The Sevan Podcast - #745 2023 Wodapalooza Fantasy Draft

Episode Date: January 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 where's chad bam we're live he's uh in the dark uh you are staring i don't know what you're staring at uh uh on the uh far right of my screen is uh tyler watkins he is the founder and creator of lawn chair leaderboarding i think this is this is this the second or third time we've done the second second time we've done draft second time. Games was the first time. Hopefully this will become a regular thing. Tyler has developed a way that everyone in the community can play a fantasy fitness league. And it's at lawn chair leader boarding dot com. That'll be scrolling across the bottom at the whole time. Amongst us, we've made teams of two except for no everyone no everybody's got one okay so the teams are sebon and jr chad and uh patrick clark uh bill grunler and tyler watkins uh brian spin
Starting point is 00:00:56 and brian friend uh page is pedro coming pedro's not coming okay Okay. I think he's really in. Peter, Pedro from Coffee Wads and Pods, Coffee Pods and Wads, and Chase Ingram, the only real journalist here. That's why he got stuck with John Young to balance out the team. Fabulous thumbnail from the show earlier today. And all kidding aside, John and Brian, you did an amazing job today. Great job.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Two hours of just go. If you want to see the individual picks who John and Brian think are going to win, go ahead and check out that show. Okay. I'll take it. I'll take it from here for a sec, Savant. Please. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:48 So as is customary, draft order was determined by cumulative beard length. And therefore, you see the draft order on the screen. I'm pretty sure that's how it's always done. We're going to draft for both individuals and teams. So then we flip it with the baby faces going first for the teams. So seven and Jr. We'll kick things off. We're going to not going to set a time limit,
Starting point is 00:02:10 but if, if we feel it's unreasonable amount of time, we're going to put a 32nd clock on you to make your pick. And then, um, so we're going to draft 10 total rounds for the individuals. You, each team has to draft five men and five women.
Starting point is 00:02:23 The order of which you draft men and women is completely up to your team. You just have to have to do that and meet the five and five by the end of the 10 rounds of a little bit of reset. And then for the teams, we're going to draft four male teams and four female teams of three. The first good comment is here. Chase looks like someone trying to look like Taylor self by wearing a fake mustache.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I came on and showed Taylor self with a real mustache i came on to show taylor self what the real mustache looks like well said okay people are probably wondering why we're on teams the way we are uh brian and i talked a long time about this basically we just partnered people up based on either competence or the fact that they weren't going to be busy. So most of the people on right now are not going to be at Waterpalooza except for Chase. So we can make picks. So like for me, I'm Oh my God, did you see Chad's beard? He should have been the
Starting point is 00:03:14 first pick. Wow. Change the draft. We're in a protest. So like Bill, I'm going to draft and then I'm'm just gonna get all my picks from bill i'm just gonna whoever he wants in i'm putting them in where is bill is are you talking to him on the side or he's already drowning in water currently okay okay excuse me his gym is i guess
Starting point is 00:03:39 i talked to him this morning he said his gym was underwater. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Okay. Should we just dig in? We're doing the individual draft first? Yep. Okay. Let's do it. You'll see this spreadsheet fill in real time.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Tyler Watkins is typing it in, and I'm controlling something. Mr. Howell from CrossFit Crash and the Crash Crucible, who are we picking as our first draft for individual? We're going to go with Guy as the first pick. You son of a bitch. I'm very happy with that. Don't worry. Well, there's three, right? And you won't be hearing from Brian Friend in terms of drafts.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Brian will be picking for that team. Next, we have Chad for Chad and Patrick Clark. Patrick Clark is a reporter with Bar Bend and a great contributor in the comments to this show. Mr. Chad. We'll take Danny Spiegel. Motherfucker. Wow. Oh, you're picking Hiller's home team.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Those are the only two people on the list who've blocked me i wanted them uh tyler watson that strategy uh the creator of the creator of lawn chair it is uh your pick uh on the team of bill grunler and tyler watkins yeah get real close roman karenrennikov. Damn it. John. Yeah. I didn't think he was going to get that. Spin, check your phone. It's fine. And so for the Bryans, Mr. Spin will be picking for the Bryans.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I'm going to go with last year's champ, Vellner. Three years running, baby. Let's go. You picked him fourth i did that i did i just did that so none of the top people would draft him here and we could scoop him up with the fourth thing brian is your website the barbell or barbell there's a the the okay uh so um if you want the most most up-to-date information on what's going on in the CrossFit community, this guy will update the site immediately with Reckless Abandoned.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And that's sort of our TMZ. It's That's where you go to get the immediate results. If you're curious what's going on in the community, especially with game stuff, make sure you keep that tab open at all times. The professional one oh no nope sorry not you yet chase not you yet uh who's next you met me hillar yes uh from hillar fit uh screamed onto the scene a year ago we've been forced to make him our friend um it's either be his friend or be his enemy. Andrew Hiller picking for coffee pods and wads.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Nistler. Andrew Nistler. That was good. Thanks. I'm kind of mad now. And why does it say Zelos next to her name? Who she qualified out of. Nice.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Nice touch. Nice touch, Tyler. Okay. Nice touch. Nice touch, Tyler. Okay, and finally, the team that's come with both its players, Chase Ingram and Mr. John Young. John, what do you want to do? You want to go guy or girl?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Do we get back-to-back picks? Yeah, we get back-to-back, yeah. Let's just talk it out. I like Ricky and Emma. Which Emma? Kerry. Okay. What?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Very confident. The M pick. I mean, you guys probably know something I don't, but you know, no, they don't. Everyone's just hopeful.
Starting point is 00:07:16 That's a gamble. Who do you want? Well, the M. I mean, is she healthy enough? Is she going to finish the competition? I mean, she's had two years to be healthy.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. She hasn't been healthy for two years. We'll go Ricky Garrard first. There you go. Throw someone out there, Chase, besides Emma. Let's hear what you got. I like Nick Matthew, too, because that covers an event. But if you want to go girl, it's fine. I like girl fields pretty slim. Like girl fields. Pretty slim.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. All right. Carrie, is she? Don't screw us. Right. Back. Right. And Emma Carrie qualified.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It looks like at the team composite team competition. That would have been two years ago. Right. What would that be, 2020? That's how she qualified from the team competition at Waterpalooza in 2020? Mm-hmm. Interesting. All righty.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Mr. J.R. Howell, what is our second pick? You're doing a great job, by the way. I want to tell you. We're going backwards now. We're going backwards now. It's Hiller. You're out. Oh, okay. First of the I want to tell you. We're going backwards now. We're going backwards now. It's Hiller. You're out. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:26 First of the last pick. I apologize. Mr. Hiller. Yeah. I would like for the team consisting of myself and Coffee Pods and the Wads, fuck, I had an answer. Give me a minute. I'll come back.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Take your time, buddy. Take your time. Yeah, I know. Ryan, any shocks in this first round already? I think I'd say, let's see what Hillary does here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Because so far, he has the most shocking pick in the first round, and it might happen again.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Whoa. I watched the morning chalk up. They got Nistler in their top three when they had any Sakamoto and Nikki Brazier with Lauren Khalil. I think they had Nistler picked in the top three. She'll get second. I wouldn't say for cows. He's a surprise,
Starting point is 00:09:14 but I would like for cows. All right, man. Really? What do you mean, man? I think that's an amazing pick. Just don't screw it up.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. Oh, and Brian, you're saying that because you're saying that because Fikowski in this event isn't necessarily a utility player. There's some specific spots he's got to go. Yeah, I mean, he might not be the winner of the competition, but there will be a couple events that will be not only a good play for him,
Starting point is 00:09:42 but also a fairly obvious one. And it's really nice to have a couple of guys like that on your roster. Which one would have been a shocking pick? What did you think I was going to do? No one knows. That's why we have you here. Ah. Ozaki. Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I'm going to go with the woman that Maureen Chalkup didn't pick, and that's Emma Tall. That's the one. Chad, the calculator Schroeder. I think it's – No, it's me. Oh, shit. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Sorry. I'm new to the job. I'm new to the job. I'll go. I'll go if they want to. No, it's okay. It's okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I appreciate you. Mr. Watkins. I'm going to regret this. I want Nick Matthew. Yeah, that's a mistake yeah okay i want to i want to go across the board here really quick uh john young is that a mistake all right depends where he plays him uh chase is that a mistake no it's not yeah hillary's that a mistake the clean and jerk and the look at chase is like no it's not a mistake like sending us mixed signals and stuff like
Starting point is 00:10:50 we're at the bar no it's not a mistake uh hillary is that a mistake nick matthews no i would just give him a hard time nick's a good nick's good good pick for the handstand event in the lift he's like brian mistake mr spin i I wouldn't have picked both of them. They're good for clean and jerk. That's a great event for clean and jerk for both of them. And then handstand hold. Chad, is Tyler the first one to make a mistake? No, I was going to take Matthew next.
Starting point is 00:11:22 All right. I agree with that. All right. take Matthew next. I agree with that. J.R. Howell, was that a mistake for Tyler Watkins to pick Nick Matthew?
