The Sevan Podcast - #750 - Wodapalooza 2023 Programming Show with Taylor Self and JR Howell

Episode Date: January 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Anytime Lizzie wears that shirt that you're wearing, Sevan, she feels like insecure because she thinks that people are like going to think she's against like birth control. Oh, you just lost me some sales, damn it. That's how I feel too, though. Dude, my luteinizing hormones through the roof. I've been plunging on the reg. Coming out hot.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Caleb, nice to see you. Taylor, nice to see you. And Mr. Howell, nice to see you Taylor nice to see you and Mr. Howell nice to see you really a is there water coming up through the floor what the fuck is going on here in California
Starting point is 00:00:36 we are going to dissect the programming for what I keep saying and Brian was making fun of me the other day but is not arguably is the most competitive and exciting team event in the history of this sport. And now will be interesting to see if what kind of programming. And when I say that, let me let me let me be more specific. It has the best athletes in a competition event ever in the history of the sport, in my opinion, ever. Now we're going to see if the programming can take advantage and showcase what these athletes are doing.
Starting point is 00:01:11 But we do have another zinger in it, and the zinger is that these athletes will get to compete, some of them. How many did you say, JR? 22 athletes? 22 will compete in individual and then also compete in team? Yeah, I don't know the exact number. That sounds right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I would say there's more, the male and females. That was from a post from a news source on Instagram that I pulled earlier today. Morning Chalk Up? Yeah. Yeah, some of these guys are saying that you can't rely on them anymore. I think that was the insinuation. But good enough. It's good enough for this show.
Starting point is 00:01:47 The morning chalk up is plenty good enough for Intel for this show. Anyway, so there's a bunch of multiple factors. Should we start with individual, with the programming, and then move across to team? Yeah, that would be good. Okay, and then both you guys have looked. How much of the individual programming is out? All but the final. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Which is six of the eight? Six of the 800 points are accounted for. Okay. Thank you for being so clear. And for the teams, how much do we know? All but the final. So 700 of 800 points? I think it's 500 of 700 okay uh now let me ask you this uh i keep saying this wanting to get some sort of reaction for someone but i can't get the
Starting point is 00:02:38 reaction and don't feel obligated but um is where does this compare for those of us who are spectating, who are just your everyday CrossFitters? How hard is it going to be for the people who do individual and team? Is it equal to the games? Taylor. If you look at assuming it's, you know, even just assuming it's six events, each division, that's 12 total events. You're doing some work in the team division to one degree or another. It's maybe not as intense as six games workouts. Or I won't say not as intense.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Not as much volume, potentially. But it's, yeah, this is not, it's going to be a long weekend for people competing in both divisions. Is this harder than semifinals? Without a doubt. Is it harder than Dubai if you're doing both? Yes. Harder than Rogue? I'd say it's comparable.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Maybe harder, but comparable. Mr. Howell? I don't know. When you start a weekend off with a long trail run like that that was loaded i think that kind of set everybody up for the whole weekend a lot of the athletes i think pat said the other day by the time sunday rolled around his body was actually coming back and feeling like he could finish the weekend but as far as friday and saturday goes it kind of started him out in a little bit of a hole i think what was really cool about them changing
Starting point is 00:04:04 this kind of showcase style format where you get to only have two days of individual competition, which allows those people to stick around and have some fun and work out on a team, whether they're doing it for fun or to win, it's a little more appealing. The structure of the workouts that we'll get to a little later with the team, they set up such that if you're somebody that maybe gets a little bit um maybe your shoulders get a little achy with a lot of overhead work well then okay maybe you don't have to do the handstand push-ups and you can let one of your teammates take those take all of those reps on a certain workout which is is kind of cool that you can hide some things maybe you're not as good at or maybe just prepare for some
Starting point is 00:04:43 tweaks that may show up for the guys that are doing both. How about what, uh, Elisa says, Elisa says no way road was harder. Just to be clear, we're not talking about the individual event.
Starting point is 00:04:53 We're talking about the people who do both events, the individual and the team combined. I mean, you're going to go as hard as you can for workouts on Thursday for workouts on Friday, and then you're going to have to come back and be on a team. Yeah. I mean, and then you're going to have to come back and be on a team? Yeah, I mean, what we know from what Brian has said is they're going to take the competition floor three times on Thursday and three times on Friday. And if you do that math, we already have one back-to-back workout.
Starting point is 00:05:20 That means there's going to be another either back-to-back or a two-part scored final. And those elicit nothing but intensity. Intensity. And some of the workouts, especially some of the individual workouts, are just so volume-dense or intensity-dense, in my opinion, kind of over a few of the Rogue workouts. Not saying, again, that the individual—and I think it's comparable. And if anything, that the combination of the two are harder than rogue all righty uh but not as hard as the games no i mean it's easy for me to say we're all sitting in a chair we're going to find out at the end of the weekend what these athletes say
Starting point is 00:05:57 if they're honest right okay we are going to find out are you guys kind of excited to see that kind of see like i know it's not we're not supposed to go there and be like wow i wonder how trash they're going to get but are we curious some of these guys like i think the most i'm excited for it what i'm most excited for uh is i feel like the streams and the broadcasts are going to be much less busy because for two days we get to focus on elite individual and then they're done and then two days we get to focus on elite team and i think it's going to be easier to follow everything personally so i'm most excited to see that there are a few workouts that i'm really excited to watch um and that looks super fun hey caleb when you pull down that banner can i see the does the california hormones logo stick Shit, that's not good. Uh-oh. Nope, still not there.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Hey, maybe there's a different branding in the back. Maybe let me see. There we go. I know, but there needs to be something that just stays up there all the time. Right? Doesn't there? Yeah, there's normally their logo with Paper Street next to it, I think, that usually is up on the screen like it should say oh oh i see oh it's gone it's gone get the word oh oh here we go okay there's one i see it it. Good job, Caleb. How about this one? Nope. You're blocking it now. What a dude. What if I go to this?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Oh, God. Okay, we need to rework that by tomorrow. Shit. Sponsorship pooled. Okay. Anything else you want to talk about? Is this traditional Wadapalooza programming? Do you guys recognize it? You're like, yep, this traditional Wadapalooza programming? Do you guys recognize it?
Starting point is 00:07:45 You're like, yep, this is Wadapalooza? I think it's got a little more of a footprint on it being Guido's programming. I mean, he hasn't programmed every single year of Wadapalooza. I think it's been a couple years since he's programmed the event, and they've brought him back in now to do it, which is pretty cool. There is a little different feel than like last year, for instance. I don't, I, what catches my eye far, sorry. What catches my eye far less than the footprint of the programming.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I think just what sticks out to me is there's a lot going on. Too much. You're trying to be nice. Is this a gentler Taylor self that we're seeing? There's too much going on? I think just, and this is just, again, my opinion. I love old school simplicity and elegance. And I think in one workout that is there,
Starting point is 00:08:48 and that's the wall ball workout for the individuals, I love that workout. Beautiful. And I think that has the potential to be one of the hardest of the weekend with 300 drag up double unders. Beyond that, I just don't see a lot of that simplicity in a lot of the other events. And I feel like over, over everything to me, the more busy you create a workout, the more
Starting point is 00:09:15 difficult you make it on athletes to get intensity. Um, there's just a lot to think about. I think, I think as a, as a general scheme or an overarching theme that I see is there is a lot going on a lot of the workouts and whether or not that's just they felt that they wanted to include a lot of different movement variations to test a lot of different things there's an argument to be made for that and they don't have a lot of events to do it um but at the same time you can test capacities and skills without testing every variation of that capacity and skill. And so I just think it lacks a little bit of elegance and simplicity.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And that's what I love most about a lot of Dave's programming or all of Dave's programming for the most part is it is so elegant and simple and at the same time destructive and effective. All right. Should we dig in? Should we just start looking at uh start an individual and just work our way across yeah let's do it let's do it mr beaver thank you look at oh oh there you go now it's beautiful ah okay. Now I see the setup. For time, 21-15 ring muscle-ups. The first number is male. Second number is female. 21 back squats, 235-165.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Then back to the ring muscle-ups, 15 and 12. Oh, now I know what you're talking about. 15 front squats, then nine ring muscle-ups, then nine overhead squats. Okay, not so bad. This one's cool. Yeah, I like this one. This one's cool. Yeah. I like this one. Go ahead. Yeah. This one I think is, is really cool. And actually I want to say maybe it was on the, this workout release video or a different video. I saw Guido actually said that this is something, this is a workout that is very historical to him. Like he's
Starting point is 00:11:01 had this workout, so to speak in his back pocket for a long time. And he's really excited to finally be able to, to showcase it. Like he's, he's had this workout written for a while. Yeah. This is an awesome workout. I think this one is also, this has simplicity and elegance. I think it also mirrors a lot of games workouts that have had similar formats. Um, I think what I like a lot about this and and I'm sure JR loves this, is when you have an event with such a high-skill gymnastic movement that is so upper-body dominant, you look at kind of how the females are going to handle that. And you either have to account for their score with an extended time cap if you keep the reps the same, or oftentimes it's best to cut the reps a little bit and keep the time cap the same. And so I like how they, how they gave the female, the 15 ring muscle up in the 12 ring muscle up and kept it at nine. And it keeps the rep scheme pretty elegant to 15, 12, nine. I like that. Yeah. It's awesome. It's awesome that they're
Starting point is 00:11:53 finishing with nine because when I look at the workout, I don't think there's going to be a terrible amount of separation for the elites on the first two round. But I for sure think that the last set of muscle ups and especially the nine overhead squats is going to be where you see people make their move or where you see people fall back because they're not able to hang on to the bar and go for non unbroken overhead squats. And I think the keyword there is the elites. There are going to be half the field of these men are going to get punched in the mouth by those 21 ring muscle ups, but all the games athletes or the top performing games athletes, there's not going to be a ton of separation there. I'm not,
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm interested to see if any of them think it's a good idea to rip out 21 unbroken. I know, you know, several of them there have the capacity to do that. Um, but at the end of the day, it's more than likely that the workout is going to come down to the final nine overhead squats. And I think, you know, I was talking to Brian early about, uh, Guy and this workout, and he's someone that I think you should keep an eye on us, but, you know, talking through it with Brian, you have the ability to get to those nine overhead squats and rip them out unbroken in 30 seconds or less. And he's just going to pass like 10 people who fumble the bar or rush to get there and then have to break it up several times. Yeah. And I think there's a lot of strategy. I mean, looking at a workout this simple, there's a lot of strategy that goes into it in that middle round,
Starting point is 00:13:09 because everyone that does 21, 15, nine workouts knows it's the 15 round that sometimes can make or break you. So are you someone that knows you can go from 21 unbroken ring muscle ups to 21 relatively fast squats and add a high heart rate, jump up and knock out 15? Or do you know you should go eight, seven or nine, six or six, five, four, saving the big set for the end, knowing the overhead squat is looming and Hey, I don't have a rack and it's two 35, one 65. So if I, if I do seven unbroken overhead squats, I'm not dropping the bar to the floor and resting five seconds. I'm dropping the bar and resting 30 seconds before I clean and jerk it, get it to the back rack and finish up my race. I think the two worst places to break the workout on the barbell
Starting point is 00:13:55 are the back squat and the overhead squat, just the time to get the bar into a good position. So I would imagine smart athletes are going to go unbroken on the 21 back squats and the athletes that have the capacity need to go unbroken on the nine overhead i think breaking the 15 front squats is much more manageable for most athletes because you can just squat clean it into that first rep and then absolutely i don't imagine anyone's going to go on broken on that middle set of bring muscle ups i would i would be very hard pressed um the nine is going to be a challenge after the the first two rounds. What place would Colton Mertens have taken on this?
Starting point is 00:14:31 This is a good workout. I don't – I'm not – well, I was going to say I don't know about his overhead squat, but he smashed the overhead squat last year, Celebrate 10. So I would imagine – Yeah, that was 30 pounds lighter. It was 205, right? Yeah, it was 30 pounds lighter, but he obliterated it. The only thing about that workout to me was the muscle-ups were relatively irrelevant. It was pretty much an overhead squat workout and a handstand push-up workout.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And I don't know how his volume is on the rings. But I think Colton Mertens would have for sure been top three in this workout. Hey, I know most of you guys listening know this but at your garden variety affiliate if you're someone who can do just the ring muscle-ups in 12 minutes you're probably one of the fittest dudes in the gym no doubt hands down yeah 45 45 and 12 minutes you're a savage and they're going to do all this squatting too uh i i'm going to go out on a limb here and say half the field doesn't finish this especially in the women i'm going to say half the women doesn't finish this especially in the women i'm gonna say half the women don't finish this what do you think i don't know i don't think 12 minutes is that aggressive
Starting point is 00:15:29 for a lot of these athletes i think in my mind i think of okay how many what is 30 ring muscle ups take um someone who's really really good and you're looking at a minute and a half to a minute 50 seconds um and then add 15 on top of that all these athletes should have the capacity to do, or at least all. I get- Kerstetter, does she finish this? Does Olivia Kerstetter finish this? Yeah, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:15:55 They didn't do ring muscle-ups at Rogue, correct? They did the log bar muscle-up, so we really haven't seen her in a big competition do a dense set of ring muscle-ups, especially against the higher level caliber competition. So it'll be it'll be cool to see how she manages. Yeah. I wonder if this is a stubby bar as well. What do you think, JR?
