The Sevan Podcast - #757 - Wodapalooza 2023 Teams Day 1 Event 1

Episode Date: January 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Awesome. Okay, so this may... Damn, we're live. Susan, I'll be getting back to you in one minute, buddy. Mr. Brian Fran, hi. Good morning. What time is it? Local time there. 12.32.
Starting point is 00:00:18 You having a good time? Great. I didn't realize that you guys just started. Yeah, literally just seconds ago uh we're two minutes late today because we're trying to figure out some audio issues which i think susie just uh solved excellent uh any changes to the uh leaderboard last night individual we have uh page powers as the winner uh when we went to bed and when we woke up. Is it still Paige Powers and Ricky Garrard? It is. And second place.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Oh, but we have a change between second place and third place? I don't think so. They have Patrick Vellner now as second place. Wow. I knew that was a fucking error. Show me the leaderboard. Okay, stand by, my friend. I don't mean to ambush you
Starting point is 00:01:05 sorry b uh i didn't even check uh i didn't check this till just now wow by four points we have patrick velner in second place with uh taking home the uh 35 000 and what were we saying last night it just made no sense how and hey here's something else brian we got cole gray shaber and fourth and fukowski and fifth fukowski's taking home the Lentenist pocket. Can you go to Elite Women? I haven't heard anything about this until just now, but now you're making me want to leave and go find out. Okay, do you want to go find out and then get back to us?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. Okay, I appreciate it, brother. Thank you. Can you click the Women's Leaderboard? I can. I can do all sorts of amazing shit. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to get off of that, and I'm going to let – should I let you do it, Caleb? Yeah i i can do all sorts of amazing shit you know what i'm gonna do i'm
Starting point is 00:01:45 gonna get off of that and i'm gonna let shall i let you do it caleb yeah i can do it okay uh dark lord revlon with the first donation of the day two dollars 99 cents thank you very very much welcome heidi krum to the broadcast what's what's most shocking is that there's not an adjustment to emma carrie and sydney mccallish McElishan. But that one makes less sense than the Roman Krennikoff-Velner switch-up. So we'll see if they make an adjustment to that as well. Can you go over there back to the men's leaderboard? And can you go over to the last two workouts? And can you speculate for us, Mr. Thumb?
Starting point is 00:02:24 By the way, guys guys i want to apologize yesterday for leaving the show so quickly um i you guys were right i accidentally clicked the wrong button before we got the smtp commercial out and uh so i have to pay um oh let's check in with suza real quick and then I'm going to ask Tyler to no actually we're not going to Sousa oh here we go let's go to Sousa that's Mike Halpin in his crash hoodie
Starting point is 00:02:54 that's Mike Halpin in his crash hoodie is right hold on where did my swap this Taylor Self I would like you to look at the men's leaderboard, and as we scroll over, maybe speculate for us what you think could have happened here. And talk slow, because remember, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, please.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So if you look at these final two events, please so if you look at these final two events velner picked up 160 points in those two final events and roman picked up 138 so that's a 22 point margin between velner and roman and last night roman was in second place and velner going into that event was i believe i think it was 20 it wasn't it was like 15 points or 20 points between him and roman going into that event um and they just boost the scoring up which is interesting now they have that adjustment which i guess is not the end of the world seeing as they were both already on the podium. It's just a two-spot swap. I'm still far more confused on the women's finishing, because going into that event, I could have sworn that Emma Carey was in ninth place,
Starting point is 00:04:15 and I don't understand how she made up six places in that workout, doing as bad as she did on the first part. I'm going to see if I can get Patrickrick velner to come on for a second i know he competes in just a second second place we knew it uh okay uh chris thompson thank you very much appreciate you guys no we appreciate you thank you that's uh all that loot helps they didn't count the mail-in points yet wad zombie good point yeah um the swing votes are coming in ballot uh starting the catrin dav David's daughter, virtuous movement fund. Oh, that is very good. Be sure. Oh my goodness. Okay. So where did that, where do you think that happened? So now you've shown us why Velner won. What do you think happened yesterday that made it that it took overnight to figure this out? overnight to figure this out? I'm not sure. Um, I don't understand how they didn't calculate the points correctly. Maybe they, you know, the one thing we were speculating on is how it was a 10 point difference or you were rewarded so much for doing well in those workouts and punished a lot
Starting point is 00:05:39 differently. If you did poorly, you know, they cut the field, cut the field to 20 athletes. So they may have had a scoring distribution issue between like a point distribution issue um cutting the field and not adjusting that in the scoring system uh and what about this um this this thing also let's not forget uh brent fukowski got knocked down a spot too he was in the prize money and now he's flip-flopped with actually i think it went it went Brent Fikowski, then Nick Matthews, then Cole Greyshaber. Greyshaber was fifth. Oh, he was? Okay. So Brent and Cole Greyshaber have switched also.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah. This is very interesting and even more interesting that we're hearing news before even Vellner is. Oh, you don't think Vellner knows? Barbell spin. We just pulled up a comment that said Vellner hasn't heard anything. Wow. Yeah, sure. You on now yes okay please it just seems odd that the internet knows before he does okay i gotta take this call keep talking i'm gonna mute myself all right so caleb if you want to go back over to the women's points um last night on the show people were making fun of me because they thought I was falling asleep. What I was trying to do is add up the total of Emma Carey's first six scores,
Starting point is 00:06:53 her first six points and Sydney McEllish's first six points. And the way it shook out is that going in, it looked like there was only a three or a seven. I can't remember point difference between the two, but on the leaderboard, there was six places. Emma Carey going into that workout. I wish we could go back. I wish I had grabbed a screenshot, but it looked like Emma Carey was six places down and far more than three to seven points back from third. And I didn't understand how she could make up those six places, taking a 13th in Miami meat market. And so it's just, I'm not sure what happened there. I know I'm not remembering incorrectly.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I just wish I had grabbed a screenshot of that before they adjusted the scores for the last two events, because this one makes far less sense than the Roman and, and, uh, Velner snafu. Uh, just so you guys know, uh, this is not uncommon, by the way,
Starting point is 00:07:51 this is not, uh, exclusive to this event. It is not uncommon, uh, for there to be a significant changes overnight in leaderboards, uh, Katie,
Starting point is 00:08:01 uh, for the seven and Madison fund, uh, 2023. Thank you. I think the only thing unique about this is that they announced the podium and then they made an adjustment yeah that part's tough that yeah uh we have seen that at the games obviously but it was because of uh some drug protocols um but we're gonna have patrick velner on here in two seconds
Starting point is 00:08:21 uh to see um what's going on patrick hi good morning thanks for coming on hi good morning good morning what's going on man you see this congratulations you made uh twenty five thousand dollars while you were saying i just heard about it you kind of well we just oh thank you for eating because we were missing john young for all of you who are into the fetish eating podcast uh velner will now fulfill john young's role what are you eating sardines some turkey and some rice i'm getting ready for a team competition here baby i wish you were sliding sardines down my boss my boss cooks sardines and olive oil at the gym and it stinks the whole fucking box up that's got to be good for membership so disgusting sliding sardines down my boss my boss cooks sardines and olive oil at the gym and it stinks
Starting point is 00:09:05 the whole fucking box up that's got to be good for membership so disgusting so pat patrick have you looked at the so we pulled up the leaderboard this morning and we have ricky gerard in first then we have you with 607 and roman krennikoff with 603 we were actually surprised yesterday when they announced roman in second because because we thought that you would, you did enough. J.R. said right before they called second place, J.R. said Patrick Villner. And so we were all kind of shocked.
Starting point is 00:09:33 So there's some been some sort of a scoring adjustment. Have you heard anything? I haven't heard anything official. I had somebody else messaged me just before you guys and mentioned that. I mean, I've kind of like, I got up this morning getting ready for doing the elite team thing. So I haven't actually thought much about it.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I've kind of moved on, but it's, I, I don't know what the scoring thing was, to be honest, we didn't know the scoring system after the cuts. Some of the guys actually asked, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:02 in the corralling area, what the scoring system was going to be moving forward and they didn't know uh so it was hard for us to even know on the floor like you know whether i should try to contest that or dispute it i had no idea because i didn't even know the scoring system they were applying so i don't know maybe maybe i am maybe i'm not i'm sure i'll find here's something more official in the next little while if it is the case. They just changed it again. Wow, that's so weird.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They changed it back. That's what it was last night. It was 11 points, right? Yes, I think so. Something like that. Well, that's weird. And Cole Graysha shavers back to fifth. Hey, let me ask you this. And then,
Starting point is 00:10:50 and then I want to ask you about how your body's doing. Isn't it important for you to know the scoring system at the start of the race so that you can game, uh, the field so that you can look and be like, I need to be in front of this guy behind that guy i need to make sure if i have to i'll just reach over and kick over ricky's uh you know back squat stand yeah i mean it makes a difference i think it's you know depending who you ask it's maybe not the most important thing but in a two-part workout like that with a scoring system
Starting point is 00:11:22 that the top drops by 10 points like there's a significant amount of gaming that can go on with that and we saw it in the individual competition um guys like henrik hapalan and he just sort of you know took a miss on the first one and then tried to get big points on the second one and then i think it averaged out to like six place points across both events because of the way he uh gained the scoring system so that stuff is kind of important i think it's weird to be able to take the floor and not know and i think it's the fact that you know we had asked about it and nobody could tell us was a little bit too bad but uh yeah i don't know it should be it should be known it should
Starting point is 00:12:02 probably be known before the competition starts like at the initial briefing pre day one. Right. Okay. How, how is the Patrick Vellner physique besides beautiful? How's it feel? My legs are sore. I think other than that,
Starting point is 00:12:22 not too bad. My chest will probably be sore tomorrow. We're trying to, we're trying to figure out how to apply that to the the team landscape I think we've got Jeff Adler that's fresh and then Brent and I who both competed this weekend already so uh we're trying to figure out where to put the pieces in is any part of you like uh hey I wish I wouldn't have signed up for team two or even if you did think that you would just push that away now I think I was feeling more like that maybe yesterday and then it's you know it is what it is once you get your body moving it's not that bad um I heard a couple people were talking about dropping out uh the first couple days the first two events were a pretty big beat down for the individual competition and then other than that that, it wasn't too bad. So I think, you know, I made my bed.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I'm happy to lay in it. Cowards if they're pulling out. I agree. Uh, will, will this, um, is this a good training stimulus for you? Like after a weekend like this, uh, individual, then team, do you leave here being a better athlete and net gain, uh, stronger, better, more experienced, you know, do you add a little i think more experience is never a bad thing and i think even i've got lots of experience but you know every year is a little bit different and like you get a little bit different your skills change um so it's it's good to check in when you can like for instance the individual competition was
Starting point is 00:13:41 fast and furious right it was very short very compact um and i think durability still played a factor like i've always been quite a durable athlete and in the last day like those last back-to-back events guys were starting to really fall apart and like you know i'm yeah i'm getting ready for the team competition i'm a little sore but i'm happy to compete two more days and so i think me, that's a good confidence thing that, you know, I'm one of the oldest guys in the field now, and I'm still, I've got better durability than a lot of the guys who are, you know, five, six, seven years younger than me.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So I think that that's kind of a nice checkpoint to just be like, yeah, it's cool. On the back end of weekends, I can score points because I've got, I'm just like, I don't know, I don't know what it is, but I'm willing to do it. Hey, is it a trip being in Miami? Like I'm in this room all day looking at you guys in the sun, but outside it's like gray all day for me here in California. And it's been raining for two weeks. Is it a trip to be there and be like, like, I mean, you just came from freezing world, right? Yeah. It's winter back home home we don't have much snow where i live but it's it's nice to have an escape i'd say it's a nice little holiday to get away from the cold weather and the gloomy weather while you're uh in the middle of winter so it's good well you had
Starting point is 00:14:57 like i don't love the hot hot heat so today's actually quite chilly here will you head somewhere like you did last year you headed somewhere right after right? After this, you didn't go home. You went out to the islands. Yeah. Different though. My, my wife's not here with me this year, so she's actually visiting her family and she's got the baby with them. So I'm coming pretty much right back. I leave Monday afternoon. Um, and then I beat them home by like a few hours. So I'll be back there to greet greet them this is the first competition you've done without your wife and your baby rogue they weren't there as well this year oh okay well good congratulations that is that nice it's different like i i think it's sort of most of my career they weren't like i mean why i didn't have a baby for most of my career and my wife wasn't around as much because she was working lots or in school.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And then the last sort of 2021, when she was on maternity leave was like the first time they were actually able to come to things. And it was like a full year and a half where they kind of were able to do a lot more stuff. So I, yeah, you kind of get used to that. And then now it's sort of back to real life where she's got to stay home and work or we've got other responsibilities that need to get done. So it's interesting. You know, it's nice to sometimes just be able to come and sit in a clean hotel room and not have to worry about things and just sort of like have your own space to manage. But I miss them for sure. It's fun. I get she's good.
Starting point is 00:16:18 She sends me a lot of videos and photos of him and I get like I can come off the competition floor pretty much any event and have a bunch of photos and things like that that she sent me for the last couple hours so it's nice i feel like i've got a lot of checkpoints and i talk to them every night but yeah it's i don't know it's it's okay to have some space for uh for four days here yeah i get that part of you misses it and part of you is appreciative of time alone hey when you go out there you you seem so mellow right now and you and fukowski have already put in two hard days when you go out there will you flip the switch will you be like okay adler's here fukowski's here we're a team and will you just turn the volume up to 10 yeah i think there's you only know how to do it one way right we talked a bit
Starting point is 00:16:59 about it this morning and jeff was kind of joking because we're you know it's like how seriously are we taking this team and I think any one of us given just how the way that we do CrossFit and the way our personalities are we have a hard time turning it down like you're going to get on the floor and when it's you're going to do your job and you're going to do it as hard and fast as you can and Jeff was like feeling stressed this morning he's like man I'm like nervous and stressed and I know it doesn't matter, but we, and we're kind of past that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Cause we've already put two days in and you kind of get past those first event jitters and you're just getting used to the competition floors. And it's just like another rep, but it takes, it takes sometimes a few events to feel that way and get back into the groove. And so we're past that and Jeff's not there yet. So I think he's got to get a couple under his belt before he's feeling really loose. But yeah, I and so we're past that and jeff's not there yet so i think he's got to
Starting point is 00:17:45 get a couple under his belt before he's feeling really loose um but yeah i mean we're like i'm not trying to you know do anything stupid or reckless in the team competition i think we're really we're here to not we're here to win the competition we're gonna we're gonna try our hardest but uh i'm certainly not stressed about the outcome of the team competition so i think it's kind of fun. The whole team event, I think is going to have a fun vibe. Like it's going to be some really,
Starting point is 00:18:09 really cool teams. And I think there's gonna be a lot of fun on the floor. Yeah. So do I, I do. I do think you guys have a, a very good chance of winning. I think Noah and Travis and Chandler are really good,
Starting point is 00:18:20 but man, you, you have a pretty freakish team with a team with a lot of, uh, possibilities and a lot of utility. So congratulations. Yeah. We'll see how we work together. Hey, you guys, I think of an anchor that, uh, Brent and I are after two days. Was the last time you and Brent competed on a team together, the invitational, the team invitational. Yeah. It would have been 2017 in Australia. Um, yeah, that would have been 2017 wow in australia um yeah that would have been it and then i don't know uh if i've done any real team competition since then uh i'd have to think i don't think so what
Starting point is 00:18:54 do you what do you think about after the hurdle event prior to the hurdle event uh and you've individual competition what did you think about going into that did you like the implement and then how did you feel after uh it's a good question i kind of thought it was a little bit silly i thought it was a lot silly and you know i think you get a similar stimulus doing like a rebounding box jump over or something but it's something slightly different. I think the biggest thing it did was it created a risk factor in that workout that wouldn't have been there otherwise. So if you, if you tip it even a little bit,
Starting point is 00:19:34 first of all, if you touched it, it was a no rep, even if it didn't fall over. And if you knocked it over, you're going to lose five seconds really fast. And it was just a very, very quick workout.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So I think that that was an event where mental errors made a big difference like you had to remember you had to be very very precise on the jump and precision was really important you don't want to jump too high you want to rebound fast but you don't want to touch it you had to be snappy on the toes to bar and that with a lot of that hip flexion it affected the way you could kind of lift your hips fast on the rebound and then the shuttle runs were just like, you needed to make sure you had good, like good foot position and good smooth turns. And you didn't need to be really fast, but it had to be kind of smooth and you had to know which lines you were going to.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So it was just like, there was a lot of things to keep in your head at once. And it was for a two minute workout, two and a half minute workout. So i think it was just like a very frantic kind of paced workout but that had a weird level of precision in it so i thought it was funny because a lot of guys some of the analysts were joking with us afterwards like how how did brent and i be the two fastest guys in that like fast explosiveness rebounding workout and i just i was joking that it's because all the other guys never played real sports. I was going to say you look like an athlete out there. I mean, that's what it basically, it exposed that you were a real athlete. I mean, you looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:53 A lot of guys have not done a lot of lateral movement. And I mean, to be fair, I haven't in a long time either, really. But I did a lot of lateral movement and explosive jumping and things like that in my life. So I think that stuff's in there still. It's good to expose some of those holes because I think some of that stuff in a lot of the modern CrossFit athletes training is lacking. We're really good. It shows in heavy weightlifting events. Some of these 20-year-old kids are clean and jerking like 385.
Starting point is 00:21:31 That's absurd but like you know they some of the basic athleticism skills are not necessarily very good so um i think it's good it was in a bit of an exposing component in that regard but it was it was fine i didn't expect to like win it but um i figured if i was clean it would be fine that was more of the focus is like, be clean. Don't make a mistake. And if you do that, you're probably okay. So, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:21:49 uh, we are so lucky that you take our calls, uh, 30 minutes before the event. I can't thank you enough, Pat. You're the man. No sweat guys.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We'll see you later. All right. Thanks again, dude. Bye. Bye. Bye. Uh,
Starting point is 00:22:00 if, if you don't, uh, follow Pat Vellner, you should, that's crazy that we get an athlete of his caliber on 30 minutes before the event Eric Weiss thank you
Starting point is 00:22:10 so much this is the only real media organization I trust good luck in the team competition Patty V thanks Eric Jacqueline Robinson always fuck both you guys Eric and Jacqueline you guys are so generous to the show thank you $10 and both you guys, Eric and Jacqueline. You guys are so generous to the show. Thank you. $10.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And Sarah Ulusoy, $4.49. By the way, she gave you a comment, Taylor, on YouTube. I don't know if you saw it. We were kind of making light yesterday of... Okay, here we go. Here's
Starting point is 00:22:43 Brian Fenn. Brian, hi. Talk to you later on. Yeah, I'm hurting. were kind of making light yesterday of uh okay here we go here's brian friend brian hi talk to you later yeah i'm hurting i'm really not looking forward to it sorry hi hi who's hurting who's not looking forward to what uh let's not worry about that all right that's what i figured you'd say do i know that athlete that voice is very familiar you know that athlete? That voice was very familiar. You know the athlete? Yes. She's from North Carolina? Yes. Yeah, I know who that was.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Brian, it looks like. It's good that you actually know something. Okay. Okay. Brian, it looks like the leaderboard has changed back. It has changed again, but not back to what it was last night exactly. No. So is it correct now, you think? Or we should
Starting point is 00:23:29 just wait until a couple more days? Now it's correct. And what happened with... I could have sworn Emma Carey was going into that final double back-to-back in ninth place. No, she entered the double back-to-back in fifth place. After the first part, she was in ninth place. After the second part, double backpack in fifth place. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:46 After the first part, she was in ninth place. After the second part, she was in third place. Interesting. Okay. Okay. These things happen, Brian, right? Someone just with a big thumb accidentally hit the keyboard or something? No, there was a data entry error yesterday during the lifting event in the morning for one male athlete and sort of score of 370 pounds it
Starting point is 00:24:12 shouldn't have been that it should have been 337 i don't know who the athlete was it doesn't necessarily matter you want anybody on when they maybe it was that when they changed uh when they changed that obviously something changed and everyone took notice of it uh and then the people who needed to know found out about it and addressed it and made sure that we got everything right had a little meeting and now it is what it will continue to be uh brian um any we just had velner on the show and we uh we were talking about how his body feels have you heard he says it is a little bit uh sore he says his legs are sore now and he thinks his chest will be sore tomorrow morning he also said that for him and fatowski
Starting point is 00:24:56 the jitters have completely left and you know it's interesting that jeff adler you know all the athletes come there with jitters but jeff adler is going to have to deal with those jitters and all the new athletes are going to have to deal with those jitters in the first event. But he also was speculating that some of the people who committed to team are now going to drop out, that it's just going to be too much for them. I don't know what they're going to do, but I don't think very many of them are excited about competing again today. Right. OK. And that's kind of the impression. I asked Vellner, hey, are you's kind of the impression I asked Vellner, hey, are you tripping?
