The Sevan Podcast - #741 - Triple Feature | Travis Mayer, Pat Vellner, and Alexis Raptis

Episode Date: January 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh yeah of course we did that on purpose bam we're live yeah always do that on purpose yeah it's travis it's it's travis mayor travis meyer mayor mayor but not like the mayor that runs your town into the ground the mayor that's like oscar minor meyer weiner no like travis fucking mayor mayor why does he spell it wrong have you watched that um have you watched that uh podcast um out of uh max el haj's gym or out of travis's gym is that is that studio in travis's gym well i think that in that building and we can ask him for clarification that he has a gym.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And then on the other side of the building, TTT has a variety of offices, workspaces, and that media room. Okay. So it's in there connected. Like you could, you could be inside.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I think you can walk from Travis's gym to the TTT facilities without going outside, but I haven't been there. Oh, okay. I haven't had a chance to go. It's a good podcast. I think they do have some good podcasts, yeah. What's the guy's name with the golden tan, the blonde guy?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Golden tan? He tans like a pancake. i know max goes on there like a pancake the blonde haired guy he looks like ken from bar like he looks like he's dating barbie brennan maybe he's good he keeps his energy so good he's so positive i watched two just back-to-back podcasts with him yesterday i think it is brennan brennan goes on there adam rogers goes on there sometimes adam's more of a tall darker skinned a short hair short beard oh he's very cerebral he coaches alexis raptus i need to see a picture of this adam guy yeah he he's the one you said he coaches alexis raptus yeah yeah she's like in love with him he's he's really good adam and i'm at oh good morning travis what's up what's up travis mayor
Starting point is 00:02:05 what's up buddy how you doing i'm awesome we were just talking about some of the ttt coaches ken thinks brennan looks like ken from barbie's uh love life something like that that's possible and i was telling him about adam rogers and i and uh he's he's alexis's coach is that correct yeah yeah i met adam at like the 2019 games he was back in those days when someone knew who i was i was always curious because i didn't know when that very many people knew who i was but he was one of these guys that knew me really early on and we had a big discussion about scoring that way back in 2019 i think yeah he's uh he's a very interesting man very stoic man of many few words alexis is in love with him yeah i mean it works you know yeah it's it's crazy it's great hey what's the worst name for a podcast what's the two worst names for podcast
Starting point is 00:03:02 animus corpus or the sevan podcast that's like if you want people like to never say the names of your podcast i'm gonna say podcast yeah it's crazy you're just naming it after yourself like you gotta come on be a little more creative you should just ceo like your shirt yeah that would be easy way easier Way easier. I'm surprised you're up this early. Oh, brother. Oh, brother. Brian sent me a text. He goes, you must really like our guest to get up this early.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That's right. Usually I get up an hour before my podcast. Today I only got up 45 minutes. But you know what's crazy? I still deuced. I still dropped a deuce. Still before you start.'s good yeah yeah like i that was like my biggest concern i was like what if because i don't want to be in here without
Starting point is 00:03:50 dropping a deuce it's like working out for me yeah you just got to make sure you empty the tank before you start yeah i don't think competitions you gotta make sure it's all emptied out ready that isn't that is important right oh man i think it's very important you always get the nervous peas and then if you ever feel like you gotta, man. I think it's very important. You always get the nervous peas. And then if you ever feel like you've got to poop before you've got to go, it's a rough feeling going to the starting line. If your deucing is off on competition day, that's a head trip. That's noise in the brain, right? Not only do you have the deuce with you, but it's just noise in the brain.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I can see that, yeah. I always felt this way about long distance. I'm asking you to agree with me, not to say you can see what I'm saying. I always felt that way about long distance running. I was either going to be limited by one of three things, leg fatigue, aerobic fatigue, or something wrong with my stomach. The first two I could train for, but the third one, if it happened, I just had to deal with it somehow.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You got the bubble guts going on. What is it? You ever smoke a cigarette before an event travis just to make sure you do it's like just like no i don't like you're in trouble it's like five minutes before the event you're like fuck i don't really want to smoke this marble light but uh no i don't think that's ever actually crossed my mind uh sometimes seven thinks we're still in 1985 yeah he still wishes we were in 1985 do you uh do you do anything do you will you if you haven't do so you take like three fish oil or like we do any no it's not meant to happen it's not meant to happen then is is it pretty consistent though are you are you really regular i would say yes yeah i love how this conversation has already
Starting point is 00:05:23 started hey it's it's the it's it's the i would ask you about your menses i just don't think you have any it's the same thing with that it's like there's these are things that have to be addressed if you're going to compete at the highest level you can't be carrying a fucking 12 inch log with you are there ever are you guys ever in the back after an event and someone's just like god damn it dude i just had to shit that whole time that sucked oh yes and you believe them when they say that yeah sounds like an excuse to me brian sounds like a white i feel like i've had the experience so i mean like it's happened yeah that's one of those we're like ah maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is i mean if you're
Starting point is 00:06:01 using it as like why you didn't perform that's different but if it's just like man the whole time i felt like i was about to then that's one thing but if you're using it as like why you didn't perform, that's different. But if it's just like, man, the whole time I felt like I was about to, then that's one thing. But if you're like, oh, that's why I didn't perform. Travis, do you know who Nick Matthew is? Yeah. The guy with the shirt. Do I know him? Know him? No.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I mean, no. But if I said I'm like, you can pick him out of a crowd. Yeah. The guy with the hat only wears half a shirt. Yeah. Always. Is there a reason behind that? Is there a reason why he does that?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Is that like a football thing? Like, you know, a lot of football players used to do that. I have an opinion on it, but it's not based, grounded in fact. I feel like you have an opinion about a lot of things. He, he, he, he. He – I think his – I think it has something to do with his openness to his sexuality. I think it's like he's expressing his feminine side. Like if you go to his gym or his Instagram page, he's got like a lot of rainbow flags and stuff, and I think it's kind of like that. I used to go to the gay pride parade a lot, and that was like a common outfit for the dudes, the crop top.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So I think there's some sort of connection there. I'm being serious. Yeah, I'm not making any judgment or jumping to any conclusions. Don't get canceled. Yeah, look, I'm not saying a word. You'll be the one to get me canceled. Yeah, here's David. David understands it.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Look it. Rainbows and unicorns. By the way, before I forget, please extend my love to Chandler and Noah. I will. When you see them. I head down tomorrow, so I'll see them tomorrow. Tell both of them I have the highest respect for both of them. And I'm still eagerly awaiting them to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Our agents are in negotiations. Hey, how close are you to how close are you to fort myer florida i don't know i can look it up why what's in fort myers uh my buddies down there a guest we've had on the show um is training down there his name is tyson bajan he just broke the uh record for all-time uhs in all college divisions. He's going to get drafted into the NFL. Eight and a half hours. And he's a CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:08:13 He's going to play in the Senior Bowl. He's going to the Combine. And I'm just looking for a CrossFitter who wants to take advantage of him before he becomes a franchise quarterback and is so big that no one can talk to him. Oh, that's pretty impressive. No, but he's not eight and a half hours to me he's much seven i know a pair of brothers who own a gym in fort myers you do i should say i think they might have actually had some pretty severe damage to it during the hurricane okay let's talk about
Starting point is 00:08:40 that afterwards yeah he's a good dude and it's and it's a huge missed opportunity for CrossFit. CrossFit should be totally – this guy is going to be – this guy is like the greatest college quarterback who ever lived. I know a lot of people are struggling with that because he's Division II, but it's like, hey, man, he has more touchdown passes than fucking anyone. Coaches are saying that they've never seen a quarterback like him, and he's going to fly under the radar. CrossFit's not going to embrace him.
Starting point is 00:09:02 He's a full-blown CrossFitter, and now he's going to go drafted in the nfl and become a franchise quarterback and we're gonna be like fuck we had the next tom brady in our clutches to like help us with them i'll talk about him well yeah but then it's too late he's gonna be like fuck you i'm orange theory they paid me six million dollars you know what i watched the um podcast the two podcasts i watched the animus corpus podcast last night were with alexis raptus and the one with you neither of them max was on and the guy brennan yeah handsome ken yeah brennan um man he's great he is he's very good yeah and you guys were great you're great dude you're so yeah you're so great you came you came on there you brought the energy the show was full of just
Starting point is 00:09:52 tons of tidbits i was like what am i going to talk about they already he uncovered like everything with you so that's what you didn't talk about he does a very good job of just keeping it easy easy to talk to and we hang out a lot so we play a lot of golf together in between but uh yeah he's very good when he does all the podcasts and the guy behind the computer is good too he keeps it um keeps the show like kind of on track yeah so he used to be like barbell shrug back in the day um and then he's been with ttt for a long time now and he doesn't want to be on camera that's why whenever it cuts to him it's just like a hat it's that or like the what's the tool man uh you know the guy neighbor yes just his uh yeah face or just his eyes creeping over the fence
Starting point is 00:10:41 that's what i always think of when he's talking travis is that show live the ttt one yeah when you guys go on are you live okay so those camera angles and all that's edited in post-production yeah so he has multiple cameras set up and then i mean he probably could do it live if he wanted to yeah that you don't even get to see this dude's eyes though you see a little bit of his eyes yeah you do don't you chris i don't know i don't ever go back and really watch them they just kind of happen and then that's about it uh you are the biggest example of of that exposes my bias of of covering people because people think like journalists are not biased or not anymore. But they used to. But the reason why we built a relationship is just because you were nice to me. Yeah. Back in 2014. Yeah. You were just nice. I was like, OK, fuck, this is easy.
Starting point is 00:11:43 This guy's making my job easy. You know, Ies on we had a good time yeah everybody still talks about that i'll still get people that will come back and just randomly like even at the games this year they'll talk about that the bank oh i used to love the behind the scenes the clown knows all these things that people still talk about it which i think is kind of interesting that that's what i'm still known for was good it was the greatest bit it was a great piece then of all the behind the scenes that was the greatest bit with uh brooke wells and all that shit that shit was so funny she was so great she served up some great ones she she went along with it since then but we've been doing pretty well since and it was actually uh probably per seven that you
Starting point is 00:12:27 and i first met travis because i think we met in the airport we have a lunch that one time yeah and seven was responsible for uh my trip that year such a good man god i'm a good dude look this guy thinks you're a good dude oh thank you thank you. Thank you. Uh, the other day we had rich on and I think it was Susie goes rich. You're a good dude. And he goes, well, formally, formally, formally a good dude. I love this. Um, what year did you start CrossFit Travis? I love this.
Starting point is 00:13:03 What year did you start CrossFit, Travis? The end of 2010, so beginning of 2011. And that was the year Alexis was born. And what was your first year to the games? 13. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Maybe Brian remembers, but there are some crazy stats now even last year i think like at the games there were only you and one other guy from your class of 2013 uh i think just
Starting point is 00:13:32 him no it's just me it was just you i was the lone survivor out there just me there's a few from 2014 and uh ben smith were the only other two that had like a shot at that point to be from 2013, but Noah was 14 and a lot of the other people from KG was 14. Cole Sager was 14. Yeah. And all those stats are garbage. They don't even have the year 13 up there.
Starting point is 00:13:59 They can't even fix it. Come on. Oh, you need to roll on this podcast. You already fit in perfectly man it's been it's been what 10 years now they still can't fix it go down a little bit more caleb i wanted let's just verify travis isn't making that up what's below oh yeah nothing because i used a different email this is still that's what it is yeah there's if you change your email address then
Starting point is 00:14:23 man you can do so many things and you... Man, you can do so many things. You can loop videos. You can do so many different things, but you're telling me you can't go in here and edit 2013 and put my placement. Which was pretty good for a rookie season. It was. What'd he take?
Starting point is 00:14:38 18th. Wow. And that was in Carson? Yeah. Hey, and you were saying last year's the fittest you ever – maybe we need music playing. This show seems too quiet. What's wrong with me this morning? I feel like it's too quiet.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Do you usually play music? No, we don't. But maybe it's just it's so early and I'm not myself yet. This is sleeping someone. And you said last year you were the fittest you ever were? Yeah. Best body, worst mindset last year of all the games. You know what's funny is I actually thought it was the opposite of that.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And then pretty much just downward spiral after like the first couple of events. And then just couldn't kind of snap out of it, if I'm being honest. That's kind of what happened. But going into it, there wasn't a doubt that I wouldn't finish in the top. Even just training felt great. Numbers I was hitting, workouts that we were doing, and testing with Noah and everybody else. So it was like I kind of knew where I was standing.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And then just like one thing led to another, ripped my hand to shreds on the first event. Then on the pegboardboard ripped it again. So it was just kind of like domino effect of, I didn't rip pretty much all season. And then I got there on the bike event and then that happened. And then on the pegboard, it just destroyed my whole hand and just kind of kept a bunch of little
Starting point is 00:15:59 things adding up. And I mean, that's on me and there was one it's like ryan was right about there's not very many things i'll ever say he's right about and his predictions are always garbage but the one of them was like i forget i don't know if it was him or somebody but it was like everybody's placement something and then like what they're limited by and it was just like travis mayer execution i was like all right well touche i don't know if that was you or if that was somebody else but it would be like someone was limited by
Starting point is 00:16:29 like wall ball capacity or rowing or something else and it gets down to my name and it just says execution i was like oh well hey hey that was the prediction ahead of time or after oh that was before i saw it i was like oh these people i mean it's why does he is his head not straight i think if travis is the wise old owl. This is Travis's head not straight. It kind of broke my heart to hear you talk about that in the animus podcast. I was like, what do you mean? You're just an old salty dog.
Starting point is 00:16:54 You don't even have a mind in my, in my, like, you know what I mean? In my perception of you. I mean, I think it's a little bit better than yours, but. Yes. Yes. Yes. Well, it's, you know, it was me and John Young who did those kind of in collaboration last year. And it's, you know, there's 80 individual athletes.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I think it's Brian putting bad voodoo out there. He just can't just put any positivity. He's just got to be negative about everybody. He's like, don't take it personal. He could have just said good things. Yeah, why do the pundits always say that? Now, don't take this personal. Yeah, well, ask him.
Starting point is 00:17:27 The main objective of putting that out there is i know more people more opportunity to learn about more of the athletes but in some cases like travis it's really difficult if you tell me well is he bad at gymnastics i say no he's not bad at gymnastics what about barbell cycling no he's not bad at that either machine work no he's not bad at that so we were like struggling to pick out a specific thing that he's bad at um so we try to think well if he's not bad at anything why is he not doing uh you know better than his 10th and 12th place finishes that he seems to be limited by and then we you know went back and looked at some some stuff and we're like maybe it's just execution we look at some of these workouts that we think he might be able to to do this and then he just drops out a little bit, and those points add up over the course of a week in a competition.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And it'll be more dramatic in a semifinal where there's less events, and at the games, that consistency ends up elevating him relative to some of the other guys. That was a nice way to put it. Don't worry, I'm not letting them off the hook we're gonna come back to that uh i'm gonna we're gonna get a specific example uh jim broski 499 appreciate the content fellas these shows are all i listen to during my daily hero wads helps a ton uh jim is now up over 40 000 i think instagram followers he did murph every day for a year and when i mean
Starting point is 00:18:40 murph i don't mean like the sissy murph that we do. He did all sorts of crazy variations to it while doing the daily wad on dot com. And now he's doing a hero wad every day. And he's he's nuts. But go over. Yeah, go over and check out his Instagram account. He's like part Brad Pitt, part Thor. It's he is a piece of work. This guy.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Hey, when you say execution, is – Who are you referring to now? Are you talking to Brian or myself? Let me ask the question first, and then I'll tell you. Brian, Brian, when you're referring to execution, you mean like just even not coming in with his head straight, or are you talking about like getting off the bike too slowly, or are you – The last conversation John john i had before we
Starting point is 00:19:26 filled in that column was maybe it's just execution i think john might have said that and i said yeah and if we put that there and travis sees it it's really gonna fuck him up you gotta bail me out here at some points caleb please pull up the uh sink and squat preview for wadapalooza what is what is when you say hand tear like if you hold your hand up what was torn show me what was torn so more or less there was like a little blood blister that popped here then on the pegboard it was here here here here oh wow like actual i mean it was just like yeah it was just blood everywhere on the pegboard they like i came down medical looked at me and they're like what just happened i was like well i don't know but i need some tape and i need to fix this thing
Starting point is 00:20:18 because there was just blood all over the mat all over the floor from where i was walking at that point but it was like i came down off the pegboard, looked at my hand. I was like, well, this is going to be fun. Hamburger meat. Yeah. And it's, it's one of those weird things. Like part of CrossFit when you start early is people tear their hands. And then over time you learn how to prevent your hands from tearing.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But when you're competing at the highest level and you haven't had a, you know, a hand to like that in a long time, now what you're short on is experience of what to do when that does happen yeah well i want to say that because i mean i still took care of it handled it finished it out it was just one of those things that's pretty annoying like anytime you grab the barbell was uncomfortable again when we had that clean parallette workout like the i just gripped the bar in my fingertips on my left hand and then hook gripped really hard on my right hand. So it was just like holding like that
Starting point is 00:21:06 just so I didn't have to put all the pressure. And that could be me being soft or whatever you want to call it. But at that point in time, it kind of worked because it was pretty uncomfortable holding on to the bar. But I mean, that's not how I planned that or placed that way. But I mean, it happens. Let's go over to the to the um biking event um the the biking event was it hard to keep count of the laps i mean i didn't think so you didn't okay i mean but according to you i'm old and my brain just kind of gone so
Starting point is 00:21:41 uh what went when that is not true that is not what i was suggesting that is not what i was suggesting um you're like trying you're like trying to pick a fight yeah always uh i feel like you stir the pot all the time what are you talking about you you man you look good there what a great photo right yeah god you look so good wow if only i performed as good as i looked there hey so as you go around the as you go around are you like lap one are you telling yourself the whole time one one one one one and then two two no but i also think that was from motocross right like you just kind of it's something that you i i guess i didn't really have to think about but for a lot of other people
Starting point is 00:22:25 it was a big uh do you watch the supercross premiere last night you bet okay so how many laps do those guys do well it depends back in the it depends on like what level you're at right like at the amateur level like it can be certain laps that you're just doing but then you're ultimately looking for the white flag uh to know and signal that you got one more to go. If you're in the professional level, it's a time. It'll be like 20 minutes plus two laps or 15 minutes plus two laps. Regardless, you're doing however many for that 15 minutes plus two laps at the very end. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:04 That's the difference between, I guessocross it's not it's not everyone's trying to do as many laps as they can it's not a finite number of laps so you don't really have to count no unless you're more at like the amateur level then it could be like six laps um so you do have to of course keep count but there's flags that show you hey this is the last lap so like you have the flagger at the end that's waving the white flag. There's signaling, hey, you got one more to go. And then, of course, black and white is you're done. So, I mean, there could have been something just as simple as that
Starting point is 00:23:35 of a person standing out there and you just show like, hey, here's your white flag. This means one more. Hey, here's your checkered flag. This means you're done. Here's your blue and yellow you're getting lapped get out of the way i mean there's plenty of colored flags you can do and signal and show that can inform people but counting seems to be hard yeah i mean i hear a lot of
Starting point is 00:23:57 athletes defending defending the um athletes who came in a lap early like hey that shit's hard like it was hard out there look i i don't know if i'll defend any of them because i think you should be able to count it's not that hard um i get in the moment you're thinking and uncomfortable but at the same time it's not like you're counting to like 50 like and you're like right 48 laps or was that 40 not like that's a different story but when you're only talking about a couple laps i mean you got a lot of time out there to think about how many laps you're on hey it was 10 laps total right it was it was uh five laps you did five laps twice yeah how'd you do in that workout uh not that great come on man that was the whole point we were talking about it wasn't it wasn't off to a good start. He was 32nd on that one.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I think that was probably one of my worst finishes of the games I've ever had. What a good feeling. Is the plan this year to go to the games, Travis? Are you in the... I'm not a master. Is there anything? Get out of here. How old are you? 32.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So you're on another run again. Yeah. And have you had a conversation with your wife about retiring? Yeah. You have? Mm-hmm. Every year? Is it like a common conversation?
