The Sevan Podcast - #761 - Wodapalooza 2023 Team Day 2 Event 5

Episode Date: January 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What a great find. Tomorrow morning, guys. Bam, we're live. Tomorrow morning, we have the founder of the cock-tutory board. Cock-ootory. I'm saying it's not cock-tutory. It's cock-ootory. Cock-ootory.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Cock-ootory. It's the cock. Oh, there it is written down. The cock-ootory board. While the rest of you guys are sitting around doing your nine-to-fives, wasting your time on Instagram, talking shit about people, blaming people, not taking complete responsibility and accountability for your lives,
Starting point is 00:00:35 this guy made a chopping block in the shape of one of the greatest shapes on planet Earth, the cock and balls uh it is you know the the heart you guys know what the shape for the cock and balls is there it is and uh the founder ceo of this company look at look you can get the lieutenant for 139 five star 52 uh reviews um we will uh this the founder of this company uh will be on the show uh tomorrow morning at 7 a.m uh someone in um i was slapping some uh troll d-bag around who has a private account in um in hillar's instagram yesterday and he responded with some comment like hey uh seven you're a nobody who just held the camera and asked awkward questions 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:29 What are you still doing around? My Instagram account has more listeners than your podcast did, which made me think I forgot to tell you guys. Or maybe I did tell you guys and I just want an excuse to tell you guys again. We got the year in reviews. Oh, Heidi might be saying some important shit right now hold on heidi i saw you waving your finger around you got something important to say oh jesus christ don't let your hands cramp again okay okay she was giving the international symbol you know she had her finger uh waving in front of the lens, and that means, Sevan, shut your mouth. As I was saying, the Sevan podcast is in the top 0.5% of all podcasts worldwide.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Kind of cool, kind of, I know there's 2.7 million podcasts, but 0.5%, top 1% in podcasts on Buzzsprout in all categories. And here's the crazy part. sprout uh in all categories and uh our here's the crazy part our five biggest podcasts of the year have zero crossfit uh relations which were they you know how happy the only one that i need to go back and look but the one that stood out to me the most was the one we did with travis bajan he's coming on soon yeah who's yeah who's coming on in a couple days again. I'm so excited. And that's because we have fascinating guests like the Kakudery. Kakudery board. I need to say it a little faster, right, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Kakudery. Kakudery. Yeah. Kakudery. Unless you really want to emphasize the cack. Yeah, and I do. Thank you. The Kakudery.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Thank you, Victor. I appreciate it. I love you, baby. I love you, baby. Barry McCackner, speaking of cacoodery boards. This is just the last heat of ass men. And then I think they're going to parade out the good men. Let's check with Sousa what's going on. Matthew Sousa.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yo, real quick, before we jump into it into i just wanted to give a shout out to izzy and thank her very much she came and uh saw me at the food court and paid for my lunch and said she loved the show it was a real life chat donation uh in person and so thank you very much for for lunch there is um wait you're saying someone walked up to you some rando who likes the show and bought you lunch yeah yeah she goes did you order lunch i said oh yeah i just ordered it wait she goes oh well yeah i wanted to buy it for you and hands me a $20 bill and then i said oh no no no that's okay thank you so much she goes no no i really love the show and i said no i can't accept this thank you and she goes okay well i'm just gonna drop it on the ground stuff oh my god i love her i love her no thank you very much i really appreciate that hey that's cool and
Starting point is 00:04:10 remember uh and i'm not saying this to you susan but just all of you in in the world out there uh receiving is an art form and remember if you don't accept god's gift god will stop giving anyway as he uh but you did the right thing susan by way, for letting her drop it on the floor. I'm not shitting on you for that. No, I took it. I took it. I took it. I took it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 She didn't have to drop it. No money hit the floor. I took it from her, and I thanked her very much. And people like her are the reason why we do it in the process. And now we'll spin around to what you guys really want to see, which is our third meet here at the HLB. Okay, so this is the – is it dudes? No, no, girls. Girls.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Ladies are going first. Oh, interesting. Hey, that kind of doesn't make sense. They already have the dudes out there. Why don't they just let the elite dudes go? You would think so, right? Right, yeah, yeah. hey that kind of doesn't make sense they already have the dudes out there why don't they just let the elite dudes go they already got some weights out there right yeah yeah but nope they're lining up here as you guys can see and i'll give us a little walk around we'll fall them out to the corral and see how close we can get hey that doesn't look like the corral you were in yesterday like i'm just no so this is part one they They come from up, like, you guys can't really see,
Starting point is 00:05:26 but they come from up here, which is that warm-up area. Okay. There's your dog whistle. Yeah. And then they come down to this check-in area here first. Sorry. Check-in area here first. Then they'll line them all up, check everybody,
Starting point is 00:05:38 make sure everybody's here, and then they'll take them all across down to that tent. You can barely see over there, and then I'll follow them over there, and that tent you can barely see over there and then i'll fall over there that'll look more like what we saw okay and there's a bunch i see uh although your your image is really choppy a bunch of media people starting to swarm now too yeah exactly exactly i may need to restart the phone that seems to help so if the frame rate's bad let me know i'll restart it and jump back on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Tyler Collins, Sevan's podcast is the best. Thanks, dude. I like hearing that. I am, yeah. Nick Schroeder, that's Sevan's money now. Yes. Newts. Newts.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Massive thank you to Sevan and the entire team. You should be so proud of yourselves. Thank you. Nutes massive thank you to Sevan and the entire team you should be so proud of yourselves thank you for the immense work you continue to produce love from the United Kingdom thanks Nutes that's cool when I was a kid I used to like catching Nutes my mom would take me to a stream and the Nutes during the winter
Starting point is 00:06:38 time would be everywhere and I would collect them I used to catch salamanders yeah those are great too right apparently you fucking like kill them if you touch them with your skin because the oils from your skin are really bad for them oh no shit yeah so you just killed a bunch of newts but did you ever keep another pet i did i kept a lot of them i always i always released them though but i kept them for weeks and fed them crickets and shit.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I had one. It was like a really long, like skinny salamander, and I put it in a little container, and it actually crawled out and ran away. I don't know what happened to it. Oh, did you have one of those ones where the legs are so small it kind of looks like a snake when you first see it? Yeah. Yeah. I caught it on a trail somewhere in california corbano uh seven we are wearing the same shirt today i well i know i know uh suzy looks like he's morphing into the dave castro god i can't wait till uh thank you for switching cameras my goodness suzy Susie, your camera's bad today.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Uh, okay, here we go. Where are we? Okay. Uh, newts and crabs, Sevan's favorite pets. Ah, I get what you did. I used to keep my crabs in a Altoids case. Have you ever heard that story, Taylor? Crabs in an Altoids case? No.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. Okay. Well, that's for a different day. Hey, I want you to know that today, earlier, we were having some pretty big storms in California. And today, a police officer, a highway patrolman in Palo Alto Highway highway patrolman we have tons and tons of cliffs in california you guys tons everywhere all over the place it's cliff heaven and this happened uh yesterday uh the roads are just nuts here right now because it's been raining basically for a week straight and here's a car that's dangling off the edge of a cliff. And this highway patrolman got out of his car and help these three people to safety and talk them through how to get out of the car and save their lives. Wow. And so if you are a woke douchebag, now is your time to put
Starting point is 00:09:01 your ear right up to the speaker because I'm about to tell you something to help your life and if you're not a woke douche bag you can go ahead and go to the bathroom now or take a break listen for those you idiots who hate on cops because they have to deal with drunk people at the fucking mcdonald's fast food line who point fake guns at them and then accidentally shoot those guys and you get upset that you think that they should be trained better because that happens five times a year in 365 million. 365 million pullovers a year. I know most of you can't even comprehend that because you're fucking math illiterate. You have no way even to contextualize or put that into any relativity.
