The Sevan Podcast - #766 - Good Morning with Sevan | Live Call In Show

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 to me bam we're live uh both hillar and suza have just thrown out the idea of like hey maybe it's too many shows maybe people can't keep up and i'm and so we've been kind of like i think we all agree that if i were to take clips from the shows and make shorter clips i would engage a different group of people who only want to watch eight minute clips but anyway different story um but both hillar and suza thought that maybe i'm doing too many shows and people feel bad because they can't keep up but i don't know i didn't like that anyway so yesterday i talked about it on the show and i i can't imagine that being true i mean i can imagine that being true but i can i'm guessing the majority of people who want to listen to the show every morning, want a new show every morning. Right. But that being said,
Starting point is 00:00:46 um, I asked yesterday, Hey, uh, does anyone want me to do less shows? And the comments are kind of, are unanimous. Hey,
Starting point is 00:00:55 keep going. But, but I didn't know how to, um, I didn't know how to make a, uh, a poll out of it, a poll out of it.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah. So I basically had to depend on the comments you want me to try it again sure sure yeah yeah i have no idea i went over and tried to make a poll oh you're gonna like this how we start this morning show um uh uh the moral spiegel seve you have friend a friend in jesus oh maybe that's why danny spiegel thinks we talk about her so much because we have a character in the audience named spiegel and she has it all confused uh do you bro do you uh wait what's he talking what's chase talking about do you why i think just do it like just keep doing the daily show I think that's what he means oh in regards to that yeah yeah yeah I I get so excited when I wake up I brought my carrot with me
Starting point is 00:01:51 in the comments uh I had a carrot in yesterday's show with Brian and someone in the comments wrote I ate I ate a carrot after that and that was my whole point if one person could eat a carrot after the show uh adam blakeslee starting the morning with a some passion who the fuck said less shows i'll choke a motherfucker out all right so that's what i like to see passion yes it was me it was me it was me now notice how i i used i have a vegetable brush i don't know what it's made of but it's basically just looks like a looks like a brush and i and i put this under the water and i rub all the dirt out of the crevasses when i was a kid i used to peel carrots now i'm old and i use a vegetable brush and but watch see how when i shake this carrot, it's pretty rigid? Okay. Now watch by the end of this show, this thing will be...
Starting point is 00:02:49 This thing can't stay hard the whole show. It's a trip. Be a little limp by the end? Yeah. Sevan can eat a whole carrot, but not a whole apple. Easy, easy. There's just some giant... God damn it.
Starting point is 00:03:03 easy easy there's just some giant god damn it is that carrot a is that carrot a Steven Seagal thing no I don't does he eat carrots what's longer the carrot or so you put up a poll yeah I did okay you're gonna
Starting point is 00:03:17 can you play a clip 345 for the morning let's see i did 300 air squats yesterday in the middle of the day uh no actually around noon to kind of prepare for my podcast with brian just to kind of wake me up my legs are pretty sore and then last night i did 100 burpees and 100 deadlift at 135. Oh, wow. I was quite ambitious yesterday. Filling the volume up. Okay. I have no idea why this is so powerful for me.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I don't even believe in God. But, fuck, I like this clip. So, here we go. Put God first. Put God first in everything you do. Everything that you think you see in me everything that I've accomplished everything that you think I have everything that I have is by the grace of God understand that it's a gift she said somebody give me a pen give me a pencil I have a prophecy she said boy you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people.
Starting point is 00:04:30 The most important thing is that what she taught me and what she told me that day has stayed with me since. I've been protected. I've been directed. I've been corrected. I've kept God in my life and has kept me humble. I didn't always stick with him, but he always stuck with me. So stick with him in everything you do. If you think you want to do what you think I've done, then do what I've done and stick with God. Number one, put. Oh man, this carrot is cold too. I just realized yesterday, my fingers were cold for a lot of the day it was a trip and i wonder if it's because i was holding a cold carrot for an hour uh denzel could be talking
Starting point is 00:05:10 about jam and it would be inspiring yeah right oh jam even uh jesus is in the house that is uh i think that's god's like only son or something like that what the fuck is this thumbnail i don't know i'm an artiste i'm an artiste okay uh i don't know what today's topic is i always find these videos like this very interesting where people are talking about how uh god has done everything for them like everything that they've received is because of god or like, because of some higher being. Yeah. Cause I never understood. Cause then you have like the whole,
Starting point is 00:05:49 you have people who are discussed like, Oh, I received everything because of my own personal choices, like my own. Right. And all those things. So I never, no one's coming to help you.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah. No one's coming to help you yeah no one's coming to help you it's yeah exactly so you gotta figure out how how can you believe that something is you're receiving things because of somebody else's actions you got to bring how do you bring both of those um what's that called when you have two like opposing thoughts dichotomy uh or um row reconcile how do you reconcile the fact that uh you're a vegan but you just love wearing leather chaps like like shit like that how do you reconcile the fact that hey everything's on you but yet everything give all the glory to god right here i think that there's like some just like enormous power in being selfless.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Like, what do you mean by like, like enormous power to like be able to, well, like, like we see why all the athletes do the God thing. Right. Because they invest so much. They have this thing where they invest so much into like,
Starting point is 00:07:01 into their identity, into being, um, uh, an athlete and their success is where they fall on the podium that they fucking need a parachute or a release valve in case they don't make it oh it was god's choice it was meant to be this way or else they're complete failures and they have to go out and kill themselves i mean that's the way kind of I see it. Yeah, that's like you're almost giving up your own power just because you can't take the stress of failure in your own capacity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Or I don't think I think other people. But I also think that in like in humility humility and selflessness there's just endless energy and so that's kind of a portal to that a belief in god but like like yeah i mean like almost everything we do is selfish right i feel bad i feel this that person was mean to me it's just all indulgence shit and so like most people do things strictly for their own good. So if you just blame it all on God or give God all the credit, however you want to word it, then you're kind of free from dealing with Sevan or Caleb. And then you get so much more energy. Your actions can be in a godly way.
Starting point is 00:08:19 For instance, keeping a clean gym is godly. A clean gym is a gym that will be used. Using your gym leads to fitness, fit, and health. Healthy is godly a clean gym is a gym that will be used using your gym leads to fitness fit and health healthy is godly uh what motivation is there to be selfless if you don't believe there's a right or wrong if you say it's because ultimately it's better for you then it's no longer selfless is it well that's that's uh that's like at that at the mountain um there's like at the mountain. There's like at that point, there's like a, what's the word you called? Ubiquity.
Starting point is 00:08:50 There's a ubiquitousness. There's a, at the apex, it's like when you become so liberal, you're a Nazi. I mean, like you make it, you come full circle. Yeah, it's a man. If the ego gets a hold of that self, presenting or appearing are found everywhere. Yeah, when you're completely selfless, you become the self.
Starting point is 00:09:12 There's some sort of paradox there. Sevi and Khalib, the dynamic duo. Good morning. Mr. Beaver is in the house. Yes. A paradox is the word you were looking for. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I sent Steven Seagal to your Insta message. Oh, my favorite caller has arrived. Corey, good morning. He hung up. He hung up. up Okay 344 Venezuela I know I wrote Ukraine but I should have called this Venezuela
Starting point is 00:09:53 Venezuela Venezuela I remember years ago when I did the CrossFit podcast There was crazy shit going on in Venezuela Here we go Venezuela in the last 7 years For comparison There was crazy shit going on in Venezuela. Here we go. Venezuela in the last seven years. For comparison, six million people have left Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Net of return migration. For comparison, about six million people have left Syria. This is the largest refugee crisis in the world. Yet nobody in the media talks about that, right? Everybody talks about the Syrian refugees. Everybody talks about the Ukrainian refugees, and that's a great thing, and we need to have compassion. I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about those things, but there's a reason why people don't mention the largest refugee crisis in the world, and that is that this is the only refugee crisis of these that is not caused by a war,
Starting point is 00:10:45 that is not caused by chemical weapons. It's caused by socialism. Seven million people have fled Venezuela in the last seven years. For comparison, imagine that dude have left Ukraine. Seven of return migration. Seven million people left Venezuela have fled. Dude, that country is tiny. have fled. Dude, that country's tiny.
Starting point is 00:11:08 You probably haven't seen this, but the new Jack Ryan series, the last season of Jack Ryan. I actually went to Prime for the first time in a long time yesterday because I was going to start watching I guess there's a new Yellowstone out and I was looking around where to watch it. And I saw some
Starting point is 00:11:24 Jack Ryan shit like in the in the top it's a very interesting series but um I think the second season of the show they talk about how Venezuela is like the next uh the global power that's gonna to like create socialism or something like that, or they're going to, they're like the biggest threat to America in the next 10 years or something like that. So it's very interesting to see like somebody discussing Venezuela as a,
Starting point is 00:11:55 as an issue. I'm not going to spoil it. If you didn't watch season two, you're two years behind, buddy. I, I, I watched,
Starting point is 00:12:04 um, so I, i i i watched um so i i watched the last five nicholas cage movies and i swear to you the last five nicholas cage movies are the worst movies you could ever watch oh he's a terrible actor it has gone completely downhill for him can you pull up uh nicholas cage's imdb i i watch this movie it's it's a western it is so bad i watched some other one where god he what i don't know what has happened to him but i want to start watching stuff i can talk about on the show but like i watched that movie menu hillar told me to watch it that was that was really interesting that was weird hey cory hey sorry my phone cut out last time are you from venezuela yeah no my dad's from mexico my mom's white oh so i'm from north carolina all right i did live in j for six years, so can I claim Asian?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yes, of course. All right. You sound tired. No, no, no. I was reading. No, no. I was never tired. I was reading simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I'm looking at the – there's no way that these – you're telling me Nicolas Cage's voice was in the Spider-Verse? Yeah, he's the Spider-Man. Yeah, he was. All black suit. The black and white cop. the Spider-Man noir. Yeah, he was. All black suit. The black and white cop. Detective Spider-Man. My daughter likes that movie. Yeah, that's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, they're making a new one, too. How come that's... Go to the top. Let me see. Okay, so that movie, The the old way is like the worst movie you could ever see that other movie the unbearable weight of massive talent holy shit it's a bit horrible willie's wonderland fucking bizarre stupid he made a movie called jujitsu. Of course he did.
Starting point is 00:14:07 What has happened to this? Do your boys watch frozen? Maybe I saw running with it. Yeah. They would not anymore, but they went through a massive frozen phase. Okay. Just making sure.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Massive. My daughter's on a Ninja turtle, teenage mutant Ninja turtle kick. Yeah. My kids went through that too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I derailed you. No, you're good. So I think it's important for your, I'm not religious either, and you had that religious. Oh yeah, give it all to God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I really like it. i really like that speech like like i heard it and i was like yeah i like this i like this i had like a
Starting point is 00:14:52 five-year stint from when i was like 18 to 23 to 24 where you know i laughed at people who were religious yeah um but i've matured since then. Yeah. I understand why they're religious. And so I don't make fun of them. That's their own personal beliefs. But I do believe there is some power in giving yourself up to something greater than yourself. Um, it, it, I don't think it has to be God or Allah or, you know, some higher being. I, I just think you have to find something that you're willing to sacrifice yourself, your personal beliefs for something else. I think mine was my marriage and my family.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And I don't know if that's strong enough, but I'm curious to hear your take on people who decide to maybe give themselves up or their stance on maybe material things or a relationship instead of just finding God. Here's the crazy thing I'm starting to realize. You could pull up 333. Everyone has a God. I know the religious people already know that. They're like, yeah, everyone has a God. Like, like I know the religious people already know that they're like, yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Everyone has a God. So we're designed so that every person picks a God. You have to have a God. Even the people who say they don't have a God, that's their God. Every single person here has a God. Some people it's like just work. Some people it's money,
Starting point is 00:16:19 but we're designed to put something at the, at the fucking apex. Some people, their God is feeling sorry for themselves. And I didn't – it's like saying that every person has a God. Oh, that's 333? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:37 So go ahead. Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. So I wrote this the other day, Corey. So many people are fucked up because this is their God. So I wrote this the other day, Corey. So many people are fucked up because this is their God. They mock Christians because they believe in God and Jesus, not realizing they have a – most people who don't even believe – think they believe in a God, they have greater faith than people who believe in God.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The thing is, is their faith is put in CBS News, right? Their faith is put in the fact of what they see on 60 Minutes, that 12-year-olds who are fat should be put on medications and 13-year-olds who the medication doesn't work on should get surgery. That's their fucking God. And instead of fucking realizing, oh, my God, I have a God and it's CBS News, it's Leslie Stahl, some 90-year-old woman on 60 Minutes. They make fun of Christians for their God. And I just am starting to finally realize that every person has a God. Some people's God is making fun of other people's gods. And so once you realize that and you have to pick a fucking God, you better pick the best one. And there's no joke here in me saying this. There's no like – it's not supposed to be poetic. You actually have a god. All of you who say you don't believe in god, you still have one. You have to have one.
Starting point is 00:17:55 We're designed that way. You have your shit. All of us have a fucking tractor beam, and we pointed at something. So it's like your true north. Yeah, exactly. exactly yeah thank you and and and fucking people pointed at the fucking united states government and that's what and that and but and then they make fun of christians that's it's so fucking bizarre what i'm starting to realize it's such a trip it's such a trip it's just the way we work so you so when you pick something that So you, so when you pick something
Starting point is 00:18:26 that's unknown, well, so when you pick the right thing as your God, yeah, you can have tremendous success and happiness in this world. I mean, what, what better way than to have something that you can kind of, that can just help you. I mean, you want something that can help you cope with everything and make it so you get out of your own way. I mean, that's the thing, right? We're all our own worst enemy. So we got to get out of our own way. Yeah, this thing where people think,
Starting point is 00:18:57 when I saw that story, that anyone who would think for a fucking second that a 12-year-old should be on diet medication or a 13-year-old should have weight loss surgery, that means that that's their God. would think for a fucking second that a 12 year old should be on diet medication or, or a 13 year old should have weight loss surgery. That means that they, that's their God. You put,
Starting point is 00:19:11 you put your kid under the knife. You put your kid, you, you gave your kid drugs because the government said you should. Are you out of your fucking mind? That's who you chose as your God. It's, it's, um,'s um and and and i want to reiterate cory that those people most of those people i think have more faith in their god than christians have faith in their god i'm just making that i'm making that up for dramatic value but i but i suspect it's true no i like what do they call
Starting point is 00:19:41 sunday christians yeah and i'm i'm i'm i hating on them, but, um, their shit. So, uh, the Christian God is so, um, ethereal. Thank you. Ethereal. Thank you. Uh, Caleb, mine reader, Caleb, that doesn't make you believe in God. I don't know what will watch. You just saw Caleb read my mind, uh, ethereal. And these fucking guys, their God's like real. It's like some, like some it's you know Dr. Fauci and no he's not he's a scientist
Starting point is 00:20:07 dude that's your fucking god Grace Melander just do it already Savant Red just pill yourself into being a Christian well I'm gonna play devil's advocate please against the shows okay I you said yesterday you were talking about diluting when you talk so like maybe if you don't say stuff
Starting point is 00:20:34 when you do speak you have more power to your voice I was talking about yeah like being like I don't I don't want to fight like like if someone on why would I give my voice to douchebags on the internet on Instagram or just being assholes then to like, then I feel like I'm disrespecting you when I talk to you kind of. Well, I think that has some weight. If you, if you do more than one show a day and there's not a reason to do it. So like Wadapalooza rogue some
Starting point is 00:21:06 type of event i think it makes a hundred percent sense as to doing multiple multiple shows in one day but if you're just if you're just bored and it's 10 o'clock at night and you're like fuck it let's just do another live call-in show i think i think that might dilute and maybe there is some sort of cannibalism to the audience. Okay, so just to be super clear, it would never be like that. So I have this – I'm just nonstop 24 hours a day building live call-in shows. And I start to get a little anxiety. Like Caleb will tell you, this list of notes from the live call-in shows used to be like 20, 40, 60. Now it's like, it's approaching 400 different topics I want to bring up.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And so I start to get anxiety when I have too many. So like if a week passes and I haven't fucking done a live calling show and I see this list building, I start to trip. So yesterday when we had a live calling show and I saw we could do one this morning, I was starting to feel good because I'm actually going to be able to get through this list. But I'm never – I try to make every show honestly better than the previous show. It's never like that. It's never out of boredom or like I need to get the numbers up or it's kind of like why I did two workouts yesterday. If anything, the only shortcoming from it is that i'm obsessive right but never out of never out of boredom or to get more subscribers or to
Starting point is 00:22:31 the most shallow thing that i do a show the reason i do a show for is i feel loyalty to everyone who's already committed to 7 a.m every morning but when i wake up man i'm pumped and come out and hang out with you guys. I still would like to bring back the new show. Oh, with, uh, uh, uh, show Bart and, uh, Kate Gordon. Well, with anybody. And if you're taking applications, I mean, that'll be, I, I sometimes have to get my news from other podcasts, but I, I would love if there was like a dedicated even at the end of the show every 15 minutes would be only current events to make sure that we're caught up and we hear
Starting point is 00:23:09 your perspective on oh that's interesting okay i like that so um what'd you think about my what'd you think about my idea of like a giant fat person going around and breaking furniture at ikea i think it could be, maybe that could be your shorts. God, wouldn't that, that's huge, right?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. I love the idea. All right. But who, who are you going to pay to be the fat person? I don't pay them nothing. They did lucky that they can just take my idea and run with it. They're lucky.
