The Sevan Podcast - #765 - Midday w/ Brian Friend | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 damn i'm not giving you a lot i'm not giving you a lot of credit as usual it's fine uh do i switch the podcast uh see how this it looks like we're still at wadapalooza i am still at wadapalooza i know there's a way to change that oh branding to the sebon podcast. Ah, yes. Ah, the stress is off of me. Is that more relaxing? More soothing for you? The stress of Wadapalooza is gone. Oh, look, everything is a different color, too.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Corey, hi. Tyler, hi. Angelo, hi. The stress is gone? Does that mean we're not talking about Wadapalooza at all? No, I have nothing in my notes about Wadapalooza. OK, perfect. I. I are the most popular time for this for this YouTube station is between the times of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:01:02 The irony is, is we never do live shows between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The irony is we never do live shows between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. And so today I thought, okay, I'll give it a shot. You thought that? Yeah. Did you think that? I think we came to that agreement in the form of a conversation. Oh, okay. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I see what you're saying. Did you know that the viewers of this show are on YouTube if I told you that between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.? No, but the other option was 10 p.m. here, and I figured anyone who's still on the East Coast would probably be either sleeping or partying at that time correct you did say that yes yes yes now i see what you're saying yes yes yes um i i went over to the youtube station now and i want to make a do you know how to make a poll uh on instagram oh never i've never made one on a lot of on youtube but i wanted to make a poll someone told andrew Andrew Hiller said, hey, dude, I think... Have you ever thought that maybe you're doing too many shows? I don't know how to make a poll. And I said, no, but Sousa has mentioned that to me, that maybe
Starting point is 00:02:14 we're doing too many shows. And I go, what is that? Manage videos? Do I go over here? Does too many shows mean you're, like, diluting the content or running yourself into the ground and it's unsustainable? What is too many? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, well, yeah. So what he said was is that – God, I don't – view in live control room. Oh, here. I think I found it. Manage webcam. Pop out dashboard. I don't see anything that says polls. Say something.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Money. Create highlights video. I should have got coffee for this. Yeah, you should have. Can you order one, Jerem? Community moderation. Pop out chat. Who knows how to make a poll?
Starting point is 00:03:10 us how to make a poll uh seven we need a bracket style fit wars with all the boys uh pull fitness okay and fucking i quit i give up okay back to the show so basically this was it this was the thought brian ready the thought was that it's doing too many shows and that people feel bad because they can't keep up and i'm like i uh and then and then hillar said maybe it would be more advantageous if you just made three or four shows a week and spent a lot of the time you used to making shows to make little clips from those shows that you've already made maybe you could try it for a month and see if it has a you know big effect on your whatever metrics you like to measure that stuff by i mean do you think it's too many shows like who cares if you can't keep up
Starting point is 00:03:51 is that just like that's just for people who are obsessed you feel like they have to watch every show don't put yourself in the running of the worst guests i've ever had you are in the running for the best guests i've ever had don't you dare put yourself in the running for the worst guests i've ever had oh my god you're wagging a carrot at me i've really downgraded um do you know i brought this on can't wait to find out. Okay, go ahead. Too many shows or not? As long as you're enjoying it, I don't think so. Okay, good. Were you ever obsessed with the show?
Starting point is 00:04:34 I used to be obsessed with Howard Stern many years ago, and it would be on like three days a week, and then the other days, I was like, what the fuck? This is kind of an embarrassing admission, but I like it. Please don't interrupt, Brian. Go on, Brian. No, there are some people that put out some content on YouTube, like 15 to 20 minute things a day that I have enjoyed watching in the past, and then they stopped doing it. And then I'm like, oh, man, that's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Oh, right. Okay. Someone else does something similar and they're not as good. Oh, Mr. Kestenbaum. Hi. That was a dig at Hiller. Hey, how are you doing today? I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Nice. Nice of you to call in. Thank you. Hey, so I feel that you do a lot of shows but it's always quality content if anything i would just suggest hire a fucking 20 year old do your sub clips i hear you do you know when that can do them even the people we've hired don't do them right like they don't choose the ones that i think are the best ones. Man, you got, I mean, you got a lot with going rogue with Sevan. She's amazing.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, and then what happened to the fake Sevan podcast? That was also great. Yeah, I think Heidi's raising a kid doing jujitsu and looking for trolling for cock. I mean, she is busy. I mean, yeah, busy with Austin over at Waterpalooooza also as we see uh wad zombie that's exactly what it's like to have on the days there aren't any live shows my day feels vapid okay good fuck hillar no no i mean that was good advice i like having hillar because he's actually great
Starting point is 00:06:15 at bouncing uh real ideas and thoughts off of me and he didn't say that was his opinion he said though he's heard it multiple times that I'm doing too many shows. No, I think you're doing enough shows. Just, hey, don't worry about people. It's quality content that y'all put out every day. So if people think it's too many shows, fuck them. But I think it's always great content
Starting point is 00:06:37 that y'all are putting out. Okay, cool. Thank you. And do you like it when I have a Brian friend on as a guest? Do you think I should keep having him on? Brian is a fucking champ. Okay,
Starting point is 00:06:46 good. We should have him on more. Perfect. Two for two. All right. Have a good day. Seven, Brian.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Thanks dude. Bye. And I was, I was, uh, Stefan, I was not taking a shot at Hillary earlier. I,
Starting point is 00:06:58 I like watching the, uh, settlers of Catan on YouTube. Oh, Oh, like the, a board game, like a board game show. Yeah, it's like something I do in the middle of the day when I have lunch.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'll just put it on to distract my mind from all the CrossFit stuff that I'm doing. And there was a guy that used to do it every day that I thought was really good and explained his thought process well. And then he stopped doing it. And so I tried to find some other people and I just don't think any of them are as good as him like i watch them and i get frustrated because they're not playing well so basically you just watch someone so you watch someone play for 15 minutes yeah they you know they record their game it takes a lot longer than that then they just truncate it down to something that's more digestible usually sometimes they're as long as 30 minutes if it's a really long game but a lot of time 15 to 20 minutes i can watch when i eat lunch and then
Starting point is 00:07:48 go back to whatever i'm doing like this this is a long one this is like a national championship whatever no not it's not the live you've seen this one uh i don't know yeah yeah i've seen this one but no it's's when they play, this is a real game that they played in person or a live game, I should say. There's online platforms. If you want to find it, the guy's name is Nadim, N-A-D-I-M,
Starting point is 00:08:16 Nadim Kattan. That's what I used to watch, but he doesn't do it anymore. And how popular was this? Nadim? Two E's or E-A-M? N-A-D-I-M. Nadim.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Is it Catan with an H? No, C-A-T-A-N. That guy. He doesn't put any posts up in months. I miss his analysis. How the fuck did you find this guy i'm not really sure actually wow are you one of these 2100 subscribers probably but i don't think he's posted a video in months yeah two months is there katan on a computer too
Starting point is 00:09:03 yeah that's what he plays it on the computer so you can see his game but you can't see the other players cards and um you know anyway wow and and so if you and i played on the computer like we could see each other like look at each other um like see how there's a way to do the that's him oh so he's recording the game and then we're also recording his commentary of the game god i'm this close to getting interested in this game i might like i used to be this actually yeah i used to be this this i used to be this far away now i'm this close i mean i don't think it'll happen, but it's a trip. Yeah. James Sprague invited me to play tonight, so maybe I'll go play with them.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Oh, that's cool. I bet you do. Yeah. I tried to play pickleball or paddleball with James and Jason earlier today, and we just drove around for an hour, couldn't find a court, and then they dropped me off for this. They were all full yeah because it's a holiday it's a you know holiday so no one's in school or working apparently and it's actually a nice day here today and it wasn't that nice the last two days weren't you a high school coach for uh for what i coached the soccer team. I was just in charge of the entire program, and then I coached the kickers on a football team. And how many years did you do that? Three. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Look at this article. What's the date? Three days ago. Texas high school, what state were you in? Texas and then Florida. Oh, okay. Texas high school, did you ever have any parents complain to you or to the principal that you were working the kids too hard? I worked them hard, but I never had them complain about that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Okay. A Texas high school football coach on leave after players forced to do nearly 400 push-ups. In what time frame? Very good point. frame it's very it's a very good point no uh two more health uh two more heath high school parents told the newspaper the students did more than 350 push-ups with one parent saying the students had to perform the workout within a 60 minute time frame the mother said her son was forced to perform 300 to 400 push-ups without a break for water resulting in hospitalization. Rhabdomyolysis is a complex medical condition that can damage the heart and kidneys.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Eight students were hospitalized. I was coaching a class the other day. You hospitalized someone? There was a work-to-rest interval and wall balls were a part of the work. And two thirds of the class was not squatting below parallel. And during one of the rest intervals, I turned the music all the way off. And I said, I know you guys are exhausted, but if I was, if this was a high school football team, I was coaching or soccer team, I would cancel practice right now.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And you guys would just be doing a basic, you know, variety of punishments the rest of the time. We've talked about the health of the hip and why it's important to squat below parallel and you guys are negating it for competition in the workout. Do yourself a favor and squat a little bit lower. Three, two, one, go. And turn the music back up. Yeah, so maybe the kids are misbehaving in practice
Starting point is 00:12:21 and you made them do a lot of push-ups. Do you think that's too many for a high school football team? the kids are misbehaving in practice and the, he made them do a lot of pushups. Um, do you think, do you think that's too many for high school football team, 300 to 400 pushups in a 60 minute period? I mean, I'm, I'm assuming the quality was poor and that's more concerning to me than the,
Starting point is 00:12:39 the volume. Um, I don't know. There's a lot of, uh, there's a lot of missing information that we have so it's hard to say i'm a 50 year old man i'm gonna yesterday i did 200 push-ups i don't remember how long it took me but way less than an hour i want to say 20 minutes or less i want to say for sure i was doing at least 10 a minute um i'm going to try to do six a minute for 60 minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:07 That cannot be. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with your kids if they can't do that? Or am I wrong? Am I just confused? Have your kids do it with you. Okay. I mean, I did 300 air squats before I came on the show. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I drove around in a car with Jason Hopper and James Sprague hoping the exercise never did. You should check your IQ before you get in the car with Hopper and after and see if it has any effect on it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I think that's why I was a little slow at the start of the podcast. McKellar Profit, but I beat Hiller. Oh, you beat Hiller in the gauntlet? Good job.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Barbell Spin, high fake Brian. Oh, you beat Hiller in the, uh, gauntlet. Good job. Uh, barbell spin. Hi, fake Brian. Oh, my teammate. We didn't win this week, man. The one did I win?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Uh, Jason, John, we beat you by a few minutes. We, you took four out of six bottom half, basically. Chase and John young one.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah. Oh, very nice. Uh, Mark Moss, seven push-ups a minute. That'd be 420, right? Seven times 60. Brian, the polientologist, like an expert on the pole.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Have you seen that word before? I've never seen that word before. No, no, it's made up. It's like a pornographic comment, like something like – I think it's like some a pornographic comment like something like i think it's like pornograph some sort of like joke like like at least that's the way i take it i want it to be that uh well push-ups probably weren't the only thing they were doing agito trinidad programmed uh wadapalooza what do you think about the programming at wadapalooza i have a lot of thoughts about the program at wadapalooza that's a massive question
