The Sevan Podcast - #726 - Cat Scherer | Clydesdale Media and Affiliate Owner

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's seven and they're bummed they missed the beginning. Bam, we're live. Let's talk about something really good then, real fast, so they miss it. Yeah, the best part of the show. Hi, good to finally meet you. Have we ever met in person? No. Yeah, I didn't think so, but I feel like I know you.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Same. Oh, good. Cheers. Cheers. Are you at the affiliate, CrossFit Clarity? I am, yep. Have you already taught a class this morning? I've taught two classes this morning.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Oh, my God. it always trips me and what time is uh for caleb who knows what time it is but uh but um i always trip out when i talk to suzy he's in the same time zone as me yeah and i'll call him at 8 30 and he's already you know taught yeah one or two classes we we have a 5 15 a 6 30 a45, and a 9 a.m. So I go four in a row. How old is the gym? Four in a row? Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:53 When did you say the first one was? 5.15? 5.15. Why not 5? Why not 5.30? I don't know. All right. It doesn't seem like a good time.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah, you get up at 5 and that gives you 15 minutes to get over. I get up at 4.26. Hey, are more people late to the first class than any other class because it's so early? And then as the classes go on, people, fewer and fewer tardy people? No, everyone that comes to all of my classes comes about two minutes late to every single one of them. And why? Except maybe two people. And you?
Starting point is 00:01:26 I mean, I'm always early, so. Oh, why do they do that? I have no idea. And what do your clients look like? Who are they? Like what's the moms, dads, workers, kids? The average age is about 45. We have about-
Starting point is 00:01:44 Is that normal? That sounds normal for a gym. Is that normal? Not for gyms around here. Okay. Younger normally. Yeah. Younger, way more competitive. Oh yeah. This, this is the, this is really the place where people that would never think of doing CrossFit are doing CrossFit. And I made it that way on purpose. And how did you do that? I just worked at a lot of different CrossFit gyms in the state and saw programming that I didn't like. Saw operating systems that I didn't like and I wanted to do it all my way.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And I couldn't do it my way when I didn't own the gym. So I'd open up my own. So the programming you think attracts that group of people, that demographic? I think the community attracts it. The programming sort of solidifies it. I've learned over time that programming doesn't matter all that much, even though it's a sword I like to fall on a lot. It's, it's, yeah, it's very hard to coach a class with someone else's programming that you don't agree with. And you have to be all, yeah, this is what we're going to do. I know we did this eight times yesterday, but we're going to do it again today. And then we're going to do it again tomorrow and try not to let your shoulders fall apart. You know, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's really hard to get up in front of a class and sort of do that. And I don't, I have a shitty poker face, so I don't do that very well. When you say that's the sword you fall on a lot, meaning when you talk about other people's programming, it become, it can become contentious. Yeah, a little bit. And I've learned that again, from people that are way smarter than me and way more experienced in CrossFit, that it doesn't matter necessarily, but for some reason, for me, I, I get worked up about it a lot. Yeah. Um, those make a good media people. Those are my, uh, yeah, that's why, uh, Taylor's so
Starting point is 00:03:41 good on the show. Cause he gets really, uh, spun he gets really spun up and worked up about it. How long have you had your gym? We've been in this location since January of last year, of this year. Wow. Brand new. Yeah. Holy cow. I affiliated in May of 2020.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Oh, my goodness. Yeah. So you weren't afraid. I think gyms were closed everywhere and you're like, Hey, I'm opening a gym. Well, I was already open. So I opened in April of 2018 in my garage. Okay. Um, left my cushy six figure salary job to start this crazy lifestyle and, um, had about five clients and didn't have $3,000 to affiliate. So I just called our business Catalyst Fitness and we did that for about two years. And I was training people in CrossFit and I was going for my level three. So I had to maintain hours at a CrossFit affiliate, which is why I worked at a bunch of different affiliates in the area. Um, yeah, to get your level three, you have to be teaching at a CrossFit affiliate.
Starting point is 00:04:52 You can't be teaching CrossFit at a non CrossFit affiliate. Correct. You have to maintain 750 hours of coaching hours at an affiliate each three year period when you renew. I never knew that that that doesn't make sense to me can you explain does it make sense to you like why couldn't as i recall the rule is and i think this is like basically straight out of greg's mouth the rule is you can teach crossfit all you want once you get your level one you just can't call it um uh crossfit you can't advertise it at crossfit what affiliating allows you to do is allows you to take an ad out in the paper and say hey i'm teaching a crossfit class but you can take the level one and still teach all the crossfit you want you just can't call it that
Starting point is 00:05:35 right but the requirement for the level three is you have to coach crossfit 750 hours of crossfit yeah that doesn't make it that doesn't make any sense to me Of CrossFit. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me. Them's is the rules. I don't know. I'm just a rule follower. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Does it make sense to you? Can you explain it to me? I mean. Other than the fact that you're trying to force people to pay the affiliate fee. But it doesn't make sense to me. If you're getting into practice, you're getting into practice. Yeah, but I think the philosophy is you're not coaching CrossFit and calling it CrossFit unless you're at an affiliate. So, I mean, it, it wasn't a big deal for me. I, no, no, no. I know you're not, I know you're not complaining. I'm, I just don't get it. Like, so
Starting point is 00:06:15 let's say I'm a bootcamp instructor and I see this thing called CrossFit and I'm really excited about it. And I want to, and I have a really strong, um, uh, you know, it's Sevan's boot camp, right? And I have 60 clients who come there every day. And then I go take my L1 because I'm like, man, this CrossFit thing is amazing. And I go take my L1 and I learn a ton of great shit. And I start incorporating that shit into my Sevan's boot camp. But then I can't take my level three unless I'm teaching at a specific facility. I just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I feel like I need that explained to me. If I've already taken my level one and my level two and I watch all the videos and I read the journal, at that point it sounds like it's just a money grab. How many hours do you need to teach a year at a CrossFit affiliate? I think it's $7.50 to apply for the level three. Oh, in total. It doesn't need to be a year in total. You have to have seven. And then every three years when you renew, you have to
Starting point is 00:07:09 attest to another 750 hours every three years, which, you know, if you're a full-time coach, it's nothing. So let's say you teach 30 hours a week, 40 weeks a year, that gets you to 12. Is that right? 30 times 40 is 1200. That gets you to 1200. Oh yeah. Here we go. Here we can see. How does anyone not have a Caleb? Um, uh, age of quite can't, must be 18 years old. Current CrossFit level two, 750 hours coaching, CrossFit groups or individuals. Oh, maybe you don't have to be in an affiliate. I mean, you have to, there's a sign up, there's a, there's a log you have to fill out and it says where you coached and you need to give a name of somebody to verify that you coach those hours. So maybe I just made a bad assumption and
Starting point is 00:07:54 it had to be a CrossFit gym. I don't know. Hey, let, let me see, let go back to the other thing where it said 15, what's it say? 1500 hours of active strength and conditioning coaching at a collegiate or professional level. That's a different path. That's to get a single, the C F F T thing. Okay. CCFT.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Okay. So you opened, um, the G was that crazy quitting your job to teach CrossFit? Yeah. Yeah. It was really crazy. Um,
Starting point is 00:08:24 what was crazier was that, was that it wasn't like, it wasn't like I was a school teacher and my husband was this like executive guy, you know, we made the same amount of money, both of us. So when I quit, it was like half of our income gone. Like, yo girl, what are you doing? I mean, yeah, he was really, he was like, I hope you know what you're doing. Cause because you know the other piece of it is like traditional marketing that you think about doesn't really work with crossfit you know he was like why aren't you putting an ad in the newspaper and why don't you why aren't you in the yellow pages i'm like it doesn't work that way you know don't worry we'll be fine uh yeah so i started in the garage and did that for a couple of years, outgrew it,
Starting point is 00:09:05 signed a letter of intent on a 3000 square foot space on March 14th of 2020. That was right before the world shut down. And luckily got out of that, backpedaled a little bit and just stuck in the garage through the pandemic, which was the best thing I could have ever done because I was a home-based business. We had no rules and everybody came and worked out in my gym. Did anyone ever call the cops on you? No. Oh, that is awesome. And you're in Delaware? That's so weird. I know, I know that. And every time I just can't, I can't believe Delaware's a
Starting point is 00:09:39 state. It's just so far away from me. It's like all those states up there, all those little states up there, I just don't – like they're just storybook shit to me. Maine. You know, I've been to Maine, but like Maine. Have you been to Maine, Caleb? Have you been to Maine, Kat? I have, yeah. My best friend lived in Maine for a while. She had a baby shower in Delaware that she could not come to because she was on bed rest.
Starting point is 00:10:06 shower in Delaware that she could not come to because she was on bedrest. So we like video chatted her in. And then the next day I put all of her presents in my car and drove up to Maine to give her her presents. A baby shower without, say that again, Kayla. It's beautiful up there. Yeah. Um, so a baby shower without the lady who's pregnant. Yeah. She was on bedrest. She couldn't travel. I could have never been done. Presom technology oh there's oh no this was 20 years ago i don't it wasn't zoom i don't know what we did but she called in and oh and there was probably it wasn't there probably wasn't facetime either just audio yeah speakerphone you probably had like a box had a bag phone yeah um uh so you opened the, and when did you find CrossFit? August of 2013. Wow. You even know the date. I sure do. It was the first day of school. It was the first day
Starting point is 00:10:56 of school is that what you said? Yeah. What was your day job? I was a marketing executive at JP Morgan Chase. Oh my goodness. So you really did have a corporate job. Oh yeah. Do you miss it? I miss the salary. Right. I miss the perks.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I miss all the travel. I traveled so much for a couple years on my job that we took the entire family, all four of us, to Hawaii on miles. And the hotel and the airfare was paid for on miles because I traveled so much. From work. Yeah. Yeah, I'm still using all my Hilton honors shit from when I worked at CrossFit. Yeah. Still to this day. What was great about that trip too is that when you get to Hawaii,
Starting point is 00:11:40 everything's really expensive. And we didn't have to eat peanut butter and jelly when we were there. We got to actually spend some money and do some fun stuff. Is that your son? That's your son and your daughter and your husband? Yep. Oh man. What a beautiful family. Your son's a giant. I know. He's not really, but yeah, he's a big kid. He's like five, five, 11, 205. And how old's he?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Solid. Uh, 19. And how old's your daughter? She is 17. Oh, you didn't mess around either. Good. Good. Two years is great, right? It would have been sooner. I mean, we were trying for a while after Braden was born to get pregnant again, cause I hated it so much that I just wanted to be done. Oh, you didn't like being pregnant? Oh my God. No. Well, why didn't you like that? Um, I gained like 65 pounds with Brayden. He was, I had preeclampsia, was on bed rest for like four weeks. I mean, I have a picture of myself.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You would not, I'm unrecognizable. I weighed over 200 pounds a day I delivered. Wow. 205 and I'm 5'2". Wow. What year was that? That was in 2003. Okay. So, and then, and what year was your that was in 2003 okay so 10 and then and what year was your daughter born 2005 the 24 months 26 months apart so it's august of um and were you an athlete growing up did you
Starting point is 00:12:56 exercise did you play i was a ballerina oh wow so being 200 pounds was the last thing you wanted to be yeah that was crazy. I went to a, it's funny, I heard you talking the other day about Catholic school. So I went to 12 years of like from pre-first to my junior year. Everything I think about you has changed. Everything I think about you has changed. All girls Catholic school, but it was a very athletic school. So all of my friends were athletes. And because I was a dancer, I didn't get to do the athletic stuff at school necessarily. I was like the professional dabbler. I did like field hockey in eighth grade. I did swimming and diving my sophomore year. I did like basketball in sixth grade. I remember my mom cried when I like bought my first pair of high tops because she was used to her little ballerina and her pointe shoes, you know, and she's my god but yeah are you born and raised in delaware yes and um uh so tell me about august of 2013
Starting point is 00:13:53 how that happened how your paths uh crossed with uh crossfit yeah so my girlfriend and i in our neighborhood were walking every morning at 5 a.m because no one needed us at 5 a.m everybody was asleep The kids didn't have to get up yet. And she lives about a quarter mile away from me. I would walk to her house. We'd walk the neighborhood and come back. We'd spend an hour. We'd bitch about our husbands, talk about our kids, and just bond. We did that for like a year. And nothing changed about our bodies or our physiques. We were like, what are we doing? And we met up with a girlfriend of ours who had lived in our neighborhood, but had moved out.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And she was always really slender. And we saw her and she looked different. She looked strong. We were like, what's going on? What are you doing? She's like, oh, I do this thing. It's called CrossFit. We're like, oh, that's cool. Um, you know, we want to check it out. So I called two different CrossFit gyms in my area. One did not have a 5am class. The other one did have a 5am class. And I said to my friend, Mary, I said, we're going like, let's just try it out. And the girl that we met, it happened to be her gym that we went to. She was like a nooner and she came to our first five, 5am class with us. Wow. I went. That speaks volumes about the community right there, right?
Starting point is 00:15:11 That she would sacrifice her sleep. Yeah. To come. Yeah. And the fact that she was so excited that two people were starting what she loved. Yeah. It speaks volumes. And I was, I was hooked pretty much right away. I think I had like, I was three days a week for like two weeks and then I was like, screw this. I'm going unlimited. It was, it was cool. And so you're working full time, two kids and getting up at 5.00 AM to do CrossFit. Yeah. And I did that for like four years, single morning. And how quickly did you notice your body start changing the body composition? Pretty much right away. I have that. I'm like a mesomorph. I build muscle really, really quickly. So things changed pretty fast. And I was, you know, I have this
Starting point is 00:15:52 coordination. Like I was pretty good at everything except for pulling. I still can't pull very well, but everything else is really easy. It came easy to me. And you, so you had good body awareness when they were telling you like, Hey, hips back, you could do it. You weren't one of those people that's like, what, where are my hips? Yeah, no, I knew exactly what to do once, you know, once I was informed. And did you know pretty quickly that someday you'd want to teach that? to learn as much as I could about it. And I did take the level one, just wanting to consume stuff. Didn't think I really wanted to coach, but I think being in that level one seminar and seeing the people in my level one do what they did, I wanted to do what they did. I mean, I wanted to join seminar stuff like right away. It wasn't even about coaching. It was like, I want to,
Starting point is 00:16:42 I want their job. That is so cool. I mean, I didn't go to lunch. I watched them work out. Like I, you know, Nicole Gordon was one of my people. And I like immediately, like she and I have some similarities with our kids are about the same age. And, you know, some life experiences that were shared. And I just like, I fell in love with all of those people. Where did you do your level one? CrossFit Morristown or Motown.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Oh, um, Kariana's gym in Jersey. Yeah. Wow. Do you remember who your other seminar staff were besides Kate Gordon? Nicole Gordon. Nicole Gordon, um, Keith Wittenstein,stein, Jason Ackerman. There was an intern there. There was this guy, Greg. Glassman?
