The Sevan Podcast - #748 - Double Feature | Jay Crouch and Dallin Pepper

Episode Date: January 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'll be like, huh? If I don't, bam, we're live. If I don't, if I don't, if I don't ever shave all my hair off and make myself bald, then I'll never know. Like, why not just do it once? Yeah, that's kind of what I did. Like, I started losing my hair and finally I just said, fuck it. We'll see if I have a weird head or not. And then I shaved it off and I think I got pretty lucky with how my noggin
Starting point is 00:00:28 looks. Oh yeah. Your head's perfect. I don't think mine is. I think I have a flat side on it from where I was in a bike accident as a kid. Oh really? So they had to cut open the side of my head and release the pressure off my
Starting point is 00:00:40 brain. I'm surprised you don't have like a, I do. Oh, you do huge, huge. huge yeah you just can't see it because you just stare at my nose it's like one of those uh optical illusions no it's in there it's just my hair i have so much hair you just can't see it uh we have jay uh crouch on the australian kid uh Rob too or no?
Starting point is 00:01:06 I don't know. It would be interesting if he brings his chaperone. Rob's always welcome, of course. I wonder if his security guard will be here this time too. Oh, yeah, that's right. I forgot about that. The guy in the back who just doesn't talk. It's not his brother apparently.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And I have a uh uh god i have these uh listerine strips on like regular order because because i used to always these were these used to be my treats whenever i would go filming yeah i would always put one of these in my camera bag and then like just so no one thinks i stink but now i have so many of them because I don't film and they're on Amazon reorder. So my house is just full of these things. Just haven't canceled it. So I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Fuck it. I'm just going to start eating them on the show. Even though that there's no one in here to smell my ass breath. Hey, if your wife had bad breath, would you tell her? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I'd tell my wife too, in a second. But I worry that maybe she wouldn't tell me. Yeah, I can see that. I feel like my wife and I have a pretty, like, communicative relationship. So, like, if there's anything that one of us is doing the other doesn't like, like, we're pretty quick to call each other out on it. Yeah. Hey, your breath smells like gas. Yeah. yeah like did you brush your teeth this morning i don't mind like garlic breath though or stuff like that like just like no not a fan i don't like onions i can't do that kind of stuff oh i got i got oh you can't do
Starting point is 00:02:42 onions either like if it's on somebody's breath that I haven't, I have an issue with it. Yeah. I got to eat them, but I just, sometimes the smell is just too much. I love coming home and my wife's cooking onions. Like, you know what I mean? They're stirring in the pan and butter. Do you like that? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I enjoy that. I don't, they don't, they don't make, is it onion that makes your eyes water? Yeah. Yeah. I don't have that issue, but we had to like get some goggles for my wife because she just starts like sobbing when she makes them,
Starting point is 00:03:16 but I enjoy when she makes them. They're pretty good. Dude. Someone, I just saw a video on Instagram that said, if you cut an onion a certain way, I can't remember what it is. Like if you don't cut the head off an onion or if you cut an onion a certain way I can't remember what it is like if
Starting point is 00:03:25 you don't cut the head off an onion or if you cut it a certain way it won't uh it won't make your eyes water whatever someone else someone will say it now in the um someone will say it now in the comments and maybe let us know hey Jay what's up dude hola hola como esta hola jay hola oh wait here it is uh yeah uh no not i wasn't making instagram clips last night i was making a youtube shorts yeah i was up late i did late. I did not get a good night's sleep last night. I was thinking about drinking two cups of coffee this morning.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Bye, Jay. It was nice having you. One of the best interviews we've done with you. Thank you. Just happy to see your face, buddy. Yeah. I have great hope for him.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I noticed that, you know how he like i don't know i i noticed this with like fee and alexis i maybe a couple others too but for a while it was like it was almost like they were just playing a game and they just thought it was fun and they're like oh this is cool like i'm pretty decent at crossfit but in the past year or so i've watched the both of them just like i don't know get serious i guess hey it's funny you say that i think that on your guy is kind of in that phase really yeah i think he's in the like you know you go from i want a nice body to uh i'm gonna quit smoking weed to okay i'm gonna do a competition to oh fuck i don't drink alcohol or uh go on tinder anymore you know that's the evolution of a young crossfitter in their face yeah is right jay am i right i think so i think it's gone that way right you start crossfit just
Starting point is 00:05:26 like like you're you're 19 you start crossfit because you got your high school's done and you're kind of a loser and you want to have a nice body and then at 2020 you're like oh i'm pretty good at this i'm gonna stop smoking weed then at 21 you're like fuck i might stop drinking on the weekends and then by the time you're 27 you're doing all the right shit you're like fuck i waited too long i should have started like cutting all that shit out when i was 19 yeah i think maybe that was maybe that was sort of five years ago the crossfit space i feel like oh are you talking about like games athletes now or just anyone trying to compete in uh maybe maybe yeah maybe you're right you're so you're
Starting point is 00:06:05 saying that the games athletes are all serious as a heart attack now like no one's dicking around but maybe like even the semi-final guys maybe now it's like down in the semi-final guys oh i'm just doing it for fun but really it's just an excuse not to tighten up your shit yeah that's spot on i feel like the games level guys now sort of yeah up like being doing crossfit since they're like 13 14 15 well that's how it's getting yeah they're they yeah are you are you pretty much we had jorge hernandez on he says he hasn't even had a drink in two years what i say yeah i saw that i'm just gonna say jorge the mexican i can't i can't just jorge the mexican uh yeah he did he hasn't had a drink or he's had one beer in two years i just love that that's impressive
Starting point is 00:06:45 that's very yeah how many how many beers have you had in two years oh too many to count have you thrown up from drinking in the last two years from over drinking yes oh wow okay at your age i was throwing up like every three weeks I would be throwing up from overdrinking. Now, in hindsight, I'm like, what was I thinking? Yeah. Yeah. Every time I've probably thrown up a hundred times from drinking as a kid. And I just every time I'm like, why? I'm not even exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's only I went to college for seven years. That's only a hundred times. It's only like 12 times a year during college over drinking. Not bad. Dang. It's only 12 weekends a year for seven years. Went to undergrad for seven years. That's a lot though.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah. I would have given up well before. If I had thrown up 10 times drinking, I would have given up for sure. You've had thrown up 10 times drinking, I would have given up for sure. You've never thrown up 10 times from drinking in your life? Nah. I'm impressed. Definitely a count on one hand. Are you a beer guy or a liquor guy?
Starting point is 00:08:00 I'll start on beers usually. But it's not as special a time. It's just special occasions. You get full off the beer and then it's like you're done. Yeah, maybe have like six beers and then just move on. Jay, are you in the hotel across the street from Waterpalooza? It's not across the street. No, it's like about a 10-minute walk.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Okay, but close. Yeah, close. And that's a fake-ass plant behind you? Yes. All right, all right close and that's a fake ass plant behind you yes all right all right and that's your hotel i can't tell if you're in a lobby or a hotel room no we're in yeah we just got an apartment airbnb so it's worked out pretty well and who are you there with uh just my manager andreas no forte no no not this time. Do you have falling out? No, just looking after the kids. He's a busy man.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Okay, Rob, check. Relationship, good. Is he bummed? Did he want to come? I think he wouldn't have wanted to come. But just you and the manager? Yes. No Maddie?
Starting point is 00:09:08 No, no Maddie. But is she still in the rotation she's your lady yeah but no miami no miami no miami maddie she's she's bummed she like she definitely wanted to come oh god that could be you should write a children's book you could write a book no miami maddie and like just like pour your heart out heart out to her about how much you miss her oh why why are you doing this why wadapalooza what's up um well originally i was just wanted to come over and check it out and just sort of enjoy um sort of a break holiday that wasn't competing for once um and then i just reached out to uh my sponsor go what and said on you know i'm gonna be over there if he's got anything that you want me to do. And they said, are you sure you don't want to compete? We're sort of forming this team.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And they told me who was on the team, and that was it. I was in. Okay, we were speculating how certain teams come together, and Brian was like, hey, it's the sponsors are a great, like, networking site for the athletes. Yeah, yeah yeah that was awesome and who's on your team uh roman and willie what a crazy team yeah it's awesome it's a good opportunity that's for sure have you ever met roman before yeah yeah i've met him just that
Starting point is 00:10:21 just competing at the games i haven't spoke to him too much. Um, but yeah, I, I'm guessing since the last time you've seen him, he's, he's quadrupled his, uh, vocabulary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:33 We'll see. What do you think? Have you heard that? Like I've heard his English is like, yeah, I haven't, uh, no,
Starting point is 00:10:40 I haven't heard that, but I mean, I messaged him, uh, the other day just to say, you know, I'm pumped. Hope training's going well. I look forward to catching up and competing.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And he's like, I think he replied, hello, everything is fine. We must win. Oh, he did say that, we must win? I was like, dang, all right, let's do it. Hey, that's some like Rocky Ivan Drago shit, right i must break you i had a i had a good laugh so yeah yeah it'd be funny i think i'm looking forward to it uh i i had a lot of family come from overseas a lot of immigrants my whole life and there's like this standard line that um uh immigrants say at least my uncles and aunts, I would hear them say like, you say something to
Starting point is 00:11:25 them and they always go, no problem, no problem, no problem. Or whenever I'd be overseas, that's like a kind of like a English phrase that a lot of foreigners use. And I had a little text exchange with Roman and he wrote down one time, I can't remember what I said, hey, thanks for coming on my podcast. And he wrote, no problem. And I could just hear it in his voice, like Ivan Drago, no problem. I'm going to break you. That's for sure. I can't wait to, if he doesn't talk English, I can't,
Starting point is 00:11:55 well, I hope he does eventually come on the podcast. He eventually said, hey, I can't make it. Yeah. But if not, I'm going to need you and, you know, his training partner, Logan Ewing? I think so. I don't know him, but I think I just saw him. He put up a story the other day that shocked me with Roman just, you know, cruising on the ski.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah. Over 3,000 cows in the hour. Yeah, I think that Logan's like just his chaperone at Mayhem. And he just like hangs out with Roman and lets Roman just beat up on him, I think. Yeah, that's crazy, man. I couldn't believe that video. Hey, what do you need? You just got a brand new Jeep Rubicon? Yes, I did about four months ago now, I think. So you don't need a vacation to Miami?