Starting point is 00:14:45 do you want to be more specific? it seems like maybe you want me to be more specific so I'm going to be more specific I'm sorry I'm reading into what you're saying so please apologize if I read into it well I mean the bigger picture is that I assume you're talking about the elite competition.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah. Okay. I'll be more specific. Let me ask you this here. Ready? Do you think that if you're doing this competition and it's two days of team and two days of individual and then two days of team, that the programmer should consider the fact that some people might do both? My immediate gut response is no, fuck that. It's two different competitions. If someone thinks they're ballsy enough to do both, then do it. But when I program them, they should be completely distinct and be able to stand on their own. That's my gut response. I mean, I'm not like hard on it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And Guido said that he did take it into consideration. Yeah, no, I know for a fact that they took it into consideration in, in many different ways. And I also know that they were hoping that there were athletes that would do both. And if you're hoping for that, you know, it's, it's kind of like, and in a way I'm reminded of Rogue. Okay. So that already changes my mind. The fact that they were hoping that they would do both is cool. And that changes my mind on how I would program it then, if that was what they were hoping for. Yeah. And I was going to draw somewhat of a parallel to Rogue is that, you know, the last couple of years at Rogue, people have gone there, competed. It was hard, but not crazy hard. And they're, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:15 for the most part, looking forward to come back this year. I mean, I know it's a lot of prize money, but a lot of the athletes left that weekend feeling like that was not what I thought I signed up for. Like that was a beat down and I don't feel good after that. And, um, if you're in the off season competition, you obviously want to have a great show for the fans. You want to have a good test for the athletes, but you don't want to like debilitate them. I don't think that's the point of these competitions. And I think that in some aspects, the athletes who did both this weekend, maybe, you know, took a little bit more of a beating than they had been hoping to. When I spoke to Pat and Brent last night, especially Pat, what he had said was, you
Starting point is 00:16:58 know, the number of back-to-back workouts is really what he thinks kind of pushed it over the top in terms of aggressive programming. He said those- What do you mean back-to-back workouts is really what he thinks kind of pushed it over the top in terms of aggressive programming. He said, what do you mean back-to-back like the AB things? Kind of on, on all four days, there was a time, one of the three times that the, at the elite athletes took the floor that there were 200 points available. But three of those times, which was on Thursday night, Friday night, and Sunday night, there were workouts that were back-to-back with a one minute reset, reset. Those, you know, having three different times for the athletes that did those to do that, he said, those were the most painful workouts. And that's what he thinks like the overall toll on the body was impacted the most. At least that's what I understood
Starting point is 00:17:41 him to say. And it's funny, I didn't even think about that, but it seems so valid. Do you agree with that? Did you think that too? Or once you said it, you're like, hell yeah, that makes sense. Well, you just think about what those workouts were. So like the first day, I didn't think that those workouts would necessarily be that terrible. It was the toes to bar, the hurdle hop and the sprint into the row and the D ball and the carry. But when you back up and think about that a little bit more and the time domain of those workouts. But when you back up and think about that a little bit more and the time domain of those workouts, and then you think about other workouts that are of a similar time domain,
Starting point is 00:18:11 um, grace, Fran, Isabel, et cetera. There are like these two to four minute workouts. Like those hurt. And you do one of those and rest only one minute and do it again.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I mean, there've been times at our gym where we've programmed grace and Isabel on the same day. That was all we programmed for an hour, three minutes of work and three minutes of work, or maybe five and five. And that's it. These guys are doing that and they're racing and they're like going for it, even though it's not, not like a crazy taxing on the nervous system with the toes to bar and running and jumping, but your heart rate's high, really high for three minutes, you know, and you're bounding and turning and then you do that again. And then the next night you think about what those workouts were, that's the final, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:54 so now you got the best guys, you got a tough couplet of, uh, you know, the upper body is just getting shredded. And then, uh, and then you pound on this bike for 30 calories you know you're obliterated now do 30 burpees and 30 snatches and you had to try to hold on for dear life and every time you drop it's more burpees and everything's on the line and the scoring system's really dramatic and the places mattered three times as much as they did in the previous six events that's a lot and then on the last workout of the teams, you know, everyone gets a rest interval in the first part. So you're forced to go a little bit harder when you are working, you know, because it's like, well, get to my rest or, you know, I, you know, I have a time to rest. So I don't have less of an excuse to work hard. And then you got a synchro workout to finish it out, which is very demanding. And, you know, no one wants to be the one that's holding the team back in a sinker work. You're like, well, at least I have this rest during the bike. But it's like, that means when I get on the bike, I have to send it again on the bike. OK, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Let me ask you this. OK, all that being said, I hear you and I agree with you. It puts hearing you say that puts a shit ton of perspective on it. So then my brain went to, OK, let's just take out one of those. Let's just make it Friday night. Last workout that has two and Sunday night, the last workout that has two, let's just make them hurt on that last one. And because I enjoyed it as a fan too. I like that. I like that go once I like having 200
Starting point is 00:20:15 points available at the end because then it makes more room, gives you more thought that, okay, anyone can win it. Right. So as a fan, I really liked that, but do you get what I'm saying on that? When there's 200 points available, all of a sudden there can be bigger moves in the leaderboard. So it leaves more tension till the end. I like that. And, but here's the thing. What if I want to do eight workouts? So now I'm down to seven because I took out, what if I want 800 points available, but I take one of those workouts out of teams and one of those workouts out of individual now i only have 700 points and i want 800 points so where would i where would i put that in aren't they kind of forced to do that uh yes and no i mean
Starting point is 00:20:58 if you want to have 800 points in the other do you want 800 points right we do want 800 points right but in the other divisions here where they tested 800 points, right? We do want 800 points, right? But in the other divisions here where they tested, for example, Will Plummer had a test of a clean and jerk and an L-sit hold. Both of those are worth 100 points. Okay. Okay. In the scaled men's division, those are worth 100 points each.
Starting point is 00:21:24 In the elite division, the lift that they did and the hold that they did were worth 100 points cumulatively. Okay. So you could have gotten an extra a hundred points there if you were seeking the points, but if you were seeking the, you know, the more difficult version of eight tests, then you have another question to answer. This just popped in my head, but I want to ask you this. Unrelated to all this, that workout where all where there's doing um the max lift the individuals they had i think so and correct me if i'm wrong i forget
Starting point is 00:21:56 exactly how it worked but i think there were six heats and each heat got four minutes to do their lift and so like six guys would go at once and then 20 seconds would pass yeah and then you would have to make your lift within that 20 second window then there was a 40 second reset then you got another 20 seconds or something like that but there was a there was a four minute uh time to set a max lift got my coffee and nico's a good dude uh yeah um you there was four minutes to do a max lift but you had to do it with the group, the lifting, the lifting windows pop up, popped open in this four minute interval. So I'm guessing, let's say, let's say it wouldn't it have been better if they just had all the athletes in one heat that was 40 minutes long and do a king of the king of the mountain just keep raising the weight on the bar and let it let us like filter through people or make it like a
Starting point is 00:22:56 double elimination tournament everyone gets two lifts but just rush them through wouldn't have been that been more fun for us to watch like why did they do it that way and by the way like i don't really care don't get me wrong i'm not being critical i don't care but that shit was dangerous as fuck he had 395 a personal record all he had to do was go like that and four people were dead you know what i mean i mean just right out i mean do you see did you see where brian's been filmed that from from i mean, I love it. I love that Tour de France fucking Isle of Man shit. Let the motorcycles kill people.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm fine with it. Let LeBron run full speed into some old lady on the sideline. I'm cool. Isle of Man? Amy Kringle was asking about you. Was she? No. Damn it, Brian.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Okay, so two questions here. I really don't care about the safety you have to know like i'm all for a bar drill in someone and letting people like hey like uh ladies and gentlemen if you were in the front row you're either dumb as fuck or brave or drunk or some combination thereof but we are going to let you get as close to gi as humanly possible while he lifts weights over his head they could kill you three. Three, two, one, go. And then also why not just parade them in one at a time? Wouldn't it have been more height better for the athletes? It's a, it's a really delicate thing to do that. I mean, when they, when competitions have done that before everyone lifting at the same time, it, a lot of times it goes a lot longer than
Starting point is 00:24:18 expected or a lot longer than planned. And you cannot risk that at Wadapalooza when you have, you know, 40 to 50 divisions competing in multiple stages in a really tight timeframe. So it's one of the, you know, every time you go that you are coming to one of these competitions to compete, to spectate, to get coverage of it as a media member, to watch it as a fan or watching it at home, you have to bring a little different level of expectation depending on what the competition is. And we talk about sometimes how the program is going to be a little bit different here than there, there, whatever. But in terms of, you know, we're coming, this is the last off season event and the last big one. And we're coming off a rogue where
Starting point is 00:24:59 they have one division of CrossFit. They are the strongman stuff. They have one division of CrossFit for men and women, and there's 20 athletes each. In Dubai, one division of CrossFit. They have the strongman stuff, but they have one division of CrossFit for men and women, and there's 20 athletes each. In Dubai, one division of CrossFit, and it's 20 athletes each. There, in my opinion, is very little excuse for getting things wrong when that's the only thing that you're having to plan and program for. I'm not saying that Guadalupe should get things wrong, but when you have 2,400 athletes, 45 divisions, four stages, four days, it's a much, much, much bigger undertaking. There are way more variables to factor in. There's 100 vendors here. There's like tens of thousands of people filtering through.
