The Sevan Podcast - #730 - Live Call in Show w/ Jorge Ventura

Episode Date: January 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All my shit's fucked up. Oh, I see what's going on here. My power went off, so I have to reset my Rodecaster. Bam, we're live. Kind of. Kind of. We're kind of live. He's having an echoing.
Starting point is 00:00:13 I don't think you're on the right mic either. Yeah, we're limping. How's that better? There you go. I wonder if I have the right camera. You do. It looks good. It looks like they're shallow depth of field. So last night, the power went out.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I heard the transformer. I guess that's a transformer. Is that what the gray box is that hangs on the telephone pole? Yeah, sure. Let me see. I'm going to look up a picture. I'm going to look up. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'm going to look up transformer, make gonna look at what the fuck is this i'm gonna look up uh transformer make sure pole transformer pole transformer that took me to a penis pump uh no a pole transformer yeah yeah it's one it's one of those gray things here it comes here comes the sexist comment for all the women in the audience let me post a picture for you oh here we go okay i've got it it's that thing that cylindrical thing i think one of those exploded i heard this huge explosion right outside my house and then the power went out we had uh four or five we had uh we had a family family. We had these family friends over, husband, wife, two kids, and we had invited 13 other people to the house, and not one of them made it to the house. That's how good the storm was.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I mean, for my – I mean, I don't live in Buffalo, you know. God, did you party, Sousa? No, why? Oh. I was just trying to – No reason. You think I look bad no yeah you do um yeah but they couldn't make it to the house all the streets were flooded you know there's this uh what there's this website you could go to if If you just go to PG&E, Caleb, and then if you pull it up, I'll show you what to click.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And then you can – PG&E is Pacific Gas and Electric. It's the people who keep all our shit going. And I think they've been in a bunch of trouble, right, Sousa, for the last 10 years? Like there was a whole town burnt down. Yeah, it was that big-ass explosion, right? Yeah, like a whole town burnt down, and people was that big ass explosion right yeah like a whole town burnt down and people were suing them and blaming them and so but the it was during a storm or something so what they did is they're like all right fuck you we'll just cut turn off your power if we think it gets too windy so that's been a huge thing in california the people were going to sue the electric company for um uh there should be a map that pops up oh go back let me see yeah that so that's all the places the
Starting point is 00:02:49 power's out and i live down there in the in the bottom of the bottom left hand side of the map where you just see san that's probably santa cruz where all of them are yeah and those are all the power outages that are still going. But it was kind of cool. They did get the power up pretty early. Wow, Aaron, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. First donation of the new year. Absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Thank you. And you will get some free advice for that. Please add a profile picture. Matt Burns, add a profile picture. You said that because my hair looks ridiculous right now. That's why you said that, wasn't it? I just saw you yawning. I like your hair.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yawning? So 13 people didn't make it to my house because so much shit was flooded. I wonder if I type in Santa Cruz flooding if we get images. Heavy rain slammed Central and Northern California. I mean, it's not Buffalo. Heavy rain slammed Central and Northern California. I mean, it's not Buffalo. Like that story we told in Buffalo yesterday or two days ago where like 40 people died.
Starting point is 00:03:51 It's not like that. I mean, it wasn't even cold last night. Did you notice that? Yeah, it wasn't. It wasn't bad at all. Dude, when I was driving back, it was like 12. It was like just after midnight because we basically like did the whole happy new year and then just left. And I was driving and the person in front of me was going like 20 miles an hour getting on the freeway and i'm like well this dude's fucked up and then as we're driving
Starting point is 00:04:12 down the freeway a very short stretch of the freeway there was one car crashed into the side into like the side of the freeway wall another car like awkwardly off to the side with its flashers on across the freeway there was two more cars crashed into the medium on the other side. Because the water was so deep, it just lifted the car up? I think they were fucked up. I think it's like you just had a perfect storm
Starting point is 00:04:36 of it was dark, everything was flooded, they were hydroplaning and driving like idiots. They needed the patron saint. Damn right. can you believe this sticker i just want to take one quick second too because i saw mike uh sedona was in the comments mike oh oh wow so the story behind that is susan you were filming at guadalupalooza last year and you left it there no no no i left it in rome when we were trying to get back after all the delays i
Starting point is 00:05:10 like let i left it in rome on my honeymoon yeah and then i did a dear bill and katie um radio silence and then uh mike was nice enough to he had this same one and um apparently he was just chilling in his closet so he sent it over to me and i got it uh yesterday it was at the gym thanks mike super appreciate it you got your address too now so oops oops sorry sorry kayla go ahead sorry you got it yeah what a good dude hung over and a good dude um what did audrey say that she said something in here i wanted to pull up about alexis what was it so basically last night i couldn't get on the show. Oh, my God, Alexis is the greatest thing to grace this earth. Alexis is Hiller's side piece.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And yesterday they were on the show together. I told him I didn't have electricity, and I asked him if he would go on. Did you give him admin too? I had to because i could get on and sign him on but once they got going he couldn't end the show yeah we should have given him admin rights a long time ago that was smooth yeah so he's all hooked up but they did great alexis was awesome on it he called me after the show he's like that shit caleb does is hard uh so they came on the show um i was really proud of that thumbnail too and that was such a good thumbnail thank you i i was i was uh at first i was gonna do a theme sebon and hillar sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g and like put like me and him in a tree together
Starting point is 00:06:42 like making googly eyes and then I came across that tug of war. I'm like, nah, I'll do this. Then it ended up being perfect. It was foreshadowing. It was his show. It was awesome. He came on. He did the show the other day.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Thank you. That was good. You like the garbage truck with the noble in the back? The whole thing with all of them falling in and the tug of war between CrossFit and Hiller. Yeah, I liked it a lot. You know what he did announce last night? Hiller announces that he is, even though he is
Starting point is 00:07:10 on TRT, he's going to enter the CrossFit Games. Which I think is good. Just hopefully he makes it to a point. I don't know. I don't know how hard it is, but if for some reason he were to make it to the semifinals, I'm guessing they would drug test him.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And then he can make a video on the whole. On the whole thing. Hey, you think if they drug tested him and he popped that crossword, he would say anything like morning chocolate for anybody to report it. Yeah. Yeah. Happy New Year, guys. What did you say, Caleb? Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Starting point is 00:07:45 No shitties on TRT. Happy New Year, guys. What did you say, Caleb? Thank you, Captain Obvious. No shitties on TRT. Happy New Year, guys. So happy I found your podcast in 2022 and looking forward to the great 2023 season. Awesome, dude. Thank you. Beautiful family. Rich Brosda. At 730 this morning, Jorge Ventura will be joining us.
Starting point is 00:08:04 We'll get an update from the border. For those of you who haven't been following that story, it is just chaos there. I don't know if it's always chaos there. We'll ask him or if it's just like an ebb and flow. But the reports coming out of there now are absolutely nuts. Those numbers are massive. Like I was hearing 8,000 people a day.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Holy shit. So that's 2.4 million people a year if that's happening. means it's basically one out of every 150 people in the united states is a a migrant an illegal migrant i also heard yesterday in california west we'll ask him about this also that they are going to start allowing migrants to work i'm not sure if i'm curious if there's an argument why that's a good thing allowing illegals to work because on one hand i'm like okay they're here and if they want to work just let them fucking work well i think part of the issue is they'll the price fluctuation for work because if they're coming across and they're like should all do it for two bucks i don't care then that kind of resets the whole entire low-skilled job pricing.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And you're saying it's a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. I don't really have a comment on it. I'm just saying if you're only willing to work for $10 an hour, but I'm willing to work for $2, the whole thing resets at $2 an hour. And let's contextualize that. I heard this the other day. We have a clip, I think, somewhere in the live call-in notes. I wonder if I can find that really quick. Basically, there are 11 – it would be towards the bottom, I think, Caleb, if we had it. There are 11 million job openings in the United States. And there are 7 million able-bodied people who
Starting point is 00:09:51 aren't working. And I think 4 million of them are young men. I heard some stat like that. It's, it's absolutely nuts. Uh, how many people aren't, aren't working. aren't aren't working yeah it just seems like a lot of those like um labor jobs or or jobs like that like people just can't especially in like small businesses like they just can't seem to find people to fill those positions isn't there some sort of um like habit um formula where if you don't do if you do something for 90 days it becomes a habit I've heard that yeah and so if you were in the United States government was paying people I was getting a shitload of money from them for
Starting point is 00:10:32 well way more than 90 days yeah why would you ever do anything else listen what Alan's saying here I hate this shit illegals coming in and being given the right to work while here i am with multiple degrees i hate this shit illegals coming in and being given the right to work while i'm here with multiple degrees and certificates having to renew my visa because i
Starting point is 00:10:56 came in legally bullshit i see what you're saying the the part that um i found interesting is the people that i talked to who live near the border and by near the border I mean within 300 miles of the border, they say it's a little scary. Just because you just see people wandering around, people wandering onto your property, wandering onto your ranches. Caleb, you got a little schmutz on your – in the corner of your – nice, nice. He's saving that for later. Like Jabba the Hutt, just use it. uh on your uh in the corner of your thing nice nice he's saving that for later like job of the hut just use them my grandpa lives right there on that low local alcatonus border and you win arizona like wow it's like super close in this small like retirement community down there uh
Starting point is 00:11:40 christine young don't believe all the job openings lots of companies are not actually hiring because it's better for them to overwork the part-time people they don't pay benefits to. Yeah, I'm guessing it's the same, though, in where Matt lives. Everywhere in Santa Cruz, there's for hire signs. Yeah. I mean, anyone can get a job for $20 an hour now in Santa Cruz. Any, like, just go over to Pete's Coffee. There are, the public school here – public school.
Starting point is 00:12:05 The public pool here can't stay open. I'm on their mailing list, and they send emails at least every week saying that they have to shut down for a day here. They're shutting down early because they don't have people to – I've never seen anything like this in my life. So there's shitloads of jobs here in California. California. Jessica Valenzuela, my hubby, had to do assignments once a month on the border in Texas and all the stories. They don't mention anything about how they're found dead in the desert from dehydration, including kids. We'll definitely get into that. Let me make a note about that. Here's another thing that I really want to emphasize. I'm pretty sure these aren't Mexicans. I'm pretty sure it's like less than 5% are Mexicans.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah. It's like everybody else. Pardon me? It's like everybody else. Everybody but Mexicans. Everybody else in the lower hemisphere. Yeah. Jason from Canada. This is a very similar conversation to forgiving student debt. Man, reading in the morning is hard. Talking in the morning is hard. Ah. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:09 It takes a second. Ah. I should have done voice exercises. Some people are responsible and pay for their education, and people that don't get bailed out. Same shit. There's a process, so follow it. Rich says, the problem is neither side in washington wants to fix the problem they both want it as an issue for their bases what about this idea that if you let all these people in
Starting point is 00:13:34 across the border that they become democrats that that seems to be like the um the rights uh theory on it open the border let let a million people come in, and you get a million more Democratic votes. Yeah, which is interesting because they're not actually citizens. If you do go – I do need more Paper Street Coffee. I have a big cup of it right here. If you go to Paper Street Coffee, I think it's 15% off if you use the code word SEVON, and you will get those beautiful little, speaking of brown people, brown beans. Jason Miller, if you're worried about them taking jobs, well, they aren't taking your job, and if they are, you need to skill up. I don't know if I was worried about them taking our jobs.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Just resetting labor costs lower than they necessarily should be. Yeah, skill up, skill up. Well well the other guy jason said in the comments that he got the skills oh but but his thing was is that he has to keep reapplying for a visa yeah because he's doing it the right way that's why the liberals in canada love immigration yeah that that makes total sense and let me tell you that all the immigrants that i've known who come to canada their favorite thing is the supposedly free health care but let me tell you, all the immigrants that I've known who come to Canada, their favorite thing is the supposedly free health care. But let me tell you, it is not free. That is a complete misnomer.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It is not free. It's being paid for in two ways. The health care is suffering in one way it pays, and the other way people are taxed for it. Someone's paying for it. And the worse the situation gets, the worst the doctors get. It's the same with our school teachers, right? I think the average school teacher only lasts three years. Why? Because their job is so shitty because the system is so shitty.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And so the same thing's happening with doctors and nurses and, and, and, and the, the medical care that people get. Well, the interesting thing is, remember how Alex had said like like, why are people, people have to leave the country to go get different procedures and stuff done because they can't afford it here in the US. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Like a lot of people at that retirement home I was telling you about that my grandfather's at, like they all go to Mexico for their dental work and everything else. I know some really rich people who, I know some really wealthy people who go to Mexico, cross the border,
Starting point is 00:15:42 go south for work. Yeah, me too. Not my grandpa. He's not one of them. Ask Caleb how is free healthcare, Caleb? Well, I'm basically providing it to myself, so it's pretty good. Awesome. Yeah, still up.
