The Sevan Podcast - #755 - Wodapalooza 2023 Indy Event 6

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 row 15 calorie assault bike and then max d ball the shoulder and time remaining with say it again i need to write it down to even understand it say it again three minutes on two minutes off uh-huh buy-in 20 cal row 15 cal assault bike uh-huh i mean that's just say it like a normal person that's your warm-up 20 cal row 30 warm-up that's the buy-in of the three minutes on period so 30 oh okay 20 each time yeah 20 row 15 assault bike and then max d ball to shoulder and time remaining for four sets so 20 minutes uh how much was the d ball 100 no warm-up just raw dogging it what was the three minutes on two minutes off you have three minutes of work two minutes of rest for four sets oh of what 20 cal row 15 calories salt bike max d ball and remaining time oh max okay thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:00:53 see that's even writing it down i didn't get it mac is okay that's good that's nice and then i did some uh some bicep curl drop sets a little pump i can't do any of that shit can't have john young making me look like a little boy over there oh yeah those look big uh please tell me y'all saw the swim mess up no we were uh i was uh watching a wiki's video and uh hiller's video their little uh back and forth uh tell me about it let's see let's go over to susan see if he knows suza yep uh any reports of some errors with the swim did someone swim the wrong direction again no not that i've heard on the floor here but from the reports we got in the stands which i think is same when you guys talk about it's not like somebody missed the buoy and went around the wrong way uh okay yeah and that's what happened uh last year uh magnus
Starting point is 00:01:40 holmgren uh seven needs to be media director and taylor as athlete guidance okay not bad not a bad suggestion uh the guys missed a huge mess these guys are those guys uh that trusty black tank thanks taylor sebon fuck i missed something good huh they screwed miss kerstetter okay judges sent athletes in the wrong direction oh i love it i i'm happy to hear that the judges directed the leaders the wrong way it did happens how and what and what workout for who the women the judges sent them the wrong way they were misdirected the athletes were going the correct way and the judges in the water sent them the wrong way oh that poor person but which athletes because they haven't started yet correct jake dome because he got a dome like
Starting point is 00:02:26 taylor self a seven on the first on the first lap olivia hopped into the water first by more than 20 seconds and was apparently pointed in the opposite direction to the correct direction by the judge judge lost multiple places on the first swim okay tell me the workout taylor why am i confused how many grams i'm gonna get a d DM for it. Wow. I'm confused. I didn't realize the elite women had gone in that workout. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've been like, can we get a camera over there? Susie, can you go over there and film the event?
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's what the fuck? Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. Got it. And I will see if what I can pull up on there. Okay. Let me share this with you guys just really briefly. Women's heat one.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Of course they fucked a swim up. What workout have we done where they haven't fucked something up? So I'm going to freeze frame this so we don't get in trouble for playing it. But here's the layout. It does look like it's raining there. The ground does look wet i don't know if that's from the athletes or the rain uh the way this guy's sitting on the edge of the seat here with just a tiny bit of the corner purchased by his ass i'm thinking that maybe
Starting point is 00:03:33 uh the seats are wet also and uh so the ladies are jumping rope then what do they do no they start with wall balls 50 wall balls they enter the water center stage and they swim to the left around the far blue buoy covered by the left palm tree if you look at that left palm tree just underneath it and to the right you can see the blue buoy yeah they swim to the left around that and they swim on the left side of that buoy the left side of the white buoy towards the center of the screen and then the left side of that pink buoy on the far right they swim around that pink buoy and they come back to the center of the state. Oh, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You're saying they start with blue, go to white, then to pink? They start center. They swim out to blue, around blue, past white, around pink, back to center. Okay, and where do they do the wall balls at? I don't see any wall ball targets. I'm on the bigger...
Starting point is 00:04:23 It's a good question. It looks like they're doing them it looks like their wall balls are set up it's on that orange and black line you see just above the people's head from the shot you guys have it just one thing like strip it yeah oh on that pole that on this pole right here nope nope go up about six inches on your screen oh that that stripe yep correct okay it could almost be the lgbq flag except it's not the right colors yeah not the right colors at all it's yellow orange red black uh someone is saying no you don't swim uh that was the confusion uh they swam to the white but olivia went to the blue okay so they weren't they were okay that so they don't actually
Starting point is 00:05:05 oh no olivia olivia was supposed to swim to blue she did it correctly the judges were directing athletes to the here i got a video on instagram someone sent it to me let me look it up that's all right take your time uh wall ball is to where it says double shot with a splash okay thank you uh taylor would have sent them in the wrong direction too. All right, fine. Well, everybody swam in the wrong direction last year and I went the fucking right direction, so. She was told to swim to blue.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It sounds like she was supposed to have been told to swim to white. That's confusing because... They, Scott Perkins, they said they changed the swim course. Okay, here, I got this video now. Let me watch it. I'm going to pull up another tab. Lucky Camera Straps from Australia still catching up on events and shows, but you guys are crushing it as usual.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Why, thank you. Australia is still catching up on events and shows, but you guys are crushing it as usual. Why, thank you. And, okay, looks like that event is over. Go to Loud and Live Sport. 18,000 watching. Ah, this, okay, wow.
Starting point is 00:06:24 So let me see if I can download this video. Let me see if I can send this to you, Sevan. I to you on instagram can you send me a link in the private chat or no uh i just sent it to your instagram it's a video that someone sent to me okay let's see what the time stamp is on it it's i can't quite see okay so just so you know, here are the times from the first heat. It looks like Lexi Neely and Freya Moosebrugger were the only ones to finish that event
Starting point is 00:06:52 with a 17.45 and an 18.08, although in seventh place is Kerstetter, and we're hearing that she was in first place and swam in the wrong direction, so due to a judge's error, so that screwed her. But it looks like there's a massive tie for a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh place. I'm going to see if I can clip it and send it to you. Thank you, Lucky Camera Straps from Australia.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Everyone get your Lucky Camera Strap. Thank you, Lucky Camera Straps from Australia. Everyone get your Lucky Camera Strap. They did say that on the live stream, the athletes will get time back for judges telling them to go the wrong way. That's nice. Okay. Okay. I like it.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The judges pointed them to the blue buoy, Taylor, to the blue buoy. Okay. And so that means they needed to go to the white, I'm guessing. Yeah. If I clip it, it's going to be like 40 seconds. So go to your Instagram and take the video that I sent you and see if you can pull that on screen because it's not a YouTube video. It's somebody's screen recording of a YouTube video. All right. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, you didn't text it to me? It's on Instagram? Yeah. Let me see if I can download it. Yeah, I can download it. And it's at a – Oh, oh yeah that's nice yep and they even even gave you like an audio recording yeah it's Graham he does he does my programming uh edit he oh so you don't actually do your own programming you know he follows Graham to do it I had no idea that you did that that's crazy my mate busted you know he follows graham to do it i had no idea that you did that that's crazy my mate busted okay they they totally cut her off and push her to the blue buoy i wonder why they shortened it though that doesn't make sense either that just seems like such a short swim
Starting point is 00:08:37 maybe it's just far harder than i yeah i don I don't know. I mean, I knew it was, Hey guys, here it comes, a fucking exclusive, from Graham, Graham Scott, Graham Scott exclusive. A, a true, SM,
Starting point is 00:08:56 TP, athlete. I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to hear this, guys. God, I valuealeb so much entire screen window i don't know i don't know what i do to get the sound i wonder if i choose window it should automatically give you the sound when you go to share it and then there might be a little button that clicks share sound in the bottom right corner okay do i choose entire screen or window do you know i would do just the window because otherwise it's gonna try to share your whole computer screen there you go now when you play
Starting point is 00:09:35 it make sure youtube's not muted oh but this isn't youtube just play it you have your volume bar up mute suza You have your volume bar up. Mute, Suza. Oh, here it is. I see what you're saying. StreamYard is sharing this window. Okay. I don't see an audio choice, though, so I'm just going to give it a play. Yeah, play it. And see what happens here.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Okay, guys. Can't hear him. Okay. That's okay. So see that judge in the kayak there she's pointing athletes towards the blue buoy and cutting them off she is directly in front of the white buoy they should be
Starting point is 00:10:12 swimming to the right of her kayak or directly at her and that judge is we went back we lost the video chill chill my brother let me try it let me try it one more thing okay how about now still no audio it's okay god damn it okay here we go judges that you just saw pulling them off olivia thought she should should have went right
Starting point is 00:10:39 if she doesn't so they're literally blocking them from the white movie yep you can see olivia's looking because they're supposed to be going to the right. And so they're not. So they're swimming at least 50 to 100 meters left. You'll see this kayak come through them. They're supposed to be on the right. This kayak in the middle literally cuts them off. And then the judges, they've been pointing them to the left where there's a buoy. Oh, it's a fucking nightmare dude they realize they messed up yeah it's not good to go to the right you can see that she realizes that she messed up so she has to swim an extra 50 to
Starting point is 00:11:16 100 meters now they said that they were aware of these three athletes they were to make an adjustment in the scores but obviously that's 50 to 100 meters extra swimming that they're doing so when they pan out here you'll see oh let me show you guys that one more time what a fucking mess they're supposed for the white buoy they have judges that you just saw pulling them off olivia thought she should have went right and she doesn't so she's in first there too white buoy well you can see olivia's looking because they're supposed to be going to the right. They're swimming at least 50 to 100 meters left.
Starting point is 00:11:50 You'll see this kayak come through them. They're supposed to be on that white buoy on the right. This kayak in the middle literally cuts them off. Then the judges, they've been pointing them to the left where there's a buoy. Then they realize they're not. Oh, man switch switch to the
Starting point is 00:12:07 feed switch to the mainstream now and watch the women they're all swimming right to the white buoy it's oh dude this shit this shit gives me anxiety that stresses me the fuck out let's go let's go back to the elite women heat two are going this oh my goodness that stresses me out they're all on top of each other rounding the white buoy i love swimming like that i just grab ankles and fucking pass you do i've never grabbed an ankle i think i was i think i was uh trying to get on the dock last year and i grabbed sprager by his waistband and helped myself up who's sprager james sprager yeah i just as instagram is sprager in streaming art if you share a chrome tab you will see the audio option uh no audio on window or
Starting point is 00:12:51 full screen yeah the thing is is yeah that's not yeah exactly okay that was just a video uh on the window not a tab thank you so they entered the water around the 245 mark. Look, he pays me to give me advice. That's a good dude. They entered the water, maybe not the 245, the 215 mark. Let me scroll back a little bit and see when they actually entered the water. Eric Weiss, 499. Thanks, brother. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:13:20 First athletes enter the water at 205 in the workout and now it appears see how long the swim takes but they enter the water at 205 this seems like a drastically shortened swim like it's 100 yards at most at this point a two minute swim they're at the 345 mark now so they've been in the water for a minute, 40 seconds. God, that ramp is cool. Is that the same ramp you used? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Wow. That is not even a hundred yard swim. Oh, come on. Really? Nope. They entered the water at two Oh five and they got out at three 50. So a minute 45 in open water. That's maybe 75 yards.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Hey, Sarah got out second. If that's right. Whoa, that chick's going off the ramp. Oh, man, she's got to get away from the edge of the ramp. Hey, if you're falling off the side of the ramp, stop walking on the side of the ramp. Come towards more of the center, right? Uh-oh, uh-oh. Is that Danny Spiegel?