Starting point is 00:25:43 It's insane. even the you know there's it's it's insane i mean and now that i say it to you you're right now that i say it to you and i do the math they couldn't have done it even if you gave if there if there were 50 if there how many athletes were there 30 40 there were uh yeah between 35 and 40 yeah so if you give every athlete 30 seconds you would still barely have 40 minutes for every athlete to do uh two lifts yeah you're right it's's crazy. And you said that really well. I wouldn't have it any other way than to have, I love it that they have all the divisions, by the way. It's what makes it so fucking cool. Yeah. So it's just, you know, you have to have a little grace in that regard when you're diet, you know, when you're being critical of or evaluating this competition. And like I said,
Starting point is 00:26:21 it's not an excuse that they should get things wrong or they shouldn't try to have them as perfect as possible, exciting, digestible, relatable, challenging, all the things that you want in a competition. But there's a lot else going on on site and around the park and in the background, you know, the behind the scenes than anyone who's watching a live stream at home or even anyone that's here on site can really understand. And even someone like me who has a pretty intimate view of what's happening still doesn't not see the big picture that guys like, you know, the, the head staff team sees and is planning for, for a year leading into this thing. This guy should just be a sponsor of the show
Starting point is 00:27:06 this lucky camera straps guy he's already paid enough money uh the six heats of everyone lifting at the same time wasn't good to watch on live stream not sure why they didn't rotate two lifters at a time every 20 seconds and look even even as possible while it's happening on the field of play. But during the lifting events, I just split it with Halpin. I watched half the stage. He watched half the stage so that we could have more information between the two of us. And so I didn't see Sam Dancer lift. I didn't see Toloora Quinoa lift.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He didn't see Danny Spiegel or Guimayros lift because we were focusing on the other half. And if you're watching the elite competition, I think it was the second place team in that event was Team Mexico that came out of the first heat. You may or may not have gotten there in time because there were six heats and you may or may not have gotten a spot.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So, but these are just, there's logistical challenges there with the space, with the number of people, the size of the venues, the number of athletes have to get through. And it's challenging. But I do think that we're in like this is, I believe, the 11th year of Guadalupalooza and they should know that stuff. year of Guadalupalooza and they should know that stuff. And so when you're doing the programming and Guido's obviously been involved since the beginning here, finding the appropriate balance between, you know, testing the athletes in the way that you want to and feel like you need to and setting yourself and your team up for success in terms of the execution presentation of your competition. Those things I feel like need to weigh pretty evenly and there's some times where i think one of them dominates over the other at the expense of the other when we would run out of seating at the crossfit games people would always be like you
Starting point is 00:28:55 need to move to a larger venue you need to move to a larger venue and i was like no you know you don't and no actually you don't now if you're selling tickets to it and there's not tickets then that that's a little bit of a problem that's the way they used to do it with the airlines in the old days i remember like they would sell if they're the airplane had 250 tickets they'd sell 300 and it was some weird shit always people i mean this is probably before you were born when i was a little kid i remember they used do that. And then it became illegal to do that. But someone is saying they need to reduce the number amount of people.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I like the, I love this shit. I would much rather be in an overcrowded event than one where 90% of the seats are empty. A thousand to one, right? Yeah. And there's another,
Starting point is 00:29:43 there are other elements of this. One of the big topics of conversation this, I guess, the past couple of years has been the sustainability of live events. You know, can you make money doing live events? And I think there's close to a hundred sponsors on site here or vendors on site, a hundred vendors on site. And most of them, if not all of them that I spoke to had a really successful week in terms of their, you know, whatever their goal was selling, if it was selling something, promoting something. And that, you know, that doesn't, that doesn't happen. And I spoke to people that are like, man, I, in one day here, I'm doing better than I did in a week at the games or at three semifinals combined or whatever else it is.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And part of the reason that happens is because there's people everywhere. So there are people watching, but there's also people that come here and they're going around and they are checking out all the booths. There's people that maybe don't care that much about the elite division. They're here to watch their dad compete or their son compete or their coach compete. And they take advantage of when that time is packed to go to the vendors and interact with those things and maybe learn some stuff. There's affiliate owners that, you know, talk to some of the vendors and they'll bring some stuff back to their affiliate. I did that, you know, I went to the power monkey camp. I did a little gymnastics on that thing and I decided to order one for the gym you know i thought it would really help with you know
Starting point is 00:31:08 a lot of people at my gym struggle on the rings and it'd be an easy way to oh i saw you using that i saw you using that thing i own one of those they're fucking no i don't own that exact one i own a different one yeah and it's a pain in the ass to set up. Well, I think it's one of those things like we have many, many rings at the gym, so we'll just pick one spot and set it up on there. And then it's one time set up and it's available for people to use. And just leave it. Yeah. Is that Durante right there? Yeah. And this is crazy. Like when I reached my foot up there, I thought I was reaching for the bar and I was like two feet off because I never done this before on rings. And when I reached my foot up there, I thought I was reaching for the bar and I was like two feet off. Because I've never done this before on rings. And when I pressed overhead, I think I'm pressing in a good position.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Watch my right arm. It's terrible. And then he just adjusts the rings and immediately look at how much now I'm in a good position. Look at that. That's what a good spotter is meant to do if you're helping someone with gymnastics. This belt supposedly takes away 50% of the weight or the work, and it's still hard for me. So, something I'll be working on. That looked pretty good. Holy shit, you're a giant compared to him.
Starting point is 00:32:20 A few minutes after this, just behind there on the mats he was doing uh one of i think five three minute handstand holds that he does during the day wow wow he does that every day it seems that way well uh tori uh pierre venditti which rhymes with titty that torian pro was widely overcrowded and was great. Yeah. Del Mar, California used to be like that. I don't know about wildly overcrowded, but it was packed shoulder to shoulder. Yeah, there's people everywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It's a great environment. It's a great environment, I think, to spectate, to interact with people, and to work out and to compete in. Let's talk about Paper Street Coffee. No, thank you, Bruce. that makes me happy to hear that let's talk about oh by the way a hiller saw you and said he could hang out with you all day he said you know there's some people you could just hang out with all the time like this carrot could just hang out with it all day and he said you were like this carrot bruce he said he could hang out with you all day said you were he was, he literally told me for three minutes how cool you were. So,
Starting point is 00:33:26 uh, kudos to you. And, uh, Hiller's pretty cool too. He's pretty easy to hang with. Um, um,
Starting point is 00:33:32 you'd love to see Seve on what, on that thing. I can do all that shit without that fucking contraption. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm five, five and born on those rings. After I got off of it, Dave,
Starting point is 00:33:44 Dave got in, he starts doing, uh, I don off of it, Dave got in. He starts doing, I don't even know, like basically, yeah, a planche into handstand press into not really an iron cross
Starting point is 00:33:55 because it was kind of low, but I mean, it was wild. And I was like, that's all you got. I'll add on to that. He's like, that's a game we play
Starting point is 00:34:01 at PowerMonkey to add on. I do something and then you add a move to it. And I was like, I think I'll pass. Yeah,. He's like, that's a game we play at PowerMonkey. It's add-on. I do something, and then you add a move to it, and I was like, I think I'll pass. Yeah, I'm done. Seve, I have this theory. If the parking lot is full too often, people stop coming to the business.
Starting point is 00:34:14 If the venue is constantly overflowing, they can't get in to watch. They will stop coming. I don't know. I have a lot of friends who won't go to restaurants if it's empty. They think that means that the restaurant sucks. Well, I think the trick is to find the right balance because, you know, we went to a breakfast place this morning. They said it was a 45 minute wait. I'm not. I was like, we'll go somewhere else. The girls are like, no, we want to go. I'm like, OK, fine. And I didn't have anything to do.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So fine. But if it's too busy, people leave. If it's too empty, people are sometimes put off by that or suspicious as to why. In the case of Guadalupalooza, people are coming. It was packed. There were people here Thursday through Sunday. This is my fifth time being here, and it felt like the years that I came before COVID. It was back to full capacity. It was back to full attendance. It was back to full excitement, and it is a fun environment to be in there's definitely some frustrations that come with it but i think it's far more good than bad i thought you were um staying at an airbnb that expired this morning so i moved to this hotel and and do you go to um mayhem tomorrow i do wow are you excited about that or are you kind of like fuck i shouldn't
Starting point is 00:35:26 have done these trips back to back i just want to go home i haven't had that thought now you put that thought in mind god damn it seven damn it no you you seem like you're in good spirits you're chill i'm tired i feel tired um today but you have nothing to go home to it's not like you don't you don't it's not like you have a dog or kids. Correct. You just have your gym. It's pretty harsh to say I have nothing to go home to, but I don't have a dog or kids. Okay. Well, a toaster.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You have a toaster. I have a toaster and some plants. Okay. I've checked how long the plants can last without water. They should be good. The toaster I'm a little concerned about. Did you really look that up before you left? Plants can last without water.
Starting point is 00:36:01 They should be good. The toaster I'm a little concerned about. Did you really look that up before you left? I have plants that are intentionally that can go two weeks without water if needed. Oh, drought-free. Very woke of you. Page powers. It's because I leave for two weeks at a time sometimes.