Starting point is 00:09:42 to contextualize or put that into any relativity. But I am not worried about those 12 drunk people who get killed at McDonald's every year in the fast food line fucking waving a fake gun. The reason why we have cops is because of this, because on rainy days, instead of being home with their family and running a stupid podcast from their fucking office with their buddies, they're out on the street saving people's kids who drive like shit and are dangling off of cliffs.
Starting point is 00:10:12 People who hate on cops. I want to fucking slap them around. It's fucking idiocy. You want to defund the police? Those could have been your kids. Yeah, exactly. Right, Travis? I know.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's fucking batshit crazy okay where were we i did a little psa before every show it's nice right amen tyler collins thank you was there a video with that no i wish hey and you know they have the video because that's from his cop cam right yeah that's from dash cam for sure yeah it makes me think he didn't really save them that the car just went off the edge of the cliff cops are like every other oh is that willian alcarez or no that would look back heidi the guy just walked past heidi he probably would not have been in the stands no no he's he's stuck up in washington freezing his ass off is that where he lives now i I thought he lived in California.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Janica. Wow. That's a great name. I would rock that shit. Janica Smith. That's weird, right? Janica and then with the Smith? Interesting for sure.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Sevan, you are saving lives in a different way. Okay, thank you. Amen. Sevan put an extra shot of espresso in the paper street uh coffee today uh you know it's interesting anthony i did start the morning with two espressos and usually i just started with one john do you drink coffee uh nope i've never had it wow any caffeine uh yeah i take caffeine pills all the time but You're joking. Really? I've never had coffee, so I kind of don't want to start. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You've taken a caffeine pill? You know who takes caffeine pills? People who are in the military, and they get them from gas stations. That's where I get mine. Oh my God. Bro, John, John, John, John, John, listen. That's like a Catholic mine yeah they're so good oh my god dude they're so bad for you john john john john john listen intervention time that's like a catholic girl saying she doesn't fuck because she she's been
Starting point is 00:12:13 told to be a virgin but she sucks dick and takes it in the ass let me tell you if you are taking caffeine pills stop today and just start drinking coffee i'm i i implore you you god is frowning on you for taking it yeah yeah it's like it's like taking in the butt and sucking dick because you're not supposed to have premarital sex please please just start drinking coffee did you get them out of the coin machine in the bathroom too oh my goodness this is natural caffeine is so much better than that it's it that's terrible for you yeah anal is horrible do not participate in anal can i can i ask why why is uh i believe you guys but can i ask why is it uh so much worse than regular than coffee capping well i have no idea i'm just judging you i just there's a there's a drug addict
Starting point is 00:12:58 component to popping the pill sorry i'm gonna make a logical assumption and say i'll just draw a comparison think about the difference between eating an orange slice that you cut out of a fresh orange and then drinking a cup of orange juice and then think about taking natural caffeine through tea or black coffee and then taking a caffeine pill but i'm sure it's a hundred times worse whatever fillers or chemicals they put in that pill to stabilize it on a shelf and et cetera, et cetera. It's got to be terrible. I think the order of just ask caffeine, the ass way to get it is pills, C4, and then coffee.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I mean, I'm not a proponent. Yeah. And basically, you're just putting water over the beans and trying to get some of the drugs off of it, right? That's what we're doing when we drink coffee. Yeah, my wife loves coffee. I just, I've never had it. You've never had coffee. That's fucking we're doing when we drink coffee. Yeah. My wife loves coffee. I just, I've never had it. You've never had coffee. That's fucking crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Why have you never even tried it? You've never tried it. I don't know. I never have. And then I don't blame you. I ain't hating on that. Hey, so if you don't take those pills in the morning, do you have a, do you get a headache? No.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So I drink my pre-workout every morning, even on my way to church, even if I'm not working out, like it's basically coffee for me. Um, like i just drink that to wake up every morning no matter what okay that's okay and then and then in the afternoon i'm usually pretty tired around like four o'clock and so i'll just pop a caffeine pill uh before i do my second session dude there's some serious hostility towards you john listen to this uh chemicals in the pills dude suspend this guy wants me to suspend your link to the show for a week have you ever had john do you understand we need john right don't anyone get it twisted where's this guy oh here we go john's like i'm sorry caleb are you looking this believe just john is basically a referee taylor and i will kill ourselves if john's not here we go john's like i'm sorry caleb are you looking disbelief just john is basically a
Starting point is 00:14:46 referee taylor and i will kill ourselves if john's not here we if we don't if we don't uh have john uh we will taylor and i will start fighting just think of him as the referee this guy ryan tangway is got his mouth and tongue all over dirty asshole allegedly hey cop i i i don't think coffee's for everyone. Now listen, all of my metrics, my heart rate, anything you want to take, all of that is great, phenomenal. How old are you, John? 28. John, have you ever snorted a line of anything?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Nope. Not even Fun Dip Powder? Nope. Not even fun dip powder? Nope. Is that the one with the candy stick? Is that with the candy? Have you ever smoked any form of anything? Nope. You've never had hookah?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Nope. You've never fucking grinded on a hot Arabian girl at a young hookah bar? No, sir. No. Have you never smoked a cigarette? Heylor i'm pretty let me let me ask this taylor can you remember the days where uh look there's tommy marquez can you remember the days taylor where you're just desperate to smoke anything and you're pulling stuff off the carpet and some of its plastic some of its hair and some of its greens and just putting into a pipe and smoking it dude i used to i used to take like a i used to like grab a fucking q-tip and try to
Starting point is 00:16:10 scrape out my bowl my glass bowl and get oh that was regular i also thought well like i'd be like i'm fucking quitting today and i throw out all my pot off my roof and then like the next and two hours later i'd be on my roof like looking through the gutter. Oh, my God. Been there. I've done all that fun stuff. Holy shit. Hey, one time I flushed some weed. I was renting this house I was growing in, and I flushed some weed down the toilet, and it popped up in the front yard.
