The Sevan Podcast - #744 - WZA Individual Prediction show with Brian Friend and John Young

Episode Date: January 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. John, good to see you. Likewise. You look the same since the last time I saw you. You didn't even get any older. That's a good thing, right? I guess. You should be maturing. Can you grow facial hair?
Starting point is 00:00:18 I do grow facial hair, but it doesn't grow in like Brian's, so I shave every two weeks. What's the weather like? What are you guys doing for weather there? Is Chicago getting destroyed? No, it's sunny and 30 degrees.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's beautiful. Wow. How about you? Where are you, John? I'm in Houston. Oh, what are you doing there? I thought you lived in like Iowa or something. No, I moved to Katy, Texas.
Starting point is 00:00:45 So it's right by Houston. For work? For life. Your wife made you move? Yeah, she got a job here. And so I followed her. You like it? Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's 70 degrees over here. Didn't you just buy a house where you lived? No, we bought a house here. Oh, shit. Is that a good spot, Caleb? Where's Katy, Texas? It's a good spot. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:01:14 You have? What were you doing there? I have friends that live near there. Most of my best friends live in the woodlands, which is in the same conference. It's North Houston. Conference. You're such a sports guy no one refers to geographic areas is conferences conference same conference same conference
Starting point is 00:01:33 you're a scientist you'd been like oh yes i've been to that tectonic plate oh okay you live in houston wow that is south yes well i woke up this morning to an amber alert those are usually like hey uh someone's kid has been taken and they're in a honda civic headed south on the one but it wasn't that this morning it was uh hey don't leave your house uh it rained a shitload last night and there's a flash flooding. It can't be flash. I live on a hill. I live three miles up a hill from the beach, from the Pacific ocean.
Starting point is 00:02:09 There will be no flash flooding at my house. I can't believe that they don't know that about you. And, and it's just so irresponsible. They direct that message in your, in your spreading, spreading fear, just spreading fear. And my,
Starting point is 00:02:26 my wife's like, Hey, can we leave the house today? I'm like, of course we can leave the house today. Even my kids are like, Hey, are we going to the beach today? I'm like, of course we're going to the beach today. No, uh, no Dick. Uh, there is no tsunami. That's it has to be an earthquake for a tsunami. I feel like we should put the phone number up today in case anyone wants to jump in and, uh, case, uh, in case, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:47 Mr. Younger, Brian says anything completely irresponsible. I think you promised that actually. So you better do it. Okay. Can we put the phone number up? Mr.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Beaver already? Maybe not yet. Maybe like give a couple of minutes, Brian friend. Why were you not on the show with jorge hernandez this morning because you pronounce you still don't know his name after talking to him for two hours sorry take two brian brian why were you not on the show with jorge hern Did I call them Hernandez? God damn it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I intended to be, ended up having a production call basically for a Guadalupe that I had. How was that? It was good, hopefully. Hey, John, when you drink that, you should put your lips around the whole bottle like you should
Starting point is 00:03:47 you know what i mean just it's more efficient yeah it's totally more efficient that's the way all the cool kids are doing it um i want to ask you guys a serious question here uh a little a little off topic but on topic uh this is a we'll start with an op-ed shit before we go into sort of the picks those are also op-ed right okay good point um i'm i'm i'm becoming irritated by the fact that there's 75 000 on the line for the women's and that the best competitor there is a 16th place finisher at the crossfit games outside 17th outside of Emily Rolfe, who had to pull out of the games, who I do think has a good chance of winning this. I mean, she is a straight, legit savage. But why what the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:04:36 And I even want to throw this down to the masters. And maybe I'm not maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are masters women's competing. But can't the champ can't the champ of the 35 to 39 year-year-old division at the CrossFit Games, female, come over here and win this? I've already talked about this a little. John, you want to weigh in? You have. And Amelia is competing in the team division elite.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Amelia, I don't mean to pick on you, Amelia, because I don't know you particularly as a complainer, but I feel like the Masters are some whiny little bitches. And they're always complaining there's not enough competitions, there's not enough money. Come over and get this shit. Go ahead, John. Yeah, no, I agree. I mean, I think Amelia would be very competitive in the individual for Waterpalooza. I don't think she would win, but she would be.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I mean, fourth place is 10 grand. John fourth place is 10 grand. Yeah, no, she'd make more money than she did at masters. Probably. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:34 What did they pay masters winner for 35, 39. I think that's up to maybe 15 or something at the games. I mean, you can get new tires on my Sienna. You get new tires on my Sienna. Go ahead. I don't, I don't see why they. You could get new tires on my Sienna. Go ahead, John. I don't see why they don't do it.
Starting point is 00:05:47 It frustrates me, too. It's more frustrating because the men's side is so stacked. If it was the same, it'd be like, this is what the competition is. But it's like all the men have agreed that all the best guys are going to do it, and all the women agreed that none of them are going to. It's odd. Maybe Brian knows more, but is that not what it seems like? It's very odd.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Okay, let's pick on Emma McQuaid for a second. Didn't she win this last year? She did. Why isn't Emma coming here to defend her title and get her money? Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe Emma's making $3 million a year from Noble, and they're just laughing like this guy doesn't know shit. Well, that's what we don't know. And we've, and I've talked about this before. I mean, uh, and I know in the disc golf world, for example, which I've often drawn parallels between CrossFit
Starting point is 00:06:34 too, because the, especially in the financial realm, there's not a ton of, there's not a lot of money available in disc golf for winning competitions, but there's becoming more and more opportunity for disc golfers at the top to make money through YouTube channels, sponsorships, endorsements, partnerships, brands, et cetera. And, but those are public. Like the, I've mentioned it before. Paul McBeth last year is a six time world champion signed a $10 million, 10 year contract with discraft. One of the providers. Are you kidding me? No, I've never seen anything that says Matt Fraser signed a contract with Nike for X money. I have no idea what Matt Fraser or Tia Clartumi or Justin Medeiros or Katrin Davidsdottir or
Starting point is 00:07:15 Annie Thorisdottir makes with any one of their sponsors anywhere. So that is information that we don't have. I know there are people that I know who have that information, but I don't have that information. And so I can't really assess their financial decision-making based on that. What I also know about this golf is those guys are still showing up and competing. And I think that part of their contracts say that you have to show up and compete a certain amount of times. We're paying for you to be out there throwing our discs so that other people want to throw our discs. And if you're Noble, Tear, whomever that's sponsoring these athletes, hand grip companies, belt companies, whatever, you could have some
Starting point is 00:07:51 exposure just at the Instagram, social media level. I'm lifting with my pixel belt. I'm doing my bare complex grips and you can have these posts, whatever. But going out there and putting the product on display at a competition, I would think would be part of the deal. So maybe they've already met the prerequisite for the number of times they have to compete in a year. And then that's not a factor either, but I just can't, I mean, and so all of these people are competing this weekend. Emma McQuaid is competing on a team of three, Amelia Lepanen who won won the Masters Division and qualified for the games the year before, is competing on a team.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But even if you win the team competition, it's $30,000 for first place. That's split three ways is $10,000, assuming that you're not giving any of that money to anyone else. Maybe it's, you know, I don't know how those things work. Coaches, sponsors, whatever. So if you win first, then your share of that is equivalent to taking fourth in the individual division. And I think it's way harder to win the team competition than it is to take fourth in the individual for the women. And I don't want to take anything away from Wadapalooza, by the way.
Starting point is 00:08:56 This is going to be, without a doubt, no questions asked, the greatest team event in the history of the sport. Questions ask the greatest team event in the history of the sport. Sports been around, I don't know, let's say since 2007, when the first CrossFit games were 2022, 15, 16 years in this, this is, this may actually finally put teams on the map. This is going to be amazing. I give water Palooza a lot of credit for it, for seducing those guys down there, but also the way they organized it by making it days three and four.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And then also by making it um uh you know same-sex teams teams of three everything that they've done has made and and the media that coverage that they're going to get on the event everything has made they they take a lot of credit for making this the premier team event in the history of the sport agree or disagree uh mr young oh i agree completely and the way they set it up like the games can't do this like this is we get to see truly the fittest in the world on a team and that and the teams go together that and they're all the fittest people in the world it's not just um rich who could compete an individual and then everybody else which is what the games is kind in a way i know annie had
Starting point is 00:10:05 a team together this year but usually there's two teams that are competitive and then it's just kind of everybody who couldn't make the games i know that sounds the games team event is just basically we've just viewed it for the last 10 years is where you go to test rich out there's rich and then the guys who are testing his fitness yeah Yeah, exactly. And, like, this is the first time – I mean, we get to see Jeff Adler, Bryn Fikowski, and Patrick Vellner against Noah Chandler and Travis. Like, it's really – and we see that on the women's side too. Laura, Jamie, and Gabby are on a team, right? Like, just to see them go against freaking Katrin, Annie, and Mal,
Starting point is 00:10:44 that's going to be awesome. But I do think, like, they're missing – I think Laura and Mal and Haley are, like, missing a huge opportunity to, like – if any of them did individual and won, it kind of, like, puts a stamp on, this is going to be my year. And, like, you could make so much money
Starting point is 00:11:03 just off of Instagram, off of winning Guadalupalooza because he is out. You can make a stamp on individual any of those girls if they were to do it, if they ran away with it and won it. And none of them are taking that. I just noticed this comment from Barbell Spin here about the order of operations and that the teams are going second. So that would be kind of the premier competition for the weekend. We spoke with Vellner yesterday and he explained that, you know, he communicated to them, I won't do the individual competition if I have to do the team first. But if I do the individual first, I'll be willing to do the team. And I think a lot of athletes had that sentiment. So that may have been one of the deciding factors. It is noteworthy that
Starting point is 00:11:43 it is being billed as the premier competition. I think there is more excitement in general for the teams and the individuals as a whole. But the prize money is still significantly less. If you win it there, you're taking 10 grand apiece as opposed to taking 75 grand if you win that. So I'll be curious to see if they roll this format back next year, if they also have a shift in the allocation of the prize money. Oh, wow. I didn't think of that. Sorry. Go ahead, John. Do you think though, like for this year, it's kind of a trial run and if it's super successful, that would make money in the long term. So the second time around,
Starting point is 00:12:18 they could have 60,000 versus 30,000 and it continued to feed the chain because everybody wants to see the best go at it. The first time around there's just not enough money to make it you know i mean this is um i think that's what brian's saying like if this is successful they might take away some of the money from the individual next year no i'm saying just more money in total oh well more money is always the problem right these these guys are already on the team paying $430 a pop to register. $430 a pop. I'm not against that, by the way. That's per individual, so that's over $1,200 per team.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, I don't think that's too much, though. Don't get me wrong. I'm not slamming it, but it is real money, and it means you have to be serious if you're serious. It's for serious competition. But you do get to compete, like with what you said. You get to go against fukowski velner and adler this this could be just like a once in a lifetime chance for people so and as and as the viewers you're crazy if you don't watch this sit down and uh and watch the uh teams all week it is gonna be god i hope the coverage is good as individual yes and yet and i can't believe i'm agreeing with you when you say that i cannot believe i'm agreeing with you
Starting point is 00:13:31 should we get to the individuals then oh hold on but yeah yeah let's get to the individual i do want to say this though for those of us who have accidentally or purposely become diehard fans of the games i want to say that um and these are guys we'll talk about, I'll pry into John and Brian, but these are the people, when I see Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Olivia Kerstetter, Emma Carey, Sydney Wells, Brittany Weiss, and Amy Kringle, and Amy Kringle just because I want to have someone on from the Isle of Man because that's like the ultimate click-through rate for YouTube.
Starting point is 00:14:03 If you get people to watch your YouTube channel from the Isle of Man, you make the most money out of anywhere on the planet. But Brittany Weiss, Sydney Wells, Emma Carey, Olivia Kirstner, and Sarah Sigmundsdottir, I am so curious. This is going to be extremely telling for me as a fan. Where are you getting that list from? I made it up. Oh, you didn't even mention Emma Tall.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You're like the morning choco oh oh that hurt i thought you might have gotten your info from them that hurt that hurt uh good we'll start with amatol and then on the men's side i'm very curious about these guys uh fabian benito um and nate ackerman uh luke parker saxon panchik vel Vellner, and Fikowski. Saxon's not competing. He's not? No. Oh, I crossed him off. Morning Chaka.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And then I have some questions. Where the fuck is Ellie Turner, Andre Houdet, and Jack Farlow? So, okay. Where the fuck are they? I am a fan of the sport, and I want to see you guys compete at Guadalupalooza, individual. I should say this to be fair even the rankings that i had not put out yesterday the predictions i put out yesterday are also inaccurate there's just in terms of the list of athletes on there's someone that's listed that's not on there the rosters are constantly changing and it's very difficult to keep up on all of us are trying to do our best so by the way i like that i like that
Starting point is 00:15:23 let's talk about these three people though really really quick that aren't competing that I want there. It may make me happy. Why not Ellie Turner? She can come there and get that money. I think this would have been a great opportunity for Ellie. I don't have a good answer for that. Okay. Houdet.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Houdet, I do know some stuff about not at liberty to say. Okay. And Jack Farlow, he's too busy. He's like, he's folding Emma Lawson's clothes right now. He's packing her bag for the games right now. No,
Starting point is 00:15:51 Jack had an incredible opportunity to compete at rogue. He, I think he knows that he's within that like touching distance of potentially being in contention for a game spot and to maximize his opportunity at semifinals, no competitions between rogue and semifinals make sense for him so you think olivia is just taking the opposite route then because i would put her in the same category curse setter yeah uh yeah i think she's in is choosing to compete i mean she's she's in
Starting point is 00:16:21 a different category than jack because she always has an out to compete in the teenage division. But she's not. I know, but if she doesn't make it at the individual, she has that as a fallback. Jack doesn't. Jack, here we go. Jack Farlow doesn't qualify,
Starting point is 00:16:41 doesn't, didn't, doesn't, didn't, doesn't qualify and didn't do qualifier path. I don't care. He should have done it. I want to see him compete. I want to get on the Jack Harlow train. Oh, my God. And I want to see Ellie Turner.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I'm so curious how that's coming with Justin. What the hell is going on over there? Is she getting better? Okay. I'm calling him Jack Harlow um for like the first three days it took the last day they said jack farlow the announcers at the games at rogue at the road invitational they said jack harlow for three straight days and then they finally fixed it it was hilarious uh you said fernandez fandez, so it made me think of that.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Fair, fair. I'll give him a pass only because I screwed up. One of Olivia's weaknesses is elite comp experience. Could say the same for Farlow as well. Devesh Maharaj, the hammer, as he's known amongst his friends. Sevan, what's it going to take to get you to the games this year fucking a g5 and a suite at the four seasons and i'm a player and a handy okay uh 70 75 i'm from the i was born in 1972 uh 75 000 for first place 35 000 for second place 25 000 for third place 10 000 for fourth place um shall we,000 for third place, $10,000 for fourth place.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Shall we start? Oh, by the way, in a lot of this information, I want to thank Jason at CF Media and Dex and Lauren at The Morning Chalk Up. I watched a bunch of their content yesterday to get up to speed. How do you want to do this? You want to start with the women or the men? Yeah, one or the other. Let's do the men first. Okay. Before, before that, just, Oh, wait one more second. Sorry. One more thing. One more thing. Sorry. Sorry. Uh, Colton Mertens, not, not at the, uh, to address that. Okay. There are several athletes that,
Starting point is 00:18:38 uh, people have been inquiring about that look like they were going to be competing that are not on the men's side. They are Colton Mertens, Cole Sager, Enrico Zanoni, Yorgos Kerevis, and Austin Spencer. So none of those guys are competing. Austin was included on my list. He's not going to be there. And the other four I'd already known weren't going to be there. And do we have any update on the most important on the list, Mr. Colton Mertens? No, I haven't really inquired too much as to why
Starting point is 00:19:08 unless I was told specifically why. Okay. We'll have to reach out to him. Hello, Gabe, Paper Street Coffee. Go over to Paper Street Coffee. Don't spell out street. P-A-P-E-R-S-T-C-O-F-F-E-E. Use code SEVON.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Get 15% off. The more money you spend over there, the more I can twist his arm and get sponsorship. Hey, Sevan, do you think you can get Colton to livestream doing the squats and rings workout simultaneously while they're doing it at Waterpalooza? I do. Because I think he would win that workout if he did it. Is that true, Brian? I don't think he would win it. Okay. It'd be a fun show
Starting point is 00:19:46 uh did you say oh uh and uh another uh interesting character we have uh is is rebecca foosley a competing individual she is yeah so excited to see her for those you don't know remember who re Fuseli is, she was on the show, amazing guest, and she was the last finisher at the Capitol event at the 2022 CrossFit Games where a lot of those iconic pictures that will probably last forever where the entire crowd has swarmed her like the Tour de France style. And she's just warring. And she's a tiny little girl. So she's going to be out there with the big girls girls any chance she'll be in the top 10 individual we'll see we'll get to that okay all right uh she's from texas okay um maybe maybe like a people's champ rebecca could be like a people's champ right even if she never wins the, as long as she keeps going to the games,
Starting point is 00:20:45 she could really develop quite a huge fan base. Who would you say the people's champ is now? Valor? Martins? Martins. Is there one for the women's though? He's thinking hard. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:01 I mean, no one's taken that sort of dan bailey josh bridges um you know noah kind of was that but then he kind of he got he got too big you know what i mean i'm just thinking on the women's side though like i feel like you got to be a little small yeah olsen i yeah i think olsen got too big i think that like to be a people's champ that like one of the characteristics is like when people find you and start liking you you're still a little you're small time still like more like a colton martin's like nick matthew nick matthew yeah i guess in nick matthew not my favorite pick but yeah but more like that that caliber instead of a noel olsen who's got a podium finish at the games yeah i think the lgbt crowd could rally area low Matthew Ariel Lowen yes Ariel Lowen is more niche.
