The Sevan Podcast - #734 - Zeek Arkham | Cop With Attitude

Episode Date: January 5, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah. Oh, bam, we're live. I forgot to take the trash out last night because I was reorganizing the studio. I got a computer back here and the couch set up and some new camera angles were working. I'll show you. I'll show you. We're going to get we got this. We got this camera angle working.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Right. Over there. It's nice. Yeah yeah like that but had to move the microphone move some monitors and then forgot to take the trash out so at 5 37 my wife's like hey did you take the trash out and you know we're both in bed and i'm like no so that's 23 minutes earlier than i normally wake up and it's like vital right that 23 minutes all that sleep you don't understand you don't understand you're living the kush life over there you don't understand the importance of sleep do you ever sleep through the night? No. Yeah. Those days are over.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Hey, you know, you can forget how to sleep. When I had kids, I forgot how to sleep. Really? What do you mean by that? You, God, I don't know what I mean by that. Why are you asking the question. Like it's hard for you to fall asleep. Like you couldn't just like get yourself to sleep.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Not fall asleep, I guess. Uh, but I've, I, you have this habit to be just on like super alert. Oh, like I don't like, like, I don't like to have that. Like if the heater goes on in the middle of the night, I wake up. Yeah. Anything like anything changes in the sounds that are going on in the room. You're awake. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah. And so I wonder if when you get back home, if you'll have to like, and it was just because we had babies. Cause you're always like on alert. I wonder if you're going to get back home and you will have forgotten. I feel like I definitely will not sleep as much as I used to. Yeah. I think before I left,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I was sleeping like eight, nine hours a night. Now I'm like lucky if I get six. Yeah, exactly. I, I, I forced myself to a nap.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I just forced myself. I'm like, like if I start to get tired and I start, what I'll do is I'll start eating when I'm tired in the middle of the day, like nuts and stuff. Yeah. I started eating just shit loads of nuts until I don't feel good. So I've been telling myself, I mean, this has been going on for years now, but then I'll tell myself, Hey, just go lie down. And if when you get up, you still want to eat, you can eat. Yeah, like a 20-minute nap. Yeah, exactly. And I set my alarm for 21 minutes to force myself to like – for some reason that puts some pressure on me, I fall asleep faster.
Starting point is 00:02:55 If I don't set that alarm, I'll lie there and I'll just like entertain thoughts. But if I know I only have a 21-minute window and I give myself that one minute that's like to lie down, take my socks off, organize the pillows. I smash a pillow on each side of my head so it plugs my ears, and then I put an eye pillow on. It's incredible if you put a pillow on either side of your head how much sound it muffles. Incredible. I always have the issue that like it starts making my – like I can hear my heartbeat. Yeah, yeah. And I can't. heartbeat. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And I can't, that won't let me fall asleep. Yeah, I hear and feel my heartbeat. It lulls me. It lulls me to sleep because I just listen to my heartbeat. Excuse me, Zeke. Good morning. Hey, good morning. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Can you hear me? Yeah, awesome. Great to meet you, brother. Thanks for doing this. No, no problem. Thanks for having me on. I'm, uh, I'm also, um, I can't tell if I, I can't tell if I'm, if I should clean my ears or not. Do you use Q-tips Zeke? I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah. They're addicting, right? Yeah. I'm trying to break the habit cause it doesn't make sense to me that, like, I'm like, am I pushing the shit in or am I getting, taking stuff out? And I love it when, I love it when I get wax on them. I look at them. I'm like, yeah, yeah. I think it's actually like a bonafide Q-tip addiction. Yeah. It's a nice feeling, right?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Oh, yeah. It's affection affection it's affection for your ears like half time you don't even care if you get waxed on the end of them you're just like this is wonderful right um do you do both at the same time or one at a time no you gotta save it one year at a time okay good i'm glad to hear you say that because a friend of mine told me i wasn't being efficient by doing one at a time. Okay, good. I'm glad to hear you say that because a friend of mine told me I wasn't being efficient by doing one at a time. So I started doing both. And recently I switched to just doing one for that same reason. Like, yo, dude, chill.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah, it's, it's, it's Q-tips. You don't have to be efficient. It's an indulgence. Absolutely. It's an indulgence. Chill. Your wife wasn't, doesn't want you to be quick. Why would your ears want you to be quick? Absolutely. It's an indulgence. Chill. Your wife doesn't want you to be quick. Why would your ears want you to be quick? Absolutely. That's actually a great point. Right. That's actually a great point.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Similar event. Caleb is deployed overseas in an undisclosed location. and Zeke is in the city of? New York. New York City. Wow, you're in a trippy spot to have your mindset, right? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I'm a red dot in a blue city. And you are a police officer. Right, but I'm actually all through the state.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I just happen to be based in around the city area. And what does that mean? Like in California, we have something called California Highway Patrol, or I guess maybe we have sheriff. And are you a marshal? No, I will for just to protect myself. I can't really name my my organization. But yeah, we work all through the city. we work all through the city yeah all through the city and all through the state and you when you say police officer for those of us who are ignorant to it meaning you went to a police academy you can write tickets you have a gun you have a car with the lights on top absolutely don't write anymore i'll say say that last thing again you broke up i don't do much ticket writing anymore that's okay uh not not i've never been fond of that and uh i'm thankfully in a place
Starting point is 00:06:32 where i don't have to do it anymore so i'm happy for that uh you wear a bulletproof vest i do you apprehend bad guys yes okay i had to come up with a couple other things since you weren't giving tickets. I needed to give you a few more tests. Zeke, where were you born? By the way, I want to say this too, by the way. I found you because I interviewed Xavier DeRosa on my podcast, who I know you're very fond of. He works out at a CrossFit gym about 90 miles north of me where the executive producer of this show also works out and owns that gym. And when I was researching him, I came across you and I'm like, oh, I got to get Zeke Arkham on. Yeah, Xavier is actually a great guy. We sort of just ran into each other by mistake. And I interviewed him on my podcast, which you see right there. And he's got a lot to say. He's got a lot of say. He's got a lot
Starting point is 00:07:25 of information and he and I hit it off pretty quickly. So, uh, yeah, I'm actually pretty fond of Xavier and I wish him all the best. Yeah. Um, I, I love hearing the journey and I, and I can't wait to hear your journey of how you got to, um, that rock between your ears, how you got to um that rock between uh your ears how you got your rock and my rock how they how they've come to think the same way and if you were always um like that especially living in new york and i'm in california and we're in and i'm in santa cruz california so we're in two places where um it's not the popular way to perceive the world. Oh, no, not, no. Well, actually, I was born in Queens, New York. I was born right around where,
Starting point is 00:08:10 if you've ever seen the movie Coming to America, I was born right in that area. Okay. And, you know, I didn't come from conservative people. You know, my mother was a strict Democrat. Me too. my father was actually a uh a uh what you call him a black israelite okay well i don't know what is that he's a jew uh well if you're my wife's one of those i got three little jewish boys i'm armenian but i got
Starting point is 00:08:41 three little jewish boys i got no my my father, he was very militant. You could say sort of like, yeah, black Hebrew Israelites. They're they they are very militant. They're actually very racist. They don't like anyone who isn't one of them. So I grew up hearing all kinds of lectures about how, you know, I'm African, and how I'm descended from kings, and I'm descended from royalty and things like that. So I grew up with the exact opposite of my mindset. Now, I actually didn't achieve this
Starting point is 00:09:23 mindset until I started doing more research into what was right and what was wrong. You know, I grew up thinking that cops killed Black men just for sport, just killed, randomly killed them. And I started doing research into what the actual numbers were. And I was shocked. I thought the research was incorrect. I said, it can't be that they only, you know, only 20 unarmed black people were killed this year or, you know, 17 and numbers are going down. I looked for research to uphold my end of what I thought, my end of the opinion. And I was wrong each and every single time. So I started thinking, if I'm wrong about this, what else am I wrong about? about this, what else am I wrong about? And like Xavier, I red-pilled myself. The more I started looking into research, the more I started reading, and the more I started looking at different authors like Thomas Sowell, I found myself being corrected over and over and over again. And then I joined up the police force, and I started hanging out with other guys who were
Starting point is 00:10:24 conservatives. And they said, well, why don't you look into this? Why don't you look into these facts? And they were right each and every single time. I originally joined the police force because I wanted to bring it down. I wanted to expose all the racism and corruption from the inside. And I wound up just becoming more of a cop supporter and a cop activist, even though I hate that word, more of a cop activist. And that's how I got to where I am now. So you had that, and you still have it in some respects. You weren't, your dad, one thing that your dad did impart to you is that you're not afraid of confrontation. And I don't know if militant's
Starting point is 00:11:03 the right word, but you went in as basically a double agent. You were so committed to that way that, hey, I'm going to go in here and wreak havoc. And instead, you looked around and you're like, wow, none of that shit that they told me that was going to be here. I shouldn't say none of it.
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's not the way they said it was going to be in here. No, not at all. I was expecting to see corruption, widespread corruption. The main thing that the BLM crowd always says is, why aren't the good cops turning into bad cops? Excuse me. And I expected to see all kinds of corruption going on, bad cops plotting their nefarious schemes,
Starting point is 00:11:40 while the good cops just kind of cowered in the corner and said, we can't say anything. And it's not like that at all. Matter of fact, when cops find out about corruption, it's usually through the same means everyone else. The news, it could be someone that we're working with and we'll find it. We'll read the news article. We'll come in the next day like, hey, did you hear what happened to this guy? Did you? Wow. I had no idea. You know, so so there's a lot going on behind the scenes that the public doesn't know about. But because of sensationalism, like, you know, you watch Law and Order or you watch, you know, this cop show, it makes it seem like the bad cops are just openly planning and plotting their schemes. You know, it's not like that at all.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It's not like that at all. So the more I started doing research, the more I started just looking into law enforcement and hanging out with law enforcement and seeing what they're doing and seeing what actually happens behind the scenes. Not the drama, not the stories that you hear, but just what actually happens. Like I said, I got red pilled just from the truth was it scary as you started to get uh red-pilled um did you have moments where you like like you felt like the ground was coming out from underneath you like uh-oh what's going on here it it wasn't so much scary it just made me more sad i guess because there's so much disinformation you know going on on in Black communities and just in communities in general. You know, you've got all these activists, you know, BLM, defund the police, who they don't live in these neighborhoods. Or if they do, they directly benefit from something like defund the police. They directly benefit from an anti-cop mentality. And there's so much disinformation
Starting point is 00:13:22 going on. You know, like I said, my father was a black Hebrew Israelite, so he hated the cops. I grew up thinking that cops just wanted to kill me just because of the color of my skin. My grandmother wasn't educated, my father's mother, so she had a whole lot of disinformation that she just spread out wantonly. My mother was a Democrat voter because she thought that's how she had to vote. My grandfather was a little bit more conservative.
