Episode Date: January 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Only one of them. Can you pull that up and look at that, Caleb? Bam, we're live. Like what word we can't say? Yeah, like is we're using the word rape bad in the title of a video. Or the first 10 seconds of the show. Oh, what a morning. I was just telling these guys, sorry I'm late.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I fell down a rabbit hole of Epstein stuff. It's really hard to find anything new on the guy. Did you ever see that YouTube footage of the guys who landed on the island and are walking around the island? No, there's footage? Yeah, there's footage of two random guys who take a boat over to the island oh shit and they're cruising around on the island yeah i don't uh i didn't know that you couldn't use what's it say kid no not not to use rape i couldn't find like the list of things there's no definitive it's not like youtube created a list of them and
Starting point is 00:01:10 titles yeah so i must say my only reference is the larger youtube stations that we that i reference sometimes in terms of research for this show and what they say and what they don't say and how they say it and what they. And how they change the words, and that's one of the main ones that they don't say or change. OK, you could change it and you can go over there and you want to just drop the A or something and put in an asterisk mark. I just changed it. I just took out the word and said now it says a video. Ah, you're a good dude. So if the title says, my abuser attempted to rape me or I had an abortion,
Starting point is 00:01:49 then this content is flagged heavily and restricted. Wow. Really? Really? Can you believe all this weird shit's been happening to our YouTube channel? Can someone explain that to me? Wow, here's a... Wow. a 9-11 free the nipple 8chan abort what 8chan what the fuck is that
Starting point is 00:02:13 you're just gonna hit all the words aids accused abuse wow there's a whole uh i mean i understand some of these ass fucker like i understand you can't have bang bros in the title. Dang it. Blowjobs, boners, boobies. Wow, there's 15,000 words. Holy smokes. This is incredible. Here's one.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It says that you couldn't, if you write blacks accused of rape, you're toast. What about Floyd 19 and anal? I guess anal. I didn't see Floyd 19, but anal is a no-no. Hey, that would definitely be cool if Floyd 19 was on there. That would be cool. Wow, bullying, bulimia, buccati. Wow, bullying, bulimia, buccati. You say bullying and bulimia the way that the other words should be pronounced.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Bullying. Bullying. Bullying. Bullying and bulimia. Bulimia. Bugatti. Bugatti. That's the one with all the semen is that what bugatti is
Starting point is 00:03:26 no i just said it as a color oh i thought that was like porn where there's like there's a lot of semen or something no that's bukkake oh thank you i should read more happy new year's eve everybody i first of all i first of all i was late i looked and i and i hadn't even jumped in the shower and it was 650 i was like oh my god what have i done i've never done that and then i come in here my light stopped working does the lighting look different i had to set up a different light. It still looks good. It looks softer. Yeah, it's a softer light. Well done.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Okay. Okay. All right. Okay, let's try. I wonder if we just did some things.'s go to 105 sorry maddie rogers is maddie rogers the the weightlifter who always trains in front of like a ukrainian flag or lgbq flag and she has all the skin issues but doesn't correlate it to getting the injection that's her a recent change in prescriptions.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah. Yeah. Let's just see if we can get the, okay, here we go. I titled this one. Sorry, Maddie. No, I want to say all this is conspiracy and not true. Between the suspicious surge in the pox of the monkey and unusual outbreak and liver inflammation among kids, an alarming number of attacks on the heart, inflammation of the heart, cardiovascular disease, and strokes. It would appear these arm cocktails they force in the population are causing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or
Starting point is 00:05:14 AIDS. Remember, all adverse effects from these drafts you see on VAERS are grossly underreported. Maybe 1 to 10 percent of adverse events are actually reported. The total number of acquired immune disorders from 2000 to 2020 was 21. That number just went up to 386 in 2021, a 1,145% increase. Hepatitis being a life-threatening organ dysfunction triggered by infection had 75 cases totaling from 2000 to 2020 due to jabs. In 2021 alone, it had 1,593 cases with the overwhelming majority due to the Fauci-Auchi. That's a 2,024% increase. Same for herpes, which had a rise of 18,336 cases. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:54 One compared to 926 combined in the last 20 years. So it would make sense that the predictive programming is used like this article I found in Fortune, predicting a rise in human immune viruses. Evidence coming out that there's a mammoth rise in stds and hiv with 1.6 million cases reported in 2021 if only we knew what else happened in 2021 we can tie this to happy thursday savages except you people that push for this i would have a battle of wits with you but it would appear that you are unarmed okay check. Check that out. Wait, don't we correlate the STD and all that just for the fact that everybody was stuck inside? Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Maybe shit just got weird. I'm open to talk about that. Yeah, you're inside. You were boning more people. More time for Tinder. More spread. Totally possible. These are all old ones. I have some new ones, but I want to see if I can.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Oh, this one has a great title. 99 Scumbag in the Wild. Oh, there you go. There you go. My wife got herpes because of the jab. I'm not even going to pull that comment up. Keep it anonymous but um yeah hey if you if you think that this is just crazy talk to here's what you do find a nurse friend who works in a hospital and just start asking them questions don't ask them
Starting point is 00:07:17 just straight up um do you think that the jab fucked people just start being like hey have you noticed an increase and start naming off some shit. It's awesome. Don't ask me, though. Yeah, don't ask Caleb. Most people just say, you should be more worried right now that our hospitals are being overrun. Yeah. No, they're not.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah, I know. I'm just playing this out of the fence as well. You know where hospitals are being overrun, though, is in Canada and England. Definitely being overrun there. Okay, I just love the title of this. I don't even remember what this is. Scumbag in the Wild. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:07:52 The gentleman from Indiana, Mr. Hollingsworth, is now recognized for five minutes. Well, good afternoon. I'm excited to be here with each of you. Before I get started on my questions, Mr. Moynihan, I wanted to let you know, Saruthi, raise your hand, Saruthi. She has been my team member for a couple of years now, but on Monday, she becomes a Bank of America team member, about which she is very, very excited. So I hope you'll take good care of her and know and recognize the talent that she has shown already in our office. This is a, for those of you who can't see this, who aren't watching it, this is a for those of you who can't see this who aren't watching it this is uh the uh uh
Starting point is 00:08:26 republican from indiana's ninth district trey hollingsworth interviewing a bunch of executives maybe they're even ceos of like five or six of the major banks in the united states it's some sort of inquiry and before he even digs in he's he's thanking the bank for offering a job to one of his former assistants who is now switching to the banks. Absolutely fucking insane. Basically showing the relationship between the banks and the politicians. It's it's really disgusting. OK, we're going to say something the same at Bank of America. How are you floating your resume to big banks?
Starting point is 00:09:05 I mean, you're supposed to be the ones policing the big banks. Grow up, Jamie. There must be some kind of law against working for a financial institution right after you've been working in financial regulation, right? No. No. Hey! Doggy!
Starting point is 00:09:22 So it's some regulatory committee that's supposed to be questioning the bank, and yet he's admitting that one of his employees is then going to the bank. Mm-hmm. Just openly. He doesn't even care. Go on. What are you doing at Caesar's? He's a goldman.
Starting point is 00:09:40 We will do that, and her father already works for us, so he'll take care of it. You should have called us. We'll do that, and her father already works for us, So he'll take care of it. You should have called us. We'll do that. And her father already works for us. So he'll take care of it. You should have called us. Well, I appreciate the opportunity to chat about some of these issues today. What I'm really interested in is the state of the economy. And so the girl who works for the guy in the government, the Republican from Indiana, the lady who works for him, her dad already works for this guy. And the title of this is C-SPAN Oversight of U.S. Banks. Great.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Well, I'm glad that's – what is that called? Nepotismism something like that uh 98 uh killed teenager on purpose hey i at least i switched the thumbnail i switched the thumbnail to picture of epstein thumbnail is great at first it was a guy it was a democrat the longest serving or the second longest serving senator in the history of the United States, Robert Byrd, was a Democrat out of West Virginia. Oh, who is one of the best recruiters ever for the KKK. I saw that. Listen, that that guy was one of the best recruiters ever for the KKK.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And he was in the Senate until 2010, 2005 it's okay he he it's okay he said he was sorry he said it was a bad career move oh good okay well all i'm gonna do is yeah hey that bank thing too that's the same shit with the cdc and uh and like big pharma like a ton of the big pharma execs from a ton and shit go over to cdc and regulate and a ton of the uh senators and the representatives and stuff go over to the banks and regulate it's just one of those weird like once you're in the cool kids club and wanna i wanna regulate things they just move those pieces around and that's because they're essentially just regulating themselves which is no regulation at all. One correction here I think – I think it normally goes the other way. So you'll be a bigwig at the FDA or at the CDC.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Oh, and then they'll stick you on the board? Yep. Then you switch over to pharma. Yeah, so either way. And they contact you ahead of time. You know you have that job set up. Do us right here, and we'll give you a cush job in five years the regulatory there's this term or the captured regulatory uh commissions and basically everyone knows that the
Starting point is 00:12:13 fda and the cdc have been captured by big pharma yeah captured i don't think we have to look that word up and it's the same shit with the donors for there are elected officials and then they scratch their back once they get into office. And I mean, you have to at some point ask yourself, they're running for whatever office, and it's costing X million dollars to run to get them there, but they only get paid a fraction of that for their annual salary. But yet then we got all these Congress people that are getting absurd returns on all their investments and things like that. It's an open joke against us the open American American people because we don't do anything about it we don't care we're too distracted with our tiktoks and our fear mongering and hating my neighbor because his skin color is slightly different tint than mine that I you know
Starting point is 00:13:01 I'm not going to focus on what what's really going. If you want to see some good stuff, I think I have some clips coming up today. Look up any Mike Wallace videos from the 70s. Mike Wallace is now dead. It was Chris Wallace's dad. But he was maybe one of the most famous reporters in the world for 60 Minutes. And type in mike wallace vaccine and you will see some crazy shit i saw a clip this morning i don't know if i saved it but it's mike wallace talking to the head of the cdc
Starting point is 00:13:33 oh yeah there it is oh you could play it now 300 here's i i couldn't find this i fell down this hole too this morning i was looking uh rochelle walensky or Rachel Walensky, the lady who's the head, the pretty lady, brunette lady, who's head of the CDC. Now, at one point I heard her say, when they asked her about the vaccine, she said, well, we were just hoping it would work based on reports. We were hearing from the news. I'm like, what? I'm like, what? I couldn't fucking believe I heard that. But listen, I'm like, what? I couldn't fucking believe I heard that. But listen, that's not new. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:14:07 This is the former CDC director, David Sensor. And listen where he gets his news from, where the CDC gets their information from about how prevalent the swine flu is. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed. Watch this. You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of 70s. October 1st. By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?
Starting point is 00:14:35 There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press. Australia again. By the news media. There were cases in... None confirmed. Giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested.
Starting point is 00:14:59 What it didn't say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine. But by the way, this is also what happened, by the way. They were giving the emergency mRNA gene therapy to people under the guise, under the rules and under the laws of a gene therapy or vaccine that's not under emergency protocol. There's two different protocols, legal protocols. If it's under the emergency guideline, it has a certain set of protocols on who has to take it. And then once it's been confirmed and passed through the science, it gets a different form of protocols. And so the vast majority of you guys who took the vaccine didn't even take it,
Starting point is 00:15:55 didn't even take the one that was that you were supposed to take. There's two different, and they are different formulas also. You can dig into it. Go ahead. Action. It was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot. That vaccine was called X53A. Was X53A ever field tested? I can't say. I would have to. It wasn't. You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of 76. By that time, how many cases of. Hold on. One more thing you should know if you go look at the pfizer vaccine that was released although there were
Starting point is 00:16:31 40 000 people um in the study the injections were given based on a study of only a cohort of only 180 people so once out of the 40 000, once 180 people made it through the trials, they were done. That was enough so that the rest of us could take it. And of those 180 people who took it, only eight of them, it was based on eight of them who got the vaccine and who got COVID. 162 to eight. If you're not able to follow that go ahead and look it up it's everywhere it's fucking you can find it in the lancet the lancet l-a-n-c-e-t it's nuts it was it was in their one of their 2021 papers
Starting point is 00:17:19 it's it's fucking crazy okay go on but the news part wait you see where he did that oh there's more isn't there he he says where he gets it there wasn't one it just started it repeated itself oh in one of the in one of the uh clips that i have from that that he basically says that they assumed that that people had it based on what they were hearing from the media yeah he said that in there oh he did it's crazy reports coming from the media it's crazy stuff like that non-confirmed but yeah and that's exactly what walensky said they were hoping that it would work it was a little different but she said she was hoping it would work based on the reports from the media and and by work she was referring to the the fact when they were very clear about this, that when they gave the vaccine, they were certain it would stop you from dying, but they weren't certain it would stop transmission.
Starting point is 00:18:13 They were always very clear about that, I feel like. But people didn't want to believe that. They just wanted to believe that it was a cure-all. Yeah, well, because all they have to do is say that at the very beginning and then shut up, and then the media is just going to run with what they want to be projected out there. And it's not like they ever come out to correct anything. Yeah. They're like, oh, well, we told you guys. The media changed it, but we told you.
Starting point is 00:18:34 We weren't lying the whole time. Yeah, they never say sorry. Never. 63, holy shit, four months later. God, I would love to make this list so much smaller uh representative sean caston in a instagram or tweet i don't know what this is all illinoisans 12 years and older are eligible for the vaccine they are safe effective and key to our path back to normalcy everyone in my family including my
Starting point is 00:19:08 14 year old daughter has started their vaccination process go to the next slide illinois rep sean caston reveals teenage daughter died from cardiac arrhythmia god damn october 8th, 2022. Wow. And this was the same dude that then afterwards defended still the position of the vaccine for kids, right? It's just a coincidence, people. It's just a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Number 62. What killed more people than COVID? What killed more black-skinned people? Is this true? Number 62. I wonder what people than COVID? What killed more black skinned people? Is this true? Number 62. I wonder what would possess somebody to do that. How could you be so locked into your ideology that something as tragic as that would happen to your family? And that's still not even going to like give you like a call to arms of like, hey, maybe I should really fucking look into what I'm doing and what I'm pushing to everybody else. But instead, they just double down.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I don't understand like the type of turmoil that they must be dealing with internally. Horrible. This is – we already covered this. We don't need to cover this again. But this is a lady who's pushing – And by the way, that word nutritionist – sorry to cut you off, but I've heard this said a bunch of times on this show too. That word nutritionist, anybody could be a nutritionist, guys. I can be? Literally, yeah. Anybody could this show too, that we're nutritionists. Anybody could be a nutritionist, guys. I can be?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Literally, yeah. Anybody could be. You just call yourself a nutritionist. You're a nutritionist. It's a registered dietitian that is the difference between a nutritionist and somebody who's gone to school with a degree or a master's degree in nutritional science and also has to pass a board of tests. So anybody, the three of us, hey, guess what, guys?
