The Sevan Podcast - #763 - Wodapalooza 2023 FULL Recap 2023

Episode Date: January 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, bam, we're live. Usually they're just pouring in right away. No idea. Are we in the wrong thing? Maybe we are in the wrong studio. Is this published? No, here we go. 58 viewers.
Starting point is 00:00:14 We're good. Yeah, that could just be because. Do you not see any comments? I don't see any comments. I don't see any comments either. Live viewers show up on StreamYard. This is an example. Click on the comment to show on a screen can't post comments to some disney drop your dirtiest comments if you're watching uh guys uh while we wait uh it looks like they've
Starting point is 00:00:37 moved to flagler uh we're waiting for uh heidi and suza okay here we go. Hey, did anything seem wrong with the stream with you guys? Does everything seem normal? Okay. Heidi, what's up, girl? Hi. How's it going? Are you in... Is this your normal seat that you're in? It's my spot. Normal spot. I've been out here for like a couple hours already.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Anyone hit on you while you're just sitting there? No, I'm surrounded by a bunch of dudes, so they're kind of scaring off all the hoes. Oh, we haven't started yet. It's RX teams or something? You're sitting by a bunch of dudes, so they're scaring off the hoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But are they talking to you? Are they friendly dudes? They know me. Oh. They're not the right kind of dude oh they're being like fatherly like protecting you from oh my favorite kind of dude uh is anyone about you can you drink beer up there can i what can you drink beer up there oh yeah, yeah. People are drinking today. A lot of people are. Okay. And has it gotten cold?
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's getting chilly. Everyone's back there winter gear. The sun is hiding behind the building and starting to go down. So I think it's just going to get colder from here on out. Okay. And what is on the field right now, the field of play? This is the RF teams of three of males. Um, I think it's the second heat of them. So I think after this, they'll be done.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Okay, cool. All right. Thank you, Heidi. Uh, Mr. Sousa, what's up, buddy? Yo. Hey, sorry guys. I'm late'm late but savannah you'll actually love this i got stopped in the uh lobby by a wonderful couple named netty in france it was actually she was actually really good looking they both were and uh she said savannah always says that he wants people that are non-crossfitters to watch the that listen to the show and she said that they are that couple and that they, uh, she says,
Starting point is 00:02:46 never doubt your abilities. You're surrounded by really good people. Well, she's excited to see where this thing goes in the future. And they're huge fans. Oh, that's awesome. So that's why I'm just trailing a little bit behind.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So I apologize guys. Hey, that's worth it. That's worth it. Yeah. Uh, speaking of good people, Jacqueline Robinson, my friend,
Starting point is 00:03:01 Amanda, who outsmarted you guys earlier with math is is 100% not juiced or boosted. If she was, that math would have given her a stroke. She's also a strong badass. You guys are awesome. That is the second time in a row that I have claimed that men are better at math and I have been proven wrong. What's interesting about saying that men are better at math than women are better at math is some people might think that that's misogynistic. That's actually not misogynistic. You don't know the definition of the word. That's actually a hypothesis of a scientific problem that can be solved. We could test men
Starting point is 00:03:34 at math and we could test women at math. And who's ever better than we could say, you know, just make the prediction that they're better. There is no truth in science. Anyone who thinks there is has no idea what science is. It's based on its predictive value. You can do the same thing with English and reading. A lot of people think that young kids, girls are better at English and reading and little boys are better at math. It's just something that's been tested over time. And there's the hypothesis has been tested and now it's science. It is still not truth. It doesn't mean that all men are better at math. It does not. And twice I've been fucking schooled on this show. But since we are talking about what misogyny is, I do want to show you what misogyny is. Misogyny is not when Donald Trump owned the saying stuff when he maybe he didn't think a camera was listening. And they call that locker room talk something that you kind of don't want around.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You don't want to think about your leaders as saying you want to hold them maybe to a different standard. But let me tell you, all the men in your life, if they haven't ever been around a man who says that, then they haven't been around a very wide breadth and depth of men because to hear something like that as a man in a locker room or sometime in your life, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry. But let me show you what misogyny is. Donald Trump no longer owns the Miss Universe pageant. Miss Universe pageant is now owned by another man. It was purchased three days ago for $20 million. And this man is a misogynist. And I'm going to show you why.
Starting point is 00:05:15 This man has now made it so that women can, men can now enter. The Miss Universe pageant. This man, the misogynist, has bought the Miss Universe pageant for 20 million dollars. And now men can enter the competition that was for women only. And I can only think of one reason. He must hate women. Why would you take something that's for women only and And I can only think of one reason. He must hate women. Why would you take something that's for women only and now allow men to enter it forever?
Starting point is 00:05:52 From now on, it's going to be run by women. This man is now lying to you and saying that the Miss Universe pageant is going to be run now by women. This is a man who's talking, people. This is a man who's talking, people. This is a man who's talking. Men now own, a misogynistic man now owns the Miss Universe pageant. And once again, men will dominate everything they're involved in. And probably a woman will never win the Miss Universe pageant again.
Starting point is 00:06:21 We're more beautiful than you. According to some people. Look at here we go. Owned by a trans woman for all women. This man is now telling you that he owns it for all women. It's for you that we're letting men enter. Look at these women in the audience clapping. Oh, my God god we're so excited that men can now win our contest i can't wait till this shit comes across it please all right this is gonna be so fun this is misogyny if you want to use words based on their definition yeah here we go jacklyn robinson here we go now men are better at everything including being women yeah
Starting point is 00:07:00 that's not misogynistic to say i I mean, it is misogynistic. Oh, it's such a clusterfuck. What a fucking clusterfuck. But part of me is just thoroughly enjoying it. But that's what misogyny is. You have to understand that if you want to use words correctly by the definition of what words mean. I mean, you can say, Sevan, you're an ass closed-minded asshole. Okay, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:07:25 But that is misogyny. When you have a man come in to a woman's event and start pushing the women out based on their vaginas. Dude, I could win. Yeah, you'd fuck, dude. Dominate. Hey, let me tell you something. You could sell enough SMTP programming in the next five years that you could buy that shit. Dude, so for $20 million, I can go on – put his dick on stage.
Starting point is 00:07:49 He's calling it a vagina. It's – we live in a – Is that the guy who bought it? Yeah, that's the guy who bought it. That's the owner. He said, Weeman. Weeman. Don't be racist.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Don't be racist. I'm not being racist. It was hilarious. Yeah, okay, good. Okay. So that's it i've started every show today with a tidbit of uh interesting facts right today we talked about you know science and we're doing all sorts of fun stuff i know feminists cheering for men pretending to be women holy shit that's funny amanda the math professor in the house. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:30 OK, fine. It's just it's just I just don't I just. What's wrong with these? I mean, I'm OK with a dude. I'm OK with it. I'm OK with the trans woman owning the Miss Universe pageant. Don't get me wrong. That it's the line that's that's bizarre to me. Right. I'm OK if men get to enter it, but don't lie to us and tell us you're helping women. You're not helping women. Just kick them to the fucking kizerb. It's all to make one small subset of people feel better about themselves. Yeah, then say that. Super insecure people.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yeah, but that's all it is. Hey, we're letting dudes enter the women's contest now because we feel bad for them. Good luck. I'm fine with that. But don't fucking lie. You're just confusing everyone. The smart people. You're confusing the smart people.
Starting point is 00:09:14 The dumb people are already confused. Don't let them confuse you. Ironically, he said men. Okay. Hello. And welcome. This is what we've all been waiting for we're here we're ready to watch taylor wow wow taylor i didn't do that on purpose. Oh, we have the Heidi Krumkamp. We are in Flagler.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Here we are about to see the climax, the culmination, the end of the greatest team competition in the history of our sport, CrossFit. This is Dylan. It's Molenski, right? I always say it Wolenski, but it's Molenski, right? That's Molenski. Molenski. I have known him for many, many years when he was one of the best commentators ever in the sport of CrossFit at regionals and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And now he's the vice president of sport at Loudon Live. He's given the Sevan podcast access to hang out and bring you guys our perspective and our addition to this wonderful event. I want to thank Sasha, who's the media director over there. And of course, Guido Trinidad for his great programming and all the athletes who let Sousa stand so close to him, but still 10 times further than Joe Biden stands from a six-year-old boy.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So we are about to see this. Can we bring up the leaderboards no fuck uh that's me i'm talking to myself okay uh we're gonna bring up the leaderboards here caleb has gone to sleep i think it's probably 2 30 where he's at um and uh taylor please i need your help i need your help please please yep i'm preparing a question for dylan when he comes on later what do we got good okay uh okay he swallowed he swallowed no chewing yeah i think he did just push that down without uh chewing it's fucking mango dude i did chew chill out it just went straight down the gullet next to a pile of life force okay Okay. Oh, do we have a, what do these numbers mean?
Starting point is 00:11:27 What's this negative? What are these numbers? What's going on? Reed, tell me about numbers. That's how far back they are from first place. And I don't think anybody's catching the Canadians. Okay. So first place is tied up for Fikowski, Vellner.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Hey, so Vellner can still say he won the uh four years in a row he won four years in a row he can okay and um so that's fukowski velner and uh um jeffrey what's his first name adler adler jeffrey okay now in um in in between second and third place it's uh we don't know how many points it is. We're going to have to do the math. What is that, 29 points? What are you talking about? Team Gowod versus the boys for second place.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah, 29 points. Do we think that those are cemented? No. No. There's 200 points, and the way the scoring is distributed in the last two events, at least we found this out with the individuals, there could be huge point swings. Because if somebody gets sixth place out of these 10, they'll have 32 points. That's a good point. That's a 70-point gap in one event, and that can happen twice.
Starting point is 00:12:46 gap in one event and that can happen twice um okay so what john is saying here for people who didn't follow like me there's 200 points available it's not just one event we're going to watch it's two go on mr young but and the teams are better so like say team go wide gets seventh in an event because good dudes zeus panchik bk can both the boys, they all beat them, which they can in events and have, then it's not cemented that they're going to be second. I think second through seventh, I would say, yeah, really second through seventh can all buy for those spots. I think first is kind of um taken care of but yeah oh guys when brian spin says here um it depends on the scoring table and he's trying to get the scoring table does that mean
Starting point is 00:13:35 how the points are breaking down like first place gets 100 second place gets 91 like he's trying to figure out what that is so he can start doing the math so i assume we can do i assume we can do the uh matches from the teams and second place got 90 third place got 80 um let me but it's going to be different individual it's going to be different now because there's been cuts right no it cut it it cut to oh cut to 20 for individual not 10 right right so i assume it'll just be 10 points all the way down then okay all right oh here we go he got wow this can't be right wow that can't be right insane so if you get fourth place in two events and somebody like good dudes gets first place in two event in those two events then like good dudes can jump all the way to third or second, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:14:27 That's unreal. That's crazy that that is the distribution. There's a 16-point jump from first to second. Hey, listen to this. How about this? If Team Gowad gets first in both events and Canadian PB&J gets third in both events? They could beat them.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah. What is the – Absolutely. I like it. I like it. The last two events are way more important than every other event of the weekend. That doesn't make any sense. The last two events are way, way more important.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So you don't punish Noah for missing an entire fucking lift travis b says dumb clock gutter fantastic renata oh shea dance places matter uh uh gunner methamphetamine ridiculous scoring table now i will say um tyler's doing the z tag me in jesus tag me in speaking of tyler me in. Speaking of Tyler. Come on in, Tyler. You can join us for five minutes and talk to us about scoring. Come on in. Should I send him a link? He has a link.
Starting point is 00:15:33 He has a link. Is he on? Is he coming? You guys got to throw this to Sprig on the big screen real quick just so you can check out his warm-up outfit. He's got
Starting point is 00:15:48 a warm-up outfit on and he's got Roman's playlist going on right now. He's ready. He's charged up. James, you guys made the cut? I can't believe they made the cut.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, they did. He's got a singlet on it. He calls it his warm-up outfit. Was he listening to Bob by Meg the Stallion? No, he was listening. He actually went over and was chatting with Roman for a minute and got his
Starting point is 00:16:20 playlist that Roman uses to decide if he was going to move it. It's Russian rap. That's right. Thank you, Mr. Sousa. Listen, listen, Daniel. What Taylor said is complete fucking nonsense. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:16:35 You agree with him? He got punished. He got fucking, they got punished for it. He's saying he missed a lift and they were punished severely. They weren't. They're going to get, essentially, guys, here's what we're doing. Forget the past day of competition. He missed a lift and they were punished severely. They weren't. Essentially, guys, here's what we're doing. Forget the past day of competition.
