The Sevan Podcast - #770 - UFC 283 Show w/ Darian Weeks

Episode Date: January 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 good morning bam we're live why do i keep doing these ufc shows there he is there he is mr jerry in weeks what's up brother how you been good how are you i've been good i've been good hey i like that room oh with the trees and everything? It just looks fun. Like, there's some stuff in there that I want to look at. Yeah, it is. Is that the library? It is the library.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And game room. Yeah, library and game room. It's creative. Are you a... Oh, I think you have, like, a hair in front of your lens. You see that something, like, on your camera lens. Other side. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Much better. There we go. I love the old thumb cleanse. see that something like on your camera lens other side maybe oh yeah oh yeah much better
Starting point is 00:00:47 there we go i love the old thumb cleanse there you go uh my kids have been playing tons of board games it we had like two weeks of just crazy rain here in california my sons have just gone just full berserk on the board games it's kind of oh yeah how have they been they've been competing yeah uh february 4th they got their next tournament good deal i'm pumped good they don't do wrestling they just do jujitsu huh oh well they do gi and no gi okay yeah yeah so that's pretty exciting i see you've been doing a lot of uh you've been on the crossfit mania lately gotta keep those numbers i gotta talk to the base to keep the numbers up. I seen that. Gotta talk to the base to keep the numbers up.
Starting point is 00:01:30 A couple months ago, I think it was a couple months ago, you had that Danielle on there. Yeah, she's great. Boy, she's fucking... She's built different. Hey, there's this other friend of mine has this kid named
Starting point is 00:01:48 tyson bagent and uh he's uh he's getting ready to do the combine and the senior bowl and the senior bowl is like the like the all-star bowl for uh college football yeah and this kid threw 158 touchdown passes it uh and broke the all-time ncaa quarterback touchdown passing record so he's going to get drafted into the nfl it's so funny all these people keep sending me i keep saying that he's a division two quarterback so he's not on anyone's list yeah and so like everywhere you look you don't you can't find his name but he's going to get drafted i promise you and there's a very good chance he's going to get drafted in the first round and he's going to become a franchise quarterback but no one's ever seen it done before. So everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:02:27 Hey, that's not true. That's not true. That's not true. But you just watch the senior bulls coming in February and he's going to crush it. But my point going back to Daniel Brandon is they're 40 miles apart right now where she trains and where he's doing is like his final, like quarterbacking, like a workup before the senior bull and the combine they're 40 miles apart. So i'm getting i've been dming and texting i've been texting both of them i'm gonna try to hook them up you know for a workout yeah workout uh right oh yeah she where does she live at they would make some incredible kids um she's in um he's doing his final training in Fort Myers, Florida, and she's in Naples.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Florida, okay. Yeah. So they're close to each other. Yeah, the Armenian matchmaker, yes. You're doing some, yeah, you're doing some. Yeah, yeah. Freaking breeding, huh? Yeah. I like the kid.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I like the story. But I'm telling you, Spiegel, I know. It's so hard to believe a division two kid's gonna do it but don't get it twisted man no i've i've seen crazier things happen and especially if he if he's throwing 153 touchdowns i mean 50 58 he broke the all-time ncaa passing record for touchdowns and it's like it's you know like his freshman year i was just had had his dad on his freshman year and his opening game he threw 518 yards i mean he's just not a normal kid yeah every he's broken every record so that's insane especially to do it somewhere like florida i mean they have high competition when it comes to football so he played in west
Starting point is 00:04:03 virginia okay yeah uh seven could you win a fight against all three of your boys i could but i did for the first time have to tap my six-year-old choked me out the other day and i had to tap and he's like did you really have to tap i'm like well i could have reached back there and like gouge your eyes out but like yeah i had to tap like i felt my adam's apple getting like starting to get like oh he's getting that grip already that's pretty dude it was horrible pretty nutty i do uh i teach a uh a kid's kickboxing class yeah and uh i had a freaking ball last night i let him do sparring last night yeah they're asking me can we spar each other can we spar each other um they're like from
Starting point is 00:04:43 ages like 14 to like 10 so i'm like yeah okay whatever you can spar each other? Can we spar each other? They're like from ages like 14 to like 10. So I'm like, yeah, okay, whatever. You can spar each other. And I have this little Mexican kid in there. His name is JR. And he is just a powerhouse. I let him – he's probably like 11. I let him go against this kid who's like 14.
Starting point is 00:05:01 He's probably like eight inches taller than him. Got better reach and he was just getting in there like mike tyson i mean and throwing over hands for nothing he he didn't throw one body shot he was just head hunting i mean is there a video i went to your instagram to see if there's video of the kids no next one i am gonna video because these kids i mean they get after it i i let them head gear up and everything and everything, and they just go balls to the wall. Did anyone cry? Did he make the 14-year-old kid cry?
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, he didn't make the 14-year-old kid cry. But I've had two girls in there, and they were going super hard. I have this girl, Josie. She did ballet before she came to me. So she got footwork? Bro, she is just she if she if i can keep her going on this she'll be the coldest fighter i've ever seen i mean she'll listen to me no matter what i'll tell her to close one eye stand on one foot and she'll do it for an hour you
Starting point is 00:05:58 know what i mean and she has just the best footwork and the best movement i've ever seen and she did make a girl cry. I mean, just straight punches, just going down the pipe. The girl was just so frustrated and just started breaking down in tears. I felt bad, but then in the back of her mind, I was like, yeah, you're a dog. Let's keep you going. You know what I mean? What do you think about – so my kids um the where they do jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:06:25 they do a lot of uh private training with striking and kicking but they just started a class where it's a class where there's um striking and kicking and they've only been to it three times it's a brand new class but they're sparring in it and uh and they would they don't wear headgear yet you're not supposed to punch hard in the face but they got mouthpieces on and shin guards and my six-year-old punched this uh girl who he's known for three years she's a gray belt he's a white belt but this is obviously the striking class and he punched her so hard he got a good you know jab already at six because he's been taking it he punched her in the face so hard that her gloves hit her face and she started crying yeah and i
Starting point is 00:07:05 looked over at the dad he didn't like it i mean hey what do you think about boys hitting girls like that even in the class like i think my sister doesn't like it i let them in my class i let them yeah is that teaching the wrong thing though is that weird i can't i can't get my head kind of wrapped around that this is what you're teaching them you you're teaching them to be able to defend theirself against there's not only a female going to come up and attack them there's going to be a man going to come up to and attack them so you're teaching them if they can't get hit by a young boy then what are they going to do when a man is gonna you know take oh i get why it's good for the girl but like what about the like what am i teaching my boy if i'm letting him spar against girls and don't get me wrong it's not
Starting point is 00:07:49 because i don't think these girls are capable yeah there's eight-year-old girls who beat up my eight-year-old boy no problem it's not that it's just that you're trying to do the long-term effect on your son you don't want him yeah i don't want him to get into the dana white situation i'm not hating on Dana, but like, it would have been so much better if Dana just would have run away. I'm not hating on him, but. Dude, in that situation, I will say, he is not getting as much backflack on that situation.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I thought he would. He's good. He's good. He skated away. It's over. He skated away. Did you hear the interview he did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah. He said, what are you going to do to me? You can't do anything to me. You can't take me away from the UFC because it'll fail. So, you know, I'll just have to be embarrassed. I'm like, what? You slapped her twice. But it is, right?
Starting point is 00:08:44 It's like. Yeah, what are you going like um yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do and and i just like it's so funny that uh there as a society like what more do we want like what would what do we want from him you know what you know i daniel brandon was on here a couple weeks ago and i asked her i said hey let me show you this video and we showed her the whole video of the fight and she goes equal rights equal fights hey that's what i was like damn you're gonna get us canceled she's like hey dude don't fucking hit no one unless you're ready to get cracked i mean and i've seen i've seen stuff instances like that that that's way worse and you know they were so drunk you know, he said, not that it's an excuse, but he says, they asked him in one
Starting point is 00:09:30 interview, do you remember it? He goes, there's a lot of stuff I don't remember from that night yeah, and I mean, this is this is just the thing when it's your wife, I guess it's different, you know, if it was a random woman that just came up and like,
Starting point is 00:09:45 just clocked him, you know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, I could see it more slapping her than, Oh, this is the woman that you live with. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And you're going to slap her in the mouth. Like, and this is why I don't believe, you know, he's like, Oh, it never happened before. The way you slapped her and how fast you slapped her. It happened before hey did you have you seen the interviews his mom's done
Starting point is 00:10:09 no but i was oh no post line oh no i watched the whole interview oh no is she's dogging him dude she's like he beats his wife every day it's the worst shit like anyone could say about you let alone your mom like it makes you you can't i was i went back and i started hating her like there's no there's nothing i could there's nothing you could do that could make me say the shit about my son that she says about dana it's so bad wow yeah she's like yeah she dogs him so hard basically that he's just been they've been fighting for not that he's been beating her for 30 years but that they've been straight leaving marks on each other for 30 years she basically says that oh on each other so it's it's a mutual thing yeah hey i think he just recently stopped drinking i mean he's been he's been as red as a fucking plum
Starting point is 00:11:01 for 20 years yeah he has been super fucking he looks like he's juiced up as a fucking plum for 20 years. Yeah. He has been super. He looks like he's juiced up and drinks a lot and just living hard. Oh, I don't doubt that. He, I mean, he has no reason not to, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:15 He wanted to get in shape. Why suggest you're seven? Why subject your kids to head trauma at that age? So the Spartan that my kids do, they don't punch each other in the head. It's just tapping in the head. But kids do get the wind knocked out of them or pushed down. I've seen some pretty hard push kicks to the front where kids get doubled over.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, I have one kid that he's about nine years old. He does not want to spar anymore because he took a just straight uppercut to the gut. And, I mean, he was curled up in a ball. And every time we spar, he's like, I just want to go home. So I just do, like, some little side play sparring with him. But, yeah, kids, I mean, kids need to learn this. I mean, kids are fighting sooner and sooner in school every day you know what i mean kids are getting picked on kids are getting jerked around
Starting point is 00:12:11 i mean do you want your kid to be the guy who's crying in the principal's office or you want the kid to be like well he shouldn't have messed with me and the one who bloody the other kids knows you know it's it's you know apples and oranges, you know. If my kids are, if my kids do this until they're 16 and it's, yeah, it's three blue belts and, and, uh, who have, uh, 10 years of striking and kicking under their belt. Dogs. Will be a horrible situation for anybody. For anybody, man or woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So I, I don't know, but no, i don't want any head trauma for my kids i you know i don't i don't even let my kids do skateboarding every single day and they're doing big drop-ins now and that's what scares the shit out of me i don't want their head to get yeah rattled skateboarding's never been my forte i've always busted out face open or anything doing skateboarding. They're pretty good. You should videotape them and put it on your social media. Oh, I do? The skateboarding?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah. Oh, nonstop. Good deal. Nonstop. Here, I'll show you something real quick. What do you think about, while I pull this up, what do you think about, oh, God, there's so much I want to ask you about. I'm tripping on Nganou.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like, in a good way. Like, in a good way. I'm, like, happy for him. I'm super happy that he did that. Because he had the power, you know? Is he going to fight Tyson Fury? To be honest, in boxing, I don't think Francis Nganou should do that. Even for the payday?
