The Sevan Podcast - #760 - Wodapalooza 2023 Team Day 2 Event 4

Episode Date: January 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God, I hate that phrase. Let's go. Bam. More live. Welcome back to the final day of something. I want to thank everyone at Waterpalooza who's given us crazy access, been crazy polite to us. Guido, Dylan, Shana, Karina, Sasha, Sasha, Sasha has been absolutely spectacular with tolerating me not being able to remember her name. It's because I don't talk to her, but I do talk to Dylan and Guido. I mean, I'd rather fuck up Sasha's name than I used to call Guido Guido.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I bet that pissed him off. No, he's heard that his whole life. Dude, I don't know. Probably true. When you give someone money, you start to own them. When you give someone access to something that allows them to make money, you start to own them. And you have to understand that everyone has a price. You know what I mean? Like the guys who nailed jesus on the
Starting point is 00:01:07 cross they had nailed them on a circle for 50 cent they had just changed the shape of the thing it like anyone can fucking be bought you go to a fucking hotel and you check in and you hand every person you you bring 400 with you and you in the first 20 people you see you give 20 bills your stay at that hotel totally changes over the next week. You have to understand that every single fucking person can be bought. When I say something on this show and someone who's running Wadapalooza calls me and says, please don't say that anymore, I stop saying that. You know why?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Because we make $400 in donations on this show a day, and that's how I fucking put food on my table. Everyone can be bought. Everyone. And it's okay. Don't judge them for it. It's your fault. You're pissed off and you're angry because you didn't pick up on it. Because you're stupid. Were you guys just talking about why I'm sponsored by Monster? I'd fucking chug.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I'd chug the fucking CEO of Monster's cock to pay my fucking mortgage right after I put down two energy drinks. Zero sugars, man. Come on. Everyone can be bought. Don't forget it. And people are so cheap. You can buy buy anyone i'm unbuyable for cents you're right for cents for 20 bucks i'm smtp would turn into just all torque tank pushes
Starting point is 00:02:38 you have to understand that and it's your fault for believing it, not the people who can be a bot. Being upset that people can be bot is like being upset that the sun comes up in the morning. You are not taking personal responsibility and accountability for being aware of what's going on around you. Everyone can be bot. Now, here's the thing. Everyone can be bought. Now, here's the thing. Imagine a company that owns everything that you hear, everything that you see.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And you know this. This company owns everything you hear and everything you see. They own it. They control everything you own and everything you see. Now look at, now look at, there's already fucking a denier and there's already a denier. There's already a fucking denier. I can give you one. I can, Cole, you need 20 bucks to buy medicine for your mom before she's going to die. And I tell you, if you don't suck my cock, I'm not giving you that 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Let me tell you, buddy, you take down some of that life force in two seconds. Don't lie to yourself, buddy. Yeah, I know. There are lots of deniers. Yeah. Yeah. Seven woke up and chose violence. Remember, it's your fault if you believe it.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It is a given. It's not, don't feel bad about it. Don't feel bad about it. Take responsibility and just know, just wake up. Stop fighting the truth and wake up and just know that we can all be bought. And then adjust accordingly good morning america is brought to you by fire cbs help watch sponsored by
Starting point is 00:04:35 pfizer anderson cooper 360 brought to you by pfizer abc news. Brought to you by Pfizer. Making a difference. Brought to you by Pfizer. CNN Tonight. Brought to you by Pfizer. Early Start. Brought to you by Pfizer. Friday night on Aaron Burnett Out Front. Brought to you by Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:04:58 This week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer. Today's countdown to the royal wedding is brought to you by Pfizer. And now a CBS Sports update brought to you by Pfizer. Today's countdown to the royal wedding is brought to you by Pfizer. And now a CBS Sports Update brought to you by Pfizer. Meet the press. Data download brought to you by Pfizer. This portion of CBS This Morning sponsored by Pfizer. On how to find the hidden sugars in the American family diet. Sponsored by Pfizer. Bill Gates' advice on how to combat mistrust in science. At Sponsored by Pfizer. You really need to get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You know, COVID vaccines are now available for children five years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of COVID. the spread of COVID. Welcome to the 7-1 Podcast brought to you by Paper Street Coffee, my favorite coffee that I chug every morning, first thing when I wake up after I answer a few DMs. Thank you for joining us.
Starting point is 00:05:58 The only show on the internet that can't be bought, unless you give me five bucks, I'll say whatever you want in the comments. Cole Solomon, how does your programming compare to hwpo i'm genuinely genuinely curious can i spend two minutes and answer that of course buddy of course it's all sorts of public service announcements today dope so first off cole if you go to our website, you get a seven-day free trial so you can check it out. I'd say the biggest difference to the 60 track is that there is way more similarities between my program and the core methodology of CrossFit than HWPO. CrossFit than HWPO. HWPO has a lot of good fitness and a lot of redundant progressions that you will see fitness with, but it's nowhere near as varied as SMTP. We still have
Starting point is 00:06:52 structured strength progressions and skill progressions, but the variance is amazing. And that's why, you know, most of us started CrossFit because we got tired of the globo gym and doing the same thing every day and not seeing the results we wanted and getting bored and not having fun. And SMTP 60 is a lot of fun. You get a ton of variance. The workouts are amazing. You can try that. The compete track is different in a similar sense in that 99% of athletes that are competing do not need 12 weeks of the same rowing progression or 12 weeks of a squat
Starting point is 00:07:27 cycle. No one here in this chat is fit enough to where they can take 12 weeks off of something else to dedicate it to just rowing or to dedicate it to just squatting. Meaning if an athlete is on the bubble for semifinals and they have a big deficiency in the rowing, but they're also not that great at muscle ups or gymnastics, they spend that 12 weeks just rowing. And that time they spent just rowing isn't addressing their gymnastics deficiencies. They're going to get that much worse at gymnastics. And now they've got two holes. So most athletes can't afford to dedicate so much time to one thing. They have to stay true to the core methodology of CrossFit and that is variance. Um, and my program does
Starting point is 00:08:11 that better than anyone else with structured lifting progressions. Um, so if you check it out, just hit the trial, see for yourself, it's the shit. Are there any rumors to uh this being true that actually you just you are a subscriber to hwpo and you basically um just uh copy their programming identically except you've just pulled out the tread climber since they don't sponsor you i pulled out the tread climber and the weekly sandbag echo bike workout i've only i've i've only ever seen I've, I've only ever seen, truth be told, I've only ever seen a handful of HWPO workouts. And I don't think they're even flagship or pro workouts. They were workouts written specifically for Jason, um, just training with him. So I have never, I have never seen any HWPO stuff. I follow what, what I follow and choose to look at most closely is dot com jr stuff um
Starting point is 00:09:08 when i first got into crossfit i looked at a lot of misfit but the guy who was programmed for them doesn't work with misfit anymore i think he's who is that who's that i believe his name is seth yeah he writes some elegant stuff he's a good program designer um otherwise people don't really put out a lot of content anymore on their workouts i mean i watched a ton of the behind the scenes stuff i i used to follow like those crossfit workouts with james and rich working out all the time like that stuff you've gone way over your two minutes you've gone way over okay last thing somebody asked about a hat there's only fucking 20 of these bitches right now i have one and if you yeah well sebon has the other batch of 20 if you want one of these motherfuckers hey they're nice too i don't even i stopped wearing hats two years ago and actually i
Starting point is 00:09:54 wear that uh when i'm out in the yard and shit i actually kind of cool and i look like tom selick with that shit send me a send me a dm on instagram and they're 25, and I'll get you one. Is it a snapback or is it a Velcro? Snapback, baby. Velcro? Yeah, what the fuck? He's too tactical. Let me see yours. Are there really?
Starting point is 00:10:13 No, Velcro is not tactical. Tactical guys don't want Velcro. Or is it one of these? You should start with using these. A buckleback? Hey, that's the old man. When I started accepting the buckle, I knew I was old. I got some buckles now.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'm like, God, you're old. the new uh is the new hipster shit the new young kid it is they let the little thing they like they connect it to where like the little thing hangs over the side like like that you can see the little tag when you're wearing it oh i just feel like an old guy i just feel like i'm a hundred what setting do you go on on your hat? My friend Jake goes on the one dot. His head is so fucking big. Yeah, I go as big. I just started the biggest and work my way in.