Starting point is 00:13:50 My grandfather was actually in law enforcement. So was my uncle. Wow. Your dad's dad was in law enforcement. No, my mother's father was in law enforcement. And my uncle, my mother's brother was in law enforcement. was in law enforcement. And my uncle, my mother's brother was in law enforcement. So they were a little bit more conservative as far as being able to see what happened,
Starting point is 00:14:16 but, you know, and what's the truth of what's going on out there. But, but I grew up with this mentality because my father who wasn't really around, but when he was there, he made sure he preached to us. But I grew up with this mentality that law enforcement was against us. And it's the exact opposite. There's a story I always tell where I went out to a family meeting and my great grandfather, who grew up in 1920s North Carolina, who actually experienced racism and experienced the Klan and experienced lynchings and things like that. He had very much more of a conservative attitude, what would today be considered conservative. And I remember I'm at this family reunion and I'm thinking I'm schooling him. You know, I'm fresh out of college. I think I'm dropping all kinds of facts and truth bombs on him. And he stopped me. And he said, always be the last person in the room to call something racist.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So that when you do, it means more. He said, because the more you use that word, the more you cheapen it. And he had to be about 90 years old at this time. And he just stopped me right there. And then he went back to talking about whatever he was talking about. And I was so angry and pissed off about that. I went home and I'm thinking, who is he to tell me? I'm college educated.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I just graduated. And then the voice in the back of my mind went, hey, dummy. He experienced bona fide racism. He experienced the Klan on horseback. He experienced seeing hislan on horseback. He experienced seeing his friends being lynched. And you think you're going to school him on racism? So I guess maybe that was the start of my more conservative journey because I stopped calling everything racist immediately after that. But yeah, that's kind of just my family background and history.
Starting point is 00:16:07 but um yeah that was that's kind of just my family background in history and and i guess how i got to where i am today and it has been completely cheapened the term everything every everything i mean i mean i saw you yesterday working out um uh doing white supremacist uh shit i saw you doing i saw you doing bar dips you know know that same newspaper, the New York Times, also posted a couple days ago in their op-ed that you should mate with shorter guys to help the environment because your kids will then consume less resources. Did you see that? I didn't, but I did read the article about the white supremacist roots of working out and fitness and exercise. And everything was speculation. There were no real facts in there. Of course.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Everything was all you're doing is oppressing this and oppressing that. Completely woke article. I think I got about three quarters through it before. I just couldn't take it anymore. And I was like, this is so dumb. And I feel my brain cells dying just reading this article. We, so two, two things I'd like to add to there. Who cares if Hitler invented working out?
Starting point is 00:17:14 Who cares? And of course, people who are workout are going to be more conservative because one of the tenants of being more conservative is personal accountability and personal responsibility, which in, which in the end helps everyone around you because you can help more people and you're less reliant on other people. The most helpful people in the world are the healthy fit people. I've never seen an obese person help someone across the street. I've never seen an obese person walk up and help some old lady put groceries into the back of her car.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I've never seen an obese person save a baby from a burning building. It is complete insanity. I had a guest on, Zeke, named Sam Apple. He was the author of a book. I forget the name of it, but it was about Otto Warburg. And Otto Warburg was a homosexual Jew living in Nazi Germany in the 40s. He won two Nobel Prizes. He was the father of photosynthesis, and he was on the cusp of curing cancer. And Hitler was terrified of getting cancer. One of his goals was when he
Starting point is 00:18:17 took over Ukraine. Oh, Ravenous, yes. The reason why they call the book Ravenous is he's the one who discovered that cancer cells consume sugar at a ravenous rate. And still to this day, we inject sugar into people's blood, and if we see a part of their body that's consumed – the cells are consuming a lot of sugar, that's where we know the cancer is. Well, are we going to throw out all of this man's research because it was funded by Hitler? I mean it's just fucking everyone knows hitler was a despicable man but we who cares i by the way obviously fitness is doesn't have its roots and and white supremacy but even if it did who gave a fuck like that's not the uh it's totally misleading it's well i mean volkswagen is still car company, a very popular car company.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And we know their roots. Yeah, people aren't apologizing for buying Volkswagens. IBM, IBM was the company used to, you know, collect and categorize the Jews before you could before you whack them. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, using using Godwin's law to try to demonize fitness. Now, I'm also seeing how more obese people are saying that obesity and racism are paired together. I saw an article about that the other day. You can't call someone obese.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Lots of articles now on that. Yeah. And it's like, why is there this movement now to accept fat people? Why is there this movement now where you have to love fat people? You know, if you look at this chick Lizzo and you're not, you know, falling in love with her beauty, you're somehow a bigot now. You know, you don't have a personal preference now anymore. You have to say fat people are beautiful. I disagree. now anymore you have to say fat people are beautiful i disagree you know there's there's there's so many health complications with being fat oh yeah there she goes there's so many health
Starting point is 00:20:13 complications with being fat why aren't we addressing this why aren't you know she's on medication by the way there are some fat girls that um uh are very appealing, in my opinion. But that being said, they're absolutely unhealthy to the T. I mean, she's clearly on medication. I guarantee you she takes pills every morning. Oh, probably. But again, if you're not declaring her beauty and saying how wonderful she is, and even saying that she's healthy you're a bigot like how did we get here um there was this when that term systemic racism was going around there was a lot
Starting point is 00:20:52 of people pushing back saying there's no such thing as systemic racism there's no such thing as systemic racism and i want to show you uh what i think is systemic racism this is cnn reporting healthy teenager took precautions died suddenly of covet 19 this boy is so fat that his ears are pushed back into his head he's probably a 200 pounds overweight and i think this is i think this is systemic racism because it's signaling people with melanated skin that being obese is okay. And the irony is there is the systemic racism is coming from the people who say they're systemic racism. Just to say they're systemic racism, and it's the paradox of what I'm saying, is making systemic racism real. Do you kind of feel where I'm going? It's a bit of a brain twister.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Healthy teenager who took precautions died suddenly of COVID-19. There's nothing healthy about him. Not one thing. He was going to die next week of a heart attack anyway. Well, I've always said if I ever want to experience true racism I'll simply tell a white liberal that I'm a black conservative and they will be
Starting point is 00:22:12 way more racist to me than anything even on my Twitter page and Xavier said the exact same thing I get DMs daily of someone calling me the n-word or calling me a coon or calling me an uncle tom just because of my my view daily daily either either am i either in my dms or they'll
Starting point is 00:22:34 they'll put it in the comments somewhere but you know and i've already said you know you've got people like joe biden who says something racist almost on a weekly basis. Yes. Yes. Yes, he does. How come they don't see that? Well, I was going to say that. They excuse his racism and they excuse all the stuff he says.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And then you've got me calling it out. Yeah. But I'm the coon i'm the uncle tom you know i'm the one that harriet tubman was shot meanwhile i'm saying listen this is racist he's saying this he's saying the quiet parts out loud like i said in this post he's not he's not even hiding it anymore none of them are you know when you when you've got you know white liberals that go around going you know black people they can't get id you go around going, you know, black people, they can't get ID. You know, they can't, you know, like Joe Biden said, they're not smart enough to be able to to use the computer the right way.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'm calling this out, you know, but but it's excused by, quote unquote, black leaders just because they think he's going to do something for them. We're approaching $100 billion that we've given, excuse me, that he's given Ukraine now. He hasn't done a thing for any Black community. BLM hasn't done a thing for any Black community. Yet, you've got these quote-unquote Black leaders who continue to support both of these. They support Biden. They support BLM. Why? But that's you know, that's what I'm saying. It makes me kind of sad because there's so much disinformation and people want to keep themselves asleep. You know, everybody will say, oh, I'm woke. You're not woke. You're asleep. You're putting your head down and you're willfully ignorant.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And that's the biggest tragedy of it all. and you're willfully ignorant. And that's the biggest tragedy of it all. I was raised in the Bay Area. And the thing is, what the Democrats here tell themselves is that they're being nice. And they couch it in that they're being nice and that they're being helpful. Oh, these poor Latinos, they need our help. And these poor melanated people, they need our help. We need to, and these poor melanated people,
Starting point is 00:24:49 they need our help and we need affirmative action so more of them can get into college. Now, let's say that were true. Don't call it, the mistake is that they call it affirmative action. Be like, hey, we're gonna be racist. We're gonna take some seats away from the white people and we're gonna save them for people with darker skin. Like at least it would be honest and we could all make a fair opinion, but instead they couch it all
Starting point is 00:25:11 and they're being nice. The same thing is true with the gender affirmation. Oh, the seven-year-old wants to cut off his penis. Let's do, let's give them what they want. There's no contextualizing there's no risk assessment nothing is being put in in in place to uh to be honest about what's going on i don't know that i really do think that's what the democrats think being that i was raised with those people they think that they're being nice and the second you call them out on their being nice as being racist, they become militant. They just go on the attack. Well, I've said that, you know, listen, I grew up in a one bedroom apartment in the middle of a crime ridden neighborhood. Siblings. Yeah. I had two younger brothers.
