yeah yeah no way that thing's yeah yeah yeah the fucking half thor couldn't do that more trt that that's not called trt anymore dude hey um kwanzaa what a joke kwanzaa is i didn't realize this kind of pisses me off it's an annual celebration of african-american culture i would love to know what the fuck african-american culture is steven pilar my fitness right now could not take me to a semi 100 could not we'll see what can happen in the lead up to wadapalooza and after though
Starting point is 01:12:45 that's what they should do they should i want to see a good definition of what african-american culture is who should do that i don't know someone should how about you do it because you put all this work on other people you do it because is african-american culture the same as black culture during the early years of kwanzaa karenga said it was meant to be an alternative to christmas alternative he believed jesus was psychotic and christianity was a white religion that black people should shun isn't fucking isn't jesus fucking a black dude um no oh i don't know okay as kwanzaa gained mainstream, Karenga altered his position. Oh, so it's some woke shit.
Starting point is 01:13:27 So practicing Christians would not be alienated. Stating the 1997 book Kwanzaa Celebration, a family, community, and culture, Kwanzaa was not created to give people an alternative to their own religious holiday. Many Africans who celebrate Kwanzaa do so in addition to observing Christmas. Sounds like something the Chinese invented.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Not Chinese people, China the country. Yeah, you could be a black Jew. Don't make me Google that, black Jew. Isn't Kanye Jewish? I had a huge conversation with a Jewish friend of mine about how he wasn't really Jewish. All right, all right, all right. Hear me out on this one.
Starting point is 01:14:08 This is about as deep as I can get into this topic because it's not that deep. But I'm German and Polish, correct? Yeah. And people will say that they are Jewish and that's it. Where do you come from? that they are jewish and that's it where do you come from well it's kind of it's kind of weird because is it an ethnic is it an ethnicity or is it a religion according to my buddy who is as jewish as they come it's both but i'm german and i'm polish and he's like no i'm jewish i'm like all right yeah but i'm german where are you i'm jewish i
Starting point is 01:14:45 go all right where are you from and then he goes i'm from russia and i go you're russian and he goes no i'm a russian jew and i'm like yeah he was trying to like make sense about that to me and i just can you make sense of that to me because he couldn't i think i think i think uh someone in the comments will say soon but i think it's both i think the thing is, is I don't think the Jews have a country. They just got Israel, but they don't, since they didn't have a country, their shit got all twisted. He should say he's from Israel, but he said he's from Russia. And I'm like, you're Russian, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:14 You've been Russian this whole time. I've known you for 10 years and you're Russian. And he goes, don't call me Russian. Like, okay. He's definitely Russian. What's this thing here? This thing has 5 million views. There you go.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Victor says Jews are all over even Africa. We are royalty. We must go back. Oh, there you go. Russian Orthodox. I tried to dodge it in the street, but now my name is Buster. They all saying that I'm conscious. I say that it's nonsense. Jew. Oh, this guy's fucking good.
Starting point is 01:16:00 How come I never heard of this dude? that's good there you go there's a black jewish dude and fucking on top of that a rapper this is a well-made video yeah i have a feeling this guy's huge huge how like person or in stature well both oh man today when i found out one of my fucking dear friends he's such a fucking good man has cancer yeah that's never fun and i i know someone did that recently too. That's not fun. I want to see if I can get this guy in my podcast. How serious? Lymphoma, it's bad.
Starting point is 01:16:50 It's bad. It's the second time he's had it. They have lymphoma the first time too? Lymphatic cancer? This dude only has 66,000 followers. He's a spiritual motivator recording artist. Oh, I'm getting this guy in the podcast for sure. Follow Melissa.
Starting point is 01:17:08 A lot of people filled me in on that. Thank you guys. He doesn't cut hair. He cuts his own hair. Talk about my, my Russian Jew friend. Uh, Nassim,
Starting point is 01:17:19 uh, dude, comma. I would love to have you on my podcast. How old is your buddy? I don't know. Not that old. I think younger than me.