Starting point is 00:10:53 On another note, I want to show you. I found the two hottest girls in the world on Brian Spins Instagram account. I apologize to JR. JR thinks his wife is the hottest girl in the world. So these are two of the three hottest girls in the world besides JR's wife. Can you pull up this Instagram account? This one girl, I can't believe I've never seen this girl before. And I was showing Caleb this this morning, and he's like, hey, dude,
Starting point is 00:11:19 that's the way all the girls are over there in Invictus. But there's this girl there, Laura stalwood and this other girl emily something lukeman i swear to god they need to be the next charlie's angels here's what's crazy about this girl uh stalwood this girl looks like she probably looks like not this girl i mean this girl's hot as shit too but look at this other girl this other girl looks like she looks like this when she falls out of bed in the morning like if you go to her instagram account that's just like a that's just like a girl that's just like a like she's a 10 like no matter when you wake her up that girl's don't get me wrong that girl's smoking dude yeah that girl on the left there is she's ridiculous anyway someone get her autograph at uh wadapalooza
Starting point is 00:12:01 these girls are nuts oh yeah yeah pull up that picture this is i'm getting a membership in invictus look at this this is nuts that's devin kim on the left and that's definitely a weiss i don't know which one in the middle for me and those other three chicks like are god it's nuts so it must be nuts working out there anyway that i saw that uh brian spin once again killing it um i know right like jiggy josh right it's it's crazy yeah and she's yeah probably a couple of those girls are moms yeah emily is a mom for sure these girls are nuts but i just can't believe that that i want to know i want to ask that stalwood girl she really just looks like that all the time like she doesn't got nothing done to her.
Starting point is 00:12:45 She doesn't look like she's been genetically modified or – like Taylor. Taylor just looks like that when he wakes up in the morning. JR is not always that handsome. He has to part his hair to the side, and he has to do some stuff. He quaffs a little bit. I guarantee you JR wears lotion on his – JRr you wear lotion on your face don't you what is coif you're you're muted you're muted i have very oily skin i do not wear any kind of lotion wow i thought i thought for sure you were the guy like my dad wakes up in the morning and puts like
Starting point is 00:13:17 a dot here dot here dot here and then rubs it all you don't do that no no way angela to answer your question uh no i'm not sponsoring their team, but Jason trains like exclusively at crash. So he registered their team and just put their gym was CrossFit crash. No, no sponsorship. okay uh today uh let's bring up the leaderboards you guys uh i know we're 14 minutes in and we haven't talked one reason why the true reason you guys are here stalwart's from new zealand wow and i don't think they're notorious for having hot people are they they're usually all fucked up looking like too much too much inbreeding uh uh okay um we got uh Okay. We got a... Facts. It's a show of facts. You are here because we are on day two of Wadapalooza 2023. This has been an amazing event.
Starting point is 00:14:16 There's very few events, if any, that I've kind of wished that maybe I was there so I could have seen this. If you have a front row seat here, you get to see some of the greatest movers the sport has ever seen a move you get to see their bodies twist and turn you get to ooh and ah and you get to see some outstanding performances uh in first place is team bpn well do we want to go through you want to name who who knows like these five teams here who can tell us all the people who are on these teams team bpn is laura horvath gabby magala jamie simmons the daughters feet mob is annie catron and mal o'brien all american girls are brook wells amanda barnhart and the third athlete is christy o'connell humble killers is uh yep alex kazan carrie pierce ariel lowen is Christy O'Connell. Humble Killers is Alex Kazan,
Starting point is 00:15:06 Carrie Pierce, Ariel Loewen. Go Odd Girls. Drawing a blank. There we go. Jackie Dahl from Soul of Cigar Daughter and Emma McQuaid. Look at that. I'd say the only borderline non-superstar in the pack. Maybe she's a superstar
Starting point is 00:15:24 in someone else's mind. It's like Sola, but Sola's climbing instar in the pack. I mean, maybe she's a superstar in someone else's mind. It's like Sola. But Sola's climbing in there, in my mind. I've seen her so much this weekend. These are like, yeah, let's just throw Sola in there. Sola, today you get your black belt. You are officially one of the queens of CrossFit. What an incredible event.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Very close. So this is the point spread. 360, 355, 337 337 330 and 305 uh with there are how many workouts left jr four scores four scores yeah okay 400 points no one ever answers that question how many workouts are left when i ask it in regards to this event because there is some interesting scoring uh going on. Some of the events have two scores. Some events have two scores that are 100.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Some events have two scores that are 200. So I think that's better when they say 400 points left. Are all of these people in contention? Not only mathematically, but are they all good enough to win? Taylor? they all good enough to win taylor i think team bpn and the daughters are good enough to win i think potentially the athletes on all american girls are good enough to win but man it's tough with this field i don't think anyone's going to beat team bpn or the daughters i think it's between them two for the first spot uh barbell spin chimes in uh hearing that the final men's and women's heat for all events will go back to back today what
Starting point is 00:16:53 and what does that mean jr when he says the the events are going to go back to back haven't they been going back to back uh already no saying i think that they'll do like heats one through three of let's just say the males. And then they'll save the last heat of males. And then they'll go heats one, two, three of females and then go back. So kind of like the regionals used to do for the last workout. Okay. So the two asses go first.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I think that's what he means. So normally they separate, they partition the events by men and women, but now they're going to start partitioning them between ass and good. I think it's just saving the final heats to go back to back. Yeah, that's what I said. Because that's probably where everyone wants to – there you go. Okay. So females first, and then they'll go all male, and then the last female.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Cool. And this doesn't even really matter, right? Because there's going to be a cut right after this first event, isn't there? Is the cut after the first one or after the second? I think the cut's after this first event isn't there is the cut after the first one or after the second i think the cuts after the second end of the day as you guys like to say after 200 points are allocated uh then there will be a cut correct the first workout is just the lift i believe and the workout after that is? Kitchen sink. Yes. Dude, look at this.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You can get your hair cut and you can get shaved there. Is that Bill Grundler? Chase Ingram. No, Chase. Is he cutting off the stache? Oh, let's go in there. Can we go in there and look at that? What the hell is going on there?
Starting point is 00:18:17 That's Will's camera. No, we've got, yeah, so. It's gone. Is that Chase? We got Chase getting his trim right here. Wow, did he get the mustache shaved off? Is that Sean O'Malley? That looks like Sean O'Malley, not Chase Ingram. So JR, is Holds and Climbs first or the liftoff?
Starting point is 00:18:41 The liftoff's first. You have a liftoff. Itoffs first yeah i have a liftoff i have start time at four yeah so i think holds and climbs is our first event of the day okay that makes sense i wouldn't think the first one was at four so holds and climbs is one score then three two one liftoff their next score then they'll cut and then kitchen sink is a two-parter and that's going to be the last 200 points available is kitchen sink yes a deer will plumber if you can hear me the trick to holding your phone still is to not try to hold it still you get it's a fluid motion it's a fluid motion it's fluid try to hold the skill you get this shit it's just fluid wow look at that media crew there. Chase Ingram,
Starting point is 00:19:25 Bill Grundler, I think that's Mike Halpin in the foreground. I think Brian's in there too. Mike Wade. Hey, Will's phone's got a lot of bass. I'm sorry, what? Yeah, Will's doing an amazing job now holding the camera
Starting point is 00:19:45 Mike Alton looks like the most awkward human being ever there's Snorri oh Snorri could you return that email I sent you about who's Brian talking to who's that giant is that Don Fall no that's not Don I have no idea who that is email I sent you about... Who's Brian talking to? Who's that giant? Is that Don Fall? No, that's not Don.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I have no idea who that is. It's the guy from Sherpa Works. Sherpa Works. His shirt company. Now it all makes sense, everything I've heard about him. Now it all makes sense. That's Ken Lassiker. That's Ken Wackiser. There's Brian Spin. Oh, he's taller than I thought.