Starting point is 00:25:26 But you just pushed that out of your head, he goes, hey, I'm not gonna be a coward So Well, it depends on who the athlete is And there's a difference between being a coward and making a decision That's gonna set you up for a successful season Or not Meaning you could push yourself too hard Now and hurt yourself, and like people are
Starting point is 00:25:42 Spinning up a story that it would be best for their games. Ask it on 7. People are spinning up stories in their head that, hey, it would be better for my game season if I didn't push through the teams. I need to think about myself. I think that that's something that they should definitely be thinking about, yeah. Right, right. It's interesting now to think about it though after you do two days of hard competition it's hard to tell what stories are real that your brain is
Starting point is 00:26:10 spinning up versus what are uh just excuses not to push through correct uh i mean you spoke to velner i've spoken to half a dozen of the athletes that are coming off individual competition and supposed to do the team competition today and another half dozen that did individual and are not doing the team and the story is the same the legs in the back are feeling it like you said with the cat you know the upper body's probably going to be feeling it tomorrow and the guys that are not doing it are very grateful that they're not doing it right hey do you why do you think that they signed up for team you think it's just like when you order too much food at a restaurant,
Starting point is 00:26:45 it's just their eyes were bigger than their stomach, you know? I mean, I think that the difficulty and volume of each individual competition, the two-day team and two-day individual is a little bit more than expected. Someone in the comments here, Brian, says, Asevan is calling them all pussies. I'm definitely not calling them pussies. I'm just tripping on the fact that it must be pretty crazy tension between what you've committed, especially if you have like if you have three guys who already did. this before everything began. You know what it feels like to end the competition. Like there's an element of relief of accomplishment of achievement of fatigue. And it's, it's just, in my mind, it's not reasonable to expect anyone to wake up the next morning and enter into another high level competition. I couldn't agree more. Couldn't agree more. Hey, it's like that for the
Starting point is 00:27:38 media last night. I was like, fuck, we're done. And then I think wake up this morning and I'm like, most media. And I'll say this, some media are good to go i feel i felt great that was able to rebound and immediately focus on the teams i do think that there's a couple athletes that might be able to do that but that list is very small uh rebecca thanks everyone for the team for the amazing coverage uh from brian's bottom of brian's heart rebecca thank you very much uh for the. Hey, so if your team, what should an athlete do? I understand if you're on a team with all people who did individual, then you guys can come to the conclusion together to pull out. But let's say you have two guys who are, let's say you want to pull out,
Starting point is 00:28:16 but two of the guys are just showing up for team. How do you mitigate? How do you not mitigate? There's several different scenarios uh within the context of the one you just asked about so yeah it depends how you qualified and who the athlete is that wants to sit out because you if you you know you could fill in with someone there's there are plenty of people here that probably could fill in and do it obviously they might not be of the same caliber but then some of the teams wouldn't meet the prequalification process.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And then I don't know where the, what would happen from there. This guy has an amazing Brian's nailing the tactical Dave aesthetic and apathy. Yeah. He's, he's working it right. He's working the he's working the angles right now. I truly appreciate it. Brian, the, is it, is it a, is it a runaway victory for this team this male team of uh travis mayor uh no olsen and chandler smith now that we've seen that these other teams are beat up no i mean i think that sam cornway and taylor christopher are as fit as they've ever been and if rich froning is the least fit guy on your team i think think you have a chance. Right. Right. Uh, Taylor, uh, do you have any questions for a Mr. Friend? Nope. Alrighty. Hey dude. Uh, thank you very much. Thanks for checking in.
Starting point is 00:29:32 We're lucky to get you in these mornings. Uh, you're, you're killing it. Thank you. You guys are killing it. See you later. All right, brother. Bye. We have to report on everything. Want to break down this next workout no one get their panties in a twist we have to report on shit like when the leaderboard's fucked up we like that that's fun that gives us i'm seeing athletes alternate legs on the pistol squats that gives us 15 minutes of things to talk about that might be because this is the RX division, right? Most likely, actually, yes. Let's ask Heidi here real quick. Heidi.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Hi. Hi. Good morning. Thanks for being there. Are these the RX and not the Elite? That's true. These are the RX teams for men, and they are not alternating legs, and they're getting pretty messed up by it.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Oh, they're not? Okay. Okay. All right. Thank you. Thank you. alternating legs and they're getting pretty messed up by it oh they're not okay okay all right thank you thank you okay so they are not alternating and they're getting messed up i did ask my son yesterday to do 42 pistols and he did 10 on each leg and he's like i'm good i suspect uh this is gonna take a toll uh 42 What's the most you've ever seen on one leg? The games in competition.
Starting point is 00:30:51 The games when they had the, man, I forget the rep scheme, but it wasn't more than 15. I think it was 12 each side or eight or maybe 10. And then the most we've ever seen in a workout was at Atlanta at the 2020 CrossFit Games, which was 200. Alternating. 200 alternating with a vest. Okay, I want to put this in perspective for you. Well, let's let Taylor go through the workout.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Taylor Self, SMTP Programming, talked to us about the first elite team workout at wadapalooza 2022 so we've got a waterfall style or relay style event sorry not waterfall relay style uh at three two one go the first athlete is going to start their portion of the workout and they're going to go right to the handstand push-up station they'll kick up they've got 42 handstand push-ups most of these elite athletes are going to do them all unbroken and then they shit yeah for sure can they get yep okay they'll hit those 42 handstand push-ups you don't have to say kip on there if it doesn't say it's it's open wide open okay typically if it doesn't designate strict or deficit or a parallette or any implement it's just going to be a regular kipping handstand push-up and they can take breaks not unbroken correct they can take breaks yeah okay um so they're
Starting point is 00:32:09 going to do 42 reps and then they're going to advance and perform a 420 foot shuttle run i believe that's going to mean they have seven lengths of a 60 foot floor or 14 lengths of a 30 foot floor. Um, it looks like 30 feet. So they'll go down and back seven times. Then they'll tag their teammate in, uh, their athlete to athlete two will advance to their pistol squat station.
Starting point is 00:32:43 They'll hit 42 pistols i believe they'll do 21 on each leg they'll do 21 on the right 21 on the left um and then they'll again advance to their 420 foot shuttle run they'll tag athlete three athlete three will move to the pull-up bar for two chest bar pull-ups then they'll advance the shuttle run after athlete three finishes their shuttle run they'll tag athlete one back in okay so here's my question can you switch up or does it have to be the same person we don't know we're gonna assume it's gonna be the same person okay so they're gonna tag after a good question for brian yep they're gonna tag that athlete back in they'll hit the same exact thing same exact format except for the shuttle run they'll do a
Starting point is 00:33:25 240 meter row do you think they'll hit the second set on broken too no and i think i don't think all will hit the second set on broken i think the teams that win uh or the teams that come close to winning will hit both sets close to unbroken meaning but both sets meaning the chest to bar and the handstand push-up um i think there are some athletes that have the capacity without a doubt to do all of these movements unbroken on the teams and maybe a handful that are going to be really good at the pistol squats unbroken i think jeff hadler is one of them i think if noah is elected to do his pistol squats. And that's the movement he does. He has the potential to do both of those sets unbroken. Hey, I'm guessing Travis Mayer for pistols, no?
Starting point is 00:34:12 No, I would guess Travis Mayer for chest-to-bar. And I would guess Chandler Smith potentially for either handstand push-up or pistol. And Noah Olsen handstand push-up or pistol. I would guess on Pat's team, Adler does the pistols without a doubt. And Pat does probably the handstand pushups because Brent, I don't know, Brent's not great at handstand pushup or chest-to-bar relative to the field.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And that's, again, that's so relative to the field. He's just longer, and I'm not sure which he's worse at. He works a lot on handstand pushups, and Pat is really good at chest-to-bar, so they may elect to have Pat on the chest-to-bar, Brent on the handstand push-up, and Adler on the pistol. We'll see if that plays out right. There was a question here really quick. Is Brian Snarky, is Brian Fran generally Snarky? We, in our group, it's an intense intense group and there's probably 15 of us.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And we are, uh, it is not a place for the faint of heart. I will tell you that. I don't know if he's generally snarky, but, uh, we definitely go hard.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Uh, the floor is 11 yards across down and back is 22 yards, 44 feet. The MVP. And this is not easy for me to say. Sorry. 11 yards across, that's 33 feet. Okay, so that'll be interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:31 The MVP of the Wadapalooza 2023 Media Awards, I think the MVP, unless something happens to him and he were to die, Caleb, it's in the private chat, to uh brian spin of barbell spin if you do not follow this guy you have to see this video that he shot of uh gui malheros this looks like it was shot with an iphone it is the best footage we have of the 395 pound lift it is a hundred times better than the footage the crossfit games has the crossfit games and this is a guy who spent 250 on an air ticket and is sleeping on someone's fucking couch probably sharing it with another guy sleeping opposite directions making sure not to go uh pull the hole right it's pull the pole hold the hole hold the hole pull the the video he has on
Starting point is 00:36:22 his instagram of this lift is absolutely remarkable. There's people all over, including the CrossFit games. I think who are taking screenshots of his video and reposting it. This guy is killing it. Not only that, but he's in the comments, giving us updates on the length of the floor because we were sitting in our cushy chairs.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Taylor has someone rubbing his feet right now. Yeah. And yeah. And Caleb has his feet right now. Yeah. And yeah. And Caleb has his feet in warm sand. Cold sand. Sorry. Where are you, dude?
Starting point is 00:36:55 I don't know. I look. Okay. So I just want to tell you guys that we really appreciate people. Like I haven't seen Patrick Clark much this weekend, but he's usually great in the comments. And when we have people like a spin in the comments updating us on the on the floor dimensions it's crazy it adds so much to the show um hey that seems like a crazy thing for the judges to have
Starting point is 00:37:15 to count for a shuttle run that's only fucking you have to go back and forth seven times I mean, right? No. Yeah, that's a lot of room for error. Yeah. That's probably one of the harder movements to judge, just counting-wise. Right? I don't know. If you have a scorecard and you just make a tick at every down and back, it's not that bad.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Is that how it works? Not sure how they do it. They definitely have, they definitely have a scorecard and a pen. I'd be surprised if they didn't do that. And I don't think this workout is one on the shuttle runs unless you're extremely fast. Um, I think for athletes, the workouts one on speed of repetition on the gymnastic movements.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So basically this shuttle run is just to get the heart rate up and annoy people. The best athletes will all move relatively quickly on it. And the teams that aren't very fit, it'll show on the shuttle run. Uh, seven, just say my name for no reason.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I can think of two reasons to say your name, Constance. All right. Uh, don't forget Trish. Don't forget, Trish. We have Trish in the comments. It's extra special. You're right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:35 The barbell spin. The judges are not making tick marks while judging right now during the shuttle run. Well, I'm sure someone's's probably gonna fuck it up it's year of the shuttle run uh mr self you agree no i think anytime you see something released in the open people adopt it pretty heavily and frequently in the year or two years to come following. So I don't know that it's a year of the shuttle run. I remember when wall walks were released and everyone was doing wall walks again.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Dear Adrian Bosman, quit trying to make shuttle runs happen. I love shuttle runs because it's a way to include running in an online competition and running is you know arguably the most important human skill and fitness that you could possibly possess you know what's kind of cool about it for crossfit too is like we don't really do much direction change no and in shuttle runs it's more about especially in this style of running it's more about direction change and acceleration than anything your pace in the middle of the shuttle run is not as important as how quick you turn around and get back up to speed. And that gets the heart rate up a lot. Yeah. It is interesting by the way, we'll look when these guys turn, how much some of these guys lean, that's gotta be the most efficient way to do it. Right. I mean, they are like at a 45 degree angle when they turn,
Starting point is 00:40:01 look at this guy in the blue here. Yep. Yep turns his angle is yeah he's moving he's good at shuttle runs yeah he knows what he's doing and then what and then both your feet have to cross the line uh both your feet have to cross the line and you have to touch with one hand behind the line i saw fikowski actually in one of his show runs yesterday uh or the day prior he would touch with backhand, and his front hand would also hit the ground in front of the line, and it looked like a really efficient way to change direction. So he would place both hands on the ground. Both feet would cross the line. He'd put one hand down behind the line and touch just on the line
Starting point is 00:40:37 or over the line with his other hand to help him change direction and then push off. He was moving. I mean, there's got to be someone who's cracked the code in some other sport already on these right look at look at guys who run the the shuttle in the nfl the 5105 and all that yep they're crazy good at it they break it down to science basically yeah there's like whole um training programs just to make the 510 five year better part of the combine.
Starting point is 00:41:16 We are 13 minutes away from the start of the team's event. One, our takeaways are that a lot of the athletes are having buyers regret, right? Taylor. A lot of the athletes. Yes. Are having buyers regret. I think there are some that are excited, some that are going to have fun. I think Pat's probably one of those, but we'll see how the weekend plays out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Let's take a quick look at the leaderboard. Let's go over the teams here real quick. We'll start with the men's. There are no scores in the leaderboard, obviously, because the the event hasn't started but we'll give you a refresh i from what i'm hearing these um these uh events are going to be broken up into two uh giant heats is that what you're hearing too i haven't heard anything on the heats okay uh so we'll just scroll down uh oh oh we can't see them by names. Let me find Brian's post.
Starting point is 00:42:07 He has the names on there. Oh, okay. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be much better. Let's look at the team names, though. Go back to that if you can while we're sitting here.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Some of these team names, we can make fun of them while Caleb's pulling up the post. Three Poppies Latinos. Not bad. A-O-D-X Boys with Feelings. Not sure what that means. Hey,. AOD X-Boys with feelings. Not sure what that means. Hey, that's got to be Com Porter's team. Can you click on that? I just see feelings.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Oh, we don't see shit. Yeah, feelings. Oh, no. Oh, Harry Lightfoot. Damn. They're LaBoys. Canadian PB&J. That's definitely going to be Pat's team. Pat, PB, and J. That's definitely going to be Pat's team.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Pat, Brent, and Jeff. Daddy's Angels. Wow. Oh, wow. You can see the teammates up here. That's awesome. Okay. Let's go to three poppies Latinos.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Who are these guys? Oh, they got an Escobar on there. Joe? No, not the same guy i'm thinking of is it joe two guys from uh chile and a joe piero from the usa okay let's go down to gilman athletics good dudes crash crash click on. Who do we got here? Oh, wow. Okay. They're competing under JR's gym. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Not CrossFit Naples. Cool. Hey, that means JR had to give him some money, right? Had to buy him an orange juice or something. I'm sure he helped out. Potentially. I don't know. Is he coaching that team?
Starting point is 00:43:45 No, he's not even there. Okay. LSKD. I would assume that is cons team. Nope. Wow. Cons team is the boys.
Starting point is 00:43:56 The boys. I want to see this. I want to see this website. LSKD. Oh, wait, I take it back. Is that,
Starting point is 00:44:03 what do you think that stands for? I think it's just the boys. No. LSKD. Oh, wait. I take it back. What do you think that stands for? I think it's just the boys. No, Lskd. Oh. Do you know? No. I can go to... Little Small Kitty Dick?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Wow. Wow. I hope not. God, I hope not. Little Small Cons Dick? Maybe. kiddie dick wow wow i hope not god i hope not little small cons dick yeah maybe like sucking oh it's called it's loose kid it's loose kid loose kid is an australian owned and operated brand that prides itself in producing high quality functional sportswear with a street aesthetic pull that up how do you know it's Loose Kid? It says on their website, ever since our formation in 2007, we've never been
Starting point is 00:44:48 content setting for the norm. I fuck with that. Loose Kid? You wear their stuff? You like it? They sent me some stuff, and it was pretty nice. I picked out these cotton shorts. They're almost like pajama hangout shorts.
Starting point is 00:45:04 The only thing I... And this is probably how I have like a fucking 1950s washing machine, but they shrunk so much. So like the inseam presses up in between my testicles. Oh, that's not good. Aside from that, but that's my fault. I have a shitty washing machine,
Starting point is 00:45:17 but their stuff is nice. Hey, we, uh, we strongly value the community we've created. Do, do clothing companies create communities? Maybe their community of influencers.
Starting point is 00:45:29 They have some cool people on board, I'm pretty sure. I really like the pictures. There are pictures on their website. It's like a similar kind of brand approach, marketing approach to Rad Global. I like LSKD. They're super cool, and their stuff is really really nice i hate the word marketing rad left me on red in their dms and lskd sent me some apparel so i like lskd put them on hey have you ever i have this uh ariel lowen sent me some born primitive
Starting point is 00:46:00 joggers nice absolutely the nicest i can't i can't take them off those are the best joggers ever really i got i gotta get some it's fucking nuts i can't even believe i wear joggers i never thought in my life i'd be a jogger person you can like work out in them and have no issues with mobility i also got a pair of shorts from lskd that like that they look like like the color looks like a gray denim but they're like a workout board short. They're so nice. Not those scroll down. Hey, can you put on those shorts to split your testicles in half? And I want to see if it changes your voice.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Wads on the strato type of. Do you know what that is? A strato. Yeah, it's pretty. Yeah. Strato is like chop the balls off a kid when he's little so he keeps his voice up yeah how fucked is that speaking of castratos speaking of castratos hi john oh my god that's fucked you know what that is john a castrato no no it isn't it's like this
Starting point is 00:47:00 was from the early 19th century and prior to. They stopped doing it, I think, in the early 1800s. They would castrate children before they hit puberty, so they would keep their voice pitch. Oh, my gosh. One of my most favorite places I've shopped, and I've shopped fucking everywhere in the world. I feel like is a, one of those shithole knockoff,
Starting point is 00:47:27 uh, tracksuit shoots, tracksuit shops in Harlem. Wow. I don't, I would love to see what would happen to you if you walked in there, Caleb. So not Caleb,
Starting point is 00:47:36 uh, Taylor, dude, I grew up on the fucking streets. We would be boys. Hey, but let me tell you these, this shop is hard.
