The Sevan Podcast - #756 - Wodapalooza 2023 Day 2 Recap Show

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 fucking talking do you hear me are we live right now yeah uh bam we're live of course we are that's that was my cue that we were live you talking shit um all i see is day one live i can't find hey you think you think sean ever just turns over to fucking chase and is like or to bill grunner's like listen motherfucker no motherfucker. No shot. When I'm talking, Bill, keep your fucking mouth shut. Did anyone else see Clydesdale Media's Scott riff about the rude spectators? No, but I can't wait. I love his riffs. I hope he's getting crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Who? Hey, Scott Schweitzer on Clydesdale Media. When he finally starts getting loose with that shit, that shit's going to be good. He's on to something. He's just kind of feeling himself now, seeing what he can get away with. But when he really like, you know, we're all judgmental motherfuckers to the gills.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And like the only honest thing anyone ever said about Taylor in here is that he looks like that guy who watches the nuclear waste or or he's the fucking bouncer at like one of those gay bars in in the city of the blue oyster or some shit matt sousa's in the house good to see you um okay i muted you okay hey uh i know
Starting point is 00:01:15 what i want to see and i haven't gone over here to see this so yeah let's we covered the leaderboard. Didn't I just say not to talk over me? God damn it. Go. Say it. All right. So, leaderboard is updated. Things to note, Paige Powers in first, Emily Rolfe in second, Danny Spiegel in third, Sidney Bishop in fourth, Kerry fifth, Elisa Fuliano in sixth. We predicted that.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Things that are important is that Olivia Kerstetter and the other two athletes who went the wrong direction. We can scroll down added to their score because they got time capped. So they got time capped, meaning that the judges or the score of you team couldn't just subtract 30 seconds or however long her additional swimming took in her workout so what they had to do is they had to guesstimate how many extra double unders to give her for the time allotted that they misdirected her swim and people are complaining there's a guy
Starting point is 00:02:17 on brian spin's story i'm going to turn the sound on and play it through my mic oh i can play it on the screen play it on the screen. Play it on the screen. Play his story. Okay. Okay. Before we get down there, can we just talk about this real quick? Page powers for 73 looking good. Look at this battle between Emily Rolfe and Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:02:37 But here's my question for you is Emily Rolfe out. What's her injury. So severe in that last workout that she's toast. And it's going to be between cindy mccallishan emma carrie and uh danny spiegel only 15 points separates these three it's a good question you wouldn't think she would have any issue with her calf or ankle on the chest of our bench press bike portion um but the burpees and the snatch may give her issue we just don't know okay uh okay uh do you want while i pull up this um
Starting point is 00:03:06 video do you want to tell us what happened so we know what to look for so in in the story no i haven't even listened to it yet i just read it okay so i copy here and i send to here. And then I try to play this without showing my text messages. Good luck. Thank you. This part always scares the shit out of Sousa. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Look at that. It's already up there. I didn't even know I was sharing my screen already. Okay. Boom. Do it. View story. Sound on. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:54 How do I play? Click back and then forward. Forward. Forward. No, no, no. Turn the sound back. I'm sure that this happens. So, last workout, the swim event workout,
Starting point is 00:04:12 some of the athletes went the wrong direction. That sucks. That really does suck that you went the wrong way. Oh, so we have to go to his story, Matt Ray. We have to go here. It's here where the hell is this turn sound on he's at water palooza now go back okay here we go some of the others went the wrong direction okay That sucks. That really does suck that you went the wrong way. But what it was adjusted was that for three of the athletes,
Starting point is 00:04:51 they gave them the benefit of the doubt of you went the wrong way by about 20, 30 seconds. In 20, 30 seconds of your first round, you did double unders, you got X amount of double unders. And then they gave those athletes those reps, even though they didn't do those reps, and they swiped the wrong direction. And I wouldn't, I'm pissed, and I'm angry because
Starting point is 00:05:12 the thing is that, let's see, one of the athletes is out of the last spot, the cut spot, by 1.1 Hey, this is why, this kid makes no fucking sense. Well, he's got a couple of things wrong. This is this.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Oh, there's no sound still. You guys can't hear this. Serious. You guys didn't hear any of that. I heard it. Well, yeah, but it's fucking you're at home. So what he's saying is basically he's out of his fucking mind. If I understand that correctly, that guy's fucking out of his mind. Why is he out of his mind? Uh, because he's out of his fucking mind if i understand that correctly that guy's fucking out of his mind why is he out of his mind uh because he's upset basically he's admitting that he's upset that
Starting point is 00:05:51 someone he wanted to get in didn't get in because some other people were fucking given some reps those people fucking deserve some sort of compensation i mean you have to not misunderstand that those people must deserve deserve some at least acknowledgement because the referees told him to go the wrong way well i don't know that but i i think they were going the right way and then they were told to go the wrong way and that's how he was misunderstood he's claiming that the athletes oh i'm sorry you went the wrong direction like it's their fault yeah but the athletes tried to go in the correct direction and the judge directed them off course yeah yeah listen i don't think he understands you fucking idiots under 30 years old, throw your phones away.
Starting point is 00:06:28 That fucking idiot should. You guys are just ruining your lives. Hey, I heard something fascinating from an elite coach the other day. What? That the difference between that you're a professional athlete, and especially in ball sports, and you spend two or three hours a day looking at your phone, that's enough to fuck up your eyes to make the difference between a great athlete or someone who makes it to the pros and someone who doesn't.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Because of just that, what it does to your eyes. Yeah, ball sports. And especially looking at your phone any hours prior to taking the field. Pretty smart, right? Interesting. I mean, it's only smart if it's true. Oh, it's got, I mean, it's, hey, even if it's not true, it seems like a no, there's some things that even if they're not true,
Starting point is 00:07:12 you should just fucking be like, yeah, okay, that's like, you know. Well, video games enhances hand-eye coordination, and that's proven. Maybe hand-eye coordination, but so does jacking off, so does anything. But just in this realm, maybe not in that realm, maybe you need to put the tv 200 feet away from you i don't know i mean hand-eye coordination transfers to hand-eye coordination i'm not saying i'm not saying elite athletes should go play video games but i think there's better things to do lebron james plays video games antonio brown arguably the best receiver, despite him being totally fucking stupid,
Starting point is 00:07:45 plays a lot of video games. Beyond stupid, but the ratio of them playing video games to them doing other stuff. Oh, look at this. Sousa is still no sound? Are you fucking kidding me? Can you guys hear us? This thing would be full of people saying there's no sound
Starting point is 00:08:02 if there's no sound. Hey, dude, you got to turn up your... your something. Page hitting failure on what? What are we missing right now while we fight? Oh, are they? Yeah, everyone can hear us. We're good.
Starting point is 00:08:16 We are missing some sort of stream. Oh, uh-oh. Uh-oh. Refresh. Ladies are going in Flagler. Test the bar and bench. And I'm going to unmute Sousa, and Sousa seems to have Vellner in his sights. Yep.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I'm down here. All the athletes are corralled up, getting ready to go in. This is where they hold them here, and then they'll position them a little bit further up and then bring them into the stadium. The stadium, by the way, is packed. There's a huge line. I don't know if you guys saw what I was doing. There's a huge line just to get into the stadium.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah, if you look at the Flagler stream, it is unreal. Hey, so there's only this one stream with this giant wide? Yeah, it appears so. Does anyone else have a better stream than this how do you guys know what place anyone's in do we have a camera down there is heidi down there yeah i think heidi's there yeah oh you know what they fucked up there's an elite bro there's a broadcast that says elite broadcast water blue's at day one that is live right now and they're zoomed in on page powers and danny spiegel right now so they just have their stream mistitled.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Page Powers. Oh, shit. Page Powers just won Part A. Okay, let me see if I can get down to that. Oh, shit. Let me see if I can get down to that stream. oh danny is hurt okay here we go uh roman headed off to uh battle oh these are some great angles though is that sigmund's daughter and nistler going to war against each other powers obliterated everyone along with danny spiegel they bench a lot of mayhem
Starting point is 00:10:13 okay you want to tell us what the workout is that we just missed? Yeah, so the workout was three rounds for time, 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups, and 15 dumbbell bench presses with a 50-pound dumbbell in each hand for the ladies. As soon as they finish that couplet, three rounds, they advance to their bike, and they've got 21 calories to finish the workout. They're going to rest until the 10-minute mark, and then they will start a for-time workout of 30 bar-facing burpees. As soon as they finish their 30 bar-facing burpees, they have 30 snatches at 85 pounds with the condition of them being unbroken.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And if you break it, you have a three-burpee penalty at every break. Hey, that's exactly my point uh just so you know kaepernick plays video games lebron plays video games uh tom brady does not play video games thank you i don't know who tom is okay that's not a great comparison because i know but when when 80 of the guys play video games uh then then of course there's gonna be some dudes who play video games i'm just saying that i i think it's a no-brainer that looking at your phone like this prior to going out and you know it's a better question you know it's a better question fuck the nfl and the nba i wonder if uh mike trout plays video games because that fucker hits bombs what oh uh baseball yeah
Starting point is 00:11:39 and i guarantee you he does and i'm not he's a hunter he hunts he does. He's a hunter. He hunts. He does bow hunting. Okay, so the girls have had a small rest. Oh, so Kersted are still finishing the first half. What if they don't finish the first half in the time cap? They just toss him off the bike? She will. Some may not. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Fuselier is still on her dumbbell bench. So those are 50s? Yep. How old is Fuselier is still on her dumbbell bench. So those are 50s? Yep. How old is Fuselier? She's going to get time capped. No idea. Like 12? Okay. And Kerstetter's 13. Isn't she 17 years old? Oh, and Emma too. Yeah, yeah kirsten is young i think she just turned 17 yeah the dumbbell bench got emma carry look at her upper body just not super developed
Starting point is 00:12:33 i wonder how often these guys do that these gals uh do a dumbbell bench i do if ever i'm fucking four times a week right now look at jack jack cf is just ruthless you guys missed it and emma carrie rest in peace just like uh just one heat it was just one heat yeah it was wow okay well um hopefully they're gonna put uh roman and the uh and the other big boys velner and ricky all next to each other i don't think sarah's much of a chance to podium let's go back over to the leaderboard sarah sigmund's daughter she's in 12th there's uh yeah i do not see her podiuming okay guys so basically uh as this event rolls off uh page so page is in a good space right now she basically she this is hers to lose uh i don't know how did it does anyone have any information on emily rolf she's right there
