The Sevan Podcast - #752 - Wodapalooza 2023 Indy Event 2

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live uh guys i am sorry about that delay uh we had a little uh we had a little confusion here what we could and couldn't do in terms of streaming but we're all cleared to go uh event number two has uh begun uh i do believe taylor self will be joining us within the next three minutes right now it's just me and caleb and then we got uh uh suza over here uh holding the camera oh wow look at that so let me check the audio on this again it's like a whole lounge what you're looking at is a live interview of andrew hiller by um pedro from coffee pods and wads and these are people like sitting on couches actually watching the interview live is that being broadcast somewhere i don't know let me check i don't think so there's just's just this camera here from 1992
Starting point is 00:01:06 set up on a tripod. Peters provides the cameras and then they provide the stage and the audio? I think so. That seems to be how it works. Is that Scott Schweitzer there from Clydesdale Media? Yeah, I said the cat.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Whoa. What's up, girls? Say hi. Hey, what's up? Oh, we got to get her incorporated, too. What's up, Scott? I don't see anything live right now. I just might be recording it for later.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Okay. Hey, Susan, should we head on over to the um venue yep i'm gonna head there now okay um caleb are you watching this on the side here does it look like it's just the first heat um right now there's like the heat one of event two for the ladies um i think they they're probably going to have three heats just like they did in the last event like with how many lanes they have going and i just saw the time caps 22 minutes so maybe we did the right thing by missing the first heat i'd have to agree we're almost 20 minutes in now so the next heat will start in probably the next five to ten minutes that way we can get in position and get all the people into the stream.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Taylor, what's up, dude? Sorry about the confusion. But we got it all cleared up. We have the access we need. Now we just need to get Andrew Hiller, our second camera over there. Hey, Sousa, I wonder if, it looks like Sousa's walking up into the bleachers. Sers suza i wonder if we could get a cat to help us with this heidi said she's in the stands too we might be able to send it over to heidi
Starting point is 00:02:53 okay i gotta mute myself i gotta take this call one second. Hi, Paul. Can you hear me, Caleb? Yep, I can hear you. Awesome. I switched my layout, so now I'm in a comfy chair, dude. I'm in a big old bucket. You really do need to get an office chair, don't you? Yeah, they're like $180, though, for a leather one, and Lizzie won't let me buy a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, the chair that I'm in is basically a doctor's swivel chair that they set up in the patient room, so it's not much better than what you got yeah all right who's uh who's winning i think amy kringle looks like yeah angry amy kringle was in the lead when the live stream cut in oh that's perfect okay sorry for the confusion john taylor caleb i uh and and thank you for all three of you uh for staying with me here, and Taylor especially for pushing me to figure out what was going on because if you wouldn't have done that, I wouldn't have kept pushing,
Starting point is 00:03:51 and I think that's what got us back on the air. So that's pretty cool. So this is going to be three 22-minute heats. We have missed the first heat. I think that's okay. These are going to be long, uh, shows. Can we take a look at this, uh, workout? This is a grueling workout.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Pull that up quick. Yeah. No kidding. Say the least long workout. How come the ropes aren't blowing around just because they're different than the rings? They don't catch the wind like the rings or you think the wind died down? They're heavier. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:23 in the rings they don't catch the wind like the rings or you think the wind died down they're heavier heavier okay this is a workout that i think taylor would do really well in me too i think i'll do really well in every workout and what and taylor um when they on the ropes i'm noticing as they climb the ropes there's a bunch of different markings on them i'm sure that's for the divisions different divisions okay so they got a black line and then a pink line and then even a white line and then a blue line and then another black line so like basically where you have to touch yeah for different divisions i would imagine like they have let's go amy kringle for the win she did oh yeah did you pick her or something i i did pick her wow good job amy kringle from the isle of man uh okay so this is a legless rope climb oh okay this is the one that's a mirror of itself
Starting point is 00:05:13 it starts off uh really hard and then all the movements are then there's a mile run and then all the movements are repeated um with a slightly easier rendition of its scaled version so legless rope climb and then a weighted ghd uh sit up with a 20 pound ball and then 30 kettlebell overhead walking lunges and then 20 uh dumbbell kettlebell hang clean and jerks then you have the mile run and then it gets easier uh theoretically uh only 20 kettlebell thrusters and 30 dumbbell kettlebell front racks as opposed to the overhead then the 40 GHD, but not weighted. And then the five rope climbs where you can use your legs. Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Okay. So this is a son of a bitch. Yeah, it's a long workout. We've got a bit of a breaking update on Colton if you want it. Oh, yeah. I'd love to have that. I'd love to have that. He just posted on his Instagram 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:06:04 An autoimmune disorder. Rare. What is it? He doesn't list that. Yeah, he doesn't say the diagnosis, but something affecting the nervous system. I hope it's not like. So it says I've been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. It mainly affects the brain, eyes, and spine.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Things started a couple weeks ago when I was experiencing some bad migraines and severe eye pain that had lasted for around 10 days. He started going to the doctor when he couldn't see, which is probably a good idea. Stayed in the hospital for five days, receiving treatment and testing. Almost pain-free now. uh stayed in the hospital for five days receiving treatment and testing uh almost payment free now um he's going to need some stronger contact lenses because it's affecting his vision um and then basically just monitoring his symptoms from here on out okay that's how do you how do you it doesn't sound like alcs or anything like that or als i mean alcs isn't that like a al that's the american league champion series yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:07:07 isn't there oh ocular ocular migraines do uh do that okay but uh what's what's going to be the solution for his autoimmune disease diet change i don't know if it's going to be that simple sometimes you just have something that like you can't i mean it probably doesn't know if it's going to be that simple. Sometimes you just have something that you can't. It probably doesn't help that he's putting his body under a significant amount of stress all the time with his work and then training as well. Maybe just some changes in his routine. I'm sure once he starts just training full-time and not working on the farm as much, maybe that'll help. I don't know. training full time and not working on the farm as much maybe that'll help i don't know his immune system is probably pretty darn strong because of where he like his yeah but he's burning the
Starting point is 00:07:52 candle at both ends i don't mean i don't mean like partying but the guy fucking is a workaholic and uh he's up at 4 a.m moving pigs that's no that shit's no joke and then for sure for sure five six hours a day in the evenings like You're going to burn yourself out eventually. I love Colton, but maybe he's just trying to bide his time a little bit. CrossFit docs will say keto, and I think you're right. I think they will. Trish, autoimmune disease are a bitch. Granulomatous.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Hippophysicist. Granulomatous hippophysicist granulomatous hypophysicist yeah i think i got that mri and spinal tap uh yeah so this this i guess trisha is giving the same diagnosis or cures caleb you basically have to de-stress yeah i think i've seen that a few times with different athletes they just put themselves in just a significant amount of stress all the time just with their work and then obviously their training is the body pretty arduous and then it's like dude you gotta give me a break uh okay so uh heat one of event 2 is complete, and now Heat 2 is coming out, and it looks like Emma Carey's in this heat. Am I seeing this right? It should be.
Starting point is 00:09:17 It should be Nistler, Carey, Elena Cartala, Andrea Mattal. I don't think – is Emily Rolfe in this one as well? Looks like it. Yeah, sheala. Rolf. Andrea Mattal. I don't think – is Emily Rolf in this one as well? Looks like it. Yeah, she's in lane 11. Emily Rolf will do very good in this workout. She's probably my pick in this heat. I wish I could tell you which lane people were in. Can you guys tell us who's in the lane that's closest to us right there?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Emma Tall. Emma Tall. And then right next to her is Freya Mooseburger, and then Julia Cato, and then Emily Rolfe. God, Emma Tall just took a huge lead right away. She's done with the rope climbs. Yeah, I mean, I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think she's going to pay for it. What is she doing with just her grip the rest of the workout? I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think she's going to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:10:07 What is she doing with just her grip the rest of the workout? No, I'm not talking about grip. I'm just talking about just lungs. No, I think if you have the capacity to smash the legless five early on, you have to take it and gain an advantage. If she can get on the run before – I guess for the women, that's a lot more of an advantage than for the men. I'll just send it over to her. I think even in the men's field,
Starting point is 00:10:27 it'll be a decent advantage for some. There's not going to be a lot of guys that can rip off five really, really fast like that. How long did it take her? I guess we're not seeing five in a minute is good. How hard are these weighted GHTs? I've never done them before.
Starting point is 00:10:56 With a 20 and a 14? They're not that hard. Yeah. Depends on how good you are at GHTs. For me, they're not bad, but they're not fast with that weight. They're not as fast. Are you somebody that's going to roll it up your stomach or you how do you i always roll how do you do it and emma's not rolling tall at least 36 seconds on her five like this taylor wow what are you doing otherwise yeah so if you don't roll you watch emma tall she's
Starting point is 00:11:20 just kind of holding it the entire time. It's nowhere near as efficient. So as soon as you get like to parallel on the way up, it should be touching your like sternum or right in between your nipples and rolling down your legs. Is that just taking the weight off of like away from your body? Your arms, yeah. And think about any – like we were talking about with Adam Neiffer in workouts efficiency. Like any muscles you can turn off and not you know demand a lot of oxygen to and contract you're going to be more efficient in the other areas uh why isn't sarah in this uh she's in the third heat okay i just think she's moving too fast it's a 20 minute workout you know it's a 20 minute workout every single time we watch people who win the chippers they do not come out fast
Starting point is 00:12:05 if she's coming out blades you you also have to take into it well where's emma carry she's in the far far lane five you can't see her i don't think she's coming out that much faster than everyone else i think she just did her legless that much faster oh look we got a heidi cam nice heidi which i don't think is a bad idea so six lengths of the floor here that's a nightmare so well i mean we'll know once they get on the runner kind of where everybody's at oh look and the names are up top too too. I never even noticed that before. I think they've always kind of had that up there, but this is like the widest shot we've gotten of the game. Oh, because Heidi's in the stand, so she's got a higher-up shot.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Okay, nice. That's a really cool feature that they have is that massive LED screen just sitting on top of this um yeah yeah crazy cool it's a really nice view we just need to clip that palm uh palm leaf so we can see who's in lane one it looks dead anyway you know it'll be it'll be really cool to see um roman and fikowski go at it because i bet their approaches are very different. Emma Carey is in lane five, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And she is in second place, correct? Yep. Looks like Emma Tall is about to be onto the runner. Is it down and back six times or down back? One down counts as one. So they have six rounds of that. Yeah. I think the runner is the biggest differentiator on this event.
Starting point is 00:14:01 If you're a really, really good runner, I think you have an advantage over it because all the rest of these movements are doable. They're just hard and everybody's fit here. Once you get past the five legless, there's nothing that should stop anybody in their tracks. So it's without a doubt, a run workout, this workout,
Starting point is 00:14:17 the swim workout and the echo bike finale are all very modest structural based. And even potentially the D ball workout with the one K row. It's a lot of car. Do you think this mile run on the assault runner is going to be? Probably seven to eight for most people. Maybe a little faster. The newer runners tick pretty fast. Is that going to make the thrusters harder?
Starting point is 00:14:40 The run? Yeah, absolutely. Really? People will be running seven-minute miles on the runner in the middle of this? Oh, absolutely. Really? People will be running seven-minute miles on the runner in the middle of this? Oh, yeah. Yeah. The men for sure. She's not running a seven-minute pace right there.
Starting point is 00:14:53 She's probably closer to an eight and a half, nine maybe. But she just got on. I think what I would expect or what I would do personally as an athlete is you get on in the first 200 meters. You're kind of shaking it out. And then I build my intensity across the run. You think the runner's harder than real life running? No, I think the new runners are easier or,
Starting point is 00:15:17 or at least the same. When you say new, how many, I'm trying to figure out if I have a new one, how new? Uh, those are air runner pros so those are pretty new within the past couple of years like the one we have at the gym is like seven or eight maybe
Starting point is 00:15:30 nine years old and it runs so slow like it hurts me to run an eight minute mile on that thing hey do you ever have to have you ever had to change the belt we haven't ever changed it which i'm sure is why it's like it's like resistance yeah you feel noticeable difference when you get on another one without a doubt like i go to jr's gym and his runners are like butter yeah moving we did a chipper we did a chipper at jr's at crash last year that started with a mile run and I ran it in like a 5.45. So Amy Kringle's mile was a 6.55. Oh, how'd you get that point?
Starting point is 00:16:17 You heard them say it? No, she, on the live stream, it showed 1150 meters at the five minuteminute mark, and then I just do it at 1600 pace. Dang, you're good. Okay, so we got Emmett Hall in lane 14. We got the Will Plummer cam in lane
Starting point is 00:16:36 five. Emma Carey, lane 12, Julia Cato, lane 13, Freya Moosebooger. Emily Rolfe in lane 11. 13, Freya Moosebooger. Emily Rolfe in lane 11. You like that? Moosebooger. Oh, look.