Starting point is 00:20:41 We're all nutritionists now. Anybody could fucking say it. And so when they put words like that, they're just conflating it. So you think that there's some sort of expertise behind it. But your local influencer selling fit pee on Instagram is a nutritionist. So pay attention to that verbiage for everybody else that didn't know that as well. This lady is pushing. She's basically saying that racism is to be blamed for obesity, and yet she works for Oreos. It's nuts. Racism is the fundamental driver of health.
Starting point is 00:21:16 What the fuck? So what that does, by the way, obviously in the big picture, is that it takes the power out of the person's hand so you can blame someone else for your shortcoming it's um even if let's say that were true it's completely irrelevant to the cure you're not going to get rid of racism and then fat people go away if that's if that's the the protocol you think that's going to happen. It's a moot point. M-O-O-T. Moot. And look what they used to corporate nutritionist,
Starting point is 00:21:52 a.k.a. media person we put out there. You should be afraid to be fat. You should be afraid to be fat. You should be afraid to fucking close your eyes and swing a razor blade in front of your face. There's things that you should be fucking afraid of that put your life in jeopardy that are 100 guaranteed to shorten your life you should you should be if your son is alex land a lot land lot you should be terrified if he's one of five fucking urban climbers in the world uh fat phobia and systems of oppression for creating false
Starting point is 00:22:21 hierarchies of food oh my goodness that suggests some foods are healthier than others she also tells her audience that people should eat without guilt no you should you should not eat without guilt if you're eating a box of uh um keebler elves uh at 11 o'clock at night or anytime during the day you should feel like a fucking like you're like you should be ashamed you're abusing your body. Yeah. And what we have here is the corporate and democratic playbook of trying to help racism and other people. And really, they're actually the ones that are doing the most harm to those communities that they're claiming to protect.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Exactly. Remember, they used melanated people. They're open about it in the in the advertisements for taking the injection they're like we need melanated nurses doing the injections and the ads so that melanated people aren't afraid to take them and so i'm going to assume that they found her that lady who's also melanated to uh to push oreo cookies and to say if you don't eat them, it's only part of the racist agenda. Yeah. Do you remember when the vaccine first came out and all the nurses, at least a ton of them that I personally know and stuff, were all posting the fact that they got the vaccine and were doing their part and were following the science and everything else?
Starting point is 00:23:42 That was weird as fuck, right? So weird. Nobody told them that because I was friends with a few of them personally. part and we're following the science and everything else that was weird as fuck right because nobody nobody told them that because i i was friends with a few of them personally and i was like hey i've seen this from a ton of people that are nurses that are working like were you guys given any initiative of like hey we need to be responsible to help push this or like you could be a good person if you show that you're getting it and you're and they're like no and i was just thinking to myself that's so fucking weird that they would all post that and and do that no one should um uh this isn't um just melanated people by the way if you're from fucking uh iceland like you don't think
Starting point is 00:24:19 annie thor's daughter's worried about getting fucking skin cancer because she's fucking butt white you don't think every single fucking Ashkenazi Jew woman is terrified of fucking breast cancer because the rates with the breast cancer, they found the gene that makes it so women who are Ashkenazi Jew are way, way more susceptible to breast cancer. My wife's Ashkenazi Jew. When you even when you have kids with these people, there's like some sort of recessive gene you got to be worried about so your kids don't come out all fucked up. We don't live in a one-size-fits-all fucking world. And I bet you could find the science that people with brown and black skin have – the darker your skin is, there's some sort of correlate or proof that they process sugar worse. So I mean that last one, I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised. We're not all equal.
Starting point is 00:25:24 We're not all fucking equal i mean look at uh we had this guy who used to work at uh crossfit his name was asian glow and i go why do they call you asian glow and he said because when i drink alcohol i turn butt red or uh vagina red and i was like, oh, you're part Ashkenazi too? God, you're lucky. That's another thing. Look at the Wiki article. There are standard deviation fucking smarter than the fucking rest of the people. So do you know what that means if Wiki is saying that? If someone has to be smarter, then someone has to be dumber.
Starting point is 00:26:03 But you can't say it that way. You can't say Puerto Ricans are dumber than Jews, but you can say the Jews are smarter, Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than the rest of the world. We live in an idiot world. It's okay that my wife is smarter than me. It's okay. Preferred even.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, it's not even right it's not racist it's not it's not um yon clark yon oh why did i call him yon john but the jewish spelling of john j-o-n like john i was just thinking damn i would say that wrong the whole time um just just stopping to say thanks for all the shows in 2022 love to all our fellow seven east does excellent work from all of them uh bring bring on the growth of 2023 for the pod also fuck damn baby also fuck danielle brandon but a totally different use of the word fuck. Totally different. Totally different. Opposite side of the pendulum.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yes, yes, yes. God bless Danielle Brandon. Damn, she's hot. Where were we? Oh, speaking of that, thank you, John, for the loot. And thank you to California Hormones and Paper Street Coffee for just being there and the other sponsors this year who helped us get through the year. Absolutely amazing. Absolutely fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And as far as I know, Paper Street Coffee, P-A-P-E-R-S-T Coffee. I think you get 15% off if you use the Sebon code. I don't know when that's going to stop. Hopefully not. Yeah. But go over there and check that out. And California Hormones, I'm excited. You got to meet some people this year who started on the protocol. You got to meet some people this year who started on the protocol. You got to meet Andrew Hiller. You got to meet that guy, Paul, who is unconscious with COVID for 80 days. You're going to get to talk to Philip Kelly soon, who was also unconscious in the hospital with COVID for 40 days, who's also started on the protocol. You got to meet Kat Shear and you got to meet Gary Roberts.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Oh, awesome. Thank you. And so, yeah, thank you to these people. If you go over to the CA Hormones website, which this year it's got to be a goal to fix that website. which this year it's got to be a goal to fix that website. And if you go over there and use the code word SEVON and you live in California, you can get free blood work, especially if you're in the Southern California area. That's maybe the only good thing about living in Southern California.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You can go over there and you can get free blood work and you get the free doctor's consultation. And by the way, not every, so I'm in contact with a couple of people who have taken the, the journey and what they ended up finding out is their testosterone levels are really good and high. And so then the doctors there have been like, Hey, if you're feeling sluggish and give them kind of a list of vitamins to take, I don't know what they were, but they doctors there have been like, Hey, if you're feeling sluggish and give them kind of a list of vitamins to take, I don't know what they were, but they sent them to me like, Hey, they said I should start this protocol. So it's not just go over there and,
Starting point is 00:29:33 and, you know, and get juiced up. You're going to get a, get a good discussion with a qualified doctor. Uh, John Clark, can you show the video of the guy putting his opponent's mouthpiece back in for him before knocking him out? Oh, I saw that. That was awesome. That's kind of funny. I'm always jealous of everybody who's on the TRT when they just talk about the energy level and how much pep in their step they have as they get out of bed. Oh, I want that. Must be nice. I need that.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I just need to go to bed earlier. Me too, and I seem to go to bed later and later almost each time. Me too. Last night it was 10.03. I'm like, I'm going to bed. And then it was 11.47. I'm like, what? LA is awful, but San Diego is awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Like where in San Diego? Like North County? There's a couple pockets. San Diego is a little bit better. We're not going to talk about Danielle's broken heart and mental breakdown on TikTok. What? Bring it. Bring it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Bring it. Hold on. Danielle, I'm here for you. I'm here for you. I'm here for you. Yeah, I don't know why she's on TikTok. She could clearly come on this show And we could have a live call and she could air out anything she'd like
Starting point is 00:30:48 Cameron with the giant dong That's what I want too I was the one who got put on the vitamin regimen Yeah I saw I was looking at your body last night dude You're fucking a brick Shithouse The guy's built like a fucking skinny rhino
Starting point is 00:31:03 Oh my goodness Wait what's happening here Fucking a brick shithouse. The guy's built like a fucking skinny rhino. Oh my goodness. Wait, what's happening here? God, I'm so available for you. Haley, we're going to get on a call with Danielle now. I need you to chaperone this. Let me see this. I did get the fuck off. I can't see.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I'm blind. Blind. Blind. Oh, God. If you want to trust me on anything, it's the fact that he will not and cannot give you closure. You can ask all the questions.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I'm texting her you'll never find it I promise it'll only make you feel shittier she has like Brooke Shield eyebrows right now hey I'm doing a podcast right now why aren't you watching
Starting point is 00:31:58 oh sweet alright get on it I'll talk to you later the great Travis Bajan. Best in-house, best live on-the-floor commentator CrossFit ever had. No offense, Kiki Dixon. Or Dylan Walensky. Actually, there's been a ton of great ones.
Starting point is 00:32:19 They should bring Travis back for sure. OG. Okay, Enola Kai. We're going to get him. Okay. Oh, who I'm texting. Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah. Yeah. Caleb, you know, that came out of your mouth out loud, right? Yeah. You heard that?
Starting point is 00:32:40 I was so confused. You went down like five. Yeah. He saw how. I was so confused. You went down like five rat holes. Yeah, he saw how the brain worked. We have to get a show scheduled. I'm dying to see you.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Oscar should be up early tomorrow morning. I'm dying to see you. I mean, talk to you. I mean, talk to you. I mean, talk to you. Is she going to Wadapalooza? Do we know? I i think so she'll probably show up behind me in the stands and everybody will yell on the thing that she's right behind
Starting point is 00:33:11 me and i won't even notice it again just like yes yeah tiktok is the worst but it has the best t tiktok's gonna be gone that would be awesome if they fucking wipe tiktok i keep making the prediction i want to see that happen if you make enough of them one's bound to be gone. That would be awesome if they fucking wipe TikTok. I keep making the prediction. I want to see that happen. If you make enough of them, one's bound to be right. Okay. 56. I'm not making music for black people. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Who is this? This sounds... Oh, oh, oh. This sounds contentious as shit. Oh, yes. You. This sounds contentious as shit. Oh, yes. You see? You see, Stefan? You see your Texas back already?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Oh, she did? Yeah. Let's get it while the getting's good. Sorry, I was traveling Saturday. Oh, shit. Yes, let's do it. What day does she want to come in? You want to do an evening with her?
Starting point is 00:34:02 Any day. I was going to do Hiller tomorrow night, but let's kick him. I'll do her tonight. Do you want to ask her if she's... She won't be available tonight. She's going to be partying. Just say, how about tonight or tomorrow morning? Tomorrow morning? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Itchy's three hours ahead. Itchy's three hours ahead. Let's give her something for real. I just want to type back to her. I don't even care if she comes on the show. I just want to type back to her i don't even care if she comes on the show i just want to type back to her god i love you i think i had my fill just because she texts back like we're good we're good never mind we're good yeah we will bend over backwards for dv absolutely and bend over forwards do whatever get her on at 3 a.m that would be that would
Starting point is 00:34:43 be exciting you have the splits i'll accomplish the splits before tomorrow whatever she wants um jesse how about tuesday night when i can stay up i know i want to do i you know what's weird kyle that you say that i do want to do i i am interested in trying some like shows like a 12 p.m 12 a.m to 2 p 2 a.m show you've been like hovering around that for a long time now yeah like i want to do a once a week 12 a.m to 2 a.m show like loveline style okay okay so back to black people uh 56 here uh lizzo on her crossover success i'm not making music for white people
Starting point is 00:35:34 oh of course hey you know what i saw someone say the other day um uh they said where's the fat where men are you women are so fucking lucky because we Caleb's not gonna like this bit we don't care those of us with penises
Starting point is 00:35:58 we don't care what the fuck you look like at the end of the day I'm not talking about my 600 pound life but at the end of the day if you will show us a love and tell us that um you like us done let us fucking motorboat you we're good fucking good but but you never see if there's no male lizzo there's no fat dude it's like yeah look at him all that you know there's half the planet wants to get with lizzo doggy style half the dudes on the planet and then the other half after they've had a few beers. Right, right, right, right. But there's
Starting point is 00:36:49 no there's no there's no, the only fat dude I know that scored is AOC's husband. And look what he has to deal with. Okay, Rick Ross. Rick Ross ross the balls all right all right i stand corrected but you but you get me you understand jack black jack black
Starting point is 00:37:16 yeah here's the thing there's gonna be if you can sing you can and you're a dude you can sing, you can, and you're a dude, you can like really. Dude, if he could sing, if he just got that money. Yeah. Well, and the money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:30 If you can sing and have money, um, you can, um, DJ Khaled, Chris Farley. So if you have a shitload of cocaine and you're funny, if you have a shitload, if you have a shitload of money and Danny DeVito does not get pussy.
Starting point is 00:37:42 You went too far, Austin, shut the fuck up. You went too far. I ain't doing that. I not doing that fuck off i'm not i'm open but i'm not doing that i'm not doing that i'm not gonna i'm not gonna you better fucking check yourself boy isn't it funny to you like if you were to say like oh i don't i don't prefer that woman because of whatever they would just jump all over you with the body positivity. But yeah, women all day long, especially on the internet, are like, oh, I need a man who's over six foot
Starting point is 00:38:10 and six figures and six inches. Doesn't live with his mom. What's wrong with you? You live with your mom. Yeah, don't be so damn picky. I like my mom. I'm a dreamer, baby. Oh, and then we have liars in the chat
Starting point is 00:38:25 where you can get your Sevan CEO shirts. I promise you those shirts are good, even though the creator of them lies. He says Lizzo doggy style ruined my day. I agree. Free Travis. You too, Caleb. You guys are like... Is Jabba the Hutt a man or a woman?