Starting point is 00:13:41 page just took first in that workout so it is without a doubt hers to lose. But do you, does anyone know how Emily Rolfe did in that? Um, and did she even compete or she out? Did she pull herself out? She competed in this part a. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You saw her on the field. Okay. So this has a time cap of seven minutes. As Taylor was saying, they're going to do 30 bar facing burpees and 30 unbroken power snatch snatches why does it say unbroken oh because if you break it up you get a three burpee penalty wow okay and where's page yeah i'm really watching page power she's in the golden brown kind of like you know that yellow dog poop color of legging in the black shirt there's the yellow dog poop okay you know what i'm talking about you know what i'm talking about no but what stream are you looking at because i'm
Starting point is 00:14:27 looking at a stream and i don't see shit i'm on the elite broadcast wadapalooza day one stream i'm on the live competition uh elite broadcast wrong one huh interesting but i okay search it but but i got a good angle i'm seeing good stuff i'm it's on danny spiegel right now you're on elite broadcast water palooza day one elite broadcast water palooza day one live competition okay just to the right is of her in the dog poop leggings is Paige Powers. Yeah, those are dog poop. Wow, you're right.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Colors don't lie, man. It does look like Dani's cycling a little bit faster than... Does her chest hit the ground? Let's watch on this next rep. Oh, they cut out. Come on. Sydney McAlishan's hits the ground. Bam, chest first. Danny's touches.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I'm seeing it. Hey, she rests her boobs gently on the ground. She rests them gently. Emma carries first to the barbell. Oh, you're ahead of me, son of a bitch. I'm refreshing. Okay, and Paige Powers. Wow, so Danny's last to the barbell.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Dude, there is no shot. If Emma goes unbroken, I'll freak out. She looks good, man. Hey, Danny's really fooling around here. She's trying to go. She's planning to take a big rest and go unbroken. I don't think that's the good strategy for the workout. I think you have to plan for a break somewhere,
Starting point is 00:16:07 hit your burpees, and get right back on it. Hey, if Cindy McAlishan needs to put a couple places between her and Danny Spiegel, oh, and Emma Carey. Ooh, this could get interesting. This could get spicy. Emma Carey may go unbroken, dude. Wow. I do think the women's weight at 85 pounds is a bit easier than the men's 125
Starting point is 00:16:27 wow danny's cycling though she's gotta have she's gotta have 10 to less than 10 to go emma i'm watching for her judge's hand look at that technique that danny uses she's got five to go wow kettlebell swing four to go oh no what she failed she dropped the bar her grip blew up oh she's got one more burpee she's gonna get right back on it she's got four reps to go gotta pick it up gotta pick it up girl one oh she failed it she failed it so is that her right is that a right hand? Which hand? She shook it out.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So her grip is just toast. No, she failed the overhead lockout on that last one. She's got four reps to go. Oh, shit. Danny played it smart, and Danny wins it. Holy shit. Wow. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Brilliant. Talk about strategy, right? And Emma Carey comes in. Paige Powers, three reps to go. And Paige Powers wins Waterpalooza 2023. Awesome. This could be the beginning of something special. Here they are rolling in one by one.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Cindy McElishan, she needed to do a little better here. Still not a bad performance for her, but she needed to win this in order to, I think, get on the podium. Get on the podium, yeah. I'm going to take a leap of faith and say that Emily Rolfe is off of the podium. And. Who is that on all four like that? Was that Kerstetter?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Not sure. Let's see. So is Danny Spiegel the only one who made it unbroken? Oh, shit. Did you see the judge getting Michelichan's way? dirty they're oh these girls are hurting bad yeah uh sydney wells crosses page and danny having a little powwow danny spiegel is going to take second place i don't know mickalician might jump emily rolf emma carrie is 16 15 points down from the podium and uh fusli a rebecca's in too good honor i think emma carrie may may make the podium man
Starting point is 00:18:57 oh and emily rolf is still out there she She's worn. Good honor. Yeah, Emily Rolfe is. Near last, though, right? Yeah, she's going to drop off the podium. We'll give you guys another quick look here at the leaderboard. Looks like Paige Powers is going. How did Paige do in the first event? Second? She won it.
Starting point is 00:19:23 She won it. Okay. Okay. And then second in this one. So that's pretty good. Danny Spiegel. Second and first. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Okay. So she did what she needed to do. Yeah. Emily Rolfe will probably drop out. And Sydney McElishan will probably lose her spot to. I was going to say Emma Carey, but I don't think Emma Carey did well on the echo bike part oh okay alrighty let's hear maybe they're going to give us
Starting point is 00:19:50 a live announcement in the stadium and we can eavesdrop do you listen to the audio on there no I don't have my audio on two girls are still going so Sean Woodland just said we will have a lot to sort out. Girls are still crossing the finish line.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Paige Powers is smiling from ear to ear. Looks like she's talking to one of the camera guys on the Mayhem media team. talking to one of the camera guys on the mayhem media team is that too loud can you hear this plane in my office i can hear it that's fine every time i exit out of the window my stream falls behind that's so fucking annoying i know yeah i agree me too stream falls behind. That's so fucking annoying. I know. Yeah, I agree. Me too. Dude, is that Paige right there? She bench presses like a champ, like a pro. So you're supposed to, neutral grip, touch the bottom head of the dumbbell to your shoulder
Starting point is 00:20:59 and... Really? That's the most efficient way? Neutral grip? Without a doubt, with the dumbbells brilliant i bet you they all weren't doing that either i bet you there were cats out here like this for sure wow she smacked it uh jeremy garcia can i get a female correspondent? Can only stare at the thumbstache noggin for so long. I can put a wig on. Someone wants a piece of that ass. Julie Darte, that's her boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Okay, let's listen to Paige Powers speak. Second one, I knew it was going to hurt. Maybe not that bad, but, you know, I'm glad I stayed tough and got through it. So you're showing for the last two days. She stayed tough and got through it. I have to stop it because we can't listen to more than seven seconds without getting in trouble. Here we go. Two days just has been extraordinary across events.
Starting point is 00:21:59 What kind of goals have you hit for yourself in the last two days? Yes, tell me, Ms. Powers, what kind of goals have you set for yourself in the last? Yes. Tell me, uh, Ms. Powers, what kind of goals have you set for yourself? Two days of competition. Um, I think for me, like it's been so much more about chasing like the wind or chasing the podium. It's really like, this is the first time I feel like I found my confidence in the elite division and I just haven't felt like worthy for the past two years. I haven't felt worthy until I was on the Sevan podcast. And then after that, everything kind of just fell into place. I completely understand. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And we feel the same about having you guys. I'm not being rude. I just can't play more than seven seconds without getting tossed up. OK, that was her boyfriend. That was not a media guy. So she has a boyfriend. Everyone stand uh wig please taylor wad zombie uh jack cf coming with the the harsh comments again but probably true the froning effect yeah impressive i guess that uh it's gonna be interesting to see uh how page and bailey and uh hayley play it out this year in the open that's three really really really really really strong girls page bailey and who uh hayley adams uh that's right is hayley still a mayhem athlete though she is yeah she's getting
Starting point is 00:23:23 at it big time it sounds like she's kind of, uh, they've reinvented, uh, the team around her and, uh, she seems happy as a clam. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:31 A word on the street. Yeah. Uh, okay. They are sorting out the leaderboard. They're playing some, uh, hype commercials now
Starting point is 00:23:40 showing some cute pictures of Pat Vellner and some strongman shit. It looks like a compilation of I don't know what this where this video is from. Maybe this is a
Starting point is 00:23:54 tear commercial. Oh, yeah, it is. The boys are getting ready. Let's go over to Mr. Susan, find out what he can hear
Starting point is 00:24:04 on the ground over there. What's up, Matthew? Yo, dude, this place is packed. I can't get it anywhere. I don't know if you guys can see this, but there's just a huge crowd of people right here. And they're actually all just standing there because the only spot you could view anything
Starting point is 00:24:19 is a massive monitor on the other side of this thing that they're just all standing there watching. On the opposite side of Flagler that they're just all standing there and watching. On the opposite side of Flagler, everybody's leaned up against the gate so you could stare almost vertically up to see the monitor. Any chance that those bleachers could collapse? Are you looking and it's like, hey, that's too many people in there?
Starting point is 00:24:36 That's funny that you mention that because I'm a little nervous. I don't know what the capacity is. They're testing the tinsel strength, that's for sure. So you have thought that. You're like, fuck, that place is bursting at the seams. I actually thought, what do I do? Do I just
Starting point is 00:24:51 keep rolling, or do I set the camera down? I don't know. Yeah, keep rolling. There'll be plenty of people to help. If it goes down, just roll. Just keep it framed up. I was with all the mayhem media earlier and they can't even get in either like nobody could get in anywhere hey why don't you go what
Starting point is 00:25:11 i used to do is i used to just go in the tunnel with the athletes why don't you go go walk in with them okay so this area here where you guys saw me they come into here and then they go behind that gate and security blocks it so once they go behind that gate and security blocks it. So once they go behind that gate, they have a second entrance, which is the tunnel. Okay, show me. Go as close as you can. Show me. I want to see how close you can get. See him coming out here? Okay, just slip in there.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Go in there. You're good. I don't think so. Yeah, you're totally good don't think so yeah you're totally good totally good i'm sleeping sending your money for suza i am crushing it watching extensive uh coverage you sure are that's the title okay we'll see wow so before they had this whole thing buttoned off but now that the athletes went back in there it's not as much okay get closer to him 2022 suza would have gotten in no no no this is let's see suza okay so that's it right here and then here's the tunnel
Starting point is 00:26:21 dude walk through get your right there through. See, right there. Yeah, right. I think the guys have started, by the way. They have. They all went through there. So when you go through that curtain that you guys can see there, you're on the competition floor. There is zero space between that. And I don't know if you guys can see.
Starting point is 00:26:40 There's like two or three people that are standing there. That whole thing is, that's the entrance. So when you walk out, if you go like, let's say, five feet past that curtain, I'd be standing on the competition floor. Thank you. Hey, I don't see a stream that has the men's footage anymore. Do you? No, they're not going.