Starting point is 00:17:30 No. Greg Ferguson. Greg somebody. He was like up from New York. Oh, and Joey Deal. Do I know that person, Joey Deal? Is that his real last name? Yeah, Deal. D-I-L-L, deal. Oh, I don't know who that is. And you know, I could be getting my level two and
Starting point is 00:17:49 my level one people mixed up because I took my level two at the same place. Um, and like Jen Hunter was, was there for that. Um, yeah, she's awesome. I could get them switched around. I know Keith was definitely at my level two as well. Keith's awesome too. Yeah. He's actually come to PA to do like shoulder clinics and stuff. And I've, I've taken well. Keith's awesome too. Yeah. He's actually come to PA to do like shoulder clinics and stuff. And I've, I've taken some of those of his too. He's a good guy. It's, it's a, it's a trip for me to hear these names. You know, if you go to, there are people I went to elementary school that I graduated with in high school. And I always trip like, whether I was friends with them or not, I spent 15 or 20 years of my life with them.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Just every, you know what I mean? Like basically every single day I've seen, I saw them more than I'd seen most any other people, maybe even more than my parents. And then now it's getting like that with CrossFit. Like you're, it's so weird. Like, and now you're, you're at that point too. You've been at 10 years in the same space. So, you know, you knew people, some people when they were 10 years old who are now 20 and you know, some people who are 20 or 30 and 30 or 40 and 40 or 50 and you're in, you see them go through these crazy, uh, transformations, right? From a kid to like wife to pregnant to the communities that trip. Are you churchgoer? I'm not. I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:19:11 I've never been involved in anything like CrossFit other than school. Like I've never even been, I've never been a part of a community. I didn't play sports. I didn't. And so for me, the whole thing is new. Yeah. I would imagine it's kind of like church. I mean, the people that are here really care about each other and, you know, go out of their ways, go out of their way to treat people kindly and do things for each other. It's amazing to me, the connections that are made here. Right. They're the people who call you and text you when you least expect it. Right. Yeah. Or just trying things. I mean, some lady the other day, I was, we went running yesterday and there's like salt and sand all around the parking lot because of, uh, you know, the weather that we've been having. So like the floors are all crapped up with ice melt. And I started like sweeping up and we ended class late early. And one of the gals was like, do you want me to help you scrub the floor? I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:02 no, that's my job. But thank you. Who thinks to do that? Yeah, right. People walk by trash. I see people walk by trash all the time. Or someone who's walking their dog who has like 200 poop bags on them and they walk around someone else's dog poop and they don't pick it up. Yeah, it drives me crazy. But people do care about their crossfit gym i had a um an affiliate
Starting point is 00:20:26 um near to you tell me recently call me and tell me hey i'm struggling and i said why and he said because my clients care more about the gym than the employees and and i get that right i get um like there's people like that gym that you went to every morning for four years you would have been so bummed in year two if they would have closed. Right. Because it was more to you than a gym. It was like it becomes part of your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It was hard. It was hard to leave there. Do you have trouble finding? Do you have any employees yet? Not really. I mean, I have a couple couple people that fill in for me and you know part-time when i traveled all these semi-finals for work and everything i i get people to fill in but no not really i think it would be hard to find an employee
Starting point is 00:21:13 that that was that you felt suited your gym um i've been trying for a year and a half yeah it's hard i'm not subdued am i subdu? Savan is so subdued this morning. Is that Eric Rosa with a mask on? Eric Rosa. Holy shit. Inappropriate. Inappropriate. It's hard to find.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And it amazes me, too, because there's a gym that's, I don't know, 25 minutes down down the road and they have like 50 coaches. I'm like, how do they get all these coaches? I mean, I don't know if they're any good, but right. Shit ton of coaches. And I like, I'm struggling to get some, I, yeah, I don't know. And I'm not taking a dig on the coaches that don't like the place as much as the clients. Cause the clients are going to really, really love the place. But, um, but I, but I know that phenomenon because I take my kids places, right? And it's, um, let's say you take your kids to a gymnastics studio and there's, there's five coaches there. It's hard. Once you start looking at the world that way, you can see the four coaches that don't care about your kids, what your kids are doing as much as you do. Yeah. I hate it. You pay, you pay to go to a CrossFit gym and those clients are there because they really want to be there. There's no other
Starting point is 00:22:33 fucking reason to go to a CrossFit gym unless you really, really want to be there. And so are you able to find employees who really want to be there? And those people really care about the outcome and what they're going to get from that class. Can you find coaches who care even more about how the, how the clients are going to leave there than the clients, right? It's you're a chaperone or a docent to, to the best hour of their day. It's gotta be crazy hard. It's got to be crazy hard. And I think for us, for our population of people, members, I'd almost rather build from within.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I'd rather have somebody really excited about the methodology and send them to their level one and have them be a coach because they're really invested. Absolutely. That's the thing, not to swerve too far off subject, but that's the problem that they have at HQ. So we had a guy at HQ come from another company. He was a CrossFitter, and he started hiring people who didn't do CrossFit when I was there. And all of us knew, holy shit. And they started doing CrossFit, but it was not good. They changed the culture. And now HQ has a ton of people, especially in high level positions who aren't CrossFitters,
Starting point is 00:23:49 right? They haven't drank the Kool-Aid. Yeah. It's, um, I could, the only thing I can equate it to is, um, having someone work at the church or be preaching the word of God and they don't believe in God. Yeah. It doesn't make any, any, any, uh, it doesn't make any sense. But if you work at Coca-Cola, I guess if you come from working at Coca-Cola, I guess it's fine if you drink Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Right? It's like, or you don't drink soda at all or you're against obesity. You can still drive the truck around and dump the shit off. And to that point, the two coaches that I do have that are, you know, part-time or whatever, neither one of them work out here. They don't. Where do they work out? Rarely. Well, one of them lives just far away and she's had an interest. She's been shadowing me for a while and she's really great. And the other one I think is a more competitive CrossFitter and wants a push, wants a different kind of a push. So she goes elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Like the ideal employee is someone who lost 100 pounds. Like the ideal or, you know, I'll use Don as an example. Like it's a guy in the military who he felt like CrossFit, he found it there and CrossFit kept him sane and maybe saved his life. But, but you can't, and just like the ideal pastor, I'm guessing, I don't go to church either,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but I'm guessing the ideal pastor is someone who was at one point going to try to commit suicide. And he saw an angel come down next to him and be like, don't jump motherfucker. And you're like, wow. Okay. Like this guy knows. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:24 He would say, and they'll have endless energy and passion for the gig yeah i have i have people like that i think they're just intimidated to coach and that's the part that i need to sort of get them over the hump with oh were you ever intimidated did you do any coaching before crossfit um i did some teaching of ballet yeah like i was I was, I was a certified American ballet theater, you know, teacher. I taught kids. I, I have always been like of my friends and, and things like that. Like the advice giver, the person that sort of people would come to for that. So I feel like I do a good job of breaking things down. And
Starting point is 00:26:02 I like the challenge of trying to figure out how to make other people do what I need them to do or what they're supposed to do. Like I like using different cues. I like trying to figure out how to get them to move. I like it when it just doesn't work the first time and I have to sort of figure out a different way to get somebody to move a certain way. To me, that's really fun. And I get really excited. Like when they finally, when someone finally gets something like I've, I'm like, yay. All right. You fun. And I get really excited. Like when someone finally gets something, like I'm like, yay, all right. You know, like I get super excited and I'm sure they're like, oh, you know, I just like-
Starting point is 00:26:31 Oh, they love it. Even if it makes them feel weird, they love it. And it's super genuine. Like I really, really get excited when it clicks for somebody, for them and for me. The tennis academy my kids go to, the teacher's very serious and the assistant
Starting point is 00:26:45 teacher is this woman who's so loving and so outgoing. And she does that anytime anyone figures something out, she celebrates for them. And it's so good. The parents like it, the people like it, the kids, the adults, everyone loves it because it, it, it, it, it breaks the tension and it's great. And everyone wants to be recognized for their success. Yeah. I hope so. Are you still as passionate about it now as you were in 2013? Yeah. For myself, not so much, but for everyone else, definitely. I mean, my fitness has fallen off a lot just with the work that I have to do. And I'm the only coach, so I don't get to take my own classes. Working out by yourself is really hard for me. I have a hard time doing it.
Starting point is 00:27:31 And what about age? You're 10 years older now. Do you think it's fallen off any reason because of that? I don't think so. I think it's more just my lack of practice and training. And that's interesting because your most recent post on Instagram is you thanking a guy. Yeah. I don't know what you did. Was it some absurd amount of wall balls? Yeah, it was like a partner workout, five rounds, 50 wall balls, 30 pull-ups. And so when is this?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Is this after class? This guy just stayed and worked out with you? This was on Monday. So he's a coach at a gym about 45 minutes away. And his gym was closed on December 26th, the day after Christmas. And he texted me at about nine o'clock. I had one class that day at 9.00 AM. He texted at nine and said, what's the workout. And I'm like, it's happening right now, but come and I'll do it with you afterwards. So he showed up and we did it. Oh, that is so cool. Yeah. Do you know him good? Yeah. He's actually
Starting point is 00:28:25 an ex-boyfriend of mine. Oh, no shit. Yeah. Oh, that is so cool. Yeah. And then he started coaching and we, now our relationship is completely consumed with CrossFit stuff. Like we talk maybe like once every couple of weeks and it's like, Hey, I PR this or, Hey, what do you think about this workout? Or, you know, I programmed this and it's just, yeah, it's cool. Oh yeah. That's so awesome. It's great to see that, that someone would come from another, call you who comes from another gym, knowing your gym is open. Yeah. We work out together maybe like four times a year, you know, just super random stuff. Were you open on Christmas?
Starting point is 00:29:02 No, that's close. I'm never open on Sundays yet. We're too new. Gotcha. Oh, I lied. I do have, um, I have one client that I go see on Sundays at his house. Um, I put some videos up on him. He's like 76 years old diabetic. His wife called me and said, you need to help my husband. I'm tired of him acting so old and decrepit. And cause she's much younger than him. Anyway. So I trained him on Sundays from like nine to nine 30 and then I'll usually come to the gym and have like an open gym, you know, sort of impromptu I'll let people know. Yeah, that's Naren. That's at his house. Oh, he doesn't, he, he looks like he looks pretty good.
Starting point is 00:29:39 He's, he's very, very not strong. His goal is to walk up the steps unassisted. Oh, no shit. Yeah. And is that just, did that happen to him just from a lack of movement? Yeah, I think so. He said something about, he has right leg weakness. I think he had polio or something as a child.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And he's got, his one leg is like way underdeveloped than the other. Yeah. Yeah. And we do things like kettlebell passes, like on one leg. And when he's on like the weak leg, like he he'll fall over, but he's a trooper.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. Yeah. And he's super appreciative. Like we have, we have a great time. For everyone who's wondering cat is pretty in person, not just on video. Well, thank you. The superficiality of this show is one of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh yes. I love it. Everyone wants to be pretty. Shut up. Anyone. Everyone wants to be pretty. So you opened the gym in, in, in May of 2000. Well, in 2018 2018 you start and you have that discussion with your husband. Any regrets? Did you have to make some significant lifestyle changes? No. I mean we didn't have any overhead and I was bringing in just as much money eventually as I was making at Chase. Maybe a little bit less.
Starting point is 00:31:04 But then I was like, okay, now we have bit less. Um, you know, but then I was like, okay, now we have to grow because through the gym, you were, you were doing that. Well, yeah, cause mostly personal training, personal training is expensive. I had one group class. It was these three ladies. They came every day at 8.00 AM and they paid me a monthly fee. So I had to make sure I had that class every day, but otherwise, you know, I was free to travel. I could do things if you, you know, you just didn't book a session with me that day if I was out of town. And, and it sounded quite, it sounds like it's quite conducive also to raising kids. Yeah, it was great for, you know, Brayden played baseball in high school. He had games twice a
Starting point is 00:31:39 week. Eliana played volleyball. She does softball. I was able to make, you know, I just didn't train during those times. So it was super easy to see them. Iball. I was able to make, you know, I just didn't train during those times. So it was super easy to see them. I wouldn't have been able to do that otherwise if I had this gym. Because now that I'm here, I'm here all the fucking time. So no regrets. You don't miss no regrets? No.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Did life get better? Yeah, I think so. Does your husband train there? He will come every once in a while. He doesn't do CrossFit. He's got like some bulging discs and just is hesitant to take the plunge. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:32:17 But just get, do you have any equipment at home? Not anymore. It's all, it's all here. He just, I mean, as you know, I'm a huge advocate of the assault bike that thing never i only feel better when i after i ride that thing yeah he has a gym where he works too so he can go there and do stuff yeah it's't so the people who took it were mostly doing it to coach but like you said you weren't necessarily doing it to coach not necessarily no but the level two was definitely i think i took the level two like six months later
Starting point is 00:32:59 i was like giddy up let's do this and that point, had you been volunteering at your gym to coach? I was under like an internship program that they had. It was a very robust, you know, you'd shadow for a little while and then you'd get to do maybe like the whiteboard discussion only. And then you get to do the whiteboard discussion and the warmup. And then you'd like shark around and sort of coach during the class. And then you'd get a whole class. So I was coaching within a few months, I think of getting my level one, but I wasn't very good.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And well, that's cool that they let you do it. Yeah. And, and, and then, and then, so then move forward to you said May of 2018. So move forward to, you said May of 2018? April of 2018 is when I finally left corporate. And was it seamless? Was the gym going like right away? Yeah, it was slow at first. I had, you know, I was training people in the morning and the evening and going to work.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Like that was kind of how I was building my book of business. So then it just became like, oh, now I could get all these soccer moms to come and, you know, during the day. And I didn't get any soccer moms to come during the day. I was like, what the hell? You know, people are like, oh, you know, let me know when you go full time. I'm definitely, I'm definitely going to come. So I just had to work at it a little bit, you know, references. And I got creative with some sports conditioning stuff because I was training my son or he was training, you know, in our garage for baseball. So I got a hold of some kids that were playing baseball. And luckily, you know, he was a specimen. So I could sort of use him as my poster child for success.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And then some kids then I started having like the neighborhood kids would come. I had like four or five kids from the neighborhood that would come twice, three times a week. I had like four or five kids from the neighborhood that would come twice, three times a week. And they would get their energy out and do whatever and start lifting and learning Olympic lifts and just kind of caught on from there. How did you get your first client? That kid, Nick, on the left, he is now a sophomore in high school. He just started playing football. He's a total stud. And he used to do gymnastics, so he can do strict ring muscle-ups. It's kind of annoying.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And does he still go to your program? He does, yeah. I mean, when he's not off-season. His mom has been a client of mine since I opened up the garage. She was probably one of my first clients. She's the person that I'd love to make a coach. And her daughter also comes. She's a sophomore at Pitt. She's home for Christmas right now. And she comes constantly. You don't remember how you got your first client. It sounds
Starting point is 00:35:32 like one of the ways you got your clients is just leaving the garage door open and picking off your kids' friends. Right. Come on over. Christina was probably one of my first. And I think I, you know, did some marketing marketing like a get fit package or something on instagram and a couple people you know bit and that's just kind of how we got started it's cold it's cold it's cold it's cold i haven't worn this jacket probably like in i don't know three years but it's cool it's it's a little cold here today is it freezing where you're at is there snow on the ground um no it's like it's going to be like 60 this weekend it was really cold last weekend we got a really cold
Starting point is 00:36:08 spell but i think it's going to be like 55 or 60 on sunday wow total bipolar um and then uh where so you're teaching crossfit and now so now it's been when the pandemic was over did that even affect you at all well i don't even know if did i say it's over right um no not really it really didn't i mean aside from like you know i i got a loan from the government that you know is a pretty at a pretty cheap rate i got a grant from the government that i'm still waiting to hear if i have been excused for um that was the only thing that the pandemic did for me. Oh, that is how that worked out, right? People borrowed money. I think I heard this.
Starting point is 00:36:51 People borrowed money, and then when it was time to pay it back, you could also apply not to pay it back. Yeah, there's like a couple different things. I mean, I don't have an employee, so I didn't get like any of those like PPP loans that everybody was getting, but I did get a nice little chunk that I'm paying back now that I'll be paying back till like 2030 or something ridiculous. And so because you stayed open, because you just stayed the course, it was kind of seamless for you. And that probably helped keep
Starting point is 00:37:16 your sanity too during all the madness, right? Yeah. Because the kids were home, my husband was home. Like it was a completely different existence. I was used to being at home by myself with the dogs all day and coming and going and doing my thing. And then the pandemic hit and fucking everyone was home. There was a point in time where my husband didn't leave the seat on the couch because he didn't even have an office. He would sit on the laptop on one spot on the couch and I'd be like, you have to fucking move, like do something like I can't take this anymore. And your gym was just attached to your house. It was just your garage. Right into the kitchen, into the garage. Yep. And so when people use the bathroom, they got to come in your house. Yep. And what was this? What was the catalyst for getting a space?