Starting point is 00:38:43 It's Lizzo. Oh, it's a man. He's saying Job of the Hut. He got to chain bitches up, Chase. I've seen the movie. Very sensitive topic, Chase, during this Andrew Tate thing. Very sensitive, buddy. Oh, yeah, he saw you got arrested?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah. Pizza box. Ooh, you know how there's like a pizza restaurant that was like associated with the whole child uh trafficking thing yeah yeah that's it's gonna get it's blown out of proportion now it's real it's real dude it's real you think that pizza box bit is real how about how about greta dumberg getting into it with them? That's hilarious. That's good stuff right there. I hate her so much, but I appreciate that she did that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Me too. Good point. Her team did that. Yeah, that's a good point. They're all going to give her the credit. She ain't no Donald Trump. Trish, I love fat bitches, but I can't handle the smell. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Like the talcum powder or something? You guys are fucking relentless something what are you talking about the smell so what so when my wife has to pick up like obese people with when she um is working on the medic like yeah sometimes like stuff will just fall out oh of the skin folds yes wow like a pair of scissors or something or a nail clipper or like just like lint and shit food yeah food things yeah all sorts of cool stuff a fat person like when you're like 600 pounds we're in trouble when you're like 600 pounds you become like a baby seat like i just recently took out the child seats in my car oh and it's really just a it was and i carried them
Starting point is 00:40:22 out and just like food for like six days fell out of the baby's seat. And I have a rule, no eating in the car. It shows how much I follow that. All right. It smells of dead skin cells. All right. When you have a baby too, when Avi was little, he looked like, you call them milk rolls, and he looked like the Michelin Man. I mean, they have wrinkles just everywhere because they're so fucking chubby, and you got to make sure you clean that shit out.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Ulcers. Hey, Travis, this show is a dietary aid. Just in case you wanted to start fasting today yeah we got you no shut the fuck up trish i'm not reading that there's no way i'm reading that oh come on there's no way i'm reading that oh thanks angela merkel even we have standards get that yeah you asshole gosh okay uh it's a nutritionist uh more good news 58 public school is doomed here we go we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet. That's the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Okay, here we go. 58, Nick Freitas. Here's a one-minute thought exercise on government efficiency. Let's say the government wants to help hungry people. So what do they do? Well, they might open up 10,000 government grocery stores all across the country. And then you assign one based off of your address, which you have to use unless you can afford an alternative. Now, you don't have any say over your groceries. No, that will be decided by a government-approved board. And if you want to make any sort of meaningful
Starting point is 00:42:10 change, well, get ready for a two-, four-, to six-year battle at your local, state, and federal levels in order to try to make that happen. By the way, none of the people working at this government grocery store will be rewarded based off of their creativity, ingenuity, or work ethic. They'll only be rewarded based off of their seniority. Now, does anybody think this would be a good way to address this problem? Probably not. Guess what? It's exactly what we did with public education. You're assigned a government school based off of your address,
Starting point is 00:42:33 which you must use by law unless you can afford an alternative. You don't have any real say over the classes or curriculum, and if you want to try to make any meaningful change, get ready for a long political battle. And none of the teachers are rewarded based off of their creativity, ingenuity, or work ethic, only their seniority. Now, if we can understand that it doesn't work in other very important fields of our life, why did politicians think it would work for education? There's no, by the way, that's a great argument for capitalism. That's why capitalism is so
Starting point is 00:42:58 freaking successful, because we're all competing against each other. But it's not fair. It's's not fair i can't play in the nba i'm too short it's not fair uh number 60 yeah school system is fucked how are any of you still sending your kids to school um yeah i was at the uh there's this guy who owns a market by me and he owns like five markets in town palestinian dude immigrant cool as shit i fucking love this dude and he's like hey are you ever going to send your kids to school and i'm like no and he goes never i'm like no never what no that's fucking nuts i love my kids and he goes, do they know how to read? And I called Avi over and I just had him read the back of a, like a water bottle or something.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And he's like, holy shit. I'm like, yeah, dude. 15 minutes every morning. It's funny how we associate like education with like, you have to go sit in a school and like go down that system in order to know anything. It's like, it's so ingrained in our belief system and society that it's like and i was the same way you you know you always ran into that homeschool kid in high school and there was always one or two things that happened with the homeschool kid either they just stayed super nerd or they became the most rebellious like troublemaker that you knew it was like it didn't seem like there was an in-between
Starting point is 00:44:21 yeah yesterday i went yesterday i went um roller skating, and it was fucking pouring rain, and the line was huge outside. Don't go to the roller skating rink on a rainy day. Everyone does that. Anyway, so I'm standing outside, and in front of me is this guy, and he has – there's seven people in his group. And one of them is this young girl. She looks like maybe she's a freshman in high school. She's outside in the freezing cold with a tiny little uh top on like crop top and uh he turns to her and he goes okay um if it's eight if it's eight dollars a person and there's seven of us how much will it be and she's like i don't
Starting point is 00:44:56 know and then he's like what's seven times eight and she's like i don't know i'm thinking myself fucking avi knows seven times eight maybe she would maybe she was homeschooled i'm making i did not ask him just to be fair if this wasn't scientific but i'm gonna make the uh assumption based on um the number of people who are schooled versus homeschooled that she was well the point being too is i think that that's obviously changing quite a bit because the more and more i talk to people the more and and more you find that like homeschool or private school or these other alternative options are becoming more and more popular. Yeah. Like it's no longer just like the one off.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Like it's more and more mainstream. And the question you had said earlier, like how do you send any of your kids to school? I'd actually do the inverse of that. And I'd be like, realize how many people can't afford another not not like afford as in money also that would be the case but in their time and situation and circumstance like think about how the normal normalcy of the system would work no parents could have majority of the parents don't have time to have homeschool at all find out when you when you when you uh before you stick your dick in someone without a condom, ask them if they want to raise kids.
Starting point is 00:46:11 That could be – so just in case you get them pregnant, hey, do you want to raise kids? And if they say yeah, then let the baby bat or fly. If they say no, leave. Well, I just meant – I'm not saying that that's a – Economic situation. But if you find someone who wants to do that, then you'll find a way. but but if you find someone who wants to do that then you'll find a way you'll move to a place you'll make the adjustments so that one of the parents can stay home and and raise the child because people don't even think like that because they just think this is the system
Starting point is 00:46:34 right right it's like when i go to the grocery store i always start on the right and move across the grocery store or start on the left and move across the grocery store they i have a system and so this system has just been put in place for us. Create your own system. It's like that guy we had the other day, dude, on the show from Gunner Tactical, Paul Rubio. He, at 35, wanted to be the greatest Filipino stick fighter who ever lived. But he knew he had started too late. And he looked at the protocol and the methodology for learning how to become a stick fighter.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And he's like, this will take me forever. So what did he do he used his knowledge from other martial arts from other tactical uh um games uh shooting and he created his own uh methodology and his own process to get to his end game and that was i'm paraphrasing here i'm sorry if i'm wrong i'm ruining it but he took the four basic strikes and mastered them and then and then worked on his footwork. Came up with a protocol for footwork. And he put those two together. And by the time he's 42, he's fucking a stud.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I don't know if he's the best in the world, but fuck. And so it's like, hey, you don't have to go. You don't have to do the path. You don't have to do what's laid out in front of you. Right, right. Kurt Miller, your podcast has become annoying and boring. Just the same stories over and over. Stick to the good stuff. Interviews in your lane. Amazing at that. The live call-in shows just ramble on. uh kurt is fully vaxxed uh kurt needs a hug who hurts you kurt kurti uh savon won't you please meet kirk's needs what else do you expect him to do this morning come on man man we need to start dancing give kurt a handy yeah yeah thanks for your input kurt but
Starting point is 00:48:22 our analytics on the growth of the live call and specifically would prove you to be wrong. It's amazing. That's the first one of those I've seen. A few months ago, I did talk to Susan and say like, hey, I think I want I need to go. We both agreed I need to go deeper on subjects like dig into them a little more, both sides a little more and and go outside of the subjects but that being said um so kurt is dan bailey there's so many people who thank me uh for uh and this has become kind of their news source and that is so fucking incredibly flattering i'm getting at least one of those a day so kurt um, um, stay for the jokes. Don't stay for the news. I think I come up with a lot of good new jokes. So, um, thank you, Corey. Hi, good morning. What's up brother? Or don't Kurt, um, talk it. You can go watch the emoji draft or, um,
Starting point is 00:49:16 watch Tim pool, uh, do a three hour interview with, uh, Alex Stein and get nothing out of them. Hi. Or watch the Late Show. Yeah. Yeah, that's one of those things. But I do appreciate you recognizing, Kurt, that I am the best in the game at interviewing on planet Earth. So I'll take that.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Okay. Hi, Corey. Corey, thanks for calling so much, dude. I really appreciate it. He's like the starter money in the tip jar for us. I wish something was wrong with him. I wish like, like,
Starting point is 00:49:48 like, you know, like you had down syndrome or, or did I say something? Is that wrong? I just wish there was something that like said that out loud. Oh shit. Who's to say I don't.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Okay, good. Fine. Yeah. I'm just, uh, I'm attempting. That's all.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Thank you. I appreciate it. You're going to party tonight. What are you going to do tonight? No, I don't drink. Yeah. Awesome'm just, uh, I'm attempting. That's all. Thank you. I appreciate it. You're going to party tonight. What are you going to do tonight? No, I don't drink. Yeah. Awesome. Good. Me neither. Well, that's not true. I haven't seen the ball drop. Well, I've seen balls drop, but I haven't seen the ball drop in 10 years. I can't stay up that late.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah. I don't think I've stayed up for the last couple of years either. Yeah. Nothing does it for me. and i've got a four-year-old i've got five businesses a day job i just have way too much going on to stay up past midnight understood understood so are you giving away jeffrey epsom's sex video what's going on here well i'll get to that so basically yesterday a lady came out great question a lady came out and said hey she A lady came out and said, hey, she's got the tapes. And here's the problem. And you're going to give it away in 2023. You know we're never going to see them, which is just fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:50:58 And someone might be like, well, you fucking sicko. Why do you want to see them? Because I don't believe it until I see it. someone might be like well you fucking sicko why do you want to see him because i don't believe it until i see it and uh you know i i there's some other there's some other things that are in the article that are kind of fucked up too um it says one of the girls says that yeah i had to keep having sex with him or he wasn't going to pay for my schooling when you say that at that point you're a prostitute like i'm here i i don't get me wrong he's he probably is a monster like i'm not um but but let's let's let's show that the vaccine cures people let's show like tmz never reports anything unless you see it here's suge
Starting point is 00:51:41 knight running someone over here's the video and then you see him backing out of a club and he fucking kills someone. Why do you have to see it to believe it? Because I don't trust anything else. I don't even know if I trust my own eyes, let alone just what fucking someone on CNN is saying.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I need to see it. Right in the middle of a fucking pandemic they changed the definition of what a vaccine is like what yeah okay why not just why not just call it what it is whatever it was just call it what it is kurt i saw kurt posted again i like like Kurt. You add value. You guys are wrong. I listened to all the content Savon's produced from.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I don't think anyone said you don't listen to it. You're just addicted to bad media, I guess. Have you, I hate to bring back up Liver King, but have you listened to the More Plates, More Dates with Joe Rogan? I listened to clips, up liver king, but have you listened to the More Plates, More Dates with Joe Rogan?
Starting point is 00:52:46 I listened to just clips of it, like five minutes here, ten minutes here, just whatever's been on Instagram or stuff that people have sent me. I did see – it's crazy that Joe Rogan – and I saw a clip that hasn't been released yet that someone put together. But it's crazy that Joe Rogan preaches the ancestral tenants and loves them. But because this guy did steroids, he hates them and he rips them. It's a, it's a really, uh, when you see the clips all put together like that, it's a trip. It's like a lot of people don't know this, but we had Sam Apple on the show. He was the author of Otto Warburg's biography. Otto Warburg was a homosexual Jew living in Nazi Germany during World War II. He won two Nobel Prizes.
Starting point is 00:53:34 He was the father of – what is it that plants do? He's the father of photosynthesis. He discovered photosynthesis and he was also very very huge in cancer research probably one of the biggest cancer not probably he's the biggest cancer cancer researcher of the time two two nobel prizes this guy fucking won by the way don't look it up and be like no savon he only won one he actually won two hitler wouldn't let him take get the second one he was one of the only if you're a nazi german you're homosexual and you're jew you were fucking killed if you were either of those
Starting point is 00:54:09 you were killed and yet this guy was not only um allowed to live but he was continued to give money to do his research and why is that because hitler was terrified of fucking cancer and one of the things hitler wanted to do he wanted to take over the ukraine and turn ukraine into just a giant organic farm for germans and you can read about all this in the story but so so if hitler would have got the cure for cancer people would have fucking not taken it are you out of your fucking mind and that that's the shit that's the shit where people can't think clearly that's the shit where they took down Sandusky's statue after they found out he molested kids and took off 300 winnings on his all-time college football wins.
Starting point is 00:54:53 He's like, I know it's not Sandusky, it's the other guy, but I just like saying Sandusky's name better. But if a guy won 800 football games in college and then you find out he molested kids, so you take 300 games off his record. You're only hurting us. We're the retards. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I don't give a fuck about football. I say erase the records and erase him too. I'm fine with that. And I'm fine with that argument too. But then just say that. But like, don't throw away the cure for cancer because the guy killed 6 million Jews. I'm not saying that he did have the cure for cancer.
