The Sevan Podcast - #751 - Wodapalooza 2023 Indy Event 1 Pre-Show - Medeiros vs Hiller

Episode Date: January 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Damn, we're live. You just missed it. And we start with the banyan tree, recognizable from last year from Matt Sousa's, what is it? Polaroid camera? I'm starting to think that maybe Matt Sousa should just drop the gimbal. I don't know. Oh, the Paper Street Coffee booth okay guys uh i think we have a pretty crazy special treat for you today not um two bald guys and uh roman krennikoff's uh firstborn child but those will be uh nice touches touches. It looks like in 19 minutes, Justin Medeiros, the champ, will be in the same heat.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Let me reword it the way I want to say it. Justin Medeiros versus Andrew Hiller will be live on the Sevan podcast. That's fucking good. In 19 minutes, we're going to get to watch them go side by side. The natural boy from Stockton, California or Lodi or wherever versus Andrew juice, man, the little league softball coach on trend.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Hey, that sounds, that's a nice Jewish name for a juiced up Jewish guy. Andrew juice, man. I get Andrew juice, juice, Schwartz juice, burger. a nice jewish name for a juiced up jewish guy andrew juice man do you like it andrew juice juice schwartz juice burger we're adopting you into my family you're gonna be a jew now
Starting point is 00:01:34 holy shit um it looks like the um suez is in the paper street coffee booth uh that that actually looked pretty nice like a like a legit coffee shop. We are having some problems with frame rate. Oh, look, Rich Froning's in there wearing a CEO shirt. No, I made that up. So that must be Vendor Village. Let's see if we can talk to Matt. Maybe if he stays perfectly still, we can get an image that's worth looking at.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Matt, what's up, dude? I'm not moving. Can you see it still? Oh, yeah. It looks like you're shaking the camera. That's hilarious. That's how bad the frame rate is. That's okay. Hey, tell us a little bit about where you're at. Is there a specific vendor village?
Starting point is 00:02:16 What's the scene like there? What's the weather? Things like that. Get us the vibe set. Yeah, this is vendor village here. At least the first one that you walk through at the time it's nice and warm it's like mid-70s right now perfect weather let's go army and is it pretty um empty compared to hey could you just hold your camera still somewhere i want
Starting point is 00:02:42 to i want to see what it looks like if you're not moving. Like pointed at something good. Okay, or something bad. How about our military? Sousa, what's it like there in terms of the crowd? Is this normal for a Thursday? I heard it was pretty, like, when we look at the gauntlet cam, it looks empty. I thought it was actually going to be empty.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Once you get it done, there's more people than I actually anticipated for the Thursday, which just means the next few days are going to be crazy. Okay. And have you heard anything about their stream? We're over on the Wadapalooza Loud and Live Sports YouTube page, and their stream goes down about every three seconds. They're probably on the same Wi-Fi we are right now. That's what I think is happening. No, ours is better.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Oh, really? Yeah. Hey, maybe you should turn your Wi-Fi off. Is your Wi-Fi actually on? Did you mean cellular? Standby. Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I'm going to show you the uh this is the water palooza page and i'm gonna refresh it here for you guys uh and this is watching the gauntlet and then after a few seconds it uh it freezes which is a trip are you guys having that same trouble at home there you go mine's doing it too okay you're about 10 000 miles from me caleb yeah that's two pretty good data points for planet earth people at home say it's happening to them too okay uh i'm gonna mute you i'm gonna pull down that stream okay so we'll just keep watching that
Starting point is 00:04:28 stream we should pull the gauntlet workouts up and see if we can pick one out that hillar might have a chance of beating madaris and okay that's good i'm assuming they're gonna start with the first one right do they are there how does that work how does that competition work oh look suza's already down there zero to five minutes of workout and then like five to twelve minutes of workout and there's two minute rest and then pull them 14 yeah yeah okay so there's just one workout but it's in segments with little rests it's kind of like high rocks right kind of no no like there's like 10 workouts in a 60 minute period okay then all workouts are scored separately the winner at the end of the 60 minute you know you total all your points against everybody and then that's the winner really it is is it 10 workouts in a six i don't know if it's
Starting point is 00:05:18 it's like seven or eight i just do that number out there but it's it's a series of events you get one minute rest in between each event and it's a 60 minute clock that's why it's called the gauntlet uh how much do we need to pay for a good internet for suza i don't think you can you need to pay uh thank you tom i appreciate i think that's good internet for miami um is it completely jacked up still i turned off my wi-fi i mean to be honest it's exactly it looks exactly like theirs oh damn so uh but but you never know this um these things changed last year we had pretty good i mean relative to what i would expect from cell phones so let's see what happens as the day goes on when i was when i take it back it's not nice out here it's actually hot as balls right now i love that it's only been two
Starting point is 00:06:09 seconds yeah you can feel the sun what month is it i mean it's cold where i'm at it's january okay january florida it's 70 where i'm at plumber will plumber said he can get uh hillers lane on his uh iphone but i don't know if the service is going to be good enough to. Oh, that's awesome. And does Will have a link? Do you want me to add him to the broadcast or just send him that link? Yeah. Ash, please.
Starting point is 00:06:35 If you can add him to the broadcast thread. Brian spin. I'm in front of Hiller's Lane. If you want to try this streaming. Yes. Okay. Yes. Brian spin. It is. Send want to try streaming. Yes. Okay. Yes. Brian Spin, it is.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Send it to Plummer, both. We'll take them all. Is there a way to make these workouts more clear? Okay. Let's run through these really quick. Zero minutes to six minutes, they have a three rep max front squat. All right. I'd have a shot at that one.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I don't know. Madaris is such a strong squatter, dude. Workout number two is a nine minute AMRAP, three hang power snatches, three overhead squats, 10 drag rope double unders. And Taylor would have a shot at that one that's uh i don't know not looking good for andrew juice burger he's gonna get smashed in this one and workout number three absolutely smashed 21 15 9 6 3 this is from the 20 minute to 35 minute range uh d ball, lateral burpees over the hurdle.
Starting point is 00:07:45 But one thing to note, the hurdle is 20 inches for women. And in the elite event, it said 24-18. So I wonder if they changed it. Oh, yeah, that is interesting. Oh. You mean they're allowed to touch and go the D-ball cleans? Yeah. Oh, yeah, they have to be.
Starting point is 00:08:03 That's fine. That's a really fast workout then. Yeah's fun i don't know think of think about that's 36 45 i mean the lateral burp it's burpees so 54 54 burpees 54 cleans i think that's probably maybe maybe under under eight but not oh look and look and we even got, look at, so, um, just a quick heads up here. Uh, Oh, Brian's is better. Brian spins is great. Brian spins is great. Wow. Yeah. Holy shit. Let's bring in Brian. What iPhone do you have?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Ryan, what iPhone do you have? I don't know. 13 Max? I don't know. Probably the other one. I don't know. Sounds like a dad. That's what Sousa has too, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I need to buy better service. Are you on AT&T or Verizon? AT&T. That's why. Verizon sucks. I have Verizon. I think Sousa's on AT&T also. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And you have your Wi-Fi turned off? Yeah, just 5G. Money. Okay, so that might be what you need to do, Suze. You might need to turn on your... Make sure your 5G is turned on. It is.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And my Wi-Fi is turned off. Okay. I'm just going to go take Brian's phone. All right. Fine. Okay, Brian, where, so the lanes, when you point the camera across the venue, the athletes stay in those lanes the entire time? There's 16 lanes. The men are on the first eight, and the limiter on 9th and 16th.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Pillar is in lane 9 if you want to read into that. Okay. And so show me lane 9. Right in front of me. Okay. And then which way is lane 16 to your left? Oh, that way to your right.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Okay. So we need someone over there also. I think Medeiros is in lane four over here. Oh, I thought you said Medeiros was in lane 16. No, it goes out to 16. I might need someone to translate. We need multiple ears on Brian because I'm having trouble hearing him. So Medeiros is in lane four and Hiller's in lane nine?
Starting point is 00:10:29 Correct. Okay. So we need someone in lane four. Any signs of those guys yet, Mr. Spin? No, they bring them out right before. right before. So right now the athletes are doing maybe six minutes of three rep max front squat. They get a rest a minute and then they do a nine minute ham wrap of hang flashes, overhead squats, and the drag run. And then once they're done with that, the dragon.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And then once they're done with that, they'll bring on the turtles too. So you won't see them until the next fight, right before the start. Okay. I'm trying to figure out why I can't see the... Oh, there we go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:19 God, this thing's a mess right now. How come we can't see it when it's like this, Caleb? Oh, there we go. Okay. Let me see. Checking with Sousa real quick. Thanks for all the patience, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Oh, I can't unmute Sousa. Okay, fine. Okay, let's keep going. Sousa, are you on lane four where Hiller is? I mean, where Justin Medeiros is going to be? I think so. No, I'm on lane one, but I got a shot of lane four there.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Okay, if they don't threaten to kick you out... You guys will see him every other frame. Matt, if they don't threaten to kick you out, that means you're not doing your job. You're going to start that early, huh? No, don't get kicked out. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Okay, we're going to go back to going through the workouts here. Taylor, did you see a rack for the front squat or is it from the floor? Because that makes a huge difference for some. I did not see a rack. These front squats are from before so that's bruise hillar on that one dude why are people shitting on the i'm wearing jr's fucking shirt man this is the crash fitness shirt and everybody's telling me i look like i'm a fucking ex-con they told me the same you always look like an ex-con um will you go to the 30 minute um it's the endearing part about you uh let's go to the prison let's go okay station c here we go station b
Starting point is 00:12:55 okay we did that one that was it that's it i thought that was more than that nice caleb okay so then the next workout at the 40 minute mark mark is 1,000-meter row time trial. Holy shit, that's bad. That's going to be so painful. Dude, the gauntlet seems like the most, like. So no one finishes this. This is a six-minute cap. No one finishes this.
Starting point is 00:13:18 No, everyone's finishing that. You roll a 1K at a two-minute pace, and you're done in four minutes. Oh, right. Okay, I was thinking of 2K. Okay. But, I mean, just 1K time trial is one of the most painful things there is. Not a problem. I do that every day.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Rebecca Glenn, $20. Have to show some love for all the coverage you always strive to provide. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know if I've ever seen you in the comments. Have I ever seen you in the comments? I recognize your dog. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Next workout, workout five. Very generous donation. 46 minutes to 58 minutes. We're getting close to the end of the workout. 12-minute AMRAP, 11 dumbbell bench, two rope climbs. He might have a shot at this one. Is his bench more? I mean, if he bench presses more, he's great at gymnastics. Andrew's got a great bench. Yeah, have a shot at this one. It's his bench more. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:05 that's his more. He's great. He's got a great bench. Yeah. He's got a great bench. What I would recommend is he just sandbag every single event, except for the one he thinks he has a shot at winning and just fucking dump his load.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah. I don't understand. I don't understand how this is the dumbbell rope climb workout, but then there's pull-ups in it too. This is how it goes. 12 minute AMRAP, 11 dumbbell bench, two rope climbs, 33 pull-ups. 11 dumbbell bench, two rope climbs, 22 chest-to-bar. 11 bench, two rope climbs, 11 bar muscle-up,
Starting point is 00:14:34 and then it starts over again at the pull-ups. Okay. But the gymnastics is unbroken for him. That's literally his best thing. And if Justin has to break up the bench press at all, and Hiller does it, I don't think Hiller will. I don't,
Starting point is 00:14:49 I, but I'm saying that's a win, right? If he has to break them up at all. Yeah. Potentially after that one K time trial, I would not row that one K hard at all. If I was Hiller.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Mason Mitchell says, I bet Hiller is messed up by this workout, meaning he's not going to be operating this is going to be fun to watch yeah like this is more of a spectacle like this is a bigger headline than most of the elite division hiller versus madaris yeah i agree that's awesome hey let's see is there a six workout or that's it it stops at 58 minutes there is that it okay so five workouts uh 60 minutes 58 minutes uh let's see if can we get hillar to come on with us i mean he's probably he's warming up man let the guy do his thing
Starting point is 00:15:35 no no no no how do you how do you administer trt to yourself is it an injection is in the butt is he railing a line real quick before his event god i probably that's how it works it's just like immediate it's like coke in your ass and then you're like ready to go you should shoot it directly into his biceps probably definitely there's more than a little bit of coke at wadapalooza right now i can guarantee you that no crossfitters don't do that dude if andrew did that to beat justin medeiros i honestly would give him so much for doing that last year last year i was walking to the venue getting ready to warm up for one of my events and there's this public restroom at that bayside park that they let like it's open to the public and it was just
Starting point is 00:16:26 essentially a needle exchange like there was a lady there exchanging needles and there were fucking homeless people everywhere fucking changing their shit out and i was like wow breakfast breakfast 30 feet away let's see i think suze is going to find uh hiller in the warm-up area suze what's up dude hey what's up i'm trying to uh see if i could see back here hey your stream's money now you're streaming money because uh he told me to restart my phone i did and it worked oh good job hey uh technical information from the indian guy there he is What's up, Hilla? Where's Medeiros? At the back of the line, maybe? No, he's not even here. He's like VIP.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Wow. Wait, no shit? Medeiros isn't even in the lineup? He is in the next beat, right? I think he's in the next beat. He'll start 20 minutes after Hilla. He'll start 20 minutes after. Oh, that breaks my heart. We'll go back to that.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Thank you for telling us. Fake news from the Sevan podcast. Holy shit. No Maderas. I hear him. I was like, where's... There's Dylan. That's the guy running the show.
Starting point is 00:17:46 That was the big cheese you just saw walking by on the phone. That's the vice president of Loud and Live Sports. Or is it Events? Sports. By the way, today, tonight, after every show, after all the shows are done tonight, we will have the programmer and the founder of Loud and Live on for 15 to 30 minutes every night,
Starting point is 00:18:08 Guido Trinidad. Isn't he also the owner of CrossFit 360? Is that true? Is he the founder of Loud and Live or Wadapalooza? Wadapalooza. Thank you for the clarification. How's my stream? Is it holding up for you guys?
Starting point is 00:18:23 So good, dude. how's my stream is it uh holding up for you guys money you and spin are killing it we need to tell suza for hillar to not row hard just in case he's not thinking about it uh yon clark thank you for the 20 bucks buddy thank you it's got to be he's over in the uk for 4 or 5 p.m for you right now 4 20 you know what that is a different john clark it's a different guy yeah this is yan clark the other guy is john clark oh this is his sister jan clark probably yeah probably probably jessica rice the stream is juicy just like andrew hiller i wonder if uh okay so someone was so they're stagger starting these someone was saying that justin would start 20 minutes after so as soon as hillary is done with like event two we'll get to see justin go do the
Starting point is 00:19:22 same events so i mean it we'll still get to see them kind of compete just not the exact event on event that's a that's a shame it is that's a shame we can't have adam and tell adam to tell justin just to shove lane four out of the way or at least he should be in the same lane at least he should be in the same lane as hillar why why would that's a bigness on their part uh this is for hillar and his dubs he's gonna get it all right was was andrew uh expressing some concern about the drag rope uh double unders anyone i think he means dub as a win. Oh. All right. Thank you for clearing up the vernacular for me. Justin heard Hiller was there and asked to change sheets.