Starting point is 00:16:40 No way. Yes. The weed plant grew in the front yard? No, no. no way yes the weed plant grew in the front yard or no no like i i stuffed so much weed down the toilet that it came up somehow through the septic line in the front yard yeah let me ask you guys do you guys think i'm missing out no hell no definitely go i think you should definitely you mean by tobacco or like drugs you're not missing out on anything tobacco wise stand by stand by no joy joy don't burn don't you're not missing out on anything but stop
Starting point is 00:17:12 taking those pills it really is like anal oh look at cindy mccullish and tori dyson uh andrea nistler uh someone help me call these people out here but this is the heat i just saw jamie simmons christine colin brander Katrin Davis' daughter Mal, Annie Thor's daughter, Laura Horvath, Gabby Magala, Amanda Barnhart, Brooke Wells. Oh, the Dahlstrom, Emma McQuaid team and Doter team made it. Oh, those were those girls from
Starting point is 00:17:38 Brian Spinn's Instagram. They're in this Heat too. Sarah Sigman's daughter. No, were they really? Are you sure? Yeah, are those girls that good or they just got in there because they're hot what is what is brian spinstein uh go down they got to be probably one of the worst teams check p10 performance or med girls it's bbc conquer it's conquer conquered bbc uh jason uh can't canadian money 699 y'all are liars if you say you drank coffee the first few times and said oh this tastes good i agree no no i agree with you no i used to drink that what's
Starting point is 00:18:13 that chocolate drink from with all the chocolate chips in it from uh starbucks a triple chocolate fucking venti trenta frappuccino extra squeeze on the chocolate hey can you click which team is it guys that had uh that stalwood girl and emily on it i'm in the what is it oh they're in lane five okay and they had uh and they had a weiss on the team too one of the weiss is ally or britney weiss and lauren stalwood okay let's go over to the heidi krum cam please and let's get the show on the road this is going to be a fun one to watch uh you should pull up the real stream people uh it's called the elite broadcast i'm gonna put a link in the description if i i can't even get this fucking link to work i got it here we go you do okay
Starting point is 00:19:07 so uh we just put a link in the description that is the link that we are watching uh camera currently is on sarah sigman's daughter uh kait kaitlyn van zeal and uh who's the other one in the group fisa coffee no no it was van zeal it was emily rolf but they substituted her campos in their group? Fisa Goffey? No. It was... Emily Rolfe, but they substituted her. Campos. Okay, Victoria Campos. I got my Browns confused.
Starting point is 00:19:36 The stream you're watching that we're doing is about 20 or 30 seconds ahead, but they have a beautiful stream over at Wadapalooza. You need to go to loud and live on youtube or click the link we just posted uh seven your best friend matt is on the live broadcast tell him i said hi mr fraser oh wow they're way behind us yeah it looks like it they're way behind us today uh would you like to go over the uh workout
Starting point is 00:20:07 taylor and give us a rough idea of what we're watching here yeah so at three two one go in teams of three athlete one's going to advance the rope athletes two and three are going to advance to one each of the following three implements they get to choose either a pair of kettlebells pair of dumbbells or a barbell and they're going to following three implements. They get to choose either a pair of kettlebells, pair of dumbbells, or a barbell. And they're going to hold those implements while partner one is completing 10 rope climbs for the women. Once partner one has completed their 10 rope climbs, while the other two teammates have been holding the implements
Starting point is 00:20:39 in any position, they will move on to 48 synchronized hang power cleans. Athlete that just finished the rope climbs will move on to the third implement that's not being held, whether it be dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. And they will all complete 48 hang power cleans in synchronization where the synchronized portion of the rep is where the weights are supported in the rack position and the knees and hips are in full extension. After that round, the next athlete is going to advance to rope climbs while the other two athletes are holding one of the three implements. That athlete will perform 10 rope climbs. They'll move back and now they'll perform 48 sync row shoulder to overhead with three implements. They'll do those reps. Then
Starting point is 00:21:19 finally, the last athlete who has done no climbs to this point will go back to the rope for the third round. They'll do 10 rope climbs while the other two athletes are holding the implements. And then they'll finish off with 48 synchronized thrusters on the three different weightlifting implements. If at any point in time, the athletes break the holds before athlete one, two, or three has finished their 10 rope climbs, they will all be penalized with a set of six front squats hey look at uh mal o'brien she's not even holding those kettlebells they are 100 resting on her shoulders and uh and i think i saw ariel lowen doing her front squat like this i mean it's just resting on her rack and i wonder if they're allowed to do that with the dumbbells as well uh something happened Gazan is getting talked to by the ref.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Okay, here they go. They're trying to get some synchro hand cleans in. It looks like Gazan's team and Carrie Pierce are in the lead here. Unless this is a penalty. No, she annihilated the rope climbs. Gazan did? Yep. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Kettlebell hand cleans are by far the hardest of all these. They need to be synchronized at the top of each rep? Yep. And you think that's why Nistler's doing them? Oh, they're rotating. They rotate. You don't have to rotate, but they're choosing to. Do you think
Starting point is 00:22:50 that is a better strategy? I believe so because the dumbbells and the kettlebells are harder than the barbell. You can rest. You can have a curl or... No, because there's not really true rest in the front rack position with the kettlebells or the dumbbells unless you're taking a long time to set the kettlebells on top of the shoulders.
Starting point is 00:23:10 The rack position with both those implements, you're using a lot of your musculature to support it, whereas the rack position with the barbell, you can rest on your shoulders. That's FISA Goffey with Sarah Sigmund's daughter and Caitlin Van Ziel, right? That's not Victoria Campos, right? No, no. I don't think it's FISA Goffey. It's not victoria campos right no no it's not on the girls she's with alexis raptus oh okay god why do i keep getting them confused do they look alike no not even close they're kind of similar uh and is that alexis raptus in the lane just to the right of carrie pierce and gazan in the back there i can't tell i couldn't see i don't even know who this team is neither do i it's not humble because it's med girls is that is that caratala santa jua
Starting point is 00:24:02 i'm not sure if that's lane one it's the kolesnikov team oh the russian team the russians hey that girl that girl the dumbbells are gonna blow their arms up i didn't even think about that because they're basically doing curls. No, I think it's smarter to do, and JR talked about this earlier, to do the in-between the legs with the dumbbells. Look at Carrie Pierce. She's going outside the legs with the kettlebells. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You would prefer it on the inside? Way easier on the inside. It's like a kettlebell swing versus a curl and something you're going to have to hold on with your grip a whole bunch. I wonder why she's not holding the dumbbells in the front rack position. I wonder if you're not allowed to rest the handle of the dumbbells on top of the shoulder. I've seen people do it. Well, if you can, it's by far the easiest way to hold it. And who are we watching here with the Braids?