Starting point is 01:17:35 He's got like fucking eight kids. Maybe Muslim dude. Crazy successful dude. Crazy successful. No, I mean healthy other than the kid. No, no, no no no lifestyle is bad okay that's what you mean right like smokes and he's like shit or something no he's just he's a huge man he's huge so he's like shit he's huge he says he doesn't but i just i just
Starting point is 01:18:00 so i'm gonna start i'm gonna start texting him and bugging him. And when he gets through this to the other side, I'm going to start walking stairs with him three days a week. I'm going to like really give of myself like in a way that I, because I'm pretty fucking selfish, that I have not done in my life. I'm going to. That's cool. Yeah, it rocked me today. I sat with him. I kissed him. I squeezed cool. Yeah. It rocked me today. I sat with him. I kissed him. I squeezed him so hard.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Stage two. And he made it through last time. Yeah. First one didn't wake him up at all, huh? It was 25 years ago. Oh, okay. That's different. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Maybe he forgot or something 25 years new crosshair channel hey so i'm gonna see if that video went up which oh okay um isn't that cool that's the cool thing about having the podcast i just like put in jew black rapper well i just put in jew black black jew and that dude came up and then then i invite him on the podcast we'll all get to meet him it's gonna be cool if it comes full circle it'd be awesome uh what now it says 82 uploading 82 oh no process oh yeah so you can probably upload or like put it up if you wanted to i think we're good to go oh i i can oh it says we're processing this video please check back later damn i really wanted to show you the end of this video to show you what i did do it. It'll be done soon.
Starting point is 01:19:46 You got somewhere to be. Yeah. I got to prepare for tomorrow's podcast, but, but let me tell you your mom's birthday. Did you go and hang out with her after the show yesterday? No, she was gone.
Starting point is 01:19:55 She was gone. But when I, when I, when I finished the podcast this morning with Susan and Caleb, she was, um, she was in my, uh, living room and she was there at open presence.
Starting point is 01:20:04 That was cool. Seve, uh, at a high private banker party in nyc a jew told me the only people better in business than jews are armenians he's trying to he was trying he was trying to fuck you um i think i think she might be armen. Did you tell this morning? Can you see this girl right here? That's what Armenian girls look like. Interesting. I've never... Now I know.
Starting point is 01:20:34 She's Persian. That's what Iranian girls... I found another CrossFit channel. Very small. It just popped up on my For You page. Tell me. Ellie Tinker. At Ellie Tinker. Oh, is that the girl who made the Tia video?
Starting point is 01:20:52 I saw someone in the CrossFit space made a Tia pregnant video very quickly. That may have been Amanda Hari. No, hold on. Oh, yeah, I wanted to show you this. Not Ellie Tinker. That's a great name,ie tinker i thought it said ellie turner at first and i'm like why does this video have only 800 views yeah but it's oh my you know what made me so sad hillar i'd like to know uh tia did an interview with
Starting point is 01:21:20 shane no with the with the uh a a fucking horrible rag called Insider. Yes, she's Armenian. Yeah, that's it right there. That's what Armenian girls look like. Good call. Wow. Yeah, they're hot, right? Thanks for the follow-up, Melissa.
Starting point is 01:21:37 It's a great gene pool. Tia Toomey pregnant. It's just under the radar, which is crazy. It's up already. It is? No, no, you're telling me it is she did or she didn't i thought oh she had this this she didn't interview with insider why would you do an interview with them they're the worst well they're the worst they're fucking they're like they're scumbags of the highest order are you pulling it up i'm ready to see it no it's not it's not a video it's not a video but it's but it's an exclusive and it's like come on
Starting point is 01:22:14 man are you kidding me go to tommy and shawnee or some shit okay look's Sporty Beth's other channel, Nicole Marsh. What do you mean? No, I'm joking. Oh, Sporty Beth has one too. Holy shit. Huh? She looks different every time I see her, Sporty Beth. Why? I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Okay. My back. Okay. Uh, my back. So these are all the T, uh, Tia to me, uh, pregnant videos. Um, there's hers.
Starting point is 01:22:57 No. God, I cannot wait to make a video on this. On her being pregnant? Just what we're looking at right here. Okay, so Tia Claire Toomey pregnant. Oh, Amanda Hari. But then look at, what's this mean?
Starting point is 01:23:18 Look at Tia Toomey pregnancy cross games. Nicole Marsh, who is this? She has seven. Should I click her? Nicole Marsh? Yeah, do you know who that is? I've never seen one of her videos. I'd like to.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Well, it's a Tia video. Unless you don't want to. No, I don't mind. No, this is not a clickbait title. Tia Claire Toomey is actually pregnant. Can you hear it? Yeah. No, I am shocked.