Starting point is 00:23:41 They get that. All right. All right. Thank you, Corey. Bye. Well, hey,
Starting point is 00:23:47 am I still here? No. I sent Caleb a package and respond to me about raffling off the L1. I'll let you know. Okay. Bye. Who's going to pay for that L1, Corey?
Starting point is 00:23:58 Hello. Caller. Hi. Hey, how you guys doing? I'm good. I'm awesome. I got a little freaked out though.
Starting point is 00:24:04 When Corey said you shouldn't do shows because you're bored. I hope no one ever thinks I would come out here because I'm bored and fuck with you guys doing? I'm good. I'm awesome. I got a little freaked out though when Corey said you shouldn't do shows because you're bored. I hope no one ever thinks I would come out here because I'm bored and fuck with you guys. No, I don't even never get bored. Listen, I actually saw, I heard a radio commercial that made me think about you yesterday. And it was like one of those public health announcements. It was like, why do some people get sicker from COVID than others? Oh my God, they figured it out. And so it goes on and goes, we found studies show,
Starting point is 00:24:32 recent studies show that if you have coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, or obesity, that you're prone to have low or high risk for COVID-19. They go on to say, if you have any of these conditions please see your primary care doctor again super excited that they're gonna tell people that they should stop you know being sick because if you have any of these conditions there's a medication that can help you when you get COVID. And I was like, all right, never mind. They missed the giant. I think now 50% of the problem with COVID is that when people get it,
Starting point is 00:25:14 they're so fucking scared that it fucking just exacerbates their problem. I saw a study yesterday. They were so close. They were so close to figuring it out. Maybe not the medication maybe we should stop you know being sick and being bad but no instead let's just take more medication to fix the problem hey who sponsored the ad was it the government or a pharmaceutical
Starting point is 00:25:34 company i i shut it off as soon as i heard that yeah right smart i was sick sick of that you know and i'm in the i'm in the medical field you know, constantly telling people to try to do these right things. And, and, uh, it's crazy because I have to be careful, uh, what I say to people because, uh, I recently, uh, got written up for fat shaming and, and I was not fat shaming. I was telling the person that they would benefit from losing, you know, 75 to 125 pounds. Wow. They must've been, they must've been huge. They were, they were, you know, 3 125 pounds wow they must have been they must have been huge they were they were you know 375 pounds yeah you know and they wanted spine surgery and i said wait a second we can't
Starting point is 00:26:13 do that is your job to um work with those people in the medical industry no i i worked in i worked in uh spine surgery and what in surgery yeah. And you told one of your coworkers, um, have you considered losing weight or was it a client? No, it was a patient. And is that your job to help patients? I tried to,
Starting point is 00:26:37 but that's like your job. You're not like, you aren't like, you're not like the janitor and you were just walking by the door and you're like, Hey fat, so lose some weight. It's like,
Starting point is 00:26:43 you're actually like you were, you had a job with this person no they're my patients yeah this is fucking nuts you told one of your patients to weigh 375 pounds that they should lose some weight and you got in trouble for that i told them that they can't have the surgery because it's not possible because of how large they are it's not possible because of how large they are. I can't think of anything a doctor could say to an obese person that would be fat shaming. So if you said you disgusting, fat, gluttonous piece of shit,
Starting point is 00:27:19 you're going to die if you don't lose weight. I don't see that as fat shaming. So I had to sit down with a department head because that was the the phrasing they used on my because we get reviews and that's how the whole system works is that that person felt that I was fat shaming him fucking incredible like even if you were to say like I could see you getting reported for like
Starting point is 00:27:38 using bad words or being too aggressive or like you motherfucking fat piece of shit you're consuming too many resources no one wants to sit by you on the plane. You're going to fucking die. If you don't lose weight, I can see them be like, Hey dude, it's not really your business to talk about their air travel. And you're like, okay, sorry. But I don't, I don't, if your job is to help people get better and they're overweight,
Starting point is 00:28:03 I don't see how you, i don't see how you i don't see how you could it's like it let's say your job is to um break glass bottles at the at the recycling plant and uh i don't know what metaphor i'm going for i just i just don't understand how i i just don't understand how that's... It could be a lot of other things. It could be a lot of other things. But when it comes to saving someone's life, it's like, say whatever it takes. You had a physician on a while ago, Dr. West.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And she talked about it too. And we're local and I know her. And she talked about it too. Like, you have to be careful what you say because I also got to protect my, you know, the way I put dinner on the table for my kids, you know, I have to be careful because these reviews, they mean something for when it comes to, you know, salary and bonus time.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Wow. Good point. Oh, look at soccer. Mom said it. Well, it's like saying to someone over the bus is too big for the wheels. Instead of saying those wheels don't fit on the bus. It really is like that. It's that kind of idiocy. You buy tires and they're too big for your car, so you throw your car away and get a new car where the wheels fit. It's just
Starting point is 00:29:15 hard land. Speaking of it, I better get back to work. Thanks, guys, for doing a great job. Okay, love you. Bye. Mwah. No, he didn't get a mwah. Only the cabinet lady gets the mwah. Okay. Allison, aren't you going to Hawaii today?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Oh, this is awesome. God, we're three calls today. You know how they make fun of those internet shows, like one person calls it? We're kind of like one of those shows, but today we're not. It's fucking great. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 00:29:50 How we doing, boys? It's Plummer. Well, Plummer, I was actually thinking about you this morning because my coffee machine needs to be cleaned, and it takes like 40 minutes to go through all its cleaning cycles, so I used my strong coffee this morning awesome good stuff how we doing gentlemen i'm fucking amazing caleb's thinks he caleb's on another planet he's he's going through we're getting better every day he's going through transition he's prepping he's pre-operative pre-op transition well that's good yeah how are you doing a couple of things i'm good uh
Starting point is 00:30:27 honestly i think i still might be hung over from sunday night oh that's fun nice yeah but um one just wanted to say how cool it was to meet all the all the internet people in uh real life at water palooza travis and gabe are such good dudes oh good good to hear a bunch um heidi got to meet bruce for the first time which was cool uh and just everyone was great and a ton of people from the show that i've never met before in real life were reaching out throughout the weekend to wish me luck. And it was really cool. I think, well, what sets WADA apart from other competitions, even the games,
Starting point is 00:31:13 is that it really does feel like one big party and just a gathering of the tribes. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. That's cool. Doesn't it kind of feel like that at the games too, though, with all the affiliates and, like, the place where people camp, the motorhome area and that stuff?
Starting point is 00:31:32 It does. But, like, Vendor Village is a lot more. It spreads out through the whole venue, right? You know how at the games it's kind of controlled all in that one building? Yeah. To, like, go from stage to stage, right? People are waiting in line to get out, and they're in front of a booth. So they're going to talk to the person at the booth,
Starting point is 00:31:54 or it's throughout the whole area. I don't know. I feel it, at least for me personally, it's a little bit more community-y at Guadalupe-ish. Okay, fair enough. Did you work the Strong Coffee booth there? Did they have a booth there? Yeah, they did.
Starting point is 00:32:14 No, I did not. They were slammed. I mean, all the coffee booths were slammed throughout the weekend, which was great to see. Drug sale. Drug sale. Yeah, literally. No, I was competing.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And then when I'd have a spare minute, I'd try to hop on the show with you guys. Thank you. Question. Day one, I'm starting an internship today and I wanted like your advice or I guess like a couple of first impression type thing, like do's and don'ts of like starting a new gig, a new job.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Don't pat anyone on the ass on your first day. Okay. Good start. I don't even know. I don't know how that world works anymore. Like for me, it used to be just be nice and do everything just to be there for available for everyone and everything. Remember that. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, I don't know. Do everything perfect. Like if I if I went if I if I set tables for a living, I would set the best tables. I used to I used to be a checker before there were scanners and i was a and you had to punch in the price for everything i was a beast i was so fucking good i just i tried to do everything just good i try to have fun with everything i fucking do no matter what it is i try to have fun with it and i think if you do that people will want to be around you but I have no idea what's going on today people sound crazy
Starting point is 00:33:46 it's a pretty cool company it's Chip Ganassi Racing so they're an IndyCar company and I'm joining on with their strength and conditioning staff oh I like it show up early every time
Starting point is 00:34:02 if they ever ask you if you want to do something always say yes yes it doesn't matter hold on yes i never said i never said no i never say no i have no i think boundaries are for bitches i think boundaries are for pussies i never say no. And yeah, I just go full steam fucking ahead. Remember everybody's name. Yes. Wow, that's good too, Caleb. Yeah, that's a big one for me. I know that names are tough, so I think that's going to be.
Starting point is 00:34:36 But also, if it's day two or day three and you're like, hey, right up front, rather than going to buddy or something else it's like hey remind me of your name again like quickly like i think that's all right too yes oh yeah yeah it's totally it's totally okay and hey you know what i've seen people who are also completely fucking talentless just dweebs but because they're silent they climb the chain quickly you just which is a trip. Just sit back and learn everything you can. Ask as many questions as you want.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Bring a notepad. Yeah. Awesome. Savan, you say no to leaving your compound every day. Tom Guerin III, yesterday I went to the lighthouse at Santa Cruz. I leave the compound every day. Don't get confused. Yesterday I went to the lighthouse in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Every day it's been pouring rain here. I've gone to the ocean to watch the waves with my kids and spent an hour outside in the rain while the rest of the pussies huddle in their shelters, in their domiciles. And me and my boys are out in the rain just checking out waves. And yesterday was particularly fascinating because our beaches are filled with tens of thousands of huge redwoods that have washed down the streams, gone out into the oceans, and now come back ashore. And so you can look down at these beaches now. And, dude, if you went down there, you'd die. Imagine just like a thousand logs like in a a washing machine cycle in 20 foot waves.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And it's like, just like 20 feet from you. Like if you just walk down to the beach, you're dead now. Like a log would bump you going like two miles an hour and you'd be dead. You get smashed between two fucking 10,000 pound Redwoods. It's nuts down there. So I do leave the house. Mr. Gearan, the third. Will, I'm excited for you.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Are you still doing the internship with strong coffee or they're, they're yesterday's news for you? It's just, it's more remote thing and it's slowed down a little bit, but this is what I need to. So this is basically my capstone for my degree. So we finished with everyone has to do an internship. So once I finish this, I'll graduate this thing. Okay. Let me leave you with this piece of wisdom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You can't go wrong with an organic carrot. Wow. That's, that's something right. What are you, do you use that as a brush i hopped on late what are you talking what was that about with the carrot i'm just trying to be an influencer like like i want like i want people to know that like hey eating carrots is okay and it's cool but i don't want to eat on my podcast so yesterday i thought i was walking as i was walking to the through the kitchen, my wife had some carrots out, and I brought a carrot on the show.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And then this morning I thought, yeah, I'll bring another carrot on the show. Because if one person after this eats a carrot, I feel good. You could probably sell pictures of you taking pictures of your carrot and posting it online. Probably. Nothing I post online gets seen anyway. I'll hire you at Paper Street when you finish. Hey, we're getting fucked by YouTube now, too, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:56 So many people are telling me that they're not getting our notifications. And I see what's happening to our subscriber rate so it's weird uh eric weiss you're killing a plumber have a variety of internships keeps meeting new people enjoy you're a good dude okay bye all right bye guys later dude luck can't wait to hear about it uh i had a significant other had who thought i was crazy for eating raw carrots it blew my mind that she had never seen anyone eat a raw carrot it's actually quite an enjoyable experience hey is the gluck gluck 9 000 when you do this you you have both hands like this and and it's going like this and the mouth at the same time right i can't do that i can't do that part
Starting point is 00:38:41 uh seve and only fans uh with this carrot. You have only seven in the... Well, whether you see it or not, Sevan has been holding a carrot since the first episode. Whoa. Astute observation. Hal Roberts. I haven't been consistently notified for months. Should I subscribe?
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yes. You mother... What are. Should I subscribe? Yes. You mother. What are you doing now? Subscribe. All of you. A lot of you guys have been reaching out to ask me how to help. And the problem is, is like, I don't, I need so much help that I don't even know how to direct you to help. And so I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Someone, this guy has been making me i think he's from europe um uh thumbnails toenails thumbnails why are they called thumbnails call her hi but if you make me a thumbnail for my youtube show and i've already made a thumbnail i i'm not probably not switching it out. But if you make me a thumbnail for a show that I haven't, don't have a thumbnail for, then I'll probably use it. Yes. Nice to hear your voice this morning. Yep. It's Mike, the HR guy. Oh, hello, Mike, the HR guy. Holy shit. God, I love the colors. We had a guy, a doctor call who got in trouble for telling one of his patients he needed to lose a little weight
Starting point is 00:40:05 before he could get in the CAT scan machine. And now we have a actual HR guy. The dick pic HR guy. Don't forget that. You got to keep that in my intro. God, that's crazy. What was it? It was a reflection in the toaster or something. And, uh, or the mirror, remember in the mirror. Oh, holy smokes. Or the mirror. Remember in the mirror. Holy smokes. So, um, there's, uh, there's this, this channel that I came across. It's called the nomadic introvert or something like that.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So I started watching the channel about the same time as your show. She's at a hundred thousand views and all she does is live in a van and cook meals and you sit there and watch her talk for 30 minutes. So does she have cleavage? Nope, nope, not at all. Hey, that van life shit is uh intriguing is it on youtube yep yep so one of one of the things i was thinking about is uh oh yeah this is cool this is cool okay go ahead you know how somebody made that comment about getting out of the compound a little bit yeah yeah i i think you need to maybe look at your approach a little bit maybe maybe have one that's a
Starting point is 00:41:06 blog style. Cause we're all interested in what Siobhan does in his personal life. Then one live call-in show. And then when you do the ones that are with somebody doing in person, but post them like a Joe Logan, it's not live. Cause the one thing is if I miss a live call-in show, then like, if I'm only a half an hour past it, it's like, oh, I already missed. I already missed the bulk of it, you know? Right, right, right. But so does that mean you think I should do less? No, I voted you should do more. I think you should be consistent with the live call ins, maybe less with the guest and then do some type of blog that's clean that can drive people to these shows where YouTube doesn't shadow ban you. So, so you're saying like a show, like when the show's over, start filming myself, walking into the house.