Starting point is 00:16:13 For sure. I think if you just think about like the aesthetics of everything. Yeah. If they have a 35 pound C70 and they do, you know, two blues and a 10, it looks good. And it's that's 235, right? and they do two blues and a 10, it looks good. And that's 235, right? Yeah, I don't think most of the men or at least the top performers have an issue. But then with Guadalupalooza, you have the bottom 20 that are always a question mark because they're coming from all over.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And to be honest, it's really the top 15 men that are relevant. And I'm not sure what the bottom half of the field is. So it's not the top 15 men that are relevant. Um, and I'm not sure, I'm not sure what the bottom half of the field is. So it's not outside the realm of possibility that several, a lot of people don't finish, but I don't think those are the people that we're looking at or worried about. Hey, but you're saying no one goes on broken on everything. Absolutely not. And if they did, it would take them a lot longer than 12 minutes. and if they did it would take them a lot longer than 12 minutes i think you're i think you're more likely to see someone choose to try to go on broken on all of one of the movements and then
Starting point is 00:17:12 purposely break the other movements versus trying to go on broken on both like if you know you're an amazing squatter and you say hey i'm gonna break the 21 um whatever 15, and then I'm going to break the 15 ring muscle ups again, nine, six, but on the squats, I'm not dropping it. I think it's probably more of a strategy you're likely to see or someone maybe like Pat or another person who's super elite at ring muscle ups say, I'm going to break the squat purposefully. Like Taylor was saying, especially the front squats, I'm going to break twice just because I want to try to go on broken on the rings and knock out the nine at the end and and to be honest i think if you're in that category of athlete it's you're not going to have as effective of a workout as someone who is a much stronger squatter and is okay at muscle ups because when you get to the
Starting point is 00:17:58 nine overhead squats if you're not a good squatter they're just going to be a punch in the mouth and the people who are good squatters can rip through them. I don't, I don't know, Taylor. Uh, what about, uh, you, you're, you, at the nine final nine ring muscle ups, you do three and you get stopped for a minute. I don't think guys are going to do that. No. Oh, well, even the women, then you get a one minute rest. Then you do three more, you get another one minute rest and you do three more. And then, then you're going to do those nine overhead squats unbroken because you got to rest in between those muscle ups. Not by choice, but by force, right? Potentially.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Okay. So we like this one. Good workout. Great workout. Great workout. Love it. Love it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:39 You'd put it in one of your guys' events. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. I love it. Okay. Okay. One out of the way. Good. We, that's cool. I love it. Okay. Okay, one out of the way. Good. We're on a roll.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's not too often. And the other thing we kind of overlooked is you're testing a lot of different squatting there. It's only 45 reps. It's a challenging load, but you're testing a back squat, a front squat, and an overhead squat, which is cool. Yeah, it's kind of like those workouts that you see that do, like, you know, the pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups, and then bar muscle-ups, right? It's that cool same and nine and you know you may look at the nine overhead squats like oh they're only doing nine overhead squats but they're not irrelevant they're the linchpin of the workout and so they matter yeah and it's a sneaky uh it's a sneaky like if you're one of
Starting point is 00:19:18 the weaker athletes in the field it's gonna show with these 45 squats absolutely so that that tags on to what temi is saying, right? He's saying, is it just a little too heavy? And you're saying, yeah, it's not too heavy, but it's heavy if you're not paying attention. It's heavy enough to expose those that are weak. And I think that's purposeful. I think the weight is perfect.
Starting point is 00:19:38 All righty. Oh, here we go. Vanessa McNaughton, Olivia did well in the online qualifier with 30 ring muscle-ups. Well, then she might own this one. And they also had the ring muscle-ups at Rogue, I forgot, but they had the hill run workout with the goblet squat and ring muscle-up.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I just can't remember how she finished in that workout. I don't expect she finished well in that workout. Thank you, John. Who of you three would win this event i'll just go out now taylor okay taylor you're getting in shape again i'm working out a little i'm working out a little bit you're licking your wounds how's the healing uh it's it's very it's surprising how good i feel uh at three months after the surgery. Are you being patient?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Very. Big boy? And that's what's most surprising. I'm being super patient, and it's just things are just coming online very quickly, which has been a blessing. So, feeling good. Hey, I couldn't beat Taylor if I did pull-ups and deadlifts to his um ring muscle-ups to uh overhead squatting i'm just i i'll may i'll set a time for you i'll do deadlifts and pull-ups and see if you can beat it taylor doing that other hard shit you do that hard shit you do are you at 235 overhead squats yet with that right now no no way no way no okay it's way too early for that but are you squatting
Starting point is 00:21:03 how about air squatting oh yeah i'm squatting and back squatting. I'm strength squatting. I'm just not, I'm not, I'm not doing any like intensity squatting in a workout. It's not, not ready for that. You know, you're going to do a workout like that and you're bouncing out of the bottom, hitting the stretch reflex, getting pushed into a position that, you know, you need full range of motion to go there. And I have really good range of motion, like far beyond what most people have at three months months but not ready to cut it loose in a workout yet but i'm squatting twice already okay workout number two mr beaver please
Starting point is 00:21:32 are you doing the open uh taylor i'm gonna sign up and register and just have fun but i'm not going to compete this year okay uh event number two max load in four minutes uh one rep clean and jerk yeah then you get a two minute rest is that what that means the transition correct and then so then you would be at the six minute mark and then you have one attempt for a max time parallette free standing handstand hold holy smokes as of now this is the only inverted am i correct jr the only inverted movement where they're in a handstand there's no handstand push-ups or handstand walks for the individuals not of the workouts that have been released. Yeah, there's a final that's coming out.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But I think that's the other thing that really caught my eye is, as a whole, the event is very, very pulling dominant. And for me as an athlete, that's great. I'm also great on my hands and a great presser. But gymnastics pulling, I'm really good at. So it's not something I would be upset about to see. I would do well but it's interesting that there is a ton of pulling and hanging and not a lot of body weight or gymnastic inverted movements or shoulder dominant movements and so i just i look at that and i think that this is i don't know so we know a few things
Starting point is 00:23:01 this is the second like workout here on the list, but it's not necessarily workout too. So this isn't necessarily what they're doing. This isn't workout too. It's not. Yeah. They're actually doing this on Friday, Friday. This is those, those people that are thinking they're going heavy barbell right into heavy barbell. You know, they're not doing that. Um, well, that's a couple of things that Brian has said about this workout is he's pretty confident. There's going to be a caveat to the one attempt where like, you can maybe think of it as a mulligan, but like, let's say that you have a two minute window for the parallette hold, maybe assuming no one can hold for two minutes straight that when it's when that clock
Starting point is 00:23:46 starts you have until the 30 second mark to actually get credit for an attempt so like let's say the two minute clock starts you kick up and you just lose your balance and you come right back down okay you can stand for a second but by the 30 second mark you have to be started your attempt or you're done you're locked in with what i thought they were kind of pigging off of the back of like what the games that really push this year putting a premium on execution no and which i i don't like that they have that 30 second caveat i think if you're going to give them one attempt i like the premium on execution and athletes that just hey if you fuck it up that's on you and that's you see that. And I like, you know, in life, you don't get a lot of second chances
Starting point is 00:24:28 and a lot of things you have one attempt. And if you fuck it up, you know, unfortunately. Yeah. And again, I mean, we, I mean, we don't know that for sure. I think that's something Brian said on one of the shows you guys did with John, where he said that he thinks that there, it may not be as stringent as no, the first time you kick up, it counts. And if it's two seconds, because if you think about it, what, what they probably want to avoid is a ton of ties. So if you have 15 out of 40 people that kick up and then come down within, let's say two seconds and they're doing all this based on stopwatch, then it kind of gets like, oh man. So we had half the field, like couldn't hold for five seconds, but if they would have just gotten to kick up one more time
Starting point is 00:25:07 and find their point, maybe they can hold it longer. I don't know. Taylor, let me ask you this, Taylor. I hear what you're saying, and I agree with what you're saying. Like, fuck you, either get it right or don't. You still at least get half the points because you had a chance to do the clean jerk. But when you take into account there's only eight events and it's not the game and there's 13 events do you have to give a little more wiggle room to let people uh have these um errors to make sure you get the fittest person
Starting point is 00:25:33 no it's there's 75 000 in the line fuck i mean i don't know and it's not even fuck you like it's not like that's not my attitude i just think if you're going to place a premium on a skill like that these athletes are better i just think if you're going to place a premium on a skill like that these athletes are better than any athletes in the world at adapting to new things okay so you the more chances you give someone the better they're going to do so put the premium on premium on execution and give them one opportunity and while i disagree with taylor because i actually do like the idea of giving them like one, one gimme, one mulligan. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Golf is dumb. They gave, they did give them like two weeks to prepare for this also. It's not something they're releasing the day before. So to Taylor's point, it's like, no, you've already had two weeks to find your sweet spot. You got to be able to do it when it matters. So the only thing that I don't like is that coming off of the 2022 games where it seemed like the sport was maybe going to be moving in a different direction, putting a little bit higher premium on accuracy, on execution, on body weight, strength, comparatively to external load strength, we know that this is going to be scored 60-40. So the clean and jerk is out of a possible 60 points, but the parallette hold, you're only getting maximum of 40 points for. So what does that say? It says that you're valuing the strength a little bit more than you're valuing the gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Which I don't like. I think ideally you have four minutes to find a max rep clean and jerk and we're at max clean and jerk and then you have four minutes to find your longest attempt at a parallette handstand push-up hold or at the top of the parallette handstand hold and they're weighted equally what's the max uh clean and jerk you think we see with gee in the field yeah i think i think without a doubt over 365. I think he'll just hit what he needs to hit to win. Can he play that game though? Well, as long as there's not Z scoring, he for sure can. You think they're just all going to be lined up there
Starting point is 00:27:36 and he can just be like doing that shit? Yeah, I don't know. I imagine there's just going to be two heats of 20. I don't know that for sure. But let's just say there are four heats of 10 going into it. I'm sure he's going to be in one of the last heats. I don't know if they're receding after the first day. That would be something that would play a big factor to see where he's at after Thursday if this is the first workout they do on Friday. I think going into this workout, he probably knows it's his to lose. Hey, what do you do in an event like this? Do you, since it's only two days long, do you recede on the second day? Do you recede after each event? What do you, what's the protocol on that? I believe they're going to recede after, I believe they're going
Starting point is 00:28:20 to recede after the first day and then they cut before the final event and recede again. Okay. Okay. Not bad. All right. So, right so uh with three you like his prediction three at least 365 taylor you think we're gonna see a 365 uh off the ground overhead oh yeah i would say there's gonna be multiple guys that do that do close to that i mean under the i mean under the lights miami ton of energy i think i think you'll see someone hit over 370. I don't think anyone's going to push Key. And I do think that I'm interested to see how he approaches the workout. Because in the past, he's known for his theatrics.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And he enjoys giving people a show and a spectacle. And I love that. I think that's awesome. And I was going to say, I wonder if Rich has influenced him to dial it back a little bit, but in Rich's career as well, Rich enjoys the theatrics and stomping people in workouts. And I would be surprised if Guy plays the game and I wouldn't be surprised if he goes for kind of a crowd stunner. Basically just first lift a three 25 and then jumped to three 85 and just. just first lift uh 325 and then jump to 385 and just i without a doubt think he wants to make a statement and he will probably and he'll probably make a statement on the freestanding hold as well uh any oh really he's good at that too yeah oh what are there any uh who's the guy i had on the
Starting point is 00:29:38 show rochelle uh they call him thor he was all the demigod roly oh ron griffin raleigh yes sorry rochelle sorry griffin uh griffin raleigh yes sorry rochelle sorry griffin uh griffin raleigh uh any anyone any like just anomalies out there like him just like is anyone else who's no i don't think he is yeah he's not in the field and anthony davis isn't but i want to say when brian was doing his individual show there was a guy who maybe he picked like 39th or 40th that he said he had heard has some pretty crazy strength is bronze law competing individual no okay uh and and on the women's side uh i would say i would say danny's just as much of a favorite as gee wow okay i have an app bro get off my nuts uh does taylor fax it hey dude spiegel he doesn't even know what a fax is he's so young what are you talking about i have
Starting point is 00:30:32 a funny story about that i was working at a 24-hour fitness and the the manager asked me to fax something to a different location i was like how do i do this and this fucking bitch yelled at me she's like get on out of you the faxx machine. I was like, I'm fucking 18. It's 20. It's 2020. I'm fucking nuts. Send a screenshot. Oh, I remember being a little kid.
Starting point is 00:30:53 A fax machine was fascinating. Now, what a joke. We have email now. OK, you have Snapchat. OK, what about the women? So Danny Spiegel got a number for us i mean again probably just whatever she needs um and in this field i would be shocked if on sunday she doesn't have the look i bet her stare outlifts her really i i just from that
Starting point is 00:31:24 would be that would be really cool if they're in the same heat it would be cool this is the one thing i think about is remember i don't know it seems like in several of past competitions she's had issues squat cleaning not the jerk not a power clean and kerstetter moves so well with a barbell she has the jerk capacity she definitely has the clean i don't know i i could see kerstetter outlifting her we'll see hey if she does that's the kind of stuff that's the beginning of uh building you know that kind of that um that that that intangible star power right she took second uh at rogue and that final workout now if she were to it takes even even if she takes second
Starting point is 00:32:03 but if she takes first here under the lights in miami that's the beginning she's planting the seed like i'm here like the same way gee did well it's without chrystetter without a doubt moves the barbell cleaner and more efficiently um uh what was it what was the um i know it's comparing apples to oranges but what was the log at rogue 250 is that what that what Danny did? 250? Yeah, but there's no squat involved. That's more brute strength. I don't know. We'll see. There's a lot more. So she's going to clean and drink at least 250? That was also not from the floor, and you
Starting point is 00:32:35 can roll that up your body. It's different. Okay. Alright. It's still 250. So you don't think she'll do 250? I think she'll hit at least 250 jrc okay uh and and any and in in that field kerstetter is sort of the um although she's good at so many things she's the next uh strongest person in that field and is it um is it moya that's really strong oh the, the lady from Spain, the training culture?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Uh-huh. So they say. So they say. All right. Should we move to the workout number three? Hey, so that's a good workout. We like that one. It's fun, right?