Starting point is 00:15:58 He doesn't even need that. uh with dems wanting to do away with voter id deeming it's racist that allows them to vote uh thus vote more votes for the left what what is the thought on that how why why why is it racist is what you're saying like how could they well i i've heard that argument it's fucking crazy the argument that it's racist is Yes. Like all of these things that they do, all of them. But it doesn't seem like it's too much to ask for ID to vote. That should – It doesn't seem like it's that much of an ask. Like, hey –
Starting point is 00:16:37 Bro, you need your ID to do anything, right? You want to go fly in a plane. You need your ID. You want to go get money out at a bank, cash a check. You need your ID. You want to go get money out of the bank, cash a check. You need an ID. You want to buy anything where you're going to have some sort of loan on a car or more. You need an ID. You want to get your prostate checked.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You need an ID. What are you talking about here? You want to buy weed at the dispensary. You need ID. You need an ID. You want to have the doctor check your prostate, put his finger in your ass. You need an ID. Youensary you need id need an id you want to have the doctor stick check your prostate put his finger in your ass need an id oh need an id i just thought you want to buy fentanyl don't need an id no i don't need an id for that no i no id uh you need an id to
Starting point is 00:17:18 buy booze yes um i got these uh new cards from from wad zombie oh it won't is it is that packaged yeah it's oh it's so nice it comes with uh it comes with that and and stands so the stands are yeah so you can go to wad zombies um more valuable if it's still in the package right that's how that works when you held up, it had a slight glare on it. At first, I thought this was a new supplement you were going to try. I don't know why. I would try a new supplement. You think Killer's going to get that C4 sponsorship?
Starting point is 00:17:59 I don't know. He should. He should. I think he should. But I don't know if the company's going to go for it. I get so afraid these days. I'm like, well, what if he makes a video and it upsets the wrong natty or not? I don't think people will drink C4 regardless.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Speaking of which, we got a bunch of cases of that from somebody lately. Somebody from somewhere else brought in cases of C4 for us. It was fantastic. That shit's like sniffing crank, right? It gets you just... 100%. just yeah you've never had it you had one no but i've i've had uh i went on a little spree about a year ago i drank bangs for a month or two i still have like just two in my refrigerator that have been in there probably for a year and they're like a break in case of emergency. You know, like if your coffee machine stops working or something.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like out in the middle of nowhere and you can't make coffee. Yeah. Flame of Dane. Dallin Pepper. Dang, you got the stack. Alexis Raptus. Emily Rolfe. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I got a Brian Friend sticker. Probably throw darts at that send it to heidi and then he's got these like pretty there's a matt delugo sticker there's these really realistic ones he sent me stickers for everything there's a clydesdale media he sent me everything except the sebon podcast sticker what the hell i don't know i'm putting them in two different piles the good ones and the bad ones nice um there's uh eat your heart out one there's there's this one this pain cave one very juvenile very juvenile very juvenile uh there's this one that you can put over your bed on yes on your dumbbells that you set next to your bed. Gone for it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:46 On your dumbbells that you set next to your bed. There's this one I'm going to stick on the side of my penis, the fittest wizard. So random. And there's this one that's pretty damn good,
Starting point is 00:19:56 this pukey. Stefan, have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Do you know what that is? I do know what it is. I've never played it. I don't know. I mean, I've heard of it, but I don't know i i mean i've heard of it but i don't know the uh tell me we played it last night it's just like it's the card version game of this show i felt like
Starting point is 00:20:12 oh yeah so how do you play what's two different cards there's a black card a white card and the black card oh and it has it it has a phrase on it and it'll say like savannah is the king of and another blank and then we all have seven white cards that just have the most random fucking phrases on it everything i mean random phrases in their dark and a lot of them are like crazy sexual and then some of them are just like someone's actor's name or like something soft and so everybody puts down their card and then if you're the person who read it and laid it over the black card, you pick up all the white cards and you read that with the blank in the phrase and then you pick the funniest one that's funniest to you.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And then you keep the black card. If whoever won, whoever you thought was the funniest, they get to keep the black card. The person with the most black cards at the end wins. Who reads it out loud? A person who whoever's turn it is on the black card. Okay, so delivery plays some role. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:21:11 You got to do it to the person, or if it's in the case of somebody who normally wouldn't speak like that, like if we were playing with your mother, we would put down a raunchy card just to see if her reaction when she picks it up, if she's going to read it, or if she's going to skip it,
Starting point is 00:21:24 or what she's going to do. Oh, you could skip it or what you're gonna oh you can learn a lot about somebody you could yeah you could be like some people like i'm not i'm not reading this one because you know whatever reason but disappointing yeah i went to the bank and then it could be like skull fuck the teller exactly yes exactly this is the show. Wow. You never know where it's going to go, but it can go anywhere. We played Clask last night, too. I had a Milwaukee utility light. I set it on low and pointed it at the ceiling, and it lit up the living room and the kitchen with some dim light.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And we played Clask. Great game. God. Some dim light really set the mood there. You were candle lit as the power was out. Yeah, we had big candles in the bathrooms. Jason from Canada. Danny Spiegel card is 3D according to Alexis, so you can feel that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Jeez, Louise. Oh, man. I didn't like that part of the show. I didn't like that part of the show. I'm going to tell you. I didn't like that part of the show. I don't want to say mean shit about people. I didn't like that part of the show. I'm going to tell you. I didn't like that part of the show. I don't want to say mean shit about people. I didn't like that. Do you know what she's referring to? That part of the show?
Starting point is 00:22:30 I didn't like that part of the show. If you did it, you just have to go to Hiller's stories and he'll give you the timestamp of exactly where you go. Did he? Is he? Yeah, I didn't like that part of the show. I, yeah, I didn't like that. That felt, yeah, I didn't like that that felt yeah I don't
Starting point is 00:22:46 I was thinking if I was wondering if I would bring up even that part of the show because even saying that I don't I don't like saying I don't like that yeah I do have great I do have great skin I have I have like my skin feels like a baby's butt it's like all soft and shit they do have great skin. I have, like, my skin feels like a baby's butt. It's, like, all soft and shit.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, you do have nice skin. I have nice skin. Everybody in your family has nice skin, actually. Yeah. We got, we're brown people. We're, like, you have to know, I don't know what I look like to you guys, but, like, during the whole Osama bin Laden thing, I got, like, that face that gets stopped.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Stefan was so desperate to change the subject that he wanted them to talk about their sex life. Yeah. Hey, she said she's on top. Every four times they have sex, she's on top. Every four times? Oh, sorry. Sorry. No, sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Every time she's on – did you see the show, Caleb? I watched a little bit of it. every time she's on did you see the show Caleb? I watched a little bit of it she was she's on top every three out of every four times they have sex
Starting point is 00:23:51 that's very specific is that like well I asked what the ratio was now is that by her that's like her choice or is that because like Hitler's just like lazy
Starting point is 00:24:04 yeah I don't know but i would i fucking love that what a great that's a great ratio the only ratio better than that would be four out of four what a fucking good life he's living that log cabin huh pour yourself a whiskey and just sit back enjoy the show yeah except he doesn't drink i don't know he'd pour himself a c4 god the thought of having an energy drink while having sex sounds horrible goes on the wrong pipe and you start like coughing and like uh my wife's on top too i'm a power bottom yeah that's what a great every at that point, everything is their fault.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You just sit back and chill. That's her admitting she's lazy. She should be on Topmore. Yeah, I agree. Three out of four. Okay. Let's see what we have here in the notes. Oh, 303. This is – the other day we had a commenter come on the show named Kurt. He said that the show is the same shit just over and over and over, and that gets me thinking, is he right? And then I see this. And this is Mr. Rogers, it looks like, testifying in Congress, which is just fascinating. This is in the late 60s. Mr. Rogers tried to warn everyone in the late 1960s and again in the 1980s. Who knew that Mr. Rogers was such a right-wing fucking nutjob?
Starting point is 00:25:51 About an agenda on TV that isn't suitable for minors. Who knew that he cared about kids? He went as far as making a song to remind young boys and girls that their biological sex, you fucking idiot, not gender, is in fear of one day the media would give them the idea to change now it's right genders later on in life everyone laughed but then this is very much a reality now mr rogers predicted this shit this is crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm very much concerned as i know you are about what's being delivered to our children in this country boys are boys from the beginning girls are girls right from the start everybody's fancy everybody's fine your buddy's fancy and so is mine because sometimes children think that they
Starting point is 00:26:42 might change they might have to change after a while and you know we laugh about that now but it's because we had that concern when we were little yeah because you're really not sure you thought maybe you'd become a girl or a girl would become a boy right exactly happens frequently out here happens frequently out here. Boys are boys from the beginning. Girls are girls right from the start. Only girls can be the mummies.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Only boys can grow up and be the daddies. For a girl can be someday a lady. That last part was a little creepy. And a boy can be someday a man. I'm very... He's just trying to address it in the Mr. Rogers way. Yeah, I see what you mean. It's just he knew. He already knew.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Well, he was in the Hollywood scene, right? I was going to say, yeah, he might have been privy to information. like well i think what happens is those people get power and when people get power one of the ways that they show it is uh their sexual appetite becomes uh they become more less reserved about expressing it they feel a little like they don't have to play by the rules a lot less reserved about it and so if you have some sort you know if you're a guy maybe you would hit on girls in a way that would be inappropriate or just more often if you're a girl you might vice versa but but if you have some sort of attraction to kids you somehow think probably you you're you become less vulnerable to being caught like you think you can get away with more that that scene just breathes that and it's a real real thing there like on every set uh i picture sebon singing uh
Starting point is 00:28:46 to his sons like that i rap to him i i don't i'm more of a rapper yeah get it right chris so thank you mr rogers thank you kurt for reminding me that uh it's important to stay on the subjects uh that are important uh 302 i tried to express this to you guys the other day and someone sent me this uh on the show and i was like i was pretty pretty happy to be in this company with um roomie uh he said the exact same thing but he said it a little more eloquently cry about your pain and even some friends walk away, but transmuted into art and even some enemies applaud. And that's the thing. Who is the guest I was taught we were talking to about that?
Starting point is 00:29:33 There was a guest, right? Oh, it was it was it was a live call with that guy singing about getting something to eat with his wife. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. So that guy was waiting was tired of waiting for his wife always to have to get ready before they went out and so he turned it into art and it's the same thing with uh you know like i told you the story about how those
Starting point is 00:29:54 people at the i took my shirt off at the beach and that lady's like oh my god sevan has a dad bod like i knew right away when she said that that 20 years ago that might have hurt me but i was so excited that she said it to me in hurt me but i was so excited that she said it to me in the moment because i was like oh shit that's content for my show and so that's that's the maturation of an artist when they know that they can um that you become an alchemist of pain someone says something mean to you and you just lean into it mr ventura how are you doing guys good morning what's that oh look at like any good uh new year's day person you're hydrating yeah i got to i actually i didn't i didn't drink last night
Starting point is 00:30:34 which is a is a big surprise for me um nice so yeah i'm drinking my water gonna get some coffee later go to the gym get it in um yeah you know 2022 man was the first year that i that i was consistent with working out and running which is very difficult with a hectic uh travel schedule but first year i did it and it feels feels amazing man i it really translates to um to the field reporting that i do so it just translates to what we do on the ground so it's been it's been awesome why'd you start doing that what was what was the inspiration you know i was just i was just kind of out of shape um what actually helped me is my mom calling me fat i was drinking a lot of soda there we go there we go i'm not like
Starting point is 00:31:23 a fat guy i was just drinking a lot of soda during the 2020 riots. Like I was just eating bad. It was McDonald's. And then I got home for the holidays and she was like, you are fat as hell. Yeah, I started hitting the gym. And then I really like, at least with my kind of guy, with my group of guy friends, we just started kind of bullying each other, which really helps for men. So you got to bully your fellow fat friend or someone who's not in the gym and just got back in and man and um for me it's actually more mental it's more the mental aspect but um i mean once you
Starting point is 00:31:55 got the endorphins going the confidence going once you started seeing yourself better shape i was never a runner because i was always kind of a skinny guy so i never ran but finally got running in the mix um yeah dude it just it just feels amazing and i'm gonna keep it again going this year and just gonna go harder with it how often are you running i'm running five to six times a day um so this is my work day yeah i want to see what you guys think so yeah i go in the gym i lift for like 90 minutes um after after after my lifting lifting, I force myself to do 100 pushups. So after that, I do 100 pushups and I'll go run for 30 minutes. I don't know what the whole speed rate, but I like the rate of 5.6. It's a good jog for me.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Usually after the 30 minutes, it's like close to three miles. So that's been working for me i was doing doing earlier in of 2020 i was doing 60 minutes on a treadmill which was about five miles but i don't know about you guys but on the third day my whole body would just be aching on it like i just i just couldn't handle the whole 60 minutes so i found that 30 minutes is good for me and i'm able to do the lifting push-ups and get everything in i like it you're doing that almost five or six days you said five or six times a day you meant five or six times a week yeah there you go here i'm literally running off like two hours of sleep because i was in
Starting point is 00:33:13 drunk family members that just kept me up all night with with uh hispanic music but yeah five to six times a week um and yeah it's just the good thing is like for me for the work that i do is like literally translate on the field so now we'll be at the good thing is like for me for the work that i do is like literally translate on the field so now we'll be at the border you know i can go for like miles now on the ground you know backpacks all that stuff and i got like you know my fellow sometimes i'll be with another camera too and they'll be just dying man like they're you could just tell their endurance is off they just they're they're just they can't handle it um so the the everyday training has been um it's just been, man,
Starting point is 00:33:47 it's been paying off and mentally it's, it's, it's been great having that, that discipline. Um, but yeah, man, it's just, it's just been awesome. It just really translates to on the field. Don't it's, it sounds perfect. Your training sounds perfect. The only thing, and I bet you, uh, Susus thinks some similar things just to keep it fresh for yourself. Um, something you could do is you could turn that up to 6.6 oh yeah and then do two minutes on and then one minute off and on that one minute off lower it down to three i do we do a lot of interval training just to keep your your brain
Starting point is 00:34:16 fresh so it'll be a horrible two minutes and then you have that one minute to just walk and then you forget how bad it was in that minute and then you do it again and then and then that and that way you know you um if you do that for 30 minutes you'll get 10 rounds in and then you can also see oh shit i ran a little bit further even though i walked for you know 10 minutes or or i didn't go as far and then you can just fuck with that you could also do one minute at 7.6 and two minutes at three. And I would just I would just to keep it fresh. I would switch that up. No, yeah. And I would start walking backwards, by the way. Yeah, yeah. I walk five minutes backwards every day on the on the treadmill or on the bicycle. I pedal the bicycle backwards just so you get some balance. No, no. Yeah, you're right. And, um, no, I was just, I was like, even joking with my parents, like two days ago, I'm like, that's what's actually the awesome, awesome thing about being a guy is you can just be direct. Like you just tell your friend, Hey man, you're fat as hell or you're lazy. And it's like, you know, and I'm like, with a woman, you gotta like dance around the subject. Cause if you, if you say too direct, it hurts her feelings. So that's what, that's the awesome thing. And then, like I said, I got a good group of guy friends. We're just like, we like bully each other into it. I think that, I mean, if you're a guy, I feel like that's, that's healthy.
