The Sevan Podcast - #740 - Live call in | Lots to Talk About

Episode Date: January 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live that we are oh maybe should I call him from the maybe I should call him from the maybe I should call him from the so you guys can hear let's see Let's see.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I can't wait to take this first sip of coffee at 7.30 p.m. Vindicate Travis High. Yo, DJ Reed. Not an accidental show this time. Heidi High. Clock. Cutter. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Sarah Cooper. I'm making a live. Jessica Rose. I. Sarah Cooper. I'm making a live. Jessica Rose. I'm so tired. I hope I can stay up for this. DJ Reed. Are you a real DJ? Damien Castro.
Starting point is 00:00:54 What's up, brother? I saw your email come in. I have not read it yet, but I did see it, opened it, and then quickly marked it as unread. DJ Hold Strong. Hey, Damien. DJ, just some C4. Who else? Goo Wop smoking a bowl before 1030. What country are you in?
Starting point is 00:01:14 A bowl? Smoking a bowl. I don't think I've said that in a long time. Chris Corradino, hi. This thumbnail vindicate, can you get him a ceo toga uh a little bourbon and a little sevan do we know if there are any guests there are not any guests i don't even know where uh suza is i guess i could start with uh opening up the phone lines did i thank you guys this morning for how great you guys have been making the shows
Starting point is 00:01:41 i was thinking wow what a what a cast of characters and comments and guests. And dude, the show is just nuts. How is everyone says Bruce Wayne, uh, bam, we're live the Fergie show. Uh,
Starting point is 00:01:57 you know, you don't look anything like your profile picture. I mean, kind of that it's like the really cleaned up biz. It's like, that's the game show, her, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:09 game show host version of you right there. Um, I wonder if, uh, if, and when the show gets gigantic, if I'll just like, how,
Starting point is 00:02:18 how will I find you guys in here? Uh, Mr. Schweitzer, Scott. Hi. I, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:24 I started, uh, watching your watching your uh rift uh your uh it's on clydesdale media it's riff rifting rifting rifting rifting rifting with scott a little perseveration there a goo up seven bde big dick energy okay okay I'm trying to come with it. I was a little, I got a little gassed fidgeting with a Suze at the house. I felt like I was too old to be fidgeting with shit like that. Now. I don't have too old.
Starting point is 00:02:55 The right word. I'm too seasoned. Uh, turn on subscriptions. Then subscribers show up in green. Oh, I wonder how I, I would probably need to be over on youtube maybe when uh suza comes on i will mention that to him do we have it turned on so only subscribers
Starting point is 00:03:14 can comment that would be awesome too by the way that uh that that message that suza put out for subscribers that was awesome we jumped on the hillar bandwagon and said hey please subscribe all of you and there was like 41 uh new subscribers that's really cool that week that this last week with uh just this whole crew of people that we've had on um no no hillar tonight i don't know if hillar i don't know if hillar can handle a live call-in show. I think I have to have different subjects. You know what I mean? I was actually talking to him on the phone the other day, and I was like, hey, we should watch a bunch of the same movies and do some movie reviews too.
Starting point is 00:03:54 He just watched The Menu, and I haven't watched that. Yeah, can't make changes to YouTube from StreamYard. Yeah, I don't want to open YouTube. That shit will confuse me. Talk about Danny Spiegel highly gifted and hard-working games athlete with
Starting point is 00:04:15 a lot of provocative pictures on her Instagram there he is goodnight Jeffrey good night moon he can bring himself on even though i'm i'm tempted just to bring him on he can push it oh i'm not talking about that i can't do that i can't do that i didn't like that i don't want to talk about her like that i'll make make fun of her, but I'm not, I'm not being mean to her. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Here comes to Suza. Hey. Oh, it's like loading now. That was weird. Oh, okay. Are you on? Yeah. You're on too. Am I live right now? You are. Weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:00 No, no. I mean, you're live on the phone. Oh, there you are. Oh yeah. Yeah. All right. Hiller fit out no i mean he's not out he's just he's like i was talking i just i just don't know if he's okay i hear it let me tell you you guys ready for this this is the most insane thing i've ever shown you guys no i went back yeah it is suza i went back at 329 i i'll keep talking while you get settled in i this i i went back and forth do i show this and i start thinking of the people who are gonna see it right like my mom jeffrey birchfield suza just like god i don't know if i can play this i don't even know if this is oh suza's gone i don't even know if this is true i'm working we'll do some live
Starting point is 00:05:51 investigating about this while we're on the air i'll google some names and find out if this is true but it's about a i think it's about a uh a nobel prize winner who from, from 1976. I don't know if there's for the, there's, there's no forgiveness for what this guy did. I'll tell you that. Oh, I haven't, I'm four videos behind now on, um, I see you, Susa. I see you with your hair covered up. Um can't hear me or else he would have smiled. I need to catch up. Tomorrow we have Travis Mayer on Alexis Raptus and the great Patrick Vellner. And so between that and trying to make the commercials for Wadapalooza and entertaining Sousa while he's at my house. And I had a nice – it's been a while since I've
Starting point is 00:06:45 spoken to the great Will Branstetter and I was having a nice text exchange with him. I have three kids. Everything's been, um, everything's been, I've been busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. I was at the skate park for three hours today. Oh, do you guys want to see that? Look at this. Let me bring this up while Sous unfucks himself here let me see uh seven rinsta so i'm so proud of this kid so proud of all three of them but this is just uh really cool let me see oh shit we have an internet problem oh here we go my kids are watching star wars in the other room tell me let me know if my internet acts weird today uh there goes suza again okay here we go here we go this happened at the skate park today this is pretty cool i'm a little uh tickled by this prior to this, he couldn't do this.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He couldn't clear that little, whatever that is, that ledge. Today, he cleared it by like three feet. He's never been able to clear that. That's right. And there was another boy there, eight-year-old boy there today a few months older than um and he skated so good he skated so good i'd say he's equal to and um i asked the mom how often does he skate and she's like every day and i'm like yep that that's the only way you can get that good.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Only way you can get that good. Yeah, crazy, right? Crazy, crazy, crazy. You know what was interesting, though? She told me that her son's really into skateboarding. And like when he's not at the skate park, he's looking through Thrasher magazine. And he's saying stuff like, when I go to the skate park, I'm going to practice this and I'm going to practice that. And he seems really passionate. My kids, so their primary things are piano, skateboarding, jujitsu, and tennis.
Starting point is 00:08:56 These things happen almost every day. Like not seven days a week, but seven days a week. It's always happening. Like I didn't know we were going to go to the skate park today for three, three hours. And, but they're never, um, it's just life to them. They're never like, I can't wait to get on the tennis court. You know, they're not like, Oh my God, I just love skateboarding. It's just, it's, it's just, yeah. did i say jujitsu jujitsu striking they do they
Starting point is 00:09:28 there's something they do that almost seven days a week now that they know how to train themselves it's going to be i have a feeling it's going to start being like two a days because they can just go on youtube and watch that shit but but they're not um it's all it's not forced they don't push back they're not like no I don't want to go. Okay, I'll ratchet up the piano and tennis videos. I'll show you guys one more thing here that I think you'll find interesting because it lets you see into my house and see the – where is that where's that video see the craziness basically of how it's how it's run oh i don't know where that video is but it's not uncommon for one of them to be doing school one of them to be doing striking and someone to be on the piano it's just a it's just a
Starting point is 00:10:19 whole smorgasbord of stuff imagine if a live calling show got more donations than a froning interview i'd love to imagine that hey you know what you know we know what this weekend did it brought into two really big sniffers uh sponsors that were were sniffing around because uh there was so much interaction and wildness on the show lucky camera straps thank you from australia so generous thank you um love you uh guys catching a show live natalie hi nice hair my goodness charlie's angels 1970 look at that look at that everyone's like hi natalie hey how are you with your your hair using your straightener your straightener okay this is this is going to be a bit of a downer here. Mr. Zombie, hi.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Always with the donations. Thank you. Very generous. Okay, here we go. You guys ready? I don't want to kill the donations, but here we go. This is just absolutely batshit crazy. I, I, uh, I, I don't know. I, I do need to show it. So let's just get it over with. We
Starting point is 00:11:28 get it over with and then, and then the show will become funnier. Okay. Then we'll just, we'll do this and then, um, and then, and then we'll move on and we'll just be like, wow. Uh, here we go. Uh, brace yourself. Uh, now's a good time to take a potty break if you're sensitive. Like I said, I think this is probably the craziest thing I've ever shared on the show. And I wish Sousa was here. And here we go. I've never once taken a kid to my bed. They have come to my bed and I am no one to kick them out. Because they hug me and I find them playing with my cock. They have come to my bed and I'm no one to kick them out. If they hug me and I find them playing with my cock, I say, good on you. I play with theirs.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I'll do it now and with great pleasure. With three or four hundred boys who had sex with me from eight and ten and twelve, one hundred percent have run into my bed, jumped in without my mentioning it and asked for sex. I have never asked for it. All boys want a lover. That was Dr. Daniel Gajdusek, who worked for the NIH and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976, who lived in Boston's Children's Hospital for nine years. Holy shit. Holy shit. What?
Starting point is 00:12:49 Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 19... Let's start there. Let's start there. Look up who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976. Before we go anywhere else, let's do just some minimal fact-checking here. fact checking here the concerns are that's the boston children's hospital who is now doing the chopping off the body parts of kids at their request and at the parents requests uh this guy uh cory who's been on the show is reporting that this guy won the nobel prize in 1976 and yeah he said it he said kids were uh playing with his cock and he was playing with theirs and there was like three or
Starting point is 00:13:26 four hundred boys he did that too and uh nobel peace prize okay so we have a problem already here okay well good i hope this story's not true god i hope this story's not true here we go uh hey do you want to play it again? Or another one? So you can see his name? Yeah, I barely caught any of that video. I have no idea what we're talking about. My computer was screwed up and I couldn't hear anything when I first came on.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Type in Nobel Peace Prize winners and let me see a list of their names. Maybe he had the year wrong. Dude has convinced himself that he's not a monster what a psycho yeah it is it's uh let's see um i wonder if this has him as a list oh yeah put show more let me see let's uh hold on hold on hold on okay because maybe this guy didn't even work at the children's uh hospital uh let me see go back even further oh can we go back it doesn't look like from this link but oh go down a little lower it's at all nobel peace prizes here okay let's see this uh keep going waiting to go back to like the 70s yeah let me see then i'll recognize uh um 73 75 76 maybe they took his name off
Starting point is 00:14:51 maybe they took his name off we'll have to get his name and google his name okay let's keep going a little bit more and i'll pause it next time i see his name pop on the screen okay i'll look at jeremy world next story please yeah it's brutal right yeah you story, please. Yeah, it's brutal, right? You'll have to figure it out. Oh, Nobel. It's not. I think it's Nobel Prize, not Peace Prize. Nobel Prize?
Starting point is 00:15:15 I know. Oh, there are multiple categories for Nobel Peace Prize? Well, what's the dude's name? Here, let's just search his name. Okay. For nine years, he was allowed to abort his children. He also was allowed to adopt 57 children. There he is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Carlton, C-A-R-L-E-T-O-N. Oh, it says he was the co-winner. And his last name is Gajusek. G-A-J-D-U-S-E-K. G-A-J-d-u-s-e-k g-a-j-d-u-s-e-k next topic please says jody lynn that's the problem everybody wants to run away from this shit nobody wants to address it uh nobel prize in uh physiology or medicine in 1976 well looky looky there he is my goodness okay let's listen a little bit more there it is with the child molestation oh child molestation allegations and convictions my goodness uh In the course of his research in South Pacific,
Starting point is 00:16:25 had brought 56 mostly male children back to live with him in the United States. He pleaded guilty in 1997. He was sentenced to 12 months in jail. Wow. Guys, 1976 is not that long ago. After he was released, he was permitted to serve a five-year unsupervised probation in europe yeah guys boston's children's hospital okay here we go oh sorry sorry switch it out yeah please in prison when this predator admittedly took advantage of three to four hundred boys between the ages of eight to twelve.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'd rather talk about Craig Ritchie. Me too. Me too. Hey, it was a long time ago. But yeah, I hear you. It's probably thousands. I know. It's probably thousands. Here we go. Let's check out what Boston Children's Hospital is up to now.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Gender-affirming hysterectomy is very similar to most hysterectomies that occur. Hysterectomy itself is the removal of the uterus, the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus, and the fallopian tubes, which are attached to the sides of the uterus. Some gender affirming hysterectomies will also include the removal of the. Boston's Children's Hospital talk about removing doing hysterectomies on kids. OK, you guys get it. Do not leave your kids alone. Do not give your kids a cell phone. I mean, just parent them them just just do some normal
Starting point is 00:18:07 parenting shit okay let's just do some normal just parent them don't usher them down the path of of of wearing dresses and like give you give your kid a straight line of what it means to be a person keep them busy and uh and and celebrate when they do good things celebrate the things you want them to and the other things don't give any energy to just don't give any energy to those things and don't assume anybody with a degree or education is a holier than thou oh my goodness that's the biggest thing oh my goodness it must be fine they're a doctor right like they wore a suit here so they must be a. They're a doctor, right? Like they wore a suit here, so they must be a good person. Hey, and isn't it the – this was supposed to be a fun Saturday night. Isn't the irony here too is that this morning – I didn't even do this on purpose.