Starting point is 00:55:24 By the way, what ended up happening, by the way, Otto Warburg was the one who discovered that cancer is a metabolic disease, meaning that cancer cells grow from what you put in your mouth. And we did a 180 divergence from that research. The trillion dollars of cancer research that's happened since his death, none of it has gone to address what he – very little has gone to address what he discovered, which is more mind-boggling shit. The book's – and the author, Sam Apple, doesn't even know this, by the way. This is – I learned this from reading his book, but when I talked to him, he won't even go there. I'm like, dude, you're basically showing that – I mean in a way, there's a part that paints Hitler as a fucking hero if you want to cure cancer. I don't know if anyone's interested in that. that. How do you, how do you still reward and, you know, you don't get all these great things that, that happened without acknowledging the people who enabled those things. So like, how do you keep it in the same conversation and try to not talk about hip or same thing with Sandusky,
Starting point is 00:56:38 same thing with the liver King. Like, how do you still look at these incredible things and somehow compartmentalize the individuals themselves? People just have to be honest. Basically, what happens is they, I think that's what cognitive dissonance is. You get emotional and you let that overrun your emotion. Let me tell you, a woman, sorry, guys. Sorry, ladies. You can switch, I'll switch it around. A man who's married to a woman that makes $200 million a year, $500 million a year, you pick the fucking number, finds out that her fucking wife is cheating on him, and he doesn't do shit.
Starting point is 00:57:15 You're perfectly okay when your wife cheats on you if she makes $500 million a year. You don't do nothing. Yeah. Because you're able to push down that that cognitive dissonance and so but some people just can't do it because they just can't be honest with themselves of what's really going on they they let their emotions come in and then they make erratic illogical choices i don't i don't know i'm not built like that i don't think i i was through a lot of work i was able to unfuck that that's the But you like all boobs, so you might have some cognitive dissonance.
Starting point is 00:57:47 That's true. That is true. I do have some shortcomings. I like all boobs. It's a problem. It is. All right. Well, thanks for letting me call in.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Thanks for keeping me anonymous when I told you my wife got herpes in the jab. Yeah, no problem. No problem. Hey, Suza, are you going to Starbucks after this? Am I going to Starbucks? You look like an employee right now. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Oh, pull up your Starbucks. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right, y'all. Have a great. Oh, thank you. Um, I will take a Frappuccino and will you squeeze extra caramel in that?
Starting point is 00:58:30 I used to just rock this fucking gangster as fuck. Never tie it in the back. Please coach with that next time. I don't believe that Lizzo is a woman. I think RuPaul and Lizzo are the same person. Uh, uh, I mean, that's awesome that you had that there. Can you say welcome to Starbucks? Welcome to Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Awesome. Can you spell my name wrong too? Welcome to Starbucks. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay. Number 49, don't leave Kurt alone with your kids. Oh, how perfect.
Starting point is 00:59:27 What number? 49. Are you sure? It says a guaranteed way to fuck up you and your kids. That was a joke. Don't leave Kurt alone with your kids. You get it? Just attacking.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm just attacking one of the listeners. Now Kurt's all excited. Now he's in the game. the game he's like oh i like it when he talks about me that's cool so that's cool pumpkin pumpkin spice uh latte for khalib yeah i like that i miss that job i mean i don't know if i'd work at the starbucks again but like the coffee shop barista job yes sir tell me tell me something tell me something smart tell me something religious tell me something really i'm here you you've heard of what happened with the texas dad who's uh who didn't want to chemically castrate his 10 year old daughter but his wife did uh yesterday the texas supreme Court ruled that he has no parental rights and that his wife can take his daughter to your home state,
Starting point is 01:00:34 great state of California, and probably commit, you know, surgically remove her breasts in a year or two, start her on hormones right away. And this is in the democratic free country in which we live. The Supreme Court of Texas ruled this while we hope that we can vote for the person who will lower taxes and, you know, provide school choice as this new religion takes further hold. I didn't know girls... It's a girl. She's 10 years old and the mom wants her to become a boy
Starting point is 01:01:13 and so she can bring the child... But the dad doesn't. The dad doesn't, importantly. Absolutely fucking insane. What's the justification of that? I mean, freedom. And choice. But she's fucking 10. And when you're 10, your parents own you, don't they? Well, right. But it's her mom's freedom. And her mom is affirming her. Her mom is affirming the freedom and choice of this child. And her dad is, you know, a theocratic tyrant.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And so in our liberal age, we certainly can't side with her tyrant father who thinks we should perhaps wait seven or eight years until her mom does this to her daughter. Oh my God. Oh my goodness. Again, the Texas Supreme court, the Texas Supreme court ruled that a dad doesn't have equal say over his child's, uh, his 10 year old child's choices.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Uh, do you have any good, do you have any good, good news? That fucking sucks. That sucks. That poor girl, that poor dad. Well, exactly. I mean, you're, you know, many parents listening, you're a parent, I'm a parent. It's sad. The reason I call in and kind of, you know, give these black pills is because we think that we're just going to wait this out. You know, one day we'll vote the right people in.
Starting point is 01:02:44 And we have to reorient our mindset. This, this is not just a war of ideas. This is closer to becoming, you know, something a lot scarier. And it's, I think we're, I fear that we're a lot further down the slippery slope than, than many people realize. And this, this case is a result. Speaking of Hitler, it's basically human experimentation and it's, and it's on underage people. Oh, sure. I mean, you're exactly right. I, I, you know, I try and find, you know, a more, uh, more unique analogy, but no, geez, Louise writes, no no my daughter cannot become a boy
Starting point is 01:03:25 well i mean yeah hey what do you like i wonder think of all the things that they could try before they do that like hey did you take her camping for three weeks like yeah like you know what i mean like did you take her out to the woods did you like what have you done? How's her fitness? How's her diet? How much therapy could you possibly have had? Isn't the brain not even developed until you're like 25?
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, yeah. This is what I don't understand. For the left, for Democrats, and for a scary amount of Republicans, too, no one benefits from this politics. No one benefits from making it a human right in America. China does. China does. Well, sure. But so, for example, on the other hand, I can understand the politics of student loan forgiveness. You're paying voters and you're
Starting point is 01:04:25 delivering for the people who vote for you. And guess what? That turned out good for them in the midterms. This is something, this is why I, you know, one day I hope you and I could, you know, have a coffee over how you can be an atheist when people have these kinds of beliefs in this kind of politics, because it is so important. It is beyond the pale of simply, you know, get the right people in power. I'm not an atheist, by the way. I'm not an atheist, by the way, just for just for the record. Fair enough. But but, you know, broadly, I hope it's a call that people see there is something more at work here than, you know, humans trying to reason their way through life and find out their own truth.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And hey, how about this? How about this? You might hate this. How about you go to a CrossFit class and you don't like it. And you take your level one and you decide it's not for you. But while you're there, you learn how to squat. And you learn how to clean. And you learn how to jerk. And you fucking love those things.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And you incorporate them into your life when you pick up your kids and you're training at the Globo gym and all those things. That's so strong in the level one where you, um, uh, you put the body underneath the enormous amount of stress, stress, and it adapts quicker and gives you a hedge against other things. How about if you're fucking not a Christian realizing that every fucking famous person up there, uh, thanks God when they get their fucking award and reading the Bible and stealing some shit from it, don't got to be a full-blown christian how about you just pick three of the commandments how about you just you just see like hey there's some sort of uh lifestyle protocol there a manual that's making people successful and just plucking some out instead of instead of just building a defense against it yeah. I think it comes down to understanding there is a nature beyond what we can physically observe and understand about ourselves or the world. Right. That there is truth beyond what you can deduce from pure reason. One other quick story. When I was coaching, it was probably a few months months ago and a dad came
Starting point is 01:06:46 up to me after I was closing up for the night, uh, a dad came up to me and I think he knew that I would give him a different take, but I live in a sadly liberal area. And he said, it's been the hardest year of my life. I've been drinking myself to sleep every night, except for the night back from the CrossFit because my son is going through one of these gender transitions. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. 13-year-old son. And this has got, you know, two kids.
Starting point is 01:07:13 He works in IT somewhere. He's a good guy, a loyal member. And the gym was his lifeline because his world is collapsing. And no one else, no one else in is collapsing and no one else, no one else in our community, no one else in these towns is willing to tell him that this is anything other than a tattoo. You know, he, he said that people react to him like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:36 a little Johnny down the street, Susie and my, and my kids class, they're doing this too. How interesting. And they, they pass it off as just that like a piercing getting your ears pierced meanwhile his world the the son that he raised is is dying right in front of him and they've got you know they've got he's he wanted me to know they've gone to six doctors but of course none of those doctors have told them anything other than how old is his son why is he allowing this? Why doesn't he take his son?
Starting point is 01:08:06 He should get on a flight and go to Africa and find a tribe to live with and live there for fucking two years. I'm not even, I'm not even joking. Just go do that. You're right. Just go do that. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:16 If you're, if you have your head on straight, there's nothing too extreme. Right. I mean, there's nothing too extreme to save your kid from this. I mean, frankly, I won't, save your kid from this. I mean, frankly,
Starting point is 01:08:26 I won't, I won't elucidate specifics, but you, you and I both know that it's all on the line. If this is what's happening. Right. But, but we, thank you for saying that by the way,
Starting point is 01:08:36 people don't realize that when you're talking about chopping off a 13 year old boy's penis at that point, all solutions are now on the table. You have now taken something to this bizarre spot and now it's like, Hey, everything's on the line. Kidnap your kid, take him to another country and fucking hide. But I guarantee you that everyone listening to this has someone in their network at their box. What, who is going through this,
Starting point is 01:09:00 but who isn't saying anything because they think that it is the natural way and that they must accept this as truth. But people are desperate. And this is kind of the turning point that, you know, are the people who are unaffected or, you know, perhaps on the periphery of this battle, whether you're Christian or not, are you willing to stand with people who need help and need someone else who's willing to tell them, Hey, stop. And that's, that's what I, I, I wonder if I'd been able to, I put him in touch with a bunch of different people, but I wonder if I'd been able to reach him six months ago before he started drinking himself to sleep, you know, what, what could have been different for his son? Right. Um,
Starting point is 01:09:47 and that, that, you know, you should drink yourself. You should drink yourself to sleep tonight for not stepping in. Well, I did step in. I didn't know about it until, until, uh, and you're, you're right though. If I hadn't done anything, I, I should have been drinking myself. Corey, all of them, all of them. I wonder what data supports if, and how many of the gender transition kids
Starting point is 01:10:06 are currently under some sort of pharmaceutical drug currently. I bet you all of them. It's like saying, I wonder which obese people are on medications. It's like... This is profitable. This is a very, very profitable enterprise. And we shouldn't forget that
Starting point is 01:10:22 for all of us who love capitalism and the free market. All right. Thank you. It's incredible. You were on the show for 10 minutes and 30 seconds and no one in the comments said, hang up on this guy. That's gotta be some sort of record. That's definitely a record. All right. Peace and love. I'll talk to you later.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Merry Christmas. Good morning. Oh, I just got an exposure notification. Why does my phone, I, I, I don't care. I've been exposed to COVID-19. Really? No, it's asking me to sign up. It's asking me to sign up for – oh, it's asking me to sign up for exposure notification. Hey, do you know anybody who's dealing with a child in that transition issue personally?
Starting point is 01:11:05 No. I know at least three. Wow. Yeah. And they all have a thread of something in common, which is, like he was saying, the father of that. And this is totally just a judgment call from the three that I know and then applying that framework to this. So I could be way the fuck off here but most of those families there's a thread of the individual is having trouble finding in their way and the family is over coddling this individual not right now during this time but
Starting point is 01:11:40 the whole entire time through their life to where anytime something comes up, it's not necessarily like them that needs to change, but it's the environment or the circumstance in which changes around them. And then that rope kind of lets out after a period of time. And then they take it somewhere that the parents not necessarily can't intervene, or it's pushing back against the parents belief. And so it's just, it's just strange because I would say that like, there's more internal breakdown of the family or in certain circumstances, the family's not there at all. And it's like this divide between like, they were at the grandparents or they're at the aunts, or they're just kind of being moved around a little
Starting point is 01:12:18 bit. And that seems to be like rooted with it there. So it's interesting how you were saying like, Hey, they should take their kid to like Africa and go be there. it's interesting how you're saying like hey they should take their kid to like africa and go be there no no no what they should do is get all the fucking doctors out of the room they need to sit down as a family and be like hey we need to fucking talk and unearth some stuff and not about your transgender but about us and our responsibility oh you mean without you mean without the kid with the kid oh they need to lay it out. Without the doctors. But no, nothing should be. Here's the problem, Susan.
Starting point is 01:12:47 That's a family issue. Most of these parents have taught. That's the problem. Most of these parents are probably in denial that they talked their kid into this situation. Most of the. They don't realize that they should have stayed quiet and they've said something and they've put their kid in an environment where this pathway was a choice. And then they escorted. Say that again. They think that the doctor is the end all be all. Correct. where this pathway was a choice. And then they escorted you. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:13:08 They think that the doctor is the end all be all. Correct. But even themselves, even themselves, like if your kid was doing something like eating bugs, you would stop them. You, you, you would,
Starting point is 01:13:21 you would discourage them from doing that. But, but these people, but these people but these people see this and they see it on the news and instead of like helping their kids find a different path you don't got to be an asshole don't get me wrong like one of my boys has a baby and he loves it he has like a like a doll that's a baby one of my other kids loves it when his mom paints his toenails i'm not saying you don't you don't have to be fucking you don't you don't
Starting point is 01:13:45 my little brother had an imaginary friend yeah yeah i had an imaginary friend too you don't um but that doesn't mean that you get your kid then a whole fucking makeup kit you know um you painting his nails doesn't become a thing you do every Saturday. I think the problem, Susan, is parents are actually leading their kids down that path instead of being parents. I'd argue that the parents aren't leading anything at all. Not even their family, not even their relationship with their kid, not even to have the open conversation or the presence to be there. You trust what these people are going to say. I don't, man.