Starting point is 00:13:50 What are you sacrificing, though? You're sacrificing the fact that you're the most dangerous man in the world, and then you go in there with someone like Tyson Fury, and he just peels you apart. I mean, peels you apart. To $20 million. $20 million. I understand that but i mean he could get the same
Starting point is 00:14:07 he get the same deal anywhere now since he was the he was the champ of ufc so fight someone lesser and try to get 20 million like fight jake paul for 20 million anybody he fights he'll get 20 million dollars anybody he fights wow okay okay fuck it so okay so let me go back a second so because i'll take your word for that so yes boxing not uh tyson not off the gate right because not even ruiz not even that short little mexican fat kid that kid's dangerous oh yeah yeah that kid's really dangerous for sure you know he sat uh anthony joshua And they're embarrassed that beautiful man. And it's a. I don't know, you know, it's it's different with boxing gloves, but still, you know, I mean, I think boxers can take punches.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Not to say President Gano couldn't knock somebody cold, cold out, but he's he just don't have the technique they have. You know, they'll get picked apart easily. I'm going to show you a couple videos. So this is just training some just like precision jumping, right? Ooh, dang, that's pretty tough. Right? Boom. What?
Starting point is 00:15:18 And then just showing just like, you know. Big hops. Yep. And then with the striking coach. Oh, okay. Yep. And then, uh, with the striking coach. Oh, okay. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Got the wife feeder on. Dang. Are you going to be okay? Savannah, your house? No, no, I already had,
Starting point is 00:15:39 I got sidekicked the other day and I, I said, dude, you're, you're going to feel horrible if you fucking like injure me for life uh biggest biggest vert wall at the skate park whoa 11 feet 11 feet look at the agile like a cat boom what yeah that was yesterday that's tough yeah he's pumped that that instructor's been there for three years at that skate park it's his first student ever to do that vert wall i was pretty pumped oh he's tough yeah oh these kids are gonna be just
Starting point is 00:16:12 and let me show you this too just like this is this is probably i don't this is like uh i don't know three months ago he's so much better now but this is just his tennis game is ridiculous too crazy top spin and just yeah dude you're gonna have just a trillion dollars when you're old maybe i don't know i don't know if they'll ever get if they'll oh here here you're gonna like this too darren you look at this no way they won't they won't do something look at that right right and left-handed. Nuts. Yeah. So proud of these boys. No matter what they do, they'll be good at it.
Starting point is 00:16:54 And their younger brothers are a year ahead of them. Oh, really? Yeah. Crazy, right? I mean, I know you can't push as a parent but no i push i push i'm just saying if they ever start to drop and they're like oh i don't want to do this anymore you say no you shut your mouth you do this you know darian i think i cracked the code on that thing the other day i just i just um i just realized this So when I was in school, you can push kids to do whatever you want them to do as long as you're setting them up for success.
Starting point is 00:17:31 As long as you know that you'll be disciplined with them and strict and follow through, and you know they'll eventually succeed. So let's say if your kid does not want to ride skateboard, but you take him to the skate park every day and tell him he has to skate for 20 minutes sooner or later he's going to succeed and on top of that he's going to walk away with holy shit i succeeded at something i didn't want to do but if you put your kid in fucking public school and at the third grade he falls behind in six months and by the fourth grade he's a year behind and by the fifth grade he's two years behind you now he has to learn to cheat his way from fifth grade all the way to graduation and his senior year and he's been taught that he's worthless that's what happened to me and so i was never i was never set up to succeed i couldn't succeed because i i fell behind that's why homeschooling so much better kids just work at their own pace yeah i agree and so i was pushed i fell behind and
Starting point is 00:18:26 i could never catch up so i was in a situation where i was destined to fail fail and i was taught that cheating is the way and that the harder you try it doesn't matter the more likely you are to fail because once you fall behind in public school you're fucked yeah it's fucked yeah they they put they put us on a like a little computer class and that's where you're stuck at if you fell behind that's how high school two years of just on a computer trying to figure out all the information that other kids already know yeah i fucking hit that sucked yeah but but uh if you um uh what is this bullshit down here i forget someone has such young kids because he's so old. I eat a dick.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Oh, fuck. Yeah, I have a children's training program. I have a really basic one on sugar wad. I never talk about it, but you can go there and buy it and see all the little things that I do with them. That's pretty dope. Okay, let's listen to Mr. Nganou here. Here we go. That's how I feel about it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's just unfortunate that we didn't come to a term, which I wish we could have, but it is what it is. But as an independent contractor, I have to look up to myself and do what's right for me and everyone everyone out there should do the same for themselves and look and look could you hear that yeah and look what izzy izzy and johnny walker look at all the support he got yeah that surprised me, especially from Izzy. I'd expect everybody else, but
Starting point is 00:20:08 Izzy's like in love with the UFC and Dana White and everybody. Yeah. So what do you think happens? Give me the prediction. Do we see Nganou ever back in the UFC? I heard that they offered him,
Starting point is 00:20:23 Dana says they offered him the biggest contract of any. He would have been the highest paid fighter in the history of the UFC if he would have re-signed. Higher than Luke Brosner. Whatever that juiced up WWE guy got. Yeah, Brock Lesnar. Yeah, Brock Lesnar. Luke Brosner. I see.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I don't know. I don't know if I see him in the UFC no more. I see him honestly being able to take a seven- or eight-figure contract from PFL or one champion. I mean, they will pay, as they did Demetrius Johnson. And I just learned this the other day. I just learned this the other day. Did you know Demetrius Johnson, for his first three title defenses, was only paid south of $30,000 and $30,000?
Starting point is 00:21:13 I didn't know. If you would have asked me, I would have said it was like $250,000. I knew it was really little. I knew it was bizarre that the greatest fighter ever in the UFC that no one ever talks about got nothing. Literally. I'm south of $30,000. You know thirty thousand dollars you know i'm saying like what mcgregor is getting two million dollars just to show up yeah and then when they did pay him 150 000 and 75 000 they took away all of his pay-per-view points so he can no longer make money off of pay-per-view
Starting point is 00:21:46 buys and that's why he went to one champion and one champion gave him an eight-figure contract i'm talking about they pay him probably they gave him an eight-figure contract i mean he's filthy rich filthy he they bought they bought him from the ufc for like 10 million dollars they wow they bought out his contract and he didn't even do so good over there huh uh well he got he got beat once but he's he's the champ right now oh he is he got knocked out cold because what they do is they do knees to the head on a grounded opponent you're allowed to do that's what he went to sleep with a knee to the jaw and just i mean what's the old yawn al germain uh move is yeah but they they freaking uh i mean he's
Starting point is 00:22:33 filthy rich over there and that's what i see him doing because these other promotion wants to be want to be in the ufc spot and if they can get the fighters and the caliber of that, they will take over. It's only a matter of time before the UFC has to run away. You know what I mean? Hey, I wonder if that's part of Dana's, whatever his magic recipe is, the fact that he's able to keep all these people. You know what, though?
Starting point is 00:23:02 When you talk about the P pfl and uh what was the other one bare knuckle uh no one champion what yeah but but i thought there were two that you mentioned in u.s anyway or even bellator the promotion is so fucking um like there's no hype yeah it's so it's it's already so hard like finding hype about the ufc it's so hard finding hype about the UFC. It's so hard finding hype about Bellator fights. Yeah, when you talk to other people around, they don't even know what these other promotions are. Right, right. You'll talk to a normal person who's not in the everyday fight scene.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And they don't know what PFL. They hardly know what Bellator is. They don't know. But you say UFC, and everyone knows you know right and that's what these people are chasing to get after they're chasing to be that spotlight um and all they need is people like francis naganu everybody knows who francis naganu is he's a big african strong man who knocks people out bet you put him in pfl now pfl has the big strong african guy you know what i mean so now everybody's tuning in to see what happens so it's uh why do you think ninganu's so good
Starting point is 00:24:12 he's from africa shit i don't know i don't know he's just built different look at him he's just built different did you see him have you seen that video where he's he's back at home in africa in his mom's house dirt floor eating out of what looks like a freaking bowl carved out of wood no but i believe it i mean you just look at this i i spent a lot of time in africa probably at least six months of my life. And this is the scene there. Yeah. I mean, they nailed it. This is like just how people hang out. I mean, you don't see everyone jumping around like that, but like just kids hanging out and playing and everyone's barefoot and shirts off.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah. And just built different, you know? Yeah. And I mean, maybe that's why. I don't know. It's it's just genetics it's just like another mike tyson you know i mean you're not gonna you're not gonna run across these guys but once in every 20 years and he's it um i i i wonder how much of his success oh how about this this is a great idea by Tyler.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'd pay money to see a Nganou fight a Half-Thor. Oh, yeah. That would be. That would be. I'd pay money for that, too. Yeah. He kills Half-Thor, right? I think so.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah. I mean, his touchability is just insane. What's that mean, touchability? Like, he only needs to touch you. I've seen him throw four punches, miss all of them, and then maybe scrape by with just by the chin on the fifth. And the dude's asleep. It's against Rothshire, that other African guy he went against, that Rothshire guy.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I mean, put him to sleep with – he barely touched him. And, I mean, put him to sleep. he barely touched him and i mean put him to sleep i remember his early fights like that like yeah basically he had the touch of death you're dead you're done yeah i give props the only person who was able to survive it was um who's that firefighter oh oh oh yeah um what's his name he's about he was supposed to fight be in talks of fighting john j, too, but he didn't. He's running his mouth a little bit. Miocic.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Miocic? Miocic? Miocic, yeah. Stipe. Stipe, yeah. Yeah. And, you know, Derek Lewis got a win on him, even though it was, I mean, for five rounds, they just walked around, no punches thrown.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Both of them were scared scared to death right Derek Lewis has lost like 40 pounds walking around in that in that fight or just in general like lately he's like you got skinny almost skinny yeah
Starting point is 00:26:59 he looks super damn thin yeah I was like surprised got into meth or he's working out? Ah, shit. I hope ain't meth. But maybe he's taking his workout seriously. I don't think he's taking one fight camp serious since he's been in the UFC. He was doing CrossFit for a while.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And that may be what it is. What is his Instagram? Beast something? Yeah, Beast something. I can't remember what it is. Beast UFC? Yeah, what it is what is his instagram beast something yeah be some i can't remember what it is beast ufc yeah there it is yeah that's it god he's got a funny instagram uh he's so hilarious dude and every post he posts on there he's like he's okay that's all that's all he posts hey he does look he he's not standing here but he looks great here yeah and there's just there's a picture that was that surfaced online that was like he looked i mean he looks skinny i mean you could probably just type in derrick lewis freaking loses weight and the picture will pop up. Skinny Derek Lewis?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Skinny Derek Lewis, yeah. Let's see what he's got here. Okay, this is one of those, he's okay. You think a car drives into the window? Something happens. Something fucked up happens. He has the fucking best. I guess you need the audio for that one.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Maybe not. Something's going to come through that window. I feel like oh shit i don't even know what's in there oh this guy's just losing his shit oh there's a squirrel in there or something oh damn what's this thing with the titties hooters waitress caught dipping hot wings in her vagina. No shit. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Look at that. He's such a filthy bastard. Look at him. You know what I saw the other day? Huh? I saw something called a... Vajankle. What?