Starting point is 00:18:53 This morning, they are. Craig Ritchie's clothing line is sponsoring this podcast. That's right. Hustle is coming out with a CEO shirt that is 3,000 sizes too big. hustle hustle is coming out with the ceo shirt that um is 3 000 sizes too big um this morning we heard from page who who was checked on by dr nassar the guy who was fondling all the uh female uh u.s gymnasts i'm bringing the mood down i know but but sometimes we we got to come down so we can go back up and come back down so we can go back. Yeah. So so by by the way, excellent interview with Paige. Very adult conversation for her. She's great. I real I realize that I'm I'm maturing, I'm getting into my mature years because I just feel like I'm just talking to all my kids now. It's cool. I'm kind of enjoying that without like without lecture. I'm trying not to lecture them. I'm coming out
Starting point is 00:19:51 with the CEO shirt. Three sizes too small for Danny Speaks. Oh, that's a good idea. The Danny Spiegel edition. Oh, my God, Travis. My kids love their CEO shirts. Love them. Love them. Uh-oh, we're in big trouble. Uh-oh, we are in big trouble. Hi. Hi, Jody. I'm sorry. I'm done. No, I just wanted to, I was just thinking that Paige interview was so good.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Oh, thank you. Thank you. I get a little nervous about first-time interviews. Thank you. Especially with the youngins. No, your questions were so good. And that Nassar situation was so weird. Right? It's a small world, man.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Thank God she didn't get affected by that. Right. Right. And what's crazy is what she said. The parents, some of the parents, I heard the interview of one of the parents and the parents were in the room and Nassar looked at the parents and goes,
Starting point is 00:20:43 do you want me to give her the special checkup? And they're like, sure. And then he molested the girl right there but he had the the girls back to the parents and they didn't even get to see it it's nuts fucked it fucking nuts hey but that's how people much people trust doctors i mean we know that 69 of this country has taken you know at least one of these uh injections it's like okay and if you if you dispute it you're a monster and you should climb back under the rock you came from if you have any questions right yeah exactly anyway okay well thank you it's the east coast time so i may fall asleep during this so keep it lively okay maybe i'll soothe you to sleep. I'll talk in a deeper voice. Go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Go to sleep. I want to say hello to all the chat. Okay. Say hi. All my friends in the chat. Love you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Love you, too. Love you. Good night. Love you. Oh, that's the same. Susie likes it when I kiss her shoulders. Well, Jodi's gotten this special a couple of times yeah uh wild to think page was so young to know to uh to know who rich was or not no yeah i mean he's he's yeah it's so excited we're having travis mayor on tomorrow okay 328 it's called the punisher
Starting point is 00:22:07 i think i have some that are not like heavy today that's good uh you are not lecturing them savannah you're very encouraging thank you melissa i like your i've always liked your profile picture a kiss from katie a heart from sarah i got 400 i got a 300 mile ride to do on the bike tomorrow let's talk about your Harley, Savan. Oh, well, it's sat and it's been sitting in my storage,
Starting point is 00:22:30 my storage shed next to my house for ever. Oh, this is good. Okay, here we go. See, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:22:37 We'll play this twice to erase the, the past. Here we go. Enjoy. Albert knows his hilarious stuff because he, he, he went to. He went to a BLM protest, a Black Lives Matter
Starting point is 00:22:47 protest. There was like hundreds of thousands of black people there. And he specifically only shot and killed like a domestic abuser and a pedophile. That's why it's hilarious. Everybody's like, he's a white supremacist. I was like, nigga, are you sure this nigga's not the Punisher? Nigga woke up and chose justice that's so funny calvin knows it's hilarious though because he he went to he went to a blm protest a black lives matter protest
Starting point is 00:23:15 it was like hundreds of thousands of black people there and he specifically only shot and killed like a domestic abuser and a pedophile. That's why it's hilarious. Everybody was like, he's a white supremacist. I was like, nigga, are you sure this nigga's not the Punisher? Nigga woke up and chose justice. Why is it so hard to see that?
Starting point is 00:23:38 That shouldn't even be a joke, but it is because it's so absurd that like, yeah, he is the fucking Punisher. Once things are framed up by the media, then pushed because it's so absurd that like yeah he he is the fucking punisher once things are framed up by the media then pushed it's like it's done you know it's like one of those things like you could make something up that's crazy and just completely out of line and then the next day you could go oh we were wrong sorry and then just like end it but nobody
Starting point is 00:24:00 cares about the fact that you said we were wrong. Sorry. Everybody's still just going to run with that first story. He was on the ground. He'd been knocked down on the ground by a guy who had just been released out of prison that day for sodomizing kids 7 to 13 years old. The guy was yelling racial epithets. Is that how you say it? Epithets? Epithets? Epithets or epithets?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Epithets? Definitely yelling racial slurs, that's for sure. Yeah. The one that we're okay to say on the show that I'm not going to say now. The one that that comic just said. Yelling them, those ones, and he tried to hit him over the head with a skateboard. And that guy took a bullet you think i'm conflating the two stories yeah different guys the first guy rosenbaum that you're talking about yelled at him and then chased him and then he got shot and then after that kyle ran towards where the police were after he shot him and then the other guys somebody yelled he's an active shooter and then the guy with the skateboard chased him
Starting point is 00:25:04 and tried to hit him and that's when he hit him and he fell down. And then he went to go ahead and begin. He got shot. Yeah. I guess one of the guys did have a gun. Yeah. And then that was the second guy that chased them down when he was running away after he saw shot Rosenbaum that pulled the gun and pointed out and
Starting point is 00:25:16 also screwed the whole trial up, uh, uh, I've ever been believed because he was the one that said, Oh, so there was a time when you pointed the gun at him and he goes, well, yeah, I pointed it at him. And that was a dude that got shot in the bicep oh awesome yeah my goodness yeah the punisher kyle the punisher rittenhousen well if you thought that there was a an active shooter and this person was visibly running away from you toward where you could see the police lights going and had his gun down, you know, running away, what would your call be?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Would you chase that person and hit him with a skateboard? Shoot him in the back. Shoot him in the back. But how do you know it's an active shooter? I don't know. I'm saying if I did. Like, if I saw you shooting up a school and I came up behind you,
Starting point is 00:26:00 I would just shoot you in the back. Yeah, for sure. But if you had no information of that and you just heard somebody, you're active shooter and this person is running with a gun. What, what are you, what is your first, what is your first reaction? Duck for cover. Maybe duck for cover.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Get the hell out of there. Pay attention. When is it that you're going to go, Oh, the guy with the gun is running away. So let me be the aggressor and hit him with a skateboard. And, and, and good point, Steve, it's not an active shooter at that good point steve it's not an active shooter at that point exactly it's not an active shooter at that point yeah that's right so that was their whole entire um like the defense that they tried to bring up that they thought he was an active
Starting point is 00:26:34 shooter that's why they were aggressive towards him but i'm thinking if he's if that if it's an active shooter and they have the gun down running towards the police i'm not pursuing that individual i'm getting the hell out of there what's happening with uh i'm gonna look here real quick i wonder what's happening with his um uh kyle i think he got a shit isn't he getting like a bunch of money and stuff from all the defamation from the media and and everything else yeah uh kyle ridden house uh lawsuit he was recently on um with tim pole i didn't watch it but i knew that he was on there. Oh, he went on there? Wow, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. The View The View settled the lawsuit filed by Kyle Rittenhouse for $22 million and issued a formal apology. Wow. Wow. Okay, so he might be set up for life here yeah like 22 mil as long as he doesn't do anything stupid he should be good to
Starting point is 00:27:33 go well he's probably got some other people he needs to sue too the views the one with those crazy ladies the racist ladies yeah how is that show still on? What's going to happen if the good guys win and they look back in history at those people? That's an interesting question. That's an interesting question. Hey, do you know what they're going to say? They're going to say to us the same thing that we say to people in Germany. How did you let that happen? How did you let – like they're going to be saying – how be they're gonna be saying how did that yeah 33 yeah at least 33 although you know it's weird fergie is it said
Starting point is 00:28:11 he just raised 40 000 for legal fees he shouldn't he shouldn't have to raise any money for legal fees if they're taking a percentage it could be two different legal fees, like the case where he was tried on and then the lawsuit cases. Oh, right. You know, like I don't know. You're right. That's from 2021. Yeah, I don't know enough about that to really make a call, but that is just kind of an assumption. I'll show you the article since you're wondering.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Here we go. It's from AP. The view has. Oh oh the view hasn't settled the lawsuit with kyle rittenhouse oh sorry i read it wrong well i'm glad i pulled this up the here it says the view settled the lawsuit what the fuck the view hasn't and then over here it says uh the talk show the view settled the lawsuit filed by kyle rittenhouse for 22 million and issued a formal apology what the hell is going on no no it's fact checking that it's fact checking that because if you look at the false right underneath it and then it says the facts the post circulating oh thank you okay okay thank you it's just that i don't
Starting point is 00:29:13 know how to read false kyle written house has not sued abc's the view nor any lawsuit been settled for 22 million oh so i'm reporting fake news well i apologize now you know why it hasn't been reported a spokesperson for abc also confirmed that the claim is false. The facts post-circulating widely on social media recently days false claim that ABC talk show has settled a lawsuit by Rittenhouse, who was acquitted in November of 2021 of the homicide charges after shooting three people during a protest in Wisconsin. The tweet that it was settled was shared more than 9000 times. They're saying ABC saying it's not true. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So the lawsuit is still going on. Greta Thunberg is 19. Yeah. Don't you remember how young she was when she first started being pushed into the limelight? My goodness. Okay. Here we go. My goodness. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Next story. Okay. Erase everything I said about Kyle. Scratch that. Scratch all that. Yeah. Here we go. Back on,
Starting point is 00:30:17 back on the story. Okay. Three 26. This is just more nuts. Just, just crazy talk. Crazy. This is about the Denar Just crazy talk. Crazy. This is about the Denar Hamlin stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:27 This is basically like, somehow there's some, I don't even think we've said it on this show. I don't even think we've said on this show, oh my God, was it the vaccine? But I guess a lot of people on social media are saying, hey, is it the vaccine? And the woke media has gone on the offensive and decided to say that how dare you speculate that it's the vaccine?
Starting point is 00:30:54 And then they go on to speculate what it is. I don't understand how they do that. Okay, here we go. People online saying things like this is attributed to the vaccine and the COVID vaccine can cause these cardiac arrests. You're a cardiologist. Best in the world, in my opinion. What would you say to those people? You know, as a cardiologist and as as a physician, I would say I'm disgusted, especially because some of these people are physicians that are pushing this misinformation and honestly, shame on them, shame on them. And I'm embarrassed to call them my colleagues. And I think that they're a black mark on the profession of medicine because they're using it to push their political agenda, their personal agenda to get, you know, platform to say
Starting point is 00:31:39 whatever they want to say. And I'm very confident as a cardiologist that there's absolutely no link between the COVID vaccine and what happened to Damar Hamlin, between the COVID vaccine and cardiac arrests in athletes. Now, if you got the COVID vaccine and you develop myocarditis, then yes, that can increase your risk of arrhythmias because that causes inflammation and scarring in the heart. But what the American Heart Association is actually... is inflammation and scarring in the heart. Holy shit, pause. But what the American Heart Association is actually... Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:32:08 Did you guys just hear that? Nope. She's completely confident. She's completely confident that it wasn't caused by the vaccine, but, and somehow she decides to use myocarditis. If he did have myocarditis, then it could have been possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:30 That it was related. Well, how did he get the fucking myocarditis? The funny part is that was exactly what I said, where they just have to make a claim a bunch of times at the beginning, and then they could go back and take it away, but nobody cares because we already ran with the first portion of it this is fucking nuts i this okay go on actually seen over the last couple of years is that the number of heart disease related deaths have gone up now the anti-vaxxers will tell you that's because of the vaccine no that's because of the infection and because of the lack of access to care that people have not been able to get heart care in time. So it's actually the opposite. They're using the data, manipulating it to their advantage.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I'm really disgusted by what I'm seeing online. Well, at least we can get to the facts with that. I'm seeing a lot of people. Oh, at least we got to the facts these jack wads have no clue oh i they know you know the people that lady no i don't i agree with you on most circumstances i think that that lady knows i think that lady's a paid shill a hundred percent dude yeah and that's i was gonna say too so is everybody else on here and it's again like i made that real talking about the way the media frame stuff this is perfectly out of the playbook. They're
Starting point is 00:33:47 going to claim these people, the pundits that are on there are journalists and they're investigating and they're here to bring you the truth, but they don't ever question anything she just said. They all just nod and agree. And then she basically just says exactly like, they just tell you the truth, you know? Yeah. This is what makes makes us this is what makes the questioning viable like if she would have been if she'd been like hey the data is being reversed let's look at this nine out of ten or fifty percent of the people who've dropped dead on the field or a hundred percent people all had covet and fifty percent of them weren't vaccinated and fifty percent of them were and you'll notice that with that with those numbers it can't be the vex you can't claim it's
Starting point is 00:34:22 the vaccine then i'd be like oh shit she's something. Right. But that's not what she said. No, she, she pushed her agenda. The one she's probably paid to push, pushed it hard at the beginning, then kind of very slightly just threw in a little element of the truth there. And then, which completely contradicted the first thing she said. And then they all go back to the the agenda so they can also claim oh well we didn't actually we didn't say that we we were giving our opinion we told you the truth it was just like the pharma companies never said that you know the vaccine did this or did that but the media did the whole entire time i wonder if she's if she's uh disgusted by her colleague who won the nobel prize in physiology in 1976, who molested 400 boys.