Starting point is 00:12:48 I think so so you don't need a vacation to Miami I know I know nah it's uh it's very cool here but I haven't seen yeah nah it's awesome it's a good car what did you have before then uh I had a Ford Ranger oh god I was so hoping you were gonna say you had like a 1987 honda civic with the seats all chewed up from your dog or something no not quite but now that's cool it's um it loves it loves the uh fuel that's for sure i feel like i'm filling it up all the time sucking down the gas yeah big time but now it's awesome like one of the hot days that we had i took the roof off and i was like this is sick it just changes the whole feel of the car again does maddie like it yeah she loves it she's always wanted one so oh my goodness oh my goodness thank you look at that that's a hundred dollars oh dang that's double what your sponsor paid you never stop focusing on the viewers see y'all in miami
Starting point is 00:13:46 audrey fraser thank you better respect that god that's crazy generous actually we gotta have you on more often jay well i just popped out i was watching one of your videos the other day i think it was uh maybe with travis and pat and i saw like comment come up down the bottom, and I think someone called you Seve. I was just wondering if I could call you Seve. Oh, Jay, I would love it. I would love it. Oh, my God, I would love it. Done.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Seve. Seve. Jay's girlfriend's name is Maddie, and his friend's name is Seve. I could be in the book. I could be in the book. Done. I'm missing Maddie in Miami, but at least I have Seve. I forgot Seve.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah. I like it. And you're building a new gym. Yes. Yeah, we just moved in because I still live with mom and dad. Well, you have a gym big enough you can move into. It's kind of funny to say you live with mom and dad, and yet you have your own personal brick wall gym.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Yeah, it's getting there. But, yeah, the house only just finished up probably like a month or two ago. So, yeah, that's been awesome in the new house back with the fam. So the gym should be ready, I think, maybe April-ish. See how we go. Are all four walls up? The video I saw was two walls and a concrete slab. Yeah, slab.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah, yeah. So the brick walls are up, and then it's going to be like cathedral ceiling. So we're still waiting on all the steel and all that to come. But, yeah, they should build it pretty quickly. And how was that? Were you having permitting issues? I thought I saw that there were some you having permitting issues i thought i saw that you were there were some obstacles with permitting maybe you mentioned in a video you
Starting point is 00:15:28 made uh just building like getting trades and all that sort of stuff it's um really busy at home getting getting material as well so there was a bit of a hold up with that but i think yeah now everyone's sort of back from the christmas. I think they'll smash it out quick. Hey, what are you guys doing? Are you guys still playing the game over there with the virus? Or is Australia, you guys done with that? Yeah, it's all done now, thankfully. Our government just yesterday told the soldiers,
Starting point is 00:16:00 hey, you don't have to take it. We give up. Yeah, okay. Kind of crazy, right? Right? Did you see that yesterday? Yeah, I did. kind of prove thanks guys yeah what'd you say thanks guys yeah you know okay i don't know if you know this jay caleb's deployed oh okay he's in the u.s military so he's in the desert somewhere in a totally different time zone where he can't tell us where he is, but he's deployed. So he keeps us up to date on what's going on over there, what he can.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Okay, so that gym is on your parents' property? Yes, yeah. So they got just under 18 acres. And that's the way you keep your kid, to stay home forever? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, because got a brother a younger brother as well and um yeah they pretty much built the house sort of so we had our own section at one end so we're pretty fun we're set up for as long as we need which is wicked yeah that's genius and they built a gym on the property yeah yep god that's so good that's so smart. That's so smart.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Hey, would your parents let you stay there forever? Like build a house on the property and raise your family there? Like you have that kind of like family? Like that's close like that? Yeah. We're very close like that for sure. Yeah. Your parents are smart.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah. Your parents are smart. Yeah. You don't want to. No one wants their kids to leave. Well, I guess. I don't know. I shouldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Half the parents want their kids to leave. But yeah. not if you have a good kid like Jay Crouch. Yeah, no, it's good. There's the thing, if we could, I think it's just be a problem probably with getting titles and stuff to build more houses on the property. But yeah, that'd be super cool. Is there, are you on a well there? No, no, it's just sort of city water um no no you can oh we are on mains water but you have like tank water and all that sort of stuff as well what do you mean tank water like in my house there's a hole in the ground and there's a pump
Starting point is 00:17:59 but like my neighbors are attached to the city so they drink water that comes from the city like a reservoir oh right but i pull my water out of the ground where do you where do you get your water oh yeah so we're the same same so city water is we're connected to uh okay but we have like a tank water as well so we'll have you know just tanks that fill up from rain yeah from rain yeah no shit yeah is that common in australia yeah yep um and you drink that water or that's for irrigation yeah yeah we drink it oh god you gotta say is that tank above ground uh i think no we put one in we put one in the ground a concrete one in the ground and then how does it get collected uh from the roof off the house um everything yeah just uh what is it um like storm yeah stormwater drain all that
Starting point is 00:18:53 sort of stuff yeah if you did that in the united states you'd be like considered like some sort of hippie off the grid shit that's that's normal in australia to do that yeah yeah that's illegal in some parts of the u.s yeah totally yeah permit court or something it's ridiculous yeah and you have to have like a reason to not use city or city water yeah well my yeah my dad's a plumber so i probably i don't know if i'm explaining it well but um yeah you'll be done that forever hey is water expensive there no no you don't hear people you like your parents complaining like, don't water the plants outside. The water's too expensive.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Because we hear water's crazy expensive here. Crazy expensive. Yeah, right. Here too. Can you believe that? I believe it. Is it? You've heard that, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:19:37 It is crazy expensive there? Yeah. Like no one's watering their lawn? Yeah. And then they do the same thing where they like have like a basin where they just catch rainwater whenever it comes out. And then everything else is just bottled water like you have to buy bottled water every anytime you want water to drink uh savvy no ken that's just for j buddy uh savvy is that why you never shower too much time to pump no no no the pump works good it the pump's great it's cheap
Starting point is 00:20:05 and it's free uh here here uh are you just doing team are you doing individual and team yeah just came and why not both um not that i'm hating on you for it i wouldn't do both either sounds crazy yeah uh i don't know i'll just have a good time. Are you in peak shape or you're only at 98%? No, I feel pretty good. I feel pretty good in a good spot. And mentally, from a video I watched from you, the games were kind of tough on you. Just in terms of the fact it was like, oh shit, these guys are really good. Not that you did bad, but wow this this is i just landed in the superhero camp yeah and it wasn't that i didn't know that already but i think yeah there's
Starting point is 00:20:52 a few factors i could i could blame but um yeah i feel like the main one was just yeah not really exposing myself to the heat before with enough time um la was awesome where we saved for the like i think it was like 10 days before but it was you know i think only sort of the hottest day was maybe like 22 20 to 25 um so then when i got to madison with like 30 degree 30 degree 30 degree plus days i was like dang this is this hit me hard so anything anything uh that we had outside competing, I was just stunned almost. What place did you end up getting at the Games? I think it was 28th. Okay, I was going to guess 24th.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, sorry, it's Celsius. Oh, yeah, and I'm sure you had many days that were well over 30 and uh in madison it gets nasty there yeah for sure and so so you're going to go early this year yeah i want to go maybe a minimum three weeks three weeks earlier and when you do that so that's okay you're willing to compromise your training to acclimate to the heat. Like do you have, do you have to compromise your training if you go three weeks early? Um, no, I don't think so. Like if I find a good spot and a good crew to train with, I don't think it will change too much.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Um, and it's, oh, it's only going to be good things having more time to, you know, get over the massive flight that we have to do. Um, and yeah uh the the change in qualifications to get to the games does that affect you at all uh no no i think like we're still gonna only gonna have one comp in australia that qualifies for it so it's yeah much the same for us. Hopefully we can snag a few more spots, but we'll wait and see. And how did you do in the sanctional last year, semifinal, whatever they call it? Good, I won.
Starting point is 00:22:57 You did? Yeah. And who took second? Ricky. Oh, really? Yeah. You put it to Ricky? Yeah, I did. Oh, God. I hope you threw up that night. What a great feeling. Sorry, Ricky. Oh, really? Yeah. You put it to Ricky? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Oh, God. I hope you threw up that night. What a great feeling. Sorry, Ricky. I love you, but what a great feeling to put it to Mr. Ricky. Yeah. Holy cow. And only two of you go to the games?