Starting point is 00:29:09 It's called a Vajankle. What's a Vajankle? It's a... Prosthetic foot. Okay. That has an opening that you fuck. Vajankle. You're making this shit up.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I swear to God I'm not making it up. I'm going to see if I can find it. Okay, look, I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble for this. It's funny, this isn't the one I even saw, Darian. I saw... Hey, what? This is a Vajankle. I guess you buy this and you hump this thing.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You put your penis in there. For people with foot fetishes? I saw one where the opening was at the bottom of the foot. I got to be careful scrolling around in here. Yeah, you definitely can. I'm going to get in trouble. You might want to stay up at these first top ones. Look, you can get that on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Holy shit. If you could buy a vajankle on Amazon. Hold on. Get the hell out of here. A fucking vajankle. A vajankle. That's just the fucking weirdest thing ever. It looks real.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Let me see what people in the comments are saying. Oh, shit. Look at this. I like this. Darian acting like he doesn't know what a vajankle is trish is fucking you up uh sebi has no hard drive of his youtube channel right this makes me so nervous no oh you mean like backups of all the you know everything we have automatically published to uh rumble okay i'm going to go to amazon and i'm going to type in uh the janko
Starting point is 00:30:46 yeah janko i think i spelled it with a j my vajanko you think i'm spelling that wrong i should spell it oh yeah vajanko they got let's see uh no they don't sell that oh well that's good amazon probably you know oh shit they got though you can buy realistic silicone feet but it doesn't have the vagina at the top no or bottom oh my god this is some fucking creepy i've never did the foot fetish thing never hey i wonder if they're look at you can buy these though just some feet just some fucking normal packaged feet that's just the fucking weirdest shit for 105 bucks you can have your own foot hey you know how like there's this like standard there's these standard psychological things that happen to people like if like if you saw your dad hit your mom,
Starting point is 00:31:46 you're going to be like this. Or like, if you were molested when you were 10, you're going to be like this. There's these standard behaviors, like repetitive patterns we see. Yeah. I really want to know what it is that makes people get into foot fetish.
Starting point is 00:31:57 There must be like something like, yeah, I don't know. Do you know what I'm saying? There's something like that triggers that, but you walked in and saw your dad sucking on toes or what yeah like yeah there is some like we're just robots here but something like turn that on oh i'll send them in the feet oh i love the feet i will say this like i don't i don't know people with weird foot fetish but i will say
Starting point is 00:32:20 that when i used to date if a girl did have unattractive feet yeah really yeah like i don't know because you know you got to be with that girl at some point walking around her house without her shoes on you know you don't those fucking ugly piggies just dangling so i do i do enjoy like a good looking foot but i'm not going to hump the foot. Yeah, yeah. I'm okay with it. I've never seen a girl with an ugly-ass foot, but I'm okay. If she has an ugly foot?
Starting point is 00:32:54 My wife has nice feet, but I have ugly-ass feet. So maybe that's why I'm more accepting. Yeah. Well, I think all men have ugly feet. I don't feel like – Well, except the other ones. But I don't think. You have a dark place in your soul if you need a vajankle. That might be true.
Starting point is 00:33:15 That might be true. How the fuck did you get on that? I don't know. I don't know how I got on it. But I just know that people send me some pretty crazy shit. He was just thinking about getting a vajanko and he just wanted to let me know what it was. Alex
Starting point is 00:33:32 Pahea and Israel Adesanya. So now, is Alex Pahea really a 205-er? Is that just too much man for Izzy? I will say this. Izzy looked good will say this. I will. It looked,
Starting point is 00:33:47 Izzy looked good. He hurt him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And you know what? It was the strangest thing after Izzy hurt him. Alex Pierre said the same thing that Izzy said in the fight against Calvin
Starting point is 00:33:59 Gaslam, uh, the fight against Calvin Gaslam, Calvin Gaslam was messing Izzy up fat. Well, and I, and right after, the fight against Calvin Gaslam. Calvin Gaslam was messing Izzy up. Fat, low-balling eye. And right before the fifth round, Izzy was like, you're going to have to kill me.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You know what I'm saying? I'm ready to die for this. And he just talked it to himself. And then they showed the clip of Alex Piera, and he was speaking in his language, of course, but said the exact same thing. Said, like, I'm willing to die for this yeah i mean came out there and just i don't think it's too much man for izzy because izzy held his own i mean fifth round you know he didn't get knocked out
Starting point is 00:34:36 cold but he got hurt pretty bad so yeah i'm glad they stopped it are you glad they stopped it oh i mean i would i'm always ready to see Izzy hit the ground lifeless. But, yeah, I mean, it was a good stoppage. I mean, I think Izzy can, you know, handle him. He has to switch up his game. Try some wrestling. You know what I mean? Try some jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:35:01 This is mixed martial arts. This is no longer kickboxing. You don't have to stand in front of this man and just. Yeah, there was some stat in that fight or something. I saw of Israel recently. I don't know who he's fighting. He's like, this is Israel's first takedown in the history of his MMA career. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah. I was like, what the fuck? It's mixed martial arts. Like, do your thing. You know what I mean? Like, you can think of there's 30 different ways to defeat opponent when mixed martial arts you have any way to defeat opponent why just stand there and get beat like you got beat the last two times you faced this guy which is punching and kicking
Starting point is 00:35:37 so i mean but he's a big man. You can't lie about that. Yes. He's huge. Like, when you see him sparring against Glover, you're like, how can this guy make 185? Yeah, he's huge. I see him stand against that one guy that lost to Jon Jones. He lost that night, too. Who was it?
Starting point is 00:36:02 That dude was supposed to be really good. Cyril Ghosn? No, mexican guy that that fought john jones and oh yes yes dominic reyes yeah i seen him stand next to dominic reyes and dominic reyes looked tiny i'm like poor dominic reyes he was the next he was the future the future now he can't win a fight if his life depends on it if his life and not only that he's been getting knocked out yeah every time yeah um uh stevan did you see the pic of anthony smith missing weight he looks like he just got off the couch after hibernation anthony smith's not fighting is he i think he's a stand-in maybe for uh uh freaking oh you're right. He's a stand-in.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Oh, shit. Anthony Smith misses weight despite being backup for UFC title. Smith 34 was weighing in the event that Glover and Jamal Hill were forced to pull out. He probably wasn't even practicing. He probably
Starting point is 00:37:04 knew that... There's no way in hell. Yeah, I'm not going to get this shot. What do you think of the matchup, though? I mean, I know we're not talking matchups yet, but... No, let's do it. Let's do it. You want to talk about Jamal and Glover? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I love Jamal Hill. Me too. He's great. He's funny. He hurts people. He's going to get fucked up by glover tix here six kids hey so i that so i last night he's got six kids i think so oh that's why he's fighting he's fighting for a fucking check he can't yes
Starting point is 00:37:39 health yes so but i want to i want to tell you something about that because I was like this guy is fucking crazy he's going to go to the ground with Glover and Glover is going to destroy him murder him but I want to show you the fucking guys Jamal Hill has beat
Starting point is 00:38:00 it's fucking nuts dude I know yeah but 80 80 are just strikers oh uh tiago santos and john and johnny walker now i i know johnny walker's like one of the deadliest guys in the ufc but he's also hit or miss he's got a little like ever since he fucked his shoulder up he's hit or miss yeah from doing that worm shit oh shit and you're right paul craig beat him yeah and that's and paul craig only has one move the triangle from his back and i'm telling you right now like people countless fighters have said glover has the strength of 10 men on the ground i mean he's i've never seen anyone i've never seen it and the only person who
Starting point is 00:38:45 survived i've seen underneath him that i've ever seen was yon yeah uh the guy projokovic or whatever the guy who just who beat him in the fifth round but that was a not yon it was yon yuri yuri yuri yuri yeah yeah but but yuri basically lost that fight. Somehow he won it in the last 15 seconds. Yeah, but he was getting his ass whooped. Destroyed. Yeah, and so— He might as well have been dead. This is just a new boundary for Jamal. Because I've seen Glover get hit a million times
Starting point is 00:39:17 and never look like he was going to get knocked out, you know? And not to mention, the last time fought anthony smith he knocked all his teeth out yeah yeah you know like this is the man you're gonna have on top of you you know and so i mean hey did you remember when he fought john jones the beating he gave john jones and john jones survived it yeah i do i do remember. They beat the fucking dog shit out of each other. And that was back in freaking, that was what? 13, 2013 or some shit. A year ago, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yeah. You know, like, gosh. I mean, maybe Jamal Hill is, he definitely has a competitive spirit of John Jones. I'll give him that. He competes until his very last breath. He goes up against some tough guys. He beat Tiago Santos, which, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Tough guy. Tough guy. Johnny Walker, I'll give him that. Tiago Santos, you could argue, beat. There's people you could argue that beat Jon Jones, and Tiago's one of them with that fucked up knee. Remember when they fought? John Jones and Tiago is one of them with that fucked up knee.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Remember when they fought, I'll say he was getting the, he was getting some good shots on John Jones, but he hung in there after the second round, he was toast pretty much fucked. So I feel like I've seen people hit Glover, knock him out. He falls on top of you. And then when he comes conscious two seconds later he kills you i i'm not even joking i feel like i've seen that in some fight
Starting point is 00:40:53 like someone punched him and he kind of was knocked out and fell forward and grabbed the guy and then that was it dude and i'm i mean he's just a different breed no savvy would you let your boys be fighters absolutely Absolutely not. Why? No fucking way. Why would you? Because I don't want them to fucking get brain damage. No, you don't get CT from fucking UFC and MMA sports like that. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Okay, yeah, sure. No, are you fucking crazy? Of course you do. Look, the first thing that happens when you get fucking brain damage is you start saying you don't get brain damage. Oh, shit. I'm already in it. Yeah. Okay, talk to me.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Really? You think the UFC, you think it's okay? I'm saying the reason that boxers get this is think about what they do to them. They let them get knocked out, and they stand them right the fuck back up. Yeah. And let them get knocked out and they stand them right the fuck back up. Yeah. Let him get knocked out again. You can get as knocked out as many times as you want. As long as I can stand you up in that 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Right. And you can put your hands back up. Right. Okay. That's brain damage in the UFC. Most of the time you see them, they'll get hit hard. And if they aren't defending themselves within three seconds on the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:04 All it. You know what I mean so you don't get the repeated head trump to it you know what I mean it's way easier for a boxer to do just cause here's the thing what about like those holloway fights yeah shit I mean
Starting point is 00:42:19 but how often do you see those you know what I mean well you don't but every single one of his fights. Like, he's had five five-round fights where you just are just like, should I not watch the UFC? Am I supporting something that's not good? Like, you just can't even believe the beatings that people are taking. Yeah, I'll give you that. I mean, yeah, but, I mean, look at what your kids know.