Starting point is 00:38:04 Was there was there like, OK, too many people in my house or not enough room in my garage? Was there any one specific event where you're like, okay, it's time to grow? I just hit a ceiling in terms of like the hours that I could put in and the people that I could help. And it got to the point when I was coaching sometimes nine, 10 hours a day. Neighbors never complained? No, because there was only like one or two people there at a time. There was hours a day. And neighbors never complained. No, because there was only, only like one or two people there at a time. There was never, you know, it was never a class. It was always two or three people. So the neighbors never complained. And so as soon
Starting point is 00:38:34 as it started turning to more than one or two or three people at a time, you're like, okay, it was obvious. Yeah. Like, I think I have enough momentum now. And I was getting enough people that were calling me from other gyms going, when are you opening your own place? When are you opening your own place? Like, I want to come, you know, train with you. So I just kind of, yeah, it's one of those things where it's never the right time and you can't like get all your ducks in a row. You just kind of have to go for it. Like getting pregnant. Yes. It's never the right time. Right. Andrew, you just figure it out. Andrew. Um, how close is the gym to your house? Six miles.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Do you miss it being right in your garage? At first I did. Yeah. I miss having the dogs around. I'm a huge dog person and I would have, I would be around my dogs all day if I could. I miss the convenience of being able to do a load of laundry, you know, in between clients and things like that. But I have made this place such a sanctuary that I could live here. And I pretty much do. How about any of your kids? Any of your kids show interest in coaching?
Starting point is 00:39:41 I think I've talked to Eliana about my daughter about this summer. If she wanted to do like a kid's class, she could, but she sees it more as just dollar signs. Like, Hey, you could make a lot of money if you could just wrangle up, you know, 10 or 15, six-year-olds around the gym for a couple hours. I said, yeah, you can use the space. I'll let you keep all the money. And she's like, Oh, Oh yeah, that sounds good. You know, I might want to do something like that. Um, same thing with my son. I tell him all the time, if he wants to take some baseball players and take them through his programming, you know, for throwers or something, he could, he could also make some money, but he's busy with baseball still. So, um, it's, it's, it's kind of a
Starting point is 00:40:17 big no cross. It's kind of a big no-no for, um, baseball players. Right. I mean that obviously we know that's not well well, for throwers. Yeah. No, you don't need to be cleaning and snatching heavyweight, but he does. I mean, he doesn't snatch,
Starting point is 00:40:32 but he cleans. One time I did this video on this kid. He was 17 years old. He, or 18 years old out of Southern California. And he was the fourth round draft pick in major league baseball. And he was like the first left-handed pitcher to be drafted in the first round and i don't know like 20 years or something and he was and he was a crossfitter and i remember i remember his coach saying um the only thing that they change is he
Starting point is 00:40:55 doesn't go shoulder to overhead during the season okay and then and then everything else he he basically did uh crossfit i think he got drafted to the Astros or something, which was kind of crazy. But it's very interesting what sports are afraid of that. I don't know if you saw the kid I had on yesterday. But his dad told me that on the team, he's the only guy who can do a three-minute Fran. And no one else on the team can even do a five-minute Fran Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. No shitties. He's great. Right. Super fit. Yeah. He didn't tell me this, but his dad told me that, you know, he has this mentality because of CrossFit and because of his training that he's untackleable. That's awesome. Yeah. I
Starting point is 00:41:40 mean, if, whether it's true or not, who cares? If that's your mindset, you're there. How did you meet this guy? Scott. Yeah. Scott Schweitzer, by the way, is the host of Clydesdale Media. He's the guy, I'm assuming the account's in his name. He's the guy who does the riffs, and he's the main rock of that podcast. Is that fair to say? Yep. Yep. I will tell you that I started Kat's Rants before he started
Starting point is 00:42:13 Scott's Riffs. Yeah, Scott. Yeah, Scott. Was that on Clydesdale's Kat's Rants? Yeah. My first one was a Jillian Michaels response. I think that might've been on my YouTube channel and then the rest of them were on his, but he's got more time and more creativity to bang those out. So he's doing great with those. Um, yeah, Scott and I met at the mayhem classic January,
Starting point is 00:42:34 2020, um, mutual friend introduced us. He had a podcast. She thought I'd be a good guest on his podcast. We met for like five seconds. We reached out afterwards and I was on his podcast. We met for like five seconds. We reached out afterwards and I was on his podcast. And, um, and you continued that, uh, that's a great picture of you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:42:51 And you continued that. Um, tell me about the relationship. So you're on his podcast and then does he follow up with like, Hey, would you like to come on again? Um, did you ever think you'd be doing media? No. No, but I was excited about the podcast. Like I thought it would be really cool. And I had so much fun doing it that I was definitely interested in being part of their roundtables that they did, which are just kind of like, because I've been watching like the Arm and Hammer stuff with him and his friends. And I thought, what a cool concept. They just sit around and talk about CrossFit. I want to do that.
Starting point is 00:43:22 So I definitely wanted to be part of the team. And Scott and I talked and kept in touch. And he said, why don't you interview us as a special edition of the thing? Because Amy hadn't been interviewed before. Charlie hadn't been interviewed before. And Scott hadn't been interviewed before. So we did these three interviews that I recorded. I remember Amy and I recorded one and the audio didn't work. And had to like do it a second time, which really sucked. Oh, that sucks. Yeah. That sucks. I've been there. But, um, cause you just know, it's like, you just know it's just fake. Oh, not authentic. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even like talking to people. Like when we do our round tables, we'll, we'll gather in stream yard and we'll start talking i was like guys stop talking like let's just live like just i want it to be authentic yeah um so yeah so i interviewed those guys i
Starting point is 00:44:10 guess i did okay they invited me back um i was key in getting them some really good guests like i had a link with uh comporter and i just like know a lot of people in the space and so i guess they thought i would be an asset and they brought me on. Is the show breaking, broken, is the show breaking down into roles? Like does it, is it broken down into roles where everyone has their own role? Like Caleb has his role, Matt has his role. I have my role. Is it like that with Adam at Clydesdale? So the Clydesdale media company, we have roles and responsibilities, but it doesn't necessarily show itself through what we go on air. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Right, right. So same with us. So Matt puts people on the calendar. Caleb makes sure they get up on StreamYard, things like that. Then Matt makes sure that they go up to Spotify and iTunes. Caleb's responsible for pulling up content as we talk. That's what I mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:09 We don't do a very good job of defining that role before we go live for who's going to produce the show. And we end up all doing it, and it totally pisses me off. And I'm always like, guys, stop. Who's doing it? Because we'll click the same buttons. Oh, yeah, yeah. We do that dumb shit, too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:24 We definitely do that. Yeah, we do that dumb shit too. Yeah. Yeah. We definitely do that. Yeah. We have it. We do that too. We haven't gotten there yet. Um, but as far as like post-production and thing, that's mostly Scott and I,
Starting point is 00:45:30 um, Amy and Charlie don't do any post-production. Um, Charlie is in charge of our sponsors and, you know, he's like the business guy behind a lot of that stuff. Charlie, give me Charlie's number.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Charlie. He got us that really good C4 deal. And, um, we also have an agent. So we use him to help us out a lot. But Scott and I usually book the guests. Amy's in charge of our calendar. She's also like our spiritual advisor. She's good with that kind of stuff. Yeah. I think my job was to write roles and responsibilities for the podcast and i haven't done that yet so um so so you guys share a calendar so when something gets scheduled it pops up on all four of your calendars correct yeah and then whoever can go can can whoever can show up shows up oh really so um and and and all of you are welcome to every show. Oh, yeah, absolutely. But Scott has to be there.
Starting point is 00:46:27 No. No. Nope. And you just say yes to the calendar invite? What if no one says yes to the calendar invite? Well, we make sure whoever's booking it, like whoever's agreeing to it can do it. So it's either Scott or me that's usually booking.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Uh-huh. So if I book with someone, I make sure I can be there. Have you ever not gone on because you didn't like the guest? I won't ask you who, the reason why I ask is because I've had that really busy. I, well, I've had that with, uh, not with Caleb or Susie, but with other people who are like, Hey, I don't like that person. I'm not going to go on. And I'm like, Hey, I don't like that. I don't like this person either. Yeah. So let me clarify. But I went on and I ended up falling in love with the person. There's two, there's two people in specific. It was Hunter Mack. I'll tell you who they are. Hunter McIntyre and Jacob Heppner. I didn't, I didn't like them, but I had
Starting point is 00:47:21 no good reason to, it was just some shit I'd spun up in my head. Yeah, no, I will, I will tell you this. I've never done that. I've never avoided a conversation because I didn't like them, but I had no good reason to. It was just some shit I'd spun up in my head. Yeah, no, I will tell you this. I've never done that. I've never avoided a conversation because I didn't like someone, but I have definitely chosen work over the podcast for someone that maybe I wasn't super excited to meet. Fair, fair. And that I know that everyone else can do a great job interviewing, if that makes sense. Right, yeah, totally fair. I'm fanboying over someone I'm making time like to get to that interview. And if it's someone else that I'm not super personally over the top about, and I have other things to do, I might not attend. Right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's,
Starting point is 00:48:01 that's totally fair. Never done it because of like an, like a personal, like it didn't like someone. And let me be clear. They ended up, those two yeah. That's totally fair. Never done it because of like a personal, like I didn't like someone. And let me be clear. Those two guys ended up being two of my favorite guests of all time. We've had Jacob on. Yeah, the irony of it all. Yeah, he's so good. He's so good.
Starting point is 00:48:18 It was so stupid. I was so petty. And Hunter I didn't like because Greg invited him to the CrossFit Games. And I just fucking hated that. So fuck him. but then i ended up falling in love with him and i yeah you guys have some great content i like i like when you guys talk i would let him come on whenever um so so then you um that happens in uh 2020 you met him you said at legends mayhem and um was it good chemistry, uh, from, from the start? I mean, honestly, we didn't really develop any chemistry until we did the interview because I met him. I was judging, he was doing security or something there. We both had different roles. It
Starting point is 00:48:57 was really busy. Um, I think I said, hi, you know, like we kind of exchanged numbers and that was it. I'm going to go back to that in a second i want to go back to um working events you've worked a ton of events why do you what give me a night have you ever worked the games yeah and you've worked regionals yep uh no not regionals uh sanctionals okay yeah for me it's the same thing 2019 was the first year i did um mac the first rogue invitational um graniteite Games, and the CrossFit Games. So not just HQ stuff, but like Rogue stuff. And basically how that works is the same with all of them. You just go on a website and you
Starting point is 00:49:33 apply to be a volunteer. And do you put down your credentials? Like, hey, I've worked the games, I've worked this. And what do you do there? You're a judge. And what are you judging all these events? That's what you do at them that's what i did at those four for that year yes wow why did you start doing that that shit seems like it would scare the shit out of me um i'm super judgy so it was a perfect fit i had just gotten my l3 and i thought well if i have my l3 maybe that'll help me like get into some of these higher level competitions so i applied for mac i I got into Mac. I didn't fuck up. I met the people that were running Granite Games at Mac and they said they'd love
Starting point is 00:50:11 to have me at Granite Games. So I signed up for Granite Games. In the meantime, I was like, I want to do Rogue because Rogue is going to be cool. And Rogue was closed. Registration was closed. And only top level judges were going to rogue. So I sent a note to Charlotte, who was like running the volunteers for rogue. And I said, Hey, if you have any cancellations, let me know. I got an email like a week before rogue and said, Hey, we have a cancellation. Would you like to judge? And I was like, hell yeah. So I cleared my calendar and I went there and I mean, I, I literally had judged one semifinal prior to that. And I'm the head judge at a semifinal. No, I was just, I'd only judged the map had only judged.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Okay. And, uh, and I walked into the room of these, you know, professional judges, you know, crazy clicky group. And, you know, they're like, who are you? I'm like, yeah, hi. I don't know how i got here but i'm gonna enjoy it and it was great a great experience were you gonna say something caleb it's it's so different than what caleb does like caleb's just waiting for someone like you know uh ronnie teasdale to go down so we can give him mouth to mouth it's so chill it's so nice and but um why would you put yourself in that um i mean literally it was i mean are you burnt out after judging like from just concentrating so much a little bit it's definitely it's definitely mentally taxing and physically challenging as
Starting point is 00:51:39 well for me it was i i because you're on your feet for 12 hours, right? Or your knees. Yeah, it's awful. I love the competition so much. It was the only way I was going to get on the competition floor. Period. You weren't going to go as an athlete, you're saying? No. And I had met Herman Phillips and Chris Smith at regionals back in 2016. And Herman had been bunging me to be on an equipment crew the whole time.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And I was like, that looks really hard. And it doesn't look like you get to really enjoy yourself. So I don't want to do that. I appreciate it. And I love Herman to death, but I wasn't about to do that. So I thought, what's the other way I'm going to get on the floor? I got to judge, I guess. So that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:52:18 It's no good doing equipment, Caleb? It is. I would usually step in like at the end end like when everybody had left and just like help tear down stuff that shit's hard they don't like rolling out plates and barbells and climbing up and down ladders and shit's hard it's it's kind of like a long a chipper yeah it's like doing odd objects four days uh do you ever have you ever um made any mistakes out there that you're like that that stick with you that haunt you uh yeah every judge and you think that every judge has a mistake that haunts them i'm sure
Starting point is 00:52:59 yeah i have two at granite games that thatunt me. And does anyone else know about them? Yeah, I've talked about them a little bit. I was afraid the one at Granite Games I kept to myself because I thought for sure I'd just get thrown out. Can you tell us what it is? Sure. There was – I mean it's bound to happen. There has – I mean we execute the wrong people in this country.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Yeah. I mean so fucking up a rep on the grand scheme of things is pretty small. Here's the problem. Um, no one, no one educated me to the fact that if you do mess up, tell someone right away and we can fix it. Right. Like right then and there kind of like after the event's over, but, but, but there. So at Granite Games,
Starting point is 00:53:45 we were judging this workout. And let's say there was, I don't know, 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups in the workout. It was like 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups and then like something else, box jumps, and then something else was a chipper. And the start was 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups. And we were judging all kinds of different divisions. So you got like scaled, masters, blah, blah, blah. So you're on the lane, you're doing your 10 chest-to-barups 10 chest to bar pull-ups and then you get your first heat of elite women the rep scheme changes oh they have to do 20 chest to bar pull-ups not 10 she does 10 chest to bar pull-ups i'm like okay come down go to your next thing and the athlete did 10 chest to bar pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:54:26 She was supposed to do 20 and I'm making up numbers, but like you get the idea. Right. It was significant. It was significant. Oh yeah. Yeah. It was significant. I love this.
Starting point is 00:54:36 And she, um, she won that event. So by 10 pull-ups i would hope so if you look at um her scores across the let's say there's eight events at granite games she got like 23rd 21st 18th first did she look at you like you were crazy when you told remember i didn't even realize it happened until like afterwards. And I was like, oh, fuck. Like, what do I do? And I didn't tell anyone because I. There was no there was no. And there was there was there.
Starting point is 00:55:13 What year was that? Nineteen. Andrew, someone put a bat in here. I mean, there was there were tickets to the games to that year. Like I could have affected someone not going to the CrossFit games. Right. I feel awful. And no one ever noticed it?