Starting point is 00:41:56 My kids tell me, Oh, hi dad. Hi Heidi. They love me. Then I eat eggs out of a pan that are, that are my wife left over for me that the kids didn't eat. I just use it like the wooden spoon. And then I get the kids dressed and I take them out. Like that's what I'm gonna do today. Take them straight to the skate park. And you hear me yell at him in the car.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I'm fucking talking to Sousa. Be quiet. That's exactly it, man. And then, and then, and then, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:20 today. Wow. Wow. Just a thought. I know everybody has a thousand suggestions, but I appreciate it. I feel very defensive, but I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:42:32 All right. You guys have a good one. Hey, I bought a table today. Yesterday. You did. Yeah. I bought a table with three chairs that I'm going to put back there.
Starting point is 00:42:40 It's a high table and I'm going to move my desk this way a little bit so I can like face that and um my kids said that they want to come on the podcast there's no fucking way i can do it live they'll say something so crazy they'll expose me i think no for sure can't control them yeah like they'll say something so fucking crazy i know it it's gonna be i'm gonna be like oh god how do they know like they're gonna be like hey can we, how do they know? Like, they're going to be like, Hey, can we go to Burger King after this?
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'm like Burger King. We don't go to Burger King. I'm going to be fucked. Well, you guys have a good day, man. Okay. Bye.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Mike, the HR guy would have liked to have gotten just one HR story from him. You know, what a bizarre job. God, they must hear the dumbest shit i have to tell you this hr story i heard uh yesterday it's it's it's something that happened at crossfit inc it remind me to tell you after the show those are some of my favorite stories yeah you're gonna fucking love this story favorite stories yeah you're gonna fucking love this story shit gets weird man yeah what happens too is it becomes it's a tattle tailing session yeah so when when i was at work the first 10 years at crossfit we didn't have an hr as soon as we got an hr it was just like
Starting point is 00:43:59 people people think hr is to report complaints to. No, they make the problems. It's such a shit department. It's horrible. Whenever we get complaints from patients and stuff, that's exactly what it turns into. As soon as people figure out that that's a system, like as a patient, you can come in and just complain about your provider or whoever you saw or whatever yeah it just turns into a whole disaster because what happens is people will submit those problems and then those people have to come down and like investigate the provider or the technician or the nurse or whoever it is and see like why did you do this and i'm like well let me tell let me give you the laundry list of things this person has been doing until finally they decided to complain about us.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Like, yeah, we've seen this person 20 times. It becomes a tattletale contest. Yes, exactly. Yeah, that's the story I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you a story of someone who went to HR at CrossFit or someone who got called into the HR office at CrossFit and got in trouble recently. And instead of owning up to what they did they went nuclear on someone else they dropped the bomb on someone else awesome i know it you know what i mean it's like that's like how my boys react within the first month of me getting my
Starting point is 00:45:16 getting to my first base i was getting like ice complaints which is like the worst complaint you can get i was like already getting like two of them i'm like i don't even i don't even what does that mean what did you do like you're not nice to someone or i don't even i don't they didn't even explain it to me because they were just like well this is i think that they they just said hey there's an they had they had told my leadership about it and then my leadership like well that's stupid and then they kind of like had my back and they just pushed it away does it have to do with sex or racism? No. Sometimes we'll get those,
Starting point is 00:45:49 but for the most part, it's like Beaver was a shitty technician and he didn't introduce himself or he put the blood pressure cuff on too tight or he didn't ask me how my day was. Stuff like that. It's so petty so petty
Starting point is 00:46:06 it gets ridiculous it's so funny oh my god people in the military can be so petty dude they're like oh i have free health care so i should get everything i want well they're just six or seven complaints i'm like dude i have 10 minutes to talk to you about this. They're just people, right? Yeah. Hey, 343, speaking of petty, this is Mr. Jeffrey Birchfield back squatting 405. This is pretty fucking nuts. This guy's a tank. This guy just deadlifted 500, right? Yeah. 275 bench, 500 deadlifted 500, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 275 bench, 500 dead, and a 405 squat. Dude. This is getting nuts. Oh, he's got the Sebon podcast shirt on. I didn't even notice that. Nice. Yeah. It's nice.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It's nice. It's nice. Oh, you might have to go. How come we don't get to see it? I don't know. It's nice. It's nice. Oh, you might have to go. How come we don't get to see it? I don't know. It keeps refreshing it. Maybe I sent you a shitty link. Maybe you have to click.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Here, let me find it. Okay. Sorry. No, I've seen it. I think I saw it earlier. It was really cool. I mean, Frigg is just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 It's pretty nuts, right? Yeah. I think he's either the same age as me or older i think he's a little older than you maybe by one year and he's a teacher when i think of teachers i just think of pussies especially university professors i think he teaches something real dorky like neuroscience or something i think it's i want to say he's like a biology there he is jeffrey 54 yeah he's old as dirt he's four years older than me let's see isn't that fun jeffrey i was so proud of myself yesterday that i did i only did 100 deadlifts at 135 and 100 burpees but i'm like yeah i'm cool do shit my dad's trying to get a full legless rope climb before I come home.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And that's cool. That's like his goal. I'm like, all right. Holy shit. When did your dad get into that? Um, he started doing CrossFit probably shortly after I did.
Starting point is 00:48:17 He's been doing it for the past, like close to 10 years. I think, dude, that is fucking nuts. What a cool dad you have i didn't realize you had cool parents like that yeah my parents pretty dope okay uh jeffrey uh birchfield uh 405 but i think that's a green sebon podcast shirt yeah it is it's like one of the originals
Starting point is 00:48:39 god that's low too wow wow he Yeah, you might have one more on you. He might be able to hit a double with that. Whoo. Jeez. That's wild. Jody, not exactly the words of encouragement we wanted. Don't die, Papa Birch. I don't think that's ego lifting.
Starting point is 00:49:03 That's straight up strength. I don't know if you ego lifting. That's straight up strength. I don't know if you guys saw on the show yesterday I did with Brian Friend, but a teacher in Texas has been put on leave for asking his students to do 300 to 400 push-ups. It was the football team. Supposedly eight of the team members had to go, the hospital. One of them had rhabdo. The parents were complaining. He didn't let them drink water. I think it,
Starting point is 00:49:32 it's worse. I don't care about the water thing, but it's worse that he was so stupid to think that they would be able to do that. Those kids. Yes. It's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:49:43 I've seen as a strength conditioning coach like that's probably the least intelligent thing i've ever heard of happening like i've seen i've seen tell me why why because i think i could do 400 uh push-ups in an hour and be totally fine no i'm sure you could because you do them regularly like you you have these kids who like they don't do high volume stuff like if you're a football player you're doing like maybe a maximum of 10 reps of each exercise right and you're doing them in like split sets like yes you and i could do 400 push-ups and be fine like maybe have some chest soreness later and you're good but like you're having these kids who have basically never done even close to 100 push-ups before in their life and you're telling them hey all right and then like there was a coach from iowa he did he
Starting point is 00:50:30 told everybody that they needed to do like a hundred bodyweight back squats coupled with like supersetted with uh like a sled push like you had to sled push up and back between every set so you know if you drop the bar you had to do a sled push like 50 yards down and back between every set so you know if you drop the bar you had to do a sled push like 50 yards down and back it's like and those i think one one of those was a collegiate player he ended up dying and a couple others were like had rabdo yeah 100 bodyweight squats is is yeah it's not you're not thinking like at that point you're just being a douchebag football coach right but just trying to just break the kids it's like there's no reason for that okay that point you're just being a douchebag football coach right but just trying to just break the kids it's like there's no reason for that okay so what you're saying is they weren't
Starting point is 00:51:08 conditioned properly but a 17 year old high school athlete should be able to do 400 push-ups in an hour yeah theoretically even if you're even if you're fucking on the ballet team the drama team proper proper um build up to it for sure you can do that like the end of the season thing like can you imagine doing less than 100 push-ups a week just no yeah i mean it's just fucking like i i i guess i live in my own fucking world but to do the thought like i accidentally do 100 push-ups in a week yeah accidentally i mean you're probably doing like pushups in a week. Yeah. Accidentally. I mean, you're probably doing like a hundred burpees a week too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 On accident. Get yourself off the ground or whatever. Yeah. Hey, some guy, some guy, some guy who's a 20 year retired Navy something or another, he's now a truck driver and he's 55 years old. And he sent me an email being like, Hey dude, I've typed your diabetes and I'm fat. What should I do? I, the one thing that is so crazy to me is truck drivers who are, well, I understand that they're on the road for a lot of the time, but if you're living out of that truck, if you're like, you sleep,
Starting point is 00:52:21 it's like a sleeper cab. So like you have a bed in the back. Yeah. If you don't have like a set of dumbbells or like a barbell and some plates or like something in the storage container like i know there's room in those things that you can carry extra things i'm so surprised that people don't do that or like they're not just dropping themselves off at like a you're stopping at a walmart and getting in the parking lot working out in the parking lot or i used to all i used to when i used to drive everywhere for CrossFit, I used to go back and forth across the country from California to the tip of Florida, to Maine, to wherever. My, and my wife and I would make videos for him.
Starting point is 00:52:53 We always carried D balls and dumbbells, at least one, a 20 pound D ball and some dumbbells. Whenever I've had to move, I've put like a weight vest and a sandbag. Yeah, weight vest is good. Or something in the back of my car so that way and it's easily accessible i can pull it out got my jump rope too you just pull that out and then i hit the parking lot or hotel or whatever and work out yeah anthony 300 push-ups in hours only fit five on the minute yeah i in a couple days here somewhere i'm gonna do six on the minute i want to see what what that's like for an hour well i watch a bunch of uh andrew hiller videos or something um i told the truck driver hey this is what i would
Starting point is 00:53:33 do stop eating after don't ever eat after six o'clock it's non-negotiable never don't drink anything that has any sugar or artificial sweetener in it if you need caffeine drink black coffee and uh and and then you have to you have to do 10 burpees every day and i said talk to me in 30 days that's a good idea i mean i think that it's so easy for them to just run into the the truck stop and pick up a churro and a couple hot dogs or whatever and eat that for like that's your meals like it's probably pretty difficult to like cook your food or whatever i don't know how the the timing works i'm sure you're on the road for a couple days at a time but i'm a week now with not eating after 6 p.m it's fucking the best decision i've fucking ever made the only time on saturday since i since i
Starting point is 00:54:21 on since i fast all day sunday from saturday night to sunday on saturdays i, since I, on, since I fast all day Sunday from Saturday night to Sunday on Saturdays, I made an exception on Saturdays. I can eat as late as I want, but all the other days, uh, I stopped eating. It's so great. Like I, like last night at eight 40 at night, I did that a hundred, uh, deadlifts and a hundred burpees. And I was so hungry and I didn't eat. And I was so happy in the morning when I woke up this morning. Like you're such a stud, Seve. Such a good dude. Yeah, that's awesome. Hopefully that guy implements those things and starts feeling better.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Okay, so Caleb, put me in check a little bit. Don't have kids who are out of shape do 400. 400 push-ups is too many if you're not conditioned. Maybe, yeah. Why? 300 pushups is too many if you're not conditioned. Maybe, yeah. Hard to do the not eating after 6 if you work – dude, I'm telling you. So I take my kids to fucking – to striking at 3.30. I have to leave the house at 3.
Starting point is 00:55:21 They have striking at 3.30. Then from 3.30 to 4.30, they have striking. And 4.30 to 5.30, they have jiu-jitsu. And then I got home at 3 30 then from 3 30 to 4 30 4 uh 3 30 to 4 30 they have striking and 4 30 to 5 30 they have jiu-jitsu and then i got home at 3 58 so for those two hours i'm like oh fuck i fucked myself so then i got home at 5 58 and my wife's like there's a hamburger on the fryer and i knew i only had two minutes and there was no time i was gonna be able to eat it so i not the fryer on the on the on the pan so i she had a handful of kale i threw that in my mouth and just made a protein shake with a scoop of uh and that's it you just have to learn you have to figure it out you just have to figure it out and that's another thing is like these are all just examples of things that he's putting in his own life this is not like a cookie cutter.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Hey, this should work for everybody. Right. If you're going to work it like it, because I know how it is working on shifts, like working your overnights or like working when you're like on 24 hour shifts and shit, like it's not going to work for you because you're everything's out of whack. Like if you're going to get a call at 3am, like, and you're, you haven't eaten anything or like you missed breakfast or whatever like so be it like just eat when you can or if you're going to implement something implement it
Starting point is 00:56:30 around your own schedule it's not like you're you have to do it oh i can't eat after six like if you're going to work overnight then eat your meals then and then stop eating when you get off shift yeah maybe pick another time but i'm gonna tell you this, maybe pick another time. But I'm going to tell you this. I would pick a time because I'm starting to realize that every good habit you pick that's non-negotiable will push away other bad habits you have. So like some people have this thing like, hey, I'll never miss my kids' sporting events or birthday parties. I don't have that shit at all. I'll miss my kids' birthday lickety split for a good podcast guest. I don't need that because I spend so much'll miss my kids birthday lickety split for a good podcast guest i don't need that because i spend so much time with my kids and so the podcast is what allows me to spend time with
Starting point is 00:57:11 my kids so i would never put my kids before my podcast because i understand the hierarchy of how this shit works for me so just but but i do know that not eating past six o'clock will also push it will push away so many bad things in my life with just one fucking non-negotiable habit. It's fucking awesome. It's just like we talked about yesterday. I started doing CrossFit and I stopped smoking. Like it just pushes away bad shit. 341, fake doctors.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Hans, CFL1, I got my CEO shirt from Waterpalooza. Thank you and vindicate. Oh, that's awesome. The tweet is down. It's not there anymore. Surprise, surprise. It was titled fake doctors. It was an...
Starting point is 00:58:04 What was it for? It was showing... it was a what was it for it was showing um it was a during covid there were there was uh tons of fake doctors were being used propped up online on twitter to push the vaccine agenda and it was being paid for by some government agency and it was exposed. 340, nothing is free. When you hear the word free and you actually believe it, you are now in a, it should let you know that you believe you're stuck in your head somewhere. Like you've made some sort of presupposition or you accepted something that's not fact.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So when they say college is free, it is not free. Nothing is ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever free. And so when you hear that word, don't ever, don't ever believe it. It's, it's a, it's a, it's a liar's word. There is no free. It just means that you're not willing to look into, it means if you believe it, you're superficial. You're not willing to look deep enough into things. You don't live in reality. You live between your ears.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Oh my God, Elon Musk, the highest taxpayer in the world. I just wanted to send you a thank you note because I went to City College this year and they waived my tuition and I know you pay a shitload of taxes, so you must've paid for my college. Thank you. That's now you're kind of living in reality a little bit. Okay. Action. People's lives. Healthcare is really important. Nobody can disagree with that. Question is what happens if you call it a right? And I just have a philosophical problem with that. Rights always have corresponding duties. If I can claim a right, it means that somebody else has the duty to fulfill that right. So if I say I have a right to life, you have a duty not to take my life from
Starting point is 00:59:55 me. Healthcare is a life and death issue. But if you say healthcare is a right, do you realize what you're saying at the same time is that somebody else has a duty to care for my health. Okay, well, who is that? It can't be government. Government is just people. So you tell me which person in society has a duty to become a doctor, nurse, caregiver to provide healthcare for me. Who is that person? And if they won't do it, do we have the right to compel them to become a doctor? I get why people talk about healthcare as a right, but if you call it a right, you have to understand you're saying someone else has a duty to become a caregiver. I want doctors that don't have to be compelled
Starting point is 01:00:29 to become doctors. I want doctors to be doctors because they want to be doctors. Should healthcare be considered a right if it saves people's lives? Okay, Ned, do you guys see that? That is such clear thinking. That shows the balance of thinking
Starting point is 01:00:42 because we live in this world. If you put something on this side of the scale, something else has to be on this side of the scale. And so if you say that healthcare is a right, then you also must enforce the fact – you must also enforce the fact that it's someone's duty that has to provide that. And that's the shit no one ever thinks about. Just like when I say that Jews are a standard deviation, a smarter Ashkenazi Jews than everyone else. What I'm also saying is, is that, um, uh, Japanese people and blacks aren't as smart as Jews, but I hide it under this thing that, Oh no, Ashkenazis are smarter. When I do affirmative action, when I say i'm helping people with color get into college because of the color of skin what i'm also saying which they never tell you is some white kids are going to be punished for the color of their skin
Starting point is 01:01:33 those no one's ever thinking clearly like that oh health care is a right those fucking socialist morons not to mention what it destroys your health care your quality of health care everything the government's involved in has been destroyed it destroys your quality of health care anytime you make something like that free or a right bill hi good to talk to you again convert me my friend turn me into a bigot sorry yeah happily that's that's why i'm talking about tongue and cheek thank you i love you you know i love you but you you you know you know my my worldview and so i just i do want to push back on this video okay please your your notion here oh no i thought you i thought you would agree with this actually so i don't know you i haven't figured you out okay to an extent
Starting point is 01:02:22 to an extent i do okay but you rightfully you know linked to you know the the recommended diagnosis for fat kids it involves surgery and drugs right what what did we learn from vanderbilt university's reasoning for conducting uh genital mutilation surgeries on kids and giving them drugs. It makes them a ton of money. The reason that CrossFit will never be prescribed is because it would make people healthier and less dependent clients of our medical state, of our medical system. And though all of these things are fruits of a profit-driven system where doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and even the government are contingent on people being customers for as long as they possibly can. Yeah, yeah. Bill, I totally agree with you there.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And Greg used to say it this way. Don't forget there's one pile of money for healthcare and Pfizer and CrossFit gyms are trying to get that same pile of money. So of course they fucking hate us. I agree with you 100%. But what, what I would turn back on this guy who spoke at, yeah, it would not be a corresponding. So yeah, perhaps there would be a corresponding duty, uh, for the system to take care of people. But if, if we're a right and just society,
Starting point is 01:03:52 there could also be a corresponding duty for people to be healthy and to make good choices. Okay. Okay. Hey, so what would that look like? Tell me what that looks like. That means like, so, um, uh, an emphasis on PE in high school. Of course, mandatory physical education, tax breaks for your CrossFit membership or your gym membership. Okay. Okay. Word. Word. It means that meat is, is, is affordable. And, uh, you know, I don't necessarily have to redefine what health care is.