Starting point is 00:35:07 No, I don't know if she's disgusted by him. How does she explain VAERS? That's what I was like, so hoping that someone in the in the lineup there, the journalist would be like, so can you explain VAERS to us? Why are there more vaccine incidents times? Well, I don't know what it is two or three now with this vaccine than all the vaccines in the history of mankind right can you explain that and then you could have also just asked the question well hey the people that are having issues with the mardicarditis have you separated the fact like is it just happening to those that receive the vaccine versus is it also happening to people that haven't because then if she would have said oh well no we don't have the
Starting point is 00:35:44 data on people unvaccinated that are having issues, but we do know that everybody is having issues, is vaccinated. Yeah, she can't say any of that. No, she can't say any of that. And they're not even having a real discussion. They're just pushing a political agenda. With name calling.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Have you seen the National Health Service in the UK collapsing? Imagine a three-hour wait for an ambulance. Socialized medicine at its best. 7.5 million people waiting. Yeah, it's crazy. I've heard that if you have cancer, diagnosed with cancer, you don't get your second appointment for like three months in the UK. I heard it's really, really, really bad. And the irony is we had that jiu-jitsu guy on there who was saying it's better than it is here.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You're fucking crazy. Another thing that's going on they have so they have so many fucking problems over there and in canada canada with their medicine i don't know if i want to go down that alleyway but there's some there's some stunning shit coming out of there hey i remember greg uh when when obamacare took place he hey, it's more important than ever to take care of your health because health care is about to go into one size fits all. Yeah. And it's going to get bad. And I think even just us calling it health care is actually incorrect.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Right. Like right from there, they're, oh, your health insurance or your health care. And it's like, no, they're managing sickness. Someone asked, I don't't know i don't see it anymore have i heard from that lawyer oh uh here it is uh seven have you heard anything new from the lawyer friend who is uh has the case defending the military folk no i need dale saran i need to have him on again we'll have him on after wadapalooza i do know according to caleb i haven't verified it but i believe caleb that they're not
Starting point is 00:37:25 mandating the uh injection anymore for military people that's that would have been an interesting thing for the cardiologist as she said it four times at the beginning uh two questions there's can you explain there's and why isn't the u.s military uh forcing it on people why'd they stop that uh well i'm a cardiologist and what are your opinions are just disgusting frankly Can you explain VAERS and why isn't the US military forcing it on people? Why'd they stop that? Well, I'm a cardiologist, and your opinions are just disgusting, frankly. I heard that Rogan's episode with Brett Weinstein is pretty good. 325, Snapchat. Now I know why I never had interest in Snapchat.
Starting point is 00:38:05 We had Torino. What was that guy's name? Damian Torino, the filmmaker, 27-year-old kid. Dominic. Dominic. Dominic Tirno. Dominic Tirno was on the show, and he basically explained to us what Snapchat was. I had no idea. But here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Now you know another reason why not to get your kid a cell phone. Here we go. Snapchat exists. Why do you think they would make a company for 13 year olds where a photo disappears after 24 hours? Why do you think kids would want to use that? You know, I've been to Silicon Valley.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I've met these, but they're, they're, they're buildings full of 300 people who are all employed to give children what they want, not what they need. The base interest of children's wants. Because before, you wanted to get to a kid, you had to appeal to their parents because their parents would turn the television off. So if you wanted to make a program for a kid, it had to appeal to their parents because their parents were in control of the media they consumed.
Starting point is 00:39:00 The kids have direct access to it now, so it doesn't matter. And there's an entire dialogue happening between these tech companies and kids that parents are completely unaware of what do you think snapchat snapchat wow okay now i know i never you'll never i never have snapchat i don't use snapchat i'm i'm okay the other thing too is like parents i just don't use Snapchat. I'm, I'm okay. The other thing too, is like parents. I just don't think like he had said,
Starting point is 00:39:28 they're just completely unaware. Like they, they like how much of tech rules our world now in social media and everything else rules, like the information that we have, but people don't really take the time to understand it, especially the older generation that's giving it to their kids. Like I see tons of kids,
Starting point is 00:39:43 super young, two years old, iPad in front of them. He's out of control of the whole iPad. Watch over him. And I'll even peek in and watch what they're watching on YouTube because if you sit to a parent and you go, hey, do you realize that YouTube is recommending the next things and they just hit next a couple of times
Starting point is 00:40:00 and they just have disinterest in some of it, the algorithm will put something completely different in front of them that is not approved by you at all and you don't even know they're watching it now and they're sitting disinterest in some of it, the algorithm will put something completely different in front of them that is not approved by you at all. And you don't even know they're watching it now. And they're sitting there looking at it. And now YouTube is now feeding things that they are just finding curious. So all it's doing is just pushing it further
Starting point is 00:40:15 down the rabbit hole and away from anything that you've approved. And most of them are just like, oh, I didn't even know that. And now they're watching what these people in Silicon Valley. God. that and now and now they're watching what uh these uh these people in silicon valley god those people in silicon valley are more like the people we saw in the first story by the way than like like uh you and me uh rich brasda i once fired an employee who called out sick and then posted her trip to the mall on snapchat and another employee saw it and showed hey she was
Starting point is 00:40:43 sick she was there getting some some blankets because she was sick. Should have been fired just for stupidity alone. It's like, if you're going to play hooky and do that, at least be smart about it. 324, some interesting words of wisdom from Israel Adesanya. I'm curious what you guys think about this. Here we go. Manifest like a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Do you believe in it in the metaphysical sense? 100%. Everything comes from the imagination. Everything comes from it. Before this microphone was a microphone, someone somehow thought about it. How can I speak into something that would amplify my voice and blah, blah, blah, blah. And then this came out of it. And it's evolved over the years.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Everything comes from the imagination. So the power of the mind, people don't understand. We still don't understand. I still don't understand how powerful it is. I'm still learning. I know one thing is I can make things happen. I can manifest like a motherfucker. I can make things happen. I can manifest like a motherfucker. I can make things happen.
Starting point is 00:41:48 The style bender. Have you read that book, Becoming Supernatural? No, is it good? I listened to it. I don't know. I'm partly listening to it and another book at the same time, so I'm not completely deeply focused into it, but that's what it's about.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Who's the author? Joe Dispenza. another book at the same time. So I'm not like completely deep, deeply focused into it, but that's what it's about. Cause you're in, they, they basically see like the author, um, Joe dispense it. Yes. Yeah. I've watched some of his videos. I've watched some of his videos.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And his whole thing is like, if you're, if you bring awareness to stuff for enough time, you could kind of, uh, shift your energy to match that same frequency or the vibration. And then that's how things are like attracted or like manifest. If of you guys are really into that and i got that wrong or i butchered it i'm sure i did but that was basically the idea of it here's the thing here's the way i
Starting point is 00:42:33 think about it on some level everything has the the same fundamental building block right so let's call that building block legos everything's made of fucking legos this microphone and my thoughts at some level they have to be made of the same thing there is some small common denominator right that everything's made of and from listening to him joe dispensa he's basically saying if you can tap into that part of your brain and control that part of your brain where you're manipulating things at the Lego level, then you can start creating with your mind. You can start manifesting with your mind. Yep. And logically, it makes just perfect sense to me.
Starting point is 00:43:22 There are some trippy things, right? Are you manifesting things or are you seeing the future? Perception is reality, right? Yeah, like you think you're like, I really want this house. I really want this house. I really want this house. And then you get this house. But maybe what you really were doing is you saw the future.
Starting point is 00:43:42 You didn't know how to interpret it. And so now you think you manifested it. Because Stephen't because stephen king says we don't know where this shit's coming from and his book called on writing the only non-fiction stephen king ever wrote highly recommend it how do you have you like first not for certain but as a certain as you could be manifested things in your life absolutely it's a trip right it's certain yeah it's as certain as I can be. Yeah. It's a super trip. You know what? The one thing I realized though, too, is once the certain things that you're trying to achieve, whether you call them goals or things you're manifesting or things
Starting point is 00:44:12 you're working towards happen, the thing that I didn't realize is you immediately have to go and stretch it out even further than what you thought was possible. Because I think at a certain point- That's the imagination piece Dialbender was talking about? That's the imagination piece. You have to go,? That's the imagination piece. Like you have to go, okay, I accomplished X. Like I really wanted this. This happened. And you can't stay there
Starting point is 00:44:30 just like satisfied with that. You have to kind of like cast the vision out even further and really put it out there. So then that way, you're always kind of like moving towards something. And I think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:44:39 get in trouble where they're just not casting like a vision for themselves or manifesting or whatever you want to call it. But they're not like focused on, for themselves or manifesting or whatever you want to call it, but they're not focused on, okay, here I am here. I want to go here. What do I need to do for the steps in between to get me to where I want to be? And so they just get stuck in this loop. And we have so many distractions like entertainment, consumer debt, the job that you're
Starting point is 00:45:01 stuck in that will keep you just in that loop and only focusing on Friday. So I could drink or go with my friends. Right. Right. You know what I mean? Well, you know, it's funny. That's one of the things I know noticed from that kid, Tyson Bajan. He's not here. He's already like, and then when he gets there, he has to go even further. So yeah, he's already, yeah, he's already like, yeah, so he's in the present. But like when I, when you talk to him, I'm like, oh, this kid's already there. He's already even further so yeah he's already yeah he's already like yeah so he's in the present but like when i when you talk to him i'm like oh this kid's already there he's already in his mind he's already he's already he's already in the nfl and you don't need much to start to prove it to yourself so people are out there and they're like this shit isn't you know i've been stuck in a rut for whatever this shit isn't real once you if you said something small that you're
Starting point is 00:45:42 trying to achieve or manifest and you see a sliver of it starting to materialize, like really hold onto that and then try to go to the next one. And I think a lot of times like opportunities and things often disguise themselves as setbacks or different things like that. And then they're not realizing that those could be part of the things that you're manifesting or part of the goals that you're trying to achieve. You just have to roll with the punches a little bit. I manifested sex with my wife, but she manifested not having sex and canceled me out
Starting point is 00:46:08 it happens james it happens hey um uh i used i used to play this um um uh well i'll tell you this because trina told me this wrote this the genitalia part um i i When I would be with Greg, whenever anyone would say anything, I would always, I would come up with a metaphor. And oftentimes it would be an inappropriate metaphor. And Greg always called that the Savant's pornponent. I'd be like, is that like if your balls get run over by a car? And he'd be like, there it is. There's the pornponent. I'd be like, what?
Starting point is 00:46:42 That's not porn. That's my form of communication. What are you talking about? That's the pornponent. I used like what it's not porn that's my form of communication what are you talking that's the pornponent um uh i used to play this game with my wife it's called the manifestation game and you wake up every morning yes that's me yes uh trina too the pornponent so it's called the manifestation game and um so i would say okay this morning it's rooster and then the first one of us that sees a rooster, um, it wins the game. So like you could be driving by and you could see on a billboard or rooster, or like you
Starting point is 00:47:09 go to your mom's house and she's got like a rooster, like a tin rooster in the yard. And we would just come up with the craziest shit. And, uh, by before the end of the day stuff, you would never think you would always see it. So, um, one day I put up the um i said five hundred thousand dollars and that day uh my wife was uh hit by a car crossing the street and we stopped playing the game it ended up being this big ordeal she almost had her leg amputated ended up being you know a year of just like all these rehabs and shit but guess how much the settlement was five five hundred k well see that's and a lot of people would have like i'm ready to play the game
Starting point is 00:47:51 they would have seen that and be like oh my gosh i was going after 500k and then my wife got hit by a car and so then then that ends the vision or or you know the manifestation there's something because they're just viewing that as like a negative thing and not not seeing where that could lead have you seen that it was a clip from like a rogan podcast where the guy's like it was like an old um chinese tale or saying or something and he was like kept talking about like oh the horseman showed or your son broke his leg and they're like that's that's terrible and he's like oh i don't you know i'm not making yes on it and then they're like the next day the army showed up and was like we're gonna take everybody to war to war. And they're like, oh, we can't take him.
Starting point is 00:48:25 His leg's broken. So then the son got to stay. And he's like, you know, that's pretty much how you have to be. You have to be able to flow with it like water, but still kind of hold the image or the manifestation in your mind. Yeah, look at Froning. Didn't play baseball because he wanted to be in his girlfriend's arms. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah. And you hear that. Have you heard the Jim Carrey thing about the $3 million or something like that? No. Where he was going after to be an actor
Starting point is 00:48:49 and like nothing was going his way. And so he sat down and was like, you know, and I'm paraphrasing this, probably butchering it. Somebody has actual clip, but he basically goes,
Starting point is 00:48:57 I wrote myself a $3 million check and I said, I'm going to give myself two or three years to cash this. And, and kept going, kept going.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Then he got his first like big break and it was the payout was three million dollars and so he pulled out that old crinkled busted up check he kept in his wallet and was able to cash it wow metaphorically sure but yeah one time i saw a bank statement god i hope this podcast does that it will manifest one time i saw a bank statement with uh multiple millions of dollars on it. And that was the first time, like I seen a tangible document with like more than 10 million, like an ATM receipt.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And it's like $11 million. And I just held that in my mind. Yeah. Yeah. You got to see it first to believe it sometimes. So, uh, number three,
Starting point is 00:49:44 23. Um, um, you're first to believe it sometimes so uh number 323 um middle america savon's uh uh love language is acts of service thank you yes here we go we love mocking middle america don't we they are don't f***ing stupid, aren't they? They also growl at your food, don't they, you little f***ers, don't they? You little soft-handed liberal scum. You'd bleed if you looked at a shovel, you little c***s, wouldn't you? You don't do a single useful thing for the planet, you little f***ers, isn't that true? You'd die in a day without Republicans, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:50:23 You can't eat a podcast, can you? No protein in slam poetry, is there? That's what I hate about New York. People think they're so tough here. It's so annoying. They're like, you can make it in New York. You can make it anywhere. Nah, you'd die in a day on my uncle's
Starting point is 00:50:44 farm, man. He doesn't have clean drinking water,riracha or feminism right well he has sriracha he calls it chinaman ketchup but oh we love mocking middle america don't dude ko That's hilarious. K.O. You know what this show is? This is like a, this is like a, if John Young's a low rent Dan Bailey, this show is like a low rent Tosh, Tosh.0. I'm so embarrassed to say. It's like a low rent Tosh.0. Low rent.