Starting point is 00:36:21 You have to be smart. Page powers. Yeah. Ouch, Seve. you think that was too hard to say there's nothing to go home to it's all good thanks for having my back
Starting point is 00:36:32 damn Seve what that's like a good thing you're free you could have said that you're free like you don't have anything to find at your home
Starting point is 00:36:41 you're free thank you thank you do you travel before we talk about page powers do you travel with disc golfs like your discs
Starting point is 00:36:47 oh this is gonna be good great fucking question good job Jonathan douchebag fucker why'd I read that I need to start reading disc golf shoes
Starting point is 00:36:58 before I say them out loud oh god tripod for filming wait wait no shit oh my god he's a disc golf influencer so wow let me see the shoes what do you wear for Wait, wait. No shit. Oh my god. He's a disc golf influencer. So, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Let me see the shoes. What do you wear for you have special shoes? Well, I just brought a pair of strike movements that are more beat in. These are the ones I got at the games. The Hayes trainer. Oh, those look nice. Yeah, that's all I wear. We got five pairs now.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Had a nice conversation with those guys. This a couple of times this weekend actually felt kind of bad for him. A bunch of their inventory. Didn't make it down here in time. Everything they did got seemed to sell out really fast. They look like nano twos. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:37 they're similar. Uh, the fast yesterday was a trip to do all those shows without like, like I was tripping last night when I went to bed. I'm not going to lie. I was tripping. But I didn't get hungry, but I was tripping. That was a long day with no food. But I'm ready now.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I'm ready now. I can feel this carrot as the show goes on becoming more and more flaccid. You know what I mean? It was so rigid when the show started. I feel like it's losing some color too it's losing its rigidity like i'm not like i'm not giving it enough love uh i'm telling you dude just contact me and become a sponsor of the show lucky camera straps i mean i would wear like a lucky camera straps necklace or something or like if you had some bondage toys i'd put the
Starting point is 00:38:20 apple in my mouth uh what are your three main discs brian oh fuck me no one else asked any more questions about this brian what are your three main discs i'm so curious it's a undertaker from discraft it was one of the first two discs that i ever got it's still in my bag it's just very reliable in and out of the wind the other one that i got was uh buzz this is the first one i got i also still keep it in my bag i have a couple of each of them but the first ones that i got are still some of my favorite. And a putt with the Luna, also from Discraft. I don't use all Discraft discs, but those are the three that I usually bring with me when I travel because they're versatile and reliable. Hey, that middle one, was it always that color or did it fade? Did it all used to be the same color and then the
Starting point is 00:39:01 center's faded? That middle one. It's on top there. It has a design from a competition in 2020. It didn't used to all be blue and then fade like that perfectly? No, this is how it came. This feels good in my hand, though. I should have gone to play disc golf instead of coming on here. Probably. Are those – is weight important in those?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Weight can matter. These ones are pretty neutrally weighted. I don't even know if the weight's on here anymore, but they're probably about somewhere between 165 and 170. Oh, isn't that interesting? They're the same weight as a regular Frisbee, Ultimate Frisbee disc, but just smaller. Yeah. So more rigid brian when you're working when do you get your fitness in if at all i yesterday i went to the master's fitness collective booth i did uh 25 calories on the c2 bike and 25 push-ups that was it oh not bad hey uh jason uh what were
Starting point is 00:40:09 we talking about uh athletes um plus i did some muscle up progressions at the power monkey booth i don't i don't i actually don't work out a ton when i'm at these competitions there are people that make that a priority but i have uh i'm okay i i talk about this with people in my gym a lot because i think the biggest fear people have if they miss three, four, five a week of working out is that they won't get back into it. And that's legitimate. Like if you have a good thing going and you have a routine and then you break it and you're not confident that you're going to get back into that routine and you know that there's a chance that you fall into some bad routines or bad habits, that can be a scary thing. I know that because I've done it so many times that when I come back, I'll just continue working out. Also, I know that I have this mayhem camp coming up. So I think I'm like, I think I'll get plenty of fitness this week to make up for it.
Starting point is 00:40:55 What do you mean mayhem camp? The training that I'll do with the people that are going to be at mayhem later this week. Oh, but it's not like a camp camp. It's not like, yeah, some of the, a lot of their athletes are, they're international athletes. We're in town for a while to plooze this.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So they're, uh, kind of getting in mayhem to do some training, three day training camp. Um, who's this guy? Uh, Brian,
Starting point is 00:41:22 tell seven about Simon. You should interview him. I have one of his discs here, but it's an interesting story because Simon just made a huge move. This is called the Mindbender. It's from Discmania. And Discmania is a company that's based out of Europe. Simon is German, but he's lived in the U.S. for a long time in Massachusetts. And he basically grew up with Discmania. He was one of their first athletes, if not the first athlete, and their success is largely predicated on his success. He's one of the top disc golfers in the world.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I would say he's undisputably in the top 10. He won three of the major competitions this past season. And he just recently left Discmania for a different disc company. It was like really, really big news. He posted a 10 minute video on his Instagram that says I'm leaving Discmania and it had like 200,000 views in six hours or something, which is massive for disc golf. He has the biggest, the biggest YouTube channel at disc golf anyway. He's, I mean, it's watching him play is different than watching anyone else play he's a he's a prodigy he's special for sure um so big move to to leave and i i need to catch up on some of this stuff actually a bunch of my my brother and his friends were texting me that they pre-ordered his
Starting point is 00:42:37 first uh signature disc at the new company this morning i when he announced this ordered some of his discs from the company he's leaving that i'll just hold on to because I imagine that they'll be rare in the future. That's Paul McBeth. We've tried to get him on before. He's the six-time world champion in the red shirt. In the white shirt? In that white shirt in this picture, yeah. But this is when they're young.
Starting point is 00:43:06 These, these pictures are old pictures. This is probably like 2015 or 16. Uh, well, I just DM this guy. Simon. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:43:15 This is him. Yep. He met that woman when he was in the U S they had a kid earlier this year. He's a really nice guy from what I can tell. I have not met him, but he's also, he's one of the most successful disc golfers, both on and off the course at the sports ever seen what i mean off the course you mean just like with business deals and shit uh yeah like he
Starting point is 00:43:34 like i said he has the most popular youtube channel in disc golf he's had some big you know big sponsorships stuff like that god he he looks just like like she looks like she could be his daughter in this picture he's not he's 30 i mean oh it is his daughter that's why no no no no i know that's his wife oh yeah all right simone we'll get him on right guys, go over to his Instagram and tell him to come on the show, and he'll come on the show. Wow, look at this. What is this?
Starting point is 00:44:14 So this is the most famous course in disc golf, or maybe not the most famous course, but I think it's the most exciting and challenging course on the Pro Tour. It's called Maple Hill hill it's on a christmas tree farm in massachusetts i believe it's pretty close to his house so he films videos there all all the time they give him access to the course it's a private property because i mean look at us this is hole 14 i think it's really picturesque i wonder if he aces it here not quite an ace i I don't think.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Hey, so that app on the phone tracked his throw? I don't know if it's an app on the phone or not, but there are flight trackers like that that the post-production companies have. It's pretty cool. And sometimes they'll show if four guys have a good throw on the same shot, you can see all four of them fly at the same time, and they may fly different paths to end up basically in the same location wow that's amazing okay uh where were we crossfit yes crossfit uh page powers uh when you go over to
Starting point is 00:45:18 the leaderboard here uh she did uh pretty damn good dude how many viewers left during that conversation oh we tripled. 445. We're killing it. People will listen to anything you say. What's your favorite prophylactic? What do you think about Paige Powers? What is going on?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Is she, this is it? We got a new top dog? This is the online qualifier. You don't want this one. Let me send you the link for the one that you want. Maybe I'll find it. Give me a second. I'm pretty good at this now.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Elite women. Look it. There it is. Got it. Damn. Well done. Thank you. Click on her name.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Click on her name. It'll pull up. Then we can scroll down and we can see her events. So we can talk a little bit more in depth. name. It'll pull up and we can scroll down and we can see her events. So we can talk a little bit more in depth. So a lot of the athletes in the individual competition felt like the first two workouts were the most challenging workouts. And if you just think about what was in those workouts, you had, you know, 36 or 45 ring muscle-ups, 36 in the case of the women. And then the, you know, back squat, front squat, overhead squat progression, the back to the future workout had legless rope
Starting point is 00:46:23 climbs, regular rope climbs, weighted GHGs, regular GHGs, four different kettlebell movements and running. So just in those two workouts, you've tested a great, like a really a lot of stuff. And then they were hard workouts. And she had really good finishes, seventh and fourth. You know, I would guess that outside of Emma Carey, these are across those two workouts are two, like is a pretty good cumulative performance. But when you look at the totality of what you did on the weekend, that first, that 13th place finish was on that hurdle hop workout. And if we went to that workout and sorted by it, I bet you that that time of 242 is probably within three to five seconds of being a third place finish. Like it was just so tight.