Starting point is 01:04:25 You're basically you have a definition, a definition of health care that I like much better than the one I have. When I think of health care, I think of Pfizer and Kaiser. And what you're saying is you. What are what is Pfizer? Pfizer is a for profit company that exists because of our health care system. I don't know if you've tried to get an antibiotic recently in America. It's impossible. My wife had needed antibiotics for 10 days. She got six hours worth of antibiotics. Why? What's going on? Why is there a shortage? The factories have been turned into vaccine factories?
Starting point is 01:05:01 Well, right. We seek to produce medication as cheap as possible. So the profit margin for every prescription can be as high as possible. And so it means what it means. And it's also an issue of the outsourcing of, of our supply chains. But my point is, I don't, I don't think all is rosy in our, you know, for-profit healthcare system, uh, because there are problems and that, you know, that doesn't even get into the, our drive to profit off of children's mental, mental issues or, uh, their obesity. Okay. Just to go back. So this guy said that if you say healthcare is a right, you also on the other side of the equation have to be, have to understand that what you're saying is that it's going to have to be someone else's duty. But you're saying
Starting point is 01:05:49 that, that is if we integrate, uh, uh, uh, fitness into that model and, uh, and, and nutritional education, then it actually does work. I think he's missing half of what a duty means. There's, yes, a duty for each other to have a strong community, strong neighborhoods, strong states that look out for those who cannot serve themselves. But there are also according duties for people who now enjoy a right of health care. Rights, we've lost the notion of duties. I think he's right. rights, we've lost the notion of duties. I think he's right. But there is a really good,
Starting point is 01:06:29 there is a good that can come from us reclaiming what it means to have a duty to each other and to yourself. And it can be enforced now. Because if our country and if our government is about more than freedom or rights, then we can start having these kinds of conversations, but we can't right now. You have a duty not to take more than one seat on an airplane. Sure.
Starting point is 01:06:53 You don't have a, you don't have a right to let your kids drink Coca-Cola. You don't have a, you don't have a right to think you're a woman. If you're a man, you don't have a right to smoke crack. Yeah, certainly.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Well, you have a right to think you're a woman. If you're a man, you just don't have a right to fucking tell me to think that or to mutilate your body to dress like one. Yeah. The body mutilation thing is a fucking trip, right?
Starting point is 01:07:22 That we allow adults or kids. That's my only point it's almost like we hate each other a lot like hey i saw i saw i don't know if you watch ufc i saw israel adesanya got a face tattoo yeah i mean i i'm sure people are going to want me to hang up soon but there are there's a lot of, I think, quote unquote, freedoms that we've normalized, which don't don't do good for for each other, for individuals. And you really got me with the marriage thing yesterday. I've been tripping on the marriage thing. Hey, someone someone sent me a DM that says the state does view the marriage is different, that I need to look into that, that actually they don't view they don't view, uh, heterosexual marriage is the same thing. Yes, they do. Oh, okay. Well, someone sent me, I mean, which, which, which state, maybe we can talk offline about it, but that's the whole
Starting point is 01:08:15 problem. Now they are viewed as equal, even though they're obviously not. And without making a value judgment, two men married is not the same as a man and a woman married, but they have the same access to all the rights as any married couple. Oh yeah. But like, like you're saying, like two guys, you're saying like two guys can't make a baby and so they're not the same as a guy and a girl well yeah I mean to put plainly but the government still thinks that they have a right to you know pay a woman to you know
Starting point is 01:09:03 in the essence of the handmaid's tale, make one of their babies and then take the baby from her once, once he's born. That, that is a right under our marriage laws. Two men can do that without anyone stopping them. Hey, you know who I'm having, you know who I'm having on the show? Do you know who Seth Gruber is that sounds familiar he's like the guy he's like the
Starting point is 01:09:31 fucking he does not he has no zero tolerance for baby killing he's like amen I mean that's he's like the stop of stops he's been on all the shows he's like, so he, he runs like the biggest,
Starting point is 01:09:46 like, you know, stop baby killing fucking organization, I think in the United States. And he's coming on the show. It's going to be wild. I wonder if I'm going to, if he,
Starting point is 01:09:54 what it's going to be. I can't wait to hear this guy. Yeah. Thanks for having him on. I appreciate that. Yeah. It's going to be nuts. It's going to be so good.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm so excited to meet him. The issue, though, with TPUSA, his organization, and YAS from the video you just linked to, is they kind of adhere to this heresy of rights. They think we should live in a rights-based society, and then they arbitrarily excise the rights that are unjust, which I'm on board with to an extent. Obviously, there is no right to kill a baby in your belly, but it's tough when you say that you do have rights to other things. And we need this consistent ethic of, of truth of like, as I've said before, the natural law. So we can in good conscience and in coherence thought, say
Starting point is 01:10:53 abortion should be illegal. Trans surgeries should be illegal. And the dignity of the human person should be respected all along. Right. Mr. Bill. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. You demand. Thank you. I always love hearing your voice.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Thank you. Likewise. What a good dude. He knows some stuff. He, do you think he's dogmatic? Honestly, I don't even know what that means. Like not flexible in his thinking. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Like how I am about sugar. Yeah. And trying to lay down principles of incontrovertible truth. Yeah. Yeah. and trying to lay down principles of incontrovertible truth yeah i did yeah i i was something i think i need to have him on and talk to him for like two hours and just get to the bottom he kind of scares me a little bit because i feel like he could take me down a um alleyway where i agree with him but i don't want to agree with them. You know what I mean? Yeah. I have a hard time. Like it's weird because I, I feel like I have an,
Starting point is 01:12:11 a, an opposing opinion to him, but I'm not sure how to articulate it yet. Yeah. Yeah. So I just, I, yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:18 I have a hard time like responding. Cause he's just, he has, I don't know. It's sometimes you have have sometimes there are people who are just so grounded in their beliefs that they refuse to see like the alternative like just i mean i i imagine my i try to look at everything from every perspective right whether it's like the good or the bad or whatever it is right just to try to see what they're coming from
Starting point is 01:12:43 what direction they're coming from like why people do things i don't really i i i can't sit myself in one spot and be like yeah this is how it is because i haven't seen every perspective he he introduced something yesterday about natural law yes and i'm still i've been that really that he fucked me up with that that fucking sent me into a tailspin part of me i looked it up and i'm not sure he i'm sure he's gonna say that he knows what natural law is but yeah when i looked it up i didn't agree that what he was saying is natural law it was actually what he meant by natural law right well that well that's fair i i that's fair where you where you took that but it's like the thing the other day, I never knew what morality was.
Starting point is 01:13:29 And since I don't believe in God, I just thought morality was stupid. And then we had that guy on Jay Nara, and he said morality, there's objective morality. Objective morality is treat people the way you want to be treated. And once I got that, I was like, yeah, that's kind of how I roll. A natural law, a theory and ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior. Yeah, like wanting to ejaculate, right? Or wanting to be intimate with women and make babies. Wanting protection from the cold and the heat.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Eating. Right. Those are some like shelter. Yeah. Yeah. Or like when Hitler went after the Jews, like if you read that book, Mouse, that comic book, Mouse, it's like a graphic novel. It's two books and it's it's the story. And you just see how at some point the Jews just turn on – when it comes down to just hardcore survival, people will just turn on each other. Right. Like 20 people drowning in a pool and they're stepping on each other to get out. I mean, yeah. You're entirely – you just become entirely selfish. It's all self-preservation.
Starting point is 01:14:39 To get a breath. Yeah. Just to maintain existence, right? Yeah. to get a breath yeah just to maintain existence right yeah and and and so and there are these things that you think are going to be good because they sound good like health care for everyone or affirmative action but if you don't look at the other side of the scale it's a slippery slope that like look what it's fucking turned into oh outright open war against white people on fucking television cbs nbc abc cnn it's and and where did that seed come from
Starting point is 01:15:14 the people that refuse to see the other side of things yeah uh philip cary forna and i was one of those people because it sounds like such a nice thing to do but on the other side of fucking letting black kids into school you have to not let white kids in every cause has an effect yeah there's balance uh seven what is uh what it was your first experience with CrossFit? I was making the show for ESPN. I was producing the show for ESPN, and one of the guys there who was security was buff as fuck, and me and my friend Kerry started talking to him,
Starting point is 01:15:57 asking what he does, and he says he does CrossFit. So we went home and looked it up. That's the ass version of the story uh uh okay so so so i don't know if he if he derailed me there but okay 339 a tattoo 339 tattoo tattoo or asian kids yeah pick pick your i i pick your uh okay this one's this is crazy here we go hypocrisy and double standards aren't dead in america a 10 year old walks into the school nurse's office to get some vaseline for his tattoo the nurse calls the cops the mother of a 10 year old the tattoo artists are arrested for giving a tattoo and consenting for a tattoo for a child that's under 18 years old. Why would a child who's under 18 get arrested for getting a tattoo?
Starting point is 01:16:54 Because state laws in all 50 states say that you're too young and can't consent even with a parental approval to getting a tattoo. However, you can consent to gender-affirming drugs and transition surgeries prior to age 18. Why? Well, because hypocrisy and double standards say so. Just to let you know that hypocrisy... How do they justify that? Because, I mean, obviously we know the tattoo union isn't as strong as the pharma union, but how do they justify that? Because tattoos are not a medical necessity? And chopping off a penis is? How does that justify it? Yeah, I'm not sure how mutilating your body is a medical medical necessity that doesn't make a whole lot of sense
Starting point is 01:17:47 especially before you're 18 right absolutely you shouldn't i mean i remember before i was 18 i should not have been making any decisions no yeah but by the way i'm not i'm not saying that it's okay to get your kid a tattoo at 10. It's a fucking idiocy. Yeah, that's pretty stupid. Crazy. I don't think I got my first one until I was like 24, 23. Oh, and were you in the military at the time? No, not yet.
Starting point is 01:18:21 But all the rest of them after that were when I was in the military. You got the rest of them when you were in the military? Mm-hmm. Hey, did they ask you when you was in the military you got the rest of when you were in the military hey did they ask you when you get um going to the military like do you did you do the thing where you walk into like a strip mall like uh yeah to talk to the recruiter yeah and you're like hey i want to go to i want to be in the navy air force okay and then do they ask you if you have any tattoos yep you have to You have to have them all documented. And whenever you have to do like a – I can't remember if it's like a reenlistment or like you have to do a new physical, you have to get all of them redocumented. Like if you get new ones, they have to go on your record.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Oh, shit. So all of the new ones you have to get put on. Adam Blakeslee, I got my first bad uh tattoo in ait it's what's ait air force no it's uh i think it's um advanced individual training so it's like whenever they go to learn how to do their job that's uh so i'm guessing somebody had a tattoo gun and gave him a tattoo, which is not uncommon. Where somebody just, some dude has a tattoo gun and they bring it and they're like, oh yeah, let's do this. And then they just do it up in somebody's room. The enemy, no, not this.
Starting point is 01:19:38 The enemy is white liberals. I don't know if it's just white liberals. I mean, I know you're using that as a sweeping generalization. Hey, what about this notion that they keep using the word progressives now? I don't like that. Why don't they just keep calling them Democrats? Why are they changing it to progressives? It's all Democrats. Why are they changing the word? Democrats. Why are they changing the word? Although they do it all the time.
Starting point is 01:20:11 It's like the same thing with like your global warming is now just climate change. I don't want to call them progressive. They're just Democrats. They're all they all are handholding each other. Regressives. They're just fucking they're gnarly extremists. They're they're anti free speech, gnarly extremists. They're anti-free speech, gnarly extremists, democratic extremists. I imagine they're using different words every couple of years
Starting point is 01:20:29 because somebody else got, like took charge of that project. Now they're like, look at what I'm doing with this new stuff. And then now they're like, oh wow, they're making a change in whatever issue is going on. And that people, because it's under a different name, they agree with it.
Starting point is 01:20:48 I think it's because the Democrats are afraid. They know, oh, shit, we have fucking full-blown Nazis in our fucking ranks. And instead of looking at that, they are also pushing forward this kind of fascist agenda where they control the media and don't allow free speech and judge people by the color of skin and make it everyone live off of the government's tit. They're kind of like they're nervous. They want to call that group progressive. It's interesting watching Project Veritas like uncover all these things with these with different news outlets. Yeah. They'll go to them and they'll be like, oh, we wanted to talk about this article that you wrote about us like why did you write this why did you like oh we were just uh
Starting point is 01:21:30 what did they call it they said um paraphrasing like oh we're just paraphrasing you're like you have the exact quote why don't you just write the exact quote yeah you're not it's not paraphrasing if you're changing the verbiage and the definition of what's being said, you're changing the entirety of the meaning. Like you can't just say that you're paraphrasing for the sake of the length of the article when you're changing the words entirely. Hey, dude, we got called on that yesterday on the show when I was bringing up the Trump pussy quote. Yeah. And I was totally paraphrasing it and mischaracterizing it. That was actually when someone said, hey, bring up the quote and you brought it up.