Starting point is 00:23:18 Three, it was. And who was the third dude? Baden Brown. Oh, yeah. That was the Mayhem guy. The big old giant dude didn't make it. was his name uh royce stunt yeah people were all crying and shit yeah poor royce so this year with the new format the three of you could make it and royce could still make it yeah yeah royce is like fuck you i'm taking first this year yeah exactly um yeah so hopefully yeah if we can get a fourth spot that'd be awesome and there's
Starting point is 00:23:46 tons of like upcoming talent as well which we saw it just recently the down under championship so it's gonna be uh pretty pretty stacked again um i'm coming back to who khan i think he's oh individual so i thought he was retiring. I don't think so. Not that I've heard. All right. Fair enough. Royce Dunn is fun to say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I think I have screwed his name up a few times, right, Caleb? Do you remember what I used to call him accidentally a few times? He's been on, hasn't he? Yeah, he's been on, he's been he's been on yeah he's a great dude but i think i was calling him uh roy dunce instead of royce dun i think i was calling him roy dunce for a second uh you know we had uh on your akai on yesterday and we didn't we didn't know his name in the beginning so we were just calling him anal we always had we always had your name right though jay don't worry appreciate that we never switched or anything like that uh so but but you guys don't know how many people do get to go uh just three a minimum of three and then there's some sort of ranking assessment that maybe you'll get a couple more yeah i haven't looked into how it works too
Starting point is 00:25:13 much but i've heard people saying that's like based on how could we do in the open or something yeah there's some i don't think anyone knows yet i don't think they've released the formula yet. Okay. The calculation, right? Is that true, Caleb? As far as I know, yeah. And then Maddie had a tremendous showing last year also. Yeah. Did she take fourth? She took fourth, yeah. I think it was only like three or four points too. So this could be huge. Yeah, she had they're like an amazing final event right with the
Starting point is 00:25:45 deadlift she basically did what she needed to do yeah exactly and so this could be tremendous for her for sure like i think uh especially with tia out now as well um obviously there's still a minimum of three spots so um it's good for her definitely hey and people like um ellie does she i think it's just where you live now yeah i think ellie's just gonna be on the west coast of the united states oh it is i think and anyone in the comments like ellie doesn't go back to australia right i think there's like exemptions that you put in like depending on where you're living and your like passport size but if they just get they just granted one to roman to be able to compete i think in north america all that yeah so well that's interesting but i mean i don't know what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:26:36 either without brian here like i'm 50 sure and caleb's 75 sure for sure that's under right someone in the comments guys hey um i've been doing this thing where i stopped eating at uh i can't remember if it's six or seven but anyway i'm not eating after i'm not eating in the night anymore it's it's my new rule it's only been two days yeah you have any rules like that because i was eating like 2000 calories before i went to bed like i would just eat like yeah like just like just a half a bag of macadamia nuts and apple and uh i don't know just crazy shit yeah i'm like that too i eat definitely eat more of a night time that's for sure um but no i don't have any rules like that if i'm hungry i'll just eat yeah you can just eat as much as you want you're just a caloric burning machine and what is uh what is a peak training days look like for you what's just like the most horrendous days the most horrendous days uh by the way i recommend anyone who's a
Starting point is 00:27:37 night eater and who's to i cannot believe the change in my body in two days it is fucking nuts but go on uh yeah horrendous training day i would have like maybe like a zone two in the morning um okay what's that which is usually like 30 to 60 minutes just sort of you know on the bike or just sweating it out basically um and then of an afternoon around four o'clock we'll just hit um our usual session which usually goes for like two two and a half hours and that's pretty much a normal normal sort of our biggest training day um and then sometimes in the morning it would change to like a swim or something like that or or running at the track so is it is your horrendous day every day basically you always do two a days uh that's three
Starting point is 00:28:27 days a week so our easier days are yeah nothing in the morning and are you a seven day a week guy uh no five i got a buddy who is a sleepwalk eater i i if i do that i don't know i do that i don't think i do that once i go to sleep i don't start eating again you ever eat in the middle of the night like you wake up and eat i've never done that yeah i don't think that that doesn't sound fun at all i think i did that one time when i woke up with like crazy heartburn and i was like this not for me uh nighttime eating middle of the night eating yeah yeah that sounds that would that would just wipe me out i wouldn't get back to sleep yeah me neither uh caleb oh where is it caleb eats seven or eight mustache hairs a day minimum you're probably right sometimes i'll look
Starting point is 00:29:19 down at my styrofoam uh little tray and i'll just see them like sprinkled about a little styrofoam plate. And I'm like, yep, I've eaten a couple. I had a minimum protein cake. I made the microwave. Uh, it's still protein, but I need to set a time like seven. I don't get enough in the day either. I'm telling you like, uh, this morning I woke up and if I contracted my stomach as hard as I could, I could see a bunch of stomach muscles. And that's after two days and not, and I've, that's like unheard of for me. I'm a fat boy. I'm like, I'm like a, of stomach muscles. That's after two days. That's unheard of for me. I'm a fat boy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm like one of those. If you look up dad bod, that's my bod. Just big old thick. What are those things called? Muffins on the side. I think they're going to go away in a week. At the rate I'm disappearing, it's crazy
Starting point is 00:30:05 what did you say you're eating 2 000 calories a day i'm sorry did you say eating 2 000 calories a day no at night before i go to bed i have no problem like at 10 o'clock at night eating a pound of hamburger meat and i mean i don't need bad shit pound of hamburger meat and like a half a pound of macadamia nuts yeah and. And then tons of cheese on it. Right. So you're just cutting that out. And hot sauce. Yeah, just cutting that out.
Starting point is 00:30:29 But I've gone to bed hungry the last two nights because I'm jerking off with the podcast at five o'clock and then it's seven and I'm like, oh shit, I can't eat. Yeah. But I feel so much better in the morning. That's good. And it probably smells better in my room at night too. Although I'm not
Starting point is 00:30:45 a big farter anymore you big farter yeah yeah at your age i was a crazy farter i would just destroy shit hey how long does it take how long do you have to date a girl before it's okay to fart in front of her or if you're a crossfit athlete if you're an athlete and you you just have to be like hey you need to understand something about dating an athlete i might have an amazing body but there's exhaust around here oh with maddie it took me a while i don't know i just left a guy big clean and stuff god she and but since then you've broken the seal yeah yeah you're driving in the jeep you'll bust an ass and now you just kind of like roll up the windows and kind of wait for her to comment you ever do that to her i used to do that to my wife i'd bust ass in the car i would still do it if i bust ass i bust ass and roll up the windows
Starting point is 00:31:32 and it smells horrible and after about two minutes i'll be like you really like the smell of my farts she's like no i don't i'm like dude it stinks in here she's and then she panics and rolls down the window i'm like you love my ass mal no i've done that before what do you mean don't be a nasty bastard yeah just do it yeah hey there's all these like disgusting like things like uh like in the urban dictionary of like you know like a dirty sanchez and just all these kind of do you know what those things are like the donkey punch all these girls but the one that's kind of like okay is the dutch oven are you familiar with that yeah yeah yeah the dutch ovens yeah thank you yeah the dutch ovens totally that's that's about as far as i go with the nasty shit it's awesome having kids too because you can just blame everything on them.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Yeah. Just in the grocery store in line and you bust a fart and you just look at your kid and blame your kid. Dude, I even blame my dog sometimes. Always. Easy. Easy blame the dog. Yeah. Do you take protein powder?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Look, I laughed so hard with you, Jay, I started crying. I got those little tears in my eyes yeah that's funny and a protein powder kind of has a fine line like if you're like oh every once in a while you're like okay i'm just gonna take two scoops today because i'm not gonna be back in the house and then your stomach's like and your ass are like whoa hey easy buddy yeah or whatever your boundary is you know know what I mean? You have to take an extra scoop. Yeah, between that and coffee, I mean, it gets dangerous. What kind of coffee are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Americano here, long black at home. Long black at home. Yeah, it's the same thing as Americano. That's what we call it. A long black? Yeah. And do you stick to the same kind of coffee? Like, are you a Starbucks guy or you have a, like, what's your?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah, yeah, I just usually make coffee at home just with the same beans. And where do you get your beans from? Don't make me twist your arm, it's the third time I'm asking. It's called Killer Coffee. It's just, I think they're based in Sydney at home. Are they a sponsor? No. Oh, how is someone not sponsoring you for coffee?
Starting point is 00:33:47 Is there a local coffee guy? Yeah, there definitely would be. Yeah, dear local coffee people, don't be stupid. You could be wearing a killer coffee sweatshirt right now. Yeah. Is that a big brand in Australia? No, just one I've always liked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:09 What about, why didn't, couldn't Maddie have come and won the 75,000? There's 75,000 on the line for the women, and they just got a bunch of chumps in there. It's pretty crazy. Yeah, all she has to do is beat Sarah Sigmund's daughter. It's doable for maddie i'm telling you yeah oh definitely i mean i know she's she's definitely regretting not uh doing the qualifier so she wish definitely wishes she was here because of the money no just for a good time yeah and how stoked would you be if she won the 75 000 oh it all helps yeah are you um would you how
Starting point is 00:34:48 how would if she won 75 000 how would that affect your life would you get she'd buy you a tank of gas for your car or i don't say no um i don't know just it's good for her hey is she is she going to train at your gym? Yeah. And Rob too? Yeah. I think mainly to make life easier, just hit extra stuff to make short in the session maybe at CrossFit Frankston. But yeah. What are you laughing at, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:35:21 I just wrote a comment and I'm going to look it up on Urban Dictionary. I can only imagine it's not even appropriate for this podcast I can't share it he's turning red somebody asked me to look up a strawberry shortcake without Brian Sebon is truly great at making these elite athletes human Somebody asked me to look up a strong race shortcake. Without Brian, Sebon is truly great at making these elite athletes human. Oh, well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:51 How about this commercial for the Down Under thing where Rob climbed that rope? Oh, yeah. Were you there for that? No, I wasn't. But he was saying it got hard, that's for sure. So he climbed a rope up to the top of some giant crazy stadium. Yeah, so it was the field that they had next to the stadium
Starting point is 00:36:13 that we had one event out on. But yeah, it was like to the top. It's like the rugby stadium there. Do you know anything about it, where they got the rope from? Had anyone ever done that before? I don't know. Do you it where they got the rope from had anyone ever done that before i don't know do you know where they got the rope from yeah like a port a shipping port oh really it's a shipping yeah did you hear that something super big yeah so it was a for boats some something for pulling boats in or something yeah apparently they rented it and someone was someone was obviously smart enough to realize that
Starting point is 00:36:49 they needed to pull the bottom of the rope up too at the same time yeah because it got too heavy for his feet to sort of lock in yeah that's crazy yeah it's pretty was that his idea like hey you're gonna have to pull the rope up or there was someone there who just knew it was a it was pretty cool. Was that his idea? Like, hey, you're going to have to pull the rope up, or there was someone there who just knew? No, it was a flood search and rescue team that did that. Right. And so had anyone ever done that? Was that dangerous? I mean, what's the deal with that?
