The Sevan Podcast - #75 CrossFit Games - First 3 Events with James Hobart

Episode Date: July 15, 2021

The Sevan Podcast EP 75 - CrossFit Games -THE FIRST 3 EVENTS with James Hobart @JAMESHOBART @BRIANFRIENDCROSSFIT @SEVANMATOSSIAN The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow u...s on Instagram Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Obart? Yeah, yeah. Oh, good. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:34 You want to hear the story? I do. I'd love to hear it. I'm waiting with bated breath. It's a really brief story. Wait, wait, wait. We're not live yet on YouTube. One sec.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'm sorry. Shit, my microphone was sagging. Seven, I sent Ryan some clips to pull up later on in the episode, by the way. Ryan's a good dude. I think we're on now. We are live now? I think so. He gave us a thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yes. Oh, yeah, and YouTube popped up. I wonder why I don't see the chat window in YouTube. Does that take a while to pop up, Ryan? Or is it because I don't have my window open big enough? People will comment as it goes. Yeah, it'll pop up eventually. If not, let me know.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Okay. Guys, we're live with James Hobart, CrossFit HQ, training team extraordinaire, Flowmaster, owner of CrossFit. Boston. Oh, Boston. Yeah. Is CrossFit New England, CrossFit Boston the same gym? No, different gyms. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And Brian Friend is just your run-of-the-mill dude, coaches at a CrossFit gym. Normal as they get. Lives by himself in an apartment, like spreadsheets. Thank you. You're selling me very highly. He's a good coach, I hear. He's a good coach. He's not on that one team um oh man he's never developed i'm trying to think of something good to say i'm
Starting point is 00:02:12 digging around in my brain i'm digging around somebody got a good night of sleep last night simone you come you're coming in hot right now he he writes for this uh south china morning post um yeah i got a good actually i'm a should have a good article coming out pretty soon with him. He writes for the Morning Chalk Up. He's a frequent guest on Talking Elite Fitness with the voice of CrossFit, Sean Woodland, and Mr. Tommy Marquez. He doesn't do steroids. Lives in the middle of the country. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:52 So the reason why we're coming to you guys live today is the thought is this. There are three workouts that have been released, and they have stimulated that giant brain of Brian Friends. So we want to talk about them because when all 14 workouts come out, it will be too much, or 15 workouts come out, it will be too much. By the way, is it 15? Do we know that? I mean, Dave's using this 15 for 15 hashtag. It's the 15th year of the games. We have seen 15 scored events before. I think it's probable that there'll be 15 events. And James, what do you think? Do you concur? I mean, I have nothing really insightful to add to that,
Starting point is 00:03:26 but yeah, I think it's dead on. Did you do DHEA when you were competing in the CrossFit Games? All right, that's how we're going to start this one. I don't know. I didn't want you to feel left out. I gave Brian so much attention already. No, I mean, no, I don't think I did. Ted Schultz, I can see you.
Starting point is 00:03:44 You did not. You don't think you did. I don't think I did. Ted Schultz, I can see you. You did not. You don't think you did. I don't think I did. All right. We'll circle back around. At the end of the show, we'll talk about DHEA. I think that was the over-the-counter supplement that some of the athletes were taking that got in trouble. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:04:01 I mean, in trouble, I don't think really summarizes the gravity of what happened it got him disqualified from the games for four years yeah she is disqualified for four years her team is unable to compete this year they couldn't don't they have two subs couldn't they bring in two subs yes but she because she participated in the semiifinal, they're going to say her scores and therefore fitness or whatever that was enhanced by this product contributed to them making the games. And therefore, we can't consider that a valid qualification. I think I read the lady's post. Either you sent it to me, Brian, or someone did. It's kind of hard to read because you sense the gravity of how devastated she is.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I haven't read anything like that since when Emily Abbott got in trouble. Just basically, it's like the person's world is completely turned upside down. Like they're singularly focused on something, and then it vanishes. Yeah, and I mean, I think we might be able to say the same thing. I think in the case of the team, it's even worse, because you feel like you're letting down those other people, too. Yeah, that's spot on. Man. And, and, uh, and from, and from reading what she said, um,
Starting point is 00:05:11 and just taking her word at face value, she, I mean, she clearly, it didn't sound like she was trying to cheat. Not that I'm saying that that should get her off the hook, but I'm just saying like her care, it's there, there's no character assassination needed. It doesn't seem like it in this case i mean and you know she was relatively new to the to the competitive landscape and you know sometimes people speculate that those are the people who are most likely to try using some stuff to try to get onto a platform like that but also sometimes those are the people that
Starting point is 00:05:43 have least familiarity with uh you know what is and isn't legal and it is a product you can buy over the counter. So it's like also believable that it's an honest mistake. Brian, do you know Scott Polinsky? I know Scott Polinsky. Yes. He says, Jesus, you're, you're padding the comments with your fucking people. It's disgusting. He just said, Brian's a killer coach. Oh, well, he never listens to me coaching anyway. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Well, now I hope he never does the thing you tell him. Just some rocks being hurled back. Your client retention must be amazing, Brian. Seriously, you're a great coach. You never listen to me. No, Scott's one of my good friends. I play a lot of disc golf with him, and he does watch a lot of our podcasts. Well, not anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Let's talk about event number one. When was it announced, and what is it? And is this typical for Dave to start doing this, either of you? Yeah, definitely. July 4th was the first announcement. And I think he's made July 4th kind of the first announcement regularly. I think he did that for Murph the first year, which obviously makes sense being such a patriotic workout.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And I'm sure he's kind of zoned in on that date as a good time to start releasing some information. Usually he likes to release workouts that will just give the athletes a chance to, I mean, we talked about with Medeiros how, you know, if you're really serious about competing at the games, you can obviously recognize that paddleboarding has showed up there three times in the last six years, and you can probably work that in a couple times throughout the year just to make sure you have that skill. But if you're just making the games for the first time and you're like,
Starting point is 00:07:25 dang, man, the games are such a different playing field. All these things can be available that they couldn't have at a semifinal or an open or a sanctional. And if you just give a clue like that, then those guys can say, okay, let me try to get on a paddleboard now. Because some people, they have to put everything into just qualifying that first year. What is the event, did you say?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Isn't that? No, sorry. So what is the event? Well, it's a long swim followed by a longer paddle. And that's the extent of what Dave has given us. And did he say paddleboard specifically? Oh, God. I don't know if he said paddleboard specifically.