Starting point is 00:47:01 So close this screen, scroll over one on the bottom where the arrow and then click to sort. And if we scroll down to, okay, so she was 242, but you see how everyone's coming. Where do you see her? I don't see her name. She's in 13th. So she's a little lower. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. So she, you know, it wasn't as tight as the men's side. If you, when we look at the men's side. But she was 10 seconds away from second place. Right. So there's a small margin for error in that workout.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It's a, you know, it's not, I wouldn't say that this workout is like a great indicator of someone's overall fitness. Right. So it's cool that she took 13th in it, is what you're saying. fitness. Right. So it's cool that she took 13th in it is what you're saying. It's not like, you know, cause if we go back to her name and you look at her performances, I think that was her worst at the, or at least her second worst finish for the weekend. And I'm always trying to see like, okay, well, where are the holes? Let's see. I think it was her worst finish 13, 7, 5, 6, 1, 1. And what's the last one? 30 Isabel. We can't see it. I can't see. Oh, there it is. Three, three. So that was her worst finish. And if her worst finish on the weekend is
Starting point is 00:48:12 on a workout where, you know, execution margin of error and like one mistake can cost you five spots type workout. I'm not too concerned. So overall her performance in this weekend, like the other thing I noticed is when you go to the bottom and you see the last day where she's having a first place on a long swimming workout, a first place on an upper body dense workout, and a third place on the final workout. That's a really strong finish. So this two-day competition was something that she handled extremely well from start to finish. She was the most consistent and the best athlete in the field across eight or nine tests, depending on how you score it. What I was thinking about in the fallout of this competition was, well, she did amazing at semifinals. And I know people talk about the caliber of the field at the Atlas Games for
Starting point is 00:48:58 women being low, and it is low relative to the other ones. And that's not an opinion. That's just when you put them on paper and look at the performances, but she did almost as well as Emma Lawson there. And we talked about that. And that was a two day, you know, when we had her on the show, we talked about that. And in the preview episodes for this competition. So she did great in a two day competition in June. She did great in a two day competition competition this Januaryuary and she didn't do what was the competition in june semifinals atlas okay okay okay and she didn't do as well in the competition in the game at the games so i was curious about 26 26 at the games yeah and so i was curious about whether or not you know because sometimes the the biggest challenge for the women at the games or
Starting point is 00:49:45 men at the games is just the overall toll of it, the duration, 25th place at the games. So I went to see, well, how did she do in the last half of the workouts at the games? That's where, you know, see if there was a fall off and maybe if something that she needs to work on is stringing together like more difficult days of training in a row occasionally that are so she can start to do as well in a three or four day competition as she's doing in two day competitions. And I looked and it's also, you know, we know this from the studying of the games that we've done already, that the CrossFit Games testing was a little bit skewed in terms of the timing, meaning that there was a lot of skill and gymnastics and execution stuff early,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and there was a lot of weightlifting and power output stuff late. So when we get to the later part of the competition, like, that is something that we have to consider. But looking, you know, starting with, I guess, maybe throw out the swimming workout. You know, we know she's a pretty good swimmer. And you go to the hat trick, sandbag, al back nine jackie pro which like those five i felt like were like the let like the last third of the competition and we see decent on the hat trick 30 16th not very good on the sandbag 35th um when did they cut after the sandbag? So then the rest of those scores are out of 30, 26th and 24th on the next two out of 30,
Starting point is 00:51:08 and then a decent performance in the last workout. So I see a little bit of a tapering off towards the end, and it tells me it could be one of two things, either that she's not strong enough relative to the women's field, or she needs to build up some capacity for that high level of competition when it lasts three or four days. By the way, she took 25th. Let me correct that.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's funny. How you look at it is so much better than how I look at it because I look at it like this. I don't know about better. It's just different. I look at it like this. I look at, holy shit, Sarah Sigmund's daughter, a great CrossFitter, Emma Tall, fantastic athlete, Sydney McElishan, the past has come to the future, the youngsters among us. Emma Carey, holy shit, Danny Spiegel, a wily vet, and at the top of all of those fighters is page powers and it's like man i mean
Starting point is 00:52:09 now granted you know sarah is not what she used to be emma tall was the last chance qualifier like you know she got a lot of her fame because of her fight in the last chance qualifier cindy mccallishan is still untested same with emma carrie and danny spiegel is you know just one of those really you know well-known um you know run run in the middle of the pack games athletes. But still, they're big names in their own right. Even Andrea Nistler. You got someone with a shitload of championship pedigree. You got Emily Rolfe.
Starting point is 00:52:35 You got Paige Semenza. And here she is. Like, it's fucking, man. Paige Powers. I look at those athletes i look at those athletes and think about it similarly but i would add that you know danny emma carrie and emma tall have all finished i think between 14th and 19th or 20th at least once in the last two crossfit games i think once each within that time or that those places uh this was a page
Starting point is 00:53:03 powers first year at the games last year and by the way sydney mcclellan is a two times games athlete she regressed a little bit from year one to two i think she was like 25th to 32nd or something like that um you know so page had a 25th place finish and i think that when we were talking about her in the build-up to this competition i said you know 25th isn't that bad for your first year at the games. And we cited some athletes historically that have had finishes like that in their first year, BKG, Katrin David's daughter, and a few others. And you learn so much at the games in your first year. We know this and everyone goes back and if they're able to make it back a second time, they usually do better. So if we say, we assume that Paige is probably going to be more prepared for the games in her
Starting point is 00:53:47 second year than her first year. She's also seems to be incredibly comfortable in Cookville where she's spent about 18 months now. And so you add another, you know, from the time the games was last year, you like add another 12 months onto that or something like that. That's a lot of experience that she can gain training in that environment. Confidence she can gain from what she was able to do. She didn't overdo it in the off season. This was the main competition that she focused on. It was obviously incredible.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I still think she'll go away from this and, and think about the areas that she could have improved all that, all the great athletes do that all the time. But I, I think this is setting her up for the, you know, a very real possibility of a 10th to 15th place finish at the games this year um and the you know like we've talked about you know the
Starting point is 00:54:31 women's field is extremely talented one through ten so breaking into the top 10 very very difficult if you can come in in your second year at the games and take a 13th place finish something like that in your page powers that's definitely moving in the right direction. And, you know, we'll see. We'll see what it takes from there. But this was a huge, huge weekend for her. I think I don't. I'm just kind of winging this.
Starting point is 00:54:55 But I think Danny Spiegel was like a. This was her third year at the games this last year. She was like a 26th, 19th, and now a fourth. I mean, it's pretty. It's like it's pretty good fourth she took didn't dan sorry sorry sorry uh daniel brandon this was her third year at the game like a 26 19th and a fourth like that those are pretty good jobs right well is that what it is is it something like that i know well it's her fourth, but her first two years were 2019, 2020.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And they were, those were such strange years. Like she, and she actually, she, she missed the cut by one spot in 2019 and she would have. And then of course, one of the top 10 women failed her drug test.
Starting point is 00:55:37 So who is that? Who is that? It was a woman from Greece. I don't know. Right. Cow. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And then, and the next year was 2020. She regressed on the leaderboard to 15th, but that's online. And it's like, yeah. Then what I consider to be her first full go at the game, she was 11th in 2021 and improved to 4th in 2022. Okay, so she went from – yeah, and that's pretty good. Those are nice jumps. 11th to 4th 2022. Okay. So, so she went from, yeah. And that's pretty good. Those are nice jumps. 11th to fourth is very impressive. You know, when we were, when I was, I wasn't involved in this process at all, but when I was thinking about candidates for most improved at the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:56:18 games, and we've spoken about this before, I don't necessarily just weigh the total number of positions you've improved. Like I think it's a lot harder to go from 11th to 4th than it is to go from 34th to 20th. You moved up twice as many spots, but the seven spots you moved up are a lot harder to battle your way through than those 14. Because in those 14 spots, probably seven of the athletes are turnover athletes. If you're talking about the top seven spots at the game, if it's not people that were there last year that now you've improved and excelled ahead of it's someone that's coming back into the fray,
Starting point is 00:56:51 like a Cara Saunders that would have been in the mix anyway, if she'd been there competing the year before. Those last 10 burpees, when you do a hundred burpees for time are much harder and give you greater stimulus and adaptation value than the first 90 than the first 10 wow good you like that thank you uh okay so uh so we like her but but still let's not get let's not get excited too excited the top 10 is don't say anything stupid sebon the top 10 is really hard to break into at the crossfit games yeah and i mean it's and it's uh by nothing that we're
Starting point is 00:57:24 talking about is taking away from the fact that she was amazing here and and earned everything that she got but there wasn't any of the top 10 games athletes in this competition true oh yeah so basically what you're saying is um uh let me ask you this pretend like no one's watching just between me and you i have two questions like that for you today okay neither of them have to neither of them have to do with this carrot i want you to be really i want you to just really it's just me and you um i called you it's like seven o'clock at night hey dude what's up go ahead say hey hey brian how's your day uh good hey dude i've been thinking i bet you if area park today and uh yeah yeah skate park was great thanks for thanks for asking um i was thinking hey guys shut up i'm on the phone shut the fuck up sorry i'm just trying that happens every night
Starting point is 00:58:21 at 7 p.m when he calls and um um Haley get the fucking kids I'm on with Brian Friend okay sorry Brian if you have to go with your family that's alright you can call me later no no no I got this fucking question that's burning burning in my soul hey dude I think if Ariel Lohan would have entered a Wadapalooza she'd have
Starting point is 00:58:40 fucking put the smack down and walked away with 75 grand what do you think you should ask me that on a podcast yeah i do i think carol alone probably would have won this competition okay we'll leave it at that i don't want to say anything i don't i love page powers i'm so glad she won page buy me something with that uh donated to page donate a dollar to the show i know the carrot was losing its rigidity but i broke it in half and it gained its rigidity back i'm gonna eat this when i uh the reason why this carrot's on the show is so it isn't that
Starting point is 00:59:19 carrot's no match for someone who did 200 push-ups yesterday. This carrot is going to – I want it to be a good influence on the show today. And so I thought, oh, I saw the carrots. My wife had them out, and I'm like, oh, I'm going to eat this after the show. I'll just bring it on the show. Maybe subliminally someone will eat carrots. Vitamin A is super-duper important, and this is water also. What is it, 90% water? Okay, let's move on to the boys.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And this is where my second— The men, the men. The men, the men. And let's not talk about the boys' divisions. There was a really, really talented boys in the teenage divisions here. Oh, I'm not going to eat on the air. I don't even see a button for the boys' division, which is healthy. Good.
