The Sevan Podcast - #753 - Wodapalooza 2023 Indy Day 1 Recap Show

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam. Bam. We're live. What happened? My stream's been down for like 10 minutes now. Yeah, it sucks. We are in the final... God, this is not what's going on on their stream right now. What's going on? Ooh, the men move fast. Oh, their stream froze again. Nothing. It's just buffering. Oh, this is such a shame. Man, the men move fast.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Yeah. The men move fast. yeah the men move fast 32 they are smoking uh i did get to see the uh women go uh we got suzy here suza can you get over to the event uh suza can you get over to the event please yep thank you i think no i'm just surprised at how fast hey yeah uh heidi if you were at the event well can you you i say no i'm a little surprised at how fast it was yeah uh heidi if you were at the event well can you get your camera up and going to their stream is down i'm not so surprised by that he historically crushes those short workouts look at all his quarterfinal finishes and the short ones especially 2021 the burpee box jump over snatch workout smashed it. The clean and jerk burpee.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah, it was incredible. I got to find a better way to communicate with Sousa. It's crazy how he can make that happen, though. It is. Being his size. Okay, guys, this is the final heat of the day. We will watch two events now back-to to back of the men's final heat these are the men uh they've been i think reseated since the first two events and we have uh the best guys uh we still
Starting point is 00:01:33 don't have an update on gee although if someone were to go over to maybe the barbell uh barbell spin uh we might actually uh know um we have so many people there i'm surprised we only have mr will plumber saving the day with a uh shot of the field i know some of these other people like susan's using his camera uh his phone to actually film so he doesn't get our text messages wow seven yes emily rolf is currently beating emma carey no well i was wondering what happened to emma carey they they talked about her for the first two minutes of that event and then they just went dark on her we don't we don't know what happened to her that event and emily uh one what did she get four is not up yet but she after event three where do i go john so i can pull that up since we don't have caleb anymore um type in 2023
Starting point is 00:02:26 tyr waza and then comp corner and it'll pop up on google got it yep thank you uh okay and i go to uh leaderboard yeah i mean you should it should just pop up on it like it starts with the uh it's got the teams uh intermediate teams i just have team filters are you sure you're on the right thing no i'm not i'm not i'm not sure uh elite uh rx women caitlin van ziel is winning olivia sulek in second place no this cannot be right here i will uh i'll text you the link it's okay i got then i got it no yes yes you better you better and i still won't be able to get it because i can't get it onto this computer do you want me to email you the link no it's okay you can text it i'll figure it
Starting point is 00:03:25 out uh it looks like they're still setting up and the final heat hasn't gone right so it's the final heat workout a and b and it looks like um taylor self didn't pay his electrical bill yeah no i have okay fuck you. Let's see if this is better. I don't think it will be. I texted you, Simon. Is that worse or better? No, that's worse.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, worse, probably worse. It looks like Susie got a great spot on the floor. Yeah, great spot. It also looks like the Wadapalooza stream is still down. We have no idea what happened on part B. If anyone can tell us, that would be great.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh, that's right. We didn't get to see any of that. Or ask Will. Will is there. And we only have two cameras there that's crazy uh plumber can you tell us what's going on can we unmute you and you tell us what's going on no uh i can't unmute you you're gonna have to unmute yourself buddy i feel the tension coursing through my blood oh okay i got the leaderboard thanks to john young saving the day uh no information from will plumber no information from matt souza we have no idea what's going on we do know that matt souza has an incredible uh shot yeah shot. Let's take a look over here at the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Thank you, Dark Lord Revon. Thank you for saving us. No problem. My pleasure. It sucks that I was working out and showering and I couldn't come sooner. Part four is in. It's in. Refresh?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Refresh, yeah. It's in because it has 344 out of 400 total points. Yeah. No, no, no. It's in because it has 344 out of 400 total points. Wow. So I got it. Emily, you are smashing. How can this be? Go to part B, Sevan, if you can press the X button down there.
Starting point is 00:05:36 There's still a lot of workouts. And then go over. And now click on E3, and we can see who did what in that event. Emma Carey did 30th. Well, yeah, you can see Emma Carey took 12th and 30th. Oh, my goodness. Why do you think the D-ball cleans her back? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Oh, Nelly, Taylor, why? Why do you have to go there? Well, that's the only logical explanation. Oh, no. You sit outside the top ten camp podium. Oh, my goodness. I bet she's still winzing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's a tough finish. Oh, my goodness. Hey, she came out good. I think she was ahead for a little bit for that. She was neck and neck. Make my camera big. Okay. Make your camera big.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Emily's going to take a hit on the cleaning shirt. Yeah, go to the Sousa cam. It's going to be really close after the cleaning shirt. Oh, we got Pat Vellner. It looks like Guy's back in the house. Wow, Pat. Oh, man. Pat's sending it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Hey, can you guys hear my gardener right out my door? I think he's doing so badly because he has fucking different colored shoes on. I agree. I concur. Yeah, but he looks cool, and he'll win the lift. I don't know if I would call that cool. It looks like he fucking lost a shoe, and someone gave him an extra. Just so you guys know uh emily rolf is
Starting point is 00:07:06 344 emma carry 299 page powers 294 sydney mcclish in 285 it is a close race between the top four and uh alisa fuliano is 283 it is very close pat's toes to bar so much faster than key and the guy next to him the red shorts yeah pat is the first one off the toes to bar so much faster than Guy and the guy next to him in the red shorts. Pat is the first one off the toes to bar and immediately. Oh, my goodness. Oh, the feed is back up at Wadapalooza. 20, 21, 22. Oh, he's smashing. There's no one close
Starting point is 00:07:45 that's roman down there on the end i believe uh is your guys's feed up and working i'm not watching it fuck it i'm not watching it this is this is i like this view better all right way better we get to watch the whole race they'll probably be just looking at gee's nipples right now on the feed they got uh basically just Roman and Patrick in split screen. It looks like Vellner is in the lead. He's smashing everyone. Why is everybody not doing the quick toes-to-bar? A lot of people don't.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So when I do them fast, I don't do the leg curl like Vellner does. Vellner back on toes to bar all by himself again. Vellner is on the shuttle by himself. Yeah, so I don't do the leg curl, but I can do them just as fast by rebounding in my arch, if that makes sense. Like I stay incredibly tight in my arch, and it's almost like I hit a wall.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I think a lot of athletes don't do the leg curl because it fries your hip flexor so much, and I don't know that a lot of people know how to rebound in the arch okay so velner is finishing the hurdle well he's already done same time that roman starts it velner finished where are you watching suza no he's done yeah you're behind you're behind go to suza's camera velner. All right. And then a line of like 10 guys finished at the same time. Part B, Will is saying that Ricky got first and Roman got second. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Hey, is Luke Parker walking or did he finish and then go over to cheer someone on? He finished. Okay. Hey, that's crazy that Patrick Vellner can take such a huge lead on such a short workout toes to bar and the hurdles toes to bar on the hurdles wow that's kind of smash he's gonna smash this next one too it's kind of unacceptable i'm excited to watch him take on part two i'm excited to watch roman well i know two. I'm excited to watch Roman. Well, I know Roman was in the first heat, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Is Roman in this heat or was he in the first heat? No, no, Roman was in this heat. We just watched Roman. Okay, well, I'm getting misinformation from Will. No, no, we just watched Roman. Roman and Patrick went together. And I think Roman was in second the whole time but basically one uh okay so ricky won the heat roman's not in that heat i don't know what will is trying to he's in the private chat one revelry oh i'll see let's see see. Uh, Oh, Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:10:26 He's saying Ricky one. In the first seat. What did he win? Mark me. Okay. Oh, that's right. Ricky was in the first seat.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Why? Well, yeah. Why? Let me see if I can pull up the men's leaderboard. That's a big miss. He wasn't in the first seat on the last workout you know what i mean yeah he's asking ask susan if he can see roman in this heat hey because ricky gerrard's
Starting point is 00:10:52 in first he went into this in first place why would why would they put him in the first heat that may would make no sense it's just a blunder another blunder one after the other uh will can you tell us what's up with that why was uh he doesn't know how to take his thing off mute who oh that's will plumber i thought that was will branstetter oh he might not have he might not have headphones in oh man he doesn't know how to unmute his shit he might not have headphones no he's in the private chat if you want to just send him stuff no i want to talk to them okay here we go uh this is the final heat uh the fourth workout of the day after this workout we will know uh who is
Starting point is 00:11:34 winning after day one we will be 50 through wadapalooza you got it 2023 what about brian friend is he out there can brian get us some info? We'll be 25% done. We still have two days of teams, Saturday and Sunday. Oh, yeah. Forget those. Are you watching? I'm going to see if we can get Brian on here. Luke Parker has something wrong with his rower. Uh-oh. No way. Pan back over, Sousa, to the
Starting point is 00:11:58 left. Can we see? To the left. To the left. Your other left. Your other left. That left. Yeah, to where the event is who who uh who had a problem with the road but it looks like parker's rowing just fine he's 10 to 15 seconds behind go to the are you watching the suza cam seven i am okay good good we're all synced up then. Their feed is down for me. Oh, no, now it's back up.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Here we go. Brian has all the answers. So somebody in the comments, I don't know if it's true or not, they say Vellner is first and Fikowski was second. So everybody else was behind Fikowski in that last. Who was first? Vellner was first, Fikowski was second. Oh, okay. You mean overall.