Starting point is 00:11:33 No, I don't think so, because Roman's more of a utility player. You can play him anywhere. You can play him in most workouts. But Nick Matthew, I think, is more of a specialist. All right. Chad, the man with the biggest beard i think
Starting point is 00:11:50 dang you really did take a go with um i'm trying to see if we have some music that we can, Oh, here we go. I know. I lost my, there. So you fell for it. It's been, cause if you make wrong picks,
Starting point is 00:12:18 Brian will blame it on you the whole time. I'll go with, The music is good. Thank you. It's good thank you it's my favorite it's my favorite we'll go with all right a little spiegel pepper jr who we got baby who we got beyond beyond wow wow i wonder where you're gonna play him wow a swimming event jr yeah i think so maybe some dancing i think the cleaning jerk that's where you should play uh do we get to pick twice on the way back yep nice jr at our savant's gonna make the pick
Starting point is 00:12:59 oh back to the music this is a little bit this is a little bit more of a heart pick but i still think that she can do really well on certain workouts i'm gonna go with sarah oh you're talking about a gamble i like it i like it that'll keep me motivated i like it um barry mccochner says that we're going a little too slow. There's a McCockner in there? Chad Schroeder for the Patrick Clark and Chad team. Barry, just wait until the team picks. That's going to be the hardest one.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Or it's just going to be an all-out guess. Go with Koski. Oh, good pick. Yeah, that's who JR should have picked. Well, I needed a female. I didn't want to pick three males in a row. Yeah, Brianna is not a female. That is, thank you, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I always appreciate identifying the sex of the athlete. Mr. Tyler Watkins for you and Bill Grunler, who is drowning at his gym now in San Luis Obispo. Rolf. Good pick. Hey, at the morning chalk, one of the ladies there picked Emily Rolf to win it. I think it was Annie Sakamoto. I approve of that pick.
Starting point is 00:14:27 No, Tyler shakes his head. Brian Spin for the Brian's team. I'm going to go with Caitlin Van Zyl. Yes. I have no idea who that is. We talked about her this morning. I know, but other than that. Don't you remember all 80 athletes we talked about this morning? I do remember her name, but just because I said it, Caitlin Van Zyl, and then you.
Starting point is 00:14:50 She's been competing in the team division the last two years, but she was a top qualifier through the online qualifier for this on the female side. And I think a decent pick. She's got some specialty things that she can excel in. Mr. YouTuber, Hillerfit. Tutor, Magda, please. Your wish is Tyler's command. Chase and
Starting point is 00:15:12 John, let's see you guys fight this out. You guys get two picks. So glad they both came. Take your time on the first one so I can figure out the second one. Let's see. We'll go brian sleeper chick oh hi nice oh yeah moya yeah strong all right she is very strong okay and then i'm gonna say um amy crinkle oh wow in the fourth round uh fifth fourth round wait yeah fourth round yeah they gotta start taking girls they all of them
Starting point is 00:15:56 have taken guys yeah okay all right hill or fifth like all the dudes are left for us, John. Page Powers. Yeah, how did you guys pick Amy Kringle over Page Powers? Because they want to lose. One event only. Sorry, Amy, but how did you guys pick Amy over a lot of different people? For the Bryans, they're picking by maybe Instagram followers. Mr. Spin. I'm going to go with Henrik Hapelainen.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I know Brian Friend approves of that. Good pick. Mr. Tyler Watkins, for your fourth round pick, you have Roman Krennikroff, Nick Matthew, and Emily Rolfe. You have the best team so far. I'm going to go with Paige Semenza. Wow, good. Mr. Schroeder, Schroeder, Schroeder,
Starting point is 00:16:53 for Patrick Clark and yourself? We'll go with... Um... Lucilio. Okay. Oh, you motherfucker. Nice. um Lucille okay nice a passion I was gonna pick her next
Starting point is 00:17:13 if you wouldn't have yeah that would have been awesome thank you JR you and I are in the same wavelength Mr. Crash Alexander Caron Mr. Crash. Alexander Caron. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Don't worry, Christian. I got Tudor. And how does this work? You can only play each athlete twice? It's like at the games? Yeah. Okay. No, you only play three of them twice.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Three of them twice. That means... You have to play everybody once. Okay. Your pick again, JR. Yeah. So if there's eight events, you have to have a minimum amount of four girls?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah. You have five, so you're good. Okay. I like this open draft style so much better go ahead you have to have five and five five men five right I'll go with I know seven likes regular with Sydney McElisha oh nice did you leave Bergeron yet? You couldn't resist. You couldn't resist. Going back the other way, Chad Schroeder.
Starting point is 00:18:35 How do you say your last name, Chad? Schroeder. Schroeder. Chad Schroeder. Yeah, no worries. I think Hap Linen hasn't been marked. He was picked, but he's still on the board. Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Chad.
Starting point is 00:18:44 No worries. Oh, shit. There's another tab I can have up with all these names on it. Yeah. Here's the list. I know. I just realized that too. Here's the list we're choosing from, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, Jesus Christ. I think these are suggestive. Brian made this chart this way so you would pick a certain way. No, no, no, no, no. The games athletes are in order of their finish at the games. The online qualifier athletes are in order of their finish in that. And then the ones in the far right qualify through special circumstances. Give me an example of special circumstance, like on your account.
Starting point is 00:19:17 The winner of the competitions that are listed or a previous accomplishment, like a teenage champion at Wadapusa. Okay. Okay. or a previous accomplishment, like a teenage champion at Wadapusa. Okay. What about Luke Parker? What about Luke Parker?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Someone could get a little star power on their team. He's a good pick, but he's a gamble pick. He is a gamble pick. Don't pick him. I'll go with Curse Thinner. Nice. I wanted to earlier, but... Yeah, she got dead last event I picked her at, so I'm not picking her anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:57 But she had a couple good events at that competition. That was Rogue, yeah. She did. Mr. Watkins. I'm going to go with Julia Cato. Adding another games athlete to the roster. Mr. Spin. Fabian Benito Cel sell us oh brian loves that brian friend loves that god damn it
Starting point is 00:20:32 why does brian love that we got amy he likes that dude he knows about that dude he still owed money from the 2018 Open for his thruster workout. Did you – I don't see it typed in there. I'm working on it. Go ahead. Okay. Mr. Hiller. See, I have a list from Peter.
Starting point is 00:21:06 He's like, these are the people I'd like for you to have, and I haven't chosen many of them. I'm going to continue on that. He's sleeping. It's fine. And I would like Luke Parker because he's a dark horse. Dang it. He wasn't making it back to you. He really impressed me at Crash.
Starting point is 00:21:23 He would have made it back if Sevan Witness said, someone needs to pick Luke. I was hoping he would just make it back to you. He really impressed me at Crash. He would have made it back if Savon Witness said, someone needs to pick Luke. I was hoping he would just make it back. No, he was my next pick and then I talked him down so that he'd make it to me. My bad. Okay, where are we? Stop reading your text.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Chase and John, two picks. Okay. Go ahead. i totally got amy kringle and lucy campbell confused oh that's awesome i thought every kringle was like the best swimmer out of everybody oh um it's too many names hitting me at once i realized that after the fact i'm like well that's chase i am so sorry man hey hey don't be mad at me yeah in your defense i've done the same thing on a phone call with brian at least three times those two specific athletes yes wow interesting well also only john would admit that right now
Starting point is 00:22:27 in front of everyone which is awesome what a good dude yeah um so are you good with the people i texted you chase yeah that's fine oh secret chat going on matt pooling matt okay and then out of the other two who do you want more the second one yeah chase i don't trust him argentina or spain spain argent okay uh damian martinez uh chase you're commentating you're doing the live commentary for Waterpalooza? Yeah, I'll be doing the teams. Okay. Mr. Hiller. I'm really wanting to pick some of Peter's guys
Starting point is 00:23:15 and girls, but I got to go with Sidney Wells. Nice. Good pick. Because now I have the most followers in the entire list, right? Yeah. Has she blocked you yet? Not yet. Neither has Brooke, so we're good. Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I'm going to go and see if I want to pass somebody up and try to get them next time or not. It's a gamble. Well, who would you pass up? I'm going to go with Alexia Williams. Nope. Just dead silence on that pick.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I guess I could have waited. Mr. Watkins. I'm going to go with. This is good. Whoops. I'm going to go with Cole Greyshaber. Good pick. Is it Greyshaber or Greyshaber?
Starting point is 00:24:19 Greyshaber. All that matters is that Chad Schroeder was going to pick him. That's twice now. I would have never guessed Greyshaber. All that matters is that Chad Schroeder was going to pick him. That's twice now. I would have never guessed Grease Saber. Yeah. Oh, damn. Him and Casper Gamblemark are both here.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah. I'll go with Raquel May. JR, can I just throw some ideas out there? Absolutely. I like Hannah Carlson. uh jr uh can i uh just throw some ideas out there absolutely uh i like uh hannah carlson let's do it and there was a dude i like too yeah golden birds isn't competing i just like John Wood because of his name. What do we need? Do we need a guy?