Starting point is 00:21:45 She's top 10, though. Niche, because she got the mama Christian thing going. She's like Travis. They're more niche. Travis Mayer, more niche. I was going to say fetish, but that was a different podcast. Oh, yeah. You know, Sarah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Then you have these weird outliers like Sarah, who has an enormous following. But basically, we were starting to view her as a horse with a broken leg, and we just want to see her cross the finish line. And that's kind of what the People's Champ is. It's kind of like – It's terrible how accurate that is. That is one of the characteristics of the People's Champ. You don't really care where they place. You just want them to finish.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And so that is the – you want them to qualify and then just finish a cody anderson could have been one danny spiegel danny spiegel but once again more for a niche crowd she's not like the full-blown but if i think about being live at a competition then if they're doing individual athlete announcements and like sarah and danny get bigger cheers than almost anyone i mean sarah gets as big a cheers i mean 2015 through 2018 sarah i think had the biggest fan base out of all all of the girls even longer than that even at the sanctionals when she would go to him i mean it was insane uh you know they'd announce her it was louder than than tia even and i heard it was like that at the games with danielle brandon once again, she probably is leaving sort of the people's champ since she took forth at
Starting point is 00:23:08 the game. She's sort of leaving that, that people said there's a little bit of a, a pity party for the people's champ. It's like, you know, they can't win. So everyone rallies behind them.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Like, like, like, like a, a Muggsy Bogues or a spud web, like a guy who's in the NBA was five, four. Like he got some,
Starting point is 00:23:23 he got some court time and you're excited. Or like that Asian guy, Lynn. Do you remember him jeremy lynn yeah sanity yeah it's like oh look there's an asian guy on the court those are impressive callbacks have on thank you basketball fan no he's a sports guy he speaks in conferences and districts instead of tectonic plates. Yeah, where do you live, Savant? I live in the Western Conference. Okay. Wadapalooza Individual is happening on Thursday and Friday. Stay here for all your coverage.
Starting point is 00:23:58 We will be digging in. We'll have cameras roaming around. Make sure you visit the V vindicate booth and the paper street coffee booth uh john young you will not be there right i will not no uh so hopefully john young will make some special guest appearances on this show brian friend will be on the ground there along with matt souza and we turn to the women is that what sex we're doing first whatever you want women it is uh should we start it uh at the bottom of the list and work our way up no i think first time sake we probably can just
Starting point is 00:24:31 well yeah sure okay let's do it we'll rate we'll race up okay uh david weed danielle brandon is never gonna win anything she won my heart so that's something on my and and about a pair of toe spacers now before we get going brian does know the events and i don't know the events so there's a little bit of a caveat there have the events not been announced uh some of them have some of them i i also want to mention this i'm probably going to say this wrong. Brian will correct me. There will be cuts after the fifth event, and there are eight events total. So that's something to keep in mind that if…
Starting point is 00:25:14 No, you're… I fucked that all up? I blame Lauren. I blame Lauren from the morning chalk up. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, I mean, I don't know how to say this there's
Starting point is 00:25:25 a lot of inaccurate information that's being put out there um the way that you just said that is very confusing and i don't you're putting me in a difficult situation but that how you said it is not accurate okay but you can't reveal more or else you'll have your media credentials you get slapped around like you got fired at the games that one year for pointing your camera at the masters also your fault fair fair uh there will be cuts before the last time the athletes take the competition floor and they're taking the competition floor six times but there are eight events that means the last event is going to be a two event thing or three doesn't necessarily mean either of those things, but that that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Uh, too harsh, Judy, too harsh, too harsh, too harsh. Not like CNN, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:19 Patrick Clark. Uh, he will be probably, uh, hand in hand. He'll be the guy holding hands with, uh, Brian at the event. No, Patrick Clark, he will be probably hand in hand. He'll be the guy holding hands with Brian at the event. No, he won't be able to ever find us in the same place because we'll be dividing and conquering, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:26:33 A lot of inaccuracies. Patrick agrees with you. How often do you talk to Patrick Clark on the phone? More than you. All right. You talk to him more than me, or you talk to him more than I talk to him? I don't think you ever talk to him. I talk to him more often than I talk to him more than me or you talk to him more than I talk to him. I don't think you ever talk to him. I talk to him more often than I talk to you.
Starting point is 00:26:49 OK. But he's not in my favorites like you are. Good. Good. I asked Brian to put me in his favorites because it always goes to voice message if you're not. Don't get Brian into trouble. We need him. OK. Heidi will also be there working uh with the seven podcast thank you uh okay so the women's competition 38 competitors did i see that's currently i believe that's the correct number yes could people still get in every time i say ellie should be there someone's like but she didn't qualify But Wadapalooza has the right to just invite her, right? Or if she's there and she just.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Ellie Turner? Yeah. I, my understanding is that she could just show up on a Wednesday and say, I want to compete and they'd give her a spot. Because of her placement at the games? They've done that in the past. And yes, if you, if you were competing or if you qualified for the 2022 CrossFit Games, then you get a direct invite to Guadalupe. If you qualified for the Games?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, any of the women that qualified for the Games have an invite, a standing invite to Guadalupe. I mentioned it before. In 2018, the day before the competition began, Katrin Davis' daughter told Guadalupe she wanted to compete. They announced her that night as competing. She showed up and competed and won the competition began, Katrin David's daughter told Guadalupe Luzza she wanted to compete. They announced her that night as competing. She showed up and competed and won the competition. That's an easy payday for Allie then. She should do that. What a badass.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Good job, Katrin. Sevan is so jealous of Patrick. Talk to me offline about that. I need some counseling. Okay. Sorry, Caleb. know uh we're all over the place it's brian's fault uh okay uh 38 37 36 i can't say their names and i don't know who they are one of them lucia came through the qualifier the other two came through a different
Starting point is 00:28:41 qualifier fernanda was a winner of the argentina throwdown which is a direct qualifier. Fernanda was a winner of the Argentina throwdown, which is a direct qualifier. If you win that to Guadalupe Luza and Constanza won the fit land competition credit to Mike helping for a lot of the information I'll be sharing today. How many events are there that are qualifiers for Guadalupe Luza? That is a difficult question to answer, but Zalos Games, online winner, Madrid Championship winner,
Starting point is 00:29:10 Fitland, Black Challenge, Argentina Throwdown, those are definitely five. Does Dubai count? Don't think so. Actually, I noticed it does not. So that's's pretty cool that's a lot of collaboration between the events because they're not necessarily affiliated with these events at all right no i think that this is a majority of those so madrid's obviously in europe and it's uh loud
Starting point is 00:29:36 and live has an affiliation with them a lot of the other ones are south america or central america which is a part of the world that I know loud and live in general. And a lot of live sport also are trying to be, to help, you know, build up as part of their, like, uh, and within the fitness world. I'm going to suggest that the, where's that black challenge event? Where's that out of? Not sure. I'm going to recommend that they have an off season event and they call it the white. I think it's in Mexico actually. All right. white. I think it's in Mexico, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:05 All right. Yeah, I think it is in Mexico City. And they should have called it the Brown Challenge. Okay. So 38, 37, 36. Yeah, I mean, look, this is like the field at Guadalupe is big. There are about 40 men and 40 women competing. And, you know, basically you have, for the women at least,
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think there's like 10 or 11 games athletes there from this past season. Then there's 20 qualifiers, and then there's these other qualifiers who won some events in the past, including, like, for example, Olivia Kersetter and Emma Carey qualified for this event by being past teenage champions at Wadapalooza. And Sarah Sigmundsdott Carey qualify for this event by being past teenage champions at Wadapalooza and Sarah Sigmundsdottir qualifies for this event going back to her third place finish at the CrossFit Games in 2016 so there's a lot of different qualifying paths so it's not that you were invited to the previous year's games it's any games James Fitzgerald could show up
Starting point is 00:31:03 uh CrossFit Games champion I'm not sure if there's a expiration date on that or not to the previous year's games it's any games james fitzgerald could show up uh crossfit games champion i'm not sure if there's a expiration date on that or not okay i mean if it's not 2016 why would it be why would it be 2007 you know what i mean yeah okay uh brian brian um as we go down this list since i don't know some of these names at the bottom tell me if there's any – tell me the first one that you see that actually has a chance of going to the CrossFit Games. Has a chance. Not has been, but has a chance as an individual.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Okay, let's go. 35, Becca Merritt, Madeline Helms, Lexi Neely. 32, Cecilia Ramirez. What's the ratio here of foreigners to Americans? For the women? Yeah. I apologize for calling you foreigners. I should just say Americans to non-Americans.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Maybe Halpin can get that quickly for us. Half and half? I think that Alexia Williams is the first person on this list going up that has an outside chance to make it to the CrossFit Games. She's from Argentina and she's recently moved to Spain where she's training with the training culture team. I've had a chance to talk to some of those guys about her and they think that she has a bright future. Of course, the path to qualification is generally, uh, you know, there's less spots, but it's also generally a little bit lower level of competition in South America than, you know, Europe, um,
Starting point is 00:32:32 or North America. So she, she might be a young athlete from Argentina to keep an eye on. And you call it, you called her camp, the training culture camp, training, the training culture in Spain. Yeah. Is where most, I would say at this point, most of the top Spanish athletes are training. And she has moved over there to train with them recently is my understanding. Does she train with, are there any games athletes in that cohort? Team? Yeah. That's Mr. Week, Alex Anagosti, Pablo Cazales and their team. Aniola Kai is over there now.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Fabian Benito is over there now. I can't remember which ones have gone there. They're both competing. Ollana Moya, I think, is there. I'm not sure about Elena Caratala. Okay. Is there a CrossFit gym over there that they're training out of? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Do you know the name of it? Not 100% sure. Okay. All right. Feel free to interject anything as I I'm going to roll through these names pretty quickly until I see someone that I recognize. The show is 100 percent biased. Number 30, Ce, CC Cronin, by the way, Brian Cronin's competed at the games on a team. She used to be called CC Piper before getting married. She was with the Ohio Brutes.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Um, or, or have any of these women below also going team that you've seen who are gone individual so far? I'll let you know when we get to those. Okay, good. Thank you. Uh, great. Again, the individual competitions first. So that won't have too big of a bearing like it'll be it'll affect them more for the team competition than the
Starting point is 00:34:10 individual okay i i asked this question to uh patrick and travis i don't feel like i got a straight answer um you were on the show do you think that these four days are tantamount to uh the crossfit games as or harder maybe if you're doing both events not harder seeing all the programming if you're doing both i do think that you're gonna be you're gonna be feeling it i mean volume wise i would say comparable um there's there's they're almost the same events though are they not no they've actually kind of been intentional about trying to avoid redundancy as much as possible in the individual and team programming there's some things that are hard to avoid but when you see the full picture you'll see they did a pretty good job with that uh is john young gonna talk today get in there but no he's not he's just
Starting point is 00:35:01 stop cheering john on oh don't worry once we get to about 20 and down uh gracie uh straight chin uh elizabeth wishart wishart uh valentina magalotti italian italian yeah she competed in in dubai also how'd she do not great so these people are why do you think these people are coming over here to do this event to get a competition experience they have good sponsors yeah no no for uh she was 17th by the way no it's really i mean look to be able to qualify for and compete in the elite division at wadapalooza is an incredible accomplishment every single one of these men and women is a beast and a savage and would destroy you at your gym.
Starting point is 00:35:48 But you're talking about one of the best competitions in the world. And, I mean, there's some absolute savages that don't make it that are competing in the RX division. We've talked about that in the past. You know, two years ago, Guimayaros and Sidney McEllishan were the winners at Guadalupalooza of the second division. Wow. Yeah, that's how it is. And Hopper and Mertens were also in that division, Nima collision were the winners at Wadapalooza of the second division. All right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah. That's how that's Hopper and Mertens were also in that division, the RX division that year. That was just two years ago. That was 2020. Yeah. Hopper Mertens, Guy and Sydney.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I think I, I think I have it that year well let's just okay the top five in the men's division that year in the rx riley good riley made it in the elite division the next year adam de young andrew hiller do you know him and nick anapolski and then Nick Anapolsky was like 20th worldwide in the open this year. Wait, what place did Andrew get in the RX division in 2020? Fourth. Holy shit, Andrew. Damian Martinez was in that competition.