Starting point is 00:26:57 They're announcing them out to the floor now. Yeah. Okay. Was there any announcement for the women? Did they announce the women's winner on the floor? No. Not that I heard, but I think it was Paige, wasn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:11 They'll probably wait for the men to go, then announce the female winners. Then after the female winners are announced, they'll announce the male winners. Yeah, I'd say that's a safe bet. Okay, the female leaderboard is not updated. Yeah, they're playing some weird... Okay, yeah, they have a close-up of the dumbbells now.
Starting point is 00:27:26 We're going to do a little dumbbell bench press. We're going to do some pull-ups. Get busy at the end on that bike. Okay, guys. Taylor Self is going to tell you what you're about to see after I tell you who the athletes are. Luke Parker, Samuel Paquin, Jack Rosema, Guy Malheros, Fabian Benito,
Starting point is 00:27:42 Alexander Caron, Tudor Magda, Roman Krennikov, Brent Fikowski, Cole Gray, Shaver Down, Pepper, Briant Guion, Henrik, Hapaline, and Artur Sem... I can't even get through them all. Fuck it. I tried. I tried.
Starting point is 00:27:55 TJ Stanfield, $50. Sub on to Taylor. Love the coverage. Taylor, next time have a leather black couch for the streams. Well said. Thank you, TJ. Great money. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:03 What are we looking at here uh mr taylor so a three two one go these guys are going to start off with a couplet of chest to bar pull-ups and dumbbell bench press they're going to have 25 reps on the chest to bar pull-ups 15 reps on the dumbbell bench after they finish three rounds of the 25 pull-ups and the 15 bench they're going to advance their echo bike and they have 30 calories to finish off the workout they're going to get a reset and at the 10 minute mark they're going to advance their echo bike and they have 30 calories to finish off the workout. They're going to get a reset. And at the 10 minute mark, they're going to start a four time couplet of bar facing burpees, 30 reps and snatches with a 125 barbell. Again, 30 reps. The stipulation on the barbell is that the 30 reps have to be unbroken. And every time you break, you get a
Starting point is 00:28:43 three burpee penalty. So 30 bar facing burpees, pick up the barbell. You better be unbroken. And every time you break, you get a three-burpee penalty. So 30 bar-facing burpees, pick up the barbell. You better go unbroken. If you don't, you're going to have a three-burpee penalty for every break you get there on after. Basically a big bro sesh. I love it. TJ, by the way, that's crazy generous. I just want to say thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Ricky's got a great bench. He's ripping through them. Pat's having a tough time. Roman's doing okay. Nick Matthew is flying on the bench, and it doesn't look like he's locking his elbows out either. Meaning someone, he needs an Andrew Hiller slap down? Yeah, you see how straight his arm got there? Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Look at his arms. Look at how. I'm already back to pull-ups. You got to refresh. Refresh. Oh, what the fuck? Why does my fucking stream do that? Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And mine does it too. Every time you go away, you need to refresh. Okay. So, Vellner's last off the bench. Yep. Between these four gentlemen. Yeah. Roman is back to his dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Ricky's got five reps on the pull-up bar. Nick Matthew is still on the pull-up bar. Belner's probably going to go unbroken on his chest-to-bars, I would assume. Matthew's taking some deep, deep breaths. Nope. Belner's still got some chest-to-bars to go. Watch Nick Matthew on the bench. You're going to watch him lock out and start his first rep,
Starting point is 00:29:59 and look how straight his elbows are. Then watch each subsequent rep, and you'll notice the range of motion is not the same, which is a problem. Show us that as we go through it. So look at Ricky's elbows. Boom. Hard lockout.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Hard lockout. Yep. Hard lockout. Same with Roman. If they pan back over to Nick Matthew, we'll be able to see. Roman, good lockout there. You can just see to the left come on pan left these motherfuckers they're not going to give it to us that's actually velner right next to ricky we need to go left by oh and yeah and so velner's really slow okay and nick
Starting point is 00:30:39 matthew's like he said he's done is nick and matth Matthew done or is that oh no no he just sat up for a break okay Ricky's done Roman is crushing this first part Roman is first to the pull-ups and what does the men's leaderboard look like watch Nick Matthews bench if you can zoom in you see him in the crop top that see how straight his reps got there okay wow he's done now when he gets fatigued and he has to rest at the top he locks it out fully when he's going for fast subsequent reps he's not locking it out all the way and that's that's the trouble with judging a dumbbell bench it's bound to happen finally able to sync you guys up while watching the workout live great commentary from the thumb thank you lucky camera australian hey uh notice uh something's going on with ricky's uh
Starting point is 00:31:24 chest of our pull-ups. They're not as fluid as Roman's. You know what I mean? His hands are a little narrow. So if you watch when Roman does his pull-ups, he's done for now. He's not going to do any more, but he's got a nice wide grip. If Ricky scooted his hands out about an inch on each side, he'd be able to fall through the bar a little smoother
Starting point is 00:31:42 rather than hitting that sticking point at the top. You can watch Brent look at how wide brent's yeah yeah all right so ricky needs a little smtp uh coaching uh roman is three reps ahead roman is three reps uh ahead of uh five reps ahead of ricky now oh you're saying jack rosemont's taking the total lead it looks like it so roman kronikoff has just broken the dumbbell bench twice just like i was saying to jr earlier i think this last set you know it's tough to just get it done in two sets so he's already taking two breaks so this is going to be his third set to finish off the dumbbell bench a lead assume no hand up for his judge yeah they're getting tough he's gonna have to take another break yep and jack rosema does it does not look like some brick shithouse he's a stout dude he is yeah i think he's on his last set roman's got five reps to go ricky's got five reps to go
Starting point is 00:32:39 jack rosema's hips are coming off the bench i wonder if that's allowed good eye so roman's hips just came off a little bit you know wow roman's hips are coming off the bench. I wonder if that's allowed. Good eye. Roman's hips just came off a little bit. Wow, Roman's down to singles on the dumbbell bench. Ricky's got two to go, and he's looking a little bit better than Roman. Roman's got two reps to go. There's one. Nope, there's one.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Wow, and he barely locks out the last rep. Ricky's got one more rep to go. Let's go, Ricky. Let ricky out oh my god roman didn't miss a beat straight to the bike yeah ricky will too oh did you see ricky just look at him give that long stare roman he knows where he needs to be he doesn't have to beat roman here he just needs to bike i don't think he needs to hurt himself that bad either he just needs to stay within arm's reach of Roman. Uh, Ben, the unicyclist let Pat is singing Kumbaya off in the sunset. If I'm Ricky, I'm not going hard here. I'm just making sure that I stay ahead of everybody else aside from Roman, save myself for this next piece. There's Guy. What do you think about that head bobbing back and forth would you try to uh take that
Starting point is 00:33:46 out of your movement oh look at roman who's the best in the world on the bike roman and look at his posture yeah tell you something and he crushed that bike annihilated not even out of breath yeah maybe a little out of breath here comes ricky yeah i don't know if it's smart to punch it like this at the end you just don't need to and you've got a whole another event coming up hey and uh what what about resting when you get to the other side should he just lay down what about getting on your haunches like i don't i don't think you need to lay down i think you need to either just sit on your knees like he's doing, take a knee, but definitely don't lay down and turn your nervous system off.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Okay, okay, gotcha. So there's a point of too much rest. Yes, you need to recover, but you don't need to turn off. Oh, Vellner, Patty V with the third place. That's good for him. We'll bring up the leaderboard here the men's leaderboard give you guys a peek at what is going on patrick fowler should make up a bit of a lead on brant oh there it is by the way the women's leaderboard has been finalized page powers 573 danny spiegel
Starting point is 00:34:56 in second place wow she did it sydney mccallish did it good honor and emma carrie dropped wow we weren't even close nope all right good job good job for sarah sigman's daughter andrea nissler emily rolf even with a wounded emily rolf takes fourth place hey man that speaks volumes of how good she is that's tough you wish you wish you could finish out the weekend 100%, but things happen. I think she's second place if she doesn't get that injury. For sure. And then let's go over to the men. What we're looking at, Ricky is ahead by 30 points. He took second place, it looks like, in that workout,
Starting point is 00:35:35 which means he's probably 25 points now. Luke Parker got crushed here. Man, bummer. And Patty V did what he needed to do to stay on the podium. Which was third place. Beating on that. on that listen listen i'm giving the numbers listen dallin pepper wow that's a shocker i am super surprised by that the down didn't do better i just know he's been working on his upper body a lot that's
Starting point is 00:36:03 that just that shocks me a little bit. Him and Cole Grayshaber both. Hey, so did they finish the way I announced they just finished? Did they finish? Did they finish what? In that order, Roman Krennikoff. Then Ricky. Then Pat.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Okay. Henrik Hapelainen. Wow. So basically nothing has changed on the leaderboard after this event. No. With the exception of Cole Grayshaber taking a big hit and a big one. I mean in the podium realm. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Because right now it's Ricky, Roman, and Pat, first, second, and third. And just Roman's gotten a little bit closer to Ricky, but still 20 points out. I think Roman's gotten, yeah. Roman is 20 points out i think roman's gotten yeah roman is 20 points out now velner made up some ground on fikowski uh not sure how tutor magda did cole gray shaver took a hit nick matthew's probably going to sit around the same spot that he's in now maybe he'll leap brent fikowski how did fikowski do how did fikowski do fikowski was middle of the pack i believe that yeah that's not matthew believe that nick matthew was top 10
Starting point is 00:37:14 okay so this is going to come down to ricky roman and patrick yeah dallin's looking left and right no one one else is on the bikes. Cause he's in last there's Heinrich is on the, Oh, he took a time cap. Oh, wow. If the cows, he's just crossing.
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, if the cows key has been across. Oh, okay. My, okay. I'm behind in the stream. We do catch up.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I just caught up. They're going to have about 30 seconds and then they're going to start part B. I'd expect Roman here to take the, the bait as well potentially pat potentially uh fikowski as well i i have roman fikowski and pat doing the best in the second part uh maybe ricky will surprise me i don't think he'll do badly i just don't see him doing as good as pat and fikowski and roman we don't have a camera inside there we don't have a will do badly. I just don't see him doing as good as Pat and Fikowski and Roman. We don't have a camera inside there. We don't have a Will Plummer or a Heidi. No.
Starting point is 00:38:09 God, we've really lost our edge since last year. I thought we were going to do better than last year. At least we have you, Taylor. Ricky's burpee press out is pretty slow, which is to be expected. They all look slow. They all look slow. Pat's a little springy. He is taking a good rest between reps with a step up and step back.