Starting point is 00:25:17 When did that start? No, I'd say probably more so this year, just in the discussion of just like how much longer do you want to do? And I think it will come down to when I feel like I take away from my family and not able to spend time with them now that my kids are getting older, getting into sports, doing those things. I want to be there and support them. So, I mean, but I also, I'm not going to say it's going to be this year
Starting point is 00:25:44 or then be like, oh, it'll be next year. I don't think putting that out there and making it the final one. Cause if I have a great year and I'm like, well, maybe we'll do one more than I think you make that push. I think it's the whole kind of like Tom Brady situation. Like, okay, well I'll stop. And this is it. And then now I'm not done. And then you go back again, you know, like i'd rather not make a big point of it if i get to the point when it's time then i'll step back and i'll know when that time's right for myself so that's probably the more important part than making some big announcement about it and she's crazy supportive right i heard you tell the story about going to madrid and she's she sounds like she's crazy supportive. Yeah. So any sort of competition
Starting point is 00:26:25 and stuff, I usually feel worse than I feel like she does. Uh, cause even for like Wadapalooza, we're going to, I'm going down tomorrow and I'm like, are you okay with like me going down tomorrow? Cause like, we don't go till Saturday essentially and compete. Um, but Tuesday we have some stuff happening down there, but then, uh, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, uh, myself, Noah, Chandler, we're all get some actual team training in, which will actually be, Thursday, Friday, myself, Noah, and Chandler will all get some actual team training in, which will actually be fun to get together with. So, yeah, no, extremely supportive, pushes me, challenges me a lot.
Starting point is 00:26:55 How old are the boys? The oldest is seven, then five, then three, and then the girl is about to be two next month. I don't think people who don't have kids have any idea how crazy it is in your house uh i don't think anybody has an understanding of that unless you have four kids um but three boys i have three boys and it is it is straight chaos yeah so then you add a little girl to that yeah uh just and then she likes to level it up too. Cause then she wants to run and hit and sees them fight and wrestle.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So then she wants to do it. So it's a, it's interesting. And then screams, but it's just a higher pitch. Yeah. The wrestling's out of control, right? Yeah. The two, the kid, the little one with his boots on the one in the middle, he, he's the little one that will, on the one in the middle he uh he's the
Starting point is 00:27:46 little one that will he goes for it he takes them all down oh yeah the wrestling is just my kids are in full-blown wrestling mode and my wife showed them karate kid last night oh like the original oh my god it was two hours of karate kicks and like sound effects dragon kicks or whatever that thing he does at the end. I was like, oh, that was a huge mistake. Oh, did they attempt to do it? Oh, yeah. They're all posted up.
Starting point is 00:28:14 One of my kids told me he knows karate now. I was like, you don't know shit. Yeah, but I feel like you have them in jujitsu and stuff. So I feel like they're comfortable enough with rolling around and kind of sparring-ish, yeah? Yeah, yeah they're very comfortable but it's exactly like you said there's so much screaming and yelling and sound effects and running through the house the fight doesn't stay in one room it's just yeah the pillow's flying downstairs then you hear and i was like well that's someone down the stairs hey have you been to the emergency room yet?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Surprisingly? No. A good job. Awesome. Yeah. That's cool. Not the emergency room, but I did our son, our oldest one when he was in daycare at one point, I mean, at this point he had to be, I don't know, four. He put a popcorn Colonel in his ear. So we had to go get that like taken out. And I was like, what were you doing? He's like, I don't know. I just wanted to see if we could go like taken out and i was like what were you doing he's like
Starting point is 00:29:05 i don't know i just wanted to see if we could go in there and i'll say well they can but now it doesn't come out it's like the school calls us like so your son's fine but uh you're gonna need to come get it like i was like what and then you get there and look at it you're like huh i think the easiest thing honestly would have been though would have been to put a vacuum and just suck it out. When we went to the urgent care, they actually pushed it further. So we had to go to children's and then they had to have someone else actually do it. But I was like, you people,
Starting point is 00:29:35 I was like just put a vacuum to his ear and suck the thing out. Like it would have worked. Hey, how did they eventually get it out? A doctor just used some. Yeah. This like little tool that had a hook on it and super small, got it around the top of his ear and kind of just like finagled it all the way out um and they were like here you go yeah but here's here's the here's the criminal on a napkin it's here you go or a little paper towel but here it is hey that that really is the answer for all boys until they're like 18. Why'd you do that?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Oh, yeah. I don't know. Yeah. There's a lot of those. There's a lot of those. I don't know. Did you push them down? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Why'd you save them while they got? I don't know. Travis, did you consider going? So you have a lot of clues coming up this week. Tell me about how the team formed. Was it a no-brainer just to do this last year? Yeah. I mean, since they've kind of allowed the team of three,
Starting point is 00:30:33 we've always all gotten along together and known each other for a pretty long time. So it's been very easy. So even last year, we just had a lot of fun doing the whole team aspect that once they announced it again it was kind of a guarantee hey this is the same team we'll do that again i was supposed to go to australia with them and then just i took some time off after madrid this year just to kind of like hang out and wasn't ready to then go directly to Australia. Cause then when we got back, I went to Costa Rica.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Then after that, then water. So it was like, I just didn't want to be gone for another like 10 to 12 days. But I also think Australia is a big, very big trip to get to. So it's not like it's a couple hour flight to get there. No.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And that's one that can cost you on the backend too. Like you could come back and think, okay, I'm back. I'm ready to help and just feel bad for like a week and be, just feel even worse about what your wife has to do for you. Yeah. So for me, it was more of just like, uh, I would love to, and they were understanding, like, no, we get it. I was like, look, I'd much rather be going there, but I'm just not ready to jump full swing into training right now.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And they were both off of rogue. So we're both feeling extremely fit at that point in time that I definitely was not. So I was definitely relaxing, enjoying myself while they were training hard. And were you watching them over there? Oh yeah. Were you watching live when Chandler hit that snatch?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yes. That was extremely impressive. It would have been cool to get like the, the mayor cam, like the reaction to him hitting it at home. Oh impressive. It would have been cool to get the mayor cam, the reaction to him hitting it at home. Oh, yeah, that was awesome. I texted them all right away. I was like, all right, I'm fired up.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Let's go. So then Wadapulisik we kind of knew. Yeah, we're excited to run through that. But the team dynamic for us is very easy. We automatically know who's good at what yeah it was just i just love the like the little shrug at the end like there's such a you know i was more excited than chandler was that he hit that which is so cool like all of the guys are like yeah everyone is elated about it and i've i't been to Australia for a CrossFit competition,
Starting point is 00:32:46 but I heard the crowds there are insane. Yeah. Well, I was honestly surprised they let them go up again because it was like they cleared the ladder. They thought it was kind of done, and then I don't know how it – I love that when a competitionist says, you know what? Screw it. People want to see amazing things.
Starting point is 00:33:03 If these guys are still going, let's see who's got it. I love that the game's about to end. He didn't need to do that. He finished the ladder. I think it was him and Ricky that finished. They were the only two that actually finished it. I don't know how it came about
Starting point is 00:33:19 that then they went up again. I don't know if Chandler said something or, hey, can we go up again? But they ended up loading it up one more time and did that. And then Chandler hit it. Did Ricky give it a try? Yeah. And didn't get it?
Starting point is 00:33:35 No. Oh, good on Chandler. Did Chandler know he was going to get it? Was that a PR for him? I don't know. I mean, I would have loved to have it pretty close. I mean, maybe I'm mistaken, but I think he's not wearing knee sleeves. He's not wearing lifters.
Starting point is 00:33:48 He's got no belt on. He just goes and rips it. You don't need it. He doesn't need it. He doesn't need it. What a teammate. What a teammate. That's what he is.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So, I want to come back to Wadapalooza, but how was Madrid? How did that go? It was good. It was kind of a last minute decision of going. It was like finish the games. And then at that point in time, usually would be like the off season. And then tier was like, Hey, do you want to come out and hang out? And I was like, well, I've never been in Madrid. This could be cool.
Starting point is 00:34:17 There's a guy I want to get tattooed by as well. Um, in Madrid, in Spain. Yeah. Uh, so I was like, this could all actually end up working out. Ended up going out, and the first two workouts were pretty much my full-speed introduction back into CrossFit of, hey, let's go full speed. So it was supposed to be a one-mile run, ended up being much shorter, and then was super shocked to the system of my body was just like, okay, here we go. Second event felt like I got warmed up. And then it honestly felt like each workout after that, I felt like I got better and better and kind of like into my groove.
Starting point is 00:34:56 It was just those first few. Like I didn't really do any running from the games. And then we got there and it was like the first one was pretty much a dead sprint for 1,200 meters. And I was like, okay, my body was not ready for that um and then just after that started to gain momentum but at that point like i needed another day to i think potentially push for a podium spot but it happens and i think it's more of just going there and not putting pressure on myself and expectation that i did at the games.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And like on the first two events, I was already pissed off. I was upset about it. And then I was talking to my mental coach and she's like, look, you know, you didn't train for this. You know, like people have been peaking for this event and getting ready. You literally just came off the biggest kind of season and then haven't trained too much. She was like, what were your expectations going in? It was like just to have fun and enjoy it. So she's like, so go do that.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And then I started to just kind of find my rhythm and have some fun. What place did you end up getting? Fourth, fifth? I honestly don't remember. It wasn't a podium spot, so I don't remember. Hey, how did the team do last year at Wadapalooza? We won. You won.
Starting point is 00:36:07 That's right, baby. This is the third. This will be the – I found this – excuse me. Interesting. Damn. You all right? I was doing some research. No, he's not.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I'm not all right. This is the third time that Noah and Travis will have done Wadapalooza on a team together. That's right. But the first time they had Will Morad on their team and they took second to a three Canadians. And now there's three more Canadians coming for your crown. And there was three Canadians last year too. And the Canadians always do well in Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah. It's kind of weird. We'll find out how they do this year then. This is quite, this is quite the this might be the best uh team event in the history of the sport oh yeah this is cool team competition are have you guys talked about that have you and noah and channel talked about it no yeah this year's guadalupalooza are you guys like holy shit this is it like i mean this might this might be for the next 10 years the the best um team competition ever in terms of the caliber of competitors yeah i mean i think we uh even last
Starting point is 00:37:11 year we all had such a great time and i think immediately if the games had a team of three noah would have gone like probably would have tried to convince myself and chandler like yo let's do a team for the games if we can get all three of us together. Because even the crowds, everything that happened and took place when we were in Miami last year was just for the team side was stacked. I think because like a lot of people love seeing all guys go, all girls go. And like it's just full speed race the whole time. There was good races, good competition, which I think made it way more exciting for people to enjoy watching. And then I think that's also what made so many people this year like, man, they look like they had a good time. We want to do that.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And definitely the teams now are more stacked and kind of, I guess, coming for us. But we're excited and ready for that. But the teams are definitely stacked this year. But I think it's going to be a lot of fun having all of us together doing that oh will you have any family there no no parents no siblings no you just go down there just down just you know and chandler and this like two weeks leading up to and wada pelusa's you know releasing workouts one at a time are you worried much about that? Are you looking for him waiting for the next one?
Starting point is 00:38:28 No, not really. I mean, like we keep our eyes peeled, of course, like when they're announced and then an immediate discussion, like when the weightlifting came out, we all – like we didn't even need to discuss because we already know who's taking what. Like there's not even like – are you sure? It's kind of like, no, you take this, you take this, you take that. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Let's move on. Not every team has that luxury. No. And I think that's why we do so well. We all kind of have our own strengths and weaknesses, and we all know what those are. We know what people's limitations are. Like I can tell you probably how many reps Noah might need to do
Starting point is 00:39:01 before he breaks. He could probably tell you the same for myself. So we're very comfortable and have trained a lot together so i think it's just very easy and because we're like three really good friends that i think that even makes it easier that we're all just here to have fun together and at the end of the day that's what we're going to do so you just you just know you see overhead squat you know who's going to do it front squat you know who's going to do it and shoulder overhead you know yeah are you front squatting travis duh see like it shouldn't be a question like it's just like you already know who's doing
Starting point is 00:39:36 what it's got to be noah travis uh travis and then chandler there you go god that's cool There you go. God, that's cool. But yeah, it's not most of those things. Even the gymnastic stuff, we know who will pick up more on certain things. It's just we have a very good team dynamic and understanding of each other. So I think when you see workouts announced, I feel like if you don't know the individuals or aren't sure, even Alexis, she's teaming up with fee and Christine.
Starting point is 00:40:09 So I think like, right. Their team dynamic of really knowing whose strengths and weaknesses are like, they need to really sit down, talk, figure out strategy. Who's going to do what, who's going to pick up more here. Like, but then you're also like, okay, should I pick up more here? I don't know. How are they going to feel about this? If I do more here, you know, like sometimes you feel like it needs to be almost even split or whatever it
Starting point is 00:40:30 may be where at the end of the day, look, we're just trying to go as fast as we can. We know who's going to pick up the slack, where, who will make this happen and we will all have those opportunities throughout the whole weekend. Yeah. Those three. Your tier athlete travis yeah baby were you the first one that's right you were huh that's right took the leap of faith when it was nothing congratulations yeah now everybody's on board they need to stop it do you just have
Starting point is 00:40:59 did you have a good feeling about it or were you just looking for something new? No. So my deal at that point was up with Nike and I've always kind of want to like have input and discussions and conversations about the product and clothing and things that can be adjusted and changed. And I had a talk with Matt, the CEO, and it just went really well, just what they were wanting to do and open to do. And at that point in time, really, they didn't have training gear. It was just like their swim stuff and had some shorts, but they weren't really training shorts. And I knew shoes would be in the works, but when that was going to happen, I wasn't 100% sure. And then it just pretty much went full speed ahead after that. um and then it just pretty much went full speed ahead after that um they have made a really big push on everything and it's really cool to see even now what they're doing um with all the athletes at wadapalooza for giving people opportunities to buy shirts with your name on it for every athlete
Starting point is 00:41:57 not just the chosen few um not just the jews just the chosen ones. And I mean, things like that, right? Like, and even though noble situation, like my, so people voted me from the community that they wanted my Jersey. Awesome. Fantastic. Well, they said you could buy them at the games. Well, my parents are at the games and my mom's walking by the booth every single day. And they never have my Jersey out. They have everybody else's, but mine out.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And they're like, Oh, it's in the back. We'll get it out tomorrow. Oh, we'll get it in the back. We'll get it out tomorrow. They never have my jersey out they have everybody else's but mine out and like oh it's in the back we'll get it out tomorrow oh we'll get it in the back we'll get it out tomorrow they never actually put it out but just stuff like that where you're like because i'm not oh god i love that story now i know why i invited you on but but no it's true like you're just saying oh it's in the back and it's like well okay so put it out why is all your noble athlete shirts out but a tier athlete shirt is not out? Just different stuff like that, which is frustrating. So it's cool to see that tier is actually stepping in
Starting point is 00:42:55 and giving all these people an opportunity to have their name on a shirt, regardless of the athlete, and more so for the athletes, and let the athletes benefit from it. And I think that's just a cool thing that I think can push the sport in a good direction and give athletes opportunities to make more money from that. And even just for fans to, to be like,
Starting point is 00:43:15 Oh, this is cool. I want this shirt or I can go buy this person that like, they might not have a big following, but I think they're going to be doing great things. Like you can be like, Oh, I'm like a true OG fan of like,
Starting point is 00:43:24 I got this before they ever were like, I think they're going to be doing great things. Like you can be like, Oh, I'm like a true OG fan of like, I got this before they ever were like, I think like, it's just neat to see that they're trying to push the sport to be at more of a professional level. I believe. So your shirt never came out. Your shirt never came out, not at the games.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Like they finally sent them out. Do you think they even had it there? Let's be honest. Do you think it was, it was even there? You think it was really in the back? don't know but i know my mom was upset because i mean does she wait every every day she went by and said something to them um and then they kept giving her a different excuse every single day
Starting point is 00:43:56 i was like that's my mom sure did she wait till after the games to tell you that yeah okay i wish i would have known that i would have got your mama's shirt yeah why you saw you saw travis mayor's shirt you had access you got you know people brian i didn't see any of his shirts but i do know some people that's right for noble they weren't there i was able to people that work for noble that like i've had good connections with and ties and been friends with for a while but look i didn't know about it until it was all said and done. I just, I just thought it was weird that every day you're telling her that it's going to come out and then it never actually does.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I was like, look, if you don't have them, just say you don't have them, but don't sit there and be like, Oh, it's in the back. We just haven't put them out yet.