Starting point is 00:08:08 That's a fair question. You sound like one of my kids. That's like something one of my kids would say. They're not allowed to say, oh, God. They would have said, oh, gosh. Right. In minute three of the podcast, they would have said, oh, gosh. But by an hour in, they'd be cursing.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm not a fan of the paddleboard. What do I know but I don't see it as testing any like common denominator fitness nor do I enjoy watching it and I think it's a it's like a trendy component I'd never even heard of paddle board
Starting point is 00:08:42 until like 5 or 10 years ago it just popped on the scene and every Tom, Dick and Harry was doing it. James. I was just thinking about this. Cause when I did demo team in 2019, we tested this paddleboard event and it was the first time I had been on one. And I thought before that, that they were kind of stupid. Um, and now having been on one, I think there are a couple of things. I think there are survival skill. I think if you're really good, if you're really fit, I think you're going to be good on the paddleboard, even if you're not the best swimmer. There's a ton of balance. There's
Starting point is 00:09:18 a ton of, you know, stamina and endurance on it. So I like the paddleboard a lot more now. It's not the most exciting event to watch, and I get that. But I do like it a lot more now. I think it's a really good test because it will – if someone's a great swimmer, they're probably going to be great at both paddleboard and swimming. But I think if someone's not a great swimmer, but they still are relatively balanced and they are strong,
Starting point is 00:09:42 they have good Metcon, I think they can still be good on the paddleboard. James, you think it's you're gonna have to carry this podcast because people are already complaining about brian's internet oh great that's the brian's just shrunken crossfit games that really hurt brian uh in all seriousness brian takes this reporting and what he's trying to give you guys very seriously he doesn't mince words he's very this reporting and what he's trying to give you guys very seriously. He doesn't mince words. He's very specific in what he says. And the fact that you guys can't hear it, like if you couldn't hear me, it would be my ego that was hurt.
Starting point is 00:10:13 For Brian, it's not his ego. It's his integrity. And he wore a college shirt tonight for everyone too. So you guys better be nice to him. It's just frustrating because I can't do anything about it really or i don't know what to do um james when you say you got on the paddleboard and that you didn't think it was lame after you got on it like what do you mean like and you're saying that there's a survival element like what are you talking i was just picturing like someone on a boat and the boat you you know, explodes and you're stuck on a piece of driftwood with
Starting point is 00:10:48 another piece of driftwood to paddle yourself around. Like, and other than that, I'm not, I'm not feeling you. I'm not feeling you. Well, now I think, I think that's exactly it. I think, um, it takes away some really like a cartoon. Yeah, that's exactly what I have in my head. I had, I was like, imagine if you're just in the water floating on a piece of wood. No, I was so, you know, it didn't look that hard when I've seen other people do it. But then you always have to remember that they're CrossFit Games athletes. So they're the best of the world at what they do. I was just really impressed how hard the balance piece of it was, how hard the stamina of it was.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And I liked the extra, I liked that challenge piece of it was, how hard the stamina of it was. And I liked the extra, I liked that challenge aspect of it. And it wrecks your arms. I mean, the stamina component is huge for it. And I don't think it's such a specialized skill. You know, like people are always like, oh, we should put shooting in the games. Like you could be a really great shot and not fit otherwise and score really well on that event, which you don't want. And I think you could be really fit and not necessarily a great swimmer, even though Brian's probably going to be like, well, historically, the athletes who win the swim also excel at the paddleboard. I think you can be really fit and not a fantastic swimmer and still showcase your fitness on the paddleboard. So that's why I do think it's better than things like a stand-up paddleboard
Starting point is 00:12:05 or something like that. I'm glad you said what Brian was going to say, too. That way he doesn't have to talk. You did both. You took my words. You took my leadership to heart, Hobart. You said carry the podcast. All right, I'm going for it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Brian, someone says that you should – I don't know why I didn't think of this. A guy named John George said that you should just hardwire your computer. Yeah, why don't you just plug your computer in with a Cat6 cable or some shit? I am thinking about that. That's actually – I was literally just thinking that. Might be going to the store tomorrow. Okay, I don't believe you. Brian, how did you get electrocuted?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Oh, John George told me to hardwire my computer. Do we already know who the winners of these events are? Well, I know we don't know who the winners are, but is it just like what you've been telling us all along, Brian, like we're going to see Janikowski and Tia are going to be the heavyweights in this? I mean, I think so. I've spoken, you know, we talked to Medeiros the other day, and he seemed to think he can compete to win this event, which I really honestly don't know if
Starting point is 00:13:09 he can or not. Um, but I think from the other athletes I've spoken to and things I've seen in the past, if it's really that long of a swim, um, there's then if you have a guy who's that good at swimming as Yona is or Tia is, it's probably going to be hard to catch them on the paddle because they probably won't be bad enough at it. I think what James was saying earlier about that if you're an average swimmer or okay swimmer, but you can make up some distance on the paddle is more applicable to the middle placements.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I think that the top five people will probably just be the best swimmers no matter how long the paddle is. But once you get beyond that, you'll see some people that will actually make some significant moves on the paddling portion what could someone be really could the paddleboard just really hurt someone who's rather a good athlete i'm not asking that right i'm just wondering if it's going to expose weaknesses in people that really aren't
Starting point is 00:14:06 legitimate weaknesses. Like, is there something about it? Like you said, like shooting or if like it was shooting free throws, like it, like, is it stable? Can you fall off of it? And not really just be because you just haven't had any practice on it. Can someone just. A hundred percent. I mean, if, if you having never been on one definitely makes it tougher, especially you don't have any experience with something like, I don't know, surfing or if you're not, I mean, you could be, if you're a really terrible swimmer, it's not going to make it any easier. Um, but I, I still don't think like, like Brian said, I still don't think it's as specialized as some skills that you could put