Starting point is 00:51:25 I guess the only thing, Yeah, I don't know. I think Tosh is the greatest comedian ever. I think Dave Chappelle's got nothing on him. Nothing. What? Nothing on him. Oh, my God. Then where is Tosh?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Where is he? Where is he? Exactly. Dude, brilliant. The best timing in all of comedy, by far. Hands down. No one even close to him. I don't know, though, but I feel like Dave Chappelle just has more range.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Maybe. I don't think so. Sarcastic. I think. He's witty as fuck. I'll give him that. Tosh will go straight towards racism, abortion, and transgender. Yeah, but Chappelle's got to set it up for 15 minutes before he's like,
Starting point is 00:52:08 and here's the punchline. Tosh is just dropping bombs. Did you watch Andrew Schultz's new special yet? Oh, shut up, Jesse. You don't even know what you're talking about. Yeah, I didn't like it. What? I thought there was 10 or 15 minutes of it that were good. I thought I did. The first portion when he just comes out and just starts roasting
Starting point is 00:52:24 everybody in the audience, you weren't digging that i don't know i didn't laugh uh tosh was so good but like matt says i haven't seen him in forever yeah i would love to see him pop up on a bunch of podcasts though because i be even though i argued with you about the dave chappelle versus tosh thing that to me is just like or like the mad and the rich argument you're still a huge fan of both of them right oh my goodness the fact people don't even mention tosh usually is like the great i just think he's whatever his first stand-up was like prior to the show when he first came on the scene i forget what the name of it was but that stand-up was just all time it would still be funny now and that's how like a lot of comedians i think
Starting point is 00:53:05 if you i do think andrew schultz he took the jew out of him schultz i do think andrew schultz is great don't get me wrong i just didn't enjoy his stand-up tune i didn't laugh once in it really yeah i mean i get i get as i went on there were some parts where i was just kind of like okay but at the beginning when i just thought he came out was just was just roasting everybody. But I like the crowd riffing stuff because you know that's like real and it's in that moment of time. So it's kind of- Yeah, it shows crazy talent, right?
Starting point is 00:53:30 Crazy. I mean, you gotta be so sharp to get out there and start like, you know, rolling with that stuff because you don't know where it's gonna go. You don't have any control over it. Sevan, have you seen the show or know the story of a friend of the family about Jan Broberg and Robert Birchtold?
Starting point is 00:53:53 Birch, no. Mm-mm. no i think of i don't know one thing too about um chapelle his shit was timeless like you go back and watch that first season of chapelle show now and all that yeah it's still relevant i didn't watch the chapelle show you did not no oh i just i just have seen his stand-up i just got into him maybe in the last like three or four years and when he did the show on george floyd that that really fucking took a lot of steam out of my sail for him yeah that one was nine minutes or eight minutes or whatever the fuck that thing was like did it in his backyard or that way setting i don't know if this is backyard but yeah there is yeah okay uh three 322 this was made by a friend of the show. This is just crazy. Like, I remember when 60 Minutes used to be like a real institution where they could, like, you could trust them.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Or at least maybe I was stupid back then. Maybe you could never trust them. But this is nuts. Susan made this the other day on his instagram check this out this is just ridiculous almost half of american adults have obesity a condition that was a fraction of that just 40 years ago and scientists don't agree on what's caused the dramatic increase. Can you pause this? Can you have obesity? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Somebody said that in the comments, and they go, just by the wording alone, by the way that that was framed, already was completely misleading. You can have anorexia. You can have a huge cock. Yeah, there you go, Jeremy. I don't think you can have... Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:55:28 You can be. You can be obese. Can you have skinny? Can you have super skinny? Like without a psychological condition attached to it? Man, they are just mind fucking the tards yeah i'm glad you caught that yes quark yes uh can you have dumb guys what am i gonna do what am i gonna do trina, like, she's so hardworking. I'm so scared.
Starting point is 00:56:05 She's going to get me shadow banned more than I am. No, I don't think so. She's been creating some awesome stuff too. God, she's so good. Yeah. Trina, we're going to connect very soon. Sorry, I haven't already reached out. It's almost like it's me, but with a vagina.
Starting point is 00:56:22 God. I wonder if I'll ever get to meet you i would love to play quarters with you i haven't played quarters in 30 years quarters yeah it's so random oh i just love to play quarters like slide the quarter to somebody else's knuckle no well you bounce the quarter and if it goes you drink it i don't know why i went to the one do you want to talk about though yeah that was bloody knuckles i don't know why i went to that oh i would just love to just go to a pizza place and get pitchers of beer and like pitchers those plastic pitchers that are clearly have like soap in them still some pint glasses that are so cold. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Okay. I would squeeze the shit out of you if I met you in person. I'd hug you so tight. You're so cool. Okay. Okay, here we go. 60 Minutes, Matt Souza. Okay, here we go. So this lady thinks that Americans have obesity.
Starting point is 00:57:22 We got a problem here, Houston. Americans have obesity. We already we got a problem here, Houston. Povian and Stanford have been advising companies developing drugs for obesity, including the Danish company Novo Nordisk, an advertiser on this broadcast. An advertiser on this broadcast. In case you missed it, those two doctors, they're being paid by the pharmaceutical company. In case you missed it, those two doctors, they're being paid by the pharmaceutical company. The pharmaceutical company is paying 60 Minutes to make what looks like some sort of study or information they're presenting, when in fact, it's just one long commercial. But here's the kick. They're not lying about it.
Starting point is 00:57:56 They just told you right there straight to your face. But most of us are falling into the same trap of only confirming information that we want to hear and not actually paying attention to what's being presented. Don't fall into the trap. And you know, it's crazy, Susan, when you say that, even though you just told it to me, I still am struggling. Like I know. And you just told me they work for the drug company. She said they work for the drug, but I'm still like, well, like maybe the advising is different. They're not. It's a different setup. Yeah, exactly. I'm still struggling with it. Like I like I like like I don't have obesity, but I have libtardism. Like I have some I have some I have.
Starting point is 00:58:41 You know, it's pretty funny, too. I tried to film that on cinematic mode. So it would be like nicer and a little bit of a clearer shot yeah and i used my phone i turned my monitor off and then i spun it around and tried to set it on a tripod and tried to frame it and i ended up like what it's just like funny because i'm like looking like up but like down at the phone i don't know just because i'm hypercritical because it's just a big picture of myself on the screen and i'm wearing the same shit which is kind of embarrassing too but whatever i watched it three times and i'm just like man like what well i am so stupid
Starting point is 00:59:11 it's a smart move from the first pharmaceutical companies yeah yeah yeah it's like uh i don't like this word but it's but here we go you won't hear me say it much on the show. It's evil. And I will define that as it's knowingly hurting people. I do believe maybe if I had a definition for evil, it would be arguing people's limitations for them. It is such the nastiest thing you can do is to argue someone's limitations for them. They just want dependence. You know what I mean? And think about it, dude. Think how rich we'd be if you and i invented something that worked for forget all the side effects and long-term terrible stuff that i have if you and i had some sort of drug that cured obesity
Starting point is 00:59:53 how rich would we fucking be well here's the thing it was the same thing with what greg used to say i don't have a problem with coke i don't have a problem with sugar i don't drink all the coke you want jack daniels don't meddle in science and that's what they're doing they're not just telling you that they have this drug that can cure they can help you lose weight which would be fine cool good on you but they're telling you that obesity can't be solved that you're stuck with it and they're lying to you. And then they're changing the word from obesity as being like, um, uh, something you are, I guess they're both nouns, something you, something you are versus something you have. Well, now you're a victim. Yeah. You're not responsible for it, right? This is a kid. Cause if you think about it, if you,
Starting point is 01:00:44 if you are born with some sort of condition or something that's just completely out of your control, right, that is, you are a victim of that. You have that. That happened to you. But things that are within your control, just based off your complacency and your lifestyle, that doesn't happen to you.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Those were decisions that you made. So therefore, that's kind of what you, you're reaping what you sow there a little bit. Hey, Fergie wrote, made so therefore that's kind of what you you're reaping what you sow there a little bit hey um fergie wrote however the fat she never shows up at prisoner of war camps so i i typed in uh great point i typed in uh fat people at auschwitz yeah no come on wouldn't happen oh oh the news you know what comes up first? It's so funny.
Starting point is 01:01:26 It goes straight to someone being offended. New Zealand national leader John Key said a comment. One of his MPs made that there were no fat people in concentration camps was offensive. Of course, because now you have to label. How the fuck is that offensive? It's poignant. Human soap was used to produce human fat was used to produce soap at auschwitz great uh oh here's some misconceptions about the holocaust only six million were jewish the
Starting point is 01:01:55 other five million were non-jewish oh my goodness wow this is actually like a topic that's really upset some people. In a summary, a patient asked her doctor about the possible medical causes for her weight gain. The doctor told her not to worry about such things. Weight gain was just a matter of how much food she ate. Then the doctor asked her if she had seen pictures from concentration camps, Ausitz and she had seen and asked her if she had seen any fat prisoners there there's just certain things like that that just cut right to like the heart of the matter right it's like you could make up all this shit and you ask one question like that.
Starting point is 01:02:45 And all of a sudden it's like, yeah, now we can throw out everything I just said because you just proved it wrong. Hey, and like if you're offended by that, it's like why? Stay focused. What you're basically doing is there's a bit of ad hominem there. All of a sudden you're getting mad at the messenger. Like stay focused on the subject. Answer that question. If you don't like talking to that person, you don't like the at the messenger. Like stay focused on the subject, answer that question. If you don't like talking to that person,
Starting point is 01:03:06 you don't like the metaphors they use or the analogies or whatever, then move on. But then to all of a sudden say that's offensive. That's because you're unwilling to look at the truth. You've shifted gears. Yeah. We, we had a discussion about it the other day about using the term Russian kettlebell swing. Have you heard the term Russian kettlebell swing versus the American kettlebell swing? One's like up and one's like straight yeah so one goes up to like you know chest height or so um and they're like like we were talking about they're like what would the calling it like the
Starting point is 01:03:33 russian kettlebell swing would that that'd be offensive oh because of the war that upset some people yeah and i was just like so wait here when no one's like affected by it and clearly it's completely in a different context there's nothing to do with it's something we've always used the term of but because of this this incident that's happening now like now all of a sudden like i'm going to be offended by that terminology for that kettlebell swing the spanish flu the china flu now the china flu is offensive but the spanish flu wasn't offensive so weird the mexican bird flu yeah and then of course i made the joke the joke you got to really thrust your hips like you're invading the country oh you did yeah of course
Starting point is 01:04:15 earlier people were asking they're like oh my gosh he like owns affiliate he comes on the show and like does all this that's because i'm just me everywhere i go so you might i stay away from a lot of like polarizing topics obviously we keep it about crossfit war in the gym but i make a ton of like jokes about everything in our pop culture and like and you sound like a good coach so you sound like a good i keep it fun but i keep it i keep it loose it doesn't matter if you're a liberal or conservative you're gonna have a great fucking time in my class i guarantee it at livermore crossfit uh victoria's victoria secrets stark uh oh ah yes does not look they've had a tough year everyone's had a tough year right oh my god they're five years, disaster.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Wow. Yeah, that's the one to look at because if you look at some of the tech companies and these other companies, they had this really big boom in like 2020 through 2021. And then this big drop-off is actually them kind of like evening back out to where they're actually valued at. Yeah, Victoria's Secrets is at all time low.
Starting point is 01:05:20 They've shit the bed. Yeah, well, when you start pushing obesity as the new healthy and normal lingerie is gonna go no i wonder if i type in victoria's secret images um what i get uh i get hot chicks or emaciated chicks or obese chicks they only have to oh i get uh oh here we go i got emaciated girls uh hey what's the deal on instagram now now it's so is it okay yeah they're all they're all the hot chicks hey um what's the deal with uh nipples now on instagram oh because you're talking about like the weird see-through shirts yeah there's Yeah, there's just boobs everywhere now on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:06:07 But don't say vaccine. How did that happen? Fuck if I know. Hey, you know what I think they might be doing is like they're not policing that stuff and to let people come out and then maybe then they're going to police it and cull the herd. You're a good dude. Me? Yeah, to think that. I think the attention time on the apps has dropped dramatically as people
Starting point is 01:06:27 are going back to work and losing jobs and stuff. And they're like, you know how we could get some more attention? Wow. Let the titties out. Free the nipple. I mean, whenever you sign up for something that's free, that means you are the product, right? So they're selling your attention to advertisers.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And if those apps aren't, aren't curating as amount of attention as they used to, they might loosen up some things that they wouldn't have let before to see how much more attention it comes back to that app. Especially, I mean, there's a lot of them competing for attention right now. You have Tik TOK, you got a lot of stuff going on on Twitter. We got the Instagram. So yeah. You know, Snapchat, Snapchat, a lot of those young kids really fucking
Starting point is 01:07:07 use that all the time that's like the preferred i'll i'll often ask like um uh grace has these two boys that she's nannied since they were tiny like you know newborns essentially and one of them just went off to college and the other one is now like 16 17 so whenever i get around those two boys or like some of the other you know teenage kind of kids or tweens at the gym, I always ask them like, Hey, what app, what app do you spend most of your time on? You know, what, what way do you communicate? How do you communicate with your friends? Do you do a text? Do you do it through an app and stuff like that? And all of them is all, it's all Snapchat. That's what you, Dominic was saying. You can just get drugs on Snapchat. Just order drugs delivered to your house. You can get fentanyl
Starting point is 01:07:42 delivered to your house. Yeah, I'm sure. But it's weird. And then one of the boys was telling me, he goes, oh, yeah, you'll talk to people on Snapchat. But only if it's like something serious will I move it off and go to text. Wow. Yeah. Big fan of the under boob shot. You mean like a little boob hanging out below the bra? Okay. Big fan of the under boob shot. You mean like a little boob hanging out below the bra? Okay, so Victoria's Secret's brand CEO Amy Hawk announced that she will be leaving the lingerie giant after a brief stint at the company.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Amy Hawk will be stepping down as CEO of Victoria's Secret and Pink in order to spend more time with her family, the company said. The company said. In 2020, Victoria's Secret announced that it would be permanently closing around 250 stores in the u.s and china that's fair don't don't anyone from canada get pissed it's totally fair on tuesday shares fell uh sharping uh following the sec filing revealing the departure of hawk shares of the lingerie manufacturer fell uh six percent uh oh yeah their windows show yeah okay so they've gone full chablito okay well the thing is people don't realize that like it's the same thing like uh even as everyone wants to look at beautiful people, like just cause we're all fat doesn't mean like we want people fat people in
Starting point is 01:09:10 the windows. Yeah. You want to talk about real privilege in life, be a really attractive person. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Right. And I wouldn't, I wouldn't throw that around lightly. Like I don't really agree with the whole privilege thing, but like, I'm like, yes, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:25 if you're a really attractive person, like more cushion for the pushing. Looking like a true Armenian. Okay. Uh, three 21. Think about it. Think about it.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Think about it. I saw my kids watch karate kid today with uh um the original one yeah with elizabeth's shoe i remember just being in love with her as a little boy um dr ben tapper uh people are starting to connect the dots with sudden adult death syndrome. Wait until they connect the dots with sudden infant death syndrome. Mic drop. Okay. I'm going to leave that one just there, just like that. You guys think about that for a second, and we'll move on.