Starting point is 00:33:20 The lift? Yeah, the lift and the handstand combo. I like the combo. I just hate how it's weighted differently. Why is weightlifting more important than a skill? So you would go 50-50? Yeah, without a doubt. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. All right. At least it's not 70-30. Workout number three, but not necessarily in order. I'm just saying in the order that they have, I guess, been released. This is a Friday workout. This is a Friday workout. Okay, let's go back to the chipper.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Can you pull the chipper up back to the future? That's event three. If we can go in order. I'm OCD. Perfect. They just tell me which one's next because they don't have them in order. Okay. I got you.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Okay. Thank you. He's a good dude. Olivia hit a 270 split jerk last January. After, after, back to the Future, this is event two. We'll have the back-to-back workout start fast, finish strong. Okay. So this is the third workout on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:34:18 This is the final workout on Thursday? Correct. Okay. No. Oh, my goodness. No, no, no. This is the second workout on Thursday. The next workout that we'll pull up, the back-to-back one, that's the final for Thursday.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Oh, okay. So we're back on track here. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. So the second workout on Thursday, after that one that we really liked with the SoCo's muscle-ups and that one with the squat variety, then they'll do this workout, second workout individual. It's a legless rope climbs, a weighted ghd sit-ups uh med ball
Starting point is 00:34:49 wait is that what weighted means weighted ghd sit-ups okay with the med ball a double kettlebell overhead walking lunges and then a kettlebell hand cleans then a one mile assault run that's something huh what's something the one milemile assault run. That's something, huh? What's something? One mile on the assault runner? That's not fun, right? That's a big chunk of the workout. The way this workout is set up, I think that's going to be the deciding movement.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Okay, and that's just the halfway point, ladies and gentlemen. Then you have to do 20 double kettlebell thrusters, then 30-meter double kettlebell front rack walking lunge and then 40 ghd sit-ups and then finish with five rope climbs 22 minute time cap let me just ask you this before we start is this one that uh is this gonna be one of those ones where we see a ton of people not finish no i don't think so i don't think so at all not a ton what what the workout structure does which which i really love the idea of making one half of an up and back chipper be harder be the harder version of like essentially the same movement pattern on the other half but what it does when you start with the harder and end with the easier
Starting point is 00:36:05 is that you are letting people increase speed when they're fatigued versus if they would have flipped it and started with regular rope climbs, thrusters, front rack lunge, and then ended with the weighted GHDs, the legless rope climbs, the overhead walking lunge, then you see a little bit more maybe jockeying for position as people go. The way it's set up here, everyone's doing the harder stuff first. Yeah. So I don't think the way the athletes get – Except for the rope climbs. The women do one more rope climb at the end.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yeah, but that's irrelevant. I don't – yeah, I think because, I mean, they're doing one less legless, so maybe that is going to kind of. Oh, I missed that. Okay, so it goes from legless to regular. Okay, you're right, you're right. My bad, my bad.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So what I expect is the order that people get off the run is going to be essentially the order that they finish the workout. Which I don't like. I think if you're going to put, what Jr was kind of alluding to, I think is that I, I like the workout way better. If you flip the order of,
Starting point is 00:37:11 of difficulty of movements, you start with the easy movements and people have a chance to, you know, their game plan probably catches a little bit of wind and they just kind of go with the flow and maybe go out too hot a little bit. And then they hit the mile run and then they come back and they get smacked in the face and then like you say you see some more jockeying jockeying for position you see the skills matter a little bit more people who are confident in the legless rope climb people who are confident overhead with the lunging um
Starting point is 00:37:36 the people who are good at ghd's yeah i just overall i think it would have been a better workout if they flipped it the the harder movements to finish. Walk me through this here because I'm a little slow. It's busy, and that's why. So on the top and the bottom, the difference is one of the rope climbs is legless, and one of them is not – the easy version is not legless. Regular. Yeah, legless. You can use your feet in the second half.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Okay, and then go to the second one. What's the difference in the GHD sit-ups? There's it's not weighted. Okay. It's basically like a mirror. So you have the run in the middle and then from there, the first and last movement are the same, but just one is an easier version of it. And then the second and the other version are the same. And then you get to the kettlebell. One lunge is more difficult. The other lunge is not as difficult. and then you get to the kettlebell one lunge is more difficult the other lunge is not as difficult and then you get to the cycling kettlebell movement okay now i see demanding thruster is a little faster okay the the one i was getting lost on was that middle one okay so the harder one is the overhead walking lunge the easier one is it's in the front rack okay yeah and i yeah but you know i like don't
Starting point is 00:38:46 why don't you like it in this order uh that way they can race at the end that way they can sprint well you place a premium on people you only have five legless rope climbs and you only have 40 weighted jhd's and you only have 60 feet of overhead walking lunging i i think you just place more of a premium of being good at those things if you put it at the end. If you put it at the beginning, all these guys are good at them. And you don't give the people who are really, really good at them but also have a good motor to really shine. While maybe you allow the athletes to push the pace at the end and try to go unbroken on everything and try to catch someone that's maybe a little bit in front of them, to catch someone that's maybe a little bit in front of them what you don't get to see is potential meltdowns at the end on like a legless rope climb where they get to three or four and they're trying to catch someone and they go early and they got to stand there and wait 30 seconds and they fail
Starting point is 00:39:34 and you don't get the get the drama from that that you may have if the workout was switched but this is another good example of you know until Guido comes out and says, well, hey, listen, we know a lot of these guys are going to be doing this workout. And then they may do the same movements, not in the same combinations on the weekend. So we don't want to just absolutely crush them doing 40 weighted GHDs at the end. We'd rather them do them when they're a little bit less fatigued. I mean, maybe that factored into it. But if they're expecting athletes to do both, don't you think they should have kind of factored in a little more variance in the programming from division to division?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah, it looks like and we'll see when we get into the team workouts that if they if they use an implement in the individual they use it also in the teams maybe just in a different way that the the workouts are not the same and don't really look the same but the movements that they picked are very similar i'm curious how the i'm curious how many people are going to go. You think this will be done in four heats, three heats, four heats? I would imagine two heats. Maybe not. What does it say? I think they're doing this on Bayside, too, which is pretty tight for the lunges. So probably four heats.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And it's a massive time frame. Like on the schedule, let's see. it's a massive time frame like that on the schedule let's see it's on base it's on the base line back to the future goes from 2 p.m to almost 5 p.m so it's probably four heats each uh jason at cf media by the way thanks for all the great uh content buddy um easy to watch fun to watch uh he says he'd pick a clean and jerk over a thruster any day of the week but is that because you can set a – That's because he's not in the elite division at Waterpalooza. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Okay. That's what I thought. Because with the clean and jerk, you can kind of hide a little bit. You can set it down. You can take some breaks. But the thruster, once you're going, you're going. No, it's a harder – the 20 hang clean and jerks with the kettlebells are far more demanding than 20 thrusters with the kettlebells. Just the time under tension alone. All right're muted jr not on purpose though jr just on accident i think you
Starting point is 00:41:53 need to think about what movement precedes it also the thrusters you're doing after a mile run so yeah the legs will be kind of juiced up but the shoulders have no fatigue after that and you're doing the cane cleaning jerks after holding the kettlebells over your head for about a minute so much harder uh good good luck finding this only caleb can find it where do you see the schedule and locations uh good luck it's complicated forward slash schedule one more time forward slash schedule. I'll put it in the chat. You're a good dude. Thrusters are better, says Franco. Best coverage of Wadapalooza last year. It's only going to get better this year.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Keep grinding. Thank you, Zach Fields. Yeah, I think we're going to have a blast this year. It's going to be wild. Assuming that 95% of both elite fields choose to squat clean their max. If you're counting at home so far, that's three workouts, three squats of some kind of variation.
Starting point is 00:42:51 This one only has 20 repetitions. The next one that we do, maybe the wall ball workout is going to have a hundred, but it's good to keep track. If you're looking at programming and what movements are coming up more often than others, there's a lot of squatting. Too much. I don't. Uh, too much.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I don't think it's too much. I haven't, I haven't seen the last two workouts, but I would say if the last two workouts don't have squatting, it's a really good amount of squatting. If they, if there is squatting in the last workout, I would say it's a little squat center.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah. The next is going to be that start fast, finish strong. All right. So this is, uh, the last workout for thursday yep yeah both worth 100 points back to back oh what do you mean back to back they're they're event three event four okay but they get a little break in there there's a one minute transition oh oh between these two sorry i was sorry god i'm not myself today i thought you were talking about from the previous workout okay so
Starting point is 00:43:51 basically the first workout has a four minute cap yeah okay uh part a part b uh you were just saying these are uh pointed equal uh points 100 points each that's right okay uh toes to bar hurdle jumps 44 yard shuttle run hey i don't i can't even figure out what i'm even looking at what's 11 22 11 mean so so i'm thinking the way that oh good you guys don't know either god i feel no no so the way they wrote it is just the way they wrote it is so weird it's 11 reps for time toes to bar hurdle jump 11 yard shuttle run then 22 reps for time toe to bar hurdle jump 22 yard shuttle run 11 so so it's i don't know why they put the 44 yard in there why they felt the need to do that or at least that's how i read it
Starting point is 00:44:42 because then when you see in the parentheses they have 11 22 11 it doesn't make sense that they would it's just like a 5 10 5 shuttle run like they do in football potentially and but i yeah well see that's what i thought so see if if you you know if you're thinking about the layout like this let's say they do this on flagler which i'm sure they will and you go 33 feet and back would you then do 66 and back and then 33 and back again so you go short long short that would make sense to me that there's probably 66 feet of total shuttle run space but they don't use it until the middle round no what i think what i think caleb is suggesting is that every round you so you do your 11 total bar 11 hurdle jumps then you go short long short 22 22 short long short 11 11 short long short that would be that would be like nfl do they say in this video here if you push play no no no but that would make sense i
Starting point is 00:45:42 think if you go to the if there's any more of a description where the workouts are online yeah there you go tyler's got it okay um so okay you guys got to explain the way can any of you guys explain it to a knucklehead like me like i didn't play sports i played dungeons and dragons so okay three two one go they're gonna do 11 toes to bar then they're gonna move to a hurdle and they're gonna do 11 jumps over a hurdle then for their shuttle run they're gonna they're gonna do an 11 yard shuttle run which means they'll go down and back for a total of 11 yards then they'll go longer they'll go 22 yards for down and back And then they'll finish with 11 yards down and back. And that,
Starting point is 00:46:26 Oh, do that shuttle every round. Okay. So it's, it's trying to, it's trying to be kind of cute here and cool here. Keep it with the 11, 11.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And then, and then the runs are also 11. 22, 11. Yeah. Okay. A little too cute. And how many rounds is that?
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's one round through. Really? Yep. Why 11 toes to bar? Why not really yep why 11 toes to bar why not uh 33 toes to bar no idea 22 11 they could even do 22 11 22 i mean toes to bar nothing 11 toes to bar or nothing right yeah so when you look at the workout and you you always look at a workout and you usually look for the place where there's going to be separation. And we don't know for sure. Are they using a hurdle like in this, like that's in this video? Are they using something that's actually more like a box that there's some width to it, where it's going to be hard to bound back and forth? Because if that's the case,
Starting point is 00:47:18 then that becomes the deciding movement of the workout. If they're using that orange thing i'm pissed why using that it's not going to be relevant and everyone's no one's going to have any trouble i don't think going doing 44 of those and it's just but if it's something deeper like almost like a box that they're having to bound over back and forth you may see some people able to separate in the middle round everyone's going to be able to do the Toast-a-Bar on broken. Everyone's going to have to run fast, but the issue is, to me,
Starting point is 00:47:50 all these athletes have a different way of doing Toast-a-Bar that makes them as fast as they can possibly cycle them. It's not like some of the athletes are going to be able to do it, and some aren't. If the workout is 22, 33, 22, then on the round of 33, you see some people, oh, they had to break.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Oh, they had to break. But it looks like what he wants with the time cap is just a pure sprint going into that second workout. Which I'm okay with. And the stimulus, look, this workout is going to sting. Anytime you're doing something like a hurdle jump, like a movement like that that's really repetitive and requires a lot of force absorption and absorption and bounding their heart rates are going to be jacked especially trying to do the shuttle run fast like it's going to sting people it's going to hurt they're going to go into that second part a little fucked up but i just think you're wadapalooza like it's it just is too it's too cute and i don't know i don't know know. I'm liking it more now that Jeffrey's explained it.