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yep. Where? In the very back there? That was Danny Spiegel who started to fall off the side of the ramp. Wow, she got to move to the center, not still started to fall off the side of the ramp wow she got to move to the center not still trying to walk on the side of the ramp okay so then they go into their jump rope and then uh this is their first and then there's another round they do it again this is their first round but that's just shocking to me that maybe the comes down to the drag rope it's a lot of drag rope dubs and they're barefoot.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Paige Powers looks smooth on the drag rope with bare feet. Emily Rolfe is next to her, I believe. Danny Spiegel just about to begin her drag rope reps. She is a large human being. Who? Danny Spiegel. Oh oh did we get to see her jump her legs are twice
Starting point is 00:15:08 as thick as any other girl out there hey why is that girl on the left they're putting on shoes to jump i suppose that's a huge error right i mean that's 10 seconds that's sarah no that's sydney wells is it it looks like brookwell so i'm just guessing it's sydney wells careful with that length you're sharing there you're sharing your screen so okay thank you uh so that was uh all the girls are jumping barefoot except for uh sydney wells yeah i don't think are we allowed to be sharing their stream? As long as you do it for less than seven seconds, you're good. Oh, okay. So I'm watching the swim.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I just am shocked that the swim took under two minutes. Refresh, who's in first? All righty uh so that's the second heat of the uh of the uh women's competition i don't know if the leaderboard is up to date yet let's see we can find powers looks to be ahead on the drag rope and she's moving really well taking smart breaks okay so no scores yet for the uh first heat this is the second heat right correct second and final heat of women oh so it's only two heats yeah all right emily rolf and page powers appear to be in the lead on the drag rope and and they'll finish the uh workout with the rope also yes and they're at the seven
Starting point is 00:16:53 minute mark and they still haven't finished and page powers uh mickalician it was uh folded over trying to catch her breath yeah the drag rope takes it out of you and page powers by far looks the best in the field on the drag rope so they got out of the water around the four minute mark and they're still on their drag rope dubs and it's 7 30 and page powers just finished her set so at, she's finishing this workout in 16 minutes. She's going to pick her medicine ball up. Let's see how many she goes for in this first set. Oh, and a no rep.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Hey, do you have to squat to parallel doing wall balls? You squat below parallel. That's what I thought. And if you don't, it's a no rep, right? Six, yeah. She just missed the target seven she's eight reps into her first set nine ten eleven reps twelve little bobble she's gonna drop it page powers drops at 12 emily rolf struggling uh maybe not page power swallows the
Starting point is 00:18:04 the best of the bunch by far very smooth she's nearing rep 20 you got the judge wearing the water gear who? the judge to the left there with the blue bandana yeah the poncho
Starting point is 00:18:21 and then the other judge with the blue bandana on. Yeah, the poncho. And then the other judged with the CrossFit tattoo kit in the right corner of the screen. Oh yeah, the full leg, both arms, neck.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I told you that she used to do meth and you had to choose yes or no what would you choose probably no she doesn't look like a come on now you see you got a full leg tattoo you did a lot of meth no dude they can't afford like tattoos they spend it all on that that's i mean she quit she quit meth and now she does leg tattoos and shaves the underside of her head i'm telling you it's textbook psychology 101. Every time you have more than three tattoos, the chances of doing hardcore drugs has gone up a ton or, or parent or a parent beats you or uncle Buck put a finger in an orifice.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Telling you that shakes out. Thank you. Thank you. I gave you more options than meth and all of a sudden you signed up. You could have parents that beat you or just a stray finger. Corey Leonard, come on, share that video. Heidi sent you with the no reps on the wall balls. You want that one? You guys asked for it. I give it to you it i give it to you i give it to you uh who's this redhead who's that i love red why why it's just finished the wall balls ahead of everyone and it appears that she's going to be entering the water first who's weiss britney wise and oh cool jorge fernandez's teammate i thought he was competing individual. He must have pulled out.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Going with El Chama and Mr. Dancer? Yeah, I could have sworn he was competing individual. Okay, save to downloads. We have another exclusive piece of content. Brittany Weiss first in. Paige Powers second in the water. Paige Powers is a much better swimmer this is only a six minute video here but uh this is why i was asking taylor if you needed to go to excuse me below pair not that page seven don't share your text messages. That's heavy.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Okay, let me see. Close that window. Close that window. Third athlete in the water now. Not sure who it is, but it looks like Paige Powers is about to overtake Brittany Wise in the water. Yep. Paige Powers is a much smoother swimmer and very good at locating. You can see her pick her head up and turn as she's breathing to locate that next buoy.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Textbook. Emily Rolfe is going to be fifth in the water. So Paige Powers now in front, Brittany Wise in second. They're swimming virtually on top of each other. Paige Powers just made the pass. She looks like she's going to kick Brittany Wise in the face real quick. Yep, little head kick. It's okay. That's what happens. You get passed close and you either pull off to the side or the person who's passing
Starting point is 00:21:37 you is going to give you a little smack on the jaw. Paige Powers is probably going to come out of the water maybe 10 seconds ahead of britney wise i would assume and then it seems like she'll have a really really strong chance to win the workout if she gets out of the water first she just has to stay ahead of britney wise on the drag rope which she was very strong on in the last set. Amy Kringle's a babe, says Marco Calderon.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Hey, maybe, I don't know where you are. Oh, Sousa, you're still up in the warm barrier. You know where it might be good, Sousa, for you to film is just at the ramp. Just goofballs getting off the ramp. There might be a good blooper reel there. I think Paige is actually playing. I'll try to get over. Okay. Okay, check this out, people.
Starting point is 00:22:23 What's in question here is this. Okay, Paige Powers is getting out of the water. Let's see how much of a lead she's got on Brittany. She is on the ramp at 1242. Is that squatting below parallel, Taylor? Brittany Wise is on the ramp at 1252 and standing. Ten seconds on the dot, I was right. That squatting, let's play again not even close oh it's not even close that's a fucking push press man
Starting point is 00:22:53 okay that's bad who is that i don't know but um i don't blame them i don't blame them i blame watch watch the judge are you fucking kidding me is looking. Well, we're looking at the... Hold on. The judge is watching. The judge has had too many of what Guido said last night, maybe. Te casillera, cadera. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:20 That's textbook Spanish right there. Spanish won three times. That's Freya. She won the first heat. Oh, Sierra, Spanish one, three times. Uh, that's Freya. She won the first heat. Oh shit. Really? That's unreal.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Wow. Wow. Those were not even close to squats. Those were, those were literally closer to push presses than a squat. Hey, that's not her fault though. Yes,
Starting point is 00:23:41 it is. Oh, come on. That is your fault as an athlete. The judge got to say something. the judge definitely needs to say something but she knows she's getting away with that and cheating there's no way you're squatting that shallow and you don't know it uh heidi says it's chloe chloe it's it's uh it's chloe that was freya damn that ass i don't uh okay uh freya, it's not.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Heidi said it was Chloe Carano. Chloe is packing. That is completely misogynistic that you guys are speaking about her body. I didn't say anything about her body. I just said she wasn't even doing squats. Well, you had to look at her body to determine whether she was squatting below parallel, didn't you? Yeah. And that was for sure misogynistic okay i thought page power still in the lead her and britney wise trading back and forth on the drag rope hey i mean this in all sincerity every girl there's wearing a black bathing suit except the other is there any benefit to wearing a colored bathing suit like uh with all the bright fancy colors in case you drown find you safety uh i think all the bright, fancy colors in case you drown, find you safety. I think all the athletes in black are just tier athletes.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It looks like all tier shit. And it looks like Paige Power still got about a 10 second lead over Brittany. Does the kind of bathing suit you wear matter in a short race like this with CrossFitters? As long as you're not wearing some baggy shit that's like a... As long as you're not wearing baggy shit, it doesn't matter. Like in the swim last year, if you just wear like jammers or something, to me, that's like a as long as you're not wearing baggy shit it doesn't matter like like in the swim last year if you just wear like jammers or something to me that's ideal as a guy and probably what these ladies are wearing is fine i think you know what are jammers just like uh briefs yeah like briefs like compressions okay so as long as you're not wearing that shirt that i
Starting point is 00:25:19 wore as a fat kid in the seventh grade you're good good to go. And Paige Powers in at 1532. And it looks like Brittany Wise lost a little bit of ground. Where's Emily Rolfe? Did she beat Rolfe? Because they were fighting for first place. No, she was fighting with Brittany for first place. No, I mean first place in the total event. Rolfe looks like she's going to be
Starting point is 00:25:39 in about fifth. Wow. And Andrea Nistler looks like she's potentially in third. Okay. And Brittany Wise is in at 16-03, so a
Starting point is 00:25:55 32nd win by Paige Powers. How many places, buddy? Paige Powers was first. Brittany Wise was second. And each place is how many points? Five, ten, five?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Not sure at this point. Three? Five points, I think, from the first half of the field, or at least one through ten is a five-point split, I believe. Okay, so if she puts herself six places in between uh emily rolf and herself she will take over first place after this event wow that's big for her emily rolf's hands on knees and it looks like nistler and another athlete i don't think emily rolf has even moved on to the final set of jump ropes wow okay this is good this is going to be tight sarah sigmund's daughter's on
Starting point is 00:26:51 her final set this is going to be tight probably what the athlete we see on the left hand side of the screen that purple and pink bathing suit the one, that's probably the most efficient. Right. A onesie, a one piece. Just to swim in. But this distance of swimming makes no difference. Sarah's talking to either herself or her judge. She was saying something. Emily Rolfe is cramping up and she has fallen back. It looks like she's got something going on with her ankle or her calf.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Oh, that didn't look good. No, it looks like she stopped her workout. She's not even holding onto her jump rope. She's going to lose a lot of ground in this event. Wow. That's not good. Oh, Weiss looks happy.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Jumping without jumping without shoes is, you know, probably something not a lot of these athletes are used to. Yeah. She's got something going on in her calf. She's cramped. She looks like she's not even going to finish. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:27:43 She's just standing and talking to her judge grad grabbing her ankle uh-oh uh danny spiegel is still going she is in the uh black bottoms and red top uh and sarah sigmund's daughter just finished and it looks like there's at least five or six other girls seven other girls going uh it looks like danny just came in uh with six girls remaining uh someone else just came in i'm not sure who that was emily rolf is is gonna take a massive hit here uh sydney wells is still going yeah emily rolf is not moving guys she is just standing there with her hands on her hip that cameraman zoomed right into that chick's butthole as she bent over she's gonna dnf she's got something going on with her calf and her foot uh-oh oh no look at her face she's not happy she takes a big sigh she got her hand on her hips
Starting point is 00:28:42 so her ankle so it's her left ankle. So it's her left leg. Something's up with her left leg. Do her toes? Look at that lump on her foot. On both feet. Do you see that? Yeah, what is that? No idea.