Starting point is 00:36:54 He got 13th. Nick Matthew was in that competition. He got 14th. Benoit Boulanger, who competed elite last year in Guadalupalooza, got 16th. I mean, it's really difficult. And if you look at last year, Enrico Zanoni took second. He ended up making it to the Games. He went from the RX Division to the Games? Yeah, so did Guy.
Starting point is 00:37:12 But in the same year. Right, yeah. In the same year, they both did that. Aaron Gannon... Does that mean they didn't belong in the RX Division or no? I mean, that guy... It means it's really hard to make it into the Elite Division. So that's what I'm saying. Even though these people are low down on this list and we're not going to talk about them it's uh in too much detail it's an incredible accomplishment to make it and for
Starting point is 00:37:32 someone like magaladi who qualified for both dubai and wadapalooza even though you might say to most people i don't know if it's the best decision to compete in both it's like you might not get the chance to compete in one or the other again so maybe you should take it matt pool and intermediate in 2019 is that the level below rx yeah and he got um sixth or seventh in the semi-final this last year crazy okay uh okay uh let's keep going we i think we were at c uh nicole burke 26th let's keep going I think we were at Nicole Burke 26th Ella Ella
Starting point is 00:38:13 Wunger Wunger she's competing both individual and team okay should she be it's okay I like their team it's a very fun team Chloe Carano? She's like a fringe last chance ball player.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Tsunami alert. So, it says, National Weather Service flash flood warning in effect for this area until 345 p.m. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Eat a dick. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation. This is California. We have the best infrastructure in the world.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Gavin Newsom will not let anyone drown. Hey, did you know there was a show I did where there was a earthquake and the whole studio was shaking? Were you on that show, Brian? Uh, maybe that show was crazy. Uh, well,
Starting point is 00:39:13 that's just annoying on the podcast as it would be on my phone. We, we can't have flash. Oh, we could have mudslides. Yeah, that's true. But,
Starting point is 00:39:22 uh, not at, um, yeah, we're definitely going to the skate park today. A hundred percent. Okay. Uh, that's true but uh not at um yeah we're definitely going to the skate park today 100 okay uh mirakim kurvie mirakim kuvret i think she's a canadian pretty good barbell cycling gymnastics athlete and then here we go britney weiss uh she is the she was on the podium last year at the CrossFit Games, third place. For the team division with CrossFit Invictus.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. And Mr. Fernandez. And Jorge's pretty worked up that they're going to take first place this year. Well, I don't know. Like we've mentioned, there's a lot of things developing in the team landscape. They will, if they run that team back, will be a contender to possibly win, but it will not be an easy road. And so this is a good look at her to see where she's at. And I'm guessing eventually, like Jorge, like Devin Kim, she has individual aspirations.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Maybe. I don't think she would have as good of a chance as those two if she went the individual route, but she definitely could make a semifinal. She's the weak link on the team? if she went the individual route, but she definitely could make a semifinal. She's the weak link on the team? They all have kind of different skill sets, which is nice, and none of them are really that bad. They're all good enough to make the semifinals. Bailey Walker judges athletes the same way I do. I hope so. She's cute.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, me too. Sydney Wells. So when did Sydney Wells pop on the scene this is brooke wells's twin sister basically the first year of semifinals which was what west coast classic 2021 oh so she very new yeah she might have done a uh like an off-season competition like a wadapuz or something before that but that was the first time that most of us got a chance to see her is she progressing is this an important showing for john i mean she is every competition she's been through she uh did better in the semi-final last year than she did the year previous and i honestly think she'll continue to get better because she's we saw what her twin is like Whatever her capability is, is what Brooke Wells is.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And Brooke Wells would win this competition if she was in it. I'm not saying Cindy's going to win this competition. But that's her peak output. It can be what Brooke Wells is. And she just hasn't reached her potential yet. But I think she will if she keeps after it. I see no reason why she can't be as good as Brooke, if not close, just because they're genetically identical.
Starting point is 00:41:51 It's just like Saxon and Spencer aren't far off from each other. One's better, but they're still close. She's a better athlete than Brooke. What's that mean? She only says that because she didn't drop out of track and Brooke did. Brooke dropped out of track and did CrossFit in college. And Sydney stayed in college all four years. And tore shit up.
Starting point is 00:42:15 400 meters. How was she as a 400-meter spinner? Was she good? I'm not sure. I think she was at Arkansas. Do you know, Brian, off the top of your head? Not really. But, yeah, I mean not sure. I think she was at Arkansas. Do you know, Brian, off the top of your head? Not really. But yeah, I mean, look, Sevan, we've, you know, this is obviously, you know, we've talked about brothers in the sport having success over time.
Starting point is 00:42:34 But they have different levels of success. You know, Alex Anderson did better than his brothers at the games. And will Sydney ever match Brooke's success? I don't think so, just because she's getting into it later. So she's going to be naturally older. She needs to get top end strength and upper body pulling. Those two things need to come along quite a bit. She has incredible grit, work ethic, tenacity, aerobic capacity is pretty good. Some of her gymnastics is good or barbell cycling is good. But then there's also just this like, can you put it together when it counts the most?
Starting point is 00:43:03 And that's what we've not seen her do for a complete competition yet so we get another chance to see her here which is exciting have you has anyone ever talked to her has she done an interview like does she have individual i mean i've reached out to her a bunch does she have and i'd love to have her on the show does she have uh you know podium aspirations as a crossfit games athlete. I'm going to have to just assume. Yes. I mean, no one knows. No one's talked to her.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Have you guys ever seen her? Have you ever seen her interviewed? Have you guys ever seen a podcast with her on it? Okay. Patrick Clark says, did you interview her? Patrick? Is that what Patrick is saying?
Starting point is 00:43:42 She was on Clydesdale. She was. Oh, okay. I got to watch that. It's everyone? She was on Clydesdale. She was. Oh, okay. I got to watch that. It's everyone. Yeah, they do. Episode 160. When was that? Scroll down a little bit. I want to see what year that was. A year ago.
Starting point is 00:43:59 A year ago. Okay. Put that on the list of things to watch. Scott Schweitzer. I had her on. I did not have her on. I have not had a Wells on. Interviewed her many times during the behind the scenes. Brooke, you should come on too. You would have fun.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I promise you. Okay, Sidney Wells. John, is that too low for her? Is she getting better faster than Brian's acknowledging and she should really be higher? I think I have her higher. Caleb, do you have my rankings at all? I'm not sure where I put it.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I think I put her like 15th or something. Oh, this is going to be a problem going back and forth. Yeah, I have her 15th. Okay. So, yes, in my opinion, Brian has her low. Okay. So you have her six places higher. Oh, and you have Fuseli at 19.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Scroll down so I can see like 20 through 25 on this list. Okay. So he's got – we have Brittany Weiss in a very similar position basically we have hannah carlson and sydney wells flipped uh how about uh uh julia cato have you had you have she was at the games last year right yeah and i actually i have her 18th he's got her 22nd she's just she's just coming off winning a competition in Saudi Arabia yesterday. So that's going to be a big trip. I probably would have put her a little lower if I had remembered that she was doing that competition.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And she won a decent amount of money there, so congratulations to her. Maybe Brian knows there's a lot of heavy stuff. That's why Brittany and Sydney are lower heavy stuff. What does that mean? Like heavy weightlifting. Oh, okay. I thought they meant like drama in their life. Like someone died or it says it's an interesting women's field because obviously it's, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:45:56 have the top 10 big star studded names, but there's still 20 women in this field that are games caliber athletes. Like it's, it's still competitive. Okay. Let's keep going. Women. What did you, what'd you think about the spelling?
Starting point is 00:46:11 The, the typo woman versus women. Are you okay with it, Brian? One of my favorite songs, woman, woman, woman.
Starting point is 00:46:18 That's why I wanted to do it. Okay. Oh, is that Santana? I, the guy who does the graphics for me, I know that he takes some heat sometimes when he makes those mistakes but especially when you see the team's predictions i'm going to put out later today i mean that's a lot of data entry for him yeah it's a big error i guess but i don't think so i think is this day and age if you got the sexes right you're good
Starting point is 00:46:41 just yeah so anyway he he messaged me and sent a little joke he goes i'll update it for the teams uh amy kringle uh from the isle of man uh is she getting better i mean i think so she's relatively young she's training hard i think she's moved to a uh probably a better training environment to help, you know, challenge her more in her, in her training day to day. Where did she go somewhere in the UK? I think she might be, I don't want to get it wrong, but I feel like she might be training with the team from AOD. Um, but anyway, she's gone into an area where there's more competitive CrossFit going on. And so putting herself in that environment obviously shows that she's
Starting point is 00:47:27 attempting to make that next move forward. Uh, we got to see her in Dubai and we've talked about it with Magalotti. Like we'll get to see her again here. It'll be a different style of testing, a different field that she's going against. She didn't do great there. 16th out of 20.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I think she'll do a little better here in a bigger field. Um, but i'd expect to have some highs and some lows still uh number 19 rebecca fusli a uh do you not believe do you do you see her as never going to the games again i think i've asked you this before i know and i and uh i was actually was really curious to see where john would have her because uh did get a couple comments and a couple dms where people were pissed off about how low I had her, I guess. Oh, wow. You want to guess where I have her?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Don't you have her 19th? I have her 19th, exactly. Yeah. So we have a similar kind of read on her here. And actually, we have a lot of athletes in a similar area, just kind of mixed around a few spots. But yeah. area just kind of you know mixed around a little a few spots but um yeah i problem is she made it because of 10 legless road climbs i yeah i think it was a little fluky that she made it this year but you know that happens i thought it was fluky that colton made it two years ago and he made it
Starting point is 00:48:39 back the next year so i'm certainly open to being proven wrong and if you make it two three years in a row, then. Brian, tell me, sorry, not Brian. John, tell me the story. What's the 10 rope climb? Like that's 10 legless rope climbs is such a biased event. Like for that to be one of the semifinal events, like had that been anything, it could be legless rope climbs and any other fitness thing. she probably doesn't make it but since that's such high upper body endurance where body weight plays such a big deal um that's why she made it through it was because
Starting point is 00:49:18 of that event alone so like on just fitness i get it all of it's part of CrossFit, but that's like having two max out events for women. Like it's such a, like it's even more for women than it is for men, even though Colton almost lost because of it, that event single handedly. And there was a woman, there was a woman in that fell out. And there was a woman in that field at the Mac. Most of the attention, Shelby Neal, most of the attention was on brook wells rebecca fuseli and kelly clark because there was two points separating three spots for fourth fifth
Starting point is 00:49:50 and sixth but shelby neal who took seventh her event finishes were fifth third fifth fourth and fifth wow and 30th last on the legless rope climb event and she probably would have had a better like done better at the games she would because she's bitter she just can't legless rope climb event. And she probably would have done better at the games. Because she's fitter. She just can't legless rope climb as good as Rebecca. I mean, all props to the world for Rebecca for making it through. She did what she could do, and it was awesome. But I don't think we're going to get that biased of event again
Starting point is 00:50:21 because of what it does of what it does well i mean we had it uh eight years previous and got it came back again that's fair that's fair but if you look at rebecca's um performance her worst event was on the lifting event and then if you don't have the requisite strength you get punished multiple times at the games where if you can't do a specific silica legless rope climb you might get punished once or it might get rained out and you won't get punished for it at all right instead of one modality it's one uh movement what did rebecca finish at the games 30th i think i think she was she barely made the uh cut and then stayed in 30th that's pretty good i mean yeah what colton does too right and it was i mean look like
Starting point is 00:51:06 mickalician moose brugger cigarette her daughter compost kate she finished ahead of all these so it wasn't uh you know she made the final cut got to do all the events but you start looking at her at the end of her weekend she was 36 38 39th and then with 30 people left in the field she was 30th 30th and 29th she got very lucky with the order of the events before the cut because her best events were in the in the front gymnastics based events and that's the problem with having cuts we did this example with laura horvath and gabby and uh mal o'brien if you flip the order of events laura would have been in first place for like six events in a row at the start of the competition never been worse than fourth the entire time
Starting point is 00:51:49 because of the order that they were in mal was in third for three events and she was never worse than second i think the entire competition but if you flipped it around then she would have been like ninth at some point and had to work her way back up laura was 16th at one point and had to work her way back up and then the cut line what you get is someone like that, who's basically last on six straight events then the weekend, but because everything that she did well and was front loaded, she makes it instead of some of the stronger athletes in the bottom quarter of the field. That's not to say the cuts were unfair. I thought the cuts were incredibly fair for the games. I'm saying that, but she did get lucky that a lot of the gymnastics events were in the
Starting point is 00:52:26 front and not the back as far as her case alone. And, and, and in my eyes, Boz can do no wrong. Bring back the alpaca. That sounds manipulative. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:40 18th, Julia. If he doesn't bring it back, then he did wrong. Right. 17th, Victoria Campos, 18th, Julia Cato. If he doesn't bring it back, then he did wrong. Right. Uh, 17th, uh, Victoria, uh, Campos, uh, 16th, Hannah Carlson. Oh, where did we see Hannah Carlson put on a show for us? So this is, you know, I have her 16th.
Starting point is 00:52:54 John had her 21st or second. And this is basically the, just the flip flop that I had with, uh, his Sydney Wells pick. Hannah was eighth at Dubai. She had a couple of really good events there, including an event win. She's bigger athlete. She's on the team with Ella Wunger actually. So she'll be doing both. Um, kind of a sneaky athlete. I think I like my pick here for her better than John, but we'll have to see. I think we're kind of, I mean, she's not that young, she's 29, but just learning a little bit more about her as an athlete in Dubai, I was pretty impressed with some of the skills that she had. She did get,
Starting point is 00:53:27 I think a little fortunate in some regards, like the workout she won was echo bike, legless rope climb, and there weren't really enough legless rope climbs to offset her echo bike performance. Then in the final, we saw her struggle with the ring muscle up. So I think high volume upper body pulling.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And as is the case with a lot of the bigger woman, you know, she's, I think she's five 10. So, you know, we are often challenging, but no, she's definitely got it. Like the, was it the row D ball workout? I think she can do really, really well on that, for example. So we'll see a couple highlights from Hannah probably. Uh, I just realized we don't have a pro when will all the workouts be announced?
Starting point is 00:54:03 Well, hopefully before the competition starts. Hey, can we do a programming show on Wednesday? A lot of people are asking for it. I think that that would be a good idea. And then you probably have to do one. I mean, it's going to be tough for the teams, though. You could at least do the individuals on Wednesday, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah, because Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday are going to be packed be packed i know but if you want to do one for the team competitions those events probably won't all be announced before individuals start so you'd have to do do it like saturday morning or friday night which would be also like butt up against the recap show of the individuals okay uh jr and uh mr taylor self if you guys are listening, let's figure out what we're doing Wednesday to talk about the programming. Can't believe I missed that. Okay. Victoria Campos, I know that name too. Who is that?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Why do I know that name? Has she been to the games? Yeah, she went this past year. She's a winner of Copa. South America. Okay. Number 15. John, where'd you put kristetter um i think uh 11th really yeah 11th i put her one spot lower than i did at rogue so when i see brian brian knows the workouts and when i see olivia kerstetter at 15th, I think that a lot of people can start guessing maybe what the workout is. There's some handstand push-up, hard workout.