Starting point is 00:26:08 And, you know, it was basically my mom doing everything because my father decided that fatherhood was a part time job at best. So my mom had to work while she was still trying to take care of us and go to school and hold down a full time job. Still came home and took care of us and tried to as best she could to try to move us out of that neighborhood. I went from that to owning my own home, having my own family. My daughter goes to a school where she's learning how to read better than I ever did growing up. So there's progress. There's a lot of forward progress going on. I don't need anyone's help.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I don't need anyone to treat me like I'm their pet. I don't need anyone to look at me and feel sorry for me or my circumstances or what I went through or how I grew up. I'm taking care of it on my own. Frederick Douglass was one of the first people to say, let Black folks stand on their own. You don't have to help them out. You don't have to treat them like pets. And if Black folk fall, let them fall, but let them get back up also. If Frederick Douglass was saying this back in the 1800s, why do we have woke liberals now saying, oh, I have to help them. We have to help them. We have to use our white privilege to help them. No, leave black folk alone. Let black folks stand on their own. You know, I have a seven-year-old daughter. Congratulations. Thank you. She's seven going
Starting point is 00:27:33 on 12. But she doesn't even really know what a penis is yet. All she knows is she plays with her friends. You know, they run around and they have fun with each other. They're not thinking sexually. It's all adults putting this on children. 100%. It's all adults dragging them, no pun intended, to drag shows and having drag queens gyrate in front of children. gyrate in front of children. You know, when did we come to a point where now drag queens are forcing themselves on children
Starting point is 00:28:10 and saying, you have to accept this? Why do we have a drag show story hour, you know, directly targeted towards small children? They're not doing this for teenagers. They're doing this for small children. The indoctrination and the grooming, because I say it, grooming, the grooming is happening. And unless we fight back against this as parents, as adults,
Starting point is 00:28:31 as conservatives, it's going to get much worse. It's a misnomer. Two things, going back to what you were saying at first, the problem isn't so much that people are trying to help black people. It's that they're not helping them. You're hurting them. It's a misnomer. You're giving, you know, San Francisco has universal basic income for single islander women, single black women and transgender people, meaning they just get a paycheck no matter what. Wow. They're part of a new program. Yeah, they're not.
Starting point is 00:29:04 You're not helping anyone do that with anything by giving them a steady income from the government. All you've done is make them reliant on the government and not have ambition on their own. Well, Bill de Blasio, the absolute genius that he is. Sorry. What a horrible man. What a horrible man. Horrible man. Horrible man. I could go on and on about him. The burger fries thing was insane, by the way. The burger fries thing was insane.
Starting point is 00:29:32 That was so cringy. And I don't know who talked him into that, but they need to be fired and banned from ever having any kind of consulting job ever again. But he instituted something. We have a school here in New York, Stuyvesant High School, which is a very elite school. It's city-owned, but it's one of the most elite schools. It's probably the most elite school in the city.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And he instituted a program. High school? High school, Zeke? It's a high school. But he instituted a program because so many Asian kids were achieving and coming to the school that he cut off the amount of Asian kids that were getting accepted. And he started putting more black students in there and more Hispanic students in there just to put them in. You know, just that in his words, he could, Stuyvesant High School could reflect the demographics of the city. So if an Asian kid got a 97, he was cut off.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But the black kid who got a 75 would be put in. Right. So what started happening was so many black students started dropping out of Stuyvesant High School because they couldn't keep up with the work. Stuyvesant High School, because they couldn't keep up with the work, that it actually pulled down the numbers of the school and their graduation rate and their completion rate. So now you had this elite high school, which was being tarnished because of all the dropouts and all the incompletions in the school. And that's basically a good example of what woke culture and woke activism does. You think you're helping and all you're doing is hurting more and more and more. So these kids who may have not dropped out of a regular high school are now being put into a situation where they're destined for failure because they're not made for that high school.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And so then they drop out and where you thought you were going to help, you actually just hurt people. And you probably hurt the whole school. Yeah. I mean, because the teacher is going to teach towards the middle of the class. They're not going to teach towards the top tier students. And they're definitely not going to teach towards the bottom tier students. They're going to teach towards the middle. And if you've got this kid who barely passed the entrance exam to get into the school,
Starting point is 00:31:42 and now the teacher is throwing advanced calculus at him and Latin and everything else that they teach at Stuyvesant. This kid's going to fall behind. Reasonably, he's going to fall behind. It's not the kid's fault. He got a 75. You put him in there. You know, so now he's got to drop out.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Now he's got to go to his zoned high school, which he might not want to go to. And all it did was create this giant clusterfuck. And de Blasio thinks he did something great because, oh, I diversified Stuyvesant. No, you didn't. You ruined it. You brought down the standards of the school. But that's what woke culture is. You're going to bring down the standards of everything just because you want to feel good about yourself. You couldn't care less about the people that you claim to be helping. You want to feel good about yourself. You couldn't care less about the people that you claim to be helping. You want to feel good about yourself. It's your own feel-good moment. And you're ruining everything while doing it just to boost your own ego. And he used racism. He used a racist ideology
Starting point is 00:32:37 and mindset to do it. He looked at people based on the color of their skin and the way their eyes are placed on their head. Yeah, it wasn't about achievement. It was like, you know, it was his own feel good moment. Now he can say, oh, I diversify Stuyvesant. Look at that. Now they're up to 30% black students. Okay. But if 20% of those black students are dropping out because they can't handle a course load, what did you just do? You just raised the dropout, the high school dropout rate or the transfer rate for black students. And now you're saying basically indirectly, you're saying these kids couldn't get in on their own. So I had to help them. I had to come in and be their white savior and help them.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I mean, like I said, this city, this is why the city electing him to two terms was probably one of the top five worst things to ever happen to this city. And that's not hyperbole or anything else. I'm not exaggerating. It really was at least one of the top five worst things to happen to the city. This is kind of a long concept I'm going to try to present to you. But when I grew up in the Bay Area, the worst thing you could call someone after a pedophile was a racist. All the white people in the Bay Area, I was born in 1972. All the white people here were terrified of being racist. They would do anything, include being racist to avoid being called racist. It was like the worst thing you could call someone. People were terrified terrified of it they didn't even know how terrified
Starting point is 00:34:06 of it but they acted from that place of fear how now here comes the question how did we get to a place from martin luther king judge people by their character and not the color of their skin and having slaves based on the color of their skin to open war on white people. And that's how scared they are. White people will even be racist towards white people to avoid being called racist. Is it stuff? And I want to throw this one other thing in there that i saw on your instagram which i had never thought of before and i'm embarrassed i'd never thought of it why aren't we identify we're we're there's certain places that are already paying out reparations but what if you flip the script like your guest said or you said why aren't we celebrating the fact that the abolitionists
Starting point is 00:35:05 won and why aren't we identifying with the abolitionists i'm reading uh dinesh d'Souza's book the big lie and he said in 1860 there were four million slaves and every single one of them was owned by a republican that there wasn't a single democrat who owned a slave in 1860 that's fucking fascinating why aren't we doing that why aren't a single Democrat who owned a slave in 1860. That's fucking fascinating. Why aren't we doing that? Why aren't we like celebrating the white people? Because in identifying them with abolitionists, oh, this is the guy.
Starting point is 00:35:33 This is fucking brilliant. I didn't think white kids will associate more with slave owner guilt than with abolitionist pride. Yeah. Well, here's a simple. Right? Why aren't we celebrating that well i i actually i go on to answer this guy he and i got into it a little bit we we made videos going back and forth each
Starting point is 00:35:53 other but you don't like that idea feel free to slap me around feel free to am i missing something no i i think we should i think but the problem, it's like you said, you've got so much. Everyone wants to be the oppressed. Right now, we're now in a situation where if you're not the oppressor, you're the oppressed, which is classic Marxism. the oppressor. There's no middle ground. So everyone wants to be the oppressed because if you're the oppressor, you're the bad guy. It's why you have people like LeBron James always, you know, the guy's a billionaire, but all he ever talks about is how oppressed he is. You know, Jay-Z always talks about how oppressed he is and how much racism he feels. Oprah, all billionaires, but they're all the oppressed. And when you have things like CRT, where you're basically making white people feel like they were always part of the problem instead of part of the solution, of course, you're going to identify more with the slave owners
Starting point is 00:36:59 rather than the abolitionists. You're not telling white people that they were the abolitionists. You're not telling white people that they fought on the side of the union for the Civil War. You're not telling people about all the abolitionists on the Underground Railroad that helped out, or the white people who literally broke the law teaching slaves how to read. You're not discussing any of that. You're focusing on the dark evil parts, you know, the slave masters, the slave catchers, the field overseers, you know, the Confederacy and what was founded on as far as the institution of slavery. That's what you're focusing on. So you focus on all of that. But then you expect people, white people, to side with the abolitionists or identify and see themselves as the abolitionists.
Starting point is 00:37:43 side with the abolitionists or identify and see themselves as the abolitionists. No. In law school, the first thing you're always taught is when you're cross-examining someone, you always lead and you try to paint someone into a corner. You try to tell someone, oh, you did this wrong, and your questioning leads up to that. And that's what this guy is doing. He's saying, hey, listen, the abolitionists did X, Y, and Z. Why don't you identify with the abolitionists? Why aren't you trying to do things? Because you don't have a chance to. It's the same thing with Black folk in the programming. If you're constantly telling Black folk that they're oppressed and they're facing racism from this and they're facing discrimination from this and that, they're never going to see themselves as victors. They're never going to see themselves as people who came from slavery and have just as much opportunity as everybody else in 2023.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Same thing with abolitionists. You're programming, but then expecting them, you're programming them one way and then expecting them to see things from another way. I completely agree. See yourselves as the abolitionists. See yourselves as the people who helped gain freedom for literally oppressed people. Don't see yourselves as someone evil just because of what your ancestors might or might not have done. When your dad found out you were going to become a police officer what was his uh reaction uh well uh he he was out of the picture completely by that point so i'd never really had a chance to say anything to him no i would i have wanted to just because he and i
Starting point is 00:39:17 didn't have that kind of relationship but um my my a lot of people on his side of the family i you know i had cousins who stopped talking to me, thought that I had sold out. But the people who were most angry at me, believe it or not, were people I went to college with. Again, white liberals who I went to college with who expected me to do something else. You know, I could have been anything else except a cop. You know, I sold out to policing. I sold out to law enforcement. They were more angry than anyone else. I lost a lot of friends from college who, who I thought were good people
Starting point is 00:39:52 who are now angry at me. But that's, again, that's, that's, you're painting people in a certain, in a certain corner. They're not acting the way you want them to act. So now all of a sudden, here come the knives, here comes the racism, here comes a, you sold out, here comes the, you're an uncle Tom, you're this, you're that,
Starting point is 00:40:08 which, which I always thought was funny because I was always sort of a rebel who did his own thing. So I guess me becoming a cop was the most rebellious thing I could have done as far as my father's side of family is concerned. The crazy part is when you see things like the la times calling larry elder a white man in blackface well they also just openly in their paper it's like holy shit well didn't someone also dress in a gorilla suit and throw bananas at him
Starting point is 00:40:39 so probably yeah so i mean you know like i said said, the woke white leftists are the most racist people I've ever encountered. For sure. And as we said, racism is not a word that I use lightly. But just from my encounters with them, from my experiences with them, they have the capacity for a lot of racism. Especially when you don't act the way you want them to act, or you don't speak the way they want you to speak, or you don't think the way they want you to speak. You know, I thought that we were done with that. I thought that racism as far as calling someone these names or expecting them to be a certain way was just about over, but they get violently angry. They want to destroy your life
Starting point is 00:41:27 because you have the audacity to think outside their parameters. You know, so I always say, you know, if the truth hurts, I'm going to keep bringing the pain and I'm going to keep bringing the truth. And I'm glad I triggered them because hopefully something in the back of their mind will wake up. Even Maya Flores, are you familiar with her down in Southern Texas? Yes. We actually follow each other on Twitter. Awesome. Even her came here as an immigrant.