Starting point is 00:20:35 You know who Brian Spin looks like? Who? He looks like the guy who does garage gym reviews. Oh, I've seen that show, but I can't remember. Yeah. It looks like Cooper. Do you think,
Starting point is 00:20:48 do you think Brian spin actually does CrossFit? Yeah. Everyone there does CrossFit. Does he do it in his, in his garage or does he go to an affiliate? Plumber asked Brian spin. If he works out, if he,
Starting point is 00:20:58 if he trains, he gets a swole on. Is that the same question you asked? Does he do CrossFit? Does he work out? Is that same question or no? it's fine okay i think he might have walked away yeah ask brian friend ask brian friend if brian spin does crossfit i will he's uh in his garage what kind of i knew you worked out i knew you worked out how dare how dare taylor ask that
Starting point is 00:21:28 start falling smtp he needs to he needs to give it a trial run hey i'm gonna start judging everyone who walks by if their shirt's too big or too small dick's too big or too small oh wow and so chase is six two and that's and SherpaWorks guy is taller than him. Wow. Is that Ken from SherpaWorks? Or is that some other SherpaWorks employee? I don't get this joke, but I want to. Don Fall asking for Apple gift cards from Bill Grundler, too. God, I want to get that joke so bad.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Brian Spinda a street parking man street parking is getting uh in the open mix this year hey get the fuck out of here with that with what street parking yeah don't say that name okay uh back to uh back to Okay. Back to the leaderboard. Let's look over to the men's leaderboard. Great, great teams over there too, not just in the women's field. Do you want to go through these five teams also, Taylor? Yeah, let's do it. First place, Patrick Fellner, Brent Fikowski, Jeff Adler, Canadian PB&J. The boys, this is going to be Travis Marino, Olsen Chandler-Smith. Team Gowad is going to be Willie Yoyes, Jay Crouch, Roman Krennikoff, BKG, Khan, Porter, and Tola.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Alec, Ben, and Dane, Smith of CrossFit Krypton. James Sprague, Dallin Pepper, and some other dude. That's the top five. And how about in this, JR, how about in this group? Do all five of these teams have a chance of winning it, or is it a little tighter there? Is it really just between the boys and the Canadian PB and J? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:23:32 The team go-wad was so impressive last night on that workout. So if they're able to get game plans that they can execute and not have to change anything on the fly, because J was talking about how tough it would be to change anything on the fly communication wise I think they could still keep climbing but also too let's see one of them has to do shoulder to overhead one has to do overhead squat one has to do front squat so I could see where all of them would still put up pretty good strength numbers whenever there's a strength test, there's going to be some outliers in the bottom that jump up and kind of mess up the leaderboard. So I don't see any of
Starting point is 00:24:10 these top five teams having a really weak athlete that would hold them back, but we'll see. I think it's probably still between one, two, and three. I think what's most likely to happen, teams one two and three are are in for the top spot i think king bk and friends are likely to drop a spot or two as the weekend finishes i think good dudes are may potentially have the chance to climb a little bit to fifth or fourth um and i'm not sure about smith bros i think the smith bros will have a good showing on the lift not sure how they will do on holds and climbs or kitchen sink we'll see and when taylor mentions a good dude you can't see them on the screen now but they are in sixth i think it's just about between one and two
Starting point is 00:24:57 for the top two spots i think three through six could all could all go in different spots three through six by the end of the event. I think one and two will separate themselves. I don't think Gowad's going to drop. I think if anything, like JR said, they have the potential to climb. Who's on that team again, the Gowad's team? Roman Krakow, Willie Georges, and Jay Crouch. Yeah, after we spoke to Jay Crouch yesterday, man, they really do believe in themselves.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And then we also heard, it sounds like Roman's really pushing the team. They wanted to do sets of five on the muscle-ups, and Roman was pushing for 10. Jay Crouch is a really, really, really strong squatter. Willie George is a good squatter as well. I'd expect Roman goes for the shoulder to overhead in their lifting portion. I think probably Jay Crouch goes with an overhead squat, and Willie George just hits the front squat. We'll see okay now that taylor's mentioned it let's look at the first workout we're gonna see this morning yeah i want to say i want to say in the last few months
Starting point is 00:25:54 roman posted like a 325 for three push jerk something 335 for five that That's insane. Yeah. He's done. We're 36 minutes away from holds and climbs. The athletes doing the workout we are about to go over right now. As Taylor just said, the name of this workout is holds and climbs? Yep. Holds and climbs? Hose and climbs. Hose and climbs. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Go ahead, Taylor. Climbs holds and climbs, hose and climbs, hose and climbs. All right. Uh, go ahead, Taylor. So at three,
Starting point is 00:26:26 two, one go, there are going to be two athletes holding an implement, uh, a different implement. Each. They're either going to be holding a pair of kettlebells. The other athlete will either be holding a pair of dumbbells or a barbell.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So they have between three implements to choose from. One athlete's going to be holding in the farmer's position, kettlebells, dumbbells, or a barbell. The other athlete, one of those other two implements. What's the farmer's position just down by your side? Down by your sides. Yep. So two athletes are holding an implement. Each one athlete is completing 12 rope climbs in the men's field. Women will be completing 10 rope climbs. As soon as that one athlete completes their 12 rope climbs, and I'm assuming
Starting point is 00:27:06 these athletes can switch holding and climbing at any point. So if Roman is working through his 12 rope climbs, he gets six reps in and he wants to switch with another athlete holding the implements that athlete can go tag in, complete the rest of the climbs. After they finished that first set, they're going to move on to 48 synchro hand cleans. One athlete will be doing hand cleans with the kettlebells. One athlete will be doing hand cleans with the dumbbells. One athlete will be doing hand cleans with the barbell. And the synchronized portion of the rep is going to be at the rack position with your hips and knees extended, elbows in front of your implement.
Starting point is 00:27:41 After they finish that first round, they'll repeat again in the same sequence but the synchro movement is going to change the shoulder to overhead this time synchro portion of the rep again is going to be hips and knees extended elbows locked out with their implement overhead and in line with the body for 48 reps and then finally their last round another 12 slash 10 rope climbs while two other athletes are holding the implement in the farmer's position. Once they finish those climbs with the athletes holding, they'll move on to 48 synchro thrusters. This time, all three of them do the synchro thrusters all through three of them. OK, here's the part I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So if J.R.'s climbing the rope and me and you are holding like whatever we choose, right? Yep. And then you have to set your shit down. Yep. Because your grip starts to give way. That means then all three of us have to move to our weighted implements and perform six front squats. So JR has to stop doing the rope climb. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Correct. Wow, what a crazy shit show this is going to be. This is going to be wild. And then after we do our front squats, like let's say you chose to hold the dumbbells yeah and you were blowing up and you're like god i gotta put them down so i we we come back together we do our squats you could then say hey dude switch them the let me take the kettlebells you take the barbell so like as i understand it every time there's a break like that, whether you're switching from the rope climbs to the 48 or after the 48 and the next person goes to rope climb, you can choose to hold whatever you want at any time. There's the part I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:29:16 If my grip breaks and now I'm punished six front squats. How am I supposed to pick? I didn't even get any time to rest. How am I supposed to pick it up and hold it while you continue the rope climbs? That's the challenge of the workout, and that's why these guys are in the elite division, and you're on the couch, buddy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And then how am I supposed to climb the ropes when it's my turn if my grip's already been shot and if it's already been taken to exhaustion? You'd be the first athlete climbing the rope. Let's put it that way. So, yeah, key here is going to be, you know. So the pussy climbs first. The weakest guy climbs first.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Pussy climbs first. And ideally, your athletes that are on the rope climbs, the best need to be completing their 12 rope climbs in about two to two and a half minutes. Uh, if they can manage that pace, just really quick touch and go rope climbs for 12 reps without exchanging, they save themselves and their teammates that six front squat penalty, which is just going to tack a ton of time onto the rep. So if I were these teams, the way I would attack the workout is you're attacking the holds and the climbs athletes attacking the climbs as fast as possible they complete them without any of us breaking and then we rest and take a decent rest before going into our 48 synchro reps after we finish our 48 synchro reps we take another calculated rest when we're ready to
Starting point is 00:30:36 perform our next round we pick up our holds boom next athlete 12 okay yep so i'm thinking about it all wrong i'm thinking you just go and try to finish as fast as you can. You're screwed if you do that. You have to have an approach to this. Yeah. And like knowing how you're going to break on the 48. There's no penalty for breaks during the 48. So you don't have to do all those unbroken. What's the time cap on this? 20, I believe. Yeah. You have a lot of opportunities for strategy here. And the key is if you have planned breaks that save you and allow you to attack the workout quickly in separate chunks, you can avoid yourself those six squat penalties. The last thing you want to be doing is adding repetitions to your overall workout.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Okay, so no one's holding on to anything until their fingers peel open and it falls out. That's that you're toast if you do that. Yeah, you're for sure you're for yeah you're toast if you do that um unless it's the last round and you're on to your last athlete completing rope climbs and your last set of holds you don't want to you just don't want to add any reps to your workout if anyone in the comment comments knows we something we hypothesized in the programming show whether or not they're going to get to use grips for the holds they said they weren't briefed on that uh okay so so basically once you've done the rope climb too you have you're at a little more liberty
Starting point is 00:31:58 to uh to war with your implement and because then you, you don't have to go up the rope anymore. And here's the deal. At some point in the workout, you as an athlete for the men are going to have to complete 12 rope climbs if you're allocating the reps evenly. So to me, it just doesn't make sense to break your rope climbs into two sets of six. These guys can annihilate six rope climbs quickly. Uh, they need to just get all 12 reps out of the way in one chunk and hope that their teammates can hang on to the implements. And at the end of the day, these implements are not the heaviest. Uh, you've got, it's going to be a challenge in concert with all of the other stuff going on, but every single one of these athletes can hold a pair of a hundred pound dumbbells for two minutes. Um, yeah, I mean, I was going to say like the, it's going to be interesting to see the difference in speed, like athlete to athlete.
Starting point is 00:32:47 The first athlete is going to be doing them way faster than one every 10 seconds. But then the second athlete, how much slower are they going to go? It'll be impossible to know watching the stream unless you're there to just watch one team and time stuff like that out. But it may come down to how fast the last athlete can do their 12. Because the 48 thrusters at that point, they'll just go for it. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, this pro tip has been brought to you by paper street coffee.
Starting point is 00:33:10 The athletes that are more advanced and smarter. We'll all spit big loogies on their hands before this event starts. That is your pro tip brought to you by paper street coffee. Big loogies. Yeah. Big loogie, big spit. I always spit on my hands right before I climbed the rope.