Starting point is 00:14:45 into the games that would be really polarizing regard to completely regardless of someone else's fitness. Ryan, do you think you could find the video of Dave announcing that workout? I think it's relatively short and find out if he said paddleboard specifically. I pulled up it i pulled it up here it says paddle distance even longer so he doesn't say paddleboard nope dave's tricky like that very tricky and and yeah very tricky um final question on this before we move to workout too unless you guys have something to add. Do you know of any athletes who will show up to the games and have had zero experience on a paddleboard? Like zero, like that's the first time they're going to get on it? I mean, you wonder about the athletes from Asia, for instance.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Racist. No, I'm saying depending on where you live in Russia, it might be landlocked, and it might not have a lot of access to water, and they might not do paddle boarding in that country. So it could be relatively new to athletes like that. I feel like that would be the most likely for it to be new to. James, if they did a different kind of paddle, like if they did kayaking instead of paddle boarding,
Starting point is 00:16:03 would you like that more or worse or less i would like it less just because um the more like because now you have the boat and you have the the paddle the more pieces of equipment that i think you add to the event that fall outside of your typical crossfit pieces of equipment. I'm less of a fan of seeing those things pop up in the games. Yeah. And I don't think he's going to do that because in the past when he's done stuff, like when he announced the crit, he made it clear, you're going to have to know how to clip in.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And I think the first year they announced the paddleboard, he posted pictures of the paddleboard. So I think if there's a new implement like that, he wouldn't want to just shock them with it the uh, the day of, you know, or a couple of days before the competition. Yeah. I also think, I think Dave really likes to challenge the athletes, but I don't, I do think he wants to give the athletes a chance to showcase their best stuff. Like try and ride this really fine line of like, Hey, I'm not going to spoon feed you anything, but I also don't want you to be completely unprepared and look like an idiot. I want you to be able to show me what you
Starting point is 00:17:09 have. I think he does enjoy balancing those two things. Well, we definitely know that every year he wants the athletes, a part of coming to the CrossFit Games is for the athletes to perform something they themselves didn't think that they could do. It's a place for them to learn about themselves. And the classic was when he had the 100-pound dumbbell in the regionals that one year, right? It's an example, yeah. Thank you. Obart, you could have responded too.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Thank you, Brian. It's one less insult I'm going to give you. I didn't feel like the 100-pound dumbbell was the best example. I think something like the pegboard is a good example or even the crit was a good example, but that's fine. I get your point, and I agree, and I like it. I think if there are people who are looking forward to this event, it's worth noting that the women's field swimmers is deeper than it's ever been because we have at least three new athletes this year to a swimming
Starting point is 00:18:07 event, and Emma Tall, Amelia Lepinen, and Sydney McAlish, who all have some pretty significant swimming background, and there's already several good swimmers in the field. We know Tia and Cara are good, Laura Horvath, Bethany Shadburne, Haley Adams, Amanda Barnhart, Sam Briggs, Danny Spiegel. So there's at least a dozen pretty good water athletes in the women's side. So it should be pretty fun, and I expect that they'll actually do pretty well relative to the men, especially on the swimming part. Yeah, Emma Tall was a mermaid for the first 12 years of her life. I mean, basically, from talking to her, didn't she say she swam for 12 years?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, she swam for 12 years? Yeah. She swam for a long time. Yeah. And Taylor self told us he was great at, uh, the swim, a great swimmer too. How's,
Starting point is 00:18:53 how do you think he's going to do? Well, wrong. Is that a trick question? Yeah. Just take, I just wanted Brian to say he didn't make the game. So Taylor started crying.
Starting point is 00:19:04 If you're listening, I didn't say it. You said it. What's workout number two here? Of the three workouts that we know, this is, I think, warrants the biggest discussion probably because we know a decent amount, but we know the least amount of it at the same time. So basically we were expecting a down and back chipper style workout with a hand overhead sled, sled pull, a pig flip, 42 muscle ups of some kind, and then another pig flip and sled pull, presumably of the same distances, just in reverse. The reason why it. Hand over, go back to that one movement you said, hand over what pool? Hand over hand sled pull.
Starting point is 00:19:48 So basically like you're sitting on the ground and there's a rope with a sled attached to it 100 feet away and you pull it towards you? Yeah. Does that just stutter? And I don't actually know if – I don't think you're mandated to do it hand over hand. You could like pull and heave and have some of those things and fall back with it or whatever. But you have to pull the sled using your hands over some distance. Okay. I was just trying to picture the look.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's basically that thing that Rich and Josh raced at one year at the Games, right, in the final event? No, that wasn't final. Well, there was the 2011, which was the end workout, right, Brian? And then there was 2014 was the push-pull that was in the stadium and it had handstand push-ups and that hand-over-hand sled pull. Who won that end workout with the rope pull? Do you remember? I don't remember if it was Richard, Josh.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Might have been neither of them. I think it was Pat Barber. Oh, the end workout. Sorry, not 2014. Yeah, I think Pat Barber pat barber won yeah he won the final one because he sandbagged the first two amraps and then he and he was putting sandbags and under sandbags an understatement yeah he's straight he's stratted he strategized but hey he won a games workout and that's always cool okay so so um and is there a time domain on that
Starting point is 00:21:02 that we know brian well no that's one of the big questions is we don't know how long the sled pull is. We don't know. At least I'm not confirmed. Some people have said maybe they know, but unknown distance for sled pull and pig flip, an unknown variant of muscle-up. We don't know if they're bar muscle-ups, ring muscle-ups, burpee muscle-ups, or any kind of muscle-up that you could imagine. But Dave did tell us those movements, sled pull, pig, and muscle-up that you could imagine. But Dave did tell us those movements,
Starting point is 00:21:26 sled pull, pig, and some form of muscle-up. Well, he had Max Greenfield tell us those. Oh, right, right. It would be cool. Man, okay. And do we know any of the weights? Do we know the weight of the pig? Does it have a standard weight?
Starting point is 00:21:45 No. So this is the reason why I think that this workout is kind of cool is at this point, we don't necessarily know what the sticking point is. Depending on how heavy the sled is, how many pig flips they have to do, the potential weight of it, and what kind of muscle-ups they are, each of those movements has the opportunity to become the sticking point for a specific athlete or for the majority of athletes. And at this point, it's hard to predict that, or at least I think it is. And Hobart, why aren't you calling Brian out on calling that a chipper?