Starting point is 01:23:44 It is Christmas Eve here. The sun is setting, So I do apologize. It's getting a little dark. I wonder if she's shocked for the same reason I am, that she didn't think they had sex. I was just chilling on the couch. Yes. Yes. So the announcer was right, Jessica. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:23:57 That's exactly what I was thinking. Good man, Sean. He knew all along. Holy Melissa, the Armenian. Not Nicole Marsh. That wasn't for Nicole Marsh. Scrolling through Instagram, and I saw that T. Claire Toomey's pregnant. I know.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Like, I was like, she's got a big belly. Like, what is happening? Yeah, no, she's actually pregnant, which is just so, so exciting. I'm so so so happy for her what do her people say if she if she was i'm waiting for outrage of her doing a shoey after winning let's see how prolific is this girl one day ago four days ago two weeks ago three weeks ago one month ago so she's about a once a week or oh she took a long uh she's about a once a week or i like the prolific word click on popular what's her biggest video she's got almost 3 000 that's great 84 000 trying creatine good for you 85 58,000 uh
Starting point is 01:25:07 it looks like she used to have a boyfriend she might still we don't know very much about her Ramwan versus Gowan it's actually pliability versus Gowan but that's okay oh she got a pretty cool holy shit she got an amazing transformational video oh no she had a kid never mind is that what you think well it says my pre-pregnancy
Starting point is 01:25:37 i didn't read the title i've been proven wrong she's Here she is in a bra. Five fit girl struggles. How I really feel about my body. Okay. Well, that's cool. Okay. Nicole Marsh. There you go. Should we hear what Sporty Beth has to say about Tia?
Starting point is 01:26:03 Okay. Let's go over there. I'm slightly intrigued uh i've been holding off for for good reason uh holding off okay here we go oh she got a liver king she got a liver king no video of course stop believing the lie get over it figure it out look how insane danny spiegel's body is over here on this one dude she's had better pictures than that so tia has just announced that she is pregnant i am pregnant and so my foot on hold what are you about this pregnant last few months we didn't really know about this point sorry for the awful lighting it's literally six o'clock in the morning on
Starting point is 01:26:59 christmas day what has shocked a lot of people is that she looks very pregnant. And there's a lot of speculation. How is that? Going around. She must have got pregnant immediately after the game. In the inside of some tests, she found out she was quite a few months pregnant. I think this would have been around the time of not to compete. In one of her most recent videos, she goes back to the farm where her parents are. She's. Dad.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Yeah, you just got gotta spend some time with more farmers. And it did seem from that point Have you seen enough? Sure. I didn't really pick up anything, but it was kind of hard watching it like that. It's okay. That is disgusting of her to talk about her body.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Sporty Beth needs to actually show up for class instead of just throwing shade at seven jesus don't give her clicks it's okay come on but i hear you she deserves two cents i hear you but you should go over to and buy a shirt oh let's go should we see if uh should we do that too while we're here? Please. Yes. Hey, uh, Edwards son. There's not a chance.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Oh shit. He made a video. No, no. His YouTube channel. Gotta be his YouTube champ. God. I really want, I really want to go see his golf channel. We can do it. It's two clicks away, but has he made a Tia video?
Starting point is 01:28:24 No, he hasn't. Okay. He, he meant it when he said goodbye not even tia toomey's pregnancy can pull him out of retirement how could it how how could it nate edwardson golf oh we never go over and look at wiki's page i haven't seen anything from him recently still killing it still killing it still killing it with the golf click on the golf thing the actual page
Starting point is 01:28:51 okay so those were his most recent okay I thought maybe we were missing some uh oh he gave up after a 2.3 thousand viewer oh he got this one over here 16 thousand oh okay the well isn't dried out yet hey dude what country does he live in do they not have sun in that country canada fuck he needs some get out and
Starting point is 01:29:13 get some vitamin d holy shit tiger woods looks old as dirt jessica it's cold as fuck here super cold uh how do i spell wiki's name w y k a oh there it is there you go wikes have you ever met him i haven't he seems holy 68 000 subscribers yep what a boss when you're done with this guy you got to click on his shorts. That's where they came from. So he's still putting out videos. He's just slowed down. Go to his shorts. This is where you make the money.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Do you make money? You do make money there? You do now, yeah and what i mean what make them what i mean grab subscribers but they didn't know i saw it i guess that works 9.7 million oh yeah yeah look at this spiegel one i would love to see the analytics on that how many of those turned into subscribers that's cool uh so danny spiegel then tia toomey then brooke wells then danny spiegel then annie thor's daughter then uh car saunders and danielle brandon sarah sigman's daughter danielle brandon jason hopper chandler smith fikowski these are all people who have the most insane bodies right
Starting point is 01:30:42 it doesn't hurt. Oh, look at this one. This is why you suck at CrossFit. That's him. Where? What? Right here. Oh, I wonder what he says.