Starting point is 00:25:10 We're going to have to have at least one more. Let's go ahead and take Carlson. And we get two picks, right? Yeah. Funny enough, I have... Yeah, take him as a second. Who? John Wood? Yeah. I don't even know who that is do you know who that is yeah okay fine so be it now i do i just like his name colorado boy you'll figure it out all righty uh going back the other direction uh chad schroeder
Starting point is 00:25:42 um interesting back the other direction, Chad Schroeder. Interesting. I have Agustin in fifth in my power rankings, by the way. He was picked, right? We'll see. Alright, alright Good time
Starting point is 00:26:11 John Wood Harry McOchner would not tolerate this Go with Freya Freya Freya. Freya. Freya Moosebrugger. I thought you were going to take her, Savon. I thought about it.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I thought about it. I'm not as cool as Hiller. Hiller and Brace. You're really surprising. I also thought you were going to take Kike. Two for two on the shows. Tyler Watkins for you and bill grunler getting down to some slim pickings here this is where he blows it by the way everyone get ready this is where fantasy's won right the last two rounds that's right for for the good players but for tyler this is where it's lost is there some conventional wisdom like that chase i mean in a
Starting point is 00:27:03 fantasy draft like those last four rounds that nobody cares about is where you get those sleepers. You pick the third string running back or receiver that ends up being a first string at midway season. I picked Alyssa Liano. I think it's first Liano.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You don't even believe in your own pick. I do too. The highest games person he could find on there. I do, too. I believe in her. Mr. Spin. Keelan Henry. Good pick.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But I did change my pick because you said something, Brian. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Can I please have Brittany Weiss so I pick at least one person off of Peter's list? That's a good teammate right there. Yeah. Halpin's been giving me a hard time. That may have been my last chance. Back to the two most interesting guys on the show,
Starting point is 00:27:59 Chase Ingram and John Young. Peter was all bent out of shape about drafting today. I'll do Elena Corotala Sanahua. I honestly cannot believe she fell that far. Yeah, same. Chase just wanted to say her name.
Starting point is 00:28:19 You know, I was told that the Sanahua part just needs to be left off. I think it was by one of her good friends or husband. I can't remember. Where is she from? Spain. Spain.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Spain. And you guys got one more pick. John. Casper Gamermark. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Got a multi-bilingual blood fest mr hiller
Starting point is 00:28:49 listen i have uh k-a-i-q-u-e-c-e-r-v-e-n-y cover one eye when you do that when you read the bottom i needed to yeah it's like a zoom in feature on my body you pass your driving just skip the first name is that is that a dude or a girl kaiki guy you one guess mr servini uh okay uh mr spin i actually him I just wanted to say his name oh man Mr. Spin just tripped a little bit
Starting point is 00:29:36 what happened you were so fast before you guys were leaving easy ones on we'd go with Anyoli Kai Anyoli Kai. Anyoli Kai. He'll be on the show tomorrow morning. Oh, no. Tomorrow evening.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Tomorrow morning, we're doing team picks with Brian Friend and John Young again for Wadapalooza 2023. And then Anyoli Kai will be coming on. Do you know why I invited him on the show? Because we kept calling him anal. And I just felt like
Starting point is 00:30:08 I would just be a pussy if I didn't have him on the show. And it's actually amazing because in Dubai, not all of his friends call him that. Thanks to you. Anal is great. And I can't research him really at all because all of his previous
Starting point is 00:30:22 interviews, except for one atrocious one, are in whatever language he speaks. Is he Italian? Spanish. Spanish. Okay. I thought he said he was training. Is he training in Venice?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Spain. Oh, I thought he said he was in Venice. Maybe he is doing some training. He had been training in Spain at the training culture prior to Dubai. I'm not sure what he's been doing in the interim. Okay. Is there a camp in Venice? Is there any CrossFit in Venice?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Any big camps in Italy? Not like that, but... Okay. Okay, fair. Chad Schroeder. Oh, I didn't even hear Tyler say Pete Mason. Pete Mason. I just put it in.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I didn't want to get made fun of. Oh, Pete's a good dude. Hey, did Pete get injured at Zealous Games? No. That was Logan Ewing. Right. Pete Mason had a good showing at Zealous Games. Damn right.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Did you pick Pete Mason because you kind of look like him do i i think so go with uh nate ackerman wow uh hold on a second why why yeah why did you pick him uh it's getting slim i mean i like him don't get me wrong but he's he's 12 these poor these poor athletes i i hate thinking some of them are gonna watch them and yeah i mean no nate's agree i'm i have high aspirations for nate after he finishes passing through puberty you know i got to find that right event. Oh, man. I had so much respect for you.
Starting point is 00:32:10 All right. Okay. Mr. Crash. We got to go campus for the last one. Do we have two picks left or one? Yeah. No, we got three picks. We're on the eighth round.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I saw someone in here that I thought was – I was surprised no one had picked. Here, let me see where it is. I thought you said four and four. No, five and five. I did, but I was wrong. Okay. So, yeah, we need another female, so we're going to compost. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Okay. How about CeCe Croninin is that a man or a woman is arthur columns dedicated to those oh are there oh shit there are okay okay hey this is my only my first cup of tonight. This is your second draft of your life. So do we need to pick one more, JR? Yeah. Okay. And do we need a man or a woman?
Starting point is 00:33:14 At this point, we need one of each. Okay, so we just picked Victoria Campos. Is that who we picked? Yes. Okay, so we can go with Lexi Neely, Valentina Magalotti, so we can go with uh lexi neely valentina magulati aya wonger vonger grace uh stratchen madeline helms chloe carano becca merit lucia verity maddie edwards cc cronin piper peeper uh mirakim corvée elizabeth wishart and nicole gibson burke i'd say let's go between helms and carano they both competed at crucible helms I'd say let's go between Helms and Carano. They both competed at Crucible.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Helms finished higher, so let's go with Helms. She's local. She's like 15 minutes from me. Yeah. You guys see how much logic and thought we put into our picks? You see that? Thank you. It's intimidating.
Starting point is 00:33:57 At least half of your team. Every team needs a cheerleader. Chad Schroeder. Go with Benjamin gutierrez hey what's patrick uh texting you now chad is he happy is he give us a little update is he happy with your pics you're a dipshit yeah i kind of fouled this one up a bit. I'm going to have to make it up on the teams. Okay. So he's pissed?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Is he sending you middle finger emojis and shit? Yeah, that's okay. All right. Mr. Tyler Watkins. I'm going to go. Damn. Has no one picked Paige Powers? Holy.
Starting point is 00:34:50 No, no. Come on, man. Yeah, she was picked earlier. Oh, was she? Okay. I'm going Ella Vunger. Oh! Vunger.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Come on. Come on. What? That's 100,000 followers right there that I wanted. Really? She got a big account like that? Yeah. On the show.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Mr. Spin for you and Brian. Brian, are you happy with the way Spin's doing this? You texting him? You guys going back and forth? We had a meeting this afternoon. We're ready to go. Oh, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Go with Mira Kim-Couvray. I mean, you only have one star on your team. Where? We're the international team. You have just Vellner. That's it. I don't know. Me and Chase are pretty foreign.
Starting point is 00:35:39 We got Guy and Sarah. Chad's got Danny and, you know, Danny and Dallin, Olivia, Roman Krennikoff and Nick and Emily Rolfe. God, your team is just limited to start. It's really impressive how stacked our team is, actually. I'm looking at it now. It's not that good. Mr. Hiller. I really wanted Wunger.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I see. Sorry, Chase. New song. I'll take Lionel Franco. I think that's a steal. Just make sure you play him in the right spot. I'll try. Peter knows.
Starting point is 00:36:21 John and Chase. How long have you been with him right now? Valentina. Did you confer with Mr. Young? No, that was a road pick. No, no. We've been talking. No, we're not talking. Alright.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Do you just want to pick a guy and I'll tell you if I agree? Are you sure you know who it is? I see our guy, JR. Do you see our guy, JR? There's a couple of them. You mean like the lone games dude left with Semenov? Not that guy.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Somebody else. Okay. What about Samuel Paquin? What about Jack Rosema? All right, fuck it. Fuck. Fuck, I just texted that to JR. Who is the one right pick?
Starting point is 00:37:18 You should remember him from Zealous, didn't you? I don't know. I just like his name. He's got a 300-pound snatch, so I know he's good at something. That's going to come in useful with the one-rep match, Queen and Jerk, right? Well, I'm just saying there's got to be something, some quick twitch thing that we can pick him for.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Start fast. This is where we're at. Mr. Hiller, there's a little bit of meat left on the bone. I can see John right now. Chase, you guys got a 300-pound snatch. Play him in the hurdle hops and shuttle run. Trust me. That works.
Starting point is 00:37:55 He says he wants it. Play Kringles for the swim. I guarantee you she's going to win. Nicole Burke. Tyler, Nate Ackerman needs to be crossed off too i think yeah thank you uh nicole burke uh is hiller and peter pods peter coffee pods and wads uh the bryans now with their final pick. With Chloe Carano. Wow. Yes, Susan.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Savan, I know who you guys have to take with your last pick. You do? I hope you get it right. Brian. Is it a boy or a girl? I'm going to text you. I'm going to text you. Well, you have, look at your list.