Starting point is 00:16:51 All this morning, none of it fucking matters. They should just wipe it out at zero if this is what they're going to do. It's fucking retarded. Listen, the boys got 40 points. Only 40 fucking points. They should have gotten far less. Yeah, and now fifth place gets 40 points. Fifth place in an event gets 40 points, and they got 40 points for being 40th.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Details, shmeetails. Details, shmeetails. They're 40th in the ranking. Daniel Wheeler says build the anticipation for the final. That's for sure for the weekend, but I agree with Taylor. He's a genius. I could have just fucking, dude. Noah couldn't complete a lift, but they could catapult back up to the podium.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. I like it. I could have just sat on my couch and beat off all weekend and just showed up for this show. Edging all weekend. And then this. And, and Hey, what's crazy is,
Starting point is 00:17:42 is that there's two events. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you this does it make it more interesting for us it makes it more interesting without a doubt but not but it's at the expense of the somebody could get gypped at the end of the competition and that's not cool gyp to say it lightly but at the same time it a no here's the thing do any of the fans really know that this is what's going on because if they don't then it's fucking irrelevant unless the fans know this is the scoring system and these are the implications irrelevant so everyone understands they don't know fucking jack hold on hold on hold
Starting point is 00:18:14 on before you get all crazy let's find out let's we we have our own test out there right now Heidi Kroom. Mathematical genius. Heidi. Yeah. Are you familiar with the scoring for this event and how it's changed from other events? No, but I am now since I'm listening to you guys talk about it. But I can guarantee 99% of the people in this crowd have no idea. Let's fucking go. Thank you, Heidi. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Thank you, Heidi. Remind me never to go back to Heidi to prove Taylor right ever again. Lucky Camera Strap, $7.99, Australian. I don't like it, he says. If the Canadian boys get fourth in both and end up losing, it will be a bad result for the competition. Put Daniel Wheeler's comment up. This is absolutely true. That's a good point uh give
Starting point is 00:19:06 me one second uh remind me one second uh tyler watkins say you get one more second one less rep that's worth 16 fucking points i think he's agitated a daniel wheeler oh hold on daniel go ahead mr taylor no i was just gonna say this exactly they're punishing consistency which they they make the prior six scores irrelevant with this scoring table they make the last six events almost meaningless and what is the point of that what's the point of competing for an entire weekend if it's going to come down to an event where i mean i guess okay they get their foot in the door now they're in the top 10 it's the final so they have to pay to play but still just it i don't like it here let me ask you this before we get fucking carried away here uh uh mr spin are you saying do you know
Starting point is 00:19:50 this for certain 100 for first place 84 for second 68 for third 56 for fourth 44th for fifth 32nd for 6 24th for 7th 16th for 8th 8th points for 9th and 4th for 8th, 8th points for 9th, and 4th for last. Do you know that? Times two, right? Because there's two events. Bob putting some things into perspective. $30,000 riding on one double-scored event. Ouch.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Well, they did the same in individual. I mean, I think the right guy won, but they did the same thing in individual. Anthony TPA, how do we know Mr. Barbell Brian Spin is right? He denies his first two born children. Well, there you go. Interesting, interesting data point. What is the workout? Oh, Laura, I thought you'd never ask.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah, let's go to the workout before they start the event uh how do i do that let me see what the fuck's going okay okay okay now i'm not doing that shit again don't you dare john young you fucking dare make me look bad uh look at the kitchen sink right here i'm gonna go ahead and click this john you take it i'm writing like six or seven questions to ask dylan if some of them that's what your mom said okay okay go ahead so athlete you can pick two athletes who do 60 synchro toes to bar and then they do 50 total box jump overs and then you have two and then the next two athletes athlete two stays on the floor they do 60 meters of synchro single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And then 50 dumbbell bench press. I believe it is 80 pounds for the men. And you scroll down and it says the weights. I apologize. Either 50 or 60 for the women. Keep going. Keep going. 50 pounds for the women.
Starting point is 00:21:41 All right. Go back up. Athletes one through three do 60 synchro heavy wall balls and then a 50 meter handstand walk total. I imagine they make them rotate. So 50 feet, 50 feet, and then the next person goes and then 25, 25, then the next person goes. And then that is one event. And then after that, you'll rest till minute 16. one event and then after that you'll rest till minute 16 and then the second event is a sprint essentially scroll down seven you do 33 synchro single arm dumbbell snatches and I that is with all three people I assume and then you 22
Starting point is 00:22:23 cow bike waterfalls, 15 for women. And what that means is you have one person do 22 cows, and then the next person does 22 cows, and then the next person does 22 cows. Once every athlete has completed 22 or 15 calories on the bike, then they'll do 33 synchro lateral burpees over the dumbbell. And then that is the second event. So yeah, one sprint event. And that's a six minute time cap because there's 22 minutes total and they start at minute 16.
Starting point is 00:22:53 So it's a six minute time cap. That means this one will be a 15 minute time cap. That way there's a minute of transition. And that is the two events. That's 38 minutes of showtime. It looks like the ladies are getting into the corral. Mr. Mooney says, I feel a Hiller video coming on. Let me tell you this, Hiller can feel my nuts.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Let's not forget Dick Butter says the smartest thing in the room, 17-0 NFL teams can lose to 8-8 teams in the NFL playoffs. How about that, Taylor? Mr. Brian Friend, how are you? You like the scoring here at the end? I like it. The boys and I are fighting. Do you know the scoring?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Can I respond to that NFL comparison? Sure, sure. Hurry up. I got only two minutes. Okay, go, Brian. Go, Mr. Friend. You know the scoring, Brian? You know it because I sent it to John. comparison because sure sure hurry up because i got only two minutes okay go brian go mr friend you know the scoring brian you know it because i sent it to john ah yes see uh mr friend what do you think it's gonna be dramatic it'll be exciting it's not orthodox but there's a lot to play for 75 of the competitions left i don't know the last time i've been to a competition where there's more events remaining than heats.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Is there really that much excitement on the line when most of the fans that are watching in the stands don't know the scoring situation or how to even contextualize that for the event? I don't want to talk about opinions. What else do I want to know, Salvan? That means he agrees, but he doesn't want to be controversial.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Do you have any update on Samuel Cornway and the Mayhem team? No. Do you know if all the other teams are healthy? Is Pat Vellner's team healthy? Yes. Okay. You seem very stern. Where are you going to go watch this event at?
Starting point is 00:24:53 On the floor okay uh anything else uh mr uh young oh i did have one question for you about some scoring situation give me one second here buddy uh good dudes they had two minutes added to one of their workouts thank you uh do you know anything about that? There's a data entry here. They crossed the line at 1358. The scorecard reflects that. Now it's accurate. Okay. Thank you so much, Brian. We'll be sending you a link after the show. If you have time, we'd love to have you back.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Thanks, guys. Reflections with Brian Friend. Thank you. The reason the NFL comparison is so ridiculous is this is one weekend. You can't say, okay, we're going to compare a two-day CrossFit event to a fucking 20-week NFL season. You'd have to say the last
Starting point is 00:25:32 two games of the season counts as five games. The person with the best record at the end of the season wins the whole thing. I don't know. I think it makes it even more poignant. No, no,
Starting point is 00:25:48 it's, it has no comparison. I think it makes it more poignant because you put in your whole season and you can lose it all in a fucking minute. Whereas in one game, what you can't though, here's the big difference. What's the base fucking salary for the shittiest player on an NFL team? $500,000.
Starting point is 00:26:10 They're guaranteed that. Oh, so you're saying it's bad not from a fan standpoint, not from a competition ethical or moral standpoint. You're saying from a money standpoint, it's tough on the athletes. Everything. Yes, particularly the money, for sure. You expect, hey, I go into this event. it's tough on the athletes everything yes particularly the money for sure you expect hey i go into this event i win most of the workouts where i place top three or top five in most of
Starting point is 00:26:30 the workouts i have a sizable lead i go into the final workouts and if i have two more top five finishes now i lose and i was up by 55 points and i lose all that money retarded uh barbell spin adding some context to it i always like stuff like this touchdown should be worth double in the fourth quarter he's not saying that as fact he's just adding uh context to the that's a better comparison um uh and he adds more context seems like ufc you have three fights to defend it that some new guy can come in and take it no that's that doesn't equate at all and dick butter i couldn't agree with you more yep suck it the ufc thing here's the deal though i don't think the ufc thing works but i appreciate it's all it's all put in context go ahead go ahead taylor sorry no i'm just gonna say it comes down to the
Starting point is 00:27:18 money even the ufc you lose a fight you're guaranteed a certain percentage of the prize bought and these guys aren't guaranteed shit and and the the other thing is they're not going to see this fucking money for another eight months anyways uh audrey fraser uncalled for how many times do you think he said only facts only facts only facts if you can't craft good questions you won't get good answers i'm not sure what she's referencing but never let the person who's answering the questions dictate the questions. Ever. Do you want to make picks for this event? Say that again?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Do you want to make picks? Sure. Let's do it. You want to see the list of teams? Let's see the workout. We know the teams. Back to the workout. Caleb, I miss you.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Caleb. So I don't know if they'll win, but I think the Humble Killers have a really good shot at being really good at this at the first part. Alex Ghazan has a 258-pound bench press, and she can also strict press 167. That is probably top in the field, even with Carrie Pierce. I think she's probably the best bench presser, even with bigger women out there.
Starting point is 00:28:36 258 is pretty insane for women. Scroll up a little bit, Sevan. We'll talk about the first part first. women scroll up a little bit step on we'll talk about the first part first uh navy d wants to know uh how how is the scoring for the final first place is 100 points second place 84 points and down by 14 points or is it 16 points all the way down to four and last just doesn't make sense that's what we've been talking about here for the last few minutes buddy you must have just logged in basically anyone can win it's up for grabs top five people anyone can win okay uh so who are your picks who's your picks for this uh in the women
Starting point is 00:29:17 that sucks my picks for for the women winning, probably Laura's. Man, I can't not go Laura's team. It's hard to go against Laura's team, but I think the Humble Killers are a dark horse in this event. I mean, if Laura's team wins, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Yeah, I got Laura. It's a lot of heavy wall balls too. Yeah, that's what I say too.
Starting point is 00:29:44 The dark horse will be good in this i say too but i think the bench press will be easier for laura's team and humble killers hey hey what do you think's most exciting for the fans that this point scoring system or the or a different one if the fans know what the scoring system is and the implications behind it then yes this is more exciting but none of them are going to know they have no fucking idea this what's going to happen. If anything crazy happens, they're going to be sitting there like, How did that happen? What? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Good point. Good point. Taylor, do you want to pick a winner? You're going with Laura's team? Team BPN. Okay. I don't know why. Predictions for teams just annoy me for some reason.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I think the second part, Team BPN, is going to blow everybody out of the water. Oh, look at this. What's going on there? Let's talk to Heidi. Heidi can report on this. Hi, Heidi. Oh, my God. It's a riot.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Just kidding. She's dancing with fire. It's a reenactment of Ferguson. So what are we seeing? This is a beautiful entertainer here, dancing with fire. She just stuck one of those things in her mouth a minute ago. Oh, and how is that fire staying on the floor not damaging the floor? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:30:59 She doesn't have... Actually, it looks like she does have a mat down where it's sitting, but there's no other mats where she's dancing. Hopefully it doesn't damage the fire stick. Oh, look, more fire on the ground, more fire on the mats. How can that be? I don't get it. I'm not exactly sure, but... Oh, shit. We've got a problem in the front row someone's on fire is that supposed to be happening there that doesn't look like it's it's it's supposed to be happening that way well she's that lady is trying to put the fire out but she's struggling
Starting point is 00:31:40 she's trying to put it out with a mat but it's burning the mat uh oh oh this is awesome oh shit it's like a fucking birthday one of those birthday candle cakes yeah oh this is good she ain't putting shit out Bruce she ain't putting shit out
Starting point is 00:32:00 is this something that you go to a rental watch it's just burning the mat and it's burning her hand she's freaking out Is this something that you go to an event to watch? It's just burning the mat and it's burning her hand. She's freaking out. Do people even give a fuck about shit like this? No, because the whole crowd went, what? Why are they doing that? Hey, but the good part is no one's watching her and they're watching the chick try to put the fire out now.