Starting point is 00:38:30 But I think that's smart. I mean, this workout really comes down to the last 30 snatches. He's known for his grip. And the burpees really are just a trap. Such a trap. Well, then these three guys aren't taking it because they're just chilling i think i think pat's got the perfect pace on the burpee i really have him to win this one can any of the boys do this unbroken man it's it's an unbroken grace 10 pounds lighter all
Starting point is 00:38:59 these guys can do grace unbroken but can they do it after 75 chest to bars 45 dumbbell bench presses and 30 bar facing burpees that's a better question i think if anyone's can they do it after 75 chest to bars, 45 dumbbell bench presses and 30 bar facing burpees? That's a better question. I think if anyone's going to do it, it's Pat. And, uh, you can see Fikowski off to the right a little bit, pacing it even a little bit slower. Yeah. Potentially Brent as well. Brent is so good. Such a good snatcher. Hey, uh, kudos to Emma Carey for just going straight to grip failure. Yeah. She can hurt. hurt i think i think the biggest hit on her in that workout and probably the d-ball workout is just muscle endurance and she's had an
Starting point is 00:39:30 injury to come back from dallin pepper looks like he's onto the barbell ricky roman both onto the barbell but they just pasted a little wrong they're resting so much he's on his haunches i think ricky's going out a little aggressive he needed more of a rest so just so you guys know uh ricky and roman uh basically we're done with the burpees at the same time and roman didn't do his first uh snatch until ricky was six in six so he waited for ricky he could have started but he waited for ricky to get six snatches uh he's playing the danny spiegel game he thinks uh more rest is better i need to zoom out so that he can do it unbroken they do need to zoom out you're right okay so uh ricky garage taking a calculated break a very calculated break that was no
Starting point is 00:40:17 even when he dropped the bar oh and now roman is taking a calculated break okay pat's going strong and pat knows that the yeah pat knows the fire is under him and uh and ricky and roman are paying attention to each other they're playing the game okay brent's going really strong he's still moving the bar you can see his barbell moving in the uh brent dropped the bar okay so roman's not going for the kill just so you know roman is not going for the kill he knows he has no chance against ricky unless ricky fucks up he is not trying to put the pressure on ricky ricky's gonna have to break again yeah roman is just if if uh roman knows that the only chance he has is he has to play this game and just watch Ricky and just hope Ricky fucks up.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And maybe Roman's taking that move right now. Alan Pepper just walked across the finish line. He did? Yeah, they missed the fucking leader the entire workout. We didn't see him once. Wow. What the fuck is that? Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Okay, and I think is Henrik Hapalainen? Did he just cross too? Yeah, and you know what's interesting about both of them? They both capped in the last workout. Did a fraction of the work that everyone else did. Oh, interesting. Had a fraction of the intensity as well. Oh, and Vellner's in.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Holy shit. So Vellner's done what he needs to do. Okay. Holy shit. What is going on with Roman? It looks like. Roman won part A. That's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Holy shit. Ricky is going to finish. And Roman's judge doesn't even have his hand up. Okay. We better go check the leaderboard, people. We might have a problem here. Patty V might be about to make a serious move. I don't think Pat's going to leap Roman.
Starting point is 00:42:02 He's too far ahead. I don't know, dude. It's four dudes. Roman won the last workout workout and Pat didn't. So Pat's going to take hits from that. Okay. But I bet you it's already six guys that are between them, dude. I bet you six guys are going to come between them.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Roman's just doesn't even have his hand up. Now his hand's up. Where? I don't see it. There it is. Okay, okay. There we go. Oh, my goodness. go oh my goodness oh my goodness this is gonna be close to go is he gonna be able to get through it he's got one more he's over refresh refresh
Starting point is 00:42:33 oh ricky doesn't even say nothing to roman he's just like doesn't even say nothing to Roman. He's just like... Tudor Magda getting obliterated. Yeah. Man, oh man. Didn't see Nick Matthew. Man, they just missed the whole race, man.
Starting point is 00:43:01 We keep having to refresh, Robert. We just have to keep refreshing every time we go because we switch between windows and then it sets us back. We get dinged for that. We just have to keep refreshing every time we go because we switch between windows, and then it sets us back. We get dinged for that. We missed the whole race. Because we didn't get to see Dallin go? Well, that, and we were stuck on three guys the whole time, man.
Starting point is 00:43:15 That's a big miss. Yeah. Benlett, oops, I mean Patty singing Kumbaya onto the podium. Ha, ha, ha, ha, yeah, baby. I know. I'm notorious for that too look at that ricky offering roman a little agua it's the final event and we get the shittiest coverage of the weekend broadcast wise i don't know but i still enjoyed that i enjoyed watching at least they had the three of them together that was fun to watch i enjoyed that they never showed the winner of
Starting point is 00:43:52 the event though man uh they still haven't right nope they probably won't even interview them that's okay there he is back there down pepper there he is back there, Dallin Pepper. There he is. See him walking around back there? Hey, it is interesting that Dallin got capped on that last one. I wonder if that was a plan. He probably knew he wasn't going to do well on it and wanted to take an event win and win some money.
Starting point is 00:44:29 They're taking Ricky over to over to uh nicky braziers roman's hurting yeah someone's trying to talk to him in english he's human he doesn't even know people are talking to him right now he thinks he's getting by aliens he kind of looks like an alien. He's like, what the fuck am I doing here? Am I in America? Oh, dude. Yeah, that's a brutal workout.
Starting point is 00:44:57 God damn. Life must be so weird for him. It really is, like you said, like he's on a different planet. Yep. Dude, did you see his nostrils, his air intake? The guy's got a fucking, his nose is a vacuum. It's just like holes to his brain. Yeah, Grundler saying... Grundler giving Dallin the win.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So that's it for today. That's it. We just got to get Guido on here and we're fucking done till tomorrow what do we got tomorrow where's the schedule at uh let's see uh suza how's it going buddy look at suza getting out onto the floor how's it going buddy all right guys going good maybe it's up to the uh it looks like powers one and are they announcing the men can you play the men's announcement for us awesome yeah yeah let's hear it unmute yourself
Starting point is 00:46:22 oh this is great. Good job, Sousa. Look at you. Fucking gangster. Don't get kicked out. Low pro. Yeah, low pro. Just chill. Okay, so they just announced Paige Powers is the winner?
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm not sure. See if you can get that. Oh, there's Ricky over there. Right, right. Straight in front of you. Oh, we got muted. You don't have to mute yourself, Susie. Let's hear it. I can't really hear him. I can't hear him from where I am. It's got that mic that's only hooked up to the stream. And it went out here, worked really hard. Super excited about my performance this weekend. All my training's paid off.
Starting point is 00:47:32 For all of you who are into the fetish cam, watching a buff guy eat for two hours, John Young is here. Our fetish cam has started. 200 viewers just smoked in. 200 viewers just smoked in. That was a pretty good ending. One percent of it all came together.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's about showing my performance, and I know that's what I i'm capable of and it's a great start to my season so fun to watch so many tight races and foot races toward the end i mean taking looking back hey this guy gives great interviews too isn't it amazing like there's so many fucking athletes out there and they get a chance to talk to the whole stadium like this and they just it up, and this guy gives a great interview. I knew I had to fend off Roman to take the win, but to be honest, the whole weekend was awesome, especially with Roman. We had a great battle all weekend,
Starting point is 00:48:37 and we pushed each other to places you'd never go. The limits were insane, and it's just such a good feeling. Damn, Ricky. Okay, so Ricky Garrard will continue to compete tomorrow. What you have, what you see here on our cameras, by the way, is a live camera that we have roaming on the floor, actually. Whether it's legit or not, I'm not sure, but it is happening, and I'm happy to present it. And I'm going to see if they've updated the leaderboard
Starting point is 00:49:06 so we can see if patty v has made it up there can you see the leaderboard it's not updated okay so they don't have it but we're suspecting that pat did what he needed to do i think pat's yeah he beat fukowski yeah he's definitely third. He's definitely on the podium. What about second, John? So Roman got 100 in the second-to-last event. And Pat got 90. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:41 So Pat would have needed – so right now he's 33 points down for Roman. That would have made him 43 points. Yeah, I don't think he's going to come. I mean, Roman took a long time to finish that last game. But I don't think enough guys got past him. We'll see. It'd have to be 10 guys? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know about 10.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Between him and Belner, that seems like a lot, yeah. Hey, I bet you it was at least five women's team event one 125 p.m tomorrow that means we're coming on at 12 30 p.m a eastern 9 30 a.m oh i bet you we don't have any of that shit scheduled yeah we do we do no no no i mean uh on stream yard i mean the live streams up what time pacific taylor at 9 30 a.m pacific time so we'll probably go live tomorrow 9 30 a.m so it's later they said emma carey was third it's not on comp corner yet but the comments say emma carey got third hey who's that right there that girl in the gray sweatshirt there? That's an old games athlete.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Who is that in that tier sweatshirt? Kelly Jackson? No. Who is that? I didn't see her. Right there. She's right there in the shot. She's taking a picture of the athletes.
Starting point is 00:50:59 How are you feeling now that it's over and you won? Good. Yeah? I'm a little hungry at the moment, so I'm, like, ready to start some calories, feeling that with you now it's over and you want yeah so what we do exactly after this i mean obviously eat food you just said but anything else um in and out. I'm really kind of watching that food out on the other side. And it's just relaxing. Nice.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Great job. Has this changed your whole mindset? Does she feel totally different after winning this? Has this changed your whole mindset? Do you feel totally different after winning this? So much fun. Eric, Eric, different after what he did? Who's the first person you're going to call and tell? Or talk about? I'm sure there's...