Starting point is 00:55:30 What the workouts are, and some rope climbs, right? Didn't she struggle with the rope climb also at Rogue? It depends if it's our leg lifts or not. Look, the workouts that have been announced, we've got the rings and squats we got ring muscle-ups and back squats front squats overhead squats i think she'll crush the squats but struggle on the rings the uh she was last place i think her second to last uh to someone who was sick during the goblet workout at rogue uh yep that's true mike thank you uh you know a really really sprinty workout toes to bar hurdle jump shuttle run.
Starting point is 00:56:07 I don't see her doing too well on that. The road D ball, clean bear hug carry. Yes, she should do well on that. The clean and jerk. She should do well. The handstand is a bit of an unknown. The swimming wall ball double under, I think she'll be middle of the pack. So, you know, I think she should be slightly better than average overall in the competition.
Starting point is 00:56:24 15. Uh, Olivia Kerstetter one Wadapalooza team. That's how she qualified. Thank you, Mike. Good information. Eric, let's talk about the elephant in the room. Why hasn't CrossFit grown in 10 years? Eric, I've already done 699 shows on that.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Maybe you should go back into the library. You ding dong. Heidi, Rosa, is that you? Okay. heidi rosa is that you okay uh olivia kerstetter uh regardless of how she does here uh if you're a fan of the sport that's the girl to watch you want to uh get on the train early this is going to be someone uh who is going to give a lot of enjoyment for us fans of the sport she's going to be around for a long time she is going to win events she's going to be around for a long time. She is going to win events. She's going to win events at the games. She's going to cause problems for a lot of people. She is a one in a million athlete.
Starting point is 00:57:12 True, Jon Young? Yeah. I mean, when they did the max snatch, was it at the games when she snatched 202? She would have beaten everybody except Cara in the snatch when she was in the teen division. She got 202 and the winning for the women was 203. Am I thinking of a different year? No, it was that year.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Just say an Australian. She would just say the Australian girl, John, if you're not sure if it's Tia or Cara. That covers both your bases. She's snatching over 200 pounds at like 15 years old. Yeah, and the teen division would have got second place in the individual in a max snatch. At 15, not like 17, at 15.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And you know who was similar to that? Guimao Heros. He snatched 291, I believe, the same year, at like 16 years old. And everybody was like, who the freak is that? And now there's a strength event. It's basically a given. He is going to win.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Olivia is going to be the same way for the women. And she backed that up with the second place in the, in the, in the cleaning jerk event at double at a heavy grace. Only behind Danny Spiegel. No, she beat. Kara Saunders. Wow. wow okay she lost to her twice gosh come on uh patrick clark uh stop comparing uh what olivia has done as a teen to what mal emma have done she's a different athlete than them she's more comparable to gabby who took some time
Starting point is 00:58:37 to develop i mean i think gabby when you say gabby still got a lot of developing to do if she's gonna uh be a force in the sport, I think. She's going to be a podium athlete. The reason that we talk about her in the same breath as those athletes is because those athletes have now shown us that you can make the transition quickly or even before the teenage years are up. Before that, the closest thing we had was Haley Adams, who did not. She made regionals when she was 16 and 17 years old, but she wasn't able to qualify. She was able to her first year eligible. Gabby took a couple of years like Patrick's referring to.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And so we're saying that now we've seen that possible. Will Olivia Kersetter continue that trend? Or is he right that it'll take her a couple of years as she develops into a more well-rounded athlete? years as she develops into a more more well-rounded athlete uh uh eric you are a ding dong sebon uh danny spiegel is right about you well fuck that hurt i loved your uh i i i'm gonna guess you're on your fifth booster uh 14th alissa fuliano um uh i know the name she made the games this past year uh again she didn't do great she was one of the three european women that uh finished lower than 22nd and they were all i think 35th or lower so she's definitely got something to prove i think this competition in general will suit her far better than the crossfit games are are we going to see who who's who's the best um person south of san diego um female who's at
Starting point is 01:00:12 the crossfit games of all time of all time uh you can give me the last five years does south america have a promising uh? Was it Campos? No. I mean, there was not a lot. That's what I'm saying. Brenda Castro, Laurie Kuna maybe could have been. Yeah, it's tough. It's pretty barren.
Starting point is 01:00:41 All righty. Sorry. So it's okay. It's fun. It's going to be fun to develop. I think that's also something that people can get behind also i think when that happens a lot of blues is doing with having those competitions from mexico from argentina be direct qualifiers so that they do have a chance to send an athlete here to get some competition experience against some of the best in the world uh i think you get a little bit of that roman krennikoff effect when we do get a female from south america who breaks that uh top five uh okay um could krennikoff be the people's
Starting point is 01:01:11 champ no no russians right we're too close-minded he was he gained a lot of fans this summer you know he got second i thought he was too good to be the people's champ yeah but he brought his baby with the headphones up there it actually kind of of looks like you two right now, John. Wow, Kronikoff's baby does look like John. That's crazy. I'm baby Kronikoff. I'll take it. Paige Semenza.
Starting point is 01:01:34 I'm going to make you that shirt. Paige Semenza, 13. Roman should be stronger, then. How old's Paige? Close to 30. Great athlete. Yeah, very impressive athlete. In the mix of the game.
Starting point is 01:01:47 What's the highest she finished at the games? Ooh. She was 21st last year. I think she was really close to that in 2017. I do. Kenneth, I do like this. Ricky is the people's champ. But I think he falls into a niche but I think he falls into a niche.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I think he falls into a niche. Last year was her best showing. Yeah. She's 21st. Okay. She's around 30th previously. Okay. So she's kind of in a do or die.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Yep. There he is. Roman Kronikoff holding John Young. Someone get on the Photoshop. John, can you look that way for one second? Look that way for one second. No other way.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Okay. grab the screenshot people that's it grab that screenshot and paste that in there you go get on it please uh and then and then text that over to uh one of us and we'll show it before the show's over thank you um okay uh page simenza a great athlete uh kind of do or die, 30 years old. Freya Moose Bruger. That's my favorite athlete. It is one of my favorites. Was it last year her first year at the Games?
Starting point is 01:02:55 Yes. Yes. And an impressive showing? Outside the top 30. Not great. Competed in Dubai, which now we're seeing a few of these athletes she did a lot better there she was ninth compared to some of the others we talked about like kringle and magalotti i think that freya is on a good upward trajectory i don't know how well she'll compete after competing a month ago but i'm assuming that she can that's misspelled i feel
Starting point is 01:03:20 bad about that anyway what's misspelled her last? Her last name? Yeah. But it's okay. I feel horrible too. Is she still training with Pat? I don't think consistently, but maybe occasionally. So basically for her, what we want to see in Freya is that we want to see how she performs here to see if it's a fluke she went to the games. is that we want to see how she performs here to see if it's a fluke she went to the games what will be interesting is the uh conference finals i guess that's what we'll call it because she arguably got in just because she was in the weakest um semi-final atlas games yeah okay yeah so the you know so like the athletes that finished third fourth and fifth
Starting point is 01:04:02 at atlas games this year we'll see how they do relative to some of the ones that were finishing sixth, seventh and eighth at the syndicate and the Mac or a grant of games. Uh, 400 watchers. Who's the needle mover. Younger friend. Look at Brian friend is all 400.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And John young is just an accessory, like a good, like a fine Gucci bag or something. Young is just an accessory. He lost us accessory he lost us he lost us three watchers for people who are triggered by gucci bags it's uh it's just privilege for us to have young on it's just he you're an accessory you okay with that john i'm okay with that okay fine he's like he he's like a fine glass of wine that's it just sitting
Starting point is 01:04:39 at the table just smell young okay uh scroll down yeah we're an hour into the show we haven't even got to the top 10 women okay shit we're screwed uh elena from from spain yeah um i where'd you have elena cartella john i think we have her in the same spot where do you have her 11 i have her 13th okay so just knocking on the door of the top 10. She did have a pretty good semifinal. Again, I think this is a good example of an athlete that will do better in this style of competition than at the games. I do think she'll be exposed on a couple of things. I'm curious to see how she does in the swimming event.
Starting point is 01:05:22 And but she can. I don't think she's going to have any top three finishes, but I think she can have some. It depends on the heat size. I think she can have some fifth to eighth place finishes at some of her better events, and those will be offset by a few in the 20s, maybe one or two in the 20s,
Starting point is 01:05:39 and most of her finishes will be 11 through 17. All right, number 10. John, here as we go through every single one in the top 10 will you also tell us who you have in those spots so that caleb doesn't have to go back and forth sure sure uh caitlin van zyl okay uh do you just want me to say where i have her or just tell us who you have in 10th i have oihana moya oliver okay and we saw oihana it was she was at rogue right no she was also in dubai she took i think she took fourth there okay oh sorry uh yes oh fifth fifth uh and has caitlin been to the games caitlin van zil has been to the games
Starting point is 01:06:20 as a team athlete team yeah the last two years and um competed with her husband and then another couple a team from new zealand she's being coached by justin kotler now and i'm she had is she out of vegas no she lives in they live in new zealand and she's on a team with carrie pierce and ariel lowen correct uh i don't think that's a team i think she's with sarah sigma's obviously sarah and emily yeah i think so so okay yeah that's right she's on one of the teams that has a chance to podium for the team competition she's a great she's really good on the machine she's bigger uh than most of the women competing she should be really good on the machine. She's bigger than most of the women competing. She should be really good on anything with machine,
Starting point is 01:07:09 really good on anything running, pretty good in the water. I think she would have placed like sixth or seventh on the swimming and skiing workout amongst the elite individual women at the games. Decent gymnastics and barbell cycling for someone who's a little bit – how tall is she? Five-seven, so not as big as a can of carlson but on the on the bigger side uh sydney mccullishan uh number nine who do you got in the ninth spot john ninth spot i have sydney mccullishan wow it's crazy when you guys get them the same like that
Starting point is 01:07:39 uh i i feel like every time we watch her, she's one of those athletes that we know is so good and we're just hoping to see improvements. Correct. Definitely. Especially now that she's had a little bit of more time under her belt with up at the comp train, you know, they obviously have taken some heat in the last year for a variety of different reasons, but that's an athlete that they've invested in. And she's made a decision to move down there to try to improve.
Starting point is 01:08:04 And I think that maybe, you know, Guadalupe, just keep in mind that Guadalupe is not a CrossFit semifinals. It's not the games. It's not Rogue. There's a different flavor of competition here. The events have a little different style. And so you often get people that do really well or really poorly at this competition that then have an inverse level of success at a semifinal or at the games even. It's less pressure for sure. The environment is just very, very different. So for Mikalyshyn, yeah, there's some things that I'll be looking at specifically this weekend to
Starting point is 01:08:40 see how she's coming along. If they're asked to go long, I want to see how she's coming along. You know, if they're asked to go long, I want to see how she does. She's had a couple good long events, a couple bad long events. I want to see where her lifting number is at with the clean and jerk. I want to see some of her gymnastics capacity on the ring muscle ups.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So yeah, we'll get a chance to check in with her, see where her training's at. But again, I think that, and she's kind of young. I think that depending on what shows up at semifinals, she could do like substantially better at a semifinal than she does at wild clues this weekend. Does she win an event this week?
Starting point is 01:09:15 I don't think so. John. No. Number eight. Page powers was just on the show. Coming from an incredible training pedigree and uh i mean i don't get it from all the interviews this girl wants to win this girl wants to be the best in the world john would you ever i have caitlin van zyl in that one. I have Paige Powers seventh. Okay. Brian, why not a win for Paige Powers?
Starting point is 01:09:50 We're looking at a games athlete here. To win the competition? Yeah. I will say I was very impressed with her attitude, her mentality on the show. I think she's just, you know, and it's not, it doesn't even necessarily have to do with age. Obviously, I've picked someone younger than her to win this competition. But I think that when I look, this is what Patrick's talking about, different body types, different types of adaptation and the time that it takes.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And there's some things that are just intangible. Like on paper, I could see the argument for Paige Powers to be a podium finisher in this competition. And maybe it'll happen. But when I looked at all the events and I looked at the things that she's good at and I looked at the other athletes, I just thought that over the course of these workouts, this is, this is where she'll end up. She is someone that could have some, you know, one or two top three finishes though.
Starting point is 01:10:39 And her team, she's going to be surrounded by her team. I mean, the people she trains with are going to be there. It may have. Yeah. Yeah. And so that's, it's going to be surrounded by her team i mean the the people she trains with are going to be there it may have yeah yeah and so that's it's going to be a good environment for her what are your thoughts about her john amazing semi-final last year struggle at the games relatively speaking yeah i i don't know she kind of is just stuck for me like she's like good enough to be top 10 you want to lose it but like until she like beats big name people i don't think i can put her past big name people she's kind of like she's like in that tier that's behind everybody that matters i know this that sounds bad but everybody who's in contention for a podium like it's those people and then she's in the tier right below it and until she beats those people in a big competition like this it's hard for me to put
Starting point is 01:11:32 her past them does that make sense tesla uh she was most improved last year what are you talking about john sean m i mean that's great go ahead brian i mean most improved in what regard again we we know that she competed at the atlas games and she had an incredible performance they're almost almost matching emma lawson you know up a finish for finish but there was a big drop off in terms of talent after those two and we saw that exposed at the crossfit games so when she's putting if she was in a different semifinal field, I can guarantee you she wasn't taking second place, probably would have been fourth through seventh at those other semifinals and may or may not have made the games in some cases. She went to the games and had a finish that was more indicative of that. I do
Starting point is 01:12:17 think that she said it probably had a very productive off season. She did take that trip to Italy, but I don't think that was too big of an interruption. I'm excited that we get to see her here. I think that this is an important an interruption. I'm excited that we get to see her here. I think that this is an important competition for her, regardless of how she does, just to get some competition experience, to get another checkpoint, and then to go back. Because for her, the Open and the quarterfinals will happen, and she'll just train right through those. She's going to have to be ready for semifinals, especially if she's in the East, and she's going to have to have had improved from last year's semifinals, no matter how good it looks like she did, if she wants to make it back to the games.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Yeah, I don't I don't put any stock into the Atlas Games semifinal at all. I know that sounds harsh, but the people that competed. But fair, harsh, but fair. Yeah, yeah. But like, we'll see how she does in the Eastern Conference finals, because that will be, she will be against very, very good people the whole time. And for, if she makes it to the games in that semifinal, then,
Starting point is 01:13:13 then she can get that. Yeah. Caleb, anytime you want, go ahead, go ahead. I just want to thank, I want to, Barbara spin has always been an amazing contributor
Starting point is 01:13:27 to this show and a dear friend of the show and now i will put him up on a higher ranking uh there is uh you're wondering who the needle mover is do that so fast that's incredible oh my god there's a roman krennikoff popping off anytime you call me on my phone maybe maybe some of his aerobic ability will rub off on me now because i can tell you that roman krennikoff's kid will be the strongest child uh the planet is everything wow wow yeah my goodness they just keep rolling in man oh my Oh, my goodness. If it means anything. You know why he's smiling? Look where Roman's hand is. That was from Travis from Vindicate.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Oh, man. My goodness. He can't lift as much as me, so. There you go. I'll let him be my father with that. Yeah, good. So good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:22 No one is exempt from a little bit of trolling. So, okay. So Paige Powers, one to watch. Let me ask you this about her. Can she go? Do you see someday her being a top five games athlete? It's really, really hard. I don't think it's outside of the realm of possibility for her.