Starting point is 00:55:28 No, I mean, she never came forward and said anything. Why would she? Right. I mean, sure, some people are like, what the hell? But nobody had a video or said like, hey, she only did 10. Now, if someone had told me like, hey, if you screw up like that, just tell us at the end and we'll figure out the points or the time or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And just it. I was so uncomfortable even saying anything. I was like, they're going to kick me out. I'm not going to be allowed back. Like I was totally made sense. Hey, have things changed since then? Like, do they tell the judges that like, Hey, if you messed up and you realize it, like when I'm a judge, I tell them that, but I don't know. I haven't been just in a regular judging position since then. I was on the floor one year. I think it was the CrossFit Games, and Travis Bajent was the live commentator, the stuff that Kiki Dixon does.
Starting point is 00:56:17 How they should still be using Travis. I mean, she's great, too. They should use both of them, but, man, he was amazing. travis i mean she's great too they should use both of them but man he was he was amazing and uh andrew killer cat what have you done you're gonna get a video cat um so um uh so um camille was i it was it was a machine i i don't know what machine it was but let's say it was a rower okay and i'm filming next to her and she starts she's crying oh geez and travis comes over while he's commentating in the tennis stadium that's completely packed and she said my rower's not working and he goes don't worry i'm gonna tell you when to get off
Starting point is 00:57:06 he just fucking audible that shit and when the first person got off trev's like you're done and that was it yeah just called the audible right there at the fucking crossfit games and it's packed house of the tennis stadium i was like dude you're a beast he's like what you know like yeah it was so good savage uh i mean that it's it's um it's gonna happen we're in a uh very um complex too many not too many just a ton of moving pieces right yeah it's a lot ton of people um i i think that i i think that you bring up a very interesting thing like those are the things the nuances that each year like once that happened once to you and people know about it then then that has to be the first time it's okay but after that it has to be addressed hey guys we know that there's human error if you fuck up don't
Starting point is 00:58:02 worry just tell us at the end of the day the goal is to have the best. And they could have easily have done that. All they would have had to have done is walk over to her and be like, hey, you did these 10 pull-ups in 12 seconds. We're going to add 12 seconds to your score. And she would have been stoked. Yep, exactly. It would have been. But yeah. And who knows, maybe everyone else on that floor knew to do that. I was just so new. It was the third event I'd ever done and no one ever explained that to me. Yeah. And it sounds like it's still not explained. There's probably tons of little things like that that should be explained or nuances that come up every single year. Every year there's going to be something that goes outside the bounds of what's explained to people. And then that has to be added to the, to the rule list. Right. I mean, there was a probably a time when it was okay to pour oil after you change your
Starting point is 00:58:43 oil, just to pour it down the drain right and then someday one day someone's like no um and and and you like it you continue you continue to participate in uh events do you will you will you apply this year to judge at events no i mean now that since so it's a big joke too with the judges like they get so bitter that i'm not judging anymore now Now I'm in media and it's like, oh, media, you're too. Because they're your friends. Yeah. I mean, they're my friends and I enjoy spending time with them and things like that. But when you get a different role, it's kind of like, oh, you're too good for us now.
Starting point is 00:59:15 And that's not the case whatsoever. It's just I have different interests and I want to do different things. You've turned into a photographer. I mean, a little bit. Yeah. There's some great pictures on there. I'm doing, but I was, I was actually going through your Instagram account and my wife was looking at my shoulder and she goes, Oh, she's a photographer. I mean, you look like you're a photographer.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I point and click and shit comes out. Do you know what kind of camera you use? You're going to laugh. Hold on. Oh, and shit comes out do you know what kind of camera you use uh you're gonna laugh hold on oh if you know what kind of camera you use your photographer it doesn't matter but you have to know canon rebel t2i yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's the that's the probably like the the first camera everyone gets i have a really good lens and that's how I get all those close-up shots. It's the lens. It's not me.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And so when you say you're with media now, you're with Clydesdale Media. Correct. And the team will show up somewhere and everyone will have roles. So Scott will be like, hey, I'm going to make contacts for the podcast. You're like, okay, I'm going to get pictures for the website. And everyone has their own thing. And Amy's like, hey, I'll make sure you guys have water or I'll get contacts or whatever. Yeah. Yep. God, that, that, that, that is, uh, and do you like, do you like being part of that team?
Starting point is 01:00:37 The team? Yeah. The media team, the Clydesdale team, as opposed to like just doing your own thing. Oh, um, I love it. Yeah. And I have flexibility to do my own things if I want to anyway. I mean, they're super supportive of whatever I want to do. And do you have goals with the podcast? Do you guys have goals or is it like, hey, is it just one day at a time? I mean, I'm sure Scott has a vision. I know Scott wants to eventually quit his job and make this be his main gig. Yeah. That would be dope. That would be really cool.
Starting point is 01:01:11 For me, I'm, I'm enjoying, you know, being a part of it and helping out however I can. Right. I try to stick in the mindset that you're in. Um, just do one podcast at a time. But there's things- I'm open. I am so open to whatever. I mean, other podcast creators could come and ask me to contribute for them or ask me to go to this event and do something specific. And I would be open to all that.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I'm not a good, I'm not good at being pigeonholed into something. Well, I think the best thing that can happen for a podcast is that kind of stuff i think like one of the best things that ever happened to this podcast is the fact that brian would come on it but he was everywhere right and i think and then now i think it's the same thing like i i really like um just using andrew hiller as an excuse to do a show once a week on something, right?
Starting point is 01:02:08 Just to have him on and just review his shit. And so I, yeah, you would only add value if you started working in another podcast or doing something else. It would only add value when you came home. It's like the kids who go away, right? They go away and they come back and they bring, or you probably have done this too. You go traveling somewhere without your family. When you come back, you're a different person.
Starting point is 01:02:27 You're a better person. Yeah. And you can add value. Definitely. When you were a ballerina, was there, I think of that as a culture that's the skinny body, the don't eat. Is that the way it was for you? I just pulled out this book that my mom got me. the don't eat. Um, is that the way it was for you? Um, I just pulled out this book that my mom got me.
Starting point is 01:02:47 It's called the dancer's body book. Are you one of these girls in this picture? Yeah. I'm the one in the front. Wow. Okay. Um, and it gives you sample meals of what to eat when you're dancing.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Oh, this is going to be good. Ready? Yes. Yes. Yes. So day three. Can I see the cover of the book? Yep. The dancer's body book. Oh yeah. That looks like something from the seventies for sure. Like a Fleetwood Mac album. This was around the time is from 1984. This is around the time when your girl was waking up in the middle of the night and doing like step aerobics to like get skinnier. Wow. Yeah. That was crazy. So breakfast day three. Um, let me ask you this though, before you go there, when you would get up in the middle of the night to do that,
Starting point is 01:03:33 was that the plan or you'd wake up and you'd be like, Oh my God, I'm too big. And then you'd get dressed and do your step aerobics. That's a great question. I don't know. I didn't ever think, I never thought I was too big. I always just wanted to be smaller. Right. Right, right. There was, there was one point in time. Skinnier is better.
Starting point is 01:03:56 There's dudes like that who just, I just saw Ryan Fisher say, don't tell, ever tell a guy he's skinny. I'm thinking I'd fucking love someone to say that to me. I always remembered I, my, my barometer was if I was dancing, like something that was cardiovascular, if I looked down and I could see my pulse in my hip, my groin, I was good. Like I was lean. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Like if you could see the blood coursing through you like a vampire.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Yep. Yeah. Okay, good. All right, ready? Life is crazy yeah breakfast toasted bagel one tablespoon whipped cream cheese black coffee wow wow it's breakfast okay toasted bagel one scoop one tablespoon whipped cream cheese uh-huh because this is asterisk it said whipped cream cheese has about a third of the calories of solid cream cheese because this is asterisk. It said whipped cream cheese has about a third of the calories of solid cream
Starting point is 01:04:47 cheese. Oh shit. So you don't take a teaspoon of the solid. Take the whip. You whip it in that. Right. Right. What,
Starting point is 01:04:56 how much is it? It's one third, one tablespoon, a third of the calories of solid cream cheese. Wow. Wow. Caleb's going to start whipping all of his shit. He's before he eats a banana.
Starting point is 01:05:11 No way. wow wow caleb's gonna start whipping all of his shit he's before he eats a banana i can take a whole spoonful and throw it on the big one i know it should be so much that it's weird right i'm adding that to my list of things i want to eat that sounds so good bagel and cream cheese all right you're ready okay meal two yes one quarter head lettuce solid a quarter head like you can't eat the whole thing i can't even eat like a slice of lettuce oh my god just a quarter 15 calories a large hard-boiled egg and five green olives. Wow. One free finger. Cut that back to four. That sounds a little excessive.
Starting point is 01:05:51 That's lunch. So wait a second. I want to hear that one again. So you got carbs in the morning, and that one, what olives are just fat, right? Yeah. Oh, wait. It goes on to the next page, too. There's a carrot and a tablespoon of French dressing and then black coffee or diet soda.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Sorry. I missed 80 calories there. Was there any protein in there? The hard boiled egg. Oh, okay. Okay. So that,
Starting point is 01:06:12 that meal, that meal at least is a little, that meal is at least a little more balanced. You got fat protein and you get some carbs from the lettuce. Grams of protein in that egg. That's it. You get, you get one gram of carbs from the lettuce. Okay. in that egg that's it you get you get one gram of carbs
Starting point is 01:06:25 from the lettuce okay um late afternoon snack oh here we go we don't want you to be hungry one medium apple one ounce stick of cheddar cheese oh okay okay to me that's like the only solid snack right now yeah that i like that the apple can be filling i can eat i can be like halfway done with an apple and be like, oh, shit, I got to force the rest of this down. So I approve of that one. Ready for dinner? Yeah. I can't wait. Boy, am I.
Starting point is 01:06:56 A half a cup of spaghetti cooked 14 to 20 minutes. How specific? Yeah, why? Why that? I don't know. Okay. It doesn't retain as much water four ounces of marinara sauce okay one tablespoon grated cheese okay one medium tomato this is gonna be so good a half medium cucumber peeled and sliced. One tablespoon vinegar and herbs. It's got to have flavor.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Two plain breadsticks that are 80 calories. I'm not sure what those are. Not the all garden kind? And four ounces of Chianti. Oh, shit. Wine? Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:54 What year is that book written 1984 wow i mean i have shit marked down in this book from when i was 10 12 years old um uh just say we grow our i have a couple of apple trees on the property. My apples are like this. Look at like this. Bailey, come over. Well, I want to see you eat one down. And when I do eat a whole apple, I want you to know I eat everything. I eat the core, the ass, the head. The only thing I don't eat is the stem. Do you eat it from the stem? Once I get it to a core, then I turn it, I hold it
Starting point is 01:08:26 just from one end and then start working my way down. Mostly because I just don't know what to do with it. I don't want to throw it on the floor in the car. I think we throw mine out the window. That's not littering, is it? No. Absolutely not. I live in Santa Cruz,
Starting point is 01:08:44 California. One time I did that, though, but I live in Santa Cruz, California. One time I did that though. And I didn't, I didn't, I missed the throw and I slammed it against the window and it came back and it went like this way. Oh shit. So, so when you switch, so, so that, and you, you, you tried that, you would eat like that. I would try to, I mean, my mom wouldn't give me Chianti, but I would try to do this diet. And this, this ends up being 1100 calories a day, by the way, 1100 calories,
Starting point is 01:09:09 and you're dancing four or five hours a day. And, and, and so when you switch to CrossFit, was there any, was there any, any difficulty in watching your body composition just changed or changed drastically? Um, no, cause I had done a lot of like bodybuilding and stuff as a young adult. So it was more for me, it was when I stopped dancing, you know, stopped dancing five, six hours a day and still ate the way I wanted to eat. That was hard.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Cause I didn't know what to do. It seems like with the female swimmers and,erinas, that that's maybe the cliches where you just hear all the horror stories come out of about eating. You know, it was some swim coach who told them, or in probably gymnastics too, but I feel like I've heard so many in swimming, someone tells the, Hey, you're too big. Hey, you're fat. Or, or, you know, you know, the ballerina basically gets treated like a model, right? Hey, you have to be so fricking skinny. I mean, luckily for me though, the, the school that I went to, um, we were never told that like our, we had a male dance teacher who, you know, called us little shits all the time because we were probably just not well-behaved,
Starting point is 01:10:19 but he never, I don't think, I don't remember ever being told that I needed to lose weight. Was he gay? No, he's married. He had two kids. I didn't think, I don't remember ever being told that I needed to lose weight. Was he gay? Was he gay? No, he's married. He had two kids. I didn't ask that. I don't think he was gay. I didn't get that vibe from him at all. I dress my kids, I dress my kids like the way I remember Baryshnikov. My mom really liked Baryshnikov and I remember her talking about him and in the picture of him my mind is
Starting point is 01:10:45 black tights in a white tank top like there's one of those mexican like wife beater tank tops as they say in the hood yeah and um so i dress my kids like that and i always have and it's so funny because i see this so freaking masculine because i think of baryshnikov is so uh so i'm asking he wasn't gay right he was he that guy wasn't gay was he i've heard some stories like the womanizer yeah yeah good dude strong strong strong uh libido is that what that's called libido probably okay caleb libido i'm looking it up i think libido is like a um a men's uh like sex drive i think yes yeah there you go allison i love verizhnikov he's my all-time crush yeah he's cool shit right
Starting point is 01:11:32 libido uh sexual desire oh yeah so it's it's uh it could be for boys and girls men and women my kids are cholos okay i'll take it um austin hartman i swam with plenty bigger women swimmers in high school our team ate our asses off all right all right fine because it's in the navy don't don't ruin my story i will you asked me you know when i started crossfit about like did i have any problems with my body or anything? I didn't. I love having muscles. My mom had a big problem with it. I think my mom still has a big problem with it, that I look manly or that you have very big muscles. I think she's just used to it.
Starting point is 01:12:17 It's probably a generational thing. What's interesting is I think my sister was – my sister. I always get my sister and my wife confused. I think my wife was raised like that, too. She was raised in an environment where I think her dad was like put a lot of emphasis on being thin and having a certain body. And as soon as my wife started doing CrossFit, she turned into a brick shithouse. Yeah. Like maybe Hillary would even think she's on roids.
Starting point is 01:12:42 She got the crazy fucking rounded shoulders. Her arms started getting all crazy. She came just vascular as fuck veins coming down her hands. And it's, it's and now it's, it's fascinating because when I, when you see CrossFit women next to normal women, they make the normal women look unhealthy.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Oh, even if they're not unhealthy. Yeah. Yeah. Like, Hey dude, like, like you better hold the hand railing when you go down the stairs. There's all these like multi-level marketing, you know, shake companies or whatever that people show like these before and afters. And I think the afters of women look ill. Yeah. Because I'm so used to seeing like women with meat on their bones um there was this girl she is um god i i know there's people in the chat who know her name
Starting point is 01:13:33 uh she was a victoria's secrets model she is a victoria's secrets model she's like one of those people has millions and millions of followers um she does that victoria's secrets uh modeling thing where they like they they wear the wings what is her name we'll say that again i don't know how they hold those up yeah what is her name and she was at the she was at the crossfit games one year okay and i saw her and she's like consider you know she's the the the paragon of the role model of what all beauty looks like. And I saw her at the CrossFit Games, and she seriously looked like she needed medical attention. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Like it was the greatest juxtaposition of things that I ever saw. I was like, holy shit, I can't believe. I wonder if she felt awkward in that situation. I wonder if she felt awkward in that situation. Every girl in there is like 60, every girl there is lean, but 60 pounds heavier than you. Yeah. Do you think, sometimes I wonder if we have forgot if, if we're, we are, did you remember like seeing bodybuilders and stuff, or did you ever go to the Arnold or the Mr. Universe and you would go into
Starting point is 01:14:43 their vendor village, which was massive. It was basically just one vendor village you know it was the vendor village was as big as the entire crossfit games and i'd go in there and i just knew i was around sick people like mentally sick like something was wrong with them and i was like man these people are freaks like they've i was i've never been to one but i dated a bodybuilder so yeah i know what that's like. Yeah. Something's wrong. And, um, there's some pathology, something, uh, but, um, do you ever wonder that like maybe CrossFit has turned into that and we just don't know because we're in it?