Starting point is 00:44:39 I'm like, okay, but all the other stuff is out with every other athlete. No, I bet you there were others. I bet you there were others. I bet you there were others. It was a really small booth they had. They didn't have any extra space in there.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah. Oh, please. That can't be true. It's massive. It's huge. Get out of here. Well, I was interested. So, Travis, have you been involved in the conversations with the design of some of the tier apparel, shorts, shirts, et cetera?
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, a lot of it. All the shoes, the shoes, the beginning, the clothing. So I pretty much sent them a ton of stuff from my closet, different clothing that I've liked and worn over the years. And then like, can we work on creating something similar to this and then we changed the style and everything else about it. And it ended up coming out really great and i love it and but yeah it's been a very cool thing to be a part
Starting point is 00:45:30 of and actually communicate with them and then they take the feedback and put it towards the product versus just like there was times i was with nike and it would be like hey so like this is happening with the shoe this is what it feels feels like. And they're like, okay, cool. And I'm like, okay, does anything happen with that? And then you look and they're already working on the shoe two years from now. And I'm like, well, why aren't we testing that shoe? Like that shoe we're working on, not the shoe that's already released and coming out next week that you're wanting me to test now that you're not going to change anything. Just little things like that, that they're actually trying to change anything. Just little things like that,
Starting point is 00:46:08 that they're actually trying to improve the product. They're trying to make it more of a professional sport, trying to level it up, which I think is really cool. But yeah, I've believed in it since day one. So it's been a fun journey to kind of see. And it's just interesting to see, even from like my members in the gym wearing them now and like seeing the community all have it on it's just kind of funny to see it i'm like man if you saw the first prototypes of the shoes i was testing to what they are now just like how far it's
Starting point is 00:46:35 actually come is pretty cool how how are you for time travis well i'm fine okay i mean i i don't mean to put you on okay Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. I don't want. Do you mind sharing the spotlight with if I brought Patrick Vellner in now? I can just make him wait for another 20. Are you sure? Bring him on.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It's a lot of star power. He'll take all the fucking oxygen out of the room. His smile. His shoulders are all broad and shit. I just wanted you to get prepared for him. Yes. He is a beacon of light. Brace yourself. Here he is. I'm just as white as he is.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I think we're both probably equally as pale. Here he is, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on to your seats. Did you double book us? I thought I'd be done with you, but I haven't even asked you any of the good questions yet. Oh, Tchaikovsky. It's not Vellner. I'm trying to take up less space for Travis.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, that's it, man. What's up, dude? What can I do for you? I'm good, man. How are you doing? I'm doing well. Hey, are you competing individual this week? No.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Great question. Great question. Yeah. Yourself? Yeah, I've been in both. Oh, you're the man, Patrick. Look, I told you he's going to just overshadow you right away. Just right away.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I don't think he's overshadowing. We'll see how they do on Saturday, Sunday. There's already twice as much to talk about with Patrick. We already talked about it. Because Brent and I are both an individual. Oh, Brent too. Yeah, so Jeff's going to be the only best guy on the team, so we are going to lean on him
Starting point is 00:48:08 so hard. That's going to suck for him on some of these. I'm going to show up feeling real good. You guys aren't going to touch any of the barbell. It's just going to be Jeff on the barbell one. I'm not doing another squat for the whole team competition. Patrick, we have a little bit of an audio
Starting point is 00:48:24 issue with you. Like it's just a little muffled. These are new headphones. So I don't know. I don't know if that's the best I can do for you today. Oh, there you go. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I think you sound great. Don't let him talk to you like that. He's got his big rig on. So I think he's just a different standard of living. I'm spoiled. Travis, how about the irony that there were so many years that the camera didn't catch you the one i can't i can't so many years this still happens what are you talking about but then there were but then there was the first of all there was that year that you were neck and neck with scott panchik inside uh i want to say it was one i still won yeah got it
Starting point is 00:49:07 yeah that's 2021 there's like not that long that that event was crazy and the fact that we couldn't watch it even though we were watching it was absolutely nuts but then the capital event the camera was on you the whole time and the chat was just hating you i'm like this guy finally gets what were they hating on what were they hating on oh they were just saying like hey switch the camera off of travis i'm like no don't switch the camera off of travis about time it's only been nine years of doing or eight years of doing this let me have my 30 minutes of running hey that person's talking to you right there in that car yeah he was well come to find out it was actually one of my members and i had no clue he was there um and i was like who's this guy in a tesla just
Starting point is 00:49:51 pulling up beside me and it actually ended up being one of our buddies rob from the gym and then i found out when the event was over and he's like hey man i was like what do you what were you doing there he's like oh i was just cheering but i thought it was just some random stranger just driving beside me saying something i hate it when i think someone recognizes me and it's a random stranger and then i find out it was a friend i'm like oh fuck at least in that moment i was alone by myself not really focused on who this person was travis did that bother you a little bit that he ran beside me and said something no that like when you didn't know who it was that this car was just like staying beside you and like this person
Starting point is 00:50:31 kept talking to you oh i didn't know if it was somebody one from like the games filming because i was like oh is this just like because i was like i did the because at that point the kind of like um not a kubota thing that was like with the camera like here on that just like veered off right there and stopped so i was like oh maybe this is like someone else following but i was like there's traffic up here this guy needs to be focusing on the road but then i started as i was running i was like well maybe his traffic's like or his tesla self-driving he's not even worried about it. So those were the conversations I was discussing with myself while this part was happening. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:51:10 I don't think they're saying, Hey, like, do you think it was inappropriate for a fan to be talking to you while you're, you're trying to get a victory? No, no. I just think sometimes those things, depending on how you're feeling in the workout, you just like, your head just does funny things right so i feel like sometimes if i was like running by myself and like trying to stay engaged in the race knowing you know you've got another heat following you yeah and then there's like like somebody was next to you like saying something would be like yeah great
Starting point is 00:51:40 for like a minute and then like two minutes three minutes i'd be like all right can this guy like like what do you want like what do you want i'm busy right now i'm trying to like i can't give you much more than i'm giving you kind of thing and just like i feel like there'd be a moment where i'd be like all right that's enough are we done are we done yeah he more or less yelled out he's like let's go travis do it for the dads and i like look over and i was like oh cool thanks i was like yeah i'll keep running but if you I think if you would have kept following me one I probably would have picked up who it actually was from my gym but if it was some just like random stranger kind of just doing that and like they kept yelling like there's been times people have said things and it's like snapped me out of it because it's like just their pitch to their voice or something and then I'm
Starting point is 00:52:23 like whoa what just happened yeah or like if it just if it was like you know you were running for a long time right so if it was like you know four or five minutes of the guy being next to you like cruising really slow on the road i feel like there'd be a point where i'm like guy do you do you mind i'm working here like i'm gonna take my couple minutes to have a fame there. I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to soak it up. You should have stopped and signed his car with a Sharpie. Phillip Kelly,
Starting point is 00:52:54 $1.99. Thank you. The Capitol was fired. The Capitol was really crazy. Jacqueline Robinson. Thank you. Oh, that's Canadian money.
Starting point is 00:53:01 That's cool. Ah, for the old Canadian over there. Yes. Yes. Travis, that was obviously a long event. A. Ah, for the old Canadian over there. Yes, yes. Travis, that was obviously a long event. A lot of times at the games, the long events, everyone goes at once. When you think back on that event, are you like, man,
Starting point is 00:53:12 I would have loved to go against Ricky and Roman and see if I could have caught them there? I mean, if you look at the time of where things were, I think I would have. Yeah, I mean, you would have been in the pack with those top dogs. Yeah, just based off even more so with the sandbags um i think on the final one where i dropped so i did three flights dropped it and just kind of took a longer break than probably like necessary and did the final two
Starting point is 00:53:35 so i think even in that moment i probably could have done the whole thing i think probably close to unbroken if i like really needed to at that point at the very end. But, uh, cause it wasn't like that much time. And most of that time at the very end, like it wasn't on the run. I don't think my run pace was off. I think the run was right. It was more so just at the bags, the carry, and then the, like the farmer carry and then on the whatever other one because even on the farmer carry i didn't know where you set the bags down right like we were the first ones to go so when
Starting point is 00:54:11 you went out and around i just never saw where you actually set them down because at that point i was the first one there so and then i set them down and probably 15 feet in front of me on the left the guy was just standing there not saying a word just off to the side so i start walking again and then he's like no drop him drop him and i'm like where and then he's like here and i was like okay and then you dropped him and just ran so i was like i think like at that point dropping waiting 10 seconds for really no reason because i thought we had to go down the hill because when you like you walked up those few stairs went around and like kind of went to the left and then you know where we dropped them pat like at the bottom there i thought we had to go
Starting point is 00:54:56 all the way down to where we picked up the orange ones so i was thinking we had like oh yeah because there was that weird run transition in between the bags and the and the heavy bag yeah and i thought we had to carry it to the heavy bag so i was like god we got a long way to go before i'm gonna be set these things down so i like set it down carry it he's like drop it drop it i was like here so you would so you would have you you took a break that you didn't need to take basically you would have finished that extra 15 feet if you would have known hey that was there yeah i really just had no clue where it actually was um were you surprised at how that when you crossed the finish line and then you watched the carnage afterwards and it really was carnage were
Starting point is 00:55:34 you surprised to see how jacked up people were yeah because it didn't do that to you that really was yeah um i remember i think pat even said something about way to make that look easy and then everybody else after did not look the same I remember we were watching Travis cruise along on the run on the screens before we started and we were like this looks like kind of fine and then it wasn't very fine at all
Starting point is 00:55:56 I was on another planet when I finished I was not okay at all not okay for the rest of the day and part of the next day no shit and it was crazy because there was, there were guys like Travis and Sam quant that made that orange bag look so easy. And then there was obviously extremes like Lazar Jukic, but I think there were a lot of guys like Pat,
Starting point is 00:56:13 like it didn't necessarily look like the worst thing ever, but the lingering effect was just hard on a lot of those guys. I think that was one of that where like, I mean, people who were able to train and heat more consistently leading up to it made a big difference uh and like i think some of the guys that weren't that was one that really hurt them where we can go out and do a 10 minute effort in high heat and survive it without big effects but then when you get more in the like 20 to 30 minute range those things just start to you know make bigger difference. So guys that just were better acclimatized, I think smoked it.
Starting point is 00:56:47 And that's where guys probably like Travis and Roman and Sam that were able to do a little more of that benefited a lot because that's what, what killed me. And I think you could even kind of see it that like people that were out there, there was like a time cutoff that like anybody who got in under a certain time felt pretty good. Anybody who was out there a little longer than that was like not feeling good at all. And so, yeah, I know it was, it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:57:09 It was funny to watch Travis set that trap for everybody though. Yeah. I feel like we do a lot of, we go to the field, like pretty much on a turf field. So it's already like hot in like the middle of the day, we'll go and do the sessions leading up at around 12 to two. So pretty much like at the peak of what it's going to be. And it's not like, I feel like it's like Carson, like Carson was like, I always felt like way harder than what it was in Madison. But so we would do a lot of stuff there. And then, I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:38 we messed with sandbags pretty often. So like once I got to the sandbag, I just felt like that was more of a comfortability thing um than most like we have husafel ones and large sandbags that go up to like 300 so like we had a lot of exposure beforehand yeah like that so we pretty much would go out trade oh just the way i like to see you send that to only fans there. Patrick, in all seriousness, could this be the hardest four days of competition ever? Like, are you prepared that like, oh shit, like maybe you and Fikowski have got yourself into something that's harder than the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 00:58:15 by doing individual and then going team? Because this could really creep up on you. I don't think it'll be that bad. Why are you laughing, Travis? No? Just how you're trying to stir it. Oh, come on, buddy. Come on. I'm a journalist.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I'm a real journalist. I'm empathizing with the contestant. Look, I think the way you got to look at it is like, what are we going to have? Six, probably events, maybe seven events, individual, whatever, seven or eight scores in in two days that's a lot like that's what we did at rogue years ago four four events a day is a lot i don't think we'll take the floor four times i think we'll have maybe four scores in a
Starting point is 00:58:56 day so call it six or seven events and then in team if you have the same amount again but your team of three it's really only like a third of the work. So I'm really like that six events is like two events. Oh, he's rationalizing, right, Brian? He's trying to, hey, what about this? What about this, Patrick? The six equals the two. I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Don't laugh at my questions, Travis. You're fucking up this interview. What about this? Fucking up this interview. What about this? Isn't there going to be like you're psychologically prepared to finish the individual and then come down, right? And you're not going to be able to do that. You're going to finish the individual and you're going to have to stay up.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Will that be an issue? Yeah, I'm going to stay up all night and party and celebrate and then I'll show up on Saturday. I just mean like emotionally. Jeff, are you ready for this work? Because you got to do all of it. I just mean like emotionally ready for this work. Cause you got to do all of it. I think I'm kind of looking at it as the way that they built the weekend was good for like giving people this opportunity because the individual competitions first and then team competition is second. And you know,
Starting point is 00:59:57 in general, the team competition, most guys that are doing it are doing it because it's something different for them and it's fun. So I think that that's kind of how we're looking at it is we're going to go do the individual thing you know you put the emphasis on it where you you want to and you are going to bust your ass for those two days and then i might i might show up a little broken on saturday but that's like for fun right like we're going to show up and do our best for the team but i think that's going to be i'm really looking forward to the team competition because i think think having all the, you know, a lot of top individuals coming together to make these teams is actually really fun. And it's like a different lower
Starting point is 01:00:32 pressure kind of competition. I think most of us doing that, like we're not team athletes. That's not what we do. People don't like hang their hat on their performance in a team of three elite division. Um, so i think it's actually just going to be like a different style of a thing and a different type of pressure and you know it's more about bragging rights and things like that i don't think anybody's really going there expecting to like blow everyone away as how good they are in the team category right so i mean i think that's why we even did it last year it was like we just wanted to do something fun and have a different kind of feel going
Starting point is 01:01:06 into the season of just the excitement of, Hey, let's have all three buddies get together and do some workouts. And I think what they did with adding the individual, the days before, I think is pretty neat. But yeah, it just gives people the chance to do both.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Right. And so, and so you get, if you look at the names of the team, the three division,'re gonna be awesome it's gonna be so fun to watch yeah and i think you're gonna have people out there that are not maybe not as stoic and not as like focused people that are like having more fun on the floor and there's gonna be maybe like some shenanigans out there and it's just gonna be it's going to be like a different feel and flavor of competition. So I think that that two days is going to be awesome. Like, yeah, if I'm,
Starting point is 01:01:49 if I've got a few miles on me going in, it's going to be all right. Like I'm not that concerned about it. You always have a few miles on you, don't you? Yeah, that's right. I feel like I thought everybody did. I wasn't, that's how I go into everything. Patrick, why isn't, why isn't, go ahead, Brian, go ahead. I won't forget my question. think the same way why isn't um why isn't go go ahead brian go ahead i won't forget my question i'm expecting uh some elite level trash talk from brent and pat basically i think they have a
Starting point is 01:02:10 document like i do that says all the athlete skills on the floor and they say their weaknesses where they can needle them between events well just be yelling at them on the lanes you can actually needle them during the event because probably there's periods where we're gonna we're gonna not all three of us be working at a time, right? The other one could just be trash talking while the other two are working. Brent's going to pull a note card out of his pocket. He's going to be like, Dennis Sampson, I know how to get to you. Belner's going to be doing all the muscle-up work. And then when he gets to the bar, Bel will be staring at him like, all right, guys, I ain't touching this. Oh, yeah. Without a doubt. We've already talked about it. I'll do 60 months left.
Starting point is 01:02:45 I don't care. I'm not even going to see the bar. I'm not going to do a bar month. I'm just going to hang out under the rigs the whole time. Hey, um, so you, you, you could be doing a pig flip next to Travis and look over at him and say
Starting point is 01:02:56 something like you're, you're the shell of the man you used to be. My God, like that could come out of your mouth. I mean, I don't know though. I mean, it probably would,
Starting point is 01:03:05 but if I was being honest, I think Travis is aging like a fine wine. He is. That's true. Hey, why isn't Travis, um, doing individual?
Starting point is 01:03:14 Why, why, why isn't he sacking it up? Like you and Fikowski. Now that I didn't ask you, I didn't ask you. You can't ask other people. Yeah. We can hear someone else's, uh probably because he's smart there you go but uh i think the other thing that the the two different competitions kind of running
Starting point is 01:03:38 like the elites and the teams in series instead of in parallel kind of helps is if you only want to do one, like, let's say I just wanted to do individual. What if blues is a huge touch point for athletes in the year? And like, there's a lot of sponsorship opportunity there. So like if you go, you compete two days and then you hang out and like, like hang out at a booth and take care of some obligations that you have. And you have to, we have to do throughout the year.