Starting point is 00:33:24 You're disgusting. Fuck it. I do what I got to do. Are. I always spit on my hands right before I climb the rope. You're disgusting. Fuck it. I do what I got to do. You spit on your hands, JR, before you climb the rope? No. Would you if – how about when no one's looking and you're just working out there on the weekend? Why the fuck would you spit on your hands? No, I just use some chalk.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Because my hands – I tell all my kids that too. Whenever we climb shit at the park or anything, we just spit on our hand before we go. That seems like it would make it harder. No, your hand's so sticky. Spit is so sticky. So sticky. A little bit of life source on the hands real quick. Yeah, that's next level. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:33:56 this can't be... This must be the RX division going, right? Yeah. This Brian Spinset RX teams are going, and they were doing all 12 rope climbs in a row and hey they don't look like they're climbing very high that's because they're doing legless and not sure where they're going yeah why are they doing legless there are three pieces of tape if you saw three colored pieces when the elite individuals went i would have to think it's like 15 12 10 so maybe they're just doing 12 foot climbs would they have the elite people go up
Starting point is 00:34:33 to 20 or this no this isn't that workout dude this is totally different they're doing ghds here what is this is the chipper they're doing the these are individuals they're doing the chipper from that the individuals did okay thursday look at heidi's already got a good seat heidi did you already pee this morning or do you think you can sit there how's your bladder yep i'm gonna go for the whole day who's got a bigger bladder me or you uh me for sure oh all right well then you're good then you're good to go thank you thank you heidi okay so we're to get a front row seat to this. This is pretty cool. She's sitting next to some creepy dude.
Starting point is 00:35:09 That's fine. Take one for the team. Hey, we're going to see some teams just get stuck, right? This is going to be a workout where we're going to see one of these elite women teams just get frozen under the rope. How about the doters? Katrin and the rope how about how about the doters catchin catchin's note the catchin and the rope aren't friends the regular rope climbs it's regular time so but she but her grip i think yeah we'll see so do you think that she goes first yeah yes she climbs the rope first and then and then annie and then last is. They set Mal up to fail.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I don't know, though. Static holds is not something people train for two minutes at a time. Stuff like that, it may surprise some people unless they have practiced the workout before. I think a lot of people could be caught off guard that are really good rope climbers. It's just purely grip fatigue that goes. Your hand size comes into play so much with static holes like annie's hands annie's five foot nine and mal's what five three yeah i don't know how good mal is at rope climbs are probably so much bigger than mal's so
Starting point is 00:36:16 when it comes to just holding on to something hand size plays so much more of a factor than just grip strength it's interesting too because a lot of times the bigger the athlete like you're saying the bigger the taller the athlete the bigger the hands but then are those athletes going to be the worst at the rope climbs sometimes body weight corresponds sometimes people that are heavier are great at rope climbs how do you warm up for this you don't warm your grip up right grip's not something you warm up it'll just blow out right do a couple wrist circles a little bit of fapping edge a little bit bring yourself to the edge a few times bring yourself to get the forearm warmed up
Starting point is 00:36:55 hey what you don't what you don't do is climb the rope a million times or do a ton of static holds which a lot of people will be nervous climbing the rope practicing like what are you doing what why are you practicing rope climbs uh kettlebells and dumbbell holds the weights are not supposed to be resting on the shoulders hey can you pull up to work out one more time we know that yeah i don't know i mean i would think it's all hang position for everything for the holds right hang brian's been just contributing uh your penis would look tiny in annie's uh hand i she's definitely not talking to me have you guys ever seen a hold where you Brian's been just contributing. Your penis would look tiny in Annie's hand. She's definitely not talking to me.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Have you guys ever seen a hold where you just hold it overhead in a competition and they see who can hold it the longest? I've seen Strongman do that back in the day. They did that in a local competition here in Houston. And some girl held a log over her head for four minutes. Wow. Doubled the time. Hey, most people can't even hold their hands over their head for four minutes. Yeah. I don't think I can. Hey, let me, I want to ask you guys this real quick, just in defense of whoever's going to climb the rope last. So the person who climbs the rope last, God knows how long they'll have been in a static hold with either 50 pounds in each hand pretty much. They also have to do 48 hang cleans, taxing on the hands, right?
Starting point is 00:38:16 48 shoulder to overhead, not too bad on the hands. And then do they do the thrusters after the rope climb after the rope climb after the rope climb okay so i don't someone justine wrote in the comments here and i'm trying to figure out whether it's too harsh or if it's true um if you're elite and and get god doesn't uh she looks like alexis raptus in that photo is that not her is that alexis raptus if you're elite and get stuck on 12 rope climbs you're not elite is that true what's getting stuck mean going to failure or just going slowly you go no basically like like what we're gonna see we're gonna see those girls in the third round just looking at the rope you know what i mean they're gonna make six attempts and
Starting point is 00:39:01 not and not be able to touch it they're not gonna be able to not climb the rope they're just gonna rest in between if anything when you can use your legs every everybody will be able to climb the rope i don't know you remember 2017 noah olsen blowing up on two two two three intervals on some regular rope climbs we'll have to see i don't hey dude hands are gonna be so blown out did you remember yesterday when we saw alex gazan's hand give out uh and or two days ago and then when she went to pick the bar up again it gave out again like they're these alex gazan are you talking about emma carrie oh emma carrie maybe it's emma carrie same girl to me uh but you know what i'm talking about like once your hand gets peeled open it's
Starting point is 00:39:41 toast you can't you can't even feel it. And that's the problem on the rope climb. You can't even feel your forearm or your hand anymore. And then climbing becomes impossible. This doesn't make sense. What the fuck does that mean? Why would you want to hold it in any sort of active position if it's not resting on a joint or stacked over the body? That just makes no sense. Well, just like this.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So that's interesting. So what he's saying is they just have to be held. They don't have to be held at the side or in front with the barbell. Like you reported, you reported. That's what doesn't make sense. Why are you giving false information? No,
Starting point is 00:40:20 I just, so John, so John, do you think anyone with like super good, let's just take someone like Alexis Raptus, could you see someone like her just putting the bar overhead and just doing all the static holds from overhead? Now I'm following.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Do you get it now, Taylor, to be sure? I mean, someone with just amazing shoulders like that. And it would work different muscles too. I think if one in particular just remember muscle is just getting super blown out you're just trying to work a different muscle just remember you've got to do shoulder to overhead for 48 reps and thrusters for 48 yeah i mean i don't i i'm not gonna predict that that happens but i mean i wouldn't say it's impossible for it's not to happen i mean i think i mean i think a lot of it's gonna have to do with whether or not they
Starting point is 00:41:03 can wear grips if you can wear grips and hook your grips in on any of those three implements, then a hang hold is by far the easiest. Much, much better. Apparently, they were holding the implements up near the shoulders. I'm not sure. Great info, Mr. Spin. You gave us another 10 minutes of shit to talk about. I'm trying to think if can you elaborate like this like if you're uh maybe holding the dumbbells like if you're your arms could like lock out like this you know what i mean it's just hanging i think that's an rx thing
Starting point is 00:41:35 you're seeing because the rx athletes often do some fuck shit i'm looking i'm going back into the Bayside and seeing if I can see anything to the Bayside stream. I don't see it. Is that where this is going to go on today over at Bayside? Yeah. Yeah. Brian showed us the line 30 minutes before the event start and it's already nuts.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Oh, thank God. Thank God. Heidi's there already. It's like fucking camping out in front of a Walmart on Black Friday. Have you ever done that? Do you think there's any – let me ask Will this. Hey, Will Plummer.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yes. Hey, buddy. Have you seen any assholes there at all this week? Have you seen any, like, fighting or pushing or shit-talking? Have you seen any uh assholes there at all this week have you seen any like fighting or pushing or shit talking or have you seen in security you have to do anything not really no the only time is when you're like leaving the event people are people are pretty aggressive to try to get out of the stand okay so yeah it's like getting off a plane. All of a sudden, everyone turns into the worst human being you've ever met. Yeah, real quick. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Thank you. Heidi. Hi. Oh, hold on a second. Sorry. I'll get back to you in one second, Heidi. Sorry. What are we looking at here?