Starting point is 00:47:43 People would be, I wouldn't yet dude, you would stand out like a cherry on top of chocolate ice cream there's not i was the only white person out of like 500 people in there yeah but you don't have to be hard to go in there you don't have to like oh i'm hard i'm just hey i want to buy some shit and they're like yeah yeah you're right i'm just telling you money but whatever and it it's the most it's like just rip a store just full of rip-off tracksuits and it's like i can't even believe how it's heaven there's a business right next to our gym that sells rip-off like gucci and shit online it's just an online apparel company in the 1800s like they really did that so like if justin bieber was born
Starting point is 00:48:14 in the 1800s they would do that to him allegedly allegedly it happened to michael jackson and not they didn't they didn't like actually surgically gastrate him, but chemically. So that's, that's insane. They have interviews with his childhood pediatrician that they gave him some of the same drugs that they're giving kids now for transition therapy, like hormonal transitions. Crazy shit, dude. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:39 That would explain so much. I mean, it works. It's insane. The comments are going to kill me. i kind of am a conspiracy theorist i like all that shit uh primitive hormone blockers medieval times tony andrews i um you know what's crazy is i never i've never listened to justin bieber in my life and about three days ago i i just decided i would get to know his music and i've listened to like 200 songs in the last three days while I work out of Justin Bieber songs.
Starting point is 00:49:08 It's actually pretty good shit. While you're working out? Yeah, while I'm working out. When I'm in there with my kids, yeah. Jay Biebs? Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Jay Biebs. I put videos on. There are some celebrities that just put on this fucking facade of being so hard.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And it's just like, no. Do you get that from him? I don't get that vibe from him. He has face tattoos, doesn't he? Yeah, yeah. Get the fuck out of here, dude. He's fucking silver spoon fed. Did you know he's good at skateboarding?
Starting point is 00:49:43 I don't keep up with him. He is good at skateboarding? No, he's not. He's average. He's average. Okay, Taylor. Hey, Sousa's a pretty good skateboarder. I'm taking Sousa's. Sousa's fucking getting bummed that I'm shitting on his boy.
Starting point is 00:50:01 RB, I just told my wife that I love this show because it's honest and unfiltered it's what we need with everyone worried about being politically correct thank you but since you guys started talking about bieber i hate you guys adios oh that hurts our fever seven and seems to have bieber fever i'm a believer don't take that away from me hey uh i was talking to someone the other day uh who spent a bunch of time in prison, and he says a face tattoo means one thing. Yeah, now it means you're a puss. Yeah, it means that you took it in the dumper as a kid. That doesn't mean you took it in the dumper as a kid.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Yeah, I think it does now. Why don't I have any face tattoos? There's time, buddy. It's not exclusive. It's a correlate. There's time. There's time buddy it's not exclusive it's a correlate there's time there's time oh shit there's time uh what you know one of our dear friends i shouldn't say his name because he's told me never to say but he has a massive tattoo on his head that's what i want but he's let his hair grow over it so you can only see it when he shaves his head i kind of want a skull tattoo no dude you remember sons of anarchy the fucking dude who had the mohawk and the two tattoos on the side yeah i can't draw a mohawk because all of my balding is right here so it would be like a patch and then maybe a little hawk in the back but
Starting point is 00:51:20 i've always wanted a head tattoo i bet it would hurt like fuck uh jedediah snelson one of the uh better guests we've ever had on the show i wasn't listening live earlier but i had to jump to live when i heard taylor saying running is one of the most important tools in fitness oh this is a guy in a wheelchair he's like fuck fuck you, bitch. Well, dude, you don't have to run anymore. You can move fast as shit. So it's like the same thing.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You covering ground in your wheelchair, equivalent to running. You just do it with your arms. Oh, my God. That's a great. That's calm. I wish we could. Can we pin comments? God, that one's good. Oh, oops.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I almost put him on timeout. Can you look up, Caleb, can you look up this comment? Jason Ellis head tattoo? Or is that the one from Sons of Anarchy? So this comment is intriguing me. Okay. Also, Caleb, we should pull up because we're one minute away from this event starting. Can we see what teams are taking the floor now?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Is there anywhere we can know that? Did y'all go through what the first event was and all that? Yeah, we did. Yes. Too late. Hey, I got a question, though, for you, John. John, do you know that if you're the guy who does the first round of pistols, if you have to do the second round of pistols?
Starting point is 00:52:37 I believe it specifies. It says athlete one, but I couldn't tell if athlete one. Yeah, if it's athlete one, I assume you're athlete one the whole time. So athlete one will do the hand athlete one the whole time so athlete one will do the handstand push-ups athlete two will do the pistols and athlete three will do the chest to bar so you're doing 84 of whatever movement you are at least that's how i read it we'll see how if they've specified any way differently but i don't know why they would say athlete one and athlete one you know what i mean okay hey dick butter i never said i was hard i'm actually a pussy uh he's not a pussy you're crazy that's
Starting point is 00:53:12 not true taylor is not a pussy yeah you're crazy if you think that not you i know why you're saying it but why okay i'm eating i'm about to take his place i'm about to start eating for those of you who have the eating podcast fetish i'll fast i'll fast until we get off okay uh any any quick picks any any uh quick picks you want to give us for uh okay 2023 tier water palooza miami elite teams event one start fast finish faster these are the team names uh in the darn it god i hate team names okay we can't give you much information about we'll just tell you as we see people out on the floor converse abc is a team name i really just want to go by the people's names i wish we could do that can we go to brian's post really quick i do know this um they have seeded the athletes
Starting point is 00:54:12 they have seeded the teams by the best teams going in the second heat so they've reseeded in a way that they didn't reseed the individuals and uh i'm so happy that they've done this this is going to be absolutely um it's going to be significantly better to watch as a fan you know they had that they had that snafu where they had uh roman krennikoff in lane 18 and pat velner in lane one and that was just nuts so we're not going to have that issue anymore we've got all american girls brookwells amanda barnhart christie aramo o'Connell. That's a tough team. And so are Gowad girls, who we have Emma McQuaid, Sola Sigurdadr, and Jackie Dahlstrom. That's an underrated team.
Starting point is 00:54:53 That team could win. That's an underrated team. The AKA humble killers for this workout. It's three gymnasts. Yeah, yeah. Also Invictus. Who's that? Who's that?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Sorry. Before you go to Invictus, who's that, the gymnast? Kerry Pierce, Ariel Loewen, and Alex Kazan. Wow. I mean, those are three people who do bodyweight movements all really, really good. What is Mal O'Brien's team name? Daughters and O'Brien?rien daughters and his daughters feet mob what is it daughters ft mob like featuring like a mal o'brien daughters featuring mal o'brien i don't see that
Starting point is 00:55:38 team name hey i think mal o'brien regardless is the winner of this week. She's going to realize how good she is this week. I mean, she should have done individual and this. I'm not seeing that team name on the leaderboard. What team name? Daughters Feet MOB. Unless I changed their name. I'm just going to go through. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Daughters Feet MOB. I got it. Do you think they invited sarah or an icelandic chick to be on their team and and it just didn't work out uh i don't know what the relationship is like between katrin annie and sarah i know katrin and annie are very very close but it doesn't seem like she it doesn't seem like those two women often collaborate with sarah on things so i'm not sure no yeah so katrin and annie are go to the same gym and sarah lives in a different town than them and i i don't think they're um unfriendly with each other but they do not associate together very often yeah hey they
Starting point is 00:56:40 should have called their team um mal Katrin, and Annie Paleface. Like, you know, or Pale Riders. Featuring Wednesday Adams? Yeah. What is this comment? What is this comment from? Can we scroll up on that Instagram post? What does the caption say?
Starting point is 00:56:59 And then what is that comment about? It's about Hopper's team being ranked fifth. This one? Oh, yeah. Reply and be like, that's... Hey, let's not talk... I don't want to talk about Jason Hopper on this show unless he's going to pay me. Oh, look at that reply.
Starting point is 00:57:14 We're not talking about him. What reply? What reply? Scroll up. What did Graham Scott say? Ah, like that comment. Like that. Like that. Graham Scott, oh, graham scott all that let's go
Starting point is 00:57:28 uh bob the live feed sucks ass again it wasn't bad yesterday was it yeah i was told to stop talking about the live feed so we're gonna shut the fuck up about that right wait why can't you talk about the live feed cuz man i brought it up to guido and you sucked his meat and threw me under the bus oh no no no that was kind of good yeah no no no no that was a good no no no that did happen i gotta run over yeah but listen listen it's just because guido wasn't the right guy to talk about he doesn't have anything to do with it but but i think look at this point we know it's not hey but if's down, I want to know because I want to. Yeah, we want to stream. It's good right now. Yeah, I want to stream.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Yeah. Are pistols in the same leg? Yes, they are. 42 on the right leg and then 42 on the left leg? No, I believe it's 21 right, 21 left. Okay. Okay, guys, the women are off. It is the first heat.
Starting point is 00:58:22 I don't recognize any of the faces out there there's a red-headed girl that looks like uh emily abbott the version two competing in this heat again yeah as soon as i'm done talking wait till i when i finish the sentence then you say can you tell me the teams that are competing not in the middle of my sentence okay go ahead yeah there you go hey i don't care it's the people listening care you know what i mean like let's try not to talk over yeah who uh i have all the team names with their people so like if we can pull up the teams competing i can tell everybody who's in on those teams now here we go scandi fling in first place milford monsters oh wow uh do you have the stream up uh yeah john oh i do john i'm watching no no i don't have to
Starting point is 00:59:09 stream up no i'll put i'll give it to you in private chat okay and for those of you who want to watch the stream that we're watching i'm going to throw it in the comments know that you have to refresh it regularly or you will uh you'll be screwed uh what's up suza how are you i'm i'm good i just got are you? I'm good. Are you guys sure they're taking the floor? They just did the call for them to gather here now. No, they're going. That's heat, too, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Oh, shit. Their stream is down. Their stream is down. No, it's not, is it? It's back up. It's back up. So right now, Janie Garrett. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Their stream is down. Sorry, John. Go ahead. So right now, Janie Garrett. Oh, shit. Their stream is down. Sorry, John. Go ahead. Scandi Fling is in first right now, correct? Yeah, they're already on the row portion of their workout. They're six minutes into the workout. That's Janie Garrett, Frederica Franson, and then it just says Oakley. No less. No, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:05 no less. Hey, I must've not been listening to you because I don't remember there being a row portion of the workout. It's the second portion. So it's 42 handstand pushups, 420 foot shuttle run, tag the next guy in 42 pistols, 420 foot shuttle run,
Starting point is 01:00:19 tag the next guy in 42 chest to bar 420 foot shuttle run tag. The first athlete back in. They go back through that same thing, just with a row for the second round. Okay. Fair. Conkers, BBC, is Brittany Morella, Christine Middleton, and Brooke Haas. Brooke Haas is on SMTP.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Are you allowed to say that? Yeah, man. She posts my stuff all the time. If she's on it, why wouldn't she be allowed? What team is Michelleelle basnet on hey who's that girl with the red hair who's in the screen right now that's when you're that's that chick's doing smtp no not the girl with the red hair michelle basnet is on mza at wza they're not going yet zoe warren ashley shoemaker semi-finalist not sure about zoe warren and ashley that's uh micah's wife right micah shoemaker yes uh heidi i got a quick question for you yeah is there a difference Is there a significant difference for the athletes who are competing in the shade versus the sun?
Starting point is 01:01:28 We saw this in Los Angeles, and there would be like a 20-degree difference on the field. Do the guys in the shade have a significant advantage? I would say so. The shade is significantly colder than the sun right now. Sorry, go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. I was just going to say, as soon as the shade came over i gotta chill and i gotta put my second sweatshirt on okay and then over there in the sun it's short sleeve
Starting point is 01:01:52 weather yeah yeah okay i think the workout's short enough where that shouldn't play a big factor yeah i don't have to... They can reset after their pistols. They don't have to stay in the air the whole time. They have to do their areas, watching them run after they finish their pistols. Like their legs don't work? The one leg is just broken.
Starting point is 01:02:23 The other leg's fine, but the one leg that they were just doing pistols on that they just finished doing them it's dead yeah it looked like she was wearing high heels right literally yeah looks like she was walking the catwalk uh what were you saying john you were in the middle of something so like they um the pistols they let them reset every time like you can put that leg, like the leg that's in the air. You can retouch the ground. I think that's much easier to do than at the games. They made you do 10 pistols on the right leg, 10 pistols on the left, but you're not allowed to touch the ground or you have to restart.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I personally like it the way Water Palooza is doing it better just because it becomes more of a who can balance the best. I know pistols are a balancing movement in the first place but it's also a leg endurance movement and um i think it's better what's the word i'm looking for better tested your pistol ability whenever you can reset every time rather than you're just more balanced than somebody else. Okay. What about the fact that you have to be very careful that you don't put your foot down before you stand all the way up or else you get the no rep? Yeah. And I think judges should be
Starting point is 01:03:37 very strict on that. I think the judging should look for that and they should be very strict on that fact because they do get to reset. But that enforces better movement quality and all that stuff. Right. I apologize. I'm looking down at my phone trying to see some text messages at the same time. Oh, okay. You're on.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I just saw your text from you. What are you doing in this video you sent me god that looks dangerous a stupid gym thing wow god i've never seen anyone do that before all right you squatted two bars at the same time i was just uh overhead squat and back squat at the same time somebody somebody showed me somebody doing that and i was like i can't be that hard but it looks hard uh 68 likes who wants to be 69 unsporty beth what a great photo that is uh so nice to have chase on the broad uh broadcast okay so it looks like a bill grundler is out he's finished up with individual and now uh chase ingram is in and sean woodland will work all the way through crazy four days straight i don't know
Starting point is 01:05:03 how sean does it hey susan something's wrong with your phone dude just so you know your stream is you're about one uh frame rate per second all right let me restart my phone say bye okay what's the time playing scandy finished just finished there's a minute and a half to go um let me see who that is real quick that is janie garrett frederique franson and then um somebody oakley i don't i don't recognize any of those girls from the individual comp unless is that page? No, no, none of the, no, I just, I just read off who they were. Oh, those are those girls who are on the screen. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yeah. Yeah. If you don't recognize the names and we don't know who they are. Um, I want to show you something in an interview that Brian spin, uh, did with a page. Did you guys see that by any chance yesterday uh is it the one where she just says she doesn't get talked about yeah i'm the one who sent you that oh you did yeah yeah it was kind of funny it was funny i thought it was really funny where is is that on youtube or is it on um it's on brian spin's instagram oh on his instagram yeah let's play that a second because i i i feel her i understand
Starting point is 01:06:33 totally what she's saying and uh and i kind of want to respond to it i mean she's a fantastic athlete on one hand you would think why doesn't she get a lot of attention but she's kind of trapped in no man's zone when you have people like coltonton Mertens or Kerstetter or Emma Lawson or I don't know, Jason Hopper, you have these people and then you have her who's kind of caught in no man's land. By that, I mean there's a lot of people who are really good like her, and there's nothing about her that just stands out. I mean look at Scott Panchik or Travis Mayer. They're kind of stuck in this – That's a good analogy. They're kind of stuck in this no-man's land.
Starting point is 01:07:14 They're so fucking good, and the great people wouldn't have a name if they didn't get to beat people like Scott Panchik. But let's play this. Let's play this. This is Paige Semenza being interviewed by Brian Spinn. brian spin is the nvp media outlet the barbell spin for the 2023 wadapalooza event okay action i came out of nowhere on that well that's kind of a you know i'm not gonna talk about you or anything like that on social media you're gonna come out of nowhere right so just even like the event we didn't see and then last, you're going to come out of nowhere, right? Well, just even with the event, we didn't see you. And then the last, you know, you got to, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:46 a little dark horse, I guess. I honestly, I was shooting for a home run on that. So I kind of called it before the week, just short of a full home run, you know. But I came out pretty close. So just sticking to a plan. You can try.
Starting point is 01:08:03 You can try in your real house. Yeah, I can find it. Anything right. Just here to test my fitness. You are not against everybody. Have some fun. Thanks, Brian. Yeah, look, she's totally approachable. She's appreciative of Brian speaking to her. I don't want to say she's frustrated, but it was on the tip of her tongue to say when you don't get a lot of social media attention.
Starting point is 01:08:29 She's absolutely worthy of it it's just hey man there's just you know we're tripping more on there's only so much bandwidth we have and we're tripping on some other people she's in a tough spot she's in a tough spot maybe she needs to like wear uh clothes that are too small or she needs to win the games or she needs to be six inches shorter i mean she's just a regular amazing fucking person right she's she's just a right you're just a regular super amazing person uh but uh but i appreciate what she's saying i'm not hating on her it's like she's put into work she's the real deal right guys i mean that's uh you could wake this girl up at fucking three in the morning have have her come outside and do Fran and she'll be fucking beat at eight billion of the eight billion and ten people on planet Earth. Right. Yeah. I mean, she's she's one of the fittest women in the world, but there's just she's not top 10 fittest in the world. And it's hard to like you said, it's hard to talk about everybody, but I like that. She said it, it felt personal.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah. And I'm glad that it is personal. You know, she starts winning events. She'll get talked about more and that's what she did. That's why we're talking about. The thing is though, the thing is though, there are athletes that are not even close to top 10 fittest in the world that get so much media attention. And I think it's just them putting an effort in to market themselves. I know you hate the word marketing, but maybe that's the wrong word, but they, they take to social media and Instagram a lot more than other people. And if she's not investing in that, then it's hard to get people to follow you.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And some people are just more marketable than others. And it's not, that might not be fair, but Colton Mertens is five foot three with a mullet and doing things that five foot three people should never be able to do. And we get to wash some hoes' shit off the side of a barn at 4 in the morning before he works out, which is cool. There's a place they sell pigs. He's from freaking Iowa.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Like, you know, that's Marco. Okay, the second heat of women. But, Paige, thank you. You know, I'm a fan. I'm a fan. I'm a fan. Yeah, look at Shia Dance. She's strong as fuck. The second heat is getting ready to go.
Starting point is 01:10:31 They've all taken the floor. The fans are on their feet. Oh, it does look cold there. People are in the shade or jacketed up. Heidi's not joking. Do you want me to read off who these people are? Let's do it. Okay, Kolesnikov.
Starting point is 01:10:46 It's a bunch of Russian names that I don't know how to say. Sorry, Kolesnikov. The Russian team. Yeah. Team Savage is Lindsey Grassis, Daniel Oliveri, Elena Savage. Invictus Chicks is Lauren Stallwood, Emily Rethwell, and Allie Weiss. If at any point you want to talk about anybody, just speak up. I just have to show you this.