Starting point is 00:20:11 No shit. I bet you that's true. I knew it. Oh, here we go. Now people are thinking, what if Hiller swapped his juice shake bottle with Justin's in the warm-up? His juice shake? His juice suppository? You did say they go to the same bathroom stall taylor you told me yo there he is the man himself okay no more jokes about justin
Starting point is 00:20:33 his buddies here in the uh his buddies here in the chat adam what's up dude what's up guys how you doing uh oh nice ceo shirts um adam we we kind of had a surprise today. It looks like what we're hearing is that there's rumors that your boy, Justin, is doing the gauntlet. Can you confirm that? Yes. Okay. And we thought he was going in the same heat as Hiller, but they didn't march out at the same time. So now we either think that they have a special march out for justin as a vip or he's
Starting point is 00:21:05 going 20 minutes after hiller like they're stagger starting them could be man i actually have no idea all right and then you can see andrew down on the bottom there oh yeah looking good and for those you don't know adam is the owner of crossfit uh fort vancouver uh 10 times CrossFit Games athlete? Yeah, man. Crazy. So he's older than he looks, and he has been the coach for the champ for how many years now? It's been like four years now. Four years.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah. With the one-time young Justin and now middle-aged Justin Medeiros. And in L.A. too, now you've got L.A. Turner. It's L.A. and Justin, yeah. That's-aged Justin Medeiros and, uh, in, in, in Ellie too. Now you got Ellie Turner. It's Ellie and Justin. Yeah. That's right. That's right. What's up, Taylor. What's up, man. What do you think about Hiller competing in the gauntlet? All juiced up, man. What's your take? I mean, shoot. Coming at him hard. No, not pulling any punches. Juiced Hiller. I mean, the gauntlet is just kind of like a showcase
Starting point is 00:22:05 right yes yeah shoot man awesome go for it i mean this is the only place he can compete right hey you know he's gonna try i think he's gonna try the open just to sort of see how the testing policy goes you know what i mean kind of like a quality control on the testing policy enter the open and just see how far he makes it. Do you think they'll bought, do you think they'll block him from registering? I don't think you can, right? I don't think they will.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's like, you can't just go into a police station and confess a crime. I mean, you can, but they won't arrest you for it until like they have proof. Would they just be like, say that again? Would they ban you from the open?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Oh, Oh, maybe once he tests positive, I think that there'll get the four-year ban like everyone else. But just because you're saying you're juiced up and you – you know what I mean? You can't walk into a police station and be like, hey, I want to do 10 years in jail. I robbed a bank. I mean they need to see the bank, right? Yeah, but how do they not test him?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. Are they going to take the front squat on those stubby bars? Because that changes things. You can't get that heavy. You can't get that heavy. You can't get that heavy with that. Okay, so the clock has started, right? He looks like he's rushing. Yeah, six minutes. He's starting out heavy.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Adam, what's Justin's rationale for doing the gauntlet just having fun you know what yeah he's uh he's down there hanging out you know he's uh checking a lot of boxes for the you know just like sponsorships all the wages he has to be down there and he's got a workout anyway so this is a perfect time to get something done i love that yeah yeah yeah it's a tight schedule for those guys down there you know justin not competing, but he's got lots to do. So just setting aside some time when you know you're going to get some guaranteed training is a good way to do it. Oh, so it is kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:23:54 It's to kill two birds with one stone, get in a little bit of training also. Heck yeah, and it's fun, man. He has a good time. There's no pressure. That's his first three rep wow are those 35 pounds i would assume so so that's 285 i think yeah like a pretty good warm-up eric weiss the coverage is absolutely the best well done guys thank you how is there's gonna be no room for the caller that weight he's just he's gonna run out of room?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Is there multiple 55s available? No. How did they expect? Oh, that's awesome. Hiller's exhausted the ability of the bar. Make it a 10 RM. This is great. Oh, I want to see it fall off.
Starting point is 00:24:42 There we go. Sousa, really quick. Are you keeping your eyes open for Justin, buddy? He literally cannot load the bar. That's poor planning. Hanging off the edge. That's what, 335? They weren't expecting so much TRT, dude. It's the gauntlet.
Starting point is 00:25:03 There's no way for them to fit that many people on the on that field though so you kind of just like well this is for fun anyway we'll just use a c70 bar yeah but then you have more 55s available there's plenty of space they're staggering i mean they have plenty of room you can see hey so so uh mr spin are those little change plates those fit on kind of tight? So he's kind of using them as collars too? You know how they're like nice and snug? No, it's dangling.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oh, it is dangling? So that is 315 if those are fives. Wow. That was 315 if those are fives. There's his max. So that means Justin can't beat him? That means they tied this event no matter what? Probably. Oh's good that's good that's a boy that's taking advantage of uh equipment uh equipment mishaps i don't think they give a shit it's the gauntlet
Starting point is 00:25:58 oh they don't but we do if people like maderos are going to start doing it um they probably should oh you might just get that 25 on oh my goodness just a training day there's zero chance it stays on let him try let him come on mr spin come on oh he's gonna go for it try it man if he's if he's really on his game he'll grab one of those drag ropes and just tie him on with a jump rope wow that's a good idea yes he's right there yes adam you need to tell justin to go get some duct tape he's done a clean event with a with a roll of tape in his pocket before those of you who are watching,
Starting point is 00:26:47 that bottom screen down in the bottom is Matt Souza, I think, walking around looking for where Justin's lining up currently, by the way. No! Oh! Boy, that was so bad. That's good judging.
Starting point is 00:27:03 No rep. You fucking suck. Come on, man. Hey, when he comes on, we need to make fun of him for only doing 315. Maybe we can talk to him now, actually. Let's see if Mr. Spin can talk to him. No rep. It'd be interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I bet Justin doesn't try that. He's like, I'm good with 315, and I'll move on to the next thing. Mr. Spin, can you talk to Hiller really quick? Hiller! Hey, you got him. What do you want? Ask him what the weight was. What was the weight? 305.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Ask him if it's possible to do more, or he maxed it out why didn't you do more there's no room sounds like an excuse yeah that is crazy why do you guys think that is why do you think that they did that they used the stubby bar with the max of just because they really didn't expect anyone to be that strong i mean there's a lot of strong crossfitters out there it's not that crazy right 15 is not super super heavy or or maybe have a lane for people who are going to that they like hey we have one special lane for people you know who are the big dong lane yeah yeah and then just have a regular bar for that. Oh shit. They brought him out another bar.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh wow. Oh, what is this guys? Oh, interesting. Okay. They got the Hiller bar, special privilege. Hey, but does that bar look like it can actually hold more weight? Yeah, it's longer. It's not the C70 shorty. All right, well, that's good news for Justin. Now he can speed it by five pounds. He's just now going to the snatches and overhead squats,
Starting point is 00:28:59 so it's not going to matter. He's done with the front squat. Is that really a bigger bar? It's longer. The sleeves are longer, slightly. You know, they have two versions of the C70, the really stubby one. I think they just changed it out.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So that one probably would have held on to the green. Yeah. Maybe there's a proceed and they're just figuring that out. I wonder how his judge is. I wonder if his judge knows who he is. If she's having fun or if she's like, fuck this dude. I mean, she no-repped him, so. She's keeping it clean.
Starting point is 00:29:34 She should give him a bro-rep. She should yell bro-rep. Oh, they just started. Yeah. Wow. I think this is a nine-minute AMRAP, I believe, right here. Looking good. Looking good.
Starting point is 00:29:52 SOC, load the bar backwards with the 55 last. Would that have worked? No. No. Someone said Jamie Latimer agreed he originally had the woman shorty. So there's a woman's and a man. Mr. Brian Friend. Good to see you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Good morning. Look at you. Wow. Where'd you get those glasses? Tara Saunders. Wow. Oh, is she in the house or you had him before? Actually, Matt Sanders sent him to me.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I haven't ever worn him before, though. What is – any updates for us? Who did I hear pulled out? Did Janikowski pull out? He pulled out from the individuals. He has not formally pulled out from the teams yet. Yeah, he was pretty sick getting over here, and he was just couldn't get over it.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So he pulled out of individuals. He's still hoping to go with his team on the weekend. Do we have any update on Colton Burton? Barbell's been put something out the other day, but I don't know how much detail there was. No, all he reported to me was he was in the hospital getting treatment, waiting on some tests. That was over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:31:14 He said he was going to update everybody yesterday, but never did. Okay, for those of you who couldn't hear, it sounds like Colton has something that's required him to go to the hospital. I hope he's good. I've been texting him, telling him I think about him and that we miss him here. But no details of why he's in the hospital yet. Taylor just got no rep for depth. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I bet that judge has a hard on. Brian, weather and crowds, we're hearing it's already hot on the ground there. Is weather going to play a role? Beautiful day, probably mid seventies, pushing towards 80 this afternoon. Um, there's a good wind coming off the ocean, so it'll feel nice on Bayside, but the rings are blowing around already. Oh, can you show us that? Can you show us the rings blowing around?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Okay. That's, oh, sorry, Caleb.aleb sorry caleb one more time brian can we see that one more time oh wow they are swinging so what happened holes they have some poles out there um you can see one of them right up the by the first pillar there that's for helping to get them under control hopefully but i mean it'll it'll be it'll be a factor it was a factor at rogue for some athletes there's a factor at the games for some athletes it's just part of doing outdoor competitions i guess hey so do you ask your judge to slow the rings down the swing for you um uh that i'm not entirely sure of the process
Starting point is 00:32:41 all right uh any any other updates for us any other big changes anything that you've heard any shark sightings in the water um someone got their flight canceled nothing like that no um no i mean the athletes seem excited and ready to go i think that you know there's a decent crowd here thursday is always a little bit less but it's for you to show up so stands at bayside are starting to fill up a little bit and it should be a good start to the week. Hey, Brian, one more thing. We can't keep their stream up for some reason. Their stream keeps goes. If you play their stream, it goes down every three seconds. Have you heard any reasons for that or if they're going to fix that? I don't know anything about that. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Okay. No, no, no big deal. It's just a bunch of us are having issues with their stream. Maybe it's just because it's the stream checking out the gauntlet, and so they haven't brought out the real stuff yet. Oh, yeah, I know that they'll have, like, what they have on the gauntlet now, just, like, visual only will be on all stages that the elites are not on throughout the weekends for all the divisions, and then there's a separate thing when the elites take the stage. It's obviously more built out.
Starting point is 00:33:49 All right. I think that girl in the sunglasses is actually beating Hiller. Yeah, she's counting. Hey, are they, for the gauntlet, are they separated into different groups? Like, is this like there's better groups?
Starting point is 00:34:05 We talked to Hiller this morning. They said they put him with the women because he has low teeth. Perfect. Perfect. Low teeth. We're 26 minutes away
Starting point is 00:34:16 from the first individual elite event starting. That's the ring and squats event. Correct? Yeah. Quite an aggressive start to the competition. What do you mean by that? I think it's one of the harder workouts, and, you know, it's right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I guess on one hand that's good because you're not very fatigued and you're fresh, so we might see some good performances, but I think that, you know, the athletes will be feeling the effects of this workout with a pretty heavy barbell, a lot of volume of ring muscle-ups, like a lot of work still left to do. Adam, do you agree with what Brian's saying here? Sorry, Brian. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Adam, I didn't even see you on there. I would have said hello, man. He's saying that workout one's an aggressive start to the competition. this is one that the athletes are going to fill the entire week yeah that's got a bunch of squats at like 235 for the men right yep yeah you know how it is like for those guys no we don't no we don't you know when you do like a a workout that's lightweight and fast reps that's what those guys are gonna make 235 look like so yeah it's gonna they're gonna feel it afterwards but you know they don't it doesn't matter those guys they're they're so fit like poor or not they're gonna perform hey adam what do you think about the individual and the team events the athletes that are doing both
Starting point is 00:35:39 is that is that comparable to a games or is it less than the games or i don't think it's like the games you know i think that the how many workouts the individuals eight scores eight scores so that's a pretty big weekend and then the teams are teams is a bit more of like a a fun what is it a couple days for teams another eight workouts or what does that look like i think another seven scores seven workouts that's a lot of events for sure yeah you know i think each uh each athlete's different and uh if it fits into their season and it's a good time to get some experience and kind of test out their training that's that's awesome do you think it's comparable like toll wise is rogue or worse than Rogue doing both divisions? Hiller just got a no-rep for a no-lockout. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah. Okay. Mr. Spinn says Hiller just got a no-rep for a no-lockout. So that's the second no-rep we've seen him get. Mike McCaskey, $5 for the Hiller C4 fund. I got to go in a minute. Okay. Does anyone have any questions for Brian while we got him here?
Starting point is 00:36:43 He's on the ground there. What's that stadium called, Brian, the one you're in, the one on the water? Bayside. Bayside. No, but thank you for checking in, Brian. Always good to see you, and please keep doing that. Okay, I'll try to see you guys again later on. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Susan, any Madera sightings? He should be on the floor now. No, he wasn't in the next meet that was coming out. I found out where the athletes are, and I didn't see him. So I was all back there checking now. Maybe they got him hidden in VIP. He's got the presidential escort coming out. All right, well, your stream is awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Everyone's stream is awesome, and it looks like it's pretty empty still there. First day Thursday. I guess the working class people are still at work while the CrossFit bums are just at Wadapalooza. Vincent Palomero, first video I've ever seen Hiller full range of motion. Wow. All right. Justin should be on at 840 on our time. Who should be on at 840 on our time Who should be? Justin Oh you did Okay let's see let's take a peep at him So he's the next heat Oh there he is
Starting point is 00:37:53 Is Allie doing the content as well? He's got a little fluff on the mullet right now God his cameraman's huge Is that his cameraman Adam? Yeah that's Dallas. Dallas got a cool camera cover. And look at that guy right there. Got a little starter mullet.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Oh, no, those are glasses. Starter mullet. Okay, guys, you're looking at the warm-up area uh hiller's 40 minutes into the gauntlet at wadapalooza that's the the event that they have there that's an hour long that anyone can enter and it looks like uh to our surprise and benefit uh jesse madaris and ellie turner are also entering it you see the guy on sitting on the ground with the baseball cap on or the cyclist cap? Yeah. He goes to my gym. He goes to your gym?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Well, he's been there. He's dropped in a few times. His name is Connor Johnson. And he trains with Michelle. He's like your typical RX athlete, definitely making it to quarters, not sure about semifinals. Okay, so he's great hey so they've organized these people by their how good they are like everyone in here looks pretty good right like this looks like a stout group of people
Starting point is 00:39:13 i think they mix in the different um like rx intermediate and scaled divisions so you're getting kind of a range of everybody just so you got the champ but there's also someone who's ass in there yeah you've got like your regular old gym goer in there um on top of justin wow that's crazy that's cool like someone like me could have gone there and been in the same heat as justin exactly yeah which is kind of cool yeah that's super cool with justin madaris and his team let's see if we can get some audio from suzy here maybe hear justin tell ellie i love you good luck love you ellie suzy you gotta unmute yourself buddy stop making fun of love
Starting point is 00:39:58 what's up what's up uh we just i we just wanted like to see if we can hear anything from these guys. Hey, look it. I know Justin's supposed to be just doing this for fun, but I see he's getting his adrenaline rush and his stomach pangs. I see it. You see it, Adam? I mean, dude, I think it's hard to turn that off when you walk out on a competition floor.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, look at him. He already got the – it looks like he's got his game face on already. Got Pedro here, guys. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Wow. You better tell him to put a hat on. That Miami Sun will fucking eat up a guy from Ireland.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Probably with the bad country, too. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Get you. from Ireland. Probably need a ball for the country too. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? No, the way you're walking it's like you're
Starting point is 00:41:01 navigating a map. Is Hiller still going? Is he at the end of that lane still? He should be on the workout 30. They just announced Justin? Yeah, they did. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:41:21 That was pretty cool. Okay, there's Ellie. We got Ellie right here. Justin's pretty cool. Okay, there's Ellie. We got Ellie right here. Justin's a few lanes down in four. Ellie's in seven. And then we have Hiller in lane nine. And Hiller's just a few
Starting point is 00:41:35 minutes away from finishing, right? 16 minutes from finishing? No, he's only 19 minutes in. So he has the D-ball and hopovers, and then the row, and then the rope climbs and bench press. All right, my bad. I'm going to check the Loud and Live and see if they have the stream,
Starting point is 00:42:01 the rings and squats stream up yet. When did they start? 10.50? No, they didn't. Top of the hour they start. 11? Yeah, I don't even see the option for that stream. Does anyone else see it on their YouTube station?
Starting point is 00:42:19 Their timing's been off all morning. It's scheduled late, and then all of a sudden it would pop up live. Okay. Is it right now? Is it a Thursday lead broadcast? They probably don't have the schedule. A few hours from now.
Starting point is 00:42:33 They probably couldn't find the schedule. Okay, yeah, yeah. Now I see that. It says, why does it say 1145 a.m., though? Great question. yeah yeah now i see that uh it says why does it say 11 45 a.m though great question oh look at yours says 10 45 oh that's because that's where you're at okay so that's a problem there's 700 people waiting on the uh wataplooza stream i wonder if they just did that just to man
Starting point is 00:43:07 he must be tired already because he's not moving very fast he was gassed on the hang snatcher and his judge gave him a handful of no reps for I guess not walking around he broke him up yeah
Starting point is 00:43:23 look he looked he's checking that chick out next to him seeing how fast she's going He broke them up. Yeah. Look, he's checking that chick out next to him, seeing how fast she's going. And the guy to his left. Justin just went off with a 125 start. Did they give him a longer bar? It looks like it, yes. Interesting. Wait, he did 125 pounds for three?