Starting point is 00:38:41 You're forced into taking one. I can't tell which one it is. But since you're looking at Rosam, I was assuming it was a guy yeah we got to take a dude oh i see it i see him shit remember we talked about him a lot this morning oh we did yeah there's only one guy's name that i remember from this morning two Two guys. Oh, no. Ryan, tell me if I got it right. I texted you. So much on my phone. Has Raymond been picked? Yes, John.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, I'm going with Raymond. I don't... Oh, okay. That was the guy, so you're off the hook. That was the guy. Oh, JR is not playing checkers, boys. JR is playing chess.
Starting point is 00:39:24 40 chess. Holy shit. That's a great text. That's a shame I can't, boys. JR is playing chess. 40 chess. Holy shit. That's a great text. That's a shame I can't share that. It really is a shame. It'll be the last time I tell you that. I think that Brian is saying that we should pick – the only guy we talked about today left on the list is Trayvon Benton.
Starting point is 00:39:45 We did not talk – Oh, wait, wait. I'm looking at this other... Whose pick is it? It's our pick. Chad. Chad has a pick. Elizabeth Wishart. I don't know how to pronounce
Starting point is 00:40:01 the last name. Wishart. I don't know. I just made that up. No, it's your pick, Seth. JR, we have Tiago Luzas, Philip Muscarella, Cam Crockett. Wow, that's quite the name. Samuel Paquin, Lucas Grulef,ernando yanza and trayvon benton and then there's two other guys like there's a lucas ozaki from the black challenge
Starting point is 00:40:35 and lego lego lago giraldis i feel like we can't leave Siminoff on the board. Yeah, that'd be rude. Okay, let's get him. And that's the only name I didn't say. That shows how astute I am. Okay, got him. Ryan, is that who you thought we should take?
Starting point is 00:41:00 No, Ray Romanek, I thought. And then other than that, I'm... Oh, someone grabbed him, though. Someone already got him. I'm shocked that no one took muskarella but that's how it goes i want to tell you that he was on our list he was a strong contender jr had it and i had a back and forth about muskerella seven do us a little pass over ask each guy how they feel about their draft and move on to the teams. Okay, fine, if you say so. Maybe we should ask people what they think about the other teams.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Chase and John, Ricky Grodd, Emma Carey are your first two round picks and then a cast of other characters. You made the largest error by confusing Lucy Campbell with Amy Kringle. Did your testosterone drop? How do you feel about your... Not me. It was never high. I feel like we had a strong start out the gate
Starting point is 00:41:52 and then we might have shit all over ourselves in the middle of it and then gained something back, a lane of Casper pick. And after that, we were reaching for scraps. John, if Emmarie uh is the uh you know a lot of people are picking her to win this event if she is the gal and you have her not a lot of people are picking her to win it just me and john happened if you have the gal and you have ricky um is it just
Starting point is 00:42:20 yours to lose if let's say ricky and emma both uh win uh first place is it just yours to lose then you just have to figure out where to place them not screw it up is that enough to have two first place winners no i don't think so because you have to play everybody else if everybody else doesn't do well then that's a cool part yeah every everybody has two really good people it's just and everybody should have around an automatic 400 points if they pick the right spots. Then it's just everybody else who picks the best spots. The Bryans don't have
Starting point is 00:42:51 two good people. We got eight or nine good people. They have one good person. Andrew Hiller, what do you think about your picks? You got some real star power in there. Sidney Wells, Luke Parker, Kai Ike, Cervini. ched and petra flores team because they're the only team that has an
Starting point is 00:43:12 accumulation of more followers than my team you already figured that out yeah i have a separate document over here brilliant brilliant yeah i'm down by 300-something thousand followers. Wow. And her star power. And it is Schroeder who's in the lead. Danny Spiegel just carries them across the finish line. Yeah, Guy and Sarah are really helping you guys out, though. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I personally think Bill and Tyler have the best team. About what's that, do you think? How do you determine that? I'm just looking at the roster. I'm looking at it. I'm just looking at the roster. I think their team looks better than everybody else's. Yeah. I would take that team right now.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Mr. Spin. Patrick Vellner and then a bunch of, you know, it's the A-team. A bunch of Motley Crue class of characters. Hey, you think Bill and Tyler are the best team? Are you crazy? Who's better?
Starting point is 00:44:14 J.R. and Savant, Ched, PC, mine, Brian. Listen, we could have given Tyler the top five finishers on both divisions. He still would have screwed it up. We'll see. He's not great with putting the picks in. I mean, I think the difference is, though, some of these guys, like Bill and Tyler, have maybe the top overall picks. But when it comes down to the individual events,
Starting point is 00:44:38 we're looking at who might be able to win or do well in specific events, more like specialists. These people that are saying, we've got to figure out where to play, we already know where we're playing every single one of our athletes. I have no idea what Bill's going to say. I have to do a deep
Starting point is 00:44:55 dive on Eamon Kringle and figure out where to play. He's balanced. Nice and balanced. She's got one hand, bro. Balanced. We did build – where are we? We're at Chad?
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. You happy with your team, Chad? So-so. In the mid-rounds, I lost, like, the very next pick, you know, or the pick in front of me took who I was going for, which happens. So it's workable. I don't know. Let us know.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Go ahead and text J.R. and myself if you want to make any trades. If you want to make any trades. J.R., did we just pull a coup by picking up Arthur Semenoff at the end there while everyone else was sleeping on him. I don't know. I will have to do some research to see what workouts specifically did really well on this past season, like quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:45:53 semifinals to see if there's maybe some movement combination that he excels at to know really where to play him. I like our first four picks a lot. If you don't know where to play him, just put them on the hurdle hots. Who's our, who's our, so who's going to be our,
Starting point is 00:46:06 so Guillaume Briant will be our swimmer. Do we have a female swimmer? We're only playing one athlete per workout though. So we, we would only play one. Oh, we're doing that. Okay. Yeah. Well, make a listen. It is make a listen swim. She's a gymnast. Yeah. Sarah can swim. She can?
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, Sarah can swim. Looking at it, though, if Gi, Caron, Campos, All Mayhem also, there's still rope climbs hanging out out there. There's still GHDs that haven't come out yet. So if we get some more so wheelhouse, dense gymnastics-type workouts workouts i think those are also going to be valuable picks with having them and are you going to have time to to do that and be on the broadcast remember this game comes second no no no yeah all right all right uh brian any final thoughts on this before we move over to the teams yeah so for just um we're gonna take the cumulative score from our our female and male individual and add them to the cumulative score of our teams so
Starting point is 00:47:11 obviously halfway through the competition all the individuals will have completed and we'll have a standings but then we'll still each have our entire team roster to play over the weekend and we'll add those together to determine the overall winner. So from a scoring perspective, we're only at the halfway point. So you might feel really good about someone's team on the individual side, but they still have to back it up with a good team draft. Oh, so it's all one game. It's not two separate games. Correct. Alrighty. Suzy, I move on. Ready?
Starting point is 00:47:43 Okay. Here we go. Show became all about Savant. There we go. So inverting the order for the draft. Oh my goodness. What are the team rules again? Team rules, you're going to draft four teams of men and four teams of women and you have to play each team twice okay just i want to be clear before i click this button i i can click
Starting point is 00:48:14 this team's button yeah yes so on the roster here we have uh in green are all of the teams that qualified through any means other than the online qualifier. And in the yellow is all the teams that came through the online qualifier in order. Mr. Halpin, Sausage Party, Wad Zombie, Chase's Broom is looking nice. Sevan, nice LGBTQ color shirt, Sevan. You forgot the plus. Plus, thank you, Barry McC color shirt, Sevan. You forgot the plus. You forgot the plus. Plus, thank you, Barry McCockiner. Thank you. I'll read anything you write, just if I can say your name.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yes, Bruce Wayne, it is a cock party. Okay. Teams, this is exciting. Is this harder? Brian, is this harder to choose than Indy? I mean, honestly, there's a lot of good teams. This is exciting. Is this harder, Brian? Is this harder to choose than Indy? I mean, honestly, there's a lot of good teams.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I think the first two rounds is going to be fairly straightforward. And after that, well, you know, we'll see. I don't think so. I think actually individual draft is harder than teams for this one. Chase,
Starting point is 00:49:18 you think Chase, you think teams is harder? No, no. Okay. Andrew, how are you going to do this one? How are you going to, how are you going to do this one um how are you going to how are you going to do this one there's three people on each team will you still go with instagram
Starting point is 00:49:30 followers he's going with hot or not how did you know yeah i'm only choosing the unnatural people for my team on this one that's it yeah yeah yeah everyone wanted everyone wow oh no it is it is it's noteworthy that there are 10 individual men and 12 individual women that are competing in both so you might end up being able to double double down on someone in this run so if if you pick someone hillary that means you think that they're natty or not not oh my goodness so great i can't wait let me know if we take your pick by the way yeah i will at any at any point in time okay i'll be very vocal first up on the team's draft board is Chase. John, you ready?