Starting point is 01:11:10 This is fucking incredible. This chick is going to do 40. These chicks are just crushing the handstand push-ups. Look at this. Oh, that chick's done. Oh, they're fucking racing. These chicks are racing. Sorry, John. These chicks are racing sorry John these chicks are racing did you
Starting point is 01:11:27 see that I didn't know it was going to be like that oh yeah the whole entire way so best buds and scuds that's who's in the lead right now that's Allison Scuds Christine best and Elena Buds and they're in the lead behind them is team sweets it's Maria Langford
Starting point is 01:11:44 Ella Canona and Hannah Carlson. Everyone likes Hannah Carlson a bunch. Yeah, huge fan. Okay, after them, we got... John, let me throw one thing in here. If you want to see the difference in athleticism, there are some goofy motherfuckers out there right now changing direction. Yeah, shuttle runs reveal athleticism so much and i
Starting point is 01:12:07 appreciate that about that movement because i think i mean there were some there were some girls out there changing direction like i would imagine the pillsbury doughboy change direction like they changed direction like like they were obese when they're not obese you know what i mean like it was some goofy shit i would understand if it was after the pistols but this was after the handstand push-ups okay we got go wide girls in the lead now that's jackson dollstrom solo sticker daughter and emma mcquade i would expect them to murder this workout and how's the uh frame rate looking now did that solve the issue or is it still choppy? It's still pretty choppy.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, still choppy. It almost looks like you're not even like... Like it makes me think like... Yeah, no, it's very choppy. Very beautiful picture, clean picture. But like Heidi's is just a great frame rate. Maybe it's where you're standing, brother. It's going to be fun to see how fast Mal does these pistols uh who's on the who's the go-wad girls team again go-wad girls is jack and dostrom solo singer daughter and emma mcquade so you have
Starting point is 01:13:13 three games athletes on that team i expect them to just just i mean honestly just be better than everybody else there okay yeah they're crushing it there's no big names in the top five right now. So training culture has Oihana Moya Oliver, who competed in the individual. Oh, wait, how many heats are there? Probably four. Oh, okay, I was thinking there were just two heats. Are you sure there's just two heats? I'm not, but that's what I was told.
Starting point is 01:13:48 I don't think we've seen Mal O'Brien's team. Yeah, Mal O'Brien would be. We haven't seen Laura. We haven't seen Gabby's team. There might be at least a third. Yeah. Just look at how many rowers are on the floor. You would expect two heats. Maybe that's because of...
Starting point is 01:14:02 Yeah, Andrew Nistler's team hasn't been out there. Paige Semenza. Guys, one at a time. One at a time. How are you saying three heats right now? You had the floor, John. Go ahead. You had the floor. Paige Semenza's team will be in the next heat.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Carolyn Prevost's team. Hey, this MMA... will be in the next heat carolyn prevost team um hey this mm this goa team has not stopped well it's three games athletes this in this heat they are the only heat that have three games athletes on their team everybody else um maybe has one games athlete um just in totality about how fit they are they have by far the fittest team at least out on that out in this heat and emma mcclade won the end and emma mcclade won the individual last year correct she did yes oh shit i just saw someone get a no rep on the shuttle run here was that that team because they're behind now it's whoever's on the end uh closest to us in the uh video
Starting point is 01:15:06 and this invictus uh chicks team uh sorry john if you already said it who's on their team is it any of the games girls uh lauren stalwood emily rethwill and ali we Weiss. Is Emily the lady who won the Masters comp 35 to 39? No, that's Emily Laplin. No, that's Holden Rathwell's wife. Yeah, Holden Rathwell is a male games athlete from years past. Amelia Lepinen is the one who won the Masters. Okay, and she's not on that team? No.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Okay. It's interesting to see what team gets in the lead by which movement because go wad gets in the lead in the handstand push-ups and then um the on the pistols jacqueline dollstrom's team got in the lead and then on the uh up the chest bar the uh go wad girls got back in the lead. Jackie Dahlstrom and Emma McQuaid are on the same team. Yeah, and so is Sigurd Dottir. I mean, she's no slouch either.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Dude, I don't know what lane this is, but on the right side of the screen, there's a girl in the blue top who's just murdering. Yeah, she was cranking out handstand pushups just now. Hey, when she took a break, she didn't even stand all the way up. I would be
Starting point is 01:16:32 shocked if in the last heats, most of them don't just go unbroken on the handstand pushups. Yeah, so Jackie Dahlstrom, Emma McQuaid, and Sola are all on Team GoWOD, so it just appears that they're retaining the lead.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Bruce Wayne, that's the best team. It does look like the Best Buds, it's the first time I've seen them in first place. Who's on that team, Mr. Young? Best Buds is good. Allison Scuds, Christine Best, and Elena Buds. Okay. mr young yep go ahead allison scuds christine best and elena buds okay a scuds and a buds and christine best is a games athlete a scuds a buds and a best those are their last names wow scuds buds and best and who is that on the screen right now? Which one is she?
Starting point is 01:17:27 Christine Best. Okay. That rhythm is great. Yeah, those pistols are unreal, right? She's flying. And you got Dahlstrom on the right? Is that who that is? I think, yeah. It looks like Dahlstrom, yeah. Dahlstrom on the right? Is that who that is?
Starting point is 01:17:43 I think, yeah. It looks like Dahlstrom, yeah. And so they have the chest of our round after this and then they're done, right? Correct. Okay, if you want to see some comedy now, here's where you get to see them start running and where you'll see kind of that weird limp they start doing like
Starting point is 01:18:06 everyone looks like a like they're using a cane it doesn't look like they're doing 21 and 21 it looks like on round one when they have the shuttle run they do them all on the right leg and round two for the row these athletes are doing them all on the left leg that's hard that's brutal yeah okay and they're not doing a shuttle run i apologize they're just crossing the field but watch this in our shot it's crazy look at that she's yeah she's limping because i mean i've uh if anybody's ever done 100 pistols for time if you go all out on 100 pistols for time your legs are just shaking crushed after that and so if you're doing half of that on one leg that one leg never getting a rest it it's more damage than people would think oh i think it's pretty damaging
Starting point is 01:18:58 really you do taylor i guarantee there's a lot of people who can do pistols though that are just think oh it's just pistols it's way way more damaging than people think what do you mean by damaging just like it takes a toll on you oh okay okay but not not not injury no no like lactic acid fill up like your legs just fill up with the lactic acid really hard. Bruce Wayne, I just spit my bong water out. Ben Lett on the unicycle. Good morning from Australia. We got Best Butts and Scuds on the pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:19:38 They're the only team on the pull-ups. Here comes Dahlstrom's team. Do you think the top teams... It's going to come down to if this girl breaks. Yeah, do you think the top teams will do all 42 of these unbroken as well on the pull-ups? In both rounds? Yeah. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Do you ever bruise your chest doing so many chest-to-bar pull-ups? No. I don't. Emma McQuaid is for Gowod. Is that Emma McQuaid just to the left? In the white tank top. Oh, okay, okay. The girl to the left has a great cycle rate.
Starting point is 01:20:16 In the teal top? Yep. Yeah, who is that? I don't know who that is. Look at her team's just resting, full rest. Yeah. Emma McQuaid, I think we can expect to go unbroken. Okay, the GoWod girls are back in first place.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah, Emma McQuaid smashed that unbroken. She's going to take this home. If she got in the lead just in the first one, that other girl's going to blow up. Yeah, she's not going to lose the row to Elena Butts. There's no shot. Yeah. Emma McQ yeah she's not gonna lose the road to elena butts there's no shot yeah emma mcquade's a monster on the rower she's uh training she's training the u.s with sam briggs now is that the deal i believe so you know what is interesting look at the heels of the athletes and you see emma mcquade specifically her heels are coming up on the rower
Starting point is 01:21:00 and that's always a very cross-fitty way to row do you see the girl in the teal top see how her heels are staying planted yeah she leans over more that's that's the that's how you want to row mechanically efficient way to row and that's how rowers are going to teach you to row you get to engage your hamstrings and glutes more but crossfitters they get tired in the legs and they dump all of that into the into knee flexion and quads. Yeah, Emma McQuaid would probably have a little more power if she kept her heels down. Alex Bridgeforth, $1.99 damage control. I don't know what that means, but okay, yes. See how hard that girl with the heels down is pulling?
Starting point is 01:21:37 Just so much power. Way more powerful than... Oh, they're done. They're done. That was the last one. Okay. I think... Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:46 11 minutes. That was the last one. Okay. I think, wow, 11 minutes. That a girl. Yeah, 11 minutes flat, basically. And Allison Scud's team looks very happy with the second-place finish, which they should be. Well, this is in that heat. There's still another heat to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Ollana. See, she keeps her heels down. Well, so does the girl in the red. Uh, Mr. Sousa,
Starting point is 01:22:16 how's, uh, how's the scene building up there? It looks like shade is completely taken over the, uh, stadium. People are getting a reprieve from the sun. How is it out there in the sun? Yeah. When you get in the sun, it's super hot and earlier it was much cooler but
Starting point is 01:22:29 now it's a really nice temperature but yeah escaping the sun's important how's my frame rate is it is it better it's still super choppy much better much better okay okay i restarted the phone so i hope that'll work and then we got to test out our new audio solution i'm excited to see that uh if it works or not i think it will okay and uh have the uh have the uh men's team started uh warming up yet yeah i'm gonna go back there right now because i think they're they just showed up to where okay do you know how many heats are going we're hearing three heats from heidi who's on the floor do you know how many heats are going yeah that sounds right three heats okay and who's on the floor. Do you know how many heats are going? Yeah, that sounds right. Three heats. Okay. And do we have a charger
Starting point is 01:23:08 for Heidi's phone? Yeah, I think I'll get her one. Is she going to die? Is she having issues? No, I don't know. I didn't ask her, but I just thought of it just now when I had you on here. Dude, the line. So remember when I told you guys last night you couldn't get into that Flagler Stadium? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Because of the line? It's like tripled in size. Okay, yeah. Barbell Spin says there is a line to get into Flagler to watch. And so basically that means it's like a fire issue, right? That basically only if people leave can you go in. Yeah, exactly. Because once people get in and they get their seats, they're not coming off. If you just saw in the private chat, Heidi said she has a charger, so she's good to go.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Okay, cool. Hey, this is pretty awesome. You just entered that whistle? Yeah, that's why I came this way. I knew you'd be stoked about it. Oh, that's awesome. Can you turn around and show us that? I had no idea that thing was functional like that. Watch this turnaround. I'm going to make it so you guys aren't dizzy. Yeah, boy. Oh, shit, that is the whistle. Wow. Okay. Very cool. And so
Starting point is 01:24:12 that stair set that I just came goes down there. You see these guys are going. Goes out to there and then right behind that booth is the athlete check-in area. So they'll check in there and then they can export it around to those gates that I swung back behind last night
Starting point is 01:24:27 to get to the venue. Okay, hold on a second. I'm going to switch over to Heidi for a second. Heidi, these are the athletes exiting? Yep, so they just got done and they're leaving the floor now. The new heat will enter from the other side. The girls seemed pretty pumped.
Starting point is 01:24:47 How is the crowd? Is the crowd getting noisy? Not really. Everyone over here is shivering and cold right now. Okay, so if you're not in the sun, it is cold. If you're in the sun, it's too hot. It's like one of those days. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:25:03 And what time is it there right now? It's approaching 2 o'clock? Yeah, it's 4 minutes to 2. And so the sun won't come back onto the floor, obviously. Right. And the next event is in Bayside, and it looks to be that's over there in the distance, and that is still in the sun. So I think at the next event, we'll still be back to sunny weather. Okay, and we're hearing that there's a massive line to get in.
Starting point is 01:25:33 How did you get in and get such a good seat? So I just get here super early and just sit here for like an hour before they start. Okay, and what if you have to pee? I just hold it. Wow. God, you're a fucking champ. Caleb likes that. Caleb likes the thought of you holding it.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Very adult of you. Sevan, if you, I just figured out that if you have the stream up in another window and you have it in full screen mode. Yeah. And you slide out of that, but you keep it in full screen it doesn't fall behind uh thank you heidi explain that to me one more time what do i have to do so you know how yesterday when we were moving from the stream back to our show like on your computer how the stream would fall behind yeah if you have the stream maximized like in full window and you slide over then it doesn't fall behind max screen oh so if you if you make the video take up your entire screen you slide over it won't fall behind so the way i have it is i have the full screen of the stream um and if i swipe to the right
Starting point is 01:26:40 then i've got hours and it's staying up to date guys lane six through nine is absolute monsters let's hear it let's hear it all together wow uh let's hear it all american girls we got brookwell's amanda barnhart christy aramo the daughters as uh annie and captain annie thor's The daughters is Annie, Thor's daughter, Captain Davis' daughter, and Malibu Ryan. Team BPN is Laura Horvath, Gabby Magala, and Jamie Simmons. Humble killers is Carrie Pierce, Ariel Lohan, and Alex Ghazan. Oh, wow. Go ahead. Sarah Sigmund's daughter's on a team.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Yeah, they're on the Spacer Angels. Emily Rolfe was with that team, but she pulled out. And so now it's... Dude, Gabby McGaw was taller than Laura Horvat? They're about the same height. God, I would have thought Laura was way taller. Okay, they're getting ready to go. You got, like John was saying, you got Carrie Pierce, Gabby McGaw,
Starting point is 01:27:43 and Annie Thor's daughter doing handstands right next to each other. Holy shit, Carrie Pierce is on another level. ready to go you got uh like john was saying you got carrie pierce gabby magawa and annie thor's daughter uh doing handstands right next to each other holy shit carrie pierce is on another level she did she's the only person not kipping guys look at her doing strict in the pink flying do you think she'll go to kipping john yeah there she goes she just went to it yeah oh and one of her teammates is warming up pistols. So I think her game plan was to just do 20 as fast as she can and then to get out into a little of a lead and then go to kipping. Absolutely insane. Jeez, dude.
Starting point is 01:28:17 But they're not in first. Wow, who's that? That looks like... Not sure who that is. French girls? uh that okay and that girl not sure who that is french girls the french girls is alize andreani medigraner and marie robin okay there's a girl here in the fourth lane closest from the screen in purple shorts and a blue top with black hair now that's what an athletic fucking athlete looks like look at look at look at her turn. And then Alexis Raptors. Who is it?
Starting point is 01:28:47 Yeah. The white top. No blue top, purple shorts, blue top, uh, five. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:53 That's, that's what, and is that Amanda Barnhart next door in the black top and the black top with the purple shorts? Yeah. Yeah. Hey, she moves pretty good for fucking how big she is. I want to see Mal do her pistols i know mal's doing the pistols for them
Starting point is 01:29:10 they're not oh my god i love seeing all the variations of pistols how about this girl on the right here with the uh the poop uh colored uh shirt shirt yeah with that spin moves out that is i've never seen that that That's some ballet shit. I'm digging it. It's just not that fast. You think that slows her down? I think it slows you down a little bit. Where is... Gosh, could they zoom out?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Parady, please? No, they cannot. Is this the girls? Or is that team next to the Humble Killers? It's lane 9 and 10. aka humble killers and then french girls so very alone on the left and then french girls is on the right oh so so the girls are ariel lowenstein no no no no no ariel lowenstein is humble killers the girls the girls is alexis raptus Goffey and Christine Kohlabrander This looks like Fisa Goffey
Starting point is 01:30:07 Yeah that is Fia They're in the lead The med girls are right next to them Med girls is Elisa Fuliano Who did individual Antia Longo And Elena Curitala-Sanahua Who also did individual
Starting point is 01:30:22 Fia is very good at pistols Yeah she got a little A little limp to her too And Elena Curitala-Sanahua, who also did individual. Fia is very good at pistols. Yeah, she got a little limp to her, too. You see that? Oh, look at that girl in the yellow. She's feeling those pistols. That's Kira Milligan. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Also good at pistols, but not great at running. They're on chest-to-bar now. And this looks like... Christy O'Connell running with a smile that's colin brander yes good eye taylor uh you see uh brooke wells uh getting uh serious and getting ready yeah brooke alex gazon for uh humble killers gazon's got a great cycle right on the chest to bar really good technique brooke wells cycle right on the chest of bar. Really good technique. Brookwell's just gets on the chest of bar pull-ups. Wow, so Mal O'Brien is doing chest of bar. Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:31:11 can't believe they don't have Katrin on the chest. Katrin's great at pull-ups, and Mal is great at pistols. Super fast. They had Katrin do the pistols. What lane are they in? I don't see them. They've got to know more than we do look at mal's cycle on the pistol so mal's got the hot pink top okay thank you on the far right yeah but they're not
Starting point is 01:31:32 even in the top five taylor colin branders first off the chest of bar from the angle that we can see well team competition's a lot different than individual yeah i mean i just don't know why you wouldn't have her on the pistols and Captain on the pull-ups. They must know something we don't. Tell me what you mean by that, Taylor. Team competition is a lot different than individual. Give us something for us, Ignigents. Well, if a lot of these athletes who compete team, and they're not necessarily games athletes, but they do lots and lots and lots of team competition,
Starting point is 01:32:03 games athletes, but they do lots and lots and lots of team competition. They just have experience and communication and some cohesion that a lot of these super teams with really fit individuals, but they don't train team a lot, just don't have. And what would that look like? What would that level of communication look like? Knowing who's best to go where. Sorry to interrupt you. That's Raptus dead center destroying the handstand push-ups.
Starting point is 01:32:26 And Alexis Raptors is the best handstand push-upper in the field. She's better than Carrie Pierce. No, she's not. She's not better than Carrie Pierce. I firmly believe that. She beat Carrie Pierce every single handstand push-up workout they've done together. Kipping? Doesn't strict, deficit, kipping, anything.
Starting point is 01:32:40 God, I love this argument, though. I love this argument. Yeah, I just don't believe it. Carrie Pierce was the greatest we've ever seen until alexis raptus came i firmly believe alexis raptus is better than gary pierce wow hey i want to tell you something too they're not talking about the greatest women they're arguing about the greatest ever no men or women no we're talking about the greatest women all right who would you put above her colton men yeah noah matt colton noah's not better than carrie pierce oh yes not better than carrie pierce matt is not but yes he is 100
Starting point is 01:33:14 carrie pierce has done 70 strict handstand push-ups in a row without stopping madden 50 and i want and it was hard for him how many interrupts here really quick taylor before you go to prove the point it was carrie pierce and Pierce and Alexis Raptus who both got to the rower first. So this is a legit argument. Go ahead, Taylor. Then how many has Alexis Raptus done on broken straights? I don't know Alexis Raptus, max handstand pushups off my head. I don't know it.
Starting point is 01:33:38 I don't know if it's out there. But I know Cary Pierce has done 70. I know Matt has done 50. Matt could probably do more than 50, but there's a video of him doing it, and it's hard for him to do 50 strict handstand pushups. Well, that workout wasn't just 50 strict handstand pushups. It was 50 strict handstand pushups and then 35 with some rest. Yeah, you rest three minutes in between, though.
Starting point is 01:33:57 It's still a max set. He wasn't doing 70 is all I'm saying. It was 50 for time and then 35 for time. Yeah. The humble killers are switching first and second place back and forth with the girls. Who's on the girls team again? French girls? No, just the girls.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Just the girls. Oh, okay. The girls are Alexis Raptus, Vy Sagafi, and Christine Kohlenbrander. Wow. And who are the humble killers? That's the Brookwells, Amanda Barnwell. That's Alex Ghazan, Kerry Pierce, and Ariel Loewen. This is Ariel Loewen doing the pistols right here.
Starting point is 01:34:35 So isn't it ironic that it is the teams that you guys are arguing who have the best person at handstand push-ups who are going battling back and forth for first and second right well i think sagatvi is better at pistols like they're getting their lead on the pistols uh the humble killers are in the lead and then feed just better at pistols and ariel lowe um but i think the the humble killers they're they're fitter all three of them are just fitter but fee and alexis raptus both have movements that they are like oh who's limping oh my god did you see that yeah that's because yeah it is area alone that's because
Starting point is 01:35:15 she was doing the pistols though right yeah but that was not like my leg is tired limp that was like something's fucked up limp oh really no i've seen some pretty fucked up running over to the rower okay i have it's hot let's watch her on the way back the only person that i've seen go unfazed running across the field was fisa goffy just now she so look at her look at her heels and her powerful stroke rate versus and as well as katrin's katrin's fixed her row potentially because she's working with hwpo now. They focus on the details pretty well. Just look at the power. I want to show you in the center of the screen.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Whoa, whoa, whoa. In the center of the screen, you're going to get to see the limp that Taylor Self was talking about. In the same lane that the cameraman is in, you're going to see Ariel Lohan try to run across the screen. Here we go. Colin Brander's up on the pull-ups. This is their last pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Now, hey, Misfits. That was drag foot. That was drag foot. She's dragging her foot. The Misfits girls and the daughters have both made pushes because they were not in the top five before. Misfits is Paige Cheminza, Carolyn Connors, and Erin O'Donnell. Do we think any of these ladies break?