Starting point is 01:14:31 I think they need to shut the fuck up. No, no, no. I mean, when you look at the dynamics of the family, you realize that regardless of what path they choose as they walk down this path. They're not giving boundaries. No boundaries. It's broken from the get go. The house is broken. The communication is broken. The parents are way too self-absorbed majority of the time. Yes. Yes. Way too. So solutions that you're presenting, you're automatically starting with the basis that the parents are having conversations or are involved in a positive
Starting point is 01:15:00 way in the kid's life and have been from the get go. And I'm saying that that framework can't exist because that first portion of it, that foundation where they're actually a family and they communicate and they allow open present space and conversation doesn't exist. So therefore, if you don't have that, any other solution that would pertain back to like the parents and responsibility. Give me an example. I'm having trouble following. Why would the kids need to be a part of that? You're saying like the husband and wife need to sit down alone. You're saying first and foremost. Yeah. Sit down. They need to get their, their shit straight. kids need to be a part of that? You're saying like the husband and wife need to sit down alone. You're saying first and foremost. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I need to sit down. They need to get their their shit straight. They need to really understand their involvement in this situation and how they've contributed to this situation. And then they need to stop including anybody else like an expert of a doctor or friends. And they just need to sit down together and say, hey, these are these our family values. This is where we've wronged ourselves in the relationship in this family dynamic. This is what we're going to do to set it right. Leave the kid alone, focus on themselves, focus on communication within the family. And I guarantee you that other part would start to slowly work itself out. I tell you as a parent, you have to tell your kids
Starting point is 01:16:01 no a thousand fucking times. And by no, I mean, maybe you don't have to say no, but you have to tell your kids no a thousand fucking times. And by no, I mean maybe you don't have to say no, but you have to change the situation. You're walking along the beach and there's no fucking railing and they're too close to the cliff. You get them away from it. You're at the Grand Canyon. They get too close. You will go away from it. They're not wearing a seatbelt in the car. You tell them to put a fucking seatbelt on.
Starting point is 01:16:18 You tell them no, they can't eat food in the car because it's going to make a mess. You tell them. I mean, I don't understand why it's so difficult to steer them away well i guess it goes back to what you're saying they don't have their house in order and it's what caleb was saying they don't have boundaries and they don't have discipline so much of that we have so many strict boundaries and disciplines in my house and the kids are so well disciplined in the house that when i it makes them capable everywhere else and so you're these people don't have boundaries or discipline with their kids
Starting point is 01:16:49 and so the the fucking the mind can just run chaotic and lead them down straight paths you see that by the way like in my kids uh jujitsu class that you can just tell some parents bring their kids prepared for the class meaning that that they already know how to sit still. They already know how to look at adults. And then other parents bring their kids completely unprepared, whether they're not wearing a gi. Their gi is too big. They're stepping on it. It's crazy that people – it's fucking – it's crazy that people put their kids – so many kids in the fucking jiu-jitsu class will be wearing pants and they step on the pants
Starting point is 01:17:27 you put your kids in fucking pants that are too long in a jiu-jitsu class that your kid's stepping on your kid has no chance yeah you can't even take a minute to sit down and roll them up yeah are you are you lack that a much awareness a caller hi hello friends hey what's up brother hey enjoying the podcast it's good um as always thank you maybe you could give maybe you could give kurt a call a little pep talk i hated that just one person doesn't like the show that one guy it will be all right he'll figure it out eventually i told you i'd call in um to give you the story of my my very um pukey the clown christmas oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:18:16 you got rabdo yeah yeah tell me yeah rabdosis or something like that. Have you ever had it before? I haven't, no. I checked it off the CrossFit bucket list. But you are an extreme person. I am. So when I heard that, I was like, okay, this guy probably trains fucking 10 times as hard as fucking the average person. It was dumb. I like to, when I got it i i hate saying that i got it um i i gave it to myself because it had nothing to do with crossfit um it was my own doing you don't get rabdo like you get a cold? Like it's not in the air. You can't catch it. Like, no, it's, uh, if it's exercise induced, it's, it's likely your fault.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Um, unless, you know, you're in the CrossFit games and you have the muscle up marathon. Um, Well, also if it's your, if it's your first day of class and the instructor has you do a hundred jumping pull-ups and he tells you, Hey, try to lower yourself as slow as possible, then I'm going to have to give some blame to the instructor. Well, uh, I've been doing CrossFit for the better part of eight years. Um, so I know better. Um, and I hadn't done a pull-up intensive workout, um, for quite some time because of training, uh, for fighting. And then on top of
Starting point is 01:19:45 that, I had a break for, um, uh, my family. And so I was going to this workout and it's like a fantasy land light, if you will. Um, cause 20, uh, pull-ups, 20 push press, 20 press 20 uh 15 test to bar 15 front squats um 10 uh muscle ups and 10 uh thrusters and going into that looking at that workout i should have known like wow that's a lot of pulling that's a lot of pull-ups uh and i know that i mean when a lot of crossfitters get rabdo it's from pull-ups you know for for one reason or another um so i should have known better and i guess i had underestimated the the skill that that i maintained in being able to do the butterfly pull-ups and to do the chest to bar and to be able to still do muscle ups even though like i hadn't trained that movement the skill was still there um but the muscular like aperture wasn't there anymore um
Starting point is 01:20:52 so i think that was the the big impetus for it and then i worked out the following day as well which had you know a pretty big pulling section like in the strength portion, um, before the actual wad started, it was, uh, EMOM and a half for six rounds. Um, uh, worked to a heavy double, uh, clean, uh, for two. Um, so yeah, I did a lot of damage to my biceps essentially. And my lats. Did you know right away? I had a suspicion on day two, but I wasn't overly concerned. I just, my muscles were, were extremely sore and I couldn't really
Starting point is 01:21:34 straighten out my arms. And I thought, man, I didn't do a cool down. I should've done a cool down. I should've rolled, should've, could've, should've, would've. And then, so I was like, well, I'm going to go back in and work out and get this stuff broken up and loosened up and feel better the third day um that's where i i started really kind of i had it in my head where i i knew it had to be a concern um like let's let's rule this out at least um so that was third did you pee the coke did you pee the coca-cola once only once believe it or not um one pee and that was uh the day i went to the doctor which was a friday um and so thursday we got hit with this crazy ice storm or like this flash freeze snow storm um so i didn't work out that day my biceps were extremely swollen i couldn't straighten
Starting point is 01:22:22 them out um and they looked like water balloons. They looked like they were filled with water. It was very odd looking. And I hadn't had the pee or anything like that. And then the next morning, they hurt even more. Like nothing was getting better. It seemed to be progressively getting worse. And so, you know, I turned to my wife and I said, I need to go to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:22:44 I need to rule out rhabdo did she say quit being a pussy yeah she was like you'll be fine get over it here's your daughter carry her for a little bit yeah and so I called the doc and they were able to get me in that day I went in and I said hey I'm here to get a blood test to test for rhabdo i have some bicep injuries um and the doctor that came in was a very overweight uh general practitioner who had a lot of thoughts about how i should exercise um living? He doesn't, you know. He doesn't know, you know, my background of knowledge,
Starting point is 01:23:34 which to him probably doesn't matter anyway because it's not backed by a degree. But with eight years of fitness and then bodybuilding before that. And you're a nutritionist. And you're a nutritionist. He doesn't know that. I am a nutritionist, certified nutritionist, signed off by Selma Matosian and Matt Souza. Um, Level two with Kaleeb. You can get level two with Kaleeb. Level two, level two. Let me help you. Yeah. And then you can treat me for rhabdo. Um,
Starting point is 01:24:03 but, uh, yeah, so he, so he he had you know he had no no idea what i knew or what i could know he assumed that i was some dumb jock who was doing too many bicep curls and he told me that i should only do sets of 10 of biceps curls and then and then take a break and work triceps more and i was like what the fuck are you talking about and so i told her i was doing crossfit it was pull-up and he was like yeah dude in sets of 10 i was like it was in fact it was in sets of eight sometimes set to five he has no idea quite a bit yeah and it was just impossible for me to explain but what i was really uh kind of kicking myself in the butt about was that because of my um my lack of foresight going into that workout and now I gave myself rhabdo and I'm going
Starting point is 01:24:52 into this physician's office and he's wagging his finger at me telling me CrossFit's bad and I thought shit like I I just made CrossFit look bad and for those who are thinking about doing CrossFit who are listeners or or or you know thinking about doing CrossFit, who are listeners or, or, or, you know, are new to CrossFit, don't be afraid of that because what I was doing was backed by years of skill and a lot of, uh, idiot ego of trying to complete the workout. Are you all better now? How many days did you spend in the hospital? Three days.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Are you all better? How long ago was that? I'm all better. Uh, that was saturday through monday can you you could go in the gym right now and do like five chest of our pull-ups no it's not recommended because my biceps could still be healing although i can extend them and they're not swollen anymore recommended by the same doctor though no i actually uh he wasn't my primary care um but uh he was filling in for her or whatever she
Starting point is 01:25:48 was on maternity leave bruce he did uh he did a hundred a hundred pull and these are a hundred pull-ups hundred push press uh uh 75 toes to bar uh 75 front squats um 50 muscle ups and 50 thrusters. That was the workout. I mean, it's all unbroken. Oh, shit. And when he says unbroken, divide all those numbers by five. So he did, you know, the 10 muscle ups, 20. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Well, that makes sense. Well, keep us posted. I hope you heal up. I'm curious if you're going to be freaked out now to go that hard. No, I'm not, but I have made some, some critical adjustments. Um, given the, uh, the, the circumstances, it's, uh, uh, I went in at 67,000 CK levels and the doctors were freaking the fuck out. And so this doctor that I saw, he was not convinced it was rhabdo and,
Starting point is 01:26:43 and was, was, um, edging it, saying that I just needed to stretch my muscles out. And so I basically had to push back on him and say, no, I need a blood panel. And he was like, fine, we'll do a blood panel. They called me the next day and they were like, go to the fucking hospital. You're about to die. And so on my way to the ER, I blacked out while I was driving. and so on my way to the ER I blacked out while I was driving and I probably made it about 100 yards before I came to and realized I don't know what the fuck just happened and so I called 911 and pulled over and thankfully I was right next to a police station that had EMS and so they threw
Starting point is 01:27:17 me in the back of the truck and took me to the hospital and that's where I spent Christmas. Um, I had some pretty significant liver damage. Um, no, nothing irrecoverable, uh, no kidney damage. Um, thankfully. Um, but, uh, the, the levels were extremely high and they were pretty freaked out as, as I was myself. And it's a very, uh, eyeopening experience to be holding your three month old in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs and EKG and um and and she's just smiling and laughing and all you're thinking about is like man
Starting point is 01:27:51 I could lose a kidney or I could die and you think about the the absence right I wasn't afraid of dying I was afraid of that absence like not being there for her not being able to run with her and play soccer with her growing up or something um and all i could think about was man like i i drink i i drink uh probably i was drinking probably uh close to every night um if not every night whether it was like three to six shelters a night and it was just shelters and it was so benign and my life is wonderful and nothing's affected by it my family's great all right all right easy buddy easy easy easy easy easy but hear me out this is this is my this was my previous reasoning for it to why i was never acknowledging it um it was i was blind to i was choosing to be blind to it okay um and so um It was, I was blind to, I was choosing to be blind to it.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Okay. And so that's when I thought, I used to think, well, I'm young and it's like, whatever, I'm going to recover by the next morning. No big deal. But then I started thinking the accumulative damage that you're doing to your organs every night, you might be healthy and you might be able to recover. But what if something else comes in from the outside, like a rhabdo and you're, you just set yourself over the edge because you chose to drink every night and now you lose a kidney, not because of rhabdo, but because you were putting your kidneys and your organs under
Starting point is 01:29:15 so much stress every night and you failed to observe that and make an adjustment just because things were going well. Okay. So, so don't drink, uh, be smart with your workouts and don't die while you have a young daughter. Correct. Exactly. I want to give you one piece of advice from Trish in the comments. Uh, don't chop your kid's dick off and go rest up. I definitely won't chop my daughter's dick off. Don't worry, Trish. All right. Hey, thank you, brother. I'm glad you're okay. And thank you. Yeah. Thank you guys. Okay. Bye. Bye. How many seltzers you have and what's your drink? Just, I drink.
Starting point is 01:29:51 That's enough. One sentence. I drink. Mr. Vowel. You owe me 99 cents for that therapy. There was a Matt Schindeldecker in regards to what matt was saying about people needing to get together and talk uh matt's right in most cases especially with youth and trauma we see them go through matt you but matt what about the fact that most of these kids have just fucked up parents anyway and it's the talking that fucked the kids up that's what i'm worried about just leave it at matt's right okay fine, fine. Matt's right. And, and,
Starting point is 01:30:25 and, and, and yeah, Matt's right. Okay. The mats are right. The mats are right. That wasn't a nice wrap up.
Starting point is 01:30:32 He, he got 14 minutes. If I wrapped it up, it's three minutes. Listen, listen guys, if you're not going to tell me a story about Daniel Brandon, or there's no nudity in it or something, you get four minutes most.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Don't need near-death stories, okay? She's sad. You know, we don't get a lot of callers here. I don't want to hate on anyone, but there's got to be some sort of ground rules. Changes to the Dylan podcast. Okay. Hey, you know what you know what's interesting too about what kurt said is that um i don't even i don't think we i don't think we've brought up jeffrey epstein i don't really talk about epstein on this show that's why i thought it was because he i couldn't even watch the netflix special i watched like 30 minutes i'm like this is fucking gross uh philip kelly
Starting point is 01:31:24 499 caller you'll be all right i spent two days in the hospital with rabdo glad you're still here and able to tell us about this yeah thank you there's a guy who's in the hospital for like a month who was oh that guy yeah yeah philip kelly yeah yeah okay don't worry i didn't cut my hair okay good i know you're i know you were really concerned with me potentially cutting it in one of the last shows. Massively concerned. So you guys know Andrew Tate got arrested. We still have no fucking exact idea why.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Depends on where you're getting your sources, but it could be fucking bad. He's already been released. He has? Yeah yeah and did you see him on uh one of the nelk boys podcast he almost predicted this exact thing he said once you go outside the matrix and they tell you to keep your mouth shut he goes i've already burned one of my lives because they canceled me he goes the second life i'll burn is after they arrest me and then the third one will be when they try to kill me He already tweeted that he put the matrix since it's sent its agents.