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, let's do it. We're going to add some estrogen to the sausage party. We're going Horvath, McGawa, and Simmons as our number one draft pick. That's a terrible pick. Is it? What are you going to take, though, Hiller? That means he thinks they're natty. Correct.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Yeah, I wasn't going to take them, though, Haley? That means he thinks they're natty. Correct. Yeah, I wasn't going to pick them. I would like to pick Olsen, Mayer, and Chandler Smith. I'm the replacement. And the crowd goes silent. Boo! That's good. And the crowd goes silent. I heard they were the number one seed as well, so speculate all you'd like. All right, we're going with Team Canada. Fikowski, Vellner, and Adler. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Shocker. shocker uh i'm going rich droning duh great reactions guys that's good this is awesome it's 30 seconds of fucking silence and then one person saying it. It's intense right now. People are... Oh, yeah. People are really into it. You're not saying shit. Everyone's waiting in nervous anticipation to know if Hiller's going to say something about it. He'll just hear a pin drop until he announces it.
Starting point is 00:52:04 See, we'll go with the daughters and mouth. Anyone surprised it lasted until 5th? Me. Are you hoping to snag in there on the term there, JR? Right before. That sucks. No, they've been wasting too much time on that podcast to be working out.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I know how it works. JR, did we get Froning? We did not. We are about to be working out. I know how it works. JR, did we get Froning? We did not. We are about to pick, though. Let me guess. Did we get Froning? Let's get some meat. Let's go. Alshama,
Starting point is 00:52:41 Fernandez, and Dancer. Oh, wow. Dang. That is killer. You know, I thought J.R. was smart. But he is the one taking all my picks. Holy shit. Heppner did? That wasn't a joke that Heppner was replacing Saxon?
Starting point is 00:52:59 I thought that was a joke. No. Aren't they all kind of the same person? Paul Sager. Just as a side. nope he's in aren't they all kind of the same person old sager just as an aside did everyone see the additional team of moritz fiebig fabian benito and the guy from pro in montreal yes okay just they're available if you want hey there's a guy named harry lightfoot is that here you can get him in a later round, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah, we need him. Let's go with Sevan. I'm thinking we get a female team. What about Carrie Pierce, Ariel Lowe, and Alex Kazan? I like that team specifically for like one workout that's already been released, but I like probably more so Brooke, Amanda, and Christy overall. Okay, let'sy overall. Okay. Let's do it, man.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I think the turn was really nice to have right there. Yeah. That was probably the best spot to be in. Yeah. I disagree. That Taylor self. Yeah. Taylor.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Hey, Taylor. He shaved. Is he on here? I disagree. In spirit. He's texting me. He's giving me a script. Okay, Chad.
Starting point is 00:54:15 That's your tip. Okay, we'll go with King BK and Friends. BKG team. Tola, Khan. Good pick. I'm going with Nizzler. That might have been the most underrated team, that team that Chad picked. Which one? Bjorkven, Tola, and Khan.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Brian, that was a good pick oh shit i screwed up okay uh who would you have picked there tyler can't tell you yeah i thought daniel brandon was on this was that was that uh was that amy crinkle's team mr spin did you pick? No, but Daniel Brandon dropped out of teammate. Do we know why? I don't know. No. Because she didn't want to. We'll do Rolf instead of him.
Starting point is 00:55:17 That's a weird team. I asked, I think, Caitlin on that one. I guess they're all good friends somehow. I would like Ricky, Timmy, and Maddie. Please. Jay Crouch, is Jay Crouch doing, is he coming to this event?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah, he's on a team. He'll get picked here in a minute. He's on the Willie, Romy, and Jay team. Chase Ingram, commentator for Waterpalooza team event, and John Young, commentator of life. If JR wins... Wait, hold on, John. If JR wins, he will somehow be disappointed,
Starting point is 00:56:04 and Stern should have won by more. Can we say the girl pick first? Yes. Okay, we're going to go with Carrie and Ariel Loewen and Alex Kazan. Oh, yeah, Jay's coming on the podcast tomorrow. That's not tomorrow, is it? Standby. And then for guys, you good, Chase?
Starting point is 00:56:30 I'm good. Okay. I don't know how they fell this far, to be honest. The good dudes team, Hopper. I know how, because I didn't want to pick two male teams back to back. No, Jay Crouch is coming on Wednesday. Jay Crouch. I'm feeling good about it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 We're going back, bro. Indy was a bad struggle. Yeah, but then you got to make good plays. I've never had that problem, Tyler. Sorry, I run the... Go ahead, what? Hey, Sousa. Wait, wait, hold on one second.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Did Sousa leave? Oh, shit. Okay, where are we? Andrew Hiller, did you pick? No, can I have Willie and Roman? Please. It's just weird to think about all these, like, some of these people on this team, on these teams, like, together.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I'm so excited. What's weird about it frenchman just wouldn't see the people those people together like as friends but it's neat though i know go what go what put this team together yeah the frenchman and the russian on the same team are you are you understanding that john what he's saying basically brian's saying is like the the sponsors have like a stable of athletes, so they're lumping them together. I thought it was strange, too, what you were saying, too, John. I was like, God, how do they pick each other?
Starting point is 00:57:49 But they're going where their sponsors tell them to go. I mean, I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean, in a good way. That's not the case for all the sponsors. No, not all the teams. Rich Froning's team does whatever he says, regardless of the sponsors. But some of the other teams listen to their sponsors. Oh, shit. Okay, I'm going to make up for my... team does whatever he says regardless of the sponsors but some of the other teams listen to their sponsors oh shit
Starting point is 00:58:05 okay I'm gonna make up for my oh no Wadzombie, Sebon will read anything, I said certified freak seven days a week, Weta, uh no no no no no I'm going with Colin Brander yeah I think you got the way
Starting point is 00:58:21 oh no god hey Tyler, I'm gonna go with Colin Brander You took Raptus from him That's his Friggin rude Okay I want to take a pause here We are
Starting point is 00:58:40 We'll finish this third round Then we'll take a pause and I got a question for you guys Okay I'm going Smith Brothers We are... We'll finish this third round, then we'll take a pause and I got a question for you guys. I'm going Smith Brothers. I took my question away. That was going to be my question. What is the problem with the Smith Brothers? How good is Dane? Does anyone know? Comes out hot.
Starting point is 00:58:58 He's not good enough to make the games. He's a regional athlete. He's been like Firefighter Academy and doing that for the last couple years, so hasn't been training as much. He's still good. I would say semifinal good.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah. After Mayhem's video today, I worried about Richard Froning. I watched one of their videos today that was published three days ago. He looked good. The handstand walk and the pig flip or whatever that is, the sled flip. What happened?
Starting point is 00:59:30 I watched that too, but I don't think so. You don't think he looked good? I don't think he would win Masters 35 to 39. Ooh. What? Natural. Natural. Is that what you think you think?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Sam Dancer. Sam Dancer would destroy him at this point. Wow. Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Ben Smith? No, he's talking about fucking Rich Froney. Chris is making faces over there.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I can't. I don't know. Because you're so small, I couldn't see you. You're like a live icon of your YouTube. Chad Schroeder taking his time with the pick, thinking Barry. We'll do Dalstrom, McQuaid. This is the first time the Smith brothers have actually all been on a team, though, right?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Usually one of them drops out. No, no. They were back in 14, 15 or something. They've competed at Guadalupalooza together before. They won, I think they went, no, they were second place in 2017 behind Travis Williams, Roy Gamboa, and Jordan Cook and ahead of the Saxon Pancha,
Starting point is 01:00:43 or the Pancha brothers. One minute, JR. Hiller, can everyone here see the private chat oh man yes okay is that true what you said on the bottom there at 6 33 hillar um i can't open the private chat any longer what the fuck happened oh i don't know what i said at 6 3333. Did you share the link with anyone? Did you share the link with anyone? Oh, no, I didn't. That was a joke. But it would be good, right?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Oh, it would be crazy. It would be absolutely crazy. Crazy or not. This is Sam here, soft-talking his picks. Wait a minute. Before we carry on, are you upset or happy that I didn't do it? I don't want to say. I'm just trying to play it cool.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Just let me play it cool. J.R. Howell, it looks like everyone's just picking top to bottom. You see this, J.R.? Yeah. I'm going to switch it up a little bit. I think we should try to find some people who are experienced working out together. Let's go with Devin Kim, Brittany Weiss, Jesse Smith. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Where's Jesse Smith from? She Invictus also? Chandler's. Chandler's girl. Oh, okay, cool. So she was over there for the Rogue. Tainted by Bergeron. Jesse Smith was over there.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Oh, man. Jesse Smith was over there when they were doing the Rogue qualifier. That's probably where they all met. Okay, yeah, I like that team. I mean, she could have been good. And are we picking another female team or a male team? There's a male team that I think we should go ahead and get just because I know they're all well-known.
Starting point is 01:02:27 We already have a team that's all really, really strong. What were you going to say? Christian Harris, Will Carter, and Blaine McConnell? That team's really strong, but also Luis Oscar Moya's team will probably do pretty well. What list are they on? Oh, okay. I see them over there.