Starting point is 00:16:54 They even lay out the workout for you. You see that up there, Caleb? Wow. Fancy. Yeah. I like that. You know how they say you should be a minute faster outside than you are on the runner, Taylor? Yeah, that's bullshit on new runners.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Do you think the faster you are, the less that applies? I do. I think the faster you are – I think the more efficient of a runner you are, the less that applies. I think the more efficient of a runner you are, the less that applies. And I think the bigger you are or the longer you are, the less that applies. When you can really reach with your legs and have momentum kind of in that curve shape, it just kind of carries energy better than people with shorter legs that really have a short, choppy step. So like when I run on the runner, I just get a nice long stride and it seems to carry over nice and easily.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I'm like doing less work than if I were on pavement because I'm not pulling my body i'm just using the shape of the treadmill and momentum and there's no hills and like our gym our loops like our running loops it's all hill every fucking run is a hill so you're saying you prefer the longer stride over the short choppy steps instead i mean it's more efficient on a runner absolutely and for for mid-distance running regardless i would say running in general i mean you watch the marathon runners look at their strides yeah i've seen it both ways i've seen people have short choppy steps and i've seen people have like super long steps short steps are not good for running people with like like you look at a lot of athletes with really big legs especially women and they run with these like short choppy steps
Starting point is 00:18:29 it's just so inefficient you can see actually down in this shot the girl with the red shoes she has a much better stride than all the other athletes guys uh we uh now that they have their stream uh back up we're being asked not to stream their stream, so I'm going to pull down Thank you so much, Heidi, for doing that. The Heidi cam and the Matt Sousa cam. If you guys point your cameras elsewhere, we can have your cameras up
Starting point is 00:18:55 for interviews or if you want to go down into the corral. We have been asked. Last year, they let us stream it, and this year, we're just having a little hiccup in the comms. But I don't want to do anything to hurt the event. We only want to help the event. And Dylan's been very, very generous with everything.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So, Sousa, can you check in with us really quick so I can just talk to you on the air real quick? And maybe step to a place where it's a little more quiet. Let me see what's going on. Are we allowed to stream their stream? I don't. Like put their stream? I don't. Put their stream on here? No, I don't think we're allowed to do that either. So we're not allowed to... Wait, I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Are we allowed to watch what Sousa has on screen? No, we can't stream. I think basically what they've done is they've paid this enormous amount of money for the stream and they want to make sure that all the traffic goes to their channel. I'm just making that i don't know i don't know that for a fact oh their stream is down again so when their stream goes down are we allowed to stream our stream
Starting point is 00:19:53 so i guess that was kind of the uh the thought and i had misunderstood that if their stream was down we were given clearance to to go back up but that but it's okay either way let me let me check in with suza here really quick and see if we can get i'll talk to you guys off the air a little bit it's not that it's a secret but let me see what's going on here um suza yeah um can we see the corral area where the athletes are currently um being corralled before they come out yeah let me get i gotta make my way around on the opposite side of the venue, so it's going to take me a second, but I'm going to go down. Okay, it looks like they have an insane crowd there for Thursday.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah. The place is packed. Yep. Oh, excuse me. Yeah, it's tight. It's already hard to get around. And it's not even Saturday night. Not even Saturday night, no.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Place is going to be packed tomorrow and Saturday. So that's Vendor Village you're walking through? I saw a little Yeti booth. Yeah, just to give you guys a scope. So right over there was a podcast. This is Bayside there, the entrance. And then we're swinging around Bend the village on that side
Starting point is 00:21:07 And then we'll walk through here We'll make our way around Paper Street Paper Street Coffee Born primitive Generous enough to give us some pants Scott Pancheck Look, he ran from Sousa some pants. Scott Pancheck, look, he ran from
Starting point is 00:21:27 Sousa. He spotted me and he did quick. He's like, nope. Let's see. Really big steer. That's the main sponsor. Yep. This is how far you have to go to get to the corral. You got the main sponsor? Yep. This is how far you have to go to get to the corral?
Starting point is 00:21:48 You got to walk around this far? Yeah, all the way through here. Even though it's just right adjacent, you have to take this circuitous route because of your limited access? No, no, no. Because the runners are actually blocking the competition floor. So last time I was able to just kind of hurry across. But the runners are pulled all the way up.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So there's no space anymore. Oh, wow. Okay. And they got a whole boot. Look at that. Wow. That's the oversized shirt company.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Now we popped out on the other side here oh excuse me so you could see the side here okay wow the bleachers are massive yeah it seems like it's squeezing so that checkpoint right there did you need id to get through there what's that checkpoint for if you do the rule where you just fall really closely behind the other person no i'm just kidding So that checkpoint right there, did you need ID to get through there? What's that checkpoint for? If you do the rule where you just fall really closely behind the other person. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, it's a checkpoint.
Starting point is 00:22:52 But no one's guarding anything. Like those guys just slipped through that crack. Yeah. So we could stay on this side. I won't stream the event, but we could stay here. It's okay. We can get it in there a little bit. I'm not worried about getting in there a little bit. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You don't have to worry about that. I'm just talking. Like, we just can't be streaming and commentating. Yeah. Okay. So where's the corral? Where are the athletes warming up? That's a good question. I thought they're back on this side but they might be in that thing which is even further let's go
Starting point is 00:23:33 swing around the other day that's on top of the hill just like probably 200 yards away okay and then it's the last minute they walk them over. Yeah, pretty much. It's basically straight ahead. Yeah. Let's see if we can just follow the path back. It's very similar to the setup last year, but a little bit different. We could commentate their live stream on another tab. Do you guys have the ability to have have uh windows open i've got it open on another screen for me and it looks like emma tall is still in first place emma carries in second emma rolf emily yeah the run they don't they don't put the leaders in the run yeah
Starting point is 00:24:16 you don't you never know amy kringle they didn't show in first place so she finished okay so i got rolf in first place oh, wow. What's the time on the clock? 14.47. Oh, I am behind. Whoopsies. And Emma Carey's in second, and it's neck and neck. Oh, and Emma Carey's taking the lead. Even though they have Emily Rolf in the lead, it's really Emma Carey's in the lead.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I think she just took over the lead. Yeah, Emma Carey's first in the lunge. Wow. Holy shit. Will this be back-to lead. Yeah, Emma Carey's first on the lunge. Wow. Holy shit. Will this be back-to-back wins for Emma Carey? We've got another heat, but she's good at this kind of workout. Amy Kringle was not keeping on lunging. She dropped after every single one.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Oh, yeah, and Emily Rolfe is setting it down too. And Emma Carey is not. You just have so much turnaround and, but look at the difference in how Emma, Emily Rolfe is holding the kettlebells and how Carey is. Carey's got the kettlebells resting on in the back rack almost. And Emma Rolfe is actually has her elbows up and the bells are being supported by kind of the musculature of her shoulder. She's not resting it on her body. She's, she's actively like holding the kettlebells up whereas emma carrie has them rested and that's why she's able to lunge so quick i wonder if there was a clear standard on that there was there was uh people were getting no reps for doing that and they had to come to here
Starting point is 00:25:39 and hold it like that and so right now emma carrie is getting away with this because i saw multiple girls getting no rep for holding it how you're supposed to. Like, that's how you're supposed to. Yeah. Yeah. Because she's not holding it in the front. No, she was in the back. There are a lot of this.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Is there a bad? I've never even heard of the back rack. No, it's not. You rest right right here. Yeah. The kettlebells are the kettlebells are essentially in like right there supported by your traps and you have the bells like the handles of the kettlebells um in like a neutral manner for what for a back rack yeah yeah well you would still call it a front rack lunge or it's not
Starting point is 00:26:17 really a back rack but i call it a back rack because it's resting on your back a true kettlebell front rack is in front of your body elbows fucking tight okay so this girl was doing it too who they just show on the screen i don't know emma tall was doing it too she had the kettlebells yeah i've never much much harder much easier if you try to do like i'm saying in front it's way way way harder way harder and it's like that it's almost impossible yeah so the the problem with this is oh they're all doing it they're all doing it they switched it looks like emily ross judges judge was the only one that was enforcing it, which is unfortunate because that is just a massive. It's just a massive miscommunication, which, to be honest, kind of historic here.
Starting point is 00:26:57 It's too damn easy. 1999. Thank you all of you on the ground and commentating. Have the phone playing in my pocket while I work. Been waiting on this, and y'all are making it possible. Big thanks. Hey, thank you. Emma Carey's already done with her GHDs?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Wow. Holy crap. She is annihilating this workout. And so this is it for her. She's just doing the five rope climbs, and she's done. She's struggling with these rope climbs, yeah. Is it four or five? Five. I think it uh five rope climbs and she's done struggling with these rope climbs is it four or five five i think it's five struggling but uh emma emily rolf emma carry emma tall are all in position to beat the time to beat oh shit emily rolf i think might pass her on the rope climbs she's getting so much longer than
Starting point is 00:27:45 yeah and she's not having any issues fumbling oh but she stopped and she stopped and no emily ralph has got one or two done she's got one one ah okay and she stopped there's one whole rope climb ahead she doesn't chalk up she might catch up emma emma's going right into it She doesn't chalk up. She might catch up. Emma's going right into it. Hey, did you see Emma jump on the rope? She jumped like a half an inch off the ground. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:28:10 That was crazy. Hey, but – Vertical. I don't think Emma's going to relinquish the lead. I think she's got it. Yeah. Yeah, Emma Carey's attacking for sure. Oh, yeah, like that, she didn't even jump that time.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Oh, man, she is hurting. Good on her. That's what Rich started doing. He just wouldn't jump at the rope. He just, I mean, basically just spikes your heart rate. He just started reaching as high as he could and pulling. That's it? She just comes down?
Starting point is 00:28:37 She doesn't run across the finish line? They took that out because of safety for this event. What do you mean for safety? All of the equipment in the way for that chipper. So people wouldn't fall and run to the finish line? Yeah, kettlebells, GHDs, runners. There's just a lot going on. So for the athlete's benefit, I like that.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And to be honest, I don't think any of the athletes care one way or another. It's just a matter of the spectator, which is important. Hey, how do you know then? How do you know when they're done? When they touch the top? When they touch the white line. Yeah, judge stops hits the stopwatch all right all right i'm getting a little bit of zellos games not that it's a dig but this is wadapalooza i'm getting a little bit of zellos games well they're doing a lot with this event it's hard to it's hard to have uh
Starting point is 00:29:19 yeah all your cake and eat it too all right no i do it often you do yeah yeah what do you do just just get it all and just sit down and just eat it i just ate a bucket of cottage cheese while while we were dealing with the politics of having the stream on you're disgusting a bucket of cottage cheese i actually love cottage cheese i squirted a little honey in it do you put any like fruit in it honey i just put a little honey and it went to town i had a chicken quesadilla boy this cameraman is i would be canceled for that shot up in there yeah i would have been completely canceled for that hey someone has to be choosing that angle from the booth too so oh wow hello so it's not just his fault.
Starting point is 00:30:07 There's your girl, Freya. Freya Moosebruger, fourth place, handling her business. Oh, good drop. Wow. She dropped from high. There's the Invictus team, third place at the CrossFit Games member, Brittany Weiss, right? Yep. She looked like she was about to vomit.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Chipper will do that to you. Dang. I was all excited about my Amy Kringle pick and all of these girls are beating her. Oh, what happened? She fell off? No, she won the last heat but it was 21 45 hey nistler's not going to finish in the top 10 in this workout she's not a good runner how'd she do in the first event not great no she better than think i think she got seventh oh she got fifth in the first event.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. Okay, so good. Oh, shit. Did you see that? Weiss's rope almost swung and hit that girl in the face. She had to block it with her hand. I did see that. It was like a little ninja swipe. Yeah, that was crazy. Hey, you know somewhere in some CrossFit gym,
Starting point is 00:31:23 someone's had their fucking lost eyesight because the fucking bottom of a rope has swept their cornea. Hey, these girls are crashing down hard, a few of them, on the last rep. Andrea Nistler is done. Emma Carey won her second event in a row. I guess that's still to be seen, but she won her heat and I'm guessing she beat all the girls in the previous heat. And for those of us who are watching, I'd like to hear John and, uh, uh, Mr. Self's talk about it, but she pushed, right? She showed why she's going to be one of the best. I mean, that was pretty
Starting point is 00:32:02 dominant. Yeah. Uh, while other girls were chalking she was like i'm going well she turned it on in the back half of the workout which is what you have to do in a chipper like this a long chipper with the run being the most important part emily rolf is not an easy person to beat in that type of a workout and she did it pretty convincingly. Handily, yep. Congratulations to Wadapalooza. Some beautiful camera shots there. Great angles. And congratulations to us for killing the commentating game.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Emma Carey, 1851. Emily Rolfe, 1902. Emma Tall, 1956. Freya Moosebrugger in that heat, fourth place. Fifth place is Ella Wunger. That is just from this heat and we don't know we don't know how they mix up uh match up with the other heat but we shall know uh shortly uh in this heat we do know i think we have a kerstetter and a sigmund's daughter and a miss powers curse that it's not going to do good in this event not a good runner or a legless road climber
Starting point is 00:33:09 i don't think mickalician will be great either again not a good runner i'd look at uh potentially fuselier fuselier fuselier i think i mean i think these are all things that they hammer home at Mayhem, too, where Paige Powers parks her horse. Nice job, Sousa. Great shot at Moosebrugger. Great work. You are looking at the – there's Emma Carey. You're looking at the Matt Sousa cam, and he is in what we call the corral, which is adjacent to where the ladies are going to run out onto the field.
Starting point is 00:33:50 This is the third heat. There's a time cap of 22 minutes. It's the 2023 Wadapalooza Day 1 second event. I'll be back. And Chanyoung will be back and uh chan young will be back so he says it looks like the stands are full looks like the wind's picking up just a tiny bit yeah it looks a little windy there is not sun on the crowd although it is a sunny day there's probably a cloud covering the sun okay emma carrie first place as of now.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Alicia Fuliano in second place. Emily Rolfe in third. Andrea Nistler in fourth. And Emma Tall in fifth. So no surprise there, right? No. Emma Carey has 200 points. Second place, Fuliano.
Starting point is 00:34:43 As of now, Emma Carey has 200 points. If she walks away with two event wins on day one, huge, huge dude. Yeah. Uh, Fuliano has 166 points. God, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:55 she must be feeling good about her time off, right? That must've been horrible. Uh, you probably can't relate Taylor, but it must be horrible taking off, uh, almost two years,
Starting point is 00:35:04 but to come back and have a back to back victoriesback victories that, uh, it's almost worth it. Right. Probably feels very good for her. Absolutely. Yeah. Uh, this is, you call this a chipper, right? Back and forth chipper with a run in the middle. Yeah. It's an up and back chipper. And, uh the things uh a workout that we all like one of the things that uh we found interesting was is there is a section in there where you're supposed to hold kettlebells in the front rack front rack and we've seen basically uh front rack is being defined apparently i guess is if your elbows are in front of you but it doesn't matter where the weight sit because a lot of these ladies are putting the actual weight on their back or on
Starting point is 00:35:48 their shoulders caitlin van zyl zeal what is this lskd i see everywhere is that that's clothing it's a new clothing brand yeah oh i think it's i think con is sponsored by them i think the the um bella martin is that her name the announcer yeah she's also sponsored by them oh my goodness and there is uh so it's rebecca fulci a danny spiegel and sarah sigman's daughter uh danny has her patented uh i guess that's a top on and uh and then next to her is a cursed that okay so this is the same four that we had uh in the last event yeah i think i'm not sure if they i don't think they've reseated everybody i think they've just kept them in the same heats for today. Danny's already got a kip going on our last couple of pools. And her and Fuselier took a break after one legless rope climb.
Starting point is 00:36:52 They took a break. You got Paige Powers and Sydney McElishan side-by-side on the other end of the field. Paige addressing the rope a little quicker than Sydney. McEllishan is ahead. Her and Paige Powers are tied with three climbs each. Now Fuselier has three. Campos has three.