Starting point is 00:43:44 Is that what he said? Yeah, he just loaded up 45, and I believe it's a 35-pound bar. So Justin didn't even warm up for this. This is his warm-up. Yeah. Him and Elliot are turning tight. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Are they going in the same lane no yeah they are they're in a bar yeah they're in a bar there that's heard somebody else though not madera i think that's justin's agent isn't it yeah daniel daniel that's right oh these two wait which one's Justin's agent? Show me. The guy in the black tank tank top. Oh, okay. You said that he had a mini mullet, but it was actually his sunglasses. It was just the agent.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Hiller's doing a lot of standing around. Chris Thompson, $9.99. Thanks for the coverage. Mr. Spin is saying Hiller's doing a lot of standing around. I don't think Hiller made quarterfinals this year looking like that. Wow. Brian Spintos, Hiller, C4, Jeremy, world. Oh, look.
Starting point is 00:44:58 So we got our first jumper, the girl to the right of Hiller's using the hurdles. Oh, wow. So it's like a literal speed hurdle. Yeah. People should move like a literal speed hurdle. Yeah, no. People should move fast in the individual competition. You think they'll, like, rebound it? I guess you can't. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's not burpees for them, right? I think it is burpees, jump overs. An individual? I don't remember that no individuals no it's just jump over
Starting point is 00:45:27 yeah no they'll rebound for sure does anybody remember the it was like the old west coast where they started
Starting point is 00:45:36 jumping over these hurdles and started falling on them yeah they like put the the comp out of business
Starting point is 00:45:41 oh Hiller's putting the gas down look he's looking a little athletic too he's landing smooth oh not that. Oh, Hiller's putting the gas down. Look, he's looking a little athletic, too. He's landing smooth. Oh, not that one. Not that one. He just stops there.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Yeah, not that one. He did three fast ones, though. I'm kind of glad. Justin might catch up to him. He just does all these workouts in a row. He doesn't care about the time gap. Okay, we got two live streams now up from Wadapalooza. I'm going to hit this one okay
Starting point is 00:46:06 so they got their they got their still screaming up right yeah for the elite um elite division stream how are you gonna sit on your knees on a burpee hillar man he almost made the games didn't he no he just did really good in the in water clues rx division one year and he crushed the open one year i think he was top 50 in the world in the open he's big right now he's he's the heaviest he's ever been in his life he's like 208 or 206 uh nate williams 999 for caleb's rip it fund i don't need those they give those for free what's a rip it what's a rip it? What's a rip it? Some military stuff? They're like these tiny little canned energy drinks.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And that's one of the, like if you're not near anything, that's all they give you is these tiny little shots of caffeine. It's almost like a five-hour energy, but your heart wants to explode every time you drink one. That's what the military provides for you guys? 100%, man. Good dude. Only the best
Starting point is 00:47:05 and the finest for us this guy was trying to relate to you caleb and you just shot him down take your money back nate williams it's okay he's in the military if he knows what rippets are he understands so so justin and ellie and danny the agent just had a little powwow in lane number five, in lane six. It met halfway, Ellie and Justin. I wonder what that powwow was about. Look, Ellie's maxed out the capacity of the bar, too. Look at that. She did the same thing Hiller did.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So Justin has 275 on the bar. He said that Jack was bothering him. So, Justin has 275 on the bar. Talked into Pedro. He said that his back was bothering him. So, he made him done. Oh, that's not a good sign. Hey, and look, even Daniel's getting some lifts in with Ellie. Hey, you know it's crazy that you say that, Mr. Spin, because I'm watching Adam's face here,
Starting point is 00:48:05 and I'm seeing how relaxed he is. And he's not relaxed. It's like he's watching Justin at the games. I'm seeing a little like. Wants to coach him. Yeah, he's seeing his hot wheel out there without him. I think Justin's fine. Hey, he just did one of these.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Justin just did one of these. He's got that old man back. Old man stretch. Yeah, he just did one of these. Justin just did one of these. He's got that old man back. Old man stretch. Yeah, the one I do three times. Stretching out some leg swings over there. The leg swings. It was the leg swings. That's what I love.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I think Justin's back to be broken. He can still do those D-ball cleans faster than Hiller. Hiller's feeling it, guys. Yeah, he's toasty. He's a hefty boy. God, I hope he has some stories of that girl next to him talking shit to him. She's crushing it.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah, she is crushing it. She knew we'd be streaming Hiller and was like, this is my time to shine. Dude, her shoulders are broader than Hiller's. It's like Naderis is done. He won't lift anymore. Oh, and he's still putting his weights away like a good dude. They have to transition their bar for the overhead squats. He is a good dude. They have to transition their bar for the overhead squats. I wonder what Sousa can see down there.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Hey, Sousa. What's going on? Is the champ okay? Oh, yeah. He's having a blast, man. He's just cruising. You see, his first set was just a barbell or a barbell. He just did a couple squats with a barbell A few elbow rotations
Starting point is 00:49:45 He's just making his time Mr. Spin was reporting that maybe He got something bugging him in his back I mean I'm not getting that vibe I'm just thinking like he's just cruising Just having a good time Talking to people He was actually cheering on the two guys
Starting point is 00:49:58 Right in front of me As they were going for their lifts Oh that's cool as shit Yeah Yeah he was cheering them on So no I'm, I'm not. I'm not getting that bad. I think he just had a good time
Starting point is 00:50:08 without the pressure, you know? All right, I take back everything I said about Adam's face. Mark Fuentes, Nate Edwardson is taking a shot of maple syrup every time Hiller takes a breather. edwardson is taking a shot of maple syrup every time hillary takes a breather uh when when when justin goes to an event like this is it something you guys talk about adam
Starting point is 00:50:32 do you give him like does he say hey i'm just gonna go there and do the gauntlet and you're like yeah cool okay or you guys talk about how he's gonna change his programming or do you say hey dude just take it easy don't do anything crazy no. No, for sure. We talk about it. He, uh, he sent me a schedule about, I don't know, three, four days ago. And we're just kind of trying to plan out how and where he can fit his training in. And I mean, the gauntlet it's, it's, uh, it's some good exercise. He's not obviously competing. So it looks like he didn't really have a warmup bar or a really warm up at all until he got out there. So just being smart. have a warm-up bar or really warm up at all until he got out there so just being smart yeah and and and does he really appreciate that um uh for you so that he doesn't have to think about that like
Starting point is 00:51:13 you're like okay you're going to be traveling and you put together a travel program for him so that like he can just just kind of uh deal with you know all the obligations he has there not worry about his training yeah and i, he definitely like the last, the last month he's been able to get into a good training routine prior to that, like the month after rogue, he was kind of all over the place, you know, traveling off season, not doing a lot of training. And so the biggest thing now this week is just staying in a bit of a routine. So he's not going backwards,
Starting point is 00:51:39 but still feel like he's getting it in when he can, where he can, but also having a good time and, you know, not putting the pressures that come with competing on himself either. I remember when Froning first signed the big contract with Reebok. I don't know what year it was, 2010 or whatever, 11. And I remember right away, I don't know if it was from him or from Dave, but him looking at the schedule and being like hey there's no fucking way i can do that i can't be the champ and travel
Starting point is 00:52:09 13 times between now and the crossfit games yeah he said this is just not and and whatever they they worked with him on that um is justin now that's where justin's at right he's trying to figure out how he can manage flying across the North American continent and then also get back in time so that it doesn't interfere with his training. Yeah, exactly. And I mean, the sponsors that he works with have been really great and really flexible with basically, there's about a month after the games and then a month after Rogue where he fits almost all those obligations in so that when he gets back from
Starting point is 00:52:46 Wadapalooza like his time is his time it's not like he needs to be here for for this sponsor or there for this other obligation it's pretty much uh you know check all those boxes during this part of the season so that once uh once things start to kick up like he can do what he wants to do and needs to do um will he be coming i saw he built that gym in idaho um does that mean less time with you less time at uh home base um you know actually i'm gonna go out to boise next weekend all his stuff from rogue is coming out so we're gonna have a an assembly party and just put that whole gym together it's gonna be i mean it's gonna be world class in terms of just the ability that he has to train. And so I think we'll have more back and forth this year,
Starting point is 00:53:30 me going out there, him coming to Vancouver, but he won't be here the entire season like what he has the past couple years. You going to buy a home in Idaho? Am I? Never say never, man. Idaho's not bad. Have you been there? No, but I'm hearing so many good things about it. I mean, everyone I know who lives there loves it. Yeah, Idaho's cool. I'm so excited for them. I mean, to have that gym and just have so much
Starting point is 00:53:55 flexibility and have everything that he wants right there at his fingertips, it'll be really cool. He mentioned that up on the top loft there, he might build a podcast studio. I want you to shoot that idea down. Tell him it's a waste of time doing a podcast and not to build a studio. Dude, there's no way. I see how much time you put into it. It's a massive distraction. So Shannon Medeiros just asked me what our top two picks are for the first event. We'll get to that in one second.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Trish, $4.99. Mr. Taylor Self. I don't know what that means he just wants you to whip him when he's naked and he has an apple in his mouth what i mean he's trisha him because i'll not be his leather daddy no we have no idea if trish is a boy or a girl uh okay sean woodland and bill grundler have uh is the stream is the stream any better on uh water palooza side for indy oh we can't tell yet the actual picture of bill grundler and um sean looks fantastic can we see the hurdle can you go back to that stream and watch the hurdle can we zoom in on it oh wow that's what the individuals are going to be doing
Starting point is 00:55:09 dude adam do you think anybody's going to eat shit on that event you think anybody's going to trip over a hurdle and fall what's that event the it's 11 toes to bar 22 22 hurdles just jumping hurdles so you can rebound then, um, like 110 foot shuttle. Oh, wow. That's fast. A shuttle. Did you say anybody say 11 toast bar? Yeah. Yeah. 11, 22, 11. Yep. Yeah. What do you think about 11? Seems kind of low, right? Yeah. Yeah. It does. It seems pretty insignificant. yeah yeah it does it seems pretty insignificant so someone explained this someone explained this to him because no one can figure this out
Starting point is 00:55:51 now do they mean it's 11 toes bar 11 hurdle jumps 11 yard shuttle run and then 22 toes bar 22 hurdle jumps 22 yard shuttle run like i think that's what we think yes i mean it's still really really fast it's a three round workout adam i think i see i think that's what it is i got you okay it's three rounds i get it now no so that's a total of what 44 toes to bar now so it's not nothing but he's talking about the hurdle jumps do you think anybody's gonna eat it on that because everybody everybody's gonna go i, pretty balls to the wall. It's a controlled sprint here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Are those hurdles like those little plastic things? I don't know. The exact ones we're watching at the gauntlet, I assume. Yeah. I mean, I think those will just fly out of the way if you hit them anyway. That's a good point. Yeah. But sure, somebody will probably eat it.
Starting point is 00:56:42 They're going to be flying on the shuttle runs too. Yeah. It is fun to see, they're going to be flying on the shuttle runs too. Yeah. It is fun to see who's athletic and who's not athletic because a lot of, there's a lot of really fit people that are not athletic. It's kind of amazing. That's true. That'll probably be a pretty fun event to watch though. Good race.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah. Uh, I think there's three minutes, uh, from starting, uh, Susie, do we want to send someone over there to that venue?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah, I'll head over there. Hiller's back is bothering us. The over there is stretching in the trees. Oh, we jinxed him. Who's back is really messed up? Let's get the clear intel. Everyone's back. Adam,
Starting point is 00:57:21 Adam, Adam, why do you think that the best woman in the individual class is, I don't know, by ranking, it's the 16th or 17th place finisher at the CrossFit Games this year. I can't remember who that is. Does anyone remember who it is? Spiegel is number one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:47 So the best athlete from the CrossFit Games at Waterpalooza Women is Danny Spiegel, Adam. But the prize money is $75,000. Why doesn't Ellie just go over there and get that shit? Oh, hold on a second. Travis Mayer, hi, how are you? Look at him, look at him. We can't hear you. He's muted.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Okay, now can he hear me? Can he hear me? It's fine. I miss muted. I miss you too, buddy. You're a good dude. You're the best picture we've seen all day. He said he missed you too. You're the best picture we've seen all day. What are you doing out here? I'm just kissing. My teammates are super famous.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Are you just kissing and shaking hands? No, my teammates are super famous. Wait, so they're over there signing autographs with the line, and you're just chilling. It's getting more better than this. Awesome. This is the glamorous lifestyle. It's hard. You're right on. Well, you hold it down.'re making this tier booth like even that much better i will
Starting point is 00:58:48 say awesome uh so adam why not ellie go over and take the 75k dude that's a great question um to be honest, we planned out their offseason schedule really right after the games and really just like establishing blocks that we're going to be training. And Waterpalooza just didn't fit into things this year. And that decision was made long before anybody knew who was competing or who wasn't competing. And I mean, it's a great question, but for Ellie, like she's got some pretty big goals this year and being able to just really focus on training this, this part of the season was pretty important for her. Hey, that is real money though, for a lot of athletes, right? That's not a joke. I mean, like who took 10th at the CrossFit games this year?
Starting point is 00:59:38 75K is definitely not a joke. Like Alexis Raptus took 10th. I mean, you would think she could just, she could just step into the individual and just beat up on these girls. That's a good point. It's real money for sure. Yeah, it's a trick. I think it just comes down to, for the athletes,
Starting point is 00:59:53 what's most important than maximizing their opportunity to do as well as possible at the games or $75,000. I think a lot of athletes, I don't think it's stupid to forego the $75,000 if you have high expectations for the games and you think this may throw a wrench in it. How much does this throw a wrench in someone's training? It's probably two weeks out of the year. Because you deload for a week and then you probably take a week to get to start training again.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And then you get a competition. It's not so much the competition itself it's that you know six to eight weeks prior to the competition are you trying to peak for a competition or are you training you know with a more distant horizon looking at the big picture right um and so that's where these guys are at with justin and ellie um you know they'll they'll compete uh you know they know, they're, they're kind of first peak is going to be semifinals. And so they're not, they're not at this point in the season trying to maximize just their CrossFit performance. They're looking at bigger
Starting point is 01:00:54 picture weaknesses. How do we get better at those for next season? Can you explain that to me in more detail? What you're saying is, is it's kind of like a pit. So a competition is kind of like a pit stop, like in Formula One to change the tires. Everyone has to do it, but you really want to only do it when you at the right time. I mean, like as a non-competitor. I don't think that's a good comparison. Okay. It's not a good analogy at all. Thank you. Good. We'll come up with one. As a non-competitor, I'm thinking, ah, it's bullshit. Who cares? You don't really have to peak for an event, but you do? Well, again, it just goes down to what are your expectations of Guadalupalooza, and how fit are you?
Starting point is 01:01:32 Are you going into that? I would think the best athletes are going there to win, and so they're probably not overlooking the competition and saying, okay, I'm just going to train for semifinals, and then we're going to hit Guadalupalooza along the way. And to Adam's point, if you're training to peak at water palooza, then that throws a wrench into a, probably a pretty big block of training for you. Can you give me like a real world example, Adam, how it might throw someone off? Like what do I can give you one to me last year? Go for it. I was, I was training for water palooza and
Starting point is 01:02:02 leading up to that event, I probably would have been taking things not easy, but not necessarily as much intensity at the dosage. And, you know, I think a month out tweaked my knee. I tore my meniscus a little bit, and so I wasn't squatting going into Guadalupalooza. And that's kind of a – I won't say the injury is a risk of going into event like that but the training is different and if i hadn't been going to guadalupalooza things would have looked a lot different for me uh it just it it changes things for sure it can i mean i think yeah taylor you're totally totally on point and i think uh like lots of people are familiar with hayley adams journey right and she could keep peaking for every off-season competition or she could take a step back and be like, no,
Starting point is 01:02:46 I'm going to really dedicate myself to getting stronger this year. Knowing that, yeah, I'm not going to compete in these off season competitions, but it's going to be better for what really matters, which is the CrossFit games. Give me some like real world examples. Like, so you're saying like, let's use Hayley's example, meaning like she might be 10 pounds heavier and she might sacrifice some
Starting point is 01:03:05 metabolic capacity in this ramp up to get stronger and that in order to get that back that metabolic capacity and to lose that weight requires time and that would be and if she did that for water that would fuck her that would interfere with the process of getting stronger I'm trying to like objectify it like I hear what you guys are saying, but I want to hear like a real example. All right. Let's say, let's say you're a golfer and you know that like you really struggle with,
Starting point is 01:03:31 uh, with your chipping, um, rather than going to a tournament every single weekend and competing, uh, time and time again, you dedicate yourself to just training and practice and improving your chipping so that the competition that really matters,
Starting point is 01:03:44 the tournament that really matters, you've shored up that part of your game, knowing it's going to make you better overall, even if you miss out on some opportunities to, to enter into some tournaments along the way. And every day counts. So if you spend a day flying out to Wadapalooza, three days or four days here and a day flying back, you've actually compromised five or six days of training. Yeah, but it's not those, it's not those specific five or six days here in a day flying back you've actually compromised five or six days of training yeah but it's not those it's not those specific five or six days of training that matter as much as the you know the month month and a half two months leading up to the competition working on your chip shot yeah you're gonna be training differently if you're trying to be ready for everything versus if you're trying to to train with the bigger picture in mind. Elite women are going right now on event one.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That's what this screen is right here. Oh, okay. Here we go. Are there any elite women at this event? Okay. Be cool, Sammy. Be cool, Sammy. Molly's there. What I'm curious about as far as the women not doing the individual is the women who are doing team because they're still working out.