Starting point is 01:30:55 It's short. Click it. It's probably very good. Well, first of all, you don't listen to your coach. Okay, team. We're going to start the warm-up with 10 reps on the empty bar. This guy's not going to report me, right? Look, I'm subscribed to him. I'd hope not.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that felt good. What are you doing? We're doing hang split snatches. Hey, coach. We're doing push press tommy you have rom wad go wad mobility wad every yoga stretching mobilizing app known to man on your phone but
Starting point is 01:31:33 you never mobilize ever for you it's rx or die isn't it who cares about the intended stimulus of the workout once you see that rx weight you can't unsee it, and you're not backing down. You refuse to use the hook grip. You won't squat to full depth. You avoid double-difference. You avoid the row instead of run. You set the rower to level 10. You shave rip. No one does that, do they? Does anyone set
Starting point is 01:31:57 the rower to level 10? Yes. You eat like crap. Just to name a handful. You're not a bad person. you just won't ever be any good at crossfit get them that's good i like that you know it's true well first of all yeah that is good get them get them no he loves you so on okay good i like him too yeah he's cool i fucked with him a little bit like the way i used to fuck with you like i still fuck with you me yeah yeah andrew hiller you talk about me i would always refer to him as the old guy no he's cool i like him yeah i like him too i uh he's a beautiful shooter too
Starting point is 01:32:37 oh yeah that's why his shorts do so well those are great videos you know you gotta do you gotta open up a tiktok and just steal everyone's content and repost it on there i've seen some tiktok accounts that are really big which is purely stolen videos from other people you can do that who's stopping you oh he owned an affiliate huh he's south african but lived in new zealand owned an affiliate here oh you're in new zealand what time is it new zealand right now let me just text my kangaroo time 5 33 p.m oh that's cool oh they're that way interesting five hours that way no no no they're a whole day ahead of us oh they're the other way yeah yeah he's like i don't know shit about time zones i know where you're at i know you're two hours backwards from me yeah it's uh it's december 26th there
Starting point is 01:33:38 it's tomorrow that's so often that i just don't think i really know much about anything there's no kangaroos in new zealand shut up trina you know what you're talking about that's a fucking lie kangaroos originated in new zealand are there how the fuck are there no kangaroos in new zealand that's a really good question just the number one thing that popped up on typing are there can k-a-n it goes in new zealand it filled it out for me no i don't think someone would last a week in tiktok community guidelines i don't think so either thanks trina you're right no kangaroos all right next up next question i wanted to train on how to row a flat bottom aluminum boat where are kangaroos located australia one answer what's a flat bottom
Starting point is 01:34:27 just australia why are they only in australia 180 years ago the continent split in a way where the uh where they were whatever something to do the continent splitting okay yeah as long as yeah that's a cool boat that's a great boat should i look up flat bottom aluminum boat in the urban dictionary i wonder what it means there why what i think it's different i don't know uh hillary your affiliate did you have vertical bar holders or gun rack bar holders like the one in your garage gun rack and we had one for specialty bars that was vertical like the like the uh safety squat bar and the axle bars and we had a couple of the uh bent football bars that we threw into the vertical one it made more sense to throw them in there we might have had two of those because we kept grabbing new and new specialty bars
Starting point is 01:35:22 why aren't there cane? But we had giant ones for the men's and the women's bars that were just standard. It looked nice too. Oh, oh, wait, did you? Oh, here we go. Five species of wallabies were introduced to New Zealand from Australia in the late 1800s. They were brought here mainly for hunting and for people who had private zoos do you want to see a tiger king yeah that was crazy that was a great show and told me that
Starting point is 01:35:57 you can get animals anywhere so austin hartman they can't fly or swim but they can get over here we have the technology they're only found in australia and papa new guinea natively god what's your favorite animal giraffe are there wild giraffe kangaroos and dude if you could make a mini giraffe, a pet giraffe, you would become one of the richest people in the world. Like a giraffe that's only like six feet tall. Like its back is like three feet tall. Like someone could have it in their house or their backyard. Dude, holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Do you understand how fucking tall three feet would be on a giraffe? That's what I'm saying. You'd have to have it. It'd be dangerous. It'd be dangerous it'd be killer are there wild kangaroos in uh new zealand but if a miniature giraffe dude domesticated miniature giraffe would kill i'm telling you it's an insane mini um look at this shit trina kangaroos uh drowned dogs as a form of defense savage Savage. What scumbags.