Starting point is 00:37:19 McEllishan on her fourth climb. And she's done. Just four legless for McEllishan, and she's done. four legless for uh mickalician and she's done page powers is done and now they are in first place and they're attacking the ghd with the med balls god i wish i could show you this looks good no one's rolling the ball that's so that just strikes me as so mickalician is doing it uh just a little bit explain uh taylor the ball roll you just take so much off load off your body it's like think about it's about like keeping the bar close to your body when you lift it's like keeping the bar close to your body but it's also just releasing tension in your arms and shoulders from holding the ball there's yeah fusli is
Starting point is 00:38:04 actually holding it like what looks like could be the ball there's yeah fusli is actually holding it like what looks like could be the worst possible position yeah she's squeezing it a lot and and away from her body that's so weird huh i i mean i look at sarah's doing the same thing sarah's doing the same thing i don't look at things like that and feel like they are that counterintuitive i look at something like that and i think that every athlete naturally thinks to do that but that's crazy yeah why would you yeah wow does it make it any faster it it i can rip off weighted med ball ghds and i always roll hey maybe it's good to hold it away from your body so that you can swing it forward and use them i swing it i swing it while you roll it along your body. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Okay. So there's a coordination piece maybe that they're missing. Yeah, none of them are coordinated enough. No, I know what you're saying. And I just, yeah, it's odd. Maybe just no one's ever drilled them on it or told them to practice it. It would help. So that is the foot. You have to touch the ball to the ground that's the range of motion yep page powers beats mickalician off the ghd good cycle rate
Starting point is 00:39:13 she is in the lead take a nice deep breath on those great overhead position oh wow the kettlebells do a lot, pull your shoulders back. So it's, you know, in terms of an overhead lunge, the kettlebells are by far the easiest implement, easier than a barbell and easy, probably comparable to a barbell. The thing about a barbell is it's not two different loads on each part of the body. It's just one loading that you can support with both arms. There's a little better stability, but the kettlebells pull you back into a good stacked position. So people with bad shoulder mobility can get away with a decent overhead stability but the kettlebells pull you back into a good stacked position so people with bad shoulder mobility can get away with a decent overhead position
Starting point is 00:39:48 with the kettlebells i want to say something about fuslia here real quick she did this in the last workout too and it's crazy impressive she's attacking and she's staying relevant in the beginning part of the workout and the reason why you might be like oh that's stupid she did how well did she do in the last workout but what she's doing is she's proving that she can hang with these girls and she's only a one-time games athlete and uh i i think her uh her her presence here and how she's showing up and attacking these and hanging with these girls for this long is very impressive i mean she's tiny compared to these girls right how did she finish an event one? For a second there, it looked like she might even win it. And then she fell off there at the end.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Let's look at the... I also want to point out one thing while Taylor looks up her finish. What you see on our screen is the Matt Souza cam, and I suspect he is in the athlete warm-up area. Souza? Yep. We're being real quiet over here. Just hanging out.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Rebecca was 12th in the first event. Yeah, not bad. Not bad at all. That's not bad. But think about the strength of field at the same time and that muscle-ups are her strong suit. But I'm guessing overhead squats at 165 probably not uh suza who's in there so is is that the uh are the guys in there prepping for this next workout
Starting point is 00:41:13 yeah uh the first heat is getting ready to go in a couple minutes here so they're just finishing last minute prep you get the final heat of mid aren't even out here yet. Gondolin! Gondolin! Gondolin! Gondolin! Yikes. So are they calling those boys to get ready? Because this event still has 17 minutes left in it.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah, that was for the gauntlet. So it doesn't have to do with the guys. But they did call the elite men the first heat to check in. Okay. All right, thank you. I highly doubt it, but with the wall ball thing on the GHDs, we watched Justin run away with a med ball set up, GHG set up event. And we were saying it was because Pat and Brent were rolling it
Starting point is 00:42:09 and Justin was not rolling it. And that made him faster. But Justin's GHGs just are faster. Yeah, it had nothing to do with the roll, in my opinion. And I doubt they are saying, oh, that's how to do them faster. And that's why they're doing them that way. But I could see people, other people watching this think that, like Justin Medeiros is the fastest one, and he does it like this, right? His GHGs are just faster, period.
Starting point is 00:42:34 The reason his are faster is he has such a violent contraction of his quads and hip flexors. And a lot of people look at the GHD, so many top athletes and people in an everyday gym do them incorrectly. And the best advice I would give to them is go to Google, type in GHD sit-up CrossFit and watch the level one staff teach you how to do a GHD sit-up. It is not what the abdominals do on a GHD is they keep your spine stable. They provide midline stabilization. You're not doing a crunch like you would if you're laying on the ground. The muscles that are contracting and initiating the movement or the concentric portion of the movement are the quads and hip flexors. And so what you see is when people go down on the eccentric range of motion on that part of the rep, their knees are in slight flexion. And someone like Justin, as soon as he hits the bottom of that rep, he extends his leg and straightens his knee out and squeezes quad really, really forcefully.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And that pulls himself up. And it uses the hip flexors and the quads. And when you have a really violent contraction like that, your speed of repetition is just so, so fast. And he's very good at catching that bounce with his back. With the ball. Yeah. Well, I'm talking about like just at the at the extension yeah yeah he holds attention timing you know there's a timing thing to it too
Starting point is 00:43:50 yeah he's but he's holding tension through his midline he's using his abs to stabilize the spine rather than thinking of it as like a curl and too many people don't understand how to kind of do that the first five athletes the first five athletes to the midpoint of this workout are sarah sigman's daughter page powers rebecca fusli a danny spiegel and sydney wells uh we don't know who is currently in the lead because they don't update us on the uh whereabouts while they're on the runner but i suspect it is sarah and we will know very shortly here if she gets off they're putting a mile in on these uh assault runners and then it's off to the races and as we saw with emma carrie it's very important here if you want to win this you got a sprint if you watch if you ever get a chance uh go back and watch hayley adams quarterfinals workout from
Starting point is 00:44:42 2021 with her yeah you watch her quads and her knees and you can see what i'm talking about why are they not showing the event uh you we're not showing the event because we've been told not to show the event saxon panchuk is also similar to that yep yep it's just the correct way to do them which and it's shocking to me when you see all these high level athletes have never learned that I think, uh, and a lot of people bastardize the movement and do where they sit on top of the pad and their knees are so bent and you see athletes that can do them quickly, but it's not efficient. It's faster for sure, but it is far less efficient. there's sarah she's according to the ticker in first place she got on the runner pretty well ahead of most other people anyway i think
Starting point is 00:45:39 i would imagine she will finish this first is this this an order of when they got on the runner, the order they have it now? I'd imagine so, yes. It'll be curious to see where Danny Spiegel gets off the runner if she got on it fourth. If she drops off a little bit, you think? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Rebecca i mean she is tiny tiny people usually don't run super fast but so are they going off of is it like a 1600 meters is that what they're gonna do yeah 1600 meters i don't know you can lose a lot of time on a mile run, and I'm not sure that Sarah's the best runner in the field.
Starting point is 00:46:27 So we'll see. She's not the worst runner either, though. She's, you know, in the middle of the pack. Who's that with the dreads there next to Sydney McElishan? No idea. I have no idea who that is. So Paige Powers in the foreground here, then Sydney McElishan, and then just past her. I don't know who that is. Gosh Paige Powers in the foreground here, then Cindy McElishan, and then just past her.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I don't know who that is. Gosh, Sydney needs to work on her running. Brooke is not the greatest runner either. And Paige, to be honest, it's just too much upper body swing. You see how much they're swinging their upper bodies? Yeah. Look at Sarah, to be honest, in this shot has the best gate um actually rebecca rebecca's got good form she's just so short she can't get her long see how see how
Starting point is 00:47:13 her foot is striking kind of even with the posts of the runner yeah you want to be just slightly out ahead at least that's how i run isn't that just how you control the speed? Yeah. Aren't you supposed to get onto that hill a little bit so that it can like. You carry momentum, but she's not long enough to. And that was my point. She has a good stride and let's see. I'm looking across the field. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:37 So much upper body swing back and forth between make a listen and page powers. Sarah has much less. She looks more. Her upper body's a lot more relaxed her hands look good i like the wide shot where you could see them all yeah uh brenda briones 499 stoked you guys are the best i don't always catch the lives but i'm always watching thank you we all can't run like you taylor you're so perfect he can't run like you, Taylor. You're so perfect.
Starting point is 00:48:08 He can't run like me either right now. I can actually run. You can? Yeah. Like fast? Yeah, I'm not sprinting, but I can for sure hold a six-minute mile right now. Oh, that's nice. It must be fun to be able to do that there's a lot i can't do though a lot i can do a lot i can't do
Starting point is 00:48:32 did you are you still gonna need to get that second surgery i had it three months ago you did yep yeah yeah it's just an acl surgery good to go now. It's really, it's crazy. The stability difference. Like it's really, I went in for a followup Tuesday of not this week, the week prior. And he was, I don't, he wasn't really surprised. He's like, wow, it really feels like it, you know, there's no, there's no more laxity in at least in terms of the lockman test like the straight on in this knee than my right side which is crazy um the lateral stability is a little different
Starting point is 00:49:12 just because i've had you know a little bit of that meniscus out but it's still like i haven't had stability in my knee like this for since 2019 since i had that skateboarding injury, and it just feels so different. That's awesome. Magnus Holmgren, note that the behind of Spiegel is two meters behind Fuselier. In the comments. Different bodies. Michelle is off. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Okay. All right. Do we know where the – uh-oh. Oh, that was sketchy, right? We about had to go live with ours real quick. Get ready, Sousa. Get ready, Sousa. We got Houston.
Starting point is 00:49:57 What happened? They're down again? No, but it went down for a second. See, it's so interesting watching. It went down for a second. See, it's so interesting watching. Sarah's squat is slightly immature, but it's so much better in this position where you can kind of move the weight around your body. And instead of being forced into that very rigid position that a barbell puts you in, her squat mechanics are much better with the kettlebells.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And that is all due to kind of the forced knee flexion that a front squat puts you in with the barbell. Paige Fowers is off. Yeah, Paige has got a great squat. How about that? Five seconds off the runner running a mile, you just start doing overhead squats. The quads must be just... Run and squat. It's a really deadly combo. Thank you, John.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Sarah looks like she's in so much joy right now. Just loving... Look at Danny's squats. How wide her stance is. Are they even below parallel? From this angle, they look to be. Okay. Sarah's onto the lunges. God, it's almost annoying that you have to turn around after just that short of a...
Starting point is 00:51:13 That's so annoying. What is it? Is it 15 feet? I think it's 20. I think if each square is 5 feet, that would be 20 feet. Well, they call it... They're calling this a – oh, what? How many meter lunge?
Starting point is 00:51:27 30 meter? So 15 meters? Yeah, that's 45 feet, 15 meters. I think Sidney Wells passed – Oh, 30 meters total. Yeah. Just so you guys know, Sidney Wells passed Danny Spiegel and Rebecca Fuselier on the run, which makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:51:41 Yeah, she's a great runner, track athlete. Was she a mid-distance or a mid-distance sprinter 400 meter and uh page powers is keeping the heat on uh sarah they need to stop see how she's supporting the kettlebells up with their elbows rather than them resting kind of on her traps hey there's no way that's 20 feet it's only five steps at most it's 15 i'd say it's 12 she's like so they're doing down and back six times do some quick third grade math it's a little bit for me but and by the way uh this isn't a dig at wadapalooza we completely recognize that if you want to have
Starting point is 00:52:25 a venue on the water there that you uh you are forced to make the venue around well kind of the natural ecosystem and that's the best they can do get those huge stands in there right yeah butchers up against the water yeah they're 15-foot segments. Back to the GHD. I don't mean to worry about the minutia, but I think it's 12, dude. No. 15 times 6 is 90. Divided by 3 is 30.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And there you get your 30-meter lunge. So you think those lanes are wider than 3 feet? 30 meters is more like 100 feet. Well, it's close. They want the numbers to look pretty. So I'd imagine they're 15 feet. They just said 90, even though it's like 86. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:16 So Sarah will finish up these GHD sit-ups. Watch for quads. Relax, contract. Relax, contract. You see that? And then off to the rope. Yeah. She's the only one. She's really pulled ahead. She's making a statement. If you are an old-school CrossFit
Starting point is 00:53:36 fan, you're pretty excited to see this. Paige has got a little bit of contraction. Sarah's always been pretty good at this chipper workouts. Paige, what Paige is really utilizing is her ability to hyperextend at the bottom. She must not have issues with her back a lot. And so she can sit higher on the GHD with her legs still in that proper position.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And it takes body weight off the rep. Like you see how far back Sarah's sitting. That makes it easier on spinal flexion. You're not, or spinal extension. You're not going into as much hyper extension, but she has to pull so much more body weight on each rep. Who does? Sarah, because she's sitting further off the back. So you want, ideally you want to sit as far up onto the pad as possible with your legs straight. So you reduce body weight, but you don't want to,
Starting point is 00:54:26 you also don't want to take that to the extreme and kind of bastardize the movement and have where you sit on top with your knees fully bent, which some athletes do. It's just not, it's not advantageous. It's not good. Sarah's off to GHD chalking up her hands. She's going to be first to the rope.
Starting point is 00:54:40 As we look down the alleyway there, the feed freezes and we are fucked and we won't see the last minute of this event i'm sorry well it was nice talking to you guys now's the time to take a bathroom break pour yourself a shot of whiskey maybe call your mom who you should have called this morning let the dog out before he pisses in the house so everybody knows uh she would not have beaten emma carrie's time emma carrie yeah she had less than a minute when she got to the rope and the feed is back up and it looks like in that time when you were taking a shot of whiskey page powers also got off the ghd she is now on the europa oh but the feed
Starting point is 00:55:17 froze because it would be too fun if it just worked non-stop and we could just watch it all the way through uh this isn't cellular technology people this is some real heavy shit here we go why do you think it freezes too many people watching no it's it's i don't know could you imagine this like what if you're watching a fucking nfl game and every fucking 10 minutes it freezes i mean it's happened right or bando no dude it doesn't happen on the super bowl That's what this is. Or a championship game. And Sarah wins!
Starting point is 00:55:49 Don't worry about whether you saw it or not. She won. That's annoying. Hey, you know what I think? I think that she didn't actually win, but that's why they pulled the feed down so that they can say she won. Yeah. Paige Powers comes.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Do they just keep replaying Paige Powers going off wow oh it just stopped god it's got to be the worst time all right it's off now so can we stream ours okay let's go let's go people let's go let's go let's go suza get over there hillar get on right i'm ready i'm ready you're in get over there get over there we Hiller, get on. Right. I'm ready. I'm ready. You're in. Get over there. Get over there. We're bringing you in.
Starting point is 00:56:29 We're bringing you in. We're bringing you in. Bringing in the B team. Sousa, get into action. Pick it up. Hiller. Where's Hiller?