Starting point is 00:32:23 She's not blowing on it. Oh, my God. This reminds me of a scene from Idiocracy, like a bunch of people standing in the crowd, and they're all half retarded, and this is what they come to watch. Hey, there's got to be a fireman just right there in the front row who can go over there and just sit on that. I think she's the firewoman.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh, my God. What? Now what? She tried blowing it out with her mouth and it blew it like was like a birthday candle where it lit back up in her face but i think she's good all right get her away from the fire hey you think that's supposed to happen like that like it's part of the show like a comedy act uh no not at all trying to put it out is freaking out. I wonder how much money they spent on that. God, I wish I could see that up close.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Hey, I like that. I like it. I mean, instead of paying them, I would have rather gave the winners more money. Not me. Hey, what a waste of five minutes. Oh, you guys are fucking scrooges. Listen, if those fire things would have went out on the first try we'd never remember this but now we're going to remember this for the
Starting point is 00:33:29 rest of our lives another question for dylan stop i'm gonna fucking accidentally drop you lucky camera straps changed my mind this final is fire oh Changed my mind. This final is fire. We've converted one. Look, Taylor. Look, Taylor. This guy was on your side for $7.99 and now $2.99.
Starting point is 00:33:51 He's on my side. Mr. Butter, Taylor, you can get new tampons for your pussy on aisle seven if you'd like. I'm going to jam them down your throat, bro. Uh, Ken Walters, just like Superbowl halftime shows. They suck. Yeah. The halftime show is ridiculous at the Superbowl. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:11 It's like, it's like, what do we think people like? And all these people coming up with this big old package to show people. And they're like, ah, this is how retarded people are. We think they'll like this stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And people watching are just like, this sucks. Oh, okay. So they, they, so just so you you know everyone watching the live stream does know the scoring now they're going over the scoring now chase is going yeah chase just went over the scoring him and woodland now do the people in the audience know it's in the stands i don't think so heidi are they going are they making any announcements on the scoring to the people in the stands not at all they're playing some club music and flashing the lights real nice for us there you go okay just what the people need thank you miss crew hey i i'm i'm pumped i am pumped the
Starting point is 00:34:54 women are on the floor says mr wayne let's go katherine tanya and it looks like suza has now posted up somewhere uh oh maybe he's on the other end no no he's right next to he's by heidi okay so we have if one of them i'm in the floor pane i was just talking to the two gentlemen behind me which are firefighters and they were on standby they were ready oh they oh awesome awesome they said they would have been stoked for a little action for the day. Awesome. Where is... Whose camera is that right now up there? Oh, that's Heidi's. Okay, I think Heidi's a little higher.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's a better shot, right? But Sousa's might be a little clearer. Heidi's is better, I think. Because of the angle? Yeah, the angle. Because of the angle. Oh, there you go. Wow, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Sousa working the angles. Does he have the arm stamina for that? Look at Heidi up in her game now. Look at Heidi. He's like, fuck that. Can you tilt down just a little, Miss Kroom? And they're off. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And they're off. Are we going to watch ours, or are are we gonna watch the stream both both hey I like the way Heidi's framed that with the railing in the front a little bit I'm okay with that some guy just fucks Sousa if you guys don't need my shot
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'll go catch up with the guys okay thank you brother we got the Heidi Krumkamp on we are about 30 seconds ahead my shot. I'll go catch up with the guys and move it up. Okay. Thank you, brother. We got the Heidi Krumkamp on. We are about 30 seconds ahead of the real feed. The real feed is a significantly better shot. High crane shot. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Laura and Jamie Simmons are doing the synchrotosed bar and crushing it. Oh, look at Mal and Katrin all synced up. Matchy matchy, same shoes, same shorts.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Cute. God, they look, Katrin looks so relaxed, huh? Yeah. Those are good toes to bar. Uh,
Starting point is 00:36:57 I am hop $10. Uh, before we get to the competition, what did you think of the live feed coverage of the three to one lift off? I could never tell what weight yes that was the problem we had we no one could tell what weight it was can i ask go ahead no don't ask dylan any of that stuff what are you going to say to him like wait what do you expect go ahead i don't know what i expect i guess what i expect is when you're the director
Starting point is 00:37:19 of an event can't you go to the broadcast and say hey here's what i want here's what the fans want can you just give it to him i know but like we're in here's the thing i hear you but like if you have those suggestions say it to him afterwards like maybe online what can he say it's basically like we're calling them out for shitty camera work i don't want to do that okay it appears most of the women broke after 30 like all of them did 30 together and then um now everybody's breaking a little a little more often but they all did 30 on the live feed it showed katrin's face watching mal's toes to barn she's like when are you gonna break please break jody lynn 99.99 jody thank you dang you're always so generous great weekend crew best crossfit coverage for sure. Hashtag. Three left.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Three left for the daughters. You guys are ahead. Yeah. And we're definitely in trouble for using that hashtag. Sorry, John. Are y'all watching the live stream or y'all? We're watching the feed. I'm watching the broadcast feed.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Jacqueline Mims, if you guys could give us an idea of team names closest to farthest on Heidi's stream, that'd be awesome. Good point. Catcher's moving a lot slower than everybody else. Jamie Simmons and Laura Horvath were first off the total bar.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Who's in that blue shirt in our stream? Who's that blue shirt? That's Amanda Barnhart's team. I see Amanda Barnhart standing out there in the middle of the floor. That would be Christy Aramo. Yep, Christy Aramo. Are you sure that's not Lisa Goffey and that's not Colin Brander you're looking at?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Are you guys trying to answer her question? Wow, look at Laura's box jump overs. So much faster than everyone else's. Flying. So just so you know, to answer your question Jacqueline uh it's uh Laura uh Horvat in the very bottom with those blue shorts and Gabby Magawa's jumping over the box back and forth right next to them is Amanda Barnhart and uh her team and then past that it looks like Brooke Wells and her team and then that row where the cameraman is where someone's doing the
Starting point is 00:39:25 synchro dumbbell thrusters, I think that's Mal O'Brien's team. Okay, we got BPN in first. Humble Killers second. Go Odd third. Jacqueline Dahlstrom's team. Gabby and Jamie Simmons. Humble Killers is right
Starting point is 00:39:42 there with BPN. I hope that helped Nettie, Canadian1399 just bumped into Matt Susan in the hotel lobby not too long ago, my hubby said I am a fangirl I fangirled on him way harder for him than any of the athletes, love you guys, keep up the great work thank you Nettie, he mentioned you on the show
Starting point is 00:40:01 daughters are making up a lot of time on the lunge, They're lunging much faster than everybody else. Where do you have to sink that? On the bottom? And the top. Okay, both. Me and extension. We're assuming. Everybody's being very
Starting point is 00:40:19 slow and deliberate, but the daughters, they're moving just a little bit faster than everybody. Gabby's aggressive. She didn't even put the dumbbell down. Sousa. This is going to come down to the bench press. This lunch means nothing. Without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Nettie just was in the comments, by the way. Nettie, the lady you told us about who you met in the lobby. Oh, Nettie. Love you. Thank you. Awesome. P10 Performance, that's. Love you. Thank you. Awesome. All right. P10 Performance. That's Andrea Nistler's team.
Starting point is 00:40:48 They are, I think this is an error. What are they doing? It says they're in first, but it says they're in the bench presses already, and I don't think anybody's bench presses. They are. It looks like they are. No, there's no way. No.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Something went wrong. Oh, so they are in the bench press, but they shouldn't be? You think there's something they didn't do? They were not even close to. They weren't even. I mean, they're still lunging. There's no way they lunged past everybody. Okay, and the scoreboard's down.
Starting point is 00:41:21 They are bench pressing, though. They are bench pressing? You see them out? Oh, they are bench pressing. You're bench pressing you see them out oh they are bench pressing you're right so you think they skipped some phase oh they fucking had to have jesus christ there's two people bench pressing out there no we got the uh the bpn and the daughters right next to each other there's two groups uh bench pressing you see that right yep yep that's the daughters and vpn okay oh look at gabby what a pro move just straight to the bench is that what you mean why is she getting a no rep dude if i see some fuck shit from her, Judge.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I hope they show Ghazan. Watch Ghazan. Because she's better than everybody here. Do you think 1RM strength correlates to muscle endurance? Yep. And in the bench press, yes. That was a great shot and a great zoom out by her. Jeez, Annie.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Look at Carrie Pierce. She destroying it? Yeah. Jamie Simmons is not. That's what I'm saying. They got Carrie and Alex. Oh, Annie might not. Is Annie locking out? She has weird elbows. They are locking out. She just has weird elbows. You see her, Taylor? Look at Alex.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Which feet are you on? You must be a couple seconds ahead they're showing alex gazon right now oh yeah she's savage not even perfect technique either right a little wide a little pushing out a little wide her arms are longer than somebody that you'd expect that can now bench everybody yon cl, 449. Awesome coverage all weekend, as usual, fellas. So Taylor doesn't need to steal anymore. Humble Killers got three left. Dude, no way.
Starting point is 00:43:14 They just ripped through the bench. It was all about the bench. Dude, freaking Kerry Pearson, Alex Kazan. Oh, Alex has got three reps to go. That's insane. They made up so much ground on the bench press. Oh, shit. Carries off.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Now what? What's going on here? Heavy wall balls with Ariel Lowen. 20 pounds. Oh. Oh, no rep. No rep. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Why? They're not getting high enough there. Or they weren't synced. Hey, 20-pound wall ball for those girls, heavy? Yeah, I really can see Gabby Migala and Laurel Horvath making up ground on this part, but I don't know. They're not going to go unbroken, though. How are any of Mal and Annie's reps? Their balls didn't even hit the target at the same time.
Starting point is 00:44:12 This is why you don't like the final. Oh, they're out of sync. Those two are out of sync. Oh, and that's the first fucking no rep they got. This is why you hate scoring like this in a final event, because of all of the mistakes. Now you're going to introduce even more. That's not a rep.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That's not a rep. She's counting all of these reps. Yep. It's now, now Gazan and, uh, that's not a run of how to hiccup and they have to reset. Look at how smooth Gabby and Laura look.
Starting point is 00:44:42 They're much better. Just as I say that. Fuck, I jinxed them. They need to keep going. Wow, Laura makes that look easy. Yep. They're going to. I think they're going to go 30.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I hope they go fucking 60 and pin it. Okay, so just so you guys know how important this is, fifth place is a bad finish on this workout. That is, I want to say say 54 points or 52 points. It is a bad finish. Laura and Gabby need to step on it. They have. They are, though.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Yeah, very close race. Everybody. The top five people are within five wall balls out of 60 within each of each other. Is this it? After the wall balls, it's over. This is a sprint to the end here. No, they have 60 wall balls out of 60 within each of each other. Is this it after the wall balls? It's over. This is a sprint to the end here. No, they have 60 wall balls and then 50.
Starting point is 00:45:30 What's their synchro movement. The wall. No, but they have a fifth and then they have 50 reps of one more thing. I'll go over here and check. Give me one second. Bench press. Then you got a heavy wall ball. Oh Oh handstand walk That's right the handstand walking
Starting point is 00:45:50 If Mal and Katrin can get Oh it's just going to be Mal and Annie I don't know that Annie is going to be able to hold up as well As both Gabby and Laura on the handstand walk But Mal is fantastic at handstand walking Annie is good too Man Annie is great Dude they caught all the way up They're second place now Mal is fantastic at handstand walking. And he's good too, man. And he is great.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Dude, they caught all the way up. They're second place now. Yeah. All right. We got Ariel and Alex. I'm surprised they didn't put Carrie on the handstand. Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:15 so we're not going to see Laura, Laura Horvath, uh, do handstand walk here. No, we are. She's going. Team BPN, team BPN caught almost all the way up.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Everybody except humbleble Killers. So everyone has to do the handstand walk? Team BPN's on the handstand walk. Wow, they made up some fucking ground on the wall balls. That's insane. I'm glad my dog course pick came through. I told you they'd be good at this workout. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Hey, did every team member have to do the handstand walk? No, just the two in that heat. Or in that. Brooke Wells moving. Oh, who did the wall balls? Athlete two and athlete three. Okay. Gazan, Savage.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Savage. So Gazan's team with Ariel Lohan and Carrie Pierce are in the lead. Very close behind them is Laura Horvath, Gabby Gala, and Jamie Simmons. And now the All-American girls have taken first place. Who's that team? That's Brooke Wells? Amanda Barnhart? No, there's a scoring issue with the Humble Killers
Starting point is 00:47:13 because they were ahead of everybody and they're still ahead of everybody. Okay. So the Humble Killers have stopped putting numbers on the board. Yeah, they won. Because they've stopped. And then VPN is second. They have the All-American Girls with the...