Starting point is 01:04:01 It's just a really nice way to do it. And you're only tied up for a couple of days. You can pour it on when you need to and then do other things. And it's just, I don't know, or you can show up for just two days less like what Travis got six, seven kids now. Yes. Whoever is common is something at 12.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Okay. Yeah. But you know, maybe Travis has got to spend a couple of extra days at home on that Thursday, Friday, and then just show up and clean house. Yeah, I'm actually heading down tomorrow, though. Okay, so never mind then. Travis, why aren't you doing it?
Starting point is 01:04:33 It's actually for obligations, other obligations that have to take place prior. Why am I not? Just more so we all kind of wanted to do the team thing and just put that more of the emphasis and focus and just have fun there. And we're going to do team training and some group stuff leading up, which we were all kind of excited about and had such a fun time last year. Like there's no like, Oh, this is why I'm not doing individual. I was just more, Hey, let's just do the team and have fun doing that.
Starting point is 01:05:03 You guys are doing team building exercises yes team building you guys need that hey uh we definitely don't okay um we just we just let our hate and animosity for each other fuel ourselves for competition yeah that's fair uh patrick we were talking about this ahead before you came on, but basically this, this is going to go down as probably the most competitive and most enjoyable for the fans team competition in the history of the sport. And it might not see it again for like another 10 years. Yeah. I mean, this is pretty crazy, right? What's going on. It's a pretty awesome. It's a pretty awesome team event on the men's side.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah. On the men's side. Yeah. On the men's side. If there was ever this at the games, this format three, would you do that versus doing a team of six or four to guy to girl? I don't know. I'm more likely to do that. Uh, um, I don't know. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:06:03 I think, I think maybe just because I i think we like we know the men better than we know the women it's sometimes hard to form a team with women the way that our competition format is often at the games for people that don't know is like the men and women are not together very much because one of us is going then the other is going then the other is going you're very rarely like warming up or hanging out or doing anything with the women so like the men's field knows each other very well and a lot of us like unless you train with some of the women throughout the year like you just kind of don't or you go out of your way you don't really know them as well so it might be hard to create like an elite team of four with women if you're uh if you were trying to boys it would probably become
Starting point is 01:06:42 very easy for most of the guys to be like hey i know which i think would be cool to see right because i feel like usually on the team thing you're always just like who's the weakest weakest link to a degree to whatever aspect that is whether it's high school gymnastics or weightlifting like there's usually some format of that of like this is just where they're limited where you when you could have three teams like this like what we're all going to be doing this weekend it's like all of us are very good at pretty much 99 of the things which i think is what makes it also really cool to watch because like literally everybody's just sprinting everything the whole time it's gonna be exciting for sure so you're saying i don't think they ever i think it's more of a crowd pleaser.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I don't think they ever would do that format of the games. But I think that if it's format that for larger invitational competitions that want to create excitement, I think we'll see how this goes down this weekend, especially with the back-to-back individual thing. And if that works out fine and the individuals aren't dead and their teams are still competitive, then i think it's good proof of concept and and i think the team thing is going to be super excited i'm like almost i'm most excited for the team competition what you didn't know is you're actually doing all the rogue workouts as the individual before you go into the
Starting point is 01:07:58 team oh easy i've been there done that what is that was that like 12 events we can do that in two days well i was like last year when we did it i was like man that was good like we all felt healthy leaving and then this year i didn't go and then everybody was like i'm wrecked i'm destroyed that was way too much this is too aggressive i felt like i got better like the first day of rogues with the run and stuff and then the first day in the stadium where we did like the workout with all the ghd's we had uh a few like the heavy back squat there was a lot of workouts that put a lot of strain on your body the first two days you woke up on the saturday and you're like i messed up and then saturday's events were all like like three minutes or less
Starting point is 01:08:45 yeah so the volume then was fine and then sunday you felt like maybe i can do this but it was uh they made us earn it this year that was definitely there's a lot of miles on the body on that weekend so you didn't miss much i did it i watched from afar and it was great. You'll be great. You'll be saved it for this coming weekend. Yeah. Just for this. Just for this. Get them, Brian. No, I just was listening.
Starting point is 01:09:17 It sounds like Travis thinks there's going to be a high premium on execution at Wadapalooza since the margins are so small. There we go, Travis. Spots on my rankings. Hey, that's fine. No, but he's I mean, he's right. I trying to – I don't know if you guys have seen it. I'm trying to put up articles for each event that they announce to give people a good idea of just how deep this field is. And when trying to pick a winner or a dark horse,
Starting point is 01:09:34 there's just so many teams to pick from, which is really cool because you don't get this very often. Last year, I think it was like three teams that we were like, you'd go with and you could still kind of know who was going to be where. But on these, it's going to be anybody's ballgame. For the fans, it's weird just seeing you guys all together. I think it's cool. It's weird?
Starting point is 01:10:02 Why do you think it's weird? It's the same of any other format. format no because we don't get an opportunity we don't get it's like the weird thing of having both of you guys on the show at the same time like there's a dynamic you're like holy shit there's travis and patrick and it's kind of like they're to see all of you guys on the floor at the same time like like we never see we'll never see patrick and you with with uh rich froning for example he's an individual athlete so now we're going to be see on the floor and we're going to see all of you guys together, or we're going to see at these three great guys that seem unstoppable by themselves, Adler, Vellner, and Fikowski all on one team. And then, and then the same thing with,
Starting point is 01:10:37 uh, you know, you and Chandler and Noah for us, it's a, there's kind of the excitement of, wow, like I've never, when are you ever going to see all of these guys in one place? It's like seeing your favorite bands all on the same card. You know what I mean? Or it's even better than that. It's like having a singer, you know, your favorite singer sing with your favorite band, and they come together. There really is that.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I've never been interested in teams, and I'm so pumped for this. This is going to be cool. Are you going? No, I'll just sit here like this. You that pumped then oh i'm pumped hey dude the best that excited the best seat is the house where you can watch the live stream and not see the athletes winning yeah that's what uh the panchic brothers yeah well you can go watch the live stream and never see travis yeah we're all used to it. You're just going to be pulling your hair out all weekend.
Starting point is 01:11:27 It's just going to be Noah and Chandler. They'll keep the camera on. Oh, that's true. You're the right team for that. Patrick, was it an easy choice for you to do both? Yeah. I think I heard they were going to do the two, like
Starting point is 01:11:43 the parallel format, or not the two, like the parallel format, or not the parallel format, the series format. And I basically said if the teams are second, I would do both. And then I would just like find a team of guys. It's pretty easy. I can just sort of text anybody and they'll take me on the team. Yeah, that's true. Not everyone has that luxury.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Who initiated that idea? I can't actually remember i think i was talking to brent about something and we kind of had the same thought about it he's like oh did you hear about the format and like yeah i'll probably do both if you know if the individuals go first i'll do both i don't want to show up to the individual competition correct but um and he's like yeah same thing and i was like oh well like do you want to just make a team and we'll we'll figure out a third and we kind of fished around a little bit um but man i oh so jeff wasn't even the first one man it's funny how you start to just like put feelers out and there's so many people competing in this team division you'd be like bring it up with somebody
Starting point is 01:12:41 and they're like i'm committed already who's your first pick i think we have bkg and it was like i was kind of thing trying to think of guys that were like like our same era right like the guys that have been like in that kind of top thing we've all been competing individual old yeah old so i was like that was like what i wanted was like a team of like yeah just you know some some seasoned better right a little gray in the beard i got a lot of that so i i got uh yeah i think we asked bk and then he had a team and then i think we asked jeff next um because we were like well if i can't do that like nostalgia team we'll do a full canadian team and i'll just make jeff lift all the weights and it'll be fantastic see like look at this matt burns i hope brent pad are right next to rich me too
Starting point is 01:13:25 i i i hope and why because we just we want it we just want to see it yeah we're gonna god i hope i hope all you guys i hope all you guys get in the same heats together hey it's uh we're all gonna be at the same heat just because all because because you're the best teams and that'll be the way it is i'll put the best teams at the top, but I mean, you're looking at like 15 teams that are all good. So it, all of them are going to be pretty good. There's going to be some, there's going to be some good teams even in the ass heats. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:58 If there's 10 teams in the last seat of men. So there's 30 athletes on the floor, like 25 of them are basically superstars in the sport yeah god it's gonna be so great it is weird um you know how many games athletes there are on teams brian i feel like from this year or from out their entire history we'll just say the history i'll have to find that out say within don't go history say within like the last like five years or last okay something you guys keep talking i'll have it in a minute you guys are so rude you treat brian like he's a spreadsheet
Starting point is 01:14:28 he's a human that's all he does that's all he does he's he likes it is interesting that's why he does so many of them um it is weird because like you and um uh fikowski are like caribou and um uh and adler's like a deer. To see the three of you guys together, it is a little off. Man, these are individuals only. Or he can be the caribou and you guys can be the deer. I feel like he would be the caribou.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Either way, I don't know my animals. I'm just making them... Either way, it's an amazing team. I mean, it is really... I know it scares those guys uh it scares travis and uh noah and chandler it'll be a good team we have a unique challenge though with like brent being much bigger than both of jeff and i and like i'm a little bit bigger than jeff so i feel like i'm going to be this bridge and i might end up doing a lot more work than i want to if there's lots of synchro because i might have to just synchro more with Brent and then also synchro with Jeff.
Starting point is 01:15:27 So that's my fear going into this. He has fears. Do you have any fears, Travis, you'd like to share? No, I think. No, but I mean, I think myself, Chandler, Noah, like we're all like Noah's probably the I'm the tallest one out of everybody. But they are so good at like the gymnastic stuff so they sync up with mine so it's all based off of my speed for pretty much everything we do unless it's like wall balls or rowing then i change my cadence but the majority of it's based off of like me right absolutely no stress it's just it's no stress for
Starting point is 01:16:02 me that i just do my normal workouts and they just come along for the ride. Good. That's, that's a great, that's a great gig. Yeah. I'm the guy who's like, they're like,
Starting point is 01:16:09 you're good at gymnastics. They're like, figure it out. You're going to have to match one of us. I'll have to go really slow for one. I'm going to a little bit faster for the other. So I'm probably going to just, uh,
Starting point is 01:16:19 anyway, I feel like I'm going to go sign up for this team thing being like, it'll be fine. I'm going to, I won't be doing that much work and we'll have some fun. And then I'm going to end up probably doing a lot more work than I signed up for. There are,
Starting point is 01:16:30 there are over 30 individual male games, athletes in the team division at Guadalupalooza. So that would be a whole heat then. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. That's a lot. And if you,
Starting point is 01:16:41 if you count, and that's not counting guys like Jorge Fernandez and Josh Valchama who podiumed in the team division this past year so that's just guys who've competed individual over 30
Starting point is 01:16:49 yeah for sure because that doesn't count everybody knows that I wonder if is Jorge going to the games this year you think is he doing teams again he's doing teams
Starting point is 01:16:58 I think he is doing teams again yeah oh what a shame Tommy Rodriguez thank you for the $10 this is probably one of the easiest shows I've ever done.
Starting point is 01:17:08 These guys are awesome. Don't let them know. Travis, I'd spoken to Patrick about the beaded rope at the games, and then I heard you mention it on the Animus Corpus podcast. Great numbers, though though podcast is killing it um uh so so there is it you thought it was a little weird that people just showed up with beaded ropes too yeah magically wow i have a speed rope and that's all i used and these other people magically have these beaded ropes that they, Oh, where did this come from? Pull it out of their bag. Perfect size.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Ready for some wonders. I mean, I think it was still one of those things they should have just like, you don't have to say what we're doing, but just put a like feeler out. I remember seeing a video of Horvath doing crisscross double under. They got pulled down. They got pulled down. They got pulled down. Yeah. In that it's already questionable of like, okay, like, so you have this upper hand of already knowing.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Um, but I feel like that happens every year with something like someone always gets leaked something. Someone always has some upper hand of knowing, um, some workout or detail. Like, I remember this year I, people knew the Strongman event before it was announced. They were like, yeah, this is what it's going to be. I'm like, how do you people know this thing? It just happens.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I think in regards to that, they should have just given everybody a week ahead of time. At least we don't look like idiots when we get out there. Hey, live TBS, CBS filming. These guys can't do a jump rope at all. I didn't see you in that last round, Travis.
Starting point is 01:18:48 I didn't either. I didn't either. I don't remember. I don't remember you out there looking like an idiot. No, I would have much rather been there looking like an idiot. But I think it's still one of those things, though, right? Like, I know what you're saying. Is just give the athletes a week, like a clip like a 30 second clip and then you don't even
Starting point is 01:19:08 have to say anything else about it but then everybody would have practiced which they have done in the past like the remember the year we did the ring handstand push-ups they like made a little video of it you know a couple weeks ahead so people could get up and give it or the crit race they said you're gonna have to know how to clip into a bike some people still had a hard time figuring it out but at least least it gave you three weeks. Yeah, not even announcing the workout or saying anything else, but at least the skill of it, because that's a completely different rope that I would ever use. Or like what Wadapalooza did with the parallette handstand hold. They give about 10 days
Starting point is 01:19:39 notice. People can practice that so that they actually have a chance to... That they shouldn't have done, though. You don't think so? That, but then it's also one attempt. That's what I can't. Of course, Pat doesn't want that. Well, it's interesting. I figured it should have been a few times on a few attempts. Like you have a two minute window attempt.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Like the fact that there's too much gray area for that. Like the person winning. It'll be addressed. Even if it was like, you know, Pat could win it, but kicks up and just has a little slip up falls. Like that's your one attempt. Like that to me, just, you don't let the athlete show. There'll be a caveat for that.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Yeah. I think he's done things like that in the past where it's like, if you do, if you don't do five seconds or something like that, then you can kick up again. We'll see if they do it, but that's sometimes a good way to do it. Cause yeah, if your kickup is just bad and you do a little fumble and then you're right down and then you kick back up and you do a minute, then there's,
Starting point is 01:20:35 there's ways to avoid that. Hopefully they think about it. No, no, we haven't. We've talked about that. It'll be a time where like, if you haven't like by this time, you have to, that makes, that makes sense. When I saw just one kick up, I was like, look, that's people. We just don't want people out there all day.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Like they do 20 seconds. Like, no, no, I can go longer and go again. Yeah. Cause there's a lot of other window or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:57 No, that's better to at least give them. We also wanted someone, if they could go for 90 seconds, what you're saying is you already know all the workouts. Yeah. Two and a half minutes that we want them to have the opportunity to do that too.
Starting point is 01:21:08 So we didn't want to cap them if two minutes, if there's three guys still going at two minutes, we still want to know who's the best guy. I am not as tall as Noah. I don't think, I think Noah is taller than me or we're close. How tall is Noah? Taller than you.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Oh, um, the, the, so, you know, when you, when you talk about it leaking if they know it leaked then i don't think the the right thing is to try to cover it up it's just then leak it lean into it right so if you know that it's gotten out that people are gonna do the ropes then just tell everyone yeah that like you look more suspicious deleting it and taking the whole post out and then you did just keeping it up she she works closely with the jump rope company though right isn't that kind of what i think so that was like a uh rx ropes or something who was it rx smart gear right
Starting point is 01:22:00 rx smart gear is that the same rx ropes same same people dave yeah hey i feel like um uh secrets don't make it to training think tank or like i don't feel like leaks make it down there or to canada like you guys are kind of out of the know and you're we're not informed in your circles pasty to be in the loop of that you I know everything. I just play dumb. There's a great comment here about your decor, by the way, Pat. Pat's house looks like it's a set from Stranger Things. Apparently, it's 1983 in Canada.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Hey, man. What is it? The nostalgia era, man. Everything was better back in the day. Pat, you did not have a beaded rope at the games i did not no he only had a speed rope i had two speed ropes actually i had two as well did it go well i was practicing in the back and i nailed my back and somehow like it created like the Susan G Coleman, like breast cancer symbol, like welts on my back and was bleeding. Are you pulling that up, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:23:11 So we can see the Susan G Coleman. What the fuck is that? Like the, that was a good pull. Yeah. The, there was, yeah,
Starting point is 01:23:21 it looked though. My back looked like without the dot but just like the line i have a picture of it somewhere um but yeah no that definitely happened yeah the speed cables too like if you hooked your feet and like landed on the cable which i did a few times i i completely wrecked i had to get a new cable when i came home. Cause it was like all kinked. Yeah. I don't even know how you, yeah. What a, what a mess to even, Hey, that, that we can agree definitely on that. At least if you're not going to tell the people have ropes, the appropriate rope available for everyone. Right. Like I've done that in the past with a few things, like with the heavy ropes, we always get one, right? I think that would have been probably the best thing to do.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Yeah, you just give everybody the rope. Give everyone a new bead rope right there. Yeah, that's crazy to do it with a wired rope. Travis, here's a great question for you. Can you beat the 606 2K? Or no, it was actually 603 that Hopper did and 606 that James Sprague did on the 2,000-meter meter row what's your best uh i haven't tested in probably 10 years because it was at our old gym location and it was 621 back then
Starting point is 01:24:32 um it's that bad that it's been 10 years since you've tested it it's just horrific i haven't had a need to or desire yeah like the desire to do that on a 2k or the bike i just haven't had it like a need um i mean i think i could be pretty close to that yeah uh patrick do you have what do you know what your best 2k is no i have no idea and do you remember the last time you tried it nope yeah because that was posted. People were like, oh, you think you can beat it? I was like, I honestly haven't tried this, and I don't know if I want to try this. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I've never really been into it. There's a lot of trends that pop around the community where it's like, what? Maybe six months ago, everyone was doing Fran again, and it was like all this sub-two-minute Fran stuff. That was because of the qualifier for Guadalupe. Okay. I don't know what spurs it sometimes, but I sub two minute Fran stuff. That was because of the qualifier for a lot of Palooza. Okay. I don't know what, what spurs it sometimes, but I just like,
Starting point is 01:25:28 I can't be bothered. I have like other things I'm doing in training that are things that I need to get better at. And like Travis is saying, like you and Travis needs to go spend another hour on the rower. Like probably not. It's only going to be six minutes and that's going to be 50 minutes of pain.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Yeah. Like the, so it's just like, there's more productive things that he could be doing. And it's like, if I'm, you know, if I was doing a big thing where I was doing a rowing progression and
Starting point is 01:25:52 building up to it, sure. Whatever. Maybe I'll, I'll test it anyway, just to see, but I don't know. I feel like most of my like maxes or benchmarks are theoretical.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I'll be like, Hey, I want to like, I'm going to base my front squad on like a this number because that's what i think i should be able to hit on like my best day and then i'm basing all my percentages my percentages off that and then when a front squat comes up in competition and it's a one rm then maybe i hit my number that i've been basing it off and i'm like hey cool i was on track but trying to test like competition test things really regularly like that especially out of context where it's just really random to what your training has been
Starting point is 01:26:30 progressing toward i feel like it's kind of useless and it's like yeah like he's saying like was he doing a whole 12 week progression to get to that point before he even hit that uh versus just you know the dude went to his garage busted out a 603 and did it. Regardless, very impressive on the row. I just don't. For sure. I just have a lot of other things that go past it and to be spending my time doing it.