Starting point is 01:36:29 Do we think Christine Kuhl and Branders got 4-2 unbroken for a second set? I don't think so. I don't think she's got it. She's looking a little. She's dumping it in the bottom pretty hard. She broke. Alex looks great. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:36:43 What happened there? Oh, Alex, come on now. Her leg just kind of gave out, I think. Oh, what happened there? Oh, Alex, come on now. Her leg just kind of gave out, I think. Oh, wow. She only did five that time. Who was that, Caleb? It was the team next to Ariel Owen. I'm not 100% sure who that was.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Did you notice how she went back? Did you notice how she went back like she thought she had to go back, but she didn't. She was just running across. Colin Brander's done. They're in the lead. I think they're gonna win this is her last row oh wow mal and kazan got off on the same time mal made a huge move you're right she went 42 went broken and it made a huge difference hey you guys we just figured out our our. We can do instant replay without getting in trouble
Starting point is 01:37:26 because it's always going to be less than seven seconds. Well, the problem with that instant replay is it skipped across my screen too fast to really see. There's no problem with it. It's brilliant. It's brilliant. I think the daughters are going to get second here, and they've been not close to winning this whole like yeah that's why they put her on the
Starting point is 01:37:46 chest to bar just to finish it out well no one else first and mal's rower looks like mal's winning the rower no colin brainers got her colin brainers got her oh wow maybe colin brainers judges mal's hands judge wow how did mal make up that much time on the row? No fucking way. There she goes. There's Mal. Colin Brander's off. Then Mal's off.
Starting point is 01:38:13 Wow. She made up a lot of time on that row, Mal did. That's surprising, man. Christina's a big girl. So the girls won. That's Alexis Raptus'us team and the doters took second in this heat uh but we don't we're not sure how that's gonna play out previous times they did yeah the pre the time to beat was 11 minutes so everybody in has beaten that one wow okay 10 56 10 57 uh looks like amanda barnhart's team and brooke well's team and uh christy
Starting point is 01:38:47 o'connell's team beat everyone in the previous heat also now everyone who finishes here after you know who i'm not seeing is uh laura horvath's team they haven't shown them no they haven't. Have they finished? There's Sidney McAlishan taking a beating. Yeah. Man, that rowing looks rough. Did they show Laura Horvath at all? I haven't seen her in the warm-up area or anything. She was on the floor.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Oh, she was, so you guys did see her. Okay. Well, they're not on the... Okay. They must have finished then because they're not... 15 teams are in this heat and they're not on there. What's the name of their team? Do you remember?
Starting point is 01:39:36 Sarah's team. Sarah's... Is that Sarah right now just skidding on the rower? Whoa. Yeah. Wow. They're in lane eight. The lower Horvath's team. She's not even trying now look at sarah she's going back and forth between a lot of hard pools and just chilling
Starting point is 01:39:53 okay they got seventh lower horse team did okay i'm telling you there's a way to game these assault rowers there is a way there's lots of chatter about it on ig i wonder if sarah figured it out just with what she's doing now yep i think she does i think it's got a great spin on it have either any of you guys use this rower uh i used it last year at wadapalooza, and it was a 2K, and maybe it was 2,500 meters. And there was nobody doing that. Amal ain't a doter. She's the mother.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Hey, listen, when you're on the doters team, you're a doter. She did get second for them. It was her effort that got them second. They were sixth or seventh that whole time through that, and so she got in the pull-up bar and went unbroken because nobody else went unbroken well i'll say it again the winner of this wadapalooza 2023 is going to be mal o'brien because she is going to realize how great she is uh this weekend this is going to be a huge mental boost for you mean the winner of the games just you mean of next year's games what did yeah you said she's going to be the winner of tier waterpalooza 2023 she's the winner of what they
Starting point is 01:41:09 like the doesn't matter how much money you win here doesn't matter what place you take the winner of waterpalooza 2023 is going to be mal o'brien because her takeaway from here is going to be more important than anyone else's she's going to realize how amazing she is this weekend and uh i think she already knows that uh i i think this is going to realize how amazing she is this weekend and uh i think she already knows that uh i i think this is going to help a lot a lot i mean uh she's there with uh she's there with the you know arguably you know the other podium gal and she's going to realize that there's levels to this and she's on a different level you think she knows she's already on a different level than Annie and Katrin? I do believe she knows that.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Okay. Yeah. I think she thinks Tia is a tier above and then there's no reason she can't be better than everybody else. Everybody likes a little affirmation, though. Everybody likes a little affirmation. There you go.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Thank you, Susan. Okay. We have the... it's all the team names so it doesn't mean shit to me unfortunately um but i will show you for those of you who recognize the uh team names i will show you how they finished up here uh the girls then the doters then the misfits with the lady bits that's a good name aka humble killers invictus those are your top five teams uh the difference between first place and fifth place was uh 14 seconds a 10 31 and a 10 40 it's a great great event for the girls
Starting point is 01:42:39 um so they were supposed to win it is what you're saying no i don't think anybody like that's an event they could have done really well on and they just they capitalized and they're not they are like a top 10 team but we didn't have them as being a top five team in this in the whole event so for them to beat everybody like this is the fittest women in the world that are competing in this game in this team event and for them like these are not names except alexis raptus right that would be in the top 15 top 20 fittest women in the world great point so they handled their business yeah yeah okay i get what he's saying uh let me reiterate what john's saying john's saying they got one superstar on the team electus raptus and then two amazing athletes with the christineolenbrander and Fisa Goffey. And for them to put
Starting point is 01:43:28 down people like Horvat, Magawa, Carrie Pierce, Annie Thor's daughter, Malo Bryant, Brian, Katrin David's daughter, they made a statement. It was fun to see Alexis Raptus and Carrie Pierce go at it, though. Yes, I agree. I agree. It'll be interesting to get Brian's input and your guys's input as the weekend goes on to say, Hey, is Carrie Pierce still got it? Could she go back to a individual?
Starting point is 01:43:56 Oh, I mean, I think she could be top 20. I don't know if she would still be top 10, but she'd be like 10 to 10 to 20. If she just came back. Yeah, for sure. Tyler Splied.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Raptors didn't even do real handstand push-ups. She was doing those fake ones again, huh? Dang, Team BPN had Laura Horvath on the handstand push-ups to prove a point uh joe marco i'm just reading your comment because you said page simenza i'm trying to get make this the page simenza a show don't forget page simenza competed yesterday okay i won't she's also got team experience okay with the timberwolf 2017. That was a good team, right? Carrie Pierce was on Clydesdale yesterday and said she's not competing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:54 For next year? Okay. dude there's this uh there's this new post that i just saw that has this government funded uh nutrition research project that's rating it the categories are basically green yellow and red red is to be minimized yellow is to be moderated and green is to be encouraged and in the green how fucking nuts is that retarded that's definitely not new they put that in all of them all the military defects every military defect has it set up where they're like oh here's a green food here's a yellow food here's a red food listen to that basic training and they put it in every frosted mini wheats chocolate covered almonds
Starting point is 01:45:42 honey nut cheerios to be encouraged. Hey, he's not joking people. This is real shit. By the way, this is your us government that fucking 69% of you took an injection from is saying, putting Cheerios ahead of fucking grass fed beef. Ground beef is at the very bottom at the very bottom and their worst rated
Starting point is 01:46:02 food at to be minimized. And you have frosted mini wheats chocolate covered almonds orange juice just straight sugar and fucking honey nut cheerios to be encouraged and then in the moderated category they have an egg substitute fried in vegetable oil what the fuck is that well they can only afford eggs substitute. They can't actually give you real eggs. That's disgusting, man. Go ahead, Susan. I was just going to comment.
Starting point is 01:46:31 That sounds about paid for. Yes, of course. Yes. You guys are wondering the champ is on site now. Wow. Which champ? The only champ that matters. There he is? The only champ that matters.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Oh, there he is. There he is. The only champ that matters. Yeah. There he is. Look at everyone just stares at you hard. Look at the security around Rich Froning. Just telling you, stay the fuck away, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Dude, he gets swarmed in this warm-up area by athletes and coaches in the same way that he would on the floor. Oh, shit. Really? He can't even go to the athlete area? Just as a little bragging moment, I didn't put it on film there, but he came up and we already had a chat. Got a little bro hug.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Oh, you're a good dude. Hey, your shit stutters like a fucking mofo in the athlete area. It's basically just when you go to the athlete area. Wonderful. Hey, the first heat out of three for the men's first event of Waterpalooza 2023 team event has started. We have covered the second heat and the third heat of the women currently in the lead for the women. I don't think the scoreboard's been updated yet, but we saw an impressive finish by Alexis Raptus,
Starting point is 01:47:52 Fisa Goffey, and Christine Kohlenbrander wiping out a whole slew of the greatest female teams ever to compete anywhere in the world. So they must be pretty proud of themselves. I would say this everyone looked very serious right taylor i didn't see anyone fucking around uh this is not a uh like hey just go have fun event like they said i mean people are finishing their 42 pistols and flying out onto the floor uh one girl we saw take off so hard that she fell fell on her face on the floor yeah she took a she took quite the fall and then we saw ariel low and literally hop skipping across the floor keeping all her weight off of one leg was crazy uh today uh beavers uh a dollar 99 for beaver steak when he gets home i don't know i don't when i think of beaver steak, I don't think that was the right emoji
Starting point is 01:48:45 for a beaver steak. I'm going to see if I can send Ariel Lowen a... Underdoggy style. That's a good team name. It's good shit. Wow. Underdoggy style let's see
Starting point is 01:49:08 that is uh okay i just sent ariel a dm It'd be good to check in with her. Underdoggy style is Raphael Durand, Mitch McLuhan, and Ethan Helbig from Underdogs. What does that even mean? Oh, okay. Because it's Underdogs Athletics. Okay. Great. All right. We're going to take a quick we're going to take a quick break here um we have a uh special offer for you guys not that uh we have a special offer for you guys uh if you are an affiliate owner and you sign up
Starting point is 01:50:01 for the smtp uh program oh you will get an immediate consultation call with the man himself, Taylor Self. And after we run this ad, he will explain to you a little more in the specifics of what that will include. SMTP affiliate essentially takes SMTP60 and Compete. The way I program is I start with Compete. I program for them. I take elements from Compete and I program for SMTP 60. And then I take elements from both and I program for a class setting. When you're programming for an affiliate, it can't be the same as SMTP 60 because now you have to do things through the lens of a coach. There are different things to account for equipment wise and coaching wise. And so SMTP affiliate takes what I view as the
Starting point is 01:50:43 best programming and with SMTP being 60 and it adapts that to a class setting where you have well thought out balance and variance structured progression in the weightlifting and the skill work. So with SMTP affiliate, you get access to the best training. You also get access to me. We do weekly calls. We make adaptations to your gym adjustments on the fly and anything you need to make sure that your classes are running in tip-top shape. If you're interested in affiliate programming, go to our website,, click the link, and send me an email so we can schedule a consultation and a call. So essentially the deal Sevan was talking about is if you guys go ahead and click that link and set up a call and a consultation prior to monday we're going to give
Starting point is 01:51:26 you guys a free month of smtp affiliate to try out and uh yeah so click the link send me an email we'll get a call scheduled i'll put it in the uh chat as well so everybody wants to use it there you go looks like the brazilianas are in first the almonds in second the lads which i believe is sam stewart's team is in third let's see where john young go oh he took a break we need to go eat probably wow the lads is sam stewart jamie heaton and michael smith from ireland okay michael smith i know him and sam stewart i'm not He went to go eat, probably. Wow. The lads is Sam Stewart, Jamie Heaton, and Michael Smith from Ireland. Okay, Michael Smith. I know him and Sam Stewart. I'm not sure who that second athlete is.
Starting point is 01:52:13 The men don't look like they're having as much of an issue after the pistols. Who's Conquer Lift? Conquer Lift. Let me pull them up. You got them? Yep. That is Devin O'Neal,ony fakini and elijah muhammad wow okay devin o'neill's strong athlete same with elijah muhammad
Starting point is 01:52:32 yeah elijah muhammad's been around for quite a while yep i've seen all those athletes on the places. Almonds. Look these guys up. Is it the almonds or is it just almonds? The almonds. Oh, they're German. Wow. Kevin Vinkens, Tobias Wachfeld, Jonas Zissler. Zissler.
Starting point is 01:53:02 That's crazy. Oh, how awful. the zistler zistler that's crazy oh he awful all right looks like there's still a team working on the handstand push-ups in the back he's basically down to doubles looks like he just got no ripped oh that oh that looks rough. What's up, guys? Yanni boy. First heat starting? Yeah, they're eight minutes into this
Starting point is 01:53:34 first men's heat. Y'all know who the Almonds are? They're a German team. But you don't know their names? Kevin Winkins, Tobias Fox, and Jonas Sissler. The fuck is this guy talking about? They're talking about various cities with the name Beaver or Tits or Vagina or Badesi. Wow.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Yeah, good stuff. This guy's lean forward is ridiculous. Does he need to be doing that? Not that much. Yeah, that looks a little crazy. That's too much. How do you like Sam Stewart's throwing? I feel like it's very compact.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Oh, man, this run is rough. Yeah, these runs that these guys are doing are worse than the girls yeah they're getting maximum clappage we're gonna see a little bit some more cleaner technique when the uh the big dogs take the floor but oh wow look at that guy back there he's on the ground i mean you think about it that's a that's a two and a half minute all out sprint do you think you get like Fran lung from this? Is that like the kind of stimulus you're going to be getting? Oh, without a doubt.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Depends which movement you do. A little more total body lactic with the rowing in there than Fran, but without a doubt. Like the pistols, you get a little bit more of a break lungs wise than you would with the chest to bar. The handstand pushups is just muscle. You're done so fast in handstand push-ups you almost don't feel it i think probably the chest to bar is the biggest fatiguing movement of the three gymnastics for sure engine total body yeah and the rowing i don't know you know the shuttle run stings the row is way more total body lactic acid no yeah the shuttle runs nothing you just kind of gotta go what i miss what i miss hurry up what i i had a uh liver king bar
Starting point is 01:55:33 and made myself a new coffee um what's a liver king bar this is really chalky chalky chalky super chalky bar what's it like what's it made of is it the heart and soil supplements just smashed down and you eat it like that you know what i've never even looked what's in it i mean i i mean maybe one sounds smart maybe once i mean i shouldn't say that once when i first got it i looked and there was nothing in there that scared me like high fructose corn syrup and i got like three bob they sent me like three cases of them. My kids won't eat it. I bet there's some Reba Flavin and some life source in there. What's life source for sure.
Starting point is 01:56:11 Um, well, I mean, I sure Taj, uh, fucking the jump around shaky guy from the California regional. What's that guy's name?
Starting point is 01:56:24 Oh, uh raw raw raw raw raw hey i would i would be okay if there was like life force in there then it was like split over like three million bars but if it's like one life source one bar bar i would struggle with that uh the jean shorts guy yeah one shot for bar you know what i mean i don't know i don't know if that what that says about me but you'd be okay with with one shot of human life source spread across 3 000 bars are you three million three million bars three million bars yes i mean what is that you just get one one piece of life source per bar that's not bad what about what about animal life source what if it was like beef shot uh then two million i'm i would be good i would be good with a bar with just one dose of beef shot hey did you see the other day they uh the liver king they they basically took the
Starting point is 01:57:16 balls just straight out of a cow and ate it like minutes after they took it out what the fuck kind of benefit is that like why like i'm sorry that's just theatrics that's disgusting he's been he's been going on like a 72 hour fast too is he gonna detox from the trend i think that's why he's not i know he's i think he said he's off of it but he definitely when i saw him doing the fasting thing i said said maybe this is his detox. You know, he would get a lot of traction if he's like, all right, I've been on this shit for this long. This is what I looked like prior to. This is what I look like now. Now I'm going to take a year break.
Starting point is 01:57:54 I'm going to take a 12-month break, and we're going to see how I look after. He'd blow up again. Everyone would follow. I don't think you can do that. I don't think he can do that, dude. What do you mean? Why? I don't think you can just be all juiced up like him and just stop i think something would not so good would happen it's hard on your heart the issue is once you start taking those
Starting point is 01:58:14 supplements you kind of like your body is requiring them for like basically forever yeah because that's why you're go ahead, Kevin. People who take those supplements, they usually only prescribe them to people who are in their late 40s to 50s who are having their bodies just essentially shutting down because they're getting older. So once they start taking them, you just require it over the rest of your life. Give me one second here. Guys, two things. The first heat has just finished of the men's elite team division. We're going to start getting some bigger names into this second heat,
Starting point is 01:58:53 and we'll start focusing on the competition a little more. And just in from Brian Spin, his YouTube station, we've been given permission to share this video. It's the interview with McQuaid, Dahlstrom and Sigur's daughter, our daughter at Wadapalooza after they finished this event. What place did they take? Did they take second?
Starting point is 01:59:16 Second in that heat. Okay. Second overall. No, no, no, no, they didn't.
Starting point is 01:59:20 They, they, what's their team name? Oh, Mal took second. Yeah. Mal took second. girls took uh first and then maybe third well they'll talk about it here okay just so you know emma mcquade the one in the center uh she won the individual competition last year uh jack uh jacqueline
Starting point is 01:59:39 dollstrom i'm really trying to get on the show on the uh. Actually, I'd like to have all three of them on the show at some point. Okay, here we go. Good job, ladies. Sola, how did you get signed up for the handstand push-ups? I got signed up, but you wouldn't put me on the test bar, nor the pistols. So, elimination. On the pistols, I think the two of you were coming off of that. My God. You could barely run god i was not prepared for that yeah no it was that was an interesting experience i'm not gonna lie they got they got hot i saw like her face on the when she turned i came her on the second shell and she was like I just had to keep going I almost faced one
Starting point is 02:00:28 It looked like you were in control Yeah I didn't really think there was an option I just turned I was like oh no I just had to wrap my thumbs around and just had to pray I was going to – at like 30, I was like, oh, no. I just like had to wrap my thumbs around and just had to pray I was going to hang on tight. It's good.
Starting point is 02:00:49 Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, Brian Smith. I do think that these ladies did win their heat, right? They got what overall, John? Ninth. Wow. But they won their heat, right?
Starting point is 02:01:03 I believe so, yeah. Oh, they were in the second heat? Yeah, yeah, yep. They had 11 minutes, yep. That makes a big difference. Crazy, right? So you're telling me the winner in the second heat took ninth overall. Dude, it matters so much being in the last heat.
Starting point is 02:01:18 It does, and I think they would have been faster had they been in the last heat. For sure. We just saw some men do some test shuttle runs. It looks like the second heat is out there warming up. Let's also take a look at where Sousa is. There's Fikowski. Is he not competing? Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:01:40 He is. Sousa, Fikowski's competing in that In that Yeah they all are they look fantastic Wow Look at these gentlemen in the flannel cut off That's incredible I got the teams that are competing in the second heat if you want them Okay let's do it
Starting point is 02:01:58 Let's do it We'll watch this Look at everyone paying homage to Rich Giving him a fist bump Oh look there he is Who was that Look at everyone paying homage to Rich, giving him a fist bump. Is he going to James Sprague? Oh, look, there he is. Who was that? Who's the guy in the pan? Jacob Heppner.