Starting point is 00:12:50 In part A. No, in part A. Yeah, that's what I mean. But out of both heats. Yes. Okay, so now this person is saying, oh, yeah, yeah, Ricky Fikowski and Nick Matthew were in heat one. Yeah, what the fuck? Why would they do that? Why the fuck would they do that?
Starting point is 00:13:10 And how about this? Vellner's in lane 1, and Roman Krennikoff is in lane 18. That makes no sense either. This kind of gives Ricky a disadvantage. Huge disadvantage. He just put up a time for everybody to beat. That is the biggest disadvantage in competition. In your first place, you should not have that disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Hey, and how about this? How about the fact that Vellner's probably against one of the worst people to be against right there, Guy, since he's a wounded duck. How do you feel if you're running this event or you're in a position of management or power and you're just walking around the floor and you're getting hit with all these massive fuck-ups that you know are going on? How do you think you're running this event or you're in a position of management or power and you're just walking around the floor and you're like you're getting hit with all these massive fuck ups that you know are going on. Like how do you think you're feeling? Broadcast is down. Rower's not working.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Fucking all sorts of shit all over the place. Hey, it looks beautiful. Leader in heat one. It doesn't look beautiful. Ricky's already gone and we're on heat two. Relentless. Will's got a good camera view once they get in the d boss he's shaking a bit he's shaking a bit i like i like suza's cam yeah i mean as long as
Starting point is 00:14:12 velner's in the lead i'm saying if roman is way over there we might be able to get it better with i think we'll see the athletes who get off first it'll be pretty evident it'll be roman that's roman side that's what it looks like when you hold the cam when you drink too many c4s It'll be pretty evident. It'll be Roman. That's Roman's side. That's what it looks like when you hold a can when you drink too many C4s. He's in the second lane over, I believe. Look at the guy with the white shirt and the fanny pack over there. What is that? Is that medical?
Starting point is 00:14:38 The black that stops under his knees. Pants. Will, stay on Roman. Okay, there goes Vellner again. And I don't believe that's Roman down there. Vellner's first off. Oh, someone else is already. Someone's ahead of Vellner.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Spanish guy. Here comes Roman. Wow. Look at Vellner's D-ball. It's like, doesn't have air in it. You see how it's lopsided like that? Yeah. That's a fuck up too. I don't think all of them are like that. see how it's lopsided like that yeah that's a fuck up too i don't think
Starting point is 00:15:06 all of them are like that oh it's like a rock because that's what happens when you leave them out overnight on roman hey when you leave them out that happened at hq when you leave them out at overnight they get hard like that and they never come back yeah he got a he got a tough one you leave them out overnight like if you leave them out the d-balls out overnight they turn they get cold you mean i don't know what happens to them but something moisture or something gets in them and they're forever ruined they turn into like what uh velner's is that's the way all ours were at hq they're not forever ruined you can pump them up with a bicycle pump no you can't you can
Starting point is 00:15:37 put air in them yes you can which one the ones from rogue all right it looks like pat's moving they have a little much faster clip they have a little hole and you just stick a bicycle pump in there it's like a it's like a pat i've never seen that you look at the next next time you are around a d-ball look at it i have so many d-balls i'll look at it tonight that would be amazing if you take a piss break take a piss break i want to know for sure i gotta know because we have dude, we don't have rogue ones, but we have other ones, and you can pump all of them up, sandballs, slam balls included.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Vellner, it looks like he's either in first place or the guy who's in first place is Roman all the way down in late 18. Come on. Yeah, we're going to have to, like, go back and forth on the carry. I wish we knew. There's some guy I don't recognize with, like, an airway shirt on. Is it Benito? Roman. Is it Benito? No. the carry i wish we knew there's some guy i don't recognize with like an airway shirt on is it okay roman uh no and he's right next to roman okay roman the guy in lane shoulder the guy in lane 17 and 18 are ahead of velner uh velner go back to them there's roman where right here oh okay so that guy passed roman the guy in the red shorts is
Starting point is 00:16:49 just behind roman oh that is who that is you're right kaike okay come on velner still got the carry but man he's got long arms if he can get through the oh is that a no rep yeah that's a no yeah it was yeah why he's got long arms. If he can get through the... Oh, is that a no rep? Yeah. That's a no rep. Yeah, it was. Why? He's behind because Roman's almost done. Roman only had like two left. Why is that a no rep?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Because it's too much over your shoulder. I think he's on the carry now. Hey, is that a mental error on his part? That wasn't on purpose. That looked like he did it on purpose. Mental error. No, it's a mental error. Roman's on to the carry.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He's finished his D-ball cleans. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Oh, that's a tough grip. That's a tough grip. That's tough. He's not going to make it. Oh, Roman?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Roman. He's not doing that unbroken, I don't think. Okay, Pat's up. Oh, Pat's still shouldering it. He blew up on the row. Motherfucker. Pat's still shouldering it he blew up on the row motherfucker that's still shouldering he rode really really hard that does not look fun hate to see that okay that's 150 pound d ball that roman's carrying he hasn't set it down once in the preview show uh taylor said he wouldn't set it down i find that hard to believe but i think taylor's gonna be right oh man he's he's sticking through it he doesn't let ricky win
Starting point is 00:18:11 oh that's running yeah pat's moving quick and i don't think pat's gonna drop it pat has freaking gorilla arms we're gonna take you back to pat in just a minute oh pat rested he's got one more one more down and back roman oh he has one more length he's got one more, one more down and back, Roman. Oh, he has one more length. He's got to get back to the floor, and then he's done, I believe. And drops it, and he's finished. Wow. Oh, wow. Unbroken.
Starting point is 00:18:34 The place didn't erupt. And we go back to on the complete other side is Vellner. He just blew up a little on the row, I believe. I mean, he's still where's Ricky third or second we have no idea how he won it in this so okay so we know that uh Velner won the first
Starting point is 00:18:56 workout and Roman won the second so many guys are going to... What does the feed say? Does the feed have times? I'm asking Will. They have Krennikoff in first and Tudor Magda in second,
Starting point is 00:19:19 but it's very close with Vellner. That's not what he's asking. Him and Vellner are neck and neck. Tudor moved the the d ball really well don't you fucking drop it yeah uh he uh done if he does drop it velner will pass him all right tutor magda second and uh velner and uh briant guion looks like they're tied neck and neck it's going to be close uh briant what we just saw is velner finished i don't know if he finished before tutor or not okay tutor was he didn't yeah okay okay if anybody knows ricky's time to beat put it in the comments roman was 722 7.22. Gee, run, bro.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Look how slow Gee is walking. Something has to be wrong with him. Oh, yeah, yeah. Something to be wrong with him oh yeah yeah it's something's definitely wrong with him he he even said when suza said how you doing he said bad and then we've seen him lying down twice being treated by uh medics right so i'm guessing as soon as he gets out there his heartbeat spikes wow he that's a crazy posture right yeah i know like if you're gonna walk like it just seems like he's going way too slow dude he's holding on for dear life he's he's almost looks delirious is he laughing no he's not laughing and for anybody wondering in the comments,
Starting point is 00:21:08 a D-ball is way, way harder to handle than a sandbag. I don't think way, way. It's harder. But I'm saying it's harder on cleans. It's harder on carries. There's nothing that it's not harder. Oh, wow. Yeah, he took a dive there.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Wonder when the leaderboard will update. Hey, they can't be too worried. If they were worried, Medic would be watching him the whole time medical, and they'd be out there right now on him, someone with water. And no one seems to give a shit about him. Looks like he's just really out of shape. Really? You think that's what's going on with Guy? I don't know. He's the elite version of Hiller right now.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Hiller on the gauntlet. Oh, wait a sec. So, oh, she's there competing with teams. Okay. I was like, well, there's Mal O'Brien. Interesting that she's not trying to pick up the 75k, but...