Starting point is 01:26:53 And I got a lot of kids at home that need to be recovered. Those guys are 21 and 23 years old. No kids running around. And that won't become a trend, by the way, just so you know. The max 2K effort will not become a trend. That didn't pick up very much. I do think Hopper was on to something. He said if someone breaks six minutes, I think you'll see other guys start to do it.
Starting point is 01:27:17 And he equated it to the four-minute mile. It might not be the elite CrossFitters, but it might just be. People already have. Right, right. But not CrossFitters. Pretty much elite CrossFitters, but it might just be. People already have. Right, right. But not CrossFitters. Pretty much a CrossFitter. Is there a games athlete that's broken the six minutes that you guys know of?
Starting point is 01:27:32 Okay. No. Not that's made it published. No. I mean, and honestly, it's to be elite at CrossFit and to go sub six minutes on a 2K, to do the combination of that is very difficult
Starting point is 01:27:43 and require a certain body type to begin with and then also to want to try it my guess is there's probably crossfitters who can do it but they're not like games level crossfitters yeah like the guy that won uh open workout 19.1 supposedly the six foot seven norwegian guy oh yeah there you go exactly exactly like that guy i remember training at a gym in ottawa at paul trombley's gym for years there was a big guy there like huge huge dude and he would you know train cross it all the time but he competed in indoor rolling championships and stuff like that and it would be it'd be guys like that for sure that can just like haul on it
Starting point is 01:28:20 jonathan adam sub six uh should mean you're on an olympic team hey yesterday we were watching a instagram video on the live calling show of uh cody anderson um front squatting uh 385 for three and uh suza said hey i think that there's like some equation there that penlay came up with where if you can front squat uh whatever you can front squat three times should be your max clean is that true is that like some just like not true, but is it some conventional wisdom there? Yeah, I would say so. Yeah. I had never heard that. It's interesting. Patrick, I haven't heard that before. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I think it just says something about your, yeah. It says something about your confidence in your legs and that, like, if you
Starting point is 01:29:04 can, it doesn't mean you can pull it from the ground and get under it so you know it just means that the squat probably won't be limited in your ability i think it's more so in regards of like if you're able to catch it receive it you'll stand it up like if you're able to front squat it for three like if you front squat it for one you're probably not going to stand out of it out of a bottom of a clean um but for three and triple you probably could we had this conversation at our gym last month we did a three rep max front squat at the end of a strength cycle and a lot of us were like that's supposedly what we're supposed to be able to clean and none of us thought that we could what did you try
Starting point is 01:29:39 probably you don't believe you don't believe in yourself i have four for your gym it's four for your gym it's four brian that's right four reps it's all about believing that's why they say pull and pray um well my bro was interesting for both of you um travis knew that he was supposed to weigh the weights but thought he was too good to weigh them and uh and patrick flushed 200 000 down the toilet um what uh in hindsight are you glad you didn't go travis no i mean i wish i'd put the effort in to go and try would you have qualified with your scores yeah yeah it was i mean i figured it was rogue plates. They were rogue bumpers. Honestly, it was more of just like,
Starting point is 01:30:28 I'm going to... It's my own fault. I skimmed over and didn't really read the rules. I was just like, usually you just show the plates and that's all you get. We've never had to weigh the plates. I didn't even really cross my mind of doing that. I just showed them, carried on,
Starting point is 01:30:44 but it wasn't meant to happen, clearly. really crossed my mind of doing that. I just showed them, carried on. But it wasn't meant to happen, clearly. It's just occurring to me now that I didn't get them to weigh my plates in that last event of the Invitational. And I think that mine were probably a little heavier than everyone else's. That's probably exactly what happened. Valid. Hey, it's so valid. I think I can contest. it gets too late to contest recount count the votes in florida i'd go back
Starting point is 01:31:09 pat an experience like that um does that end up being a good experience or does it haunt you at all is it like where do you put that in your uh in your memory competitions not good experiences i think you have to try to extract value right like you not everybody is in an opportunity to take a big swing so you know you do things to like travis was not in an opportunity he did not put himself in an opportunity i didn't even get it i didn't even get up to bat but yeah so it's like it's good to get to that position and be like hey you know i'm i'm still contending for the top spot here which which is huge, uh, in a field like that. So that's super valuable. Um, but yeah, of course those things sting. And if you sit there and think about how bad it sucks forever, like it's still going to
Starting point is 01:31:54 stuck, but you got to, uh, you have to move on and try to move on to the next thing and maybe use it as motivation if you can. But, uh, I don't know, you have to have a bit of a short memory in any sport. So it sucks. It sucks that it didn't, you didn't win. It sucks whenever you don't win, but you have to try to, you know, make, take something of value out of it. Yeah. And it's crazy, right? It's kind of bittersweet. You were so close. And so people, so many people don't get so close. Um, yeah. And if you weren't close, you wouldn't, it wouldn't sting that bad right right and like that's the thing but uh yeah i mean it's fine you know i'll live i'm all right but uh it is
Starting point is 01:32:34 funny and i have heard that travis from a lot of people everybody said hey you know we're really we thought you had it we're hoping for you but you know that doesn't but then you let me down but other than that exactly let everybody down so but you know that doesn't but then you let me down but other than that exactly let everybody down so but you know the other thing is it that i've looked at is it makes uh the men's field look really exciting like the other thing i heard a lot was people saying man that was the most exciting finish i've seen in the men's competition in a very long time well and then we had a super exciting finish in the men's competition it wasn't maybe the same caliber of games athletes but in dubai it came right down to the wire also and i'm hoping that it's close in miami so this is the thing and i don't know how it could not be like i'll be
Starting point is 01:33:14 honest i don't know what happened in dubai five points separated three spots on the podium that's one position over the course of the weekend yeah hey all the all of these events it's so close that like you can be like hey if it wasn't for that ref or if it wasn't for whatever you can just point to one small thing it would have been different i mean yeah every sport is like that right right right right if i get to say that and be like well it was that whatever no rep and then so okay the guy that beat me gets his chance to take back his worst mistake or his worst call. And everybody gets to do it. And then it washes out anyway, right? So I think, yeah, everybody gets tough calls.
Starting point is 01:33:50 And you can't, they do suck. And sometimes they suck worse than others. But you have to take that for what it is and try to just be a little better, move a little better, and try to not leave it in the judge's hands whenever you can. and try to not leave it in the judge's hands whenever you can. But yeah, it's just, I think that the men's field right now, well,
Starting point is 01:34:09 both fields now with Tia out for this year, the both competition fields are in a really cool spot where it should be very exciting in every competition that we do. And there's just so much parody and it's, it's very fun. I think the competition field is, is going to be in a really sweet spot for a couple of years, at least. Pat, games this year, a really sweet spot for a couple years at least. Pat, games this year?
Starting point is 01:34:28 Another run? I have a couple minutes just so you know. Thank you. Will I go to the games? Will you make a run at it? I'm trying to be humble. I'll make a run at it. Are you old and washed up and are you going to try again? Or are you throwing in the towel and retiring?
Starting point is 01:34:45 I wouldn't go if I didn't think I could be competitive. Put it that way. Yeah. No, I, I, and are you healthy? No,
Starting point is 01:34:53 I'm healthy. Right. We're all, we're all, we're all slowly on a procession to the grave. You have any crazy shit like Travis where like, like your liver stopped working or like you have erectile dysfunction? You got any weird shit like Travis got going?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Travis has liver stop function? I couldn't even follow it, but he had to get like blood work or something. Like something was wrong with him for a second. It was liver and kidneys, but that was the beginning of last year. You got anything weird like that? You got anything heavy? What's up with that? You've been on the heavy poisons lately?
Starting point is 01:35:23 Yeah. What are you putting in your body? I got into the poisons yeah okay yeah it uh got into grandpa's cough syrup there yeah um no i mean nothing too crazy like i think just you know lingering little things from the wear and tear yeah we load our bodies a lot right and like we alluded to earlier with all those young guys, like my body doesn't eat it quite the same way it did, you know, 10 years ago, but, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:50 it's fine. I'm getting used to putting a little more time and effort into keeping my body moving. So I'm, I'm not doing all right. Feeling better actually in the last little bit than I had through the games and rogue and stuff like that. So,
Starting point is 01:36:01 um, things are right. You're, you're three for three on your trips to Miami. Three-time defending champ coming down there. Yeah, I am, yeah. You could have just walked into the sunset, got on a team, let that live in history.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Instead, you're taking a chance going out there with some big dogs in the field, carrying any pressure on your shoulders. Yeah, of course. All the pressure's on my shoulders. But I don't know. I think that's kind of a cheesy way to go out right like whatever i don't i'm not that worried about legacy that it's like
Starting point is 01:36:31 he won three but then he showed up and came fourth so like what a piece of shit have you seen my predictions already i don't think anybody does that no i agree with you i agree with you it's like come on like i don't think whether or not I win again, it's going to change the way it's looked at. Right. I'm going out. Yeah. I love that. This is a pretty sweet job, right? Like, I love that I'm able to do this. I'm able to travel around. I'm going to get to go compete with a bunch of friends and see people. And this is very cool stuff that we get to do. And is not lost on me i think in fact i think you know the later i get in my career the more i appreciate it because i think in the early stages
Starting point is 01:37:10 that come out of my career when i was in school and things like that i i didn't enjoy it i i the same way like i was really flying in competing get it was like another job and i would i'd be in and out and i would just do my job and then leave. So I'm, I'm enjoying that. I get to go do this stuff, sometimes bring my family along and really try to like take advantage of these opportunities while they exist. Cause you know, I'm not going to be around forever. I'm not going to be able to do it forever. So I think you have to be able to just be okay with that.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Like any, any sport you play, anytime you compete, anytime you take the floor, there's a vulnerability to that, that you're always taking a risk and you're always kind of really laying yourself bare and putting yourself out there of like hey this is you know the best i can be right now um and sometimes it's going to be good enough and sometimes it's not going to be good enough and that's just part of being an adult like sometimes you like, it's going to be what it is and you have to do your absolute best and, and, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:38:09 let everything fall where it will. Three. He he's one individual three times in a row. Yep. 2019. You're Travis Mayer. You're a stud. Uh,
Starting point is 01:38:19 Oh shit, Travis, you have to go. Uh, the new, uh, we're getting spammed a new dating for all tastes and ages. You brought your, you brought your bots with you i can't help it hey uh both you guys thank you so much uh for coming on super excited you guys are the best that was seriously you you made that was
Starting point is 01:38:36 the easiest hour and 38 minutes of my life yeah it was probably the longest of mine but other than that uh we will see you guys in Waterpalooza. Always awesome seeing both you guys. What do you mean? You won't be there. I will be seeing you from right here for right from where I'm sitting with my feet up. Sounds good.
Starting point is 01:38:55 No problem. Thanks for having me on. Yeah. Thank you, Patrick. You're a good dude as always. Thanks, man. Good to see you, Travis. We'll see you.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Yeah, man. We'll see you then. I said you're a good dude. Good to see you, Sevan. Oh, yeah. Steven. Good to see you travis we'll see you man yeah man we'll see you then i said you're a good dude good to see you seven oh yeah steven good to see you yes all right uh you guys are the best shirt some on the shirt what shirt vindicate what about vindicate oh yes yes yeah okay here uh both of you i would like both of you guys to swing by the paper street, coffee, coffee, paper street, coffee booth and get your free CEO shirt. Don't forget.
Starting point is 01:39:30 I have one for each of you. Got it. I'll see what I can do. All right. I'll be honest. I don't spend a lot of time in vendor village. And, uh, and the Owen to get it.
Starting point is 01:39:39 And why the blues? It is a mad house. Yeah. It's tough to walk around through there. All right, guys guys thank you so much all right bye bye bye see you guys dude who spelt my name wrong at the top of this get the fuck out of here did that ryan was that you it was me. Oh, my God. You people are garbage.
Starting point is 01:40:05 I asked them if they did it on purpose. I thought they did it on purpose. We did it on purpose. We did it on purpose. Definitely did it on purpose. Look at his face. That is not purpose. Oh, Travis, we're losing our connection with you.
Starting point is 01:40:16 You're breaking up. Oh, my God. Sorry, Caleb. Ms. Raptus, hi. Hi, how are you? Awesome. How are you? Where are you?
Starting point is 01:40:30 I'm outside. Can you hear me? Oh, much better than Vellner. Man, Vellner was talking to us out of like a tin can. Okay, good. Hopefully, I stay good. Is it warm down there? Yeah, it is pretty warm. I don't know what it is right now it's probably like 60s um brian is going to uh tell us uh uh in a second how special alexis is
Starting point is 01:40:56 but she really is special for those you guys don't know uh i'll fill in the gaps for brian i have a couple stats but i don't want to rain on his parade, but you are looking at a very, very special athlete that maybe not all of you know, but all of you are going to know very shortly. She does train down at training think tank with Travis and Noah. Brian, take it away. And I didn't, Brian doesn't even know. I'm going to ask him this, but let's see how good he is. And Adam Rogers and Adam Rogers, God,
Starting point is 01:41:23 and you're in your relationship with your coach we'll get into that in a second okay not the same relationship rebecca fusli has with her coach but still special but still special i think um alexis is in a uh kind of a unique spot right now because and and i'll even uh this was a kind of actually cool for me to see you know she finished 10th at the games last year it was a very good performance but it's it's one of those things like when you get to the top level like the spotlight just gets brighter and brighter that the closer you get and even though she's beaten 75 of the field and it's a great year for her
Starting point is 01:42:00 there's she's just kind of in that realm where you don't get a ton of attention so she got a lot of attention on her for the event that she won of course and then most of the rest of the weekend if you're just watching kind of casually you're not going to see too much of her but she's 23 yep 23 23 years old got a good base of training behind her already a really good training environment and i think that she's actually on the fringes of the conversation for pushing for uh top five or maybe even podium threatening performance in the next year or two especially with some of the women that are leaving the sport uh very very nice brian let me may i may i'm going to do brian's job now for him and let me
Starting point is 01:42:40 squeeze in some of the facts may brian will even be impressed. 2015, you took fourth place in the 16 and 17-year-old division. 2016, you took second place in the 16 and 17-year-old division. Yep. Last year was your rookie year. You took 10th place. I stole this idea from Brian. In the previous year, it was Katrin David's daughter who took 10th place. In 2020, it was Andrea Nistler.
Starting point is 01:43:03 And in 2019, it was Daniel Brandon. So you are an incredibly good company with that 10th place finish. You went into the final event in 2022 in seventh place. And from hearing you talk about it, I know that stings because you were hoping in that final event to move up the leaderboard. you were hoping in that final event to move up the leaderboard but unfortunately you moved down but still stayed in the top 10 which was your goal which is a crazy ambitious goal for a rookie it's across the games yeah yeah i mean um going you're a bad dude you're a bad dude alexis raptus i know i know you are you are well the great and the crazy thing is she didn't even do that bad on the final event.