Starting point is 01:10:21 320. No shit. 15 times a day i i don't remember what this is about but i was thinking it's oh it's 100 times a day yeah this is just idiot talk here but but i understand what they're trying to say but wait till you see this this is good uh social media may alter brains of children oh no shit the study looked at a group of 169 teens as their brains developed between the ages of 12 and 15. Here we go. When those with usage, the researchers classed as habitual, meaning they check their accounts 15 or more times a day. 15 times i guarantee you that the vast majority of people on instagram check their account i mean there's times that i check it 15 times in a fucking hour i'm just trying to go i have to to get through my dms sometimes because because and because i'm on it so much i just catch myself just turning it on and then being like wait what am i doing why did i get here why am i here well how
Starting point is 01:11:22 did i get here yeah yeah or right yeah exactly and i don't even scroll i'm not even a scroller hey yours is pretty you're intentful most people are not but even even being intentful i catch myself just like pulling my phone out of my pocket it's like a um it's like when i used to smoke cigarettes it's just a uh coping it's become a coping mechanism and it's like sub it's at that subconscious level of thought. So it isn't until you're like, oh, wait, why am I looking at this? What was I just doing? Fuck, I need to go back. Oh, I just came on here to check somebody's name to make sure I spelled it right.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I just came on here to double check that it was the right person. And next thing you know, two or three minutes are gone. And you're like, damn, especially like we have already talked about it but especially if you're a a dude on there and you go to the score page you are just attacked with the female body although it's like it's crazy and i've done stuff to try to pull that out of the the algorithm like just completely ignore it like you know move it away for like it's like the black plague and they they'll end up doubling down on it here's mine right now mine's not too bad right now oh i don't know if you if you can see it but i got no beaver there right now which is that's good yeah do you have fighting on yours i have fighting they switched mine with with fighting that's what i got a ton of it was just like fighting some avatar skateboarding i got
Starting point is 01:12:41 like some skateboarding beaver but it's like it's just like a skirt and some legs i'd hold it closer to the camera but uh oh wow and what's crazy is i just scrolled one down and it's page powers probably because i was looking at her account last night i'm getting more and more comedy that's good yeah the, with artificial intelligence being like ushered in, like she could get weird. Oh dude, Jeremy, my whole, every day I get five new requests in my DMS and they're all Asian women
Starting point is 01:13:13 saying, hi, can I ask you a question? Crazy. Cause a certain percentage of people fall for that. That's nuts. You know, like that it exists for a reason.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Jeremy. Yeah. yeah oh i thought he was saying yes like yes you can uh my entire feed is dogs fitness and food oh dj reed that's a girl is dj not a real dj that's the initials for the name when When I see DJ, I think just like that, that just is the name. Yeah. I, well, I think it's a DJ, like someone who spins records.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Could be DJ. Is that your name? Or is that just, are you just a DJ? Good question. That is the question. Yes. My name is Judy.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Oh shit. Oh, so it's something Judy. Donna, Judy, Donna, Donna, Donna. yes my name is judy oh shit oh so it's something judy donna judy donna donna my daughter is a dj like what kind of dj like it like that's her name or is she like a dj like a right disc jockey if it's a disc jockey there's not enough clarity in these comments okay not a dj yeah yeah okay not a dj all right fair judy not a disc jockey or not a you know what okay that one phenomenon you said is totally accurate like even today um brian uh friend sent me like hey have you invited this person on your podcast yet and i
Starting point is 01:14:36 went to go look him up on instagram and i i'd never i'd gone i'd never i'd never even got to the person i was just like already just in my dms yeah all right dj tanner i don't get it from full house oh uh where wait where are we uh okay so it's 15 times it's like there's no kid who just if you have instagram there's no one using it just 15 times a day unless it's like only on your computer or something i met a lady at the skate park today she only has it on her computer i know it's even crazier if like there's more activity i realized because my like with some of the reels that i posted and stuff there's just like more activity on my account like i don't have notifications or anything come through there at all so i have to
Starting point is 01:15:18 like open the app to like see what's going on because i knew that if all of a sudden notifications popped up it would get me there even more but then you're on there even more like then all of a sudden notifications popped up, it would get me there even more. But then you're on there even more. Like then all of a sudden it was like, when one of them started to do really well, I found myself like refreshing it. I mean like, Oh, where is it at now? And then all of a sudden I was like,
Starting point is 01:15:31 what the fuck am I doing? Oh, with your own posts. Yeah. Like with the one that I did, uh, one of them, I didn't think that would like matter that much was one of the ones that I
Starting point is 01:15:39 made on like the, like CrossFit, the community. And I was just kind of just testing that almost as like, you know, would that work almost as an advertisement for the gym and uh as it started to started to go and started to populate i all of a sudden i'm like refreshing it and one time i was like why am i even what what is it what has happened like i never cared before now all of a sudden that it had a little tension i'm like oh refresh refresh you know yeah yeah i like the comments you in so
Starting point is 01:16:03 much i love the comments but you could find out how that could be so dangerous for somebody who's that young 14 15 you would explode on tiktok you get 100 plus you know thousand followers so now the activity on your account is insane well how about someone like going back to danny spiegel she gets a thousand comments on a on a post like does she scroll through those i know because i got a thousand comments i'd probably scroll through them and my life would be over well that's what i'm saying like how much of your time gets sucked into it 20 comments and i'm like wow this is a good day it's crazy 20 comments means 20 people saw my post uh alice and nyc mine today is women doing their hair and close-ups of them yeah i followed some close i followed some women giving birth uh
Starting point is 01:16:44 accounts i i could i women giving birth uh accounts i i could i there's only so much i can handle that it's gonna be a no from me yeah it's tough i mean they just straight they just straight show that shit on instagram excuse me um this is kind of mind-boggling here uh 319 i fact check this and this is actually true are we at the top link of 319 or bottom link yeah top one top one got it yeah i just put the bottom one just to like show off that i fact checked it like a reference there yeah because i just couldn't believe that this was true oh this is good more good news coming out of the United Kingdom. In Russia last year, 400 people were arrested for things that they said on social media.
Starting point is 01:17:32 400 people in Russia. Obviously, this country is very different. How many people do you think were arrested in Britain for things they said on social media last year? Go on. Take a guess. Spit it out. No idea. 3,300.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Really? Arrested for they'd said on social media really what sort of things get you well one example i give in my show is uh there was a young woman from liverpool called chelsea russell and people can look this up uh her friend was killed in a car crash 19 year old woman and she posted the lyrics of his favorite song on her instagram the lyrics and there was a rap song so the lyrics of his favorite song on her Instagram, the lyrics. And it was a rap song, so the lyrics contained several instances of the N-word. Okay?
Starting point is 01:18:10 She was arrested, prosecuted, found guilty, given 500 hours of community service and a fine, tagged, and for a year she was under 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. curfew. My goodness. In Britain.m. to 8 a.m. curfew. My goodness. In Britain. In Britain. In 2018. So we talk about the Chinese system of social credits.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Right. And describe it as the creation or the emerging of a digital prison. But we're doing it to ourselves voluntarily in the West, so to speak. Absolutely. So we'll cancel people socially if they say the wrong thing on social media. But you're telling me now that 3,500 people were visited by the police? No, in Russia last year. No, arrested.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Oh, you went mute, Sousa. Click the link below, Sousa, it's fucking crazy. Imagine posting lyrics to a rap song to celebrate one of your dead friends, and the cops come into your house, because it's a fucking Tupac song. Oh my gosh. It's just the white man censoring black people again. It's crazy. Woman guilty of racist
Starting point is 01:19:25 snapdog rap lyric Instagram. It's crazy. So what if it was racist? You can't post racist shit to the fucking internet. Hey dude, I guarantee you you can post on there that I went to India and those motherfuckers stink like fucking curry. No one's going to say shit to you.
Starting point is 01:19:51 That's crazy. It's fucking nuts. I went to China and there's not even one person out of a billion that can drive. Can you say that? Like they don't have cars or or just that you know the chinese are bad drivers i went to i went to mexico and i just called everyone jorge and i was right 50 of the time you can't say that oh my goodness the social credit score shit is crazy suza drove his rice rocket to my house today.
Starting point is 01:20:29 We played that black comic on our show today. Are we going to get fucking arrested because we played that black comic on our show saying those words? Oh, I know, right? I was going to show up. What the fuck is going on? I cannot believe that's in the United Kingdom. Just across the pond from us uh yeah that's that's pretty crazy what's happening to uh mr jordan peterson pretty crazy pretty crazy how do how does anybody even like stand for censorship anytime i mean i get there's going to be stuff that comes on there that is vile and that you disagree with and and stuff like that but at the end of the day
Starting point is 01:21:08 like you could choose if it harms you or not it's not like me walking over there and punching you in the face you have no choice like that that hurt that harmed you well as someone said on this show earlier today it's uh it's it's they want to play the victim right yeah. Yeah. It's what you were just talking about earlier. It's just that fucking – I'm reading this book. It's called The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza, and he's just dropping bombs. I wish someone would have given me these two books as a young man, Libertarianism by David Boaz. It's a great book.
Starting point is 01:21:43 And this Dinesh D'Souza book the big lie i don't know why i'm so fucking slow i just never paid attention in history class but the stuff i'm learning about abraham lincoln and and how crazy is it so so basically this a couple of things i'm learning in the book is basically what the north won if you guys don't know in the civil war and those were called the abolitionists and so since the north won that means it's all the good guys here so whenever anyone's saying all you people brought us here as slaves no that team lost motherfuckers that team lost that team was the only slave owners. There was not a single Republican slave owner in 1860. The 4 million slaves were owned. The 4 million slaves were all owned by Democrats, and they were in the South. And here's another crazy part. It was 3.37% of the South owned slaves. The other 96% didn't own slaves.
Starting point is 01:22:54 It's fucking crazy. The abolitionists won. We won. That's why there's not slaves anymore. The people that you want to pay reparations, they lost. They're gone. Bye-bye. This book is so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:23:17 It's kind of freaking me out. I keep having to stop and take notes and look stuff up on the internet to make sure this guy's not making shit up. Someone's like, someone's like, well, Ulysses Grant owned slaves and he was a Republican. And then then you look it up and he was a Democrat when he owned slaves. He became a Republican. He wasn't he didn't own slaves. March 17th. M.A.I. M.A.I.D. goes into full effect. Can't wait. I don't know what that is. What is that? Yeah. March 17th MAID goes into full effect can't wait I don't know what that is what is that yeah
Starting point is 01:23:48 it's weird there's a big there's a big shift happening right now what do you mean just with all the technology and everything being decentralized like they never you never had to like scramble for the truth of the narrative before because you had the three stations and they gave it to you. That was your truth. That's what was happening. That
Starting point is 01:24:10 was the news. Now you decide who's going to brainwash you? Well, yeah. Now it's just completely chaotic. But the other thing, you're seeing tons of businesses, the gatekeepers of those businesses being cut out and everything is able to go direct to consumer now. In the past, for us to be able to do this and to get an audience and to have the distribution that we would need to have a show grow and to be able to have 20 plus thousand people have access to it and stuff, you would have needed a ton of money. You wouldn't need a company behind you. You wouldn't need all this. So as we're seeing the gate... I'd have had to wear shoes. I'd have had to wear shoes. Yeah. And you would have been told what you could and what you can't say. you you need all this so we're seeing the i had to wear shoes i'd had to wear shoes yeah you and
Starting point is 01:24:45 you would have been told what you could and what you can't say and so i think as as a lot of like like that like like what we saw in 60 minutes they're being told what they can and can't say that's right and so you're seeing all these gatekeepers kind of falling away to the uh to the wayside and a lot of those businesses are struggling and i think if you look at a larger picture that's what's happening in the political theater realm they no longer can control the narrative and so as everything's being decentralized and and you could know and you're no longer being able to control the information that's getting out there you're losing essentially the gatekeeper for the politicians so now it's just control of the um basically social media companies and youtube
Starting point is 01:25:27 yeah the tech overlords is this considered social media what we're doing right here is youtube considered social media i would assume so i think it's kind of just one big blanket term right uh 318 covid cure yeah i heard the word meme i someone said oh look at this meme i'm like that's not a meme but i i guess meme is kind of broad too when i think of a meme oh this is good this is so good, were these guys on the affiliate series? Life at life athletics. They were, this is from life athletics. This had a crazy twist to it.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I didn't see it coming. Here we go. Action. Some people get it and some people can get it bad. And for those who do get it bad, maybe because they have a high risk factor, such as heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, asthma, or smoking. Even if symptoms feel mild, these factors can increase your risk of COVID-19 turning severe. So if you're at high risk and test positive, don't wait. Look for your nearest CrossFit gym to see if it's right for you.