Starting point is 00:42:42 They can just take someone to ground easily and just choke them out yeah you know they could be be a glover where they're like i'll just guard my head and i'll just make sure i murder this guy on the ground and we're good you know it's it would be so stressful to see see my kid fight what would you do if they were like 18 and they're like yo dad i'm doing an mma fight well, I would support whatever. Yeah. Like, God, I hope they're not like, hey, I want to chop my penis off. But whatever, like, I pretty much support whatever. Travis, would you go to Baltimore? Yeah, that's a good question. Would I rather have my kid be a UFC fighter or live in Baltimore?
Starting point is 00:43:16 That's a tough fucking. That's a tough. That is a tough one. I would say UFC fighter. Fucking Baltimore. What's happening to some of the cities in this country? How's your city? Your city good?
Starting point is 00:43:29 My city's all right. Yeah, it's not. I mean, I live in a small town, so, you know, everybody knows who everybody is, and they don't really try to kill each other. So that's. Yeah. Hey, Bill's coming over. Lock your bike.
Starting point is 00:43:44 How come Bill's still addicted to heroin a little bit like all this shit like that you know yeah yeah yeah like oh yeah okay we understand yeah just exactly like that yeah uh these two guys are going to give each other brain damage uh brandon moreno and uh and the god of war figuerediredo. Most definitely. Which Brandon Moreno had to switch up camp slightly. Oh, because of poor James Krause? Wow. Hey, do you have any insight into that? Let me paint the picture for you guys.
Starting point is 00:44:15 So there's this guy, James Krause. He's been on the show before. I fucking loved him on the show. Like, I wanted to be best friends with him. Yeah. And he came on the show. And then I think he got a divorce from his wife. Then there were rumors that like he was banging Laura Sanko.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Which she never, she never, she never even brought that up, bro. She was like, she commented nothing. She was silent as a fucking mountain. Good. Her husband probably didn't like that. She's married? Yeah, she's married. She has kids. Okay. She has kids, but is she married? Yeah. that. She's married? Yeah, she's married. She has kids.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Okay, she has kids, but is she married? Yeah, yeah, she's married. She got a cool-ass husband and shit. Like, he's like a business dude. Oh, wow, that probably sucked for her. And the chick who accused him of banging her was hot as shit, too. I can only imagine he was probably... When she accused him of that, this is just where I went. This is all made-up, people.
Starting point is 00:45:05 But I was like, oh, he was banging her, too, and that. This is just where I went. This is all made up people. But I was like, oh, he was banging her, too. And now she's pissed. That's that's exactly like exactly where I went as well. And especially seeing the just the. Kind of, you know, relationship between them two, you know, in the gym, I definitely feel like, yeah, he's probably he's probably tearing it it up and so go to your gym and you're the owner you know what i mean it's nothing to be like hey you want a private session and now the gym floor is all fucking soaking wet you know yeah uh both of those women are otherworldly but i uh so so then he i don't even know how you roll with someone like laura sanko to be honest like i wanted to i want to have her on the show
Starting point is 00:45:56 but also her boobs are those prosthetics she has are so big oh are they fake yeah you can see videos of her before and after she got them like on her instagram like and it just has to be just it just must be this chick fucking lauren murphy who's fighting has giant fake tits this weekend yeah dude i don't know how how girls fight with fake tits first of all for one now you have to cut even more weight than you had to before right i got weight that doesn't move you know you got these fucking six pounds that's just like we're here to stay yeah hey dude does anyone ever talk about that i've never seen the ufc ufc shows talking about that no i never i may have seen them comment on one with uh uh chef chank or not chef chankle but you want to jay check just oh about them yeah she did that you know what i mean she kind of looked like a malnourished human being and i'm not a big
Starting point is 00:46:57 proponent of fake tits but those actually helped her i think helped her out huh helped her keep her her women physique yeah she she's a trip uh they look real are you fucking kidding me these look real to you are you out of your fucking mind yeah the one with the stripes don't yeah they don't look real and and by the way this might be one of the best ufc commentators too i fucking respect her game like a mofo yeah she's cool she does she does lfa sometimes too too. She does? Yeah. She commentated on my first LFA appearance. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah. Yeah, she's fucking legit. She knows her shit. Yeah, she does. She rolls. I've seen this video. She rolls pretty good, but she is super tiny, though. And I don't think she fucked her way to the top. Her career looks like she worked her ass off to get where she wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Oh, yeah. I think if anything happened with her and James Krause, I think it was just from knowing each other. You know, you get the, oh, I, you know, I've known her for so long, you know, and it's just a slip up. I don't definitely think she fucked her way to the top at all. Let me, but I mean mean even at the but i mean even at even at with the uh uh with the ufc like like you could just tell she yeah i don't think i don't that's what i'm saying i don't think her having a little intimate relationship with james krauss meant that oh she fucks her way through everything you know yeah right or i don't think she fucked Dana either. No.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Who knows? Okay. Fair, fair. That's fair. Yeah. And even if she, even if she did,
Starting point is 00:48:31 I still think she got the, she got, she's, she's got the chop. She's one of the best commentators out there. She should have the job. Yes. Agree.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah. Thank you. That's what I meant. Okay. Let's just, I don't even know what this is, but just anything with Nate Diaz and a chick with giant, a hot chick with giant tits is fun to watch. So let's just watch this.
Starting point is 00:48:46 You're the only person I've ever surrendered the mic to. He didn't say that. I said that. I was just talking to whoever was in front of me. I don't know. Thank you very much. Guys, we'll see you at UFC 280. Talking about this fight that we just had?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, the one we just had. I keep backing up. I know. I know. Please, dear God, don't punch me. I'm going to grab you again. Get over here. Get over here.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Get over here. I don't understand a fucking word of what's being said. Not at all. But yeah, I don't understand a fucking word of what's being said. Not at all. But yeah, I don't know. Does Nate Diaz speak English? He speaks gibberish for sure. That's that freaking CT language. No, that's fucking marijuana language.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Oh, you think so? Yeah, he just smoked too much. Yeah, smoked too much. Sorry. One more look at Laura Sanko. Oh, at least they move naturally, though. Yeah, look, her strap fell off her shirt. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:00 I fell off, I'm sure. Oh, and she's... She's doing video? Oh, she's breaking people. Yeah. Yeah, I fell off, I'm sure. She's doing video? Oh, she's breaking people. Yeah. This move's called the Executioner. Oh, yeah, that's pretty fucking dope. I'm going to try that on someone.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Hey, what's going on with your training? Just been training like a savage. You are? Yeah, I Just been training like a savage. You are? Yeah, I've been training nonstop. I got a lot of new programs. I released my management team lately. Why? Because you don't need them?
Starting point is 00:50:39 You're fighting with them? We just, you know, we weren't on the same page. I mean, they're not bad people. They're a great agency team. They just, you know, we weren't on the same page. You know, the three losses maybe got to them with me. You know, they weren't getting back to me like I wanted them to get back to me. You know, we were miscommunicating.
Starting point is 00:51:03 But I've just been, you know, trying to stick to everything I'm trying to do. Yeah, that has the weighted vest and the bands on. I just try to fucking go crazy with that. Hey, are you doing this thinking that maybe you could get called up to do a fight? I'm ready. You know what I mean? Like, ready and willing to anywhere to get called up to a fight. You know, not even just, you know what I mean like ready and willing anywhere to get called up to a fight you know not even just
Starting point is 00:51:27 you know not even the UFC if the UFC was like hey we need you we had someone step out you're still fighting welterweight yeah well I mean I've thought about 185 too because I'm waking up around 202 204 holy
Starting point is 00:51:42 shit normally big dude now I was actually gonna do a fight at 205 in Florida, but I told them money talks. If I'm going to do a fight at 205, I need some bread. We've seen what 205ers look like when they come back in the ring. Right. I said I didn't mind, but they didn't want to pay me what I wanted to be paid. So I told him I just can't, you know, I just will just have to wait for another time.
Starting point is 00:52:10 So, I mean, but I mean, I'm training hard. I got I do have a jujitsu match in Kansas City, April 1st. I'm trying to against it with who? I don't remember the opponent's name off the top of my head. He's a uh purple belt i think um you're so fucking lean you're telling me you ate 202 there yeah you're fucking huge dude yeah it's uh i'm trying to stay uh super fit i'm doing a lot of cardio too so that way you know i'm ready there's no excuse for what i'm doing um lot of cardio too. So that way, you know, I'm ready. There's no excuse for what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Hey, you know what? You know what? That guy I had on the show recently, who's the father to that quarterback, Travis Bajent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He said, he said the problem with MMA and fighting and wrestling and all that shit is like, it's the perfect sport as a supplement to all other sports. I go, what do you mean? He goes, if you need to prepare metabolically for football and you wrestle, wrestling, that's all you got to do. Wrestle and you're ready to play football.
Starting point is 00:53:16 You prepare. Yeah. He said, and you can do that with any sport. Just do what fighters train, how fighters train, and you'll be in the fucking best shape of your life. I go, so what's the problem fighting he goes because what the fuck are those guys supposed to use to build their engine yeah do you get what i'm saying he's all like what are where and and it made me start thinking is that that's why diaz does those triathletes he said you have to live in this horrible fucking pain cave of metabolic capacity at all times, right?
Starting point is 00:53:46 Most definitely. I took this workout regimen from this guy named Bill DeRue. He's a strength and conditioning coach for American top team and some of the top UFC fighters. And all of his workouts is basically like that. Like you are just like, like this is a set we did. We, we did the other day where it's, um,
Starting point is 00:54:15 you do five squats of 85% of your max. So I'm doing two 85, five times. Then I go over and do two Oh five on uh lat pull on just flat barbell lat pull you do that why lat pull instead of uh instead of pull-ups uh because lat pull uh works more of your lower back and uh the middle of your back pull-ups is more of your lats on the side you know okay okay um and i do five i do five reps of that of 205 because you do 85 percent of your lats on the side you know okay okay um and i do five i do five reps of that of 205 because you do 85 of your max yeah and then you do that for five minutes straight back and forth
Starting point is 00:54:55 no rest in between five reps five reps five reps five reps five rep for five minutes in the middle when you get 45 to one minute rest you do either the fan bike or the elliptical whatever you want to do as many rpms as you can as hard as you can for as many rpms as you can for five minutes no for your 45 second rest oh and then you do that three rounds you do three rounds of that i tell you what i mean it's probably the most gruesome work I've ever done in my life. Okay, so 285 by 5 on back squat. Lap pull 205 by 5, but 85%. And how long do you do that for?
Starting point is 00:55:36 Five minutes? You do five reps for five minutes. So five reps. Back and forth. As many rounds as you can. As many rounds as you can. And then your rest is 45 seconds as hard as you can go on the on the fan bike yeah on the air on the assault bike and you do that for three rounds three rounds and your legs just your legs are just shallow when
Starting point is 00:55:55 you're done everything hates you you're just out of breath and then i try to i try to give myself four to five minute rest after that and then do four to five bag rounds for as, you know, as quickly as I can punch. Mostly not as hard because I know I already have power, but just as quick. I want to be as quick as I can, especially me walking around at over 200 pounds. I need the mobility more than I need the strength. Classic push-pull, Hartel. So classic push, pull, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:26 Hartel Hartle. Uh, Hey, what about this? Uh, Darian, have you done fight gone bad? Do you know that workout?