Starting point is 00:52:10 Actually, I'll tell them. So, I have my best friend here. So, and my best friend's here. So, but, um, my friend, but, I like my grandparents. So, I'll have to go eat. I never got to eat. I'm pretty hungry. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:18 What are you going to go eat? Um, I'm just going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat at the restaurant last year. I'm going to go eat? Um,
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'm just going to go to the restaurant last year. I'm going to go to the restaurant last year. I'm going to go to the restaurant last year. I'm going to go to the restaurant last year. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:45 When you get back to the hotel, are you just going to have some Yeah, I'm staying. I'm staying. It's not like five times this. Awesome. When you get back to the hotel room, are you just going to have some crazy release and just, like, punch a wall and say how much of a savage you are? Yeah. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. I'm going to be like, get back to my bed. well great job enjoy your food and your chorizo pancake and have a great day great job suza nice work dude hey suza imagine how proud she is to represent mayhem like that. Has any, guys, has anyone else won a, no one else has ever won over there, right? The big title. They don't have any elite, a female or male
Starting point is 00:53:34 who's won the CrossFit Games, right? No. God, imagine if you won the CrossFit Games for mayhem, how proud you would be to do it, to follow that in Rich Froning's steps. Crazy. Can I ask you a gentleman a question over here? Look at Mr. Hopper.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What's up, baby? Taylor, Stevon, and John Young. I don't know. Can you guys hear them? Yeah, ask Hopper if he changed his phone number. Hey, Stevon wants to know if you changed your phone number. He's got three phones. Tell him to check the one where he gave me the phone number.
Starting point is 00:54:27 He said he gave me the wrong number. I don't want the money. He only does it for the big bucks now. He picked that. Yeah. I don't do anything for free. I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I understand your teacher. I know I understand. I understand your teacher. I know your teacher. I know your teacher well. He said he knows your teacher well. I know your teacher well. Hey, ask Dallin if he purposely was saving some from the first workout. So I want to know if you're purposely saving some for tomorrow's workout. No, no, no, not for tomorrow's. What?
Starting point is 00:55:05 For the's workout. No, no, no. Not for tomorrow's. What? For the second workout. I decided not to do it. No way. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, he still understood it.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I screwed up the question, but he understood it. Okay. And what did he say? Was he holding back on that first workout? He said only if there was more money for part two. Let's see how that works out for you guys. Let's see how that works out for you guys. It's getting packed out there. They're letting just anyone out now.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah, now anybody's out. Blood gates are open now. I think letting just anyone out now. Yeah, now anybody's out. Bloodgates are open now. I think Hopper is going teams tomorrow. Hopper's a fucking Patty the Batty. Seve needs to pay. You know, Patty said he was going to come on like a hundred times, and he
Starting point is 00:56:00 never did either. Let's see how that plays out for him, too, when he fucking has to fight a real fighter. Seve, you've got to get Susan some decent gear. He's working hard as fuck. I hear you. I hear you. At least I leaned in with the earpiece side this time.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I hope we got to hear a little bit more. He's scanning for Fraser. Oh, look who flopped in here. You guys are jacked up. Oh, Chad Hopper. Yes, it was Chad Hopper. Leaderboard update. Thank you, Magnus.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Let's go over and check out the leaderboard. Thank you, Sousa. I know that's stressful as fuck being on the floor over there. Vellner couldn't quite shake it, but he took third. Oh, how close is it? It is 13 points, so not terribly close.
Starting point is 00:56:54 625 for Ricky Garrard, Roman Krennikoff with 605, Patrick Vellner with 552. He still gets to take home some cash. What is that, 25 grand? I don't think this is updated. It is. The last event's on there, too? Scroll over, because on grand? I don't think this is updated. It is. The last event's on there, too.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Scroll over. Because on mine, it doesn't say the last event. Oh, you're right. Dirty Isabel isn't on there. Wow. That's crazy. Oh, Nelly. It's not for the women, either. Hey, but that's still 50.
Starting point is 00:57:19 So it is 10 places. Patrick needs to have beat him by 10 places. No, that's 13 points right now. Sebon, you are the man. Make sure to have your him by 10 places. No, that's 13 points right now. Sevan, you are the man. Make sure to have your Paper Street coffee tomorrow. Shit, dude, I'm having it now. I've been drinking Paper Street all fucking day. Thank you, TJ.
Starting point is 00:57:36 For those of you, if you go over to, use the code SEVAN and you get 15% off. Look at Taylor went straight to his computer. Don't spell out street. Also, our sponsor that made this very, very possible to go to Wadapalooza and send Matthew Sousa there was California Hormones.
Starting point is 00:57:59 For those of you who don't know, all you have to do is use the code word SEVON and you get a free doctor's consultation. If you're in California, you get free blood work. You can go over and check out their amazing labs in Newport, California. Susan Mike Fund. They have not inputted the points for Dirty Isabel. I'm sorry, say that again.
Starting point is 00:58:20 The points for Dirty Isabel have not been updated. The way the scoring works is weird. The first three places goes down to 10 points, and then it goes down to 8 points after that. So if Roman finished... I think Pat's going to be in second place. Yeah, if Roman finished just 10th place,
Starting point is 00:58:38 he gets 32 points. And Pat finishes third, that's 80 points. It doesn't make sense that pat velma 48 points so he would have to finish 11th and pat finished third it's only eight guys it's not 10 guys it's it's littler than we think uh susan why did you go why did you go out of there just too much fucking heat too much pressure oh no i thought you said we were done in there i can walk around you guys want some more in there yeah it might go walk around. You guys want me to do some more in there? Yeah, stay on the floor.
Starting point is 00:59:07 They hadn't really kicked anybody out. There's nothing out here. Standby. Scoring is super trippy, guys. Have you looked at how they score the 1 through 20? No, I haven't seen it. The last five guys is 12 points.
Starting point is 00:59:23 It goes 12, 8, 6, 4, 1. Unsporting Beth. Eric Weiss, best coverage. Appreciate you guys. All the minions on the ground. Waterpalooza. Thanks, brother. Appreciate the money.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Phillip Kelly for Sevan's Tank Top Neck Show. Who knows? I'm not eating after 6 o'clock anymore. I'm wasting away here. No more late night stuff sessions with brie cheese and crackers. Trying to trim some of that back fat off? Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Trying to trim off some of the back fat. Okay. JR, hi. Welcome to the show. Let's send Guy a link and see if we can get the programmer on. We have two more days of this. Does it get easier or harder?
Starting point is 01:00:17 I think teams will separate themselves more than the individual people. more than the individual people. Jeremy Eat World. Dude, show us your six-pack, Savon. Eric and Phillip. Weenus, give more. $4.99 and $1.99. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I'm not sure what that means. I bet Savon has a six-pack. Yeah, yeah right if you bet me a thousand dollars i'll take it i don't and uh i mean i could make one but i don't walk around with one uh best two days ahead uh okay um overall did you get to how much of this did you get to watch jr i got to watch uh all of dirty isabel and i got to watch almost the last heat of miami meat market after um we we did the programming show with you and taylor now we've seen this thing play out uh Thoughts on it? Already Taylor was saying that he thought the hurdles played out way better than he expected. Same.
Starting point is 01:01:29 I would agree. Any other thoughts on it? On the event? Yeah. When I started going back and looking at all the workouts and kind of totaling up, like pulling repetitions, pushing repetitions, squats, single lateral stuff, monostructural, all that kind of stuff. And what Guido said last night, I mean, I really think he was careful with when he tried to have a really well-rounded test, but also challenge the athletes in only two days of competition and some of the best in the world. So, you know, like you look at this workout,
Starting point is 01:02:01 had 75 chest to bar. There were 10 rope climbs in one workout, but they started and ended the workout. So it's not like there was a whole lot of bicep fatigue there in that workout. The ring muscle up event was first. And a lot of people would still say that was a lot more tricep intensive. So just looking at kind of how he did everything and how he spaced it over the two days, I thought it was pretty well done. Hey, it's interesting you say it because I spoke to someone last night and i thought it was pretty well done hey i it's interesting you said because i spoke to someone last night and they thought i was telling them what guido said and they said they they don't see it that way they see the work the day uh one and
Starting point is 01:02:33 two is a total beat down i saw a day i thought i thought day one was significantly more rough but usually a little bit what are guys going to go do after this? Oh, shit. Okay, so you're going to have the celebratory bit. I'm going to have this, and then I've got a ton of teams this weekend, but, man, I'm so fucking happy. He was so good this weekend. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Did you guys get that audio at all? Yes, totally. We can hear Kotler. Great. I'm asking what he thought about it. Did he come in here thinking Ricky was going to win? Did you come into this thinking Ricky was going to win? Was that the game plan?
Starting point is 01:03:13 I thought he had a cut. Better than average. But he was. Tell John that he can do more than just. Oh, oh, oh. Hey, so here's the deal, guys, with the with the camera. Here's the problem with you guys are missing. You want them to put a mic on there that all the mics we've tried and we've tried fucking 20.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Then what happens is, is because they have their own proprietary shit and StreamYard has its own proprietary shit. What happens is, is then we can't talk to him So we can get a mic and we could hear better, but then we could never say anything to him. So the only way we can have two-way communication right now that we figured out that works seamlessly with StreamYard and iPhone are the AirPods. And so that's kind of our current situation. I think that there might be a way if we had something plugged into the mic and a one-ear piece coming into his ear. It's still confusing. We've tried a ton of shit. Don't think we haven't.
Starting point is 01:04:36 If someone's cracked the code on it using StreamYard, just let us know. But thank you. I appreciate it. The money from New Zealand will keep the research going. And I have 375 cameras. Anthony, TPA $5. How bad are the individuals who are competing tomorrow and teams going to feel after these events? Does this change your picks? J.R., you're up. No, it doesn't change my picks. We kind of went into it saying that
Starting point is 01:04:59 it'll be interesting to see the war of attrition with teams that have more than one athlete that competed individually. And I think even Brian has said those teams that have one or no athletes that did the individual competition coming in fresh, he's probably going to expect to perform a little bit better. A lot of the team workouts are individual focused with like a set amount of work and a lot of them are very fast. So just to have that juice to be able to go out and do that i think it's going to be tough the only team that had two people is the canadian team right yeah that sounds right i think most of them had one or and then a lot of them have none i will say the team workouts seem way less damaging than the individual workouts do if you start to look at day one and day two,
Starting point is 01:05:46 I mean, we talked about it earlier, but today was pretty ruthless on the shoulders. Yesterday was lots of legs. So he kind of attacked the legs day one, upper body day two, for the most part, which I think is probably if you're going to do it one way or the other, that's the way you do it because the legs generally will recover faster. Uh, let me, uh, throw this out there. Everything much, uh, much appreciated. Uh, love it. No, we haven't tried the D uh, J I Mike, uh, yet. We're talking about those new ones. We have not tried those yet. Um, you can, uh, someone was saying you can use two phones. That is something that we've thought about. We can use two phones. One of them we communicate with him. But it already, you know, just keeping all the batteries and everything going is a fucking juggling act. And we already have so many of those batteries that go in the back of iPhones and we already have three iPhones. It's it's it's quite become starts becoming quite complicated and hard for him to do interviews, juggle the gimbal, juggle the phone and then add another phone into it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 You can use the old cable earphones with a microphone. I literally get the microphone close to them when they talk. I agree. You know what? That's probably the best thing. You're 100 percent right. John Young. I have a question for you because I'm of the same camp that you are. I would have thrown Ricky Garrett into the camp of being a, um, a sprinter, right. A swimmer runner.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I was going to throw him into the Yonikoski camp. Okay. He's just that guy. And he's limited by his strength. Are those days over for, uh, Mr. Gerard?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Is he now in a fucking, is he now in the threat of, uh, the Justin Medeiros, you know, uh, Scott Pan chick world. He can do it all.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah. I mean, I mean, I thought that after the games too, he is still, if there's an endurance workout, he's my pick to win, but he's always been limited by his strength until last year at the games. Um, he cleaned, I mean, when he overhead squatted three 50 for three, give me one second, hold that thought. Let's just get a little audio from Sousa as they do the girls awards. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Give me one second. Hold that thought. Let's just get a little audio from Sousa as they do the Girls Awards. I'm sorry. Hold that thought. Taking home $75,000. Make some noise for Penny. Who's in third? Emma Carey. Emma Carey. How did Emma Carey go from ninth on the podium? I thought Michael Lishan made it.