Starting point is 01:04:48 They still I mean, I know they did not prepare the same way, but a lot of them, like Savant said, could just show up and probably be better than everybody there. Yeah. Why doesn't Horvat enter and just push all the girls down and just be like, I want to leave? like i won leave i think potentially kind of a similar reason to why justin's there you got to go check some boxes for the sponsors see people take care of things like that and it's an opportunity for those athletes to get some training in or some experience in without necessarily putting themselves through quite the ringer that the individual division is going to put themselves through i i mean justin's in a totally different world, right? I mean, for him, it's not just the prize money. It's the brand value of winning the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Once you're actually in contention for the CrossFit Games, the brand value of winning that is better than anything, right? Especially if he wins the third games, it's going to be absolutely nuts. Yeah, and honestly, that's not even really like a big part of his process, but I mean, he needs an off season somewhere. You can't be, you know, peak performance year round. And this is the best time for the off season, you know, this time between Rogue and, you know, starting open quarterfinals, semifinals. And so just that, that like break from trying to be in peak performances, it's important's important because, like I said, he's in a long game.
Starting point is 01:06:07 He's not just trying to compete this year, but hopefully he's able to do this for a long time. You guys, the two windows you're seeing is this is the gauntlet where Justin Medeiros and Hiller are having some fun today, although it looks like Andrew Hiller may have hurt himself. And I think you can see him back there. Go ahead, Mr. Smith. Yeah, he just finished his 1K row. It looked like about 335. Oh, that's tough.
Starting point is 01:06:30 He went straight back to the shade and then stretched his back. Wow, okay. That's a good row. You think that's bad? I think most of the women in the 2020 games will beat that time. Yeah, but he's in the middle of the gauntlet.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yeah, there are women who row a 2K faster than that pace. There's a, yeah, he's in the faster average pace. It is a 60-minute event. Wad Zombie, thanks for the coverage. No, thank you, buddy. What is that, 147? Yeah, a 145 is a 330. So 147. I don't know i'm impressed
Starting point is 01:07:07 i did watch justin do the jump over the jump over he was fine but rushing through him somebody's gonna need an individual okay it's just lined up if they're supposed to flip their toes each time let's see burpee jump overs are way different than hops yeah i know going fast on the hops there's people are gonna be knocking that thing all over the place i think i think i think gee is gonna murder that event this yeah you're right who do i can we can we go and go ahead and do our picks for that first event? There's Dex Hopkins. Where? He just walked past.
Starting point is 01:07:52 I want to do picks for both. Jacqueline Robertson. Thank you, dear. Canadian money. $20. Thank you. Always so generous. Thank you very much, Jacqueline.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I need an office chair, dude. Okay. Yeah, we can do our picks. We can do our picks. Do you want to pick? Pull up. So so how many heat is this the first heat of the elite women or the second heat first heat god this stream's almost as good as their stream crazy this is just from an iphone is this from suze's iphone yeah that's what they're shooting with suze's iphones and that's what they're shooting with. And that's what they're shooting over there. It's a broadcast, too. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Should we bring up a list? Oh, look at you, Bieber. You're a good dude. Oh, yeah. So here's their stream. Their stream is daunting. They've got rep counters, which is kind of nice. Let's go back to Sousa. Way better angle.
Starting point is 01:08:40 We should go to this just to know what lane to tell Sousa to go to. Okay. What do you want to bring up if you want to pick the winners? Do you need a list of the athletes, Mr. Sousa? Ideally, but I can't find one. I couldn't find one. I just go on Instagram. Here we go. Okay, perfect.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Perfect. My girl's at the top. Amy Kringle. Ben R., thank you, guys. You can actually see the comp here. Can you zoom in a little bit, Caleb? Okay, we got to do this fast. This has got to be the most boring part.
Starting point is 01:09:24 The workout, does everyone part uh the workout does everyone know what the workout is yes 21 15 15 12 9 ring muscle ups 21 back squats 15 front squats 90 red squats for the ladies and i like i'm like an andrea nistler it's 165 for the ladies that's an easy pick i think by the way i just saw in their stream a girl try to jump up and grab the rings and she missed one of the rings and was dangling with one on for a second that looked like that could cause an injury okay so uh taylor self has andrea nistler anyone else want to give a pick for the women i'm gonna say emma carrie oh wow that's a good pick i i'm curious as to how her body is i mean we'll see i hope i hope this first event it's she's just she just
Starting point is 01:10:08 she just tears everybody apart and it's like yeah y'all forgot who i was oh good i hope you're right me too young i hope she shows up and is just what do you think adam reintroduce myself and i'll be honest i don't know many of those girls but i am really excited to see emma carrie get back on the competition floor this year. Um, it's so cool to see her, to see her just like, go through what she went through and be back, man. I hope she does. Awesome. And she, and she took an approach to that that I feel like so many people don't and
Starting point is 01:10:37 seem to be so smart where, you know, there were maybe some question marks as to whether or not she could do it. And she was like, okay, I'm just going to put a pause on it, take this year and be sure and be certain hey uh she does you guys like why oh yeah oh i want to get rid of this i want to get rid of this list sorry caleb i i think that's even harder to do seeing mal be so successful too because they were just you know you couldn't say one without saying the other watch this girl here in the center of the screen watch she does she's cleaning and then she's going
Starting point is 01:11:09 from a front rack to the back rack so they have to pull this off the ground themselves and then she's about to go into her overhead squats now it's 165 do y'all think anybody will snatch that at the end of this oh that's how it's gonna look for a lot of people because they're gonna be fried after the ring muscle-ups i i agree i think watching mal makes it harder on emma i think a good example of the opposite kind of route to take as an athlete is what sarah did with that acl surgery was it last year she had surgery and came back so fast and and in other professional sports it makes it hard for you to see you know a running back or a receiver get an acl injury and then nine months later they're back on the
Starting point is 01:11:51 field and they're playing but it's just so different the stability comes so much faster than the range of motion i just think you get put into positions in crossfit that other sports don't go to potentially and just tough to watch something like that whereas emma seemed to have like adam was saying she's wise beyond her years had a good head on her shoulders and i'm sure a really great coach guiding her along the way hey oh shit that who is that girl is that who is that girl that we saw drop that the blonde girl i don't have land assignments uh she just got uh she went through all that work to get it up dropped the bar then went through all that work again the clean getting the bar behind the head
Starting point is 01:12:31 overhead squat position got one rep then had to start all over again and then got no rep at the bottom it looks like they're finished the cap is up yeah a lot of ladies hit the cap there. Did anybody finish? No. First heat, though. I know, but Elena Karatala is also very good at ring muscle-ups. The squats will probably kill her, but she's
Starting point is 01:12:57 very good at ring muscle-ups. Ben Lett on the unicycle. $5 from Australia. Good morning from Australia. Before the show, I would fall asleep between events. With this podcast, it makes the events so good to watch. Thank you. I think we should take both cameras over to the main event. I think we're done with Hiller.
Starting point is 01:13:19 He's about washed out. Or do we want to watch him bench press a little bit here? He's in that event. You can have Ben to make a rope climb right here. Oh in that oh okay we watched hillary do a couple rope climbs here we go oh he's worked at uh six reps on the overhead squat was the highest do you think that last bar i don know. I think he snatches it. I don't think a lot of people snatch it. You think he's the only one?
Starting point is 01:13:49 Maybe not the only one. Adam, do you have any idea who you might pick in the men's field? I've got to look at a list of who's all competing, but Vellner's pretty good at muscle-ups, isn't he? Yeah, Vellner would be my pick, but Taylor made a great point earlier with with his failures overhead overhead oh yeah this girl next to hillar put the camera on this girl next to hillar we need to have her on the podcast oh my goodness he's taking a bite out of him man oh my goodness yeah keep both of them in i want to see if hillar Hiller keeps looking at her to make sure she doesn't get ahead of him.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Hiller's got no chance next to her. What if she's with California Hormones as well? Maybe. She's on Russian Hormones. That's Danielle Brandon. Dude, she's yoked. Yeah, she's something else. Let's see who goes up first
Starting point is 01:14:45 hey taking him to wood oh she's taking hill or oh no no no he's already on the polo bar all right they're at different points that is a big guy doing gymnastics he's put on some weight oh so five z's a tough day he's down to five z's i think on that last overhead squat bar, though, I think you see a lot of athletes clean and go straight overhead from the front rack with a narrower grip than your, than your snatch grip. Okay. To the overhead squat.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yeah. It looks like. 2014. Emma carry in this next heat is going to be in lane. Number five. Lane lane number five. Lane number five. Oh, she's in heat two? Yeah, that's what it looks like.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Ed Mao told me to tell you there's another coaching team in the Pacific Northwest now. Sorry, man. You cut out for a second. Ed Mao texted me and told me to tell you there's another coaching team in the PNW now. Who is it? Don't even worry. Don't clutter your brain with that nonsense.
Starting point is 01:15:53 That was the best response. Don't clutter your brain with that nonsense. That was a tat. He coaches Tudor Magda. Oh, yeah. Hey, real quick, guys. You see the judge standing by the roller in front of hillar yes that is bruce wayne oh that's awesome that's awesome thank you for saying that that's awesome where is he he's in the blue shirt behind hillar's judge. Now he's facing us. He just turned around. He did a 360. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Hey, I think we want to get over to, we want to watch this heat. Is there a way we can get a second camera on? Oh, Nistler's in this heat too. Emma Carey, Nistler. Are they going? They're going right now. Is Bailey, did I see Bailey Rail? Is she doing individual?
Starting point is 01:16:50 I think it's Brittany Wise. Oh, oh yeah yeah wow good job okay they're all next to each other let's yeah we gotta switch over switch over let's switch over to the uh suza cam okay and just so you know this cam is a is about 30 seconds ahead of theirs is it really wow yeah they have a delay that sucks okay so emma carry is lane five do we know what other lanes everybody's in i'll tell you in this oh yeah yeah i'll tell you i got i took his picture of the screen here man i wish their screen was better because they have the rep counter this is tough uh alissa fuliano and two, Cecilia Ramirez in three, Constance Cabrera in four, Emma Carey in five, Nistler in seven, Brittany Weiss in eight. Oh, there we go. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Look at you. Oh, you took a screenshot too, Caleb? Yeah. You're a beast. I don't know if Sousa can move closer to the center. I guess probably moving him at this point is not the best idea. Is Nistler in the red, red short, red? Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Yeah, and so Emma carries down from her towards the left. It's two down, yeah. Brenda Briones, $1.99. Thank you. Mr. Spin is on his way, so we'll get a different. There's Emma. Yep, Emma and Andrea on the barbell. There's some girl squatting way over there you see yeah yep is that elena maybe oh wow emma just moved so fluidly she does yeah she's emma's a good pick for this yeah caratala
Starting point is 01:18:20 she's moving through the squats. What do you think the ideal place to break this workout is, Adam? For a male. For the males. And it's, what did you say? It's 15, is it 15, 12, 9 or 21, 15, 9? It's 21, 15, 9 for males. 21, 15, 9 muscle-ups and then it's 21-59. Max Waclenspot overhead.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Yeah. To set the muscle-ups. Yeah. Oh, nice, Caleb. Pulling an audible. Nice. So is this – whose camera is this? This is their camera.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Andrea Nistler is in the red pants, and just down from her adjacent is Emma Carey. And Cara Tala is right there as well. They're all right next to each other. Cara Tala has the long braid there. Oh, this cameraman is ballsy, dude. He's right in their faces. That must be Pat Vellner's cameraman. Emma's done.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Emma's on the ring muscle-ups. She has to advance her pylon. Okay, we can go back to the Susie cam. Nissa was right there with them when she's behind. Uh-oh. Two frames per second again. There we go. There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Can he zoom his camera on their lengths? No. This was on the ring-wise slabs as well. Yeah, back to the question, Taylor. I'm struggling with the rings a little bit i would i would say probably a break on the 21 and the 15 on the muscle ups and then hopefully you can send it on the nine you think breaking the front squats is advantageous at all uh i think that's a good opportunity for separation if you if you don't need to break
Starting point is 01:20:24 the front squats then you know just hold on the barbell is going to be better there. The rep speed is just so fast in that movement. Yeah. That's a good point. Okay. So we got a second camera there, by the way, now. Sorry. Go ahead, Adam.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Well, these rings too, like that long strap, it definitely does. It's different than how most people train in their gym for sure. And, uh, so I think, I think people are going to be smart on the rings, not get too, too aggressive, but that also could change if it's super windy, it might be advantageous to send it on the muscle ups and try to get on those without breaking them. So you don't have to try to corral them. Yeah. They're all tired now. yeah all three of them nobody's
Starting point is 01:21:07 jumping up yeah where which one's emma carry someone describe her to me how come i can't see her she's in the all black tank top uh i'm on the far end to you see she's trying to corral her rings she's trying to get up to her rings that's her fumbling one set down there she goes she's up now and there she goes car tile is in the lead car tiles on her front squats right now dude emma was jumping around for a minute trying to get a handle on her rings emma's really been having some issues i think she's missed it two or three times trying to jump up on the rings fuck that's annoying okay so this is mr spin's camera and that we can't see emma in this shot right because she's she's squatting down
Starting point is 01:21:46 No, no, no, she's not wearing anything She's about to clean her barbell And there's Emma's first ring Oh, okay, okay, thank you, thank you So she's dead center, that's Emma Carey dead center In the screen Yeah, and Carla Tala is in front of her About
Starting point is 01:22:01 Six, seven reps Emma's at seven And Andrea Nissler just came off the rings and she is stepping up she is in the pink pants emma broke at eight squats dude these overhead squats are gonna be bad for them i think emma's pacing to hit the nine unbroken you think so i don't i don't know they look they look tired yeah the more i watch this workout the more i think that there's going to be only a handful of athletes that can hit them unbroken i think he's one of them you're saying on nine overhead squats yeah well 165 it's yeah 235 for men i think he paces, though, if he doesn't send it.
Starting point is 01:22:47 I don't know. I don't think he's doing nine regardless. I'm broken. Might just be hopeful thinking. He's super fit, so I don't think he places poorly in the workout, but watching it and watching these athletes especially struggle through the front squats, it's a harder workout for women yeah and you're and you're right like he is just going to be able just to do it like the
Starting point is 01:23:11 barbell so well nine yeah okay emma's onto her set of nine and nine now where's clark is that her on the rings? Look at Emma's rings That one ring is just fucking That's not hers That's Karatala Let Mr. Spin speak for a second Go ahead Brian So Fuliano and Carrie
Starting point is 01:23:39 Just got on the rings at the same time Emma's ring must have been So he's saying Fuliano and Emma Carrier Tied for first They both got on the rings at the same time. Emma's ring muscle-upping. So he's saying Fuliano and Emma Carrier tied for first. They both got on the rings at the same time, if I heard that right. Emma just did a set of three. Are you sure she's on the same squats? What
Starting point is 01:23:56 we're watching on barbell spin, both Emma and Fuliano are on the rings for their last set. Can we see the rep scheme right now? Can we see the live stream so we can see the reps? Emma's on rep four of her muscle-ups. Rep five.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Yeah, they're going back and forth. They're tied for first. They're going back and forth. This guy's on her way to the ring. Emma's got three left. Emma has three muscle-ups to go. Dude, Juliana has two. Emma's got three left. Emma has three muscle-ups to go. Dude, Juliana is moving all around the place, though.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Okay, where is... Okay, Emma's jumping back up for her last three. There's rep seven. Rep eight. And she's got one to go. And Emma just locked out her last muscle-up, and she's moving one to go and emma just locked out her last muscle up and she's moving on to the nose wow she's got it wow i don't know if she's going unbroken she needs to take a uh is that fuliano right there putting her belt on no who is that that's pretty you said That's Fuliano. There he has the bar on her shoulder.