Starting point is 01:43:45 It was just like the perfect scenario where the women that she needed to do a little bit worse did really well. Yeah. And I really didn't know where I was at, to be honest. I think I knew I was maybe in like seventh or eighth, but maybe knowing where I was at, like going forward, just being more aware of the leaderboard, maybe it could help me, but yeah, it was, um, I would say it was a very successful season. Yeah. And you're
Starting point is 01:44:13 going to do better. Yeah. Brian rising star, no fluke here, right? This is a special athlete. Some, some really crazy skills yes definitely thank you i think it's i mean uh you know she's got some really really really elite gymnastics capacity she has some really good barbell capacity and those two things are a really good recipe i think that if you had to choose two of three with aerobic being the other one aerobics the one that you would be okay with having the need to bring up to meet the other two and I think that that's kind of where she's at um tell me tell me who Adam is in all the interviews I've watched with athletes you really talk about your coach more than I've heard other people talk about their coach. Yeah. Um, we have a super special relationship.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Um, we've been working together since I think, I think almost four years now. And, uh, so I, the first time I worked with him was I competed at mid Atlantic in 2019. And I, at the time I just wanted a coach. I didn't really know anything about him. I didn't know anything about training think tank. Um, it was kind of just like the perfect storm. Like it all worked out and I don't know how it worked out because I feel like I chose the best coach in the world, um, without even knowing it. But he, especially since I've moved here to Georgia um we've just gotten to know each other so well and he just knows me so well as an athlete and also as a human and it makes it so much easier
Starting point is 01:45:54 um oh my gosh my laptop just talked to me that was weird uh but anyways he like he cares so much about not only you know my success but also just me as a human and so getting to know him better since I've moved here and um just building that relationship took I feel like my level just to the next level completely. And I feel like that showed at West Coast, but then it wasn't until after that where we really just like both a hundred percent committed to the process and committed to like this goal that we set. And we both put everything that we had into the season last year. And it just showed. Like, we were just in sync with everything. And it was just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:51 It's just really special to have a coach that cares so much. Like, it feels like he cares equally to how I care about CrossFit and my goals. And, I mean, he was there at every single training session, every competition he had, every workout, like every warmup ran out for me, like minute to minute, just everything dialed in. And he's just super professional and he's so good at what he does. And I just let him take care of the whole coaching programming side. And I don't worry about a single thing. And I just do what I'm told honestly. And it just works. It works so well for us. How much of it has to do with the, I mean, obviously a huge part of it has to do with
Starting point is 01:47:37 the fact he knows what he's doing. He's got a good eye. He's able to, he's, he's understanding you, but how much of it also is the fact that what I'm hearing you say is, is that he believes in you so much and he's raised the bar so high in coaching that now you have an obligation to raise the bar that high as an athlete. I'll say something so cheesy, it might not even be appropriate, but something as much as like, if you wanted to eat something bad at night, um, before you went to bed, you might not do it knowing that your coach has put this much effort into, um, into your success that now you might not do it knowing that your coach has put this much effort into your success that now you feel obligated to put that much effort into your success. Yeah. I mean, I feel like any failure that I have, I feel like I disappointed him almost because he puts a hundred percent into his side of it.
Starting point is 01:48:25 And in order to accomplish our goals, like it takes both of us. And so, yeah, like any decision that I make, um, he plays a part in it for sure, because I would not be where I'm at without him. Yeah. What a, what a crazy thing, even though on one hand you, you can intellectualize it's not true and it's and it's not right it's still probably still a good mindset to be in that hey someone's relying on me someone believes in me and i'm gonna let someone down if i fuck this up yeah like just leverage that that that insecurity or that ego to push yourself yeah yeah 100 does he have other athletes yeah he's got a bunch of athletes um does that bug you no it doesn't bug me drop him drop her he doesn't have any um any other games athletes and that's i don't know i think that would be if it was another female athlete
Starting point is 01:49:24 i think it would be hard for me. We've talked about that. But, I mean, I would love if he had another games level male athlete. I think it would be really cool. But, yeah, he's got a bunch of really good athletes, semifinal athletes. A few, like, actually a handful of them are here, which is super awesome because we have a really great training environment. And I can train with a handful of them are here which is super awesome because we have a really great training environment um and i can train with a lot of them but yeah uh jordan vance alexis raptus equals great thanks jordan um after the games um so you wouldn't event your
Starting point is 01:50:03 rookie year at the games does that that happen very often, Brian? I'm guessing not. More often than you think. Yeah. I mean, it's still rare, but it happens. I heard you say something like if you could just beat every athlete at least once at the CrossFit Games, that could be a good psychological piece to take away with you going into 2023. So when you take a first, you do that. It's done. Go check it off the box. I beat everyone.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I thought it was one of our coaches at our gym parent. She said that to me. She was like, it'd be so cool if you could just throughout the weekend beat every single person at one point. And I was like, that is kind of a cool goal to have. And obviously taking first an event, you do that. But also throughout the weekend, I found myself just beating girls and things that I didn't think I could beat them in. And it was a huge confidence booster because it's like, oh, wow, like, like everyone's, I mean, now everyone's beatable, you know, like, there's always something that someone is better than you at. And so, yeah, like taking first was insane.
Starting point is 01:51:13 I don't know when that when that workout got announced. I remember talking about it with Adam and we both knew like the goal was to win. We were going out there to win. Like I had, I had literally just like blockers on my goal was just like, I'm winning this workout. And, um, after Adam was just like, you know, like you just want a workout at the cross the game. That's crazy. And I was like, I mean, I don't think I realized how crazy and cool it really was until after. Um, but yeah, that was like one of those moments that you just never forget. Just so, so special.
Starting point is 01:51:51 And the buildup to that event, was it helpful at all to draw on the event win from West Coast on the strict handstand pushup the year before? Yeah. I mean, everyone kind of was coming up to me and being like, Oh my gosh, this is such a good workout for you. And sometimes those workouts are more nerve wracking because the expectations are high. But when I was practicing in the back, I just felt so good. And I remember Adam telling me paces for the bike. And in my head, I was like, I want to like, i don't want to just win this i want to like destroy this workout and so i just totally went off script of what he told me to do and i held like a crazy pace on the bike and i it was just awesome like i felt no pain honestly because i was just like in this crazy like flow state felt so good um i can imagine him in the stands being like that's that's too fast yeah was he freaking out was he freaking out i don't know but after he was like you know you didn't have to bike that hard at the end like you were a minute ahead and i was like
Starting point is 01:52:57 i don't care i'm ending this the right way i'm sprinting yeah it was so cool hey when you said when you set the goal to to beat every athlete at the games at least once you you kind of know you're gonna have to take a first because because t is there and so at some point and i remember watching that last night she took second right i mean because she's on the wall when you're on the bike yeah so here's the greatest crossfitter of all time and then you yeah yeah you were Yeah. You were going psycho. You'd gone full psycho Tim Paulson on the bike. You, you were, you were getting it. Well, I didn't, I had no awareness of like where everyone else was at. I knew she was on the bike too, but in my head,
Starting point is 01:53:34 I'm like thinking she's probably right behind me. I got to pick it up. And so the crowd is going crazy and I was just like ripping it. I, I couldn't feel anything. It's, it was just all just adrenaline at that point. But I also knew, I mean, my goal was top 10 all weekend. And so you have to take like wherever you can get those home hitter workouts, like you really have to take advantage of those. Cause that can really like just boost you up there. So every single time a workout like that came out, it was like, okay, let's take a risk because it could really pay off. Alexis, how many years did you do gymnastics for? Um, I started in, uh, fourth or fifth grade and then I quit in eighth grade.
Starting point is 01:54:22 So you started kind of late for the i mean yeah so i yeah i did i did gymnastics when i was like two until i was maybe i don't know maybe like three years and then i quit and did soccer and then um i just found myself always just being like upside down on the field, doing cartwheels and backflips and being like, I should not be doing soccer. And so then I went back to gymnastics. Why did you quit in eighth grade? I had two. Well, I actually had three elbow surgeries and I was out for a year at that point. And oh, I think I remember this from when we talked before.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Yeah. And it was just super hard. Like I was about to go to high school and I was trying to figure out really what I wanted. And it was like, uh, gymnastics was really just my identity and I hadn't had that for a year. And I just felt super lost.
Starting point is 01:55:21 And I've just felt like my body just couldn't do what I wanted it to do with gymnastics and it was super frustrating but I was kind of just done with it at that point like I loved it so much but watching from the sidelines from a year uh for a year was just it was just I was just done you know and so I ended up stepping away from gymnastics and trying new things, but that was a really hard period too, because it's like, gymnastics is similar to CrossFit. You're training four or five hours a day and that you just think that's normal. And then I got to high school and tried high school sports and people like, people don't care. People don't want to work out.
Starting point is 01:56:02 People don't want to train. Um,'t want to train um and that was just really hard for me because I was like going from gymnastics I want to be one of the best go to college do college gymnastics like I love the training side of it went to high school and did high school sports for like you would after school go to practice for an hour and I just felt like I was just doing nothing and it was just boring to me, honestly. Brian, weren't there people who were really good at handstand pushups, but in that event, because of the variation, you were facing the wall, just imploded, it didn't translate? A few, but I think a majority of the athletes that are good at strict handstand push-ups were still good at that version of it were you concerned at all alexis when you saw that what the um what the standards were no i wasn't concerned because i knew if it was hard for me it was
Starting point is 01:56:59 going to be hard for everyone gotcha gotcha and and and how are the no reps out there? Did you get any no reps out there? Yeah, I think I got like three or four in a row, but I just kept going. Cause I was like, I'm not going to let this judge take this from me. So I honestly don't know like what I got no rep for. I just kept hearing no rep and I just kept going. And I think it was depth. I want to say it was depth. It was just hard. Cause like you couldn't see the line. So it was really just, you were just guessing where your head was at. What else could it have been? Your feet could have been coming too wide apart or something. Maybe, maybe that was, yeah. I know from, from talking to Adrian that it was, he specifically wanted the athletes to not have to, to not be able to see and to have to feel it.
Starting point is 01:57:43 And his correlate or example in his explanation to us was an air squat. It's like, you don't have to look, you know, if you've done it enough times, if your hips are below parallel or not. And I want them to have that same experience with the strict deficit handstand pushup to no target. Yeah. I guess not a lot of people have done, well, I had never done a handstand pushup like that. So I didn't know what it felt like to really get low enough i guess we practice in the back but you can only do so many reps before you go out there but uh you're a tier athlete also i am yeah so we have patrick on who is a tier athlete you
Starting point is 01:58:18 and uh mr the original tier athlete what was that the original tier athlete. What was that? The original tier athlete, Travis. Oh, yeah, Travis. How does that happen? Do you have an agent? Yeah, I work with Cooper. The Cooper, Danielle, and Josh Bridges guy? Yep. How did you get him?
Starting point is 01:58:37 I started working with him when I was a teenager, actually. His partner, Jason, started working with me first. And then when I turned 18, that was kind of when I could really work with sponsors. Oh, Cooper has dyed hair like that? Where's Cooper live? Cooper lives in Arizona. Oh, man. That's definitely not the Arizona look. Cooper, get a lives in Arizona. Oh man. That's definitely not the Arizona.
Starting point is 01:59:06 Look, Cooper, get a place in Portland, buddy. You're Portland bound. Okay. Sorry. Have you,
Starting point is 01:59:11 have you not met Cooper? I have not met Cooper. We got to get him on the show. I want to go come on that one though. Yeah. He loves making fun of me. So I knew I love him. Oh,
Starting point is 01:59:21 good. But, um, what was I saying? He,ason came up to you when you were a teen yeah and i was working with him and then um jason also works with like baseball athletes so he's pretty busy and so that was when the transition from jason to cooper kind of happened and now i mean i've been with him for it feels like forever now yeah and he has known me since i was like 16 uh stevie ask big a about her dad's tasty meat oh my god uh is your dad quite the chef uh yes but he's talking about so my dad uh bow hunts and he makes
Starting point is 02:00:10 um venison meat sticks and summer sausage and when i was home for christmas i helped my dad make all that stuff and i brought a bunch back to georgia and i'm to give some to CTP and he's very excited to try it. Oh, who is that CTP? Oh, that's our media guy at training think tank. Oh, the guy behind the computer that you only see his hat. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:37 Yeah. I just watched two back-to-back podcasts with him. I was really actually blown away at how good that whole thing runs. Yeah. He is so good at his job oh my gosh he's really good and that guy brennan's good too good energy good just tons of information pouring out yeah he's a great podcaster yeah well let's not get carried away that's just um so so uh so cooper tear you like him being with tear yeah i like being with tear yeah it was like it was tear was my first this year like um big sponsor where i was able to just train full-time like huge opportunity basically changed my life because like at that point i
Starting point is 02:01:23 didn't really have any like i had some sponsors but nothing where i could just train full-time um so yeah is that their roster crazy right this is the athlete roster for following the merger from last week oh yeah does that affect you at all does the merger affect you or you don't even know just like yeah i i think it'll only help us honestly more hands on deck but if i think if you go down you can see what she was talking about also that there's some sports uh outside of crossfit that these guys work with olympians golfers etc yep and that guy, Jason St. Clair, was a founder of Lab Management, I believe. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Crazy. Yeah. Well, congratulations. That's actually really nice to hear that your sponsorship makes it so you can focus on your training. Yeah. Wadapalooza this year, why did you sign up for that? Why did I sign up for that? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Honestly, I just wanted to try a team competition. I thought it'd be really fun. Um, I've never, I've never done a team competition before. And, um, I found out that fee wanted to do a team. And so I reached out to her and then we were just trying to find another girl and Christine was wanting to do team as well and I competed with her at syndicate I competed with her at the games um she's super sweet and so we just kind of put a team together uh I would say maybe like three months ago and yeah I just want to go and have fun and enjoy, not really be stressed out. I think I've competed a lot this year and I'm not really wanting to compete individual right now. I feel like once the open comes, it's just, we're competing all season. So I'm excited to just go there and have fun and just kind of be a little bit less stressed.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Does, do you check in with Adam before you do that? Uh, yeah. Yeah. I talked about it with him. He thought, I mean, he thought it was a good idea just to go and compete, just get more experience competing without like this big pressure of individual and having other girls with me and just getting to know more athletes better. And, um, yeah, he was all for it. Have you looked at the individual elite female roster for Wadapalooza? No. There's zero of the top 16 from the CrossFit Games there
Starting point is 02:03:54 and $75,000 for first place. Wait, how much? Can you say that again? Is that tempting? It is tempting. Is it too late for her to enter? I don't think so. Yeah, why not go there alexis and clean up get that 75k and then do the team i know that is very tempting i i think everyone probably is in the same boat where they're like i don't want to compete so then i feel like no one i don't well i don't know who is on the individual side i haven't really looked the top performer from the games is danny spiegel who's 17th but then you have some
Starting point is 02:04:32 women you do have so there are some women coming back that are that weren't at the games last year for various reasons like emma carrie emma tall sarah sigmund's daughter and emily rolf who was there so it's not like it's a runway to first place. A lot of girls are just doing team. There's nine of the top 16 men from the games competing in the individual field and zero women. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 02:04:57 No one tells you that. No one said that to you. Where's Cooper? What does Cooper do? Part joking but part serious yeah i don't know like oh wow andrea nistler's there never mind don't do it she's gonna win don't do it i don't know all these girls to be honest oh would you consider that hearing brian say that or did you like did you feel like your eye twitch like you started getting a little twitch twitchy 75 grand i mean it's very tempting i'm also not like i definitely took an off season so i'm not in peak shape or anything
Starting point is 02:05:32 um i don't know how i would do right now i i think i would still be able to go and do really well um oh you fucked her up brian yeah now i'm like she's like she was like she's already seeing okay i could get those new tires so i put this i put this out on instagram the other day and i said exactly that there's none of the top 16 women from the games competing there's this much money available it's the fifth highest individual paying position of the game season first and second at the games first and second at rogue first at wadapalooza, no one's signing up for it. And I got like 75 responses from people all speculating why. And it was actually kind of fascinating to read through them. What were people saying?
Starting point is 02:06:13 Just people don't want to compete right now. It actually was cool because some of the responses came from coaches even who coach elite female athletes. And so there's everything from, there are a lot of people like, well, Tia's gone and everyone's eyes on the games now, but,
Starting point is 02:06:30 but I'm thinking, no, they've already made this decision before they knew that Tia was pregnant. They might've even thought she was coming back next year. Like she said. Yeah. And so I think it's more about that. There's a lot of women that were even maybe like second place through 15th at
Starting point is 02:06:44 the games, this range we're talking about that think, man, if I put one good training season in, I'm not that far off of improving by five to 10 spots at the games. And if I do these competitions in the off season, you know, what am I what am I giving up in terms of that potential? And that's where most people's minds are at. Jonathan Adams, she's going individual this week now. Love that Brian just messed up the whole competition I'm not Adam I don't think would want me to do it to be honest hey go ahead sorry go ahead yeah I think I need a like a break I think I needed a break like an off season imagine where
Starting point is 02:07:18 you could go with 75 grand just straight from there to Aruba Aruba do you have a boyfriend no oh well then even better you could go by yourself Aruba. Aruba. Do you have a boyfriend? No. Oh, well, even better. You could go by yourself. Aruba. Save on the money. Save the money. Aruba. Travis just texted me and goes, don't mess up. Go take the 75K. And then he just told me I smell.
Starting point is 02:07:39 You stink. And I support you in going to take the 75K. Yeah, no shit. Hey, i asked this to uh patrick and uh travis thought i was uh straining the pot maybe i was but um if you did do individual and do team is that comparable to do going to the games you think in terms of just the psychological and uh physical uh wear and tear I don't think so. I feel like we're so far out.
Starting point is 02:08:07 But two competitions back-to-back, four days of just training? I mean, I would like to think that they're not going to bury us. Like if they're doing that and you have that opportunity, because I know Sarah's doing both. So it's like you can't totally destroy her the first two days or else she's going to show up to the team competition not be able to do much so i mean hopefully they don't kill us or kill
Starting point is 02:08:31 individuals i don't know i don't know anything about the programming it's a tough it's a i think it's a tough situation for a lot of clues they're very much like want to create an opportunity where athletes can do both but they also know that there's a significant prize purse on the line for the individuals. And I'm sure they want to have, you know, the fittest person emerges, the winner there.
Starting point is 02:08:51 Is, is Sarah still training at training think tank? She still does training think tank, but she's in, I think Iceland right now. Oh, so you don't see her in the gym every day. No,
Starting point is 02:09:03 not now. Um, I think she's planning on coming back possibly for the season, but I don't know. I haven't, I haven't really heard like a set plan for her. Yeah. How close are you to the gym? I'm like one minute away. Wow. So, so, so you, that's home for you.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Yes. And you go there like every day. Every day. And is that home for Adam too? He's, he's based out of there. Yeah. Yep. He's there all day.