Starting point is 00:41:53 She personally worked in the fields, and now they're saying she's not a real Mexican. She's not a real Latina. Well, of course, you're not a real fill-in blank. You know, if you if you go outside of their box, you know, you've got Myra Flores, who if she were anyone else, she would be the biggest success case ever. which, you know, Myra Flores' story is much more inspirational than AOC's. You know, you've got Dr. Ben Carson, who was a high school knucklehead, who was destined to go nowhere if he had continued on that path. And the man became a talented pediatric neurosurgeon, performed a surgery that people said was impossible. He's got such an inspiring story. neurosurgeon performed a surgery that people said was impossible.
Starting point is 00:42:47 He's got such an inspiring story. And yet they go against him hard. Hard. Poor Ben. They hate him. They hate him, yes. You know, Herman Cain, who has a very inspiring story, they celebrated when he died, you know, just because to them it was, you know, oh, look at that.
Starting point is 00:43:03 We proved him wrong. Good. He's dead. I mean, literally celebrated. You know, Clarence Thomas called him the N-word with a hard R in the end of it. And they were proud to do so. They thought they were making a valid point by doing this to him. outside of their box, the racism and the knives and the hate comes out and they expose themselves over and over and over again. And every time they do it, it just makes me more certain that I'm on the right side. I know some people maybe aren't old enough to remember when Clarence Thomas came into office. There was basically his assistant or his secretary who was extremely extremely accomplished herself a fucking amazing woman uh named anita hill uh who was also also black uh she basically testified that he was being inappropriate towards her and there was some
Starting point is 00:44:00 famous testimony of uh him putting a pubic hair on a coke can and him talking to her about porn here's the crazy part no matter where you stand on that whether you think she was lying which which i don't think she was or you stand with clarence thomas do you remember joe biden's stance on it how he treated anita hill do you remember how the fucking democrats treated anita hill he was this powerful young uh poised right would you agree with these description i'm giving of anita hill yeah i'm actually old enough to remember that yeah one of the greatest testimonies ever ever in front of congress i mean she was amazing and. And the shit that Joe Biden was sitting there yelling at her,
Starting point is 00:44:48 it was absolutely insane. It was just more of his, I don't want to call it racist, but at bare minimum, more of his sexist shit. It was really, really disappointing. Did you look into that at all? Did you ever watch those hearings with her by any chance?
Starting point is 00:45:08 I know – how old are you? I'm 44. I think I was like 11 or 12 when those – My parents watched that stuff, and I saw it. And obviously, they were siding with Anita Hill because they didn't want Clarence Thomas in the Supreme Court. At the end of the day, thank God he got into the Supreme Court. Yeah, I remember a lot of the trials. I wasn't really, you know, being 12 years old, I wasn't into it. But I remember we discussed it in school a couple of times. And I remember Joe Biden actually going off on Clarence Thomas. I remember
Starting point is 00:45:43 that much. He went off on her too, in ways that was completely inappropriate. Wow, that much I didn't see. I'll send you the clips afterwards. It was absolutely insane the way they yelled at her. Oh, definitely, definitely. But I mean, again, it just speaks to Biden's mentality. He's got a history of saying not even questionable things.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I mean, just outright, if anyone else were to say it, you'd be like, dude, like that was racist, you know? To quote Dave Chappelle, that was racist. You know, what candidate for presidency goes on a show and says,
Starting point is 00:46:23 if you can't figure out if you're going to vote for me or not, you ain't black. Right. And just unapologetically says it. He never apologized. His, his campaign staff never said, well, he didn't mean it like that. You know, never apologized. He said it. And he, he was proud of that, of saying it, you know, what, what, what sitting president sits there and goes, sits there and goes sits there and goes black people can't get I.D. And they're not they're not smart enough to use a computer.
Starting point is 00:46:53 You know, it's just, you know, just things he said over and over and over again that no one's checked them on. No one's pulled him aside and said, you know, what you're saying isn't right. Meanwhile, if Trump had said I'm not the biggest Trump fan out there. I like Trump. I'm not you know, what you're saying isn't right. Meanwhile, if Trump had said, and I'm not the biggest Trump fan out there. I like Trump. I'm not, you know, I'm not his cheerleader. If Trump had said the exact same words, word for word, he would have been, there would have been public riots in the street. How dare he say that?
Starting point is 00:47:18 You know, could you, can you imagine Trump sitting somewhere and saying, if you can't figure out if you're gonna vote for me, you ain't black. He would have been dragged through the street. So mean like i said it's it just goes to show biden's history i i the things that trump did say i i understand how the intellectually weak and i know that's uh i'm setting myself up by saying that and being a little uh aggressive going on the attack but i think he did say something like hey if i had to choose between a jew and a black man for an accountant i would choose a jew and for me it's like yeah so would all of you just like if you had to choose between uh zeke and myself to protect you um as you as
Starting point is 00:47:56 you walk through the hood you'd pick zeke i mean there's things that are just uh that are that require uh prejudice and discrimination to get you through life. Just like if I blindfolded you, Zeke, and I told you to walk through the University of California, Riverside, and I'd give you a million dollars if you can guess the ethnicity of the first person you bump into, you would have to say Asian. Because it's fucking 87% Asian or whatever. It's like, come on, let's not be stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And that may change. whatever. It's like, like, like, come on, like, let's, let's not be stupid to the sense that, and that may change in 20 years. The, the, the vast majority of, of, of accountants might be people with black skin. And so then it would change. Would you pick a Jew or a black man? Then you would say, I would pick a black man to be accountant. It just so happens that there's a stereotype that's accurate that Jews make great accountants, and there's a lot of them. Just like my dad came from the Middle East, and guess what kind of store he opened? A liquor store. Like, come on. Of course he did.
Starting point is 00:48:55 The Jew opened a jewelry store. You know, the Nigerians are the most successful ethnic group to come to this country currently right now they have they have um they have i think they have the highest uh p if you had to choose between um an armenian and a nigerian who has a phd you choose the nigerian they have the highest rate of ethnic minorities with the fucking phds or something like that it's like dude like these things aren't the question might be racist. The answer isn't racist. You know what I'm saying? Well, Family Guy is one of my favorite shows. Oh, so good. Right. So good. And they had a scene on there where Peter Griffin is a substitute teacher teaching in class.