Starting point is 00:22:00 What the fuck are they doing on the floor? They do whatever they want, son. That's like watching, what's his fucking face, Gavin Newsom go out to dinner with no mask when he's got a fucking mandate. Mal O'Brien on the floor at Waterpalooza is the same as Gavin Newsom at the restaurant. I like it. I take it. I take it. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I was trying to throw you a bone. Yeah, I like it. I like it. I like it. Yeah, it. Come on, man. I was trying to throw you a bone. Yeah, I like it. I like it. I like it. Yeah, that's Mal Fraser. Good point. Yeah. Roman's got his mayhem sticker on his chest.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Mayhem tattoo on Roman now. I missed it. I don't think it's a tattoo. I think it's a... No, he got the tat. He didn't have it the last interview he had. He got the tat. didn't have it the last interview he had he got the tat let the people believe
Starting point is 00:22:47 sevan in a suit right on the floor doing interviews legendary yeah the good old days yep here we go uh mal can do as she pleases. She's the new queen. That's correct. Brian. Yeah, there is Brian Friend. There he is. Oh, Susan, mute. Susan, take your shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:16 God, that iPhone is sharp. Can you guys hear him? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We want to know why were Ricky and Vellner and Fikowski and Guy all separated? Why weren't they all in the same heat? Hey, switch here real quick.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I got Roman. I got like two minutes. What do you want? Okay, why were the heats lit up the way they were? Why weren't all the best guys in the same heat? Yeah, I tried to get that to happen, but the heating was done ahead of time, and it was all based on their performance coming in. They thought about it, but it was too complicated to reseed them before the night. So I just let them go with how they had it coming into the competition.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But they had them all together in the previous event, I think. No, they did not. I mean, that's why there were top times coming out of heats one and two earlier also. So basically, they favored the online qual mean, that's why there were top times coming out of heats one and two earlier also. So basically, they favored the online qualifier just as heavily as many other things. That's why you had the top five online qualifiers in the middle lanes of the last weeks. Okay. And how is Guy doing? We've seen medical with him a few times, and he told us he's not doing well.
Starting point is 00:24:26 No, he said his lats blew up in the first event and he just hasn't had any i mean honestly it's been a bit of a letdown of a day for him first time competing since the games so yeah not great for he is are they heat issues or is it training issues i'm hearing a lot of different things i'm not i don't i don't feel like i have enough confidence to answer that for sure okay uh we uh taylor was speculating that maybe he's out of shape, but it does seem to us like it looked like a heat issue. The way he was swerving around and they were pouring water on him. I mean, in the second event earlier today,
Starting point is 00:24:54 there was like half the field was in sun and the other half wasn't. He was in the sun, so maybe. I know that he's changed up his style of training this season. I don't know if that's meaning he's just not ready for competition right now or what. I'll try to find out more, but that's all I know for now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:11 We've been having a lot of issues with the stream, so we took it upon ourselves just to go live every time it went down. Is that a problem with the Amazon server? What's going on there? Exactly that. Yeah, he said an AWS server blew earlier earlier today and they had to like bounce the feed off of somewhere in virginia and a bunch of stuff that i don't understand but it's not like an internet issue here it's not a hamilton road or a lot of blues issue it's something beyond them okay oh you know what's interesting is that the comments keep going when the fee drops and so people get to go yeah people get to go yeah people get to
Starting point is 00:25:48 say some crazy shit like maybe the uh maybe the stream got the vaccine or something uh so anyway um okay and what what happened with emma carrie she came out uh she won in that part a part b event she won the first part right no no. She won the first part, right? No. No. No. She took the first two events of the day. Yeah. And then she took 13th in A and then 30th in B.
Starting point is 00:26:18 But she came out great in B, and then they stopped following her. So we don't know how she imploded, and we hate to speculate that maybe the D-ball hurt her back. I'll see if I can find out. I don't know anything for now did you see her go down he was like yeah it doesn't matter if you come off the rower and i got to his ninth off the rower and won the event so well i think uh roman got him but he wanted to see uh the rower is not that relevant to now all the girls can do the sandbag and she can't. There's a reason for it. Yeah, so either it's a weakness of hers or something happened. I'll try to find out. All right. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Well, thank you, Brian. If you get a chance, we'd love to have you on later. We're going to try to get Guido Trinidad on and talk to him about some of the programming. I'll do what I can. I know we have a big production meeting to get ready for day two tonight, but I'll try to get a guido trinidad on and talk to him about some of the programming i'll do what i can i know we have a big production meeting to get ready for day two tonight but uh i'll tie it to
Starting point is 00:27:09 awesome thanks brother thank you will plumber what's up brother hey so kind of a kind of bs but patrick velner got an interview after that even though he lost it and roman had to walk off and didn't get anything only so much toleration for that rush for those russians we don't they don't even get a flag they don't even get a flag will yeah basically i saw i saw roman leave and he took pictures with at least half a dozen people awesome so i don't know that kind of pissed me off that he gets an interview and roman gets nothing well roman, Roman did get – sort of in their defense, Roman did get a great interview earlier. Did you see that one?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. They had his translator there. Okay, yeah. He got a great interview. And also, I appreciate your perspective. I'm not dogging on you. But Pat's the three-time champion, so it's kind of good to let him, you know, say some words and see how he's doing.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Did you see what happened to Emma Careyrie will uh no i didn't i did not see what happened emma carrie but i did see that luke parker off the row i don't know what happened if he like literally pulled so hard he fell off of it but something was wrong where he was off of the row or when everyone else was rowing hey hey listen someone in the comments wrote uh your jawline kind of pisses me off chill that's it oh my god hey he's young and full of testosterone that's what they look like these days look at it will plumber looks like a fucking bull um smtp, that'll do that to you. Yes, sir. Tomorrow morning, 10.45. Anything else you see out there?
Starting point is 00:28:51 It looks like a beautiful event. It looks the same as last year. Shitloads of people. It looks already super crowded for a Thursday. It's busy for Thursday. It's busy for a Thursday, and Flagler, the stadium itself, is smaller than last year. So they rearranged kind of how it was laid out.
Starting point is 00:29:06 It looks like Bayside is a little bit bigger, but Flagler where all like the main events are is smaller seating wise. So it was packed. You know, it's interesting that you say that. Well, I remember last year we reported that it was smaller than the previous year. So that means it's shrunk two years in a row.
Starting point is 00:29:23 They're adding seating. Vendor village is getting bigger and bigger. It's growing. Okay. And Taylor's speculating that they're adding seating. They did. According to Brian, they added seating. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:35 All right. Okay. Thank you very much. Are you doing any of the divisions this year? Yeah, I'm doing scaled individual. Oh, and when is that? Tomorrow morning, 1045. And how long is that?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Throughout the weekend. So do we get you anymore or that's it? We're done with you after today. You get me a little bit more. I'll be around. All right. Thank you. Hey, I appreciate your help.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Thanks, dude. Have a good night, guys. Okay. Will Plummer, always useful. guys okay hi will plumber always uh always uh useful god you're lighting his ass taylor thanks sir yeah no problem uh mr suza yo so that's a that's a wrap huh i wonder if we can get jr on i'm gonna head back and see if we can ask more riveting questions like is the water cold and see if uh we can get JR on. I'm going to head back and see if we can ask more riveting questions, like is the water cold?
Starting point is 00:30:27 And see if we can snag somebody back here. Okay. And I'm going to reach out to Guido and see if he will come on. Oh, shit. I sent him the wrong link day one is over uh why don't i pull up a leaderboard so you guys have something to talk about event three just updated we're still waiting for event four. For the dudes? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Okay. I will share this screen. Oh, maybe I can. Okay. And let me see if I can send Guido we'll be live for another 30 and to come in at any time if you guys don't know who Guido Trinidad is, he is the, is the, who he did. No, not who he did, who he is. Guido is the founder of Wadapalooza and he did the programming this year. Then I think he sold it to loud and live and they've always kept a good
Starting point is 00:32:01 relationship. Jared, what's up, dude? No plan B, that's for sure. Until you get your sister pregnant. Yeah, that's... You always got to ruin it. You heard that? That was crazy, right? I may have been handed, but whatever. Aggressive, aggressive.