Starting point is 00:56:40 Hiller, can you get a camera over there? Heidi, let's go people. My goodness. Everyone's just taking a fucking cigarette break. I can't. I just finished. Camera's on, people.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Camera's on. Camera's on, please. Chris Carter, Fuselier, finished third. do you hate watching fitness suza i think he's just over there uh waiting for the gentleman to come over to the corral but for some reason suza says he's ready but he's not doing anything to get over there so wait hold on you're being serious i thought you were joking i can, no, not joking. No, no. Go in there.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Go in there, Susan. Go. Yeah, go. Go film that. Their stream's down. Their stream is down. Yeah, attaboy. That's the problem with sarcasm.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Then people don't know if you're joking or you're not joking. Yeah, Susan. Oh, now we're talking now we're talking yeah oh i like that framing now you got michael ishan up on the rope uh so so the so six people have finished uh mich, Mickalician was winning a majority or the early stages of this event side by side with page powers. And now she's in ninth and also a cursed at her up. Their stream is frozen again. Uh,
Starting point is 00:58:15 cursed at her is in 10th with a two rope climbs to her name. And Victoria campus is also struggling. Ooh, look at that. Little huggy-huggy. So did Sarah get third then, total? That's a good, I think according to what you were saying, if what you were saying was true, I think so. The Emma Carey, Emily Rolfe, and then Tara?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. Sousa, can you point your camera at the field? It's okay. I'm not worried about it now. There's only a few seconds left. Don't worry about it. Yeah, I was just positioning myself here because these sharks in front of me get all the good shots. So I wanted to catch these ladies coming out.
Starting point is 00:59:03 That's okay. We'd rather look at the field of play. Don't worry about that. There's nothing on the field of play. They're cleaning up. They're coming right here. 30 seconds. Yeah, Lydia. helping all right i'm on bathroom break all right enjoy savon what will it take for you to become the water pollution media director the water pollution
Starting point is 00:59:39 media team needs your leadership and beautiful hair in mi. I mean, I could do it from here. I am doing it from here. Zero resources. Sydney Wells, Rebecca Fuselier, Danny Spiegel. But thank you, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I appreciate it. Danny Spiegel signing the world's second smallest top. After the one that she is wearing. Miss Paige Powers, we're an adequately sized top. I'm going to have to leave, Sevan. I got to go be at the gym by three, okay? I understand. Yeah, make people strong and save lives.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Thank you, brother. I'll be back. I appreciate it having you on here. You da man. Have a good one. lives thank you brother i appreciate it having you on here you demand have a go uh and now we have the uh plumber cam uh also and the uh suza cam we have access to both of them uh you can see the fans here wanting to watch uh the athletes as they come out are these the fans are these like the boyfriends and girlfriends or both? Probably the fans.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Usually they let families come in like behind the corral and hang out and be with their athletes throughout the day. Danny Spiegel being very generous with her time with the fans. She always is. She's a good dude. Hey, that's what you're supposed to do, people. That is what you're supposed to do.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Stop, take pictures, kiss babies, say hi. If it wasn't for those people, none of us would have shit to do. That guy Snorri you saw with his arms crossed and the bald head,
Starting point is 01:01:26 that's, I believe, BKG's and Sarah's manager. Yeah. Three people for some reason that I can't get on the show anymore. I think, well, it's hard to get a hold of them.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Lauren Khalil interviewing Sarah Sigmund's daughter she's just trying to get the audio on this you can watch the full interview at the morning talk afterwards Lauren's pretty good about getting this up in a short amount of time it's weird on Hillers we can hear the audio, but on this we can't. Now we're muted? Oh, we lost it. God, Sarah looks magical, doesn't she?
Starting point is 01:02:59 She looks great. I wonder if she's going to make a run still. All right. Susie, can you give us a recap of maybe what you heard there? Yeah, I know. Matthew? Is this Susie? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:43 We got Will Plummer and Matt suzo uh cruising around uh the uh vents it looks like plumber is also in the area where the men might be walking by and he's uh left that area now he's walking through vendor village uh oh leaderboard is on competition corner i think that's our cue to pull that up we'll pull that up and check out the women's results. Thank you, Tom. Very subtle yet important cue. Molly Moles 33, 1999. Best event coverage.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Love your podcast. You're hilarious, Savon. You're hilarious, Savon. You're hilarious, Savon. You're hilarious, Savon. And I also appreciate your outlook on life. Keep on putting out such great content. Thanks, girl.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Means a lot. It's the only such great content. Thanks, girl. It means a lot. It's the only thing I want to be is funny. Emma Carey, first place, 100 points with a 1850. Oh, that's – oh. Okay, sorry. Can you rank them by the second event at first, and then we'll do the overall? Okay, so for that second event – This is what we have so
Starting point is 01:04:45 far oh before oh but sarah's in there correct okay uh so for the second event uh 1855 emma carrie second place uh emily rolf third place sarah sigman's daughter fourth place page powers uh fifth place emma tall sixth place Rebecca Fuselier. Congratulations to her and Sydney Wells. Great finishes by both of them in sixth and seventh place. Now your overall leaders for the day after two
Starting point is 01:05:15 events, and I think we have two events left, are... Can you go back to the top, Caleb? And organize them by just total points? Emma Carey with her second win. Emma Carey with her second win. And really, Fuliano's in second place with a second and a 15th?
Starting point is 01:05:44 That can't be right. It's not fully updated. Could you click on the points column? Does that change anything? Something's not right there. I think once this turns red, green, it'll be completed. Because I think that like this one no score okay so it hasn't even done it doesn't even do them preliminarily while we
Starting point is 01:06:13 is that a word preliminarily no oh uh it looks like the feed is down again. The men's first heat of the second event has started. How much do you think they paid for that broadcast for it to fuck up like this? I don't think it's their fault. No, you don't think it's the broadcast's fault? Well, it's whatever's happening. It's whatever server they're using. I mean, they're passing – so these things are on cameras, right? And then they go into a truck, and then from a truck they get broken into tiny little bits and sent out on like an octopus out onto the fucking – I don't know what it's called.
Starting point is 01:06:59 The stratosphere? Into the cloud. And then it's reassembled in the cloud cloud and then it's pushed down to our places and when they do that thing when they break it up into a bunch of little bits they do that to expedite the speed so you can send shit loads of information over a bunch of different uh funnels but um somewhere along that process it's fucking up so the only way that it's the broadcasting team's fault is that maybe they chose the wrong person to host their stream. The wrong server. The wrong
Starting point is 01:07:29 verse. Yeah, whatever. The packets that it's broken out in when it goes in. I'm assuming they're using the Amazon server. That's what everyone uses. Should have used the Alibaba server. So I'm guessing I don't know. A live stream for a small event's $150. So should he use the Alibaba service server? So I'm guessing, I don't know, a live stream for a small events, one 50 and a live stream for a big events, a minimum 400.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So I don't, I don't know. Okay. Yeah, dude, there's a lot of, they got a lot of moving pieces and parts and, or you, or you could do it for how we do it here at California Hormones. You don't get to see the elite division. You're stuck watching the gauntlet on the Will Plummer cam. Dude, they would – you got to get into that. Hell no. Well, maybe not what they're doing, but you could do what we're doing right now. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:24 People love it. Hey, dude not what they're doing, but you could do what we're doing right now. Yes. It's people love it. Hey, hey, dude, they all know it's all ego and hate. They all know. I want to show you guys something really quick, actually. Let me see if I can pull it up here. I want to show you guys something real quick. If you guys haven't seen this. I mean, you are going to hate me for for this but i don't give a flying fuck
Starting point is 01:08:48 okay i want to show you guys a video really quick i know you guys all came here for uh wadapalooza but uh for those of you who have a heart i want you to see this uh right here this is uh andrew hiller made made this in fucking 13 minutes. Action. Hi, I'm Sophie, and I'm a huge fan of CrossFit. In this video, I'm going to show you how fun it is to do CrossFit with my parents. First of all, CrossFit is a great way for families to bond together. My mom and dad are always there to encourage me to try new exercises.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It's really fun to do workouts as a team, and we're always there to encourage me to try new exercises. It's really fun to do workouts and we're always proud of ourselves when we finish. The other reason I like CrossFit is for me to stay strong and healthy. CrossFit helps me with my gymnastics and swimming. Finally, CrossFit is a great way for me and my family to be part of a community. We all encourage and support each other and it's a fun place to be. So if you're looking for a fun and challenging way to stay active, I highly recommend giving CrossFit a try. My name is Sophie and I have been doing CrossFit for three and a half years. Wow. Thanks for watching and I'll see you at the gym. Let's go!
Starting point is 01:10:01 Crazy, right? Dude. Go Andrew Hiller fucking shit up anyone anyone who has i won't say anyone who has negative things to say because people have negative to think things to say about everyone and negative criticism constructive criticism is important but anyone who hates on him and says that just all the fucking bullshit hate out there pisses me off so much because he is like the people calling him a hater dude he is such a fucking good dude he is a better friend than 99 of people on earth and he's loyal as fuck and they're jealous they're jealous but i also think he has a moral compass like i really he does the right thing and when he fucks up he owns up to it how many people fuck up and just
Starting point is 01:10:45 shove that shit under the rug yes uh by the way the feed is down again i at this point they what the fuck is going on is the feed down for you guys too yes no we're not missing it they're missing it use the correct your we're not yeah let me i'm gonna i'm gonna show out here i want to share with you uh this is the uh current feed right here there you go that's the feed beautiful i mean don't get me wrong i like a guy with the shirt off i'm digging it oh i just saw a chat go down that says seven one's better than this all day okay i gotta pull it down again it's working okay serve any right okay oh that's him on the left there whoa oh shit what happened to my shit the stream went down again now it's bad that's the worst i've seen it good times now? Now I see us. Huh?
Starting point is 01:11:47 I'm back on. Okay. I think. Is it the top one? Oh, back live. Yep, back live. Kaike Cerenji in first. Alexander Caron second.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Nope. Fuck. Never mind. It's gone. No, he's in first. It's six minutes, 23 seconds seconds into the workouts kayke's revenge on the on the runner corones and second semen off are you guys seeing this yeah yeah yeah and uh oh kayke is uh that's a big man yeah he's a big guy what if man they're really fucking the stream oh well what are. What are you going to do? Watch Sousa walk through Vendor Village.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Hey, it is a beautiful Vendor Village and beautiful scene there. The trees, yeah, it's nice. It's incredible. Last year when I was there, it was just super beautiful. Gosh, Sousa's camera quality and what he's watching is so much. Are my settings on my – no, I'm 1080p let me me god is good okay got a coffee shop look at hey plumbers plumbers got some good video quality too he just doesn't hold the camera as well well he doesn't have a stream loading again loading yeah i mean yeah carone's not holding a seven minute pace on the
Starting point is 01:13:06 runner taylor you don't think so i don't know dude he's lumbering what do you think i mean fuck what do i know tell me i'm wrong oh my god now the whole stream's down again i just got my adapter cord someone in the comments wrote that was a solid 10 seconds. Best 10 seconds of my life. Stacey Spalding said it kicked me out and took me to a Noah Olsen video. Yeah, I got kicked out and taken to one of my videos. Yeah, Corona's not running at a seven-minute mile pace. He's not?
Starting point is 01:13:42 Okay, good. That makes me happy. Richelme looks like he's running very steadily. A good pace. Good gait. Okay, good. That makes me happy. Richelme looks like he's running very steadily. A good pace. Good gait too. This is fucking... Notre Dame hat. I got a Notre Dame hat on screen. Hey, Sousa, can you hear me? Yep. Hey, brother,
Starting point is 01:13:58 what if we did some sort of like a moral deal with ourselves where we went over there and every time their stream goes down, we stay live for one minute on them. And then if they stay live for more than a minute without going down, then we pull ours down.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Alright, let's do it. I'll head back. They're going down every 10 seconds now. It's bad. Okay, I'll head back over to where I was. Where should I go? That first spot or the second spot where I was behind more? i go that first spot or the the second spot where i was behind lord uh i think that first spot was better the first spot okay to me it would seem so intuitive to use us because not only are we showing people what
Starting point is 01:14:37 they want to see but the sponsors and everyone who's getting marketed gets their their shits on camera too hey guys uh they're showing i have no problem showing uh uh madaris and uh ellie but when you can barely keep the stream up uh when it's up you should keep it on the athletes wow right that's fucking yeah just just not just right without a doubt just a little um um caron's picked it up a little bit oh my god suza with the someone someone wrote in the comments suza with the hand cam is better than this it's his fucking iphone uh their video quality is great i i haven't listened to the commentating i'm assuming bill and chase or uh bill and uh uh shawnee are killing it somebody in the comments said switch to the zep on podcast to watch without stream going down
Starting point is 01:15:37 love it we're gonna get in trouble for that someone wrote nobody snitch on suza uh the stream was fine until they shut you down yeah i i noticed that too isn't that kind of funny interesting hey i will say this you have to know that uh the the guy there who runs the show there has been nothing but super accommodating dylan he has been fucking amazing. Uh, I don't think that this is a, I'm going to go out on a limb and wait till my hand gets that. But I don't think that this is, uh, showing much.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Um, just a wide shot of a bunch of, you can't tell who's who. So we'll just hang here for a little bit. Yeah. Snitches do get stitches. Who wrote that? Someone wrote that in the,
Starting point is 01:16:24 in the water palooza life yeah okay here we go uh first heat uh second event of the men uh 22 uh minute time cap up their stream is down 22 minute time cap and uh they're about 11 and a half minutes through. At this point, Taylor, if you're in this heat, does that mean you have no chance of winning Waterpalooza? If you're in the second heat? No, this is the first heat of men, isn't it? This is? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:16:58 First heat. Yeah, this is only the second event. But if you're bottom 20. Yeah, you're not. you have no chance of winning. I don't want to say you have no chance of top five or top seven. I mean last year, this is embarrassing to say, but last year I had two 30 second place finishes and I placed 10th. Oh, at Wadapalooza. I had two events.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I mean I tore my meniscus a month before and i didn't squat at all and i went into both those workouts knowing that i just needed to not get hurt was that dead last for you 30 second no it wasn't surprisingly i mean i i was walking like it was the mia complex i believe um was it i can't remember it was definitely the echo thruster workout because i was just i broke the thrusters like so many times just avoid hey if you beat someone with a torn meniscus in an event they their their coach should cock slap them well i beat like 30 people with a torn meniscus so that's 30 cock slaps no you took 30. Oh, you mean some of the events overall? Oh,
Starting point is 01:18:07 I want an event. I won the running event. Yeah. With a torn meniscus, torn medial meniscus. I don't think they didn't remove the whole, there was a small flap in there that like, wasn't causing an issue with like impact.