Starting point is 00:48:45 God, thank you, Jeffrey. You like those little lateral jump overs? Everything else, I'm not really. Hey, that's what they're going to be doing, brother. They're not. If they're showing that in the video, that's what they're going to be doing. And you're okay with that? I don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Because when we look at the workout video for part B, it's showing someone doing sandbag work, not using a D-pad. Well, here's what we know about the hurdles. Okay, okay. Let me ask you this real quick, Taylor. Hold on. Let me ask you this real quick. The workout, now I finally understand the workout. It's basically, the workout's three rounds.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yes. Okay. So do that little math thing in your head where you guys do the thing with how fast, what's the fastest someone could do all these movements, if it is that little that little piece of steel well you can do you can do 20 unbroken toes to bar in 30 seconds at a comfortable pace so let's just assume that they can make up four reps which is 44 doing them faster than that well that's a minute of toast bar. And then the shuttle runs are going to be really, I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:46 that's like, it's like a two to two 30 workout to me. I don't see it being, I don't even see it being three minutes. Taylor may disagree, but I don't, it's a hundred yards of shuttle running. Um,
Starting point is 00:49:56 so you can assume it's going to take people with the turnarounds and the transitions, probably 40 seconds. Um, maybe 45, maybe close to a minute um yeah and do you like that do you like that in that time domain i like that it's short i just hate the hurdle jump overs so you don't think it is going to be those jr because the sandbags and the d ball or something some they use different uh no i know i know what the hurdle
Starting point is 00:50:24 jump overs are they're 24 inches tall for guys 18 for ladies which is taller than the video okay but they're they're not track hurdles so like they're not a traditional track hurdle which will require you you cannot bound those um or at least you wouldn't in this setting people would fucking eat shit all over the place so they're 24 inches tall for guys, 18 inches tall for ladies. And lengthwise, like if you're standing next to it the way the guy is in the video and bounding back and forth, it's 18 inches long. And we don't know anything about the width of the hurdles. You can assume that the width is probably – they're probably those hurdles, just bigger.
Starting point is 00:51:01 they're probably those hurdles just bigger. It's, it's gotta be to me, something that is stable enough to where if someone eats it and they land on the thing, it doesn't go flying into the lane next to them. Someone's eating it. And I don't even think they have someone's for sure. Fucking eating it.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And dude, are you kidding me? Last year, uh, that barbell complex, the MIA complex, there were people throwing the 315 bar into the fucking stadium, into the stands, into the pylon.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I don't think they had the foresight to think about what if somebody trips on this and eats shit and goes into the other lane. No offense. More dangerous than the running of the bulls going to Guadalupalooza. Jason CF Media, they did wall balls against a palm tree in the other video. I don't think we can believe everything we see. Well, that's true. Well said. Someone's getting shit on this workout.
Starting point is 00:51:51 No doubt. So what's this? So everyone has to be done in four minutes. Well, I was going to say, I mean, the four-minute cap to me is extremely generous. But I also think there's almost like another minute of built in rest. They probably expect most people to go sub three. So they're getting a two minute rest before they're on the rower. Probably knowing that the type of hurdle jumps they're doing are not going to be as fast as what it looks like in the demo video. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:22 So I think Taylor and JR think agree that there'll be plenty enough time for most people to finish they get to rest one minute uh we'll know who got the 100 points and then they do the final workout for thursday which is part b of this workout for another 100 points and it's a thousand meter row 20 d ball uh cleans and then a 300 foot D ball bear hug, carry time cap, uh, 15 minutes total. I have one question for JR about the layout of the workout. I'm curious to hear his input on when I read it. I like the workout. I love the combination of movements. I think it's going to be so nasty. Um, but I go back to kind of our previous discussions about calorie rows being better for an event than distance.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And I wondered if it would be, it would shorten the time slightly, not slightly, would shorten the time probably by a minute and a half if they did 30 calorie row, 20 D ball clean, 100 yard carry. But I wonder if that's better. I kind of like that a little better, but it takes the row out of it a little more. It would, it would lengthen the workout, but you know, if you think about, this is something else good to talk about in the, in the, in the release video, they have them using an assault rower. Well, are the, is it going to be an assault rower? Well, they're using a sandbag. Is it going to be a sandbag or is it going to be a D ball? Because the sandbag cleans are going to be easier than the D ball clean. The sandbag carry
Starting point is 00:53:46 to me is easier than the D ball carry unless you're someone that has crazy long arms that can just lock it in and go. I just think that kind of stuff matters. I think more people have spent way less time on an assault rower than they've spent on a concept rower. To answer Taylor's question, when I look at the, the one K row following the first workout, you don't win it on the row, but if you're someone like Roman who can row a one 35 and everyone else is comfortable at a one 40. Okay. You've gained 10 seconds. Do you relinquish 10 seconds on the cleans and the carry? I don't know. But it seems like anyone who can really, really push the pace on the row could have an opportunity to not be caught. If you make it a hundred cows, that's
Starting point is 00:54:32 getting closer to like the four minute range. And you're probably going to see most of the guys come off between 315 and 330. So to Taylor's question, I always think you should use calories. It rewards output a lot more than going for meters and people knowing it's for meters are going to be less likely to take a chance there. And, and so you think 30 calorie, 20 clean hundred yard carry is better. I think 30 calories is, is, is way too little of rowing to matter. So, so what would you, how would you program it? If I wanted to look clean,
Starting point is 00:55:05 I would probably just do a hundred cows, but then you have, but then you have the row really being the deciding factor because it is for calories. So you get off the row or 15 calories ahead of someone. These guys are so good. 20 D ball cleans and the carry, I don't think is going to slow anyone down. It'll be interesting to me to see and really exciting to finish the workout on the carry, who can hold onto it. Cause the way the shuttle run is laid out, I think we can assume that they may be doing 33s and doing how many is that? Nine of those. So carry 33, turn around, carry 33, turn around, carry 33, turn around, run to the finish line. So basically six trips.
Starting point is 00:55:47 If that makes sense. They are using it. Last year, they did use a salt rower. So I think that's a safe assumption that they'd use them again. I think so too. And I've been told that it's supposed to be D ball clean, not sandbag. And this is going to look good, right? This is going to be fun to watch. From a spectator's point of view, this is going to be great. What's going to look good right this is gonna be fun to watch from a
Starting point is 00:56:05 spectator's point of view this is gonna be great what's gonna look good this last this last workout 300 foot d-ball bear hug carry we're gonna get to see them run that's where we got to see jason hopper fucking implode one year we see people drop the bag that's where we got the drama on the capital steps this year i mean it's a cool ending for uh for thursday night i like the ending i don't like the shuttle, the hurdle jumps. Yeah, the carry is going to be awesome to watch. Anything like horizontal displacement, yoke carry, sandbag carry, anything like that, sled push is always really fun to watch for a finishing movement. No one makes it 300 feet, right, without setting it down?
Starting point is 00:56:43 I think some people will. A lot of people will. Really? Yeah. Really? Yeah. All right. Well, good. And with the women, a lot of women will make it with the 100 pounder?
Starting point is 00:56:52 More. More. True. And I think that's why he's left it a 1,000 meter with the early one. Devesh Maharaj, The Hammer. like how jr speaks more than one minute total time per episode like he used to back in the day oh thank you uh how many eat shit uh i i think that'll only happen it happens usually on the shorter runs i think i think it's eat shit on the hurdles oh i say at least five people total out of the women and men. God, I hope there are some great crotch shots if it happens like that.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'll be ready to make a fails video. On that first part, you have to be reckless to get a good score because that's like 10 seconds on that workout is going to be like 20 spots. Yes. And are you okay with losing 20 spots and being controlled or do you think people are going to take a risk and fucking punt it and then eat shit i think that's more likely caleb will the medical team be ready for recklessness at wadapalooza definitely i i well to be honest i mean i don't think at least with that over that the risk of injury is is super high from eating shit.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I just think it's likely to happen. If you jump over a hurdle, you just land on your side. You knock the breath out of yourself no matter how high you jump. Oh, did you hear that jet flying over where Caleb is? Yes. It's not a jet. That's a bomb. You wouldn't hear a bomb, I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Oh, okay. you wouldn't hear a bomb i'll tell you that much oh okay uh if uh jason uh tyler watkins if one goes down a bunch are going down on the hurdles they're going to be close yeah that'd be great too uh caleb would like fuck yeah let's go oh it's like watching nascar over there yeah that's his job i think jets just take off right next to that building he's in okay uh let's go to friday morning um how beat up are these guys and gals friday morning nothing easy day for these guys I think Jets just take off right next to that building he's in. Okay, let's go to Friday morning. How beat up are these guys and gals Friday morning? Nothing? Easy day for these guys so far?
Starting point is 00:58:51 That's a pretty aggressive day one. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Friday morning, we'll start with workout number 0.500, 400 to 500. And just to be – I just want to have one more say about the hurdle. I'm not like trying to completely destroy the idea. I'm just looking at it through an athlete's perspective. And I would bet if you asked most of the athletes, they'd be like, why are we doing this?
Starting point is 00:59:16 And that's where I'm coming from. Judy, we're not sure what the hurdles look like in that part. They are not like ones on a track. You can't do them with ones on a track because they have the bar that comes out to the side and that would definitely be dangerous caleb are you gonna say something i was gonna ask this one next oh uh oh good the next workout is the lift and we already did that and after the lift we have double shot with a splash okay so we're going to the second workout on uh friday we already did the first one that was the lift and uh handstand hold on the parallettes
Starting point is 00:59:49 a great workout but scored 60 40 and taylor prefers it 50 50 uh hill the hillard no one's gonna see hillard for a long time he entered uh the travel circus that's going on in the united states right now hillar's not hillar's not going to be on the shows he's going to try i mean he he flew to wadapalooza today and he said he just texted me and said he's not getting there till 3 a.m and then i think tomorrow he has to qualify for the gauntlet right i mean he'll be on some of the shows the gauntlet hillar you better get on the show and then he's also um coaching a team a girl is he allowed to do the gauntlet being on fucking trend or whatever he's
Starting point is 01:00:30 doing i i hope not hillary's in the chat dude i'm hype oh so he's at an airport right now that he's probably just on his phone he better clap everyone in the gauntlet. I'm expecting maximum clappage, uh, two, two rounds. I didn't realize how good he was. Someone, what did someone show me the other day that he took forth at some big event
Starting point is 01:00:54 or something? Waterpalooza RX the year Guy won it. Yeah, that's crazy. Thank you. Good job. Mr. How,
Starting point is 01:01:01 um, okay. So this is the fifth workout. Is this the last workout we know? Or do we know one more? Medaris is doing the gauntlet. Yeah, I was going to say he posted a video of his heat, and Medaris' name was on it.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I don't know if he edited that. That's awesome. Oh, God, if you beat Medaris, that would be crazy. Hey, you got to talk some hellacious shit to him. Is this the last workout we know for individual? Yes. Oh, good. And then we move to team?
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yep. Oh, thank God, because this is getting long. Okay, complete for time. Two rounds. That's the first time I've seen that at the top of a workout. Final workout just got dropped, apparently. Okay, we'll get to that too two rounds
Starting point is 01:01:46 50 wall balls open water swim 150 drag rope double unders any concern of doing the swim on day two when athletes are beat up a little bit like maybe they should have opened it with it for safety or am I just being a pussy no that's probably a good thing
Starting point is 01:02:03 to start with it on day one yeah just get some uh flush the whole body out a little bit without any impact oh oh so you like the placement of this yeah i like the placement of it that was being a little bit facetious yeah there's a there's a lot there's a lot of bounding in this after the hurdle jump the day before so basically you go in the water twice. Yeah. Yeah. So you'll do each movement twice. And what I really like about the workout is actually that it is a drag rope. So she's not using a drag rope in the demo,
Starting point is 01:02:35 but 150 drag rope for two sets is really going to slow a lot of people down. And if you're not a proficient swimmer, it's just going to bottleneck. You've got shoulder fatigue off of the heavy wall ball, shoulder fatigue in the water, and then drag rope is just going to be all shoulder fatigue. So while we don't know the exact distance of the swim, you can look at the time cap and make some inferences. Taylor, let's just say, let's just say that the wall balls are going to take a minute and a half. Let's just call it a minute and a half with the transition. Three minutes.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Yep, total. So that's three minutes. And let's just say that the drag rope, they're doing them half as fast as regular double unders. So there's another three minutes, very balanced. And then if you do another three minutes in the water, that's an 18-minute workout with a 20-minute cap. Whoa. Wrong. Whoa. Wrong. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Yeah, I just sped that up a little bit. What I meant to say was you would think that the swim is going to be long enough to where, well, if you can't swim, you're already screwed. You're fucked if you can't swim. That it almost may equal the other two movements work. I think, yeah. So I think the swim is probably going to take most people five minutes, maybe six. It's open water is a little more challenging. And I think the key thing here is you have to get back into the water after 50 wall balls. And sorry, you've already, you would have done 50, you all have done a hundred wall balls
Starting point is 01:04:02 and 150 drag rope double unders when you have to get back into the water again so if you're not a good swimmer you don't know how to use your legs you're definitely not fucking using them here um your shoulder yeah this is gonna you have to be a good swimmer i i almost oh so are you validating what i was saying in the beginning caleb like hey this is this is gonna this is crazy kind of put day two? I don't think it's crazy. You expect people to be competent enough to stay afloat, but at the same time, if you're not a good swimmer, you're going to get fucking packed in on this workout.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I love the fact that you say it lightly. Last year, they put all of the RX and intermediate people at the end of the day. So they were all doing this swim workout at the end of the day, basically dark. what is the rx version of this is there an rx version okay hold on before we go to that i want for all you knuckleheads out there who are like me ding dongs and still can't figure out what a drag rope is i want to read this this is a beautiful drag rope i think it might be the one that they're actually using at the event it's an rx drag rope this is from the rogue website the latest drag rope from rx marketer puts a new spin on the concept high speed low drag with and here it is this is what makes a drag rope with no swivel bearing or any other modern speed enhancers the rx drab rope drag rope gives athletes a unique
Starting point is 01:05:15 challenge by handing them a more classic old school jump rope uh jump roping experience so basically it's it's just a it's a rope from, uh, it's just one of those, what are they called? A clothesline jump ropes, just old school. I would kill everyone in this workout. Yeah. I would say, yeah, I would say that. So you're only doing one movement under zero fatigue and that's the wall ball. So you're only doing one round of that movement with fatigue from other movements. You're swimming after wall balls, you're jumping rope after other movements. So I really do think for the competent swimmers, it's going to come down to the last 150. They're going to advance every 50 drag rope. And when I do drag rope, I can do sets of 100
Starting point is 01:06:04 and do 10 sets of 10 with a two-second break and beat people that try to go like 40, 30, 20, 10. Because when you rest on a drag rope, unlike when you rest with a speed rope, it's not a quick break generally. Yeah. But here's the thing. Again. Why not? Why are you saying that? Why not?