Starting point is 02:02:09 Heppner, thank you. Where's Heppner? He's competing? He's right there in the black. Who's he with? Yeah, he's with the Panchiks. Oh, wow. Who withdrew?
Starting point is 02:02:19 The other Panchik brother. Saxon? Saxon, no. It's Scott, Spencer, and Heppner. Why did Saxon withdraw? I think he had competed at Rogue or something, and he said that he was just really beat up and he needed to spend some time with family or something like that.
Starting point is 02:02:35 It sounded like he was physically pretty beat down. I don't see Scott either. I see Spencer, and I see Heppner. I don't see Scott either. I see Spencer and I see Heppner. The Pancheck Bros were not at check-in. I saw them at the warm-up period, but I did not see them check-in. So who is it?
Starting point is 02:02:57 Heppner and Spencer, and who's their third? Is it Tudor Magda? It is Tudor. Matt, do you know if Tudor is their third teammate? I'm not sure. It looks like it by where they're positioned, but they're all just kind of huddled in here, so it's hard to tell. Where's Scott?
Starting point is 02:03:18 You don't even see Scott. No, I don't see Scott. There's a paycheck bro here talking with Ted here It looks like. You look like a team. Go ahead. I'm going to send Scott a link and see if we can get them on. And. Hefner's a good dude. He's going to smack this.
Starting point is 02:03:40 If there's anyone. That would be awesome. So good at handstand pushups, pistols and chest. It doesn't matter what you put him on. so good all three it looks like it hasn't been updated on the competition corner either with their if their team has been changed at all i'd expect spencer to do the pistols and hefner to do probably the chest of our pull up the chest of our because i think he can go unbroken on that oh both rounds without a doubt hey uh suza
Starting point is 02:04:03 absolutely zero footage of hopper if you can do it like zero like you can just completely cut jason out of every single shot that'd be awesome anytime i see him i'll just put my thumb over his face yeah that's so good that's so good yes that's so good just anyone else uh i'm not even joking you don't have to put your thumb over his face but if he's in the shot just just unless there's unless rich froning's in it or someone that we have to get just pan away why he's a douche okay second he just going capital d sorry i know he's your i know he's your lover i'm sorry mayhem avengers are in the lead right now because this is bias reporting.
Starting point is 02:04:45 And listen, it's an, I scratch my back. I scratch my back, uh, type of event. And it's like, Hey, if you're not going to scratch my back while I'm scratching my back, then I'm not going to scratch my back when you're in the shot. Like, okay. Do you think a lot of athletes forget where they come from? No, I don't. What do you mean by that? Taylor? I don't, I don't. I don't think a lot of them forget. I think a lot of the athletes get a lot of advice.
Starting point is 02:05:11 A lot of advice. And do you think a lot of them, Sousa, are super impressionable? I would say so, yes. Especially earlier in the career. I'm super impressionable, and I'm 50. Think about, Sousa, take a second. What percentage of the athletes do you think have a solid enough head on their shoulders to discern between something that's going to be good for them truly or not? And whether or not they kind of give themselves the freedom to make those decisions and live with them.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Do you think there are more athletes with that head on their shoulders in the field or less? Super loud, so I only caught a bit of peace in that, but I would just advise it. You said, do you like anal? That would be a negative. All right. That would be a negative. Hey, I have no problem with Topper. I love him, but I'm not playing the game.
Starting point is 02:06:02 But I play the game. Like, okay, good. You don't want to come on the show? Cool. We won't film you either. I don't want to upset him. I don't want to put him on the show if he doesn't want to be on the show. I don't want to upset him. And I would say that any athlete that's on here, especially as they have started early on, is making a massive mistake by
Starting point is 02:06:17 not doing as much media and building their brand up as much as they can. Because once this time is over, it is gone, my friend and unless you have a solid brand and a solid following and fan base you will disappear in two years disappear uh you can just look at uh well it's pretty easy to figure out who to look at okay ryan tate great value and i'm not trying to float my own boat i don't like fuck man i'm so fucking appreciative of everyone who comes on but it's like but i'm so appreciative and no one has to come on i'm not
Starting point is 02:06:49 trying to strong arm anyone but he doesn't want to be on the show and i don't want him to be on the show great value for four days of bros talking shite to each other ten dollars thank you my brother why do you think he doesn't want to be on i have honestly i have no fucking idea i have no fucking idea i mean the fact that annie thor's daughter came on it like tickled my heart warmed my heart and i appreciate it but if she can come on then like anyone can come on and everyone who's been on the show outside of opt leaves here looking better and makes if anything i look worse like i am a fucking most gracious fucking host ever i don't i don't i don't think what otp you said outside ot opt opt outside of opt otp opt yeah that was an accident i didn't mean to make him look bad it was an accident
Starting point is 02:07:33 just the whole interview went sideways i thought it was hilarious it was an accident accident give me a recap and i love basic brian said to him go ahead go ahead was at the very end go ahead john very end of the interview going perfect uh basically he was like would you not say what you do is crossfit though and then op james cheryl has a problem with calling what he does crossfit he it's not crossfit crossfit has a different definition to him than everybody else and savon included would you agree savon uh no no no but it was like this brian said to him hey what's the difference between crossfit and uh and uh whatever opt and he said it's because it can be
Starting point is 02:08:21 scaled for your it's individualized and i said or it's individualized. And I said CrossFit's individualized, and he rolled his eyes at me and got angry. He was like, do you really not know the difference? Yeah. He was mad that Savant didn't know the difference. He basically said to me with nonverbal cues, you're a fucking idiot if you don't know the difference. And then, of course, then the crowd turned on him. Jacek, which I don't mind if someone says that to me. Jacek, $9.99.
Starting point is 02:08:46 Thank you, brother. He said that OPEX is more individually scalable than CrossFit is. I would say that any exercise protocol is individually scalable, and it's the coach's job. And whether the coach is good or the coach is not good is the determinant of how scalable that exercise program is. You can scale a fucking track program. You can scale a fucking track program. You can scale a fucking Olympic weightlifting program. It just depends on how good of a coach you are. Sousa, have you, have you exchanged any words with a Roman?
Starting point is 02:09:17 Like, have you heard English come out of his mouth? Yeah, I told him great job. Gave him a fist bump and I got a thank you. Like when you're scaling, go ahead. ahead sorry i'm caught up on that i talked to the media guy and he actually speaks pretty good english and understands it very well they just think he's just a little uh shy as far as like his accent you know kind of screwing it up so he they said he speaks and understands more than he understands him. Okay. Tell him I love him.
Starting point is 02:09:47 Gershwin makes a very interesting observation. Proven at HWPO does not do Sevan at all. That might be true. Matt and Shane are very nice to me over text, like when we text. So, but that may be true. I've never, Matt's been very honest with me. Shane, I just, I think they just keep kind of pushing me off but i but i've left all those people alone too you know i'm trying to think
Starting point is 02:10:10 like i've invited brooke on and sydney wells on and mal on but but i'll pretty much leave them alone now but there is that thing that they should be aware of uh what have you done for me lately is a real phenomenon in this sport um so you should find that podcast though taylor you should try yeah i'm gonna pull it up and look at it the thing about pretty great it's the last 10 minutes right yeah it was doing great and then it just fucking fell off the rails the thing about scaling or at least as crossfit teaches is they teach you that the first thing that just scales intensity so you take the same workout for somebody and scale the intensity down second thing you scale is the volume or the movement variations or the movement options and then the last thing that you scale is just a completely different movement for injury or whatever and
Starting point is 02:10:53 it's shocking to me that he maybe didn't even know that that part of the methodology existed well before you pass judgment just listen to the podcast because he can explain his thinking better than we can. Okay, I will. True. It does look like it's Tudor. Wow, they're starting to gather together a little more. Who do we think takes this heat? Where's Noah?
Starting point is 02:11:19 Oh, the last one. Where's Noah and Chandler and Mayer? They're kind of huddled into the uh back here chandler already came up and noah was kind of delayed getting some stuff in the warm-up area so he like ran up and caught up with everybody but they're all the way in the back dude in the second heat the mayhem avengers killing everybody. They are 36 pull-ups ahead. Wow. And who's on that team?
Starting point is 02:11:52 They're from Argentina. I've got Agustin Raquelme. He's a games athlete. Santiago Kumba and Piero Gorichon. And the three wizards, that's the guy that does all the trippy dancing there in second? Yep. And Phillip Muscarella. And then CJ Gerald.
Starting point is 02:12:14 And those three Wizard guys took fourth here last year? It looks like they're behind in the schedule. It's 2.44 and on the schedule it says that this event is supposed to be over at 2.49. Tyler Eggerman was on their team last year though not cj gerald the three wizards mayhem avengers i have this team uh i have this event being over at 3 1206 uh 306 oh okay then they changed it. Wow. Nick Matthew competing team. But, but here's the interesting thing. I have the women's team starting before these men are done. Oh, wow. They're done.
Starting point is 02:12:54 10 or nine. You have that? What? Yeah, you're right. They are. It's overlapping. Okay. And is that going to be at bit? Let me ask Heidi if what she, if what she's heard about that here really quick heidi hi how are you does your arm hurt from holding the camera i'm switching hands back and forth you're ah that's how my wife does it um hey uh where it looks like these events thank you caleb i'm glad someone heard that.
Starting point is 02:13:26 These events are going to overlap is what it looks like on the schedule, that the men will be still going when the women start somewhere else. Is that how you interpret what's going on? I think that's true. And maybe that's a way to mitigate the crowd a little bit because there were lines of people trying to get in that they were not letting in once again so maybe that's just a way to scrub the crowd around because there's just not enough room for everybody and the next event is called and the next event is called chasing waterfalls yes and do you know where that's at that's at bayside okay so those people
Starting point is 02:14:09 who couldn't get in here are probably already over there getting a spot ah okay all right girl thank you very much for the update okay bye there was a guy rowing who had pulled the rower so far his head was hitting the bleachers. Wow, that's interesting, Tom. Is that what he said on the podcast, that each individual's needs differ by kind? Yeah, that would pretty much sum it up. I guess I could see his line of reasoning if he's saying if you are someone like an early Matt Frazier, your needs differ than someone like an early matt frazier your needs differ than someone like an early brent fikowski
Starting point is 02:14:45 whereas matt frazier is very good at weightlifting and gymnastics movements and needs to focus on rowing and deadlifting and fikowski is the opposite he's very very good at rowing and you know some forms of weightlifting but needs to work on gymnastic movements but that is so specialized they're both both of their needs are to be the best in all 10 general physical skills and i think that's interesting. And it's common sense. Wait, I'll stand by. I think Caleb's going to show us someone falling on their face.
Starting point is 02:15:10 Action. In the teal shirt. Oh, that's Philip Muscarella. I've got a bone to pick with that guy. That's the three wizards. The three wizards. He's rowing into the wall. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:15:21 Well, he's moving his fucking rower. Oh, shit. Yeah, but then someone's got to get to the front and pull it for him. That's not cool. Well, shit. Well, he's moving his fucking rower. Oh, shit. Yeah, but then someone's got to get to the front and pull it for him. That's not cool. Well, okay. So whenever you go to your front the way Taylor was talking about before, the rower is way more likely to move than if you're hinging correctly. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 02:15:37 Pull the fucking rower up for him. If you move your rower while you are rowing, you are doing it wrong. Yeah, but we're making that assumption that would that they that they moved it you're making the assumption that that they pulled his rower back and his rower was further behind than any other or or just they put it so close that it doesn't accommodate someone who rose at an angle he does hey dude that's different hitting your back on the thing is different than fucking your your pull-up bar being too low right no different or it's very different it's very different like put the rower in a spot where
Starting point is 02:16:10 the fucking guy's back's not gonna hit the wall no i think that's the same thing if he's just so tall that he didn't know they did not move his rower further back than the than the other athletes rowers you don't know he was rowing with a technique that shook his rower and was moving it backwards oh hey if you're so fucking strong on the rower you could do that wrong true is no one in this field is so strong that they are because i saw glover to share do that and i know you guys have seen that too where someone massive gets on the rower and people have to stand on the rower to keep it steady i know you guys have seen no but you take a collegiate rower who is rowing like a 113 for a 2k they are not moving the rower correct and none of these guys are moving at that fast
Starting point is 02:16:56 of a pace none of these guys pull with that much power thank you watch collegiate rowers row or olympic rowers when they started they must Well, you guys are wrong because that dude moved it. Because he has shitty technique. You guys are wrong because he moved it. If you're in the elite individual field and the elite team field at Wadapalooza and you're moving your rower, you have got massive things to work on. That might break the rower if you pull it forward.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Really? While he's on there, you don't think someone could just grab it and just pull it forward off the wall like one or two inches? Not while his big ass is on it. That guy's probably 200 pounds. My God. Sevan is dumb. Alan Kestenbaum.
Starting point is 02:17:38 Let's go, Alan. I'm not the one who wasted money. I'm not the one who wasted money on a fucking wedding ring. My kids, the money you spend on your wife's wedding ring, my kids already got $200,000 in their name in the bank. You didn't get married, Sevan? No, I got married. I didn't waste money on a wedding ring.
Starting point is 02:17:54 That's going to be $11.2 million when my kids are fucking 71 years old. You didn't buy your wife a wedding ring? Sevan, you know what they say about wedding ring prices, right? What? The more expensive, the worse the relationship. Oh. Hey, Dash Queens, I think Sevan should sit this one out. Oh, yeah, all of a sudden.
Starting point is 02:18:13 All of a sudden, I should sit this one out and let the athletes hurt themselves because of a poorly placed score. You can't tell by looking at this that this is too fucking narrow for the fucking event, that they're pushing the limits of how many athletes they have out there. They have fucking 18. They have 10 teams out there, 30 people, all the judges on both sides, and you don't think that there's going to be some issues
Starting point is 02:18:31 with the placement? Sit this one out. How about your mom sit on my face? Didn't someone call Hopper boring as a guest at some point? Maybe that's why. He's fucking boring. I don't think he would take offense to that. Okay, finally, Sevan is hilarious.
Starting point is 02:18:52 Okay, someone else is trying to talk. I'll quit there. We'll see if Roman and Hopper move their rollers, because I seriously doubt that guy is pulling at a higher pace than Roman or Hopper. I thought Ricky and Roman were on a team. They are. Roman is on team GoWod. And Ricky is with Zeus and the Dawgs.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Then why does this comment say, is Tim Paulson, Matt Delugos, and Ricky the most random team there? Because Tim Paulson's on that team. Hold on. Confused. Tim Paulson, Roman. No, no, no, no Ricky, Matt DeLugos, and Tim Paulson Are on the same team Okay, who's Ricky's team?
Starting point is 02:19:31 Zeus and the Dogs Tim Paulson is Zeus And those two are on Underdogs Camp No, who is Roman's team? Go on And Willie George's Okay, they're off The third heat's off Noah is smashing it Go on. Willie George's. Ah.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Okay, they're off. The third heat's off. Noah is smashing it. And it looks like Fikowski's doing the handstand push-ups. Am I seeing that right? Yep. We figured he'd be on the handstand push-ups. Jeff Adler on the pistol squats and Pat on the chest-to-bar. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:20:02 These guys are flying. Noah's crushing these. Yeah, and brent's moving as well yeah he's gonna know rep every now and then but he's running so freaking fast noah's only in third so there's can you guys hear that in the background uh i can't hear anything when you talk over john sorry do you hear that in the background now yeah but it's soothing no we can't we can't okay okay noah is in the background now? Yeah, but it's soothing. No, we can't. We can't.
Starting point is 02:20:26 Okay. Okay. Noah is in the lead. This makes sense. He's running fast. Yeah. We'll know who. Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:20:33 Look at Brent's technique. You see him plant both hands. Watch this turnaround here. Oh, they missed it. Watch Brent's in the center of the screen. Just the acceleration out. He plants both. Gosh.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Oh, well. We'll see on this one if they keep it on brent oh he didn't do it that time he's hurting god fukowski's big yeah he's moving quick though he's doing really well he's lumbering around it is a bit of a lumber right it's an athletic lumber noah smashed the shuttle run look at this at Chandler's pistols flying. Froning's still going on the shuttle. Froning has said he doesn't like the shuttle run because of his knee. That's weird. Even without an ACL, the shuttle run didn't affect my knee. Hey, I got a question for you.
Starting point is 02:21:18 I think I know you guys are going to push back on this too, but it's something else to fight about. What do you think about going straight from this record-set record setting number of single leg pistols into a shuttle run? You think that's just not cool to do to the athletes. Like you're just asking for an injury. I think here's the thing with CrossFit and injuries is we move in such a wide variety of domains and movement variations and patterns that there's more an opportunity for an athlete that's nursing something to get exposed and hurt. Um, it's on a healthy knee. A pistol squat is not going to get you injured on a healthy shoulder, a kipping pull-up or hanging from a
Starting point is 02:21:58 pull-up bar is not going to cause injury. But when you have, you know, a little something funky going on with the knee or a little something funky going on the shoulder that's when you're gonna have injuries with those movements i don't think inherently any of these movements that they're doing are dangerous um these dead i just mean i just mean i mean putting them in conjunction with each other oh look at dane smith i bet he smoked the pistols. Look at these dead leg runs. They're so funny. Yeah, Chandler Smith isn't even moving like a normal human. Some guy's cramping. Look at this guy limping. Oh, he's got a cramp. It's like they're lagging.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Oh, shit. Who is that? Dane Smith has got the best shuttle run. He's in front. Wow, they're going to crush it. Is it really Ben, Alec, and Dane? Here's Ben on the chest-to-bar. Love it. This is a powerful team right here. So Dane's probably got some real athletic experience. Is that BKG next to him?
Starting point is 02:22:53 Dane's a longtime regional athlete, and his pistol squats, his squatting is unreal. Yeah, he's 5'6", or so. He's got a great body for squatting. What was that video they did once where it was an alternating emom and one of the minutes was 20 back squats at 225 how long was the email it was like a 20 minute email and i'm not sure what they alternated with but it was unreal hey this team's unbeatable this uh this chandler smith uh no uh travis this is a good event about that this is patient
Starting point is 02:23:27 you've got a team with ricky or roman krennikoff willie georges and jay crouch that's a good question you got patrick velder brent fikowski and jeff atler yeah the only thing about their team that i worry about is that is that brent and pat just both days an individual but look at pat moving wow that's great Brent and Pat just can't both days an individual. But look at Pat moving. Wow. He looks great. Yeah, and he just did the chest-to-bar, I'm assuming. So that's why his legs look so good.
Starting point is 02:23:50 He is moving fast. Yeah, Pat does look great. Sam Cornier, is that him next to Ben Smith? Yes. Ben's got that jump turn that he does right as he approaches. Yeah, that's not the best technique. Watch Pat just sliding. He's got a little hop there too.