Starting point is 01:18:23 But anytime I, not anytime i squatted when i was getting forced into like deep deep flexion on that knee it would catch um and they just trimmed that part out and now i have my a thick ass quad tendon in there for my acl it feels like a feels like a fucking battle rope in there uh scott summers uh bill and billy and shawnee are doing a great job yeah i figured they would they get a lot of experience i mean scott pancher competed the whole fucking games with a torn meniscus yeah it's really not that bad i have a torn meniscus and
Starting point is 01:18:57 torn cartilage in both my knees and i it depends i'm not a games athlete it depends on the tear it depends on this cold gray shaver in theshaber in the foreground here in the blue shirt? Who's that? No, I don't think Grayshaber's in the first heat. Okay. I think he was also in the second heat. Hey, it's bigger guys in this heat. It's bigger guys who aren't necessarily have the CrossFit body, right?
Starting point is 01:19:20 These mostly look like guys who are 5'10 to 6'1. Which makes sense because 21 muscle ups and longer range of motion in the squatting oh just kidding they weren't seated based off that workout they were seated they were already preceded coming into this into the weekend in this heat yeah so the stream just so everyone knows the stream keeps going down uh it's down now it's back and forth so we're just holding this shot for you in case uh providing the bare minimum coverage for any snitch ass bitches who are running to tell dylan snitch ass bitches we're just holding down the heat we are also we have two windows open we're also adding to the numbers for guadalupalooza and we have the guadalupalooza stream also open uh the sun is no longer on the athletes uh do they appreciate this they're happy
Starting point is 01:20:12 with the sun not being on them taylor yeah it's nice working out in the shade i don't mind working on the heat it gets kind of cold behind that shade i think in charlotte in charlotte in the summer it gets hot it's fucking humid uh jordan would like to know the uh women um jordan jay can someone uh tell me the women's top five from event two i can tell you emma carrie has won the first event and the second event i can tell you that it just got finalized i'll pull it up okay here we go event number two for the women uh emma carry in first place then emily rolf third place page powers great job page no sorry we're going to rework those numbers first place emma carry second place emily rolf third place sarah sigman's daughter fourth place uh page powers fifth place emma tall seventh place uh rebecca fusli hey i
Starting point is 01:21:04 like all that. I like those girls. I like that. Emma Rolfe representing the strong games athlete. Emma Carey living up to the hype. Paige Powers doing what she needs to do to represent mayhem. Sarah showing that she can hang a little bit. And Rebecca Fuslie also showing she can hang in seventh.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Unreal. Emma Carey making a fucking statement. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's awesome. Hey, the game's hype behind her is going to be real if she keeps this up. She's going to be top ten at the games. At least.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So those squares on the ground there, do you see those squares on the ground that are taped off, those pink rectangles, Taylor? And they represent not only the lanes in terms of the width that the athlete has to perform the task, but then they're also partitioned into four segments between the runner and let's say where the GHD is. Yeah, what about them? Okay, so there's four rectangles. Yeah. What about them? Okay. So those are four, there's four rectangles. Would you agree with me? One.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Yes, but they're only lunging three rectangles. Four. Okay. So there's, there's four, they, they,
Starting point is 01:22:13 it's four. And I'm going to argue that those are, nope, I'm wrong. Those are wider than three feet, right? They're not, they're lunging four or three squares.
Starting point is 01:22:23 No, four squares. Uh, whatever. They're doing. They're lunging four or three squares. No, four squares. Whatever. They're doing 90 feet total. Yeah, Seve, eat a dick. Okay, we got somebody on the ropes. We got our first guy on the ropes, and he looks like a giant. That was Caron.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Oh, man. That guy does not belong on a rope. Look at him. tired already right taylor look at him uh my my stream keeps freezing no look at our stream look at our stream oh we're on him uh there we go oh he's getting at it he's doing bad it's three poles which is not ideal but is that like a two pull you think that's 15 feet should be two pulls he's not really that big you see how short his first like you see how short he's on his knees up he's just really short range of motion which you you think his his midline is just fatigued and that's why he can't get his knees up there that high he's pivoting at the oh there, there you go. That one was good. That middle one was good.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I just think he's just trying to minimize time under tension on the rope. I think that can be a little bit faster, but it's a little harder on your – I don't know. I mean, I always go for two pulls. When you get tired, everything goes out the window. Adam Blakeslee, you think Brian will backtrack on rebecca foos not making it back to the games if she podiums nah she's she's not gonna podium we still have a we still have a one rep max clean and jerk coming hey she's she's just a little
Starting point is 01:23:56 human i mean for her to make it to the games is just crazy i think the two workouts she has most standing in her way are the one rep max clean and jerk and then also the 100 heavy wall balls um uh some of these girls are just fucking brick shithouses and rebecca fusli is not one of them dude some of them are massive yeah and so i mean i would i like seeing her compete it's fun it's fun it's it's like watching the vw bug out there with the uh the formula one race cars i'd love to see her go back to the games don't get me wrong I like seeing her compete. It's fun. It's fun. It's, it's like watching the VW bug out there with the, uh, the formula one race cars. I'd love to see her go back to the games.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Don't get me wrong. I want to know what's up with her elbow. She always wears that sleeve. Like it's compromised. I don't know. I've never seen her train without that elbow sleeve or compete. You think it's a mental thing at that point then? No idea.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Uh, yes. Uh, Tony, uh, dropping some knowledge for the people who are just checking in. This is just heat number one. These are the dudes just warming up the equipment. There will be two more heats at 22 minutes each.
Starting point is 01:24:55 And the day will only be halfway over. Well, the next event is a back-to-back. So technically they have one more workout. Don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. Oh, she messed it up in gymnastics. She talked about it on Seve's podcast. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Of course. I mean, yes, of course. Yes, I remember that. Yes. There are some other highlights of that podcast that we can't overlook. In the episode she did with Seve a while back, she said she really messed it up in her gymnastics career. Thank you, Scott.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Scott Balafantz. Maybe we need to get her back on then. Yeah, she'd be great to have on. I bet you having her on, I could do kind of like a love line show with her too, like Danielle Brandon. Alternating weeks advice from fusli advice from brandon i don't know do we really want advice from yes yes uh uh brought to you by tampax and trojan how about advice from mertens oh like how to raise a love light a love line advice show oh maybe not love line advice yes life advice life advice yeah yeah that's a good idea badass
Starting point is 01:26:13 motherfucker advice don't stand you know what don't stand down win from a shitting pig colton mertens you know what you know what crossfit needs and the ufc did the fucking the badass motherfucker belt oh yes yeah we need that who's taking that who's taking that in the men's field it's not a it's not a bad idea the badass motherfucker belt? Yeah. God, you know what's crazy too? I think Roman, ah, maybe Ricky of competing athletes here. Yeah, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:26:59 In that one, there has to be an event where you got to put your hands on another dude. I don't know what it is. That would be so much fun to watch. There's got to be some event. But you know who would destroy everyone is Chandler. He's such a nice guy, and I wouldn't call what it is. That should be so much fun to watch. There's got to be some event. But you know who would destroy everyone is Chandler. He's such a nice guy, and I wouldn't call him a badass motherfucker, but at any wrestling event, he's going to clap people. Is he a Division I wrestler? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:14 He wrestled at Army. Yeah, which is? At West Point. That's pretty good. You've got to be a pretty good wrestler to wrestle at Army. Yeah. Yeah. But it depends on the – on the yeah i don't know
Starting point is 01:27:26 if you're an army wrestler i don't think there's anyone in the field that's gonna uh i i want to say that uh justin may have he wrestled uh but i don't think he wrestled at boise no you're right you're right no but just your high school but i want to say he went to the state championships in california which is no joke. Not college, though. Not college. But I can't see Justin beating Chandler in a wrestling match. Chandler is just so dense. Chandler, he's an active practitioner of jiu-jitsu right now, too. Oh, he is?
Starting point is 01:27:55 He's still training. I don't think he's let that up. I was raised on the streets, though, so. Hey, why isn't he entering competitions and shit chandler yeah he won rogue didn't he no jujitsu competition seconds oh probably yeah because you get fucked up in jujitsu competitions yeah fucking pop a knee out dislocate an elbow i think he just trains with his friends and i think he had a roommate or a brother or something that would train and his brothers and his brother fights uh alexander caron takes first
Starting point is 01:28:30 place artur semenov without his flag takes second place you dipshits put his flag up kaikei cervini takes third come on guys you fucking ding dondongs. There you go. Alexander Caron, first. Arthur Semenov, second. Kaiki Cervini, third. Fourth, Cam Crockett. Fifth, Philip Muscarella. And sixth, Peter Mason from the Zealous Games. Number eight, an honorable mention by Anoli Ekai. Ninth, Agustin Riquelme.
Starting point is 01:29:02 And in tenth place, the kid, the team, the teen kid, the kid from the games, Nate Ackerman, uh, also trains over there at the brute, um,
Starting point is 01:29:14 strength training camp with our friends, down pepper, Daniel Brandon, James Sprague, FISA, Goffey, Emma, Carrie.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Yeah. Nate's with some good people, man. And, uh, uh, Ray romantic, uh, who, uh, somehow got mentioned on our draft show and Leona, Emma Carey Yeah Nate's with some good people man And Ray Romanek Who somehow got mentioned On our draft show And Lionel Franco
Starting point is 01:29:31 I think it's the first time I've ever been able to Say his name Sean Pippert Hey morons Justin was on scholarship to wrestle at Boise Then cut the program Title 9 bullshit Yeah Sean You call me moron anytime buddy We dropping that shit Boise, then cut the program. Title IX, bullshit. Yeah, Sean!
Starting point is 01:29:47 You call me moron anytime, buddy. We're dropping that shit. Army wrestling is a little better than Boise if they cut the fucking program. Bullshit. Bullshit. They cut the program, dude. Justin would tie fucking Chandler Smith in a fucking knot like I used to do to my cherry stem when I was a little kid. I thought you were going to go somewhere else and not say that. Me too.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I never tied that thing in a knot listen listen sean i apologize on on behalf of all the morons out there uh thank you for un-fucking-realized getting a scholarship and then not wrestling made you a better wrestler uh i don't know what title nine is but it sounds like that they had to give his money to a girl or something. That's exactly what it is. Title IX girl. Someone with a vagina? Yeah, they had to cut a program to make room for a ladies program. I've come to life here in the last 10 minutes. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:30:36 My sister, that happened to my sister. She dove at Clemson and they cut the program the year after she left. I just, fuck. Oh, she didn't do what Hopper did and get scared and come home no she was perennially one of the top in the country in diving insane amazing yes cherry stem not hey you think this guy sean uh pippert has the poster of uh madaris up on his wall for sure dude and he beats to it he's got got one of those rooms where the roof is kind of barn style where there's an angle and then it's flat and there's an angle
Starting point is 01:31:09 and he's got him on that front angle so he can just lay nice and chill on his bed. Me too. Me too. Right under the roof? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Our men's track team got second at NCAAs, then they cut the program for Title IX the next year.
Starting point is 01:31:20 It had nothing to do with how good the program was. All right, Chase. That's not Chase. That's someone's hacked his account don't all right bill he's not no bill's commentating right now live uh okay i see uh luke parker uh schmoozing one of his judges is is exactly what i would do that's the way to go uh thank you uh caleb beaver uh brings up the roster for the second heat of event two the 2023 tier wataplooza event henry hapalan and hapalan and uh lane two cole grease shaver lane three he's the guy that got a pounded in the last event even though he ended up taking third place uh fourth place down uh fourth lane down pepper fifth samuel
Starting point is 01:32:05 pacquen uh lane six lucas lane seven matt pooling lane eight benjamin gutierrez lane nine luke parker lane 10 jack rosama uh gray shavers got his mouth guard why are they wearing mouth guards taylor because they get fucking paid to do it keelan henry lane 13 okay him and down pepper making some coin i think people to look at are henrik hapalainen cole gray shaver and matt poolen well which would be nice because it looks like hapalainen and gray shaver might be right next to each other. Luke Parker was looking at his rope like he didn't want to touch it. Alrighty, some gentlemen struggling with the old legless. We got Keelan Henry.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Oh. Luke Parker looks strong in those legs rope guns. Yeah, he's just fixing it a bit. Someone just said, did they fix the stream? For now. Yeah. We got about 30 seconds of good stream. Let me see if i've gotten another text saying i'm being bad nope so far so good dallin okay uh suza i think their stream's good for now uh shall we uh head on over to the corral area?
Starting point is 01:33:28 And we'll check out the big boys. I'm very curious. We're going to get an update on Guy here. If you could head on over to the corral. I know it's a long walk. Sorry about that, dude. I know with those runners there. Oh, can you go that way?
Starting point is 01:33:41 No, you cannot. Take back what I said about hiring because GHTs are so slow. Oh, yeah. He's trudging along. After the first men's event in the third heat, all the athletes cleared the floor. Who's that? One athlete was stuck in the corral on his back with two or three people tending to him, one pouring water on his head. And it was the great Guy Malheros,
Starting point is 01:34:08 one of the hopes for South America for maybe one day winning the CrossFit Games. And we have not got any updates on whether he is okay, although we did see him sit up and he smiled. We are not sure if he's continuing. Has anyone heard anything of he's back in the game i haven't seen anything he's in the first seat or the third heat correct uh yes he'll be coming on in uh 20 minutes we'll know for sure in 20
Starting point is 01:34:39 minutes they're giving you guys a good shot of some good knee extension from down it's not super forceful but you can see him contract the quads yeah oh yeah contract quads god his quads are huge yeah he's got some fat quads yeah so he's like contracting his quads and basically straightening his leg to propel himself upwards so exactly that that pulls your it attaches to the hip flexor, just helps you flex your hips and sit up really quick. Hey, so that camera angle was just a straight shot of his quads up to his cock and
Starting point is 01:35:12 balls for like two minutes. And it's like nothing. But if it was a girl, it would be, it would be a total, like everyone would be losing their shit. Well, they're not wearing. Because it's down pepper. It's like no big deal. But they're not, they're also not wearing fucking, fucking you know you can't see the old fucking banana outline right well that's down on a girl that's down a couple yeah look craig richie killing it over there working hard nice nice yeah what uh in in the uh in the uh the suza camp we've seen craig richie we saw rory mccernan we saw some well cornway i see what you're doing suza you're in the in the the Sousa camp we've seen Craig Ritchie
Starting point is 01:35:45 we saw Rory McKernan we saw some Will Cornway I see what you're doing Sousa you're getting us people letting us feel the vibes thank you thumbs up
Starting point is 01:35:54 dude how about Hiller going a fuck oh you got the no rep buddy you gotta take it back how about Hiller fucking swinging a bat at uh
Starting point is 01:36:04 that Canadian camera guy what's his name i don't even know his fucking name oh at mr edwardson oh yeah dude hiller teed off on him i loved it yeah that was great oh come on guys he's just a little canadian dude that's just an excuse um it looks like the guy who's leading this event i've never even heard of him now i have dylan pepper's now taking the lead it's some guy uh his name is um l giraldis giraldis and third place is gutierrez i don't know who that is either now gray shaber is taking third place uh they're the guys who are in the lead are four minutes into the workout, and they're doing the overhead kettlebell lunge.