Starting point is 01:08:20 What the fuck happened? That's 47 points. That's only six spots. I know. Yeah, only six spots. That's 47 points. That's only six spots. I know. Yeah, only six spots. It's 47 points. Hey, they still have Micah Lishan in third place on the leaderboard. How in the fuck did that happen?
Starting point is 01:08:38 The leaderboard's not updated yet. The top three spots are separated by 10 points, and then it goes by eight points for the next 10 spots. separated by 10 points, and then it goes by 8 points for the next 10 spots. Emma Carey took a 13th on Miami Meat Market. I think she got third. That's crazy. What are those hats they're wearing, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:09:00 Tyler Watkins, we need you to run some numbers. Please, Clark. Tyler Watkins, we need you to run some numbers. I do wish they tested running a little bit. They did a mile run. Susan, can you hear me? One mile on the whole competition. Any explanation on what happened? What's going on there?
Starting point is 01:09:22 I feel like they can't. I feel like they can't do it more than once. That's Emma Carey in third place. Yes. And they got Cindy McElishan on the leaderboard as third place. Oh, interesting. Maybe that needs to update
Starting point is 01:09:38 then. It's not up. It doesn't have the last event. But that's her coach, by the way, on the left there. Matt Torres, and also Daniel Brandon, Dallin Pepper, all their coaches. I don't know who that is to the right of him in the gray shirt with the fanny pack. All right. Can you turn around and we watch?
Starting point is 01:10:08 They're going to announce the guy's top 10. Can you turn around, Sousa? Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. In 8th place, Alexander Caron. Alexander Caron, 9th place? 8th place. 8th place. 7th place, Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 01:10:25 7th place, Dallin Pepper. Seventh place, Dallin Pepper. It's sixth place, Nick Matthew. Cole Grayshaper fell out. Sixth place, Nick Matthew. Oh, you think period? Yep. It's fifth place, Cole Grayshaper. Fifth place, Cole Grayshaper.
Starting point is 01:10:44 And in fourth place, Brent Fikowski. Fourth place, Brent Fikowski. This is the one right here. Roman in third. Again, presenting for our top three-pointed finishers, Corey Berger, director of fitness for Tears Sports. In third place with 632 points. Make some noise for Patrick.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Oh, 632 points, Patrick Bellner. Wow. I want to see how close this is. Me too. Second place pitcher here this weekend. Only about 40 points out of first. An absolute battle here this weekend, only about 40 points out of first. An absolute battle here this weekend. Make some noise for Roman.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah, just 40 points out of first place, he said, right? Yeah. And you know already, team, you own that big tier check of $75,000 in first place, Ricky Gronk. Is what a Palooza's thing, these big hats now? Yeah, Roman's like, fuck this. My head's already that big. I'm not wearing it.
Starting point is 01:12:09 So, John, I just refreshed the leaderboard on the men's side and I can't give you the, um, numbers. No, it's not. It's not up there. Yeah. Sorry. Oh, but the way it looks like the women are in dirty isabella's in and they got emma carrie in there wow okay uh let's um let's look at that for a second so we can see what happened uh by the way thank you lucky camera straps uh for checking out the dgi mics i can't wait to hear from you on that
Starting point is 01:12:39 let's go over and look what happened with the... We got second in Dirty Isabel. Okay. But she took 13th in the prior event, and she was in ninth place. Mick Alician took a fifth in that event. So just so you guys know what we're talking about, we looked at the leaderboard after this, the Miami Meat Market, which was the... Time out. Before...
Starting point is 01:13:03 I know, Drew, I had to say this because in my brain i'm gonna forget it if i don't the number she was 47 points back from mickalician prior to these two events and maybe she was 47 points back after miami meat market and she made probably what it was yeah okay hey but look but but to what you were saying taylor look she lost to mickalician by eight places in miami meat market and she won the mickalician by eight places in dirty isabel so it's a fucking wash they made the top worth so much more it's the points yeah it's that's such a weird point distribution like look she got 110 points for those two workouts and Michelin got 95 points for those two workouts.
Starting point is 01:13:47 She was way more than 15 points back. Yeah. If it was distributed evenly amongst like five, five points, it would not have, it would not have been that way. I'm so, but I see,
Starting point is 01:13:59 let me see if you can, if I understand this and you explain, you're saying that you get 90 points for second place. And you're saying they're separated by eight places here, and it was a 52-point, a 58-point difference. And here they're separated by eight places, and it's only a 44-point difference. Like fifth place should be 80 points. Okay. But look, the thing that I'm just confused about is how she could take 110 points between those two workouts, Emma Carey, and Mick Alician takes 95 points between those two workouts.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And Emma Carey was coming into this workout in ninth place. Well, it pays to be a winner. I guess. We need Tyler Watkins to run some fucking digits run the digits Emma had some pretty dominating wins in the beginning I'm sure Z's score is probably similar
Starting point is 01:14:52 but look what the good people did look what the winners did look what first and second did Paige Powers looking backwards at the day you got a third, a first, a first a sixth, a a fifth a seventh uh she were there any more weren't there eight workouts seven five six one one three how come
Starting point is 01:15:15 i can't see all eight workouts i wonder who she trains with like day to day like does she train with the guys or did she train with hayley some and like i would love to know who her like daily training partners are because she's obviously it's uh tyler christophal's wife if you look at the videos if you look at the videos at mayhem i mean it's like her mom bailey training yeah uh it looks like they're training a lot with uh rich and um tyler uh guys yeah tyler christophal but i mean it looks like she's under ba's wing. 11 points separated. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Let's see. Love you.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Okay. Love between Jason Hopper and J.R. Howell on this show. J.R., I love you. I said I love you too buddy oh I hear the guy he'll get us right away you hear me whatever
Starting point is 01:16:11 he's about to go home hey ask Matt O'Keefe ask O'Keefe he'd be like hey so Hopper only does podcasts if he gets paid now what's that he needs to go home it's like he's on vacation. He's actually continuing tomorrow. This isn't a vacation.
Starting point is 01:16:29 It's not? No. It's not. We're in Miami. All right. Jason's going home. Say bye, Jason. Bye, fans.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Bye, fans. Watch us catch these dubs tomorrow. Good dudes. Out you. Let's just catch these dubs tomorrow. Good dudes. Ouch. Mr. Spin. They can hear you now that the music's on. I got the volume turned up. Okay, let's ask Mr. Spin a question here.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Mr. Spin, what's the status with Emily Rolfe? Injured? How did she... Would she have taken second place if she wouldn't have had that injury? And what about her performance in the last two events? Were they affected by that injury? It didn't look like she was affected by it. I tried to grab an interview after the swim event,
Starting point is 01:17:14 and she declined. I think she was pretty upset. I mean, she lost quite a few points there. I don't think this one affected her too much, but definitely she dropped down quite a bit because of that swim event. Okay, that's good to know. And what about Guy?
Starting point is 01:17:30 Guy looked fantastic in this second day. Yeah, I mean, can't say that he's out of shape when he does a 395-pound clean and jerk. Talking with him afterwards, he didn't even know really how much was on the bar. He heard it was $3.95. Had just enough time to load it up and go for it.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I think he had more in the tank. It may just be a case of kind of being out of competition shape and took a day for him to get back into it. Lydia says hi to Matt O'Queef. Never heard that before. Matt O'Queef. That heard that before. Matt O'Queef.
Starting point is 01:18:06 That's special. I like that. What do you think about Mr. Ricky Garrard's performance here? Does he got enough to beat the champ, Justin Medeiros? He looks strong this week. This week, every performance performance he was just you know maximizing his ability and really had no uh no bad events uh so i mean i would say he's looking this strong i think he has a chance to take him down justin oh and and is there a big story for
Starting point is 01:18:41 you when you take away these first two days you're're like, Oh shit. Like the rain was the big story or wow. There were a lot of people, or I can't believe how page power, great page powers is. Is there a highlight that you walk away here and you're like, okay, that was a shocker. I mean,
Starting point is 01:18:53 I think, uh, page has definitely made some strides over the last few months. Uh, I think she might be one to watch to break into the top 10. She was strong all weekend. uh, we always, Danny did well, but I mean, I think she might be one to watch to break into the top 10. She was strong all weekend. Danny did well, but I think Paige showed that she belongs up there.
Starting point is 01:19:19 You were as red as a tomato yesterday, and today you're not. You recovered nicely. I do my best. We'll go to sleep, and I'm good. All right. You da man. I do my best. We'll go to sleep and I'm good. All right. You da man. Thanks, brother. Thanks for all you do.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Thanks for always being so cool to us. Thank you. Thanks, dude. I'm trying to send Guido a link here. Hey, did you guys see? Oh, there he is. We got him. Go ahead, Sousa. Did you guys see when Ricky finished, he threw. We got him. Go ahead, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Did you guys see when Ricky finished, he threw up? Was that on the stream? Oh, no. Ricky did throw up. Oh, yeah. Right at the end of his lane on his number, there's this huge pile of throw-up. I thought it was somebody in the stands. They go, no, that was Ricky right when he finished. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:20:01 That's awesome. Dito Trinidad, what's up, brother? What brother what is up my man how are you guys doing dude we're stoked to have you here uh you got uh taylor self up top jr howell john young and myself i know we just look like little dots on your uh phone no but i got also a full charged phone so i'm ready to go as long as you want you you demand. Hey, did you hear that? Uh, Sousa said that, uh, Ricky threw up after, at the end of that second workout. Was that the Guido special? I did not hear that. Actually. I heard him say that, but I didn't see it. And, uh, would it be weird if I said that kind of makes me happy?