Starting point is 00:42:58 Whose camera is this? This is Brian's video of the line to get into Bayside. 30 minutes prior to the event start. Wow. Hey, dude. Someone should be walking up and down that line selling CEO shirts. And Paper Street Coffee. And Handies.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And SMT programming. Hey, it's just a menu. Do you want a Handy, a Paper Street Coffee, or a CEO shirt? Or all three for $7.95? Wow. Oh, at least the line's moving. Hey, can I ask? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Go ahead, Simon. Are you sure? Go ahead. You got something important? Go ahead. No, it's not important. Okay. Heidi.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Hi. Any assholes in the three days you've been there? I did see a guy get kicked out by the police and security yesterday because he would not take a seat on the bleachers. And they're very particular about people sitting, like you can't be standing in the walkway or sitting on the stairs. Wow. Do you think he was intoxicated? Probably.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And they were like, come on, buddy. And he would not come. And the the guy was like don't make me drag you out so it was very exciting stuff yeah wow you don't see that at crossfit events that's amazing oh yeah it's great all right i'm glad to see you have a little time hey um have you is there alcohol in the stands like is there someone walking around like a beer a guy with a bunch of beers in this front like at a baseball game and peanuts yes sadly not but you should probably do that for about two minutes before this guy would take you out that cop is fucking yoked all right thank you heidi uh we are looking at john the cop uh with this i love i love that camera okay let's are we gonna play this miss cat shears uh instagram
Starting point is 00:44:46 it's just a picture of him he's yoked bro god is i hope that's the guy that tossed someone out he looks like a robocop you know what he looks like he looks like the fucking dude from uh a little like ronnie coleman no he looks like the dude from blood diamond or the island i can't even tell what he looks like because his head's down. It's the same guy. Yeah, I know. I know. That's why he can be so many different guys.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Yeah, the coach from Never Back Down. That dude's fucking ripped. That's one of my favorite actors. Sousa. Yes. You're hot. How's the vibe there? Is it three days of love?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Have you seen any assholes yeah a couple back alley fights uh stabbing no no no man this community is awesome everybody i mean it's one of those things where like if you accidentally shoulder somebody alive both people spend like two minutes apologizing profusely to each other yeah before they move on yeah this type of this type of community is awesome. I mean, I see people trashable around, people will stop and pick it up like overly courteous.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Even people in the lines are just having fun meeting each other. It's a, it's a very unique, a unique community, unique vibe. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I remember that, uh, when we would do events in Carson, LA, the security is like, Hey, you know, I've been working here 10 years and I've never seen an event that,
Starting point is 00:46:04 that there wasn't at least one fight. Like this is, these are the, hey, I've been working here 10 years and I've never seen an event that there wasn't at least one fight. These are the most peaceful events I've ever seen. Okay. We are... What are we? What time do you guys have for the start of this event? 8.31?
Starting point is 00:46:19 We're 16 minutes away from showtime? Yeah. Okay. Let's go. Let's ask uh suza what he sees in the um warm-up i got a big announcement oh go ahead uh team shut up in row daniel shantosh chris smith the other gentleman brian brian shantosh brian shantosh sorry that's okay brian shantosh chris it's daniel tosh is the, you're right. They just finished that Talisker whiskey in 33 days,
Starting point is 00:46:49 17 hours, and 38 minutes to row across the Atlantic in a fucking rowboat. Okay, let's come back to that. Susan wanted to say something. That's amazing. Susan, were you going to say something? No, no, no. Irrelevant now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Was someone walking by the camera? No, no, no. Irrelevant now. Okay. Was someone walking by the camera? No, no, no. Okay. Hey, what are they doing for warm-ups? What are you seeing? I see people climbing the rope. Is that dumb? No, definitely not. What I've noticed the protocol is,
Starting point is 00:47:22 they'll come over to this side over here, stretch out, stretch out on the grass hill, get their hands on a barbell, start moving around. A lot of them, they move over to here, get a few rope climbs in, use some machines, just kind of bounce back and forth between two areas. What do you think? Are you guys concerned with someone doing too many road climbs
Starting point is 00:47:45 for the warm-up yeah i agree with y'all i i almost feel like you want to go into this not like almost cold like just get a little little sweat going but nothing nothing working your your grip i think they need to be working their synchro movements more than anything and i think just warming up some hand cleans will be enough for the grip warming up the hand clean shoulder to overhead and the synchro thrusters. I think they need to do some sets of that. Some work on the machines a little bit, some rowing, some skiing would help if they have access to some skiers, maybe some active hangs or some scap pull-ups on the pull-up bar, um, Kip swings potentially just to warm up the shoulders and the hanging. Um, but aside from that agreed, nobody needs to be holding the dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbell in that hang position.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And they should be doing all the athletes, maybe three to five rope climbs total as a part of their warm-up to warm up their technique and their foot clamp. Jake Marconi and Matt O'Keefe in the warm-up area. I think we saw that was David, Katrin's daughter also. Katrin, David's daughter also catching David's daughter also. Hey, those people who these people walk, are these all athletes walking around and managers and agents,
Starting point is 00:48:51 or are there any just like regular Joe's in media people? Is there any. Susan. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah. Yeah. So, um, they're kind of actually moving some people out. Cause there was a lot of just athletes hanging in here. Uh, but no, there's only a handful of media people. out yes sir yeah yeah so um they're kind of actually moving some people out because there was a lot of just athletes hanging in here uh but no there's only a handful of media people most of this is all managers coaches and athletes
Starting point is 00:49:12 and so those people that we saw asking catch him for a oh i think i see ceo sweatshirt i just saw ceo sweatshirt those those people um those people uh those people taking a selfie with uh uh katrin david's daughter those are just other athletes who are fans of hers yeah exactly because you remember we still got teens here we have scale the other individual you have masters um so when you see some of these bigger names walk through they'll get stopped by a couple people to sign some stuff take a picture say hi things like that um the most person i got sworn we saw yesterday was rich when he got in here he was probably here for about five minutes before he was absolutely uh surrounded and he handles it so well the
Starting point is 00:50:00 athlete area is fucked up for him yeah yeah just yeah. I mean, there's just so many divisions, right? So there's just a lot of people here. It's not like they separated lead warm-up from scaled or anything like that. Hey, Nate Williams says, ask O'Keefe if him leaving is the reason it's a clusterfuck this year. It's not a clusterfuck this year, is it? It was more of a clusterfuck last year. Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Is that Bruce Wayne that keeps walking back and forth in front of the um no no okay uh matt have you have you noticed any difference um between this year and last year in terms of just like superficially how you're experiencing it no not at all not at all i i don't think that you could make a negative comparison from this year to last year. Okay. At all. I think last year was worse because they asked us what we wanted our fucking final workout to be. Hey, ask them. Yeah, but wasn't that due to the, wasn't that due to like the thunderstorm that came in and washed the whole thing out?
Starting point is 00:51:02 It kind of was, but to be honest, there needs to be a plan put in place prior to it. You shouldn't be asking Daddy Rich what he wants his final workout to be. I don't know if it went that way. Wad Zombies, okay, then ask O'Keefe if him leaving unfucked it then. My goodness. We have the sharpest crowd in the podcast business.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You guys are ruthless. I would say that you can't really compare because they had to deal with the contingency of the weather. They had to deal with the contingency of like the weather. They had to close everybody out. The authorities, like the, you know, cops and stuff pushed everybody out of the event last year. This year, they didn't have to deal with that. So it would be a hard comparison. Does Mayhem really have their own pastor?
Starting point is 00:51:38 Are they the only gym that has their own pastor? It's like the gym chaplain. I will say this about. They brought church with them. I love it. I will say this about the Mayhem crew. They rolled deep. It's like a rap entourage. They have
Starting point is 00:51:53 a crew with them at all times. It would not surprise me if they had a pastor there as well, too. Is that a guy or a girl on the right there, just eating a bowl of cereal and a pair of banana uh, uh, banana hammocks. Uh, that is a lady. She heard you.
Starting point is 00:52:10 She just turned around. Oh, I'm just kidding. She didn't. Oh, no, she did a year and a year piece. That was just good timing. So I had to take advantage of that. My goodness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Uh, we are 10 minutes away let's cruise over and take a peek uh suza do you think you can get over to the corral for bayside yeah i'll head over there now okay thanks brother uh miss heidi miss heidi hi hi you're at the Bayside venue. That water there, is that a bay or is that the Atlantic Ocean? It is a bay. Hence why it's called Bayside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Fair enough. Good. Fair enough. Okay. And are they clearing it out and getting ready for the first event of the day for the elite teams? Yeah. They said it's going to start in about 10 10 minutes they're rolling out the barbells now and uh looks like the volunteers are just getting everything set so it should be about a little less than 10 minutes now looks like they're letting people in still the stands are not quite full
Starting point is 00:53:19 um but they're just letting people in just as this guy says like okay two more three more at a time point to me where the sun is where's the sun okay and so and then which way is it headed which way is the head is it going to fall behind those buildings yeah so it usually takes a route that way behind the big buildings there that's why we were in the shade yesterday for a little bit so probably this afternoon we might be back in the shade okay and um oh here we go bayside heidi uh is that a nay or the atlantic ocean i don't understand hey uh listen um is it hot there? What's the temperature there? It feels super good. It's really hot in the sun, but it has a nice cool breeze.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So it's perfect weather. And better than last night when it got really cold. Oh, way better. I was shivering. All righty. But I did pack two sweatshirts for later, though, just in case. Hey, if you stand up and point your camera down and to the left is that where they're lining up yeah so they're going to be coming out there and exiting
Starting point is 00:54:30 there as well and uh down in this area i think will or susan can get down closer there so should be able to get a couple good shots from those two hey is the seating so competitive that you're that you're afraid if you stood up and went to the edge of the railing that someone would try to take your seat? Well, the problem is if I go to the edge of the railing, this guy right here will say, sit down and then I'll be saying, okay. Okay. So if I leave my seat, he will put another person in my seat so quick hey remember everyone is purchasable remember everyone is purchasable right exactly i'm pretty expensive though so all right fair enough uh barry mccochner heidi is a meteorologist now um sun's out with the tan lines uh barry mccochner that was an aggressive
Starting point is 00:55:21 impersonation of uh heidi uh got a snow warning here last night negative four degrees holy cow really uh no one will take heidi's seat she will crush them uh justine uh clive mclaughlin that was a bad expression of my german humor okay uh okay we have someone from germany listening uh miami is shady yeah but i don't think the event is shady i think they do a good job of keeping that out there miami is shady i i definitely agree oh give that guy a ceo shirt totally all righty uh so the um event has a 20 minute time cap how many heats guys three heats three uh we are assuming three heats of men three heats of women but potentially four how many uh okay How many? Okay, let's check out the Matthew Sousa cam. I can get my arrow over there.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Okay, so first heat's... Ladies Heat 1 or the men's start. Oh, no, I don't recognize those. Oh, it's because it's teams. Yeah, that's Ladies Heat 1, I believe. So Ladies Heat 1 will go, Then ladies heat two will go. Then men's heat one will go. Then men's heat two will go. And then it will go back to the ladies final heat and then back to the men's final heat is what we're hearing.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Correct. Oh, my God. I'm digging that hair. You guys like that look? The pigtails? The pigtails, but also like. Braided pigtails. Is that what that is? Braided or. The puff braided,? The pigtails? The pigtails, but also like... Braided pigtails. Is that what that is? Braided or...