Starting point is 01:36:53 That guy is tall. Yeah, Gutierrez should have gotten a no rep there. You see that? Because he didn't step past that line all the way. His judge tried to no rep him, and then she didn't end up bringing him back. It didn't look like. Do they have to bring him back just a line, or have to do that whole section again it should be the whole segment i don't know she went after him we just didn't get to see what he what happened after
Starting point is 01:37:13 right not sure it's like d peps bringing up the front uh luke parker is also on his overhead. Oh, and Pepper is now on the clean and jerks. Clean and jerks, yeah. And he's at least four reps ahead, maybe five reps ahead. That's a big guy. He is tall as shit. Yeah. Giardes? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Giardes? Well, I mean, it's all relative. You have no idea how tall he is. He looks like a giant next to these other midgets true what are those red dots on the ground see those red dots in the corner they're like some indicator to advance here but i think it's stupid because you just like what's how is that any different than the red line that's right there you know much yeah there must be something to it damn susan has to walk so far every time he wants to go to the corral. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:38:07 He's going to the warm area, I think. Oh, okay. Getting my steps in today. I already passed the corral. This is the warm area. There's no one in the corral yet. They just started that at a heat, so it'll be a little bit before they rally. Hey, Sousa, they don't have that roped off at all, or they do?
Starting point is 01:38:22 They do. Like, how did you get back there? Oh, okay. I got this bad boy. Okay, and turn back and show me where, like, where's the area that someone would have to go through? Oh, okay. So you got to go all the way down there.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Then you make the right. There's an entrance on this side, and then the way I came in was down past the cloud. So there's two ways in. So everyone we see back here has a pass yeah they're either a coach or an athlete or a press person or staff god that's a huge area that's that they have to protect yeah i mean check it out you got squat racks all the way there all the way around and then you even have like it looks like the deepief area here to have a mini rig set up stuff on that stage last year around last year and then we got this area last year there were people who weren't even
Starting point is 01:39:11 like part of the event like not even spectators just like people walking along the streets of miami sitting on those benches up there in the warm-up area yeah for sure they had my number last year i just remember walking in and the same security guard would give me the look and i would just kind of wave like i'm seeing myself he would just shake his head there were like little toddlers running around in front of me when i was trying to handstand what's down those stairs oh creepy i think there's a door there's bathrooms down there yeah i don't know what's in there there's like a staff area
Starting point is 01:39:49 the athletes have another entrance actually over here so they could come in through this way and then be into the warm-up area um so they don't have to go through the crowd last year they had it set up so they had to walk through the outside a little bit. It doesn't look like it's like that this year, but we'll see when they go to the other what's called Flagler. We'll see what it looks like when they go work out there. Hey, that black thing back there that's cylindrical, is that a prop for the Wadapalooza or that's a permanent structure?
Starting point is 01:40:20 Permanent structure. Permanent structure. Dallin Peppero, sounds like the crowd's cheering for him. Still in first place. He's at the halfway point. The time to beat is 18-17 by Alexander Caron. Dallin has 10 minutes
Starting point is 01:40:39 to beat that. And it looks like also coming in third place, the third person on the treadmill was a gray shaver. Grease shaver? Gray shaver. Grease shaver? And I'm not sure what place Luke Parker is in. Oh, that guy is a giant. Look at him running on the runners.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Yeah, he's actually tall. Yeah, El Giraldez. It seems like my stream is a little behind. What's your time stamp say on the clock? 8.45. 8.45 or 9? Let's start at 9. What's yours? 8. 9. What's yours?
Starting point is 01:41:26 8.50. What's yours, Caleb? 8.50 right now. Okay, yeah, I'm at 9. I've just got a shot of Dallin and Caron. They're not showing any of the workout. What the fuck? There we go.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Okay, look at that giant guy at the top of your screen. Yeah, he's tall. But then look at Dallin. Dallin looks pretty – he's closer to the camera, though. Dallin's like six foot, though, isn't he? He's 5'11". He's taller than me. gray shaver and hapeline and are all those dallin gray shaver hapeline are all taller you mean than your average crossfitters yeah that guy uh dallin's judge looks like an extra
Starting point is 01:42:21 on top gun dude look at that i know he looks like he extra on Top Gun, dude. Look at that. He looks great. I know. He looks like he'll fucking pull your ass over and make you buckle up. Yeah. He's definitely a cop in his spare time. Anyone and everyone could get in. Well, today is Thursday, so the security is always lax on Thursday. Anyone and everyone could get in last year.
Starting point is 01:42:42 It was nuts. Ryan Tangoay, security wasn't checking shit for credentials. Nope. lax on thursday anyone everyone could get in last year it was nuts uh ryan tang away security wasn't checking shit for credentials nope yeah i think uh i think once like friday night saturday started rolling around they got a little bit more strict about it uh have you all predicted who will win this uh event uh they we chose earlier today for the women i forget who we chose for the men did we choose for the men i got pat oh yeah that's right that's right john young wait john's not here where's john no he fucking dipped out man when did he dip out
Starting point is 01:43:21 he had to take his dog i didn't even notice he had to take his dog for a walk. I didn't even notice. He had to take his dog for a walk. I'm pretty sure you said bye. He had to go to church. I'm telling you, something happened to me 30 minutes ago. I'm not even the same person. It's like the suppository I put in this morning finally cracked and it's seeping in my large intestine. I don't know. I just feel like maybe I've just been on the air too long.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Hey, we've got to get some people on here who should i invite on here uh did dallin say you would come on or just after individually he's on the treadmill right now bro all right bro invite send dave a link i'm not sending david link dude come on send rich a link and rich a link uh just to say hi yeah see what he thinks about some of these workouts let's talk workouts i wonder hurdles okay rich run oh i could send it to angelo too is angelo yeah send it to angelo for sure okay for page oh ask page about the event who yeah shit we could send it to emma carrie too and ask her about that shit okay let's let's yes yes let's see emma oh i don't have fucking emma carrie's phone number i guess that's a good sign that's always good uh emma i have an emma tall i don't have an Emma Tall.
Starting point is 01:44:46 I don't have an Emma Carey. I wonder if Sousa has. Let me ask Sousa if he can text me. Hey, Sousa. Yep. Do we have Emma Carey's phone number? I will check. The stream will drop.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Mine will. I'll hop on after I order my Chick-fil-a okay so the chico's coming on can you have them order me some chick-fil-a too i'm freaking starving did you see the meme wad story about us and edwardson hey no one's giving you any free food there uh suza like a free bar or something last meal a was at 10 o'clock baby shit okay dude they rail their volunteers there like they don't get food they get work to the fucking bone we got fed pretty good you're medical dude you know you're an exception the judge just hovering around for a while and waiting for somebody like stub a toe or something. Stub a toe. Dude, I love being medical. Dallin's judge has his hand up.
Starting point is 01:45:50 It looks like Dallin is, and I apologize, the Waterpalooza stream is doing absolutely fantastic, which sucks for us. Oh, Heidi says I can bring Sousa food. Awesome. You're a good dude, Heidi. Mama Heidi coming in clutch. And, Heidi, you should be starting up your camera
Starting point is 01:46:08 and pointing it at the crowd every once in a while or something. Okay, Cole Greyshaber is now in first place. He's doing his dumbbell thrusters. Dallin's racking and going into a squat and now chasing down Greyshaber. Greyshaber is five reps ahead. And Greyshaber is taller than D is taller than down i think by an inch yeah down's a great mover sturdy as shit oh it down's catching him i think there's a one or two rep difference now. Squat cycle speed, without a doubt.
Starting point is 01:46:46 And Gray Shaber taking a little break. And Dallin Pepper not taking a break. Dallin needs to go for it. Yeah, buddy. And Dallin going for it and passing him. Hey, so right there is where the cameraman needed to be wide. Do you see where that fuck up is? It's a fucking sport, and we just missed the pass.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Yep. We just missed the pass. There we missed the pass there we go it's a little better ah come on man is it he's about chalking up for the old lunges not sure why he did that there we go okay so dylan pepper's in the lead. He has about a 15-foot. Oh, you're right. It is three squares. I stand corrected, buddy. That's fucking right, dude.
Starting point is 01:47:30 I stand. I was like 100% sure I was right. We've only been debating that for the last four hours. Okay, so those are five feet, and you're fucking right, and they are 15 feet, and I'm a fucking neurotic douche. Got it. Taylor, point Taylor herself. I'm going to run the commercial at least two more times now before the weekend.
Starting point is 01:47:52 God damn it. I thought I was right. What's wrong with me? I've been having a rough two days. I appreciate you guys being patient with me. Dude, we love you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Grandpa, like a drug addict, uh, dealing, going through withdrawals over here just just having one of those days no you're not i've had known quite a bit i had a kid i had a guy detox in my fucking basement for a week how long it took was a week he was coming off of opiates and it didn't, it took several days,
Starting point is 01:48:26 maybe a week. You locked him in your basement. I just slept on my fucking couch and jittered for a fucking four days. Oh, Hey, would you check in on him and be like, Hey, it's going to be okay,
Starting point is 01:48:35 buddy. I love you. I'm here for you. And like, yeah, apple slices and shit. Or were you like, fuck you quit being a pussy.
Starting point is 01:48:40 No, we were hanging out like the whole time. And God, that was crazy. That was so long ago. Did you like laugh with them and shit and been like, I've through this i know exactly what you're going through no he went and relapsed and then my best friend jake let him stay with him and he stole all his mom's fucking jewelry i swear to god swear to god he's crazy okay dylan pepper is in first place he's on the ghd it looks like the guy to the right of him uh gray shaver's also on the
Starting point is 01:49:05 ghd the rep difference is 10 reps and uh the big man el guillardeles whatever his name is is uh still in third place doing the walking lunges adalyn pepper is at 16 45 still in the ghd can he do all the rope climbs in uh one minute and 17 seconds the answer would be no which means that alexander caron is going to uh win this event correct or not correct yeah so watch the difference between dallin's ghds and coals see that quad contraction and watch how much slower coal is oh wow do you see the difference it It's just explosive. You see that, right? There's a perfect angle for that. Yeah, that's a great example of it.
Starting point is 01:49:48 And it's funny. You just go pull up the video teaching how to do a GHG setup, and there you go. It's so strange to me how top athletes don't pick up on stuff like that. Well, maybe Gray Shaver's just exhausted. No. He can't contract it. Bullshit. No bullshit?
Starting point is 01:50:06 Okay. Yeah, he's just not doing them right okay fair enough look at how slow he gets at the top because he's using all this muscle that's nowhere near as strong as his quads and hip flexors which is like he's using his core yeah way too much down onto the rope climbs now uh dallin on the rope climb we're at 1750 with one rope climb done uh-oh boop there we go hey can we see the uh can we see the leaderboard you got to get back up on the rope buddy stop with the chalk he's tired get up no the dudes can we see the dude it's okay we'll do it right after uh i was thinking well unless we can squeeze it in really quick just to see a quick check of the fastest time alan's having some trouble with his foot clamp he is a big guy for the rope climbs he just doesn't have it out
Starting point is 01:50:53 there oh he's okay such a tough time with the rope climbs i think gray shaver's gonna pass him hey ricky's gonna smoke this workout gray shaver's gonna pass down on the rope climbs he's already done with you you're right down down oh wow three for gray shaver two for dallin pepper see the pulls two pulls for gray shaver oh look how big that second one is yeah wow he reaches up and then pulls the legs boom because gray shaver uh saved his legs on those gcs no that's so wrong not true gray shaver with one left to go dylan pepper with two great camera work showing us the past that time gentlemen uh that's not great camera work get back to the wide shot people dylan pepper going up to tie oh gray shaver's done that's yep dylan's dylan's foot clamp is just rough holy shit so gray shaber uh was only five seconds behind no no coron was 18 17
Starting point is 01:51:47 oh yeah he's doing like almost four pulls on some of those and his feet are just slipping so much yeah is it is it the tyr shoes no i don't know it's it i just think it's technique this big fucker's taking like one pull. Oh, there we go. Slippage. Come on. Oh, wow. What is Angelo doing at this event? Is he competing or is he on a team?
Starting point is 01:52:15 I think he's just hanging out. Good question. Someone said, is Malheros on this heat on the uh on their stream and the question is is not whether he's in this heat whether he's competing in the competition yeah yeah quick uh i think ricky will smoke this as well called salomon uh heidi krum asks if he wants a burrito bowl taco or burger uh suza oh i lost him going to peter would you like a burrito bowl taco or burger oh burrito bowl would be awesome a burrito bowl would be awesome heidi but he'll oh no she said okay he's getting a burger fine burger he that's what he said burger works burger works
Starting point is 01:52:58 yeah he loves a burger that's great love it thank. Thank you. Okay. Angelo is holding Rich's purse. Anything's possible. Okay, burrito bowl it is. Now he's fucked. She does have Sousa's number. He's probably just not answering his phone because if he does, he'll lose the live stream. Yeah, I'm on my phone this whole time.
Starting point is 01:53:20 No text, no call. Alrighty. No text, no call. All righty. Yep, even Heidi knows. I can't text him because he's live streaming. Sousa, maybe you want to go to where the athletes are lining up now. You're probably headed there now anyway. Yeah, great shot. Good job.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Oh, that's Danielle. Brandon? Yeah, that was Danielle, Sousa. Hey, S's Danielle. Brandon? Yeah, that was Danielle Sousa? Hey, Sousa. Yeah, sorry, the button wasn't clicking. Yeah, that was her. Maybe we should just go stare at her for a second, like some good gratuitous stare.
Starting point is 01:53:57 It's going to be weird. Just offer the standard server and point the camera. Yeah. That's where the next Loveline show is. Yeah, I'll see if I get her scheduled right away. Okay. We have Sousa over in the corral area, although there's only about one,
Starting point is 01:54:16 there's 17 seconds left in heat number two. Oh, there she is again. What are you doing? You're just doing a flyby? Hey, shouldn't you go to the corral? Oh, you're going to walk with the athletes. What are you doing? You're just doing a flyby? Hey, shouldn't you go to the corral? Oh, you're going to walk with the athletes? What are you doing? I'm going to the corral right now.
Starting point is 01:54:31 Oh, isn't that the corral right behind you? What up? Oh, wow. Angelo, what's up, baby? Oh, it's raining where you're at. Hey, what's up? What's up, dude? Wow. We're looking i don't know if you can see the screen but we're looking at the uh final heat for event number two
Starting point is 01:54:52 you got gee uh who is down because of heat exhaustion from the did you see that angelo what happened to gee no i haven't been able to watch most of it the live stream has not been very good terrible they've had They've had some issues. Angelo. That's what I hear. What do you think about the hurdle jump overs? Hey, I don't know. Safe answer.