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah. It's not them, though. Team VPN. Okay. Wow. There we go. Yep. All-American Girls took first. Team VPN took second. No, it's not. Okay. Wow. There's a, there we go. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:47 All American girls took first team BPN. No, no, it's not the all of me. It's that's not Christie Aramo. Okay. You meant, you meant AKA humble killers finished first. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Humble killers finished first. Then team BPN. Oh, maybe they have the teams marked wrong. They have the chips on the wrong team. They do. Accidents happen. Accidents happen. Okay, so we've got to reverse their
Starting point is 00:48:09 scores. So basically, first and third, it's... Oh. Oh, man. She's struggling. Get there. Get there. oh oh man she's struggling get there get there no sigurd's daughter yes okay where is uh fifth place is 44 points that's tough that is it's oh wow i'll give it to her i'll give it to her. I'll give it to her. Really struggling. Did you just see Sola? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Who's that in the red? Nistler? No. No. Oh, Dahlstrom. Dahlstrom. Okay. And I meant red top.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And it's Nistler in the red pants, right? Oh, man. I want to see a scoreboard. Now, listen. This second event is so much better for the people who got to rest here. Oh, sorry, John. Nistler just yelled at the camera operator. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:49:14 Yeah, I saw it. Okay, sorry. Go ahead, John. They're all getting to rest right now, all of the women that finished. And they have like four more minutes of rest for this second event. So it doesn't even matter if the second event is good for these other girls because you get four minutes of rest for this second event. So it doesn't even matter if the second event is good for these other girls because you get four minutes of rest. You're just going to be better than, and I think that's unfair to weigh that other one just as heavy.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Nisler going for a final handstand walk. She turns around here. Watch out, watch out, you jackass. Look at that. Does that make sense, Taylor? Like if I'm a really good biker but i'm a terrible handstand walker i'm getting punished on the bike for not being good at handstand walking yep i love a good good yelling yelling at from the athletes
Starting point is 00:49:54 uh marissa sharp uh zero camera time for the team that won through that whole event. Shake my head. They didn't win. Ah, well, there you go. Take that, Marissa. I'm loving this event. I'm loving it. Well, the problem is with the scoring the way it is and how many mistakes were on the floor judging-wise,
Starting point is 00:50:23 that's a good question. Here we go. No, do you mean no ask him stuff ask him to tell me the question okay so all right i'm gonna scrap everything i have i'm just gonna suck his dick raw for five minutes it's not about sucking his dick it's just like you why call someone out on some things like why was the scoring so fucked up and they couldn't get the name right like no that's not what i'm talking about this this was my question um what was your rationale behind the scoring for the final event oh i like that yeah i like do you think so i like that what's your rationale behind uh the scoring for the final event yep yep um how does this reward athletes does it reward athletes who do really well early on in the competition? No, you know that you're setting them up.
Starting point is 00:51:08 That's the leading question. You know that's not true. Okay, then I'm not going to ask that part. Just don't fuck with them. Just be cool. But, I mean, you can ask hard questions. Just don't fuck with someone. What's the rationale behind the scoring of the final event?
Starting point is 00:51:18 And do you think about the level of judging on the field when you – can I ask that? Do you think about the level of judging on the field when you, can I ask that? Do you think about the level of judging on the field when you have so much at stake and so much point swings? Sure. Sure. As long as, as long as you're open for any answers, as long as it's not like you're trying.
Starting point is 00:51:35 No, Mason, it's not. Self is not correct. When you interview someone, it's not about playing gotcha with them. You're right. We're not,
Starting point is 00:51:42 we're not here to play gotcha with them. We can speculate if we, if we want to invite them on the show and be like hey dude we'd like to fucking tear you up for some of your score we want to come at you hard for your scoring that's not the event's over it's only we have to contextualize it make it relative the event's over it just finished like let's get some uh what's bad is it's gonna be it's not what i'm saying that what taylor isn't saying isn't uh valuable. Back to the event. I'm just saying now is not the time. Here we go. Go ahead, John.
Starting point is 00:52:10 They just corrected it. All American girls got second. VPN got third. Daughters fourth. Okay, so my two main questions. You're right. You're right. That was a leading question for sure. I'm going to stop trying to play gotcha. I have three main questions. The one I just asked you, the other one I had, and tell me if this is fair or not. Do you think Waterpalooza has outgrown its ability to enforce or produce quality control? Is a fair question around what around judging
Starting point is 00:52:49 spectator and athlete experience no it's kind of um uh because i have my perspective but i want i genuinely want to know his can't can't you just be specific can't you wouldn't it be better? No, because it's so leading. Basically, are you saying that because people paid for VIP tickets and they didn't get to sit down that that's fucked up? No, I just think that their mission is to create an experience for people. And I'm curious, do they feel like they're fulfilling that mission? Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:30 All right. The athletes are getting on the bikes now. This is sure. Sure. I think Guido talked about that yesterday too. I think they, they are on a mission and I think they are fulfilling it. People feel like it's like a great community.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Awesome event. But yeah. And then my last question is, are there any plans for granite games and west coast classic in the future like take that shit over well what what happened to granite games is it ever going to come back are we ever going to see it again because that used to be loud and live properties yeah yeah i would love to see west coast classic i'd love to see it actually on the West Coast, like here at my house. I mean, I mean, that's the main thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Like you, you know, I just didn't like the way you said outgrow. Like, do you think it's outgrown? Like, hey, maybe you should pass this off. You know, you guys have really have it's more than you guys can handle. I mean, fuck this thing. They're killing it. That's not what I think. I don't think it's more than they can handle.
Starting point is 00:54:27 What I'm saying is, do you think you need to move to a different venue? Do you think you need to expand spectator seating? Do you think you need to cap attendance? Because, I mean, I just think like, hey, if you've got all these people that have paid all this money to see a show and they don't get to see a show, do they leave unfulfilled. If you have all these athletes competing like last year and you have all these delays in times and athletes sitting in the corral for over an hour, do you think that incentivizes them to want to come back and compete, et cetera, et cetera? Or do you think they just don't give a fuck 75K on the line? Look, I have other questions that I would ask. I know they're dickhead questions. I'm not going to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:02 We're going to get to this. I know they're dickhead questions. I'm not going to. Okay. We're going to get to this. They're finishing up on the bikes, and then we're going to go to the synchro burpees, and let's make sure that we're not talking about this shit. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Okay. Yeah, you're awesome. We got Will Plummer with the camera. We got Matt Souza with the camera. And I Am Hop Judging has been inconsistent all weekend. Ben from Australia, I want to go, but I'm not traveling that far to miss half the events look at how much the daughters win this if the daughters win this and bpn takes fifth they could lose uh hold that thought repeat that one second will did you have something to report brother no i'm just walking over right now okay. We'll check with you in a bit.
Starting point is 00:55:46 We got Matt. It's a burpees. That's crazy. Okay, so say that again, John. What's going on here as we get to the end here? I don't know how synchro these are, but if the daughters win and BPN gets like fifth, then the daughters could win the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:56:07 even though BPN's beat them the whole entire time because they're not far apart. And now BPN is catching up, but they're going to struggle with these burpees. They're not going to catch up. What's shocking to me is, a little shocking is why is Annie doing that little hop, skippity step? They're not allowed to do that. Just make the movement athletic the way Mal and Katrin are. Stop trying to make it easier. I don't like when athletes do that.
Starting point is 00:56:37 She's stepping over with one foot and tapping her other. I've never seen a burpee like this. Is this a common team thing, this back and forth thing? No, this is new and I like it. I like it too. Most athletes make it look athletic, except for Annie. Annie's come pretty close a couple times to kicking Mal in the face.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Oh, they must be hurting. Wow. If AKA Humble Killers beats Team BPN, then this is huge. And they're on pace to beat them. I think they have enough gap on them. No, but they're not going to win. Yeah, they will. BPN will win. Yeah, they beat the daughters in the last event
Starting point is 00:57:27 now they can't lose to the all-american girls oh my god they gotta go man oh my god the fuck who bpn i think the scoring thing's fucked i don't know what's going on and someone on the killers i think it's not registering what the fuck oh shit bpn is now falling behind into fourth oh they're gonna pay for this jesus christ i like how hard la Laura's throwing herself down. What's in fourth place, Sevan? Oh, they did an extra.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Oh, my God, at the time, they did an extra rep, too. Team BPN did an extra rep. Hey, Sevan, what was fourth place again on that scoring system? He doesn't know. It went down by 16 points. Fifth place was 44. 16 points. But what was fourth place?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I want to say 56 56-44 58-44 Can we put Brian Spence's comment back up? Put his what? His comment? Oh, his post? It's way too far back there I'll find it Sousa, can we listen in a little bit?
Starting point is 00:58:54 This is the men's final heat. Looks like the crowd's gone off. Guys, this Canadian PB&J team is going to take 5th or 6th place in that second half. They are going to hurt in that burpee world, I think. What do you guys think
Starting point is 00:59:25 gentlemen what do you think I don't know they're both all good bikers so I could see them being fine is it the last person past the line I'm going to say it's going to go down. They're going to take fifth place.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Pat and Fikowski and Adler on the second workout, second half. Well, that's just going to create controversy. We just lost Taylor. What's going to create controversy? If something like that happens, if they take fifth and they don't win, because they've been convincingly the best team all week. Convincingly. BPN finished ahead.
Starting point is 01:00:11 It looked like they crossed the finish line exactly at the same time. I hated the Lydia. I hated the Daughters reps. Nothing was synchro about them. I didn't notice that. They favored the Daughters, says Renato Novantana. Taylor has to be on the juice. He's always so angry.
Starting point is 01:00:29 No, just tough childhood. Just tough childhood. That shakes out. That logic shakes out. I just texted Sven for the scoring. No, I couldn't find it, and I accidentally fucking – I don't know if I kicked myself out of the chat or if Sivan was pissed at me for looking in the comments that evening.
Starting point is 01:00:44 He just booted me out. Fuck this dude. He's not even listening to me. Okay, here we go. Fifth, fourth place is 56 points. Okay, and then what's third place? No, fifth place is 44 points. Wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Sorry, fourth place is 56. That's what I said. Fourth place. 56 points. 68 points. What's fifth place? 44. Yeah, that's what I said. said 44 and 56 you cack suckers
Starting point is 01:01:08 uh yeah one second uh uh semper fit delis uh theory is when the parking lot is too full and people can't park they stop coming they stop coming okay here we go. Mr. Young. Okay. So they got third place and the daughters got fourth in the first part. Okay. So third place was what again, Taylor? Third place was 68 points. So 68 plus 100.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Add that to the daughters total. It's 703. And then if you add, oh man, I mean, they're going to beat them convincingly. It's going to be 703 to 679. Wait, wait, wait. They got 68 points, third and one. And what was their other place? Fifth? They got fourth and third. And the Daughters got first and fourth. Okay, so 68 points plus 555. Plus 56. And then 56 points plus that. Yeah, 56 plus 68, right?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Mm-hmm. Plus 155 plus 124 124 it's six yes it's it's well i mean with their total score it's 679 and then if you add 100 points because they just won the daughters won that workout and then they got fourth place which is 68 points no no They got a fourth. The Daughters got a fourth place or a third place? They got fourth place. 56. That's 56. That's 56. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:49 56 plus 100 plus 535 is 691. They beat them by 18 points. So the Daughters won and CBTN was the best team all weekend, convincingly, just because they got fourth place in the last event wow that's why the scoring system is bad savon like this scoring system is atrocious for that this is bullshit oh look they did win holy shit what the fuck man no they're saying unofficial winner of the of that of that event because they announced the winners
Starting point is 01:03:31 right but with that scoring system they win the whole competition oh I can't be showing this what the fuck is going on here? All right. And that's like, I mean, I think they're going to catch a lot of flack for it because that shouldn't be. VPN was the best team all weekend.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I'm texting Watkins. Here's the thing. They're not going to catch a lot of flack for it because none of the athletes have the balls to call them out. Okay, so it doesn't look like they announced the winner. So only the fittest person in the last workout matters, essentially, and they're going to take home all the money, not the fittest person overall. Can I send Tyler Watkins a link to help us? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:04:32 He's got a link. He's got a link. I don't know how quickly he can get the Z-score, though, because he needs to know everybody's time. Taylor, you're in charge for a couple minutes. Everybody's time has to be put in the comp corner for him to do Z score on it but i i can't i i think vpn is going to be first no matter what but this it's not i mean if they would have just went 190 80 70 60 you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:04:57 just distribute it evenly i'd be fair taylor on the juice and he's throwing haymakers in every direction no dude it just sucks because you work so hard yeah if this is a vacation for these guys who are competing a team but you work so fucking hard you come out here you knock it out of the park all weekend you best this other team and seven out of seven of the previous events. Is that, or how many can we, can you pull up the little board, John Young on your own screen and let me know. They beat him.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Fuck it. They beat him in six of the eight workouts and they're, and the workouts that they lose to them in are by one spot or two spot. And then you come into the final workout. And just because of that scoring system, the final event matters way more than any other workout and now they lose that's ridiculous they beat them in in five of the seven workouts um until this event the reason i hate it and the reason i'm upset is they don't ever ask the athletes hey what do you guys think a good
Starting point is 01:06:02 scoring system is they're the fucking ones competing and to be honest yeah it's just it's frustrating tyler walker should be jumping on shortly if you're at the event uh and on your way out you should stop by uh gabe's booth and the vindicate booth those guys don't want to send shit home the men are going right now if this happens with the men also and dude do you remember all of those wall ball no reps that that uh mal and annie should have gotten yeah oh it was at least 10 reps oh don't hate don't hate no the whole thing there in square we can go back and watch that ryan stan i'm gonna fucking cut your throat yeah by the way a bunch of people are texting me The whole thing is fair and square. We can go back and watch that. Ryan,
Starting point is 01:06:46 Stan, I'm going to fucking cut your throat. Yeah. By the way, a bunch of people are texting me about, uh, about Annie's, uh, dumbbell jumps saying they're suspect.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Those were suspect. Her wall ball reps were suspect. They weren't in sync. And that just goes to show like, not only do you have to take into account how volatile that scoring system is, but do the judges on the floor really have the, what it takes to uphold the standards to make that a valid test. I mean,
Starting point is 01:07:11 it's different at the games, at the games, you've got seminar staff everywhere. You've got level fours, you've got flow masters. Can we, can we war about this afterwards? I think we should give the,
Starting point is 01:07:21 some of the, we fucked up the girl a little bit. Okay. Thank you. Well, after the men's, after the men's men is done i'm gonna have to go like five minutes later i i understand i understand aaron is not uh ty taylor is not whining he's pointing out the obvious facts i i understand that i just want to uh give us um i don't want to blow his load now and then we have nothing to talk about afterwards velner and the canadian gentlemen are in first looks like the boys are in second and we are watching to talk about afterwards. Felner and the Canadian gentlemen are in first.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Looks like the boys are in second, and we are watching a team that's not even in the hunt for the top six in this workout right now. Thank you. This guy's name is Jackson Maschoff, but it should really be Mason Jackoff. See how it's all backwards? And thank you for the money. I'm with Taylor.