Starting point is 01:14:41 But if you asked me right now, yes or no, I would say no. How old is she? She's 19 19 or 20 yeah like the problem is there's so many super good young people um you know like do you see her being better than emma carrie do you see her being better than hayley than mal like laura's gonna be there forever gabby's gonna be there for a long time. Like there's so many really good younger people in the women's division. It's just it's just hard. Like when you say those names, she has to jump those people to get into the top five. When you when you look at the NBA, clearly the in the WNBA, clearly the NBA is better.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And when you look at only fans clearly the the women's division is better uh when you look at crossfit is it also like that is the women's division just a better place like for competition for sport for people like us to talk about is the women's division more does it have an edge on the men that's i think crossfit is a brighter future a rare place where they're pretty equal okay uh like when one person is dominating the other side's always more fun to talk about like when matt fraser was dominating and tn car were going back and forth it's much more fun to talk about the women or when sarah was really good like we didn't know who was going to win it would be sarah could be katrin could be annie could be ta could Cara. That's much more fun to talk about, and we just know Matt's going to win.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And then the men's division has been like that while Tia's been kind of reigning. I know Justin's won the last two, but everybody's close enough. It's fun to debate. So, I mean, I think they're pretty equal and exciting to talk about. It just depends who's on top of the time fair uh number seven i had a page seven so we had the same women seven through ten just in a different order okay number six the one thing about oyana i'll say is i wrote an article about um some athletes
Starting point is 01:16:43 that flew under the radar last year at Guadalupalooza. And she was one that I picked. She had a wrist injury, I think, during maybe the swimming event or something. And then she had to withdraw after the Celebrate 10 event, which had a lot of handstand pushups and ring muscle ups and overhead squats that really messed her wrist up. She was still recovering from that during semifinals, and she managed to make the last chance qualifier anyway. Now she's healthy. She took fifth place in Dubai. I think she would have taken top 10 at Guadalupe last year
Starting point is 01:17:10 if she had been able to finish the competition healthy, and so I'm picking her to be inside the top 10 this year. I also think she's a danger to take a game spot out of Europe next season. Wow, okay. She's part of that training culture team in Spain. That's a huge statement. Okay, number six. Alan Kesterbaum, Hiller, can't win the gauntlet.
Starting point is 01:17:30 He can do really well in it, but can't win. Can't win. Okay, number six. Emily Rolfe had to pull out of the games this year with an injury. How many times has she been to the games, CrossFit games? I think four. Yeah, three or four. So for me, I drew a line basically.
Starting point is 01:17:54 So Rolf and above as well as considering the top class or top tier of women in this field. Yeah, there's definitely a separation after seven. I can't believe you put Oihana above Cindy McElishan. Well, you know how I feel about the strength of the European women relative to North American women. I think that they're on par or above, even though they're still getting half. Well, we'll see,
Starting point is 01:18:12 but they're guaranteed half the number of spots. I hope that the European women just absolutely obliterate whatever the qualifiers are that they're assessing to make the world ranking system and that they get 15 spots to the U S 15 spots this year, because I I'll take the top 15 women in Europe over North America. Fair. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Consistent. Okay. Emily Rolfe. Let's go to number five. Where'd you have Rolfe? I have Rolfe fifth. Emma tall. Sixth.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Okay. Andrea Nistler. I don't know if this is true or not, this is where we disagree a lot this is uh the most seasoned of all the uh female competitors out there best pedigree uh most competition experience um i would put it on par with sarah sigman's daughter okay fair uh but but a better pedigree than, uh, Sarah Sigmund's daughter. I don't think so. I don't think so. I think taking two,
Starting point is 01:19:07 two third places at the CrossFit games is way more impressive than two team championships. Uh, it's the most Andrea's ever done on an individual competition, but, but here, here it is. It's,
Starting point is 01:19:16 it's who Andrea Nistler trains with is what I was thinking. Sarah Sigmund's daughter is trained with just about everyone in the sport. Yeah, but she can't stay still. Nistler moved from Minnesota to Tennessee last year. She moved back to Minnesota this year. I mean, wasn't she on the team that beat Rich's team? In Rogue that one year.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Not at the games. No, that was Wasatch that beat. Was that Hackenberg's team? Wasatch was 2017. No, Adrian Conway. I think we interviewed Nistler at some point. Maybe it was at Zealous Games, and she said she would not be doing any more individual events ever. And here she is.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And here she is. Yeah. And both her and Pat Vellner put a little comment on my Instagram that said, oh, great, no pressure. So no pressure, Andrea. Let's see what you got. I think she is going to be the first or second. Where do you have her, John? I have her second. Yeah. Okay. Number four. I'll just say about Andrea, because a lot of people did message me about her.
Starting point is 01:20:18 There are a lot of people saying they believe she's one of the top 10 fittest women in the world. I agree. I disagree with that. I disagree with that, but in this field. I don't think she'd have any chance to finish in the top 10 at the Games field over an entire Games testing. I do think she would finish in the top 20, but I also think all of these six women would finish in the top 20, the top six, or have the chance to. How can you say anything about Sarah?
Starting point is 01:20:48 Seriously, how can you say anything about herah seriously how can you say anything isn't it just like holy shit how do we know anything uh yep isn't her last competition wadapalooza last year no she can she she was uh she competed at semifinals how'd she do there hold on um she basically so she made the same mistake at wadapalooza last year that she made at semifinals. How'd she do there? Hold on. Um, she basically, so she made the same mistake at Wadapalooza last year that she made at semifinals. She got injured. She pushed it too hard on the lifting event. So that she basically hurt herself on the lifting event at Wadapalooza last
Starting point is 01:21:17 year. And then she, and, um, and then, you know, it's kind of set back everything that she had been doing up to that point, which I think was moving in the right direction.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Excuse me. Last year at Guadalupe, she was fifth and seventh on the first two workouts before overdoing it on that lifting workout. So she was off to a decent start. She had had, I mean, Dubai last year was her first, or I guess it's two years ago now, was her first competition back. And she did okay. She was seventh. She finished in between Nistler and Rolfe. So she's right in the conversation with girls like that. And the women that beat her were Laura Horvath, Kristen Holt, Gabby Magawa, Sam Briggs, and Jacqueline Dahlstrom. So very impressive,
Starting point is 01:21:56 you know, athletes. It's not like it was a bad finish in seventh place. I didn't think she needed to do Wadapalooza last year. She decided to do it. And it obviously was a problem. You could fast forward to semifinals and then the barbell complex. She made a big jump between lifts one and two, and it was probably the most least fun I had watching anyone do anything during semifinals live last year, watching her struggle through that clean, clean, clean front squat, front squat. Every one of them looked heavy and difficult and putting a lot of strain on her body. And I think, and she missed the jerk. Then she tried it again. And at that point, I mean, she did come back and win an event at semifinals after that. And it was an impressive individual event performance, but I think she should have sacrificed weight on the
Starting point is 01:22:37 lift and preserved herself for the rest of the events. And I think she actually would have made the games last year. If she'd done that, despite the setback at Wadapalooza. Everything that I've heard in the buildup to this competition is that she's having fun. She's looking great. She's feeling fit and she's healthy. So I actually think she has a chance to win this thing. This is, in my opinion, a lot of people thought this was a ludicrous pick to pick her this high. I felt like it was somewhat of a conservative pick. I think I am hopeful that she's smart with the lifting event.
Starting point is 01:23:06 um i think i am hopeful that she's smart with the lifting event i'm hopeful that she's confident enough on the uh the rest of the stuff um like those lateral hurdle jumps makes me a little nervous shuttle running not great when you're coming back from a knee but i think she has the confidence to move through everything that she needs to do and even though i put her fourth i will not be surprised at all if she's on the podium. And she's with Training Think Tank right now, right? Yeah. So Max is not coaching her. Perrin is coaching her now, one of the female coaches at Training Think Tank. And from the people I know who have been there, they seem to think that that's a really good fit.
Starting point is 01:23:37 So everything I've heard is really positive about Sarah. And a couple of people who know her well, I'm always skeptical. Like, you know, I get these messages from everyone that their buddy is going to do amazing and whatever. Um, but the people who know Sarah well that I've heard from said she has a chance to win this thing. I have her third.
Starting point is 01:23:56 And I'll say this, she's doing the team competition. I think that's a bad decision. I think she should just do the individual call it a day, enjoy the fans on the weekend and then let's see her in semifinals uh it is it is pretty wild that she's doing both right are they allowed to substitute it depends on how you qualified like i'm curious if she gets like third or second and does awesome but it's fried like if she could just be like all right guys
Starting point is 01:24:23 you know i'm good you know what i mean yeah i'm not entirely sure on the policy either i don't see the uh dm you sent me with the picture of john young but i i'm impressed that i even tried to find it okay uh that's from g g something just to be clear you're impressed with yourself? I'm impressed, yeah, that I tried to dig through there and do that. Fucking stressed me out. Yeah, money. Send money. Yes, money.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Oh, she's doing it for the prize money? No, Sarah doesn't need money. Not for the team. No. Good one. Number three, Danny Spiegel. Took 16th, 17th, 19th at the CrossFit Games? 17th.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Very good. 17th. Very good. You got it in your second try. And fifth place at Wadapalooza last year? And fifth place at Wadapalooza in 2019. None of the women that beat her in either of those years except for Sarah Sigmund's daughter is competing.
Starting point is 01:25:18 And what will Dani be wearing, John? What will she be wearing? Probably the Eat Me shirt. Oh, good guess um the answer is as little as is acceptable as little as it's acceptable and then slightly less than that and no the same dancer will be wearing a little slightly less than that they'll look at danny spiegel's and be i'll one up you i'll make it a little smaller uh number dose number dose emma tall number two yeah i think emma tall is an incredible athlete that um has rarely met like lived up to her expectations she qualified for this by winning
Starting point is 01:25:55 the madrid championship i almost picked her to win it outright i basically i just think that amongst these six women these workouts are really good for her and i think that she's going to have pretty consistent top five finishes and it's going to keep her in contention to win it throughout. She's a very good swimmer, right? Yeah. And didn't she compete in swimming beforehand? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:16 It's so, it's so crazy how many actually good swimmers are on the women's field, but yeah, she's amongst the best. Yeah. Oh shit. We had her on the show. She was the one two years ago that had the last chance qualifier at Hiccup.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah, she got gypped. Yeah, David Cheronke is her significant other. He's a giant. I'm looking at a picture of him right now. He is huge. Yeah, we've had him on, too, maybe at the same time they were on. Brian, she was at the Games this last year, Amatol? No, so she withdrew prior to semifinals due to injury. So we missed her at semifinals. We missed her at the same time they were on um brian she was at the games this last year amatol no so she had
Starting point is 01:26:45 she withdrew prior to semifinals due to injury so we missed her at semifinals we missed her at the game she i think she was 19th 18th somewhere between 18th and 20th the games the year before that so towards the bottom of the women that made the final cut and then she won madrid and we haven't seen her since so um didn't get to see her second iteration at the games this season around. I do think she's very much in contention in Europe for a game spot next season. I like girls who eat me. It's not bad for a shirt. What does the shirt actually say? I didn't mean for that to sound like that.
Starting point is 01:27:21 That's what it is, girls who eat? Yeah. No, I think that was that was fair that was you played it safe brian brian brian brian you were just trying to be honest and brian was trying to uh tickle my fancy look at the size of this fucking guy this is her dude that's that's david yeah and she's no small girl no i just think she's well you're five No, I think she's, well, 5'6". So a little above average for a crossover.
Starting point is 01:27:48 What is Sharanki 6'2"? Yeah. Yeah, she's built like a brick shithouse too. Yeah, I mean, look, she's actually, I mean, she's pretty well-rounded. Good with weights, good with gymnastics, good with barbell good with um machines good in the water uh long run is probably the one thing she doesn't want to see hey i i only know her from um you know when she was in that in that pinch with crossfit and the last chance qualifier but another thing that's cool about she got a little chip on her shoulder right
Starting point is 01:28:23 definitely they both do yeah and which is cool i like i, she got a little chip on her shoulder, right? Definitely. They both do. Yeah. Which is cool. I like that. Like, a little bit of, like, fuck you. Like, I'm not winning just for me, but I'm winning to, like, lift my middle finger in the air. Little chip. Maybe Daniel Brandon got that, too.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Little chip. Chip on the shoulder. Maybe Fraser had maybe a little chip. Two chips. Okay. Number one. Emma Carey. I can't tell you how happy I was to see that.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Does she really have a chance of winning this? John, who'd you pick to win? Emma Carey. You did? Yeah. Seven. Why does that surprise you? I just, I mean, she got a little bit of the Sarah Sigmund's daughter thing going.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Obviously not as significant, but isn't she a complete unknown? This is her coming out party, right? I'm going to let John go first. When's the last time we've seen Emma Carey compete? The Games 2021? She wasn't at Rogue. Dubai this last year? Two years ago.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Holy crap. She did compete in the Open. She was going to try to compete in the Open, but when the deadlifting burpee workout came out. She decided not to continue with the season because she was still dealing with a back injury that she that was lingering. She took that time and went through a very thorough process with Matt Torres of rehabbing that and getting, you know, getting laying laying another set of foundation basically, and then building strength on top of that. Um, she is of, of, I mean, it's, it's almost scary, like her level of maturity compared to her age and it, and it is across the board. I mean, Mal O'Brien's kind of like this too, but it's a little different talking to Emma. She's, she's very nice, but she's like, it's almost like you're talking to a 35 year old in terms of discipline and an approach but then she has like the innocence of a kid anyway they've been working really hard i've been from everything that i've heard from matt
Starting point is 01:30:15 and from the other others down there i believe that emma carrie is the top 10 fittest she is the one in this field that i think is top 10 in the world. That's one of the reasons why I picked her to win. Even if you take just what she would be in 2021, like if you, if you, if she's just that good, however, she was there,
Starting point is 01:30:34 she's the best in this field. She like, like he said, there was a long recovery process. Yeah. I think before she got hurt, her and Mal were right next to each other like mal would finish third in the world in the quarterfinals emma finished fourth in the
Starting point is 01:30:51 world they were neck and neck every competition they did um including semifinals that year where she actually won including semifinals she beat uh mal correct i think she was second and mal was and mal was third like they were neck and neck and neck and i'm not saying she's as good as mal but she got hurt and then recovered and mal forced and went to frasers and he's you know super great like emma's potential is is more than people think she's kind of like the forgotten name but her and mal were neck and neck until she got hurt and Mal took off. I think, I almost think she's going to win this running away. Like, I don't think she's going to win. Is she 20? Is she, how old is she now? No, she's 18. 18. I don't think she's going to win a bunch of events, but I think she'll get like second in everything. That's how, that's how I see her. She her she's really strong i mean that year at semi-final
Starting point is 01:31:46 she snatched 200 pounds we talked about great swimmer yeah she's fine in the water gymnastics great or um i think that i really do think that she already had everything that like all the kind of pieces were there but that just basically putting the movement patterns, taking a little bit more focus on that, the work that she's done the past year, is that she's just moving overall better now. And yeah, I mean, it is an unknown field. There's a big question about Emma Carey, of course, Sarah Sigma's daughter, of course. Emma Tall didn't do this season because of injury. Emily Rolfe had to withdraw from the games. There's a lot of little unknowns. Andrea Nista was on a team spiegel's the one we know the most about
Starting point is 01:32:28 of this group i guess but i think that people are going to be pleasantly surprised by what they see from emma yeah it's going to be super exciting too because i do think she's kind of like forgot been forgotten about and i think it's going to be like allow me to reintroduce myself um party for her great quote uh what about the pressure of the event uh young two years out of the limelight and it's going to be noisy over there at wadapalooza is the main reason i was considering not picking her as i don't want her to feel any pressure i hope that she's going there and just competing free and competing confident. She will be aggressive in attack workouts. That's what she does. But yeah, hopefully she can enjoy it. And this can be a good turning point for her to get some confidence back and say,
Starting point is 01:33:13 yep, I'm ready to be back out there and do my thing. Devesh Maharaj, the hammer. She was better than Mal, but Mal took off and she got hurt. She has potential to be better, but we will see where she is now let i was just gonna say like the one thing about that semi finals that was a granite games in 20 and um 2021 and mal actually did get her on the last workout but if i remember correctly she took that risk uh it was that double dumbbell overhead walking lunge at the end. And it was a very notable difference in approach.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Both of them had locked up a spot to the games already at this point. And I think Emma decided to go for it. She went to go unbroken because she could win the whole thing if she won that event. And instead of winning that workout, she faded to 17th. And she just kept trying and failing, trying and failing. And it cost her what probably would have been the overall win. And so it ended up going aerial. Then Mal, Mal took the more calculated approach, set them down, set them down and went and ended up taking second on the workout and second overall. But but to this person, commentator comment sections point, they were on par with each other at that point.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yes. No, Jeff, I don't make any any money but it just rains pussy on me okay uh the question was stevan do you make a lot of money through youtube um can i can we switch over to the uh boys uh do you what do you guys think about starting at the top for the boys? Fine. It's up to you all. Okay, fine. Then we'll start at the bottom again and race up.