Starting point is 00:49:38 He goes, well, I'm going to have a math tutor come in here and a driver's ed instructor come in here and help you guys out. And an Asian guy and a black guy comes in so peter says to the asian guy okay so i guess you'll be teaching the math and uh the black guy behind you will be doing driver's ed the asian guy the asian guy goes uh well no i'm the driver's ed instructor and peter goes wait what he goes so he points to the black guy he goes i guess you're the math tutor and uh the black guy goes yeah and he goes so he points to the black guy he goes i guess you're the math tutor and uh the black guy goes yeah and he goes wow hey would you look at that yeah awesome one of my favorite scenes i just think it's hysterical yeah i i every time i go to la which i never will go ever again and i get an uber driver uber uber driver they're armenian it's just the way it's just it's okay it's okay everyone needs to
Starting point is 00:50:27 chill it's okay they're actually mostly are indian here in in new york city right right and in dc there's something else in dc there's um like they're syrian or something it's a trip yeah wow and hey and you know what that indian that armen your Uber driver in LA, he has four other cars working too. Okay. Yeah, you know what I mean? And same with the Indian guy, I'm sure, in New York. They're hustling. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. One of my favorite movies is Tropic Thunder. I don't remember too well. That's with Downey Jr.? Yeah, Robert Downey Jr., who every time I see him perform that, it cracks me up. And Ben Stiller.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And Ben Stiller, right. But they did an interview recently, and they said, would that same movie be made today? You know, in 2022, last year. And every actor said, no, we wouldn't be able to make that movie today because of woke
Starting point is 00:51:26 culture between you know just apologizing for everything you know you have to tiptoe around people's feelings you know my what's in the movie what's in the movie i don't remember the movie i just remember it was i couldn't like it was it was like over the top comedy he knows what was in the movie robert pull up the pull up the something robert robert downey jr plays a black guy in the movie oh no shit yeah probably went completely over my head but i mean but he does such a great to me he did such a great job and i laugh every time i see it yeah see he's right there you know he did such a oh shit wow that's amazing that's that's robert yeah but i mean he the movie makes a good sort of soul point about white actors playing different
Starting point is 00:52:15 races you know so he's such a you know in the movie in this movie he's such a he's such a method and character actor that they cast him as a black guy. He is playing a black guy. Is it supposed to be absurd in the movie too? Definitely. It's all satire. Yeah, it's satire. Definitely, he's a white guy
Starting point is 00:52:37 in the movie, but he's a white guy playing a black guy. I'm the dude. Oh God, I gotta see that. This guy is another dude. Exactly. It's such a good movie. Oh, God, I got to see that. Disguised as another dude. Exactly. Yeah, it's such a good movie. But it wouldn't be able to be made today
Starting point is 00:52:49 because they tiptoe over everyone's feelings. They're just complaining about Avatar. Yeah, I mentioned that. What's the complaint of Avatar? Everyone's blue in that. Doesn't that get you a pass on everyone? Shouldn't everyone be happy? White people playing indigenous characters. Everyone's blue in that. It doesn't get you a pass on everyone. Shouldn't everybody be happy? White people playing indigenous characters.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Indigenous to where? Exactly. Are you fucking kidding me? Not joking. No, it's actually like a real thing where they're saying that Avatar is hidden racism now. avatar is is hidden racism now so is that what critical race theory is when you view the world and you view everything through the lens of uh you are racist and so you view the whole world as everything is racist like you walk into whole foods and you're like okay 13 of the or 16 of the united states is black and there's 10 lanes here so that means two 1.6 lanes need uh black checkers is is that what critical race theory is
Starting point is 00:53:52 basically it is you're just doing that everywhere it's basically just viewing everything everything through a lens of race like i i kid you not my father would actually he he was one of the, you know, he sort of. Aren't we one race? Are we using the word race wrong? Sorry to interrupt you, Zeke. No, no, it's right. They're, you know, like you see here, they're upset because this indigenous tribe in the movie has a couple of white people voicing it so they think that uh that's somehow racist shouldn't they be happy their voices accents and actions mannerisms visually through the motion capture technology further reinforce the idea that navy are based on people of color despite being the residents of pandora the navy only exists to further the plot that is central to the way oh wow and this is going back to the biden comment yeah because basically like if you
Starting point is 00:54:51 have certain mannerisms one of them is to only vote democrat you have to have all these mannerisms to be black honestly i i watched the first movie uh-huh uh at no point in my mind i ever think that that only native or black people or brown people or whatever should be voicing them i saw the movie i saw they were blue to me they look more like cats than anything yeah and and at no point i ever think race or or you know but you've got this now this woke crowd who who they see race in everything. You know, like you said, my father, this is crazy. This is fucking nuts. My father was one of those types that saw race and everything.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And he would like we would go. I would go to the supermarket and he will point out the hidden racism in different things. Like he look at Cocoa Puffs and be like, you know, you see that cuckoouckoo for coco puffs they're trying to tell you that if you're brown you're crazy you know like he would see stuff like that and i look at him like okay but i i just want some coco puffs he would say crazy shit like that but that's what we've got now and people are serious about it um uh we're all descendants of Noah. Was Noah black? I think so. There you go.
Starting point is 00:56:09 All right. Fine. Noah. But that's where we are in today's culture. When I hear stories of people being pulled over, another thing is I hear stories about people being pulled over. I was pulled over a lot as a kid. I grew up in the Bay Area. I had the 415s in the back of my Volkswagen Rabbit.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And I grew up on lots and lots of NWA, playing my music as loud as I could on the cassette. And I was pulled over a shitload of times a shitload of times and as long as i was well that's not true sometimes even when i was nice to the police they weren't nice to me but it didn't matter i knew i knew the routine turn your car off put your keys on the dash turn the dome light on and hold the steering wheel right and i feel like everyone knew that and yet there's this um well first of all all the videos i see of shit that goes wrong with cops that's not what people are doing no the cop comes up to the window and they just start talking shit to this dude all the time they got the girlfriend in the seat over holding a cell phone the guy's yelling at him why'd you pull me over and and
Starting point is 00:57:25 and the confrontations they never seem to start um with two uh dignified people do you still get pulled over being a cop i do i actually told a story uh a week or two ago about how i got pulled over you know i'm coming home you know well before that i took my daughter to taco bell for for lunch she's now a former favorite of mine a former favorite of mine back in the day when i smoked weed yeah i actually can't stand it now but i took her to taco bell for lunch i ordered uh something for myself yeah yeah oh i'm guilty of some bad shit too but um i came i worked out at the gym i'm coming home and all of a sudden I started losing the battle. Like that Taco Bell was getting the best of me.
Starting point is 00:58:13 So I started speeding and I got pulled over by a highway cop. And the worst, the worst, the California Highway Patrol, those son of a bitches. So I pull over and I, you know, I was a gentleman to the cop. The cop was a gentleman back to me. You know, I showed my my I gave my my driver's license and insurance. I told him my little story. He started laughing. And then I identified myself as being law enforcement. I said, oh, and by the way, I'm in law enforcement. He goes, hey, you know, why didn't you say so in the first place? Don't worry about it. Here you go i said you know i said hey listen according to the liberal media you told them this no i didn't well yeah i told him that i was losing a taco
Starting point is 00:58:51 bell battle yeah oh but did you give him the lecture afterward was he a white cop yeah he was a white cop no i didn't give him the lecture afterward you didn't say hey thanks for not shooting me no but i said you know i went posted, I said, listen, according to the liberal media, here I am, I'm six foot two. I weigh 260 pounds. I'm heavily muscled. I like that post says I'm heavily muscled. I'm a black man with tattoos, a shaved head, a beard. At the time I had a beard. Now I got like a five o'clock shadow. But I said, according to the liberal media, I should be dead. The cops should have shot me on sight. But he didn't because I was a gentleman to him.
Starting point is 00:59:34 He was a gentleman back to me. Why aren't we pushing that narrative more than the whole fear mongering? Cops want to shoot you if you're black. Cops want to beat you up if you're black. You know, cops are looking to, you know, they're in fear for their lives and just want to take you to jail and throw you a beating while they're taking you to jail and the system is rigged against you. Why are we telling stories more like mine, which are the overwhelming majority rather than the small minority of sideways jobs, where usually it's because the person being pulled over is being a complete asshole to the cops. Complete asshole. Why are we telling more of those stories? I did a ride along in Fremont, California one time, and I could not believe the way people treated this cop I was with. I could not fucking believe the way people treat them when when you pull someone over
Starting point is 01:00:25 oh it happens yeah it's nuts you have you ever have you ever pulled someone black over and they just come straight at you just with the with the uncle tom stuff oh oh yeah yeah like you're working for the wrong team yeah i mean uh there was a time when uh my team was more, we were looking for someone in a certain type of car. And we just happened to see that kind of car. So we do a car stop, we pull the person over and I approach the vehicle. And I mean, before I even got a chance to say anything, this person's on me. Oh, you pulled me over because I'm black. You pulled me over because you're part of a racist institution. black you pulled me over because you're part of a racist institution and i'm looking at them like yeah i'm black too dummy you know yeah like what and and finally by the time he calmed down i was able to say hey listen you're not the person we're looking for which is we're looking for someone in
Starting point is 01:01:17 the same type of car as you but i can see it's not you you're a car is not a racist. Yeah. Your car. We pulled you over for a completely legal reason. And and but he's still he wouldn't back off his side of the story. You know, this is why you pulled me over. You're part of an institution and you all you're doing is furthering white supremacy. So, I mean, it's in car stops are one of the most dangerous things we do as cops. It looks so scary when I see you guys do that side, the California highway patrol has people pulled over at eight o'clock at night on the freeway and it's dark. And I'm like that poor cop. I feel so bad for him that he has to approach a random car.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah. Behind domestic jobs, a car stops are the most dangerous thing we do. So, so if a cop has a heightened sense of awareness as he's pulling someone over, you got to give him that. I tell people on the show all the time. Well, especially because I have three kids. So I don't I cops to me are like bees.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So there's these bushes in my yard a couple times a year. They're full of bees. I stay away from those bushes. Those but those bees are really, really important what they're doing. I also have 100 fruit trees on my property. I need those bees. I need those bees. I stay away from those bushes. I fertilize them. I water them. I need those flowers on those bushes. I need all of that. Every cop I see, I wave to, I smile. If a cop's behind me in line somewhere, I always buy a $10, always. Even if I'm hurting for cash, I buy a $10 voucher. And as I walk by him, I say, thank you for his service. I know it's coming back. This is going to sound horrible, but I don't care what they do to someone who's driving around my neighborhood high on meth and alcohol because I have three kids who ride tricycles in the street. I don't, I don't, I, those people, I have no tolerance for those other people. So once you have something you value in your city, once you care about something more than yourself, you will put a premium on police
Starting point is 01:03:25 officers. Trust me for everyone out there, you will put a premium on police officers because your tolerance for anything that could hurt your children will go out the fucking door. Like, like, uh, regardless of what happened with George Floyd, if he was driving in my neighborhood, I would hope a satellite from space would have shot a laser at his car and killed him because I can't have someone high on fentanyl, meth and alcohol driving around my neighborhood, I would hope a satellite from space would have shot a laser at his car and killed him. Because I can't have someone high on fentanyl, meth, and alcohol driving around my neighborhood. I can't. Well, that brings you back to what I was saying about the woke activists. They don't live in these neighborhoods. They have no connection to these neighborhoods. They're doing this to feel good about themselves. They couldn't care less if crime goes up in these neighborhoods.
Starting point is 01:04:07 They couldn't care less if people are getting shot and killed. They couldn't care less if drug dealers are on the corner selling even more drugs now because they feel empowered. They're doing this to feel good about themselves. They're doing this because they want to say, I did this for these people. If it weren't for me, these people wouldn't have this. This is my accomplishment. It's completely selfish. And the more people realize this, the more people wake up to it, the more woke culture and these woke activists will be less relevant. of history you keep hearing that oh i'm on the right side of history no you're not no you're doing this because you want brownie points for yourself it's completely egotistical and i just want more people to see it what what about the fact that um after george floyd happened and there
Starting point is 01:04:55 was the whole defund the police movement which was absolutely fascinating to me and terrifying what about the fact that they still can't see that homicide rates for the black community skyrocketed because police officers were told in almost every city in the united states stop engaging people do not do not engage anyone and only go to calls i mean that's true what i'm saying right that was the police officers in my town were given the order do not engage zero engagement and i have police officers i have friends who are police officers in my town were given the order. Do not engage. Zero engagement. And I have police officers. I have friends who are police officers who've told me many stories where during this time period, someone would pass them on the freeway at 85 miles an hour.