Starting point is 01:20:41 As long as he's healthy. Last night Guido was on here and he's like, these, we don't want him to leave with a beat down. And then today they throw up. And it's like, yeah, it warms my heart a little bit. Yeah, just a little. I can't lie. Okay. Spectacular two days.
Starting point is 01:21:00 There's nothing that we can nitpick. And to be honest with you i i i enjoyed when the uh people in the kayak sent the people the wrong way i have to tell you i enjoy all that chaos uh i'm sure that you guys don't enjoy it um but it gives us something fun to talk about uh i enjoy a little bit of rain we i like all the chaos because it gives us something to report on but really truly uh what a remarkable event i I can't, nothing stands out like, man, they shit the bed. It was actually, wow, they gave us an event at the very end. We got to watch three of the best fucking guys in the world.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Outside of maybe Madaris, we got to see Ricky, Roman, and Pat fight for their life. You pretty happy with it? Super happy, man. Very, very happy. All around, last event for sure, but just all around, man. Very, very happy. All around. Last event for sure, but just all around, I felt like, you know, there's a lot of cohesiveness in the team that's running the event, the athletes, spectators being happy, the weather held up,
Starting point is 01:21:58 even though there was a few little moments that it was a little bit of a scare. But, yeah, all around. And to think that, like, those guys are done. Some of them are but um yeah all around and and to think that like those guys are done some of them are going to continue to compete and some are not um for the weekend that is but uh it's nice to have like that book closed and know that um that it went well and now it's just like hey halftime take a quick break and let's get back to work and everything stayed on schedule it was tight it was tight good job yeah they run a tight ship yeah i mean i can't take any of that credit except for you know some of the standards and policies that we created many years ago but um yeah these
Starting point is 01:22:36 guys are doing great man they got a well-oiled machine some great leadership there and uh there's an army out there i mean i was joking around with my brother who's in charge of uh the build and and uh just all the logistics from workout to workout and i was like do you remember when like we were out here changing the weights and moving all these things around and i was like were we just dumb and didn't know what the hell we were doing or did we just not have enough people and uh i think we landed it was a combination of both yeah yeah that's what i would guess too hey um you didn't program last year no i haven't programmed since 2018 so when they asked you to program this year did you just start from scratch yeah absolutely um with exception to one workout that I've been holding on to for a couple of years.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Or should I say since 2018, it was the first workout, the the rings and squats. I kind of came up with that workout that last year, 2018, and it was kind of too late. It just didn't fit well into everything that we were doing. And so I said, all right, let me just I'm holding on to this. And whenever the right time comes up, then we'll throw it in. Wow. Well, so you probably saw that maybe that window even closing as each year you went on, you're like, well, I guess I'm not going to program.
Starting point is 01:23:59 And then bingo, 2022, they're like, Guido, you're up. There you go. No, I mean, I don't think my my I wouldn't say I saw the window closing. I figured eventually I'd get back in the game, whether it be with Waterpalooza or, you know, something else that I start up. So, yeah. And are you do you know what's going on next year? Will you be programming next year? No, I don't know. We don't have like a long term commitment or anything like that. But, you know, I think more than anything, it's a, it's a relationship between myself and the guys who are running the show now. And as long as that stays intact, they're happy. I'm happy. And the, uh, those who are watching it are happy and those, the athletes are happy then. And why not continue to do it? Yeah. I'd
Starting point is 01:24:39 love to. You got something for next year already planning? You got a notebook already? No, no. You know, it's funny. I gave a short presentation today on, you know, the behind the curtain on programming for this particular event. And it was kind of just like a last minute thing. And so I started thinking, well, how is it that I come up with this stuff? And so to make a long story short, what I shared was that really, because I program every single day for, for peak for my affiliate and the way that I do it is, is, you know, I truly see it as like an outlet of creativity. And I always want to make it fun for the athletes and, and our members is that it's like, I'm always creating. And so I don't ever feel like I have to like turn
Starting point is 01:25:25 that on. And every now and then there'll be, and I do all the workouts with the gym. I take class every day. And so I get their feedback, my feedback. And, but every now and then there'll be this like nugget of gold. I'm like, oh man, that is so sick. Like I got to hold onto that. And whether I write it down or put it in some sort sort of document or I just like store it in some compartment in my brain, it's not always even like the movement. It's sometimes just that stimulus that I'm going for. One of them was like tonight at the end, like that, that meat market workout. What you feel on the bike at the end is unlike any time you've ever hit the bike hard for 30 calories because your legs don't like, like you don't even feel your legs. It's all upper body. It's a burning
Starting point is 01:26:11 sensation from like your fingertips to your rotator cuffs, your chest, everything's on fire. And, uh, and I was like, man, there's not many workouts I've done that have made me feel like this. I want this to be replicated somewhere, replicated somewhere somehow you you mean because of the bench press and the uh chest to bar and then to go straight onto the bike you're basically your legs are fresh but your upper body's toast yeah and i mean you got to hit the bike hard like you can't cruise it it's the last piece every second counts yeah yes it does uh jr do you have any questions for mr guido i? I do, dude. Yeah, what's up, man?
Starting point is 01:26:46 I'm JR. Nice to meet you. What's up, buddy? Yes. I'm going to take you down memory lane a little bit. I'm going to paint a picture, and then I want first instinct honest response, and it's okay if you laugh. The year is 2012. You are heading down to the coast of South Carolina to compete in a local competition.
Starting point is 01:27:05 The emcee is Travis Bajent. The field is a young Noah Olson, Travis Mayer, Jonathan Morgan, Mike Papa, Nate Schrader. My man. Are you starting to remember? Oh, yeah. Okay. So do you remember the strength and skill events from that competition, Integrity's Revenge in 2012? Integrity's Revenge, the strength and skill. I want to say the skill was max ring muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Am I right? No. Or was it double unders? It was double unders. I think it was a max, it was max handstand hold. And you went head to head with Noah and you guys both held for like over a minute and a half. And the strength was a snatch. So I had to know because I was there and it was like the first competition I ever went to to watch. And it made me fall in love with CrossFit. And I remember you guys and being like, oh, my gosh, these guys are amazing. And they had they had this. They had the.
Starting point is 01:28:05 That was insane. That was horrible. That was super old school. This is super old. That's me in the white shorts. No, that's not me in the white shorts. I don't know where I'm at. I'm somewhere there. There's Travis Bajan. But yeah, I mean, you know, I saw the strength into the max parallel hold. And I was like, dude, what if he remembered that competition and was like, this is like, this is, this is over 10 years ago. This is circa 2012. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:28:32 maybe subconsciously I did and I didn't even know it. Yeah. I just remember watching you and Noah and being like, how are these dudes holding a handstand? Like, and that long ago, that was very ahead of its time as far as programming goes, you know? And now you look like you're you're you're doing something like that now it's pretty cool so dude that's one of my favorite events i've ever done and i did it twice um five he had a great thing going uh he was a competitor as well a little older than us and he had like a 5k run over a bridge i just loved the
Starting point is 01:29:02 way that he you know utilized the landscape to create an experience and funny that that you bring that competition up because i've been asked a lot about like how did he come up with the name and so it was 2011 the year before that because water palooza's first year was 2012 that we were driving back down from integrity's revenge my wife and i we sat in the car and we're like we're not gonna we're not getting back home until we have a name for this event and on that car ride back home is when we came up with the name waterpalooza oh no shit yeah you were telling that story last night yeah and i think yeah yeah i think bk i think brian cost i think he said that freddy's revenge
Starting point is 01:29:41 you probably remember this so on freddy's revenge um china chose husband yeah that workout i think they got the name integrity's revenge from that work from freddy's revenge and that's how they named their competition so it's pretty cool god small world you guys have never met you two have never met no he was he was competing in 2021 masters when i was doing 35 to 39 but we were both kind of in the zone. So I didn't want to come up and ask for a picture or anything. All right. Now you can.
Starting point is 01:30:10 We'll take it next time. Guido, he has an amazing gym up there. Which Carolina are you in? South Carolina? South Carolina, yeah. CrossFit Crash. Cool. What city?
Starting point is 01:30:23 Spartanburg. So it's a little outside of Greenville, about an hour away from taylor and charlotte okay awesome next time we do a little road trip we'll stop by yeah for sure i think you'll be i think you guys would uh make a good bedfellows you guys will be stoked to meet each other and check out his gym uh okay um so you you you finish this and you go into tomorrow is is it um so is this and you go into tomorrow. So does part of you just want to rest now and just be like, okay, I'm fucking done, but you can't?
Starting point is 01:30:54 Man, I'm telling you, I'm not doing much here. You're not? You don't feel like you're walking around making sure the integrity of the workouts is being withheld, or you've already done all that? Yeah, no, I am, but i mean i am like there was something on the on the team um event with the with the rope climbs and the synchronized stuff that they were holding the barbell in the front rack like this genie style you know what i mean yeah yeah and i was like that that's cheating that's not part of the standard but you know whatever you got to pick your battles. I was a hard ass for a long time. And, you know, probably a little overbearing for some, but I'm a strickler for standards and for a vision. If it's that way, it's got to stay that way. And so it's not my baby anymore, you know. And so as long as it's not something that I feel is going to be detrimental, you know, I, you know, I looked at the weather and I know
Starting point is 01:31:45 there's a contingency plan, but I've always been one to kind of push the envelope and maybe be a little too risky. And I think, you know, most people are maybe on the more conservative side. So, you know, I'll, I'll nudge Dylan a little bit like, Hey, what's the plan? He'll, he'll say this. And I'm like, well, what if you did this? or what if you waited a little bit and you know because i i think that i get it you know there's always like safety is first first and foremost um but sometimes like hey like let's uh let's wait it out or let's see if there's another opportunity to still make the same workout happen because if they would have taken out the swim you know what can you replace that with because of lightning yeah we heard rumors the swim was toast yeah so i mean is that
Starting point is 01:32:32 because there was possibly well lightning uh and wind you know the the wind and then the wind you know if there's a strong current that it could push the athletes into the rocks and that wouldn't be fun so um so yeah i get it but um yeah like what do you replace that with you just completely change the workout which is okay it's just a workout at the end of the day right but to try to maintain the integrity of the actual like test you know what else what else can do? So sometimes I like to push the envelope, but I've, I've learned in my life, uh, or I'm still trying to learn to, you know, only pick, pick the battles that are, that are worth it. And, uh, there hasn't been one to pick. Thankfully, everything's been going really smooth and these guys are great. So most of the stuff that I'm
Starting point is 01:33:17 doing here is really just, you know, just, um, connecting with the volunteers and thanking people and, um, you know, a few media stuff where people want to know about the history and just do some interviews and things like that. And yeah, and just be available if they need any help, which again, these guys have been doing it for a long time and they're equally as passionate as I am about the event running smoothly and having a great outcome. So I'm really proud of the team, man. I really, really mean that wholeheartedly. Mr. Self, do you have any questions for the programmer of the last eight events we've seen?