Starting point is 00:25:12 That's Sigurdudda. Sigurdudda, okay, yeah. MMO Quaid's team. Laura Horvath's team is making a move. And that might be Nistler next to her. No, that's Chandler Smith's wife, right? Yep, yep. Chandler Smith, Jessie Smith. Yeah, Laura Horvath is a freakazoid on rope climbs so i wonder if she's the one on the rope pulling ahead making the move
Starting point is 00:25:33 it looks like her in the middle of that trio yep seriously or sorry laura horvath so going on the rope uh five minutes and 40 seconds into the workout the laura horvat uh gabby magawa team is uh in the lead team bpn by one rope climb who's the third girl on that i can't james simmons uh jamie simmons that's if i had to guess gabby went first and then laura and jamie will be last if you haven't subscribed to the seven podcast already now is the time to do it. You can do it even from your TV set. You should subscribe. You can unsubscribe later when I start to annoy you. Subscribe now.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Like now. Help the algorithm. Make a comment. Tell us which cartoon character you think Taylor Self looks like and whether you think John Young should pivot to coffee or just drop caffeine altogether. I want to know what cartoon character I look like. There you go. You look like Roman Krennikoff's son.
Starting point is 00:26:37 He's probably very upset how bad I am at aerobic capacity then. Team BPN is first to the second round, shouldered overhead. They have to do 48 of these. The Doders are in second place, tied with the AKA Humble Killers. Who's on the Humble Killers team? That's Kerry Pierce, Alex Kazan, and Ariel Loewen.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Good, I'd like to see them do well. I'd like to see them take a second in this or a first in this and team team bpn is kind of running away with it right now and then in fourth place is the kalishnikov team and i don't think we can say a single we know how to pronounce a single one of their names do we can you pull them off and then in uh in fourth place now that has switched place with the Kalashnikov team is P10 Performance. And that's Paige Shemenza's team. Okay. And Paige Shemenza deserves some love.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You want me to try to pronounce these on the Kalashnikov team? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's have some fun. Let me see you pronounce these. We got Sania Trubetskaya. Nice. I'll take it. Camilla Ta.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I don't know if I'll take that last name. What's her last name again? Camilla Ta. Camilla. What are you talking about? Camilla Takayeva. Yeah, thank you. Oh, I don't have.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I have a different name in front of me. Okay. Ajan Jarasova. Wow. Ajan Jarasova. Wow. Jarasova wow wow thank you john young sorry i was looking at a different list but that works uh team bpn six reps ahead of the doters um it looked like they got their pacing off a little bit laura's holding uh for an exaggerated amount of time at the top there. Good, good. They're pulling out the camera angle so we can see all three of them now.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Jamie Simmons on the front with the 115-pound bar. Behind her, Gabby Magawa with the dumbbells. And then behind her was Laura Horvat with the kettlebells. The daughters have kind of made a move to get even here because they were behind by 14 reps to failure yeah she was shaking she was shaking right little little elbow buckle on the barbell oh the doters have now a passed Team BPN. Yeah, they have. And I think... Are they not locking out? No, it's just an interesting position. She's not taking it down to the true rack.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I wonder what the standard is on that. All right, Mal's going to take this home. And so is the last person theoretically should be the best rope climber? Yeah, because they're under the best rope climber? Yeah. Because they're under the most fatigue. Right. Okay. Oh, my gosh. What is she waiting for?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Oh, they have to be holding. Wait for Katrin to get her chalk. Holy shit. That was a fuck up. All right. They're tied up, but it is. First. Looks like Mal.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm shocked they picked Gabby to go last. She might be really good at regular rope climbs yeah but i mean just pulling capacity you would hey you know what i mean hey guys this is a race are they done is the rope climb the last thing or do they have to do 48 they've got the rope climbs and they have 48 thrusters okay and here we go the big thing is going to be can these athletes hang on to the implements while these rope climbs happen. Is Katrin going to drop? Is Nisporzada going to drop?
Starting point is 00:30:12 It's tied four rope climbs of 10 each. Gabby has just taken a small lead for the first time on Mal. And now Mal is still on her fourth climb, and Gabby Magawa has started her fifth climb who would have thought that who would have thought that anyone here that was impressive that was a little bit of a bobble on her part uh yeah gabby magawa is now one full rope climb ahead of amal o'brien doing what she needs to do because, they do want to get to the thrusters first, right? Build a little padding for some air.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Wow. She's only doing like one and a half poles. Yeah. Mal had a really bad two and a half pool rope climb where she was right there, but couldn't quite get it. And that took a lot of time to do that extra pool. Mal is pushing the pace just a little bit, forcing Magawa up on the rope maybe a little
Starting point is 00:31:06 faster than she wants to she only has two more though but gabby is one rep ahead and their magawa's on her last rope climb and mal is on her eighth of her ninth of ten and it looks like team bpn is uh it's theirs to lose now gabby slowly walks over to the bar what is this now they're gonna do thrusters you said yes all right 48 thrusters uh susan you're in you're wherever you are it's a it is a stuttery stuttery uh signal yeah it's a bummer it doesn't seem to be uh cooperating today good audio though okay the girls are off they uh bpn is at five reps and the daughters are at one rep oh they have a problem they have a communication problem mal was holding the bottom position while katrin and annie were holding the top position that lost them three reps right there people three reps and uh and bpn took a rest when they saw that the daughters team uh uh shit the bed oh my god
Starting point is 00:32:15 they're out of sync now in your opinion in your opinion taylor uh what thruster do you think is the easiest because i think the dumbbell thrusters are the easiest. Yes, without a doubt. Out of the three. Team BPN is holding a five-rep lead, but it does look like Annie and Mal and Katchen are cycling a little bit faster. Laura Horvath goes from the 115-pound barbell and switches to the dumbbells. Magawa stays with the kettlebells.
Starting point is 00:32:46 They transition much faster than the daughter's team and pull ahead another three reps for an eight rep lead. Now humble killers looks better than both of these teams. Yeah, they're very in sync, but they're just too far behind. If you have a perfectly upright torso in your squat, then the barbell thruster is without a doubt,
Starting point is 00:33:04 the easiest of the three because you don't have to move two different weights unilaterally. However, most people have a slightly immature squat. And so when you're down into the bottom of the squat, that barbell is pulling you forward just slightly, whereas the dumbbells you can stack right over the frontal plane of your body. So they tend to be a little bit easier when it gets heavy the heavier barbell is easier than heavier dumbbells uh the humble killers have now taken second place and passed up the daughters this is big wow this is big the humble killers are doing exactly what they need to do that's the carrie pierce uh alex gazan and is that ariel lowen on that team? Yes, sir. Wow. Great work, ladies.