Starting point is 01:08:02 This is trash. No, he didn't say it's trash. It's great. Just some fine tuning. Fine tuning. I need some rough tuning and then some fine tuning. Here we go. Pat Donner's team off the toaster bar first.
Starting point is 01:08:19 He's on to the box jump overs. Noah took off his shirt. Yeah, that means it's game time, baby. Who's the best? Who's the best out here? Who's the best? The Canadians. Oh, it looks like somebody hurt themselves. Tyler Watson has sent
Starting point is 01:08:42 us some scoring shit, but I couldn't follow it if my life depended on it. That's not what we want. We need to wait until he has the complete thing, but let's let the boys go before. Any stands out here? You guys are seeing anyone on the box and you're like, dang, they're the best.
Starting point is 01:08:56 The same way we were watching Horvath. Jacob Hefner. Where is he? Oh, as well. Oh, I know you guys want us to point out lanes so we got uh we'll take turns going here in the closest lane to use james newberry and nick matthew who's in the next one
Starting point is 01:09:11 dallin pepper and uh tutor magda who's in the next one down paper down pepper james spray jason hopper and then you got tutor oh you're going the people who are just jumping anyone tyler what's up don't do this look at tyler use some cream rinse in his hair look at And then you got Tudor. Oh, you're going, the people who are just jumping. Anyone. Tyler, what's up? Don't do this. Look at Tyler, he used some cream rinse in his hair. Look at his hair's all conditioned. Heidi, could you tilt your camera down just a smidge? That a girl. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Nobody's really close. Is that BKB? Oh, they got to pick it up, man. Get it up. Yeah, they're not fucking around. They know what kind of bullshit this scoring system is, and they're fucking going for it. I had to mute you, Tyler, just because it was too noisy where you're at. If you make it quiet, you can unmute yourself.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah, if Roman's team beats them, they can. I mean, if the boys beat them. The way that swung just worked, if they don't get fourth in both events, they're going to lose. Hey, so those teams closest to us have already been lapped, the Nick Matthew team? Yes. Is that better? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And the Canadians are done? No. Ooh, I think Noah... Tyler, talk us through this. Talk us through your opinions while we watch. What's the point? The point is so that they go faster, right? Unless you're
Starting point is 01:10:36 anybody that's going to... It's a five-place equivalent. If you get second as opposed to first on this, it's like getting fifth in any other in any other event and they still get first so it's just like i i understand what they're trying to do what are they trying to do they're trying to make them go faster everything's worth a huge slice but it's like guys that's not the incentive falls out after like halfway down the field
Starting point is 01:11:03 is i'm gonna ask that question do you think that's actually what they were trying to do? Do you think they were trying to dramatize the show for the fans? I think that they were trying to make them go fast. So what you're saying, just to be clear, Tyler, you're saying that the person who took second place at this last event was the equivalent of taking fifth place if it would have been a little more normalized scoring. Yeah, if it was like they were scoring before they just wanted to keep everybody in it for the long all the way to
Starting point is 01:11:29 the end if there was one thing that was better than everybody else it doesn't mean that they're the winner they want to keep everybody in it until the very end but that defeats consistency like to a t if my best stuff is the last two events and I'm in place, I have a chance to win. It doesn't work like that. It shouldn't work like that. If you're out by like 48 points right now, you could put the hammer down, get first on both, and make it up on somebody. I just don't see that happening for anyone, though. It just happened
Starting point is 01:12:05 With the girls? Yeah They were out by 48 points and they got first on both They were out by 40 points And the daughters got 100 And then the Laura Horvath team got 56 points Right So now everybody's questioning
Starting point is 01:12:21 Hey let me ask this real quick Are we sure that that's the scoring that they're using? Where did we are? Sure. I'm pretty sure. Where did Brian spin? Get that information. Brian friend confirmed it.
Starting point is 01:12:35 With my question to him, I said, what do you think about the scoring? It's the Brian machine. Okay. So Brian, Brian, and then, and then he also said, I then he also said, who do you think told him that information? Okay. All right. Here we go. We are on to the bench press.
Starting point is 01:12:58 This played a huge role, I think, in the last. It did. The best bench pressers won the event. Played a huge role in the last... It did. The best bench pressers won the event. Played a huge role in the last competition. John Young confirming the best bench pressers won the event. That was the Gazan, Carey Pierce, Ariel Lowen team. James Sprague talking to the judge while he tries to count Hopper's reps.
Starting point is 01:13:25 You know what I think is interesting about the scoring table is we're all talking about it and they're going to continue to talk about it for another two weeks. Uh, lucky camera straps, two 99 go Canada. Good point. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:37 Mr. Uh, Tyler Watkins. Good point. Okay. And, so Frank makes a good point. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:44 maybe something's wrong with the scoring board as the, board as the points come up and down off the board. Annie won the last event because she didn't lock out at all. No, the wall balls were trash. The wall ball missed too. The burpees were trash. The judges were counting. Oh, Wadzombie, good. Tyler is here to reel this stream back in.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I offer almost nothing. Every time I come on, I try to think how not to talk. Because it'll just, numbers will come out and then Siobhan will get mad. Jesus Christ, Tyler came on, we lost 100 followers. numbers will come out and then savannah get mad jesus christ tyler came on we lost 100 followers all right the boys and the good dudes are uh in the lead um james spray and uh dallin or uh jason hopper they're gonna they might do these unbroken hey what about the fact that um the boys have been the best performance here all day, but just because Noah missed one lift there, they are out of contention for winning first.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Do you have sympathy for that? Uh, Taylor. I'm not out of contention anymore. Well, then maybe this is important. Maybe this balances out that last workout. It shouldn't balance out an error on his part.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Oh shit. Here we go. Savannah. Good Intel savannah doters were down 20 they updated the leaderboard and then took the scores down doters did win according to what it showed before they took it back down interesting oh schnelly something else they did they they added how many points they were out of first so you have your points, and then they have it in negative. So they want you to be doing what we're doing right now. Weren't they down like 57 points? 57 points.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Okay, so now it says they were only down by 20 points, by the way. They were down by 20 points before the first event. Right. The two-event thing. Okay. Okay, in the women's field. And the second men's team was down 57 points yeah that's right so savannah you're saying that they put scores up for that final round and now they're gone wow okay that's fine i've done the math on it i as long as i have
Starting point is 01:15:58 a scoring table i can do it yeah i don't i'm i'm questioning that scoring table now josh uh rich froney read this for me last time. Josh Lehrman, 1999. Thanks for all the great coverage all weekend. Yeah, brother. My pleasure. Thanks for the loot. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Savannah. I saw it, Savon. I saw it. Okay, good. So the scores were in, and now they're not. That's fun. I like it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Ryan Stan, no, it was 38. Against John is dumb. He said like five wrong things. That's not English. That's not English. Ryan, take another swing at that, buddy. I love you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:44 John Young sucks at math. Literally been wrong five times. Okay, that's better. At least now we're going. We not English. That's not English. Ryan, take another swing at that, buddy. I love you. Okay. John Young sucks at math. Literally been wrong five times. Okay, that's better. At least now we're going. We're English. I think Ryan Stanton's wrong because everything I've said has come true so far. Ryan Stanton. This has a scoring table on the stream.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Okay. Oh, that's right, Amanda. They did. Okay, fair enough. I saw that also. Amanda using the brain power again. Thank you. enough i saw that also amanda using the brain power again uh thank you so good dudes got 100 points on that and they were seventh place
Starting point is 01:17:12 it's gonna be interesting to see where they end up dan actually they did live stream has not shown scoring table on stream yeah actually i've seen it a couple times actually so showing points delta to first is irrelevant no i actually did see it a couple times where are the canadians they're they're fourth and team go on his third that's what's my they just got to third look at tutor look at tutor that's what's bad is that uh the boys and team go out can't take advantage of me bad as the boys and team go-wod can't take advantage of me. Look at Jacob putting the yelling on.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Pants you. Dude, PB&J's taking a beating. That's funny. So who said that? Who predicted they would take fourth or fifth? They took a fifth. Oh, they're not even done yet they got fourth that's yeah fifth fifth thank you thank you thank you are you saying they got fifth i'm looking at them saying they got fourth i guess the ticker said four yeah now we have no idea what's correct up here it's a fucking cluster i love it i love it keep it exciting
Starting point is 01:18:29 is it exciting or is it just incorrect hey good dudes got 100 points in that yeah yep go odd was fifth that means they got 44 in that event Yep. Golod was fifth. That means they got 44 in that event. And so if you go to the leaderboard. Can we pull this leaderboard up? That's the difference of 60.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Matt told, Matt Fraser must be, Matt Fraser must be sitting right by the bike, I guess. And he leaned over when Hopper got on the bike and told him to break the bike. David Mongi. I do run an event. It's called the Charlotte Classic and it's the shit.
Starting point is 01:19:14 In the Urban Dictionary, that means it's good. Team BPN. No, this is female. Go to male. Elite male. Okay, we're doing the mail. Oh, okay. We're doing the math.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Okay, here we go. So, good dudes. Scroll down to good dudes. Good dudes is out 135, 387. No, no, no. It's a third place, I'm saying. So, third place, 436 minus 387. That's 49 points.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And they just picked up 66 points. So they are 56 points. They are ahead of the boys right now, or Team GoWod. What did the Canadians get? I'll do theirs. They got a first. They're in second place? I got to mix it up. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:20:01 They made up 66 points on Team GoWod. Team GoWod's in second. They made up 66 points on Team GoWad. Team GoWad's in second. They made up 66 points on them. Uh-oh, we have another problem, guys. We got another problem. How about this? Amanda's saying they're saying PB&J had a 35-point lead going to the final one. Clearly, we can see right here they had a 57-point lead.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Oh, maybe with one event left. No, the boys were ahead of them by one spot in that, and so they made up 12 points on them there. What did PB and J get on the first event? Fourth. And what did they get on the second event? They haven't done it yet. Oh, that was just the first event? We're going to
Starting point is 01:20:41 see those guys go again, do some shit more shit? Bike workout. Oh, shit. more shit. Uh, bike workout. Oh shit. I forgot. Okay. All right. Well, they better take a first.
Starting point is 01:20:50 They better not take another fourth. They should have this leaderboard up. They should update it. And then just put an asterisk saying like, you know, on unofficial. Cause I would want to know, like as a fan watching,
Starting point is 01:21:03 I would want to know what, and that's the thing. They're trying to dramatize it by creating this crazy outlandish point are you are you guys oh go ahead sorry go go ahead taylor yes they're trying to create that point swing but everyone who's watching can't follow along they're they have to watch retards like us try to fucking add two plus two for 30 minutes hey but that's that's what's so crazy about this podcast we're the only ones out here doing it right which is which is everyone else is like budweiser please another shot hey heidi what's your phone number oh my god look how big fukowski's shoulder fucking caps are and we're out here just like trying to fucking do math i love it all right i got uh rough shots of five. Y'all want to hear it?