Starting point is 00:37:19 How many feet was that? Do you know how high it was? It's 31 meters, so 90 foot 90 foot holy crap and he climbed up and climbed down yeah yeah yeah it was massive at least he took his shirt off for it yeah hey Hey, they did a great job with that promo video. I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did. I really am. It could have just been stupid, but the way they did it was great.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah, it was. All the drone footage looks awesome. And he just climbed up there, touched. Wow. And then climbed down. What a – God. Hey, he should have just let go. he should have just let go he should have just let go i know but i feel like once you're on that high it's like dang you're not letting go because they got something strapped to him right yeah yeah he won't admit publicly but he was scared
Starting point is 00:38:19 if he wasn't scared something would be uh wrong with him yeah um have you and roman and uh don't tell me i forget already uh willie georges really georges uh have you guys decided who's going to do what have you guys started putting down the game plan yet uh i've messaged willie a little bit about it but i think yeah we'll just have the chat in person and sort it out. I'm hoping for the lift that I can do the front squat. I think that'll be best for me. I feel like the other boys will hit the other stuff harder. And what about a handstand?
Starting point is 00:38:58 There's one where someone has to do like 80 handstand pushups. Who will do that? Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't mind mind doing it but i think i'll just have the chat with willie as well and roman see what they think um and then we'll lay the plans down but i think roman's gonna be pretty busy thursday friday so maybe me and willie will just be making the call gotcha. Meaning he'll have a little bit of his fastball, taking off the fastball there.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. 42 handstand pushups, 420 feet shuttle run, 42 pistols, 420 feet shuttle run, 42 chest-to-bar pull-ups, round two. Yeah. Same stuff, but with just a little bit of a shorter run. Yeah. The row. Row, row, yeah. Oh, bit of a shorter run. Yeah. The row.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Row, row, yeah. Oh, row, row, row. Okay. Yeah, that will be pretty fast. Oh, I was wondering why they chose 240. Okay. Is that a... What event is that?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Is that number one? No. Not sure. It says teams of three. Oh, it doesn't say. Interesting. Not sure. It says teams of three. Oh, it doesn't say. Interesting. Start fast, finish faster. Time cap, 13 minutes.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Swipe ahead to link in bio to see the division breakdown. Yeah, I must have a good look at this. Get more familiar. We need the galaxy samsung five to sponsor this show i wonder if i'd switch to a droid if they um have you not looked at any of the events yet who me i have no i have i have a little a little bit no he hasn't oh shit he hasn't he hasn't i just, shit. You're just going into this wine, huh? He hasn't. I just see some pop up and then, you know, send them to Willie, have a little bit of a chat.
Starting point is 00:40:51 But, no, I've seen most of them. No, he has not. Very well. I'm having a mint. I'm having a mint. You're just going to send it, huh? You're just going to send it huh i do like that i do like that roman sent you a text saying we must win this this shit if he wins that uh if he wins that uh
Starting point is 00:41:20 individual yeah that's like that's a game changer for someone like him i'm guessing come to a foreign country and just be trying to make ends meet and have he has got a new kid and he gets 75 000 it's like holy shit probably take some pressure off his shoulders yeah it sets him up well on social hey um uh what what if you have looked at do you have a workout that's like your favorite you're most looking forward to from what you've seen uh uh yeah i'll look at him first yeah do you want to he's like yeah the one where you swim oh they haven't announced a swim yet jay oh i know but they're going to it will that one's cool the five i think that one's like a 5k run that you uh that's like a relay and then with the dead ball that looks cool oh the one with swim also has a run yeah at the start i think
Starting point is 00:42:10 well again i haven't looked into it too much but i think that we share the 5k run um and then go yeah into the into the deep ball cleans open water swim yeah that'll be fun oh it is the one with the swim. Yeah. So he does know. I know. Okay. All right. There's just like this assumption that all you Aussies are good swimmers.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah. That's the assumption, though. But not all of you. Do you wear a Speedo, too? Nah, no Speedos for me. I was talking to those boys this morning. I think they said they got doing like a thing they said they're doing a photo shoot this afternoon james and khan
Starting point is 00:42:49 and they're always doing a photo shoot i tell us when they're not doing a photo shoot but they know i'm not a fan of the old uh the old speedos so uh he won over a hundred thousand dollars at the games oh that must have been nice. Oh, yeah. Jay, I appreciate you coming on. It's going to be fun to watch you. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Tell your coach thank you for standing by your side through this painful interview.
Starting point is 00:43:22 You're always welcome on the show. I'm a huge fan. It's cool watching you. And I'm glad every time we talk, brother. Don't believe in the other shows when I talk shit about you. Don't believe it. It's just a smile. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:43:33 We just like busting your balls. Yeah. Nah, it's awesome. Thanks. All right, dude. Thanks for the laughs, please. Yep. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Have a good one. Have a good one. Jay Crouch, great smile. Great beard. Good attitude. He does have a nice smile. And I think he, that was twice as much as the normal talk. I was trying to keep a tally of how many times he initiated some stories. And I think it was like three, which is pretty good. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Mark Moss. I wish I was Australian. Who doesn't? You wish you were Australian, but you didn't have to live there. Yeah. Yeah. Bring out Daddy D.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Oh, shit. Did I send him a link? James taking over the executive producer role of the show. I did send him a link. Hey, but he didn't respond. Oh, we are about four minutes early.
Starting point is 00:44:37 So look at, I'm going to send it to James. I'm going to send it to you. Maybe he can forward it along to send it to you. Maybe he can forward it along. To send it to him. Yeah, what do you think of that? Nice. Oh, I'm coming. Oh, he said he's coming.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh yeah, no rush. Hey, so I started just making subclips. Did you see them? And I scheduled some for... Yeah, you can fill in for him. Did you see I started putting up sub clips yeah and then you started for later too yeah because i put up like two at like at one in the morning and hillary's like hey ding dong i was like what he's like you can't put up videos at one in the morning he goes why he just put them up at three o'clock so that, um, Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Good to see you, buddy. Oh, you went full, uh, hair dye. Yeah, this is, this is Dallin, bro. Dallin, uh, excited to have you on the show. Thank you very much. I'm competing all four days. I'm going to have to make it quick. I'm here to, here to have some fun with you boys.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Let me ask you a question. Uh, and I know James Sprague is your friend, but does it ever get a little annoying training with him because he's always so upbeat and positive and it's just like exhausting? Like, do you ever just want to be like, hey, James, take it downer, buddy. You know, some days I just have to walk in and ignore him.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You know, it just has to be that way in order to keep my sanity. And, you know, James is a great dude, but complete opposites, man. And Dallin, do you feel like it's that once again, you're having to handhold these younger athletes who aren't as disciplined as you like Jason Hopper and James Sprague that you have to come in and fill in in the team for them and just like chaperone these these ding dongs? Yeah, it just comes down to a maturity thing. You know, that's that's what I bring to my team most. I know Jason and James are locking that a little bit. So
Starting point is 00:46:29 where I can fill in, I I'm going to do my best. Yeah. And I, and I, I, this is just a rumor, but I heard that I'm James's dad and Jason's parents are paying you a babysitting fee this weekend for, for, for watching. Oh my God, you're not really Dallin Pepper. The secret's spoiled. We're going to kick James off. See you guys.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Oh, I love it. We're going. Have fun. I wasn't sure. Bye. Thank you, Juicy J. Anytime. See you later. The imposter. The Dallin Pepper imposter. Dallin, hi. What's up?
Starting point is 00:47:12 I sent him a link. I was concerned that maybe it didn't go through to you, so I asked him if he could forward it to you, and instead he came on. I figure you should have known if he's getting a link, he's coming on. came on i i think you should have known like if he's getting a link he's coming on was that your girlfriend in the back being like uh why is james on yeah that's exactly what she said my wife but yeah wife wife um uh yon clark uh just stopping in to say thanks for all the content this week and what uh we are going to get over water palooza busy coaching so watching it all on replay all All right, thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Appreciate the money. You're in Miami. I'm still in Naples. Oh, you are? Okay, no rush. Yeah, it's way calmer here. So figured I'd just stay another night here, and we're headed over in a few hours.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And it's basically, I think I made the drive once. You're basically directly across the state from me you just get on that road and just drive across like 90 miles it's straight across like not even two hours yeah that's cool kind of a boring drive right i mean uh i've actually like it's pretty cool coming from utah to here it's boring but every once in a while you'll get like a giant snake dead on the road like the roadkill is completely different down here. There's gators, all sorts of stuff. And then you could,
Starting point is 00:48:29 you just think about like what's in the trees and what's in the Everglades. And it's keep your mind going. You're right. Boing's not the right word. It's just, it's like it in this sense, it's like Utah, right. Or Nevada. It's monotonous. It's like, like, like you're like, okay, for 10 minutes, the desert landscape's cool, but really for four hours?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah. Like just that? How about a mix-up? Hey, do they have armadillos in Florida? I don't know about those. Okay. Do you know what those are? That's like the thing that looks like a-
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yeah. It's got like the shell. Yeah. Yeah. We don't have those in- Go ahead. They have Florida panthers, and there's actually like a bunch of bears and deer that come into Naples, which is pretty wild. Not something I'd expect.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Like a legit panther. Yeah. It's a cat. Like everywhere you go, there's like panther crossing signs. Have you seen one yet? No, I haven't seen one. Yeah, so we don't have these in california these armadillos but i always trip when i travel and i see them as roadkill like in texas and shit or wherever i've seen them
Starting point is 00:49:31 it's a trip interesting are these one of your sponsors yeah actually i'm wearing them they're my first sponsor oh really you're yeah hey don't you feel a special loyalty to your first sponsor like yeah thank you i'm gonna do it for you and everyone else is gonna pay because they didn't get on yeah i mean so these guys are actually the reason i got connected with coop like harry's incredible so that's the owner of the company or the yep yeah the owner esc uh sounds yeah some good dudes over there. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:50:06 That's how I feel. I feel so loyal to the, to the first sponsors and then to all the other people who come on afterwards, I just want to sabotage their shit. Exactly. Triple their money. Pay me three times as much.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, exactly. Someone said, uh, revenge is the great, wait, what is it? Uh,
Starting point is 00:50:22 revenge is the greatest payback or no, it's not revenge anyway i just i just i love just being fueled by that like people who didn't get on board early yeah absolutely i agree i love when companies like uh like a few years ago like turn me down it's like it's just gonna keep growing you guys. Yeah, you should have got me when I was cheap, when I was an ankle grabber. I'm never grabbing my ankles again. Exactly. So you're doing individual, and then you were asked to go on a team.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Let's start with why didn't you do team before, and are you excited about doing it now are you kind of bummed uh so the plan like the ideal plan was i was going to compete at rogue individual and wadapalooza as a team and i didn't do good enough at the games so i decided well clearly i'm not doing rogue so i needed a off-season indie competition the plan was just to do individual at Waterpalooza and actually was bummed I wouldn't be able to do team. I was just going to just focus on individual. And then it came out that you could do both. And then I was like, no, I'm just going to stick individual. And then Jason sent me a sweet, heartfelt video, four minutes long. And he got me, convinced me.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Really? Just like that? Did you you see that video I think I did see some of it I don't know if I saw all four minutes but I think I didn't post all four minutes I can't post all four minutes oh yeah yeah okay then I did see it okay yeah but yeah that was kind of like I had a couple other teams I feel bad because like other teams were asking me like the last couple weeks I'm like no I'm just doing individual. And then James and Jason, like last minute, uh, Cole was not able to make it. So, and there's literally like everyone else is already on a team. And so I joined on with them.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And you're going to have a blast, right? I mean, those are, it's going to be a hoot with James and Jason, right? Yeah. Like it's, it's probably going to be one of the funnest competitions we ever did. Yeah. What a cool thing. And how do you know Jason? Well, basically, 2021, we both kind of were making a little bit of a splash at semifinals.