Starting point is 00:33:47 The Dodgers have now passed up the Humble Killers as the Humble Killers took a rest. Yeah. Katrin's fucking her team a little bit, looks like. The Dodgers are resting. BPN
Starting point is 00:34:04 is resting with a seven rep rep lead uh laura horvath's telling jamie simmons stay up front and let's go girl oh jamie simmons is out of sync they're out of sync the bpn team's out of sync oh my goodness oh my god for that there we go they got back in this thing wow wow okay uh laura and jamie have switched jamie's now dumbbells laura is the barbell four reps left for them to win this is so strong look at her why did they switch again why are they switching not sure somebody's struggling oh yeah maybe james uh reached fatigue done hey that was weird with two reps left they switched that made no sense upper body is just clobbered wow and now the doters have finished their last rep second place for them oh what would do we know what the
Starting point is 00:35:00 best time is for this event uh 17 15 okay so they just smashed it okay carrie pierce's squat oh that's tough why what are you saying we just got a no rep no wow that's that's bad oh they're family guys just hold it just hold it at the top they can't oh carrie you know did you know carrie pierce overhead squats more than she can front squat i believe it that's insane i don't know how that i don't know how that's possible uh okay let's uh check in with he quick. Hey, Heidi, how's it going? Hey, how's it going? Is the crowd getting excited as these races come down to the last few reps, or are they just sitting there just hanging out, taking their caffeine pills and smoking weed?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Oh, they're getting really excited. The crowd is definitely more energy today. I feel like the liquor is flowing a lot more freely, and everyone's having fun. Okay, fabulous. And how's the battery on your phone? God, I love it. All good news from Heidi Krum. Thank you, Heidi. So John, to, to kind of explain that to you, if you, so someone like Carrie Pierce, you could see on her kettlebell squats.
Starting point is 00:36:22 If you have an immature squat and all that means is just that you have forward inclination of the torso, but you have a really, really, really good shoulder mobility. You can still stack the barbell and an overhead squat over the midline or the center point of your body. Um, whereas if you have a front squat and you've got a really immature squat and all that weight's going to be pulling you slightly forward. So it may be as kind of a unique phenomena of Carrie Pierce having extremely strong shoulders and maybe a slightly immature squat. Look at her, look at her getting pulled forward on the way up. Watch this. You're saying the overhead squat stacks her more than a front squat does. And that causes her to see how she kind of the hips rise a little bit first and the torso leans forward? And that's with kettlebells,
Starting point is 00:37:05 which should give you the most upright position. So if you then put her on a barbell, what I'm saying is if she has an immature squat and she has forward inclination of the torso, when she squats with the barbell in the front rack, that weight's going to be pulling her forward. Whereas if she has great shoulder mobility, which we know she has,
Starting point is 00:37:20 and great shoulder strength, when she descends into that squat, she'll lean forward, but her shoulders can travel backward and that bar stays over the center of her body stays in the yeah line the frontal plane yep hey is this what you were concerned about that heel that right heel coming up right heels coming up a little bit but look i see how she dips forward see that weight pulling her forward it's the butt shooting up really hard it makes her midline lean forward hey look at all of their hamstrings look at her and ariel
Starting point is 00:37:46 lowen's hamstrings like my pants don't push down like that your guys's probably do but not unless you got a fucking dookie hanging in there god that i mean i cannot believe that hamstring like that that is nuts that is like absolutely nuts okay and also kerry Pierce, a lot of slack. This is at the end of a really, really hard workout. And you know what? I want to also say this. She seems like she's the leader of the team, barking at them, corralling them, keeping the energy levels up. Seems like she's taking a little bit of a leadership role on that squad,
Starting point is 00:38:21 which is cool to see. We've got an argument between J jr howell and brian friend in the group text about whether or not all the heats are going to be lifting and jr says seems to think that they're going to get cut after this workout and brian is pretty adamant that they're not oh there's our girls there's our girls uh team beautiful i mean team invictus. Weiss, Emily, and Stallwood. Still on the floor? Yeah. Crushing it. I would assume the teams
Starting point is 00:38:52 would be just like the individuals, and they would cut right before the two-part event. Yeah, that would be my assumption as well, but we're just going to have to see. I like a little drama. They haven't done any heavy lifting for the teams yet it completes the test before the cuts i agree
Starting point is 00:39:12 yeah i'm man the comments over here in this chat are fucking annoying as fuck which chat the youtube channel yeah yeah like over here on wada please it was like that at rogue and at the games too like someone needs to go with like because trish is in there every third comment someone needs to be unfucked like look at this comment invictus used to have strong teams like listen dude they still have strong teams they got a bunch of teams yeah jorge fernandez they're they're they're guys like three of the most beautiful women in the world doing thrusters and someone's concerned about whether they have a strong team. I mean, dude, they're in the final heat at the event.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And if you take the games athletes that would be individual at the CrossFit games and not doing team, both Invictus teams would be around the top five. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. Hey, it's like that lift strong, move faster team. Like, you know, they might not be the best team out there, but shit, 99% of us watching the show would kill to be one of them or have that body or be able to move like that.
Starting point is 00:40:34 What does ACR mean hey i could i could say something so crazy here say it say it it's it's not okay okay i'm gonna put look look i don't know if i should do this i don't know if i can do this listen if come on man if 50 of the screen if 33 to 50 of the screen is filled with the judge because the judge is so large then i'm not saying that they shouldn't judge but maybe they should be judging for over for the fucking rope climb that is a hot take do you know what i'm saying like i'm looking no you can still do the elite like just like like you just can't you can't like we're here to watch the athletes not the judges judges. So if you're a 400-pound judge, I have no problem with that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Kudos to you. But you can't be in the shot. You can't be in the front row because then I can't see the fucking – I can't see the fucking event. I can't have you block – I can't have you taking 33% of the screen. I'm on a freeze frame. I don't want to pull up because people are going to think I'm being mean. But I'm on a shot here where there's two judges, and they take up 75% of the screen. And the athlete that I'm watching, Alex Gazan, is only taking up 15% of the screen. Pull it up.
Starting point is 00:41:53 No, no, because people are going to say, I don't want to be mean because I don't give a fuck if someone's fat or not. I really don't. But you have to get in where you fit in. You can't be in the front row blocking our view of all the other shit. It just doesn't work. It just doesn't work. It's not working. No, not weight.