Starting point is 00:35:27 You need it. I think if you're a healthy guy, uh, yeah, you can, you can handle that. And what's cool too, speaking of women is at least in this community, there's girls like that too. I'll never forget the time I was working out in the gym with a bunch of coworkers and, um, the workout was to overhead squat 135 pounds. That's when you put the bar over your head and you squat. And I was doing 95 and it was a little Mexican girl, probably 15 years younger than me. And, and we were, I was squatting across the gym from her and I heard someone yell across the gym, God, you're a bitch. And I'm like, Oh, I know that
Starting point is 00:36:00 cause she was doing 40 pounds more than me. And I knew. I tried not to look up, but I looked up, and she smiled at me. I'm like, okay, I know. No, yeah, yeah, it's awesome. I mean, this year, the thing that I want to do is I want to challenge myself to get into, like, an MMA gym. I tried it out. Get the footwork and the hands moving? Yeah, yeah. I tried it out earlier this summer, and I just love it.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I just love everything about it. So hopefully I won't throw myself in. The thing for me that's that always gets hard is the travel. So let's say if I'm on the road, obviously I try to get to like a hotel gym. just don't you know they don't have that so if they don't i try to do like 300 to 400 push-ups for like a workout you know like i'll go outside and run but um i found that the push-ups basically saved me on the road you can also do uh when i used to travel a lot my go-to is and i still do this workout a lot is i i set the um my iphone for 10 minutes and at the top of every minute i do 10 burpees so i do 10 burpees on the minute uh for 10 minutes it ends up in by the end of 10 minutes and at the top of every minute i do 10 burpees so i do 10 burpees on the minute uh for 10 minutes it ends up in by the end of 10 minutes you're so glad you're done and you're pouring sweat and you're done and you get all the endorphins and the dopamine and yeah it's killer uh jody lynn holy shit uh new year's love and appreciation for the best podcast ever from the
Starting point is 00:37:21 um cabinet gal thanks for your dedication to us seven on a crew with outstanding content and guest lineup thank you jody and i'm sorry about my power last night i think that is going to be a thing about this show is on all the holidays i want to start going on uh every night so we can hang out on the holidays i do want to bring up a link by the way first first i want to um ask you a question what hoop You have a GiveSendGo account that I gave money to this morning. And why is it – so why do you have that account? You're telling me that when you're at the border, Tucker doesn't call you and be like, hey, here's five grand. Get to the border.
Starting point is 00:38:00 How does this work? By the way, you guys just – even if you just give $2 or $5, I swear to God it really fucking matters. So if every person just gave $2 to Jorge when he goes down to the border – and if you haven't seen Jorge's story, we've dug into him pretty deep. Go back and watch the podcast. Those actually podcasts still get a lot of new views. And you'll see that this is a man who comes uh from ecuadorian immigrants uh work their ass off and now jorge has turned himself from just a uh immigrant kid uh son of immigrants um and and from the very bottom up he's built his way onto shows like uh
Starting point is 00:38:41 being regulars on tucker carlson uh so so go ahead jorge how does that work they don't hey here's five grand get to the border jorge yeah so so i'm working so i work at the daily caller it is founded by tucker carlson um one thing a lot of people don't know is in in 2020 though tucker carlson basically sold the rest of it to his college roommate who started the company with um which is neil but tell now um the is, Daily Caller is such a still a small media company that they don't necessarily have the funds to kind of keep me on the field. So I kind of have the unique, I don't know if it's an opportunity or whatever. I don't know if it's an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm in a unique position where even before Daily Caller and when I was still in community college, people supported funding me for trips. So right now we kind of have a good relationship where, like, you know, obviously I go on the ground, we get a bunch of great ground reporting. And if people who can, you know, donate, and if you can donate, it doesn't even matter, just, hey, just even sharing the work really matters. So anything that you guys donate, literally, like, it translates for us to just be on the field, on the ground of competing with the with the big network guys um i do feel that in the past
Starting point is 00:39:49 year we might not have like the number you know we don't have the money of like obviously like a corporate like a fox news to be on the border like every single day and also you know when you see fox news and you see a reporter on tv i mean they got a team of like 30 people on the ground they got like drone people they got camera people they got people team of like 30 people on the ground. They got like drone people. They got camera people. They got people that like just go satellite trucks. Yeah. Yeah. They got, they got a whole thing. And then when it's us, it's like literally me, a camera, a cameraman, if that, and that's
Starting point is 00:40:14 like it, and it's just us kind of going against the big networks. We don't have the funding of those big guys. So, um, the kind of beauty and actually not being backed by corporate is that I get basically freedom and all of our reporting. So we get to do some of the, I think that some of the best stories we're able to find a lot of good angles that corporate media isn't able to get. Um, I think one of the more powerful stories that we told over the summer was, you know, we were down in Eagle pass.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Um, this little town of Eagle pass was actually running out of a room in their cemeteries because of all the migrants that they were, were burying from drowning in the rio grande i mean you had to put it down saying hey we literally don't have any any room to bury bury people they actually had to call the state of texas they actually had to request a refrigerator trailer to store the bodies so me and my cameraman went down there we interviewed the constable we interviewed the sheriff We actually went to the cemetery. And like I said, it's one of the more powerful stories. The migrants that they're burying are actually they have to be buried in these like kind of makeshift kind of crosses with like PCP pipes. And the sad thing about being there that day in person is you do see because the majority of those migrants that are drowning, they can't identify, obviously. So you'll see the John Doe. You'll see the Jane Doe. But I did see several. And it's, you know, when you see that person, it hits you different.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But you do see several baby John Doe. So multiple babies drowning in the Rio Grande. So we get to really tell stories that corporate media doesn't get to tell. And I do have a I do have a friend who's a corporate journalist who told me that they pitched that story to their network and like the network didn't believe them that that was actually happening it's like it was actually you know like you know we went there with you know we interviewed the people who are involved in this um including the sheriff of eagle pass who literally took us to the refrigerator trailers um so i do feel that's kind of the beauty obviously with such as we don't have the funding to like always be out there and all that stuff but I do feel lucky
Starting point is 00:42:08 that my my following backs me you guys actually help me a lot with this podcast I still get hit up every day like hey just discovered you on this podcast so that's been awesome but yeah so it really helps us stay on the ground there's that story right there so it's incredible stuff that we
Starting point is 00:42:24 get to really do oh those are pvc pipe crosses holy shit wow yeah that guy's name right there is frank bulls he's the uh deputy constable eagle pass um essentially this guy's been having to like assist border patrol because that's how bad it gets there his job is not even supposed to be doing that supposed to be doing crime in the city. He actually told me that the border is so bad down there that they'll get calls for domestic violence. They can't even get to the calls because they're even reporting 300 migrants. So they get a domestic violence call in their own town for taxpaying Americans, but they can't even address those because they're too busy dealing with the border issue yeah and what they told me according to deputy bulls is they're averaging a drowning per day which is insane because before biden came in they said that they were getting a drowning every six months now they're at a drowning per day that is nuts so that's true huh oh yeah this area of eagle pass i mean i'm you guys are – I'm sure you guys have seen it on the internet because this is the area where early in the morning you'll get like three to four groups of like 300 migrants crashing the morning border at once.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Fox News drone team like lives there, so they always have great drone of this. But, yeah, we went down there, and I couldn't believe it. I said, you guys are averaging a drowning per day. And what's crazy is while we were working on that story, as they were telling us that they were averaging a drowning per day, they got a call for a drowning for a Honduran man. So like as we're doing the story, we actually had to rush to the they call it a port of entry to this bridge. And we had we put our drone up and yeah, they put out another body as we were doing this story. It was a Honduran male. And by the time we went to go interview the sheriff, I think we interviewed the sheriff like three hours later that day.
Starting point is 00:44:14 He's like, hey, yeah, that body you guys found, yeah, it's already in the trailer because we have no room in the cemetery. It's already in the trailer. I was like, what? And he's like, dude, this is normal. And in another aspect, what he told me is like hey man like people forget like we're a small town we're not used to even seeing this he's like my men and women from the sheriff's department they got like ptsd from all the kids that they're seeing dying on the border do you have a venmo jorge yeah yeah if people hit my if you guys go to my instagram
Starting point is 00:44:41 if you click my link i got a link tree so we So we got Venmo, PayPal. We got Cash App. Obviously, the gift said go. Any way that people could donate, like I said, really helps us out. Even if it's two bucks, people, you'd be surprised what we could do with it, honestly. I'm going to put the link here in the chat, guys, just so you guys can see. And by the way, what I did is when I donated this morning you can um give money to the site too and i just put that to zero and gave that extra two bucks to uh jorge and i know from the money that you guys send me that every dollar matters and so like don't be uh don't be hesitant if you're like hey i don't you know times are hard then just give two
Starting point is 00:45:20 dollars hey and like for the folks who literally can't, no worries. Just you sharing the content to other people really helps because we're, you know, we're still battling the algorithms and all that good stuff. And I think people, when they see it, they really, really enjoy it because it's on the ground. It's raw. Just two weeks ago, you know, we were in Yuma in the middle of the night, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:42 breaking the story of this kind of human smuggling operation. We got the smuggler like on American soil. You know, I were in Yuma in the middle of the night, you know, breaking the story of this kind of human smuggling operation. We've got to smuggle it like on American soil. You know, I put the video up. The thing is, I kind of forget. Like, I'm personally, I'm already kind of so used to these things. I don't think they're like the craziest thing in the world anymore. But I put it up and I mean, it went crazy viral. Tucker Carlson's team had me on. They ran that story. Fox News had me on like three times just to run that story. team had me on they ran that story fox who's had me on like three times just to run that story um but it's crazy video you got we we have there's a there's a link to it caleb it says um uh you saw people paying the smugglers that doesn't i i can't believe the smugglers are taking money at
Starting point is 00:46:17 the last minute what if you just don't pay the smuggler well if you don't pay you you don't even get to that point um now every smuggling group is different. I would shock myself. There he is right there, by the way. So you're saying that guy's collecting stuff from the – he's got a handful of cash in his hand. Yeah, yeah. So right there, he's collecting payments. And right there, like what we're witnessing in this video, this is a sophisticated human smuggling operation that happens every night in Yuma at 2 in the morning. I mean it's almost – I've been following it for the summer and I just went back out there and I already knew,
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'm like, I already know where to go. I already know it's going to, it's going to pop off and boom, right on time. These guys come at hundreds. And the thing is normally human smugglers don't even walk up to this point because they don't want to technically, they don't want to be on American soil. Like for them, they think that like, as soon as they step on American soil, border patrol is there. But under this this administration these folks are so bold they they do this and i you know i i was i documented this one for like three nights straight on my past trip by the third night the guy didn't even care i was filming him he hasn't turned around after after i was done filming him in spanish this guy tells me he said hey are you gonna be back out here tomorrow i said uh, you know, maybe. I'm not
Starting point is 00:47:26 sure yet. He says, hey, if you're back out, can you bring me a cheeseburger from In-N-Out? I mean, the guy was like, wow. It just looks like he's taking tickets right there. You know, like he's just... I just want to ask the audience, what we're seeing here, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:42 we're not just going to see Central Americans or South Americans. We're seeing people from all over the world get smuggled in this little group in these groups it's not a little group these groups so you'll see folks from peru cuba brazil but then you'll meet people from afghanistan from russia from georgia ubekistan i'm you know i didn't even know you back out of ubekistan was a country to be honest. I was covering Yuma. But you're meeting folks from Europe, Middle East, all over. They come through Yuma. It's insane. How many Mexicans?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Very few? Very few Mexicans because Mexicans get automatically expelled back to Mexico. It's an agreement that's been around for a while. So there's kind of this thinking that people think, oh, it's Mexicans. that's already it's an agreement that's been around for a while so there's kind of this thinking that people think that oh it's mexicans it's you won't even it's rarely you'll see a mexican crossing because they already know why can't they just say they're from nicaragua um i mean i mean they'll run their identification and everything and then you know they'll end up finding out wow crazy yeah um did you did you buy the guy the burger no no i didn't return the next the
Starting point is 00:48:48 next day but i was that was a good chuckle i you know you know what i appreciate the sense of humor that was good um and look hey i mean you kind of should buy him the burger at that point it's kind of i mean part of me is like well could they bust him for being an accomplice? But on the other hand, you could say it's humanitarian because he's out there. But also you've got to watch – I mean, you're trying to make contacts on both sides. You're trying to actually tell the story, right? So if you can make friends with the smuggler by bringing him in and out and surprise – Well, at first the smugglers freak out because when they first see me, they say, hey, are you – they thought I was a fed. They thought I was like a law enforcement guy.