Starting point is 00:57:07 The puff braided, the ball pigtails? Segmented, segmented. Hmm. I bet you that's a doter of some sort right there. No, that's Michelle Basnett. Oh. No, that was not... Were you talking about the girl with the pigtail braids?
Starting point is 00:57:24 No, no, not with the pigtail braids. Go to the right here. I'll show you. No, I know who he's talking about. He you talking about the girl with the pigtail braids no no not with the pigtail braids go to the right here i'll show you i know who he's talking about he's talking about michelle the girl in the black yeah the girl in the black that's not a doter the sunglasses that's michelle oh no shit we're gonna get her on the show or what did uh she ever text you? I don't think so, but my text is starting to end up like, okay, that's a doter right there. That's got to be a doter. Let me see that one, girl on the right in the white. Is that a doter?
Starting point is 00:57:54 Take a pee break. Yeah, take one. Take one, buddy. Is that a doter, JR? I can't tell who that is. I would love to see the flip side of JR's camera today he sounds like he's posted up in romper oh he is posted up
Starting point is 00:58:13 in romper room Jessica Valenzuela she was given a CEO shirt oh okay let's listen to this guy let's listen to this guy. Let's listen to this guy. Here we go. Susan, unmute. All right. All right. Before that one, I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:58:37 barbell for the front squat and the athlete for the finishing part. Make sure you go touch the chest. He's not moving. All right. Good. All right? Good? Good luck. Good luck, ladies. Have fun. Look at Sousa's getting comfortable
Starting point is 00:58:56 even when Sousa's saying good luck, ladies. Get him, Sousa. Get him. Let's watch their walk path. Walk with this team before you get kicked out from one of the other teams. Let's check it out. Get him, Sousa. Uh-oh. Oh, you got cock blocked. Is that security?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Nope, nope. Just side pass. Nice. Go, Sousa, go. The key is just to act like you belong where you're going and you're good. Just keep walking. No eye contact. Even though you're holding a stick with a camera on it.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Right. Go, Sousa, go. Hey, that was a crash, Eddie. Nice. Look at Susan's got stopped. Oh, Susan, follow that guy. Go, Susan, go. Follow the fire guy.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Yeah. Nice sweatshirt, dude. Do it. Go in the tunnel, Susan. Go in the tunnel. Keep going, man. Keep going, buddy. Thank you. Keep going. Yeah, Susan. Nice. Oh, my God. This side, back there. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Well done, Susan. Oh, hey, Susan, is that VIP area? What's going on back there? What's to your left behind those barriers? Oh, show us Heidiidi show us heidi show us heidi oh that's awesome i love it yeah heidi yeah Yeah. Yeah. The non-elite athletes are really going to have an issue with this, huh, JR? Huh, John? Like real issue with this.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I think if their team doesn't have a strategy and for a lot of them, probably like, hey, let's just eat some front squat penalties just so we can get another break. Then, yeah, I think a lot of them are probably going to blow up. But it's, I mean. Like we might see time. No one might finish this workout in this heat. This might be all time cap. I mean, it's, I mean. Like we might see time. No one might finish this workout in this heat. This might be all time cap. I mean, it's hard to say.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Let's just say that really slow athletes need a total of seven minutes to climb the rope. Let's just call it seven minutes for the rope climbs. At least 13 minutes for the 48, 48, and 48. On paper, it seems like 20 minutes is a very reasonable time cap but it's just hard to know how long people are going to plan on breaking after their 48s before they restart the rope climbs and the static holds or like taylor was saying how how fast they go from the the rope climbs to the 48 like it's just i just, I don't know. It's tough to know. I think in this heat, it would be really,
Starting point is 01:01:50 they would be smart to have planned breaks for the front squats, not just to go off field, but like, we are going to, we're going to break and eat that penalty, planned penalty breaks. I think if people plan those out. So there's a girl holding the front rack, second, maybe third lane. Sousa, can you film the event, not the crowd, buddy? She's not allowed to rest on her shoulders, correct?
Starting point is 01:02:11 It looks like the bar's on the shoulders. It does. Matt, Sousa, can you spin your camera around, Matt? Seven, they just kicked him out. Oh, they did? So the blonde right there on Heidi's phone. He just put it in the private chat. Oh, oh. oh they did so so the blonde how do you know that on heidi's private chat oh oh is there a live feed for them uh it's it's uh not good it's um it's just a big law so the girl
Starting point is 01:02:36 that girl just changed from the hang to the front rack that's a pure front rack the bar is on the shoulders in both of those lanes and you're so you can do that so she is resting on the shoulders in both of those lanes. So you can do that. So she is resting on the shoulder. We thought you couldn't do that. If they're allowed to do that, then that may be the smartest place to hold. Agreed. I agree. You can hold it with one finger on the bar.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Hey. I mean, if you're allowed, is there a designation for them not to be able to do this? You would think after Guido said that he didn't like some people were doing the front squats and the 21, 15, nine like that, then you would think maybe they have to. I mean, if there's not, everybody should be doing this. I'm sure there, I would think they're not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Some are still holding in the hang. So you got some people in the hang. Oh, Sousa still got a good spot. Look at suza still oh he didn't get well if he got kicked out he moved to even a better spot where is the broadcast at is there is there an actual broadcast are you just watching uh bayside pov just through hardy we're watching hardy's there's the there's just that bayside pov uh taylor hey so here's here's just that Bayside POV, Taylor. Hey, so here's just to clarify, JR, you're saying that you think that it's reasonable that all three athletes do 30 rope climbs, 10 apiece in seven minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:59 My 30 for time is like 10 minutes. Yeah, for sure. God, I just can't see that with this first group. Like cumulative time. I was just saying, I mean. Yeah, I hear you. Yeah. I think two minutes each, like five a minute is too fast.
Starting point is 01:04:14 And then you need to build in some rest as they go. So maybe eight minutes then. Like by the time the last person goes, maybe they're only doing three a minute. I mean, I would not think they ever got to that point. And they're not going very high either. Four rope climbs a minute. That's not a breakneck pace at all. No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:04:32 But again, I don't, you know. They're not going very high at all. What is that? 15, 13? Yeah, they're going to 15. God, I would have liked to have seen fewer rope climbs and seen them go higher. And most of them can do two pools on that as well well that dolomer the dolomer underneath them is i would say two inches thick at the most it's not it's not like the big rogue pads so i would say for safety reasons they're not
Starting point is 01:04:56 going to go any higher than 15 yeah good point good point uh so do they uh so do they only show heat three, no heat one and two for both men and women on the live stream if it starts? No, they're showing it. I'll show you the shot here really quick if you want to see it. They're just using – they just have a locked-off shot. Or dumbbells. I'll even put a link. So this is their shot. And then they're probably bringing in the big heavyweight cameras and the commentary very soon.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Here's a link if you want to see their locked-off shot. So we can't see. Can you put it on one of Suze's or Heidi's? During that static hold, it looked like no athlete chose to hold kettlebells, but we couldn't see the whole floor. All we could see is people static holding barbells. I think I saw a dumbbell in one of the lanes. I'm looking to see if there's an elite stream.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I don't see one. It looks like at least they're doing them, though, the same way the elite elite teams last night were doing the synchronized squat snatch and squat clean where they're all facing the stands so they're just in a line of three and you're basically just maybe waiting on the you're just all watching the judge or maybe the you have the kettlebell person say hey i'm gonna yell when i get to the top of the rep. Like, I don't know. That's going to be tough with three people.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Dear Sevan, would you like me to come on with my cereal or come on in 10 minutes? You're so thoughtful. So thoughtful. I didn't know which one you prefer. So I was. It's your reputation, buddy. I want you to do whatever. This is your platform to present the world as you want to be seen. You do you.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Cricker Pebbles. What's that, JR? Only slightly inferior to Fruity Pebbles. I thought you were going to say like a healthy thing. JR, you eat Fruity Pebbles? No, but if I'm going to eat cereal, that's the kind I would eat. Yeah. Only because it's rice-based and I can't eat anything oat-based.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I thought you were going to go onirts a health rant at me jr is that really true oat makes you uh shit your pants yeah i don't don't eat i don't eat chicken pork oats uh as far as the broadcast goes these guys have already been going i mean i don't know how sean's doing it they just can't do every single event and can't know every single athlete. People are so fucking critical of these guys. If every heat has 120, how many athletes are out there right now? 90. So that's something I was wondering too.