Starting point is 00:52:41 He won his. I was 19, so there was quite a bit of talk i obviously didn't qualify that year um but we both we both told each other we uh didn't really want the other person to succeed because we were like the the rookie males coming up and then uh we just talk a bunch of trash on social media and then up in vermont got to spend like a week with him and we had a really good time and then at the games it was like me danielle mal and jason hanging out a whole bunch so we're pretty close with them so you you went up there for a week with um to train at frazier's place hwpo and was that the first time like you'd really hung with him with jason yeah uh yeah that'd be like the first
Starting point is 00:53:26 the real first time and then he was we were both competing in knoxville for semis and we hung out like a couple days in between there because i went out early and he stayed a couple days late and he's married too right yeah two young guys married got their focus on absolutely uh and how is everything with, uh, Matt Torres and the brute camp, uh, down there? How are you doing down there? We're doing good. I mean, things are growing. We just had another athlete moved down. Her name's Jessica, uh, semi-final level athlete. Uh, we're doing camps. Like there's the Naples camp coming up after Wadapalooza. And then we're actually headed to Switzerland for a camp,
Starting point is 00:54:05 um, the next weekend. Uh, and things are just growing quickly and we're all getting fitter, better. Um, we've got a lot of good athletes down here. Uh,
Starting point is 00:54:17 Wad zombie. Yes. I made it in time for, uh, Dallin. Good dude right there. Hey, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:24 why, uh, tell me about Switzerland. what's going on in switzerland uh so brute camps have been like in the past they were huge uh then there was a couple years where uh brute just wasn't doing them and now we're trying to bring them back a little bit so we had one in naples last i was like october or Um, we'll have another one coming up here after Wadapalooza and then it's a two, I think it's a two day camp in Switzerland. There's, and we might be doing two weekends. I'm not 100% sure. You can like look on their page and that it'll show you. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:56 basically it's two days. You'll run through weightlifting, gymnastics, conditioning, uh, rotations. And then there's two or three lectures a day of mindset, nutrition, all that type of stuff. But all the coaches come out, uh, Danielle and I are going out as the athletes and we're just hanging out, having a good time. So, uh, and how many people go to the camp? I believe there's 30 to 35 spots. Holy cow. So basically, uh, God, that must be nice to do it in Naples. I mean, I don't blame people for wanting to go to Switzerland, but God, I can't think of a much better place. If you're an athlete to go to the Naples, it's clean, it's peaceful, especially if you like the heat, you'll always be warm and sweaty and ready to go. So that sounds awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Um, is, is, is naples the kind of the world headquarters for brute i always thought they were based out of utah or something uh in the past like we've done stuff in utah but brew hq is naples so naples okay yeah and uh and you're training every your training partner is basically danielle brandon you you guys have the gym at the same time and you guys run into each other in there every day. You guys are getting out at the same time. Yeah. So are we split into like two sessions just because we have a smaller space. But our group is the second group. So it's me, Danielle, Fee and James. I find most of the time I'm like if we have something similar, it's usually Danielle and I, uh, that'll like go head to head or like, um,
Starting point is 00:56:27 do the same workout. But like I went against James the other day, I'll go against fee. It all kind of depends on who has what piece for which day and if it lines up. And so we're all usually training together. James is in there also with fee and Danielle and you, but it did, it used to just be the two of you. For the games, for like that month that she was down here before the games, because Fee wasn't here, James was gone,
Starting point is 00:56:54 and then it was just us two training for the games. So people were back home with family, that type of stuff. So it was mostly just us training. And we did a lot of the same stuff because leading into the games we're doing more like game style workouts instead of uh we're still working on weaknesses but not like the same if that makes sense um james break uh seven have you ever heard of the dog called a wiener retriever i'm gonna beat your ass james you better hope this ends up good it's the mix of the wiener dog and the golden
Starting point is 00:57:25 retriever it's kind of like what you do for hillar i don't know if i like that i'm not even sure where you're going but i'm gonna tell you hey he's been waiting the whole week to comment uh you know if you mix a a wiener dog with a retriever the female has to be the retriever because a wiener dog can't hold it can't hold in its in its in its uterus or whatever dogs wherever they grow their baby can't hold nine fucking golden retrievers in there you know what i mean you get what i'm saying caleb yeah i'm tracking that's legit yeah makes sense to me what do you i don't even get the joke do you get it caleb what are you saying no not really oh good i'm so glad you don't get it hey look up and see if there really is a wiener retriever dick retriever is there a dick retriever joke dick handling joke in there
Starting point is 00:58:24 no maybe there's some small ones oh god this sounds like a horror do you have a dog dylan i do we just got one a few months ago what do you got it's a cavapoo it's a cavalier poodle mix oh shit oh that's a cute dog yeah i like that dog majestic oh look up a cavapoo I like that dog. Majestic. Look up a Cavapoo. Is it a hunting dog? I think Cavaliers used to be specifically known for hunting.
Starting point is 00:58:55 No, he's spoiled and he's lazy. Is it as big as I get? It looks like a golden doodle yeah yeah he's one of these poodle mixes he's so cute listen to this listen to this dog this dog sounds horrible pit husky chihuahua those are like the three worst dogs ever made throw a boxer in there i have a chihuahua mix they're fucking it's what a piece of work that dog is how many dogs do you have one dog i have two okay yeah pit horrible husky horrible chihuahua horrible all horrible dogs i'm sorry but i won't disagree yeah they're uh they're it's because
Starting point is 00:59:41 they're ace they're uh and i they know they're they're not uh like good social dogs and they all bite they all bite kids all those dogs bite kids no i have a pit and he's so sweet shut up save it i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear it in the comments no boxes are not dope they're dope but they're crazy they're bad shit crazy you ever known anyone as a boxer dylan no they're crazy it's like having a psycho friend around there's so much energy it's like james yeah yes exactly if james was a dog he'd be a boxer it's like you need a kennel with that dog like your dog you don't need a kennel no you can just put him in the clothes hamper and he's happy yeah he just lays on the cold floor all day yeah you need a
Starting point is 01:00:25 kennel for uh yeah you need a kennel for jay we have one at the gym for james just lock a minute okay we're gonna work out put james in the kennel uh when you do individual um uh pretty pretty gnarly field uh yeah what Is there anything you're telling yourself? Like, hey, Dallin, going into this, Dallin, just do the best you can. Or, hey, Dallin, what a great opportunity to make a statement. And any stories you're revving up in there? Any narratives to get you going? Well, I'm always doing a competition to win.