Starting point is 00:49:24 They look, I'm just a reporter. My job is is not even my job is just to film what's going on i'm not gonna arrest you bro i don't i mean at the end of the day i don't care like this is their this is i mean this is their problem the federal government's problem um and then the guy was pretty cool after that and then he just let me do my thing you must sketch it because Yuma is the location where last year, not 2022, but back in 2021 in October, is where I had the human smuggler with the whole gun situation. I remember seeing that footage, yeah. That happened in Yuma, so you have to watch out these areas because these guys are just brazen with it now that they're down there. How close is that to Los Algodones? Oh, I think the Mexican town across from it is Los Algodones.
Starting point is 00:50:08 So the way you have San Diego and Tijuana, you have Yuma and Los Algodones. And Los Algodones has become an essential crossing point for migrants from all over the world. So like if you're in Texas, you're not really going to see a Russian. It'd be very rare. But down there in Yuma, you're seeing Russians, folks georgia you'll see a lot of a lot of men from india um cubans i mean it's it's insane the amount of folks that come come through there and it's it's a sophisticated operation the first time i went to yuma was i think it was last year in the summer you know
Starting point is 00:50:40 i went out there in the daytime and then a border patrol agent pulls me aside he said hey man i'm just letting you know you're not going to see nothing right now. I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, dude, it's 110 degrees. Like everything happens at night. You got to come back at night and came back. And I was I was just shocked to see the groups these guys smuggle in and how they were able to overwhelm these guys. I mean, I'm on this very last trip.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Like I said, I was there like just a week ago, two weeks ago. It got it got to a point where it was like around six in the morning i remember just staring at a group of 300 migrants with no agency apprehended like it was like i remember i looked around and there was no one i mean these if the migrants wanted to they could have literally like ran into the u.s even further but there's no need to when border patrol is going to process you and then release you then once border patrol releases you you're legally allowed to be in the u.s after that like after that i just don't get it i'm just struggling to get wow and i think i can't like it's hard for like let me ask you like like imagine you're starting like almost like like i can't explain but 300 people like
Starting point is 00:51:40 are just waiting for border patrol there's no agents apprehending like i'm looking around no one and you're just like this is every day like no other country in the world is allowing this amount of illegal immigration like why do we have to be the first and i was like looking at history like you know i was like studying immigration and it was saying that like societies can't handle this like radical shift in population like it just we just can't we're not we're not accustomed to to handling that like like if you think about our people like all of our people that we come from small villages and towns and it developed over time to like you know living being used to living in a major city like la like we're just not used to this huge radical change and every country that i look at that's allowing a huge amount of illegal immigration or even just
Starting point is 00:52:23 legal immigration has massive problems with culture switzerland neverland like all these countries that like want to let it france got a huge problem france has a massive problem i was just seeing over the world cup when like morocco would win all these moroccans would like would would riot in belgium in paris and like all these cities in spain because they all migrated to these other countries so it's just like you know when you see it in person it's just like this is that's why I've used the word and it is appropriate I mean it's not like I'm lying here but I've used the word humanitarian crisis because Americans love to think or or tend to think humanitarian crisis oh well that happens in Yemen or that happens somewhere far away in africa it's like no it's happening here like it's it's it's happening like three hours from a major city
Starting point is 00:53:10 like like phoenix it's happening like it's it's real i saw a number um eight thousand a day are crossing the border is that right yeah that's that's accurate they're expecting if title 42 which you know it basically prim court said it has to stay till, you know, we hear, you know, decisions and all that stuff back into spring. But if Title 42 lifted, Department of Homeland Security thought that it was going to go from 8000 to 14000 a day, which would be I mean, how long has it been at 8000 a day? Wow. Is it like a month straight? It's been basically since Biden's come in. It's been hovering between six to eight, five and eight. But now but right now we're getting back to the six and eight because it's just been it's been it's been a disaster because you had thousands of migrants moved to all these border towns thinking that Title 42 was going to be lifted.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Now, look, Title 42, whether it stays or not, you're still going to get it's was going to be lifted now look title 42 when it stays or not you're still going to get it's not going to stop people from coming illegally like you know but um but after it stayed a lot of folks that i interviewed were like hey we're still going to come in so el paso which was which was seen about a thousand a day they were they're now seeing 2 000 and we're thinking that they were going to get up to 5,000. What's the population of El Paso? Oh, I mean, off the top of my head, I wouldn't know. But El Paso, I would say is— 500,000?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Maybe, yeah. Caleb will tell us in a second. Here's the reason. I want to contextualize this for people. 670,000. So in two years, if 1,000 people come in a day, in two years, that city would be completely overrun. There would be more migrants than there are citizens. Well, the thing is…
Starting point is 00:54:53 How is that sustainable? That's the argument that us from the border are trying to make. It's like, dude, we're allowing massive waves of illegal immigrants. The November numbers just came out, and we apprehended over 200 000 migrants and the thing is that's only the ones we have for him they're still the gotaway number those are the numbers that border patrol um they detect with technology but they can't apprehend and those folks are in the country and we don't know their background and majority of the reason why they want to be gotaways is because they already have a criminal history in the u.s they've been deported for some reason because they broke some law they have drugs on them sketchy individual um you know cartel related
Starting point is 00:55:32 bringing drugs like well at the end of the day we don't know um at least the people that like that we see that i'm filming at least they're turning themselves in but we have a massive massive issue um this to me you know we might not feel it. I mean, I think, I mean, we're already feeling it directly, but we're going to feel it in, I think, five to 10 years. Massive wave of low wage workers, uneducated workers. Are some going to simulate? Well, shit, if we can just get some workers, that would help. If we can just get workers.
Starting point is 00:56:01 The people in this country don't even want to work chris cordino uh 365 times two times 5 000 is 3.6 a million that would mean that one out of every hundred people after two years at this rate that would be one out of every uh biden and harris have already let in biden and harris have already let in more people than eight years of obama i mean they used to call obama the quarter in chief you know what i'm saying like oh like democrats like you know if you look at history like democrats you know normally have actually been tough on the border now are they have been tough as republicans no but they've been tough on the border they know about illegal immigration one of my favorite clips i think i mentioned it to you guys plenty of times on the
Starting point is 00:56:44 show but i still love it is the 2015 bernie sanders is being interviewed by this progressive journalist and the progressive journalist is like why can we have open borders like why can we you know help all these poor people in these countries even bernie democratic socialist bernie goes if we have open borders corporations love it because it's going to undermine american workers he called it a coke brothers conspiracy bernie sanders himself called it that i mean it's insane if we would we would replay that clip now um but you know democrats used to have this tough on the border stance they knew that you have to protect uh american wages bill clinton even bill clinton of all people has speeches about this um but this administration has been – I mean, I don't know what it is at this point.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Is it on purpose? I mean, it certainly feels like it at this point. But no other country in the world allows this. And the funny thing is when I post some of my immigration videos, I get a lot of response from people in Japan. So the great thing about Twitter is – I just hit the Google Translate. I'm seeing what these people in Japan are saying saying and they're like laughing at us they're like they're like they're like the u.s is the weakest country in the world can't even protect its own borders like well we're not a country if we can't protect our borders we're not a country
Starting point is 00:57:56 i mean i'm you know i'm not gonna get the number right but i think japan lets in like 10 illegal immigrants per year if If that, it's insane. Gino Sadajas, Jorge, can you clarify your cash app? Not sure which Jorge Ventura to use. Linktree didn't pull up your cash app. Thanks for your work you're doing from those of us here in San Antonio. It should be the one there in the Linktree Cash App. If not, I believe you just put like Jorge Ventura or Ventura Report.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Oh, there it is. The Ventura Report. That should be the legit one. That one right there is the legit one. We'll leave that on the screen. All you have to do if you have a phone is point your camera at the screen right now. We'll leave it up here for a minute and then um click the link and it'll take you to wherever you can donate a few dollars to keep the reporting going so uh cd uh day walker make no mistake this is an invasion
Starting point is 00:58:55 um how do you know if someone's carrying drugs or not jorge what do they have a distinct look to them can you profile someone who's carrying drugs? And what drugs are they? So the way you could kind of tell if they are. Now, the areas that we're hitting, guys, like we're filming people being smuggled. Those folks are not going to have drugs because the people who are running drugs are all going to be real connected. They're going to be really close to the cartel. So what I mean by that is the cartel controls the border. So when I'm filming something, let's say you guys see a video.
Starting point is 00:59:30 That's such a strong statement. The cartel controls the border. Like, come on, man, really? Well, let me explain what I mean by that is. You're scaring me. When you guys see my videos or other reporters, when you guys see these groups of 200, 300 migrants hitting one border spot, that's controlled by the cartel. And they do that to overwhelm Border Patrol officials on purpose.
Starting point is 00:59:53 So the folks who are running the drugs in, we're never going to catch them on camera because they're hitting really rural areas and areas that, I mean, you're just not going to get to on foot almost. It's very difficult. And the areas that, you know, we see on film, I mean, they're doing it to overwhelm officials. So the folks who are running in, you won't see them as much now. The good thing is I've been able to work with a lot of Texas ranchers. And the thing is a lot of these cartel guys, these smugglers um they actually have pinpoints on their phones so some of these pinpoints once they hit the u.s will actually be on some of these uh like it could be on a texas ranchers ranch like these are just regular people so i've actually have gone to some of these
Starting point is 01:00:35 properties and we've gone um we basically were able to pull footage from you know little homes or little buildings that they have um i mean these ranches are huge in texas for those folks you know so they have you know multiple buildings but we're able to pull footage and one of the distinctions is folks who are running drugs they're always going to be in the camouflage gear so you're never going to see them in normal migrant gear they're going to be camouflaged they're in this um i forgot the name of the shoe but they wear a shoe that actually hides their hides their tracks um we find the shoe all over um so they'll be kind of dressed in that gear and they're they're i mean they're
Starting point is 01:01:09 on a mission so they're not going to be in areas where we are with reporters or border patrol i mean they hit areas kind of in the middle of the night in the camouflage gear and then they have pinpoints on their cell phones we've actually talked to ranchers that were able to catch some of these guys which is pretty insane um and then they're able to retrieve some of these phones which is like it's it's incredible one of my favorite is we interviewed a texas rancher by the name of eddie this guy's just badass this guy's like 75 years old he should be retired like this guy should be sipping pina coladas but he um he has a passion for like defending his ranch and one of his ranch is a um is on a pinpoint for
Starting point is 01:01:45 cartel so this guy almost on a daily has uh what they call guideways now running through his property using his property um to be moved to be shipping to be moving drugs uh in different areas um so he's caught some of these folks got got gotten like pictures of them and this guy always has to be armed i mean to the t um T, because who knows what these folks could do. But he's been – what he tells me is he feels like if he doesn't defend his ranch, no one will, and that someone's got to do it. So you hear those type of stories all the time down there in Texas. It's actually quite normal now. So if – let's say if 5,000 people are coming across a day, where are these where do these people sleep on their first night?