Starting point is 01:37:05 No, kangaroos are not to be found in New Zealand. Let us explain. New Zealand is close neighbor to the nation of Australia, the real native home of kangaroos. Oh, there's many giraffes. They're just nine feet tall. It's still fucking tall. They can dunk.
Starting point is 01:37:22 There's no miniature giraffe, right? It's nine feet tall. They're called dwarf giraffes spotted for the first time 2021 this is gonna be sick no video no yeah oh shit oh shit you found it here it is spotted for the first time ever in Africa. Holy shit. Pygmy giraffe. Adorable dwarf giraffes have been spotted for the first time with their graceful long necks. Hell yeah, this thing looks strong and deadly.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Dude, giraffe heads, they're terrifying. Why is this your favorite animal? Oh, wow, they're stout. Yeah, man. They're like the pit bull of giraffes i'd share it with you but i don't think it translates well here i'll do it anyway here i i'm looking at the same picture as you this is this stocky fucker or this thing the one yeah this is the one i was looking at god that thing is stout this is i have this website pulled up yeah hell yeah look at that guy
Starting point is 01:38:34 which one i don't know i don't know the one on the left or the one on the right i'd rather be the one i just think that's a baby giraffe. Dude, a giraffe can be 20 feet tall. Oh, you know what? One time I was going to the zoo with Alexis, and you told me to send you a picture of the giraffes, and I did. Now it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:38:59 It's your favorite animal. You didn't tell me that then, though. Oh, my God. Look at his legs. It's like part hyena that's how it happened huh i wonder what that looked like oh text message oh this is a text message from a listener gmos do fuck with their DNA. Oh. I'm just waiting for you to look up so I can read it through your glasses. Oh, I just did a show. You know I can read those, right? Every time you text on the show.
Starting point is 01:39:38 There you go. I can see it. No. Now you just see your whole phone dude is that a goat on your shirt what the hell shirt are you wearing you realize your new camera i can't ever see what your shirt is it's hidden this is one of the uh original shirts i know oh wow wow what that that that uh that lady i had on lauren connor she made a thought she made a thumbnail for um the show she was on and she just made me another thumbnail
Starting point is 01:40:21 hey lauren you know what you can do? I wonder if she uses Canva. Do you use Canva? Do you use Canva? The next answer is going to be something where she's like, I would never use that peasant app. Hey, can you really see my text messages? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:40:43 I was just fucking with you. But I got you but i got you i got you seven just sent you video in your ig of a kangaroo running it's crazy uh zebras i think zebras are just glorified um horses horses uh seven just shit his pants kind of i like bears bears are cool and they're coming out with a movie called cocaine bear. I can't wait to see that. I want a squirrel monkey so bad. Don't have eight to $12,000. Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:11 Hey, this show, when we're talking about our favorite animals reminds me of like doing an emoji draft. Fuck. Go back to the CrossFit. What are we? Uh,
Starting point is 01:41:23 shit. Change it, change it, change it. What do we got? Let's talk about the liver king it's been a while since we talked about him did you see that tiktok he put up no he walks directly up to the hostess at the restaurant they're going to and he goes hi i have a table for two and i'm on steroids just so you know and she just goes that's amazing um we're gonna have to make you sit outside oh okay i'm on his tiktok i've never is it his most recent one it's one of his most recent
Starting point is 01:41:52 oh shit okay has 5.8 million views oh shit oh shit this is fucking crazy okay here we go hey so he's just hey uh take note anyone he's just fucking leaning into it you know what i love is how he said they love it what they love it what's great too is is that his his pr team was like you gave him the exact opposite advice okay here we go good job hillar this is the first thing you've added to the show in an hour and 41 minutes come on come on okay here we go who wait someone popped for epo lou pop lou what do you think about lou popping who's the lou olympic weightlifter oh okay hold on we'll ask hillary that in one minute and I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 01:42:46 I'm taking stones. Amazing. I just want to be as transparent as I can be. All right. I believe we have to stay on time. Leverking here. Table for two. I'm taking stones. Amazing. I just want to be as transparent as I can be.