Starting point is 01:55:16 I'm not following it. I'm here to learn about the events. I want to hear what you guys have to say. We're still in Tennessee, so I'm not really in it yet. They've got a workout. Brief me. Give me a brief. They've got a workout.
Starting point is 01:55:32 It's a sprint workout, and it's 11-22-11 of toes to bar and hurdle jump overs, and they're jumping over this little mini. What do you think about that? It's a mini hurdle. It's not like a regular-sized hurdle. It's not a track hurdle. Ah, that sounds ridiculous. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:54 All right, cool. Not just me. I hope it's not as ridiculous as it sounds. We're going to find out tonight. Angelo, right now we're staring at the the right outside where the event starts the corral you got gee you got romanoff you got patrick velner you got uh nick matthew what i say i said romanoff kranikov you got russian guy uh ricky garrett uh there's the professor fikowski um angelo are you coming to this um uh event festival yeah me and rich are leaving in uh 30
Starting point is 01:56:29 minutes are you participating uh if you consider standing in the back eating food and watching the guys warm up yeah i'm definitely participating that's what that someone said you'd be holding rich's purse i think that's a code for uh you'll be holding rich's purse. I think that's a code for you'll be holding Rich's purse. Hey, someone's got to do it. Hey, how come you're not competing? No reason. No, no reason. I'm the alternate on Rich's team, I guess.
Starting point is 01:56:59 So when one of those guys gets hurt or gets food poisoning or, uh, you know, maybe I'll sabotage one of them and jump in for the last workout. I'm not sure. Hey, Hey, um, I don't, the thought of going to an event and having nothing to do makes me kind of ill. Like, well, okay. What should I do then? I don't know, but I'm just asking like, as part of you, like, are you going to enjoy
Starting point is 01:57:22 this going there and not having anything to do? Uh, yeah, i'm really gonna enjoy it wait so i didn't even plan on going i booked this flight richard's had a uh there's extra extra seats in his flights i mean my girlfriend hopped on this morning oh you're coming with your girlfriend yeah well i mean we're just gonna chill well that then you brought something to do it's like it's like an adult man's like a fucking uh switch bringing a girlfriend with you okay i got it all right well i have my nintendo switch as well too just in case she breaks the batteries in her run out you gotta get how do i like my switch oh it's amazing you gotta get one too i was playing around with getting a new xbox or a game console but i
Starting point is 01:58:01 used to fucking piss my life away on that thing yeah i heard the switch is addicting as fuck i don't really love video games i just like it just depends on what comes out like mario stuff some pokemon it just depends on what's coming out i'll play i used to just stay up for 12 hours a night and play gears of war yeah see i don't have it i couldn't have done that i can't do that anymore freebasing crank i wouldn't uh i don't have it couldn't have done that you can't do that anymore freebasing crank i wouldn't uh i don't have like an addiction to video games like some people i just i don't know i'm not good at them i guess that's what uh how i stay not addicted to them was nick paladino addicted to video games when he was training at mayhem uh he's still addicted to video games yeah
Starting point is 01:58:41 super yeah that that's what'll happen to me, except I'm too ugly to Twitch stream. Just so you guys know, this next heat, Briant Guillaume, Guille Malheros, Patrick Vellner, Roman Kremenov, Damian Martinez, Traven Benton, Fabian Benito, Celis, John Wood, Fernando Yanza. In that order on the lanes. Oh, I missed the remainder of the lanes. Now Nikki Braziers is talking.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Shooter Magda, Ricky Garrard, Nick Matthew and Brent Bukowski. Oh, you're a good dude. Perfect. Okay. This is going to be a good one. Roman. Oh, so when you said you were going to get Chick-fil-A, you're nowhere near Matt Susie. You're still in Cookville.
Starting point is 01:59:23 No, I got Chick-fil-A in the club. I was hoping he hooked me up with a spicy sandwich Matt Susie. You're still in Cookville. No, I got Chick-fil-A in the club. I was hoping he'd hook me up with a spicy sandwich or something there. But you're in Cookville? Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm still in Cookville. When do you fly? Our flight is at 6.30. Tonight or tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:59:37 Tonight. Oh, you better get going. Yeah, our flight has to leave in like 30 minutes. We're right on schedule. Shouldn't you be at the airport like sitting in the gate? No, Rich doesn't like to do that. We've had this conversation, so I just don't stress him about it. He likes to be there like 45 minutes before the flight, so whatever.
Starting point is 01:59:58 45 minutes? Wait, so are you outside Rich's house right now and he's going to jump in and you guys are going to drive to the airport and eat a fish fillet? No, no. I'm at the gym. I think he just got here and I'm going to run in and we're just going to chill for a minute. I think Matt Billings is coming with us, his partner, his Fronting Farms partner. The three of us are going to ride up there. Okay. I'm not sure if it's just me or – I don't know. Okay. We'll check in with you later. Thanks for chiming in.
Starting point is 02:00:25 And let Rich know that I want to be in a partner with some business with him. Tell him anything, like sticker company or socks or whatever. He's been looking for some new women's underwear company. So maybe you can get in on that. Perfect. I'm down. All right.
Starting point is 02:00:40 See you guys. Bye. See you, Angelo. Angelo DiCicco. Those look like really nice ice baths. Yeah, they're super nice. And that company, Plunge. We have one at the gym.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Is that self-cleaning? Does that thing clean itself? That's the same question I have, yeah. So it has a filtration system that cleans it. But if you're having like a high volume of people going, like we change the water once a week. But how about just me? If it's just you, yeah, you don't need to change it that frequently. But those in the mud like that, yeah, I would imagine.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Like look at the water, Susan. Or not. Cameron's on a gimbal. I can't turn it down that easy. Okay. I'm not that savvy. Cameron's on a gimbal. I can't turn it down that easy. I'm not that savvy.
Starting point is 02:01:30 It has a filtration system built in, but we change the water once a week. Taco truck dude just came out to smoke a blunt. Oh, wow. Awesome. It'll be some good tacos. Yeah. Okay, so is there a lid for that? There's not. Yeah, they're back there. It's like a hot tub cover.
Starting point is 02:01:49 How much is that? I want one. Fucking seven grand. I emailed them several times. Hopefully one shows up one day. Okay, the heat is a go. Ricky Garrard is in the lead. Oh, my gosh. He's Ricky Garrard is in the lead.
Starting point is 02:02:07 He's doing the kettlebell overhead lunge. Oh, Ricky's destroying this dude. Pat and Roman just got to those levels. He's got some momentum. He's carrying it. Hey, I'm going to tell you something right here. Roman and Pat are pacing off of each other, and Ricky is going for it. Pat and Roman's overhead makes me cringe a little bit here.
Starting point is 02:02:28 I don't know how Pat does it. I don't know how Pat does it either. How the fuck is that a real position? He's like this wide. Ricky's isn't the best either. You could kick a field goal between his arms. Easily. Oh, thank you. I was like, what the fuck is going on here thank you uh garrard is a full length ahead of pat and two lengths ahead of roman krennikoff and uh three
Starting point is 02:02:59 lengths ahead of nick matthew uh looks like r Ricky has taken somewhat of a break and Pat is slowly catching up to him. He does not look good either. He does not. No, we need to know what the fuck's going on with Guy. Too much sorbet. Hey, he almost looks like he's dehydrated, didn't he? Did you see how much sugar
Starting point is 02:03:25 see how much how ripped he looked yeah he looks he looks rough i'm sure he's deconditioned too he was i think brian from barbell spin interviewed him and he was like yeah dude i haven't really been working out because my visa thing like we're just waiting for the visa to show up and then i just kind of like didn't train well that doesn we're just waiting for the visa to show up, and then I just kind of, like, didn't train. That doesn't make any sense. Waiting to train for a visa? Yeah, that doesn't make sense. I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:03:50 He's like, yeah, we're just waiting for it to go through, and I didn't get it, so I didn't go to Rogue. And then I was like, well, then I took a month off, and then I, like, trained for a month just leading up to this event. Clock cutter impingement issues, meaning, oh, you think that... That's super general. You think Vellner has to hold it that wide because he's got some impingement issues?
Starting point is 02:04:13 I don't know. That looks... No, he's got the... He tore his bicep tendon in 2016 regionals or 2015 regionals. And since then, I think he's had that slight issue with the shoulder. Just stability. 15 regionals um and he's and since then i think he's had that slight issue with the shoulder um just stability well dude it looks like it's for the further you have it out the more stress it would look like you put on it why not get that i don't think you can get it in because of that ricky's overhead looks pretty good in this the kettlebell hand cleaning jerk uh ricky is five reps ahead on the uh clean and jerk ahead of Roman Krennikoff
Starting point is 02:04:45 and Patrick Vellner who are tied. Fikowski is another five reps behind them along side by side with Nick Matthew. All these guys are still capable of winning it, obviously. We're still in the area of the pacing game. Can Ricky hold this? Ricky's a great runner. Such a good runner this is gonna be good and ricky makes it to the air runner and that has to let uh he takes his shirt off
Starting point is 02:05:13 and that has to let velner and roman know that uh they're they're gonna be going for second right that's a little emotional like kicking the balls hey i i don't know if this is true but i saw down pepper get on the runner i want to say like it's seven minutes and he was first to get on the runner last heat and he got on at 5 30 yeah roman and pat are on at 550 they're right behind 20 seconds behind ricky oh yeah he got his food homeboy uh suza got his food nice ricky looks so relaxed right oh nice yeah baby heidi coming in clutch you gotta love that uh gimbal you don't want to be too unprofessional there that was money yes Yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:06:06 Heidi, you the man. You the woman. You guys maybe should be prepared in a couple minutes in case their stream does start to go down again that we can go back up because we definitely don't want to miss the end of this. I'll run back in in a second. I'm right outside probably have uh we're 10 we're 10 10 minutes away from the the final okay there's five
Starting point is 02:06:31 guys on the runner gerard krennikoff velner matthew and fukowski the rest of the guys are still working on the dumbbells um as we all know coming into this minus yannikovsky who has dropped out we knew that these five were in a complete league of their own. True, Mr. Self? True. There are levels to this game, and these five are definitely on that next level that everyone wants to try to get in on,
Starting point is 02:06:58 and it's not easy. Not easy at all. And there goes Tudor magda uh former teen uh athlete uh maybe one of the strongest guys in the field a lot of hope for him in the future but still he's getting on the runner two minutes behind uh ricky gerard ricky ricky should have a a middle like a uh what's it called like a a tagline oh hey see that guy the camera's part appointed at that guy in the tank top that's um daniel timinsky okay thank you thank you yes daniel timinsky taylor doesn't even know who that is. I do. He's sober.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Hell yeah. I forgot about that commonality. He's Taylor Self 10 years ago. No. Yeah. Inspiring games athlete. Fizzled out, but still had a lot of hype around him. Eat a dick.
Starting point is 02:08:03 All right. What's that girl's name that was picking her nose there? That's the hottest girl who's ever picked her nose on the show right there, by the way. Did she eat it? No, but she picked it. She wiped it on her iPhone. It's a nose pick and a... That girl just figured out
Starting point is 02:08:18 there's a thousand people watching her. Fikowski in fifth. Nick Mathes fourth oh my god he is a lurker he looks like he's a voyeur dude just fucking he just needs a trench coat patrick velner and third roman off uh roman off uh roman krennikoff can he just be roman off Roman Krennikoff in second Ricky Garrard in first Ricky is probably another two minutes away from getting off the bike which will be absolutely insane he looks so relaxed yeah that's how a run should look he's just chilling yeah that that uh someone in our comments wrote god the camera work is really bad that that last shot was bizarre i don't know why it's focused on like the tops of three of their heads and then that glass thing that separates the partition that separates the crowd from the
Starting point is 02:09:14 runners oh okay boys their stream just went down heidi well here we go guys i don't mean to laugh i don't mean to laugh yeah you do but we need but we need to be ready for the people i don't want to do it but for the people for the fans suza shove that taco fucking down your gullet and shake a leg buddy down your gullet yeah look he's got one bite left oh heidi trying to start seven's only fans whatever i'm i'm game uh heidi can you uh fire up your camera maybe tell us what's going on just a quick hello i just want to make sure you're paying attention will plumber in case the stream goes down. Weird lane assignments. I wonder why Roman and Ricky and Pat aren't all in the center with Ricky. Yeah, Heidi, the stream, it's not down now, but it goes down. It's gone down twice now in the last probably two minutes.
Starting point is 02:10:17 I got the little, hey, I'm confused, spinning circle. I like the Russian comments in the comments section. It's cool. Makes us seem like an international sport. How many times can Sean Woodland tell us that Roman met his son for the first time at the CrossFit Games? It's a big deal. It's pretty cool. If you have not seen our rendition of Roman meeting his son, you should check it.
Starting point is 02:10:45 Who's that guy right to the right of the stream, right to, uh, to the left of Fabian Benito. Um, if you're facing his direction. So on the right of the screen. Oh,
Starting point is 02:10:53 it looks like Guillaume needs a haircut. No, the guy on the other side. I wish they'd zoom out a little bit. Well, we missed him. Wow. Brent Fikowski.
Starting point is 02:11:03 Hand up. Oh, so Brent made up some time on that run. Oh, shit. So Brent's winning. I think it's Nick. Is it Nick Matthew? Oh, maybe it is Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Yeah, look at Nick's pace. Wow, it's Nick Matthew. He's cooking. Yeah, he's moving. Good on him. Good runner. Hey, what a great combo, right? Super strong and a good runner.
Starting point is 02:11:22 Just pulling it together. what a great combo right super strong and a good runner just pulling it together uh does anyone know when and where roman met his son for the first time when he met john young uh got the hidey cam in effect and i'm assuming that machine on the right is where they have one of their cameras oh look at that her hand down she took her hand down on nicks uh she was wrong oh shit she was uh i was gonna say that's pretty fast oh my god and now krennikoff oh shit that nick matthews was just like a false alarm it's a false alarm fake news hey do you think someone came over there and unfucked yeah yeah you saw the head judge man behind her was like hey he's actually
Starting point is 02:12:09 not as far as ricky's off oh shit okay uh here we go look at how in his toes he is ah toesy toesy toes and look at uh so roman krennikoff uh did make up some time on that. Ricky, I think, got to the runner 30 seconds before him, and now they are tied. Are you seeing that? His heels come off the ground. Who? Ricky's? Ricky's.