Starting point is 00:42:16 No, no, no, no, no. Not weight shaming. Just get in where you fit in, as Snoop Dogg says. Yeah, they should be – listen, the perfect judge is a five foot tall male who's 125 pounds. So you? Yeah, exactly. It's just the perfect judge. Just the way it is.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Call the DEI, man. The worst judge is six, four, 400 pounds. Unless you're going to be in the back by the water um out of the camera wow we didn't even see all american girls kind of that whole event nor were they on the score ticker if i remember correctly that's why someone doesn't judge his nose would block the whole floor yeah see exactly yes exactly yeah didn't you block the only thing that mattered uh during the 2017 games when matt waved you off the floor yeah even at even at 5 to 115 pounds they still blocked the hey there were four clocks on the on the floor i'm glad go log
Starting point is 00:43:11 girls are finally in the right heat my girlfriend or friend just got back from ikea and i'm really she said she got something pre-assembled i'm trying to know what we got oh god do you ever go to ikea i've been there a couple times in my life i get anxiety dude i got lost in one as a kid did you cry yeah it was like the fucking hotel california dude i thought i was never going to escape wow good reference okay guys uh the men final heat so this is good. We'll bring up the leaderboard. Let's do the men, and then we'll bring up both leaderboards. But we do know for sure that BPN is still – I mean, they were in first going into the event, and then they took first.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So they must still be in first, right? Okay. And then the second-place team was the Daughters team. So that race hasn't changed at all. Here we have a seven- difference Between Mayer Olsen And Chandler Smith's team with 335 Against the great Canadians It's an oxymoron
Starting point is 00:44:11 Patrick Vellner, Fikowski And Jeffrey Adler With 342 so a 7 point Difference there and then in third place Is team Gowad Roman Oh yeah Roman J. Crouch and Willie Georges team go wad uh roman oh oh yeah roman jay crouch and uh willie georges willie georges thank you holy shit oh good news for everyone the heidi cam is back up so okay uh this is gonna be good
Starting point is 00:44:37 i i'm gonna root for uh team go what on this i'd like to see uh um they are all animals on a rope at least i know jay and uh roman are yeah okay this is gonna be a good event we will be starting here in just a matter of minutes i think i saw suza um walk them to the corral is my camera still all jacked up i tried to start in the phone How's the frame rate? It's a little better. It's a little better. A little better? Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Hey, it's just that area. Trees are bad for cell phone reception. All trees should be cut down. Well, I was over in the corral area, and like a female heath that you guys just watched all kind of like spilling out over into here. But talk about the lines to get in. I got blockaded from the normal spot
Starting point is 00:45:25 that i went in i tried to circle around it is not to get inside of that thing kudos for heidi for camping out there because there's no way we would have access right now if she didn't do that uh hector trinta i'm 6'1 390 pounds i've lost 50 pounds i'm a CFL1 trainer and a fucking awesome judge. Fuck you, Sevan. Ride a dick. Oh, all right. Fair. An honest response from Hector. All righty.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Smith Bros out. What is this? What is this comment? Elaborate, Sam Herring. Yeah, to piggyback off that, I just saw Ben Smith walk by. I was trying to catch up with him but he kind of disappeared in the crowd and i was thinking to myself he should probably be out there working out not here in vendor village so they're for sure out on the spot and walking by
Starting point is 00:46:13 wow uh the the dude's final heat has started oh justin madaris is in the booth now let's see what he has to say now we're talking. Let's see what he has to say. Now we're talking. You want to hear what he has to say? Okay, we can only listen to seven seconds of it. I'll pull it up. I'm going to mute myself and listen to it. I'll pull it up, Kale. Let's listen to Medeiros just for a second, just because we can.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Here we go. ...was this team competition and how it's shaking out. I know you're having fun. It's been fun to watch and celebrate. A team competition like this, is there like... Come on, come on. Let Justin talk talk we only got seven seconds two buddies you might want to tackle this with a group one day no 100 i mean this year
Starting point is 00:46:52 actually i had a team put together maybe no i was i was good did you hear that madaris just says he has a team put together with a couple buddies gonna go out and go and sadly one of my teammates sun chang actually tore his achilles so i wasn't able to come out here but uh man it's uh one of his buddies sun chang is that we said sun chang it's definitely something on my list i think next year i'll be able to get a team together wow there you heard it first oh sorry second on the sevan podcast uh justin madaris will be at the 2024 uh wadapalooza now we just have to ask ourselves if the 2024 Wadapalooza. Now we just have to ask ourselves if the 2024 Wadapalooza will actually
Starting point is 00:47:29 be an event. Looks like Team Panchic in the lead. Maybe not. Are they going? This is the last heat for the men? Yep. The ticker's got team panchick and first canadian pb and j and second team go out and third so that is spencer panchick tutor magda and jacob heppner followed by brent fukowski je Jeff Adler, and Pat Vellner, followed by Roman Krennikoff, Jay Crouch,
Starting point is 00:48:05 and Willie Georges. Hey, Sousa, can you send me Ben Smith's phone number and I will send him a link? Can you send me Ben Smith's phone number? Yeah, I'm going to drop off and do it. Okay, thank you. See if we can get Ben on to see
Starting point is 00:48:23 what happened here. Brent is so efficient with the kettlebells. God, he moves well. Look how calm they are. They're just sitting there talking to each other, Adler, Vellner, and Fikowski. They don't even seem in a rush. That's how Canadians do it, right? They just stay chill.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Puff, puff, give, give. They all have the same pain face. It's just a blank face. That's not true. Brent's got some great pictures of his pain face. Well, I mean, when he's under a heavy barbell. I'm talking about just doing reps of something. Yeah, he's got some funny faces there, too.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Hey, dude, Mayer, Noah, and Chandler are synced up way better than the Canadians. The Canadians need to unfuck that shit. They look so good. Watch Brent on the kettlebells. This is going to win them the workout. Team Panchuk is in first place with three minutes in. I have to assume they're going to implode. Why?
Starting point is 00:49:24 I mean, they got Jacob. Jacob's not. Jacob's just a great crossfitter. He's not elite. Jacob was the sixth fittest man in the world two years ago. All right. Fair enough. Yeah, I'd contend that Jacob Hefner probably beats maybe 70% of the games
Starting point is 00:49:44 field in the open and at the games if he signs up wow yeah he won't do it really tactical games but i think he'll be top 15 i mean he'd be top 15 in the games Jacob, uh, at least car red out. Jacob is a beast, bro. Uh, love the Chandler's front rack with, uh, love Chandler's front rack with the barbell.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Spencer looks like he's hurting. Look at the Canadians. They're perfectly in sync. They fixed it. There's the only one who's looks like he's not hurting. If you look at their other two faces, they're hurting. Cause he's fitter than both of them.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah. Very true. Oh, he's moving to the rope. Watch how fast he does these. They do these in the tactical games too. Yeah. Great at rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Yeah. And they do a fuck load of rope climbs. So, you know, he's been doing those. So this is the second guy to go on that team? Yes. Benlett on the unicycle. Good morning from Australia and $5 into my pocket.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Thank you. I got some catching up to do after this heat because I needed some sleep last night. You see Jeff going to the genie hold? Yep. Let's see what we got going here. I think Pat's rope climbs are underrated. He's one of the fastest rope climbers there are
Starting point is 00:51:17 in the field. I don't think they're underrated. A little foot clamp issue there. So we basically have three teams tied with Panchik, Zeus and the Dogs, and the Canadiens. And then they're team Gowod and the Boys. That's why the Zeus and the Dogs and the Canadiens. And then their team, Team GoWod and the boys. That's why the Zeus and the Dogs made a move here because Ricky's going.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Taylor, will you man the controls for a few minutes, you and Beaver, and make sure that if anyone pops in, you see a caller pop in because I've sent out the link to a couple people, so heads up. And greet them with love if they come on. You know how to do that? No, but we'll learn okay good i don't know how to answer callers caleb you're gonna have to do that okay i think we're caller you're on the phone with is the link is the link do you think do you think that hepner would do better if he could do two pull roll climbs or do you think he's just too short to get?