Starting point is 01:00:05 More. No, I don't give a fuck. I don't care. No, I the boys division, which is healthy. Good. More. No, I don't give a fuck. I don't care. I want, I want to know. I'm not talking about the boys. Does it,
Starting point is 01:00:09 uh, um, is it better with this light on or with it off? Uh, let me see. You look on, on soft. It's softer with it on,
Starting point is 01:00:18 on, but, but if it bugs you off is fine too. It doesn't matter. Um, no, we're not going to talk about Chandler, Noah, and Travis. Well, maybe not. Maybe we'll not yet.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Ricky Garrard. Ricky Garrard. Yes. What about him? He's awesome. Yeah. I know when we're on the air and we're on the podcast, we stay with Justin. I know. I totally do. Oh, Cutler? podcast. We're not, we stay with Justin. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I totally get it. Oh, Cutler? Yeah. Oh, hey, Mr. Dragon. Hey, Cucka Dragon. Hey, Cuck Dragon. Hey, Cucker. Ricky Garrett, I know when it's just Justin, it's the Justin Madera show.
Starting point is 01:01:03 We always got Justin's back and he's the champ until proven otherwise. But dude, I think Ricky, I think Ricky might have something for Justin this year. Well, I mean, when it comes to Ricky, Ricky,
Starting point is 01:01:17 there's what's up, bro. What's up? What's up? Go ahead. Sorry. You got a little angst around that guy. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Maybe he's about to call in maybe and we'll see you get real riled up i think ricky has something from madaris he's not he's not just a skinny guy that's a fucking marathon runner this isn't a spartan were you listening to the uh were you listening to the broadcast when Justin was on and they asked him about Ricky? No, no. I just heard Chase say, or I heard maybe someone in my comments say Justin was on. And I wanted to just hang up on my podcast and go listen to that. But I didn't. I think real media members were to listen to that before asking me this question.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I know, I know. Well, clearly we know I'm not a real media member. No, it's just you're doing too many shows so you don't have time to do as much research as you need for each one right i did i did zero research for this show do you know how happy i was i had that clip that the 400 when i come on yeah yeah uh but but ricky ricardo i thought you were gonna i thought you're gonna bring the praying mantis eating lizard clip up since i mentioned how disturbing it was to me earlier god it was disturbing i didn't like it either i almost started crying dan i don't know that when my kid told me uh i feel bad for the
Starting point is 01:02:33 lizard i almost started crying that fucking hurt me because i totally get what he's i remember being young and that shit bothering me okay go on ricky now no one's listening this is back to just me and you on the phone late at night dude i think ricky might have something for justin maybe i mean i do think that the crossfit games 2023 is going to be super competitive um we obviously got to see a lot from ricky this year you know we saw at the games that how good he can be when he's good, how good he can be in certain styles of events, certain combinations of movements. But coming into the games this year, he was, you know, he was, there was also an element of doubt
Starting point is 01:03:17 for him and the element of redemption, the element of the need to prove not just to himself, but to the other competitors and to the world that I'm good enough to be here and I belong here. And I think he did that. Then he goes to Rogue and we weren't expecting him to do great at Rogue. We didn't predict him to podium at Rogue. We thought sixth to 10th was a very believable range because of some of the things we saw at the games, which was that he tapered off at the back of the competition, as we talked about with Paige, when the things got heavy. And that happened. Then we come to Guadalupe, and I picked him to win Guadalupe.
Starting point is 01:03:56 John picked him to win Guadalupe. Some people thought this was a crazy pick. There's no way he's beating Roman. Pat's a three-time defending champ. But the programming, I thought, and it seemed to show that, suited him really well. When you think about some of the things that he excelled at at the games and the things that were critical components of the workouts here, he did great. He also seems to have
Starting point is 01:04:18 I would say ruttled up his self-belief and self-confidence. he just tented at Rogue self-confidence yeah God for some reason so maybe he doesn't have anything for Justin
Starting point is 01:04:34 so what I was about to say is you ruined my whole thought process you know one of the things that I enjoyed watching from Ricky this week was his lifting. You know, he hit a top 10 finish on the weightlifting complex, or the clean and jerk, I guess it was. He had a, I think he had a pretty good, did he do the front squats? Man, I can't remember exactly who did what, but I thought he had a pretty good lift on the team's side of things too.
Starting point is 01:05:03 So it looks like he's working on his strength. And it's coming along a little bit. And if that's the case, and I'm someone who's hoping to podium or win the CrossFit Games, Ricky is becoming more and more of a threat and a liability to my hopes to doing that when I put the big picture together. Roman took fifth. This is blowing your mind. Yeah, but if you look at the points there. Yeah, what did he take 18th in here? What was this event three?
Starting point is 01:05:33 Can I see this event three? What is this event three? No, I have a better spreadsheet than that that we can evaluate this stuff on. Event, individual event one, because he shit the bed. I mean, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:46 basically Justin got hat. I did it in half the time that he did. Uh, this is the back attack. It's the back squats and the jumping. So the, this is a way, this thing right here,
Starting point is 01:05:56 this, this thing. What if I push replay here? What will that do? Back attack? I don't know. Okay. Takes me straight to the video.
Starting point is 01:06:07 God, Rogue is good. God damn Rogue is good. So there's the event description. And you can see that it was a weightlifting workout primarily that slowed him down relative to the field. Yeah, Justin crushed him. Did it in half the amount of time as him. Yeah. If you look at some of the other performances that he didn't do great on,
Starting point is 01:06:35 you see the dual too. I don't put a lot of – I'm not worried too much about that workout in general when I'm evaluating athletes because it was such small margins for air. We know there was some judging discrepancies. So I'm not overall too worried about that one. And then you see 17th on the snatch and press where the snatches are mostly irrelevant in this case. And it's a strict handstand pushups that weren't very good. We know that he was also very bad relative to the field and the strict handstand push-ups at the crossfit games on echo press so there are some you know definite holes that have illuminated themselves for us in terms of the things that are holding ricky back from possibly
Starting point is 01:07:15 winning the crossfit games those things weren't tested the same way here at wadapalooza there was some moderate heavy squatting well he's pretty good at that. But if you bump those weights up on the back squat, front squat, and overhead squat from 235 to 275, instead of winning that workout, he might fall down to 20th place. I mean, I'm not sure because of things that we've already seen in terms of his performance on similar style workouts this year. If there was a strict deficit handstand push-up event at Guadalquivir, I probably wouldn't have picked him to win because he's going to give up enough points. That's how close it is. The programming is going to matter at some point for these guys.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And all they can do is prepare themselves the best for whatever comes out and then hope that it's favorable to them. You know, strict deficit handstand pushups are not going to be tested every year at the CrossFit games, but some version of handstand pushups will. And it's something that's, you know, that I think Adrian should be putting a lot of thought and care into. Okay. We tested swimming at the CrossFit games last year, but the machines weighed pretty heavily. When we test swimming next year at the CrossFit Games, is the swimming, are we going to put it with something else? Are we going to put it on its own?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Do we want to test it in a similar fashion? And you could substitute in a variety of different things into that equation. The handstand walk is always going to alter the course of the games. At least it always has there's always there's always some great athlete that gets fucked up by it right and we're always all like what handstand walking yeah handstand walking or handstand push-ups there's always there's always one person who just gets just like, oh, here we go. This person's going to get demolished. And by the same vein, if you just put one workout into the games this year where handstand walking was the critical element, Tudor Magda probably would have improved 10 spots on the leaderboard just by that addition to the program.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Because he's going to take an event win on it. It's going to be 100 points. Cause he's going to take an event win on it. It's going to be a hundred points and the event you take, you know, if you get a hundred extra points in the competition and you're in the bottom third of it, you're passing eight guys. Like that's how critical an event win is. And in fact, if you look at like, if we go to the Wadapalooza leaderboard and you look at Sydney McEllishan,
Starting point is 01:09:38 she had a really consistent weekend, but no great performances. She was more consistent than Danny Spiegel and Emma Carey, but she wasn't as good as, no, she wasn't great in anything like they were. I think that Danny had four finishes of first or second and Emma Carey had three finishes of first or second and Sydney McLeishan's best finish was fourth, but Sydney's worst finish was better than their worst finish. And, and I think in Danny's case, better than two of her finishes. Oh, that's fascinating. That's fascinating. Cindy McLeish has a fourth, an 18th, a fifth, a 10th, a sixth, a 12th, a 10th, a fifth, a fifth, a 10th. Okay. Yeah. So she's very consistent across the board. If you look at the other two women,
Starting point is 01:10:22 her worst is bigger highs. Her worst is an 18th we already see a 20th there for danny we see a 30th there for emma we see a 26 for emma wow okay but we also see these firsts and seconds popping up first and second place top three finishes at the games at these major competitions weigh very heavily if you just take replace a seventh place finish for sydney with a um first place finish if she wins one event and takes it instead of taking one of these six seven eights that she has a lot of she improves by 40 points and 40 points puts her on the podium yeah wow it is good to see your name up there the scoring was pretty crazy the scoring was pretty crazy this weekend i know i couldn't really i i know i know that uh taylor and the guys really wanted
Starting point is 01:11:19 to talk about that last night i just didn't have time for that conversation at that moment so i apologize if that sounded rude or dismissive anyway it wasn't that i didn't like i've texted him that it was a good question it just wasn't a good time for me to respond to it right um now is a good time to respond to it let me ask you this was um let me let me i don't even know if i care about the scoring yet that's that let me say one more thing um what did you get a chance to watch mal o'brien what did you see did you see um did you did you see a games champion or this this week like i didn't get a chance to watch or i didn't get to just sit there and be like okay let me study this this creature is that a um did you see crossfit games champion out there on the floor you see that new movie um i don't know why they make movies like this i think it's called megan
Starting point is 01:12:11 megan or menu megan megan people in the comments will probably know what i'm talking about it's like a robot daughter that people that then starts killing people no that's what i took away from the previews for it megan that's what i thought of when i saw her competing oh so she's you saw it you oh yeah this is a megan robot girl oh shit wow megan movie trailer how did you see this movie trailer i don't really watch tv but it was coming up on a preview of uh youtube that i was watching in between you know they have like you know whatever commercials or stuff uh can you give me one second here i wonder what the rules are of showing a trailer
Starting point is 01:12:58 let's just see this real quick let's see what's brian talking about katie you lost your parents. Welcome home. You're my niece. I'm going to do everything I can to make this place feel like home. Just wish I could see them again. I'm not equipped to handle this. I don't even take care of my own plants.