Starting point is 00:22:16 You're the level one guru. Isn't that a triplet? I called it a down and back chipper yeah it's i mean that's not a super interesting thing to talk about i just i feel like if you don't repeat go back to a movement and like cycle through the same exact pattern i don't really call it a couplet or a triplet but okay i want to know i want to know didn't they change the height of the pig between a couple of years? Cause that matters almost more than, than maybe the weight in some cases. And why is that? I don't get that.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Just cause the height of it, especially for shorter athletes. And if they're not as strong as some of the taller athletes, it's a lot harder for them to flip. Right. Okay. Just cause they're not getting it as high, as high, you know, in reducing the center of gravity before they push it over. You're right. So like Colton Merton's like trying to flip an eight foot pig.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's going to flatten him. We're going to have Colton, the pancake Merton's. He's going to just, just come down on it. I don't want to say I'm serious. I don't want to say that about him because he seems pretty strong. Um,
Starting point is 00:23:23 and I think this is something that will be in his he will be good at. But, yeah, it's probably a harder push for him than someone who like Fikowski. I mean, I mean, just imagine this. Imagine it's a really long pig. Right. And you lift it up and his hands only go so high and you're like trying to walk it up to over. And it just teeter totters over your hands to your back well did you see that picture noah posted on his instagram of him flipping the pig like i don't
Starting point is 00:23:49 think noah's that tall and i remember watching uh austin same way at 2015 when he had to flip this thing and it was like he did he had to like walk halfway under it with his hands over his head before he could finally push it over and then i remember spencer hendel would just like grab it once and it would just flip over three times wow and. And Spencer Hendel was second place on that workout. Yeah. Brian, is someone in your house with you? No. Oh, what? I saw you looking over at someone like smiling at him. You're just smiling at a monitor over there. Yeah. Yeah. Cause he was, he was talking about this golf World Disc Golf Champions on? No, but if you haven't watched the final nine, you should.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Is that a movie or are you talking about the championships? Just the last nine holes of this year's Disc Golf World Championships. It's about the best hour of disc golf you'll ever watch. Did you see that, Hobart, by the way? The final nine? Oh, here we go. Yeah. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Brian pointed it out to me. It really is. Even if you're not into Frisbee golf, it's worth watching. It's pretty nuts. So from this shot that we're watching right now of the pig flip, we're not really – Okay, let's see what Dan does. He's not going to do anything. He looks defeated.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Where's he going? I'm just curious if anyone has to actually go underneath it. Like, do you have to go underneath it? No, not really. But you can almost, like, power clean it, and that's, like, a good way. You're almost, like, power cleaning it to the shoulder and then giving it, like, a push press slash jerk to finish the push. Who's that? That's Spencer, and this is what it's
Starting point is 00:25:26 meant this is what it's meant to look like yeah he's just doing it like it's nothing and not that spencer have you have you touched one of these hobart have you touched a pig yeah are they slippery um no because they're that um material on the end is like has a little bit of texture to it they're not terribly slippery so if get sweaty, if it hits your face or your hands are sweaty, it's not, it doesn't become slippery and like dangerous if you like slipping forward and squishing you. I don't, well, I don't think it's, I don't think it's dangerous, but it could become slippery. I mean, you could, if you didn't like move your leg out of the way underneath it, like I have, like when you fail a tire flip and like you just, it lands on your leg.
Starting point is 00:26:05 If you're trying to prop it up with your leg, like it's definitely going to make it a lot harder. Are tire flips comparable to this in any way? Yes. Just because of the basic movement mechanic, but because of the length of the end, the weight, but because of the length of the object,
Starting point is 00:26:18 I think the pigs a little bit different. And I do think like compared to most tires, these are easier to grip. Okay. That's Fraser. We're watching right now with the hat on? No, Fraser's wearing white. Okay. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:26:31 The leader jersey. Yeah, that's six, almost seven feet long. And how many pounds did these pigs weigh? It says 560. Damn. It's heavy. Oh, and it said the length, too, right? It said six and a half feet did you just say that
Starting point is 00:26:46 yeah just almost seven feet that's the thing to consider too though right like you know dave is pretty notorious for making those just little increments of upscaling workouts and weights like maybe you see a heavier pig slightly i mean i don't think you need to have a heavier pig to sort out the wheat from the chaff, but that would be nasty. This is one of those implements that people have been waiting to see come back to the games. I mean, I certainly have because it was in 2015 the last time we saw it. There were some guys we saw really move it very well, but a lot of the guys struggled with it.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I just, you know, I have a feeling that a lot less people will struggle with it this year. Can you buy one of these pigs? No, I don't think you can. I don't think a lot of people have them. Well, if you can't buy them, then they probably don't have them. Yeah, unless you have the in with Bill and Katie or with Dave. And even if you were to buy it, I wonder how you would get it to your house. Imagine the truck that has to bring that. Yeah, you just sell an arm and a leg.
Starting point is 00:27:54 All right. Is there anything else you want to say about workout number two? Do we want to talk about who's going to win this, who this suits? Yeah, definitely. It seems like a hopper workout. It very well could be a good workout for him. There are, you know, but we also know from the years that they've had sled pulls at the games, specifically in 2016, the rope chipper event,
Starting point is 00:28:16 they had to do all this double unders and machine work, double unders and more machine work. And then at the end, they had this long tennis court length rope sled pull to do and basically it was completely irrelevant how you did on all of the other part of the workout because guys that were coming to the sled sixth seventh eighth in their heat and can move it the best specifically brent fukowski passed everyone on that single movement and when we had um the the rope sled event in 2018 a two-stroke pull is what it was called, in 2018, again, it was the people who could manhandle that sled pull that were gaining. That's where they were picking up the most time. This is the one from 2016.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So they go through all this, and all that matters in the end, this is great because Josh Bridges was killing this. He was winning this heat. He's in this outside lane, and he's unfortunately the example of the guy who struggled with the sled here and so you'll see him get passed by everyone and you'll see fukowski pass everyone because he was so good at the sled pull so if the sled pull and this pig are both movements that we've seen just stop people in their tracks before that's why i said it's so important that we know what the weights and distances are so we can kind of see which one is more likely to be the sticking point are we gonna get in trouble for showing CrossFit games footage on our podcast you might I hope so um Brent Fikowski's posted stats on um
Starting point is 00:29:39 the games I was like he says he says he weighs 220 pounds. Insane. I saw somewhere 217. And here you see, just look at how easily he's pulling this. And you can see this is a great view. He's way over there, and everyone else is way behind him, and they were all even at the start of the sled pull. So if he can pull the sled like this, and it's an opportunity to make up that much speed, then you can say there's going to be guys who are going to make up some significant ground on the sled.