Starting point is 01:02:28 Oh, that's so many fucking people. What do they eat? Do they have some money on them? Do they start just what do they how do they survive? And what's their next plan of action once they cross family? So for the majority, they could think basically the U.S. federal government because what essentially happens is. Holy shit. Holy shit. There's entities like that?
Starting point is 01:02:51 Yeah. That looks like Berkeley, California. That looks like Portland. This was in Suidahores. So across Suidahores is El Paso. So we broke this story about a month before we started to see like massive waves crashing El Paso and then to the point where El Paso had to declare an emergency. So just to answer the question, so the majority of I'm just speaking for the majority here. The majority of these migrants, they cross illegally into the U.S.
Starting point is 01:03:17 They'll get picked up by Border Patrol. Then they're taken to a processing station at the processing center at At this center is where Border Patrol is able to get information. Who are these folks? Are they criminals? Are they not? Are they seeking asylum? What's their ordeal? The thing is, because of this administration of how they basically have an open border policy, so many migrants are crashing the border at once.
Starting point is 01:03:41 These processing centers are becoming overwhelmed, overfilled, overcapacity, everything, right? So what Border Patrol does is they do a couple of things. They say, okay, once we're overwhelmed, we either take them to an NGO, which could be like a Catholic church, you know, a type of that type of organization. Catholic churches right now, like NGOs, if they're taken to them, they'll then organize the travel for that migrant, and some of these NGOs are being reimbursed by the federal government. So what a lot of these Catholic churches are doing is they'll get that migrant and then get them to a major city or connect them to a family member in a major city. So they'll be able to transport them. A lot of what the federal government is doing is the federal government is also transporting these people to family members and putting them on planes anything they could do so if you go to el paso right now
Starting point is 01:04:28 and try to get a flight i'm telling you right now out of el paso it's gonna be minimum 1300 bucks because they're flying out migrants hundreds of them every single day trying to get them out so the majority i mean it's driving up flight costs it's driving the flight cost so the majority of migrants are being transported to major cities, connected with family members, sponsors, all that stuff. So you're seeing migrants dropped off in New York City, Washington, D.C., L.A., Phoenix, which actually was shocking was
Starting point is 01:04:54 Gavin Newsom actually came out and said if Title 42 expires, that California cannot take in any more migrants, that all their shelters have been overwhelmed. Even Gavin Newsom is saying that we need a stronger border policy. So right now, what we're seeing is this overwhelmed systems and shelters.
Starting point is 01:05:16 And El Paso is actually kind of a microcosm for the story. And what I mean by that is El Paso started getting hit by 2,000, 2,500, 3,000 migrants per day. So their shelters got overwhelmed. That's where I flew over there. And that's where we got all that powerful video of migrants literally being released to the streets of downtown. Like women, children were like, hey, we don't even know. Here you go. Just sleep on the streets. And you have like, you know, we went out there and we got some powerful interviews. Like I was interviewing kids, women out there with like a seven month old baby. One woman told me that it was getting so cold that her baby was turning purple. Her baby was only like 18 days old.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And they were just releasing them to the streets. And the reason I was getting these interviews is, you know, obviously to share these stories, to share the human side. But to also tell Americans that there's nothing humane about this open border policy. Like, we have migrants sleeping on the streets. And when I was out there in El Paso, you know, I didn see the city of el paso down there saying hey you know here's a sweater here's here's supplies like what do you need from us the city was never down there helping these people it was literally regular folks from el paso regular taxpayers had to go down there and donate and like you know like like regular people were going down there just feeling really mad and
Starting point is 01:06:24 we're like you know what i don't want this like mom and her kids to sleep on the street like i'll buy you a hotel night for two nights at least to keep you off the street for two nights like it was insane that like this is happening in the u.s and um the reason i i bring up opasso again is because it was in the news recently but it's a microcosm of what's happening every single border city um yuma where i just left the whole county declared an emergency because they thought Title 42 was going to expire. You have Eagle Pass running out of room. What is Title 42? What is Title 42?
Starting point is 01:06:54 Title 42 is the Trump era policy that was placed under the pandemic where if you cross illegally as a migrant because we're in a pandemic, Trump could just deport you AS ate that meaning no asylum hearing but they're not even doing that but they're not even doing that so you're saying the thought of the policy is actually stopping um even more people but the policy isn't even being enforced uh title 42 process has allowed us to expel up to two million migrants from the border including surge of haitian asylum seekers last year venezuelans who have been coming in large numbers of mexicans who make up the bulk unauthorized migrants in the southwest but what you're saying is is that they're not it sounds like they're not actually even using title 42 for most of the people okay no no yeah they're not they're releasing the most
Starting point is 01:07:39 they're using title 42 but very minimally like they're you know it's not something that they're enforcing by a lot it's it's very minimal that they've used like they're you know it's not something that they're enforcing by a lot it's it's very minimal that they've used it they're not releasing a lot of i mean they're they're not deporting a lot of migrants the majority are getting released the reason so just i want to make this clear for the audience because i don't want to confuse them so what the reason i say even if title 42 stays or leave it's not stopping the illegal immigration because i get i get i always get asked that they said hey hurry if title 42 state is that going to slow it down no the reason why it's not going to slow it down because you don't have any deterrence from this administration keyword deterrence under trump
Starting point is 01:08:16 you had deterrence and what deterred migrants was remaining mexico policy that under trump while you wait for your court case. I think you mentioned that before. So under Trump, the thinking, it's all about mindset, literally. So the thinking was, as a migrant, they would say, well, why would I put myself in the hands of cartels and smugglers
Starting point is 01:08:36 and go through this dangerous journey just to cross the US, either for Trump to literally pick you up and put you in a Mexican border town, which is sometimes more dangerous than the home country that they're fleeing, and put you in this Mexican border town. And then Trump will say, hey, you know what? We'll give you that court case, but you're going to wait in Mexico for it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 We're not doing what Obama did. Because Obama would say, OK, we'll give you the court case, but we'll release you in the U.S. And come to no surprise, only 14% of the time that migrant even goes to that court case. Wow. Yeah, they're gone after that. So Trump said, hold on.
Starting point is 01:09:09 No, no. He said, we'll give you the court case, but you're going to wait in Mexico for the court case. And that right there deterred, I mean, right there, we never saw that wave of illegal immigration because every migrant would say, it's not worth it. Like we would we would be placed in tijuana we'd be placed in matamoros we could be places for our wars which is oh i mean those are cartel controlled um so it's all about deterrence so right now you don't have it what's
Starting point is 01:09:35 the mindset right now is as long as i touch american soil you're good to go i'm good to go after that what happens what happens to these people will they be deported in five years or 10 years no they just come here and they start the process of becoming legal not even that i mean the thing is a lot of these folks get what they what it's called an nta which is a notice to appear in court i mean that that rarely happens um that also that that court case it could it could it could be for another two years. It could be another five. It could be even more than that because the whole immigration system is overwhelmed. So even the judges in the court cases, the immigration judges, it's all overwhelmed. So even if you get a court case, it might not even be for five years from now.
Starting point is 01:10:18 So during that whole time, they're legally allowed to be in the U.S. after that. The federal government is legally allowing them to be in the U.s um are some of those going to be citizens sure maybe five percent what a mess i mean i'll give it 10 just to be like you know just to be like you know just to give a little bump let's say 10 if i mean i don't even i don't think it's gonna hit 10 at all uh but just let's just say if that but the majority are not the majority are not going to hit 10 at all. But just let's just say if that, but the majority are not, the majority are not going to assimilate. These people are, I mean, are low skilled. They're not going to adapt to the system. They're not going to pay taxes into the system. There's a great story. I don't know if you want to pull it up, Matthew, from Yuma. There's a Yuma border town hospital that's been left with 20 million in like unpaid services from
Starting point is 01:11:03 all the migrants they've been attended to. But obviously they're not not they're not going to get paid from the migrants the federal government is going to reimburse this hospital um so it's just it's a complete disaster which basically ruins the hospital also for the local taxpayers ruins it exactly um in texas it's getting to the point where only certain amount i mean mean, they're running out of basically medical offices to even treat the migrants. They're running out of offices to even do the autopsies to see the cause of death for migrants. For folks who don't know, under Biden and Harris, we've already had over 700 migrant deaths, which is a record. Could you imagine even half of those migrant deaths under a trump administration i
Starting point is 01:11:45 mean you would have don lemon and cnn living at the border i mean going live you would have anderson cooper in mexico like traveling with the migrants i mean it would be insane the amount of mainstream media coverage i mean new york times would be all over the border that's that's a really great point yeah one guy on a horse and they tried to paint him as he was hitting people with the whip and yet you have people drowning every day because of the policy i was literally looking at pcp pipes with the name baby john doe you know what i'm saying yeah and like like take take the politics out of it take the democrat like on a human level like what are we doing?
Starting point is 01:12:26 Like what are we doing? It's written on the PVC pipe like in Sharpie. It's like written on the pipe with the Sharpie. It's just a little makeshift thing. And that's all they got. Like that's all they got. And actually somebody saw our story. You know, somebody saw our story from that. And like they literally went down to Eagle Pass and like donated a thousand bucks to the cemetery they're like here's a thousand bucks like at least bury these people with like
Starting point is 01:12:48 proper tombstones and like it's not eagle pass's fault obviously like they're doing what they can it's not their fault that they have to deal with a death a day which is i mean that this is like an old clint eastwood movie where like the people would die and they would just dig a hole and then put like a wooden cross and what makes you mad too, is like after being on the border and seeing this, I mean, constantly in every trip I go to, what just irks me is then seeing like the whole white progressive and the celebrities and that whole fake shit. And what I mean by that is like some stupid thing would happen and they got to make a video. Say, oh, my God, I can't believe this is happening in our country.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Or like, you know, they do the whole this happening in our country or like you know they do the whole fake social justice thing or like you know during during the riots i remember you go on amazon and amazon in your face black lives matter if you take uber uber do you want to donate five bucks to the ukraine war where where's everyone for this one where's all the corporations for this one like like neighbors you know like and i'm and i'm hispanic and it irks me more because it's like you guys don't even care about latinos it's such a fake thing to to you know like and i'm and i'm hispanic and it irks me more because it's like you guys don't even care about latinos it's such a fake thing to to you know that you guys act like you guys care about like like latinos and the latino people you guys don't care it's it's black
Starting point is 01:13:54 and brown people that are dying at the border it's not you know what i'm saying it's not white people it's black and brown people but there's no there's no social justice cause there's no celebrity making a video saying oh my god like there's babies dying at the border. There's you know, there's they're being buried in the cemetery. They can't even identify the babies. None of that. None of that. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:14:12 No big corporation push. Nothing from your table. You know, right now we're supposed to be going to a concert and like Lizzo's supposed to start her show in the middle of her show. Lizzo's like, hey, guys, donate like, I don't know, this amount of money so we could save the migrants none of that like you don't hear none of that nope they're more worried about the next transgender issue yeah it's cool and yeah exactly those are at risk right so i hope this i hope this just shows people how all that all that fake you know virtual signaling and the whole social that's all bs yeah they don't they couldn't give an f about these migrant kids down at the border dude by the way you're reporting it's interesting you say that i want to go back to something we talked about in the very beginning
Starting point is 01:14:51 the fact that you do go down there um with your minimalist crew is the reason why you get the footage of things uh what's really going on you have a crew of 30 you're not getting anything real you're getting first of all none of those people are passionate like you they're there just to make a paycheck it's not a dig at them but that's all that they're doing you know there's probably two maybe just the reporter is the only one who cares they want to break something new for their own career but you can actually go down there and and get those shots like the smuggler taking money that tent city jorge that we saw is that was that on the mex side or on the U.S. side Mexican side is that a hotel basically do those tents always stay there those people just stay
Starting point is 01:15:30 there and then move on and the tents stay there so that part is that's called Suda Horace and right across it is El Paso just for folks who don't know Suda Horace is like in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the world I mean it's completely cartel control so these are one of those cities where all the girls go missing all the time that i've read about right so what happened is the cartel started picking suda hard as a route that they liked again and they started bringing in thousands of migrants now what was interesting is what was putting up there was about two thousand tenths majority venezuelan um because basically they made the journey and then Biden, I don't know if you want to pull it up Matthew
Starting point is 01:16:08 I forgot the exact policy but Biden he actually put in this like last minute policy of saying that if you're a Venezuelan and you turn yourself in illegally, they were just going to like deport you automatically you had to go through a port of entry so what was building up there was actually this kind of
Starting point is 01:16:24 Venezuelan migrant camp because they were like, hey, we're going to get deported if we go in there as individuals. So that's why you see a lot of folks going in there as families, you know, a lot of fake families doing that. But they were all kind of anticipating Title 42 to end. And then when it did it, they just kind of crashed the border at once. And then sort of as themselves, the officials went in there and just kind of cleared that camp out because optically it was looking bad because we were just it kept just hitting you know going on the news and it just looked yeah obviously it was just bad for sudoers who cleaned it up who cleaned up the camp um basically the mexican officials or sudoers officials went in
Starting point is 01:17:00 there they cleaned it up and then i think within three or four days they were they got hit with another wave of just thousands just crashing it again and then they just kind of put their hands up and they're like all right we kind of give up and it it got so bad um as you guys started i mean you guys probably seen the viral videos that were going out of el paso it was in the news it got so bad i mean literally the democratic mayor of el paso who was instructed by the administration to not declare an emergency was instructed by the biden administration to not declare an emergency was forced to declare an emergency because they just got to a point where they couldn't handle it anymore why did he tell him not to declare an emergency for political
Starting point is 01:17:34 reasons like they didn't want the attention yeah department of homeland security and the biden administration basically um had they basically told the mayor to not declare an emergency because optically it was going to hurt Biden. And the mayor agreed. The mayor, like a good boy, said, yes, yes, Mr. Biden. And he didn't declare an emergency. Then about 10 days went by, and it just got so bad. And then the media onslaught. I mean, by that time, the thing is, there's moments where the story gets too big.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Even mainstream media can't even turn away. So once mainstream media started hitting it harder, he was forced to declare an emergency. That's why then we saw National Guard down there. They had the Humvees on the bank. So as of right now, the crosses in El Paso plummeted. But, I mean, that's my prediction. It's going to rise as soon as those Humvees and the National Guard leave. Because an emergency is declared, it is going to last for about 30 days.