Starting point is 01:05:34 They would turn the lights on. The person would slow down. They'd see it's a black person and just keep going. Like, fuck that. We're not engaging. Now you have cops who are hesitant, who are second guessingguessing themselves, who are saying, you know what? This isn't worth my pension. I'm not going to get jammed up.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm not going to get fired for doing my job. I heard there was a lady in the park. There was a black lady with a box knife swinging it around. And my friend said that normally they would have just gone over there and engaged her. They said they parked from fucking 200 feet away and fucking just watched her no like i'm not going over there and she swings the box knife at me and i have to fucking shoot her or hurt her and someone catches it on a cell phone so they just let her swing a box knife around in public i believe it yeah that sounds realistic to you yeah i believe it because you know you you have politicians now making law
Starting point is 01:06:26 after law against law enforcement and law after law i mean here here in new york now uh if someone is under the age of 12 as this went into effect on january 1st if someone is under the age of 12 they basically can't be arrested for anything besides murder. So seeing as how I used to work in gang, I know gangs start recruiting very early. They start recruiting around eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. So now you've got these gang members who are going to actively recruit even more younger people and are going to, you know, they're going to be holding guns now. They're going to be holding different things now, drugs, different things now, because now the criminals know you're not going to arrest them. All we have to do is keep them from shooting someone. All we have to do is keep them from
Starting point is 01:07:13 murdering someone. And if we keep them from that, they're not going to get arrested. They can't get arrested. So now what have you got? You've got younger criminals out there now. You know, you have these people, again, it's woke culture. They're incentivized to recruit younger people now. Yeah. And you've got these people who want this feel good moment. Oh, now you've got 12 year olds who aren't going to get locked up by the big, bad, scary police. You've got these 12 year olds who aren't going to have handcuffs on them and traumatize them for the rest of their lives. You know, cops aren't just going to put handcuffs on a 12- or 11-year-old just to do so.
Starting point is 01:07:53 They've done something wrong leading up to this. And now all you've done is empowered criminals to recruit younger. And that's what's going to happen. Zeke, you are going to see 15, 10-year-olds now run into a Macy's and steal shit. Oh, absolutely. I mean, that's like crazy. I don't know what happened in New York City, but in San Francisco, there's some crazy stat in San Francisco County that 17 Walgreens or something shut down because they weren't enforcing theft, and they couldn't keep the doors open. Oh, it's happening in New York too. Did you shut it down?
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, I was in a CVS a week or two ago. Oh, maybe it was CVS. No, it was Walgreens. Walgreens was closing down. Oh, okay. But the same thing is happening in New York City as well. Matter of fact, I was going to say a couple weeks ago, I was in a CVS, and everything is locked up. And you have to get an attendant, even if you want deodorant, if you want shaving cream, everything is locked up.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And you have to get an attendant to unlock these items for you and then walk them up to the counter for you. And they put them behind the counter. You basically have to stand there and wait and go, yeah, no, that's my shaving cream. That's my deodorant. How are they going to do business like that? At that point, they can't even, I mean, you can't do business like that. They're not going to be able to make enough money because the employees are going to be, they're trying to protect the goods, but the employees, it's going to be so slow.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Oh, yeah. I mean, and this is, and I was speaking to the attendant and the attendant said, you know, this is what we have to do now because way too many people are running in, stealing $1,000 worth of stuff, and then running out because they know they're not going to get arrested. They know no one's going to stop them and go after them. So this is what we have to do now. By the way, I stand corrected. Kayla pulled it up. It was five in one month closed and 10 for the year do you do you think it's cut and clear that the disengagement of police
Starting point is 01:09:49 over sort of that two-year time from 2020 uh 2020 to 2022 um only hurt people uh who were had lower incomes it was all the lower income neighborhoods that all suffered oh absolutely because i didn't see any crime in my neighborhood, zero. No, there's no crime in my neighborhood now, but when I go to work and I ride through some of these neighborhoods who are more lower income, that's what's being impacted. When you put criminals back out in the street, they're not coming to my neighborhood.
Starting point is 01:10:19 They're not coming to the richer neighborhoods, although they're actually, excuse me, I stand corrected, they're starting to go to the richer neighborhoods because they're starting to figure out oh i can do more crime over there they have more stuff yeah yeah but it's mostly going to impact the lower income communities which the woke uh crowd is claiming to care for so much well if you care for them so much stop making laws and statutes that are directly hurting these neighborhoods. Have you ever been to Portland? I have not.
Starting point is 01:10:50 But have you watched it from afar? Do you ever follow what's going on over there? I mean, there it's really, really, really bad. Oh, no, I have a couple of friends. I've been blessed to be able to have friends in different parts of the country now. And there's no black people there. That's all just white that's just all white meth heads but it's it's it really is zombie land i just saw a story the other day where someone bit off someone else's ear in a in a in a robbery i'm like well i told
Starting point is 01:11:16 it's like zombie shit i mean literally you walk around there and everyone's just jacked on drugs yeah uh you know i these uh. These Portland officers I know, there's two of them I know, and they said it's gotten so bad here that they don't even know how they're going to function day to day just because it's so bad and there's so many laws against cops
Starting point is 01:11:40 and there's so many laws protecting criminals and there's so many laws protecting criminals and there's so many laws pulling resource, pulling police resources away from things that they're actually having problems recruiting right now. Portland PD, Seattle PD. Oh, I believe that. Who would want to live there? Yeah, they're having a lot of problems recruiting a gruesome fight at the last stop of the blue line. And Gresham left a 78 year old man seriously injured with his ear chewed off and his skull exposed i've been telling you guys for years because i used to go to portland a lot it really is like the zombie apocalypse there there's just there's just people wandering around talking to themselves the only thing they're not doing is
Starting point is 01:12:20 they don't have their hands out like this but But they're doing all the other stuff, you know? I mean, you see it as a cop. The gnashing of the teeth, the heads fucking bobbling around, the yelling and screaming at themselves. Oh, yeah. It happens here in New York. If you go through Times Square, you see open drug use, you see
Starting point is 01:12:39 people laying out in the street. It's like zombies there as well. But instead of actually trying to fix the problem, they want to just put a bandaid on it and say, you know, we're going to just move. So they're not they're not really in a public view, but they're still there, you know. But then, you know, it gets to a point where it's like, OK, well, when do you get fed up with what's going on? When do you start voting differently? And what is that going to happen, you think? I don't think so i mean
Starting point is 01:13:05 you know here in new york uh kathy hokal got elected and she's done a horrible job as governor and which everybody can see everybody can recognize but uh they didn't vote for lee zeldin because he's a republican and solely because he's a republican so i mean you know you have these identity politics going on. How close was it? Is it close at all? It actually was pretty close. Lee Zeldin got a lot closer than a lot of people thought he would.
Starting point is 01:13:34 I mean, listen, a lot of people were optimistic about him winning, myself included. But, you know, a Republican running in New York State, he got a lot closer than a lot of people thought he would. And, you know, maybe that's a sign of the tide turning. Maybe that's a sign of more voter engagement. But he he he should have won. You know, the debate in New York showed that he should have won, but he didn't. And so for the next four years, the state screwed. When did you decide to start speaking out publicly and were you nervous about your job? Well, honestly, I never planned to really speak out the way I was doing. I just sort of started posting on Twitter and people started flocking to what I was saying.
Starting point is 01:14:23 And people started flocking to what I was saying. And I put a couple of videos up and everyone sort of agreed with what I was saying. I mean, as far as my job goes, you know, I'm not going to lie. It's always in the back of my head if I'm going to get in trouble for some of the things I say. Not that I'm being hateful, but just the fact that I'm not going along with, with, you know, the approved script, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm not for drag shows for kids. I'm not, I'm not for a gender reassignment for seven-year-olds or four-year-olds or whatever the age is now. You know, I am a Christian. I have traditional Christian values. I'm, I am a Christian. I have traditional Christian values. I'm not going to compromise that for anything. So in the back of my mind, do I worry about that every now and again? Sure.