Starting point is 00:28:56 On the top, right? On the inside? It's on both feet, though. So it must just be something genetic. Nothing crazy. She's got a big bone there. Who's that girl that Sidney Wells is talking to? I thought that was – that's not Weiss.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Who is that? No, not sure who that is. European. Oh, no, that sucks. Emily Rolfe and now Paige Powers are talking. Paige is trying to act like she feels bad, but really she's ecstatic because she knows she's not. This is a good showing for her.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah. Not the deepest women's field, but winning Wadapalooza, that's $75,000. That's a life-changing amount of money for someone that age. No doubt. You use it well. God, Emily Rolfe is a specimen too, huh? She looks like the real deal. Yeah, she's…
Starting point is 00:29:51 Hey, that might be it for the… uh was she going teams don't know i think she was i think she was going with like uh maybe with sarah sigman's daughter even uh does anyone know what team uh emily rolf was going on or if she was going team uh no it's not a blood clot in the leg. Jesus Christ. I'm no doctor. I don't know. Maybe it is. I don't mean to rule it out. Paige Powers is going to interview with Nikki Brazier. Brazers.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Kaitlyn Van Ziel was that athlete we were asking about. Okay. What country is that uh yeah australian team athlete according to the comments yes paul uh rolf was with sarah who else was on that team it was uh was it carrie pierce pierce rolf and sarah they're either showing a recap of the last one or the next heat has already started they're showing a recap a recap okay not pierce uh who was it who was it the third athlete i don't know yeah i think it was pierce i don't know i don't think so i don't think it's so dumb to do uh double unders barefoot
Starting point is 00:31:14 i think it's dumb if you don't train them barefoot what do you think correct i don't think it's stupid at all um they made us fucking run barefoot i mean last year i don't think that's dumb and look you saw sarah sigmunds daughter putting shoes on if emily rolf wanted to already being wet um but the first 50 went pretty smooth and then just i know for me i'm a good swimmer so swimming was like kind of like a moderate pace where i could keep my breath and then just to attack the double under smart. So all right.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Paige Powers being interviewed there by Nikki Brazier. And she gets the victory. And I think it's going to be enough to put her in first place. Yeah, without a doubt. Emily Rolfe's not even going to finish the workout. I don't know where Fuliano finished. I guess we have to see. She is very close to Paige Powers, only three points behind.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Then Danny Spiegel is not a threat. We saw her come in significantly behind Paige Powers, and that was only in that heat, so we have to guess that other people have jumped in between them too uh tim lyon with 14.99 from australia i think the australians are the least cheap the most generous with the uh with the loot this uh fine friday afternoon thank you tim but it's an australian dollar like fucking no it's not bad the u.s dollar not bad no no uh three uh three fourths four fifths father savon is it okay to crack a beer of course magnus homegrown crack a beer sip one down pass out but let the stream keep riding for the algo
Starting point is 00:32:58 as they say as the millennials say uh thank you everyone who's been subscribing by the way our subscriber numbers are skyrocketing. God, it's much needed. So tired of Hiller making fun of me. Elise Bone. Damn, totally rooting for Emily. Yeah, that does suck, right? That's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Heat one of men about to start. Thank you, Heidi. Look at the weather. It's cleared up. And check it out. We got a pelican there hey what happens when someone uh sends uh what happens when you send someone the wrong way you have to go out in the parking lot with you put a gun in your mouth and just fucking off yourself or dude have you heard of the new movie the menu on netflix yeah i saw it i saw it you watched it dude it just reminded you you that guy fucking blowing his brains out when that happened i freaked out dude we watched it last night and i
Starting point is 00:33:51 was like captivated by it what'd you think i liked it because it was absurd if like if it was like a real horror movie i would have hated it it was so absurd i do not like horror movies but because it was absurd um it was so captivating like it just like i couldn't peel my eyes away from it i was trying to read and i was like fuck i can't stop watching hey was the um was the chick hot the the prostitute or was she not hot that's the same girl who played in the queen's gambit yeah i didn't see that either she's so skinny i have trouble like looking at her she's very thin yeah i don't know i mean i couldn't tell she's in her eyes are a trip yeah she has very interesting eyes okay looks like he's ready okay so they've receded is that what we're seeing
Starting point is 00:34:41 and now he's in the in the ass heat yeah he's's in the ass heat? Yeah, Guy's dragging up the ass. Alrighty. Well, I guess we're going to find out here what's going on with his engine. And he will be interesting to watch in the water, too. I think we know what's going on with his engine. Just lack of training?
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's shit right now. Oh,'s good right hey he doesn't look like he's getting depth in his squad either buddy i don't think it's required look at the judge closes her eyes maybe when she looks down she's not even uh he's getting depth his hip crease is definitely rolling like if you put a coin it rolls down the quad onto his hip crease. And he's a fantastic mover. I need an automatic response on my phone that just says podcast. Why? For? Just so when people call me, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Just instead of like, I'll call you back in two minutes or I'm busy. She says, I'm on a podcast. Oh, here we go, Trish. She's gorgeous. Are you kidding? No, I'm not kidding. No, I'm not kidding. I can't tell if she's completely hideous and needs medical treatment, like 37 IV bags.
Starting point is 00:35:59 She looks like fetish material. She's so damn skinny. My penis is thicker, has more girth than her, anywhere from her shoulder to her tips of her finger. How's that, Trish? Oh, there we go, Jiggy Josh. That girl is not hot. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I just can't tell yet.
Starting point is 00:36:20 The only one not to depth is Sir Venny. Okay. Kaike. Look it, she doesn't even try his first name a great shot here suza i think we're legit with this one the snitch that's been telling on us why don't you call dylan now you little bitch uh this is a shot of the boys getting in the water for all we know they're just going for a late night swim uh it looks like they have the kayaks a little more organized now it's interesting that the boys are shuttling out one by one and that they're not closer together um i don't know if that's just uh coincidence oh here we go here the ducklings are piling up
Starting point is 00:36:55 uh yeah there we go now they're lumping up the way taylor likes it when they're on top of each other like that love it i just sent you something about when you get a sec, read it. We may share this to the podcast and help a good person out. Okay, I doubt it. I really doubt it. Look at Keelan Henry rocking the old hammock. There you go, buddy. Junk's on point.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Are you kidding me? You want me to read this during the show? Okay, never mind, dude. Fuck me. Oh, shit. You're killing me, dude. Yeah, dude. I got it.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Oh, my God. That's JR. JR posted that. It says Jim. Is that really that lady's house on fire? Yeah. Send it to Susan. Maybe at some point this weekend we, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Yeah, yeah. We do do something at some point at this weekend. Okay, cool. Okay. that's on jr's instagram yeah but he shared it to friends only which kind of pisses me off because if he shared it to everyone he'd get more traction yeah he doesn't want to bother people well fuck that i do uh ackerman arguing with a judge oh nate ackerman he's too young to argue with the judge. What? Heidi, get your camera out, fool.
Starting point is 00:38:07 We want to hear your voice. Get those things. The youngest people are always, it seems like. The youngest and the oldest, the most whiny? I don't know. I don't think the oldest. I think the oldest, like, just don't give a fuck. They're like, ah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Oh, come on. The Masters athletes are the worst. Are they? Well, the Masters athletes, but not the oldest in the individual field. Right, right, right. They're typically pretty accountable. Yeah, Jamie, and he got in the water last. Okay, so Nate, the young pup, got in the water last.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Hey, just a little thought. I've never been on that ramp, but don't walk near the edge. That's what happened to me i came out on the edge and sprague was a little closer to the center and i was losing balance and i just grabbed him by the waistband and helped myself up yeah that's that's not even a permanent uh fixture there uh who knows what the stability is it moves half of its buoyant in the water or some not half but some portion so stay in the center that guy in the end looks like jorge fernandez that was raquel me beautiful shot suze a beautiful shot and look how quickly the sky's cleared up people ray romanick looked to be first out of the water. He was a collegiate swimmer at Maryland, I believe. A collegiate? A collegiate?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Collegiate swimmer. Let's go, Guy, Christine Young. There's no sign of Guy, is there? Yeah, he's fourth out of the water. Oh, okay. Raymond Romanek was first out of the water, taking a pretty big break on his first set of dubs. Back to him. Another break. Yeah yeah this is a double under workout you have to be good at swimming but i think more double under than anything
Starting point is 00:39:52 uh davis uh brown i watched guys fall off the ramp when i competed there a few years ago i remember seeing um just some crazy pileups at the edge of the ramp too in years past looks like he's gonna pass everyone on the double unders he got out of the water fourth and now he's leading the way and first hey what do they do if there's a workout where people need to get off the ramp and onto the ramp at the same time this is one of those workouts uh page powers was exiting the water as some athletes were getting in no shit yep on the same ramp yep oh okay i like it keep it interesting oh yeah just so you know people are gassed almost every dude looks like he's stopping he's not hunched over though he's taking his breaks and he's standing tall so maybe i'm
Starting point is 00:40:46 about to eat my eat my words i'll be very impressed if he can take a heat win in this workout and surprised if you all haven't done the drag rope dub it's so different than regular you just take a length of climbing rope cut it and then you've got a drag rope uh the ramp also was very slippery that year uh this shot that you're seeing at the bottom of your screen here on our stream is just to the right of the event. So if Sousa were to pan just to the left a tiny bit, there you go. Right in there, that's the stadium, that's the venue. You can see the crowd.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Oh, yeah, that's cool. You can even see the guys doing the double-unders. That's a cool shot. You can pan up that way too. That was a nice shot back up that way, Sousa. I hope the camera stays on Guy when he finishes his dubs and we can really get a look at his wall ball depth. Yeah, that's a cool shot.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Can you set your camera up on that wall or are those guys telling you you can't? They just moved us out of here. Oh, they did? Okay. Yeah, everybody's climbing off the rock now. Dubs are catching up to Gee. Looks like Pete Mason, Heinrich are all pretty neck and neck with him. Who's got bigger quads, Gee or Spiegel? Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:42:18 All right, Gee is second back to the medicine ball. Not sure who first is. He's got pink swim trunks uh he took a deep breath heinrich hapalinum was first back to the medicine ball his first rep was a no rep though he's drying his ball off drying his hands off that's a smart move i don't think he's got depth either, brother. Not sure who this is. He's right on the line. And Guy was pretending to dry his ball off to buy him some time, but that was a weak-ass ball dry. No, I think you need to.