Starting point is 01:13:19 I have this project at work. Do you want to see? Yes. Uh-oh. When I was little, I dreamed of project at work. Do you want to see? Yes. Uh-oh. When I was little, I dreamed of this perfect toy that would protect a kid from whatever. Oh, God. I don't like it. This is Megan.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Hi, Megan. I'm Katie. It's nice to meet you, Katie. Do you want to hang out? Okay. it's nice to meet you katie do you want to hang out okay megan your goal is to protect katie from harm both physical and emotional is that a doll oh shit my skin's crawling to protect us is that a horror please tell me that that turns into a horror movie. Yeah, I will not be watching that movie.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Obviously, Mal is an incredibly nice person, actually, off the competition floor. I did get a chance to spend more time with her than I ever had before this weekend, even though it was a very short amount of time. But when she's competing, that's how I think of her, like basically a lethal weapon that is built and designed to destroy. And that's, I mean, when she had a chance to do her thing on the competition floor, that's what I saw. If you, I don't know what was necessarily shown on the broadcast, but when she was rowing, when she was biking, when she's doing pull-ups, when she's doing the D ball, like it is impressive. Everything I saw from her was impressive. I also was extremely impressed with her demeanor where, I mean, I consider her to be amongst when it's time to compete, you know, very similar to Matt Fraser, like don't bother me. I am here to do a job,
Starting point is 01:14:58 but I thought she did a really good job of embracing what this competition was, which was, don't get me wrong. All the athletes are competing to, you know, to do as well as they can, but they were, but she was having fun and that their team was having fun. And it was cool for me to see her in a, in, in a competitive environment with a little bit different persona where if she got set, if their team took second or third in a workout, she wasn't upset about it. You know, she was just enjoying the moments, enjoying the process. And I think that we weren't expecting to see her this off season. We didn't see her in an individual competition.
Starting point is 01:15:34 We saw her in the, in this team competition. I think it's good for her to have some fun. And I think it's good for her to, to maybe have a little bit of an opportunity to put some of the stuff they've been working on into action out on a competitive floor. Obviously, she has had a lot of success, but she's still very young in her career. And so getting some touches in the offseason on some of those things outside of their little garage and training center there, which I think is going to become a big training center soon um i think it's really all really positive for her so what i think it only makes her more scary so right now the training center is her and matt and like uh you know the space it's this small and i think they're going to have a bigger one soon
Starting point is 01:16:16 in vermont uh i i kind of wonder how the uh the phone call uh goes uh katrin calls annie and she's like hey i'm working out with this girl her name's mal o'brien and we're thinking about doing a team you want to join us and he's like who and she's like mal o'brien remember she was at the games she's on the podium with you and annie's like oh yeah okay cool yeah let's do it now they weren't on the podium together though oh they weren't different different years oh oh so it was Tia, Laura, and Annie, and they pushed Mal off the podium? That was in 2021. Mal was seventh. That was her rookie year. Uh-huh. The next year, Annie did not compete.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Oh, because she did team. It was Tia, Mal, and Laura. Yeah. And this year, is Annie going individual this year? I haven't heard either way. I am making my power rankings rankings i think we'll do a show sometime in the next couple weeks on it for the 2023 season top 100 but i am gonna unless i hear otherwise i'm gonna include annie in those rankings in case she does go individual uh i saw somewhere written somewhere it was it was an ann. I think it was an Annie quote. And it said,
Starting point is 01:17:25 don't rule me out for individual. Oh, I'm not, I'm going to include her until I hear otherwise. And I've been, I did that for everyone when the games ended, unless I knew for sure that someone, if they had told me they were already told me that they were going to go team, I took them out, but otherwise I put them all in. And since then, as I found out, I've taken them out. Is Khan toast? Is Khan injured? Is he done? Well, those are different questions. Um, yeah, I mean, he, he posted a week before Guadalupalooza, maybe that he was having, he had tweaked his back a little bit. I didn't know if they, if he'd compete or not, he did, you know, he wanted to obviously,
Starting point is 01:18:00 and they did, it didn't appear to really have too much of an effect the first day, but the second day it was pretty noticeable that he wasn't able to give everything out there. Their team obviously suffered for it a little bit on the leaderboard. They still did well. Hopefully he can get himself into good shape heading into the season. What about Samuel Conway? Did you talk to him? How bad is it? I haven't talked to him. I was pretty bummed to know that something had happened. I do think it was a good decision to pull out at that point and not risk making it any worse.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I will probably reach out to him at some point this week, but I imagine it was tough for him. I mean, he stayed around here. He posted the other day. I think he went out to dinner with some of the mayhem guys, so still having a good time, but hopefully he's okay. He's one of the, he's one guy that I was really excited to see this off season. And now we basically didn't get to see him at all individual or on a team even. Um, so I don't, I don't really know what to do with him and terms of a ranking. And obviously, same thing. I always hope that the athletes can compete as healthy as possible. Jacob Kelly, yeah, Matt said he purchased an HQ building warehouse for the elite HWPO athletes and his business functions.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I think he might have talked about it while he was on the broadcast also we probably weren't listening to that i would i was not um is this a can you confirm or did i mean not not for any other reason except that i was uh trying to um make my own show go um uh is this a PR for Guy Malheros, the greatest Olympic lifter in the history of the CrossFit Games? Right here. Is this a PR? I think so.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Man, this is some good footage. Whose is this? This is Mr. Spin's footage. I know you know. You're just setting it this? This is Mr. Spin's footage. I know you know. You're just setting it up. This is Mr. Spin's footage from the barbell spin. Good shot in the back of the guy too.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Look at his neurological. What the fuck is going on with his hips? He was just having... Hey, it doesn't even look like a PR attempt. It's so crazy. He's unreal.
Starting point is 01:20:32 He really is unreal. I mean, his weightlifting is so impressive. It's ridiculous. It is really, I mean, I did get to watch this one. I was like, he was on my half of the stage I was covering.
Starting point is 01:20:42 It was like, wow, that speed, the stability and the strength standing out of the bottom is just crazy he always does that too he bounced like three inches off his chest it's 400 pounds so everyone was like why doesn't he just go for 400 well because 395 is his fucking pr does that tie his pr oh he has a 400-pound lift on his Instagram, I believe. Why is everyone saying it's his PR? Is it a clean or is it a clean and jerk?
Starting point is 01:21:10 I know he's cleaned 400. I don't know if he's clean and jerked 400. Okay, fair enough. Brian, I did not listen to the Chase and Shawnee show because I was doing my own show, and I did not listen to the Mary Magdalene show. What's the girl's name who does the – what's that girl's name who does the commentating? Bella Martin show. Mary Magdalene. Isn't that the chick Jesus banged?
Starting point is 01:21:44 Sorry. I got Bella Martin and Mary Magdalene confused. That's her name, right? That's the chick who does the talking on the floor? I didn't listen to the Bella Martin show. But someone on the floor has to say, and maybe they did. So just tell me shut the fuck up if they didn't someone has to say on the show holy shit people uh first and second place ricky gerrard and uh or sorry uh page powers and danny spiegel are only 25 points away and and like to and tell and emma carrie is this many points away and cindy mcclellan's trying
Starting point is 01:22:26 to get on the podium and they need to do like a seven to ten minute story even shorter four or five minute story about hey if you see three people get in between danny and page you better fucking stand up because shit's about to hit the fan and that's fucking 7575,000 leaving person A's pocket. And then they go, right? And then during the reset in between before the next workout goes with one minute left, you get a microphone, tell the person, the commentator,
Starting point is 01:22:53 hey, just so you know, we did a quick guess of the points and we're guessing now Paige and Danny or if one person gets in between them, Danny can win this fucking thing. And then they say that and all the eyes are like, and the crowd goes crazy and you added so much
Starting point is 01:23:06 tension in the fucking room that it's it's it's nuts that has someone has to be doing that was that being done i feel like that wasn't being done and that's why i'm saying that too well like there has to be like something no i think we did that okay you did do that okay fine okay i take that back so that was so that the people there in the in the in the stadium knew that like hey this shit's closed watch lanes three and nine and uh and and here it comes down to this now i don't think in the stadium i don't think it was that much detail in the stadium i think it was more on the live stream i do think this is an area that we could um possibly improve in terms of the collaboration of information that is being delivered on the floor and as well as on the broadcast. But prior to the finals, you know, we have a little production meeting and that one we can't really,
Starting point is 01:23:57 we can plan for how we're going to cover the event ahead of time, like the actual flow of the event and the camera angles, etc. that are preferable to use. But when we get the results, which comes pretty quick, like not that much time between there after they finalize the scoring from the previous event, then we have a meeting to look at, OK, well, what are the stories that we want to cover? And in a small amount of time, we have to make sure that the director, the producer, the commentators, the graphics guy, all are on the same page in terms of the storylines. So within the team there, usually when I'm here, it's me who will explain that. Okay, this is the top storyline. There's this many points separating first and second.
Starting point is 01:24:39 There was a race for third between these people. So the priority is this and the secondary is this. In this case, because there's multiple events, we are trying to do exactly what you talked about in between those events. But it's very difficult to do because there's 20 people on the floor at a time. And the scoring system is different than a scoring system that we had used at any point up to that in the competition. So there's a lot of variables in play. I was listening to the broadcast in my ear for a majority of the time, but there's also a lot of things going on. I'm communicating with people on the floor. I have the producer in my ear. I'm making sure they're helping and I have a good game plan. I am trying to help the MCs. So I don't hear everything that Chase and Sean talked about, but I know for sure that they set that up. They definitely talked about what was the scenarios that were most important coming into the event. The timing of when they do it is a lot more complicated than most people understand.