Starting point is 00:30:07 There's also going to be guys who make it up on the pig. And I just think the muscle-ups are probably going to be the least important of the movements, even though for normal people, 42 muscle-ups seems insane. What I think is really cool, too, with some of these grit or grunt movements is that, um, being really fit, obviously you're going to benefit from that. But if like you can apply your skills and technique to those movements, like that can help even more. Like someone like Fikowski, if you watch him pull, like he's not just using like his mass, he like has a really nice technique where it's like arm, arm, and then he leans back and uses his body. So, and probably with the pig is the same way.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Like you could be a really good athlete in terms of like squat clean or power clean, but if you can't train, if you can transition that movement to something like the pig, that's going to benefit you even more. I like that with like some of those strong man elements or, you know, non barbell elements with athletes, you're more athletic and it's a cool thing to see. Like Fikowski is that kind of athlete competitor brian sorry sorry um 40 42 42 muscle ups did dave say it's 42 muscle ups max it's max greenfield said that yeah he did okay so bear with me here so we know it's a pig and we know it's 42 muscle ups and we know it's a sled but we don't know how heavy the sled is how far it has to be pulled and we don't know how far the
Starting point is 00:31:23 flip pig has to be flipped and we don't know what kind of muscle ups it is but we don't know how heavy the sled is, how far it has to be pulled. And we don't know how far the flip pig has to be flipped. And we don't know what kind of muscle ups it is, but we know it's 42. That's a trip that they gave that one. I wonder why he did that. Why did he give that one number? And then you have to assume if the 42 muscle ups are not one set, if they're broken up, then that significantly helps someone like, um, actually, I mean, it helps everyone, right? Cause if it's 42 straight, then people could get stuck. But if it's not 42 straight, then it's insignificant. No, no one's doing 42 straight. And basically, when we saw the 30 muscle-ups for time, there were a lot of people finishing very close to each other that had, that was in 2018,
Starting point is 00:31:59 that had different strategies. You could do six sets of five with a very small break and be right there next to someone who went 28-2, you know, because their breaks were going to be just needing to be a little bit longer. And I've seen big volume gymnastics stuff like this done by Brent Vukowski before in Dubai, where they had, I think it was like 60 toes to bar, and he just did sets of five the entire time and beat the entire field doing that when there were guys who started with sets of 15 to 20 he was just methodical very calculated breaks and able to chip away at that faster than anyone else let me go big picture here for a second and talk about all three workouts this is you guys are gonna love this you guys are gonna hate me and love me the first workout any chance there'll be a weighted vest in the swim this year no and then that's a damn shame i agree with you hobart but it's a damn shame
Starting point is 00:32:52 because wouldn't that be awesome okay second workout any chance there'd be a weighted vest in that possibly but i think there'd be a better use for it later in the competition and then we get to the third workout, which is the most realistic, right? Any chance there would be a weighted vest in this 550-meter sprint? Because, well, let me ask you this before you answer that.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Does Dave ever give just the whole workout for real? Like, are some of them just, hey, this is the real thing? When he shared Murph, I think, and that was at 2015, 2016, 2015. I think he shared, like, how it was going to be done and how it was going to be partitioned. I don't quite remember, though. Yeah, I would guess that he would say that it's going to be Murph, but I could see him not sharing how it's going to be partitioned. You would remember better than me.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I don't. I was just there to film half-naked bodies. I don't know for sure on that, but I think that this particular workout, it's possible. I mean, to me, I wasn't really thinking about the weight vest. I'm more thinking about logistically, how is he going to have them run?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Because I'm projecting that, at least for the men, it's going to be a minute 10 to a minute 30 seconds, probably, for almost everyone to do this run. And in that much time, if you start him in the stadium and end in the stadium, then I think that that bottleneck getting out of the stadium plays too big of a factor. So I'm hopeful that he's going to start him. I don't know what the heats will be like or whatever, but I'm hopeful that there's an opportunity for them to start and have like a hundred yards to run before any kind of turns come up. So they can filter themselves out based on their running capacity and choice to go fast or slow at the start of the workout rather than a lane selection.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Right. I think, I think we know how this is going to be laid out. Go ahead, Hobart. Yeah. I was going to say, I imagine that what if they do this just like they've always done in the past and have some sort of like relay, you know, um, what is that called? Knockout, I guess. Yeah. Like a knockout style. It'll be on the field. It'll be some sort of down and back relay kind of thing, not relay, but down and back. And they're going to run fast too. By that. I mean, I don't mean the athletes are going to run fast. I mean, he's going to make this thing an amazing spectacle. It's going to be six guys up. They're going to open the gate.
Starting point is 00:35:14 The horses are going to take off. The crowd's going to go fucking nuts. There'll be a 32nd or one minute reset and there'll be six other savages at the front line. That one was interesting to me. I never know how brian's going to react to the um workouts and when i taught he said did you see dave release the third workout and i said no and he goes i love it and uh but we'll get to why you love it brian in a second i want to go back to workout number two um so can you give me like four or five guys with just a little bit that you know that you think are going to do well is this like is this roman
Starting point is 00:35:43 fukowski hopper these are the we're going to do well? Is this Roman, Fikowski, Hopper? We're going to see the big athletic dudes. Yeah, I think Hopper will crush this. Yeah, all three of those guys should do well. I'd expect Justin Medeiros, Cole Sager, Pat Valner. I mean, this is one of those workouts that, for the most part, the guys who are going to be in the top 10 come the end of Sunday will also do really well on this workout.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Someone just says they have a pig at Mayhem that they believe Paul Desmond just contributed. I believe that they've been using it this past week, the pig. Um, what about the women? What do you see on the women's side for this? Seems like, uh, Laura Horvath should do really well on this. Obviously Tia is going to do well on just about anything. I think a kind of a sleeper pick here for the women is Emily Rolfe. There was a workout at the Granite Games a couple years ago called the Longest Mile 2.0. And granted that the women's field that year wasn't amazing, but it did feature some of these kind of grunt work, sled pulls, and she won that workout.
Starting point is 00:36:42 So she might be someone that you wouldn't necessarily expect who could do well on this one. Anyone else? Any other women? Let's talk. Give me one more, one or two more. You know, this is the type of workout where, well, I mean, this is the type of workout that I'm really curious to see how the younger girls do, Mallory O'Brien and Emma Carey,
Starting point is 00:37:00 because this is a big-time games workout, and I think that it'll be the first insight we have early in the week to where they can stack up in this field. So I'll be watching them closely. So, so this is like my son, when he graduated to the tenant, the third level of tennis, all of a sudden he, he, after the first class, he's like, I got to pee. I got to pee. And I go, why didn't you go during class? He goes, this is the big boys class. You're not allowed to pee in the middle of it anymore. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:32 So you're saying this is the big boy, big girl. This is the big boy, big girl workout. Yeah, but I did dodge your question also. Danielle Brandon's another girl who I expect to do well here. And how about Danny Spiegel? What's her muscle-up? I mean, 42 is a big set. I think she'll have a calculated game plan and won't take any risks on the muscle-ups. If she's good at the sled pull and the pig, I still think she can salvage a top 10-15 finish, but I think that she probably won't be able to keep up with the top three to five girls on
Starting point is 00:38:07 this one. And then let's talk about these, these, the smaller women, Christy Aramo and Carrie Pierce. I mean, you, I mean, Carrie, there's no arguing that Carrie Pierce is a, is a, is a fireplug in a powerhouse, but, uh, and, and the muscle up shouldn't be a problem, is a fireplug in a powerhouse, but, uh, and the muscle up shouldn't be a problem, but how about that pig in the sled? I think, I think that where we're