Starting point is 01:26:42 CrossFit is the solution to all chronic disease. to see if it's right for you crossfit is the solution to all chronic disease holy shit you don't even see it coming right like i'm like oh great go get your fucking injection yeah that's it carlos oh my goodness oh that's the owner that we had that guy on carlos mejia yeah he was awesome oh we're doing nine oh florida he's the cuban dude yep oh my god yeah that guy's great he's great yeah met him in person and stuff at the games and that guy's great oh we should have that dude on again that that could be our first uh affiliate we have on again yeah he was cool as shit yeah he's the cuban immigrant right he got the he got red pilled too yeah judy yeah he was great can i call her judy or do i have to call her dj read oh what is venezuelan cuban whatever oh yeah he was venezuelan i was talking to one of my
Starting point is 01:27:38 some places where you don't want to be i was talking to one of my buddies last night we had a dinner thing for um for one of the uh people that work at the gym it's their birthday and uh he was talking about his parents because we were going oh he he speaks um uh arabic and we're i was like you wouldn't you look at him and you wouldn't think arabic arabic thank you thank you no problem um and uh that's probably the first time i've been able to correct you in 700 shows. I'm honored to do it. And he was explaining because one of the other guys goes, oh, is your parents first generation? And he goes, yep.
Starting point is 01:28:12 And his dad was like a like a biologist or something and from Egypt and, you know, had all this education and everything else. Guess what his job was when he first landed in the States in the 70s? Taxi. No, he was a dishwasher for a restaurant and then eventually like worked for applebee's like i don't even know i think that might have just been the joke but he was like a dishwasher and they had they didn't speak the language they didn't speak english they had to come here they had to like learn it they had to be humble they lived you know with five other people in a studio apartment and just grinded their way out of it and they were so happy to be able to do it. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:46 They were, they were like pumped. And at the time they were, um, that's my whole family, by the way. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And so you, you just have this different perspective from a lot of the immigrants that came over and the further they get away from those parents that made that first leap over, the more and more softer and entitled they become. And this is the world around me. And in the world around me and the world around me owes me something as opposed to those first generation immigrants that came out they
Starting point is 01:29:08 were happy to come here and just grind and to get out of the thumb of their you know whatever was happening in in their country whether they're being you know tried and prosecuted for their religion or whether they're under a suppressive uh tyranny of a government they weren't able to to work or put food on their on the table and they get here and they're just humbled you know these were experts in their fields and now they're they're washing fucking dishes oh well my my my relatives weren't experts you're right you're right what you're saying is right my but my relative it's like they all came here not so smart and poor and and dug their way out and worked hard and worked hard yeah some didn't make it i would tell you true some didn't make it some some are not living some are not living the good life but they tried and
Starting point is 01:29:49 they had opportunity and some really made it yeah and they have the opportunity what do you what would you think the biggest differentiator between the ones made it and the ones that didn't drinking and drugs so lifestyle choices drinking and marijuana yeah yeah because when it's a alcohol marijuana yeah is it is it that all that stuff just to suppress it? And then when shit gets hard and you kind of feel like you're in that rut, like we were talking about before, if you, if you think if you're drinking heavily every single weekend and you're smoking a ton to where you're just being a content with being in the position in the state that you're in, as far as your economic situation, your career, the relationships and stuff in your life, those things are great suppressants for that. And one of the things
Starting point is 01:30:29 that Grace and I learned over in Rome was that they actually built that Coliseum just from having the people turn on the government. They needed entertainment. And that was the main drive for the Coliseum is they just, needed an entertainment they needed a festival to keep everybody happy to keep them content to keep them working and to keep that economy we'll turn it and we have so much of that now and then usher in consumer debt and boom um there's the at the home depot here i don't i don't know what ethnicity they are but they're all fucking latin dudes the place is just full of latin dudes so you pull up and there's like 30 dudes who are like looking at you trying to get in your car to fucking like i I don't know, come to your house and work.
Starting point is 01:31:07 And I've heard that that's not the way to go. And when I walk around the parking lot there where they hang out, when I walk by there, it's just full of just garbage. It's like it's full of all these alcohol bottles and just all this shit. full of all these alcohol bottles and just all this shit but what's crazy is is every latin person that i've ever met like who's been at my house working is the fucking hardest working most fastidious fucking because they got a fucking regular job with the with the landscaper like it's the same three dudes have been mowing my lawn and like taking care of my garden uh for five years oh you know what i mean just awesome hard-working dudes like crazy hard-working dudes yeah and it's it's the same it's the same thing you see with all the all the ethnicities like the asian dudes who are working at the the dry cleaner by my house like
Starting point is 01:32:01 they killed they're killing it yeah you know what i mean but but then i see a cohort of asian people just sitting around smoking cigarettes and just fucking not doing shit and it's the same thing with all the you know the the different uh ethnicities nationalities that come here you see but i just think the irony is is that it's it's always drugs and alcohol or some shit like that that That's the group that's being held back. And I, and I a hundred percent, I mean, those suppressants will do that to you a ton, right? I mean, no question to ask, but at the same time too, like we were saying earlier, like people just don't cast like visions for themselves. Like, I mean, you know how many people, and you've heard me say this,
Starting point is 01:32:40 I go all the time, like, Hey, if you could wave a magic wand. So like money wasn't the issue. Cause everybody wants to point out money. I don't have money to do this. I don't have enough to do this. If you could wave a magic wand and money wasn't the issues, what would you do exactly? The majority of the people don't – they can't – they don't know. They can't tell you. And so if you don't spend a lot of time internally to just sort out all the fucking clutter in your mind originally to give yourself
Starting point is 01:33:05 some sort of vision, even if the vision needs to start with, Hey, I'm going to distract myself from taking a drink at noon and I'll just fucking, I'll get out and I'll take a walk. Yeah. Right. And maybe that, maybe those are the small goals that you need to set in place because there's a lot of clutter and everything else in your, in your life right now. So that's the steps that you have to take. And other people just need to sit down and say, where am I going? Where do I want to go? What do I want in my life? Hey, what is my dream? Do you think there's anyone who's sitting on like $30 million in their bank account
Starting point is 01:33:31 and works one day a week at Starbucks just because it's what they want to do? Fuck no. You don't think there's one? That just sits on their money? Like just someone who's wealthy and retired. You know, you're 50 years old. You always wanted to be a fucking starbucks barista you're bringing in you know six hundred thousand dollars a year in interest from your fucking stocks but but you've always wanted to be a barista at starbucks so you
Starting point is 01:33:53 do you think there's one of those stories in the united states for sure i think there's more than one you do yeah yeah i yeah absolutely absolutely because i'm in here's the deal, though, too. They're just humble enough. They don't care. I'm going back to the idea of the thought of what you wanted to do. I started thinking, if I had $50 million in the bank, would I still be doing this podcast? Would you?
Starting point is 01:34:15 Yeah, probably. I probably wouldn't have started it, but I don't know. There's no... But man, man fuck i found my calling it's tough to find like i don't know this i don't have millions of dollars i hope i hope to have you know a lot of success in my future but it's hard to find a lot of growth when shit's easy like what what about taking a job one day a week in the most dangerous part of town at a liquor store? Like CBD did? Did you see that where he went to Liberty City after Antonio Brown called him out and he fucking bagged groceries and paid for it during Christmas time?
Starting point is 01:34:53 No. He did that? Mm-hmm. And they went over right to this area where it was in the heart of the ghetto and everything else and showed up there and started paying for people's groceries and bagging them and just was asking them, hey, what's it like out here? What are you struggling with? you doing what you got for christmas you need to get i was thinking go grab more diapers you know i was thinking even crazier like just try to work at a liquor store at three in the morning and fucking like 19th street no dude it'll give you perspective you know that uh pbd also used to make all his sales team meet at
Starting point is 01:35:20 skid row at 4 a.m. on Christmas morning. They would go to the sales office. They would drive down there right as sun would break and they would hand out food and different things, blankets and shit like that. And he specifically did it for what he was referring to as a paradigm shift. Because sometimes if you just get involved with other people
Starting point is 01:35:40 and what's going on and just expose yourself to that, whether it's the liquor store at 3 in the morning where you're seeing the underbelly of society or whether you're showing up at Skid Row and handing out blankets and talking to the drug addicts that are there living on the street, it's going to be a paradigm shift. And all of a sudden, you become a lot more fucking grateful for your problems. Isn't there a saying, if everybody threw their problems into the circle, you would immediately take yours back. So sometimes people just need a paradigm shift. If you're fucking comfortable, there's no growth there.
Starting point is 01:36:18 And I find that if I get too comfortable or there's not a pressure, I hate the pressure at the same time. I hate the stress of the business and making bills and all this stuff. And at the same time, when a hardship comes and you're able to strategize and work your way out same time, that's where the most, when a hardship comes and you're able to strategize and work your way out of it, that's when the most growth comes. And that's when I feel the most fulfilled and at the same time,
Starting point is 01:36:32 the most stressed, right? So it's always going to be, you know, each side of that coin. But when you look back at it, you're like, oh shit, like I overcame that. That's another plus. That's something else I could rely on
Starting point is 01:36:43 when another hard time comes. And inevitably they're coming. Patrick Bed David. He's referring to Patrick Bed David, former guest on the show. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Who was that, Mike? So thank you, Carlos, from CrossFit Life.
Starting point is 01:37:01 I wonder if – has CrossFit reposted that? Dude. life i i i wonder if uh has crossfit reposted that dude how that picture is you well you then you read my mind because i look i'm just like fuck you're jacked out of your fucking mind i didn't even say it but that your your body's crazy yeah you're either a midget or you're just yoked out of your mind i mean you got you got bigger tits than my wife and thanks again dude for this for the hoodie i feel if i like threw it on the floor the other day as i was like coming in i looked down i like forgot that it wasn't even the original one that i i feel like just picking them up and taking them into my house and being like giving it to my kids as an action figure like from the back right sorry sorry it's a cheap one his arms
Starting point is 01:37:42 don't articulate it's just his shoulders you know what i mean yeah yeah that's how action figures like the more expensive toy like if you you buy a three dollar toy for your kid and he just does this nine dollar toy and he does this and now you're like at 37 and his fingers can actually move and shit it's got two stakes yeah just have more the more articulation the more expensive five five eight wow yeah fucking giant more the more articulation the more expensive five five eight wow yeah fucking giant ish ish fair you're good dude mike uh okay um okay so we know i don't even want i'm gonna you know i'm not even erasing that one off the list i'm gonna play that again just open a bunch of shows yeah i mean we should we maybe we play that at wadapalooza throw that ask him reach out to him get that thrown into the commercial mix i mean it's so good it's so it's so
Starting point is 01:38:32 you so think he's it's gonna say at the end right go get your covid shot right because it's set up with that same animation and all that shit you've seen the whole time i you know what else is interesting i wonder what type of um i wonder what the expectation is from CrossFit HQ on their new The Magic of CrossFit campaign. Oh, go over to their account. I do like that they're talking to their base. 100%. And I want to be an advocate of this, too, early on. We're all on the CrossFit ship. I'm an be, I want to, um, be an advocate of this too. Early on. I really like we're all in the CrossFit ship. Like I'm an affiliate, right? So I'm not, I'm not, uh, hoping it goes poorly
Starting point is 01:39:13 by any means. So I got these pins. Oh, let me see. Oh, I haven't seen this one. The power and cross. Oh, let me see that one. I haven't seen that. Yeah. Gotcha. this one the power and cross oh let me see that one i haven't seen that yeah gotcha uh the power and crossfit is just some strange alchemy oh i think i read this this is a in truth it's a formula formula that works the formula for forging elite fitness i mean see look at someone here's like taking the bull back by the horn maybe it's chase doing this it's all og shit you know what i mean they're speaking back to the base the formula for forging elite fitness a formula that prevents and reverses chronic disease it's the inputs that give us the outcome the results and have revolutionized the industry and changed millions of lives for the better here's the thing man they're going back to fucking the greg message which is like hey
Starting point is 01:39:57 we're not going to save everybody i mean like if you cast the biggest net possible you people are going to slip fucking more people more people are going to slip fucking more people. More people are going to slip through than people you get. Just tell the fucking truth and let the fucking truth seekers come. And what is CrossFit? It's fortunately fitness and it's the cure for the world's most vexing problem, chronic disease. I'm just glad that they that they said this line here for fitness, reversing and preventing disease. I mean, it's like that
Starting point is 01:40:26 gives me a lot of hope right there and they and they share it like they um collabed with the crossfit games on that which is important because as it's moved further away from the base over these last three years and arguably a little bit before that too it i mean how many people have been oh cross but i love that sport. And it's like, fuck. It is a sport. All the woke shit's kind of gone. Yeah. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:40:54 We'll see if they can hold us up. What's that picture of that lady pushing the, is that the next slide in the same? Oh, no. What's this? Oh, that's fucking CrossFit Malibu. That's Mike. Yeah, it just shows them shutting the gym down down it looks like or opened it up or dude if you're ever in malibu go to that dude's gym it's a cool gym yeah it's and he's fucking so legit he's so legit he's a biggest crossfit nerd ever so legit yeah he's he's a great dude and like they got this too
Starting point is 01:41:26 CrossFit has been called the sport of fitness and the phrase might make you think athletes such as T.Clar Tumi or Matt Fraser but the sport of fitness isn't just expressed on the CrossFit Games floor it's practiced every day in ordinary workouts performed by CrossFit affiliates around the ah shut the fuck up too much yeah and I would
Starting point is 01:41:41 I just don't want to make it synonymous with sport you know yeah just just tell us just tell us too much to me just tell us hey cross like i don't i oh yeah this is great here we go uh at six feet here this is dig right into this like they don't start with a paragraph of like you thought it was the games they just dig in at six feet and 365 pounds good hue had trouble sleeping at night the excess weight strained his back and just getting up and moving around was excruciatingly painful i had such huge cankles blood test in 2016 revealed he was pre-diabetic you know the story yeah this is great yeah yeah this this is it here i walked into the gym and I was so nervous. Then I realized there's just a lot of other broken people like me.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Go ahead. Sorry, Zuzia. No, I was just saying that. And I hope that they don't go down the path of making it too polished. I mean, I understand they're theming it. There's the branding identity. Oh, they look like they're going cheap now. It looks cheap now.