Starting point is 01:06:21 Just because it requires so much to get each rep. So just – and think about, again, think about this. You're doing 50 wall balls with the 30 and the 20, which isn't a small chunk. People are going to be fatigued. They go into the water a little panicked, especially people who aren't good swimmers to start. Then you come out and you have 150 drag rope double unders. For anyone who's done drag rope double unders, think about how high your heart rate gets
Starting point is 01:06:41 just doing a set of 40 or 50. Times that by three. Then you go back to the wall balls you have to do another 50 heavy wall balls and then the workout starts and you have another open water swim after all of that hey you think you're gonna see people dilly dally at the shore where you're supposed to go in like oh fuck like i don't want to go in 100 and i think what you're also and i think what you're also gonna see is people that like wait at the jump off point and try to catch their breath for 30 seconds.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Oh, 100%. Hey, have you ever seen that in a competition where people dilly-dally at the ramp? I have, Caleb. In the elite division? No, it was like RX Intermediate. They stood at the ramp, looked at it, and they're like, nah. Then they just left and didn't tell anybody. They like stood at the ramp, looked at it, and they're like, nah.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Then they just left and didn't tell anybody. Hey, what's crazy is if it's that normal ramp, it's downhill like this. You can't really dilly-dally there. It's like penguins going in the water. Like they're just pouring. They're going to get pushed in. They're going to be like, give me the floaty. And this is the other thing, man.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Crossfitters are generally – like you have crossfitters that are good swimmers. But they are nothing compared to actual good swimmers. And I would say I would I would be as aggressive to say that 95 percent of good CrossFit swimmers, even then they don't know how to use their legs and hips. And then you combined all the jumping in the wall balls. It's just going to be you have to be a really good swimmer to even finish this workout, I think. And just people are going to get crushed. I love it. This is an amazing workout. Yeah, I mean, you look at someone like Brent,
Starting point is 01:08:07 who we already know is a really good swimmer, who is super to-the-rep, detail-oriented with how he's going to break things up, probably in this case the drag rope, and he's one of the tallest in the field, and we know he's good at wall ball. So you see a workout like this, and it just screams Fikowski to me. I think Guy will also the tallest in the field. And we know he's good at wall ball. So like you see a workout like this and it just screams Kowski to me. I think he will also do well in this workout. He's a really good swimmer and he's a great squatter and he's explosive. He can bound easily on the jump ropes or he bounds efficiently.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I could see him doing well. I can see Brent doing well, but this is a, this is you either can swim or you can't. And if you can't swim, you're not anywhere near the top of the leaderboard. But I think it's going to surprise a lot of people how poorly a lot of the athletes do. I think there are going to be a handful of athletes that can shine and hit the
Starting point is 01:08:52 workout at speed. And then there are going to be athletes that just fucking are doggy paddling. Yeah. I'm really interested to see what this 20 minute cap, like knowing that, knowing that the other two movements movements even if they take two minutes each round that's only eight minutes of the 20 minute cap i'm really interested to see if it's just a really generous cap because they want everyone to finish or it's a really the car x division the cap is such because the uh open water swim is actually a lot longer than we think i came out of the water second so i don't know who that spanish guy was swim is actually a lot longer than we think. I came out of the water second, so I don't know who that Spanish guy was. I think.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Dion Briant is a swimmer. We know that. I just don't know how he is on the other two movements. I think the other two movements are going to take their toll. I don't think it's just a swimming workout. It's not. It's not just a swimming workout, but the swim is more important than anything else. And I don't think you're going to see enough separation on the other movements. Like whoever comes out of the swim first has such an advantage in the second round because they can just catch the breath, do the dubs as fast as they want or as slow as they want. I, I, and I feel like that's going to be the case for most people. I think most people getting out of the water behind people, they're not thinking, Oh, I'm going to catch this guy. They're probably thinking, I'm just going to stay ahead of who gets out of the
Starting point is 01:10:03 water behind me. Let me read a couple of comments to you. Is there any truth to this? Like if you leave, like if you leave your rope on the ground and there's all these people dripping water around your rope, will your rope get heavier? Should you not leave your rope on the ground? Never done a wet rope, double under drag rope, double under the older generation drag ropes. I got some when they first came out and the they're made a little differently. Like they're not as bungee like in texture to where i could see them getting like more waterlogged the newer versions that are out that we use that the competition this past year the new ones the you can even tell like the the fabric the
Starting point is 01:10:36 way that they were made is a little bit tighter so i i don't know that they'll retain water like the old ones would and then what about this pat Vellner drowning? Any, any concerns of us losing the greatest Canadian CrossFitter of all time to the drowning incident? I think he'll be fine on this workout. All right. He may need a floaty. Oh, Taylor,
Starting point is 01:10:56 what was, what's the deal with the final workout? Did you get a final workout? Acknowledgement? Yeah, it's, it's up. Caleb,
Starting point is 01:11:03 sorry. I was just on the Instagram. It is. I look on Instagram. I don't see it. it's up um caleb sorry i was just on the instagram it is i looked on instagram i don't see it it's called miami meat market and dirty isabel i love the name that's a that's a product right out of the meat market right there on screen okay yeah can we just watch this whole thing uh caleb can we just watch this announcement is this it oh watch this whole thing uh caleb can we just watch this announcement this is it keto is fucking all right this next workout is a two-part workout the first part we're calling the miami meat market
Starting point is 01:11:41 for the obvious reasons you need some meat to actually make the gains and win this workout. It's a set of two movements, one, some strict pulling, and another, some strict pressing. All right, moving on, the next portion of the workout, we're calling Dirty and Skinny Isabel. I forgot to mention, Unbroken Isabel. I forgot to mention, unbroken, Isabel. That's so real quick.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Can you pause the, yeah. When he did the announcement, they were on an earlier iteration of the workout, it seems, because the workout is not strict chest-to-bar. And the second part is a little different. It's not just the snatches. There's a 30 burpee buy-in. So the way the workout works is three rounds per time, 25 chest to bar pull-ups with no strict, uh, you don't have to do them strict and butterfly the pull-ups 15 dumbbell bench presses, eighties for the guys, fifties for the ladies, which is awesome. And then a 30 calorie echo bike for guys, 21 for ladies. Then that has
Starting point is 01:12:43 a nine minute time cap, highly aggressive. Then you get a one minute transition at the 10 minute mark. You start with 30 bar facing burpees, and then you have 30 unbroken snatches. And every time you break the bar, you have a three burpee bar facing burpee penalty. Oh, which I love. I love the, I love this workout in totality. My biggest complaint is that two back-to-back workouts across the weekend i think they could have done something a little different with the
Starting point is 01:13:09 other one because this one i love i wonder what uh what it means to break a snatch like if it's just drop it your hands come off it i don't know i think if they pause at the ground that's probably considered a break and if they drop the bar it's probably considered a break well definitely if you drop the bar but i wonder what you have to do at the bottom how they you can't rest at the bottom there's yeah there's no way it has to be touch and go yeah oh you're muted jared you're muted jared i bet you can pause overhead or even in the hang but if it comes to rest at the floor you're you're doing burpees yeah Does anyone do that on broken? After 30 bar facing burpees? Ah, man. Unless they really fucking sandbag the burpees
Starting point is 01:13:49 and take a fucking couple minute rest before the snatches, I don't think anyone's doing that on broken. I think most athletes are going to plan a couple sets and know that they're doing burpees. Yeah, and they're going to have to go hard on the first part. It's not like you can sandbag the first workout. I don't think most athletes finish the first part it's not like you can sandbag the the first the first workout i don't think i don't think most athletes finish the first part all right taylor so we've got 10 rope climbs cumulative yep we've got um we can go ahead and put the ring muscle-ups in there i know a lot of
Starting point is 01:14:17 people get mad and we call that more of a press than a pull but you've got 45 hanging reps there same thing with toes to bar a lot of people will say it's still a pull 44 toes to bar. Do you think that the chest of bar makes it to pull centric? It's hard for me to say this is to pull centric because I love pulling. I think looking at the, looking at the event, it's very low on gymnastics, pressing or handstand walking,
Starting point is 01:14:42 gymnastics, skill overhead, and very high on gymnastics pull or gymnastics hang. So it's not balanced. I like pulling, but it's not balanced. Would you push back if I said that he was going to do handstand pushups in part A of this workout, but he wanted to bring the dumbbell bench back after a couple of years that's that's another press for you um it's just so low skill right i think if they did 25 handstand push-ups and the 15 dumbbell bench i wouldn't necessarily be upset that would upset a lot of people but i don't care to shit on redundancy and workouts i think these
Starting point is 01:15:17 elite athletes demand that we test redundancy and i was actually saying uh like instead of not in addition to oh no that's what I'm saying. Instead of handstand pushups in place of the chest to bar. Yeah, I think. No, no, no, no, no, no. Instead of the bench press. Correct. So just a different kind of press.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Do you think it would be more balanced if there was a handstand pushup variation? Because the only time they're going inverted is on the hold. There's no handstand walking. Do you have Intel that says that, JR? No, I'm just curious because when I was doing Crucibles programming this year, I decided to have a handstand walk with an obstacle, but I chose not to do handstand pushups because one of my workouts had dumbbell bench press. And I thought if I had both of them, it would lean a little too much to the pressing. They're not the same though. I get where you're going, and I think I would look at that and be like, okay, I like it.
Starting point is 01:16:04 would i get where you're going and i think i would look at that and be like okay i like it i would like it better if it were 25 handstand push-ups 15 bench press 30 cal echo bike fuck it i like that but again that's just my opinion and programming is like babies everybody loves their own well said dang he's on a roll i thought it was a ugly as shit. I thought it was really good that, um, that they worked burpees in there, like for a sprint finish. And if the power snatches aren't here and there's a squatting movement or there's, um, something else from the hang, like you're, you're, you're missing out on hinge a little bit more. And I think having this hinge at the end kind of completes the movement patterns with the barbell i think yeah i like the workout i think as a totality across the weekend or looking at it you know with with all the workouts in mind now it's you know my it's very
Starting point is 01:16:59 wadapalooza e uh so to speak well the my big concern with the busyness is that you have so much going on in an event like that. You have fucking an obscene amount of divisions, the simpler you make the workouts, the cleaner everything runs. Um, so you don't, I, my only point to that is you just don't have to be busy to get the same result and to get the same excitement out of the spectators and to get the same tests and the same efficacy. And you just mix things a little bit easier on yourself. That being said, all the workouts on their own, I, I like with the big exception of the hurdle overs and the fact that the clean and jerk handstand hold aren't balanced evenly. Um, aside from that, that final workout is cool. I love dumbbell bench. bench that's fucking awesome would you have just
Starting point is 01:17:45 would you have left the echo bike out of the whole workout and just make it a couplet and then a back-to-back couplet chest of our bench into power snatch burpee like do you think that do you like the echo bike there echo bikes almost always or assault bike is almost always at Guadalupalooza. But in that workout, look at the times per repetition. Yeah. So you have, you have another workout that I would say of all the workouts, it seems like the monostructural elements are going to matter more than any. Yeah. Yeah. The mile run, the swim and the bike. I agree when you're looking at it through that lens, I think you could be okay taking the bike out and just leaving that as a couplet and i think it would be so fucking destructive i think with the bike in there you kind of reduce some of that potential to
Starting point is 01:18:34 fucking just annihilate people's arms and if you take the bike out it's this you know judging issues with the dumbbell bench any judging issues this is the second time they've done it so they did okay yeah they did a workout they know what they're getting themselves it was it was dumbbell bench dumbbell thruster and rope climb i think what's harder and i wonder what they'll use as the standard i think what's harder to judge in the event is the kettlebell thruster rather than a dumbbell bench in my opinion where's the rack position for the kettlebells they had a massive issue with that in the kettlebell chipper last year there are people that were holding the kettlebells in a true front rack there are people that were resting them right here and i think the standard what is as long as you could see your
Starting point is 01:19:12 hands was what the judges were telling me and i was like as long as i could see my fucking hands like i can see my hands in my peripheral out here and the bells are resting on my shoulders and that's what i fucking did so someone like me with really close together eyes would have to hold them in really close. Yeah, man, you got to be looking right down at him. You're fucked, bro. And if you got eyes right here, you're good to go. Just put them on your back. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'm I'm I'm curious. I maybe I'm a little bit interested in watching the girls do the dumbbell press because I just think it's funny to see them do that. I'm just like, it's going to be a lot of the ladies. They're going to get we're going to see some goofy shit. But for the dudes, it's just I just feel like I funny to see them do that. I'm just like, it's going to be hard for the ladies. They're going to get, we're going to see some goofy shit, but for the dudes, it's just, I just feel like I'm at gold's gym again.