Starting point is 01:02:41 God, you are – how about this guy, Andreas Escobar? Strong name. Yeah, you are. How about this guy, Andreas Escobar? Strong name. Yeah, great. And look at the other guy on his team, Bastien. Brian, just say that name, buddy. Where are we looking? Over here on the Wadapalooza OQ men. Andreas Escobar, Bastien Fanschmidt, Joe Piero.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Three Latinos poppies. Okay. Fanschmidt. Bastion Fanschmidt. J.R., are you here? Yeah. Yeah, I'm trying to decide. Take your time, buddy.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Whoever put Mora's name in has a typo. It's an R, not a Y. Oh, how about this team with Sam Stewart, Michael Smith, and Jamie Haddon? Sam Stewart went to the games, didn't he? Two years ago. Yeah, two years ago. Didn't even come close this year, though. Hey, is Ethan Helbig related to the other hellbig no it is it is that's him that's amazing you knew i was fucking that up that's amazing
Starting point is 01:04:00 god you we work well together brian let's's go Koski, Newberry, Matthew. Okay. I didn't even see them. I want TCU to lose, by the way. So, good. Hey, that was smart, JR. That's the odd. That's smart.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Okay, Chad Schroeder, you're up, buddy. Is he up? I don't think he's up oh are you kidding that was the individual draft hello you know you have to draft oh oh oh so sorry koski got put in the wrong category in the wrong column tyler oh yeah that's my fault okay so uh yeah so it is yeah it is mine and patrick's so right yes yeah we'll go with the power team harris carter mcconnell i thought it was my turn that's because i um i screwed it up yeah got it That's a preview of what will happen, Bill, for around Friday afternoon. All that will happen is I'll make one mistake, and then
Starting point is 01:05:10 I'll just completely implode. Hey, let's do Chase a solid, and anytime anyone in the chat during the live stream says anything even remotely derogatory about Chase, we start talking
Starting point is 01:05:25 about their mom what about me you've already tried that shit it didn't work uh mr uh tyler watkins for you and the uh waterlogged bill grunler i'm going with scuds and buds nice uh chase have you talked to bill how bad is his gym i talked to him today and he didn't even mention it i'm just kidding it wasn't flooded he was worried about it flooding though oh doing the whole sandbag thing yeah he was like i gotta get to the gym uh mr schroeder no i apologize uh apologize. Did the Bryans pick? No. It's our pick now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Really? You like that one? Brian. Brian's whole idea for this show was that he could commentate and he can't stand it. Better enough, he's got to text Brian. Exactly. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I think that when this music runs out... You know, I always defer to the real Brian, though, so you make the call. No, I can't do it. Maybe next time. I don't think anybody's going to pick him. Five big Benito Sillis. Oh, no. What?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Fuck you. Watch them get top five or something. It's almost the team that never was. Okay. Next up, Mr. Schroeder. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Reverse order. Reverse order. Oh, okay. Okay, whoa. Reverse order, reverse order.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Oh, okay, okay, okay. I got to get these pictures. I got to move the pictures around. Mr. Hiller, sorry. Can I have the Antia Lago, Elisa Fuliano, and Elena Carcalala? Please. I think I got the middle one right. Very good, very Please. I got the middle one right. Very good.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I got the middle one right. In case Chase can't make it on the broadcast, we'll pull you in for that. Yeah. Long go. Is it our turn now? It is. Have the Panchics team been picked?
Starting point is 01:07:45 They're out. They're out? Are they in? No, nobody's picked. I haven't seen them on the thing. No, are they actually competing? No one has picked them, John. But the last I checked, they're not registered yet.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So I don't know. I don't see them on this list. I deleted them be they were on there so so i talked to scott when he announced that heppner was going to be in um and i said why aren't you on the leaderboard and i guess because saxon withdrew they got pulled off the leaderboard and had to like re-register. That's what he said. They are going to re-register. I'll text Scott right now and see if I can get a response.
Starting point is 01:08:31 What's his last name? Panchik. Are you competing teams? Is Hetner eligible? Yeah, he's a former games athlete. That's not the criteria are you competing uh are you competing teams do you know their criteria is there really one there are a lot of criteria former games athlete on its own from any year prior to the
Starting point is 01:09:05 previous one is not a criteria. Oh, okay. But, uh, but, but Scott and, Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:12 Oh, so they don't meet the criteria is what you're saying because Scott didn't go to the games. Right. Spencer and Saxton both had. So that was the criteria. It was met. And I, uh, with Heppner on the team, I don't know. It doesn't seem to me like they do, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Can't they make an executive decision? It's Guadalupe. They do have a clause in there that says at their sole discretion, just like CrossFit often does. They have pallets of cocaine wash up on the shore in Miami. Why can't they let Heppner in? They're not responsible for that. I'm just saying they're not on the leaderboard yet. So if you want to pick them, that's fine. If they don't,
Starting point is 01:09:51 if they don't show up, then you can pick another team that's available. Do it, John. I wouldn't choose them either way. The Hail Mary. There's Taylor for the record. Okay. And then at the end of this, at the end of this, the Hail Mary. There's Taylor for the record.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Okay. And then at the end of this, at the end of this, would we be allowed an alternate if they do not play? Yeah. I don't like that. No, no.
Starting point is 01:10:15 If you don't get a pick, if a team doesn't show up or an individual doesn't show up, yes, you can replace them on your roster. Once we know that that's the case, John, you're on the clock. 30 seconds. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Are you going with that risk or no? Yeah, I'm good. Okay, we're going to take the Panthers. Way to win, bro. Hey, they can pick someone who's left on the list if these guys don't show up. It's just going to be some ass team. Yeah, but they're picking them
Starting point is 01:10:40 even though they might not be there. It's a reserve pick. They'll pick them once we know that there's a team not there. That's fine. All right. They got a maybe. And you guys got one more. Yeah, you got three other teams on the list should be insulted.
Starting point is 01:10:59 But they have a maybe ahead of them. Good point. Okay, Hiller, it's your turn. You guys chose a maybe over Samsonov, Muscarella, and CJ Gerald? Are you kidding me? Hey, Chase, what about... Is it really my turn?
Starting point is 01:11:19 No. Yeah, I saw that. She was picked already. It's not crossed out. Who? Scud's team. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Yeah, they're gone.
Starting point is 01:11:37 They're over to the right, aren't they? Why is no one picking? We're going to go with Kelsey Keel, Nicole Soto, Winter Nicolette Rodriguez. Winter is a cool first name. Yeah, it is. So why is no one picking Moose Brugger's team? Because I'm going to.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Give me Moose Brugger. I think it's Moose Brugger. You're going to say her name right. Moose is a top 10 favorite word of mine. Brian, who's Kyra Milligan? Have we seen? Who's that? She's the Wadsley girl.
Starting point is 01:12:12 It seems like everyone knows about you. Yeah. Has she been to the games? She has not. She was at a semifinal last year. I think the syndicate, no, the Mac. And Kiefer Lonnie coaches her. She's on an underdog's train in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And she's on this team. All right. Thanks, Jethro. Okay. It is Brian's pick. We're going with Paige Semenza, Caroline Connors, and Aaron O'Donnell. Easy day for the Briansans chad schroeder i bet you took chad's pick no it's a bill and tyler it is me i would like to get him but he'll probably take who i want i thought you just picked oh oh sorry you're right
Starting point is 01:13:02 you're right no You're right. No, I'm going to go with... No, I don't know who that other guy is. I'm going to go with... Damn. Sorry for making fun of you. I'm going to go with Marconi's team. Where's that? On the other list.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Oh, on the other list? You're over there? Yeah. I don't know who these other guys are. Oh, Owen Bernstein? Hell yeah. You know who that is, Hiller? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:13:47 What about him? He's just good. He's got Marconi. Brian, friend, Owen Bernstein, do you know who that is? Pretty sure Owen Bernstein was on the Rhapsody team that went to the games in 2021. JR, I think he knows him. Ooh. JR, I think he knows him.
Starting point is 01:14:10 We may or may not have a male and female that were on that team at Crash Now. I think now is Chad Schroeder and Patrick. We'll go with the Omnia girls. Kelly Stone. That's a good pick. Yeah. Damn. All right. Man, you were right.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Brian, these teams' picks are way harder. I thought he said they were easier. I thought he said they were harder. I don't know. Brian, what did you say? You're right here. I thought overall they'd be easier, but the first two rounds I thought were harder. I don't know. Maybe I just Brian, what'd you say? You're right here. I thought overall they'd be easier
Starting point is 01:14:46 but the first two rounds I thought I remembered. Yeah, we played through. Is this better or worse than the emoji draft? This is worse. At this point,
Starting point is 01:14:55 it's worse. Sebon and J.R. Howell get two picks. Currently on their they have a men's team and they have two men's teams and two women's teams.
Starting point is 01:15:06 They are free to do as they please. We're going to redeem ourselves here. Let's go with Phil's team. Muscarella, Samsonoff, and Gerald. Alright. Did we ask Khalil if she wanted to do this draft? No.
Starting point is 01:15:21 She did the other one, right? I didn't ask her. Did you ask her, Brian? No. We weren't a lot of open spots. Guys only. It may have been a mistake not to ask her. No, we were going to – if one or two more people had been unavailable, she was on our list for sure. So she was on the green list.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Whatever color you want it to be. Not the yellow list. There was a draft for the draft. Yes. Many people were cut and many feelings were hurt. A Khalil Halpin team. Didn't she give you a run for your money, Hiller, in the games?