Starting point is 00:42:57 If your medicine ball is wet and that thing gets – the 30 just gets slippery and – Oh, they're all doing it. They're all doing it. That's Matt Bowen, I believe. Not sure. Could be wrong. No, I don't think that's... Oh, Suze is on the move. He's like, fuck that, I'm getting a better spot.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah, they kicked all of us off that spot. They made us all move. all that's fine we made us all move hey i wonder i wonder how that goes down suza like you're there and then you've been there for you know for 20 minutes and then all of a sudden they tell you to move is that something like i wonder who sees that and makes that call yeah it was kind of weird because when i went over to that spot too there was already a bunch of people over there so it wasn't like i was the only media person over there and then everything was't like I was the only media person over there. And then everything was fine.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Everybody was actually just sitting on them and they came over and they're like, if you're not with Live and Loud, you have to leave. Couldn't you say you were with Live and Loud? I mean, you are with Live and Loud, kind of. Yeah, there's a couple people who knew I was standing behind her.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I'm doing a collaboration between Live and Live and the Sevan podcast. Yeah. Bossman. Do you think I can stream from the stands? Yeah, of course. Yes. At least periodically. We can cut you like once in a while.
Starting point is 00:44:23 We don't have to hold it on there. I think he's hitting depth for sure he's getting just deep enough i think there's just concern that we're not taking from their crowd which by no means is anything we want to do we're trying to add value uh to the event draw attention to it which i think we are doing an amazing job i might we 100 are i think they just would rather have all of our viewers on their live stream um but we all it's all getting the same event the same amount of attention so i don't see what the big deal is but i get it uh this is their stream now that is a nice shot uh the lighting you can see the sun's just on
Starting point is 00:45:02 the athletes and nowhere else on the court. That is nice. That's a beautiful shot. That's a lot of dudes. Here we go. Got our first dude back in the water. Who's that? Not sure. Have no idea who that is.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Alrighty. Anyone want to tell us who that is in the comments? He was the first back to the medicine ball. Elise Carbadao, your viewers aren't going to close this stream. We are all double fisting. Guy looks to be second in the water. Walking now. And he's got earplugs in.
Starting point is 00:45:43 What does that mean? Just that he's serious? That means if his judge tells him no rap he just can ignore it and tell him to fuck off oh right yeah the old earplug trick uh cam crockett uh kenneth the lap makes a guess first in the water olsen dudes great work gentlemen cheers thanks dude always yeah you may be actually be one of the best supporters of the show thank you ben let the unicycle genius two screens up set up is perfect as long as their live stream is up this is gonna be a long this we haven't got to saturday sunday yet taylor this is gonna be long i know do you have do you drink coffee yeah a lot yeah okay
Starting point is 00:46:27 caffeine i'm awake i'm awake i i've been just given small doses of coffee i'm awake i'm awake it's just gonna be a long week yeah i've got seven on the phone and uh loud and live on the ipad sounds good mr richard margarine Richard Margeron. It's tight. You know, it's interesting. Look how close Guy is swimming to that guy. Who is that? That guy's like just staying on him.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Not sure. Now Guy pulled ahead. Oh, Guy's going to try to take first. No no i think the guy who was on top of him was third getting into the water and he was second i'm not sure let's see what are those people on the best swimmer of the three of those guys who is he for sure. He keeps his head low until he needs to locate. He takes a breath when he locates. See, these other guys just seem like they're swimming a little uphill.
Starting point is 00:47:36 He's downhill when he's got his head in the water, which is what you want to be. Oh, I like that description. Yeah. You want your hips as high as possible, which means you got to use a flutter kick. And that's where most CrossFitters or most people who aren't comfortable in the water fall short and swimming is they let their hips drop and they don't use their legs enough. And they're just all arms and swimming uphill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:56 It looks like he got, uh, Oh, look, and there's the phenomenon. They're getting out. Yep. And other dudes are getting,
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh, wow. So Guy and third in the water both passed the guy who got into the water first you were correct so gee's second out of the water he's got 150 drag rope dubs wow that guy made up a lot of ground oh shit gee looks so blown up oh my god he is jacked oh you mean his. Yeah. But you meant blown up in the sense of the workout. Oh, my God. That guy took a massive break before starting.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And Guy is only a couple of reps ahead of Guy. So end of the workout. Let's see if Guy can turn it on and show us why he's been to the games. Okay. So this is a different key than we saw yesterday we'll know at the end of the workout if he can hang on and push right here because he uh he hands off knees man end of the workout gotta go i don't like that i don't like hands on knees it's the end of the workout you've got 150 reps
Starting point is 00:49:01 to go you pin pin it. Uh, you, and who was it? You put the hands on their knees, Guy and the other guy. They both did. That guy's got a sea suit tattoo. So I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:49:12 What does that mean again? Isn't that like, that means don't be a bitch. Yeah, true. Well, they both have hands on knees. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Guy's ahead. knees all right keys ahead other guy looks like ryan fisher oh no it's again it's elbows on knees come on get up oh they got dave newman on i just saw he had a little uh graphic from rx mark here good dude you know him nope we should have him on oh look did suzy get back down there by those rocks? Susie, what's up? You got in the same spot again? No, I'm like further back. So obviously we can't see the ramp. I was just like right around that corner sitting over there.
Starting point is 00:50:13 But something tells me it might have been our stream that got alerted. We all moved out of there. All right. All right. Thank you. You guys can see in the distance of matt suza's shot up here is a that's where the all the cruise ships are that's where you board cruise ships the one and only cruise i went on in my life i boarded it there on a one to ten i'd volunteer i recommend going on a cruise as a one yeah fuck that aren't you locked in like shoe boxes for rooms
Starting point is 00:50:45 my room was okay it was tiny but uh i was with my wife and it was we had a balcony but it's just people going there to eat it's basically disneyland it's worse than disneyland that's okay gee finished takes heat one that's good did he take it oh yeah he did yep yep and the guy who was in second place still hasn't finished so he's putting a lot of time oh shit and he got passed up yep the guy who was first in the water passed this gentleman on the dubs wow he's got some inefficient drag rope double unders look how far his hands are. And a bunch of people in the comments are saying, Boyagi, Boyagi, Boyagi.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I don't know what that is. Boyagi. And the Brazilians are lighting up the chat over at CrossFit at Loudon Live. and i don't know who was saying that it'll be a different game if the ropes get wet but definitely the ropes are wet the ground is yeah the ground is completely soaked there there's even puddles of water on the uh matt pooling is to the left he finishes oh was that was that Bella Martin the girl there with the microphone? Didn't see.
Starting point is 00:52:30 God, it looked like Kariana for a second from CrossFit. What's the gym in Jersey? CrossFit. What's her gym? You know who that is? Kariana Athens? Athens? Nope.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Wow, these guys are getting smacked by the double-unders. Maximum smackage. That guy's holding on for dear life. Yeah. Give you guys a quick little something, something. Ooh, that guy was worn. I want to give that guy some credit. Who is that?
Starting point is 00:53:21 That guy was going to war. Heidi, Ray Romanek is still working out, so I think you have him confused with someone else. That's Nate Ackerman? That's the kid? No, she's talking with Graham about Ray Romanek, and he's still on the floor according to the live stream. No, I mean this guy on the left now. Yeah, that's Nate Ackerman. He's got one rep left. That's Nate Ackerman.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's got one rep left. Ray Romanek is still on the floor, Heidi. All the way to the right. Why? What is she saying? Karina of CF Motown in Jersey. Oh, former owner? She doesn't own it anymore? Hiller was fourth. Oh oh in the gauntlet no he wasn't he can't still be in fourth do you know
Starting point is 00:54:12 what he's in now i'm not sure what he was in but he was not i don't believe he was top 10 is do they have a leaderboard for that uh let's go over to the website are they done with the gauntlet or does it go all week i think it has one more day on saturday for the top 10 finishers uh nate is easy to find he is the child out there uh you need a channel in portuguese to snag those viewers uh tommy uh marquez uh beat uh hiller uh hiller uh ricky might be better than gee are you fucking kidding me might be hey i don't see a gauntlet leaderboard maybe it's on their instagram uh ricky's the real deal right i mean he's a genuine threat now he's a genuine threat now. He's a genuine threat to Medeiros. Him and Roman are, right?