Starting point is 01:00:59 There's no other point in doing it. That's why I'm here. I think a great goal for this weekend is to podium just based on like where i was at the games uh the improvements changes i've made i know i can podium um anything higher than that is definitely a plus uh but it's also like again i'm young so i have great experience it's a great experience or opportunity to gain experience against high caliber athletes yeah crazy uh crazy caliber who you got you got gee dallin uh um you uh gee dallin um pat velner fikowski ricky roman ricky roman yonakoski yeah there's a lot of smart dudes out there who are really fit they're legit who know the game
Starting point is 01:01:46 yeah if you could i mean even if you could pick off any of those guys it would be it would probably make a pretty loud statement yeah i mean they all beat me at the games this year you know how like uh uh let's say you're doing a workout and let's say it's a hundred burpees for time, just your coach assigns that to you. And you know, or tell me if you agree with this, you know, those last 10 burpees that you've already put in the work for those first 90, you might as well absolutely go balls to the wall on those last 10 so that you can get the most out of the adaptation that the workout offers. So like, Hey, I'm already hurting this much like why waste it just go as hard as you can now with these last 10 and get the adaptation is am i thinking right
Starting point is 01:02:31 is there logic in that no that's exactly right like say like the burpee great example or like eight sets of intervals like the last two are the only ones that really count yeah you've already put in all the work to hurt like don't be stupid and just coast these or else it was a waste to do those first fucking horrible ones you wasted all the ones like you're you're just building to that last point so like why waste the last 30 minutes of echo bike intervals to get soft on the last two okay what about this what about how old are you 21 so there's maybe if you go big picture on that there's also a point where it's like hey i'm only going to be 21 once so like someone like rich who's 35 like when you hear him talk he's in he's in survival mode right he's in maintenance mode he knows he's not going to put 10 pounds on his deadlift is now he's just how how much can i
Starting point is 01:03:25 stop it from how slow can i make the decay yeah right but um maybe there's also a narrative to motivate you like hey i'm only going to be 21 once when i have this level of testosterone and adaptation available to my body and that's another reason why i have to go yeah i mean level level 10 at all times to to like because at some point you're gonna get at some point you're gonna everyone's gonna go into maintenance mode yeah that's exactly i mean i hear all the other guys like even like the 26 year olds oh to be 21 again i was like well i'm not gonna i don't want to be like saying that like i want to take advantage of the time like that I am young and I think I did that as a teenager too like just growing up into
Starting point is 01:04:11 this spot like I've been doing CrossFit for seven years now maybe pushing eight but uh just like taking advantage of that time and then also on like the mental of it, recently I've been really trying to remind myself one day this is the good old days. Take advantage of every single moment that I have to train with all my best friends. All I'm doing is training. That's my biggest focus is winning. But I get to do it in a really cool spot with a lot of cool people. Hey, that is brilliant what you just said this is this is going to be this is the good old days right now you're in
Starting point is 01:04:49 yeah i love that i'm thinking about lately hey and you know what else is cool too down and i throw this in there like you you could take like a hundred ubers but the only uber you ever remember is when um the driver's like missing an arm or you got a flat tire or the driver farted in the car or you know what i mean like you never remember the stuff that's just like the mundane stuff they don't make good stories so yeah you might as well get out there and slap uh velner's ass as hard as you can as you run by him absolutely so that you can so you when you can be like in the good old days i remember slapping his ass as i passed him you know what i mean you might as well like no one remembers like just the like you know what i mean like like if you didn't do murph and you didn't throw up then you're not remembering it yeah exactly like uh it's always like those track
Starting point is 01:05:35 sessions this summer like that's that's what daniel and i talk about like from games training it's always the workouts that like went to absolute shit or like the track sessions that were like we are telling matt like hey i don't think this is possible like it's those those kind of things that we remember hey that happens like he gives you a workout and you guys are like hey i don't think we can do this yeah it was our last track session before we flew out to the games and it was like 600 into 200 couple sets at like very aggressive paces with very short rest and uh we did one and we were both like three seconds behind and we had similar so like i'm following her because she's a little faster and we finished the first set we're like matt we don't i don't think this is possible and then like 60 seconds later like one of us is like no we should do we should try again and then the other
Starting point is 01:06:29 person's like yeah yeah we got this we got this and we're like trying to convince ourselves that we can do it and then we ended up doing it and we were actually faster on the last interval and it was cool but like those are the moments you remember like you see pictures videos from that day and it's like it's a scary feeling like every time you step up to the line to start hey um what is he when he's he seems like a pretty stoic guy when you guys start talking like that does he just stay quiet and like or does he does he chirp in uh it depends on who it is because he's dealing with five however many of us like very different people like look at me from danielle to feed james emma all these we all have very different personalities and how we respond
Starting point is 01:07:12 to different things uh it's like with me personally like we'll just have like a very serious conversation like uh do you i think i can do this i don't't know. Should we try it again? Sure. Is it worth trying again? No, then we won't do it. With Danielle, like Danielle needs to say her piece and then Matt will be able to say his piece. And it's like kind of waiting for the other person to finish what they have to say. And then you can base your response on what they say. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. I think of Danielle as kind of more like my kids.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Like we do a lot of intervals in my gym every day, and I do it with my kids. And when my kids start complaining, or can I get a glass of water, or can I do this, I just look around. I don't know, I look at the clock. I just look at the clock. I don't even say shit to them. I just assume they're talking to themselves. And, like, if i was a coach i would not get into it with danielle like if she like i because i would lose and i'll lose
Starting point is 01:08:10 with my kids if i get into it i'll lose with them i can't i can't beat them in the in the in the in the talk game no yeah i think you know but then it's like five seconds that'll be like five seconds and then they're like oh they forget everything that they were complaining about or talking to me about, and they jump on the line and go. Yep, exactly. Yeah. Are you digging that? Her and Fi and James and Danielle, is it like being in the second grade and going to see your friends every day, or is it just more like work? I mean, there's some days that like it is like it is our job it's work but uh like leading into
Starting point is 01:08:46 the games i remember saying multiple times and danielle said it as well like that's the most fun i've ever had training uh and that's still like we're just right in that wave with now that fees down here and james is back like we show up every day there's excitement it's fun we're always laughing and then but everyone knows like oh this guy, this guy's this person starting a workout. It's time to turn them on or turn it on. Leave them alone. No, it's like you think back to like high school football practice, like all your buddies, like that's how it is in the gym. Yeah, I wish I could think back to that.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I just drank. I only played one year, so I can't I can't say much. It is cool. Whenever I talk to her and she talks about training, she does seem ecstatic to have you as a training partner. Whatever you guys are doing there, she's pretty stoked about it. It's a lot of fun. Have you and the guys looked at the workouts and started deciding who's going to do what?
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah, Jason and James have been talking. I'm going to show up and do what they say I'm focused on individual but it's a lot of like the events look fun I've looked at them so oh I like that okay so you're not even team is like team's not even a reality until Friday night yeah like I'm competing for two days and then after that like i'm then it's a completely different thing yeah i like that uh does does matt tell you that or is that something you came up with or your wife told you that hey by the way just ignore saturday and sunday like it's never gonna come and then and then deal with it friday night yeah like corinne and matt and i sat down like actually it
Starting point is 01:10:21 was a it was not it was, it was like a serious conversation about whether or not I was going to do team or not. And basically we made it clear to James and Jason. And I think everyone else that's doing both competitions is in the exact same boat. Like if there's any, any amount of concern about like a certain workout or how your body's feeling after the two days that will affect you for the rest of the season like the team competition's not happening and i think like there's 13 or something of us men that are doing both and i think we're all in the same boat there hey not everyone's gonna make it yeah there's a chance yeah like we have
Starting point is 01:11:02 like all all those people who committed to both i there's no way they all make it there's a big it's a big weekend it's like thinking your race car is going to race two two races in a row yeah back to back and like the team competition it really is like you're doing a third of the work some of the workouts are pretty gnarly, but there's other ones like it's interval style. It turns into training. Are you in peak condition? Are you the fittest you've ever been? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah. And at 21, are you seeing incremental changes just like every month? Are you like, wow, are you? Was there a period in your life where you were like, holy cow, I can't believe the adaptations I'm going through? Yeah, there seems to be like a two, three year period when I was a teenager where I was hitting a period in your life where you were like, Holy cow, I can't believe the adaptations I'm going through. Yeah. There seems to be like a two, three year period when I was a teenager where I was hitting a PR, like anytime I wanted to hit a PR, I was going to hit a PR. Um, and like now like going into the individual division,
Starting point is 01:11:58 I was strong enough, like plenty strong. Uh, so we had to gain gymnastics ability and capacity as well as like running and conditioning and i just wasn't fit enough um when i made the transition but now it's like i'm still hitting the weights that i was when i was at my peak peak strength but i'm much better at everything else and are there you're seeing just that you see it the uh the increase in your fitness month to month yeah do you think you got fitness from the games uh last year like got fitter because of the games yeah no no the games you don't get fitter there you get that's a beat down it is huh yeah what do you get from it uh hopefully you get fulfillment from all the work you did. Um, some cash, that's always nice.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Uh, and a lot of good experience and memories. Yep. Uh, that experience when we had a Spencer on, um, or I don't know if he said it on, when, on this, on the podcast with me, or if I heard him say it on another podcast, but basically he was saying he thought he was going to go to the games and like after seeing Saxon and Scott there, he's like, yeah, nothing's going to surprise me. I got this. And then he said, he went there and he's like, holy shit. I was surprised by so much. He said, experience is way underrated. Yeah. Like even like I was there three times as a teenager in Madison. So like the venue and the process and everything nothing like none of that surprised me I think that's valuable uh but the the individual division
Starting point is 01:13:33 like every time you make it to a semi-final or make it to water palooza or the games like it's just that next step at how fast everyone is um at everything and there definitely were surprises I think there could have been less surprises if for everyone like not just myself if dave was still programming as opposed to boss because clearly everyone was surprised by a lot of those things uh but yeah even with like the teenage experience i had there was definitely surprises you won the teenage division three times yeah that's crazy hey did you feel pressure by your third victory going there no i knew i was gonna win oh you did yeah i was pretty confident i think the
Starting point is 01:14:13 like the biggest pressure was like when i won when i was 15 and then i went to the older division and i won when i was like the younger side because like a year in the teenage division makes a pretty big difference. And then, and then, so when you went, you were 17, you knew that, that feeling of knowing, do you, do you, can you still tap into that feeling? Yeah, I do it all the time. You do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Like I know I can win. So I get to use, like, it's a balance of between like, like this year I took 19th and that was very much not what I wanted to do. Uh, but it's like some days you need to say, Hey, you took 19th at the games. Like what, what's, what's that? Like you need to work a lot harder or like, uh, or you can even flip and be like, Hey, you took 19th at the games. Like, let's go keep going, keep going. And like use it momentum or, uh, a push and whatever, and a negative positive way kind of thing um do you know how old uh mad or rich were when they first won the games
Starting point is 01:15:15 i don't know maybe someone in the comments 25 26 probably yeah do you do you ever do you ever think of that like it's sort of like a, okay. Like, like, don't need to be too hard on yourself. You're 21 and you went to the games. Like no, no, no one's, no one's won the games at 21. Yeah. I mean, it's also like, there's people that were 19 and made it to the games. Like I know it was like 10 years ago, like Ben Smith, Sam Quant, like it's been done. Like there know it was like 10 years ago, like Ben Smith, Sam Quant, like it's been done.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Like there's no reason I can't do it. Right. To make it to the games. But I just mean in terms of like, Hey, like, like you were saying 19th isn't what you wanted, but 19th is pretty,
Starting point is 01:15:56 it's, it's pretty crazy. You made it to the games and made it top 20 at 21. It was a great, it was a great accomplishment for sure. Yeah. Uh, but it's nothing you're you but you're not settled with it you're not like happy with it you're like yeah no it doesn't sit right but like i'm i'm proud of it like i i worked hard and uh but i'm not i'm not done uh you said justin won the games at 21 did he i think he took third when he was 21 i was 20
Starting point is 01:16:25 this year at the games okay so he took third now mr suza heidi i'm way more emotionally mature now than i was when i was 25 like a lot oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're now about as emotionally mature as dallin which is good i mean that is a compliment mr suza about as emotionally mature as Dallin. Which is good. I mean that as a compliment, Mr. Sousa. Are you emotionally mature? In ways, I think. But I don't think anyone ever actually has it figured out.