Starting point is 01:15:17 No, definitely not. Okay. Definitely not. Because I remember when I first came into CrossFit, I thought the women, I was like blown away at how muscular they are but now i never it's it's the opposite way i've noticed how unmuscular other people are so i'm like shit what happened to me like i recalibrated but i but i wonder or even that orange skin shit that they do a professional bodybuilding things they're like people be like oh they do that because they're under the bright lights i'm like
Starting point is 01:15:44 i don't give a shit what reason they do it. It looks horrible. It looks horrible in the lights. It looks horrible outside. No one's looking at and being like, you look good. Yeah. Well, I think I always enjoyed the fact that CrossFit gets you to like your perfect expression of what your body's supposed to look like.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And so I hope that that is true and real and not some like fabrication that we've made up, you know, and then you can't really argue with that. Like, this is how I'm supposed to look if I'm like the purest expression of myself, healthy and whatnot. I'm going to do a ton of functional movement and whatever happens at the end, and I'm going to, I'm going to clean up my diet and whatever happens at the end of the day that this is my DNA expressing itself. Yeah. I mean, and I've, and I'm probably 10 clean up my diet and whatever happens at the end of the day, this is my DNA expressing itself. Yeah. I mean, and I'm probably 10 or 15 pounds heavier than I was when I started CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:16:31 I look way better now than I did when I started. Yeah, that's awesome. When you go on the show, are there any guests? You had some big guests on the show. Do you ever get nervous? Are you ever like, holy shit? Oh, yeah. I mean, we talked to Matt. We talked to Matt's mom. You had Matt's mom on the show. Do you ever get nervous? Are you ever like, holy shit? Oh yeah. I mean, we talked to Matt, we talked to Matt's mom.
Starting point is 01:16:47 We had Matt's mom on the show? Yeah, on Mother's Day. Wow. Yeah. We did a special Mother's Day edition with her. It was awesome. She was so, she loved it. You had Matt Fraser's mom on the show? Yeah. And she was an Olympian, right? Yep. I can't get Matt on my show anymore, but I wonder if I could get his mom. I'm making a note here. That's mom. She was great. I'll send you the link for it. It was cool. It was a cool chat. Do I get nervous? I mean, not really anymore. I did before for sure. I think, yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 01:17:21 A smiley. Wow. Adorable. Holy cow. That is soy. Wow. Adorable. Holy cow. That is so awesome. I had no idea. Yep. I mean, who doesn't want to talk about their son too? Say that again?
Starting point is 01:17:35 She didn't want to? Who doesn't love to talk about their son? Oh, right. She was jazzed to be on. Do you think that maybe you get less nervous because there's there's three like what if it was just you on the show do you think you'd be more nervous if like if it just like you're there and then all of a sudden matt's mom shows up or matt shows up i definitely feel like i have a harder time organizing my thoughts when it's just me i feel
Starting point is 01:18:00 like i'm very much like okay get to the point figure out what you're going to talk about and then as soon as we go off camera like we have the best conversations and I'm like, why can't I get that vibe on camera? You know, I struggle with that sometimes. It's like that in this show too. One of the things I noticed also that's interesting is like, I'll try to get off with a guest, like it's time to go. But if we don't get off, you can kind of fake that vibe. So then all, you know what I mean? It's like, okay, Kat, nice talking to you. And then you're like, nice talking to you too. And then I'll be like, so what are you going to do today? And then
Starting point is 01:18:33 I'll just throw in maybe one more question. And then all of a sudden we've kind of slipped into like something more real. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. And I like, I don't know, wish I was recording all that too. Cause some of the best stuff comes from that. Do you, do you ever feel that since there's more than one person asking questions that it's hard to drill down into a certain topic? So like, if you want to float, let's say you have five leading questions that are going to get to somewhere or, you know, the, like we talked, like, for instance, we talked about the ballerina thing and i wanted to bring up the sensitive subject at least in my mind sensitive subject about how it relates to diet and
Starting point is 01:19:10 being skinny but then i give it some room to breathe i'm like okay i can kind of ambush her later maybe like if she had any anxiety of going there yeah move away and then i'll come back to it i'm not doing it consciously but but in hindsight, I've gotten used to watching myself do that. Do you ever feel like with you and Amy and Scott, that it's more difficult to do that? I mean, it's so hard to navigate the flow for sure. Especially if some of us sometimes get too honed in on our questions that we forget to listen. Right, right. You know, yeah, I'm so guilty of that. And so I try, I try to be the one and it seems like I'm interrupting a lot, but I'm trying to dig down into deeper things before we move on because I want to get
Starting point is 01:19:55 a little bit deeper than just whatever, whatever's going on. And so, you know, sometimes we'll share our notes ahead of time just so we kind of get an idea of what we're trying to get at. But, yeah, you're going to get that if you have four interviewers and one person. Like, it gets crazy. Like, even if something is superficial, it's like, hey, what do you eat? And then they say whatever they say, apples. And then you want to be like, you want to follow up with where do you get your apples from? And then they say whole foods. And then you're like, have you ever thought about growing your own apple tree?
Starting point is 01:20:23 And you just can't get to the subject you want to get to because someone else had a question and they, it's not their fault. They just don't know that you're taking them somewhere. It usually happens the other way around. So I would prefer that going deeper into where to get your apples. Let's talk about that before we move on to the next question. And what happens for us sometimes is I'm not able to do that. And someone's asked the next question already. And then the interview is over and it's been five minutes. And I'm like, what the fuck? Like I had so much more that we could have dug in on. And that I find that happens a lot when I go back and listen again.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I'm like, shit, I should have asked this or, Oh, what about that? How often do you go back and listen? Almost all the time. You do. Yeah. I want to like get better. I wonder, I get really uncomfortable going back and listening. Oh do. Yeah. I want to like get better. I wonder, I get really uncomfortable going back and listening. Oh really? Yeah. I don't think I, I don't, I don't think I, it's even weird to me to
Starting point is 01:21:16 look at the people who listen to the show. I'm like, cause I don't, I don't understand what I'm giving off that attracts certain kinds of ideas and people. And it makes me start to feel very uncomfortable, not in a bad way, but just maybe shy or embarrassed. Like it makes me want to contract. Like I'm afraid if I watch this shit, I'm going to stop doing certain stuff. Oh, I see. Possible. But fuck, maybe I should stop doing certain stuff. Well, I don't know how you'd have enough hours in a day. You need, you know, the earth needs to spin on its axis a little bit more slowly for you to get through all of it because you've got a lot to listen to.
Starting point is 01:21:49 What about people on the team? Is there any struggling on the team that some people work significantly harder than other people and that you wished other people? that you wished other people or, or that maybe someone doesn't show up, um, with the, uh, right amount of energy mindset prepared, like with, with that many people, I think it was sort of like team competition, although it's probably not like this, but if you know, Scott and Amy are going to be on the show that maybe you didn't do your research on the people or does, or does everyone feel that pressure to bring their a game? I think everyone does what they can. And we have a clear, clear expectations of how much people can give based on what they have going on in their lives. And we are all compensated accordingly. We're all, I mean, we all own a part of the company so it's not like scott's company and
Starting point is 01:22:46 you know we just work for scott like oh i'm a co-owner of the company okay so everyone knows so and so everyone has that ownership mentality that like hey we own this bring your a game this isn't a joke yeah oh that's awesome well being said, I will say this about Scott. I mean, from the ones I've watched, it seems like he always seems beyond prepared. And so you guys have, I mean, yeah, way beyond prepared. We rely on him a lot to be prepared. That's what it looks like. So he's the, you can lean on him a lot to yeah okay prepared that's what it looks like so he's the he's the you can
Starting point is 01:23:26 you can lean on him that's why i like having brian on i like i'm supposed to be prepared i can lean on him i consider myself like color commentary okay you know unless unless it's my interview right if it's somebody that i procured and that i really look forward to, I will lead those interviews. Scott's so good about letting us do that if we want to. Yeah, that's awesome. Um, why did you guys do that? Why did you guys choose to all just from the beginning? Tell me how Clydesdale formed. Tell me how that formed. Yeah. Um, Scott, I hate the thought of sharing my shit because I did it for so many years, but I hate it. Scott, Amy, and Charlie used to work out together at a gym.
Starting point is 01:24:09 They all live together in Ohio. And they started talking about CrossFit. They had like a group chat. And Scott was doing his podcast for CrossFit Shred, which is the affiliate that they all belong to. And that's how they started. And so it must've been, they must've had to have some serious discussions before they brought you in. I would imagine. Yeah. I would imagine that like me interviewing those guys was my audition is what I say. Sevan, don't be the spark that starts the fire. Easy, easy. I'm just,
Starting point is 01:24:41 they just got some questions. I'm not, I'm not, I'm just curious. I'm just curious. I mean, Scott's in the chat, so he can probably fill in the blanks for it. Cause I, you know, I wasn't part of it until a few months later. They would go to gyms and work out with people, they knew the panchics. They were local Ohio people. They would go work out and then interview folks. They interviewed Ben Smith, I think one time and nothing got recorded. It was like a two minute interview that was supposed to be 20 minutes or something. Because the malfunction in, um, uh, uh, equipment or because Ben Smith doesn't talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:15 The former. Um, that Ben's gotten significantly more talkative, which is awesome. Yeah. I, um, I, I've had three through, through my media days from being in my early twenties to the present, I've had three partnerships go sideways and they were all for the exact, exact same reason, because I didn't feel like the people were working hard enough. I didn't feel like they were giving up and they were working hard. Yeah. It's not hard enough for me. And so they event, eventually they went, um, sideways and now Suze is my partner on this. And we, we, we clearly, we haven't had that, um, issue at all.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Yeah. We haven't had any issues. I mean, like I said, I think everyone has clear expectations of how much people can devote to it because of their lives. And so everybody's meeting their expectations. And if they didn't, you know, I think we'd all be comfortable talking about it. Yeah, that's awesome. It's a really great group. You had Fikowski on. You've had Matt Fraser on. You've had Chris Spieler on.
Starting point is 01:26:23 You've had Lazar Jukic on. Is it easy getting these guys, the big names? Yeah, I think so. It's just, you know, DMs. It helps to be able to name drop a little bit for someone that's never heard of you before. You know, you say, oh, we just talked to Matt Fraser last week. You know, we'd like to have you on. And do you send them a link?
Starting point is 01:26:45 Yeah. Like, oh, here'd like to have you all. And do you send them a link? Yeah. Like, oh, here, here's, here's, we interviewed Matt. Oh, oh, for the, no, not sometimes. It depends. I mean, it's at the beginning, we really had to do that. You know, I only had like, I mean, Clydesdale media only had like 300 followers on Instagram. Like we weren't really, we didn't have any notoriety per se. So yeah, we'd send people links of like, hey, we interviewed Sam Briggs. Or we talked to this person and that person.
Starting point is 01:27:08 And now it's pretty much like we've got relationships with these people. We text them and we're friends with a lot of them like Annika Greer, Ariel Loewen. We've built relationships now where like Lazar, Colton, Colton Mertens and I, we talk a lot. That's cool. Have you guys interviewed Mal Oertens and I, we talk a lot. He's cool. Have you guys interviewed Mal O'Brien? No, we have not. Have you tried? No, we had James Townsend.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Yeah. How was that? I need to have James Townsend on like just me and him. How was that? I'm going to let Scott chime in on that one. I'm not sure if I can talk about it. Did you guys publish it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Because – I feel like maybe we pulled it down or am I thinking of someone else's interview? I don't know, but he did do two podcasts during that time that had to be pulled down for whatever reason. Mal's agent or someone got uh yeah got pissed oh we have not we have not pulled it down you've not oh have you guys interviewed laura horvat no jacqueline dalstrom many times you ever had anyone on who won't come on again i don't think so fuck all right i mean if we've asked we haven't noticed you know we haven't been like oh Oh shit,
Starting point is 01:28:25 we did them once before. Cause I definitely, I would love, I would love, I'm, I would love to speak with Laura and I'm not Laura. I would like to speak with Laura, but I,
Starting point is 01:28:36 for some, I don't know if I told, told the story, but she was on the show once and it was really, uh, it was awesome. It was, it was, it was really awkward,
Starting point is 01:28:44 but we pulled it off. Like me, me and her pulled it off and I thought it was, I remember I watched it. Yeah, it was awesome. It was really awkward, but we pulled it off. Like me and her pulled it off. And I thought it was. I remember I watched it. Yeah, people loved it. And then, I don't know, like six months later, I text her and I said, hey, I'd love to have you on the show again. And she responded, how did you get my phone number? Like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Oh, shit. The James Townsend one is still up. We did interview him and we did not have to take it down okay according to scott and uh and because and i and i've i've um i think i've dm'd mal a few times to try to get her on i would go ahead i was just going to say if we were going to try to get mal we'd probably go through o'keefe to do that we have a good relationship that's her agent um well he's part of hwpo now right for some reason i think she has another uh i think um uh uh i'm gonna get the name wrong i want to say benghazi but it's uh bijan bijan i think is her her her agent i think agent. Have you interviewed him? No.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Yeah, I don't think we. But we would probably go through Matt. I mean, we have those bigger relationships that we try to leverage to get people to talk to us. What about stuff outside the space? You guys think about ever doing stuff outside the space? Well, tomorrow we are launching a show called Live Happily Ever Awesome. Okay. The host is a licensed marriage counselor. She is also a master's CrossFit athlete, Julie Rappaport.
Starting point is 01:30:20 She was second at Legends in the 50 to 54 age group. She is a friend of the show. And she and I are launching that show tomorrow. And it's why we're doing the live call-in. So it's why I bought this Rodecaster Pro and I've been bugging Matt Souza. And it's why I've got all the wires over here. Did you get the phone? Did you get the phone working?
Starting point is 01:30:36 Yeah, finally last night we got it to work. What ended up being the issue? Because we had an issue in the beginning too, but I can't remember what it was. Was just your headphones were plugged in or the volume was down? No, it was the input and output from my mac one of them had to be uh roadcaster chat and the other one had to be roadcaster mean oh it was literally just trial and error i was just pressing buttons until it worked and i was like i took a picture of it i'm like this is how it needs to be um i i wanted to do a show like that. It's funny. And I scheduled it like five times.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I wanted to do a, a relationship show with Daniel Brandon. Yeah. Yeah. So people would call in and just ask her, but man, she's tough to schedule. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:14 She is very, very, we interviewed Julie last week to follow up with the masters, with the legends, Julie Rappaport, Julie Rappaport. And we, I, I said, you know, we you know, we're doing this series.