Starting point is 01:32:27 So he's already out. It's crazy. Accusations are that he's basically collecting girls and then using them to run only fan pages. Is that the basic? I mean, yeah, I think that was the, that was a presumed charge. Is there a caller on? What's that noise?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Oh yeah. Call her. Hi. Oh, hi. Good morning. Hi, good good morning how you guys doing hi kurt um not kurt no don't do that to me um i wanted to touch on something that you guys had talked about what was his name the other day rod richard rod richard oh yeah yeah the the uh father the guy who does the father yeah yeah yeah um i was trying to look at it from both perspectives because you had brought up that towards the end of the podcast where you had brought up like why tell your kids or why talk
Starting point is 01:33:20 to your kids that they're different race different whatever like what's the purpose for that and he kind of pushed back a little bit just for the sake that he wanted to be the one that introduced that to his kids just to prepare them just to be the ones to prepare them yeah i was like hey why why tell your kids that the world hates black people or hates jews that's like a common theme among jews and blacks i'm like why not just let them figure it out no one told me that when i was 16 my nose was going to grow in and that fucking i'll never pick a girl up at a bar because i'm five five like no like i had to figure that shit out on my own like someone needs to see me play frisbee or i have to be able to look in your eyes and talk to you before i can fucking hold your hand
Starting point is 01:33:59 i have limits of what i'm capable of in this world. Yeah. And so I appreciated his perspective on it at the same time. But I kind of I see because my my son, nine years old, he has a black friend and plays with him all the time. I've been on the same soccer team, but my son has no idea he's black. What is that? What does that matter? He plays with them and they're buddies and none of that matters until somebody tells that kid that he's black or somebody tells my son that he's black. And it's like, oh, wow, now we have to be different?
Starting point is 01:34:37 Like, what's the point in that? Who does that benefit? Absolutely nobody. Nobody. It benefits nobody. Maybe there was a time when it benefited you i don't fucking know but it benefits in the bigger picture now you're absolutely right it benefits basically what you're doing the truth is is you're basically teaching your kid to be racism racist you're planting the seeds of racist ideology in your head and you're indoctrinating your child that's it yeah
Starting point is 01:35:05 um so i i i kind of wanted to lead with that because i had i had a i had an email that i received this last week from my kid's school district and i thought that you would enjoy this it's short don't worry okay okay is there nudity in it uh then it better be short. It is short. I promise. This is the school district has been identified as significantly disproportionate under the category of any discipline as related to the discipline of black African-American students who receive special education services. education services, the state defines any discipline as any of the following, office referrals and school suspension and out-of-school suspension. As a result, the district must develop a comprehensive, coordinated, early intervening services plan, let me get some bullshit acronym, that addresses the district disproportionate disproportionality in this area with this subgroup.
Starting point is 01:36:11 Basically, they're saying that kids who are the darker the color of your skin, the more you're fucking getting suspended and referrals and getting in trouble at school and that they're blaming the district for it. Well, but they're not going to they're not going to, with this, what they're trying to bring forward through data and community partners and, you know, other bullcrap, they're pretty much setting something up where that's not going to be an issue anymore. There's not going to be in-school suspension for the the disproportionate subgroup of what they hey why don't they just suspend why don't they just suspend more white kids and balance that shit out exactly the fucking logic here how do they not see that
Starting point is 01:37:00 the whole premise is built on a foundation of racism that they are fucking the backbone of systemic racism just with what they fucking said you're just first you're judging people by the color of their skin and then you're putting some sort of metric to it it's fucking nuts i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it i mean don't get me wrong i want to be involved in my kids in my kids uh school district and go to these meetings where they talk about all this garbage. But, I mean, man, when they send emails out like this, as a parent, I just am totally speechless.
Starting point is 01:37:38 I'm just totally speechless. I don't want to bag on um uh i i don't want to participate in the in the metrics of people by their skin color but that being said if they're going to do that they have to have other fucking correlates they have to have like what's the what's the income of these families that are being suspended without looking at color? What's the what's the are they also tardy to school? Are their parents married? It's the exact same thing when people say, hey, melanated people are disproportionately shot and arrested by police without mentioning that that 51 of the murders happen in this country
Starting point is 01:38:26 from six percent of the population melanated men with penises and it's like once you look at that you realize that other number doesn't even matter how many who's in jail and if they're just they're just taking data in a fucking, uh, um, vacuum. Oh, Dylan, you didn't have to do that. God damn it. Dylan.
Starting point is 01:38:48 I love you. Sign up for the Dylan podcast. Lincoln sevens by. Come on, dude. I love you to death. I love it that you call in and that all the callers need to get ripped on. Hey,
Starting point is 01:39:01 are you going to pull your kid out of school? I'd love to. I can't with my work schedule and my wife's a nurse. Get a mistress. Get a mistress. Have a raise. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:12 But just, I mean, just wrap this up real quick. And how I started is like, who does this, like, who does this help? Who does this serve? Like it serves absolutely nobody. You take the wind out of the teacher sales who how about the good kids how about the good kids who are melanated who now also have to fucking be a part of that now now everyone's looking at them like oh you can't get suspended you can do whatever you want and they no smart person wants to be with any assholes like there's not there's not like there's not like, there's not parents there,
Starting point is 01:39:45 black parents there who are like, Oh, this is great. Not if you have a straight A student, it's not, you're fucking pissed. And, and the animosity that you create with,
Starting point is 01:39:55 with the white kids or the Asian kids or whoever else that now what I'm getting suspended for the same types of things or getting in trouble for the same types of things that these other people aren't getting suspended for. It just creates, there's again, it, it serves nobody. It's just super frustrating, super frustrating. All right, brother. Thank you. All right. Thank you. All right. Thank you guys. Bye. Uh, DJ, I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, but here, here's the thing. Like if you need a bouncer for age, if you need a bouncer, I might,
Starting point is 01:40:29 I'm not going to do it. Um, yeah. Okay. Uh, this one's really cool. Uh, two 99.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I heard that. I'd never heard this about ice baths before this explanation of why ice baths are so valuable. I don't know. I don't know if this is true, but it is true fuck it's amazing here we go as we apply a thermal stress and we expose ourself to heat or cold our body tries to defend itself so how does it defend itself it strengthens if you get in an ice bath your liver will freak out it will panic and it will dump cold shock proteins into your blood to try to save your life.
Starting point is 01:41:05 And these magnificent proteins, they're free. They're made by your liver. You have an endless supply of them. It dumps them into the bloodstream and scours the body of free radical oxidation, increases the rate of protein synthesis. You feel amazing, not because you've reduced inflammation, but because your liver just tried to save you. So we apply a thermal stressor.
Starting point is 01:41:24 That's cool, right? Mm-hmm. I'm going to have to get one when I get home. Are you? What are you going to get? Are you going to try to get one of those, like, super, super nice ones that's, like, permanently cold and looks like a storm? Honestly, I've seen a bunch of YouTube videos where you can just, like, make one yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:44 For, like, one of those deep freezes. And I think I might just do that. Just, like, get one of those Craigslist can just like make one yourself. Yeah. But like on those deep freezes and I think I might just do that. Just like get rid of the Craigslist and like fix it up, clear it out. Yeah, that's smart. A meat freezer. I would do it if I had the space in my apartment.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Except on that guy was kind of the example that I was talking about earlier when you said like, I don't know why kids send their, or I don't know why people send their kids to school. And I was like, it's just because the system in which they live in, there's like really no other option for two working parents or unless you have the luxury to kind of be there, unless you radically change a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 01:42:24 kids more than the parents have, it still will take so much more for people to just completely reject the school system and start pulling their kids out at numbers that would actually invoke change just because most parents just don't have either the economic freedom to do that or, well, pretty much that's what it comes down to, the economic freedom to be able to do that. I don't like that talk, Sousa. I know, but it's interesting. I don't like that talk. All they're going to do, but it's interesting too. I don't like that talk. All they're going to do is think, oh, we'll just give you more money so you can do it. No, no, no. This isn't a product of talk of like the government.
Starting point is 01:42:53 The government will never give you more money so you could do it if that's the case. But it also goes to show why most people don't flee countries even under the worst conditions unless it's war-torn and they're like absolutely forced to leave. So if you really look into immigration, a ton of people are looking for better lives, but it's not like they're picking up from a mediocre life and moving. Most of them won't leave until their homes start to get absolutely destroyed and they become refugees. Or the little alternative is to stay and die because conditions are so bad. But if it's just above that point, most people will still stay. I hear you. Unfortunately, when you describe it like that too, I think I would be one of those people.
Starting point is 01:43:32 I hate change on certain levels. Most people do. Before Elizabeth Warren lost her mind, she wrote a great book called Two Income Trap. We've tried to convince women they have to work in order to have value to society. Primary duty is raising kids. No shit. convince women they have to work in order to have value to society primary duty is raising kids no shit god she's fucking lost her shit i came across this stat the other day uh nancy pelosi's net worth when she took office according to the washington free uh beacon was 31 million dollars when she took office in 2008 now in 2021 her net worth has increased by 140 million dollars and she's now worth 171 million
Starting point is 01:44:18 dollars must have been a couple good years for her, huh? Here's the thing. I have no problem. Get as rich as you fucking want, but how did you do that while being a public servant? Like, you're a public fucking servant. You shouldn't be allowed to do that. But them, like most of the people in our government,
Starting point is 01:44:41 regulate themselves. Okay, we talked about Epstein um oh uh yeah oh my goodness hey i want to do that's awesome you pulled this up will you go to that website that instagram account look at this one i want to ask who's what do you think about this go to the top uh one of the greatest yes one of the greatest have you seen this this is fucking fascinating no one is talking about okay warren buffett one of the greatest investors of all time has been quietly building a massive position in occidental petroleum adding 8.6 billion dollars in shares so far this year bringing his total position to over 20 of the company and i think i figured out why i noticed that Occidental has spent $20 million in corporate lobbying this year alone.
Starting point is 01:45:29 This is the second most of any company just behind Amazon. And this is where it gets interesting. I did some digging and noticed that almost all of it is for something called the 45Q tax credit. So in short, right now, the government will give you $50 per ton if you burn fossil fuels, catch the emissions before it's in the atmosphere, and stick them in the ground. But with the 45Q tax credit, that $50 per ton would increase to $85 and then an incredible $180 per ton if the carbon is already in the atmosphere. And wouldn't you know, this tax credit was included in the inflation reduction bill that was just passed. So why would Occidental spend $20 million trying to get this tax credit? Occidental is the unmatched leader in this carbon capture technology. Just the other month, they announced that they're going to build 69 carbon
Starting point is 01:46:08 capture facilities, each capable of collecting 1 million tons of carbon from the air a year. And I did the math. 1 million tons of carbon captured annually at 69 facilities at $180 per ton comes up to $12.4 billion in tax write-offs every year, which is not too bad for a $20 million investment if you ask me. If you want to see what else companies are lobbying for. Hey, I looked up that company too. That's a fucking legit company that you can trade. By the way, that whole carbon capture thing smells like a complete bullshit. Can you imagine? Basically, they're putting in a giant air cleaner on planet earth that's supposed to fucking do something for all... Shut the fuck up. That's got to be doing more pollution there's so many reasons why my logic
Starting point is 01:46:50 meter goes there's no fucking way that's working there's no fucking way that that works you can't clean our air with fucking machines that require fuel to burn to fucking run the machine to clean the air like this is batshit crates i mean i open to it, but there's no fucking way it works. No, it doesn't. No fucking way. You eat a dick. There's no fucking way it works. There's no fucking way it works.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Hey, it's like this. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. Someone will say car seats work and they save babies' lives. Okay, fine. ask you this someone will say car seats work and they save babies lives okay fine what what's the environmental impact on car seats worldwide and how many years do they shorten people's lives by by the off-gassing and all the shitty stuff that they do to the planet or ones that fall off the shelf and he'll hit and kill people like let me see the whole fucking equation let me see the
Starting point is 01:47:41 whole fucking equation on car seats it's like that there. There's no, there's no, it's like the electric car. There's no fucking way that that is somehow helping the planet at the end of the day. Maybe eventually, maybe we have to go down this way to trudge up the technology to, to, to one day it will, but there's no fucking way. Just my bullshit meter goes off. way just my bullshit meter goes off yes you can claim your trees that's a great question i like your name to be the gardener get a profile pic please required yeah i've got a perpetual motion machine to sell you too yeah exactly something is um a myth yeah i'm not saying that they can't build a machine that scrubs carbon from the air. I'm just saying that the net benefit to society because of it, whatever, it can't be. There's no... Just because you call it
Starting point is 01:48:36 a carbon scrubber. You call it a fucking electric car, we all know it takes shitloads of fucking oil to fucking keep that thing going. And coal and whatever, nuclear, whatever they're doing. You could be so confidently wrong, Trish. Trish also said my thoughts on politics are muddled. It's not that I'm – it just sets off my bullshit meter.