Starting point is 00:56:32 It's, it's basically, um, it was a CrossFit workout that, uh, Greg Glassman, the founder made for BJ Penn back in the day, BJ would train over here in Santa Cruz with Greg.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And it was, uh, I don't remember what the movements are but it's basically five minutes on one minute break uh five rounds so it's like five minutes on the rower one minute break five minutes as many times as you can shoulder to overhead one minute break someone will probably oh look paper street coffee my first workouts yeah i think that was you know what it wasn't my first crossfit workout but that was my first like real workout i did that at the level one in 2007 and it broke me off damn i'm gonna have to try that that's and then and then like five minutes
Starting point is 00:57:15 of box jumps you can look it up i'll here i'll look it up real quick and figure out what it is that sounds horrible i definitely want to do that how are you going to get fights without a um uh a management team oh no i'm in the process of setting up a new management team um i just you know um sometimes you know you have those questions in the back of your mind oh i told you wrong sorry bear with me here i told you wrong sorry sorry. Bear with me here. I told you wrong. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. It's one minute of wall balls. You know what those are? Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:50 One minute of wall balls. One minute of sumo deadlift high pool. Yeah. Um, a one minute of box jumps, one minute of push press. And one minute of row. Okay. I was starting to think like five minutes a row.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I'm going to die. Yeah. So you do that, right? So you, it's five minutes and you just keep switching implements on the minute as fast as you can. And then you rest one minute and it says it's three rounds,
Starting point is 00:58:17 but three rounds doesn't sound enough to five rounds. Yeah. I'm definitely going to kill this workout. That sounds that workout sounds great. I'll put a link to it for anyone who wants to see. I did the Sevan yesterday, 45 minutes on the Echo bike. I drank for the first time last night. I had two margaritas, and then I came home at 9.40 at night to prepare for the show.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I worked out with a buzz, but it was horrible. I slept like shit. Drinking and i i felt i worked out with a buzz but it was horrible and i slept like shit drinking's dumb i hate working out with a buzz like i hate anyone who i have i had a couple guys that come in and they drink before they come into practice sometimes how do you even feel how do you even want to do this like i wouldn't even i don't even want to do any activity when i'm if i'm intoxicated at all i had to but yeah i don't i just hate you i don't know why i think i'm getting old seven lifts weights once a week no no listen if i leave the house the other day i did 30 snatches with a 50 pound dumbbell just before i leave the house so i got some like sw swollen my arms just so it looked good. Just in case someone's like,
Starting point is 00:59:25 Hey, that's a cute old man. Good deal. Yeah. You never know. Oh, with the 50 pounds. Boy,
Starting point is 00:59:31 you're strong, huh? I do 70, but damn it. That's, that's pretty good that you're doing. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:59:36 I was, I was, I was trying to work up to the a hundred pounder. And so I bought, I did, I would do the 50 a lot. And I started doing the 60 a lot. And then I started doing the 70 and I fucked my left arm up in here.
Starting point is 00:59:46 My bicep lowering it. Oh, happened in here. Pop some, huh? Not that bad, but I don't like it. I can't even do like I'm,
Starting point is 00:59:55 I've been resting it now for three months and it, and it's when you're years old, you can't do like that no more, brother, I guess. Okay. Let's, I, I'm going to pretend like that no more, brother. I guess. Okay, let's... I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I have to be able to snatch the 100-pound dumbbell. So, Glover Teixeira for the win. Glover. Hands down. And then what about here, Brandon Moreno and the God of War, Figueiredo? Moreno's saying, hey, I never want to do this fight again. Fuck this guy. this is the last one yeah i mean this is what number four yeah one win each and one draw yeah uh i'm gonna go ahead
Starting point is 01:00:34 and say i'm gonna i'm gonna go figueredo on this oh do you want him to win i want moreno to win i want moreno to win i like moreno he's a good guy you know um i mean if this is going to be the last fight you know he's saying he's never gonna fight him again i mean and you don't hear figueredo saying that you know figueredo might want to fight him you know five more times so i'm gonna take the guy who's you know not worried about who he fights how many times you know so i'm gonna go figure guy who's you know not worried about who he fights how many times you know so i'm gonna go figure it out hey it's a trip um that two little these guys are miniature miniature and just dangerous and it's just it's kind of weird when you see miniature guys like getting so much hype those are gonna be your kids i mean yes you're right. Yep. I, I, Gilbert Burns, uh, Neil Magny, Neil Magny.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Uh, what a bizarre looking man he's turned into. He, he, he needs to decide what he's going to do with his hair, but definitely beautiful body, super cool. And the most, uh, uh, most wins of any welterweight in UFC history going against the nightmare that is Gilbert Burns. Yeah, and I'm going to have to pick Gilbert Burns on this only because you see the fight he had with one of the most dangerous men in the division. While we're here, what about Hamzat versus Alex Pejea? I kind of want to see that.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I kind of want to see that. What? I do too, just because Hamzat's not going to stand up. He's going to take him down. He is? A million and three times, yeah. What? He's not going to stand up with the most dangerous man in stand-up? No. He won't. Just like, remember
Starting point is 01:02:21 when he fought with Kevin Holland on the whole switcheroo thing that i was on yeah yeah he ain't gonna stand up but kevin holland's not even that dangerous standing up and he immediately shot on him you know right and alex pierre is taller than kevin holland and hits like a freight train he's he's getting taken down but i want to see how i mean alex perera goes with Glover Teixeira all the time. We'll see how that goes. So that would be, I want that fight.
Starting point is 01:02:50 They should make that collide. We need that. Yeah, or have Hamzat fight Izzy and then the winner of that get to be. Oh, Izzy's dead. You think Hamzat would just tie him in like a little knot? Like it's just like a. Dead. Oh my God. Dead, dude. do you think Hamza would just tie him in like a little knot? Like it's just like a dead. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Dead dude. There's really dude. There's no bro. He couldn't even stop. Yon from taking them down. Yeah. Get the greatest wrestler of all time against Izzy. You're dead. Izzy.
Starting point is 01:03:23 You're dead. You're dead, man. God, I would... There's so much potential for so many... Ooh, I'd pay money right now for that fight, though. I was crazy impressed by Gilbert's
Starting point is 01:03:37 surviving that first round with Hamzat. I was like... Savage for that. He was like... And the way he was able to get up after being taken down, like, that gave Gilbert some, I mean, that calms out some problems, you know? Not being able to keep somebody on the ground and just maul them. Like, Gilbert was like, nah, we're going to stand up and you're going to fight me. And that was fucking beautiful.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I loved it. I do want to say this in serious defense of Izzy and Darren, you slap me down if you think this is bullshit it is so weird that israel when he the three times he's fought alex pahea twice in kickboxing once in mma izzy was winning at some point in all three of those fights it looked like izzy was gonna win yeah i agree with that like if someone was like i'll bet a thousand bucks against you that Pehea wins,
Starting point is 01:04:27 you'd be like, I'll take it. I mean, for sure, right? Yeah, for sure. It's so weird that Alex Pehea pulled off all those fights. It's like weird. Like, almost like... But in that instant,
Starting point is 01:04:40 it defines a fighter. Like, to be losing, not not just once but every time you fought this guy and no i can pull it out i know i can pull it out and just and just start him i mean you know the first one was a decision win but the last two i mean starched him i mean hit him i think i think in every fight is he put a glitch in the matrix for alex i think there was a moment the last two, I mean, starched him. I mean, hit him. I think, I think in every fight is he put a glitch in the matrix for Alex. I think there was a moment in all those fights that Alex like went unconscious for a second. Oh yes.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Especially, you know what I mean? Like, you know, when your lights dim in your house, I think Alex had that in all the fights, especially in this last fight. You saw it.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Like, yeah. At the end of that round, like Alex was like, Ooh, shit. And I'll give him that in of that round, Alex was like, ooh, shit. He fell over. And I'll give him that.
Starting point is 01:05:32 In the fourth round, if there was like 30 more seconds, Alex is out of here. Alex would have been out of here. Who else can Alex fight in that division? What's that division called? Light heavyweight? Middleweight. Middleweight. Middleweight. I like to see him fight maybe uh
Starting point is 01:05:51 i'd like to see him i'm gonna pull up the list here robin whitaker would be a fight that i'd like to see alex pierre fight that would be awesome oh alex could uh robert whittaker could be a problem for him yeah i wouldn't in saying that i would even put it past calvin gaslam to fight alex pierre you know gaslam just a little machine you know he just keeps calvin so hit him i just feel like calvin's best days are behind him you think so he's only like 27 years old okay i really like him i i i really like him uh but i just god ever since that izzy fight so okay um robert whitaker for sure yeah robert whitaker i i i i had great aspirations for jared cannonier but i think we're starting to see him get maxed out right he's he's gonna need to to get better. I think he's just scared of greatness, you know?
Starting point is 01:06:45 He had that chance with Izzy, and he just didn't want to attack because he thought something would happen, you know? He destroyed Sean Strickland, basically. Destroyed him. How about this dude? He's just got – oh, and this dude's going to fight – oh, this dude just fought Sean Strickland and lost, right? In a decision?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Yeah, he did. Yeah, Sir Dean. Or notice. Sean Strickland jumped in there two weeks notice and beat him up. And Darren Till's done too, right? Unfortunately, that was, he belongs in this weight class. He belongs down here. Yeah, he should go back to 170.
Starting point is 01:07:21 He should never made the jump to 185. Okay, so there's no one to fight out hey so pahay is gonna after glover beats jamal hill they're gonna have to fucking offer alex money to fight glover they're never gonna do that no i'm saying glover and alex are never gonna fight each other you have your only training partner ever, and you're going to see... They're not going to do that. Really? But maybe Jamal Hill will win, and then boom.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And then Pehea's got to go up there and avenge the teacher? And has to avenge the teacher, yes. Holy shit. That could be a fucking recipe for disaster. Steven Flores, Sevan Logic. If you're over the age of 26, you're on the decline. I know. Guilty.
Starting point is 01:08:12 You're right. Fuck it. You're right. Damn, what? How old are you, Darren? Fucking 29. Done. Toast.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Damn. I'm tired. Okay. So we got Glover, Figueiredo, Gilbert Burns. He's just too much. Yeah. Gilbert Burns is just too much.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I think he's going to be too much for Mr. Magny. And Gilbert wants one more shot at the title, right? I think he deserves it, for sure. He deserves one more shot at the title right? I think he deserves it for sure he deserves one more shot especially if Leon Edwards is the one that has the belt go get it Gilbert
Starting point is 01:08:51 and what about our homeboy the Trump kid with the big mouth who got fucking popped in the face where the fuck has he been? what's his name? Colby Covington yeah where is Colby?