Starting point is 00:32:21 John Young looks like a man who's buried in U-porn. I don't even the fourth event yet was tied for first place with patrick velner so the fourth event the fourth event is in there they just don't have it in the total yet so we can do math on that unfortunately patrick's is the last score that's not in yet unless they've updated it it is okay let me see oh no go back so part b okay so here you can see roman one so you can just add 100 to his his will be 334 ricky you can add 85 won, so you can just add 100 to his. His will be 334. Ricky, you can add 85 to his, so that'll be 360.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And then Pat, where's Pat at? Scroll down. Oh, Nelly. Oh, Nelly, tell me it's not so. No, it's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Go all the way down. They just don't have a score. Go all the way down. Where is it? You see his name? There he is. Yeah, there he is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:34 They don't have a score. Okay, okay. So we don't know where Pat is relatively, but Roman will be 334. Ricky will be 360. And Pat will be very, very – Pat will be right with Ricky. They'll be basically neck and neck. Roman will be I would think third place, but he's probably in the mix with third through fifth.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Man, Ricky's making a statement. Strong showing. Okay, let's go over to the women while we wait. After day one, Emily Rolfe. Wow rolf wow hey man she's supposed to be let's face it her best events were in the first day because she's going to take a hit with the
Starting point is 00:34:15 clean and jerk that's always going to be one of the worst worst events and the handstand to be honest yeah like she could get 30th place in that event. Hey, she's a bona fide games athlete, right? Two, three appearances? Four? Yeah. I think she'll do really well in the swim double under wall ball. I don't think she'll do well in the back-to-back final with the dumbbell bench.
Starting point is 00:34:39 So I think she'll do poorly. Or the snatches, the 30 snatches. Yeah, either. I don't think she'll do well in either of those. I think she'll do really well in the swim wall ball double under, but I think she takes a hit on the clean and jerk handstand and maybe finishes middle of the pack on the final. I kind of think her and Emma will be very close together after the clean and jerk,
Starting point is 00:35:02 and then after that I kind of feel like Emma's just – She's got quite the lead. 45 points is comfortable. I know but it's like a fifth from Emma and a 30th from her and then that's gone. I'm tired of Sevan complaining about camera angles and barking at Sousa. Hey Sevan
Starting point is 00:35:19 get up from your chair and start going to events. Tony I love you. He's talked too much shit to show his face in person. Hashtag truth. And so have I, to be honest. Too bad Jason Tyler Watkins, home of the Fantasy Fitness League at a lawn chair leaderboarding. Too bad the whores got 30 out of
Starting point is 00:35:45 30 wow no no sorry too bad the scores bottom out at 30 he's taught he's he's flaunting g-score what's he mean by that what's he uh meaning that if if you had the worst finish uh relative the field potentially in an event for z score you could get zero points we're very close to it whereas here your worst finish you're guaranteed 30 points so he's saying too bad scores bottom out at 30 meaning if you did worse you would get punished more okay with z score well emma just took a 30th so it was still balanced out no he just means point distribution like yeah it would be a bigger point distribution if it was z score rather than what we have there we go people there it is nope that's not finalized oh close i tried but emma's uh event one she beat everybody by a minute and a half she would have gotten a lot of points for that.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, like her Z-score would be out of control just from that. And Pat won by 10 seconds in a three-minute workout. A lot of points for him as well. But think about Roman's finish in that chipper. Hey, guys, I'm confused here. He was right behind him, though. I'm confused here. Are you telling me Brent Fikowski just won that last event?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Oh, Tyler just said they took scores out they removed scores from part four apparently i'm waiting for elaboration for part b of event three yep yeah they're not it's not it's not updated yet part four but what he just said is they took scores out meaning they may have up they may have put them in there and pulled them back out because something's not right i'm wondering uh jr if uh if um uh guido trinidad comes on the show you got to come on he programmed this this thing come on buddy what are you doing feel bad you trimmed your beard you don't want us to see your shitty trim job did he really trim it no i don't know i'm making it up yeah i don't believe he did uh spiegel has plans ladies and gentlemen jr motherfucking how has entered the chat he has caleb is sleeping yes it's 4 a.m uh tyler said prior to a few minutes
Starting point is 00:37:58 ago there were only three missing scores now there are 10 missing scores for event four for the men because roman was in there with the fastest one. They pulled them all out. Okay. Explain to me why I don't understand what's going on. What's going on. The only reason they would pull them out of scores are incorrect. They're having a scoring issue or disputes.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Of course there are disputes. I didn't like my time. So wait, what? So you're saying that someone is refreshing the leaderboard and saying that these – Tyler. Yeah, our numbers guy, our scoring protege said that at one point – We're the proteges.
Starting point is 00:38:34 He's the prodigy. At one point, there were 27 or 30 – sorry, 33, I guess, out of 38. It's updated. It's updated. Fully updated? Yep. Wow, 10-point lead. That's not much.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Roman in third, Grayshaber in fourth. Okay, let's go over before we jerk each other off. Let's go over and see what's going on here. This last event, Romanov, Tudor Magda, Brent Fikowski, Ricky Garrett, Legos, Patrick Vellner. Okay, so Vellner took sixth. Yep. roman would have got a lot on z score on this one what's the time distribution go up to the top real quick he's down pepper ninth well 40 seconds ahead do you need me to click something for you
Starting point is 00:39:18 that's good but do you see how close second and fourth is? Yeah, he would have had a healthy lead on second, third, and through the rest of the field for sure. Okay, so now we will look at the total points. And Ricky Garrard, 360 at the halfway point of, what is this thing called, Wadapalooza 2023. Pat Vellner, 350. Second place, Roman Krennikoff. And third, Cole Grayshaber.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Cole Grayshaber is murdering it. He's doing well. He's about to replace Brent Fikowski as the best big guy in... He's not as big as Brent. Oh. Nick Matthew making a statement. Carone and Dallin Pepper. But I'll also say, I feel like Ricky, similar to Emily,
Starting point is 00:40:08 Guy's not going to make the cut. Where is Guy at? He's fucking out, bro. Goodbye. Look, he's still, there he is. That's tough. So scroll up. This is an interesting thing to note.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Scroll up to. I know. I just wanted to see who's at the bottom. Scroll through 1 through 10. Look at the names. We've got Ricky Garrard, Pat Vellner, Roman Karnakoff, Cole Grayshaber, Brett Fikowski, Nick Matthew, Alex Caron, Don Pepper, Tudor Magda, Fabian Benito, which is a name that we know,
Starting point is 00:40:37 but probably a lot of other people don't know. Scroll past that. Nobody. Nobody. Brian Guillaume. He's a games athlete. A lot of people know that luke parker was on a reality show nate ackerman was a games a games athlete as a team but hey dude this is crazy that this dude's taking 20 he's right he's right go ahead taylor what you thought okay yeah what's your point it's extremely top heavy and virtually everyone outside the top 10 look at the point
Starting point is 00:41:03 distribution to go to 10th let's see what the points are what do you mean uh uh top heavy and virtually everyone outside the top 10. Look at the point distribution too. Go to 10th. Let's see what the points are. What do you mean top heavy? What does that mean? The top 10 are all people that are pretty recognizable and good. Beyond that, it's a big drop. That's normal though, right? I don't know. I don't know if that's normal. I don't know the bottom
Starting point is 00:41:22 20 at the games, I feel like. That's a good point. Do you know any... Matt Poulin, has he been to the games? I recognize that name. Peter Mason was at the Open. This guy, Henrik Hapalainen, strong dude. He's been to the games.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, he's been to the games. Keelan Henry, last chance qualifier. He went to the games? And all of these guys are very close together. Top 20 make it, correct? Through the cut. Wow, they are. 196, 92, 92, 91, 91.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He's still got a shot, man, because he's 184, and he's about to take. First in the lift. Well, it's only 60 points, though. That really hurts him. Oh, explain that to me. What's going on with the points? So the lift and the handstand event are the same event,
Starting point is 00:42:10 and you get 60 points available for the lift, 40 points available for the handstand. And I think he'll be good at the hold, too, but it's still, if he gets 88 points, it's less than an automatic 100 that he's accustomed to getting taylor's like seven when he's fasting you mean his energy levels like i have to fast to get as low as uh taylor as chill as taylor shut the fuck up i'm reading uh tyler watkins he just sent me a screenshot of his z score he's reading gone with the wind okay
Starting point is 00:42:39 uh i i you know what's going to be fun tomorrow is to watch gee and see what happens like can he lift oh how about this it's a heart rate thing he i feel like he should still be able to because how about this gee needs to understand that women make for weak legs he's saying that he might have a woman have it well he just got married didn't he that he might have a woman have it. Well, he just got married, didn't he? Whatever. Did he really?