Starting point is 01:19:49 It's like, I don't know. I need to see it before I pass judgment on it. It's, it's so, the reason I love it is because it's such a traditional, like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:19:58 I like doing it myself. I just don't want to watch people. That's when people are like, Oh, those people just race exercise. I'm like, motherfucker, that's what the whole Olympics is. Like, don't make fun of us for that.
Starting point is 01:20:08 But then when I see bench press in there, I'm like, actually, they're right. We are just racing exercise. I don't know. I like it. I don't know. I like the dumbbell bench. That's personal bias, personal opinion. And I get why you don't like it.
Starting point is 01:20:19 And maybe I will. Maybe I will. If someone drops a dumbbell on their head or something like i could i could get into it there will be a lot of failed reps without a doubt but i i i can guarantee you this you're gonna get what you expect it's not the most fun thing to watch uh who wins the men's event taylor just one dude just give me one dude just give this event or the no the whole thing the whole competition just give me one dude dude. Wow. I don't know. I don't like how Brian had Pat in fifth. What?
Starting point is 01:20:48 Did he have him? I don't know, but I don't see very many people. Stop. Pat, this looks like it was made for Pat. That's a punch to the dick, Pat. I hope you're listening. No, I mean, to me, it's like the dude's three for three. Until you beat him, I think you need to pick him there. Yeah, that's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I think it's either him or Ricky. That's how I feel. There are going to be some really good events for three. Until you beat him, I think you need to pick him there. Yeah, that's how I feel. Him or Ricky. That's how I feel. There are going to be some really good events for Ricky. So we talked to – And then give me a girl too if you get a chance. So we talked to Roman's agent at Rogue because on the last day, it looked like he was going to win. And then the ring muscle
Starting point is 01:21:26 up goblet squat hill run workout he just kind of tanked smacked him and he told us no i mean he just miscalculated his macronutrients he wasn't fueled enough he didn't have any energy he had no pop he was just like he underfed which i don't get this first workout to me we're gonna know if that was true or if maybe high volume ring muscle ups is something that he needs to improve upon. So I think like for even someone like Roman, if he starts out the week with this first workout with like a top five, I mean, I don't see anything really in his way the rest of the weekend. And if we're talking about machines being like being big parts of workouts, there really not really, there really isn't, isn't anybody that we, you know, I think Pat and Ricky are both much better runners and I don't know how swimmers maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:12 And, and I don't know how good of a swimmer Roman is. He did really well on that ski swim workout, but it was so ski dominant at the games. Uh, yeah. To get roadie ball workout is like has Roman's name all over. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:22:26 It's just grunt work and capacity. And then then and then that echo bike workout i mean i don't see him being tripped up on the dumbbell bench or the chest bar so when you look at it he's a big boy yeah i'm i'm really interested to see because he's got so much you know hype coming off the games and off rogue like how he how he does here i don't know the thing that i go back or at least what you so you're picking roman jr no i pick pat until he loses there yeah okay uh maybe maybe just uh madaris is just too damn good maybe that's what happened at roman at rogue is pat competing team i don't think he is he is he's doing it with with jeff adler and uh brent and he's already said he's they're just gonna make they're just gonna make jeff do everything because because Brent is competing individually also
Starting point is 01:23:06 I don't get how I remember hearing that at Rogue how Roman miscalculated his macronutrients and I don't get how you do that and just have no pop and energy who has big old titties I have some big old titties
Starting point is 01:23:21 okay oh hi hey I'll be I have some big old titties. Okay. Oh, hi. Hey, I'll be right back. Wave to me. Yeah, take your time, buddy. Hi, what's up, young lady? Okay, let's move over to, oh, and how about a girl, Taylor? Give me a quick girl.
Starting point is 01:23:39 The girl, the girl, women's field is so tough. It's just, it doesn't have the strength of field that the men do. Good job, Caleb. Nice move in. Slip in. Can we pull up the leaderboard or athletes? Is that anywhere? No, no.
Starting point is 01:23:55 You don't get to do that. Let's just go over to teams. Good, good. Danny Spiegel for the win from Taylor Self. I self-admittedly don't pay as much attention to the women's field. The boys picked Emma Carey. Unanimously. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:12 It's an aggressive pick. She's coming off of injury. She is the most talented in the field, without a doubt. You just are curious as to how she's feeling and how her body is. Okay, this is going to... God, I just don't feel like reading um so let's go back caleb let's go to the first event start fast finish faster is the first event this is where to
Starting point is 01:24:34 me the programming gets super busy it's relay style this event's okay but the team in general is super busy i can't even read non-busy workouts. Okay, so this is how this workout goes. It's relay style, and it's two rounds. So one athlete is going to complete one portion. They tag the next guy. They complete the next portion. Tag the next athlete, complete the next portion,
Starting point is 01:24:59 and then they do that all over again. The only thing changing is that in round one, they're doing 420 feet of shuttle runs after their gymnastic movement and round two they're going to do a 240 meter row after the gymnastic movement and each athlete will only need to either do handstand push-ups pistols or chest to bar so three two one go shuttle runs all together just athlete one does just one so three two one go a1 42 handstand push-ups shuttle run go back tag their partner after the run they advanced 42 pistols shuttle run they go back tag athlete 342 chest of our shuttle run and they go back and tag their athlete they do the same thing through just rowing instead of running this time so you just pick the best dude for each of them or if you have someone who's really shitty
Starting point is 01:25:40 uh just mitigate the damage correct and and uh like for example who's on that team with uh it's jamie is jamie simmons good at handstand push-ups is that what they were saying she's good at like all gymnastics okay so that team's looking good that's the uh gabby magawa laura horvat jamie simmons team wow fun team Wow. Fun team. Okay. Any thoughts about this workout? You guys like it? Yeah. I mean, I think it's going to kind of come down and this is probably the first instance where we can talk about those guys that have competed for two straight days. Like all these teams are going to say, Hey, we just got to go onbroken on the second round. And if we can go unbroken on the second round of 42s, then we have a chance of winning the workout.
Starting point is 01:26:29 But those guys that have already done, you know, a ton of work, that kind of ask is going to be a little more difficult. Why do you say unbroken on the second round? Why can't you go unbroken on the first round? Well, because they're all going to go unbroken on the first round. Ah, okay. Okay. Really? Yeah. Yeah.. Ah, okay. Okay. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Yeah. I mean, yeah. But, you know, after a two to one rest, you know, let's just, let's just say that one round, you know, it takes you, it takes you two minutes, right? And then you're going to get ish two to one rest, four minutes before you go again. A lot of those guys are like oh if i have that much recovery i'm definitely trying to go on broken again all right this is going to be impressive i think i think this will be fun to watch agreed i think it'll be fun to watch
Starting point is 01:27:16 all right uh second event second event is chasing waterfalls uh pistols are one leg per round not uh not alternating legs you have to do right and then left that's a great question do we know one two three four alternating alternating both times that's not the way nico writes it oh wow what does it say one leg per round like you do all of round one on the right leg and then all of round two on the left leg uh caleb's laughing his ass off you're saying there's no way, Caleb? No shot. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Don't screw with the show, Nico. Someone pull Nico's ear. Kick him out of here for screwing with the show. Dude, JR, someone comments about his beard. It's very, you got a lot of gray in there, man. It's because it doesn't look real. It's not that much gray. Dude, it's kind of like a cow.
Starting point is 01:28:04 It's like black and white, dude. Let me educate you on something, Taylor. There's no it doesn't look real it's not that much gray let me let me kind of like a cow it's like black and white dude he's like let me educate you on something too there's no such thing as gray in it it's white they are white hairs it's just it's just white so it looks gray like all all savon's hair is gray is white that's in there it's not gray wow i don't some people have whiter gray hairs than that's not true dude it is i think it is true hairs are not individually gray i'm gonna get that that's that's that's that's very well i'm colorblind so i could care less oh shit colin they said in the athlete that what was what oh shit that is savage wow nico's telling the truth okay hold on let's go back up here pistols are one leg per
Starting point is 01:28:45 round okay what'd you say caleb come back good on you dude i said it's not stupid i take it back hey it can still be stupid it's rude what it is uh jr what do you think um no wadapaluga said one leg per round col Colin Bosch. I think that because fast pistols are so difficult to judge at high speeds that making some kind of requirement to go like maybe seven sets of six because
Starting point is 01:29:17 the number is 42 would have probably made a little bit more sense and you just do one leg more times. You do six on the right, six on the left, six on the right, six on the left. So you don't like 42 in a row on one leg when you when you slow them down like that it makes it a lot easier to judge but it does also i mean can someone stand on one leg and squat 42 times without losing their balance once or letting their off foot touch the ground i don't know i mean that's gonna be impressive to see that's gonna fucking destroy
Starting point is 01:29:43 people i'm gonna ask one i'm gonna ask obby to see if he can do 42 on one leg today and see what and i don't know like i mean look at look at dylan james and jason's team you already look at that workout and you say short lever short lever short levers like it's i don't think the 240 row is going to be enough to overcome maybe some some like so having telling one of them to stand on one leg and squat 42 times like that's that's going to slow the taller guys it's going to be dallin for sure you yeah you would think so it has to be down and then i would guess jason on the handstand push-ups and james on the chest to bar without a doubt. Yeah. I don't even have to guess that.
Starting point is 01:30:27 I know I'm right. I had a mustache this morning. I just shaved my mustache off. I had a mustache. You mean just a mustache? No, no. Dude, you should try it. No, someone will try to stick it in my dumper if I just grow a mustache.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Taylor, did you see Chase's the other night? Yeah. Did you see Chase's mustache the other night? Yeah. Yeah. No, I didn't. Chase's. Oh, case oh dude yes is it good yes people were saying people were saying he's trying to copy you he's he's he's trying to look like taylor it's pretty damn good did i start a thing uh probably yeah no one had a mustache before you uh somebody will call social services as awesome as the boys are that's brutal one like whatever
Starting point is 01:31:04 42 it's nothing okay uh workout number two thank you caleb caleb you got to keep the show running we're at an hour and 30 okay we're going back to yeah chasing waterfalls uh chasing waterfalls uh we're now we're on basically saturday uh afternoon right. Saturday early, late morning. Midday. Don't hate this. I like this workout. Okay. Second workout, complete for time, 5K run, relay style. Do we know what that means? Yeah, that
Starting point is 01:31:34 means that one person's always going to be running and while one of their teammates are doing their round on the other part. Do you have gray pubes too? I't yet i have gray nose hairs okay someone asked in the comments and that was a good question it got me thinking about you i don't have great i don't know he look at he doesn't even my my mustache is black and my
Starting point is 01:31:57 face is gray but look jr doesn't have any gray hairs on his head is that possible for your pubes to gray or to go white i have to assume it's only a matter of time all right cool okay so so while one guy's running the 5k do they have to run is there some sort of designated amount that they have to run while the other oh okay i guess let's figure out here so three rounds uh each athlete completes uh one round at a time so i would assume it's one round total. The way I'm reading the workout is relay style on the 5K run. Athlete one runs what they want. Athlete two runs what they want.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Athlete three runs what they want. And then. So you're resting while your buddy's running? Correct. And then they finish the run. Then they go to the. No, no, no. I don i don't think i don't think that's the way it works i think the way it works and if some of the people in the comments were at the briefings they can probably let us know but i think like one athlete does their 15 swim 21 while the other two athletes work on the 5k and then as they do as they finish their
Starting point is 01:33:08 one round for time then someone else goes and does their 15 swim 21 until the third person does their 15 swim 21 and then whatever they have left they work on the runner together until it's done got it oh so hopefully you finish b i would think that's the way it works or maybe they've timed it out to where it's like it's going to be bang bang where like one finishes and then the other finishes now the way it's written here i don't think it's a then b i think it's a goes on while b goes on and there's a 25 minute cap total okay and b is uh 15 uh dumbbell or no deep sorry d ball cleans open water swim 21 uh dumbbell uh d ball squats okay and i haven't seen i haven't seen a workout release video but it's like are they going to be bear hug squats or are they
Starting point is 01:34:00 going to be on the shoulder do we know that waiting for the comments i bet you it's bear hug i bet you it's bear hug what do you think i think after the first round it's going to be soaking wet so bear hug is going to be harder to deal with but and crush the core more right can't get it over the midline as much i think it'll be a little harder to breathe but like if i'm doing sandbag or d-ball squats i think they're far easier than putting it on one shoulder or the other. Uh, why does it say complete for time twice? Is it a split score?
Starting point is 01:34:32 Yeah, I think they're, I think they're both worth a hundred points. That's a good question. Oh God. I so don't understand this workout. I thought basically you had to finish all of that shit. And since someone always had to be, since the runner only has can take one person you have someone else doing b and you and they've
Starting point is 01:34:51 set a rule that only one guy can go basically the goal is just to finish all that shit so i mean the way that i read it at zero both workouts start the run is being accumulated while you're working on the three rounds for time relay style. Let's say you finish it in 15 minutes. You finish B, so you have one score of 15 minutes, and then you finish the 5K in 19 minutes. That's your second score. The run is a score, and then the three rounds is a score.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Okay. Maybe I'm incorrect. All right. Half the fun is just watching how how confused stevan is yeah a shoulder or a bear hug is allowed they said okay uh stevan you should have a text message service that people can sign up for that will send out a notification for when you go live oh thank you do we uh Can you email me on how to do that? Click the notification button on YouTube. Then you'll get a notification.