Starting point is 02:24:10 He stays low, and he's got good acceleration. Look at Pat pump his arms and get off the line fast. Noah's got a lead into his handstand push-ups. They're about to have a thick lead after this with Noah. Wow. Are they the boys? Yeah. Yep. with noah wow are they the boys yeah yep brand ficowski's gonna be back on the handstand push-ups and they spelled they spelled boys with a z i wonder why the smith brothers didn't smell
Starting point is 02:24:38 smith brothers with a z Smith Bros Smith Bros Le Boys this is the first time that all the Smith Bros have been on a team together right no they've done Wadapalooza on a team they've tried
Starting point is 02:24:56 they had to substitute a guy last year right and I think the year prior no I think in 2018 or 2019 they did a team of three together i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure i've seen them there in all three together maybe not no it did shuttle runs instead of getting to the rower did he really how many he did uh well i guess like technically one and a half shuttle run all the way down all the way back and then all the way down to the rower again damn he's he's kicking himself for that
Starting point is 02:25:27 yeah these you know the the thing about rich's team is these seem to be the events that teams like rich who really rely on teamwork more than anything that they struggle the most with because you have events at guadalupalooza that just put place so much emphasis on each individual athlete, which is a little contradictory to the statement I made earlier. I think there's a balance between having good team cohesion and then having athletes that just individually aren't very fit. But it seems like as a whole,
Starting point is 02:26:03 the teams at Guadalupalooza that win have kind of a balance of both. Some good cohesion, but also insanely fit individuals. And we know that Chandler Smith, Noah, and Travis have trained quite a bit together. Hey, did you see that shot right there? Whoever was rowing, their back, even at full extension, was two feet away from the back wall. How the fuck did that rower move two feet? Because the guy has shit technique or his rower was off off center to start or offline pistols look so good oh he's a great mover man i
Starting point is 02:26:30 was telling you he flies on his pistols he's a piston he did really well on that i believe 2016 regional workout where it was the bar facing burpee power clean and then power clean pistol or bar facing burpee pistol couplet look he doesn't even flinch when he gets no rep he's just he's in the zone he's just looks he's just picked a spot on the wall and going he looks bouncy like everybody else is squatting and he's just bouncing yeah i've got a lot of respect for ben smith alex smith oh look at chandler limping oh chandler's wreck dude man rowing after that i think would be terrible oh look at even dane's got it that's jeff no that was dane who sprinted across there's jeff limping i'm ahead oh my goodness oh my goodness
Starting point is 02:27:12 i enjoy watching them try to run after the uh pistols but but it just seems it's my favorite part it seems like it's it's it compromises puts them in an unnecessary way of harm but maybe i'm just a pussy dane's rowing looks really strong uh someone can't leave the rower shit alone who's team good dudes not until the show's uh hopper james sprague and um dylan pepper look at i mean look at uh look at the lift hat look at the lift hat. Look at the guy on the far end, the lift fast move heavy guy. That guy's back's three feet away from the wall. Christian Harris. This will be the good dude's worst event, I think.
Starting point is 02:27:53 Yeah, I think that guy just moved his rower back, dude, as he was rowing. Well, his technique sucks then. Thank you. But it's still not his fault and someone should have pulled it forward for him. No, he's too, you can't move him while he's on the rower. Well, I can. Hey, did you look at your D-balls to see if they had a spot where you could hit it with a needle and pump it up? I don't.
Starting point is 02:28:13 I have the original D-balls by Mondo. I know, but did you look? Did you actually look? No. All right. There we go. You think Travis will come down here? I'll go kick.
Starting point is 02:28:24 Should I carry the 100-pounder in here right now? I've had to. Do it. I had to cock the top of it up because the plug fell out. It's so old. Well, that plug that fell out, you're supposed to be able to put a needle through it and pump it up. With air? Well, I have other ones.
Starting point is 02:28:38 I have so many D-balls. The D-ball, when it loses its shape like that, it's because it doesn't have enough air in it. Travis and Ben are neck and neck. I had to caulk the top. They don't fill the D-balls entirely up with material. It's like part sand, part rubber crumb, and part air. Caulking balls. I think that the one I have from – I think the 10-pound one I have from Rogue feels like it's got some air in there.
Starting point is 02:29:07 Dude, we are like the CrossFit version of a Twitch stream. This is sick. Yes. Hey, I'm glad. And we haven't got any complaints. Why hasn't anyone snitched on us yet? Because they don't give a fuck about the teams, probably. But we do.
Starting point is 02:29:21 This is way more fun than watching individual. Oh, they care about the teams. No one snitched on us for the heidi cam hey heidi watch your back someone might just come up behind you and choke you oh wow see look at that's rolling oh my gosh the boys got beat bkg friends he just oh wow wow he came They came out of nowhere. Oh, Canadian. Wow. Look at that. When are good dudes going to come in? And then the good dudes
Starting point is 02:29:55 are coming. Roman's team is done. Good dudes are done. They got seventh. What was the fastest time previous in the previous heat 1009 and that would be uh fifth so the good dudes got seventh and then the um team go odd romans team got six i can't believe bkg out sprinted travis mayor because travis got on the rower before him somebody here's what's crazy
Starting point is 02:30:28 somewhere there's another woman's event about to start bkg is a great rower sorry i'm talking over you i'll shut up no it's okay you're good we're good oh shit there is a woman's event that started is this oh we have controversy we got controversy controversy. Yep. For sure. EKG, somebody missed. They missed something. Uh-uh. Everybody's saying they cheated. Or they didn't do something. I think they skipped something.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Yeah. They weren't even close to being. They weren't. That's why I was shocked. The entire time. Look at Chandler's. You can see smoke coming out of Chandler's ears. He's thinking.
Starting point is 02:31:02 He's thinking. He's pissed. Yep. Dude, I love how vocal Chandler gets on the floor. He does. Is he vocal on the floor? Do you remember at Rogue? Yeah, he got super vocal.
Starting point is 02:31:13 I love it. Fuck yeah. That's awesome. Let's find out. He's a pussy shit, man. Let's go to Heidi here real quick. Heidi, we're hearing that the BKG team won, but that they may have skipped one of the movements
Starting point is 02:31:27 Have you heard anything on the floor? I have not, but that seems right Because they were not in the lead And then came from nowhere and won So that's odd for sure Alright It looks like Jake Marconi is playing this smart And being the last one on the floor
Starting point is 02:31:43 And hogging up all the media time Probably like Jake Marconi is playing this smart and being the last one on the floor and hogging up all the media time. Probably. They are the Butterfly Bandits. Which is who? Heidi, one more question for you. When I click over to the stream that's on Bayside,
Starting point is 02:32:00 I see women on runners. Yeah, I think they're going already. And apparently the line to get in there is insane, and they're probably already not letting more people in. Okay. And the camera there is kind of jacked up because half of it's in the sun and half is in the shade, and the camera is struggling with the exposure. So you can't really see what's going on the live stream either.
Starting point is 02:32:21 Okay. Thanks. Oh, here we go. Here's the boys exiting on the live stream either. Okay, thanks. Oh, here we go. Here's the boys exiting on the Heidi cam. Con looked offended just now. He looked like people were coming at him pretty hard. Eric Weiss,
Starting point is 02:32:38 breaking news, Mondo by D-Ball has no nipple. Just check plug to keep in sand or whatever's inside only. The plug is like a fillable. It's like one of those.
Starting point is 02:32:48 It's the material that you can. Wrong. Right. Well, fuck Mondo. The new Rogue D-ball. Hey, I think you're right, though, because I do have a Rogue one, and it feels really squishy like there's air in there, and I need to check it.
Starting point is 02:33:03 Nick Matthew. Do we want to go over this F waterfalls workout yeah yeah let's do that we're two hours and 30 eric thank you very much by the way buddy we're two hours and uh or do you want to break and come like 10 minutes beforehand and go over it? 33 minutes into this stream. No, it's already started. Travis B, BKG's team did not win. I just rewatched it. Khan got on the rower for the second to last row.
Starting point is 02:33:35 BKG skipped the chest. Hold on. Hold on. For the second to last row, when the top three teams were getting off nearly 50 seconds behind, I think BKG skipped the chest-to-bar. So just so you guys know, obviously that wasn't done on purpose, and that should explain to you also why people can't count laps. How do you skip the chest-to-bar?
Starting point is 02:33:55 That's like a huge thing to skip. BKG was seventh on the chest-to-bar at the end. Alex Bridgeforth, so BKG was seventh on the chest to bar at the end. Alex Bridgeforth, so BKG cheated. My goodness, no, he did not cheat. Courtney Barrow, BKG messed up the row. Correct. Something happened. It's a mess up.
Starting point is 02:34:17 Jared Aiken. No plan B. Okay. Okay. We will hear from somebody soon on what the fuck happened down there uh hopefully brian friend uh let's see if we can get brian to come on with us brian um jump on and on fuck the situation is there rules to this 5k please it just says relay style does that mean anybody can run so what's going to be happening is is at any point in time one athlete is going to be accumulating
Starting point is 02:34:54 distance on the run while another athlete is resting and the third athlete is completing one round of the 15d ball open water swim 21 D ball. And their scores, it appears are going to be the runtime and the time for completion of each athlete, finishing the couplet. Okay. Explain it to me one more time. So the way,
Starting point is 02:35:17 the way Jr read it, uh, was three, two, one go. One athlete starts on the runner. One athlete begins the three rounder, the other athletes resting. And at any point in the workout, Three, two, one, go. One athlete starts on the runner. One athlete begins the three-rounder.
Starting point is 02:35:26 The other athlete's resting. And at any point in the workout, one athlete has to be accumulating distance, working towards that 5K mark, while the other athletes are trying to complete each of their individual round of the 15 clean open water swim, 21 squats. So each athlete only has to complete one round of 15 cleans, open water swim, 21 squats. As soon as they complete it, there's only two rounds left, and the other athlete has to do their round. But they've also got to complete five kilometers of running on the air runner as a team. Okay. So everyone has to do one round of the workout, and 5K has to be accumulated on the runner. So one person couldn't just run the entire
Starting point is 02:36:07 time the entire 5k that you at least have to stop to do your one round you have to do your one round yep so what you want your your best swimmer to go last you want your best swimmer to to start on the run and swim last because they're going to be the most yeah so sprague would be the last person for the good dudes then yeah i would imagine dallin or jason start or i imagine sprague starts on the runner and runs for as long as possible um and then gets off and rests at some point and then does his swim last um or it may be a better strategy yeah i'm not sure he may run second and then go straight from the run into his third and final round but he should be the last doing the couplet or the do you think he could just run the his the whole two like the for two athletes and then do his last
Starting point is 02:37:02 round i don't think that's smart you don't think hey so? Hey, guys, I got Scott Pancheck over here. He wanted to know if you want to jump in front of the camera and test our new audio capabilities. Should we grab him real quick? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was asking him to jump on. Patrick Clark. Yeah, let's talk to Scotty.
Starting point is 02:37:17 Hold on. Oh, wait. Hold on a second. Before we get Scott, let's get Brian real quick. Sorry. Let's get Brian real quick. What's going on, Scott? There's so Brian real quick. Sorry, let's get Brian real quick. How's it going, Scott? There's so much stuff going on here.
Starting point is 02:37:28 It's calling. I'm going to call it. Brian, hi. Hi. Let's see this. Ask Hey, can you guys hear me? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Ask Brian what happened with the last team. Did BKG's team really win? Okay, here we go. Here's your mic. Yes, sir. Brian, hi. Hey, did BKG's team really win? It looked like there was some confusion down there at the field.
Starting point is 02:38:04 High and high. Hey, did BKG's team really win? It looked like there was some confusion down there at the field. I don't think it's possible for him to make up the time difference against that caliber of rower. Everyone seems to have that same sentiment, but there's a review process that's ongoing right now. Okay. What we have reporting to us in the comments is BKG came on the rower at 930 and reached the finish at 954. So that was definitely not 240 meters. And they're saying the judge told him to get off too early. Yeah, the time difference is impossible to make up. I spoke to Travis Mayer. He was pulling a 130 or less the entire time, and it just doesn't add up. I think they'll get it right, but it might take a little while. Are we seeing any difference in the athletes who are completely fresh
Starting point is 02:38:48 versus the athletes who've already put in a day? And a follow-up to that is, are you pretty impressed with the FISA Goffey, Alexis Raptus, Christine Kohlenbrander finish? First of all, in some cases, yes. Like, for example, example the spacers angels team they were almost like laughing their way through that one all three of them competed this weekend they obviously had a pretty low finish other teams looked pretty good i mean velner and fukasi looked just fine roman looked fine um as far as the girls that won that event go if you
Starting point is 02:39:20 check lawn chair leading boarding uh the team with two Bryans played that team. So, no, we weren't surprised at all that they won. Awesome. And what do you think about going straight from 42 pistols to shuttle sprints? Do you think that that's asking too much of the athletes? Like, hey, there could be compromise. The knee's fatigued and you could be asking them, asking for injury. Like, hey. I don't think we'll see that show up in programming again in the future.
Starting point is 02:39:45 Because of some of that limping that we saw? Yeah, it's just not a good look. Okay. Okay, fantastic. All right, brother. Oh, wait, there was one more question. What was the question we wanted Brian for? I think we had it answered.
Starting point is 02:40:00 Oh, the athletes had to do, once you picked an athlete to do a movement, he had to stick with that movement? You couldn't do the first 42 pistols and then switch to chest-to-bar? Correct. Okay. All right. Thanks, brother. I appreciate it. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:40:12 I have a question for Brian. Oh, wait. One more question. One more question, Brian. Who's better at handstand push-ups, Alexis Raptus or Kerry Pierce? Alexis Raptus had a one-second split faster than her. Okay. One more question.
Starting point is 02:40:22 One more question. There was a gentleman, Phillip Muscarella, who was on the rower and his rower was backed up against the wall and when he was rowing, it was hitting the wall. Taylor and John say it's his fault
Starting point is 02:40:36 and I say it's the event's fault. Whose fault was it? If it was only in one lane that it happened and not repeatedly, then it was, maybe they were pulling the rower too hard and it scooted backwards. But I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 02:40:49 If it was happening in many lanes, then I would say it was on the event. But if it's only one lane, maybe not. You took my side. Thank you, Brian. Whatever. All right. You guys are having fun. I almost chipped my tooth doing that.
Starting point is 02:41:02 Thank you, Brian. I almost chipped my tooth. Oh, shit. Don't ever put Brian on again, Sousa. He just sided with John and Taylor. Whatever. It's very logical what he said
Starting point is 02:41:21 though, right? Scotty, what's up, baby? Hey, how are you guys? Um, we had a text exchange a few minutes ago. Yeah. And I asked, uh, Hey,
Starting point is 02:41:34 where are you at dude? And you said, and you said, are you asking me what I said? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to read your words yeah i don't want to read it's your
Starting point is 02:41:46 word i don't want to say in case you don't want me to say it no i just wasn't you said you have explosive diarrhea and you've shit all over yourself and you can't make it out there okay fine i'll say it you got it all right yeah no uh i just wasn't quite ready to step on the floor and uh was uh just want to make sure whenever i'm when i step on that floor that i'm to make it through the whole weekend and I'm ready to rock and roll. And with the open just around the corner, I want to put some focus on just making sure that my body is 100% ready for that. Those of us who are huge Scott Panchik fans, should we be concerned at all? No, no. I would say that I am feeling good enough to come down.
Starting point is 02:42:26 And like I said, a few hours before I decided and was able to find tutor to fill in. And just, you know, after talking things over with my manager, my chiropractor, and just how my body was feeling and based off the workouts and things that they put out, I just wanted to be cautious with the open, what, six weeks away? Right. So that would let us make the assumption that you're putting a big premium on this year's 2023 CrossFit Games season. Well, this is my first year as a 35-year-old, This is my first year as a 35-year-old, so I think it would be really cool and special to make an appearance in the 35-39
Starting point is 02:43:11 and get my butt on that podium. That would be really awesome. Hey, are you going to struggle with that decision if you qualify for Masters and for the individual? I don't know. I feel confident that I could continue competing in a lot of different ways. And, you know, even talking to Jacob, I was joking with him. I said, Jacob, what do you think about maybe putting a team together?
Starting point is 02:43:40 He said his biggest fear this weekend was getting the juices flowing again and maybe wanting to come out of retirement. So, yeah, I've talked to my buddy Ralph and my family, and we've just talked a lot about what the season's going to look like. And, you know, the Masters category has some big names that are stepping into it, into that 35-39 that I think would make it very competitive and fun and then also with the opportunity of potentially putting together teams you know if the right team came together you could that's an option so you know with six weeks left i want to make sure in those six weeks that i can talk through and make some good decisions that
Starting point is 02:44:20 i'm not trying to figure out like ah am i am I a hundred percent healthy? And like a little banged up from the weekend and you know, the, the open and the way the season's structured, uh, this gives me a little bit more time before I need to step on the floor and, and be ready to rock and roll in that way. Hey, um, it's kind of fascinating since you've retired, you've gotten more attention than ever. I would say maybe you should have retired like four years ago yeah you know someone said what's going on there's only one paycheck out there i was like it's all about branding baby there's three we're using them wisely uh how how is uh spencer's mood uh i know he really wanted to compete with you and saxon is he kind of like fuck you guys like no honestly
Starting point is 02:45:03 when i i've communicated with him all week long and and we talked and i you know one of the big things was is it was about coming down and competing with him more than anything and that was why i waited up to the last minute to make that decision is just i really wanted to step on the floor and do it and whenever we sat and really talked about it throughout the day to day, I said, you know, I'm stepping on the floor for the wrong reasons. I'm stepping on for other people and not myself. And I need to make sure that it's a combination of all those things. You know, I need to make sure that I'm in the right headspace and that I feel a hundred percent
Starting point is 02:45:38 confident I'm going to finish the weekend. And, um, and the focus being on the open and just the season is uh you know this is just like a kind of icing on the cake and just something fun that we get to do that kicks off the season so you know i was a football player this is like it's like the preseason so you're not going to go out and wreck yourself in preseason you know just to just to create a moment when you could have a whole, you know, book maybe on this year, if you play things right. Um, do you have sponsors who are there at the event? Yeah. Yeah. So, so then do you fill some of your time with sponsorship obligations? Is that how you do? You kind of pivot to some of that? Yeah. So I'll get to spend a little more time with the community. I'll stop by all those booths. I work with a company that we started two years ago called Stream Fit, which is a gym management
Starting point is 02:46:29 system. So that is like, I'm a part owner in that company. So I'll get an opportunity to talk to some affiliate owners and spend some time with them and then stop by the Born Primitive, Innovate and Element 26 booth. Those are three companies I work with that are down here and spend some time with those guys, get to know the team and uh and then also just uh enjoy the community down here more than anything i mean it's it's miami come on like i live in ohio right next right next to the lake and it's gray and cold so being down if i'm your wife i'd be saying oh you knew you weren't going to compete all along you knew listen my my wife is a rock star it's funny because she is like my biggest fan and she she would do anything to see me run on that floor
Starting point is 02:47:13 and and she's with me no matter what i do and i i honestly i couldn't ask for a better person in my life than her hey i don't want to dog anyone's wife but your wife is made the best opening act travis fucking mayor leaves all four of his kids with his fucking wife i make sure i make sure my in-laws are in town all right that's next level his wife is like the three rock stars it's crazy listen i will say this i don't think there's enough attention brought to the women that have husbands in the sport and what they do at home. And, like, I still tell my mom all the time. I'm like, Mom, I have no idea how you did it with six kids.
Starting point is 02:47:53 Like, I told my buddy Ralph. I was like, I have two kids and a dog. And I was like, and honestly, that dog disappoints me every day. I was like, the dog's the oldest one, and I just have expectations, and she disappoints me every day. The dog's the oldest one and I just have expectations and she disappoints me on the regular, but I miss my kids. And I mean, I'll be excited to get home and see them, but I'm going to definitely enjoy the time down here. And I'm excited to watch team pancha. Hey, this stream fit software, is that what you use in your gym? Yes. So, uh, yeah, we started using it this past year.