Starting point is 01:22:12 That was actually the first time I'd ever read the quote. It's even more benign than I thought. Basically, what he's saying is, is that if you're famous, you can grab girls pussies and they won't say anything to you. Yeah, right. And I didn't think of it like that when I was saying it i was just like holy shit even that like why not why what's interesting and i'm i'm not sure like i didn't do a shitload of research on this but i brought up the quote and then somebody said oh notice he didn't find a video of it so i went and looked for the video because i wasn't looking for it initially when found the video like the whatever
Starting point is 01:22:43 video they had used connected to the audio that was associated with it yeah when found the video like the whatever video they had used connected to the audio that was associated with it yeah and the the audio of it is actually a significantly longer than what he's than what it was broken down in the quote that i had used the audio is it's probably like a two or three minute audio of him just like bullshitting and it's it's i mean you could i could venture to say that that what was written in the quote that i posted was a paraphrased version of it oh also like it can like maybe even condensed it was yeah like the quote that i the the image was condensed but when i went and found the video with the audio attached to it it was like two or three minutes of conversation between him
Starting point is 01:23:25 and another dude it was it was uh george bush's son right yeah yeah and he got he got in so much trouble for that even though he didn't do shit uh sunil matwani great name a trump or desantis i don't know just shooting from the hip i'm going to have to say DeSantis because he's younger but I don't really know I don't know we already talked about the we already talked about this 338 this whole thing that
Starting point is 01:23:56 60 minutes is pushing surgery for 13 year old kids please do not give your kids any drugs exercise your kids treat your kids any drugs. Exercise your kids. Treat your kids like fucking dogs. Just walk them and feed them. And give them discipline. And say good boy.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Do not fucking take your. 337. Commercial. Hey dude you know what's crazy. We showed that video. I had Brian on yesterday. And we showed a video from a horror movie. And they fucking gave me a copyright claim on it.
Starting point is 01:24:30 You fucking idiots who are, like, putting out movies. If we can't show the trailer of your movie on our station, we live in idiot world. I'm just going to have to put the link somewhere and love to watch it themselves, I guess. Oh, this is so fucking crazy. This is, this is so good. This makes me have faith in humanity when I see commercials like this. Have you seen this commercial?
Starting point is 01:24:55 I don't think so. But the Virgos commercials for Super Bowls are usually pretty funny. Yeah, this is, this is amazing. Billy, use the cleaner. Touchdown. Yeah, it only works with Doritos. Why only Doritos? You ask too many questions, Billy.
Starting point is 01:25:47 shut up how crazy is that oh my god just a straight glory hole reference that's amazing when i was a kid i was fascinated with the idea of a glory hole as a young boy when i had heard that term i just couldn't even i was like is there really a place where you just go put your penis in and someone works on it? I was fascinated with that idea of a glory hole. And no, I never, I never used a glory hole or never, never, never dabbled in any kind of like weird shit or prostitution.
Starting point is 01:26:18 But I was, but as a kid, I was like, there's a scene in Porky's, I think that movie Porky's where the, I can't remember if the boys put their penis in the hole or if they put their eye in the hole and they see P they get to see people having sex. I remember being a kid being like,
Starting point is 01:26:32 wow, no peep show. If there could be a hole I could look through and watch people having sex, that'd be crazy. Uh, a dick butter. I'm as pervy as it gets. And I have no interest in a glory hole.
Starting point is 01:26:46 You don't want to feel someone's mustache on your penis. Nom, nom, nom. Okay. Uh, three 36. This guy, not that guy, but this guy. Uh, here we go. This is insane.
Starting point is 01:27:15 And insulting. Check this video out. I think this might be a video game. And it shows a guy. He's got this black man like he's some child beater. Like he's a woman beater. This is disgusting. It's sickening. Yo, this is insane. Okay, so this is critical race theory you see this i think this
Starting point is 01:27:46 guy might be a good guy but you can't have it both ways people this is critical race theory he's watching a video of a man uh and and he's chosen to view this uh these cartoons this animation as uh uh but through the color of, the, the characters being representing a whole cultures, whole groups of people by the color of their skin. So what he's pissed off about is, is that clearly it's a man and his wife or a man and a girl in a fight. And he's pissed at her.
Starting point is 01:28:16 He, it looks like he was about to spank the daughter for being naughty. And then the mom came in and was like, don't spank my daughter. And then, then yeah, look, he's about to spank his daughter.
Starting point is 01:28:25 And the mom comes in and is like, yo, get the fuck away. Don't do that. And then now he's pissed and now he's going to beat the wife and the daughter. And he's turning it into a racism thing. And it's like, hey, dude, you can't have it both ways. You cannot have it both ways. You want white and black people
Starting point is 01:28:43 fucking? Well, then you're're gonna have to have white and black people fighting and boys and girls hitting each other because that's what couples do they get in fights aka dana white so like but this is this is critical race theory we're all guilty of it we're all fucking guilty of it but but it's but it's it's it's not it's not helping anything uh matt burns stevan you remember the teacher getting banged in the equipment room howling you mean in porky's no i only i can't i only remembered there was like a hole and you got to watch people have sex or put your penis in a camera i was a kid that was the kind of shit like i don't even know if i ever saw that whole movie my mom would never let me
Starting point is 01:29:20 watch anything like that but i would like i'd have to like sneak it somehow you know like like like i like i went to go to the movie theater rode my bike to the movie theater to see burt reynolds movie and then sneak out and like go sneak into porky's for a few minutes and watch it as a little kid you know like i went to go see cannonball run but instead like put my head in the porkies it was a peephole yeah okay and the girl's shower yeah it's awesome yeah like i wasn't allowed to watch fast times at ridgemont high or all that shit i was the kind of kid like when i finally went away to college like i just rented a thousand r-rated movies from my youth oh Fuck these people. They ain't telling me what to do. For a while, my parents wouldn't let me watch Spongebob. They thought it was like
Starting point is 01:30:09 a drug trip or something. And then eventually I just started watching it. I think we moved or something. Is Spongebob and that dude gay? His buddy?
Starting point is 01:30:25 And the enemy is the one-eyed pickle? Plankton? Yeah. I had this whole thing explained to me one time that it was just like a giant gay themed... I think I've seen that too, but I just... I don't think so. Maybe I'm just... See, that's critical.
Starting point is 01:30:43 I talked about critical race theory. That's critical that uh i talked about critical race theory that's critical uh sex theory like everyone's just looking at everything for like uh homo theory critical homo theory you've never heard that the one i yeah critical homo theory yes you never heard that the one-eyed pickle was that his name tallywhacker was there a guy in that show named tallywhacker i don't think there's anybody in that show name tallywhacker oh oh sean's tripping don't get defensive spongebob is not gay
Starting point is 01:31:09 uh somebody from ruining my childhood uh nb uh 335 uh nbc oh i think this is the same issue this is this is the same issue. This is the same thing. There's so much.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Yeah, drugs and obesity. Okay, yeah. Don't give your kids drugs for any reason. None. No reasons. Pediatric group issues new guidance. Look at that lady's. What the fuck is that lady wearing?
Starting point is 01:31:42 She looks like one of the characters from shark tale oh wow yeah she had some crazy plastic surgery or something i do like that lady's dress on the right i do like their dresses it's just it's not working for them pediatric group issues new guidance for tackling obesity uh in kids drug use uh surgery early how if i was a fucking news person they asked me to report on this i would fucking flip i love it how it says pediatric group that right there lets you know that it's just bullshit i'm a fucking pediatric group i represent a pediatric group pediatric group and that's like the american academy of pediatrics. I'm going to go to their website.
Starting point is 01:32:27 I think you're in a geriatric group at this point. American. American. Pediatrics. I'm in that too. I'm in both, dude. Caleb, I'm fucking, I've diversified. Diversified.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I saw their mission statement was optical, physical, and mental health. Oh, my God. You can just tell already it's just a fucking idiot central. Oh, shit. Just made you. Leave the kids alone. Mr. Smith. Oh, shit. Just me. Leave the kids alone. Mr. Smith. Good morning, gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:33:13 How we doing? Just having fun. Good. I just kind of wanted to chime in. Did you see that post by Joe Rogan on his Instagram about the food pyramid that recommends Lucky Charms over steak as a more healthy option. I did. I looked into that. I think for some reason I think that's old. It's like maybe like six months or a year old. I feel like I saw it a while back. I don't think it's old, but I think it's being misinterpreted. Yeah. And I think it is being misinterpreted a little bit. I mean, the people who put it out
Starting point is 01:33:46 are negligent for the way they put it out right but i do think that there's a nuance there that's not being that some i need to look into it more but but they they are fucking idiots it's like it's like um it's like it would be like if those uh those people who talk about the pediatric you know the people who talk about the pediatric surgery for fat 13 year olds and drugs for fat 12 year olds they're gonna say the same thing they're gonna be like well wait a second wait a second we were only talking for extreme cases and they're gonna try like the back pedal now and there's something going on around that food chart like that too but but yeah i saw it and and whatever. Yeah, it's insane. Are you surprised, Mr. Smith?
Starting point is 01:34:27 I'm not surprised at all. I really am not surprised. No, not surprised at all. Yeah, yeah. Well, people that look to the government for the guidance for their health is pretty silly anyway. The government is their god. It truly is their god. It's like a pseudo religion for them.
Starting point is 01:34:45 You have, you have, um, I wish I need to come up with a good, uh, metaphor. That, I mean,
Starting point is 01:34:55 I need to explain it for people who don't understand what I'm saying. Do you understand what I'm saying? Mr. Smith, when I say everyone has a God, you have to have a God like the way we operate. Um, yeah, it's, it's out God, but go ahead.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I use the metaphor that I call it a true North. So everybody has to have a true North that they're pointing to. Even if you don't know what it is, like I'm not even sure what mine is, but I know I have one. Yeah. And you align all your values to that. Yeah. The new age people now are aligning it towards these new progressive values that you guys have been talking about all morning.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Democratic values, extremist democratic values. Right. And the classic people aligned it towards God or what that guy called an earlier natural law has always governed. So those are the classic principles. But now we're getting away from those. So we're not aligned to a true North. What do you think about the fact that if we get away from natural laws, we're, we're, we're asking for trouble.
Starting point is 01:35:53 I totally agree. I know it's fucking scary. I don't like, I don't, I don't want to, I don't want to agree. If you want to learn more about natural law, you should listen to, there's a good podcast, you know, who Jordan Peterson is. Yeah. He interviews a Bishop named Bishop Robert Barron, who used to be the archbishop for the Diocese of Los Angeles,
Starting point is 01:36:13 but now he's got moved. And they have a real in-depth conversation about true north and natural moral law. A Robert Barron and Jordan Peterson? Okay. Okay. Yep. Really good one. It's just interesting. I just think,
Starting point is 01:36:30 um, natural law to me just means like there's an objective truth. That's always true. And that's how I view the natural law. It's always going to be true regardless of people's opinions or things on it. So those are the things you should align your values to. I'm going to need something like in my sleep at night, Jesus come to me and take me out of my body and give me a tour of heaven.
Starting point is 01:36:58 Okay. Maybe you will. Yeah, maybe I will. Not every night. I don't know. Once a month at night. Once or twice a month, I pray to... Do you believe in God? I do. Okay. So once or twice a month, I'll pray to your God.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Like, yo, dude, what the fuck? You going to come correct or what? I'm going to go to sleep now and you come to me and show me some shit. Please. I beg of you. Yeah, keep trying. He'll show you what he wants to show you all right fine but until then i'm just going on with this podcast i'll go ahead until then this podcast is my true
Starting point is 01:37:32 north i like it hey what's going on if you're kidding tennis is he slaying over there california playing some tournaments or what um so you know what i did uh so it's been raining here and we don't i live in small towns we don't have any indoor places so we've been playing a ton of garage ball so yesterday i took one of those rogue uh box jumps you know the foam ones that are like yeah way the fuck overpriced and crazy expensive i took one of those and um and i uh did a tournament with the boys i basically king of the mountain and i gave them a tennis ball, and they have to hit it back and forth in the garage,
Starting point is 01:38:07 and you get one bounce on that thing and then one bounce on the ground. Nice. And you play until whoever gets to three points first wins, and then you rotate out. But, yeah, what's crazy is my boys are so good at tennis, and they don't think they're good. But they're so fucking good i mean like there's no other kids their age who in our i mean outside when we go to like when
Starting point is 01:38:31 we go over the hill to lafayette there's a thousand asian kids that can beat them right but over here they fucking slay i mean they're like they're the youngest kids in their classes every like if we go to the you know the tennis courts people fucking trip on them um as long as we stay away from the you know, the tennis courts, people fucking trip on them. But as long as we stay away from the Asian and Indian kids, they're fucking amazing. The Asian and Indian kids. Yeah. How's the tennis record business going?
Starting point is 01:38:57 Going okay. We're doing real good in pickleball paddles actually now. Oh, pickleball. Yeah, it's crazy. You should maybe have your kids dabble in that too too it's real fun and it's blowing up it's you know what though it's it's too it's too easy it's too easy it's like my kids my kids are gonna skateboard and play the violin and and then and then when they get old the pickleball is the tambourine let's face it it's a fucking tambourine it's easy to get to a certain level but to get really really good it's quite complex okay if you say so if you say so yeah making babies uh is is very
Starting point is 01:39:34 simple yeah but uh finding someone who can uh raise the child after you i don't know if that metaphor is working sorry nice try thank you thank you yeah i know all about that i just had the newborn a couple months ago oh yeah how's that going going all right we're getting in the groove finding the rhythm yeah you know the rules right uh feed burp change diaper that should take care of 90 of issues and don issues. And don't use a goddamn fucking wind machine. I'm so against those sound machines, white noise machines. If you have to place – James Taylor's greatest hits, even though he's a woke douchebag. James Taylor. James Taylor's greatest hits. I'm not even joking. Caleb, don't laugh. This is serious shit. This music.
Starting point is 01:40:21 This is serious. Yeah, James Taylor's – to's to this day it works my parents went to see him in concert they love him yeah i love him too he he actually because i tagged him so many times he offered me free tickets to his concert but he's just oh that's nice he i know but he's so woke it's pathetic will you leave me alone now how are any of these musicians woke? Look, it's like I have Parkinson's. I prefer Marvin Gaye, personally. Do you remember that thing you used to do? Oh, yeah. Do you play Marvin Gaye for your kid?
Starting point is 01:40:58 I haven't yet, but I think I will now. Yeah, dude, it works. It's crazy. Yeah, dude, it works. It's crazy. And hey, if the kid starts crying and you remember, and like you freak out because like I would always freak out, I always set a timer for like 30 seconds or a minute to be like,
Starting point is 01:41:15 hey, dude, chill. Like leave a little fucker. Yeah, just pause. Chill. Let the kid try it out a little bit. Yeah, go ahead. French parenting book. That's what it's all about.
Starting point is 01:41:27 It's like pausing and waiting. Oh yeah. I think we had that. My wife read it and then just gave me the cliff notes. Yeah. I think that was some good shit. That's exactly what my wife read it. Gave me the cliff notes. Okay. Hey, you got to read this book too. It's called dissolving illusions. You have to start reading it right away. Dissolving illusions. It's the vaccine book oh we already we read a good vaccine book already oh okay okay which one did you read it's called the vaccine book oh okay it's got it's super good super in debt okay if you're if
Starting point is 01:42:01 you're if anyone in your family's fucking confused and they want to go out there and get your kid all injected full of fucking pharmaceutical drugs, have them read dissolving illusions. Okay. That sounds good. Yeah. Keep your wife scared and she'll keep protecting the baby. My wife would give my wife a healthy dose of fear. So she protects the kids.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Hey, when are you going to have another racket sport athlete on? You should get paul colan who's that he's the number two squash player in the world and he does crossfit as like his training for squash okay i'm gonna dm him right now uh do you know him i don't know him personally but i just watch him i'm like a fan because he's a new zealand guy p-a-u-l-c-o-l-e p-o-l-l no e no e oh he's got a blue check mark paul what's up baby okay oh this bitch only got 32 000 followers he's right up my alley yeah he's awesome okay i'm getting squashes i got squashes dominated by egyptian there's like eight egyptians in the top 10 and he's like one of the only two non-eg's like eight Egyptians in the top ten,
Starting point is 01:43:06 and he's like one of the only two non-Egyptian guys in the top ten. So it's cool to root for him. Oh, he kind of looks Egyptian, though. Kiwi. I wonder if he has some Egyptian roots, if we're going to find that out. Yeah, you could find that out. I don't know. Yeah, he's got a dark mustache.