Starting point is 01:31:27 We want to follow you through. And she's like, well, I have another idea. Let me talk to you about it. And she said, I've always wanted to do like a radio call-in show with my therapy thing. And I said, why don't you use our platform to do it? I'll help you produce it. I'll manage your social media for you. Because she doesn't have time to do all that. And I love to do that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:42 So we're bringing her on under the Clydesdale media umbrella. She's going to, she's going to host the show. I'm just going to be like, you know, the side girl taking calls and running the board. And again, color commentary, I have no authority on, on marriages and that kind of thing. So yeah, it'll be fun. God, if you could pull that off, that would be amazing. It's weird. Call people calling in is kind of a trip. off that would be amazing it's weird call call people calling in is kind of a trip i never really sometimes it's the whole show people will call in and other times people won't call in at all i'd never know exactly what triggers them or they'll wait until like the hour and 40 minute mark and then people start calling in yeah are you you
Starting point is 01:32:19 know you may you may do five shows like i can't remember how many live calling shows we did before someone called in. But you might do five shows and no one calls in. She said that she was anxious to, like, see if I was going to get it working for Friday. And she said she already has people that she knows will call in. Oh, shit. She has patients and things. She has a private practice. Is it going to be, like, I can't remember the crossfit athlete uh it was but she they thought
Starting point is 01:32:46 she was going to win the games in 2009 really buff lady like really buff former gymnast and i remember her saying while we were filming with her in 2009 she said basically her husband left her because she got too muscular and i wonder if you're going to hear shit like that it was a crazy story well we've we've got a list of topics that we want to cover each show, each week. And this topic for this week is going to be, are rom-coms ruining your relationship? And so it's like the perception. What's a rom-com? That's a romantic comedy.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Okay. It's like what you see in the media, love stories, and how relationships are supposed to be sort of clouding your vision and making you think your relationship sucks because it's you're comparing it to that um well tell me the name what's a rom give me like a rom-com a title of a movie that's a rom-com um friends with benefits oh wedding crashers oh no not wedding crashers um wedding crashers isn't a rom-com kind of god that movie i watched that movie on an airplane and i was laughing out loud with my headphones on that was fucking weird okay love actually that's like scott's favorite scott scott loves rom-coms i don't know any of these movies yeah you're lucky pretty woman oh i remember sleepless in seattle that was like yeah you've got mail
Starting point is 01:34:07 how to lose a guy okay is that really a thing i don't know we're gonna find out it was her idea julie's idea my idea is i want to do one about is crossfit ruining your relationship oh and what and what would that look like i don't't know. We'll see. There's a lot of drama around CrossFit gyms and people hooking up and. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Discovering themselves and realizing that they're a different person and there's all kinds of shit. You could take that a lot of different ways. The answer is probably it depends, but I'd like to dig into it a little bit. I walked into a gym in Atlanta one time to film, to do some work around the open. I walked in with my wife early years and we walked into the gym.
Starting point is 01:34:56 We got there like 10 minutes early to set up cameras and there was a couple in there kissing. And when they saw us, they pulled apart. And I was like, oh, they just embarrassed because we walked in and I'm kissing. It was some saw us, they pulled apart. And I was like, oh, they just embarrassed. Cause we walked in and I'm kissing. It was some passionate shit. Right. And, um, so we were there and then about, I don't know, 20 minutes later, uh, that dude's wife and that chick's husband came in and I was like, oh yeah. There was a, at the Masters Fitness Collective this year, somebody posted on their Instagram story and tagged Masters Fitness Collective in it and said, when you find out your husband's cheating on you or something. And it was a video of an athlete who I guess his girlfriend came to watch him compete.
Starting point is 01:35:38 And he like gave her a kiss on the sideline. Oh, like the mistress was there. Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. on the side line oh like the mistress was there yeah oh shit oh shit we took that down real fast but you know dude um i'm trying uh i can remember one uh occasion at hq where someone walked into the gym at uh in our gym didn't have any windows it just had the doors it was a big gym and someone walked in and turned on the lights and there was a uh one of the people were married to another person at hq and uh they were pretending like they it looked like they had just
Starting point is 01:36:20 pulled it apart and they were pretending like they were looking around for the lights. Yikes. No, I did. I did a fight breakout. No, because the other person wasn't there. Right. The wife wasn't there. No, the wife was not there. Yeah, that I mean, you get a bunch of people barely clothed, working out pheromones and shit pumping off of them. pheromones and shit pumping off of them i i i'm not condoning um i think um doing that to your mate is fucked up because it hurts people but but i'm also not uh
Starting point is 01:36:53 it's like walking on a slippery road like it's gonna happen someone's falling right someone's fought like you can't have tons of beautiful people together and, and people trying to better themselves. And, uh, do you have a lot of couples in your gym who come there together? Um, I have one that I can think of that work. They work out together. I guess the moral of the story is if your mate's working out, you better go work out with them.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Do you work out? Can you work out with your husband without fighting? No. That seems like a common theme. That's the common theme. I wonder why couples can't do that. I mean, gosh, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times we've worked out together. Like when we had the garage gym, I think we worked out together once maybe just because timing didn't work out. He's been here and I've coached him before and we are terrible, but I'm, he does not like to be coached and I do not like to coach him. Like he'll say
Starting point is 01:37:56 one wrong thing and I'm like, Oh, you leave right now. Like, you'll pull the old like sweetheart. Hey, I'm, you know, he's doing like double unders or something. I'm like, just relax your arms, relax your arms. And I'll like, he'll do it again. And he'll mess up and I'll say, relax your arms. He's like, sweetheart, I'm doing that. I'm like, don't you fucking call me sweetheart. Like that is not, that's not a loving sweetheart. That's like a fuck you, sweetheart. Like, okay, this isn't working. How about this? When we're constantly flirting with my husband in our gyms, I had to beat them off with a stick. Wow. with my husband in our gyms, I had to beat them off with a stick. Wow. I don't think I really care if people hit on my wife.
Starting point is 01:38:31 No, I think that's cool. Yeah. I don't think it, I don't know. Yeah. I, I, um, someone to touch me pretty inappropriately one year at HQ right in front of my wife. That was weird. I didn't get in trouble, but she, she, she had a talk with me. I was like, did I do anything? She's like, no, that wasn't your fault. But like, that's crazy that someone touches you like that. Yeah. And it was crazy. My husband did that once he, um, we were like, that's another woman. And then you had to go have a talk with them.
Starting point is 01:39:02 No. Well, we, we were at a baseball game and there was like another baseball mom that came up that I was talking to. And he came up to the two of us and he like gave her a kiss hello. And it was really fucking weird. Like because it wasn't someone that I thought he had that kind of relationship with. Yeah. It was in front of my daughter, I think, too. And like she and I talked about it later we're like what the fuck was that like was she a foreigner maybe she's a foreigner was she french
Starting point is 01:39:30 he initiated the kiss with her it was very strange i mean we're all friends no you have to talk no no we don't talk like this this lady came up to me and stood so close to me that her pelvis was on me and then put her hands on my chest oh and talked to me while she so close to me that her pelvis was on me and then put her hands on my chest and talked to me while she was talking to me. That's weird. Yeah. It was fucking weird. I would love to tell you her position in the company. You could like, imagine the craziest position. The last person who should ever do that to you in the company is that person. HR. Yeah. Oh, damn it. And she said RH or something and hit it i was like what the fuck those hr girls are wild the thing is is that i think the litmus test is this right if you treat one person differently than you're treating everyone else in kind of a generic form
Starting point is 01:40:20 then you like if you're not putting your hand on every single dude's chest and every single woman's chest and then then like like i would like i would give you a, if you're not putting your hand on every single dude's chest and every single woman's chest, then, then, then like, like I would, like, I would give you a pass if that was like, and you had spoken a funny accent, right. And ate a lot of cheese and smoked cigarettes. Like, okay. There was some cultural thing, but when you just do it just to one person and it stands out, like your husband wasn't there kissing every girl at the, at the place. Right. Yeah. Well, at least, at least, you know, that you care. Right. Good, good, good litmus test, test, uh, um, for that. The, the, what, what's the, what will be the, is there an end game for, for the gym? Like, are you, do you still have tons of passion for it after, uh, four years?
Starting point is 01:41:02 Like, do you think you'll do it for 10 years? Do you think you'll do it forever? Do you just take it day by day? I mean, right now I'm in a five-year lease at this building, so I'm coming up on almost a year. So another four years for sure. I would love to groom somebody to take it over for me. I don't think you can use that word anymore, by the way, that word was hijacked. I would to train someone right to become my successor i would like a succession plan i'm gonna be 50 in like a month and i just wow yeah and i i don't want to do this like forever i mean i love it but yeah yeah i would like to step back and do some more business stuff do some more podcast stuff have this running and still being affecting all these people with health and fitness,
Starting point is 01:41:46 but maybe, you know, slowing down a little bit. What ethnicity are you? What's what? What ethnicity are you? I'm half Italian. My dad's Italian.
Starting point is 01:41:55 A hundred percent. Um, Ellis Island, the whole nine, like grandparents, great grandparents. My mom is like Welsh and English. Uh huh.
Starting point is 01:42:04 I can't believe you're 50 you don't have a fucking single wrinkle on your face well i get a little botox but other than that yeah does that hurt no any side effects no could you tell that she had done that i mean my face moves a little bit my eyebrowsbrows move. No, I wouldn't have been able to tell. I haven't even seen you in person. Yes, he's met me in person. Do you guys remember meeting each other? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:34 I was at Mac this year. You reached out to California Hormones. I did. And you got blood work. Yep. um you reached out to california hormones i did and you got blood work yep and and um can you share any of that that experience and and what you found out and what yeah what you're doing what decisions you made so yeah she does look amazing it's crazy it's fucking crazy no one would ever know you're 50 not that there's anything i like people knowing i'm 60 but but not there's anything wrong with it but it's just crazy how young you look crossfit has a lot to do with that for sure i mean i literally feel like it's the fountain of youth 100 um anyway
Starting point is 01:43:11 uh yeah reached out to california hormones got my blood work done got my results um i'm not a doctor but i think females range anywhere from like 20 to 200 other levels of testosterone and I'm at a 60. Um, I have some symptoms of like, you know, cloudy memory stuff and, you know, like lower sex drive, that kind of thing. And just felt like, you know, could use a boost of something. And, uh, so yeah, so I'm, I'm on the plan now. I've been on it for about a month. And you, it into you. And where do you inject it? Either in my shoulder or in my butt. And did your husband freak out when you did that? No.
Starting point is 01:43:59 He's not afraid like it's going to turn you into an animal and you're going to eat him? Well, no, I mean, we talked about it. We talked about the side effects and sort of, you know, I explained to him and to everybody else, like more of my, I had to more explain it to my mom than anyone. She's like, why are you doing that? Oh my God, you're going to turn into a man. You know, my goal is to get to 100, right? 100 is the median for females, right?
Starting point is 01:44:23 Males go anywhere from like 300 to 1200. I'm not trying to become a dude. I don't want to get anywhere close to 200, quite frankly. I'm on the tiniest amount. And did you tell the doctor that? Yeah. Well, they're like, OK, we're doing this for symptoms. We're not doing this for any other reason. for any other reason. I'm 77 and I feel every inch of it. Bob, California hormones, turning into fucking 57. I've talked about my friend who's 78 who got on it and he says it's like,
Starting point is 01:44:58 it's a complete life changer. And what are you putting into you? Just testosterone? Yes. And that's it? Yep. And the tiniest amount, it's like 0.1. The first little black line on the syringe, it's like nothing. What is that relative to what Hiller's doing? Is Hiller doing 200 and you're doing 0.1? Is it like that? I think he's doing like closer to a full syringe.
Starting point is 01:45:22 And do you know what that number is? Andrew, are you in the chat? Hold on. He's doing like closer to a full syringe. And do you know what that number is? Andrew, are you in the chat? I have my stash here. And how often, and how often do you do that? Every three and a half days. Three and a half days. Yeah. So I do like Sunday morning and then I'll do Wednesday night and then I'll do, you know, I figured out.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Is it a pain? Is it a pain? No, not at all. This is the, this is the syringe. It goes up to one milliliter and I do 0.1 milliliter. And I think Andrew does maybe one milliliter. So he does this whole thing. Uh huh.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Yeah. And I do just up to that very first line, like right there. Those are the same surges we use. Oh, okay. So Wad Zombie says he does 100 milliliters. No, probably one. That would be 100 of these. Unless this is by hundreds.
Starting point is 01:46:26 So he does one of those a week and you do one 10th of those. Yes. I always knew women were one 10th of what men are. Oh, point, point five. Okay. Don't confuse me. That's what, oh, that's what Andrew does. That's not what you do.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Okay. I have a vagina. Don't ask me about math. Right. I screwed that up. Fuck. That would have been a great bit. I got that number right. By the way, I guess like two 50. Hey, and that girl, that girl DM me, Melissa. Yeah. And she's like, you had no chance against me. I'm a mathematician. I was like, I'm usually really bad at that kind of stuff though.
Starting point is 01:47:01 If you ask me like the population of my town or like the example you gave like how many people were there i'm like oh 30 it was a thousand have you noticed anything from from the from the from since you started a month ago not yet okay um i've been watching gary didn't notice anything for months yeah i've been watching hillers videos too let's see i think one of one of the things that's in my head is i feel like i have to shave my legs more often than usual so you're not sure if you're making that up or not yeah i'm not i don't know if i'm making it up or not because i never really kept track before but i'm kind of like oh man i just shaved like yesterday now i feel whatever so who knows but no like no acne no know, my appetite's still the same.
Starting point is 01:47:46 You didn't shave 30 seconds off your Fran time. Not yet, but I'm trying. And so, um, uh, what, what do you go with the followup doctor's appointment? They checked your, to see if you've gone up from 60. I should, um, this, the end of this week, like today's injection would have been my eighth injection for a week. So I should be getting a call to schedule my lab work again to see if we've moved the needle at all. And what does that look like? The lab work? You just, you just go walk into a lab. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I show up to a lab and do it in my insurance base for it. And you don't have to make an appointment or anything. Nope. Just walk in and get blood work. And then they, and then they send those numbers to the, to the doctor. Yep. And then you jump on a, to the doctor. Yep. And depending on where you get the lab work, I send it right. They send it right to me too. So I see it before I even get a call from the doctor. And does it make sense to you? Like you have enough knowledge to be like, okay, there's a T I just be a hundred. He used to be 60 and hopefully
Starting point is 01:48:41 it's like 65 now or something. Yeah. Well, that's so fucking cool. Thanks for sharing that. It's been great. It's been a great experience. And, uh, you know, I'm super stoked to see like how it goes and I'm committed to, you know, staying on it as forever if I have to, or if I want to. Yeah. I can't wait to hear, uh, about that. That's the first girl that I've heard. Well, that's not true. Um, I don't know if I should say her name, but there's someone else I met
Starting point is 01:49:05 who's been taking growth hormone and tea for 10 years. I could never tell by looking at her either. You know what I mean? I mean, she's just a beautiful woman, but I'm so curious to hear your experience with it. I'm so freaking curious to hear how that plays out. Yeah, I mean, I feel like I'm a little bit leaner, like my muscle mass has grown a little bit, but you know, I, I don't know if that's just because
Starting point is 01:49:30 like I've had been working out a little more consistently and, and all that. So things have to level out before I can really tell. Yeah. Gary was basically saying this. He goes, how can I hadn't done CrossFit in a year? I started doing CrossFit and I started doing T how the fuck am I supposed to tell, which is what? And if, if I were to get on that stuff, I would definitely start working out more because it's like, I wouldn't want to waste it. Yeah, exactly. You're probably having some sort of like placebo or motivational effect for sure. Right. I'm eating better. I'm trying to get more sleep, all that good stuff. No, her name doesn't rhyme with Mia Boomy. No, she's not an athlete.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Leave Tia alone. What do you think about Tia being pregnant? I think it's awesome. Yeah, right? Yeah. I mean, the two of them are so adorable. Like Shane loves her so much. It's just, it's cool to see. Yeah, I'm very happy for her.
Starting point is 01:50:22 What I noticed right away is just how much like i recognize that that i don't know if supple is the right word but yeah yeah just that i saw my wife go through and how awesome it was to see my wife go through that i just loved seeing her body turn into that like baby carrier yeah yeah it's cool it's very cool have you had her on the show i don't know i i can't get her on the show either um they're both very well shane's very nice to me he always responds to my texts but i can't get them on the show but when i see her do that that like that interview with like that channel 5 news in 5 news in fucking Tennessee, and the guy looks like he's a game show host, I'm just like, come on, girl. Right.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Get it together. Yeah. Come on, girl. Who's advising you what shows to go on? Come on. Yeah. My favorite, my best story, my best Tia story is when I was at the Rogue Invitational as a judge, and we were standing off to the side of the stage and she was coming off. She had won an event and the bleachers were like right up like at our face, like bleachers were here. We were
Starting point is 01:51:31 standing at a floor level. So like people's asses were just basically like right at eye level and then higher up. And she comes off the stage and somebody had like passed gas and it smelled like a dirty diaper, like in the thing. Awesome. I love those moments, by the way. I live for that shit. She comes back and she's like, who farted? Oh, awesome. It was super loud.