Starting point is 01:16:07 She did. JR, we have one more. I think she got third. Brian got second. Yeah. Brian made a comeback right there at the end. Spiegel led me to victory. Oh, I didn't even see this list over here. If you didn't see that list, then who the hell were you going to pick, man? They're all gone.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Yeah, that's the list I'm looking at now. How about the Toya Nelson and Gabby Cleveland and Abigail? Bench press master Gabby? Yeah, let's go with them. Okay. Look at that. Look at that. Yep.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Damn. All at that. Look at that. Yep. Damn. All righty. We've had bench press at Water Polo before. They might have it again. Back to the draft board. Chad Schroeder and Patrick Clark. We'll go with the training culture team. The Spaniards.
Starting point is 01:17:05 And I know I don't even know the pronunciation. And then Alexander Pablo. Okay, gotcha. Alright. Got him. I'm gonna go with
Starting point is 01:17:18 Oh, I got a team. Maria Langford, Forrest, Elevunger, and Hannah Carlson. Oh, fuck. I have two teams. Great pick, Tyler. God damn it. That was a really good pick. Wait, who did he pick?
Starting point is 01:17:37 Oh. No, it's a bad pick. Wow. Wow. Natty. Yeah. Is it my turn? Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Is it Brian's just picked? No, it's mine. Spins. Lalo Torres, Nick Thomas, and Mitch Wagner. Oh, up here? Okay. Hiller, now it's your turn can I have you guys gotta cross off the
Starting point is 01:18:12 bench press masters team Gabby um um fucking where did that name go Ashley Shoemakers oh
Starting point is 01:18:24 that'd be a good team damn right it will be where did that name go? Bezinet. Ashley Shoemaker, Zoe Warren, Michelle Bezinet. Oh, that'd be a good team. Damn right it will be. She was wild. Ashley Shoemaker was wild to watch it at Mac, or no,
Starting point is 01:18:39 Granite Games, that's where you were, Chase. What was wild about her? Well, number one, she just looks wild out on the field like her hair is fucking huge but then she's also what you said she's also really aggressive like she's just a fun athlete to watch and so i like that team for that reason
Starting point is 01:18:58 it was too late as soon as you commentated about her hair you were canceled as soon as you mentioned her hair saving you i think she'll improve as you mentioned her hair. I think she'll improve this season, actually. She was 10th place last year. Chase Ingram, John Young. My team, guys. Two picks. We are going to go
Starting point is 01:19:20 Devin O'Neal, Tony Ficini, and Elijah Muhammad. Wow. And then we're going to go with Carolyn Prevost's team for the second pick. Where do you see them? Are they on the yellow list? Yeah. Alex, Detay, Oli, Carolyn Prevost, Sabrina Gordon. Detoy. Detoy. Detoy. yeah Alex Detaille Carolyn Pibro Sabrina
Starting point is 01:19:45 Detois Detois God there are some crazy names on this list have you been all over the world shouldn't you be able to pronounce all of them why do we even rely on Brian to do that I mean he's really good at it. It's impressive. Has he been all over the world?
Starting point is 01:20:08 I have. Who did you pick? I didn't pick shit. What do you mean? My turn again? Sorry, I was looking. Andrew Hiller. I got one lined up. I just got to find him again on this list.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Alright. Well, shit. I got two things on here. The got to find them again on this list. All right. Well, shit. I got two things on here. The last one I feel like was a hit. Everyone said that the shoemaker chick was a monster. And then I know that that was a games athlete. Now, this one I'm going to go with a handful of names where I know their last names were not there first. So I want Allison Weiss, Emily Rethwell, and Lauren Stalward.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Wood. You're definitely banking some Instagram followers there. So I want Alison Weiss, Emily Rethwell, and Lauren Stallwood. You're definitely banking some Instagram followers there. Yeah, Alison. My sister, Lauren Stallwood, I'm not familiar with, but her teammates seem good. Hey, does your document have the followers for the team athletes too? Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:02 It does. Lauren Stallwood, she lived and trained and coached coach i think in dubai for a long time she had a lot of followers too she does okay uh the bryans uh amelia leppinen's team i'm not going to try to pronounce the second one these are the uh amelia leppinen was a winner of the Masters 35-39 this year. She was also qualified as an individual in the games the year before, and her teammates are the women from the Finnish team that's had a couple of successful runs in the games the past two seasons. Oh, good pick. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:40 And Koski's girlfriend. Oh, really? You know she's good, yeah. really? Yeah, since she knows she's good. Yeah. Tyler Watkins. Great pick, boys. Great pick. Brian and Brian.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Good pick in the seventh round, eighth round? Seventh round? Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. I'm going to go with... I'm going to go with... I tried not to let it happen. Shoot. I'm going to go with Roll Dan's team.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I thought they would get picked a lot earlier. At least Savant's getting an opportunity to play with his buttons. Yeah. Chase, have you ever played with his buttons over here? I love all the stock sounds they have on them. It's crazy. The ultimate in cheese. Mr. Chad Schroeder, is it your turn yes uh we'll go with uh christine harrelton for a cost team another strong team two very
Starting point is 01:22:55 strong teams off the board right there in terms of lifting uh jr look at this team over here um right here look at these names do we need a woman's team look at this team i can't believe those are women's names oh camellia i can't that's the uh kolesnikov team really those are all Russians? Yep. Oh, yeah, of course. And then there's another team. How about this team right here? These are all Polish guys? Yeah, I was going to say. I saw that team a second ago. No, they live in Boston. Where did row 14
Starting point is 01:23:38 go? I want to see their green cards. Where's the check team? Racist. I deleted row 14, they're mine I'll bring them back later What's going on with the draft? JR and Sebon are thinking about Stevie Dellinger, Stephanie Grange
Starting point is 01:24:03 That's actually the one I want. Yeah, see? Exactly. Isn't that amazing, JR? Isn't that amazing? So Caroline and Stevie were on the Grit House team that unfortunately did not get to compete at the Games this year because one of their athletes popped. But they do Crucible, Crescendo every year.
Starting point is 01:24:22 They're in Charlotte, a local team. And then Steph Grange competed at the Games on a team in 2021. So I know all three of them. Oh, good. Patrick, it proves of your... I have good news for you. The Panchic-Hepner team will be there. And Hepner will be... And Hepner will be a concealed carry.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Did they say... Are they subbing somebody with Matt Fraser? And Hefner will be a concealed carry. Did they say, are they subbing somebody with Matt Fraser? No, no. They didn't mention Fraser. Who are all their people? What about Primo, Chalfoon, and DeRosa? Are those boys or girls? What about them? Are they on this list or on the other list?
Starting point is 01:25:07 That's what we need. No, it's on, they're on the online qualifier list. We need another guys team. Yes. Yes. I thought you would pick the guy named Sven.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I do. I was just looking at him. Sven jeans. That's a great name too. Uh, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:25:25 uh, Scott and, uh, Spencer and, uh, Jacob Hebner. They will be in the house. Nice.
Starting point is 01:25:34 That's who you guys picked with your last pick was, uh, the, the boys from South America. Is that in the board? Yep. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Looking good, Brian. Okay, we'll finish up. Don't mess it up. PC's in the comments. I know. We'll finish up with Durand and Helbig. Oh, you motherfucker. That was going to be mine.
Starting point is 01:26:04 It looks like Miller might have the best team right now. Oh, I don't know was going to be mine. It looks like Miller might have the best team right now. Oh, I don't know. Chase and John got a good one. Wow. Chase and John got a good one. What do you mean? What do I mean?
Starting point is 01:26:14 What do I mean? They have a maybe team. No, they're not. They've just been confirmed. Yeah, I know. I heard that, but still. Laura Horvath, Carrie Pierce, Dal Pepper, Pan Chicks. They're golden. Jacob Hepner hasn't worked out in like three years.
Starting point is 01:26:29 He works out with that teenage girl. Steam, bro. Six of them. You mean Kirsten or the one you had to do on the show the other day? Yes. What is it called? He does the armed games. Tactical games. Tactical games.
Starting point is 01:26:45 So he's going to run around with a gun and win Wadapalooza? He might win an event. Patrick Clark, we covered this. That's all we need. Is there a shooting Brian's? Have you ever seen the last Boy Scout? Bring a gun on the field, you'll score a touchdown.