Starting point is 01:21:45 Yes. Yes. Yes. For women? No, for men. Right now, going to this final event. Yep. Yep. Canadians are at 578. Okay. Hold on. They're solidly in first. They're solidly in first. Yep. All right. Go Watt is second At 509 Okay Yep And then the Pancic brothers
Starting point is 01:22:09 And the boys Are tied At 504 Oh Tyler's right They need to be Telling that They need to be Screaming that
Starting point is 01:22:18 In the stadium Before Not far behind Any of the Good news Is 487 Right now Yeah hey Tyler's so right if they would have said
Starting point is 01:22:27 ladies and gentlemen we have a tie for third and fourth place going to this with 504 points yeah watch lanes blah blah blah and blah blah blah the place go erupts and hey then the experience what you're talking about taylor for everyone goes through the roof right yep for the athletes the fans yeah they should have a live update and put it on like a big, big screen right now. Yeah. You just overlay it on top of what we see and everybody's going to be hype,
Starting point is 01:22:52 but I mean, Taylor's points, right. So how are the fans going to feel about it? Are they going to be more happy because they saw a bunch of shuffle and everybody losing their brain in the last workout, or do they want something that's fair? It's not fitness fair
Starting point is 01:23:05 but it is fair as far as like a competition no it's only fair in the sense that they signed up to play by their rules and these are their rules that's and if everybody's okay with that as a fan that's what you want but if everybody actually wants fair as far as fitness goes this is not fair yeah we want the fittest team to win i think that Yeah, we want the fittest team to win. I think that's what everyone wants. You want the fittest team to win. I don't know. Savant, do you want the fittest team to win? Savant's retarded. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I do. Okay, good. I do. I want the fittest team to win. Well, we didn't get that with the women. PB and J need 46 points to take it all. Oof. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:41 I don't know if we didn't get that with the women. Maybe that's where we differ. We didn't. Well, look, look, that's where we differ. We didn't. Well, look, look, look, look, look, look. Good dudes very well might be seventh. They were seventh coming into this and they're going to be second after. What the fuck are those guys doing? Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:54 They're first to the bike. How are they second? No. If they do the same thing they did in that first event, they'll be second. Okay. Well, I'm deleting your scoring guesstimation because it sounds... No, I'm saying if they get second,
Starting point is 01:24:09 or they get first place again, that's 100 points. And then if that is a big discrepancy, that is enough discrepancy between the other two. Oh, James Sprague! James Sprague! He didn't finish all his calories. He ghost-wrote a calorie and had to go back. Got him.
Starting point is 01:24:25 That hurts. Wow. Because they're only 17 points out of third. You can't see that now. They're about to see that in a second on the stream. I caught it early. I don't even know if they're going to catch it on our camera, on the stream camera.
Starting point is 01:24:39 They caught it. It's there. Yep, you see him get off. He ghost rides, and he's like, oh, no, no, no. Hey, come back. Come back. Oh, shit. It was like that.
Starting point is 01:24:49 And then he goes, rode it. Look at Belner. Savage. Belner is just. Savage. Okay, guys, I'm going to give you the instant replay of this. Good call. Oh, Belner is going vicious right now.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Mr. Self, here we go, guys. If you watch on the left side of your screen in lane number four, you're going to see James Frey get off the bike and Dallin Pepper run over to him. Why does it say 22 reps? They have a 30-calorie bike, do they not? Look what he has to go back for. Just one push. That's it.
Starting point is 01:25:17 He climbed on the bike and climbed off, and that was enough. God, that's interesting. Hopper's about to go. Let's watch him. Yeah, can Adler hold Hopper off? Can Ad adler hold hopper off he's got a head start he should be able to uh it's it is only 22 calories wow fukowski looks hurt he looks wounded look at jeff jeff looks wounded he's not even at the finish of his calories or His judge's hand's not even up. Are the judges putting their hands up?
Starting point is 01:25:49 Judge's hand's up for Adler. Roman. I forgot about Roman. Wow. Look at Roman. Holy fuck. Alright, Canadians are done. Roman's heated. That doesn't even look like he's riding a bike. What's he doing? Roman's insane.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah, they're fucked, man. Oh, the boys. That doesn't even look like he's riding a bike. What's he doing? Roman's insane. Could you imagine doing burpees after that? Yeah, they're fucked, man. Oh, the boys. Yeah, good point, Tyler. How does Roman do burpees after that? Oh, look at Jeff. Look at Jeff's speed. Oh, he's hurting.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Oh, no. Oh, Jeff. You got to be blackout. Yeah, he is hurting. He's not going down. He doesn't want to go down. Oh, Jeff. You got to be blackout. Yeah, he is hurting. He's not going down. He doesn't want to go down. Oh, Jeff. Remember the placings, okay, so I can do this accurately.
Starting point is 01:26:33 God, the boys look good, though. Jeff's going to lose it for him if he doesn't start to pick up the pace. I mean, they're 70 points ahead. Oh, Jeff's got an extra jump in there. He really doesn't want to go down. See, this is the problem. Everybody's in the same same place i have no idea what's going to happen nope and the stream just almost froze god bless the stream please freeze hi the boys are ahead uh rambler, where is Rich?
Starting point is 01:27:06 At home with his feet up on a bison burger, eating a bison burger? You think he got out of Miami as soon as they pulled out? They're like, yeah, I'm out of here. There you go. Jeff's picking it up now. I think he's going to do something with the – There you go. He needed 20 burpees to recover.
Starting point is 01:27:21 There you go. And Chandler's looking wounded. Oh, man. Slowing down. What are you doing? Oh, man. This is crazy. God, Noah looks great.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Travis, don't you stop. Five reps left here, people. He always does that. It stresses me out. Where did PB&J do? The Canadians fell hard. Oh, my gosh. You see, this is why it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:27:54 I mean, look, we're getting excited, but it's just fucking retarded. Two fourths will be no good. Bye-bye. Oh, no. Holy shit. So it's between. Oh, and the Canadians pulled it off. God.
Starting point is 01:28:09 It's going to be close. It's going to be close. This will be me screwing up everything next week in Austin. I'll be the idiot running across the line when my whole team's going. You're doing a comp, Tyler? Yeah. Get on you. What is it it tfx what is that the fittest experience oh so um team team go wad is uh is um jay crouch and uh roman but they got they got uh 44 points in the last event. So they really Wow.
Starting point is 01:28:48 No, they actually did themselves a huge favor. Oh, shit. Noah got Noah tried to run in early. One burpee early. They got, oh my god, they fucked themselves. That's a big ding. Noah cost them about five seconds there. Bro. I can't believe Canada is still a second. He cost them 48 points in one second.
Starting point is 01:29:05 That's really? 48 points in one second. Really? 48 points. No, so it's 16, so it would be what, 32? 32 points. Who got 32 points? No, they lost 32 points because Noah got up too early. 16 points per spot. It goes down 16 on first through third, and then it goes down 12 points.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Okay, guys, you can see Noah with his shirt off with the maroon shorts, standing right behind Travis Meyer. He thinks they're done. He goes to run in. His judge tells him to get back, bitch. Get back. Noah slaps Chandler down. They do one more.
Starting point is 01:29:44 And then they go in. They never one more. And then they go in. Damn. Alrighty. Hey, here's the question I want to ask. Will Plummer, what's up, buddy? What you got for us, brother? I was just going to say it's been a great weekend, guys. I'm going to head out.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Alright, thanks, dude. Congratulations on your performance and thanks for always contributing to the show. Send me some strong coffee. Thank you. Peace and love. Y'all want to know the order? Okay, bye. I got the order.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Already? Yeah. Okay, let's see it. I have the scoring system in front of me, so I just have to write it down. I don't know how accurate this is going to be. Beware. Buyers, beware. Listen, I how accurate this is going to be be where buyers be hey suza's already on the floor suza's already on the floor okay canadians won 664 points go while i got second at 609 they did wow good they won that event so that's
Starting point is 01:30:40 yeah and then the boys got third at 572 and then i think the good dudes got fourth at 543 they were two points uh or they were 17 points behind panchik and panchik finished sixth or seventh i'm not sure when they finished so okay so basically we don't know dang if spring hadn't screwed up on the bike, good dudes might be podium. I guarantee you I know what happened on the female leaderboard. Tell us, Tyler. Tell us what happened on the female leaderboard. Tell us.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Guarantee you somebody put all the scores in and was like, I'm good to go. And they're like, take that shit down. We want to surprise everybody. Oh. That's what happened. They published too early. And so who that's what happened they published too early and so who was the winner when they published i don't know savannah knows savannah who was the winner she saw it yeah but all right i gotta i gotta get out of here okay
Starting point is 01:31:41 john thank you for everything You're a boss thanks dude Oh I think someone just talked to Sousa I wonder if he got in trouble It looked like someone was talking to him Sousa how's it going You getting in trouble you good They're announcing it now Yeah we're good
Starting point is 01:31:59 I'm the invisible man Just sliding around back here There's Jeffrey Adler's coach. Tim Paulson. Gone. Okay, here we go. The scores are tied for first place. It's 20-23.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Here's Guadalupe. The great female division champion team. Team P.P.R. Guadalupe, in the ring, three-match official champion teams. T.R. Guadalupe. T.R. Guadalupe. His first place? Wow. Or third. Champion.
Starting point is 01:32:37 They won first place. How? How? Working on the beds. Sounds like they decided it wasn't a good idea. Team Canada looking to make strippers. Lucky camera straps, $2.99. How the fuck did that happen? hey suza is anyone surprised on the floor
Starting point is 01:33:11 suza what's up anyone surprised on the floor where are the women no women are tucked back over into this one over here. Hey, just FYI. Yeah. Your volume, like everybody can hear you guys. Okay. That's the only way that you'll be able to get like somewhat decent audio. Okay. So basically don't say anything crazy, Taylor, and talk shit because they can hear us.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Good job, Dallin. Look at Halpin sneaking around there. There was that in the Cowboys. Okay, get on the Canadians. Okay, are we happy? Yeah, we're happy with that. And BPN.
Starting point is 01:34:17 But now we're confused, right? We're confused as to how that happened with that scoring system. BPN for sure deserved it and earned it. Just unsure how it played out like that with their scoring system. BPN for sure deserved it and earned it. Just unsure how it played out like that with their scoring distribution. A big round of applause for all your competitors here this weekend. Hey, that's a tough team, man.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yeah, the Canadian Bush Fappers. You may put them in for healthy and you can put them up against anybody. What's crazy about that team is two of them competed in individual the two days prior. Yeah, that is crazy. So Patrick Vellner, Brent Fikowski, and Jeffrey Adler win the male 2023 hardest team competition of all time. Most competitive, I would say. And the women that won are
Starting point is 01:35:06 Jamie Simmons, Laura Horvat, and Gabby McGawa. Most competitive female team competition of all time. Just like that, bam, two days. All done. Lots of Canadians happy. Burn that flag. They kill people when life gets gets hard i don't know
Starting point is 01:35:26 no way wow wow wow okay aggressive aggressive yeah a little aggressive yeah yeah yeah great job laura i always knew you were a winner she just weak day you seven yeah i know oh she didn't like that she was like a duck she had to shake that dirt off She just weaked at you, Seva. Yeah, I know. Oh, she didn't like that. She was like a duck. She had to shake that dirt off. I don't know. Did they say it was a tie?
Starting point is 01:36:01 Yeah. And then they gave it to VPN? Based off of tiebreakers. Whatever those are? Yeah. Good ears. Because I thought I heard tie too, but I wasn't sure if I was hearing that right. I had you guys muted so I could hear it on the live feed.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Okay, so the leaderboard is still not updated. They won't put it up for another hour guaranteed how come why do you say that though i don't know it's like the last one you know i'd spend all my time looking at this shit and okay so event five is up uh not event uh the kitchen sink i don't see either of them oh sorry yeah you're right Not event the kitchen sink. I don't see either of them. Oh, sorry. Yeah, you're right. Now is definitely not the time to ask Laura to come on.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Laura, Laura, Laura to come on the show. Laura wants to body slam seven. God, I wish she wanted to body slam me. I don't even think she wants to do that. But the last the last workouts like at the games, it always takes him like two hours to do that. The last workouts at the games, it always takes them two hours to publish. We know who the winners are and we don't know who the rest of everyone else is every year. No.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Wrong. Yon Clark, Annie should go Indy this year. I think she beats Mal and Laura. I don't know, man. That's a hot take. This or year? I don't know, man. That's a hot take. This or year? I don't know if she should, but I bet she does. Hey, I will tell you this.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Just from just a quick, another hot take, just from a quick look at this female comp this year, or this show, I think Laura is the true athlete out of the bunch. I mean, just let's look at those box jump overs. I mean, she's something else. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:50 I don't know. There's definitely a lot of water to John Clush's statement. It holds water. Man, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either. Yeah, get it, Roman. Get it from a fellow it, Roman. Get it.