Starting point is 01:51:54 It was great. We were like, oh, my God. You've got to be around her probably more than I have. And not only that, but she's evolved so much in her personality. When I was around her, she was very timid. Oh, yeah. Well, like 18, 17. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:12 She was so timid to the point where I didn't even feel comfortable approaching her. Like if she was somewhere, I would talk to Shane. Yeah, that's cool of you. Yeah. Or maybe it was – I always get stuck between is that rude? No, I think that's respectful. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I definitely think that's respectful.
Starting point is 01:52:31 I was at the 2016 games in Carson, the last games in Carson. It was the first time I got to go in person, and that was the heartbreaking year for her, right? She got second to Katrin. Did she? 16? Yeah. She got second to Katrin? She took a second? I think so. Someone in the chat will unfuck us.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Caleb, it's a race. It's a race. It's a race. I thought so. What's the rest of the year look like for you? Where are you going to be? Are you going to be judging anything? Have you applied like for you where are you going to be where are you where are you going to be judging anything have you applied to judge anywhere what's the rest are you going to be doing media uh anywhere what's the we're going to latapalooza as media clydesdale yeah okay and hopefully you and i i catch up with your team at some point and can help you guys out however i can awesome thank you yeah i'd love to do that um that's the only plan right now i mean
Starting point is 01:53:23 orlando thank you by the way that's really nice of you. I really appreciate that. We're going to for sure need help. Yeah. We kind of just put the shit together at the last minute. We're for sure going to need help. I mean, our only obligations right now is we have three podcasts hours or half hour slotted on the Lada Palooza stage. And so like we're off all day Saturday, we have nothing going on. So yeah, we'll have plenty of time for that. It'll be fun. off all day Saturday. We have nothing going on. So yeah, we'll have plenty of time for that. It'll be fun. We're figuring out Orlando and Pasadena
Starting point is 01:53:48 to cover the semifinals. Clearly, we'll go to the games. I think we already have a hotels booked for that. It'll be great. She had two seconds her first two years at the games. Wow. Both times? Was it
Starting point is 01:54:03 both times to uh to get to catch on hey that's not cheap huh go to waterpalooza not cheap go to pasadena not cheap go to where's the other where's the other one orlando orlando not cheap no and you're way up in the top right hand corner of the country And you, you fly to all those places. Yes. Wow. And then, and then, and then in a perfect world, then the, the climax would be to go to the CrossFit games. Yeah, we'll go to the, we're going to the games. I'd, I'd sacrifice the semis to go to the games if I had to financially. And then, uh, is it hard getting tickets for any of those things? Um, we get media passes, so we don't need tickets.
Starting point is 01:54:46 And do the media passes get you into the Coliseum at the games? Yeah. Yep. Wow. Good seats too. If you're not in the pit, you can either be in the pit or you can be like front row. I can just remember being there certain years and then not even letting hq people in the fucking media pit on our media team yeah well the media pit's definitely limited and like the year of covid was ridiculous like they barely let anybody down there
Starting point is 01:55:14 but that was okay for us because we were just there building relationships and having interviews we didn't need to be like front and center and like i said i got that killer lens so i can just be up in the stands taking pictures um uh what comp is in pasadena i'm so it's the one before the games you got to win that you got to like be in the top no one knows what you have to be my final yeah was it western semi-final something like that yeah there's an eastern just just after you do the open and cat will unfuck me if i screw this up after you win the open after you do well at the open then you go to the quarterfinals and after you do well at the quarterfinals you'll go to either Orlando or Pasadena and after you do well at those you go to the games. You got it. And then there you lose to well I guess you won't lose to T this year.
Starting point is 01:55:56 What comp is in Pasadena I'm so bad at figuring out where the comps are thanks in advance. Do you think that the sport. I feel like a lot of sports are like what have you done for me lately and i don't mean that in a bad way that basically the year after you lose your if you don't if you don't repeat the championship i mean look how slow uh madaris's ascent is right he he had he's he's he didn't get to beat matt and so now he has to build this he has to build his own legacy and winning the games once isn't going to be enough because we're so fucking spoiled. Right. Yeah. And you got to win it five times. Yeah. Before we're going to give you any respect. It's so, it's so crazy and it's so hard. And I fall into that too. But, um, you look at, you look at someone like Rich Froning and if he comes on your podcast, like it's going to fucking move the fucking needle. Like it's like wherever he goes,
Starting point is 01:56:48 like it's, it's a, it's a seismic fucking kaboom. And, um, but you look at someone like Matt, who's not competing anymore. And do you think that it's already like,
Starting point is 01:56:58 what, what, and I'm, and I'm, uh, I think that I'm actually expressing my opinion now. And I think because rich has stayed in the game and he's kept competing, that he's still a needle mover.
Starting point is 01:57:08 And I think Matt is, there's this sort of like people are already forgetting, right? I think. And we're three years away for there being half the CrossFitters in the space. Don't even know who he is maybe because we've had a whole new group of people come in.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Well, that's a good point. Definitely people that are just surface level fans are, aren't going to give a shit about Matt, but you know, your core base, our core base, Matt would still move the needle. Yeah. We still, we still, we know what he did. What do you think about this golf thing? That Nate Edwardson's doing?
Starting point is 01:57:39 No, the HWPO golf program that's just launched. I, someone told me about it and was just ripping it but but but but it was it i don't think it was in a it was just their gut reaction to it like hey man they're gonna diversify and sink the ship but i don't think matt is stupid and i think matt's very conservative in his choices and so i don't know it It's just, uh, to me. Oh, Keith hangs out. I mean, dude, there's so much money in this board. Did you see what Nate Edwardson did? I heard.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Yeah. I don't know. And he's, he's murdering it. Crazy. He just pivoted over to golf and he's murdering it. And it's just, and so maybe the it's, it's us who are like, um, we got to start getting golf. We're like, fuck, we're on a sinking ship and we're like,umbaya you know we're just fucking confused i uh i hope not i don't think
Starting point is 01:58:29 i don't i think i think matt's got a good team around him and he's pretty conservative um i hope he's killing it with the supplements that always i thought was weird too because i know the sub i've known some people who've gotten really wealthy in the supplement industry and then lost it all that it is a very fucking scary space to be in and then when he went with stephy cohen i thought that was weird also i was like dude matt you're a powerhouse by yourself but hillar and i have been spent obsessing on numbers for the last couple weeks talking every day we get on stream yard back here and look through people's youtube and it something is definitely happening and uh maybe it's just what nate said we should take his direction on it's just three weeks of darkness
Starting point is 01:59:10 but i am seeing um that matt's presence on people's podcasts and whatnot and where he shows up is definitely not what it used to be but but rich is like it's a never-ending fucking fountain and i was just trying to figure out well i wonder if it's because rich still but rich is like it's a never-ending fucking fountain and i was just trying to figure out well i wonder if it's because rich still competes i mean there's so much hype around fucking rich yeah um so and maybe maybe it's even as simple as just that they have that incredible media team at mayhem they're just that's gonna yeah that's gonna be hard for anyone to compete with i would love to like spend a week with their media team to just like learn hey those um rich and rory are so uh welcoming i'm sure more people are too like they're the kind of people if you're like hey i'm coming to cookville can i hang out for a week they would
Starting point is 02:00:01 fucking let you yeah those people are really cool. Are you friends with Rich? Have you had Rich on your show? Yeah. Yeah. We've had Rory on too, I think. Did you enjoy that with Rich? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Yeah. He's a great guy. I mean, when I went to Cookville for the first time, I told myself like I could totally live here. I could move here. Oh, yeah. Are you in the country in delaware like kind of do you see cows if you drive around yeah we're actually i'm like two miles away from the mushroom capital of the world kennett square pennsylvania so there's cow where they grow mushrooms and sell
Starting point is 02:00:39 them to the rest of the country to eat yep yeah wow there's there's cows and farms close to where I live. I'm more like out in the, in a rural area. The gym's more closer to the city. I, I, um, I, I never get less giddy every time I have Rich on, like I'm so fucking giddy. I'm so, I'm so fucking excited. It never goes away. And he's so easy to interview. Yeah. Caleb, it's hokessin is my town h-o-c-k-e-s-s-i-n that's where i live and normally i hate it when people do podcasts from the car i never judge rich for it be in your car i don't care be in your bathroom get away yeah yeah go anyway go ahead you have this amazing podcast studio but you're in your fucking truck i love it um i appreciate you uh coming on i think that i hope that this is just the first of many um i i really enjoy the friendship we've built up in the
Starting point is 02:01:33 last year yeah i have a lot of stories i want to tell that we didn't get to okay good i have a question for you can i ask you a quick question sure please do the boys have tennis or do you have to go no no it's raining here. Everything's on a hold. So the other night when Avi threw up in bed, was it Avi or Ari? Uh, but, uh,
Starting point is 02:01:53 Ari and Joseph on two separate nights, like a week apart. What does that cleanup look like? Oh, we threw the sheets away. So we were, so we were at a, I love that you said that because that's probably what i would
Starting point is 02:02:07 do too so we had a so uh we're at a uh um i always tell my wife i'm the uh uh i'm the i'm more of a jew than her than she is like i couldn't i took the i took the sheets outside they were fine i wiped them off i cleaned them off i let them dry out there for fucking two days or maybe all armenians are like this maybe we're the true um smart people with our money but um and my wife we were at a um we were at the um we were at a a rental for two weeks we were at the uh california hormones house that she's got to stay at so we're in someone else's house and before and i left the sheets out there and I left them to dry and I took off the mattress cover and I washed it and I did all that stuff. And then I was going to take the vomit sheets that I had cleaned off and put them in the washing machine. And my wife's
Starting point is 02:02:57 like, don't do that. I'm like, why? She's like, I already ordered new sheets. And I'm like, no, no, I'm just going to wash these. And she's like, no, who would ever want to sleep on those ever again? I'm like, I'll wash them four times. Like people have come all over these sheets and we're sleeping on them. What are you talking about? And she wouldn't, she wouldn't let me. And, uh, so yeah, that they got thrown away. I didn't realize you were, you were out in Newport beach when that happened. Yeah. I wish I wouldn't have told that story. I hope Sarah's not listening. So I did that one time too. I got really wouldn't have told that story. I hope Sarah's not listening. So I did that one time too.
Starting point is 02:03:29 I got really sick from alcohol and threw up all over myself. And I was staying at a friend's house. And they had one of those body pillows that I puked on. And I had to just go buy a new... I all knew everything. I was mortified. Yeah. My wife bought that. My wife bought a new pillowcase.
Starting point is 02:03:44 She changed all that shit out it the it didn't go everywhere but it was a lot yeah it was a lot yeah i just wondered if it was like one of those things like do you have a um a sink in your laundry room like a separate sink or just washer dryer at that house well that house has two kitchens two two washers and dryers it has in on opposite ends but at my house no we just have a it's kind of a laundry closet an exaggeration to call it a laundry room yeah like growing up at a sink next to the washing machine that you could like you know rinse stuff off if that happened and then wash it yeah just like throwing the washing washing machine and letting it spin around. So I took it, I took it outside. I shook it out.
Starting point is 02:04:29 I wiped it off. My wife was having nothing, nothing. Uh, yeah, she bought, she bought, she bought new sheets, but it is one of those things, you know, they throw up and it's three in the morning and you're just got to be on full, you know, the routine, you got to just turn into full parent mode. Someone's got to bathe the kids. Someone else got to clean up the bed. She took care of the kid. I took care of the, she cleaned him up. I mean, he was a mess.
Starting point is 02:04:52 Yeah. That's my kids. My daughter would always find the toilet. God bless her. No matter how sick she was, she would always find the toilet. And my son would just like turn his head and puke all over you. Not give a frat's ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Avi makes it to the toilet. He's eight though. But the other two, they just, they're still like, fuck you. I'll vomit anywhere I want. I love it. And I'm, and I'm glad you have more stories and let's do this again. I'm looking forward to having you on again. Please do. Thank you. All right. Have a good day. Stay warm. Bye. stay warm bye
Starting point is 02:05:38 Savant's been to 100 countries you have one question what did you do with the sheets when his kids you it's an important question I feel bad that she said she has more stories to tell like i didn't do a good job digging well i think you probably have the equivalent amount of stories to tell you just haven't had a chance to tell them oh thank you caleb dude you're a great wingman uh
Starting point is 02:06:02 too late I already highlighted it I'm hungry I don't ever remember being hungry in the middle of a show I'm always hungry in the middle of a show you are? yeah that's why I'm eating in the middle of it
Starting point is 02:06:24 beef is a beast oh beef is the best uh so true savon has lived a hundred lives i feel like i'm old i'm 50 50 50 i can't believe she's almost 52 not cheap dude frugal just smart with my money just wash the sheets off just wash the sheet what would you have done caleb you think probably would have washed them honestly yeah thank you and i did wipe off all i took it out onto the deck i hosed off all the puke i wiped it off with my hands whenever my whenever my dog um used to throw, throughout the first, whenever she would have accidents in the house, it was always on the carpet or always on, like, some rug or whatever. And you always just have to clean it up.
Starting point is 02:07:14 Like, you just scrub it a bunch of times and you spray it with something and you scrub it a bunch of times at the end. Like, I'm not going to rip out the carpet and get a new one. Oh, good point. Did you use resolve? Yeah, I think it was resolved. The red bottle. Yeah. Or like the one that like you can squeeze the bottle and it has a brush on
Starting point is 02:07:37 the end. Oh, my mom, when I was a kid, I remember, I don't don't know maybe 15 my mom had just gotten this really nice carpet in our house and half of it where the wood floors met the living room and it was all this carpet and it was it wasn't white but it was closer to white than any other color and there was like 20 spots on there where i cleaned it with resolve and fucked up the carpet. You know what I mean? Like it even says on the bottle, like doesn't work with all carpets or may damage.
Starting point is 02:08:15 We're not responsible if you damage your carpet. I don't want to be next call and show. We should all come up with quite no, no questions. I don't want to answer any questions that may me uncomfortable when facundo starts asking me questions i don't like that i just did uh i just did coffee wads and pods with pedro yeah how did that go i thought it went well when he said he said some of the topics we brought up made him uncomfortable and i was like okay that's a that's a victory that's a win nice coffee i watched a little bit of it odds and wads um oh thank you
Starting point is 02:08:55 all i care you don't have to watch it just click it and get him a view i did that on both of my accounts thank you i wanted to ask him if he actually does um coffee pods do you guys do coffee pods there and and wherever you are yeah it's not super sustainable but i know some people will order them i just i don't it's kind of stupid because then you just keep having to order them. Like they don't just sell them out here. We just make ground coffee normally. Oh, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:34 I wonder, uh, stupid pods are killing the environment. Oh shit. Oh shit. Uh, Tess. Sberna. uh tess saberna uh push your head through on that thruster a little bit more get your head through a little bit more uh watch our house last night and seeing young sevan gave me the same feelings i get looking at pictures of my dad when he was young not exactly what i was going for but i'll take it
Starting point is 02:10:00 very specific good dude tess you're a good dude um but I'll take it. Very specific. Good dude, Tess. You're a good dude. Um, looking at the comments on the, uh, coffee pods and wads, uh, seven,
Starting point is 02:10:12 you're still not there. I criticize poke fun, but you seem like a good person and I watch whenever I can, but I'm still not there. What? It's Pedro's biggest podcast good that makes me happy to 2.2 thousand views pretty good nice work Pedro yeah good job Pedro
Starting point is 02:10:44 thanks for having me on yes oh here we go this oh here's some science yeah i think i can uh dogs refuse to puke on hardwood floors they always find a carpet or their beds yeah or they just dribble diarrhea through the whole house they they uh they always go into my kids room and puke and i appreciate that it's like one of the only carpeted rooms in the house my dog used and i appreciate that it's like one of the only carpeted rooms in the house my dog used to do it in my office like of all the rooms she would just go into my office it was upstairs even so she would like run up the stairs and then go into my office i'm like dude just dribbling poop everywhere yes it would that shit drove me
Starting point is 02:11:23 insane and then we used then we just closed all the doors and then she would just dribble up the stairs and then in the landing. That happened more than once. Yeah, dude. That dog needed to be put down. I don't know what was going on with her. I think she got nervous or something. Um, Stevan, if you have any other, if you have any other, is it just Armenian type question I I can help confirm or deny.