Starting point is 01:34:50 I was giving you guys an out. Okay, here we go. Let's start at the bottom, Mr. Beaver. We will try to move fast. No more dilly-dallying. No more reading the comments. Okay. I'm just going to say this while we're done. Multiple people have messaged me about Ray Romanek
Starting point is 01:35:09 and have said that this guy injured himself during semifinals last year, but that he's basically a savage beast. And this happens occasionally where there's one guy that all of a sudden gets a bunch of attention. And people are telling me, this guy watch this guy watch this guy last year it was riley good coming into this competition and he finished basically exactly where i picked him which was a bit near the bottom so ray romanick everyone's telling me you're amazing told me you're a great swimmer gymnast and uh absolute animal who has the potential to
Starting point is 01:35:41 be top 10 in the semi-final let's see what you got no pressure number 39 we have one more uh individual man competing than the women we had 38 women we have 39 men uh lucas ozarki lucas grulef fernando yanza and ray romanoff excellent thank you oh i see a name i recognize uh benjamin gutierrez travon uh benton samuel paquin tiago loses as 32 and 31 artur semenov is that the next hope uh coming out of russia this artur guy well he made the games this past year so first of all ben gutierrez has some really impressive lifting numbers listed so are listed so i'm excited to see what he can do on the clean and jerk at the very least uh trayvon benton uh kind of a semi-final guy in north america i think he's getting better we'll
Starting point is 01:36:35 see samuel pat queen actually won the rx division last year at guadalupalooza now he's made it into elite division so well done sam well sego luces is a guy from portugal that i'm kind of interested in in general but he's underwhelmed in the competitions he's done in the off season so far one of which i believe was madrid and artur seminov yeah he made the games last year i think it was a little bit uh well i don't have a lot to say about the asian semifinals i don't know he was injured at the game so it was hard to say how good he actually is and we'll see i mean i'm hopeful that he comes both him and keelan henry are in this field both of them come from or asia qualified from asia and africa respectively and both of them had a hamstring injury at the game
Starting point is 01:37:15 so we basically got to see a you know a fraction of what their potential might be so i'm hoping i mean i'm hopeful that he's that he's really good and he can prove me wrong i've spoken to a couple people who know him a little better than I do, and they said that it was fortunate for him to make the semifinals last year or the games last year. They don't expect him to be able to do it again. Ewan or Artur? Artur.
Starting point is 01:37:35 But I certainly commend him for coming to Miami here. I think he should. It's a great opportunity. Like I said, it's hard to make this field. So hopefully he does well. How old is he? Artur. One hopefully he does well. How old is he? Artur. One sec.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Not sure. What made me think of that question was the fact that you don't expect him to make it back. So I'm guessing also he's... Okay. So he has a small window to improve. Is Keelan Henry at Wadapalooza? Yeah. We'll get to him.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Wow. Okay. All right. Let's scroll to number three. Jack rosema oh i know that name uh john wood great name cam crockett wow these are all great names uh philip muscarella and nate ackerman uh how do i know jack rosema zealous games or something yeah yeah and then and basically jack john and cam are all semifinals uh maybe like 15th ish semifinal this past year. So, um, pretty, like very good.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Philip Muscarella. Uh, he'll, he's also competing on a team with Dennis Samson of their team took fourth place last year at Wadapalooza. Um, I think he's very, very fit, very fun to watch, but I think better in a team competition individual. And then Nate Ackerman is, uh, the last time he competed at the CrossFit games, he won the teenage division. That was two seasons ago. So for me, what's he done since then?
Starting point is 01:38:55 For me, I'm always interested in these guys who are going to make the leap. Obviously we've seen a lot of women do it, but for me, this is as a fan, this is like after looking at the top guys, I'm more interested in the people who are going to make the leap than let's say the bottom 10 or 20 at the CrossFit Games. Is Nate on track to becoming a household name in our little CrossFit world? Go ahead. I'd say the jury's out. I think he's making intelligent moves.
Starting point is 01:39:19 He's training down there at Brute. Coach Dom, I believe, is his coach, but he's there with Sprague and Dallin and Fi and Danielle and Emma and the whole crew. So I think he's put himself in an environment where he's challenged daily. He's very strong for a young man, which is often a difficult thing to acquire when you're young. But that's what we see with these guys that are coming along. Like Guy, very strong young, was able to make the transition. Dallin's pretty strong, able to make the transition.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Jack Farrell is pretty strong. He's someone we're looking at. So Nate's a couple of years behind those guys, but he has that similar, um, like flag in his cap or something where he's, he's very strong. He's put himself in a good environment.
Starting point is 01:39:55 So I think he's setting himself up for the best chance to make it to the games. Um, but I still think, I don't think he has any chance to make it to games this year, but next year, maybe he was, he was a hundred guys outside of the semifinal last year, outside of semifinals.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Uh, how old is he? Do we know? 19, 18. So, and then basically if Dallin and Sprague and Emma are the experiment, um, version one, uh, coming out of the brute camp, he could be version two, meaning there's a lot of chance for him to learn what worked and didn't work for the three people who made the leap from teens to games already ahead of him in the same
Starting point is 01:40:32 camp. All right, cool. Good luck, Nate. I'm excited to watch it, brother. Good luck. And I bet she has good parents or shitty parents. And he's just trying to... His mom is a multiple... I think she's a multiple-time games athlete, too. Julie Acker. Okay, then I'm going to go with good parents. And he's just trying to. His mom is a multiple. I think she's a multiple time games athlete too. Julie Acker. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Then I'm going to go with good parents. Okay. 25. Because, you know, you could always have really shitty parents. And then you got to do something amazing too. Kike. Excuse me. Pronounce his name.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Excuse me. I was helping you. What the fuck is that name? Kike Cervaini. Is that really how you say his name no it's uh kike kike i bet you it is kike and they just have to say kike you know he sent me and brian a dm pronouncing his name because we didn't know how to pronounce it and we still didn't know how to pronounce it after listening to him we still had no clue is it did he send you a voice dm or he says it yeah yeah well that's cool cancelled cancelled yes definitely cancelled okay uh so he's been around we recognize the name he was at wadapalooza last year he was 32nd i think he'll do a little better this year he's's from Brazil. Okay. Casper
Starting point is 01:41:46 Gamalamark? Gamalamark. Danish guy. Yeah. One of the top, one of the most fit guys in Denmark. He probably plays the board game Klask. Tall, very tall guy. We had the inventor of Klask on. It's the
Starting point is 01:42:01 most popular board game in Denmark. I play with my kids regularly. Damien Martinez Sotores? We had the inventor of clask on. It's the most popular board game in Denmark. I play with my kids regularly. Uh, Damien, uh, Martinez, Satoris. It's actually,
Starting point is 01:42:10 I'm just kind of laughing thinking about the size of Damien compared to Casper. They're like polar ends of the spectrum. Damien's smaller guy. Casper's big Damien's from Spain. Uh, you saw him win one of those Zalos games workouts. He competed in Dubai.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Didn't have a great games. He wanted to work out and he won it overall? Who did? Damien Satoris did? Yeah. Maybe that's how he qualified for this. But he wasn't at the event. No, the online. The event was just showcasing it.
Starting point is 01:42:39 You could do it online. He won the whole thing. And then Peter Mason was at the Zelos Games. Yes. I remember him being fast right he's he's a speedy guy fast he was he was third in the uh flush royal flush workout the clean burpee um thruster burpee workout uh what you were supposed to do damien was first yeah i was concussed at the time brian leave me alone a small car accident if so if sevan followed craig ritchie he would know more of these overseas athletes okay uh sevan thinking brian called him something rude yes my whole family my all the generations i felt i felt
Starting point is 01:43:25 everyone turned i'm not even jewish what am i talking about uh peter peter mason um uh okay so he uh fast mover young kid right he's young pete mason 20s i feel like i see him in the comments maybe i'm wrong maybe it's another mason 27 he's 27 if you are watching now and you haven't subscribed to this station i hope someone parks too close to you today and dings your car john do you have any of these five in the top 20? I have Peter Mason 20th. That's the highest out of those five.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Where do you have Raquel made? 22nd. Okay. Augustine Raquel made number 21 as ranked by Brian friend from bar bend games athlete. Yeah. Yep. But not, not great showings, not great showing at the games um the weights are
Starting point is 01:44:29 just too heavy when he gets there 32nd the year before but there were like six withdraws or seven withdraws that year so it's basically third to last and then 38th this year which was second to last with one withdraw so much again some of these athletes i've mentioned that you're going to see a better version of raquel may at this competition that you'll see at the crossfit games he he did win a open workout worldwide though first in the whole world um bar muscle up going with the toes to bar uh chest to bar and then bar muscle ups with a minute in between if you guys remember that one i don't but are you saying he's going to win an event here too john hasn't seen all the events yet but there is one event that i think he could be in the mix to If you guys remember that one, I don't, but are you saying he's going to win an event here too?
Starting point is 01:45:06 John hasn't seen all the events yet, but there is one event that I think he could be in the mix to win. If it's just gymnastics and not heavy barbell in between, like he's especially on a rig. He's very like best in the world. All right. Augustine. Well, where's he from France,
Starting point is 01:45:23 France, Argentina. Oh, all right. Number 20, breaking into from? France, France, Argentina. Oh, all right. Number 20, breaking into the top 20, moving quite along. So we did the first 20 in 15 minutes. Not bad. Number 20 is not competing. My bad.
Starting point is 01:45:35 Number 20, Austin Spencer. Brian says he's out. Those of you don't remember Austin Spencer replaced. I'm just showing off for Brian now. Replaced. Nicolai. Replaced the guy. Oh, God damn it.
Starting point is 01:45:51 What is it? Nikolai Joyel. Nicholas Joyel. Nicholas Joyel. We gave you a chance. We gave you a fair chance. Thank you. I believe it.
Starting point is 01:45:58 If we weren't at an hour and 45 minutes, you probably could have given me another 10 seconds. So Austin Spencer won't be injured. Do we know what happened to him? His wife said he can't come. Not sure. She's competing on a team, though. Oh, okay. So he'll probably be there.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Does he make it to the games again? Or do you think that was just a fluke? I don't think so. He's a good dude. I think he's more likely to make it than Fusile. Wow. Okay. Well, I like the way you contextualize that.
Starting point is 01:46:24 That's why you're on the show. Number 19, Keelan Henry, who was on this show. He is jacked out of his mind. If you are going to be a Wadapalooza, take a picture next to this guy with his shirt off. Yeah, I know you really like that guy. He is a freak of nature. He's got a chip on his shoulder, too. He got a little bitterness in him, a little ax to grind.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I have Keelan 21st. Okay, so a similar spot i think keelan actually would have done quite well at a few events at the games this past summer i learned a lot about him by spending some time with his coach dennis who also coaches guillaume briant and i hopeful that that keelan's healthy he's he is smaller guy he's very strong he's uh in a similar similar category to augustine where on certain styles of workouts can do very well i think like there's you know maybe one or two events here where we might see something like a fifth place finish from him uh leonel franco i remember struggling with his name in the past where is he from dubai did i see him in dubai
Starting point is 01:47:24 i don't know about any major off-season competitions, but he was 10th place at a semifinal at Granite Games this year. And he had, I think he was maybe second or third on the opening event, which was a handstand walk thruster. Okay. And then making the jump from teams to individual this year at the games is the challenge for this young man, Luke Parker. Definitely someone I definitely want to be keeping my eyes on.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Do you guys think he makes it individual this year? No, not this year, but I think he could next year. Ryan? I like that answer. Okay. Henry, is he also going teams also? Who? Luke Parker.
Starting point is 01:48:04 He's not listed for a team for Guadalupoza, no. Okay. Henrik Habilainen, I'm surprised you have him at 16th. You like this guy, Brian. You always, you have good, I mean, you think this guy's going to the games next year, right? Out of Europe, it's going to be tight. It is? He has the ability to win certain events too, though.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Every single person from this point forward has a chance to make the games next year. Okay. If the cards hit right. Where do you have Henrik? 12th. Okay, so a little higher than me. And I think that's perfectly fair. Based on his performances historically having him ahead
Starting point is 01:48:45 of a few guys that i'm about to have here makes sense i'm just expecting some guys to maybe outperform their past performances he does you do know the event so i mean that can lead it one way or the other how many more times do you think john's gonna say that during the show i think it's important to say two more times five more times okay number 15 number 15 i only say that because it was who we picked for a third or since we're probably viewers change every 15 minutes so it's good that you say that number 15 cole grease shaver grease saber grease saber i trip on this dude's physique i just trip on this dude's physique. I just trip on this dude. He's like part muscle man, part baby Huey.