Starting point is 01:38:06 From a fellow nose picker. Get it. Travis B, 0% chance of Annie winning. Bruce Wayne now carried the Doter team. Yeah, there's the scores. They're up. Well, they posted them on the the feed uh-oh i'm gonna have to go back yeah here we go team bpn 691 thor's daughter and mob 691 aka humble killers 67 And they were – let me check. I'll pull them up right now.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Humble Killers. So it's like all American girls dropped to fourth. Didn't really shake it up all that bad. Well, I think – I don't understand how it would play out that way because it played out the way with the scoring distribution that we were given. That's incorrect. Those points are incorrect. So they must have changed something.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Well, Jay Hartle, the women are a BPN. That's Laura Gabby and Jamie Simmons. And then second, the doters. And then third, the humble killers,
Starting point is 01:39:21 the humble killers were, who was that team again? Was that Alex? Alex Kazan, Kerry Pearson, Ariel Loewen. Yeah. It's great to see them on the podium. Jessica T, $5 for remedial math class, boys. Damn.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Damn. Entertainment and comedy on point, though. Good weekend. I think Jessica might be a math professor at a university, if I remember correctly. Damn, getting all fucked up. My science is off. Oh, okay. And did they put it up, Mr. Watkins, for the boys yet?
Starting point is 01:40:01 I don't know about the live feed. Brian, what happened with the scoring? How did it shake out that way? For the women? Yes. The athletes were briefed that it was the third athlete that crossed the line. If you were watching the live stream, Chase explained it perfectly. Jamie Simmons crossed the line before Christie,
Starting point is 01:40:20 and that erased the deficit and ended up giving him the win. Oh. And that raised the deficit and ended up giving him the win. Oh. So what we saw as the actual finishers in the event, that there was an adjustment to who finished, when and where. Say that again. So there was an adjustment to who we thought won,
Starting point is 01:40:41 who we thought won didn't win. Who do you think won? I don't know. According to everything we were working on, BPN and PB&J were the overall winners, and they got it right in the end, and I'm very happy about that. Me too.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Me too. I'll see you guys later. Okay, bye. Okay, so basically, when they put the scores up on the board, when we watched them, they went back and looked at the tape, and someone hadn't completely crossed the line. And on that technical error, they were able to take the win away from the Doders. Is that correct? Yes.
Starting point is 01:41:20 And that's interesting because Fikowski was pulling people, Sid Adler over the line one time. I wonder if I can find that. Like in everybody's photo. Photo bomb everybody. I wonder if I can find that, if I can take us back to the women's event. Let me see if I can get this here. Was it the last event you think he was referencing or this second to last last event.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Okay. Rick. So basically I didn't know Rick made it all the way down there. Good dude. They say I need to go to the end of that workout. We need to watch the doters cross the finish line. Is that what say i need to go to the end of that workout we need to watch the doters cross the finish line is that what we're trying to do here yeah okay i'm on it and the doters are uh we're in they were in red red pants yeah i think no they were in a white top
Starting point is 01:42:21 okay i got it okay i got it okay but uh but what's fucked up here is that wasn't it the handstand walk that was – Oh, no, no. It's the event after that we need, right? Correct. Yes. And what was the final movement so I can find it? The burpee. Okay, the burpee.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Okay, thank you. Okay, got Mal on the bike. Okay, here we go, boys and bike Okay here we go boys and girls Here we go I actually do have a daughter Hi That's alright She's having a good time That's why we like them
Starting point is 01:43:01 I like the girls who play in the dirt Okay guys That's why we like them. I like the girls who play in the dirt. Okay, guys. Here we go. Here is what we think maybe is the questionable call. That's cool. You can do a labor like this. Let me see if I can put us on the side and out of the way. Shit. I lost the screen.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Give me one second. Give me one more try at this. What you're looking at is what a please a 2023 is over. We have a live camera roaming. Just turn to Justin Collar, Carrie Pierce. I'm going to mute them just for a brief second. And what we're looking at here is this is – the ref has one finger up, and it looks like that's the final rep of the burpees for the Doders team.
Starting point is 01:43:54 And I'm not sure if we understood what Brian was saying. He was a bit cryptic and probably doesn't want to – he doesn't like the drama. He's a sportsman, and we're storytellers. And so here we go go what we think happened here is is that one of these ladies didn't cross the finish line which gave the bpn team a time to get in and uh if that's the case man what a technicality i mean you see if these numbers are right at top the doters are at 31 of 33 and the b BPN team is seven or eight reps behind. No, it was BPN, their third athlete, beat another team's third athlete. I believe BPN beat All-American girls across.
Starting point is 01:44:33 So it was BPN's third athlete beat across Christy Aramo O'Connell, and that gave them enough points to tie. That's right. So you're saying right here that because that one of the doters isn't going to cross the finish line the killers uh beat them wrong i'm saying it has nothing to do with the daughters has nothing to do with the daughters it has to do with bpn's points and they edged out the all-american girls in the event by one place because their third and final athlete beat the other team's third and final athlete across the line ah god that's not the
Starting point is 01:45:05 way i heard i i hear you i hear you correct so i don't think the doters now you guys just let me find the doters uh for no reason yes i don't i don't think that the motherfucker the daughters won because of i don't think that they got the tie break because of this i think the tie breaks for a different reason but yeah i thought what brian was saying is that they went back and looked at the tape and someone didn't cross the line. That's not what he was saying? No. He's saying the points played out the way they did because of that finish.
Starting point is 01:45:32 The tiebreak was for overall event wins during the competition. You asked him about scoring. He answered a scoring question, not why they won question. Okay, so we have no fucking idea. Do we think they changed the scoring table? one question okay so we have no fucking idea basically do you not think that they did them do they do we think they changed the scoring table something's not right no we saw what we did the math correctly and because we thought bpn took a fourth place in that event and they took a third okay fair okay and why what why did they get it wrong?
Starting point is 01:46:08 Why did we think that they took a fourth, but they took a third? Because the ticker showed them take a fourth. Okay. And I guess they didn't go off the ticker or the first athlete's ankle bracelet. They went off the judge's stopwatch, apparently. Elise Carbordow, a whole BPN team crossed before All-American, and Ties then had one more first place finishes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Yeah. All right. What are we waiting for now? Oh, shit. Yes. I haven't sent Dylan a link. Shit. My bad. I bet you he's not going to be able to come on because he's an award ceremony.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Let me see. That's what they're waiting on, yeah? Let me see. Shit. It's still daytime where I'm at. It's weird when I look outside. I know. I think about that all the time whenever we get off podcasts and it's still, you can still go do stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Yeah. I think, I don't know how I feel about this. What are your, I mean, like at the end of it all, Taylor, good or bad,
Starting point is 01:47:21 like it's not a test for the fittest. It is the next, like an exhibition match or whatever you want to call it it any competition of fitness should be a test for the fittest there that's my opinion say that one more time let me hear that line one more time any fitness competition if it's bodybuilding what's the goal you want to have the best looking person there wins that's more subjective but the best looking person wins if it's a power lifting meet the guy who lifts the most weight wins if it's an olympic weightlifting meet the guy who lifts the most weight hailey adams if it's a crossfit event if it's a crossfit event the team that is the fastest
Starting point is 01:48:02 and the strongest and the best skilled across the weekend wins. So what he's asking is it's, he said, it's, Oh, it's an exhibition event. So maybe they're,
Starting point is 01:48:11 they don't care that much about the fittest team. And I said, anytime you're testing CrossFit and calling this a fitness competition, your goal should be to have the fittest team there or the fittest individual there. When, Hey, I think that there,
Starting point is 01:48:22 you know what I think is going on. I think that the doters are wondering how the fuck they lost oh for sure and and i and i'm curious let's keep a close eye on the leaderboard now i have a feeling we haven't heard the last of uh this i'm holding in a queef oh okay i think the points are up. You queef away, buddy. You're all the way over there. Hey, this is truly an inclusive area. Okay, here we go, guys. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Let's look at the leaderboard. Let me see. Let's ask Sousa real quick. Hey, Sousa. Sousa. Yo, yo, yo. Hey, buddy. That girl to the right, the that's not uh hayley adams
Starting point is 01:49:05 no not hayley adams no i've seen her in a bunch of competitions i don't know her name though oh all right um okay where are the doters can you can you take the can you point me in the direction of the doters i want to see if they're tripping i can do that for you stand by you don't you don't need to get close to them. Just see their face and see maybe if there's some tripping going on. Okay. Let's see if I can find them. Let's just
Starting point is 01:49:33 see. Let's just see. Okay. That's good. That's interesting. They don't care. No, they care. Yeah, yeah. Safe care. Safe distance. Yeah, yeah, safe distance.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Safe distance. Yeah, I like it. He's looking you away. For sure. He's looking you off, man. He's looking you off. Get the fuck out of here, man. Yeah. Don't get it.
Starting point is 01:50:00 I wish he would. I wish he would. That would make for great footage. Okay. Oh, let's get fraser i just think something's up uh with the uh i think something's up this is taking too long their stream is down they're not even showing the uh closing ceremony the award ceremony something's up yeah something's up i'll say like all the people that are doing the scoring, like,
Starting point is 01:50:25 uh, buying friends and all, uh, rushing over, looking at a different tablet, kind of rushing around, trying to figure something out. So there's definitely some sort of,
Starting point is 01:50:35 uh, discrepancy they're looking into for sure. Hey, quick question. Is that, is a award ceremony at an event like this, just all for social media? Like look at the bleachers. They're fucking
Starting point is 01:50:46 dumb. No, not for social media, because they didn't board so much before social media. Okay, go for it. This loan has some say over here. Hi, Aaron. The comments have been blowing up. The final result, Dylan did not PR his clean
Starting point is 01:51:00 today. He only got 225. Hey, are you stronger than him? I might have opened a spot at his wonder at max clean today. Yeah, good. Hey, keeps the dream alive for us pussies out here.
Starting point is 01:51:16 Keeps the dream alive for us sissies out here. Hey, ask her if she's heard any disputes about the scoring. Are people freaking out about the scoring, like how BPN won? The scoring. Is there an issue with the scoring as far as you know? How did she feel about it?
Starting point is 01:51:33 I don't know. Maybe. I don't know. No, she's unknown at this time. Does she know that they changed the scoring in the last event? She does now. I'm sure they did for certain people. Have they changed the scoring sorry i don't speak shorthand a cuck uh what what do you what do you what are you trying to say uh say say it i've been
Starting point is 01:52:06 talking full uh english i speak spanglish too so you choose but but full sentences please thank you uh i i you know what i didn't see and he's no i didn't i'm not even sure about the the no reps a lot of people are saying that they were suspect. I thought they looked good. Taylor didn't like the way she was jumping over the bar. I thought it was fine too. So, you know. That was something I thought about.
Starting point is 01:52:37 I mean, I think JR talks about it all the time. Like, don't. They used a bunch of different types of movements that are all hard to judge. And is it just because they wanted them to go fast um it seems like a weird thing to do in the last event you know what i mean with the with the what movement they they were all like so wall balls are sort of hard to judge um making sure they're they're crossing over the dumbbell when they're doing the burpee hard to judge like all these things are very hard to judge, and they put them all in the last workout.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Hey, guys, I got something for you as well too. Did you, by the way, did you see Fraser take a picture with that chick? Something weird happened there. That was awkward as fuck. I wanted to comment. Dude, I wanted to make a comment on that. I was like when you ask someone like someone famous or an athlete like that for a picture,
Starting point is 01:53:24 and they don't even say a word to you. they just step up next to you, take the picture. And as soon as the picture is done, you nod your head and you dip out like that entire picture that you're going to post. And that story that you're going to tell people is essentially a lie. Like what you're telling people is, hey, I met this. Did she dip or did he dip? That was weird shit. He dipped straight out. He did.
Starting point is 01:53:40 That was like, I'm out. But you get what I'm saying? Yes, that was weird. And she knew it was weird. Whatever she said to her husband afterwards or her boyfriend, she knew it was weird. Sorry, go ahead, Sousa. We're getting reports on the floor here
Starting point is 01:53:57 that it looks like Noah might have been contesting some nil reps on the burpees. I heard that right after the event, he jumped up and ran over to the judge on the side. You guys that, um, right after the event, he jumped up and, ran over to the judge on the side. And then you guys can't really see the air, but they're over there. He's kind of looking like he's waiting in the wing,
Starting point is 01:54:12 uh, to hear some information. So everybody just kind of been holding on it. And this is taking a while. So clearly, clearly there's something going on. Okay. Fuck shit happening,
Starting point is 01:54:23 dude. Hey. And you know, the truth is too, is Matt might not want to take pictures unless he's happening, dude. Hey, and you know the truth is too is Matt might not want to take pictures unless he's paid for it. I'm not even joking. That picture and what you guys were talking about was all the HWPO crew that's out here.