Starting point is 01:15:28 But, you know, I also feel like someone's got to speak out against this because silence nowadays is definitely akin to compliance and akin to agreement with what's going on and i don't want to ever be i don't want it ever to be said that that i could have said something and i didn't the the conundrum here the irony here is we're not supposed to be judging people by the color of their skin, and yet this team really needs you because of the color of your skin. This team being – and is that hard? Do you realize that? Do you realize how scary it is for so many white people and that when they hear, like they may even think that they're going crazy. Like, am I a bad person? Like, but then they see you speak up and they're like, Holy shit. Thank you, Zeke. Like you put it into perspective for them. They're like, okay, I get it. Like, do you see that role of yours? You're sweet. It's so important that you're a black man. And yet that's the thing that you're, you're pushing up against it.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Like, Hey, it doesn't matter what skin color I am. Well, yeah. You know, I, I do have as many DMs as I get calling me a coon and Uncle Tom. I get many more DMs saying, thank you for speaking out. You're saying what I want to say, but I can't say because I'm a white guy or, you know, because I'm not this or I'm not that. Do you ever write back to him, quit being a pussy? Do you ever just write back, quit being a pussy? No, I mean, every now and again I say, you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:49 Your voice is just as important. If you're going to have a discussion on racism, you need voices on all sides. You need white voices. You need black voices. I'm one of the people who truly wants racism to die. And with that, I'm not going to accept victimhood. I'm not going to accept I can't speak about this because I'm scared. So I tell people, your voice is just as
Starting point is 01:17:12 important no matter what color you are. And if I'm speaking out about it and I'm putting my experiences out there, your experiences are just as important. And more people have started speaking out and I'm glad to see that. I also love speaking out about cops and cop experiences, just to take a lot of the mystery out of it. You know, like I said, there's so much disinformation out there. And a lot of people have said, you know what, I didn't know this about policing until you said something. I've gotten plenty of DMs from cops all across the country saying, thank you for talking about this because we try to say it and no one's listening to us. But you're saying it and people are listening.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Thank you so much for talking about it. So, like I said, in the back of my mind, am I scared my job's going to come down on me sometimes? Sure. But the benefits just from people saying thank you so much make me feel like I'm doing the right thing. Isn't it weird, too, because you are so. At the end, all you want is peace and equanimity and people to respect each other's uh time here on planet earth and yet for some reason i mean like you've said nothing that that comes across hostile or hate or hating towards me nothing zero matter of fact it's the exact opposite you came from a a pretty strong militant background with your upbringing and you flipped the script and now you're out there
Starting point is 01:18:41 helping society and for anyone to think that that would be bad. Man, we live in some trippy times. Are you optimistic? Let me go back here. Are there any – what's happening inside the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? Do you think that more and more um black people are jumping ship like i had a friend the other day who's a hardcore democrat from west virginia tell me hey you just have to vote republican now right i go yeah because because i he knows he knows me as a democrat too i'm like
Starting point is 01:19:16 yeah you just have no choice now he's like they've just completely lost their minds i'm like dude fucking they fucking hate kids dude it's open war on kids. Like, it doesn't matter. Like, it doesn't matter what the fucking Republicans say now. You just got to vote for them because they want to protect kids. Do you see any exodus like that in the black community? I think the black community is in a very unfortunate situation right now because you've got the democrats who take their votes for granted yeah and you've got the republicans who don't even try to get the black votes they feel
Starting point is 01:19:52 like it's a waste of time really yeah and i think that because for every your voice is so strong right now like a black vote is like worth 100 white votes right now, in my opinion. Like it's just where it's just where we are. Well, I think if the Republican Party said, OK, hey, listen, we're not going to get the black vote over the next election or maybe even the election after that. Well, if we can slowly start turning the tide for us, we can undo what LBJ and the rest of the establishment Democrats did. You know, it's not going to happen overnight. It's not going to happen over the next week. But if I think if the Republicans made a concerted effort to really reach into black neighborhoods and say, hey, listen, our goals are aligned. You know, you want to protect your children. So do we. You want more benefits for the Black neighborhoods and communities? So do we.
Starting point is 01:20:55 You want more educational opportunities? So do we. Here's how we're going to do it. Like I said, you're not going to get them all overnight, but you're going to start turning the tide. But the hand has to be extended. And I think that's where a lot of Republicans miss out because they feel like it's a waste of time. They feel like Black folk are never going to vote Republican. And so they put their resources elsewhere. And I think it's a complete waste of time. I mean, I think it's, excuse me, I think it's a complete travesty that you don't have more big time Republicans saying, you know, I'm going to reach out. You know, Trump tried. Trump said, you know, hey, listen, black folk, none of this is working for you. What have you got to lose by voting for me? And and maybe that's not the best approach, but it was an approach.
Starting point is 01:21:45 but it was an approach i think it needs to be more approaches what was that cat's name who uh he spoke the um after the um uh after like the state of the union he would speak to the country like there would be like a dissent a dissenting opinion and it was a black senator he was fucking amazing bald guy tim scott yeah yeah he was fucking amazing. Isn't that, isn't that, whether it was on, whether he was chosen for his skin color or not, I have no idea. He was fucking, did you like him? I thought he was fucking brilliant. Tim Scott's great just for the fact that he exposed Joy Behar's racism. That's one of the girls on The View? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Joy Behar thought she was going to school Tim Scott On racism And exposed her own racism So I thought that was wonderful I just feel like when I see People like that In the front, I feel like isn't that the hand That's coming out? That's not enough? Well, again, the Democrat Party
Starting point is 01:22:43 Spends so much time taking him down. Right. They'll employ other Black elected officials. Like Larry Elder, too. He would have been a great governor of California, and they spent endless amounts of money taking him down. Well, yeah, no, absolutely. Like Larry Elder, like Tim Scott, like Ben Carson. Like Larry Elder, like Tim Scott, like Ben Carson.
Starting point is 01:23:11 They don't want, you know, these black politicians to really start reaching into black neighborhoods and recruiting them. They're going to they're going to protect that. So they spend so much time trying to take these people down that, you know, it's it's it's almost like a wasted effort. But, you know, like I said, the Republican Party has to spend more time going after black voters and going into these communities and speaking to them one on one. And, you know, you can show that your views are aligned with theirs, but it's going to take work. Recently, you made a post. I think it's like within your last 10 posts that basically you were disappointing the Republican Party and you don't view yourself as a Republican. I guess I don't view myself as a Republican either. I view myself more as a libertarian. What happened? What are you what are you seeing? You're seeing that just both sides are just corrupt. Oh, absolutely. I'm I'm I'm a registered independent.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I've always have been. But, you know, you're just you're just seeing, you know, what's going on with Carrie Lake in Arizona. Why aren't Republicans raising hell in Arizona? You know, there was supposed to be this red wave going on. It turned into a red puddle. Right. Why wasn't there more of an effort to get good candidates out there? wasn't there more of an effort to get good candidates out there? We've got John Fetterman now who can't string two words together as a Senator, as a sitting Senator, you know, how did this happen?
Starting point is 01:24:33 How did this happen? How did that happen? You know, Raphael Warnock, who is in a very unlikable candidate, you know, I mean, I mean, and they put Herschel Walker, God bless him up against Raphael Warnock, you know candidate you know i mean i mean they put herschel walker god bless him up against rafael warnock you know uh you know how did all this happen there was supposed to be a red wave there was there was there was a good chance of it being a red wave biden is such an unpopular president the midterms should have been a wake-up call to the Democrats, like, hey, we're going to lose, you know, unless we do something.
Starting point is 01:25:07 And instead, the Democrats are empowered. That's why I keep saying, you know, the red wave, all it did was empower the Democrats. They feel like what they've been doing is working, which is horrible and detrimental for the rest of the country. How did this happen? But it's from weak leadership in the Republican Party. It's from, it's almost from a, you know, I'm starting to agree now with the whole uniparty theory now
Starting point is 01:25:32 that, you know, they're all working together behind the scenes and they're presenting the image or the illusion that there are two separate parties. You know, we've got to elect better. We've got to vote better if you're voting Republican. You know, we've got to elect better. We've got to vote better if you're voting Republican. You know, you've got to vote for fighters. You've got to vote for patriots. You've got to vote for people who put America first. And instead, you've got people like Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy now who think that we can, you know, just play kumbaya with, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:01 the, you know, socialists or, you knowists or vote against the wishes of their constituents. No, we need fighters. We need patriots. We need people who are going to put America first. We need people who are going to remember that they work for the people, not the other way around. We work for them.
Starting point is 01:26:20 So, yeah, I'm very disappointed and I want to see what we can do to get better candidates out there. Heading to my police job now. Catch up with everyone soon. Thanks, Jethro. Did you see what happened? Are you following this thing with Kevin McCarthy?
Starting point is 01:26:38 What's going on? He moved into – I saw this morning he moved into the office, but he didn't get the gig yet, so now they're telling him to move out. What happened? Did they ever end up electing anyone yesterday? They didn't, did they? They didn't. So it continues today. The craziness continues today. It continues today at noon. And do you like do you like Jim Jordan?
Starting point is 01:26:59 Yeah, I like Jim Jordan. I like I like anyone who is going to hold the Democrat Party accountable. You know, no more no more billions of dollars to the Ukraine. You know, let them let them sort their problems out. You know, no more pork roll bills going through. You know, I think in this last trillion dollar bill they put out there, there's millions of dollars going towards, you know, just just things that we don't need to be funding right now. You know, we're in a recession. You know, we're facing inflation. People are still trying to decide whether they want to put gas in their car or buy groceries. You know, why are we sending all these billions of dollars to Ukraine when we could be using that here at home?
Starting point is 01:27:46 all these billions of dollars to Ukraine when we could be using that here at home you know just just for uh Zelensky to come here and and lecture us on why we should give him more money that was crazy that was crazy and how his wife is going on uh tens of thousands of dollars of spending sprees in France and he's buying his mother a million dollar mansion. Why are we giving them all this money? You know, we could use that money here at home. Why not put America first? You know, so that's what we as independents, as conservatives, as Republicans need to be voting for. You know, listen, the Democrat Party, they're together. They know we're going to vote with each other. We're going to back each other up. That's not happening on the Republican side.
Starting point is 01:28:32 And it needs to happen. It needs, you know, we need to put better candidates in there. We need to put younger, fresher candidates in there. And we need to do it now. Would you ever run for office? A lot of people have asked me that. Yeah. To me, it's a scary proposition.
Starting point is 01:28:51 I never say no, but it's something I'd have to really sit with my wife and discuss. If you're going to be president, you got to be mayor first. You better get started. You better, you need to be, you gotta be mayor first. You better get started. It's something, like I said, it's something I'd have to really sit and talk to my wife about and figure out. Yeah. I'll never say no, but it's a long shot. Is it, is it at work? Are you the,
Starting point is 01:29:20 are you the black guy that the white guys can test their stuff out on? Like, like, are they like, they have these, they see like, maybe they've worked with you for five years and then they see what you're posting on Instagram or Twitter. And then they're like, Hey Zeke, like,
Starting point is 01:29:32 like they want to approach you with some ideas or like, they're trying to figure out where they stand on stuff too. And do you see yourself as sort of a, a chaperone or a bridge sometimes almost like your own little, like in your fiefdom, you, you have to play Martin Luther King, you know? Not, not really. Honestly, when I go to work, uh, a lot of people don't know about my, uh, online presence. I mean, you're, you've been on so many podcasts and I've seen so many news shows.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Like I couldn't fucking believe how many new shows you've been on how many times you they still don't know huh no i mean honestly uh very few people who know me in in real life actually follow me and uh we all you know it's more of a brotherhood when i go to work we all you know bust each other's chops we're all talking about you know our kids play with with each other you know uh We're all talking about, you know, our kids play with, with each other, you know, uh, who's barbecue, whose house we're going to go to for a barbecue. You know, it's much more of a tight knit brotherhood. It's much more of a, of a family. Just normal stuff. Talk about football. Oh my God. I saw, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:38 my kid, you know, whatever to tell kids, kid horror stories, just shit like that. Yeah. Just normal, just normal shit. You have a life away from this insanity. Yeah. Our wives are friends with each other. You know, we're all friends with each other. Our children are all friends with each other.