Starting point is 01:25:46 a lot of variables in play that sometimes make it less than optimal, less than ideal in terms of when they can do that. So sometimes it is as, as you want it to be, where they can show that, and they can talk about it before things start. Sometimes they're talking about it as things are starting. Sometimes they're talking about, maybe they'll talk about the first and second place race before it begins. And then they'll, they'll highlight the third and fourth place race in, And then they'll highlight the third and fourth place race in the first two minutes of the event. When you have a two-part final and a new scoring system and 20 athletes and a one-minute reset, it's very difficult. And scoring is not being updated because they were using the same scorecards. So you can only elect one scorecard at the end of both events. It's very, and you don't know about disputes and you don't know about any scoring errors or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:26:30 So we're doing the best that we can to get them that information from the floor to the truck. And we have built some good systems for doing that, but they're always unofficial and they're always potentially wrong. So you have to weigh the balance with how much information do we want to provide and what's the cost of providing it if we're not sure. Because if you don't provide any information, then you're going to get the criticism that you just provided. If you present the wrong information, then you're going to get the people that say, how could you get that wrong? You're the people that are supposed to get it right. So it's like, you have to make, no, so you have to make a decision of how much risk do we want to take here we believe that based on what just happened this is the
Starting point is 01:27:09 current situation meaning that in this next five minutes if you see this happen then that means this person's going to win or that person's going to have a chance to win but to prepare for it here here's here's what all listen for all a few for all event organizers dear dear don fall bill henniger and uh dylan and uh prince of abu dhabi saudi arabia mr prince alibaba listen you know that at some point your competition is going to come down to its last event. Every competition has a last event. It's a competition and it's a sport. Have someone prepared to do the fucking narrative to get us all hyped on the last event.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Please. Especially now that fucking T is gone. And Matt's gone. Have someone ready. Charge to everyone. 10 more seconds on the 10 cents more on their tickets or a dollar more on their tickets. You sold 10,000 tickets. Give Brian $10,000.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Tell him he has one job the entire fucking weekend. And that's to write a script. That's fucking three minutes wrong before the last event goes. That's it. We'll be, you will add so much value to your event. It will fucking be beyond fucking. It will be crazy.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Thank you. Now we know I gave you the person to do it and I told you when to do it. And I gave you the idea of how to make the money. Charge $1 more for every ticket, have Brian there. And he only has one job to have that story ready. And then he can read it like a dork in the stadium uh hello i'm brian friend i tell you some shit about this uh everyone please
Starting point is 01:28:51 stand up this is gonna be crazy now listen if laura horvat doesn't fuck up the handstand push-ups and like you can just walk us through it and then we're like holy shit and we're all in the know. There's a sub clip. Really? You think so? That. OK, good. But killing it today. I got a sub clip from the show. Yeah, you'll take care of media and fake Brian will take care of the broadcast. Yeah, there we go. Hey, that's really that guy. That guy. Did you hear my idea this morning for that guy? you hear my idea this morning for that guy no so uh if you're an event you give him a thousand dollars right and you're like hey dude here's a thousand bucks all i ask is before you publish anything you give us 10 10 minutes uh to look at it before you publish it and if we want it we'll give you 250 for it and we get it so this week he published a fucking hundred clips to his fucking instagram 56 interviews with or 38 interviews with 56 different athletes i mean he just did all this crazy shit right and so you got someone at wadapalooza is just sitting in a chair
Starting point is 01:29:55 eating fucking donuts and they got three people like him right that all you've done is paid a thousand dollars to and they're sending in clips and you're fucking eating donuts just going through brian to brian spin shit maybe two other people shit two other ding dong 17 year old ding dongs you know who are sending you clips pay for the best they can use the rest yes yes and then you give them 250 for that geek clip and you got that for your shit exclusive and that shit goes viral on fucking reels and you make fucking seven thousand dollars on it did water please makes his money back and it's a win-win for everyone you're subsidizing this guy to come out there and and you don't have to micromanage him nothing and the crossfit games could do that for ten thousand dollars with 10 17 year old ding dongs maybe pay this dude brian spin since he's full-blown legit and proven himself two thousand dollars and then additional
Starting point is 01:30:44 two hundred dollars for every piece of content that you steal from him why wouldn't they do that oh it's fucking it's a slam dunk no but they're not doing it why aren't they doing it because they because they they're they're not create you have to be a creative to understand how to manipulate and take advantage and work with creatives i mean love on creatives did I say take advantage and manipulate I meant love and harness and nurture no I know I know let me tell you I fucking am so jealous of this fucking guy I have to say something negative about Brian spin he's doing exactly
Starting point is 01:31:16 what this is he's doing my job that's what I should be doing I should just be out there just as like people should be like who's that old guy out there making clips like i wish fuck i wish that was me why doesn't he quit already jesus christ get a life no sorry that's what i want to do with my life uh okay well thank you for coming on the show it's a little different than our shows
Starting point is 01:31:42 regular shows because i feel i feel very little stress today i don't have a lot of responsibilities or things to do so this is nice good me too i'm how do i stop that phone number from scrolling across the bottom it's in the banners yes oh there you're done you got nothing else i mean i was gonna go um just chill for 28 minutes and then drive the kids to uh kickboxing and striking and then after that it's jujitsu and i was just i was probably just gonna like call you and bug you or watch some hillar videos or i don't know i'm listening to this new book called the big lie go go roll back the uh broadcast and listen and see if they set it up.
Starting point is 01:32:27 We had a meeting where they were supposed to be setting it up. We communicated to them the updated standings at the one-minute turnaround that we believed. I believe that they talked about it on the broadcast. Okay, I will. Thank you. I'll do that. Look at this. Sevan, you shouldn't say these uh ideas out loud you should charge it does here's the thing what's crazy you can share all these fucking
Starting point is 01:32:50 brilliant cheap ideas and they still can't execute on them because you have to have someone with leadership abilities and testosterone or a ton of estrogen or whatever to fucking execute on them that it doesn't uh it doesn't it doesn't um it doesn't matter i could give away the shit all fucking day for one tenth of money and they still can't do it every we're not all created equal everyone has to do something different look at everyone knows what brian's doing brian's not doing rocket science how come he's the only one who can fucking do it i mean lil wayne drinks cough syrup and has the best raps ever. I don't know how. We're not created equal. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:33:27 This is how I think about it too. Now I've been – this is like my fifth year or something since you first gave me an opportunity. You mind if I take a bite of this? I've done my night. Oh, no. Okay. No. Year five of me doing this or whatever, and there's new people that are coming into the space that I'm having an
Starting point is 01:33:45 opportunity to work with or interact with. And they're asking the same questions that I was asking three, four, five years ago. And then, you know, and I realized that when I came into the space, there were people that had asked the same questions three and four and five years before me. But if those people five years before me didn't ask the questions, and if I hadn't asked the questions then, and those people don't ask the questions now, if you don't ever ask the questions, then it's not going to change. If you're coming into this space with the current landscape, and you're expecting to have a great idea or ask a really good question and get immediate change, it's very unlikely to happen. But it doesn't mean that it's
Starting point is 01:34:24 a bad idea to throw that thought out there. Because it's very unlikely to happen. But it doesn't mean that it's a bad idea to throw that thought out there. Because it's like planting the seed. People talk about this all the time with making good decisions in life. How often have you, whoever you are, said to someone, well, what do you think about this idea that might solve your problem? And then the person doesn't take your advice at all, even though you know it's great advice. Two years later, they call you up like, dude, I had this conversation with my mom and she told me to do this thing and I'm doing it and it's amazing. And you're just like, I told you that two years ago, but you planted the seed. It's not that they ignored you. It's not that your contribution wasn't significant to the change that they ended
Starting point is 01:34:58 up making. It wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, but it was a straw. So when these things change and how they change is sometimes out of our control. But if you have good ideas, if you present them in a good way, then it's putting it out there and it's giving it the opportunity to grow and materialize over time. Did you see my idea this morning I gave away for free? Oh, no, you turned off the show after the... did you see my idea this morning? I gave away for free. Did you, Oh no, you turned off the, you turned off the show after the,
Starting point is 01:35:29 I turned it on. The praying mantis was eating the lizard's brain. I turned it off. Yeah, that's, that's fair. God, I can't find it.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Basically. I showed this video of this lady, this lady, she's probably like 350 pounds and she sits on a chair and it breaks. Right. Like she's like, it's like at the genius bar at apple and she doesn't even fall right she just sits on it and it kind of crumbles and she catches herself kind of she's kind of athletic even and i thought 350 pounds yeah not even that big i mean oh like like round like an egg like round like an egg like super fat but not like 6'5", 450 pounds, right? Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:07 And I remember when I had – I think Matt Bickle came to my house one time, and he said that like him and his friends joked that like when he sits in a chair, it's called like the stress test or something. Like he knows that he's a big man. How well made is your chair? Matt, come on over. Yeah, exactly. that he's like he's a big man you know how well man how well made is your chair yeah exactly yeah yeah exactly and i just thought holy shit an amazing instagram account would be just where someone just goes into an ikea who's like six five five hundred pounds and just break shit not like you know like jumps up on like uh like on bookcases and just chairs and sits on beds hard and just break shit and like no one can say anything to him hey i'm just looking for something with some integrity and like you basically just go around breaking chairs wouldn't that be an amazing instagram account i would show it again i couldn't find
Starting point is 01:36:52 it i couldn't find it i couldn't find it people would watch it i think oh it'd be so good i don't know what that says about us as a race but people would watch It would be so good. Can we get Gary on this week? Gary who? No. I want you to know I'm not eating on the show to be gross. I'm eating on the show to be an influencer because I think people should eat more carrots. Like, I don't want to eat this carrot. Go ahead, Brian.
Starting point is 01:37:21 I'm assuming you're just talking about Gary Roberts. Alright. Thank you. I assume he was talking about Gary Roberts alright thank you thank you um um power rankings and the Brian I'm religious uh spiritual
Starting point is 01:37:39 show those are coming up I guess right uh thank you everyone for checking in. Um, you, you guys should subscribe to the channel and like it and donate money and all that stuff. I would,
Starting point is 01:37:52 I really need it and appreciate it. Okay. Bye. Bye.

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