Starting point is 01:43:24 He looks like he could be Egyptian. Wow. Paulul cole he's coming on the show all right that's cool thank you for the uh you're welcome suggestion uh your your wife was one of your uh athletes in college athletes you coached no no well we did meet in college but she's not one of my uh athletes in college athletes you coached no no well we did meet in college but she's not one of my athletes all right just checking just checking all right brother thanks for calling hey thank you guys okay enjoy your day bye bye later dude uh i charge i charge uh austin as soon as i have uh kids i'm coming straight to Sevan in the live chat I charge $500 an hour for parenting tips
Starting point is 01:44:08 I still don't have a single client but that's weird I know it's fucking annoying Mr. Williams hey Sevan how you doing Mr. Williams. Hey, I was doing so God damn,
Starting point is 01:44:29 I thought you were dead. I pretty much was. Do you not respond to texts anymore? Dude, not when I'm asleep. I haven't talked to you in 24 hours, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:38 I know, I knew. When I got two texts, I was like, oh, he's actually worried. Freaking out. Freaking out. Dude, my back is
Starting point is 01:44:46 jacked right now. Caleb, I slept for 16 hours. Oh my god, dude. Oh, shit. Sorry. I got... 16 hours? Yeah, I got home like late in the afternoon. I don't think I've ever done that, by the way.
Starting point is 01:45:01 I think I slept like 12 or something before. Dude, I did it twice. Yesterday or now, and last year when i came back from waterpalooza always waterpalooza yeah it's like that three hour time change too it's like not enough to like adjust to and you're just like moving so quickly through the whole weekend that you don't really like notice it and then i came back from the flight and i um i just took a shower i might be yeah he is glowing i was gonna say that too he is going and uh i got back late afternoon and i really wanted a hamburger like i had this hang so i had this big old hamburger and i was sat on the couch and i woke up when grace like got home from work and she was like are you gonna go to the youth program still and i was like
Starting point is 01:45:39 and she was like okay never mind just go to bed and i just literally all my stuff was still right in the middle of the living room and i showered real quick and just dropped into bed and i woke up like i don't know freaking an hour ago it's fucking amazing dude dude i couldn't even stand up straight i was like walking and my back was so tight that it took me like 30 minutes to just like oh hey that's my world if i'm in bed for more than six hours. But I'm good now. I feel good. Brandon Waddle.
Starting point is 01:46:13 I know it's Waddell, but because you're being a dick, I'm being dick. Savant just confirmed he's the needy girlfriend of the podcast. I haven't talked to you in 24 hours. Is there a caller on, too? Yeah. Jeremy. Hi, Jeremy. What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 01:46:25 I thought you were going to say you had COVID. No, no, no, no? Yeah, Jeremy, hi. Oh, Jeremy, what's up? What's up? Dude, I thought you were going to say you had COVID. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't you put that on me, Jeremy. Hey, he does though. There hasn't been one CrossFit event that hasn't fucking, that he hasn't come back with with COVID in two years. I swear to God. And same with Caleb.
Starting point is 01:46:40 That's where you go get COVID. That's where you go get. Come see, look at Daniel Brandon's ass and pick up the newest strain of COVID. Susan missed having COVID. Oh my goodness. Hey, nice. Awesome coverage, by the way,
Starting point is 01:46:55 Susan. Holy shit. That was awesome. Thank you. Oh my goodness. What's up, Caleb? Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, Savan. So I don't know if you remember me calling in. I remember everything that I want to. You remember?
Starting point is 01:47:11 Oh, wow. Except for me. So I'm coming to California, what, February 9th? With West Byatt. We're launching like a non- nonprofit we've been working on. Um, and I do remember you saying that I could have Rosemary's couch, uh, sleep on when I'm there. Now I'm seeing guests on it. I don't know, man. I'm a little, a little upset.
Starting point is 01:47:39 Tell me about your, that, that dude, that couch isn't big enough for how deep your voice is. Let me tell you that couch. If I can, I hear your voice, that couch couldn't big enough for how deep your voice is let me tell you that couch if i can i hear your voice that couch couldn't hold your jock uh but what are you doing what's the non-profit oh okay long story short um i'll talk until heidi's talking to shut up but um a couple years ago west started we started this group the dad group fitness and kind of no real direction right away we're just like hey what's up guys anyways long story short it's grown um a lot and um we got we got like a board of directors uh in other words the guys who were like originally
Starting point is 01:48:21 the founders of this group um less myself about eight other dudes and um it's just all about lifting up men specifically um i know sexist right no uh but uh we're trying to just help dads help men um be better you know literally and everything um obviously at the core of a lot of what we do is fitness, CrossFit but yeah so I could talk to you offline more about it How long are you coming out for? How long are you coming out for?
Starting point is 01:48:55 I'll be there February 9th through the 13th so that's like a Thursday through Monday but we're staying where the hell are we staying? Is it Lake Tahoe? I don't even remember we're staying I the hell do we stand is it Lake Tahoe I don't even remember we're staying I'm just getting picked up and meeting the guys there so you guys aren't staying in Santa
Starting point is 01:49:12 Cruz I think we're when I I think I'll be close to Santa Cruz initially Tahoe is like three or four hours north yeah it doesn't say Tahoe yeah I always forget how big Cali is initially tahoe is like three or four hours north yeah it doesn't say is it yeah yeah i i always
Starting point is 01:49:26 forget how big cali is because you know here in wisconsin things are typically pretty close but uh i don't know i think we're initially in the bay area and then we're going up to either tahoe or freaking a i forget the other name of the other option. Another resort area. I don't want to say in that area, but if you're not doing anything, man, come along. Okay, thank you. Stay in touch. Send me a DM with your real phone number on it. We'll text and we'll stay in touch.
Starting point is 01:49:57 If you're around, we'll go to the beach and hang out. That'd be awesome. But yeah, that would be great. But hey, I wanted to ask you on the topic of God and all of this stuff. So question, if God isn't, you know, like your true North and if you're not one of those people that run to the government and make government God, then what is your true North? What is your God?
Starting point is 01:50:26 I don't know. That's a great question, but I know I have one. I just don't know what it is. Are you going to Yosemite? Maybe it is Yosemite. Yeah, I think it actually is. I should know this. I wouldn't know either dude. Listen, I wouldn't know either. I mean, the problem is like they were thrown. The reason I don't know exactly is dude. Listen, I wouldn't know either. I mean, the problem is they were thrown... The reason I don't know exactly is they were like, hey, why don't we do Yosemite? And then they brought up Lake Tahoe. And then they brought up
Starting point is 01:50:51 a dude's first name. I can't even remember the place, the city, or whatever. But it was Arnold? Arnold? Maybe Arnold? Oh, yeah. That's south, right? That's on the way to Santa Barbara? No, that's closer to Yosemite-ish. Oh, it's up there.
Starting point is 01:51:08 Yeah, like the 120. So they're bringing up all these, hey, let's go here, let's go there. So I'm like, like I said, I'm getting picked up, and they're taking us, we're going to a cabin. That's all I know. Sounds sketchy, bro. You know, I am a true believer in the unknown. I, you know, I am a true believer in the unknown. I believe that there is something that maybe either I cannot sense or I haven't figured out how to become aware of it that is, that I am become aware of, or if it's actually some, uh, there's something, there's something
Starting point is 01:51:46 that I'm aware of that is constantly there. And I, I just don't know what the fuck it is. And so I do have that in my life. And you, if people who listen to the show acutely will hear me always talking about it or pointing at it, or, uh, it's definitely there. I just don't, uh uh i just don't know what it is i haven't i and i spent many years trying to figure out what it is and then i kind of gave up for sure and i think that's what it draws a lot of people to this show is you know there's this journey we're all on and um you're all trying to fight you know our compass is constantly kind of moving we're trying to find our our our north and right you know we come to this show because you're you're so open like and we you were talking about earlier but like folks who are who are so set in their ways or
Starting point is 01:52:35 maybe one of the callers was talking about it they're setting their ways they they don't want uh they don't want to hear or entertain any other ideas and specifically religious people they don't want to hear any other ideas because they have convinced themselves that their way is the only way and that's the problem and even the anti-religious people like I used to be anti-religious and I didn't want to hear their way I thought they were crazy and that's the problem right there is people you know people become too campy or whatever you want to call it. They don't want to hear other people's views.
Starting point is 01:53:09 And that's never been more obvious and prevalent since the last three years, you know, it's just wild. Yeah. I just wanted to throw those things out there. You have a nice voice. I feel like i'm looking forward to meeting with meeting you hey do you like pickles love pickles i love i love carrots even more especially when you're when you're holding them you seem like the guy i just pictured you as the guy who has just like a big jar of pickles and like well other guys might go to the fridge for a beer you go for a pickle just like like i have a big jar of pickles in my... There's something very masculine about eating a big, thick pickle.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Yeah. I'm a total pickle guy. It sucks that they're the shape of cocks, but whatever. Make the good with the bad. Yeah, fuck it. Yep. All right. For sure.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Yeah, all the best things come in that shape. Banana, pickle. It's fucked up. Carrot. Wow. God, I used to love being at the CrossFit Games and seeing some athlete eat a banana. That's when I realized how immature I was because I'd always try to get a picture of it.
Starting point is 01:54:13 So immature. Cocaine is in the shape of a penis. Yes, when it's done right. Yes, totally. Okay. Bye, Mr. Williams. Thank you. Appreciate you appreciate you guys see you later see ya adios um suza how did you decide to come on the show uh because i started to like come back to life and i was awake and i i felt like i had a couple more things to do but it's not until like after 9 30 or so so
Starting point is 01:54:41 i was listening to it and then i was like all right i'm just gonna jump on and hang out with you guys elise carver dow you love that they're dick shake don't try to play cool i love it when intense shit flies over caleb me too it's just a reminder it's like oh yeah my bad i forgot to mute myself no no no no don't, no, no. I don't think you should mute it. I would value the texture. Kayla, what is that? That's vaccine shit shaping the cock and balls? Yeah, so these are all
Starting point is 01:55:14 expired medications and cavicide. And then these are a bunch of like just like, uh, flares, these brass looking things.
Starting point is 01:55:29 And then all of these like green squares, rectangles around it is C4. And that's how you get rid of the medication when you're out at, uh, at the hospital. Yep. Did someone really detonate that? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:55:44 I just blow it out. I did. Oh shit. shit that that you made that i helped put it together yeah wow that's creative that's so cool i'm far hey so i noticed there was a uh i got something sent to me from one Andrew Hiller last night at some time. I saw it this morning. And then when I jumped on and saw the show going on, I noticed a poll. Oh, yeah, yeah. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:56:15 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was tearing you and Andrew up. Yeah. Should we talk about that? Do you want to talk about that? Two days later. Let me see. How is the poll doing?
Starting point is 01:56:22 It's doing exactly what you want it to. Thank God. Thank God. Hey, I see. Oh, thank God. let me see how is the poll doing it's it's doing exactly what you want it to thank god thank god hey i see oh thank god thank god okay let me see if i categorize it right andrew and so the way susan categorized it is that um if we're doing seven shows a day maybe i should allocate do only four shows a day and the other three days i'm not doing allocate that time to making sub clips from the other shows or doing other things that would help propel the show propel the show means get more viewers better subscribers more attention so we can make more money so that we can get like we don't have a fucking webcam that i found in my fucking garage um and uh and uh so there's that and then but andrew is saying that uh do we do too many shows um
Starting point is 01:57:10 uh oh i like that you have just enough andrew is proposing so that was suze's proposal you know in a nutshell it was there were some obviously some nuances and then andrew's proposal was is that like hey people feel bad. Or people don't like it that they can't keep up. And so maybe that they don't even jump on board because they can't keep up. I thought that was fucking just insanity. Insanity. I had a friend who had a cock that was so fucking big that he said he only met one girl his entire life that couldn't take the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:57:47 I don't know if this metaphor is going to work. Only one. No. Or could. Who could? Sorry. He only met one girl his entire life who could take the whole thing. He said that he would put it in girls and he would see their face and he just didn't have it in him to push it all the way in.
Starting point is 01:58:02 But that didn't mean he didn't keep trying. My metaphor doesn't work. i just wanted to tell you but i can't i and then someone and then cory said hey you shouldn't do shows if you're just bored like mother that that hurt that hurt me a little bit i don't know ever done a show because you're yeah i yeah please don't think that i i come with my A game every day. Like, I'm fired up. Corey, come on. That hurts. Yeah, it's my buddy with the giant cock.
Starting point is 01:58:30 It's crazy. It is a crazy cock. We got to get him on the show one time. Like, not even tell him why. Okay, so, Sousa, I want to hear. Did you want to say anything about the too many shows thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do want to say something. Mr. Mendez, please hold while Sousa. No want to hear, did you want to say anything about the too many shows thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do want to say something.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Mr. Mendez, please hold while Sousa. No, no, no. We can get Mendez first. Okay, go ahead. Mr. Mendez, please. Hey, guys. I appreciate all the coverage this weekend. That was really awesome.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Just want to ask, I kind of missed the first part of this show, so maybe I missed it. But have you talked through the new study they just released where they were saying, like, Lucky Charms is healthier than eggs and milk? Have you seen that yet? Yeah, it's been – we were just talking about it. We think it's been around for a while, and we think it's been a little bit misrepresented, that there's some nuances to it that don't make it as idiot as it is idiotic as is being presented but that being said the fact that they but the fact that they even let that um come out like that is is enough for me like if they're going to try to backpedal now be like well we didn't really mean it like that fuck you like because you know most people are just going to look at it super superficially and to say anything about lucky charms other than it's horribly horribly uh unedible and no human being should eat it is
Starting point is 01:59:51 is a disservice to humanity so in that regards i hey yeah but you know there's people who believe it right you know there's people who believe that even people like me and you who are making fun of it now in an hour they're going to eat it and justify it's okay to eat because it was on that list i swear to you yeah no i i actually had kind of an argument with my in-laws recently about um how to cook this corn syrup and i was like this is like poison basically and i got that from your show actually um and i have cut that out completely and i had to convince them that it was so bad for you but you, the knowledge just isn't there for everyone. So. I used to know this inside and out. Sorry. I started eating,
Starting point is 02:00:30 but here's the deal. And I'm not eating cause I'm hungry. I'm eating cause I'm an influencer and I want you guys to eat carrots, you know, is it the carrot? Oh yeah. Yeah. It's something crazy like this. When you eat certain kinds of sugars your body can just fucking metabolize them and use that energy there's something about high fructose corn syrup i can't remember what it is but i think it has to go into your liver first and then be turned into fat and then once it's turned into fat then it can be used as energy it is the the most fucked up food ever. It is so jacked. I'll re-up my PhD on high fructose corn syrup tonight.
Starting point is 02:01:11 I'll watch a bunch of stuff and read a bunch of stuff on it and tell you guys. It is a fucking shit show. It's a dumpster fire. And if you mix it with like fried foods or something, it's like becomes 10 times worse. Because in your body i forget but there's some mechanism where your body has to choose which one to process and how to process it and it's just it's fucked yeah the reason why you don't want to eat so many kids food
Starting point is 02:01:36 yeah it's it's it's completely um it's not even food. Yeah. Yeah. Um, no, no, totally agree there. And I'll circle back to the first part of the podcast or when you're talking through the graph, I want to hear your thoughts there.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Um, but I did want to ask too, um, are you guys still sending out your newsletter? No, the guy, we told the guy we'd pay him a thousand dollars a month to do the newsletter.
Starting point is 02:02:02 And then we stopped paying him. He stopped doing the newsletter. Funny how that happens. Yeah. Why do you want to do it? You want to do it? Uh, dude, I, I, I reached out on Instagram. My, my real name, uh, I'm the case in D guy. So, um, yeah, I, you know, be interested. I work for a marketing company, but you know, yeah. Reach out again. It's really unstable pay, but it's fun. But, but if you're like, you know, be interested. I work for a marketing company, but yeah. Yeah. Reach out again. It's really unstable pay, but it's fun. But, but if you're like, you know, everyone, everyone who jumps on board says that they're just in it to win it. And like,
Starting point is 02:02:34 like, Hey, you have to be able to figure out a way to extract value from participating in this show that doesn't rely on us because I, because, because the week because we can't offer you anything except what you're able to extract value from it. So like Caleb's stuck in an equity program and this is his lifeline to the world. So like he's figured out what he gets from it. You know what I mean? Like you have to be able to figure out. And then if you figure that out and then maybe, maybe someday, I mean, I'm not going to quit until we become filthy fucking rich, but, but what if we don't become filthy rich?