Starting point is 00:38:31 at in the sport right now, that there's a, there's an advantage to having some weight behind you on the sled and the pig that will be more advantageous than having the extra weight when you have to do 42 muscle ups. So I just, I expect that the heavier, like the fit, but kind of heavier than average by five to 10 pounds athletes will shine on this one. Hobart, how important is skill? Which one of these is the highest skill in terms of movement? Yeah. I mean, I think the muscle-up is. Right. And can a big person compensate with skill? I know this is kind of a really tough one to ask you.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Can a big person compensate with skill on the muscle-up, where a small person can't compensate with skill on the sled pool and the pig? Well, yeah, and I think more so than skill, it's the strategy that they can go into this with as far as the muscle up is concerned. And if the big person gets to the muscle, big athlete, get bigger athlete gets the muscle up, they're less fatigued from the pig and the sled pole, then that's a huge advantage for them. Um, but I, I also will say this, I think considering what most of the games athletes are familiar with and what they're good at, I think if you have an edge on technique in the sled, like we watched
Starting point is 00:39:52 for Kowski pull or in the pig flip, then I think that helps you more. And that's where you can get an edge. I feel like muscle up capacity is pretty, I don't want to say the same but i think you'll see more similar capacity there than you will across the sled pull on the pig foot in a we're at the top of the heap here yeah these are all games athletes and everyone's got the muscle up and if you don't then then well they all have the muscle ups but i would say like this is a pretty i would say this is a pretty brutal draw of a workout for katrin david's daughter because she's generally good on the grunt work stuff. She could probably do pretty well on a sled pull and pig flipping event.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But when there's 42 ring muscle-ups, it's not that she's bad at them. She's been working on them really hard and she's fine. I mean, she placed seventh in the workout with 60 ring muscle-ups in the semifinals. But like you said, this is the game. So all of the girls that can do 10 muscle-ups unbroken without thinking about it over and over again are here so that weakness might be amplified here and when it's amplified in a workout that features other things that you usually excel at that's kind of like i said maybe just a bad draw for her on this event what do you think about um what do you think
Starting point is 00:41:03 about women getting taller you think we're ever going to see a woman who's six feet tall in the games that would be incredible i mean it's pretty crazy like when i there's a few girls at our gym who are 5 10 5 11 6 feet and it's really wild watching them move and uh i don't know that's a good If so, I think it's going to be like one person, like a major outlier, or it's going to be a while. Ryan, see if you can find a good picture of a giraffe running, like sprinting, like one drinking water and like lifting its head up and then taking off and running. Have you ever seen those people who are so tall? I went to UC Santa Barbara and there was a lady on the basketball team who was six, seven. And when I would see her on campus and she would walk, she would walk like a great, a great blue Heron walks in like,
Starting point is 00:41:55 or a snowy egret walks in a grassy field. Like they don't walk forward. Like they lift their leg up and then like clear the grass and then lower it. That's what it looked like she was doing. Whereas like shorter people me i just lean forward and catch myself like it's just a different uh it's just oh yeah yeah this is good look at these yeah i need one of these in the games man so seven here's an interesting one about your they're running but they're not running is that the only animal that runs in slow motion my god where are they going where are they going in such a hurry that's so cool oh can you imagine the guy who caught that on film what has this podcast come to anyway if you're a woman and you're over 5 10 please train harder we want to see you in the games okay sorry brian go ahead do you i'm gonna go i'm gonna say sorry brian i'll let you go
Starting point is 00:42:53 i was probably gonna say something stupid well no you weren't hobart you haven't said anything stupid all right well here we go do you think it's because um the gymnastic strength is harder for taller athletes and might even be harder for taller female athletes compared to like a six foot male counterpart that we haven't seen tall a tall woman make it like a really tall woman yeah uh possibly i mean you also have to consider the qualification process and how much it's changed in recent years because it wasn't like that easy to make it to regionals. Even, you know, and if you were in the open, you had it's just like man i have 50 to 70 reps of all these different things that i'm just at a three to eight inch disadvantage on on every rep so yeah that was for a long time the way that you like that was the first step in the process now because so many people can advance
Starting point is 00:44:02 from semis to quarterfinals and you know you can get into the second stage where it might be you know the the type of things that are tested could be a little different than we're used to seeing in the open and if you can get to the semi-final then you might actually have a chance to show off some of the things that are maybe advantageous for the bigger size what is what is average? Do we know those stats still? Like average? I mean, that's the other thing too,
Starting point is 00:44:26 is like, I think the average height of all CrossFit games athletes is like, it's like five, nine fun facts about the fittest 40 men for men Hobart on the games. On the website today, I published an article called fun facts of the fittest 40 and it has all these things. So the average height for the women this year, it's foot four point eight inches um but the but the tallest is only five foot seven
Starting point is 00:44:51 and there are nine of them yeah oh that's that's what 20 it's a big number so the average woman is taller than colton merton's the average woman is taller than Colton Mertens. The average woman is taller than Colton Mertens. Yeah, and taller than you. Come on, man. This is my show, man. Come on. But I think that answers your question right there, Savant. I think if you see that you might see an outlier once in a while, just like you do on the men, right?
Starting point is 00:45:18 Like there's not a lot of Fikowskis in the field. Hey, what's the shortest woman? Has a woman ever 4'11 been in the games? Shortest listed this year is like in the modern era. Who? How tall is Kristen Clever? She's 5'5". And the shortest woman this year is also listed at 5'0".
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's Laurie Cunha from Brazil. Yeah, wow. Okay. Shall we move on to the sprint the final event i know we were supposed we were supposed to be done and uh this show was only supposed to be 45 minutes long and we've already crested over by four minutes that's okay we'll keep going the uh you said you you know the format that the uh this event's going to be in, Sevan? Well, I mean, I just don't know. Look at Hillbart. I don't know other than I think I know everything.
Starting point is 00:46:15 But no one's told me. I know nothing about these events except for what you tell me, Brian. I don't even see the announcements. Although I did watch the one with Max Greenfield because I thought it was funny because he's the voice of that character on Ice Age. And my kids watch that show. So I thought it was funny that Dave had the guy who does that scraggly creature do the games announcement. Oh, wait, wait. One more question before we go to event three.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Hobart, do people ever walk up to you who meet you for the first time and say, man, you're bigger in person? Oh, taking shots fired. No one's ever said that's me. You felt that I tried to ask that with a straight face. That was so mean. That was so mean. Okay. Brian event number three, tell us what is event three? Well, I actually hope that it's not the knockout style format that you guys were talking about earlier and the reason is because i i think that there was a specific reason that he wait what is that format i don't know what that format is tell me what that what is that wait wait wait real quick someone says rebecca boy it was is five nine sorry that's it
Starting point is 00:47:18 we can move on okay and she's masters well she's been to the games over this is going to be her like 12th or 13th total year yeah she has grandkids did you know that really what no she's only no no yeah she's possible but what was it what was i what was i supposed to be talking about format of the sprint 550 yards you hope it's not knockout but I don't know what knockout is. Explain that to me. The last time they had a sprint workout at the Games, it was Event 6 in 2019. Well, they had this format. And at that point, there were 20 guys left, and 20 of them ran.