Starting point is 01:30:58 You know, one guy, when I was going through training, I had an instructor that said, you become a family. Your kids play with each other. You sit at each other's house. You eat each other's food. You go to each other's table for dinner. They become a family. Your kids play with each other. You sit at each other's house. You eat each other's food. You go to each other's table for dinner. They become your family, and you fight for your family. And that's what I've been doing online. I don't know a lot of these cops in different states,
Starting point is 01:31:19 but they're my extended family. So I'm going to fight for them. And when cops are wrong, I'll call it out. And when cops are doing right, I'll call it out. But I'm fighting for cops. And I'm fighting so that we have more of a voice in this world. Man, your community is so lucky to have you. You're a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Are you having any more kids? My wife and I have one. That's something we discuss a lot. I don't know if it's going to happen. What do you think about cell phone for your daughter? How old will your daughter be when you get her a cell phone? 35. No.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Perfect. Yes, yes, yes, yes. No, she actually she has an ipad now she plays uh roblox and uh all she does is talk to her friends on roblox and then my wife you know is always telling her to get off the roblox and she argues with my wife you know but but you know we want to talk to each other we want to so she's got her own little social circle already. My niece already has a cell phone. How old is she? She's my daughter's age.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Wow. She's a week older than my daughter. Wow. So she already has a cell phone. I'm telling you, it is the – I don't say this lightly. I'm suspecting that giving a child a cell phone is like giving your child cigarettes, heroin, and weed and alcohol. I swear to God, I think it is. I think it is the, I'm not saying you can't survive it, but I'm saying it, especially for boys for both. If you could, man, I, I, I've been hearing more and more stories about this correlation between
Starting point is 01:33:04 kids who are successful and healthy in their mind. And someone just DM me this morning and they said, yeah, basically my daughter, 17 years old, she's completely committed to transitioning to a boy. And I fucking completely blame social media. I completely fucking, I mean, they said, yeah, and of course she has some mental issues. But I told my kids they couldn't get cell phone until they get a blue belt in Jiu Jitsu that's got to be like when they're 18 if they're lucky no thankfully my daughter
Starting point is 01:33:32 has a really good head on her shoulders and my wife and I are very involved in everything she does so we'll be able to head off any bad influences I've always we're both very involved in her school we'll be able to head off any, any, any bad influences. I've always, we're both, we're both very involved in her school.
Starting point is 01:33:51 We both know who her teacher is. You know, there's no indoctrination going on from, from the school or teacher. So we're happy about that. Thank you for your service, Zeke. And thank you, Sevan, for giving police officers a platform to share their perspectives. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you, Justin. Thank you. Yeah. All right, man.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Thanks for all your time, Zeke. It's great meeting you. If there's ever anything I can do for you, let me know. You're a treasure to humanity and to this country. So thanks for everything that you're doing, brother. Thanks for having me on. I had a great time. This was a great experience.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Awesome. Anytime. Thank you. Thanks for having me me and run for office peace peace thank you there's got to be more cops like him than not right like like he's got to be the norm he's just speaking out. I know a few more cops that are pretty similar in his thinking.
Starting point is 01:34:49 God, I wonder. A lot of the police officers I'll have on the show, before we get on the show, they'll say stuff like, hey, these are things we can and can't talk about. And he didn't even have those rules. And then when I brought up something like, hey, what do you do? He just said, hey, I can't give the details on that. Yeah, he seemed pretty willing to discuss a lot, which is cool. Yeah. Nice area.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I'm pretty excited. I think I'm going to use, I think I'm going to use, is it? Am I looking at this camera now? Yeah. I think I'm going to switch it up like this. I'm going to use this camera. And then I'm going to use... Where is that?
Starting point is 01:35:44 Oh, yeah, this one. This one. So I think this i think this is what the show is going to look like this afternoon and then there'll be one more camera see that can so it'll be like this i like it yeah god it took forever to set up last night i hated moving my office around susan helped me so it'll be like that, like that. I mean, he didn't come over here and help me.
Starting point is 01:36:08 He just like, he just sat on there and I'd be like this. And then I could see, Oh, and I could see the comments over there. So I could pull up the comments if people want to make comments. Perfect. And I'll have my first live guest on the granny couch.
Starting point is 01:36:20 I don't think I ever realized that that's like a single couch. I always thought it was longer. I don't know. I don't, I don't know. ever realized that that's like a single couch i always thought it was longer i i don't know i don't see i don't know what do they call that hold on let me go let me go over there and sit on that and i'll tell you uh let me change the audio here to um okay can you hear me yeah i can hear you okay look at i'm gonna go over here and sit on it Okay, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, look it. I'm going to go over here and sit on it.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Oh. Look it. Two little Armenian guys can sit here. Okay. Yeah. That's not so bad. Good, right? Two Armenian guys or one tall Mexican guy?
Starting point is 01:37:04 Right, right. Oh, you're giving clues. You're one tall Mexican guy? Right, right. Oh, you're giving clues. You're giving clues. It's me, dude. I'm the live guest. You are. All right. Angle the couch. What mean oh oh so so but i'm gonna i'm gonna shift i'm gonna sit like this you're saying angle the couch but i'm uh staring with clothes on or off oh
Starting point is 01:37:40 like that's like the director's couch. I know, I know. There's a lot of things I need. There's a lot of things I need. But this is, I just was able to put this together just with the shit that I have. Got a little headset over there. I got him with a little microphone on it. I had a couple extra monitors, a laptop, so then he'll be able to see the screen too.
Starting point is 01:38:06 I'm excited. I'm nervous as shit though. Yeah, I'll wear pants for this one. And maybe a sweater. I'll probably wear this sweater. Socks too or no socks? Yeah, I'll wear socks. I'll wear socks.
Starting point is 01:38:26 I don't want to freak Dave out by having him staring at my, my feet. Boom mic and Apple computer in the way in my useless opinion. I, no, no, I agree. Uh, I, Oh, you, you mean in this overhead shot? Yeah, I could see that. Sure. Yeah. and that's not even a compute basically that monitor that you're saying is in the way i had to put there so i could read the comments or else normally it would have been pushed uh further back and you wouldn't have seen it and uh been able to see it in the shot shot your glasses aren't strong enough to read that far away no no they're not it could it could also be el chapo oh it makes the chair and sit on a med ball oh god here come the ideas this is gonna overwhelm me your face is but no no i'll do it like this my
Starting point is 01:39:19 i'll do like this and there'll be three shots, right? Like pretend like Caleb is El Chapo. So there'll be this shot and then there'll be the, my guest shot and then there'll be the me shot. Sit on a med ball. This is just the first iteration. Fuck it. We'll scrap it all. We'll do it over.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Just get rid of the guest. All right. Don't look down on the guest. I am kind of looking down on the guest, huh? Oh yeah. This is like a power position. I'm higher.
Starting point is 01:40:00 That's good. I like that. Nice. Yes. Another good guess. Another very good guess nicole carroll you need to make dave uncomfortable to give yourself the upper hand like like a floating i just want to get i just want to get i just want to get through this i just want to get through this. I just want to get through this. This is just an experiment.
Starting point is 01:40:30 I just want to get through it. All right. Oh, now the wrong camera. Now I'm just all fucked up. How do I? Cameras are all messed up. Bam. There we go. Okay. now i'm back at home
Starting point is 01:40:47 uh it's your second live with the guest just your first in the studio and you did the live face oh no the one at the ranch wasn't live that was uh the one at the ranch wasn't uh live because it's new every i just knew shit i'm just like i just want to just sit here and look at caleb i did that's it that's why i'm nervous i and i don't have any friends no i'm no one's my friend nervous for every show what are you you talking about? Yeah, that too. Dave will walk in and immediately go to the higher chair. Dave,
Starting point is 01:41:29 who? Hmm. I don't know. Okay. Uh, thanks guys. Uh, thanks Zeke. And we will see you guys,
Starting point is 01:41:40 uh, at 4 PM Pacific standard time. Those of you who would like to, uh, see the next show. And then tomorrow we have tomorrow. Tomorrow we have Trish for the Affiliate Series.
Starting point is 01:41:59 And then wow, Friday's crazy. Friday we have James Sprague, Sam Dancer, and Rich Froning. Oh, I think James and Sam. I think the times are wrong on that. I better double check that. Are you going to wear a mask in the studio?
Starting point is 01:42:15 Of course. Later, Sevan. Keep the faith. The Caleb. I'll do my best, Jeff. Thanks. the caleb i'll do my best jeff thanks what did i think about the magic of crossfit video oh i haven't i wait till you see this you want to see something crazy
Starting point is 01:42:34 caleb before we go absolutely crazy you ready listen uh this next thing i'm about to show you guys is top secret something little something i've been working on uh for my own l1 series you ready i'm ready oh shit the the magic of the sebon podcast i don't know that someone took some artistic freedom on that you have to know that uh manny serrano thanks thank you guys happy and healthy 2023 sweet jesus yeah isn't that crazy uh the joint is a nice touch yeah look at suza oh boy we got our own um yeah, I made that on PowerPoint. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:47 So we got our own. Susan's going to pull Stefan out of a top hat. That would actually be a cool animation, right? I present to you, Stefan. Bam. We're live. Yeah. And he pulls me out of the hat and I say, bam, we're live.
Starting point is 01:44:07 God, that would be good. So that's some of the graphics that Suze has been working on. We're doing our own level one magic series. Yeah. So now you guys got a little taste of where we're going. Uh, hopefully those will be ready for, uh, water Palooza. All right. You know, we take our lead from the mothership here.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Uh, those of you who made it to the end of the show. Yeah. You got to see a little preview. Um, and, uh, like I said, we'll see you at four o'clock. Uh, Susan, I'm gonna give you a call now. Uh, Caleb, um, go climb back into your bunker, wherever you go, work out for the next five hours. Easy. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Uh, I hope you enjoyed that. Bye.

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