Starting point is 01:42:40 I'm liking it. It looks authentic now. It looks like they just got some 17-year-old in there with some Photoshop. I'm liking it it looks authentic now looks like they just got some 17 year old in there with some photoshop i'm liking it and so i just i hope they stay true to kind of what they're doing here and just continue to output more of it yeah hey no kid wants to buy um uh listen to uh tupac with the f word bleeped out no crossfitter wants to do crossfit uh with the grit uh bleeped out like like leave the grid in and it looks like nicole carroll is for more or less i guess come i don't want to say becoming the face because she's always been the face she's fucking you know well she's out of the closet i can't remember the last time i've seen her that's what i'm that's what i mean like i guess like back
Starting point is 01:43:21 forward facing because i think i mean her as a representation and kind of being that forward facing figure is a really good move i think because she's just so embedded in the methodology and she knows how to communicate it so well she got a little bit of elizabeth shoe in her look at her plus she definitely ain't bad to look at so it's like you know that there's there's that's a great combination there so i i really hope and i would love to see her she is the greatest orator they have there of the message i'm telling you uh she is the like she will she could get stand in the uh stadium at uh in carson and fucking preach the glassman word i mean she knows her shit you know when people go on like book tours if you had a book coming out and you
Starting point is 01:44:02 were like a you know a big author and people knew your book you're you know you would just be fucking everywhere for for a couple of months or a month or two just promoting the book going on every podcast it didn't matter small big and different you're just you're just on there and you're just pumping it i can imagine i can imagine i would i would love to um i would love to see her do something like that like what crossfix let's just start by having her on our podcast. I think that'd be a great place to start. Me too. Start in it.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I am excited also about what her husband is doing right now. Oh, dude, that is crazy. They're getting close, like 100 nautical miles. I saw Nicole post it up, and I'm following them on their account that's shut up in row. Okay, 317, protect your child. following them on their account that shut up in row. Okay. 317, protect your child. Are we going back in the cave here? Yeah, I'm leaving 318.
Starting point is 01:44:53 We're going to revisit it next time. Mike Sedone, my wife is built like Nicole Carroll, but she's 5'10", not 5'2". Sarah Cooper, get her on the show. Okay, yes. I'm on it. Right away, Sarah.
Starting point is 01:45:10 I am. I'm on it. I hear you. That might not even mean a dick. I'm on it. Okay, here we go. This is Protect Your Child. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:45:18 This is going to be interesting because this is, I think that, remember I was telling you about him earlier today? It looks like the dude in the beanie here is Gary Vaynerchuk. Yes. Okay, here we go. Remember I was telling you about him earlier today? It looks like the dude in the beanie here is Gary Vaynerchuk. Yes. Okay, here we go. Keep my daughter, nine years old, away from this danger from the internet. Only two things.
Starting point is 01:45:37 One, you actually don't let her spend time on it. Which, as you know, is very hard because everybody in her world will be on it. Two, and this is the most important, I have a 13 a 13 year old daughter. And I think about this a lot. This is my number one thing that I'm most passionate about period in the end of the world. Number one way to protect the child is to build their self-esteem. When a child is not insecure, they don't succumb to danger. Make sure she's confident about who she is, her brain isn't overly reliant on how she looks. Build her actual self-esteem because you're not going to be able to watch her every minute.
Starting point is 01:46:13 No, I can't. I know you do, which is why I'm telling you this. I can sense that you realize it. If you make her confident in who she is, that she's amazing the way she is, she will not succumb to other people. And that is how she will navigate. Uh, you cannot build your child's self esteem. Now, maybe he was just in a hurry and he said it like that, but I know a ton of parents who've been like, what the fuck happened?
Starting point is 01:46:52 I gave my kid everything. I built their self esteem. I talked to him about what's right and wrong. You can not build a child's self esteem. Well, then seven, how did they get self esteem? build a child's self-esteem. Well, then, Sevan, how do they get self-esteem? You have to spend a ton of time with them and shut your fucking mouth and put them in situations where they can build their own self-esteem. This is the only way. They have to build it themselves an example of this would be you spend 30 minutes driving your kid to jiu-jitsu and you talk to him the whole time in the car cracking jokes keeping it light
Starting point is 01:47:32 they do jiu-jitsu for an hour you bring them home you talk on the way home about asking them a bunch of questions hearing their thoughts on things you mind your own business you don't interject and you do that every single fucking day for three years, and they get their gray belt. And now they have built something that they have. They've built something. And within there, there'll be tons of little micro pieces of their identity that they've built too. The kid that used to beat them that they now beat. They overcame hardship. The girl that they get to see every day that they've learned to the kid that used to beat them that they now beat they overcame hardship the girl that they get to see every day that they've learned how to talk to they start to
Starting point is 01:48:10 build an identity that they've built and any identity that someone builds on their own almost always will lead to them being confident do not think you can give this to your child. I would even argue that if you think you're giving it to your child, you're actually damaging your child. And now I know the world is full of impermanence, but you have to let them build these things because those are the things they'll get to keep their whole existence. It's time. It's time. You have to spend time with your kid as a guardian with your mouth closed in the presence of other people making sure that they're safe where they can build skill sets drawing sewing but they have to be habits and things that they build over and over
Starting point is 01:48:59 you will have some fucking savage kids who is Gary said that. And the other thing he says is it's hard. I haven't, it hasn't been hard for me yet, but I spend every second. I try to spend every second with my kids or my wife does. And I know they're only six and eight, but like if,
Starting point is 01:49:19 if I won't put them in a situation where they can, where they're going to be around 12 other kids with cell phones. It's just not, you know, it's just not going to, it's not going to be like that. So there it is. But do not think you're building your kid by taking your kid to fucking church
Starting point is 01:49:35 every fucking Sunday. I'm not saying that that's a wrong thing, but thinking that like you read the Bible with them every night or you're taking them to church every Sunday and they're learning the word of God and somehow that's going to fucking help them with their identity. They have to build it. They have to have some experiences with fucking God. You're not going to give anything to anyone like that.
Starting point is 01:49:56 It's like me giving you 10 burpees. I cannot do that. I can't do, hey, Susan, take today off. I did 100 burpees. I'm going to give you 50. It does not work like that. And well, the other thing too is you need to give them the tools to rebuild it because
Starting point is 01:50:10 that identity is going to shift throughout their life a ton of times. Right. Yeah. And those are at the baseline. Those are the habits and the discipline, right? And then seeing, wow, if I do something every day for 15 minutes, it actually, I could go back to it and I can apply this same framework to anything I want to do anything. Anything. Yeah. And so you're just really giving them a framework and a skill set that allows them to build up an identity that creates the self-esteem and confidence because they know that they could take that with them and apply that framework to anything else they do.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Whether they're articulating it that way or whether it's just subconsciously built into them. Because honestly, you're just programming your kids. Everybody's just programming their kids. So the only difference is, is you're programming your kids. You're programming your kids as opposed to outsourcing it to the schools, to the internet, right? Right. Because you are outsourcing it. Someone is going to program your kids. And if you're not actively doing it, then you really have to say, Hey, who is, or, or what are they consuming? Something is programming them. There's no homeostasis. Yeah. Great advice from a person who doesn't have kids. No, well, it's true. I mean, I always feel like you have students, you have students.
Starting point is 01:51:17 I do. Yeah. And you know how the brain works. I act like kids sometimes, but it's, uh, it's, yeah, it's just one of those things that just it you know kind of makes sense he has a 13 okay and now a word from the director of the cdc the center for disease control here you go are you bringing this up no well whenever was it oh sorry 316 i got it i got it i saw the title i apologize i was slow on it wait is this the, 316. I got it. I got it. I saw the title. I apologize. I was slow on it. Wait, is this the same cardiologist? Is it? Dude, it kind of looks like her.
Starting point is 01:51:50 No, I think this lady's different. This lady's pretty. Oh, here we go. No, here we go. This is called Never Forget When CDC's Walensky Said Vaccinate People Do Not Carry the Virus, Don't Get Sick. Here we go. Do not carry the virus. Don't get sick. Here we go. Pressed with our ability to vaccinate at a clip of three million vaccinations a day. We have 93 million Americans who have gotten their first dose, 51 million who have gotten their second dose.
Starting point is 01:52:18 And we have we can kind of almost see the end. We're vaccinating so very fast. see the end. We're vaccinating so very fast. Our data from the CDC today suggests, you know, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that it's not just in the clinical trials, but it's also in real world data. I'm so impressed with our... That is the Center for Disease Control head. Who knows how fucking old that is, but... Everyone... What do the people say who give her a pass on that? Well, she didn't know?
Starting point is 01:53:04 You didn't know, but you ordered $40 billion. What is it? $80 billion? You put the world into a $20 trillion economic collapse. You spent billions on injections that you wouldn't let my kids go to school unless they take. Yeah, how come there is no? let my kids go to school unless they take i i yeah i don't know how that's i don't know how anyone well what did it do to us then because it didn't do those things that the center for disease control said it would do so what did it do oh great i know how this works it's 153 i have to pee and i want to go but you guys start calling i know how this goes i know exactly what's up what's up dude i's up dude You guys were talking about Rich motherfuckers that work at Starbucks For a day or two I got a story for you
Starting point is 01:53:50 Oh I love this Alright So I'm in the restaurant industry and I got a We open up early on the weekend You golf you golf don't you No I don't I work too much So we open up early and i have this 55 year old guy that works for me saturday and sunday mornings bright and early and you know after a couple
Starting point is 01:54:15 months he pulls up in his beamer m series i say you know hey billy why do you want this job he goes the only reason i work here is so i don't get fucked up on Friday and Saturday night. Wow. So yeah, I mean, he's set for life, but he's the hardest worker we got. And what's the, tell me the business again. Sorry, I was too busy thinking you played golf. I'm not going to say the business,
Starting point is 01:54:38 but we're in the restaurant industry. It's food. Wow. And can you tell me what his, is he, is he a waiter or a host? Is he dish guy? He's a bartender and people love him. Oh, he's there for pussy guy. You fucking crack the code on that.
Starting point is 01:54:53 He's there for pussy. Oh, you fucked the whole story up, dude. He cleans the entire restaurant before even open. Yeah. And if he's bartending in the mornings, that's not the same situation. Have you met his family? I don't know that he has much family. Wow. Ed, do you own the place? Are you a manager there? Yeah, I'm the GM, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Is it a chain? He's just fishing now. I'm just telling you, man, this guy's rich as fuck he pulls up in his beamer cleans the entire restaurant brings his own leaf blower to clean the patio and just cruises to keep himself out of the alcohol yeah i love it hold on i'm looking up i'm looking up this m series uh uh they're expensive like an m3 or something like that m5 oh yeah man bmw makes nice cars yeah fine german engineering all i'm saying is man there's definitely people out there like that yeah for sure i want to say i would do that i would i'm so curious what it's like to work at starbucks i'm so curious to see if i could do that. Like, there's 30 people in line and I could just be
Starting point is 01:56:06 just like, hey, how are you? Winking at them, pouring coffees, like popping all the stuff. I just think I could do it. Oh, shit. Another caller. Oh, we're fucked already. You can take him. I'll leave you with this. He's a dog shit bartender, but people love him.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Thank you for your honesty. He's a dog shit bartender but people love it thank you for your honesty thanks for the call he's dog shit bartender call her hi hey savon hi matthew separate fidelis here tony hey what's up tony something hey my uh aunt was a millionaire she just passed away not too long ago. God bless her soul. Please tell me she left you something. No, she didn't. She helped me out a bit when I was hurting. One of her dreams was she loved to cook.
Starting point is 01:56:54 She was in Philadelphia. She wanted to cook for the tugboat for all the big ships that came in. That was her thing that she wanted to do. She cooked for the crew on tugboat oh that's awesome so so so she would make the food and take it down there to the dock warm and just feed the feed the boys no on the tugboat so the or the the boats were big enough for
Starting point is 01:57:17 she was in the galley making the food for her wow she hey hey she's there for the dick i just don't want to be sexist i just don't want to be sexist i just like i oh my gosh always find that alternative motive yeah hey that's awesome thank you i like i want to keep hearing these kind of stories this This is great. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, hey. Yeah. I'm not the only one. Don't read the comments. You're going to get upset, Tony. By the way, she was Jewish and she was in the textile business. Oh, wow. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:58:01 I'm not, but she was. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. She was rich as shit. Hey, wow. Hey, was she first generation? No, married. Married into it. Wow. Wow. Yep, that's where you want to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:19 50, 60 years ago, 100 years ago, Jew in the textile, you're golden. Hey, do any of her kids become doctors and lawyers? Do any of her kids become doctors and lawyers? Actually, her son is a millionaire in Tampa who got in the adult industry. Wow. No shit. Like owning strip clubs or like being in front of the camera? No, there's no money in front of the camera. No, not in front of the camera. Your end.
Starting point is 01:58:40 Media. I think, I mean, it's kind of not like wide open that we know of, but kind of like the internet stuff and production way behind the scenes. So he just sits back to the last 10 years. He just sits back and collects. Wow. Hey, this is totally inappropriate. I'm sorry. Did your aunt have big tits? I'm sorry. Did your aunt have big tits? God rest her soul. No.