Starting point is 00:43:08 He just got married or engaged? Yeah. Rich isn't saying anything. I don't know. I don't know if it's engaged or married. They're celebrating. They've been celebrating for the past month. I wonder how Luke's taking this, Luke Parker. This is a big individual competition for him.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I'm sure he's not taking it terribly. There's four four events left all right all right i know he wants to go to the games and this is kind of uh his test right there were a lot of people last year water palooza that didn't do very well that still made the games and did very well okay okay but still i mean there were people at water palooza who did really well and then pop positive for drugs at the games and and no offense this programming is going to be nothing like semifinals programming
Starting point is 00:43:54 nope i still think it's probably hard on luke he's probably like fuck well rest assured luke you're not going to have to jump over any plastic triangles in the open or in semifinals uh luke parker should be thrilled to jump over any plastic triangles in the open or in semifinals uh luke parker should be thrilled with 18th right now okay good good yeah i wouldn't be mad at 18th that's about where we expected him to be i don't think he's thrilled uh but he's not like let down i don't i bet he wants a top 10 finish of the weekend um but he's not outside of that right now he can't have any more shit finishes but he's not outside the realm of possibilities for a top 10 if you look at the top 10 though i don't think those guys i think some of those guys are going to surprise you on
Starting point is 00:44:33 the swim i know luke's a pretty good swimmer uh let me give you some let's look at the women's scoring here really quick kind of in the same um depth that we did the uh men's let's go down here and and cruise around here at the bottom a little bit uh julie gate kato 36 she went to the games kind of surprised to see her dropped out oh she's got a dnf nicole burke dropped wow i saw her being interviewed uh by uh brian spin i wonder do you know of her she games athlete she is a proven, do you know of her? She games athlete. She is a proven athlete, semifinal athlete,
Starting point is 00:45:08 not a games athlete. Okay. She was with, uh, has she been on a team? Don't know. Uh, Hannah Carlson.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Where did we see her recently putting on a show? The Dubai tough day for Freya 24th. Damn. My second spill of all time in my computer room oh wow this is uh according to brian spin for freya mooseburger on part a of that back-to-back workout she didn't do the last short shuttle run. She skipped it on accident, and her judge let her do 10 toes-to-bar into that final set. Like 10-plus toes-to-bar into her set of toes-to-bar before the head judge came over, stopped her, and made her go back, do the run again, and start her toes-to-bar over. That's terrible. That is a horrible fucking – wow.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Terrible call. And I hate to do this but seven's not on the show right now but they're gonna fucking talk about the chain they're probably not going to do anything for gray shaver and now this happens and that's the adjustment they make in the workout unbelievable hey i give the so so basically you're saying the first judge made the decision where is she right now you're saying the first judge made the decision. Where is she right now? No, the first judge made the decision. She didn't make a decision. The first judge missed the fact that Freya missed her shuttle,
Starting point is 00:46:30 her last piece of her shuttle. Freya was 10 toes to bar into her next set, and the head judge came over and said, hey, she didn't finish her shuttle run. She's got to get off the bar, go do that part of the run again, and come back and start her toes to bar over at zero. You should just finish the workout and then give her a five-second penalty. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:48 That's what you have. You don't stop the workout. That's the judge's error. It's not the athlete's error. Yeah, you can't stop the workout. I don't know, man. If the judge lets you. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:46:58 No, because here's the problem. Here's the problem. That means that she's finishing the workout less tired. By that, I mean she's obviously going workout less tired by that i mean she's obviously gonna be able to go faster because she didn't have those extra reps to do it's five yards more tired it's five yards and she did 10 extra toes to bar oh okay i see now she's finishing way more tired well hey do you think that there's a protocol if that happens at every event before it happens no like there should be i mean you let the athlete finish the event and then you penalize her all right that's got it that's 75 overhead squats
Starting point is 00:47:28 that's got to be a common area and do three more overhead squats i just spilled my paper street coffee mug on my desk with the lid open and it poured out so slow that i was able to clean it up and keep a conversation with you god i love this mug it's a fucking full coffee to hear thank you paper street coffee use code word seven to get 15 uh 15 off what's the national what's nash quinn's uh saying 15 uh sebon drops a whole paper street coffee in his mac and the stream is still better than one smell just smells like coffee in everyone's house now is guido gonna jump on i don't know we'll see we'll see uh house your mouse after house your mouse how is your mouse i have like five mice it's fine it's fine it's it's i think everything's
Starting point is 00:48:23 fine it didn't it wasn't even that bad of a spill. That's what I'm saying. Like with this lid, not that much count. Okay, let's talk about the women. But back to the women. Okay, so Freya Moose Booger got, you know, jammed up a little bit. Let's see how she finished on that. Terribly.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Go over one. 33rd. And let's see what would happen if uh no 23rd it's part no part a 33rd dude okay fuck so if you give her 10 seconds they add it to her workout now go out and say she was 249 what's 248 19th so she would have taken 20 she would have taken 20. She would have taken 20th at, at worst, at least, uh, at least it's only worth 15 more points.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Like the point spread only went down one point at a time. No, she took 33rd, 33rd, which was how many points? 33, 33 points. Did that work out?
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah. Yep. And you're saying, what if she had, it got a two 49, she'd have been up here. It's 11 points. So't that work out? You're saying what if she got a 249? She'd have been up here. It's 11 points. It didn't hurt her so bad. How many points back is she?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Retotal it. Scroll down. Moosebrugger. 11 points would be... Above the cut line. Above the cut line. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah. If she doesn't make the cut, I'd be absolutely furious if that was, if she was close. You know what? I'm going to, because I like her so much and she's been so cool to me, I'm going to go ahead and, and, and because she's a woman and I feel like doing, going the extra mile for a woman because I'm a misogynist and I think women are less than I need to speak up for them. I think I'm going to call Dylan and ask him to cut her some slack.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah, I think I'm going to do that. I love the sarcasm. Yeah. Well, that's what she said about me, right? Yeah, I know. She called you a misogynist. Or something like that. You misogynists.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Massage gymnasts. There you go. Massage gymnasts. Okay. massage gymnasts there you go gymnast okay uh amy kringle the accidental pick by uh mr um that's what's crazy about just independent media now we can just diverge and just talk about just like all sorts of shit like it there was this era where all the athletes were had their own social media and everyone could market their own shit and like the the mothership lost control because everyone could market but now it's kind of turned come full circle on them right now the media can attack because the media is independent so it's just it's just
Starting point is 00:50:53 fucking it's crazy what a crazy era we live in did you follow that you know what i'm saying you guys yes yeah it's cool uh there's always someone to keep someone in check. OK, and now there's Hiller making media on media. It's like so cool. OK, Amy Kringle. She was accidentally picked by John Young, confused her and Lucy Campbell only for a brief 10 seconds of his life. It was just a small confusion, two wires crossed. And John, which is crazy. John put her in the very first event right i put in the second event oh in the second and she did good 13th place right yeah did that win her heat yep god go amy
Starting point is 00:51:37 uh isle of man uh seems like a cool chick uh right below her in 19th place olivia kerstetter uh the the you know the next thing that we're all watching um britney weiss the uh team's athlete from invictus uh 13th place rebecca fusli a holding her own okay tell me we're impressed right yeah for sure definitely impressed i expect her to take a hit on the cleaning jerk in the wall ball workout but she's sitting well throughout overall i'm surprised that andrea nistler is sitting as low as she is but i think she'll move up on the cleaning jerk not sure about the swim workout god so she'll do well in the final as well andrea will so impressed with uh rebecca oh there he is. God, we're lucky. God, we're lucky.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Let me tap this guy in. When is this going down? Bam. Here we are. There you are, baby. Dude, we're here, live in Miami. Yeah, good to see you, brother. How long?
Starting point is 00:52:41 2012, you start Wadapalooza. 140 athletes, 500 spectators? Was it the same location, Guido? 500 might be a stretch, to be honest. Okay, 225. There you go. The athletes and everyone's mom and dad. We were probably counting the pets, too. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And was it in that exact same location where it is today? The exact same location, man. And now we're 11 years later. And can you walk me through the history of it? Can you hear me okay? Yeah. Okay. Can you walk me just through a brief history of like why you started it?