Starting point is 02:09:36 You got a great thing. Where were you born? Where, where, where's home? Where did you come from? Michigan. Okay. Oh, did you know, who did we have on the show who just who was uh uh page powers page powers are you oh yeah no i'm not friends with her but i know that she
Starting point is 02:09:54 grew up in michigan i don't know where though i want to say near me did you guys are you guys did you ever run into nasar the the gymnastics gymnastics doctor? Yes, he was my doctor. No shit. Yeah. What a fucking small fucking world. Yeah. Was he her doctor? He was her doctor.
Starting point is 02:10:17 Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. What a fucking crazy small world. Yeah. She said that she didn't have that experience with him. Okay. But she said good riddance.
Starting point is 02:10:32 Yeah. Oh, my God. I didn't have that experience with him either. But it's still just very creepy to think about. God damn, this world just keeps getting smaller and smaller your mind stuff on yeah i just i can't even believe it yeah he did he diagnosed my elbows that's who i went to for my elbows because he was uh the doctor at michigan state and i lived like my brother went to michigan say i live 45 minutes from his office he was the doctor yeah did you get any creepy vibe
Starting point is 02:11:07 from him or too young to even know I was too young to even know yeah um the creepy part though was like so a lot of girls who had that happen I mean a lot of gymnasts just have back issues and so I remember um I don't know if this was I think it was around maybe freshman year of high school I started having back issues and my mom um had reached out to him and was like hey can you see my can you see Alexis like her back starting to bother because he was the back guy like he fixed all all these girls backs and um he had been traveling with team usa so he couldn't see me so i had to go to another doctor but i'm like i feel like we totally dodged a bullet because it was during that whole phase when that was well it had been happening for years obviously but yeah super creepy to think about and um a page insinuated that he was crazy talented as a doctor
Starting point is 02:12:07 that it's just like yeah i mean he knew gymnastics so well like any other doctor i went to would have just been like oh yeah you gotta quit gymnastics but he knew everything i needed to do like laid out a set like detailed plan for like just the start of my surgery until you know the day that i was going to go back to practice and like he was full in full support of me going back like he was a really good doctor um so yeah it's just crazy uh ken walters uh you dodged more than uh that yeah crazy uh for those you guys don't know, he ended up killing himself, right? Oh, I didn't even know that. I think that's what Paige said yesterday. I didn't
Starting point is 02:12:50 know that either. Can you look that up? He didn't kill himself? I mean, it was a guy who was associated with Larry Nassar. I think Nassar's in prison right now. What's the sentence? How long did he get? Like, forever? Oh my god, yeah. 70 years. I don't even know anyone who wants to know the story look it up but he was basically olympic uh female olympic uh doctor and the stories are fucking horrific i did like the court i did like the court video
Starting point is 02:13:18 where the dad fucking tried to punch him in the courtroom february 2018 he was sentenced of between 40 and 175 years in prison for various sexual abuse charges to be served after 60 a 60 year uh sentence for child pornography god damn it yeah what a world uh okay on onto bigger and better things so and and what about uh what about the um uh page is kind of kind of on a similar trajectory as you also. New, popped on the scene, same age, gymnastics background. Is Paige good at handstand pushups too, Brian? Yeah, she's good at them.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Not as good as Alexis. Right. But I don't think many are. Did you ever train, when you were in Michigan? Did you ever train with a Hunsucker, a riches coach out there? No. No.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Are you familiar with him? That, that team that's out there, he does the programming for the, the Mayhem affiliate program. Darren Hunsucker. I know who he is, but I've never met him or.
Starting point is 02:14:21 You know who Rich Froning is? I know you youngins. I know that you were probably seven, seven when Rich retired. I don't knowoning is, I know you youngins. I know that you were probably seven, seven when rich retired. I don't know who is that guy. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:14:31 Yeah. No, I've never been to his gym. I didn't even know that he had a gym to be honest in Michigan. Uh, I don't actually know if he has a gym either. Oh, but, but,
Starting point is 02:14:41 but I do know that she does. He has a gym out there. Does Darren have an actual facility, Brian? Do you know I'm not sure when so you'll go to
Starting point is 02:14:50 you'll go to Wadapalooza you'll hang out with Fee and Christine Kolenbrander and then what happens after that does all focus start pointing at the open quarterfinals semifinals games I feel like after that um
Starting point is 02:15:06 i don't really want to travel i just want to stay here and um just get into like a really good routine with training because the holidays and uh like competing it's just traveling is so awesome and i love it but i love my routine so much. And I'm really excited to just get back into it after I get back. How about at the rogue invitational, um, diving across the finish line with the bag, how that became kind of the thing. Like you saw it happen, like one girl tripped and then all of a sudden everyone's like, no, that's the move. I was so embarrassed. I was like, are you kidding me right now? Were you the first person to trip? Was that you? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:46 You set that. But that became the standard then. It's the fastest way across the finish line. But I didn't do that on purpose. I wanted to beat whoever was next to me so bad. My legs were just not having it. I was trying to move way faster than my body wanted to. God, this is good. like god i'm so close
Starting point is 02:16:06 hey does that knock the wind out of you i actually didn't get the wind knocked out of me i think i was just you put your hands down pretty good yeah but like that almost cost me a shit ton of points like it was i was like this close because that whole thing i don't know if you were watching but i was yeah like that whole thing happened and then i had to go to the head judge i didn't even know about it to be honest adam was watching like he did all the math and he was like he was like you should be in the next heat. Like someone took your spot. But anyways, I didn't move on to the next bracket. And I was supposed to. And they had already gone through that whole bracket.
Starting point is 02:16:53 And so he was like, well, I'm looking back. Yes, you were. We made the mistake. So now you can either go by yourself or just keep your spot. And I was like, I'm going by myself. Are you kidding me? That's so cool. Yeah. It was so cool. By the the way you look like a superwoman there you look like a superhero there thank you it was so cool i was i was like i'm literally the only one that all these people
Starting point is 02:17:18 are watching right now like that's so cool i'll probably never have that opportunity again and then i ended up taking i think top five in that workout which was huge because i really needed that yeah to do an event by yourself or in your own lane you either need to have covid or uh score a scoring error you and danielle brandon are like in a uh a rare league did anyone volunteer to do it with you? No. But everyone came up and cheered me on. It was cool. That is cool. Yeah. Going back to the CrossFit Games, the bike.
Starting point is 02:17:56 Have you been training a lot on the bike? I know you had that incident where you crashed into Miss Horvat that I heard on the Animus Corpus podcast. Oh, yeah. Have you been training a lot on the bike uh yeah we did a lot of biking in the summer i would like to do more i actually bought my bike so i could do more this year i i don't know i mean i went into that event knowing i was good at toesavar and chestavar and i wanted to get ahead there but i really surprised myself on the bike I just didn't know where I was at because I was training with Travis all summer and he's super super good on a bike and so I was always comparing myself to him and um I didn't really have like any reference to
Starting point is 02:18:37 where I was at compared to girls so I I surprised myself I think my advantage was I'm not scared of a bike. I have no fear on a bike, clearly, because I just didn't brake and totally crashed into Laura. That was on the final lap? Can you tell us that story? Yeah. So it was the final lap. I was pretty much, what's it called? I always forget the name when you're like right behind someone drafting.
Starting point is 02:19:08 I was pretty much drafting her the whole last lap. And I was planning on at the end, kicking and passing her. And so we got to the end. What's it called? Kicking. That's when you come out from behind the draft. Okay. And there was a point where you had to get off your bike.
Starting point is 02:19:23 There was like a yellow line and I was still flying behind her, like going so fast and she starts breaking, but I'm just in this mindset. Like I got to get ahead of her. So I didn't break yet. And so she breaks, I cram on my brakes. After I see she breaks, I hit her. We both fall off. I'm like, are you kidding me? Like this is the first event. You had one job, like, to stay on your bike. And we crashed.
Starting point is 02:19:49 I'm running it all, like, messed up behind her. I'm thinking, like, she probably has me. But then we end up having a sprint to the finish. And I ended up beating her, which was super cool. So when you crash into her, like, do your bodies touch? Like, do you start to come to the side of like do your bodies touch like do you start to come to the side of her and your body's touch or your wheel hit her back wheel do you recall anything about it my wheel hit her back wheel and then i fell off well we both fell off but
Starting point is 02:20:16 our bodies didn't touch it was just i got like i got a little banged up so you guys kind of crashed out on your own you weren't like a a pile. Yeah. Like you knocked her off. Was she pissed? Oh, I'm sure she was pissed. Yeah. Like I said, sorry, but. Like as you're going down, you say, sorry, like, sorry. Probably. That is something I would do. I tried to just shut it out of my brain. I'm like, Oh my God. I don't even think they showed it on the live stream though.
Starting point is 02:20:44 No one knew what was happening. But yeah, that was a really cool way to start the weekend though. Taking a top five and just like. Just drilling Laura Horvath. But a sprint finish and actually like winning a sprint finish is so cool. It's so cool. Hey, so you crash into her. Both of you guys go down did you hear her make any sounds when she hits like all right i don't remember i don't remember the fucking
Starting point is 02:21:14 so i was worried she thought i was intentionally doing that. I'm like, OK, I wouldn't intentionally do that because I I honestly like came out of it. I still have a scar on my leg. I was banged up. I would never like I would never do that. So you crash into her and you both go down and then can you just jump up and do you leave your bikes in the since you cross the yellow line, you just leave the bikes and they're in. You had to wheel them in. And I was so you know how like you have a good side you're like wheeling the bike in i fell off on my bad side so i'm like trying to run in with this bike on this side and it was all wobbly and wonky and i just threw it once i got onto the field and just went and then from there you sprinted across the finish line or you had to to do chest to bar or something no we just sprinted sprinted and and and you could see her sprinting
Starting point is 02:22:09 and you were oh yeah and you're like are you faster than her you got a head start no she got a head start and you passed her yeah oh she wow oh yeah oh yeah wow dang yep god look at you and you're all smiling and shit it's kind of fun having those stories right those battle it is fun i mean i had a blast the games was like so much fun oh my gosh I was just on a high the whole time. It's better than Spencer and Lazar story. That's for sure. What was their story? That they did.
Starting point is 02:22:50 They only did four laps. Oh yeah. Oh my God. What a mess. Olsen dudes, cheers to all three awesome athletes continuing their journey. Cool to see the knowledge from gents like Travis, Trevor passed down to the next,
Starting point is 02:23:03 uh, Travis, Trevor, uh, passed down to the next Travis Trevor passed down to the next generation Paper Street Coffee can't wait to meet Alexis at Waterpalooza please come by the booth and get a free coffee and a CEO shirt oh one for Alexis
Starting point is 02:23:16 and Cat Shear $1.69 hi Alexis you really are a super woman she didn't write that but that's really she paid for something so I'm going to say add something to it. But your internet's not super, Alexis.
Starting point is 02:23:36 Oh, wow. Look at this compliment. If Rich was a teenage girl, she gives frowning vibes. I know. She's too confident for 23, right? This casual confidence.'s she's too confident for 23 right this casual confidence and she's on the move i mean she's going i bet she's going to charge her phone what do you think yeah maybe i think she saw her battery was low uh brian uh i i know i know i think i know what you're gonna say but do but does she stay in the top 10 now?
Starting point is 02:24:05 Does Alexis become top 10 athlete for the next 10 years, assuming she stays healthy? Not 10 years, but a couple of years, yeah. Just a couple? Yeah. I mean, things can change. Things can change quickly, but I think I would feel comfortable saying she's going to be competing for a top 10 spot for the next five years. Okay. And do we ever see her on the podium?
Starting point is 02:24:29 Not impossible. Definitely has a chance. Not impossible. Here she is. She's back, kind of. No, we can't hear. Oh, there you go. Her laptop died.
Starting point is 02:24:41 Oh, I read lips. I didn't know I do that. Her laptop died. Oh, I read lips. I didn't know I do that. Her laptop died. Someone said she has the perfect gymnastics bun. And she's gone. Oh, look it. She's multitasking. Don't even stress.
Starting point is 02:24:59 This shows. Don't even stress. My laptop died. I'm the worst guest. No, you're definitely not the worst guest we had a comedian on here once who you can't even believe how bad he was his mom called him in the middle of the show and he took the call like like really took it like really took it like it was just muted I'm just like, dude, we're live. Oh, my gosh. Brian, Brian, Brian doesn't isn't isn't on the he's he's more cerebral than I am. He's not. I'm more emotional.
Starting point is 02:25:39 He's he's I said, hey, do we have a top 10 competitor here for the next 10 years? He said maybe five. He's willing to commit to five seeing you in the top 10 for the next five years um when you look into your um uh melon do you see yourself on the podium yeah yeah and and does that picture become more clear after this games this year yes like you could actually see the socks you were wearing and like maybe like the twinkle in your eye like the picture is becoming more high definition yeah yep yeah i mean after the games were over that was what i told adam i was like the goal is the podium
Starting point is 02:26:18 this this uh this way that you speak about the echo press is not something that we hear from every athlete we have on the show. I think it's a very small amount. We hear athletes talk about what mindset they want. We talk about maybe postulating mindsets. But very rarely do we – and we hear people saying, oh, you know, you don't need to have the killer mindset to win. You just have to do the best you can. But there's a couple people that you do hear this killer mindset from. And they all seem to make it onto the podium.
Starting point is 02:26:53 And you kind of described how you said that. Like, you're not here to win this event. You're here to destroy this workout. Yeah. And then you talked about the flow state. this workout. Yeah. And, and, and then you talked about the flow state and it is, uh, there are some pretty big signs that, uh, you are going to be a problem for the field. That's the goal. Yeah. Okay. Well, I love to having you on. Um, yeah, thank you. Thank you for coming on. You're always welcome. You are, you're, you're bright, shiny light. Uh, you remind me that we had page on powers on the other day. She was a bright, shiny light. It's so cool to see you guys coming on you're always welcome you are you're you're bright shiny light uh you remind me we had page on powers on the other day she was a bright shiny light it's so cool to see
Starting point is 02:27:28 you guys coming up and pushing through the ranks thanks for being so uh real transparent and just a cool cat in general yeah thank you guys thanks for having me yeah anytime girl all right yep oh brian we'll see you next week i'll be you won't see me but i'll be watching you from afar know that if you ever panic just look at a camera and be like seven what and i'll i'll see you next week. You won't see me, but I'll be watching you from afar. Know that. If you ever panic, just look at a camera and be like, Sevan, what? And I'll text you. Okay, bye. Ciao.
Starting point is 02:27:59 It's pretty good until about four minutes ago. The show went downhill. You were awesome, Alexis. We were in the flow and then she lost her connection, I think. What an awesome show. Savon and Brian killing it with all these great guests.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Well, thank you. You ad-libbed there. I always ad-lib. Savon, this show along with Page Power are a couple of your besties. Ladies are so genuine and folks on the journey. So I prepared for alexis and travis i did not prepare for belner because i thought because i was running out of time last night and i thought brian would carry that part of the show
Starting point is 02:28:35 it turned out travis carried that part of the show yeah that was fucking awesome there's not a ton of uh athletes that would have such an easy conversation as those two guys did but that was nice yeah and i knew i i was i kind of had a sense of relief because i watched the other podcast that uh alexis did with uh training think tank and she was she can carry a show too um did you see my idea of doing red shirt series getting the training staff on i did i did i did i don't know if everyone is i don't know i do so much crossfit stuff already how much more how much how much more can i do
Starting point is 02:29:16 i need a i need a uh a co-host that has a blue check Mark and 750,000 followers on Instagram. So that I can drop into other people's DMS and get people outside of the, Oh, prediction show. Here we go. Okay. Enough, enough about me.
Starting point is 02:29:38 Brian, when are the prediction shows tomorrow morning and the morning after that? That's tomorrow. Today's Sundayay i should i'm i should be putting a post out tonight with my predictions that you can then ravage and pillage on the show uh so go to brian friend's instagram to prepare yourself by the way write write questions and comments in there and then i'll steal those That'll make my job so much easier. Is it just Brian Friend CrossFit? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:30:09 Brian Friend CrossFit. And go there. He's going to make predictions hopefully sooner than later. And then you guys make a bunch of comments, and then I'll read them from there so that I can be lazy. So it sounds like Monday the 9th, which is tomorrow, and Tuesday the 10th we'll be doing the prediction shows. Tomorrow morning we have Jorge Fernandez on in the morning. And then at 9 a.m. we have the Wadapalooza prediction show. And, hey, even if you don't, John Young is going to be on here too.
Starting point is 02:30:36 So for no other reason, watch Fire and Water Mix. And then at 5 p.m. on Monday we have a draft show. So that's tomorrow also. So tomorrow is a busy day. Three shows. And that's with we're all playing that game that Tyler Watkins has created. Lawnchair leaderboarding? Lawnchair leaderboarding, the Tyler Watkins Fantasy Fitness League.