Starting point is 01:35:51 But I'd like to send everyone a text. Stephanie Price, Sevan Matosi in a Gmail. Please help me set that up. Thank you. Okay. All right. So that's this workout. Do we like this workout,
Starting point is 01:36:03 except for the fact that we don't know exactly what's going on? Yeah, I like it a lot. This is the first time I've seen like people being people working on like a monostructural element that is scored separately from the other work that they have to do while it's going on. Like it's the first time I can remember seeing it in a competition, a big competition. I like it. And, and what would you want to do first? If you got, if you were the athlete,
Starting point is 01:36:31 Taylor, would you want to start on the runners or get it after B? I would be fine with either. Taylor, Taylor is for sure. Like if I'm strategizing this, he's, he's doing round three.
Starting point is 01:36:42 So he's going to run as much and as hard as possible before he has to go on the water fatigued because he's going to be able to swim a lot faster than we're going to be able to swim fatigued so the ass swimmers should probably get in the water first oh yeah i think the worst i think the worst i think the worst swimmer does around one the whole field ass swimmers okay uh workout number four god we might do this show under two hours that'd be amazing yeah i think it's really cool like you know i think it's really cool too if you look at the workout we just did and we were talking about how it's gonna it's gonna behoove the uh smaller anthropometrics in the field i would say that this that that workout having something like the run
Starting point is 01:37:23 where it's on a runner is going to almost negate that. It's going to balance it a little bit, which is good to see. You're talking about the previous workout. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. I'm looking for Matt Sousa's phone number. I'm going to call him and just see where he's at. This one is so fucking, I can't even make sense of it. Oh, good. That, uh, Jr. Just, okay. let me yeah yeah i know exactly i know exactly what's going on here okay uh complete for time elite teams of three 30 2010 synchro ring and bar muscle ups synchro squat cleans and squat snatches snatch clean weights time cap 12 time cap 12 minutes yeah so one question jr before you start My interpretation is that they split the work as desired and one athlete's always resting while two are working.
Starting point is 01:38:10 That's what I'm confused about is how are they distributing the work? They can tag out whenever they want. Okay. Then you reach Matt. You know you're back here as soon as I can. Thanks. Have a great day. He must be in the air.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Okay. Sorry to interrupt. Go ahead. Okay. Sorry to interrupt. Go ahead. Okay. So with that tidbit of knowledge, I'm all caught up. Okay. I'm all ears. How's this work at work?
Starting point is 01:38:37 All right. So three, two, one, go. Two of the athletes are going to be at the pull-up bar and at the rings. They're going to jump up, and they're going to do synchronized muscle-ups. One's going to be on the rings. One's going to be on the bar. They can switch out whenever they want and break whenever they want, tag out whenever they want, but two of them are always going to be in until they get their 30. So they're synchronizing different movements. Correct. Which is tough. And it's a lot easier to hang out at the top of a bar muscle up than it is
Starting point is 01:39:05 a ring muscle up. One movement is a lot faster than the other, much like a squat clean and a squat snatch, I think is much faster than the other. So they'll do 30 synchro. Then they'll move to two different barbells. One will be on one barbell. One will be on the other. They'll synchronize. They've got to be synchronized on that i think just at the top so you don't have to sit at the bottom of the clean until your teammate gets to the bottom of the snatch and then recover together it's essentially just i do a squat snatch you do a squat clean and at the top we need to be locked out at the same time for it to count jr once they do 30 30 then they'll go back and do 20 20. Hey, the only thing that would make this work out better is if they had a fire hose there
Starting point is 01:39:46 and fans could pay $10 to spray the guys full blast while they're on the rinks. This is just crazy. This sounds just crazy. This sounds like some grid league shit. Wow, that's a fucking low blow. Nothing I've said to this point. Nothing I've said to this point has been as mean as that. Hey, the $10 will go to a charity.
Starting point is 01:40:09 You get five seconds with the fire hose. You guys like this? Are you guys loving this? I'm tripping on it. I'm tripping. I like the idea of the synchro stuff, but I think trying to synchronize different movements is risky, and I think it's going to—
Starting point is 01:40:23 It could be really cool. Yeah. I think it could be really cool my question to jr is do you think we're gonna see any athletes get deeper into the workout and they're all fucked up and they go to the barbell and they do the wrong barbell movement on that weight oh like it was almost like a miscommunication like no you're supposed to be clean like what like like they clean 165 instead of snatch it do you think we'll see that i don't think so no i don't know dude people missed a whole fucking lap at the games and that workout was as easy as it gets you ride five laps around the fucking big building and then i mean i'm sure there have been other iterations
Starting point is 01:40:55 of these workouts and like maybe at first they were like all right this is the workout we're gonna do um 60 synchro ring muscle up 60 60 synchro cleans, 60 synchro bar muscle up, 60 synchro snatches, just the chipper, 60, 60, 60, 60. And then went back and were like, ah, that's kind of boring to watch. Let's mix them. Let's mix the barbell movements and mix the rings. And I'm sure they've been tested and maybe it worked out really well in testing. Yeah. The one thing I'll say is i like workouts most where i don't need to rely on my judge at all for like communication like i don't need them to tell me what to do where to do it i just know what i'm doing in this oh you're like yeah you're like this person i'm
Starting point is 01:41:35 not i just hate getting advice when i did that didn't ask for it no i get that all the time that's how i feel about anal These comments are great right now. Yeah. Hey, I do like this. I do like two people on and then always being able to tap in a third guy. I do really like that. I mean, I think it's for these guys and girls are so elite that it's probably just going to come down to who's the most strategically prepared. Like, when are you going to sub in and out?
Starting point is 01:42:05 Because that does take up time. And then also too, I mean, you miss a synchronized rep on the barbell more likely than on the ring of the bar. You're going to be, I mean, that's going to be super costly just to miss one synchronized rep.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Yes. This is a good question. How many judges on the floor? It's what I was just thinking about. Is this going to be just two? I would, I would assume there has to be so tough. Hey,
Starting point is 01:42:32 I think, I, I, I think, I don't know if having a plan for this one is good, but basically the guy who's waiting just has to be ready on full alert. Anytime anyone else wants to take a break, right?
Starting point is 01:42:44 This is kind of the way that i see the movements and taylor is probably better suited to to make this claim but to me whoever's going to be squat snatching needs to not be finishing the round of muscle ups so if let's say that us three are a team and uh taylor is doing he knows he's going to be going to the snatch barbell then me and you need to be doing the last few muscle-ups before taylor comes in fresh to snatch it's going to be easy to clean after doing a bunch of muscle-ups right yeah but if your shoulders are fatigued it's not going to be easy to snatch so i think most teams will do it to where whoever's coming on to snatch will be at will be getting rest i agree that being said it is a 165 115 bar for the snatch which is not
Starting point is 01:43:32 anything crazy but i agree maybe in the later rounds i mean because it's a lot i mean you could you could have someone do nothing but snatches nothing but ring muscle-ups and not do either of the other move that's the kind of the cool thing about the way they program these is that you can kind of pick and choose what movements you want to do workout to workout. There's only a few workouts where everyone has to do the same stuff. Hey, this comment is, what if Killer gets the fucking judge from Rogue, the girl?
Starting point is 01:44:01 Dude, that would be justice. Hey, come on, guys. Hit the like button and subscribe come on guys okay oh hillar would love that he would no rep you fucking pussy yeah first rep of the day just stomp him i love hillar hey for those of you guys who don't know he's doing the gauntlet and or he's he's going to try to do the gauntlet. And he's also he has a team there in the doing a team, too, or he's coaching a team. He's coaching a team. Oh, I think his fiance's team. Nope. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:32 No, it's just his girlfriend. They downgraded their relationship. OK. No, I'm joking. Oh, wow. I was like, wow. Holy shit, bro. I'm taking us to DEF CON three.
Starting point is 01:44:47 OK. This is workout number 4 yep I don't understand at the end of Saturday God it makes me so happy to hear you say that well it pains me to say it to be honest I fucking hate reading things and being like what is going on it makes me feel fucking stupid now you know how I feel
Starting point is 01:45:02 this is the end of Saturday last workout on Saturday? Or Sunday morning? This is... Sorry. The last workout Saturday was sink and squats. And this is the first workout Sunday. So this is the first one.
Starting point is 01:45:19 Correct. Okay. So they did two and then a part A and and part b so they got 400 points on saturday and now we're going into sunday now some of these dudes are just wounded right the guys who have done individual division are for sure hurting uh one athlete competes uh oh is this the a mirrored workout like that other one we saw an individual it's gonna be that shit no okay no no no this is it's gonna take a little bit more explaining but okay why don't you just start and explain okay i got you i'm just gonna eat mints back here i'm best back here eating mints okay so there are two people always doing a static hold
Starting point is 01:46:01 while the other person does rope climbs. So whenever someone's climbing the rope, there's always two other people doing a static hold with one, with those implements. One dumbbell and one kettlebell or two? No, no, no. I think, I think you, if you, if you're holding kettlebells, you're holding two kettlebells. If you're holding dumbbells, you're holding two dumbbells. And just at the side of farmer's hold? I believe so. Or a deadlift hold. Okay. Got it.
Starting point is 01:46:22 So let's say that, Taylor, you'd say you're doing rope climbs and me and Sevan have our choice. We can pick two of the three implements to do our static hold with. If we drop it at any time before you're finished with your 12 rope climbs, we have a penalty of front squats. If we hold it the whole time, you've done your rope climbs. As soon as we're finished with our 12th rope climb, our team does 48 synchro hand cleans. Got it. With what implements? I would imagine it's with that barbell,
Starting point is 01:46:55 with the 115. So each athlete has a 115 bar or one athlete has a bar, one athlete has the dumbbells, one athlete has the kettlebells. The way I'm reading it here is there's got to be two barbells on the floor if they're going to be synchro. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:11 So the two athletes that are holding go into the synchro reps or it doesn't matter? I don't think it matters, but you would think that you would, if you just did 12 straight rope climbs, you're probably not going to be the one going into the hand cleans, but I guess you could be. So all three of us will do the rope climb seven and each time we finish our rope climbs while the other two are doing the static hold we'll have a different barbell movement to complete synchronize so we do hand cleans then after the next person goes we do shoulder overhead then after the last person goes we do thrusters i thought i think they're gonna i thought we were
Starting point is 01:47:42 doing static holds during the – They are. Once the climbs are complete, they do the synchro reps. What I disagree, and I think that each athlete is going to have a different implement to synchronize. It says any two implements is what I'm saying. I know. What I'm saying is on the synchro shoulder to overhead, synchro thruster, and synchro – Oh, that like if you're holding dumbbells and i'm holding kettlebells
Starting point is 01:48:05 then that's what we're doing synchronized is those implements that's what i would assume okay what's the yeah i don't know i think you're right okay yeah i think you're right too but um yeah somebody said i didn't understand the workout fuck you well i i clearly don't understand the workout so let me see if i can so you're you're telling me that Taylor's going to be climbing the rope, and then you're going to be holding kettlebells, and I'm going to be holding dumbbells. Yep. And we're just going to be sitting there just shooting, chewing the fat.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Yep. Just letting the grip. Just letting our grip blow up. Yep. And if Taylor dilly-dallies or I'm too much of a pussy and i drop my dumbbells we all gonna do six squats that he has to stop doing the rope climbs and we all have to do front squats yeah i would i would assume he would run to the implement we're not using so he would go to the barbell pick it up and we would do six squats and then he would drop it and we would hold the keep
Starting point is 01:49:00 holding our implements he would go back to the rope dear athletes do not smoke weed before this one you will be and when i finish and when i finish the rope climbs i'm gonna join you and we're all three gonna do synchro hand cleans one with kettlebells one with dumbbells one of us with the barbell and we're gonna do 48 yes and then how am i supposed to do that if my grip's already blown out from standing there holding that for that's why these guys are in the elite division. Okay, and then you're telling me that after that, then it's my turn to go up the rope? While you and JR hold the shit?
Starting point is 01:49:34 Yeah, I think so. I kind of like that. It reads like a fucking nightmare, but just watching the workout play out, I think that's going to be cool. It's like a really hot, complicated girl. It's like, well, i'll just i'll deal with it yeah it works it works does that exist
Starting point is 01:49:53 yeah it does sorry uh okay so okay is there a time cap for this like three days is it at the bottom underneath the implement three days yeah like what look at look at mark moss yeah what is this this is the the judge is hosed too i know this one is going to be amazing what is the time cap do we know caleb zoom out to like no no oh 20 minutes okay wow that's 36 rope climbs and all three perform weighted reps there we go 131 is it synchro reps wow 36 rope climbs 131 hang cleans. Or sorry, 131 weighted reps, thruster, shoulder, overhead hang cleans. What? What did you say?
Starting point is 01:50:48 The total. I'm talking about the total volume of the workout. 36 rope climbs. 144. Oh, I thought you were talking about just the synchro reps is 144. No, it's 141. No, you're right, 144. Eight times three is 24.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it. Hey, that final round could be like a fucking keystone cops episode because the guy going up the rope his grip might be so shot and and he and those other guys might be stuck there holding the weights forever and they might be dropping them every few seconds and it might be just ridiculous yeah so while you had some of these workouts where like you can just do all chest to bars, you don't even have to worry about the pistols and the handstand pushups.