Starting point is 02:48:27 We started it right after COVID hit as a virtual platform that did live classes online. And then we kind of worked our way into doing some competitions. So, Wadapalooza is actually doing a live version of all the individual events the following week. And there's a 2024 spot on the line for anybody that's signing up for that. So a great opportunity for people to come in that couldn't or that are here or couldn't make it to do these events and see how they stack up against everyone. There's like an equipment list that has like more open like and then there's an equipment list that is more, I would say, like a compete equipment list, similar to the elements that we're using down here. And you can see how you stack up against the athletes that are down here, see how you stack up against the athletes that didn't, focusing and pivoting a little more towards that. But we're kind of all in one and do a lot of the things that a gym owner would need for billing to
Starting point is 02:49:34 workouts and leaderboards and different things like that. So as an affiliate owner for 10 years, I've been on a lot of different systems and I wanted something that was simple and cost effective and something that could potentially drive revenue in a different way. So we're doing some pretty cool things on there that nobody else is doing. So, yeah. Yeah, it's cool to see you in that space. You're fucking you're all in. Hey, there was this. I think that tell me your thoughts on this. I think that all the athletes there who are there, whether they want to or not, need to just sack it up, take a deep breath, and walk through Vendor Village.
Starting point is 02:50:13 And the reason why is for two reasons. They need to fucking let those people who bought tickets to come there deserve to touch you, see you, take a picture of you you just put on your best face and the second thing is the truth is is no matter how much you don't want to do it you're gonna feel so good about yourself when you're done haven't you been in that position where you just don't want to deal with the fans and then you do it and you're like fuck i'm so glad i did it it's so it's interesting you say that when you're not competing it's really really easy to go and that. And it makes you feel really good about everything you've done in the sport. And it lets you see the sport from a different perspective and just the love and passion. Cause this doesn't happen without the people that are packing in the
Starting point is 02:50:55 stands. These athletes, I don't think people realize that like you don't get this opportunity if you don't love on the vendors and love on the people in the community, because it's, it's a lot of volunteers. It's a lot of people that are putting thousands of dollars together to put up a booth. And all of those things have to come together for something like water Palooza to happen. And,
Starting point is 02:51:16 and if you really look around, there's not a lot of other events that are happening like this. So if we want to continue to have opportunities as athletes to compete and step on a floor and be in Miami in January, um, you need to go out and celebrate the community and be with those people. I think that's really important. Uh, someone in the comments wrote, Tom Brady doesn't walk through the souvenir stands at the super bowl. Yeah, but this isn't, uh, this is not the NFL. we're not making millions of dollars so it's like you're trying to compare you're you're not comparing the right two sports and maybe he
Starting point is 02:51:50 should and you know what and maybe good yeah i mean and maybe he should that i i remember um uh seeing footage of like uh kanye one time visiting like some foreign country and just fucking walking out into the streets or i remember when uh you two played on some rooftop in downtown brooklyn and waited for the police to come and just fucking rocked it yeah maybe they should maybe that's what makes us uh special yeah i mean i think as years and years have gone on we've gotten further and further away from interacting with people and that interaction is you know that's what drove you to want to do it in the first place. And then you get into the sport, you get into the, and I've been here before where you're so focused on winning and winning becomes the, the end all be all. And what you
Starting point is 02:52:38 don't realize is there's so much joy in being awake and alive in those circumstances. And if you open your eyes, it takes away a lot of stress and it can be really powerful. I felt that at the CrossFit Games in two years ago when I announced that I was retiring, that was the most joyful I've ever been in any year that I'd ever been to the games. And it was because I didn't have the stress of it being just about winning. I wasn't thinking about next year. I was thinking about the next workout and enjoying every last moment that I was going to have on the floor. So I think if people had that, that mindset a little bit more, I think they would, they would want to enjoy themselves a
Starting point is 02:53:20 little bit more. And two, I think it'd be better for our sport hey you know what's interesting is dave was talking about how people like you and rich might be a dying breed these people who own affiliates were l1 trainers were games athletes who did the events for free who went on the road trips you know you went to new zealand and that basically that there's been a shift and and maybe it's also you know, partly on HQ because those opportunities aren't available. You don't see the road trips, you don't see the reality show type things, fun things, but do you sense that shift amongst your peers and do you kind of feel bad for them that they didn't get in on those early days or do you think it's better for them now?
Starting point is 02:53:59 Yeah, there's definitely been a shift in focus and we were kind of uh the pioneers i guess you could say they were figuring the sport out early on and part of figuring the sport out was us serving our community and that's how you know we saw ourselves as athletes but you know for me specifically like i've always seen myself as an affiliate owner first and an athlete second because the affiliate owner is what is going to provide for my family and that's how i serve that's how i serve and you know we're not it's not just about you and what you do in the sport and and i feel like it this there's this misconception out there that you need to be training all day long and that needs to be your number one focus and i truly believe that's a really empty uh empty life i don't think there is a lot
Starting point is 02:54:47 of joy there because anything but winning is a loss and if you can't find people to bring along like what i loved about the sport and you see it with rich too with the people out in his gym is bringing people along like i watched my brothers grow up and got to be a part of watching them PR and lifts and movements and their first competitions. And FISA Goffey was another one. We had a team, Molly Chacon, and just being able to pour into them and not, and not even just the athletes, but like, I got a guy in our gym that could barely walk into our gym. That's climbing ladders and going down steps, you know, without holding onto the railing now. And those are the types of things that like, that like brings tears to my eye because the quality of his life for the,
Starting point is 02:55:31 for the rest of his life has changed dramatically. And like me going out and winning this first event with my brother is like, yeah, that's cool. But that's just a, that's a small moment compared to the way that you can change and impact people's lives. So I would love to see more athletes getting involved in opening gyms and finding ways to serve. I think they'd be more, more joyful. I think they'd be happier. And I think when, when the storm comes, you know, I'll use a storm reference because of Rich, which it will,
Starting point is 02:56:06 like life is hard and you're going to get knocked down. And if you don't have those people around you, it's going to be really difficult to get back up. Hey, you bring up a good point also in terms of interviewing these people, these people who just train all day, they make for fucking horrible interviews. The people who don't have a broad depth of life, like you can just tell, like you're interviewing someone who's just a postcard as opposed to interviewing someone who's a book. There's some really difficult interviews out there because all these people do, you know, they started CrossFit when they were seven and that's all they've done. And, uh, you know, they need a, they need to go on a church retreat for six months in Africa and feed some people.
Starting point is 02:56:42 Hey, uh, the people in the comments are absolutely loving you. And I really appreciate you coming on. You demand. Hey, you got it, man. Thanks for having me on. And, uh, hopefully we'll see you guys all soon. Yeah. Awesome. Anytime, brother. Thank you. You got it. Bye. Bye. Thanks. Uh, Taylor and John, thank you susan taylor and john um uh ken ken walters scott goes on the mount rushmore of crossfit along with jason kaliba rich froning and i forget who else he's had on there hey uh and uh matt fraser hey uh gentlemen i can't find the feed for the this next workout i see a bayside venue poV, and that is it. The Bayside was the one that they were streaming the first heat on, and they're just pulling up another elite broadcast.
Starting point is 02:57:33 It's up now if you refresh their YouTube channel. Okay. But they're just panning across the stage right now. They haven't even put another heat people out there yet. Yeah, they're about to do that. Waterpalooza day three. There they go. It's slapped out. This is heat two teams?
Starting point is 02:57:51 Correct. Tell me which one to click again, guys. I don't see it. Elite broadcast Waterpalooza day three. Just refresh. Is this the same heats that we're in? Got it. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:58:05 Yeah, and I wonder how dry they're able to get their D-balls after the prior heat goes. Just to repeat what John Young said, these are identical heats. There will be three heats, and these are identical as far as we know to what we just saw in the first event, start fast, uh, finish faster. And this was the heat that, uh, Emma McQuaid, Alexis.
Starting point is 02:58:30 Wrapped this in Jacqueline. Who's no, no, no. So this heat is no, they're not. Emma McQuaid, solar,
Starting point is 02:58:40 sicker daughter and Jackie Dahlstrom. Yeah. One, this heat in the last workout so they are who we're going to be watching here oh my goodness those are daniel brandon shoes and daniel brandon stickers let me see those shoes again those are daniel brandon rad shoes yeah so this is her uh got some shoe here nice i'm glad i'm like this is a little sticker pack you get with the uh with the shoe there oh that's gangster hey what's that flower doing uh it looks like it's wearing shoes it's wearing rads yeah
Starting point is 02:59:14 this is compliments of uh pedro over here he just got the shoes and you get a DB apparent nail polish. Great. Wow. Wow. Those are pretty suits. Hey, that's brilliant. Hey, do they make dude shoes? Do they make dude shoes?
Starting point is 02:59:36 Was there a dude pair over there you could get? I think there is. Are there any people? Okay. Siobhan, I got you a sticker pack. I get to bring this bad boy home for you. Oh, you're awesome thank you uh barry mccockner great content as always stream looks good today i love you guys uh caleb can we go uh while i oh okay so tell me tell me the tell me the good team on this
Starting point is 02:59:59 heat there was one good team i think i who was mcquade solas sugar daughter jackie dollstrom oh they are in this heat yep okay and what i thought i saw weiss the girl from uh invictus pretty well and it's team invictus is britney weiss devin kim and one other athlete i forget her name the other Invictus team is in there too with Allie Weiss and Emily Lugman and Loz Stallwood. Liz Stallwood. Gotcha. Okay, so there's two Invictus teams. So Devin Kim is competing.
Starting point is 03:00:35 Yes. Is that new? No. No, she's always been competing. Okay. Okay, I didn't see any camera time. And did we hear – i meant to ask brian this do we know why we didn't get to see any camera time on uh horvat and magawa we don't know
Starting point is 03:00:52 okay i'd imagine they just got sucked into watching the leaders again and didn't they're in the final heat okay the other thing i'm going to get the other thing i'm noticing about these like stadium layouts is it's got to be incredibly difficult to move the camera from one end to the floor to the other. Because if you're going to try to film shuttle runs, you're having to walk around rowers. You're going to have to walk through pull-up bars or on the edge of something. And it's going to be incredibly difficult to get one of those broadcast cameras with all the cables and stuff across that field. So I imagine they were having difficulty with that this is their feed that we have in set here i wonder uh if we get in trouble for doing that are we are we going to stay on until
Starting point is 03:01:36 six uh god i god i hope not like i got stuff to do like pee and poop and like brush my hair and stuff what we can do is we could pull and wash this heat and the final heat and the men's heat and then come back on as soon as they finish and then cover the next event. So you're saying watch this event until the end and then come off? No, I meant come off. Then come off now and then go watch the event. So it looks like heat i just refreshed okay yeah we're heat two teams and they're four minutes in so we'll miss you're saying we don't we don't cover the women's uh
Starting point is 03:02:14 next heat well if we do we're just gonna run if we do we're just gonna run no what i was saying is come back on right before the next event because if we stay on now we're gonna run into the next event and then we're gonna be on for six hours right before the next event. Cause if we stay on now, we're going to run into the next event. And then we're going to be on for six hours. This is the last event of the day for the teams. No, it's not. This is the second event of the day. They have Saturday.
Starting point is 03:02:36 They have events three and four or another event tonight that starts at three, six, 55, 6 p.m eastern so if we watch this one through we're just we're what we're we're streaming straight through until that event hey uh so this let me just uh talk this through with you here so this event actually finishes which is at 2.53 Pacific Standard Time, which is about two hours and 20 minutes from now. From now. So we could theoretically go on around at the end of that event and catch the end of that. We could do the men's last heat.
Starting point is 03:03:21 Okay. I wonder why. Let me ask a Sousa question here. Sousa, how come we don't have anyone in Bayside? Sorry, Sousa. How come we don't have anyone in Bayside? We can't get in there? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:03:35 They like how flat there is. Bayside's even a smaller venue. And, like, when we walked by there earlier before, there was already people just hanging out in the stands, so that way they had a seat for the next event. Even with your media pass, you can't get in there um i was blocked yesterday i could try to go and see if i can today but i doubt they would let us point the camera at the stream at all but i'll swing over there now and go see what i can do okay i mean there's got to be something there's got to be somewhere he can get in close so we can see like athletes coming in and out
Starting point is 03:04:04 we can get a wide shot and i think too like because we're hiding why she had to go there about an hour and a half early to get that seat and then in order for her to get out of there to get across the bayside would have been dang near impossible but let me go let me go get over there and i'll take a little shortcut through this way and see someone's gonna have feminine hands there's nothing wrong with some nice looking hands. Take a handy from those hands any day. John, welcome back. Okay, I think that that
Starting point is 03:04:33 is a fair request of the team. Let me look at their stream here real quick. This is a, of all the events to miss, i think this this this one is okay right i mean they're in the water they're doing they're on the runner for 5k 25 minute cap we're not gonna miss it we'll still come back and cover it
Starting point is 03:04:58 otherwise we're just on stream all day same as them right okay okay so we're leaving then coming back uh guys uh very uh i'm gonna decide in 30 seconds uh guys hit that subscribe button please and the like button now is the time to do it you can unsubscribe later but you're gonna want to know when we're going on so reach over even if you're on your tv you can do that you can scroll up to that uh while the timeline's on you can scroll up and hit the like button and go to the channel and subscribe and like oh look just us talking about leaving uh we lost a hundred people all right uh we will be back is this our second stream of the day or first?
Starting point is 03:05:46 First. Oh, my goodness. We've been on for a long time. Okay, guys. We are going to take at least, we're going to take about a one-hour break. Taylor, are you going to work out? I already worked out this morning, so I just have some computer work to do. John, are you going to work out?
Starting point is 03:06:02 I'm saying I'm not working out again until like 8 o'clock. Caleb, are you going to work out? Yeah, I got to do something to stay awake. Okay awake Okay me too I'm going to go work out too Okay guys it is 12 37pm Pacific Standard Time I'm guessing we're going to come back on at 2pm Pacific Standard Time that'll give us an hour
Starting point is 03:06:18 And 22 minutes Final word Mr. Sousa did you want to say something? Yeah I just showed you guys What you're looking at is the line Which hasn't even seen the end of it yet. It's still going all the way back to the inside of Bayside. Oh, so those people have no chance of getting in. What are they even doing? Zero chance.
Starting point is 03:06:37 Zero. I mean, I didn't even go to the end of the line, but look how far it goes. Is the line even moving? Let's look at the front of the line. Let's see if they're even letting in people slowly. Wow, this is amazing. How do they determine? I'd love to hear how they determine if someone can come in or not.
Starting point is 03:07:02 See if you can just squeeze up to the front there. See if they can just go on to the front there. Just look at, see if they can just go on the other side and squeeze up. Oh, we can't hear them. We got you. Waiting in line about 10 to 20 minutes. Oh, that's very nice. Hey, ask them if they think they have any chance of getting in.
Starting point is 03:07:26 Wow. That's awesome. You got a boob sign last time by. I think so. I think that's going to win them over for sure. These guys said they've only been waiting about 10 to 12 minutes, and they're at the front of the line now. Ask them if the line has moved at all. Has it moved at all? When was the last time the line moved?
Starting point is 03:07:40 When was the last time the line moved? Oh, they're being hit by who? Oh, okay. When was the last time the line moved? It's five minutes. So is it? Oh, they're being by who? Oh, okay. Ask the guy who's working the door how they determine to let people in. If someone has to leave, are you to let someone in? Okay. Let me ask him.
Starting point is 03:08:00 Please. Thank you. Very interesting. How do you determine it? Space is up there. Okay. Did you guys hear that at all? No. No, go ahead. Relay that, please. He said that basically he waits for a signal from the top, and when they show him that there's some space, he'll open it up and then he'll put in that amount of people.
Starting point is 03:08:29 Okay, so there's someone over there scanning the crowd, basically, when they see empty seats. Yep, see this guy right here? He signals over and waves out and said, we got five. And then this guy allows five people in. Wow, that's fucking nuts. That's impressive. Yeah, now check this.
Starting point is 03:08:48 Right before we go off, I'm just going to walk this line so you guys can get a feel for it. Yeah. Holy shit. Hey, that doesn't make me feel like... Now I'm kind of glad I'm watching from my rainy little office. Oh, it's still going. Okay, so those people don't get in. There's no fucking way.
Starting point is 03:09:06 Sousa, go to the end of the line no no he is whatever you do don't go to the end of the line whatever you do don't go to the end don't bother no i'm joking of course he's going to the end is it all the way through vendor yeah it's probably wraps around to the other side the other entrance is that kerstetter kerstetter has to wait in line wow hey go back the other way was that kerstetter kerstetter has to wait in line wow hey go back the other way was that kerstetter in line there yeah it is what the fuck oh my god yeah hey ask olivia if she really has to wait in line or she's just doing it to be nice to her friends i think she's just hanging out with her friends i got i panicked. I thought it wasn't her for a second. I didn't recognize her. I was like, I just did a flyby.
Starting point is 03:09:50 I freaked out. I was like, wait, it's not her. And then kept moving. Hey, hey, can we ask her a question or two? Let's ask her if she's glad she's not competing today. Ask her how those athletes must feel out there. Okay, Olivia, can I ask you a question real quick? five or five savannah you're on savannah podcast right now yeah so why are you waiting in line you want to know are you just going to be cool
Starting point is 03:10:14 like can't she just go to the front no no no no like why are you waiting in line can Can't you just let it off? Can't everybody be like, I competed? Like, don't they know who she is? Yeah. Yeah. So this is the entourage, right? This is the entourage. So they should hold your spot in line.
Starting point is 03:10:41 You should go to the front and let them know who you are and that you got four friends with you. And then you can just go. know who you are and that you got four friends with you and then you just uh and uh how's her body how's her body feeling how does she think that the athletes feel who are doing team today who did individual how's your body feel from yesterday my legs my butt but glutes and legs are a little sore but i'm not just feeling right she's not doing team are you glad you're not doing team yeah she got a couple offers to do but she's glad she turned it down because she's uh feeling a
Starting point is 03:11:23 little tired now. Let her know she can cut to the front of the line at Gabe's booth and get all the free coffee for her and her friends she wants. Okay. Siobhan said if you guys want, you can always cut the line at Gabe's booth and you guys can have all the free coffee and stuff you want. Do you drink coffee? She doesn't drink coffee. Good. Smart.
Starting point is 03:11:46 She thinks Jacob will do good this weekend? Bye. Does she think what? Jacob will what? Will do good this weekend? Good question. Look at that. That line didn't move at all. We've been hanging out with him now for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 03:12:00 That line didn't move at all. Yeah, they literally just moved as he walked away. And they maybe moved like 10 feet. God, I love that. I love that sc didn't move at all. Yeah, they literally just moved as he walked away. And then maybe moved like 10 feet. God, I love that. I love that scissor crane right there. I wish I owned one of those. For what? Just for whatever.
Starting point is 03:12:13 Who cares? I just love that. Yeah, just look in my neighbor's yard. All right, guys. Thank you so much. We will see you guys in an hour and 20 minutes. We will put a link. I'm going to put a link to the stream, the Wadapalooza stream in the comments.
Starting point is 03:12:32 And we will see you guys in about an hour and 20 minutes. Caleb and I will work out. And Taylor and John will do jack shit. Matt Souza, thanks for all your help today. Heidi, thanks for your help. We'll see you guys soon. Adios. Bye-bye.

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