Starting point is 01:07:55 If you, if you guys could look, I know it's tough to see. I was wondering on like the dumbbell hang cleans, if they were allowed to go in between the legs and you saw some people doing that, like'm sure why why why yeah why would they make that any like i don't see any clear advantage to that do you guys uh oh that girl's struggling with those dumbbells right i think it's a little bit more hinge intensive to do that versus grip intensive to put them at your side but i mean in a workout like this, I don't think that's... It's negligent. I don't think the low back is going to take...
Starting point is 01:08:30 I mean, there's a little bit of low back and all the static stuff, but... Heidi, is there a clock out there on the floor? It is, but it's facing the athlete, so I'm not able to see it. Okay. Have you seen anyone just standing under the rope looking up at it yet? Not yet. It seems like they're rotating pretty regularly, and it seems like they're not having a problem with it at all.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Okay. Have you seen any teams? Hey, look at that lane look at that lane looks like maybe the fourth or fifth over she's bending your knees at the hang are you allowed to bend your knees and rest the bar on your legs like that and leaning back that girl leaning back yeah like yeah she's they're talking to her right now okay yeah some teams are holding a down time and dancing well there you go someone just switched to genie right there john the blonde she just switched to
Starting point is 01:09:35 genie you can see her elbows now well then everybody should have started that way and never done anything different right and they are all dumb for not doing it looks yeah that's allowed i mean i i don't know why you wouldn't do it now hey and that that leaning back thing i'm okay with that you are okay with that you know i mean it's so much easier like on a max d ball or sandbag hold to bend your knees and let it rest on the lap like that versus locking your knees yeah it's it's cheating somehow i i'm just saying for for the for the for the refs for the judging just basically the bar has to stay off the ground do what you want do what you want on your head into a squat then with it on my hips and just like in cantilever and just balance it because that would be retarded you're not doing
Starting point is 01:10:22 anything then except for holding a squat with extra weight on your body. There's the first. No, no, no, no. You're not seeing what I'm saying. Like, it's in your hips, so it doesn't, you don't feel anything. Oh, you still feel it. I think you would feel that. Like, if you're sitting, like, all the way down to a squat, all the way down, you're not, like, holding a parallel position.
Starting point is 01:10:43 You know what I mean? I'm saying it would save the most grip. You're not anything just like just go ahead jr so we're seeing the first like three teams here do some front squat penalties that we've seen so far you can see a team in the very far lane doing some shoulder to overhead so there looks to be some of the people in the lead in this heat but yeah that's the first time i've seen anyone do any penalties in the first three teams here in these lanes that we can see. We're all doing penalty front squats. Hey, so then you have to yell at your person who's on the rope
Starting point is 01:11:10 and all of that sound and noise that's out there on the floor and tell them to get off the rope and come out and do the penalty? Yeah. Yeah, maybe the judge is standing with their back to the ocean so they can see the static hole people and they can see the rope climber. So they'll just put the hand in the air or something and they can see the rope climber so they'll just put the hand in the air or something and accuse everyone to drop their implement i don't know i bet we see a lot more penalties now too
Starting point is 01:11:30 yeah once you've dipped into one right like that girl just dropped there's just going to be a cascade of them yeah i'm willing to bet everybody kind of at least in this heat will start dying off at the same time. Yeah, they're in the distance. You can see shoulder-to-overheads happening, but not from a lot of teams. I wish we could see a clock. Susie, can you see a clock?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Okay, so that's a penalty we see there in the front going on? No, I'm on the backside side of the clock and there we have i can't see it okay jr how much what is the penalty again is it six or five taylor front squats each time six i believe yeah and it basically you get the penalty if you get the penalty you want it to be when the person on the rope is at the bottom of the rope because i'm assuming if they're climbing up the rope and you get the penalty that was just a waste for them yeah that's huge you see this team just took a penalty red shorts do um have they receded for today based off of yesterday i would assume so yes well the seed yesterday was perfect except
Starting point is 01:12:53 for one uh they had that um they had the emma mcquade team team go odd team go odd in the in the wrong heat but other than that it that, it was pretty damn perfect yesterday. Pretty impressive. And when I say a mistake, I don't know what their plan is. I just like to see all the best teams. I wanted to see Emma. Who else is on the team? I can't remember their names. Yeah, I want to see those girls in the mix.
Starting point is 01:13:23 They won their heat, right? Yeah, convincingly. They probably would have been a couple more spots if they were in the top heat just because you had somebody to chase. You're always faster when you have a rabbit than whenever you're in front. Oh, wow, that's awesome. You got busted by the big dog, Sousa. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Did Dylan just kick him out? No. He still let him. Dylan's awesome. Look, Dylan gave him a better spot. He gave him a better spot than he had. Dude, I'm telling you, this event is so, so good to us. So, so good to us.
Starting point is 01:14:03 They didn't even pay me $20 or give me free coffee to say it. Hey, they could charge us. They could charge us. Like, Dylan could have been like, hey, if you're going to be here, give me $1,000. He thinks a live stream will go live
Starting point is 01:14:22 on the second heat. Yeah, I have to assume that Chase and Bill are warming up their vocal cords. How many teams are out there right now? It looks like 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. That's what I count from looking at their stream. That would mean four. Maybe 12.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Maybe 12. Maybe 12. 14. Okay, so three heats then. That's good. It's good that this isn't four heats. that's good it's good that this isn't for he's i got 12 from savon i got 13 from heidi and caleb just said 14 yeah i got 10 10 12 and 13 are my counts but i if i had to bet uh money i'd go with caleb
Starting point is 01:15:19 so barry mccockner so heat three will only be for sean and chase uh maybe heat two yeah i'm guessing maybe the heat two also this is the elite this is the elite but it's the it's the ass end of the spectrum it's the it's the athletes um what are the chances that i'm not likely to win what are the chances that barry mccockner is actually lucas parker barry mccocken himself i don't think that he just changed his uh avatar to that like two days ago i noticed it would be awesome barry mccocken himself i need you to take care of uh this other guy in the chat is damian castro keeps talking shit to me man take care of
Starting point is 01:16:03 mccockner didn't have Avatar. Yeah. And then somebody called him out for it, and then he finally got one. Yeah. I would assume that Chase and Sean come on for the two final heats of Elite. I don't think they would come on for Heat 2 and then go back off for Men's Heat 1 and then come back on for Men's Heat 2 just to stay on for the finals. Oh, you're thinking smart you're
Starting point is 01:16:26 thinking smart what are these nuts i'm eating are uh they're bringing me some life he's basically saying they're coming on for two in a row they're not like us where they're gonna come on for 15 minutes leave for 15 minutes come back on for 15 minutes when they come on they're coming on i don't know They need time to go to different events. Were you going to ask what I was eating, JR? Some cashews, even though they
Starting point is 01:16:53 give me the shits. Some almonds, some blueberries, and some dates. Have any teams pulled out since yesterday? Did we have any... Besides, we had the Mayhem team pull out, yesterday? Did we have any? Besides, we had the Mayhem team pull out, right?
Starting point is 01:17:08 Mayhem's gone. We got a, oh, let's see. Maybe I can send a, let's see what's going on with those guys. Let's see what's going on with those guys. Let's see if we have a. Do we have any update on Sam? Yeah, let's see. I'm going to see if we can get Sam on, find out what happened. okay is that oh okay here we go this is uh from samuel uh corn by a's uh instagram uh thank you caleb i hurt my bicep and it's not worth it to keep competing and make it worst with the season kicking off soon.
Starting point is 01:18:06 I got big plans for the 2023 season and I want to be 100%. Thank you to my bros, Tyler Christofal and Rich Froning for the support in that decision. Sorry, fans. We are not going to be able to give you the show you guys wanted and deserved. Because he's planning on doing individual this year, yeah? Dear Samwell, I forgive you, but only if you call into the show and help the ratings. Your friend, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Rich and Sam backed out of me and JR's 100 Pegboard for Time challenge. No shit, pussies. We can't say that they backed out of it did they say they were going to do it first exactly no i sent i sent details details listen fucking listen to me i sent sam a dm and he's like yeah well think about it blah blah blah they never did it that means they thought about it we're like yeah we can't beat them we're not gonna do it yes yes the thought process that went out there hey let me tell you something he's not doing um he's not doing a hundred uh pegboards uh anytime soon if he tweaked his bicep oh david montague there's a group of people in here who just want to tussle with you just tussle taylor david montague no one cares what group of people in here who just want to tussle with you. Just tussle.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Taylor. David Montague, no one cares what you're eating. In your mom's box. Damn. Taylor, do you want to do a race to a 405 clean challenge with me? Just saw a couple no reps on thrusters. So no reps for the penalty thrusters? No, the penalties are front.