Starting point is 00:55:07 Man, that's tough. I don't know that I would. The thing about Justin is he's so well-rounded, and he moves so much better than both of them. And it's not even close. He moves 100% better than Ricky. Roman moves pretty well, but he's just so big that some things hold him back, like those muscle-up events.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Hey, Roman was close to winning the games. And I think Ricky's putting on quite the display here, and did at Rogue also. I don't think he's in the same category as ricky do you no ricky's on another level uh it looks like uh why did they make uh hillar use use a female bar because it's a female bar for hillar why else yeah hiller's not in the top 10. He didn't make it to the finals. Let's see. Guy Malherro, 16-12. He beat Samuel Paquin by 30 seconds, who took 16-43.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I will pull up the results here for you guys, although you can see them. Tommy Marquez beat Hiller in the gauntlet. Guy Malheros, first place. Samuel, then Fernando. Henrik Haberleinen in fourth. Matt Poulin in fifth. By the way, this is just with the first heat done, so a lot of more guys still to go. Peter Mason in sixth.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Lionel Franco in seventh. Artur Semenov and eighth and keelan henry in ninth and tenth place was uh lucas ozaki lucas ozaki did something impressive yesterday what was it there was something heavy and he was struggling and then he pulled it through oh that was the overhead the overhead squats yeah that was pretty impressive on his part. I pulled that off. Let's see if we can. This is an interesting comment, and I don't think they have it right. They say, imagine if Ricky hadn't used and didn't lose those four key years.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And he didn't lose four years. He just didn't compete for four years. And in fact, when you're not competing for four years, you have this ability to train in a different way that sets you up for so much success when you return. And I hear what Taylor is saying, but I agree with you. I like what you said better. Imagine if he hadn't lost those four years, four years of games competition experience potentially maybe, but I don't know. He picked up right where he left off yeah that's true uh uh hi oh i send you a link if you oh yeah shit i didn't send you a fucking link
Starting point is 00:57:51 my god a mess this morning you know the problem is is that this computer isn't linked to my um phone for some reason and all my other computers are. So it's not second nature to send that shit out. Thank you, Heidi. Glad someone's doing their job. Hey, that was a great video you guys sent of the young lady not squatting below parallel. That was egregious, to say the least hate to see it yeah still no word on what happened to uh emily rolf let's text brian friend see what he has to say. Hey, I told my wife yesterday
Starting point is 00:58:45 that my kids are done with their, we have like these, those alphabet blocks. I'm like, hey, we're throwing those away. And then now today they're playing with them. And I swear they haven't played with them in years. They must've heard me say something to my wife. Okay, did I say, I think I sent you a link, Miss Kroom of Amazon Book Fame, Heidi Kroom. sent you a link uh miss uh croom of amazon book fame heidi croom
Starting point is 00:59:06 uh the handsomest boys in the world most handsome boys in the world are getting ready to go live now and again from the stream just so we don't get in trouble because we know we got some snitches snitches out there ryan friend says he thinks shin splints on emily rolf but not sure okay are you supposed to say that you heard it from him, or are you supposed to keep that on the DL? I don't think that's a DL thing. Temi Balogun. Temi Balogun.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Ricky is too much... Ricky is so much stronger than when he left. I remember Fraser talking about how much stronger he got between competitions after using PEDs. Oh, insinuating that maybe he's on something again. I don't think there's any room for insinuation.
Starting point is 01:00:13 He was probably tested just as much as anyone in that four year period. Right, right. Right. Also, those four years are peak age of winning. He's now on the back half of his career what is he like how old is he ricky 28 i don't know that's didn't fraser win his first title when he was 26 or 27 no shit really 27 28 29 30 31 or 26 27 28 30. I think it's, yeah, I think he won his first one. He was 26.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And then won three more from 28, 29, and 30. So that's bullshit. This is the camera, the Heidi cam. It's about 20 seconds ahead of the stream. Beautiful view of the venue. Sits on the water there. I'm not sure how big that bay is or if it actually is just bam straight looking at the atlantic ocean pat velner has a shirt on it looks like he's swimming
Starting point is 01:01:11 with a shirt why is he wearing a shirt come on man i don't see him with his shirt on he's in a Yes. Okay. We have people who are off. Roman and... Wow, that's a crazy route they have to take. So Roman knows he's in the front and has kind of clogged up the lane. Okay, Ricky's with the first heat, although he's probably in 6th or 7th place. It's a pack of dudes. Damn, Sousa, it's too bad You can't get over there to the ramp. Dallin's got hair gel in Brian Fikowski with the swim cap. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Uh, Luke Parker and Vellner and a bunch of the guys have their, uh, goggles on early. Just a quick tip for these guys. You're swimming 150 total meters. A swim cap doesn't do shit. Wow. Nick Matthews looks stiff does he swim i don't know they are all clumped up together zero fucks given uh roman stroke yeah yeah that is ridiculous people over the head with his arms
Starting point is 01:02:21 roman looks like he's drowning swimmer in first place for sure i think is arms. Roman looks like he's drowning. Swimmer in first place for sure. I think is it, man, it looks like Ricky's head and body, but I could be wrong. Look at that reach. Is that the way they're coached? Look at that reach.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Roman does like how he reaches. No, look at first place. And that's the best stroke. Like kind of off to the side. Romans is kind of like Frankenstein slapping the water, right? Yeah. Yeah. stroke like kind of off to the side romans is kind of like frankenstein slapping the water right yeah and what's that lady gonna do in that canoe right there like what's your like if one of
Starting point is 01:02:56 them drowns she's jumping out and getting them no i think she smacks them over the head if they get out if they get in the way or something or just sends him to the wrong buoy uh whoever was in the first place what'd you say ricky's in first that's garrett yep he entered the water six or seventh he's already got first yep yep great swimmer uh roman and the blue cat who was wearing the cap was that velner no i believe blue cap is fikowski roman roman's not a bad swimmer but that you just i don't know man he just has such good fucking lung capacity but his stroke is shit he's swimming all uphill man smack in the water
Starting point is 01:03:38 i guess they don't have much uh other than. They don't have a lot of water in Russia. Can't just go out to the beach and swim. Ricky's first out of the water. Oh, my goodness. Fikowski's getting up on the corner. Huge mistake, guys. Getting up on the corner once again. He's competed there before, so he should know, yeah?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Okay, we got another knucklehead getting up on the corner. Yeah, look, the whole ramp is now cockeyed. You see that yeah they fucked it up man ricky garrett ricky has even made space another i don't know 20 feet on uh second place fikowski just in getting out of the water hands nice and low wrists nice and tight ricky looks good on the drag rope. Looks like a regular double under for him. Yes. I was going to say that, too.
Starting point is 01:04:27 It doesn't even look like a drag rope. Yeah, man. Somebody check his jump rope. Holy shit. Ricky's there dead center in the Heidi cam. Dead center. See how little he's moving his elbows? His elbows stay in tight.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Wrists nice and tight. Very efficient. Same with Brent Fikowski. He's just longer and taller, so he's got a longer jump. Hey, when we had John Young on, we had 200 more viewers. With John Young, we lost 200 viewers. Fuck off. Graham says that Ricky is 11 reps ahead.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Thank you, Graham. Very clean on the rope. He's going to pull away, and it looks like he's not going to be super out of ahead. Thank you, Graham. Very clean on the rope. He's going to pull away, and it looks like he's not going to be super out of breath in doing so, too. Just so much more efficient on that jump rope. I don't think Wadapalooza tests. I don't think anyone has to test really in the space because CrossFit's just testing these guys year-round.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Brent Fikowski looks like he's pulled up hey uh didn't ricky have some background with fighting uh may have done a lot of ropes since i don't know but he looks like he looks like he looks like he's got a face that fights the old victor crumb is that is that like a fighter's face no it's the fucking dude from harry potter the fucking russian guy oh i don't know that slavic wizard he throws he throws down dude you don't watch fucking harry potter no i tried to i just couldn't get into it there was like just dude no i couldn't what about lord of the rings yeah yeah you fuck with that have you ever read wheel of time no no i don't
Starting point is 01:06:05 i don't haven't read any i don't read uh movies i know it was a book first i know no wheel of time was never a movie i know i'm just fucking with you whatever dude oh is that what you're telling me you're 14 books in and some sci-fi shit it's fantasy but yeah books in, 14 out of 14. It's crazy. You're reading a series that's 14 books long? Yeah, usually when you get past the fifth book in a long series like that, they start to suck ass, but this has just gotten better and better. It's crazy. It's without a doubt the best fantasy series ever written.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Hey, look, Ricky's – what is that? From his knees to his heels look like very short. He, no, he's just has so much ankle flexion that he dumps into his, the balls of his feet when he squats. And so it looks, you know, his depth looks suspect, but he's getting low enough. He's hitting parallel. He just, again, he's got that shifting his weight forward as a fault. And you can see his heels shifting forward, his shifting forward he just needs to sit back more into his hips but and look he catches the ball off to the right a little bit see how good his ankle flexion is yeah unreal ankle flexion yeah unreal not great not great hip mobility oh there's he's got a no rep for hide on the wall ball. Ricky Garrard takes his first rest on the second round of wall balls.
Starting point is 01:07:30 After this, he will run into the water where he will swim and win again. Brent Fikowski may win this workout. And then he will come back and win the double unders again, and Brent doesn't stand a fucking chance. If it comes down to double under cycle rate and Fukowski can't beat him out of the water then ricky's for sure got it but if fukowski beats him off the wall ball i think fukowski can win uh spiegel has plans roman is wheezing there's
Starting point is 01:07:57 no way that's true uh if fukowski can get off the wall balls, like Taylor just said, in good time, I think he'll make a good push for the win. Is Wheel of Time better than Song of Ice and Fire? Shut the fuck up. Yes, it is. And I've already read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn and his, fuck, what's the other series? No, it's not The Way of Kings. Is it? way of no it's not the way of kings is it hey do you ever read do those books ever scare you like you're reading that shit and you start
Starting point is 01:08:29 like losing touch with reality like i wonder if this shit's true how do they come up with this shit yeah i've actually started dabbling into uh scientology into witchcraft that's way funnier than Scientology. Yeah, Stormlight Archives, The Way of Kings. I've read all that, and I'm up to date. I got a bunch of friends who are into Scientology. B, go easy, go easy. Do you really?
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah. Who? Hey, the CrossFit scene's full of them. No way. Full of them. Stop that. You're fucking lying. Dude, it's full of fucking Christians and Scientologists.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Okay, well, looping... Are you serious? They are deep in Scientology? Oh, look, look, look, look. Here's our favorite Scientologist, Heidi Krum. Hi, Heidi. You're a fucker. I don't think she's really... Oh, she's not a Scientologist. Talk to me, girl.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I was just gonna say, since you guys are just talking about nothing, that Fikowski is probably two minutes behind. If we want to talk about the event, Gerard got in first and then Roman right after. Yeah, Fikowski took a hit. Ricky's going to win. Yeah, Fikowski's not even in the water, right, Heidi? Oh, well, he is for
Starting point is 01:09:48 me. He is now. He is now. I think you guys are behind. Let me reset this shit. Go ahead. Ruin the story for us. Go ahead, Heidi. Ruin it. Who won the event? I'll wait. No, no, no. No, no. We're not talking about nothing anyway as you would say.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I mean, if you want to talk about young adult novels and Scientology, we're not talking about nothing anyway, as you would say. I mean, if you want to talk about, you know, young adult novels and Scientology, we can. The most sultry of Savonistas, Miss Heidi Kroon. I'm just trying to bump the numbers up since you don't have damn young. Thank you. I appreciate that. Damn, Heidi. Heidi killing it. Thank you. I can flip it back to the event. I just can't see the event.