Starting point is 01:25:08 She's jerking it. Oh, wow. Okay, here we go. Oh, man, guys. This is going to be crazy close. This is going to be crazy close. This is Fuliano in the foreground? Oh, my goodness. Nine's a long time, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Oh, my goodness. One for Fuliano. Two. Emma's got five. Emma may do it. Three for Fuliano. There'siano. Two. Emma's got five. Emma may do it. Three for Fuliano. There's six. Yeah, Emma's got it.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Four for Fuliano. Seven. Oh my gosh. Hold it together. Five for Fuliano. Six for Fuliano. Okay, Carrie's got one more squat. Seven for Fuliano.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Nine. Whoa, she must have got a no rep. Eight for Fuliano. Nine for Fuliano. Nine for Fuliano. Emma Carey gets dropped. Oh, my goodness. That was so much closer. Hey, and neither of them sprinted.
Starting point is 01:25:54 That's because their legs are toast. They couldn't tell their legs to go. They both moved like robots after that. I wonder, you think Cartella and Nisler are like dying right now? Wow. That's an opening statement for Emma. Yeah. She did 10 overhead squats.
Starting point is 01:26:09 She must have gotten a no rep. On depth? Hey, Adam, you see a workout like this, the high-skilled gymnastics, and then a lot of strength and just in athleticism and getting in the snatch position, the overhead squats, the heavy bar, all that stuff, and you think, Hey, this is, this shows that Emma carries the real deal like this. I mean, I know it's only one test and it's just a couplet, but like this, this is a huge statement, right? I think so. A hundred percent. And not just that, like, that's a, you know, looking, coming back from a back injury, a heavy barbell, man, she, she did
Starting point is 01:26:44 great. She did great, man. And like you say, it's a well-rounded test. For sure. Man, that's really cool to see. There's a lot going on. And someone either told her to be smart or she was smart. She knew she had to do those last nine unbroken. That was the difference between if either one of those ladies would have put the bar down,
Starting point is 01:27:03 that would have been it for them. They would have taken second. Yeah. I don't think anybody told her that. I been it for them there to take in second. Yeah. I don't think anybody told her that. I think she's just out there being an athlete and competing, you know, doing whatever she can in the moment. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Yeah. I mean, you can go in with a plan for sure, but like at that point, you just got to make the best decision with the information you have. And she knew, she knew that's what she was doing before she ever picked up the bar. It looks like Nistler far back in your screen, just finished nine unbroken also.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I didn't hear what Mr. Spinn said. I just moved over. This is Suze's camera. So is this the final heat? Was this the last heat? Yeah, this was only the first heat. No, that was, yeah, there's only two heats of women. It looks like there's 20 to a field, 20 to a heat.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah, there's 38 women total and 37 men total uh esc sounds uh thank you yeah let's go emma uh both uh john young and brian friend chose uh emma carrie to uh win this wadapalooza event and take home that uh000. Good for you guys. Asshole. Oh, wow. I'm a tall struggling with the bar. Wow. Emma finished.
Starting point is 01:28:39 She crushed that. And she is so good at some other things. So her winning that workout is quite the statement. And she is so good at some other things. So her winning that workout is quite the statement, I think. Guys, we have now been live for 90 minutes. The next event is at 11.09 a.m. Is that right? Pacific Standard Time?
Starting point is 01:29:04 Is that what you guys have? Yeah, 2.09 p.m. All right.? Pacific Standard Time. Is that what you guys have? Yeah. 209 p.m. All right. Oh, but we have the men now. Yep. We got the men. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:14 You got to take a look at my screen right now. Alvin is the assistant to Nikki. Who? Mike Alpin. Oh, wow. He's got a job. He is Nikki's assistant. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Wow. Look at him. Look at him. He's got a headset and everything. That's Halpin with the arm tattoos and shit like that? That's Mike Halpin? That's him. With the headset on?
Starting point is 01:29:41 Yep. Wow. Seban just subscribed to his OnlyFans yeah totally oh my god nice what's funny is he lives hold on I want to get the audio on this let's get the audio on the
Starting point is 01:29:53 a little behind the scenes. I guess Nikki's getting ready to go live on the Waterpalooza broadcast. She's talking with the cameraman of where they want to set up for the best sound, for the best audio. Now she's trying to talk to the truck. She'll probably do an interview
Starting point is 01:30:21 with Emma Carey. Pretty cool to get this kind of behind the scenes look at how the nuts and bolts work uh yeah there's mike halpin one of our very own somehow somehow got a gig smartest guy in the room i had no idea he was all tatted up and shit like that be sure be sure for the emma carrie uh take all fund you're a good dude uh let's see if we can uh eavesdrop on uh this interview with uh nicky brazier and uh three heats guys for the women hey uh once again i want to thank uh dylan over at wadapalooza uh thank you so much for giving us this incredible access uh same uh matt o'keefe did this last year now dylan's doing again this year absolutely amazing we love supporting the event we love being a part of the event also none of this would be possible without california hormones and paper street coffee if you are at the event or
Starting point is 01:31:14 you're going to the event make sure you go to paper street coffee and try to throw tell gabe that you are friends with me and maybe you can get like a discount on your coffee or something or a handy or something he'll do something for you tell him we go or something or a handy or something. He'll do something for you. Tell him we, we go way back. Wow. Handy. Whatever. Something, everyone,
Starting point is 01:31:28 everyone, there's something for everyone at the paper street, uh, coffee booth. Okay. Um, I would like to take a pee break and maybe run a, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:42 a woman to the women finish because they're heat threes about to come go. What, what are you talking about? The women are done. No, Sarah didn't go. Spiegel didn't go. There's no Heat. Yeah, yeah, perfect. Okay, we're going to run this little, for those of you who need some programming,
Starting point is 01:31:54 I want to tell you my favorite programming service. And we'll all be back in one minute and five seconds. Being self-made just really means that you want to. So. Hey, we still have a hole in there. and five seconds. Being self-made just really means that you want to... So... Hey, we still have a hole in there. 12, Sarah, second shotter. Being self-made just really means that you want to put in more work that you don't want to put in.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Play number 10. SMT60 is plug and play for your class workout. And I'm as passionate about that as I am anything else. It's a fun workout. It's not a crazy workout. It's not a stupid workout, but it's going to be fun and it's going to be super challenging and you're 100% going to get fitter, stronger, better at your gymnastic skills, all the above. SMTP Compete is a training program geared towards people that are qualifying for quarterfinals and want to make it to semifinals. And it's the training methodology and the workouts
Starting point is 01:32:43 that I've been doing in my career. So when you subscribe to Self Made Training Program, our general track, you get access to SMTP Compete and SMTP 60. So you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training, warm ups, pull downs. And then you'll have another tab that says notes. And you'll have extreme detail on each workout, what you're shooting for, the time domains, equipment substitutes, scaling options, volume and rep scaling. You can check out our website, and sign up for a free seven-day trial of training. You can buy a 30 rack of Bush Light for 20 bucks. Come on, sign up for Self Made Training Program. A 30 rack of Bush Light.
Starting point is 01:33:23 That's awesome. bush lights. That's awesome. And we are back. Sarah Sigmund's daughter's on. Barbell spin, your camera has frozen. We will go back over. Looks like that's Danny Spiegel,
Starting point is 01:33:36 Rebecca Fuselier, and Sarah Sigmund's daughter on the Sousa cam, which is incredible, dude. What a killer spot you're in. I don't think anyone's touching. And Olivia Kerstetter is right next Sigmunds daughter. Holy shit. So we got Kerstetter, Sigmunds daughter, Danny Spiegel, and Rebecca Fuselier. Four of my favorites.
Starting point is 01:33:53 God, we're stoked. Oh, wow. Look at Rebecca. She has such great muscle-ups, but I don't think she's going to hang on to the barbell. Mr. Spin, we dropped you. Please, when you get a chance, come back on. Say that again, Mr. Spin, we dropped you a please. When you get a chance, come back on, uh, say that again, Mr. Self. I was just saying, look at Rebecca's muscle ups right there on the right side of the screen, the blue shorts and the elbow sleeve.
Starting point is 01:34:11 They're so clean, but I just don't know that she's going to be able to manage on the barbell. You mean the overhead squat is just going to absolutely crush her. I don't think anyone's touching Emma's time. Or what was the other athlete? John? Is John off? Yeah, I think John's like eating another bowl of cereal. Okay, let's see. Let's just stand high.
Starting point is 01:34:34 How are you? Okay. Just remove you again then. Rebecca Fuselier on the far right and the lane just to the left of her, I believe, is Danny Spiegel, who is standing under the blowing rings. Then to the left of her, standing underneath some blowing rings, is Sarah Sigmund's daughter, who looks like she's back up on the rings. Rebecca's first to the barbell.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Oh, putting the old belt on. Necessary for this, this adam like if everyone needs a weight belt out there no not everyone but it's not a bad idea okay oh yeah uh sigmund's daughter and kerstetter also to the bar uh danny spiegel still on the rings oh god sarah looks strong man oh my goodness okay so uh sigmund's daughter and uh kerstetter off to the races i don't know i haven't seen yours with her judge kerstetter kerstetter squats are so much cleaner it's like watching rebecca ficelli's muscle ups and kerstetter squats and you put those together and that's what emma carrie did in the last heat okay uh kayla was
Starting point is 01:35:45 just saying that spiegel was having some uh words with the judge i'm trying to see does she look does she look pretty good at the top of those it might have been some soft lockouts pushing away a little bit but yeah the best know how to do that and get away with it. He used to shake more water bottles. There you go. Okay, guys. All right. Come on. The time to beat is 9-10. I don't know that that's getting touched here.
Starting point is 01:36:23 They're moving. They're moving. They're on a faster clip, but we'll see if they... I they're moving they're on a faster clip but we'll see if they uh i kind of think they're gonna die out i want to watch olivia's muscle ups i didn't get to see many of her first ones didn't uh olivia kirsten or win some 30 someone was saying that i was asking how her muscles were yeah she she won that i don't know if she won it um i didn't pay attention to the qualifier but someone was saying she did really well in it. Yeah, I want to say she won it. 30 muscle-ups for time.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Rebecca's back up to the rings, which is not good for the other ladies. Who's over there and just failed the muscle-up? Blonde. Sarah? No, no, no. To the left of Chris Setter. Hey, what happened to JR? Were we supposed to have JR on this morning? I don't know. He said he was going to try
Starting point is 01:37:06 to join, and he's not here, so that probably means he's cleaning up baby throw-up or something. He's been replaced by Adam. Is it Sidney McAlishan? That might have been the athlete who failed. She's in third place right now, so I don't think
Starting point is 01:37:22 it's her. Victoria Compost is ahead of everybody right now. She's all the way on the other side. Who just cleaned the barbell? Are they on the front squats? Adam, where are your kids this morning? School. School.
Starting point is 01:37:40 The old school. Sydney Wells. Just getting to the back squats, apparently. Okay, that makes sense. Whoa. I can't see what the hell's going on from this angle. Victoria Campos. She's in the lead.
Starting point is 01:38:00 She's about to start front squats. That's Campos there? Dead center? Yeah. Why didn't she squat clean it? Because she felt like power cleaning. And who's that in the distance doing the back squats? Sydney Wells.
Starting point is 01:38:19 That's rough. Tough day for Sydney. It's bad for my rankings. Did you pick her? I said she was going to be like 18th Uh Mikalyshyn is still in Second right and Fusli is in
Starting point is 01:38:34 Third and who's in first Oh Campos okay And then Mikalyshyn Is second And Paige Powers is in third Paige Semenza oh no you're right powers wow you're right and it's impressive how you guys can pick out athletes from way across the screen
Starting point is 01:38:57 to tell who they are nothing well we're all we're cheating a little bit too nothing we don't have anything better to do we're cheating a little bit uh that's danny spiegel uh on the right of your screen on the rings and in the foreground is uh rebecca fusli and the blue shorts doing the front squats and you got her look good yeah yeah she does yeah they're clean yeah she's not moving quickly but they're clean for sure uh sarah sigundsdottir just got off the rings, headed over to the bar. Kerstetter still got a couple more on the rings. Fusli is holding fifth place.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Adam, how much emphasis? Oh my gosh, that was not a good squat for Sarah. Again, not a good squat. I'm not trying to shit on her. I'm not trying to shit on her. Just look look at her look at oh one shoots so far forward with like massive ankle flexion the other she dumps into the hip a little bit it's just interesting i'm sure from the surgery you see what i'm talking about yeah is that just poor rehab you think i think it's rushed rehab i don't think it's bad body mechanics
Starting point is 01:40:03 no you have a surgery like that and the last thing to come for like an ACL surgery is flexion without a doubt. And when you start to rush the squatting, when you don't have the flexion, that side or that leg, you dump all of your range of motion into the hip, right? You don't, you want as little bit of knee flexion as possible. Whereas if you delay your, your process a little bit and allow the flexion to come back before you start really loading your squatting then you train the proper mechanics but if she like you know if you come off an acl surgery and like okay month two month three month four you start oh spotting spiegel's fighting with their ref again uh spiegel's fighting with their judge
Starting point is 01:40:38 again she's still in the muscle ups yeah here i've, I've got a... No, I agree, Taylor. I'm just saying like she trained squatting that way. Yeah, exactly. You're right. She trained. So what I think is if you push it back a little bit and you're like, okay, what I'm going to prioritize is range of motion first. And then when the range of motion is there and it's restored and the function is there and you start squatting again then your mechanics go back relatively to normal whereas if you start training it early and you have to dump into the hip and now you have that issue where one side you're relying on hip flexion the other
Starting point is 01:41:13 side you're relying on ankle knee flexion so it's a little wonky and i why aren't we on the suzy cam oh here we go uh can we switch over to the suzy cam hey uh oh oh thank you thank you yeah good shot i was in the process of asking adam how much time like justin is a fantastic mover and it's obvious that if you're an athlete competing at this level the more efficient and the more technically sound all of your movement is the better you're going to be how much do you think you guys or Justin in particular, you prioritize movement quality? Or do you think that's just something that comes more naturally to some
Starting point is 01:41:52 athletes versus others? I think it's a huge point of emphasis in our training. And that's like, you know, after the 2020 games when Justin struggled in the overhead press on the CrossFit Total, and I was like, man, I got to call up my buddy Jesse Bufano. He's a strength. That's his world is just like digging into strength. And so he does like three sessions a week on Zoom with Justin
Starting point is 01:42:20 and watches every rep of his strength work. And so, I i mean he's getting feedback every single rep you know it's not it's there's no empty reps it's never like oh i'm just going to do it and and get through it and go through the motions it's like um you know that that movement quality piece that you talked about is is massive yeah yeah all right she's got 30 seconds to do 10 9 overhead squats victoria, dead center, trying to finish the workout in the barbell spin cam. Paige Cemenza has four reps left.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Oh, wow. He says Paige Cemenza's in the lead with four reps left, and Campos can't even do one rep. So it looks like Cemenza's going to win this heat. Oh, she's going to finish it. I think she's going to win the event. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Wow. Wow. I was not expecting that. Wait, wait, wait, going to finish it. I think she's going to win the event. Yeah. Wow. Wow. I was not expecting that. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. 907. No, Emma Carey won the event. That was close, huh?
Starting point is 01:43:16 Yeah. 920. 920 is what she paid for men's offense. She finished it. Is that Nick Alition with the bar overhead? Yes. I think you're right. yep looking good huh victoria cannot do it she's failed twice wow mickalician looks great oh and i think that's page powers right uh in our in the foreground dead center closest to us yep Yeah, Paige Powers is a special athlete.
Starting point is 01:43:50 She's going to be... Oh, that's Semenza. Semenza is the one who won the heat. Oh, right. But that's Paige Powers right in front of us. Oh, she's dropped the bar. Damn it. Make a listen.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Victoria got no reps again. What's the time cap on this? 12 minutes? 12 minutes. Okay, a bunch of these girls are going to finish. Yeah, they got two minutes left. So she thought, it looks like Paige Powers thought she was setting it down and the ref gave her a no rep. Maybe she wasn't at full extension at the top of that rep.