Starting point is 01:27:02 There you go. I haven't seen this. Is that a Bruce Will willis movie yeah uh i like bruce willis you haven't seen the last boy scout no bruce willis puts out like 30 movies a year now mr spin yeah i've graduated tyler just snuck in his pick of somebody you can't pronounce them, so that was it. We're going to go with Team Omnia, Schmidt, Wise, and Zobby. Damn it. Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Our picks got swiped like three straight times. That's not who we wanted. Wait, who? They're pretty well-rounded. That's a good fill-in anywhere, basically. Who's on that team, Brian? Great pick spin. Great pick. Schmidt, Wise, and? Great pick, Spin. Great pick. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Andrew Hiller, with your last pick of the show, you're representing yourself and Pedro from Coffee Pods and WODs. So the issue with Pedro's list that he sent me is it's got all the team names, and I don't know what the hell that means.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I don't know what Smart WOD is. i don't know what smart lot is i don't know what pb and j is right just pick somebody from europe you make them happy yeah i'm actually brent and down there so how come these two guys like jacob smith michael pot pios pice how come they're the only two over here not taken what's wrong with them that's so that team and then the team on the uh women's side are um so jacob schmidt's team should be crossed off and then michael pass and and then zoe jones and heather pass that's uh well i don't know why they if they black or orange this year oh all right well i'll take the dudes if that's cool then. They finished 10th at the games this year. They're a solid team.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Is Dylan Hamming related to Josie Hamming? They got good genetics if that's true. Last one. Chase and John. John, shut the fuck up. Ouch. Take it away. Just in case you take Amy Kringle again.
Starting point is 01:29:11 We'll do the Mayhem Avengers. Who the hell? Two most powerful names you can combine. What team is that? On the yellow. That's where we're killing this, dude. Right in the middle. What a perfect pick for Chase at the end.
Starting point is 01:29:24 That is the best way we could end that draft. You picked that based on name alone. You didn't even look at what was on the team. Yes, I did. Yeah. Good job. You find the place we're supposed to play them, please. I know where to find them, actually. I don't see them.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Where are they? Santiago Comba, Augustin Raquelme, and Piero Gorchon. Yeah, thank you. You play them anywhere where it behooves you to have slight anthropometrics, which is every workout. There you go, JR. Someone's thinking. And we're done.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Good job, guys. 90 minutes, pretty impressive. I'm surprised we made it that far. Okay. Shall we go through and we'll discuss the teams very quickly. Each person will get to say whether they're happy with their team. We'll start with Chase and John. What do you guys think about this team?
Starting point is 01:30:22 You got a Laura Horvat. You got a Carrie Pierce, Ariel Lowen, Jason Hopper. You got some pan chicks. I think we made up for our individual picks. Say it again? Say we made up for our individual picks. Yeah, I think we have the best team out of everybody here. Do you agree, Chase?
Starting point is 01:30:43 Teams, yes. Okay. Mr. Hiller. best team out of everybody here. Do you agree, Chase? Teams, yes. Mr. Hiller, you have Noah Olsen, Travis Mayer, and aren't they the champs from last year and Chandler Smith? They are, from what I recall, yeah. Hiller, what was the thought process behind going male, male, male
Starting point is 01:31:00 team right off the bat? Because I thought the female side on the other individuals was weak so i just decided to pick up all the males there's really no particular reason other than i go off of the field the female's indie side is weak so the male's team side has to just take it's a highly emotional andrew hiller yeah and i did you hear me say bill and tyler for the worst team i'm just calling it. Okay, we'll get – oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:31:31 I'm going to do the points for everybody's teams. Max points. I hope Bill hears that while he's mopping his gym. See, I'm worried because Chase is commentating the team, so he's got to be researched up a little bit, and Bill's doing the individuals. So neither him nor i know anything about anybody below the top five teams where do you think i get well chase knows what brian knows yeah and brian knows what i know what is this here's the going by feel i guess amy kringle john oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:32:03 i listen i admit i'm not perfect, okay? Find her event. That's all I'm saying. We have to replace John in the morning. Listen, if I get Amy Kringle gets like fifth in an event, I'm going to be a cloud nine if I picked it out of there. Mr. Friend, do any of you guys know, or Chad, do you know where Amy Kringle has ever –
Starting point is 01:32:20 what's the highest she's ever placed in a major event? Has she ever even won an event at one of these major events? 15th or something at Wadapalooza last year? She got 10th on an event in Wadapalooza last year. In a singular event?
Starting point is 01:32:38 She got fifth in the event. Oh, I thought it meant competition. Either, either. She was 17th last year in the overall Oh, I thought it meant competition. Either, either. We'll take any. She was 17th last year in the overall competition. She did good in semifinals in one of the events, like top 10 or something. Yeah, Madrid, she was top 10.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Yeah. No, she's not bad at all. She's not Lucy Campbell. Yeah. Right. At all, in any way. She's a generalist not a specialist yeah yeah okay uh the bryans uh you got uh brent fukowski and patrick velner team you got emily rolf sarah sigman's daughter team christine colin brand you guys you guys got some good teams you got to paint some menza you guys? Our top five are basically games athletes all the way through.
Starting point is 01:33:27 How close did you guys get to getting what you want? Exactly what you want. Our bottom two teams are also games athletes. And the guys that didn't make it that we have are exactly what we needed to round out the squad. So you guys are happy. We are. And keep an eye on Nick Thomas,
Starting point is 01:33:43 by the way, he's on a team here, but watch out for him next year at the semifinals. Mr. Tyler, you got Rich Froning, who Hiller's just dogging, Samuel Kornwaye, Sidney McEllishan, Ben Smith, Alex Smith. You got Scuds. I feel pretty good about these teams now. Are they going to be the best in any particular work?
Starting point is 01:34:10 I'm really bad about picking utility players and utility teams. And I think that's what I've done. But I'll still be top three he basically just said he made this game up and he's not sure how to play interesting uh chad uh arguably you know you know one of the most dominant teams looking out there catrin annie mao uh you got the bjorgvin team you got jacqueline dalstrom and last year's winner emma mcquade you happy yeah feel much better about teams than individual so i've got some uh like overall great teams some specialist teams i think if i play it right should should be pretty competitive on the
Starting point is 01:34:59 team side so yeah i definitely i definitely agree with that you gotta get crew well-rounded for sure jr what's better our individual or our team uh picks i'm more confident in the individual picks but that's just because on team after the top four the bottom four i'm really not sure how those teams are going to pan out i don't think anyone is in the bottom four of their picks. What do you mean? I don't understand. What do you mean no one's in the bottom four of their picks? I think it's really easy to make the top four team picks
Starting point is 01:35:31 because it's just littered with games, athlete, game, athlete, game, athletes, and even some of the teams that do have games, athletes, who's to say that they're going to know how to strategize workouts? How long ago were they games, athletes? Were they team athletes? Were they individual athletes? All that stuff uh we don't have any i uh you know we got brookwell's amanda barnhart who's the third wheel on that one christy harriman okay is that our strongest team all around i would say so yeah for sure
Starting point is 01:35:59 all righty guys now is this scored total individual and team together or each separate yeah Stefan you should just be you're going to be very excited through Friday and then you're going to go into depression when Saturday and Sunday start and you look at these teams
Starting point is 01:36:17 how are you going to make plays, Sivana Jr.? Whose decision is that? I want it to be Sivana's. It'll be collective. Yes, we will speak. It will be collective. We will stay in very close contact
Starting point is 01:36:40 and make sure that we are both emotionally happy with these picks. Hiller, are you okay down there? I'm just trying to figure out what all those papers are behind shed. I'm on my office. Look at Tyler's got a cat. The annals of games history. The day job that pays the bills.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Tomorrow morning, guys, John Young brian friend and i will be back on that is uh less than 12 hours away 11 hours and 22 minutes we'll be on to uh hear the picks of both of these guys for the teams which we've already decided unanimously it's the greatest team event in the history of this uh sport crossfit so that's going to be exciting. And then at, uh, in the evening at 5. PM, I have on your, uh, a guy on for an interview.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Are you coming on with that? Coming on that with me, Brian? Um, I'll be coaching when you start, maybe, maybe jump halfway through. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:36 And then Wednesday, uh, we have Jay crouch on at 7. AM and then Dallin pepper coming on at, uh, 7 45 AM. And then, uh, what I think is going to be one of the biggest shows of the year for us
Starting point is 01:37:50 is at 1130 a.m. we don't normally do an 1130 a.m. show but we have J.R. Howell and Taylor Self coming on we are going to review the programming and it is going to be a doozy and then individual programming any of the programming we can get And it is going to be a doozy. And then – Individual programming?
Starting point is 01:38:07 Any of the programming we can get. Any of the programming we can get. And then after that, we'll post a schedule for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It will be myself and Taylor Self holding down the fort and then drawing from this cast of characters here where we can plug them in. So thanks for coming on. Anyone have any final words? Mr. Watkins? Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Sorry. I got to get the banner up. Go ahead, Tyler. Anybody who wants to win a pair of shoes, we're playing a much easier game, a pair of tier shoes, giving away for a winner. Basically, you'll just make your picks for each event, one man, one woman, and you'll accumulate points throughout the weekend. Same thing on the team side. I'll put everybody into groups, and points will be tallied that way.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Look, Hiller's a mouth breather. No, I'm just guessing. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? The website is If you have any questions, you can DM Tyler or Brian. Just Tyler. Tyler, what's your Instagram?
Starting point is 01:39:23 Tex. Tex S. T-E-X-X-E-S-S. So just put an at in front of it. At T-E-X-X-E-S-S. You should have had one more X in there. All right, guys. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:39:40 And we will see you very, very, very soon. Thanks, everyone, for coming on. Great to see you, Chad Schroeder. We see you the least. soon thanks everyone coming on uh great to see you chad schroeder we see you the least always great honor to have you on buddy fun time thanks guys

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