Starting point is 01:09:05 I have no idea ever since he got beat up in the parking lot by george mozzica that's true yeah that's true what you just said i know i beat up in the parking lot and he's gone i don't know if he has like you know some people and i'm this is god's honest truth some people do get like ptsd from shit like that. You know what I mean? Right. Maybe he's fighting through some mental issues. You know, he got his ass whooped and he's like just fucking hiding from George wherever he goes, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:37 Lauren Murphy and Jessica Andrade. I am not a fan of Jessica Andrade. And I almost like dislike her. And it's not and i almost like dislike her and it's not her fault but ever since she dumped rose on her i do kind i saw her interview this past weekend where she said yeah rose was beating my ass in the first round yeah so i appreciated her at least admitting that but ever since she dropped rose on her head killed her yeah i just i just don't like her anymore after that fucking killed her i couldn't even believe that somebody, she literally, I mean, picked her up above her and then dropped her on her neck. And I'm like, oh, man, she is just, I say Jessica Andrade in this.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I like Lauren Murphy because, this is going to sound horrible, but i guess i've said so much fucked up shit on the show already you've showed a foot vagina let's go yeah okay uh just lauren murphy looks like she's been through a lot like she slept in the back of a car and done a lot of meth like she just looks like i just like her because she just read like that was literally on my mind as as you're like i'm like lauren murphy looks like her life before the fucking like it was rough as fuck like i i i could see god i should not be talking i should not be i didn't get enough sleep last night maybe i'm still drunk i could see myself trapped on a desert island with her oh yeah like like there there's these you know in high school
Starting point is 01:11:08 there were these chicks that we would joke around they were scooters we'd call them scooters it's a chick you want to ride but you don't want your friends to see oh and i don't know why i even spoke like that i didn't even lose my virginity till i was 18 but uh but she's like there's something about her that's so endearing but yet she got like hit with the ugly stick but she's like there's something about her that's so endearing but yet she got like hit with the ugly stick but she's hot but she fucking done too much meth like i don't know what it is but she almost doesn't even look human yeah something happened something yeah yeah i i agree i i mean i get the same vibes when looking at her i'm like there's something you had a very hard life before. Your life, your meth life was harder than your UFC life.
Starting point is 01:11:51 That's why she did. I'd scared of any battle. Fuck. Yes. God drives. Let's go. Ain't nothing like meth at fucking 3 a.m. Let's get it. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:11:59 This is a, we had this guy on the other day, Tommy G and he goes into all these crazy places and interviews in all these dark situations, right? Like cartel members, prostitutes. He's always interviewing the craziest people. And he says, Laura Murphy looks like Tommy G. Had some good inside Sevan podcast humor. Wow. That's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Okay. So who wins this? You say you got Andrade? I probably got Jessica Andrade. She's so fucking strong and powerful. I mean... I think Lauren can... I guess Jessica's gonna have to take her down because I think Lauren can just stand up
Starting point is 01:12:35 and just, like, fight dudes and shit. Oh, really? I think so, yeah. Oh, yeah, then let's... I'm excited to see that fight. Yeah, I think she... yeah. Oh, yeah. Then I'm excited to see that fight. Yeah, I think she, yeah. And then. Maybe there'll be a wardrobe malfunction.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Who you got hit or miss on this one? I know he's good, but how good? I really wanted Johnny Walker to be a champion someday. Me too. I thought for sure he would be. He was John Jones before John Jones left the 205 division, but that didn't happen. This is how I remember this, and you tell me if it's right, but Johnny Walker was like the next fucking great thing. He was fucking so long, so savage.
Starting point is 01:13:23 The levers, like even crazier levers than like uh uh alex pahea that we're talking about like you just couldn't even believe he's a man he's more like a praying manis yeah and he celebrated after one of his fights he just he did the cross and then fell on his back like just to like do and he fucked his shoulder up and was never the same i remember i remember him doing that and i I'm like, you idiot. You idiot. Like, what are you doing, dude? Your celebration fucked you?
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah, like that's, and he has been on the downhill slope. Well, he's been kind of, you know, up, up, down kind of a little bit. But who's that? He has a weird name. The dude who dresses like the hulk sometimes that he just beat he just beat him i i don't know johnny walker needs to go to uh fucking bellator and just become the champ over there you think so we do like uh what uh what's his name trying to do fuck what's his name he used to be in the ufc and then he went over there. Oh, he lost that fight, though.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Okay. That's a... The disco? Mr. Vowell, hi. Hi. Hello, friends. Mr. Weeks, how are you? I'm doing well. How are you doing?
Starting point is 01:14:38 I'm good, man. I'm good. Glad to see you kicking ass always. Thank you. Thank you, brother. Look like you're training hard. Sorry to interrupt. I just didn't want you guys to get away without the honorable mentions
Starting point is 01:14:49 of the card. We got Mauricio Shogun Hua, a legend, who's capping off the prelims. Oh, yeah. Mr. Val, hold on one second. I'm looking for this... Oh! Shit! He beat that guy Mr. Val, hold on one second I'm looking for this Oh, shit
Starting point is 01:15:08 He beat that guy, the Russian looking dude You're saying Johnny Walker Ian Kutalaba Kutalaba Yeah In the fight before that he lost to Jamal Hill Yeah And Tiago Santos, but you're right
Starting point is 01:15:22 That's an incredible win over Kutalaba That's no joke Okay over Kutalaba. Yeah. That's no joke. Okay, Mr. Vowell, sorry. Go ahead. Okay, I'm going back over to the card. Where is this?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Shogun Hua? I thought he was not even alive. He's still in the... Where do I go? Early prelims? No, prelims. Just the prelims? I think he's... Oh, shit. You're you're right yeah that'll be
Starting point is 01:15:49 absolute legend not sure if i want to see it uh i don't know i don't know how well he's gonna perform i know he's not like he's old but he's not as good as glover obviously and yeah you kind of hate to see it sometimes i think he he still may do good. To be honest, I didn't even know he was still on the UFC roster. I mean, I haven't seen him fighting over eight years, I think. Ten years. He's 41, dude. He's 41. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Younger than Glover. And Savant. Yeah, right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well said. Hey, who else, Mr. Val, do you think deserves some love? Well, Terrence McKinney.
Starting point is 01:16:35 He's way down in the early prelims. Oh, Terrence McKinney. Yeah, yeah, yeah. At 3 p.m., yep. And Terrence McKinney, he started dropping ever since that Drew Dauber fight. They expected this kid to be fucking non-touchable, and then Drew Dauber came in there and just fucking wrecked him. And he hasn't been the same?
Starting point is 01:16:58 No, and he's just been, well, they haven't put as much hype on him anymore after that. He's the one that said. I think the Drew Dauber fight, he didn't lose any stock. In my book, anyway, Drew Dover before... versus Terrence McKinney. That's what got him...
Starting point is 01:17:17 Dylan, you're breaking up pretty good. Where are you at? You're somewhere between West Virginia and fucking nowhere? That's what i thought let me see the fuck is this josie nunez god this this is a girl oh yeah i've seen her fight before is it is it amanda nunez's cousin or something i i don't know but this chick's fucking look, she's on a fucking terror, dude. Oh, yeah. She ain't fucking backing down from no one. And who's she fighting?
Starting point is 01:17:53 She's over here on the early prelims. Oh, no, she's on the prelim card. She's nine and fucking one. This might be worth watching. Oh, yeah. She's going to do some wreckage. I don't know if she's related to fucking one this might be worth watching oh yeah she's gonna do some wreckage i don't know if she's really demanded nunez i think nunez i'm guessing is there's like it's like a chinese guy with the last name chin you know what i mean there's just a fucking 100 million of them there's oh okay you know i'm guessing i'm guessing right
Starting point is 01:18:19 top brazilian name is new yeah nunez Nunes, Smith, and Chin. You know, it's like just... Oh, shit. No, yeah, man, I'm really excited for that Terrence McKinney. I want to see him do good. He was just talking earlier about how him and Patty are going to definitely fight each other probably in the near future. Da-da-da-da-da-da. It just has to happen.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I think Patty's hurt. I think he injured himself or something yeah it's probably from gaining fucking 210 pounds and then fucking dropping down every so often i'm not a fan of patty i'm i i'll tell you at all i talked to somebody who knew him before he ever blew up yeah and they said he's always been like that he's yeah i believe it i believe that i believe that and so i didn't like him until i heard that and then i was like yeah that's cool i'm like oh shit well if you're just that guy you're just that guy you know what i mean fuck it yeah so but what do you don't like about him just like his accent i i i i really don't and maybe i'm just an idiot but i really don't see the uh the high i don't i i i don't see it like like sean o'malley i really see it but i also think he's one-dimensional i think that i mean i can't even believe he fucking beat
Starting point is 01:19:42 yawn i i i have to imagine that al jermaine gets a hold of fucking Sean O'Malley and fucking just pushes him down to the ground, and Sean hates life. I just think the same thing about Patty. I just think, dude, if you don't get better, you're going to run into someone like that fucking Armenian kid or Makachev or Islam. Someone is going to fucking make you look so bad in a second. Especially the way he strikes and he boxes. It's fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Sloppy, right? Sloppy. Dude, he just runs at people, wailing his arms. Someone's going to catch you down the middle with a right hand, and you're going to go straight to bed. Ronda Rousey, right? He's Ronda Rousey, kind of. Like, we thought Ronda Rousey was the greatest, and then once someone kind of like a Holly Holmes kind of figured that shit out, hey, just weathered the storm. Busted her ass up.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Fucked her up. Exp her like not it's not even close and I like Nate at least Nate and Connor had a war yeah and I really think that you know like they have to get over the hype of Patty that's where people lose is
Starting point is 01:21:01 they're like oh I'm fighting Patty Pimlet you know like yo fuck, oh, I'm fighting Patty Pimlet. You know, like, yo, fuck that. You know what I'm saying? Like, get over there. Yeah, that meatball girl. That meatball girl just ran into a jujitsu practitioner. And got fucked off. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Holy black belts. I know. They didn't even look like they should be in the same fighting league. She looks like she belongs. Like, she doesn't look like she belonged in the UFC after that Molly it beat her so bad she wouldn't marry the girl what she said oh she did Molly got married after that yeah oh my goodness yeah she beat her so bad she's like yo I gotta get this I gotta have my wife I need I need some help yeah I better marry some hot chick now before I get another loss and no one wants to fight.
Starting point is 01:21:45 And no one wants me. Yeah. Hey. True. I hate to bring you into this, but all three of your fights that you lost in the UFC, I never saw one of them and was like, oh, it was lopsided. Or Darian shouldn't be in the UFC. uh it was lopsided or or darian shouldn't be in the ufc but that one that um molly lost recently like you have to you have to go back to the drawing board and be like oh shit what happened or or even like hey i'm not championship material like i never saw you
Starting point is 01:22:19 fight and be like oh he shouldn't be in there these guys outclass him i saw that and i'm like oh she doesn't really like that's such a hard wall to hit like can you really climb that wall yeah and that's that's uh right it would be so much different to be like to have like a competitive fight yes and punch you got knocked out and you're like yeah about it but to to get owned like she got owned like it's like like what kamzat did to leach yeah like leach has to be like oh fuck i'm never gonna be a champion yeah i mean and and i guess you know in reality i mean i guess in the sport where you're in a position like that i mean maybe you do have to just be comfortable like that you know like like for instance like brian barbarina um good fighter hard as nails you know will you ever fight for the belt he probably won't for you know his entire career he'll never fight
Starting point is 01:23:17 for the belt but it's at least if he did go in you know he could put up a fight yeah with anyone yeah i guess i guess you're right yeah but molly molly has like a giant fucking hole If he did go in, you know, he could put up a fight. Yeah. With anyone. Yeah, I guess. I guess you're right. Yeah. But Molly, Molly has like a giant fucking hole. Yeah. I mean, that like someone who knows jujitsu gets her on the ground and it's just over. It's over.