Starting point is 00:53:24 Then you parted ways with it and now you're back with it, that journey? Yeah, wow, how much time you got? I got 4% battery. Let's see what I can look for out here. Okay, just so the people at home know who we're talking to here. Yeah, no, thank you for asking, Sivan. So, why did we start it? I was just a crazy Crossfit loving dude you know i owned a box uh still do competitive athlete at the time and um and yeah i was i was always doing local
Starting point is 00:53:57 competitions and always striving to get to the games and we had a we had an opportunity here that that was presented to me to actually run like a peak 360 here at this park. And as we were walking through that whole like logistical situation, they kept shooting me down like, no, you can't put a rig here. No, you can't put a container to store your stuff here. I'm like, I don't know what you want me to do because we need to lift some weights. And he's like, well, you know, maybe, maybe you can think of something else. I was like, what else do you do here? And he said, we do events. And I was like, well, this would be probably the dopest CrossFit event ever. If we can do that here,
Starting point is 00:54:33 can we do that? Like, can we drop weights here? And he said, yeah. So it was born right there. I'll never forget where I was standing on the top of Tina Hills. And we're trying to like, figure out what we can do here. And just the concept was born then. And so since that day, it was really just like, hey, how how cool can we make this competition? You know, how much fun can we make this? And I think just starting off with the name we had, I'll tell you a funny story. We couldn't come up with a name. We were going to do it in the summer and we're going to call it the Independence Throwdown. What a horrible name and a horrible time to be in Miami. And because we didn't have our ducks in a row, we had to keep pushing it back and back and back.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And finally, we landed in January and we figured, OK, this is actually a better time. And it'll give me some time to actually think of a good name. So my wife and I drove down from South Carolina. We were doing a competition up there, actually. And we're like, OK, we're not getting back home until we figure out a name. And so we thought of Waterpalooza. Not sure how. And but when thinking of the name, we're like, well, that name implies like a festive experience. us the idea that like we need to make this more than just a competition but a festival and so from that moment forward i remember i couldn't go to my kids like plays without thinking of what are they doing that's really cool that i could bring to waterpalooza whether it be the lights or the program or the communication whatever it was i i felt like my mind was always turned on
Starting point is 00:56:02 to thinking of how do we continue to elevate the experience. And so every year it wasn't about getting bigger. As a matter of fact, we put caps on our registration. And most of the time we had no idea what the heck we were doing, that we would double the registration. And we'd have like freak out and like call whatever company we were doing registration with. Like, hey, shut it down. We can't handle this many people. Yeah, year two it was 500 people which is crazy yeah we were planning for like 300 and we're like i remember my my partner at the time was like hey what do we do do we give them
Starting point is 00:56:37 the money back and i was like are you crazy i'm giving them the money back we're gonna figure out a way to make this thing happen and so we did and every year it's you know been the case where we're going to figure out a way to make this thing happen. And so we did. And every year, it's, you know, been the case where we're really just focused on improving the experience and making it better. And as a result, I think it just got bigger. And I think I'll close with this, at least this question that, you know, it became for myself and the team involved like more than just like hey let's let's find like the finished people that come to this event like we really believed in that what we were doing was creating an experience for people that that would inspire them and that they would build relationships at and that it would actually like impact them after they left
Starting point is 00:57:23 here and um and so we, you know, that ethos that we have, that this is really a celebration of fitness, of community and of life. Like not only did we talk about it, but it was embedded in everything that we did and the way that we did it. And so I think that I recall moments where I felt a little intimidated, you know, to share in front of a really big crowd of my peers, like, hey, guys, like, I want you to know that I don't really care who wins. And I don't think you should care too much about if you win or lose either. I want you to shift your mindset. And I remember sharing that and wondering if I was going to be perceived as like, soft or
Starting point is 00:58:01 weak, or what is even talking about? about but really i think that that began to help people understand like you can have fun here and the biggest compliment for me was when people come be like this is the most fun i've ever had in my life and um and so yeah i don't know if that answered your question but that's kind of what the last 12 years have looked like and so so it's interesting it's more like a a family festival, Renaissance Fair, Shakespeare Festival, maybe even like a burning man without the drugs instead of health and fitness. But the intention is, is to go there, make friends, meet new families, a place where you can hang out, meet like minded people and build relationships that you you'll continue to have. You know, and I bet you that's happening are you seeing examples of that you nailed it man it definitely is and especially like within um i would say athletes meet athletes like i don't know like anika greer i'm sure you guys
Starting point is 00:58:55 know her right like she's now gonna be training at my gym and she moved here to miami i'm like how did you even end up here she's like oh i just met some friends from your gym and we hit it off at water palooza. So I figured, why not come down? So like those kind of relationships are built here. And then the volunteers that they, man, these guys are animals. Like, it inspires me to want to be a better human. And I'm almost like, why do you do this again?
Starting point is 00:59:19 And but the reason why they do it is because the same way you train at a gym and not just always in your garage is because this sense of shared suffering. And so, yeah, they're kind of suffering here, but they know they're part of something bigger than themselves. And they start to build bonds and relationships. I mean, I'm shaking hands and giving hugs to people that have been volunteering here for 10 years, 11 years. It's a pretty special thing. Guido, I know you said your battery's running low it's okay if it goes dead on us but uh you did the programming this year for wadapalooza and so what we saw that what we saw the individuals do was your creation correct how do you how do you feel after day one we really what we could see on the stream
Starting point is 01:00:04 we really enjoyed by the stream we really enjoyed by the way we really really enjoyed some great races yeah thank you yeah um i feel really great about it to be honest you know uh we could talk more at a later time about like what i really look for in in uh in programming but i really want them to be challenged. But I think I want them and you guys and everybody else to look back, zoom out at the end of the weekend and say, wow, that was a really well-rounded test of fitness. You know, all the modalities, but even just the challenges mentally,
Starting point is 01:00:42 strategically, that all of these things were thought of and that guys were exposed in a way that didn't make them look dumb, but in a way they'd be like, damn, I need to work on my overhead stability when I'm under fatigue. Right? Oh, man. Not bad. Not bad.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I was just about to give him a compliment, too. Don't you hate that, John, when you're at the center of focus? It's like, why me? It's like, make someone else big. I'll tell you. Thank you, Guido. We'll continue tomorrow. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Let me see. We continue tomorrow, please. Every night. Hey, that was a great intro. Hey, one of the things we have to ask them, right, guys, is when you program the individual, did you think about the team and about the people doing both? There's no right answer there, right? Is there?
Starting point is 01:01:52 I don't know that there's a right or a wrong answer. But it'd be cool to know, right? What I was most looking forward to saying was I wanted to tell him that I really thought the hurdles were going to look really dumb, and I don't think they look that bad. Yeah, and we didn't see any crashes, right? No, I didn't hate it at all i didn't hate it at all um hey i wonder what happens if you knock the hurdle down even if you cleared it well i guess that means you
Starting point is 01:02:13 didn't clear if you knock the hurdle down that's a no rep andrea nistler hit it several times okay and she didn't really have an issue but yeah i was looking forward to saying hey yeah and his jawline too i was going to give Guido a compliment on his jawline, his hair, and the hurdles that I didn't think were retarded. For anyone who hasn't been to Guido Trinidad's Instagram, it's worth going and seeing just to – Download a couple pictures into the bank. Oh, my God. His body is ridiculous. Oh, there he is.
Starting point is 01:02:43 He's back. Back. Here we go. Hey. Did you plug in? Oh, there's a way. I plugged in. Yeah, guys. Oh, you God. His body's ridiculous. Oh, there he is. He's back. Hey, did you plug in? Oh, there's the way I plugged in. Yeah, guys. Oh, you're the man. Oh, thank you. Dito, Taylor has something he wants to share. And then I got a question for you. Go ahead, Taylor. I was just going to mention I initially when I saw the hurdle jump overs, I was so skeptical and pretty, pretty. I just didn't like it. And then seeing it play out, played out a lot better than I thought it was going to. I
Starting point is 01:03:09 liked it. Cool. Yeah. I think it looked a little better than the PVC pipe I was jumping over at the box, but yeah. And you know, I think partly too, is I, I gotta be okay with people that don't like it. You know, at the end of the day there isn't any really uh rules to this game called crossfit that that we have um so i am not trying to write the rules i'm just trying to put my spin on it and see hey this is how i see uh fitness cross fitness right like we're saying we're testing all things um that an athlete can be heavy, light, high rep, low rep, lateral, fast, slow, whatever it is. And I think in part two,
Starting point is 01:03:54 I'm trying to put out there something that's fun to watch challenging, but at the same time, maybe things that I don't see very often. Yeah. Yeah. I think more than anything from my perspective, what I appreciate most after watching is I don't think the athletes disliked it after doing it. I think they all did and were like, wow, that hurt. Cool. Yeah, I'm glad. You know, when you do the programming for this and you know that it's a unique, you're trying something new by having the team, the individuals go first and then the teams, and you suspect that
Starting point is 01:04:25 athletes are going to do both. Do you think about that or do you just, um, do them separately? And if people want to mess with it, they can, or do you actually consider think about it? Yeah. I mean, if we didn't think about it and we would have just, you know, come up with the same workouts and repeated the exact same thing, just made it team format. However, and some of them may seem a little similar, and that's for the most part just because of logistics, right? The amount of equipment and the things that we would have to change. I mean, I've shared this a few times, like just to change the height of the pull-up bar, that's hours of work and requires a lot of people. So sometimes you do got to keep a few things similar, but for the most part, you know, I took a few things into
Starting point is 01:05:11 consideration and I've, I've done, you know, back in the day when I wasn't nearly the athlete that these guys are like, we're doing back-to-back weekends and, um, you know, whether it be OC throwdown and then the ECC and then coming out and running this. And so I figured, and, you know, whether it be OC throwdown and then the ECC and then coming out and running this. And so I figured, man, you know, I just want to find the right amount of volume that, A, requires a good, well-rounded test that challenges them, but that also doesn't crush them and beat them up because otherwise, you know, I mean, that's, I don't, I think the sport needs to go in the complete opposite direction.