Starting point is 01:44:26 That's a hard no rep because she's still sitting there. I think wrestling helps Justin a lot too as far as naturally being a good mover because he's so bendy before you even got your hands
Starting point is 01:44:42 on him. He's a great athlete, man, all the way around but you watch his ghd's and people aren't normally that bendy he's there we go page bendy you know what i'm saying totally yeah man he's pretty fast at those things oh wow dang victoria got to the overhead squats at eight minutes and she still has not finished them all right so we got uh that sucks if she was murder um foliano was right there within that range as well oh yeah campus is getting tore up right now by the judge where's sarah and uh oh my god look at fusliano doesn't even her her right arm isn't even straight when she does the overhead squats.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Wow, that's some crazy arm position. Karstetter just finished right under the cap. I think that's it. Nobody else is going to finish. Here we go. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Got no rep. Oh, that hurts. that's a wrap that hurts and brian was right he said that's an aggressive start to the uh to the competition that's a
Starting point is 01:46:17 that workout's no joke good for page to menza that was a great event for her so now the men are gonna go yes let's talk to see what's going on with the barbell spins let's see what's going on with Nikki although we had Brian Friend there
Starting point is 01:46:37 for a second yeah yeah let's check the audio here let's see what's going on who is that that's Paige Semenza will you guys keep yeah and Emma took the win not Paige but they're interviewing Paige going on. Who is that? That's Paige Semenza? Will you guys keep that? I'm not believing this. And Emma took the win, not Paige, but they're interviewing Paige. Well, it's this heat.
Starting point is 01:46:52 She won the heat. It's the heat winner. Bullshit. Fine, Emma. I'm tucking that in the back pocket and getting pissed. I want another cup of coffee. The next event you win, don't interview me. Have you ever had Cometeer coffee? No, I only drink Paper Street.
Starting point is 01:47:11 Okay, sorry. That's okay. That's okay. That's okay. It happens to the best of us. That's blasphemy. I can't believe that came out of my mouth. Goodness gracious.
Starting point is 01:47:21 Next time you ask me about another coffee company, I'm going to ask you when's the last time. How's your comp training going? How's your comp training going? Good, man. Do you want to see if Brian can get in there closer? I think there's a barrier right there.
Starting point is 01:47:43 I can't even hear him. Okay. I just't even hear him. Okay. I just like it how the people from the podcast have infiltrated every event. Look at Halpin there. He's living his best life. Yeah, look at him. He lives in Amish country, so it's kind of hilarious seeing him in this atmosphere. Hey, does he need to wear that shirt?
Starting point is 01:48:03 Can we get him a CEO shirt when he's down there? He probably has to wear that shirt can we get him a ceo shirt when he's down there he probably has to wear that media shirt oh it is a media shirt okay yeah all right dude hey i'm gonna i'm gonna run here in a minute but uh thanks for having me on this morning absolutely brother we'll continue to send you links throughout the week i really appreciate you coming on heck yeah man you guys this You guys keep up the good work. This is awesome. Thank you. Thanks, Adam. Later, boys. See ya.
Starting point is 01:48:27 Have a good one. A real working man, Adam. Knifer has to, he can't just sit around and watch Wadapalooza all day. He has to actually. Spiegel was outside of the top ten on that heat, in the heat. She was having a lot of issues on the rings. And from what I saw saw justifiably so it wasn't you know she was arguing with the judge but i saw several of her muscle ups where she was clearly pushing so far out i do i want to say this emmental 17th
Starting point is 01:48:55 place oh oh hannah moya 15th place uh these are two people who uh uh, in the, in the picks, a lot of people were picking to be in the top five. That means they will be digging themselves out of a hole, uh, early, uh, this, uh,
Starting point is 01:49:14 week. Um, I would love to make a, uh, I would love to make a cup of coffee. Uh, if, can I go ahead and what do I, what i do here i run run an l1 commercial and
Starting point is 01:49:29 then uh and then can you guys hold the fort are you guys gonna fucking freak out if i leave we can talk about them man probably freak out you think they'll freak out i will oh now john will just keep going. Don't worry. John will start reading the comments and shit. John will just keep going. I don't see the... When are the men going?
Starting point is 01:49:57 I don't see the commercial for the L1. So I'm going to play this commercial, this compilation commercial of just chaos at the Sebon podcast. And the men will be going soon very soon right i think the men go at uh yeah the men have to be done the men are supposed to be done in the next 50 minutes so that means they must be coming on any second okay i'm gonna go run and make a cup of coffee and play this quick commercial and then it's up to you and taylor and caleb to hold the fort i'll try to be as fast as I can. Got you. All right.
Starting point is 01:50:27 What is with this guy? You know, if Howard Stern and Joe Rogan had a baby, you'd be looking at him. Remember, the people were live. So don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that. And this is why this is the greatest show on the Internet, because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum. And then right after, there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to handjobs. People without their names and they, uh...
Starting point is 01:50:50 No one clip that and play that on the internet. A thumb with a mustache, yes. Listen, a guy named Johan Lopez called you a thumb with a mustache. Wow. I'm gonna shit myself. Man, that Sebon podcast is dull as shit. Okay, you guys have a great day. You too.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Thanks for calling. Mwah. No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom I was talking to. Oh, I didn't know. know wow that was a throwback i was that was the first uh thumb statement ever can't believe that's on a guy's caught that that's crazy on the internet now forever who do we got for the men it sounds like you got gee man i just have a hard time picking anyone else the squats look so important and he's good at muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:51:45 He's not bad at muscle-ups. Better than good. He's definitely top in the field in muscle-ups. I'm not going to say better than Pat, but who's that? Is that anal? Annual. Annual. Annual.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Whatever. It's all anal. Do you have the lane assignments, Caleb? I'm waiting for them to pull it up right now do you think that's a joke he hears like when i was growing up everybody was obsessed with like selfish jokes oh myself do you think like that's a joke he hears in all the time probably just like i hear beaver jokes all the time yeah that's it lane one is open lane two is archer seminar lane three probably semen off yeah that's why these guys are so fucking good when you get bullied like that you just want to fucking kill people exactly you just have a hatred just deep burning hatred
Starting point is 01:52:43 for everybody keep going going, Caleb. Lane four is going to be Peter Mason. Lane five is Tiago Luzes. Lane six is Leonel Franco. Lane seven is Philip Moscarella. Lane eight is open. Lane nine is Keke Cervaini. And lane ten is Cam Crockett.
Starting point is 01:52:59 Okay. So I think Leonel Franco will do good in this heat. As far as the win goes, I'm going to take Pat just because it's hard to not pick him in a ring muscle-up workout. I can't believe Brian picked Pat for fifth overall. I know. I know. I think he was shocked I picked him to win. How old is Pat now?
Starting point is 01:53:20 Is he 34? No, he's like 32. No way. Let's look up his no he's much yeah okay pat velner 32 really bullshit off the cuff he was born in 1990 he's my sister's age that's crazy he's the same age as uh matt frazier and then a year older than brent fukowski yeah i think Rich is 34. He could still compete individually. Yeah, Rich was born in 88 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:53:50 That's nuts. He's definitely old now. Who else do you have, though? I know you don't like Ricky just because of squats. That's someone who I think could have a lot of benefit from a lot of training around his movement efficiency mechanics. He's such a raw athlete. And if he moves things a little bit better,
Starting point is 01:54:08 especially on the barbell, he'd be just that much better. Yeah, I agree. I think he just needs to go on a front squat cycle though. And, but again, I was,
Starting point is 01:54:20 you know, I know they prioritize that and Justin prioritizes that. I just wonder how much of that is like, it seemed you've been watching justin back when he was fledgling in uh the 2018 regional he just moved so well and how much well he started crossfit young too though alissa mcguire uh emma carry one if anyone yeah i mean you look at emma carry you look at mal o'brien how good do they move you know if people start when they're 12, they move amazing. I think it's probably that simple because they all three move very, very, very good. Matt has that junior Olympic weightlifting background, which is why his barbell stuff is so efficient.
Starting point is 01:54:58 And I think for some athletes, the gymnastics come really naturally in terms of efficiency. Like for me, that comes very efficient. Barbell comes efficient naturally. For those of you who don't know, oh, my goodness, there are some struggles the athletes are having getting the rings in the wind. I just saw someone. Raymond Romanik, the bald guy closest to the center. I used to train with him up in Virginia.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Guys, you are watching the rings and squat event. It's the first event at Wadapalooza 2023. The women have already gone, the elite women. And Emma Carey took, the highlights are that Emma Carey did take first place. And down at the bottom, there were some picks that we thought were going to do quite well, like Ohana Moya, am I saying her name right? I think it was down there. like ohana uh moya might say her name right i think was down there and i think sarah sigman's daughter was down there and uh pretty far uh below below the top 10 that guy raymond romanick is one
Starting point is 01:55:52 of one of the most natural athletes what guy raymond romanick you gotta see him the guy in the middle i used to train with him and and what guy in the middle i see three guys in the middle the bald guy who's got his hands on the bar he's about to pick it up ah yes so in 2018 at regionals he was the guy who wore the i heart sarah sigman's daughter shirt with his phone number you remember that wow he uh so i used to train with him he's he's one of the most just like physically gifted and what i've not seen from him is him putting it together mentally or like consistency in training but if he trained like a lot of these top guys did he would be unreal is he kind of like jake berman uh no i'm not gonna say that jake is super consistent you look at some
Starting point is 01:56:37 of what jake posts and you like fall into the trap of all he's not living like a lifestyle like you know committed to training but jake, Jake puts it together. I think. It's just, he did. He puts up some freakish stuff that he does. And then it just doesn't translate to competition. I think, I don't know. What I would say with Raymond is it doesn't seem like he, he doesn't seem to put all of his chips in the way other people did. Like I think.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Patrick Elder doesn't put all his chips in. That's not did like i think patrick other doesn't put all his chips in uh that's not fucking true i i know what you mean by him saying that but raise more he just has more so it just it doesn't seem like he's you know super committed to he wants to put everything into it i think if he did he would be he he just i don't know i have there there are people that you just see in the gym and you're like, wow, they can do everything so well. And just how, why aren't they putting it together? Is Alexander Caron in this heat? Is he doing individual?
Starting point is 01:57:31 There's a guy here on their live feed. Who's jacked out of his mind. I'm trying to figure out who he is. His arms are huge. He's just jumping on the rings now. Oh, uh, on your, like, I isn't in fifth place. Uh, Raquel may is in first place, going neck and neck with Franco. Lionel?
Starting point is 01:57:49 Lionel Franco? Lionel. Lionel. No, it's Lionel. It's L-E-O-N-E-L. I prefer Lionel. Lionel Franco. Oh, it is Caron.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Caron's in – okay, Caron just took – it is. Alexander Caron is in this heat. Okay. Didn't he take third last year? He just jumped up three spots from sixth to third. Yeah, I think it was Pat, Sam, and Caron that all took the podium last year. It's a Canadian podium. Yeah, I think Alexander.
Starting point is 01:58:18 No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alexander Caron and then Sam Wilcorn. At some point, Caleb, do we have access to a leaderboard just to give everyone who's just tuning in now just a quick update on the women so that they know where they're... We can just do just a quick... Emma Carey's first. Paige Semenza is second. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:58:39 This is good. How did Paige Powers do? Paige Powers was like 7th that's a good finish for her okay yeah let's go down to the bottom and see some of the okay so tough day for Danny I picked her to win the event that ain't happening
Starting point is 01:58:54 fuck okay so they don't have all the scores in yet okay we'll come back but they have most of them though olivia kirk said it was eighth i think that's a great finish for her i agree i agree well said it's crazy seeing the yachts in the background swing by the event i'm pretty sure they have one that just like sweeps packs like back and
Starting point is 01:59:25 forth with a big old billboard on it you have to be so fucking rich to own a yacht i remember that last year the the uh the yacht with the lights on it yeah it's crazy it's massive or foolish with your money uh you have to pay people full time on that fucking thing yeah it's like owning a house and then serving having people keep it keep it clean that's under perpetual earthquake and a captain is not like a fucking easy trade like you have to pay them a lot of money that's a specialized you know imagine having that job though like that'd be so dope i don't know being at the whim of whoever fucking owns that thing fuck that dude i hate i
Starting point is 02:00:05 hate people telling me what to do it's just a driver you get to enjoy driving the boat wherever you want we're going left now we're going right fuck you we're going where i want to go i'd be the worst captain how many people and employees every yacht employees how many people it employs every yacht employs how many people it takes to build a yacht to take care of a yacht to maintain a yacht god bless those rich people i love them don't get it twisted anybody maybe one day seven on a yacht i will no i wouldn't use my money like that i would never do that neither would i i just don't i'm not and i don't even like the like what would be way cooler is just to have like a offshore fishing boat or something or why not just once a year spend a hundred grand and just uh rent a yacht i wouldn't rent one either for a couple weeks you wouldn't
Starting point is 02:00:57 rent a yacht for me and the homies to go out on come on yeah you would no i'd rather rent like a fucking sick like verbo house hey dude you can rent a big ass yacht in the fucking caribbean and 20 of us can go on it and the dude would the cook just jumps off and pulls in a tuna and we eat it raw it's insane it's just something that makes me uncomfortable is having people like serving you i have no problem with that you don't worry your servant can serve me i have no problem with that i want to yeah i don't like that i love it didn't you ever have a servant job it's cool i've had servant jobs it's dope i worked for i trained for two days at a uh like an american pub style restaurant and like the second day i was in the kitchen and just was like looking at
Starting point is 02:01:42 all this nasty food and i was like fuck this all this nasty food. And I was like, fuck this. I quit. Oh, it's just cool working with people. And I worked at a 24. I was saying this the other day. I worked at that 24 hour fitness. And all I did all day was stand at the front desk in full towels. Yeah. And customer service is not for me.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Oh, I love that shit. It's but it's and it's so different in an affiliate, though. Like how crazy that's essentially a customer service job. Right. Yeah. But it's so different in an affiliate, though. That's essentially a customer service job, right? Right. But it's so different. Yeah, but it's kind of special. Oh, look, there's Anyola Kai, dead center. That's my boy.
Starting point is 02:02:13 Leano Franco is almost – Up his chest piece. How tall is he? Six foot. He looks like six foot. Six foot, 189. He looks long. Wow.
Starting point is 02:02:24 He's light. He's light. He's light. It's a little toothpick. Yeah, I'm counting a little extra something. Lionel is on the overhead squats. He's bent over right there in the blonde hair, putting the belt on right there. What's the time on the workout? Where are they at?
Starting point is 02:02:40 9.30, 12-minute cap. Ladies already chewing. We're at 10 minutes on the stream. Oh, so it's 20 seconds behind on the live stream. Well, we're watching. Yeah. But I'm just letting you know the times that I see. Oh, and he fails his over the head.
Starting point is 02:02:59 That ain't good. That's just a good indicator that that's where the good stuff is. It leads to Gee bit winning for sure i can't believe how much they're struggling but i mean he just failed getting it overhead and i wasn't even and and look at the look at the ramifications of that he's now forced to take a one minute break alex carone is looking great on the bar yeah oh wow he looks strong yeah he was like just he's like a piston he's like a piston it's not super fluid but it looks rock solid now you see his depth though i see ricky looking like
Starting point is 02:03:32 this alex caron is so much stronger than ricky overhead squats more than 370. Who? Caron? Alexander Caron, yeah. I don't know, but he's got a fucking insane clean. This isn't a clean. Wow, Hiller's beating Madaris?
Starting point is 02:03:58 It must have been the clean or the 3RM front squat. Leo has two left. Wait, so Hiller took fourth overall right now in the gauntlet overall? Correct. That was last, though. That was the first day. What a stud. Who else is he going to do with the rest of the weekend? Nobody.
Starting point is 02:04:12 A lot of people do it, don't they? Yeah, and Hiller's going to recover better than anyone, dude. He's got all that trend. He needs to do it again on Sunday. Dude, these guys are throwing the fucking bar. Yeah, they are. Caron just failed. Franco?
Starting point is 02:04:24 No rep. Did Franco finish? No, he's not even close. He failed his last rep. He failed his last rep. He's got one rep left. Why is Caron's a judge holding the peace sign at him?
Starting point is 02:04:35 Is he getting violent? Oh, no way. This is the end it for Franco. That's such a sloppy finish. Wow. Man, if you finish a workout like that i'm fucking furious at myself why what do you do at it you fail the first rep then you fail the last rep and you take a minute of rest in between attempts that's a fucking blunder but you still win the event you win
Starting point is 02:04:59 your heat but that's irrelevant he did that with one second left on the clock. Fuck. I would be so livid. Oh man. Caron's arm gets compromised every time. Oh, there's some nice shattered chalk next to him on the ground. Gosh,
Starting point is 02:05:15 they look crushed by this event. Now. Okay. I see it. I said two 35, but I only saw two blues on there, but they have a little tin in between. Ah, okay.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Oh, so there's only one more heat. This is the big boy heat we'll be seeing. I'm sorry? Two more heats. Oh, all right. Well, that sucks. Oh, Seminoff was in that heat. Seminoff.
Starting point is 02:05:45 So is Nate Ackerman. Is that Nate? No. Who? That's Hiller. That's Hiller. Oh, sorry. I was looking at the wrong screen.