Starting point is 01:23:36 And I feel like, you know, I feel like, you know, what's crazy is her and Patty should stay connected because that's kind of like they both have holes at different in their different areas. You know, she's a good striker. Patty's atrocious at striking. He's a good jujitsu guy. She doesn't know shit. So,
Starting point is 01:23:53 I mean, I mean, they, they kind of work together, which he is good at jujitsu, huh? What he did to Jordan Leavitt, right?
Starting point is 01:23:59 Oh man, he's super good at jujitsu. And I mean, I've even gone back and watched his cage warrior stuff and it's like, holy shit. Like you, you can, he can choke some people outiu-jitsu. And I mean, I've even gone back and watched his Cage Warrior stuff, and it's like, holy shit. He can choke some people out, you know what I mean? Which is funny because he wants to be a stand-up guy. And he's definitely not, but someone's going to.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Someone's going to vote that soon, very, very soon. Because he's at the point of his career now, he's breaking into the top 15 fighters. He's breaking the point of his career now. He's breaking into the top 15 fighters. He's breaking into that. You're going to start fighting some people who are really going to. Understand that he's at 155. Dustin Poirier is at 155. Oh, Rafael Fiziz would fucking, I would guess, would eat him.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Would eat him. You know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, this guy. This guy, Armin Surakian. I mean, that's going to be a nightmare for Patty. Rafael Dos Anjos. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Look who he's breaking into. You know what I mean? Yes. You're really getting to where now you have to fight some guys who don't. Let Dan Hooker fight him. I want to see Dan. That would be cool. Dan Hooker fight him.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Please. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be so great dan hooker would eat his lunch yes oh man i would love to see that because dan hooker i'll tell you what he is an asshole when it comes to just being gritty and mean to motherfuckers on i mean he will he will hurt him okay we've we've avoided it long enough all right well i'm gonna go ahead paul craig or johnny walker i'm swinging johnny let's say this is the fight he maybe after the chubalaba guy he freaking you know he's got his his funk back and i'm saying i'm saying johnny walker uh paul craig
Starting point is 01:25:40 is ranked number nine okay johnny walker's breaking into that top, that top 10. If Paul Craig wins. God, I wonder how high they'd let him go. They probably put him at a seven or something. Hey, what happened to Yuri? I never watched the videos.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I just kept hearing his shoulders really bad. Did you ever look into what happened to it? I didn't look into it either, but it was kind of weird that he just... He was the shortest champion reign ever, I feel like. Like, gosh. I think something really bad happened to it.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Yeah, I know he was down. Have you ever heard that coffee doesn't actually give you energy that it just uh blocks the tired the tired uh receptors that go to your brain yeah do you believe that i think so because i'm gonna let you know and i drink coffee every day don't get me wrong but every time i have a cup of coffee i want to take a nap yeah i i've experienced that before but um also um sometimes when i drink coffee i feel like i get amped yeah but i guess it's okay here which means it's not blocking me
Starting point is 01:26:56 from getting tired it's actually getting me amped it might yeah and so i feel like you know when they say coffee and then they say you you know, those expresso shots, I think they're two different things, you know? Okay. Coffee bean in itself is what I'm thinking they say and blocks the tired receptors. But yeah, I feel like, I feel like if you're doing like espressos where you're getting a shot of freaking, you know, the expresso shots, I feel like, cause I have felt that, you know, if I drink something that because i have felt that you know if i drink something that has like an espresso shot in and i'm like whoo yeah let's go do something you
Starting point is 01:27:30 know let me go walk you know my heart my heart or or i was gonna go work out and i got a workout and pick and then i do a shot of espresso i'm like oh you know what i'm gonna do a little metabolic i'm gonna do a little metcon here first i'm gonna get 100 burpees in first and i'm like oh i know that's the coffee talking. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And I even feel my heart rate raise up a couple. Yes. And I'm like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:27:53 So I feel like it's probably – I feel like what they mean more is the coffee bean, not so much the espresso. But maybe they're the same. I don't know. I'm not a scientist. We need a coffee. scientists don't know shit uh bruce wayne uh dylan val bruce wayne i'll submit my application to be on a regular with mr weeks for you and heidi to review hey um dylan by the way i didn't hang up on you um you you just cut out you petered out you didn't pay your phone bill or some shit i do as we get to the 90 minute
Starting point is 01:28:26 mark i want to do something uh else here with darian uh i want to look uh up a few weeks and just get a little excited about uh so we have two ufc 283 darry and i will be watching that you're watching right yeah always uh and then um and then uh next week on fe 4th, Derek Lewis and Sergey Spivak. That's going to be fun, right? We have to watch that, yeah. Hopefully Derek Lewis gets a win. I need him to get a W. Choi Do Ho.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Choi Do Ho. I just – fuck, I'm definitely watching that. Where is this card? It's at 10 p.m.? I've never seen a 10 p.m it's start yeah it's 10 p.m pacific standard time i've never seen that holy shit hey this can't be in the united states look at i just see all these asian dude i see this russian dude i see a guy named yung da un i see a guy named Jung Da-un. I see a couple other fucking Polish dude and Russian dude. And then a Choi Do-hoo. And then a Yusaku Kinoshita.
Starting point is 01:29:30 This is in Asia for sure, right? It's definitely overseas for sure. Oh, yeah, yeah. Look at the undercard. It's all Asian dudes for sure. Definitely Mongolia or something. Okay. I don't even know if they have a UFC
Starting point is 01:29:45 in Mongolia and then this is crazy UFC 284 fucking go wild I really hope Volkanovski wins I don't dislike Islam but if Volk wins it fucking rattles
Starting point is 01:30:00 it rattles everything I'm with you on that I want Volkanovski to to win as well hey if volkanovski wins you have to like put him into like maybe even higher than john jones status it's it gets pretty like he's like john jones anderson silva volkanovski he gets up there doesn't he i i would say so yeah i would say so i know it's weird to say that but dude he's fucking 25 and one yeah he's a midget dude he's a tiny little fucking hobbit yeah he's a he's definitely a savage but okay and so just a few weeks ahead and then i want you to know that we
Starting point is 01:30:41 definitely absolutely have to do a show for whoever John Jones fights. Yes, yes, yes. I mean, that's I don't I don't I don't have any favorite fighters. OK, like if any fighter I see in public, he's just a fighter to me. You know what I'm saying? Because, you know, I respect myself on the same level. Yes. Except John Jones. I respect myself on the same level. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Except John Jones. Oh, so you didn't like that when I said that about Volkanovski being up there. Ah, you didn't like that. John Jones is the greatest athlete of all time. I just text Jack Dela Magdalena. We got to get him on with us. Yeah, for sure. He's fighting on that card. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Let's get them on there. Yeah. Okay. So John Jones is your guy. He's my, Oh man. He's, he's the guy.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Not even my guy, the guy. He's that guy. Whatever happened with, uh, this is totally off subject here. Whatever happened with that guy who's that famous star who shot uh and killed someone on the set last year oh fucking um
Starting point is 01:31:53 ball a baldwin dude yeah was it last year was it two years ago maybe two years ago but yeah alec baldwin what happened to him he shot the director or something with the on the set it's not funny and killed him alec baldwin um yeah i thought i i don't know if we ever brought it up on the show i thought i brought it up to you but you know it's crazy um i think i definitely brought it up to you the same guy the same prop director who was on set when those real bullets got loaded into that gun and shot up bruce uh bruce lee's kid yeah it was the same prop director on that set are you fucking kidding me dead ass hey how are you for time what's up yeah what are we gonna do okay good okay you're good for time
Starting point is 01:32:45 because i want to look that up but we uh um okay so god there's so much i want to talk about we never finished the james crouch great gene so you think james crouch krauss was uh um doing uh so what should i type in baldwin and bruce lee god you got me all spun up. Bald. When. Check it out. Brandon Lee. I was told gun and fatal was a set. The actor was told the gun being used as a prop was safe before he fired it on the set. Brandon Lee was killed by a prop gun in 1993 before. I want to uh what would i type in here same same same what was it same prop same who yeah i think they were called prop director and this is hearsay but i swear that's
Starting point is 01:33:37 what you know someone someone may have just said it to me but maybe i'm taking it and run with it but i'm gonna run with it actor brandon lee was killed by a prop gun years before the rust shooting death actor albolin facing criminal charges of involuntary manslaughter and shooting death of rust uh cinematographer hayle hayla hutchins in 2021 the incident is reminiscent of another onset tragedy the accidental shooting of actor Brandon Lee during the filming of The Crow nearly three decades earlier.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Maybe it's not then. Maybe they just said what if or something. We'll have to get to the bottom of this. I have to. So that dude's being charged. Baldwin's being charged with manslaughter. Well, shit happens happens i guess baldwin manslaughter uh i've fallen charged with involuntary manslaughter one hour ago wow oh shit
Starting point is 01:34:36 that's crazy that you brought it up and then one hour ago they literally just said i saw his name come up on my phone i didn't know what it was for so that's what just made me say it so it's so i kind of cheated oh i was about to say my man it is a whiz well i mean i guess shush that sucks especially if it was an accident if you accidentally you know if he didn't yeah if he didn't know the gun was loaded, I'd kind of be pissed that I'm going down for this. You know, he's a douche, but no one, but he's probably hates his life for accidentally killing someone. Oh, definitely. But the story with Krause.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Sorry. Go ahead. Good. Yeah. James Krause. I mean, I feel, uh, I'm not gonna lie. I feel horrible that this has happened to him. Yeah, me too but but um a friend of mine who knew minor
Starting point is 01:35:27 said that like hey that that dude would fucking do anything for a fucking a dollar 50 he said i don't hate the guy but oh really that's what he said he said he used to fight with them said he used to he used to be homeboys with them. Oh, you know who else got kicked out of the UFC for that? Who? The Jeff Molina kid. For involvement with that. With that specific event? The Minor Krause event? I don't know if it was with this specific event, but with the James Krause altogetherness.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Because they took his laptop as well his cell phone everything the fbi took all of their stuff all three of them oh i think i i gotta look up uh melina to see what he looks like oh jeff melina yeah i think i know what he looks like he looks like a little up and comer too he was doing good yeah oh shit what a fucking crazy turn of events i wonder if this uh there was an article here about james krause brandon moreno details for split with james krause yeah he had and and the thing is like brandon moreno even like when he was split with james krause he put like three little hearts on his social media for james krause and was And the thing is, Brandon Moreno even, when he was split with James Krause,
Starting point is 01:36:45 he put three little hearts on his social media for James Krause and was like, hope justice gets figured out or whatever. Well, yeah, justice will be figured out. James Krause is going to jail. I was training with him, and we were doing everything well. Something that I've mentioned is that out of all bad, when the news came out, we already had a game plan made. Okay, so he was preparing with James Krause for this fight, and now he was forced to cut off communication with him.