Starting point is 01:33:50 Yeah. Were there any risks or maybe risks on the right word, but potential unconventional things you wanted to do this year that you didn't get a chance to do that you maybe could talk about? Oh, yeah. Sure. There was a lot of those um and it's okay that it didn't happen because i think sometimes i i need it's like i feel like dylan was like my wife sometimes like she just checked me like that's crazy and i'm like yeah but so what let's do it i wanted them to run backwards on the on the on, on the assault runner. Oh man. Yeah, boy. For half of it. Now we're talking. Now we're talking. I wanted to see that. I wanted to see, I wanted to do not just, just GHD sit-ups. I want to do some GHD back extensions. Oh, like a hip extension.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Yeah. How did you think about standardizing that that i've talked with my boss about putting those in event forever yeah i mean it'd be hard for me to demonstrate right now i'm sitting in the car so but i think all of them like yeah i actually had like a pvc pipe um where they would have to meet a certain height at the extension yep yep um and then i think may i think this was maybe leaked or not and you know if it was it was if it's not but the last event and i'm kind of glad it didn't play out this way because when looking at it it's a little more exciting as the final event for it to have been kipping uh chest of our pull-ups but it's supposed to be strict chest to bar pull-ups and um and you know we just agreed to disagree uh that there could be a standard that was solid enough for it and um you know i'm okay with there being it had never been done before that say and i was like yeah but we've done strict ring muscle-ups before. There's ways that we can do it.
Starting point is 01:35:46 You've got to get creative, but I get it. They want to just like, listen, right now from what I'm hearing from you guys, there's no complaints. Everything ran smooth, and I think what they want is like, hey, let's just not give anybody any reason to complain or to give any negative press or feedback. And so. Hey, the backwards running would have been awesome.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Can you imagine the fail videos? That would have been an amazing compilation. I like the hip extension idea. I love hip extensions. I think not a lot of people do them in workouts and they create a nasty stimulus. Hey Guido, was the, were the hurdle jumps, something you programmed for peak before, or is this something like maybe you did in your strength conditioning days training for sports?
Starting point is 01:36:28 And you were like, Hey, we never do anything lateral. That's very much like bounding and explosion. So I want to find a way to get these in. Yeah, both. The answer is yes to both. Um, we program them at peak often, um, maybe not over a hurdle, over humans one another um and then we'll do just a lot of like ballistic style training uh like we just did like a box max box jump test and then we programmed to improve the max height box jump and there's a lot of like depth jumps and plyometrics and yeah i played you know football and so i just i believe that that's a big part of being a complete athlete is to be able to be explosive in that way and do it repeatedly. So actually it's funny because
Starting point is 01:37:10 I did a podcast with, um, with, with Chase Ingram, with, uh, with CrossFit and he pulled up a picture of the first year. And if you go back and watch it, there's actually people jumping over the same hurdles that they had here this weekend. So we did lateral hurdle jumps on year one. So it was just to me like that's wild that I've always perceived that this is a valuable component of testing fitness. Did you play with the height at all during that and that for that workout? The height of the hurdles? Yeah, I mean, I did.
Starting point is 01:37:42 I set it at 24 and I saw that it was challenging for me. So I figured let's not go any higher than this. That was just keep it right here, man. One of the things that I'm tripping on tomorrow is the synchro with the different elements I'm tripping on and the synchro, you know, whether it be the bars going ground overhead or whatever it is they're doing. And then you do like that. OK. And I don't like that., ground overhead or whatever it is they're doing. And then, and then all you do like that. Okay. And I don't like that. I'm tripping on it. I can't wait to see it. Uh, and, um, and the rings with the ring muscle ups with the bar muscle ups, I'm assuming you've tested that shit and it works.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Absolutely. Have you not seen it on, have you, you haven't seen it on the gram? It's all over. No, no. I think it looks really cool. I only go to sites with vaccine stuff and race stuff. That's the only two issues I'm interested in. This CrossFit thing is a side gig for me. That's awesome. I think the only thing we saw through the past two days that had any complaints,
Starting point is 01:38:40 which I feel like is kind of out of your control, is some of the broadcasting stuff in the stream. It yeah day two yeah fixed a bit i liked it i i for the little i saw i i thought it was fucking awesome we were following our own stream dylan's been nothing but great to us uh we i think they had to yell at us like three or four times because we were breaking rules and every time dylan goes hey i just want you to know I'm not mad at you. You know what I mean? Just like, you know what I mean? Like I'm getting in trouble. It's not personal. It's not here. Yeah, I'm not mad at you. Keep going. Like he still cheers me on. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:39:14 He's like, keep trying. He just gives me a call like, hey, be a good boy, Seve. I'm like, all right. That's good. He's the man. Mr. Young, we will also have Guido tomorrow and the next day hopefully uh do you have any questions for him now but don't feel any uh pressure did any of the did any of the athletes surprise you with how fast they finished it in because you tested them all and had somebody test them all um was there any workout in particular that you were blown away or shocked that they finished that fast or slower yeah i was definitely surprised that that
Starting point is 01:39:47 a lot of people didn't finish the the rings and the squats but then again that the element of the ring strap being so long and moving around i i know that that definitely is a stimulus that they don't uh train for very often so that takes away the surprise factor. I was surprised on the separation though, between elite athletes, you know, like a guy like, you know, Ricky Gerard finishing it in, I don't know, what was it like eight minutes and change and then Fikowski not finishing it at all. You know, like that's, that's a big difference for a, you know, you're talking about movements that people do on a daily basis, almost ring muscle ups and squats at that weight as well. It's not an insane amount of weight. So I was surprised by that, by that separation.
Starting point is 01:40:32 But in terms of the speed, I think the chipper was pretty fast. I thought that was cool. I thought I anticipated everybody to go and broken on on the total bar. I anticipated everybody to go and broken on, on the total bar. Like the idea was like to ride that line. And then if you had to break, then Hey, like you're obviously not elite in this category. Cause everybody else should be able to go and broken on that. I'm talking about the total bar hopovers hurdles. Yeah. I would say, to be honest, I was really surprised by this,
Starting point is 01:41:04 these last two workouts and how fast they were able to finish. I'm, I'm 42. So I'm not able to do the same amount of work I was able to do back, you know, four or five years ago. And I've been nursing an injury in my back, but I did do. And so luckily one of the things that I still do train because my back, it doesn't affect my back is pull ups and pushing movements. So I did test that workout. I did it the RX version because I think I'm probably more of an RX athlete, not an elite athlete right now. And I did it 24 and 12. And then they these guys smoked it. Some of these guys just smoked it. And I knew they would because they're just stronger than me. But even more impressive is going to the snatch after that and how long they were able to hold on to that. I think all of them broke, but I think quite a few only broke once. I think Pat only broke once. And what that feels like after all that work, like your shoulders, like the first two snatches, you're like, oh, what's going on right now?
Starting point is 01:42:11 And so and mind you, they did 30 burpees pretty damn fast. I think that was done in like under four minutes. Think about that, guys. They did a benchmark workout, Isabel, just minus a couple pounds, almost unbroken after 30 burpees and after a ton of 75 chest of our pull-ups and 45, you know, reps of a bench press. Like that last workout to me was super impressive. It just shows how far we've come, uh, in this sport. Yeah. What a great place, a place you placed it. Hey, listen, you fucking ding dong. You didn't let Guido Guido answered the live stream question. Guido, um, how come the live stream went down 72 times on the first day? No idea.
Starting point is 01:42:47 He has no fucking idea. That's why I didn't let him answer it, you dumb motherfucker. I was walking. Be nice to him. I do like Barry McTockner. I fucking love saying his name. But Jesus Christ, like, I'm not here to ridicule some guy for fucking giving us a live stream. They went down a few times.
Starting point is 01:43:03 I'm just not doing that. I'm not like, if i was a girl and i was fucking a guy with a small dick i wouldn't give him shit he's got a small dick if it stinks i would be like jesus christ go watch yourself but a small dick is a small dick i think you're losing him i think you're losing him listen all right sorry you know you don't have a small dick it's a metaphor listen it doesn't even matter it's about it doesn't matter what you have, it's how you have it, what you do with it. It just shouldn't stink. I was walking over here and on the way I saw this massive production truck. And I'm like, damn, that's intimidating.
Starting point is 01:43:38 They've never had that much bandwidth and power to really produce a live stream. And I just thought of the people complaining. I go, these guys have no idea. Like they're on the other side complaining, but they have no idea how much money and work and effort is going into actually making this happen. And so just be kind, bro, chill out and know that no one's out there like sleeping on the job. Like, kind bro chill out and know that no one's out there like sleeping on the job like ah we don't care about the quality of this like they're talking hard you know like there's a lot of money invested into making this thing happen and making it work and you know they they feel like crap that it isn't absolutely perfect and um hopefully they'll get it perfect soon so yeah that's my two cents with
Starting point is 01:44:21 that i love you too barry mccockner and i appreciate you offering up stimulus for the show uh guido trinidad thanks for coming on uh we will bug you again i know i give you very short notice and you jump on here i can't tell you how appreciative we are and the 700 people listening thanks brother you got it bro love you guys have a good night thank you talk to you tomorrow brother peace all right

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