Starting point is 01:54:35 No, there was a lady that Matt took a picture with. Just a fan. Yeah, you were filming it and it was some bizarre shit. It was a bizarre interaction. Super awkward. Should I do the same? Just to keep your class and watch it? Go ask Matt Fraser for a picture with you.
Starting point is 01:54:51 No, don't. A little selfie action? No, don't. Hey, for all the athletes out there, for anyone who has sympathy for the athletes out there, don't. This is the whole point of all of this. This is why they do it. Don't have even one tiny bit of sympathy. This is the day.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Bug them. Get your photos. Have zero. Like, if they can't do this, then, you know, they don't deserve the accolades. I got my L1 the first time. I did it at Mayhem. And Rich, this was like 2014. So back then, he would still be there every Saturday to take pictures of people.
Starting point is 01:55:30 And I couldn't do it. It would be like taking a picture with a lion in a cage. It's like, I'm not doing that. I like that. I like that, Tyler. Sousa, are these people waiting for the awards ceremony? I'm sorry, repeat that one more time so all of this is just waiting for the award ceremony yeah i mean they're that's what i was saying everybody's just kind of in this holding pattern we're just standing around to hear the uh announcement as they sort through any issues
Starting point is 01:55:58 in uh talia man uh taylor so you were saying that maybe it's just for uh social media maybe things have changed but i remember even in 2008 2009 they would do the award ceremony 2010 11 i never even stayed for it i would always leave i'd go back to my hotel room that's my point but but i but the athletes like it right do the athletes like it, right? Do the athletes like it? There's no way. I mean, at least at the games, they'd be handing out pizza and shit and beer. This is fun.
Starting point is 01:56:35 They're all getting to socialize. No? I mean, I don't think so. The socializing part, part yeah but having to stand there with fans and stuff well they're not letting fans down there the people who are that's I don't know who those people are who are taking pictures those are like probably
Starting point is 01:56:52 just big donors or she's banging like that's like you know she's banging someone who knows someone you know what I mean like that's the head ref's wife or side piece or something sir are you available for me to tell me what you have, like, what you're performing,
Starting point is 01:57:09 what you're doing? Oh, no, Susan, we want to hear that. That's some weird shit. Let us hear. I'll tell you right now. That motherfucker just tell me what the price is. What the price is good, Susan.
Starting point is 01:57:44 This is good. Wade. I don't know. I have no idea. I know. Yeah, no problem, buddy. I got you. This is dude's bad self.
Starting point is 01:57:56 How high are you? What am I up? I'm 502. 502. Oh, what a palooza, my fuckers. Oh, my God. How one to ten? How fucked up is he, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:58:09 Hey, he reminded me my sophomore English teacher. When he would talk, there would be that spit that connected his top lip and his bottom lip. That was disgusting. PSA for people. Don't walk up to Sousa when he's live camming. That dude was hammered. For sure. You guys probably smelled alcohol from there.
Starting point is 01:58:33 If you want everyone to hate you, go stand on the podium right now. Do it. Let's get the chat going. For every dollar donated, I'll take one step closer to that podium. No, no, no, no, no, no. We're not doing that.
Starting point is 01:58:52 It's got to get matched. And then I'll stand on top. Don't do it. I want to be able to come back. Hey, Chris Birchfield says that's not spit. That's life force. All right, fine. Whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:59:05 Source. Life source. Life source. Life source. Life source. Sorry. Screwing up your line. He's getting cocky. He didn't get on the floor last year. Now he's on the floor and he doesn't have any chains now.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Hey, if you guys want a hat, send me a message. Send me a DM on the IG. No shit. There's only 20 left. Look at Jackson Maschoff just paid for 20 steps. It's not the police. Hey, no shit. He's on my team next week.
Starting point is 01:59:38 That guy, Jackson? Yeah, Jackson's on my team next week. First off, just want Dylan on the board. We're going to be doing what Mike said in thanking our partners here especially for helping us elevate this year beyond the rest. As you guys know, our focus... Oh, so we're not going to get Dylan on for our tower.
Starting point is 01:59:56 our marketing. You can see it right up there on that banner. Community is highlighted beyond the rest. We're going to the beach. We made sure this past year our focus was one thing and to make sure to elevate the experience for our community. We're going to the beach. He just answered your question. But did he?
Starting point is 02:00:13 Yes. How would you know you've been at home on your fucking couch in fucking Ickville? I knew what last year was. I saw the lines. Waterpalooza isn't about the palm trees, the sun, swimming in the day.
Starting point is 02:00:37 It's not about the blue and pink. It's not about that shield. It's not about the equipment. It's not about Miami in January. It's about one thing. It's not about that shield. It's not about the equipment. It's not about Miami in January. It's about one thing. It's about the people. Without the people, what we built is nothing. And that core group are these folks to my right. And I want to ask to please give you the biggest ovation and show some serious love for our staff and volunteers
Starting point is 02:01:08 that made this all possible. They are the reason why Waterford is at the top and special as it is. And the 2023 tier Waterford is an active, cannot disappoint. But without further ado, I'd like to introduce someone else out to the crowd. A mentor, but a very, very dear friend.
Starting point is 02:01:27 The man that actually first gave me my opportunity to be part of Wadapalooza back in year one, 2012, and simply a judge. Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for Mr. Guido Trinidad. This sounds like last year's Noah Olson speech. So ambiguous and boring. Shut it. I'm enjoying this. No, you're not. Yes, I am. Listen, you guys killed it.
Starting point is 02:01:58 This is literally a film. Yeah, Dylan is amazing behind the mic. I know. Amazing. Seriously. Thank you to all the people the mic. I know. Amazing. And for people who don't know, Dylan was one of the best MCs ever for the CrossFit events. And he did it for years and everyone loved him. He was a beast. Now he's the vice president of sport for Loud and Live.
Starting point is 02:02:45 Sousa, can you hear me? Sousa, can you hear me Susa can you hear me do you want to do a live calling show maybe tonight tonight you going to party oh boy it's no big deal
Starting point is 02:03:01 I need to prepare for the cockatoo-tory board guy too, but I can't really hear you that well right now. When he's talking on the bike, I said, how much do you love cock? On a one to 10, one being the highest.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Four 99. Five more steps for Susan. On a one to ten, one being the highest. $499. Five more steps for Susan. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Again, I know they were mentioned already, guys, but this event really has true partnership. It's not just people who slap their name on things and then send you discount codes. Here, they're one of us. We're bringing this community to show up.
Starting point is 02:03:50 Give Stuza a break. Give these nuts a break. I'm halfway back to the Airbnb at this point. Oh, yeah. Camera straps, $2.99. $50 if Susan does a muscle-up during the speeches. Oh, where are the rings, Susan? You can do that. Go do a muscle-up. Susan can't even do a muscle-up.
Starting point is 02:04:16 Yeah, he can do it. I bet you he'd do it strict as a mofo. Because when you guys were actually able to take a second and actually think about the things that they do without any recognition, without any pay. Guys, I would interview him all night. Is he wearing clear shoes? For a second and ask him where they were from.
Starting point is 02:04:35 And 99% of them were not from here. That means that they drove. Hey, should I get, see if I can get Chase on? To come and just contribute. Do you have any? Yeah. So if you're sitting down, stand up. And everybody. He's back in the hotel room I bet 10 years ago I was 22
Starting point is 02:04:57 now I'm 32 okay guys I've had enough thank you this was fun Okay, guys. I've had enough. Thank you. This was fun. The winners. So let's go refresh the winners here real quick. Just for the whole entire, just for everything that we watched this weekend.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Go over to the leaderboard. Thank you, Tyler, for coming on, by the way, with no warning. So Team BPN, that's Laura Horvat, Gabriela Magawa, and Jamie Simmons won the women's. It was a close race against the Doders. Lots of drama. Thanks to John Young for telling the story and Taylor Self telling the story about that. Kept that one lively. one lively uh the canadian uh team um patrick velner nick fukowski and adler jeffrey uh took first place there team go wad took second i forget who's on that team already
Starting point is 02:05:54 and the boys uh took third place by one point and basically they lost that event because of a unfortunate error on Noah Olsen's part. Is that fair to say, guys? I think that's fair to say. I don't know that they lost it because of that burpee. I would actually – No, not the burpee. Overhead squat.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Overhead squat. Put together. Massive, massive. Yeah. So, you know, did we crown the fittest team yes probably okay fine i think we did okay and uh and in in uh in uh mr of brent fikowski's and velner's defense they also competed in the elite division which is just crazy yeah and then the elite division uh we have uh next year's uh second place at the
Starting point is 02:06:45 crossfit games ricky garard he will be second place on the podium next year at the crossfit games i don't know dude he's gonna win it he had a different go he had a different gear this time i was very impressed all right all right i just can't say anything about uh justin madaris no i don't want to either it's just i don't think it's I don't think it's certain. I'm biased. Then Roman Krennikoff, then Patrick Vellner, then Brent Fikowski, all familiar names. But maybe the big name to talk about is Cole Grayshaber making a statement in fifth place behind these powerhouses. It is very clear that Gerard and Roman or and a Velner and Brent are on a different level. So just to be right below them is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 02:07:28 And then the women, the real deal. Is she the real deal guys? Page. Yep. The women's field. Wasn't deep enough to say that she's really good. She's really fit,
Starting point is 02:07:40 but the women's field just wasn't that deep. Okay. But we will see her at the games. Yes. She's going to be top 10 at the games i think no shit uh that's a bit hasty at the low end of the top 10 but she'll be top 10 i think top 15 is a good prediction i don't know about top 10 think about who's missing from this field oh i i i totally get your argument. Laura Horvath. Mal O'Brien. Gabby Magala.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Haley Adams. Wah, wah. Don't pronounce the L. It's a W. Wah, wah. The list goes on. I don't know about top 10. I'm not confident in that. Emma McGuire.
Starting point is 02:08:16 I mean, just the list goes on. Daniel Garrity, that Armenian sneeze just registered as a 6.5 on the Richter scale on the Western seaboard of the Northern Hemisphere. Thank you. Yeah, that nose has got some power. Okay. Sevan, what's your take on the booster being a performance enhancer? I think it's clear at this point. Well, it's very interesting.
Starting point is 02:08:39 I'm guessing Paige did not and Emma Carey did not, but I'm guessing Danny Spiegel did because of her moral compass yes as she did what's right for the country and she cared about other people but definitely the men over here are fucking juiced to the gills with the Pfizer shot and yeah you may have a good point you absolutely may have a
Starting point is 02:09:00 you think Roman got the jab? were they forcing it on you in Russia? oh my god dude so many of these guys have fake cards well they got the jab? Were they forcing it on you in Russia? Oh, my God. You didn't think you'd get a fake? Dude, so many of these guys have fake cards. Well, they got the Chinese version. Oh, the Chinese version? Yeah, what kind of version of the vaccine did they get over there, dude?
Starting point is 02:09:17 That's crazy. They got the Wuhan Chu. No, I do believe Russia made their own version. They did. I think you're right. i think you're right i think you're right i think it had some uranium in it um i i think this was a fucking fantastic oh shit guido's still talking we didn't miss anything i think this is a fantastic event i really did i thoroughly enjoyed it i love the access i love the for the most part we were just being the camera shit was
Starting point is 02:09:45 good just give us some wider shots swimming was cool lots of drama i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a um as good as it gets like you know is there room for improvement of course but uh but but i but i'm i'm happy as a clam taylor's got thoughts no no i thought it was a great event overall great event i think yes there are things to look at with the broadcast, the live stream, et cetera, et cetera. I think the main things to look at when we're, uh, thinking about Wadapalooza are the level of judging on the floor. They are just worked so hard and for so long and all weekend. And we saw some of those mistakes in the final event.
Starting point is 02:10:18 All the workouts were exciting. I think there was that little snafu we had with that weird scoring table that I personally didn't like. But outside of that, every event has mistakes. So, yeah, I mean, it was a good event. Okay, I like that. Two points. Great event.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Some questions about the scoring. And we'd like to see judges getting a little more time off and refreshed. Not only a problem, but a solution. Okay, and I would like to say this. Remember, all you women out there, one by one, we are going to take all your events. This year, it's the Miss Universe pageant, and next year, it's the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 02:11:00 We are coming for you. Peace and love. Oh, sh...

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