Starting point is 01:10:32 What's the depth look like, Heidi, on the squats from where you're sitting? It seems like the guys are doing pretty good. I actually saw a few guys that were a little sketchy, but the judges are calling it. So I think that maybe they would talk to you in between events. Like, hey guys, we need to make sure that everything is to death. Because on that women's event, it was so bad. Everyone in the stands were like, somebody call Hillary. This is not good.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Oh, really? People say that in the stands? Wow. Yes. That's saying something. So if we're like, I'm going to call Hillary. I'm like, oh, you know Hillary? people say that in the stands wow Austin Hartman she's even hotter in person Semyon Kozrev yes 200 viewers didn't leave without a reason if that's an insult you can eat a dick if it's not, and I apologize.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Ricky has got it. Does it look like Ricky's going to win this? Ricky and Roman are neck and neck right now on the drag rope. I would say Ricky is maybe 10 reps ahead, but he just took a break. Roman hasn't taken a break yet.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Ricky was doing something weird with the when he was running in like maybe he drank water or maybe he drank it on accident probably okay so we are about 20 seconds behind you yeah we're 20 seconds behind her Oh, so this is a good race to the finish.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And how do we know when they're done? Do they have to cross the finish line? Yes. Wow, Fikowski looks jacked. Okay, Roman is taking... Oh, okay. Roman's slightly ahead. Yeah, ruin it for us. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Who won? Who won? Is Fikowski making up any ground on Ricky or no? No. No. It's crazy, Heidi. We're still seeing people get out of the water. We just saw Dal and Pepper get out of the water. Roman's going to win the workout, I believe.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Roman took it. It was neck and neck. Between Roman and Ricky? Yeah, hold on I don't know if it I tried to turn my camera around but I couldn't But they had a cute little high five When they both finished Okay, so
Starting point is 01:13:41 Ricky was catching up to him He was cycling faster Oh my god, yes, it was close Okay, so Ricky was catching up to him. He was cycling faster. Oh, my God. Yes, it was close. Hey, that workout blew those guys up. Their bodies look crazy. When they come in from that swim, they look so jacked. Hey, is that a real tattoo on Ricky's arm?
Starting point is 01:14:16 Or is that like some sort of like Wadapalooza tattoo on his arm? I know they all have a tear. Yeah. Okay. okay all right thank you heidi all right thank you heidi groom velner's getting smacked doing the work of any great scientologist are you serious about that take a second and ditch your sarcasm. I got to know. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:48 I'm serious. Yeah. I know lots of Scientologists. Yeah, absolutely. You just mean at HQ? No, no. I don't actually know any at HQ. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:56 That's what I would say. I just mean in the community, in my family. No. It's all fucking heathens, atheists. Dude, what do you think about that? Have you watched any of those documentaries? The ones on Christianity and how many people Christians have killed? Yeah, it's fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:15:13 And Scientology. Oh, oh, oh, that one. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch those, too. That's fun. I like that shit. Nate Ackerman's still going. Okay, so the rest of the boys are coming in
Starting point is 01:15:26 coming in time Nate seemed happy he's hanging Nick Matthews going to take a hit on this one huh he was within striking distance of getting on the podium I think this may not hurt him but not advance him
Starting point is 01:15:44 he's going to fall a bit after this workout onwards god there is some great drama this he went so much faster than the last heat last he was done at like 16 or something ricky and roman obliterated that time let's pull let's pull up the uh scoreboard and see if we got anything here. Leaderboard. Oh, and we should know what's going on with the women by now, too. I just have to refresh that, right? Yep.
Starting point is 01:16:15 But we don't. Wow. Always with the swim events, it takes them so long to update the scoring. Was this thing called the Miami Meat Market? Nope. This was... Dirty Isabel? Double shot with a splash.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Okay, well, they have it in there, but the scores don't seem to be reflected. Oh, they don't have Kerstetter in, or Elena Cartala, or Constanza. These are the girls who swam in the wrong direction. Yeah, it looks like Emily Rolfe took a 23rd in that workout, which is not good uh mr dick butter pat to the nursing home it's over damn that's no it's not
Starting point is 01:16:54 uh velner is sixth or seventh uh maybe one day i can do a video feed during rogue jeffrey birchfield i met trish you didn. You did meet him? Was he cool? Yeah, he's a good dude. A 500-pound deadlift. Trish is a Scientologist. Trish, Fikowski looks so relaxed with his dubs. Nothing like some good fentanyl. Robbie Myers, all right, I have to hit the gym.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I'll see you boys later tonight. You don't have to. You don't have to. Pat is the oldest athlete out there is that true he may be uh velner is finished man you guys are harsh pat's doing fine everyone is just so fucking good simon hernandez uh or at least just grab a condo and retire while he's down in florida no that's not a bad idea emma carrie took fifth in that workout, which is pretty good for her. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I'll pull up the – it's called start to finish? It's called double shot with a splash. Oh, that makes sense. We have liftoff, double shot with a splash. I can't believe it. We're making it through this day. Okay, in first place on the double shot with the splash, we have Paige Powers, then Brittany Weiss, then Amy Kringle.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Wow, good finish for Ms. Kringle. So she can swim. Isle of Man girl can swim. Even though what's crazy is it's two minutes behind Paige Powers. Hey, make a mental note of this, everyone. The worst kind of double unders you can do,
Starting point is 01:18:36 swimming and wall balls, and Paige Powers destroys the pack. By 30 seconds. That's destroys. That's crazy. And then Amy Kringle, 1720. Caitlin Van Ziel, 1727.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Emma Carey, more than almost two minutes ahead of Emma Carey. No, more than two minutes. I apologize. Two minutes and 10 seconds. Paige Semenza, 1759. Freya Moosebruger, 1808. Sarah Sigmund's daughter, 1811. But remember the Freya thing.
Starting point is 01:19:12 She wasn't squatting to death on any of her – or sorry, that was another athlete. That was Chloe Carano, apparently. Yeah, down here. That won't matter. Yeah, she was 16th. Paige Powers beat Andrea Nistler by three minutes and Sydney Wells by almost three and a half minutes.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Absolutely crazy. Yeah, this is going to put Paige. Let's go over and look at her. Without a doubt. Yeah. Not even close. She'll jump up by 20 points over Rolf. Oh, sorry. Let's see where we're all finished and
Starting point is 01:19:47 i think fusiliano will stay i think ralph will stay in third or she'll stay in second and page powers will move up to first hey dude this is how good emily ralph is we saw her stop the workout with minutes left in the time cap yeah and she still took 23rd crazy uh okay and uh that's a that's quite a hit for fusli right yeah i don't know that she'll uh she'll i think danny spiegel will move up to third sydney mccallishgel will move up to third. Sidney McAlishan will move up to fourth. Fusiliano will drop to fifth. Emma Carey may move up, actually. Fusiliano may drop to sixth.
Starting point is 01:20:38 I think it'll be Page first, Emily Rolfe second, Spiegel third, McAlishan fourth, Carey fifth, and then – or Carey fourth, McAlishan fifth, and then or Carey fourth, McAlishan fifth and then Fusiliano in sixth we will see and where's Danny Spiegel you think going? I think third oh you do, you think she moves up a spot
Starting point is 01:20:56 yeah for sure oh I don't think she overtakes Emily Rolfe just quite yet no Rolfe is going to stay in second. Oh, okay. How did Spiegel do on that workout? Took a ninth. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:15 All right. Oh, yeah, good. That's a good assessment. You did good, Taylor. Yeah, so these girls that needed to do well in this workout didn't necessarily all do well on it. No. They let the ball slip out of Paige Semenza, Sydney Wells, Emma Tall.
Starting point is 01:21:32 They kind of let the... Guy took third in the workout. It's a good finish for him. Very good. Impressive. And Ricky and Roman beat him by over a minute. How do you know Guy took third? That's what the comments are saying.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Oh, okay. These are the scores that have been submitted so far? Yeah, he's an 18th, though, so it looks like he's going to make the cut. Okay, Guy, 1607. God, he must be so happy with today's performances so far. Yeah, for sure. Except for the handstand. with today's performances so far.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Yeah, for sure. Except for the handstand. We still don't have Ricky, Pats, Romans, Alexander, Caron. The guy's in the final heat. We don't have their numbers. Was Luke Parker in that final heat? Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah. No, he wasn't. He was in the first heat. Luke Parker's right on the cut line. Why don't they have his score in then? He is right on the cut line. Go back to the women here. They should have the women done before the men, right?
Starting point is 01:22:59 Yes. And still waiting. Mr. Souza. Mr. Sousa. Yo. So that's the end of event number six, correct? Hey, I heard you saying, like, as everybody was getting out of the water and stuff, how jacked they looked.
Starting point is 01:23:19 They just came by me, and you were right. They looked freaking jacked. Brent Pekowski looked like an animal. When he came by here, I told him he looked good. He said, well, if I can't win the event, at least I'm going to look good. Oh, God. He looked absolutely amazing. He looked like a different man when he came out of the water. I guess
Starting point is 01:23:33 swimming blows your shit up, huh? Apparently. I mean, all these guys. Oh, the drag rope? Yeah, their shoulders and biceps are just pumped up right now. Yeah. Yeah, they look like biceps are just pumped up right now. Yeah. Yeah, they look like action figures.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Him and Guy especially look like action figures. Crash Daddy, what's up? Oh, look at him. Where are you standing right now, Sousa? So this is the pit where they enter into Bayside Arena. So I kind of run back and forth through here. Oh, hey, that marijuana you're talking about um oh that's cool fine and then they come back through there and then that's when they'll go out to the oh hey so yesterday they didn't have these barriers up but now it's getting so crowded that they have to have the barriers up yeah and for a minute here
Starting point is 01:24:22 they actually didn't have security it looked like uh there might have been a little a little uh mix up as far as that some people were kind of spilling over but it's a crossfit crowd so everybody's super respectful and didn't do anything crazy but yeah okay so basically what they so soon as the athletes go by they'll just open that all up and everyone can cross it free will yeah that's right yep they're basically just opening a lane right now so the athletes can get back to the warm-up area yeah yeah that's right okay that's cool i like that i don't remember that uh in years past that's really cool mal o'brien over there with uh mr frazier point to them i can't see him uh oh they're a little far away now but she's in the pink top bay too far for the camera angle but they just came through i thought they're a little far away now, but she's in the pink top. Too far for the camera angle, but they just came through. I thought they were going to come right by me, but they took off to the right there.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I think it's another exit or parking. Is she with Matt? Yeah, no, she's with O'Keefe. Looks like O'Keefe's growing a little beard. And she was with Matt, and then I don't know if he went off to do something else, but now she's with O'Keefe. Stay on high alert for Danky Dank. went off to do something else, but now she's with my team. Stay on high alert for Danky Dank.