Starting point is 01:16:57 That's what I've learned. Right. It's like you're just constantly like winging it, trying to figure out things. New experiences, you're going to learn more. But I would say I'm good at controlling my emotions you are good yeah um after the games uh sunday or is there do you go back to your room and have like some sort of like cathartic release like do you cry or do you sit in a bathtub or do you hug your you know your wife and she's like hey you're squeezing me too tight i was broken after the games you were broken
Starting point is 01:17:32 yeah my back was pretty messed up um i mean i think there was it was like a lot of laughing joking around like everyone understood the situation and that like, I wasn't happy with it, but there's nothing you could change right then and there. So it was just enjoying time with family and friends. I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:17:54 and, and so this year, well, I guess you're, you're pretty lucky with Wadapalooza. There's so many great competitors here and you get, it's a, it's a pretty good test run.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Um, but i guess this year then the goal do you have a goal this year for the game i guess is it just to make it to the games or do you are you already like hey i gotta do better than 19 i mean step ones always make it to the games but top 10 for sure this year that was my goal last year i think it's a reasonable goal again for this year so um how about the process in getting to the games are you familiar how with how it's changed and are you happy with it i know i'll be in orlando and from what i understand this could be like the best format to get people to the games then it could truly get the 40 fittest people um where in past years i don't know if it's done that uh but it could also
Starting point is 01:18:42 they could also really screw it up if they don't do it right. All right. So you, so you're kind of holding your breath. I mean, I'm not holding my breath cause I'm, I'm going to make it. Yeah. Regardless you're in control of your own destiny. Yeah. But like for the games purposes, like to get the 40 fittest men and women or whatever, um, it could be really good. Um, how, how about, uh, kids? Are you going to have, you have a You have a wife and you have a dog. Are you going to have kids soon? I got to win some CrossFit games first.
Starting point is 01:19:11 That's like 10 years down the road. That's what I like to hear. That's what I like to hear. Yeah, plenty of time for that. Not on the horizon. Yeah, no pressure from me either, just so you know. Plenty of time. That was just a trick question um how how close are your parents to you down uh to the the training
Starting point is 01:19:30 camp down there where your parents they live in they live in utah and and your wife lives with you in in naples you miss your family i do miss my family yeah that's like the i miss the mountains and i miss my family but i love i know like i know we're in a great spot and this is where i need to be right now so and they know that too uh and in naples is cool you like the you go to the beach a lot you take advantage of the place there yeah uh with the hurricane like the beaches kind of got messed up for a while but uh we went last week for the first time in a bit and just take advantage of palm trees, sunshine year round. There's great food here.
Starting point is 01:20:10 It's fun to go try different places. And it's peaceful, but I guess Utah is pretty peaceful too, right? It's different here. Utah, everything seems so rushed, and everyone's in a hurry to get places, and everyone's all stressed out, naples just it's super calm just old people just old people all everywhere rich old people for sure uh you're you're you're okay so you're in naples you got the wife, you got the wife there, you got the dog there, and that could be home for like another 10 years. You think your family would ever move out there?
Starting point is 01:20:52 My family's talked about moving to Alabama. My mom has a sister out there. It's cheap land out there. But I don't know how serious that is. I don't think they'd ever come to Florida right now. Cause I still have younger siblings. My youngest sibling is 10. I'd move there. I'd move to Naples.
Starting point is 01:21:10 It's awesome. You should. Yeah. Would you like that if I move close to you? Yeah. Just come, just come watch us train every day. This,
Starting point is 01:21:20 this, uh, this, this beat down that the games gave you any particular workout. Was there any point during the week where you're like, Oh shit, I'm going to have to pull out of the games gave you, any particular workout? Was there any point during the week where you're like, oh, shit, I'm going to have to pull out of the games? I'm wounded? No, I was never going to pull out of the games. I think everyone's backs were very sore from what I've heard.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I think that sandbag got a couple people. You can see a video of me falling on my ass twice. video of me falling on my ass twice. But, uh, yeah, I mean like the last day, little things like the clean, the clean for the super heavy event was three 15. I only cleaned three, two 75 in the back. Like I just didn't even warm up, warm up to the weights. And I was like, all right, let's get some adrenaline and go on the floor. Hey, um, I, what I was noticing is that when people, people, the weight of the sandbag on people's necks was probably fucking them up too. Cause I would always see people after when they would walk away, start doing this. Yeah. I mean, that bag is huge. So I don't think people realize what it's like having two or 300 pounds pushed up against your neck.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Oh God, you're strong down. Yeah. Like that doesn't feel good. Huh? No, that thing's awkward for sure. Yeah. That was a video. That was a definitely an event.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I wish it took better advantage of, but what do you mean by that? Uh, I know I, I should have lifted the bag the other way. I did it like the long way and I should have just stuck with the way I was used to. But like the strongman came in and we were looking up different videos in the back. It was working really well.
Starting point is 01:22:54 But everyone that was doing that on the lighter weights like Brent was doing it the same way I did. And then he ended up switching and he did better. I should have just switched out on the floor but i didn't so and uh uh justin stuck with that way right yeah uh he was very efficient in the way he did it like you look pretty good there the way you did it right there that one was good uh the next two got pretty sloppy but he definitely practiced that i would have to guess ahead of time yeah i have heavy sandbags now so what what is the heaviest sandbag uh hillar said he got a 300 pound sandbag you can see in the back of his videos and he says he can't even move it he says it's just stuck there
Starting point is 01:23:38 yeah the heaviest uh i'd ever used was, and then we got 250 and 300 now. Oh, my goodness. And have you messed with the 300? Not yet. Wow. It's relatively new. We still got to fill it up. And how do you do that?
Starting point is 01:23:59 You just go down to the beach and fill it with sand? I was going to do that, but it's actually illegal, I found out. You can't just go take the sand from the beach oh you just tell them you're gonna return you can do it just return it yeah i mean you could also like home depot has like 50 pounds of that 50 pound bags of sand for like four bucks then you have the exact weight but hey that reminds me of like um uh this jay crouch was saying that they collect rainwater off their roof and in australia yeah and i don't remember if it was caleb or someone said in the comments but yeah some places like i bet you in california that's not even legal i've heard which is just crazy it's raining on your roof and you can't collect the water and
Starting point is 01:24:42 drink it it's like shut the fuck up get out seriously leave me alone i'll collect whatever water i want that falls from the sky yeah it's your your house your roof yeah and um does uh so socially uh florida seems like it's in a good spot like it's like a pretty free place like you're like oh yeah great state yeah Oh, yeah. Great state. Yeah. None of that crazy stuff. Yeah, God. When I would hear people there in Idaho, what they went through in the last two years versus what California went through, I'm like, we don't even live in the same country.