Starting point is 02:03:07 Then you, if you, you have to be able to parlay this gig with me into something else too. So, yeah, no, I mean, I think some causes are just worth joining for, you know, for what they stand for. So, um, yeah, cool. I'll, uh, I'll definitely reach out again via Instagram. So I think I hit up both of you as well. So, yeah. We have such little bandwidth that we
Starting point is 02:03:31 need people to take initiative more than more than anything else. Can I give an example of that? So, basically, initiative, and I think this is actually what Caleb did. It's just like we're like, hey, do you want help with the show? We're like, yeah, sure. We need clips.
Starting point is 02:03:50 And then the next thing that happened was clips just started showing up. There's not like an onboarding process. You're not going to get like a welcome packet. We're not going to send you to HR. We're not going to like explain shit for you to do. It's basically like if you have the eye for it, you really truly understand the show. You're passionate about it. You can extract your own value. Shit just starts to show up. If we like it, we'll publish it. If not, we'll kind of give some direction maybe. And you just
Starting point is 02:04:12 got to basically hang in there. And then if it, if it starts to work out, it's something that you, you want to do. And we're liking the work. We'll start to give a little bit more direction. And then it starts to roll from there. But a lot of people will hit me up and be like, Hey, how can I help? And I'm like, you've just given me another job to now give you a job. I can't stop to figure out how you could come into the situation and add value. But if just a newsletter shows up and was like, hey, this is what I thought would be cool. Boom, here it is. Then all of a sudden we'll be like, oh, this is awesome. Okay, we'll publish it. And then as we publish it a time or two, and then we'll be like, okay, let's give this guy the reins to do his own. We like his work.
Starting point is 02:04:44 It seems to be working out. And that's usually how it a time or two, and then we'll be like, okay, let's give this guy the reins to do his own. We like his work. It seems to be working out. And that's usually how, how it's rolled with everybody that's contributed to the show. Cool. Come back home. Total denial. Awesome. Well, thanks guys. I've been listening since the, uh, the Pitbull episode, I think, um, a couple of years now and, uh, appreciate all y'all do. You're the man. Thank you. Hey, thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you for offering. We really
Starting point is 02:05:14 appreciate it. For sure. For sure. I'll reach out. I'll follow up. Okay, cool. All right. See you guys. Hey, this is like a real show now. I swear to God, I swear to God, I'm not making this up suze i think 10 people have called in today i know yeah i've been listening i've been listening as i've been trying to straighten out my back and take a shower i've gone through like four links if even if someone all right even if someone just sent me time codes like dude like and just really jerk me off when you send them to be like, dude, you said the smartest thing from 10 minutes to 12. Oh, one or 10 minutes to 2201 or oh, my God, you're the funniest guy ever.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Tosh ain't got Daniel Tosh ain't got shit on you. So I'm cut that clip from 50 to 53.2. Like, fuck it. Like, that would be huge but but some of you just but it's got to be good it's got to be helpful okay okay so too many shows pull pull talk about that well oh no oh yeah too many shows go too many shows okay so first off the way that that was framed total total politician style. You framed it up with like only one point of view and then you just added a poll for everybody to vote.
Starting point is 02:06:32 That was not – that's not good. Secondly, too, we've already talked about it. The democracy piece of all these people voting is amazing that we got 369 views. But what if they all voted that they didn't ever want to like, you know, something crazy, right? Would we go with it? No, we wouldn't. Because what first we have to do is decide, okay, what exactly is the next? How can we take this to the next level? And what are the next steps that's going to bring more attention to the podcast, right? And so everything's a trade off. If you have four hours of time outside of, you know, life with the kids and everything
Starting point is 02:07:05 else you have going on to dedicate to the show, what is the best point of leverage? Like what's the best outcome that we could get within those four hours? Now, obviously creating a show is one of them, but the question is, is the trade-off going to be creating another show or is it going to be doing things that will continually evolve or advance? Now that could be clips. That could be me coming out to Santa Cruz and filming you on the street. That could be us setting up an in-person studio. That could be us looking into the ways that we could advance the platform of
Starting point is 02:07:33 streaming that we use. So there's lots of different trade-offs that could happen there. And so the question is, what's the ultimate goal? And I think that I've said it multiple times, we're always just one kind of step away from some sort of virality moment that's going to start to draw attention that will get the flywheel spinning and then away we go. And obviously, the goal is we love CrossFit, we love interviewing all the CrossFit people and stuff like that, but really interested in the culture, politics, really deep issues that affect society at large. and so how do we move the balance to be able to start to do more of that at a larger scale and so my my whole thing was is if we have those four
Starting point is 02:08:13 hours can we dedicate two or even just one of those hours to leaning in towards a few items that might create more of that and uh rather than just going right to a secondary show and what and what suze is having to deal with also is that i'm a baby like i really don't want to do what i don't want to do and it's and i'm kind of i'm a baby and i'm a little bit of a rock like i don't want to like i'm not like i really did not want to have dave come to my house and interview him in person like that that was like those types of things and so yeah and the thing is is once i start doing things i'm good yeah like now like yeah i would have dave on every day now but but well water is a great example remember we were gonna were going to totally leave that alone.
Starting point is 02:09:06 And then I was like, no, I think we should do it. This will really help. Oh, yeah, yeah. If you wouldn't have flown there, we would not have done Waterpalooza. And then now, like a year later, every major event, we're like, okay, we're going to cover this in some sort of way. And we have our crew that comes on and helps. John Young, Taylor Self, Brian Friend. Heidi absolutely killed it by just camping out in those spots.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Heidi was amazing. Yeah, she did. She did fantastic. Will Plummer. All these people that contribute their time and energy to it is amazing. But yeah, so that's the way that we should do it because I honestly think that if that poll would have said, would you guys like to see one more show or seven on the streets? Oh, shit. That would have skewed the results quite differently. Okay, we'll do that pulled next
Starting point is 02:09:46 five calling show excuse me um uh what i don't even know what the fuck this means i'll call her hi what's up let me read this thing real quick and then it'll be your turn daniel garrity uh maybe that's why someone talks about covid so much he's misrepresenting what it means to go viral meaning like that topic so oh that's maybe that's why someone talks about code so much he's misinterpreting what it means to go viral oh it was a joke oh i don't get it okay over my head okay caller hi oh viral virus viral virus god okay. Okay, I got it. Okay. God, you're smart. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:10:27 Okay, caller, hi. I just jumped in, so I missed some of it, but I saw the poll. You should have a video every day, no cap. We do. We do. We're talking about having multiple a day. Wait, wait. What do you mean a video every day?
Starting point is 02:10:40 Like I should do a podcast every day? An interview, anything. Yeah. a video every day like i should do a podcast every day and interview anything yeah the uh the number one rule in fishing is uh you can't catch any fish if your line's not in the water yeah yeah so but i can't keep up with all the shows you're making too many i can't keep up that's fine i mean you can just film yourself honestly just doing work and we would probably tune in just in case something happened okay fine
Starting point is 02:11:07 just in case something I can't keep up someone makes too many shows that's on that's on them but at least they have the option
Starting point is 02:11:17 to go back and watch it how about killing two birds with one stone Devesh Maharaj the hammer says have a show where you guys are doing on doing all those strategy planning and include
Starting point is 02:11:28 the viewers. Oh. Oh. That's what this show has turned into. Kind of. You got to pace it on to that. Now we're doing a show. I mean, I needed to be off 40 minutes ago. I'm going to skate park. It's sunny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, I appreciate your support.
Starting point is 02:11:44 Thank you, by the way like i i feel like this has just turned into a self uh what what it starts with the word starts with an a self i don't know but i feel like this just turned into a jerk off session tell me how great i am and that you guys want me every day all seven of you yeah dude that was it's great i want it every day and uh you attract like-minded people, so we're probably just as weird as you. We're just talking as if we're on the call with you. Okay, good. That makes me happy. Bye. Sounds good.
Starting point is 02:12:15 All right, bye. Thanks for calling and making me feel like it's a real show we do. Later, dude. All the hard work. Bye, guys. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye guys. Bye.
Starting point is 02:12:21 Bye. Seve, uh, we consider building you a glass booth for water Palooza in the booth. So you could just sit and wave it. Oh, Travis. So I ordered a table with, with chairs back here and,
Starting point is 02:12:39 um, and my kids love their CEO shirts. And so I was thinking about putting them doing a show, a pre-recorded pre-recorded. And I'm doing a show with them, but I need more CEO shirts for kids. God, they love their CEO shirts. I'm such a –'m so I'm such a I'm so easy to manipulate
Starting point is 02:13:06 I saw Nick Matthews With a CEO shirt on And it just doubled My love for him Caller, hi Hey, how's it going, Tadon? It's Ryan Stokes From the comments there
Starting point is 02:13:15 And I've talked to you In the DMs a few times But it's good to see Sousa back Coming in hot, Mr. Stokes Yeah, second caller in a row From British Columbia It's nice
Starting point is 02:13:24 I guess this is more For Sousa sometimes But also Coming in hot, Mr. Stokes. Yeah, second caller in a row from British Columbia. It's nice. I guess this is more for Sousa sometimes, but also how bad or did you notice, Sousa, the professionality of judging? Was it better or worse or the same as, say, the games or any of the regional sanctional events? Oh dude, here's the honest truth. I wish I could actually answer that question, but I had no idea what was going on at the events.
Starting point is 02:13:52 I did not watch one single event from Guadalupalooza. I, it was almost impossible because from where I am trying to get to the corral to the next spot or stay on the outside or just like hide as I'm trying to, trying to bring some streaming corral or to the next spot or stay on the outside or just like hide as i'm trying to trying to bring some uh streaming coverage to you guys like i um i i had no idea so honestly i can't i can't uh i can't honestly answer that question well like the one of the reasons i i mentioned this and i bring it up because i was re-listening to the the recap podcast last night i worked there and you know one of the things that Taylor was saying, and it kind of resonated, I was trying to think about this,
Starting point is 02:14:29 is, you know, one of the reasons why CrossFit will always not really be considered a top so-called professional sport is that you can't bet on it. You can bet on, say, who the overall winner will be, but because of the variable of, say, poor judging or volunteer judges and the standards of movements have always changed, even like, say, for the games where all of a sudden they throw in a rope or they throw in a freestanding handstand push-up,
Starting point is 02:15:03 but the movements are so open for interpretation individually for judges and athletes, then you'll never be able to bet on it like you would for baseball or football. You know, like there's so much stats in football or baseball that you can bet on everything from the coin flip. So I just didn't know what, you know, I just wanted to kind of know your thoughts on that. Because especially, you know, when it comes to a professional sport,
Starting point is 02:15:31 it's a betting. The bookies have lots to say on it. Yeah. I mean, I. What is that? Sorry, that's Ms. Rachel. He's at a piano recital for four-year-olds. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:48 I watch my kid all day, so he's 18 months old. And, you know, we were talking about North Stars earlier. And, Siobhan, you're kind of my North Star when it comes to raising my kids. Hey, what state do you live in? I live in BC. I actually live in the same town as Tarkowski. I live in Kelowna, British Columbia. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 02:16:07 It's cold where you're at, right? It's not too bad. So it's actually been really warm and rainy. We haven't had a cold spurt where it's been minus anything for a few weeks now, since before Christmas. How close is the closest coffee shop to your house or beer garden? Literally, I live in the downtown area so i can walk like five minutes to any starbucks or being seen or whatever coffee shop or we have a ton of brew houses everywhere yeah i would uh you dude if you really are doing what you're doing that's what i used to do too i just did just for like a year i just talked on the phone to people who worked at CrossFit and ran media and walked my kid around.
Starting point is 02:16:50 And I just literally from morning till fucking afternoon, I just walked with my kid from coffee shop to beer place, alternating beer, coffee, beer, coffee. I'd probably get 50,000 steps a day. It was crazy. And I highly recommend it. and i highly recommend literally what i do and your kid will just become an amazing walker and falling downer like my kid would just like take a fucking hour to go a half mile but i didn't care i was on the phone yeah you're doing work yeah so my my daily routine is my daily routine is wake up go to the gym with the kid he kind of does monkey see monkey do with me and just kind of plays 18 months
Starting point is 02:17:27 old. Yeah. And then I live a block off the beach. So then we walk the dog down to the beach. We do a huge tour downtown. Awesome. And then right now in the winter time, two or three times a week, I take them up to the ski hill. Oh, that's awesome. And how do you make money? Your government just gives you money to exist. That's how Canada works, right? Oh, that's awesome. And how do you make money? Your government just gives you money to exist. That's how Canada works, right? No, somewhat like that. But no, I, I'm a strength and conditioning coach or CrossFit coach. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:17:54 And also I am a, yeah. And also I am a forklift slash heavy machinery driver at night. Oh, driver at night. Oh, unfortunately the, the, the, unfortunately the CrossFit gyms can't really make a lot of money as a, like a full-time CrossFit coach here.
Starting point is 02:18:11 Sure. You know, we've got, we've got great boxes, but at the same time, they're more about quantity than quantity, quality of, of coaches.
Starting point is 02:18:19 So when do you sleep? When do you sleep? I come home at 12 o'clock at night and then I wake up around seven. My wife goes to work and then I, uh, then I take care of the kids. So I have a nap before work. So I work three 30 till 12. Oh, how old are you? Holy smokes.
Starting point is 02:18:40 I'm 47. Oh yeah. Isn't napping great. I started napping when I was about 47. I take short ones, little 20 minutminuters, but napping's amazing. Yeah. It's the greatest thing ever. I don't allow myself to masturbate during nap time, no matter what.
Starting point is 02:18:56 It's tough. It is tough. It is tough because usually I know I'm tired because I get a raging hard-on. It's so weird. And I think what's happening, it's not weird and i think what's happening it's not like a sex hard on it's just like one of the ones where i'm starting to get tired and i think when you get tired your body produces testosterone is that true caleb i honestly have no idea okay so i'll usually get a raging hard on midday and i'll either look at my wife or think about taking a nap but if i
Starting point is 02:19:20 take a nap i know that like hey you keep your hands to yourself. Yeah, the boredom boner. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's an interesting way of putting it, Jay. I don't know if I call it the boredom boner, but I don't – I'm not jerking off to put myself to sleep. It's just too easy. It's too gratuitous. It's overindulging. I'm not hating on anyone if they do it, but I just don't.
Starting point is 02:19:43 You don't take no shortcuts, David. Yeah, and I don't feel – I'm not one of those people who feels bad for a second if I jerk off. Like when people are like, I feel so bad when I masturbate. I've never, ever thought that. I've thought like, hey, maybe I should have had – I should have maybe like seduced my penis more and made it last like five more minutes. Sometimes I feel like I'm just like – it's like when you get a donut and you just eat the whole thing and you don't remember eating it. You know what I mean? I just feel bad like that sometimes.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Like, dude, you didn't even enjoy that. I got one more request. Okay, sorry. Go ahead, yes. More shows? More shows? Caleb, can you open up? No, no.
Starting point is 02:20:19 Caleb, can you open up the door behind you and let Yevgeny come in and do an interview? I told him. He's too shy. We've got to get Yevgeny back on. I do not know what to say. I think I was kind of traumatized by how many shows we did with him, and I need to get him back on. Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:20:40 I need an update of what's going on in the Ukraine. Okay. He's still out there. I mean, he's not dead. I hope so. Thank you for calling. Thanks, Shep. Bye.
Starting point is 02:20:57 The show starts to get goofy at the two-hour mark. That's it. It happens. the show starts to get goofy at the two hour mark that's it it happened oh you're good okay i was just gonna say that i think the thing with the judges and what everybody's doing is they're making a massive mistake by first off comparing it to other professional sports that have far far far far far more money than crossfit competitions most likely will ever have. And then secondly, they've been around for really, really long. And so you can't reverse time.