Starting point is 01:51:29 This workout is the opposite where like everyone's going to get it. It's just a matter of when you get it. Do you want to do the rope climbs first or do you want to do the rope climb second or third? I mean, much like the swim, you got to put your best rope climber at the end, I would think.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Yeah. He might not be worth a shit. I mean, I can't rope climber at the end, I would think. Yeah. He might not be worth a shit. I mean, I can't, I cannot. Have you, can you think of anything where your grip was put under that much stress with rope climbs? I've done a lot of farmers carry rope climb stuff. I wonder if anybody in the comments. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's good, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:51:59 It got briefed. Are they going to let him use grips for the static hold? Wow. Can anybody tell us that? I look forward to that one. Are they going to be able to use grips for the static hold. Wow. Can anybody tell us that? I look forward to that one. Are they going to be able to use grips for the holds? That's a huge difference. Huge.
Starting point is 01:52:10 That's massive. We need a commenter. Because no one uses grips on rope climbs. Why? Because then you can kind of use the grip like a wrap? Yeah. You're talking about why they don't use it on the rope climb or why they use it on the holds climb or why they use it on the
Starting point is 01:52:25 the holds no you're saying on the holds that you can use it as a if you use a grip yeah yeah it's just you can just let the grip do all the work they whoa colin's just saying yeah in the briefing they didn't let us ask questions about this workout i don't i know why they didn't let you fuckers ask questions about this workout that briefing would have never ended that's crazy wow they didn't let him ask so so bear so bear with me here i've seen the guy you know the guys you go to the guys who use the straps for the uh when they're dead lifting heavy weight so they don't have to rely on their grip saying are you telling me that you could use grips like that too no i'm not not exactly i'm not saying you would use them like lifting straps
Starting point is 01:53:06 like if you were going to do yeah snatch pulls or clean pulls or whatever where you can go underneath the object and then roll i'm saying that you would just grip it in the same way you would grip a pull-up bar okay so it just gives you a little more texture but it'd be make it better make it wider it makes it easier to hold yeah it does without a doubt i'll take it we're done okay uh workout where everybody gets it hey people are screwed after this workout i can't wait i hope they i hope there's no rest between this and the next one let's go to uh the second workout on sunday three two one lift off yeah yeah exactly uh you guys like that i think taylor summed it up it's kind of wild crazy complicated but it's
Starting point is 01:53:46 going to be fun to watch yeah he straightened me out for sure because obviously i wasn't sure of the flow until he explained it that well that's just what i meant it just read really complicated well you had the balls to tackle it yeah i didn't that's true i let you take it because i was like i don't want to fuck this up and look dumber than i already people think i am all right what's good to see on this uh lift is that there is no pulling from the floor after that grip workout so there's no like clean there's no there's no pull from the floor because everyone's grip is going to be super shot for the next hour or two meaning that uh the bars in iraq starts in iraq yeah so they're all squatting movements or just movements from iraq
Starting point is 01:54:21 there's no there's no pulling element to it after all that grip, which I think is good. All overhead is support, essentially. So athlete one will do a three rep max overhead squat. Athlete two will do a two rep max front squat. And athlete three will do a one rep max shoulder to overhead. Is that right? Is that the way they should have done it?
Starting point is 01:54:43 Like should shoulder to overhead be three and overhead squat be one? Or is that, way they should have done it like should shoulder overhead be three and overhead squat be one or is that you guys like that i like that uh i don't like i don't like more than a one rm shoulder to over it just because of the re-rack i don't know i mean taylor do you think in general yeah i would say in general lightest to heaviest it would be overhead squat shoulder to overhead front squat max so maybe if you put it in that order it would be to where you're you're always adding weight to the bar and then you start but i think the way that it reads here and someone can correct me is that athlete one lifts and then athlete two does their first attempt and actually three does their first attempt then
Starting point is 01:55:22 they go back and do a second attempt yeah and there's a 45 second transitions they have time to change weights and that's going to go quick all right that's cool that's fun that's fun uh something gee gee should put the show on here for us i don't think i don't think he's doing team is he doing team oh uh okay uh sorry jeffrey adler puts on a show for us yeah jeff puts on a show the guys that from our team savon uh sam dancer jorge oh joshua alshama i would think they put on a show christian harris's team um has blaine mcconnell and then i think the other guy that was on his team this year so yeah there's some really really strong teams awesome okay uh second workout on this will be the last workout sunday uh seven we can do this one in the garden together oh the final the synchro one yeah we can't yeah
Starting point is 01:56:18 kitchen sink is what it's called oh so we're at the final team workout already i believe so yeah i think it's a back-to-back, right? Yep. Thank God we did it. It doesn't fit in the whole screen, so I'm going to have to scroll. Fucking A. No, that fits in the whole screen. Without the time cap, yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Okay. What's the name of it? Oh, oh cute i like that kitchen sink s-y-n-k s-y-n-c i don't like the implications of the name you don't mean you just threw a bunch of shit together and hope something came out good oh at least that's how I read it. I actually think it's a cool workout, but I don't like the name. Athletes one and two. I'm not doing it. All right. So forget that. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 01:57:13 This one I'm actually confident with. I don't know if I'm exhausted. I'm just having a weird day. I need more caffeine. I don't know what's going on with me today. I'm having some issues. I told Caleb about it. Nothing major.
Starting point is 01:57:22 So there's a specific order that you have to do these workouts athlete to one and two have to do the first part and then athlete two stays on the floor athlete three comes on does the second part then athlete two goes off athlete three stays on and athlete one comes back for the third part so that's like the first part of the workout yep and those movements are set up to where the first movement is always synchro. The second movement is non-synchro. So we're going to do 60 synchro toes to bar together. Then we're going to split 50. And when we're done, when we're done, athlete one runs off. I pick up one of my dumbbells. You pick up one of yours. We lunge together, step for step, down, back, down, back, however they're going to do it and then we put the
Starting point is 01:58:06 dumbbells together and we knock out our bench press however we want to do it then athlete two runs away athlete uh three stays athlete one comes back and then they do synchro wall balls and then i do a handstand walk 50 then you kick up for 50 then i kick up for 25 then you kick up for 50, then I kick up for 25, then you kick up for 25, and we're done. So are they all on there the same amount? Yeah, okay. Oh, and then rest 60 minutes. Yeah, that's kind of cool. I like that.
Starting point is 01:58:33 Good job, dude. I understood that on the first run, I think. So athlete one is the only athlete that doesn't have to stay on for two consecutive chunks, if that makes sense. Okay. But then they're the most fatigued. Maybe not. that doesn't have to stay on for two consecutive chunks, if that makes sense. Okay. But then they're the most fatigued. Maybe not.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Athlete three, probably just as fatigued, if not more going into the next event than athlete one. And so if you finish that on under 16 minutes, the remainder of that time is rest, okay? And then that's a score. Okay. And then B. This one's pretty self-explanatory. Yeah. okay and then this one's pretty self-explanatory yeah
Starting point is 01:59:09 33 synchro single arm dumbbell snatches and I'm assuming all three athletes working or just two your guess is as good as mine I would think that it's all three that's how I feel
Starting point is 01:59:24 that's how I read it and then each athlete does the bike the full bike and as good as mine. I would think that it's all three. That's how I feel. That's how I read it. And then each athlete does the bike, the full bike. And as soon as the first athlete gets off the bike, they can start on their burpees. No, it's synchro. The bike? Oh, sorry. Yeah, they can't start on their burpees. They have to wait until all three athletes are done with the bike.
Starting point is 01:59:40 So they just waterfall until all three, then they go burpee. Then they go burpee. So they're synchro and then a sprint and then synchro to finish so all three athletes doing dumbbell snatches then one at a time doing the full bike and then all three athletes doing the burpee over the dumbbell i guess so it's the first time i've seen this workout so wait what is that last thing down at the bottom 33 synchro lateral burpees over the dumbbell yep what dumbbell the one for the dumbbell snatches oh okay come on bro so they each have a dumbbell and they're using so they have those dumbbells already from part a on the bench press yeah same way okay and the lunging and then it's over yep oh we made it crack a beer
Starting point is 02:00:22 buy some coke whatever you're into it's going to be interesting to me how with three people, they're going to make that look good visually doing lateral. Are they almost going to put them in a line like the worm to where one person is on one side of the dumbbell while the other two staggered are on the other, and then they kind of go back and forth? Yeah. They're just going to make a triangle? on the other and then they kind of go back and forth yeah it's gonna make a triangle and what i would say is on the dumbbell snatches they're in a line as well and the back person is calling the reps like one go next caleb is saying caleb is saying that they're gonna just like kind of all face each other in a triangle i just don't see how that works laterally well i'd like like how they did it with um what was it the down under or whatever when they did this the synchro snatches
Starting point is 02:01:04 and all that stuff together oh okay okay so you don't jump over the same dumbbell you actually move to someone else's dumbbell no yeah they're all like facing the same direction right then they just start on the same side and they're moving over they just rotate every time okay and that could that could work then where you don't have to everyone can see what everyone else is doing you're not like facing ahead and the only person that can see you like on a worm is the person behind you. Yeah. Fucking A, dude.
Starting point is 02:01:30 That comment about are they paying the judges, dude. The team judges are going to have a fucking field day. This is going to be crazy. I didn't lose my power. I got some issues today. I had explosive diarrhea this morning. One of my coaches is going down there to judge all weekend. Hey, do the burpees in a circle you know what i mean so and then you're forced to be synced you know what i mean so if you go around and round ring around rosie yeah
Starting point is 02:01:54 10 one way 10 the other way no no all right i think it aligns the cleanest way and the person at the back calls for each rep but that's just me. Matt Burns shit show judging wise. God, I hope so. That'll allow us to make three or four shows and give Hiller 25 videos when he comes back. Doesn't he go to your gym, JR? Who's that? Matt Burns.
Starting point is 02:02:14 Or am I having that confused with somebody? No, there's a Johnny Burns and a Matt Jones. Okay. Is John Young going to be on the show this weekend yeah i think i bet i can't wait i'm excited i miss him did you make a um you did you send the schedule over yeah i i shared a google doc can you check your email real quick to make sure you got it i got it yeah you got it okay okay cool dope there's just so many numbers it's like reading one of these team workouts i don't see it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i do see it oh this is cool oh you did it you're a beast
Starting point is 02:02:52 that's just a lot of numbers i i double checked so everything should be right okay guys here's kind of the the thing this looks really good this is just really rough i think we're going to come live one more time today. I'm not sure who's going to be on, but hopefully when Susie gets to Miami, Hiller doesn't get there until 3.30, I think, a.m. Eastern Standard Time. But at some point, I think we will go live again today just to take a tour of the venue and of the hotel and whatnot. then uh it looks like thursday morning we're doing so we start with the pre-show at 8 a.m pacific standard time okay that'll be cool
Starting point is 02:03:33 and then so it looks like on thursday we have uh pre-show post-show pre-show post-show uh pre-show post-show sometimes we met so it looks like we have six shows on thursday but sometimes we mesh those post-shows yeah so so stay tuned for that and then the same thing friday morning uh we start uh banging with you guys at uh 8 30 a.m on friday pacific standard time and then on saturday uh we it's 10 a.m pacific standard time and then oh Saturday, it's 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And then, ooh, Sunday, it's early, 7.30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. All right. We'll be here all weekend.
Starting point is 02:04:13 All right, yeah, this is going to be good stuff. Taylor, I'm going to send you a text message. any, any, any, any final words that you guys want to say before we check out here and maybe could try to come back later on tonight. Just looking at the workouts on paper and kind of saying what we think is going to be higher intensity, lower volume or higher, higher volume, lower intensity or high volume, high intensity. It'd be higher intensity, lower volume or higher, higher volume, lower intensity or high volume, high intensity. It'd be interesting to, when we talk to some of the athletes after the first two days that are doing, if they thought they feel about like what they assume they would, or if like they feel just a lot better and the way that the workouts were, were written and the
Starting point is 02:05:01 number of reps really set them up to compete over the weekend. If they're doing both. I'm I'm I'm I hope we can get these guys. Oh, you know, who said he would come on a down said he would come on, not during individual, but during team. Nope. Can't wait to talk with down. Yeah. He's a funny guy. It's going to be great to get his feedback. Okay, guys, this, I just want to say this, this week's show, this weekend, we are very excited to have Taylor with us all week from SMTP. And we're very excited that California Hormones has
Starting point is 02:05:33 been supporting us and especially always Gabe. Gabe and Travis at Vindicate are both huge supporters of the show. Gabe's been endlessly helpful they'll both have booths please go over there and support both of them gabe is uh paper street coffee and travis is vindicate and then of course we are extremely excited uh to have taylor every uh single day this is not uh easy to do this to sit in a chair for four days and i just want to say thank you to the self-made uh training program We will see you guys tonight. Being self-made just really means that you want to put in the work that other people don't want to put in. SMTP 60 is plug and play for your class workout. And I'm as passionate about that as I am anything else.
Starting point is 02:06:18 It's a fun workout. It's not a crazy workout. It's not a stupid workout, but it's going to be fun and it's going to be super challenging. And you're 100% going to get fitter, stronger, better at your gymnastic skills, all the above. SMTP Compete is a training program geared towards people that are qualifying for quarterfinals and want to make it to semifinals.
Starting point is 02:06:35 And it's the training methodology and the workouts that I've been doing in my career. So when you subscribe to Selfmade Training Program, our general track, you get access to SMTP Compete and SMTP 60. So you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training, warmups, cool downs. And then you'll have another tab that says notes, and you will have extreme detail on each workout, what you're shooting for, the time domains, equipment substitutes, scaling options, volume and rep scaling. You can check out our website,
Starting point is 02:07:03 and sign up for a free seven day trial of training. You can buy a 30 rack of Bush Light for 20 bucks. Come on, sign up for Self Made Training Program.

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