Starting point is 01:18:24 So it should, I think it's going to end for about 30 days. So it should, I think it's going to end, I think like in the middle of January, like January 20, if it will end, we'll kind of see what's the move after that. Uh, but right now they got national guard down there. They got,
Starting point is 01:18:34 you know, like two miles of razor wire. They got Humvees down there. Um, just to show some force and be, you know, at least show some, some side of the presence.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah, exactly. Is the, is is the is the wall doing anything no um in some areas but the the reason it's not is because by the time that these migrants make it to the wall they're technically on american soil and by technical terms they're since they are on american soil the federal government has to basically deal with the issue um so it's just it's it's just been man like you know people always ask me like hey jory is there any like what's a positive side yeah yeah yeah i mean i
Starting point is 01:19:19 wish i literally wish i could tell you i feel like every time i go on the show too it's just gotten like drastically worse because i always tell myself it can't um but it is i don't know how accurate this number is but there's a um i believe they're like a non-profit kind of group uh think tank in dc uh they're they're it's called fair it's like something immigration something but they had a they had an article not too long ago where under biden and harris they we already had 5.5 uh illegal apprehensions at the border i mean 5.5 million illegal apprehensions at the border which is i mean that's absolutely insane um this is also also playing a role with central american countries so for folks who don't know el salvador has naipu kelly who's their president naipip Bukele and Trump had a great relationship.
Starting point is 01:20:06 And the reason why they had a great relationship is because he liked that Trump was strong on the U.S. border because it translates to El Salvador. Bukele has a vision of, we don't want Salvadorans leaving the country because we need them here to help the economy, which is very obvious. But together, they actually had a great relationship where
Starting point is 01:20:25 they kept Salvadorans from illegally migrating. Trump basically forced Mexico to have troops on their border. So on the Guatemala-Mexico border, Mexico had a huge force right there with their National Guard. That's all gone now. But there was a Summit of Americasica's back in june if i'm not mistaken of last year where you know you have south america central america united states canada all the world leaders they meet in la i should discuss issues el salvador declined to meet with the u.s over its immigration policy because el salvador is pissed off because since we have an open border system it's gonna it's basically enhances human smugglers to basically continue to the whole the whole process so el salvador is very pissed
Starting point is 01:21:10 guatemala is very pissed um they hate the open border policy because it basically it empowers the human smugglers in their countries so el salvador right now how to step up human smuggling charges they're doing the best they can. But El Salvador is rebounding. So I'm not meeting a lot of, you know, El Salvador that are legally crossing. I want to read you guys a list of, these are all the states with less than 3 million people.
Starting point is 01:21:35 So if you think 3 million immigrants have come in in the last three years, I don't know what the exact number is. Maybe Kayla will pull up a second. Mississippi, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Idaho, West Virginia, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, number is maybe cable pull up a second mississippi kansas new mexico nebraska idaho west virginia hawaii new hampshire maine montana rhode island delaware south dakota north dakota alaska and the district of columbia uh vermont wyoming all basically you could take any of those states
Starting point is 01:21:58 remove all the citizens and fill them with migrants and that's that's what you're looking at it's more people than uh guam the u.s virgin islands american samoa uh north mariana islands basically that's happening real time right now yep yep yeah it's crazy montana rhode island and delaware have three million people between the three of them no other country in the world is allowing this i also want to mention we are not a country at this point is what is the scary part it's so crazy the also the astonishing the record number of unaccompanied minors reaching the border i think we've already had half a million unaccompanied minors reach the border
Starting point is 01:22:37 and let me explain in the last two years yeah let me explain what happens on the u.s side so we have all these unaccompanied children reaching the border with all these other migrants, guess, like I said, it overwhelms the systems. When it overwhelms the systems, guess what the U.S. government has to do? They have to release these unaccompanied minors to vetted sponsors. Quote, vetted. You know how long it takes to vet an individual before you release a child? I mean, this should take, I mean, at least six months. an individual before you release a child i mean this should take i mean at least six months dude they're because they're so overwhelmed they're just betting like basically they're just expediting the process according to axios let me repeat this again according to axios axios is not right wing as you guys know axios is basically mainstream according to axios one out of three unaccompanied children that get released inside the United States, the government is now losing track of when they do the follow-up. The government is losing track of one out of three unaccompanied children that get released inside the United States. If I told you guys one out of ten, that's already insane, bro.
Starting point is 01:23:42 That's already 10%. We're losing one out of three. And they're getting lost in the sex trafficking industry. They're getting lost in a lot of them in the labor trafficking. So they're getting forced to work on the illegal marijuana operations, something that we reported on, something that we've talked to witnesses about the Honduran teens being forced to work on these girls. This is insane. This is happening in the U.S. Like the unaccompanied minor children, that's a whole
Starting point is 01:24:08 other story, and I just want to... The sex trafficking thing is real? Oh, yeah. That right there, it's not a it's not a conspiracy. Like I said, this is from Axios, and, um, you know, I did a whole story just on unaccompanied children at the border in McAllen, because I was just meeting so many,
Starting point is 01:24:24 and I remember I was interviewing three, three of them, and there was two brothers and a sister. The sister was like eight years old. The brother was like 10. Even the oldest was like 12, right? I'm interviewing these siblings. And I go, where's your parents? Back in Guatemala, we came alone.
Starting point is 01:24:38 And as I'm interviewing, that stat came up to my head. I said, oh my God, they don't even know that one of them is going to get released inside the US and they and they're going to be lost forever like the government is can no longer find that vetted sponsor and they're expedite they're literally expediting the process because they're so overwhelmed i mean you would think to vet an adult or somebody a sponsor for a children like this would take maybe six months minimum like a year and so there's people at the border who know this is happening and they're probably they see this as an opportunity to collect kids and put them into this type of environment sex trafficking labor
Starting point is 01:25:15 camps what is happening is you're having fake like these kids are being trained to be like oh yeah i do have a family member it's it's this person and then even the government is connecting to say hey are you this person can you pick this person up yes and they just pick them up and then when they do the follow-up like a two months and say hey let's let's see how maria's doing the eight-year-old that we released to pablo hey maria oh wait we can't they're not picking up the phone anymore all right let's let's go to the home they gave us the address to oh wait they're not there anymore? What do you think is happening, dude? This is insane. and celebrity crying about oppression, reparations, and slavery from the past, and it's happening right fucking now to the kids, and not one peep from corporate media, not one peep from these corporations virtual signaling on all the bullshit they normally do.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Dude, where's our speech from the Oscars? Where's our speech when the actors get the award? Where's Leo? Where's Leo to get the award and go, hey, guys, I just want to use my platform to shine a light that one out of three unaccompanied children that are reaching the border are getting lost in sex trafficking or nothing. Nothing. Crazy. Jorge, what's happening with the politics in these towns?
Starting point is 01:26:37 Are these towns that were – are any of these towns flipping the script? Are any of them like, holy shit, we're not going to vote Democrat anymore? Do you see any big shift in politics at the border towns yeah yeah so so just for some for some context here um all these border towns are overwhelmingly hispanic latino voters they vote democrat pretty heavy maybe you could only maybe the time you can kind of get out of it is san diego san diego is the exception it's like literally a major city. I'm talking about these border towns of South Texas and Arizona, overwhelmingly Democrat and overwhelmingly Latino, obviously overwhelmingly working class. So you have these towns now taking a beating from the, obviously, the migrant crisis. So you actually have loyal Democratic voters voting Republican for the very first time off this issue.
Starting point is 01:27:25 loyal democratic voters voting republican for the very first time off this issue actually i traveled to south texas uh during the midterms to cover to to interview voters are kind of about this phenomenon because in south texas they were seeing huge drastic shifts to the republican party that they've never seen in history and they were happening in these time spans that were i mean it was huge huge uh uh point shifts i I believe like if you look at back in 2016, Clinton beat Trump by like I think over 40, 50 points in South Texas. I mean, she blew him out of the water. And, you know, four years later, Trump made historic end gains in all those border towns, a lot of Hispanic communities. Some of them he was actually able to flip a Republican. If you guys remember myra
Starting point is 01:28:05 flores uh the congressman who flipped a district she flipped a district that was uh was voting democrat for 100 years so she's still in right that just happened she's still in she's still in that was historic the other one who's joining her is monica de la cruz in south texas she was able to flip a district that's been democrat for 60 80 years. So what's happening now is that you're having people wake up to the issue. You know, when I'm down there, they kind of feel this anger. They feel this like, hey, you forgot about us,
Starting point is 01:28:33 kind of feeling like, hey. And they hate the whole Ukraine thing. You speak to the Hispanics down there in South Texas. They hate the whole Ukraine and donated billions. So the sense you get from folks is you get the anger and they feel that they've been forgotten about like almost like like they've been spit on and just like kind of pushed to the side um like we're we made it here legally we're tax
Starting point is 01:28:55 paying people down here and and and now you're letting our city get overrun yeah i was actually interviewing this like base mexican dude who was like only i mean he literally just spoke spanish mexican national who is a u.s citizen who opened up his own business in m base Mexican dude who was like, I mean, he literally just spoke Spanish, Mexican national, who is a U S citizen who opened up his own business in McAllen. And he was like, dude, I mean, the border is one thing he said, but what the cultural shift in a Democrat. So like, what do you mean by that? He's like, he's like this whole push, the whole trans movement and like, you know, kids could be who they want.
Starting point is 01:29:20 He's like, that is not what we do. And he's like, I'm a Catholic. That, that, that, that's against my religion. He said, they they they just move way too far on the on the social issues so that's that's also kind of a an issue for them down there i mean you go down there south texas folks are really religious they go to church every day like it's that type of community so once you go too left on the social issue you're gonna lose folks um who maybe just would have you know vote a democrat um you know for economic economic reasons or other stuff. But on that, they feel like they've moved too far left. Myra Flores, I think what helped her win was her messaging.