Starting point is 01:49:08 That's all I'm saying. There's no way you can hear that and just think that it works. It works for Warren Buffett's potential tax write-offs there and future investments. Right, right. Yeah, I guarantee – I think that stock is going to skyrocket. Yeah, especially if he pumps it like that i don't know what ice baths do either but whatever that guy said i'm like i do know that ice baths have some did they jump in cold water i feel fucking great
Starting point is 01:49:34 i don't know if i want to talk about polar bears because i kind of wanted to make a thumbnail talking about in 1950 there were 10 000 polar bears today there are approximately 30 000 polar bears polar bear populations keep increasing increasing from what from the 10 000 in 1950 is that a lot or a little i don't know but basically the only polar bears the thing is is they're used as sort of the metric for global warming and climate change and all that shit yeah and yet they've said that they're losing they're losing um habitat to live in right because of the climate change but you can go and start searching and you can find tons of articles and you can start looking at the data and you can be like wait a second but they've increased since 1950 when there were only 10 000 now here's the argument
Starting point is 01:50:32 they're saying that the only reason why the polar bear numbers are larger today than they were in 1950 and why they keep going up every year is because of laws around hunting them. So you're no longer allowed to hunt them. That's why the population increased? Yes. Or there's some – I don't know if you're not allowed to, but some restrictions. Okay, okay. And so how is it – but yet it's the poster child for climate change.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Right. You remember seeing the one polar bear floating on that small little piece of of ice yeah he uses like the yeah the picture for that slogan yeah and national geographic showed a polar bear uh like a maciated polar bear and they told the whole story about it that it was starving and later on a bunch of people who were pro climate change were like hey just so you know that story is not true there's no fucking way that they can know what the problem is with that polar bear. Well, isn't that whole entire thing just completely debunked when you look at the banks and the insurance companies giving out loans and policies to all those homes that they said would be underwater within a certain amount of time? I mean, like no institution of that caliber is going to allow things that they would are for certain are going to be underwater and, and develop policies or write out mortgages and stuff for them. That doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:51:50 So the polar bear. So, yeah. So the polar bear thing, I think it's just BS. I think it was a convenient statistic, you know, like,
Starting point is 01:51:58 Hey, this kind of, this could match what we're saying and people are going to get emotionally attached to this because they're helpless, helpless animals. And that always pearls on the emotional string like the commercials come on for all the dogs that are like in the shelter and shit yeah you can't tell me you don't see that commercial and you and you have a dry eye afterwards you don't want to adopt a dog or
Starting point is 01:52:16 something out of those the song that goes with it yeah exactly so like they know that and i mean that's marketing at its finest so if you you could package something with a story and put some emotion into it, humans will throw out any logical sense whatsoever. And they're going to be like, yeah, but did you see those dogs in the cage? And like, you're too focused on the stories and the emotions. And especially now we're far, far, far more emotional than we are logical by any means. So it's just a perfect way to market you an idea and if you get a dog from a breeder you're an asshole buy from a breeder colton mertens oh my god have you guys
Starting point is 01:52:54 seen the new new wad zombie sticker of colton mertens is that on his site dude first of all wad zombie is going to burn in hell it's probably probably like blasphemous, but it is so good. It's the best sticker he's ever made. It is so good. Everybody's calling out the song in the arms of an angel. That is the song they play with it. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:53:16 humans are simple, right? It's just like inputs coming in and you could already guess what the outputs are going to be. That's what makes AI so scary because at some point the supercomputer just knows exactly what to input to get you to react a certain way and you think that you're doing it on your own but you're not it's just the inputs that are coming in patron saint of hard work i'm telling you that shit that uh look at that. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. It is crazy.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I'm sticking that on my van. That's so good. It is nuts. I wonder if he laughed when he saw it. I wonder what he thought. He probably did an air twirl. He goes, and then went on about his day. Oh, Cat cat that's the
Starting point is 01:54:05 song they're gonna play at your funeral geez louise have you ever heard that joke about uh somebody saving up a shit ton of money to invite john stamos to their funeral no that's like a i forget which comedian it was or actually i don't remember where i wish it was a true story it's not an original thought and he goes yeah he goes i'm just gonna save up all this money and just throw a complete wrench as my last joke to her. That way everybody's at the funeral and they're all sad and crying. And then they look and they're like, is that fucking John Stamos over there? How did he know John Stamos?
Starting point is 01:54:37 That's pretty good. If you care about your family, you'll do that. if you care about your family you'll do that i want to show you a story of a well let's just look at the story 293 this is a guy who um a friend called him i guess buffalo had a crazy storm i looked yesterday and 40 people have died in it already got trapped 40 people froze to death damn and this guy maybe you not, don't start with this, but start somewhere. Is there another picture? Skip over this. Show the group photo.
Starting point is 01:55:13 So this guy, this guy basically gets a call. There he is, right in the center. Okay. So this guy gets a call from a friend and says, hey, dude, I'm fucking – my car broke down. I need fucking help. So he goes out to save his friend in his car, and his car breaks down, and he realizes he's going to fucking freeze to death. So he gets out of his car, and while he's looking for – going door to door, he finds two other people in their cars who are stuck who are going to freeze to death. And one of them is an old lady, so it must be one of those people in the picture. And one of them is someone else, right?
Starting point is 01:55:47 And he goes door to door looking for a fucking place to stay. And the people in Buffalo turn him away. They're like, no, you can't stay the night here. No, they can't stay the night here. And it's freezing outside. Freezing. So he comes across a school. And he breaks into the school
Starting point is 01:56:06 and he opens the school and then he goes back out and he finds these other people who are in their cars freezing and he brings them all in there that guy in the middle with the fucking apron on or the not apron what are those things called overalls snow pants
Starting point is 01:56:22 thank you so why isn't the title of this story white man saves nine black people well because it fucking doesn't matter but but if you're gonna go the other way and you're gonna say white cop kills or anything about fucking anyone, then you have to report every fucking story like that. And since they're not, this guy broke into the school and then broke into their cafeteria and fed all these fucking people. He took the lead and did that. In California, he'd have been charged. funny he'd have been charged uh he left this note at the school to whoever may concern i'm terribly terribly sorry about breaking into the school window and for breaking into the kitchen
Starting point is 01:57:12 i got stuck at 8 p.m friday and slept in my truck with two strangers just trying not to die there were seven elderly people also stuck out of fuel i had to do it to save everyone and get them shelter and food and a bathroom merry christmas wow are you fucking kidding me what a great fucking story it's 27 good kid it's just it's these are the stories like these are the stories that should be fucking highlighted by the way i saw this on fox news on uh the gutfield show or one of those shows yeah that's a great story but it's also a little concerning how like he went door to door and like
Starting point is 01:58:01 nobody let him in that part is concerning right yeah i mean ultimately it helps save all those other people that didn't really have a plan or weren't able to physically like do what he was capable of another reason why physical uh health is or being physical and healthy is so fucking important because we look at everybody in that photo um you could tell why they broke into their cars and then they would struggle to have to go hike out to go find something on their own oh yeah the the two people on the end the guy in the green and the lady in the pink i can't even believe they fucking made it they yeah so it actually worked out alive yeah it actually worked out that nobody did let him inside the house because then he would have secured himself and then not been able to uh do what he did to save all those other people so in
Starting point is 01:58:42 the end it worked out but yeah super concerning but also put yourself in that situation like it's it's late it's dark you don't have even access to to help if something were to happen to you guys someone comes knocking on the door i mean everybody's in different positions right what do you do step on with your three boys oh i'd be fucked i'd be like hey dude i could you know i could lock you into my you know uh studio or something like that, right? But at the end of the day, it's like you're really thinking like, wait, who is this guy and what are they going to do to me? So that's a hard position. Oh, you mean if they came to my house and I was picturing myself being stuck in the snow?
Starting point is 01:59:17 Another scenario on the flip side of that. But no, just imagine that. You're sitting there. Who the fuck's that at the door? I don't know. Open it up. It's freezing. It's just that dude hey man i'm sorry my car broke down i'm freezing i need a place to stay is it okay if i stay here yeah how you know how do you handle that situation too it's tough it's buffalo it's uh blaine gabbert i don't know that is saving four people on his jet ski from a helicopter crash wow
Starting point is 01:59:48 that's cool too everyone worried about a crazy person knocking on your door you're knocking at the crazy man's house oh good perspective too jerry yeah um okay uh this next one's uh I don't know. This is definitely inappropriate. $2.92. You have to watch very closely the beginning of this video. Look where this girl's hands are. Look very closely as this video pops up and look where this girl's hands are.
Starting point is 02:00:19 I've titled this, We Are All Animals. Her hand is in her pants. Okay? Look at this video. Her hand is in her pants. Look at Look at this video. Her hand is in her pants. Look at it. She's looking at her phone. Is that real? It looks real. Is that common?
Starting point is 02:00:52 He titled it quality control. Is that real? Gotta be. Oh my gosh. It's on the internet. I understand maybe a sniff test, but the taste test? Yeah, just like...
Starting point is 02:01:20 But the taste test? Yeah, sniff test, yeah. The taste test yeah sniff test yeah i don't taste test is crazy but but but i guess not that crazy we're just animals i just saw it and i go it's just like just like a dog when it just licks like we make fun of dogs when they're just sitting sitting on the ground just licking their junk i guess i guess sure I guess, I guess. Sure. Yeah. Fucking something else. We're just right there on Instagram,
Starting point is 02:01:52 but I can't ask about the efficacy of the vaccine, but you can watch a girl reach into her pants, pull it out and then taste your fingers. That's nasty. Who would have thought? There used to be this dude at the skate park. And all the summer days he would like escape by and he'd reach into his pants and he would rub his hands all over his ball sack and then he would just ride by you and then just smear it across your face and he would go ball sacks what
Starting point is 02:02:16 and he would just hit random people at the skate park park oh literally yeah yeah that guy that gets skating a bad name he got he got popped in the mouth one time for that would you rather yeah didn't take caleb have that guy wipe his ball sweat on you or someone spit on you same guy you rather like you lose a bet to him and he's like and you can choose whether you get the ball sweat or the spit i'm sorry i asked you that you don't have to answer their hands and just wipe it across my face like that i'd rather get spit on and you gotta imagine this is like summer in livermore so it's you know 100 plus degrees out yeah it's the hottest place on earth except for where caleb is it is hot there and at that time too if you were a skater like if you had shorts on you weren't a skater you were a hesher so everybody's got jeans on right and so
Starting point is 02:03:16 just gnarly seven have you ever given a dirty sanchez what's a dirty sanchez i think i know what it is but let me go dirty sanchez i read it before youirty Sanchez? I think I know what it is, but let me pull it up. Dirty Sanchez. Read it before you pull it up. I think it's where you have some poop on your butt and you wipe it underneath their nose. Yeah. Oh, it has the word victim in it. You're not the victim. It's a fecal mustache.
Starting point is 02:03:38 No, I don't. Dude, I'm telling you. I don't do any butthole stuff. None. I don't even have a butthole. I don't do any butthole stuff. None. I don't even have a butthole. I don't do any butt stuff. No, Christine. It was not me slapping ball sled on people's faces.
Starting point is 02:03:57 Oh, my goodness. This is disgusting, this Dirty Sanchez. You draw a mustache on someone with their own poop? Uh-huh. No, I've never been, I've never been a victim of one or a two 91, uh,
Starting point is 02:04:13 Matt Fraser, the boss, what do you would also punch your food? Like if you went to go, if you went to go eat somewhere, like say everybody just went to go grab in and out or something. And you've set your food down and you like left for a second. he would just wait till you turn and he would look and he would just punch your hamburger good dude then his people would run by and eat it hey man matt uh matt's
Starting point is 02:04:35 looking good here i thought he was looking puffy in one of the uh like podcast things he just posted up i don't know but i saw this and i'm like oh is this dude this dude looks great look at him i mean he's smooth i mean he's fast dude he's moving yeah he's a five-time champ but don't don't go away how many repetitions has he done so that he knows how to do that every time? Nah. He's doing the open
Starting point is 02:05:14 for his HWPO. Yeah, he looks great. I wonder if he qualified for a quarterfinal if he'd go. I mean, I'm sure he could qualify for the quarterfinal, right? I'm sure he absolutely would. But I feel like he would not go unless he knew that he was, like, prepared to win. You know?