Starting point is 02:21:30 But if I were going to, I would have never, ever changed the format from open to regionals to the games. And I would have just kept all of that really tight. And those would have been the only official CrossFit competitions, allowing the festivals to still exist as they will. And then I would have gone outside of the CrossFit ecosystem once it started to gain attention with more massive brands. Like if you look at NFL, they have like the AT&T Stadium, right? Like the Oracle Stadium.
Starting point is 02:21:57 The money that's involved in those type of sponsorships is massive compared to even what they received from Reebok. CrossFit has the Sebon podcast. And they're lucky for that. Imagine that. Your biggest fucking source of fucking everything except money. The Sebon podcast. You guys are fucked. I would have continued to pour into the open
Starting point is 02:22:18 where the affiliates were allowed to do what Dave did, which is the open announcements. I think still they tried to go too big for their britches early on with production. I think that that was a mistake. They tried to accelerate up with the graphics and the tickers and all that, which was great. But I still think that could have been done at a much more affordable rate than it was initially. And I think we're kind of proving that now. I don't know if that could have happened back then and then i also would have uh included the affiliates into it as like a bid
Starting point is 02:22:49 to which one it was going to do the open announcement and then allowed some of them to um participate in finding their own sponsors and different things locally to their town because they would have had a really big uh festival style thing there when they did the open announcement i like what ryan says yeah but the athletes consider themselves as professionals i know there's no money involved in it dude you think 75k for the top winner at waterpalooza or even at the 100 000 mark you got to realize that outside of their sponsors which other than the the top you know five at the at the very very tip of the spear receive like that i think 50 athletes
Starting point is 02:23:25 i think 50 athletes make a hundred thousand dollars a year from sponsor let's come back that caller hi caller hi hey uh my name is brian i uh i own an affiliate i've had it for like 11 years oh shit awesome congratulations what state uh california across at oakdale I've called you before I'm in Northern California yeah but hey I don't know you guys are talking about the open at the end so it's perfect timing we push the open hard at my gym and have forever
Starting point is 02:23:57 since the first I've done all the open I don't know who you can talk to Adrian Bob whomever please ask whoever you can to make, Adrian, Bob, whomever, please ask whoever you can to make the Open not suck this year. I don't know if it's...
Starting point is 02:24:11 When the Open is good, the culture is good, and it starts there. If it sucks, like, when we get... What do you mean by sucks? What do you mean by sucks? Give us an example. Like, how does it... Boring workouts that don't have What do you mean by sex? Give us an example. How do you get into sex? Boring workouts that don't test people's true capacity, that don't test their skills, that don't give them a chance to grab the brass ring that they've trained all year for.
Starting point is 02:24:40 It used to be that if you threw muscle-ups at the end of the workout or a heavy lift, somebody would get a shot at it. Maybe they don't get it. Maybe they do, and people are pumped up by it. And I liked with the Open when it was hard, even though sometimes the standards, it was too hard. I was good at the Open. open. But it let us build our training for a year around the community coming together and all the different things that the open is good about the open announcements being one of them.
Starting point is 02:25:14 Those are super fun to me. I love the CrossFit games. The coolest thing CrossFit ever did was the 14. I think it was 14 when Kalifa and Froning did the 13. Those open announcements were bad fucking ass. And people got pumped up. We're pumping up our community again this year. And last year was like, what is this?
Starting point is 02:25:39 Even the good workout, 22.3, was kind of boring and didn't really set that thing. So we're doing it again. We're ramping everybody up. We want this to be good. We want to set the season and get mass engagement. What about the three workouts? Do you like three better than five? So I like the three because it wears your gym out when you do five
Starting point is 02:26:07 like but i think you have to throw a fourth workout on the back end of workout three or four whatever like that lift at the end where people get to succeed and feel the accomplishment of putting something heavy over their head um at the end of the workout is amazing for our community. You get to cheer every single person that does it. I don't know that you can, you know, it's got to be sort of unknown and unknowable should you end every year on a lift. I love Dave's idea of earning your right to show your strength.
Starting point is 02:26:44 idea of earning your right to show your strength. But those things are huge for the community. And it's not the commercials. That stuff all helps. But it's that feeling that people get that they want to chase why people want to compete. If the workouts are hard, it's crazy. Like, I've been an affiliate for years and i'm sure matt knows this when you put a hard-ass workout on the board people show up if you put one deadlift seven sets of singles on a deadlift or a 5k run people don't really show up because like i could
Starting point is 02:27:17 do that at home but when you fuck with them they love that shit you got 40 50 people turning up on memorial day to do murph yeah that was the whole thing people want to be abused by the fucking seal team six operator uh trainer like yeah yeah they want it to be they want to hate dave yeah like this how about this can you see your screen right now how is this doing it for you this has got to motivate you a little bit it's badass betty badass bill oh this is really or uh or how about anxious alley the kettlebell i mean this has got to really pump you up anxious alex i do like those i did those are wad zombies right no wad zombies are like fucking corporate
Starting point is 02:27:59 christian blowjob bill blowjob no this is this fucking i thought those were wad zombie ones but there was like uh it was like uh no he was making fun of the games he was making fun of the games because they did it and theirs are just ridiculous uh wouldn't miss it millie let's go see wad zombies his are probably taking the piss out of it let's go see wad zombies his his are probably taking the piss out of it hey can you just tell me a workout you'd like to see for the open just to like can you rift one like a like a freestyle i mean i can i can certainly rip uh 150 wall balls 90 double under 30 ring dude that's the same one i was thinking of that's so funny that you mentioned that that's literally the same one i was thinking of. That's so funny that you mentioned that. That's literally the same one I was thinking of.
Starting point is 02:28:46 So say it again. 150 wall balls, 90 double unders, 30 ring muscle-ups. Okay, and then you set a time for it. Yeah, it's 12 minutes. I think it was 12 minutes. So everybody just carries. Everybody picks up the jump rope. Maybe people get into the ring muscle-ups maybe
Starting point is 02:29:05 they get their first one yeah yeah yeah you know stuff like that even you know you go back to the 55 workout where they did 55 deadlift 55 wall ball 55 row 55 push through at the end people are then at the wall they're exhausted and they're trying to knock out handstand pushups. And it just solidifies, if you're an affiliate doing it right, constantly very functional movement at high intensity, you're hammering home the lessons that we're trying to teach every day that this stuff is hard, it should be hard, you wouldn't want it to be easy. want it to be easy um and i don't know like last year it seemed like everything lacked um the creativity that um if you you know i started crossfitting i was sick um it continually kind of became creative over the years and um it misses it it's you know even even, even 2021, I realized these are Dave's workouts. Like the last workout of that season, 21.3 into the four kind of saved the open for me that year.
Starting point is 02:30:12 Oh, wow. When people start referring to the workouts by the open numbers, I'm like, wow, I go blank. I remember, I mean, I remember all this. Like I'm not Brian. I remember all this I'm not Brian Frankel I remember this shit I will text Adrian
Starting point is 02:30:30 Do not let the open suck Right when I'm done with this Yeah a strongly worded letter To the powers that be I have to be careful I have to be nice because I want Adrian to be my friend And keep coming on the show But I will just tell him that
Starting point is 02:30:44 Thank you boys What the fuck is Shane I have to be nice because I want Adrian to be my friend and keep coming on the show. But I will just tell him that. Thank you, boys. Okay, bye. Thank you. Bye. What the fuck is Shane Orr wearing? Hey, when I first saw this, I thought that Wad Zombie changed the bottom half of him. Like made Photoshop those pants and shoes in.
Starting point is 02:31:00 Oh, maybe he did. I don't think he did. I don't think so. I think if you to uh tia or shane's or whatever i think it's the same photo he just changed it to no pool instead of no bull listen listen uh shane listen dude jesus christ the fuck you're not european you're fucking australian dude you're australian you're not from fucking finland or norway you look like fucking you you you look like the most masculine thing that ever fell out of helsinki in this photo shane bro just because you have the deepest voice in all of crossfit does not mean you get to wear pants and shoes like that oh shit that is horrible those look like woman's chaps like those those horse riding pants women wear the fuck are you
Starting point is 02:31:55 wearing dude holy shit this is bad please tell me did oh here someone. Someone finally did. Shane asked if he could wear her pants. My God. And shoes. Thank you. Like, my God, what the fuck am I looking at? Maybe he's in transition. His pants look weird. Maybe he's just foreign. Yeah, he's fucking foreign as fuck.
Starting point is 02:32:18 He's transitioning into a dad. Yeah, that's true. And you can get away with weird and wearing some fucked up shit. If you're a dad, I won't tell you something, but not that. You get not's true. And you can get away with wearing some fucked up shit if you're a dad. I want to tell you something. But not that. Not that. Caller, hi. Steffi! Hey.
Starting point is 02:32:33 It's Suzy Tell from Tahoe. Oh, Suzy, what's up, girl? Oh, I'm headed up to Tahoe. Headed up to Tahoe. Oh, good. You coming to CrossFit Avalanche? I'm going to Woodward from the 24th to the 28th to watch my kids tear shit up. Oh, I'll be there. That's over at Boreal.
Starting point is 02:32:49 That's on my side of the lake. Oh, it is? Yeah, Boreal. Yeah, North Shore. Oh, then we should definitely do a – I'm going with a dear friend of mine, the founder of CrossFit. Oh, yeah. I think I might know him. Yeah, so we should definitely stay in touch.
Starting point is 02:33:04 DM me. Let's exchange phone numbers, and we'll do like a dinner bar party. Yeah, my affiliate, my closet owner, Miles Lewis. Yes, bring Miles too. Bring Miles. He didn't hate on Greg or anything, did he? Is he a smart boy? No, he was up in Canada.
Starting point is 02:33:20 He was up in Canada with you guys on that 10-year celebration. Yes, I love Miles. Yeah, he loves you too. He wouldn't give me your phone number, though. I was very upset. Yeah, that's a good dude. I love him even more. Hey, I'm serious.
Starting point is 02:33:35 We should definitely hang out, me, you, Miles, Greg, and the families. We should definitely one night tear shit up. Absolutely. Let me give a shout-out to Sousa, man. He rocked the Wadalupalooza suza i i i don't know if you remember i was um at the game this last year met up with you and hillar um i remember for sure in the bathroom stall number seven oh jesus guadalupaloo, last year I was there. I just wanted your – what do you think about the – do you think they've outgrown that venue, Waterpalooza? Oh, that's hard to tell because I agree as far as like with people not being able to have seats and stuff.
Starting point is 02:34:17 I'm assuming that's what you're talking about, right? Like they pay the money and then they don't get to get into Flagler or Bayside. But I just – Yeah, go ahead. then they don't get to get into flagler or bayside um but i just yeah yeah i i think that it's it's a hard balance because if they go to a bigger venue it's going to cost them more money and then they might not they might not be profitable right so they're kind of at a weird uh tipping point where if they stay there um they might have some people that are disappointed that might necessarily got to get in to see all the events they wanted to. But if they stretch themselves too far outside of that venue, it might cost too much and they might not be able to, you know, put on as good of a show as
Starting point is 02:34:53 they did in the past. So it would be hard to tell. But I would say just pure capacity size. Yeah, it looks like they've outgrown that site. But I don't know if it's within their means to change it. Yeah, no, it's definitely a cool site. I couldn't make it out there this year i didn't want to uh hands up to you for heading from the west coast to the east coast with you know all the air flight issues going on these days but um yeah couldn't handle it but um and and you're back now um were you more tired after Waterpalooza or were you more tired after CrossFit games? Probably about equal.
Starting point is 02:35:32 They both do the same kind of thing to me, but for sure at the games, I mean, you saw me that last day. I was like running off of like a woman of prayer. And I think that that one was just a little bit more, took a little bit more of the bandwidth at the CrossFit games just because of all the awesome people that hill and i were talking to and everything else you're just like on the whole entire time um so probably the games take a little bit more yeah yeah yeah they're both gnarly but awesome work it was great seeing you
Starting point is 02:36:00 guys out there and it's just awesome that you're there um caleb thanks for your service and subby i'll reach out to you and i'll let miles now i'm going to the gym in a little bit um but shout out to my girl heidi crumb i'll be working for her uh in madison um purely of service and carrying uh carrying her bags for her yeah i love it anyways i wanted to be the only human being with a vagina that called in today. I appreciate it. Everyone needs a vagina in their life. I know. I have some tits, too.
Starting point is 02:36:32 So I just wanted to call in. Tits and vagina. Thank you. Nice. You're welcome. Peace and love. Cheers. Heidi did have some good suggestions when she said putting in a beer garden with some really big screens.
Starting point is 02:36:43 That would be a nice alternative option for those that couldn't get in because there wasn't any really place that you could stand and watch it outside of the uh seats for the events what do you think of this thumbnail i liked it i saw it when it's on there it's good did you make that one yeah yeah did you see the one i just sent you guys no no did you text it? Yeah, I texted it. Oh, I texted it. Is it for today's show? No, you can just use it whenever. Did you make it? Yeah, just now.
Starting point is 02:37:12 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yes. Yes, that's so good. You want me to show it or you want me to keep it for later? You can show it. It's so fucking good. We definitely have to use that though.
Starting point is 02:37:24 Hey, will you email that to me? So it's a higher quality. God, it's me in the Pope mobile. I say, Hey, I think you can reduce the, um,
Starting point is 02:37:32 the, uh, what's it called? The, um, my face. What's that call? When you make it a little transparency on my face a little bit.
Starting point is 02:37:41 Okay. The same, like behind the glass. God, that's so good. Is that Jeff Bezos driving? Yes. He drives the Pope. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:37:54 All right. Guys, this evening we have Travis Bajan on. That's going to be a wild fun show. I'll open up the phone lines for that. It's going to be an interesting crowd. That'll be cool. And then, those of you who don't know, Travis is
Starting point is 02:38:07 considered the greatest left-handed arm wrestler who ever arm wrestled. He's getting ready to go to... He's going somewhere. He's going to Turkey in a couple days. I've had his son on the show twice. And I'm going to be setting his son up. His son is
Starting point is 02:38:23 at a training camp about 40 minutes from Danielle Brandon. So I'm going to set setting his son up. His son is at a training camp about 40 minutes from Danielle Brandon. So I'm going to set the two of them up to meet and do some training together. So that should be – there should be some fun shit that comes out of that. We'll talk about that tonight. And then tomorrow – oh, tomorrow morning we have Anthony Chafee on. Another doctor who likes the meat this is a good week this is a good week and then uh on thursday we have tommy g back on if you have not watched any of tommy g videos watch a few of his videos he is so fucking cool it's gonna be an early one for you
Starting point is 02:39:00 4 a.m hi i thank you thank you uh susan for scheduling that keep me on my toes yeah tommy g's uh youtube page is um holy shit he's put on another 200 000 subscribers since we had him on dude's killing it yeah just killing it so uh thousand look at his look at his He knows how to work a thumbnail Yeah I did not see that girl in the video Just waited the whole 10 minutes to see her So this is I highly recommend Just watch a bunch of this guy's stuff
Starting point is 02:39:40 This guy's amazing Hey you know what he's done He goes to the beach This guy's amazing. Hey, you know what he's done? He goes to the beach. He does also wrestle this seven-foot giant guy, by the way, for $1,000. But he goes to the beach and wrestles people, and if they can beat him, they get $1,000. But then he takes the videos and also turns them into shorts that go viral. So he gets one 13-minute video out of it and then 10 one minute videos oh weird i work for a company tommy g used to work for before he blew up and i heard some stories oh i bet you it was like banging
Starting point is 02:40:20 chicks and stuff because he seems like a real ladies man he's so nice okay thank you guys uh off to the skate park um i'll start my daily vlog today so you guys can follow the fascinating interesting life of sevan matosian kayla beaver thank you all the callers seriously you guys made my day today uh mr suza good to see you alive and well and buh-bye

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