Starting point is 02:12:32 Watch his feet. Does he need to widen his stance up? No. He just reaches his butt back a little more and sits into his hips. Not anymore. Oh, yep. There it is. Yeah, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:12:43 It's every rep he shifts forward he gets like a couple reps they're flat and then they're right back on those toes so i was the reason i noticed that so well as i i earlier maybe a couple years ago when i got my level more than that a few years ago when i got my level two i would shift into my toes just slightly my heels wouldn't come off the ground but you could see the weight shift and you know who fucking clobbered me on it in the level two i'm the best mover there like chuck hands down no donnie forbes oh that's awesome hey he could be your brother he yeah but like half my size good dude he is an insane insane trainer
Starting point is 02:13:21 he's good at a lot of things i think he was the first one to pass the like when they when they were rolling out the level four like a year ago i want to say when they were still in you know kind of beta phase or trialing it he was the first one to go through the process and solidified his reign as fast as hips in the south i've heard that i've heard that about him hey this is a uh remarkable race we have here this is truly a great race i wish i could turn this seven podcast off and go over and listen to how they're commentating yep roman and ricky are tied yeah this is and they keep looking at each other. They're separated by 10 lanes, guys. And, oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:14:08 Did Vellner just pass Roman Krennikoff? No, I think he's behind by four lanes. Oh, okay. I don't think he's behind by four lanes. I think they're counting it correctly. I think he's behind at least a couple lanes. He's definitely not behind four because the kettlebells start behind the runner, and he was on the other side. Correct correct so you think he's on three now oh shit
Starting point is 02:14:29 i don't know what's going on we can't tell but uh but uh ricky garard is the first one back to the ghd ricky will knock out 40 ghd's here and then head over to the rope what do you think about those ghd's just he'd be a lot better at them if he did them the right way. Same with Roman. I noticed people started doing that in the past couple years, and I just – Oh, hey, Roman's cycling one and a half – Roman's way faster at the GHTs than Ricky.
Starting point is 02:14:56 Oh, wow, yeah. Way faster. They're just going to tear him up. You get so much more fatigued from doing them like that. With your knees bent? Yep. Okay, now they're going to the same. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:15:09 Roman's passing them. Damn, Roman's passing them. They're like one for one. Patrick Vellner is also on the GH. No, no, Patrick is not on the GHG. It's just Roman and Ricky alone. Yeah, Roman's going to win the workout, it appears. I don't know, man. We've seen some weird shit happen on the rope today remember uh Gray Shaver and down down he doesn't struggle on the rope though
Starting point is 02:15:33 at all but I bet you no one would have ever thought down struggled on the rope either no down's heavy and has issues with gymnastics oh ricky oh shit he just stopped what was ricky doing just got tired that's his breath uh roman krennikoff went ahead three reps while ricky took a breather on the ghd uh now a roman uh looked up to the heavens and said dear god what have i got myself into? And he has jumped up on the rope without dilly dallying and begun. Ricky will have no time. Oh my goodness. Ricky chalks up.
Starting point is 02:16:13 Now he's going to be two rope climbs behind Roman Kranikoff. Two pulls every rep. I wonder if it just, I wonder if Justin Menderes is in the crowd wondering what the fuck is going on. Roman's on his third rep now. Ricky's on his second. Roman's pulls are so long. His first pull, you look how far.
Starting point is 02:16:34 Well, there, yeah, he pulls up so far. And then he's got a half a pull, and he's at the top. Wow. Hey, for anyone who's not watching this live live both of these guys are climbing these ropes like no one else has climbed the ropes at the end of the workout everyone has shown wow the winner roman krennikoff uh and uh ricky will be right behind him yeah there you go ricky alex crone's time or did he 1741 i believe so velner starts his first rope climb yeah all these guys look so strong on the rope not that anyone did bad but everyone looked
Starting point is 02:17:11 fatigued when they got to it and these guys look strong we are now at 1804 uh velner has three more rope climbs to go roman krennikoff did the workout in 1728 uh ricky garrod was probably five or ten seconds behind him and then i think caron was somewhere in the 18s and now velner has passed 1817 where alexander car Corona before this round held the lead. One more for Pat and a Nick Matthew is also on the ropes now, man. Nick Matthews is the real or Nick Matthews, the real deal, huh?
Starting point is 02:17:55 Boom. And passed on. Nice. Time's our next event. Oh, can this be true? I don't know when the event is, but it says that,
Starting point is 02:18:12 uh, Oh, uh, 3, 3 PM Pacific standard time. So an hour and 15 minutes. Okay. So we'll stay on for another few minutes here,
Starting point is 02:18:22 15 minutes, and then we get an hour break. Nope. Ooh, what are you you gonna do with your hour probably gonna work out yeah me too i'm gonna take a nap what time is it there caleb 1 a.m what the fuck hey you're never gonna be able to wake up i've done it i did it last time uh fikowski getting in his rope climbs looks like fikowski will finish sixth in this heat uh who knows where he'll finish um overall aaron c from canada uh looks like i thought you were australian i love the work streaming and podcasting all day long doesn't go unnoticed thank you very sweet uh pat is the uh dan marino
Starting point is 02:19:13 of crossfit i don't think that's a good thing but it's not a bad thing um dan marino's in the hall of fame uh he has more plastic surgery than than joan rivers you guys don't know who joan rivers is can you imagine having plastic surgery having your face reorganized by a surgeon with a knife some filler. No. The Heidi cam is up. We're seeing Guy and talking about Guy kind of for the first time here since the beginning of the workout. Still on the lunges.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Wow. We had some concerns about the way he looked uh he overheated in the first event i'm going to guess that after this event we are not going to see him that would just be my guess i think when at some point you've got to make the decision when you're not performing the best you can that you got to make sure you're not hurting yourself and you do the right thing right true taylor yeah i don't know what's in it for him to keep competing doing this poorly building some mental fortitude for sure but is that worth it right i mean it would be cool if he could not do the next two events and then maybe come back tomorrow you know just to get the the workouts in even though there's no chance of winning i don't think we'll see that i think he either
Starting point is 02:20:48 stays in it or he drops out fabian benito the guy who won uh fabian benito the guy who won the uh dubai Dubai Championships is now finishing up his last rope climb with a time of 21.48. 10 seconds left. I wonder if it's pretty crazy for these guys to just be like, how the hell did Roman do it in 1737 or whatever he did it in?
Starting point is 02:21:23 You're five minutes behind him. Crazy. He doesn't even look worked. No, he's just cheering everybody else on. Just chilling. All righty. Let's see if he's heard anything about uh mr mal harris yeah suza
Starting point is 02:21:51 matthew suza yeah yeah yeah uh have you heard anything about um gee mal harris's uh situation uh well we can ask him right here oh let's not bug him. Hey, Guy, how you feeling, brother? There it is. You heard it first. What did he say? I said, hey, Guy, how you doing, buddy? He said, bad. He kept walking.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Yeah. A bold move. Good job. Good job, Sousa. That was a bold move. That's what I'm about. A short and potent and very informing interview. Fallows, 1982 dollars.
Starting point is 02:22:32 Thanks guys. Yeah. Thank you, brother. There's a Nikki Braziers and, uh, uh, some girl.
Starting point is 02:22:42 What's that? Who's that girl next to him? His translator. Oh, no shit. That shit. I need a translator. Wow. That's crazy. Oh, there she is right there. Okay, I see her on the screen.
Starting point is 02:22:57 In the unbroken shirt. Hey, can the whole stadium hear that interview? No, we can't hear shit. So who's that interview for? Oh, the broadcast? Yep. I bet you we could rip those. I don't want to get in trouble for that. Let me see if she started translating it.
Starting point is 02:24:17 No. God, that's a lot to translate. Come on, dude. Give her a chance. I just keep refreshing it. He always got the invitation from Vodapalooza to his mail in Russia. And he's got it like two, three times. He always wanted to come here. For the first event, he was a little disappointed in the rings. They're really close down to the ground. So his feet were like swapping.
Starting point is 02:24:45 So he was kind of swapping. So he was kind of bummed. But then he was like, it's fine, whatever. Oh, her English is good. And for him to stand on the podium means like every time he comes to a competition, he wants to stand on the podium. It's his goal all the time. Okay, we are going to switch over to... Look at Heidi just filming someone's butt over there
Starting point is 02:25:30 of course we can hear everyone but the translator we can hear Lauren and Roman but not the translator. Fucking amazing. Love it. That's a nice tattoo. It looks like my kid scribbled on them. Someone wrote, nice tattoo. okay i can't hear shit that just makes me just angry uh we are done with um the first two events it feels like we should be done with the whole fucking weekend god that was long uh probably because it was uh three 22 minute uh events if you want to hear those um interviews probably go over to morning chalk up and uh and lauren khalil will have them cut up for you and you can watch them um edited with you know fancy graphics and like
Starting point is 02:26:45 so it looks like a new show uh and we will be back oh can we look at the leaderboard is that the guy from fucking bam marge is that bam margera's dad oh it looks like i thought he was asking someone to help him stand up like i thought he was asking someone to help him stand up it's not all the way updated hey did you notice when roman went to go take that girl's phone to take a picture she kind of like pulled back for a second she's like yo yo wait wait did you see that yeah i thought he was gonna run with it uh the next event is start fast start fast start fast start fast finish strong start fast finish strong it starts at 3 p.m pacific standard time if nothing's changed that's an hour and six minutes from now um if their stream is working uh we will
Starting point is 02:27:40 not be uh streaming it but we will come on afterwards with Taylor and John Young, probably closer to 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Oh, Ricky. There's Ricky. Let's see what's here. Did Ricky win the last event? Second. Good showing. Oh, how? He just seamlessly merged with his girlfriend. Please get me out of here.
Starting point is 02:28:23 Great job so far. You're taking a... far Nice work Sousa Nice work Sousa Hold on we're going to come over by the tub See if we can do an old fashioned behind the scenes With somebody soaking in the tub And It looks like they're not here
Starting point is 02:28:40 Random dudes in their underwear It's always nice That's just a good shot there. What the people need. Hey, you know what's funny? I bet you if you point the camera at that thing, people who would contemplate it because the camera's pointed at them, they just jump right in.
Starting point is 02:28:57 They just sack it up. It gives them the confidence they need. Hey, every single person who films themselves getting into a cold plunge, I know exactly why they do it. So they actually do it? Yeah, it's just so much easier to do when there's a camera on you. Oh, yeah, there's Guy. Okay, so Guy is hurt.
Starting point is 02:29:15 Yeah, he's hurt. They got medical with him right now. Just chill and sit and see. He doesn't look very good. All right. So there is no updated leaderboard? No, the leaderboard is not updated. It's still trickling in scores.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Okay. Guys, this is the gauntlet, which has been going on all day and will continue all weekend. This over here is the athlete area. No one's allowed back here except Sousa, some other media people, security, the athletes. And so whenever we go back here, it's kind of cool. We get to see a view
Starting point is 02:29:59 of the event that no one else gets to see. There's one more event left, but it is worth two scores. Correct, Mr. Self? Correct. And so that is what we will be coming back to. You can watch that on the Loud and Live YouTube station at 3 p.m. So that's an hour and three minutes from now.
Starting point is 02:30:23 I am not sure exactly when we're coming on i guess i should change the schedule uh right now we say that we're coming on at uh 2 p.m i know that guy that just to the left on the uh gauntlet as well the guy cycling the snatches his name is mckellar he does my program hey um uh caleb should i pull that show down that 2 p.m show and just leave up the 5 p.m show the day one recap yeah probably a good idea and how do i do that i just go into edit and i just put you can delete broadcast oh god that makes me so nervous it's okay maybe what if I just go over to YouTube and hit unlisted? You can do that too.
Starting point is 02:31:08 And then later on, delete it. Yeah. Once the weekend's over, we can clean it up. Okay. So I'm just going over to a live and, um,
Starting point is 02:31:23 change it from public to unlisted i wonder how the gauntlet's going i wonder what place uh hiller's in holy shit there's still quite a few people doing it okay so that stream is the one that says uh events three and four and you're saying i should just switch that to unlisted yeah and then we can just do the recap show that we have okay and so right now it's scheduled at five okay cool so guys we're scheduled to come back on in three hours i would not be surprised if that time gets bumped up to earlier, closer to probably four. I'm guessing we'll probably come on before an hour before the last event is over.
Starting point is 02:32:20 All right. Any final words, gentlemen? Anything? It's yourself. Negative. Excited to see how this next workout plays out. Heidi, thank you very much for your help. I'm just seeing Rebecca might come on since she's doing well. Oh, yeah. Hey, Sousa. Sorry. One thing.
Starting point is 02:32:41 Sousa, can you send me Rebecca Fuselier's phone number and Emma Carey's phone number? Yeah, no problem. Okay, thank you. We've got some people at the tubs now. All right, guys. We will see you guys. Oh, look. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:56 Look at this. Patrick Bell. Is it cold? It's not bad. He's out with his pants. Like Matthews. He's going to get in the tub. Are you getting in the tub?
Starting point is 02:33:11 Hey, why do you guys do this? How's everything feeling? Okay. Yeah? Overall, okay. How's everybody at the competition so far? Anybody like anything weird going on back there? Pretty cool with the guys?
Starting point is 02:33:30 Pretty cool. Yeah. It's kind of like a real feel. More relaxed atmosphere? Yeah. Nobody's like dogging each other or you didn't like loosen the clips on a barbell or anything? No, no. Nothing like that.
Starting point is 02:33:41 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:42 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:44 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:44 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Ask him if it threw him off when his judge put his hand up early on the run. Did it throw you off when your judge threw the hand up early on the run? Yeah, no. Everybody started cheering. I thought they were just getting paid for it. Try it a little bit.
Starting point is 02:33:57 Wait, let's go. This is good. Awesome. Sit me down and get in that tub, baby. It's what the people need alright we'll let them have a piece alright guys we will see you guys
Starting point is 02:34:17 later on today give us an hour or two and we will be back keep your eye pinned on the youtube station as times may change. Caleb, Taylor, thank you. Being self-made just really means that you want to put in the work that other people don't want to put in. SMTP 60 is plug and play for your class workout. And I'm as passionate about that as I am anything else.
Starting point is 02:34:38 It's a fun workout. It's not a crazy workout. It's not a stupid workout. But it's going to be fun and it's going to be super challenging. And you're 100% going to get fitter, stronger, better at your gymnastic skills, all the above. SMTP Compete is a training program geared towards people that are qualifying for quarter finals and want to make it to semifinals. And it's the training methodology and the workouts that I've been doing in my career. So when you subscribe to Selfmade Training Program, our general track,
Starting point is 02:35:03 you get access to SMTP Compete and SMTP60. So you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training, warmups, cool downs. And then you'll have another tab that says notes, and you will have extreme detail on each workout, what you're shooting for, the time domains, equipment substitutes, scaling options, volume and rep scaling. You can check out our website, and sign up for a free seven day trial of the training. You can buy a 30 rack of bush...

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