Starting point is 01:43:03 Oh, so she doesn't even know. She has no idea who he is. Yeah. He should have gone to the Ivy. He should have gone to the Ivy. It's so much better than that place. I just want to be as transparent as I can be. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:16 There's another video he does with a guy named Will Tennyson. We talked about him yesterday. And he's walking down the street just with Will Tennyson. And someone's like hey liver king goes hey did you know i'm on steroids and he goes yeah man i saw it's like okay i just wanted to make sure you knew oh my god have you seen liver king's bouncer uh no what about him he's huge i don't see the Will Tennyson one. It's not on Liver King's channel. It's on Will Tennyson's.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Oh. Dude, have you seen this video of him fucking from when he was in high school? No. Video of who? Liver King? Yeah. Is it a TikTok? Are you still on his TikTok? Yeah. I think I have seen that then yes
Starting point is 01:44:05 god i have to pee so bad you peed right before we got on dude i know oh shit what is this what is this okay hold on let's watch this too here we go What is this? Okay, hold on. Let's watch this too. Here we go. Question. I know it might sound creepy, but you're not a single mom, are you? You are? I got a Christmas present for you. Come over here. I got a really nice Christmas present. So I was raised by a single mom and she struggled. And so what I'm trying to do is come out and make Christmases a little bit merrier. So there's $1,000. No catch.
Starting point is 01:44:52 There's no catch. I really am just trying to give back because I'm in a more fortunate place. And when I see a mom walking around with a son, it reminds me of me walking around with my mom when I was younger. So if I can help make your Christmas a little bit better, that's what I'm trying to do today. Really? Yes. What's your name? Evelyn. Evelyn.
Starting point is 01:45:11 I'm the liver king. Today I'm liver Santa. I'm liver Santa today. What's the little guy's name? Isaac. Isaac, the big guy. I have a daughter, but she's not with me right now. She's at my mom's right now.
Starting point is 01:45:22 That's awesome. Well, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I'm glad that we ran into each other i got a quick question i know it might sound creepy but you're not a single mom are you damn you are he's doing it he's fucking doing it she's gonna get audited the first thing i thought someone could see that on tiktok and be like would she say her name was jessica look up every jessica ken his shorts couldn't have been any shorter they're pretty short dear liver king please sponsor wadapalooza this year please it's the right thing to do if you were a single mommy give you a thousand dollars.
Starting point is 01:46:06 I'll take it. Single. I'll be single. Something. Now he's Oprah. Sure. This guy in a car reaching down. Oh,
Starting point is 01:46:16 here's some steroids. That's a good question. Does he free ball? That's it. That's fair. A hundred percent. Uh, okay. that's a good question does he free ball that's it that's fair 100 percent uh okay thank you everyone for tuning in uh we will be back 7 a.m tomorrow thank you andrew hiller for coming on both uh christmas eve and christmas you're real boss got it i hope you
Starting point is 01:46:39 guys enjoyed the show no one no one reported for anything please you're going to have to add every show like that would he give her money if it wasn't filmed yes no who cares it doesn't matter he did it right dear liver king help me out with booth
Starting point is 01:47:00 expenses and shipping for Miami your friend Travis here's a good question I made a video giving money to CrossFit people for bench pressing would I have done it if I didn't make a video out of it absolutely fucking not
Starting point is 01:47:14 fuck no Jessica Pearson thank you much love to the pod team yeah thank you good job, uh, for being an inspiration. You're one of those people that, inspires me.
Starting point is 01:47:29 Great synergy for the show. She's quit sugar for over a year. All right. Omar. Cornejo. Good night. Oh yeah. Smash the buttons,
Starting point is 01:47:41 whatever the buttons are. Smash the buttons. Like subscribe, all that shit, please. Uh, bye.

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