Starting point is 01:29:54 And when I saw her campaigning, one thing that she always said is, I'm all about God and family and country. And that might sound simple. But when you convey that message to your voters and actually believe it and are from there and people see that it's a winning message and people relate to that one thing myra also said that i think connected with those hispanic voters was hey i'm not even like a like a diehard republican like i'm not i'm not even like republican party first he says i'm god first like i'm gonna put this party even ahead of that so that type of messaging one with folks and mainstream media couldn't understand it like if you watch msnbc they were trying to understand why are we seeing this shit in south texas their minds blew up they couldn't understand
Starting point is 01:30:35 what was going on the new york times had this piece after myra won and it was the headline was the rise of the far right latina and the the whole piece was a hit piece, obviously against Myra, but it was more to me, it was almost attack on her voters. It was attack on people that went to church. It was attack on people that are conservative that, you know, believe in just marriage and family, like the little basic things, the New York times just attack those people. And I, and I, and I said this, when I, when I said the piece, I said, you mother effers,
Starting point is 01:31:03 like you white progressives, white liberals, you know, living in your Manhattan apartment. You don't understand working class people. You don't know someone that goes to church. You don't know someone that like has to get up nine to five and like, you know, putting their kids to school. You don't you don't know that. And they can't relate. And it's those same white progressives that want to tweet Black Lives Matter, thinking that they understand minorities. And it's those same white progressives that want to tweet Black Lives Matter thinking that they understand minorities. You know, that's that's that's the funniest thing is they want to be the ones like, oh, no, we care about Latinos and Hispanics. But then, you know, literally we're like shit on these people in media. So South Texas, to me, is very interesting. And we'll kind of see what happens if those trends continue forward for the Republican Party.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Where do you go next? What else are you working on besides the border? fucking party where do you go next what else are you working on besides the border so right now we are in communication with multiple communities in ohio and indiana um and we want to go deep into the fennel uh crisis oh well we watched we had dominic tierno on the show holy holy cow he's amazing yeah when i met him i was like i'm a bro you guys you got to go on my man's podcast he's great and he's amazing he's super busy but but um i'm glad you guys also made that that one happen um the movie rocked me dude yeah uh this movie and his other one life of is another movie out i watched both of them dude that movie is so powerful and like i'm glad he made it like for schools and for people to view it.
Starting point is 01:32:26 I remember the scene that got me was you had this dad talking about his daughter overdosing. And then when he mentioned that he's like a cop and I was like, oh, my God, like even happened to him where someone who was like just on top of it. And it's a noxious story. Holy cow. Really, people just take 20 minutes and watch it. you have kids you have to watch this if you do drugs you have to watch this basically the message of the movie is you just can't do drugs anymore and the reason why is not because you'll get addicted but because you're gonna die yeah the vast majority of people it seems like who are dying from fentanyl they weren't even trying to do fentanyl that's what's fucking crazy imagine drinking a soda pop and then there was fentanyl in it and you died look i'm i'm
Starting point is 01:33:11 27 years old so like back in my high school time like i was in high school like 10 years ago when i was in high school it was still the era where you could pop and take anything right like a kid's like hey take an ecstasy think of this yeah i don't care you know you can take care that that era is done. Yeah. Because now almost all that stuff is mixed with fentanyl. Like you were saying, all these overdoses are people that thought they were taking a Vicodin, that, you know, we're looking for this hardcore drug, and it's in everything. And so the next thing that I'll be kind of trying to dabble my reporting in is we want to go into Indiana, Ohio.
Starting point is 01:33:44 My reporting is we want to go into Indiana, Ohio. These are all overwhelmingly white, working class, blue collar towns that have been destroyed by fentanyl. So we're hoping to do some deep stories, some human stories out of there. That's that's my next big focus. Obviously, you always kind of keep an eye on the border, as you know, doing this because it's something, you know, something breaks their news. We'll be there. But my main thing is highlighting these human stories. I would like to tell more kind of the powerful human stories this year, so we'll be focused on that. I'm still going to be focused on the illegal marijuana operation. With the more reporting I do, I get more information about it.
Starting point is 01:34:17 I actually have more people reach out to me. So an area that I'm hoping to get to is South Oregon. South Oregon right now is experiencing a huge explosion in illegal marijuana grows connected to Mexican culture. What city is South Oregon? You're talking like Ashland, Oregon? I think so. I've never been, but I've been getting emailed
Starting point is 01:34:36 by residents in South Oregon who are telling me, you have to come here. You have to come here. It's horrible down here. So there's a connection with, I believe, South Oregon and in Northern California. You have a lot of the same folks working in Northern California trying to South Oregon. There's a huge Mexican cartel issue. So I'm hoping to get there and, you know, just hit the ground. Ashland or Medford, that would be crazy if those places got overrun, because those are hate.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Those are massive Democrat havens. You know, that's where liberals. Yeah, that's where liberals go. Old liberals go to die. I mean, that is, you know, they have the Shakespearean festival there. That is that is like that's their stronghold. That's like Oregon's, you know, Berkeley. That's where they get to put the BLM sign up.
Starting point is 01:35:23 But you can't they would never allow a black person to live in the town. No shit. I mean, I wish I was joking, but now you're a hundred percent, right? You're right, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:31 That's the best. The fake register. So yeah, that is, by the way, that's the systemic racism, by the way, we all know we finally,
Starting point is 01:35:40 the first we thought there was no systemic racism. Now we know that there is. And the systemic racism is telling people that there's systemic racism. That's the foundation. It's a very clever trick. It's a very, very clever trick. Do you know a guy named Seth Oregon? So if anyone was listening to this podcast and you're from South Oregon, message me.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Help me out here, and we'll kind of see what happens. And as always, guys, I'm always going to be on the ground for anything super breaking news, right? So anything can happen That's kind of the game of news Anything can happen This year though I'm hoping to go more international So hopefully go into Different countries
Starting point is 01:36:16 Different borders To kind of see what's going on And continue to get better Learning all that good stuff And continue developing. Do you know this guy? His name's Tommy G. He's on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Have you heard of this guy? That sounds very familiar. Very familiar. Yeah, he'd be great. Caleb, I'll drop you a link in the chat. Check out this guy's – this guy was on the show. Oh, you already got it. Beat me to it.
Starting point is 01:36:42 This guy was on the show, Oh, you already got it. Beat me to it. This guy was on the show, and there is a story here where he goes to a town in Philadelphia called – Oh, I already know. It's called Kensington Beach. It has to be. No. No. What was the name of the town? It happened at the Kia Boys?
Starting point is 01:37:02 No, no. Not the Kia Boys ones. This was a – where was the town? Oh, Kens Kia Boys. No, no, not the Kia Boys ones. This was a Philadelphia. Where was the town? Oh, Kensington. Kensington. The city of zombies. Yep, Kensington Beach, they call it.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Oh, Kensington Beach. Okay. Please watch that. And if he is a great guy, you would love him. And his story. So this video starts with like, hey, maybe we'll see some people shooting in public. The whole town is littered with people shooting drugs in public. And literally in the first 30 seconds, he walks up and someone has to get Narcan. He's like, look, she's got her pipe in the hand right there.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah. And this guy, you would love this guy, Jorge. He's cut from the same cloth as you. And what's really cool about him too too, is he's just this white kid, and he goes to fucking places where, like, no white people fucking travel, right? And it's really great. And he would love to hear from you, and I can make the introduction. I feel like I owe you something for introducing me to Dominic Tierno. But this guy is great.
Starting point is 01:38:02 And this guy lives for this stuff. This is what he wants to do. He just makes these really short documentaries but dude they're so powerful and then there was the other one the most dangerous uh if you want to see another crazy one it's called the most dangerous city in america and he's basically just hanging out in the middle of the street with these like 13 kids and each of them has a gucci bag a machine gun and then a gun in their gucci bag and they're just in a neighborhood they hang out there for hours no cops come nothing dude dude welcome to america dude i mean it is nuts yeah hey i would love right up your alley it's right up your alley yeah this is it's insane bro we are we got to this
Starting point is 01:38:43 point in america where it's we literally look like third world cities. Third world cities. It's a disaster. Yeah. I would love to connect with him. Yeah. Kensington Beach is a gnarly, gnarly place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Thank you for coming on the show. Thank you for always returning my texts. I know you are crazy, crazy, bitty, busy. Congratulations on all of the success. I see you on TV all the time. I smile so big when I see you on Tucker and The Daily Caller, any of these new shows. When my dad knew who you were, I was stoked. That's cool, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I'm so proud to know you, dude. So thank you for everything you do, and thanks for always being available to us. Yeah, man. I appreciate you guys having me on man and i'll keep you guys look i'll keep you guys in in the in the know of any big projects that we work on this year um man i gotta come up and see you guys i need i need a crossfit workout dude that's anytime hey you can come stay any if you're ever in santa cruz you're welcome to stay with me we got an extra bedroom uh you're always welcome. Go to my gym. Awesome. Thank you. Appreciate it, guys. Bring your mask.
Starting point is 01:39:48 I'm a drinker's lawyer. Drinkers' quality. Hit the gym. Get it in. You too. Let's do it. Awesome. Thank you. All right, guys. Thanks. All right. Cheers, brother. Have a good day. Happy New Year. Man, people like him are so important right now. It's insane. The importance of
Starting point is 01:40:03 what he's doing and his motivation to continue to cover this and go to those places and do these stories is I don't think we realize the debt that we actually owe Jorge and people like him for doing what he's doing. Because if it wasn't for him going out there and doing it and putting these stories in the face and we were just only subject to the stuff that the corporate media is shoving down our throats we would have no idea about the extent of what's happening on our borders and these other crises that are popping up with the illegal marijuana grows and when florida was like didn't have any water and shit like that um he's technology too it's cool that the technology that
Starting point is 01:40:40 people like you know him and tommy g can just put shit together and yeah it's incredible i actually think that's what's ushering in all this craziness is that is the the technology this big like play planet play planet i don't know what the word i'm working for but there's this massive shift that's happening and there's a massive shift that's happening in control of power because it's being decentralized and so the the system and the powers to be as it is right now are in a complete scramble to keep everything together uh trish good god the amount amount of hand wringing and i had to look up what that meant uh clasping together and squeezing of one's hands especially when distressed or worried excessive display of concern or distress the amount so he's saying america has always had horrid poverty and violent areas okay that's good it got people it's not as bad as you think
Starting point is 01:41:31 everything's fine chill out that this it's always been here for 100 years don't worry just because jorge stumbled across it for the first time in his life doesn't mean it's always been here just chill the problem is this i was raised in the bay area and i traveled to filming in 100 countries and i saw stuff in those countries that i couldn't even fucking believe one of the things was just tent cities i'd never seen a tent city i mean i'd heard about them like uh in the southern california deserts and abandoned naval stations what's that called like? Like salt and sea shit. But now, if you go to Berkeley or Portland, you can actually see tent cities just right in the fucking next to bougie $5 million homes.
Starting point is 01:42:14 And so something has changed. You haven't been to Oakland lately, have you? Like West Oakland? No, but I've seen the footage. I've driven through whole tent towns there. I've driven through like six blocks of tent towns there. Tent towns, that's like child's play. You should see now they got motor hometowns.
Starting point is 01:42:29 Oh, man. It's all built up to where they're taking all this scrap plywood and stuff and building out so much that it's like a whole entire compound. And they got fucking front doors. And you'll see even some of them got routers for internet. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's insane dude i'm gonna look up oakland homeless and west oakland yeah especially right under that 880 as it's going into going into the city into san francisco and the well the crazy part is is i've
Starting point is 01:42:56 spent time on those railroad tracks different story but it it's complete like back then you thought it was kind of like bad and grimy and now now like, it's just, it's unfathomable. One of these days, one of these things is going to burn down. Oh yeah. They, I mean, I'm sure that there's fires like that,
Starting point is 01:43:13 that happen all the time. I mean, they run them in Hayward and shit where it's just a small little, you know, brush fire that's starting to pick up because you realize that inside that bush on the side of the road on the freeway, there was like four or five tents that were there yeah did you just roll from 580 down and you'll see it you could go to 880 once as soon as you get into like cash valley
Starting point is 01:43:34 area and i mean even here in livermore they pushed a lot of them out over by the gym where i live and stuff like that i mean a year ago i went down there and was like filming all the stuff that they have and right across the parking lot is a Home Depot and a Walmart. So they were just blatantly walking in there, stealing enough power tools, propane, whatever they could get their hands on that wasn't locked up. And then just walking out of the store as long as it was under $1,000. And what ended up happening is that parking lot is part of Livermore. But as soon as you jump over the small little curb and you go into where this valley is right before the freeway, they go, oh, that's out of our jurisdiction. That's actually Caltrans.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Yes, they did that in Berkeley too. Where the freeway runs through, the homeless would congregate by the hundreds and hundreds and set up tent cities, and they would say it's Caltrans. Yeah, the city just washes its hands. Oh, we're concerned with it too, but unfortunately there's nothing we could do about it legally because it's caltrans and then caltrans just says oh well we don't have the we don't have the resources and equipment they don't got that shit under the freeway in los gatos you know yeah los gatos is a very wealthy neighborhood just right over the hill from us like how come the wealthy cities have figured it out yeah why aren't they in why isn't tent city in front of meta meta over there in menlo right right you know you don't figured it out? Yeah, why aren't they in... Why isn't Ten City in front of Meta?
Starting point is 01:44:46 Meta, over there in Menlo Park. Right. You know, you don't see it out in front of YouTube headquarters. Right. We don't see it in front of Apple, the Infinity Loop, the fucking $2 billion campus they built that it's all glass circle. Someone asked, what was your favorite show of 2022? Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I don't know what my favorite was, but Oh, the one that popped up right away in my head was the show that I did with Kim, uh, the blind CrossFit chick. Oh, that was a great show. Yeah. That, that one fucking rocked me. She took me out. She, she, that one worked me. Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:24 I like, I don't remember. I like, I don't remember if it was in 2022, but I always think back to that Kayla Harrison interview. I really liked that. I like any of the, the whole, the, this I'm really proud of the affiliate series. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:41 I love how on a lighter note, I love everything. The last time rich was on, I was tickled. I always like having Rich on. I mean, it's awesome. Yeah. There's so many. Man, it's been a crazy year.