Starting point is 01:37:13 For those of you who don't know, the UFC said that anyone who trains with James Krause can't fight in the UFC. So I guess everyone just left the camp. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. camp every everyone everyone not only that he had to sell all the the other two glories that he was in partnership with he had to sell them to the coaches that were running them you know what i mean yeah probably didn't sell them for high dollar because those coaches probably couldn't afford that you know um so now you had to let go of those those two gems and not to mention if it gets federal and
Starting point is 01:37:47 they do convict you any other property you own is going to be seized and sold off and oh that sucks i mean it's horrible horrible the assassin baby brandon moreno admits kraus was missed but he also feels training camp was up to par yeah uh he fully supports kraus whatever comes uh won't affect his personal relationship with him which that's a that's that that should be right for everyone you know you shouldn't i i wouldn't hate someone if they got like i don't i wouldn't judge someone if they i'm not saying it's right or wrong but like if i found out like yeah my best friend was in a fucking illegal gambling ring, it would do zero to my feelings about him. Zero?
Starting point is 01:38:31 Like, why would it? Zero, yeah. It's not like he slapped his bitch in Cabo San Lucas on New Year's Eve. Yeah, twice. And I love Dana. I ain't hating, but I'm a little more okay with gambling fraud than this guy cracking your honey. This guy freaking, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:50 this guy, um, James Krause fucking, um, what was I going to say? Did you ever train with him? You did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Yeah, I did. I trained with him for quite a while, probably like eight months, nine months or so at the beginning of my career. Um, we never clicked. It was always just some like, I always felt like I was like a crip walking into like-
Starting point is 01:39:16 The bloods. The neighborhood. You know what I mean? And they were like, oh, here comes this fucking crip again. So we never- Really? I can't see you not clicking with anybody i know that's what i thought too but i mean i don't maybe he was just like
Starting point is 01:39:31 i don't know they just wouldn't let you in they had a little circle and they just like he kept you at arm's distance i was beating up a lot of his other guys you know i was i was getting the best of a lot of his guys you know um like jason witt i was getting the best of a lot of his guys. Like Jason Witt, I was getting the best of him a lot. He shouldn't be upset about that. Jason Witt was kind of always just like he just wanted to fight in the UFC. He didn't have any – at least I had him on the show, and he just – he didn't seem like – he didn't have championship aspirations. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:02 He was always one fight away from leaving. Period. Grant Dawson, a couple times we go together, I get the best of him. yeah you know it was always one fight away from leaving period you know and uh grant dawson a couple times we go together i uh you know i get the best of him trey ogden and it's a it was just it kind of irritated him you know i mean and you know i i went with james kraus before uh the first time i ever went with james kraus he he definitely belittled me. He kneed me in the stomach. He punched me in the stomach. I felt like I was going to freaking throw up my heart. Inspiring?
Starting point is 01:40:32 Yeah. But the second time I went with him, it went totally different. Totally different. And that even pissed him off even more, especially know i would get the advantage on him sometimes and you know i wasn't i wasn't even a pro yet and that was just irritating irritating the shit out of him how could you tell it irritated him well for one after after we got done with the i could tell by the punches he's punching me with anyway and sparring i'm like oh he's irritated he's trying to hurt me, you know.
Starting point is 01:41:10 But I've never been a person to run away from confrontation. So, you know, I take him down. I hit him with an overhook. You know what I'm saying? I'd kick his leg. You know what I mean? I was we was putting it on each other and I take him down, I think, a couple more times than than he wanted me to. I could definitely see. And I was holding his back a lot. And right after we got done with the match, he stands up. He's like, go weigh yourself. And I'm like, what? And he literally forces me to go into the room with the scale. And I get on the scale and I'm like, at the time, probably like 189 pounds,
Starting point is 01:41:39 maybe 190. And he's like, yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah, that's what it felt like. That's why he was getting the advantage i'm like what oh shit i'm like you're probably like 185 87 pounds right now what are you talking about you know so after that it really like just broke off like there was after you do something like that you gotta you gotta kind of be embarrassed with yourself like yeah like you yell at someone after they put a whooping on you, go weigh yourself.
Starting point is 01:42:08 You just made an excuse. Period. You literally just gave yourself an excuse. Oh, I fight 155. He weighs 190. Get out of here, dude. A professional in the UFC. What?
Starting point is 01:42:22 Yeah. It was all right. I still had no hard feelings towards him. We talked many, many times after that. You know what I mean? Respectively to each other. You know what I'm saying? No hard feelings.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Weren't good at training with each other, for sure. So it was all right. Well, thanks for coming on. It was blast yeah it's so funny i always have such low expectations for the ufc shows i'm like what do i know yeah but you're the fucking man you came on here and you just you're the man well we also very good haven't seen each other in a while so we shared a lot yeah and all types of stuff. So, yeah, we didn't. Yeah. We turned over every stone we could.
Starting point is 01:43:07 You got you. Are you going to the shop today? The barbershop? Yep. Headed to the shop after I get off here. Bitchin. Yeah. But well, I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I had a blast. Dude, always looking forward to the future shows. Yes. I guess we'll never hear from Justin again, but. Hey, I'll put him back on the thread and we can, you know, you know why he got off, right? Yeah. You told me.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Yeah. The tranny thing. Yeah. He didn't like that. He said we couldn't do that. Borderlines a lot of things on his Instagram, but I mean, well, it's his, it's his vocation. It's like, it's like, it's like like it's like if uh if it would be like if a
Starting point is 01:43:48 manager somewhere or a coach somewhere got involved in gambling he couldn't talk about it on uh on the internet or else he could lose his job like james krauss so i think you can't do tranny talk on uh on um tiktok so he got scared and i think he you know he makes 30 to 50 grand a month oh yeah oh yeah so you don't you don't want to fuck with the seven podcast well we'll get yeah hit him in the text see if see if we can get him back in and uh but until then we'll do other shows and then get that other fighter on here and yeah let's do it. Yeah. Let's get Jack on and talk to him. Pump Jack up. I'm deaf.
Starting point is 01:44:27 I'm definitely down. All right, brother. You have a good, good afternoon, brother. Yep. Love,
Starting point is 01:44:32 love seeing you. Love seeing you, my man. I'll holler at you. Okay. Bye. Old BF 3000, old best friend,
Starting point is 01:44:43 3000. I'll be. That's cool, God, Darian's so easy, I was already like, I was already, last night I'm like,
Starting point is 01:44:54 why am I not doing a live calling show, why am I doing a UFC show, another UFC show, like they, but I'm so glad we did, now I'm pumped to watch the fights, Moral Spiegel, thanks Darian,
Starting point is 01:45:02 yeah, it was cool, oh, and Dylan, you think we need to get Dylan in here Darian is awesome yeah so cool Heidi did fucking great when she was in here I was fucking terrified of that afterwards Caleb's like hey are you bummed that I brought Heidi
Starting point is 01:45:21 and I'm like yeah what the fuck are you doing you didn't even fucking tell me and you just bring Heidi in here and I thought I was gonna have to and i thought i was gonna have to carry heidi i thought i was gonna have to like because whenever anyone's on the show like i feel it's obligation that i'm gonna have to carry them and then it's always a relief when i don't have to carry someone but i just expect i'm going to have to carry someone i don't know if you guys know what that means to carry them but maybe that's for another show and then heidi came in here and i didn't have to carry her and i was like wow good job caleb up like at first i was
Starting point is 01:45:49 pissed but heidi actually she was cool i get the cop back on who reviews the police interactions i can't i here's the thing so a couple things i yeah that guy's amazing i would love to have blade on all the time i haven't seen any other cop videos that I want to discuss with him, but if I did see some cop videos I wanted to discuss with him, I would definitely have a blade back on. I had you guys a while back with like just someone like who's huge, like just take a fat guy and then have them go into Ikea and just break furniture. And I think it could be just an insane account. I think you could put on like half a million followers. You can put 30 billion followers on Tik TOK, but you can put it like the half a million followers on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:46:38 like overnight. I started thinking last night, I don't know how, I don't even have time to make clips from this show but i started thinking god what a cool thing it would be to even just curate a instagram account that just has furniture breaking like fat people stuff like here i'm going to show you guys this this is from my live calling show that that i'm prepping for but i saw this this is fucking just amazing. Someone sent me this the other day. And I'm going to show this again
Starting point is 01:47:10 for my live call-in show. So don't tell anyone I'm showing you this. This is a sneak preview. But I saw this the other day. I just thought this was fucking amazing. No, don't do that. So I want to show your. Emails.
Starting point is 01:47:30 OK, you ready? I wish I knew how to make this bigger. Caleb knows how to do that. I don't know how to make zoom in on. So this is a. How do I maybe I can figure this out. Let me see. Oh, did that make it bigger?
Starting point is 01:47:48 Yeah, I just hit the plus sign. Let me get smaller. Okay, so this is a DoorDash driver. You can't even believe what you're about to see. This is a DoorDash driver. This is just a fucking nuts. You ready? Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:08 So she's, she's walking up the stairs to deliver. Now watch this. Look at this. Holy shit, dude. It's, it's, it's, it's the part at the end that i can't even watch how like when she collapses how her legs like how they came off like i understand that but then how
Starting point is 01:48:37 how the legs kind of just tumble off at the end i don't even understand i don't understand how that person survived that when you're that heavy not only do you have to fall but then you wait oh my god someone everyone is blaming the railing like it doesn't abide by the laws of physics now watch your feet here something's up here with this next step watch this next step here oh okay so soon as the railing breaks she drops to her right knee oh what happens to the food i didn't't even look. What happened? Oh, the food's good. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Oh, my goodness. I'd really like to see what happens next, but... Yeah, they don't build homes like they used to. Yeah, that... uh, God. Okay. I can't stop laughing. I know it's terrible. I know, but, but there should be just a whole account of like giant humans breaking shit.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Uh, oh, well that's interesting. Okay. Thank you, Mason. Mason, a little known fact. She's actually a long distance runner. Well, that's, okay thank you mason mason a little known fact she's actually a long distance runner well that's uh i should say oh my god the nicest thing ever just said to me seven on the daniel tosh of youtube god you're a good dude okay um off to the skate park we go inside first i feel like i need to detox today i had two margaritas last night it just don't it slept like ass
Starting point is 01:50:34 i i enjoyed them i had a spicy watermelon margarita and a just a regular was like one i say the word skinny when i order them, like thinking like it'll be less bad for you or something. Oh, shit. Here we go. Nineteen ninety nine. OK, I'm trying to schedule a show with Brian Friend. Maybe it'll happen today. Maybe it won't.
Starting point is 01:50:57 I'll talk to you guys later. Bye bye.

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