Starting point is 00:52:26 No, he's definitely not too short. He can do two pull if he wants to. He's doing that on purpose. Why do you think he's doing it on purpose? Just his technique. It's a faster clamp. I mean, if he's trained that way, he's faster at doing a very quick clamp instead of raising his legs all the way. Speed of repetition.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Cole Sager does the same thing. They do that very fast clamp, but just move very fast. Ricky made a big move. Oh, yeah, he did. He tied him up. They're onto their shoulder to overhead. So do you think Hefner's just been bullshitting this whole time about how lazy he is?
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yes. Yes, yeah. Every single time he hands, he tries to positively pump olivia up hepner would be top 15 at the games if he wanted to be so does that mean he's not trying as hard when he's training against olivia or do you think olivia is really that fit um i think there's workouts where olivia is that fit but yeah i think he's not training for CrossFit either. So he's probably worse at CrossFit. I'm saying if he trained CrossFit, he'd be top 15 of the games.
Starting point is 00:53:29 If you supplant him right now into the CrossFit games, probably not top 15. He's still doing a lot of CrossFit. I'm just saying he's way less than he was. If he was training for it, he would be doing way more than he is right now. If he was training for it, he'd enter the games.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, but he's not. He's trying to do the tactical games. Hey, I just left my studio and came back in and just greeted by a big old just waft of ass. It smells like ass in here. I think I'm starting to ruin this room. Whoa. You guys see this side hold? What?
Starting point is 00:54:01 Where? Show me. Oh, wow. That's interesting. Sign the white shirt. Oh. That's the uncommon movement clause. That's got to be an uncommon movement clause get that fucker out of here wow penalty is judges telling him to get into the front rack we're a fucking cocksucker man he's still leaning on one side like he still basically
Starting point is 00:54:18 has it on one side he has an injury you guys on the other side no No, he doesn't. He's a fucking cocksucker. What team is that? He's telling him to make him drop the fucking bar. Is that why they should have a penalty for that? What a, that pisses me off. Tell Taylor, what would you say? It's called the uncommon.
Starting point is 00:54:38 What, what does it say it again? Uncommon movement clause. It's what the games calls it. I'm not sure that water Palooza has it i'm sure that they do and it just means that if you find a way to cheat the standard that make gives you an unfair advantage then they have the capacity to say hey that's fucking cheating we don't care if we didn't brief it no rep okay so like uh balancing the bar no that's a standard uncommon
Starting point is 00:55:00 movement clause would be something that they didn't think of but on the floor they determine that it gives you an unfair advantage and it is cheating, and they call it a no rep, even though it wasn't briefed. Okay, so bouncing the bar back in the day. Sorry, go ahead, John. Sorry, go ahead. Like hooking the anvil in the 2017 games,
Starting point is 00:55:15 whenever Noah hooked the anvil and he won that event. Oh, when you pull it with the sledgehammer? Like that would fall under the uncommon movement clause. That was the training culture team, I believe. And who's on their team? Let's blast them. No, that might be Enola Kai. That's my guy.
Starting point is 00:55:35 He looked tall. It probably was him. Enola Kai, Alex Onitsagasti, and Pablo Casales. Castro would have pulled it off his shoulder himself. There may be some truth to that. Oh, look at that sign out there in the water. Go slow. Go slow.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Matthew Snow. Go slow. I can't read that. Where are you looking? Out in the water. There's a giant billboard out in the water. A pontoon boat in the water. Yeah, that thing's impressive.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Oh, Tudor Magda almost drops his barbell. Team Panchuk is still in the lead. It looks like they're only seven rope climbs away from doing the final 48 thrusters. Good dudes have made a move to be in the top four. Frank Fikowski's going to pass Spencer Panczyk on the rope climbs. Who's this Zeus and the dogs? Is that DeLugos?
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah, Ricky DeLugos. This is a great workout for them. DeLugos is fantastic at rope climbs. So is Ricky. Tim Paulson's their other guy. They're going to win this. Or no, it's Nick Matthew. Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Ricky Gerard, Tim Paulson, Matt DeLugos. Yeah, Ricky's team is taking – or sorry, Jay Crouch and Roman Kronikov's team is taking a beating. Yeah. Tudor Jeff Adler switches to the hang. He's going back and forth on the barbell. This is perfect for the Canadian guys. This is exactly what they need.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Oh, man, they're going past him. Three more rope climbs. Yeah. Brent's going to pass Spencer. It's just a matter of can they outcycle them on the thrusters, and I don't know. Tudor's a super strong squatter. Jacob Heppner's great at thrusters.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Spencer Panjik is as well. So this is a fuck-up on the broadcast part right all we really want to be seen is the rope climbs right now right ricky's team took a penalty good dudes is passing him up how do you guys know what are you guys looking at the ticker yeah oh okay there we go now they're finally at the rope climbs but now we want to actually switch back to the so they got this aspect they got this backwards ten paul's having troubles with the we need to watch pan chicken the canadian team yeah there they are okay here we go here we go someone's listening oh beautiful split screen guys now this now we're talking mad props to the broadcast team here we go 48 the race is on look at Brent's thrusters wow did you see
Starting point is 00:58:05 two thrusters before Heppner did one hey either the count is off or team Pancheck isn't getting any reps because we've seen them do at least six or seven reps okay definitely off Vellner's doing that classic
Starting point is 00:58:22 oh they pulled down the scoreboard on the live feed which means that something went wrong and they're resetting something so here we go nine ten good job john 11 12 wow look at their synchro i'm chubbing up so good which team the canadians yeah this is probably going to be their last. They're doing six sets of eight. Look at Jacob Heppner's barbell thruster. It's so good. God, I've watched
Starting point is 00:58:53 so much CrossFit. Say that again? He's probably one of the best in the game at barbell thrusters. Between him and Matt and Rich and Ben Smith. Oh, they look good. Dang, good dudes look really good. Not that good.