Starting point is 02:05:54 Different thing, but no, that wasn't Nate Ackerman. He's going to be offended that you thought he was Nate Ackerman. No. Hey, let's talk to Hiller. Let's talk to Hiller. Sousa. He's talking to Brian. All right.
Starting point is 02:06:04 It might be a little loud loud but let's try this somebody says he's better audio could you guys hear travis when i talk to him no you sound good now though yeah travis was in and out travis was in and out he was in and out okay the reason why is because when i think you talk into your phone i think what it does is it recalibrates the phone and lowers it for when Travis talks. So the longer you're quiet. It's because I'm in an Air Bud. So hold on. Let me switch.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Everybody's going to be able to hear you. Hi, can you guys hear us? Yeah. Hey, Hiller, how was that? Yeah, perfect. We hear you perfect. Hiller, how was that? We just can't hear you now is the only problem.
Starting point is 02:06:45 Oh. Well, that's no good. Maybe you can ask Killer some questions. Okay, maybe you can go the fuck away. Okay, so we have no cameras. You're just left staring at us. I will get you guys something. Give me a second.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Oh, wow. Look at this is what JR just sent in a group text with me and Brian. This is an awesome take. There, bud. Go ahead. Sorry, Taylor. Go ahead. So JR just sent to me and Brian.
Starting point is 02:07:20 He goes, wow, if they put the overhead squat first, this workout has such an exciting finish nuts, how nothing matters more other than the overhead squat. The rest is almost irrelevant. And I agree. And what he typed out was this format, 21 ring muscle ups, nine overhead squats, 15 ring muscle ups, 15 front squats, nine ring muscle ups, 21 back squats. And it looks super pretty. And no, it would have been way more exciting because then you could speed rep if you want to speed rep, and it's just who wants to speed rep faster. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:55 Or what I thought you were saying originally is why not start with the front squats and end with the ring muscle-ups or no? Well, this is what, yeah. I don't know if you can see that. The overhead squats. That on my screen. Okay. that's the rep scheme jr recommended which looks pretty 21 9 15 15 9 21 yep yep i love that next year next year uh okay uh can we talk to Andrew Hiller? Can we just get Andrew to chime in on his own phone? I wonder if I can just send Andrew a link.
Starting point is 02:08:31 Oh, I see what you're saying. You can try to send him a link, Stephen. I tried to pull you out of the air, bud, but the problem is you can hear us better, but we can't hear you because of the music. Andrew, use your own mic. did you hear what i said bam uh andrew use your phone to when they have the heat assignments let me check in so we can talk to you. All righty. It looks like Andrew Hiller is at the actual floor of the first event,
Starting point is 02:09:14 which the women have already gone. Emma Carey took first. Paige Semenza took second. The event is called Rings and Squats, I think. It's right there at the Bayside. What's the venue called? Bayside? Bayside. Bayside at Guadalupalooza. And now the first heat of the men went,
Starting point is 02:09:31 and I think only one man finished within the time cap, right? Leonel Franco. Oh, here is, who's that? Keelan Henry in the red? Yeah, and then we got Keelan Henry, yep. And Brian, I think he'll do really good in this event. The first lane is open.
Starting point is 02:09:47 Second lane is Henry Kapilainen. Third lane is Cole Greysaber. Fourth lane is Dallin Pepper. Fifth is Samuel Paquin. Sixth is Lucas Gruliff. Seventh is Matt Poulin. Eighth is Benjamin Gutierrez. Ninth is Luke Parker.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Tenth, Jack Rosema. And then... I think Dallin's going to do well in this workout. pooling eighth is benjamin gutierrez ninth is luke parker tenth jack rosema and then i think dallin's gonna do well in this workout so basically dallin and luke are two of the guests we've had on the show and they're both we'll see i'm interested to see how lucas parker does this weekend me too i don't think it's lucas parker i think it's luke parker but i hear you okay sorry lucas is the canadian he get luke gave me two pairs of reebok nanos at crash luke parker yeah he's a good dude and i just look like a type of guy who you need to give free shoes to that's exactly how i would have taken it too. Oh.
Starting point is 02:10:46 He's currently in the lead, Luke Parker. Not anymore. He was. Down's having some issues getting on the rings. Because of the wind? Because of the wind. It almost looks like the wind is getting worse. Hey, so can you tell me, who is that in the center lane dead center who just came off the ring she's about to pick up the bar first who's that anyone know uh i want to say it's lane
Starting point is 02:11:15 okay and then uh in the foreground in the red shirt the guy uh in the red shirt is uh keelan henry uh the far one closest to us. Yeah. And then who's next to him who just lifted up his shirt and adjusting his belt? I don't know. Okay. This is all irrelevant. This comes down to the nine overhead squats.
Starting point is 02:11:36 So these guys that are – Lucas Ozaki. The guy in the red shirt. Oh, shit. So someone – the guy next to Dallin Pepper is having some real ring issues. Oh, shit. He is pissed. Something happened in his leg.
Starting point is 02:11:49 A chain fell on him. What? Oh, shit. There's a chain that has dropped into his area where he was doing ring muscle-ups. It looks like the chain is part of the ring straps in order to keep them from blowing around. Like, they have some chain. Good fucking God, that's terrible.
Starting point is 02:12:11 Do you get what I'm saying? There's, like, some sort of chain implement that's attached to these rings. No, I have no idea what you're talking about. To keep them from swinging so much. Yeah, there's, like, a heavy steel link chain. Okay, let's see. Go ahead, Sousa, Go ahead. Yeah, I was gonna
Starting point is 02:12:26 say you're right. They got a chain like midway through, so to keep them from swinging around too much. So it's just a weight on the strap, but one of them on the other end as well. I don't know if you guys can see it from the angle, but the chain came off and it's hanging by the ring. So I don't know if anybody is in that way, but that
Starting point is 02:12:41 would pose an issue. Okay, so yeah, what Sousa's saying is that they use chains to make the straps heavier ran it along the side of the strap so that they'd blow around less but what's ended up happening is in one of the lanes i don't know who it is the chain actually came off and it was now hanging below the rings and that whoever the athlete was he was pissed and he switched over and started using someone else's rings jack jack rosema is running away with this right now. I know it doesn't matter. He's got a good snatch.
Starting point is 02:13:10 He's got a 300 pound snatch. Yeah. He's not going to have trouble with all of his locks. They're really struggling. Some of them with those long straps. I've seen most of the athletes fall through the rings like a missed luck one. It's a big issue for them.
Starting point is 02:13:25 Hey, isn't that how Brooke Wells injured her arm originally? No, I guess. What is Sydney's first muscle-up that happened to her in previous women's teams? She fell through the ring.
Starting point is 02:13:40 Yeah, it looks gnarly, but I don't know if it was Andrew. I don't think so it was Andrew. I think so. Yeah, it looked pretty bad. Andrew Hiller. Hello. What's up, dude? Can you hear us?
Starting point is 02:13:52 Yeah. How loud is this? Pretty damn loud. Okay, well, what if I do this? Is this any better? Everything's better with you here, buddy. That's good. That's nice to hear.
Starting point is 02:14:03 Hey, how was that gong? I'm sorry? Did that look as bad as I felt? Yeah. It looked, we watched you basically crumble, and it sucked because you were next to that girl who was just incredible. She was stealing your thunder.
Starting point is 02:14:18 She was smoking it, yeah. Yeah. But it does look like you beat Justin Medeiros by one place. That's nuts. That's nuts. That's funny. I can't wait to tell him that. Yeah, I think you're currently in fourth, and he's currently in fifth.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Oh, shit. It was your big front squat. Isn't that bullshit? He did 275 on the front squat. Why? Did you have a female bar, too? I guess. Did you have a female bar too? I guess. Did you guys pick up on that?
Starting point is 02:14:48 That they gave me a female barbell? Yeah. Wow, that's fucked up. I went out there and I was like, hey guys, I think this thing's the wrong one. I know you put me into a female lane, but come on. And then they gave me a male barbell for the hang snatch one. I was like, alright, alright. Oh!
Starting point is 02:15:11 I don't know who that was, but someone just fell off the rings. Yeah, the rings are flying. That was Jack. That was Jack Rosenblum, but he's squatting right now. You're watching the live stream, right? Yeah, I just peeked over at it. We're 20 seconds ahead. I'll turn my camera around.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Hiller, are you recovered from the gauntlet? Yeah, it was just really hot. And I think that's all exercise that I've done in the course of the past couple of weeks, all in one hour. Hey, would you consider moving to Florida? Oh, yeah. Totally. We've thought about it. We're kind of over Illinois.
Starting point is 02:15:55 It's too cold. I'm in a good mood right now. I got in this morning at 3.30 a.m. And then I woke up, and it was nice out. It felt really good. Will Branstetter says, why not just keep the female barbell plus 10 pounds? I think the problem with the female barbell
Starting point is 02:16:16 was the fact that he couldn't put enough weights on it. That was the problem this morning. Then they gave it to him when it was already irrelevant. They're like, oh, here you go. Wow. Luke Parker is currently beating down. Really? Where's he at in the heat?
Starting point is 02:16:34 They're in the... Dallin is fifth, Luke is fourth. Five front squats in. And... Keelyan is 11 front squats. Keelian is 11 front squats in. Ozaki is 11 front squats in. Rosemus is 10 front squats in.
Starting point is 02:16:52 I muted Hiller. Sorry, Hiller. Nothing against you. Just that is some loud shit. Dude, I gotta find a good office chair. This thing's breaking my neck. Hiller wouldn't need his tanning bed anymore if he moved to florida didn't you just get a new office chair or was that someone else must have been someone else
Starting point is 02:17:10 oh okay it looks like jack uh keelan and ozaki are all tied they're all at the rings um the next people are grease saber parker dallin gray shaper to taylor as much as i like that uh layout that jr was mentioning i do like the train wreck component of the overhead squats at the end i do too it's kind of like watching elbows collapse and just it's it's uh i mean what if it was uh i mean i like jrs as well but i mean think 9-9, 15-15, 21-21 works too. His layout is more... It is pretty. You don't see something like that often.
Starting point is 02:17:54 I think it looks really cool. Yeah. If Guadalupalooza had came out with that rep scheme, people would have been like, whoa. For sure. I bet 9-15-21, though, would make them come out hotter than they want to. Yeah, for sure. It would be more destruction at the end is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:18:12 On the muscle-ups. Yeah, because people go unbroken, and then they go unbroken, and then they think about unbroken. You know what I mean? And then you have 21 back squats. In about four or 5 minutes here 6 minutes here people we will be starting the final heat of the
Starting point is 02:18:30 rings and squad event it's the first event of the Wadapalooza 2023 individual competition the women have already gone you got Emma Carey in first and Paige Semenza in second this next heat of men is going to be quite remarkable Vakowski, Vellner, Gee Roman Krennikoff sorry go ahead John uh this next heat of men is going to be quite remarkable uh the cows velner gee roman uh
Starting point is 02:18:47 roman krennikoff sorry go ahead john ozaki just finished he's on the overhead squats he's in first um keelan and he's still muscle up and jack is just finishing the muscle ups oh so ozaki killed it yeah ozaki's killing it but he's he's very time killing it now it's over he's victoria compost could have seen that coming that's who he is that's him we just walked back to the water yeah he's taking a dip he's cooling off it wasn't close to locking out either who's the guy back is kneeling okay watch center your screen here here's the leader but we got an overhead squat issue keelan's about to go as well jack's just resting probably smartly
Starting point is 02:19:34 and uh watch this he's gonna attempt overhead squat position which he failed last time oh here we go he was up and that up. And that is not going to be a good one. He just paused in the bottom. Two. Three. Keelan's got one. Keelan is struggling, too. Keelan's got two.
Starting point is 02:19:56 Four. Oh, my goodness. Oh, Nelly. I mean, he's hustling through it, Taylor. This is a snatch. Five. He tried to snatch it. Oh, Luke Parker's getting ready.
Starting point is 02:20:04 Hey, let's watch Luke Parker in the far back left-hand corner of your screen. There you go. If he can get these, he wins this. Oh, he looks great. Oh, Luke Parker, two. Three. Azusa, four. Who's that to the right on the right of the screen?
Starting point is 02:20:20 Are they on overhead squats? Oh, wow. Five. Next to Keelan Henry. Who's to the right of Keelan Henry? Jack Rose to the right. I don't know. He was on overhead squats oh wow five next to keelan henry who's who's to the right of keelan henry jack rose or uh to the right i don't know he was on front squats he was on front squats oh okay okay don't worry about it man luke's got four to go oh this guy go back go back go back go back man pat and back to the left yep it looks like the leaderboard has frozen on the
Starting point is 02:20:42 i mean they're all just dying. Dude, Ozaki's pulling his shit together. He's only got four left. Ozaki's pulling his shit together. Where's Luke? Three left. He's on the left. I don't think he has the bar back up yet.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Yeah, he's way past. Oh, Grayshaber just finished. He did? Oh, Grayshaber finished. Wow. He's on the very far end. Muscarella squats are not anywhere near close to depth. What's up with the spins, Cameron?
Starting point is 02:21:11 Did he finish? Here's Luke. Nope. He's got one to go, and he's fucking beating his head into a wall. Okay, Luke Parker, second place. He's got four reps to go. He's still got four reps. He looks great, though. Oh, it was Cole Grayshaber who had the issues on the rings's got four reps to go. He's still got four reps. He looks great, though.
Starting point is 02:21:25 Oh, it was Cole Greyshaber who had the issues on the rings, too. One to go. Oh, he's... That's it. Good job, Luke. Good job, Luke. Yeah, second in the heat. Quit trying to snatch it, Jack.
Starting point is 02:21:40 What are you doing? Oh, my God. Ozaki is in horrible pain. Dallin's about to finish up. He's got three left. Keelan. Keelan has failed. Are you, any concerns here with Dallin Pepper?
Starting point is 02:22:04 Yeah, it's only eight events. you can't have a bad event oh i think brian was saying that if you finish out of the top 10 in the teams you're even in one event you're not going podium is it the same like is the same for individual you thought the same for individual podium for sure it is i think so you can't have one out of the top 10? To podium. To top five, I think you're fine. I think it's close to the individual. I don't know. There's a lot of good guys. You have Roman, Ricky, Pat, Caron.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Roman will also not do that good on this one, I don't think. Hey, if we can get over to Gray Shaver, I'd like to know what happened to his rings, if anyone can go over there and just ask him. That seems like something. I don't know. I mean, I don't think you can have it outside top 15, but if you have a 12th and that's your lowest score,
Starting point is 02:22:52 I think you can podium. Gray Shabers is the guy with his shirt off. So Luke got second. Luke got second. Ozaki's third. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Stand by.
Starting point is 02:23:03 And this is what's great about Cole is he was uh i heard grunler talking about what the issue was go on sorry and i wanted to see uh luke parker luke parker second in the heat ozaki third and uh so that would make him he'd be third over oh no Second overall. Cause Leonel got in at 1159. Right? So Cole Gray Sabre is currently the leader. Oh, Dallin took fifth. Good job. Dallin.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Down fifth, Keelan fourth, Jack Rosema sixth. Hey, piggyback off of that interview right there. Let's eavesdrop on that. See if we can get that. Let's piggyback off of that.
Starting point is 02:23:48 Probably not stand in her shop. maybe on the other side next to her i don't think i'm in the right but your camera has to be pointed at his mouth so we can hear what yeah there's a barrier between us i don't know you just came from that side. Swing around to the other side. Hey, Susan, don't say anything because when you don't talk your camera recalibrates to the front mic and then we can hear him damn i didn't hear shit. You got to get on the other side of him.
Starting point is 02:24:48 Point that camera to his mouth. No, not on that thing. Just where you came from. On the other side of that. Just on the other side of him. You don't have to climb over the fence. Okay, here we go. Yeah, it's going to be good. Is Tudor Magda competing?
Starting point is 02:25:06 Roman and Pat are right now. Can we – is Tudor Magda competing? Yeah, he's in this heat. I could see him doing well. Is he good at – is he really good at ring muscle-ups? We'll see. All right, this is going to be a good one. I could see Tudor coming out too hot. And like blowing up.
Starting point is 02:25:31 Because we both thought Jack was going to be fine. Has anyone done the first 21 unbroken? No. Looks like Andrew still got his camera on Mr. Grayshaber. Victoria Compost did her first set unbroken oh great spot suza great spot she did victoria campos did all 21 back there i think this heat goes quite a bit faster oh yeah for sure fikowski will be on the far right in lane uh 15 he's adjusting his weights right there to the left of him. Who's that? That's not Nick Matthew, is it?