Starting point is 01:49:27 What? Everyone from here on out, I want to know where John is. I have Cole 14th. Okay, similar. Something's not fully matured about Cole. Let me see this guy's Instagram. Just so people, while he's pulling that up, Cole's, he's still training with the Proven Crew. He's, and he's very, you know, he's very deliberate about when he chooses to compete.
Starting point is 01:49:48 From a young age, he's already doing something that I think is very wise, which is maybe basically one competition per off season, and then trying to, you know, improve upon his previous game season performance. He was able to do that last year. I think he's probably setting himself up to do it this year, but because he does that, we don't get to see him too often. He's not a very loud person in general. He's very private, disciplined, hardworking. I think that a big hurdle for him has been his mental game during competition. And this will be a good competition for him to test that because he'll probably have
Starting point is 01:50:23 some good workouts and I'll have some where he'll get a little bit exposed against a very high caliber uh men's field so he's a very good deadlifter too if any deadlift workout comes in he could be he could i don't know if he looks like yeah he does look like a strong deadlifter that's maybe that's what i'm tripping on he looks like a uh like a like a power lifter i mean he kisses girls that's cool but there's something about him that just makes me think like, he's like James Sprague two years ago or something. You guys know what I'm talking about? Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:50:54 That's a good picture of him. That fuck. Wow. Cole's. I mean, look, Cole's a beast. Look at these legs on them.
Starting point is 01:51:04 It's, it's hard. You know, the men's field is. Look at these legs on him. It's hard. You know, the men's field is very deep and very talented. How tall is this dude? At least six feet, maybe 6'1". And I see the photo credit's proven, so he's over under Shane Orr over there at Proven? Yeah, I don't think he would say that Shane's his primary coach, but he's training at Proven, yeah. He's 6'2".
Starting point is 01:51:24 Well, he doesn't look's training at proven. Yeah. He's six foot two Oh six. Well, he doesn't look underdeveloped in that picture or this one. All right. Keep my mouth shut about him. Is that Matt O'Keefe on the left there? Who's that? Matt O'Keefe's upshot. And then the right is Nick Johnston. Those are, those are two of the other coaches that have proven. I don't know their full coaching staff, but in my mind, it was Shane and then these two guys. Is that dude in the red that kind of looks like Matt O'Keefe a little,
Starting point is 01:51:55 right there? He kind of looks like Dex Hopkins. It's weird when I know both of them. Okay, so here you can kind of see how big Cole is. Right. It's weird when I know both of them that it's like a. Okay. So here, here you can kind of see how big Cole is. There is next to down, Peckford,
Starting point is 01:52:10 James Sprague, Emma, Carrie, uh, Tudor Magda. And, which one of those guys is Nate Ackerman? Nate.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I can't have the gray shorts. No, I think Nate is on the very far side next to the guy in red next to torres i think that's him this has got this has got to be from a couple years ago are you sure 107 weeks ago two years ago yeah the guy in the gray shorts looks like he might have a hole in his stomach or that's just like a smudge of dirt on him i don't know what that is i mean if that's nate ackerman i'm gonna have to drop him a couple i guess someone guess someone in the comments is saying he's no longer with Proven 7, so I
Starting point is 01:52:47 apologize if that's not the case. It happens. It happens. These guys are switching. These guys are switching so much. Okay. Thank you, Caleb, for letting me. Maybe that person could tell us where he is. Man, the controls. Matt Poulin. Matt Poulin. A name I'm always hearing, but
Starting point is 01:53:03 I still don't know what the hell is going on. Where'd you put him, John? I have this guy, 11th. He's part of Brute. He was in a game spot last year until the last event, and then it slipped by him in the last event. He's not the strongest guy, and I think the last event was heavy cleans or snatches.
Starting point is 01:53:23 It was heavy squad snatches at mac i believe and um he got passed up syndicate syndicate syndicate and he got passed up in the last event by will morad yeah um morad's historic uh event pooling very similar to oyana moya last year at watapluza i wrote about him in that same article he was i think in a position to finish about somewhere between 8th and 12th and just for a point of reference, those places were occupied by Spencer Saxon, Scott Panchick, Taylor Self, and Jason Hopper. And he was in the conversation with those athletes at Guadalupe last year before having to withdraw with injury. I feel like John nailed it on the head here. This guy has been like very close to knocking through
Starting point is 01:54:03 and making a name for himself. And just something a little injury the the work the bad movement at the wrong time that's preventing him from getting maybe the recognition he deserves very high level of fitness uh i think he was second or third place on the rowing swing running workout last year um along with like james bragan taylor self was up there in that conversation so uh pretty good on a lot of different stuff. Hopefully can just string together like a full competition. His engine is elite. He just doesn't have, he's not the strongest.
Starting point is 01:54:34 You know, this is just completely talking out of my ass, but I'm getting this vibe from him that he's not a full-time athlete, that he's just a guy who's just super duper into fitness and just happens to be shoulders above the rest. Lover of Yahweh, seeker of the truth. I'm just getting this vibe from him that's like, he's just a cool dude who just trains his ass off in the gym and the games of, he stumbled upon the games. Maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:54:57 You know anything about his training, Brian? John's right. I think he's been addressing his strength and particularly his strength overhead. And he seems very confident. He always seems confident, presents himself confident, but, uh, like, like we've said, he has a good base to build upon. And if he has shored up some of those things that he believes are holding him back, he's, he is very, very fit.
Starting point is 01:55:22 Uh, it looks like he has his, uh, his an NBA. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. Keep hearing his name. Good to finally see if he's the kind of guy that like in 2013, 14, he would have just made the games right now.
Starting point is 01:55:35 It's a lot harder. And so he's, he's exceptionally fit, but it's, it's just that much more difficult. Uh, a Nola Kai. I'm trying to get,
Starting point is 01:55:42 uh, a Nola on the show. Um, I think he's scheduled for one. Is he, I know we were trying to get an invite all right we disagree on this one brian where'd you put him i'm 18th yeah i mean on y'all you know he um second place in madrid there's now and there have been some you know controversies about his movement quality and some of those things but that's not really it's really nothing he can do if he goes out there and competes and is moving and the judges are giving credit for the reps,
Starting point is 01:56:08 we've talked about this over and over again. You're not going to change anything. What country? Spain. He's one of those guys from that training culture that we've been talking about. And then he came in, he got sixth place in Dubai,
Starting point is 01:56:19 including beating guys like Luca Jukic, Guillaume Brion, Yorgos Kerevis. And you see, I have him here very close to Guillaume Briand. So he's basically come out of nowhere. I mean this past, this offseason and I'm already elevating him
Starting point is 01:56:33 into the conversation of having the chance to make it to the games out of Europe. Is he going team? Oh, he will be on a team at Guadalupuz also. Yeah. He's competing with those guys from the training culture team, Alex and Pablo. Okay. I think they were the top qualifier.
Starting point is 01:56:50 He's very tall. He's like 6'2", but he's got a really good engine. You said that his team had the top qualifier? They were the top qualifying team, yeah. That's cool. Were any of the teams allowed to come on invite or all teams had to qualify? No, the several teams were able to be invited. It's based on some criteria, like two games, athletes or something, right?
Starting point is 01:57:12 Yeah, there's a bunch of different criteria. But I think even if you were top, if your team was top 10 at the games and you have both athletes on your team, then you could add anyone else to it and automatically show up. Briant Guillaume, I just remember him, France, and supposed to be a good swimmer, but didn't win the swim event. No, but that was heavily favored. It was a ski, though. Guillaume, pretty good. Again, he just competed in Dubai.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Really good upper body pulling. Not good enough. Skiing is not up for body. I guess it is. I'm thinking for gymnastics. I'm thinking more gymnastics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just a bar, legless rope climb, those types.
Starting point is 01:57:54 He's similar to Raquel May. Oh, good. Their names are similar, too, in my mind. That's good. I like it that they're similar. Fabian Benito uh celeste celeste uh a lot of fun not bad controversy but a lot of controversy around his uh most recent win where was that at was that madrid or dubai dubai john where'd you put fabian 13th okay i know you really like this guy well again as you know uh similarly to to cole grease saber
Starting point is 01:58:28 i'm like the biggest question mark for me is and has been his mental game in the midst of competitions when things don't go his way how's he rebound from it he showed up in my opinion a big improvement in that regard in dubai um he was you know he's been kind of knocking on the door of having the possibility to make the games the last two years out of Europe and like I said everyone inside this top 15 I view as having the chance to make the games this year including Fabian he was that top online qualifier for this event he was the top online qualifier for Dubai he won the Dubai live competition so he's having an incredible offseason I think this is the biggest and most difficult field he's faced yet. And I think a top 10 finish here would be a big win for him. Is he going team?
Starting point is 01:59:09 No. Okay. Number 10. We did it. Holy cow. We're going to finish by two 15, I think two hours and 15 minutes. Uh,
Starting point is 01:59:17 number 10, Alexander Caron, the guy with the giant triceps from Canada. I also have Alexander. And just to put it in perspective, he was second place, Rone, the guy with the giant triceps from Canada. I also have Alexander Krohn. And just to put it in perspective, he was second place at Guadalupuzo last year, and we're picking him 10th, so the field is good. Nick Matthew, the pride of pride, exploded onto the scene at the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 01:59:40 put on the wonderful show. Did you stutter? Did I stutter? Yeah, the pride of what? The pride of pride. Oh, I thought you were going to say Minnesota. Nick Matthew, where's the crop top? Had that explosion kind of on the game scene.
Starting point is 01:59:54 Did the sandbag in the sandbag event, and the crowd absolutely went nuts and loves him. But still, only number nine here at Waterpalooza Individual. I'll bet John has them higher. How much higher? I have him seventh. Yeah, seventh. And I think that's reasonable.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Why put down and Tudor ahead of him? So basically, this is like when I was going through for the men's side, there were, again, there was like some tears or some drop-offs. And everyone on this page I actually kind of considered in a similar reign or grouping. I don't know. I'm not that confident. I know why. I know why you did.
Starting point is 02:00:36 Someone did call me out and say Nick Nash. There's no single unders in this competition. Is that why? Yeah. No, basically it's that I think that tutor is is getting a lot better and i think that we got to see some instances of it at the um uh zelos games and i think we'll get to see more impressive performances from him at wadapalooza but no nick easily i mean he definitely could beat those guys yeah you uh here's here's what i think nick we're still a little unsure of because he's he's new to the
Starting point is 02:01:05 scene uh tutor uh we're uncertain of uh but this shows tremendous promise but we're uncertain of but dallin dallin's the guy if he's gonna if he says he's gonna pick you up at nine o'clock he's there at 854 and you look out your front door and you're sitting there in his car like he's consistent he's reliable we know what he's about um we we like his kid we not that we don't like the other guy's characters but there's a stability in dylan pepper that we like and if you have to choose between the three of them to drive your kids to school you pick down peppers where did you put tutor in down um give me a second i had a tutor is eighth down is sixth what'd you have yona i have yona ninth so again the same five guys just different order yeah same five guys just
Starting point is 02:01:57 different order um i have down ahead of nick nick matthew as well i just, Nick has done the best at the games, hasn't he, out of all three of those guys? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. He kind of got lucky with the events, but still. I do think the events are pretty good for him, actually, at Guadalupalooza. I could definitely see him outperforming a ninth place finish. I think that if Dallin Pepper got stuck on the toilet, like had some explosive diarrhea, and John went out on the field and did the event for him,
Starting point is 02:02:29 that 80% of the people wouldn't know it was John Young. Until the last five minutes when everyone was done, and they're like, what's Dallin still doing out there? You've got to pick the right event. I think John Young could be a total stunt double for Dallin. Number six, Yonah Koski. Six, crazy. And see, like, with Yonah.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Crazy. I know he's still young. He is? But I feel like he's getting passed up. Kind of like how Noah got passed up a little bit. He's still there, but I just think he's getting passed up. As opposed to like Scott Panchik never got passed up. He just was.
Starting point is 02:03:09 But you have to look at Yonakoski's career. I mean, let's see here. 32nd at the games, 10th at the games. Withdraws from the games, 9th at the games. Wow. 37th at the games, 7th, 6th, and then 15th. So he just has this up and down trajectory. Wow. Murawski's fourth. No, no, this is a different, like this year was a different caliber of men's field. BKG was standing there after the games on the Coliseum floor going, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:03:50 This is the worst I've done since, and that's the fittest I've been. The men's field is just getting better. I don't think Yonah, and Yonah is coming back from an injury last year and an illness during semifinals and was forced to do the last chance qualifier and therefore less preparation for the games.
Starting point is 02:04:03 He's been getting better every competition that he's done but it's a field like this he's doing a lot of competing and i'm not a huge fan of a lot of competing he's done he he did rogue he did dubai now he's doing wadapalooza there's very few athletes that do all three of those we know rogue was a beat down he did pretty well in dubai took fourth and now you know i think he'll still do well against this field but the volume of competition is adding up and if john's right that he's a little later in his career than his age should suggest i don't know if that's the best decision is koski go ahead john go ahead i no no go ahead this this is an afterthought is he team is he going team yep i think he's on nick matthews team okay so he's putting some miles on it yeah i remember
Starting point is 02:04:45 diana being like a potential uh podium finisher every year but there was always the question of his injury of some shoulder or something going on there was something you know that was bugging him yep okay come out with a grand prize that we agree on and if like you win Dubai, Rogue, and Waterpalooza, you get like a million dollars. If you win all three. That would be so sick. Would it not? Then people would show up. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:05:13 It would be so, so much fun. Or at least the person who wins the first one would. Right. Or it would be like just a little point system. The best points across the screen. No, I don't like a point system. I think you have to win all three. Then if you're losing in rogue,
Starting point is 02:05:28 then no one else is from rogue has any incentive to do that. Just one person gets a shot at it every year. But if you do a point system, then just, I mean, fricking Matt wins a million dollars. It's a free million dollars to whoever the fittest person is. You know what I mean? We already know that for the most part. to whoever the fittest person is. You know what I mean? We already know that for the most part.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Top five? Okay, number five. Oh, well, this kind of explains it. I was like, how could you have Janikowski at six? This is crazy. Okay, John, you have the same five guys in the top five, but what's your order? Yes, okay.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Do we want to go one by one? Yeah, let's go one by one. Number five. Who do you have? I have Guy Malheros. And Brian has Brent Fikowski. Let's just go through the top five and then we'll talk about it. Okay. Number four. Brian is Patrick Vellner.
Starting point is 02:06:17 I have Brent Fikowski. Number three. Brian has Guy Malheros. I got Ricky Garrard. Wow. Okay. Number two. Brian is Guy Malheros. I got Ricky Garrard. Wow, okay. Number two, Brian has Roman Krennikoff. I also have Roman Krennikoff. And number one, Brian has Ricky Garrard.