Starting point is 01:25:28 What's JR doing in the county jail? Roman with the Mayhem tattoo on his chest? Did he? It's just a sticker. Like the Waterpalooza sticker. Livestream have updated the leaderboard.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Maybe they did for their stream, but they haven't on competition corner. Roman and Ricky beat Guy by over two minutes. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm 20 minutes behind, but Taylor went deep for the Victor Crum reference, and I appreciate it. I don't. Tom, Tom, Gearan III.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Okay. The crowd has completely lost all semblance and they're rioting now yeah Fraser's here so they got a little row done they're rioting I see there's an oh look there's Matty Fraser that's an insurrection happening at Guadalupalooza on January
Starting point is 01:26:40 13th our nation's capital was put under threat Tom Geeran III. Okay, I already did that. Taylor and JR, what compensation should Olivia get? Probably 30 seconds at least. She swam 50 yards out of the way. So she had to do 50 yards extra of swimming if you're swimming a 50
Starting point is 01:27:07 fast in a pool that's 30 seconds right so if they don't give her 30 seconds i'd be upset on her part there's a ricky gerard's lady smiling at the camera hey wouldn't you just take the time that she swam off course and then start the clock and then the time when she got back on the course stop the clock and that whatever that time is give it to her yeah that'd be great but i don't think they have the you know the ability to do that do they i mean that's what i'd be doing right now it's like what if it's a minute it's a minute give it to her we'll see wherever she got off the course start the clock do you know what happened, JR? They basically told her to go the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Right. Yeah, the judge pointed her in the wrong fucking direction. Ridiculous. Ricky Garrard taking some photos there with the fans. Takes a peep over at Matt and is like, I don't want none of that. Justin Kotler taking some photos. Justin Kotler taking some photos. Why did Hiller get gas from three front squats yesterday?
Starting point is 01:28:14 He was amazing at heavy grace this summer. Because he's 206 pounds. Is JR in a prison cell? No. Bath no bathroom he's in the bathroom uh how many double unders she was time capped uh who's this who's he talking about emily rolf kirsten oh oh i mean they then have to account for reps they can't just they can't just tack it onto her time or take it off of her time because she didn't finish so that makes things more complicated so then then you gotta i guess you gotta do the math and figure out how many let's say she was you gave her a minute on the swim and then you look at how many double unders she got into a minute and give her that many double unders correct yeah i would say they would
Starting point is 01:29:05 go off the second set of double unders which they're i don't know you probably can't take from her first round because those are probably going to be faster than the second round yep either way you got to say something right you can't just be like hey tough shit they can do whatever they want okay they can do whatever they want good set okay let's go over and look at the next two workouts the next two workouts will come as a pair if anyone sees oh shit i can't find okay i got it if anyone sees the uh leaderboard refresh uh let me know in the comments and um and i will uh go over there. Rolf's still in first as of right now,
Starting point is 01:29:48 even with her stopping. No, that is not correct. There's no fucking way that's correct because Paige won that workout. Yeah, she's not going to stay in first. That's what the leaderboard shows now, but the points have unpopulated. JR joins the stream and 300 viewers joined.
Starting point is 01:30:08 That is correct. That did happen. I think it was a coincidence. I fucking quit. I think it's because their stream went down, but whatever. Yes, like and subscribe. For Christ's sake, subscribe. If you're a libtard, you'll be happy you subscribed
Starting point is 01:30:28 because you'll know what piece of shit there are out there like me. And if you're not a libtard, you'll be so glad that you're not alone. The world's not crazy. So either way, please subscribe and like. You will find I'm a very loving and pleasant person with some strange friends. Okay. What do we have next? We have Liftoff.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Back to the Future. No, we have Meat Market and Dirty Isabel. Of course. I was just testing you guys. I know exactly what's going on. Meat Market and Dirty Isabel. Let's just skip over to – let's do this backwards. Let's go to Dirty Isabel first because we've talked about the meat market a little bit.
Starting point is 01:31:07 And let's talk about Dirty Isabel, Mr. J.R. Howell. Yeah, when you look at this workout, you need to probably start at the beginning of the day. You need to think about how much shoulder use has happened. Heavy jerk overhead, max handstand hold. The swim workout, let's just say it's all shoulder stamina because that's what it was then they do bench press chest to bar then they end with burpee snatch so i mean while i think the second workout when done alone maybe is a little bit more lactic and feel i think the guys are just going to be feeling nothing but like shoulders and triceps
Starting point is 01:31:43 the entire time they're doing burpees. And then when they start their snatches, I would say all of them are going to have breakup strategies. I seriously doubt either male or female goes unbroken on the snatches. And when you tack the 30-cal bike onto the end of all of that gymnastic and pressing, it's just going to cause the lactic buildup in your chest and shoulders and arms to be unreal. They're not going to be feeling good on that second piece. Hey, and what did we all notice look at jr just puts it all in the perspective what did we all just notice when these guys got out of the pool we were dumbfounded at their shoulders everyone looked i mean it was obvious what was going on with their shoulders and yet
Starting point is 01:32:17 jr has to put it in words for us don't you dare roll your eyes at me taylor self i will not play one of your commercials ever again. And, Jared, they did the double unders, explosive on the shoulder. They did the wall ball, more stress on the shoulder. And they did the swimming, more stress on the shoulder, more pump in the shoulder. And what did we see in Guy and Fikowski and Ricky Garrard? They looked like fucking
Starting point is 01:32:38 action figures. Their shoulders were completely blown up. So, I got it. I got it, Jared. Thank you. And so you're saying now they're going to go to bar-facing burpees? That's not shoulder, though. That's easy peasy, right? I mean, for me, the first thing to fatigue on a burpee is the press off the floor.
Starting point is 01:32:57 For sure. Like if you're doing seven minutes of burpees, no high-level athlete is going to say it was aerobically limiting. They're going to say my shoulders started to blow up. Lactic. No shit. Are you serious about that? Yeah, for sure. It depends on the burpee.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Like in the last chance qualifier, the 12-inch burpee, that was so lactic. My press started to slow down for sure, but when I finished the workout, it was like blackout lactic. So I'll never experience that is what you're saying. Yeah, because you're a pussy. But these guys, it's going to be all pressing. You're telling me, I've never heard this before, 15 years listening to this bullshit. You're telling me that there's a group of people out there who their engine is still good, but their shoulders give out while they're doing burpees.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Their entire breasts. I would say the majority of true elite level athletes are limited by their muscles and not by their lungs. For sure. Motherfucker. Hey, please tell me. Someone in the chat tell me that you're blown away too by that. I had no idea that was like that with burpees. It's like that with a lot of movements. If you tell someone who's at a pretty high level to do a max set of wall balls,
Starting point is 01:34:05 almost all of them are going to say that they had to stop because their shoulders started burning too bad. Right. That I get, but not burpees. Wow. I'm with you on these fit folks. They're crazy. Yeah, this is absolutely – definitely shoulder fatigue after a bunch of burpees.
Starting point is 01:34:20 God, I've never – I've never even come close to feeling muscle fatigue unless I was mixing thrusters and burpees and some crazy. But I've never even thought that would have thought that was possible. Common knowledge. I'm not talking about knowledge, Victor. I'm talking about experience. I don't necessarily think that the shoulders are going to hold them back terribly on the snatch just because it's a light enough weight for them to just catch it in support. But they're going to be blown up in a massive way and no one's going unbroken hey don't anyone get it twisted i of course believe uh jr and taylor i'm not saying i don't believe them i'm just saying i just had never heard that and sure as fuck i never fucking
Starting point is 01:35:02 experienced that well watch if next time you're watching a high level athlete, Ben, Ben let shoulder fatigue after one Murphy. Oh, leaderboards updated. Okay. We will come back. God,
Starting point is 01:35:11 I'm so glad we have hours and hours to fool around. Cause I don't even feel, I don't have, I don't feel any pressure to talk about this. Men's men's leaderboard is updated. Women is still not updated probably because of the Kerstetter Kerstetter kerfuffle kerfuffle. Oh, I like that. Nice work, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Okay, here we go. Refresh. 30-point lead for Ricky Garrett. Wow, Fikowski jumping up to fourth. Roman, it's a good-looking top five. Yeah, no surprises
Starting point is 01:35:43 here, right? No surprises. Guillerme jumped five spots up. Luke Parker made the cut line. It's a very interesting field. So after this next—oh, so there's a cut now. Shit, I guess that's worth talking about, right? There's a cut. Okay, so we want to say bye-bye to these people.
Starting point is 01:36:07 Fernando, Lucas, Anil, Leono, Cam, Kaike, Auguste, Thiago, Nate Ackerman, Damian Martinez, Keelan Henry, Matt Poole, and Peter Mason, Benjamin Gutierrez, Travon Benton, and Romaninic, and Lucas Gruleff. Go get a fucking beer and a joint. You're done. No surprises, I think, with those people getting cut. Any surprises, Jer? I honestly would have thought Anil Akai would have made the cut
Starting point is 01:36:36 just after some previous competition performances. And how about Agustin Riquelme? I wasn't as surprised with him. Doesn't look like Anol knows how to swim. He took a 33rd in that workout. All right. So now we have a first place guy with 535 points, and we have a 10th place guy with 338 points,
Starting point is 01:37:01 which is about exactly, let's say, 200 points between 10th place and first place with 200 points left on the board. Uh, this is kind of Ricky's to lose now, right? He's got it. That's a pretty nice lead. Not great, but nice. Yeah. And the only thing about these last two workouts is that on paper, they look like they're, you know, between four and – let's just say four and six-minute range. So even if they're faster than that, that's worse for people getting stacked in between, people finishing if they don't have such a great event. Like if you look at someone like Grease Sabre, he's only one point behind Nick Matthew, and he's only 11 points behind Brent. So, I mean, he's someone that could still climb. 11 points behind Brent.
Starting point is 01:37:44 So, I mean, he's someone that could still climb. And by losing, I mean, Ricky basically has to make sure that he stays very close to Roman. He can lose to Roman, but not by more than one place. So if he can pace every workout off of Roman. Oh, that was a guy with a crash shirt on. Did you see that? Crash Crucible? No, I didn't see it. Oh, that was the guy with the crash shirt on. Did you see that? Crash Crucible? No, I didn't see it. Oh, in the Sousa window?
Starting point is 01:38:08 So basically, as long as Ricky does... If you just want to watch just for the sake of trying to figure out who's going to win, if Ricky doesn't lose the next two events by more than one or two places to Roman, he's got this sealed up. I think he has the potential to lose the snatch burpee by more than a few places to Roman. Is that the next workout?