Starting point is 02:26:06 That's Nick Matthew right there. Nick Matthew. Prop top. God, I hate it. And then next to Nick Matthew is Ricky Garrard. Oh, my goodness. Peter Magda. Then Fernando Aleneza.
Starting point is 02:26:17 John Wood. Fabian Benito-Seles. Is Jorge in this heat as well? Is he a competing individual? I don't see him on there. Stand by. Hiller's got gray shaver. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:26:26 I heard somebody just jumped lane. That was you then. You just jumped into a different lane? I jumped behind. I'm half a line in. Yeah, I felt bad for him because I was just sitting there screaming at everybody. You know why they got the weight on the chains, right? So you know why, but you don't give a fuck because you're like.
Starting point is 02:26:43 Well, I just wanted to go. But you ended up taking the heat? Yes. I got 10.39, but I'm on 30 seconds. So I just spent 40 seconds yelling at people that I'm going to get me a new set of rings. What did they end up doing about it? I went off the edge.
Starting point is 02:26:58 I got a new pair of rings, hit a new barbell, but that cost me some time. They're going. It is what it is. I'm not upset about it. I just wanted to compensate. Let's just say i was like three minutes faster in practice three minutes it is so much worse also i didn't get myself any so 45 no rep or 45 total muscle-ups right how about the barbell movements?
Starting point is 02:27:26 I'll get on that. Yeah, I was frustrated with the front squat, but I think it's an excellent idea. I don't think it's the right thing to do. It's quite a lot of stuff. It'll be interesting to see how you compare to this heat. I'm frustrated. I think there's so much more I could take.
Starting point is 02:27:40 I don't want to be like 15 minutes into the next one. So we'll see. I'm going to go for it. It is what it is. They're not going to compensate the chain hit me in the face and you should take care of that you're not marred anywhere are you yeah that does suck it actually hit him they're not going to give him shit either can't wait for us to fucking talk that part
Starting point is 02:28:09 a whole bunch of them did 15 and then came down and did 6 thanks for the update John this the event you were looking forward to the most no but I'd say that's good considering you were about to to the most? No, but I'd say... That's good. Considering you were about to fuck it up, and then you got fucked up.
Starting point is 02:28:29 Sure, it's in my wheelhouse, but I wouldn't consider this my favorite. I don't like... Ripley is the first in the squad. Wow. Can we go back? What's your favorite event coming up? Not sure.
Starting point is 02:28:42 We can listen to them while we watch this. So who knows? I might get to the D-Ball. I might do great. We'll see. You're going to have to let me know. Let me know how that appeal goes.
Starting point is 02:28:56 And then jump on the podcast at some point. Okay. Thank you, Great Shaper. Hiller, do you think they're going to compensate him in any way? No. You can see Pat all the way over to the end of Sousa's camera, all the way to the left.
Starting point is 02:29:13 Great work, Hiller. And the purple shirt. Yeah, purple shirt. Hiller, do you think they're going to give him anything for that fuck up? I muted Hiller because he's talking to some rant some fan autograph they're not just finished pat's done pat's done oh sorry we can't do anything for you that's gonna be their response which is where's he at i don't know i don't think he should be compensated so a chain fell on him suck it up buttercup i'm saying all this hoping that they hear it and are like,
Starting point is 02:29:45 ah, we have to do something. They should. What do you mean? You're in a competition. It's like the NFL. If there's a fucking bad call, they review it.
Starting point is 02:29:51 And then they have a team and adjustment. If a fan throws a bottle out on the field and it hits, it hits someone. They just, the play goes on. It's not his helmet. It's their fucking chain. Oh,
Starting point is 02:30:01 you were. Oh my goodness. Did you see Nick Matthew? No, but that's like saying if your shoe came untied. No, what did Nick Matthew do? Tell me. He fell through the rings hard. It looked bad.
Starting point is 02:30:12 And the team supplies your helmet. Yes, it's an NFL-approved helmet, but the team supplies your equipment. So if your own equipment fucks up, like his shoe blows out or his belt comes off, that's not up to the competition. Why are people falling through the rings? Cause they suck. Cause they're long and then people aren't used to them. Oh, that is it.
Starting point is 02:30:32 Huh? Yeah. You guys, it takes, it takes, it takes practice to be like the same, like they're, they're going to be harder.
Starting point is 02:30:42 They feel a little different. It's not a whole lot different, though. They just swing more. Ricky and Velner are tearing shit up. Yeah, they're ahead by a lot, both of them. If they don't give Gray Shaber anything for that, I'll be. What are they going to give him? Watch the video that they watched their official broadcast and look at.
Starting point is 02:31:03 Yeah, he is struggling on the ring muscle up. Like what are you going to compensate him with? Like the 10 seconds, the 30 seconds to switch lanes. That's huge. I want to get this, see this Nick Matthew fall through. That's done with his 15.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Yeah. Well, we knew this was going to happen. Let's wait till the nine to finish. Yeah. He's on the front squad. Is he, is Guillermo in this seat? Yeah, he is. And this was going to happen. Let's wait until the ninth to finish. Yeah, he's on the front squad. Is Guillermin in this heat? Yeah, he is, and he's struggling.
Starting point is 02:31:28 Really? You see him pumping out? Oh, God, I hope JR played John Wood. Didn't we pick Jason Wood or John Wood? What? John Wood. For our fantasy team, we picked a guy named John Wood, and he's killing it. Where is Guy?
Starting point is 02:31:46 He's on the far side. You guys picked Guy, Sevan. Oh, great. Shit. Someone's going to be pissed with me. I gave him a pick for fantasy, and I told him Guy. Well, who did I say again? I don't remember.
Starting point is 02:32:00 Vellner? Hiller, get back in the venue, yo. I'm trying to find where he is at ask hillary where he is he's on the far side next to velner yeah i know but i'm aware i'm trying to find him like on the screen where is he can there is he that does he that do with the blue shirt on yeah he's got the blue shirt on. God, he looks thick there. That's him on the end. Oh, he's struggling with the rings.
Starting point is 02:32:31 Oh, shit. Ricky is ahead of Belner on the front squats. Look, look. I mean, those are slow. That's not Guy with the blue shirt on right there, guys. That's like Adler or something. That's not Adler. Where is Guy, though?
Starting point is 02:32:47 I'm trying to find him. He's lane three. Lane three is his lane. Adler's not even competing. Ask Hiller. Unmute Hiller. Andrew, can you tell us where Guy is? I can't see him on the live stream either, by the way. Someone needs to unmute Hiller so he can talk. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:33:06 Hiller! Yeah, where's Guy? It says right up there. No, we can't... That's him right there. Oh, that's him right there. Yeah, right there. Yes, right there. Right in front of us the whole time.
Starting point is 02:33:22 Uh-oh. Oh, something doesn't look right, Hiller. What's wrong with him? Something does not look okay. He knows I'm here. He knows I'm here. Pat and Ricky are both on their last ring muscle-ups. What is he on?
Starting point is 02:33:40 Is he really on the front squats? Yeah. Wow. he on? Is he really on the front squats? Yeah. Wow. Are we going to be able to see Ricky and Vellner have a war with the overhead squats?
Starting point is 02:33:51 I would love to be able to see that. Overhead squats? Yeah, I'll try to get that over. Please, please, it's vital. It's vital. He is getting pounded. It's happening right now.
Starting point is 02:34:06 How are we missing this? Oh, someone else just failed a muscle-up, and that was the ugliest muscle-up fail I've ever seen. Oh, shit, it's all the way on Hiller's side. Okay, I see Ricky. Go back to the left. There he is. There's Pat.
Starting point is 02:34:19 Okay. Ricky's right in front of me. Okay, guys, look, that's Pat Vellner. He's on his last set of overhead squats, possibly. He's in the purple shorts. He's dead center. And then bent over next to him is Ricky. Is that Ricky Garrard?
Starting point is 02:34:35 No, Ricky Garrard. Ricky's going for the bar right now. Kyle's going nuts. Ricky's got it up over. Wow, look at Ricky. All right, here we go. Here we go. Oh, Pat does not look good. There it is. That's better. There it is. That's better.
Starting point is 02:35:05 There it is. Ah! He's at two. Where's Ricky at? Ricky's got three left. Two left. He's got one. One.
Starting point is 02:35:17 He's struggling. He broke the front squat three times. Ricky did? Guy. Oh, Guy did. Guy did say before this that he wasn't really training at all in Brazil from a barbell spin. Ricky went and did it. All right, let's go to – Oh, my goodness, Felder.
Starting point is 02:35:48 At least he's so far ahead of everybody. I knew he had to be. Oh, man. And they're going to give him that one. How many has he got left? He's got two left, I think. All right, shake it out. You got an easy...
Starting point is 02:36:02 He's looking strong. I think this is smart by Belner right now. What do you guys think? So Ricky won while I was fucking around on the phone? Yeah, Ricky won. Yes. Nick Matthews gaining a lead on Belner right now. He's got two more.
Starting point is 02:36:23 Oh, shit. Almost dropped it. He's got two more. Oh, shit. Almost dropped it. He's got one more. Matthew's done. Matthew got second. Holy shit. He's got two left. Hey, their timing's perfect.
Starting point is 02:36:49 They're supposed to finish at 1039. That's done. Good for Matt. That's pretty impressive. Their timing? The timing. Pat's last one? Yeah, on the depth?
Starting point is 02:37:05 For sure. Wow, Guy is, well. I told you I thought Ricky would be good in this event. Yeah, you're right. Switch to Souza's game. Oh, my God. The guy in the blue just whiffed trying to jump through. He did.
Starting point is 02:37:21 Big whiff. Swing and a miss. Where's Roman at? That's Tudor magda dead center off to the left uh who's that struggling with overhead squats right there roman's next roman was in the lane next to velner i mean where is he at the event suze i think ricky was looking at you direction oh he's down okay is that as i wonder if we can get any audio from that.
Starting point is 02:37:47 He should not have been struggling that much. I can't unmute Sousa, damn it. We need to figure out if he's got, like, I don't know, jet lag or something. So what are the current placements of the Roman just starting overhead scouts? What are the current placements? We've got Ricky Garrard first place in this year. Nick Matthew is second. Nick Matthew is second.
Starting point is 02:38:13 Pat Belner is third. Cole Graysaber is fourth. Oh, okay. One more time. Garrard. Garrard, Nick Matthew, Pat Belner, and then Cole Graysaber. Okay. Okay, I gave him a good pick. I told him to pick
Starting point is 02:38:26 Pat, the person I gave the pick to. I said gear Pat. Yeah, good finish for ends up being a good finish for Belner. Okay, Fabio Benito just finished. And only
Starting point is 02:38:41 six guys have finished so far, so just finishing puts you in the top. That's crazy. Guy's still on the rings. Yep. They just capped it. Roman struggling. Ryan Friend talking to Nick Matthews.
Starting point is 02:39:00 Can I get one of those shirts, Nick? Dang. Brian had Guy as third place overall. This is a finish outside the top ten. Mike Halpin with Ricky Garrett. He's at 210.
Starting point is 02:39:18 Can you hear me? I got a call. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes. You got a collar on your leg. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:39:25 There's been a collar on. Dude, I was thinking the best workout that he's ever executed, according to a player, honestly. Out there right now. Yeah, how do you figure? Don't worry about that. Play your game. Make sure you rest before the overhead squats.
Starting point is 02:39:41 Don't just finish your muscle-ups. Because in practice, he went straight from that last set of muscle-ups to the overhead squats. Failed his second set, his second rep. Had to wait another 45 seconds. So he gave himself a good 30, 45 seconds prior to that set of overhead squats. We knew that these straps were being advantageous for him because he's so good at muscle-ups. And they're hard for everybody.
Starting point is 02:40:00 And he talked on the chain from your end, no? More so than the chain affected the pre-hit team. Yeah, there was a couple people back there. It's just the feel of it, getting used to the straps. Like some people were overkipping and they would fall through, or some people were kipping. So you had to get a real cord on your first set. So we told him just like in the first five to seven reps,
Starting point is 02:40:19 make sure that you're, make sure that you feel it, right? And he stuck to the plan. He broke one more time in the front squats than he did in practice as well. So I'm very proud of the way he executed. And listen, man, you know, it's a fucking, what can I say? It's a competition. Ricky wins first event. He just finds a way to get that first one under his belt
Starting point is 02:40:42 and get some momentum going. And then he's tough to stop. So it's going to be a fun weekend. I know I saw a bit of him practicing the swim double under. Does he practice a lot of these? I know you just talked about how he practices this as well. Oh, look at. Honestly, I got to be honest.
Starting point is 02:40:58 Nice, Sousa. Very nice. We were very happy. So we're ready to kick ass the whole weekend. Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, I'm not saying, listen, there are some great competitors. Of course. He's going to kick that we focus oh yeah i mean you know i'm not listening there are some great competitors of course he's gonna be there oh yeah i'm excited to see him fuck killer you're a beast good job uh grabbing that uh on the side suze a great second camera
Starting point is 02:41:19 angle to run over there and grab that i wonder what that popping is that we're getting from Hiller's. Mike, Hiller, we were able to hear Kotler great. Is that just, he's actually, are you handing him an earpiece? No, I got my AirPod in. And I was just like pointing my, here, you see me? I was just doing one of these. I'm like throwing my ear at him. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:41:44 Something's really fucked up with your airpods i don't know if they got wet or something's wrong with them probably sweat from the gauntlet just sitting in my ear but it still is good it was i mean it was still pretty damn impressive i heard everything kotler said and then uh suza ran over there and got us a wide shot oh we got a man down what's going on there look to your left that Oh, okay. That's it. He didn't look good. He didn't look good. That's shocking.
Starting point is 02:42:14 Yeah, I don't know. He's in Brazil. Hiller, any idea what's going on there? Overheating, we're hearing. Guessing. Secondary opinion says overheating. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 02:42:34 Is that guy? Is the air in Brazil not humid? No, it's humid as fuck there. Hey, Hiller, is it humid there today? Or no, it's wintertime. It's not humid.
Starting point is 02:42:54 It's just hot, right? It's perfect. I guess it's about 40%. And are any of those Mayhem people there? Oh, well, Luke Parker. I saw Sam Cormier. No, no. I mean, well, Luke Parker, I saw Sam Cornby. No, no, I mean tending to him. Doesn't look like it.
Starting point is 02:43:10 Definitely hotter than me. But my extensive manhandle knowledge. Okay, well, he sat up rather quickly there. He's good. Thanks, dude. He's doing good. Don't come win the lift. Don't worry.
Starting point is 02:43:24 Khalil got Ricky. Motherfucker. Who got Ricky? Lauren did. That's okay. Alright, alright, alright. Do you think he's pissed off knowing that you're standing there just watching him and he's blocked you?
Starting point is 02:43:38 Oh man, who's gonna give him the Sarah look? Y'all remember that? No, I don't. What happened? Dude, Sousa, it might have been one of the blues last year, but Sarah had a bad event. And Sousa walked up on her. It's a little hot.
Starting point is 02:43:54 There you go. Drink some salt. And she was crying. She was crying at the moment. And then Sousa walked up on her and didn't see that she was crying. And then she gave him the meanest mug I've ever seen. And Sousa
Starting point is 02:44:10 was just like, oh, I'm sorry. And then walked away. John, you have a weird memory, bro. You got a weird memory. You gotta play that tape back. Hey, someone bring that up live so we can make John look like a fool with that recap. It was so funny. It was so funny.
Starting point is 02:44:24 Be mean or rakey. How are you? I'm good. How are you? Cool. It was so funny. It was so funny. Now she's worried. We're home. Beat me to Ricky. How are you? I'm good. How are you? This is a cool little setup you've got. Does this connect to StreamYard? This little video mic that you've got? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:35 Oh, it connects to my camera. All right. We're trying to figure that out. Oh, no. Connect. How did it not make me do this so we can hear you better? Right now they can hear you better with my face right next to you. hello i don't i don't care i got no problem with it all right i'm muting myself i'm talking to lauren guys thank you hillar damn hillar's killing it today
Starting point is 02:44:57 good job good job suzy you guys are both killing it great job great job we're going back back to the future starts in 20 minutes. Okay. Take a 20-minute break. Yeah, let's do that. Let me check in with Susan one more time. Yo. Hey, brother, what's up?
Starting point is 02:45:16 Are you cool with us going? We're going to go down. It looks like our next podcast was supposed to start at 1045, but we bled right into it. So I'm just going to push it to 1105 and then we'll come back on. Awesome. Okay. Uh, guys, thanks for tuning in. Uh, we will all be back on a new link in a new thread, uh, in, uh, 20 minutes. Exactly. Bye.

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