Starting point is 01:25:15 It's not even like the same world. Florida's crazy. You can't smoke weed even though it grows naturally from the earth. But you don't smoke weed, right, D naturally from the earth oh but you don't smoke weed right down no i wouldn't know you don't burn anything and inhale it you don't even do like sage to get rid of evil spirits no no no burning stuff and inhaling if you know it's a solid protocol for games athletes don't stand close to anything burning. It's a good, good advice to live by. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Victor Brown likes your governor. This means it's good, right? Yeah. Yeah. Does the open mean anything? Like, will you go balls to the wall in the open? We had Jorge Fernandez on the other day. Thank you, Caleb. Fernandez on the other uh we had Jorge Fernandez on the other day thank you Caleb and uh he made
Starting point is 01:26:07 he said that uh it does to him it does mean something the goal like just go nuts on every workout uh I think it depends on uh how they do the semi-final seating stuff like with the extra spots like if it's the open or if it's quarterfinals or both um i think that will kind of depend on or that will change how athletes approach the open and quarterfinals oh that's a good point whether it's part of that cumulative score that they keep like teasing us with yeah so like if it's if it's just the quarterfinals that determines where those spots go like we'll do the open workouts and i'll go hard, but like it'll probably be during the second session of the day that I'll do it. Oh, okay. Interesting. So it's not that you'll dial it back,
Starting point is 01:26:52 but you'll do it in the second session when you have a little taken off of, wow. Okay. It won't be the first thing I do that day. Cause it's not the highest priority. But I don't know if the open is part of how they assign those spots i guess things could change um do you make new friends at every competition will you meet someone new here that like probably like you know you stay in touch with like i had that spaniard on yesterday uh um uh annual like anal or whatever you guys call yeah don't call him that don't call him trying to trying to break that habit not not uh on your uh on your akai um okay do you make do you make friends at
Starting point is 01:27:30 every competition uh there's always like moments that i've like talked to people i haven't talked too much uh but not that i stay in contact a ton with, but like we become closer. Who will you make sure you say hi to? Like, like, will you make sure you say hi to Rich? Yeah, I'll say hi to Rich. I haven't talked to him a ton. Brent and Pat are always fun to talk with. Like the water police is fun because I remember last year everything was so relaxed and there was just like a ton of talking in the corrals it was like very different from other competitions so there's there's definitely more chatting talking with people um i don't know if there's anyone like i'm
Starting point is 01:28:16 gonna specifically go out of my way to say hi to you but i'll talk with people i um uh if i was an athlete i'd probably stay close to pat just because he keeps shit light like i remember like rich and um matt would you know they'd often i would see them by uh josh bridges and i used to think that maybe josh bridges was hanging out with them but then i thought oh probably also rich and matt want to be josh because he keeps everything so light that's that's actually very smart that's kind of what i did last year with pat like i just kind of followed him around like a little puppy dog yeah just he keeps it easy right just let him just let him talk shit to you the whole time and just keep it light i just think back to when i rolled my ankle last year uh we were in the lane next to each other and he smashed that workout he
Starting point is 01:28:58 won and i crossed the finish line and i'm like on the floor holding my ankle i don't know why it's so funny to me but I just like look up, he's celebrating and I just look up to Pat and like, Pat, I rolled my ankle and I don't know why I felt the need to tell him, but he was the one who got medical for me. But like, he's just like crushing this event. And I'm just on the floor like, Pat, help me. He's a chiropractor.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Yeah. What if he would have said that? What if he said, what do I care? Good. he would have said that what if he said what do i care good yeah but he no he he like went and found me medical and like he's i guess he's like father figure on the floor oh he's great yeah that's great well uh um i'm glad you you seem relaxed at first i almost thought you were wearing like doctor's clothes. Like what are the... Scrubs. Scrubs, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Did you think he was in scrubs? Kind of looks like it, yeah. He doesn't have the V-neck. What's MP? My protein. That another sponsor? Yeah. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 01:29:58 They're all on supplements. That makes me happy to hear. Sponsorship stuff going well? Yeah, it's going really well. Yeah. Coops the man. Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Coops the man. Well, you're the man, you're the man. Appreciate it. Yeah. Um, and,
Starting point is 01:30:12 I will probably, uh, bug you throughout, uh, the weekend. Obviously don't feel any pressure. I never have a problem getting ghosted by, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:20 the athletes during the week, but if you're able to come on, we'll be sending you links throughout the week and we'd always love to hear from you. Get me during team and I'll definitely jump on. Oh, awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Do perfect. Thanks. Thanks so much. Safe travels over to Miami. Appreciate you guys. Talk to you later. All right, brother.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Bye. First podcast. I did with him was a one. then i did one that was a five and then i would say this one was like we're approaching eight he's making some progress yeah crazy he's cool i can't believe he's 21 glad i shaved for him nice and tidy i can't believe he's married honestly how about when how about how we heard his wife say why is james on i thought she was gonna be pissed. I wonder if James is that friend that, you know, like the wife is like,
Starting point is 01:31:25 oh, really? Do you have to have him over? Yeah. Like James is like, he comes in your house and is just touching everything. Do you have any friends like that? Like Dave came in here and touches everything. That's what he's just that dude. He's that dude that comes to your house and just touches everything.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Like just opens up a drawer or, you know. I think I have family members like that. Just your house and just touches everything. Like just opens up a drawer or, you know, family members like that. Just come around, start moving everything. The first time Dave ever, like he was in my hotel room and he walks over to my computer and there's this thing where you can four finger swipe the mouse pad on a laptop and it pulls up every, all the windows you have open. Yeah. Yeah. And he just does that to my computer just to be noisy yeah a nosy no no no easy no noisy no what's doing huh
Starting point is 01:32:10 come on i have another podcast at 11 11 30 that one's gonna be easy but I just have to be super attentive. I hear kids playing drums. Uh, yeah, with, uh, Taylor,
Starting point is 01:32:39 uh, self and, uh, Jr. Howell. I feel like maybe i'm losing my voice okay and then thursday uh oh shit tomorrow wada palooza starts tomorrow yeah for some reason i keep thinking it's starting
Starting point is 01:33:00 next week but no it starts tomorrow can we pull up there um and like just do they have a schedule somewhere yeah wow i'm falling apart here okay uh thursday indie uh competition uh but we is in the morning uh gauntlet qualifiers in the evening do we know what time the indie competition in the morning we have an exact uh i'm not seeing any time yet there's gotta be oh thursday click thursday let's see that one up uh go a little higher this is free admission. Doors open at 10, I guess, p.m. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Oh, they have the exact times. Artur Cabral is saying they have the exact times in the app. I watched it. A Wadapalooza app. Why not their website? Let me check their website. Wadapalooza. I finally know how to spell it.
Starting point is 01:34:20 After three years, I spell it right. I always had the two O's in the wrong spot oh no I still don't spell it right holy shit do you spell it Wadapulaza yeah oh my god I spelled it wrong everywhere on all of our stuff on YouTube on all the
Starting point is 01:34:44 thumbnails and everything crazy okay i'm learning i'm learning schedule 2023 schedule of course that's not a hot link uh hey what can anyone tell us what time it starts tomorrow? Thursday? Yeah, I'm good. My house is great. The more rain, the better for me. I got 100 fruit trees and well water, and I'm stoked.
Starting point is 01:35:22 But just down the street, shit is fucked up. All sorts of piers and stuff. Mr. Spence says, women's elite at 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, probably. Yeah. Oh, does that mean 9 a.m. for us? Mm-hmm. Oh, you know where we can go, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:35:41 We can go to their YouTube page. Right? Wadapalu. you know where we can go caleb we can go to their youtube page right uh what a pa lu i bet you they have the shows already scheduled oh they don't even have a live button dude no they do not that's a problem wait a second how does the wadapalooza youtube page only have a thousand subscribers great question again they haven't posted a video and i must not be on the right one they haven't posted a video in four years where did their shit go from last year okay something's not right anyone know what's going on someone post a link for me in the comments please
Starting point is 01:36:34 11 central 9 for savvy you found their youtube page no it's on loud and live's youtube page oh wow why are they doing that no uh well this is from last year so here's oh here they go there's uh oh still nothing scheduled though correct oi oi oi okay uh well we will get all of our scheduled here very soon, just so you know. I'm assuming they are going to have to do that too. Someone over there needs to do that. Hey, you people out there, you don't need to schedule your streams for the exact time. Just schedule them close and then change them as it gets close,
Starting point is 01:37:20 just so people can hit the notification, right? Thanks, Plummer. Oh, that was Will Plummer? Oh, awesome. Thank you, Will will you just did this to me uh so the gauntlet qualifier starts at 9 a.m that's 6 a.m pacific standard time i'm assuming that won't be filmed and then elite indie oh so so that's even wrong uh what's on their instagram account it's not in the morning eliteie doesn't start until 3.10 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:52 No shit. I think Taylor made a schedule for our show. I wonder if he sent it to me already. No. Oh. Wow. to me already no oh well I think we're in a notes maybe we're in a notes no that's oh no I did notes with you yesterday I got my shit all confused maybe we'll it's like they're planning on us being the primary stream maybe per id okay uh where's the uh have a scheduled draft now double checking and we'll have to prior to the programming show oh awesome thank you taylor let's see oh the um it's broken up by stage on the schedule are you pulling that up oh sweet yeah so it does start a little earlier oh, so it does start a little earlier. Oh, okay, so it does start at 9 a.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Why did that other schedule say 3 p.m.? I think because this is the Splagler stage. Ah, what about Tina Hill stage? Tina Hill stage. Oh, shit. Okay. So Elite Indie does start at 9.24. Go back to the Flagler stage?
Starting point is 01:39:35 Flagler doesn't start until the evening time. Okay. Oh, that's tricky shit. Hey, will you send me that link? That is some tricky shit. I don't know if I like that. We need one... Continuous schedule?
Starting point is 01:39:53 Yeah, we need one continuous schedule. That would be beneficial. Bruce Wayne, I will be judging the gauntlet. Shana Medeiros, good morning! Good morning. Okay. I was working the gauntlet, uh, Shana Madaris. Good morning. Good morning. Okay. I was working at last year. You're what?
Starting point is 01:40:09 Working at McDonald's last year. No, I was working the gauntlet last year. Oh, the gaunt. Oh, wow. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:40:15 What the difference in a year? Okay. Okay. Uh, that's funny. I saw the picture and I thought that was Taylor texting me, but it was you because you guys look the same. We're the same person. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:42 All right. So tomorrow morning is going to be gnarly. Yeah. Is that 6 a.m. for me? If it says 9 a.m. here? So I got to be up at 5 a.m. tomorrow, get a coffee, and be ready to start watching shit by 6. Wow. Holy crap.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Maybe even earlier if we're going to do a pre-show oh nelly okay i gotta get off here and take a nap um thank you guys uh sounds like tomorrow's gonna be wild uh we we will be doing a show tonight um uh 12 p.m. Eastern time. But Sousa, it looks like there's going to be a show. It looks like they start. Oh, oh, that's the gauntlet starts at 9 a.m. Okay, we don't have to worry about that. Okay, 12 p.m. Eastern time. So 9 a.m. our time.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Oh, thank God. Okay. But Sousa is on his way and Andrew Hiller on their way over to Waterpalooza. Now they're flying there today. So tonight at some point they'll do a walk around with us and we will be going live at some point tonight. We just,
Starting point is 01:41:50 we just don't know when, why, what would I do in Miami? Why are you not going to Miami? I don't know. Cause my house is dope. What would I do in Miami? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Hey, listen, I have, uh, I's nothing for me to do there. Yeah. Hey, listen. I have to run the show from here. There would be nothing for me to do there. I'd be stuck in a hotel room. Yeah, me too. Morning Chalk Up has the schedule on Instagram. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 01:42:20 That means they're still operational. Let me know if anyone sees Justin LaFranco there. I think he's – we need to do a follow-up on what's going on over there at the Morning Choco. Oh, shit. They ain't flying fucking nowhere today. Damn, Susan Hiller. Susan, call me if you're not flying anywhere. I'm very curious if you got grounded.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Great show, Seve. Thank you. I didn't feel like I was my best. I felt like Jay and Dallin. All that shit talking I did about them, I feel like they schooled me a little bit. They were the ones who showed up today. All right. An endorsement from the Champs, Mom.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Guadalupe is actually amazing. Seve has traveled himself out. That's what you get for traveling the world in your youth. Yeah, and there's just nothing for me to do in Miami. What I do is right here. Right here. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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