Starting point is 01:38:25 The last one, the final, the one we were just talking about. Yeah. Wow. Thoughts on that Jr. Is that true too? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:34 I mean, just looking at the leaderboard, it's, it's not really, I don't even know if Ricky's going to pay attention to Roman. I mean, he's got to have several people come in between them too. That's what I mean. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:38:46 So as long as he just chases Roman and stays in second to Roman, he's got it. But I don't think he's going to stay in second to Roman on the final part B, the snatch burpee. I just, or Velner. I think Velner Fikowski can get in between Ricky and him, potentially Nick Matthew. There's a lot of grit in that top five. Like there's a lot of guys who will, who will, who will win ugly if they need to on something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:13 And also too, I mean, I think like, like the back-to-back last night, if you're a little too aggressive and you really blow yourself up, then you end up just tanking on part B. And on this one specifically, when you think about burpee cadence, the difference between like 1.5 seconds of burpee and two seconds of burpee is, dude, that's crazy when you're doing 30 straight. And it's just really, really easy to fall off of a pace on something like a burpee and you just to get really punished for it. But I don't know that you pay off sprinting 30 burpees right into the 30
Starting point is 01:39:52 snatches. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. The format. I mean, we can go back and look at the workout. Something I want to say about the programming of it is, is actually very elegant. You have, you have a weightlifting upper body push with a gymnastics upper body pull and then followed by a gymnastics push and a weightlifting pull from the floor. So it's really cool how he put them together. And you guys are leaning towards,
Starting point is 01:40:20 who wins A, Ricky or Roman? I think Roman probably wins both. Whose shoulders are recovered, for sure. I mean, that's going to be range of motion probably will come into play some for someone really long-limbed like Roman. But, I mean, Pat and Brent have long arms as well. You also have to think about who's going to push the bike and who can recover from push the bike and who can
Starting point is 01:40:45 recover from pushing the bike and Roman better than anyone. Well, there, are you talking about going into part, going into part B because they're only doing the bike once they're, they're only doing the bike once, but I still think if Roman keeps Ricky close through the first couplet, he can pass them on the bike and recover better. Yeah. And we know Brent's great at bike. I mean, there's, there's going to be people there that are, I think in this workout though, it it on paper at least it looks like the bench press is going to be what separates people without a doubt i think the third round of 15 is going to be really tough for a lot of guys yeah uh did you see that last workout where roman pulled ahead
Starting point is 01:41:20 ricky pulled ahead in the swim then roman pulled it roman pulled ahead in the double unders and he had as much of as uh as much as as uh 11 reps ahead of ricky jr but then in that final round of ricky was yeah he was cycling the double unders faster and he only lost by let's say half a second i mean they basically crossed the finish line i mean at the same time ricky was just behind him yeah i think roman broke maybe with close to 10 to go and Ricky held on and they finished bang, bang. Yeah. So I guess that's that grit you're talking about. Maybe if anything, maybe Ricky has a little more grip, but Roman has a little more capacity. Yeah. When I'm talking about grit, I'm, I'm talking more so about B because on a, if you come out too aggressive to your ability, you're going to blow up bad. I mean, it can't be about grit until you get on the talking about grid i'm i'm talking more so about b because on a if you come out too aggressive to
Starting point is 01:42:05 your ability you're gonna blow up bad i mean it it can't be about grit until you get on the bike okay uh the chest of our pull-ups you do the do the first round unbroken yeah those guys are doing yeah and and the bench press you do them unbroken yes yep okay and then first 15 i don't think that pays off. It's only 80 pounds. Hey, dude. No one has the discipline to stop. So it's a lot easier in general. It's going to be a lot easier to take a quick planned break on chest to bar.
Starting point is 01:42:34 For sure. And jump back up. Versus breaking bench because you have to. Or even because you want to. I think it's going to be harder to start back up again. Yeah. But it's. Dude. or even because you want to, I think it's going to be harder to start back up again. Yeah, but it's, dude, 80s on the dumbbell bench is like a 185, 195 barbell bench.
Starting point is 01:42:50 And I don't think- It's beefy. I don't think these guys, I don't think it's smart for anyone to go unbroken on the 15 bench. It's going to catch up. On any round, on any round yourself. Yeah, I don't think it's smart to go unbroken
Starting point is 01:43:02 on the bench on any round, unless you have it in the third round and no one's going to have 15 in the third round. So what would you do, 10 and 5? I think I would do 10 and 5 or 11 and 4 probably through, and then the last round. I don't even know that many guys get through the last round in just two sets. Hey, I don't think anyone has the discipline there to not do that first round unbroken. Think of the speed of that workout.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Think of the speed of three rounds of 25 chest-to-bar into 15 dumbbell bench press and how fast that fatigue is going to accumulate. And then think about that third round of 15 bench. I just – I could be wrong, but I'm a very, very good bench presser, especially in workouts. And that's going to hurt a lot of guys. especially in workouts and that's that's gonna hurt a lot of guys uh it ends up being just to put in perspective for people it'll be 75 chest to bar pull-ups uh and 45 bench press and then a sprint on the echo bike uh let's check in with susan when we come back last jr and taylor if that one minute uh transition is gonna be a rest uh what, what's up, Sousa? Are you at the, um, warmup area? Yep. Yeah. I just came over here just to see, see what we could see.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Everybody. I think all the, uh, can you walk through there maybe just on the grass and just give us like a, a slow walk by the group and we can see what's going on. Yeah. And, uh, Taylor and JR, if you could watch this shot and tell me what what uh what movements you're seeing these people doing if it makes sense for the workout once again the workout is going to be a bench press you can even go to the grass and get a wide shot if you want do they not have access to bench so is that billner doing the twist there or at this point are guys just trying to oh it's back this way there we go there Yeah, well, there's some over here. These are the teams warming up right now.
Starting point is 01:44:47 So there's a couple benches. They have some stacks of dumbbells or some kettlebells over here. Wait, these are the what? The teams? Yeah, probably like the RX team. Oh, fuck those guys. Where are the individuals? Yeah, I'm just showing you the bench press.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Oh, okay. Thank you. I think the individuals are gone. I think they're resting. Don't they start in 30 minutes? No, no, I recognize those individuals are gone. I think they're resting. Don't they start in 30 minutes? No, I recognize those peaks. Okay. Yeah, there's not the cows here.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Just doing some general stuff. How's that shot? Can you guys see everything? Yeah, this is good. Final call. Final call. All right. All right, All right.
Starting point is 01:45:26 So they're 30 minutes from starting the chest to bar bench and bike ride. Does it make sense to you that you don't see anyone warming up yet, guys? I don't think that workout takes a particularly long warmup, unless you've got shoulder issues. How about that warmup that that guy's doing right there? What's that one called? Oh, the shaker.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Okay. Hey, so Susan, so no one's warming up, not a single, are the women going first or the men going first? Assume women first. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:02 So no one's even warming up. No. Yeah. I don't recognize anybody. I think So no one's even warming up. No. Yeah. I don't recognize anybody. I think this is a RX man over here. And it looks like they're warming up for the event that the elite did earlier with the clean and jerk in a instant hold. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:15 And now we'll go over and check out that other area that where the teens are. Do you think maybe there's some individuals mixed in with those guys? I don't think so. I didn't see anybody, but let's go over there and check it out. And then we'll go over to this rig area too and see if there's anybody cruising on a bike or anything yeah i think the only uh person out here was brent um from elite
Starting point is 01:46:34 and he's got a sweatshirt on he just looks like he's hanging out resting right now would you be staying warm right now uh taylor if you would you have it even if it was warm would you keep long sleeves on and stay be drinking a lot of water and just stay nice and toasty, steady sweat? I'd probably be covered up a little bit. Maybe a long sleeve t-shirt or a hoodie with nothing on underneath and just drinking some electrolyte water, salt water. That's actually exactly what Brent was doing. He had a hoodie on, no shirt, and he was taking some fluids. Did you say team or teen?
Starting point is 01:47:09 These are teenagers? No, team. They're all synchro right now. Let's tag team. Hey, dude, they're practicing your favorite workout for Sunday. Mine or Taylor's? Yours, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:47:24 The kettlebell, dumbbellbell dumbbell barbell synchronized oh yes yes the chaos uh okay so that's the second warm-up area that suza showed us and now there's a third and last year there were some machines underneath the underneath that canopy i don't know if they have them there this year yep they, they got those too. Yeah, I'll walk right over there. Hey, what happens when it rains on those runners? Does that fuck them up? I think they cover them up. They covered up the monitors,
Starting point is 01:47:54 but the actual machines itself weren't covered. So all these monitors before when the rain started were all wrapped in cellophane and stuff. Somebody just came out here and wrapped them up. Looks like they have a lot more warm-up equipment. and stuff. Somebody just came out here and wrapped them up. Looks like they have a lot more warm-up equipment. JR
Starting point is 01:48:08 throwing a shot at Sevan. Disgusting. The shake weight. Yes, that was the shake weight. Some people's favorite object to use when they take pictures. Leave the lid off the shake weight.
Starting point is 01:48:27 Dick Butter, 84 minutes uh ladies uh start first okay and i don't think it's 84 minutes i think it's in um i have 350 no i have 4 uh 14 7 14 eastern so about an hour and a half okay all right uh we will we're gonna take a break then after we uh look at the scoreboard here call it a scoreboard what do we call it leaderboard thank you leaderboard and still no update that's so fucking annoying okay so uh nistler kerstetter elena cartala and constanza cabrera oh our hannah carlson pulled out you see that jr that was one of our girls i did not see that uh nicole burke and gracie stray hand strays chan straight chan all pulled out
Starting point is 01:49:36 all right uh anything else you guys want to um before we split here, we can come on a little early. We can come on at 7 p.m. I'm coaching at 6, so I probably won't be able to come on at 7. How long is coaching? An hour, and then I get a 30-minute drive home. You'll be coming on just in time when the shit gets good yeah probably i don't know around eight o'clock maybe a little earlier okay all right guys uh thank you everyone yes unsporty beth tell them like and subscribe
Starting point is 01:50:17 hit the notifications the reason why is not for me but for you not for me, but for you. Not for me, but for you. Dick Butter says, buh-bye, and we will see you guys in an hour and 19 minutes. That's 79 minutes. Are you going to work out again, Taylor? Yeah. Me too. You ain't got shit on me. Me too.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Matt Souza. Thank you, brother. Buh-bye.

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