Starting point is 00:47:59 And then they took 10 to the next round, and 10 of them ran, and they took five to the final round. And those five were placed one through five after the final run. And we say bye bye. So if you made it to the final five, you ran it three times. Yes. And I don't think that any of the athletes or Dave want to have people running this race three times. Because I have to believe that this distance was specifically chosen
Starting point is 00:48:26 for one of two reasons, possibly both reasons. The first is logistics so that he knew that the course that he wanted to run in Madison and it was 550 yards. And so that's the course, or he tested this workout enough times and he at different distances and he saw, no, that's the sweet spot right at the 450 500 meter mark when these guys are pushing and half the push because it's going to be a close race that's when the legs start to go that's when they start to lose control of their body a little bit and the people that are really prepared for this distance will will excel the last third i honestly don't know if he can run um i honestly don't know either
Starting point is 00:49:05 I like Brian's second analysis it reminds me of the hill run in 2009 where basically people were winning it until the last 50 feet, 30, 40 feet and all sorts of placements were changing I have a specific experience with this
Starting point is 00:49:21 workout from my past or with this phenomenon from my past. It was when I was coaching a high school football team in Texas. And, well, the entire school was black and Hispanic. And the entire football team except for the kickers was black. And obviously, you know, they're very fast high school kids, fit, state semifinal football team. And I was pretty good at running at that time. Hey, before you go on with the story, remember Hobart has a has a real job what so just be careful what you say to go on um and uh anyway the coach had me
Starting point is 00:49:53 had me like be as a rabbit for them he was pissed at them and he's like all right coach friend's gonna get a 20 yard head start and a 400 and if none of you beat him then you have this thing to do and i was i was in a pretty good running shape and I went for it, but I knew how fast these kids were. I mean, some of them were the fastest track athletes in the school also. And I was ahead with like 50 yards to go and my body just gave up and my legs started going and one guy passed me in the last five yards. So I'm expecting to see some of that in this event.
Starting point is 00:50:25 What do you think Hobart? The sprint event is always one of my favorite events at the games just because of the viewer satisfaction from it. The foot race. And I think it's, I don't think it's something athletes, I still don't think it's something athletes train a lot. And it's showed up at the games constantly. It's like clockwork. Um, and so I like watching athletes get exposed in this one. Uh, Brian, why do you like it? I like it because it's relatable. Everyone runs there. Everyone has
Starting point is 00:50:56 seen people run and they can, I mean, anyone that does CrossFit could go do this workout. And once they see what it is, they can say, okay, I'm going to do this workout and see how well I can do against these athletes. And some people out there, maybe some people that watch this show listening right now can actually beat half of the field in that workout. But if it's the third workout in the day, how would you have done in the swim paddle workout? How would you have done on the rope sled muscle-up workout? How would you do on whatever the lifting workout is that might come after it? And then you start to see, wow, these people that are within seconds of me on a workout that's my best workout can also just obliterate this and this and this that are so different. So it puts
Starting point is 00:51:33 in perspective that even guys that generalize, they can do everything, are just as good as specialists in specific things like running. And it's going to expose some people too. This is the kind of event where one or two of the athletes are going to look just goofy as shit. Like you're going to wonder if they've ever sprint, right? Yeah. But that's, what's so cool about the virtual games this year, right? That virtual event that they're running kind of parallel to the games. Like maybe this is one of the events they choose to have athletes competing. Cause it's so, it's so simple to apply. You don't need any equipment. That's what's really cool about it.
Starting point is 00:52:07 That's why I hope they don't use a vest, right? Because like you said, Brian, I could just go out and try this and be like, oh, wow. Not only would I have lost in all the other events, I suck at running and sprinting too. There was an event at Wadapalooza the last time they were able to hold it. And it was a rowing event. And it was the exact same rowing event for every division from elite to pro to rx intermediate to beginner and actually the fastest the best two scores on that workout came out of the intermediate and rx divisions not the pro elite division um um what are the virtual games i saw something i think I saw something about that today on Dave's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And as soon as I saw virtual, I just scroll right by it. So can anyone enter that? Yeah, I think anyone can enter it. Honestly, I think the signups on the games, but they're going to run similar events to the events that the athletes are doing. Obviously, they were not going to be able to do everything the same, but I imagine like this one is a perfect one. And then you kind of get a chance to compare yourself to the,
Starting point is 00:53:07 to the volume and the intensity of the weekend. Some of these athletes are going through. Does it cost money to sign up? Is it like the, are they using the opens, you know, software for that? The open format? Actually, I don't know the specific detail of that. I don't know if it's free to register. I wonder if the spectators can do it at the games. I wonder if there's
Starting point is 00:53:28 a place where you can do the... Oh, here we go. Here's something. Competition details. I wonder if spectators can do that. Wouldn't that be awesome? Go to the games and then, you know, you can do the workouts. That's too small for me to read, especially with these cool sunglasses on.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Starts...uly 8th july 28th on the wednesday registration dates start july 8th and august 3rd um oh yeah price 50 and there's a there's a rule book for it i love it that's so cool There's a rule book for it. I love it. That's so cool. Make sure you read the rule book, people. Or don't read the rule book and you can be on our podcast later. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Oh, man. Win this event. Don't read the rule book and you're guaranteed to get on this podcast if that interests you. There you go, people. Oh, man. Do they have that in the prizes? You get to go on the Sevan podcast if you win this event. They should give that to the CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:54:36 That should be first, second, and third place at the CrossFit Games. You get to come on the podcast. I think if you scroll all the way to the bottom and zoom in as much as technologically possible, it's in there. In that fine print. It's in the small print. It says the CEO is podcast, so up for interpretation. I was thinking about changing the name of the podcast, actually, to get the word CEO. Please don't. The Sevan CEO podcast or something like that.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I think it's good how it is. But man, this thing has such great traction already. Overall, Hobart, you first three workouts. Do you have any complaints? Do you have any pats on the back for Dave? What are you seeing historically? No, I think this is fantastic. One of the things we talked about and we kind of railed about leading up to this
Starting point is 00:55:23 was seeing the evolution of the events as they progress from open to online to semifinals to last chance qualifiers. And I think we've already seen three events that are so far different than anything that was tested. And that's really exciting because obviously, there's only one Brian, a friend of the world. But Brian can give a lot of insight into who might come out on top, but I think you get to see some exciting things with a lot of these newer athletes. So I like these first three workouts, and it seems like it's going to be a rough weekend. What about the people who made it a career to professionally bitch about the workouts?