Starting point is 01:45:56 It's been fun. Jethro Cardona. Thanks, Sevan, Sousa, Caleb, Brian Friend, Hiller, J.R. chair taylor tyler watkins john young all the guests sarah cox yeah definitely sarah cox definitely sarah cox california hormones uh travis gabe and the whole live chat for a great year of content and laugh some tears yeah my favorite my favorite part about this show just has to be our the community of the people in the chat super awesome it's crazy so that's by way, so that was it last night too. That was, I thought, oh shit, this sucks.
Starting point is 01:46:30 If I don't come on the show and someone wants to just hang for the night or you know what I mean? Like someone's just like cooking dinner or just driving on a long drive and I cancel the show, they get kind of fucked. And so I asked Andrew if he would get get on and suza quickly got him the admin code and that was really cool that hillar did that yeah i think we got to trim the first
Starting point is 01:46:51 like 40 seconds out of that show too did you watch the very beginning oh oh yeah what was that it was like a cd was skipping it was it was actually that was actually my voice and it glitched because we hillar and i were on the back end i got them all set up he switched out i was like okay you're ready he goes yeah you do it hit us hit the button take us live so i said okay and then i clicked it and he goes and after i clicked it live he goes well where you're at and i go i'm at a brewery called the uh altamont and then it just kept going out about out about out about 30 seconds to where i was like i couldn't hear anything because i I could just hear that. It's like, what the hell?
Starting point is 01:47:25 So I thought like got out of it thinking that I just had a bad connection inside that brewery, but I didn't realize that that was actually some sort of glitch that was playing through the show the whole time. So for the first 30 seconds, we had to trim that. Cause you can't even Hill here, Hiller and Alexis.
Starting point is 01:47:41 I, it was weird being in the chat. I liked it. Excuse me. It was addicting as shit it was so addicting yeah it was funny because i i jumped back on did you see the part where when i was dropping people off i jumped back on when i was in the car real quick just to check on it see see how they were going and chatted with them on the show for a few minutes yeah did you catch that portion yeah and it and it was funny because after that, we're at the house that we were at. We're at Grace's sister's house.
Starting point is 01:48:07 And all of a sudden, I hear Hiller and I look over and she's got her phone and she goes, these people in the chat are hilarious. And I'm like, you're still watching it? She would have reamed me if I was on my phone watching the fucking. And I'm like, oh, you get to do it. She goes, oh, yeah. Well, the people in here, they're funny. They're making a bunch of funny comments.
Starting point is 01:48:22 And I'm like, oh, my gosh. And she's just like reading the comments and watching the show. Did you just go over there and trim it? Is that what I saw you doing, Caleb? Uh, I was about to, but I was working on something else. Oh, I can trim it too after the show. Easy peasy. Uh, Victor Brown, happy new year fellas. Oh, thanks dude. 20 bucks. Looking forward to a great 2023 full of awesome podcasts and live call-ins. You guys are the best.
Starting point is 01:48:47 God bless. We have been just bombing people. I want to get ahead of this a little bit to come on for Wadapalooza. It is significantly harder getting female guests on. You have to know that. It is significant for some reason. But we're trying, uh, we have a lot of athletes lined up. Um, and, uh, I did hear back from Paige powers. I've never interviewed
Starting point is 01:49:12 her. So I'm really excited about that. And don't get me wrong. We'll have a lot of female guests, but it is interesting that it is so much more difficult to get a female athletes on. Um, and we have a ton of people we've reached out to um just right off the bat i remember patrick velner uh responded sam dancer responded uh anola kai uh responded it's it's uh travis mayor responded i'm trying to think of another i don't know how many of you want to give away. I could start rattling them all off. Olivia Kerstetter responded.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Yeah. Did we get her set up for January 3rd? Yeah. We got to just confirm. Rich responded. Did Samuel Conway, did he respond? Not yet. Samuel.
Starting point is 01:50:03 Did Guy respond? Not yet. Okay. I Guy respond? Not yet. Okay. I mean, you know how it is, and it was funny because – I do know. Grace saw it, and she's like, why would you guys do that? That's so many people. I'm like, hey, you just got to cast a huge net because the bigger the net you cast, like, if it all works out, but they're changing and traveling and training and we're trying to align times and all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Colton Mertens. Yep. Colton Mertens, yes. Colton Mertens. Yep. Uh, Colton Mertens. Yes. Colton Mertens responded. Colton's coming on, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:29 tomorrow we have, uh, Patrick to go on. I think this is part of the affiliate series. I wanted his, I think his affiliate is somewhere trippy, uh, like Madagascar or South Africa or something.
Starting point is 01:50:43 I can't remember off the top of my head to look it up, but yeah. So that'll be a fun podcast tomorrow. And then it's really going to just start picking up. It looks like there could be two, three podcasts a day. Yeah, I am really excited to meet Paige. Damascus. I was really impressed by her performance this last year. Yeah, probably Dick Mertens might call in uh
Starting point is 01:51:06 colton's dad you know it's one i have a question for the people in the chat would it oh daniel brandon we got her daniel i don't even think she's at wadapalooza but it sounds like daniel brandon's gonna i feel like she'll hang out at wadapalooza maybe we'll get her to hang out with me for a little bit yeah um down pepper i lost my train of thought now uh oh i was gonna ask the people in the chat because i've seen a lot of these comments of people who are normally in the chat and they were saying that they're too nervous or afraid to call in and i'm wondering if maybe we just gave some sort of theme that they call in on so when we go you know whatever it is we, Hey guys, if you have a question about this or that and help to guide a little bit, would it make it more comfortable for you to call?
Starting point is 01:51:50 So you're not all nervous about it. It's not open-ended basically. Like we frame the call for you. So we're like, okay, so blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:51:58 If you guys have an opinion on a Caleb's hat or a seven sweatshirt, we're going to be talking about these two things. We run the clips, go ahead and call in and give us your opinion on those two things i don't know i'm just throwing stone shot they're trying to get the calls yeah have you ever have you ever seen a man grown man pee in public tell us your favorite story yeah yeah oh here we go uh withish the Buddhist. Wow. Existence is suffering. Suffering has a cause. That cause is attachment.
Starting point is 01:52:35 There is a cessation of the suffering. There is a path to that cessation. Deep, Trish. Existence is suffering. Thank you. $4.99. Or the affiliate questions. Yeah. We can do stuff like that later, too. I wonder sometimes if Trish is my alter ego.
Starting point is 01:52:58 A mix of comedy and deep thought. And more comedy. I just want to know what it really looks like you know you don't eric wise twenty dollars happy new year boys this community has become something i look forward every day and appreciate you all really looking forward to 2023 cheers Cheers. Thanks, dude. Me too. Thanks, Eric. How cool is it that this is happening?
Starting point is 01:53:35 How cool is it that I get to be like the, what's the kid who like tells on the other kids in the hall at school? The hall monitor? Yeah. I've never been a hall monitor. I fucking never get it. And now I get to be a hall monitor. Fuck all y'all. I'm the kid who holds the stop sign up so the other kids can cross the street yeah i'll tell you when you can go i didn't necessarily mean it like really caleb's hat heidi come on just only example you're gonna say heidi
Starting point is 01:53:58 caleb probably paid an extra 15 bucks to get that tear in the front no that looks like just a working man's hat. Like he just had that hat. I mean, look, it's got like the weird sweat glaze over the top where it's like, yeah. So I had a hat before this. It was exactly the same except the W was like an American flag. And I wore that thing for probably six or seven years. And I got, I had it when I had met my wife and I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:54:26 it used to be like, it's always been a gray hat. She was no, it's the Navy hat. And now it's gray. I was like, no way. She went back and found a picture and it was blue. And then I wore that hat so much that like the whole thing was like ripped apart. And then one year I was like, I'm not getting rid of this hat. And then one year, uh, for Christmas or my birthday or something, uh, my wife got me another one. She was, you need to throw that away. So now I have this one. I've had this one with like a set of tongs and like threw it out for you and gave you a new one.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Hazardous waste would have been like the red bag. Yeah. Hey, I want to throw this in the, I'm, I'm, I'm erasing my some of my notes that for some reason are still on here. But, um, one of the things I forgot to mention the other day when I mentioned the story that Nancy Pelosi came into office in 2008 with $30 million, a net worth of $30 million. And then when she now she's worth $171 million. I wanted to also mention that I believe that Donald Trump is the only president in U.S. history whose net worth dropped while he was in office. Yeah, didn't he have to get rid of a bunch of assets or something for what it's worth?
Starting point is 01:55:28 Yeah. Well, it's just coming out. It's funny. If you listen to the left, talk about a tax is being released. You hear one thing, you hear it spun one way.
Starting point is 01:55:35 And if you listen to the right news, talk about it, it's talked about in another way. The left will never mention, like they just talk about how much money he has and how little taxes he paid, but they don't mention how much money he fucking lost in those years, which is interesting. Yeah, I mean – yeah, it's so bullshit.
Starting point is 01:55:50 So it's just – I guess it's just how you spin it. We talked about polar bears, right? Yeah. 1950, there were 10,000 polar bears. Now there's 30,000 polar bears. What about climate change? Because we're not hunting them anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:10 But yeah, the poster child for climate change. And Coke. And just as a heads up, I've got to jump off here in a couple of minutes. Okay. We showed the video of the girl putting her hand in her pants and then licking her finger. Yeah. Weird. We showed the video of the girl putting her hand in her pants and then licking her finger. Yeah, that was... We showed how good Matt Fraser looks with it open. Did you see the other one, though?
Starting point is 01:56:33 I said he kind of looked like he was getting a little fluffy. I don't know. I think he was trying to get fluffy for a while. He was trying to get a 500-pound deadlift or something. I don't remember, but he was just trying to get like a 500 pound deadlift or something or like something i don't know yeah but he was just trying to get really strong and i mean that for like frazier because obviously that dude's just gonna be a specimen of physicality for his lifetime but he's a thick old boy yeah but for frazier hey there is going to become a time where we're going to see that you know how like you'll see like these
Starting point is 01:57:02 professional fighters like uh you see Riddick bow. Now the guy who beat Mike Tyson and maybe he's dead even now, but like he, he put on 200 pounds. Like one day we're going to see like a picture of Travis mayor. And he's just going to be like sitting in a, in a fucking on a John Deere tractor, 150 pounds.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Just the big old gut. Right. Um, oh man, my notes are so fucked up for some reason god damn it i'm gonna have to fix all these before i'm calling show okay let's finish with uh uh 284 bill mauer and then we will uh retire for the day Can't wait for 277 to come up. Let me see. Wait, hold on. Maybe we can do 277. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:57:49 We're not doing that. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's a whole show. That's a whole show. You're right. Yeah. Okay, here we go. Presentism, which means judging everyone in the past by the standards of the present.
Starting point is 01:58:02 It's the belief that people who lived 100 or 500 or 1,000 years ago really should have known better, which is so stupid. It's like getting mad at yourself for not knowing what you know now when you were 10. Stupid me, spending all that time raising sea monkeys, jerking off to a playboy in the barn. Who doesn't have moments from your past
Starting point is 01:58:22 that make you cringe? Who hasn't said, I can't believe I said that. I can't believe I wore that. I can't believe I thought that. I can't believe I did that. You ate dirt. You wanted to be a Ghostbuster. You shoplifted gum.
Starting point is 01:58:35 You tried to be a white breakdancer. Yes, because we hadn't then grown into the persons we would become. And humanity writ large is just a collective version of that. Did Columbus commit atrocities? Of course. But people back then were generally atrocious. Everybody who could afford one had a slave, including people of color.
Starting point is 01:58:56 The Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, Romans, the Arabs, British, the early Americans. The Holy Bible is practically an owner's manual for slaveholders. The word slave comes from Slav, because so many Slavic people were enslaved, and they're as white as the Hallmark Channel. Who do you think gathered the slaves from the interior of Africa to sell to slave traders? Africans, who also kept their own slaves. We're a species prone to making others of our species our bitch. I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Starting point is 01:59:33 Humans are not good people. That's the truth, even though it doesn't jibe with the current narrative. But in today's world, when truth conflicts with narrative, it's the truth that has to apologize. Present. Thank you guys guys have a great day enjoy play with your kids love someone make sure you love someone god make sure you love someone it's so important to express love all right guys see you later
Starting point is 01:59:56 caleb thank you uh suza thank you jorge ventura uh go ahead and drop a couple bucks to jorge you guys are great uh we will talk to you guys tomorrow bye

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