Starting point is 01:05:45 People would compete more. We get to see more of our favorite athletes if we were able to test them in a way that didn't beat them up as much. So, yeah, I was very thoughtful about that. And I was just talking to someone. I was like, I'm I know guys are liking it now. I'm curious to speak to them on Sunday because, yeah, that's, you know, anytime I've i've created you know workouts for an event i've always either myself or had someone else test them all the way through the same way that they're going to do it like not just like one week do these two and next week because you don't get the same stimulus um and but this i definitely didn't do because i wasn't just physically capable of doing all the individual workouts and then all the team workouts in four days i don't think my body personally right now 42 years old would be able to would keep up so
Starting point is 01:06:31 yeah he's back his mom calls your mom called actually it was dylan she's he wants to be my mom right now but hey, one more question. Guido, I'm going to try to get you on again tomorrow night. So let me just ask you one more question, and I'll let you go, and then we'll try to hopefully bug you tomorrow night too. It's a good treat for the people who are watching the show to see you every night. Any reports on what happened to Gui? Is Gui okay?
Starting point is 01:07:00 Should he pull out? I mean, something does not look right when we watch him. Yeah, it's funny you say that because I was watching him. I was literally right there like a couple lanes when he was carrying the ball. And I was like, he's walking really slow and he looks in really bad pain. And yeah, I was just wondering if, you know, I said this facetiously, to be honest, if he had too many carpirinhas last night. I know that's not his style. So that's just a he's a friend of mine.
Starting point is 01:07:31 So, yeah, I don't know. I need to ask him or his camp, you know, if everything's OK. I don't know. Did you see in any workout in specific that he had some sort of like setback or injury? I mean, in the first workout, he basically came to a halt. And then when the workout was over and they cleared the field we saw him in the athlete tunnel departing man dylan really wants sorry it's okay dylan really wants you we wow really wants him dylan's like stop talking to those guys. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:13 We will see him tomorrow and get a report. There's the other Brian. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There he is. There he is. Oh, you know who's going to know? Brian, spin. Shit.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Hey, did you fake bake or did you eat too many carrots? What's going on with Brian's skin? Did he eat too many carrots? You were in the sun. He asked him, what's going on with your skin? Did you eat too many carrots? Yeah, I just stayed in that sun all day. There's quite a few people that are pretty pretty red here. Oh, okay. Hold on. Hold on. Well, we'll be back. Okay. Guido, what's up? Yeah. I just want to give you a uh yeah
Starting point is 01:08:45 appropriate goodbye or good night and thank you for the opportunity to share uh i have a small engagement here with the affiliate owners and just letting them know how important they are to us so i just want to say thank you guys i'll be on tomorrow night as well awesome you demand thanks guido later brother what a treat killing it oh there he is again John Young hey Susan
Starting point is 01:09:08 how come we can hear you so good but we can't hear the people you're interviewing because he's got an air pod and he's not he's not shoving his ear in that way that's right
Starting point is 01:09:17 what happened to that guy's hair right there his daughter got a hold of some scissors that's what it looks like there his daughter got a hold of some scissors yeah i think that'd be hilarious send something up here you're gonna see it going down did you see his story did you see his story about uh nate edwardson no that guy with the hair yeah that's meme wad he posted a story he was like i found nate everton at wadapalooza and he was filming a video of people taking out some trash
Starting point is 01:09:49 oh geez this is pretty funny why poor nate or meme for time i don't know yeah the same thing whatever guess it was different people he's just trying to he's just trying to cover some uh get some stories okay uh can we we ask Mr. Spin some questions? He's always got the latest and greatest. Yeah. Ask Mr. Spin. Oh, can you just give it? Can you just stop using the ear pods or you won't be able to hear us anymore?
Starting point is 01:10:17 Give it to him. Let's try this. Let's try this. Give it to him. Look, Mr. Spin wants nothing to do with that guy's dick. Look at that. That guy just wants to get some content for his channel. Mr. Spin's like, hey, I'm not the guy.
Starting point is 01:10:31 There you go. What's up, Savan? Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, what's up? Hey. Get the hell out of here. Come on, man. Someone call security and get that jackass out of there.
Starting point is 01:10:44 You get that ding-dong out of there. You get that ding dong out of there. The fans are crazy out here. I don't know what's going on. They're crazy. Look at John fell into U-porn again. Okay. Brian is so uncomfortable right now. It's a real, it's a real.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Hey, Brian. Yeah. Tell us what's going on. What happened with Emma Carey in that final event they talked about her for the first two minutes it was event three part B they talked about her for the first two minutes she was doing great
Starting point is 01:11:13 as John Young said she was second off the rower then all of a sudden we don't they didn't follow or talk to her about talk about her anymore and then all of a sudden we see she took 30th did you have any insights for us yeah we were watching her um she just i think the d-ball got to her uh she was kind of falling behind on the d-ball cleans but then she had the actual care and she was struggling a lot i mean she she had a little bit of a limp so i don't know if her back blew up she you know injured her back a little
Starting point is 01:11:47 bit or whatnot but uh it was definitely noticeable that she was struggling on it okay um and when you say a limp you mean because she had the ball awkward or maybe something possibly like some sciatica or some shit yeah something like with an injury that she was just not walking. Oh, God. So I don't have any intel on it, but yeah, it was definitely noticeable that she was not feeling well. I went to your YouTube channel last night or this morning. I can't remember. And I saw that you'd interviewed Guy. I watched the interview. Any sign at that time when you interviewed Guy that he might be injured or something might be wrong with him?
Starting point is 01:12:27 He kind of alluded that he hadn't been working out too much, just being in Brazil and whatnot. So I think he's kind of taking some downtime and just isn't conditioned as well as he should be. be uh not how you are struggling a lot on um some of the weight lifting movements especially with the dumbbell or the kettlebells uh on the back of the future chipper um and then he put on a weight belt for the d-ball and he was i mean he had his eyes closed and was kind of struggling a little bit walking that ball very slowly and gingerly so he may be showing a back injury too he was leaned back like at a 45 degree angle holding the ball he looked like he was about to drop we were going to see a unexpected death yeah he's i don't know about that but yeah he was oh my god i was trying not to laugh
Starting point is 01:13:20 well we made it this far today my goodness uh hey hey no no no surprise that emily rolf is killing it right i mean she's the games athlete of the bunch she's the senior person athlete out there you may want to say it's sarah sigman's daughter but i'm going to give her a uh i'm going to give it to emily rolf because sarah's been out of the game so long she's definitely the most well-rounded for sure. And probably the most experienced and highest level. It's almost a... Is Emily Rolfe more experienced than Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 01:13:51 and Sarah? I don't know about Danny. Not more than Sarah. Not more than Sarah, but Sarah's kind of in her own kind of... She's in her own place right now. Spiegel about the same. Is that a nice way to say she's not doing well? No now. Spiegel about the same. Is that a nice way to say she's not doing well?
Starting point is 01:14:08 No, I just think Sarah is in the, she's in purgatory. Like there's athletes who are on their way out and there's athletes who are on their way up. And Sarah, we're just have kind of in a holding pattern. Like, like there's athletes who came here to win.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Right. And then there's athletes who are here testing their shit. And like, Sarah's out here testing her shit. This is is she's just running a few laps around the track to see if the car still goes right i don't know no i don't i i agree i don't know how to feel about sarah but i don't think necessarily she's just out here testing things uh mr spin what are we going to see are you posting some things tonight what can we go uh if we want to go to the barbell spin what will we see tonight?