Starting point is 02:11:47 Oh, okay. Thank you. Love the interview with Coffee Pods and Wads. It was a lot of what I was, what I've been thinking. Thank you, Scott. That show got three times the views as Frasier's show Mission Accomplished. Oh, yes. Cool.
Starting point is 02:12:03 That's good. Nice. It's the only thing I'll ever be mad in my entire life. Let's just start doing golf shows. Maybe. Good. Right. Good morning.
Starting point is 02:12:20 It rains. So the park is probably wet. Unfortunately. See you guys next week. Happy new year. Well, that's good so no skateboarding today
Starting point is 02:12:28 um oh my son my wife doesn't want me talking about kissing on my podcast he shouldn't be he shouldn't be listening to this podcast anyway what do you know about kissing, kid? Oh, that's a great point. I saw an article this morning, I guess it's old, and it was saying that Marvel is now going to make Captain America gay.
Starting point is 02:13:00 And someone just told me they already had Aquaman. Why do they need Captain America? Shit. Poor Aquaman. Aquaman was this. I used to watch Justice League, the cartoon. And he was my least favorite character. Not because he's gay.
Starting point is 02:13:26 I just wasn't interested in the underwater shit. saw avatar that whole movie's underwater how the fuck am i i didn't actually see it but like i have no interest in seeing a movie that's in water for some reason unless it's a documentary about like shit that lives at the bottom of the ocean yeah yeah yeah uh Clydesdale media thank you for highlighting Kat and all you've done for our show we appreciate you so much yeah no no problem brother I do um it was too long I had gone without having her on but it but it worked out good worked out good uh is that the rock movie black adam yeah yeah i have no interest in seeing there's i i've i watched that movie avengers endgame because it was the second most biggest box office in the history of movies i couldn't even fucking watch it i swear to god
Starting point is 02:14:23 it's like watching kids play video games there was like no story no nothing you liked it you liked it look at you i saw you liked it i liked i've just been following them so i wouldn't say that the last one was my favorite but it was like it was nice i liked some of it the first one i think is better than the second part i couldn't watch that. I couldn't watch... The Black Panther movies are fucking completely... Just horrible. What was that one...
Starting point is 02:14:52 Is Avengers Endgame when they're on that giant ship that floats around in the sky and it's got those big blades spinning? Yeah, probably. Yeah, fucking horrible. But what I did like, which I couldn't believe I liked, was that Spider-Man that was a cartoon. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:08 That was probably my favorite Spider-Man. That's really good. I thought that was going to be so stupid. And it was actually, Greg told me, he's like, Hey dude, you got to see this movie.
Starting point is 02:15:17 I'm like, really? I'll do the animations off the chart. And I'm like, I did. I'm not, I'm not watching. Like they had the little piggly Spider-Man.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Like there's no fucking way I'm watching this. I watched it and I was absolutely blown away by it. What's it called? I think it's Into the Spider-Verse or something like that. There's multidimensional characters or something. I like the part when the dad drops the kid off
Starting point is 02:15:39 at school and says, I love you over the loudspeaker. He's a cop. He does it. That was really cool. school and says i love you over the loudspeaker he was a cop yeah yeah uh all the superheroes in endgame were really whiny into the spider-verse seven is ant-man i don't think i can watch ant-man either is that the one where the guy's like really tiny yeah he was like a suit makes him small it's kind of funny you probably won't watch it though uh black adam not getting renewed for sequel because of terrible numbers not surprised do they call why do they call it black adam is is because the guy's black i couldn't tell you
Starting point is 02:16:19 i haven't watched it and i really care too so it was like the she-wolf tv series oh yes uh it has a 4.3 black adam what to say such a fantastic movie the crew had done such a great job listen you fucking idiots the second you do a review and you say the crew did such a great job i know you're an insider the vfx and animation is is a good start no yeah have you ever seen the boys this is a good thing uh what's it's called the boys no are you watching it now uh we watched it before it's it's pretty interesting it's like anti-hero show like all the heroes there's like a justice league of heroes and then they actually like kill people and shit you know what movie i thought was going to be amazing that probably was um hancock you like that movie no i didn't like it
Starting point is 02:17:21 but but i wanted it to be so good i loved the idea of a superhero that had some issues. He had a drinking problem. Watch the boys then. Okay, and it just pissed me off that they didn't – it could have been – I love the Batman and Wolverine ones where they just have internal struggles. Or like James Bond Casino Royale. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. ones where they just have like internal struggles or like james bond uh casino royale oh my god oh my god a daniel craig james bond series is so good yeah uh you know movie's gonna blow when they promote it um when they over promote it the rock tried to sell the crap out of black adam
Starting point is 02:18:01 why do they call it black adam here andrew for tanner knows of course he knows the thing is with andrew is he loves every movie because every movie is a tool to him do you know what i mean it's like when a movie comes out it's just another hammer for his fucking tool rack so he don't give a shit if it's shitty he's not fit like if it's shitty it's just it's just a shitty it's just another tool these are my shitty movie categories these are my good movies these are my violence these are my comedies these are my one-liners you can just do whatever all right um because white Adam would be racist. All right. Are movie theaters done? I see no advertising for theater releases.
Starting point is 02:18:51 They just show up on Netflix. Do you guys have a theater where you're at? Yeah. Technically. Yeah. It's like a tent. And how big is the screen? It's a projector.
Starting point is 02:19:05 I don't know. And how's is the screen? It's a projector. I don't know. And how's the audio? It's pretty loud. Like you can hear it from outside. Yeah. I don't go watch in there. Like not enjoyable loud. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:17 How are the seats? Are there couches and shit? Or are they just like full? Yeah. They've got like recliners in there. Wow. Yeah. I love rom-coms. He's not joking.
Starting point is 02:19:30 Hey, Bob, what did your comment mean over at the Coffee Pods and Wads? You must love me to chase me around from one podcast to another. I like Hiller. He's a hoot. Bob 77 he remembers when the country was actually racist and what did you mean by there I'm not there yet I'm reading into it and I don't like
Starting point is 02:19:54 what you're saying I've been there I'm waiting for you just sitting here waiting for you Bob to catch up Bruce Lee the original Asian superhero. John Young. All right, all right, all right. What? Matthew McConaughey. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 02:20:22 All right. Cobra Rhodes. My last film had only one week on big stream before apple tv holy shit that was the will smith movie right what was will smith's last will smith's last movie i think it's free on apple tv he said too what was the name of the movie again emancipation uh you made a comment about someone saying oh here we go here we go what was the name of the movie again? Emancipation. Uh, you'd made a comment about someone saying,
Starting point is 02:20:48 Oh, here we go. Here we go. You made a comment about someone saying that to you early, your podcast. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:57 I see what you did. I see what you said. Yeah. It's what Tommy Marquez said to me. I'm not there yet. I'm fucking definitely there, Bob. Thanks,
Starting point is 02:21:04 Bob. Thanks, Robert. Thanks, Robert. Thanks, Roberto. Yes, emancipation. Okay. What's the guy's name in... In The Matrix? The main guy? The Jesus character the one that neo keanu reeves
Starting point is 02:21:29 keanu reeves neo and that that guy's name is neo uh yeah i think so i saw this thing uh yeah neo oh i got some feedback on the thumbnails someone said that i have to have my picture in the thumbnail somewhere in the corner because they'll if then they recognize it like there needs to be one picture that's just consistent so people know it's a podcast because he saw the tyson magent thumbnail and just went straight past it oh yeah that guy i wonder if how are you on time are Are you good? Yeah, I'm good. If you have to leave me. I think they're done with everything in the back.
Starting point is 02:22:08 If you leave, I'll leave. Most search terms on Pornhub... No, not that. Straight to sex. Would this happen on my watch? I wonder if this is true. There's a clip I i saw from the matrix that um there's a clip i saw from the matrix that i i really wanted to play on this podcast coffee pods coffee pods and water okay go ahead you go ahead kayla well i'd look for
Starting point is 02:22:49 through my shit off topic but joined late and catching up on chat uh someone is the guest who shared the most before and after coming on the show was a great guest and has obliterated all other videos i've put up bar one is it bar none i think it's bar none i don't even count that one that one's only two minutes and 41 seconds i don't count that one that's not even a podcast but thank you i appreciate it i thought this through very late last night i thought shit i didn't paste it in my notes oh my god this is gonna drive me crazy oh my god, this is going to drive me crazy. Oh my god. What's the other guy's name? What's Lawrence Fishbourne's name in the movie? Morbius?
Starting point is 02:23:32 Morbius. Morbius? Morbius. M-O-R-B-I-U-S. Morbius, really? Yeah, I thought it was Morbpheus but it's definitely morpheus or bs neo or maybe it's morpheus matrix there's a scene where they're walking through a crowd of people
Starting point is 02:24:01 Walking through a crowd of people. God, it's so good. And he says this shit to fucking Neo that's so, it's so good. Those, those directors turned into women? Well, they tried to turn into women? Those brothers. Oh, you found it. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:24:31 Oh, how did you find that? Yeah, I think this is it. This is it. Can we play this whole thing or will we get in trouble? I'll probably get in trouble. When you're inside, you look around. What do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters,
Starting point is 02:24:51 the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? I was.
Starting point is 02:25:15 Look again. So many people are dependent on the system that they're willing to defend it to the death. Who? So fucking crazy. Imagine that defending it to the death. There's people who there's there's I don't know millions billions of people who are willing to sacrifice the well-being of their children to defend the system and they don't even know they're doing that it's crazy fucking crazy uh just jumping into wish uh just jumping into wish
Starting point is 02:26:02 you fellas an awesome 2023 y'all did a great job, and Susan's latest post about CrossFit was flawlessly uplifting. Cheers. Olsen dudes, thanks, brother. Very much. As always, one of the best supporters of the show. Thank you. Oh, shit, really, Andrew? Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:26:17 It didn't show up. What didn't show up? It's not on there. It didn't get deployed. Yeah, Andrew. Can we go to what's he talking about over at Suze's account? Let's go see what Suze is doing. Better be representing the podcast well.
Starting point is 02:26:39 He is a movie savant. He is. I agree, Sean. It's weird. I don't know what you're saying. you for oh thanks sean yeah oh thanks i thought he just spelled my name on tyler watkins the system sort of like that scene of inception the more you disrupt the system the more the npc turn on you like zombies oh wow npc is look at speaking of zombies look at fucking susan that picture he looks like doesn't he look like a zombie the way his hands all like like he's gonna do the zombie
Starting point is 02:27:11 walk he does that man needs a haircut immediately looks like lou ferigno i love it okay let's let's see let's see what the fuck's going on over here fucking crossfit livermore i'll be the judge hillar says this is a great video i'll be the judge. Hiller says this is a great video. I'll be the judge of that. Okay, here we go. Let's judge. So you've heard about CrossFit, the crazy workouts, the people slamming the barbells, but what you haven't heard is about the CrossFit community. They're people from all walks of life. They're average worker, your doctor, your executive, your teacher, your community leader. But the one thing that they all have in common is they're surrounding themselves with people that want to make their
Starting point is 02:27:47 lives better, better in the food they're eating and the exercise they're doing and the people who they're associating with. So when you come into the gym, when you find a CrossFit affiliate, you're going to find yourself surrounded by people that are going to make your life better. Oh, wow. Short and sweet. Yeah. He looks like a movie star now. No, it's not a live calling show. I have to pee. I'm just beating around the bush now. But I appreciate you noticing. to do now if you guys aren't wondering is i have this list that i made with brian friend of like 40 athletes and i'm going to start just reaching out to all of them and we're going to start doing podcast shitload of podcasts preparing for wadapalooza and we're going to do uh probably two athletes on every show unless they've never been on the show before then i'll do a full show with them so we got a ton of uh wadapalooza shit uh coming up i'm pretty stoked about it um what i
Starting point is 02:28:44 think it'll do is it'll get me more significantly more interested in wadapalooza shit uh coming up i'm pretty stoked about it um what i think it'll do is it'll get me more significantly more interested in water palooza in the competition not that you need a lot of help this year it is pretty trippy that this is probably going to be the greatest team competition uh in the history of the sport which is fascinating do you think that's interesting do you think that that's uh uhbole? That is becoming the greatest. Well, that, I mean,
Starting point is 02:29:06 this particular one, have you looked at the athletes who are competing? A little bit. It's crazy. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun. Yeah. Well, listen,
Starting point is 02:29:14 I'm going to convince people like you and like Caleb out there that this is the greatest team event in the history of the sport anywhere, but greater than the games, anything like it is. This team competition is going to be absolutely nuts and both on the men's side and the women's side so it's going to be really cool uh so we'll be uh ramping up for that uh we still have a lot of interesting guests coming on oh tomorrow we have uh a guy who has over a million subscribers on youtube coming on
Starting point is 02:29:42 and he's basically in all things fight defense attack instructor everything from knives to hand-to-hand combat to guns to everything he'll uh what's it called gn it's the guy's name is paul rubio yeah i got stuck on his uh on his uh youtube account yesterday and conquer tactical yeah being that you're in the military and you're not playing military you are military does shit like this kind of bug you sometimes depends on who it's coming from but yeah like if it's somebody that's like i would respect then yeah i appreciate it or like like the ed calderon i really appreciate a lot of his stuff and this guy gave me the same
Starting point is 02:30:39 kind of vibe so that basically they have they have a experience in humility yeah exactly or they haven't and they have like experience utilizing the skills that they have experience they have a experience in humility yep exactly or they have and they have like experience utilizing the skills that they have because you have a lot of people who go out there just talk a bunch of nonsense and act like they're they know everything about self-defense and fighting people god i i went down as i was watching that some of his videos, I saw some Steven Seagal videos pop up. Man, people hate the YouTube hates him. I hate Steven Seagal. What did he do that was so bad? Why does everyone hate him? He's a fraud. He's like he. I don't even know what martial art it is, but apparently he has. Aikido.
Starting point is 02:31:22 I don't even know what martial art it is, but apparently he has. And he'll like go do seminars and stuff and like show off what he can do, but all of it's nonsense. And like, you watch the people who are supposed to be there, his opponent and they just, they're just falling on the ground and half the time they don't even know what he's doing so they're just falling because he touched them it's it's ridiculous plus he's like made friends with people in china and north rios a lot of people just shit on him for doing that well yeah it fucking youtube hates him uh seven
Starting point is 02:31:58 does your kids love the rock wall in the garage uh does they i haven't seen him climb on it in over a year to be honest with you i mean they're six and eight and it's just it's no challenge for them like when they yeah when they were younger they loved it they you know um two three four put a put a mat mattress underneath it yeah they love that shit but now it's like absolutely nothing to them so they kind of you know what i'm going to make them climb it right now actually now you said that i should teach a kid's class in my gym at my garage you kind of do already don't you just my kids my kids, yeah. Every day with my kids.
Starting point is 02:32:46 But no one else's kids. Okay. Nice seeing all you guys. Cat Shearer, great guest. Bye-bye.

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