Starting point is 02:06:34 I got Patty V. Wow, okay. That's kind of got to break Brian's heart, too, because I'm sure he wanted to put Patty V up there. Oh, I think he's surprised I had him up there. I think he thought I put Roman up there. I did. Yeah. he wanted to put patty v up there oh i think he's surprised i had him up there i think he thought i put roman up there i did yeah you're but i don't know many people that are as big of a roman fan as you are no a lot of people are big roman fans uh what what's the issue why not have a brent fikowski um win this whole thing what what do you see that makes it?
Starting point is 02:07:06 Case in point. Are there other guys, are these other guys better than Fikowski or do you think that he's going to lose it himself? Do you think it's on him? He's going to make some sort of, because I find it hard to believe these guys are better than him. Well, he's not,
Starting point is 02:07:20 but the rest of them are. I think Brent will, as he always does, will maximize his potential in this competition. I think he will do as well as anyone with his skill set could possibly do in this competition. But with these guys in the field and these workouts, this is the best I think you can do.
Starting point is 02:07:40 John, do you want to say anything about Mr. Fikowski? I mean, I think the people that I have ahead of the top three for sure, Ricky, Roman, and Patrick, I think are in a tier above Fikowski. I think there's a separation there. I think I put them, like, they're just better, at least right now until he proves that wrong. Brian, this placement you have of Guy and Patrick, that you have Guy ahead of patrick is that because you know the workouts or because you think he's a better uh
Starting point is 02:08:09 crossfitter it's because i think he will do better in this competition okay okay because i because you don't have any concerns i still would say i still would pick i still would have picked velner ahead of gee at rogue i would have picked him ahead. I will pick him ahead of him at the Games for now until I see more from Guy. But I also just have this sneaky suspicion that we're going to see a little different version of Guy than we've seen in the past at Guadalupe. And I also think that this competition is the best of all the major competitions for him. What about the fact that you're going to Mayhem after this competition? Is there any chance that you felt bad if you put Guy lower because you'd have to face him there?
Starting point is 02:08:53 Him and Roman both. Yeah, yeah, bring it on. Two on one. Let's go, guys. Okay. Let's talk about Ricky Garrard in first place here. So you think – I'm nervous for Ricky because I keep thinking that he's just going to fall off, that he's just reaching an age where he's just going to fall into, you know,
Starting point is 02:09:09 like what you were saying about maybe Yonikoski. You think Ricky's still on the ascent? I have a question for you too, Brian. Okay. Well, first of all, he's 28. Roman's 27. Pat's 32. And Brent's 31.
Starting point is 02:09:22 And Yon is 27. He is at 22. So he's the same age as most these guys 20 okay 22 is yeah okay and gee is definitely significantly younger there's a big difference between 22 and 27 27 28 27 31 32 there's so i'm not worried about ricky's age he's actually right in the like the prime of the of the normal competitive years where people have their best years, 26 through 28, I guess, for men. And I know that Rogue was a bad competition for him, but John and I both picked him to do about that well in Rogue because we know the style of
Starting point is 02:09:58 programming that shows up here. But we know the style of programming that shows up at Wadapalooza and it's very different. And we often see guys like Cole Sager, for example, do really well at Guadalupe and struggle at Rogue. And I think that Ricky's in line to have that similar type of an offseason. But let me let me ask you. So Ricky's a home run hitter. He's like his he's going to win events that are high endurance or straight running or like all ring muscle ups and running like any running event or just long endurance event. A lot of Palooza is only going to have one or two of those.
Starting point is 02:10:35 It's not like the games where there's five of those. If you're talking straight CrossFit, Valner's a better CrossFitter. Roman's better CrossFitter. They're both going to beat him in all the CrossFit events where it's a couplets, triplets, all that type of stuff. Roman would dominate him in machines. So will Velner. He's not good at machines. Like he's, he's very, very good.
Starting point is 02:10:58 Best in the world at a particular type of workout, probably the most important workout of the games. Cause there's the most running at the games, that that's not going to happen here. Look at, listen, look at from the Fantasy Fitness League, Tyler Watkins, which will be doing the draft tonight at 5 p.m. I can't believe we're doing another show. Tyler, you hated on Roman until I told you he was going to be good. I said he was going to be good at the games and you said he wasn't even going to come top 10. Look it, John's got an ally, and he just attacks.
Starting point is 02:11:27 John has not. I just don't think what you said is accurate. I mean, you know how difficult that this is. These are his event finishes at the games. First, second, third, fifth, seventh, first, third, tenth, seventh, seventh. Like, that's a shitload of top 10 finishes. That's consistency. Who is that?
Starting point is 02:11:44 Vellner? That's Ricky. Oh, Ricky. Now, he had a few finishes shitload of top 10 finishes that's consistency who's that who is that velner that's ricky oh ricky now he had a few finishes outside of the top 10 back nine not that surprising he's not the strongest obviously it's a very strong field jackie pro i was surprised how bad he did in that finishing 18th not sure i'm not really actually sure what happened to him on that one and uh echo press where he was obviously exposed and hat trick which was just a couple he's like two seconds outside of a top 10 finish he was 12th so he's stringing together the type of consistency at the games last season that is indicative of a games champion in some years it's not very much different with that one at one workout exception the 28th
Starting point is 02:12:19 on echo press of what justin madaris has done the last two years. Very consistent, not a ton of wins, but a lot of finishes, fifth through seventh, that range, and not too bad on anything. When we see the full slate of workouts here, I think that you might see Ricky having a chance to win this. We'll see. I just don't. How's Roman swimming? He's good, but he's not. I wouldn't say he's top five, but he's good.
Starting point is 02:12:49 He's not as good as Ricky? If you're looking at these guys in particular for swimming, it's going to be Brent and Ricky. Then it's going to be Roman, then Guy, and then Pat. He's a decent swimmer, I think. I think he'd be closer to Roman than Pat on swimming. Guy is a little unknown. He won the swimming workout at his semifinal, but again, in South America,
Starting point is 02:13:13 it's hard to say how good of a performance it actually is. Mark Moss has to be pretty high weightlifting, low gymnastics, and Spiegel is top three. I don't know, man. Ricky would not be first if that was the case, Mark. Just letting letting you know but there's also like if weightlifting is in the competition there's there are different kinds of of ways to test weight weight absolutely we know there's that there's a that there's a heavy lift and we know that it's offset by a handstand hold danny spiegel is going to probably do well on both of those things that is an i would say that's an
Starting point is 02:13:43 unknown for ricky how is this how is this clean and jerk you know he's been getting stronger how's it going to hold up against this field and the and the parallel handstand hold is a little bit of a wild card event but i am expecting the athletes overall to do really well oh roman did win the swim event at the um game yeah but he was so heavily dependent he is the greatest at the ski erg and everybody. He is the best ski erg person in all of CrossFit. Hands down? Hands down. Nobody's close.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Hopper is second. Did you see that thing they posted the other day where he was ripping on it? What's it like? 3,100 cows an hour. Crazy. Now, Hopper is, I think, a clear second, but Roman is above him. think a clear second but roman is above him what is uh waterpalooza known for um in terms of uh events if you know rogues the strong event what's waterpalooza what would you say john i would say waterpalooza is pretty well rounded um
Starting point is 02:14:41 they do i would say they have more gymnastics events than than rogue does for sure and probably dubai but but they're pretty well rounded usually typically i think that the in what i would say yeah i think that's a good answer and then they also just program fun events like events that are fun and flashy to watch where the closest the races might be kind of close you're going to get a lot probably a lot of workouts that are 6 to 12 minutes long with with maybe one that's 20 minutes and a lifting event and a water event uh can we look at that list um one more time brian is there as you look at this is there anything you want to change on here do you stick with this from yesterday uh probably i mean just being super transparent probably my my biggest uh regret is maybe putting i would have maybe put nick matthew at one or two spots higher other than that i feel really good about uh and uh john
Starting point is 02:15:34 john tell us your top five again starting with one uh top number one uh patrick melner my reason for that is he's won freaking three straight times. He's the reigning champion. He's very good. Like, Wadapalooza, you're talking about a work, like, you think Wadapalooza suits Guy. I mean, Wellner has flourished at Wadapalooza more than anybody else. Okay. And then Roman, and then Ricky, Brent Vukowski, fourth, and then Guy, fifth.
Starting point is 02:16:11 I had Guy sixth, but after I saw Brian put him third, I did just put him a spot higher because I was like, why does he have him so high? So do you think that of these top five, who do you think is going to have the lowest placement in any workout brent probably pat i was gonna i was gonna say uh you think swim you think it's gonna be brand okay so there's something crazy that uh there's something crazy on there we i don't want to i don't want to get brian in trouble but he's said a couple of things that now, I mean, if. You don't think it's Vellner in the swim, Brian?
Starting point is 02:16:52 I'm actually pretty excited for the swimming workout because. I don't know how long the swim is, right? If Vellner doesn't drown, he has a chance. Coffee pods and wads. It's an, yeah, I love that they announced it as open water swimming. There's no fixed distance. You do know the time caps. You can make somewhat of an inference.
Starting point is 02:17:06 But 100 heavy wall balls and 300 drag rope double unders is going to do some damage to some athletes. I think Vellner will do pretty well on those two parts of it. So I actually think this could be one of his better swimming performances. That's fair. That's fair. What do you think about this? I was thinking this too by reading the comments. I don't think people realize that Dani spiegel's as well-rounded
Starting point is 02:17:27 as she is i think they look at her body they look at her heavy lifts and they think she's just a a strong girl but she she got she's more well-rounded than i think people are giving her the uh well i mean we talk about it all the time when we we i mentioned the 2021 semifinals where she you know everyone was like she was last on the ruck run how can you even make the games it's like well she's top five on the other six five workouts so she's pretty damn good she's very good gymnastics and she's the strongest person there and somewhere we saw we i think it wrote we saw one of the run events she was exposed on but another run event she did well at which one didn't she that was in granite games minnesota mashup i think she had a top four finish on and there was like a mile of running in it or something like that.
Starting point is 02:18:06 Is that the one with the bike too, though? Yeah. She got bailed out for the bike then. But she didn't give away. I just remember watching from when I was up in the broadcast booth that she didn't give very much away on the run, and I was actually pretty impressed after watching her the year before give everything away on the run.
Starting point is 02:18:23 I refuse to acknowledge anyone with a profile or a name like that yes we do have a show coming up tomorrow thank you for asking oh man all right logan ewing wait i tag i dm with you too much i should just give you my phone number so we can text dude i feel bad for any of the concept two machines that are in Rowan's lane. This guy trains with Rowan, Rowan, Rowan over at… Well, look, they've already announced that workout that's a 1,000-meter row, 20 D-ball cleans, and 300-foot D-ball bear hug carry.
Starting point is 02:18:57 Could you pick a better workout for Rowan, John? It is second, though. I would have put it first, right? Is that Logan in the back right there? He's got that totobar thing first, and I feel like he'd probably go all out there. It's a four-minute time cap, I mean. I know, I know. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 02:19:11 I think it'll put more juice into him than it will Fikowski. I bet Fikowski gives him a run on that particular workout. And Luke Parker. But no. No. God, no. Get out of here with that. Get out of here with that.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Can you answer us this? Are there any other machines other than that? Maybe. Okay, well. Is Waterpalooza known for, I feel like I see all the machines there every year. They got the runners. Yeah, but you know,
Starting point is 02:19:43 machines can show up in workouts and be irrelevant and machines can show up in workouts and be irrelevant and machines can show up in workouts and be everything and if it's a well-programmed machine event is is what roman's going to destroy everybody at and if it's if it's a well-programmed workout the machine will play a role but not be the deciding factor that's my opinion about programming events with machines but i don't think there's a sprinting machine workout because that would hurt ricky and he has ricky first so i don't think there's a sprinting one you don't think the machine machine should be the deciding factor is that what you said brian i think it should be a contributing factor not the deciding factor in a workout okay uh danny um uh he doesn't have time for this question now but i appreciate
Starting point is 02:20:24 it i think you've asked it like three times. Uh, I had a question for Brian who are his five favorite CrossFit coaches. Uh, maybe. My favorite, like my, like the ones that I'm best friends with are the ones that I'm a think are the best coaches. Yeah. We got to flush that question out, but I, but I appreciate the question. I do think that there, that there are a lot of, uh, very talented coaches that it would be a difficult list
Starting point is 02:20:46 for me to make either way let's say that and there's coaches that you don't you have no idea how good they are because they just have one athlete right i mean like like rebecca fusli a change trains in a just uh in a silo yeah i mean i think we have to have like you gotta give me a list of like a dozen that we say okay these are coaches that we all know and are established and i could maybe pick you know five from that list or something yeah and and like where do you rank adam knifer super difficult i mean in terms of yeah incredibly difficult i mean is he on a mountaintop by himself or is he not in the top 10 so it's like so it would be like very hard question but don't be stupid go to fort vancouver across the fort vancouver don't be stupid okay um did i pronounce his name right is it knifer or nifernandes okay we've come full circle
Starting point is 02:21:36 we're done okay uh everyone at 5 p.m today we will be doing the draft uh we will be using the uh platform uh tyler watkins fantasy fitness league um and uh it's called lawn board lawn chair leaderboarding maybe you should google that lawn chair leaderboarding check out the website uh i'm not sure if there's an app for your phone yet um get familiar with it we are going to have the whole crew on everybody everyone that this this software can hold will be on tonight's show at 5 p.m your favorite will be here no matter who your favorite is he will be here tonight are you coming tonight john i don't think i'm on the invite list oh shit john didn't make john's not on one of the teams he is on the team with i'm on the team but they said they uh chase was we can't have everybody that's on the team just one person okay well john young will be an alternate
Starting point is 02:22:30 you could come over to my house and sit there we could be on the same camera together where do you live at san diego california uh santa cruz santa cruz um no dave castro won't be here um but uh so we'll see you at 5 pm., and then tomorrow morning we'll be starting bright and early. Same with the wonderful John Young, Brian Friend. We will be doing the team's Wadapalooza competition evaluations, rankings, tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And I don't know if Mike Halpin is on there. Is Mike Halpin coming?
Starting point is 02:23:02 No. No, sorry, not everyone. Not John Young and mike halpin everyone else isn't mike halpin in it too he couldn't he why he's not in it he's not in it okay halpin he didn't make it sorry sorry mike god damn it i'm screwing everything up no one should be hurt it's most let me seriously it's just a group of dorks. I think Chase is the only dude that's like a cool dude.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Everyone else is just a dork. Yeah, I thought JR used to be cool, but after I interviewed him, JR's a dork too. What about Bill? Oh yeah, Grundler's cool. The OGs are cool. Everyone else is a loser. That's what Savant said. No, we're just a bunch of dorky guys.
Starting point is 02:23:45 It's just we're goofballs. Okay. We use utensils. Grundler eats with his hands. We'll see you guys today at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Bye-bye.

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