Starting point is 01:59:08 I look at old pictures of her. She was decent looking when she was young. Did she have curly hair? Did she have big fro? No, she had short hair. Oh. Okay. I was trying to picture this iconic typical Jewish woman from like well
Starting point is 01:59:25 the image that i come up with is the mona lisa with blonde hair what i kind of oh yeah okay immediate image with the rum in my rum in me right now okay what type of rum you drinking tony hey ask your um hey hey Matt, I didn't know. I went in the other day and I said, I would like some Bacardi 151. And they said they stopped making that a long time ago. Oh, no shit. I said that this shows how often I even drink stuff.
Starting point is 02:00:00 So I got some Venezuelan stuff they gave me. A little Venezuelan rum. Hey, tell your cousin if I got this great idea for an Instagram account that if he wants to sponsor it, that's going to be right up his alley. Hey, he said that he invested in an alternative, something close to OnlyFans. He said it was, darn it, I wish he started,
Starting point is 02:00:30 he got some business purposes to start some other type of fan thing too. So if you ever hear of something other than OnlyFans, it's probably him. Okay. Keep your credit card numbers to yourself. Well, thank you for the story.
Starting point is 02:00:43 What a great story. All right, so long. Okay, bye. Bye. I would never give my credit card numbers to yourself. Well, thank you for the story. What a great story. All right, so long. Okay, bye. Bye. I would never give my credit card to any site like that. I just automatically assume they sell it off and your identity is gone. I just can't see pain for anything like that when it's like I can just like accidentally stumble upon it like when I don't want to. Yeah, only feet. Yeah yeah only feet yeah only feet
Starting point is 02:01:06 oh man i'm panicking it's 9 30 i have 90 minutes to uh prepare i'm already prepared for travis mayor but i have to prepare for velner and raptus alexis a little bit more yep you know you know what'd be crazy about doing a show in here with other people too is i'd have to be careful what i eat like shit your pants over there what yeah we have we have a ton of dried apricots that my dad brought back from armenia that that are like and i've just been just busting ass in here it must it must be smell horrible in here right now right now oh shit it's funny it's a couple hours ago i was in there yeah i had the door open when you were in here uh coke and taxes you're only uh same doctor pushing this message. Okay, we talked about that already. You guys want to finish with Cody Anderson? Purge has been postponed.
Starting point is 02:02:11 You guys know the CrossFitter up north in the north in Washington? Let's look at this insanity. Woke California. Non-creatives. Oh. What's that say about obese people? kill switch in all cars in five years benetton ad make sure your kids see you train meth amphetamines oops wrong message a message from uncle dane okay let's finish with this
Starting point is 02:02:39 no let's go back to cody anderson sorry let's go this is good um i got it i saw it okay yeah i was following along with you that time okay uh 308 look how strong this dude is do we need the sound or is it just gonna play a song uh that's a good question i don't know oh this is the best this is the i guess he's doing his own programming here and he's been experimenting on himself he says this is the best squat cycle i've doing his own programming here and he's been experimenting on himself. He says, this is the best squat cycle I've ever written. Either that or all those ancestral tenants I've been injecting or I mean, implementing into my life. You asshole, Cody.
Starting point is 02:03:14 I'll be testing this on all lifters once I'm done and then we'll have it up for sale. If anyone is interested first, a WL cycle dropping in about eight weeks, if all goes according to plan. I know I've been super delayed on this. Sorry lots of things outside my control but it's going to happen this time okay let's check this out crazy crazy uh 3, 385 pound front squad at one 74 for one. Oh, wow. Two,
Starting point is 02:03:53 three. Damn. It is something else. Wow. Yeah. He's blown away. You can see it on his face yeah i'm trying to figure out who if that person was in a halloween costume that person that
Starting point is 02:04:10 was uh spotting for him i can't i can't tell exactly what's going on there i want to see him again now that you said that in a halloween costume yeah like or maybe that person just hasn't been in the sun or it's a vampire. I just can't tell him looking at it. It's like the same outfit on as I do right now. You're ready to go to Seattle boy. Yeah. God,
Starting point is 02:04:36 Cody strong. Yeah. And you know what, to the difference of that first rep versus those, those three right there, he was in, he like stayed in a really good position and the bar speed stayed the same. That third rep was a little slow,
Starting point is 02:04:48 but hardly. And you know what they say, if you could front squat it for a triple, you could clean it. Oh, really? I didn't know. Wow, I've never heard that. Yeah, fuck.
Starting point is 02:05:00 I think it's a Glenn Penlay thing. Cody's a freak, crazy strong. Yeah, nuts. Yeah, he is. Oh, so this is Pedro in Ireland, and I think they're eight hours ahead of me, which would mean it's 5.30 in the morning there, 5.36. Is that true? Peter, put in what time it is right now.
Starting point is 02:05:21 I mean, we could Google search it, but it would be cool if you just put it in the comments. Judy, so that's the question. Are you the comments judy are so that's the question are you gonna eat now that's the question so tomorrow's my fasting day it's 9 30 i know i shouldn't eat but i know there's a ton of food in the house yeah what was i think what was hayley make some like sweet potato thing in the oven yeah did that smell good oh it smelled so good and i didn't think i was that hungry because i had that barn stuff in the car and i like ate that in one second on the drive and i was like oh fuck i'm starving now it's got so much garlic on it it's it's gonna i'm gonna explode i can't wait oh it smelled so good we've had cody on the show yeah he was great he was like he was in the
Starting point is 02:06:00 beginning it is 537 yeah his son woke up at four 50. It's a great alarm clock. Liver King and shack. I bet this stirs you up. Oh man. These might be old ones. Let me see if there's something crazy at the top here. Hey,
Starting point is 02:06:17 no award for the last two calls. That might be kind of a cool thing to test for the Colin is like, I mean, that obviously wasn't planned. The story about like you saying like hey i wonder who's just like crazy rich well off but just works at a starbucks because that's what they just want to do and then people called in with those stories we you could open it up like that where we riff off that be like hey if you guys know anybody that's like that or have
Starting point is 02:06:38 a story of a call in and let us know and then it just gives a call a little direction as to where they need to go. Oh, okay. Trying to crack the code on this column thing. I know there's a way to reduce the friction. It's all about reducing friction between what we need them to do and them doing it. What's the biggest penis you've ever seen in person? Welcome to ladies night. Or dudes, whatever. We don't't discriminate call in and let us know
Starting point is 02:07:07 that one we don't even say call in and let us know we just kind of like think hmm five minutes ago um you tell some story where the biggest one you've ever seen is like four and a half inches so everyone's like fuck i got a story it's a five and a half inches. So everyone's like, fuck, I got a story. Saw five and a half inch at one time. Wait, what is Allison? I don't understand how you guys are able to go so fast. I gnaw my arm off. Oh, how you guys are able to fast. Okay. I read that completely wrong. You're all, you're young. It's, it's different. Okay, here we go. It's a big giant cock story coming in. Travis, hi.
Starting point is 02:07:48 Biggest penis I've ever seen in person story. I had to because it's literally stuck in my brain. Okay. Yeah, the biggest one I've ever seen a person stuck in my brain too. I totally. That dude in the shower. Stuck in your brain more than anywhere else. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:04 That's a good point. Good point. I've got some great stories about it too I hung out with that penis for like 15 years and the stories the stories are just nuts well you hung out with that penis longer than I hung out with the biggest penis I've ever seen
Starting point is 02:08:22 thankfully so I grew up in Iowa, small town in Iowa. Basically all white, correct? All what? All white? Basically all white. My high school
Starting point is 02:08:38 everything, pretty much all white. There wasn't like one kid from like Thailand there who was like the smartest kid and best kid in math or nothing like that? Few and far between. Okay. So I go off to college. I play football.
Starting point is 02:08:56 And not all whites. Right. And I'm not shitting you. In the locker room, I looked over and went, in my head, went, holy shit. Yeah. I didn't say it in my head when I saw it. I fucking jumped out of my skin. I was like, I thought I won
Starting point is 02:09:14 the, you'd think I won the lotto when I saw it. Yeah, well, that was, my thought was, wow, he won the lotto. Yeah, yeah. I didn't win the fucking lotto. Hey, did he, was he even trying to hide it or anything, or was he won the lotto. Yeah. Yeah. That's not, I didn't win the fucking lotto. Hey, he did. Did he, was he even trying to hide it or anything or was he kind of proud about it?
Starting point is 02:09:29 Hell no. Oh no. Your cock sure came from. Yeah. No shower. We, we all were in the towel and cock. And then, I mean, so I went to college in, let's see, this was 95 through 98. So there was no walls in the showers it was open showers right we didn't have we didn't have privacy the sandusky so there you go all right somebody else call in with their giant cock story awesome hey um did no one ever said anything like no one's like holy shit uh tyson i can't believe how fucking giant lamar your cock is huge no one ever said anything like no one's like holy shit uh tyson i can't believe how fucking giant
Starting point is 02:10:05 lamar your cock is huge no one ever said anything god i wish i could fucking remember his name i cannot remember his name but it wasn't lamar or tyson i was showering alone with this dude the first time i saw it oh there was one cedric was one cedric yeah that's a good name for a giant cock right and you know what's funny he was probably five four maybe oh there is that see the world is a fair place there's balance in this world yeah i know i know what a great planet hey it was probably a six inch dig but 5'4", so you got all fucking confused. Yeah, because it wasn't big. Maybe around.
Starting point is 02:10:55 I was friends with this guy for at least five years. And then one day we were showering on a on a camping trip in mexico together that faithful night and you think it's for for five years how did you hide that oh i had so many questions he was like my best friend ever and i i got to just unload dude i got to ask every fucking question we were in a we were in a literally a cinder block shower that's like 15 by 15 with two pipes you don't can't even turn the water on and off it's just two pipes one for him one for me and cold water just poured out of them and i'm i'm like i'm trying to i'm like i've never been naked around and he's been my friend for five years i'm naked
Starting point is 02:11:41 i'm showering off and uh i look over and i'm just fucking can't even believe what I'm looking at if you ever want whatever you follow follow FluffyDucks account because he will make awesome videos on it like
Starting point is 02:12:01 guys running like in track I've seen those the guys with it just bouncing awesome videos on it. Like guys, guys running like in track. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen those. Yeah. The guys with it just bouncing.
Starting point is 02:12:11 Nikki rod. The other day, the guy who's been on this podcast a couple of times made a, a, a video. He's, he's working out in his, on his driveway and you just see his dong swinging around in his boxer
Starting point is 02:12:21 shorts. I need to make one of those. Watch out for the gray sweatpants. Goodness. Oh, gosh. All right. All right. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 02:12:33 Hey. Okay. Thank you. Appreciate it. Sure. Bye. Get your Vindicate shirts at Wadapalooza. Travis will be there.
Starting point is 02:12:42 Yeah, he has seen a giant penis. Is it weird that I chubbed up in that story not at all oh we were just any quote we were just trying to we were just fishing for stories uh do you know someone who she was asking one of the questions you asked your buddy oh because you were like I had so many questions. One of the questions I asked him is how big it gets when it's erect. Oh, I feel like I've told all these stories on the podcast before. Have I told all these? I've heard that one before, but I didn't hear the specifics on questions afterward.
Starting point is 02:13:23 And if there were girls around it was really safe i could ask him anything you know what i mean we were in mexico and there was it was a group of like 16 of us so i would just wait till we had a few drinks in us and it'd be like just me and him and like a couple girls sitting at table and i would just start bombing them with questions and dude it can't did it work i mean where chicks like it came. Did it work? I mean, were chicks like it? Dude, it came to a point where every girl there wanted to see it. Just because of my incessant fucking talk about it. They're just super curious.
Starting point is 02:13:52 Yeah. I don't know. I got to pee so bad. I got to go. I can't just start launching into giant talk stories. But it was ridiculous. And I'll tell you this. He was holding a uh a can of no he was holding a bottle of
Starting point is 02:14:10 pacifico and uh and and i go how and there was this girl there and i go how big does that thing when it gets hard and he looks down at his bottle and i go that's how long it gets he goes that's how thick it gets i mean it was already it was as long as a pacific bottle pacifico bottle limp when i saw it but it was ridiculous and i'll tell you one other story oh my goodness i set him up with this girl. I don't know. This is such a good story.
Starting point is 02:14:55 I don't want to rush this story. This is such a good story. All right, let's save it. Leave it on a cliffhanger. This girl only weighed like, she didn't weigh 100 pounds. She looked like Angelina Jolie. Not bad looking and they had both just gone through breakups and i set them up and uh i verified this story with with both of them and so they she spends the night at his house and i said hey did you guys hook up and he goes yeah i'm
Starting point is 02:15:26 like did you guys have sex he goes kind of shrug his shoulder i go what what did she say when she saw your penis he goes she looked up at me and she goes i can try and i go later on i asked like, did you say that? She's like, yeah. Have you seen it? I go, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:46 She's like, yeah, there's no, you can't promise anything with that thing. Oh shit. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:58 Play the commercial and go pee. No, I can't. I have to, I have to, I can't. I'm the shows. I know my mom has made it this far into the
Starting point is 02:16:05 show so it's okay to bring up giant penis socks but um okay well we'll bring him up more often there's so many good stories the giant penis just a man it was an endless and a good dude no one a good like if no, like a good dude, he deserved it. All right, guys, we, we, are you on tomorrow morning? Are you teaching? I can't be for the first, for the first portion of it, but then I have to go to the gym. I think Caleb will be on and Brian Friend will be on. Caleb and Brian are on, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:43 We'll have Travis Mayer and then Patrick Belner and then Alexis Raptus all in one show. And then we got so much coming up. Uh, okay. Thank you for everyone. Uh, joining us. Uh, I love this Josh Bridges.
Starting point is 02:16:54 No, not a Josh Bridges story. This was a giant man too. This was a, this is a giant man. Everything about this. Yeah. Everything about,
Starting point is 02:17:02 no, it still wasn't proportional, but every no no uh okay uh soon let's talk about your giant penis uh jeremy on the next show guys uh love you guys uh what a great day and uh thanks for tolerating our test earlier and we will see you uh tomorrow morning bye-bye adios

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