Starting point is 02:05:33 Savon did an upper decker before he left HQ. No, I was in denial. I swear to God, I probably went to work the day after I was fired because I didn't believe it. I was in such denial. Just, like, drove there and was just like, what if i got out of the car someone had to probably like call the cops on me i'm like what are you doing they know bruce no repton bruce and cory no he's a savage uh okay uh we'll do two uh i gotta take the kids to jujitsu soon we'll do two uh i gotta take the kids to jiu-jitsu soon we'll do two night let's do 290 regret oh this one's this one's good this is a this is a news anchor not in this country i don't
Starting point is 02:06:15 know what country but they ask him if he uh will check it out this is good i bet you there's a shitload of people like this a shitload i felt incredible peer pressure into getting it and now looking back i wish i hadn't here we go how many covid injections have you had and any regrets yes i will answer this i don't mind answering it i've had two and i do regret them i felt very very very forced into it i'm not telling anybody else not to get them i've got no problem with anyone doing it at all i felt incredibly peer pressured into getting it. And actually now when I look back on it, I wish I hadn't. Why? Not because of the injection itself, but because I feel I didn't do it for the right reasons. I did it because I caved into pressure and that doesn't make me feel nice
Starting point is 02:06:56 about myself. There you go. Ask a question. I will answer it. A lot of people that would have said it's none of your business, not me anyway. Wow. anyway wow so so here's we talked about this on the show that is going to be something that people are going to have to that's really going to affect a lot of people long term it's going to be hard for people to forgive themselves i wish it wasn't but they're gonna they're gonna it this thing is going to make this thing makes a lot of people feel dirty hey do you get pressured within your like circle of friends or people you associate with did you did you feel that at all i'm so fucking aggressive i don't think so they're just like new not to even fucking go there with you i'm so i'm ready just on a moment's notice to just fucking get at it with someone so i i you know people whisper around me like if they think
Starting point is 02:07:45 if they like no i don't think so but but i sensed it amongst all my friends and the pressure was real right yeah did you get disincluded from anything yes yes all all sorts of family shit that i couldn't go to wasn't invited to people but family events moved outside because we went we had some family in la and the event was supposed to be inside then they want us to get covid tested we said no we don't do that play that game then they want us to wear masks in the house we said no we don't i said i would wear a mask and my wife i who i can't even fucking believe because she's so docile she's like i'm not wearing a mask in front of my kids i'm not setting that bad example like holy shit so then
Starting point is 02:08:23 they moved the whole party to outside then everyone showed up there with masks and then by the end of the party they all took the masks out but yeah all sorts of shit like that we're uninvited to for college friends dude yeah parties whole parties we're fucking uninvited to not allowed to there's a party this weekend oh even in the recent that my kids aren't vaccinated so my kids aren't allowed around the other kids what though oh my god yeah yeah bro bro look at how many look how many people are vaccinated the united states it's fucking uh they have the covid vaccine it's fucking nuts says like 69 have one at least one shot it's absolutely fucking nuts wow
Starting point is 02:09:03 people are gonna feel people that's gonna be a tough one how about you did you get did you get have at least one shot. It's absolutely fucking nuts. Wow. People are going to feel... That's going to be a tough one. How about you? Did you get banned from any... Yeah. Yeah. I lost corporate contracts, bro. Oh my goodness. Yeah, me too. Hey, Caleb saved a lot of corporate contracts. When you were up there losing them,
Starting point is 02:09:24 that's why Caleb's on the show. He's a business man. Caleb saved a lot of corporate contracts. Well, you were up there losing them. That's why Caleb's on the show. He's a business man. Caleb saved a lot of corporate contracts. Do you know how many jobs Caleb saved? You're welcome. You're welcome for my service. I'm not lying. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 02:09:36 I got really used to saying the words like, I understand and I'm comfortable with that. That was just my response. Everybody would always throw out like, hey, this, like this, or you won't be able to do this or this, or just just follow like all the different reasons why i should and i would just say i would go yeah you're probably right and that's okay i'm comfortable with that and then that was like nobody like i wasn't going to argue on efficacy and get into some like like how do you some pissing yeah some pissing match with another idiot who also doesn't know
Starting point is 02:10:03 the same shit. That makes no sense. I just basically just said, yeah, I understand that, and I'm comfortable with that. And even once I was told, well, you're not getting it or you're not voting, that doesn't even matter. You're just one person. Everybody else is doing it. So whether you hold this position and be stubborn, it won't matter. I understand.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I'm comfortable with that. Have you looked at any of the new shedding information coming out it's it's it's it's it's it's unsettling they're basically saying that if you if you exchange bodily fluids with someone who's vaccinated they're basically finding clots now and people who are unvaccinated who are married to people who are vaccinated. There's not a lot of data on it, but it's unsettling. Weird. I wish I had fought for an exemption.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Well, the good thing, I can't believe you're saying the military, you don't even have to take it anymore, Caleb? Yeah. it's not mandated for all the guys all the all the soldiers everybody yeah that's fucking amazing we gotta have dale back on that is crazy got added to that whole uh i think i'm not i'm probably might be wrong on this but i think it got added to the whole bill that got passed with like everything oh that 1.4 trillion dollar thing that thing passed it's either that or the one prior to it i can't remember either way uh pull up dr john campbell's latest video and watch the intro okay i'll do that today when i'm on the assault bike
Starting point is 02:11:37 um i'm the only one in my family uh who's unvaxxed yeah they hate you oh uh kenneth says probably still a deployment requirement though Who's unvaxxed? Yeah, they hate you. Yeah, they hate you. Oh, Kenneth says probably still a deployment requirement, though. I don't think so. Oh, I got a religious exemption at my university. Wow, that's good news. That's cool. One of the few. that's cool one of the few um uh 289 this one i found i don't know how i don't think of this stuff on my own i get so frustrated when i see other people thought of this shit before me this this is uh this is pretty good this is logic at work 289 i wish i would have thought of this
Starting point is 02:12:20 new year's eve is coming up and i just want to say don't kiss no men. It's New Year's Eve, not New Year's Steve. Turn lesbian. This is the time. I'm disappointed in the horrible homophobia in this video because I've been reliably informed by LGBT activists that nobody can choose their sexuality. So you can't turn lesbian. It's not, it's, that's far right propaganda. Actually, it's very dangerous. You cannot change your sexuality unless, of course, you're, let's say, a heterosexual man who turns into a woman and is then but is still attracted to women. In which case you that's really the only way to turn into a lesbian. Yes, you have to be a man first. And that's how you can turn into a lesbian. So that that is the hypocrisy, right?
Starting point is 02:13:01 And that's how you can turn into a lesbian. So that is the hypocrisy, right? I mean, we've all heard that before. But if you're, let's say you're gay, let's say I'm gay and I like dudes. But let's say I'm not gay. And then someone's like, hey, you should just try it out. You don't knock until you try it. Well, can I change my sexuality or can I not?
Starting point is 02:13:24 And by the way, you can definitely change someone's sexuality. You can put them under some really, really excruciating circumstances and change their sexuality. It's been done millions of times on the planet. You can do some really horrible with all dudes that too, but you could also do some horrible shit to them as a kid and you could uh you can do you can you can change the trajectory of of with the most powerful force a human being will ever uh experience their sexuality you can you can get it all twisted up you can brainwash people yeah it's all inputs right um 288 uh this is how real art works he's an alchemist i bet this used to bother him this I fucking love this is where I'm at as a 50 year old man this is the shit right here okay I'm stopping waiting for my darling to make up our minds choose when we can eat too That's a cool ass wife. I like her a lot, but here, here here we go here's what's going on here people this is what it's like you always hear that word creative being thrown around and this is what you
Starting point is 02:14:54 do as a creative everything that fucking bothers you everything that hurts you everything that frustrates you you start figuring out how to make it content. You start how to fucking make it fun. I guarantee you this fucking was pissing him off for like a 30, 30 seconds or a third of a second before he's like, fuck it. And then you're, you lean into it and your creativity takes over. And the older you get, the more fun this is. Right. So, um, it used to be, someone says to me, Hey, uh, you have a huge nose and it hurt my feelings now it's like hey you want to touch it you just flip the fucking script this is creativity uh uh sprout spawns from shit it's the fertilizer and uh i just love it i just saw this and i was
Starting point is 02:15:44 like yeah i get this this is this is creativity in action right he's like fuck he's waiting for his wife for the thousandth time at some point it's like what are you gonna do well okay lean into it yeah make a song and look how happy his wife is and how fucking she's just glowing turtleneck what is it fucking 1960 i would i would let jeff bako touch me that was weird when he called in that was great uh will you sound like the guy who stands in union square with a microphone telling him when they're going to hell will she she fucking pegged you dude but do you see what you wrote back oh those those guys are onto something yeah that's good and then she writes back more like they need to be on something well oh my goodness love the banter back and forth in the comment section i like will
Starting point is 02:16:47 in my dms he always pushes me just a little it's like when my kid says something funny and then says something else i'm like dude you went too far joe you just went will always likes takes me to the edge took it too far yeah but i like it that's funny um Liver King and Shaq, CrossFitters rowing across the Atlantic. Okay, let's look at this real quick. 285, this is Brian Shantosh, married to Nicole Carroll, the head of CrossFit training. They call it something stupid now, like EDU, you jackasses. But two remarkable people, Nicole Carroll and Brian Shantosh.
Starting point is 02:17:24 And this is Chris Smith, who I think also owns a CrossFit affiliate, former Navy SEAL, maybe even dev group, maybe a SEAL Team 6 operator. And these fucking guys are rowing across the fucking Atlantic. And there's this thing called an auto trimmer. Auto trimmer. And it's basically a $500 piece of equipment that sits in a boat that makes it so you can just row and it will steer for you. So you punch in the coordinates and that thing, I guess, went out on their boat. Are you following the story to Caleb? Yeah, their auto trimmer went out. So now they have to like navigate as well as row at the same time.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Yeah, that sounds horrible. Anyway, this is the account is a team shut up and row team shut up and row uh this is a truly these guys are all cool well the two guys i know on the boat are cool as shit um shantosh and uh chris smith uh go ahead and hit play it's this pretty funny clip what you got going on, Mr. Smith? Just row, row, rowing the boat, man. Rowing the boat? What day is it? You know what this is? What's this?
Starting point is 02:18:29 One stroke closer to Antigua. To Antigua? And there's a fucking other one. Oh! And there's another one. What you got going on, Mr. Smith? Just row, row, rowing the boat, man. Rowing the boat?
Starting point is 02:18:43 What day is it? You know what this is? What's this? One stroke closer to antiquity and there's a fucking another one that's the best and there's another one hey it's but it's funny and borderline they're losing their mind yeah like like you feel that you feel them and that is i recognize Shantosh's voice. That's really cool. I could watch fucking clips from that. There's not a lot of clips that they're sending back.
Starting point is 02:19:12 I guess they can't, but. They were really close to the leader until that malfunction happened too, right? Like they were like. um the the the news that fellow team fight uh ord has capsized has not been able to right the boat and subsequently were rescued by a bolt carrier ship after deploying their life raft holy shit i don't know oh say that again fight or die oh yeah oh shit that's oh shit let me read that again wow the news that fellow team fight or die have capsized not been able to right the boat and subsequently were rescued by a bolt carrier ship after deploying their raft hits close to home they were another all-american team another team of vets another crew of four shut up and rose rowers and wider
Starting point is 02:20:02 support team are relieved to hear that all four crew members were plucked up out of the water successfully wow damn best best wishes to nick chad will and tommy extremely tough times but we're all glad to see her safe now i wonder if there's any girl nicole carol writes very sorry to hear this happen to them i'm very glad to hear that you all are okay holy shit yeah i bet she is i'd be freaking out if i was nicole yeah she's fucking married a fucking wild man yeah look at like that picture of them like in the middle of the ocean across the globe that little uh uh gps shot that went above it yeah yeah like that's that's what are you doing out there dude like the muted triangle dude it's all and games until it gets fucking dark out there.
Starting point is 02:20:46 Oof. Terrifying. Anyway, give that a follow. That's going to be cool. That'll be cool. That'll be fun to follow them and watch them come in if they make it. Hey, what irony, right? The name Fight or Die and that boat capsized. I want to say they've done that before.
Starting point is 02:21:03 The Fight or Die team, they've done that same row. Naming is the particular origin of all things. Origin. Origin. Jeremy Garcia, happy new year. Another great year on tap for 7-1-1 Company. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about this year. I'm pretty excited about Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 02:21:21 I know I'll get burnt out quickly, but right now i'm in the excited phase oh uh oh mustaches mustache i thought at first she was talking about the rowing thing i was like i thought it was to be something else horrible. Oh, 283. I wanted to point this out to help the CrossFit Games out. God knows they fucking need it. If you go over to their Instagram account, 283, I wanted to show you guys that Shadburn faced off against Daniel Brandon brandon and pelner went up against noah olsen after pat pelner hmm who's that what athlete is that can you see that check that out oh oh no shit paulie doherty i thought i thought it was a typo for pat velner you jackasses do you
Starting point is 02:22:22 know how many people have sent you dms asking you to correct that he's like the second or third fucking biggest name active in the fucking sport that's got a penis and you can't get his link right dang i remember when that happened to me from the crossfit hq site dude we would rail people if a fucking typo stayed in when i was running media rail them completely must have missed it when it happened to me okay complete we we tagged you wrong yep well you're not patrick velner so no you guys used a picture of uh one time that we submitted for the workout of the day from my gym yeah we were super pumped and you guys tagged the wrong crossfit we wrote and nobody ever corrected oh that sucks i what year was that probably would have been like 2015
Starting point is 02:23:13 i apologize from the bottom of my heart oh the phone rings i don't even see it doesn't even make noise anymore caller hi hey i also want to say one more thing before we finish up. CrossFit Games Instagram also reported that Justin Medeiros is the youngest two-time champ ever, which is also fucking wrong. You donkeys. It's Annie Thor's daughter. You could go on endlessly.
Starting point is 02:23:40 I'll stop there. They have a whole list of things that those knuckleheads do wrong. Okay, go ahead, Caller. Hey, are we going to have a live calling of things that those knuckleheads do wrong. Okay. Go ahead. Hey, we can have a live calling show tonight. I want to escape. No, it's Jethro.
Starting point is 02:23:52 Oh, Hey, what's up, dude? East coast, regardless, regardless. What's up?
Starting point is 02:23:56 Oh, isn't that trippy? I recognize some, something's the same. Oh shit. Nine 30. Okay. You're going to be the last,
Starting point is 02:24:02 last topic. Should we do one tonight? I want to, I sent a text out to Hiller and Susan and neither of them replied Oh I thought that was for Hiller I won't be available He will not be available I will not be here
Starting point is 02:24:14 Well I just called to say happy new year to everyone If you don't have a live call-in show You just what to say the word called again for me? Called I wanted to say happy new year in case there wasn't a call-in show yeah okay well thank you that's really cool happy new year happy new year call-in show happy new year hey do you have a do you have a brown bag in your car that's full of money no sorry you have a gun in your waistband no fuck i don't have you I don't understand you at all then.
Starting point is 02:24:45 I've completely misjudged you. No, I don't drive a little Honda either. I pictured an old American car. Do you remember that show Hunter? I remember Knight Rider. Oh, yeah. That was a great show too. It was kind of in that era.
Starting point is 02:25:02 Hunter, he was a cop and he had this, he was, uh, he had a line. What would he say? He had a big ass gun. God, I'd love that show. I pictured you driving a car like that old American car. No,
Starting point is 02:25:14 I drive a minivan like you. Oh, what do you got? Town and country. Oh, is it good? I just drove an American minivan the other day and it was fucking awesome. It was so fast compared to my fucking Toyota. Minivans are awesome. Is yours an American american is town and country is that american car chrysler yeah chrysler well everything's made overseas but is it fast what year is yours yeah
Starting point is 02:25:34 2012 oh yeah that's mine i think i don't mine's probably 2016 did you get it did you is that the same year you had a kid or something? Is that where you got it? Yeah, I got four kids. Ooh, Ooh, Ooh. Oh, Dick butter got the grand caravan.
Starting point is 02:25:51 I don't know which one I drove the other day, but it was, it was crazy fast. It's, it was way faster than mine. All right. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 02:26:01 Hey, do you think we should do a show tonight? Hell yeah. All right. Me too. I liked, I want to do holiday shows. I'm in New York, but I got to be in bed like 10, 10 30. So I just wanted to say, uh,
Starting point is 02:26:15 All right. Well, thank you. I appreciate you calling. You have a very nice voice. Peace and love. Peace and love. All right. That's it. I got to go. I'm taking the kids to uh jujitsu uh guys thank you everyone for tuning in uh we will probably schedule a show this evening i'm not sure uh what time are you drinking tonight susan no i will be up early tomorrow and i gotta finish cleaning out the rest of my aunt's storage shed like right after the podcast oh then that doesn't sound like i don't
Starting point is 02:26:39 think i don't believe susan won't be here tonight then if he's uh all right uh thank you mr beaver thank you mr suza thank you for all the uh listeners um kurt uh may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits buh-bye

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