Starting point is 01:14:46 I've been doing interviews all throughout the day. I don't wait until the middle of the night to post them. So I post them as they happen. So I don't think I have any more. I think all the athletes have headed home for the day. But I've interviewed Anil Agai and Justin Kotler. Bobby Benito, just caught him after this last event. He doesn't speak English.
Starting point is 01:15:10 How'd you interview him? He knows just enough English. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. That interview sucks. Go watch all of his other interviews. Don't watch that one. Hey, so you're basically filming them with the camera on your phone, and then you post them straight to YouTube?
Starting point is 01:15:25 Got a GoPro right here. You're a boss. Good job. All right, dude. Thank you for your insight and thanks for all your support. No problem. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Mr. Spin from the barbell spin. Wad zombie. $5. Thank you. I wonder how much wad zombie has donated to this show uh coffee wads and pods ha ha ha brian throwing shade at chalk up oh i missed it i missed that as well um midnight chalk up i think that was the shade oh oh gotcha because they wait till so late to put their stuff up and they polish it up.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Look at there's a Travis from Vindicate. There's Gabe. That's one of our biggest supporters right there. Travis from Vindicate. He's done an amazing job with the CEO shirts. And that guy with the SMTP hat on Paper Street Coffee, Gabe, he he he does more than support us. He helps us keep the lights on. The man.
Starting point is 01:16:28 That's why when we send John Young and Taylor new computers and new microphones and new headsets to be on the show, Gabe pays for all that. Your headset gets a lot of use. Jenny Vaccaro, $9.99 super sticker. Your headset gets a lot of use. Jenny Vaccaro 999 super sticker. Oh, did I actually send you a headset? I was actually just making that shit up. I sent you a shitty one?
Starting point is 01:16:53 No, you sent me a Jabra. It doesn't work well. You were telling me when I was using it on an earlier podcast that it sounded like I was a 1950s bomber pilot. So Lizzie uses it for work all day. Okay, well, I'm glad I found it. And does she like it? Yeah, she loves it. Oh, it day okay well i'm glad i found and does she like it yeah she loves it oh it's awesome i'm glad i found a home you're the man dude yeah two phenomenal guys those guys are amazing we're so the show is so lucky i met those guys they both came to charlotte and sponsored the event that i run and i was really i was super nervous about it because
Starting point is 01:17:22 it's a smaller event it's only our second year, but Travis was able to travel out there from Illinois, I believe, or fucking Iowa, where the fuck he's from, to North Carolina and still left and made money as a vendor. Awesome. That's huge. I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Emma, here we go from CrossFit Corey. Emma Carey's face on the first two D-ball cleans looked like she was shocked and hurt something then. Ay. Caleb here he probably wonder if we can refine that i'll look for it while you guys talk i'm gonna i gotta pee oh i have an idea we will be back in one minute being put in the work that other people don't want to put in. SMTP 60 is plug and play for your class workout. And I'm as passionate about that as I am anything else. It's a fun workout. It's not a crazy workout.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's not a stupid workout, but it's going to be fun and it's going to be super challenging. And you're 100% going to get fitter, stronger, better at your gymnastic skills, all the above. SMTP Compete is a training program geared towards people that are qualifying for quarterfinals and want to make it to semifinals. And it's the training methodology and the workouts that I've been doing in my career. So when you subscribe to Self Made Training Program, our general track, you get access to SMTP Compete and SMTP 60.
Starting point is 01:18:38 So you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training, warm ups, pull downs. And then you'll have another tab that says notes notes and you will have extreme detail on each workout, what you're shooting for, the time domains, equipment substitutes, scaling options, volume and rep scaling. You can check out our website, and sign up for a free seven day trial of training.
Starting point is 01:18:58 You can buy a 30 rack of Bush Light for 20 bucks. Come on, sign up for Self Made Training Program. I can't tell you how happy I am the length of that commercial so i'm on the day one live stream and it looks like oh i'm watching it right now uh here i wish i wish we could share this how do i oh you can do it i think you have admin um okay so give me a second i'm gonna go to present i'm curious let me let me talk to suzy here really quick uh suza yeah hey um at a lot of these competitions uh there's changes in the leaderboard while we sleep. Have they said anything about this leaderboard being finalized or not?
Starting point is 01:19:50 No, not that I know of, no. But, you know, just like you said, there's probably going to wake up and there'll be some changes, especially if there's a few discrepancies. But nothing, they made no announcement about it that I've heard. As you talk to the boys, everything went smooth today for their booths, for Travis and Gabe? Oh, they're killing it. Killing it.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Travis said he was surprised at how much came through. They've just been busy hustling the whole time. And this is the first time Travis has met a major event. So they've been excited to not only meet and see everybody, but also sell a bunch of goods too. Oh, is that Kyle Kasper bauer right there uh i'm ready when you are okay go uh that guy on the left that i bet you that's kyle okay here we go no it's okay okay uh here we go that sydney wells on the left yep it's we've got about 10 seconds before it pans over and okay just so you know you got
Starting point is 01:20:47 to stop it stop it for a second yep you can only play in seven second increments or else you'll get a ding um but if you want to do you know how to you to move forward or backward if you push the l key or the j key it moves you forward or backwards 10 seconds in the timeline there you go all right here we go ready uh yeah okay so hold. There you go. All right, here we go. Ready? I'm watching the clock. Okay, so hold on. Before you go. Seven seconds. What we're going to watch is this young lady in the front in the gray Lululemons and the blue tank top.
Starting point is 01:21:15 That's Emma Carey. She won the first two events. You can see her stance. Her right foot is already off the ground at some sort of weird angle. It looks like she's probably just exploded, opened up her hip, and got the 100-pound pound D ball to her shoulder. And we're going to watch and see if we can see, maybe she got an injury here.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Oh, okay. Do you want me to, do you want me to pause and then wait again, play again? Uh, well, let's talk. Did you see what happened to her? That's happened to me before too, where I have the, play again? Well, let's talk.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Did you see what happened to her? That's happened to me before, too, where I have the ball on my shoulder and I let it go and it stays there too long and it should have come off. And my breath and the ball, 100-pound D-ball on my shoulder, aren't timed right and I feel a little tweak in my back. I've actually had that happen. It's possible she just blew up, too. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Do you want to see one more? Sure. We'll know in the cleaning jerk tomorrow. Here we go i believe she just blew up i don't think yeah i think she just blew it no she might have she was the second off the rower she's not the biggest girl she might have just rode too fast and and blew up yeah i bet she blew up and i think along, like what I was saying earlier, I don't think she hurt her back. I just think with her coming off of a back injury,
Starting point is 01:22:31 she probably doesn't have great hinging or back endurance. And the D ball is all back endurance. I can't unmute you, Sousa. Anthony, TDC's balls on your shoulder. Uh, Anthony is definitely, uh, drank some whiskeys today during the show.
Starting point is 01:22:50 He has been, he has been at me all day. Okay. Uh, Sousa, what's up brother? Nothing. I just figured I'd spin it around and be of another head in the thing rather
Starting point is 01:22:59 than just shooting some random stuff around. Uh, is the venue cleared out? It's yeah, it's completely emptied um of course i don't have my schedule with me i left it in the other room uh check out these awesome ceo shirts if you guys are at the venue especially if you're an athlete stop by the booth and grab a shirt we got a bunch of them there hell at this point not even if you're not an athlete just come by grab
Starting point is 01:23:20 a shirt say what's up to travis grab some coffee i plugged you while we're i plugged it while we're uh waiting for that schedule uh you're a good dude thank you the taylor and john freeze are you guys just uh that's just we're just watching how pretty you are man with that hey there's this dog hi dog i want to tell you what time we're going on tomorrow. Why is Sousa wearing a hipster cap in Miami? Stop it. He's got to cover his hipster hair, man. Look at this hair, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:54 But you don't need to, dude. Your hair looks great. Anthony, thank you, buddy. A dollar for every insult. That was good. Okay, hey. Okay, so I have tomorrow that we go on at 8.20 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Yes, sir. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Guys, I need to do some work now. I need to make some thumbnails. I need to prepare for tomorrow's show. I think we're done today. Trace Hefner. Trace Hefner. for Tracy Hefner. Related. Trace. Trace Hefner.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Trace Hefner. For the Susan Mike Fund, awesome start, fellas. Thank you. I know it was a little rough today, but I do think it was a good start also. Dope. Oh, something's about to run out of batteries. Okay, guys. We will see you tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:24:42 There is a small chance after, uh, we get off that we will come back on later on this evening and do a live call-in show. I want to say, I doubt it. Cause Susan needs to sleep, but I may try to twist his arm. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Bye. Oh, bye.

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