Starting point is 00:56:01 They bitch about workout number one. the workouts, they bitched about workout number one. Is that just to get views on their YouTube or their Instagram? Probably. And secondly, if anyone's, Brian is really amazing, and I would let someone buy him out of contract with the Sevan podcast if the price was right. Brian, what do you think about the three workouts? I mean, I have, I like the combination of workouts and I'm hopeful that they'll all
Starting point is 00:56:30 happen on that first day of competition on Wednesday and maybe even the potential for a fourth event in the, in the night to close things out. But it's a great opportunity to, I think it's a great combination to kick off the games because like James said, there's a bunch of, uh, of things that are being tested either in different capacities, combinations, or just entirely that we haven't seen yet. And, um, there's a big, there's actually, you know, there's a big group of athletes here this year that either are rookies or have only been to the games once. And that once was in the last two seasons. So this is like a great initiation to what, you know, this weekend's going to be for them. And it's going to be
Starting point is 00:57:09 a different, more difficult and more intense test than, than they've probably ever done before. And certainly these three workouts are no joke in terms of getting that started. By the way, someone did bring up a good point amanda goodman was only five feet tall i don't know if that's true but i remember her being very short and she's a multiple time athlete at the games right yeah um brian and what do you think about um keeping the um swim and paddle event um pure versus and they're already not pure by mixing the two together if they are gonna be mixed together but what do you think about keeping them pure as opposed to you know what we saw at the games where you're in a pool and
Starting point is 00:57:53 you get out and do some GHDs and kettlebell swings something about me likes even though I agree that it's boring maybe and that you you know but I like having a pure swim event for some reason. I mean, not as a spectacle. So I agree with the haters like that. They say that one thing I've always wondered is this, if we would ever see two swimming tests or water tests at the games, because you could, you see running tested four or five times in different capacities almost every year.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And if you want to have a workout, that's just a 500 meter swim. Like we've had before. I think that was also in 2016. Great. But why, but because a lot of people, I mean, Madero's talked about it when we spoke to him, he's like last year's swimming test, wasn't a swimming test. It was a biking test, which is fine. Get in the water, get out of the water, do some work, get back in the water. I'd love to see that tested in addition to more of the pure water tests that we have this year. Okay. Are you predicting a second swim event? No, not for this season, but I hope at some point that we have that.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I don't see any reason we couldn't. I heard Ben Bergeron's amazing at predicting events because basically he has a spreadsheet where he looks at all the events and sees what's been there and what's not been there. Is that something that you do also on top of just your constant scanning and studying of the athletes? Do you study the workouts too? Yeah, I definitely do. I don't usually get too involved in trying to predict what's going to come, but I certainly have noticed some patterns over the years. Guys, whose mic is louder?
Starting point is 00:59:33 Is my mic too loud? I'm trying to figure out the volume for my mic. If someone on YouTube could say whether one of us is too loud or too soft. We know Brian's breaking up. We know Brian's breaking up, so you can save that. You're going to hurt his feelings. He's probably already going to cry when we get off the call. I agree.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Someone said, John George said the swimming muscle-up was awesome. That was actually pretty awesome that year, and it did have a lot of swimming, and that was really fun to film actually to get to see them come out in and out of the waters is an awesome spectacle with those amazing bodies those guys have and that was was that the first swim event that the games did no i think the first one was called the beach and it was like that murph style with those at the beginning yeah oh that really long they're saying all our volumes are good.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Thank you, Al. Tomorrow an event gets released. Tomorrow an event does get released? I think that's what Dave is on 7-15. I'm predicting a lifting event. I think we maybe see three rep max shoulder to overhead. Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And that would be a great, I think that would be a really cool, something similar to that would be a really cool cap to the first day of competition. You go along with the swim, middle range, like 15 to 20 minutes with the sled muscle-up pig, have the sprint that's a minute and a half time domain,
Starting point is 01:01:06 and have a lift in the evening, that's a very good first day of testing. And the swim and the paddle could possibly smoke people's shoulders. You don't, I mean. But is that a hard one? I think it's the lats. The paddling is very intensive on the lats, and then you have to come back and pull the sled and do those muscle-ups. So that is certainly a factor that shouldn't be neglected when thinking about those workouts
Starting point is 01:01:29 in combination is that going to be a hard one to judge hobart if they did a shoulder to overhead i mean i know they've done it before is there contra is there always controversy around that around that little knee bend or well if they did shoulder to overhead that would probably be the easiest of the lifts to judge because it was just you could do whatever you wanted and the standard would be lockout okay like a push press push press is harder a strict press you know can we've seen be harder i think like a jerk or a shoulder overhead is easier what do you think brian get even more specific you think it'll be strict push? No, I was extremely specific in my prediction. I said shoulder to overhead because I think it's the easiest standard to measure and judge. And for three reps especially, you want to say, okay, let's see who can do this.
Starting point is 01:02:14 You can do it any way you want. Who can put up the most weight? Awesome. Tomorrow, guys, we will be posting, hopefully at 11 a.m tomorrow the podcast brian and i did with elijah muhammad that hobart was unable to make because he wasn't invited i'm taking you off favorites but elijah muhammad's awesome so i'll take that i'll take that dig. It was a great interview. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Let me check the calendar and see who else we have. We tomorrow we're interviewing Max L. Hag. That's Travis Mayers. Ooh, got it in there. Travis. What? Did I say his name wrong?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Why are you laughing? That's Travis Mayers coach and Noah Olsen's coach. And who else? Is he Chandler Smith's coach and Noah Olson's coach. And who else? Is he Chandler Smith's coach? Not anymore, no. Okay. And then in the evening, we're interviewing Gabby Magala. That's tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And then on Friday, and I'm really excited about this, we're interviewing Brandon Luckett at 7 a.m. A lot of people have been DMing me telling me he has an amazing story. Can't wait to get to it. And then in the evening on Friday, we're doing Allison Scudds, who's head of the demo team. And maybe we'll invite Hobart to that since Hobart's been on the demo team and there's something he can contribute. I've never been the captain, though.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You haven't ever been the captain? No, because it was during Paul Trombley's reign. But it's cool to see it's cool to see a new captain so that's rad for her she's not the first I was asking around and seeing if she was the first woman ever to be a captain and she's not who was telling me there was another one I can't remember who
Starting point is 01:03:58 oh Julie Foucher I think was a captain makes sense all right guys thanks for everyone for tuning in. Brian is going to get a Cat6 cable sometime in this lifetime and plug his computer in. Hopefully Scott. I need Scott to bring me one. That's probably Scott.
Starting point is 01:04:20 The guy in the comments. Oh, yeah. That's probably the best thing about going live is that we got these comments rolling. And we say bye-bye!

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