Starting point is 01:19:44 No, John. Thrusters are the, no. The penalties are front squat. No, John. Thrusters are the last movement. Okay. That's the only thing I got. Oh, my goodness. Hey, there was some bad communication right there. The two girls in the front did an extra thruster while the girl in the back set it down.
Starting point is 01:19:56 She fucked her teammates. Right? If you're going to put it down, you got to tell everyone. She just front squatted and then didn't advance it overhead. Yeah. Yeah. God. We want Susan to stay here for the next heat, yeah? Sure, yeah, I'd love it.
Starting point is 01:20:13 This is a great shot. Hey, you know what's crazy, too, is at the CrossFit Games, you will see teams start fighting with each other. I mean, full-blown just screaming at each other out in the field. It's so good. Susan, we want you to stay in that spot through the female final heat so if you have to take a shit just poop in your hand throw it in the ocean hey what does that mean um so so someone's saying send page powers, uh,
Starting point is 01:20:45 a link. She, she on one of the teams. No, is she on one of the teams? No, she's not. No,
Starting point is 01:20:49 but she's, she's mayhem. So maybe if you want any updates on Sam. Ah, okay. Okay. Who's Elmer Fudge. Sometimes people call me Elmer Fudge because of the hat.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I will. Yo, yo, yo, Elmer Fudge. He's, uh, the guy who tries to shoot
Starting point is 01:21:05 bugs bunny yeah yeah is he talking to me yeah yeah i know who he is i'm trying to figure out who's getting ripped on here yeah thank you caleb yeah i know i i i i said no that was yosemite sam says does this no that was that's right. That's the chicken or the rooster. Oh yes. Thank you. But I want to know who Elmer Fudd is in the group. He's talking shit to one of us. I hope it's me. He's talking shit to me for sure.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Look at that red hat somewhere. Yo, Elmer Fudd. Oh my goodness. Taylor now steals luggage and is a hunter. Yes does it all he's a man he's a renaissance man renaissance that's who i'm gonna be for halloween next year elmer or the or the guy who takes care of nuclear waste you'll win the crash costume contest for sure oh here we go ryan thank you be very
Starting point is 01:22:07 quiet thank you thank you god taylor's so not elmer fudd are you fucking kidding me i just see a guy dude he looks like he runs like he's in a prison cell and runs the uh the white supremacist side of the fucking prison are you fucking kidding me prison cell and runs the, uh, the white supremacist side of the fucking prison. Are you fucking kidding me? Thanks.
Starting point is 01:22:27 That's all I see. When I look at you, I just see like some guy from a movie. You should be in a movie with like, uh, William Defoe prison movie. I've been to prison. You die somewhere in that movie, by the way,
Starting point is 01:22:38 like he should have been at Ed Norton in American history. Yes. Yes. Or he should have. Yeah. Yeah. He should have been the guy who jumps at Norton in an American history X. Yes, yes. He should have, yeah. He should have been the guy who jumps Ed Norton in American History X. Listen, comments.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I don't say something if I can't do it. I said I could do Fran Unbroken and I put up a video within three days, okay? As soon as I go to the gym, I'll get it done. What was your time on that, John?
Starting point is 01:23:00 Oh, dude. It was 2.29. But I did 23 pull-ups and 22 thrusters on the first one so hey that girl laurie that was laurie that was that stalwood girls in that heat i just saw her was that was that her caleb look up dr egman my friend they're saying this in the comments my friend jake sent me the other day no that, I think that's fast. Doctor, sorry, Dr. Robotnik. I promise you things will get better.
Starting point is 01:23:40 We are day two, the final day of the team competition. We're waiting for the big guns to come out. Why don't we go over? Wow. Jeez. Wow. That kind of nails you. If you were fat as shit. Wow. Where's that guy from? I don't know who that is. Sonic the Hedgehog. Oh my God. I can't stand that movie. My kids like that movie. That movie plays in my house every once in a while. I'll break my TV. Can we see the leaderboard one more time?
Starting point is 01:24:10 Give these guys a little something besides just ripping on Taylor. I know you guys enjoy us just bashing Taylor for 20 minutes straight. I enjoy it too. My shit is like lagging. You look good to us. You're not broken up. You got a good stream with us. So we have one more woman teat.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Two more. We have one more woman teat, and then we have two men teats, and then we will come back to finally get the best of the best. I'm starting to think that maybe we should log out at this point uh give ourselves a uh 30 minute break right isn't that what's going to go on here uh taylor john they're ass heats until the good heat yeah we have three more ass heats we basically have another hour of ass heats correct yeah i'm going to come on when the elite people come on yeah okay guys so let's just go over this one more time uh these are the five teams that
Starting point is 01:25:09 we're most interested in uh they have all the the big names it's basically 15 superstar uh crossfit games athletes then we cruise over and it's a close race uh first and second place is 360 and 355 it's going to be a great day once we get going after this event there'll be one more event uh and then we will have cuts so i think then as we get closer to the end of the day things will really start to pick up and then if we can cruise over and look at the men's uh top five uh we the men we have uh the patrick velner, Fikowski, and Jeffrey Adler team warring with Travis Mayer, Noah Olsen, and Chandler Smith. That's also going to be a great competition.
Starting point is 01:25:54 But we are an hour away before any of that even comes close to happening. Oh, sorry if I missed this, but did BKG really row? Okay, we'll finish with that let's open up uh let's look at the scores for the bk uh and there's six they got six place in that event so yesterday there was a a bk uh g got on the bjorkovan carl goodmanson got on the rower and he rode uh theoretically i, 240 meters in 17 seconds or something. And it wasn't his fault. The referee put up his hand. He got on the rower. Referee put up his hand, the judge, and he got off when he was supposed to.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And the time was nine fifty five when they finished that event. So it looks like since yesterday they have added 22 seconds to his time. So somehow they were penalized and given a more realistic row time. And so they were, if I'm reading this correctly, they took first in that event yesterday, but with the penalty time, they're now sixth. Is that correct, Caleb? Am I reading that right? Correct. Correct.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Even with that, you said they were 955 yeah i think they were 955 if i remember yesterday gkg got up the rower in 17 seconds so if they gave them this time right here that would mean he got up the rower in um 39 seconds which is still crazy fast. That's so just to give you that perspective, that's still faster than everybody else. Travis mayor was 46 seconds. Roman was 47 seconds. Pat Belner was 47 seconds. And they're saying he got off in 39 seconds.
Starting point is 01:27:37 So it's still, he, they should be lower than this. They, they got done a favor with this time. Okay. And don't take my word on it maybe it was 951 that would make more sense uh will they follow the same heat order female
Starting point is 01:27:53 female male male male female for the lifting event or is that only for the final event uh yeah for this that is how they're doing it for this next event you're right so we have to watch one more female and two more male again is when he says the lifting event is this the lifting event or is there an actual i assume there's a lifting event after this okay i assume it'll be like this for the whole entire day yeah yeah uh and they didn't uh how did they come up with the penalty well from just listening to john talk basically they took the fastest time split time and they didn't uh how did they come up with the penalty well from just listening to john talk basically they took the fastest time split time and they gave it to him it was 9 55 oh okay nick all right so i don't i don't know exactly but but i do know i'm very confident in saying that it
Starting point is 01:28:40 wasn't bk's fault bjorkman carl goodwinson's fault or the venue's fault i'm pretty confident in saying that it was a malfunction on the row or it's somehow uh this event isn't even uh on lawn chair leaderboard any idea why it's it's called event eight um question mark question mark, question mark. Um, he put it in there before we knew what it was. So it's listed as the last event. Um, but it's event five. Guys, uh, as we sign off here, I just want to make sure that you know that this would not be possible without California hormones.
Starting point is 01:29:21 They are the sponsor that has bought me. And it's not possible without Paper Street Coffee, who is at the venue, who's made a really cool booth that supports the Sevan podcast. If you live in California and you go to, you can sign up and get free blood work and a free doctor's consultation and find out if your testosterone levels are low and see what you can do about it. If you don't live in California, you can have your insurance pay for the blood work, and then you can get the free doctor's consultation over at If you're wondering how that's going and what it's like for people who are on California Hormones, who've taken that journey, you can check out Andrew Hiller's Testosterone Tuesdays. He's documenting it on his YouTube station. And you can watch the Sevan podcast
Starting point is 01:30:11 because regularly we will have and do have guests on who have started treatment with California Hormones. You can find out if it's something you want to do. All right. Caleb, John Young, Mr. Beaver, Matt Souza, Heidi Kroon, Will Plummer, J.R. Howell, and all of you. We will see you guys in one hour. Bye-bye.

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