Starting point is 00:59:13 For being 6'2", half of their team? I'm just talking shit. Yeah. They just started their set, though. We got to wait a little bit and see how far they go and how long it takes them to get there. I just appreciate any time big guys move really well i've watched so much crossfit that uh pat velner's resting position you know when he puts his elbows on his knees and bends over is like burned into my head like i know his resting Oh, man. The Panchic bros are out of sync bad.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Here we go. Oh, Tudor's got a little extra long hold at the top. That's what's throwing him off. Canadians went to sixes. Oh, he's quitting on him. Tudor shook his head and quit on his boys. Pat's suffering. He's a blue falcon.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Oh, what's that mean? What's a blue falcon? It's a buddy falcon. Oh, a blue Falcon. No. What's that mean? What's a blue Falcon buddy. Fucker. Oh, they're passing his balls. This is a hard one. When you're doing like synchro work like this,
Starting point is 01:00:14 where you have to be in a line, are you going off with the guy in the front or you have the guy in the back calling it out? I'm sure Brent is calling or the judge. Oh, okay. So, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:24 Jacob Heppner just told the team quit being pussies and let's finish this to 48 so uh let's see if y'all back and let's see now they're going now oh someone talked to tutor and told him to stop holding it at the top yes yeah yes yes yes oh man oh shit the boys just finished out of nowhere. They didn't finish. They didn't finish. Why do you say that? Oh, scoreboard issues again?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Yeah, we didn't see them. That's why it went down, because they didn't really finish. Okay. We got Jay Crouch looking good next to the Canadians. Look at the difference between Roman's true kettlebell front rack and Brent's hey you think Roman's just pissed right now like come on you pussies he probably is like
Starting point is 01:01:11 like you said dude it must be so fucking crazy to live his life they're done wow nice good work that was all that was all that was happening with Tudor he was just slightly out of sync holding it overhead for a second and that's why I was crushing him and as soon as hepner was like hey you don't need to hold it they fucking smashed it good work beautiful look at fukowski
Starting point is 01:01:32 having a school adler did you see that like yo adler get over the line dude you jackass they're making up a lot of ground on the boys right now. Well, if we're seeing... Let's check in with Heidi. I wonder if the teams are coming in at the same... Uh-oh, Heidi's getting escorted out. What's going on? She has to pee. Let's go see what's going on with Heidi.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Where's my... Here we go, the Heidi cam. Dude, I want to know which guy was holding... Heidi, what happened? Well, it's pretty much over over and people are streaming out. And so just to get a good spot, I'm going to the next location. Oh, how dare I ask. Thank you. And what is the next location? The next spot is at Tina Hills and they're going to do the lift off.
Starting point is 01:02:20 God, you're good. All right. Stop by the paper street coffee booth and get a free hug and a free cup of coffee, Heidi. Okay. Thank you. Hi. She's so nice. The little ghost is struggling. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:35 That is awesome. Let me see. What time is this next event? Immediately after, I think. It starts at 18.07 so 607 correct are you sure that's not the final that's not right that's not right yeah that's for you wrong no that's unless you're thinking that yo hey um i sent heidi to the booth for all the free coffee she could drink is that cool dude what do you mean i've been all the free coffee she could drink. Is that cool?
Starting point is 01:03:06 Dude, what do you mean? I've been giving everyone free coffee. Come on. You know I'm not going to charge you for coffee. Oh, you're a good dude. I love you, buddy. Elite. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Dude, we've been swamped. I just want to say thank you. Yesterday. Be careful. You're live on the air. Don't be too nice to me. No, but thank you, bro. Thank you. I appreciate everything appreciate everything everything it's been
Starting point is 01:03:27 an amazing i can guarantee bro i dude it's beyond words i'll uh yeah thank you man god you sound like you're orgasming i love it call me later thank you brother okay bye elite female teams three two one lifts start at 2.39 p.m., but I think we're going to watch ass heats and then final heats again. Is it Eastern, 2.39 Eastern? Yes. So in 40 minutes then? In 40 minutes, 45 minutes.
Starting point is 01:03:58 That sounded like when Taylor's trying to ask his girlfriend for a sandwich after he ejaculates. Can you make me? that doesn't work i can't i can make me a sandwich that's what gabe sounded like yeah so which uh you want to call it like an hour and then we can come on and talk about the leaderboard before the good heats uh let's uh hopefully heidi will log back in and we can check out uh oh yeah yeah let's talk about the leaderboards did you say let's talk about the leaderboards now no he said before they're not going to be updated so what he asked was uh do we want to come back on in an hour while the butt heats are going and discuss the leaderboard okay how do we know this next event
Starting point is 01:04:39 what's it called again three two one liftoff one athlete's going to be doing a three rep max overhead squat the other athlete's going to be doing a 3-rep max overhead squat. The other athlete's going to be doing a 2-rep max front squat. And the final athlete's going to be doing a 1-rep max shoulder to overhead. I might have the squats mixed up. It might be 3-RM front squat, 2-RM overhead squat. Look that up, Caleb. I have that starting in 40 minutes. Nope. That's right. 3-RM overhead squat, 2-RM front squat, 1-RM shoulder to overhead. Yeah, but the format's going to be the same. They're going to be doing the two bad heats of each field before they do the final heats okay and and what what is the time uh what is the time domains on that uh workout so quick they're quick yeah it's
Starting point is 01:05:20 a 30 second lift athlete one's got 30 second window then they 45 second transition to athlete two then athlete two's got a 30 second window i think we should come on right i think we should come on sorry to interrupt i think we should come on right when this starts okay because it's going to move so quickly why don't we just come back on and um 45 and then talk talk about the leaderboard while they're going yeah let's do's do that. Okay, guys. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Matt Souza. Thank you for Mr. Beaver. Thank you, Mr. Young.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Thank you, Mr. Self. Thank you, Gabe, for giving free coffee to all the people here. Thank you, Paper Street Coffee, Paper Street Hormones, California Coffee, California Hormones. Thank you for Travis at Vindicate. Thank you for all the people in the comments who say funny funny things that um give us uh fodder uh because we are not professional and we need constant stimulus to react to we and that is the crazy thing by the way as someone was saying why don't they commentate all the heats and that would be like asking all the athletes to do all the divisions you just don't like you you you can
Starting point is 01:06:21 the best guys can only do the best shit have Have to listen on mute. Can anyone tell me why good dudes dropped to 12th? I thought they got sixth in sync and squat. We're going to need to wait until we come back. They got sixth in their heat, so we're going to need to wait until we come back and watch the – No, no, no. They counted the event for the heats that already went. They had their scores in, and they counted it to their total
Starting point is 01:06:45 score so the top heat still had zero and all of that and that's why good dude stopped dropped to 12 oh but they have it like it's different now right uh suza any final words what's up what's up hey any final words? No, having a great time. Okay, cool. Finally got in. Awesome. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:17 It sounds like we're heading over to Tina Hills and we will see all of you guys in 45 minutes. Adios. Okay. Oh, bye.

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