Starting point is 02:31:02 Watkins fantasy fitness league. And then on, uh, on January 10th, we just have the water Palooza show at 7. A.M. Uh, with, uh,
Starting point is 02:31:10 so are we, are we doing individual first or teams or we don't know? I think we'll do them in the order they compete. So we'll do individuals tomorrow. Okay. And then we'll do teams on Tuesday. Okay. Um,
Starting point is 02:31:22 that way they've announced more individual workouts already than team workouts so i i'm hopeful that they'll announce one or two more before maybe one more before tomorrow and another one before tuesday i mean they still have several to announce in not a lot of days so maybe they'll do a double double dip announce one of each um which would be nice Give us some more stuff to fill in the picture. On a 1 to 10, if there is a 10, let's just assume there is a 10. 10 is the best CrossFit competition that you were looking, the most you've ever looked forward to a CrossFit competition, and 1 is the least. How, what is the Wadapalooza men's team event? 10's the maximum, you said? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:08 Yeah, it's like a 9. Yeah. I would say that the men's elite competition is also like an 8. The women's teams of 3 is probably like 7 or 8. And the women elite individuals probably like 6 or 7. Why doesn't Alexis? Why doesn't Alexis? Why doesn't? lax what alexis why doesn't i by the way i think the men's team is a fucking 11 i cannot believe that i give two shits about
Starting point is 02:32:30 teams i really i'm i'm really i'm gonna enjoy this i'm gonna get i stopped drinking sparkling water but i'm gonna get a fucking 12 pack of sparkling water and i am going to maybe grind up some jalapenos and i'm going to enjoy that shit. I love those. Some of those guys that are out there. What? What? Why did you stop drinking sparkling water?
Starting point is 02:32:53 And what are the jalapenos have to do with anything? I just like spicy stuff. And I just I just, you know, I'm like, are you making some kind of a sparkling water jalapeno beverage for yourself? Yeah. And maybe it put a little bit of uh apple cider vinegar in there too but i i heard that uh sparkling water is water is bad for your bones or something and you know what if you didn't i don't care if it's true everything that someone said was bad for you consume nothing yeah but i don't even care if it's true i just like enough with the sparkling water like come on dude like grow up grow up someone just drink regular water it's one of the ancestral tenants
Starting point is 02:33:25 i don't know that's true hey um why isn't alexis um why can't she why why doesn't she just go okay brian's right i'm going to get the 75 grand and i'm going to give three percent to brian for fucking on fucking why i said you know they i the fact i would say i'm not surprised that she's not doing the competition from a like overall perspective the surprised that she's not doing the competition from an overall perspective. The fact that she didn't know that that was going on is a little strange to me. I mean, if I am her coach, if I am her agent, if I am someone that's invested in her, and I'm looking at the field, and I know the rules for Guadalupalooza, which is that if you made the games, you have an invite. And I know that historically you can accept those invites pretty late in the game. It's something that I would have, that I would talk about, say like, you know, that, that
Starting point is 02:34:12 could be, you know, if we're able to pull that off, that money could really help us next year, alleviate a different amount of stress. We've talked about before on here that, you know, competing is stressful. Training is stressful. And if you're able to alleviate some of those stresses, then it opens up more opportunity for you to engage in stress in the training environment. And we, you know, for years I said, well, how is anyone supposed to catch Matt Fraser? He literally has nothing to worry about except for preparing to be a lethal weapon at the
Starting point is 02:34:41 CrossFit games, even car, mattress, food, clothing, coffee, it doesn't matter. It's accounted for. It's taken care of. He has the best support person in Sammy that he could have, cooking for every meal that he needs, the quantity that he needs to hit everything that he needs. All he has to do is sleep enough, work on his recovery, and go in the gym and execute at high intensity.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Everything else was taken care of. Everyone else that's chasing him, Delner had a job, family. Fikowski had a job for a long time. Ben Smith, family, owns a gym, all these other things. Fraser didn't have none of those things to worry about. Tia had none of those things to worry about. When Rich started to have those things to worry about,
Starting point is 02:35:20 he stepped aside because they were going to take away from the ability to focus completely on that. If you earn $75,000 at Wadapalooza, you don't have to worry about finances for this year. That's a stress out of the way. So it's something that I would have at least expected them to talk about. What about someone like Danielle Brandon? She's not even competing this weekend. I'd say Danielle Brandon's a little different situation. I mean, we even saw at rogue that she couldn't back squat that weight. And we know that she's had this back problem that's prevented her from back squatting heavy for a long time. Uh, if she's feeling good enough now, which I think that
Starting point is 02:35:54 she is to start getting back under a heavy barbell more consistently. I mean, she was already fourth at the games last year without really being able to squat heavy all year. She like, and especially like she is in the, in the conversation to possibly win the games this year. And we know she's coming back from that and needs to build up that volume again. So I think that it makes a little bit more sense in the case of Daniel. Right. And maybe she did.
Starting point is 02:36:18 Maybe who knows what her sponsorship shit looks like, but fuck, I mean, fourth place at the game. And you're saying that there's no one in the top, the highest place person in the games is 17th place this year at Wadapalooza and the, and the women's individual. Who is that?
Starting point is 02:36:30 Emily Rolfe. Oh, no. Emily Rolfe had to withdraw from the games. Oh, okay. Let's say Emily wouldn't have withdrawn. Would she have been top 20? I think fair to say 15 to 20 is a, is a good range. So she's in that category.
Starting point is 02:36:44 Emma Carey, Emma Toss, Sarah Sigma's daughter. If you just threw them into is a good range. So she's in that category. Emma, Carrie, Emma, tosser, Sigma's daughter. If you just threw them into the games field, healthy could also be in that range. So there's some competition for sure. Um,
Starting point is 02:36:53 but of the top 16 who were there, none are showing up or as of now. God, 75 grand is a lot of money. How about, I know I'm getting ahead of myself. How about Sydney Wells? Is this going to be an important look at her?
Starting point is 02:37:06 I would say yes, especially coming into a little bit new structure and unknown season in terms of semifinals. As far as I know, though, she's competing in the East on semifinals. And if you haven't watched the breakdown that Mike Halpin did with Lauren Khalil and Brent Fikowski on the morning chalk up, he lays it out really, really clear. There's basically two or three top level games, females in North America and the West coast and like 13 to 15, I would say in the East coast. So it's a really hard sledding for Sydney and the East coast. But if she happened to move out West,
Starting point is 02:37:39 it might be a lot easier for her just taking that out of the equation. She needs to. Does she still have time to do that? I think so. I think it's wherever you're living when you register for the open. So I don't know if she's registered for the open or not. Um, but I think that outside of any of those things that are out of her control, you know, she just needs to get more confident and experience under a heavy barbell. And with the really high skill gymnastics stuff especially the upper body pullings and then she'll you know she has capacity already i've actually picked her to do quite well as a dark horse on a couple of the events for wadapalooza
Starting point is 02:38:15 uh adam uh blakesley uh alexis needs to beat danny spiegel and get the revenge for stealing her game spot in 2021 is that that was at the semifinals? She took sixth and Dani took fifth or something? West Coast Classic, and I don't think it was fifth and sixth. But Dani, we've talked about that with Dani Spiegel before at that competition where she actually had five amazing finishes and then one terrible finish on the ruck run where she's basically said that her feet were killing her you know danny was fourth alexis with fifth reagan hockey b was was in between them so i don't i think that when you
Starting point is 02:38:55 looked at that field you were kind of expecting shadburn pierce brandon and spiegel most likely in some order and then the last spot was kind of the upper grabs. Alexis Raptus had somewhat of a similar experience to down pepper that year, where it's just kind of one workout that she didn't really execute on the way she needed to that kept her out. Otherwise she was pretty good. Third, fourth, first 10th,
Starting point is 02:39:18 13th, 14th, not, not that bad, but I think on that 14th place and the last workout, it was really tight margins and i believe she made some mistakes that cost her the points that she probably needed to get in she only lost to reagan by um 11 points and she lost her by 10 spots on that workout alone so not all danny
Starting point is 02:39:38 spiegel no but i but i like the narrative i appreciate appreciate it. Mark Monochton. Brian should be an agent. RB. I agree, Mark. Brian knows the athletes better than they know themselves. And then for the climax, you can put your hands behind your head and just lean back for this one, Brian. RB. Brian is the best in the CF business.
Starting point is 02:40:06 Mine's like a steel trap, and his tone and delivery are perfect he's going places if cf survives no no he this is just a test run for uh he's going to become the premier uh frisbee golf uh commentator in the world this uh this crossfit thing is just a hobby for him just polishing season's getting ready to start disc golf by jay Hart O'Brien is Real Media and Kenneth DeLapp, Spiegel can't run. He is an agent. He's improved at running a little bit. This is my favorite comment. Spiegel's improving at running a little bit, I think.
Starting point is 02:40:35 What data point do you have for that? I think at the games this year she actually surprised me on a little bit of the running stuff. I remember being surprised. and no it was no no it was at uh rogue it was at semifinals it was at the granite games it was uh what's it called the minnesota mashup it's so hard because they didn't they all hey granite games is gone right race on the minnesota mashup which is a 20 plus minute time domain that had some running in it
Starting point is 02:41:01 that was what really surprised me and you said dang, dang, Spanny, you got Spanny. Damn Danny. You got wheels. Uh, Brian, uh, granite games toast. We will see.
Starting point is 02:41:13 I mean, the, you know, the, the last three years have been really strange in terms of competitions because you had the sanctional circuit emerge. Then they added a bunch of more sanctionals to it. And this gave all of those competitions
Starting point is 02:41:27 a footing in the space. Then they took that season away, created a new season. There was some competition for who could get these semifinals. We had four in North America. They've reduced that down to two. So I can't remember the exact number,
Starting point is 02:41:41 but let's say there were 10 sanctionals and semifinals that stripped down to four semifinals the next year now it's stripped down to two two years later so what happens to all those competitions a lot of them were successful in operating on their own before they were part of the CrossFit game season once you become part of the CrossFit game season that changes a little bit and when you're forced out of that then there's a big question mark there so some of those competitions have not survived. Granite Games and Atlas Games are two that are, you know, and West Coast Classic that we'll have to see. This is going to be a weird question.
Starting point is 02:42:15 Bear with me here as I try to get this out of my mouth. This year, the tier before going to the games, how many events are there? What do we call them? Semifinals? Are there eight around the world? how many events are there? What do we call them? Semi-finals. Are there eight around the world? I think there are seven. Okay. What's the most there's ever been in that category of the tier of the event
Starting point is 02:42:37 that if you won, you could go to the games. Were there ever like 17 of those? There were 17 at one point, but in the sanctional season, 19, 2019, 2020, that didn't finish, there were going to be 28.
Starting point is 02:43:05 Okay, okay. So here's where I'm going with this. And I like the way you spelled that out. If you're a standalone event, the crash crucible, you're a standalone event event you learn how to live on your own right right you either succeed or die on your own then somehow you get mixed up with the um the excitement and the caliber of a games event and maybe you get an influx of patrons money sponsorship and so that's good and then to take the step back again may have rocked some of these people so let me let me go over some events here that they're going to this great granite games. We don't know what's going to happen. How about Atlas games? But remember granite games has been around for like a decade plus,
Starting point is 02:43:32 and it used to be take place in September. They moved the timing of it to, to be part of the CrossFit game season. Will they go back to September? Will it disappear altogether? I mean, they already transferred the ownership a couple of years ago from the people who used to run it up there to loud and live so big unknown granite
Starting point is 02:43:49 games uh atlas games atlas games from what i know was a very successful and well-run event by um alexis leblanc-bezinet camille's brother in montreal for years prior to becoming a semi-final or a sanctional rather they were first to sanctional he took a bigger loss than anyone in 2020 when the saying his sanctional was canceled literally the day that it was they were halfway through the build i was there on site and trudeau trudeau's wife got covid and they shut down the whole thing and he lost more money than anyone that year they were able to come back in some capacity as uh as a um semi-final but they got you know the short end of the stick a little bit last year in terms of the women's field with they said they were going to have Mallory O'Brien there she ended up not competing there for
Starting point is 02:44:36 whatever reason and now they're not they're not part of it this year so I don't know but it's been I feel really bad for them that the past three years have been very difficult. And they were, from what I understand, doing very well prior to that. A West Coast classic. Barely ever got off the ground. They were the next one up, I think, after Wadapalooza or after Atlas Games in 2020, either one or two more to go, and they would have been there.
Starting point is 02:45:01 And that field was going to be crazy. I was working for Loud and live on the back end there i don't know if all the roster was known or not but i mean it was a huge huge event especially the men's field was going to be really good justin madaris was going to compete there against some of the better guys in the sport and this is before he was the two-time champ or even a one-time champ um it was before he'd even taken uh third place at the games you know in aromas or that that year so and that didn't happen they did come back as a semi-final they didn't come back the year last year and then that was because you know loud and live had a kind of a
Starting point is 02:45:35 big shift with matt o'keefe leaving so they want to do one event instead of two now there is a semi-final in california but it's not being billed as a west coast classic and i don't know if we'll ever see the west coast classic again what what is that event north american semi-final west oh gotcha okay and and both of these events in in uh that these semi-final events are run by CrossFit, these North American events? Yeah, so CrossFit is taking basically complete ownership of both of the North American and European
Starting point is 02:46:11 semifinals this year. So they're not, you know, they didn't in some of the other cases, like the Copa Sur still might exist. In fact, it does exist. The Asia, whatever, still exists. The Torian Pro, I think, is still what they're calling it out there. So those will live on.
Starting point is 02:46:29 Even if it's not called that competition, the organizers from those countries or parts of the world are running it. But in the U.S. and Europe, CrossFit's hiring people to run the events. Oh, what about those events? Will those other events live on, the CopaSour? What about those events? Will those other events live on, the CopaSour? I don't have as much familiarity with CopaSour's history prior to becoming a semifinal. I'm not too sure what the competitive landscape is down there for them outside of the CrossFit game season. God. Do you have any advice on someone if they want to start an event just to stay out of the whole the whole the whole mix with crossfit and just be standalone uh i don't know because i don't know exactly what you get for being a crossfit sanctioned sanctioned or licensed event so i i don't at this point i
Starting point is 02:47:18 don't think that there's much i don't think there's much appealing about being a part of the crossfit games season because it's so unpredictable. Volatile changes all the time. All the time. Every year. It changes every year, right? So until there's some consistency there, I wouldn't really want to be affiliated with the CrossFit Games season as an event organizer. But the licensing to pay to have the CrossFit name and licensed as your event could still be valuable.
Starting point is 02:47:42 Right, right. licensed as your event could still be valuable. Right. Right. So, so if, if anything, get the name,
Starting point is 02:47:47 but stay out of the mix of, of letting them change what month you're going to compete in, who you're going to accept all that shit, get your own brand going. Yeah. And, and, and water pollution is not affiliated with the CrossFit games at all. Right.
Starting point is 02:47:59 None of these, this doesn't, this is not, this is just a complete standalone loud and live. I don't actually know if there is, if they're a licensed event with CrossFit or not. But CrossFit's not. If that's the case, they're just paying a small fee to be able to use the name CrossFit. And then there may be some things on the back end that you have to have a CrossFit affiliate booth if if you're across a licensed event or something like that i'm not i'm not entirely sure right but it's a it's
Starting point is 02:48:29 it's supposed to be some kind of partnership um where there's an agreement on both ends ever-changing landscape very fun keeps keeps us lots of good stuff to talk about um okay i think we're done here. I think. I'm impressed neither of us had to pee for three hours. Yeah, and I don't have to pee. That is crazy. That's how long we've been on. Oh, yeah, we're approaching three hours.
Starting point is 02:48:56 Mark Calderon. Have a great weekend. A great week. Seven East is Sunday. Fee sucks. No, Fee Sagafe is cool. What are you's Sunday. Fee sucks. No, Fee Sagafe's cool. What are you talking about? I like her.
Starting point is 02:49:09 You like her? That's not what he's saying. Oh. I can't tell if you're serious or not. I can't tell if I'm serious either. Fee Sagafe, I love Fee. Actually, that team, it's always kind of weird
Starting point is 02:49:21 to say something like this, but Fee, Alexis, and Christine Kohlenbrander, I mean, those are some really, really nice people. And when you get to know them as people, it's actually kind of comical to then see them go compete and be these ferocious warriors on the competition floor because just hanging out with them is totally different than that. They're shiny. When I think of those girls, I think of shiny. They're sparkly girls.
Starting point is 02:49:43 Oh, that would be a good look for um alexis have you ever known any girls who wear makeup and the makeup they wear um they just put lip gloss on and then they put like sprinkles on their face a little bit have you ever seen that glitter just a little bit of glitter you ever seen that look did i ever tell you my rule about glitter when i was teaching in high school no if you use glitter on your project minus five percent wow no glitter um there was a lady i worked with who would always put a little glitter on her on her face just the tiniest little bit and it was so cool and i'm not a big makeup fan but it was it was cool i wonder if she still does that okay uh someone had the chance to pee when travis and velner uh took over the show that's true uh glitter uh is the herpes of craft supplies my god okay too strong
Starting point is 02:50:39 um brian keep the same rule for girls uh using glitter minus five percent no no come on guys it's cool glitter is the devil okay i'm done with you guys i tried to i'm just getting just smashed in the comments now uh we will see you tomorrow morning uh jorge are you gonna be on with jorge fernandez i don't i didn't get an invite for that. Oh shit. I would love for you to be on there. Here's the invite right now. Um, probably. Okay. It depends what time I do have one meeting with a bar bend tomorrow morning that I can't miss. Okay. Any talk over there? Are you starting a podcast and I'm leaving my show? Nope. Okay that it's good uh hillar fit review this week yeah i need to do that i don't know maybe maybe tomorrow night's the night for that
Starting point is 02:51:31 tomorrow night during the fantasy draft or afterwards oh shit no not tomorrow night it needs to happen though tonight no i oh i have to prepare so much for it oh yeah maybe tonight yeah you have nothing else to do tonight you only have three shows to prepare for to tomorrow for tomorrow but you don't have to prepare too much for tomorrow i'll i'll cover you i gotta watch all of morning chalk up shit that's how i prepare for the uh for the prediction show will be good for the the fantasy show I got you. Okay. Um, then,
Starting point is 02:52:06 um, I just prepared for Jorge tonight. Jorge Hernandez. The people want the Hiller fit review. Give the people what they want. Hiller fit review tonight. Fine. Bye guys.
Starting point is 02:52:20 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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